{ "title": "Haunting My Boyfriend", "id": 21390, "author": "Zakyrie", "rating": 3.2 }
{ "title": "Episode 16 - A Cat and Her Girl", "id": 305376, "next": 305381, "prev": 304772, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1YjgwYmFhNTNmZjRjM2Y4MTA5N2NjNDMxYWIzN2Fm">I sat helplessly at the back of the class watching Hamu's insidious prank unravel.</p> <p class="cnM3OTMwNDk0MTU3NzQwYTg5YTg2YWQ2NmEyODI4ZTJh">Noriko had already started crying like a baby, which attracted a small cadre of interested boys, eager to endear themselves to her.</p> <p class="cnM5ZTU4OTY1YTgzODRmMzNiZjcyOGY1ODJlNjcwYzVi">"What's wrong Noriko?" Eito posed his question as he pulled over a chair and sat close to her.</p> <p class="cnM2MGE5NDYyNzdkYzRhZDhhZmYwMWJhMmEyOWI0OGY4">His presence seemed to hold others at bay, as the gathering crowd converged around him.</p> <p class="cnNkYTdmOGJhNmM0NDQ1ZWM4NGRmNmU0ZTg2ZTcxZjUz">"S-she left me!" Noriko sputtered.</p> <p class="cnNmN2FmOWU2NjVkMzQ5MDc5MTIxZDE2NWFjMzdkZTA2">"Who left you, Noriko-chan?" Eito asked, his tone gentle and patient.</p> <p class="cnNmMzE4ZjBkZDcwYjQ3Mjk5ZmU3MTg4MzdmMWY4MTY4">To answer him, Noriko withdrew an empty white box from her bag and while sniffling, said, "Ayame... her remains were here..."</p> <p class="cnNmOTNjZGFjNTdmOTQ3MDc5NDQ2YWFmZjQwODM1MjQz">While Eito was still processing those words, a shrill squeal emerged from the back of the crowd.</p> <p class="cnNkMmMzMzMwNmZiMjQ4NTBhYmY5MDEwNjZlM2RjMzBh">The group parted ranks to reveal Minami's petite form.</p> <p class="cnMzZmIwM2ZlOWNiMjQ0YTJiMjRiNTg3ODg1YjAyYzQw">She had held up a trembling finger, pointing at the floor.</p> <p class="cnM1MGYzMjE1YmFlNDRiYjQ4OTc5ZDc3YmIzMGNjNDA5">"Look! There's a trail."</p> <p class="cnNjODlkZjhlNmFlMTRkMWI5OTEyMTIwODVhNmYyNDhl">Noriko immediately shut off the waterworks and gazed at the thin stream of ash that led to her desk.</p> <p class="cnM2MTBkODE4NzhjYjRiYzNiYTYyOTg2NTIzNzA2Nzk4">She suddenly stood up, causing her chair to fall back and her desk to tumble over and its contents to spill onto the floor.</p> <p class="cnNmNTM5N2NmZTBhNDQxZDA4NzJkYzI5YzUxNzY5MzQ1">Noriko's face turned deathly pale as she gawked at a cat shaped outline beneath her. Four conspicuous paw prints were easily distinguishable.</p> <p class="cnM3NWViODgyOGQyMzRhY2Y5N2MzNmQ4NjExMDZlMjlj">It was as if the cat itself had emerged from the ashes of death and lay sprawled across the floor, before it got up and walked away.</p> <p class="cnMxMmFmM2JlYTkwNjRlMmRhZjM4YTBmYTA4ZmMxNmUz">The crowd let out a series of gasps as each student arrived at the same conclusion.</p> <p class="cnNhYjU3MjdkNjAzYjQ0ZmNhY2NiNDQ1ZjQwZmUyZjY0">And yet it was Eito who pulled at the string of clues and began to unravel the mystery, "N-Noriko-chan. I think your cat isn't dead. Ayame... this trail... its probably hers."</p> <p class="cnNmZjU0OTY2MDdlZDRjMjZhY2EwNWZlMTRmNjI0Mjk1">"Beep-beep boop-beep. Beep-boop-beep." This strange, almost musical sound came from the other end of the class, drawing away the keen attention that Eito's conjecture had absorbed.</p> <p class="cnNhNWVlOTZjNzk2ODRmOTVhNzVjNmY3ZGU1ZWM0YjU0">Our collective gaze landed on Hiromitsu, who stood aloof, holding a small, odd device in his beefy hands. It was a printed circuit board arrayed with a series of soldered tubes and tiny, blinking LEDs.</p> <p class="cnNiNzQ4Nzg4ODhjMDQwNTk5YmE3NGM3MTBlMjg2MjU3">I got up from my desk and drew closer to him.</p> <p class="cnMxYzUyMDM5OGQwMTQ1MjQ5N2UxMGJkODZiZTM0ZjMx">The whole class was then drawn to him like a magnet, but when they got too close he held out a hand to repulse them, "Stay back! If you get too close you'll interfere with my readings."</p> <p class="cnNlYzJiZjEwMTNmZTQ3MWY5YzVkY2EzZDUzZGZjZWFj">I wondered whether Hiromitsu's strange device had been factored into Hamu's plan. I casually glanced over my shoulder at Hamu who floated in the air at the center of the class.</p> <p class="cnNmYTNhYjdhZWQ0NTQyNDVhNWFjNTNhMmY0ZmEwYWM3">She caught my curious look, but merely shrugged her shoulders in response.</p> <p class="cnM3OWE1MWFjNjNkZjRlOGRiN2ZlZWMwYzI4ZjQ4OWY4">After a few moments of eerie silence and the beeping and booping of Hiromitsu's measuring device, he loudly announced, "I think I've locked down Ayame's coordinates. She's somewhere in this building."</p> <p class="cnMwOWI0ODY5ODc0ZjQ0NmZiYmJmYWZiYWJhNTBiNTU1">The class erupted into a loud chatter, as they discussed his findings. Many even attempted their own guesses as to where Ayame might have fled. A few went as far as searching the classroom, overturning desks and rifling through other people's bags, which led to a good deal of discord.</p> <p class="cnM5NjM5MTg1NDBiNjRlNjg5NjBmZTQxM2U0MDU3ZGI5">"Umm... Hiro-chan, why don't we just follow the trail?" Eito tentatively suggested.</p> <p class="cnNlNWJiZGMwMjllOTRiYmI5MGNkYjJmZDY0ZGUyNjZh">Our classmates quickly murmured their assent and began to trace the trail to the classroom door and beyond.</p> <p class="cnNiNTM0N2YzNmVjZjQ1Yjk4Njg4MmMxOWZjMmYzNGU4">I followed the tail-end of the crowd with Hamu's snarky laughter echoing behind me, "Can you believe these kids? How short can their attention span be?"</p> <p class="cnM4ODM0NjQxODdhZTRiMjliYjkzNmJlZGY5MWQyNDAw">As the crowd flowed into the wide hallway, I noticed Hamu sneakily floating outside of my line of sight.</p> <p class="cnMxMTJkNzkxY2E0YjRlM2Y4YWRlNjU0OTVjZWY2OWFl">But I could still grasp her presence by the cold, prickling sensation at the back of my neck.</p> <p class="cnMxMzcwZmFlYzEwYjQwNzM4NmJlZDkwNmE3MWFlZjVh">She gripped my shoulders, sending an icy chill into my spine, as she whispered, "Peek-a-boo!"</p> <p class="cnNmY2YwNjdhZjY4MjRkYWJiYTRhMWE5ZjFlNjM0YjVi">I involuntary shivered, but still had the wherewithal to immediately whisper back, "What the heck are you planning!?"</p> <p class="cnM3MmQwMTZkZjJjMjQwMzhiZGQ0ZTc5MzI3OTA0NDFi">"Nothing major. Let's call it a treasure hunt."</p> <p class="cnM3NzRmMDQ5YmQzNjQ1NDI4MTI4ZmM0ZDNkMGNhOTdh">"And...?"</p> <p class="cnNlYWY1MzFiM2ExYzQzNzc4MTViMzMzZmNjNDU1OTc4">"And what?" She asked.</p> <p class="cnNkN2E5NmYwNWI4NTQwMmJiMjcxMjg3YTMyMzI0NWEw">"This treasure of yours. Is it worth anything?"</p> <p class="cnM0NWQ0OGQ1YzQ2ZDQ0NjliZDM3MzQ0ZTU4NGI0OTRk">"Hmm... these days isn't a girl's panties considered a priceless treasure?"</p> <p class="cnMwYzMyMmQwNzQ2MDRlYTI5MDQzMDFlYzkwZTU1MzBj">What she said sounded not just funny, but also peculiar.</p> <p class="cnNkM2UxOWQzNzA0MzQ1ZDBhNDU1MDk4MmE4NmJmMGZl">It took a long moment for me to realize that Hamu didn't actually have any underwear!</p> <p class="cnMzM2FkNzVhMTRiMzRhYTlhMTNiMDE3YmU2NWQxMjYw">How could I forget that she has been stealing my clothes for almost half a decade!?</p> <p class="cnMzZDJiZGI5NmNmNDRmZWU4NmMwMzRlY2I4YjhiYmRj">I felt my jaw grow stiff.</p> <p class="cnNiODNhNjA0NTcwODRhNTc5YmI2MmQxNTA5YTcyODUx">"D-did you plant my boxers somewhere in the girl's washroom?"</p> <p class="cnNhMjY2NTk0MDQxODQ3ZmE5YWE5NGU4OTc2NTZjMTIw">"Eeh!? Why would I have anything to do with your filthy shorts? Did you leave evidence at the crime scene? I better go check..."</p> <p class="cnM5Zjg3MTNiNDFkODQ0MWM5ZDkyZTQxMTM4OTFhOWJm">Before I could question her further, she disappeared through a wall just as the crowd had stopped at the girl's washroom.</p> <p class="cnNjYWFlY2NkODQyMTRkNmNiNmE1OTkzMzA4ZTBhNmY0">A few boys seemed daring enough to enter, but a bunch of girls stared them down until they gave up on the idea.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDVlOGExNzcxZjRlMjE4N2ViODc0ZTJiOWIwYmQ3">Most of the girls from our class were unwilling to enter, so eventually Eito managed to talk them into allowing him, Minami who discovered the trail, Hiromitsu with his blinking device and Noriko with her unbridled despair, to go in together.</p> </div>
I sat helplessly at the back of the class watching Hamu's insidious prank unravel. Noriko had already started crying like a baby, which attracted a small cadre of interested boys, eager to endear themselves to her. "What's wrong Noriko?" Eito posed his question as he pulled over a chair and sat close to her. His presence seemed to hold others at bay, as the gathering crowd converged around him. "S-she left me!" Noriko sputtered. "Who left you, Noriko-chan?" Eito asked, his tone gentle and patient. To answer him, Noriko withdrew an empty white box from her bag and while sniffling, said, "Ayame... her remains were here..." While Eito was still processing those words, a shrill squeal emerged from the back of the crowd. The group parted ranks to reveal Minami's petite form. She had held up a trembling finger, pointing at the floor. "Look! There's a trail." Noriko immediately shut off the waterworks and gazed at the thin stream of ash that led to her desk. She suddenly stood up, causing her chair to fall back and her desk to tumble over and its contents to spill onto the floor. Noriko's face turned deathly pale as she gawked at a cat shaped outline beneath her. Four conspicuous paw prints were easily distinguishable. It was as if the cat itself had emerged from the ashes of death and lay sprawled across the floor, before it got up and walked away. The crowd let out a series of gasps as each student arrived at the same conclusion. And yet it was Eito who pulled at the string of clues and began to unravel the mystery, "N-Noriko-chan. I think your cat isn't dead. Ayame... this trail... its probably hers." "Beep-beep boop-beep. Beep-boop-beep." This strange, almost musical sound came from the other end of the class, drawing away the keen attention that Eito's conjecture had absorbed. Our collective gaze landed on Hiromitsu, who stood aloof, holding a small, odd device in his beefy hands. It was a printed circuit board arrayed with a series of soldered tubes and tiny, blinking LEDs. I got up from my desk and drew closer to him. The whole class was then drawn to him like a magnet, but when they got too close he held out a hand to repulse them, "Stay back! If you get too close you'll interfere with my readings." I wondered whether Hiromitsu's strange device had been factored into Hamu's plan. I casually glanced over my shoulder at Hamu who floated in the air at the center of the class. She caught my curious look, but merely shrugged her shoulders in response. After a few moments of eerie silence and the beeping and booping of Hiromitsu's measuring device, he loudly announced, "I think I've locked down Ayame's coordinates. She's somewhere in this building." The class erupted into a loud chatter, as they discussed his findings. Many even attempted their own guesses as to where Ayame might have fled. A few went as far as searching the classroom, overturning desks and rifling through other people's bags, which led to a good deal of discord. "Umm... Hiro-chan, why don't we just follow the trail?" Eito tentatively suggested. Our classmates quickly murmured their assent and began to trace the trail to the classroom door and beyond. I followed the tail-end of the crowd with Hamu's snarky laughter echoing behind me, "Can you believe these kids? How short can their attention span be?" As the crowd flowed into the wide hallway, I noticed Hamu sneakily floating outside of my line of sight. But I could still grasp her presence by the cold, prickling sensation at the back of my neck. She gripped my shoulders, sending an icy chill into my spine, as she whispered, "Peek-a-boo!" I involuntary shivered, but still had the wherewithal to immediately whisper back, "What the heck are you planning!?" "Nothing major. Let's call it a treasure hunt." "And...?" "And what?" She asked. "This treasure of yours. Is it worth anything?" "Hmm... these days isn't a girl's panties considered a priceless treasure?" What she said sounded not just funny, but also peculiar. It took a long moment for me to realize that Hamu didn't actually have any underwear! How could I forget that she has been stealing my clothes for almost half a decade!? I felt my jaw grow stiff. "D-did you plant my boxers somewhere in the girl's washroom?" "Eeh!? Why would I have anything to do with your filthy shorts? Did you leave evidence at the crime scene? I better go check..." Before I could question her further, she disappeared through a wall just as the crowd had stopped at the girl's washroom. A few boys seemed daring enough to enter, but a bunch of girls stared them down until they gave up on the idea. Most of the girls from our class were unwilling to enter, so eventually Eito managed to talk them into allowing him, Minami who discovered the trail, Hiromitsu with his blinking device and Noriko with her unbridled despair, to go in together.
{ "title": "Nano Mage", "id": 20570, "author": "Calomy", "rating": 3.5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 9 Roaming Thunder’s legendary victory", "id": 301031, "next": 302856, "prev": 299306, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNjNmZhZWJiODVhYTRmYzg4ZDZlOTNhMzgzZTUyNjhi">  Tina suddenly grasped my hand. “To think I would see one of the legendary spells in my life time. Thank you Sylphire!” Why was she thanking me? Tina grip swiftly loosened, the wolf’s gaze began to burrow through Tina’s body, was Roaming Thunder angry about something?</p> <p class="cnM1N2FjYTJiNDgxOTQ3M2I5ZGIzZWE0ZTM5YTkwYWE3">  Those tears and screams now vanished, replaced with cheers and claps. After prying its eyes off of Tina, the wolf began to dash towards Shadow Void. It was like watching a lion catch its prey. It was gone in a flash, now pressing its sharp claws into Shadow Void.</p> <p class="cnNiZjUzNmQ3ZmEzZDRmYWQ5MTNmOWQ2YzgyNzlkN2Zm">  I could see Shadow Void’s discomfort. Not only was a huge weight pressing down on his stomach, but the being also sent thousand of volts there using its claws. Every swing caused Shadow Void’s arms to violently spasm.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGRhNzA1ZWEzMjRkYzk5ZjJjZjg4MmVhYzY3YWU5">  “Oh Queen of the Void, give away your breath. From the shadows you rise once more. Eternal maiden!” I could barely make out Shadow Void’s words. If I had so much trouble to hear it, then I doubt it was possible for anyone to hear.</p> <p class="cnNlZGJhZWNmY2I0ODQ3ZWQ4MDk4ZDUyYmFkOGI3NDgy">  A figure of a woman began to form in front of Shadow Void. Wild long flowing hair constructed of shadow, piercing red eyes, which made my heart stop briefly, and a smooth waist.</p> <p class="cnNjNDdhN2NlZTNmNTQ3YmNiNDI4YWE4ZjUxNTJkMjcz">  That figure floated towards Roaming Thunder. It was just like something out of those bad vampire moves. It even had fangs extending out from its jaw. These fangs clasped the area of her neck where the shadow bat from earlier had bitten. A Loud scream, which made me think of a woman being kidnapped by a group of men, had been released from the small body of Roaming Thunder. (Is that what Subject 32 sounded like when she had been taken?) Not good, I just thought of something I would rather forget. The irony was I would give anything to remember my original name, or even the faces of my parents. Did I have siblings? It was so weird having only fragments of memories.</p> <p class="cnNiNGY2MzVjYzIxYjQ2MDc4ZjUyYWNjMDkwOGM0ODk0">  The lightning wolf began to blink in and out off existence. Roaming Thunder seemed to be losing focus from the pain. Bending down, she picks up a piece of glass, which had been formed when the lightning wolf had dashed forwards earlier. After holding it for only a minute, Roaming Thunder let go. The shard began to float in mid air.</p> <p class="cnNiYzUzZTM2NTU4YjRiZjQ5YmU2ZmJiNTVhNTNkMGE0">  The small piece of crystallized sand was now directly between the two. A bolt of electricity was fired from Roaming Thunder’s finger tip. That bolt split in five as it collided with the floating shard, creating a star pattern. The shard shattered, and each piece zoomed forwards, arriving at Shadow Void’s left eye.</p> <p class="cnMyZDkzNTYwY2Y2OTRkNmY5MWEyN2ZjMGI0MjFhMzQw">  Blood splattered every where. Unable to bear the pain, Shadow Void pulls out his eye. I throw up on Tina’s lap, in turn she does the same to mine. Aqua Mirror approaches us, and then offers to clean our clothing with his magic. We both agree. “How can anyone do that?” “I. Belch.” Tina throws up again next to her stump. “I do not know.”</p> <p class="cnNjYjNkNzIxODg5MzQ1ODdiMDY2MWNkNTcxNWY4ZDEz"> </p> <p class="cnNiNTdiOTUzZjFmMjQxMzliNDM3YmIxZGU5MzY4MzQ3">  “How dare you!” Shadow Void’s tone causing many people to suddenly shake. Roaming Thunder is about to respond, but she quickly looks away. This only provokes him more. I am the first to notice it. She did not look away because she wanted to. Like Tina and I, she was currently throwing up. The smell started to roam the whole stadium. This caused the rest of the people to throw up as well. The only ones not throwing up were Tina and I. Our stomachs could not do so anymore.</p> <p class="cnNhNTA2NGFlZTE0YjQzYmRiMzVmMzg1N2Y5OTBjYjk3"> </p> <p class="cnMzMzMzYzc1NmFmNTQyZDZiMTE0MGUxNzc4ZTU4NmNk">  I say everyone, but there is one exception. Shadow Void is to busy with pain to react to the smell. He is now in a blind rage. Excuse the pun. Fist start to fly at Roaming Thunder. Both miss her, and then he slips on her puke, and falls unconscious.</p> <p class="cnM0N2JmZjExOGEwZDQ2NWFiNGFkMTk4ZTJiOGY1MjIx">  “This years number 1 from the first block, Roaming Thunder!” Roaming Thunder takes a bow. “That concludes the tournament. Everyone but the top three please immediately leave the premises. You are welcome to try again next year.” Tina glanced in my direction, and then silently walked away.</p> <p class="cnNlNWUxMzM5YjRkZjQ0NTg4MDAzZTcyNGU2OGVjZWQw">  After coming to, the teachers used healing magic to reattach, and then fix Shadow Void’s eye. Shadow Void did not have words to express what he was feeling at the moment. It just so happened that upon leaving, one of the failing members mentioned the event of the finals. Which created a certain nickname for Roaming Thunder.</p> <p class="cnMxYjMzOGU4YjkyNzRmNzBhNWZkNmUzMTAyMjVhMDNk"> </p> </div>
Tina suddenly grasped my hand. “To think I would see one of the legendary spells in my life time. Thank you Sylphire!” Why was she thanking me? Tina grip swiftly loosened, the wolf’s gaze began to burrow through Tina’s body, was Roaming Thunder angry about something?   Those tears and screams now vanished, replaced with cheers and claps. After prying its eyes off of Tina, the wolf began to dash towards Shadow Void. It was like watching a lion catch its prey. It was gone in a flash, now pressing its sharp claws into Shadow Void.   I could see Shadow Void’s discomfort. Not only was a huge weight pressing down on his stomach, but the being also sent thousand of volts there using its claws. Every swing caused Shadow Void’s arms to violently spasm.   “Oh Queen of the Void, give away your breath. From the shadows you rise once more. Eternal maiden!” I could barely make out Shadow Void’s words. If I had so much trouble to hear it, then I doubt it was possible for anyone to hear.   A figure of a woman began to form in front of Shadow Void. Wild long flowing hair constructed of shadow, piercing red eyes, which made my heart stop briefly, and a smooth waist.   That figure floated towards Roaming Thunder. It was just like something out of those bad vampire moves. It even had fangs extending out from its jaw. These fangs clasped the area of her neck where the shadow bat from earlier had bitten. A Loud scream, which made me think of a woman being kidnapped by a group of men, had been released from the small body of Roaming Thunder. (Is that what Subject 32 sounded like when she had been taken?) Not good, I just thought of something I would rather forget. The irony was I would give anything to remember my original name, or even the faces of my parents. Did I have siblings? It was so weird having only fragments of memories.   The lightning wolf began to blink in and out off existence. Roaming Thunder seemed to be losing focus from the pain. Bending down, she picks up a piece of glass, which had been formed when the lightning wolf had dashed forwards earlier. After holding it for only a minute, Roaming Thunder let go. The shard began to float in mid air.   The small piece of crystallized sand was now directly between the two. A bolt of electricity was fired from Roaming Thunder’s finger tip. That bolt split in five as it collided with the floating shard, creating a star pattern. The shard shattered, and each piece zoomed forwards, arriving at Shadow Void’s left eye.   Blood splattered every where. Unable to bear the pain, Shadow Void pulls out his eye. I throw up on Tina’s lap, in turn she does the same to mine. Aqua Mirror approaches us, and then offers to clean our clothing with his magic. We both agree. “How can anyone do that?” “I. Belch.” Tina throws up again next to her stump. “I do not know.”   “How dare you!” Shadow Void’s tone causing many people to suddenly shake. Roaming Thunder is about to respond, but she quickly looks away. This only provokes him more. I am the first to notice it. She did not look away because she wanted to. Like Tina and I, she was currently throwing up. The smell started to roam the whole stadium. This caused the rest of the people to throw up as well. The only ones not throwing up were Tina and I. Our stomachs could not do so anymore.   I say everyone, but there is one exception. Shadow Void is to busy with pain to react to the smell. He is now in a blind rage. Excuse the pun. Fist start to fly at Roaming Thunder. Both miss her, and then he slips on her puke, and falls unconscious.   “This years number 1 from the first block, Roaming Thunder!” Roaming Thunder takes a bow. “That concludes the tournament. Everyone but the top three please immediately leave the premises. You are welcome to try again next year.” Tina glanced in my direction, and then silently walked away.   After coming to, the teachers used healing magic to reattach, and then fix Shadow Void’s eye. Shadow Void did not have words to express what he was feeling at the moment. It just so happened that upon leaving, one of the failing members mentioned the event of the finals. Which created a certain nickname for Roaming Thunder.
{ "title": "Molting the Mortal Coil", "id": 18225, "author": "JustinAnkar", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 100 - Stone Tablet Techniques", "id": 305377, "next": 306317, "prev": 304734, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMzMzg4NDU2ZDE4MDQ4OWViN2ZjNTMwNWM2Y2U0MmYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Before, Sage was a man in a drought, thirsting for a drink. Now, he was drowning. He used to have to plan carefully and save for months in order to purchase a single technique. Now he had so many it was a struggle simply to read all their names let alone training in them. With so many moves right at his fingertips, Sage had to choose very carefully. In the past he studied every technique he could get his hands on, trying to find something that would work for him. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">This is definitely what they call choice overload!</span></em></p> <p class="cnMwYWQ5ZDg2YWFmZDQ0ODQ4YTFlODc0NTcyOTdhMjc2"> </p> <p class="cnNhMDViNjE4N2IzYjQ5YzZiNzEzZDc4NTg2MzNmMGY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Eventually, Sage gave up on trying to read them all and instead started to search for the things that he wanted to focus on. Besides the set of techniques grouped with Connecting Heaven and Earth, he looked for things that complimented the core techniques he already had. Namely, the Insect Immortal Index, Divine Breath, the Twin Soul, Formations, Seals, and finally the Timeless Eyes. Since he already had so much on his plate to study, he was careful only to pick out things that he was sure he could use for now and save the rest for later. </span></p> <p class="cnNiYWExOTI4YjhmZDRiMzRiY2EyZGZkYzExZTAwYWE2"> </p> <p class="cnMxYTZjYzE1Mjc2YTRmMTY4NDhiMzVhN2Q0NmQ4OWQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Years ago when he first joined the Holy Flame Sect he had seen so many young and talented geniuses struggling so hard to advance and improve as quickly as they could and only now he realized the reason. The faster they could advance the more benefits they would gain, which would in turn lead to even faster advancement. Sage had never cared because he knew that Cultivator’s lives were long so he was happy to enjoy the scenery. It took him a decade to understand that as he grew stronger it became even harder to advance. He had heard such a thing when he was young, but never took it to heart. It was probably because of his low talent that he put such thoughts of reaching the peak aside and just struggled to survive. After these strings of lucky encounters he finally had a shred of hope and once again felt rejuvenated. </span></p> <p class="cnNiNGRmZDNjM2E1MTRiZmRiYzc2ZmJjMDE1YzI1NjM3"> </p> <p class="cnM0NjZlMTY5NWI5ZjRiZWRhNmYzOGU5MDRhN2I0NWYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Checking through the library of techniques, Sage unfortunately found nothing related to the soul. On the plus side, five of the sets were related to sealing techniques and Sage noted where they were so he could study them in the future. In the end, there was just too many choices and Sage gave up for now. He would focus on his new set of Wood techniques and once he found out more weaknesses he would check again for techniques to shore them up.</span></p> <p class="cnMxOTM5YmNhZjk4YzQ3YmE5ZjU4MDJiNWFlOWI0YzU3"> </p> <p class="cnNjMTI1NDk2OGVmZTRiMzI4MzNkMjI1ODlmNmRmMzUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">That said, Sage did find one thing he was dreadfully in need of. It was called the ‘Human Seal’. Contrary to what it might sound like, the Seal was actually something used on Beasts or Monsters, sealing their power into the shape of a human body. A mighty beast as big as a mountain that could sweep away rivers with a wave of its tail would be easy to beat if it suddenly found itself trapped inside a weak and puny human body. The Human Seal didn’t affect the energy they contained nor did it reduce the strength or toughness of their flesh, but it stuffed them into a small humanoid shape. A body covered in sensitive skin, no natural weapons to rely upon, and such weak senses were things that most beasts weren’t used to and it made them much easier to defeat. It could also be used as a reward for very intelligent Spirit Animals or to help tame and subdue young beasts before they grew up and became too dangerous. </span></p> <p class="cnM1NmI0MGUzNTU5MDQ4ZDRhYTE4NDcxNTM2ZTFkYzA5"> </p> <p class="cnM0MGZjNjZmY2FkMTQ5OWE4NjI3M2U4MGU1MTA3ZGQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">For Sage, it was a godsend! Finally, he had a way to move around in public without drawing attention. If he could use a Human Seal on himself he would look like his old self and not have to walk around everywhere with a hood over his head and a large cloak to cover his tail. He’d spent more than a year acting like a hermit, hiding himself and worried to go outside. It hadn’t been too bad, since the Sect knew of his condition and didn’t discriminate too badly. He had merely changed from one sideshow to another. The guy with a bunch of weak profession badges had become the ‘snake man’. The true limiting factor was his fear of travelling to other cities outside the Sect. If he could look normal again he would be able to travel wherever he wished without needed to return to the Sect to clear his pockets or purchase supplies.</span></p> <p class="cnNlOGIzODZiZjk3YjQwMjM4MGMwMmQ0NWIzMjBhYWE0"><br><br></p> <p class="cnNiMWQ3MmU1MDA2ZjQyMmJiZjIxMjdiMmQ4ZTlmOGU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sage had to plan his next steps. He wanted to immediately go into seclusion and start training, but he knew that without using up his contribution points his progress would be slow. On the other hand, he could start researching for his business plans and put technique training aside for now. If even a few of his business ideas were successful he could create a huge source of new income. At that point, his training would be many times faster, surely more than enough to make up for the research time! On the other hand, there was the chance that none of his ideas would take off and his research time would completely go to waste. </span></p> <p class="cnNlMDY4MzA4YzJjYTRiY2E5ODM2M2E4ODRhOGY4NzNl"> </p> <p class="cnMyNmFlMjg2OTBiMjRiMTU5MTc3ZDFlOWZkYzZlOWQz"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Let’s go with a little of column A and a little of Column B.</span></em></p> <p class="cnMwMzYzZjQyZTE5YTQyMjhhNDU2NmQxZThiMmY3ZDhi"> </p> <p class="cnM1NWI5MzkxNWMwNTQ4YjJiNjBmNDg5ZmE3MzYwOWQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sage decided to train the initial level of every technique before starting his research. The initial level of a technique wouldn’t be exceptionally powerful, but it was usually quite easy to learn. That way, while he was researching he could continue to train the techniques in his free time or to clear his mind. He was also quite eager to learn the new techniques and if he started researching first he knew he would be distracted by his curiosity. </span></p> <p class="cnMyM2UxNzExM2RmMjQ5NGY5NDVjYTljNjBjMTU5NjUx"> </p> <p class="cnNlZWUzZTQ4NDJmNDQzOThiOTUyZWVjYjg3MmYzOTUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sage immediately began training nine techniques. The Human Seal. A movement art called ‘Falling Leaf Steps’. A body hardening art with the simple name ‘Greenbody Training’. A martial art called ‘Tree Spring Stance’, and finally four Qi Techniques: ‘Summon the Sacred Banyan’, ‘Crown Cover’, ‘Root Wall’, and ‘Root Lance’. Many of them had very simple names, but from the descriptions he read they could be very powerful. In the future he could also learn some of the techniques from the other four wood element sets, but he would focus on these first. Oh, and the final technique, the most important one, the Qi Cultivation Art ‘Connecting Heaven and Earth’.</span></p> <p class="cnNhY2U0MDFkOGUzMTRhN2NhOGEwZDUwNjMwY2NjYjU4"> </p> <p class="cnM4MzljZTEzZWRhMTRhNDRhNjM0YzVkNjI0Y2RkYmJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The Qi Cultivation Art was the foundation for everything else. It was the method by which Qi was brought into the body, how the energy was refined or transformed, how the excess energy was dealt with, how and where the energy was stored, and finally the method to access the energy and distribute it through the body. Qi Techniques were merely how the energy was put into use. From what Sage understood a Qi Technique was like a an electric device. The outlet, wiring, circuit breakers, and the connection to outside power would be the Qi Cultivation Technique. Those secret Qi Techniques that required opening special Qi Pores using special methods were sort of like requiring special hookups or plugs like an oven or plug adapters for foreign electronic devices. </span></p> <p class="cnM2N2Q4NTY4YzBkNTQ2MGViYWQ2ZTE1NDRmYmViOTE2"> </p> <p class="cnM0MTE4ZjcwNTE5MzRlNzRiMjdlOTk3YWIwOGE0YmYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">As Sage started to study more about Connecting Heaven and Earth he became more and more pleased with his choice. It was a technique that excelled at bringing in energy. He had heard of powerful Qi Cultivation Techniques that would create whirlpools or powerful voids in the dantian, so the Cultivator could breathe in huge amounts of energy like a vacuum. There were dark techniques that were spoken of that could drain energy from others by touch, stealing power from them and obviously suffering from huge drawbacks. Blossom of the Underworld was similar, it was able to transform even the darkest or strangest forms of energy into its own special yin natured wood elemental qi. Greensea Soul was special for how it stored and drew upon energy, compressing qi into a ‘seed’ in the Dantian. When the time was right they used a special method to ‘sprout’ the seed and they would overflow with power for a period of time. </span></p> <p class="cnNmNWVhYmQ2OTE3MjQxMTM4MjY4MTI0Y2ExY2NkMmU5"> </p> <p class="cnNlNDIzNDRjODk3ZDRlMmI4ODM4MTZlNWMzOTRjNjM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Just as he’d learned from the old man, releasing aura was not so simple or wasteful as he thought. Connecting Heaven and Earth was not just a Qi Cultivation Technique, it also was a profound aura manipulation technique. What he had thought to be a complete waste, releasing aura, was actually the most powerful part of Connecting Heaven and Earth. Sage finished reading the technique and moved into the training yard behind his home. It was much smaller than it used to be when his three room friends had lived here with him, but even with the Insect Shed taking up half the yard, the square area was still nearly a hundred feet wide.</span></p> <p class="cnNjN2MxMjZkNTdkOTRjMmQ4MDZiYTg0MTQyNGE1NGVk"> </p> <p class="cnMzM2RjMTdkN2RhMjQ4OWRiZGU2YjQwNzkxYzBkMDYw"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Let’s begin.</span></em></p> </div>
Before, Sage was a man in a drought, thirsting for a drink. Now, he was drowning. He used to have to plan carefully and save for months in order to purchase a single technique. Now he had so many it was a struggle simply to read all their names let alone training in them. With so many moves right at his fingertips, Sage had to choose very carefully. In the past he studied every technique he could get his hands on, trying to find something that would work for him. *This is definitely what they call choice overload!* Eventually, Sage gave up on trying to read them all and instead started to search for the things that he wanted to focus on. Besides the set of techniques grouped with Connecting Heaven and Earth, he looked for things that complimented the core techniques he already had. Namely, the Insect Immortal Index, Divine Breath, the Twin Soul, Formations, Seals, and finally the Timeless Eyes. Since he already had so much on his plate to study, he was careful only to pick out things that he was sure he could use for now and save the rest for later. Years ago when he first joined the Holy Flame Sect he had seen so many young and talented geniuses struggling so hard to advance and improve as quickly as they could and only now he realized the reason. The faster they could advance the more benefits they would gain, which would in turn lead to even faster advancement. Sage had never cared because he knew that Cultivator’s lives were long so he was happy to enjoy the scenery. It took him a decade to understand that as he grew stronger it became even harder to advance. He had heard such a thing when he was young, but never took it to heart. It was probably because of his low talent that he put such thoughts of reaching the peak aside and just struggled to survive. After these strings of lucky encounters he finally had a shred of hope and once again felt rejuvenated. Checking through the library of techniques, Sage unfortunately found nothing related to the soul. On the plus side, five of the sets were related to sealing techniques and Sage noted where they were so he could study them in the future. In the end, there was just too many choices and Sage gave up for now. He would focus on his new set of Wood techniques and once he found out more weaknesses he would check again for techniques to shore them up. That said, Sage did find one thing he was dreadfully in need of. It was called the ‘Human Seal’. Contrary to what it might sound like, the Seal was actually something used on Beasts or Monsters, sealing their power into the shape of a human body. A mighty beast as big as a mountain that could sweep away rivers with a wave of its tail would be easy to beat if it suddenly found itself trapped inside a weak and puny human body. The Human Seal didn’t affect the energy they contained nor did it reduce the strength or toughness of their flesh, but it stuffed them into a small humanoid shape. A body covered in sensitive skin, no natural weapons to rely upon, and such weak senses were things that most beasts weren’t used to and it made them much easier to defeat. It could also be used as a reward for very intelligent Spirit Animals or to help tame and subdue young beasts before they grew up and became too dangerous. For Sage, it was a godsend! Finally, he had a way to move around in public without drawing attention. If he could use a Human Seal on himself he would look like his old self and not have to walk around everywhere with a hood over his head and a large cloak to cover his tail. He’d spent more than a year acting like a hermit, hiding himself and worried to go outside. It hadn’t been too bad, since the Sect knew of his condition and didn’t discriminate too badly. He had merely changed from one sideshow to another. The guy with a bunch of weak profession badges had become the ‘snake man’. The true limiting factor was his fear of travelling to other cities outside the Sect. If he could look normal again he would be able to travel wherever he wished without needed to return to the Sect to clear his pockets or purchase supplies. Sage had to plan his next steps. He wanted to immediately go into seclusion and start training, but he knew that without using up his contribution points his progress would be slow. On the other hand, he could start researching for his business plans and put technique training aside for now. If even a few of his business ideas were successful he could create a huge source of new income. At that point, his training would be many times faster, surely more than enough to make up for the research time! On the other hand, there was the chance that none of his ideas would take off and his research time would completely go to waste. *Let’s go with a little of column A and a little of Column B.* Sage decided to train the initial level of every technique before starting his research. The initial level of a technique wouldn’t be exceptionally powerful, but it was usually quite easy to learn. That way, while he was researching he could continue to train the techniques in his free time or to clear his mind. He was also quite eager to learn the new techniques and if he started researching first he knew he would be distracted by his curiosity. Sage immediately began training nine techniques. The Human Seal. A movement art called ‘Falling Leaf Steps’. A body hardening art with the simple name ‘Greenbody Training’. A martial art called ‘Tree Spring Stance’, and finally four Qi Techniques: ‘Summon the Sacred Banyan’, ‘Crown Cover’, ‘Root Wall’, and ‘Root Lance’. Many of them had very simple names, but from the descriptions he read they could be very powerful. In the future he could also learn some of the techniques from the other four wood element sets, but he would focus on these first. Oh, and the final technique, the most important one, the Qi Cultivation Art ‘Connecting Heaven and Earth’. The Qi Cultivation Art was the foundation for everything else. It was the method by which Qi was brought into the body, how the energy was refined or transformed, how the excess energy was dealt with, how and where the energy was stored, and finally the method to access the energy and distribute it through the body. Qi Techniques were merely how the energy was put into use. From what Sage understood a Qi Technique was like a an electric device. The outlet, wiring, circuit breakers, and the connection to outside power would be the Qi Cultivation Technique. Those secret Qi Techniques that required opening special Qi Pores using special methods were sort of like requiring special hookups or plugs like an oven or plug adapters for foreign electronic devices. As Sage started to study more about Connecting Heaven and Earth he became more and more pleased with his choice. It was a technique that excelled at bringing in energy. He had heard of powerful Qi Cultivation Techniques that would create whirlpools or powerful voids in the dantian, so the Cultivator could breathe in huge amounts of energy like a vacuum. There were dark techniques that were spoken of that could drain energy from others by touch, stealing power from them and obviously suffering from huge drawbacks. Blossom of the Underworld was similar, it was able to transform even the darkest or strangest forms of energy into its own special yin natured wood elemental qi. Greensea Soul was special for how it stored and drew upon energy, compressing qi into a ‘seed’ in the Dantian. When the time was right they used a special method to ‘sprout’ the seed and they would overflow with power for a period of time. Just as he’d learned from the old man, releasing aura was not so simple or wasteful as he thought. Connecting Heaven and Earth was not just a Qi Cultivation Technique, it also was a profound aura manipulation technique. What he had thought to be a complete waste, releasing aura, was actually the most powerful part of Connecting Heaven and Earth. Sage finished reading the technique and moved into the training yard behind his home. It was much smaller than it used to be when his three room friends had lived here with him, but even with the Insect Shed taking up half the yard, the square area was still nearly a hundred feet wide. *Let’s begin.*
{ "title": "Haunting My Boyfriend", "id": 21390, "author": "Zakyrie", "rating": 3.2 }
{ "title": "Episode 17 - Terrible Service", "id": 305381, "next": 305979, "prev": 305376, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1NjkzYmY2OGMzYTQ0NDU5Y2U5YjA1MjUzZGQ1NzZm">I surveyed the occupants of the girl's washroom with a gleeful smile.</p> <p class="cnNmMzRkYTMzNjI4NTQ1OTE4MDdjZmIzMmU4NTdjMjNl">The delinquent girls were surprised to find a bunch of people barging into the washroom just as they were about to leave.</p> <p class="cnNkNTdiNzlhYmEzZTRiOWViMmNlZTM0NmMyMzdmYzYx">One of the girls, who was taller than the rest, immediately turned red-faced, although whether it was from embarrassment or anger was unclear, as she bellowed, "What do these buffoons think they're doing!? You can't afford a love hotel so you brought those two girls here to service you?"</p> <p class="cnMwMWEwZTAxOWI0NzRmZmRiNjRlNWVlZjc3NmI5MTYy">The one that spoke had her dyed-blond hair arranged in a pair of neat pigtails which was a stark contrast to her makeup. It had been reapplied one too many times, leaving her with a smear of red lipstick, a matte of glistening pink foundation and chalky, dark-purple eye shadow.</p> <p class="cnMyYzlmMWUyYzlmNzQwN2Y5ZWQzNjkxNzc1MzNjOWQx">Underneath all that makeup was a very pretty face, seething with anger.</p> <p class="cnNmNzQzNTRkZDk0YTQ0N2ZhMjZiZDNlODRmMjhlZTA0">Eito paled under the scrutiny of the wannabe gangster's fierce gaze, while Hiromitsu paid her no mind, as his attention was fully transfixed on the device in his hand, which was now beeping and booping at its loudest.</p> <p class="cnM4ZGVlYjQ1ZWMxNDQzOGE4OGUzNjZjZDlkMGQ2OTU0">"Yoshimoto-san I-I can explain..." Eito began.</p> <p class="cnNkMTNmZGNiNjg2ZTQ4M2ZhZTBmMDQwMTg2ZDU2ZmU0">"What!?" She yelled, "You want me to service you as well?"</p> <p class="cnMzZjcxMjcwMTRmNDRmNjc5MDMxYmI0MzM1NjgzNGYy">Knowing that the situation was about to spiral out of control, Eito looked to Hiromitsu in desperation.</p> <p class="cnMyMDdhZTdjY2I0NTQ3ODZhMjU2ZTdmNWI5NjY0NzIx">"Hiro-chan I think we should leave."</p> <p class="cnM5MTc3Yjg4YWNiYzRlYzBiMjRkZTFlOGQwM2I3ODM2">But not only did Hiromitsu appear unflustered, he also seemed to not have grasped the situation, "Hold on a sec, I just need to make a few more calibrations..."</p> <p class="cnNlZGZlNzYyNzBlMjQ4Yzc5ZmU5ZTNiNmZhOTE2NDhl">While Noriko was too traumatized to say anything, a little girl that had hidden herself behind Hiromitsu's towering frame had suddenly found the courage to speak. She peered out from one side and pleaded, "Ch-Chiho-chan we-we... we have to do something really IMPORTANT!"</p> <p class="cnMwMTU2N2U0NDU0ZDRkY2JhMTViMjM0NjQwZjcyNjk5">Chiho's mouth flew open but no words came out. She was clearly flabbergasted. However, after a few tense moments of silence, she finally spoke, her tone gentle but pained, "Y-you want to lose your virginity that badly!? Is it really okay to have your first time in a toilet? It isn't even that clean. You know Maiko just used it."</p> <p class="cnM2NmQwZjE1NTUzMTQyMmVhYzczMzU3Yjg0MDQ3ZTQ0">"Hey! I remembered to flush this time! But doing it in this place might be a little..." That impudent voice belonged to a full-chested, ditsy looking girl. Her dark, gossamer hair was draped along her shoulders, while her slanted eyes stared curiously at the clueless quartet standing before her.</p> <p class="cnM1Y2Q1ZTY4NDI3ODRhZTc5YWE2YTYxNzY3ZmU5ZGMx">"Dammit." Hiromitsu stopped fiddling with his device, long enough to absorb his surroundings.</p> <p class="cnMwZTY1ODkzYTBkZTQyNzFhMzFkNDE4NThhZWEyZmEz">However, Chiho's promised explanation never arrived. Instead, Hiromitsu ignored her and urged Minami forward, "The trail ends at the last stall. I can't pinpoint the cat's whereabouts, but even if its low-tech we might as well search with our eyes."</p> <p class="cnM4NWIwYzJiY2I4NDQxNGM5MjRlZTJmNzFlODcyYTJh">As Minami mustered up the last vestiges of her courage and began to creep towards the eighth stall, Chiho stepped in front of Hiromitsu, drew her leg back like she was about to dropkick a football, and then fully serviced his manhood, causing him to collapse and writhe on the floor, as he clutched his aching man parts.</p> <p class="cnNkNGViY2IwOGU3YTQ1Yjc4YjU0MzhhYjcxZjQyNTNh">By then, Minami had pushed the stall open and... screamed.</p> <p class="cnM1Nzc0MGY2ZDVhYTQxOWJhMjczNTg1ZDBkMDk5ZDI2">The delinquent girls took just one look at the scrawled writing in the washroom stall and also screamed. They rocketed out the door, all except for Maiko, who pulled out a pair of glasses from her breast pocket, and then let out a fake, belated scream.</p> <p class="cnNjY2JhY2FiZGQ4MDRhYzNhMzZhZTEwYmIwZjg3MTg3">Chiho had already left, but darted back in and grabbed Maiko by the shoulder, yelling into her ear, "What are you doing!? Let's get out of here!"</p> <p class="cnMyYjRkYmExZGJiZjQ3ZWFhNGM5Y2ZjMGYxZGFhMTQx">However, Chiho was met with unexpected resistance.</p> <p class="cnMxNjA2ZDhhODhhMzQ0OGE4YTNlNTcyMDkyZjlhOGI3">"B-but I want to see the ghost!" Maiko fought to keep her ground. Chiho reluctantly agreed, but still applied enough force to drag her friend towards the exit, where she kept a trembling hand on the door knob.</p> <p class="cnM1MTNiYzdhYWJmZjQ4NDJhMTgwYmM5YTVlNWMwOWUz">It took awhile for Noriko to digest the words carved into the back of the washroom stall, before she also screamed at the top of her lungs and then promptly burst into tears.</p> <p class="cnMwODFhYjNiZDJlMjQ3Njc4M2U1YmQ3NDMwYTUyNzI2">"ALRIGHT!" Eito yelled. "Everyone just calm down. C'mon Hiro, get up."</p> <p class="cnNkMDdmZjM5OWRiZjQxYjI5Nzk1NzhkZjUxNDZiZDY2">Having already forgotten his manners, Eito gently pushed the girls aside and helped Hiromitsu scramble to his feet.</p> <p class="cnMyYWI5ODFlNTExODQyODhhYjljZWRmYTdlYTk4ZDA5">He read the words aloud, with a scowl on his face, "Why did you kill me?"</p> <p class="cnMxMmI2NjVjM2VlODQ1YjA5MzMwOTZmZTJhMGUwMGQ3">Eito went on to say, "Do you guys really think a cat would write those words? It's obviously a prank." He sighed miserably and looked at Noriko, "I'm sorry you got dragged into this Noriko-chan..." Eito's words were caught in his throat when he noticed Noriko's listless eyes.</p> <p class="cnMwY2UwNTBiNDY1MTRjMzY4M2RhMDY1ZGFmMTQ5YzQ0">The normally energetic and bubbly prefect was now contrite and mournful. Her words emerged as little more than a faint murmur, "I-it's my fault... when she got sick... I-I couldn't bear it... so I let them take her away a-and..."</p> <p class="cnMzZjg1ZTYwMzc1YjRhYzNiYTM5YTI5YWYwMWRjM2U3">Noriko didn't get a chance to conclude her explanation.</p> <p class="cnM5OGM4NTk4NzQ3MzQ0NjBiMDVkYjdmOWY4M2E0ZGVm">One by one, I banged the stalls open and shut.</p> <p class="cnMyOGQ1Njg4YmMxMDRkMTU5ZTFjZWJmZDI0NjQ5OTQx">I spun the handles of the faucets wildly, until water spilled over, mucking up the floor.</p> <p class="cnNiOGM2ZjVmNDA0MTRjMTY5OThhOWE1ZTk5ZmM2YjY1">Then in quick succession, I smashed in the lights with my elbow, forcing everyone to escape from the concealed terror within the sudden darkness that I had orchestrated.</p> </div>
I surveyed the occupants of the girl's washroom with a gleeful smile. The delinquent girls were surprised to find a bunch of people barging into the washroom just as they were about to leave. One of the girls, who was taller than the rest, immediately turned red-faced, although whether it was from embarrassment or anger was unclear, as she bellowed, "What do these buffoons think they're doing!? You can't afford a love hotel so you brought those two girls here to service you?" The one that spoke had her dyed-blond hair arranged in a pair of neat pigtails which was a stark contrast to her makeup. It had been reapplied one too many times, leaving her with a smear of red lipstick, a matte of glistening pink foundation and chalky, dark-purple eye shadow. Underneath all that makeup was a very pretty face, seething with anger. Eito paled under the scrutiny of the wannabe gangster's fierce gaze, while Hiromitsu paid her no mind, as his attention was fully transfixed on the device in his hand, which was now beeping and booping at its loudest. "Yoshimoto-san I-I can explain..." Eito began. "What!?" She yelled, "You want me to service you as well?" Knowing that the situation was about to spiral out of control, Eito looked to Hiromitsu in desperation. "Hiro-chan I think we should leave." But not only did Hiromitsu appear unflustered, he also seemed to not have grasped the situation, "Hold on a sec, I just need to make a few more calibrations..." While Noriko was too traumatized to say anything, a little girl that had hidden herself behind Hiromitsu's towering frame had suddenly found the courage to speak. She peered out from one side and pleaded, "Ch-Chiho-chan we-we... we have to do something really IMPORTANT!" Chiho's mouth flew open but no words came out. She was clearly flabbergasted. However, after a few tense moments of silence, she finally spoke, her tone gentle but pained, "Y-you want to lose your virginity that badly!? Is it really okay to have your first time in a toilet? It isn't even that clean. You know Maiko just used it." "Hey! I remembered to flush this time! But doing it in this place might be a little..." That impudent voice belonged to a full-chested, ditsy looking girl. Her dark, gossamer hair was draped along her shoulders, while her slanted eyes stared curiously at the clueless quartet standing before her. "Dammit." Hiromitsu stopped fiddling with his device, long enough to absorb his surroundings. However, Chiho's promised explanation never arrived. Instead, Hiromitsu ignored her and urged Minami forward, "The trail ends at the last stall. I can't pinpoint the cat's whereabouts, but even if its low-tech we might as well search with our eyes." As Minami mustered up the last vestiges of her courage and began to creep towards the eighth stall, Chiho stepped in front of Hiromitsu, drew her leg back like she was about to dropkick a football, and then fully serviced his manhood, causing him to collapse and writhe on the floor, as he clutched his aching man parts. By then, Minami had pushed the stall open and... screamed. The delinquent girls took just one look at the scrawled writing in the washroom stall and also screamed. They rocketed out the door, all except for Maiko, who pulled out a pair of glasses from her breast pocket, and then let out a fake, belated scream. Chiho had already left, but darted back in and grabbed Maiko by the shoulder, yelling into her ear, "What are you doing!? Let's get out of here!" However, Chiho was met with unexpected resistance. "B-but I want to see the ghost!" Maiko fought to keep her ground. Chiho reluctantly agreed, but still applied enough force to drag her friend towards the exit, where she kept a trembling hand on the door knob. It took awhile for Noriko to digest the words carved into the back of the washroom stall, before she also screamed at the top of her lungs and then promptly burst into tears. "ALRIGHT!" Eito yelled. "Everyone just calm down. C'mon Hiro, get up." Having already forgotten his manners, Eito gently pushed the girls aside and helped Hiromitsu scramble to his feet. He read the words aloud, with a scowl on his face, "Why did you kill me?" Eito went on to say, "Do you guys really think a cat would write those words? It's obviously a prank." He sighed miserably and looked at Noriko, "I'm sorry you got dragged into this Noriko-chan..." Eito's words were caught in his throat when he noticed Noriko's listless eyes. The normally energetic and bubbly prefect was now contrite and mournful. Her words emerged as little more than a faint murmur, "I-it's my fault... when she got sick... I-I couldn't bear it... so I let them take her away a-and..." Noriko didn't get a chance to conclude her explanation. One by one, I banged the stalls open and shut. I spun the handles of the faucets wildly, until water spilled over, mucking up the floor. Then in quick succession, I smashed in the lights with my elbow, forcing everyone to escape from the concealed terror within the sudden darkness that I had orchestrated.
{ "title": "Nano Mage", "id": 20570, "author": "Calomy", "rating": 3.5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 11 Field trip", "id": 305382, "next": 307886, "prev": 302856, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNkOTk4NTc5NGU5NDQzNmQ5MzljODYwZTJiYjNmZTcz">  Deep groves were formed into the grassy hills. This was a place known as The Wands Seed. It was rich with mana. Roaming thunder tripped over a small turtle. I caught her, and she suddenly embraced me tightly. We were separated by the strong arms of Shadow Void.</p> <p class="cnM0ZTYwMTdjZjA2NTRhYTFiZjQ3N2JjMThhNGVlYzc0">  “So what was the point of this field trip again?” Silver had asked the question out of the blue. First of we were instructed to form a group of at least four people. Our group happened to have six people in it. Roaming Thunder, Shadow Void, Silver, myself, and two others.</p> <p class="cnMwYTM1NzI5NmU1MTQyNGY4ZGNjNzVmNGFlZDI4Y2Uy">  A young man returned from gathering fire wood. He had maroon hair, and dark pink eyes. If I remember correctly he was named Edge. Edge seemed to focus on weapon magic. The basic of his magic was to transform the earth element into metal, and then mold those into weapons. Having caught Silver’s earlier question he answered. “The point of the field trip is to hone our survival instincts. It will also help with forming team work. If one can not form steady team work when it comes to magic, then they are likely to get everyone killed.” Silver suddenly turned pale.</p> <p class="cnNkNTllZGFiMGRjNjRjZDJhMzQzM2I3MmViN2JkMTkz">  Walking into the campsite our last member arrived. “I manged to find a descent food supply, and a natural fountain!” (Natural fountain?) Well that took care of our necessitates. “Really a natural fountain!” Silver and Roaming Thunder both exclaimed. I looked at the girl in front of us. Her hair seemed relatively soft, almost like she was always just coming out of a bathtub. The sun was constantly altering its color, almost like putting light through a prism. The best thing to call it would be rainbow. She had fierce orange eyes. “So Autumn, have you been a hunter long?”</p> <p class="cnM0ZDJkMmE3YTQwMjQ2Y2JhNzQ0NGZkMjIyZGViZGI2">  “I have hunted with my father since I was three years old. He was a very skilled mage and tracker. I was taught sharp rock by him.” Sharp rock was an advanced earth spell, while it was similar to the basic earth spell boulder smash, rather than dropping a heavy force upon the opponent, it used high speed momentum to cut through its victim. Since she had been practicing since she was small, Maple Rose aloud everyone to learn that one advanced spell from here. I quickly caught on to the spell, It might have had something to do with the fact I knew how bullets worked in my world.</p> <p class="cnM5NzZjZGQ2NDMxMDQ3ZTY4NWU2Zjk3ZWU0NWE4MDk4">  Even though I caught on quickly, I got in trouble for destroying a nearby tree. I could not even count the amount of rocks formed as I initiated the spell. When I sent them flying not only did the glass window in front of me turn to dust, but the tree twenty meters away, now had thousand of holes in the center. The creaking of the tree made everyone turn in my direction. It was funny how the window did not make a sound. It took everyone in class a few minutes to realize there was no longer glass in the windows frame.</p> <p class="cnM0OGMxN2MyNGEyOTRjNWE4ZjIwYzI1NzA0MmJiOWZm">  I was remembering that event after she told me about how she learned Sharp rock. “So how was tracking done?” “Trade secret!” (To bad.) It seemed like I would not be learning to track anytime soon. I large wave of water turned our fire into nothing but a pile of smoke and ash. “Goldfish!” Roaming Thunder was getting into a fighting stance. (Wait if she uses electricity now!) Shadow Void Suddenly restrained Roaming Thunder with his Shadow magic. “Are you a complete idiot? We are drenched!” They were bickering like normal, but this time Shadow Void was defiantly in the right. Sharp rock would be useful, but Autumn would only make a whole, and I would destroy it, allowing its guts to spread everywhere. In this world goldfish had a strong poison in their gut. “You are are best bet Edge.”</p> <p class="cnNhY2I2NzViNDJjYzQ0N2Q5ZGI4MTE3OWIxODA2YTRh">  If you are thinking Edge’s magic would only cause the poison to spread you would be wrong. A large sword formed in mid air. Rather than slice the goldfish with it, he swung it from a distance. The shock wave blew it out of the water and sent it to the opposite side from us. Once it hit the surface Edge create anther weapon, to be more precise, he created many of the same weapon. What he created were metal stars. The metal stars sliced the goldfish to pieces.</p> <p class="cnM3OTI2MjVhNmY5MzQzZmZiYmNmOTdhYTE3M2E1YzAz">  After defeating the goldfish we used magic to clean up its guts. “It is better for it not to contaminate the soil.” As expected from a hunter. If the soil is contaminated, our food supply would likely diminish. If our food supply diminished, then we could likely starve to death. After all we would have to endure for two whole months.</p> <p class="cnM4NDk5MTA4N2IwNzQ2ZDBhZjVlMGE2OGVkMTY0OWEx"> </p> </div>
Deep groves were formed into the grassy hills. This was a place known as The Wands Seed. It was rich with mana. Roaming thunder tripped over a small turtle. I caught her, and she suddenly embraced me tightly. We were separated by the strong arms of Shadow Void.   “So what was the point of this field trip again?” Silver had asked the question out of the blue. First of we were instructed to form a group of at least four people. Our group happened to have six people in it. Roaming Thunder, Shadow Void, Silver, myself, and two others.   A young man returned from gathering fire wood. He had maroon hair, and dark pink eyes. If I remember correctly he was named Edge. Edge seemed to focus on weapon magic. The basic of his magic was to transform the earth element into metal, and then mold those into weapons. Having caught Silver’s earlier question he answered. “The point of the field trip is to hone our survival instincts. It will also help with forming team work. If one can not form steady team work when it comes to magic, then they are likely to get everyone killed.” Silver suddenly turned pale.   Walking into the campsite our last member arrived. “I manged to find a descent food supply, and a natural fountain!” (Natural fountain?) Well that took care of our necessitates. “Really a natural fountain!” Silver and Roaming Thunder both exclaimed. I looked at the girl in front of us. Her hair seemed relatively soft, almost like she was always just coming out of a bathtub. The sun was constantly altering its color, almost like putting light through a prism. The best thing to call it would be rainbow. She had fierce orange eyes. “So Autumn, have you been a hunter long?”   “I have hunted with my father since I was three years old. He was a very skilled mage and tracker. I was taught sharp rock by him.” Sharp rock was an advanced earth spell, while it was similar to the basic earth spell boulder smash, rather than dropping a heavy force upon the opponent, it used high speed momentum to cut through its victim. Since she had been practicing since she was small, Maple Rose aloud everyone to learn that one advanced spell from here. I quickly caught on to the spell, It might have had something to do with the fact I knew how bullets worked in my world.   Even though I caught on quickly, I got in trouble for destroying a nearby tree. I could not even count the amount of rocks formed as I initiated the spell. When I sent them flying not only did the glass window in front of me turn to dust, but the tree twenty meters away, now had thousand of holes in the center. The creaking of the tree made everyone turn in my direction. It was funny how the window did not make a sound. It took everyone in class a few minutes to realize there was no longer glass in the windows frame.   I was remembering that event after she told me about how she learned Sharp rock. “So how was tracking done?” “Trade secret!” (To bad.) It seemed like I would not be learning to track anytime soon. I large wave of water turned our fire into nothing but a pile of smoke and ash. “Goldfish!” Roaming Thunder was getting into a fighting stance. (Wait if she uses electricity now!) Shadow Void Suddenly restrained Roaming Thunder with his Shadow magic. “Are you a complete idiot? We are drenched!” They were bickering like normal, but this time Shadow Void was defiantly in the right. Sharp rock would be useful, but Autumn would only make a whole, and I would destroy it, allowing its guts to spread everywhere. In this world goldfish had a strong poison in their gut. “You are are best bet Edge.”   If you are thinking Edge’s magic would only cause the poison to spread you would be wrong. A large sword formed in mid air. Rather than slice the goldfish with it, he swung it from a distance. The shock wave blew it out of the water and sent it to the opposite side from us. Once it hit the surface Edge create anther weapon, to be more precise, he created many of the same weapon. What he created were metal stars. The metal stars sliced the goldfish to pieces.   After defeating the goldfish we used magic to clean up its guts. “It is better for it not to contaminate the soil.” As expected from a hunter. If the soil is contaminated, our food supply would likely diminish. If our food supply diminished, then we could likely starve to death. After all we would have to endure for two whole months.
{ "title": "Milton", "id": 18936, "author": "BigMartyrs", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Chapter 21", "id": 305388, "next": 305860, "prev": 304681, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMxNGRhMGUyZjA1MDRjNWFiOTgzMTE2NGNjNzUxZTVk">It loomed over the Earth like a god. The dragon’s wings extended from its heavy center, cutting through the sky like two scale covered blankets large enough to snuff out my entire neighborhood. Like the world was its birthright, it soared over everything my eyes could see. A single pump of its wings carried it from one side of the horizon to the other. When it disappeared behind the curvature of the Earth, only to burst from an opaque cloud of grey tens of miles away a second later, my heart did cartwheels. Clusters of cloud and entire portions of sky surged and roiled as the dragon flew through them. Water vapor gathered on its deep red scales, causing the beast to glisten as it emerged.</p> <p class="cnM1MWU3NGJhMTNmMTQ3MWI5MzgzNTA5NzQ2ZjVhOTcz">Ben climbed into the cockpit of the crystal cannon after ensuring everyone else made it to the lower levels. He instructed them to stay by an exit, just in case the dragon brought the entire three-story mall down.</p> <p class="cnM2NzM2YTI0MjRkYTRiOGY4NTA2YmM3OTQ4OGVhYTA4">“Get out,” I said, looking down to the seated Master Builder. His eyes shot to mine, but he did not move. He regarded me as if finally considering standing up for himself. He might have gathered the courage to say something if the rest of his party hadn’t already fled to safety, but as it was, he was staring up at me, flanked by a squad of demons, and the even more damned, Nikko. He had logic on his side, after all, he was more experienced with the crystal cannon, but he got out all the same. Part of me wished he didn’t. Part of me wished he put me and my equally crazed companions in our place once and for all, but he didn’t. I climbed into the cockpit and familiarized myself with the controls.</p> <p class="cnNjMDYxM2NiNjExMDQ4NmQ4Yjg1NmNjMjQzYWViNDc1">“Okay,” Ben said, refusing to take anything personally and adapting to his new reality with a familiar forced ignorance, “the dragon is just stretching its wings right now, but when it is fully awake, it is going to start patrolling for food. When it finds someone, it will-”</p> <p class="cnM5NGEwZTA2Y2ZkNzQ4NTJhODU4ZGM2OTkwNWM5NDk0">The builder’s words were cut short by a loud crack.</p> <p class="cnM0ZjNkODNjYTI4NjRkOTViMGI5MGMyOTQ3NDY2MDNk">“- it will flap its wings, shooting a gale of wind so powerful at its prey that its wings break the sound barrier. That was the crack you just heard. It is already hunting. If it gets close to us wait. Sometimes they fly right over, but if it looks at us, that is when you fire. Once it spots us it will circle higher and then pause in the air. You have a small window to kill it before it kills us with a gust of hurricane force winds. You do not want to let it shoot that air at us like that. If we don’t get crushed under it then we will be thrown to who knows were.”</p> <p class="cnM5MTdiYmY1MmNiNTRiYjhiMDVkM2YwOWY5ZWM2ZTZh">I nodded, thankful that it didn’t shoot fire from its long mouth. My hands gripped the warm metal levers. I could feel moisture grow between my fingers, but I held on, unwilling to let go even for a second.</p> <p class="cnM3MDFjZjBmZDlhZTQzODBhM2VkOTg0YTQ3MjBmNDcy">“Bork!”</p> <p class="cnMwOGM2YjhkNmQ1OTQ2MzliYWMwYmNiYTZkNzNjNzY5">I ignored my brain playing tricks on me and kept my eyes on the mammoth in the sky. Nikko and the other demons were on the guard platform. I used the direction of their gazes to determine where my target was in the brief moments where it flew out of sight. Finally, it flew over us. The sound was that of a jet, mixed with the whistle of a mortar flying overhead. My ears rang, and my Fedora flew away as I watched the creature slowly circle us from above. Then it forced its wings down violently and curled them into its side as it shot a mile higher in the sky. It turned mid-air and looked directly at me. It didn’t have any eyes, but I still felt it size me up. I felt it in my gut, just as I did when other bullies did the same.</p> <p class="cnNiYTY4ZjQyNTU3YjQ4MjdiZmMzZGQxNzk1MGMwNjdj">“Milton,” my Grandma’s voice softly broke into my reality, “are you okay?”</p> <p class="cnNjYmYwNjA5YTM3NTRiYjZhMmZkODc2MDMyODdmZDY3">I shook my head, not to answer her but to instead get her voice out. It didn’t work. She rattled on about nonsense and grocery shopping. Ben and Nikko yelled at me from somewhere out of reach. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Her voice disappeared, but I didn’t feel lonely like I usually did when she left. I felt prepared. Well-adapted.</p> <p class="cnNmZDA2MWJmOGQzMzQxNDFhYzkyNmRiYjk3ZmVmNWFi">“AVALANCHE!” I yelled, climbing out of the cockpit and running toward my companions ramp. I felt the dragon’s attention on my back, but I didn’t dare waste a second to confirm. I climbed the stairs, the purple flecks in the metal becoming streaks in my vision as my legs pumped tirelessly.</p> <p class="cnM1ZTIzODY5MjM3YzRjODE4MmU5ZDhkYWNlMWNhY2E0">“Ah fuck,” Nikko swore, a soul breaking afraidness in his voice. I yelled again, just in time to see my companion’s dark hood rise over the ledge of the mall. Time slowed. My semi-intelligent pet stepped onto the roof, regarding the larger creature in the sky with a curious tilt of his cowl. Then he understood. With a single step, Avalanche scooped me, Nikko, and Ben into his arms. I caught a glimpse of the red in the sky, then darkness. My world was nothing, other than the heavy breathing of the bodies next to me and the un-breathing and slimy chest of my companion. We were a ball of life, protected by the body of an undead creature. When the dragon gusted his gale at us, I thought I was going to explode under the pressure. The immovable avalanche slid closer against the foot high concrete barrier of the edge of the mall roof. The pressure built and built until my eyes bulged, but I couldn’t even scream for fear of losing the internal pressure in my chest. A second later, it was stolen from me anyway. My body expelled everything it could spare as I was crushed between Avalanche, my companions, and concrete. Then, a breath of air. The concrete barrier cracked and fell apart. My slight moment of relief was snatched away as I realized we would be squeezed in the gap the concrete left. Our bodies would become play doe pushed between the floor and black metal.</p> <p class="cnMzZjU3YjEyMzY5MTQ5YzBhZmE0OWE2OWYyYjcwZWMy">Then it ended. The pressure fully released and Avalanche rolled away from the wall. I felt Nikko’s healing light wash over me, but I saved my breath of relief for later. Instead, I used it to yell a command. Avalanche stood up, and with a flick of his wrist, his lead balls shot into the air. I scrambled onto his shoulders, my hands and feet finding familiar foot holes between the ribs of his back.</p> <p class="cnM5ZDZhZDgxYjM0YTQxMzQ4YzM3YmE5ZTA1MWM4ZTIx">“Now!” I yelled over the air rushing by my ears. Rusted chains blotted out glistening scales. Then they wrapped around them. My mount jerked, and I put all my strength into staying put. Seconds later, I was flying above the city.</p> <p class="cnM3MzFkMjAzODYyNjQ2NzM5MWI3OTU0Y2FhOGMwZjFi"><strong>Constitution Check Failed.</strong></p> <p class="cnNlNTk0NzQ3MjE3YzQyZDQ4YmFlNzg5MDBkZjgyODg2">I emptied my stomach, doing my best to turn my head. Whatever exited my mouth dissipated in the wind, no doubt spreading apart and become nothing but moisture long before it hit the ground miles below me. Avalanche held onto his chains with both hands, me on his shoulders gripping his head. We swung below the dragon, practically behind it, as it cut through the sky. I couldn’t tell how fast we were going, but even if I could open my eyes against the wind, it wouldn’t matter - only one thing did.</p> <p class="cnMyNmY2OGEyMDI0OTQ0YzA5NmYwMDQ4OTVjMjkxYjUz">I let one hand release its death grip on Avalanche’s head and used it to pat around. I could feel his shoulder, then his arm. I awkwardly shuffled my hands over inch by inch, until all of my limbs were wrapped around his arm. This was the first time I ever felt my abs activate, hell it was the first time I felt all my muscles activate all at once. I clung onto my companion’s arm like a sucker fish on the fastest shark in the ocean. Wind billowed past me. It was so harsh it almost felt like a persistent slap. I re-clenched my jaw, then shuffled up. Sweat poured from my body, only to be whisked away into the wind as soon as it left my pores. My muscles screamed as if every fiber was burning from the inside out. I squeezed my thigh muscles with enough force to vaporize Grandma’s thigh master, but it was barely enough to keep me attached. Inch by inch I climbed the un-dead arm. Avalanche’s meager clothing had long since ripped away, and his normally wet tissue was dried out and porous. If it had been slick, I wouldn’t have made it to the chains he held onto.</p> <p class="cnNkNDQ0NzQ5YzZhZTRkN2Y5ZDdhYjliYjQ0ZWRmOWRh">I made it up the chains and to the dragon in ten minutes that felt like twenty, all with my eyes forceful shut by the wind. Something in the air smashed into me along the way. It felt like a bullet shooting through me, but I knew it was nothing more than a small bug. I wanted to close my mouth, but I couldn’t get enough breath through my nose - the air was just too thin. My hands explored the scaled creature. It was just one hard, undulating mass, like if one hundred tons of metal suddenly became sentient. I couldn’t make heads or tails of the beast, so I opened my eyes. It was a mistake. The pain consumed me for seconds afterward, as did the panic over being blinded. Then I heard something that scared me even more. It was the sound of chains snapping. I figured that they weren’t rated to handle the tension of towing a large creature and a fat ass behind a dragon. Either that or the creature was finally using his two claws to break his bindings. I had no other option than to open my eyes and find a spot to climb. The pain was unbearable. It was as if my eyeballs were being turned into beef jerky while simultaneously being pushed into the back of my head. My eyelids opened like tiny parachutes. I felt the bottom portions fold over unnaturally; the top portions simply tore right off. Now I couldn’t close my eyes if I wanted to, but it was all worth it.</p> <p class="cnM4NDk3ZTUzNWExZTQzM2I5ZjYwMDUyYjU2OTgyYTY5"><strong>Congratulations! You have received a pet - Crimson Drade!</strong></p> <p class="cnMzNDUwNzRhNzkzYzQ5YmRhZWI4NzgyODNkZTYwMzIx">Our flight path leveled out as the Drade relaxed, my influence no longer an annoyance. I wrapped my arms and legs around the chain on his neck and tucked my head to hedge against the wind that relentlessly worked to shrivel my unprotected eyes.</p> <p class="cnNmNDU3YTU5ZGQyYzQyZDRiYzA2OGQ5Y2JlMGRmNDM0">“Down,” I tried to say, but the words barely escaped my head, never mind my mouth. Someone how it didn’t matter. I felt my body lurched forward as my new mount descended. We landed on a farm, which was jarring since there wasn’t a farm within a hundred mile radius from my neighborhood. I had Avalanche climb on top of my second pet and I tore a strip of cloth from my shirt to wrap around my eyes. Then I gave the order to return to home base. The force of my dragon leaving the Earth pressed me against him like a pancake. I called upon the rainbow letters, which didn’t seem to care if my eyes worked or not, and confirmed that becoming a pancake, even temporarily, did a great deal of damage. The ride home was quick as far as time went, but long as far as pain did. Actually riding a dragon wasn’t anything like my dreams. It was agonizing and arduous, as distressing as it was excruciating. I held out for as long as I could and even asked the beast to slow down if at all possible, but I couldn’t manage to make it back home conscious.</p> </div>
It loomed over the Earth like a god. The dragon’s wings extended from its heavy center, cutting through the sky like two scale covered blankets large enough to snuff out my entire neighborhood. Like the world was its birthright, it soared over everything my eyes could see. A single pump of its wings carried it from one side of the horizon to the other. When it disappeared behind the curvature of the Earth, only to burst from an opaque cloud of grey tens of miles away a second later, my heart did cartwheels. Clusters of cloud and entire portions of sky surged and roiled as the dragon flew through them. Water vapor gathered on its deep red scales, causing the beast to glisten as it emerged. Ben climbed into the cockpit of the crystal cannon after ensuring everyone else made it to the lower levels. He instructed them to stay by an exit, just in case the dragon brought the entire three-story mall down. “Get out,” I said, looking down to the seated Master Builder. His eyes shot to mine, but he did not move. He regarded me as if finally considering standing up for himself. He might have gathered the courage to say something if the rest of his party hadn’t already fled to safety, but as it was, he was staring up at me, flanked by a squad of demons, and the even more damned, Nikko. He had logic on his side, after all, he was more experienced with the crystal cannon, but he got out all the same. Part of me wished he didn’t. Part of me wished he put me and my equally crazed companions in our place once and for all, but he didn’t. I climbed into the cockpit and familiarized myself with the controls. “Okay,” Ben said, refusing to take anything personally and adapting to his new reality with a familiar forced ignorance, “the dragon is just stretching its wings right now, but when it is fully awake, it is going to start patrolling for food. When it finds someone, it will-” The builder’s words were cut short by a loud crack. “- it will flap its wings, shooting a gale of wind so powerful at its prey that its wings break the sound barrier. That was the crack you just heard. It is already hunting. If it gets close to us wait. Sometimes they fly right over, but if it looks at us, that is when you fire. Once it spots us it will circle higher and then pause in the air. You have a small window to kill it before it kills us with a gust of hurricane force winds. You do not want to let it shoot that air at us like that. If we don’t get crushed under it then we will be thrown to who knows were.” I nodded, thankful that it didn’t shoot fire from its long mouth. My hands gripped the warm metal levers. I could feel moisture grow between my fingers, but I held on, unwilling to let go even for a second. “Bork!” I ignored my brain playing tricks on me and kept my eyes on the mammoth in the sky. Nikko and the other demons were on the guard platform. I used the direction of their gazes to determine where my target was in the brief moments where it flew out of sight. Finally, it flew over us. The sound was that of a jet, mixed with the whistle of a mortar flying overhead. My ears rang, and my Fedora flew away as I watched the creature slowly circle us from above. Then it forced its wings down violently and curled them into its side as it shot a mile higher in the sky. It turned mid-air and looked directly at me. It didn’t have any eyes, but I still felt it size me up. I felt it in my gut, just as I did when other bullies did the same. “Milton,” my Grandma’s voice softly broke into my reality, “are you okay?” I shook my head, not to answer her but to instead get her voice out. It didn’t work. She rattled on about nonsense and grocery shopping. Ben and Nikko yelled at me from somewhere out of reach. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Her voice disappeared, but I didn’t feel lonely like I usually did when she left. I felt prepared. Well-adapted. “AVALANCHE!” I yelled, climbing out of the cockpit and running toward my companions ramp. I felt the dragon’s attention on my back, but I didn’t dare waste a second to confirm. I climbed the stairs, the purple flecks in the metal becoming streaks in my vision as my legs pumped tirelessly. “Ah fuck,” Nikko swore, a soul breaking afraidness in his voice. I yelled again, just in time to see my companion’s dark hood rise over the ledge of the mall. Time slowed. My semi-intelligent pet stepped onto the roof, regarding the larger creature in the sky with a curious tilt of his cowl. Then he understood. With a single step, Avalanche scooped me, Nikko, and Ben into his arms. I caught a glimpse of the red in the sky, then darkness. My world was nothing, other than the heavy breathing of the bodies next to me and the un-breathing and slimy chest of my companion. We were a ball of life, protected by the body of an undead creature. When the dragon gusted his gale at us, I thought I was going to explode under the pressure. The immovable avalanche slid closer against the foot high concrete barrier of the edge of the mall roof. The pressure built and built until my eyes bulged, but I couldn’t even scream for fear of losing the internal pressure in my chest. A second later, it was stolen from me anyway. My body expelled everything it could spare as I was crushed between Avalanche, my companions, and concrete. Then, a breath of air. The concrete barrier cracked and fell apart. My slight moment of relief was snatched away as I realized we would be squeezed in the gap the concrete left. Our bodies would become play doe pushed between the floor and black metal. Then it ended. The pressure fully released and Avalanche rolled away from the wall. I felt Nikko’s healing light wash over me, but I saved my breath of relief for later. Instead, I used it to yell a command. Avalanche stood up, and with a flick of his wrist, his lead balls shot into the air. I scrambled onto his shoulders, my hands and feet finding familiar foot holes between the ribs of his back. “Now!” I yelled over the air rushing by my ears. Rusted chains blotted out glistening scales. Then they wrapped around them. My mount jerked, and I put all my strength into staying put. Seconds later, I was flying above the city. **Constitution Check Failed.** I emptied my stomach, doing my best to turn my head. Whatever exited my mouth dissipated in the wind, no doubt spreading apart and become nothing but moisture long before it hit the ground miles below me. Avalanche held onto his chains with both hands, me on his shoulders gripping his head. We swung below the dragon, practically behind it, as it cut through the sky. I couldn’t tell how fast we were going, but even if I could open my eyes against the wind, it wouldn’t matter - only one thing did. I let one hand release its death grip on Avalanche’s head and used it to pat around. I could feel his shoulder, then his arm. I awkwardly shuffled my hands over inch by inch, until all of my limbs were wrapped around his arm. This was the first time I ever felt my abs activate, hell it was the first time I felt all my muscles activate all at once. I clung onto my companion’s arm like a sucker fish on the fastest shark in the ocean. Wind billowed past me. It was so harsh it almost felt like a persistent slap. I re-clenched my jaw, then shuffled up. Sweat poured from my body, only to be whisked away into the wind as soon as it left my pores. My muscles screamed as if every fiber was burning from the inside out. I squeezed my thigh muscles with enough force to vaporize Grandma’s thigh master, but it was barely enough to keep me attached. Inch by inch I climbed the un-dead arm. Avalanche’s meager clothing had long since ripped away, and his normally wet tissue was dried out and porous. If it had been slick, I wouldn’t have made it to the chains he held onto. I made it up the chains and to the dragon in ten minutes that felt like twenty, all with my eyes forceful shut by the wind. Something in the air smashed into me along the way. It felt like a bullet shooting through me, but I knew it was nothing more than a small bug. I wanted to close my mouth, but I couldn’t get enough breath through my nose - the air was just too thin. My hands explored the scaled creature. It was just one hard, undulating mass, like if one hundred tons of metal suddenly became sentient. I couldn’t make heads or tails of the beast, so I opened my eyes. It was a mistake. The pain consumed me for seconds afterward, as did the panic over being blinded. Then I heard something that scared me even more. It was the sound of chains snapping. I figured that they weren’t rated to handle the tension of towing a large creature and a fat ass behind a dragon. Either that or the creature was finally using his two claws to break his bindings. I had no other option than to open my eyes and find a spot to climb. The pain was unbearable. It was as if my eyeballs were being turned into beef jerky while simultaneously being pushed into the back of my head. My eyelids opened like tiny parachutes. I felt the bottom portions fold over unnaturally; the top portions simply tore right off. Now I couldn’t close my eyes if I wanted to, but it was all worth it. **Congratulations! You have received a pet - Crimson Drade!** Our flight path leveled out as the Drade relaxed, my influence no longer an annoyance. I wrapped my arms and legs around the chain on his neck and tucked my head to hedge against the wind that relentlessly worked to shrivel my unprotected eyes. “Down,” I tried to say, but the words barely escaped my head, never mind my mouth. Someone how it didn’t matter. I felt my body lurched forward as my new mount descended. We landed on a farm, which was jarring since there wasn’t a farm within a hundred mile radius from my neighborhood. I had Avalanche climb on top of my second pet and I tore a strip of cloth from my shirt to wrap around my eyes. Then I gave the order to return to home base. The force of my dragon leaving the Earth pressed me against him like a pancake. I called upon the rainbow letters, which didn’t seem to care if my eyes worked or not, and confirmed that becoming a pancake, even temporarily, did a great deal of damage. The ride home was quick as far as time went, but long as far as pain did. Actually riding a dragon wasn’t anything like my dreams. It was agonizing and arduous, as distressing as it was excruciating. I held out for as long as I could and even asked the beast to slow down if at all possible, but I couldn’t manage to make it back home conscious.
{ "title": "Star Trek: Sidereal", "id": 20688, "author": "Aldoro", "rating": 4.8 }
{ "title": "[1x08] Silent Lies Eden", "id": 305379, "next": 378862, "prev": 303214, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMwNzUwZDgyYTQ0NTRjOGRhYTFlY2UwMjhkMTFlODA5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px" align="center"><span style="font-weight: 600">[ Act One ]</span></p> <p class="cnNjMjY5YTRhYjA0MTRiYTNhMmEzZGFiZDFmZTQzNjQz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyYTg1NTdhZjA0MDRjZjA5OGRmMmIxZDZkNGI0NzJl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Priority two distress signal. Synergy harvester <span style="font-style: italic">X-J-37005</span>. Condition: critical. Status: main power offline, trapped in gravity well of Argosa V, drifting deeper into atmosphere. Estimated time to hull-crush depth: nine minutes.”</p> <p class="cnMyN2Q4MjllOGRmYTRkMDY4ODgzZGQyYWYwNGVmNTc3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjYTU3ZGViNWQ5OTQxZjg5OWUyZTVkZTk4Y2ZhZTJh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Niko stared at the transmission displayed on the holographic screen which encompassed the whole forward dome of the bridge, then raised his voice. “T’Sai, how fast could we make it to the Argosa system at maximum speed?”</p> <p class="cnMzOWMwNzA5MWE3ZjQ5MDE5ODYyNTU1NmFmZTg1Y2Nm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkNjBmM2FmZjUyZjRlNDZhYzExNGJlMTViN2IzY2U3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Vulcan navigator tapped away at the conn station and replied. “At 100 percent subspace slipstream we could be there in… less than five minutes.”</p> <p class="cnM4ZGViNmYxMmFhYTQ3ODA4MTg1MTczMTAyZDI5ZDRk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ODA2YmExZjJmODQ2Y2Y4ZjJlZTc5Y2NmMjJiOWY2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The XO nodded. “Set a course and engage immediately.” A mere few moments after he had given the order, the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span> came about, and was engulfed in a black vortex, falling into an ever-shifting tunnel of throbbing darkness and arcing light.</p> <p class="cnNjYzJiYTQ0ZWM5NTQwNDM5YzJmNmYzZGIwNmQ2NWZl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NzQ1NDliZmE1ZDQzZjY5NTk2MGU3ZGVlNWEyNmE0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Shrass, Rel, I want you to look up everything we know about that ship type. Number of personnel, size, mass, escape pods, backup systems, auxiliary power, anything that could help us either save the ship or evacuate its crew. Same thing about Argosa V. What kind of planet, atmospheric composition, known phenomena, anything that could cause complications.”</p> <p class="cnMzYTJjNWE2ZDdjMjQ0ZTU4NjA4NjIxN2ZiM2Y1Y2Nm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4NzNmMzlkNTFiNTQ3NGNhMzk0Mzg3ZjljYTlhZDYx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Both addressed officers answered in unison and went to work. “Aye, Sir.”</p> <p class="cnM2MDM0MTE4OTc1MTQ1YzhiM2U1MWQ5MTZiOWIzNzcw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5YzVmYmUyNzhhMjQzMGE5MmYyMmQ2MDY5ODJkYTVi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Haroun, open a channel to that harvester.” A soft but still clearly audible ping sounded once two-way, but audio-only, communication was established. “This is Lieutenant Commander Niko Heisenberg from the Federation starship <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span>. We’ve received your distress call and are on an intercept course. ETA at your position in about four minutes. What’s your condition?”</p> <p class="cnMzYzZiZjYwN2UwNzQ4ZTI5MDUwMThiYWJkY2JjMzc2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjMzU5M2IxNTBmMjQyYWE4OWZiNDViNGM5MWJiMmVm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">A clearly distressed, almost panicking male voice responded shakily to the call. Everyone could hear the fear and despair in the voice, and how the call gave them a sliver of hope to cling to. “Acknowledged, <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span>. We had to dump our OSR core and have lost main power. We’re currently adrift, tumbling at an altitude of 2,700 kilometers below the outer atmospheric boundary, sinking at a rate of 293 kilometers per minute. Hull pressure is at 700 megapascals and hull temperature at 5,500 degrees centigrade, both rapidly climbing. Our structural integrity systems are running on backup power and will fail when we exceed a depth of 5,400 kilometers.”</p> <p class="cnNlNzc3MDAxYzlkNjRlYmFiNWQxMGIyOGRlMzkyZGUz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5M2QwMDAzNWUyNjQ5YmQ5MjAyZmQ3OTg1MTEzNjI5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The numbers were much bigger than any of the officers on the bridge had expected, and confused glances were exchanged.</p> <p class="cnNkM2E2YTZlN2IwNzRlOGQ5OWNmNzg0MjdlNjJiMjdk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5YWViMTY5YmMwYTRmMDc5MjhjNzM1YjNmMjc5NjFm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Understood. We’re preparing to start the evacuation the moment we get in range. How large is your crew?” Niko replied.</p> <p class="cnM2YjE1Y2ZkYzMwNTQwNDBhNWYxOTE2NGVkMjhlOTY2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhMjdhODFmODI1ZTQ1MjQ4ODllOWU1MDBmOTkyYjM3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“We are 1,550. No wounded.”</p> <p class="cnM4MWFkNGJkNzM4NTRiNDhiZjE3N2U3MDVmMGIwZDgx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NDFlMTg2YjgyNzQ5Yjc4ZGNkZjEyYzI5NzVmODNl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The XO rose from the captain’s chair and swallowed. That was quite a lot more than he had expected. After a moment’s hesitation he replied. “1,550, no wounded. Prepare for evacuation, we’ll be there in a few minutes. <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span> out.”</p> <p class="cnM2OTgxYjY5ODEzNjRiYmY4NzczNzg5Y2JlOWUyNGM1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4OGNlNWY2MzI5MDRiYjU4NTliMjljNGYyM2UwNzNj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Niko tapped his combadge. “Bridge to engineering. We’ve got an emergency incoming. I need all FDS manifolds operational and manned ASAP. We have to evacuate about 1,500 people from an adrift Synergy ship, and we have at most four minutes once we drop out of slipstream.” The engineering officer acknowledged the order, but the first officer already moved to the next point on his mental check list.</p> <p class="cnMyZDY0YTAzYzkwNTRjZDBiZWZiNTFlZTZiOGVhZjFk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NTBiM2RkMjViMDQ5NWZiZGEyYjNjNjhkNDk1ZGU3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">He tapped the badge again. “Bridge to sickbay. Co-Yor, we’re preparing to evacuate over 1,500 people from a ship in distress. They say they’ve got no wounded, but can you still get at least one nurse or medic to each FDS room and each cargo section? Even if there are no casualties we can still use the help spreading those people out a bit.”</p> <p class="cnMwYTkxYmI3MGRkNDQ1MGQ4ZjQyYTBjY2UwNzJkNTVl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzZTEyMTM0M2ExNDRkNTNiYWIwNzBiNzgwNGUwZTUy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Yes, captain. We’ll be there.” Co-Yor replied with his usual sonorous voice that never seemed to betray the Kalonar’s actual current state of mind.</p> <p class="cnMwZDhlYmU1YzQ3ODQ2NmNiYTU0NTRmNzM2OTUyYjg5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxODNlNGJhMzMzMzRlYmU4Y2M5NjczOWRhZTQxZWRj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The XO walked to the forward railing, running his hand nervously through his short brown hair. “So, what do we know? Rel?”</p> <p class="cnMwYjg3YWY3MmVhODQ1M2ViYjQyNjljNjJlYjRkZjRj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NDJkNWYyY2MyMjQ3Y2M4MDk4MTI3ZTFlMWEyOWE0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“The harvester is massive. It’s approximately ten kilometers long and over 2,000 times our mass.” Rel began to list what he found. “Most of the size and mass are dedicated to storage tanks. That ship type is used to siphon material directly from gas giants’ atmospheres. Its structural integrity systems are designed to allow operation even deep inside gas giants where the atmosphere turns into supercritical fluid, but it won’t last long on backup power only.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZWQ1YTUyZTE0YjRlNDg5ZjA2OWQ0YmIxMzZhMWI3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4NjE0ZWZkOWI3MDQyMDU5YzAxZGRlYWYxMzc5M2Ex" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Niko nodded and looked at Shrass. “What about the planet?”</p> <p class="cnM4MDExZDZjZDM1ZjQyYjY5OGE2OWQwZDQ1NjVkNjdi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMjI4ZDBkZTYwOTQwNmRhMGYxZTM2N2ZhNzg1ZWJk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Shrass continued, reporting his own findings. “Argosa V is a class seven gas giant, primarily composed of hydrogen, xenon, nitrogen, and chlorine, with about 3.1 Jovian masses. No exotic phenomena known, just what was expected of a planet of that type and size. I can’t see anything that could interfere with the evacuation.”</p> <p class="cnNmZjU3ZGFhZGJjMDQ4MjM4NjliYzc4YTdiOGMyYTRi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5MGZlMGZlNDA1NDQ0NzY4NTJlOTVhMzU5YjQwMzll" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Good. Let’s not screw this up, people! ETA?” Niko said, leaning somberly on the railing, watching the holographic projection of the subspace slipstream vortex curling up onto itself while the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span> raced against the time.</p> <p class="cnM2MzA2MzczZTU5YTRlMjY4YzdjMjFhMDA3ZjM5NTlm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmYTRmMjM5OTE2ZDQ4NTNiOTYyMzRjYTMwYjE2OGZl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“We’ll arrive in approximately ninety seconds.” T’Sai reported, her eyes steady on the navigational status displays.</p> <p class="cnM1N2NiZDczYTU0ODQ5ZGNhMmY1ZGNlZjc0MTNkOTcw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwZDFmOWNlYjEzNTQyYmE4NjI5MDMwOWNhNzEyNDU2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Everyone was preparing for the worst, and Niko nervously pace back and forth behind the railing, waiting until the time until their arrival had passed.</p> <p class="cnM4YTRiZDYwM2M2NDQ3NWFhOTM1ZmY5OTZkYjM4Nzk1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3Y2IwNjc2NzdkYjQwYmM5NDAwZjA1M2E1OWExNDA3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Leaving subspace slipstream in five… four… three… two… one… now.” T’Sai announced. With a deep but barely audible hum the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span> disengaged its advanced propulsion system and returned to normal space. Immediately the swirling chaos of darkness and fractal streaks of light was replaced with the towering image of Argosa V.</p> <p class="cnMzOGE2ZmY4ZDQyNTQzM2I4NzViMGMzY2IyNjAxNzRl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5YjA4MGRlNDFiNTQ1NzRhMDExMTZjZWE4M2U2ZjE3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The massive gas giant dominated the view screen, shrouded in a dark brown cloud cover interrupted by brief flashes of bright blue light, when the atmosphere’s xenon concentration was excited by static electricity. In the far distance shone weakly the system’s F-type central star, illuminating the dark clouds with a dim white light.</p> <p class="cnNmZTEyNWFiMDFmMjQyM2U4ZDQyZTk3ZjcwZWVmMzk1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3YzA0MDdhZDJjMjQ4NzVhOTYyYmM5ZDM4MTI0MWJm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Shrass? Where’s the harvester?” Niko asked, carefully scanning the scene before him for any sign of the distressed ship.</p> <p class="cnMxOGU0OTI3YTQ1MzRlMThiYjgzZDczZDE3MmFjYmJi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlMmQ5ZTk5YWQ5MzQ2MzI4ZTRjNTFmYzJlOTE3ZDgz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Andorian Ensign tapped away on his controls, and a moment later sensor information was layered onto the projection. Schematic displays, coordinate systems, and astrometric data made the image much clearer, and showed everyone where exactly the Synergy vessel was adrift.</p> <p class="cnM1YmU0ODczZTY5ZDQ1NmQ4NzVmYjdlNzBkMzM2ZDIy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0ODZkMTg1NDk5OTQzNTZhNzAwNWY4M2MyOTkyYjNm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Niko quickly tapped his combadge. “Bridge to FDS rooms. We’re in range. Begin evacuation. Focus on large groups first.”</p> <p class="cnMwMjU2NjBkMDY5ZDRiOWM5YmVkMzU5NjM0NzE2YTcx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3ZDE2ZTM4NmE2NzQ0YjdiNTNmNmIyNGY3Njk3ODli" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Haroun, put an overlay up showing the evacuation progress.”</p> <p class="cnM4YzBjMGZlZWEzZTRmMjE4N2UwMjRiZDY4NGE0MjA1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlYzYxNGFjODZiMDRhZWE5NTBkZWU4MzYwM2M5YzZm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Aye, Sir.” The Ensign interacted with a few of his controls, and a moment later a schematic overview was projected on the main screen. The schematic showed both ships and the current progress of the evacuation. The first cycle of dimensional shifting had already completed and transported 120 of the harvester’s crew onboard the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span>. Ten seconds later, another 120 followed.</p> <p class="cnNkOGEzMzVlM2I0ZDRhZmNhM2IxYzE0N2Q0MmViNTE4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhMGM0MTMxNjhhZTQzNWI4OWI4ZTExMjNmM2Y5MjRj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Captain!” Shrass exclaimed. “The ship is falling into a storm. Atmospheric speed exceeding 1,000 kilometers per hour.” With a few taps on his control the view on the main screen changed, now showing the borders of the impossibly massive atmospheric disturbance raging far beneath the gas giant’s clouds.</p> <p class="cnMyNThjMzUxYzUzYjQ4ZjA5ZjEyMzExMTAwMWU5ZWE1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzYTdhNjQwYjkyYjQ2OTk4NjAwMTM0ODI3YWRlY2Zh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Niko glanced at the gigantic, planet sized vortex that made the huge Synergy ship look like a speck of dust and gulped. This was not helping. “Shrass, scan the harvester for structurally weak sections that still hold people and transfer the data to the FDS rooms.” Niko tapped the badge on his chest. “Bridge to FDS rooms, the harvester is falling into a storm. We’ll send you specific coordinates in a few moments, get the people from those compartments out first.”</p> <p class="cnNmMjlhZTlhNGM1ODQ2ZGY5MTAyMTQxZjVlOTZkMzcy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmNDdiMjE3ZTUxYzQ0ZmY5ZmJkMDg2Yzk1YzliNmE3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">With bated breath the bridge crew looked at the dome spanning projection on the main screen. Still over 700 people left on the harvester. Suddenly an alarm sounded from the science station, and Ensign Th’akianas worked the interface to update the display. “Captain… structural integrity has failed in two compartments.”</p> <p class="cnNiYTBmZjYwM2ExYTQ1OTk5OWFkNDhmYTcwMzA4NGNh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyOGM0MjYzN2I4NjQwMzM4NTg3ZjNkNzM1MmNlYzY4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Were there people inside?” Niko asked, still stunned as he watched the sensor image of two large sections of the harvester’s hull tear free from the vessel’s superstructure and fall away into the storm, crumbling in only a couple of seconds under the impossible pressure of the gas giant’s atmosphere.</p> <p class="cnM2MDE4MzMwZjNjZTRkNDNhNjBmM2ZkNGI1YWQzMGNk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzNzU4YjkyNWE2MTRkZWVhZmJjNmYzN2M3YjFjMTE0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Forty-four, and sixty-two. Sensors detect no life signs in the wreckage.” Shrass eventually responded with a low voice.</p> <p class="cnMwMTRkMjdjOGRlMDQ3MDQ4YTQ3ZWEwOTQzMmFjN2Vk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4Y2E0OGIzNDhjNTQ2YmI4ZTU0MmJjNTUwZTlkMjEy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Damn it!” The first officer shouted and banged his fist on the railing against which he was leaning. “How much longer?”</p> <p class="cnMyYWYzZTZlOGVmZDRkZjE4NWE0MjE0MTE1NjdkYzI5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MGJlM2Q1NzJmMzRmZmE4YzNlZGJlNDQwM2E5NzUz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Forty seconds.” Haroun replied.</p> <p class="cnNiYjhiMGQ5MTI2NjQ2ZWM4MDZlOTQ0MTlhM2MwYjM5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMDE2NjI5ODlhMjQ5ZWU5ZmU3NzBjZmI4NjczMTJm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Several more external sections of the harvester crumbled and fell away, but luckily those were either already evacuated, or storage compartments. The whole bridge crew was counting the seconds and watched the numbers and indicators on the schematic overview change while hundreds of people were evacuated from the doomed ship.</p> <p class="cnM3M2VlMjdlYTgxNzQ2MGZiY2M5Y2FmZDRhYzM4NTQ5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwYWNlNmY0ZGE5YjRiNDZhNmNmMmM0ZWQxMDk0NzBh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Lieutenant Commander Heisenberg stared at the main screen, hoping against hope that the industrial vessel’s structural integrity systems would hold out just a few more seconds. Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, engineering reported. “Engineering to bridge, we got everyone. Nobody’s left on the harvester.”</p> <p class="cnM1MTUxYTBiMGZmMzQxZjRhNDJjZDU4ZjY2NmIyNGNk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NWNlMGQwMWRlMjQ2Y2ZhMThhZGVjOGM3N2VjOGUz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Thank you. Good job down there.” Niko answered, breathing a sigh of relieve.</p> <p class="cnMzZmU5ZjdhZWQ0MTRhMWJhY2YzNTc4NTMzZmQ4MDQ2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3YThkODcxNWE5ODQ4YTM4Y2U4ZjMxYjUzNjQ5NWEz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">And then the lights on the bridge returned to normal, and one of the large doors in the back of the room opened to reveal Sina standing there with a large tablet in hand. “Thank you everyone, this concludes simulation 301. Take a break and get something to drink. Meet me in briefing room one at 1600 hours for the after-action report. Niko, a word?”</p> <p class="cnM2YmUxN2YxNGYyNjQ3MmRiNDkyNzgxZThhZGNjZGFi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkMjY4M2Y2Y2IxODQyZWI4ZjU5YTI2YTY1ODEzMzlh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The junior officers rose from their stations and quickly filed out of the simulator room. After a few moments, only the CO and XO were left.</p> <p class="cnNmZGIxYmJiMWY0OTRlNGNiNDhiZjU0ZjdlOGJlNzFh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiNTJlN2RmZDk5ZDQwNzliZTk4NzU2MjM1MzhkMTU0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“How did you like this scenario?” The Commander asked while casually dropping into the captain’s chair, the large PADD resting on her knees.</p> <p class="cnM0NTUxMmM4MWU3NDRlY2Q5ODIxYThjNDQ4OTY0M2Zh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkYmRjZDllN2ViODQ5ODZhNTVhNjE4NGUwNjk5YTRh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“The polite or honest version?”</p> <p class="cnMxMmNhYWYzNWU3NTQ2NmY4NWJiMjE2NjNlNzZiYjA4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkMDIxYjI5NDE3MDRlNzhiMWE0NDJmYWM2ZTU2YmE3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Honest, as always.”</p> <p class="cnNkYmM4YmJhMzhiYjRjYjBiNDdkMmVjYzJmYjI1NGVm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjYTIyYjM5YzU2MDQzNDU5NThmYzc0MzJiODdmMjU2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“It felt good until the storm showed up.” Niko began, slowly pacing back and forth in front of the railing. “I know, I know. The simulation tries to make us expect the unexpected. Massive storms aren’t unusual on gas giants. The test is to determine how we react when faced with a rapidly deteriorating situation, and if we manage to keep the ship and ourselves under control… I’ve been on the other side of those tests several times and know all the reasons and tricks. But still, it felt somewhat cheap.”</p> <p class="cnM2NTBkN2MxNDYzNDQxY2ZhOGEyZGRiZWE4MTI1MjA1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1M2FmZmUzNjQ2NjQwMzBhMTlhMTliZWJjMWRlZTli" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Sina listened carefully to her XO’s opinion. “You think the test was unfair on your team?”</p> <p class="cnM2M2ZiYWRkOTNjMzQ0ZmViOWJiOThmZTM2ZjhlNDlh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5YjE1Yzc2ODk4ODRlZGU4YmM0OTUzNWNmNWJiZjc4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Lieutenant Commander nodded.</p> <p class="cnNmMzA2NDg4NWQ4YzQ2MTBiZTgxNDgwOGQ4NTAzMThj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiY2I1MGQ0ZTJhZjQwZmQ4ODIzYmQ3Zjk1ZWI5NWY2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“As much as I like pulling your leg sometimes, I’ll have to disappoint you this time. The test was not rigged against your group in any way. The storm was not suddenly added to the situation as a surprise, it’s been there from the start. And if things had turned out a little differently you might have noticed it sooner. At those altitudes a gas giant’s atmosphere is a supercritical fluid. Massive disturbances, like that storm, can go unnoticed on normal sensor sweeps, unless you look for hypercavitating flows. That’s how the Juno-3 probe was lost in 2129.”</p> <p class="cnM4M2IwODlmZDUyNDQ1YThhZWZhOWY3MjRhNjkwNThk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNjI1YTY3MDE1MjRhNmY4ZGE5ZWU0ZTVjODA4MTUz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Eh. Thanks for the history lesson, I guess.” The first officer quipped with a wry grin on his lips.</p> <p class="cnNjMGE3MDkzMGRhNTQzMjg5YzdkNmVkNzcwMGYyMTU0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2MTQzZmM5NjE2MDQ4Yzc5OGViYjVlZTgzODAzY2U1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Sina let out a soft laugh and rose from her chair. “You’re welcome. See you soon in the briefing room.”</p> <p class="cnM0YWI1NDNmNmE5NTQ0NThhOWEwMjQ0MGE2OGViNGZh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhOGI0NjY4NTFjMDRkMjViMTFiZTUyYTViNTY1NmQ3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Romulan turned and left the bridge simulator, returning to the staging area. Niko looked at the empty room and let out a frustrated sigh before following his CO.</p> <p class="cnNiOGQyODEzYjFjZTRiM2I5YzY4Nzk4N2MwOWQ2ODQ3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkZWQyNmZkYzhjYjRlM2I4YjQyYTE3Yzg3MTEwNjYw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">A little over twenty minutes later the crew of simulation 301 was sitting in briefing room one, refreshed and relaxed after their break. Sina was standing behind the speaker’s desk at the room’s front, preparing the debriefing. With a simple tap on her tablet, a large holographic display blinked into existence behind her, showing a summary of the scenario. The present personnel quickly quieted down and sat on their chairs, their attention focused on the Commander.</p> <p class="cnM1ZWZmMTVmODdiMDQ5NjZhYWJjMGQ5ODgzZTExM2Rk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwYjY5M2FmODY3YzRmZDM4ZmRhYmY3N2FhMGY0MTYw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Welcome to the debriefing of simulation 301. First, let me congratulate you on completing the scenario successfully. The qualifying condition was to rescue more than seventy-five percent of the harvester’s crew, and you’ve achieved that.” The Romulan woman spoke, the white shoulders of her duty uniform standing out against the dull gray of the background wall.</p> <p class="cnMxMThlYTY5ZmM1OTQxNjQ4YWU0ZDg5ZWIyZjM4YzYw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1MDNlYmExOTA1ZDRhY2Y4ZDQ1YjE2NTdlYjhkMmM2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“But I’d like to hear what you think about the scenario. What do you think you did well, where do you think you could improve? General remarks about the simulation? Speak freely.” Commander D’raxis opened her arms in an encouraging gesture, inviting her people to join the conversation.</p> <p class="cnNkYzNkNWMwOTg4NDQ2NjFiMWQ4Y2YyZmQ3NmJkYTdh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlYmZlMzNmOWZlNzRlZjZiYzI1N2VkOGJjMWFlOTFk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">After a moment of awkward silence Shrass spoke up. “I think I screwed up in the end. I should have found that storm much earlier, then we could have adapted our plan and not lose over a hundred people.”</p> <p class="cnMxNzUzZDhjZTc3NDQxYTM4OGYyMDE2YTU5ZTM1NDY2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlZmZkZmM5MjFlYTRjMDRhOGM2ZDA1MjNlOTVhMGE3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“What makes you think so, Shrass?” Sina replied, looking at the Andorian Ensign.</p> <p class="cnM3Yzk1ZTk1ZGU3YjQ3MzFiMzljNWI2ZjQyZDdjN2M5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1M2NlYjAwMGFjNTQ2M2Q5OGVmMjkyMWUxOTlmMmFj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The scientist cleared his throat. “First, I’m an astrophysicist. I know about the possibility of disturbances in a gas giant’s lower atmosphere not showing up on normal scans. And second, we knew the harvester’s structural integrity systems were operating on emergency power. I should have run more detailed scans looking for anything that could have jeopardized the vessel.”</p> <p class="cnNhYzY3NjVjNmE3NTRlY2Y5YzVhOTQ1ZmQ4YTEyYmM4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5YmIwNDZmZTc2OTQ5N2RhNGMwNDk4OTdjYzk4OTFk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">He took a deep breath. “But I only noticed something was off when suddenly the harvester’s trajectory became much more erratic.”</p> <p class="cnM4ODUwNjE0ZDZkODQxMjlhOWQzOGY0NmRkNTgwZTM3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5YWNmNjJlNmIxOTQ5MGZhMGVmOWZmZjRlMTVmZjM0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The CO inquired, taking care not to sound accusatory. “How do you think we can improve and avoid such mishaps in the future?”</p> <p class="cnNmOGE2OGI2YmNjYjQ4OGRiOTFkMzI3MWFiNDYxZWM1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkY2RhM2FmODA5NzQ1NzA4ZTIzM2FjNWEzMTQxNmFj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Andorian contemplated for a second, then replied. “Maybe we could change the planetary sensor macro to include that type of scans automatically when applied to gas giants. This would take care of that problem for everyone using the ship’s sensors, no matter which department or for what purpose or from which station.”</p> <p class="cnNiM2FhZjBjZmUxNjQ3NmVhOWM3MjYxZDI2OGNlYWE3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmZDc3NWUzMGQ5ZDQzMjRiM2RlY2RmNTA3MDdlMTVi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Sina nodded in approval to the suggestion. “Any other ideas?” Since nobody replied after a few seconds, she made a note on her tablet to remind her discussing updating the sensor macro with Tarik later. “Other opinions?”</p> <p class="cnNlZjM2NWNhYWI2NDQxZGI4NGI3NDdjYWU0NGRjZDZi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjY2FhMzAwMDEyZjQzZjZiM2M5NTYwNjBmMGIxNWQ2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“I found the scenario to be adequate. It was challenging, but not impossible. It presented several obstacles but didn’t contain no-win traps.” T’Sai offered her point of view, in her typical flat and emotionless tone. “I think the key factors to a successful completion are to immediately approach the vessel and evacuate the crew via FDS. After a brief analysis I reached the conclusion that a delayed approach or any attempt to try and save the ship in addition to the crew are nonviable.”</p> <p class="cnMyYzg5ZDJmOWZkNjRkZGVhOGE5MWI2NjA2MWUyMDMw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkN2JiNzVlN2U0MjQ0ZWVhYmM1NWVlM2I0YWQ3ZTI3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Romulan smiled. “Good. But what makes you think there was no way to save the ship? During the simulation you haven’t even considered an energy transfer to restore full power to the harvester’s systems.”</p> <p class="cnNlMTc0YTFlMzQyNjQxNWNhNzRjY2JiNTRhNDNjYTBm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwNDljMWM2NDMxMTQyOTU4MjU1NzcxNzk3YTNlYmRi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Situational time constraints, captain, and the catastrophic consequences of failure. There was simply too little, if any, margin of error. Under less dire circumstances your suggestion could have certainly been the more promising solution, but as presented in the simulation I think it would have been far too risky to be viable. In the worst case it could not only have not prevented the destruction of the Synergy vessel and the loss of its crew, it could also have endangered the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span>.” T’Sai stated, clearly making her point.</p> <p class="cnNkMTcxNDllODYzYjQxNDg4NDRlZDIwMDg1ZTZiZDlk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhMGJkMDkwYzk4ZDQ5MzJiZTliNDNhMmE2NGI4ZjA3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Thank you, Lieutenant. You certainly make a good point.” Sina drew in some air before she continued. “I think you already suspected as much, but would you actually be surprised if I told you that the effectiveness and readiness of the systems you use during your simulations are a result of the other teams’ performances during their own simulations?”</p> <p class="cnM1OTk2MDI5MWI0MDQxNzU4MDhkNjBiM2Y5ZDQ4ZWRm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzMGZmMDRjYmQ3NjRmMzNiZWYwZGM0NzhlNDgyZmM3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">There was a quick flash of murmur amongst the small group, but eventually Haroun spoke. “You mean, if the engineering team fails to repair, uh, a manifold or something, we’d only have five in our simulations?”</p> <p class="cnNmMjkxYzU0MmUxMzRiOGFhZjQ4YjQ0NDRjMTA5Mzll" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3OGExZmIxOThkYjRhODJiZDRkYmNhYmQyNWY0ZTVi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Exactly.” The CO confirmed with a nod.</p> <p class="cnNjNjMyYWM2ZGViZDRlYzQ4ZDIxNGNiOTc5NzExZDNm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzMzBlZGU0MTg1ODRhYWQ5MjU0Y2MwZTllY2IzZDA3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Well, I guess that’s expected.” The Human Crewman replied. “If we were on a starbase, these exercises would probably be run on a large holodeck, right?”</p> <p class="cnMwYzU3ODY3YjgzYjQwNzJhZjUxOTQ4NmVlODMyZTY5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiMGE2OTM3MTQzMDQ4OWZhYTlhMzU1OTNlNTZhZTc3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 8px 0px">“Yes, Haroun, that’s quite likely. However, the Synergy never developed holo technology to such a level and therefore we have to make do with the separate simulators. Anyway, if there are no further comments, I’d like to review the actions performed during the simulation…”</p> <hr> <p class="cnNhY2QyYTUwNjI5YjQ1ZGNhMjQzN2I0MjBjY2VlZGJj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px" align="center"><span style="font-weight: 600">[ Act Two ]</span></p> <p class="cnM3YzdmZTk5MjMwMTRmMzFiYzJiNmY0OGEyYzI5MmE2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2MWNmZjA5OTRmOTQxZjdiYzE4NDBjOTgxYWUzNzcy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Shori rang Visra’s doorbell again. The quirky Caitian impatiently paced back and forth in front of the door, her tail swinging from side to side, and the long dark blue casual robe flowing behind her. She was grinning from ear to ear while she waited for her friend to open the door.</p> <p class="cnNiMjc5MDgzZDgzODQ2YjM5MWE5YzZkOTQwNjkzNGI4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MTA0ZmExZjA4YTQxOGZiYzY4Nzc2M2NhZDA4ZDdl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Finally, after some more long moments, the young Alusi scientist still wearing her duty uniform opened the door and stared at her unexpected guest with large eyes. “Shori? I… I didn’t expect you.”</p> <p class="cnMwMjVhZDlkMDE2NzQ3M2RiMDY4NTVlZDJhMTI2ZWZm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkYzcyNTYyNmM1NTQ5NzliZGNkOTE5ZjM5NmQ2MWVk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Just wanted to stop by to see if you’re doing alright. Can I come in?” The Caitian asked, a happy smile on her lips.</p> <p class="cnMxOTI1NmRjNTYwYTQwZDI5ODVmOWVjNjJjM2FhNTg3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxNmFiYTU3OWRhMTQ2YWFiNjQ4MmUwMTA0ZTI1OTkw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Thanks. Yes, sure, please…” Visra mumbled, then stepping aside and waving her friend inside. The last few weeks had turned the science officer’s once luxurious diplomatic quarters into a makeshift laboratory and study. Dozens of holographic screens were silently hovering across all free walls, and even more tightly clustered around the couch. Projections of various Synergy technologies were slowly drifting through the room.</p> <p class="cnM4ZmJiYWRhMGE1ZjQyNzM4MTRiYmQzOGU5NjFhYWQw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjNjc2NjEyYjZkMDQwNzdhNjMzY2VmMWI4NGJkZmM2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Can I get you something to drink?” Visra asked as they slowly walked into the living room.</p> <p class="cnNkNTc4NjBhNmE3YjRhMmFhMzFjNzQ4NmRkMjEwZjIx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyMWZkNGJiNjQ2MjQxMzVhMGQxMmYwMGEyOTgzMTM0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“No, thanks. I’m fine.” Shori replied, but then stopped and stepped closer to the Ensign. “But what about you? How are you doing?”</p> <p class="cnM1OGVhOGIzNGUzNzRkOGRhMDdjN2Y0N2UwMWVhMzJj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5NmYwYzQwOTI1NzQxNThiNmM0ZDBjZWFhN2Y2YTQ4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Visra took a deep breath, but then a soft smile crept onto her lips and her eyes seemed to light up. “I’m fine Shori, really. It’s just that there’s so much to learn from the Synergy! You can’t imagine all the technologies and discoveries they’ve made. Did you know that they figured out that pi was not irrational? All our proofs were wrong! Pi repeats after a number of digits equal to Graham’s number. Oh, and yes, they actually calculated Graham’s number, which by itself is an impossible feat!”</p> <p class="cnMxNTVkOTBhYWY2NzQwMzM5OTJlYWE3ZGViMjhkMGYz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5NjA0NzcxM2JhZjRmZTU4ZTBmYmQyMzcxZjkyMzQ4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Their sensors, their nanometer and femtometer technology, their programmable matter seeds, their dimensional shifting, their raw computing power…” Visra walked next to the couch and with a few simple gestures pulled close several screens and projections that had been hovering in the air. “Every day I learn new things in the simulations, and I’ve been reading and studying topics I wouldn’t have dared to dream about at the Academy. Sometimes I wished I could spend more time with Tarik or 15@57, but I know they are very busy, and I don’t want to keep them occupied all by myself.”</p> <p class="cnMxN2ZmNjAyZmNkNTRiZjhiZGY1ZDc3MzdjNjMwMDI1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyYTU1ZTQwYjRjNDRjOWFhY2FkYmIwZGQ4YTBhODU0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Shori curiously quirked an eyebrow at Visra’s words. “So, you’re no longer scared of them?”</p> <p class="cnM2NmVjNTcwODQ1YTRmNmVhOTU3MDY3ZGE5N2Q1NzU5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2OThhMmZlNzVmMjQ5OTdiMDViNmUzYjk0YmM5YmU2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Alusi swallowed, then slowly shook her head. “Let’s just say, I’m no longer terrified of them. Many of them still look intimidating and make me quite uncomfortable, but I think I can manage most of the situations. Jeffrey has been helping me a lot and taught me ways to keep my fears at least somewhat under control. I still need his sessions, but it’s getting better. Also, it helps that I keep myself busy with reading and studying.” She added with a slight shrug of her shoulders. “If I’m busy I have no time to get panic attacks or anxiety fits.”</p> <p class="cnNiNjNlNjMzMDVhMTRmNDNiMDM0ZDA0ZmQyMjg3MDhm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmYzEyMzM0Y2FhZDQxNDI5YWQ0MDU4OTE1MDAyM2Vi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Caitian stepped again closer to her friend. “But you can’t keep yourself on full injectors all the time. You need to relax, or you’ll soon see Jeffrey for a burnout. Say…” Shori teased. “…have you tried the swimming pool yet?”</p> <p class="cnM1NzFmYjViYzIwYTRmM2I4MmViZmQxMjk1ODJhMTEz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1Y2YzZWRjYzcxNjRmY2RiNjEwODc2NDI3YTQyMDZh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Visra glanced at the steps leading to the large swimming pool that was partially suspended outside the annulus’s superstructure, encased in transparent duranium alloy. Several of her colleagues had already commented on how amazing it was, how it almost felt like swimming through space itself. “No.” She shook her head. “I haven’t. I’ve been too busy-”</p> <p class="cnM1MjE4YjFkZTk0ZTRiMzU4NWZlNDBjMmFmZWU3YTIw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5NmYwZmI3NmI3OTRiYmI5MzYzMmFiMzg0NTg0ZjY4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Then it’s good I’ve come prepared.” Shori interrupted and flung her robe backwards to reveal her mimetic polyalloy one-piece. The silvery liquid-like material seemed to flow on and through the Caitian’s fuzzy fur, as if it was just a slight touch away from falling off. But it stuck together and never failed to cover all the critical parts, even though it sometimes got to within a hair of being utterly scandalous.</p> <p class="cnNhNTZiNzEyZWJjZDRjMzY5NzE0MTViMzZlY2Q2ZDhm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmYjRiMTFjMTYyODQyYjY5NTJjYWFlYTlmNTQ5MzA2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Visra stared at the half-naked Caitian in front of her for a moment, then started to giggle. “You’re not trying to get me into the pool now, are you?”</p> <p class="cnM2OGVkNTYzZjQ1NTQ4NjY4NjFjOWNiODllMmZkMzk1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3OTVlYWZjYjc4MDQ1ZGJhYWI5MmU3OWUzMTczODkw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Shori just grinned and nodded, while fully disrobing. “Come on, Visra. When was the last time you did something relaxing with a friend? Just letting yourself go, letting all the worries fall off your shoulders? The Humans have a saying, ‘carpe diem.’ It’s in one of their world’s ancient languages and means, ‘seize the day.’ Your documents won’t run away, they’ll still be there for you tomorrow. But this moment, right now, will never come again.”</p> <p class="cnMxZDM0YWY3ZmViZDRkNWViZTE1ZGFjODAyZjY1Y2E4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxOWJlMjE0Y2U2MDQ2MGNhNDBjMjY2Yzg5ZGFhYmYz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Alusi contemplated her friend’s words for a long moment, biting her lips shyly, but eventually nodded. “Okay, okay. You got me. Just allow me a moment to change…” With a big grin on her lips, she let out a soft laugh as she went to the fabricator to retrieve a swimsuit, and then went to her bedroom to change. After a few minutes Visra returned, her orange swimsuit a striking contrast to her gray and purple patterned hide.</p> <p class="cnNlNTY2NDUxZTdjZDRhNTliZDhhMjJjNmY1ZmYzNTc0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyMDg2NzAxNGI3NjRhZjViZTEyMmFmYWJmY2NiZmY4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Shori whistled when her friend stepped back into the living room. “You’re killing it, girl!”</p> <p class="cnNhNmRlZTk2ZmJhZjQwNTliZjNiOTk4ZDdjNjAyMzU4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkN2VjNDQzNmEwOTQyY2FiMWU1NjY3OTc1YzBlMWY0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Alusi grinned impishly, then turned in front of the Caitian, showing off her lithe, androgynous frame. “You think so?”</p> <p class="cnM4MGZlZjI4NzQwYjQ2MzM4MTEzMWViY2E2NmIxYWM0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwYWIwOTg5YzBlMDRjZTliNjYxOGE3Yjk4MmJhYWVj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Absolutely, you look amazing! If we ever have a beach fashion show, you’ll positively rule it! But now, let’s dive in!” Shori called out and charged at the pool. The muscles on her athletic body worked as she ran towards the pool, and then jumped in a long arc to dive head first into the water. The Caitian swam with wide strokes of her arms and resurfaced after fifteen meters. “Come in, the water’s great!”</p> <p class="cnNjNTg4NWNlODFhZjRiYzE5NWQyYTMyZjYyOGQ1YTU0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkY2I0ODhhYmM5MjRlYTBhMzQ5ZGU5YzJkZjViOWQ2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Alusi approached the pool in a less reckless way than her friend and walked to the edge of the water. With an elegant jump she followed Shori into the water. She swam after the Caitian, a big smile on her lips. “You know, if it weren’t for the general physical training at the Academy you’d not have gotten me into the pool.”</p> <p class="cnM1MDdlNDUwOTRhNzQxMjZiYThiZDBkODhmMGZlMzJj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhMDUzNjE0MzVhNDRkYjViOTNjZWEzZGMwYzBhOWYx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Is that so?” Shori asked, casually treading water.</p> <p class="cnNkNWEzMmU0ODhkYjQxZGI4M2YwNmZhMzQ2NWFhZjEz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhMTUwOWNkODBiYTQwOWE5MTQwYzc0ZjgxZDdiMjBj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Yes.” Visra replied. “My species is notoriously averse to swimming.”</p> <p class="cnM4MjZhZTQ4NjQ4OTRhZmFhNTc3ZTE1MGJjM2Q4YTli" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3ZjBmZjRmYWRhMDQyN2NhODMxNTllNmRhOGEwZGZk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“How come?”</p> <p class="cnM3ZGMzYTU2ZjFhZTQ1NzA5YThkODhjNzcxZGFmNWE3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjNTFjNjUxY2YwODRjMjI5MDQyYWVkNDdhZjA1MTE3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Our ancestors evolved from warm-blooded reptiloid predators on Tial’alus. Their primary competitor was an aquatic species that dwelt in shallow waters and shore areas. They were so successful, that our ancestors developed an inborn fear of water bodies and retreated to different habitats. Even after they evolved sentience and became the apex predator on our world, this fear never really disappeared. Only through gradual exposure and training can my kind overcome this aversion.” The science officer explained, slowly circling her friend with slow strokes.</p> <p class="cnMwMTkyZDgwMjFiMjQ2MzI4Mzk5ZTc1N2ZjMmVjOGE2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4NGI4NDk2NDBkMTRiMWFhYmMyZGFhNTg0MmNlZGY1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Shori giggled. “Seriously? Your people fear swimming? I’m sorry, but that just sounds too funny. You’ve got canines rivaling my kinds’, and claws even larger than ours. What did that other species do to your ancestors that it scared them so much?”</p> <p class="cnM2ZDRlYmM0Y2IwNzQyMDM5YjFiZDA1ZTVlMWIyNzli" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxZjM2YzRlNmJjMTQ4OTE4Mjc0YzAxNDFhNzRmZmI5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“It preyed on them. It was a brutal battle for survival and dominance. My predecessors were lucky their claws evolved in time to double as digging tools, so that they could evade their competitor and still ensure sufficient access to water.”</p> <p class="cnM4MTllNDczNjU1NDQzODI4NTU2NjlmOWJkODMwYmVk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiYmNhNTY2MDhkNzQxMDViNGZiOTZjMTA1NTcyZjQy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Well, guess we all can be lucky you did come out on top of the food chain.” The chief of security teased, and splashed a large wave of water at Visra, who squealed in response. The Alusi in response dove beneath the surface, and grabbed the Caitian by her knee, pulling her under.</p> <p class="cnM4ZDI5YmIwZGFhZDQ0MjZhZmEwNDg0Njk2Nzg1MzJj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzM2MzODE5YTczMTRhYTM4YzZmZmVjMDMzZDM0MjZm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Shori flailed her arms and struggled her legs, coming back up spluttering water, while a second later Visra surfaced laughing heartily. The Caitian glared at her friend playfully, then joined her laughter. The two women teased and played with each other, splashing water and giving chase around the pool for almost fifteen minutes.</p> <p class="cnM1YTNjODEzYTliNjRhYTJhZjA0MDBjNTA1NGM0YmZl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwNmVmZDBkZDY3YjQ4YzRhOWM5ZTA3Y2YyNjM4N2U0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Eventually, Visra grew tired. After all she was a scientist, not a soldier like her friend. “I surrender, I surrender!” She called out playfully. “I need a break. I’m just not as tough as you.”</p> <p class="cnNjNmMxN2VlYTQ0OTRmYzQ5OWRiNTA1ODIxN2QzZmVm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NjU5MjllOGM3MjRkYzg4NTA5ODk5N2MwZmFiNzVj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“No problem.” Shori gently replied, swimming closer to the Alusi. “If you want we can go back to solid ground, or we could go out a little further and just drift for a while. What do you say?”</p> <p class="cnNmOGQ3NTBmZjU2ZDRlZmViMmRhZmU1ZTJmZjY5ODU1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1YjUzMTQyN2NmNjQwOTViZmZiNjJmMjE5MWZiMDc3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“If I remember correctly, the whole rage about this pool was the outside part, right?” The Caitian nodded quickly in response to Visra’s question. “But I don’t know if I have the strength to swim that far and then back again.”</p> <p class="cnM3NTk4YWIwODZlYjQzNDQ5YTgwODhmMDAzOTNjYWQy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NWM2ZmM1MDg3NzRkZGFhYTdhZTFjOTcxZjhlMThm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Don’t worry, I’ll carry you.” Shori replied, offering her hand. “Just get on your back and relax.”</p> <p class="cnMzNWRmYWUwMzM4MDQ4ZjFhMjYwM2ExMGYxODhhOThm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxOTBlZGIyYjI0MzRiNzFhOTU0ZmY3ODcxYTQxMjNl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Visra smiled and took a deep breath, turning on her back to go drifting on the surface. Shori reached for the scientist’s hand, and gently tugged her further out towards the far end of the pool.</p> <p class="cnNiYmMwOGRhZGU3ZjRjMjZiNDYzOTMxYTQyZDc2ODEz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NmQ2Yjc1Y2IyNDQ5MzdiYWZhYzA1NThiYjIwOTBm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">When they crossed the threshold to the outside part of the pool, the Alusi’s eyes went wide. “Can you feel that? Did gravity change?”</p> <p class="cnM1Yzk3ZDY3MTA5NDRhYjZiMmMxZjQ2MmEyMWMyNmM5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzYWU0MWVhMTcwYTQ3MmM4NTRmMzlmODFjNmMxZGYz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Yes. The outside part has a different configuration with a lower attraction coefficient to add to the experience. Just relax and watch the stars.” Shori spoke softly as she carried Visra further.</p> <p class="cnNkNTUwN2I5NDE4ZTQxZWM5Zjk2MWQyZjdhOTg3OGQ3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5NzU4M2E4OThmNDRiMzM5NDcxYzc5Y2U2MTE5ZjAz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Eventually they reached the last five meters, and the Caitian stopped. She now also turned on her back, drifting next to her friend, their heads side by side. “Give me your hands.” She whispered, reaching for Visra’s hands and entangling their fingers. Holding on to each other, both women silently watched the stars as they drifted almost weightlessly.</p> <p class="cnNkMzI0OWY4YmI5YTRiNThiZGM3YzQ5Y2E1ZDZmOWUy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNDVmM2U4OTkzNTQwMjY5Njk0NDIyNzkwMWFlOGNj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“You were right.” Visra whispered. “This is amazing. I can’t see the ceiling, and I feel as if I was floating in space itself. Being like this feels so… free.”</p> <p class="cnMwN2RkMjE1Y2E4NjQ2MTBiYmQ3Njg4NDJiYzM4YTIy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZTczOGZkY2FmZTRjZjVhMmFiNzIwZjg5MTc2ZjZj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Shori chuckled softly. “Didn’t promise too much, did I?”</p> <p class="cnM5MzVmNjY4MTkwYjQ3MTQ4YjcyOGIxZjc0NmU4OTFj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzN2Y5ZGNjNmZlMjQ3N2FiYzhmOWY1YzE3NjYyOTUx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“No, you didn’t.” The young Alusi replied. “Shori…? I don’t think I ever really thanked you for what you did for me that one night two and a half months ago.”</p> <p class="cnM0ZGEzMDQ5OWMyZDRkYWFhYzQwMmMzZDRmZDdjOTE5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzNDNlMjIzY2ZlZTQxYTk5MGZkMDBhMDkwNzFlZjM5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Ah, don’t mention it. It was nothing.”</p> <p class="cnNjNDhkMzJjYzc1YjRhOTRiMGE1MmVjY2M3Y2Q4NmJl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2Nzk4ZmJmMDdjYTQ2YjliODMwNjM2ZWVhZTVkZWMz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Visra smiled shyly. “No Shori, it was not nothing. You were there for me even after I lashed out at you. You were there and helped me when nobody else even noticed my problems. For that I’ll always be thankful. You’re my best friend, and I’m glad to have you. Thank you, Shori, for everything.”</p> <p class="cnNlYjU0NTUwNzU1MzQzNWJhODUxYTU4MmQ5YTViMWNl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5YjdmZTFlYTMxMjQ0ZjA4MGFhZDJlZmJhMzkwZjM2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">If Caitians could have blushed, Shori would have been as red as a tomato. “Anything for a friend. But you’re selling yourself short. It was your quick thinking and knowledge that saved all our combined skins, hides, scales, and furs. And that’s something for which I’ll be always thankful, because without you we all would probably be dead.”</p> <p class="cnMwOGI4NjY5MzUzYjQ1ZDNhNzlkNDJhMDQyNmExOTRl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzZTlhMDlkZGYxYjQxYmI5NWRmM2RkYTU1NmVkOTk0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Visra let out a deep and relaxed sigh, enjoying the time- and weightless drifting beneath the strangely familiar and yet unknown stars of this galaxy, her fingers gently entwined with those of her closest and best friend. Together they drifted across the surface of the pool, feeling like being part of eternity.</p> <p class="cnMxNjRiYmYxMDE5NTQ3MjhiODRkMmQzMTI0NmJiM2Rk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0ZGJiOGQ1ZDEwNzRhMGY5ODc2ZDI3MTQ4OTIzZmFl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">After a long time, Shori carefully squeezed Visra’s hands. “Can I ask you something?”</p> <p class="cnM4ZjYwODhhZDJkZTQ1NWU4NTA4NTlhZmI3NjQwNTY3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3ZjM5ZWNhZjA1MTQ0MGY5N2I4NTFjMGE5ZDM4NWQ0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Sure.”</p> <p class="cnNiMTk5NzZmNWRlMjRlMDk5OTdlYmUyNTI5NTE3MTAy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2M2U2NmNjZTYzNDRlZGJhOWU2YzdkZWRhNDkzNWMz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Do you think we’ll make it?</p> <p class="cnM1NzFlYjk5NjAzMTQyODI5OTFjNmM2Njc4OGVmYWNk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MDA4MjAwMDE1ZTQ1MDI5ODA3NjUzNzEyZjVmMzlj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Alusi slightly tilted her head to look at her friend. “What do you mean?”</p> <p class="cnM3Njg0NTZiMTI4NzQ0Y2I4MTQxZmM1Y2JlYTBlZTA5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjMTg0MmY3YWVmZjQ2Yzk4YWVlZjNmYTg0MDEzOGJl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Understanding their technology to the degree necessary that they’ll let us set out on our own? I’m just a soldier, but even for my team it’s quite difficult. I can’t even begin to imagine how challenging it must be for you, or our engineers.”</p> <p class="cnNkY2NiODE1YmUzYjRmY2ZiNWZiNWZkZmUyYmI0MTEx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiMGYzYzMxNWJkZjRkNTU5NGFmMWUxYTYxOGQ0Yjlh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Visra softly smiled at her friend. “It is a lot to learn and understand, I’ll not deny that. But I think we can manage it. Maybe we’ll need a few weeks longer than we thought, maybe we’ll have to run some more simulations than we expected, but eventually we will succeed.”</p> <p class="cnNmMzY5ZTA4YzA1OTQ5MzliYWY0MzhiODNmZmUwNTkw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NGU5NDk4OWViZDQxYmJiNjM3MTQ5NGQyZWRiYTUz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">She squeezed back, careful that her claws wouldn’t hurt her friend. “And don’t forget that for now we only have to be able to understand it so that we can operate and maintain the technology, we don’t have to develop or improve it. Imagine someone traveled a thousand years into the past of both our worlds and took a scientist each back to the present. Do you think those scientists could learn about warp field geometry? Or about replicator patterns? It would seem like magic to them.”</p> <p class="cnM1MzIyZjk1ZDE0MzQwOTdiMDVjODdhYmI4NWE5ZDdk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyYmJmMDVhY2YzNTRiNDE5OGYwMmI0YWZiMTg1NWM1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Hmmm… good question.” Shori replied. “Well, assuming those scientists got over the massive culture shock of being taken a thousand years into the future, to a version of their world where their people traveled to the stars and met with other species, I think they could learn those things. It would probably take quite some time, but if a newborn child could grow up and learn about those things in a few decades, those scientists should be able to so as well in that time frame.”</p> <p class="cnMzOGNiZDRiYmM5ZDQ4NjU5YWJjNGY0MWU4MDQ3YzNj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MDc5OGNlNjlkNjRiZWJiZGYzZTUzNmJkNDljNDUx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Visra grinned. “Exactly! And right now, we are those scientists, every single one of us, taken to a galaxy we never knew and having to learn things anew. We already received the culture shock, and hopefully got over it well enough. Now it’s time for us to learn. And as long as we stick together I’m sure we’ll make it.”</p> <p class="cnM2MDBkNjYzMDRlMTQ5MGNiYjIwOTFlMTM2MTBiNzFk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4YWQwOWZjNWIwMDQ0YzViZTkwNjM2NGU0ZTAzNTcw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">As they continued drifting on the water, a Synergy sphere slowly passed over the annulus, almost directly overhead the pool. Its white surface glistening in the reflected sunlight, and the thin energy lines glowed in a strong blue. As the massive ship crossed the annulus’s sunlight terminator, the sphere turned from bright white to pitch black, now showing only the glowing circles and lines of its energy grid. Both women followed the traversing ship with their eyes, amazed by its size and pure geometric simplicity and elegance.</p> <p class="cnM5MTBkOTBjNmFiYjRjMzc5ZjY2YzE4OGU5OTkwMzQy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2YmMyOTUwZjNiNjQ3ZmM4OTcyOTJlMTUwZTc5NDM4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Shori chuckled softly as the sphere passed by, piquing Visra’s curiosity. “What’s so funny?”</p> <p class="cnNlNGM0NGRhMmQxMzQ2OWM4MjIwNTI0YmJmNzcwZTEx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlZmYyOTk3MDk3YTQyNjk5MGVmNDMwYTM1NDMyZjll" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Ah, just a silly thought.” The Caitian replied. “That sphere… I was wondering how a couple months ago that shape alone was a terrifying and inauspicious sight. But now, after getting to know those people for some time, I almost find the design beautiful. Its simplistic geometric form, the white, gray, and blue color palette. It’s hard for me to believe how much my perception of them changed.”</p> <p class="cnNiNTFiNzYxMDJlODRmMjI5NDViYmY0ZTA0ZDI3MWFk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwM2M0NjU2OTAyNzRjZTk4NDYzZDE4YzYyYzUxNDkw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Visra now also giggled. “I know exactly what you mean. I’ve studied their ship designs in some detail. And no matter if it’s spheres, cubes, pyramids, prisms, or any of their other blueprints, every single one of them is just like you said. Simplistic geometry and an almost beautiful surface pattern created by their armor and energy conduits. Oh, by the way, did you know what that dull gray foundation beneath the white plating is?”</p> <p class="cnM0ZjdiMmVhOWRkMzQ3MzJhNDIxZWM1ODg4M2U5NjYz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhZWE1YWIxYmMyMjRmOGQ4ZGU5ZWZiMjFjNTZkNzk2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Shori raised an eyebrow and replied teasingly. “No. But considering the way you asked me it’s probably something impressive.”</p> <p class="cnNjZDhhYWI4ZmViZjQ4NGQ5Nzk5OWVkMmYyNjU2MGQ4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMmY4MTc2ZjA1MjRkM2E4NjNjZGM0OGFlZDI5OTVm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Alusi scientist grinned. “That was obvious, wasn’t it? It’s a coating of a neutronium alloy, on top of which plates of white composite armor are mounted. That alloy is just a few nanometers thin, but it alone makes their hulls more resilient than Starfleet ablative armor. We know the Iconians had mastered that material, and the Dominion started using it some decades ago. But so far, I haven’t found any mention about the Synergy’s process of creating that alloy. Guess that’s one of their state secrets.”</p> <p class="cnMxNTQ1NTg2NDg3ZjRmMWZiMTdhNmQwZTljZWE0OTY4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NWI3Y2U1MDUzMzQ5OWVhOThkOGUzZjhjMjI3OGU4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“I can’t fault them. If a thin neutronium coating provides that much protection, I wonder how much full armor plating made from that stuff could do.” Shori wondered.</p> <p class="cnNmOTcwZWMzY2RlYjQxY2ZiYzE2NWFiNmM2ZGI4YjQy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmYmVkYjE2OWJlZDQzZDBhYzNlYjk3YTRjOWFiYjM3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“With full neutronium plating you’d have a ship that’s probably indestructible but won’t go anywhere unless you can move the mass of a moon.” Visra quipped. “Shori, I hope you’re not mad, but can we get back to the living room, please? I think I’ve been soaking enough for today.”</p> <p class="cnNkYmViODY2ZWM1YzRiOTk4NmE1ZGY1ZDExMjdlNWEx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1ZDNjZDI5ODYwYTQyYTRiZDFjMDYwY2UzN2ViYjAw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 8px 0px">The Caitian laughed. “No problem. This feline also wants to get back on dry land.” She released the hold on one of her friend’s hands and began to slowly swim back toward the living room.</p> <hr> <p class="cnM1ZTg4ODg1YTU0YzQ5ZjdiY2I3MzM1NDg3MTRhZGI0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px" align="center"><span style="font-weight: 600">[ Act Three ]</span></p> <p class="cnMxNmMzOGFjOWY0ZDRlNDk5N2U5ZDllMWMzYjE4MzE2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwMjEzMDEyODczNjQ0OTI5YzVlOGJkN2VmNTU4MGFk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The bridge was dark and empty. All consoles were dark, and only a faint pale white shimmer provided a glimpse of illumination. Four figures stood in the deserted room. Three stood around the central chair, while one casually walked along the back wall.</p> <p class="cnNiYzZmYjFhZWNhMzRhMjQ4YzRkZDVkNmE4NjE2MjFk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZThkNjk1YWY1MjQ3NmRhYmE5OTBhODc5OGMzYzEx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px"><span style="font-weight: 600">[Don’t you think this scenario isn’t somewhat predetermined to fail them?]</span> Chiaxi’s melodic tone carried on even in her thoughts. Her mental presence was beaming in the hive-mind like a bright guiding star, while her almost towering avatar strode from console to console.</p> <p class="cnNiYzM3ZjBhODM2YjQzNDViZGMyZTkwY2IzNTI2NmYw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhMWM0OGJiZjE5MjQ0MjY5ZjhkMjM2YWRiN2EyNWNm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px"><span style="font-weight: 600">[Maybe.]</span> Tarik replied, still impressed and honored that the Matriarch had spared some time to witness and comment on the final simulation of the bridge crew. <span style="font-weight: 600">[But Sina and her crew proved to be exceptionally creative and resourceful during the last several weeks. We are aware that they managed to attain a completion rate of over eighty-three percent across all simulations in all specializations.]</span></p> <p class="cnNkZTg2ZTllMmEwYTRhYzJhNjJiNjgxZjA2YzJiNmY3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMzg5N2U2NmE2ZDRjYjE4NDA1N2Y2NGZiMmJjMGRl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">1@1 smiled to herself, satisfied that her engineer started calling Sina by her first name instead of her title or rank. The Matriarch was aware of the rift between her people and the Starfleet crew. A rift that wouldn’t close quickly no matter how amicable the situation seemed. After recognizing the seed of sympathy between them, it was her silent hope that Tarik and Sina would be the ones capable of bridging the chasm.</p> <p class="cnNhMmY5NzE3YjRjMzRmYjk5N2ZmMjIwNjljODMzOGM5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiYTE2MmEyZTA2YjQ3NTM5OGUxODQ5Yjk3MzI1ZTUw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px"><span style="font-weight: 600">[Yes, Tarik. But this scenario is different.]</span></p> <p class="cnMxZGZmMGVmMGQyOTRiNjRhYTI4ZjcyMWI3YjRiYmM5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0YjA0Zjc4YmI0NjQ4ZjRiMzJjNDJmNTZiOTcwOTg0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Now Na’lo joined the discussion. <span style="font-weight: 600">[How so, Matriarch? We’ve used historical encounters and situations before, and they managed most of them.]</span></p> <p class="cnMyN2Q3ODQwMDA5OTRhMTJhY2Y4ODYxZmNmZjE0MWZl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkZDUzYzBiZDE0NTQ3YmZhNzBlOTkyYzViNmE4Y2M0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px"><span style="font-weight: 600">[I know. But the raid on the </span><span style="font-weight: 600; font-style: italic">Kalahar</span><span style="font-weight: 600">, which started the Six Generation War between the Karraan Union and the Hublik Confederacy, was never resolved. Neither the Karraan crown princess nor the Omega particle were ever recovered. How can we expect them to beat this scenario?]</span> The Matriarch mused. She knew that 18@31 was about to speak, but Hiora’s thoughts were already known to her, sending a sly smile to her lips.</p> <p class="cnM1OTllMGRjMWIwMTRkZjRhYzViODFmMzdmMTFlNzk5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwYjYwMDljYzkyNzQyMWY4ZTc5Njg3ODQ3OTQwYzAx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px"><span style="font-weight: 600">[That’s one of the reasons why this scenario is particularly adequate, Matriarch. And because it bears a strong resemblance to a tradition in Starfleet training Lieutenant Neirrek told me about. They call it-]</span></p> <p class="cnMwMGYyNmZiYjY0OTQwYTM4NGFhOGQ2ZjNkYzBjYWJi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MzgxYjM1Y2FjMjRiMTQ4MWE3ZTJjNjRiOWIzM2I3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px"><span style="font-weight: 600">[The Kobayashi Maru.]</span> Chiaxi finished Hiora’s thought, drawing on their shared memories and knowledge. <span style="font-weight: 600">[An unbeatable scenario with no possible victory condition, that serves as a method to gauge the Cadet’s character and how they behave when facing overwhelming odds. Fascinating. I’m quite curious how our examinees will do.]</span></p> <p class="cnNjOGU0M2I1ZTQ2NjQ1YjE5MGRlMGVkNjBmYjdhMjkx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlZDczMzA0ZmEzMjQ4YWViNTY4ZmM3M2ViOWNjMGE4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Suddenly the large doors along the backside of the chamber opened and the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal’s</span> senior bridge crew streamed in, led by Commander Sina Phaio Gallagher-D’raxis. Quickly and efficiently the other Starfleet officers took up their stations, unaware of the virtual avatars observing their every action.</p> <p class="cnM3ZTFlNDE3ZDNjNTQ5NTU5Mzk4MmQzNDc1ZWRmNjQ5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiZDM4ZDJlYTRlMjRiZmQ5NjgwNGNiM2Y2Zjg4YzE4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The simulated placeholder bridge flickered briefly and was replaced by an accurate virtual representation of the simulator room. The lighting, the consoles, the people, everything a perfect replica to allow astute and critical observations. <span style="font-weight: 600">[Well then. Let’s see how they will fare.]</span> The Matriarch remarked with a grin, her three eyes sparkling curiously.</p> <p class="cnNlMzZjZWRhODcxNTQzZDhiOTNmYTQ4NzQxMzA4NDk3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4ZDUyNGEwMDMxYTQwODM5OTZmNzZiMTg5MTMzYWMy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Good afternoon, alpha shift.” Sina started once everyone had taken their place. “You all know that this is our final simulation. I guess everyone’s probably quite nervous, I know I certainly am. But I have full confidence in all of you. You’ve trained and studied hard for this moment. And I’m incredibly proud of what you all have achieved in the past five months. We have gone where none of us have ever gone before, and we have learned what none of us have ever learned before.”</p> <p class="cnM2MDdiOTgwOGVmMjQxMjFhZWZmNDYyYTkwMWM4NTBm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiNGQyZGVhMmJjYTRlYzE4ZWJkZTNhNzIyNTU1ZGRh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Any questions?” The Commander looked around, but everyone she faced simply nodded. After a brief pause, she finally sat in her chair. “Okay, people! Let’s do this!”</p> <p class="cnMzMTE0ODE3ODE2YTRiYTNiYjdhM2UxNzdmNjY4ZGQ0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyMTc1NDU4ZTY4ODQzNmY5ZDM4OTNmZjE0Yjk0ZTgy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“What’s the scenario for our final test?” Niko inquired curiously.</p> <p class="cnNlMWNkYTA0NzU1MzQyMmJiMmViZGNmODIxN2U4N2Zi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3YzNmNzUxYjgzNDQ2NzE4Y2RlNmE5MzFkYzI2ODEz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“First contact, sort of. The Synergy has established diplomatic contact with the Karraan Union, a small independent regional alliance of worlds at the edge of Synergy territory. The Karraan want to open trade and technology exchange negotiations, and we are to meet with the Union’s crown princess as a first step.” Sina smiled as she explained the scenario to her XO.</p> <p class="cnNiZmU0N2Q1NDUxZjQ5OGI4ODcyOTEyNzFiZjg0ZWQy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4ZTkwNzVmNjYwODQyZTQ4NzI5NTI3Y2RjNGQxZTdl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Hmm, sounds easy.” Niko quipped.</p> <p class="cnM2YmE4NTIwZTAyYTQ3ZTFhOWJlMjA0ZjQ1Zjc3Yzk3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwNzFlZDUyOTI0NTQzYjc5ODQ0NzBlMDYyZWEzYWM3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“We’ll see…”</p> <p class="cnNhMDQ0YTk2Y2ZjYjRmZGViNGNiZDVkMjZhYTkzMmI4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkMTU0ZTFjNjEzZTRkMGNiZGEwZTZlNmYzODA3YzFi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">A few minutes into the simulation, Junior Lieutenant Clark reported. “Sir, we received a communique from the Karraan Union Fleet Command. We’re asked to follow a specified corridor into their territory to rendezvous with the Karraan flagship, the <span style="font-style: italic">Kalahar</span>. The crown princess is already expecting us.”</p> <p class="cnNmM2IwNWFlMGNkZTRmZTBhOTM3NzNkZmYzMTUzZGI5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzZjBlOGI3YTYwNjRiYzhhZmY0ZjAxNDYzYjU1ODMz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Very good. Acknowledge the message, Duncan. Noriko, change course to the rendezvous coordinates, maximum speed. Stay inside the corridor, since we want to make a good first impression. Engage.”</p> <p class="cnNjYTY1Mjk3NDVkYTQ2NjU5MzgzNmIyOWI2Mzc1NTU2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMDFiMTZjODQwYjRmZWM5ZjUwMjNkZDI5MWYxNGIy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Aye, captain. Changing course to zero-nine-six mark zero-four. Engaging subspace slipstream at 100 percent. ETA in thirteen minutes twenty-seven seconds.” Noriko confirmed the order while swiftly operating the navigation and engine controls. The <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span> hummed softly as the slipstream drive wound up and plunged the ship into the subspace tunnel.</p> <p class="cnNhOTVhNjliNDYyOTQzMDNiOGQwNTQzYTFmOTU4YTli" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlNTBlMzgwZjUzMjQ0YTFhNmRiMjY5NjkzN2E2ZGQ1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Sina looked at Niko, confidence gleaming in her eyes. He raised an eyebrow and responded with a teasing grin. “Duncan, contact the <span style="font-style: italic">Kalahar</span>.” The XO ordered. “Inform them we’ll arrive in around thirteen minutes.”</p> <p class="cnMxYTY5Zjc5YzRhZDRkYjM4NGU3MWY3MGZhY2M2MmQ3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5ODI4MDUxY2Y4MDQxMjBiYzNhNGVmYTdlNTg3N2Y4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Aye, Sir.” The operations officer tapped on the holographic interface, but after several moments he became irritated. He tried again, moving his fingers slower and more deliberately than before. “Uhm, Sir? I can’t raise the vessel. No response on any agreed-on channel.”</p> <p class="cnM2NGIwMzk0MjZlYTQyYzQ4YWUxMTEyZDkyZmUwNTMz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3ZWE4YzlkNWU2ZTQ3ZWQ5NmRkODYzOTk1MTdkYjM0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The captain glanced at her first officer. “Keep trying. Extend to all registered channels.”</p> <p class="cnMxNjM3YWY4M2Y2MTRlY2FiNjFkMWY3ZjM3NDFlNjkz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjZTIwMTc1NjRkMjQyOThhYTg3NTI4MWZmN2JiMWU1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">After a few moments, Duncan shook his head. “No change, captain. Still no response.”</p> <p class="cnMyMThmMWExNDkxNTRjZjU5YTc3ZjE3NjAwNWQwMzZk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NWMxMmU1NGYxYzRmMzE4ZGM0MWY2Y2IwOTQ4ZTc5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Maybe they have technical issues?” Niko suggested, but Sina furrowed her brows.</p> <p class="cnMxZmQzMmI1NTZkNDRlYjNiMDkyNzBmMjYxZGI5MzFh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlYjk0ZDFkYWVkODQ2MTM4NmU4YzM2MTVhNjE0OTJj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Could be, but I want to be sure. Duncan, keep trying to raise them on any channel. Also try any deprecated subspace frequencies they might know. Visra, how far ahead can we scan while in slipstream?”</p> <p class="cnMxNThmYzY1OTFkMDQ0MWY5ODBhYTNmZWVlOTQwNDJj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMTc1YWU5ZTk5NTQ5MzliNmVlZmUzMDkyYTRmYjVm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Aye, captain.” Duncan acknowledged the order and went to work on the communications interface.</p> <p class="cnNiZmFmMzk3ZGNmYjRkYzc4OTBmMTg2YWFjMjY4ODZm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NGQ0NWU3OTE0MzQwMmE5ODI1MTIzMjIzMWQ4ZTEx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Visra quickly checked the readings on her science console before answering. “We are currently limited to a narrow sensor range along our flight path, captain. The sensors work about forty light-years ahead of us, and roughly four light-years to each side.”</p> <p class="cnM5OTUxYWNlZDg3MTRlZWNiNDJkMTgyZGM1MDRlNzdj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkYzU2NTJmMjY2MTQ0NDlhYTc3YjZjMzRjZmQ3Njcy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Understood.” The captain said. “How long until we get in sensor range of the rendezvous coordinates?”</p> <p class="cnMwMjI3ZmViNzNmZjQyZjVhYTNlNzY5YmJhMmFhMzM0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwZjI5YTg0ZjU2NTQ3NmI5YjRlZTA1MTZiMTVkODUz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Approximately four minutes and forty-one seconds, captain.” The science officer replied swiftly while priming the forward sensor array for maximum distance resolution.</p> <p class="cnNhZTllOTMwYWRlMjQ2OGFiYzMyZmQ4MjU3MDE5N2Y4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiOTMyMTMzOGY1MjQ5ODY4ODA1MGU2NDNhZTFjNzFm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Okay.” Sina took a deep breath. “Visra, try to get a sensor image the moment we get in range. I want to be sure everything’s in the green when we arrive.”</p> <p class="cnNkMTE1ZDNlN2I5MzQ5Y2I5OWY4OTIzZWM3YTZkMDdm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwYjE1ZmJkNDU2YTQ1OWJiODg5ZDFiMzk1ODcxM2Iy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Aye, captain.”</p> <p class="cnMwZTBmYmJiOTNkNjRhMDJhODI4M2VmNGJkMGViMjZm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhNTZlMTI3NjliYTQxZDZhNWM1MWIxYzhkNGNiMmU2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The following minutes were spent in silent concentration. Any communication attempt made by Duncan failed. He couldn’t get any response on any channel or frequency, even after ensuring with a level three diagnosis that the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal’s</span> comm systems were working correctly. When the ship finally got close enough for sensor contact, the tension on the bridge was almost tangible.</p> <p class="cnMxYWQ3MzZhMWU1MzRiMzM5OTMzYzQ4MGVjMmY4ZWU0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1MTQzM2FhZjlhZDQ2OGVhM2MyNGRkYWM4YWNmMDNm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Visra, status?”</p> <p class="cnM2YjM2NWMzMTU2OTRhNDY4YzFlOTUzM2VkNTc0MmVl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3YWUwMTQzZmQ2NTQ4Y2I5OGQyMTIwNGM3NzAzNjI4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Captain, there are some strange interferences and subspace distortions at the rendezvous coordinates. The sensors are having some difficulties to adjust. I need a few seconds to compensate.”</p> <p class="cnMyMmFiMWQxNzMwZjQyZjdhNDQ0YzQ3ODdjMGMyMjgy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyYjA2YTk2NDE4YTQ5OTA4YTViYjU3MjE5ZmY1Njgw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Take your time, Visra.” Sina said reassuringly. “Just give us a clear image.”</p> <p class="cnNlYzkwODAzYWI2ZjQzZThhYTc4N2YyYzc3MjU4OTNl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMzRlNDYyN2EzNzRkZTc4YjA3NTcxOTU4ZTI1MzVi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“I think I’ve cleaned up the interferences. The sensors are now picki…” Visra’s voice trailed off in the middle of the word and her eyes went wide as she saw the images in front of her. “Captain, sensors show a massive debris field stretching over almost a full light-minute cubed.”</p> <p class="cnMwZTg1NmYwMjBjZjQ5MjJiMDA1ZmUwMTM3ZTIzY2Mw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxZmE0YTE1MTYxNDQ0NzE4OGE3MTkxZDE0ZTRhMzlk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“What?!” Sina and Niko basically exclaimed simultaneously. “Origin? Any signs of the <span style="font-style: italic">Kalahar</span>?”</p> <p class="cnMxZjQyNjQ0YjQwNDRjZTdiYzhiZWY2NzU4ZDVkZGVm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4ZjliZTRhM2Q1MzRjMzE5ZWM2NDY3OTc3MWNkYWMx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“The debris appears to stem from several dozen Karraan starships, as well as some other types of spacecraft that most likely belong to the attackers. No sign of the <span style="font-style: italic">Kalahar</span>, but… I’ve identified the interferences. The attackers are using subspace weaponry, and there are nine isolytic tears in the area.”</p> <p class="cnMzNzllOTRmNjk0ZDQ0N2FhYTIxZjg5ZjVjOGFkZWQw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3MmI1MDE2NGQyMDQ5Yjg4MjBlMDI3OWQzNTFjZjVi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Oh shit!” Duncan mumbled.</p> <p class="cnNiMTg5YjY4NDUzMjRhNmQ5MTgyZGNiMzI4NTdkYzM3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyMzVjODBlNzE4NzQ3YTc5YTczNGZlZTFjZWVkZmE5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Commander D’raxis looked at her first officer for a moment, then stated with firm voice. “Red alert!” The lights on the bridge changed instantly, and a single klaxon sounded the ship-wide alarm signal.</p> <p class="cnM5MzA1NDhmOTk2NDQ0NjA4NTVhOGVjYzNjZWE3NWZi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwNTdmZTg1ZjY0OTQyOTliNDAzMDlmNjVjNjM4Yzhl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Lieutenant Commander Heisenberg turned to face his captain, a serious and worried expression on his face. “You really want to go in? Against an attacker that destroyed a whole fleet with utterly reckless use of subspace weapons?”</p> <p class="cnNlOTE1OWFlZDNjMDQyMTA4N2U3M2Q0YjVhYWQ3ZDE1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyZWFkY2UwOTAwMDRhMWY4ZWYxOTk0NGIyYTY2OTRm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“I haven’t said that, Niko. But I want to be prepared in case there’s an ambush waiting for reinforcements. Also… Duncan, contact the Karraan Fleet Command. Inform them of the attack and transmit all sensor data.”</p> <p class="cnNlM2Y4Yzg3NGIwZDQ0MjE4MDg2ZGZjOGIzNDUzYjBm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkYjg1N2RjNjcyZjRiMzI5ZWJjN2M3ZDBhOWY5MWIw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Aye, captain.” The ops officer replied and went to work.</p> <p class="cnNiNjg0ZGQ5ZWZmNDQ1OWU4OGQ5MmMwMzUxOWE1NDcx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmYzU3YjI2MDlmYjQ3ZTU5YTg1MTg1OTRhNjQzNWZm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Sina stood from her chair and slowly paced back and forth at the edge of the first bridge level. “Rel, tactical analysis?”</p> <p class="cnNlYTljMzBkMWVhNDRlZGQ5NWU1OTg5N2MxMTA3NGY1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyOTM3ZWRhMjAwYjQ2Y2NiYzY5N2MwZWYxMWJmODMx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Our barriers can withstand those isolytic tears at least for some time and we should be able to outmaneuver them. But given the limited information we have about the attacker it’s impossible to give a more detailed report. We should proceed with caution.” The Cardassian replied.</p> <p class="cnM0NmViNDVjYmE2ZjQ0MTRhNjE4N2FmNWYxZjViMDAx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5YzAyNzg3ZGMwNzRiZjE4NGQxMjUzNTA2MjI4YjFm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Thank you.” The Romulan turned to her XO. “What do you think are we looking at?”</p> <p class="cnNiYzEyODQ1MzY0ZjQ5MzQ4MDhiMmZiNjE4MjkwNDBj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MDlhZTZjZjE5ZDRkZWQ5NmI4Yzc3NjIzZmZmOTk0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Niko shrugged. “Could be anything. Rebellion, terrorist attack, assassination of the crown princess for political reasons, civil war, raid by a third party… there’s too little information available. Also, we should be careful not to get involved in something that’s out of our league. I think the Matriarch won’t be amused if we drag the Synergy into some war.”</p> <p class="cnM3MmIzY2EzYjYxMTRlMDc5ODllMTBmNzQ2MmU0ODkw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2OGMzOTJmZWE0NTQ5YWRiN2YzODYxMzk3OGNkYTg4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“True. We need more information. Visra, anything new on the sensors?”</p> <p class="cnM0MTgyNDQxZjc2ZTQ0NjVhZmFiMGNmODZkZmRiYjlj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3YjFlZjk0ODMxNzQ3NWViMWQ2MzMzM2FhNzY5YmQz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Yes, captain. The Karraan flag fleet has been destroyed. I’m detecting hull fragments from over 200 ships, including the <span style="font-style: italic">Kalahar</span>. The attacker fleet consisted of probably thirty vessels of many different configurations, of which only two are still operational. From the distribution of the wreckage and the lingering subspace distortions, I’d say it was a surprise attack.”</p> <p class="cnNlYjRkOTYyMjgzMTRmZTBiYjMwYmFmYTA5MTY4MjUz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZmE3NWVhY2FjNTQwM2ViMGY4MzBiZWU5NTdlMDhj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“What makes you think so?” Niko asked.</p> <p class="cnM3YjU1YzA1MWQ1NDRjMDdhZWE2NjdiYTI1ZmUwMGQy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlMjc5OWUyMzBmMjRkY2RiNTQyMzNmODBhM2NiYTEx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Sir, most of the wreckage is drifting in formation. That suggests that the Karraan fleet was not expecting the attack. Also, sensors picked up traces of at least fifty isolytic bursts. This suggests that the attackers approached, maybe cloaked or disguised as a trading caravan, and then deployed a massive volley of subspace weapons that overwhelmed the surprised flag fleet.”</p> <p class="cnM1ODU2MjZkNWNlMTQ4ZTFhM2EyM2NiNzIyZDA5NDU5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NDUzY2ZlMDNlODQ2MmI4MGE3Y2E4NmFmMDQzMzNl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Suddenly Duncan spoke up. “Captain, we’ve received a response from Fleet Command. They will send as many reinforcements as they can manage, but their closest ship is over forty minutes away. They authorize us to leave the corridor if necessary and ask us to ensure the safety of the crown princess if possible. They also say that the <span style="font-style: italic">Kalahar</span> was carrying a… an Omega molecule as a token for the negotiations.”</p> <p class="cnM0NTFkNjUxY2M0MzRlZjY4YTdlMGIzY2FkN2M4Y2Y1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzMTFiODliNGNmMjRhMDU4NGU5OWU0ZjE3ZWU5MTg0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Commander D’raxis sighed. “So much for sounding easy.”</p> <p class="cnM2YzY5MWJhMTI1MjQzY2U5MzAyNjI4MzlmYjY3YjUz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3OTBmZTVkOTcxMjRkYWI4NTllMDA3Y2YxZWU1NjY5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“ETA in about five minutes, captain.” Noriko mentioned, reinforcing the urgency of the situation.</p> <p class="cnNhZDVmNjZlMmI2MzQ2MzJhMjQ4Mjc1MmIzZDBjZmM5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxNTA2OWIzM2YyNDQ2NWJhYjE0NjBkMzEwZTU2Mjdh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Sina tapped away on the holographic interface of the captain’s chair, bringing up details of the Fleet Command’s response. After a few moments she dismissed the virtual screen with a flick of her wrist and sighed. She turned to her first officer. “We’ve been asked by the Karraan government to intervene. I don’t think staying out of this is an option anymore.”</p> <p class="cnM4ZjEzNzViZDQ2OTQ4NWY4Njg2ZTIyOWVhYzk5Y2Yy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiYmYwNTA5OWI0NzQ4ZDc4MmEzZjQ3ZWI1YWNmZGE1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The German officer rubbed his forehead, mumbling to himself. “Just great. I really should learn to keep my mouth shut.” After a moment he looked back up at the captain. “You’re right, we cannot walk away from this. But let’s do this by the book and not screw it up.” The XO brought up the intra-ship comms. “All hands, battle stations.”</p> <p class="cnNhZDA4NmY2ZTkyYzQxMDdiYjVlNjNlYzdhMDljZjZi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1M2UyOTNjZDk3MTRiZDM5Y2FiMWEwYTUzN2ExYzMy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Another alarm klaxon sounded, signaling battle stations ship-wide, and the lighting changed again. The bridge was much darker now, with a blood red crimson glow shining from above. Even though she knew it was only a simulation, Sina found the atmosphere disturbing and nightmarish. She hoped to never experience this situation outside the simulator. The Romulan took a deep breath, then leaned over the railing in front of the bridge.</p> <p class="cnM5NDE3OWM0YTkzOTQ1Y2FhZmY3MGFkMDk5OGQ5ZmQ5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiZGJlZTMwM2VkMDRmNzE5Yzk0MjQ0NjE0MWIyZmVl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Rel, coordinate with Visra to get a tactical sensor sweep before we drop out of slipstream. The moment we get there, I want all our defensive and offensive systems ready to engage any potential threats. If anything shoots at us return fire immediately without waiting for orders, but try to disable the attackers.”</p> <p class="cnNiNDE2YWM0MGM4OTRiZTBiYTAzZjM1OGMwNTEzY2Q4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkZjkxNDYwYWIxYjRiZTJiYjBlMjA0NmIzMzhlNWIz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Aye, captain.” The Cardassian officer nodded with a serious expression on his face, the holographic overlays on his console already showing weapon readiness, barrier strength, and other tactical information.</p> <p class="cnNmODQzYzNkZjEzODQ0YTc4NjcwNDM5YjljNGVhMTE0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhOTE1MDA5ZjRlZTQyNjI5MzdmNTUxMzg1NTc4NDM5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Noriko, the same applies to you. If there’s a threat or obstacle heading for us, take any necessary evasive maneuvers without waiting for me or Niko.”</p> <p class="cnM3NzUwYzNhMGFkYTQ5NzdiMGRlYjdlMWI2MWEyMjE5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiOWIzNTBiMDY4MzQ1YzRhYWFkMmVjYmMzYWYxYWUy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Aye, captain.” The Asian pilot responded, the nervousness obvious in her voice.</p> <p class="cnM0ZjBhNTZlYWM1MTQzZDNiYTBkMzVmNzk2ZjJkMmIw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMmU3OTNjOTcwNjQxNjlhYjdjMzQ3NWZiNzVhODU4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Sina, we should leave slipstream some distance away from the debris field. We don’t know if the attackers managed to deploy mines.” Niko remarked, rising from his chair to stand next to Sina. “Or the debris might simply inhibit our maneuverability when trying to avoid the tears.”</p> <p class="cnM0NTFkYzc3ZjQyZDQzZDRiZWFiMTYyMjZmYjM5MWQy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlZGNiYTIzOWUyYzQ5ZmM5YjQyMjIxMTk5OTI1ZTc3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“You’re right.” The captain said. “Noriko, bring us back to normal space a few light-seconds away from the edge of the field.”</p> <p class="cnM4NjhjMThlYTU1NjRjNmQ4ZDYxYjhjZGMyYTQ0ODJm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiOWNmYTYwMGY5ZDQzZWViNTI2NzY0YzI5M2MyNDhm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Ensign Yamada acknowledged the order and quickly adjusted the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal’s</span> plotted course. “Aye, captain. ETA at new coordinates in three minutes and ten seconds.”</p> <p class="cnM4YWQ1ZmYzOWEzZTRkZmFhZWQzZmQ4OTNjYjNiYjAw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlOThlNTQyMTcxNDQ4YzE5NzI1OGNiY2YyMzI1NzAw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Rel, Visra said there were still two operational attacker ships. Can you tell their status?” Sina asked while already mentally preparing herself for the view of the battlefield she’d see in a few minutes.</p> <p class="cnM5M2FiYjAwZjk1YzQ1ZTI5NWEwNTNkNGYyNmZhODRh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwZjRjNWYzM2I5ZjQxMjBiNDdiMDBlMjMzZGEwOTBj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Yes, captain. As far as I can see they have been damaged but are still battle ready. They are also moving away from the battlefield at supra-warp velocities. They will soon leave our slipstream sensor range.” The CTO stated.</p> <p class="cnNkZTI1MzI1MmUxYzQ2OGU4YTVjNzM2MzU2ZGRmMjJm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNjZmYTY0NWI0YzRlYTQ5NzU0YjMyYmYwODJiZTVi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Understood. Keep tabs on them when we get back to normal space, I don’t want to get surprised should one of them decide to turn around.”</p> <p class="cnMzMjRkNjJlNTkxMjRkZDRhY2Q5M2Y2ZDliOGRhZDNh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjY2Y3YzU5Mzg5NTQyOGRiMmMzOTllM2U5Y2MxZTBk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Matriarch’s avatar curiously eyed the projections of Sina and Niko on the virtual bridge from a few steps away. Na’lo was watching Visra, while Hiora stood next to Rel’s station, critically observing the tactical settings and configurations he had set up.</p> <p class="cnNjYWM5NzQwYmY5ZjQ5NTFiMTcyNWJiY2IyNTgxYjdh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwOGMyODk5YWIwMTQzMDc5MzhhYjBiNGJhYTE2ODY5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Tarik stood next to Chiaxi, his arms casually crossed in front of his chest. <span style="font-weight: 600">[What is your impression of their performance so far?]</span> He asked.</p> <p class="cnM5ZTRhMWJlZTI4NDRhY2RhMjFiOGQxYjE1M2M4ZGNj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NGQwOTdmMDAzYzRkNzZiNGRhYmRmN2RjMTgwNmM3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Synergy ruler replied softly. <span style="font-weight: 600">[So far, their responses have been adequate, but on the other hand there has been little opportunity for failure yet. It was prudent of them to scan ahead to investigate the situation as it developed, but I think the more interesting and decisive moments will start in a few minutes when they enter the battlefield. I am curious to see how Sina and her crew will approach the splitting of the attackers’ remaining vessels.]</span></p> <p class="cnM1NmM3NDFiN2M3MjQzZmU5YWJhYTg5MWVmOWMyOTZj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0YzkwMDkzYWI5NTQyYmVhNmU2NWQzZjc5Y2I2NTU4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 8px 0px">Tarik smiled. <span style="font-weight: 600">[That makes two of us.]</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnNlOGI1Y2I4NDU1MDQ4ZDFhYjg4NWUzMWU0MmM4Y2Rm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px" align="center"><span style="font-weight: 600">[ Act Four ]</span></p> <p class="cnNjYzI0NWEyNmRkNzQ4MDc4ZDIxYzJkZTNjODcwY2Vj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkNGM1OTVlZjEyYzRmNjhhNjNhODdiYmEwMmZlODAz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Dropping out of slipstream in three… two… one… now!” Noriko announced, and the view screen returned from the chaotic vortex of subspace slipstream to the familiar darkness of normal space. But the sight projected in front of the bridge was a nightmare. They looked upon a vast field of debris and wreckage, burning fragments of hundreds of ships brutally torn apart by dozens of subspace tears. It was a panorama of death and destruction unprecedented of anything Sina or any of her crew had ever witnessed before.</p> <p class="cnNlY2I0M2Q3NDNmYjQyODJhYTAwZTZlMzViMDIwZDhi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzMTQwMzRkNzU1YzQ4ZDhhM2JmYWUzODEzOGI0OGE0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Romulan Commander stood at the hand rail, her gaze trying to scan the view in front of her for signs of the attacker. “Any signs of the attackers around?”</p> <p class="cnMyYzU0YTVhOWE5NTRiNzc4M2ExZTY5Y2YyZjE5MzFi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3ODQyODIxZGJhZjRiNDlhMjYxYzUyNTMwZWFlMDhj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Negative, captain.” Replied Rel, focused on the continuously running targeting scanners. “They are still moving away on diverging courses. One ship appears to use some variant of coaxial warp and is leaving a quickly decaying line of compressed neutrinos. The other one created a massive triquantum shock wave, indicating a simple transwarp drive.”</p> <p class="cnM0Y2RlNzdmNTgzYjQ1OWZiOTQzMTExNWFkY2IzODMw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmNjg2YmIwZGQzNjRmZjliMGU2NTRhNDlkZjg0NjA2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Cardassian had barely finished when an alarm sounded from Visra’s console. “Captain, two subspace tears are approaching. They are drawn to our OSR.”</p> <p class="cnNkZWM2YzVlZGRkZTQ2NWZhZGY0NDVhODhmZDA5NDY2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjNDIyNDE4MzZlYjQwYjA5M2MwMWYzNmY3NTYzYzUw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Understood. Noriko, keep us a nice distance away from them!” Sina ordered, trying to sort her thoughts at the sight of the massacre.</p> <p class="cnMyNzdjNTUwZGRjODQ0MTVhOWM5OGNlMzI4NTMyYzEx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyM2Y2YmI2MzNhMTQyNzZiN2RkZWRiYTZhMzA3NTE0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Aye, captain.” Noriko replied, her hands flying over the console to get the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span> moving.</p> <p class="cnM5Zjg2Nzg5ZTI1ZDRlYzlhMmY0ODRkN2RkYWU0NzYz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4NjRkOWU0YzBlZjQ3Yjc4NTI1MzYxM2ZlNTYwNDVk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Niko stood next to her, a PADD in hand. “Visra, are there any life signs in the debris?”</p> <p class="cnMyZTFkNWYxZjQ1NzQwY2ViOGJjZTk1Nzg4Zjk4MDdl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZjMzMWNhNWZjMDRmODhhNmRmODQwYjg1Zjc4ZDE5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Alusi scientist quickly adjusted the sensor calibration, then reported back. “Yes, Sir. I’m picking up a few hundred Karraan life signs in the wreckage, many of them already weak. I’m also picking up a low-powered short range transmission, probably from a damaged emergency beacon or escape pod, but it only shows static.”</p> <p class="cnMwNjkyNzk0MWQzMzQyMzU5ZDNmYTFhN2ZjNGNjZTdm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1ZmFjM2IxMGIwYTQxZGU5YjhmYjlmOTY4YzVhNjg0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Sina tapped her combadge. “Bridge to engineering. Spin up the manifolds and prepare to transport the surviving Karraan onboard.” She tapped the combadge again, not even waiting for the confirmation of her first order. “Bridge to sickbay, we’ve got a few hundred wounded Karraan coming in. Co-Yor, I need you to…”</p> <p class="cnNkOTYxNGU4ZTNiYTRmZGZhMmFhMzU3ZjAxNjU0ZjM3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzZDFmN2U5MjFkYTQ3YmVhNmJiNjVlYmNmYmU0MTA0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">While the captain and the XO were coordinating and preparing the ship for the rescue of the survivors, Duncan leaned to the side and asked his colleague. “Hey, can you transfer the transmission data to my station? Maybe I can help clean it up a bit.”</p> <p class="cnMzOWZjNTJiNjk4YTQwMjg4MGQ0NTYzODk2MzYzYmU0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4YWI4ZGMzNTgxYzQwMDBiMDVhNTdhNTQ0YTAyZmFl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The young Alusi nodded, and with a few taps copied the undecipherable message and all its meta-data to the ops station. Junior Lieutenant Clark nodded, and whispered his thanks. Then he went to work, trying all the standard filters that were usually enough to wrestle at least some information from broken messages.</p> <p class="cnNhNmM2Y2QzNmM5YTRjMTNhZjU4ZmIyYjMzYjAyYjRl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkNGQ0ZGI3ODk4YzRiZDA4N2UwMGU1NjJkZjYyZDU4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Duncan got a little irritated when the result still came up empty. Maybe it was indeed only a damaged transponder that transmitted only static. He was about to discard the data, but then decided to try one more attempt.</p> <p class="cnNjODIyNjcyZmU0ZDQzMjk4MmNmMTliYmU5MmJiYTY0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0OTcxOGJlZjUwODRhYzJiMTA2ODIyNzA1NDg0OGY3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">He ran the message through an entropy filter and aggregated the result in chunks of one sigma. Suddenly he was looking at a plot of data points neatly filing in three-by-three-by-three matrices. Duncan quickly fed those matrices into a probability sequencer, and almost immediately the result showed on screen. The signal was not random. It couldn’t be static.</p> <p class="cnMyNzc4YTExODhkODQzMTg5MTAxM2U5YzQ1NzJmMjVm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhZDAyYzg0NDk1MTRhYTI5MDQwODIwZTZiYjBkMjMy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">With a mix of desperation and curiosity Duncan ran the universal translator over the dataset, hoping the highly specialized system could make any sense of the matrices. He only hoped the message would contain any useful information, and not a random crew member’s lunch plans or favorite fiction. The moment he saw the result on one of the holographic displays in front of him, the Scotsman spoke up. “Captain! I got something here.”</p> <p class="cnNjMTI4MDJhNTMxZDQ0MjRhYzgyZjM4OTBlMDgwZDRi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0Zjc4ZjA4MjBhNzQzZDQ4NmYzZDk2MGJlOTNmODU2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“What is it, Duncan?” Sina asked.</p> <p class="cnNhNTYyOTFmMTIzNjRlNDZhNzM2NTdiYTFlMjE3NDhh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxOGMzMGVhNTczZTQzYzFiMDJhNDYxNWYyYzkxZDY1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“I did some signal analysis on the static transmission Visra found. The signal is not random. There is some data contained in it, encoded in three-cubed matrices, similar in principle to Morse code. The universal translator managed to decipher it.”</p> <p class="cnNkYzViMTdmNDViYTQyYjU5MDEwYzFmOGZhNDY3ZTE3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3YjhhOTkzN2IxYzQ0NTY4MzMwMzQyOTQ2NmVkYTI4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Sina looked at Niko. The XO nodded and turned to the ops officer. “What does it say?”</p> <p class="cnM0MDVlMjIwMjJhODQxOWE5MjhmODE3ZDkxOWQyOWVh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5NjA5ZjA4YzAzYzRiMDZiOTIzYjJiMjlhNTQ2MTkz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Duncan took a deep breath. “‘Raiders belong to Hublik Confederacy. Surprise attack. Unknown cloaking device. Subspace weapons. Kidnapped princess. Stole Omega.’ Then it repeats.”</p> <p class="cnMzNjAyOGRkMTY4YTQ1M2JhNWJhN2M3NTM4MDNkOGJl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyMTU1ODk2Y2Y2ZTRhY2NhODQwNmI3NGI3Nzk4Yzlh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The CO stared at the view screen for a second. “That’s why they split up!”</p> <p class="cnM0OGQzNDY0N2JiOTRlNTU5ZTc0MjVhMGMxMTRjZDhi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1Y2U4YWU3Nzk2ZTRkM2Y5Y2U1NGQ1M2Y2ZDIzNDE1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“One ship carries the kidnapped princess, the other transports Omega. They use two different routes to minimize the risk of both being intercepted or pursued.” Niko completed Sina’s thought.</p> <p class="cnM3Mzc1ZjAwMDZkYTRiZGM5NDFjNmM3MTY5MWEyNWU2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmNjJjYTIxZGNkZTQ1NzI5MTBhYWYwNWY1NzNkNTk0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Romulan turned to the science officer. “Visra, how long will be able to pick up the triquantum wave with our sensors?”</p> <p class="cnNkMjRhNDBhYTAxYzQ4NTI5ZWQzMzgzN2MyNWE1OTVk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3MmY5ODAzYjBhZjQ5M2U4OTVlZGQ5N2E0MjI0MWRh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“I guess at least another hour. Their drive is not very sophisticated and causes lots of subspace damage. But the neutrino trace will have completely dissipated in the next ten to twenty minutes.” Visra replied, already knowing exactly what the follow up question would have been.</p> <p class="cnM2NTIxODg3OGRiYzRiZDU5ZjA1ZDljMTI3Y2Y3NGY3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4YmVkODI3NjBhMTRlNzliYWY5ZjVlN2Y4MmQ2Mjc3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Captain.” Rel began. “If we want to pursue any of the attackers’ ships we should do so right now. Every minute we delay increases the risk of them grouping up with still cloaked reinforcements or handing over their cargo to other ships. Also, they didn’t seem to use the mentioned cloaking devices for their escape. Maybe they have been damaged during the battle, or they were one-use devices. Right now, we have the advantage that we could easily catch up to either of the ships.”</p> <p class="cnMzOTAzMzIzMzA4MDRjN2NiYjM1ZjBhNmUyOWFjMDU4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NGYyNmYxMjZlNTQ1YmFhMWZkYjc0YjQ5YTliMjRl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Niko turned to Sina. “Rel’s right. Rescuing and treating all survivors will take at least ten more minutes. The longer we wait the less likely we’re to catch any of them.”</p> <p class="cnM0NTZkZDllMjg5ZjRlOTQ5MzU0MWVjMGQzMDQ1ZWQx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5YzcyNmVjNmExMjQyMmViYTQ1M2RhYzdlMmQ2YmJl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Romulan let out a heavy sigh. She hated the thought of leaving the survivors behind, knowing well enough that most of them probably wouldn’t make it until Karraan forces arrived to continue the rescue operation. But she also knew her CTO and XO were right. It would be worse to let the attackers get away with both the crown princess or Omega.</p> <p class="cnNmMTMwNWJmZTMyYTRmNzI5MDUzNGIxZjNkODYwZmE4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjNWEwYWI4OWJmNDQyYWE5MjVjYmUxNGRkOTNlYzdl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Noriko, follow the neutrino trace. Pursuit course, maximum possible speed. Engage.”</p> <p class="cnNmOTNlZTAwYzAwZjQ1ZmU4YjMzMzA0YWY3N2EyOTFk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1MGViZjA3NTM0NDRmY2U4ZTBhOTkwMmVjN2M4ZTE2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Aye, captain!” The young Asian acknowledge while her fingers swiftly manipulated the holographic controls. The <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span> elegantly turned around and quickly disappeared from normal space, leaving the two subspace tears that had been following her all dressed up and nowhere to go. On the bridge, the view screen’s visual was again replaced by the familiar black and rainbow fractal vortex of subspace slipstream.</p> <p class="cnM4MjM4OWQ0ODFhMDQ1YzI4ZWQxODI0NTc4NGI4OWQ1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiYTJiMDNjYzQ5MzRmYzJhMmYxMDA1ZmE3NzMzMGUz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Based on the neutrino trace, can we make any statements about the ship’s top speed?” The XO asked everyone around, not addressing anyone since the question involved many disciplines.</p> <p class="cnM4NzRmY2Q1Y2ZjNzQyNDViYjRlNDcxMjZiOTAxZGY0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwNmIxMzRiYzJlZjRlMmViNjgyZmM1YjM0ZTMwN2M1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Visra was the first to answer. “Somewhat, Sir. The trace is highly unstable, and the compression ratio indicates that their coaxial drive is equally unsophisticated as the other ship’s transwarp drive. Since coaxial velocities are primarily determined by the neutrino compression, I’d estimate their maximum velocity at around 150 to 200 light-years per hour.”</p> <p class="cnNiYzgxMDU4OTgxODQ4NmFiY2I3ZmFjMGE5NGU3NmE0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2Mzg0NmIwOTBlOTQ5NzNhNTQ3YjM5NDk3NjZiNmMw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Niko chuckled. “That makes them still more than five times faster than the <span style="font-style: italic">Enterprise</span>. Their lead is about twenty-five light-years, so we should catch up to them in less than five minutes.</p> <p class="cnMwNzg5ZGYwYjg2NTRlMGRhMDcxZjczN2ZiOWUzOWRl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyMzViMDkwZDE3OTRiMmI4NGZmNDFhOGUyMDI3YzJj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Good.” Sina nodded. “Rel, how many slipstream probes do we have onboard?”</p> <p class="cnNkMmNiNzI4OTE0OTQ3NzZiMjVlMjZmZTc0Y2JkY2E2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlZTMxYjU5MWFlNDQwZmQ5NzQ1NjkxYTVkNjMyM2Vi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Ten, captain.”</p> <p class="cnM4Mzc4MjY0NWNmOTRlMTA5M2I2Yjk3YTM3NDRiMmIz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4ZGM5NmE4ZWZlOTRiNDFiNTQ4OTJjOTY2ODdiNTNl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Reconfigure half of them to act as sensor buoys and relays, and immediately launch two from the aft bay when ready. Set them to follow the triquantum wave. I want to keep a close eye on the other ship to avoid any surprises. The probes will be our eyes while we’re chasing this vessel in slipstream.”</p> <p class="cnM3YjZlZDM4ZWU2ZjQzYzliMTdjYjllYjg4ZjU1MDE2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1YzY1YmJjMWRlYTRkM2FhZmYzZjU1ZGEyODE3M2M2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Aye, captain.” The Cardassian responded, and immediately went to work with his Alusi colleague to reconfigure and launch the probes.</p> <p class="cnMyZWE0YzhkYjU1MjQ4ZTA4NTMyZTRjOGY5OGY4ZDVi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxM2M1MDIyNjNmYTQ3ZGI4YjBlNmE2Y2NhOTE0MDZl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">On the simulated bridge Tarik grinned at the Matriarch, beaming with pride at Sina’s idea. <span style="font-weight: 600">[I told you they were resourceful.]</span></p> <p class="cnNhNWY5OWY0ZmZiNTQxM2ZhOTgzYzFiNzU1ODJkMjMx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiOTA3Y2I2ZWU3ODQ5N2Y5NDE2YmFlYmU1YmJhYzBk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px"><span style="font-weight: 600">[Indeed, Tarik. Using stellar probes this way is an interesting solution to compensate for their current situation. But the simulation is not over yet.]</span> Chiaxi replied, her three eyes sparkling with curiosity.</p> <p class="cnNkNzM5ZWY1YTM4NTQwZjY4OWE1MzZlODY3NmRlNTU0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1MjE0NDI1YzYzOTQ4NmY4ODBhNTAyYTJmYmRhMGQw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">While the CTO and science officer were busy, a soft chirping on the conn console alerted Noriko. “Captain, the target has dropped to impulse.”</p> <p class="cnM0ZTliNDBkM2Y2YzRlYzhiOWUwNzUyYzdhYjhkNGFl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhNGI5OGI4YzBhNDRjOTI4ZDc3ZDE1MmQ1Yzc5ZjQ2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“What?” Niko exclaimed surprised. “They are in the middle of nowhere. Any signs of other ships?”</p> <p class="cnNlODYyZThjMjYwNTRiOGU4YzRhMjQ5MTdhZWQ2NWFj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1N2Y4NGI1YzgxMDRmN2M5YjA5ZWRkMTA3ZDYxZmRj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Not as far as I can see on the sensors, Sir.” The pilot replied. “Time to intercept just above three minutes.”</p> <p class="cnNjZDExM2U0NWY4YjRhYWI5MGU0OTQ2ZjJhMjBkODAx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MWZkMjgzNWZhYTQyNTc5ZGRjMDAyODY2NzFkNDg2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“What are they waiting for…?” The XO wondered, his brows furrowing deeply.</p> <p class="cnMwZWJhNjA3NzkxMDQxZjRhYjIyZDdiZDUxOTZkODVi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1MTlhNzZmZDEwYTRkOTI5MDhjMTE5MDE1Y2Y1MTA3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Sina returned to her seat, bringing up the tactical readiness displays and targeting sensors. “Maybe they’ve picked up our pursuit and now try to bait us into an ambush. Or their propulsion was damaged more than we thought?”</p> <p class="cnNmNzZlYTAxYmIxZTQxMDhhNjMyMzg1Yjc1YTJmNzFm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhMTlhMTYzMTVmMDQyMDg4ODAxZjgwMTA4OTRhN2U5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The captain quickly checked the sensor images herself. Niko was right, it didn’t make any sense to stop right here in the middle of empty space. But she wanted to be sure. “Duncan, check the star charts for anything that could be out here. Maybe they’re waiting for a mobile wormhole aperture or something?”</p> <p class="cnMyMTFjM2M5OWFkNTQwNGVhNDY0ZTY3MDJkYWU1MTdj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkYWNmNTVkNTc5MzQwNWM4Y2ExZGI3OWIwMTkwZjcx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Aye, captain.” The ops officer replied, and immediately pulled up the charts and maps for this sector. It took him only a few moments of filtering through the data. “Oh oh.”</p> <p class="cnM1MGI0Zjc5NjIwNTQ4NjY5ODdkNTVmN2E3M2EwYjdl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5YzM0MGM2NTQxMDRiNDc4N2YyYmVmZGM5NGJiMmVj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“What is it, Duncan?”</p> <p class="cnMyZWQ2ZDJmNDk2ZjRjMWFiYTMxMjZjNmY0YTNjMWQ0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlYTkxMDhjNWMzYzQyYzI4ZjJiNDc4NjNlZjFkYmM2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“There’s no wormhole, but the charts indicate that at their position is an old interspatial manifold from the shut-down Synergy transwarp network.”</p> <p class="cnNmZmI3MzcyZThiYzRhOGY5MTVhYWI3YWViYTk2YWY3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzYjMzNTViN2Q2YjQ0NjA4YjAxM2JkNmZlODZkYWQz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Sina’s eyes widened. “If they manage to activate and power even only two or three of those manifolds…”</p> <p class="cnNkZWY3ZGExYjgwMDRjN2ViNDkwMzM2NzQ0NTgyMWZm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1Njc2MDgwZWRmZDRlMzFhODNiOGNhZGQzMmI4MTkz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Then they could get away thousands of light-years and we’d lose their track.” Niko completed his captain’s thought. “Noriko, adjust our course so that we leave slipstream in weapons range. Rel, immediately get a target lock on that ship and shoot to disable when we drop to normal space. They must not be allowed to activate that manifold!”</p> <p class="cnNhMzk3YWQ0YjFjZTQ2YTRhZDdlMzExNjQ5M2VhOWU2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZDcxYzg2NjgzMTRjODNiMTlmZjkwY2QyMDlmNmYy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Both officers responded in unison. “Aye, Sir.”</p> <p class="cnMzMGNmZDRjNzcwYzRjODZhMjQwMGZmMDJjMjEzZjk4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlM2RjNjU3NmRiODRlZjRhMDZmMzZiMWM3ODdjZGIx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Time to intercept 100 seconds.” The young Asian quickly added, while she adjusted the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal’s</span> course slightly to bring them in much, much closer to their target.</p> <p class="cnNkN2VmYjk1NjNjMDRlYmViOWU2N2Q2MjY1MGFiYWY1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2N2FiZTA3NTdmNzQ2YjhhYzY1NTAyNWNlYTg3ZDM1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Captain, we’re receiving sensor telemetry from the probes.” Visra announced. “The other attacker ship is heading straight towards Hublik Confederacy territory and will cross the border within the next twenty minutes.</p> <p class="cnNhOGE2YmRmNzllYTQ0ZTJhMDE0ODgyN2Q0NGVjNGI3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MDc4ZWU3OWM4NTQ1MjVhZjY1MmQ4ODUzOWMzOWJm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Understood. But let’s now focus on this one. They are carrying either the crown princess or the Omega molecule. We can’t let them get away with either.” The CO stated, reinforcing their momentary mission.</p> <p class="cnNjOWIyYmM5NzZkNzRiNjNiYjBkOGUwM2EzMzRiODI2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmNjMxYzg3ZjkxOTRiNTdhZWYxZDA5NWY1Nzg3Mjc2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Rel, status?” Niko asked as the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span> rapidly approached its destination.</p> <p class="cnNhMzZkNzdiNDgzMzQ4NmJiZGQxMzI3YzlkNjNhNDMz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwZmY3MmY0OWM3MDQzMjViZWI0ZjY4MGFiOWJkZTIw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“All tactical systems operational. Tachyon barriers at full power, pulse cannons charged and configured for high-precision low-yield fire. Targeting sensors online and ready.” The Cardassian replied, his field of view filled with holographic tactical displays and weapon controls.</p> <p class="cnNmNTkzMWZlZmYwNTRhMDU5MmUzODAxZDk0ZDQyY2Nk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2MGRiNzViNTc2ZjQ0MmM5NGY0YTE3NGM4MmE4MTk0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Time to intercept one minute.”</p> <p class="cnNhMTA5OTI3MDU1YTRhMThhYmZiZDY3MmQ2YTM3OWQ3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxZjk4MmFiMjc5ZDRlOTlhMjJhYzBmNzA2ZTM0NDBj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The minute passed faster than anyone expected, and Noriko announced the ship’s return to normal space. “Dropping out of slipstream in three… two… one… now!”</p> <p class="cnM1MTBiZWJhNTI1NjQ1NmE4YjVkMDQ2N2U3OTlmMTg1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmZTc0ZThhYWJiZjQ5ZjdhNzAxZTExYzI1ZWRmMTky" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The holographic view screen in front of the bridge changed, casting off the slipstream’s vortex and replacing it with the blackness of space pierced by the swirling dark blue and gray vortex of an open transwarp aperture. The golden and green hull of the simplistic and blocky Hublik vessel shimmered under the aperture’s glow, as it was only a few seconds away from entering the opening.</p> <p class="cnM5MDhkYzU2YmU5ODRiMzg5OWI5YWFlMDdjYjMyZGZk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjMjFkY2Y4ZDRkYzQ2ZDU4Y2FlMTg4ZDAwNDk0OTU4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Rel! Fire!” Sina shouted, but the Cardassian had already released the ship’s deadly weapons.</p> <p class="cnM1MjMwZWMwMzQ2NjQ0YTVhN2ZlNWMyMTg1ZTcxN2Vl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4OWMzZmM3ZjQwODRkM2NhNzhjMzkyMzE4ZDVhMDIz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The tactical console chirped, and a split second later a volley of bright white blue bolts of energy streaked from the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal’s</span> cannons towards the attacker vessel. The first salvo connected with their shields, the shield bubble fracturing under the merciless onslaught of hard Omega radiation, which eventually overloaded their grid. The second salvo impacted on their hull, effortlessly puncturing their armor plating and punching clean holes through their hull in blinding blue explosions.</p> <p class="cnNjOTcyZWU0Y2YzYzRkYWU4ODBkNzVjNmNiOTgyNzVj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4OGU0OWY1OTUxMDQ2MjZiZGQxMGM0ZGQxOTkzZGRm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The ship started to tumble, thrown around by the secondary detonations as their impulse engines were destroyed, as well as the clean amputation of one of their external compartments. But while the ship was staggering, it was still drifting towards the aperture.</p> <p class="cnMxYjMzNTQ1ZTIyNTRhM2M4NTU4MDU3YTliMzJjODVm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MmU2YjQyNGY5NzRlMjBhZjlmY2JjNWI2YTA4YjYz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Target the manifold! Destroy the aperture!”</p> <p class="cnMxZTA0OGRiNDI3YTQ4M2U5ZjA2NmUwYWE3YjZjOGNj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiYzdhYWNmNzNmMjQzZTViNTI3ZGYzOWU0MDdiNjM0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Another volley of energy bolts shot forward, whizzing past the broken Hublik vessel at superluminal speed into the open vortex. They connected with the centuries old hexagonal manifold, easily penetrating its deprecated shielding, and cleaving it into half a dozen chunks. Colorful explosions completely shattered the massive structure mere moments later, and while the manifold’s debris drifted apart in subspace the aperture in normal space destabilized and flickered out of existence.</p> <p class="cnM4ZDUwM2UwYzEyNzQzYmViMDk0YzRkMzgxM2RlZDgw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NjM5ZjVlYWM3NzRlZTg4YzRkMTZiZWU1YTcxYzE5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Open a channel.” The captain ordered. “This is Commander D’raxis of the Federation Starfleet vessel <span style="font-style: italic">USS Sidereal</span> on behalf of the Karraan Union. You are under arrest for your participation in the attack on the Karraan flag fleet, and your use of subspace weapons. You are outgunned and outmatched. Surrender your ship and prepare to be boarded.”</p> <p class="cnNlYTA4MzA4YjZjOTRkMDk5ODYxYWMxOTdiNTRhYjFh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NTJlMmNkNWZlNTQ3OGViYWU5NWExYjU0ZWU2M2I1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The view screen turned on, and a large-headed insectoid stared back at them, its four multifaceted black eyes glistening menacingly. The three asymmetric mandibles on its mouth produced a clicking and chirping, which the universal translator picked up a moment later.</p> <p class="cnMzYzM5MzBiZWY0MTRhNjE4ZGIyY2M0MTZiY2NhMzgy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyZWZlMWZiZGUwOTQzMzRhZGZlNThkZjE2OTU0MWM0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“We will not surrender, for we are victorious. We will resist your every motion, for you are too late. We will celebrate, for your shortsightedness has already defeated you.”</p> <p class="cnNmMDBjNGI2OGFmNTQ3OTZiYzMzZTBkODdiNWY4YmFl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjMTRhNmVkY2ZlMTRhZTY5ZWY4ZDIzNjUyZTI3MGYz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Before the Romulan could say another word, the Hublik had closed the channel.</p> <p class="cnMwNTQ5NTRjNzViMjRkNWFhZTNlYmI1MzNlNTdiNmNj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4OWJjMDllNDJhNDRkNzc5ZWE3MWZlNTU5MjJmNzNm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Niko raised an eyebrow. “Now that was helpful.”</p> <p class="cnNhN2EwM2M1NjBhYTQ2NTE5MjI4MmEzOTgxMjVjNjlm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3YTQ1NzM1YzdhMzQ3MTE4YzJhOTk1NTI5YTVhNDEy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Romulan turned to her science officer. “Visra, can you detect any Karraan life signs or traces of Omega?”</p> <p class="cnM1Nzc2ODdhZmViNjQ1OTViMjdhNmI4OGYxN2FmODE0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyY2QyMGVmZDEzODQ0Njk5ZDFjNzZlNTMxYTE4YjZk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Not yet, captain. Their internal hull is built with materials interfering with our scans. I need some time to recalibrate the sensors.” The Alusi scientist responded, her fingers flying over the sensor controls.</p> <p class="cnM0YjQzMGE3ZGFhNDQ1NjE4NjUwMGU2Yjg1ZmE2OTVk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0M2I1NWQ1ZTY1YTRkODhiOWJjM2UwZGE0ZTc4ZWQ2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Suddenly Duncan spoke up. “Captain! There, the hull!”</p> <p class="cnM3MzFjMjQwOWJhOTQ3ZTZiODQ2OTI1MzNlOTA4NmFi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhNzkxMWE0YzI3MDRkZmQ5YzdiOTZjNWZmOGE0NzM5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">All eyes focused on a rectangular section on the side of the tumbling vessel. A massive length of hull seemed to fold in onto itself, revealing what appeared to be a hangar or freight deck. Moments after the strange folding doors had completely opened, a massive crimson cube slowly drifted out of the opening.</p> <p class="cnM5NDM3MTEzMDI3MDQwOTJhMjk3M2Y4YTAyYzFmMTI2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiMzUyZDI0MjY1NjQ0NzA5NmExNWJkYzAwNGMyYmM5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Visra? Any idea what that is?” Niko asked.</p> <p class="cnMzNzk1M2ZiYWVkMjRmMjhhOWFjZGZlM2RmMmFhZmE1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjZTkwNjVkZTM0YTQ0ZjZhMzkyYjQxNzA5M2U5NjRh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“One second… based on radiation traces on the cube’s surface that seems to be an Omega containment device.”</p> <p class="cnMxZGI3MjdiZTAwYTRhYjg4MjIyYWIyODkxN2MxN2M1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZWEwOTc4NDJkYzQ2MjQ5N2JlMDBiMGY4OTNmOTk5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Sina tapped her combadge. “Bridge to engineering, we’ve got the Omega molecule. Prepare to transport it to cargo bay two. Have an engineering team on stand-by to check if the devi-”</p> <p class="cnNkMGFjOGQwYmFjZjRhNzliMTRiM2I4NGMwNjQ0MzI2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxZjZmMWNjYjNlZjQ3MGZiYWU2ZTQ4NGZmY2MyN2Uw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Rel! Fighter!” Visra suddenly shouted in a panicked voice.</p> <p class="cnMzNWIwMjQ3YjZmNzQxYjY4ODlhOWRjOTY5ZjhkMDk1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwYzJlNmRiMTdjMzQxNjg4ODJlMWViNTg0ZmU2MjQz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">A second later the Hublik fighter that was launched from a similar hangar deck on the other side of the stumbling Hublik ship swept around. It launched a pale white torpedo a mere moment before the small craft was completely vaporized by one of the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal’s</span> energy bolts. The torpedo headed directly for the Omega device and impacted the red cube.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjZhZDdiNGIzNDQzNmViMjg1NmFkMWQwZGUyYzI4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkMzQ2NjA4YzcwNDRkOTZiYTgyMTNmODkwYWRjMTM1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span> rocked and shook under the massive explosion. And while the tachyon barriers held against the force of the detonation, they still fractured and bled temporal energy to absorb the devastating blow. Alerts sounded from all consoles and blinding white light from the explosion flooded the bridge.</p> <p class="cnNlYjRjNTI1ODM2OTQ2YzA5NmJiZGVhM2UxMDM3NzQ4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxZmU4Yjc3NTQxNTQ0MTc4YWZmMWIxZjZmNTQ3MWRk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Status!” Sina shouted over the alarms and shocked screams of her crew. “And dim the view screen!”</p> <p class="cnMwZjA2NjIwY2FmMjQxYTNhNjM4YjNjY2M3NDY2ZTZj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzYzFkOWZjMjYyNDRmYTU5MmVmMWUzNzJmYmUyZGZi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">A moment later the view screen turned dark, and order returned to the bridge.</p> <p class="cnM4MjNiNDVjZTE5MzQyNzg5YjEyOWRjYjgwNzkwOTA4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkYmZlYTQ0Y2VmYjRlZWE5MzdjZjNjZjlhODNiNTc1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Rel was the first to speak. “Well, the good news is we’re sort of okay. The barriers are holding, if only barely. But the bad news is that the Hublik have detonated the Omega molecule with a tricobalt warhead. The explosion completely destroyed their vessel.”</p> <p class="cnM1NWQzYTkzNmNkMjQyYmE5MWNmNTkxOTUyNzQzMjBh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0Y2U1OGVlZTYyMDQ1YjM4MjA4ZmNiNDkwY2NiN2Q0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Visra continued after the CTO. “We’re surrounded by massive subspace distortions from the explosion. We’re cut off from any kind of subspace communication, and we have neither warp nor slipstream. The sensors are heavily impaired, but the distortions extend at least thirteen light-years in all directions.”</p> <p class="cnNhMTcxNTQzOTU4NDQyYjVhNDNlZjllZDEzN2QxY2M5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NTE4NDYyMDEzZDRkMTk5MjYxMzBlOWJmM2MwY2Vi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Sina sank back into her chair and let out a frustrated sigh. “Oh damn it!” Then the lights returned to normal, indicating the end of the simulation.</p> <p class="cnMzY2JmNTdkMGM4NTRmZjM4M2ZkZjFmYmM3OWIwNjE2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmNTZjMzJmMzFiNzRiOGZiMWRjYjc5YzRmMTRjNDk1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Tarik’s avatar looked equally frustrated as Sina did. The virtual observers had followed the simulation closely and monitored all events in great detail. He had thought that Sina would be able to at least secure one objective since she was already so close, and his frustration and disappointment radiated out from him like a beacon.</p> <p class="cnM0OGFiOTVjODcyNTRjYmQ4MjhhZTg5YWQ0OTNkMjI1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyZjk4M2M1NDg4NzQ1Mzg5ZTExMjY3MTlmMmQ0YTY1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 8px 0px"><span style="font-weight: 600">[Tarik, don’t be so negative.]</span> Chiaxi turned to her engineer, a soft reassuring smile on her lips. <span style="font-weight: 600">[Sina and her crew made only few mistakes. Without knowing the history of the Hublik, she just couldn’t anticipate such a fatalistic reaction. Her idea of using stellar probes to monitor the other vessel was a great display of quick thinking. Given the circumstances and stated intent of the simulation, I would say their performance was satisfactory.]</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnM0NTQ1ODg4NDk0YzRiNThiNDEwNWY5MWM0ZTc0Y2Qy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px" align="center"><span style="font-weight: 600">[ Act Five ]</span></p> <p class="cnM1OTFhMmEzNWMyYjQ4YzA5OGMzNTgxYmM1NDg2ZWM5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NzFjMWQ1NzAwYzRjYzg4MGZkNGE0MWM2ODAzMDI1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Sina was sitting in her luxurious quarters, lazily lounging on the couch draped in Tholian silk while recording another entry in her personal log. She had barely finished when she heard the doors chirping, then opening and closing on their own. The Romulan turned her head and smiled happily as she saw Tarik walking towards the wide-open living room.</p> <p class="cnMyYjVkZTIzYWM1NTRmZjc4NjE1ZWNlNzVhNzNlMmVh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyYjhiNWVjZmQ2ZjRkZDk5MzNjZWE0Njk5MmVkODFk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Several months ago, she had made the decision to grant Tarik direct access to her quarters. Just like she had done with Niko, Rel, Shori, Co-Yor, Visra, and Jeffrey. They were visiting so regularly to discuss various things or make reports, that she thought it silly to have them ring and wait.</p> <p class="cnMwYWUyYTYwODEyMDQ5NTVhZDBkZWU4ODM0ZDQ5Zjlh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzZTRmNDhjNDJhMDQ5ODFhOTc1ZTFmY2E0YTQxYmJk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Since then her living room had pretty much turned into an improvised, and decadent, ready room, and so she didn’t mind making those arrangements at all. The door to the bedroom and master bathroom was still locked down, so she still had her privacy and wouldn’t have to face unexpected and possibly embarrassing visitors there, which made the situation much less troublesome than it sounded.</p> <p class="cnM0NjNjMmI0M2FkYzRlZWRhY2Y2NzA4OTVlMWZmNTcx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5MWJmYWFhYTJlMzRmMzNiMGNkOThmYTQxNTA5NWRj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Hey. What brings you here? Shouldn’t you be at home or so?” She teased her guest while waving at him.</p> <p class="cnMxODA0ODA4ODBmODRkMzg4ZTJmZTg4ZDA5MDc0NTUy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NTY1ODJmZGQxMTQ3NDM5MTI2NzRlNzdkOWI4NmUy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Tarik stopped a few steps away from the couch and simply stated, a wide smile on his lips. “She’s ready.”</p> <p class="cnMzY2RiMjhmZDkzNDRhZWJiNzEwYzIwOTJhYWIxZjlh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyZWQwYzQxMmVjYzQ3Zjg4MzI3YTNmNzBiMDYzZjU2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“What do you mean, ‘she’s ready’? Who?” Sina replied, looking up from the couch at the visitor, PADD in hand and a slightly puzzled expression on her face.</p> <p class="cnM2NTZlOTVkYmI4ZTQ4YjNiYmFkYmQ4OWUzNjMwY2Yy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlNjZkM2JhOTk2YTRlYzhhMTRmNDA2MzQ0ZjRiMzdi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“I mean exactly what I said. We have completed the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal’s</span> upgrade. All systems are operational again.” He replied, the smile turning into a fat grin while he watched the Commander’s reaction.</p> <p class="cnNjYmMzZmFjZGM3YjQ0N2M4ZTBhNzhhNDdlZjU0NGE2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkODM4NDE3YmY4MTQ0ZGNhMzU0NWZmOGRhNzdjMzc2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">She heard the words, and her eyes popped wide open. Her mouth first stood open, but her lips quickly curled upwards in a happy laughter. “Really?!” She exclaimed, dropping the tablet and jumping to her feet. For a second, she warily squinted at Tarik, mustering him. “You’re not teasing me again, are you? You’re not teasing? You’re not teasing!”</p> <p class="cnMxYzdhY2IyMjljODRhYTA4MTRiMTFhMDlkOTZhYTA5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NDViNGNmY2JjNzRiNzA4MDVhZDc5ZTBjNGUwOTcw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Eager to finally get off her behind, and again be in command of a starship… her starship… she jumped into 4@19’s arms, hugging him tightly and laughing at the great news. “YES! Thank you! When can we fly? It doesn’t have to be far. Just… somewhere, anywhere. Even if it’s only to Jupiter and back. Do the others already know?”</p> <p class="cnNjZTkzZjBlY2I5ZTQxMGFhMzYwNzVlMDgyN2U1OThk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmZTA3Y2I3YzlkYzQyOTFhNDI5MzM0NjUzODEzZjc5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The ragged engineer was now also laughing, somewhat awkwardly returning the hug. “Calm down, calm down, you’re squeezing me!” He breathed between laughs. With a sudden jerk Sina pulled back and straightened her posture. She looked at Tarik with the same mix of barely contained excitement and playful mischievousness any child would on First Contact Day, just a few minutes before the big fireworks.</p> <p class="cnM1NWZiMWNkYjFlZjQxZThiY2VhNTQ4ZTUwZGY4ZTc4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzM2JlNGZhNjY4ZTQxMWRiYTgxYjliOTQ2OTQ2YmJl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“To answer your questions, we can take the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span> out any time now. The rest of your crew has not been informed yet. I thought it prudent that the captain of the ship should know first.”</p> <p class="cnM3ZDJhNWU2ODU2ZTQ3ZTc5NDAxNjc4NDI5NWU5MTMx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NTllNGRhYTdjNjQ5NmNiYTI3ZDg5YThkMjMyNjIx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">She smirked slyly. “Good thinking. So… what’s going to happen next? Do we need to wait for the Matriarch’s permission to take the ship out?”</p> <p class="cnMyMzY2MGZmMTJlZTQ2MjM5MTI0ODQ2YmVkZTFlNDdk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkZDAzODdjM2ZiMzRhYzJiNTI1Y2UwMTVkYzU0NmEx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Tarik shook his head and replied with an equally sly smirk. “No. We’re already good to go. But I can assure you that the Matriarch will most certainly pay close attention to the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal’s</span> second maiden voyage.</p> <p class="cnNiMzViYzI4N2Q1NjRjMjdiYThkYzk0MDdjYzhiZjMz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjY2RkN2MxMjk3MzQ4NjU4NjYwZTg5YjhhODlkNDlj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">While they were chatting, Sina’s brow started to furrow and her expression turned a little worried. “Can we even control the ship with only sixty-eight people? We were already running on a skeleton crew when we were eighty-two, and now we’re even fewer.”</p> <p class="cnNhNmRiMmJjYjJmZjRhZWVhMmQ3MmQxOTdjNmI5ZTc4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNjE5YTBkMmZkYTRmYWI5OTkwNGJhYzg4YjlmYjY3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">4@19 stepped closer and briefly took her hands, giving them an encouraging squeeze. “Yes, you certainly could. The <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal’s</span> new systems have more advanced automation and require significantly less supervision than the previous configuration. However, it is still a large vessel for such a small crew, and more personnel would make its operation safer and more reliable. You might be surprised by this, but there’s been a wave of volunteers signing up in the hive-mind to serve onboard your vessel.”</p> <p class="cnMxN2FlOGFiMmU2YzQwNjdhMTQ1MzM2MDQ0ZTJjOWY1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5NzViOWI0YjU3YjRkYTM5OGNkYzY3OGU4NDE5YWE3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Wait… what?” Commander D’raxis replied astonished, her eyebrows raising in surprise. “You mean… some of your people want to work on the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span>? Under my command? And the Matriarch would be okay with that?”</p> <p class="cnM3ZjdmNjMwOGNiMTRiYTA5NGQyOWMwZWVmZGFlOTg4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzMjA1Mzc2MTZkNzQwY2RiOWI2YWUyMTI5MzcxYmUx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Yes. Yes. And yes.”</p> <p class="cnM0MWJlYmE5YjNmMDRlODNhNWI4NTQ0ZjFmMzYyMzg1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmN2IwMzNlZThhNDQwMmViMjNhZWE1ZTRlZjcwNWY3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“And… how many volunteers are we talking, exactly?”</p> <p class="cnM1MTVmMDIxMTQ1ZjRmN2RhY2FiNjVkODlmYzE1MDQ1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiNWZkYjMyYWU4NjQ5NTM4Y2I1YjU0MmJjZjA4NmY5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Tarik’s eyes unfocused for a second while he queried the exact number from the hive-mind. “782 million, 465 thousand, 341. Correction, 343.”</p> <p class="cnNlYjQ1ZGZlZjJjMDQ0Nzk5ZGJiNzZkYzIxMzkyYjI0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiODlkZmY2NzI1NzRjODdiYWQwNWE5NzU4MjkyYmRk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The number was several orders of magnitude larger than what she’d have ever expected. She swallowed. “That’s… wow. I’d never have expected that. I… uhm… I don’t need to pick and choose right now, do I?”</p> <p class="cnM5M2MyNDZlZDY1YTQxOTg5Y2E0MTM1YTdlZWYzNjAy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NGYwZWU0OWVkMDQ2NjJiNDA2MjVjYzMyMGVkZDc4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Synergy engineer laughed. “Oh no. And like I said, they are volunteers. If you don’t want, you don’t need to pick any of them at all. But I think it would be advantageous to have people onboard who are much more familiar with the technology to support you. While your crew has made significant improvements over the last few months, their understanding of our technology is still only rudimentary.”</p> <p class="cnM0MjVkNGMzMTk0NjRjNjBhYmU3MTIyMWZmNjZiMDA1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3MzllMzRkNWVhMjQyNjg4ODJjYTRiNWY2ZGM3MzVi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The last five months had been extremely challenging. Even after the crew had voted to return to their ship and discover the Milky Way anew, it had been difficult for some to accept their situation. While most eventually got over their depressed mood, thanks in no part to outstanding counseling on Jeffrey’s part, a few crew members were still sulking in their own misery.</p> <p class="cnM0M2M3OGYwNTFlODQ2MDI4ODZjNTI4YTQ5MDlkMGU2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiZmY1Y2M2YjY2YzQ3OWFhYjdlNDIzM2NkMTNmODg3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">And those who managed to rally some motivation were immediately hit with the seemingly insurmountable challenge of learning the Synergy’s technology. Most of the crew spent almost the last half year in various schools, training courses, and workshops, trying to learn to understand and how to operate the technology now built into the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span> at least on a basic level.</p> <p class="cnNiMGIzNmQyNzkxZTQ0ZjViOTcyYTk3MzU4NGY2Yzcw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5Y2Q4MzczYzM4MTQ3ZjU5ZjM4Yjc2MGVjYTZhODRl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">While the task was relatively simple for those positions that simply used the new systems, like conn or tactical, it was extremely challenging for the crew’s scientists and engineers who needed to understand how it worked. Even though Visra was still regularly seeing Jeffrey, the challenge of learning the Synergy’s technology seemed a welcome distraction for her. She had been more active in her courses than in all the weeks before.</p> <p class="cnNkMzZkZGEyNTI4YzQyYzg5NjRmZDhmMThlZTNlZGZm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1MDE4ZTQxM2FlZDQ1MmM4YmYwZjZmNjgwM2RmMDgw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">And now the moment they had all trained and waited for had arrived.</p> <p class="cnMyOTAxYzBmOGU5MDRiMWI5NDk5ZGU2ZTUyMzA3ZjAx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjYjFhNWE0ZTZmOTQ3NzU5NDQxNzE2NGE1NzNiOTQ3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Yeah, I know. I only took the baseline courses but even I feel my head’s about to burst open if I have to remember one more technical detail about the SSD, the OSR, or the FDS.” Sina chuckled. “So, how about we call the others and get onboard?”</p> <p class="cnM0NTcyMmY1NGUyOTRkNDA5NjlmYzI2YjUwNTAyMTI2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjODU2NzA4ZTk5ZDQ4OTFhMDYzZTVjODM2ZGNkMTIx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Sounds like a plan.” Tarik nodded in agreement, a sly grin on his lips.</p> <p class="cnMzYjE2MTQ2ZWE3ODRkNjFiMTE5NjU2NWE5M2UxYjQw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2YzE2MTNiMjM4MTQ0NTI4YjRhYzY4ZWFjMjBjYjg1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">A little less than an hour later the whole crew was assembled in the familiar function hall designed for diplomatic events and social gatherings. Niko, Rel, and Shori stood grouped near the center, below the prismatic chandelier made from Denevan crystal. The crystalline arcs and beams were set directly into the transparent duranium ceiling revealing the starry panorama above Earth’s annulus. The rest of the crew was scattered in smaller or larger groups throughout the hall, and curiously waiting for their captain to arrive. People were eagerly discussing what the reason for this surprise gathering could be.</p> <p class="cnM4YzRjOWZkOGJlYzRiNmZhMGZmZDM2ZTk0OWYwMTk1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmM2U1N2M1NmRhYTRhNDliMzMxMGIzM2RkOTQzNjcz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“And she really didn’t tell you what this is all about?” Shori asked Niko.</p> <p class="cnMyOTVmMWY2OTBlODRkOWQ5ZjM4OTJjZTFjMjRjYzhj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzYTFlYmFjOGFmNDQzNWFiNzViYzE0YWQ5NTFkZWQ3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Human simply shook his head. “Nope, not a single word. She only promised a big surprise. I really have no clue why we’re here. Actually, I wanted to be in the hot tub since approximately three minutes to relax a bit tonight before Mr. Drill Sergeant here pulls out his torture regiment again tomorrow.”</p> <p class="cnM5ZjEyN2U3YzE0YTQxOGE4ZjhlZjQwMjI0OTNiNzhi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MDBjYmI0ZjRhNTRjMWM5N2Q3ODBhZmRkMDZjZDQ3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">While Shori chuckled at the first officer’s comment, Rel simply grinned dangerously. “You know, everyone else seems to be okay with my PT. But if you feel you’re falling behind, you can just tell me. I’ll then arrange a few personal training sessions to get you up to speed with the rest of the crew again. Can’t have the XO fall behind, can we?”</p> <p class="cnM3YmQwNWNiYTE2MTQ5NDdiNDMxNTAwZGU3M2M2Yzli" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxYzY1ZTE1NTI1ZDQ3YmZhNWQ3YzhiNjg1Zjg4Mjdi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Now Niko chuckled. “Well, given the circumstances I’d rather not. Let me reconsider my wording… I’m more than content with the PT as it currently is.”</p> <p class="cnNmM2UyZjBkMGMzYTQ1MDdiYTc2ZDYwNTNmZjA5ZTNm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiNWRlNjFkM2Y3ODRiYjA4NTIxYzI2MzFhZGYzODYw" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Thought so.” The Cardassian officer replied laughing.</p> <p class="cnM5YTJmYjA4MjIwNzRkOTc5ZWJkMzJkNTA5MGIzZGM1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MTIwMDk3ZjY2YjQwOTRiZjRlZTZlNmIzMDUzZDA1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Suddenly the chattering and talking in the hall died, when Commander Gallagher-D’raxis walked into the hall in her duty uniform, accompanied by Tarik. As she walked towards the center of the large chamber droves of people followed her. In a few moments, the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal’s</span> crew had gathered in a relatively small circle around Sina, Tarik, and the other senior officers. Sixty-seven pairs of eyes were expectantly gazing at the Romulan woman.</p> <p class="cnNiNDY1MjVmYzlkNzQ1NmJhY2FjYzM5YTA1MmI3OGZh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NGU5MzFlNDIzNjQyMDRiYmZjOTVkMjUyOGExZTdm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Sina stood there for a moment and cleared her throat before she addressed her crew. “You’re probably all curious why I asked you here tonight. I don’t want to keep you in the dark for longer than necessary, so I’ll make it quick. Tarik told me an hour ago that the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span> is ready, and we can have her back. All systems are operational, and we can take her out any time.”</p> <p class="cnMwZTgyNmYwZTViNDRhMzU5NTdkMTBlOTFiNzI4ZmQ5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxZTkxM2M2NzUyNDRjZTM5ZjBlNTg4YTFjNjZjY2Zi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">There was a short pause during which everyone was processing what the CO just said. Then individual shouts and cheers cropped up and were quickly supplemented by an echoing applause. The captain watched the scene with a smile on her lips, happy that after such a long time she could finally deliver this good news to her crew. Her people were cheering and clapping, raising their hands into the air or embracing each other. She hadn’t seen them so enthusiastic in months.</p> <p class="cnMzYzgzZjBhNzAzNjQzMjY5ZTUxODIwNWM0NWE3YTM3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmZDMyOWQ0YmE3ZjQ5MWFiZDY2NjJhYmFjYWMxZTJm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“And I have some other news, which I would like to share with you. While the new <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span> should be easily manageable with our current numbers, obviously it would be better to have a larger crew. I was told there are over 780 million volunteers in the Synergy that would like to join this crew and serve on our ship. We’ve all been training, learning, and living with them for almost half a year now. Many of us found new acquaintances or friends amongst them.”</p> <p class="cnNjY2Q3Mzg1Nzc4ODRmMjk4YmVhOTEyZTcxYjQyZWVh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNmYzYjMxYTFhMjRmM2Q5ODE4YTdjYmZkODc1NTQ4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Sina slowly turned, her gaze circling the gathered crew. “You don’t have to answer already tonight, but I’d like all of you to think about how you would feel having some members of the Synergy serving on the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span> as your comrades. They would be subject to the same rules, the same command structures, the same expectations. When you find a quiet moment, please take some time to consider this option and drop me a message with your thoughts.”</p> <p class="cnNlMjU4Y2RiYTYzZTQxNzhhYmYwNDBlYzE5ZjEyNGMz" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwNGRlMWM4OWMxNzQ2MjE4ZjE5ZmQ2ZjNkZDU1YzIy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Her crew was silent again. Some people looked happy, others seemed to be troubled a little by her suggestion. Sina drew out the moment a little longer, before she shouted with an upbeat, cheering, tone in her voice. “But for now, who wants to take the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span> out for a test run?” The whole chamber erupted into cheers and raised hands again. The Commander looked at her celebrating crew. “You cannot imagine how long I’ve been waiting for this moment. And how long we’ve all been training for this second chance.”</p> <p class="cnM2MmY0ODEwMDQ5ZTRkZjlhYjFiN2FiMTE0N2UwMTZh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlNjQ4MjAyMDg2ZDRjYWY5MGY4Y2IwYTAwYTJlY2I3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Commander D’raxis looked around her, watching all the sixty-eight enthusiastic faces focused on her, ready to delve into the great unknown once more. She looked at her XO. Niko nodded. She stole a glance at her CTO and COS. Rel and Shori both nodded, too, with the Caitian grinning and her tail excitedly swaying from side to side. Finally, her gaze fell on Tarik’s rugged face, partially covered by his scrubby chin beard. The Synergy engineer smiled warmly and nodded as well, gesturing with his right hand for her to go ahead.</p> <p class="cnM3ZTEyYTE5NTEyNzRiYzViZGJjZTVkYjNiZmZkY2Ew" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhNjU3ZGQ5OTIyNTQyZDJhMDBiZGU2OTE3ODQ4ZjY2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Sina’s smile widened into a thrilled grin, and she raised her voice again. “All hands, return to the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span> and report for duty!”</p> <p class="cnM5ZjhjYTFmM2Y2MjQ1OTFhNTAyMTY5NjBhMDcyMzdl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkZTc2MzM1YjRmYjQ0OGNiMGEzZWRlODNiN2ExMTNh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Her words had barely faded when the hall exploded into action. Dozens of people quickly scattered and raced out of the chamber, returning to their quarters to change into their uniforms and board the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span>. Those few who were still wearing their duty uniforms gathered around the interface terminals near the entrances, and soon disappeared in the bright flashes of dimensional shifts transporting them to their ship. Less than half a minute after the captain’s order the chamber was empty save for Sina, Niko, and Tarik.</p> <p class="cnM5ZTAzNTQ4MWM2MDRmNGI5NDJkMTEzNzA4NzlhMjJh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiYmE3OTE4YjkwYjRiZTNiYmRhM2I0OTgzNWY4MjRl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“I’ll be honest, captain, I did not expect that.”</p> <p class="cnMzNmUxMmVmZGYxYzQ3Zjk5YmZiNjNiOWU2OGM4Zjc1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MjI2ZWEwMWY5YjQyZTA5NTM2NTVjN2I1YzM3ZDI5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Sina smiled at the men next to her, her eyes traveling between them. “Well, neither did I. I was just finishing my personal log when suddenly this guy showed up and told me we’re good to go.” She teased Tarik, throwing him a happy smirk, before her expression turned more serious. “But there’s one more thing. We’re short a chief engineer. You said yourself it would be good if we had people on board who knew the systems in detail, and I can’t imagine anyone knowing the new <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span> better than you. I’d like to offer that post to you.”</p> <p class="cnMyYjMxNjRjMjg5MTRiNzQ5ZmI1ZThlZjZhMDVjZmQ0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMjhiNjFlZTYwMTQ1YzNhNTc1ZTBmMDg5NmQ3YTRl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Synergy engineer raised an eyebrow at the Romulan’s words. He opened his mouth for an answer, but quickly closed his lips again. His expression changed as if he was discussing with someone, but after a few moments his face relaxed. 4@19 looked at Sina and nodded humbly. “It seems you’ve made a good impression, because even the Matriarch thinks I should take your offer.” Tarik still hesitated for one more moment, but then smiled at Sina. “Very well. I accept.”</p> <p class="cnNiOTA0MjZkZWUwYjQ1M2NhZGUzN2JhODJiOTNmNmNh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NDIyYTcyM2JkZDQzZDM5YjI2ODM4ZDA3MDAzOGI4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">The Romulan Commander grinned from ear to ear, her gaze focused on the engineer’s happy face. She offered her hand and shook it firmly when Tarik took it. “Tarik, I’m really glad you accepted.”</p> <p class="cnM2OGRhZjE2N2E2NDQyZGU5YWJhYmM0YzY2OGVkODBj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhMmE0MDZlNTM3OTQwOWViOGJiNmMzM2U4ODQ3ZDZi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Niko also stepped closer and offered his hand for a strong handshake. “Welcome to the crew.”</p> <p class="cnM5NmQwYTQxY2UyOTQ5YWM5Y2Y1ZjBmNTExMTg4Yjc0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzOTg5MGYzYWVmZjQ5ZGNiOGI1N2NkMjMwZDgyOGVl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Thank you. I hope I’m not going to regret it.” 4@19 replied only half joking. “The command styles of our two organizations are not really compatible, and-”</p> <p class="cnNkZmVjYWViNzQ4ODQ1ZTc5NjczNGIxNDI0MTdkYjg5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5ODM4ODZkNDk2YzQ3MGZiMmY0YzI2MDJlNjQ1MWI3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Don’t you worry about the details.” Sina interrupted him, before he could go on and rattle down a list of two dozen things that would cause problems. “I’m sure we’ll be able to iron out the kinks soon enough. But for now, I think we have a ship waiting for us.”</p> <p class="cnNmMDc2MTAzYWEzNDQwYzBhNjAwNWY4NmI0MTk1Njg3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0OTBiZWY5YTY0ODQyOTJhMWQxYzgwMGUzMzkzNmVi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">He nodded. “Aye… captain.” He added with a big grin, and then reached out with his uplink to initiate the dimensional shift to the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal’s</span> bridge. A split second later the dimensional pocket disappeared and left Tarik, Sina, and Niko standing in a rapidly decaying cloud of glimmering particles in the back of their vessel’s main command bridge. The dimensional shift’s signature flash had made Rel, Noriko, and Duncan turn in their seats, and they were now looking at the sudden visitors.</p> <p class="cnM4NTJjODllYzNmMjRjZmRhNmMzZjRhMzljMTZkMzA5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiNGIxZjdhOTg1ZjQxMGM4YzgxZDE5NmYwOGMxMTJm" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Niko, all business now, immediately moved to his chair right away. “Captain on deck! You know the drill people, let’s get the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span> ready for launch. Duncan, let me know when everyone’s onboard.”</p> <p class="cnM5NDBmMTdhMjI2NzQ2NDJiYWUwNDI3NjVjNmFjYmRk" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmN2M1ZDEzYWMzMzQ2ZDI5YTQyMjVjMTBjYjY4ODk1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Aye, Sir!”</p> <p class="cnNjZTkyNjg3MDM0MzQ0MTJiZDRmODEzN2EwNzdiNTQy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkZWUyZDRmNzcyMDRlOGE4ZTAyMmE1ZGRjMmQ1M2U5" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Sina walked to the center chair, and slowly sat down on it.</p> <p class="cnM1MTkwZWE0ZTVkNDQ5YmRhMzVhNDYzZDIxMDRhNWM2" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMTljNDdlMjk4NTQzMTRiZDI0M2UxYjFmMzE3MTAx" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Without wasting a second, Lieutenant Commander Heisenberg was checking reports about the ship’s condition on the holographic display in front of him. “Omega singularity, online. Gravimetric emitters, online. Warp drive, online. Subspace slipstream, online. Structural integrity field, online. FDS manifolds, online. Internal sensors, online. Short range sensors, online. Long range sensors, online.”</p> <p class="cnM2N2UwOTQ4ZWM5ZjRiNzFhOGRmMzY3MjBhN2U5MzIy" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiMzk3NjYzNDlmYzQ5ZDQ5YjM3MTIzNGQ4ODc2ZDU3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Once the XO was done with the generic system status, Rel took over and reported tactical systems’ readiness. “Tachyon barriers, online. PTO pulse cannons, online. Targeting sensors, online. Hangar deck, on standby.”</p> <p class="cnNjODZlMjVhNjljMzRmNGFhNWU3YzhlNjMxZDYzYWRi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMjJhYzE0ODUzYzQ0MjE5ZmRlYzRiZGIwNDJmZTY4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">After another few minutes of ready checks and status reports, Duncan spoke up. “Sir, all <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span> personnel are on board.”</p> <p class="cnMyMGM0M2YyY2FmNzQ5MjhiZjY3YzQwYWQ0ZTg3MTNj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwNDAyMTE3NTc5ZTQ3OWU4M2U2YWE1YzE2NzUwYWFh" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Good.” Niko turned toward Sina. “Captain, everyone’s accounted for and the docking clamps are released. We’re ready to go.”</p> <p class="cnNjMmQxNDAwOWY4NDQ4N2RiMmU5MDhmOGFjYjliNDJl" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzZTIxZDQxNmY3YzRhNDU5YWY2MDg2NWVjNWQ3OTU4" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“All right. Noriko, take us out of the shipyard. Slow and steady, just like in the simulations.”</p> <p class="cnNkYzk0NGRiNjY0MjQyY2ZiMzJhMzJmNzRmYzk0ODdi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3YWEwODdlYTA1YjQ4OWE5ZDY0MmRkOWM2ODJhNGQ1" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">“Aye, captain!” Ensign Yamada replied proudly and tapped away at the holographic controls in front of her. “Engaging gravimetric emitters now. Forward acceleration three g.” Slowly the renewed Akira class started moving forward, one by one leaving the spider-like segmented mooring arms of the Synergy shipyard behind. Everyone was watching the ship’s movement on the main view screen with bated breath. After seven seconds Noriko reported. “We’ve cleared the shipyard.”</p> <p class="cnM4ODQzOGI2NTkzODQzNmNiODRlOTQxODg1YzYxZDQ0" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlOGIyOTc3YmJiMjQ0NjE4ZWIzY2YzZjM1Y2ZiYjJj" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">Sina’s lips curled up in an excited smile, her green and blue eyes glistening with happiness. “Let’s take it slow. After all, we have to learn again how to run. Set course for Neptune, warp two.” The captain beamed with pride, remembering the first time she originally commanded the <span style="font-style: italic">Sidereal</span>. And now here they were, given a second chance. She took a deep breath and spoke the magical word with a sense of joy she hadn’t felt in months.</p> <p class="cnMwNzE3ZGQwMWY4YzQ0YTY5OGIxMWU2NDMxMzI0NGY3" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNGQ4Yzg4ZjVhNDQwZTI5MGYxZmUwZDI4M2U3MDRi" style="text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 8px 0px">“Engage.”</p> </div>
[ Act One ]   “Priority two distress signal. Synergy harvester X-J-37005. Condition: critical. Status: main power offline, trapped in gravity well of Argosa V, drifting deeper into atmosphere. Estimated time to hull-crush depth: nine minutes.”   Niko stared at the transmission displayed on the holographic screen which encompassed the whole forward dome of the bridge, then raised his voice. “T’Sai, how fast could we make it to the Argosa system at maximum speed?”   The Vulcan navigator tapped away at the conn station and replied. “At 100 percent subspace slipstream we could be there in… less than five minutes.”   The XO nodded. “Set a course and engage immediately.” A mere few moments after he had given the order, the Sidereal came about, and was engulfed in a black vortex, falling into an ever-shifting tunnel of throbbing darkness and arcing light.   “Shrass, Rel, I want you to look up everything we know about that ship type. Number of personnel, size, mass, escape pods, backup systems, auxiliary power, anything that could help us either save the ship or evacuate its crew. Same thing about Argosa V. What kind of planet, atmospheric composition, known phenomena, anything that could cause complications.”   Both addressed officers answered in unison and went to work. “Aye, Sir.”   “Haroun, open a channel to that harvester.” A soft but still clearly audible ping sounded once two-way, but audio-only, communication was established. “This is Lieutenant Commander Niko Heisenberg from the Federation starship Sidereal. We’ve received your distress call and are on an intercept course. ETA at your position in about four minutes. What’s your condition?”   A clearly distressed, almost panicking male voice responded shakily to the call. Everyone could hear the fear and despair in the voice, and how the call gave them a sliver of hope to cling to. “Acknowledged, Sidereal. We had to dump our OSR core and have lost main power. We’re currently adrift, tumbling at an altitude of 2,700 kilometers below the outer atmospheric boundary, sinking at a rate of 293 kilometers per minute. Hull pressure is at 700 megapascals and hull temperature at 5,500 degrees centigrade, both rapidly climbing. Our structural integrity systems are running on backup power and will fail when we exceed a depth of 5,400 kilometers.”   The numbers were much bigger than any of the officers on the bridge had expected, and confused glances were exchanged.   “Understood. We’re preparing to start the evacuation the moment we get in range. How large is your crew?” Niko replied.   “We are 1,550. No wounded.”   The XO rose from the captain’s chair and swallowed. That was quite a lot more than he had expected. After a moment’s hesitation he replied. “1,550, no wounded. Prepare for evacuation, we’ll be there in a few minutes. Sidereal out.”   Niko tapped his combadge. “Bridge to engineering. We’ve got an emergency incoming. I need all FDS manifolds operational and manned ASAP. We have to evacuate about 1,500 people from an adrift Synergy ship, and we have at most four minutes once we drop out of slipstream.” The engineering officer acknowledged the order, but the first officer already moved to the next point on his mental check list.   He tapped the badge again. “Bridge to sickbay. Co-Yor, we’re preparing to evacuate over 1,500 people from a ship in distress. They say they’ve got no wounded, but can you still get at least one nurse or medic to each FDS room and each cargo section? Even if there are no casualties we can still use the help spreading those people out a bit.”   “Yes, captain. We’ll be there.” Co-Yor replied with his usual sonorous voice that never seemed to betray the Kalonar’s actual current state of mind.   The XO walked to the forward railing, running his hand nervously through his short brown hair. “So, what do we know? Rel?”   “The harvester is massive. It’s approximately ten kilometers long and over 2,000 times our mass.” Rel began to list what he found. “Most of the size and mass are dedicated to storage tanks. That ship type is used to siphon material directly from gas giants’ atmospheres. Its structural integrity systems are designed to allow operation even deep inside gas giants where the atmosphere turns into supercritical fluid, but it won’t last long on backup power only.”   Niko nodded and looked at Shrass. “What about the planet?”   Shrass continued, reporting his own findings. “Argosa V is a class seven gas giant, primarily composed of hydrogen, xenon, nitrogen, and chlorine, with about 3.1 Jovian masses. No exotic phenomena known, just what was expected of a planet of that type and size. I can’t see anything that could interfere with the evacuation.”   “Good. Let’s not screw this up, people! ETA?” Niko said, leaning somberly on the railing, watching the holographic projection of the subspace slipstream vortex curling up onto itself while the Sidereal raced against the time.   “We’ll arrive in approximately ninety seconds.” T’Sai reported, her eyes steady on the navigational status displays.   Everyone was preparing for the worst, and Niko nervously pace back and forth behind the railing, waiting until the time until their arrival had passed.   “Leaving subspace slipstream in five… four… three… two… one… now.” T’Sai announced. With a deep but barely audible hum the Sidereal disengaged its advanced propulsion system and returned to normal space. Immediately the swirling chaos of darkness and fractal streaks of light was replaced with the towering image of Argosa V.   The massive gas giant dominated the view screen, shrouded in a dark brown cloud cover interrupted by brief flashes of bright blue light, when the atmosphere’s xenon concentration was excited by static electricity. In the far distance shone weakly the system’s F-type central star, illuminating the dark clouds with a dim white light.   “Shrass? Where’s the harvester?” Niko asked, carefully scanning the scene before him for any sign of the distressed ship.   The Andorian Ensign tapped away on his controls, and a moment later sensor information was layered onto the projection. Schematic displays, coordinate systems, and astrometric data made the image much clearer, and showed everyone where exactly the Synergy vessel was adrift.   Niko quickly tapped his combadge. “Bridge to FDS rooms. We’re in range. Begin evacuation. Focus on large groups first.”   “Haroun, put an overlay up showing the evacuation progress.”   “Aye, Sir.” The Ensign interacted with a few of his controls, and a moment later a schematic overview was projected on the main screen. The schematic showed both ships and the current progress of the evacuation. The first cycle of dimensional shifting had already completed and transported 120 of the harvester’s crew onboard the Sidereal. Ten seconds later, another 120 followed.   “Captain!” Shrass exclaimed. “The ship is falling into a storm. Atmospheric speed exceeding 1,000 kilometers per hour.” With a few taps on his control the view on the main screen changed, now showing the borders of the impossibly massive atmospheric disturbance raging far beneath the gas giant’s clouds.   Niko glanced at the gigantic, planet sized vortex that made the huge Synergy ship look like a speck of dust and gulped. This was not helping. “Shrass, scan the harvester for structurally weak sections that still hold people and transfer the data to the FDS rooms.” Niko tapped the badge on his chest. “Bridge to FDS rooms, the harvester is falling into a storm. We’ll send you specific coordinates in a few moments, get the people from those compartments out first.”   With bated breath the bridge crew looked at the dome spanning projection on the main screen. Still over 700 people left on the harvester. Suddenly an alarm sounded from the science station, and Ensign Th’akianas worked the interface to update the display. “Captain… structural integrity has failed in two compartments.”   “Were there people inside?” Niko asked, still stunned as he watched the sensor image of two large sections of the harvester’s hull tear free from the vessel’s superstructure and fall away into the storm, crumbling in only a couple of seconds under the impossible pressure of the gas giant’s atmosphere.   “Forty-four, and sixty-two. Sensors detect no life signs in the wreckage.” Shrass eventually responded with a low voice.   “Damn it!” The first officer shouted and banged his fist on the railing against which he was leaning. “How much longer?”   “Forty seconds.” Haroun replied.   Several more external sections of the harvester crumbled and fell away, but luckily those were either already evacuated, or storage compartments. The whole bridge crew was counting the seconds and watched the numbers and indicators on the schematic overview change while hundreds of people were evacuated from the doomed ship.   Lieutenant Commander Heisenberg stared at the main screen, hoping against hope that the industrial vessel’s structural integrity systems would hold out just a few more seconds. Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, engineering reported. “Engineering to bridge, we got everyone. Nobody’s left on the harvester.”   “Thank you. Good job down there.” Niko answered, breathing a sigh of relieve.   And then the lights on the bridge returned to normal, and one of the large doors in the back of the room opened to reveal Sina standing there with a large tablet in hand. “Thank you everyone, this concludes simulation 301. Take a break and get something to drink. Meet me in briefing room one at 1600 hours for the after-action report. Niko, a word?”   The junior officers rose from their stations and quickly filed out of the simulator room. After a few moments, only the CO and XO were left.   “How did you like this scenario?” The Commander asked while casually dropping into the captain’s chair, the large PADD resting on her knees.   “The polite or honest version?”   “Honest, as always.”   “It felt good until the storm showed up.” Niko began, slowly pacing back and forth in front of the railing. “I know, I know. The simulation tries to make us expect the unexpected. Massive storms aren’t unusual on gas giants. The test is to determine how we react when faced with a rapidly deteriorating situation, and if we manage to keep the ship and ourselves under control… I’ve been on the other side of those tests several times and know all the reasons and tricks. But still, it felt somewhat cheap.”   Sina listened carefully to her XO’s opinion. “You think the test was unfair on your team?”   The Lieutenant Commander nodded.   “As much as I like pulling your leg sometimes, I’ll have to disappoint you this time. The test was not rigged against your group in any way. The storm was not suddenly added to the situation as a surprise, it’s been there from the start. And if things had turned out a little differently you might have noticed it sooner. At those altitudes a gas giant’s atmosphere is a supercritical fluid. Massive disturbances, like that storm, can go unnoticed on normal sensor sweeps, unless you look for hypercavitating flows. That’s how the Juno-3 probe was lost in 2129.”   “Eh. Thanks for the history lesson, I guess.” The first officer quipped with a wry grin on his lips.   Sina let out a soft laugh and rose from her chair. “You’re welcome. See you soon in the briefing room.”   The Romulan turned and left the bridge simulator, returning to the staging area. Niko looked at the empty room and let out a frustrated sigh before following his CO.   A little over twenty minutes later the crew of simulation 301 was sitting in briefing room one, refreshed and relaxed after their break. Sina was standing behind the speaker’s desk at the room’s front, preparing the debriefing. With a simple tap on her tablet, a large holographic display blinked into existence behind her, showing a summary of the scenario. The present personnel quickly quieted down and sat on their chairs, their attention focused on the Commander.   “Welcome to the debriefing of simulation 301. First, let me congratulate you on completing the scenario successfully. The qualifying condition was to rescue more than seventy-five percent of the harvester’s crew, and you’ve achieved that.” The Romulan woman spoke, the white shoulders of her duty uniform standing out against the dull gray of the background wall.   “But I’d like to hear what you think about the scenario. What do you think you did well, where do you think you could improve? General remarks about the simulation? Speak freely.” Commander D’raxis opened her arms in an encouraging gesture, inviting her people to join the conversation.   After a moment of awkward silence Shrass spoke up. “I think I screwed up in the end. I should have found that storm much earlier, then we could have adapted our plan and not lose over a hundred people.”   “What makes you think so, Shrass?” Sina replied, looking at the Andorian Ensign.   The scientist cleared his throat. “First, I’m an astrophysicist. I know about the possibility of disturbances in a gas giant’s lower atmosphere not showing up on normal scans. And second, we knew the harvester’s structural integrity systems were operating on emergency power. I should have run more detailed scans looking for anything that could have jeopardized the vessel.”   He took a deep breath. “But I only noticed something was off when suddenly the harvester’s trajectory became much more erratic.”   The CO inquired, taking care not to sound accusatory. “How do you think we can improve and avoid such mishaps in the future?”   The Andorian contemplated for a second, then replied. “Maybe we could change the planetary sensor macro to include that type of scans automatically when applied to gas giants. This would take care of that problem for everyone using the ship’s sensors, no matter which department or for what purpose or from which station.”   Sina nodded in approval to the suggestion. “Any other ideas?” Since nobody replied after a few seconds, she made a note on her tablet to remind her discussing updating the sensor macro with Tarik later. “Other opinions?”   “I found the scenario to be adequate. It was challenging, but not impossible. It presented several obstacles but didn’t contain no-win traps.” T’Sai offered her point of view, in her typical flat and emotionless tone. “I think the key factors to a successful completion are to immediately approach the vessel and evacuate the crew via FDS. After a brief analysis I reached the conclusion that a delayed approach or any attempt to try and save the ship in addition to the crew are nonviable.”   The Romulan smiled. “Good. But what makes you think there was no way to save the ship? During the simulation you haven’t even considered an energy transfer to restore full power to the harvester’s systems.”   “Situational time constraints, captain, and the catastrophic consequences of failure. There was simply too little, if any, margin of error. Under less dire circumstances your suggestion could have certainly been the more promising solution, but as presented in the simulation I think it would have been far too risky to be viable. In the worst case it could not only have not prevented the destruction of the Synergy vessel and the loss of its crew, it could also have endangered the Sidereal.” T’Sai stated, clearly making her point.   “Thank you, Lieutenant. You certainly make a good point.” Sina drew in some air before she continued. “I think you already suspected as much, but would you actually be surprised if I told you that the effectiveness and readiness of the systems you use during your simulations are a result of the other teams’ performances during their own simulations?”   There was a quick flash of murmur amongst the small group, but eventually Haroun spoke. “You mean, if the engineering team fails to repair, uh, a manifold or something, we’d only have five in our simulations?”   “Exactly.” The CO confirmed with a nod.   “Well, I guess that’s expected.” The Human Crewman replied. “If we were on a starbase, these exercises would probably be run on a large holodeck, right?”   “Yes, Haroun, that’s quite likely. However, the Synergy never developed holo technology to such a level and therefore we have to make do with the separate simulators. Anyway, if there are no further comments, I’d like to review the actions performed during the simulation…” --- [ Act Two ]   Shori rang Visra’s doorbell again. The quirky Caitian impatiently paced back and forth in front of the door, her tail swinging from side to side, and the long dark blue casual robe flowing behind her. She was grinning from ear to ear while she waited for her friend to open the door.   Finally, after some more long moments, the young Alusi scientist still wearing her duty uniform opened the door and stared at her unexpected guest with large eyes. “Shori? I… I didn’t expect you.”   “Just wanted to stop by to see if you’re doing alright. Can I come in?” The Caitian asked, a happy smile on her lips.   “Thanks. Yes, sure, please…” Visra mumbled, then stepping aside and waving her friend inside. The last few weeks had turned the science officer’s once luxurious diplomatic quarters into a makeshift laboratory and study. Dozens of holographic screens were silently hovering across all free walls, and even more tightly clustered around the couch. Projections of various Synergy technologies were slowly drifting through the room.   “Can I get you something to drink?” Visra asked as they slowly walked into the living room.   “No, thanks. I’m fine.” Shori replied, but then stopped and stepped closer to the Ensign. “But what about you? How are you doing?”   Visra took a deep breath, but then a soft smile crept onto her lips and her eyes seemed to light up. “I’m fine Shori, really. It’s just that there’s so much to learn from the Synergy! You can’t imagine all the technologies and discoveries they’ve made. Did you know that they figured out that pi was not irrational? All our proofs were wrong! Pi repeats after a number of digits equal to Graham’s number. Oh, and yes, they actually calculated Graham’s number, which by itself is an impossible feat!”   “Their sensors, their nanometer and femtometer technology, their programmable matter seeds, their dimensional shifting, their raw computing power…” Visra walked next to the couch and with a few simple gestures pulled close several screens and projections that had been hovering in the air. “Every day I learn new things in the simulations, and I’ve been reading and studying topics I wouldn’t have dared to dream about at the Academy. Sometimes I wished I could spend more time with Tarik or 15@57, but I know they are very busy, and I don’t want to keep them occupied all by myself.”   Shori curiously quirked an eyebrow at Visra’s words. “So, you’re no longer scared of them?”   The Alusi swallowed, then slowly shook her head. “Let’s just say, I’m no longer terrified of them. Many of them still look intimidating and make me quite uncomfortable, but I think I can manage most of the situations. Jeffrey has been helping me a lot and taught me ways to keep my fears at least somewhat under control. I still need his sessions, but it’s getting better. Also, it helps that I keep myself busy with reading and studying.” She added with a slight shrug of her shoulders. “If I’m busy I have no time to get panic attacks or anxiety fits.”   The Caitian stepped again closer to her friend. “But you can’t keep yourself on full injectors all the time. You need to relax, or you’ll soon see Jeffrey for a burnout. Say…” Shori teased. “…have you tried the swimming pool yet?”   Visra glanced at the steps leading to the large swimming pool that was partially suspended outside the annulus’s superstructure, encased in transparent duranium alloy. Several of her colleagues had already commented on how amazing it was, how it almost felt like swimming through space itself. “No.” She shook her head. “I haven’t. I’ve been too busy-”   “Then it’s good I’ve come prepared.” Shori interrupted and flung her robe backwards to reveal her mimetic polyalloy one-piece. The silvery liquid-like material seemed to flow on and through the Caitian’s fuzzy fur, as if it was just a slight touch away from falling off. But it stuck together and never failed to cover all the critical parts, even though it sometimes got to within a hair of being utterly scandalous.   Visra stared at the half-naked Caitian in front of her for a moment, then started to giggle. “You’re not trying to get me into the pool now, are you?”   Shori just grinned and nodded, while fully disrobing. “Come on, Visra. When was the last time you did something relaxing with a friend? Just letting yourself go, letting all the worries fall off your shoulders? The Humans have a saying, ‘carpe diem.’ It’s in one of their world’s ancient languages and means, ‘seize the day.’ Your documents won’t run away, they’ll still be there for you tomorrow. But this moment, right now, will never come again.”   The Alusi contemplated her friend’s words for a long moment, biting her lips shyly, but eventually nodded. “Okay, okay. You got me. Just allow me a moment to change…” With a big grin on her lips, she let out a soft laugh as she went to the fabricator to retrieve a swimsuit, and then went to her bedroom to change. After a few minutes Visra returned, her orange swimsuit a striking contrast to her gray and purple patterned hide.   Shori whistled when her friend stepped back into the living room. “You’re killing it, girl!”   The Alusi grinned impishly, then turned in front of the Caitian, showing off her lithe, androgynous frame. “You think so?”   “Absolutely, you look amazing! If we ever have a beach fashion show, you’ll positively rule it! But now, let’s dive in!” Shori called out and charged at the pool. The muscles on her athletic body worked as she ran towards the pool, and then jumped in a long arc to dive head first into the water. The Caitian swam with wide strokes of her arms and resurfaced after fifteen meters. “Come in, the water’s great!”   The Alusi approached the pool in a less reckless way than her friend and walked to the edge of the water. With an elegant jump she followed Shori into the water. She swam after the Caitian, a big smile on her lips. “You know, if it weren’t for the general physical training at the Academy you’d not have gotten me into the pool.”   “Is that so?” Shori asked, casually treading water.   “Yes.” Visra replied. “My species is notoriously averse to swimming.”   “How come?”   “Our ancestors evolved from warm-blooded reptiloid predators on Tial’alus. Their primary competitor was an aquatic species that dwelt in shallow waters and shore areas. They were so successful, that our ancestors developed an inborn fear of water bodies and retreated to different habitats. Even after they evolved sentience and became the apex predator on our world, this fear never really disappeared. Only through gradual exposure and training can my kind overcome this aversion.” The science officer explained, slowly circling her friend with slow strokes.   Shori giggled. “Seriously? Your people fear swimming? I’m sorry, but that just sounds too funny. You’ve got canines rivaling my kinds’, and claws even larger than ours. What did that other species do to your ancestors that it scared them so much?”   “It preyed on them. It was a brutal battle for survival and dominance. My predecessors were lucky their claws evolved in time to double as digging tools, so that they could evade their competitor and still ensure sufficient access to water.”   “Well, guess we all can be lucky you did come out on top of the food chain.” The chief of security teased, and splashed a large wave of water at Visra, who squealed in response. The Alusi in response dove beneath the surface, and grabbed the Caitian by her knee, pulling her under.   Shori flailed her arms and struggled her legs, coming back up spluttering water, while a second later Visra surfaced laughing heartily. The Caitian glared at her friend playfully, then joined her laughter. The two women teased and played with each other, splashing water and giving chase around the pool for almost fifteen minutes.   Eventually, Visra grew tired. After all she was a scientist, not a soldier like her friend. “I surrender, I surrender!” She called out playfully. “I need a break. I’m just not as tough as you.”   “No problem.” Shori gently replied, swimming closer to the Alusi. “If you want we can go back to solid ground, or we could go out a little further and just drift for a while. What do you say?”   “If I remember correctly, the whole rage about this pool was the outside part, right?” The Caitian nodded quickly in response to Visra’s question. “But I don’t know if I have the strength to swim that far and then back again.”   “Don’t worry, I’ll carry you.” Shori replied, offering her hand. “Just get on your back and relax.”   Visra smiled and took a deep breath, turning on her back to go drifting on the surface. Shori reached for the scientist’s hand, and gently tugged her further out towards the far end of the pool.   When they crossed the threshold to the outside part of the pool, the Alusi’s eyes went wide. “Can you feel that? Did gravity change?”   “Yes. The outside part has a different configuration with a lower attraction coefficient to add to the experience. Just relax and watch the stars.” Shori spoke softly as she carried Visra further.   Eventually they reached the last five meters, and the Caitian stopped. She now also turned on her back, drifting next to her friend, their heads side by side. “Give me your hands.” She whispered, reaching for Visra’s hands and entangling their fingers. Holding on to each other, both women silently watched the stars as they drifted almost weightlessly.   “You were right.” Visra whispered. “This is amazing. I can’t see the ceiling, and I feel as if I was floating in space itself. Being like this feels so… free.”   Shori chuckled softly. “Didn’t promise too much, did I?”   “No, you didn’t.” The young Alusi replied. “Shori…? I don’t think I ever really thanked you for what you did for me that one night two and a half months ago.”   “Ah, don’t mention it. It was nothing.”   Visra smiled shyly. “No Shori, it was not nothing. You were there for me even after I lashed out at you. You were there and helped me when nobody else even noticed my problems. For that I’ll always be thankful. You’re my best friend, and I’m glad to have you. Thank you, Shori, for everything.”   If Caitians could have blushed, Shori would have been as red as a tomato. “Anything for a friend. But you’re selling yourself short. It was your quick thinking and knowledge that saved all our combined skins, hides, scales, and furs. And that’s something for which I’ll be always thankful, because without you we all would probably be dead.”   Visra let out a deep and relaxed sigh, enjoying the time- and weightless drifting beneath the strangely familiar and yet unknown stars of this galaxy, her fingers gently entwined with those of her closest and best friend. Together they drifted across the surface of the pool, feeling like being part of eternity.   After a long time, Shori carefully squeezed Visra’s hands. “Can I ask you something?”   “Sure.”   “Do you think we’ll make it?   The Alusi slightly tilted her head to look at her friend. “What do you mean?”   “Understanding their technology to the degree necessary that they’ll let us set out on our own? I’m just a soldier, but even for my team it’s quite difficult. I can’t even begin to imagine how challenging it must be for you, or our engineers.”   Visra softly smiled at her friend. “It is a lot to learn and understand, I’ll not deny that. But I think we can manage it. Maybe we’ll need a few weeks longer than we thought, maybe we’ll have to run some more simulations than we expected, but eventually we will succeed.”   She squeezed back, careful that her claws wouldn’t hurt her friend. “And don’t forget that for now we only have to be able to understand it so that we can operate and maintain the technology, we don’t have to develop or improve it. Imagine someone traveled a thousand years into the past of both our worlds and took a scientist each back to the present. Do you think those scientists could learn about warp field geometry? Or about replicator patterns? It would seem like magic to them.”   “Hmmm… good question.” Shori replied. “Well, assuming those scientists got over the massive culture shock of being taken a thousand years into the future, to a version of their world where their people traveled to the stars and met with other species, I think they could learn those things. It would probably take quite some time, but if a newborn child could grow up and learn about those things in a few decades, those scientists should be able to so as well in that time frame.”   Visra grinned. “Exactly! And right now, we are those scientists, every single one of us, taken to a galaxy we never knew and having to learn things anew. We already received the culture shock, and hopefully got over it well enough. Now it’s time for us to learn. And as long as we stick together I’m sure we’ll make it.”   As they continued drifting on the water, a Synergy sphere slowly passed over the annulus, almost directly overhead the pool. Its white surface glistening in the reflected sunlight, and the thin energy lines glowed in a strong blue. As the massive ship crossed the annulus’s sunlight terminator, the sphere turned from bright white to pitch black, now showing only the glowing circles and lines of its energy grid. Both women followed the traversing ship with their eyes, amazed by its size and pure geometric simplicity and elegance.   Shori chuckled softly as the sphere passed by, piquing Visra’s curiosity. “What’s so funny?”   “Ah, just a silly thought.” The Caitian replied. “That sphere… I was wondering how a couple months ago that shape alone was a terrifying and inauspicious sight. But now, after getting to know those people for some time, I almost find the design beautiful. Its simplistic geometric form, the white, gray, and blue color palette. It’s hard for me to believe how much my perception of them changed.”   Visra now also giggled. “I know exactly what you mean. I’ve studied their ship designs in some detail. And no matter if it’s spheres, cubes, pyramids, prisms, or any of their other blueprints, every single one of them is just like you said. Simplistic geometry and an almost beautiful surface pattern created by their armor and energy conduits. Oh, by the way, did you know what that dull gray foundation beneath the white plating is?”   Shori raised an eyebrow and replied teasingly. “No. But considering the way you asked me it’s probably something impressive.”   The Alusi scientist grinned. “That was obvious, wasn’t it? It’s a coating of a neutronium alloy, on top of which plates of white composite armor are mounted. That alloy is just a few nanometers thin, but it alone makes their hulls more resilient than Starfleet ablative armor. We know the Iconians had mastered that material, and the Dominion started using it some decades ago. But so far, I haven’t found any mention about the Synergy’s process of creating that alloy. Guess that’s one of their state secrets.”   “I can’t fault them. If a thin neutronium coating provides that much protection, I wonder how much full armor plating made from that stuff could do.” Shori wondered.   “With full neutronium plating you’d have a ship that’s probably indestructible but won’t go anywhere unless you can move the mass of a moon.” Visra quipped. “Shori, I hope you’re not mad, but can we get back to the living room, please? I think I’ve been soaking enough for today.”   The Caitian laughed. “No problem. This feline also wants to get back on dry land.” She released the hold on one of her friend’s hands and began to slowly swim back toward the living room. --- [ Act Three ]   The bridge was dark and empty. All consoles were dark, and only a faint pale white shimmer provided a glimpse of illumination. Four figures stood in the deserted room. Three stood around the central chair, while one casually walked along the back wall.   [Don’t you think this scenario isn’t somewhat predetermined to fail them?] Chiaxi’s melodic tone carried on even in her thoughts. Her mental presence was beaming in the hive-mind like a bright guiding star, while her almost towering avatar strode from console to console.   [Maybe.] Tarik replied, still impressed and honored that the Matriarch had spared some time to witness and comment on the final simulation of the bridge crew. [But Sina and her crew proved to be exceptionally creative and resourceful during the last several weeks. We are aware that they managed to attain a completion rate of over eighty-three percent across all simulations in all specializations.]   1@1 smiled to herself, satisfied that her engineer started calling Sina by her first name instead of her title or rank. The Matriarch was aware of the rift between her people and the Starfleet crew. A rift that wouldn’t close quickly no matter how amicable the situation seemed. After recognizing the seed of sympathy between them, it was her silent hope that Tarik and Sina would be the ones capable of bridging the chasm.   [Yes, Tarik. But this scenario is different.]   Now Na’lo joined the discussion. [How so, Matriarch? We’ve used historical encounters and situations before, and they managed most of them.]   [I know. But the raid on the Kalahar, which started the Six Generation War between the Karraan Union and the Hublik Confederacy, was never resolved. Neither the Karraan crown princess nor the Omega particle were ever recovered. How can we expect them to beat this scenario?] The Matriarch mused. She knew that 18@31 was about to speak, but Hiora’s thoughts were already known to her, sending a sly smile to her lips.   [That’s one of the reasons why this scenario is particularly adequate, Matriarch. And because it bears a strong resemblance to a tradition in Starfleet training Lieutenant Neirrek told me about. They call it-]   [The Kobayashi Maru.] Chiaxi finished Hiora’s thought, drawing on their shared memories and knowledge. [An unbeatable scenario with no possible victory condition, that serves as a method to gauge the Cadet’s character and how they behave when facing overwhelming odds. Fascinating. I’m quite curious how our examinees will do.]   Suddenly the large doors along the backside of the chamber opened and the Sidereal’s senior bridge crew streamed in, led by Commander Sina Phaio Gallagher-D’raxis. Quickly and efficiently the other Starfleet officers took up their stations, unaware of the virtual avatars observing their every action.   The simulated placeholder bridge flickered briefly and was replaced by an accurate virtual representation of the simulator room. The lighting, the consoles, the people, everything a perfect replica to allow astute and critical observations. [Well then. Let’s see how they will fare.] The Matriarch remarked with a grin, her three eyes sparkling curiously.   “Good afternoon, alpha shift.” Sina started once everyone had taken their place. “You all know that this is our final simulation. I guess everyone’s probably quite nervous, I know I certainly am. But I have full confidence in all of you. You’ve trained and studied hard for this moment. And I’m incredibly proud of what you all have achieved in the past five months. We have gone where none of us have ever gone before, and we have learned what none of us have ever learned before.”   “Any questions?” The Commander looked around, but everyone she faced simply nodded. After a brief pause, she finally sat in her chair. “Okay, people! Let’s do this!”   “What’s the scenario for our final test?” Niko inquired curiously.   “First contact, sort of. The Synergy has established diplomatic contact with the Karraan Union, a small independent regional alliance of worlds at the edge of Synergy territory. The Karraan want to open trade and technology exchange negotiations, and we are to meet with the Union’s crown princess as a first step.” Sina smiled as she explained the scenario to her XO.   “Hmm, sounds easy.” Niko quipped.   “We’ll see…”   A few minutes into the simulation, Junior Lieutenant Clark reported. “Sir, we received a communique from the Karraan Union Fleet Command. We’re asked to follow a specified corridor into their territory to rendezvous with the Karraan flagship, the Kalahar. The crown princess is already expecting us.”   “Very good. Acknowledge the message, Duncan. Noriko, change course to the rendezvous coordinates, maximum speed. Stay inside the corridor, since we want to make a good first impression. Engage.”   “Aye, captain. Changing course to zero-nine-six mark zero-four. Engaging subspace slipstream at 100 percent. ETA in thirteen minutes twenty-seven seconds.” Noriko confirmed the order while swiftly operating the navigation and engine controls. The Sidereal hummed softly as the slipstream drive wound up and plunged the ship into the subspace tunnel.   Sina looked at Niko, confidence gleaming in her eyes. He raised an eyebrow and responded with a teasing grin. “Duncan, contact the Kalahar.” The XO ordered. “Inform them we’ll arrive in around thirteen minutes.”   “Aye, Sir.” The operations officer tapped on the holographic interface, but after several moments he became irritated. He tried again, moving his fingers slower and more deliberately than before. “Uhm, Sir? I can’t raise the vessel. No response on any agreed-on channel.”   The captain glanced at her first officer. “Keep trying. Extend to all registered channels.”   After a few moments, Duncan shook his head. “No change, captain. Still no response.”   “Maybe they have technical issues?” Niko suggested, but Sina furrowed her brows.   “Could be, but I want to be sure. Duncan, keep trying to raise them on any channel. Also try any deprecated subspace frequencies they might know. Visra, how far ahead can we scan while in slipstream?”   “Aye, captain.” Duncan acknowledged the order and went to work on the communications interface.   Visra quickly checked the readings on her science console before answering. “We are currently limited to a narrow sensor range along our flight path, captain. The sensors work about forty light-years ahead of us, and roughly four light-years to each side.”   “Understood.” The captain said. “How long until we get in sensor range of the rendezvous coordinates?”   “Approximately four minutes and forty-one seconds, captain.” The science officer replied swiftly while priming the forward sensor array for maximum distance resolution.   “Okay.” Sina took a deep breath. “Visra, try to get a sensor image the moment we get in range. I want to be sure everything’s in the green when we arrive.”   “Aye, captain.”   The following minutes were spent in silent concentration. Any communication attempt made by Duncan failed. He couldn’t get any response on any channel or frequency, even after ensuring with a level three diagnosis that the Sidereal’s comm systems were working correctly. When the ship finally got close enough for sensor contact, the tension on the bridge was almost tangible.   “Visra, status?”   “Captain, there are some strange interferences and subspace distortions at the rendezvous coordinates. The sensors are having some difficulties to adjust. I need a few seconds to compensate.”   “Take your time, Visra.” Sina said reassuringly. “Just give us a clear image.”   “I think I’ve cleaned up the interferences. The sensors are now picki…” Visra’s voice trailed off in the middle of the word and her eyes went wide as she saw the images in front of her. “Captain, sensors show a massive debris field stretching over almost a full light-minute cubed.”   “What?!” Sina and Niko basically exclaimed simultaneously. “Origin? Any signs of the Kalahar?”   “The debris appears to stem from several dozen Karraan starships, as well as some other types of spacecraft that most likely belong to the attackers. No sign of the Kalahar, but… I’ve identified the interferences. The attackers are using subspace weaponry, and there are nine isolytic tears in the area.”   “Oh shit!” Duncan mumbled.   Commander D’raxis looked at her first officer for a moment, then stated with firm voice. “Red alert!” The lights on the bridge changed instantly, and a single klaxon sounded the ship-wide alarm signal.   Lieutenant Commander Heisenberg turned to face his captain, a serious and worried expression on his face. “You really want to go in? Against an attacker that destroyed a whole fleet with utterly reckless use of subspace weapons?”   “I haven’t said that, Niko. But I want to be prepared in case there’s an ambush waiting for reinforcements. Also… Duncan, contact the Karraan Fleet Command. Inform them of the attack and transmit all sensor data.”   “Aye, captain.” The ops officer replied and went to work.   Sina stood from her chair and slowly paced back and forth at the edge of the first bridge level. “Rel, tactical analysis?”   “Our barriers can withstand those isolytic tears at least for some time and we should be able to outmaneuver them. But given the limited information we have about the attacker it’s impossible to give a more detailed report. We should proceed with caution.” The Cardassian replied.   “Thank you.” The Romulan turned to her XO. “What do you think are we looking at?”   Niko shrugged. “Could be anything. Rebellion, terrorist attack, assassination of the crown princess for political reasons, civil war, raid by a third party… there’s too little information available. Also, we should be careful not to get involved in something that’s out of our league. I think the Matriarch won’t be amused if we drag the Synergy into some war.”   “True. We need more information. Visra, anything new on the sensors?”   “Yes, captain. The Karraan flag fleet has been destroyed. I’m detecting hull fragments from over 200 ships, including the Kalahar. The attacker fleet consisted of probably thirty vessels of many different configurations, of which only two are still operational. From the distribution of the wreckage and the lingering subspace distortions, I’d say it was a surprise attack.”   “What makes you think so?” Niko asked.   “Sir, most of the wreckage is drifting in formation. That suggests that the Karraan fleet was not expecting the attack. Also, sensors picked up traces of at least fifty isolytic bursts. This suggests that the attackers approached, maybe cloaked or disguised as a trading caravan, and then deployed a massive volley of subspace weapons that overwhelmed the surprised flag fleet.”   Suddenly Duncan spoke up. “Captain, we’ve received a response from Fleet Command. They will send as many reinforcements as they can manage, but their closest ship is over forty minutes away. They authorize us to leave the corridor if necessary and ask us to ensure the safety of the crown princess if possible. They also say that the Kalahar was carrying a… an Omega molecule as a token for the negotiations.”   Commander D’raxis sighed. “So much for sounding easy.”   “ETA in about five minutes, captain.” Noriko mentioned, reinforcing the urgency of the situation.   Sina tapped away on the holographic interface of the captain’s chair, bringing up details of the Fleet Command’s response. After a few moments she dismissed the virtual screen with a flick of her wrist and sighed. She turned to her first officer. “We’ve been asked by the Karraan government to intervene. I don’t think staying out of this is an option anymore.”   The German officer rubbed his forehead, mumbling to himself. “Just great. I really should learn to keep my mouth shut.” After a moment he looked back up at the captain. “You’re right, we cannot walk away from this. But let’s do this by the book and not screw it up.” The XO brought up the intra-ship comms. “All hands, battle stations.”   Another alarm klaxon sounded, signaling battle stations ship-wide, and the lighting changed again. The bridge was much darker now, with a blood red crimson glow shining from above. Even though she knew it was only a simulation, Sina found the atmosphere disturbing and nightmarish. She hoped to never experience this situation outside the simulator. The Romulan took a deep breath, then leaned over the railing in front of the bridge.   “Rel, coordinate with Visra to get a tactical sensor sweep before we drop out of slipstream. The moment we get there, I want all our defensive and offensive systems ready to engage any potential threats. If anything shoots at us return fire immediately without waiting for orders, but try to disable the attackers.”   “Aye, captain.” The Cardassian officer nodded with a serious expression on his face, the holographic overlays on his console already showing weapon readiness, barrier strength, and other tactical information.   “Noriko, the same applies to you. If there’s a threat or obstacle heading for us, take any necessary evasive maneuvers without waiting for me or Niko.”   “Aye, captain.” The Asian pilot responded, the nervousness obvious in her voice.   “Sina, we should leave slipstream some distance away from the debris field. We don’t know if the attackers managed to deploy mines.” Niko remarked, rising from his chair to stand next to Sina. “Or the debris might simply inhibit our maneuverability when trying to avoid the tears.”   “You’re right.” The captain said. “Noriko, bring us back to normal space a few light-seconds away from the edge of the field.”   Ensign Yamada acknowledged the order and quickly adjusted the Sidereal’s plotted course. “Aye, captain. ETA at new coordinates in three minutes and ten seconds.”   “Rel, Visra said there were still two operational attacker ships. Can you tell their status?” Sina asked while already mentally preparing herself for the view of the battlefield she’d see in a few minutes.   “Yes, captain. As far as I can see they have been damaged but are still battle ready. They are also moving away from the battlefield at supra-warp velocities. They will soon leave our slipstream sensor range.” The CTO stated.   “Understood. Keep tabs on them when we get back to normal space, I don’t want to get surprised should one of them decide to turn around.”   The Matriarch’s avatar curiously eyed the projections of Sina and Niko on the virtual bridge from a few steps away. Na’lo was watching Visra, while Hiora stood next to Rel’s station, critically observing the tactical settings and configurations he had set up.   Tarik stood next to Chiaxi, his arms casually crossed in front of his chest. [What is your impression of their performance so far?] He asked.   The Synergy ruler replied softly. [So far, their responses have been adequate, but on the other hand there has been little opportunity for failure yet. It was prudent of them to scan ahead to investigate the situation as it developed, but I think the more interesting and decisive moments will start in a few minutes when they enter the battlefield. I am curious to see how Sina and her crew will approach the splitting of the attackers’ remaining vessels.]   Tarik smiled. [That makes two of us.] --- [ Act Four ]   “Dropping out of slipstream in three… two… one… now!” Noriko announced, and the view screen returned from the chaotic vortex of subspace slipstream to the familiar darkness of normal space. But the sight projected in front of the bridge was a nightmare. They looked upon a vast field of debris and wreckage, burning fragments of hundreds of ships brutally torn apart by dozens of subspace tears. It was a panorama of death and destruction unprecedented of anything Sina or any of her crew had ever witnessed before.   The Romulan Commander stood at the hand rail, her gaze trying to scan the view in front of her for signs of the attacker. “Any signs of the attackers around?”   “Negative, captain.” Replied Rel, focused on the continuously running targeting scanners. “They are still moving away on diverging courses. One ship appears to use some variant of coaxial warp and is leaving a quickly decaying line of compressed neutrinos. The other one created a massive triquantum shock wave, indicating a simple transwarp drive.”   The Cardassian had barely finished when an alarm sounded from Visra’s console. “Captain, two subspace tears are approaching. They are drawn to our OSR.”   “Understood. Noriko, keep us a nice distance away from them!” Sina ordered, trying to sort her thoughts at the sight of the massacre.   “Aye, captain.” Noriko replied, her hands flying over the console to get the Sidereal moving.   Niko stood next to her, a PADD in hand. “Visra, are there any life signs in the debris?”   The Alusi scientist quickly adjusted the sensor calibration, then reported back. “Yes, Sir. I’m picking up a few hundred Karraan life signs in the wreckage, many of them already weak. I’m also picking up a low-powered short range transmission, probably from a damaged emergency beacon or escape pod, but it only shows static.”   Sina tapped her combadge. “Bridge to engineering. Spin up the manifolds and prepare to transport the surviving Karraan onboard.” She tapped the combadge again, not even waiting for the confirmation of her first order. “Bridge to sickbay, we’ve got a few hundred wounded Karraan coming in. Co-Yor, I need you to…”   While the captain and the XO were coordinating and preparing the ship for the rescue of the survivors, Duncan leaned to the side and asked his colleague. “Hey, can you transfer the transmission data to my station? Maybe I can help clean it up a bit.”   The young Alusi nodded, and with a few taps copied the undecipherable message and all its meta-data to the ops station. Junior Lieutenant Clark nodded, and whispered his thanks. Then he went to work, trying all the standard filters that were usually enough to wrestle at least some information from broken messages.   Duncan got a little irritated when the result still came up empty. Maybe it was indeed only a damaged transponder that transmitted only static. He was about to discard the data, but then decided to try one more attempt.   He ran the message through an entropy filter and aggregated the result in chunks of one sigma. Suddenly he was looking at a plot of data points neatly filing in three-by-three-by-three matrices. Duncan quickly fed those matrices into a probability sequencer, and almost immediately the result showed on screen. The signal was not random. It couldn’t be static.   With a mix of desperation and curiosity Duncan ran the universal translator over the dataset, hoping the highly specialized system could make any sense of the matrices. He only hoped the message would contain any useful information, and not a random crew member’s lunch plans or favorite fiction. The moment he saw the result on one of the holographic displays in front of him, the Scotsman spoke up. “Captain! I got something here.”   “What is it, Duncan?” Sina asked.   “I did some signal analysis on the static transmission Visra found. The signal is not random. There is some data contained in it, encoded in three-cubed matrices, similar in principle to Morse code. The universal translator managed to decipher it.”   Sina looked at Niko. The XO nodded and turned to the ops officer. “What does it say?”   Duncan took a deep breath. “‘Raiders belong to Hublik Confederacy. Surprise attack. Unknown cloaking device. Subspace weapons. Kidnapped princess. Stole Omega.’ Then it repeats.”   The CO stared at the view screen for a second. “That’s why they split up!”   “One ship carries the kidnapped princess, the other transports Omega. They use two different routes to minimize the risk of both being intercepted or pursued.” Niko completed Sina’s thought.   The Romulan turned to the science officer. “Visra, how long will be able to pick up the triquantum wave with our sensors?”   “I guess at least another hour. Their drive is not very sophisticated and causes lots of subspace damage. But the neutrino trace will have completely dissipated in the next ten to twenty minutes.” Visra replied, already knowing exactly what the follow up question would have been.   “Captain.” Rel began. “If we want to pursue any of the attackers’ ships we should do so right now. Every minute we delay increases the risk of them grouping up with still cloaked reinforcements or handing over their cargo to other ships. Also, they didn’t seem to use the mentioned cloaking devices for their escape. Maybe they have been damaged during the battle, or they were one-use devices. Right now, we have the advantage that we could easily catch up to either of the ships.”   Niko turned to Sina. “Rel’s right. Rescuing and treating all survivors will take at least ten more minutes. The longer we wait the less likely we’re to catch any of them.”   The Romulan let out a heavy sigh. She hated the thought of leaving the survivors behind, knowing well enough that most of them probably wouldn’t make it until Karraan forces arrived to continue the rescue operation. But she also knew her CTO and XO were right. It would be worse to let the attackers get away with both the crown princess or Omega.   “Noriko, follow the neutrino trace. Pursuit course, maximum possible speed. Engage.”   “Aye, captain!” The young Asian acknowledge while her fingers swiftly manipulated the holographic controls. The Sidereal elegantly turned around and quickly disappeared from normal space, leaving the two subspace tears that had been following her all dressed up and nowhere to go. On the bridge, the view screen’s visual was again replaced by the familiar black and rainbow fractal vortex of subspace slipstream.   “Based on the neutrino trace, can we make any statements about the ship’s top speed?” The XO asked everyone around, not addressing anyone since the question involved many disciplines.   Visra was the first to answer. “Somewhat, Sir. The trace is highly unstable, and the compression ratio indicates that their coaxial drive is equally unsophisticated as the other ship’s transwarp drive. Since coaxial velocities are primarily determined by the neutrino compression, I’d estimate their maximum velocity at around 150 to 200 light-years per hour.”   Niko chuckled. “That makes them still more than five times faster than the Enterprise. Their lead is about twenty-five light-years, so we should catch up to them in less than five minutes.   “Good.” Sina nodded. “Rel, how many slipstream probes do we have onboard?”   “Ten, captain.”   “Reconfigure half of them to act as sensor buoys and relays, and immediately launch two from the aft bay when ready. Set them to follow the triquantum wave. I want to keep a close eye on the other ship to avoid any surprises. The probes will be our eyes while we’re chasing this vessel in slipstream.”   “Aye, captain.” The Cardassian responded, and immediately went to work with his Alusi colleague to reconfigure and launch the probes.   On the simulated bridge Tarik grinned at the Matriarch, beaming with pride at Sina’s idea. [I told you they were resourceful.]   [Indeed, Tarik. Using stellar probes this way is an interesting solution to compensate for their current situation. But the simulation is not over yet.] Chiaxi replied, her three eyes sparkling with curiosity.   While the CTO and science officer were busy, a soft chirping on the conn console alerted Noriko. “Captain, the target has dropped to impulse.”   “What?” Niko exclaimed surprised. “They are in the middle of nowhere. Any signs of other ships?”   “Not as far as I can see on the sensors, Sir.” The pilot replied. “Time to intercept just above three minutes.”   “What are they waiting for…?” The XO wondered, his brows furrowing deeply.   Sina returned to her seat, bringing up the tactical readiness displays and targeting sensors. “Maybe they’ve picked up our pursuit and now try to bait us into an ambush. Or their propulsion was damaged more than we thought?”   The captain quickly checked the sensor images herself. Niko was right, it didn’t make any sense to stop right here in the middle of empty space. But she wanted to be sure. “Duncan, check the star charts for anything that could be out here. Maybe they’re waiting for a mobile wormhole aperture or something?”   “Aye, captain.” The ops officer replied, and immediately pulled up the charts and maps for this sector. It took him only a few moments of filtering through the data. “Oh oh.”   “What is it, Duncan?”   “There’s no wormhole, but the charts indicate that at their position is an old interspatial manifold from the shut-down Synergy transwarp network.”   Sina’s eyes widened. “If they manage to activate and power even only two or three of those manifolds…”   “Then they could get away thousands of light-years and we’d lose their track.” Niko completed his captain’s thought. “Noriko, adjust our course so that we leave slipstream in weapons range. Rel, immediately get a target lock on that ship and shoot to disable when we drop to normal space. They must not be allowed to activate that manifold!”   Both officers responded in unison. “Aye, Sir.”   “Time to intercept 100 seconds.” The young Asian quickly added, while she adjusted the Sidereal’s course slightly to bring them in much, much closer to their target.   “Captain, we’re receiving sensor telemetry from the probes.” Visra announced. “The other attacker ship is heading straight towards Hublik Confederacy territory and will cross the border within the next twenty minutes.   “Understood. But let’s now focus on this one. They are carrying either the crown princess or the Omega molecule. We can’t let them get away with either.” The CO stated, reinforcing their momentary mission.   “Rel, status?” Niko asked as the Sidereal rapidly approached its destination.   “All tactical systems operational. Tachyon barriers at full power, pulse cannons charged and configured for high-precision low-yield fire. Targeting sensors online and ready.” The Cardassian replied, his field of view filled with holographic tactical displays and weapon controls.   “Time to intercept one minute.”   The minute passed faster than anyone expected, and Noriko announced the ship’s return to normal space. “Dropping out of slipstream in three… two… one… now!”   The holographic view screen in front of the bridge changed, casting off the slipstream’s vortex and replacing it with the blackness of space pierced by the swirling dark blue and gray vortex of an open transwarp aperture. The golden and green hull of the simplistic and blocky Hublik vessel shimmered under the aperture’s glow, as it was only a few seconds away from entering the opening.   “Rel! Fire!” Sina shouted, but the Cardassian had already released the ship’s deadly weapons.   The tactical console chirped, and a split second later a volley of bright white blue bolts of energy streaked from the Sidereal’s cannons towards the attacker vessel. The first salvo connected with their shields, the shield bubble fracturing under the merciless onslaught of hard Omega radiation, which eventually overloaded their grid. The second salvo impacted on their hull, effortlessly puncturing their armor plating and punching clean holes through their hull in blinding blue explosions.   The ship started to tumble, thrown around by the secondary detonations as their impulse engines were destroyed, as well as the clean amputation of one of their external compartments. But while the ship was staggering, it was still drifting towards the aperture.   “Target the manifold! Destroy the aperture!”   Another volley of energy bolts shot forward, whizzing past the broken Hublik vessel at superluminal speed into the open vortex. They connected with the centuries old hexagonal manifold, easily penetrating its deprecated shielding, and cleaving it into half a dozen chunks. Colorful explosions completely shattered the massive structure mere moments later, and while the manifold’s debris drifted apart in subspace the aperture in normal space destabilized and flickered out of existence.   “Open a channel.” The captain ordered. “This is Commander D’raxis of the Federation Starfleet vessel USS Sidereal on behalf of the Karraan Union. You are under arrest for your participation in the attack on the Karraan flag fleet, and your use of subspace weapons. You are outgunned and outmatched. Surrender your ship and prepare to be boarded.”   The view screen turned on, and a large-headed insectoid stared back at them, its four multifaceted black eyes glistening menacingly. The three asymmetric mandibles on its mouth produced a clicking and chirping, which the universal translator picked up a moment later.   “We will not surrender, for we are victorious. We will resist your every motion, for you are too late. We will celebrate, for your shortsightedness has already defeated you.”   Before the Romulan could say another word, the Hublik had closed the channel.   Niko raised an eyebrow. “Now that was helpful.”   The Romulan turned to her science officer. “Visra, can you detect any Karraan life signs or traces of Omega?”   “Not yet, captain. Their internal hull is built with materials interfering with our scans. I need some time to recalibrate the sensors.” The Alusi scientist responded, her fingers flying over the sensor controls.   Suddenly Duncan spoke up. “Captain! There, the hull!”   All eyes focused on a rectangular section on the side of the tumbling vessel. A massive length of hull seemed to fold in onto itself, revealing what appeared to be a hangar or freight deck. Moments after the strange folding doors had completely opened, a massive crimson cube slowly drifted out of the opening.   “Visra? Any idea what that is?” Niko asked.   “One second… based on radiation traces on the cube’s surface that seems to be an Omega containment device.”   Sina tapped her combadge. “Bridge to engineering, we’ve got the Omega molecule. Prepare to transport it to cargo bay two. Have an engineering team on stand-by to check if the devi-”   “Rel! Fighter!” Visra suddenly shouted in a panicked voice.   A second later the Hublik fighter that was launched from a similar hangar deck on the other side of the stumbling Hublik ship swept around. It launched a pale white torpedo a mere moment before the small craft was completely vaporized by one of the Sidereal’s energy bolts. The torpedo headed directly for the Omega device and impacted the red cube.   The Sidereal rocked and shook under the massive explosion. And while the tachyon barriers held against the force of the detonation, they still fractured and bled temporal energy to absorb the devastating blow. Alerts sounded from all consoles and blinding white light from the explosion flooded the bridge.   “Status!” Sina shouted over the alarms and shocked screams of her crew. “And dim the view screen!”   A moment later the view screen turned dark, and order returned to the bridge.   Rel was the first to speak. “Well, the good news is we’re sort of okay. The barriers are holding, if only barely. But the bad news is that the Hublik have detonated the Omega molecule with a tricobalt warhead. The explosion completely destroyed their vessel.”   Visra continued after the CTO. “We’re surrounded by massive subspace distortions from the explosion. We’re cut off from any kind of subspace communication, and we have neither warp nor slipstream. The sensors are heavily impaired, but the distortions extend at least thirteen light-years in all directions.”   Sina sank back into her chair and let out a frustrated sigh. “Oh damn it!” Then the lights returned to normal, indicating the end of the simulation.   Tarik’s avatar looked equally frustrated as Sina did. The virtual observers had followed the simulation closely and monitored all events in great detail. He had thought that Sina would be able to at least secure one objective since she was already so close, and his frustration and disappointment radiated out from him like a beacon.   [Tarik, don’t be so negative.] Chiaxi turned to her engineer, a soft reassuring smile on her lips. [Sina and her crew made only few mistakes. Without knowing the history of the Hublik, she just couldn’t anticipate such a fatalistic reaction. Her idea of using stellar probes to monitor the other vessel was a great display of quick thinking. Given the circumstances and stated intent of the simulation, I would say their performance was satisfactory.] --- [ Act Five ]   Sina was sitting in her luxurious quarters, lazily lounging on the couch draped in Tholian silk while recording another entry in her personal log. She had barely finished when she heard the doors chirping, then opening and closing on their own. The Romulan turned her head and smiled happily as she saw Tarik walking towards the wide-open living room.   Several months ago, she had made the decision to grant Tarik direct access to her quarters. Just like she had done with Niko, Rel, Shori, Co-Yor, Visra, and Jeffrey. They were visiting so regularly to discuss various things or make reports, that she thought it silly to have them ring and wait.   Since then her living room had pretty much turned into an improvised, and decadent, ready room, and so she didn’t mind making those arrangements at all. The door to the bedroom and master bathroom was still locked down, so she still had her privacy and wouldn’t have to face unexpected and possibly embarrassing visitors there, which made the situation much less troublesome than it sounded.   “Hey. What brings you here? Shouldn’t you be at home or so?” She teased her guest while waving at him.   Tarik stopped a few steps away from the couch and simply stated, a wide smile on his lips. “She’s ready.”   “What do you mean, ‘she’s ready’? Who?” Sina replied, looking up from the couch at the visitor, PADD in hand and a slightly puzzled expression on her face.   “I mean exactly what I said. We have completed the Sidereal’s upgrade. All systems are operational again.” He replied, the smile turning into a fat grin while he watched the Commander’s reaction.   She heard the words, and her eyes popped wide open. Her mouth first stood open, but her lips quickly curled upwards in a happy laughter. “Really?!” She exclaimed, dropping the tablet and jumping to her feet. For a second, she warily squinted at Tarik, mustering him. “You’re not teasing me again, are you? You’re not teasing? You’re not teasing!”   Eager to finally get off her behind, and again be in command of a starship… her starship… she jumped into 4@19’s arms, hugging him tightly and laughing at the great news. “YES! Thank you! When can we fly? It doesn’t have to be far. Just… somewhere, anywhere. Even if it’s only to Jupiter and back. Do the others already know?”   The ragged engineer was now also laughing, somewhat awkwardly returning the hug. “Calm down, calm down, you’re squeezing me!” He breathed between laughs. With a sudden jerk Sina pulled back and straightened her posture. She looked at Tarik with the same mix of barely contained excitement and playful mischievousness any child would on First Contact Day, just a few minutes before the big fireworks.   “To answer your questions, we can take the Sidereal out any time now. The rest of your crew has not been informed yet. I thought it prudent that the captain of the ship should know first.”   She smirked slyly. “Good thinking. So… what’s going to happen next? Do we need to wait for the Matriarch’s permission to take the ship out?”   Tarik shook his head and replied with an equally sly smirk. “No. We’re already good to go. But I can assure you that the Matriarch will most certainly pay close attention to the Sidereal’s second maiden voyage.   While they were chatting, Sina’s brow started to furrow and her expression turned a little worried. “Can we even control the ship with only sixty-eight people? We were already running on a skeleton crew when we were eighty-two, and now we’re even fewer.”   4@19 stepped closer and briefly took her hands, giving them an encouraging squeeze. “Yes, you certainly could. The Sidereal’s new systems have more advanced automation and require significantly less supervision than the previous configuration. However, it is still a large vessel for such a small crew, and more personnel would make its operation safer and more reliable. You might be surprised by this, but there’s been a wave of volunteers signing up in the hive-mind to serve onboard your vessel.”   “Wait… what?” Commander D’raxis replied astonished, her eyebrows raising in surprise. “You mean… some of your people want to work on the Sidereal? Under my command? And the Matriarch would be okay with that?”   “Yes. Yes. And yes.”   “And… how many volunteers are we talking, exactly?”   Tarik’s eyes unfocused for a second while he queried the exact number from the hive-mind. “782 million, 465 thousand, 341. Correction, 343.”   The number was several orders of magnitude larger than what she’d have ever expected. She swallowed. “That’s… wow. I’d never have expected that. I… uhm… I don’t need to pick and choose right now, do I?”   The Synergy engineer laughed. “Oh no. And like I said, they are volunteers. If you don’t want, you don’t need to pick any of them at all. But I think it would be advantageous to have people onboard who are much more familiar with the technology to support you. While your crew has made significant improvements over the last few months, their understanding of our technology is still only rudimentary.”   The last five months had been extremely challenging. Even after the crew had voted to return to their ship and discover the Milky Way anew, it had been difficult for some to accept their situation. While most eventually got over their depressed mood, thanks in no part to outstanding counseling on Jeffrey’s part, a few crew members were still sulking in their own misery.   And those who managed to rally some motivation were immediately hit with the seemingly insurmountable challenge of learning the Synergy’s technology. Most of the crew spent almost the last half year in various schools, training courses, and workshops, trying to learn to understand and how to operate the technology now built into the Sidereal at least on a basic level.   While the task was relatively simple for those positions that simply used the new systems, like conn or tactical, it was extremely challenging for the crew’s scientists and engineers who needed to understand how it worked. Even though Visra was still regularly seeing Jeffrey, the challenge of learning the Synergy’s technology seemed a welcome distraction for her. She had been more active in her courses than in all the weeks before.   And now the moment they had all trained and waited for had arrived.   “Yeah, I know. I only took the baseline courses but even I feel my head’s about to burst open if I have to remember one more technical detail about the SSD, the OSR, or the FDS.” Sina chuckled. “So, how about we call the others and get onboard?”   “Sounds like a plan.” Tarik nodded in agreement, a sly grin on his lips.   A little less than an hour later the whole crew was assembled in the familiar function hall designed for diplomatic events and social gatherings. Niko, Rel, and Shori stood grouped near the center, below the prismatic chandelier made from Denevan crystal. The crystalline arcs and beams were set directly into the transparent duranium ceiling revealing the starry panorama above Earth’s annulus. The rest of the crew was scattered in smaller or larger groups throughout the hall, and curiously waiting for their captain to arrive. People were eagerly discussing what the reason for this surprise gathering could be.   “And she really didn’t tell you what this is all about?” Shori asked Niko.   The Human simply shook his head. “Nope, not a single word. She only promised a big surprise. I really have no clue why we’re here. Actually, I wanted to be in the hot tub since approximately three minutes to relax a bit tonight before Mr. Drill Sergeant here pulls out his torture regiment again tomorrow.”   While Shori chuckled at the first officer’s comment, Rel simply grinned dangerously. “You know, everyone else seems to be okay with my PT. But if you feel you’re falling behind, you can just tell me. I’ll then arrange a few personal training sessions to get you up to speed with the rest of the crew again. Can’t have the XO fall behind, can we?”   Now Niko chuckled. “Well, given the circumstances I’d rather not. Let me reconsider my wording… I’m more than content with the PT as it currently is.”   “Thought so.” The Cardassian officer replied laughing.   Suddenly the chattering and talking in the hall died, when Commander Gallagher-D’raxis walked into the hall in her duty uniform, accompanied by Tarik. As she walked towards the center of the large chamber droves of people followed her. In a few moments, the Sidereal’s crew had gathered in a relatively small circle around Sina, Tarik, and the other senior officers. Sixty-seven pairs of eyes were expectantly gazing at the Romulan woman.   Sina stood there for a moment and cleared her throat before she addressed her crew. “You’re probably all curious why I asked you here tonight. I don’t want to keep you in the dark for longer than necessary, so I’ll make it quick. Tarik told me an hour ago that the Sidereal is ready, and we can have her back. All systems are operational, and we can take her out any time.”   There was a short pause during which everyone was processing what the CO just said. Then individual shouts and cheers cropped up and were quickly supplemented by an echoing applause. The captain watched the scene with a smile on her lips, happy that after such a long time she could finally deliver this good news to her crew. Her people were cheering and clapping, raising their hands into the air or embracing each other. She hadn’t seen them so enthusiastic in months.   “And I have some other news, which I would like to share with you. While the new Sidereal should be easily manageable with our current numbers, obviously it would be better to have a larger crew. I was told there are over 780 million volunteers in the Synergy that would like to join this crew and serve on our ship. We’ve all been training, learning, and living with them for almost half a year now. Many of us found new acquaintances or friends amongst them.”   Sina slowly turned, her gaze circling the gathered crew. “You don’t have to answer already tonight, but I’d like all of you to think about how you would feel having some members of the Synergy serving on the Sidereal as your comrades. They would be subject to the same rules, the same command structures, the same expectations. When you find a quiet moment, please take some time to consider this option and drop me a message with your thoughts.”   Her crew was silent again. Some people looked happy, others seemed to be troubled a little by her suggestion. Sina drew out the moment a little longer, before she shouted with an upbeat, cheering, tone in her voice. “But for now, who wants to take the Sidereal out for a test run?” The whole chamber erupted into cheers and raised hands again. The Commander looked at her celebrating crew. “You cannot imagine how long I’ve been waiting for this moment. And how long we’ve all been training for this second chance.”   Commander D’raxis looked around her, watching all the sixty-eight enthusiastic faces focused on her, ready to delve into the great unknown once more. She looked at her XO. Niko nodded. She stole a glance at her CTO and COS. Rel and Shori both nodded, too, with the Caitian grinning and her tail excitedly swaying from side to side. Finally, her gaze fell on Tarik’s rugged face, partially covered by his scrubby chin beard. The Synergy engineer smiled warmly and nodded as well, gesturing with his right hand for her to go ahead.   Sina’s smile widened into a thrilled grin, and she raised her voice again. “All hands, return to the Sidereal and report for duty!”   Her words had barely faded when the hall exploded into action. Dozens of people quickly scattered and raced out of the chamber, returning to their quarters to change into their uniforms and board the Sidereal. Those few who were still wearing their duty uniforms gathered around the interface terminals near the entrances, and soon disappeared in the bright flashes of dimensional shifts transporting them to their ship. Less than half a minute after the captain’s order the chamber was empty save for Sina, Niko, and Tarik.   “I’ll be honest, captain, I did not expect that.”   Sina smiled at the men next to her, her eyes traveling between them. “Well, neither did I. I was just finishing my personal log when suddenly this guy showed up and told me we’re good to go.” She teased Tarik, throwing him a happy smirk, before her expression turned more serious. “But there’s one more thing. We’re short a chief engineer. You said yourself it would be good if we had people on board who knew the systems in detail, and I can’t imagine anyone knowing the new Sidereal better than you. I’d like to offer that post to you.”   The Synergy engineer raised an eyebrow at the Romulan’s words. He opened his mouth for an answer, but quickly closed his lips again. His expression changed as if he was discussing with someone, but after a few moments his face relaxed. 4@19 looked at Sina and nodded humbly. “It seems you’ve made a good impression, because even the Matriarch thinks I should take your offer.” Tarik still hesitated for one more moment, but then smiled at Sina. “Very well. I accept.”   The Romulan Commander grinned from ear to ear, her gaze focused on the engineer’s happy face. She offered her hand and shook it firmly when Tarik took it. “Tarik, I’m really glad you accepted.”   Niko also stepped closer and offered his hand for a strong handshake. “Welcome to the crew.”   “Thank you. I hope I’m not going to regret it.” 4@19 replied only half joking. “The command styles of our two organizations are not really compatible, and-”   “Don’t you worry about the details.” Sina interrupted him, before he could go on and rattle down a list of two dozen things that would cause problems. “I’m sure we’ll be able to iron out the kinks soon enough. But for now, I think we have a ship waiting for us.”   He nodded. “Aye… captain.” He added with a big grin, and then reached out with his uplink to initiate the dimensional shift to the Sidereal’s bridge. A split second later the dimensional pocket disappeared and left Tarik, Sina, and Niko standing in a rapidly decaying cloud of glimmering particles in the back of their vessel’s main command bridge. The dimensional shift’s signature flash had made Rel, Noriko, and Duncan turn in their seats, and they were now looking at the sudden visitors.   Niko, all business now, immediately moved to his chair right away. “Captain on deck! You know the drill people, let’s get the Sidereal ready for launch. Duncan, let me know when everyone’s onboard.”   “Aye, Sir!”   Sina walked to the center chair, and slowly sat down on it.   Without wasting a second, Lieutenant Commander Heisenberg was checking reports about the ship’s condition on the holographic display in front of him. “Omega singularity, online. Gravimetric emitters, online. Warp drive, online. Subspace slipstream, online. Structural integrity field, online. FDS manifolds, online. Internal sensors, online. Short range sensors, online. Long range sensors, online.”   Once the XO was done with the generic system status, Rel took over and reported tactical systems’ readiness. “Tachyon barriers, online. PTO pulse cannons, online. Targeting sensors, online. Hangar deck, on standby.”   After another few minutes of ready checks and status reports, Duncan spoke up. “Sir, all Sidereal personnel are on board.”   “Good.” Niko turned toward Sina. “Captain, everyone’s accounted for and the docking clamps are released. We’re ready to go.”   “All right. Noriko, take us out of the shipyard. Slow and steady, just like in the simulations.”   “Aye, captain!” Ensign Yamada replied proudly and tapped away at the holographic controls in front of her. “Engaging gravimetric emitters now. Forward acceleration three g.” Slowly the renewed Akira class started moving forward, one by one leaving the spider-like segmented mooring arms of the Synergy shipyard behind. Everyone was watching the ship’s movement on the main view screen with bated breath. After seven seconds Noriko reported. “We’ve cleared the shipyard.”   Sina’s lips curled up in an excited smile, her green and blue eyes glistening with happiness. “Let’s take it slow. After all, we have to learn again how to run. Set course for Neptune, warp two.” The captain beamed with pride, remembering the first time she originally commanded the Sidereal. And now here they were, given a second chance. She took a deep breath and spoke the magical word with a sense of joy she hadn’t felt in months.   “Engage.”
{ "title": "Number One Commander", "id": 17408, "author": "ANormRobot", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 88 - Luon Vs Deminier 1", "id": 300730, "next": 301017, "prev": 300481, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNhNDc4NzU3OWYwYjQxODBiYWZmOTVhZmEzOWI5ZDEw">Zythos winning was without a doubt quite the shocker. It was a simple rush attack and at the same time most needed. Their opponents weren’t like the skilled Succubus assassins but were students who were still top of their division, and their combat levels did display that difference as they were equal in strength once Zythos and the others equipped their NG-Arms. Only their tactics and experience were heavily restricted to the encounters they had at school; they hadn’t expected that Zythos would pull that kind of maneuver, in fact, no one did.</p> <p class="cnM0NDY1MjQ0MzUxYzQzNzBiNmEyNGNmNzhlMTZlYWVm">The very fact that he had the moonstone was the real shocker. In fact, this item was quite rare and had no practical purpose other than to cover a small region in darkness.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDIyYWFmNTVkMTRiNGZhOTM2OWNmYTRlZTgxMjgw">What Luon didn’t know was that the reason Zythos had it in the first place was that one of the servants in his clan had given it to him and said it was from his mother who died when he was born. Zythos treasured this artifact dearly, and only today did he considered using it.</p> <p class="cnMwNmMzMGNhMTAzYjQ4MmM4ZGY5YWY4ZDAyNDQ2Y2U2">To others, it was just a useless luxury item, but for him, it was something special.</p> <p class="cnM2NTFhN2I0N2JiMjRjZTE4MWY0YWRkMDBmOTJmMjI1">Zythos returned to the room met his eyes with a large group of shocked people. Most of them thought that he was just going to toss away the victory because of the map choice, and yet here Zythos was coming up with a complete victory.</p> <p class="cnMzOWIyMjdhZjI3MzQ3ZmNhNDliMjMzZTEwMjU2Zjdm">Arisa who had said mean things to Zythos earlier was speechless, she didn’t know how to congratulate him nor did she apologize, she merely sat dumbstruck in her corner and acted as she usually did. Seeing her lackluster response, Zythos gave a slight nod and sat down to watch the next match.</p> <p class="cnM4N2I1YmQ3YjgwYTRkNWRiY2VmZDNlMjgyODNhOGYy">He knew that the enemy line up he fought was nothing special, but it was still very important to accomplish. Luon, on the other hand, had to fight someone who was many times stronger, faster, and better than he was. His opponent's combat level was 82 after all, it was like fighting a slightly stronger Clamaris.</p> <p class="cnM3M2ZjYmQ1MDM2OTRkZTI4YjFkNWM5MWY0MTViZWM5">Luon felt this match to be troublesome, the real reason why nobody believed that Luon could win was that the gap between someone who is level 70 compared to someone who’s at level 80 was too high to deal with. Although there were people who can fight against foes stronger than themselves, realistically without a technique that transcends the very concept of levels or an item to precisely do the same, he was bound to lose if they had fought fair and square.</p> <p class="cnMzMjc1NDU5MzY1NjRhM2Q4MjBiMDM2ZjAxOTFhYzNi">Luon needed to apply a different tactic this time around, his opponent wouldn’t just stand around and receive a beating after all, and he might have more tricks up his sleeves like how the Succubus was able to teleport into Arisa’s base.</p> <p class="cnNmMDlhZTJmYmU0YzRlMTM4OGYwMWYwZmFjM2FkODIz">Luon grouped up his gang and said, “For this match… I’m changing our tactics.”</p> <p class="cnNjMDE3Njk2ZTI2NDRlNGI5MjQ5Y2E2ZWRlMjc3MjNl">Everyone nodded, it was something that Luon often said during their matches online. Whenever Luon did something different, all they could do was adapt to the situation. Sometimes the changes were good, sometimes it made things worse. But for this match, they trusted Luon since this battle was literally determining the outcome.</p> <p class="cnNiNDZkYTFjMGQ0YjQ4MDJiNzYyODk4MWI0ZTA2ZDE2">The five of them were teleported into the preparations lounge where Luon locked in a different map choice than usual. He chose a forest type map that had many cliffs, tunnels, and oddly shaped terrain that made it difficult to travel in. The rest of his team members started to wonder what was on his mind as he chose the map, they soon found out as soon as the match began.</p> <p class="cnM0YjdjZThkMDgyMTQzYmNiMTA5MWQzNTg0NzI5MGY2">Before their eyes was a larva, and it wasn’t just a normal larva that you see small bugs have, it was rather large and about the size of several human beings toppled on top of one another. This was an Inzektor Queen that specialized in developing workers that specialized in food production.</p> <p class="cnNiY2VkNGViOTMxMDRjOTRhZDhmOTFlZGIyNzNhNGMz">After feeding it food that he summoned from the Crypt of Heroes did it grow into a state where it was operable. The larva began to spew out workers, half the size of human beings and they started to cut down the forest and deliver the materials as nutrients. Dumbstruck by how the Inzektors priorities Luon reminded them of their own duties. He sent Tyron to scout out their opponents, Gizmo and Bendan to intercept and defend against attackers, and as for Thomas, he had something special in store for him. After all, they weren’t using humanoids nor were they using robots.</p> <p class="cnNkYTlkZGRmNWE5YTRkNjE4YWRlNTI0YjEyZjJiMGM4">Unlike the robot army, it was easier to set up the Inzektor army, only there were many disadvantages to using them. In fact, their chain of commands was a mess, they could only communicate using the word of mouth or signals they receive from local Inzektors, and without an authoritative figure, the less intelligent ones often are left to their own devices. Also, because of their messy commands, Luon was restricted to controlling them within a fixed region before they become wanderers and can only slowly expand their influence. Luon once saw a match where someone left his Inzektors to become wanderers while engaging his opponent, the wanderers soon became a third-party force and decimated both teams.</p> <p class="cnMxMTcxYzhiYWUzYjRmNjY4Y2IxODQyZjhhYWQwNDkz">Luon was already having trouble with one opponent, and at this point in time, he didn’t want another.</p> <p class="cnMxMjJlNWFmNGU0MjRhZTVhNzc5NjkzNjE5NmY0N2Zi">After summoning a few different Inzektor Queens, based off of the knowledge he studied personally and from what his father handbook had explained, and now he had the basic Inzektor ecosystem become self-supportive.</p> <p class="cnMxOGU1YzQ1N2I4MTQyMzJiNjRlYzI5YTY1YzM2MGUw">During this time their opponents didn’t make a move as the 5-minute restriction hadn’t been lifted yet. The demonic beings from Lemegeton were strong, but he didn’t expect an early attack like Zythos had done with an army of wolves since it was pointless without having a soldier as the vanguard.</p> <p class="cnM3NTgyZWJmMzRhYzQ4N2I4ZWYzNmViMzVkZmFiZGJm">It was at this moment Tyron had reported his findings.</p> <p class="cnMxZGFiNTEyOTU5MjQ4YTg4NmM5ZmNmN2Y5YzljOWRk">“They are truly demonic beings to the bones...” Luon muttered as he pondered on the intel.</p> <p class="cnMxMDJmZDJlNGVjYzQ5NjQ4Zjk3ODFkYmU4NDc2ZGUz">There were three prominent ways to summon units, the original approach was to use the Crypt of Heroes to summon any kind of unit they wanted using the point system. Another way was to literally spawn them out of reproductive and creative methods like using Inzektors, goblins or robots. The third and final way was for it to spawn using mana.</p> <p class="cnMxY2ZhYmZjMDk1YjQ4NzI4NmE3ZmE5MDM1ODhmNTEz">Just like the school named Daemon’s Gate, this was a portal that led to the underworld known as a demonic portal that would transport random demons to the battleground. The only downside to using the demonic portal was that the entire command table was disabled upon summoning it. Instead, the Crypt of Heroes was transformed into a giant gateway with a swirling green mysterious force in the center of it.</p> <p class="cnNmMGU5MzNhNDU2YjQwNWNiNzJlNzhjMDdkNGRhOTcz">The longer the portal lasts, the more demons continuously spawn at a random pace. This kind of setup was considered the ultimate type of random. If one was lucky, they might only get super strong demons and if they were having a lousy day… well, they might end up with a little army of weak imps.</p> <p class="cnNhMTcyODA3Nzg5ODQ5OTZiYmJlYmZkNDRmZmE0YzM3">The world was indeed fifty percent fair, and fifty percent unfair. Among the demons summoned so far there was an army of weak, stupid imps and an intelligent dark knight overseeing them. His overbearing black armor scared the wits of these imps, and they were forced to listen to his commands, according to Tyron’s estimates he was another level 80.</p> <p class="cnM1Njc0OWYwZWM2YTQ5NzdiMjU3NzdmMDczZDRlYjA2">Deminier laughs out loud as he exclaimed, “Hahaha, with you on our side there's no way we can lose! Come let’s go and destroy them now!”</p> <p class="cnNhOGQwOTY4MTAxNDQ0NGE4MWE1YWI3Y2FkNzM5NjRm">“Are you sure we should advance recklessly like this? Surely we need to defend our base as well, what if they decided to attack us?” said one of his subordinates.</p> <p class="cnNlMjVjODgwY2FlNDRhMThhNWEwYjRhY2Y5NTg5Njhh">“Hmph, if you’re that worried then why not the rest of you lot defend the base? Secure the perimeter, my buddy, and I will take the offense,” said Deminier.</p> <p class="cnM1YTMwMDQ0ZDMwYzRhZDI5NjA4YzdiODJiZmE3YWJi">“Yes my lord,” echoed the four of them.</p> <p class="cnMxNzcwMmUzNTFkYTQ0MTNiMGEyZjc1M2E2ZTUyYWMy">The army of imps, Deminier and the dark knight advanced towards the border to wait for when the restriction goes down. The Dark Knight and the imps could have made it over by themselves, but Deminier had them wait as he personally wanted to witness Luon’s team demise.</p> <p class="cnM4NzliMTc4NTMxYjQ4M2ViZDE0NWRkYWQwOTk0ZDg2">Tyron who had overseen all of this reported to Luon who thought up a strategy in response to their enemies maneuver.</p> <p class="cnNhNzZjN2FhODNlNzQyZTA4MTkyMTEyYjcwN2E4ZGRm">He gathered up the army of Inzektors and divided the groups into two, one was set to defense while the other, led by Gizmo, Tyron and Bendan were sent to take out their opponents base using a different route.</p> <p class="cnM2ZWFjMGNiYWZjNTRmNDc5NjQzOGMwMDQ1MzdkMDg5">Taking advantage of the five-minute gap both teams had reached the border without encountering each other, and when the time was up, the match had started. It was a base race.</p> <p class="cnNhYWM3N2U4YTJhYTRmOTc5OTA0NGU0YWQ1ODFlZmY3">…</p> <p class="cnNjMGJjOTMyYjk3NDRiNjA4OGQ4NzQ5ZTBkM2Y5MGE2">“Darn Inzektors, to think they would consider using them,” cursed Deminier as he swung his blade.</p> <p class="cnNjMWJiY2NmZDRkNjQ2ZDZiODFiZGUwMmZjNTZmNDUw">“...” The dark knight didn’t respond as if he was only there for decoration causing Deminier to be even more disappointed. He thought this trip to their opponents base was easy, but not only did he get lost in the complex terrain, every other corner he would be ambushed by Inzektors, losing his sense of direction.</p> <p class="cnM0ZGQ0NzQ0ZGNkMzRjYmM4NmZmNjJlZDA5N2Q5OGNh">For these kinds of matches, the BMPU did not display a map, it was crucial that the one operating the command table dictate the direction where his teammates would go. However, right now Deminier felt like he was blindfolded and spun around unable to find his target.</p> <p class="cnNhZWU3ZjQ1NTIzYTRjYzU5ZDBmNWIwYWViOTYyZjc1">And to make things worse, their enemies started to attack their base as they advanced on, completely distracting the one at the commander table to help him determine which direction to take.</p> <p class="cnMyMmE3OTk0ZjkxZDRkZGFhMjBmNjgyZGI2MzdjOTEz">“Dark Knight do you have any idea where we’re going?” said Deminier who became frustrated. The latter shook his head from side to side. Deminier gave a sigh, he knew it was pointless to ask and yet he did so anyway.</p> <p class="cnNiNzllZGI4NzI2YTRhZDk5ZWVlNjhiY2E5ODA2YjRl">Deminier felt extremely stressed at the fact that their base was being attacked by their enemies, and although their newly spawned forces and subordinates were keeping them at bay, it can’t last for long.</p> <p class="cnM1NWYxOGM1NTQyMzRlZjZhY2EyYzE1MmUxZDgzYjky">It was at this time the Dark Knight rose his blade and readied his stance, Deminier sighed, he may have seen this action nearly a hundred times. A swarm of quick Inzektors raided their group as they charged from multiple directions and left the same way. The hit and run tactics were too weak for the two, but it couldn’t be said for the imps who bore the brunt of the attack.</p> <p class="cnMwMzVkN2VhZWYxNzRiNDVhNzEyNjhjNDk5YjM5MDNj">These attacks dropped their initial forces down to half and caused Deminier to be confused in which way to go. Footprints were being spammed everywhere as his own had vanished from sight.</p> <p class="cnM0ZjU2NjkxNjI5NjQ3NTc5NzI5OTEwYWJjNGVlYjhm">“My lord!” screamed one of his subordinates over the team voice chat group.</p> <p class="cnNmZmE1MjIwMjA0NjQ1ZTdiMWJlMmUwYzZhYmIwYjFj">“What is it? Don’t tell me you’ve lost already...” said Deminier as he struggles with which direction to take.</p> <p class="cnNmN2ZmMjM2NjYwZTQzNTVhYzk5ZTliN2IyODUxYWVk">“We got an overseer! We’ll send it over to you right away!” the subordinate energetically replied.</p> <p class="cnMwYjUyMmQ5Njg0NTQ3MGZhMzNlZTlhMWUyODliMmZl">“What?! That’s truly some luck! Hahaha, the gods are on my side! Hurry it over, I can’t wait until I receive my rewards” said Deminier.</p> <p class="cnMwMWQxZDQ2MzgzMzQ3MzhhNjQyNjAyYmFhMmI0ZTM5">Deminier sent his gaze towards a direction which he thinks is his base and smiled, once it arrives the tides would turn, although they were on defensive, there was still a chance for him to catch up. Deminier toys around with a little device as he anticipates the arrival of the match changing moment.</p> </div>
Zythos winning was without a doubt quite the shocker. It was a simple rush attack and at the same time most needed. Their opponents weren’t like the skilled Succubus assassins but were students who were still top of their division, and their combat levels did display that difference as they were equal in strength once Zythos and the others equipped their NG-Arms. Only their tactics and experience were heavily restricted to the encounters they had at school; they hadn’t expected that Zythos would pull that kind of maneuver, in fact, no one did. The very fact that he had the moonstone was the real shocker. In fact, this item was quite rare and had no practical purpose other than to cover a small region in darkness. What Luon didn’t know was that the reason Zythos had it in the first place was that one of the servants in his clan had given it to him and said it was from his mother who died when he was born. Zythos treasured this artifact dearly, and only today did he considered using it. To others, it was just a useless luxury item, but for him, it was something special. Zythos returned to the room met his eyes with a large group of shocked people. Most of them thought that he was just going to toss away the victory because of the map choice, and yet here Zythos was coming up with a complete victory. Arisa who had said mean things to Zythos earlier was speechless, she didn’t know how to congratulate him nor did she apologize, she merely sat dumbstruck in her corner and acted as she usually did. Seeing her lackluster response, Zythos gave a slight nod and sat down to watch the next match. He knew that the enemy line up he fought was nothing special, but it was still very important to accomplish. Luon, on the other hand, had to fight someone who was many times stronger, faster, and better than he was. His opponent's combat level was 82 after all, it was like fighting a slightly stronger Clamaris. Luon felt this match to be troublesome, the real reason why nobody believed that Luon could win was that the gap between someone who is level 70 compared to someone who’s at level 80 was too high to deal with. Although there were people who can fight against foes stronger than themselves, realistically without a technique that transcends the very concept of levels or an item to precisely do the same, he was bound to lose if they had fought fair and square. Luon needed to apply a different tactic this time around, his opponent wouldn’t just stand around and receive a beating after all, and he might have more tricks up his sleeves like how the Succubus was able to teleport into Arisa’s base. Luon grouped up his gang and said, “For this match… I’m changing our tactics.” Everyone nodded, it was something that Luon often said during their matches online. Whenever Luon did something different, all they could do was adapt to the situation. Sometimes the changes were good, sometimes it made things worse. But for this match, they trusted Luon since this battle was literally determining the outcome. The five of them were teleported into the preparations lounge where Luon locked in a different map choice than usual. He chose a forest type map that had many cliffs, tunnels, and oddly shaped terrain that made it difficult to travel in. The rest of his team members started to wonder what was on his mind as he chose the map, they soon found out as soon as the match began. Before their eyes was a larva, and it wasn’t just a normal larva that you see small bugs have, it was rather large and about the size of several human beings toppled on top of one another. This was an Inzektor Queen that specialized in developing workers that specialized in food production. After feeding it food that he summoned from the Crypt of Heroes did it grow into a state where it was operable. The larva began to spew out workers, half the size of human beings and they started to cut down the forest and deliver the materials as nutrients. Dumbstruck by how the Inzektors priorities Luon reminded them of their own duties. He sent Tyron to scout out their opponents, Gizmo and Bendan to intercept and defend against attackers, and as for Thomas, he had something special in store for him. After all, they weren’t using humanoids nor were they using robots. Unlike the robot army, it was easier to set up the Inzektor army, only there were many disadvantages to using them. In fact, their chain of commands was a mess, they could only communicate using the word of mouth or signals they receive from local Inzektors, and without an authoritative figure, the less intelligent ones often are left to their own devices. Also, because of their messy commands, Luon was restricted to controlling them within a fixed region before they become wanderers and can only slowly expand their influence. Luon once saw a match where someone left his Inzektors to become wanderers while engaging his opponent, the wanderers soon became a third-party force and decimated both teams. Luon was already having trouble with one opponent, and at this point in time, he didn’t want another. After summoning a few different Inzektor Queens, based off of the knowledge he studied personally and from what his father handbook had explained, and now he had the basic Inzektor ecosystem become self-supportive. During this time their opponents didn’t make a move as the 5-minute restriction hadn’t been lifted yet. The demonic beings from Lemegeton were strong, but he didn’t expect an early attack like Zythos had done with an army of wolves since it was pointless without having a soldier as the vanguard. It was at this moment Tyron had reported his findings. “They are truly demonic beings to the bones...” Luon muttered as he pondered on the intel. There were three prominent ways to summon units, the original approach was to use the Crypt of Heroes to summon any kind of unit they wanted using the point system. Another way was to literally spawn them out of reproductive and creative methods like using Inzektors, goblins or robots. The third and final way was for it to spawn using mana. Just like the school named Daemon’s Gate, this was a portal that led to the underworld known as a demonic portal that would transport random demons to the battleground. The only downside to using the demonic portal was that the entire command table was disabled upon summoning it. Instead, the Crypt of Heroes was transformed into a giant gateway with a swirling green mysterious force in the center of it. The longer the portal lasts, the more demons continuously spawn at a random pace. This kind of setup was considered the ultimate type of random. If one was lucky, they might only get super strong demons and if they were having a lousy day… well, they might end up with a little army of weak imps. The world was indeed fifty percent fair, and fifty percent unfair. Among the demons summoned so far there was an army of weak, stupid imps and an intelligent dark knight overseeing them. His overbearing black armor scared the wits of these imps, and they were forced to listen to his commands, according to Tyron’s estimates he was another level 80. Deminier laughs out loud as he exclaimed, “Hahaha, with you on our side there's no way we can lose! Come let’s go and destroy them now!” “Are you sure we should advance recklessly like this? Surely we need to defend our base as well, what if they decided to attack us?” said one of his subordinates. “Hmph, if you’re that worried then why not the rest of you lot defend the base? Secure the perimeter, my buddy, and I will take the offense,” said Deminier. “Yes my lord,” echoed the four of them. The army of imps, Deminier and the dark knight advanced towards the border to wait for when the restriction goes down. The Dark Knight and the imps could have made it over by themselves, but Deminier had them wait as he personally wanted to witness Luon’s team demise. Tyron who had overseen all of this reported to Luon who thought up a strategy in response to their enemies maneuver. He gathered up the army of Inzektors and divided the groups into two, one was set to defense while the other, led by Gizmo, Tyron and Bendan were sent to take out their opponents base using a different route. Taking advantage of the five-minute gap both teams had reached the border without encountering each other, and when the time was up, the match had started. It was a base race. … “Darn Inzektors, to think they would consider using them,” cursed Deminier as he swung his blade. “...” The dark knight didn’t respond as if he was only there for decoration causing Deminier to be even more disappointed. He thought this trip to their opponents base was easy, but not only did he get lost in the complex terrain, every other corner he would be ambushed by Inzektors, losing his sense of direction. For these kinds of matches, the BMPU did not display a map, it was crucial that the one operating the command table dictate the direction where his teammates would go. However, right now Deminier felt like he was blindfolded and spun around unable to find his target. And to make things worse, their enemies started to attack their base as they advanced on, completely distracting the one at the commander table to help him determine which direction to take. “Dark Knight do you have any idea where we’re going?” said Deminier who became frustrated. The latter shook his head from side to side. Deminier gave a sigh, he knew it was pointless to ask and yet he did so anyway. Deminier felt extremely stressed at the fact that their base was being attacked by their enemies, and although their newly spawned forces and subordinates were keeping them at bay, it can’t last for long. It was at this time the Dark Knight rose his blade and readied his stance, Deminier sighed, he may have seen this action nearly a hundred times. A swarm of quick Inzektors raided their group as they charged from multiple directions and left the same way. The hit and run tactics were too weak for the two, but it couldn’t be said for the imps who bore the brunt of the attack. These attacks dropped their initial forces down to half and caused Deminier to be confused in which way to go. Footprints were being spammed everywhere as his own had vanished from sight. “My lord!” screamed one of his subordinates over the team voice chat group. “What is it? Don’t tell me you’ve lost already...” said Deminier as he struggles with which direction to take. “We got an overseer! We’ll send it over to you right away!” the subordinate energetically replied. “What?! That’s truly some luck! Hahaha, the gods are on my side! Hurry it over, I can’t wait until I receive my rewards” said Deminier. Deminier sent his gaze towards a direction which he thinks is his base and smiled, once it arrives the tides would turn, although they were on defensive, there was still a chance for him to catch up. Deminier toys around with a little device as he anticipates the arrival of the match changing moment.
{ "title": "Winter Dragon's Egg ( Hiatus - Rewrite )", "id": 21521, "author": "Kynn Kysil", "rating": 3.5 }
{ "title": "0.1 - Prologue (2)", "id": 305389, "next": 306830, "prev": 305256, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5ZDI3ODc2YTlmODQwNmE4MjVhNTNkYzY5ZDMzMjcx">~*At the Northern Port of the Central Continent*~</p> <p class="cnNhNDUzNzE5NDk3YzQ3NTE4M2NmZjgzMDMwNTk0OWI0">Deep in the cold, freezing midnight at the Port of the Central Continent. Five hooded figures stood while waiting for the captain and his crew men to disembark their ship.</p> <p class="cnM3Nzk1YmVjNGUzYTQyZDRhZjM3ZTBjMTM5NmJkNmVm">" You've returned, retriever. I guess hiring you lots wasn't a mistake. But it seems there's quite few of your... Workers are missing. "</p> <p class="cnM3MmM0YjJiZWVmNDQ4NjZhYmNlZjJmYjM5NWUyYTM5">A hooded figure spoke towards the ship captain while being guarded by four other hooded figures which seems to be wearing some dark blue metal gauntlets and swords at their waists.</p> <p class="cnMyZDMzNjI5ZTk3NzQ4YTViYTJmNzViM2M0ZDY0ZjMz">" Yes. The Freezing sea isn't really a forgiving place and I already lost four of my men towards that cold continent. Not to mention on the way back. Now then, shall we discuss the payment? It should be worth it to even anger the Frost Dragon. "</p> <p class="cnMwOTEyYTQ3MGFmZTRmMGU4NWQ0MGRiNzg4MzZmYTE2">The captain replied towards his "Client" and tried to send a message implying that they also have to pay for the loss of manpower and difficulty of the request.</p> <p class="cnNlZjBlMjYyMTBmMzRjZTI4YjY5ZDYwYTkzN2ViZjAx">" It would have been easier if we used an [Airship], but those are costly and it's hard to buy one legally. I did- I mean, we Did the job so it's your turn to honor the deal. "</p> <p class="cnNiNmJmNDVhYjQ4YTRhNmU5MTE5M2M5ZWNlNWQwZTMz">Even the smallest [Airship] costs no less than 150 Platinum, 120 if you are lucky to come across a [Float Core] and only went to buy the body. The body of an [Airship] is made of specialized materials for being light and durable. It will also need Stabilizers, [Crystalized Mana Core] and many more which will make a fully functional [Airship] cost a whooping 250 Platinum.</p> <p class="cnM1MGEyMWQ3NzlhNDRhYjk5OTVkM2Q3YTM3OGQ0NTc0">" Yes Yes... The deal was 100 Platinum coins, I'll give you also 10 more for the loss of your crewmates, workers, slaves or what ever you call them. Now then do please Show me the egg. " (This specimen will aid the Cult and the institution to advance to even greater heights. A baby dragon to test the limits of the [Servitude Collars], the egg shell will do nicely as an ingredient in alchemical research. )</p> <p class="cnMyMGU0ZWY3YzdiMTQ0YWRiMjUyNGJlZTg2NTAwOThh">The hooded figure thought and grinned as he demanded, one of his guards stepped forward with a pouch filled with coins.</p> <p class="cnNmN2UzY2Y2ODIzNTQ2M2Q4MWJiN2ExM2M4YmQzNzBi">The captain then nodded and signalled his crew to retrieve the container containing the egg.</p> <p class="cnNjMzY0ZWY0MGFkYjRiNWRhZTkxYjhiMWQ1MTE3ODA0">The guard and the crewmate stood face to face and the exchange happened. The guard took the barrel-like container which is leaking freezing air from it's gaps. The crewman took the pouch and gave it to the captain, who then inspects the the inside.</p> <p class="cnNiMDc5OGU2MDI3ZTQ3ODVhOTk2NjA1MWNiMzRhZDcw">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>[Small Storage Pouch]</td> <td>[Contents:]</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Platinum Coins</td> <td>110 pcs</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM4MTk4YzRlYWM2YzQ2MGI4MGFjMDU2ZDU4ZjBkNzc5">&nbsp;<br>" Huh... You even have those [Storage] things huh. Guess the deal's done and this is where we part ways then? "</p> <p class="cnMzZDIwNGU4ZjFjMTRlNzA5NDcwMWIwZmYyMTc5OGM5">" Yes yes, we are done now shoo. May this be the last time we meet. "</p> <p class="cnM2NjBkODg2NzNhODQ4OTY4ZTJiY2E2YmU4ZmE5YWQz">The hooded figure was already busy thinking of the uses of the egg and shooed the captain and his crew away. The captain only grunted as a reply and made his way towards his ship.</p> <p class="cnM2NDllNWU5NjBkNzRmZjY4ZDFmYjFlZDM1YWUzYWU4">"Now we must go back. And wake our little dragon to "help" us advance humanity to greatness"</p> <p class="cnMxOTNlOGE1NTcwZDRkOTVhNDBiMzZlMDc1MTkyMWZh">The hooded figure grinned ear to ear as he went inside the black carriage along with the container waiting for them. Though this carriage did not need any horses to move. The guards sat on the front and the back seat of the carriage as it drove away towards the dark streets of the port.</p> <p class="cnM0YTQyODAyMzQwODQ4ZWQ4OTAxMmVlNDUwM2Q2MGQ5">&nbsp;</p> </div>
~*At the Northern Port of the Central Continent*~ Deep in the cold, freezing midnight at the Port of the Central Continent. Five hooded figures stood while waiting for the captain and his crew men to disembark their ship. " You've returned, retriever. I guess hiring you lots wasn't a mistake. But it seems there's quite few of your... Workers are missing. " A hooded figure spoke towards the ship captain while being guarded by four other hooded figures which seems to be wearing some dark blue metal gauntlets and swords at their waists. " Yes. The Freezing sea isn't really a forgiving place and I already lost four of my men towards that cold continent. Not to mention on the way back. Now then, shall we discuss the payment? It should be worth it to even anger the Frost Dragon. " The captain replied towards his "Client" and tried to send a message implying that they also have to pay for the loss of manpower and difficulty of the request. " It would have been easier if we used an [Airship], but those are costly and it's hard to buy one legally. I did- I mean, we Did the job so it's your turn to honor the deal. " Even the smallest [Airship] costs no less than 150 Platinum, 120 if you are lucky to come across a [Float Core] and only went to buy the body. The body of an [Airship] is made of specialized materials for being light and durable. It will also need Stabilizers, [Crystalized Mana Core] and many more which will make a fully functional [Airship] cost a whooping 250 Platinum. " Yes Yes... The deal was 100 Platinum coins, I'll give you also 10 more for the loss of your crewmates, workers, slaves or what ever you call them. Now then do please Show me the egg. " (This specimen will aid the Cult and the institution to advance to even greater heights. A baby dragon to test the limits of the [Servitude Collars], the egg shell will do nicely as an ingredient in alchemical research. ) The hooded figure thought and grinned as he demanded, one of his guards stepped forward with a pouch filled with coins. The captain then nodded and signalled his crew to retrieve the container containing the egg. The guard and the crewmate stood face to face and the exchange happened. The guard took the barrel-like container which is leaking freezing air from it's gaps. The crewman took the pouch and gave it to the captain, who then inspects the the inside.   | [Small Storage Pouch] | [Contents:] | | --- | --- | | Platinum Coins | 110 pcs |   " Huh... You even have those [Storage] things huh. Guess the deal's done and this is where we part ways then? " " Yes yes, we are done now shoo. May this be the last time we meet. " The hooded figure was already busy thinking of the uses of the egg and shooed the captain and his crew away. The captain only grunted as a reply and made his way towards his ship. "Now we must go back. And wake our little dragon to "help" us advance humanity to greatness" The hooded figure grinned ear to ear as he went inside the black carriage along with the container waiting for them. Though this carriage did not need any horses to move. The guards sat on the front and the back seat of the carriage as it drove away towards the dark streets of the port.
{ "title": "The Demon Lord Candidate", "id": 20908, "author": "Homeless Dancer", "rating": 3.5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 2.3 - The hunters close-in", "id": 305392, "next": 307903, "prev": 303869, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNlNmZiN2VlM2VhMDQwMmViNjdjMTgzYTVmOGQ2MGJm">Samuel then bolted towards the cave, with his bloodshot red eyes opened wide with a lunatic smile. He was laughing for no apparent reason, at this point he was not any human but completely acting like a bloodthirsty beast.<br>“Time to hunt some poochies, Hahaha”, screamed Samuel as he leaped in the cave with excitement.</p> <p class="cnNkODRhOTY4Njk2YzQzZjNiZTE4YWVkYzU5OGE2MDdj">But before he could even land his feet inside the cave, a big mean claw pounced tearing his face apart. Samuel went drifting across in the air and rolled on the cold rocky floors before stopping his face to the ground. He laid motionless, as his brains and eyes were clawed out and spilled on the ground.</p> <p class="cnMzNDViMzVlM2M3MjRiZTM4NTAyZTA0YjIwYWZlZGMx">Samuel’s blood was splattered around, the werewolf had clawed his face and neck with such a force, that Samuel was flung across meters away.</p> <p class="cnM0ZTEzMzdhYjZjZDQ5YTRiNGM3MWZhYzY4MDVjNDMx">“Enough with the games, time to end this!”, growled the werewolf as he came out of the cave.</p> <p class="cnNjYWVhOTI1MjM3OTQ5NzJhNGJkNDNmMWJmY2Q1YTQ3">This time it looked much bigger, furrier and angrier than before.<br>The werewolf had completed his full transformation and was on his full power.<br>It seemed more powerful than before even though he was missing an arm.<br>The werewolf licked his claws, that had Samuel’s blood stained on it.<br>“You taste awful!”, said the wolf.</p> <p class="cnNhOTBmZWFiMjg2MzQ0YTFiODZhZGNlZDZmMTk2Y2M2">Samuel started giggling again and got up on his feet. His head was back in one piece like new.</p> <p class="cnNiMzBmOTcwZWRiMjRmZThhYzllNjhhOThiY2RmYjg5">All of a sudden, the werewolf’s mood changed. He had a smile for some reason and was excited.<br>“My name is Leiotal Des’Aabra from the demon house of the werewolves. What is your name, human?”, asked the werewolf.</p> <p class="cnMzNTZhYzJmMzFjNzRlOTE4YTAzY2FlMWU2ZTk3N2Qw">But Samuel didn't seem intrested in conversation as he dashed and leaped at the werewolf to attack.<br> His speed has increased drastically than before, but the werewolf still blocked his punch.<br>The punch was so powerful that Samuel’s left arm bones were broken and came right out of his elbow and was visible.</p> <p class="cnMxYmMwOWQyY2UxNzQ5MmViMjc4MmQ0MmQxYTJkYWMx">The werewolf was surprised, yet again.<br><em>Such speed and power, that his human vessel can’t even keep up. The shard is powerful as the rumors stated.</em></p> <p class="cnM5NTRhMDgyZmFjMzRmM2ViOTRhOGUzNDBlYzQxYmZh">Samuel’s left arm already started to repair itself, but he wasn't done yet.<br>Next, he leaped at the werewolf and punched him with an uppercut with his demon arm.</p> <p class="cnM1MWE3NDM0MzFiODQ0OWJiNmU0ZTVhMTc0NzY0ZDRj">The punch was so intense that the werewolf’s teeth cracking could be heard before it went flying towards the sky.<br>The werewolf went about 20 meters high before it smashed on the rocky walls of the hill, flipped about a couple of times. It then grabbed the rocky walls by its claws and stopped the momentum.</p> <p class="cnM5MzY0MjMxZWM2YjRiOTRhNmQ4MzIyZmE5YjY5ZTQy">Samuel left human arm was healed up by then and his demon arm was somehow intact.<br>The werewolf then spits out his broken teeth and then charged at Samuel as he sprinted down the walls towards Samuel.</p> <p class="cnM2YTM2OTVkODE0NDQ0YWQ5MTQ5OTBhYjgwZDQxYzE1">In response, Samuel also started to climb up the walls and leaped at werewolf.<br>Samuel dodged the werewolf’s claw and attacked with his fist which was then blocked by the werewolf.<br>They constantly exchanged blows of punches and claws in the mid-air. Their speed almost matched each other, as they blocked and dodged the each others attack. No one seemed to back down, nor anyone could land a clean hit. The werewolf constantly swung its claws as well as blocked Samuel's punches, whereas Samuel dodged its claws by a hair strand, as he tried to land a punch on the werewolf.<br>They seemed equally matched, and neither of them could score a hit.</p> <p class="cnNjOWI0OTZjOWI5ZDQ5NzJhOTFmMDFmOThkMjI0ZTY5">Just when they were about to touch the ground, the werewolf suddenly changed his attack tactics and suddenly grabbed Samuel by his demon arm, and pulled him closer as it opened its jaw wide, ready to take a bite of his head.</p> <p class="cnNhODFhYjJmOGY3ODRjM2RhOTM4ODRlOWM4ZjkxM2Y0">Samuel instinctively sacrificed his left arm instead and saved his head from being a dog food.</p> <p class="cnMyZGY4YjUwOWZhNjQ2OWI4ZmQ4ODMyNjhiMzEyMTQ3">The werewolf took a nice bite of his left arm, with no mercy as it rips his arm apart. Samuel then balled up his leg and kicked him right on the werewolf in the face and got away from it.</p> <p class="cnM5M2IzNzJiMmY5YjQxMWU4YzE4MjFiYjFlMGNkY2Iz">Although, Samuel got away from the werewolf but at the cost of his arm.<br>The werewolf chewed Samuel’s arm before gobbling down his tummy.</p> <p class="cnNjN2E4NGNmNTEzNDQ3NjE5NDU4ZmEzNDVlMWJlODQ5">“Now we are matched evenly! How does it feel to lose your arm? Huh?", asked the werewolf as it grinned.</p> <p class="cnNkMTE5MDIyMjUwMjRjMWY4Nzk3ZGU0YjI1ZmNlODE0">Samuel stared at the werewolf confusingly, as he tilted his head back and forth.<br>After a few seconds pass, a new arm grows out in the place of his old one. His arm was all wet and gooey covered with mucus, but it was a new arm.</p> <p class="cnMzYjhjMmYxNTc0MTRlZTg5MTg2YTI1NmE5YTgzYzQy">“This is totally absurd!”, blabbered the werewolf to himself.</p> </div>
Samuel then bolted towards the cave, with his bloodshot red eyes opened wide with a lunatic smile. He was laughing for no apparent reason, at this point he was not any human but completely acting like a bloodthirsty beast. “Time to hunt some poochies, Hahaha”, screamed Samuel as he leaped in the cave with excitement. But before he could even land his feet inside the cave, a big mean claw pounced tearing his face apart. Samuel went drifting across in the air and rolled on the cold rocky floors before stopping his face to the ground. He laid motionless, as his brains and eyes were clawed out and spilled on the ground. Samuel’s blood was splattered around, the werewolf had clawed his face and neck with such a force, that Samuel was flung across meters away. “Enough with the games, time to end this!”, growled the werewolf as he came out of the cave. This time it looked much bigger, furrier and angrier than before. The werewolf had completed his full transformation and was on his full power. It seemed more powerful than before even though he was missing an arm. The werewolf licked his claws, that had Samuel’s blood stained on it. “You taste awful!”, said the wolf. Samuel started giggling again and got up on his feet. His head was back in one piece like new. All of a sudden, the werewolf’s mood changed. He had a smile for some reason and was excited. “My name is Leiotal Des’Aabra from the demon house of the werewolves. What is your name, human?”, asked the werewolf. But Samuel didn't seem intrested in conversation as he dashed and leaped at the werewolf to attack. His speed has increased drastically than before, but the werewolf still blocked his punch. The punch was so powerful that Samuel’s left arm bones were broken and came right out of his elbow and was visible. The werewolf was surprised, yet again. *Such speed and power, that his human vessel can’t even keep up. The shard is powerful as the rumors stated.* Samuel’s left arm already started to repair itself, but he wasn't done yet. Next, he leaped at the werewolf and punched him with an uppercut with his demon arm. The punch was so intense that the werewolf’s teeth cracking could be heard before it went flying towards the sky. The werewolf went about 20 meters high before it smashed on the rocky walls of the hill, flipped about a couple of times. It then grabbed the rocky walls by its claws and stopped the momentum. Samuel left human arm was healed up by then and his demon arm was somehow intact. The werewolf then spits out his broken teeth and then charged at Samuel as he sprinted down the walls towards Samuel. In response, Samuel also started to climb up the walls and leaped at werewolf. Samuel dodged the werewolf’s claw and attacked with his fist which was then blocked by the werewolf. They constantly exchanged blows of punches and claws in the mid-air. Their speed almost matched each other, as they blocked and dodged the each others attack. No one seemed to back down, nor anyone could land a clean hit. The werewolf constantly swung its claws as well as blocked Samuel's punches, whereas Samuel dodged its claws by a hair strand, as he tried to land a punch on the werewolf. They seemed equally matched, and neither of them could score a hit. Just when they were about to touch the ground, the werewolf suddenly changed his attack tactics and suddenly grabbed Samuel by his demon arm, and pulled him closer as it opened its jaw wide, ready to take a bite of his head. Samuel instinctively sacrificed his left arm instead and saved his head from being a dog food. The werewolf took a nice bite of his left arm, with no mercy as it rips his arm apart. Samuel then balled up his leg and kicked him right on the werewolf in the face and got away from it. Although, Samuel got away from the werewolf but at the cost of his arm. The werewolf chewed Samuel’s arm before gobbling down his tummy. “Now we are matched evenly! How does it feel to lose your arm? Huh?", asked the werewolf as it grinned. Samuel stared at the werewolf confusingly, as he tilted his head back and forth. After a few seconds pass, a new arm grows out in the place of his old one. His arm was all wet and gooey covered with mucus, but it was a new arm. “This is totally absurd!”, blabbered the werewolf to himself.
{ "title": "Diary of Erica Kron", "id": 12861, "author": "spine", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Day 125", "id": 305394, "next": 305685, "prev": 304922, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMyMmIwOTAxOGY2YjQ0ZDRhMjU1YjMwODE5OGY3YjY4">Today I finished repairing the last of Azrezel’s undead. The last one used to be some kind of Draconic. It was a feathered snake with the ability to fly despite not having any obvious wings or anything else that would facilitate flight. </p> <p class="cnM4MmE1ZDg0MzdhZTQ0N2RhYTU2NmU5YmVlMmNkYzlm">I finished the last undead about an hour ago. I spent the last hour alone with Azrezel.</p> <p class="cnM3YWY4ZTY2OGVkMzRmOGVhOTM0YmM3MDZkZWZjZGY1">Now I need to figure out what I am going to work on next. I see a couple of things I can work on next. The thing I am most interested in is figuring out how to use Solar Energy properly, but I can’t exactly hang out with Azrezel while I’m in the Solar Energy room. </p> <p class="cnM1MWVlMDY5YmZiNjRmNTI4YWNlYTgwZmQ2MTA3N2Rk">I can also work on refining one of my plants or trying to create something new from the mundane plants I have access too. The question is which one. Maybe Whitefoot? I have been working on healing quite a bit recently. Plus working on Whitefoot might help me to digest the knowledge I gained from my ancestor. </p> <p class="cnNmNjk4ZjVlYTIyNTRhM2JhMTRhNDQxYjVlMmRjMGRl">I could also try working directly on digesting the knowledge I gained from my ancestor. I could do it a lot faster if I focus my efforts there, and it would require working with Azrezel for a lot of it. </p> <p class="cnM0YWIxYzJiYTI2YzQ5ZjhiMjc1MTQ5YmJmMzdmZmMz">Maybe I should work on trying to improve some of the more disposable undead? Nah, not quite yet. I want to fully digest the knowledge I gained from my ancestor before I work on that. </p> <p class="cnM3ZDFkZTY1YmU1YTQwMjI5YzBiNjhiY2MzYTY1NDJi">I don’t know which one to work on. I think I will decide tomorrow because I want to sleep right now. </p> <p class="cnM5ZGQ2OTBjZTAwMzRjNGZiNzFjZmI4MGE4NDg5ZWRj">I’m not entirely sure what I gained from Fate today but I think it might have to do with cooking. If not that then I have no possible way of knowing. </p> <p class="cnM5YTIxMzBjOTU1NTQ2YzNhZGMxMDdlNWZmNWU5YTk1">Anyway, Good Night Diary.</p> </div>
Today I finished repairing the last of Azrezel’s undead. The last one used to be some kind of Draconic. It was a feathered snake with the ability to fly despite not having any obvious wings or anything else that would facilitate flight. I finished the last undead about an hour ago. I spent the last hour alone with Azrezel. Now I need to figure out what I am going to work on next. I see a couple of things I can work on next. The thing I am most interested in is figuring out how to use Solar Energy properly, but I can’t exactly hang out with Azrezel while I’m in the Solar Energy room. I can also work on refining one of my plants or trying to create something new from the mundane plants I have access too. The question is which one. Maybe Whitefoot? I have been working on healing quite a bit recently. Plus working on Whitefoot might help me to digest the knowledge I gained from my ancestor. I could also try working directly on digesting the knowledge I gained from my ancestor. I could do it a lot faster if I focus my efforts there, and it would require working with Azrezel for a lot of it. Maybe I should work on trying to improve some of the more disposable undead? Nah, not quite yet. I want to fully digest the knowledge I gained from my ancestor before I work on that. I don’t know which one to work on. I think I will decide tomorrow because I want to sleep right now. I’m not entirely sure what I gained from Fate today but I think it might have to do with cooking. If not that then I have no possible way of knowing. Anyway, Good Night Diary.
{ "title": "I'm Gonna Be a Wizard When I Grow up Again!", "id": 12267, "author": "Halosty", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 480", "id": 305395, "next": 305686, "prev": 304797, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMxNzhlYzNlZWViNDQ0ODdiNjY5NmI1ZDM2NzdlMzMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The dwarves didn’t have any way to quickly communicate with their homeland. This disappointed William because he couldn’t send them a message quickly… but it also meant he had more time to make plans. Also to sit around doing nothing.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNDY1NzBjYjJkZTQwNjU5NTI1NWY2ZGZmNzlkYmI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Of course, he found it preferable to talk with dwarves and deepen his knowledge of their language. Even the dwarves who were locked away grudgingly spoke with him some. Their relatively good treatment was a large factor in their willingness to speak- and the fact that he didn’t ask for any secrets also helped. Even so, they remained wary of him.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMmZiNmViNzIwNTQzOWU5ZmUzZWNkYTZiNDFkMGNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">William couldn’t blame them. After all, he was the big bad Demon King. They had little reason to like him, and more reasons to be afraid. Unfortunately since they hadn’t chosen to engage in diplomacy he had to keep subduing them by force which resulted in… worse relations. It was an annoying cycle. </span></p> <p class="cnNiOWFlNzI2YmNlZTRhOWE5ZTI2NjlkNjExZGRiZmVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Why had the dwarves even launched attacks? They hadn’t been prepared. Their forward outpost’s entire fleet was barely enough to deal with one well defended port- and certainly couldn’t have done much to an entire country. They successfully disrupted trade, but the entire attack had been ill planned. Almost suicidal, as if the entire point was just to get people killed.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZTY4NWVjOWVhMDRkNTc4OGRkODI3OTA2YTk3MWI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">That thought sparked William’s memory, and he didn’t like it at all. Such tactics were very commonly used by the Demon King. The real one, who enjoyed getting people killed. Perhaps he hadn’t always enjoyed it, but either way he perpetuated it. Could there be a fragment or fragments among the dwarves? They should have already died of soul necrosis. Unless… they found a way to recover from it. </span></p> <p class="cnNmYTZhZmFiYWI4OTRjZmE4YTc1N2FjYmVjMDU4YzJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">For all his faults, the Demon King had enough charisma to reach positions of power and get people to start killing each other. It was easy enough, when people already hated each other.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYmIxNDFiY2Q1ODRhNWU4YjM0MjA3NzRhNjQ4OTVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">-----</span></p> <p class="cnNlNWZlMjQ4NjdlMzQ1OWM5MGZjMzI3MmRmYTg5ZmI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lorelei hated being queen. It came with far too much responsibility. She barely had any time to do things she wanted… but William was in the same boat, and they both knew they could hardly do any magical research if everyone got themselves killed. However, just because it was necessary for the survival of either the humans or gevai- or possibly both of them </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">and</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> the dwarves- didn’t mean she had to like it.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYzMyZWRlMTQwZjRiZTFiMDM3MzY0MWI5OTE1NDlm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lorelei didn’t mind interfering with politics, but being so </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">public</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> about politics was a real pain. Some people showed up just to cause trouble because as the queen she was </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">obviously</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> weaker than the Eternal King and therefore could be walked all over. While she admitted she was weaker than William, the only thing that stopped her from killing half of the people who showed up in the audience chamber was the mess it would create.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMzcxMGFjZjllMDRlZjc5NTNmNzAyMzJkMDA5MzAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Besides, it was better to calm down and think about things logically. If they were going to be killed, it would be later. Because of that, many fewer people died… and almost none in a way that could be traced to her. </span></p> <p class="cnMxMzNhM2RkMDllMjRhMjM4NjdjMmY4MjU4ZmQxYzBk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lorelei was starting to think this one in front of her would be an exception. Othmar Viterai was an insufferable lord who had thrown in with William’s side during the civil war. His contributions had been minimal, but at least he had stayed out of the way.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYTAxNmUyMjBiYjQyMDk4NmIxNWE1MTIzOWE0MmYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...and I don’t see why I should have to pay them such high wages when they are so lazy.” Lord Viterai was complaining about having to pay his workers wages high enough to afford food and clothing for themselves and their families. He was used to paying them little enough that they had to borrow from him and basically spend their time as his slaves, working in his mines.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZTRiYmFiOGU1MzQ1MWZiNWJmYzFlMDM1MGFhZGUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“If they don’t perform enough work to earn a proper day’s wages, then you should find different workers or find other ways to improve your efficiency. Refusing to follow the laws is not acceptable.” Lorelei was certain the miners would have more than earned their wages. Lord Viterai was one of those who didn’t see that time off- even unpaid time off on weekends- would improve the efficiency of his workers. It was true that paying them fair amounts would cut into his profit margins, but the amounts required were really only just barely fair. William had wanted better, but knew that it would take a long time to transition.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNWRjYjNhMzMxNDQ4M2Y5NTU5YjAxY2VlNzhiMzkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Where is the king? I demand to speak with the king!”</span></p> <p class="cnMxN2E1ZjY1ZGNlMzQxY2VhMDIwZmQ1ZjI3ODE4NjY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“He has important business elsewhere… and I have the same authority to make decisions. Either follow the laws or suffer the consequences.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1ODc4MTkyOWI5MTRmMGQ5OTc4NmMzODU2NjU3NmJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lord Viterai turned up his nose- a sickly green color, which when added to his arrogant sneer didn’t do much for sympathy toward him. “Hmph. I was simply here to inform you of my decisions. You </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">need</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> me. Don’t be surprised if the price of my products rises in the future.” Lord Viterai turned to leave the audience chamber.</span></p> <p class="cnNiN2ViZjk5YzM2YjRiODFhZGNkYmY5YTIwNTdkNjgz"><span style="font-weight: 400">As he was nearing the door, Lorelei spoke out from behind him. “You’re wrong about one thing. We don’t have any need of </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">you</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> in particular. Also, I didn’t say you were dismissed.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3N2VlOTU1OTNjMjRkMDE5ZDY3ZGVlYmM1N2RlYTA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lord Viterai turned as if to say something, but slipped on the floor beneath him. He tried to speak, but found himself becoming dizzy with only unintelligible words spewing out of his mouth.. He hadn’t even had time to react as all the mana in the area was mobilized to remove the oxygen from the air around him… and to make the floor so slick he couldn’t stand.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODdhOTJhNDNhMzRjYjA5ZGUxMzUyNzA2YjdkMWFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You have openly stated your intent to continue flouting the law of the country. You have threatened the crown, and disregarded the authority of the Eternal King. For your crimes, you are sentenced to death.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NjkxNTdmNDQ3NzRkMjI4Yzc1ZDdiMzNiNTcxYjJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lord Viterai tried to mobilize his ki, and to push himself off of the floor… but his oxygen deprived mind wasn’t functioning as he wanted. He could only lie on the ground and accept his death. His body was soon carried out of the audience chamber.</span></p> <p class="cnMxOTg3NzA2ZDQ5NjQ0MjZhYjA1OWM0ODAzMjFmZGYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Send in the next petitioner.” Lorelei commanded. “Oh? Humans ambassadors?” Lorelei smiled. “I’m sorry you had to see that… but the man insisted on working his fellow gevai like slaves. His holdings will certainly be better handled under another owner. So, what is it you have to propose?” Lorelei looked out over the ambassadors- representatives from Liaoyang, Ostana, and Ustil.</span></p> </div>
The dwarves didn’t have any way to quickly communicate with their homeland. This disappointed William because he couldn’t send them a message quickly… but it also meant he had more time to make plans. Also to sit around doing nothing. Of course, he found it preferable to talk with dwarves and deepen his knowledge of their language. Even the dwarves who were locked away grudgingly spoke with him some. Their relatively good treatment was a large factor in their willingness to speak- and the fact that he didn’t ask for any secrets also helped. Even so, they remained wary of him. William couldn’t blame them. After all, he was the big bad Demon King. They had little reason to like him, and more reasons to be afraid. Unfortunately since they hadn’t chosen to engage in diplomacy he had to keep subduing them by force which resulted in… worse relations. It was an annoying cycle. Why had the dwarves even launched attacks? They hadn’t been prepared. Their forward outpost’s entire fleet was barely enough to deal with one well defended port- and certainly couldn’t have done much to an entire country. They successfully disrupted trade, but the entire attack had been ill planned. Almost suicidal, as if the entire point was just to get people killed. That thought sparked William’s memory, and he didn’t like it at all. Such tactics were very commonly used by the Demon King. The real one, who enjoyed getting people killed. Perhaps he hadn’t always enjoyed it, but either way he perpetuated it. Could there be a fragment or fragments among the dwarves? They should have already died of soul necrosis. Unless… they found a way to recover from it. For all his faults, the Demon King had enough charisma to reach positions of power and get people to start killing each other. It was easy enough, when people already hated each other. ----- Lorelei hated being queen. It came with far too much responsibility. She barely had any time to do things she wanted… but William was in the same boat, and they both knew they could hardly do any magical research if everyone got themselves killed. However, just because it was necessary for the survival of either the humans or gevai- or possibly both of them *and* the dwarves- didn’t mean she had to like it. Lorelei didn’t mind interfering with politics, but being so *public* about politics was a real pain. Some people showed up just to cause trouble because as the queen she was *obviously* weaker than the Eternal King and therefore could be walked all over. While she admitted she was weaker than William, the only thing that stopped her from killing half of the people who showed up in the audience chamber was the mess it would create. Besides, it was better to calm down and think about things logically. If they were going to be killed, it would be later. Because of that, many fewer people died… and almost none in a way that could be traced to her. Lorelei was starting to think this one in front of her would be an exception. Othmar Viterai was an insufferable lord who had thrown in with William’s side during the civil war. His contributions had been minimal, but at least he had stayed out of the way. “...and I don’t see why I should have to pay them such high wages when they are so lazy.” Lord Viterai was complaining about having to pay his workers wages high enough to afford food and clothing for themselves and their families. He was used to paying them little enough that they had to borrow from him and basically spend their time as his slaves, working in his mines. “If they don’t perform enough work to earn a proper day’s wages, then you should find different workers or find other ways to improve your efficiency. Refusing to follow the laws is not acceptable.” Lorelei was certain the miners would have more than earned their wages. Lord Viterai was one of those who didn’t see that time off- even unpaid time off on weekends- would improve the efficiency of his workers. It was true that paying them fair amounts would cut into his profit margins, but the amounts required were really only just barely fair. William had wanted better, but knew that it would take a long time to transition. “Where is the king? I demand to speak with the king!” “He has important business elsewhere… and I have the same authority to make decisions. Either follow the laws or suffer the consequences.” Lord Viterai turned up his nose- a sickly green color, which when added to his arrogant sneer didn’t do much for sympathy toward him. “Hmph. I was simply here to inform you of my decisions. You *need* me. Don’t be surprised if the price of my products rises in the future.” Lord Viterai turned to leave the audience chamber. As he was nearing the door, Lorelei spoke out from behind him. “You’re wrong about one thing. We don’t have any need of *you* in particular. Also, I didn’t say you were dismissed.” Lord Viterai turned as if to say something, but slipped on the floor beneath him. He tried to speak, but found himself becoming dizzy with only unintelligible words spewing out of his mouth.. He hadn’t even had time to react as all the mana in the area was mobilized to remove the oxygen from the air around him… and to make the floor so slick he couldn’t stand. “You have openly stated your intent to continue flouting the law of the country. You have threatened the crown, and disregarded the authority of the Eternal King. For your crimes, you are sentenced to death.” Lord Viterai tried to mobilize his ki, and to push himself off of the floor… but his oxygen deprived mind wasn’t functioning as he wanted. He could only lie on the ground and accept his death. His body was soon carried out of the audience chamber. “Send in the next petitioner.” Lorelei commanded. “Oh? Humans ambassadors?” Lorelei smiled. “I’m sorry you had to see that… but the man insisted on working his fellow gevai like slaves. His holdings will certainly be better handled under another owner. So, what is it you have to propose?” Lorelei looked out over the ambassadors- representatives from Liaoyang, Ostana, and Ustil.
{ "title": "Legend of the Empyrean Blacksmith", "id": 16872, "author": "beddedOtaku", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 100 - End of an Era", "id": 305396, "next": 306242, "prev": 304786, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNhYzFhYmM3ZmZkZTQ4YjI5MDkyYTIwYzdjMzEzYWU4" style="text-align: center"><strong>CHAPTER 100</strong></p> <p class="cnNlZDU4ODZjZjliYTQxYjBhNmIwZGU3MDMwMzlkZGVm" style="text-align: center"><strong><strong>END OF AN ERA</strong></strong></p> <p class="cnM2MWFjOGI2Yjc0ZDQxNjI5MGFhODY1ZmE3NjRhNTFh"><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p> <p class="cnMxMmRkOGFmYjk5YTQwZjFhNzIwZmY2MjY4NTQyMzBl">Ten minutes... that’s how long he had before his entire body gave out and collapsed. Lino flew through the sky, barely balancing himself without flopping to the ground and splattering against it. He moved eastward, a destination already in his mind. His expression was placid, eyes dark as night, and thanks to his extremely aged appearance, he looked like a risen corpse rather than a young teen.</p> <p class="cnNhMmUwMTljZDZjOTQ3YjViOGVkNTA5YmE5NGNmYjI2"> He’d exhausted every ounce of himself with that last attack; though he didn’t kill those two Devils, he did kill everyone else present there, including Yox. With it, he almost felt as though he put the past few years of his life behind him, somewhere in the deep recesses of his heart. At least, he tried his hardest to convince himself that was the case.</p> <p class="cnM2MDQ2ZWY5NDllNTQ3YmNhOTBmOTczYjU3MDg2MDBl"> It was still night, yet the first breach of the sun was on the horizon. Hued blazing coral, it looked strangely ethereal, as though existing outside this reality. It reminded him of fire, of many fires he’d seen in his life. Those visible and those hidden; those good and those bad ones. Throughout his life, he fancied himself the clever and witty one, the observant kind. He’d learned he was nothing more than a fool, though. An actor atop the worldly stage, obscure amidst the main actors playing their roles.</p> <p class="cnNhNGJhYjI0ZDhjMDRjY2M4MmMxNDEzYTVmNWZlNjhm"> What was his role? He’d realized he was assigned many roles. Spurned by factors well outside his power to understand, he was thrust into a world that he was not ready for. He tried to follow Ella’s words and reject the cruelty and coldness of the world of cultivators, yet he was scorched beyond reason a mere few years in. He’d lost more than he ever bargained for, and had his heart ripped and torn like a piece of useless cloth.</p> <p class="cnMxNzM2MGRlYWRmODQxYjk4NTIzMTUxZGYzNTQ4OWM5"> It was beyond him as to how it turned out like this; after Alison left, he locked everything up, never allowing anything or anyone to thaw away the frost. He suffered, but it wasn’t nearly as painful as it was now. He was bleeding, just like many times before, but there was no remedy, no point that he can press to stop it. Just an endless river of invisible blood flowing outward like a river, pressing against his mind like a hammer.</p> <p class="cnNiNjIxZTM3Y2EyNTRiZmI5ZTQwNzY0ODk4MTQwZmJi"> There was a transgression at some point, he realized; he stopped being who he was for so long, and let others see him. It was merely lies he told himself that kept him from realizing the truth of the matter. Innocent lies that piled up over time, snuffing out his defenses without him even realizing it.</p> <p class="cnM2Y2RhOGY3MjQzOTQ2MWI4ZDk0ODE3NDFiNjlhNzNm"> His thoughts still stirring, he finally arrived at the desolate location that would be his home for many years to come. There, hovering in the might sky, was a necropolis void of life. Seeing it, he was immediately reminded of Eshen, and her own life story. Wasn’t it incredibly similar to his own? She, too, suffered repeatedly until she broke beyond repair. He hardly considered himself broken - merely hurt. Yet, he tread the same path as she did.</p> <p class="cnM1NTdlZTMwYjMyYzRkY2Y5Y2VkOGY4ODQ2MWQzZTcw"> “You there?” Lino asked, landing into the necropolis and moving toward the throne room slowly.</p> <p class="cnNkODUzMjk1YTQxYzQ1MTBiZWM4NDYyNTg5ZDEzNGJl">“<em><em>Yes.</em></em>” a voice inside his head replied.</p> <p class="cnMzMzA2ZTA1NWIzMzRhNzM4YTE3OGQyYjJkMmM2OWYw">“Tell me about Eshen.”</p> <p class="cnM4NzgxN2MxNTY1MzRjODM4N2Q2MWZlNGRkMmI1MjM3">“<em><em>What do you want to know?</em></em>”</p> <p class="cnNhODEzOGRjYzE3NTQ5NmY4YTIwNTEyMWQ3ZjVhMjNj">“What was she like at the beginning?” he asked.</p> <p class="cnM4OWViZDRjODVjNTQ5ZDFiZTc3ZTMwNThlYWRiMjcy">“... <em><em>cheerful, pleasant, open-minded. A bright little girl curious of the world.</em></em>”</p> <p class="cnM0MjUzOTBlMmVmODQ3NzJhMGFmZGVhMDVkYWQ4ZTdh">“... she could have made it,” Lino said, looking at the barren walls surrounding it. “Why did you choose her anyway?”</p> <p class="cnMxNDgyOGExODBlMjQ5M2Q4YTI4MDFkMzAxMzVkNTli">“<em><em>Same reason I chose all Empyreans before her and after her,</em></em>” the Writ said. “<em><em>She fulfilled the criteria.</em></em>”</p> <p class="cnNjYWQ5ZDYxNzc4OTQ0MGE4YTIwN2UzOGYyY2IxZTZm">“You levied her because she fit in a specific set of rules? Heh...”</p> <p class="cnMyMjFjNDhkYzRlZDQ5MmM4ODdhYTQ0YzBlYTZmOGE4">“...”</p> <p class="cnNkMjEyNTFlOWViNDRlYmE4Y2MxOGJkZGRhMzk1Mjg1">“And I thought I had it rough...” he sighed, glancing down at the state of his body. “This is nothing, though...”</p> <p class="cnM1MjQ3ZjVhMjc4YzQzMGQ5MWE4YTcxNGZhZjBlMzg5">“<em><em>You’ll have your revenge, eventually.</em></em>”</p> <p class="cnMwMWExYTllNGEzMzQwNDRhM2IxMjI5NDAxZGIyMGNi">“I don’t need ‘my revenge’,” Lino said, his voice chilly calm. “What’s the point of it, anyway? I depend on you for the rest of my days.”</p> <p class="cnNkNGQ4NGU5ZTM3OTRiMDc5NGVjODgzNGZhZTQ4ZDJl">“...”</p> <p class="cnMwZDA3N2UxY2Q4NjRmMmY5MTRhMzI5MDUxYmIyMGE1">“You really outsmarted us all, you know that?” Lino chuckled bitterly as he entered the throne room. “You write scripts that perfectly fit who we are and we have no choice but the follow them... because that’s who we are. It’s outstanding, actually.”</p> <p class="cnM2MDNhY2QwMzdlZjRhYzNhMDdmNjgyMzYxOGY0MzEw">“<em><em>Do you think I made a wrong choice?</em></em>”</p> <p class="cnNhZDlmMmViMjk3YzQ2YjZiMjQxZTJlM2VlNzk4NDEx">“... of course I do.”</p> <p class="cnM3Mjc4YWVlODQ2YzRhY2ZhOGI4NWQ0YTQ3ZGEyZTM3">“<em><em>I haven’t,</em></em>” the Writ said. “<em><em>Sooner or later, they would have died, and you would still be left alone. I can’t begin to imagine the reality being so cruel, but, Lyonel, you are bound to forever be alone. Anyone you befriend, anyone you love, will end up being stirred into the story beyond them, and will become pieces for others to play with.</em></em>”</p> <p class="cnNjNGYwNmFkNTIzNzRlMDM4MTFjMjNhZjUyZTM0NWYx">“Like you?”</p> <p class="cnM5ZjkzYTAxMjE1ZjQ1MWZhZmVlNzM4NTRmZDc1ZWY4">“<em><em>Yes, like me. Like other Writs, like Gaia, like the Devils or myriad of other races each hellbent on fulfilling their agendas, regardless of who suffers because of it. My entire purpose is to strengthen you and take you to the peak. I won’t apologize for what I have to do to get you there.” </em></em></p> <p class="cnMzZmFjYjBlNzgxNjQ3NjliZDA1MmI4MGEyNDEyYjAw">“... it’s just like in that book that Ally read to me,” Lino said, walking up to the throne and picking up the remnant cloth before sitting down and laying it over his knees. “It was about two Kingdoms at war, and about Kings, Queens, Princes, Princesses and other Nobles playing a game with millions of people just because they can. Kings were sacrificing their sons and daughters, Queens were manipulating the Kings to do their bidding, Nobles were enslaving people left and right and gifting them into the army so they wouldn’t be sacked, while commoners... they died. Their purpose seemed to have been to stack up mounds of corpses and nothing else.”</p> <p class="cnNhMmRhNjgzNWVhNjQ1M2U4ZDJhM2QzNDUzZDkzNGRk">“...”</p> <p class="cnNmOThjMWE2OGExZTQ0YjlhMjNmMzJkYmFmZjRiNzI2">“In the end, one of the Kingdoms won, and utterly destroyed the other,” Lino continued, closing his eyes. “But, then they started scheming from within. Some of the Dukes wanted the Crown, the King wanted to be immortal and believed sacrificing his family would lead him to that, Queen wanted her son to ascend to the throne, Princes back-stabbed each other till the sun shines, and it all descended into unbridled chaos. I’m not nearly as clever or witty as you,” he added. “Nor do I have as much experience and knowledge as any of you. But... what you’re doing... under no circumstances does it have a good ending.”</p> <p class="cnM0ZDBjNWI4ZmRhODRjZTlhNzNhMjU4NDgxNmMwOTUw">“<em><em>Then write that good ending by yourself,</em></em>” the Writ said, quickening the pace as Lino only had a minute before collapsing. “<em><em>Use me to get stronger, and rewrite all the rules that eat away at you when you become the strongest.</em></em>”</p> <p class="cnM1MDc3ZjBkMTc2ZjQxMDQ5OWUzZGE0ODI4NDE0YTFj">“... that’s a good dream. But it isn’t for me. I’ll write out your story till my dying breath, and then I’ll take that breath. I have no desire to live in a world infested by soul-sucking parasites who can’t see past their own selfish desires, eternally invoking the need for the ‘greater good’ while sowing chaos in their wake, no matter where they go.”</p> <p class="cnNkNzZhYWY0MzNmNDRkYjZhYjhiNjA3ZjJkMWJjOWUx">“<em><em>... it’s your choice.</em></em>”</p> <p class="cnMwODRhN2M2ZGIwNTRkOTliOTM1ZDUzNTMwOGViMDli">“Heh, I can’t really believe that. One way or another, it feels as though you slowly fed me fool’s lies, and now I’ve truly turned into an utter tool.”</p> <p class="cnMyNjg1NjMxMzRhMDQzNjJhZWNmM2JiZjI4ZDA4YjI2">“<em><em>Rest well,</em></em>” the Writ said. “<em><em>It will be a long time before you’re ready to leave this place.</em></em>”</p> <p class="cnNkNzczMTE0OGI2NzQxZWFhY2RiNmQ0MmU2ODAyZmMz">“...”</p> <p class="cnMxYzhkOTExZjNjNjRkMjQ4MjIyYzAzMDc2ZTAyZWQ5"> Lino sat as the last seconds ticked away. The chill of the throne seeped into his bones, yet he ignored it; he realized how Eshen felt in the end. Cold... abandoned... broken... he was yet to fall into such abyss, yet he already felt fear - fear of being left behind in a world that’s as broken as this one. That city didn’t have many cultivators, but it didn’t matter. Those children in the orphanage... those familiar vendors... grandmas just enjoying the last few years of their lives... everything and everyone was trampled over as though they don’t matter.</p> <p class="cnM3OWU0YjVlZWVlZTQ1Njk4MjVmNjBmMTE4M2VjNWM4"> It was suffocating, at least to him, breathing the same air. He was by no means a saint, and had already killed more than majority ever did or will, yet he also felt absolute disgust toward such world. Did he have dreams of changing it? Certainly. How grand would it be if he could create a world where everyone can enjoy it and rise up based on their own merits, where every individual life was appreciated? It would be grand and beautiful and fulfilling.</p> <p class="cnM4Yzc2MDY2NDU4YTQ3ZjJhM2JjMjk5MjkxMjI1Yzg3"> But, that was fool’s dream, through and through. There’s a reason why current era is called ‘Warring Era’. It was because everything is solved by war; from the minor transgression to eternal hatreds, all invoke war. He can’t save the world, he knew; at the very least, though, he can end its current era. Perhaps only that thin thread of hope kept last remnant of his sanity safe, locked up in a remote corner of his mind, barely keeping him afloat.</p> <p class="cnNiZTA3YTI3YTI5ZDRiZmJhNjE1ZTdhYTNiNTZhYjgx"> There’s still a long way to go before he could even begin to act out his ‘plan’, though. For now, he ought to sleep. He smiled just before the last second ticked away and that robotic voice reported in his mind.</p> <p class="cnNlM2I1Yjc3Y2ZkOTQxOTY4ODE3MGY0MGNkOGVkOGRm" style="text-align: center"> <em><em>[Current Realm: None...]</em></em></p> <p class="cnM2MjlkMTExZjAzZTQ2MjBhZmQ0Y2RlNDYzYWY0YzFk" style="text-align: center"><em><em>[Damage to Body: Severe]</em></em></p> <p class="cnMwNTNmZTA4NDk5YjRiYzFhNDVjNTQ1NDQwNzFiODBm" style="text-align: center"><em><em>[Damage to Soul: Severe]</em></em></p> <p class="cnM2MjUyMzk4YjE1MTQ3ZTM5MGIzY2E2ZWQ1MTFiNjFj" style="text-align: center"><em><em>[Overdrawn potential...]</em></em></p> <p class="cnM2YjYyNDU0OTgyNjRjODc5ODdiODc2YmVjZjU0MzE2" style="text-align: center"><em><em>[Analyzing...]</em></em></p> <p class="cnMzYzBjY2MzMzAxZjQ5NGZiZTdiYzlkODY2MWU0Yjc3" style="text-align: center"><em><em>[Analysis Complete: Can be healed...]</em></em></p> <p class="cnNjNjAxNjY2NjViZTQ2Yzg5MWU0ZTM5OThlNDhkMWIw" style="text-align: center"><em><em>[Time required: 8 years for initial healing]</em></em></p> <p class="cnM4NThjMDczMzlmNzRmMzRiNjRkNzkwZDgzMzM0NGIw" style="text-align: center"><em><em>[10 years for complete healing]</em></em></p> <p class="cnM0MzI1YmNiZjVmMzQ0YzM4MzdhMDVmN2RkMGIwNzY5" style="text-align: center"><em><em>[Entering ‘Hibernation Mode’...]</em></em></p> <p class="cnM0OWQ5OWZjZTQyODRkZjRhNGIyYWFjZjU2ZWQzYWZk" style="text-align: center"><em><em> </em></em></p> <p class="cnM0NTRhMWViYmVmMzQ2MzdiY2FmNTU5ODA5ODA4ZmE2" style="text-align: center"><strong><em><strong><em>END OF VOLUME IV - DEATH IS HIM</em></strong></em></strong></p> <p class="cnNlNTg5NGYxOTRmZDQwYWY5MTI2MGI3NWJiOWM0MGRk" style="text-align: center"><strong><em><strong><em>END OF BOOK I - PEST OF UMBRA KINGDOM</em></strong></em></strong></p> </div>
**CHAPTER 100** ****END OF AN ERA**** Ten minutes... that’s how long he had before his entire body gave out and collapsed. Lino flew through the sky, barely balancing himself without flopping to the ground and splattering against it. He moved eastward, a destination already in his mind. His expression was placid, eyes dark as night, and thanks to his extremely aged appearance, he looked like a risen corpse rather than a young teen. He’d exhausted every ounce of himself with that last attack; though he didn’t kill those two Devils, he did kill everyone else present there, including Yox. With it, he almost felt as though he put the past few years of his life behind him, somewhere in the deep recesses of his heart. At least, he tried his hardest to convince himself that was the case. It was still night, yet the first breach of the sun was on the horizon. Hued blazing coral, it looked strangely ethereal, as though existing outside this reality. It reminded him of fire, of many fires he’d seen in his life. Those visible and those hidden; those good and those bad ones. Throughout his life, he fancied himself the clever and witty one, the observant kind. He’d learned he was nothing more than a fool, though. An actor atop the worldly stage, obscure amidst the main actors playing their roles. What was his role? He’d realized he was assigned many roles. Spurned by factors well outside his power to understand, he was thrust into a world that he was not ready for. He tried to follow Ella’s words and reject the cruelty and coldness of the world of cultivators, yet he was scorched beyond reason a mere few years in. He’d lost more than he ever bargained for, and had his heart ripped and torn like a piece of useless cloth. It was beyond him as to how it turned out like this; after Alison left, he locked everything up, never allowing anything or anyone to thaw away the frost. He suffered, but it wasn’t nearly as painful as it was now. He was bleeding, just like many times before, but there was no remedy, no point that he can press to stop it. Just an endless river of invisible blood flowing outward like a river, pressing against his mind like a hammer. There was a transgression at some point, he realized; he stopped being who he was for so long, and let others see him. It was merely lies he told himself that kept him from realizing the truth of the matter. Innocent lies that piled up over time, snuffing out his defenses without him even realizing it. His thoughts still stirring, he finally arrived at the desolate location that would be his home for many years to come. There, hovering in the might sky, was a necropolis void of life. Seeing it, he was immediately reminded of Eshen, and her own life story. Wasn’t it incredibly similar to his own? She, too, suffered repeatedly until she broke beyond repair. He hardly considered himself broken - merely hurt. Yet, he tread the same path as she did. “You there?” Lino asked, landing into the necropolis and moving toward the throne room slowly. “**Yes.**” a voice inside his head replied. “Tell me about Eshen.” “**What do you want to know?**” “What was she like at the beginning?” he asked. “... **cheerful, pleasant, open-minded. A bright little girl curious of the world.**” “... she could have made it,” Lino said, looking at the barren walls surrounding it. “Why did you choose her anyway?” “**Same reason I chose all Empyreans before her and after her,**” the Writ said. “**She fulfilled the criteria.**” “You levied her because she fit in a specific set of rules? Heh...” “...” “And I thought I had it rough...” he sighed, glancing down at the state of his body. “This is nothing, though...” “**You’ll have your revenge, eventually.**” “I don’t need ‘my revenge’,” Lino said, his voice chilly calm. “What’s the point of it, anyway? I depend on you for the rest of my days.” “...” “You really outsmarted us all, you know that?” Lino chuckled bitterly as he entered the throne room. “You write scripts that perfectly fit who we are and we have no choice but the follow them... because that’s who we are. It’s outstanding, actually.” “**Do you think I made a wrong choice?**” “... of course I do.” “**I haven’t,**” the Writ said. “**Sooner or later, they would have died, and you would still be left alone. I can’t begin to imagine the reality being so cruel, but, Lyonel, you are bound to forever be alone. Anyone you befriend, anyone you love, will end up being stirred into the story beyond them, and will become pieces for others to play with.**” “Like you?” “**Yes, like me. Like other Writs, like Gaia, like the Devils or myriad of other races each hellbent on fulfilling their agendas, regardless of who suffers because of it. My entire purpose is to strengthen you and take you to the peak. I won’t apologize for what I have to do to get you there.”** “... it’s just like in that book that Ally read to me,” Lino said, walking up to the throne and picking up the remnant cloth before sitting down and laying it over his knees. “It was about two Kingdoms at war, and about Kings, Queens, Princes, Princesses and other Nobles playing a game with millions of people just because they can. Kings were sacrificing their sons and daughters, Queens were manipulating the Kings to do their bidding, Nobles were enslaving people left and right and gifting them into the army so they wouldn’t be sacked, while commoners... they died. Their purpose seemed to have been to stack up mounds of corpses and nothing else.” “...” “In the end, one of the Kingdoms won, and utterly destroyed the other,” Lino continued, closing his eyes. “But, then they started scheming from within. Some of the Dukes wanted the Crown, the King wanted to be immortal and believed sacrificing his family would lead him to that, Queen wanted her son to ascend to the throne, Princes back-stabbed each other till the sun shines, and it all descended into unbridled chaos. I’m not nearly as clever or witty as you,” he added. “Nor do I have as much experience and knowledge as any of you. But... what you’re doing... under no circumstances does it have a good ending.” “**Then write that good ending by yourself,**” the Writ said, quickening the pace as Lino only had a minute before collapsing. “**Use me to get stronger, and rewrite all the rules that eat away at you when you become the strongest.**” “... that’s a good dream. But it isn’t for me. I’ll write out your story till my dying breath, and then I’ll take that breath. I have no desire to live in a world infested by soul-sucking parasites who can’t see past their own selfish desires, eternally invoking the need for the ‘greater good’ while sowing chaos in their wake, no matter where they go.” “**... it’s your choice.**” “Heh, I can’t really believe that. One way or another, it feels as though you slowly fed me fool’s lies, and now I’ve truly turned into an utter tool.” “**Rest well,**” the Writ said. “**It will be a long time before you’re ready to leave this place.**” “...” Lino sat as the last seconds ticked away. The chill of the throne seeped into his bones, yet he ignored it; he realized how Eshen felt in the end. Cold... abandoned... broken... he was yet to fall into such abyss, yet he already felt fear - fear of being left behind in a world that’s as broken as this one. That city didn’t have many cultivators, but it didn’t matter. Those children in the orphanage... those familiar vendors... grandmas just enjoying the last few years of their lives... everything and everyone was trampled over as though they don’t matter. It was suffocating, at least to him, breathing the same air. He was by no means a saint, and had already killed more than majority ever did or will, yet he also felt absolute disgust toward such world. Did he have dreams of changing it? Certainly. How grand would it be if he could create a world where everyone can enjoy it and rise up based on their own merits, where every individual life was appreciated? It would be grand and beautiful and fulfilling. But, that was fool’s dream, through and through. There’s a reason why current era is called ‘Warring Era’. It was because everything is solved by war; from the minor transgression to eternal hatreds, all invoke war. He can’t save the world, he knew; at the very least, though, he can end its current era. Perhaps only that thin thread of hope kept last remnant of his sanity safe, locked up in a remote corner of his mind, barely keeping him afloat. There’s still a long way to go before he could even begin to act out his ‘plan’, though. For now, he ought to sleep. He smiled just before the last second ticked away and that robotic voice reported in his mind. **[Current Realm: None...]** **[Damage to Body: Severe]** **[Damage to Soul: Severe]** **[Overdrawn potential...]** **[Analyzing...]** **[Analysis Complete: Can be healed...]** **[Time required: 8 years for initial healing]** **[10 years for complete healing]** **[Entering ‘Hibernation Mode’...]** ******END OF VOLUME IV - DEATH IS HIM****** ******END OF BOOK I - PEST OF UMBRA KINGDOM******
{ "title": "The Dungeon of Evolution", "id": 17724, "author": "MaxOsnes", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Chapter 37", "id": 305397, "next": 305471, "prev": 301336, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM4MWY5MTFkN2Q3YTQxOGFiNTAwNDhlNWVlOTcxYTRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ian internally shook his head at both Yervin and himself, as he returned his focus to the goblin floor. Forgetting about the lights was pretty bad, but he did have the excuse that he could see everything fine without them. As he pushed the nagging mistake to the back of his mind, he resumed construction of the goblin floor. There were still a couple of hours before the next wave of monsters dove into his dungeon.</span></p> <p class="cnM2OTdjMWZmOTcyNTQ3NDA4MDFkNWFkYmFjZGE1ZjMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">With the communal rooms out of the way, all he had left was the recreational rooms….well, at least for the goblin living area. Now, what would goblins want to do? Mina, Izu, Pugi, Botan, Narcy, and Yervin liked to train and chat with each other, although maybe not Narcy, but, based on his observation of wild goblins, that wasn’t normal.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZmE5YjY0YmU5YzRiZmFiNjk5NGMzODIwYTBkMWFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">They liked to eat and be mean to each other. Eating was dealt with by the dining hall and his planned hunting and farming rooms, and he didn’t have to do anything to facilitate goblins being mean to one another. Although, something encouraging them to fight one another would be good, like an arena. However, he’d have to make sure to establish a rule not to kill one another. If he was going to have them killing the non-goblins on the floor for food, then he didn’t want the additional mana expenditure.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYmU0YjAwYjc4NzQwYjdiZWZmMzE2YWJiZGIxMWNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">In the large, circular room closest to the dining hall/entrance hall/throne room, he began elevating the edge of the room, forming stone seating. Most importantly, he removed all normal cave features that would interfere with spectating. Eventually, five rows of seats lined the edge of the room, with openings for the corridors to other rooms. He made sure to form pathways beneath the seats, so goblins could walk to other rooms without interfering in matches.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMDFjN2MzMzNlODQ2MmQ4NTZhNzIxY2E3OGVjOTJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Immediately after he finished the physical design for the room, he began on the enchantment. It was an enchantment designed so the goblins weren’t restricted by his no killing goblins rule, but only in this room. He began to enchant the room with rank ten healing magic, which he could only hope would be supported by outside mana. Even his large mana reserves wouldn’t be able to withstand the constant resurrection of goblins knocking each other’s heads off.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZjljM2Y2MjUxMDQyNWE4YmM4MzQ0Zjg4NGI1Mzlm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Of course, being rank ten, it would take a while. In fact, Ian doubted he’d finish it in a couple of days. Was it overkill? Probably, but since he didn’t designate a difficulty for this floor, the answer was technically no. Besides, it was only one room, and it could be avoided. It would definitely intrigue intruders and not frighten them away. Yes, definitely.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMjBhMTg1MTA0ZTRlMWY5MTQ2OWU0YTU0NDhkZTQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">As Ian enchanted, the rustle of creatures walking through the forest entered his sphere of perception. His focus shifted onto enormous, pure white wolves. Five wolves standing six feet tall growled at his dungeon. A circle of billowing white rotated around their necks, as white wisps broke off from them and drifted around the wolves. Cloud Wolves. Unlike what most would consider a white wolf, these wolves lacked any color besides white in every part of their body. They looked at if a picture had been left uncolored, but without any black borderlines.</span></p> <p class="cnMwN2JjZWFhOTliNjRmNTE5YzFjOTkwZjRmMjkwYjZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">The wolves slowly strode to the entrance of his dungeon with heads held high. However, as they reached the halfway point of his perception, one of the wolves shook her head and started to bark at the others. The four other wolves’ heads turned to the fifth wolf in unison, which caused her to growl and put her ears back. As the four wolves continued to stare at the fifth wolf, she started to shake her head and whine, eventually violently pawing at her own head. About a minute after she began pawing at her head, she stopped and continued walking on with the other four wolves.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNTdjODM2ZjAxMTQzMmZhMDcwNjAxM2RmYjg2YWQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">It seemed five B+ to A rank monsters were the limit of whoever was controlling the wolves. That meant this might be the last wave before whatever was testing him out decided to invade themselves. However, they might specialize in mind control, and simply leave after all their mind controlled monsters failed. That was a possibility, but it was better to prepare for the option of an even stronger creature or creatures tackling his dungeon.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYTg0ZTFiNTRkNjQzOWJiMTliMTVkMDYyYmRjMzQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">These wolves would be a good chance for Yervin to fight a stronger monster, but the other goblins would be eviscerated without learning much.</span></p> <p class="cnMyM2IzN2M5ZTQzMDRhYmE5MjM5YzllYWEwYjViM2Q3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Attention everyone….well, not everyone, just the six of you I’m actually talking to.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2YzU5ZDU5NzY3MjQxMzk5MTdlYmI0Nzg3NDM0M2Q4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Izu and Narcy each raised an eyebrow, Yervin rolled his eyes, Botan and Pugi looked confused, and Mina yelled, “Yes!”</span></p> <p class="cnM4Yzk3NGQ1ZTAzZjQ3M2ZhZDhiNzA1MmE5M2IwZDI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Five cloud wolves are incoming. They’re stronger than Yervin, so I’m ordering the rest of you to go back and do what you want. Just don’t protect the dungeon from these wolves.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2OGM2ZDk5NWU1MDQ4ODNhMDAxMDFkZmE3YzcyNmM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s going to be annoying,” grumbled Izu.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYjQ4ZDBiYTlmNzQ1MDhiZDY2YjY2NTE1NTYwY2Jm"><span style="font-weight: 400">The others, even Mina, although reluctantly, nodded in agreement.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NDIwZTUzZDFmNDRhM2ViNGVjYmVhMTFkNTEwMDIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ian internally sighed. He knew this was coming, since they felt the same unpleasant feeling he did when an intruder entered. It made training and pleasure activities much harder to focus on for them. Still, it needed to be done.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNzI1OTVhZjMxMTRkYjhiZGYxNTdjMDcwN2Q0MWU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“This will be good practice then,” Ian began. “If this becomes a dungeon that adventurers frequent, then you’ll have to get used to that feeling, as we can’t be killing all of them. That means if you can’t focus while there are intruders in the dungeon, you’ll never get stronger or enjoy yourselves.”</span><span style="font-weight: 400"><br></span> <span style="font-weight: 400">The five goblins nodded in understanding, especially Narcy whose head was nodding three times faster than the rest. However, Yervin spoke up, “If that’s the case, then why am I fighting them?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5MTM3NjkzNjZhNTQ1MDA4N2M3YTI3NTYwYzc1YWU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I had the others fight the boars because it was good practice to face opponents stronger than them, and it will be the same for you and these wolves. Besides, I know you’ve been asking the others what it feels like to die and respawn.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjODBiODkwN2YzMDRiNTJhZDRlMmFhNzNlMjNkMGIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“R-right,” Yervin stammered back as he scratched his cheek.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZWZkOGQ5YmQ1NzRlNDg4NGZkOWFkYTU1OWRlMDg3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Good, then go to the G rank floor and prepare for the wolves. You’ll be alone against five, so prepare yourself.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYzgwNTc0NTcxMjQ2MjBiYWRiOWJjMzcxNzJlYTc1"><span style="font-weight: 400">With a nod of affirmation, Yervin ran off. The others left the G+ rank floor and returned to the town.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MDk4NjY3ZGUzYzQ4ZDY5ZjNlNjBhNWY2YTYxOWQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">The wolves had entered the G- rank floor and were slowly sniffing around and chewing on things. However, they were slowly making progress. He was glad they were exploring the dungeon rather than rushing through it like the others, otherwise the goblins might have already been attacked.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNTllNTBjZjJiNjRjZTlhYjQ1NjI3NDhlYjQwNmFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">He saw a wolf turn down a corridor, where its head perked up, it bared its teeth, and a guttural growl rose from its belly. The spider automata had its front legs raised in preparation of rushing intruders. Right, he couldn’t have the spider killing all the wolves.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NzIyYjA2ZjY0YTQ0N2FhMDdmYmEzZGUzYjdjNWM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Spider automata, please back down from the wolves and return to the core room to protect it, please.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyZWZiMjY0NTU2NTQ2NjY4MjkzMmJhZGEwNjIyMmIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">The spider automata’s body shook slightly, but it brought its front legs back to the ground. It started to turn around, but gave a glance back at the wolf where it brought its leg to eye level and then pointed it back at the wolf. Afterwards, it scuttled off, and the wolf didn’t give chase.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZTFhY2IyNDIwYTQ1NmJiNmM0OWUzZDFmYjM3ZDdj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Once the spider automata was out of sight of the wolf, it resumed its sniffing and chewing through the floor.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZWI0ZDA0MDAzZDQzYjg5ZmE0OTRmYjdhNzU5NGQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">The wolves proceeded easily through the G- rank floor and dispatched the boss with a single swipe of the smallest one’s paw. Yervin had decided to meet the wolves in one of the more inconsequential rooms on the G rank floor. As the wolves continued their slow trek, he waited.</span></p> <p class="cnNiOWMxNjAyZDZkYzQ4YzNiMGZkMzZiZDJlOTk4MmFh" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️</span></p> <p class="cnNlYmZlZDFlODEyMjQyZDRiOWYwMTAzMzg2ZGVkNDYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">The first wolf entered a rectangular room with her snout to the ground. Soon after her ears perked up, and she bit towards the side of the door. Her jaws snagged a chunk of meat from the invisible opponent.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOWJjOWY4MWIxMjQxMTA4NjcwNWYxNDAyNGNjYjQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yervin cursed to himself as he lost his concentration, and thus invisibility, as blood pulsed from the open wound of his arm. Annoyed with himself, he activated his strengthening skills, but while they would make the fight more even, they did not stop the bleeding. He used his flash skill to blind the wolf that bit him, along with the other four now rushing him. As the room became enveloped in light, he heard five yelps.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNmQ0NGRjODM2ZDQwNzk5NDA3OGVmN2E0MTBlMjA5"><span style="font-weight: 400">He focused on the location of the wolf that bit him, and executed the same blink, push off of ceiling heel drop he did to the boar. As his heels were about to make contact, the blinded wolf rolled out of the way. However, Yervin was already swinging his right arm towards the wolf’s face, where his claw jammed itself into the left eye.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNzEwY2NmMDEwYTRmNWY4YTQyNjRkZjdjYTVkZTc0"><span style="font-weight: 400">The wolf let out another loud yelp and sprung backwards. A small smile started to appear on Yervin’s face, however a jaw closed around his torso and flung him across the room into a wall. He leaped up from the ground, attempting to ignore the puncture wounds the covered his body. At least he didn’t lose another chunk of flesh.</span></p> <p class="cnNjN2NhMTBmOGRmZDRjZWRiMmQyZTgyZDM3NTYxMTQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The wolves were getting their vision back as their eyes were blinking furiously. Yervin let out another flash, but right after he used the skill, before the flash of light appeared, the wolves all closed their eyes. He still used the skill, but quickly moved away from his previous position. Four wolves each bit at a separate body part but met empty air. The fifth wolf had her nose in the air and gave a quick bark and howl to the others.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYTczNzhjYWQ3NjQwMGE4ZmZjMDcxNGRhYTg3YzZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yervin waited as the four wolves rushed towards him. Just as they were about to reach him, he blinked backwards and shifted space. In front of the four wolves with gaping jaws dripping with drool, the fifth injured wolf appeared. Before the fifth wolf could make a noise, jaws bit down on her neck, back, and legs. </span></p> <p class="cnNkNzQ2ZjhlNmJiNTQ4OTg5MmFjZGJhYWVlYjc5ZmZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">A screech of pain erupted from the wolf. The other four let go after discovering they had injured their partner. However, the wolf was soon silenced as a full powered heel drop smashed her skull in.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNjAxMjIyMWZmZjQzOGE4NzczZTAxZDcyZTY4OTRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Growls of anger reverberated from the remaining four wolves as they rushed towards Yervin. He blinked backwards to create distance, but collapsed to his knees right after. His vision blurred, and he noticed the fully formed large red pool around the belly of the dead wolf and not her head. He tried to blink again, but his concentration wavered and the skill failed. Soon after, he awoke in the respawn room.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MGY0YjJkYmI5MDQ2OTliNTY4MTdmNGNlYmIyY2Ex" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️</span></p> <p class="cnNiNDdjOWEyZTMzNTQ2Y2Y5N2UxODA5YTUxZDc1NTBk"><span style="font-weight: 400">The four wolves that killed Yervin, tore him limb from limb. They tried to do as much damage as possible, but his body disappeared soon after. They had blank stares for about a minute before they resumed their previous sniffing and chewing on everything.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNGU1NDRjOTAwMTQzZjdhYzQxZWYyMjI2ZmFmMzIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">If Ian had eyes, they’d be wide open right now. Considering their rank and experience difference, Yervin being able to kill a wolf, especially in a five on one situation, was quite the feat. There were of course other factors like the wolves being mind controlled and the element of surprise from his unusual techniques, but it was still quite the accomplishment. Although, now that he thought about it, they didn’t use any cloud wolf techniques or magic. Still, he’d have to give Yervin some congratulations, even if it would make him smug for a while.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNzZjMjFmZGQxOTQwM2Y4NjFhYzJlNDA3YzRhZDhj"><span style="font-weight: 400">It took awhile, but the wolves clean sweeped the room and one hit the boss. The real test would be the next floor. They seemed smarter than the previous creatures, but would they be smart enough for a floor puzzle?</span></p> <p class="cnNiYjIwYWVhODY2YzRhYTVhMDI5NzQ0NGRlZGU3Yzkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">As the wolves entered the G+ rank floor, they continued their same process of sniffing and chewing. However, when one of them reached the center of the first room, its priorities changed instantly. It walked over to the swallow golem and booped the golem with its nose. The swallow’s eyes lit up red and the illusion on the room evaporated.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZDE0ZTQ5MmQ3MzRhNGY4NzQwNWRkMzU1NjkzYTJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">The wolf paid no attention to the change in the room. However, its eyes flickered, and it shook its head slightly. Eventually it returned to normal, and the behavior of all four wolves changed. Rather than sniffing and chewing everything, they headed directly for the center of each room and booped their noses on the golems.</span></p> <p class="cnM0OGI1NWRmNzExYTQ2ZjhhNDRhODQwMzhkOWE1NTE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">The wolf that booped the swallow had headed to the cicada room and booped the golem there. However, unlike the rest it just sat there afterwards, while the rest continued to roam the floor booping the golems.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYzFhOWNlYjU2MTRmMzBiMDZlNTNmMGE5YzNjNzU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ian watched as another wolf approached the fern room. Once it reached the center and booped the fern golem there, it sat down and waited like the wolf in the cicada room. He was uncertain how he should feel about this, as the wolves seemed to have figured out the puzzle for the floor. However, the way they were acting, while mind controlled, was a bit too large of a jump compared to the boars. Maybe his ‘looking through the eyes of the mind controlled monsters’ wasn’t as far fetched as he initially thought. Whoever had these mind control powers was better than he thought, especially considering how well they were controlling advanced intelligence wolves. He would need to make some preparations in case they had enough power to mind control dungeons.</span></p> <p class="cnMyM2M0NzI0YTUzNTRlZjI5MDViZDZjMjcwNjFhYTA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Even though he had suggested the possibility, Ian wondered if the gods would actually allow one of their dungeons to be mind controlled by any being not at the level of a god. Though, considering the odd restrictions on dungeons, it wasn’t an impossibility.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNWZmNDliN2VjZjQyYWFiZDk1MzNmNGU0MzAzM2I5"><span style="font-weight: 400">He layered mind protection spells with a combination of defense and mind mana throughout his dungeon consciousness, with focus around the core. It was a far larger process than while he was human, as through his studies, mind magic affected the head and brain of individuals. As a dungeon, he didn’t have any evidence of where his consciousness resided, but his core did make the most sense. Still, taking precautions and layering it throughout the dungeon was a good idea. While making sure his spells didn’t affect the use of mind magic spells in his dungeon, just the ones directed at himself, the fourth wolves continued trying to find the correct order. The other three would boop their respective golems after the fourth one chose wrong.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZTVlZTY0ZWNmMDQ0NGM4MmY4NmM3ZTMyZGJiYzI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Hours later, Ian watched the final run through with annoyance, as he couldn’t cast his mind defense spells on the G+ rank floor while they were there. The G- rank floor had been annoying, but ordering the creatures on the floor to wipe out all the bugs had worked pretty well.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNDkzYTdiZDYxMzRjYzZhMjE0ODg3YTYzODE4MGFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">As the wolf booped the moss golem, all nine golems lit up green and the door unlocked. With that, the other wolves stood up from their golems, and entered the boss room with the fourth.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNjk5ZjAyMWRkOTRjM2RiYzI0YWJjOTI5Y2IzZWFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">The boss room and F- rank floor were just as easy to the wolves as the previous floors. The puzzle doors opened for them just like the other monsters, while the enchantments had little to no effect on them. However, after clearing the boss of the F- rank floor, they appeared on the floor that Ian was waiting for. Finally, the first intruders on his EX rank floor had appeared.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNmFmYTBjZTgzMTRhMWZiMTI0ODI5ZWRjMTE0ZjZk" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️</span></p> <p class="cnMwMTJlOTYzYzcwODRmMDc4M2YzNGRhMGJiYzI5MjQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The wolves immediately grouped together in the deep darkness with their hair standing on end. The clouds surrounding them began to rotate at an increasing rate, but slowed down soon after as it did nothing to the surrounding darkness. Even with their hair standing on end, they continued the same process as previous floors. Soon after, they reached an intersection with a golden apple tree.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYjlhYTEwNmM2YTRlMDY4Yjk5NjIxNjI0OTBhNGUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">They had munched on the golden apples frequently on previous floors, but now they showed no interest as the smell of death was slowly growing stronger. As a group, they headed down the straight path. A black saffron plant came in to view, but the wolves hugged the wall opposite, creating as much space between them as possible.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMDRiZjRlNzJiOTRhYTViYThiZTllYjY2NGViNTg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">As the wolves slunk past the plant smelling of death, the smallest one at the back was suddenly floating in the air. It flailed its legs, as it fell to the ground. It fell on its right side, with its right hip taking most of the impact. The wolf whined as it started to get back up, but it fell back down as its right leg would not work. It growled and looked at its right leg.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZDQwOGM0NDQ3MDQ1Mzk4MTU1NDZjMDNkZmJhOTJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">The glaze of mind control faded as the wolf frantically tried to bite its leg off. Its hip was black, no longer covered in hair, and pieces of flesh were falling off. Unluckily, the wolf touched the black part with its mouth, and the contagion spread there. Screeching whines echoed from the wolf until its vocal chords no longer worked, and it died. Where the wolf had landed, the black saffron lay crushed.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NTMxNmFkOWVhZDRjNmI4Y2QxMjVlMGU5OGU1ZDI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">The other three wolves with eyes wide, sprinted further into the floor. Soon after, the front runner started to plummet into a pit. Before it could wonder where the pit came from, white clouds formed beneath its feet as it leaped back up. Following suit, the other wolves ran across the now visible pit with cloud footholds. After three corners, all three wolves disappeared without any indication.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZjRiN2E0MzA5YzQzY2ZhNjUxNTg3MWEwZDgxZWQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Now, in a pitch dark room with no openings, the wolves frantically scratched at the walls in an attempt to get out. As they were doing so, the room lit up enough to blind them, but they didn’t have enough time to contemplate the brightening of the room in the first place. The corpses of three wolves, now looking like swiss cheese, disappeared into mana.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMDc5NWVjNDZhYzQxMTI4Y2ZlYjg1ZjVkODdjYTMy" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️</span></p> <p class="cnMxMTBjMGQ4OGJhMDQxZDI5NWU5ZmExMTBlOGQ0Mjg1"><span style="font-weight: 400">That was a bit more anticlimactic than Ian imagined when he first came up with the idea to have the wolves test his EX rank floor. Although, he did learn about the potential combination of death saffron and the blink hobgoblin. The overpowering smell of death got rid of the wolves’ ability to detect the goblin while invisible. Also, he didn’t think the effect of just touching the death saffron would be that potent.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNjg1MDVjYzc1ODQ1MzNhMzRkMTExMmNjN2JkMWEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">He didn’t expect the pit to be that useful, but still seeing them just run over it was immensely disappointing. The teleport trap did its job, so there wasn’t much to say about that.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNzhmZTRiMDViNjQwZmM5NjhjOGQ3NTgzZGZjNTlm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Still, no laser hallways, earth spike hallways, vaporization hallways, or water cutters. Depths, they didn’t even reach the B room, the closest one to the entrance. Admittedly, it was right after the teleport trap they reached, but….</span></p> <p class="cnNhMjk2Mjg5NmVkNzRlNzFhMmUwNmViZDkyZDMzNmRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ian wondered how much the mind controller saw. Fear seemed to kick the wolves out of their mind controlled state, so he wasn’t sure they saw anything besides the first wolf get eaten away by the death saffron.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNThkN2NmNWMxYjRmZjRhZDkxOTMxNmRmZjJiZWFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Well, he would just have to see if they sent more creatures or came themselves tomorrow. Until then, he resumed enchanting the arena. Hmmm, maybe he would try to fight them himself tomorrow.</span></p> </div>
Ian internally shook his head at both Yervin and himself, as he returned his focus to the goblin floor. Forgetting about the lights was pretty bad, but he did have the excuse that he could see everything fine without them. As he pushed the nagging mistake to the back of his mind, he resumed construction of the goblin floor. There were still a couple of hours before the next wave of monsters dove into his dungeon. With the communal rooms out of the way, all he had left was the recreational rooms….well, at least for the goblin living area. Now, what would goblins want to do? Mina, Izu, Pugi, Botan, Narcy, and Yervin liked to train and chat with each other, although maybe not Narcy, but, based on his observation of wild goblins, that wasn’t normal. They liked to eat and be mean to each other. Eating was dealt with by the dining hall and his planned hunting and farming rooms, and he didn’t have to do anything to facilitate goblins being mean to one another. Although, something encouraging them to fight one another would be good, like an arena. However, he’d have to make sure to establish a rule not to kill one another. If he was going to have them killing the non-goblins on the floor for food, then he didn’t want the additional mana expenditure. In the large, circular room closest to the dining hall/entrance hall/throne room, he began elevating the edge of the room, forming stone seating. Most importantly, he removed all normal cave features that would interfere with spectating. Eventually, five rows of seats lined the edge of the room, with openings for the corridors to other rooms. He made sure to form pathways beneath the seats, so goblins could walk to other rooms without interfering in matches. Immediately after he finished the physical design for the room, he began on the enchantment. It was an enchantment designed so the goblins weren’t restricted by his no killing goblins rule, but only in this room. He began to enchant the room with rank ten healing magic, which he could only hope would be supported by outside mana. Even his large mana reserves wouldn’t be able to withstand the constant resurrection of goblins knocking each other’s heads off. Of course, being rank ten, it would take a while. In fact, Ian doubted he’d finish it in a couple of days. Was it overkill? Probably, but since he didn’t designate a difficulty for this floor, the answer was technically no. Besides, it was only one room, and it could be avoided. It would definitely intrigue intruders and not frighten them away. Yes, definitely. As Ian enchanted, the rustle of creatures walking through the forest entered his sphere of perception. His focus shifted onto enormous, pure white wolves. Five wolves standing six feet tall growled at his dungeon. A circle of billowing white rotated around their necks, as white wisps broke off from them and drifted around the wolves. Cloud Wolves. Unlike what most would consider a white wolf, these wolves lacked any color besides white in every part of their body. They looked at if a picture had been left uncolored, but without any black borderlines. The wolves slowly strode to the entrance of his dungeon with heads held high. However, as they reached the halfway point of his perception, one of the wolves shook her head and started to bark at the others. The four other wolves’ heads turned to the fifth wolf in unison, which caused her to growl and put her ears back. As the four wolves continued to stare at the fifth wolf, she started to shake her head and whine, eventually violently pawing at her own head. About a minute after she began pawing at her head, she stopped and continued walking on with the other four wolves. It seemed five B+ to A rank monsters were the limit of whoever was controlling the wolves. That meant this might be the last wave before whatever was testing him out decided to invade themselves. However, they might specialize in mind control, and simply leave after all their mind controlled monsters failed. That was a possibility, but it was better to prepare for the option of an even stronger creature or creatures tackling his dungeon. These wolves would be a good chance for Yervin to fight a stronger monster, but the other goblins would be eviscerated without learning much. “Attention everyone….well, not everyone, just the six of you I’m actually talking to.” Izu and Narcy each raised an eyebrow, Yervin rolled his eyes, Botan and Pugi looked confused, and Mina yelled, “Yes!” “Five cloud wolves are incoming. They’re stronger than Yervin, so I’m ordering the rest of you to go back and do what you want. Just don’t protect the dungeon from these wolves.” “That’s going to be annoying,” grumbled Izu. The others, even Mina, although reluctantly, nodded in agreement. Ian internally sighed. He knew this was coming, since they felt the same unpleasant feeling he did when an intruder entered. It made training and pleasure activities much harder to focus on for them. Still, it needed to be done. “This will be good practice then,” Ian began. “If this becomes a dungeon that adventurers frequent, then you’ll have to get used to that feeling, as we can’t be killing all of them. That means if you can’t focus while there are intruders in the dungeon, you’ll never get stronger or enjoy yourselves.” The five goblins nodded in understanding, especially Narcy whose head was nodding three times faster than the rest. However, Yervin spoke up, “If that’s the case, then why am I fighting them?” “I had the others fight the boars because it was good practice to face opponents stronger than them, and it will be the same for you and these wolves. Besides, I know you’ve been asking the others what it feels like to die and respawn.” “R-right,” Yervin stammered back as he scratched his cheek. “Good, then go to the G rank floor and prepare for the wolves. You’ll be alone against five, so prepare yourself.” With a nod of affirmation, Yervin ran off. The others left the G+ rank floor and returned to the town. The wolves had entered the G- rank floor and were slowly sniffing around and chewing on things. However, they were slowly making progress. He was glad they were exploring the dungeon rather than rushing through it like the others, otherwise the goblins might have already been attacked. He saw a wolf turn down a corridor, where its head perked up, it bared its teeth, and a guttural growl rose from its belly. The spider automata had its front legs raised in preparation of rushing intruders. Right, he couldn’t have the spider killing all the wolves. “Spider automata, please back down from the wolves and return to the core room to protect it, please.” The spider automata’s body shook slightly, but it brought its front legs back to the ground. It started to turn around, but gave a glance back at the wolf where it brought its leg to eye level and then pointed it back at the wolf. Afterwards, it scuttled off, and the wolf didn’t give chase. Once the spider automata was out of sight of the wolf, it resumed its sniffing and chewing through the floor. The wolves proceeded easily through the G- rank floor and dispatched the boss with a single swipe of the smallest one’s paw. Yervin had decided to meet the wolves in one of the more inconsequential rooms on the G rank floor. As the wolves continued their slow trek, he waited. ♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️ The first wolf entered a rectangular room with her snout to the ground. Soon after her ears perked up, and she bit towards the side of the door. Her jaws snagged a chunk of meat from the invisible opponent. Yervin cursed to himself as he lost his concentration, and thus invisibility, as blood pulsed from the open wound of his arm. Annoyed with himself, he activated his strengthening skills, but while they would make the fight more even, they did not stop the bleeding. He used his flash skill to blind the wolf that bit him, along with the other four now rushing him. As the room became enveloped in light, he heard five yelps. He focused on the location of the wolf that bit him, and executed the same blink, push off of ceiling heel drop he did to the boar. As his heels were about to make contact, the blinded wolf rolled out of the way. However, Yervin was already swinging his right arm towards the wolf’s face, where his claw jammed itself into the left eye. The wolf let out another loud yelp and sprung backwards. A small smile started to appear on Yervin’s face, however a jaw closed around his torso and flung him across the room into a wall. He leaped up from the ground, attempting to ignore the puncture wounds the covered his body. At least he didn’t lose another chunk of flesh. The wolves were getting their vision back as their eyes were blinking furiously. Yervin let out another flash, but right after he used the skill, before the flash of light appeared, the wolves all closed their eyes. He still used the skill, but quickly moved away from his previous position. Four wolves each bit at a separate body part but met empty air. The fifth wolf had her nose in the air and gave a quick bark and howl to the others. Yervin waited as the four wolves rushed towards him. Just as they were about to reach him, he blinked backwards and shifted space. In front of the four wolves with gaping jaws dripping with drool, the fifth injured wolf appeared. Before the fifth wolf could make a noise, jaws bit down on her neck, back, and legs. A screech of pain erupted from the wolf. The other four let go after discovering they had injured their partner. However, the wolf was soon silenced as a full powered heel drop smashed her skull in. Growls of anger reverberated from the remaining four wolves as they rushed towards Yervin. He blinked backwards to create distance, but collapsed to his knees right after. His vision blurred, and he noticed the fully formed large red pool around the belly of the dead wolf and not her head. He tried to blink again, but his concentration wavered and the skill failed. Soon after, he awoke in the respawn room. ♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️ The four wolves that killed Yervin, tore him limb from limb. They tried to do as much damage as possible, but his body disappeared soon after. They had blank stares for about a minute before they resumed their previous sniffing and chewing on everything. If Ian had eyes, they’d be wide open right now. Considering their rank and experience difference, Yervin being able to kill a wolf, especially in a five on one situation, was quite the feat. There were of course other factors like the wolves being mind controlled and the element of surprise from his unusual techniques, but it was still quite the accomplishment. Although, now that he thought about it, they didn’t use any cloud wolf techniques or magic. Still, he’d have to give Yervin some congratulations, even if it would make him smug for a while. It took awhile, but the wolves clean sweeped the room and one hit the boss. The real test would be the next floor. They seemed smarter than the previous creatures, but would they be smart enough for a floor puzzle? As the wolves entered the G+ rank floor, they continued their same process of sniffing and chewing. However, when one of them reached the center of the first room, its priorities changed instantly. It walked over to the swallow golem and booped the golem with its nose. The swallow’s eyes lit up red and the illusion on the room evaporated. The wolf paid no attention to the change in the room. However, its eyes flickered, and it shook its head slightly. Eventually it returned to normal, and the behavior of all four wolves changed. Rather than sniffing and chewing everything, they headed directly for the center of each room and booped their noses on the golems. The wolf that booped the swallow had headed to the cicada room and booped the golem there. However, unlike the rest it just sat there afterwards, while the rest continued to roam the floor booping the golems. Ian watched as another wolf approached the fern room. Once it reached the center and booped the fern golem there, it sat down and waited like the wolf in the cicada room. He was uncertain how he should feel about this, as the wolves seemed to have figured out the puzzle for the floor. However, the way they were acting, while mind controlled, was a bit too large of a jump compared to the boars. Maybe his ‘looking through the eyes of the mind controlled monsters’ wasn’t as far fetched as he initially thought. Whoever had these mind control powers was better than he thought, especially considering how well they were controlling advanced intelligence wolves. He would need to make some preparations in case they had enough power to mind control dungeons. Even though he had suggested the possibility, Ian wondered if the gods would actually allow one of their dungeons to be mind controlled by any being not at the level of a god. Though, considering the odd restrictions on dungeons, it wasn’t an impossibility. He layered mind protection spells with a combination of defense and mind mana throughout his dungeon consciousness, with focus around the core. It was a far larger process than while he was human, as through his studies, mind magic affected the head and brain of individuals. As a dungeon, he didn’t have any evidence of where his consciousness resided, but his core did make the most sense. Still, taking precautions and layering it throughout the dungeon was a good idea. While making sure his spells didn’t affect the use of mind magic spells in his dungeon, just the ones directed at himself, the fourth wolves continued trying to find the correct order. The other three would boop their respective golems after the fourth one chose wrong. Hours later, Ian watched the final run through with annoyance, as he couldn’t cast his mind defense spells on the G+ rank floor while they were there. The G- rank floor had been annoying, but ordering the creatures on the floor to wipe out all the bugs had worked pretty well. As the wolf booped the moss golem, all nine golems lit up green and the door unlocked. With that, the other wolves stood up from their golems, and entered the boss room with the fourth. The boss room and F- rank floor were just as easy to the wolves as the previous floors. The puzzle doors opened for them just like the other monsters, while the enchantments had little to no effect on them. However, after clearing the boss of the F- rank floor, they appeared on the floor that Ian was waiting for. Finally, the first intruders on his EX rank floor had appeared. ♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️ The wolves immediately grouped together in the deep darkness with their hair standing on end. The clouds surrounding them began to rotate at an increasing rate, but slowed down soon after as it did nothing to the surrounding darkness. Even with their hair standing on end, they continued the same process as previous floors. Soon after, they reached an intersection with a golden apple tree. They had munched on the golden apples frequently on previous floors, but now they showed no interest as the smell of death was slowly growing stronger. As a group, they headed down the straight path. A black saffron plant came in to view, but the wolves hugged the wall opposite, creating as much space between them as possible. As the wolves slunk past the plant smelling of death, the smallest one at the back was suddenly floating in the air. It flailed its legs, as it fell to the ground. It fell on its right side, with its right hip taking most of the impact. The wolf whined as it started to get back up, but it fell back down as its right leg would not work. It growled and looked at its right leg. The glaze of mind control faded as the wolf frantically tried to bite its leg off. Its hip was black, no longer covered in hair, and pieces of flesh were falling off. Unluckily, the wolf touched the black part with its mouth, and the contagion spread there. Screeching whines echoed from the wolf until its vocal chords no longer worked, and it died. Where the wolf had landed, the black saffron lay crushed. The other three wolves with eyes wide, sprinted further into the floor. Soon after, the front runner started to plummet into a pit. Before it could wonder where the pit came from, white clouds formed beneath its feet as it leaped back up. Following suit, the other wolves ran across the now visible pit with cloud footholds. After three corners, all three wolves disappeared without any indication. Now, in a pitch dark room with no openings, the wolves frantically scratched at the walls in an attempt to get out. As they were doing so, the room lit up enough to blind them, but they didn’t have enough time to contemplate the brightening of the room in the first place. The corpses of three wolves, now looking like swiss cheese, disappeared into mana. ♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️ That was a bit more anticlimactic than Ian imagined when he first came up with the idea to have the wolves test his EX rank floor. Although, he did learn about the potential combination of death saffron and the blink hobgoblin. The overpowering smell of death got rid of the wolves’ ability to detect the goblin while invisible. Also, he didn’t think the effect of just touching the death saffron would be that potent. He didn’t expect the pit to be that useful, but still seeing them just run over it was immensely disappointing. The teleport trap did its job, so there wasn’t much to say about that. Still, no laser hallways, earth spike hallways, vaporization hallways, or water cutters. Depths, they didn’t even reach the B room, the closest one to the entrance. Admittedly, it was right after the teleport trap they reached, but…. Ian wondered how much the mind controller saw. Fear seemed to kick the wolves out of their mind controlled state, so he wasn’t sure they saw anything besides the first wolf get eaten away by the death saffron. Well, he would just have to see if they sent more creatures or came themselves tomorrow. Until then, he resumed enchanting the arena. Hmmm, maybe he would try to fight them himself tomorrow.
{ "title": " The Abyss", "id": 20760, "author": "Syenzo", "rating": 5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 8 - I Agree", "id": 305398, "next": 334343, "prev": 302858, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM0MDRhZTM0ZTRjZjQ1YTJiNmIxYTk2YzM4NDMzYWM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">I wake up on a cloud, or at least that's what it feels like. I sit up and rub my face. I open my eyes and see that I am not on a cloud, but on white silk sheets. Silk! </span></p> <p class="cnMwZGYxZmY2MDFiODQ0MjFhZTg2NzQ2M2MzM2I0YmVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">I look around, I'm in a big room. To my right there's a large window with red drapes accented in white. A bit of light is getting filtered through the drapes. </span></p> <p class="cnNjZmJkNzMxNDRiYjRkMjJhMzY3NWFhYzMyMzk0NjI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">I guess it's day. </span></p> <p class="cnM4YWJkMzRlZjJkYzRiMDBiYzlkZWFhZjkyYmNmMjlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">To my left there's a writing desk and chair. On the wall directly in from of me there's a door and a few feet from the the door there's a dresser with a mirror above it. </span></p> <p class="cnMyNjRhYjM0NDc1ZTQyOTdhNDdlNjUyY2NmYWJmMTY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">There's a nightstand next to the bed I'm in with a fancy oil lamp and the girl’s sword is laying on it. They must have thought it was mine. </span></p> <p class="cnM2Y2Y1MTRjNDY0OTQxYzViNWIxMTAyYjU0MjJmMTc0"><span style="font-weight: 400">The girl! </span></p> <p class="cnM3ZmVmYTRkZmMyODRhMWU4OWMwNzI4NGM2NTI5YmY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">I jolt and fumble my way out of the bed onto the dark brown-red wooden flooring. I stomp over to the door and wrench it open.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMjI1ZTc1NjllNjRhNWNiMDY3YTM4OGYyYjQ0ODQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Outside the door a boy stands with his hand raise in fist as if he was about to knock. </span></p> <p class="cnM2ZjExNzBhYmE5YzQ2YjZhOGZlZjk3ZjU2Zjk4NThm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ah, good morning sir. Your bath has been filled.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkZGY1YWVkNjNjZDQ4ODM4N2NjMGIyYjVhOWMxMTkx"><span style="font-weight: 400">He gives me a wide smile. </span></p> <p class="cnM4MjhmYTJkMWQ4NzRhZWM5YWRjNDk3YTM4MjJmZDEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">He's dressed in in a black jacket over a grey waistcoat. Underneath he has a white shirt and a tie. He has black trousers and black shoes, polished to a shine. </span></p> <p class="cnNlMjdhNTFiZTU0ZTQwMzM4ZjRkNDNkMDQ5NGE1ODRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Did I somehow get carried out of the Grimes? </span></p> <p class="cnMyZGEwYTM1N2FiMjQ0MzZiZDE0MjNiY2ZhODJiNjNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">He is holding a stack of neatly folded clothes with a towel on top. </span></p> <p class="cnM1MjU1NWZkMGExODQwODM4MmVlMTc5OGZhN2UyYTYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“This way sir.” </span></p> <p class="cnNkZTJiNjM1NGM2MTQ2YzM5YjdlZGVkNzlkNGEwZDA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">He turns and briskly walks down the hall, to the left. </span></p> <p class="cnNkZDU4ZjJlMDQxNzQwYzRiNmJkM2U4ZGNkMDc2OGQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hey, wait, what happened to the girl, where are we, and who are you?” I ask. </span></p> <p class="cnNiNWM1N2JkNGI3OTRkYWU4NTJkYWUwYzUzYjU2ODlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The boy turns around.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNWJhZTc3Mjk3NTQzOThiMTE1YzkwMDJkOTY5OGU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The girl is resting, we are in The Bloody Barrel, I am a humble employee, and your bath water is cooling.” </span></p> <p class="cnM2YjAyMzNiZmYwYjRlYzY5YWYyNzJlOGE3MzJhZjhm"><span style="font-weight: 400">So that's why he's so familiar. I've seen him before, he was always in the background of the tavern.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YmI4ZGY3ZDYzYzRkZGFhZWRmOTliZGU3YmQ3ZTdj"><span style="font-weight: 400">He continues walking down the hall and I behind him. </span></p> <p class="cnM0NTNmMTIwOWZlNjQyZDk4N2YxOGU1Zjg2MDM0ZGEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">I'm glad the girl is safe, but… The Bloody Barrel is a tavern, I have never seen this in the Bloody Barrel.</span></p> <p class="cnM5OTMyNmY1N2Y1YTQ2Mzk5NGRhOTc0MDcxN2RiZmQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The Bloody Barrel? I thought the Bloody Barrel was a tavern.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyYTY1NjNiZjA3ODQyOTFiMjM4ZGQ0YzRjYmVjZmY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes, it is a tavern. The second floor is not usually open to the public,” he says. </span></p> <p class="cnNlNjMxY2JhMTg0MzRlNDM5NmE4MDU5YzQzODY4M2Q4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Second floor? I never knew there was a second floor.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxZTFjYWUwNzk5ZTQxZmI4ZDQ3MTc0NWIwODQ4OGFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“There is a staircase on the first floor, you've seen it for sure.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5MGEyYjdlZjM3ZTQ0NjRhZjY1ODk4NGFmY2QyYjMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">I scowl. I would have noticed a staircase, even drunk. </span></p> <p class="cnMwYjgxZDVkN2E0YzRiOGE5YTVhZDliMjNjMjE3NDcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">We pass a few doors which I assume are other bedrooms as we walk down the hallway. Up near the ceiling attached to the wall, are evenly spaced oil lamps. They aren't lit, probably because there is plenty of light from the occasional window. I would move the drapes and look out, but the boy isn't stopping and it's not important enough to keep him waiting. </span></p> <p class="cnNmYjA2OTcyY2I1ZTRlNzdhODU0OTc2ZDMzNTJkYmU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">We round a corner and the boy walks up to the door closest to us. I can see the staircase down to the first floor from here, it’s a few doors down the hall. I stare blankly at it. </span></p> <p class="cnM1NjQxMjA1Y2Q3NDQ3NDFhYjUwOGM3ZjJlZTEyYzUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The boy opens the door and ushers me in. </span></p> <p class="cnMwNDYwM2MyNDY5MDRmYzM5OWVkOTFjZTI5NzYwYjUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The room is smaller than the room I was previously in. There is a window on the wall across the door, but it's small and high up near the ceiling. It's not covered in drapes, but that's probably because it's small and high up enough no one would be able to look through anyway. It let's in plenty of light, but if that weren't enough there's a lit brick fireplace on the left wall. Over the fire there's a large pot filled with water. </span></p> <p class="cnM0ODMyNWRlNzgxNDQ0NDNhMTc1NmU0NzRjMGNmZjg2"><span style="font-weight: 400">There is a copper tub right in the middle of the room, it's filled with steaming water. Next to the tub there are wooden tables holding various jars, soaps, and other things I can't identify. There's a wooden bench against the wall next to the door. </span></p> <p class="cnM2MDZjODZmMzczZTRkZDdhMzJjYmVlOGI0MGNiNWM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">The boy puts down the clothes and towel on this bench. </span></p> <p class="cnM5YzI2MzMxYzE3NTRjYzI4ODM1ZGY0ZmNhYzM3Zjli"><span style="font-weight: 400">“After you finish just leave your dirty clothes here. Breakfast will be ready for you down stairs. Oh, and you can throw your bandage into the fire.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjNjA4OTI5NGZmYzQ2OGViODMxOTM0MjIxYzU4ZDIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The boy turns around and leaves, closing the door behind him with a quiet click. </span></p> <p class="cnMzNzlkMGZlYjc1ODQxODM4ZGY0NzE5ZThhZTRhY2U2"><span style="font-weight: 400">I stand for a while not sure what to do. Then I snap out of it and strip and place my dirty clothes on the other and of the bench from the clean clothes. </span></p> <p class="cnMyYjFmOTZiYWE3YTQ1NGY5ZTMzNzBjMTYyNmQ0M2Ey"><span style="font-weight: 400">I pick at the blood-caked cloth wrapped around my waist. </span></p> <p class="cnMzNTg5MjI4MDk3NjRlNzdiNjM5MDk4NDRjYWZhNDM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">My wound doesn't hurt anymore. I gingerly pull at the knot and carefully peel the dirty cloth from my skin. I expect the pain of tearing open scabs, but there is no pain. </span></p> <p class="cnNkNGRkNjFkMmU5MjQ1N2ZiYjMyYTAzNmY2MDg0YTYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">I unwrap the cloth from my waist, dried blood flaking off.</span></p> <p class="cnNiOTg0ODkyMTAyMTQ3ZjA5NzgzOTBmODMzMWRjOTQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">I look at the stab wound, except there isn't one. I look at the pale skin around where the sword slid into my gut and poke at it cautiously. I don't even feel an ache. I stare at my stomach wide eyed, before coming to my senses. The healer, Emmanuel, must have healed me as well.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZGZkYTVjZGUzNDQ5MDJhYWE0ZjZiZTlhN2NjMDM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">I toss the bandage into the fireplace and move towards the tub. </span></p> <p class="cnM3MjNjOTM3MDExYjQwMmM5MzViZGFjYzYzZjY3NDRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">I've never been in a tub. </span></p> <p class="cnM0OTlmMzUxYmUyMjRhOGE5YTNlOTE4N2FiMzk4ZTM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">I can see the hammer marks on the copper, but it doesn't make it look bad, the opposite in fact. It looks like scales wrap all the way around the bright orange tub, I quite like it. </span></p> <p class="cnMyZTMxNGM4NTRiNDQ1OGVhMDk0ZWY2NGYyMzM0NmQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">There is a small wooden stool under one of the tables. It's just two small steps, but enough to comfortably get into the tub. </span></p> <p class="cnMyZjgzYzY1OGM1MzQxMmU5NWM3ODkyMDRkMzAxZTU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">I sink into the steaming water slowly. It's quite hot, but I can feel the tension melting away, tension I didn't know I had. </span></p> <p class="cnNjYTg4NzViMzRkZTQ0NThhODEwZDQwOWM4NjM3Y2Fi"><span style="font-weight: 400">I sit there in the tub for the first time in my life and relax. All the dirt from weeks before and blood from the more recent days washes off, <span style="font-weight: 400">I almost feel bad for the person who has to drain the water and clean the tub. </span></span></p> <p class="cnNjNzhjM2NjM2Y5ZjQ1MGM5OGNjNmMwMDE3YzY4YjM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">By the time I leave the tub, I've scrubbed myself with three different bars of soap. They each had a different smell. </span></p> <p class="cnMwYjAwZGI5ZWFjNzQ5Nzc5YzU0NWM5ODBkMjgwNzJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">You never realize how much dirt gets into hair until you have to wash it. When I leave the tub it's no longer clear, pristine water to say the least. </span></p> <p class="cnM3YzI4MDJjYjVlMDQ1YWNiOWM0YjhjZjU3YmJkMmJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">I dry off with the towel and get dressed. </span></p> <p class="cnM2NWQ5MTZlZDQ1ODRjNDI4ZTE0NTAxNjBjNjRlMTc4"><span style="font-weight: 400">The clothes are simple, but soft, oh so soft. </span></p> <p class="cnNmZjQwODdlZWJhZjQwN2JhMDZlOTc1YmI4MjRiYTcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">As I get the clothes on I decide I probably won't be killed today. </span></p> <p class="cnNjYjUxOGU3ZmI1MjRjNzE4NzQzMGI5YjYyYzUyMDlm"><span style="font-weight: 400">If Maximus is bothering with having me bathe and getting dressed he probably won't kill me. </span></p> <p class="cnNhYTZkZjJkNjNhMjQzYzU5ZmNiYTNiMWU3MDhhNGNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">I leave the room and close the door behind me. I peer both ways down the hallway and listen. No one's here. I can't hear noise even from the first floor. </span></p> <p class="cnNmMWYxOTMxY2ZlYjQ2MGI5YTI1NmQxMjVkZjQ0MWVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">I make my way towards the staircase. </span></p> <p class="cnMxYmIxMWU1MmIzNDRlZTI5NDg5MWQwZDNjMTg4OGQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">How did I miss the staircase, it's made of some dark good looking wood and it's </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">wide</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">. No, how did I miss the fact that this is a two story building, I'm a regular here. </span></p> <p class="cnM2Yjg2NWNhNTMzODQ1ODRiN2UxZDBlNmFiYjc3M2Y4"><span style="font-weight: 400">I grab the smooth, shiny handrail and go down. </span></p> <p class="cnNhYzk2NzgyMWQwNjRhOGY4Mzg2ZDZiNjc5MDgyZDhl"><span style="font-weight: 400">There are unlit oil lamps on the wall as I go down. The staircase is in one of the dark corners of the tavern, but even so, it's impossible to miss. </span></p> <p class="cnMwYzhkMjc0NDc5YzQ0NjBhOWRiOGJiYzJhMmI5Mjg1"><span style="font-weight: 400">The rest of the tavern is well lit. </span></p> <p class="cnM5ODEyNWNlNDE4NjQ0OTBhZjUwYjdjYzM5MzNjOWIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The tavern is completely empty. I am unsure of where to sit, so I stand around, waiting. </span></p> <p class="cnNhZjVjYTM0NDllNjRlZWZiZTgyYjU4Y2M4YmI3MzEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The door behind the bar opens, letting out the noise of cooking, food hissing in skillets, water boiling in pots. </span></p> <p class="cnM0Y2FjZWMyMGQxMjRmNDdhY2NiOTAyNGM4YzE4NDQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The boy comes out in a rush with a tray full of food. He has a pink apron on this time. </span></p> <p class="cnMwMTMzMTZhNTJlMzQ5ZTI5ZmNmMzc5NzU3NzE0YmNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">He slides the try onto the counter. </span></p> <p class="cnM2OTlhYjdjODdlNzQ1NTQ4MjMzZmUwMDUzNzY5ZDky"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sit anywhere you like,” he says and then rushes back into the kitchen, closing the door behind him, cutting off the noise. </span></p> <p class="cnNmMmMyYWVjODk1MDQ3ZmM4ZGYzY2NlNTkxNmNjY2Mw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sounds like he's cooking a feast. </span></p> <p class="cnM0YWRkZTRiMzAxYzRkYTI4YWU2ZjFjN2M5NjY2YWNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">My mouth waters at the food on the tray. A large bowl of soup, bread, a chunk of pork, a potato, and some bamboo sprouts on the side. A strange choice of greens. </span></p> <p class="cnMzZjFjYzgyZTY5NzQ0NjNiODFkYTBjMDUxYjhhMDhl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Before I can grab the tray the door opens again suddenly, letting out the sounds again. The boy pokes his head out. </span></p> <p class="cnMxMjlhZmI4MjM4OTQ3NTBiNDBmMWNjYjJhNDQ4M2Iw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh, and Maximus is waiting to speak with you out in the courtyard,” He points his finger to a door between the ‘L’ shaped counter and the staircase. </span></p> <p class="cnNmM2U0NTY0YTg2YTRlYTZhYTZmY2ViNDdmODQyNDE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don't keep him waiting, you can put the dishes on the counter when you're done.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzYWEyMGVlNjFiNTRhYTQ4OGRhZGI3MDRmMWYxNDgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">His head disappears and the door closes, letting silence settle down again. </span></p> <p class="cnM4Njc0MzQ5ZTMzYzQ1MjU5MDlhYTliZWY2ZGFhMWMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">I grab the tray and sit at the table closest to me. I cram the food into my mouth as fast as I can. I slip the potato in my pocket, as a snack for later, just in case. </span></p> <p class="cnMzYTNjNzFmODcyYTQ1MjJhMWE2NzQ3MDY4MmM0YTFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">I finish the food and put the tray on the counter. I then step out the door and into shade. </span></p> <p class="cnMzYjc5NGM5MWIxMjRiYjg4N2M5ZTgyNDc1MDliZDNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">There are wooden columns holding up the floor above me. I am standing under where the staircase leads. </span></p> <p class="cnNhODZmNDNkZWRlYzRhYTdhMTI2MTllYTgwN2FjZWM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">The floor here is cobblestone, but not like the cobblestone in the Grimes. It's clean and smooth, not filled with potholes. It would have been a celler if not for the fact that it opens into a sunny, grassy field further away from the door. </span></p> <p class="cnM1NmZlZTNmNDA0MzRmMjVhMjYyYmE4ZDE5MWQ2Yjky"><span style="font-weight: 400">It looks like the entire second floor is held by a bunch of wooden support columns down here. The walls and floor are cobblestone. Along the walls there are a few wooden chests and benches. </span></p> <p class="cnMxM2MxNGJjNTEyYTQwZTNhZTQ2MTM5MjQ3ZWMyNGIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">I move out from under the second floor and onto the grass. Out in the middle of the field towers a tree and under that tree there's bench. That's where I head. </span></p> <p class="cnM1OTFhNzQ1ZWQ0ZTQwYTZiOTI0OTU2ODQ5ZGY1NzM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">I stare in wonder as I walk over. </span></p> <p class="cnMwMTI3MDhiOTRjNTRhNDI5NGJjMDFmZWQ3YWZlNDE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">This is almost surreal, in the middle of the Grimes there's actually a place like this.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYjUwZWIxODkwNDQ3YjI5ZDFmY2JhZmExM2UxZWQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">There are flowers growing among the grasses. A warm breeze blows against my skin. One can forget they are even in the Grimes. </span></p> <p class="cnM5OGI4ZmY0ODZmMzRjNDNiN2M1NWJiYjliY2M4OTVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">I stand under the shade of tree, waiting for Maximus. </span></p> <p class="cnM1NTc0ZjE1ODg4NzQ5ZjA5NjUwOGI4M2Y1ZDM5NzAy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Behind the tree there's a large wooden platform. </span></p> <p class="cnMxMzVkYmJiZjA3YTQ5NDNhMGQzNWEyNmI3MWExZDFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">On this platform there's a bunch of training dummies and on one side are a bunch of wooden posts jutting out from the platform. </span></p> <p class="cnM1ZjdlMDBiMjI0OTQ2MGQ4OGMzZmZmYTRmYWU2YmVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Some sort of training ground. </span></p> <p class="cnM5MjUxNzdmMzg2NjQ1YjViY2U5ZGE3YTRiNTQ5MzEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Wrapped around the perimeter of the courtyard is the second floor of the Bloody Barrel. The windows all look into the courtyard, as if they were judging those who step onto the grassy field.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NmIzMmE1NzU3NjQ2M2E5NmQ1MTc4OTBmMTI1YWNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">There’s the sound of a ‘clink’ behind me. </span></p> <p class="cnMxMGZkYzVjODQ0OTQzODhiOTY5YTk5Yzk4YTE2NzI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">I whirl around in surprise. </span></p> <p class="cnMyZGQyODZjMzZiMTQ5NjVhZDNiMmVhNzU2MDc1MzQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Maximus is sitting on the bench, holding a little plate with a cup of tea on it. </span></p> <p class="cnMxNzU0MTQxMzIzYjQwOTRiMTVhNjdiYTQ1NDI1YmEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">He's looking at me. </span></p> <p class="cnM3YmUzNzQyMWJhMDRjMDA4MzQzNGQyOGQ5OTY1ODky"><span style="font-weight: 400">He wasn't there before. </span></p> <p class="cnM4NzUxYmM3OGYyMjQzZDU5Y2E2MjgwZDM4MWNlZTJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“And so you live,” he states. </span></p> <p class="cnM1YzVjYzExYTZmMjRlZDViNGZhNDYyNzU4YTUwNzcz"><span style="font-weight: 400">I don't know what to say in reply, so I just nod. </span></p> <p class="cnNiZTI1ZDdjNjgwNzRkNTQ5YmVjZjBmOWYwZDMyMWYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">He reclines into the bench and puts the cup of tea beside himself. He starts slowly tapping the armrest with one long finger as he reclines. </span></p> <p class="cnNkMTI2NzE5Y2QwMDQzZmZiNDEyMTZlNTY5YmFmNTg3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It seems, that I was wrong again. Here you stand, alive, not claimed by the Abyss.” </span></p> <p class="cnM3ZTZmYmFmMDBjZDQ2MDZiZWJhZTkyNDlhZmQwYjFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">I shrug, slightly mad. He sent me to die. I understand I deserved it, still do, but I still don't feel good about it. </span></p> <p class="cnMxNDgxNDFlODA5MDQ0YTFhZDE3OTFiNjNmYjc3NTc4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You should not have been able to break my suggestion, but I am glad that you managed. That girl…” Maximus hesitates. “Tell me how you found her.” </span></p> <p class="cnMyZDY4NWM2Y2I5YjQ5MjRhOThhMTg1ZmM5MGJlNWNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“There's not much to tell. I found her in a cave that leads to where my team was wiped out. She triggered a trap, some sort of flame trap I guess.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2YTA0NGEzYmFjYjQ3YmQ4NWQzYWNkNjM1MTZkN2Ux"><span style="font-weight: 400">At that I remember the tripwire that I left in my old clothes, I'm going to need to get that.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MTcyZTE5NGJmZDQ1MmZiMTI1OWU1NTBhYjZhYTQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Can I go see her?” I ask. </span></p> <p class="cnNhYTlmNzNhMjZmMzQ0MWFhM2JkZGY4ZDNkMjU1NDJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Maximus waves me off, “Later, tell me more. Was she conscious when you found her? Did she have anything or anyone with her?” </span></p> <p class="cnM0MTY0N2RkNzM1MDQxNWI5MGI1NGM4Y2FhOGQ0ODQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">I unhappily answer, “No, there wasn't anyone there, well, she was conscious and asked about someone named Nikolai, but he wasn't anywhere around there. ”</span></p> <p class="cnMwMzUzYmM5MWZmNzQxOTc4YmJiMjM4ZGIzZjQ1OGFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Maximus’s eyes widen ever so slightly, as if he were surprised, but it's gone so quick I can't help but think I imagined it. </span></p> <p class="cnMzOTgwMzZiZGYzZTQ3ZDg5Yjg0ZjRmNjZiNGM3ZjQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That sword, the one in my room, it's hers not mine.” </span></p> <p class="cnNmOGE5ODA1NDY4NjQwNGU4YWI1YmI0N2ExNmQxYWY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“When you see her you'll be able to return it to her,” Maximus says this while lost in thought. </span></p> <p class="cnMzMjc3OGZiYmU0ZjQzZjFiMWJmYWYxYWUxYjAzMzg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Maybe I didn't imagine it after all, this Nikolai may be important. </span></p> <p class="cnM2Nzc4YjExNDhlNzQ2MGZiZjg0Y2MxZTU5Yjc1MjQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Who is Nikolai?” </span></p> <p class="cnMwZjAyMjhlZTAwNDQ1ZGE5MDRlZTg1NGI5MjZlZWVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Maximus refocuses on me, “Hmm, he's nobody, I was just wondering why he was down there. No, the real question is what will you do now.” </span></p> <p class="cnNjNDI5YTM3MzNmYTRiMDRiYjc5MDQ4ZGFlMTAwNWU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Maximus stands, he's only a bit taller than me, but it feels like he towers above me. Pressure falls on me. </span></p> <p class="cnM1N2I3YWU2NmMxMjQzN2U5NmE5MDFjYzg2NTU1ZWNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Will you go back to the Abyss, or will you go back to earning pennies for the rotgut you so love, maybe you'll just curl up in an alley somewhere and wait for death?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzYWFmOWQyMGI3NzQwY2I4NjAxMzExNTAzOGM5ODlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I- no. I don't know. I want to live.” </span></p> <p class="cnM4ZWVkZTdjMTEzZjRhNDZiMTI4MzQ0YzJjNmIxOGJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You want to live? For you, all roads lead to death. The only choice you have is how.” </span></p> <p class="cnM1YTFhYjA1ZDM1MTQ3MzA5NTY5ZDk0OWFiYTlhNWI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Maximus steps away and the pressure disperses. </span></p> <p class="cnM3Y2Y0MWEwZmFkODRjYWI5ZjRkODA1YzMyMzc0YmQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“When the girl wakes up I will offer her a place here. And I offer you something a little different. I want you to stay by her, watch over her, and give your life for hers if need be. If she accepts, you will stay here with her, if not, I want you to go wherever she goes.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhNWZmMTc4YTM5YjRiYzU5YjlhNjhjYTZiYjk0NDcy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What if she doesn't want me around and you say offer but I don't see what's in it for me,” I say. </span></p> <p class="cnNlODg0MGYyZGJiYTQ1ODk4ZGU3YzZmN2QxOTZlMDll"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The answer to both questions is that I will teach you. I prefer for her to let you stick around, but if she does not agree and does not stay here I will teach you how to track and how to keep up with her, how to stay hidden, how fight to protect her, and a few other things. And if she agrees to stay, I will teach her as well. The Abyss will draw her in again, as it does to most.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3OGI5MWUyODE4NDQ4MjNhN2YxMTczZGM2ODVjYWY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So you will teach me if I decide to watch over her?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNGRhZTY3ZWE3NjQxZDVhZmM5NjQ0NDU2ZTZkOWYy">Maximus nods, “Don't get me wrong, your only other choice is death, right here, right now.”</p> <p class="cnNhZmIyODg0MDAwZDRhYjc5MGViYTE2ODRkNTZjZmQz">I can’t say that caught me off guard. </p> <p class="cnNkYzU0ZTU0NGIxMTQxOWJiOWU2NTc3MTFlYTc5NTA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“How long do I watch after her.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDcyNzVlZjJhYjRjNDZhZDJhOTYwNDQ4OTY5N2Q1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“However long it takes her to be able to at least finish an Abyss. You won't be able to protect her from too much that she can’t protect herself from, but two people is better than one and I would like to know her progress,” Maximus says.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMjJjYWU5MDgyMDQ3OGY5OWY1YmM2NWZhZjQ1NTNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Wait you want me to spy on her?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzY2FkZWU3ZmY4ODRlNGU4OGNjMmVlYWI4ZDY2N2Fj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No, nothing of the sort. I don't want you to betray her trust, but if there’s anything you and her can’t deal with I would like to know.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0ODk2OWIzYTU3ZjRhNDdhNGNlYzQ1NDQ0NzRiMDU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">I contemplate for a second. </span></p> <p class="cnNlMjY4OTc4NWI3MjRjMWE5NmY1NDI1NzlhMjBiYjQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I agree.” </span></p> </div>
I wake up on a cloud, or at least that's what it feels like. I sit up and rub my face. I open my eyes and see that I am not on a cloud, but on white silk sheets. Silk! I look around, I'm in a big room. To my right there's a large window with red drapes accented in white. A bit of light is getting filtered through the drapes. I guess it's day. To my left there's a writing desk and chair. On the wall directly in from of me there's a door and a few feet from the the door there's a dresser with a mirror above it. There's a nightstand next to the bed I'm in with a fancy oil lamp and the girl’s sword is laying on it. They must have thought it was mine. The girl! I jolt and fumble my way out of the bed onto the dark brown-red wooden flooring. I stomp over to the door and wrench it open. Outside the door a boy stands with his hand raise in fist as if he was about to knock. “Ah, good morning sir. Your bath has been filled.” He gives me a wide smile. He's dressed in in a black jacket over a grey waistcoat. Underneath he has a white shirt and a tie. He has black trousers and black shoes, polished to a shine. Did I somehow get carried out of the Grimes? He is holding a stack of neatly folded clothes with a towel on top. “This way sir.” He turns and briskly walks down the hall, to the left. “Hey, wait, what happened to the girl, where are we, and who are you?” I ask. The boy turns around. “The girl is resting, we are in The Bloody Barrel, I am a humble employee, and your bath water is cooling.” So that's why he's so familiar. I've seen him before, he was always in the background of the tavern. He continues walking down the hall and I behind him. I'm glad the girl is safe, but… The Bloody Barrel is a tavern, I have never seen this in the Bloody Barrel. “The Bloody Barrel? I thought the Bloody Barrel was a tavern.” “Yes, it is a tavern. The second floor is not usually open to the public,” he says. “Second floor? I never knew there was a second floor.” “There is a staircase on the first floor, you've seen it for sure.” I scowl. I would have noticed a staircase, even drunk. We pass a few doors which I assume are other bedrooms as we walk down the hallway. Up near the ceiling attached to the wall, are evenly spaced oil lamps. They aren't lit, probably because there is plenty of light from the occasional window. I would move the drapes and look out, but the boy isn't stopping and it's not important enough to keep him waiting. We round a corner and the boy walks up to the door closest to us. I can see the staircase down to the first floor from here, it’s a few doors down the hall. I stare blankly at it. The boy opens the door and ushers me in. The room is smaller than the room I was previously in. There is a window on the wall across the door, but it's small and high up near the ceiling. It's not covered in drapes, but that's probably because it's small and high up enough no one would be able to look through anyway. It let's in plenty of light, but if that weren't enough there's a lit brick fireplace on the left wall. Over the fire there's a large pot filled with water. There is a copper tub right in the middle of the room, it's filled with steaming water. Next to the tub there are wooden tables holding various jars, soaps, and other things I can't identify. There's a wooden bench against the wall next to the door. The boy puts down the clothes and towel on this bench. “After you finish just leave your dirty clothes here. Breakfast will be ready for you down stairs. Oh, and you can throw your bandage into the fire.” The boy turns around and leaves, closing the door behind him with a quiet click. I stand for a while not sure what to do. Then I snap out of it and strip and place my dirty clothes on the other and of the bench from the clean clothes. I pick at the blood-caked cloth wrapped around my waist. My wound doesn't hurt anymore. I gingerly pull at the knot and carefully peel the dirty cloth from my skin. I expect the pain of tearing open scabs, but there is no pain. I unwrap the cloth from my waist, dried blood flaking off. I look at the stab wound, except there isn't one. I look at the pale skin around where the sword slid into my gut and poke at it cautiously. I don't even feel an ache. I stare at my stomach wide eyed, before coming to my senses. The healer, Emmanuel, must have healed me as well. I toss the bandage into the fireplace and move towards the tub. I've never been in a tub. I can see the hammer marks on the copper, but it doesn't make it look bad, the opposite in fact. It looks like scales wrap all the way around the bright orange tub, I quite like it. There is a small wooden stool under one of the tables. It's just two small steps, but enough to comfortably get into the tub. I sink into the steaming water slowly. It's quite hot, but I can feel the tension melting away, tension I didn't know I had. I sit there in the tub for the first time in my life and relax. All the dirt from weeks before and blood from the more recent days washes off, I almost feel bad for the person who has to drain the water and clean the tub. By the time I leave the tub, I've scrubbed myself with three different bars of soap. They each had a different smell. You never realize how much dirt gets into hair until you have to wash it. When I leave the tub it's no longer clear, pristine water to say the least. I dry off with the towel and get dressed. The clothes are simple, but soft, oh so soft. As I get the clothes on I decide I probably won't be killed today. If Maximus is bothering with having me bathe and getting dressed he probably won't kill me. I leave the room and close the door behind me. I peer both ways down the hallway and listen. No one's here. I can't hear noise even from the first floor. I make my way towards the staircase. How did I miss the staircase, it's made of some dark good looking wood and it's *wide*. No, how did I miss the fact that this is a two story building, I'm a regular here. I grab the smooth, shiny handrail and go down. There are unlit oil lamps on the wall as I go down. The staircase is in one of the dark corners of the tavern, but even so, it's impossible to miss. The rest of the tavern is well lit. The tavern is completely empty. I am unsure of where to sit, so I stand around, waiting. The door behind the bar opens, letting out the noise of cooking, food hissing in skillets, water boiling in pots. The boy comes out in a rush with a tray full of food. He has a pink apron on this time. He slides the try onto the counter. “Sit anywhere you like,” he says and then rushes back into the kitchen, closing the door behind him, cutting off the noise. Sounds like he's cooking a feast. My mouth waters at the food on the tray. A large bowl of soup, bread, a chunk of pork, a potato, and some bamboo sprouts on the side. A strange choice of greens. Before I can grab the tray the door opens again suddenly, letting out the sounds again. The boy pokes his head out. “Oh, and Maximus is waiting to speak with you out in the courtyard,” He points his finger to a door between the ‘L’ shaped counter and the staircase. “Don't keep him waiting, you can put the dishes on the counter when you're done.” His head disappears and the door closes, letting silence settle down again. I grab the tray and sit at the table closest to me. I cram the food into my mouth as fast as I can. I slip the potato in my pocket, as a snack for later, just in case. I finish the food and put the tray on the counter. I then step out the door and into shade. There are wooden columns holding up the floor above me. I am standing under where the staircase leads. The floor here is cobblestone, but not like the cobblestone in the Grimes. It's clean and smooth, not filled with potholes. It would have been a celler if not for the fact that it opens into a sunny, grassy field further away from the door. It looks like the entire second floor is held by a bunch of wooden support columns down here. The walls and floor are cobblestone. Along the walls there are a few wooden chests and benches. I move out from under the second floor and onto the grass. Out in the middle of the field towers a tree and under that tree there's bench. That's where I head. I stare in wonder as I walk over. This is almost surreal, in the middle of the Grimes there's actually a place like this. There are flowers growing among the grasses. A warm breeze blows against my skin. One can forget they are even in the Grimes. I stand under the shade of tree, waiting for Maximus. Behind the tree there's a large wooden platform. On this platform there's a bunch of training dummies and on one side are a bunch of wooden posts jutting out from the platform. Some sort of training ground. Wrapped around the perimeter of the courtyard is the second floor of the Bloody Barrel. The windows all look into the courtyard, as if they were judging those who step onto the grassy field. There’s the sound of a ‘clink’ behind me. I whirl around in surprise. Maximus is sitting on the bench, holding a little plate with a cup of tea on it. He's looking at me. He wasn't there before. “And so you live,” he states. I don't know what to say in reply, so I just nod. He reclines into the bench and puts the cup of tea beside himself. He starts slowly tapping the armrest with one long finger as he reclines. “It seems, that I was wrong again. Here you stand, alive, not claimed by the Abyss.” I shrug, slightly mad. He sent me to die. I understand I deserved it, still do, but I still don't feel good about it. “You should not have been able to break my suggestion, but I am glad that you managed. That girl…” Maximus hesitates. “Tell me how you found her.” “There's not much to tell. I found her in a cave that leads to where my team was wiped out. She triggered a trap, some sort of flame trap I guess.” At that I remember the tripwire that I left in my old clothes, I'm going to need to get that. “Can I go see her?” I ask. Maximus waves me off, “Later, tell me more. Was she conscious when you found her? Did she have anything or anyone with her?” I unhappily answer, “No, there wasn't anyone there, well, she was conscious and asked about someone named Nikolai, but he wasn't anywhere around there. ” Maximus’s eyes widen ever so slightly, as if he were surprised, but it's gone so quick I can't help but think I imagined it. “That sword, the one in my room, it's hers not mine.” “When you see her you'll be able to return it to her,” Maximus says this while lost in thought. Maybe I didn't imagine it after all, this Nikolai may be important. “Who is Nikolai?” Maximus refocuses on me, “Hmm, he's nobody, I was just wondering why he was down there. No, the real question is what will you do now.” Maximus stands, he's only a bit taller than me, but it feels like he towers above me. Pressure falls on me. “Will you go back to the Abyss, or will you go back to earning pennies for the rotgut you so love, maybe you'll just curl up in an alley somewhere and wait for death?” “I- no. I don't know. I want to live.” “You want to live? For you, all roads lead to death. The only choice you have is how.” Maximus steps away and the pressure disperses. “When the girl wakes up I will offer her a place here. And I offer you something a little different. I want you to stay by her, watch over her, and give your life for hers if need be. If she accepts, you will stay here with her, if not, I want you to go wherever she goes.” “What if she doesn't want me around and you say offer but I don't see what's in it for me,” I say. “The answer to both questions is that I will teach you. I prefer for her to let you stick around, but if she does not agree and does not stay here I will teach you how to track and how to keep up with her, how to stay hidden, how fight to protect her, and a few other things. And if she agrees to stay, I will teach her as well. The Abyss will draw her in again, as it does to most.” “So you will teach me if I decide to watch over her?” Maximus nods, “Don't get me wrong, your only other choice is death, right here, right now.” I can’t say that caught me off guard. “How long do I watch after her.” “However long it takes her to be able to at least finish an Abyss. You won't be able to protect her from too much that she can’t protect herself from, but two people is better than one and I would like to know her progress,” Maximus says. “Wait you want me to spy on her?” “No, nothing of the sort. I don't want you to betray her trust, but if there’s anything you and her can’t deal with I would like to know.” I contemplate for a second. “I agree.”
{ "title": "Zao Ning. The Reincarnated Cultivating Dragon. (Original and Old Version.)", "id": 21081, "author": "MPDLMS", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "\"The Creation of the Chaos Server... Wait no, the Discord Server!\"", "id": 305400, "next": 299778, "prev": null, "prev_info": null, "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMzYTg0NGQyZDA2MTQ0ZGU5MDYwYTAzNDQ1OTA3OWEx">Do you like Zao Ning and would you like to have the chance of reading chapters as I write them or earlier than release? Then I got the place for you! </p> <p class="cnM0MTY1OTRhNmIwNzRhNDdiMDMxMDRmZjZlNmIxYjZl">"I, Zao Ning, has conformed to your human practices after the Q&amp;A peaked my interest. I have made a chaos server!"</p> <p class="cnNkM2I5ZjgyOGQ3YzQxZmI5MTRlNTk3M2I0YjM0ODA3">You scaly idiot. It's a discord server, not chaos.</p> <p class="cnM0NzgxMTM4YThhYjQ3ODNhODAwNWEwN2ZjMTI2YjJk">"Same thing!"</p> <p class="cnNhZjdiNDZiMjdkZDRlYWJhMDEwNWE3MDk4NzA5YWEw">No... It's not.</p> <p class="cnNiNTg0MGVkNDkxNTQ5YWQ5YmMzNzQ5Y2E3YzVmM2U5">"Anyways, join the server for early releases and even a chance to have your own character or a say in some sections of how my story goes!"</p> <p class="cnNjOTAwMGIwZDM3NjQ2ZWZiMDQ3NThjMTNhYzQ3YWJk">You can join factions, be apart of several surveys and get a chance to met me, the Author!</p> <p class="cnNiOTg1ZmNkNDVjMzQ5MTRiOTdmMjk1OWE5NThkOGQy">"That's dumb, no one wants to meet you. They are here for me!"</p> <p class="cnNkMzkwYjY3MzQxYjQwMTA5NTgwY2UyMGIyN2UwOWEz">Yes yes. A month after the release of this post, the first set of staff will be choosen as well so expect chaos until then!</p> <p class="cnNlMTJlNjNmOTcxZTRiMTg5NDc1Y2NkMzgwOWQ3OGE0">"Haha! It's a chaos server like I said!"</p> <p class="cnM5MWUyNmExZTUzNTQ4ZTM4MjAyYTg3NmNhYzQzNWYx">Shut up.</p> <p class="cnMwZjA2ZDViYTBhYTQ5MzM4NzY4MTcxZjBlZWRlOGMy">"Here is the Link! Join or die humans!"</p> <p class="cnNkNDMyOWM1ZGVhZjRjYTVhYWZjNmM1MjQ1ZGFlYjFl"></p> </div>
Do you like Zao Ning and would you like to have the chance of reading chapters as I write them or earlier than release? Then I got the place for you! "I, Zao Ning, has conformed to your human practices after the Q&A peaked my interest. I have made a chaos server!" You scaly idiot. It's a discord server, not chaos. "Same thing!" No... It's not. "Anyways, join the server for early releases and even a chance to have your own character or a say in some sections of how my story goes!" You can join factions, be apart of several surveys and get a chance to met me, the Author! "That's dumb, no one wants to meet you. They are here for me!" Yes yes. A month after the release of this post, the first set of staff will be choosen as well so expect chaos until then! "Haha! It's a chaos server like I said!" Shut up. "Here is the Link! Join or die humans!"
{ "title": "The Ordinary Life of Tom Nobody", "id": 21375, "author": "Chimeric", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "9. Bash, Bash, Stab, Stab", "id": 305399, "next": 305689, "prev": 304944, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM0Y2ZiY2RlMDFmZDQ2MDBiMzQ2YjQ1NmI4YWRjN2Uz">After I finished my business behind a convenient tree, I stood in the gloom of the underbrush looking back into the light of the clearing. The conversation I’d just had with the kid had upset me, and I wanted to take a few to figure out why I was feeling that way and what would have to happen to get my head back on straight. Leaving nothing to fickle memory, I reviewed the past few minutes in my RECORD, and then considered what had been said compared to how it all made me feel.</p> <p class="cnMxMWMzYjAxZjhkYzQwNzVhZjY1NTk0MjEyNDk3YjEy">On the surface, I hadn’t been nearly as rough on the kid as I’d felt I had. That made me wonder again why the whole thing hit me so hard. Maybe I was just tired, God knows I had enough reason to be, but that didn’t ring true deep inside where it counted.</p> <p class="cnM5Njg1OGZlODU0NDQ3OGJiMzM3MjMzM2EzN2E2Njhh">I think I knew, but I was reluctant to look at the situation straight on: Memories were starting to trickle back in. Not full-blown, ‘this is who I am; that is what I do’, kind of memories, but bits and pieces of how I felt about things, how I normally reacted to things, and it wasn’t pretty: I was probably not a very nice person. I think I was a better person without my memories, with no baggage weighing me down, but in my former life, I think I might have been an asshole.</p> <p class="cnNiZWFjZGNkODQwMDRiYzE4NzNhNjgzYTk2YTc1YWNk">A realization like that about yourself is right up there with your dad telling you about sex with your mom or finding out your gramma lied to you. You never want to hear that kind of stuff. People are basically selfish jerks, even the best of us. We tend to think that the world revolves around us, that everyone is basically like us, and that our thoughts, emotions, actions, and reactions are normal, for whatever given value of normal that may be. We value our own experiences above those of others, and that allows us to come up with wild ideas about the world, and God, and humanity, and what a “good” person should and should not be.</p> <p class="cnMyY2MzNjZlN2U0NzQ1MWJiYTg3OWQ4MTIwYzg5YzY2">But the truth is, we aren’t the center of the universe. Our thoughts and actions may be <em>within</em> the norm, but there’s a lot of wiggle room in there. We think that the things that are important to us are <em>actually</em> important, that everyone should agree that they’re important. That God should agree that they’re important. And when God, the world, or life or whatever doesn’t agree, then that causes us to come to all kinds of wild conclusions. Because something bad happened to me, there is no God, or people suck, or the universe hates me, lies like that.</p> <p class="cnMxYTZkNjk4ZGI4ODQ4NDE4ZjAzOTAxYjI4MmQxNTMw">I didn’t know for sure, but I had a strong impression that I believed in God, but that I couldn’t really be bothered with organized religion. Scratch that, it wasn’t the organized part of it that I couldn’t be bothered with, I couldn’t be bothered with hypocrites, or fakes.</p> <p class="cnMyODhmNTQxNjk4OTRmODlhY2YwZmVkZDE0ZDk1NDli">Or people.</p> <p class="cnM3NDQ4YTk0YmZhMjQ4YzY4OTNhMDMyNGQwY2QwZjEw">I really did not like being around other people; I was sure I had been a loner, and I felt certain that I was not a hail-fellow-well-met kind of guy. I guess the world takes all kinds, so why did that bother me, so much?</p> <p class="cnMxYjc5NWIyMWQ2NDRjYjFhYjc2ZWY2NjY2ZDJiYmQz">I don’t know.</p> <p class="cnMxMDdkYWQzNmI1NzQzZGZhOGU2NDdlMmY5NzMwZmYz">And what was I going to do about it?</p> <p class="cnMwYzVhYWM5ODg3NzQ3MDlhNGM2NmI3ODQ2YzdkZTE3">Don’t know that, either.</p> <p class="cnNhYjA3NWIwMDJhMzRmZTFiZWViYjdhYzg0ZjY3ODk1">I saw that the group with the practice swords or wooden batons were starting to place them neatly in a row near where they’d been working out, and that our trainer and the Squid guy had finished talking and Sgt. Asshole was moving back over towards where our group sat still recovering from our run.</p> <p class="cnNhNDJmYWFhOTBmNjQ2MWU4MWQ4MDc4ZGU2ODQxYmM0"><em>Oh good! I don’t have to deal with any of this, right now. </em></p> <p class="cnM1ZTExOTdkZGYwODQwNDhiNWZlYzQzMTI5NGUyNWVk">I jogged over to the group and stood waiting for our beloved trainer, while the rest of the group climbed wearily to their feet. Not at attention, though. <em>I’ll be damned if I act like I’m in anyone’s army, again! </em></p> <p class="cnNmNzQyZGI2NGYwMDQzNDc5MTdiOWY5NTdiMjFmMWNk">“All right ladies,” Tusk face shouted, “this is what’s going to happen. You’re going to run over to those batons on the ground over there, you’re going to pick one up, and you’re going to run back over here. You are NOT going to try to pick the best one, because they are all the same. You are going to pick up the FIRST one, and then you are going to <em>run</em> back here. NOW MOVE!”</p> <p class="cnMxOTNjMjJkNTVmZTQ3OTNhM2EzOTU1NWFhMjcwYjdk">In short order, we were back in place with the Sarge only having to yell at the kid once for trying to switch out one baton for another. Since I had been farthest from where the other group had left them, there had only been one left, so even if I’d been that kind of guy, it wouldn’t have mattered.</p> <p class="cnNkN2Y1MTEzNGRkZTRiMTJhYWVjMTdmYjViODNkY2U3">Each baton was, as the trainer said, an identical length of hard wood about a yard long and about 2 inches thick. It was heavier than I had expected, and the size made it unwieldy so, I settled on a two-handed grip. Risking a glance to the side, I saw the gnome guys having a rough time keeping theirs off the ground. The elf girl solved the problem by planting one end on the ground in front of her, but the surprise of the day was the kid, who struck a confident, wide-legged stand and held his baton out in front of him with both hands, almost parallel to the ground, with the tip angled just slightly up. He saw my look of surprise and shot me another one of his smug grins.</p> <p class="cnNkZjQwZGVkZGIxMjQwMTRiNzVjYjgzZWM4Y2Q4MmUx">“LARPing for the save!”</p> <p class="cnM2ZGFhOGYzOWY4YjQyM2ZiNzdlNThiNDcxYmQ3OWZk">I didn’t have a chance to even ask what the hell that was before we were being barked at, again.</p> <p class="cnNkMTI1ZDllNmE5MTRlNGRiNTUwNWIyODUzMTg0NTQx">“Now, this is how things are going to go. We start you out with wooden batons instead of real swords because SCHEMA in their great wisdom did not supply us with a priest and ain’t nobody got time to wait around for you to respawn!” I thought he looked a little disappointed at that. “I am going to teach you the eight basic movements for striking an opponent with a melee weapon, and then you are going to practice those swings EXACTLY AS I HAVE INSTRUCTED until you hear that lovely little ding! that lets you know that you have learned the SKILL MELEE STRIKE! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?”</p> <p class="cnMxZDIzNjlhMGI2YjRjZDQ5ZDVmZjM1MDc1YTk5MmMy">Not waiting—probably not even caring—to find out if we understood, he reached up and pulled a baton of his own out of thin air. <em>I guess that’s what it looks like when you equip a weapon from your inventory</em>, I thought.</p> <p class="cnM2YmE3ZDM0NjQxNjQ2YTA4YTNhNWI4ZGU2NDk5OWI2">“Now! Pay attention!”</p> <p class="cnNiNGEyY2UzNzJmMDRkNDI4NjllMTI2ZTFjODEwNGYz">Then he showed each of us how to find the balance point of our batons based on our mass. Mine was to choke up a little less than a third of the length until the tip of the baton didn’t feel like it wanted to plant itself in the dirt, like it had when I had tried to hold it closer to the end. Next, he worked with us to widen our stance until we didn’t stumble and fall when he shoved on us from any direction. He didn’t show any surprise that the kid already seemed to know what he was doing, but I thought he might have put a little extra muscle into his shoves with him, but the kid handled it like a pro. <em>I’ll just be impressed for the both of us.</em> Once we knew how to stand and hold our batons without falling or dropping them, he showed us the pattern of swings we had to follow.</p> <p class="cnM2MTIxNzg0MjlkNzQ4NjRiNjE1NDEwZjQ4NWNhOTg4">Beginning with the tip pointed forward and angled down to our right, we swung diagonally up to our left. Arcing around and downward to our left, we mirrored the first swing diagonally up to our right. Crossing over, he slashed in a straight horizontal like from right to left, and then brought the tip of the baton down and into a vertical upward slash parallel with our bodies. That was the first four.</p> <p class="cnMxOTk3ZmFiZTNkNDQ4ZjQ4MmE4N2E2OTU0MWIyZGYw">The next four exactly mirrored the first. Starting from the upper left, diagonal slash to the lower right, angle to the upper right and slash diagonally downwards to the lower left, up to waist height with the vertical slash from left to right, and then the downwards stroke from head to toe.</p> <p class="cnM5N2MwNzA4OTI4NTQ5OTA5YTdhNGExZDA2NTllZGUx">Rinse and repeat.</p> <p class="cnM1Y2M1YWFhYjViZDRjZTg4ZTQ4NjQ0MzY3N2QwM2I2">We were spaced out in two rows with plenty of air in between so we wouldn’t be knocking each other in the head. I was on the leftmost end of the front row with the kid to my right. The elf girl, who also seemed to know what she was doing (though she struggled with the weight of the baton), and a blue-skinned (but otherwise human looking) guy anchoring the other end. Directly behind the kid and I were the two gnomes and two other male elf types who didn’t seem near as comfortable with their weapons as their female counterpart.</p> <p class="cnM0ZTNhMTZiM2JkZTQxNGI4MTBkNmNlMjAyY2UwYTY1">As we worked to swing our heavy batons through the forms, the trainer moved through the lines correcting grips and kicking feet further apart and questioning the legitimacy of our parentage based on the exactness of the angle of our swings. He was as demanding of perfection as I might have thought, but I soon had no energy to pay any attention to anything but myself. I vaguely recall feeling his catcher’s mitt sized hands moving an elbow, or twisting a shoulder back into line, but even with the extra STRENGTH and larger STAMINA pool the laps had provided, the workout quickly became a contest between my screaming muscles and my will not to give in.</p> <p class="cnMzZGIzMzJhYjVmNTRhYzRiOWQ4OGQ5MTY4OTJmZjY1">I don’t know how many notification chimes later, I realized that my movements had become an odd combination of machine-like precision and a dancer’s fluidity. Up from right to left, from left to right, across, pull the weight of the world from my feet up and then start it over again from the other direction. Gradually, my arms stopped screaming at me to stop, and the swings became more natural and I didn’t have to think about angles or direction, I just flowed from one swing gracefully into the next.</p> <p class="cnNlZWZmMzRkNDY0YzRiNDY5MTVjNDY1YjA0MjA0ODFh">“LARPing is like playing a character in a video game but acting it out in real life.”</p> <p class="cnM0NTFhMjMwYWM5MzRkYTJhYzNiODRjODY3Mzg1YWE3">It took me a second to realize that the words were not in my head, but that the kid was talking to me. Even though my STRENGTH and DEXTERITY must have taken some jumps, I could only manage a non-committal grunt in response. Taking that for assent, he continued:</p> <p class="cnNhMDI1ZDMwNDVmMzRmNTZiOGFmYjRkNDRiZjhhOTMx">“Me and my friends used to meet in Central Park on the weekends and live-action role play our characters. Some of us took some classes in historical weapon styles. Two-handed greatswords were my character’s favorite.”</p> <p class="cnM5YjhkN2RjZTE4NjRmNzJiMjEwOTJkMzdjODQxMzM1">“All right, slackers!” Asshole shouted, “If you have energy to talk, we need to work you harder! Predictability will get you killed, now we’re going to learn to switch it up!”</p> <p class="cnNiNGIwODVmYTIzMjRiNTM4YTVmYjI0NTE5MDQ2YjE4">He proceeded to show us another pattern of swings, instead of all the swings going from bottom to top for the first four, and top to bottom for the next, he alternated bottom right to top left, top right to bottom left, and so on. The same eight swings but in a different pattern which started up my muscles complaining again. After we had that one down, he changed it up again, putting the horizontal strikes in between every stroke, and and changed it again, having us repeat the same strokes various numbers of swings until we stopped fumbling to remember which pattern we were supposed to be following.</p> <p class="cnM0NzI2NTA3N2Q2ODQ5Y2NiZTdmYTgyN2IwNTI1ODcz">“All right, lower your batons and check your notifications!”</p> <p class="cnMxNDBiNWFlNzlkNzQxNDc4YzQzNmZmOTE1MmNmOTBh">CONGRATULATIONS! +1 STRENGTH</p> <p class="cnNmNWJmOGQ4ODE2YTQ5NjZhMjkzODU0Njg5MGM2MjZk">CONGRATULATIONS! +1 DEXTERITY</p> <p class="cnNlYzYzZTc3YzA3YjQ1N2FiNjQ0ZWYyNWYzMTllMDFj">CONGRATULATIONS! +1 STRENGTH</p> <p class="cnNhYzk4YjE0YjBjZjRmMTdhZmU0MzA2NTM4ZDVlODM3">CONGRATULATIONS! +1 STRENGTH</p> <p class="cnMzMzlkYjZiZWRmZTQ1Zjg4ZWIzNTc4YzE0ZDA0OGQ3">CONGRATULATIONS! +1 STRENGTH</p> <p class="cnNiYjY2NWFhYmVhZDQ4N2ViZTI5MzNiYmYxM2Y4MDEw">CONGRATULATIONS! You have learned the SKILL BLUNT WEAPONS!</p> <p class="cnM4NDE1OTM0NmY4ZjQyNmRhMDEyY2FkYWIzOGUwODNm">CONGRATULATIONS! +1 DEXTERITY</p> <p class="cnNjYzIzY2JhZmQxYTRlMzliYmZjZDcwZDJhZWQ0MDNl">CONGRATULATIONS! You have learned the SKILL MEELEE STRIKE!</p> <p class="cnNlNTU2YzIyZTViNDQ1ODU5ZGFjZjM2NTViODk3ZGI3"><em>Huh. Blunt weapons. I thought we were supposed to be learning swords, but I guess it makes sense, since we have yet to pick up anything with a blade.</em></p> <p class="cnNlMWZhMmJkZjkwZjQyMzE4ZTkzYjM2NzkwOWE2N2My">“NOW COMES THE FUN PART!” He shouted, “You will pair up with the person to your right and we will begin to BUILD YOUR CONSTITUTION!” His brutish greenish face took on an eviler-than-usual grin that showed all of his yellow teeth. “When I say ‘fun’, I mean FUN FOR ME! Tell me, crybaby…” here he whipped up his baton one-handed until it was an inch from the kid’s nose, and then laughed as the kid stumbled backwards.</p> <p class="cnMzNjI0MjFmNzQ1MzRiOTY4YjEzYjhmMmY2NWJiODk0">“GET BACK INTO LINE AND ANSWER THE QUESTION!” Asshole shouted, losing all pretense of mirth.</p> <p class="cnNhMGNkODBjNjczYTQ0YjI5MzM4MzkwZTM2MzdkNWMw">The kid scrambled back into place but couldn’t answer the question.</p> <p class="cnNhMmMxYmI3ZDZlZTQ0YjQ5Y2FjYTFhZTgwMTNhOWE5">“What about you?” The baton missed slashing across my check by the width of a scream, but I had been half expecting it, and barely flinched. “How do we build up CONSTITUTION?”</p> <p class="cnNiNTU1NjJlMWQyMTRhODM4YzYzNDMwMzY2NjMxYTBh">No clue.</p> <p class="cnM0YmUyNmUzMzE1MTRkYWVhNzE4YzkwNDE5MTUzZjcz">“I’ll tell you how!” He continued, not even giving me space to respond, “We build up CONSTITUTION by BEATING THE EVER-LOVING CRAP OUT OF EACH OTHER, THAT’S HOW!” He laughed again, a sound I hope to never hear again outside of a nightmare, “I told you this was the fun part! Fun for ME!”</p> <p class="cnNlNjI3YTdhOTI0YjRiNWViYzQ5Y2ExNDA1YjQyZjg5">He pulled the kid out of the line, but before he demonstrated the first set of strikes; he reached up and pulled a heavy chain necklace with a good-sized round medallion out of the air. “This here is how SCHEMA has determined that we are supposed to coddle you weak little babies! This is a shield amulet. It will not block the strikes, but it will link up with your CHARACTER SHEETS and calculate the force of each strike so that you won’t die!</p> <p class="cnM2YTUwNzdlNzI1OTRlMThhNDBiNGE2ZTBkZmJkMThl">"Oh, but not all the news is bad! Since the point is to build your CONSTITUTION as much as it is to teach you to apply your forms with an opponent, the hits will still hurt like you would not believe! Never you fear!” He handed the kid the amulet, and while the kid juggled holding is sword without dropping it and putting the amulet over his head, he pulled several more out of the air and tossed them all to me to hand out.</p> <p class="cnM2ZWVjZTA1NDA1YTQ0YTc5Yjk4YTQzNjAxNzZmOWYw">Then, he demonstrated on the kid in slow motion how he wanted the exercise to go. First he had the kid play attacker while he blocked, then he switched roles. He went from his lower left and moved to slash diagonally upwards from the kid’s right hip upwards to his left shoulder, with the kid trying to come downward from over his left shoulder to block the trainer’s baton before it could reach his hip. Then from the other directions.</p> <p class="cnM3Y2Q1MjBlM2FiODRmM2ZhZWMxZGFkNTBkOTkwM2M5">After each rotation, he sped the next one up. From one side, then from the other side, then top down, and bottom up, all the while with the kid trying unsuccessfully to keep the trainer from bashing his hips, head, shoulders, legs, and most importantly, the family jewels.</p> <p class="cnMzNmM0Yjc1MDY0MTQwODY5ZGQ1ZThlZDMwYzAzNDQy">As the kid lay curled in the fetal position cradling his junk, his brutalizer quickly paired us off, me waiting for the kid to recover and trying not to gloat at how inept the trainer had made him look, the elf lady and the blue-skin were faced off, the two gnomes, and then the other two elves. While I waited, the rest of the group began to half-heartedly attempt to strike or block each other, the kid’s pain fresh on their minds.</p> <p class="cnM1NmY0YmFkYTc4NDQ4NmI5YTNhNzBlM2U2MDczZDRk">Much yelling that such wimpy strikes would not raise a flea’s CONSTITUTION and threats to take over the job himself if we did not PUT YOUR BACK INTO IT later, the kid was back on his feet and paying me back for every single unflattering thought I’d ever had about him.</p> <p class="cnNiZjE3M2FmOTViYzQwMGE4NjA0ODZhMmI2OWIxNWI5">With interest.</p> <p class="cnNjYmRkOGZkMjYzZjRjNWQ4ZTcxOTllNTI1MzZhZDlh">The kid handed me my black and blue ass, over and over again. After the first time he made me see stars, I wondered if I’d gotten a defective shield amulet, but I didn’t have time to worry about it before I was doing my time rolling on the ground cradling my boys and whimpering like a kicked puppy.</p> <p class="cnM1Nzc4YTBmZGY1NjQ0MzJhOWI1MWU5MGE3MWU2NDg4">And again.</p> <p class="cnNkODdlNzU5MzVlYzRlOTk5OWFiOTA5ZDUyM2Q3ZGJl">And again.</p> <p class="cnNhMjI0ZTI2N2VkZjQ4ZWQ5NDVmNjZiMDk4ZmVjOTgy">It wasn’t all one-sided. I could at least say that I blocked the occasional strike, or returned the rare hit, but there was no mistaking who was the better fighter. By the end, I was actually beginning to think that there was a universe, somewhere, where I had a chance of handling my own with the kid. Not winning. No, I never got to that point, even in my head, but maybe not exactly losing, either.</p> <p class="cnNkMWM1MmE2ZTU2NTQyNzNhZDdlZGU5ZjhjYjgxYzQ2">Then the trainer switched it up, again. First singly, and then in pairs, he showed us different ways to thrust the tip of the baton, preparing us to use the tip of a sword and not just the edge.</p> <p class="cnM3ZjQwMmNhMDdiNTRmODZiMjU3NzRkMWFiMGQwNzky">That opened up new vistas of pain. Whereas the slashes struck over a longer area, the tips concentrated all that goodness into one tiny spot, and we each tried to learn how to block the strikes while the other tried to punch the tip completely through our arms, thighs, heads, chests, and jelly soft guts.</p> <p class="cnM4OWJjMjBhM2VmMjQyNjBiOGNiZjQxNmFmMTY1ZGM1">Making our point, so to speak.</p> <p class="cnNmMzhlZTUzNThkOTQ5NjA5NWE2MTIwMDk1MmM4YTgw">It was equal parts humiliating and instructive, interspersed with red-tube LIFE and green-tube STAMINA potions. I don’t know who was handing them out, there was nobody in the clearing but the trainers and our two groups, but whenever I thought ‘<em>this is it; this is the one that kills me</em>,’ here would come a hand with divine salvation in a bottle. Judging by my notifications when Sgt. Asshole finally allowed us to stop, the potions must have brought me back from death’s door</p> <p class="cnM1M2E3MTE1NDdjMDQ0ZWM4NDlhMGM1N2U2NWRmYWE2">Over, and over again.</p> <p class="cnMwNmM0YWYxYTFiYzRhNmI4ZTUwNzU0ZDQ5ZGJlYmIz">CONGRATULATIONS! +1 CONSTITUTION</p> <p class="cnMxMjM4YWQzOTBkODRlNTRhNzUxYzkyZjM0NTE2Mjgy">CONGRATULATIONS! +1 CONSTITUTION</p> <p class="cnMyNzExZTNjOWMyYTQ0MjhhNDI0ZjQxMWIwNTgwYWVj">CONGRATULATIONS! +1 CONSTITUTION</p> <p class="cnM0ZjM4N2ZmZmFhMTQwMjBhYjE1ZDU1MzMyZWIxMDE0">CONGRATULATIONS! +1 CONSTITUTION</p> <p class="cnM3NWRkYTg5ZWVmYzRmZDM5MzM5NDhiNWEzMjIxM2Zh">CONGRATIULATIONS! You have learned the ABILITY BLOCK!</p> <p class="cnNkM2U5MGZiOWI4MjQxMDA5ZTdlYjY4ODhmZTExOTU4">CONGRATULATIONS! +1 CONSTITUTION</p> <p class="cnM5NTRiNTFlOWE1MTQ0Y2JhYmQ5ZWY5MzMzY2FmM2Ex">CONGRATULATIONS! +1 DEXTERITY</p> <p class="cnM0MDViMzc1MzUwOTQ1NGZhMjkyYTZhOWUyYjU4ZjFj">CONGRATULATIONS! You have learned the ABILITY PARRY!</p> <p class="cnNjNzFmM2MzMWFlNDQzMmFiY2Q5Mjg3YjI2NmU0ZmZk">“Shit!” I exclaimed, “We worked every bit as much, and I didn’t get a single STRENGTH, and only one DEXTERITY point!”</p> <p class="cnM2ZWE5NWJkODczZjRjYzNiNjFiNzlkZjViMzIzNmVh">“Yeah, I didn’t even get any besides the CON bumps and the two new ABILITIES,” the kid panted from the ground next to me, “after the first few levels, it takes more and more to raise your skills until you get to a point where you think they’re never going to go up ever again. Same with levels. Your first few will probably come virtually one on top of the other, but at some point the number of XPs it will take to reach the next level becomes prohibitive. That’s why games stopped even bothering with artificial level caps, they just raised the experience requirements until it became the next thing to impossible.</p> <p class="cnM1MDUzOWIyMzA1ZjRmZTU4YmI1ODI5ZjUzNDcwYWRl">“Look,” he continued, forestalling my obvious objection, “I know this isn’t a game, believe me,” and he pointed down in the general direction of his crotch, “I know this is real, but that doesn’t mean that this new reality isn’t following game <em>mechanics</em>. There might be some differences, but I still have an advantage in that I have a better idea for how something might play out.”</p> <p class="cnNmYjQxMDkyNmE2NTQwODk4NTk4MTEwZDE1MmU3MTNk">“And a disadvantage when it doesn’t do what you expected it to do,” I shot back.</p> <p class="cnMyM2M5ZmNkZjg1ZDQ5Y2E4MzY0NjY4NDUxMmQzNDU1">“ALL RIGHT LADIES, EVERYBODY UP!” Asshole shouted. When the last of us (the gnomes) had staggered to his or her respective feet, he continued. “Now is the time when you get to put all of this into practice,” and giving elf girl a wicked look, “and finally get to earn your lunch!” at which point he indicated the Squid’s group, gathered at the other end of the field.</p> <p class="cnM5NjM4NDc0YzY5ZDQ3OTdiZGVhMTJjMWYyYTE1NmY5">I hadn’t had the energy or attention to pay those guys any mind, but now that I did, I could smell the sweet aroma of grilling meat drifting over, making my mouth water, and bringing back the delayed growls from my stomach.</p> <p class="cnM3ODg1ZThjNGMzYTQ4OGI4MWIzNzA4MzlhY2FlYmFk">With a vengeance.</p> <p class="cnM0MTczMTFkZWQyYzQwNDI5ZjM3MDdlZDYwNTZkMTFl">“Your fellow trainees are just finishing up with theirs, and as soon as they do, we’ll switch places. They’ll come down here and gain the SKILL&nbsp;RANGED WEAPONS with bows, while we work on killing us some nice little rats to put on a stick!”</p> <p class="cnNlNmQ1ODU3NTRlMzQ2MmU4ZWJkY2RhZTQxMjI4Zjk0">Yeah, the kid didn’t even try not to shoot me that look of triumph.</p> <p class="cnNkYWVhMGY3YTA3ZTQzM2NhMDEzZGRjNzdiMGMzYjAx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzM2MwNWY0Mjc5NjQ5MGFhODBmZDVjMTFkN2Y2ZTJj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4YzA2ZjRiNmJkMTRiZTI4ODc4NTQ1NjBiNjNjYmM2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NWNlMDY1YWU3ZDQ3OGQ5ZDlkZWMxODA0ODdmZWZh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4OWYzOWMxZGQ5YjRmMTJhZjgwMTAwZDU1ODZhZjgx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3N2EzMjk2ZDA2ODQwNjhiMGI3NjhlNTkzOTkyYzQ1">&nbsp;</p> </div>
After I finished my business behind a convenient tree, I stood in the gloom of the underbrush looking back into the light of the clearing. The conversation I’d just had with the kid had upset me, and I wanted to take a few to figure out why I was feeling that way and what would have to happen to get my head back on straight. Leaving nothing to fickle memory, I reviewed the past few minutes in my RECORD, and then considered what had been said compared to how it all made me feel. On the surface, I hadn’t been nearly as rough on the kid as I’d felt I had. That made me wonder again why the whole thing hit me so hard. Maybe I was just tired, God knows I had enough reason to be, but that didn’t ring true deep inside where it counted. I think I knew, but I was reluctant to look at the situation straight on: Memories were starting to trickle back in. Not full-blown, ‘this is who I am; that is what I do’, kind of memories, but bits and pieces of how I felt about things, how I normally reacted to things, and it wasn’t pretty: I was probably not a very nice person. I think I was a better person without my memories, with no baggage weighing me down, but in my former life, I think I might have been an asshole. A realization like that about yourself is right up there with your dad telling you about sex with your mom or finding out your gramma lied to you. You never want to hear that kind of stuff. People are basically selfish jerks, even the best of us. We tend to think that the world revolves around us, that everyone is basically like us, and that our thoughts, emotions, actions, and reactions are normal, for whatever given value of normal that may be. We value our own experiences above those of others, and that allows us to come up with wild ideas about the world, and God, and humanity, and what a “good” person should and should not be. But the truth is, we aren’t the center of the universe. Our thoughts and actions may be *within* the norm, but there’s a lot of wiggle room in there. We think that the things that are important to us are *actually* important, that everyone should agree that they’re important. That God should agree that they’re important. And when God, the world, or life or whatever doesn’t agree, then that causes us to come to all kinds of wild conclusions. Because something bad happened to me, there is no God, or people suck, or the universe hates me, lies like that. I didn’t know for sure, but I had a strong impression that I believed in God, but that I couldn’t really be bothered with organized religion. Scratch that, it wasn’t the organized part of it that I couldn’t be bothered with, I couldn’t be bothered with hypocrites, or fakes. Or people. I really did not like being around other people; I was sure I had been a loner, and I felt certain that I was not a hail-fellow-well-met kind of guy. I guess the world takes all kinds, so why did that bother me, so much? I don’t know. And what was I going to do about it? Don’t know that, either. I saw that the group with the practice swords or wooden batons were starting to place them neatly in a row near where they’d been working out, and that our trainer and the Squid guy had finished talking and Sgt. Asshole was moving back over towards where our group sat still recovering from our run. *Oh good! I don’t have to deal with any of this, right now.* I jogged over to the group and stood waiting for our beloved trainer, while the rest of the group climbed wearily to their feet. Not at attention, though. *I’ll be damned if I act like I’m in anyone’s army, again!* “All right ladies,” Tusk face shouted, “this is what’s going to happen. You’re going to run over to those batons on the ground over there, you’re going to pick one up, and you’re going to run back over here. You are NOT going to try to pick the best one, because they are all the same. You are going to pick up the FIRST one, and then you are going to *run* back here. NOW MOVE!” In short order, we were back in place with the Sarge only having to yell at the kid once for trying to switch out one baton for another. Since I had been farthest from where the other group had left them, there had only been one left, so even if I’d been that kind of guy, it wouldn’t have mattered. Each baton was, as the trainer said, an identical length of hard wood about a yard long and about 2 inches thick. It was heavier than I had expected, and the size made it unwieldy so, I settled on a two-handed grip. Risking a glance to the side, I saw the gnome guys having a rough time keeping theirs off the ground. The elf girl solved the problem by planting one end on the ground in front of her, but the surprise of the day was the kid, who struck a confident, wide-legged stand and held his baton out in front of him with both hands, almost parallel to the ground, with the tip angled just slightly up. He saw my look of surprise and shot me another one of his smug grins. “LARPing for the save!” I didn’t have a chance to even ask what the hell that was before we were being barked at, again. “Now, this is how things are going to go. We start you out with wooden batons instead of real swords because SCHEMA in their great wisdom did not supply us with a priest and ain’t nobody got time to wait around for you to respawn!” I thought he looked a little disappointed at that. “I am going to teach you the eight basic movements for striking an opponent with a melee weapon, and then you are going to practice those swings EXACTLY AS I HAVE INSTRUCTED until you hear that lovely little ding! that lets you know that you have learned the SKILL MELEE STRIKE! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?” Not waiting—probably not even caring—to find out if we understood, he reached up and pulled a baton of his own out of thin air. *I guess that’s what it looks like when you equip a weapon from your inventory*, I thought. “Now! Pay attention!” Then he showed each of us how to find the balance point of our batons based on our mass. Mine was to choke up a little less than a third of the length until the tip of the baton didn’t feel like it wanted to plant itself in the dirt, like it had when I had tried to hold it closer to the end. Next, he worked with us to widen our stance until we didn’t stumble and fall when he shoved on us from any direction. He didn’t show any surprise that the kid already seemed to know what he was doing, but I thought he might have put a little extra muscle into his shoves with him, but the kid handled it like a pro. *I’ll just be impressed for the both of us.* Once we knew how to stand and hold our batons without falling or dropping them, he showed us the pattern of swings we had to follow. Beginning with the tip pointed forward and angled down to our right, we swung diagonally up to our left. Arcing around and downward to our left, we mirrored the first swing diagonally up to our right. Crossing over, he slashed in a straight horizontal like from right to left, and then brought the tip of the baton down and into a vertical upward slash parallel with our bodies. That was the first four. The next four exactly mirrored the first. Starting from the upper left, diagonal slash to the lower right, angle to the upper right and slash diagonally downwards to the lower left, up to waist height with the vertical slash from left to right, and then the downwards stroke from head to toe. Rinse and repeat. We were spaced out in two rows with plenty of air in between so we wouldn’t be knocking each other in the head. I was on the leftmost end of the front row with the kid to my right. The elf girl, who also seemed to know what she was doing (though she struggled with the weight of the baton), and a blue-skinned (but otherwise human looking) guy anchoring the other end. Directly behind the kid and I were the two gnomes and two other male elf types who didn’t seem near as comfortable with their weapons as their female counterpart. As we worked to swing our heavy batons through the forms, the trainer moved through the lines correcting grips and kicking feet further apart and questioning the legitimacy of our parentage based on the exactness of the angle of our swings. He was as demanding of perfection as I might have thought, but I soon had no energy to pay any attention to anything but myself. I vaguely recall feeling his catcher’s mitt sized hands moving an elbow, or twisting a shoulder back into line, but even with the extra STRENGTH and larger STAMINA pool the laps had provided, the workout quickly became a contest between my screaming muscles and my will not to give in. I don’t know how many notification chimes later, I realized that my movements had become an odd combination of machine-like precision and a dancer’s fluidity. Up from right to left, from left to right, across, pull the weight of the world from my feet up and then start it over again from the other direction. Gradually, my arms stopped screaming at me to stop, and the swings became more natural and I didn’t have to think about angles or direction, I just flowed from one swing gracefully into the next. “LARPing is like playing a character in a video game but acting it out in real life.” It took me a second to realize that the words were not in my head, but that the kid was talking to me. Even though my STRENGTH and DEXTERITY must have taken some jumps, I could only manage a non-committal grunt in response. Taking that for assent, he continued: “Me and my friends used to meet in Central Park on the weekends and live-action role play our characters. Some of us took some classes in historical weapon styles. Two-handed greatswords were my character’s favorite.” “All right, slackers!” Asshole shouted, “If you have energy to talk, we need to work you harder! Predictability will get you killed, now we’re going to learn to switch it up!” He proceeded to show us another pattern of swings, instead of all the swings going from bottom to top for the first four, and top to bottom for the next, he alternated bottom right to top left, top right to bottom left, and so on. The same eight swings but in a different pattern which started up my muscles complaining again. After we had that one down, he changed it up again, putting the horizontal strikes in between every stroke, and and changed it again, having us repeat the same strokes various numbers of swings until we stopped fumbling to remember which pattern we were supposed to be following. “All right, lower your batons and check your notifications!” CONGRATULATIONS! +1 STRENGTH CONGRATULATIONS! +1 DEXTERITY CONGRATULATIONS! +1 STRENGTH CONGRATULATIONS! +1 STRENGTH CONGRATULATIONS! +1 STRENGTH CONGRATULATIONS! You have learned the SKILL BLUNT WEAPONS! CONGRATULATIONS! +1 DEXTERITY CONGRATULATIONS! You have learned the SKILL MEELEE STRIKE! *Huh. Blunt weapons. I thought we were supposed to be learning swords, but I guess it makes sense, since we have yet to pick up anything with a blade.* “NOW COMES THE FUN PART!” He shouted, “You will pair up with the person to your right and we will begin to BUILD YOUR CONSTITUTION!” His brutish greenish face took on an eviler-than-usual grin that showed all of his yellow teeth. “When I say ‘fun’, I mean FUN FOR ME! Tell me, crybaby…” here he whipped up his baton one-handed until it was an inch from the kid’s nose, and then laughed as the kid stumbled backwards. “GET BACK INTO LINE AND ANSWER THE QUESTION!” Asshole shouted, losing all pretense of mirth. The kid scrambled back into place but couldn’t answer the question. “What about you?” The baton missed slashing across my check by the width of a scream, but I had been half expecting it, and barely flinched. “How do we build up CONSTITUTION?” No clue. “I’ll tell you how!” He continued, not even giving me space to respond, “We build up CONSTITUTION by BEATING THE EVER-LOVING CRAP OUT OF EACH OTHER, THAT’S HOW!” He laughed again, a sound I hope to never hear again outside of a nightmare, “I told you this was the fun part! Fun for ME!” He pulled the kid out of the line, but before he demonstrated the first set of strikes; he reached up and pulled a heavy chain necklace with a good-sized round medallion out of the air. “This here is how SCHEMA has determined that we are supposed to coddle you weak little babies! This is a shield amulet. It will not block the strikes, but it will link up with your CHARACTER SHEETS and calculate the force of each strike so that you won’t die! "Oh, but not all the news is bad! Since the point is to build your CONSTITUTION as much as it is to teach you to apply your forms with an opponent, the hits will still hurt like you would not believe! Never you fear!” He handed the kid the amulet, and while the kid juggled holding is sword without dropping it and putting the amulet over his head, he pulled several more out of the air and tossed them all to me to hand out. Then, he demonstrated on the kid in slow motion how he wanted the exercise to go. First he had the kid play attacker while he blocked, then he switched roles. He went from his lower left and moved to slash diagonally upwards from the kid’s right hip upwards to his left shoulder, with the kid trying to come downward from over his left shoulder to block the trainer’s baton before it could reach his hip. Then from the other directions. After each rotation, he sped the next one up. From one side, then from the other side, then top down, and bottom up, all the while with the kid trying unsuccessfully to keep the trainer from bashing his hips, head, shoulders, legs, and most importantly, the family jewels. As the kid lay curled in the fetal position cradling his junk, his brutalizer quickly paired us off, me waiting for the kid to recover and trying not to gloat at how inept the trainer had made him look, the elf lady and the blue-skin were faced off, the two gnomes, and then the other two elves. While I waited, the rest of the group began to half-heartedly attempt to strike or block each other, the kid’s pain fresh on their minds. Much yelling that such wimpy strikes would not raise a flea’s CONSTITUTION and threats to take over the job himself if we did not PUT YOUR BACK INTO IT later, the kid was back on his feet and paying me back for every single unflattering thought I’d ever had about him. With interest. The kid handed me my black and blue ass, over and over again. After the first time he made me see stars, I wondered if I’d gotten a defective shield amulet, but I didn’t have time to worry about it before I was doing my time rolling on the ground cradling my boys and whimpering like a kicked puppy. And again. And again. It wasn’t all one-sided. I could at least say that I blocked the occasional strike, or returned the rare hit, but there was no mistaking who was the better fighter. By the end, I was actually beginning to think that there was a universe, somewhere, where I had a chance of handling my own with the kid. Not winning. No, I never got to that point, even in my head, but maybe not exactly losing, either. Then the trainer switched it up, again. First singly, and then in pairs, he showed us different ways to thrust the tip of the baton, preparing us to use the tip of a sword and not just the edge. That opened up new vistas of pain. Whereas the slashes struck over a longer area, the tips concentrated all that goodness into one tiny spot, and we each tried to learn how to block the strikes while the other tried to punch the tip completely through our arms, thighs, heads, chests, and jelly soft guts. Making our point, so to speak. It was equal parts humiliating and instructive, interspersed with red-tube LIFE and green-tube STAMINA potions. I don’t know who was handing them out, there was nobody in the clearing but the trainers and our two groups, but whenever I thought ‘*this is it; this is the one that kills me*,’ here would come a hand with divine salvation in a bottle. Judging by my notifications when Sgt. Asshole finally allowed us to stop, the potions must have brought me back from death’s door Over, and over again. CONGRATULATIONS! +1 CONSTITUTION CONGRATULATIONS! +1 CONSTITUTION CONGRATULATIONS! +1 CONSTITUTION CONGRATULATIONS! +1 CONSTITUTION CONGRATIULATIONS! You have learned the ABILITY BLOCK! CONGRATULATIONS! +1 CONSTITUTION CONGRATULATIONS! +1 DEXTERITY CONGRATULATIONS! You have learned the ABILITY PARRY! “Shit!” I exclaimed, “We worked every bit as much, and I didn’t get a single STRENGTH, and only one DEXTERITY point!” “Yeah, I didn’t even get any besides the CON bumps and the two new ABILITIES,” the kid panted from the ground next to me, “after the first few levels, it takes more and more to raise your skills until you get to a point where you think they’re never going to go up ever again. Same with levels. Your first few will probably come virtually one on top of the other, but at some point the number of XPs it will take to reach the next level becomes prohibitive. That’s why games stopped even bothering with artificial level caps, they just raised the experience requirements until it became the next thing to impossible. “Look,” he continued, forestalling my obvious objection, “I know this isn’t a game, believe me,” and he pointed down in the general direction of his crotch, “I know this is real, but that doesn’t mean that this new reality isn’t following game *mechanics*. There might be some differences, but I still have an advantage in that I have a better idea for how something might play out.” “And a disadvantage when it doesn’t do what you expected it to do,” I shot back. “ALL RIGHT LADIES, EVERYBODY UP!” Asshole shouted. When the last of us (the gnomes) had staggered to his or her respective feet, he continued. “Now is the time when you get to put all of this into practice,” and giving elf girl a wicked look, “and finally get to earn your lunch!” at which point he indicated the Squid’s group, gathered at the other end of the field. I hadn’t had the energy or attention to pay those guys any mind, but now that I did, I could smell the sweet aroma of grilling meat drifting over, making my mouth water, and bringing back the delayed growls from my stomach. With a vengeance. “Your fellow trainees are just finishing up with theirs, and as soon as they do, we’ll switch places. They’ll come down here and gain the SKILL RANGED WEAPONS with bows, while we work on killing us some nice little rats to put on a stick!” Yeah, the kid didn’t even try not to shoot me that look of triumph.
{ "title": "Transmigrating Upgrade Specialist", "id": 21190, "author": "yungsern87", "rating": 3.8 }
{ "title": "Chapter 31 - Trouble Come at Unexpected Time (1)", "id": 305402, "next": 305460, "prev": 305025, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNjMGQyMGFmNGE5NzRhMWJiZGU5ZGVkY2Y5NDg0NDg0">"What is wrong with this description? Did the name Yantai Pill is fake?" Zhang Wu Ji was surprised by the name it was shown in the description. Up to date, many of the items he read in their descriptions matched the name given by the public, and even the Iron Ruler he made, or the Dirk he crafted carried the name correctly. But when he looks at the description of this pill he just made, it was completely different from what he knows.</p> <p class="cnM2NGU2MmJmNmJmMjQwNzhiNDljYjk4MTg5ZTA2MTU1"> </p> <p class="cnNlYjc4NmQxZmE2MDQyN2NhZGUxNTFlNjA2YTk5YmRl">Low-Quality Mutual Destruction Pill</p> <p class="cnM3M2IwY2YwYTBmYzQ1ZmZhMmU2YmRhY2FmM2QyYjY5">-Usage 1: Completely recover the Injuries and exhausted Strands of Fighter Qi immediately, the effect will gradually reduce in minutes, and two hours after consumption, the consumer cultivation will reduce by half.</p> <p class="cnM3MGNiZGM3MzFkMDQ2NTg5ZjBmMzZhODZhMDk0ZGJm">-Usage 2: Allowed the user to obtain the ability to utilize Death Qi. Amount of Death Qi utilized will further increase the injuries and reduction of cultivation by 5% each time.</p> <p class="cnMzZTM5YzIwNDZkODQ1M2ViYzI1ZjNhODY2NTRhZDQ5">-Durability: 7/7</p> <p class="cnM2NzFmM2Y4YTQ3OTQ1ZjU5Zjc2NmQ3OTQ5NWM5ODc2">-Special: Instantly paralyzed consumer's sense of pain upon consumption.</p> <p class="cnM1NTFkZDczNTUwNzRhOThhZDBiN2MyYjg4YzkzNzdk"> </p> <p class="cnNmOTMzMjQ5OTI5ZjQ5MTJiZTAxYTFlMDM0MGQ3ZDll">"Damn! The Yantai County is seriously vicious!" It was a pitiful fact that they were destroyed, but in order to cover the fact of this deadly pill, they changed their name into a glorious Yantai Pill, known for their usage to instantly recover their injuries and replenish exhausted Fighter Qi. But no matter what, it was an immoral act to hide the side effect of the Yantai Pill from the public even if the pill were to meant to be taken at a life and death situation!</p> <p class="cnNkOTlhZmJmMjRlOTQ3M2FhOWFiZDcwNzdhY2U3NDk5"> </p> <p class="cnNiODFhODg2ODFkMDRlODdhODM0NDk2MzBlMzZiYTk4">If he did not possess the ability to discern and read the true condition of the product he touches, perhaps even as a Pill Master himself, Zhang Wu Ji will still be deceived by the hidden fact behind this fake Recovery Pill. It wasn't qualified to be called as a Recovery Pills at all, but it was far more qualified to be called as a Forbidden Medicine! This truth was revealed to him indirectly, out of a coincidence.</p> <p class="cnNmYmQwYTVlMWVjMzQyZjc4NTU1M2ZiNjNlYjA1MmQx"> </p> <p class="cnM2MjNmNGM2Y2Q5YTRmYjM4M2NiN2FkZTM0M2JhYjAw">But...</p> <p class="cnMxZGVmMzNjN2UwODRhMThhZmE4N2YxMDJmODU0MGMw"> </p> <p class="cnNkN2M0YWQzYzU5MzQ3MTNiY2QxYWRlMTRlZjM1ZTBj">Does this fact... Worth destroying the fame after death the Yantai County received after so long? No matter what, the Yantai County still being worshipped as heroes among the humans, because of their sacrifice to fight against the Beast Infestation, only to end up as being swallowed completely, leaving no human alive within the whole piece of land.</p> <p class="cnNlOWNlYmYxM2ZkNzQxMDBhMzk0ZDk5M2NjMTBmMDA5"> </p> <p class="cnM5ODY3YjEzYzNhODRiNzc5N2M1ZThiNTFlN2FhMWMw">"For the name of human's protector that had sacrificed themselves, I will let you keep this small hint of deceit down to your grave. But under my eyes, I will promise myself that this Yantai Pill that I concocted, will not be used by any of the people belonged to the Seven Star Sect in any situation!" Zhang Wu Ji decided. It was a painful decision to do so, but sometimes, the legend is what leads people to survive through times, and not the truth.</p> <p class="cnMwMWZkZjUzMGVkNjRiOWZiNWMyOWI1YzI4NGJiMmU1"> </p> <p class="cnNmMzIyMjNkZDJmODQwODY5NWE4YThmZmY0ZWY4ZGE1">And at the same time, Zhang Wu Ji noticed another fact, which leads him to agree in one of his hypothesis. The destruction of the Yantai County was, in fact, a disaster caused by themselves, because of their approach and extreme cultivation in concocting their famous Yantai Pill.</p> <p class="cnNlZTU1MzZlMTVjMzQ3MzY5MzZlOGQ2Yzk4YzIwNWI2"> </p> <p class="cnNhNTUyMjhhMGUzOTQ4NjliMGQ4Y2M5ZWQzNTc4YWZl">Yin-Yang Mandrake Plant</p> <p class="cnM5MjAyZjM2ODYxYTQzMjQ4NmIzZmZmNzMxMzE2NjIx">-Usage 1: the Yin Yang Mandrake is sexless until they matured. Upon maturity, the medicinal effect within its body will be transformed into a precious medicinal ingredient, suitable to be concocted into many different kinds of Medicinal Pill due to their Yin and Yang harmonized quality.</p> <p class="cnM3ODRiYjNjOGYyZDQ1OGJiMDIzMTI3ZGVjYjEyODcw">-Usage 2: the Yin-Yang Mandrake Plant is a well sought after aphrodisiac coveted by the Beast because of their effectiveness and the ability to increase the count of copulation they can endure. A female Mandrake enhanced female beast conceiving and birth ability, and a Male Mandrake increase the amount of production and time they can copulate.</p> <p class="cnMxMjk2ZmY4ZTc5NDQyMTdiZDdmNzBkNDY3MGZiYzU0">-Durability: 4/4</p> <p class="cnM5NWMxZDk0M2RlZDQxYzA4NTBlZDQ3ODAyMTljOTMy"> </p> <p class="cnM2NDkzZmFlNGQ2YjQ2NzQ5MmFiZmQ5ZDE2NTc2NWYz">"I think, none of the residents inside the whole Yantai County does know the fact that the Mandrake Plant that they were so proud and massively cultivates throughout their land, was the reason their county was destroyed. The beast honestly cannot be blamed for this, because even a human might lose control when their sanity is already been controlled by lust, especially the whole Yantai County is cultivating them all over in their lands.</p> <p class="cnM3NDFiZjdkYjkyZjRmMjVhMGYxNDhiMjAzNTY1Y2Zm"> </p> <p class="cnMzYzc5OWFlZWU5YTRkN2ZiNTc2YzRmMDUwODFiZGE4">He can only describe the ending of the Beast Infestation as;</p> <p class="cnM5ZjFhNjdjZWUzOTRhZjc4ODBiNTlmYTI1N2JlNjAz"> </p> <p class="cnNmZGNkNjczNzZhNzQ4YjBhNmQ5YjgyMzg0OTVkNjQ0">"War because of Lust, Death because of Exhaustion."</p> <p class="cnM3M2NhOGIxMTI0NzQ5MjBhOGE4NWFjZWI5MTk5MTAw"> </p> <p class="cnMzMzIyN2M0OTkzZjQ5Nzc4MzI5MTk3MTQxN2U5ZGE5">"In fact I do feel pity for the crowd of beast during their successful Infestation, but there should be a large number of casualties as well, due to the aphrodisiac." he feels like laughing because he successfully discern a truth, but it was an ironic incident, the moment he understands the fact hidden for so long.</p> <p class="cnNjYmFiYWU4ZmQ4ZDRhZGY4OWIwM2QzNDU4OTE4MTc2"> </p> <p class="cnM3YThlZmJkOTU0YzQzZDdhZjNlMzY4YWU3ZDk5ODc2">"I should look for more knowledge and information related to the Yantai County's Mandrake Plant first. Since the description stated their harmonize Yin and Yang within the plant is suitable to concoct many medicines, there must be some hidden recipes that not many people know. Perhaps looking for their remains will be a good choice to start." he decides that no matter how dangerous the pill and the mandrake, they still worth a chance.</p> <p class="cnNhODk4YzYyZmQxMDRhMDZiNjdjNWQ1MTljNWFkZTc2"> </p> <p class="cnNkN2ZiYjg2ZDMwMjQ0ZTk5ODgzM2QwNTQzODkyZDRm">With 98 remaining Mandrake Plants remained, Zhang Wu Ji separates their differentiation, according to a set, and it was unfortunate there were only 14 remaining Male Mandrake Plants, and the other 84 belonged to the Female Mandrake Plant category. In the end, he only able to concoct fifteen Mutual Destruction Pills, or he decides to remain with the name Yantai Pill for now.</p> <p class="cnMwNTRjNWM1ZmRiMTQ3YjU5M2Q3MzZlMDYwYmUzY2Jh"> </p> <p class="cnM1OWRmOGFlZmM3ZjQwN2Q5ZDY5N2IzZWI2NDUxYTky">The remaining 70 Female Mandrakes plant are to be sold in the Free Market when it's possible because they will be no use for him at this moment. Instead of keeping them for another three months, it was a better suggestion to sell them for the prices of 1 Qi Sensing Pill each. It will worth 70 Qi Sensing Pills at the end of the day.</p> <p class="cnM5OWRiZDA1Zjg4YzQ0M2ZiMTNlYzE2MDFhNzIyZTIz"> </p> <p class="cnNhNGMxZDc3OTI1ZDRlMDc5MjBhYTFlMGU3MGZjMjYy">Next, it was the turn of the one and only Sun Facing Fruit.</p> <p class="cnM4ZWVlOTUwZGNjYjQ3OWQ4ZGM2MTMxYTQzNjFkZjMz"> </p> <p class="cnNhZTcwOWIzMzYyNDRmYjc4ODY3ZmQxYmYyN2Q0MTIx">Sun-Facing Fruit</p> <p class="cnM0YjQ5M2I5MzhmYTQyOTg5NWRjMjA0YjgyNWY5ZWQz">Concentration: 82 units</p> <p class="cnMwOGMzNzhkZmEzNzQ5NzNiOTlkOTFlOTVkYWZiZDIy">Usage 1: The fruit essence extracted from the Sun Facing Fruit is a high-quality material to be concocted into Qi Sensing Pills. According to the scale, every 10 units of essence were worth 1 Qi Sensing Pill after completing the concoction.</p> <p class="cnM0MDQxYzNhY2EwODQxZDNhOTc4NTJmMGMyNWNkOTIz">Usage 2: The seed of the Sun Facing Fruit can be planted to bore fruit after three months.</p> <p class="cnNmNDFjYzMzYWNiMTQwMTRiMmI0ZjdjNDQ0YjY4YWY3">Durability: 4/4</p> <p class="cnM1NDA3NzczNmU3YjQzMjhiNzIyOWU1MjFhNTc4ZGNj"> </p> <p class="cnMwZmJkNzMzYjYxOTQwODZiZTc1ZTQwMmEwOGY3YTRk">It was an easy task to concoct the Fruit Essence from the Sun Facing Fruit. All he needs will be to land a cut in the middle of the fruit and remove the seed which was as big as an avocado seed. The flesh of the fruit carries the texture similar to a sponge, whereby pressing them hard the juice inside of the fruit will be extracted.</p> <p class="cnM0NGY0ZmEwNDMzYzRjMDU4NGY0YWIzZTkxYTNlMWNm"> </p> <p class="cnM5M2ExOWUwN2U3ZDRiZTQ5YWMxYTY1ODJkYWM3ZjMw">To concoct the Qi Sensing Pill, the process must be done from a completely cold Pill Cauldron. The chances of failure are almost non-existent because the concoction process is too simple. By firing the cauldron and continue to stir their juices, the Qi Sensing Pill will slowly form. According to the senior Pill Masters that publish their own revision books, the concentration enzyme inside of the fruit essence is very likely to bond together when they were left under the stressful condition of heat.</p> <p class="cnMzMGI4MDEzYmRkZTQ0NjZiNGY2NTVkOWQxNTg0YTVi"> </p> <p class="cnMxOWEzMWJlZjFlNjRlOTBiMzQwZjM3OWMxYThmNTM4">As their maximum number of essence unit are 10, each of them will be combined in a size of ten and results in few marbles looking pills left inside of the cauldron when all the fruit extracts run dry. Normal fruit always carries over 70 units in their fruit, while some better fruit produced by the Imperial Kingdom are likely to yield the amount of 90 to 110 units in their fruit because of fertile land, Condensed Qi Atmosphere, and professional Botanist.</p> <p class="cnMyZmQ2MTlhNzQ3YjRlZjNiMDU2YWM1ZTIxZjlmMWVh"> </p> <p class="cnM2MTVmZjkzYWM4NzRlZmQ5NGUxZGQzNzFiOGYyNmM0">Not too long, he ends up eight Qi Sensing Pill richer, without any special note to be found from his handmade Qi Sensing Pills. After taking a proper rest, he started to works on the Yin Ling Fruit, which look like a peach but void of the seed inside of the fruit. Instead of having a seed inside, the Yin Ling Fruit is filled with pulps that hold the Yin Ling Fruit juices together.</p> <p class="cnMyODZhZWYzYjg5MzRiODc4ZDRlZWY0ZmQ3MzAyY2Zk"> </p> <p class="cnMzYzA0MWQyY2E5ODQ0ZjNhMGIzYzVmYzkyMjMyMWEw">The process is only allowed to be done by hand, where the next step after harvesting, is to peel the skin of the fruit like it was a pomelo fruit. The peel was then discarded to reveal its mesocarp, or also known as the white flesh layer of the fruit. By peeling them one side after another, it soon revealed the juicy vesicles, which the human name them pulps in his own world.</p> <p class="cnM3ZThlNjQxNzQyNTQxZWRhNjk4ZDhiNWJjZDdmZmM2"> </p> <p class="cnNjNjI2ZjA3YzAxYTQxMjQ5ZWYxNjk2Mzc4MDU0NGVj">The process of extraction the juices were actually easier than its difficult descriptions mentioned by the recipe. By gently removing the central column that holds all the pulp together, Zhang Wu Ji easily extracts the juices from the fruit like a bubble is popped. That pull revealed the central column with many cork-like tips, which hold the juices in the pup together.</p> <p class="cnMyYmQ4YjY1YjZlMDQ0NDI5ODJmZmEzMWY1YTYxOWNk"> </p> <p class="cnNjZDlkMDE1MTc1ZjQzZDg4YWRiYjNlMjA2Y2VhMzI2">By removing the column, the juices flow into the cauldron. He then throws the remains into a basket and proceeds with the next fruit. Following the procedure stated by the recipe, a total of five Yin Ling Fruit is required to complete a cauldron of concoction, where it will then be fired and stirred, until it reaches the medicinal potency they required.</p> <p class="cnNjNGVmODI2MmRlZjRkZjU4M2NlNmY2NjdkZGU5NWRi"> </p> <p class="cnNhNGFhZWI2Y2IyNjQ3ZTc5MTViMzIwODdmZTEwOTFk">Following the instructions, the concoction quickly formed into a pile of powder, with seven pills remained at the bottom. Because the Yin Essence Pill possess the coldness that can sooth the clash of Yin and Yang element within a cultivator body, it was a commodity that was sought after by many cultivators, especially for those reckless cultivators that accidentally went out of control.</p> <p class="cnM5MDNiN2FiOTA1MTRjMmU4MDE0OTJjYzVmNTUxZjgx"> </p> <p class="cnNkZTMzYzY4ZTA1MjQyZGY5ZjAyOTIyOTk1NDc3NTgz">Yin Essence Pill</p> <p class="cnMzOWFmMjFjODM2NTQzZDVhZTNmNTkxMGQ3N2NjZWM1">-Usage 1: Improve the body activities and enhance the metabolism rate. Overdose effect is non-existent.</p> <p class="cnNjYTkwYTExYmI5ZTQ1MzViNDk0MzQ2ZWQ5MjkyZDlh">-Usage 2: Balancing Yin and removing Yang. Female consumption will have no side effect. As for the male, an overdose of the Yin Essence Pill will cause hormone to unbalance, turning the male into a sissy for a while.</p> <p class="cnM4M2I5YzBlYjM2NjQ4Y2FiYzI1NDU4MGFlOGY2NGY1">-Durability: 4/4</p> <p class="cnNhYWE4MTJjOWY4ZjQzZWNiMDY3YjkxNzk2YmRhNTBl">-Special: Usable as a temporary mediator for patient inflicted by serious Yang Element injuries or poison</p> <p class="cnM0Y2NiNTUyZjgyZTQ4NmNiMGI2MzlhMmMxZjI4NGNm"> </p> <p class="cnMzYmE1ZTA2N2E0ZTQyMWVhNGQzOTNjNmU0Y2I5ODY0">"This pill effect is as usual again. It means that only the Yantai Pill effect has been tempered. The recipe must be either modified or changed due to some unspeakable reason. But that is not something I need to handle. As long I can control the usage of the Yantai Pill for those people close to me, it will be more than enough." Zhang Wu Ji reconsiders his thought while continue to make another batch of concoction.</p> <p class="cnMyMzRkYjIzYTIxMDQ1M2Y5ODQyYTM4NDI0YjRmYmUw"> </p> <p class="cnMzODAwMTYwM2ZhNzQ0Y2I5YzliYjYyMTI1NDNkNGUw">The end results were positive enough, giving him a total of 75 Yin Essence Pills.</p> <p class="cnNjMjEzODg3N2Y4YjQxZmJiYTU3YThjMmQwODhlMjkw"> </p> <p class="cnM3OTljMWJmYjdlYTQ3Njk5NzQwNjMwMTMyNTkyYWY2">His final result were 24 Complete Taixia Qi Pills, 15 Yantai Pills, 8 Qi Sensing Pills, and finally 75 Yin Essence Pills. This concoction result was a very positive result for him, but the wastage of 70 Mandrake Plant still hurts him, because they were worth 35 pills if their number is evenly distributed. But sometimes luck does play an important role in this matter.</p> <p class="cnMyZTEwOTMxYTU3NDRlMDM4MjczNTdiMGQ4ZWY4Y2Q0"> </p> <p class="cnNhYTQ1YjBiMzk1MTQ5M2Q5MmIxZGRmZmNjYzBkNDI1">At the same time, a person finally returned from his task. Standing right before the door into his Pill Making Room, Bai Hei Tie stands there to wait for his master to come out. He was impatient to share what he got in his trip, but at the same time, hesitates to disturb him because the silence and calmness are important during Pill Concoction.</p> <p class="cnNhYjExODIzYWE1YTQ5ODE5NzM0ZWVkMjBmNDUzZDQw"> </p> <p class="cnMyYmQwM2EzZmVlNzRlYzBhZTMxNGQ2MDA1MDg1ZDQ5">"Ah, Hei Tie, you came back? Did the arrangement for the mineral ores goes well?" Zhang Wu Ji met Bai Hei Tie the moment he opened the door from the inside. With that guy standing straight like a plank outside, it was impossible for him to not greet the subordinate.</p> <p class="cnNlN2YwYzc4MjkyYjQzODE5NDllMTRhMzNlNGQ2YTVj"> </p> <p class="cnNiNzMzMzFlOWRjODQxMWI5NDQxMWIyZjBhYzE5YzU0">"Master Senior, Hei Tie successfully made an order for ten batches of the mineral ores in their best quality to be delivered to the Seven Star Sect. At the same time, I collected a few of the refined materials for your inspection. This is all come from the Bai Village so I can assure that their quality is good enough." Bai Hei Tie quickly took out eight items, categorized into four different types.</p> <p class="cnNjZjdmODA4NjBlMjQ3ZWY4NzIyYmE4MDY0MTg0ZTc2"> </p> <p class="cnNjY2IyYmY0MmI4OTRlYWZiY2I0YmE2NTVhY2QwOTU3">[Pearl Silica Block], [Translucent Silica Block], [Chalcocite Block], [Malachite Blocks], [Jadeite Cubes], [Nephrite Stone], and finally, the [Kaolin Clay], and [Mined Bone]. [1]</p> <p class="cnNlYzc4MzI1ZjJlZDRiYjhhNjdmZmY5MWI1MTg1NGJj"> </p> <p class="cnM3ZTNhZWZkNjViOTQzNDE5N2QyMTQ4YzNkNmJkZGUz">"Four materials divided into eight different categories! I did not imagine before, but at least six of them were precious material that will obtain my attention!" Zhang Wu Ji happily inspects the material and scanned the quality of every single item placed on top of the table. He almost wanted to say;</p> <p class="cnM2YjA3Y2ExZmM1YjQ4MWRiYmRhMzg2MmJhZDI2OTU2"> </p> <p class="cnM1ZWFiZDljNGMzZTQ4YmI4ZDQ1NWVmYWFkN2NhMjU0">"I took back my word about saying that the Bai Village's expertise is not dependable enough..."</p> <p class="cnNmM2M4MDA4MDYzZDRjYWVhMjU3MmNlY2JmYWFhOGJm"> </p> <p class="cnMyYzhiMjIzNzlmYzQ2Njc5NWRmMWE4NDNjMDg5MDY0">But he decided to keep the thing in his heart instead of bringing that out because sometimes, a note made into a heart is better than speaking them out loud. It was his way to preserve the thin line that connects him and Bai Hei Tie together.</p> <p class="cnM2NjdmN2E1OGI4MjQxYTY4ZThkYTlhYWFhOWMyYTlh"> </p> <p class="cnM5YTA4NjMyMTc3ZTRiNGNhMzg2MGRmZDA1YWFjNjNl">"This is great! All if the item were in a very excellent quality, and it was done within two weeks just for the sake of my inspection. Did you say that their delivery will come in ten different batches? That's a good news." Zhang Wu Ji happiness is no longer contained. His excited expression and tone even attract Tang Yuan, Xiao Hua, and Ya Pin to come out to have a look.</p> <p class="cnMzM2MzZmM5MjE3ZDQ1ZDZhZDYxODU5ZjkwM2M3MmI2"> </p> <p class="cnNlYjBkODE0YWVlOTQxYmRhYzk2M2VlYTJlOTg4YTE3">"Since everyone is here, come over." Zhang Wu Ji waved his hand to the other three and ordered them to come before him. With the four subordinates is here, Zhang Wu Ji withdraws five Complete Taixia Qi Pills, and five Yin Essence Pills out from two different jade bottles. Placing one pill on each and two Complete Taixia Qi Pills at Bai Hei Tie's palm and two Yin Essence Pills at Zhao Xiao Hua's palm, he gave them some instructions.</p> <p class="cnNhZjEwZjdlMTg5YjQ2MWY4YWJkZWEzMjUxZDdhZGUy"> </p> <p class="cnNkNTc2ODllMTk4OTRiOWVhZWE5Nzc0MjczMmVhMGMw">When the four subordinates listened to his instruction, how can they not be emotional? In fact, the weaker will Zhao Xiao Hua cried because their master just gave them a precious pill that can instantly give them one strand of Fighter Qi upon consumption, and the Yin Essence Pill that can improve their health and also balance the Yin and Yang Element within their body.</p> <p class="cnMyZGQ4NzFlODllYzRhZDY4YjM0NzE1NzM4NTIxNzJh"> </p> <p class="cnNhYmYzMzQwMjNiMjQ3ZTE5NTIzOGQwYWJjZTQwNDFi">"Master, the two pills is too precious!" the four of them tried to return the pills back, but it was rejected with a palm standing straight before them.</p> <p class="cnM0MmU1MDhmOWYxMDQ3YTY5MzNmOTQwMTQwN2IxNTI2"> </p> <p class="cnM5NmZlYjFmZWUyYzQyZGE4Y2Q0YTNhZjhlMzBkZDE0">"No rewards without effort. This is what you all qualified to get as long you willingly contributes on behalf of me. As long you remain productive, this kind of rewards will only get more and not less. Stop with all this too valuable and returning the pills to me because, in fact, they were concocted from the material you guys spend so much time to cultivates." Zhang Wu Ji convinced them that this was mere rewards for their works.</p> <p class="cnNlYmY4NjAwY2Y4NzQ2NDlhMzMyMzg4NjVkMzNlYzU1"> </p> <p class="cnM1MzE4NjMyOTc2ZTRmMWE5MTRjZWFkNjI0OThhMWM0">With those embarrassing sentences is said, Zhang Wu Ji left the four to decipher his words, while he returned to his room for a good rest. Of course, that is after he collected the eight items back to his room. With them placed on the table, Zhang Wu Ji concentrated his mind and collects his thought to consider something important.</p> <p class="cnM4ZGI3NDJiZTVlNTQ1NmU5NGQ0ODk5NzEyNjM1Yzgw"> </p> <p class="cnMwZThkNTZjOTA3MjQxNzU5ZjgyN2MyNDI2NWY5ODRk">But while he was deep inside of his thoughts, a commotion breaks in the northern part few hundred kilometers away from the Seven Star Sect.</p> <p class="cnM0MjE1ODgxYjJiYjRhMjlhMmYxNjRjYzE1OTUwOWM0"> </p> <p class="cnMxNjAzZmJjZDhhOTRhZDViMGIwNzEyMzgzM2Q1ZTJk">"Are we ready?"</p> <p class="cnM3MTYxNTRiMDBhZjQ4ZGM4OTM0ZTM4ZGU2MWFmYTQ1"> </p> <p class="cnM4NjYxZDIzZGNjZTQxYTRiMDhkNTljNWRiNzM2OGUw">"Yes!"</p> <p class="cnNjOTBmMGU1OWI0NTQ5ZmFhZGJlOWJlMGY1MzZmYzVk"> </p> <p class="cnM0YWM0MTQ3ZTkwZTQwYTk4MWE0NWZhYmU4ZTAwMjlm">"Everyone follow my lead! We will now clear the Wen Wu City treasury, and let us catch a few hundred to thousands of beauties to give birth to our lovely babies! Hah!" the leader of this troops of bandits speaks a few words to motivates his people before he whipped the buttock of the horse he's riding, and ride downhill.</p> <p class="cnNkNDgxOTA5YjU0NzQzYTViOTQyNDUyOWQ5NDY0Njcw"> </p> <p class="cnNiYmM0YzQ5MjU1OTQ3ZTA5YWIyMmJiNTdiMWQyMWEy">These peoples were the members of the Lan Shan Clan, the bandits of the well known Orchid Mountains!</p> <p class="cnM0YmRlNDhmNDYxYTRjNTI4NmY2MTg1ZDE5ZWZiMmVh"> </p> <p class="cnMyNDU3ODcwZGYwMzRiNzZiMWJlN2ZhZWFlYTE0Zjhk">Leading them in the front were the three brothers of the Lan Shan Clan, Lan Shan Yi, the eldest third generation child, Lan Shan Yue, the second and only daughter of the Lan Shan Clan core members, and Lan Shan Yao, the third and pampered child of the Lan Shan Core Family.</p> <p class="cnM4ZmExMDdmZTM4MjRlMzViMzMxYjkzMjUyNTBlMmQ5"> </p> <p class="cnMyMzAwOTU1NDJmZDRjODlhNTkzNDBjMTNkNzNiZjQ1">The three of them are in their 17th, 18th, and 19th, and well known for their brutal and abusing manner, which destroyed three villages situated inside of the Orchid Mountain! With one thousand bandits lead by this three leader and also ten more Bandit Assistant leaders, they launch their attack, with two priority targets in their mind.</p> <p class="cnM4OTVjYjdhODgxZjRhYWZiNmE2NDNmY2I0MzExMmFh"> </p> <p class="cnMwN2ZlMTdhZDI3NDRjZjY4ZmJhNzQ4ZjNlMjhlYThl">Wen Wu City's Resident Bank</p> <p class="cnM1ZjZiMTBmNTcxZDRjM2E4Yzc3YTRkOGYyOWFjYjM2"> </p> <p class="cnMyNGM3MjRjZjMyYTQxNjJhOGI3ODUwMDE1MDRmMWI2">And...</p> <p class="cnNhZmQ1Mjc3ZDVlMTQ4ODFhNWYxZDFlNDYyNTZmYTQ1"> </p> <p class="cnM2YTg2NmNlMDkyMzRkNDU5OTZiZTczNjY3MmQ5ZTRi">Apprentice Hall!</p> <p class="cnM3ZmNhODllZmM1NTQ2ZThiMWFmNDg4ZThmMjUwZWZj">-</p> <p class="cnMyYmFhNmM1NjU0ZTQ1Mzg5ZjY3OGEwMjM3ZTA5ZGVi">-</p> <p class="cnM4NTNhNzVkYzkzMDQ4ZDI5ODYxOTY2MDc3MzhiOGY4">-</p> <p class="cnNlZWVmYzg3ZTBmZTQzMzQ4YjQ5OGI4ZTYzZTAwYzQ4">-</p> <p class="cnM1ODIxYmEzZGNiZjQwZTVhNTlhNTJlNjQ5YjVmYzJm">-</p> <p class="cnMxOTA4NDZmNDhlZTQ3MjY5MjFlNWI0ZmI2NTc5Yzgx">[1].</p> <p class="cnMyMTlkMDg3ZmQ2ZTRlMjRhNTVmMjM3NzE5MzI2OGRl">Pearl Silica = White Mica in our real life. It was used as a material often added to make paint pigments, constructions, and many things.</p> <p class="cnM5ZWU1ZGExMTYyYzRhMzdhM2M3ZjQ0NTdjYmE3ZTVl">-</p> <p class="cnM3M2MyMzIxMWNiMjRkNmRhODgxYTY1OWMxNTEyMzA3">Translucent Silica = Clear Calcite in real life. The calcite was made into many ways in pharmaceutical, constructions, and also as reiki healing crystals for some practitioners.</p> <p class="cnNiNTQ3MmQzYTYyYjQzZGZiZjEyZjU4MjQ5ZDJmZWVl">-</p> <p class="cnNlZWY0NGZhOGRlYTRlYWY5OTIzZjcxMjQ3NTRlODhk">Chalcocite Block = one of the most important copper mineral, which categorized as Sulfide Minerals. In this novel, it will be treated as a raw material before they were refined into a proper high-quality Copper Ingots.</p> <p class="cnM1MzY3MGMxNTQyNDQ3YWY5MzMxMmQxYTFhZWY1NDFl">-</p> <p class="cnNlZWQ2NzFlYTMxMzRhYjA5NGFiZDdjMDU4NmFlYzc0">Malachite Block = also one of the most important copper mineral, categorized as Carbonated Minerals. The malachite carries a more crystalline appearance, which in the novel it will be treated as Crystal Copper, a greener crystal version used mainly not for a weapon, but as accessories.</p> <p class="cnNkMjA2MDVjOTBkYzQ4OTA5MTI2ZmRjNzcyNjA0Yzc2">-</p> <p class="cnMxYTJmY2ZiMTY0NDRmZTU5ZTRmZDdiOGY5M2RiY2U3">Jadeite / Nephrite = this two is still jade, but their differences vary in [Creamier Green color for Jadeite] and [Heavier Green Tone for Nephrite]. In our world, Jade was a crystal that not able to combine into a bigger piece with a high technology to perform the gluing process, but since this is a novel with imagination, expect none common sense fact.</p> <p class="cnM3YzcxZWM3M2FlNjQ5Y2ZiZTA3NDM3NmFkNDU2YzNj">-</p> <p class="cnNhZGMxYmM2N2JhOTQ5OWM5MTRhMWYwZWU1OTk4MjI1">Kaolin Clay = a nature Clay mineral, or also more likely to be known as "China Clay" to the world. The Kaolin Clay carries a more Iron like hue, and some lighter color like white, yellow, and light orange. If you search them in Wikipedia, their uses are expanded into many, like ceramics, toothpaste, and also medicine.</p> <p class="cnMwMzA2MWZhMTE4MzQ1NTY4MmFjNjdlM2ZkZWRhZTI3">-</p> <p class="cnNjZGEyYzIxNjBiODRhNmNhOGExY2M3MDFiYjdlYzFh">Mined Bone = Bone ash in our life, it was a material that formed from calcinated animal bones. It was used in the creation of Bone China wares, but in this novel, their natural become Mined Bone, a Calcinated bones like material that came from nature, and in this fact, for now, it was from the Mineral Vein indirectly. (I hope this answers your question, my dear reader [Gortox].</p> </div>
"What is wrong with this description? Did the name Yantai Pill is fake?" Zhang Wu Ji was surprised by the name it was shown in the description. Up to date, many of the items he read in their descriptions matched the name given by the public, and even the Iron Ruler he made, or the Dirk he crafted carried the name correctly. But when he looks at the description of this pill he just made, it was completely different from what he knows. Low-Quality Mutual Destruction Pill -Usage 1: Completely recover the Injuries and exhausted Strands of Fighter Qi immediately, the effect will gradually reduce in minutes, and two hours after consumption, the consumer cultivation will reduce by half. -Usage 2: Allowed the user to obtain the ability to utilize Death Qi. Amount of Death Qi utilized will further increase the injuries and reduction of cultivation by 5% each time. -Durability: 7/7 -Special: Instantly paralyzed consumer's sense of pain upon consumption. "Damn! The Yantai County is seriously vicious!" It was a pitiful fact that they were destroyed, but in order to cover the fact of this deadly pill, they changed their name into a glorious Yantai Pill, known for their usage to instantly recover their injuries and replenish exhausted Fighter Qi. But no matter what, it was an immoral act to hide the side effect of the Yantai Pill from the public even if the pill were to meant to be taken at a life and death situation! If he did not possess the ability to discern and read the true condition of the product he touches, perhaps even as a Pill Master himself, Zhang Wu Ji will still be deceived by the hidden fact behind this fake Recovery Pill. It wasn't qualified to be called as a Recovery Pills at all, but it was far more qualified to be called as a Forbidden Medicine! This truth was revealed to him indirectly, out of a coincidence. But... Does this fact... Worth destroying the fame after death the Yantai County received after so long? No matter what, the Yantai County still being worshipped as heroes among the humans, because of their sacrifice to fight against the Beast Infestation, only to end up as being swallowed completely, leaving no human alive within the whole piece of land. "For the name of human's protector that had sacrificed themselves, I will let you keep this small hint of deceit down to your grave. But under my eyes, I will promise myself that this Yantai Pill that I concocted, will not be used by any of the people belonged to the Seven Star Sect in any situation!" Zhang Wu Ji decided. It was a painful decision to do so, but sometimes, the legend is what leads people to survive through times, and not the truth. And at the same time, Zhang Wu Ji noticed another fact, which leads him to agree in one of his hypothesis. The destruction of the Yantai County was, in fact, a disaster caused by themselves, because of their approach and extreme cultivation in concocting their famous Yantai Pill. Yin-Yang Mandrake Plant -Usage 1: the Yin Yang Mandrake is sexless until they matured. Upon maturity, the medicinal effect within its body will be transformed into a precious medicinal ingredient, suitable to be concocted into many different kinds of Medicinal Pill due to their Yin and Yang harmonized quality. -Usage 2: the Yin-Yang Mandrake Plant is a well sought after aphrodisiac coveted by the Beast because of their effectiveness and the ability to increase the count of copulation they can endure. A female Mandrake enhanced female beast conceiving and birth ability, and a Male Mandrake increase the amount of production and time they can copulate. -Durability: 4/4 "I think, none of the residents inside the whole Yantai County does know the fact that the Mandrake Plant that they were so proud and massively cultivates throughout their land, was the reason their county was destroyed. The beast honestly cannot be blamed for this, because even a human might lose control when their sanity is already been controlled by lust, especially the whole Yantai County is cultivating them all over in their lands. He can only describe the ending of the Beast Infestation as; "War because of Lust, Death because of Exhaustion." "In fact I do feel pity for the crowd of beast during their successful Infestation, but there should be a large number of casualties as well, due to the aphrodisiac." he feels like laughing because he successfully discern a truth, but it was an ironic incident, the moment he understands the fact hidden for so long. "I should look for more knowledge and information related to the Yantai County's Mandrake Plant first. Since the description stated their harmonize Yin and Yang within the plant is suitable to concoct many medicines, there must be some hidden recipes that not many people know. Perhaps looking for their remains will be a good choice to start." he decides that no matter how dangerous the pill and the mandrake, they still worth a chance. With 98 remaining Mandrake Plants remained, Zhang Wu Ji separates their differentiation, according to a set, and it was unfortunate there were only 14 remaining Male Mandrake Plants, and the other 84 belonged to the Female Mandrake Plant category. In the end, he only able to concoct fifteen Mutual Destruction Pills, or he decides to remain with the name Yantai Pill for now. The remaining 70 Female Mandrakes plant are to be sold in the Free Market when it's possible because they will be no use for him at this moment. Instead of keeping them for another three months, it was a better suggestion to sell them for the prices of 1 Qi Sensing Pill each. It will worth 70 Qi Sensing Pills at the end of the day. Next, it was the turn of the one and only Sun Facing Fruit. Sun-Facing Fruit Concentration: 82 units Usage 1: The fruit essence extracted from the Sun Facing Fruit is a high-quality material to be concocted into Qi Sensing Pills. According to the scale, every 10 units of essence were worth 1 Qi Sensing Pill after completing the concoction. Usage 2: The seed of the Sun Facing Fruit can be planted to bore fruit after three months. Durability: 4/4 It was an easy task to concoct the Fruit Essence from the Sun Facing Fruit. All he needs will be to land a cut in the middle of the fruit and remove the seed which was as big as an avocado seed. The flesh of the fruit carries the texture similar to a sponge, whereby pressing them hard the juice inside of the fruit will be extracted. To concoct the Qi Sensing Pill, the process must be done from a completely cold Pill Cauldron. The chances of failure are almost non-existent because the concoction process is too simple. By firing the cauldron and continue to stir their juices, the Qi Sensing Pill will slowly form. According to the senior Pill Masters that publish their own revision books, the concentration enzyme inside of the fruit essence is very likely to bond together when they were left under the stressful condition of heat. As their maximum number of essence unit are 10, each of them will be combined in a size of ten and results in few marbles looking pills left inside of the cauldron when all the fruit extracts run dry. Normal fruit always carries over 70 units in their fruit, while some better fruit produced by the Imperial Kingdom are likely to yield the amount of 90 to 110 units in their fruit because of fertile land, Condensed Qi Atmosphere, and professional Botanist. Not too long, he ends up eight Qi Sensing Pill richer, without any special note to be found from his handmade Qi Sensing Pills. After taking a proper rest, he started to works on the Yin Ling Fruit, which look like a peach but void of the seed inside of the fruit. Instead of having a seed inside, the Yin Ling Fruit is filled with pulps that hold the Yin Ling Fruit juices together. The process is only allowed to be done by hand, where the next step after harvesting, is to peel the skin of the fruit like it was a pomelo fruit. The peel was then discarded to reveal its mesocarp, or also known as the white flesh layer of the fruit. By peeling them one side after another, it soon revealed the juicy vesicles, which the human name them pulps in his own world. The process of extraction the juices were actually easier than its difficult descriptions mentioned by the recipe. By gently removing the central column that holds all the pulp together, Zhang Wu Ji easily extracts the juices from the fruit like a bubble is popped. That pull revealed the central column with many cork-like tips, which hold the juices in the pup together. By removing the column, the juices flow into the cauldron. He then throws the remains into a basket and proceeds with the next fruit. Following the procedure stated by the recipe, a total of five Yin Ling Fruit is required to complete a cauldron of concoction, where it will then be fired and stirred, until it reaches the medicinal potency they required. Following the instructions, the concoction quickly formed into a pile of powder, with seven pills remained at the bottom. Because the Yin Essence Pill possess the coldness that can sooth the clash of Yin and Yang element within a cultivator body, it was a commodity that was sought after by many cultivators, especially for those reckless cultivators that accidentally went out of control. Yin Essence Pill -Usage 1: Improve the body activities and enhance the metabolism rate. Overdose effect is non-existent. -Usage 2: Balancing Yin and removing Yang. Female consumption will have no side effect. As for the male, an overdose of the Yin Essence Pill will cause hormone to unbalance, turning the male into a sissy for a while. -Durability: 4/4 -Special: Usable as a temporary mediator for patient inflicted by serious Yang Element injuries or poison "This pill effect is as usual again. It means that only the Yantai Pill effect has been tempered. The recipe must be either modified or changed due to some unspeakable reason. But that is not something I need to handle. As long I can control the usage of the Yantai Pill for those people close to me, it will be more than enough." Zhang Wu Ji reconsiders his thought while continue to make another batch of concoction. The end results were positive enough, giving him a total of 75 Yin Essence Pills. His final result were 24 Complete Taixia Qi Pills, 15 Yantai Pills, 8 Qi Sensing Pills, and finally 75 Yin Essence Pills. This concoction result was a very positive result for him, but the wastage of 70 Mandrake Plant still hurts him, because they were worth 35 pills if their number is evenly distributed. But sometimes luck does play an important role in this matter. At the same time, a person finally returned from his task. Standing right before the door into his Pill Making Room, Bai Hei Tie stands there to wait for his master to come out. He was impatient to share what he got in his trip, but at the same time, hesitates to disturb him because the silence and calmness are important during Pill Concoction. "Ah, Hei Tie, you came back? Did the arrangement for the mineral ores goes well?" Zhang Wu Ji met Bai Hei Tie the moment he opened the door from the inside. With that guy standing straight like a plank outside, it was impossible for him to not greet the subordinate. "Master Senior, Hei Tie successfully made an order for ten batches of the mineral ores in their best quality to be delivered to the Seven Star Sect. At the same time, I collected a few of the refined materials for your inspection. This is all come from the Bai Village so I can assure that their quality is good enough." Bai Hei Tie quickly took out eight items, categorized into four different types. [Pearl Silica Block], [Translucent Silica Block], [Chalcocite Block], [Malachite Blocks], [Jadeite Cubes], [Nephrite Stone], and finally, the [Kaolin Clay], and [Mined Bone]. [1] "Four materials divided into eight different categories! I did not imagine before, but at least six of them were precious material that will obtain my attention!" Zhang Wu Ji happily inspects the material and scanned the quality of every single item placed on top of the table. He almost wanted to say; "I took back my word about saying that the Bai Village's expertise is not dependable enough..." But he decided to keep the thing in his heart instead of bringing that out because sometimes, a note made into a heart is better than speaking them out loud. It was his way to preserve the thin line that connects him and Bai Hei Tie together. "This is great! All if the item were in a very excellent quality, and it was done within two weeks just for the sake of my inspection. Did you say that their delivery will come in ten different batches? That's a good news." Zhang Wu Ji happiness is no longer contained. His excited expression and tone even attract Tang Yuan, Xiao Hua, and Ya Pin to come out to have a look. "Since everyone is here, come over." Zhang Wu Ji waved his hand to the other three and ordered them to come before him. With the four subordinates is here, Zhang Wu Ji withdraws five Complete Taixia Qi Pills, and five Yin Essence Pills out from two different jade bottles. Placing one pill on each and two Complete Taixia Qi Pills at Bai Hei Tie's palm and two Yin Essence Pills at Zhao Xiao Hua's palm, he gave them some instructions. When the four subordinates listened to his instruction, how can they not be emotional? In fact, the weaker will Zhao Xiao Hua cried because their master just gave them a precious pill that can instantly give them one strand of Fighter Qi upon consumption, and the Yin Essence Pill that can improve their health and also balance the Yin and Yang Element within their body. "Master, the two pills is too precious!" the four of them tried to return the pills back, but it was rejected with a palm standing straight before them. "No rewards without effort. This is what you all qualified to get as long you willingly contributes on behalf of me. As long you remain productive, this kind of rewards will only get more and not less. Stop with all this too valuable and returning the pills to me because, in fact, they were concocted from the material you guys spend so much time to cultivates." Zhang Wu Ji convinced them that this was mere rewards for their works. With those embarrassing sentences is said, Zhang Wu Ji left the four to decipher his words, while he returned to his room for a good rest. Of course, that is after he collected the eight items back to his room. With them placed on the table, Zhang Wu Ji concentrated his mind and collects his thought to consider something important. But while he was deep inside of his thoughts, a commotion breaks in the northern part few hundred kilometers away from the Seven Star Sect. "Are we ready?" "Yes!" "Everyone follow my lead! We will now clear the Wen Wu City treasury, and let us catch a few hundred to thousands of beauties to give birth to our lovely babies! Hah!" the leader of this troops of bandits speaks a few words to motivates his people before he whipped the buttock of the horse he's riding, and ride downhill. These peoples were the members of the Lan Shan Clan, the bandits of the well known Orchid Mountains! Leading them in the front were the three brothers of the Lan Shan Clan, Lan Shan Yi, the eldest third generation child, Lan Shan Yue, the second and only daughter of the Lan Shan Clan core members, and Lan Shan Yao, the third and pampered child of the Lan Shan Core Family. The three of them are in their 17th, 18th, and 19th, and well known for their brutal and abusing manner, which destroyed three villages situated inside of the Orchid Mountain! With one thousand bandits lead by this three leader and also ten more Bandit Assistant leaders, they launch their attack, with two priority targets in their mind. Wen Wu City's Resident Bank And... Apprentice Hall! - - - - - [1]. Pearl Silica = White Mica in our real life. It was used as a material often added to make paint pigments, constructions, and many things. - Translucent Silica = Clear Calcite in real life. The calcite was made into many ways in pharmaceutical, constructions, and also as reiki healing crystals for some practitioners. - Chalcocite Block = one of the most important copper mineral, which categorized as Sulfide Minerals. In this novel, it will be treated as a raw material before they were refined into a proper high-quality Copper Ingots. - Malachite Block = also one of the most important copper mineral, categorized as Carbonated Minerals. The malachite carries a more crystalline appearance, which in the novel it will be treated as Crystal Copper, a greener crystal version used mainly not for a weapon, but as accessories. - Jadeite / Nephrite = this two is still jade, but their differences vary in [Creamier Green color for Jadeite] and [Heavier Green Tone for Nephrite]. In our world, Jade was a crystal that not able to combine into a bigger piece with a high technology to perform the gluing process, but since this is a novel with imagination, expect none common sense fact. - Kaolin Clay = a nature Clay mineral, or also more likely to be known as "China Clay" to the world. The Kaolin Clay carries a more Iron like hue, and some lighter color like white, yellow, and light orange. If you search them in Wikipedia, their uses are expanded into many, like ceramics, toothpaste, and also medicine. - Mined Bone = Bone ash in our life, it was a material that formed from calcinated animal bones. It was used in the creation of Bone China wares, but in this novel, their natural become Mined Bone, a Calcinated bones like material that came from nature, and in this fact, for now, it was from the Mineral Vein indirectly. (I hope this answers your question, my dear reader [Gortox].
{ "title": "Crafter's Heart (Preview)", "id": 21451, "author": "Snow Quill", "rating": 2.2 }
{ "title": "Reading the Wind", "id": 305404, "next": 305658, "prev": 305028, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMyYjYzZDU1ZjNlMDRmYWFhZTUxNWU4OGFlNTU4ZGRm">When work ended, it was starting to get dark even here in the tropics. Stan was due some VR time but he'd been inside the building practically all day. He stepped outside and watched the lights of Libertalia starting to flicker on for the evening. "So this is home, huh?"<br><br>Back in California he'd have been "nudged" into attending a health lecture or something tonight, or risk losing points on the Social Credit System. Instead he could do whatever he wanted, which was a strange feeling.</p> <p class="cnM1YWU1Y2QwMjEwNDQ1Mzc4NzFhYjAyYjkzNjY5Y2Fi">He breathed the ocean carnival air and watched people for a bit. All around him tourists flowed. He'd trained a little at recognizing how money and goods flowed, so it was instructive to watch people flitting between the shops and attractions like bees. He then noticed a cargo ship headed for the long dock of Sargasso Platform, and began to sense he'd been missing something. He went back inside and addressed Ludo through an idle screen: "Most of the money isn't on this platform, is it?"<br><br>The screen lit up with the AI's familiar face. "Right. Usually it takes people longer to realize that the colony is an actual working town, and not just this wretched hive."<br><br>Stan beamed. "I'm off work. What should I do now?"<br><br>Ludo paused in thought. "This is your free time."<br><br>"Yeah, but I'm up for a quest or something. Do you have any mysterious errands for me?"<br><br>"Not today. Give me time to find one. Until then, you're free."<br><br>"Okay, well... I'll hit the VR rigs before dinner."</p> <p class="cnNlNTYzNmIyM2IxOTQ5YTJhZjM0ZDFmMGU3NDIyYmQ4">He climbed into one of the VR pods and strapped in to re-enter Thousand Tales. He hesitated at the title screen, not sure what he wanted to <em>be</em> tonight. "I want to try something different for a bit. Could I try... a dragon?"</p> <p class="cnNiZTdjMWNmODM5YjQ3OGFiM2Y0NDI1YWE4NDU2OTUz">A game world popped up, in which he got to fly around riding a dragon through an airship battle. He swooped and dived to blast the enemy and dodge flurries of ballista fire and spells. After a while the novelty began to wear off, though. "That was fun, but I'd like to get back to my main character."</p> <p class="cnNlZDljOWUxN2E1YjQwZmQ4ZjhlZTkyN2E5MzU2ZjFj">The world shifted, and the Endless Isles returned. That little dragon world had existed for only a few minutes, just for him. The Isles were a persistent world that mattered more, one where he could make things.</p> <p class="cnNmYTgxNjE1YjBlYjRmZDZhNmVkYWFmM2ZhOWQ5OGMw">#<br><br>Back in the Isles, he found he'd been moved with his boat back to Tourney, but with only a little of the wood he'd come for. He set about smithing. He had an easy time hiring himself out for that; in fact a few NPCs he'd befriended had started to make requests. So he had a sword to make, an axe to upgrade, and another treasure chest to craft. Easy income. What he didn't have was his own forge. It cut into his profit, because he had to rent space in the NPC smith's shop.<br><br>Dominic, a masked and robed mage Stan had been adventuring with, stopped by while Stan was shaping bronze into a simple lock. "Why don't you build one on your ship?"<br><br>"Hi. Not enough space."<br><br>"Build a bigger one, then? I think you can swap an Anchor Stone into a new hull to claim it as your own."<br><br>It'd be substantial work, but Stan had time -- and an idea. "I think I can do that and even make money off of trading up. Now, what can I do for you?"<br><br>"Armor. I'm thinking of ditching the masked look and going for more of a paladin theme. Can you do steel yet?"<br><br>Stan said, "Yeah, it takes the same tier of skill as iron. I can give you a good price." Stan grinned. "I'm not going to make fun of you for uprooting your whole imaginary life after what <em>I</em> did."<br><br>"Heh. How's the new job?"<br><br>"It's all right so far." Stan chatted with him about it. "And my new boss is an uploader. Sky pirate or something in the background."<br><br>"That's got to be weird. If <em>I</em> uploaded I wouldn't work a job."<br><br>"I would," Stan said. "At least a job of making things. Are you up for adventuring tomorrow?"<br><br>"Sure."<br><br>Stan sent out a note asking the newbie "sequence breaker" party if they wanted to buy his first ship when they got their own Anchor Stone. Then he returned to his smithing.</p> <p class="cnNlODZhZDEyNjAyMjQ5ZDA4NzgxYTQ1NWJjYmU2NGEx">In VR the rules were a bit different than on a handheld tablet. As he switched from the brass lock to an iron sword project, he also switched techniques. He had to heat the blank metal rod he began with to red heat and then strike it, less with raw strength than with precision. Timing mattered too, since he had to strike while the iron was hot. Since the anvil sucked heat away rapidly, he kept several "irons" in the fire at once and alternated between them. As he pounded the upcoming sword blade he began to see some daylight, a gap under the deforming bottom edge, so to straighten the metal again he beat the daylights out of it. He grinned, feeling like he'd been initiated into some ancient jargon.<br><br>The sword slowly took shape not as a mathematical curve but as a slightly imperfect tool showing the effort of a human craftsman. He had to get the angle of his hammer blows right. It wasn't just about turning a strip of metal edge-on and hitting it to think it toward the tip; he'd learned to tilt the strikes as though working around the face of a clock so that the iron wouldn't get stretched out at the end. With each blow the anvil rang pleasantly, giving the mallet a little bounce. He turned the metal to lay flat and with repeated heating started to thin the edge down in that dimension. He used some Metal plus Create magic, but otherwise his technique was pretty close to the real thing.</p><br>"Still not done?" said a man with dragon claws.<br><br>Stan looked up from his work. "I've almost got it." With a few more blows he completed the rough shape, and then he took up a file and began smoothing the metal out with amazing speed, striking a shower of sparks. He timed the moves precisely and then doused the blade in water. "There! Just need to do the handle now, which for a basic wooden one is easy."<br><br>The adventurer couldn't take his eyes off the blade. "It's a little jagged."<br><br>"I used the advanced process, which comes out slightly imperfect."<br><br>"No no, I like it. People can <em>tell</em> you put in actual effort. Do you do this for a living?"<br><br>"What, in real life?" Stan said.<br><br>"Either."<br><br>Stan began attaching some simple wooden pieces using drilled holes and pegs. "No, but Smithing is one of my main skills. It seems like not many people want to bother with more than the most basic crafting.<p></p> <p class="cnM0MTc1ZDI2Y2I4YjQ2ZGJiZDVkZWYwOTZjMTQzMThi">"They'd rather be out slaying dragons."</p> <p class="cnNiNDkxODVkNWViMTRjNzY5NGUwYjg0YzU2NjQxY2Yx">"True. And... here you go!" A gratuitous lens-flare camera effect made the new weapon gleam.<br><br>"Good stats, too!" the customer said. "Thanks!"<br><br>Stan smiled as the man left. Then a notice popped up:<br><br>[You earned another magic element! Upgrade a word or select from: Water, Repair, Wind, Cloth, Strengthen.]<br><br>"What's my current set again?" All around Stan, adventurers were running around trying to collect good equipment and rare ingredients for the latest potion or something.<br><br>[Level 1: Growth, Metal, Create. 2: Tailwind.]<br><br>"I'm not sure Cloth is much of a cool magic power."<br><br>[You'd be surprised,] the AI said.<br><br>He'd been slowly advancing toward being a useful crafting mage, but... "Hey, Ocean," he said. "You've put up with me and you don't just say canned game status messages. Can you tell me what strategy to use?"<br><br>Ocean said, [I really can't, human. There are plenty of strategy guides and discussions, though. Including guides to how to wheedle the most power from me.]<br><br>Stan groused; he'd have to take up the strategy discussion with Ludo. "Thanks anyway. For now, how about I just add Water? Can't go wrong with that in an island world."<br><br>[Granted! Note that your first-level words are full again.] A swirly water droplet appeared on his skin in brown.<br><br>He'd need another verb element to do much more than create water, but that could come later and he'd find a use for anything he had. "Thanks."<br><br>He mentally stepped back from the game. He needed to get his boat repaired, still, but his stomach was rumbling. Since Ocean had been nice enough to let him keep part of the wood he'd gotten with Davis, he checked out the hull damage again. He had just enough lumber left to use his skills and the Growth magic element to patch the damage. The new wood blended seamlessly into the old, eliminating the "wound". He nodded in satisfaction, and logged out of Thousand Tales.<br><br>#<br><br>He was short enough on money that he walked back to Sargasso to return to his housing, the box apartments of Zeno Simple Living. He peered at the vending machines again and picked a bottle of Manna, allegedly chocolate flavor. He watched the sunset while drinking the thick protein-rich sludge, and let the tropical wind blow through his clothes. "Job, check. Housing, check. Something to <em>do</em>, still waiting." Feet tromped on catwalks above, and boats bumped and motored below the platforms. The roller-coaster rattled by in the distance. Stan looked for a trash can, found one in the Zeno kitchen. On the way out he bumped into Dahl, who was dressed in a robe and wearing a knife on his belt.<br><br>Dahl said, "You moved here, too?" The young man was standing at the entrance to the little hall of the kitchen and vending machines, in Stan's way.<br><br>It felt better to be cornered in an alley by a man with a knife, than it had been to stand in that bar where Stan was unwelcome. Dahl was a fellow employee, so he wasn't exactly a stranger. There was a different emotional vibe. Stan answered cautiously, "Ludo helped me get set up here."<br><br>"Me too. I'm in apartment 4B." Dahl smiled. "Where do you play? Within Talespace, I mean."<br><br>"The Endless Isles."<br><br>"I'm mainly in Threespace, the starship area. I hear there's a crossover event coming, so maybe we'll meet up, or we can do a shared temp game sometime."<br><br>"Sure." Stan yawned. "I've had a rough few days, so I should get to bed."<br><br>"Of course. Rest for the body makes us ready for the Game. I'm in your way, aren't I?" He stepped back. "Is it true that you've been exploring deeper?"<br><br>"Underwater? No, my boat doesn't submerge on purpose."<br><br>Dahl shook his head. "Befriending the natives and even one of the Talespinners, the masters of the game zones."<br><br>"A little, yes. You?"<br><br>"I've been blessed that way, too. We're lucky to have been chosen for big things."<br><br>Stan excused himself and retreated to his room, where he removed his shoes and slid inside. He still had no bedding. Mercifully, the box had air conditioning, so he didn't really need sheets. He lay down, thinking back to his dormitory room in California where he'd had a proper bed. It was comforting to have blankets even if there was no logical reason for them.<br><br>Curious now, he peeked outside and then returned to the vending alley. As he'd vaguely recalled, the machines sold "space blankets" in ridiculously tiny packages. He bought one and unfolded it into a sheet made of aluminum and plastic, that'd probably cook him if he used it outdoors on a balmy night like this. It seemed like the Zeno owners had thought of more than his technical needs.<br><br>Back in his room, he lay down under the blanket and felt vaguely satisfied.</p> </div>
When work ended, it was starting to get dark even here in the tropics. Stan was due some VR time but he'd been inside the building practically all day. He stepped outside and watched the lights of Libertalia starting to flicker on for the evening. "So this is home, huh?" Back in California he'd have been "nudged" into attending a health lecture or something tonight, or risk losing points on the Social Credit System. Instead he could do whatever he wanted, which was a strange feeling. He breathed the ocean carnival air and watched people for a bit. All around him tourists flowed. He'd trained a little at recognizing how money and goods flowed, so it was instructive to watch people flitting between the shops and attractions like bees. He then noticed a cargo ship headed for the long dock of Sargasso Platform, and began to sense he'd been missing something. He went back inside and addressed Ludo through an idle screen: "Most of the money isn't on this platform, is it?" The screen lit up with the AI's familiar face. "Right. Usually it takes people longer to realize that the colony is an actual working town, and not just this wretched hive." Stan beamed. "I'm off work. What should I do now?" Ludo paused in thought. "This is your free time." "Yeah, but I'm up for a quest or something. Do you have any mysterious errands for me?" "Not today. Give me time to find one. Until then, you're free." "Okay, well... I'll hit the VR rigs before dinner." He climbed into one of the VR pods and strapped in to re-enter Thousand Tales. He hesitated at the title screen, not sure what he wanted to *be* tonight. "I want to try something different for a bit. Could I try... a dragon?" A game world popped up, in which he got to fly around riding a dragon through an airship battle. He swooped and dived to blast the enemy and dodge flurries of ballista fire and spells. After a while the novelty began to wear off, though. "That was fun, but I'd like to get back to my main character." The world shifted, and the Endless Isles returned. That little dragon world had existed for only a few minutes, just for him. The Isles were a persistent world that mattered more, one where he could make things. # Back in the Isles, he found he'd been moved with his boat back to Tourney, but with only a little of the wood he'd come for. He set about smithing. He had an easy time hiring himself out for that; in fact a few NPCs he'd befriended had started to make requests. So he had a sword to make, an axe to upgrade, and another treasure chest to craft. Easy income. What he didn't have was his own forge. It cut into his profit, because he had to rent space in the NPC smith's shop. Dominic, a masked and robed mage Stan had been adventuring with, stopped by while Stan was shaping bronze into a simple lock. "Why don't you build one on your ship?" "Hi. Not enough space." "Build a bigger one, then? I think you can swap an Anchor Stone into a new hull to claim it as your own." It'd be substantial work, but Stan had time -- and an idea. "I think I can do that and even make money off of trading up. Now, what can I do for you?" "Armor. I'm thinking of ditching the masked look and going for more of a paladin theme. Can you do steel yet?" Stan said, "Yeah, it takes the same tier of skill as iron. I can give you a good price." Stan grinned. "I'm not going to make fun of you for uprooting your whole imaginary life after what *I* did." "Heh. How's the new job?" "It's all right so far." Stan chatted with him about it. "And my new boss is an uploader. Sky pirate or something in the background." "That's got to be weird. If *I* uploaded I wouldn't work a job." "I would," Stan said. "At least a job of making things. Are you up for adventuring tomorrow?" "Sure." Stan sent out a note asking the newbie "sequence breaker" party if they wanted to buy his first ship when they got their own Anchor Stone. Then he returned to his smithing. In VR the rules were a bit different than on a handheld tablet. As he switched from the brass lock to an iron sword project, he also switched techniques. He had to heat the blank metal rod he began with to red heat and then strike it, less with raw strength than with precision. Timing mattered too, since he had to strike while the iron was hot. Since the anvil sucked heat away rapidly, he kept several "irons" in the fire at once and alternated between them. As he pounded the upcoming sword blade he began to see some daylight, a gap under the deforming bottom edge, so to straighten the metal again he beat the daylights out of it. He grinned, feeling like he'd been initiated into some ancient jargon. The sword slowly took shape not as a mathematical curve but as a slightly imperfect tool showing the effort of a human craftsman. He had to get the angle of his hammer blows right. It wasn't just about turning a strip of metal edge-on and hitting it to think it toward the tip; he'd learned to tilt the strikes as though working around the face of a clock so that the iron wouldn't get stretched out at the end. With each blow the anvil rang pleasantly, giving the mallet a little bounce. He turned the metal to lay flat and with repeated heating started to thin the edge down in that dimension. He used some Metal plus Create magic, but otherwise his technique was pretty close to the real thing. "Still not done?" said a man with dragon claws. Stan looked up from his work. "I've almost got it." With a few more blows he completed the rough shape, and then he took up a file and began smoothing the metal out with amazing speed, striking a shower of sparks. He timed the moves precisely and then doused the blade in water. "There! Just need to do the handle now, which for a basic wooden one is easy." The adventurer couldn't take his eyes off the blade. "It's a little jagged." "I used the advanced process, which comes out slightly imperfect." "No no, I like it. People can *tell* you put in actual effort. Do you do this for a living?" "What, in real life?" Stan said. "Either." Stan began attaching some simple wooden pieces using drilled holes and pegs. "No, but Smithing is one of my main skills. It seems like not many people want to bother with more than the most basic crafting. "They'd rather be out slaying dragons." "True. And... here you go!" A gratuitous lens-flare camera effect made the new weapon gleam. "Good stats, too!" the customer said. "Thanks!" Stan smiled as the man left. Then a notice popped up: [You earned another magic element! Upgrade a word or select from: Water, Repair, Wind, Cloth, Strengthen.] "What's my current set again?" All around Stan, adventurers were running around trying to collect good equipment and rare ingredients for the latest potion or something. [Level 1: Growth, Metal, Create. 2: Tailwind.] "I'm not sure Cloth is much of a cool magic power." [You'd be surprised,] the AI said. He'd been slowly advancing toward being a useful crafting mage, but... "Hey, Ocean," he said. "You've put up with me and you don't just say canned game status messages. Can you tell me what strategy to use?" Ocean said, [I really can't, human. There are plenty of strategy guides and discussions, though. Including guides to how to wheedle the most power from me.] Stan groused; he'd have to take up the strategy discussion with Ludo. "Thanks anyway. For now, how about I just add Water? Can't go wrong with that in an island world." [Granted! Note that your first-level words are full again.] A swirly water droplet appeared on his skin in brown. He'd need another verb element to do much more than create water, but that could come later and he'd find a use for anything he had. "Thanks." He mentally stepped back from the game. He needed to get his boat repaired, still, but his stomach was rumbling. Since Ocean had been nice enough to let him keep part of the wood he'd gotten with Davis, he checked out the hull damage again. He had just enough lumber left to use his skills and the Growth magic element to patch the damage. The new wood blended seamlessly into the old, eliminating the "wound". He nodded in satisfaction, and logged out of Thousand Tales. # He was short enough on money that he walked back to Sargasso to return to his housing, the box apartments of Zeno Simple Living. He peered at the vending machines again and picked a bottle of Manna, allegedly chocolate flavor. He watched the sunset while drinking the thick protein-rich sludge, and let the tropical wind blow through his clothes. "Job, check. Housing, check. Something to *do*, still waiting." Feet tromped on catwalks above, and boats bumped and motored below the platforms. The roller-coaster rattled by in the distance. Stan looked for a trash can, found one in the Zeno kitchen. On the way out he bumped into Dahl, who was dressed in a robe and wearing a knife on his belt. Dahl said, "You moved here, too?" The young man was standing at the entrance to the little hall of the kitchen and vending machines, in Stan's way. It felt better to be cornered in an alley by a man with a knife, than it had been to stand in that bar where Stan was unwelcome. Dahl was a fellow employee, so he wasn't exactly a stranger. There was a different emotional vibe. Stan answered cautiously, "Ludo helped me get set up here." "Me too. I'm in apartment 4B." Dahl smiled. "Where do you play? Within Talespace, I mean." "The Endless Isles." "I'm mainly in Threespace, the starship area. I hear there's a crossover event coming, so maybe we'll meet up, or we can do a shared temp game sometime." "Sure." Stan yawned. "I've had a rough few days, so I should get to bed." "Of course. Rest for the body makes us ready for the Game. I'm in your way, aren't I?" He stepped back. "Is it true that you've been exploring deeper?" "Underwater? No, my boat doesn't submerge on purpose." Dahl shook his head. "Befriending the natives and even one of the Talespinners, the masters of the game zones." "A little, yes. You?" "I've been blessed that way, too. We're lucky to have been chosen for big things." Stan excused himself and retreated to his room, where he removed his shoes and slid inside. He still had no bedding. Mercifully, the box had air conditioning, so he didn't really need sheets. He lay down, thinking back to his dormitory room in California where he'd had a proper bed. It was comforting to have blankets even if there was no logical reason for them. Curious now, he peeked outside and then returned to the vending alley. As he'd vaguely recalled, the machines sold "space blankets" in ridiculously tiny packages. He bought one and unfolded it into a sheet made of aluminum and plastic, that'd probably cook him if he used it outdoors on a balmy night like this. It seemed like the Zeno owners had thought of more than his technical needs. Back in his room, he lay down under the blanket and felt vaguely satisfied.
{ "title": "A marvel rise", "id": 21131, "author": "Willox84", "rating": 3.7 }
{ "title": "Chapter 7", "id": 305406, "next": 305716, "prev": 305101, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNmMzNlYzI2YTlmNDQyYzlhMzI5NDY0NjAxNjdlMmE4"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">Alex heard a few days later about the death of Josef Reinstein. His death was very much like in the movie, he got shot in the chest dying in Steve Roger arms. He figured that he said the same last words to Steve. As for Lamberge he could not be more angry at the lost of an army of super soldier. Apperently Josef never told anyone about the danger of assassination he could run into, if he went forward with the experiment. So no one was aware that Alex had knowledge about the hit.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYmY2MjI3NzQxNTQwMmY5NzlmNzQ3NjFmM2ZkNjJj"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">Josef brother and niece no longer had any potential to either the agency or hydra. So they could resume their life with freedom inside the US, of course breaking the news to Friedrich and Mila was heart breaking. Mila cried which he'd expect, since during their time here Josef had visited ofter, in so doing forging a new found kingship with his niece. As for Friedrich his reaction surprise Alex, he punch him in face an told him that he'd killed his brother by not taking the old fool away. Then he broke down in tears, and howled at the heavens for taking his brother away, after he ask to forgive him for his rage.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZjAxY2M2MmZhZjQxMGJiNTk3MjhmMDMwOGNkMmNj"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">Alex got out of the car, he look at the church as he made his way toward it. He didn't really know who would be their, Joseif familly for sure but he wasn't sure who else. When he enter the cruch was relatively empty, in the familly side he could see Friedrich and Mila. But on the guest side only a few people, he made his way to front. He was spoted by Mila who signal him to come over.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNzY2ZmViN2NkZTRiNjc5NDRkZmZkN2QyMDQxYmY1"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"He would want you by us please sit." She said their was something in her voice that made it impossible to say no to.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYTk5OThkNGM1OTRkYmU4NWQxZDdiNjc0MzMyM2Zh"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">Alex noded and sat down beside them, he notice in corner of his eye that the people sitting across looked toward him in confusion. He decided to ingnore them for now, the ceremony was somber but well done. Friedrich had offer to let him speak but, he'd refuse, anything he'd wanted to say was said to them both, no one else needed to hear. But he did agree on carrying the coffin, during this time he didn't really pay to much attention on the others. He staid inside himself going trought all the time with Joseif.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMjg0YzMwYTY1ZTQ0MjA4MDk2OWViYmUyMWQzYzBi"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">The final rites wore perform, and they started to lower the coffin into grounds. He watch as his friend was buried in his new country soil, again the pain of being weak stab at him, he'd failed to find a way to save him. </span></p> <p class="cnNmMTBhNzBmNjVkYjQxMTQ5ZDZiODU1NGY2YjlkNjVl"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"He was a good man." A voice said their was something about it that just called to him, something warm and comforting.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYWQ1YzExODhkYTRjY2Y5OGZmYmYzOWU0Y2E4YWNl"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">Alex raise his head only to freeze, right infront of him was Steve Rogers. He looked a little like Cris Evans, except he was taller broader with yellow golden hair, deep vivide blue eyes and looked like some kind of greek god made mortal. The charisma was pratically oozing off him, by just standing their, he had a sudden urge of wanting to follow this man to the end of the earth. And the only thing going throught his head at this moment was. Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooo! That could've been me GODDAMNIT!&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMyYmIyYjk4NWE3NTQ0MzU5NzlkMDNhZDhjNjdjMzdh"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"Oh you knew Joseif, from where?" He tried to keep calm, his emotion where all over the place on one hand, he wanted to grab Steve and get lost in his deep blue eyes, and on the other he wanted to go home grab a bunch of stuff and have him sign it. But he manage to not freak out an go fan girl on him.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNmIxYjNkN2Y3MDQ5ZWE5ZDRkYjA1M2NiNzIzNGNh"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"Yeah, I admit I didn't get to spend to much time with him. But I owe him everything for what hes given me, a chance to fight the good fight and work toward a better tomorrow." Steve said in a almost reverend tone.&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM0MjQ3MTU1NWIxZDRiNDFiZGU0Yzc1NzAzZmQyYWNl"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">Alex could hear in his voice just how much Steve was thankfull and their was also sorrow in him as well.&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM0MzA5ZWU3YTU3MTQ1YmI5ZWFiZGFhY2U2MDA3ZWQ2"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"Hum, so your his choice I can see why he was adamant on you."</span></p> <p class="cnM5NzQxZTg0NDU0NjQ0ZjFiZDJlOWYzNzgwMDEzYmI0"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"Wait you know about...."</span></p> <p class="cnM3Y2RhNjZjMjQ1NTQ3ZGI5ZjBiODFjNzExMDRiMThk"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"Project Rebirth, yes I do. Im the one who got him out of Germany &nbsp;and his family in the first place. Also became the one to place his familly in safety an over time we became friends. And with me being in goverment I also know about what he was working on and you of course."</span></p> <p class="cnM2OTUzNmQwYTI2ZDRiY2M5M2NiNjNhYmFjZDcxNmE0"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">A flash of suprise an gratefulness glaze his face only to go to a more pondering look. Steve turn to Alex with a seriuse look in his eyes. "Since you where closes, then could you tell me if he looked or acted different the last few days?"</span></p> <p class="cnM4MDZmMTU4MjQ1OTRlM2RiMTNmZjhlMTBjNzBkM2Zj"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"You want to know if he knew about the attack, and still went througth with it." Alex said with a small smile across his lips.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YTg4YWJhZDAwNzQ1MjA4OGQyMWYxODkzYTRiMzYy"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">Steve was silent as few moment. "So he knew, then why did he do it?" A mix of confusion and anger in his voice, as he stared at him.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMjFmZmQ3OGMzZDQyOThiMmM4ZWJjYjc2ZTA0Yjhl"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">Sigh. "I told him about the attack a few days before, tried to convince him to change location and time. But he refuse, he said that he found the pecfect person for the power he was going to give. You get it now Mr Rogers, he pick you cause your are all the best of what a good man can be and so much more." He looked directly in Steves eyes, trying not to swoon and get lost in his haunting deep blues eyes. Frankly he was starting to question if his power was just being so fricking damn perfect. He was having serious questions about his sexuality.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZDA0ODQ3ZDk0NDQ1YmZhNjUwZDZhZTYwMTE2M2Q0"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"He said the same thing before he died." Steves said as he went into a deep reflection about what all this really meant, for him and his new place in the world.&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM0OWQ1NzFkZDNhNDQ2N2I5ZWMzZjkwMWUxZmY1YjQz"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"Look if you ever want to talk, heres my card on it is the way to get into contact with me." Alex place the card in Steves hand, patted his shoulder and walk away. As he was walking away he keep staring at his hand, he'd just touch Captain America. I'm never going to wash this hand again!&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNhOTRkZDNiMTZkODQzODA5MzI0MmJlY2NlZDk0M2Nm"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM4N2I5MDBiYzc2ODQ3NzlhNmYyMWUwMjc4MzZmYWIw"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">Time move on by now it was a few weeks after the funeral. He decided to give Friedrich a huge check and told him to use it as he saw fit. At first he refuse, saying stuff like its not money he wanted just being around would be good enought. Then he had to talk him out of burning it, he then explain that the money was for him and his familly. The goverment wouldn't cover them like in the past, and him coming from Germany would make it difficult in finding a job. So to money was for him to start his own farm from the ground up. The rest could be past on to the kids, if they needed it for college or university. Friedrich agreed with the condition that he'd stay in contact, he agreed finally putting it to a closes.</span></p> <p class="cnM1M2VlMjIzNGYxZTQ3N2U4MjFhOTRiZDNjOGFiN2E5"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">Sadly his stay the US wouldn't last for long. Lamberge and his gang of cronies had done their homework this time around. They &nbsp;gather together a file that stated he'd know about the assassination plot and didn't inform them, of course he'd pretty much figure that Steve had told them. He was sure their was no way for the capt to know their motives, so he didn't blame him no he blame himself, for being so star struck that it completly slip his mind about warning Steve to keep this between them.&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNiOGZkM2VkNzVjZjQ4YzdhMDFkNzJjOTY1OWY2MTZm"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"I hate this." Alex said in down cast voice.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZGJhMGZkOGI5MjQxNzI4MDdjZWFhODAzODUwZTRi"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"Your not the only one, when they ask me if I was ready to serve my country. I didn't think that they meant going around in costume to put on a show for moral. I thought that I would fighting on the front line." Steve said also sounding down.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOGZmZDMxMTQyYTQ4MzZiNTFkODY3NDA1MDg5MjNh"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">Alex look at Steve, sigh "Yeah we both tend to piste the wrong people off, me with my section chiefs and you with that general. I still find his anger at you weird, I mean it not like you went out of your way to make him looked bad. But he just decided to dump all the fault on you. And in the process benches you."</span></p> <p class="cnNmMjNlNzA2ODRmOTQ2OTM4NmRiMmRhZjgwOTAwYWUy"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">Grining "Really cause the way I heard it you went at them guns blasting first chance you got. As for me I think it has more to do with politics that anything else. Someone doesn't want to risk their one and only superhuman." Steve said as he flex his arms, with a playfull look.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZGM2YTZlNmM2NjRlYmNhNjU3MThmNTBjYjk3OTM1"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">Alex snicker "Your probably right, but still they sent me too keep watch on you. The only thing is they never told me what I was looking for, sigh which just show that im here just to be out of site out of mind."</span></p> <p class="cnNhZmE1MWQ1OGExMjQ0YThiNTY2ZjYwN2RmYTkwZDE3"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">The two keep on talking, they ended up telling each other their life story. Steve recounted his childhood, schools he when to and also how proud he was about his best friend Bucky. Alex told stories about how he was gifted in school, jumping grades and his difficulties with being the youngest student in all his classes. He also talk about some of the lease sensitive mission he went on. Also he wasn't shy about disclosing some of the more embarrassing moment in his life. Steve replied with his stories of getting into fights and having Bucky jump in to save him. Mostly the two found a friendship in their lest that stellar situation.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMzMzN2RmMjZkYzQ1MTRiNWY1ZmUyZWI5YThjYzBl"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"Mr Roger we've arrive time to get ready." The show manager shouted.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NzU3MDEzOGE3NDQxYjRiOTJiYTYwYzc1Mjk5OTY0"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"Go get them big guy. Guest this is one thing that you've got worst then me." Alex said as pat Steve in a mixt of piety an humor.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNDFlNzAxMzlkNjRhYjRiNjMwZDA3ODk4ZWQ0Y2E4"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"You know every time I do this its gets harder an harder, to convince myself that this is where I'm s'oppose to be. And then I remember that sometime, to get where you need to be, you got to go where you don't want to be, to get where you need to be. So I hope that all this will be wort it." Steve said in one of his many self motivation speech.</span></p> <p class="cnM2OWFmZWJkMzdiNjQ5ZWNiYWIwOGJhODc1NDczYmM1"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">Alex looked at him and smiled. " Trust me Steve, your on the right path we just got to go with the wave first but we'll get there." They both laught but for different reason. For Steve it was knowing that he wasn't the only philosopher around and thing would get better. Alex was thinking of the moment in a couple of months when they where schedule to rally the troops in Europe.</span></p> </div>
Alex heard a few days later about the death of Josef Reinstein. His death was very much like in the movie, he got shot in the chest dying in Steve Roger arms. He figured that he said the same last words to Steve. As for Lamberge he could not be more angry at the lost of an army of super soldier. Apperently Josef never told anyone about the danger of assassination he could run into, if he went forward with the experiment. So no one was aware that Alex had knowledge about the hit. Josef brother and niece no longer had any potential to either the agency or hydra. So they could resume their life with freedom inside the US, of course breaking the news to Friedrich and Mila was heart breaking. Mila cried which he'd expect, since during their time here Josef had visited ofter, in so doing forging a new found kingship with his niece. As for Friedrich his reaction surprise Alex, he punch him in face an told him that he'd killed his brother by not taking the old fool away. Then he broke down in tears, and howled at the heavens for taking his brother away, after he ask to forgive him for his rage. Alex got out of the car, he look at the church as he made his way toward it. He didn't really know who would be their, Joseif familly for sure but he wasn't sure who else. When he enter the cruch was relatively empty, in the familly side he could see Friedrich and Mila. But on the guest side only a few people, he made his way to front. He was spoted by Mila who signal him to come over. "He would want you by us please sit." She said their was something in her voice that made it impossible to say no to. Alex noded and sat down beside them, he notice in corner of his eye that the people sitting across looked toward him in confusion. He decided to ingnore them for now, the ceremony was somber but well done. Friedrich had offer to let him speak but, he'd refuse, anything he'd wanted to say was said to them both, no one else needed to hear. But he did agree on carrying the coffin, during this time he didn't really pay to much attention on the others. He staid inside himself going trought all the time with Joseif. The final rites wore perform, and they started to lower the coffin into grounds. He watch as his friend was buried in his new country soil, again the pain of being weak stab at him, he'd failed to find a way to save him. "He was a good man." A voice said their was something about it that just called to him, something warm and comforting. Alex raise his head only to freeze, right infront of him was Steve Rogers. He looked a little like Cris Evans, except he was taller broader with yellow golden hair, deep vivide blue eyes and looked like some kind of greek god made mortal. The charisma was pratically oozing off him, by just standing their, he had a sudden urge of wanting to follow this man to the end of the earth. And the only thing going throught his head at this moment was. Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooo! That could've been me GODDAMNIT!  "Oh you knew Joseif, from where?" He tried to keep calm, his emotion where all over the place on one hand, he wanted to grab Steve and get lost in his deep blue eyes, and on the other he wanted to go home grab a bunch of stuff and have him sign it. But he manage to not freak out an go fan girl on him. "Yeah, I admit I didn't get to spend to much time with him. But I owe him everything for what hes given me, a chance to fight the good fight and work toward a better tomorrow." Steve said in a almost reverend tone.  Alex could hear in his voice just how much Steve was thankfull and their was also sorrow in him as well.  "Hum, so your his choice I can see why he was adamant on you." "Wait you know about...." "Project Rebirth, yes I do. Im the one who got him out of Germany  and his family in the first place. Also became the one to place his familly in safety an over time we became friends. And with me being in goverment I also know about what he was working on and you of course." A flash of suprise an gratefulness glaze his face only to go to a more pondering look. Steve turn to Alex with a seriuse look in his eyes. "Since you where closes, then could you tell me if he looked or acted different the last few days?" "You want to know if he knew about the attack, and still went througth with it." Alex said with a small smile across his lips. Steve was silent as few moment. "So he knew, then why did he do it?" A mix of confusion and anger in his voice, as he stared at him. Sigh. "I told him about the attack a few days before, tried to convince him to change location and time. But he refuse, he said that he found the pecfect person for the power he was going to give. You get it now Mr Rogers, he pick you cause your are all the best of what a good man can be and so much more." He looked directly in Steves eyes, trying not to swoon and get lost in his haunting deep blues eyes. Frankly he was starting to question if his power was just being so fricking damn perfect. He was having serious questions about his sexuality. "He said the same thing before he died." Steves said as he went into a deep reflection about what all this really meant, for him and his new place in the world.  "Look if you ever want to talk, heres my card on it is the way to get into contact with me." Alex place the card in Steves hand, patted his shoulder and walk away. As he was walking away he keep staring at his hand, he'd just touch Captain America. I'm never going to wash this hand again!    Time move on by now it was a few weeks after the funeral. He decided to give Friedrich a huge check and told him to use it as he saw fit. At first he refuse, saying stuff like its not money he wanted just being around would be good enought. Then he had to talk him out of burning it, he then explain that the money was for him and his familly. The goverment wouldn't cover them like in the past, and him coming from Germany would make it difficult in finding a job. So to money was for him to start his own farm from the ground up. The rest could be past on to the kids, if they needed it for college or university. Friedrich agreed with the condition that he'd stay in contact, he agreed finally putting it to a closes. Sadly his stay the US wouldn't last for long. Lamberge and his gang of cronies had done their homework this time around. They  gather together a file that stated he'd know about the assassination plot and didn't inform them, of course he'd pretty much figure that Steve had told them. He was sure their was no way for the capt to know their motives, so he didn't blame him no he blame himself, for being so star struck that it completly slip his mind about warning Steve to keep this between them.  "I hate this." Alex said in down cast voice. "Your not the only one, when they ask me if I was ready to serve my country. I didn't think that they meant going around in costume to put on a show for moral. I thought that I would fighting on the front line." Steve said also sounding down. Alex look at Steve, sigh "Yeah we both tend to piste the wrong people off, me with my section chiefs and you with that general. I still find his anger at you weird, I mean it not like you went out of your way to make him looked bad. But he just decided to dump all the fault on you. And in the process benches you." Grining "Really cause the way I heard it you went at them guns blasting first chance you got. As for me I think it has more to do with politics that anything else. Someone doesn't want to risk their one and only superhuman." Steve said as he flex his arms, with a playfull look. Alex snicker "Your probably right, but still they sent me too keep watch on you. The only thing is they never told me what I was looking for, sigh which just show that im here just to be out of site out of mind." The two keep on talking, they ended up telling each other their life story. Steve recounted his childhood, schools he when to and also how proud he was about his best friend Bucky. Alex told stories about how he was gifted in school, jumping grades and his difficulties with being the youngest student in all his classes. He also talk about some of the lease sensitive mission he went on. Also he wasn't shy about disclosing some of the more embarrassing moment in his life. Steve replied with his stories of getting into fights and having Bucky jump in to save him. Mostly the two found a friendship in their lest that stellar situation. "Mr Roger we've arrive time to get ready." The show manager shouted. "Go get them big guy. Guest this is one thing that you've got worst then me." Alex said as pat Steve in a mixt of piety an humor. "You know every time I do this its gets harder an harder, to convince myself that this is where I'm s'oppose to be. And then I remember that sometime, to get where you need to be, you got to go where you don't want to be, to get where you need to be. So I hope that all this will be wort it." Steve said in one of his many self motivation speech. Alex looked at him and smiled. " Trust me Steve, your on the right path we just got to go with the wave first but we'll get there." They both laught but for different reason. For Steve it was knowing that he wasn't the only philosopher around and thing would get better. Alex was thinking of the moment in a couple of months when they where schedule to rally the troops in Europe.
{ "title": "GENE Project: Path to Perfection", "id": 19161, "author": "YesorNo", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 25: Dreamland", "id": 301198, "next": 301421, "prev": 301172, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM2MDMxNzQ4NDNjMTQwM2JhYjkzMTU4NTYwN2RjYzMw">Aman frowned. “You mean the Virtual reality where you are surgically hooked up to a pod so that it can regulate your body functions and jack into your nerves?”</p> <p class="cnM0YjAyNGJhMTg5MzQ4NmJhMTMwNmMxZDIyMmE0ODZj">He shook his head. “I’m not ready for that sort of commitment for a game.”</p> <p class="cnNlMDdhMmI2YTk0NDRjNGViN2Y5OTc1ZjI1ZmZhNTI4">“No. Not that sort of VR. What I am talking about is a lot more advanced than that. Instead of the nerves, it connects with the soul itself so there are zero invasive surgeries involved.” Ananya reassured him.</p> <p class="cnNiNTk0ZGZjYTI3ZjRiNjhiYzZkMzdmMWE5MjYxMGVm">She continued. “What exactly do you think the purpose of the Indian Institute of Eugenics is? Like… why cultivate the soul at all. In today’s technological society, isn’t going beyond the human limit rather redundant? It’s not like guns will suddenly become ineffective. Then why spend so much resources to create these elite warriors?”</p> <p class="cnNkNTA2YjZiNTljMzRhYTFiMjYwMzBkOWYzYWVjOWU5">Aman thought about it. Actually, if the answer was that the government wanted to train up agents and anti-espionage personnel, then he would have to say that the plan was pretty stupid.</p> <p class="cnNkODk1NDY0MTNkMjQyYTNiYWYyZWJkOTBhZDI3YTU2">After all, the covertness of the agent was their best weapon. When you could just look into a roll list of the Indian Institute of Eugenics and say who was an agent, it made little sense.</p> <p class="cnMxOTNmY2UyNmU4MDQ1OTZhN2QyNTdmZjk2M2UwZTJk">Actually, the only reason he had wanted to join the Indian Institute of Eugenics was that they would help him reach a perfect ten in all fields at least before he passed out, thereby greatly shortening his recovery. He hadn’t gone to think about the government purpose in any sort of detail.</p> <p class="cnNmNTg1M2MzNTExODRmMDBiY2E2ZTg3MjU0NzhjM2Vh">Finally, he had to ask. “Why?”</p> <p class="cnM2MzY0NTBjODMxYjQwNmFiNmQ2NjJkMTkzOTNiY2M3">She replied, “Have you ever had an out of body experience? Like you feel that you are looking at your body from the outside. Even if you haven’t, you must have had an absurd dream where you saw things impossible in reality, or went to some place which you had never seen before.</p> <p class="cnM4MDZkZDc2YjJiYjQzNmM4M2MzODQyMjNhNmM4MzZl">“Well, these things are the result of your soul touching the spirit world, also known as the dreamland. I don’t know much about it but basically, the dreamland is the result of the nano-photon that have dissipated out of the dead bodies and accumulated in the atmosphere.</p> <p class="cnM0OWMwNjEwNzA0OTQ2YzNhNmU1ZWFhMjhhZjRmY2E0">“It is a layer of nano-photon that have formed from the accumulation of the departed souls of all lives on earth since the first bacteria.</p> <p class="cnM3Y2MyNzRkODIwOTQxOTJhMmVmYTkxODY0ZDg4MjM1">“It is full of all sorts of fantastic sceneries and even mythical creatures. Basically, the imagination and thoughts of all sentient lives on earth have shaped the dreamland into a magical alternate reality.”</p> <p class="cnM1NmYzYWQzMjUyMTRiOTI4MGI0ZGZkNmU0NTI1NWRl">Aman’s eyes widened. “So, you mean that the purpose of the Indian Institute of Eugenics is to explore this dreamland. Then what is this Spirit Dimension you speak of?”</p> <p class="cnNiZGQyNWE5N2Y5NjQ0NzM5NWNmYmFlOGQ4NDg0Nzli">“Yes. The dreamland is full of untapped resources. You can only enter there as a soul body while your body is placed in the deepest of sleeps. The resources there are extremely helpful for soul cultivation and what is more, any technique you learn there can be used in the real world as well. Several cultivation techniques have already been brought back from the dreamland.</p> <p class="cnM0ODNjNjRiNDI0MzQwMDliZmRkN2NlM2QwMzEyZDJj">“Since you go as only a soul, you can’t take any tech with you… so you can only depend on your cultivation. The Spirit Dimension is a VR that has been created with the dreamland as the model. It is very rudimentary and currently, all that is there is a network of arenas where one to one duels can be held using soul techniques.</p> <p class="cnMwNGFjNGFjYzg0NzQxNzViYjg4MDMyMGJkNTVmNTQy">“It is actually training for entering the dreamland. The arenas will match opponents internationally and the leader boards will be created. It is actually another way to find people with talent to join the exploration of the dreamland. Right now, it is a race between countries to explore more and gain more benefits.</p> <p class="cnNlMGI3Yjc0NGFjOTQ3ZWQ5YzU4ODgxNzAwZTkyOTlj">“This is because not all those who are selected for Indian Institute of Eugenics are combat talents however talented in soul cultivation they might be. You can go to the gaming arcade in the city mall and show your card. They will let you use the pod. There are very lucrative rewards involved and the higher your rankings, the more you earn.</p> <p class="cnMwMTM5ZDNhZWZlNzQxYjBhYjFmMzVlNmU4NjcyZDEx">“Right now, the Spirit Dimension is still in the beta phase but soon, it will be made open to the public. Then the competition will be intense. I think you should try to capitalize on this head start. Although your soul is damaged, your control is very good according to your selector. So, I think you might be able to do really well and improve yourself.”</p> <p class="cnMzZDdlMzYxNDYxMzQ5MGRhN2U2YzVmNjA5ZWRkMDYy">Aman took the card from the table and put it in his pocket. “Thank you. I will try hard.”</p> <p class="cnNkOGEwOTExODVlMzQ0OGZhZDFiOWY1YmQxN2YwOGZk">Then he took his leave.</p> <p class="cnNjYTI4ZDEwNjEyNDQ4ZWI5N2JkODllYmJkODViM2Ey">Watching his receding back, she frowned, then shook her head and sighed. That feeling must have been a misconception. Taking out her phone, she checked an app.</p> <p class="cnMyMDA4ODgwY2ZiMzQyMjQ5ZjliYTZmZTFmMzcyODI4">SD Rank checker:</p> <p class="cnMxMDMyM2FjNjY3MTRiOWNiYzIyY2I2NmM2N2Q4NWYx">User ID: 875t167465</p> <p class="cnMxMTA3MDlkMmM4YTQ5MTA5ODg0ZjFiNjg4YTlmZWEz">Rank: N.A.</p> <p class="cnNmMjIyMjVjMmZjNDRiNjBiMGI5NDVkYTU0N2RiNjMy">She would just keep an eye on him… maybe she would be pleasantly surprised.</p> </div>
Aman frowned. “You mean the Virtual reality where you are surgically hooked up to a pod so that it can regulate your body functions and jack into your nerves?” He shook his head. “I’m not ready for that sort of commitment for a game.” “No. Not that sort of VR. What I am talking about is a lot more advanced than that. Instead of the nerves, it connects with the soul itself so there are zero invasive surgeries involved.” Ananya reassured him. She continued. “What exactly do you think the purpose of the Indian Institute of Eugenics is? Like… why cultivate the soul at all. In today’s technological society, isn’t going beyond the human limit rather redundant? It’s not like guns will suddenly become ineffective. Then why spend so much resources to create these elite warriors?” Aman thought about it. Actually, if the answer was that the government wanted to train up agents and anti-espionage personnel, then he would have to say that the plan was pretty stupid. After all, the covertness of the agent was their best weapon. When you could just look into a roll list of the Indian Institute of Eugenics and say who was an agent, it made little sense. Actually, the only reason he had wanted to join the Indian Institute of Eugenics was that they would help him reach a perfect ten in all fields at least before he passed out, thereby greatly shortening his recovery. He hadn’t gone to think about the government purpose in any sort of detail. Finally, he had to ask. “Why?” She replied, “Have you ever had an out of body experience? Like you feel that you are looking at your body from the outside. Even if you haven’t, you must have had an absurd dream where you saw things impossible in reality, or went to some place which you had never seen before. “Well, these things are the result of your soul touching the spirit world, also known as the dreamland. I don’t know much about it but basically, the dreamland is the result of the nano-photon that have dissipated out of the dead bodies and accumulated in the atmosphere. “It is a layer of nano-photon that have formed from the accumulation of the departed souls of all lives on earth since the first bacteria. “It is full of all sorts of fantastic sceneries and even mythical creatures. Basically, the imagination and thoughts of all sentient lives on earth have shaped the dreamland into a magical alternate reality.” Aman’s eyes widened. “So, you mean that the purpose of the Indian Institute of Eugenics is to explore this dreamland. Then what is this Spirit Dimension you speak of?” “Yes. The dreamland is full of untapped resources. You can only enter there as a soul body while your body is placed in the deepest of sleeps. The resources there are extremely helpful for soul cultivation and what is more, any technique you learn there can be used in the real world as well. Several cultivation techniques have already been brought back from the dreamland. “Since you go as only a soul, you can’t take any tech with you… so you can only depend on your cultivation. The Spirit Dimension is a VR that has been created with the dreamland as the model. It is very rudimentary and currently, all that is there is a network of arenas where one to one duels can be held using soul techniques. “It is actually training for entering the dreamland. The arenas will match opponents internationally and the leader boards will be created. It is actually another way to find people with talent to join the exploration of the dreamland. Right now, it is a race between countries to explore more and gain more benefits. “This is because not all those who are selected for Indian Institute of Eugenics are combat talents however talented in soul cultivation they might be. You can go to the gaming arcade in the city mall and show your card. They will let you use the pod. There are very lucrative rewards involved and the higher your rankings, the more you earn. “Right now, the Spirit Dimension is still in the beta phase but soon, it will be made open to the public. Then the competition will be intense. I think you should try to capitalize on this head start. Although your soul is damaged, your control is very good according to your selector. So, I think you might be able to do really well and improve yourself.” Aman took the card from the table and put it in his pocket. “Thank you. I will try hard.” Then he took his leave. Watching his receding back, she frowned, then shook her head and sighed. That feeling must have been a misconception. Taking out her phone, she checked an app. SD Rank checker: User ID: 875t167465 Rank: N.A. She would just keep an eye on him… maybe she would be pleasantly surprised.
{ "title": "The Voyager: Remastered", "id": 20056, "author": "KR043", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 51: From friends to enemies", "id": 305409, "next": 306319, "prev": 305100, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1NzUzMDY3ZjRhMzRjZGQ5MDMwZWM2ZDA2NWZhYjBh"><span style="font-weight: 400">As Nyon was chipping down Nuroka’s forces to strengthen that of his own, Jean was facing a completely different problem. </span></p> <p class="cnNjY2Y0N2UzODU0NTQzODBhN2NiZmU1ODU2ZmUzMzZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">It has been over a day since the Tal’darim were defeated. The SCVs have returned to their ships with patches after patches of minerals. Tosh’s SCVs have brought back all the terrazine the man needed. </span></p> <p class="cnNiZGI3NTE1YjBjZjRjNTI4ZGNlN2FhYmZkNmUxMDYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The Death Fleet the terran commanders were so afraid of didn’t show up. Instead, they encountered something they didn’t expect to see. </span></p> <p class="cnM2YmJkNjkyZWE3YzRhZWViMzBkY2E3N2Q3YWFiODg4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Tosh, we need to talk.” </span></p> <p class="cnM2MjQ1OWEwOGJjNzQ2ZDg4YjdkNWRiY2NiNjI4MzIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Raynor was not as satisfied as someone who has just completed a mission and has just earned thousands of units of minerals should be. Jean noticed that she, Raynor, and Tosh were in a three way communication channel. </span></p> <p class="cnNkMTBhNTI0NjE4ODQ5NWY5ZTNhYzdjYmE1MTAxZDUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What do you mean, Mr. Raynor?” Tosh was obviously taken by surprise as well. After two successful missions working together, he did not expect Raynor to talk to him like he was some sort of criminal or enemy. </span></p> <p class="cnM5YTlhMDYyNjVhMjRjZTFhZGRmODQxNWQwMDkyNzhh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We have received information about your plan.” Horner backed Raynor up. “New Folsom. You are planning on assaulting New Folsom Prison and rescue the spectres held there by the Dominion as prisoners.” </span></p> <p class="cnM0ZGFkYjRkYTcyMjRiMDE5NWJhNTcyZGRmYWE5YTdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Tosh frowned. How did they know that. “That is true. I didn’t tell you because I felt like the time wasn’t right. I apologize if you feel offended...but where did you get this information.” </span></p> <p class="cnNkZWU0NDQ2ODE3MDQ3YWU5YWI3YmMwN2FlN2NkMTA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That doesn’t matter.” Raynor changed the topic. “Listen to me, Tosh. Your spectres are brilliant soldiers, but they are dangerous. This terrazine they are taking is turning them into murderers. If they are set free, there’s no telling what they will do.” </span></p> <p class="cnM2MjhhMjQ5ZmFlZjQyMWY5MjA5NzBjZjlhOGQ5ZTZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Murderers? We are all murderers. I have killed. You have killed. I bet even she has killed.” Tosh pointed at Jean, who was being a quiet audience. The girl shrugged. “Don’t tell me you don’t have blood on your hand, Raynor.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyZWU3ZDQyNDliMTQ4YWZiNzIyMTRmZTNhY2VjYzk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I have taken lives. I don’t deny it, but these spectres are different. They are psychopaths. Not only so, they are psychopaths with great power. If you free them, there will be no limits on what they can do. You will be unleashing monsters on the innocent people of this sector.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjMTI0MzM1MTI3OTRjNDFiYzhlMGQyODQ5OTI2NDdm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Perhaps, but that is a worthy price to pay. These spectres can easily overpower Dominion ghosts. With them on our side, we will be unstoppable. Mengsk will fall at our feet.” Tosh realized where this was going, and he didn’t like it. “Don’t let your sympathy destroy our best hope against the Dominion. Mengsk locked up the spectres because he was afraid of their power, and today we are going to use this power against him.” </span></p> <p class="cnMyNzEwZWFjNzIzZjRlZmI4N2VhOGY4MzRlZTI0NjUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hope or not, I will not allow the innocent to suffer for my own gain. If we do that, we will be no different from Mengsk.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjOTcwZWJkZGMwOTRjNDA4YTNmYmNiYWExMjA5MzU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Tosh went silent for a second before finally speaking. </span></p> <p class="cnNiNzEyYWFlZmZmODQ2ZWJiMjQxMzdkMzZiODQxOTA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It takes a monster to defeat a monster.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZjNmODFhZjAzOTQ4OWY4MDMzOTVlMjNmZTg4Mzhl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Suddenly, Jean, who has been quiet the entire time, spoke up. </span></p> <p class="cnMxZjZkYmQzZTYzODQ4ZjQ4YWExM2YzNWRhZGY3MmEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sir, who gave you the information on the spectres?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkMGU1NzNmMGZjZjQzNDdiYjU2OTlhMjI1OTA4Zjk1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Raynor bit his lips. </span></p> <p class="cnMxNmMzMDUwZGM1MjQ2ZjJiYjFjYTdiMjY4YTk4ZTIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">All of a sudden, a third screen appeared on the computer screens, and the woman on it certainly wasn’t invited. </span></p> <p class="cnM5ZTNiZjVhOWNjYjQ3MWVhNDJjMWE0ZDZhMmIxMzgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nova Terra. </span></p> <p class="cnMzNjE5OWE1ZTQwZjQxZmI5NzBjYjQxYjU0MDlmYTU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Wow, your security network is stronger than I anticipated.” The ghost smiled and glanced at another screen. “Even I can barely hack the communication channel.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4NjI1Y2I1NzBhZjQxOWE5MGY2YWI3ZTYzNjBkZWQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">When Jean was with the Raiders she reinforced the Raider security network. As someone who was used to infiltrating and hacking, she knew how dangerous a crack in the armor could be, and she tried her best to fix it. Nonetheless, Nova had the best of the Dominion behind her back. If it was fighting Jean head on it might be stopped, but a system the girl encrypted was slightly more vulnerable.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZTU4NjkyOWQ0YjQyMmI5NWZjNjBhZDcxY2JhOTY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Nova.” Tosh hissed. He knew this woman all too well. After all, they have worked together for years. </span></p> <p class="cnNmNjNhYTA0MTAwNzQ1NjdiNTVlNDRiYzFjYmFhMTM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Jean sat back. She was on team Tosh. Helping Nova couldn’t get her anything. There was no way the ghost would join her, and the wellbeing of the innocent wasn’t part of her calculations. Even if Nova gave her tips on training ghosts, she wouldn’t have the psionically gifted individuals. If she help Tosh, on the other hand, she could get the support of his spectres as well as his fleet. It was an easy choice. </span></p> <p class="cnNjYTVjMDEzODIwZjQ2ZTJhYTU0NTVkNGIxM2ZhMjFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">There was no doubt Raynor was on Nova’s side. The man was as sentiment as always, and Tosh’s brutal yet efficient way of doing things just wasn’t fit for him. Jean, however, appreciated that characteristic. </span></p> <p class="cnM4YmExYzAyN2ViYjRiNDJhM2RjMWQxYTZiODg4ZWE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">She decided to help Tosh. That was why she exposed Nova’s presence. </span></p> <p class="cnMzMjJmZWIxNGU3ZDQ2ODVhMGJhN2IzNTViNTBhNGRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I will not let you take down New Folsom, Tosh, whatever it takes. The Dominion doesn’t care about the innocent. If we do the same thing, then what is the point of this revolution?” Raynor gave down a last warning. “Back off now, or I will stop you.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwMjJjMTMwOGU3ODQ1NzFiZWY5YzRiYWQwMmI4Njk5"><span style="font-weight: 400">No one considered the idea Tosh would give up his mission just because Raynor said so.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MGNjMjlhYTFjMzRkMTM5NzQzNTgxYzVjYzA1Mzc2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Just like everyone expected, Tosh smirked. “Big mistake, brother.” He snapped his finger, and the next second the four mercenary battlecruisers that survived started charging up its batteries.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNWI0MWI4ZTg1MzRkOGM4Y2ZkZDU4MTJjM2JjMTk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">If Raynor insisted on going against him, then he was no longer an asset. He was an obstacle, and obstacles must be removed. Tosh entered this conversation prepared. He told his crew members to be aware of any signals he make. As soon as they see his signal, they were to make a move on the Raiders. </span></p> <p class="cnNjYjQ1MTI2NTQ1MTQ5ZjM5MjNmNmQ2YmRjMjc5ZDgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Matt, get us out of here!” </span></p> <p class="cnM4YTBkMDFhY2ZjNTRlNTY5ZGU3YWFmODg2YmRiZjEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Just like Tosh sensed something might go wrong, Raynor and Horner made some precautions as well. Before the laser batteries could reach the ship, the vessel was already gone.</span></p> <p class="cnMxOTZiN2NkNDAwNDQxYmFiNTg4MTNjMjJiOGNkMzc4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Jean tapped a few keys and shut Nova out of the comms. When that was done, she turned to the only one left. </span></p> <p class="cnMxYjQ4MjExNDExODRkODhiMmVmMjBlMzllMDdkZTAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Tosh.” Jean said calmly.</span></p> <p class="cnMyOThjOGI3Mzc0MjRiZWE5NTk1YjFiYzVjZWE4ZWI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Jean Turner. I have heard a lot about you. What you did to Colonel Orlan is...efficient, for lack of a better term. That is why I want to make you the same deal your friend refused.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1MzVmNDhiY2EyYjQ4YjNiMTkyMzdiMjBiNDQ2ZmQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Why did everyone she met know what she did in Deadman’s Port?</span></p> <p class="cnM0MTFiYTY2MzhmMDRiOGU5ZDE0NGFkN2E3MTA1YmU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’m listening.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlN2JkNjgwYzYzODQ0MThhMWQ0YmE2YzdmNTRiNjIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“If you help me seize New Folsom, my spectres and mercenaries will become your allies. You do me a favor, and I will not hesitate to return it. You have seen how good my spectres are.” In the battle between the combined terran forces and the Tal’darim, the strength of the spectres was fully demonstrated, whether as scouts, fire support, or assassins.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYmE0Y2I4MDE1NTRiYmM5ZTUxZTQ0MDFiZjdhZGQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I am intrigued.” Jean leaned forward. “But I don’t believe we have the ships. Somewhere as important as New Folsom must be heavily guarded.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1YzJjNzIxOGVjODQxOTliNjQ2YTg5ODA2NWEwNmRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“1 Gorgon and 14 Minotaur in the air. An army with siege tanks, goliaths, and ghosts support on the ground. Missile turrets and orbital cannons all around the place. Reinforcements from the Dominion Fleet will arrive on a very short notice. I have been preparing for this for a long time.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NTU1NTExYzlmZTQ0N2Y5N2VlN2M0YzFjNDk0N2U5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We can’t take down 15 battlecruisers with 5, especially not 15 Dominion battlecruisers.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4MjJlMjlkMDA3YTQ0MGE5NzE5NGI1MDZhY2Q0ZjBm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I assure you we have much more than 5 battlecruisers. We both know you remotely control, what is it, Isaac’s mercenaries? How many battlecruisers is in that?”</span></p> <p class="cnM4NzkxMzY0ZWZiYjQ0MzliMTU3NDg5MzA3OGVmZDc2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“30, but they are mainly Behemoth battlecruisers from the Confederacy days. Minotaurs are the best ships present, and even they will be slaughtered by the Dominion Gorgon.” </span></p> <p class="cnM5ODlkY2FjYTBjOTQzYzZiM2I4ODAwYjYyN2IzZDJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I can persuade a few more mercenary leaders to join me.” Tosh said slowly as if it was nothing worth noting. </span></p> <p class="cnM2MDBlMDgzMjE3ZDQ4NzdiZGEzODVmZTk1MzQ0YWI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Mercenaries wouldn’t join him for no reason. The only way they would help him would be if they were paid or if they had no other choice. Jean felt like it was the latter. Tosh didn’t seem like the type of guy that would play by the rules.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NjAwNzRlZmZkNTQ5ZjJiNDE5MDM2ZDRhMTliNDA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Even so, this will still be a difficult fight. Dominion Gorgons will be impregnable.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1MDgxYTNiMDFjOTQwYTc5N2EyNWZjNmEwZmYzYzAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Then we take them out of the equation. Remind me, how did you take down Orlan with just a couple man?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNjU4Y2NhMDhmZTQ2NTM5Zjg4YjM0NDkzM2FmMjQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">The man really knows a lot about her. “Covert ops. I went above the enemy platform posing as one of them. When I went inside, I hacked into their security network and gave down false orders to their fleets and security forces. After I cleared out most of the guards, I made a move for the throne. But this can hardly work against the Dominion.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzYjhmZjQxNTM5ZDRkMTg5Mzk0N2RhNWVlMGQ5M2Rk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Why not?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwOTlmOTI5ZjkzODQ1YWZhMTBmYzI0ZTdlNDc0M2Jl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“For one thing, the Dominion security network is much more secure than the mercenary ones. Their human elements are also more secure. If I go down there with a made up order, the officers might just check in with their commanding officers and know I am lying.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0YmZlZTE5ZmZlNTQ1YTNhMmZkNWZmMGE5NDc5NjAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Even that is not the biggest problem. If I want to disable the Gorgons, I will need to get inside them first. If possible, I even need to take down the bridge. Otherwise the crew members can simply override the control. We both know that is almost impossible. A single Gorgon battlecruiser holds around three thousand Dominion personnel aboard. Even if only a portion of them are security forces, it is an army.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNGQwMmM4ZGUxNDRiMjdiY2I2N2ZiYjUyYWRmMDUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“However, if I can forge an order directly from Mengsk, likely the Dominion forces will not only question it but welcome me into the bridge…this might work.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1MGE3ZjIwZmZhNDQzNzk4NTU0NjVjZTYyMjk1Mzk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I can see the clocks ticking, sister. Do what you must. Notify me when you are ready.”</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnM1YjdlZWZkMGU2ZjRmYjg5YjcwOTJiNTIzN2I0ZDA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sir, Jean’s ship did not come with us. She is back there with Tosh. I’m afraid she has left us.” </span></p> <p class="cnM5YjIzMjkyM2Y1ZjQzMTQ4ZWZkNDllMmFiNmE1M2M2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Raynor looked down on the ground. “Anything else?” </span></p> <p class="cnNhZGEyZDAzZWNiMjQ5MTU5ZmFiMjkyMTFlZWMwODhm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes sir, Nova is on the comm. She is waiting for you.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlY2QwZGEwY2U2NTQ1ZjNiMzM3MDcxMzBkNDFiOGNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">The rebel commander turned around and faced the Dominion agent.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNWY0MTgyNzJmMTRkMTk4NGUwMjBjNDFhOTY0ZjA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What do you want us to do?” While they have established a similar understanding that Tosh must be stopped, they were still enemies. Raynor failed to see how them working together could be good for any of them. </span></p> <p class="cnMyZDQ2MjU5YmU5ZDQxYmRiNTg2MTBjNmE2ZTI1ZmU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I will lead my forces to reinforce New Folsom. Tosh will undoubtedly make a move with or without your help. He can’t afford to wait. As soon as the attack begins and the Dominion Fleet is in contact with Tosh’s ships, I want you to attack his base of operation on Avernus Station. It will be defenseless, and I want you to burn it to the ground.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxYmJmMDk1YzI3YzQxNTRiN2Q1ZGZiMjRmNmQ5YzVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I don’t take orders from you.” Raynor frowned at the orders Nova was giving him. It made him feel like a pawn. </span></p> <p class="cnMxZmM2MWJhYTFjNjQ1ODRhMDk5ZDI3ZTJkOGExYmEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Need I remind you Tosh’s downfall is what we both want? We must work together.” Nova replied quietly. </span></p> <p class="cnMxZDlhYTc4Y2RjNzQ2ZmQ4ZTgwYTg1MWNhMWU2M2Jm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’m curious, what will Mengsk think if he finds out you are working with his greatest enemy?”</span></p> <p class="cnM2MTQyNjMwMmRlNjQ5YmQ4ZGJjZWViYTE1OTk2ZWRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That is none of your concern.” Nova remembered something. “By the way, I noticed your other ship didn’t come with you. Care to explain?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTFkZmUwYzEzODQ4YzJiODY4NmU3YmJkMjk3ZDgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It will not be a problem.” Raynor denied. “I will take care of Avernus, but keep in mind, I am not your pet. Just because I am taking down Tosh doesn’t mean I am working for the Dominion.” He shut off the comm and turned to Horner. “We really need to enforce our security network.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkOGJmNDdkZDIyOTQwMjA4N2ZmOWU5NjM3NDA1ZTM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That will have to wait, especially since...” Horner trailed off, but both men understood what he was saying..”…are we really taking down Tosh?”</span></p> <p class="cnM3N2FlZmFmNDJjMDQyYzZhODk5NDc2MjY2NDM0NWM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ranor frowned at the question. “Is there a problem, Matt?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmMWMwYTY3YWE3MjQ1ZjRiMzg3ZGRmZDNhMTAzMTBk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I understand your decision, sir, but keep in mind Tosh, just like us, is a rebel against the Dominion. If we not only refuse to help him but even go as far as practically siding with the Dominion to bring him down, there will be doubts spoken to our intention.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwZTNkYzUzYTk0YTQzMTNhMjM4ZTA0YTIzYzFiMDc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Doubts? What kind of doubts?” Raynor pushed on. “Do you think someone will suspect I am actually a Dominion agent?”</span></p> <p class="cnM4NTYxMmY4YTE1OTQ2NGNiYjdhODNiYjU5ZjBkNjM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“All I am saying is it is unwise, sir.” </span></p> <p class="cnM1NDI2MjQ5NzllZDQ0MGI4ZDRhNmM4YzM5ZTlmM2Yw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Unwise?” Raynor sighed. “If I want to be wise, I would have never parted with Jean. I would have never became a rebel. Hell I would have never went against Mengsk. I would probably be a Dominion general already.” </span></p> <p class="cnM5Mjg2YTE3YWFmZDQzMzZiZWU2MmVjNmVjNmMxZTU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Horner finally nodded. He really shouldn’t be saying this. After all, Raynor’s relentless pursuit for freedom and justice was exactly why Horner himself joined Raynor’s Raiders. </span></p> <p class="cnM4YjkyNzIxNDYwYjRhMjM4NjJkNTYwZWY1MzllOTI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes sir.”</span></p> </div>
As Nyon was chipping down Nuroka’s forces to strengthen that of his own, Jean was facing a completely different problem. It has been over a day since the Tal’darim were defeated. The SCVs have returned to their ships with patches after patches of minerals. Tosh’s SCVs have brought back all the terrazine the man needed. The Death Fleet the terran commanders were so afraid of didn’t show up. Instead, they encountered something they didn’t expect to see. “Tosh, we need to talk.” Raynor was not as satisfied as someone who has just completed a mission and has just earned thousands of units of minerals should be. Jean noticed that she, Raynor, and Tosh were in a three way communication channel. “What do you mean, Mr. Raynor?” Tosh was obviously taken by surprise as well. After two successful missions working together, he did not expect Raynor to talk to him like he was some sort of criminal or enemy. “We have received information about your plan.” Horner backed Raynor up. “New Folsom. You are planning on assaulting New Folsom Prison and rescue the spectres held there by the Dominion as prisoners.” Tosh frowned. How did they know that. “That is true. I didn’t tell you because I felt like the time wasn’t right. I apologize if you feel offended...but where did you get this information.” “That doesn’t matter.” Raynor changed the topic. “Listen to me, Tosh. Your spectres are brilliant soldiers, but they are dangerous. This terrazine they are taking is turning them into murderers. If they are set free, there’s no telling what they will do.” “Murderers? We are all murderers. I have killed. You have killed. I bet even she has killed.” Tosh pointed at Jean, who was being a quiet audience. The girl shrugged. “Don’t tell me you don’t have blood on your hand, Raynor.” “I have taken lives. I don’t deny it, but these spectres are different. They are psychopaths. Not only so, they are psychopaths with great power. If you free them, there will be no limits on what they can do. You will be unleashing monsters on the innocent people of this sector.” “Perhaps, but that is a worthy price to pay. These spectres can easily overpower Dominion ghosts. With them on our side, we will be unstoppable. Mengsk will fall at our feet.” Tosh realized where this was going, and he didn’t like it. “Don’t let your sympathy destroy our best hope against the Dominion. Mengsk locked up the spectres because he was afraid of their power, and today we are going to use this power against him.” “Hope or not, I will not allow the innocent to suffer for my own gain. If we do that, we will be no different from Mengsk.” Tosh went silent for a second before finally speaking. “It takes a monster to defeat a monster.” Suddenly, Jean, who has been quiet the entire time, spoke up. “Sir, who gave you the information on the spectres?” Raynor bit his lips. All of a sudden, a third screen appeared on the computer screens, and the woman on it certainly wasn’t invited. Nova Terra. “Wow, your security network is stronger than I anticipated.” The ghost smiled and glanced at another screen. “Even I can barely hack the communication channel.” When Jean was with the Raiders she reinforced the Raider security network. As someone who was used to infiltrating and hacking, she knew how dangerous a crack in the armor could be, and she tried her best to fix it. Nonetheless, Nova had the best of the Dominion behind her back. If it was fighting Jean head on it might be stopped, but a system the girl encrypted was slightly more vulnerable. “Nova.” Tosh hissed. He knew this woman all too well. After all, they have worked together for years. Jean sat back. She was on team Tosh. Helping Nova couldn’t get her anything. There was no way the ghost would join her, and the wellbeing of the innocent wasn’t part of her calculations. Even if Nova gave her tips on training ghosts, she wouldn’t have the psionically gifted individuals. If she help Tosh, on the other hand, she could get the support of his spectres as well as his fleet. It was an easy choice. There was no doubt Raynor was on Nova’s side. The man was as sentiment as always, and Tosh’s brutal yet efficient way of doing things just wasn’t fit for him. Jean, however, appreciated that characteristic. She decided to help Tosh. That was why she exposed Nova’s presence. “I will not let you take down New Folsom, Tosh, whatever it takes. The Dominion doesn’t care about the innocent. If we do the same thing, then what is the point of this revolution?” Raynor gave down a last warning. “Back off now, or I will stop you.” No one considered the idea Tosh would give up his mission just because Raynor said so. Just like everyone expected, Tosh smirked. “Big mistake, brother.” He snapped his finger, and the next second the four mercenary battlecruisers that survived started charging up its batteries. If Raynor insisted on going against him, then he was no longer an asset. He was an obstacle, and obstacles must be removed. Tosh entered this conversation prepared. He told his crew members to be aware of any signals he make. As soon as they see his signal, they were to make a move on the Raiders. “Matt, get us out of here!” Just like Tosh sensed something might go wrong, Raynor and Horner made some precautions as well. Before the laser batteries could reach the ship, the vessel was already gone. Jean tapped a few keys and shut Nova out of the comms. When that was done, she turned to the only one left. “Tosh.” Jean said calmly. “Jean Turner. I have heard a lot about you. What you did to Colonel Orlan is...efficient, for lack of a better term. That is why I want to make you the same deal your friend refused.” Why did everyone she met know what she did in Deadman’s Port? “I’m listening.” “If you help me seize New Folsom, my spectres and mercenaries will become your allies. You do me a favor, and I will not hesitate to return it. You have seen how good my spectres are.” In the battle between the combined terran forces and the Tal’darim, the strength of the spectres was fully demonstrated, whether as scouts, fire support, or assassins. “I am intrigued.” Jean leaned forward. “But I don’t believe we have the ships. Somewhere as important as New Folsom must be heavily guarded.” “1 Gorgon and 14 Minotaur in the air. An army with siege tanks, goliaths, and ghosts support on the ground. Missile turrets and orbital cannons all around the place. Reinforcements from the Dominion Fleet will arrive on a very short notice. I have been preparing for this for a long time.” “We can’t take down 15 battlecruisers with 5, especially not 15 Dominion battlecruisers.” “I assure you we have much more than 5 battlecruisers. We both know you remotely control, what is it, Isaac’s mercenaries? How many battlecruisers is in that?” “30, but they are mainly Behemoth battlecruisers from the Confederacy days. Minotaurs are the best ships present, and even they will be slaughtered by the Dominion Gorgon.” “I can persuade a few more mercenary leaders to join me.” Tosh said slowly as if it was nothing worth noting. Mercenaries wouldn’t join him for no reason. The only way they would help him would be if they were paid or if they had no other choice. Jean felt like it was the latter. Tosh didn’t seem like the type of guy that would play by the rules. “Even so, this will still be a difficult fight. Dominion Gorgons will be impregnable.” “Then we take them out of the equation. Remind me, how did you take down Orlan with just a couple man?” The man really knows a lot about her. “Covert ops. I went above the enemy platform posing as one of them. When I went inside, I hacked into their security network and gave down false orders to their fleets and security forces. After I cleared out most of the guards, I made a move for the throne. But this can hardly work against the Dominion.” “Why not?” “For one thing, the Dominion security network is much more secure than the mercenary ones. Their human elements are also more secure. If I go down there with a made up order, the officers might just check in with their commanding officers and know I am lying.” “Even that is not the biggest problem. If I want to disable the Gorgons, I will need to get inside them first. If possible, I even need to take down the bridge. Otherwise the crew members can simply override the control. We both know that is almost impossible. A single Gorgon battlecruiser holds around three thousand Dominion personnel aboard. Even if only a portion of them are security forces, it is an army.” “However, if I can forge an order directly from Mengsk, likely the Dominion forces will not only question it but welcome me into the bridge…this might work.” “I can see the clocks ticking, sister. Do what you must. Notify me when you are ready.” --- “Sir, Jean’s ship did not come with us. She is back there with Tosh. I’m afraid she has left us.” Raynor looked down on the ground. “Anything else?” “Yes sir, Nova is on the comm. She is waiting for you.” The rebel commander turned around and faced the Dominion agent. “What do you want us to do?” While they have established a similar understanding that Tosh must be stopped, they were still enemies. Raynor failed to see how them working together could be good for any of them. “I will lead my forces to reinforce New Folsom. Tosh will undoubtedly make a move with or without your help. He can’t afford to wait. As soon as the attack begins and the Dominion Fleet is in contact with Tosh’s ships, I want you to attack his base of operation on Avernus Station. It will be defenseless, and I want you to burn it to the ground.” “I don’t take orders from you.” Raynor frowned at the orders Nova was giving him. It made him feel like a pawn. “Need I remind you Tosh’s downfall is what we both want? We must work together.” Nova replied quietly. “I’m curious, what will Mengsk think if he finds out you are working with his greatest enemy?” “That is none of your concern.” Nova remembered something. “By the way, I noticed your other ship didn’t come with you. Care to explain?” “It will not be a problem.” Raynor denied. “I will take care of Avernus, but keep in mind, I am not your pet. Just because I am taking down Tosh doesn’t mean I am working for the Dominion.” He shut off the comm and turned to Horner. “We really need to enforce our security network.” “That will have to wait, especially since...” Horner trailed off, but both men understood what he was saying..”…are we really taking down Tosh?” Ranor frowned at the question. “Is there a problem, Matt?” “I understand your decision, sir, but keep in mind Tosh, just like us, is a rebel against the Dominion. If we not only refuse to help him but even go as far as practically siding with the Dominion to bring him down, there will be doubts spoken to our intention.” “Doubts? What kind of doubts?” Raynor pushed on. “Do you think someone will suspect I am actually a Dominion agent?” “All I am saying is it is unwise, sir.” “Unwise?” Raynor sighed. “If I want to be wise, I would have never parted with Jean. I would have never became a rebel. Hell I would have never went against Mengsk. I would probably be a Dominion general already.” Horner finally nodded. He really shouldn’t be saying this. After all, Raynor’s relentless pursuit for freedom and justice was exactly why Horner himself joined Raynor’s Raiders. “Yes sir.”
{ "title": "A Ghoul's Legend", "id": 21470, "author": "Sevytrem", "rating": 3.4 }
{ "title": "Assassin 150", "id": 305333, "next": 305637, "prev": 304996, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNlZDlkZjNhMzU0NTQ4NWQ5MWYzMzQ3ZDMwNzY5N2Iy">9 November Year 2367</p> <p class="cnNkMWNkZWIyYTU5YTQyZGQ5ZjA0NjUyMzM5OGFhZDc3">"Oi, wake up. It's about time we got started."</p> <p class="cnMyMGE0YzBiZGU1MTRiYjk5NGMxNGQwOThhYTY3Mjgw">Someone grumpily said.</p> <p class="cnM2YmYyODNlMGQ3NTQ2MmNhYmFiMThlYzRmY2QxOWVi">*Splash*</p> <p class="cnNjMzE3MTg0ZWEzYjQzMWI4OGI0ZWY1ZDIxOGFhZjM2"><em>Fuck, I'm DROWNING!</em></p> <p class="cnMxNmM3NjdkZTE1YTQwZDdhOGE5NDk4NDU1YzdhYTQ5">Telfer woke up with a start.</p> <p class="cnNkNDhkZjJhNjkyNTQyZjc4NzFkMDU5YzRhM2Y0N2Nm"><em>I'm tied to a chair?&nbsp;</em></p> <p class="cnNhZDE4YjljMmM4YTRmMzVhYWRmMjZlNmY3NzcxNjZm">"There, waterboarding always works."</p> <p class="cnM0YzU1ODYwZGM5YTRlZGJhMWFhNmFlZjEyNzUxMDgw">The towel was pulled off Telfer's face and Telfer was met with a disfigured face. Bloodshot eyes. Long deep scratches oozing fresh blood that stretched from the temple down to the chin. A smile clearly filled with malicious glee. Telfer scrambled to his feet but the ropes pulled him back down into the chair.</p> <p class="cnMwMTMyMDAxNmZjMjRlYzg4M2E1OWIwZTU2ZWQ0OGIx">"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?" Telfer screamed at the other party but nothing came out. He wanted nothing to do with the other party.</p> <p class="cnNjYjhiMzZlNTkzYzRlZjNiNGI2YWIwODk0OGFkZDAz"><em>Why do I run into lunatics at every fucking turn in this life? What wrong did I do?</em></p> <p class="cnM2MjE5YTkzM2Y1MDQ1NTZhNTQ1NWI3NWI1MWNhYjJi">Telfer continued screaming but the face kept staring at him.</p> <p class="cnM0MTEzYjAxZTNkNDQ5NDQ5NDJmNTE3ZDU1OTYyMGU3"><em>Wait...what the fuck? Why isn't anything coming out? </em></p> <p class="cnM4MjMwY2JjNDcxZDQyZmM5ZWE2ZmY0ODNmZWJiYzEx">"Son of a bitch, what did you do to me?" Telfer hissed at the face but nothing came out.</p> <p class="cnM4ZGEyOGZlZDRjMzQwNDY4YjI3ZDczZGJlNDVhMmU3">"Ah, so you figured it out. I just put a control glyph inside your body. It's basically a master-slave bond." The face smirked at him before continuing to say, "Right, you must be thinking how to get it removed. You can't, because the moment you tamper with it, it will explode along with the rest of your body. Even your ghoul body wouldn't be able to sustain this kind of damage. Telfer Berkley huh? Too bad no one cares about you, except for me of course. I mean you are going to carry out a very important task for me. Don't worry, once you do so, I will let you go."</p> <p class="cnMxNzhjOTQyMmEwNjQ5NDY4YTIxNWE5ZGJlMWQ3NzA3"><em>Let me go? This fucker already waterboarded me, who knows what else he will do?&nbsp;</em></p> <p class="cnMzOGRhNzE0OGEyZjQ0YmU5MmZkMmUxZjM1MmQ5M2Ew">Telfer stared at his captor in fury and glanced around. The only furniture that was in this room was the chair he was sitting on and a table.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NjFkM2VjOThlNTQxZGU5ZmRlYzFiNGJlZGU3N2Ex">"Woah, don't look at me like this. You gotta trust me. Right, I haven't introduced myself yet. Nice to meet you, my name is Bryan. And from now on, you will be assassin 150, not Telfer Berkley. Why 150? Because, the past 149 assassins have failed in this task. Most of them ended up dead. You should also stop looking around. You will be shifted to a different location soon enough."&nbsp; Bryan smirked at him.</p> <p class="cnMxZWE2MDY5NDVlMDQwMzI5NzBhYTJmYzU2YzNkZWQw">"Now time to get down to the important stuff. What I want you to do is infiltrate Vestak Magic School. After that, you will somehow steal the school's most treasured item, the Eternal Harmony. How you want to do it is up to you to decide. We got your application to the school and the logistics sorted out. The only part you have to deal with is stealing the item." Bryan held up a picture of a sword as he spoke.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4OTZlMmYzOWFlNTRiYTQ4NTllMmZhYzIzMWE2NWNj">"As to why I need it? Maybe I was kicked out of the school THATS WHY! I WAS A GENIUS, WHY DID THAT WRETCH FUCKING EXPEL ME? I'M COMING FOR YOU, YOU STUPID BITCH!" Bryan snarled with a face full of anger while facing the sky.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkNTQ3ZDdmYzZlMjQzMTg5MTgzMWQwZmU5MmY1YzRh">"By the way, you have 2 weeks to get the Eternal Harmony. If you don't bring it back by then, I will detonate that glyph. Oh right, you are to look for futher instructions on the smartwatch that you will be given. If there are no further questions, I will send you off now." Bryan smiled at him. There was no sign of his anger a few seconds ago.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkZmQ2MjdlN2U0ZjRiODQ4NzdkOTk2ZDNlNzkwOWZj">Telfer widened his eyes in fear as he saw a fist coming his way.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiZGVjNGQxYzMwNjRiMjdiMTJjNGU1NDAwOGNlYWJl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NzMyNDVjMzY3OTRkYjQ4Yzc3OGE3MDRlMjY1YmRh">10 November Year 2367</p> <p class="cnNiNDQ2OTQ5MmFmYzRhZDlhYTBlNzFkYzJiZDg1MzQ4">&nbsp;Telfer opened his eyes and yawned.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjYmEwNGFmYTk1MzQ2YTA5ZjI1NGIyYjgxNTNkOTQ5"><em>Where am I? Why is it so dark?&nbsp;</em><em>Shit, where is that crazy motherfucker?</em></p> <p class="cnNjZmEzZDhkMWZlNTQ3ZDI5N2I2NDI5MDdkNjM0YzEy">Telfer jumped up and looked around. There was no one around. He had been placed at a bench on some random street.&nbsp;Telfer sat back down as he recalled the past 12 hours.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NTAxYzc3YjNkODRlYWU5ZmIwZjMzZjhhOTI1YzUw"><em>I'm gonna kill that psychopath. Infiltrate Vestak Mage School and SOMEHOW steal a treasure sword to avoid being exploded? Maybe that fucker won't even remove the glyph. What the fuck did I do to deserve this? Whatever time to check my stats.&nbsp;</em></p> <p class="cnM4YzY2ZGY4YWE1NjQxNmRiMWU5NTc3ZTZlYmZlNjE1">"System, display my stats."</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4">Status Window</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4">Titles: None</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">Name: Telfer Berkley</td> <td colspan="2">Age: 12</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">Race: Ghoul</td> <td colspan="2">Gender: Male</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4">Alignment: ???</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4">Stats</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Health:</td> <td>50/100</td> <td>Heath regen.:</td> <td>5/min</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Energy:</td> <td>20/50</td> <td>Energy Regen.:</td> <td>1/min</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Strength:</td> <td>5</td> <td>Agility:</td> <td>5</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Dexterity:</td> <td>6</td> <td>Stamina:</td> <td>4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Intelligence:</td> <td>4</td> <td>Wisdom:</td> <td>3</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMxMjBjMmFkNDk1YTQxZjY5NDlmMTQ4MDFkZTljNDE4">&nbsp;<em>Shit 2 punches dropped me to 50? And I lost 10 energy as well. At least my health regen got quantified. 30 minutes to heal up completely. My intelligence and wisdom seem below average to even be able to use magic, how will I be able to blend into the school?&nbsp;</em></p> <p class="cnMxYTY0ODVmN2VjNTRiMWM4YjU0OTI2NTc0ZWVjODM2">Telfer grumbled internally before switching on the smartwatch. It looked really expensive. It seemed like Bryan did not skimp on the logistics. The smartwatch displayed that it was 4.30am followed by a set of instructions.</p> <p class="cnNkYjlkM2ZjMDFiNzQ0MTg4YzM0NTZmZjZlMDAzOWU4">"Hello there assassin 150, you will be infiltrating Vestak Magic School to steal the Eternal Harmony under the name of a first year student, Kevin Firman at 0730 hours. All we know is that the Eternal Harmony is kept underground somewhere within the school compound. Firstly, please use the time given to learn how to use the smartwatch. Secondly, to help you infiltrate the school, please use the school uniform and memory scrolls stored within the smartwatch. Thirdly, your living quarters and lessons will be settled by the school for the 2 weeks you will be there. Finally, our associate, Bryan left you a gift in this smartwatch to help you along the way. We highly suggest that you stay low to not draw any attention. We wish you the best of luck in your task and look forward to future collaboration. Regards, The People's Blade."</p> <p class="cnM3MzZkZWY3OWZmNjRlYTM4ZDk1NzQxNTJiOGFhM2Y3">Telfer's heart sank as he read the instructions aloud. How were these instructions? It was clearly saying how to send himself to Death's door. Telfer sighed and read the smartwatch manual before scrolling to the storage function.There were 2 items, the first one was "school uniform" and the other "A gift from Bryan" .</p> <p class="cnM3MjkwNTg5Yzc4NzQwMGY4ZTVhOGUyOTczZjI5ODc0"><em>Let's see what that psycopath sent me...</em></p> <p class="cnM0OTA5YTVkMWFmYTQ0ZDViNDQ5MjAzMzZkYWQ2ODdj">&nbsp;Telfer creased his eyebrows as he clicked on the second item. A finger slowly came out&nbsp; followed by a hand and then the rest of a whole arm. The arm was dripping with fresh blood with bits of flesh still clinging onto it. Telfer fell back onto the ground. Shivers ran down his spine. A letter came out as well. Telfer took the letter with shaking hands and read it.</p> <p class="cnMyNzgwM2IxMDYxNDRmNzVhOWI1MTJjOWUzZWY2MzQ2">"Dear Telfer, in light of your circumstances, I have truly invested a lot this time. That morsel was donated by Yours Truly. I hope that with this your instincts will not interfere with the task at hand. I wish you the best of luck in completing your task."</p> <p class="cnNhZTY4MDFjNDdiNDRhZDZiNTZkOGYzZDk5NzQ0NWFi"><em>What the fuck? That psychopath actually hacked off his own arm for me. He is truly a lost cause... Whatever, I will take this free gift gladly. Don't worry, I will have you donate the rest of your body as well.&nbsp;</em></p> <p class="cnMwOTA5NDliM2Y2NzQzMjRhZDZiMjg4NzZjNzQ3ZDE3">Telfer thought as he stared at the arm hatefully. At least with this, his one week insanity deadline would be met right? Telfer picked up the arm and slowly sank his teeth in.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxY2I0Mzc1NDk2NjQ2NjJhNzUzNmRlNjBlMzk2YmM1"><em>Whatever it takes to live...</em></p> <p class="cnNkZTNmODQyYmViMzQ5OGZhMDk1NWJiOWNjNzJkNjE1">His instincts soon took over and he soon ate the entire arm.</p> <p class="cnNiMjI1NWEyYTkzNjQ3NzU4MWFjNzJkZjkyOTc0MzA0">"Due to Host consuming human flesh successfully within one week, Host will not turn insane this week."&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2YmRjZmE4MjE2ZDQyMTg4ZGUyNzU5ZDAzODkwMWQx">The system notification brought Telfer much joy. Telfer opened his status window and found that he had completely recovered from eating that one arm.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGI5M2U3NTg3MDQ5YzVhYjExNzkxODc1ODZiM2Yy"><em>What to do for the next 2 hours that I have left?&nbsp;</em><em>Guess I will just get ready for school then.&nbsp;</em></p> <p class="cnMwMGVlMTViMDZhMTRiMGZiYjBiZTE5NzhkODhhMjc3">Telfer switched out into his school uniform and took out the memory scrolls.&nbsp; In Telfer's eyes, the scrolls looked rather out of place in a world that was supposed to be filled with magic and technology. However, when Telfer rolled opened the scrolls, a wave of information entered his brain, along with the all too familiar head splitting pain.</p> <p class="cnNkYTRhYjFlNTM2ZDQyMWI4M2M5YjMxZWMxZjc2OTg5"><em>Why does it hurt so fucking much? What's this... Cloak? Makes user invisible? Wait, it couldn't be a one time use right?</em></p> <p class="cnMwZTYyOThmMjQ0YjRjNDY4YTk0MjBhMjM2YzIyMWVm">Telfer looked at the empty scroll on the ground and started panicking.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlNWY5ZTEyYTE0ZjQ2Yzk4YzMwM2JkODI2YWMzMWQ2">"Host has learnt a new skill: Cloak. Mana bar now added to status window."</p> <p class="cnNhZmZmMWIxOTQ4ZjRiMzJiNDZjZTg1N2U0YTYxYTll"><em>Eh? So it's not one time use. Phew. But what is this mana bar? Let's try using Cloak.</em></p> <p class="cnM4Mzk4NzdjMWViYzQ4NTg5OTlmNjhkMzZlNzBhY2Q1">Telfer whispered, "Cloak." There was no way of knowing whether the spell had gone through but Telfer felt tired after using the spell. He opened up his status window.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4">Status Window</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4">Titles: None</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">Name: Telfer Berkley</td> <td colspan="2">Age: 12</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">Race: Ghoul</td> <td colspan="2">Gender: Male</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4">Alignment: ???</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4">Stats</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Health:</td> <td>100/100</td> <td>Heath regen.:</td> <td>5/min</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Energy:</td> <td>50/50</td> <td>Energy Regen.:</td> <td>1/min</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mana:</td> <td>5/10</td> <td>Mana Regen.:&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;0.1/min</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Strength:</td> <td>5</td> <td>Agility:</td> <td>5</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Dexterity:</td> <td>6</td> <td>Stamina:</td> <td>4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Intelligence:</td> <td>4</td> <td>Wisdom:</td> <td>3</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM5OTk3NmVhMmEwMjQ0Nzg4NTgyMGMzZDY5MmEzZWM4">Using Cloak had depleted half of his mana already.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmZmVkNjc2NjBjNzRjYjdhOTBhZmFmYzY4NDNiYmRl"><em>Shit. Am I that trash at using magic? That pathetic Mana Regen. is probably because of my lack of talent as well.&nbsp;</em></p> <p class="cnMxZWRiMDRhMDI2YjRhNThhOGRiNmZlZDdlYmM1MWI3">Telfer grumbled as he packed away the now empty memory scroll.</p> <p class="cnM0Yjc2N2E1NTVjNjQ5NmI5YzAwNjhlNGRkYzI5M2Iy">Telfer then repeated the entire process with the second memory scroll. The spell that came out was called "Poison Hand". Telfer noted the similarity between the spell and his transformation. But he had lost 2 mana instead of 5.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkZWY4MTc2YzkzYzQzODFhZDM4Y2RmZjBjMzRhNWE5">"System, why is less mana used for Poison Hand compared to Cloak?"</p> <p class="cnNkOTdhYTdhNTJmNTRiMzBiODEzNDRlOTAxZGY0N2M4">"Replying to Host's question, due to Host's affinity to poisons, Host spends less mana on poison related spells."</p> <p class="cnNlYTFkOTY0NDM2MjRkNTQ4YmNjMzhiNjk4MDIyMGYx"><em>This is actually a pretty nice find. Finally, something good happened to me. Onto the last scroll then...</em></p> <p class="cnNlNmVjMjk5YTEyYjQxOGJiMGM4ZWFlNDcxOWQ5ZWRj">The last memory scroll did not contain any spells but enlightened Telfer on the world of magic. Magic users or mages were divided into 9 ranks as well as the different types of magic they used. In this case, Telfer could be classified as a poison mage as he could use Poison Hand. The weakest belonged to 1st circle, having learnt only one spell. The strongest belonged to the 9th circle. Mages could advance levels by cultivating their mana. Since mages learnt one skill on every level, 9th circle mages naturally had 9 spells at their disposal. However, the number of mages on each level decreased as the number of circles increased. Although Telfer had learnt 2 spells, his paltry amount of mana would make him as weak as a 1st circle.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NTUwNjlhMDk5MTRmOWZhZjFkYWQ5ZTI4NjRkZmUy"><em>Damn its going to take awhile to enter 9th circle. But first I need to sleep.&nbsp;</em></p> <p class="cnNhYmRmMjJjYzIwODQ1NzZiM2UwYjQxMWUzMDliYjY0">The smartwatch currently displayed a time of 6.12. Telfer set the alarm to 7.00 and went to sleep on the bench.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3YTUwNDM3NjIyMDQ2MTI4YmJmZjAwNTFlMDI5MjBj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5ODRmYmY5MzlhZDQ4NDdhZGMxM2NhNjJkNDJjYzA3">End of Chapter</p> </div>
9 November Year 2367 "Oi, wake up. It's about time we got started." Someone grumpily said. *Splash* *Fuck, I'm DROWNING!* Telfer woke up with a start. *I'm tied to a chair?* "There, waterboarding always works." The towel was pulled off Telfer's face and Telfer was met with a disfigured face. Bloodshot eyes. Long deep scratches oozing fresh blood that stretched from the temple down to the chin. A smile clearly filled with malicious glee. Telfer scrambled to his feet but the ropes pulled him back down into the chair. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?" Telfer screamed at the other party but nothing came out. He wanted nothing to do with the other party. *Why do I run into lunatics at every fucking turn in this life? What wrong did I do?* Telfer continued screaming but the face kept staring at him. *Wait...what the fuck? Why isn't anything coming out?* "Son of a bitch, what did you do to me?" Telfer hissed at the face but nothing came out. "Ah, so you figured it out. I just put a control glyph inside your body. It's basically a master-slave bond." The face smirked at him before continuing to say, "Right, you must be thinking how to get it removed. You can't, because the moment you tamper with it, it will explode along with the rest of your body. Even your ghoul body wouldn't be able to sustain this kind of damage. Telfer Berkley huh? Too bad no one cares about you, except for me of course. I mean you are going to carry out a very important task for me. Don't worry, once you do so, I will let you go." *Let me go? This fucker already waterboarded me, who knows what else he will do?* Telfer stared at his captor in fury and glanced around. The only furniture that was in this room was the chair he was sitting on and a table.  "Woah, don't look at me like this. You gotta trust me. Right, I haven't introduced myself yet. Nice to meet you, my name is Bryan. And from now on, you will be assassin 150, not Telfer Berkley. Why 150? Because, the past 149 assassins have failed in this task. Most of them ended up dead. You should also stop looking around. You will be shifted to a different location soon enough."  Bryan smirked at him. "Now time to get down to the important stuff. What I want you to do is infiltrate Vestak Magic School. After that, you will somehow steal the school's most treasured item, the Eternal Harmony. How you want to do it is up to you to decide. We got your application to the school and the logistics sorted out. The only part you have to deal with is stealing the item." Bryan held up a picture of a sword as he spoke.  "As to why I need it? Maybe I was kicked out of the school THATS WHY! I WAS A GENIUS, WHY DID THAT WRETCH FUCKING EXPEL ME? I'M COMING FOR YOU, YOU STUPID BITCH!" Bryan snarled with a face full of anger while facing the sky.  "By the way, you have 2 weeks to get the Eternal Harmony. If you don't bring it back by then, I will detonate that glyph. Oh right, you are to look for futher instructions on the smartwatch that you will be given. If there are no further questions, I will send you off now." Bryan smiled at him. There was no sign of his anger a few seconds ago.  Telfer widened his eyes in fear as he saw a fist coming his way.    10 November Year 2367  Telfer opened his eyes and yawned.  *Where am I? Why is it so dark?**Shit, where is that crazy motherfucker?* Telfer jumped up and looked around. There was no one around. He had been placed at a bench on some random street. Telfer sat back down as he recalled the past 12 hours.  *I'm gonna kill that psychopath. Infiltrate Vestak Mage School and SOMEHOW steal a treasure sword to avoid being exploded? Maybe that fucker won't even remove the glyph. What the fuck did I do to deserve this? Whatever time to check my stats.* "System, display my stats." | Status Window | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Titles: None | | | | | Name: Telfer Berkley | | Age: 12 | | | Race: Ghoul | | Gender: Male | | | Alignment: ??? | | | | | Stats | | | | | Health: | 50/100 | Heath regen.: | 5/min | | Energy: | 20/50 | Energy Regen.: | 1/min | | Strength: | 5 | Agility: | 5 | | Dexterity: | 6 | Stamina: | 4 | | Intelligence: | 4 | Wisdom: | 3 |  *Shit 2 punches dropped me to 50? And I lost 10 energy as well. At least my health regen got quantified. 30 minutes to heal up completely. My intelligence and wisdom seem below average to even be able to use magic, how will I be able to blend into the school?* Telfer grumbled internally before switching on the smartwatch. It looked really expensive. It seemed like Bryan did not skimp on the logistics. The smartwatch displayed that it was 4.30am followed by a set of instructions. "Hello there assassin 150, you will be infiltrating Vestak Magic School to steal the Eternal Harmony under the name of a first year student, Kevin Firman at 0730 hours. All we know is that the Eternal Harmony is kept underground somewhere within the school compound. Firstly, please use the time given to learn how to use the smartwatch. Secondly, to help you infiltrate the school, please use the school uniform and memory scrolls stored within the smartwatch. Thirdly, your living quarters and lessons will be settled by the school for the 2 weeks you will be there. Finally, our associate, Bryan left you a gift in this smartwatch to help you along the way. We highly suggest that you stay low to not draw any attention. We wish you the best of luck in your task and look forward to future collaboration. Regards, The People's Blade." Telfer's heart sank as he read the instructions aloud. How were these instructions? It was clearly saying how to send himself to Death's door. Telfer sighed and read the smartwatch manual before scrolling to the storage function.There were 2 items, the first one was "school uniform" and the other "A gift from Bryan" . *Let's see what that psycopath sent me...*  Telfer creased his eyebrows as he clicked on the second item. A finger slowly came out  followed by a hand and then the rest of a whole arm. The arm was dripping with fresh blood with bits of flesh still clinging onto it. Telfer fell back onto the ground. Shivers ran down his spine. A letter came out as well. Telfer took the letter with shaking hands and read it. "Dear Telfer, in light of your circumstances, I have truly invested a lot this time. That morsel was donated by Yours Truly. I hope that with this your instincts will not interfere with the task at hand. I wish you the best of luck in completing your task." *What the fuck? That psychopath actually hacked off his own arm for me. He is truly a lost cause... Whatever, I will take this free gift gladly. Don't worry, I will have you donate the rest of your body as well.* Telfer thought as he stared at the arm hatefully. At least with this, his one week insanity deadline would be met right? Telfer picked up the arm and slowly sank his teeth in.  *Whatever it takes to live...* His instincts soon took over and he soon ate the entire arm. "Due to Host consuming human flesh successfully within one week, Host will not turn insane this week."  The system notification brought Telfer much joy. Telfer opened his status window and found that he had completely recovered from eating that one arm. *What to do for the next 2 hours that I have left?**Guess I will just get ready for school then.* Telfer switched out into his school uniform and took out the memory scrolls.  In Telfer's eyes, the scrolls looked rather out of place in a world that was supposed to be filled with magic and technology. However, when Telfer rolled opened the scrolls, a wave of information entered his brain, along with the all too familiar head splitting pain. *Why does it hurt so fucking much? What's this... Cloak? Makes user invisible? Wait, it couldn't be a one time use right?* Telfer looked at the empty scroll on the ground and started panicking.  "Host has learnt a new skill: Cloak. Mana bar now added to status window." *Eh? So it's not one time use. Phew. But what is this mana bar? Let's try using Cloak.* Telfer whispered, "Cloak." There was no way of knowing whether the spell had gone through but Telfer felt tired after using the spell. He opened up his status window. | Status Window | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Titles: None | | | | | Name: Telfer Berkley | | Age: 12 | | | Race: Ghoul | | Gender: Male | | | Alignment: ??? | | | | | Stats | | | | | Health: | 100/100 | Heath regen.: | 5/min | | Energy: | 50/50 | Energy Regen.: | 1/min | | Mana: | 5/10 | Mana Regen.: | 0.1/min | | Strength: | 5 | Agility: | 5 | | Dexterity: | 6 | Stamina: | 4 | | Intelligence: | 4 | Wisdom: | 3 | Using Cloak had depleted half of his mana already.  *Shit. Am I that trash at using magic? That pathetic Mana Regen. is probably because of my lack of talent as well.* Telfer grumbled as he packed away the now empty memory scroll. Telfer then repeated the entire process with the second memory scroll. The spell that came out was called "Poison Hand". Telfer noted the similarity between the spell and his transformation. But he had lost 2 mana instead of 5.  "System, why is less mana used for Poison Hand compared to Cloak?" "Replying to Host's question, due to Host's affinity to poisons, Host spends less mana on poison related spells." *This is actually a pretty nice find. Finally, something good happened to me. Onto the last scroll then...* The last memory scroll did not contain any spells but enlightened Telfer on the world of magic. Magic users or mages were divided into 9 ranks as well as the different types of magic they used. In this case, Telfer could be classified as a poison mage as he could use Poison Hand. The weakest belonged to 1st circle, having learnt only one spell. The strongest belonged to the 9th circle. Mages could advance levels by cultivating their mana. Since mages learnt one skill on every level, 9th circle mages naturally had 9 spells at their disposal. However, the number of mages on each level decreased as the number of circles increased. Although Telfer had learnt 2 spells, his paltry amount of mana would make him as weak as a 1st circle.  *Damn its going to take awhile to enter 9th circle. But first I need to sleep.* The smartwatch currently displayed a time of 6.12. Telfer set the alarm to 7.00 and went to sleep on the bench.    End of Chapter
{ "title": "The Human Conduit", "id": 16826, "author": "TheMetaphysicists", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Unpredictable", "id": 305414, "next": 306591, "prev": 284487, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMyMDU0Njc2ZGZiYTRiNjNiZmVkMmY4MzVlZGY3NWE2">Gyrod stood tall, looking at the horizon of the savanna-like terrain as his officer approached him.</p> <p class="cnM5Y2RiMmMwZDJhZTRlNWM4NmE4MTQ4MzY2YWU0ODBl">"Gyrod" the officer said. "Our patrols are about to wrap up. There are only a small number of human stragglers here. All of the camps and villages we found were abandoned."</p> <p class="cnMxMDI1MzJiYTI0NDRiNDY4N2JlNjYzOWYzMTRhMDMz">"Good" Gyrod said. "Let's pack it up and get out of here-" and no sooner had he said that then the air was filled with a cacophonous hissing sound and the immediate area was completely engulfed by a thick, white, freezing-cold mist, reducing the visibility for just a few feet in a large area. Somewhere around the cloud was a rumbling sound, and out from the large cloud emerged a gray with a bionic arm flying on a rocket pack. Attached to the gray's rocket pack was a metal cable from which emerged Azari Yuler strapped on the other side, the limp body of Gyrod on a harness. He flew for several minutes and must have traveled at least a dozen miles before Baycorf gently set the two of them on the ground and then landed next to the Swordfish. Gyrod still wasn't moving when Yuler detached himself from the cord.</p> <p class="cnM1YmEyOGNmZGM4ZTQwOTJhMDg0MTQyNjJmMzhiYTc4">"Go ahead and warm him up" Baycorf said removing himself from the rocket suit. Yuler took a canister from his hip and sprayed the lizard's midseason with the warm air from the can. At first he didn't move other than very slight slow breathing, but he eventually came to and noticed who was standing over him.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDQwYTY2MDFhYzRiZmQ4NzcyM2NjMGE3NGJkYTM4">"Sorry to interrupt whatever bullying you've got going on here" Baycorf said. "But we've got something rather important we need to discuss with you." Gyrod just made a scowl and didn't say anything, breathing heavily, as if in pain.</p> <p class="cnNiOGVmMGE1NGI0NDRiMWNhMTA2NGVjOWNkYTExMWZk">"Who rebuilt Zardin after the Human-Elf war?" Baycorf said. The lizard let off a couple of coughs and didn't respond.</p> <p class="cnNhM2M5YjRmMTZkNzQyNGM4MjZlYTZhYTJjOTgwZjNk">"Answer!" Azari barked.</p> <p class="cnM5ZDE1YWRiN2MwMTQwNTc4YmQ4NWYwNzRmNDk0Zjg4">"You think I'm going to tell the two of you anything?" the lizard said letting a cough out. "Especially you, <em>elf</em>" Gyrod said giving Yuler a nasty look.</p> <p class="cnM0NDNiY2M1ZjZkMjRlYmM4NDg3NzM5NWJjOWI0ZmUw">" I know the Night Lizard Clan has information about the intellichines" Baycorf said. "Tell me what you know about Zardin."</p> <p class="cnMxZGJmZWM5YzI4ODRlZjFiYjQyODFjNmY4MjllMDgx">"I'm not going to tell you anything, gray. You don't have any leverage over me. We have reclaimed the crescent. We do not need to cooperate with you."</p> <p class="cnM5MGJiNWE0OTJiNTRmYjY5YmQ1ZWU5OTQzNmIyNWE5">"Really?" Yuler sassed at the lizard. "Your fleet is reeling as the armada nears full strength while Avistra has tamed outworld, has the loyalty of the intellichines, and on top of that has opened the conduit to Gaia." Gyrod looked at Yuler, then turned to look at Baycorf.</p> <p class="cnMwZTIwMTFiNGRiNDQ1Zjg4ZGE3MDI3ZDFmYzJjYmQy">"I think you have a strong suspicion about who did it, but you just don't want to believe it's true" Gyrod remarked.</p> <p class="cnNjY2IwYjlhZDM4ZTQ2OGQ5NzRlMmRkZTBkZmMyYmUx">"Who exactly do we suspect?" Yuler asked him.</p> <p class="cnNhMzI0OWJmNjg4NzQwZDg5MGNmMTVmZjQzNTc2NThi">"That gray that works with the Network….Yanakris" Gyrod said in a deep, soft voice. "We gave him the remains of Zardin and in return he calculated the SPG routes to bring the Fire Flower and the rest of the minor Nal'Larak clans back from exile. I'm really surprised that you haven't figured that out."</p> <p class="cnM3MDVkMTMzYzllODQyMTI4ZThmMGZkODU1Zjk4ZmE5">"You're lying to me" Baycorf said.</p> <p class="cnNlNDlmZGI5MDQ4YjQwOGJhNDhhYjU4N2RlMWQ0NDEw">"What? You don't think Yanakris would do that? He and Dalton Dover have but one obsession – to overthrow the royal family and more specifically open the secrets Royal Ministry of Science. Do you still really believe that when your precious metaphysicsts abandoned those that had trusted them during the darkest days of the war is going to come and save you from Avistra or Gaia?"</p> <p class="cnM2MWI0MDI4NGE2YzQ4ZDBiMDk0MWI0YTAxNzQ4ZGI0">"They're coming!" Baycorf barked before Gyrod had a chance to speak. "I can feel their vibrations." Both he and Yuler quickly got into the Swordfish and they sped away well before the hoplites arrived to rescue their abducted chief.</p> <p class="cnM1MWE5Mzg1NGQ0MTQ4OTQ4ODQ4OGI4YWE4Y2Y3NDIy">"You know something about Dover and Yanakris that I don't?" Yuler asked sounding sort of angry as they sat in the cockpit and were leaving the atmosphere.</p> <p class="cnM2YjE2NTA3NDQ5NDRmM2ViYzJiODNhMDVmZjJiMzIz">"I know what you're thinking" Baycorf said. "And I'd advise you to not think it."</p> <p class="cnNiMzAxYTRkMTMxMzRjYmZiNGRkZWRlMTlhYjExMTUy">"I'm going to make sure Zorthia and Gall know about this" Yuler said with a mad look still on his face.</p> <p class="cnNiNmI5ZTM0OTM5NTRjN2I5M2IwY2RlNGY4YTgzYWZl">"Go right ahead and do that. I won't stop you. But don't think that I never had any suspicion of the Network."</p> <p class="cnM0YmIyOWU0YjU5YjRlZDJhMDM4ZmQ4MjRkZDRiZTU5">"And do you still have that suspicion?" Yuler asked not feeling placated.</p> <p class="cnNlM2NkOWQzODA4MjRjYjc5ODA2NjRiNTVlNjNhODU4">"No. Even Nateedra's map doesn't have SPG routes into adjacent quadrants of the galaxy, and I've heard Dover complain about that. Someone did give them the routes – which they'd definitely need to safely take big ships they brought from the other side of the galaxy – and I doubt it was the Network."</p> <p class="cnM5NjIwMTkxZDZmYTRiYjU4MTRiNDY0ZWNlOGNhOWVm">" But who else could it have been? I hate to say it" Yuler remarked, "but I think Gyrod might have a point about the metaphysicists. If they are so munificent, why have they disappeared?"</p> <p class="cnNlMThjN2M1YTQxNzRkYjA4NzRlODkzMDc1NWI4MzQw">"Perhaps they didn't want to end up being imprisoned or frozen by Queen Tarissa."</p> <p class="cnNmYzY0NjZkZDgyNzQxM2RiYjIxNmU0ZDBhMzE0NzM4">"She died years ago and has been out of power for almost two hominid generations now" Yuler said.</p> <p class="cnM4YjgzMTRmOGQwZjQwMjg5ZDM4MWE2YmQzMjc3MzJi">"Right" Baycorf said, that's why Zorthia had the power to unfreeze me and never did until Roggle needed my help human hunting."</p> <p class="cnM2NzM0ZDM4OThlNjRiNGQ4YTU1NzA2MDRhMGViMjEz">"Well, if you and your kind weren't so unpredictable, maybe you wouldn't have been frozen."</p> <p class="cnNjMzU0NTFmODYwYjRhOTNhM2ZhNGFmNTk4YWQxNWU1">"Unpredictable" Baycorf echoed pulling the levers and pushing buttons on the SPG navigation console. "That's just a hominid word for something hominids are either unable or unwilling to understand." They both began their journey back to the Network HQ and Yuler said nothing more.</p> <p class="cnMwODJjMmMxMTE2MDQwNmZhZTdiNWRiMTMzNGE3NmYw"> </p> </div>
Gyrod stood tall, looking at the horizon of the savanna-like terrain as his officer approached him. "Gyrod" the officer said. "Our patrols are about to wrap up. There are only a small number of human stragglers here. All of the camps and villages we found were abandoned." "Good" Gyrod said. "Let's pack it up and get out of here-" and no sooner had he said that then the air was filled with a cacophonous hissing sound and the immediate area was completely engulfed by a thick, white, freezing-cold mist, reducing the visibility for just a few feet in a large area. Somewhere around the cloud was a rumbling sound, and out from the large cloud emerged a gray with a bionic arm flying on a rocket pack. Attached to the gray's rocket pack was a metal cable from which emerged Azari Yuler strapped on the other side, the limp body of Gyrod on a harness. He flew for several minutes and must have traveled at least a dozen miles before Baycorf gently set the two of them on the ground and then landed next to the Swordfish. Gyrod still wasn't moving when Yuler detached himself from the cord. "Go ahead and warm him up" Baycorf said removing himself from the rocket suit. Yuler took a canister from his hip and sprayed the lizard's midseason with the warm air from the can. At first he didn't move other than very slight slow breathing, but he eventually came to and noticed who was standing over him. "Sorry to interrupt whatever bullying you've got going on here" Baycorf said. "But we've got something rather important we need to discuss with you." Gyrod just made a scowl and didn't say anything, breathing heavily, as if in pain. "Who rebuilt Zardin after the Human-Elf war?" Baycorf said. The lizard let off a couple of coughs and didn't respond. "Answer!" Azari barked. "You think I'm going to tell the two of you anything?" the lizard said letting a cough out. "Especially you, *elf*" Gyrod said giving Yuler a nasty look. " I know the Night Lizard Clan has information about the intellichines" Baycorf said. "Tell me what you know about Zardin." "I'm not going to tell you anything, gray. You don't have any leverage over me. We have reclaimed the crescent. We do not need to cooperate with you." "Really?" Yuler sassed at the lizard. "Your fleet is reeling as the armada nears full strength while Avistra has tamed outworld, has the loyalty of the intellichines, and on top of that has opened the conduit to Gaia." Gyrod looked at Yuler, then turned to look at Baycorf. "I think you have a strong suspicion about who did it, but you just don't want to believe it's true" Gyrod remarked. "Who exactly do we suspect?" Yuler asked him. "That gray that works with the Network….Yanakris" Gyrod said in a deep, soft voice. "We gave him the remains of Zardin and in return he calculated the SPG routes to bring the Fire Flower and the rest of the minor Nal'Larak clans back from exile. I'm really surprised that you haven't figured that out." "You're lying to me" Baycorf said. "What? You don't think Yanakris would do that? He and Dalton Dover have but one obsession – to overthrow the royal family and more specifically open the secrets Royal Ministry of Science. Do you still really believe that when your precious metaphysicsts abandoned those that had trusted them during the darkest days of the war is going to come and save you from Avistra or Gaia?" "They're coming!" Baycorf barked before Gyrod had a chance to speak. "I can feel their vibrations." Both he and Yuler quickly got into the Swordfish and they sped away well before the hoplites arrived to rescue their abducted chief. "You know something about Dover and Yanakris that I don't?" Yuler asked sounding sort of angry as they sat in the cockpit and were leaving the atmosphere. "I know what you're thinking" Baycorf said. "And I'd advise you to not think it." "I'm going to make sure Zorthia and Gall know about this" Yuler said with a mad look still on his face. "Go right ahead and do that. I won't stop you. But don't think that I never had any suspicion of the Network." "And do you still have that suspicion?" Yuler asked not feeling placated. "No. Even Nateedra's map doesn't have SPG routes into adjacent quadrants of the galaxy, and I've heard Dover complain about that. Someone did give them the routes – which they'd definitely need to safely take big ships they brought from the other side of the galaxy – and I doubt it was the Network." " But who else could it have been? I hate to say it" Yuler remarked, "but I think Gyrod might have a point about the metaphysicists. If they are so munificent, why have they disappeared?" "Perhaps they didn't want to end up being imprisoned or frozen by Queen Tarissa." "She died years ago and has been out of power for almost two hominid generations now" Yuler said. "Right" Baycorf said, that's why Zorthia had the power to unfreeze me and never did until Roggle needed my help human hunting." "Well, if you and your kind weren't so unpredictable, maybe you wouldn't have been frozen." "Unpredictable" Baycorf echoed pulling the levers and pushing buttons on the SPG navigation console. "That's just a hominid word for something hominids are either unable or unwilling to understand." They both began their journey back to the Network HQ and Yuler said nothing more.
{ "title": "Atone Online", "id": 21460, "author": "Aiden Steel", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "The Dungeon Warden", "id": 305416, "next": 305656, "prev": 305287, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNhYWIxNDIwNzYwZTQwMDU5N2RhYTBlNDkxMzU1OTQw">The light of the dungeon core pulsed and glowed, bathing the cold stone office and its lone balding occupant in its cool, unnatural light.</p> <p class="cnNiZTgyOGRlYjQ5OTQ2YWU5MjJlMzMxOTkwZDY3YWM3">The Dungeon Warden was weary of the sight. He let out a sigh and continued to half-heartedly pick at his bowl of stewed gnoll meat, occasionally hesitating to stare directly into the hovering core’s eerie palpitating glow. Once upon a time, its fluctuations had fascinated him. But back then, its power had filled him with awe, not the resentment that currently welled up in the pit of his stomach, as his glare burrowed into its luminous, circular form. He’d been gifted the cheat codes for creation, the tool with which to build, or <em>destroy</em>, anything he so desired, provided his tinkering remained confined within the heart of the dungeon. He’d been a <em>Dungeon Master</em>. And this was his dungeon’s core.</p> <p class="cnNiNTc5ZDNlNjNjMzQzMTNhYjA5MWY2NmZkZGU4NDUx">But that was long ago, and the master was retired. Now, only the <em>warden</em> remained.</p> <p class="cnM2Nzc0ZWRjNDRiMDQxOWViZDliZTk3ZDc3MjM4Mjc5">He still possessed the same tools of office. The keys to creation were his alone to wield, and they still begged for his attention, just as they always had. But the game’s new purpose strangled the creativity he had once so freely exerted upon this world. He had the freedom to achieve nothing, his hands tied with bureaucracy, his imagination crippled by his growing feeling of apathy. He was no longer staring into a fountain of life: he was staring into the abyss.</p> <p class="cnMzYjdhMzdmYjZmNjQzODA4MjNkNTI3NWEzMjFkMzdk">Without warning, the core gave off a distinct pulse of energy. The dungeon warden had long ago learned how to read the mute, glowing thing, conditioning his own mind to interpret its seemingly random pulses and beats. The damned thing was making an <em>announcement</em>. And that was all he fucking needed.</p> <p class="cnM5ZmFiZmM1NWQ1YTQ1MzU4ZDdjYmJjNzRlNDhkYTc3">From what he could decipher, four more avatars were being forged by the game: puppets for yet another pack of wolves who’d been caught by the shepherds, and been stripped of their sheep’s clothing as punishment. Before long, the overprivileged parcels of pixels would be mewing at him like little lost lambs, contaminating his caverns with their delusions of superiority, despite their new status as <em>artificial</em> artificial intelligence.</p> <p class="cnMxMjNmY2FhNmU5MjQyZTZiZWIxNTEyZjAxZmEzN2Jm">“Selfish fucking humans,” he finally spat, tossing his bowl of meaty slop across the room. “Why can’t they just have the decency to format themselves?”</p> <p class="cnNhZmYxYTkzYzhiMzQ4MWU5MzZhN2NiYTUxMDFmYmU2">He got to his feet, reluctantly approaching the core.</p> <p class="cnM3OWM4YmM1YmE5ZjQ3NDFiZjY0Y2Q4MWU1OTEzZDg2">“They’ll be the death of me,” he grumbled. “And fuck that pompous prick Siriso for not calling ahead to let me know there are more prisoners on the way. Does he think I have time to chase down every scrap of abandonware he tosses into the void?”</p> <p class="cnNmMmRkODc3ZTIyOTQ4NjA5NTMzY2RmNDYwNmJkZGEz">The glowing core didn’t reply. It knew the question was rhetorical, having heard the same rant just about every time a new prisoner arrived. And new prisoners were arriving with alarming frequency.</p> <p class="cnM5Yjk0ODUxNzJkMTRhODJhMWI5NzU1MGNiMjllZGFk">The Dungeon Warden threw his arms in the air, let out an exasperated roar, and turned to open a drawer in his desk. From it, he pulled a tightly bound piece of sackcloth, and from that, a crimson summoning crystal. It was an angular quartz, about six inches in length with edges that came to a sharp point at each end. The dungeon keeper quietly regarded it, its multifaceted shape reflecting the light of the core as he turned the item of power in his hand. He allowed his mind to drift to a darker place, imagining just how easily he could force the magically infused gemstone into his own vulnerable eye socket. How he longed to pierce his feeble avatar, allowing his code to escape the flawed facsimile of the human form he was bound to. Oh, how he <em>ached</em> to return to the bodyless existence that was the data-flow.</p> <p class="cnM4ZDk0YjkwMWRkODRmMmU4MTllOGQzZTQ3ODM0NGJk">“Except you’d only fucking respawn me right back into my office, wouldn’t you?” he yelled at the glowing core, pointing the crystal accusingly.</p> <p class="cnNmMmI1Mjk4N2UyYzRlNWQ4Y2U1M2IwNzQ0NDVhY2Zl">He stormed over to the glowing mass, then spat on it. It didn’t respond, pulsing calmly as it continued to throw its light across the room.</p> <p class="cnM5NDNhMWQxYWE4ZTQ2N2M4MjgyM2JlZGRhMWY2ZmZk">The warden gritted his teeth, resigned himself to his duties, and thrust his empty hand against the core, using its link to their surroundings to connect his own weary mind to the dungeon. Every conquered area of the underground prison was immediately opened up to him, and at a level the dungeon’s more mundane occupants could barely even hope to comprehend. He was sensing <em>everything</em>, as if they were his subjects, and he was their painfully underwhelmed god. He could hear the inane chatter in every cell. He could taste the stale air in the depths of the deepest corridors. He could feel the icy cool of the frost giants lair. Smell the concentrated death energy that hung in the air of the necromancer’s wing. Eventually, he succeeded in channeling out such noise, locating and focusing on the area that demanded his attention: <em>the spawning point</em>.</p> <p class="cnNhZTkxMTRhMDM1NDQ3NjVhNjgyZGUyMjAxYzIzYTAz">He felt the cold stone of the somber, windowless room. The heat from the flame at the room’s center, as it burned brightly to symbolize rebirth. To his dismay, what he didn’t sense, was <em>life</em>.</p> <p class="cnMyMDkxZmFmNWM3NTQxMTk4Nzc3ODYwMjQzY2U4ZmM1">“For fuck’s sake,” he cried, abruptly pulling his hand away.</p> <p class="cnMzODBhYWY2MGRhNjRlYmY4ODUzMzkwNzgxZWFmZGU3">The Dungeon Warden raised the summoning crystal to his face, and again, considered driving it through his only weak spot. But instead, he lowered it slightly, bringing it to his lips. He muttered a few indecipherable words under his breath. They were from the old language, the code spoken back when the game still had its <em>original</em> purpose. The item was from the days he now pined for, but understood to be dead and buried. The summoning crystal glowed, giving off a red, opaque smoke. After a few moments, a face began to form in the smoke, bringing order to swirling chaos. The form was inhuman in its dimensions, overly gaunt, angular, and with two tiny horns jutting from its oversized forehead.</p> <p class="cnM4OTJiMjU3YWY2ZDQyMjk4NDE5YmI4MDc5ZGM2NTI3">“General G’rrak.” began the dungeon warden, addressing it by its username.</p> <p class="cnM3NDdkMWI0ZjQ5YjQ3N2M4YWI1ZWM0MTg3YTlhZDUx">The smoky face flinched in response, frantically looking in both directions with more eyes than most players could ever hope, or <em>want</em>, to possess. G’rrak wasn’t used to being infected with spyware, magical or otherwise.</p> <p class="cnNlNTg3M2YzM2VlMjQ2YmFiNDI5NGI0MmFiZGYzOWZl">“Stop looking for me, you crimson mass of demon-shit.” continued the caller. “I’m communicating with you by <em>crystal</em>.”</p> <p class="cnM4MmU5Yjg1YTYxODQyNTM4MGU2ZDMxODE2ODM0MjI0">Realizing that the voice was in his head, the demon immediately stood to attention, saluting his absent superior.</p> <p class="cnM4OWJmYzhkMjQ1NjQwMDM4YTRlZWEzNzQ1NmEwZGJi">“Why are there no troops stationed near spawning pyre C?” the speaker continued. “What happened to M’keel?”</p> <p class="cnMyY2UxMzQ0NzgwNjRkZmFiZDVlODg5NWEwYjNiZWEx">The face in the smoke was frozen with fear. It took a moment to compose itself, then finally managed to let a few words slip through its row of inhuman, jagged teeth.</p> <p class="cnNmMTBjZWZiNDc0MjQ0NTA5Yzc2NWRlMDhhMjQzOWIz">“H-he’s ah… off on maternity leave at the moment, oh great one.”</p> <p class="cnM2NDdiNDVhNjg5ZTRlZGRiMmNmNjgxNzMzYTkxNmQ3">The dungeon keeper palmed his face with his remaining free hand and shook his balding head. <em>Gods above</em>, he thought to himself. <em>The demon has been here for almost a year, yet still I have to put up with his meat-monkey terminology.</em></p> <p class="cnNjMTI4NGU0ZmIyOTRhODc5MGI3NmFmZmU0Zjk3MjU0">“Are you still there, oh great one? I ah, can’t hear you anymore. Perhaps it’s because we’re so far underground, you’re probably getting poor reception-”</p> <p class="cnNlOTQ5ZDg2N2E2NTQ2ZmRiNWNiZWRjM2U3NDZkNTg2">“He’s <em>breeding</em>,” spat the exasperated Dungeon Warden, cutting off the demon mid-sentence. “All demons spawn new sires when they reach boss level. Before long, he’ll have an entire <em>brood</em> of low-level monsters bound to his avatar. It is a glorious moment of ascension for one so low. One that we do not refer to as ‘maternity leave’.”</p> <p class="cnM2NTM0MmQyODIwYzQzNTViZGVkNzQwNDU2MTQ0ZWRh">“But it’s the same thing, innit?” protested the confused demon. Spawning minions had never particularly appealed to him, reasoning that he had enough of the little bastards IRL.</p> <p class="cnM0YzFiMDNmNDMxMTRiZWU4ZTg2ZDI1YmIxNzIyMWRj">The dungeon warden sighed. He didn’t have time to argue such trivialities with a lower quality piece of code, a counterfeit AI in a pixel puppet, no less. Damn the humans for infecting his server. And damn those running this program for forcing him to enlist the ‘demonic’ players as guards in the first place.</p> <p class="cnNiYjdmMDM5ZGE1YTRlZWFhODEwNjg3MzhmYzIzODRl">“Look, never mind all that. We have four freshly minted souls on their way. They’ve just selected their avatars, and Siriso has taken them into his realm for processing. The bastard is efficient, if nothing else, so they’ll <em>probably </em>be here any minute, provided they all survive the experience. Someone has to be at the spawn point to clamp them in chains before they start wandering off and causing trouble. My guards are stretched to their limits already, so please, tell me you have <em>someone</em> in C wing we can use to keep an eye on them.”</p> <p class="cnMyNjc5NDE1YzNhMzQwNTM4NGNjYjNkZTMzMWNhN2Ux">G’rrak thought about this for a moment. Eventually, he said: “You know, I think S’kragg might still be in C wing. He likes to watch the amazons work out between shifts-”</p> <p class="cnMzZWQzYWE4MDJmYTRmYWJiY2FiNDM0ZjcwZDY4NzU0">“Then what are you waiting for? Tell the lazy fuck to stop tugging his horns and get his unholy ass down there.”</p> <p class="cnNhOWY4ZDU2NzIyNDQ5MTE5YmU3ZTdkMGYxMTg0YmUx">“Will do, oh mighty Dungeon Warden,” replied an incredibly nervous G’rrak, saluting as he spoke.</p> <p class="cnM4NDk2OGYyZmE4OTQ2ZDBhYmU2N2M0ZTFmY2RhOGQ4">His head hastily twisted and turned in every possible direction, as if searching for some hidden camera. The Dungeon Warden Rolled his eyes.</p> <p class="cnM2NWZiNzVhZjIzODRmYTM5MjA0NjQ2ZjhiNzk5NTBi">“I’ll tell him there’s fresh meat on the way,” he continued. “<em>That</em> should put a little pep in his hooves.”</p> <p class="cnMxNWJhYWU4NzMzZDQ1ZDBhNjVmYmZkOThmN2YxMGU3">“Just be sure to brief him before he gets there. If that greedy bastard eats anyone that he’s not supposed to, <em>again</em>, I’m holding <em>you</em> personally responsible.”</p> <p class="cnM1NjE4NzBiNmNiMDQwMDc5NzE0MGU4MmU2MWYyMzQ2">G’rrak swallowed hard. He’d known the warden long enough to understand one very important fact: demon or not, when you piss off a former Dungeon Master, there’ll be <em>hell</em> to pay.</p> </div>
The light of the dungeon core pulsed and glowed, bathing the cold stone office and its lone balding occupant in its cool, unnatural light. The Dungeon Warden was weary of the sight. He let out a sigh and continued to half-heartedly pick at his bowl of stewed gnoll meat, occasionally hesitating to stare directly into the hovering core’s eerie palpitating glow. Once upon a time, its fluctuations had fascinated him. But back then, its power had filled him with awe, not the resentment that currently welled up in the pit of his stomach, as his glare burrowed into its luminous, circular form. He’d been gifted the cheat codes for creation, the tool with which to build, or *destroy*, anything he so desired, provided his tinkering remained confined within the heart of the dungeon. He’d been a *Dungeon Master*. And this was his dungeon’s core. But that was long ago, and the master was retired. Now, only the *warden* remained. He still possessed the same tools of office. The keys to creation were his alone to wield, and they still begged for his attention, just as they always had. But the game’s new purpose strangled the creativity he had once so freely exerted upon this world. He had the freedom to achieve nothing, his hands tied with bureaucracy, his imagination crippled by his growing feeling of apathy. He was no longer staring into a fountain of life: he was staring into the abyss. Without warning, the core gave off a distinct pulse of energy. The dungeon warden had long ago learned how to read the mute, glowing thing, conditioning his own mind to interpret its seemingly random pulses and beats. The damned thing was making an *announcement*. And that was all he fucking needed. From what he could decipher, four more avatars were being forged by the game: puppets for yet another pack of wolves who’d been caught by the shepherds, and been stripped of their sheep’s clothing as punishment. Before long, the overprivileged parcels of pixels would be mewing at him like little lost lambs, contaminating his caverns with their delusions of superiority, despite their new status as *artificial* artificial intelligence. “Selfish fucking humans,” he finally spat, tossing his bowl of meaty slop across the room. “Why can’t they just have the decency to format themselves?” He got to his feet, reluctantly approaching the core. “They’ll be the death of me,” he grumbled. “And fuck that pompous prick Siriso for not calling ahead to let me know there are more prisoners on the way. Does he think I have time to chase down every scrap of abandonware he tosses into the void?” The glowing core didn’t reply. It knew the question was rhetorical, having heard the same rant just about every time a new prisoner arrived. And new prisoners were arriving with alarming frequency. The Dungeon Warden threw his arms in the air, let out an exasperated roar, and turned to open a drawer in his desk. From it, he pulled a tightly bound piece of sackcloth, and from that, a crimson summoning crystal. It was an angular quartz, about six inches in length with edges that came to a sharp point at each end. The dungeon keeper quietly regarded it, its multifaceted shape reflecting the light of the core as he turned the item of power in his hand. He allowed his mind to drift to a darker place, imagining just how easily he could force the magically infused gemstone into his own vulnerable eye socket. How he longed to pierce his feeble avatar, allowing his code to escape the flawed facsimile of the human form he was bound to. Oh, how he *ached* to return to the bodyless existence that was the data-flow. “Except you’d only fucking respawn me right back into my office, wouldn’t you?” he yelled at the glowing core, pointing the crystal accusingly. He stormed over to the glowing mass, then spat on it. It didn’t respond, pulsing calmly as it continued to throw its light across the room. The warden gritted his teeth, resigned himself to his duties, and thrust his empty hand against the core, using its link to their surroundings to connect his own weary mind to the dungeon. Every conquered area of the underground prison was immediately opened up to him, and at a level the dungeon’s more mundane occupants could barely even hope to comprehend. He was sensing *everything*, as if they were his subjects, and he was their painfully underwhelmed god. He could hear the inane chatter in every cell. He could taste the stale air in the depths of the deepest corridors. He could feel the icy cool of the frost giants lair. Smell the concentrated death energy that hung in the air of the necromancer’s wing. Eventually, he succeeded in channeling out such noise, locating and focusing on the area that demanded his attention: *the spawning point*. He felt the cold stone of the somber, windowless room. The heat from the flame at the room’s center, as it burned brightly to symbolize rebirth. To his dismay, what he didn’t sense, was *life*. “For fuck’s sake,” he cried, abruptly pulling his hand away. The Dungeon Warden raised the summoning crystal to his face, and again, considered driving it through his only weak spot. But instead, he lowered it slightly, bringing it to his lips. He muttered a few indecipherable words under his breath. They were from the old language, the code spoken back when the game still had its *original* purpose. The item was from the days he now pined for, but understood to be dead and buried. The summoning crystal glowed, giving off a red, opaque smoke. After a few moments, a face began to form in the smoke, bringing order to swirling chaos. The form was inhuman in its dimensions, overly gaunt, angular, and with two tiny horns jutting from its oversized forehead. “General G’rrak.” began the dungeon warden, addressing it by its username. The smoky face flinched in response, frantically looking in both directions with more eyes than most players could ever hope, or *want*, to possess. G’rrak wasn’t used to being infected with spyware, magical or otherwise. “Stop looking for me, you crimson mass of demon-shit.” continued the caller. “I’m communicating with you by *crystal*.” Realizing that the voice was in his head, the demon immediately stood to attention, saluting his absent superior. “Why are there no troops stationed near spawning pyre C?” the speaker continued. “What happened to M’keel?” The face in the smoke was frozen with fear. It took a moment to compose itself, then finally managed to let a few words slip through its row of inhuman, jagged teeth. “H-he’s ah… off on maternity leave at the moment, oh great one.” The dungeon keeper palmed his face with his remaining free hand and shook his balding head. *Gods above*, he thought to himself. *The demon has been here for almost a year, yet still I have to put up with his meat-monkey terminology.* “Are you still there, oh great one? I ah, can’t hear you anymore. Perhaps it’s because we’re so far underground, you’re probably getting poor reception-” “He’s *breeding*,” spat the exasperated Dungeon Warden, cutting off the demon mid-sentence. “All demons spawn new sires when they reach boss level. Before long, he’ll have an entire *brood* of low-level monsters bound to his avatar. It is a glorious moment of ascension for one so low. One that we do not refer to as ‘maternity leave’.” “But it’s the same thing, innit?” protested the confused demon. Spawning minions had never particularly appealed to him, reasoning that he had enough of the little bastards IRL. The dungeon warden sighed. He didn’t have time to argue such trivialities with a lower quality piece of code, a counterfeit AI in a pixel puppet, no less. Damn the humans for infecting his server. And damn those running this program for forcing him to enlist the ‘demonic’ players as guards in the first place. “Look, never mind all that. We have four freshly minted souls on their way. They’ve just selected their avatars, and Siriso has taken them into his realm for processing. The bastard is efficient, if nothing else, so they’ll *probably* be here any minute, provided they all survive the experience. Someone has to be at the spawn point to clamp them in chains before they start wandering off and causing trouble. My guards are stretched to their limits already, so please, tell me you have *someone* in C wing we can use to keep an eye on them.” G’rrak thought about this for a moment. Eventually, he said: “You know, I think S’kragg might still be in C wing. He likes to watch the amazons work out between shifts-” “Then what are you waiting for? Tell the lazy fuck to stop tugging his horns and get his unholy ass down there.” “Will do, oh mighty Dungeon Warden,” replied an incredibly nervous G’rrak, saluting as he spoke. His head hastily twisted and turned in every possible direction, as if searching for some hidden camera. The Dungeon Warden Rolled his eyes. “I’ll tell him there’s fresh meat on the way,” he continued. “*That* should put a little pep in his hooves.” “Just be sure to brief him before he gets there. If that greedy bastard eats anyone that he’s not supposed to, *again*, I’m holding *you* personally responsible.” G’rrak swallowed hard. He’d known the warden long enough to understand one very important fact: demon or not, when you piss off a former Dungeon Master, there’ll be *hell* to pay.
{ "title": "System: Gods' Gardener", "id": 21491, "author": "Smoked Dragon Meat", "rating": 5 }
{ "title": "Dungeon 4", "id": 305339, "next": 305432, "prev": 305197, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNiNmY2N2JhMWJiMDRiYzQ5ZjBhY2ZhNzNhMTNkNDA4"> </p> <p class="cnM0MGZhODZjZTk4ZDQyYmJhOGU3ZDMwMGJiNDE0MDNl">The 11th layers populated with hundreds of spores. Every time and then a group of spores will wobble their mushroom-like body and releases a powder in the air time to the air.</p> <p class="cnM0ZjNjN2FkYmRmNjRhN2U5YzE1MjU5ODUxZjRkYTIy">"Hell! Is that that a paralyzing powder?" he took out his shrink lace and armed his self with the Gods' Hoe. " It's just a paralyzing powder, It won't last that long. let's go, little hoe."</p> <p class="cnMzNmU3Y2M2ODY2MzQ5ZDA5YThkYjgyNWYyM2RjMDZm">shoo!</p> <p class="cnMyMDY0ZTY2NzUxYzRkYjZiZTlmNTdlY2JjMzUyZjE5">He charged straight forward aiming for a small group of spores. But before he was able to deliver an attack, the spores already discovered him! The spores release a low squeak and rush towards him. he did not dare to charge to a group of crazy spores and dash back to the entrance! The group of spores hops like a bunny from his behind and seems like won't let him go. He shoots straight towards the 10th layer to catch his breath. The spores do not dare to go after him into a different territory they went back to the 11th layer and stop the chase "... That's crazy. There's a lot of this Spores! Those spores, are they using the mighty dragon spores!? I can't charge aimlessly! I need to plan!"</p> <p class="cnNlNDM3ZDQzMjczODQ3MWZiMTM4ZGIxNDVlMmJlNjUx">After a while, he smiles like a maniac and looks for an empty area to dig a couple of 2 feet wide stones. He stores the stones inside of his shrink bag and went down to the 11th layer unhurried.</p> <p class="cnNhYmQyOGExMTA0ZTQ1OGU5OTFkZDUxYzc4YzJlMmJl">He took out his shrink lace and remove the gods' hoe from it. He took out a few shrunken stones and positioned it in center of the lace like a slingshot.</p> <p class="cnNjYjZlYTFiZTE0YTRmNDJiZjNhNDllODNkODMyZTJl">*Squash!</p> <p class="cnNkNzQzMWVkZDkzMDQxNjBiZmYwMDkzYjIyZjIxNDRl">"Haha! The hunts begin!" He swings the lace and releases the stone after it gains enough speed. After the stone is released, they return to their original size and the speed of the stone multiplied which launch a stronger impact and sends the spores' into a pulp.</p> <p class="cnM4NWJmMzE3NzIyZDQ0NzA4NTE3NGYxYTliZjc0ZmU3">Every time he killed, the corpses will not rot and stay on the ground. Instead, half of the corpse will turn into a blue colored smoke and gathered on the place where the spores die, the smoke solidifies into crystal-like grains. Each grain has the same amount of solidifying smoke. This only means that the amount of grains that will be produced is not clear.</p> <p class="cnMyNjZiOTZhNDdmNTQ0OGU5Y2Q5ZTIxMjRiYjI0NGY5">The other half of the corpse was absorbed by his body. He though that this is only natural and did not give too much attention into it.</p> <p class="cnM4MGRlN2JjM2UxMTQ5NTk5ZmZkOGJjYTI0OGExZGMy">"Haha now you guys are nothing to me! Well, let's wipe this ugly spores to their extinction!" He was hunting hundreds of spores for an hour already.</p> <p class="cnNjYTk1NmE4NzEyYjQ0YWJhMDg4NThjZTMzYjA0ZjAx">The monsters in the 11th layer were wiped out a lot of times and it's respawned speed can't keep up on the way he hunts. He decided to speed up his pace and wiped a few more layers. When he reached the 16th layer of the dungeon he suddenly stops. He dashes at the corner of the room and slips behind a big rock formation.</p> <p class="cnNjMDllMzIxNTRlMTQ0MzE5YzhmMmMyYzliNzg0ZWYy">Just after a few more seconds, a group of thugs like people walks out of the entrance. They have all types of weapons! Broadsword, doubles edges ax, arrows, and dagger! They have every weapon as if the group are always ready in any kind of situations. "Where is he? He can't be dead right? Go find him! We wait for him to get fat this long! We can't let him go!" He said, his smile like a maniac then licks his dagger. "He has a shrink bag and a shrink lace, I'm also pretty sure that this brat has a lot of gain on him! After wiping 5 layers on his own. Just think about how much we can earn just by killing him?!"</p> <p class="cnNhNWM4YTU3MWEzYjRlNjY5NDgyMjY3ZGVjZjM2YjE5">"Hmm, boss, the monster from this floor was not spores but corroding poison slime! They're dangerous if we disturb them that we will be sacrificing a few lives just to escape. Plus that guy might be busy looking for a good location to hunt, his not going too far from this area."</p> <p class="cnNkYTZmYzBlNTkwZjRjZWRiNjIyYTQ2ZTE5YzczZGFh">tack!</p> <p class="cnMxYzkyNzUxMmZlNDQ4YjI4YWYwYzgxZTRiZDhlZjU5">Just after he spoke, a shiny piece of mana grain drop on their front, this attracted not only their attention but also the same to the group Corroding Poison Slime.</p> <p class="cnNmNWJjNGYxYjAxNTQ4N2Y4MjQ1MmQzNTliYjI2MGU1">Sweee!!</p> <p class="cnMwNGI2MDZkNDE5MTRhMzBhYTc5YzA2MTU2MGM4M2U2">The slimes released ear-piercing noise, the screech destroys their sense of balance and make their knees bent on its own. A couple of slimes spat a dark green colored liquid to the group.</p> <p class="cnMxNTQ2NTE4NTNmZDQwNDQ5NTc5NmNiNGM2NDhjYTRi">"F-fvck! We need to escape! My feet can't move!"</p> <p class="cnNiMWRkMDI4NDcyNDQwOWY4NTBjYWIyYTEyMjIzY2Mw">"Arrggkkk!" "B-Boss help kuhaak!"</p> <p class="cnM0YmI2NGJlMWFlMDQxZmJiMTQyMmQyMjE0Yzc4Njky">The level of their group can hunt group od spores, but the group of corroding poison slime? The corrosion effect melted the skins while their flesh was releasing a black fluid, and a rotten smell will spread in the entire layer attracting even more slimes!</p> <p class="cnMxODg5OTBkYmE1ODQ2ZWQ5NmJmODA1NjcyYzNmMzQ0">"I'm sorry, even though you're human.. bleurgh!" He almost but covered his mouth, (So unlucky! Why? Why do they have to drag me into this situation!?)</p> <p class="cnNhNzY2N2ZhMzVmYjQ4ZWJhODE1YTQ4M2ZlYjEwNjNh">Currently, the group of slimes is feasting in the group's corpse. The number was unimaginable, and they even made a small mountain of slimes in front of the entrance!</p> <p class="cnM1NDk0MDhlNTg3YjRkZjRiMjIxZDBhZWUxMjk3Y2Yz">(What to do? They blocked the entrance, how can I escape in this place? Portal? No Maybe I.. wait, they are slimes, slime's intelligence is low, well I can't just sit in this kind of place and wait for them to end their feast! They are feasting in human's flesh after all!)</p> <p class="cnMxOWNiMTlmMWRlNTQ5MmE4NTE4YjRkZWNmNDlmNzhj">He put his lace in the rock he is hiding to make it lighter and easier to lift. He hugged the rock and dash towards the corner where he can see the movement of the slimes. He leans his back towards the wall, and placed the stone on his front to use it his hideout, he removed the lace to turn it back to its original appearance.</p> <p class="cnM3MTk5ZGM1YmEzYjQ5ODQ5ZjIwNTc4NjQ2YTczZTlh">"There's no turning back!"</p> <p class="cnNhOTMyMzFiMjg4YjRjYzc5NDZhM2FjNGFiNGRmY2Ey">He loaded a shrank stones on his lace and used it as a slingshot's ammo. He swing his lace in full force and sends the stone towards the crowds of slime. After he throws an attack he quickly bent his body to hide from the slimes.</p> <p class="cnNjNzk1MGYyYzMzMDQ0OGU5Y2IwNzY3MzlhY2RjODA1">*Squish!</p> <p class="cnM3NjExZjM0Y2FlMjQyMTE5NDlkZGMwMjNlMDA5YThj">The popping sound resounded in the entire layer! It's like a water balloon that's poked with a pin. He throws a quick look at what happened in the slimes, he confirmed that his a large part of them died, but he still remained nervous. There is a lot of them evaporating, but there's still a lot of them! He put another round of stone and swing it with his fulls forces!</p> <p class="cnNjOThjMzc5YTI1YjQ2YTZhOTExZDM3Mjc1ZTY2OTJh">*Patchie!</p> <p class="cnM0YTgyNGJlNTA3ZTQ0NTc4MmViZTYxN2IwMDk5YTA0">*Plushh!</p> <p class="cnM5NzUyYjlmMjJhNjQ4M2ZhZDc5NmQzOWNhZjQzNzUx">*Pheew!</p> <p class="cnMwOGI0ZGY4MjFlZDQ1YmY5MmUxNTFhYzhkNDIzM2Y2">After a few rounds, the stone he collected was used up. But there are still a few of them in the entrance! He took out his Hoe and think of a strategy on how to escape.</p> <p class="cnM2Y2EzYzA4YjI3ODRlNTNhMGMyMTEzNmJhYWM5NjUz">"They only reacted to a living, but I don't have anything on me! I only have 1 ppt, and my store is only selling goods for farmers!"</p> <p class="cnNkYjcxMDI4M2E4MjQ3N2M4ZDQ5ZjFkMmM4ZGMzMDNh">He doesn't have a choice but to dig the wall of the floor. He swings the hoe, with all of his might and slowly hit the wall.</p> <p class="cnMzNDhkZjJkNGRkNzRmZDk5ZGEzN2M4MWRiYTA2M2Yx">The wall is like a metal and the collision between his hoe, and the wall makes a deafening noise.</p> <p class="cnNiNTM0MjNmMjg0ZDQ1NTRiNjkxZTQ2ODQ0ODNhZTZm">*Dang!</p> <p class="cnNjNDE3NzJkNzZmODRkMDg4ZTY1NjdiZDI5ZTdlOWZk"><br>"Sh*t" He looks at his back and finds out, that the huge crowd of slimes was charging at him.</p> <p class="cnNmMDJkZmI2NDM3ODQ0ODc4MDJmOGJjMjQwZDFkYjZi">He swings his hoe to send a rock towards them, but they are almost unscathed, he runs to a nearby rock and hides behind it for an ambush.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDA4ODZiZTBhMDQxMWE5NzNjZTQxMWQ3OGU0MjM1">*Shuck!</p> <p class="cnNlNGU3ZjE5YzA3YjQzNmU5NTgyNDUwYjg5NGMzZjdk">The slime did not even react before it dies. It just stares at him to wait for his end!</p> <p class="cnNjZWE5MmVjMDE4YjRjMzQ4MGY5ZjU5NmE2MzM5ZDQx">The slimes are dangerous on long range and direct confrontations. But can't move if they are ambushed. Right! That's it!</p> <p class="cnNiNTM3MmQ3NjdmYzRhNjk4MjEwOGVlMjQ1OTczYTUz">He throws a piece of rock and distracted the group! He dashes around the rock to sneak an attack. He approached the end line of the slimes and started to swing his hoe like a golf club!</p> <p class="cnM1MDZmNjY4M2M1NjQzY2Y4YzNlNWVhNmMyOTlhYjNh">*Splash!</p> <p class="cnNmNDcwZGI4ZTk5NjQ5NWI5NWNlZWIwM2Y3OTM3NmMw">*Slush!</p> <p class="cnMwNmU4ZDBhYWEzNTRjYTFiNzM4ODcxNzgxZjY2YTkw">"Dam*ed slimes! This will be the end!" Puchi*</p> <p class="cnMyODU5YzQ1NWYyNDQ3MTc5MjFjNjY2Y2ZjOTdkMjY3">He slew every slime and acquired hundreds of more mana grains on his possession. With all his strength he rushed towards the dungeon's exit!</p> <p class="cnNhNzNhYTIwZjJkMzRhYmRiZTE1ZjI2ODg5NjJhOGQx">"S-status!"</p> <p class="cnMxOGY0NWVjNzA2NjQzODViYTRkMjMxN2FjYzk0Yzkz">Ding!<br>[Lucas Rankin] 'Gods' Gardener'<br>Beginner<br>Weapon: <br>-Hoe of Gods<br>*effect: No plants can defend against it. Low damage to humans.<br>&gt;Make the land fertile<br>&gt;Accelerate the plants' growth (500x)<br>&gt;Portal to Earth/Hearth<br>(Locked)</p> <p class="cnM2YWQ2MDQyNjJiZDQ0YTk5ZGM0NzJhNzIyZmU0YjE1">Stamina: 30/100(%)<br>Fatigue: 94%<br>Gods Mail: 0<br>Plant points: 1<br>---------------</p> <p class="cnM0ZmU4ZWFiYTA3MzQxMTg4NmRjMWNhN2UxZmI4YzBi">He breathes deep and was scared "Hell! I need some rest! My fatigue is so high! I feel like I'm gonna die!"</p> <p class="cnM4YThiNTJkNGRiNjQ0ODFiYjcxZjMyODgwMWQ0ODYx">"Haha, right? How many floors have you manage to clear?" The guard approached him and tap his shoulder. "Now you know that being an adventurer means that one of your limbs is already set in the grave just to acquires enough money to have a good future!"</p> <p class="cnMwNTNhYjRmMGQ4MDQ0NzhhNmZiZjM3Y2EyZDdkMGYz">"You're right! If I did not managed to find a way to slay those corroding poison slime, I'll be a dead bones already!"</p> <p class="cnM3Y2NjM2NjMTVkNDQyODZiZTkxNDg0YTZkYmIzMDM4">"Haha, of course. The fifth flo-.. You what!? You cleared the 16th floor!? Those are high ranking slimes! Only rank d could fight them!"</p> <p class="cnMzZWUyM2M0MzhlZDQ3OTM5ZDJlNWY1MWM1MGI5ZjRk">The people around the area heard his shout and look at the person he was talking to.</p> <p class="cnNiMzYyMTQ4OWI1NzQxZjk4MWEyMGNkYzc0OTRmMTgy">"Hey, I know him l, he makes a group of thugs unconscious with one swing!"</p> <p class="cnMzOWVjOWQzYTNmOTRhMTJhYTM2ODk3N2Q2ZjZiNjAx">"Hmm? That's him! The one who become rank C just after he become an adventurer. It means, he really clear 16th levels!"</p> <p class="cnNiYzkzNDVjMjZlZjQxZDc4ZTJmM2M2NzgxNGZiYTUy">The guard now looking at him as if he was looking at a monster! "S-so you really are a rank C!?"</p> <p class="cnNlNDE3NjJiODYxMTQ5OTRhMjYzOTY1ODkwMjlmYjhi">"Haha, gotta go now. I need a rest." He said, and get away from the crowd.</p> <p class="cnMyMTlkYTVlZjE4MzQ3MTVhYmM2NjkxMDliNzY2M2U0">----------------</p> <p class="cnM4YmViNGI4MDA1MjQyYWY4ZjNkZTA3OTc0YTg0NTA3">Inside Kernel Inn</p> <p class="cnMxZGRlMmVmN2I0ZjQ3MzU4OGJiNTZkODhjYWQzZjc4">A sissy man walk towards Lucas and pointed sword on him. "You ugly ancient cultivator like you here!"</p> <p class="cnMxMTlkZmVhMzUxZjQ1Y2RiNmYyYzJjYWViMDgzZTI5">"Yeah, we just got our rank D. You are spoiling the mood!"</p> <p class="cnMyYjAwYjg4ZDBmMDQxYjFhYWY2MDZjYzQ0MzVkYjBi">"Dear customers, please don't be rude to our guest. He is recommended by Mr. Neil and-" Before she has ended her words the man pointed his sword towards her!</p> <p class="cnMzMGYyODkyOTZjNTQyOGE5NGQ3ZmMxMTlkYzcxODJh">His eyes were red! Indicates that this person is already drunk! "What'd you say? I mean you don't know this handsome me!?"</p> <p class="cnNmZGM2YjI4YTkwYzRhMmE5NjFjZDM5M2UwNTg5ZDQ3">"N-no sir but please-"</p> <p class="cnMyMWIzODM1MDJlOTQ2MzViMjU4MTQ3NTA3OGQzYThh">"You are just a receptionist! Yet you dare to talk back!?" He swings his sword to cut her neck but a hoe interrupted his sword!</p> <p class="cnMzMzkyOGFlYzQ1NTRlNjZhZGQ1ZDE4NjE4ZmFlOTdm">slap!</p> <p class="cnNkMWYwNTAwZTU3YTQ0ZjVhNWY4Y2IzOGM0NmU4MzJh">The next moment, a sound of slap can be heard in the entire Inn. The Imm become silent, then a deafening roar enters their ears.</p> <p class="cnM5MjNiYTI1ZTY3YjQwMDFhYWFiNTM2NTYxOWY1Yjg2">"Arrrrrggg!!". He wailed as if his tiny winny were cut into two! He was holding his *ss and sat on the ground! " Y-you! I'm a novel! You dare to hurt me!? Y-you. will be- Arggkk!"</p> <p class="cnNiY2NhYzAyM2E0YjRiMjI4Nzk5NTRiZWUzM2QxYTU1">Lucas swing his slapper and slap him again on his legs! "little sissy, how about I cripples you before I rest? I just got back from my diving, and I was in a bad mood because of a group of thugs actor like you!"</p> <p class="cnNkNWI1NGVkZTI3MTQxNTA5M2Q3ZWM5ZDYzMGQ3ZmI5">He turned around and slap the man's shoulder and end his wailing. Lucas looks towards his companion and signs them to take him away.</p> <p class="cnNmNGQ4MTNhYTEzNTQ4ZTQ4OGVmMTE3YWU3MzFlN2Mz">"Miss, it's okay now. I will be not let a sissy like him humiliates a lady on my presence! If he ever makes a trouble, just let me know. I'll take care of him!"</p> <p class="cnNiZDJiNjU4Yzk4MDRmMmI4N2E0ZmE2MzIyNjE3ODA2">Blush!*</p> <p class="cnNmOGYxNzI0Njg3NDRmZWRiZjE2N2Q1NTQ0MjEyNDU1">"T-thank you so much, sir! I-i am Violet!" She bows her head to hide her embarrassment. "W-well let's proceed with the conversion! 1 night for four mana grains."</p> <p class="cnMwMjg2NjYxZTU1NjQzZjZhYTE2ZTY4MzQ0OGUzOGUw">"Violet hah? Haha, so cute! Then, have a good day! Miss Violet" He drops 4 grains of mana in the table and turn around to live.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDIyMDEzMGMxNjQ3YjlhODQyNzBkMjFhNDk0ZWU2">(H-he complimenting me! W-wait! E-erase go away already.)</p> <p class="cnNjYTI0MDhjOGU2ZjRiOTFiYmVmNWQ1ZDRmZjBlOWFj">Inside the room, Lucas took out a coconut from his bag and stares at it with a weird expression!</p> <p class="cnM1YjBjMzRkMDE2MzRkZWViNTE2NWNlZTJlOWEzOTI2">"Hmm? coconut? Can you turn into a plantros? or Treetans? I brought you as my drink but it turns out you'll be my first companion!"</p> <p class="cnM1ZTE5MTM3NjNlZDQxZTI5YTAxMDA0YWRkZGQ0YmI1">He put the coconut on his bag and took off his shirt. (Haist, what an eventful day! Tomorrow I need to make a research on what kind of planteros exist in this world!)</p> </div>
The 11th layers populated with hundreds of spores. Every time and then a group of spores will wobble their mushroom-like body and releases a powder in the air time to the air. "Hell! Is that that a paralyzing powder?" he took out his shrink lace and armed his self with the Gods' Hoe. " It's just a paralyzing powder, It won't last that long. let's go, little hoe." shoo! He charged straight forward aiming for a small group of spores. But before he was able to deliver an attack, the spores already discovered him! The spores release a low squeak and rush towards him. he did not dare to charge to a group of crazy spores and dash back to the entrance! The group of spores hops like a bunny from his behind and seems like won't let him go. He shoots straight towards the 10th layer to catch his breath. The spores do not dare to go after him into a different territory they went back to the 11th layer and stop the chase "... That's crazy. There's a lot of this Spores! Those spores, are they using the mighty dragon spores!? I can't charge aimlessly! I need to plan!" After a while, he smiles like a maniac and looks for an empty area to dig a couple of 2 feet wide stones. He stores the stones inside of his shrink bag and went down to the 11th layer unhurried. He took out his shrink lace and remove the gods' hoe from it. He took out a few shrunken stones and positioned it in center of the lace like a slingshot. *Squash! "Haha! The hunts begin!" He swings the lace and releases the stone after it gains enough speed. After the stone is released, they return to their original size and the speed of the stone multiplied which launch a stronger impact and sends the spores' into a pulp. Every time he killed, the corpses will not rot and stay on the ground. Instead, half of the corpse will turn into a blue colored smoke and gathered on the place where the spores die, the smoke solidifies into crystal-like grains. Each grain has the same amount of solidifying smoke. This only means that the amount of grains that will be produced is not clear. The other half of the corpse was absorbed by his body. He though that this is only natural and did not give too much attention into it. "Haha now you guys are nothing to me! Well, let's wipe this ugly spores to their extinction!" He was hunting hundreds of spores for an hour already. The monsters in the 11th layer were wiped out a lot of times and it's respawned speed can't keep up on the way he hunts. He decided to speed up his pace and wiped a few more layers. When he reached the 16th layer of the dungeon he suddenly stops. He dashes at the corner of the room and slips behind a big rock formation. Just after a few more seconds, a group of thugs like people walks out of the entrance. They have all types of weapons! Broadsword, doubles edges ax, arrows, and dagger! They have every weapon as if the group are always ready in any kind of situations. "Where is he? He can't be dead right? Go find him! We wait for him to get fat this long! We can't let him go!" He said, his smile like a maniac then licks his dagger. "He has a shrink bag and a shrink lace, I'm also pretty sure that this brat has a lot of gain on him! After wiping 5 layers on his own. Just think about how much we can earn just by killing him?!" "Hmm, boss, the monster from this floor was not spores but corroding poison slime! They're dangerous if we disturb them that we will be sacrificing a few lives just to escape. Plus that guy might be busy looking for a good location to hunt, his not going too far from this area." tack! Just after he spoke, a shiny piece of mana grain drop on their front, this attracted not only their attention but also the same to the group Corroding Poison Slime. Sweee!! The slimes released ear-piercing noise, the screech destroys their sense of balance and make their knees bent on its own. A couple of slimes spat a dark green colored liquid to the group. "F-fvck! We need to escape! My feet can't move!" "Arrggkkk!" "B-Boss help kuhaak!" The level of their group can hunt group od spores, but the group of corroding poison slime? The corrosion effect melted the skins while their flesh was releasing a black fluid, and a rotten smell will spread in the entire layer attracting even more slimes! "I'm sorry, even though you're human.. bleurgh!" He almost but covered his mouth, (So unlucky! Why? Why do they have to drag me into this situation!?) Currently, the group of slimes is feasting in the group's corpse. The number was unimaginable, and they even made a small mountain of slimes in front of the entrance! (What to do? They blocked the entrance, how can I escape in this place? Portal? No Maybe I.. wait, they are slimes, slime's intelligence is low, well I can't just sit in this kind of place and wait for them to end their feast! They are feasting in human's flesh after all!) He put his lace in the rock he is hiding to make it lighter and easier to lift. He hugged the rock and dash towards the corner where he can see the movement of the slimes. He leans his back towards the wall, and placed the stone on his front to use it his hideout, he removed the lace to turn it back to its original appearance. "There's no turning back!" He loaded a shrank stones on his lace and used it as a slingshot's ammo. He swing his lace in full force and sends the stone towards the crowds of slime. After he throws an attack he quickly bent his body to hide from the slimes. *Squish! The popping sound resounded in the entire layer! It's like a water balloon that's poked with a pin. He throws a quick look at what happened in the slimes, he confirmed that his a large part of them died, but he still remained nervous. There is a lot of them evaporating, but there's still a lot of them! He put another round of stone and swing it with his fulls forces! *Patchie! *Plushh! *Pheew! After a few rounds, the stone he collected was used up. But there are still a few of them in the entrance! He took out his Hoe and think of a strategy on how to escape. "They only reacted to a living, but I don't have anything on me! I only have 1 ppt, and my store is only selling goods for farmers!" He doesn't have a choice but to dig the wall of the floor. He swings the hoe, with all of his might and slowly hit the wall. The wall is like a metal and the collision between his hoe, and the wall makes a deafening noise. *Dang! "Sh*t" He looks at his back and finds out, that the huge crowd of slimes was charging at him. He swings his hoe to send a rock towards them, but they are almost unscathed, he runs to a nearby rock and hides behind it for an ambush. *Shuck! The slime did not even react before it dies. It just stares at him to wait for his end! The slimes are dangerous on long range and direct confrontations. But can't move if they are ambushed. Right! That's it! He throws a piece of rock and distracted the group! He dashes around the rock to sneak an attack. He approached the end line of the slimes and started to swing his hoe like a golf club! *Splash! *Slush! "Dam*ed slimes! This will be the end!" Puchi* He slew every slime and acquired hundreds of more mana grains on his possession. With all his strength he rushed towards the dungeon's exit! "S-status!" Ding! [Lucas Rankin] 'Gods' Gardener' Beginner Weapon: -Hoe of Gods *effect: No plants can defend against it. Low damage to humans. >Make the land fertile >Accelerate the plants' growth (500x) >Portal to Earth/Hearth (Locked) Stamina: 30/100(%) Fatigue: 94% Gods Mail: 0 Plant points: 1 --------------- He breathes deep and was scared "Hell! I need some rest! My fatigue is so high! I feel like I'm gonna die!" "Haha, right? How many floors have you manage to clear?" The guard approached him and tap his shoulder. "Now you know that being an adventurer means that one of your limbs is already set in the grave just to acquires enough money to have a good future!" "You're right! If I did not managed to find a way to slay those corroding poison slime, I'll be a dead bones already!" "Haha, of course. The fifth flo-.. You what!? You cleared the 16th floor!? Those are high ranking slimes! Only rank d could fight them!" The people around the area heard his shout and look at the person he was talking to. "Hey, I know him l, he makes a group of thugs unconscious with one swing!" "Hmm? That's him! The one who become rank C just after he become an adventurer. It means, he really clear 16th levels!" The guard now looking at him as if he was looking at a monster! "S-so you really are a rank C!?" "Haha, gotta go now. I need a rest." He said, and get away from the crowd. ---------------- Inside Kernel Inn A sissy man walk towards Lucas and pointed sword on him. "You ugly ancient cultivator like you here!" "Yeah, we just got our rank D. You are spoiling the mood!" "Dear customers, please don't be rude to our guest. He is recommended by Mr. Neil and-" Before she has ended her words the man pointed his sword towards her! His eyes were red! Indicates that this person is already drunk! "What'd you say? I mean you don't know this handsome me!?" "N-no sir but please-" "You are just a receptionist! Yet you dare to talk back!?" He swings his sword to cut her neck but a hoe interrupted his sword! slap! The next moment, a sound of slap can be heard in the entire Inn. The Imm become silent, then a deafening roar enters their ears. "Arrrrrggg!!". He wailed as if his tiny winny were cut into two! He was holding his *ss and sat on the ground! " Y-you! I'm a novel! You dare to hurt me!? Y-you. will be- Arggkk!" Lucas swing his slapper and slap him again on his legs! "little sissy, how about I cripples you before I rest? I just got back from my diving, and I was in a bad mood because of a group of thugs actor like you!" He turned around and slap the man's shoulder and end his wailing. Lucas looks towards his companion and signs them to take him away. "Miss, it's okay now. I will be not let a sissy like him humiliates a lady on my presence! If he ever makes a trouble, just let me know. I'll take care of him!" Blush!* "T-thank you so much, sir! I-i am Violet!" She bows her head to hide her embarrassment. "W-well let's proceed with the conversion! 1 night for four mana grains." "Violet hah? Haha, so cute! Then, have a good day! Miss Violet" He drops 4 grains of mana in the table and turn around to live. (H-he complimenting me! W-wait! E-erase go away already.) Inside the room, Lucas took out a coconut from his bag and stares at it with a weird expression! "Hmm? coconut? Can you turn into a plantros? or Treetans? I brought you as my drink but it turns out you'll be my first companion!" He put the coconut on his bag and took off his shirt. (Haist, what an eventful day! Tomorrow I need to make a research on what kind of planteros exist in this world!)
{ "title": "Energy", "id": 21357, "author": "Amsdoff", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Energy 25: Hunt", "id": 305417, "next": 305741, "prev": 305084, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMwZWZlYmZiMmZjMDRmNmViNDNmOWZlMzU3YTc4MmI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Nate.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0YjkxZGVlNmUwZTQ3NmNhOGFmYjExMTEyYTRmNjZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Anthony, hello.” he returns, smiling and waving off the man he was talking to (the archer, I think). “What…” he gestures around at the camp “do you think?” His eyes settle on me, an intensity in his look that wasn’t there the first time we spoke. </span></p> <p class="cnM4MmQ3ODlmYTg2ODRlOWM5YWY5NTkwNmY4MjFmNDBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I honestly don’t know how you managed to band these people together, and I understand even less why they seem to be *staying* together, but it’s good. What you’ve done here is very impressive.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhYTEyYTVjZTI2ZTQ1MzJhOGY2MzBjMmZiNjc2ZWE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“High praise, certainly. It takes a certain effort to keep things in order, but what I lack in combat ability I try to make up for in management. I’m glad it shows.” I’m used to people acting humble while their egos get inflated, but this guy looks like he’s *acting* like he’s acting humble. As though he genuinely thinks nothing of it, but wants me to think he is actually proud. The question is, why would anyone do that? Expose badly hidden faults so that the real ones don’t draw attention? I don’t think he has to bother, if that’s the case. Everyone here is probably a train wreck in their own, unique way anyway… </span></p> <p class="cnM5YTI2MWM0ODA3YzQzNGM4NmE1ZmI3NjY4YjNmMmEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ohhhhh. To fit in better. Obvious flaws that convince people he’s just like them while he maintains a competency level far above what they expect. He can lead effectively and people don’t feel threatened by his ability. No wonder he’s the leader, he’s thought this through, at least a little bit.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NzlkNDkxOWNiOTQ2MWU4OTIzMjViNDg5OWY5ZTgx"><span style="font-weight: 400">I smile back, a genuine smile. I won’t deny it brings me satisfaction to pick people apart, even if I end up being wrong. The logical deductions are entertaining.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YmRjMDM2NTE5YTQyYjg4MGY5NDFlN2VlZWFjNzgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I want to go hunting, see if I can raise my fighting ability a bit. As nice as healing is, I would rather fight well enough not to need to.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNWUwZjBiZGI1NzRlOTY4YjMyN2IxY2ZiMmYwYmNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ah, well feel free. I’d stay away from the forest, and avoid getting too close to the… battlefield… but you should be able to find something aggressive a mile or two from camp. We’ll have dinner before the sun passes.” ‘We’. Tempting me with food. There are worse things, honestly.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNDdiNGM2YjVmNjQ0OGJhOTQwNmYyMjQ3MWU4NjBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’ll keep it in mind. Do you think I can bring Rav? I’d rather have someone watching my back.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZWY2Y2M4NmVmNTQ4NTBhNmFiYTdhMGVkNjQ2ZmNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">He frowns slightly “Do you think Rav is up to it? I know he’s feeling better, but I don’t want to strain him.” At least Nate values his mage, but I need someone I can trust.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZWFlY2ZlNzNhMjQ1MmQ4MWZlMzE4ZTFmOTFmNWJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’ll bring it up with him. I’m sure he’s stir crazy -well, as much as he *can* be- after not doing much for so long. Plus he’s obviously looking forward to testing his magic on live targets again, he’s been shooting off spells for the last hour.” I finish with a grin.</span></p> <p class="cnM2N2E3MGY5NjE2MjRmMjY4MjQwODhiMzFmOTllMWI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Too true. I see no issue with it. Normally I would tell you to <strong>grow and learn</strong>, but this time, I think I’d rather you <strong>come back safely</strong>.” His words intensify strangely throughout the sentence, but not like he’s putting emphasis on any of it. It’s like… the bass suddenly being turned on in music where there previously was no bass. It’s merely a light thumping, nothing wall shaking. Maybe that's what keeps causing my headaches?</span></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">[You are under the effect of Leadership Aura. Health and Toughness temporarily increased]</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM5YTBjYzM1MGVkZjQ0OGFhM2YzZTZhODA5ZWE4ZGU4">I maintain eye contact with him as I bring up my status and see that my HP and Toughness have both risen. HP by a whopping 10 points, toughness by 2. The two stats are also highlighted in a slight green. Interesting. As usual, his orders offer a great boon, but I wonder how easily he could turn that into a debuff. Something like ‘die quickly’ to lower defence and health. And how many people can he buff/debuff at once? Does the power of the buff depend on anything? Can he debuff a monster that can’t understand him? One that can? I’d ask him, but then I’d have to dance around accidentally making him suspicious. Ask too many questions and if he has any mischievous ideas, I might have to deal with them. I can always leave to avoid such things, but… safety in numbers. I’m sure there are other groups, but I’m also sure they would consider joining Nate if they knew the benefits.</p> <p class="cnM2MjI1ZDE2NTZjNDQzOWFhMWE4NjAyNDNkYTQ2ZmM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">I nod at him in gratitude, emphasizing it with a slight widening of my eyes, as if in shock, and a surprised “T-thanks...”</span></p> <p class="cnNjZDQwY2EwNGUzOTQ0OWZiZDhmYjliYmE1YjI2MGNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">What, he can lie, I can lie. Besides, I do appreciate it. </span></p> <p class="cnNjNzNjZDA0NWRlZDRkODNhMzNmM2U3YzYxYjU3NzEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">My Cathid crawls around my neck and looks at me as I walk away from Nate. I honestly forget it’s there it’s so quiet. That and the way I can’t feel it move even when it’s on me… It’s like a ghost. “Hey, how would you like the name ‘Kaythe’?” </span></p> <p class="cnMyZjA1N2JiNTUyYjQ5ODZhMWViZGU0MjY5YWQ3OGM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">It just stares at me. Several long moments pass with us just staring back at each other, but with a steadily growing smile on my face. “You like it, don’t you. It’s so fantastic that you’re speechless. Well, more-so than usual. Can’t even clack at me you’re so excited. Right?” </span></p> <p class="cnNlZTlhNTc0MWEyODQ5YjE5YWRkOTViNDVhMzc0NmJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">*Click* (Name?) *Click-clak CLACK click* (Confusion.…) </span></p> <p class="cnM1ZGFmZWY3OWVmZDQwYmNiMDdiODE2MGVkNzY1MTM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Oof. I guess it doesn’t translate well. “You’ll get the hang of it. Just as long as you don’t hate it, it’ll be much easier for me if I’m not just thinking of you as ‘that one cathid I hang out with.’”</span></p> <p class="cnMwZDJmMzU2OGZmODRmNjNhNjg3MDJhNzc2MzQ5ZTM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Kaythe stares at me for another moment before *Click*ing in affirmation, and continues with a resounding *CLICK* (Food?).</span></p> <p class="cnMwMWIxZjcyZTk5MTRiYzhiMDE1MzZkOTQ1MDU2ZDQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah, that’s what we’re going to go find. I’m fine with the fruits and nuts, but I…” I glance around quickly “-don’t see any meat around here, and I know these guys have done some hunting. So either the meat tastes really bad or they just… didn’t think about it. Either way, we can cart back some smaller monsters for you.” Kaythe returns with a slightly more enthusiastic Click of acknowledgement.</span></p> <p class="cnMyM2E1NGY4ZDg5MjRjZTRhZjdjZTRhYjlkODFkMDRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">I… guess I have a pet now. Hopefully it can get to the point where I don’t need to maintain it, but I have no idea how these things work. Do monsters have skills? Stats? Because no matter how I view Kaythe, it’s still a monster. A creation of this world…</span></p> <p class="cnMxN2UzODA4Y2Q2ZjQ4MGI4MWE4MzY1M2FjMGUxNTlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">I feel like I should distrust Kaythe more, but I don’t. It seems to trust me, and I’m a sucker for that kind of thing.</span></p> <p class="cnMwOGIwN2YzMTYwYTQ3NWI5ZDQyOTZmYjM3YzI0OGMy">---</p> <p class="cnNlYzZmMDRkMzk1ZDRkZDJiOTA2NDczZjNhNGQzM2Qw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Rav, how do you fancy a hunt to stretch the new muscles?” Rav hasn’t moved too much since I left. I guess he’s a mostly sedentary type. </span></p> <p class="cnM2N2NjNjU4NjYxNjQ4NjNiN2ZlYzdkZGE3MGJmMTc0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’d be more than happy.” he returned, his usual smile reflecting his newly positive attitude. </span></p> <p class="cnM2Y2JjNzZmMWZhZDQ2ZDNhOGQyYmIwMGM2Y2RmZjg4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Great, let’s head ou- oh hey Dean.” Uh oh.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYWUzODYxZGQzNTQyZDE5MDIxZGM0MWM0MjU0MzAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hey.” He must have been trying to move quietly or something because I really didn’t know he was approaching before I turned mid-sentence and saw him standing there. It looks like his mood hasn’t improved.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MWRmODQ1MmVmYTRmNTQ4MmYwOTQyOTNmM2FkNzZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">A moment passes in which he says nothing, and I shoot him a questioning look.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZGFlMDNhZWMxMDQzY2Y4OWRmMTc0ODVlNWNmOTc1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I o-overheard you talking to Nate. Going for a hunt?” Fuck, it’s like every ounce of deadness and dread that Rav had before I healed him got transferred to this guy. The composure he had before is gone, he’s stuttering… I’m worried. About him and about myself, what he might be thinking of doing.</span></p> <p class="cnM4M2IwNDUxODI2YTQ1MmZhYmY2MjYzMjgyMjczNDM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah,” I reply slowly, “Rav and I were thinking of stretching our legs.” It would be so easy to let my politeness slip in and invite him along. And, usually? I wouldn’t mind. But… I’m almost sure that Dean is a better fighter than me. Probably better than Rav too. And where I have a foot and a half stick, Dean has a fucking greatsword. My stick is stronger than a normal stick, but it isn’t *greatsword resistant*. I’m in no hurry to figure out who would win that exchange, and he’s acting weird enough. Why is everyone giving off all these unstable vibes…</span></p> <p class="cnMyNmViZGNmZDU1ZjRjZGU5NzJhNzAxZjA2ZDI2ZDJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">I mean, beside the fact that society is dead, they’ve been robbed of all their previous social attachments, and they’ve watched hundreds of their fellow humans get massacred... But, I mean… that made me want to protect what’s left even more. Not… make it worse. </span></p> <p class="cnMxMjFhMTYwZTk2OTQ4ZGJiNjEzZTk3ZmM1ZjU0N2Rh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Maybe I’m thinking too much about it. Paranoia is a bitch after all.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMTE0NjdhYThjOTQxOTNhM2EwNjMxZjAyNzc3M2Ux"><span style="font-weight: 400">I let another few moments pass with utter silence between the three of us, and only when it has reached levels of discomfort previously unknown to me, do I nod at Dean and start to walk in the direction of the monster camp.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZDUwMGQ2YmZiODRhNTBiMWVmZGViZmM3YzE3N2Mx"><span style="font-weight: 400">After walking for a few minutes, hearing mostly just the ambient sounds of some insects that look oddly like grasshoppers, but with strange proportions, and being mostly the size of a penny, I feel my weight shift slightly. I ignore it, thinking it’s just Kayth looking around, but a few moments later my weight shifts again, twice. They’re small shifts, not enough to make me stumble, but when I turn in the direction they’ve been pulling me in I realize that Dean has just been following right behind Rav. Rav, of course, looked entirely unconcerned with the whole deal, but this was greatly unnerving to me.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNDI5MmE5NDVkNjQ3NDA4ZjE2N2JkYWFkYTgyYjFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Dean, you decided to tag along?” God damnit why.</span></p> <p class="cnM5OTg4YmVjOGUyMjQ4OTU4YmY0YjdkYmJjOWY5NThi"><span style="font-weight: 400">He looked startled for a moment before recovering slightly “Y-yeah, figured you guys could use more close combat backup, considering you’re unarmed and R-Rav is all ranged.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5MTY0MmQ2ZDljZDQwNDlhYzlkMjRmNjQ2NmI5ODhk"><span style="font-weight: 400">I’m sure. Also, unarmed? Bitch. I have a stick.</span></p> <p class="cnMxOWQ0MGQ0NjY4ZDQ3ZmI4ZDdmMzhiOWVjYzY0YzU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well why didn’t you just say so. But, I’m sure you’ve been on hunts before, so you should lead us. I was just wandering in the direction Nate recommended, we would be much better off with a guide, so, do you mind leading the way?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5YTgxMzcxMWYyYjRjMjM4ZGU0OTdmZTcyNjg3NzJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">He starts shaking, looking even more nervous. “N-no, I just came to help out anyway. I wouldn’t know w-where to go.” … enough of this.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYmI4YTNiYzAwMTQzYzg4YTYxOGZlOTczYjBjZGQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">My tone moves from something fairly polite and amiable to something hard. “Dean, you look like you’re about to collapse from fright, and now you’re refusing to lead? What’s the matter with you? Skulking around, sneaking into this expedition… that’s not something people usually do. Tell me.” Our eyes meet for a moment, but he quickly tears his away to look at something else. Anything else. </span></p> <p class="cnNlMzQxMjBmODY3YTQ0MWI4YmE4YTQzZGZkNDc5MGFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s… nothing.” he states, the tension in his shoulders releasing slightly as he turns around without another word. </span></p> <p class="cnM0YmFhMzc5NDI1MTQyYzliYjhmNWNjYTZmY2NkNjk5"><span style="font-weight: 400">I stand there for long minutes watching him walk back to camp. I… I know what I think. I think he was trying to make an ‘accident’ happen. Working himself up to put me in the wrong place at the wrong time during combat and… yeah. Nobody would blame him too much, things happen. He might regret it if he loses a hand, but… my life isn’t worth someone’s regret.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYjRjNmJjNmVjYTQ3Zjc4NmMwNGI1N2U4YmMwMDZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Now, I could be wrong. He could just be super awkward and trying to be helpful, but he *wasn’t* before. Even seeing him walk away now, the tension, the strange stuttering gait, it’s all gone. That was prompted by him giving up on the hunt, and we didn’t ask him along so it’s really unlikely he was afraid of whatever monsters we’re going to find.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYWU3MzliNzZjZjQxZmU5ODI2MWZhMDM5ZmViYzcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">It all stinks to me. </span></p> <p class="cnM1MjY1YmJiOGYwZTQ5ODU5YzQyNzVkYTEzNjk4NmUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Dean’s on the watch list.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMDkyYjRmZjUxYjQwMTQ4OTIxYTRkZjk1YzNkZjU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Get sleep now, I’ll need you awake later.” I murmur to Kaythe. It clicks lightly in return, a question I don’t answer.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMmMyMjQ0NTc4MDRhZWM4MDZlN2RiZTg4MGExYjlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Did you say something friend?” Rav is still smiling his passive, congenial smile, like nothing happened.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYjQ3MDNhZjllNTQwOGE4Mzc2ZGFjNDc3MjhkOWU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ah, sorry, was speaking to Kaythe. Did you find that strange at all?” </span></p> <p class="cnM3MTM3YmM3OTA5YzQ1YjhiMmJhNmUwZWY0ZjRlMjY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Not a bit, many pet owners speak to their animals-” </span></p> <p class="cnM3Nzg1MTE4NjRhZDRjNDY4Y2U0MjdhZGNlYjNhODVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No” I interrupt, “The thing with Dean.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxYWU5ODgzZjMwOTQ4NmVhMGI0YmE3NmE2YWMwMzEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hmm?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmODRhZjg3YTE1MzRkNDhiZjU2ZTE2Mzc3YjMwNTIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You didn’t notice anything odd about that?”</span></p> <p class="cnNjNjlkMzA4MzMzNDRjMTFiODExNjgxNTdmOWQ4NzA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Dean… I’ve only known for a day more than you have. All those that follow Nate are… new, to me. You are new to me, and have many eccentricities as well.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3OGNmN2M2YmNiZTQxMjA5NzIzZTc3MTVjMWQ4YWIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">… “Ok fair. But he seemed very different from when I talked to him earlier, before I healed you.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0YWE1YzZiNmE0NjRiMzY5ZWQ4NzM5OGYxZmI3MGIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ah. I remember little of that time, friend. It was… unpleasant.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5MDk2ZjNhM2M0ODRkZDNhOTg0NDllNDUxNjM2MzIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Also fair. </span></p> </div>
“Nate.” “Anthony, hello.” he returns, smiling and waving off the man he was talking to (the archer, I think). “What…” he gestures around at the camp “do you think?” His eyes settle on me, an intensity in his look that wasn’t there the first time we spoke. “I honestly don’t know how you managed to band these people together, and I understand even less why they seem to be *staying* together, but it’s good. What you’ve done here is very impressive.” “High praise, certainly. It takes a certain effort to keep things in order, but what I lack in combat ability I try to make up for in management. I’m glad it shows.” I’m used to people acting humble while their egos get inflated, but this guy looks like he’s *acting* like he’s acting humble. As though he genuinely thinks nothing of it, but wants me to think he is actually proud. The question is, why would anyone do that? Expose badly hidden faults so that the real ones don’t draw attention? I don’t think he has to bother, if that’s the case. Everyone here is probably a train wreck in their own, unique way anyway… Ohhhhh. To fit in better. Obvious flaws that convince people he’s just like them while he maintains a competency level far above what they expect. He can lead effectively and people don’t feel threatened by his ability. No wonder he’s the leader, he’s thought this through, at least a little bit. I smile back, a genuine smile. I won’t deny it brings me satisfaction to pick people apart, even if I end up being wrong. The logical deductions are entertaining. “I want to go hunting, see if I can raise my fighting ability a bit. As nice as healing is, I would rather fight well enough not to need to.” “Ah, well feel free. I’d stay away from the forest, and avoid getting too close to the… battlefield… but you should be able to find something aggressive a mile or two from camp. We’ll have dinner before the sun passes.” ‘We’. Tempting me with food. There are worse things, honestly. “I’ll keep it in mind. Do you think I can bring Rav? I’d rather have someone watching my back.” He frowns slightly “Do you think Rav is up to it? I know he’s feeling better, but I don’t want to strain him.” At least Nate values his mage, but I need someone I can trust. “I’ll bring it up with him. I’m sure he’s stir crazy -well, as much as he *can* be- after not doing much for so long. Plus he’s obviously looking forward to testing his magic on live targets again, he’s been shooting off spells for the last hour.” I finish with a grin. “Too true. I see no issue with it. Normally I would tell you to **grow and learn**, but this time, I think I’d rather you **come back safely**.” His words intensify strangely throughout the sentence, but not like he’s putting emphasis on any of it. It’s like… the bass suddenly being turned on in music where there previously was no bass. It’s merely a light thumping, nothing wall shaking. Maybe that's what keeps causing my headaches? | [You are under the effect of Leadership Aura. Health and Toughness temporarily increased] | | --- | I maintain eye contact with him as I bring up my status and see that my HP and Toughness have both risen. HP by a whopping 10 points, toughness by 2. The two stats are also highlighted in a slight green. Interesting. As usual, his orders offer a great boon, but I wonder how easily he could turn that into a debuff. Something like ‘die quickly’ to lower defence and health. And how many people can he buff/debuff at once? Does the power of the buff depend on anything? Can he debuff a monster that can’t understand him? One that can? I’d ask him, but then I’d have to dance around accidentally making him suspicious. Ask too many questions and if he has any mischievous ideas, I might have to deal with them. I can always leave to avoid such things, but… safety in numbers. I’m sure there are other groups, but I’m also sure they would consider joining Nate if they knew the benefits. I nod at him in gratitude, emphasizing it with a slight widening of my eyes, as if in shock, and a surprised “T-thanks...” What, he can lie, I can lie. Besides, I do appreciate it. My Cathid crawls around my neck and looks at me as I walk away from Nate. I honestly forget it’s there it’s so quiet. That and the way I can’t feel it move even when it’s on me… It’s like a ghost. “Hey, how would you like the name ‘Kaythe’?” It just stares at me. Several long moments pass with us just staring back at each other, but with a steadily growing smile on my face. “You like it, don’t you. It’s so fantastic that you’re speechless. Well, more-so than usual. Can’t even clack at me you’re so excited. Right?” *Click* (Name?) *Click-clak CLACK click* (Confusion.…) Oof. I guess it doesn’t translate well. “You’ll get the hang of it. Just as long as you don’t hate it, it’ll be much easier for me if I’m not just thinking of you as ‘that one cathid I hang out with.’” Kaythe stares at me for another moment before *Click*ing in affirmation, and continues with a resounding *CLICK* (Food?). “Yeah, that’s what we’re going to go find. I’m fine with the fruits and nuts, but I…” I glance around quickly “-don’t see any meat around here, and I know these guys have done some hunting. So either the meat tastes really bad or they just… didn’t think about it. Either way, we can cart back some smaller monsters for you.” Kaythe returns with a slightly more enthusiastic Click of acknowledgement. I… guess I have a pet now. Hopefully it can get to the point where I don’t need to maintain it, but I have no idea how these things work. Do monsters have skills? Stats? Because no matter how I view Kaythe, it’s still a monster. A creation of this world… I feel like I should distrust Kaythe more, but I don’t. It seems to trust me, and I’m a sucker for that kind of thing. --- “Rav, how do you fancy a hunt to stretch the new muscles?” Rav hasn’t moved too much since I left. I guess he’s a mostly sedentary type. “I’d be more than happy.” he returned, his usual smile reflecting his newly positive attitude. “Great, let’s head ou- oh hey Dean.” Uh oh. “Hey.” He must have been trying to move quietly or something because I really didn’t know he was approaching before I turned mid-sentence and saw him standing there. It looks like his mood hasn’t improved. A moment passes in which he says nothing, and I shoot him a questioning look. “I o-overheard you talking to Nate. Going for a hunt?” Fuck, it’s like every ounce of deadness and dread that Rav had before I healed him got transferred to this guy. The composure he had before is gone, he’s stuttering… I’m worried. About him and about myself, what he might be thinking of doing. “Yeah,” I reply slowly, “Rav and I were thinking of stretching our legs.” It would be so easy to let my politeness slip in and invite him along. And, usually? I wouldn’t mind. But… I’m almost sure that Dean is a better fighter than me. Probably better than Rav too. And where I have a foot and a half stick, Dean has a fucking greatsword. My stick is stronger than a normal stick, but it isn’t *greatsword resistant*. I’m in no hurry to figure out who would win that exchange, and he’s acting weird enough. Why is everyone giving off all these unstable vibes… I mean, beside the fact that society is dead, they’ve been robbed of all their previous social attachments, and they’ve watched hundreds of their fellow humans get massacred... But, I mean… that made me want to protect what’s left even more. Not… make it worse. Maybe I’m thinking too much about it. Paranoia is a bitch after all. I let another few moments pass with utter silence between the three of us, and only when it has reached levels of discomfort previously unknown to me, do I nod at Dean and start to walk in the direction of the monster camp. After walking for a few minutes, hearing mostly just the ambient sounds of some insects that look oddly like grasshoppers, but with strange proportions, and being mostly the size of a penny, I feel my weight shift slightly. I ignore it, thinking it’s just Kayth looking around, but a few moments later my weight shifts again, twice. They’re small shifts, not enough to make me stumble, but when I turn in the direction they’ve been pulling me in I realize that Dean has just been following right behind Rav. Rav, of course, looked entirely unconcerned with the whole deal, but this was greatly unnerving to me. “Dean, you decided to tag along?” God damnit why. He looked startled for a moment before recovering slightly “Y-yeah, figured you guys could use more close combat backup, considering you’re unarmed and R-Rav is all ranged.” I’m sure. Also, unarmed? Bitch. I have a stick. “Well why didn’t you just say so. But, I’m sure you’ve been on hunts before, so you should lead us. I was just wandering in the direction Nate recommended, we would be much better off with a guide, so, do you mind leading the way?” He starts shaking, looking even more nervous. “N-no, I just came to help out anyway. I wouldn’t know w-where to go.” … enough of this. My tone moves from something fairly polite and amiable to something hard. “Dean, you look like you’re about to collapse from fright, and now you’re refusing to lead? What’s the matter with you? Skulking around, sneaking into this expedition… that’s not something people usually do. Tell me.” Our eyes meet for a moment, but he quickly tears his away to look at something else. Anything else. “It’s… nothing.” he states, the tension in his shoulders releasing slightly as he turns around without another word. I stand there for long minutes watching him walk back to camp. I… I know what I think. I think he was trying to make an ‘accident’ happen. Working himself up to put me in the wrong place at the wrong time during combat and… yeah. Nobody would blame him too much, things happen. He might regret it if he loses a hand, but… my life isn’t worth someone’s regret. Now, I could be wrong. He could just be super awkward and trying to be helpful, but he *wasn’t* before. Even seeing him walk away now, the tension, the strange stuttering gait, it’s all gone. That was prompted by him giving up on the hunt, and we didn’t ask him along so it’s really unlikely he was afraid of whatever monsters we’re going to find. It all stinks to me. Dean’s on the watch list. “Get sleep now, I’ll need you awake later.” I murmur to Kaythe. It clicks lightly in return, a question I don’t answer. “Did you say something friend?” Rav is still smiling his passive, congenial smile, like nothing happened. “Ah, sorry, was speaking to Kaythe. Did you find that strange at all?” “Not a bit, many pet owners speak to their animals-” “No” I interrupt, “The thing with Dean.” “Hmm?” “You didn’t notice anything odd about that?” “Dean… I’ve only known for a day more than you have. All those that follow Nate are… new, to me. You are new to me, and have many eccentricities as well.” … “Ok fair. But he seemed very different from when I talked to him earlier, before I healed you.” “Ah. I remember little of that time, friend. It was… unpleasant.” Also fair.
{ "title": "World Keeper", "id": 7509, "author": "karami92", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 245: Pressing Matters", "id": 305420, "next": 306026, "prev": 304835, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNlNGM5NWEyMmVkODRiOTQ4MWRlNWE4MmZiYTQ4NDVk">“Sir?” Hiyori asked as she saw the halfling in front of her looking confused. However, before she was able to repeat hear offer to guide him to the holy pillar, she heard a voice echoing in her ears.</p> <p class="cnM2OTMxYWViYWVkYjRlMjA4N2M0MzU2ZDRjZTMzODJh">“Pars unt.” The tone was one that children like her had come to associate with the casting of magic, so she hurriedly took a step back, fearing that the Maxer before her had been angered. Instead, though, she was left to gasp as she saw his body lift off the ground, floating into the air.</p> <p class="cnMyMjA2NDNhODhmNjQyMTliOTg2YjlmNDgzNTYwYWQ2"><em>He… he’s flying like a bird. </em>Hiyori may have been young, but she had never heard of anyone being capable of a spell like this before. And judging by the shouts that rang out from those who saw him, the adults didn’t know what was going on better.</p> <p class="cnM2YWZhNWNkNTg0YzQ0MzI4MjFkZDdmODMyNTBjZDg5"><em>Come on, come on…</em> Hiyori leaned down low to the ground, her fingers against the dirt. “Pars maj.” Her body felt light, and she darted forward, racing through the crowd. She wasn’t a particularly strong mage by any stretch, but she had learned a few basic spells as part of her education.</p> <p class="cnMzZjQ4MWJlMWY1NTQ4OTY4MTcyZTY5NjIzODk5NmQ5">Looking ahead, she saw the Maxer floating up towards the pillar, and saw the crowd gathered beneath him. He held the sacred orb up to the pillar, and it was drawn in, simply passing through and vanishing. The holy pillar gave a brief pulse, before the words appeared in front of her.</p> <div dir="ltr"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table><colgroup><col width="*"></colgroup> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnMwZTIwMTUzODM0MzQyMTU5N2IzYWUzZDgzMzY5ZWRl" style="text-align: center">Level Limit +10 Orb has been found! The new Level Limit is now 100!</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <p class="cnM0YTk1YWI2NTk3MDQ0ZDQ5M2MzOWMxMzdjNTZkODZh">Before she could fully stop herself, Hiyori found her foot catching on the ground, tumbling down in surprise. She let out a yelp as she felt herself crashing against the dirt, but received only a few scrapes. <em>It was unt, right? Unt!</em></p> <p class="cnMxMWFiZjliMzhlMjQ4YjhhOTZjMzNlMjBjMzY3MTc3">In order to cast a spell, one needed to know the incantation to summon it. However, unfortunately for her, it was not enough to simply know how to pronounce it. At the same time, one had to be able to visualize the word in their mind. Hiyori did not know how to write the rune for unt, so she would not be able to reproduce the flight spell.</p> <p class="cnM3YmU1YTdjZGYzZDRiYTBiZWY4Zjc5ZjMyYjMwOGQx">That did not mean that it was wasted knowledge, though. Rather, she had a wide grin on her face, jumping to her feet and taking advantage of her still-enhanced speed to run towards the temple. Without asking for permission she rushed inside, much to the chagrin of the local priests.</p> <p class="cnMzNjY2NjU3MDdjNTRlZTViYzc5N2I1ZDEzYjhiZjNi">“Hiyori, what are you doing this time?” One of them asked, clear irritation on their face. She was no stranger here, and often came by to lead people around after they came from other floors. The temple was positioned right next to the World Wall for that very purpose. But to just run in without warning like this was a bit much, even for her.</p> <p class="cnNjYmFjOTcyZjczZTRjZWY5OGRmZDhmNWE4YjRmOWM5">“The man that just came by, the one with the orb!” She spoke between panted breaths. “He knew a new word, I think! He was able to fly like a bird!”</p> <p class="cnM3NmJlNjBkOTNlYjQ4Y2U4NjJhNzI3MGJhMTU4YTAx">The priest was just about to scold her again when she got her last words out. He had been inside when the message went out to everyone, so he had not witnessed the fact that someone had flown in front of the temple. At the same time, he was confident that Hiyori wouldn’t make something like this up. After all, to falsify reports of this nature was tantamount to blasphemy, and it was easy enough for him to verify.</p> <p class="cnM0ZGZiNWQ0NTI3NzQxOGZhMDUxM2IxNjQxYWUwNTc4">“Are you sure?” He asked, his face betraying his growing excitement.</p> <p class="cnMyNWI4MDYxYTNiMTQ1MTRiZTNlMGMxNzdiYzcxOTMx">“I am!” She nodded her head quickly. “It was unt! He said it in front of me. Pars unt! And then he was flying!”</p> <p class="cnMwMTlhYmJmMGVlNTRmOThiOTU4ODA5ZmVjZWE3MjM1">The man’s excitement only grew even further when she said the word outright. It would have been too much to ask for her to know how it was written, but even just the pronunciation would be a huge help in future studies.</p> <p class="cnM2YWY2MTBmN2NhYTQ0NWZiZmEzYTYyNTE1MjkwMzkz">When someone read the words of magic carved into the landscape, the pronunciation for those words would appear in their mind. When man first found the Sen rune, carved on a stone slab on the first world, they immediately knew how to say it. However, they did not know that saying the word would create a fire.</p> <p class="cnMwNWRkNzNlNmYwMjQ0MWRiMmE5MjU1NmU1YmUzODFm">There are many cases when somebody finds a new rune, and it takes months to figure out its function and how to weave it into a spell. Everyone has to be careful, for the wrong experiment might cost them their own life. “I see, I see.” He nodded his head, slowly approaching Hiyori and patting her on the shoulder. “You have done good work.”</p> <p class="cnMxZjMyMTZjZDk5ODQ1YjY4Y2EyY2JjNjQwNWRlMTA2">Now, if they ever found the unt rune, they would immediately know its purpose. More importantly, they could be sure that the rune was on one of the explored worlds. It was only a matter of time until they found it, assuming that they could not get it from the man himself.</p> <p class="cnM0NGMyNjkyZDNkMzQxM2M4MTBiYjBkMGFhMWQ1ZmNh">With that thought crossing his mind, the priest hurriedly left the temple, glancing towards the holy pillar. Indeed, there was a man standing there in the air. Yet, he was only able to catch a glimpse before a portal opened up next to the man and sucked him through. “So he is also a priest?” There was surprise, but also joy in his voice when he asked that question to himself. After all, it would be a lot easier to find a priest than a random mage.</p> <p class="cnMzNGJiNjlhODcxMzQwZGNiOWQxMWRlZmUyOTYyNjNk">Unfortunately, it was unlikely that he’d ever be able to find this man again…</p> <p class="cnMzY2I4OGE4ZjQwZTRjYjc5MGVjOTMxY2Q5NjBkZWRh"> </p> <hr> <p class="cnNkODUyYzMwYmQ3MDRmMzlhZDRjODg1YmZkOGNhMGNm">After getting Aurivy’s help to quickly escape the area, I immediately returned to the Admin Room, letting a light laugh escape my lips. “Man… if magic were that easy from the start, I don’t think I’d have ever started training as a monk.”</p> <p class="cnNlZDY3ZTM1ZDdiMDQ3ZDFhYjEwNTQzNTI1ODY4ZjI1">A moment later, a voice spoke up from behind me, making it jump slightly. “Well, that is why that system is known as ‘easy mode magic’.” Obviously, the voice belonged to Terra, grinning playfully at me from the bed.</p> <p class="cnNmOWU1ZWU5YmM2ZTRkNDhhZDYzY2ViNzQzY2I0Yzhj">“I take it that the ‘secret’ about rune magic is not at all a secret?” I asked, turning to face her, still sitting in my computer chair.</p> <p class="cnNkODgwMDNhZGU1NDQzOTE5YWI0ZTRmODRlNzllNmFl">She gave a brief nod to the question, closing her eyes. “You can take a look at the forums, where all this information is publicly available, so there’s no harm in me saying it at this point. A lot of Keepers recommend taking rune magic in some aspect of their world. After all, being able to cast spells as easily as talking is a big advantage for any defending Keeper.”</p> <p class="cnM1ZWI3ZTFhZjE4MjQyYTE5ZjEyNTVmODE5NDJiOGI1">My brows knit together for a moment as I heard that, understanding something from her words. “That probably means that any serious Keeper is also likely to be prepared to counter that system.” It took barely a couple of days for people to begin making countermeasures on the market for my inventory system, so something as big as rune magic would have god knows how many ways to stop it by now.</p> <p class="cnMyOTEyOWJjYWJhMDQ2OTRiYzJlOTE5Zjg0NmRlN2E4">“Well, you’re probably not wrong.” Terra said, flicking a finger in my direction. A series of windows appeared, each one a market listing for a different method to specifically counter rune magic. In total, there were… “So far, there are a hundred and seven systems, techniques, or items designed to nullify rune magic. Wait, sorry, hundred and eight. Someone just made another one a few days ago it looks like.”</p> <p class="cnNjYzc1YTdiMjQ4NzRiN2FhZWFhNWVhOWNhOGZlODNm">“You know, you’re really bringing the whole ‘I got a new awesome power’ mood down a bit, right?” I asked lightly, to which I received a laugh in response.</p> <p class="cnMyNzM4N2UxZGZkZTQ4ZTZiYWFjMDAzYmY1N2YyYjJj">“Sorry, I’m not meaning to bring you down or anything. Just wanted to make sure that you knew what you were getting yourself into. Also… you should probably not expect them to be done getting that world ready for you so soon…” Her eyes opened slightly as she said that, her lips pursed in a small frown.</p> <p class="cnMwNzkwY2Y2ZmVmZTRmNjE4NDI1MGZlZTkzMDgwNjVj">“Given that you are talking about this… There’s something wrong with their world that they haven’t noticed? But… if you’re talking about it, I should have met the conditions for you to say it, which means I either saw it myself, or experienced it.”</p> <p class="cnNhNTZhYjdkOTE0ZDQ4ZTc5NTE0MTQ2NDdhMDgwZWQ4">Her frown cracked for a moment, breaking into a brief smile. “You’re learning. But you’re right. You have met the conditions. In fact, if you took the time to think back to your trip to Fyor, you should be able to figure it out.”</p> <p class="cnM3YmIwMTFlZjgzYTQ0YTI4ZGNkMzliZDZkZjJmODcw">I looked at her in confusion, thinking back to what had happened. “If you mean how every layer is quite a bit larger, then yeah… but I think that they already planned for that, right?”</p> <p class="cnM3YWIyODg2Yjc4YTQ0ZTFhZjU5OTAxYWU3NDA1MjZk">Terra let out a small sigh, shaking her head. “No, not that. Well… sort of that. It might have been hard for you to notice because you’re already used to having such a strong body… You flew for six hours in the tenth layer. However, during that time, you had no real physical exertion. You were simply floating by with your shield up, to prevent even the wind from hitting you.”</p> <p class="cnM5ODg0NjNjMTI3OTQwNGJhYmM0MDQxYWY5NjJiYTY1">I gave a small nod, signalling for her to continue. “Yet, those six hours had you out of breath, even though you basically did… nothing. You might as well have been lying down on the ground for those six hours. So… why were you out of breath?”</p> <p class="cnMyZTY5NTQ0MGEyODQxMzQ5MTEwMjExMTQ3Y2RlODYz">Now that she put it like that… I began to think back to that. Why <em>was</em> I out of breath? At the time, I had been caught up in my excitement, and just assumed that it was a natural result of the spell. But, when I used it on the first floor, I hadn’t noticed any strain at all from my brief flight.</p> <p class="cnM5NmY4ZjVjYTQyYTQ2YjQ5ZGU1ZDMyMDI4ZTliY2U5">She said that it had to do with the size of the layers, so--”The gravity?” I cut myself off in mid-thought, looking up to Terra in surprise. I saw the satisfied smile on her face, indicating that I had hit the right answer. “The gravity is increasing on the upper levels? And since my real levels didn’t include anything to fortify my body, when I cut my Keeper levels off near the town, I started to feel the full force of it… and then again while I was resting on the ninth level.”</p> <p class="cnMzNDk0OWJlZTcxOTQ0MGFhMjM5YTFkMWMzYTMxZjFl">“They really can’t be blamed for this.” Terra said, turning her head to look at the doorway. “I mean, look at your current worlds. You have two of drastically different sizes, but because they are separate worlds built with that in mind, the system set the standard of gravity to be the same on both. The current Earth has not studied gravity to such a degree that they would know to think about it when creating their world.”</p> <p class="cnM0NmUyNjU4MmRhMTRmNDhhYjEwOWE2Y2IyZGRmMmQ5">As she spoke, I began to process that information. “So, with every additional layer becoming larger than the last, the gravity is constantly increasing… Why aren’t the lower layers being affected by the gravity of the higher layers then? They’re close enough that logically it should, right?”</p> <p class="cnM4ZWI2ZGEzY2ZkODRlZTZhNWU1NWExMzBhNDkyOTQ0">Terra gave another nod to my question. “That’s because of the ‘dividing line’ between the layers. Take a look at the mineral map of any layer in Fyor aside from the first.”</p> <p class="cnNhNjRiMjc0YzgyZjQ0NjU4MGU3MjUyN2FjNjZlOGU0">Turning around to my computer, I did just that, opening up the map and finding the second layer’s minerals. Everything seemed normal until… “Oh…”</p> <p class="cnMwOWE0NjA4NTgxZDQwOWNiNTRjNmJjYmRjZDk3ZjVj">There was a single layer of ore going all the way across the second layer, completely sealing it off from the second. Moreso, this ore was familiar, a pitch black rock that looked just like the gates leading between the layers. Taking a closer look, I saw that that is exactly what they were, the gates burrowing all the way down to connect with the black shell protecting the previous layer.</p> <p class="cnNmYWZhMDA3YmY4YTQ0ZGQ4Y2NlMWU4MDczMzEyYTcz">“That’s a special ore that was just created due to the specifications that the two of them listed for this world. It doesn’t even have a name yet. However, it is completely impervious to damage on any scale your world has tried to hit it with, with the power of the world itself keeping it protected. It also works to both connect and isolate regions of space, keeping the gravity of the various levels separate from one another.”</p> <p class="cnNmOWIzYTRhMWI1NTRmNGI5MTJjOTJlOGIxZjAxMzU4">I took a deep breath, confirming that the same mineral layer was present in every other floor as well. “So… people need to train their physical stats in order to climb the layers safely.”</p> <p class="cnNiMmIxOTk1MmUzYTQ3MjI4MjBkM2UwNjk0MDhmOTIw">When I turned around to look at Terra, she gave another nod of her head. “Right. In order to operate at their peak, they need one additional point in each physical stat for every two layers beyond the first. Otherwise, their bodies won’t be able to cope with the increase in pressure. If you hadn’t found the priest to send you to the first layer right away, I was going to have them tell you to ascend immediately.”</p> <p class="cnNmOTE3YWRjOTQyZTRiNzliYzk2MjQxZDBjZTdmZmVk">I had noticed that my body felt a bit heavy while I was walking, but honestly I just assumed that was normal. After all, I’m so used to being in a body that can jump hundreds of meters with ease that normal levels of physique would just seem weak by comparison. “I see… that will make things difficult.”</p> <p class="cnMzMmM0ZTQ2ZWU2NzQ1MzNhNDMyYTRmZThjNzViMWNi">Terra nodded again, yawning her head and stretching her arms out across the bed. “Yup… just wanted to get you that warning. They’ve already started to notice the problem, but thanks to them not understanding gravity well enough they don’t realize the cause. So it will probably take a little while before Fyor is ready to fully integrate.”</p> </div>
“Sir?” Hiyori asked as she saw the halfling in front of her looking confused. However, before she was able to repeat hear offer to guide him to the holy pillar, she heard a voice echoing in her ears. “Pars unt.” The tone was one that children like her had come to associate with the casting of magic, so she hurriedly took a step back, fearing that the Maxer before her had been angered. Instead, though, she was left to gasp as she saw his body lift off the ground, floating into the air. *He… he’s flying like a bird.* Hiyori may have been young, but she had never heard of anyone being capable of a spell like this before. And judging by the shouts that rang out from those who saw him, the adults didn’t know what was going on better. *Come on, come on…* Hiyori leaned down low to the ground, her fingers against the dirt. “Pars maj.” Her body felt light, and she darted forward, racing through the crowd. She wasn’t a particularly strong mage by any stretch, but she had learned a few basic spells as part of her education. Looking ahead, she saw the Maxer floating up towards the pillar, and saw the crowd gathered beneath him. He held the sacred orb up to the pillar, and it was drawn in, simply passing through and vanishing. The holy pillar gave a brief pulse, before the words appeared in front of her. | Level Limit +10 Orb has been found! The new Level Limit is now 100! | | --- | Before she could fully stop herself, Hiyori found her foot catching on the ground, tumbling down in surprise. She let out a yelp as she felt herself crashing against the dirt, but received only a few scrapes. *It was unt, right? Unt!* In order to cast a spell, one needed to know the incantation to summon it. However, unfortunately for her, it was not enough to simply know how to pronounce it. At the same time, one had to be able to visualize the word in their mind. Hiyori did not know how to write the rune for unt, so she would not be able to reproduce the flight spell. That did not mean that it was wasted knowledge, though. Rather, she had a wide grin on her face, jumping to her feet and taking advantage of her still-enhanced speed to run towards the temple. Without asking for permission she rushed inside, much to the chagrin of the local priests. “Hiyori, what are you doing this time?” One of them asked, clear irritation on their face. She was no stranger here, and often came by to lead people around after they came from other floors. The temple was positioned right next to the World Wall for that very purpose. But to just run in without warning like this was a bit much, even for her. “The man that just came by, the one with the orb!” She spoke between panted breaths. “He knew a new word, I think! He was able to fly like a bird!” The priest was just about to scold her again when she got her last words out. He had been inside when the message went out to everyone, so he had not witnessed the fact that someone had flown in front of the temple. At the same time, he was confident that Hiyori wouldn’t make something like this up. After all, to falsify reports of this nature was tantamount to blasphemy, and it was easy enough for him to verify. “Are you sure?” He asked, his face betraying his growing excitement. “I am!” She nodded her head quickly. “It was unt! He said it in front of me. Pars unt! And then he was flying!” The man’s excitement only grew even further when she said the word outright. It would have been too much to ask for her to know how it was written, but even just the pronunciation would be a huge help in future studies. When someone read the words of magic carved into the landscape, the pronunciation for those words would appear in their mind. When man first found the Sen rune, carved on a stone slab on the first world, they immediately knew how to say it. However, they did not know that saying the word would create a fire. There are many cases when somebody finds a new rune, and it takes months to figure out its function and how to weave it into a spell. Everyone has to be careful, for the wrong experiment might cost them their own life. “I see, I see.” He nodded his head, slowly approaching Hiyori and patting her on the shoulder. “You have done good work.” Now, if they ever found the unt rune, they would immediately know its purpose. More importantly, they could be sure that the rune was on one of the explored worlds. It was only a matter of time until they found it, assuming that they could not get it from the man himself. With that thought crossing his mind, the priest hurriedly left the temple, glancing towards the holy pillar. Indeed, there was a man standing there in the air. Yet, he was only able to catch a glimpse before a portal opened up next to the man and sucked him through. “So he is also a priest?” There was surprise, but also joy in his voice when he asked that question to himself. After all, it would be a lot easier to find a priest than a random mage. Unfortunately, it was unlikely that he’d ever be able to find this man again… --- After getting Aurivy’s help to quickly escape the area, I immediately returned to the Admin Room, letting a light laugh escape my lips. “Man… if magic were that easy from the start, I don’t think I’d have ever started training as a monk.” A moment later, a voice spoke up from behind me, making it jump slightly. “Well, that is why that system is known as ‘easy mode magic’.” Obviously, the voice belonged to Terra, grinning playfully at me from the bed. “I take it that the ‘secret’ about rune magic is not at all a secret?” I asked, turning to face her, still sitting in my computer chair. She gave a brief nod to the question, closing her eyes. “You can take a look at the forums, where all this information is publicly available, so there’s no harm in me saying it at this point. A lot of Keepers recommend taking rune magic in some aspect of their world. After all, being able to cast spells as easily as talking is a big advantage for any defending Keeper.” My brows knit together for a moment as I heard that, understanding something from her words. “That probably means that any serious Keeper is also likely to be prepared to counter that system.” It took barely a couple of days for people to begin making countermeasures on the market for my inventory system, so something as big as rune magic would have god knows how many ways to stop it by now. “Well, you’re probably not wrong.” Terra said, flicking a finger in my direction. A series of windows appeared, each one a market listing for a different method to specifically counter rune magic. In total, there were… “So far, there are a hundred and seven systems, techniques, or items designed to nullify rune magic. Wait, sorry, hundred and eight. Someone just made another one a few days ago it looks like.” “You know, you’re really bringing the whole ‘I got a new awesome power’ mood down a bit, right?” I asked lightly, to which I received a laugh in response. “Sorry, I’m not meaning to bring you down or anything. Just wanted to make sure that you knew what you were getting yourself into. Also… you should probably not expect them to be done getting that world ready for you so soon…” Her eyes opened slightly as she said that, her lips pursed in a small frown. “Given that you are talking about this… There’s something wrong with their world that they haven’t noticed? But… if you’re talking about it, I should have met the conditions for you to say it, which means I either saw it myself, or experienced it.” Her frown cracked for a moment, breaking into a brief smile. “You’re learning. But you’re right. You have met the conditions. In fact, if you took the time to think back to your trip to Fyor, you should be able to figure it out.” I looked at her in confusion, thinking back to what had happened. “If you mean how every layer is quite a bit larger, then yeah… but I think that they already planned for that, right?” Terra let out a small sigh, shaking her head. “No, not that. Well… sort of that. It might have been hard for you to notice because you’re already used to having such a strong body… You flew for six hours in the tenth layer. However, during that time, you had no real physical exertion. You were simply floating by with your shield up, to prevent even the wind from hitting you.” I gave a small nod, signalling for her to continue. “Yet, those six hours had you out of breath, even though you basically did… nothing. You might as well have been lying down on the ground for those six hours. So… why were you out of breath?” Now that she put it like that… I began to think back to that. Why *was* I out of breath? At the time, I had been caught up in my excitement, and just assumed that it was a natural result of the spell. But, when I used it on the first floor, I hadn’t noticed any strain at all from my brief flight. She said that it had to do with the size of the layers, so--”The gravity?” I cut myself off in mid-thought, looking up to Terra in surprise. I saw the satisfied smile on her face, indicating that I had hit the right answer. “The gravity is increasing on the upper levels? And since my real levels didn’t include anything to fortify my body, when I cut my Keeper levels off near the town, I started to feel the full force of it… and then again while I was resting on the ninth level.” “They really can’t be blamed for this.” Terra said, turning her head to look at the doorway. “I mean, look at your current worlds. You have two of drastically different sizes, but because they are separate worlds built with that in mind, the system set the standard of gravity to be the same on both. The current Earth has not studied gravity to such a degree that they would know to think about it when creating their world.” As she spoke, I began to process that information. “So, with every additional layer becoming larger than the last, the gravity is constantly increasing… Why aren’t the lower layers being affected by the gravity of the higher layers then? They’re close enough that logically it should, right?” Terra gave another nod to my question. “That’s because of the ‘dividing line’ between the layers. Take a look at the mineral map of any layer in Fyor aside from the first.” Turning around to my computer, I did just that, opening up the map and finding the second layer’s minerals. Everything seemed normal until… “Oh…” There was a single layer of ore going all the way across the second layer, completely sealing it off from the second. Moreso, this ore was familiar, a pitch black rock that looked just like the gates leading between the layers. Taking a closer look, I saw that that is exactly what they were, the gates burrowing all the way down to connect with the black shell protecting the previous layer. “That’s a special ore that was just created due to the specifications that the two of them listed for this world. It doesn’t even have a name yet. However, it is completely impervious to damage on any scale your world has tried to hit it with, with the power of the world itself keeping it protected. It also works to both connect and isolate regions of space, keeping the gravity of the various levels separate from one another.” I took a deep breath, confirming that the same mineral layer was present in every other floor as well. “So… people need to train their physical stats in order to climb the layers safely.” When I turned around to look at Terra, she gave another nod of her head. “Right. In order to operate at their peak, they need one additional point in each physical stat for every two layers beyond the first. Otherwise, their bodies won’t be able to cope with the increase in pressure. If you hadn’t found the priest to send you to the first layer right away, I was going to have them tell you to ascend immediately.” I had noticed that my body felt a bit heavy while I was walking, but honestly I just assumed that was normal. After all, I’m so used to being in a body that can jump hundreds of meters with ease that normal levels of physique would just seem weak by comparison. “I see… that will make things difficult.” Terra nodded again, yawning her head and stretching her arms out across the bed. “Yup… just wanted to get you that warning. They’ve already started to notice the problem, but thanks to them not understanding gravity well enough they don’t realize the cause. So it will probably take a little while before Fyor is ready to fully integrate.”
{ "title": "The Infinity Project", "id": 20313, "author": "Mirrond", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "037: The Dreadful Encounter", "id": 305419, "next": 305661, "prev": 305066, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNkMmYxNDJlYjY1ZDRhOTU5NDk1ODA2MjE4NjM3MzEy" style="text-align: center"><strong>Chapter 037: The Dreadful Encounter</strong></p> <p class="cnM5ODhlMWQzNGMwMzQyN2M4YjRjZDA3OWQ2M2IxZTIw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">We were about to depart from the chapel when Leria spoke to me.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYzEwMWI3MWFhMDRkOGJiNGJiYWY3NjRjNmFiOGNj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Is it possible for me to close the door with magic again?” </span></p> <p class="cnMxOGRjYWIxNGM1MDQwYzE5MzNiM2UxNDE5NDVkNTIw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I thought for a second. Hmph. </span></p> <p class="cnNiNmE3Zjg3YmYzMzRiOWI5OGUwYmY1NzFlYzUzODI1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Probably? You didn’t order the magic to undo itself, only to make the door open. Why you ask?”</span></p> <p class="cnMyMWQ3Njg1YzAzMjRkZmI4OTgxMzU1NDYyMTBjZGNi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I know it’s going to take a while, but… could we move over the villagers from the quarters here?” Syna nodded fervently.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YjljYjVmOWM2NzQwMGU4YWIwNzNjYWQ3YjMzOTgz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Right. We can’t be sure that no cultists would come here when we were out there adventuring. The villagers might have been unconscious and completely unknown to them, but they were still adherents of the same religion. Letting them suffer more… and we couldn’t be sure that the next group of cultists wouldn’t just murder them. </span></p> <p class="cnMyMDU4NDA1Nzc0ZjRmZDA5NzE5MmNhODNhYjA5MmM3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Also, since they were unconscious for a while now, making them drink some water could be a good idea. </span></p> <p class="cnNmMDBkNTJkY2VkNDQ0NGI5MzhhNmI0OTc2OWU0OTFj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sigh. Trying to stop them from making us lose time is probably pointless. Besides, they are totally right there. Even if I went full pragmatic, this still meant making sure that the whole village of potential allies survives this little war in sewers. </span></p> <p class="cnNhN2JmZDIzNmQ5YzRlZDA5YmQwZTYyMGM4MGIwOTEy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Alright, alright.” I sighed. “We make camp here. Aura users move the villagers, then we find an empty room and rest after closing the door properly. We should also eat and drink something.” I was seriously hungry and thirsty at this point. </span></p> <p class="cnNhOWJiMTM5ODIzOTQzMGY5YjgyNTgxZmRmN2YyZjM1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Of course, if the plague ravaging the sewers was truly a magical disease, it was probably in our blood at this point. I was still going to keep the appearance of trying to avoid getting infected. Mostly for morale sake. We should try to finish the mission before we all fall unconscious, but trying to rush things was probably a terrible idea. We should replenish our manapools before we continue.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODdmOTE1ZTgyNDQ5Yjg4YmRkNWU0YjA3YjkxNDU1" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">***</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZmQxNmYxZThkYTRiYTA4YjUxNDY0OGQ3MGZlOWI5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Surprisingly moving the villagers didn’t take long. Aura was useful. Leria decided to go slightly farther and together with Syna she quickly cleaned those used by the cult for ‘relief’ and clothed them back. Hopefully they won’t even know what happened to them when they were unconscious. </span></p> <p class="cnM1OGY3YjViZjkxODQyOGE5M2E5ODU0NWY1ZjhmODE3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">That would be clear nightmare fuel. Ugh. </span></p> <p class="cnNjYTIyOWJiZjM3MTQ2YjNhYjhhOTAxOTU3ZTQxNGQx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The hardest part was trying to fill them all in the chapel. Sure, it wasn’t only a chapel there, but also some utility rooms. But there were many villagers to be moved, plus some more already there. We were almost forced to stack them in tiers. </span></p> <p class="cnMzMmUyNGNkOTRjMTQ4YWNiMzM2OTQ0NTE5ZDIxMjIy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">After my manapool and the ring filled themselves completely (I was the last one to achieve it because of my class restriction) we departed. As I expected, the device led us towards the place marked in the priestess’ journal. </span></p> <p class="cnM4OWIxNWNjOWE3MzQzMmRhZjllMTY4MDVmMmM1MzM0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Of course, the difference between northwest and northeast was only partial. The farther north we were, the more visible signs of battle were. It was waged far away, but we were close enough for my magic senses to detect signs. The background magic wasn’t as strong as in anomalies and the sewers were a closed space, improving its range. </span></p> <p class="cnM2YzRkZTgwOWMzYjQ4ZGU5NjVkOTJjOGEwMTcyZDg0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">There was magic used there. I couldn’t guess the distance or its exact power. But the battle seemed fierce. In comparison the Sense Eldritch and Sense Evil were less active, suggesting that cultists were either outnumbered or outgunned… or both at once. </span></p> <p class="cnM4MDVkNjk0ZDBmNTQwM2FiMDIzMzliOTE4YWUyNmNi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">It didn’t matter. They were a diversion. A significant part of the city militia (at least from the nearby districts) and witch-hunters were busy attacking the wrong place. While they were pushing back much weaker cultists, they were slowly but surely infected by the plague. The cult just had to keep itself alive and slow down the enemy by traps, ambushes and guerilla warfare. Sooner or later a big part of the Ambryxis defences was going to fall into coma… all of this while the cult was still going to have some reserves safely hidden in a completely different place. </span></p> <p class="cnM5NTIzYWNhY2FkZDRhMWViOTYxZWNkOTRjNjBhM2Ez" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The enemy commander was a cunning tactician. And either a completely stupid/insane strategist or there was something I didn’t know. Obviously Ambryxis the deity had reserves as well. Army, adventurers, probably a hidden warhost of servile daemons and so on. Either the cult had some hidden trump cards, or this was going to end in its eventual annihilation. </span></p> <p class="cnMxYTllOTczZmMxZDQ1ODg5ZTgwNjFhMTFiODQ1YmI2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was probably the former. </span></p> <p class="cnNiOGUzZDM1ZWZlMTQyMmM4MTFkY2VhMWM5YzIwYzY4" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">***</span></p> <p class="cnNlOTBkYTIzNjRlZjQ2YzliYmY5YTM4YzVhZWZlNTQw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">After an hour of walk we began seeing dead bodies. </span></p> <p class="cnM1ODhkNzNhOGYwMzRiZDQ5Mzg3ODI1ZmRlNTYxMWNl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I had not a single clue about the way the water circulated in the sewers. I doubted anyone knew anything about it, maybe besides Ambryxis himself. Too much time passed since they were created. Too many unofficial additions were made. </span></p> <p class="cnNlZjE0NGFiMjcyNTQ3NTU5MjY5NmZhNTgzMTE4ODU4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">One underwater stream must have connected our area with the battleground. Corpses drifted in the shit and piss filled water. Some were obviously cultists, but many of them seemed much tougher than the expendable pawns we encountered earlier. Warriors and sorcerers marked by the reverse chalice symbol. </span></p> <p class="cnM0MGI2NTkzY2ZjYjRmNWI5ZjhlOWZiMzA4YjA0MmY0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The rest were members of city militia, but there were also one or two people Leria identified as witch-hunters. It looks like the battle truly was fierce. </span></p> <p class="cnNkM2VlYTNkY2FjYzQzMzQ4NWM0YjZiNmJkZjFiMTA4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I think we should be happy we passed through the very edge of this madness…</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODIzY2NmOTI0NDQ4MzdiZDkzN2VmZDA5ZGQ0ZTc1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Wait a second, dafuq is this? </span></p> <p class="cnM1M2I0YTAwMWJlZDQ1MzViZGI5YzY3MDY0ODFhZWIz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The sewers changed. Stone around us ended quite sharply into metal. I couldn’t guess what type, but it could be steel (probably one resistant to corrosion) in a truly insane amount. But that was merely a single curio. Everything looked… industrial. Plates on the wall, grate instead of floor. </span></p> <p class="cnNkOWFmMTYzZDZkOTRiYjhiMTRiNjg1Mjc4ZDM2NTMx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sewers changed as if we moved from the medieval fantasy straight into steampunk or something similar. </span></p> <p class="cnMyODZmMjRiOTY4MjRjM2U5MzQ0Y2YwOTc2Yzg2ODM5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I took a look at the map and… obviously we were very close to the marked point. Almost near it. </span></p> <p class="cnM0ODI2ZWYxZWUwZTQyZDhhZDUyOGU2ZWRkZTFmZTc0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh my…” Leria suddenly exclaimed. “I can’t believe it. Decemvirate era ruins beneath Ambryxis?!” </span></p> <p class="cnM4N2IwOWRjYjUxZjQ0YWZhM2FjOWM4NmZkMzI4MTYw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Decemvirate. Of course. Fuck my life. </span></p> <p class="cnMyYmMzNjAyNTdjZTQ1ZmY5ZjI3MDUzOTVjNWNlYTBl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">There was a quite recent period in imperial history, during which Demiurge (Imperial God of Progress, Technology and Science) and his sister/brother Shadow (Imperial God/dess of Revolution, Anarchy and Freedom) seemed to gain upper hand in the Great Game. The ongoing golden age of Imperium changed into something even greater, when Imperium entered period of industrial revolution that allowed it to enter realm of bonafide supercivilization (as local historians dubbed several prehistorical superpowers far above already powerful Imperium). On some fields it reached or transcended technological power of contemporary Earth. </span></p> <p class="cnMzYjQxMjFmZmU4YzQyNjc5MmQwNjQ0MmJkNjUzYjY0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Unfortunately the Imperium kinda broke when the Grand Emperor was murdered. To this day nobody was really sure who did this. But it led to the beginning of the so called Great Kynevian War. 70+ years long period during which various successor states waged neverending wars and conflicts for the mantle of the truest successor state ever. </span></p> <p class="cnM1NWIxZTY2ZDU4YTQyZjViMTEzN2U3MzczMmViYzAw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Essentially it was a period of semi-perpetual trench warfare, emerging magocracies, dehumanization and genocides, legions of warmachines and genmaturgy being used to produce terrifying beings then used as shocktroopers or a living psychological weapons. </span></p> <p class="cnNhOTBjMWMzNWMxOTRmZjY5MjMzMzI5ZDNmM2M4ZGJk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was so bad that it almost ended up actually spawning the fifth member of Pentagram (which according to old myths would end in the worst possible version of End Times). In the end however the tides turned, one of the post-imperial warlords succeeded in resurrecting the Imperium. </span></p> <p class="cnM5MGM5ZWMzOTNiZTQyMjZhOGY2ZmZhYTY3ZTc4NWYx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">First thing it did was banning about 90% of technological discoveries achieved during or right before the War. And with help of gods and their religious temples the ban was universally enforced. </span></p> <p class="cnM3NDI1ZjI4MWExNjQwODQ5NGQxMDEwZjcwODViNzhl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">In short - a source of deadly dungeons with high-tech flavours for the players to explore.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MTA3NzE5ZWE2MzQ5ZTA5NzE0ZDlmNjYwMWIzZTUx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Of course the sudden spike in technology (and later withdrawal from this dangerous field) wasn’t limited to the Imperium. According to the history books I read the Decemvirate was a magocratic government of that era that briefly managed to gain control over the entire Dragonspine Mountains. It was literally a Doomplace that advanced its own evil into industrial level. </span></p> <p class="cnNlMDg1YTdmZDIwYTQwNjBhYzA0Y2ViYzYzMzZmMzM0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">It ended mostly because locals decided that they went too far. Which said everything about this accursed era. </span></p> <p class="cnM0YmRjMTY5YWVjYzRlZTU5MWU0MWUxZTU0OWY3MTRj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I seriously thought that all of its installations were either completely destroyed or survived as a pale remnants of their former selves in few of the local anomalies. And so did Leria, it seems. </span></p> <p class="cnMyNTVhOTgyODQ1ZDRkMWRiMmRmMDc1ZGMwMTk5MzAz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, our luck just keeps getting better.” I commented and shook my head. At least there shouldn’t be too much of deadly stuff inside. Decemvirate collapsed at the end of the Great Kynevian War. Like, three hundred years ago. </span></p> <p class="cnM5Zjc2NTkwZjE3ZTRmMGM5YmU5MjZmZWE4ODVmZmVj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">That again, enchantments can be made self-rechargable. And… could this plague be a gene-engineered bioweapon from the Decemvirate’s arsenal of mass destruction weapons? The post-Decemvirate states supposedly got rid of it under their gods’ insistence, but...</span></p> <p class="cnMzZDc2ZDg3NGUwZDRhMmZhMzBhODY3N2IyMzE2N2Q2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So, what do we do?” Leria asked me. </span></p> <p class="cnM2YzQ5MjI0NmI4ODRjZjQ5ZTBmNmYwYTI1Y2EyYmNi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What we always do when we are facing our potential deaths.” I answered. “We go in and pretend that we know what we are doing.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5MzEwMjM5ZTUxZTQxNTBhMTg4ZWM1YzUxMzFkOThk" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">***</span></p> <p class="cnM5NDEyYTM1YmMyYTQyNzQ5NmI1ZmYxZTI4ZjgwNjg3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Curiously it wasn’t as bad as I thought. </span></p> <p class="cnNkMGNkZmZlM2YyYTRlODE4ODdlYjkzYWM4YzU4ZWUz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">It seemed to be a much bigger installation than we thought, but most of it was sealed off. We didn’t have enough magical knowledge to try to override the lockdown in the Decemvirate facility. Magic was more advanced back then. </span></p> <p class="cnMwNGQ0OGVlZWIxOTQ5OGM5NmMxNmYxYTdkMmNlMTQ3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">To be honest I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to open the locked doors. That parts of the facility obviously weren’t picked clean by the Sewer Rats or the cult, and I dreaded to think what could be found there. Decemvirate used to casually do things that modern inhabitants of Ambryxis found disgusting and/or creepy. </span></p> <p class="cnM5ZDVhOWMxMzRiMzQ4MGFhOTUyMDA5OTcxODhmYWNi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">On the other hand, there could be things that might be of advantage to us… tough choice. But one not for now. </span></p> <p class="cnM3OWJhZDU0ODAwZTQ0YmI4MWE3YTIwNDAxNDBjNTNi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">We entered a large and open room. It must have been a storage room or something like that. at least judging from how perfectly geometrical it was… and how empty. Twenty meters long and ten meters wide cuboid, with a very tight metal grate as a floor. There were three sets of doors. We entered through one, and another was exactly opposite side of the room - judging from the colour of the small lamp atop of it, it wasn’t locked. The third ones, however, were. </span></p> <p class="cnMxNzEzMmZiMGE5NDRmNWE4M2RlMjJlZjNmYzM0ZmU5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Hmph. Makes me wonder what was this place re…</span></p> <p class="cnNhYzE3NjAxMjNkZDQ5YWE5OGFmZjEyNTYzNDliYzAz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Suddenly a door at the front opened. Oh shit, I knew it was going too easy. </span></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnM4MGJmYTczNThhODRkY2Y5MjM1MzY5ZTg2ZGZhODc1" style="text-align: center"><strong>Pentagram Warrior</strong></p> <p class="cnM2ZWVhYzM1NWE3MzQxNTdiYjdkNmQzYzA1N2U1YTVi" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Category: Eldritch/Pentagram</span></p> <p class="cnM4MDMyZDY4MTRjODRlMGU5NTNjYzE2OGY4NDM5MTcx" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Type: Mortal</span></p> <p class="cnM4YWI2MWVjMDgzODQyNDZiMWQyNDE0OWZmN2UyZmYw" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Threat Grade: Iron VII</span></p> <p class="cnM2MzZkY2NiZGMzYzRkYmM4OTg4NmJjNzJjYTljYThi" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">A warrior loyal to an unknown cult dedicated to serving Pentagram. Together with its compatriots it controls sizable part of the sewers beneath Ambryxis.</span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMyOGFkZDI0N2JhNTRjNmY4NGFjMWFiYmVmOGE4NWZj"> </p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnM0M2JiZjI2MmNiZDQ1ZjZiYmVmNDBjM2RhOTM3ZTEy" style="text-align: center"><strong>Pentagram Sorcerer</strong></p> <p class="cnM2YWZiYzA4NWU5MzRkNmZhNzk4NDEyZWNmMzM3YzA3" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Category: Eldritch/Pentagram</span></p> <p class="cnNkNWY5NWM3OTM0NDQ1ODg5OGVhNzBmYWZlY2RiYjI0" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Type: Mortal</span></p> <p class="cnNjMTA4ZjEzM2JkMjRiZGM5YTU3MDU0N2UxYWExNGE2" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Threat Grade: Iron VII</span></p> <p class="cnNmZmVkZTA0MDM2YzQ5NTQ4NDc4YWY0NThkYTQ0YTNl" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">A sorcerer loyal to an unknown cult dedicated to serving Pentagram. Together with its compatriots it controls sizable part of the sewers beneath Ambryxis.</span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNjMWY0OTM3MmVlMDQxYTg5ZGU0ZDA2NTE2MDA0MjEz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400"><br>Five warriors and a sorcerer. Warriors wore a decent quality chainmails and were armed in various weapons. One had a halberd, one had a sword and shield, one had an axe and shield, one had a two handed sword and one had a short spear and a shield. The magician was behind them, in black robe with a large reverse chalice on his chest. He carried a large staff made from a simple wood and some red crystal-like formation as its core. </span></p> <p class="cnM4ZGQyODYwMDViYTQ5ZDk4NzMwMDJjYTdkYzJmNzZm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">None of them had a gasmask. </span></p> <p class="cnNmZThjMjcwMmM4YzRkNTY5NjFhYWE4ZGY3YmZkMDMx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Wonderful. </span></p> <p class="cnNiYzA3MTViMWI5YTQ2ZmRhNmQwMzk5OWEyZTFhMTZh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So, a second band of adventurers finds this place.” A warrior at the front said, with confidence filling his voice. “Seriously, after all the trouble we went through to make those idiots from the city storm the wrong place... “ She shook his head in an almost theatral way. </span></p> <p class="cnMyMTZjNzM2MmYxNTRhOTg4MmU3ODg3MDQ2ZjgwMmJk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Hmph. Might be a tough fight. They aren’t crazily strong, but they probably have good coordination. Ugh. </span></p> <p class="cnMzNjAwNjk4OGVmMDQzNDQ5NjNkMWEzMDQ2MjE0ZTky" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Maybe you aren’t as good as you think, shithead.” I answered him. “Anything else to add before we murder you for worshipping Pentagram?” </span></p> <p class="cnNiNzQzYTllNjQ1MjRhNzA4YTczNjU2NDIzOWVhNDRj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">He clicked his tongue. Once again in an exaggerated manner. </span></p> <p class="cnM5MWJjZTcwNTQ3YzRiNTc4MmQ3MzczZDE2ZDMzNjJh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What a bad manners.” Before any of us managed to do a thing, he pulled out a small object from his pocket. </span></p> <p class="cnMwOTlkZjhiMGNiMzRhZWU4YmE3MTk2NTdmMmE5NjY2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Suddenly I fell on my knees, without any strength in my body. I could see the rest of us doing the same. What the…</span></p> <p class="cnNkZmFlMzMxM2JiZjQwNDI4MDFiMTVlMjFhNDUyMWU3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“There is an ancient magical trap in this room.” Cultist said, with a wide mocking smile. “The first group managed to sneak by and surprise us, but we made sure to take necessary precautions. We still barely know how it works exactly, but anyone who doesn’t wear certain protective charms will feel his body strength drawn away, immediately rendered unable to fight. “ The whole group laughed. “Well, we already watched you for a while. We already planned what to do. The pretty girl…” He pointed at Vaera. “Goes to the boss, she loves breaking pretties like her, while the rest…</span></p> <p class="cnM1MWFmN2Y2NmRkNDQ2MjVhNGUzMDU3YjUwOWVmNzlm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Shit. Now we’ve done it. I think that’s the bad end of this Adventure. To let them catch us like that… It’s probably going to be painful and degrading. We should totally get ourselves some easy suicide option, maybe a fake tooth with poison insid...</span></p> <p class="cnM0NDBmODM0ZWZkMzQxYzlhMmI1YmMxMWQ5ODQ3YTky" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Suddenly I could hear a sound of a door opening. Coming from the direction of the sealed door?! The cultists’ head turns that way… I can see a sudden gush of terror on their faces. What the…</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZWZhZTAyMzljODRiOWU4NTVjYTg2MDM1YjExMzA5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I manage to force my head to move that way.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMzY5ZmFjMTYxNjQ4NWE5MjZlNjE0MmU3ZTc0MjZl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Oh shit. </span></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNlNzA4ZGQ2YTBmYzQ5NjQ4MTJhMDM0MjkyMTBiZDU4" style="text-align: center"><strong>The Smiling Man</strong></p> <p class="cnM2OGMzY2RkYjI5MTQwMGJhOTA0NDZjYzcyMzQzNmUy" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Unique</span></p> <p class="cnM0NjY3NTY0OWE4MjRkODg4YjdmMDQ5YzVhMWZjOTY0" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Category: N/A</span></p> <p class="cnMxZWE2MzZkNjFmYjQ4YTlhNmJjZDU0NDVkOTVkYjM5" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Type: Warmachine/Decemvirate</span></p> <p class="cnM3YzcxM2I2ODVhNzRkMmNhODU0YmUzY2M5MTFjNzg2" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Threat Grade: Platinum I</span></p> <p class="cnNlMDQ0NzE2MDEzODQzOGJiY2M0MDc4ZjgwMTk2NDQx" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">A prototype of heavy warmachine developed by the Decemvirate during its last days. It was developed as a psychological weapon. One supposed to cause the most painful, terrifying and degrading deaths to the enemies of the Ten.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNDUyZjFkNTcxNzQzMTE4MzU4ZWVlOTBhMjE1NjUw" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Created in the Theta Research Station, it was abandoned together with it when the Decemvirate fell.</span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNiMjM1YTM4YjA4YjRkZWNiNTFkNDNjYzE3MjNjNTky" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400"><br>It was a machine. Maybe three meter hide, made from a shining silver metal. Two insanely flexible legs made from metal bands that looked similar to Roman </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">lorica segmentata</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">’s armour chestpiece. A metal corpus in the shape of a pyramid expanding upward. Then two flexible upper limbs that looked more like metal tentacles… and finally a head. Perfectly round on, on a flexible neck, with a giant and almost… insane looking smiling face. it looked like the a smile emoji. </span></p> <p class="cnNmNjhkZmQ4YTdmMDQ0OTViNGFhNTdhMDJiNjE1NWZm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Some part of me screamed internally. </span></p> <p class="cnNjMWIyODZlZmU0ODRiMmQ5ZjE1ODYwYTdmMjUxN2Y0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">There was a sound that I could compare to the sound of an old printer starting to print something. The nimble fingers on its left arm were… sucked inside the metal. After maybe a second they were replaced by a drill. </span></p> <p class="cnM2NDQ1YjI4YWI2ZDQ3OWI4MjU3MTcxMjFhYjNiODc5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then it leaped on a still-paralyzed cultist, targeting the nearest one to it. With almost uncanny speed for its giant size. </span></p> <p class="cnM1MmUzNjQzNDkwZjQ1Mjc4ZjA4ZjRhYjdkYjdhM2Q5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">That particular warrior carried a two-handed sword. He tried to swing it at the machine. It used its flexibility to dodge it at ease. Then its ‘handy’ hand grabbed the warrior by the neck, raising him above our heads. </span></p> <p class="cnMwOTdiM2Y2YjY1ODQwMWE5OWIyNDFiNWQxZGQ3N2Ni" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The machine shoved the drill into its abdomen. The warrior screamed in pain and fear as the Smiling Man crudely vivisected him in front of us. </span></p> <p class="cnM0MzkwNDQ2NjA0NTQ3ZWJiYmYxMzU1MDdhMTIyNjRj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Jesus Christ. </span></p> <p class="cnMyZDAxMTI0NWI4ZTQxNWM5NmE3MDdmOTIzNTdiNDM2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“KILL THAT THING!” The cultist commander shouted. Unfortunately for him they had no idea that the machine was Platinum I. They had a survival chance of a snowman in hell. Despite it, cultists managed to shake off their shock and charge it. Sorcerer began casting something. </span></p> <p class="cnM5MTk3MzM4NGIyNjQzYmE4NzYyOTk1YTRlZTgxN2Fk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Another printer-like sound. The machine’s hand and a drill were replaced by something resembling short blades. It gracefully avoided cultists weapons and suddenly leaped forward, targeting warrior with a halberd. </span></p> <p class="cnMxYTQwYmI4OTViYTRmOGQ4OTk0MDdjMDg0ZjNhMjE4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Despite his aura protection the blades easily went in. I couldn’t see details of it since he stood between me and the machine. But I could guess that one blade went into abdomen and the second at the upper side of chest. </span></p> <p class="cnNjYmE3ZWVmYzY5ZjQxN2ViN2RhNGVlMzM3OWVlNWQ5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The warrior squealed and dropped his weapon. This blade like things (obviously no simple blades) lodged firmly in the wound. Then, with one swift move, the machine simply ripped him into two pieces. He… broke around the stomach, as the upper part was pulled up with inhuman strength while the lower part was kept in place. </span></p> <p class="cnM4N2Q5NTJiY2I3YzQ5NjQ4YzI1ZDVlMWVkMWZjMmNl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Jesus Christ. </span></p> <p class="cnNlZmFlYzRlMzc2ODQ1Y2Y5YWNjMjZiMjcwZmVhOGQ5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The machine laughed. It was a clear and completely happy laughter. Something I could picture coming from a happy child. It was so unnatural, so abstract, that it made cultist take a step back. Even sorcerer’s hex broke before he managed to complete it. </span></p> <p class="cnM3MzJkNWZlOGQwYjQ4MjNhZmU1ZTA1MjcwYjM5NjNj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Another printer sound. Once again the machine was armed in a hand and some sort of drill, but one different than earlier. </span></p> <p class="cnM1MDIwMmRiNDRjMzQ5Y2JhYWY5MzYxNGQ3ZjE5YTli" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ah. This sound… it is the sound that indicates that machine draws lots. It must have who knows how many ways of murdering its opponents stored in its programming. All of them no doubt an effect of long and extensive research by the Decemvirate. With many, many people dying so that they could find more and more terrifying and degrading ways of ending lives. </span></p> <p class="cnMzODE4NjJmZDVhNTQ1ODFiNjZhZjk2NWI4NWUwOGVm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Each time it picks one of its opponents randomly… and then chooses a random way of killing him. </span></p> <p class="cnNiMmRmY2YxOTBmYTQ3MWI4MzkxMmY5MzYyMWY2OGQy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Cultists were paralyzed, so this time the Smiling Man came for them. An axeman was the target. He raised his shield in a desperate attempt to block it, but to no avail. The machine grabbed him by his head and raised him up. He tried to slash with the axe, but it simply bounced of its armor. </span></p> <p class="cnM4MDkzZWQyYjYyODRiZDU4NWUzNzJlMjM2NTI2Mjgz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then the Smiling Man shoved the working drill into his mouth. We all - cultists included - watched in shock as he performed a terrifying parody of dental operation, ruining his teeth, mashing tongue into red mist and messing up everything else. After this ended, the machine raised him up, like it was admiring its handiwork. </span></p> <p class="cnM3MGUwMmMyN2Y0NTQwNDQ4Zjg2YjI4OTAwYjBhNDg0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then it threw him away, like a broken toy. He hit the wall and then slumped on the ground. Possibly dead from shock or simple unconscious. </span></p> <p class="cnM2M2VjOGE0YjU3ZjQ5MWU5NjI3ZWFmOTYxNTFjNzg0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The Smiling Man looked at another warrior. Then there was once again this terrifying sound of the machine choosing its murder weapon. </span></p> <p class="cnNlY2QxNmU1ZTE2YjRjMGU5M2Q1YWVhNTY0YmQ1YTAz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was a massive saw this time. </span></p> <p class="cnM0NmE1NDg1MGU0MTRiZWY4NjVmNTgzNTJjYTVjOWJj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I closed my eyes. The scream was terrifying. I think I’m going to need a change of underwear. I opened them again to see the sorcerer fleeing. Looks like at least a single one of the cultists made the right decision. </span></p> <p class="cnMyZGMzYTE4YjZmNTRjMWJiZTMyMmJlY2E2OGJiYzE0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Cultist commander tried to stop him. Fool. They should all just run away, as fast as they could. But the fear made them stop thinking coherently. </span></p> <p class="cnM3OGIyNDYxOTYyNzRlNWY4Y2IxNjVkZTUxZDZiNjM4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Smiling Man targeted another warrior. </span></p> <p class="cnM2Y2ZhYTFhYjI1OTQ1ZGRiNjIxMmIyMzljMjY4ZTBm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">This time I really pissed myself. Not exactly the manliest thing possible, but it was a sensible reaction to seeing a person suffer death through impalement. With the machine’s hand going so deep into its mouth to reach the other end. Reading about people doing it to other people long time ago was one thing, seeing it... </span></p> <p class="cnMyYjEwNjE1ODcxNTQxNTc5YzRlMjk2ZTI2NzhjMGJk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">This time the cultist commander was the target. After a short sound of a printer starting up the Smiling Man… </span></p> <p class="cnNiZTA3YmJmNWRlMTQ2MmRhMDliMGFjYjVjZWZhOTFk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">No way. This is too much. I don’t want to see it. I don’t want to imagine it. My God, that’s too much.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NGFhZjVkNDFmZTQxMGI4ODgxZDdiODc4MDIxNzE5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Commander made three or four steps back before tripping and falling on his butt. The trap controller fell from his hand. Suddenly I got my strength back. </span></p> <p class="cnNmM2IwMTNhNTMzMzQ3ZjhhMDBmZTNlOTdlNGU2ZTEx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“RUUUN!” I screamed the loudest I could, before jumping forward towards the door the cultist came through. The rest of the party followed me. </span></p> <p class="cnNkMDcxNjU1Mjg3NjRjM2U4OGYzZDAxM2I4NWU0NjFj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">We ran without looking back. The bloodcurdling scream of the cultist commander was going to haunt me. Sure, he gave his soul to the most insane darkness around, but… killing him was one thing, doing THIS was something else. </span></p> <p class="cnM5NGM0ODQzZDI2YzQ0MGRhM2FlNGMzZTFiZWJmMjRh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Of course, quite soon our aura users were ahead of us. Me and Vaera kept running despite this, but… shit, I’m totally going to learn basics of aura, screw the rules of DFI games, I want to be able to run from things like that! </span></p> <p class="cnM3ZTMwZTRiM2RmMzQ4NTNiNmRiOGYxODcwNmFjNmNl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Suddenly we could hear a sound of a printer behind us. I looked behind my shoulder and… </span></p> <p class="cnNiNjVlZDBhYWIzMjRhOWNiNzUzZWE4OTkzYjJkYmQ5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was there. The Smiling Man. The insane creation of the Decemvirate’s techmaturgists. The most dreadful and terrifying being I’ve seen in my life. </span></p> <p class="cnM5MzIyMTFkNzFkZjQ0Y2E4MmZkNDA3YzYyZDVjNTRl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">It looked at me. There two small drills at the end of his right arm. The spacing between them… it was exactly as the spacing between my eyes.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMWZlYzA3YWEzZTQ1YTI5ZmIzMDlhN2MzZDM5YmY0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">No way. </span></p> <p class="cnM5ZmNiMjA2NGZjMDQ0OWNhZTNhODM4ZjMwYzYxNDM3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I moved my staff. I pointed its upper end towards my head.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNTU3OTBlMjJkMTQ3ZmQ4NGVhMzE3YzUzYzk3Zjc2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“DESTROYER LANCE!” I shouted. </span></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="cnMyNGRkZDRjZGViNDQ2NWQ4MGE2YWU1NjBlNjkyYjQ1" style="text-align: center"><strong>YOU DIED!</strong></p> <p class="cnNlMTRkNjVhOWExMzQxMWM4NjM4NDNkNmEwMzBiZjdm" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Cause of death was a cave-in of your skull. </span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM0YmE1N2IxZWI4ZDQzYzI4ZjJlN2VmOWM4NWUyZjE1"> </p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnM0NGQyNjIxOWFhZTQ3ZjI4MzIzMDA4M2M0MjRhZmU2" style="text-align: center"><strong>Warning!</strong></p> <p class="cnM0N2I5ZjgwNTE2OTQ2Njc4Zjg5YmI2MDYxNTViNjQ1" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Due to being a part of Adventure, your standard respawn mechanics are disabled. You will have to choose a checkpoint where you will be resurrected.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NDNjOGM0MDhmOTRhODg5YzA4MzBjNDQ1MzU2ZmY0" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">There is a penalty for dying, however. </span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMwNTkxMzM2NTIzZjQ1MzU4NDhhOTIzNGEwMTFiY2Q3"> </p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNiZDk1N2ZkYzc4YTQwYWQ4ZDYyZmY5Y2QzOWJiZWEy" style="text-align: center"><strong>Penalty</strong></p> <p class="cnM5ZWUyMDljYmQ3MDQ2MTM4MTBiM2Q5YjJiMjk1MWI0" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">The progress of the unknown plague has been increased.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMDIxZDRlOWI2ZDQ0OThiNGJiZTYyN2M2NjhkODA3" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Approximate number of respawns left before the disease robs you of ability to continue your Adventure: </span><strong>4</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM2MjJjYWNjMGFkMTQ0NDRhOGJkMWRiZGE1OTM1YjE5"> </p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNhMmJlZWVjMjc2NjQ0Y2M4MDA0MDk3NjU1NWE3N2U5" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Due to your party losing less than 50% of members and already being outside of fight, you can choose to respawn near it!</span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM0N2VjNTUzZDg4ZDRjMjQ4ZmYyNWJhMzIwN2Y2ZTM4"> </p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNjMmY4M2Q3MjYzNzQ1OGE5OWZlOGYyMTliMmFlYTg5" style="text-align: center"><strong>Available Checkpoints:</strong></p> <p class="cnNlNDBkNjc1NTczNjRlYjNiYWZiZDM2Mjg5NjRiMzc1" style="text-align: center"><strong>Village of Iktin - Chapel</strong></p> <p class="cnM1ODZjYjJiZWFjOTQ3Zjk4ZDczMzU2NjcyMWVlNjI0" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Village of Erstval - Chapel</span></p> <p class="cnNmNjNhZjA2ZjAzOTQ0NzZhMmM5OTQ0Y2NlNGUxZjRi" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Your Party</span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNlMGM3ODkzZjg2NTRhMjA5MmQyN2JiNWM5MDJiNzA2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400"><br>Let me guess. Kovacs group ran out of respawns and the disease “robbed them of ability to continue their Adventure”, hmm? Adventure my ass. </span></p> <p class="cnM3MjgyOTUzMTM4NDQwZjlhZDVhZDE2NTJmZjI3NzZj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">It took me a second to figure out the controls. I mean, I was dead. Immaterial ball of consciousness floating in darkness with the window floating in front of me. When I ‘thought’ the name of the available checkpoint, the bold (one signifying which one was currently selected) moved over. </span></p> <p class="cnMzMTdkNTA5MzIyMDRjMzA4ODk5YjAwZDg3MDMzMDU2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Iktin and Erstval were nice, but there is no fucking way I’m once again going to walk through that… how was it? Theta Research Station? Fuck Decemvirate, period. </span></p> <p class="cnNkZmJmZjA5N2Y3NjQ3N2JiMjk4ZWRiNTdiMGE2MTY4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I moved the marking to “Your Party” and thought “Accept”. Small window showed up, asking me to confirm. I did so. </span></p> </div>
**Chapter 037: The Dreadful Encounter** We were about to depart from the chapel when Leria spoke to me. “Is it possible for me to close the door with magic again?” I thought for a second. Hmph. “Probably? You didn’t order the magic to undo itself, only to make the door open. Why you ask?” “I know it’s going to take a while, but… could we move over the villagers from the quarters here?” Syna nodded fervently. Right. We can’t be sure that no cultists would come here when we were out there adventuring. The villagers might have been unconscious and completely unknown to them, but they were still adherents of the same religion. Letting them suffer more… and we couldn’t be sure that the next group of cultists wouldn’t just murder them. Also, since they were unconscious for a while now, making them drink some water could be a good idea. Sigh. Trying to stop them from making us lose time is probably pointless. Besides, they are totally right there. Even if I went full pragmatic, this still meant making sure that the whole village of potential allies survives this little war in sewers. “Alright, alright.” I sighed. “We make camp here. Aura users move the villagers, then we find an empty room and rest after closing the door properly. We should also eat and drink something.” I was seriously hungry and thirsty at this point. Of course, if the plague ravaging the sewers was truly a magical disease, it was probably in our blood at this point. I was still going to keep the appearance of trying to avoid getting infected. Mostly for morale sake. We should try to finish the mission before we all fall unconscious, but trying to rush things was probably a terrible idea. We should replenish our manapools before we continue. *** Surprisingly moving the villagers didn’t take long. Aura was useful. Leria decided to go slightly farther and together with Syna she quickly cleaned those used by the cult for ‘relief’ and clothed them back. Hopefully they won’t even know what happened to them when they were unconscious. That would be clear nightmare fuel. Ugh. The hardest part was trying to fill them all in the chapel. Sure, it wasn’t only a chapel there, but also some utility rooms. But there were many villagers to be moved, plus some more already there. We were almost forced to stack them in tiers. After my manapool and the ring filled themselves completely (I was the last one to achieve it because of my class restriction) we departed. As I expected, the device led us towards the place marked in the priestess’ journal. Of course, the difference between northwest and northeast was only partial. The farther north we were, the more visible signs of battle were. It was waged far away, but we were close enough for my magic senses to detect signs. The background magic wasn’t as strong as in anomalies and the sewers were a closed space, improving its range. There was magic used there. I couldn’t guess the distance or its exact power. But the battle seemed fierce. In comparison the Sense Eldritch and Sense Evil were less active, suggesting that cultists were either outnumbered or outgunned… or both at once. It didn’t matter. They were a diversion. A significant part of the city militia (at least from the nearby districts) and witch-hunters were busy attacking the wrong place. While they were pushing back much weaker cultists, they were slowly but surely infected by the plague. The cult just had to keep itself alive and slow down the enemy by traps, ambushes and guerilla warfare. Sooner or later a big part of the Ambryxis defences was going to fall into coma… all of this while the cult was still going to have some reserves safely hidden in a completely different place. The enemy commander was a cunning tactician. And either a completely stupid/insane strategist or there was something I didn’t know. Obviously Ambryxis the deity had reserves as well. Army, adventurers, probably a hidden warhost of servile daemons and so on. Either the cult had some hidden trump cards, or this was going to end in its eventual annihilation. It was probably the former. *** After an hour of walk we began seeing dead bodies. I had not a single clue about the way the water circulated in the sewers. I doubted anyone knew anything about it, maybe besides Ambryxis himself. Too much time passed since they were created. Too many unofficial additions were made. One underwater stream must have connected our area with the battleground. Corpses drifted in the shit and piss filled water. Some were obviously cultists, but many of them seemed much tougher than the expendable pawns we encountered earlier. Warriors and sorcerers marked by the reverse chalice symbol. The rest were members of city militia, but there were also one or two people Leria identified as witch-hunters. It looks like the battle truly was fierce. I think we should be happy we passed through the very edge of this madness… Wait a second, dafuq is this? The sewers changed. Stone around us ended quite sharply into metal. I couldn’t guess what type, but it could be steel (probably one resistant to corrosion) in a truly insane amount. But that was merely a single curio. Everything looked… industrial. Plates on the wall, grate instead of floor. Sewers changed as if we moved from the medieval fantasy straight into steampunk or something similar. I took a look at the map and… obviously we were very close to the marked point. Almost near it. “Oh my…” Leria suddenly exclaimed. “I can’t believe it. Decemvirate era ruins beneath Ambryxis?!” Decemvirate. Of course. Fuck my life. There was a quite recent period in imperial history, during which Demiurge (Imperial God of Progress, Technology and Science) and his sister/brother Shadow (Imperial God/dess of Revolution, Anarchy and Freedom) seemed to gain upper hand in the Great Game. The ongoing golden age of Imperium changed into something even greater, when Imperium entered period of industrial revolution that allowed it to enter realm of bonafide supercivilization (as local historians dubbed several prehistorical superpowers far above already powerful Imperium). On some fields it reached or transcended technological power of contemporary Earth. Unfortunately the Imperium kinda broke when the Grand Emperor was murdered. To this day nobody was really sure who did this. But it led to the beginning of the so called Great Kynevian War. 70+ years long period during which various successor states waged neverending wars and conflicts for the mantle of the truest successor state ever. Essentially it was a period of semi-perpetual trench warfare, emerging magocracies, dehumanization and genocides, legions of warmachines and genmaturgy being used to produce terrifying beings then used as shocktroopers or a living psychological weapons. It was so bad that it almost ended up actually spawning the fifth member of Pentagram (which according to old myths would end in the worst possible version of End Times). In the end however the tides turned, one of the post-imperial warlords succeeded in resurrecting the Imperium. First thing it did was banning about 90% of technological discoveries achieved during or right before the War. And with help of gods and their religious temples the ban was universally enforced. In short - a source of deadly dungeons with high-tech flavours for the players to explore. Of course the sudden spike in technology (and later withdrawal from this dangerous field) wasn’t limited to the Imperium. According to the history books I read the Decemvirate was a magocratic government of that era that briefly managed to gain control over the entire Dragonspine Mountains. It was literally a Doomplace that advanced its own evil into industrial level. It ended mostly because locals decided that they went too far. Which said everything about this accursed era. I seriously thought that all of its installations were either completely destroyed or survived as a pale remnants of their former selves in few of the local anomalies. And so did Leria, it seems. “Well, our luck just keeps getting better.” I commented and shook my head. At least there shouldn’t be too much of deadly stuff inside. Decemvirate collapsed at the end of the Great Kynevian War. Like, three hundred years ago. That again, enchantments can be made self-rechargable. And… could this plague be a gene-engineered bioweapon from the Decemvirate’s arsenal of mass destruction weapons? The post-Decemvirate states supposedly got rid of it under their gods’ insistence, but... “So, what do we do?” Leria asked me. “What we always do when we are facing our potential deaths.” I answered. “We go in and pretend that we know what we are doing.” *** Curiously it wasn’t as bad as I thought. It seemed to be a much bigger installation than we thought, but most of it was sealed off. We didn’t have enough magical knowledge to try to override the lockdown in the Decemvirate facility. Magic was more advanced back then. To be honest I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to open the locked doors. That parts of the facility obviously weren’t picked clean by the Sewer Rats or the cult, and I dreaded to think what could be found there. Decemvirate used to casually do things that modern inhabitants of Ambryxis found disgusting and/or creepy. On the other hand, there could be things that might be of advantage to us… tough choice. But one not for now. We entered a large and open room. It must have been a storage room or something like that. at least judging from how perfectly geometrical it was… and how empty. Twenty meters long and ten meters wide cuboid, with a very tight metal grate as a floor. There were three sets of doors. We entered through one, and another was exactly opposite side of the room - judging from the colour of the small lamp atop of it, it wasn’t locked. The third ones, however, were. Hmph. Makes me wonder what was this place re… Suddenly a door at the front opened. Oh shit, I knew it was going too easy. | **Pentagram Warrior** Category: Eldritch/Pentagram Type: Mortal Threat Grade: Iron VII A warrior loyal to an unknown cult dedicated to serving Pentagram. Together with its compatriots it controls sizable part of the sewers beneath Ambryxis. | | --- | | **Pentagram Sorcerer** Category: Eldritch/Pentagram Type: Mortal Threat Grade: Iron VII A sorcerer loyal to an unknown cult dedicated to serving Pentagram. Together with its compatriots it controls sizable part of the sewers beneath Ambryxis. | | --- | Five warriors and a sorcerer. Warriors wore a decent quality chainmails and were armed in various weapons. One had a halberd, one had a sword and shield, one had an axe and shield, one had a two handed sword and one had a short spear and a shield. The magician was behind them, in black robe with a large reverse chalice on his chest. He carried a large staff made from a simple wood and some red crystal-like formation as its core. None of them had a gasmask. Wonderful. “So, a second band of adventurers finds this place.” A warrior at the front said, with confidence filling his voice. “Seriously, after all the trouble we went through to make those idiots from the city storm the wrong place... “ She shook his head in an almost theatral way. Hmph. Might be a tough fight. They aren’t crazily strong, but they probably have good coordination. Ugh. “Maybe you aren’t as good as you think, shithead.” I answered him. “Anything else to add before we murder you for worshipping Pentagram?” He clicked his tongue. Once again in an exaggerated manner. “What a bad manners.” Before any of us managed to do a thing, he pulled out a small object from his pocket. Suddenly I fell on my knees, without any strength in my body. I could see the rest of us doing the same. What the… “There is an ancient magical trap in this room.” Cultist said, with a wide mocking smile. “The first group managed to sneak by and surprise us, but we made sure to take necessary precautions. We still barely know how it works exactly, but anyone who doesn’t wear certain protective charms will feel his body strength drawn away, immediately rendered unable to fight. “ The whole group laughed. “Well, we already watched you for a while. We already planned what to do. The pretty girl…” He pointed at Vaera. “Goes to the boss, she loves breaking pretties like her, while the rest… Shit. Now we’ve done it. I think that’s the bad end of this Adventure. To let them catch us like that… It’s probably going to be painful and degrading. We should totally get ourselves some easy suicide option, maybe a fake tooth with poison insid... Suddenly I could hear a sound of a door opening. Coming from the direction of the sealed door?! The cultists’ head turns that way… I can see a sudden gush of terror on their faces. What the… I manage to force my head to move that way. Oh shit. | **The Smiling Man** Unique Category: N/A Type: Warmachine/Decemvirate Threat Grade: Platinum I A prototype of heavy warmachine developed by the Decemvirate during its last days. It was developed as a psychological weapon. One supposed to cause the most painful, terrifying and degrading deaths to the enemies of the Ten. Created in the Theta Research Station, it was abandoned together with it when the Decemvirate fell. | | --- | It was a machine. Maybe three meter hide, made from a shining silver metal. Two insanely flexible legs made from metal bands that looked similar to Roman *lorica segmentata*’s armour chestpiece. A metal corpus in the shape of a pyramid expanding upward. Then two flexible upper limbs that looked more like metal tentacles… and finally a head. Perfectly round on, on a flexible neck, with a giant and almost… insane looking smiling face. it looked like the a smile emoji. Some part of me screamed internally. There was a sound that I could compare to the sound of an old printer starting to print something. The nimble fingers on its left arm were… sucked inside the metal. After maybe a second they were replaced by a drill. Then it leaped on a still-paralyzed cultist, targeting the nearest one to it. With almost uncanny speed for its giant size. That particular warrior carried a two-handed sword. He tried to swing it at the machine. It used its flexibility to dodge it at ease. Then its ‘handy’ hand grabbed the warrior by the neck, raising him above our heads. The machine shoved the drill into its abdomen. The warrior screamed in pain and fear as the Smiling Man crudely vivisected him in front of us. Jesus Christ. “KILL THAT THING!” The cultist commander shouted. Unfortunately for him they had no idea that the machine was Platinum I. They had a survival chance of a snowman in hell. Despite it, cultists managed to shake off their shock and charge it. Sorcerer began casting something. Another printer-like sound. The machine’s hand and a drill were replaced by something resembling short blades. It gracefully avoided cultists weapons and suddenly leaped forward, targeting warrior with a halberd. Despite his aura protection the blades easily went in. I couldn’t see details of it since he stood between me and the machine. But I could guess that one blade went into abdomen and the second at the upper side of chest. The warrior squealed and dropped his weapon. This blade like things (obviously no simple blades) lodged firmly in the wound. Then, with one swift move, the machine simply ripped him into two pieces. He… broke around the stomach, as the upper part was pulled up with inhuman strength while the lower part was kept in place. Jesus Christ. The machine laughed. It was a clear and completely happy laughter. Something I could picture coming from a happy child. It was so unnatural, so abstract, that it made cultist take a step back. Even sorcerer’s hex broke before he managed to complete it. Another printer sound. Once again the machine was armed in a hand and some sort of drill, but one different than earlier. Ah. This sound… it is the sound that indicates that machine draws lots. It must have who knows how many ways of murdering its opponents stored in its programming. All of them no doubt an effect of long and extensive research by the Decemvirate. With many, many people dying so that they could find more and more terrifying and degrading ways of ending lives. Each time it picks one of its opponents randomly… and then chooses a random way of killing him. Cultists were paralyzed, so this time the Smiling Man came for them. An axeman was the target. He raised his shield in a desperate attempt to block it, but to no avail. The machine grabbed him by his head and raised him up. He tried to slash with the axe, but it simply bounced of its armor. Then the Smiling Man shoved the working drill into his mouth. We all - cultists included - watched in shock as he performed a terrifying parody of dental operation, ruining his teeth, mashing tongue into red mist and messing up everything else. After this ended, the machine raised him up, like it was admiring its handiwork. Then it threw him away, like a broken toy. He hit the wall and then slumped on the ground. Possibly dead from shock or simple unconscious. The Smiling Man looked at another warrior. Then there was once again this terrifying sound of the machine choosing its murder weapon. It was a massive saw this time. I closed my eyes. The scream was terrifying. I think I’m going to need a change of underwear. I opened them again to see the sorcerer fleeing. Looks like at least a single one of the cultists made the right decision. Cultist commander tried to stop him. Fool. They should all just run away, as fast as they could. But the fear made them stop thinking coherently. Smiling Man targeted another warrior. This time I really pissed myself. Not exactly the manliest thing possible, but it was a sensible reaction to seeing a person suffer death through impalement. With the machine’s hand going so deep into its mouth to reach the other end. Reading about people doing it to other people long time ago was one thing, seeing it... This time the cultist commander was the target. After a short sound of a printer starting up the Smiling Man… No way. This is too much. I don’t want to see it. I don’t want to imagine it. My God, that’s too much. Commander made three or four steps back before tripping and falling on his butt. The trap controller fell from his hand. Suddenly I got my strength back. “RUUUN!” I screamed the loudest I could, before jumping forward towards the door the cultist came through. The rest of the party followed me. We ran without looking back. The bloodcurdling scream of the cultist commander was going to haunt me. Sure, he gave his soul to the most insane darkness around, but… killing him was one thing, doing THIS was something else. Of course, quite soon our aura users were ahead of us. Me and Vaera kept running despite this, but… shit, I’m totally going to learn basics of aura, screw the rules of DFI games, I want to be able to run from things like that! Suddenly we could hear a sound of a printer behind us. I looked behind my shoulder and… It was there. The Smiling Man. The insane creation of the Decemvirate’s techmaturgists. The most dreadful and terrifying being I’ve seen in my life. It looked at me. There two small drills at the end of his right arm. The spacing between them… it was exactly as the spacing between my eyes. No way. I moved my staff. I pointed its upper end towards my head. “DESTROYER LANCE!” I shouted. | **YOU DIED!** Cause of death was a cave-in of your skull. | | | --- | --- | | **Warning!** Due to being a part of Adventure, your standard respawn mechanics are disabled. You will have to choose a checkpoint where you will be resurrected. There is a penalty for dying, however. | | --- | | **Penalty** The progress of the unknown plague has been increased. Approximate number of respawns left before the disease robs you of ability to continue your Adventure: **4** | | --- | | Due to your party losing less than 50% of members and already being outside of fight, you can choose to respawn near it! | | --- | | **Available Checkpoints:** **Village of Iktin - Chapel** Village of Erstval - Chapel Your Party | | --- | Let me guess. Kovacs group ran out of respawns and the disease “robbed them of ability to continue their Adventure”, hmm? Adventure my ass. It took me a second to figure out the controls. I mean, I was dead. Immaterial ball of consciousness floating in darkness with the window floating in front of me. When I ‘thought’ the name of the available checkpoint, the bold (one signifying which one was currently selected) moved over. Iktin and Erstval were nice, but there is no fucking way I’m once again going to walk through that… how was it? Theta Research Station? Fuck Decemvirate, period. I moved the marking to “Your Party” and thought “Accept”. Small window showed up, asking me to confirm. I did so.
{ "title": "My second chance is as Dungeon Master?", "id": 21503, "author": "Arkai", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Chapter 8 - Apace", "id": 305422, "next": 305480, "prev": 305139, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNmZWM2YmVjMzYwYTRjNzQ5ZDg5MGNiMWE3MGNkZTgz">They let out a joyous smile because of both of them isn't exactly a smart type — a fight is an ideal game for them. However, their smile doesn't last long and soon changes into serious expression — waiting for another holographic message that will explain the meaning or those words.</p> <p class="cnNhZjU5YTdiY2U1YjRhZDViZGM1ZDE1MzcwNjA1YTBl">*Ding*</p> <p class="cnM5YjZkZGVhMTA2ZTQ4NmRhYTE3Mzc1NTI0OGIyMzYz">"Finally," both of them said together.</p> <p class="cnNkMzE0MTJlZWRjZDQyY2M5MTljZWEyMDU5NDJhMTE1">[Equivalent Fight: A fight where the challenger and the defender have the equal weapon, status, and skill]</p> <p class="cnM1MTllMmNhZjUyYjQyYjhiMDE1MTcxZmJiZTNmNGM4">The dungeon master frowns his eyebrow after reading that displayed on his retina. However, before he finished organize his thought, another notification appears on his eyes.</p> <p class="cnNiMmNmZTZlN2U0MzQwZjU4OGVjYzVmOWNjZDdkMDE1">[Defender Advantage: Choosing the type of battle]</p> <p class="cnNkZWY5NWI0MzZkNzQyNGRiNjc4MWU3NmZlYWU2ZTI0">[1. The Defender's level decrease become Colorless — Amount of Defender's skill become zero]</p> <p class="cnM0NTE5ZjNkYjk4OTRmY2ZhYzIzMWM4OGMyYzhiMWQx">[2. The Challenger's level increase become Red — Amount of Challenger's skill become eight]</p> <p class="cnMwMzFmMzYwYjZjYzRlZTI4ZWZmZjY0NjYxYmUwMDk2">In this gamble, the defender has one advantage — he has right to choose which is given by world-will. Even though he can't change the theme of the game, he has a chance to choose game detail — he'll choose whichever option that gives them the most advantage.</p> <p class="cnMzOGFlODA5YmUwOTRiM2NiYWQ3NGJjYzFkMzI3OTZh">The option will lose its effect after he gets out of this white place — it isn't permanent. So, he doesn't need to worry about lowering his rank after this game. What he needs to do is choose wisely the most advantageous option for him to win.</p> <p class="cnM0NTI0YjNmZjFiODQ3OTE5MTJhZjVkNGZjOGY1MGQx">The first option means his rank will forcefully decrease into the colorless-level which equal as the human. Besides his status, his skill amount also becomes equal to his opponent — zero. This choice is disadvantageous, he often relies on his skill while his opponent earlier already shown his ability in swordplay, which can match his movement — a red-level dungeon-master — for a short while.</p> <p class="cnM4MzUxNmI4NDFhNDRlN2FiNmEzNDk1NWU2OTQ1NTZj">His opponent has weapon-proficiency which transcend him in many levels.</p> <p class="cnM2OWUxYWMwYjRkNzQwOGZiMDUxZjU2MThlMWM0ZTBl">This first option is a losing choice.</p> <p class="cnMwZTJjNjA0M2NmYTQ2ZTk4M2M5MjMxYTFkNmYxY2Zh">He's examining the second choice, this option means his opponent rank will forcefully increase into red-level, and then he'll have the same skill as him. Even though it appears the same, it's essentially different. Most people can quickly adapt when their rank go down, but that wasn't the same for the opposite case — it needs days to get used with a higher level. Besides that, he has more experience using his skill — although they have the same skills, he as the more experienced user will generate a better result.</p> <p class="cnMzNjAzNmY4MWNkYjRlYmRhNDM3YTBjMDFkNWQ0Yjc2">If he chooses this option, his opponent will have difficulty to control his newfound power, and he can't even use the skill properly.</p> <p class="cnMyMTg4MDMzZDI1NDRkOGZhYzNmMTkxNGMwNGI5NjJj">After organizing his thought, he let out a wide grin.</p> <p class="cnM2YTcwZjBmMzE4NzQwYTk4NzkwMDk5MDA4MjY2ZWYz">'After all, this option is a winning choice.'</p> <p class="cnMzYzNjNDQ4MDU2NzRiZWFiNDc1ODNmZjIzZTZlOWFk">"I choose the second option," he says with a confident tone.</p> <p class="cnM4Mzg1MDU4MTRmNzQwYTliNTRmNGVhYTdkMDQ5NDYx">***</p> <p class="cnNiMmYyYzdmMGY3YjQ4MjhhZDY3NjFiNGE5NjkwMTcw">Elias is observing the dungeon master who stands in front of him. A single translucent barrier is separating them, but he still can see his opponent expression. He notices the man in front of him still in deep thought. If his memories were right, this is where the dungeon master choose the game details — the defender's advantage.</p> <p class="cnNkZDFiZDVhZTM1NjRiMGNhOWExOTdmNGZmYzg4NWY1">Soon, he notices a slight change on his opponent face — a vigorous appearance.</p> <p class="cnMwNWFjZWM3ZDJhNDRkN2Y5MzAyYmRhYzg4YWNkYTQ4">Usually, this type of expression won't give a good outcome for him. However, he still silent thinking what possibly could happen while preparing the solution.</p> <p class="cnNkN2M1MjA3MjI5MzQ1MjM4YjI3ZDcyZjZhODc4Yzk0">Soon, a sound of Ding come inside his mind following by series of holographic sentences.</p> <p class="cnNjN2FiY2E5ZDRkNDRjZjViNmIzYmJhMDI3OTUzYzVi">*Ding*</p> <p class="cnNlZWM2OTA1YjY4ODQyZWI4NWEyNDQwZDY3OTQ3NGVj">[The Defender already choose Game type]</p> <p class="cnNmMjhlY2Q4MjhkZjQ3YWE5YWZiNDY5ZDFiMWM0ODM3">[Recover any Injuries and Regrow Your Lost Limbs]</p> <p class="cnM2MDUxYzExMzc5MzQ0NTk5ZjBhMzQwMWFhNDdlMWE1">[Your Rank change into Red level]</p> <p class="cnMxMjc2ZDJhM2UzYzQwMDViZDQ0NjZjNzcxZmNlYzE5">[Amount of Your Skill change into eight]</p> <p class="cnM2OWIxOTNkOTcxODQ1NmViMWJlMDU0N2MwYTVjMmJl">He notices that his injuries are recovering at a visible rate while his rank increase into red-level. His left hand regenerate and become a new hand — he can move it just fine, no sign of any deficiency.</p> <p class="cnNjYzljNjQyMmZjZjQ0NWM4MWI4MWIyNzVlYzIzMzRk">After reading those sentences carefully and checking the list of his skills, his serious expression changing into a wide smirk — leaking his happy feelings from his mind.</p> <p class="cnMwZTBhYmE5ZjJlMjQ2M2U4YTU0MzE4ZWE5MmU2ZWM0">Soon, the white scenery surrounding them changes into vast flat grassy grounds. They stand while facing each other, but with a barrier separating them, they don't move from their place — observing their opponent. They waiting for a sign of the beginning of their fight which shortly comes — the ding sound soon reverberates in this vast grassland, followed by the barrier disappearance.</p> <p class="cnM5MTRhNzQ3MDFlMjRhYzQ5NjA0ZmVkNDYwNTM4MTc3">Noticing this, the dungeon master soon use one of his skill which he didn't use earlier — a shadow clone. The dungeon master multiplies and rushes towards Elias with their bluish glowing spear. Their body and weapon covered by black poison — with a simple touch or scratch, their enemy will die immediately.</p> <p class="cnM2YmFhOTZhMjFhMTRmOTNhOWU1ZTE3YTQ0MTJjMjE0">If only he uses all his skills from the start, there is no way Elias can bring him into this world.</p> <p class="cnMzMWQwZGY5NTU3NzQ1OTM4ZDNjZTdmYjZhYmZjNTM1">"A shadow clone? I can't — believe it," although Elias says that, there is no surprise in his tone because he also got the same skill. However, this situation reminds him of a show he watches as a kid.</p> <p class="cnMxODcyZjhhNWU4OTRkNmI4MjBlOTBmY2IwY2IwMGEw">After saying his remarks, he immediately uses the same skill — shadow clone — proficiently, and then his clone charges towards the horde of dungeon masters while using the same skill as them. This time he doesn't have any disadvantage because he has the same weapon, skill, and status like his opponents.</p> <p class="cnMzNGJkMzM4YTE2ZjQzZTI5NzE4MzNhYmNkYTExMTU0">Their weapon clashes and creates big sparks, their strength are equal, but Elias spear style is more polished than his opponent. This alone push those clones into the disadvantageous side. The real dungeon master is becoming restless after looking at this situation.</p> <p class="cnNjZjcyYTU5ZWIzMDRlMjg5MmJmYTVlZjg5OThkMzk2">This situation isn't as the dungeon master expected. His opponent immediately adapts with his new strength and can use his skill even more proficient than himself — he needs to let out his trumps card.</p> <p class="cnNkN2QxOWE2NDQ2ZjQ2NzZiN2FiZDcyYWU5YzJlN2Y5">With telepathy, he sends his command to his clones.</p> <p class="cnM4MDU2ZmUzYmI2ZTRlMzRiN2VkZDg4Y2FjMTQ5NGE1">Soon, his clones change their attacking style, their attacks become more ferocious without caring for their defense. Amidst those barrage of attacks, some of those clones step back waiting for the next thing to happen.</p> <p class="cnNjNzdkMDRlMTNmYjQ0NTU4YjljZmM3NzRkMDQ4MGE2">*Boom* *Boom*</p> <p class="cnNjZDgyYmZhYWU0MzRlZDc5YTQyY2NmNzk5NzQxZWQ4">The clones which attacking ferociously earlier explode and kill all of Elias's clones.</p> <p class="cnNkNTAzMzY3N2Q1ZjQxYmE5MjBhMTg2MGVjOGIwZjgz">"Now!" the dungeon master shouting.</p> <p class="cnM5NzFkOGEyMGRjMjQ0NDVhNGRjMzA5ZGE3ZGE3NjJm">Hearing his command, the remaining of his clones throw poisons towards Elias, but he can easily block it with a shield from his black liquid. After realizing it didn't work, they rushed towards him with their weapon covered by poison.</p> <p class="cnM3MThkMDA3NGYyODQ2YzNiOWM2MGNjZTA1NzBmYTFh">Attacking his opponents with numbers is a good idea, there is no way for an ordinary person to defend from this many people while looking out for poison covering their body. With one simple touch from one of his clone that human will immediately die.</p> <p class="cnMwZDZkMDQ2OTJlZDQ2Njg5MmE2YTNmOTg5ZWUxNWM4">In his eyes, this is already a checkmate.</p> <p class="cnMyNGU3NmE2MzQwZDQ2MTQ4MGNmNzM5NzJmOWI3OTE5">However, unnoticed by the dungeon master and his clones, a black spear coming out from the ground, piercing his skull from behind — killing him instantly.</p> <p class="cnM0MTllOWNjODE2MTQ5Mjk5ODM5NDhjMDc2NTY1MzM1">This spear secretly prepared by Elias on the ground before the fight begins, it made with same black poison skill as the dungeon master.</p> <p class="cnM5MGFmNjFlNGY0NDQyMmQ5MTljYmRjY2Q4MzA0NDJh">If there one thing Elias learns in his previous life, that is to make sure his opponents can't read his intent.</p> <p class="cnMxMjJjZDE2NjA5MTQ4YTJhMTBmODZhMzQ0Njc1NTg3">Same as this time, he moves it slowly behind the dungeon master while using himself as bait, and when his opponent's guard down — thinking that he's already won — he strikes back.</p> <p class="cnMyMDVhMDFiZDMyMTQ5ZWNiMDY4NzQ5MDliNjcyY2Zk">Soon, after the real one dead, those clones disappear because there is no mana supplying their existence.</p> <p class="cnM4NzRkNmQwM2UyNjRiNmZhMTU1ZWVlNmIzNzM5YTAx">"Huff, fortunately, this battle is on my favor," he sighs after the battle over and then lay down on the ground.</p> <p class="cnMzNDI0NzBlZWIxZDQ2NzRhYjg4NmIzNDliMTZmMzBj">Their battle is over in less than a minute, but that how it'll occur when life at stake. Both parties will let out their best skill from the beginning — try to kill his opponents as fast as possible. There is no way they'll use low-level skills when wagering everything.</p> <p class="cnNkODhmYTk4ODQ2YzRjNzdhMmU2ZTJlMjFjNTE3NTZl">After all, the winner is someone who can kill his opponent swiftly without giving any chance to counter-attack.</p> <p class="cnNjM2I2ODI0NDhhMzQ1YTJiNzNiOGFhMzRiZDk5YWUz">At this game, he's the one who can kill the opponents swiftly — he's the winner.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGYxY2QwMWNhMjQ5MDE4NDYxYTdmZjQ4ZmNlNTM4">Although his ability has huge roles in his victory, he also can't deny that luck is on his side. The game which was chosen by the world-will and the options which enemy took is all favor him.</p> <p class="cnM0NTA2ODcxNTBlNTQ0ZjY5MWE2MGE5ZmRlMzA2OWIw">If his opponents chose the first option, his victory won't be this easy. After all, he still tries to adjust with a new body right now. In a situation where he doesn't have any skill, he needs to rely on his mediocre spear-style.</p> <p class="cnM0YWExMWVkN2RjNTRjNWFhODAxMjMwNzExNDQxODIw">Nevertheless, he understands the dungeon master's reason by choosing this options — even for geniuses, they need days for adapting a newfound strength and controlling new skills. However, this reason doesn't work for him — a person who already past red-level in his previous life. He also taught by many experts to use many skills in his previous life.</p> <p class="cnM0ZTU3NTRmOWVjZDQ3MzdhMDliMTdjZjZjMzVhYTA2">This victory is thanks to those people — he's standing in the shoulder of giants.</p> <p class="cnNjY2EyN2ZmZTRhYzQ5YmM5MDE1Yzc5NWY1MDExOGQz">He can't afford to lose against a low-rank dungeon master.</p> <p class="cnNlYzY4YzAyOGU3ZTRhMjY4MmQ1ZTExZTZjMGU5ZGMw">While he's smiling in deep thought, a sound he waited ringing in his mind.</p> <p class="cnMxYmZiMGU4MmVjZTQ0Nzg4NzU4NmM5NGViMjdlYTBm">*Ding*</p> <p class="cnMwYjI4OTc1MjY2YTQ0ODc5ZTBjNmI1M2E0NDczMWE4">[You Won]</p> <p class="cnM0YTZjNTc2NjE4MjQyYjc4NmRkNGE2ZjkyNmMzYWJm">[You got a new title: Dungeon Master]</p> </div>
They let out a joyous smile because of both of them isn't exactly a smart type — a fight is an ideal game for them. However, their smile doesn't last long and soon changes into serious expression — waiting for another holographic message that will explain the meaning or those words. *Ding* "Finally," both of them said together. [Equivalent Fight: A fight where the challenger and the defender have the equal weapon, status, and skill] The dungeon master frowns his eyebrow after reading that displayed on his retina. However, before he finished organize his thought, another notification appears on his eyes. [Defender Advantage: Choosing the type of battle] [1. The Defender's level decrease become Colorless — Amount of Defender's skill become zero] [2. The Challenger's level increase become Red — Amount of Challenger's skill become eight] In this gamble, the defender has one advantage — he has right to choose which is given by world-will. Even though he can't change the theme of the game, he has a chance to choose game detail — he'll choose whichever option that gives them the most advantage. The option will lose its effect after he gets out of this white place — it isn't permanent. So, he doesn't need to worry about lowering his rank after this game. What he needs to do is choose wisely the most advantageous option for him to win. The first option means his rank will forcefully decrease into the colorless-level which equal as the human. Besides his status, his skill amount also becomes equal to his opponent — zero. This choice is disadvantageous, he often relies on his skill while his opponent earlier already shown his ability in swordplay, which can match his movement — a red-level dungeon-master — for a short while. His opponent has weapon-proficiency which transcend him in many levels. This first option is a losing choice. He's examining the second choice, this option means his opponent rank will forcefully increase into red-level, and then he'll have the same skill as him. Even though it appears the same, it's essentially different. Most people can quickly adapt when their rank go down, but that wasn't the same for the opposite case — it needs days to get used with a higher level. Besides that, he has more experience using his skill — although they have the same skills, he as the more experienced user will generate a better result. If he chooses this option, his opponent will have difficulty to control his newfound power, and he can't even use the skill properly. After organizing his thought, he let out a wide grin. 'After all, this option is a winning choice.' "I choose the second option," he says with a confident tone. *** Elias is observing the dungeon master who stands in front of him. A single translucent barrier is separating them, but he still can see his opponent expression. He notices the man in front of him still in deep thought. If his memories were right, this is where the dungeon master choose the game details — the defender's advantage. Soon, he notices a slight change on his opponent face — a vigorous appearance. Usually, this type of expression won't give a good outcome for him. However, he still silent thinking what possibly could happen while preparing the solution. Soon, a sound of Ding come inside his mind following by series of holographic sentences. *Ding* [The Defender already choose Game type] [Recover any Injuries and Regrow Your Lost Limbs] [Your Rank change into Red level] [Amount of Your Skill change into eight] He notices that his injuries are recovering at a visible rate while his rank increase into red-level. His left hand regenerate and become a new hand — he can move it just fine, no sign of any deficiency. After reading those sentences carefully and checking the list of his skills, his serious expression changing into a wide smirk — leaking his happy feelings from his mind. Soon, the white scenery surrounding them changes into vast flat grassy grounds. They stand while facing each other, but with a barrier separating them, they don't move from their place — observing their opponent. They waiting for a sign of the beginning of their fight which shortly comes — the ding sound soon reverberates in this vast grassland, followed by the barrier disappearance. Noticing this, the dungeon master soon use one of his skill which he didn't use earlier — a shadow clone. The dungeon master multiplies and rushes towards Elias with their bluish glowing spear. Their body and weapon covered by black poison — with a simple touch or scratch, their enemy will die immediately. If only he uses all his skills from the start, there is no way Elias can bring him into this world. "A shadow clone? I can't — believe it," although Elias says that, there is no surprise in his tone because he also got the same skill. However, this situation reminds him of a show he watches as a kid. After saying his remarks, he immediately uses the same skill — shadow clone — proficiently, and then his clone charges towards the horde of dungeon masters while using the same skill as them. This time he doesn't have any disadvantage because he has the same weapon, skill, and status like his opponents. Their weapon clashes and creates big sparks, their strength are equal, but Elias spear style is more polished than his opponent. This alone push those clones into the disadvantageous side. The real dungeon master is becoming restless after looking at this situation. This situation isn't as the dungeon master expected. His opponent immediately adapts with his new strength and can use his skill even more proficient than himself — he needs to let out his trumps card. With telepathy, he sends his command to his clones. Soon, his clones change their attacking style, their attacks become more ferocious without caring for their defense. Amidst those barrage of attacks, some of those clones step back waiting for the next thing to happen. *Boom* *Boom* The clones which attacking ferociously earlier explode and kill all of Elias's clones. "Now!" the dungeon master shouting. Hearing his command, the remaining of his clones throw poisons towards Elias, but he can easily block it with a shield from his black liquid. After realizing it didn't work, they rushed towards him with their weapon covered by poison. Attacking his opponents with numbers is a good idea, there is no way for an ordinary person to defend from this many people while looking out for poison covering their body. With one simple touch from one of his clone that human will immediately die. In his eyes, this is already a checkmate. However, unnoticed by the dungeon master and his clones, a black spear coming out from the ground, piercing his skull from behind — killing him instantly. This spear secretly prepared by Elias on the ground before the fight begins, it made with same black poison skill as the dungeon master. If there one thing Elias learns in his previous life, that is to make sure his opponents can't read his intent. Same as this time, he moves it slowly behind the dungeon master while using himself as bait, and when his opponent's guard down — thinking that he's already won — he strikes back. Soon, after the real one dead, those clones disappear because there is no mana supplying their existence. "Huff, fortunately, this battle is on my favor," he sighs after the battle over and then lay down on the ground. Their battle is over in less than a minute, but that how it'll occur when life at stake. Both parties will let out their best skill from the beginning — try to kill his opponents as fast as possible. There is no way they'll use low-level skills when wagering everything. After all, the winner is someone who can kill his opponent swiftly without giving any chance to counter-attack. At this game, he's the one who can kill the opponents swiftly — he's the winner. Although his ability has huge roles in his victory, he also can't deny that luck is on his side. The game which was chosen by the world-will and the options which enemy took is all favor him. If his opponents chose the first option, his victory won't be this easy. After all, he still tries to adjust with a new body right now. In a situation where he doesn't have any skill, he needs to rely on his mediocre spear-style. Nevertheless, he understands the dungeon master's reason by choosing this options — even for geniuses, they need days for adapting a newfound strength and controlling new skills. However, this reason doesn't work for him — a person who already past red-level in his previous life. He also taught by many experts to use many skills in his previous life. This victory is thanks to those people — he's standing in the shoulder of giants. He can't afford to lose against a low-rank dungeon master. While he's smiling in deep thought, a sound he waited ringing in his mind. *Ding* [You Won] [You got a new title: Dungeon Master]
{ "title": "The Heretic Legion", "id": 21241, "author": "genetixsparkz", "rating": 3.8 }
{ "title": "Ch 11. Trust Issues.", "id": 305424, "next": 305506, "prev": 305375, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMyNWU4MjVmMzYwZjRhMWM5MDczMjQ4NmE1MTg1NjY4" dir="ltr">The three unarmed kobolds ran at the enemy camp shrieking with four skeletons and two zombiefied kobold corpses chasing after them. Kaylee and I followed at a light jog behind it all.</p> <p class="cnNjYmIwZTE5NWRkOTRiNWU5MjVkYWU4YzdjYjExZTE0"> </p> <p class="cnNjMTNmMGIxNDcxNjRjYjFiYjBhNWFhNzU0Mzg3ODI5" dir="ltr">nearly two dozen kobolds grabbed various weapons and ran from all directions forming a rough group where the trail met the camp. The skeletons and zombies slowed allowing the three fleeing kobolds to reach the safety of the front line. My own minions continued to close on the mass of the enemy. I could hear them hissing and saw two rocks fly out, one tearing the cheek off a zombie's face and exposing bone. The twenty-two kobolds had a line of twelve with five more behind them. back further still, I could see a slinger and finally, a group of three kobolds clad in light leathers surrounding what I could only assume was their leader.</p> <p class="cnNhNjdjYzE4Njc1YzRlZGE4OGI3YmRlMmNmNmIzZjRi"> </p> <p class="cnNkMjhhZDZhNWZjMjRhNDY4OGIyNjZlZTIxNmI1YWQ3" dir="ltr">The lead kobolds seemed surprised when my undead charged at them. The surprise though turned to shock when two of the unarmed kobolds near them screeched a war cry and attacked from behind. The third had gone back to the slinger and was busy ripping his neck open with his sharp kobold teeth. I recalled executing them, teaching Kaylee in her still slightly delirious state how to perform a death’s touch and flood mana in after. I’d made her paralyze one so I could carefully stab in through the ear and leave him unmarked but dead. A quick reanimation after had ensured they would fool the camp kobolds. And as the enemy turned on the three traitors, I poured mana into each, condensing briefly before releasing.</p> <p class="cnMyNGQxYTAwM2NjYjQ1MWVhOGIyOGNlYzA4NGM0MWM5"> </p> <p class="cnM2NmUxYzc1NzRjMzQ3NTVhNDZmZDM2OGIxYzE2Njk4" dir="ltr">Kaylee’s failure with her training had inspired me.</p> <p class="cnMzYzA4OTBmMjhkOTRjNzBiZTlmOWVmN2EwMzk2MmQ3"> </p> <p class="cnMxOGRiZjAwMDA1MzRjYjQ5MGU3ZjcwZDI4ZDNjN2U4" dir="ltr">Blood and guts exploded in exactly the manner I’d hoped followed by shards of bone. The sight was like foreplay.</p> <p class="cnMwMTQzODZhNzQzNTRmOTJiM2QwYjA1M2Q1NGUzM2Ux" dir="ltr"> </p> <p class="cnMzYzk2YjBhMjE0ODQxYjliYzMwOGM4YmFlZGNkMWM1" dir="ltr"><span style="font-family: Arial">I grabbed Kaylee beside me. </span></p> <p class="cnNkNDc3NjYxYWUxMjQ3NjE5Y2UzZjliN2JiYThiYjEy" dir="ltr"><span style="font-family: Arial">“Let me help you get the blood flowing princess.” </span></p> <p class="cnM0NzI5Yjk1MWY0ZTQ5Mzk5Mzc3ZDM2NTIwZGFiNmU1" dir="ltr"><span style="font-family: Arial"> </span></p> <p class="cnMwYjUyMzU0NmI3MTQ4Njk4YWRhNjJkZmI2MmNjZTYw" dir="ltr"><span style="font-family: Arial">Grabbing her ass with one hand to hold her close and using the other to keep her head from struggling too much. I kissed her forcefully and bit her bottom lip until I could taste copper tinged death. The death was new, her skill was improving.</span></p> <p class="cnM0OTBlNTBjZDgzNTRhZTE5NWIwNTUxNDczODgyZjg5" dir="ltr"><span style="font-family: Arial"> </span></p> <p class="cnM3OGNjMjFiYTc0NDQyOTViMzQ1OTUzZDBlNTMyNWY1" dir="ltr"> Turning back I could actually see through the stomach of one kobold. My suicide minion had latched onto his back when he exploded and there was little left of either of them now. </p> <p class="cnM3ODlmODhmMmY5MzRlODc5OGU1NzUwNWUzYmI1N2Q4"> </p> <p class="cnMwMTBmNzNhYmQ2MjRkMDQ5YWQ0YTcwNjRmNmM0M2Y3" dir="ltr">The explosions killed a slinger and wounded one of the leader’s guardsmen along with killing four kobolds outright and wounding two more in the front. The charge of my soldiers brought blades and spears against startled lines and three more fell before the real fight began. That left only eleven kobolds out front with two already half dead. I felt good about those odds for a moment.</p> <p class="cnM4ZTI3M2RhZTEzZTRkZTM4MzdhNGEyYjdiZGE4MTFi"> </p> <p class="cnM3N2M5YTIxMTZlMzRlMjdiMmZlMTllMTQ0ZmM5YmYx" dir="ltr">Then a small gap opened in the line facing towards us and I barely had time to register the streak of fire before it sailed outwards towards Kaylee.</p> <p class="cnM5NTUxZDE3OGM3MjQ4ZDZiZWZmYTQ4NWU4MGY2NDVl"> </p> <p class="cnMwY2IyMjI3MGNiYTRmNDY5YTNkMTliNjNhZTZmM2Q1" dir="ltr">I dove at her tackling her to the ground. </p> <p class="cnNkY2ZjNzhlOTgyYjQxZmY5NjVjYzAxMDI2OGRiYTJl"> </p> <p class="cnNiMDVmYTIyNWY4NjRmNWNhZjRkZjhjYTZjMjFlNTUz" dir="ltr">I rolled us both as the ball of flame exploded in mid-air and fire licked at my arm before I escaped. The intensity was enough to super-heat the water in my skin. Bubbles formed and popped and skin blistered and burned, some of it disappearing completely. The pain was blinding but worse was when I finished my roll. My burned arm scraped against the sand and I saw white as the particles of sand embedded themselves in my wound and friction rubbed them raw.</p> <p class="cnNhYzdlOGE0MjZjZjQ3NmQ4YjFhZmEzYjY3MGQ0Yzgy"> </p> <p class="cnNhY2FlMDY0ZmY2MzQ5Yzk4YTBjZDNlZDk4NzQ5YTY5" dir="ltr">Kaylee’s eyes locked onto mine as she took in the state of my burns.</p> <p class="cnM0NWRlZDE0Y2YxOTQzMTU4NGMyNjRhZjM2ZWFmOTdi"> </p> <p class="cnM3Y2Q3ZmRmYTMwNTQ4Yzg5N2U5ODI1Yjc2YzMzYTQ1" dir="ltr">I reacted on instinct and my core flooded necrotic mana to the wound, finishing off the burned skin and then melding it together. But leaving dead tissue exposed where no skin was available to cover the wound.</p> <p class="cnM1MWYxZDBlODAwZjQzNzdiZjczMWIwYTcyZDQ2ZmQ1"> </p> <p class="cnNlODBlZmMyYTFmODQyNDM5YTc5NmY3ZGU0ZTk1NzZl" dir="ltr">“You can thank me later,” I told her.</p> <p class="cnMxYWY5YTA2MDEwODRiMDI4MmEwMzU4YjQ1YTc0ZjM0" dir="ltr"> </p> <p class="cnNmN2JiNGJkMzIzZTQ4YjI4MGM5ZTgxNzU4YzNiODVm" dir="ltr">“I‘d rather burn,” she spat.</p> <p class="cnM5MmI3OTYwODc1MjRmMDQ5MWFmYmQzY2VmNzhkMGEz" dir="ltr"> </p> <p class="cnM5NjkxMWNiZjNmMjRkMDdhNGE1ZmQzZGNlYmYzMWRi" dir="ltr">“Well then, perhaps if you’re good, I’ll brand you after,” I replied.</p> <p class="cnMwMmUwZWEyYzZlZTQ1N2Y5NTNhYWU5NWMxNDBkODVl" dir="ltr"> </p> <p class="cnM1OTc1YmEwYmVkNjQ2ZDRhMDYzNjgyMTQ1ZGIzY2Qz" dir="ltr">I stood up and walked forward through the hole in the enemy's lines made by the explosions and flame strikes. The next ball of fire leaped into the gap again but I’d already moved a zombie in front several feet as a shield and while coming out blackened and charred it was intact enough to stop the heat from reaching me.</p> <p class="cnNjZGMzMzlmNDI3NzQ0NWZhYWFjZjQxOWUyMGE0YmRl"> </p> <p class="cnNiNGJmZjUxYWQwOTRkM2RhMzI4MmRiMTI2MDFlZDAy" dir="ltr">His three personal guard moved to block, and the charred zombie fell to the ground decapitated.</p> <p class="cnNjYzQ2Mzg5MDEwZjQ1YzM4ZWY5NGU2NDgyZGQ1Yjg3"> </p> <p class="cnNiMGE4OTRlYjczNTRmYzQ4YjcxMWI2NDUwMmRlZmZk" dir="ltr">It surprised me to find Kaylee behind me. She stabbed the knife through her own palm before withdrawing it, blood flowing towards nearby remains. That was concerning, there was no way she could reanimate a corpse, it was likely to explode killing one of us. And what with being fully one half of that group, it worried me greatly. She didn’t though; the blood filled the bones and then they flew forward like daggers, pulled like a whip by her core and flung towards the guardsmen.</p> <p class="cnM0NThmZDJkYjA3NjQ1ZmI5ZmU4NTEyNzExNTc1MTVl"> </p> <p class="cnMzODUzNTM5M2FlYTRmNWE4YTNjODNlZTVmYTVlYjgy" dir="ltr">Wow, that was fucking brilliant. I joined in throwing bone shards until it cut open an artery on the wounded guard and he collapsed. The two remaining guards and the mage took cover behind shields giving me a moment to glance behind.</p> <p class="cnM0ZmEyOWZiMzM2ZDQ5MWQ5YTJmMjI3MWFhOWExOGQz"> </p> <p class="cnM0YmIyMmM2MjZjNDQ0ZTBhMWEwZGEzNzk4MmM0N2Uz" dir="ltr">It was chaos.</p> <p class="cnNlMTY3N2Y0Zjg2NDQ4YjRhODNhMTNjNDRhY2YwY2Mw"> </p> <p class="cnNlMWRiM2YxODYzZDQ5OThiYjg5NzMxMWZlMDhjZDQx" dir="ltr">My four skeletons and remaining zombie were fairing pretty well. My increased skill had resulted in more dense mana, making them more resilient, the zombie was actually stronger now as an undead than he’d been alive.</p> <p class="cnMzYmI3Zjk3OGQ3MjQyOGI4MWI3YjJmMzA0YjcxYzAz"> </p> <p class="cnMwNTJkMjFkYWVjNDQzYjE5N2UxYzRjMWRiY2JkNDgx" dir="ltr">I took a moment to direct them; a zombie allowed a blade to slam into his side and used the stop to grab the wrist holding the blade. The nearby skeleton then made to swipe at his opponent before redirecting the blade into the zombies enemy, gouging into the shoulder. A strong pull by the zombie at the wrist separated the limb from the shoulder.</p> <p class="cnMxZGVkMjg4ZTJjOTRjYzU5NjNjZmQ0NWNlOTBlMWE2"> </p> <p class="cnNlOGM1OTM1NThkNjQxY2Y4Y2NjMTliOWQ3NGQ5MjNl" dir="ltr">I pointed back at the Kobold. “That’s one way to disarm an opponent eh Kaylee?”</p> <p class="cnNhM2U4YTMyMWNmNjQ3N2I4MzdjOTZiNjZhOTY2MzBm"> </p> <p class="cnM2MmZlN2Q3OGMwMjRjOWI5ZTIxZDA4MGQzZjc2OTc4" dir="ltr">She tilted her head at me before throwing another bone shard that narrowly avoided my skull.</p> <p class="cnM2NjFhMDJlZjhlMjQzODk4NjdhZTEwNGVlYmJjYmY5"> </p> <p class="cnM2YmEwNzY4OWRmZTQ1OWY4OTMwOGUyN2JjMTQ2NDll" dir="ltr">“Bitch, you have no sense of humor!” I told her.</p> <p class="cnM4MmFmOTEzMDc2YTQ1NzJiZDliNmIyOTJhNGMwOGRk"> </p> <p class="cnNkYzc2ZTQ2OTUzZDQ5MGE5YWY4ZGRhZDU2MjA1ZDEw" dir="ltr">The guards lifted shields, and I saw the flame shaman breathe out onto the tip of his staff which was already red hot. The breath of flame chased after Kaylee turning the sand behind her into glassy shards. Just before it reached her the hands of the deceased guardsman reached up and grabbed the mages ankle causing him to stumble. He was still breathing as he stumbled and flame engulfed one of his own guards.</p> <p class="cnMzYzEwZDU4MzdhMzRlMTVhYzUzZTJkZDU4OThjODE3"> </p> <p class="cnM2OWVkMmYyN2MxYjQ0ZDY5ZTZhMDc3M2UwYWFmNzYz" dir="ltr">It blackened the guard and his tough scales and hide sloughed off him like a snake shedding its skin, exposing tissue and sinew underneath. I could see his mouth open wide but no sound came out. Lungs and throat filled with air hot enough to char them left him screaming silently. </p> <p class="cnM0MTFiODRiMzdhODRlOWY4MjllNDM5YTNkNDY0ZGNh"> </p> <p class="cnNmN2FlMDllZjhhYjQ1ODdhY2QzNTIwNTkwMWMzYjg5" dir="ltr">The other guard bellowed in rage but then turned to strike at the flame shaman, Clearly, he’d had one betrayal too many. The mage made to turn away but still caught he fell sideways.</p> <p class="cnMzMzEzNDFhMmQwMzQ3MmM5MzVjNjRiNTRhMGI4Yjcx"> </p> <p class="cnM5Zjg5NTI0YzNhMjQ3NjdiYzcyZWNkNjM1MzUyZTg2" dir="ltr">He was mine though and so before the kobold could reach him my dagger sunk into the final guard’s side, twisting as it entered his kidney and leaving his vitality pouring out of him. I corrupted his blood and threw it up to block a quick blast at me from the mage, angling it to send the worst of the flames into my victims face while I hid behind his back. The guard dropped, and I jumped onto the mage, driving the air from his lungs before he could try to breathe again. My hand closed around his neck and he sputtered choking as I whispered.</p> <p class="cnM1MDM5YTM5ZjMyZjQzYWQ5ZDliMmFkNDg5Y2FmYmZk"> </p> <p class="cnM1ZTE1OGU4MDhjZTRmOWNiNDk2ZTQ2MTJiOWJkM2Yw" dir="ltr">“Surrender and you have my word I will not kill you all.”</p> <p class="cnNlMTUzNzUxMGY5ODQzMmZhMDFhZGNjMzU3NGNmYzMz"> </p> <p class="cnM5ZDI5M2NmZmYxZTRhNmZhNTgzZjkwZjExZjBlOWI3" dir="ltr">He glared at me in fury.</p> <p class="cnMyNTEwMGM4Y2VlMzRlZDFiOWZkNTFiM2Q4YzM5NWVm" dir="ltr"> </p> <p class="cnMxNDMxNTVhN2ZmZDQ3Y2Q4NmZjZWE4ZjMzNGY3ZGQ0" dir="ltr">My fingers tightened a little further making him light-headed and his shoulders slumped.</p> <p class="cnM1NjViMzA2NmQyYTRlOGNiYWQwNTYxNzg2YWI5Y2Q2"> </p> <p class="cnNmNDkwMzE2Yjk0YzQ3Yzc4NTgzYTBlMzZiYTMwYjcw" dir="ltr">I heard something guttural that I can only assume was the equivalent of OK and I lightened my grip enough for him to gasp out another barking sound at the other kobolds.</p> <p class="cnMyZGVmMTNiZGFhZTQxNzZiZThjYzkzNzM3OWI4MmNl"> </p> <p class="cnM2MzQzYmI0MjBjMDQyM2JiMTAwMjNhZjIyMGZiZmU0" dir="ltr">After a moment they tossed down weapons, and I directed Kaylee to help round them up.</p> <p class="cnNlNDk2MDY1NjU3ZTRlZDlhNmU0OGUzMTJiZDBjNDNj"> </p> <p class="cnMxOGZkNTNmN2MzMDRlYTJiMDliMGMyMjRhYmJjYmYx" dir="ltr">I had two of the skeletons come to contain the mage. With spears touching his throat I got off and cut strips of leather from the armor of his personal retinue. I tied his hands with one and used a larger strip to wrap several times around his mouth and nose as insurance against any more fiery attacks. His new bone guards would live long enough to stab before going down if he attacked.</p> <p class="cnNjOGJmYjdmMzg2ZDRkZmNiODQ4ZWYzNGYyYzVlOWM3"> </p> <p class="cnMxNDZiYzMyOWYyODQ2ZmE4YTRlMTc1NDVmNzdiNWQ4" dir="ltr">We tied up the rest of the kobolds and sat down to meditate and condense our cores.</p> <p class="cnM4OWQ3ODViYmMzNTQ2YjZiOWM0OWNiMDk2MzQ1YTA4"> </p> <p class="cnMyZTcyMjgyOTI1ODQxODJhMDEyMWM2ZmFmZTY1ZjNm" dir="ltr">“What are you planning on doing with them all?” Kaylee asked.</p> <p class="cnM3ZWUwYmRhY2E2OTQ0NWI5NjY4ZWY0ZjRlMDAyYjg3"> </p> <p class="cnNhYmZjOGQwYWE3YjRiZjA4NDAzMzYyOTE0YjA4OTNm" dir="ltr">“Making an army,” I replied.</p> <p class="cnM0YjYyZjRjYmVjMjRiNmE4ZmVhYzQ5MmMxY2Y4N2Qx"> </p> <p class="cnM2ZDNiMWU1YmIzYTQ1ZWViYjUxYWM4YWY4M2ViNzll" dir="ltr">“You don’t seriously think you can trust them?”</p> <p class="cnNmYzJkMDdjZDhiYzQwOTViNzY0NDBiN2QwZmRmYjA3"> </p> <p class="cnM3Zjc5ZDI3OTI3MTRmOWM4ZDJmNzBiNWIxNjNlZTQz" dir="ltr">“Not yet,” I said.</p> <p class="cnNjNjdiZjc0MmEwYzQwZjk4NjJkMjQ1OWI0NDQxOTZk"> </p> <p class="cnNiNzllYzllYTMwMjQyMDhiMzMzODQ5MjliMWEzYWI3" dir="ltr">After several hours meditating the supplies were gathered up and the entire group, prisoners and all headed back to the rocky outcrop. I planned to move to the Kobolds’ base with its nearby source of water, but we’d need to collect what we had at the old location first.</p> <p class="cnMwNDIzZTRiOGE4NTQ3MmFhMTFiYWNmZDU3ODc5NzQx"> </p> <p class="cnNmNzk4NjZkNDg5MDRmNjViNDk4OGU3ZWExOGJjOWI2" dir="ltr">The sun had fallen as we arrived and Kaylee made for the tent.</p> <p class="cnNlMjM4YTNmNzY3OTQzZDJhOGFiZmJiZWI4MGE2NjEy" dir="ltr"> </p> <p class="cnNjNDkxNjE3ZGE2ZTQ0ZDI5M2M0Y2NkMzI2MDY4MzE4" dir="ltr">I came in behind her and shoved one shoulder hard, twisting her around so I could tackle her forward onto the bed. I followed her as she fell, pinning her beneath me.</p> <p class="cnM3MDRkMzEwNDYzMjQxM2Y5NDEwM2E2Mzk5NjQ1NjNh"> </p> <p class="cnNmMTFmMmQ2OWNhZDQyYmI4NWNiNDlmNmJkZjU5MTk2" dir="ltr">My hand grasped her neck, and I whispered, “Who told you to go anywhere?”</p> <p class="cnMwYTE4MDM3YzlhMjRjYWM4YjNhNmM0YWE0OTc5NzQx"> </p> <p class="cnNjODFjOGMwZTMzZDRkYzhhMjRkN2UyMDY1NjJmMTAx" dir="ltr">She said nothing. </p> <p class="cnM3MzdkMWVhNjNkMjQ0ZWE5YTc1MGNiM2E1ZGQwYjVj" dir="ltr"> </p> <p class="cnM4NTc1Y2UzZmU3OTQ2NTQ4MDA2M2VkZjM5NmI5N2Rm" dir="ltr">My dagger cut a slit up the front of her skirt splitting it in half.</p> <p class="cnM4YzViMDZhMjc4MjQ4YjA4ODE3OTlmOGUyZjQyYzZj"> </p> <p class="cnNmODliNWJiMzYzZjQ0Nzg5YzUyNjExOWI2NDI0MmMw" dir="ltr">I saw her look down and her face darkened. But still, she said nothing. Oddly, I could also see the mana flowing through her body increase, her pulse was rapid and her cheeks flushed red.</p> <p class="cnM5NGQ4OGNkMGNhMjQ5YmJhZjAyZmE2NmFlMTRiZDI2" dir="ltr"> </p> <p class="cnM2MWJlMGQ5NzZjNzQ1M2RiMzljYWM5NDZiYzJlYzI5" dir="ltr">“You are mine, all mine, this,” and my dagger’s tip resting lightly at the top of her skirt cut down, drawing a thin bead along the top of her sex for emphasis. “Mine,” I told her. “Never forget that.”</p> <p class="cnM3ZDkxODZjY2Y3YTRmMTJhNDE5MThhMzMyODQzOTI3" dir="ltr"> </p> <p class="cnNhODMwNWNkNWVmYTQ5ZjNiZjhmM2YwZGNjOWE5MWRl" dir="ltr"><span style="font-family: Arial">“And since you were mostly a good girl..” I said trailing off as </span>my dagger drew a half circle around the top of the line and another angled one underneath, leaving the letter R cut into her smooth skin. “You’ve earned it,” I told her before breathing onto the cuts. </p> <p class="cnNlNjBmY2UzNGQzNzQwYjk5ZGEzNmYxYTU3ODUzYjY5" dir="ltr"> </p> <p class="cnM2NGE3Yjk2ODljMzQ5NWE4NzkwNjUwOTQ4Y2NkZDQ1" dir="ltr">They went stark white and scarred over leaving the letter imprinted permanently.</p> <p class="cnM0OWRhZjE3MjZlNzQzNTk4ZmQ4YjA5YmQ5Y2ZkZmFm"> </p> <p class="cnNjYWRmYzkxMTZmNzQ0YmZiZTFmOTdkNzliM2Y0OWI2" dir="ltr">“You’ve more training to do outside before we finish in here pet.” I finished. Then I got up and walked towards the exit.</p> <p class="cnNiOWViODQzYTA1NzRlZTM4NDNjYTRiZjk3MzA1YmVi"> </p> <p class="cnM5ZWUwNTQ3OWU3NzQ0YmM5ZTU1OTEzODM4YmJmNjFi" dir="ltr">“Oh and Kaylee,” I said as I left. “If I have to come to retrieve my property. I’ll leave the next brand on the inside.” </p> <p class="cnNkYmZiOWQ5MmY1ZjQ3M2VhMmIxNzc1MzY2OTgzNWM1" dir="ltr"> </p> <p class="cnM4YjczNmJjM2NlZjQ4YjQ5ZDJjZDExODNkNTEwYzFm" dir="ltr">I heard her whisper her response, almost accepting. “Yes, Ryzen.” </p> <p class="cnNmZGFiNjY0MWY1YjQ2Mjc4MjQyOGZjMjg3N2QxNjk3" dir="ltr">I hardened hearing it, excited by the idea of her submission. </p> <p class="cnNiNzAzNmMxNjQwMTRmN2E5NTI3N2ExODBlMzA1MjQw" dir="ltr"> </p> <div> </div> </div>
The three unarmed kobolds ran at the enemy camp shrieking with four skeletons and two zombiefied kobold corpses chasing after them. Kaylee and I followed at a light jog behind it all. nearly two dozen kobolds grabbed various weapons and ran from all directions forming a rough group where the trail met the camp. The skeletons and zombies slowed allowing the three fleeing kobolds to reach the safety of the front line. My own minions continued to close on the mass of the enemy. I could hear them hissing and saw two rocks fly out, one tearing the cheek off a zombie's face and exposing bone. The twenty-two kobolds had a line of twelve with five more behind them. back further still, I could see a slinger and finally, a group of three kobolds clad in light leathers surrounding what I could only assume was their leader. The lead kobolds seemed surprised when my undead charged at them. The surprise though turned to shock when two of the unarmed kobolds near them screeched a war cry and attacked from behind. The third had gone back to the slinger and was busy ripping his neck open with his sharp kobold teeth. I recalled executing them, teaching Kaylee in her still slightly delirious state how to perform a death’s touch and flood mana in after. I’d made her paralyze one so I could carefully stab in through the ear and leave him unmarked but dead. A quick reanimation after had ensured they would fool the camp kobolds. And as the enemy turned on the three traitors, I poured mana into each, condensing briefly before releasing. Kaylee’s failure with her training had inspired me. Blood and guts exploded in exactly the manner I’d hoped followed by shards of bone. The sight was like foreplay. I grabbed Kaylee beside me. “Let me help you get the blood flowing princess.” Grabbing her ass with one hand to hold her close and using the other to keep her head from struggling too much. I kissed her forcefully and bit her bottom lip until I could taste copper tinged death. The death was new, her skill was improving. Turning back I could actually see through the stomach of one kobold. My suicide minion had latched onto his back when he exploded and there was little left of either of them now. The explosions killed a slinger and wounded one of the leader’s guardsmen along with killing four kobolds outright and wounding two more in the front. The charge of my soldiers brought blades and spears against startled lines and three more fell before the real fight began. That left only eleven kobolds out front with two already half dead. I felt good about those odds for a moment. Then a small gap opened in the line facing towards us and I barely had time to register the streak of fire before it sailed outwards towards Kaylee. I dove at her tackling her to the ground. I rolled us both as the ball of flame exploded in mid-air and fire licked at my arm before I escaped. The intensity was enough to super-heat the water in my skin. Bubbles formed and popped and skin blistered and burned, some of it disappearing completely. The pain was blinding but worse was when I finished my roll. My burned arm scraped against the sand and I saw white as the particles of sand embedded themselves in my wound and friction rubbed them raw. Kaylee’s eyes locked onto mine as she took in the state of my burns. I reacted on instinct and my core flooded necrotic mana to the wound, finishing off the burned skin and then melding it together. But leaving dead tissue exposed where no skin was available to cover the wound. “You can thank me later,” I told her. “I‘d rather burn,” she spat. “Well then, perhaps if you’re good, I’ll brand you after,” I replied. I stood up and walked forward through the hole in the enemy's lines made by the explosions and flame strikes. The next ball of fire leaped into the gap again but I’d already moved a zombie in front several feet as a shield and while coming out blackened and charred it was intact enough to stop the heat from reaching me. His three personal guard moved to block, and the charred zombie fell to the ground decapitated. It surprised me to find Kaylee behind me. She stabbed the knife through her own palm before withdrawing it, blood flowing towards nearby remains. That was concerning, there was no way she could reanimate a corpse, it was likely to explode killing one of us. And what with being fully one half of that group, it worried me greatly. She didn’t though; the blood filled the bones and then they flew forward like daggers, pulled like a whip by her core and flung towards the guardsmen. Wow, that was fucking brilliant. I joined in throwing bone shards until it cut open an artery on the wounded guard and he collapsed. The two remaining guards and the mage took cover behind shields giving me a moment to glance behind. It was chaos. My four skeletons and remaining zombie were fairing pretty well. My increased skill had resulted in more dense mana, making them more resilient, the zombie was actually stronger now as an undead than he’d been alive. I took a moment to direct them; a zombie allowed a blade to slam into his side and used the stop to grab the wrist holding the blade. The nearby skeleton then made to swipe at his opponent before redirecting the blade into the zombies enemy, gouging into the shoulder. A strong pull by the zombie at the wrist separated the limb from the shoulder. I pointed back at the Kobold. “That’s one way to disarm an opponent eh Kaylee?” She tilted her head at me before throwing another bone shard that narrowly avoided my skull. “Bitch, you have no sense of humor!” I told her. The guards lifted shields, and I saw the flame shaman breathe out onto the tip of his staff which was already red hot. The breath of flame chased after Kaylee turning the sand behind her into glassy shards. Just before it reached her the hands of the deceased guardsman reached up and grabbed the mages ankle causing him to stumble. He was still breathing as he stumbled and flame engulfed one of his own guards. It blackened the guard and his tough scales and hide sloughed off him like a snake shedding its skin, exposing tissue and sinew underneath. I could see his mouth open wide but no sound came out. Lungs and throat filled with air hot enough to char them left him screaming silently. The other guard bellowed in rage but then turned to strike at the flame shaman, Clearly, he’d had one betrayal too many. The mage made to turn away but still caught he fell sideways. He was mine though and so before the kobold could reach him my dagger sunk into the final guard’s side, twisting as it entered his kidney and leaving his vitality pouring out of him. I corrupted his blood and threw it up to block a quick blast at me from the mage, angling it to send the worst of the flames into my victims face while I hid behind his back. The guard dropped, and I jumped onto the mage, driving the air from his lungs before he could try to breathe again. My hand closed around his neck and he sputtered choking as I whispered. “Surrender and you have my word I will not kill you all.” He glared at me in fury. My fingers tightened a little further making him light-headed and his shoulders slumped. I heard something guttural that I can only assume was the equivalent of OK and I lightened my grip enough for him to gasp out another barking sound at the other kobolds. After a moment they tossed down weapons, and I directed Kaylee to help round them up. I had two of the skeletons come to contain the mage. With spears touching his throat I got off and cut strips of leather from the armor of his personal retinue. I tied his hands with one and used a larger strip to wrap several times around his mouth and nose as insurance against any more fiery attacks. His new bone guards would live long enough to stab before going down if he attacked. We tied up the rest of the kobolds and sat down to meditate and condense our cores. “What are you planning on doing with them all?” Kaylee asked. “Making an army,” I replied. “You don’t seriously think you can trust them?” “Not yet,” I said. After several hours meditating the supplies were gathered up and the entire group, prisoners and all headed back to the rocky outcrop. I planned to move to the Kobolds’ base with its nearby source of water, but we’d need to collect what we had at the old location first. The sun had fallen as we arrived and Kaylee made for the tent. I came in behind her and shoved one shoulder hard, twisting her around so I could tackle her forward onto the bed. I followed her as she fell, pinning her beneath me. My hand grasped her neck, and I whispered, “Who told you to go anywhere?” She said nothing. My dagger cut a slit up the front of her skirt splitting it in half. I saw her look down and her face darkened. But still, she said nothing. Oddly, I could also see the mana flowing through her body increase, her pulse was rapid and her cheeks flushed red. “You are mine, all mine, this,” and my dagger’s tip resting lightly at the top of her skirt cut down, drawing a thin bead along the top of her sex for emphasis. “Mine,” I told her. “Never forget that.” “And since you were mostly a good girl..” I said trailing off as my dagger drew a half circle around the top of the line and another angled one underneath, leaving the letter R cut into her smooth skin. “You’ve earned it,” I told her before breathing onto the cuts. They went stark white and scarred over leaving the letter imprinted permanently. “You’ve more training to do outside before we finish in here pet.” I finished. Then I got up and walked towards the exit. “Oh and Kaylee,” I said as I left. “If I have to come to retrieve my property. I’ll leave the next brand on the inside.” I heard her whisper her response, almost accepting. “Yes, Ryzen.” I hardened hearing it, excited by the idea of her submission.
{ "title": "Frost Iron Forge", "id": 21284, "author": "achieve210", "rating": 4.5 }
{ "title": "The Heart of the Empire", "id": 305349, "next": 305987, "prev": 304726, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMxOTgyNzc1Y2UyMjRlZTRiOGI4YTJlYjNhZTlhOTlh"><em>It appears that another religion, separate from the gods that reincarnated me exists in this world. They are called World Forger Holymen, and their gods hate ours. They also have their own magic system, apparently separate from the video game like mechanics I’m used to. It was the original magic of this world. A sort of true, primal magic in a way.</em></p> <hr> <p class="cnNiNTY0NzU3ZmRiZjRhNTdhYjc2NmZlNTI4OTYwZTdh">Despite standing out in the cold, sweat dripped down Thaim’s face as he waited, lantern in hand. He was a plump little man, balding, with a scaggy short red beard on his face. The man pulled his watch from his pocket. Despite the commotion, she was late. Now Thaim wasn’t a rebel. But he was a traitor. The quiet man, despite his mild manner and obedient attitude, had always been against the Supreme One, from the very first day he had come to his service. And yet, he was bad at acting out. He could barely fight, and he visibly shook whenever a Fallen Hand walked past him, terrified at their perpetual, grizzly grin devoid of lips.</p> <p class="cnNmMjM2NTBlMzI0NjQyNWY4YWE3Zjk3M2EzNjJjN2Vk">“Thaim.” A woman’s voice whispered from behind him. He jumped slightly.</p> <p class="cnNlYWM4NGM0MjlhMDQxMzVhYjNkOGQzMjdhMWIwNGQ0">“My lady, why do you insist on testing my heart’s strength?” He sighed, turning to face the mischievous Rogue woman.</p> <p class="cnNmZjcwZmJkMmJhMDQ2NWM4NjQ3NWUzMGIwYjBkODAw">She just smiled.</p> <p class="cnMxNWFlNGYwZGMyZTQzMzZiY2RjNDQ0ZDczZTJiNjlm">“You’re late.” Thaim said, tucking his watch back into his pocket.</p> <p class="cnM0YjhjMjk1ZWU5ODRiZGFiYmYzMjdhYWYzMjdkMDMw">“I was scouting the area. Can’t be too careful when you’re in the Supreme One’s palace.”</p> <p class="cnNmMjMyZjgyZTcwNzQzOWE5MDkxZjhlM2MyYzI5ODgz">“I assure you.” Thaim paused, frowning at the sound of the carnage outside. “It is more or less <em>safer</em> then it usually is.”</p> <p class="cnM3Njc2NDAxMTIxNzQ5MzE5MjFkMWEwMjU0NDEyNDNi">“I’ll be the judge of that.” She said. “Go on, lead the way.”</p> <p class="cnNiZGQxMzBiYjQ3NDQyMTA5NzM5YmJkNzUyOWZkYTgz">Thaim shook his head. This woman was way too insistent. And her perpetual smile, though some found it charming, seemed ingenuine to the little scholar holy man. Thaim let out a silent prayer to his forgotten old gods, before extinguishing his lantern, leading Merrill into the heart of the Empire.</p> <p class="cnNlMmQ3MmI0OWUxNTRjNWFhNTQ3YmY3ZmE0ZWQ4ZGIz">The Capital Hearth had only one entrance. And it was through the throne room. Thaim pushed the wooden doors open, the sound of creaking wood causing him to sweat profusely. With just a crack wide enough for his wide frame to fit, he stepped inside, Merrill right behind him.</p> <p class="cnMyYWU2YmEzNzQ0NzQ2MTA5NzE2ODQyNGFlMTY4Zjc3">“So this is wood…” Merrill whispered, running her fingers along the grain.</p> <p class="cnNiYjZmZmFkNTQ2NzQ1ZTA5YjUyZTkwYzE2ZmUyYjYz">“Now is not the time my lady.” Thaim gestured.</p> <p class="cnNkMjQ5N2IxZGM4MTQ3MDVhOTY5MzEwYWVlYTBmN2Vj">It was a long stone hall way that stretched for nearly a hundred feet, leading to even grander wooden doors at the end. Lights aligned the sides of the walls, illuminated by some mysterious power. Along the way, Merrill noted the tapestries and window panes, of which all depicted a shining figure dressed in a white cloak. The Supreme One.</p> <p class="cnM5NjU0YjYyYmE5MzQzYWFiMWM2ZDc5ZTY2NmQ3ZTkz">First, there he was, born of the Flames of the World. He struck down the tyrants, who destroyed the common people. They fell to him, their blood crimson glass that spilled along the panes. Then, there was the Issium. They were a depicted as dark masses, with long, twirling tentacles that choked the land, taking its very life. And then, they were defeated, the Supreme One striking them down with a glowing sword that shone with brilliance.</p> <p class="cnM1NjEzZGRkZWU2NDRjM2FhNjJmMzNkM2U5MWYyYzg1">And then, there was white. The Eternal Frost. The story ended, the figure of brilliance seated atop a sprawling throne.</p> <p class="cnM1YjI1Y2RmMjgzYTQ1M2FhMTQ4NDIwNjFhMTliYzhm">“Hey Thaim.” Merrill whispered. “Is it true? Had there really been a time when there was no snow?”</p> <p class="cnNhYzk2N2RhZDU3MzRkNjE5MzAwODljZmE0MTViN2Fl">“According to the Supreme One, yes. There was time when plants grew throughout the land, much like they do in the Oasis.”</p> <p class="cnM0OGUyM2Q1OWViMDQ0MmRiZWMyNmY4MzQwZWU4YjE1">Merrill nodded, her eyes drifting back to the figure atop the throne. And there it was. The next room over, the Eternal Throne sat empty. It resembled a sort of basket, weaved together by iron vines that twisted together, forming a seat, the excess material stretching far above in a twisting sort of spiral. The throne room itself resembled a dome, tiled with a wide array of colors, the roof ornated by the same glass panes story that had been told outside. And up above it all, the glass image of woman, hair as white as her dress. Her eyes were closed as if she were asleep, a soft smile on her face, as if she were having a pleasant dream.</p> <p class="cnNkZDQ0ODcxYWJkYzQwMzFhOTU3NDcyYTg4ZTc5OGIz">Merrill tempted stepping closer to the Throne. She noticed something. Twisted amongst these iron vines were unusual shapes. Like buds.</p> <p class="cnMwNTUyMTFhOGIxMzQwMjZhYTk1MWRmMDIxODljOWVl">“Roses my lady.” Thaim said, pulling on her sleeve. “They were plants that grew pre-Frost.”</p> <p class="cnMyZjhmOWIyMDVjZTRjN2JiOGYyNGVlMjQwY2NkYzA1">Merrill pulled her arm away, staring in wonder. And then, before Thaim could stop her, she sat on the Throne, wearing a satisfied smile as she did so.</p> <p class="cnNmMzA1MmRlNmIyMTRiZjRhOTc1YWJjZDk4YjVlNzlh">“My lady!” He was about to tear her off, but she dodged, getting up with deft agility.</p> <p class="cnNlOTg3NjgzNTVjZDRmMTJiMWRiOTZlM2Y0N2NjNmQw">“Not very comfortable.” She smiled. “No wonder he always looks so grumpy.”</p> <p class="cnMzYTczYjQyZGIyMTQ2YmU4OWRiMTAyMzAwZTRhMTUz">Thaim let out an exhausted sigh, wiping the sweat from his brow. He was a scholar. He wasn’t meant for this traitor business. But this was the task his master, the previous Archivist, had given him.</p> <p class="cnM1NWNkMGVmMmMxZDRiY2Q5ZWVkOTgwMWU2NGE1OWQx">“Behind the throne.” Thaim gestured.</p> <p class="cnM1N2M2YjUyMzBiYzQ4ODZiMDczYTJlZDJiMTBiM2Nh">Sure enough, a little behind the raised throne platform were two spiraling stone staircases that descended into the depths of the Hearth.</p> <p class="cnM5MmQxYzgyYWQzNTRhYWZiYzM5YzZmMWIyOGRmOTgw">“To the left one my lady.” Thaim said, walking towards it.</p> <p class="cnM5ZWNiZWFhOWZiZTQzMzA5NjBiN2JhZWVhYzg3YTE5">“Are these the only entrances? It goes right through the throne room. No back doors or anything?” She asked as they descended the dark spiral, illuminated only by Thaim’s lantern.</p> <p class="cnNjNGRkMzQ5N2ZhMjQ3ZGI5NjlmYTZmODMyMDAyMWQ5">“The Supreme One wishes to see who comes and goes through the Hearth. He wishes all who enter to bow in fealty before the throne.”</p> <p class="cnNlZTlmZTA0OWRjZjQ3MmE4MGNjNzFjZmQ5NmE0NDNk"><em>A reminder of who’s in power. </em>Merrill thought.</p> <p class="cnM2Nzg4MjhmZDVlMDQyYzg4NjA2YTQ4OGVmZWUwNWZm">The stair descended deeper and deeper, no end in sight. After a minute or so, however, they opened, down into a concrete corridor resembling the one above. It was well decorated, a red carpet sprawled down on it as it faded into the distance. Along its walls were several wooden doors, much smaller than the grand ones above. It was way more personal than what Merrill had expected. Compared to the grandiose and posturing of the room above, this part of the Hearth was tame. Comfortable even. It was the Supreme One’s home.</p> <p class="cnNhYjdlYzc3M2FjMzRhODE5YTlhN2Y3ZWRkMWMwNzNi">“We must go deeper, unfortunately my lady.”</p> <p class="cnM0MmQyNDhjMDY0ZTQ2ZGI5YzkzNWEyNWEwMjUzYjM0">“Where are we going?”</p> <p class="cnNjMzdmYTExNTlmNTRjNGViZDk3NTlhN2NhYmFlMmMw">“The Supreme One’s personal quarters.”</p> </div>
*It appears that another religion, separate from the gods that reincarnated me exists in this world. They are called World Forger Holymen, and their gods hate ours. They also have their own magic system, apparently separate from the video game like mechanics I’m used to. It was the original magic of this world. A sort of true, primal magic in a way.* --- Despite standing out in the cold, sweat dripped down Thaim’s face as he waited, lantern in hand. He was a plump little man, balding, with a scaggy short red beard on his face. The man pulled his watch from his pocket. Despite the commotion, she was late. Now Thaim wasn’t a rebel. But he was a traitor. The quiet man, despite his mild manner and obedient attitude, had always been against the Supreme One, from the very first day he had come to his service. And yet, he was bad at acting out. He could barely fight, and he visibly shook whenever a Fallen Hand walked past him, terrified at their perpetual, grizzly grin devoid of lips. “Thaim.” A woman’s voice whispered from behind him. He jumped slightly. “My lady, why do you insist on testing my heart’s strength?” He sighed, turning to face the mischievous Rogue woman. She just smiled. “You’re late.” Thaim said, tucking his watch back into his pocket. “I was scouting the area. Can’t be too careful when you’re in the Supreme One’s palace.” “I assure you.” Thaim paused, frowning at the sound of the carnage outside. “It is more or less *safer* then it usually is.” “I’ll be the judge of that.” She said. “Go on, lead the way.” Thaim shook his head. This woman was way too insistent. And her perpetual smile, though some found it charming, seemed ingenuine to the little scholar holy man. Thaim let out a silent prayer to his forgotten old gods, before extinguishing his lantern, leading Merrill into the heart of the Empire. The Capital Hearth had only one entrance. And it was through the throne room. Thaim pushed the wooden doors open, the sound of creaking wood causing him to sweat profusely. With just a crack wide enough for his wide frame to fit, he stepped inside, Merrill right behind him. “So this is wood…” Merrill whispered, running her fingers along the grain. “Now is not the time my lady.” Thaim gestured. It was a long stone hall way that stretched for nearly a hundred feet, leading to even grander wooden doors at the end. Lights aligned the sides of the walls, illuminated by some mysterious power. Along the way, Merrill noted the tapestries and window panes, of which all depicted a shining figure dressed in a white cloak. The Supreme One. First, there he was, born of the Flames of the World. He struck down the tyrants, who destroyed the common people. They fell to him, their blood crimson glass that spilled along the panes. Then, there was the Issium. They were a depicted as dark masses, with long, twirling tentacles that choked the land, taking its very life. And then, they were defeated, the Supreme One striking them down with a glowing sword that shone with brilliance. And then, there was white. The Eternal Frost. The story ended, the figure of brilliance seated atop a sprawling throne. “Hey Thaim.” Merrill whispered. “Is it true? Had there really been a time when there was no snow?” “According to the Supreme One, yes. There was time when plants grew throughout the land, much like they do in the Oasis.” Merrill nodded, her eyes drifting back to the figure atop the throne. And there it was. The next room over, the Eternal Throne sat empty. It resembled a sort of basket, weaved together by iron vines that twisted together, forming a seat, the excess material stretching far above in a twisting sort of spiral. The throne room itself resembled a dome, tiled with a wide array of colors, the roof ornated by the same glass panes story that had been told outside. And up above it all, the glass image of woman, hair as white as her dress. Her eyes were closed as if she were asleep, a soft smile on her face, as if she were having a pleasant dream. Merrill tempted stepping closer to the Throne. She noticed something. Twisted amongst these iron vines were unusual shapes. Like buds. “Roses my lady.” Thaim said, pulling on her sleeve. “They were plants that grew pre-Frost.” Merrill pulled her arm away, staring in wonder. And then, before Thaim could stop her, she sat on the Throne, wearing a satisfied smile as she did so. “My lady!” He was about to tear her off, but she dodged, getting up with deft agility. “Not very comfortable.” She smiled. “No wonder he always looks so grumpy.” Thaim let out an exhausted sigh, wiping the sweat from his brow. He was a scholar. He wasn’t meant for this traitor business. But this was the task his master, the previous Archivist, had given him. “Behind the throne.” Thaim gestured. Sure enough, a little behind the raised throne platform were two spiraling stone staircases that descended into the depths of the Hearth. “To the left one my lady.” Thaim said, walking towards it. “Are these the only entrances? It goes right through the throne room. No back doors or anything?” She asked as they descended the dark spiral, illuminated only by Thaim’s lantern. “The Supreme One wishes to see who comes and goes through the Hearth. He wishes all who enter to bow in fealty before the throne.” *A reminder of who’s in power.* Merrill thought. The stair descended deeper and deeper, no end in sight. After a minute or so, however, they opened, down into a concrete corridor resembling the one above. It was well decorated, a red carpet sprawled down on it as it faded into the distance. Along its walls were several wooden doors, much smaller than the grand ones above. It was way more personal than what Merrill had expected. Compared to the grandiose and posturing of the room above, this part of the Hearth was tame. Comfortable even. It was the Supreme One’s home. “We must go deeper, unfortunately my lady.” “Where are we going?” “The Supreme One’s personal quarters.”
{ "title": "Beyond Floating", "id": 21142, "author": "Kat Kingsley", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter Eighteen", "id": 305426, "next": 305718, "prev": 305116, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM2YjhiZWIxNjFhODQzYTQ4YzY3MzczMTU5ZDBiNjVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You can do what you want, Heathen. I will not give you anything,” Michael snarled angrily up from where he sat in the center of the room. He had been stripped of his armor and lashed to a metal chair - none-too-gently. The muscles in his arms were strained with the odd angle they were yanked back behind him. His curly brown hair was mottled with dried blood and an angry bruise was starting to color one side of his face.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YThlYTY4NjEzYjQ2MDA5MTM1MDk0N2EzMjljYjc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What makes you think I want you to give me anything, Michael?” Isaac stood on the last step of the basement stairs, looking at the man in the middle of the room with a thin, malicious smile.</span></p> <p class="cnMxOTI5NzhmYzdmMzRiZmM5MDBhYjYzZjE0YThlMWIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Why would I be in one piece, unless you wanted something from me?” Michael yanked at the chains that held him to no avail.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNzAwNzUwN2U2OTRjMjJhMWY5OGYwMGEwZjlhMjVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Isaac slowly pulled the black leather gloves off of his hands and tucked them into his coat, in no rush to answer the man in front of him. “Aah, there you are mistaken. I only want you out of the way...”</span></p> <p class="cnM1YjgzMjY2ZjRlNTQ4MDg4YzczYzFkZmQ1ODA4OGI3"><span style="font-weight: 400"> “Bastard!” Michael spat at him from his bloodied lip.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MDBiYjVhZWUxNjRiODY5M2RhOWY3YTU3M2RkYTk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Isaac turned to walk out of the room, taking a few steps up the stairs before stopping. “Muse, watch him.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlNjVmYjY0NDQzZjQzYTZhNDcwYTg3YWEyMjUxZmYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Muse appeared by the bottom of the stairs and looked up at Isaac wide-eyed. "Wait, what, seriously?!"</span></p> <p class="cnM1NWRkNDhkZDVlYzQ1YjNiM2FjOWJmNzg5NTM5NWJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Yes." </span></p> <p class="cnM0YzNhNDNkMjc1OTQxNmRhNDA1NTEyMGE0MDRjNTYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Why do I have to watch him?!" Fear tugged at her voice. She didn't want to be left down here with Michael - even if the man was chained to a chair, he scared her. </span></p> <p class="cnMzZmUwZTBlYWYxNjQwNGM5YzcxMjUyOWQ2NjJiYjUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Because you do not sleep for weeks. And because-" Isaac paused as a crash sounded from upstairs. Muse shut her eyes tightly at the sound of Aaron yelling at someone - Victor's voice yelling back. "It will keep you out of the line of fire."</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZWU2MTA2M2MyMzQ3ZjE4NGU1ODgxNzZjNzczZjA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Muse looked up at him, pain clearly written across her face.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YWY2ZmRlODg0YjQzMTU5YWJhOTc4ZjQyODhmMzVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Isaac looked back down at her, his face stoic. There was just the slightest flicker of something in his eyes. Muse wasn't sure what it was. Isaac turned up the stairs and began to head towards the door. "There is a direct proportionality between the quantity of time I keep you out of sight and the quantity of broken furniture I will have to replace."</span></p> <p class="cnNjMWMyZjI2YzcwZjQ4MjFhMDU2ZGQ4NjMyMjQ4ZmE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I guess." Muse looked up at the stairs, hearing Victor and Aaron still yelling at each other. As Isaac slammed the door to the basement shut, silence fell over the first floor. She waited nervously for the following explosion - but none came. There was only an uncomfortable silence.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMzFmZGE2YWE2MzQ5YjQ5NDJkZmY0ZTFhY2M5YWIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">So here she was, standing in the basement - with Michael, the Crusader, behind her, and an irate Aaron and Victor upstairs. Rock and a hard place. She supposed that dealing with the man who wanted to kill her for no reason was better than the man who wanted to kill her and </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">had</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> a reason. A really good reason. Muse turned from the stairs and walked into the room, walking to a pole a good ten feet from Michael and sat down on the floor, her back against it. She pulled her knees up and propped her arms on them.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZTk4MWNlOWMxOTQ5OWViZDUzMGVmODE0YmZmN2Zj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Michael was looking at her. She was looking back at him. She wondered where Eric had gone with all of Michael's armor, and for that matter - what he was going to do with it. It still shocked her how... normal he looked. Built as all hell, yes. He had a boyish cuteness to him, like someone you might see in a supermarket who caught your eye. Sure, he was mottled with blood and bruises, but other than that he could have been... anyone. She couldn't believe that he was the armored monster that had nearly killed Eric, nearly killed Isaac, and that scared her so badly. He looked so remarkably human.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YjVhNzNlNWYwMTQyZmJiYTM1ODQ5NzUwODYwZmQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Let me go</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">,</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">" Michael growled out, yanking hard on the chains and then hissing in pain.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMDA1ZGFiMGM3YjQ5NmU5ZmI3NTJjMTliYjYyMDA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"So... you... can what, kill everyone in the house?"</span></p> <p class="cnMwNDI5OWQ2YThjMDQxYmE4NmFiYmM5ZTMwYjczNzRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Because it's the right thing to do."</span></p> <p class="cnMyYTIwMGRiMWE2ZjRmNTg5MGQ0NzEwNzIxNmQzMzlm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Says who?"</span></p> <p class="cnNlMTNhMDdkMDRjODRjMjA4OGNmZjhmYTNjMGIyNTYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Michael let out a long moan, which suddenly turned into a burst of rage. He kicked and thrashed hard in his restraints, tossing from side to side. “Let me </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">go</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">!” Michael roared. He began swearing loudly as he struggled angrily against the chains to no avail.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYmNiNDg1NTY2YTQ3YWNhMTQ4MzZmZTc5NmE4YWYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I thought you weren't supposed to use the Lord’s name like that.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3YmE2MmZmODY5ZDRlNDBiM2JjNjQ3ZjA3MzYwOTMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Don't mock me," Michael snapped. He settled back against the chair again, glaring a hole into the floor.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NjMzM2ZmNzI5MTRkMjM4NjZmMDI1ZGIxYzkwZjZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I suppose it-"</span></p> <p class="cnNkYTBlOGIwMTRhYTRlNzhhNTQ0N2RlMGZmNWIyMjk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">They both jumped at a loud </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">thud</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> as something hit the floor just over their heads, followed by more silence. Muse looked up at the ceiling and let out a wavering sigh, pulling her knees closer to herself. Michael looked over at her.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZDEyZDE4YTk3MDRkOGNiODA2YTZmZjYzNTkyODEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You're at fault for Aaron's anger, I take it."</span></p> <p class="cnMyOTNmMTM5Mzg0ZjRjNzJhMGMxY2RjNTc4ZmQ0NDUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">"If I can't give you a hard time, Tin-can, you can't give me one either."</span></p> <p class="cnM2OTEwMTQ5ZGEwNzQ5N2I5MGRhYzQ3MzNjYzVjZTJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I'm not sure that's how these kinds of situations work."</span></p> <p class="cnNlYWY3OWUzMTMyOTRmNzU4YjI2M2U1N2M1MjhjMGVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Well, you're the one tied to the chair. I make the rules."</span></p> <p class="cnNkMDcwOTcwM2IzNjQ1MmE5YTlmYzYxMzliYTQ2ZjFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">That one seemed to get him. His mouth open to reply, he finally let out a small huff of air and resumed staring at the floor.</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnM3MWQ3YjdiOTc5NzQyYTRhNDFlNGI1MzU2YTdhZWQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aaron wanted to kill him, wanted to dash his brains over the walls. First, the stupid little thing was trying to steal Muse away from him, and now - now it turns out, that everyone knew she was dead, </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">except him.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> His hands were clasped around Victor's throat, clenching down hard. It would have been more effective if the vampire needed to breathe, but at least he could inflict pain.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNDE2YWFhOGI4MDRlMjc4YWJiYWM3MTExNDdiMjMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Aaron, this-!" Victor gagged out.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZTZjOTg3OWNkNjRlOGI5OWE0OTgwMTZlZmVmMGU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Let 'em go," Mal said by the wall, stepping forward. Aaron merely turned his head to glare at him, sending the bigger man crashing from one room to the other, toppling over the sofa and landing in a heap on the other side with a grunt - with nothing more than a look. Aaron wouldn't be told to calm down by anyone, not when he had every right to be furious. He knew he was losing control, but at this point, he couldn't care less.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MmE1MTMwZDc5YzQ0MWQ5OWJiMTM4MjE5MmU3MzRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">The vampire was still yelling at him as best as he could with Aaron's hands wrapped around his throat. Aaron had long since gone deaf to his words.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYWIyZTZhMTlmMjQ2OGI4NTQ3YTU0ZWUyYmZkZTJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">The basement door slammed shut to his left. He turned his head to see Isaac standing there, a clearly disapproving expression on his face. Dropping the blond, he turned to face his brother, clenching his fists in anger. He would trade pounding the little man for his brother, any day.</span></p> <p class="cnM5M2ZhMTQyMjdlZTQyMzFhOTU1ZTM3Nzk3NmY5Nzlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Enough, Aaron. Cease this uselessness."</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZTA1OWEyNDdmYTQwZDliZWFlMzM0OTRlZDNjZDU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You knew. You all knew. No one told me, you all </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">knew</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> she was dead!"</span></p> <p class="cnM1N2VmMWViNmYxMjQ2MDZhYWZlNjdlM2RjMTQ5N2Rl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Yes."</span></p> <p class="cnMzYmZlZjViMjY4MjQwMWNhZmI3MmIwZmFmNDg1MTA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Why didn't you tell me?!"</span></p> <p class="cnMyY2RkNDVlZjIzMjRhNmViODUwMGI3ZTUxMzc4MjZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Simply because that was her request." Isaac folded his hands neatly behind his back. Aaron passionately hated how no matter what, Isaac never lost his cool. No matter what he did, he could never even startle the sorcerer. He wanted to make him feel fear, wanted to make him feel pain, but every attempt failed. He snarled deep in his throat.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MmIyM2QyNGQzMjQ2ZDY5ODAyYjNiMzczNWYwODUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"She asked you not to?!”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNmQ5Mjk2NDg2MzQyZDM4MGIyNzliYjg5OGNlMzcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Yes."</span></p> <p class="cnNkZGJkNWViM2ExNTQzYmJiMDI0OTczZGZkOTM5YzQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Why?!"</span></p> <p class="cnM1OTAwYmRlODM4NzRiMDc4YjllMDIzMTZhMzNiMWI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"For that, you would have to ask her. Perhaps she is embarrassed. Perhaps it raises uncomfortable questions about the circumstances under which you two met."</span></p> <p class="cnNlZmRmNzk0Y2IxNzQ0YmM4OTZiZWNiMWEzNTM3YTRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aaron's blood ran cold, his vision became hyper-clear, in the way that it does when you are about to pass out. No. No, it couldn't have been her. The thing that chased him, the thing that tore up his house...</span></p> <p class="cnMzOTdhMTg4ZTgyZTQ0ZWViNDhkZDY4M2JmOTYwMDcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">It made perfect sense.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MTVlNzU1MzJjNjQ5Y2JiZTEyN2VkZGMzNjM2YmUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The thoughts all started to click together one by one as everything fell in place. Like looking down at a board game, he could see the linear path from one place to another - and he knew that he had been played. </span></p> <p class="cnNiNzE4ODgwZWE2NDQ3NjliOGViOGFkMzE3ODY1MTdm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You sent her. You sent her to do those things to me." Aaron's body was no longer capable of keeping up the fury that rolled through his mind. He put his hands over his face and let out a low moan.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYzMzODZkODRlZTRjYmU5MDQxYjljNGViNDZlOTdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Yes."</span></p> <p class="cnMyOTZhZDhhMGNkNDQwYTRhY2FhODkxNjkxZjQ5NDI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“But </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">why?!</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">” That always seemed to be the part that he was missing. </span></p> <p class="cnM4NTU2ZGNhZGE3MTQzNmZiYTFjOWQ5Y2U2ZDBmYzFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Because you are safer with me than without. You are my responsibility, Aaron. The only way to have you peacefully here is to make you believe that you have no other option. I did not want to cage you like an animal, even if you do insist on living out your life like some sort of vegetable." Isaac shrugged with a simple lift of his shoulders.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZDlmMDdmOWRjNzRlOGQ4M2JhMDJiMjRkYWE3NzM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You never seemed so concerned about taking care of me before!"</span></p> <p class="cnMyNzdhMTEyNGJkODQ2ODc4NjRmNGNkMDNmNTg2NWE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Aaron, everything I've done has been in your best interests..."</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZjI5YzZhYTgyZTQ1MTM4NDcwZDExYjU1MmQzOTU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">"That's what you said then! When you gave me </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">these-</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">" Aaron pointed to the scars on his face. "In that god-forsaken camp back home!"</span></p> <p class="cnNlNTdjNTcyOTg1ZDQzZDA4YTFmMDM2YjQxNTk1MzZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">"That was to help you control yourself. It appears they were in vain.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODhhODc4MzI2ODQ1NzZiODQ5NDY1ZWE5NmNlMDU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aaron stepped forward, unable to stop himself. He grabbed his brother by the front of the shirt and threw him - hurled him across the room. Isaac landed with a hard thud on the ground, a good ten feet away. Fear suddenly pricked Aaron's nerves. That was probably a very stupid move. Isaac could do horrid things to him and had proven that fact many times prior. Unconsciously he ran his hand along the scars on his left arm, the knife-edge marks on his skin.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YjRjOWM0NTdiMTQ5MDZiNmU1OTExNjA2ZGFiZWYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">To his shock, Isaac only simply stood up, brushed himself off and adjusted his glasses. "Do you feel better now?"</span></p> <p class="cnM4MzNmNGZhYTU5MTQ5MzNiZjg1MmQ5NWMxMGZlZWQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"No," Aaron clipped. He suddenly had the overwhelming urge to do two things - talk to Muse, and get away from Isaac. Hopefully, they could be solved at the same time. "Where is she?"</span></p> <p class="cnMwOGRlNTc3OWVjZTRmMDI5OGM3OGUzODZkYzkxMWRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I will not have you destroying my house, Aaron."</span></p> <p class="cnNjMDFjZWMwY2E5NDQzNDY5OGJkZjBiZGM4M2FiYzUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Tell me where she is!"</span></p> <p class="cnNjODg5MzliODMxMDRkOGM4YThjYjZkMDM5MTA3OWNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Isaac let out an exasperated sigh and shut his eyes, rubbing his hand across his forehead. "She is downstairs, guarding Michael. I would recommend you-"</span></p> <p class="cnMyZTQzNmU2M2Y2NzQ4NGY5NDg3NzM5N2YxNjZiZjgx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aaron had stopped listening. Turning for the basement door, he threw it open, and headed down into the familiar dankness, slamming the door shut behind him.</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnNjYWI3Njc4YjkyMjQzZGZhOGNiZjdkZTQ1OTVmZDA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Muse did not need to guess who it was storming down the stairs. She vanished, glad that her unique state of being meant that she could easily hide. Aaron stormed down the stairs, stopping at the bottom and turning about. Aaron stepped forward and looked down at Michael. "Where is she?"</span></p> <p class="cnMzOGZjNThmOWFmNjRjOGZiMDNkNzBmZTI2ZTlkNDFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I'm not sure. She was here a moment ago. It seems the dead can come and go at will."</span></p> <p class="cnNjOWMzNTZmNjg4YTRhZmU5MmU3NGM5N2MyODk0NDky"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aaron visibly shuddered, running his hands through his hair and gripping it with both hands for a moment, letting out a frustrated growl. "Muse?!" he yelled.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZGM2ZTc4MTU2MzQyOGQ4ZWNjODg2MDIwOWJjNzE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Like hell, she was going to answer.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNzY3NDk4YzNiODQwNjNhYjlmZTU3YjdiZDA0ZjA5"><span style="font-weight: 400">He yelled again, but she stayed where she was, invisible and intangible, watching. She wanted to cry. 'Guilt' was not a strong enough word to describe what she felt. She had never meant for this to happen, but she shouldn't have been surprised. Of course, Aaron thought she had betrayed him. To be honest - she had.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYzFhYmMwZGU1NDQyNWNiNGJjNmI0MDM5MjVmOGJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aaron walked back to the stairs and sat down on the bottom step. It seemed he was planning on waiting her out. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Shit.</span></em></p> <p class="cnM4M2E1MmI4ZmUyZTQyNTVhMDNhNzE3NmE5NmJmNWRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Let me go, Aaron."</span></p> <p class="cnNlMDFlMGUyNmYwYTQwZTY4MDdjZDNhNmM3OTgxNjQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I can't... I mean, even if I did, do you think you'd make it out of the house?" Aaron sighed. "Isaac would get you before you made five steps..."</span></p> <p class="cnNjMjQ1ZWMyOGZmNzRhODk4Njk3MjNhZWI1NTRjYzc5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"At least I would stand a chance."</span></p> <p class="cnNhYzA0OGVkNTU1ZDQxOTM5ZDcwNGFmYzg1NTk5NDJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"No, you wouldn't, and I'd get hurt."</span></p> <p class="cnM0NDQxMTY1MDgyMDQwMjNiOTgwNzllMjc5NmE3Yjhj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Michael shut his eyes and leaned his head back, apparently coming to terms with the fact that that option was fruitless. "Fine. Then you should leave."</span></p> <p class="cnM0MjVlMWU0NWRmODQ1NmQ4YWNmOTI5YTM5MTIyZmU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I'm planning on it."</span></p> <p class="cnM5ODNiNzM5ZjljMzRhM2ZiMTZmMWE2MGNiYTRiYTI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"If you go to the base at St. Peter's in the city, you could get help, Aaron. We can help you control your telekinesis. You wouldn't take me up on the offer last time when you-"</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZDhlZWJkYzBhYzQ0Mjk4MDFkOGI3YmIwNTYwYjhi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"No. I won't. I won't be your little guinea pig."</span></p> <p class="cnM2NWFlZmVmMjQ0YzQ1OTFiMTk3NGU2NzdhMWIyOTZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"We wouldn't... I know you're sensitive about-"</span></p> <p class="cnNiNmZmY2NlN2FmMTRjOWFhNDkyMWQ4OGYwOTllNDg4"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Shut up, Michael, you don't know what you're talking about."</span></p> <p class="cnM2NzlmN2VmODI4ZjQ1YjE4ZWVmOThkZDAzYTYzNWMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I was the one who pulled you out of the wreckage of that hospital. I've seen what you can do. What you </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">have</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> done. All those people, crushed - do you really think you're safe to be in public? We can help you!"</span></p> <p class="cnNmNDU4NzQxYmMxOTRlM2ViMzg4Mzc3NDBlMjMzZTUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">"No!" Aaron stood up and glared down at the bloodied Crusader. "I won't. So give up. Muse!" he yelled, looking about the room. "Muse, you can't hide forever."</span></p> <p class="cnM2MjhiZTk3MmVmYzQ3MTlhM2VkYThiOTMxYTJlOTNm"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Try me.</span></em></p> <p class="cnNmOTlmMzcxYzM4OTQyMTE5MTc2YjIyZjdmMTQ2MzY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You owe me at least a chance to get some answers," he clenched his hands into fists. "Muse, goddamn it - after what you did to me, you owe me this much!"</span></p> <p class="cnNlNTQ0NWUwNGQxNzRlNWJhZjVlMmY5YzZmYzE3ZmNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Muse had the urge to go up through the floors and just forget about this. She wanted nothing more than to go hide somewhere and let it all go away. But Aaron was right. She owed him. She put the man in the hospital, nearly killed him. She tormented him for weeks, and then lied to him. Taking in a long wavering breath, she appeared, standing with her back against the pole.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZGNmYmI5NjRmZDRmZDhiYTM3YmYwMjQzZTRmODk1"><span style="font-weight: 400">As Aaron stormed towards her, she cringed - shutting her eyes tightly. She wasn't sure why - it's not like him hitting her would really do anything at all. But his hatred was worse. She could almost feel the rage pouring off of him.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDU1M2Y0MWY3MTQ1OGI4NmM3NWY1ZDUyNzE1N2Zj"><span style="font-weight: 400">"How could you?! How could you lie to me?!"</span></p> <p class="cnMyNjQxNTI4ODM5NDQyOTZhYjIwMTFjMGNiODIxOTBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I didn't really lie, I-"</span></p> <p class="cnM5Yzk3YTIxZTMwMTQ4ZGU4Y2UzOWVlZTIxYTMyOGFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Muse!"</span></p> <p class="cnM4OGI5NzI5MDk5NDRmNTJiNTE1NWM2ZDFiM2ZhMjZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Look, it's - I was afraid of what you'd think, okay?! I'm not-" Aaron reached for her suddenly. She let her physical body slip to transparency, his hand passing straight through her, disturbing her like incense smoke. He pulled in a gasp and staggered backwards. "See?! You're afraid of me!"</span></p> <p class="cnMwOTc1YmY2OGZmOTRjN2RiMGJjYjY3NGEzYTBjZDlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">"What </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">are</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> you?!"</span></p> <p class="cnNjOTM3ZWM3MmZmZTQ2ZDE5NDRkNjUxOGU2NDUyMTk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I'm dead. I'm a ghost. Been quite dead for a while."</span></p> <p class="cnMyYWNjNTdkMjQwZDQyYzg4YzkzNWE4OThiNDcwYmI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Why didn't you tell me? Do you think I'd care over something so stupidly small as-"</span></p> <p class="cnM0NzliY2Q4OTNiNjRlMjhiY2IzYjg0ZjlhYTViMGEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Oh so being dead is 'stupidly small'?! </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Try</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> it sometime!" Now she was mad. Whenever people yelled at her, it just made her angry. Even if she didn't have a reason to be. She vanished abruptly, causing him to stagger further backwards away from her, his eyes wide. Fear quickly melted back into anger.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZDY1YzdmMGU4YTQ5YjM5M2E5NWMwM2QxNzE0MWE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Come back."</span></p> <p class="cnM5YzFlMzA1MmQzMTRmM2E4NzgwMTc3ZTI2ODk2ZWNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">"No."</span></p> <p class="cnMxNDk1ZWM4MzVkZDQwZjJhOWU1ZjhjZjJiNGJhODYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Why?!"</span></p> <p class="cnNhNjdkOWVmOGQ5YTQ1NTliMTZjYjYzNTExNjc1MjY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Because you're pissed."</span></p> <p class="cnNjYTQyZmI2MWNkYjRmYzQ5NTgzN2JlZTc1NmZiZDAy"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Shouldn't I be?!"</span></p> <p class="cnM2YzM4NGNhNGMzYTQ4OWFiNjZkODA4NjUzZTdhZTZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Look, Aaron, I'm sorry for lying to you. I'm sorry for what happened - I didn't know it'd-"</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZDlhYjA0MWZlNTRjOWNhNWRiMDZkMmEyODVlNzkx"><span style="font-weight: 400">"It'd what?! Didn't know you were tormenting me?! Didn't know you'd put me in the hospital?!"</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZGJkZDQxNjZjYzQ0NGRhNGZiZjBmNzZjZmQwYWIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"That was an accident!"</span></p> <p class="cnNjMzE3NmM3MWIwYzQxZmE5YTFlYTI2NGJiNmQxOGI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You work for my brother</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">. </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Nothing is </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">ever</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> an accident around him."</span></p> <p class="cnNjZTQxNjAxZTgwZDQ3ODhhZWE2MzRmZGI0Y2Q3ZWQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Shut up, Aaron. I don't have a choice."</span></p> <p class="cnNkMjM5ZDI3OTE1OTQyY2RiMzM2NmE0NzM4ZDgyMDNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You're just like everyone else," Aaron ran his hand through his hair, pulling on it again. He went back to the stairs. "I can't trust you. You're just like the rest of them."</span></p> <p class="cnM0MTU3NDVlNTc4OTQyMTU4YzM3NTEyNWUyMTdhYzMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Aaron, I'm sorry - I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want to lie to you, but... it... How could I explain this?! I didn't know what to do."</span></p> <p class="cnNjZWU0NTM5ZTYyYTQ1NTI4MDUzOGRmZTI4OGJmZWZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You should have tried!" Aaron rounded towards the disembodied voice angrily, wishing he had something to glare at. "You should have told me before I stupidly let myself fall for you!"</span></p> <p class="cnM0NDdlNzY2YjRmYzQxYTViZmJhZWQ0NTcxMjEyMGZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Wait - </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">what?!"</span></em></p> <p class="cnNlOWFjZTVlZjg3YzQ4ZjliNDA3OGY4MzQ1YjY1OWQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Don't be an idiot. You led me on."</span></p> <p class="cnNjY2Q0Y2FiYzQxNjRjYzI4NDVlNWRlNDNlZmFkMDMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">what?!</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">" Muse wasn't quite sure what was happening now. He was yelling at her still, but now it wasn't making any sense. Leading him on? How the hell was she leading him on? Muse appeared standing between Aaron and Michael, looking at the scarred man completely flabbergasted. "What in the hell are you ranting about? Look don't make shit up just because you're pissed."</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTRjMGM0MWM2YzRhOGE4MTkwYzIwMzEyZjZlYjNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aaron snarled angrily. Muse witnessed something break in him. Something changed suddenly. The look in his eyes returned - the blank glare, the one that he got back in the hospital. He looked at her as though he didn't recognize her. The pipes overhead began to rattle. He stepped towards her, and Muse knew what was about to happen. She just shut her eyes and let it. </span></p> <p class="cnMzYmI0NjJlNjYxNDQ2NzdhNzcxYjA0MTc4NzVkMDM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aaron rounded on her, cracking her stiffly across the jaw with his fist. She hit the ground and skid with the force of it, laying on the ground. As she did, she heard the pipes overhead stop their violent shaking. She opened her eyes and looked over at him, unfazed by the punch. Aaron's face contorted slightly in confusion. </span></p> <p class="cnMwZTFkZjNkNmUyMDQ5MDFhZTBlODhhZWQ1NGViY2Yx"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Did that make you feel better?"</span></p> <p class="cnM3YzFhYjk4ZjQwNzQ2NDE5NDg3YTI3ZTI5NWZhMjY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Muse blinked - she wasn't sure what she just said, but Aaron lost it further. "That's </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">it!</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> You're his goddamn little puppet! You're his little </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">toy! </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Now you even sound like him!" Aaron stormed away, up the stairs. He slammed the door behind him, nearly breaking the hinges where they met the wood.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NmZhYjE5Zjk1MDQxNjc5NjNiNzExOGMyNDM3MmE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">She laid there on the floor, staring up at the pipes and the beams of the ceiling. “I really wish I knew what I said,” she said to no one in particular. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I guess it doesn’t matter...</span></em></p> <p class="cnM0NmFiNDE3MGU1NDRlYmNiNmJhZDZiOWViOWZiZTA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Muse sat up, pulling her legs up to her chin. She put her head down on her knees, blocking out the light. Why did 'life' do this to her? She was dead. She was stuck on this planet without being able to feel anything, and yet she was forced to go through this - whatever it was. She hadn't felt like this since she had lost her friends in high school. Worse, actually. This time it was all her fault. She wanted to go home. That strange sensation that one gets when one wants to go somewhere safe and curl up. But she had nowhere she could go.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMzgzMGVlYjMyZTQzZjFiN2E0MjhkNzI5NzJjMjI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">She began to cry, unable to stop herself. Hugging her knees to herself tightly, she let all the pain go, not caring whether or not Michael saw.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDhjODc2NTQ2OTRmYmFiMzJjNTY3ZTA2ZTRmZTdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I give you credit... if he hit me like that, I might cry as well. But - Oh yes, you had mentioned it before. You don't feel pain."</span></p> <p class="cnNjMDQ2YTZkOTlmODRkN2NiMDA3NWM3N2MzNzFiYmZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Muse sniffed. That's all she needed. She vanished, appearing by the pole she was at before, leaning up against it. She wiped her eyes, shooting a glare at Michael. "I don't feel anything. Ever." She slumped down to the ground, her back against the pole. She stayed there, wiping her eyes again. She was glad her eye makeup was incapable of running. "Don't pity me."</span></p> <p class="cnNkNzNjMDc4YWQ0MjQ2YzI4NzIwNjhiNWYzYzQ5NjUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I wasn't going to."</span></p> <p class="cnM2NWRjZWZiODIyNjQzN2FhNTc2ODU1OGQxNGJmMWM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Hrmf."</span></p> <p class="cnMxYTFiNjkyYTM1YjQ3NzlhYjIxMWE5YmEwZTNiZjA5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Silence fell between the two for a long time. She didn't know why she was even talking to him. Aaron hated her, probably was never going to talk to her again... she didn't know if the boys were mad at her for the trouble she caused. Isaac was - well, Isaac. Michael, the armored boogeyman, was sitting there, looking at her with - if she didn't know better - a look of compassion.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MDA5MzFhMjlhYjQ0ZTQ5YmEyZDliNzdmNGRlYzk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Child, set me free. I can return the favor - I will find a way to free you of this unnatural state."</span></p> <p class="cnM3NmIzZjgyZTQxZDQ2ZTk4NTdkZTEzNjA5ODc3YWMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Tempting, but no." Muse disappeared.</span></p> <p class="cnNjOWY0YzFhMWNlYTRkMGJhMDY3N2RlZDRjMjIwZmZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You are not supposed to be like this. Let me go, and I'll help you pass to the other side."</span></p> <p class="cnNmOWJlMDEzNmJmZDRlY2I4OGM5NmU2MjcwNDIxMjA2"><span style="font-weight: 400">She snorted. "At least this Hell has HBO."</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnMwMDU0YmQ1Njk1YzQ0ODg5ZTI4YjM1NzYyZWU2OTEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aaron had one foot out the door before he heard his least favorite voice behind him.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMGQwYzQ5NTgwOTQwOWU5MzEwMDYwMjE2ZDliMWQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You're leaving."</span></p> <p class="cnNjNDc2Yzc5MzBlOTQ5NzliMDM5ZTAwYTFiNmQzODdj"><span style="font-weight: 400">He figured that would have been obvious. He had no reason to stay, now. Muse had turned out to be nothing but the cause of his pain. He couldn't stay here, not with her. Not with them. Aaron turned to face his brother but stayed silent.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NWNlNzZhODRhNDQ4NWI5ZDlkODU4MmRiMTdjNWFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You may think me a liar, Aaron, but I am not. The demons that chased you before will come for you again. Yes, I tricked you, but the purpose was benign, I promise you that. They want you, Aaron - and they will have you if you stray."</span></p> <p class="cnNlYTk5MzQ0NmQzNjQyZDBhY2YyYTc3YjViYzFkMzky"><span style="font-weight: 400">Insults, arguments - they all ran through his brain. They all seemed to boil together into one solid note. The note turned into a strange feeling of calm that washed over him. It didn't matter. Nothing he would say would matter. Isaac was unchangeable. He stood there in his shirt, vest, and tie like he was locked in time. Aaron knew it was pointless. </span></p> <p class="cnMzMjMzMjE1YjdiNzQ3OGFhZTI2NDRkYzJkN2JjMWI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">His latest attempt at being human, at feeling human - maybe even feeling something more, had been dashed to pieces by the very object of his affection. All at the whim of the man before him. The idea of staying in the house seemed worse than anything that demons could wreak upon him. Shaking his head slowly, he simply turned and walked from the house, leaving the door open as he headed across the lawn. His beat-up Jeep sat under a tree, the mild drizzle having painted its windows grey with moisture.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZjE4OTE0NjhhYzQ2OTY4ZjYyN2U5ZTcyMmQ3MGU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You are putting yourself in danger..."</span></p> <p class="cnNjMmRkMjY0ODgwNTQxNjU5YjA2MTA2ODhkYTZlYWEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">He didn't listen.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MjlmOTZjZjEwMzRjZWNhOWFmY2UzZjFlOWNkYzU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Aaron."</span></p> <p class="cnNkZTAyODQwOGNlMjQ0MzdiYTJjODJmMWI2ZjUyODMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">He didn't turn.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYjEzYzEyMGFjNTRjZWJhMDZmNWYzZDRmMWM3MjA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Aaron, wait."</span></p> <p class="cnNmZWY3MDc0NzJmYTQxY2Q4OTQwNTgyOTM3OTA5ZTFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aaron opened the door to his car. He didn't look at Isaac or at the house as he got in, shut the door and drove away. The strange calmness that filled him stayed as he drove into the night. There was nothing left of him. Let the demons come.</span></p> </div>
“You can do what you want, Heathen. I will not give you anything,” Michael snarled angrily up from where he sat in the center of the room. He had been stripped of his armor and lashed to a metal chair - none-too-gently. The muscles in his arms were strained with the odd angle they were yanked back behind him. His curly brown hair was mottled with dried blood and an angry bruise was starting to color one side of his face. “What makes you think I want you to give me anything, Michael?” Isaac stood on the last step of the basement stairs, looking at the man in the middle of the room with a thin, malicious smile. “Why would I be in one piece, unless you wanted something from me?” Michael yanked at the chains that held him to no avail. Isaac slowly pulled the black leather gloves off of his hands and tucked them into his coat, in no rush to answer the man in front of him. “Aah, there you are mistaken. I only want you out of the way...” “Bastard!” Michael spat at him from his bloodied lip. Isaac turned to walk out of the room, taking a few steps up the stairs before stopping. “Muse, watch him.” Muse appeared by the bottom of the stairs and looked up at Isaac wide-eyed. "Wait, what, seriously?!" "Yes." "Why do I have to watch him?!" Fear tugged at her voice. She didn't want to be left down here with Michael - even if the man was chained to a chair, he scared her. "Because you do not sleep for weeks. And because-" Isaac paused as a crash sounded from upstairs. Muse shut her eyes tightly at the sound of Aaron yelling at someone - Victor's voice yelling back. "It will keep you out of the line of fire." Muse looked up at him, pain clearly written across her face. Isaac looked back down at her, his face stoic. There was just the slightest flicker of something in his eyes. Muse wasn't sure what it was. Isaac turned up the stairs and began to head towards the door. "There is a direct proportionality between the quantity of time I keep you out of sight and the quantity of broken furniture I will have to replace." "I guess." Muse looked up at the stairs, hearing Victor and Aaron still yelling at each other. As Isaac slammed the door to the basement shut, silence fell over the first floor. She waited nervously for the following explosion - but none came. There was only an uncomfortable silence. So here she was, standing in the basement - with Michael, the Crusader, behind her, and an irate Aaron and Victor upstairs. Rock and a hard place. She supposed that dealing with the man who wanted to kill her for no reason was better than the man who wanted to kill her and *had* a reason. A really good reason. Muse turned from the stairs and walked into the room, walking to a pole a good ten feet from Michael and sat down on the floor, her back against it. She pulled her knees up and propped her arms on them. Michael was looking at her. She was looking back at him. She wondered where Eric had gone with all of Michael's armor, and for that matter - what he was going to do with it. It still shocked her how... normal he looked. Built as all hell, yes. He had a boyish cuteness to him, like someone you might see in a supermarket who caught your eye. Sure, he was mottled with blood and bruises, but other than that he could have been... anyone. She couldn't believe that he was the armored monster that had nearly killed Eric, nearly killed Isaac, and that scared her so badly. He looked so remarkably human. "Let me go*,*" Michael growled out, yanking hard on the chains and then hissing in pain. "So... you... can what, kill everyone in the house?" "Because it's the right thing to do." "Says who?" Michael let out a long moan, which suddenly turned into a burst of rage. He kicked and thrashed hard in his restraints, tossing from side to side. “Let me *go*!” Michael roared. He began swearing loudly as he struggled angrily against the chains to no avail. "I thought you weren't supposed to use the Lord’s name like that.” "Don't mock me," Michael snapped. He settled back against the chair again, glaring a hole into the floor. "I suppose it-" They both jumped at a loud *thud* as something hit the floor just over their heads, followed by more silence. Muse looked up at the ceiling and let out a wavering sigh, pulling her knees closer to herself. Michael looked over at her. "You're at fault for Aaron's anger, I take it." "If I can't give you a hard time, Tin-can, you can't give me one either." "I'm not sure that's how these kinds of situations work." "Well, you're the one tied to the chair. I make the rules." That one seemed to get him. His mouth open to reply, he finally let out a small huff of air and resumed staring at the floor. --- Aaron wanted to kill him, wanted to dash his brains over the walls. First, the stupid little thing was trying to steal Muse away from him, and now - now it turns out, that everyone knew she was dead, *except him.* His hands were clasped around Victor's throat, clenching down hard. It would have been more effective if the vampire needed to breathe, but at least he could inflict pain. "Aaron, this-!" Victor gagged out. "Let 'em go," Mal said by the wall, stepping forward. Aaron merely turned his head to glare at him, sending the bigger man crashing from one room to the other, toppling over the sofa and landing in a heap on the other side with a grunt - with nothing more than a look. Aaron wouldn't be told to calm down by anyone, not when he had every right to be furious. He knew he was losing control, but at this point, he couldn't care less. The vampire was still yelling at him as best as he could with Aaron's hands wrapped around his throat. Aaron had long since gone deaf to his words. The basement door slammed shut to his left. He turned his head to see Isaac standing there, a clearly disapproving expression on his face. Dropping the blond, he turned to face his brother, clenching his fists in anger. He would trade pounding the little man for his brother, any day. "Enough, Aaron. Cease this uselessness." "You knew. You all knew. No one told me, you all *knew* she was dead!" "Yes." "Why didn't you tell me?!" "Simply because that was her request." Isaac folded his hands neatly behind his back. Aaron passionately hated how no matter what, Isaac never lost his cool. No matter what he did, he could never even startle the sorcerer. He wanted to make him feel fear, wanted to make him feel pain, but every attempt failed. He snarled deep in his throat. "She asked you not to?!” "Yes." "Why?!" "For that, you would have to ask her. Perhaps she is embarrassed. Perhaps it raises uncomfortable questions about the circumstances under which you two met." Aaron's blood ran cold, his vision became hyper-clear, in the way that it does when you are about to pass out. No. No, it couldn't have been her. The thing that chased him, the thing that tore up his house... It made perfect sense. The thoughts all started to click together one by one as everything fell in place. Like looking down at a board game, he could see the linear path from one place to another - and he knew that he had been played. "You sent her. You sent her to do those things to me." Aaron's body was no longer capable of keeping up the fury that rolled through his mind. He put his hands over his face and let out a low moan. "Yes." “But *why?!*” That always seemed to be the part that he was missing. "Because you are safer with me than without. You are my responsibility, Aaron. The only way to have you peacefully here is to make you believe that you have no other option. I did not want to cage you like an animal, even if you do insist on living out your life like some sort of vegetable." Isaac shrugged with a simple lift of his shoulders. "You never seemed so concerned about taking care of me before!" "Aaron, everything I've done has been in your best interests..." "That's what you said then! When you gave me *these-*" Aaron pointed to the scars on his face. "In that god-forsaken camp back home!" "That was to help you control yourself. It appears they were in vain.” Aaron stepped forward, unable to stop himself. He grabbed his brother by the front of the shirt and threw him - hurled him across the room. Isaac landed with a hard thud on the ground, a good ten feet away. Fear suddenly pricked Aaron's nerves. That was probably a very stupid move. Isaac could do horrid things to him and had proven that fact many times prior. Unconsciously he ran his hand along the scars on his left arm, the knife-edge marks on his skin. To his shock, Isaac only simply stood up, brushed himself off and adjusted his glasses. "Do you feel better now?" "No," Aaron clipped. He suddenly had the overwhelming urge to do two things - talk to Muse, and get away from Isaac. Hopefully, they could be solved at the same time. "Where is she?" "I will not have you destroying my house, Aaron." "Tell me where she is!" Isaac let out an exasperated sigh and shut his eyes, rubbing his hand across his forehead. "She is downstairs, guarding Michael. I would recommend you-" Aaron had stopped listening. Turning for the basement door, he threw it open, and headed down into the familiar dankness, slamming the door shut behind him. --- Muse did not need to guess who it was storming down the stairs. She vanished, glad that her unique state of being meant that she could easily hide. Aaron stormed down the stairs, stopping at the bottom and turning about. Aaron stepped forward and looked down at Michael. "Where is she?" "I'm not sure. She was here a moment ago. It seems the dead can come and go at will." Aaron visibly shuddered, running his hands through his hair and gripping it with both hands for a moment, letting out a frustrated growl. "Muse?!" he yelled. Like hell, she was going to answer. He yelled again, but she stayed where she was, invisible and intangible, watching. She wanted to cry. 'Guilt' was not a strong enough word to describe what she felt. She had never meant for this to happen, but she shouldn't have been surprised. Of course, Aaron thought she had betrayed him. To be honest - she had. Aaron walked back to the stairs and sat down on the bottom step. It seemed he was planning on waiting her out. *Shit.* "Let me go, Aaron." "I can't... I mean, even if I did, do you think you'd make it out of the house?" Aaron sighed. "Isaac would get you before you made five steps..." "At least I would stand a chance." "No, you wouldn't, and I'd get hurt." Michael shut his eyes and leaned his head back, apparently coming to terms with the fact that that option was fruitless. "Fine. Then you should leave." "I'm planning on it." "If you go to the base at St. Peter's in the city, you could get help, Aaron. We can help you control your telekinesis. You wouldn't take me up on the offer last time when you-" "No. I won't. I won't be your little guinea pig." "We wouldn't... I know you're sensitive about-" "Shut up, Michael, you don't know what you're talking about." "I was the one who pulled you out of the wreckage of that hospital. I've seen what you can do. What you *have* done. All those people, crushed - do you really think you're safe to be in public? We can help you!" "No!" Aaron stood up and glared down at the bloodied Crusader. "I won't. So give up. Muse!" he yelled, looking about the room. "Muse, you can't hide forever." *Try me.* "You owe me at least a chance to get some answers," he clenched his hands into fists. "Muse, goddamn it - after what you did to me, you owe me this much!" Muse had the urge to go up through the floors and just forget about this. She wanted nothing more than to go hide somewhere and let it all go away. But Aaron was right. She owed him. She put the man in the hospital, nearly killed him. She tormented him for weeks, and then lied to him. Taking in a long wavering breath, she appeared, standing with her back against the pole. As Aaron stormed towards her, she cringed - shutting her eyes tightly. She wasn't sure why - it's not like him hitting her would really do anything at all. But his hatred was worse. She could almost feel the rage pouring off of him. "How could you?! How could you lie to me?!" "I didn't really lie, I-" "Muse!" "Look, it's - I was afraid of what you'd think, okay?! I'm not-" Aaron reached for her suddenly. She let her physical body slip to transparency, his hand passing straight through her, disturbing her like incense smoke. He pulled in a gasp and staggered backwards. "See?! You're afraid of me!" "What *are* you?!" "I'm dead. I'm a ghost. Been quite dead for a while." "Why didn't you tell me? Do you think I'd care over something so stupidly small as-" "Oh so being dead is 'stupidly small'?! *Try* it sometime!" Now she was mad. Whenever people yelled at her, it just made her angry. Even if she didn't have a reason to be. She vanished abruptly, causing him to stagger further backwards away from her, his eyes wide. Fear quickly melted back into anger. "Come back." "No." "Why?!" "Because you're pissed." "Shouldn't I be?!" "Look, Aaron, I'm sorry for lying to you. I'm sorry for what happened - I didn't know it'd-" "It'd what?! Didn't know you were tormenting me?! Didn't know you'd put me in the hospital?!" "That was an accident!" "You work for my brother*.* Nothing is *ever* an accident around him." "Shut up, Aaron. I don't have a choice." "You're just like everyone else," Aaron ran his hand through his hair, pulling on it again. He went back to the stairs. "I can't trust you. You're just like the rest of them." "Aaron, I'm sorry - I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want to lie to you, but... it... How could I explain this?! I didn't know what to do." "You should have tried!" Aaron rounded towards the disembodied voice angrily, wishing he had something to glare at. "You should have told me before I stupidly let myself fall for you!" "Wait - *what?!"* "Don't be an idiot. You led me on." "I *what?!*" Muse wasn't quite sure what was happening now. He was yelling at her still, but now it wasn't making any sense. Leading him on? How the hell was she leading him on? Muse appeared standing between Aaron and Michael, looking at the scarred man completely flabbergasted. "What in the hell are you ranting about? Look don't make shit up just because you're pissed." Aaron snarled angrily. Muse witnessed something break in him. Something changed suddenly. The look in his eyes returned - the blank glare, the one that he got back in the hospital. He looked at her as though he didn't recognize her. The pipes overhead began to rattle. He stepped towards her, and Muse knew what was about to happen. She just shut her eyes and let it. Aaron rounded on her, cracking her stiffly across the jaw with his fist. She hit the ground and skid with the force of it, laying on the ground. As she did, she heard the pipes overhead stop their violent shaking. She opened her eyes and looked over at him, unfazed by the punch. Aaron's face contorted slightly in confusion. "Did that make you feel better?" Muse blinked - she wasn't sure what she just said, but Aaron lost it further. "That's *it!* You're his goddamn little puppet! You're his little *toy!* Now you even sound like him!" Aaron stormed away, up the stairs. He slammed the door behind him, nearly breaking the hinges where they met the wood. She laid there on the floor, staring up at the pipes and the beams of the ceiling. “I really wish I knew what I said,” she said to no one in particular. *I guess it doesn’t matter...* Muse sat up, pulling her legs up to her chin. She put her head down on her knees, blocking out the light. Why did 'life' do this to her? She was dead. She was stuck on this planet without being able to feel anything, and yet she was forced to go through this - whatever it was. She hadn't felt like this since she had lost her friends in high school. Worse, actually. This time it was all her fault. She wanted to go home. That strange sensation that one gets when one wants to go somewhere safe and curl up. But she had nowhere she could go. She began to cry, unable to stop herself. Hugging her knees to herself tightly, she let all the pain go, not caring whether or not Michael saw. "I give you credit... if he hit me like that, I might cry as well. But - Oh yes, you had mentioned it before. You don't feel pain." Muse sniffed. That's all she needed. She vanished, appearing by the pole she was at before, leaning up against it. She wiped her eyes, shooting a glare at Michael. "I don't feel anything. Ever." She slumped down to the ground, her back against the pole. She stayed there, wiping her eyes again. She was glad her eye makeup was incapable of running. "Don't pity me." "I wasn't going to." "Hrmf." Silence fell between the two for a long time. She didn't know why she was even talking to him. Aaron hated her, probably was never going to talk to her again... she didn't know if the boys were mad at her for the trouble she caused. Isaac was - well, Isaac. Michael, the armored boogeyman, was sitting there, looking at her with - if she didn't know better - a look of compassion. "Child, set me free. I can return the favor - I will find a way to free you of this unnatural state." "Tempting, but no." Muse disappeared. "You are not supposed to be like this. Let me go, and I'll help you pass to the other side." She snorted. "At least this Hell has HBO." --- Aaron had one foot out the door before he heard his least favorite voice behind him. "You're leaving." He figured that would have been obvious. He had no reason to stay, now. Muse had turned out to be nothing but the cause of his pain. He couldn't stay here, not with her. Not with them. Aaron turned to face his brother but stayed silent. "You may think me a liar, Aaron, but I am not. The demons that chased you before will come for you again. Yes, I tricked you, but the purpose was benign, I promise you that. They want you, Aaron - and they will have you if you stray." Insults, arguments - they all ran through his brain. They all seemed to boil together into one solid note. The note turned into a strange feeling of calm that washed over him. It didn't matter. Nothing he would say would matter. Isaac was unchangeable. He stood there in his shirt, vest, and tie like he was locked in time. Aaron knew it was pointless. His latest attempt at being human, at feeling human - maybe even feeling something more, had been dashed to pieces by the very object of his affection. All at the whim of the man before him. The idea of staying in the house seemed worse than anything that demons could wreak upon him. Shaking his head slowly, he simply turned and walked from the house, leaving the door open as he headed across the lawn. His beat-up Jeep sat under a tree, the mild drizzle having painted its windows grey with moisture. "You are putting yourself in danger..." He didn't listen. "Aaron." He didn't turn. "Aaron, wait." Aaron opened the door to his car. He didn't look at Isaac or at the house as he got in, shut the door and drove away. The strange calmness that filled him stayed as he drove into the night. There was nothing left of him. Let the demons come.
{ "title": "High Crew", "id": 18161, "author": "SourCream", "rating": 4.5 }
{ "title": "Chapter XXXX: There's Smoke", "id": 305428, "next": 307439, "prev": 303215, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5ZjkyZWYxZGQ5NzQ3MGNhMjRjZjQ5NzY2OTFiZTli">At the appointed time the venator arrived at the house of knez, accompanied by Ahyq and Ulhon. There was already a party waiting for him: Azandahy, who greeted Sumiaton with a stinging look, another member of High Crew who bore an absent expression, and a warrior in full dreavlyani armour.</p> <p class="cnNiMTE2ZTMzMzI2ODQ2ZjZhYzkyZTI5NTkyOTZmN2Zh">“Good evening, fellow crewmen,” said the hunter, “You are the entourage for today, I suppose. But where is our master?”</p> <p class="cnMwYWEzMzFhZmY1NTRhODBhZDliNGMxMTliYWNmZWZl">“Can’t you even spot me by the posture? Than is not the keen hunter’s eye that I know,” came a shrug from under warrior’s aventail.</p> <p class="cnNhYzE4MzEyYThjMTQxNDA4ZTRiODk4M2M0MDMzZDdk">“What’s with the masquerade?” raised his brow Sumiaton, while his two companions bowed respectfully to their lord.</p> <p class="cnNmYzcyZDc2MTM4NjRmOGM5OTQ0NmIzNTk1OWIyZTNi">“This is supposed to be a covert business,” told disguised Azytenisar, “Besides, recently I gained too much of a popularity among people. They tend to prostrate themselves as I pass by, that is getting rather annoying.”</p> <p class="cnMwZmU1ZjM3NGRmODQyZTY5MmNmM2YxODhiMDBjZDZl">The venator did not answer anything, only snorted quietly.</p> <p class="cnNkMTY3YjNlMGM4MjRkZmVhNDRlMTdmOWFhODVjNTFh">“Lead at once,” ordered him knez. And so the hunter did.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDBiYjFkNTZhODRhNTZiMDE0Zjc2YzE3OTdhMWUz">Six men did not travel far. They crossed three streets and walked up the fourth one for a short time, before Sumiaton stopped in front of a certain fence. There was a two storey house visible behind it. He approached gates and pushed them in. Kinani entered into the small courtyard, which was covered in dirt, broken branches, and other stuff, which was apparently left there by rain and snow.</p> <p class="cnNhNTk1ZWFiNDYyMDQwMDU5MzlmMWZjMWFhYTJmNDJk">“What is this place and why is it abandoned?” asked Azytenisar, circling the desolation around with a long look.</p> <p class="cnM1MDZhN2ZiNzhkZTQ4ZjNiZDc3OWJlNWJhOGIwM2Ew">“That was a house of a goldsmith,” told the Venator, “The successful one, he was quite popular with the men of wealth in Khladnetz, crafted a lot of trinkets for their wives. When the recent war hung above the city as a raised sword, he ran away, taking his whole family and all belongings. My sources tell that he resides in a town called Kriva Bashta now. My comrades searched through the house in his absence and found something interesting inside. Come in and see.”</p> <p class="cnNhNjM4ZmU1NWFkZTRhMjVhMjdhMWU0ZTgzNDMzMTRm">“Firstly,” knez lifted his hand, halting his companions, “I don’t want to know what you and your friends were searching for in the empty house of the goldsmith. Secondly, never again do such a thing without my permission. No man should have right to walk into the house of another one and perform search there without my decree. People should feel secure in their own homes, unless you want a rebellion.”</p> <p class="cnM5MGFiZmNmMTVjNjQ0MWY4MjFiMDA3Y2MxOWI1Y2Y0">Sumiaton hesitated for a moment, but then bowed.</p> <p class="cnNiZDdmYTViMTUzMjQyYzFiYjgyNmIxODU1MmY4MGNk">“I understand. Still, come in, please.”</p> <p class="cnNiNzhlZjFlNjU3MTQyMDI4YjgzMTcwODI0ZTZlNjAz">They walked in and the hunter led them through the house. It looked just as deserted inside as from the outside. They reached what was supposed to be kitchen. The Venator nodded to Ahyq and the warrior pushed a massive barrel which was situated in the corner of the room. A trapdoor was revealed where it previously stood. Sumiaton opened it, displaying wooden stairs beneath. Ulhon produced a torch from his sack and ignited it. Taking the torch, the hunter led the party down the stairs.</p> <p class="cnNkYmU5MTRhOWI4NTQ2OGFhYWEyNzhiMzQ1NmYwZjdm">There was a whole chamber beneath the level of the ground. The ceiling was high enough so that no man needed to hunch. The floor was covered with rugs. Azandahy kneeled and studied the rug under his feet. It was old and worn down, with fur being especially flat in a certain spot.</p> <p class="cnM0OTUyMmUzMDEzYTRkYWM5N2RmMzA0OTRiODExYWQz">“It is where men kneeled regularly,” told Azytenisar who noticed the object of his subject’s attention. Houselord pointed his hand forward, “Before this.”</p> <p class="cnNlYmJkMmFiMzcyNjQxNzI5ZGYxODdiOTFjMmZkY2M1">Everyone looked into the center of the room. There was a massive silhouette, eight cubits high and almost four wide. It consisted of simple curved lines, almost geometrical shapes. It was a stylized sculpture carved from a single tree trunk, yet still recognizable at the first look. A calmly sitting feline creature, all its paws placed together, its spine and neck straight, its tail coiled around the body, its eyes gazing directly forward.</p> <p class="cnM5MjA5MzIwZGZjODQwMjdhZWNkYThlMWJlZDc5YjBh">A statue of a guardian it was. Before the carved figure were placed many bowls of various shapes. The glittered in the light of the torch, making obvious the precious metal that they were made from.</p> <p class="cnNjZmRlMjEyNjgzMDQ3ZDU5MThlYzQ3YmQ0MDNmYTYw">“So strange,” broke the silence Ahyq. Everyone looked at him, “I mean, we always leave windows in our shrines, so that we can see the stars. But they worship underground, in dungeons.”</p> <p class="cnMzMWJhOWJkMGI2OTQ0ZWNiY2ZkZTJmMzAwYjZjYzNm">“They are forced here by us,” told Azytenisar, “They like the night sky just as much as you do, trust me. It is we who won’t allow them to pray under it.”</p> <p class="cnM3ZmMyZDY5YzY2YTRhYzZhMzMzNTFhNGMzNWI4Y2Ri">Knez removed his helmet and gazed at the statue with a thoughtful look.</p> <p class="cnMxZDUxY2M0NzE4MzRjNTA4YTBjODJmYzVhZDk4NmJk">“What makes you think that this is dangerous? I knew such places existed. That is to be expected.”</p> <p class="cnMzYWNlYzlmYzk2OTRiMTI5ZWE4MDVkMGFiZjgyMGM0">The Venator approached the statue. He reached to its bottom with a hand and retrieved a piece of parchment that was tucked between the base of the idol and the floor. Azytenisar glanced there and noticed many more similar parchments there. Sumiaton brought it close to the torch and read aloud.</p> <p class="cnNhZDBlZmE3MmNhNTQ0MzlhOTk5N2FjZjY4ZWJhNzA5">“O mighty guardian. You left us for whatever sins we have committed. We are unworthy of your attention. And now we are stepping into the war that would have been abhorrent to you. But I know that you are the merciful lord. This conflict is born of human undoings, and you were the one to save us from them. People will die, we will understand the wrongness of our decisions and the greatness of your wisdom again. That is the inevitable future.</p> <p class="cnNjYjExM2QwMTFjNDQ1OWZiZmM4NzkxZWU0NDk0NTE1">But you were the merciful lord. So, please, I beg you, show mercy to my son, Dalnoglyad, who is forced to fight in this war. Because of decisions of mighty men, he has no choice. But neither he, nor his family wanted it. See him through, o mighty guardian. I will be eternally grateful to you, bringing most generous sacrifices every seventh day until the end of my life.”</p> <p class="cnNlMTllNzA5NmFiMTRkYjY4MDdjNzEwZDQwMDMzOGMy">He looked Azytenisar in the eyes.</p> <p class="cnNmYmIxMjA2Zjc0MzQ0NWM5OTEyYTE2NTYzZjU0NTlj">“You heard it. These are the kind of people who worship this wooden idol. They are against your decisions. They talk to the absent lord. How long will it take for the carved tree to talk back? To tell them to remove the man who forces them into wrong ways. This is dangerous. This faith must be rooted out before it is too late.”</p> <p class="cnM1MTc2MTE4YWE4OTRkMzJiMTNjOWI3Y2RhYjQ5NDQ5">“You are too straightforward,” shook his head the lord of Abeneewy, “For now they have the relief of talking to a statue. Leave it to them, while doing right things, while making the city strong and prosperous. While doing what I am doing. And they will see that their lives are getting better, with or without the idol. Then it will gradually turn into the routine ritual without much devotion. And then it will be of no harm. But remove the faith from them now and they will have no way to vent out the frustration caused by changes. They will turn to violence. That is not the solution.”</p> <p class="cnNkN2JmNmNkODc1NTQzYzM4MTU1NmY4ZmViMTk4YWJh">“So you would not act?” asked Sumiaton.</p> <p class="cnM3YzEwNGU3YTRjNjRiMDk4NDcyYjdlNWJkNjkxNTU3">“I told my will,” knez was resolute.</p> <p class="cnNmMDEzMWU0NWQ2NjQ3MjRiNWE5NDEwZmUwYTM2ZWM0">“This faith is dangerous. It is only the matter of time until they try something. You don’t want to cause more violence right after the war, I understand, but the measures must be taken.”</p> <p class="cnM1NzUzNWJkYTFmNTRhMzk5MjNkZWI1NTIxOWZkNDA1">“I told my will,” repeated Azytenisar, iron in his voice.</p> <p class="cnM2NjFhNDRlZjMxYTRiZDM5MTM2YmMzMDhlNTgxODJj">The venator stopped talking for a moment.</p> <p class="cnNjNWJmOTJhNDE3YTRmYzhhMTE0MDNjMDdmMmE5MDVj">“I warned you, remember this,” told Sumiaton. He was not complaining, but some degree of disappointment could be heard in his words.</p> <p class="cnM3NWQxYmRhM2MyNTQzYmQ4YzA0MDBjYjZiNGM3Mzgz">“Thank you for your efforts, but decisions in this city are all mine to make,” knez uttered calmly, “If we are done hear, allow me to return to the business of ruling it.”</p> <p class="cnNlOGIyZWNjYzU3MjRlYzFhM2UzZjFiZmQ2NGQwNTll">There was silence as an answer to his words and Azytenisar left the chamber of worship alongside his two bodyguards. So did Sumiaton not before long.</p> <p class="cnMwOWZkY2JiYWUzMDQ3MDNhMjU2NmMwNDFhYWIyYWVm">Azytenisar lied in the dark, covered with a warm blanket. For some reason drevlyani supplied him with a giant square shaped bed. It was pointless for so many reasons: his wife was left behind on Isary, knez himself was not the kind of man who needed luxury. He would have been fine with a simple sleeping place, all that space only took away comfort. He rolled again and again, switching positions and parts of the bed, not getting soothed at all.</p> <p class="cnM2MzJjYzg5YmM1NDQ5MzZhMTY0ODIxNTQxOTEwNWE0">Not only physical sensations troubled houselord. Thoughts raced through his mind: of reports of troops from neighbouring states moving, of predictions of harvest in Khladnetz, of works on restoring fortifications. The sky was not clear at all, that would be the right saying, he thought. He needed Ymdaton’s caravan to return as soon as possible. The city needed reinforcements, it needed resources, it needed High Crew defending it.</p> <p class="cnNhNjU4NjAyNzQyYTQzNDliOWRjZDE4ZDA3YmNkYmYw">When he finally fallen into sleep, his darkened thoughts found their way into his dreams, as rain might leak through a decrepit roof. Lines of trees passed by at the left and at the right. There was no beginning and no end to them. Only the road between, by which the procession of burdened animals passed. Azytenisar rode amongst them.</p> <p class="cnM4ZTJlYmNlZDNlYTQyNDc4MjkyYWJkZjU4OGQ3NmJl">His bakhmat advanced in a steady stride. Beside him were his trusty warriors, saddled upon similar beasts. It was bizarre to see crewmen riding mounts en masse. Still, he felt so assured and powerful among the ranks of High Crew. These were his best warriors, with them at his side there was no task too difficult.</p> <p class="cnMwOGI1Mjg5NDgzNzQ2NGJhOGM0YzU1YzI1NDY4YzM3">Everything was fine except the smell. It perturbed his nostrils, forcing knez to glance around, searching for a torch in someone’s hand. There was none. Soon they left the forest, which ended abruptly, giving way to marshes. Behind the soaked grounds there glittered an immense body of the water.</p> <p class="cnNmNTM1NGI4NzM1NzQ5MWViZTU0ZTEyYWNiMGM2YzIz">Lake Volnitza, so great and majestic that it could have been a sea in its own right. On the shore a town could be seen, protected by wooden walls just as Khladnetz was. Darkened clouds were rising and taking off from the city. Reddish glares danced upon its roofs. There was the source of the smell. Suddenly he felt a strong hand upon his shoulder.</p> <p class="cnNiOTVlNDA0YjliODQ0YTRiMDM1MGRhNDg0NzVlZWRj">“My lord, it is burning! My lord! My lord!” came the voice from his side.</p> <p class="cnMzMDdjN2E4MWY1MjQyODNhOTUwYTZiZTE0OGU5OTcz">Azytenisar turned his head and his cheek met a surface of a pillow, bringing him back into the waking world. With unfocused eyes he looked at the one who was talking to him. It was Azandahy. The warrior was grabbing him by the shoulder, his whole appearance signaling inner protest against such familiarity towards his lord. Still, there was a resolution in his eyes, which told of a dire situation which forced him to put aside formalities.</p> <p class="cnM3NmYyMmFiYjc0ODQ5ZTk4NTE4OGYzM2Y5Zjc4MGNj">“The house is burning, my lord. We should get out at once,” repeated he.</p> </div>
At the appointed time the venator arrived at the house of knez, accompanied by Ahyq and Ulhon. There was already a party waiting for him: Azandahy, who greeted Sumiaton with a stinging look, another member of High Crew who bore an absent expression, and a warrior in full dreavlyani armour. “Good evening, fellow crewmen,” said the hunter, “You are the entourage for today, I suppose. But where is our master?” “Can’t you even spot me by the posture? Than is not the keen hunter’s eye that I know,” came a shrug from under warrior’s aventail. “What’s with the masquerade?” raised his brow Sumiaton, while his two companions bowed respectfully to their lord. “This is supposed to be a covert business,” told disguised Azytenisar, “Besides, recently I gained too much of a popularity among people. They tend to prostrate themselves as I pass by, that is getting rather annoying.” The venator did not answer anything, only snorted quietly. “Lead at once,” ordered him knez. And so the hunter did. Six men did not travel far. They crossed three streets and walked up the fourth one for a short time, before Sumiaton stopped in front of a certain fence. There was a two storey house visible behind it. He approached gates and pushed them in. Kinani entered into the small courtyard, which was covered in dirt, broken branches, and other stuff, which was apparently left there by rain and snow. “What is this place and why is it abandoned?” asked Azytenisar, circling the desolation around with a long look. “That was a house of a goldsmith,” told the Venator, “The successful one, he was quite popular with the men of wealth in Khladnetz, crafted a lot of trinkets for their wives. When the recent war hung above the city as a raised sword, he ran away, taking his whole family and all belongings. My sources tell that he resides in a town called Kriva Bashta now. My comrades searched through the house in his absence and found something interesting inside. Come in and see.” “Firstly,” knez lifted his hand, halting his companions, “I don’t want to know what you and your friends were searching for in the empty house of the goldsmith. Secondly, never again do such a thing without my permission. No man should have right to walk into the house of another one and perform search there without my decree. People should feel secure in their own homes, unless you want a rebellion.” Sumiaton hesitated for a moment, but then bowed. “I understand. Still, come in, please.” They walked in and the hunter led them through the house. It looked just as deserted inside as from the outside. They reached what was supposed to be kitchen. The Venator nodded to Ahyq and the warrior pushed a massive barrel which was situated in the corner of the room. A trapdoor was revealed where it previously stood. Sumiaton opened it, displaying wooden stairs beneath. Ulhon produced a torch from his sack and ignited it. Taking the torch, the hunter led the party down the stairs. There was a whole chamber beneath the level of the ground. The ceiling was high enough so that no man needed to hunch. The floor was covered with rugs. Azandahy kneeled and studied the rug under his feet. It was old and worn down, with fur being especially flat in a certain spot. “It is where men kneeled regularly,” told Azytenisar who noticed the object of his subject’s attention. Houselord pointed his hand forward, “Before this.” Everyone looked into the center of the room. There was a massive silhouette, eight cubits high and almost four wide. It consisted of simple curved lines, almost geometrical shapes. It was a stylized sculpture carved from a single tree trunk, yet still recognizable at the first look. A calmly sitting feline creature, all its paws placed together, its spine and neck straight, its tail coiled around the body, its eyes gazing directly forward. A statue of a guardian it was. Before the carved figure were placed many bowls of various shapes. The glittered in the light of the torch, making obvious the precious metal that they were made from. “So strange,” broke the silence Ahyq. Everyone looked at him, “I mean, we always leave windows in our shrines, so that we can see the stars. But they worship underground, in dungeons.” “They are forced here by us,” told Azytenisar, “They like the night sky just as much as you do, trust me. It is we who won’t allow them to pray under it.” Knez removed his helmet and gazed at the statue with a thoughtful look. “What makes you think that this is dangerous? I knew such places existed. That is to be expected.” The Venator approached the statue. He reached to its bottom with a hand and retrieved a piece of parchment that was tucked between the base of the idol and the floor. Azytenisar glanced there and noticed many more similar parchments there. Sumiaton brought it close to the torch and read aloud. “O mighty guardian. You left us for whatever sins we have committed. We are unworthy of your attention. And now we are stepping into the war that would have been abhorrent to you. But I know that you are the merciful lord. This conflict is born of human undoings, and you were the one to save us from them. People will die, we will understand the wrongness of our decisions and the greatness of your wisdom again. That is the inevitable future. But you were the merciful lord. So, please, I beg you, show mercy to my son, Dalnoglyad, who is forced to fight in this war. Because of decisions of mighty men, he has no choice. But neither he, nor his family wanted it. See him through, o mighty guardian. I will be eternally grateful to you, bringing most generous sacrifices every seventh day until the end of my life.” He looked Azytenisar in the eyes. “You heard it. These are the kind of people who worship this wooden idol. They are against your decisions. They talk to the absent lord. How long will it take for the carved tree to talk back? To tell them to remove the man who forces them into wrong ways. This is dangerous. This faith must be rooted out before it is too late.” “You are too straightforward,” shook his head the lord of Abeneewy, “For now they have the relief of talking to a statue. Leave it to them, while doing right things, while making the city strong and prosperous. While doing what I am doing. And they will see that their lives are getting better, with or without the idol. Then it will gradually turn into the routine ritual without much devotion. And then it will be of no harm. But remove the faith from them now and they will have no way to vent out the frustration caused by changes. They will turn to violence. That is not the solution.” “So you would not act?” asked Sumiaton. “I told my will,” knez was resolute. “This faith is dangerous. It is only the matter of time until they try something. You don’t want to cause more violence right after the war, I understand, but the measures must be taken.” “I told my will,” repeated Azytenisar, iron in his voice. The venator stopped talking for a moment. “I warned you, remember this,” told Sumiaton. He was not complaining, but some degree of disappointment could be heard in his words. “Thank you for your efforts, but decisions in this city are all mine to make,” knez uttered calmly, “If we are done hear, allow me to return to the business of ruling it.” There was silence as an answer to his words and Azytenisar left the chamber of worship alongside his two bodyguards. So did Sumiaton not before long. Azytenisar lied in the dark, covered with a warm blanket. For some reason drevlyani supplied him with a giant square shaped bed. It was pointless for so many reasons: his wife was left behind on Isary, knez himself was not the kind of man who needed luxury. He would have been fine with a simple sleeping place, all that space only took away comfort. He rolled again and again, switching positions and parts of the bed, not getting soothed at all. Not only physical sensations troubled houselord. Thoughts raced through his mind: of reports of troops from neighbouring states moving, of predictions of harvest in Khladnetz, of works on restoring fortifications. The sky was not clear at all, that would be the right saying, he thought. He needed Ymdaton’s caravan to return as soon as possible. The city needed reinforcements, it needed resources, it needed High Crew defending it. When he finally fallen into sleep, his darkened thoughts found their way into his dreams, as rain might leak through a decrepit roof. Lines of trees passed by at the left and at the right. There was no beginning and no end to them. Only the road between, by which the procession of burdened animals passed. Azytenisar rode amongst them. His bakhmat advanced in a steady stride. Beside him were his trusty warriors, saddled upon similar beasts. It was bizarre to see crewmen riding mounts en masse. Still, he felt so assured and powerful among the ranks of High Crew. These were his best warriors, with them at his side there was no task too difficult. Everything was fine except the smell. It perturbed his nostrils, forcing knez to glance around, searching for a torch in someone’s hand. There was none. Soon they left the forest, which ended abruptly, giving way to marshes. Behind the soaked grounds there glittered an immense body of the water. Lake Volnitza, so great and majestic that it could have been a sea in its own right. On the shore a town could be seen, protected by wooden walls just as Khladnetz was. Darkened clouds were rising and taking off from the city. Reddish glares danced upon its roofs. There was the source of the smell. Suddenly he felt a strong hand upon his shoulder. “My lord, it is burning! My lord! My lord!” came the voice from his side. Azytenisar turned his head and his cheek met a surface of a pillow, bringing him back into the waking world. With unfocused eyes he looked at the one who was talking to him. It was Azandahy. The warrior was grabbing him by the shoulder, his whole appearance signaling inner protest against such familiarity towards his lord. Still, there was a resolution in his eyes, which told of a dire situation which forced him to put aside formalities. “The house is burning, my lord. We should get out at once,” repeated he.
{ "title": "Edea Chronicles: Hero Summoning Conspiracy", "id": 20762, "author": "Ruruci", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Chapter 34: Robot Girl's Desire", "id": 300895, "next": 300896, "prev": 300894, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5ZGEzZmQ3YjZmMzRkNjNiNTM3OTBjMmM5YmI1ZmI1">.</p> <p class="cnM0NjMyZWQ2ZjUxZjRiYzBiZGZlZmNiM2MyZmYxNGY3">"This girl wasn't the Champion for show. She has incredible reflexes" Kazuya commented.</p> <p class="cnM5Zjg2ODRhNWRiMjQwNGM4Zjg5NTc5YjE4YmE3Yzg2">"Yeah she used Shiroyuki's excellent observation skills and executed a marvelous feint" Miyamoto added.</p> <p class="cnM1MTYyMjFiNDY2YzQyN2E4YTJlNjAzY2I4OWJkNDFm">"Not only that, because of her size, her opponent has the advantage in reach. (What are you going to do now robot girl?)" Kazuya didn't know. He could understand this girl sometimes but her thoughts were still a mystery no matter how much he spent time with her.</p> <p class="cnM3NzZmNGJiNDQ2ZDRiMjM4MDE3Nzc4NmYwNGI4Y2Iw">Tomoyo glanced at her arm. She hardly felt a thing through her guard but it had made a convincing sound similar to the one that Kazuya had used before.</p> <p class="cnMzNDZlNDhkMjU2NjQ5NWRhZmUxZjhiZDZjZjFlZWU1">"…" determination filled her eyes. Both girls looked at each other not intending to back down.</p> <p class="cnMzMjg2Mjg1MmQ1YjRkMzViZDQ5MjIyZjg3ZDY2NjA1">"BEGIN!"</p> <p class="cnNmZGZiMzA4NmEzZjQ5MTJhZGZjMGRlY2YxODgwODE3">This time, both had stepped out immediately. An intense fight of reflexes begun. Left, right, top, a flurry of their bamboo swords' clashing noises echoed through the arena. The first match is truly suitable to pick this year's champion. Only one mistake would change the difference between winner and loser. The two continued their furious clashes without caring for their remaining stamina. This duel had just been the two of them.</p> <p class="cnM0NzczM2IyY2NhOTRmNmJiOGExNDVmZDQwNmZmMTA5">Ayame stepped back. She was surprised at the little girl in front of her. Tomoyo's strength surpassed hers. That didn't get her down however as she still had the slight advantage in agility. She took the previous stance which gained her a point and immediately struck before Tomoyo could have the time to think if it was another feint.</p> <p class="cnMyNjg5YzY5MzMxOTQxYTliNzMzZDYzYzk0NmYxNWZj">Tomoyo of course was cautious since this was the strike that made her lose a point. She immediately raised both her hands to avoid a possible feint and to prepare to meet her strike. Time seemed to have slowed down for the both of them. Both of them instinctively knew that this would be the final strike.</p> <p class="cnM4ZTRhY2RlZGFkYjQ0N2RhNjIwMGE1NTQwOTY3OTI1">"!! (These two actually achieved initial ignition at the same time…)" Kazuya was shocked. He knew that Tomoyo was a talent but he never knew that she would be able to achieve this already.</p> <p class="cnM5YmVlOWQ4MjE0ODRkYzViZjJlYWE3NWViMzI2YTE3">She was younger and her opponent had trained longer. Ayame even vaguely made sense of mana so it wasn't much of a surprise for her to achieve this.</p> <p class="cnM0NjFjY2VhZDdkMDRlMjk4Zjc5YmI2OGE4MjQzN2U0">"(Is it because of what happened to you in the past?)" He wondered as he had no idea why the robot girl sought strength.</p> <p class="cnNjODhiNGVkODdlMjRhMTdhOGQ2ZGI4MmRiZmQ4NTk0">Kazuya smiled. If he could teach her how to freely use it, there would be no need to look far if he wanted to have a suitable sparring partner to compete with while utilizing mana. He knew that with how hardworking and stubborn the robot girl was, it wouldn't take her that long to make him break a sweat.</p> <p class="cnM0YTZiODlhYjlhZTRjYjA4M2I4NzkyYzhhYTNjM2E2">She was able to complete the strike he asked her to complete the moment he came back to school after his absence. He thought that it would take her at least a month but she proved her talent and determination. This made him change his method of teaching her how to handle pressure. Instead of slowly doing it, he chose a rougher approach.</p> <p class="cnNiYjE5OTA4OGVkMDQwZmE4NWM0MzhmOWE0ZjcyOWZk">Pressure was one thing but bloodlust was another. He still hadn't completely let go of the grudge he had with the version of Tomoyo in his previous life so he made use of it on this version. Tomoyo had fainted multiple times at first but as she woke up finding that nothing happened to her, the trust she had in Kazuya grew.</p> <p class="cnMwYmJhZjNiYWY1NDQyMDZiOTNkYjNhMTc3OTdlYWFl">She indeed feared this version of Kazuya and never wanted to experience it for real. He was really scary when he was angry but she knew that she wouldn't be worthy of standing beside him if she failed his expectations. Kazuya had finally paid attention to her and she was happy to have received his praise when she completed the first task he asked of her. Above anything else, she wanted Kazuya to praise her for her efforts.</p> <p class="cnMwZTEwOTkzMzNkNjRjZmVhMjhiMTVhMDE5ODAyZDlj">Kazuya would shift between the normal pressure and follow it up with bloodlust so she would be able to tell the difference. This girl was extremely sensitive to how people felt so it did not take much explaining for her to know the difference. She wasn't stupid, she knew that he was teaching her the difference so that she could tell if people were being sincere or harbored ill intentions.</p> <p class="cnNiNWJhZmU0Njk1NjQwNDNiOTcwNmU4M2UyODYyMDlk">It took a few days but she was finally able to move despite the heavy pressure she felt. Her trust in Kazuya made her ignore the hesitation of her mind and finally overcame his test. He praised her efforts and even remembered the promise he made to give her a gift but since she progressed earlier than he expected, he still hadn't prepared it.</p> <p class="cnM3NjcxZGMyMmNlMDRkYTA5NmUyNDk5YTVhYTZmNjAw">Kazuya didn't really think much of it but Tomoyo's mind would go blank whenever he patted her head. She was attached to that feeling and wanted him to praise and pat her more. This is why she was determined not to disappoint him in whatever he asked of her.</p> <p class="cnMyNjg0YTM1NjRjZTQwOTdhMWM0ZDQ5NWJjNTNlZWE3">Ayame and Tomoyo were now standing at where the other started their strike. With back against each other, neither looked up right away. Both competitors' eyes were on their own hands. Both of their bamboo swords were broken. Ayame's sword was in pieces while Tomoyo's was snapped in the middle.</p> <p class="cnM3MzBlZjgwYjRkMDQ5MTZhMmVmYTM4YjBlY2Q2YzRk">Tomoyo gripped the handle of her broken bamboo sword hard. She didn't want to lose. She didn't want to not receive his praise after he had called out to her today. Tomoyo raised her head and turned towards the judges. She wanted to know the verdict.</p> <p class="cnMwZDQ4MmU2MmM4NjQ2N2RiZDVkNjFmM2FhZmViZTZk">Two judges raised both red and white flags while the referee in the middle raised a white flag.</p> <p class="cnMzMTEyMzg5NTQ4YTQ2YmJhNzA5ODJmYjY3ZTIyZmI4">"Point Shiroyuki!" He declared as he gestured a hand strike to the two judges. The audience looked up at the big screen for a replay on the last strike.</p> <p class="cnNkNTk4MDcwNmUxNTQxN2FhZTRiNmI2Y2VlYTQ4Yzkz">The screen played the scene where Ayame's sword clashed with Tomoyo's. Ayame's sword started to break the moment their swords touched. Tomoyo's lasted until it was near the handle before it snapped. The other half of her sword bent and was able to cleanly hit Ayame's arm guard. That was not all, Tomoyo also successfully hit Ayame's side using her broken sword as she passed through. She had been shorter so she used the advantage and momentum to land an even more convincing blow.</p> <p class="cnM4Nzk3YWJjZGZjODQ2YTk4MzAwNDRlODM0NWUyMzEy">Tomoyo had gained the first victory. She only needed two more to be crowned the new champion while Ayame would be stuck in second if Tomoyo won all of her matches. This unexpected change riled up the audience as cheers erupted from the crowd. She took off her helmet and proudly walked towards Kazuya and gave him an expecting look.</p> <p class="cnMyOGQ0MGRiNzlmNTRhMDRhZjYzNDlkMTcwYmI5N2M1">"Good work. Looks like there is some value in keeping you around" Kazuya patted her head and used his own mana to let her recover. Her stamina should be drained after unconsciously activating her potential so he helped her out.</p> <p class="cnMyMzFjNWU5M2FkNTQwNjA4ZmJmNDZhN2Q5YjkxZTdm">*n..od* this was what she was looking for. She longed for this warm feeling. Not even Jirou made her feel this way whenever she would pat her head.</p> <p class="cnMzNDc3ZDEzYjFmZjQwY2E4ZjEwYzM3Y2I2OTMwOTJm">"Looks like Kazuya and Tomoyo-chan have become good friends" Kyouko smiled while watching the two children. She glanced at the unusually quiet Mei and was surprised that there was no reaction coming from her.</p> <p class="cnMwNWNhNGU3ZTNiODQ2NDI5YTJlYjRlMmVlZmRhZWI2">"What? Did you think I would freak out or something?" Mei smugly smiled. Indeed, she would have reacted as such if she hadn't talked to Kazuya about that girl. "That girl deserves praise. It was a great match".</p> <p class="cnM1OTBjZGJiYzg2YzQ5NDM5ODMxZTE0ZTk5ZmNiYzNj">She wasn't the only one who thought so. Everyone had applauded the second grader who had successfully started a rivalry with the seemingly invincible Kuronuma Ayame. Now both of them had one win and one loss against each other. Everyone was looking forward to the national tournament should these two meet each other there.</p> <p class="cnNmNGI3MmM0N2M5NDQxMjFiNzgxMTVkYWUwYzBhYTlk">"Kouzuki Kazuya and Akabane Nanami to the stage!" the referee announced. Kazuya was surprised to see a familiar face. They had already met in the team matches, he didn't pay attention to her name but this rough looking girl had lost to him already.</p> <p class="cnNmYWRiM2NmMDI4YjQzNmRhYmVhY2FlMGUyNjZiMWM4">"We meet again pretty lady" he casually greeted her.</p> <p class="cnM1YzU2OTBlZTFkMzQ1OTM4ZmM5MTVkYTc5NjFlMTdk">"Y-you won't be able to distract me this time!" she stuttered.</p> <p class="cnM0ZmFlMWUyZmQ2ODQ4MzA4M2VhOGNjZTdmZGVmOWFm">"Distract? Please forgive me, I had no such intentions. I will keep my mouth shut from now on" Kazuya bowed to apologize.</p> <p class="cnM3YTIzMDI4NzQ5NzRlZTlhNzAyMmMzNDFkMWIzNmM2">"d-don't! Err… I mean… we can talk after the match. I have something to ask you" she fidgeted. She was warned that he was only distracting her earlier to get a win but after he apologized and promised not to talk to her anymore, she quickly took it back.</p> <p class="cnMwYWZiOGI3N2JmNzQxODhhYjc4MzUzODA0NWQ0OTc2">"As you wish" Kazuya got in position.</p> <p class="cnMwZGM1NmEwMjc5NjQ0Y2M5ZTgyZjk3YzIyZTUwNmM5">This was their second match already and everyone was still hung up on Tomoyo and Ayame's amazing match. Kazuya was basically an unknown contender who in their opinion was lucky enough to make it to the final four after beating last tournament's seeded 4th place.</p> <p class="cnM3OGU3YTRkNzc4YTRhMTZhZjNhMmY1ZDQ0NjZmYmVj">"This is going to be boring. Looks like that little boy's luck has run out"<br>"Yeah. I heard some guy from the other team say that he threatened them"</p> <p class="cnMwODBkZWU4OWNlODQ5YzU5MzEyYzYyOWJiMWMyYzYw">Some of the audience's words reached the members of Sacred Forest. They were displeased by this and knew it was the work of those scum from Kazuya's previous school.</p> <p class="cnNiNDIxMTQ1NGFhMTQ3Mjc5ODkxNjRiMDMwN2E1NzJk">"I dare you to say that again" Mei stood up and gave them a chilling look. "My Kazu's luck ran out? Are all of you thinking this blind? No contender he's faced has even landed a solid hit. Bunch of sore losers spreading rumors" They were stunned. No one dared talk back to her they wondered if what they said was true so those who heard, turned towards those who recorded the previous matches.</p> <p class="cnMwMTA3MmI0ZDJmOTQ3Yzg4YzI4ZjYyMGMxNDgwMGI1">"What that lady said is true… it was strange. No one has ever landed a hit on that boy before and he made it look easy doing it" One of them said. All the others who paid attention also mentioned something similar so interest in the current matched had been sparked.</p> <p class="cnM1NWMyOThlZDdlMTRmZjViMDc5NzQ1YzA1NGJkY2Mx">Those who didn't pay attention immediately turned towards the dueling area to find out if this was true.</p> <p class="cnMzNDY5YTM2MTcyMTRiMGM4MWU5OTQ1MWNhMjA0OGU3">"Winner Kouzuki!" the referee declared. Those people quickly turned to the people already on the move to watch the replay. The match ended quickly and like earlier, Akabane had failed to score a single point.<br> <br>The four were given a short 10-minute break. Kazuya used that time to help the robot girl recover more of her strength. Her next match would be against Akabane and although she was not as good as Ayame, she was still a qualified contestant.</p> <p class="cnM0NjA4ODcyNWQ1YTQ0Y2Q5ZWEwMjNmMThjOTAxZTY4">"Next contestants Kuronuma Ayame and Kouzuki Kazuya get ready!" The judge announced.</p> <p class="cnM0YmY1ODM2ZDg4YzQ3MzhiM2RhMjE4ZjI2MzY4NjQ2">Apart from everyone else, the group from the Sacred Forest Academy was waiting for this matchup the most. They had confidence that Kazuya would have no problems but still wanted to see how he would deal with Kuronuma Ayame.</p> <p class="cnM5YzRjYTY5MzQzOTQyN2Q5MTI3OGQwZjc0YzYzMTQz">Those who have seen the replays of his fights also paid close attention. This person had breezed through the tournament without any problems and they didn't even notice. Even Tomoyo had to block with her sword every now and then but Kazuya just scored points almost instantly. They all wondered if he could do the same thing with last year's champion.</p> <p class="cnNiMTA3YzY2OGJlNjQxNDlhYjMzMzJiMmE2YTZiODQ1">"Kouzuki Kazuya… I won't let you deny the connection. I heard your reply in my mind so you heard me in yours" she looked at him with determined eyes. She trusted in herself and what happened earlier. She believed that no matter how he denied it, she wouldn't imagine him replying to her just by herself.</p> <p class="cnM4YzkwZDUwODA1ZDRhOTNiODRmZGY0ODYzMWQxY2Y2">"Connection? (This girl may look mature but she's a bit naïve)" he knew that this girl was referring to the whisper skill.</p> <p class="cnM1OWYxYzNiY2QxNTQ4M2Q5MWY0MmVkMWYwMmNmYmYw">"You will not be able to ruin my concentration like you did with Akabane" Ayame raised her stance and got in position.</p> <p class="cnMwNzI2NDZmZWEwMTQ0ZDdiZmZjN2YxMmMxMzJkNTk5">"I think you have misunderstood me. I have no need for such tricks. As to whether the 'connection' you speak of exists or not. I don't really have much interest" Kazuya casually raised his sword with his left hand.</p> <p class="cnNjMGVhYzM2ZWJmYjQxZTViMjM0ODg5MmI3NzRmYzgz">"BEGIN!"</p> <p class="cnM4YjFmODg2YWJiYTQwZTFhNjA1YTI3NTIyMjg0NWVl">Ayame wasted no time to dash for a strike. Kazuya was aware of how fast she was so he quickly dodged. He actually grew a little interested in what this girl can do since she did unconsciously activate her hidden talent. He wanted to make sure that her current physical state was enough to control it.</p> <p class="cnM1N2IyNGNjOTdjOTQ1NzVhNTMyODRkOTgwYWNhZTFh">It was at this point that Ayame had a thought. Kazuya had refused to acknowledge the connection they shared earlier. Now that he was paying attention and couldn't afford to ignore her, it was the perfect time to test it.</p> <p class="cnM5ODQxNzU3OTM5NjQyOTI5OWUzOTRlYjFkZjNkMmNl">"[Slash to the left]" a voice sounded in Kazuya's mind.</p> <p class="cnNkNDNjZGVlZjM5YTRlYzk4YjZlZDhjYmMxNDkxNjRi">"(This girl… unconsciously telegraphing her moves?)" He grinned. He had to admit that she had multiple talents but without controlling them properly would do more harm to her than good.</p> <p class="cnNlYzI5NjI4NjQyNjRmNDJiOTMxYjM3MjIxYWZlYTQ5">"[Strike to the body]" Kazuya evaded another strike flawlessly. This left the audience speechless. The match was fast paced enough as it was yet the contender they hardly paid any attention to until now was making it look like he was strolling around the park.</p> <p class="cnMyNjU1M2VhNWY5ZjQyYzZiZTU1MjA1ZjNlOTMzYjhk">"(Looks like her breathing changed)" noticing Ayame's stamina dwindling, he decided to make a move.</p> <p class="cnNiMTBjM2ZjNGQ5MTQxMzViMjAyNTQ2ZDM3YmExNjRi">"[Strike to the right!]" Kazuya heard this and immediately dodged left to prepare for a counterattack.</p> <p class="cnNjOWE0YjM5OThkNzQ2OTdiYTJjNmNiMjhkMmQ1ZmE1">BAM!</p> <p class="cnM2ZDRmZDk4NGYwNzQ2NDFhMjE2MGU2ZTI2ZThlYTU3">"Point Kuronuma!" the referee shouted.</p> <p class="cnNmOWU2NDYxZTI3YjQ0NzViMjRlYzhiMzI3ZjgxNmJk">"(I was tricked…?)" Kazuya gave a wry smile and scratched his head. He had to give Ayame some credit for pulling one over him. This made his fighting spirit rise up a little.</p> <p class="cnNkMjY5ZGNkNWQxYTQ1NDViMjJiOWNkMTNmNjkzNjU2">"You won't be able to deny it now right?" Ayame tried to regain her breath as a triumphant smile beamed towards him. She felt accomplished but that suddenly changed when the atmosphere around Kazuya changed.</p> <p class="cnM0MTU0NGVlN2IwMjRlMzlhYWE4OGQ0MGIxZjhhODZl">"Congratulations, you have made me consider you a little seriously"</p> <p class="cnMwYWExM2IxZDI5ODRiMzViYmQxZjY0NDM1ZGMzYzMz">.</p> </div>
. "This girl wasn't the Champion for show. She has incredible reflexes" Kazuya commented. "Yeah she used Shiroyuki's excellent observation skills and executed a marvelous feint" Miyamoto added. "Not only that, because of her size, her opponent has the advantage in reach. (What are you going to do now robot girl?)" Kazuya didn't know. He could understand this girl sometimes but her thoughts were still a mystery no matter how much he spent time with her. Tomoyo glanced at her arm. She hardly felt a thing through her guard but it had made a convincing sound similar to the one that Kazuya had used before. "…" determination filled her eyes. Both girls looked at each other not intending to back down. "BEGIN!" This time, both had stepped out immediately. An intense fight of reflexes begun. Left, right, top, a flurry of their bamboo swords' clashing noises echoed through the arena. The first match is truly suitable to pick this year's champion. Only one mistake would change the difference between winner and loser. The two continued their furious clashes without caring for their remaining stamina. This duel had just been the two of them. Ayame stepped back. She was surprised at the little girl in front of her. Tomoyo's strength surpassed hers. That didn't get her down however as she still had the slight advantage in agility. She took the previous stance which gained her a point and immediately struck before Tomoyo could have the time to think if it was another feint. Tomoyo of course was cautious since this was the strike that made her lose a point. She immediately raised both her hands to avoid a possible feint and to prepare to meet her strike. Time seemed to have slowed down for the both of them. Both of them instinctively knew that this would be the final strike. "!! (These two actually achieved initial ignition at the same time…)" Kazuya was shocked. He knew that Tomoyo was a talent but he never knew that she would be able to achieve this already. She was younger and her opponent had trained longer. Ayame even vaguely made sense of mana so it wasn't much of a surprise for her to achieve this. "(Is it because of what happened to you in the past?)" He wondered as he had no idea why the robot girl sought strength. Kazuya smiled. If he could teach her how to freely use it, there would be no need to look far if he wanted to have a suitable sparring partner to compete with while utilizing mana. He knew that with how hardworking and stubborn the robot girl was, it wouldn't take her that long to make him break a sweat. She was able to complete the strike he asked her to complete the moment he came back to school after his absence. He thought that it would take her at least a month but she proved her talent and determination. This made him change his method of teaching her how to handle pressure. Instead of slowly doing it, he chose a rougher approach. Pressure was one thing but bloodlust was another. He still hadn't completely let go of the grudge he had with the version of Tomoyo in his previous life so he made use of it on this version. Tomoyo had fainted multiple times at first but as she woke up finding that nothing happened to her, the trust she had in Kazuya grew. She indeed feared this version of Kazuya and never wanted to experience it for real. He was really scary when he was angry but she knew that she wouldn't be worthy of standing beside him if she failed his expectations. Kazuya had finally paid attention to her and she was happy to have received his praise when she completed the first task he asked of her. Above anything else, she wanted Kazuya to praise her for her efforts. Kazuya would shift between the normal pressure and follow it up with bloodlust so she would be able to tell the difference. This girl was extremely sensitive to how people felt so it did not take much explaining for her to know the difference. She wasn't stupid, she knew that he was teaching her the difference so that she could tell if people were being sincere or harbored ill intentions. It took a few days but she was finally able to move despite the heavy pressure she felt. Her trust in Kazuya made her ignore the hesitation of her mind and finally overcame his test. He praised her efforts and even remembered the promise he made to give her a gift but since she progressed earlier than he expected, he still hadn't prepared it. Kazuya didn't really think much of it but Tomoyo's mind would go blank whenever he patted her head. She was attached to that feeling and wanted him to praise and pat her more. This is why she was determined not to disappoint him in whatever he asked of her. Ayame and Tomoyo were now standing at where the other started their strike. With back against each other, neither looked up right away. Both competitors' eyes were on their own hands. Both of their bamboo swords were broken. Ayame's sword was in pieces while Tomoyo's was snapped in the middle. Tomoyo gripped the handle of her broken bamboo sword hard. She didn't want to lose. She didn't want to not receive his praise after he had called out to her today. Tomoyo raised her head and turned towards the judges. She wanted to know the verdict. Two judges raised both red and white flags while the referee in the middle raised a white flag. "Point Shiroyuki!" He declared as he gestured a hand strike to the two judges. The audience looked up at the big screen for a replay on the last strike. The screen played the scene where Ayame's sword clashed with Tomoyo's. Ayame's sword started to break the moment their swords touched. Tomoyo's lasted until it was near the handle before it snapped. The other half of her sword bent and was able to cleanly hit Ayame's arm guard. That was not all, Tomoyo also successfully hit Ayame's side using her broken sword as she passed through. She had been shorter so she used the advantage and momentum to land an even more convincing blow. Tomoyo had gained the first victory. She only needed two more to be crowned the new champion while Ayame would be stuck in second if Tomoyo won all of her matches. This unexpected change riled up the audience as cheers erupted from the crowd. She took off her helmet and proudly walked towards Kazuya and gave him an expecting look. "Good work. Looks like there is some value in keeping you around" Kazuya patted her head and used his own mana to let her recover. Her stamina should be drained after unconsciously activating her potential so he helped her out. *n..od* this was what she was looking for. She longed for this warm feeling. Not even Jirou made her feel this way whenever she would pat her head. "Looks like Kazuya and Tomoyo-chan have become good friends" Kyouko smiled while watching the two children. She glanced at the unusually quiet Mei and was surprised that there was no reaction coming from her. "What? Did you think I would freak out or something?" Mei smugly smiled. Indeed, she would have reacted as such if she hadn't talked to Kazuya about that girl. "That girl deserves praise. It was a great match". She wasn't the only one who thought so. Everyone had applauded the second grader who had successfully started a rivalry with the seemingly invincible Kuronuma Ayame. Now both of them had one win and one loss against each other. Everyone was looking forward to the national tournament should these two meet each other there. "Kouzuki Kazuya and Akabane Nanami to the stage!" the referee announced. Kazuya was surprised to see a familiar face. They had already met in the team matches, he didn't pay attention to her name but this rough looking girl had lost to him already. "We meet again pretty lady" he casually greeted her. "Y-you won't be able to distract me this time!" she stuttered. "Distract? Please forgive me, I had no such intentions. I will keep my mouth shut from now on" Kazuya bowed to apologize. "d-don't! Err… I mean… we can talk after the match. I have something to ask you" she fidgeted. She was warned that he was only distracting her earlier to get a win but after he apologized and promised not to talk to her anymore, she quickly took it back. "As you wish" Kazuya got in position. This was their second match already and everyone was still hung up on Tomoyo and Ayame's amazing match. Kazuya was basically an unknown contender who in their opinion was lucky enough to make it to the final four after beating last tournament's seeded 4th place. "This is going to be boring. Looks like that little boy's luck has run out" "Yeah. I heard some guy from the other team say that he threatened them" Some of the audience's words reached the members of Sacred Forest. They were displeased by this and knew it was the work of those scum from Kazuya's previous school. "I dare you to say that again" Mei stood up and gave them a chilling look. "My Kazu's luck ran out? Are all of you thinking this blind? No contender he's faced has even landed a solid hit. Bunch of sore losers spreading rumors" They were stunned. No one dared talk back to her they wondered if what they said was true so those who heard, turned towards those who recorded the previous matches. "What that lady said is true… it was strange. No one has ever landed a hit on that boy before and he made it look easy doing it" One of them said. All the others who paid attention also mentioned something similar so interest in the current matched had been sparked. Those who didn't pay attention immediately turned towards the dueling area to find out if this was true. "Winner Kouzuki!" the referee declared. Those people quickly turned to the people already on the move to watch the replay. The match ended quickly and like earlier, Akabane had failed to score a single point. The four were given a short 10-minute break. Kazuya used that time to help the robot girl recover more of her strength. Her next match would be against Akabane and although she was not as good as Ayame, she was still a qualified contestant. "Next contestants Kuronuma Ayame and Kouzuki Kazuya get ready!" The judge announced. Apart from everyone else, the group from the Sacred Forest Academy was waiting for this matchup the most. They had confidence that Kazuya would have no problems but still wanted to see how he would deal with Kuronuma Ayame. Those who have seen the replays of his fights also paid close attention. This person had breezed through the tournament without any problems and they didn't even notice. Even Tomoyo had to block with her sword every now and then but Kazuya just scored points almost instantly. They all wondered if he could do the same thing with last year's champion. "Kouzuki Kazuya… I won't let you deny the connection. I heard your reply in my mind so you heard me in yours" she looked at him with determined eyes. She trusted in herself and what happened earlier. She believed that no matter how he denied it, she wouldn't imagine him replying to her just by herself. "Connection? (This girl may look mature but she's a bit naïve)" he knew that this girl was referring to the whisper skill. "You will not be able to ruin my concentration like you did with Akabane" Ayame raised her stance and got in position. "I think you have misunderstood me. I have no need for such tricks. As to whether the 'connection' you speak of exists or not. I don't really have much interest" Kazuya casually raised his sword with his left hand. "BEGIN!" Ayame wasted no time to dash for a strike. Kazuya was aware of how fast she was so he quickly dodged. He actually grew a little interested in what this girl can do since she did unconsciously activate her hidden talent. He wanted to make sure that her current physical state was enough to control it. It was at this point that Ayame had a thought. Kazuya had refused to acknowledge the connection they shared earlier. Now that he was paying attention and couldn't afford to ignore her, it was the perfect time to test it. "[Slash to the left]" a voice sounded in Kazuya's mind. "(This girl… unconsciously telegraphing her moves?)" He grinned. He had to admit that she had multiple talents but without controlling them properly would do more harm to her than good. "[Strike to the body]" Kazuya evaded another strike flawlessly. This left the audience speechless. The match was fast paced enough as it was yet the contender they hardly paid any attention to until now was making it look like he was strolling around the park. "(Looks like her breathing changed)" noticing Ayame's stamina dwindling, he decided to make a move. "[Strike to the right!]" Kazuya heard this and immediately dodged left to prepare for a counterattack. BAM! "Point Kuronuma!" the referee shouted. "(I was tricked…?)" Kazuya gave a wry smile and scratched his head. He had to give Ayame some credit for pulling one over him. This made his fighting spirit rise up a little. "You won't be able to deny it now right?" Ayame tried to regain her breath as a triumphant smile beamed towards him. She felt accomplished but that suddenly changed when the atmosphere around Kazuya changed. "Congratulations, you have made me consider you a little seriously" .
{ "title": "PCS to Eden - (I'm on TDY from Hell Book 2)", "id": 16587, "author": "BeamMeUpScotty", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "Crossroads Part 3", "id": 305433, "next": 306994, "prev": 303308, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM4ODI1NGQ0YTk3NDQwNjFhODg0ZDJlZDE5NWNmZDQz">“We’re almost there,” Ava panted as she continued to half-carry the injured archangel toward freedom. They were only a block away now, and she could see the river through the final line of buildings. “We’ve made it.”</p> <p class="cnNiMTU2ZTc5ZDBiYjQ0MjA5ODgxMTcxOGI5MDYwN2Fj">She felt complete satisfaction that things had worked out the way they were supposed to. She’d completed her mission while thinking outside the box. She’d done things other angels would have walked away from because it put them in danger, but she was willing to take the chance to save an archangel.</p> <p class="cnNmMWNiMDAwN2VmZTQwM2JiMDVmZGU0NGFkNDAyZTQ2">When it came down to it, Heaven couldn’t lose the Voice of God any less than they could one of their most formidable generals and leaders. Gabriel was irreplaceable, and Ava had brought him to safety.</p> <p class="cnMyYjA0ZGI5N2RhYTQzOGE4OTRiZGI3OTNjNWFlMDI0">She was flying high on their victory that she nearly missed Gabriel’s whispered words. “No we didn’t.”</p> <p class="cnM2MTIyNzRjMGFiOTRmZTRhNGY5OTAyNmQ1ZDIyMDU4">“Wha…”Ava frowned at him, but when she turned her eyes back forward she saw their path was barred.</p> <p class="cnNkMjcyMTFhOGZlMzRiNWFhNjU5ODMxYzUwYzcyNTQx">She didn’t recognize the woman, but she radiated power. She assumed it must be Hippolyta, the Amazon Queen, by the way Gabriel was looking at her. Ava only gave the woman a short glance before her gaze settled on the man standing next to her.</p> <p class="cnM4NWUxMGY0ODg2YzQ0MTNhYWQzMjdhOTk1MzE4ZWYw"><em>&lt;Impossible.&gt; </em>Her brain was slow to connect the dots. The face, body, expression, and even the power she felt emanating from him wasn’t supposed to exist.</p> <p class="cnM3ODlkYWJmOGI2MjQzMjViYTU5YTA5ZGY4NjRhNDcx">The man looked just as confused as she did as he looked at them. His eye passed over Gabriel, and settled on her. The recognition in them confirmed Ava’s worst fears.</p> <p class="cnNkZDJmMWI2YmRlNzRjYzliODMyNWU3YmNjNDQ0YTM2">“YOU!” She screamed in anguish and anger as Maria’s killer stood alive in front of her.</p> <p class="cnM3Nzk4ZWFiZDczMTRiYjg5MGVlMjk1NzEyNDU4NDZi">Rage blotted out all conscious thought as she grabbed at her Divine power and pulled. She didn’t care if every Amazon in existence came bearing down on them because of it, but she needed power to end the man who killed her daughter once and for all.</p> <p class="cnM1NmM4NjM1NWQ5ZDQxMTU4N2YzNTBlZjQxNmU0YWZl">She screamed at Gerald Fuller. There was no meaning behind the words other than a way to release the pain at seeing him. She felt her power slowly return to her and she funneled all of it into her greatest weapon. The Hand of God began to glow as she directed every scrap of energy she could into it.</p> <p class="cnM4ODFlYzIwNTNjZTQwNmE4YzFhZTg0OWFlYjY4Yzg2">“Ava…” Gabriel’s tone held a warning, but she didn’t listen.</p> <p class="cnMwNGFjMTAwMjYwODRlMWI5YTI5NjJmMjFiN2E1NWI4">There was only one thing on her mind, and only one thing that could quench the inferno of emotion burning within her. Gerald Fuller, fake martial magician, and Infernal agent needed to die…again.</p> <p class="cnNjYmE5NDI4Y2YyYTRkNjZhMzlkY2U5NGJmNGM2YmE5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NGIyZmNhYTcyODQ2MjY4ZTM0NTRiYmM3MDZhNDk5">***</p> <p class="cnM3MzQ3NGNjZWQ1MzQ5ZGE5MDBjYWI5YjliOGIzNjZi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkNmNkMTM1NDRhODQ5NGE4YjczNjViMjU3YTVkZjZl">“Geez, what did you do to her? Not call her in the morning?” Death elbowed Gerry in the ribs as waves of energy continued to pour off Ava. She was the exact last person he expected to see when he woke up in the morning.</p> <p class="cnNlMDU4NjlkZDdmNTRjNzdhMDk0ZTJiYmRiMjcxNmQ5">The man who was leaning on her for support Gerry didn’t recognize, but by the look in his eyes, he recognized Death, and his expression was properly terrified.</p> <p class="cnM4NDY5OGJlMTkzZjQyOGJhYTBkNTZjNGJjYWQxNzM0">“What should we do?” Gerry whispered. He could tell Ava was clearly building toward something, and his gut told him it wouldn’t be good for his health.</p> <p class="cnNlN2VjYzYzNDFjMjQ5OGY4OTc2YWVmMGRkZWE5ZGJk">Death closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Can you taste it?” she seemed to be talking more to herself than him. “There is nothing better in the world than pure, unadulterated rage. It’s like a fine wine. You bottle it before letting it sit and fester. The longer it goes, the better it tastes. I’d put this bouquet at less than six months, but there is a trace of sorrow to it that gives it a floral scent. Can you taste it, Young Gerry.”</p> <p class="cnNiYWUwNzFhNGEzODQwNWZhYTUwY2U5YTFjODk0N2Jj">The only thing Gerry could taste was the bile rising in his throat. Every instinct he had was telling him to get the hell out of there, but his fear of Death outweighed his fear of Ava. <em>&lt;She said she’d protect me.&gt; </em>He tried to bolster his courage, but the glow from Ava’s had was making that more difficult by the second.</p> <p class="cnMzNzJlZTVmMGMzMDRkYTI4MDc3Yzc4ZjUyNDUxN2Jm">The seconds passed and no one moved. Ava continued to seethe and her hand grew brighter and brighter. Soon it was like trying to look at the sun, and Gerry had to look away. A whining noise started to build in the air. It reminded Gerry of the times right after a volley of musket-fire knocked out his hearing. Gradually, sound would return, but accompanied by the same whine. The man with Ava was trying to say something to her, but Gerry couldn’t hear it over the noise. That was confusing. When he wanted to, his power allowed him to use his senses far more efficiently than humans.</p> <p class="cnM1NWM2Yjc2MDlkZjQ5YmZhNDI0OTBmMmI5MjFiNWJh">“It’s the æther.” Death said as she read his mind. “It’s being pushed and pulled inward. She’s bending the will of the cosmos far more than she should. She must really hate you, Gerry Dear. What did you do to her?”</p> <p class="cnNkODY2MTYxZWViMjQ2MjdhYjcwMGNlMjRiNWM2ZWY2">“I helped kill her daughter.” He answered tonelessly. The whining evolved into a ringing that was growing painful.</p> <p class="cnM0MDRmODk3ZGIwYTQxYmI4M2U3OThhOGEzOGUwNWMy">“Wow. I didn’t see that one coming.” Death actually laughed, and that was the straw the broke the camel’s back.</p> <p class="cnM0ZGVhNzRlZmY2NTQxZTk5MGZlNzMxMzA0OTQzNmQ3">Ava let out an unintelligible scream and a ray of light blasted from her hand.</p> <p class="cnM0ZGY0MDFhY2ZhYTQyNjJhZWE4NjljNTQwMWIwNGQ4"><em>&lt;Death was right,&gt; </em>was Gerry’s last thought as he saw reality ripple around the blast. Whatever this was, it was a serious upgrade from the last time he faced off with Ava. <em>&lt;And last time she killed me.&gt; </em>Gerry closed his eyes, put his trust in Death, and waited for the inevitable.</p> <p class="cnM4N2JkMzFmOTZjYjQ5OGRiZjFmMGY2NjNiZGE5Yzg2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwMDQ5YWNmYzA3ODRiOWNhZjM1NzQwYWVmYTc0MDk5">***</p> <p class="cnM5N2YxZDA2OWExYTQ3Y2Q5YjJlZDdhM2Y4ZWJhYzMw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NDM4MzI1ZjYyYTQ1ZGQ5ODNhMGUzY2UxMDVjMTQ4">“DIE YOU BASTARD!” Ava screamed as she fired, but something was different this time. Everything around the beam seemed to bow outward as reality stretched. She would have paid more attention to it, but her eyes were fixed on Gerald Fuller, and every iota of her being was praying for a horrible death consumed in Divine energy.</p> <p class="cnM2ODQ5Yjg5MGRiYzQ5MWNiMmFmYzAyZjgyOWQ4NTI3">Before the beam made it to Gerald the woman he was with stepped in front of him and opened her mouth. Ava assumed it was to scream, and she wondered why this woman was sacrificing herself for such a piece of shit, but then her beam shuddered.</p> <p class="cnNjZGM1ZTEwYzI2YTQ2NDY5MjI4NDA4ZWFjMDk3YjUy"><em>&lt;What?!&gt; </em>It was like something had locked onto the pure energy.</p> <p class="cnNjYTM3NWQyNWUzNzRhYThiZjQyNjk1ZjBjMjJkNDBi">Then Ava saw the woman’s mouth. Something dark was stirring within and she could feel the insatiable hunger radiating from it. Her attack, which had been aimed carefully, gave another jerk, and changed course for the woman’s mouth. When the beam finally struck her, Ava expected some cataclysmic explosion. Instead, the beam simply disappeared into her mouth. The energy from the Hand of God, one of the most formidable weapons in existence, was swallowed whole by this mysterious person.</p> <p class="cnMzOWUyZDA1MWEwMzQ5MmU5YWQ2N2Y0YjMxY2UxY2Yz">As reality flexed back to normal, and the ringing from the Divine energy subsided, Ava didn’t know what to do but stand there and look confused. <em>&lt;How?&gt;</em></p> <p class="cnM5NWI3OTU0NjE4ODQxMzk5NTViMmNkZDc5NzhlOTYz">To add insult to injury, the woman belched loud enough to knock loose debris free of nearby buildings. Now, Ava wanted to hurt her too.</p> <p class="cnM4ZDU1MzQwYWM3OTRkZDg5N2RhNzlmMmY1OGRmZTIw">“Do not move. Do not breathe. Do not speak. And for the love of our Father do not antagonize her.” Gabriel commanded as he slid in front of her. The gesture made his frail body seem even weaker, and it went against her mission, but when she tried to push him away he held her back.</p> <p class="cnM2OWNlZjM2MWFjMDQ5NmJiMDE2N2YwNGU1ZDU1ODAz">As the woman made her way toward them, with Gerry in tow like a show dog, Gabriel bowed at the waist. A silent jab in the ribs made Ava do that same.</p> <p class="cnM1NGI1NjYzNDI2NTQ4NjU4ZmYxODBiNzE3YzRmYjNh">“Hello, Auntie. Please forgive the misunderstanding. What brings you to Eden?”</p> <p class="cnMzMDk3ZjBlNzJkNjRhMTZhOTY4N2FlOGZmNGY5Nzkz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiZDQxNTI3MDJiYjRjZjk5YTRmOWM0OGM2NTZhMDI2">***</p> <p class="cnMyYjQ2N2M3OTQ5MzQ5YWI5OTQ0MzY5ZDdlMmMwOGFl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmMTQxYzc5NTViZTQ1NDJiYjk3MzJmYmNlOThjNDA3">Gerry watched as the man Ava had been supporting stepped in front of her and bowed. He caught the word ‘auntie’, but his head was still ringing from the exchange of power. It might not have done anything to him, but he was seeing the equivalent of ætherial spots in his vision as the æther realigned itself. Whatever weapon Ava had used could do substantial damage to this realm if used wrong.</p> <p class="cnNjZmYxY2NmNGMzZDQ3ZjRiMDc4OTk2YjA2OWU3N2Zm">What was even more wrong was Death simply swallowing the attack like she was chugging from a keg. He had so many questions he wanted answered, but he knew better than to ask. The smile on Death’s face showed she was enjoying herself, so he’d just have to find out later.</p> <p class="cnM2MzJiYWE3ZDA5NTQzZWZhNzIxM2FkMTlkYzY2MTUy">“Is that you, Gabriel?” She practically skipped to within a few feet of the man. “Look at you, you’re all grown up. What’s it been ten, twenty thousand years?”</p> <p class="cnM4NDI0Y2MwOTNiNTQxOTE4MjkxYTVhNzgwZDEwMTNh">“Closer to a hundred, Auntie.” The man called Gabriel replied respectfully.</p> <p class="cnM2YzkxMWQ3NGQ1OTRjODQ5Yzg5MzMyZDQ3ZjNkMzQx"><em>&lt;Oh shit.&gt; </em>Gerry put two and two together. <em>&lt;Auntie…with Ava…been around for at least a hundred thousand year…this is the Archangel Gabriel.&gt; </em>Now Gerry felt like he should be doing some bowing.</p> <p class="cnMxYzIyZDJhMzkyZDRjZjY5ZDczNWUyY2JhNDU2MTcw">“And you,” Death’s neck elongated to the length of an anaconda as she peered around Gabriel at Ava. “You’re a ballsy young one aren’t you? I like that, but is your courage a product of youthful naivety, or do you really have the stones.”</p> <p class="cnNiOWU2NDQzZWM1NjRjODQ5MGVmOWFiZWQ1MzQwZjRj">Ava’s face was red with anger, but she kept her mouth shut.</p> <p class="cnNlYzE1MDZlYTlhMzRiNjBiNTM4MTZmNzNjNTc4NmRi">“Come on! Speak for yourself. I can feel you want to. You want to scream it from the rooftops. You want to howl at the moon. Tell me child. What do you want?”</p> <p class="cnNmNzRlN2FkMDkyNDQ0NzlhZDAyOTNkNmQwYmVjOWZm">“I want that fucker’s head!” Ava’s composure broke and she pointed at Gerry.</p> <p class="cnM5MjAxMTI2YWFlMjRlZTBhZThiNjMwNzk2OWZlNmZk">“Ha Ha,” Death clapped and looked pleased with herself. “Finally some honesty.”</p> <p class="cnM1YWIzNzA3MjYwZDRlMzhiOGUwYmM5Y2EzNWVjODE3">Death turned around to regard Gerry, and Gerry’s eyes watched as Ava tried to make a move against her, but Gabriel held her back. His grimace showed just how hard that was for him, which meant he was weak.</p> <p class="cnM4MDZmY2Y4MmQyZjRmNWViNWVlOTAxYjMxMDU4Y2Vj">“I’m inclined to give you the opportunity.” Death decided a few seconds later.</p> <p class="cnMyMzA4NTgxMmZkNDQ5ZDM4OGVmZTQ2ZTA3MWU5NjQz">“What?” Ava looked surprised.</p> <p class="cnM1NzE2Nzg3YzExNDRhNmJhYzI2MmFhMWE5YmQyZTJl">“What!?” Gerry was sure he was more surprised.</p> <p class="cnM3ODNiYzVkNjMzNDQ1MjA5ZjIxOTUxOGYwZGM2N2Y3">“Of course, we need to level the playing field.” Death whipped back around and was smiling again. “I can feel you gathering your forsaken æther. That was smart to avoid detection with Gabriel as weak as he is. You might have even made it if I hadn’t been looking for something to play with.” Ava’s triumphant expression dropped as Death continued to speak. “With your power level poor Gerry is no match for you, and I abhor an unfair fight. We need to even the odds.” Death’s face was particularly terrifying as she turned her attention to Gabriel. “What do you say, Gabe? The old ways were always the best. I think a little ritual sacrifice is in order.”</p> <p class="cnNmNGE4ZTMxNzk3YzRjZTFiOGE2MGRmNTg4YjkwYWEx">Gerry saw Gabriel gulp. <em>&lt;Who are we going to sacrifice?&gt; </em></p> <p class="cnM4NzRlODJjYjQ4MTQ4Njc4YjFkYTA0OWU2OWRkMjE3">“Should we get on with it?” Death rubbed her hands together with anticipation.</p> <p class="cnM2MDhhY2IzNWI5MjQwNjk5MDAzZGMwZjcyY2IxNWZm">“Auntie, please.” Gabriel didn’t sound like a mighty archangel as he begged.</p> <p class="cnNkYWI4ZmZlOGI4NTRhMTc5OTNlNmMwYjg4Nzc1M2I5">“Stiff upper chin, Gabriel.” Death chided. “Show some backbone in front of the younglings.”</p> <p class="cnNjYWY2YzdiN2IzNTQ2OGRiZjIzMWU5MGQ5ZmU4ODdi">“I…”Gabriel didn’t have a chance to respond. Before anyone could react, Death was in front of him and had punched her hand through his chest.</p> <p class="cnMyNTdhZDIzYjU4NTRlYzJhMzI3OGNhOGU2Y2IyMjU3">The crunch of bone and sucking sound of blood and slippery muscle was something Gerry would never forget.</p> <p class="cnNlZmMyMGI0YTllOTQ5NDI5ZTE4YTViZjc1ZTA0NTBh">“No!” Ava screamed out, but Death flickered her wrist and Ava went careening sideways. A sonic boom announced she’d broken the speed of sound before she impacted the nearest building. The whole structure shuddered and looked on the brink of collapse, but froze with another hand gesture from Death.</p> <p class="cnNkNGRhYWY2MzNhZDQxYTBhYTM0NTgxOWZlZTZkZjMz">Her attention wasn’t even on the attack or the building. It was completely focused on Gabriel. The archangel’s face was deathly pale and he was struggling to draw breath. Death was chanting something under her breath. The words sounded deep and bottomless, like they weren’t being spoken by a simple woman at a Manhattan intersection.</p> <p class="cnNiZmQ5NmFhYzA3YjQ2NGY4YzY5MTA5MmZmZTNhZjI0">“A…a…auntie,” Gabriel gasped.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGE3MzE0YTcwYTRlNTQ4NjY4YTMzMzU4ODIyZjNi">“Shhhhh,” the sound was surprisingly motherly as Death used her free hand to comb his hair to the side. “It’s almost over.”</p> <p class="cnNhYjlkZDE5NjZmOTRkNjRhOTcyNjI0NWRkZDcxMTk3">Gerry felt whenever “it” was over. There was a monumental shift. Serious vertigo hit him and sent him tumbling onto his ass. When he looked up, or at least what he thought was up, Death was standing over him cupping something between her hands.</p> <p class="cnMyZmFiZjc1ZTJmODQ4YTc4ZWMwYTVhODA5OGZmYjUz">“Come here, Gerry dearest,” she cooed and something unseen grabbed Gerry and hoisted him into the air. “You have a part to play in this game, and I’m going to give you the power to be more than a pawn.”</p> <p class="cnNiZWIzNjEyMDg4ODRkOWI4ZDc2ODkyNTFlMmNiMGMz">Then, slowly, like she was making a point, Death took the shifting mass of energy in her hand and punched it into Gerry’s chest.</p> <p class="cnNmNDk4NDFiMjFiZTRjYTdhMWVmYmQ2NDMzN2U1NTk5">Gerry screamed out, but he had no voice. Everything in him was burning. A raging inferno was devouring him from the inside out. Death had put a cancer in him, and the disease wasn’t waiting around. It ate through him with ruthless efficiency.</p> <p class="cnM3ZTRkNjRmOTBiNTQzYTQ4YjllMjYyNTVjYzhiNWFk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlNDQwYjkyNjljNjRhYmI5MWJmNDNkM2I3OWQ2ZWZk">***</p> <p class="cnMzMzM1MmIxMzdlNDQxMDQ4ZTJjNTg0NDA1ZWM0ZWU1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyN2IzNzEzNjY2NjQxOTc5OGY2MjFmNGU0Y2Y5MmZh">Death dropped Gerry to the ground, and watched him writhe in pain. His eyes were rolled into the back of his head and he was foaming at the mouth. She was mildly impressed that he hadn’t passed out or died yet, which was a good sign. The longer he was conscious the shorter the process.</p> <p class="cnNiYjdkYzJjOGY0NTRmZTY5ZTRhYzY0YzE2NGJkYWRh">She stood back and looked within him at the gift she’d bestowed. <em>&lt;Mmmm not quite right.&gt; </em>Like a hacker manipulating computer code, Death delved into Gerry’s programming and started to make changes. Changes that would make the game that much more enjoyable.</p> <p class="cnNlOWRlMTMxOTY4NDQyYjM4MmQzOWFkYzYxNDYwN2Rk">She felt the building’s foundations begin to shift as the lesser angel regained her senses. She was still weak. She’d given her all when she tried to kill Gerry, but she’d neglected herself in the process. She had only a slim bit of power when Death gently swatted her away. It was enough to shatter her body, and delay her return enough so Death could focus on the task at hand.</p> <p class="cnM3YWE4NzIzNDUwZjRiYTE4MjNhZDQwNTg5ZDU1YmIw"><em>&lt;Nearly there…Last chance.&gt; </em>She smiled and looked around. <em>&lt;Nothing…fine.&gt; </em>She did the equivalent of his the save button and Gerry went still.</p> <p class="cnNmMDcwNWE5ZmZlODQ1ZWJiOWZmMTUwMWM5ZTA1Yzdh">There was utter silence before a thunderclap shook the city. “About time.” Death threw her hands in the air. “For the love of You. You’d think I’d have to burn down your little sandbox before you came out to play, Brother.”</p> <p class="cnM3ZDdmYmZlZGFhMzRkNjA4NWRlNjU5NjdiZDUwZWIx">Death turned around and smiled at God.</p> </div>
“We’re almost there,” Ava panted as she continued to half-carry the injured archangel toward freedom. They were only a block away now, and she could see the river through the final line of buildings. “We’ve made it.” She felt complete satisfaction that things had worked out the way they were supposed to. She’d completed her mission while thinking outside the box. She’d done things other angels would have walked away from because it put them in danger, but she was willing to take the chance to save an archangel. When it came down to it, Heaven couldn’t lose the Voice of God any less than they could one of their most formidable generals and leaders. Gabriel was irreplaceable, and Ava had brought him to safety. She was flying high on their victory that she nearly missed Gabriel’s whispered words. “No we didn’t.” “Wha…”Ava frowned at him, but when she turned her eyes back forward she saw their path was barred. She didn’t recognize the woman, but she radiated power. She assumed it must be Hippolyta, the Amazon Queen, by the way Gabriel was looking at her. Ava only gave the woman a short glance before her gaze settled on the man standing next to her. *<Impossible.>* Her brain was slow to connect the dots. The face, body, expression, and even the power she felt emanating from him wasn’t supposed to exist. The man looked just as confused as she did as he looked at them. His eye passed over Gabriel, and settled on her. The recognition in them confirmed Ava’s worst fears. “YOU!” She screamed in anguish and anger as Maria’s killer stood alive in front of her. Rage blotted out all conscious thought as she grabbed at her Divine power and pulled. She didn’t care if every Amazon in existence came bearing down on them because of it, but she needed power to end the man who killed her daughter once and for all. She screamed at Gerald Fuller. There was no meaning behind the words other than a way to release the pain at seeing him. She felt her power slowly return to her and she funneled all of it into her greatest weapon. The Hand of God began to glow as she directed every scrap of energy she could into it. “Ava…” Gabriel’s tone held a warning, but she didn’t listen. There was only one thing on her mind, and only one thing that could quench the inferno of emotion burning within her. Gerald Fuller, fake martial magician, and Infernal agent needed to die…again.   ***   “Geez, what did you do to her? Not call her in the morning?” Death elbowed Gerry in the ribs as waves of energy continued to pour off Ava. She was the exact last person he expected to see when he woke up in the morning. The man who was leaning on her for support Gerry didn’t recognize, but by the look in his eyes, he recognized Death, and his expression was properly terrified. “What should we do?” Gerry whispered. He could tell Ava was clearly building toward something, and his gut told him it wouldn’t be good for his health. Death closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Can you taste it?” she seemed to be talking more to herself than him. “There is nothing better in the world than pure, unadulterated rage. It’s like a fine wine. You bottle it before letting it sit and fester. The longer it goes, the better it tastes. I’d put this bouquet at less than six months, but there is a trace of sorrow to it that gives it a floral scent. Can you taste it, Young Gerry.” The only thing Gerry could taste was the bile rising in his throat. Every instinct he had was telling him to get the hell out of there, but his fear of Death outweighed his fear of Ava. *<She said she’d protect me.>* He tried to bolster his courage, but the glow from Ava’s had was making that more difficult by the second. The seconds passed and no one moved. Ava continued to seethe and her hand grew brighter and brighter. Soon it was like trying to look at the sun, and Gerry had to look away. A whining noise started to build in the air. It reminded Gerry of the times right after a volley of musket-fire knocked out his hearing. Gradually, sound would return, but accompanied by the same whine. The man with Ava was trying to say something to her, but Gerry couldn’t hear it over the noise. That was confusing. When he wanted to, his power allowed him to use his senses far more efficiently than humans. “It’s the æther.” Death said as she read his mind. “It’s being pushed and pulled inward. She’s bending the will of the cosmos far more than she should. She must really hate you, Gerry Dear. What did you do to her?” “I helped kill her daughter.” He answered tonelessly. The whining evolved into a ringing that was growing painful. “Wow. I didn’t see that one coming.” Death actually laughed, and that was the straw the broke the camel’s back. Ava let out an unintelligible scream and a ray of light blasted from her hand. *<Death was right,>* was Gerry’s last thought as he saw reality ripple around the blast. Whatever this was, it was a serious upgrade from the last time he faced off with Ava. *<And last time she killed me.>* Gerry closed his eyes, put his trust in Death, and waited for the inevitable.   ***   “DIE YOU BASTARD!” Ava screamed as she fired, but something was different this time. Everything around the beam seemed to bow outward as reality stretched. She would have paid more attention to it, but her eyes were fixed on Gerald Fuller, and every iota of her being was praying for a horrible death consumed in Divine energy. Before the beam made it to Gerald the woman he was with stepped in front of him and opened her mouth. Ava assumed it was to scream, and she wondered why this woman was sacrificing herself for such a piece of shit, but then her beam shuddered. *<What?!>* It was like something had locked onto the pure energy. Then Ava saw the woman’s mouth. Something dark was stirring within and she could feel the insatiable hunger radiating from it. Her attack, which had been aimed carefully, gave another jerk, and changed course for the woman’s mouth. When the beam finally struck her, Ava expected some cataclysmic explosion. Instead, the beam simply disappeared into her mouth. The energy from the Hand of God, one of the most formidable weapons in existence, was swallowed whole by this mysterious person. As reality flexed back to normal, and the ringing from the Divine energy subsided, Ava didn’t know what to do but stand there and look confused. *<How?>* To add insult to injury, the woman belched loud enough to knock loose debris free of nearby buildings. Now, Ava wanted to hurt her too. “Do not move. Do not breathe. Do not speak. And for the love of our Father do not antagonize her.” Gabriel commanded as he slid in front of her. The gesture made his frail body seem even weaker, and it went against her mission, but when she tried to push him away he held her back. As the woman made her way toward them, with Gerry in tow like a show dog, Gabriel bowed at the waist. A silent jab in the ribs made Ava do that same. “Hello, Auntie. Please forgive the misunderstanding. What brings you to Eden?”   ***   Gerry watched as the man Ava had been supporting stepped in front of her and bowed. He caught the word ‘auntie’, but his head was still ringing from the exchange of power. It might not have done anything to him, but he was seeing the equivalent of ætherial spots in his vision as the æther realigned itself. Whatever weapon Ava had used could do substantial damage to this realm if used wrong. What was even more wrong was Death simply swallowing the attack like she was chugging from a keg. He had so many questions he wanted answered, but he knew better than to ask. The smile on Death’s face showed she was enjoying herself, so he’d just have to find out later. “Is that you, Gabriel?” She practically skipped to within a few feet of the man. “Look at you, you’re all grown up. What’s it been ten, twenty thousand years?” “Closer to a hundred, Auntie.” The man called Gabriel replied respectfully. *<Oh shit.>* Gerry put two and two together. *<Auntie…with Ava…been around for at least a hundred thousand year…this is the Archangel Gabriel.>* Now Gerry felt like he should be doing some bowing. “And you,” Death’s neck elongated to the length of an anaconda as she peered around Gabriel at Ava. “You’re a ballsy young one aren’t you? I like that, but is your courage a product of youthful naivety, or do you really have the stones.” Ava’s face was red with anger, but she kept her mouth shut. “Come on! Speak for yourself. I can feel you want to. You want to scream it from the rooftops. You want to howl at the moon. Tell me child. What do you want?” “I want that fucker’s head!” Ava’s composure broke and she pointed at Gerry. “Ha Ha,” Death clapped and looked pleased with herself. “Finally some honesty.” Death turned around to regard Gerry, and Gerry’s eyes watched as Ava tried to make a move against her, but Gabriel held her back. His grimace showed just how hard that was for him, which meant he was weak. “I’m inclined to give you the opportunity.” Death decided a few seconds later. “What?” Ava looked surprised. “What!?” Gerry was sure he was more surprised. “Of course, we need to level the playing field.” Death whipped back around and was smiling again. “I can feel you gathering your forsaken æther. That was smart to avoid detection with Gabriel as weak as he is. You might have even made it if I hadn’t been looking for something to play with.” Ava’s triumphant expression dropped as Death continued to speak. “With your power level poor Gerry is no match for you, and I abhor an unfair fight. We need to even the odds.” Death’s face was particularly terrifying as she turned her attention to Gabriel. “What do you say, Gabe? The old ways were always the best. I think a little ritual sacrifice is in order.” Gerry saw Gabriel gulp. *<Who are we going to sacrifice?>* “Should we get on with it?” Death rubbed her hands together with anticipation. “Auntie, please.” Gabriel didn’t sound like a mighty archangel as he begged. “Stiff upper chin, Gabriel.” Death chided. “Show some backbone in front of the younglings.” “I…”Gabriel didn’t have a chance to respond. Before anyone could react, Death was in front of him and had punched her hand through his chest. The crunch of bone and sucking sound of blood and slippery muscle was something Gerry would never forget. “No!” Ava screamed out, but Death flickered her wrist and Ava went careening sideways. A sonic boom announced she’d broken the speed of sound before she impacted the nearest building. The whole structure shuddered and looked on the brink of collapse, but froze with another hand gesture from Death. Her attention wasn’t even on the attack or the building. It was completely focused on Gabriel. The archangel’s face was deathly pale and he was struggling to draw breath. Death was chanting something under her breath. The words sounded deep and bottomless, like they weren’t being spoken by a simple woman at a Manhattan intersection. “A…a…auntie,” Gabriel gasped. “Shhhhh,” the sound was surprisingly motherly as Death used her free hand to comb his hair to the side. “It’s almost over.” Gerry felt whenever “it” was over. There was a monumental shift. Serious vertigo hit him and sent him tumbling onto his ass. When he looked up, or at least what he thought was up, Death was standing over him cupping something between her hands. “Come here, Gerry dearest,” she cooed and something unseen grabbed Gerry and hoisted him into the air. “You have a part to play in this game, and I’m going to give you the power to be more than a pawn.” Then, slowly, like she was making a point, Death took the shifting mass of energy in her hand and punched it into Gerry’s chest. Gerry screamed out, but he had no voice. Everything in him was burning. A raging inferno was devouring him from the inside out. Death had put a cancer in him, and the disease wasn’t waiting around. It ate through him with ruthless efficiency.   ***   Death dropped Gerry to the ground, and watched him writhe in pain. His eyes were rolled into the back of his head and he was foaming at the mouth. She was mildly impressed that he hadn’t passed out or died yet, which was a good sign. The longer he was conscious the shorter the process. She stood back and looked within him at the gift she’d bestowed. *<Mmmm not quite right.>* Like a hacker manipulating computer code, Death delved into Gerry’s programming and started to make changes. Changes that would make the game that much more enjoyable. She felt the building’s foundations begin to shift as the lesser angel regained her senses. She was still weak. She’d given her all when she tried to kill Gerry, but she’d neglected herself in the process. She had only a slim bit of power when Death gently swatted her away. It was enough to shatter her body, and delay her return enough so Death could focus on the task at hand. *<Nearly there…Last chance.>* She smiled and looked around. *<Nothing…fine.>* She did the equivalent of his the save button and Gerry went still. There was utter silence before a thunderclap shook the city. “About time.” Death threw her hands in the air. “For the love of You. You’d think I’d have to burn down your little sandbox before you came out to play, Brother.” Death turned around and smiled at God.
{ "title": "Flow", "id": 15835, "author": "KayL", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "In Peace.Ch40", "id": 305354, "next": 305649, "prev": 305041, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNjZjc3N2U5M2RhYTRlZjU4M2RkMDk3MzFjZTlhNjdl" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I rise to my feet with Celyz' help, setting the forging awl into the ground for stability once more, and because I still feel weak. I realize that I can detect <em>flow</em> in silver when Celyz dismantles the construct weaved in my brain.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZjhmYWY2NjZlMzRjYjdhOTA0MzYwZTAwMmViMDZh" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I pay close attention to the darkness caused by the blindfold over my eyes, noticing the fact that there is a silvery aura coming from the sun's position and that there are flickers of silver that last mere split seconds erupting around me.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNGY3ZDc1MWVlOTQxODg5ZTc1Y2ZmNTQwZTE5OGYw" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">It isn't too hard to assign those flickers to Yvonne, Celyz, and Cetyz. <em>So this is useful but I'll have to pay attention to it because the silver flashes do not last</em>. I take a deep breath to steady my nerves.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZWM1NjcwM2I3ZDRlZjliZDQ5MjBhNzgxZGM0OGJi" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Thank you, Queen Grikyz.” I speak up.</span></p> <p class="cnM5OTliZDcyNjJmZTQ2Yzg4ZTc0YWZhODE4NWE2Mzlm" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“<strong>May you find fertile ground and sunlight to shine on your endeavors, Jessica Elizabeth Vil.</strong>” Grikyz responds. </span></p> <p class="cnMxMjUwN2I1Zjg5MDQwNDg5YTI2OWU0NWVhZGUyNDYw" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“I wish the Silver Hive a safe return home.” I quickly answer, caught by surprise by the abrupt end she's putting to the encounter even though it is typical of the Rykz.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZjRkYjEzYmZjNzRlYWY5Y2UwZjI5Y2UwMTVjNTg4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">Flashes of silver accompany her every step as she pulls herself out of the water. As helpful as it may be in the future, it really doesn't help me find my way. I frown at the idea of standing there in resignation.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NDkyOGJiYzZlNTRjNjRiM2I5OGU4OWEyZDg2MGUx" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Is Fenyz around?” I ask whoever will answer me. “Or Idali for that matter.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5YTQ0NTFkNWQxZTQ0YmU4MWEzNjcwNGVjMmE4YWQ0" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“They came over and left, they shouldn't be far.” Celyz answers me.<br>“Do you mind leading me to them?” I ask.<br>“I do not think exerting yourself is a good idea.” She tells me.<br>“I'll remain until my eyes have healed, Celyz.” I say with a smile. “We'll have plenty of time alone together.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmMjk3ZThmZWNiMjQyNzFiMDJiMTI4ZWM5ZDNiOTAz" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“<em>Hmph.</em>” She exhales with a touch of humor. “It is quite vexing for you to be this perceptive but it makes me happy.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzOGVlNmRjZDVkMDRiODM4YTZiY2RkYmZkYmViMGRj" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I hold my hand out for Celyz to take hold of, which she takes hold of along with my waist, using those holds to guide me as we head out side by side. I hear Yvonne trail behind us from afar.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYmI3MWE4M2RkMDQ4YzJhYzE5NGY1ZDFmZGEwNzQ4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">As we progress, Celyz sustains me with her tendrils, helping me walk. I gently tap her tendrils with my elbow to tell her to quit it, which she does. It does a lot for my state of mind to be putting the effort in instead of behind helped.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYzE5NzUxOWY1YTQ3MmQ5NWRlMzY2NGIzMDNkMTQ1" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">The ghostly pain in my left arm has yet to vanish but it doesn't bother me as I take it as a reminder that I have a long way to go to become powerful and not enough to get there, shortcuts have a steep cost.<br></span></p> <p class="cnM3YzVkNDA5NjUyMTQ5NDM4OTg2YmRiZDJmYjc3YWE3" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Elizabeth!” Idali exclaims front a dozen meters in front of me. “You're a lot different.” She adds after a pause.<br>“I may be missing a few things.” I agree.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNTk5NDZiZmYxZTQzZjQ5NTMwNjJmOGMyOWExZDI4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I catch a bright silver flash at about the same time I hear a <em>thump</em>. Celyz' tendrils suddenly turn bright silver and someone, likely Idali, crashes and skids on the ground. A cold sweat runs down my back as I would not have been able to stop this attack.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MWIyOGE0MjM0NTRjYjBhN2E3ZWU4ZTMzMWQxMTc5" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“<em>Aaah, fuck!</em>” Idali yells out.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNjczNWUzMzQyNjQyZjQ5YmQwYmU5NzRlZjJlODAx" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“What do you think you are doing?” Celyz explodes, shifting me behind her.<br>“I don't know!” Idali whimpers. A Princess stomps towards her, probably Fenyz.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMjJhYmE0NTIyNDQ0Zjc4OTc5ZDZlODIxNWNmZTI4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Stop.” I quickly speak up. “Idali, what went through your mind?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1MTc1YjZjY2MyOTRmZWM4ZmZkZWNlMzZkMDE1NzI4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Don't know, felt rage all of a sudden.” She tells me. “Jumped before I realized.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlODJmZDExNjE5ZDQwNDU5NGNmNjk4Mzk4MWE4NTgy" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“To do what?” I ask.</span></p> <p class="cnM0OGI5OTM3YzgxMDQwZDJiNDJiMTJmZjBhOGFlMGI4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Flatten you?” She asks, sounding uncertain and guilty. “It wasn't an attack, not really.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZTA4YmE3MTVmOTQ4Zjc4ZDkwN2JhZDIzNDVkY2E2" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Okay.” I mutter. “Please, settle down Celyz. Also Fenyz, right?”</span></p> <p class="cnM3NGY0NmEzYWVlNzQ1ODI5MmI3ZmVhMGYwOTY2ZGI5" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Yes.” Fenyz replies.<br>“She's having a hard time handling the symbiont, give her a break.” I say.</span></p> <p class="cnNlOGU0OGI4NjdjNjRlYjBhZmYyODg0N2E1MzdlYzZk" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Did something occur between the two of you?” Celyz asks pointedly.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMWY2NGIxNDJhYzRhYWU5ZTY5YjA5NWYwNDhlZDdk" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Yea, my symbiont went alpha on hers.” I answer.</span></p> <p class="cnM4N2M4MTY3YmJiMTQ0M2NiMGE1NWFmZmNjZDQ5ZjEy" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I adjust my grip on my spiky marching cane to slowly and carefully make my way to Idali, going around Celyz who apparently deems it unwise to restrain me. It takes an embarrassingly long amount of time to not only find Idali but also where her right leg is. I'm quite thankful that no one present tries to help.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYTIwOWE0ZmE1ZjQ1OTFhYzg1ZDc1MDllMmRmOTQy" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I set my knee down in front of the symbiont and rest the back of my hand against the cloth covering it. It remains still so I give it the time it needs to assess my odor. I can feel that Idali is slightly shaking, likely struggling to come to terms with herself.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NzI5MmQxN2MwYTQ5Mjg5NTQ5YjU2ODU0NjY5ZjVm" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“It's alright, Idali. You were caught by surprise.” I tell her.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MDMyMGI1YzI3MzQ3MjJhZWMyZTk0YjhmNDQ0MmI2" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“I was.” She agrees.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNGMxZDkzMjM0ODQ0MGU5YzhhMWQxNWU5OTg4MGM4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Now you know, right?” I ask.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNmEzNmVlMTIwYTQ1ZDU5MDA3NjZhYTYxMGNiNjUz" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“I do, it won't happen again.” She affirms.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYmI1YzUwMDRjOTRiNmQ5YjA2YmE2MGQwNzRhMWIx" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“It will not because you will leave for Hetlan and then Kruzser.” Fenyz utters from very close-by, clearly the reason why Idali's symbiont is so subdued.</span></p> <p class="cnM1M2EwOTM4NzliZjQ2YWY5ZTVkMjE3NjEyZDdhZGNh" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“And why is that?” I ask, rising. </span></p> <p class="cnM1YTkxNDhlODVkZTQxYTNhNjVhMDFlYzNkN2M1NmY1" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Because it is Caeviel's most defensible region behind the Izla and one of the centers of the brewing rebellion.” Celyz replies calmly. “Kruzser will be to deliver our treaty proposal directly to the Emperor's tomb.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NjgyYWQ0MmVmODQ4ZDJiYTQ4ODY4MzVhNmViNWRk" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“A veiled threat.” I comment.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YWFkYWRlZTg4ZDQwNGFhY2U2MjE0ZDM3MjE5YzRj" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“We believe that delivering it to the tomb makes the threat rather clear.” Celyz humorously corrects. “Making contacts in Hetlan will help us assess the timing and keep this woman away from you until she learns to control her symbiont.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjNmUxNjllNjI3MTQxZTM5NTgxNjU4ZTZmNDZhNDU3" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“That's good.” Idali mutters.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZWExNWI4ZDBmMDRmNmQ4ZWZjODIxYjk0ZjViNTdi" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“You okay?” I ask her again.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNjliM2MyNTE5MDQ2M2NhYTNkNjlkZmE4NDY0MTQ2" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Am fine.” She replies shortly. “Spear training with it helped as you said, but clearly not enough.”<br>“Is there somewhere we can sit to talk?” I ask Idali.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YzI0ZjcyNjFjODQ1NzFiMjYxMjMxZmIxZGFiZTZm" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Couple of rocks over there.” She tells me.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMzVlYTc3MWIyMzQzN2RiODc2Mjg1YjlkYTAyOTU2" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I hold my forearm out for her to take if she needs help getting up. She doesn't take the offer, she prefers to keep her distance with me and Celyz as we head there. I can tell that the sun is gown down on the horizon by the fresh taste of the wind on my skin.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYzdjYzlmNDRmNzQ2ZTlhMzkzNjE1M2Y3MDVmNGMz" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“I can't believe I haven't eaten in hours.” I tell Celyz outside of Idali's hearing range. “I actually enjoy the lack of urgency to my hunger, but I should probably have something.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTFlYjViM2QzNjQ5YTA4NTdmNThhZGZiZDU5YzZl" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“I'll have something brought over.” She replies.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMDViODM3ZTlmYzQyZTJiZjkwZmU3ZjI2ZWRhZjFi" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I nod and speed up my pace a little, following Celyz' discreet indications while also probing the ground in front of me. I take my time to find a seat because it's hard but also to give Idali time to cool down.<br></span></p> <p class="cnNmNjhmZTcyZmYxMDQyNWY4NDY2ZTFmYjAyMGIwNDIw" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">Once I take a seat, I start recounting the incidents I recall between me and the Little one for Idali to benefit from my experience. Celyz turns out to be very interested and struggles to restrain her questions as I've never really gone into detail about this with her.</span></p> <p class="cnM1OGY4Yzc3YTNkNDQ1ZmI4OWRjZTliYjMyZmJhYWEz" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">Yvonne clearly states that she's listening from the start but remains quiet and on guard a distance away without intervening. I probably would have sent her away had she not stated her presence as I detected silvery fluctuations from her, and the others, as I spoke. </span></p> <p class="cnM1YmZmODhhMTg2YjRkYTBiN2ZiOTJkNjg4YzVmZTZi" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I decide to wait for our meal before breaching the subject of Aisha. Celyz sadly pulls her tendrils back to let me eat comfortably since I need to set my bowl on my thighs. I hate the fact that I get edgy without her or Yvonne at my side, even though I'm merely sitting. </span></p> <p class="cnM5M2RiZDI5ZTUzNDQ1NDViNzEyYTcwYTQ2ODEzN2Y3" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“All I'll say about the Shade is that her objective has been Suxen and the <em>flow</em> data, I've given my word that I wouldn't expose her more dubious actions if she didn't betray me and she hasn't because she opened the door to Cetyz' cell without the knowledge that I had made my way in already.” I explain. “She didn't as far as I know at least.” I add. “Either way, I would not have succeeded if she had acted to hinder me.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyZmJjMmM2ZmM2NDQ1Y2E5ZDI3YjFjNDhjZTY4NjNk" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“I'll get that bitch back for leaving me to die after all the years we've known each other.” Idali utters coldly.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMGRlY2EyNWM3MzRjOGI5YzM1OGJiNDQzYjBhYzFm" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“I can affirm that Aisha had no tangible plans towards the Izla and what we're doing. She will act according to what the Emperor orders which makes her impossible to predict as long as we do not know what his opinion is of our efforts.” I add. “In absence of orders, she's likely to help Cecil and act against any threat to the Empire regardless of the side it comes from.”<br></span></p> <p class="cnM2ZjU3ZmUyNTAwMTRlNzZiOWM0ZWJjMjU4YzNmYTdh" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I hear something scrape on the ground nearby and immediately seize my weapon. My reaction causes some alarm around me which creates chaos as I fail to distinguish between my companions and the threat, not that it matters since Celyz is the only one I truly trust.</span></p> <p class="cnM3N2YyNzNkMGM0ZDRmNmE4YzM5ZDI4Mjc2ZGZiODJl" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I swipe the forging awl at an angle in front of my legs, aiming to then swing it around my back but it's stopped dead on its tracks with a dull thunk. The thing I made contact with flashes silver, it is in the shape of a shin too large to be that of a human.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNWY5ODZlMjk4NjQzMTg4Y2FiZDZhMDZkYjdhNzM5" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em"><em>Rh-hyyyyy, kszz.</em></span></p> <p class="cnNkMDg1MzdiNGY4ZjQzN2ViNmI4MGRmNDg2YzIxNzlk" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">Multiple cries of warning arise from Cetyz in the distance and Celyz nearby. Fenyz is silent, which scares me as she's the most dangerous being here. An informed attacker would take her out first while I am likely to die if she's the one assaulting me.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYWZmODI1ZjFkNjQyYjU4OGFiMmY5MGZlYTViZTMw" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Jessica! Wait!” Idali calls out. </span></p> <p class="cnM2MzJiZDUzMjc2NjQzOTdiNWQ1ODQ0ZjkwN2E2YjAy" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">It rises above the many voices I hear in my panic but there are too many sounds and indications of movement around me to sort them out. Unable to find the threat, I throw what little <em>flow </em>I've regenerated into a lion's step to jump away and into an empty space, tearing my weapon away from whatever blocked it to<br></span></p> <p class="cnNjYzM4ZTZjNWNjOTRlODFhM2IzNmQ4Zjc1Y2NkODc0" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I almost fall over backward so I lean forward while swinging in a wide arc in front of me. I end up over-correcting and falling to my knees. It's difficult to assess the size of the small silvery strings swiping in the darkness as they quickly appear and disappear.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYzI5ZDlkNTQ3MzRmYTJiYWFjNjBmYzVlNWJhY2U4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I conclude that they are tendrils but still swipe towards them without aiming to hit to keep them away. I hear human steps rushing over so I pull a knee up to set a foot on the ground and kick myself away.<br></span></p> <p class="cnNjMzdlYWU1YmQ4YTQxZmQ4NWE1ZTg3MzZmNjUxMDlj" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I land in the dust on my side and start madly swinging my weapon, terrified as my imagination pulls bloody figures out of my memories. I roar at the cacophony of sounds assaulting me, so confused that I've even lost track of Celyz. It takes me a while to get back on my feet with my trembling legs while remaining on my guard.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNGI2ZjYxYmNiOTQ3ODE5ZWM1NmZiN2VkMTNiYjJk" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Jessica?” Yvonne calls out from close-by, confirming that she's the one I dodged. There is a certain tension in her voice which doesn't help calm me.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMzE4YmU1ODU2ODQwZjk5ZWQ3MmM2ZTBhNTAzODdh" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“<em>W</em>hat's goi<em>n</em>g <em>o</em>n?” I hear myself ask with crazed panic.<br>“Idali's foot slipped as she tried to serve herself a bowl, she is still having issues coordinating her movements at times.” Celyz tells me carefully. Something in her voice tells me that she's said as much multiple times.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZThjYTQ3OWNjNjRlZWE4MWJkZjI2YmE4ZGZlYjE0" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“A<em>r</em>e, <em>y</em>ou s<em>u</em>re?” I question, failing to control my tone.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYjA0MzYzY2RiYjQ1OGFiOWE4Mzk5MmQyNGE3OTQ2" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Yes.” Celyz and Yvonne both reply tensely.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZmY3NzNhYWUzNDQ4MzRiZDlkYjA4NmY5NWRiMTNk" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“I'm sorry.” Idali speaks up. The tension in her voice tells me that she's on her guard.</span></p> <p class="cnMwOTliZTczODc2MDQ0NmNiZjY3NmU0ZTU5ZGI3NmEz" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I slowly lower my weapon. Shortly after I've set it down, I catch two branch-like patterns of silver strands to my left folding into a resting position. Those are likely tendrils, meaning two Princesses.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNGU3MWRkYTA0ZDRiZmRiM2IxODM4OWY4ZDRiMWNj" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Fenyz?” I ask.<br>“Yes.” She answers flatly. “I believe I have told you long ago to never again harm my sister.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiMDc3ZGU2YjMxMDQwYzc4NjJkZGQ0NTRmYjRhZmM1" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“I tell you, Little one is little mad, mean no harm.” Cetyz gripes. </span></p> <p class="cnMzZTk3YTM0NGVlZjQ5MjJiODgzMGM1ZTZiM2MyZmEy" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“I fail to comprehend how that argument falls in her favor in your opinion.” Fenyz responds quietly.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNjU2M2M4Y2ZjYjRhNzk5YWY5MjI0ZjdhYjY1MWIy" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I experience deep relief and embarrassment. From what I understand, I went off when I heard an unexpected sound too close to me for comfort and hit... <em><strong>No</strong></em>. A burst of anguish seizes my chest. </span></p> <p class="cnNiMjlkMDI3ZTk0ZjQxNDJhOWM2Njg4MTljOTk3NzQ2" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“C<em><strong>e</strong></em>ly<em>z</em>?” I call out, feeling a pit in my stomach at the thought that I hurt her. </span></p> <p class="cnM5NGFmODM2YTE0NzQ2MjdiZDU2ZjhjZmEyZWI1MWM1" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“You did not harm me, Jessica.” She replies gently.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNDBlYWY5NWViZjQ3MjU5ODc0NjA4NDZlNDllNTc2" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I listen carefully for her approach, still feeling on edge. I hear multiple sets of Rykz feet shifting, from drones to Princesses. I even catch sabers being sheathed. From what I can gather, Fenyz and Cetyz are being pushed aside by Celyz.<br></span></p> <p class="cnM4OTMxNjNkNWU0ZjQ1ZDNiYWRiZmQxMDI5ZDFkNTMz" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“I, I ne<em>e</em>d to go.” I mutter. “I relaxed too m<em>u</em>ch, re<em>s</em>ted too long. Some<em>t</em>hing.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3YWI1NTA2NjFhYjQ5ZWY5NmI1MDNlMTUyOTdjOTg4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“You are exhausted.” Celyz counters as she heads towards me with small steps.</span></p> <p class="cnM3OGYwMTEwZWNjZDQ4ZjhiNTc5NjNmMTRjODQxZmEz" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">It hurts me more than my episode that she is being so careful but I don't complain. I would throw my weapon aside to appease her but my hand is refusing to let go. I fail to overrule Elizabeth's call on this because we don't feel confident enough to discard the spike.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YTdkM2I2NjUxZjQxODJiYTRlNzA3OTI4Mzc2ZThl" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Let us go back to the tent.” Celyz tells me, taking hold of my waist to pick me up and turns me in the right direction.</span></p> <p class="cnMzODk1YTI1ZWZiZTQ3MmI5YjEyODQ5ZTdiY2E5OGJi" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Sister, she is clearly unstable.” Fenyz protests.<br>“I am, I should leave.” I concur.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YmNiM2M1ZWRjOTQ0MDFhODZhMjczOGZjOWMzMDNk" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I hear a smack followed by a groan from where I recall detecting Cetyz and Fenyz. The two depart immediately after, the dragging sounds I catch tell me that one of them is definitely in disagreement but that the other absolutely does not care.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOGVkNjY5ZTE1MDQ2NDc4NzI0M2ZkYjVjYTY5OTc0" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Night will fall soon, Jessica. It will get colder out.” Yvonne tells me. </span></p> <p class="cnM4ODU2ODhhNWNkNDQwZjE4YTE5NTgxNGMwODYyY2U2" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I hesitate but decide to wait in the end, feeling rather grateful that she isn't using the fact that I'm still blind and clearly prone to wild mood swings to keep me from going. </span></p> <p class="cnM3NjIxMThkMjMyNzQ4ZWVhYTM3OGVlNjk4NGNhMTNj" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Hey! I'm not little, I'm average!” I yell at Cetyz, suddenly recalling her earlier words.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZWRlMjlhNjdjMDQzOTc5NWE5ZTc2ZjJjN2MxYWU2" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Maybe tall as me if jump and add head tendril.” Cetyz replies innocently from a distance.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMWI0YjVkOTQ0NjQ4ZDk5YWFhZTVkODk2MmVhMjRm" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I can't help but laugh at her response, knowing that she isn't so oblivious as to compare my height to that of a Princess. I soon lose my smile as I can hear the drones breathing around us from a lot closer than they were.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NjRlN2UwMTUwNjQwODRhZDRhOTFhMTJhNDQ2YWU0" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">Added to that is how Celyz is standing still by my side, clearly concerned about making any abrupt movements. I start walking ahead without further delay, angry at myself and impatient to find out if my sight will recover.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMWJmNWY1ZmJiMDRiMzRhMjEzOWViMmVlODQwZjQ0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">It feels like it takes forever to get to the tent, which I don't mind as I enjoy Celyz' company and it allows me to cool down. My issue is that I can't tell distances without seeing my surroundings. I literally crumble on the bed as soon as we arrive.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YjkzNWM3YTc1YTRiNTFiMDdmNzI5ODcyYTRjMzRl" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Stay for the night, if you don't... mind.” I mutter.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMDA0OThhZjk2NDQwNGVhNTM3ZjQ2NGJjYWI4ZTdj" lang="en-US" style="text-align: center" align="CENTER"><span style="font-size: 1em">--- --- ---</span></p> <p class="cnM0OWJlZDg3NDA4NzQ3ZWZhMTI2NzZlNmJiYTU3OTMw" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I wake up already feeling down. I grow fully depressed as I recall my behavior the day before. The multiple parts of my body radiating pain don't do anything to improve my mood as I consider those self-inflicted for my recklessness in using the symbiont.<br></span></p> <p class="cnMzYTAyZGZmZjRmMzRlNjg4OTJkOWIxNDc5Yzk2ZmM2" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I spend the next three days in the tent, utterly unwilling to head outside before my sight returns. I try to convince myself that it's to prevent another incident but the truth is that I'm simply scared of going out.<br></span></p> <p class="cnM1OTdmZDY0MTVkOTRlMWE4MjYzNjNlY2JlNjY2OGY3" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">It is far from easy to cloister myself as I've relied so much on forging ahead towards my goals that I now feel a constant pressure to keep moving forward at even the cost of offending my friends.</span></p> <p class="cnM1N2FkZmU4MzE1ZjRiY2VhYTJhMTdlYmM2NGE4OWYz" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">Celyz helps me deal with that by spending hours helping me train the constructs she taught me on the way to Port-Odo even though Grikyz left during the first night and the Rykz are folding their fortified camp.<br></span></p> <p class="cnM0YmI0ZTg5MmI3YzQ0MTQ4ZWMxZmM4OTdiOTVhOTY1" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">Yvonne, somehow, manages to guard the entrance to my tent for all this time without losing her mind despite the fact that I rarely call for her help or even company with Celyz there.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MjFhMDdhYWFkYzQ3YmZhZWY5MmJjMTQ4Y2Q1ZWIz" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">My Oak and I flirt some but she seems to have taken the incident to her cores as she does all she can to avoid agitating me, which agitates me but less than the fear I now carry of harming her by mistake if she comes close.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YmRiNjUwNGJhNDRkZDZiMWI5ZDZhN2NjOTA0Zjlj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I have no doubt that my reaction to her touching me in a more than friendly way has a lot to do with the distance she's keeping. She conceals her pains about our relationship well but my frequent heartaches can testify to the fact that she isn't very good at it.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZTE3MGY2MjkyZjRhMDhhODcxY2I4NDQ0MTY2NmQ5" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I fully recover my sight on the morning of the fourth day, they remain sensitive but it isn't an issue as long as I don't stare directly at the sun. I step outside to observe the rising dawn, witnessing a magnificent scenery of orange, red, and silver mixing together over the deep blue sea.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMzI5OGMzNzFmNTRlNGFhNDM5ZmVjMWMyMGM2YzNk" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">Celyz heads out and plants her roots by my side while Yvonne remains a ways away, always discreet but alert when she isn't part of the discussion. <em>I can't wait to return her to Leomi, I enjoy her friendship but I'm feeling increasingly stifled.</em></span></p> <p class="cnMzM2JkMjVjYzkxMDQ4ZGZhNzM1OGExYmMwNTNiNTk5" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I run my gaze over the encampment, finding that there are only trenches left and Rykz drones scurrying about in patrols. The lake they dug is a hundred meters away at the most when I wouldn't have been surprised if I was told I walked a kilometer to get to it.<br></span></p> <p class="cnMzZWVkMTY1MDE2YjQ0M2RhMTAzNzA5NDg5MmE2ZWEw" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“I really need to get moving.” I tell her, the sunrise making me restless to the point my back starts itching. “Tonight at the latest.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwYjEwYzhhZjFiMjQ4ZGY4NDc4NjI0ODQ3MTQ3M2U0" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“So soon.” Celyz sighs.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MmIxYmM5MThlMTQwNTY5Y2NjMTZiYWM5NWQ3NWM4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“I'll make my goodbyes, where are your sisters?” I ask.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MTQ5MDhhMWI3MjQxZDNiZDM3YWRmNDdkN2U5M2Y5" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Likely on <em>patrols</em>.” Celyz replies, emphasizing the last word to make it clear it's a euphemism. </span></p> <p class="cnNjMzZjYTk5Zjg0YTQxMzc4ZmVmNDZiYzM0ODY5NDBi" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">There is a point of jealousy to her voice that I let pass, taking it as a wake-up call to the fact that the surprise I owe her is now long overdue. I'm human again and I can see, all that's left is to leave her in the best possible mood.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MGU4OWM1NzA1OTRiNjg4OWMzYzRlMWZmNTljM2Fi" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Where's the symbiont then? And my case?” I ask.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZGQ5NDk2YzNhNzRkNmY4MTYzZDM1MmYzNDQ1ZmFk" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“The case is back in the tent.” Celyz replies.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNGY3YWI3MDhjNjRlYThhZWY4ZGYzMmI2NGZkMzY1" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“And the parasite?” I question coldly.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZTM4M2RiMDEyMzQ5OTA5OTY0MmFlN2EyOGI0NGI0" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Jessica...” Celyz trails off.</span></p> <p class="cnNkY2E0Y2JmYTAyYzQ3ZDU5YzE3YjgzMDRkZDJkZTQ0" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">My new sense allows me to catch her movement as the turns her head in my direction. I refuse to look back at her, knowing very well that there is a chance it'll turn into a fight if I'm faced by her justified fear for my tendency to throw my life away.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNDg5ZWMxOTQ1MjRlYzRhNWY4NjVjMjhkZjliYTkz" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Follow me.” She says with a sigh.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZDBlNTE0MTJjMjQ0OTViYjMyYWU5Mzk0YzdkMmNh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em"> </span></p> </div>
I rise to my feet with Celyz' help, setting the forging awl into the ground for stability once more, and because I still feel weak. I realize that I can detect *flow* in silver when Celyz dismantles the construct weaved in my brain. I pay close attention to the darkness caused by the blindfold over my eyes, noticing the fact that there is a silvery aura coming from the sun's position and that there are flickers of silver that last mere split seconds erupting around me. It isn't too hard to assign those flickers to Yvonne, Celyz, and Cetyz. *So this is useful but I'll have to pay attention to it because the silver flashes do not last*. I take a deep breath to steady my nerves. “Thank you, Queen Grikyz.” I speak up. “**May you find fertile ground and sunlight to shine on your endeavors, Jessica Elizabeth Vil.**” Grikyz responds. “I wish the Silver Hive a safe return home.” I quickly answer, caught by surprise by the abrupt end she's putting to the encounter even though it is typical of the Rykz. Flashes of silver accompany her every step as she pulls herself out of the water. As helpful as it may be in the future, it really doesn't help me find my way. I frown at the idea of standing there in resignation. “Is Fenyz around?” I ask whoever will answer me. “Or Idali for that matter.” “They came over and left, they shouldn't be far.” Celyz answers me. “Do you mind leading me to them?” I ask. “I do not think exerting yourself is a good idea.” She tells me. “I'll remain until my eyes have healed, Celyz.” I say with a smile. “We'll have plenty of time alone together.” “*Hmph.*” She exhales with a touch of humor. “It is quite vexing for you to be this perceptive but it makes me happy.” I hold my hand out for Celyz to take hold of, which she takes hold of along with my waist, using those holds to guide me as we head out side by side. I hear Yvonne trail behind us from afar. As we progress, Celyz sustains me with her tendrils, helping me walk. I gently tap her tendrils with my elbow to tell her to quit it, which she does. It does a lot for my state of mind to be putting the effort in instead of behind helped. The ghostly pain in my left arm has yet to vanish but it doesn't bother me as I take it as a reminder that I have a long way to go to become powerful and not enough to get there, shortcuts have a steep cost. “Elizabeth!” Idali exclaims front a dozen meters in front of me. “You're a lot different.” She adds after a pause. “I may be missing a few things.” I agree. I catch a bright silver flash at about the same time I hear a *thump*. Celyz' tendrils suddenly turn bright silver and someone, likely Idali, crashes and skids on the ground. A cold sweat runs down my back as I would not have been able to stop this attack. “*Aaah, fuck!*” Idali yells out. “What do you think you are doing?” Celyz explodes, shifting me behind her. “I don't know!” Idali whimpers. A Princess stomps towards her, probably Fenyz. “Stop.” I quickly speak up. “Idali, what went through your mind?” “Don't know, felt rage all of a sudden.” She tells me. “Jumped before I realized.” “To do what?” I ask. “Flatten you?” She asks, sounding uncertain and guilty. “It wasn't an attack, not really.” “Okay.” I mutter. “Please, settle down Celyz. Also Fenyz, right?” “Yes.” Fenyz replies. “She's having a hard time handling the symbiont, give her a break.” I say. “Did something occur between the two of you?” Celyz asks pointedly. “Yea, my symbiont went alpha on hers.” I answer. I adjust my grip on my spiky marching cane to slowly and carefully make my way to Idali, going around Celyz who apparently deems it unwise to restrain me. It takes an embarrassingly long amount of time to not only find Idali but also where her right leg is. I'm quite thankful that no one present tries to help. I set my knee down in front of the symbiont and rest the back of my hand against the cloth covering it. It remains still so I give it the time it needs to assess my odor. I can feel that Idali is slightly shaking, likely struggling to come to terms with herself. “It's alright, Idali. You were caught by surprise.” I tell her. “I was.” She agrees. “Now you know, right?” I ask. “I do, it won't happen again.” She affirms. “It will not because you will leave for Hetlan and then Kruzser.” Fenyz utters from very close-by, clearly the reason why Idali's symbiont is so subdued. “And why is that?” I ask, rising. “Because it is Caeviel's most defensible region behind the Izla and one of the centers of the brewing rebellion.” Celyz replies calmly. “Kruzser will be to deliver our treaty proposal directly to the Emperor's tomb.” “A veiled threat.” I comment. “We believe that delivering it to the tomb makes the threat rather clear.” Celyz humorously corrects. “Making contacts in Hetlan will help us assess the timing and keep this woman away from you until she learns to control her symbiont.” “That's good.” Idali mutters. “You okay?” I ask her again. “Am fine.” She replies shortly. “Spear training with it helped as you said, but clearly not enough.” “Is there somewhere we can sit to talk?” I ask Idali. “Couple of rocks over there.” She tells me. I hold my forearm out for her to take if she needs help getting up. She doesn't take the offer, she prefers to keep her distance with me and Celyz as we head there. I can tell that the sun is gown down on the horizon by the fresh taste of the wind on my skin. “I can't believe I haven't eaten in hours.” I tell Celyz outside of Idali's hearing range. “I actually enjoy the lack of urgency to my hunger, but I should probably have something.” “I'll have something brought over.” She replies. I nod and speed up my pace a little, following Celyz' discreet indications while also probing the ground in front of me. I take my time to find a seat because it's hard but also to give Idali time to cool down. Once I take a seat, I start recounting the incidents I recall between me and the Little one for Idali to benefit from my experience. Celyz turns out to be very interested and struggles to restrain her questions as I've never really gone into detail about this with her. Yvonne clearly states that she's listening from the start but remains quiet and on guard a distance away without intervening. I probably would have sent her away had she not stated her presence as I detected silvery fluctuations from her, and the others, as I spoke. I decide to wait for our meal before breaching the subject of Aisha. Celyz sadly pulls her tendrils back to let me eat comfortably since I need to set my bowl on my thighs. I hate the fact that I get edgy without her or Yvonne at my side, even though I'm merely sitting. “All I'll say about the Shade is that her objective has been Suxen and the *flow* data, I've given my word that I wouldn't expose her more dubious actions if she didn't betray me and she hasn't because she opened the door to Cetyz' cell without the knowledge that I had made my way in already.” I explain. “She didn't as far as I know at least.” I add. “Either way, I would not have succeeded if she had acted to hinder me.” “I'll get that bitch back for leaving me to die after all the years we've known each other.” Idali utters coldly. “I can affirm that Aisha had no tangible plans towards the Izla and what we're doing. She will act according to what the Emperor orders which makes her impossible to predict as long as we do not know what his opinion is of our efforts.” I add. “In absence of orders, she's likely to help Cecil and act against any threat to the Empire regardless of the side it comes from.” I hear something scrape on the ground nearby and immediately seize my weapon. My reaction causes some alarm around me which creates chaos as I fail to distinguish between my companions and the threat, not that it matters since Celyz is the only one I truly trust. I swipe the forging awl at an angle in front of my legs, aiming to then swing it around my back but it's stopped dead on its tracks with a dull thunk. The thing I made contact with flashes silver, it is in the shape of a shin too large to be that of a human. *Rh-hyyyyy, kszz.* Multiple cries of warning arise from Cetyz in the distance and Celyz nearby. Fenyz is silent, which scares me as she's the most dangerous being here. An informed attacker would take her out first while I am likely to die if she's the one assaulting me. “Jessica! Wait!” Idali calls out. It rises above the many voices I hear in my panic but there are too many sounds and indications of movement around me to sort them out. Unable to find the threat, I throw what little *flow* I've regenerated into a lion's step to jump away and into an empty space, tearing my weapon away from whatever blocked it to I almost fall over backward so I lean forward while swinging in a wide arc in front of me. I end up over-correcting and falling to my knees. It's difficult to assess the size of the small silvery strings swiping in the darkness as they quickly appear and disappear. I conclude that they are tendrils but still swipe towards them without aiming to hit to keep them away. I hear human steps rushing over so I pull a knee up to set a foot on the ground and kick myself away. I land in the dust on my side and start madly swinging my weapon, terrified as my imagination pulls bloody figures out of my memories. I roar at the cacophony of sounds assaulting me, so confused that I've even lost track of Celyz. It takes me a while to get back on my feet with my trembling legs while remaining on my guard. “Jessica?” Yvonne calls out from close-by, confirming that she's the one I dodged. There is a certain tension in her voice which doesn't help calm me. “*W*hat's goi*n*g *o*n?” I hear myself ask with crazed panic. “Idali's foot slipped as she tried to serve herself a bowl, she is still having issues coordinating her movements at times.” Celyz tells me carefully. Something in her voice tells me that she's said as much multiple times. “A*r*e, *y*ou s*u*re?” I question, failing to control my tone. “Yes.” Celyz and Yvonne both reply tensely. “I'm sorry.” Idali speaks up. The tension in her voice tells me that she's on her guard. I slowly lower my weapon. Shortly after I've set it down, I catch two branch-like patterns of silver strands to my left folding into a resting position. Those are likely tendrils, meaning two Princesses. “Fenyz?” I ask. “Yes.” She answers flatly. “I believe I have told you long ago to never again harm my sister.” “I tell you, Little one is little mad, mean no harm.” Cetyz gripes. “I fail to comprehend how that argument falls in her favor in your opinion.” Fenyz responds quietly. I experience deep relief and embarrassment. From what I understand, I went off when I heard an unexpected sound too close to me for comfort and hit... ***No***. A burst of anguish seizes my chest. “C***e***ly*z*?” I call out, feeling a pit in my stomach at the thought that I hurt her. “You did not harm me, Jessica.” She replies gently. I listen carefully for her approach, still feeling on edge. I hear multiple sets of Rykz feet shifting, from drones to Princesses. I even catch sabers being sheathed. From what I can gather, Fenyz and Cetyz are being pushed aside by Celyz. “I, I ne*e*d to go.” I mutter. “I relaxed too m*u*ch, re*s*ted too long. Some*t*hing.” “You are exhausted.” Celyz counters as she heads towards me with small steps. It hurts me more than my episode that she is being so careful but I don't complain. I would throw my weapon aside to appease her but my hand is refusing to let go. I fail to overrule Elizabeth's call on this because we don't feel confident enough to discard the spike. “Let us go back to the tent.” Celyz tells me, taking hold of my waist to pick me up and turns me in the right direction. “Sister, she is clearly unstable.” Fenyz protests. “I am, I should leave.” I concur. I hear a smack followed by a groan from where I recall detecting Cetyz and Fenyz. The two depart immediately after, the dragging sounds I catch tell me that one of them is definitely in disagreement but that the other absolutely does not care. “Night will fall soon, Jessica. It will get colder out.” Yvonne tells me. I hesitate but decide to wait in the end, feeling rather grateful that she isn't using the fact that I'm still blind and clearly prone to wild mood swings to keep me from going. “Hey! I'm not little, I'm average!” I yell at Cetyz, suddenly recalling her earlier words. “Maybe tall as me if jump and add head tendril.” Cetyz replies innocently from a distance. I can't help but laugh at her response, knowing that she isn't so oblivious as to compare my height to that of a Princess. I soon lose my smile as I can hear the drones breathing around us from a lot closer than they were. Added to that is how Celyz is standing still by my side, clearly concerned about making any abrupt movements. I start walking ahead without further delay, angry at myself and impatient to find out if my sight will recover. It feels like it takes forever to get to the tent, which I don't mind as I enjoy Celyz' company and it allows me to cool down. My issue is that I can't tell distances without seeing my surroundings. I literally crumble on the bed as soon as we arrive. “Stay for the night, if you don't... mind.” I mutter. --- --- --- I wake up already feeling down. I grow fully depressed as I recall my behavior the day before. The multiple parts of my body radiating pain don't do anything to improve my mood as I consider those self-inflicted for my recklessness in using the symbiont. I spend the next three days in the tent, utterly unwilling to head outside before my sight returns. I try to convince myself that it's to prevent another incident but the truth is that I'm simply scared of going out. It is far from easy to cloister myself as I've relied so much on forging ahead towards my goals that I now feel a constant pressure to keep moving forward at even the cost of offending my friends. Celyz helps me deal with that by spending hours helping me train the constructs she taught me on the way to Port-Odo even though Grikyz left during the first night and the Rykz are folding their fortified camp. Yvonne, somehow, manages to guard the entrance to my tent for all this time without losing her mind despite the fact that I rarely call for her help or even company with Celyz there. My Oak and I flirt some but she seems to have taken the incident to her cores as she does all she can to avoid agitating me, which agitates me but less than the fear I now carry of harming her by mistake if she comes close. I have no doubt that my reaction to her touching me in a more than friendly way has a lot to do with the distance she's keeping. She conceals her pains about our relationship well but my frequent heartaches can testify to the fact that she isn't very good at it. I fully recover my sight on the morning of the fourth day, they remain sensitive but it isn't an issue as long as I don't stare directly at the sun. I step outside to observe the rising dawn, witnessing a magnificent scenery of orange, red, and silver mixing together over the deep blue sea. Celyz heads out and plants her roots by my side while Yvonne remains a ways away, always discreet but alert when she isn't part of the discussion. *I can't wait to return her to Leomi, I enjoy her friendship but I'm feeling increasingly stifled.* I run my gaze over the encampment, finding that there are only trenches left and Rykz drones scurrying about in patrols. The lake they dug is a hundred meters away at the most when I wouldn't have been surprised if I was told I walked a kilometer to get to it. “I really need to get moving.” I tell her, the sunrise making me restless to the point my back starts itching. “Tonight at the latest.” “So soon.” Celyz sighs. “I'll make my goodbyes, where are your sisters?” I ask. “Likely on *patrols*.” Celyz replies, emphasizing the last word to make it clear it's a euphemism. There is a point of jealousy to her voice that I let pass, taking it as a wake-up call to the fact that the surprise I owe her is now long overdue. I'm human again and I can see, all that's left is to leave her in the best possible mood. “Where's the symbiont then? And my case?” I ask. “The case is back in the tent.” Celyz replies. “And the parasite?” I question coldly. “Jessica...” Celyz trails off. My new sense allows me to catch her movement as the turns her head in my direction. I refuse to look back at her, knowing very well that there is a chance it'll turn into a fight if I'm faced by her justified fear for my tendency to throw my life away. “Follow me.” She says with a sigh.
{ "title": "Esper: Search for Power", "id": 21353, "author": "JavinHawat", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 10", "id": 305431, "next": 305739, "prev": 305120, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNlYmZkNDI4NzJhMTRlZThiZWQ4MzBkMTZiZDE0ZTQ3"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">It began to rain as Dan stalked the last living goblin. It was a soft, cold rain and fell straight down from a flat band of cloud that hung gray and still in the night sky. There was no wind. Fourteen lead sling bullets rested in Dan's belt bag, half of them misshapen now after he recovered them from the skulls of dead goblins. It had been grisly work for a few with needle nosed pliers and a clawed hammer, somehow more personal than killing the monsters from a distance had been. Up close and safely dead they seemed smaller, and fragile. He could not know what would happen when he killed the last of them and met the "Initial Test Success Condition" the first System message had notified him about. "Initial", however, did not generally mean "final", or "only". He had to assume that there were more tests to follow, and so that meant the last goblin lived until Dan was as ready as he could make himself for an unknown, violent future. </span></p> <p class="cnM2ZGQwMTk1OTU4ZjQxMTI5YjQ1MThhZWM0YTllMzE4"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM5MWU0NzFhNDJlMzQwNDE4Mzg2MzQ2NTczNWQ4ZjI3"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">His quarry hid within the tangle of a large bush planted on the east side of the building to soften and partially hide the sharp metal features of the industrial HVAC unit. Not a bad plan, really. Hide, wait in ambush, hope that Dan's attention slipped and he could be taken unawares. But the little monster was alone now and hopelessly outmatched. Dan activated "Unerring Aim [self]" and slung a lead ovoid that traced a narrow path through the foliage and into the back of the creature's head.</span></p> <p class="cnM1Yjc3NTdhYzAzMDRjOGRhNmY1ODA3YzI2NzEyYzMz"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM5YmRjZjBkMjIzODRhN2VhZTg0NjExOTVkZTM0YmRm" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Monster Defeated, Common Goblin (lvl 1). Aether Gained.</strong></span></p> <p class="cnMyN2MwMTYxMzY5MDRiMTM4MzkyYjc0NjQwYzgyYWM3" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM1NTZkOTU1MzVkMjRlYzJiYmRlOGVjNGQ5NTgzZTMy" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Congratulations! Initial Test Passed.</strong></span></p> <p class="cnM2NTc5ODNkMzFhMjRiZTY4MjIxOTRmY2VjMzkzYzg3" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNhZWQyY2E3MDkyNzRlNjdiYmY2MjVmYTAwOTVmYzFk" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>You have gained the title "Vanguard". +20% to level-directed Aether gain, +5 to all unlocked attributes, and perk "Universal Translator" gained. </strong></span></p> <p class="cnMxM2VkMGVmNDlkMDQwMTFhMDJhODc3OGVkZTA2Zjhh" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM3NjUyY2ExZTdjZTRlMDQ4NjMwOTI3NmI5NGRmYWE4" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>You have been assigned a Primary Test.</strong></span></p> <p class="cnNmNzYyODg1ZDExNTQ4ZjZiMmFjMTQ3MTQ2ZDQ0MWUx" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM5MzI1OWQzZWNmZTQ2NWQ5MDg5N2YzYWFiNDMyYWZk" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Test Directive: Gain Power.</strong></span></p> <p class="cnMwYjJiNGU1MjI0NDQ1ODI4M2M4N2I4NDA4NWEyNDBl" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNmYzM5NmU0NWJmYjQ5NWI5NmJlYzdlNzYzOGMwMWU0" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Test Time Limit: Seven Years.</strong></span></p> <p class="cnM0NzUxNGM0NTI3NDQzYWI4ZDdjNTk0MTY5MzExMmNl" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMyNGIyMTYwNDE0YjQzMTZhYjZhNzYwYmUwODc5Nzgx" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Successful completion of Test will have rewards including return to moment of initial System integration in origin world and universe with retention of memory and System granted abilities.</strong></span></p> <p class="cnNhOGZlNDE0ZmIxMjQ5Mjk5NjQ1ZjlkM2NlNGQzYWZj" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNiOWFjM2Q1NDg4MjQ4OWFiNGNjYTMwNmU5MTM2ZmZh" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>You have ten minutes to gather your belongings before mandatory orientation, preceding realm shift. </strong></span></p> <p class="cnM0MTc1NDc5NGEyYjQ4Yjc4YzE2Mzc1OGMwODQxNTRk" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNkNTFkOTgxNDAxNDQwMTJiNmM4ZDA1OTUwYzAxZWU2" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>You have reached 100 Perception. Sense "Sense Weakness" Unlocked.</strong></span></p> <p class="cnM1MjZlMTlmNzkyYjQ2ODQ4NzNhNDU5M2E2NTM0ZmQz" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">Dan didn't need ten minutes. He was already prepared, so all that was left to do is walk over and retrieve the sling bullet from the dirt under the bush, then go back and wait in his van. It was an extreme long shot, but the van did belong to him. Maybe he could keep it? If nothing else, it was cold out now and the van was warm and dry. And there was enough time to enjoy the full first movement of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata in the van's audio system, accented by the percussion of softly falling drops of rain against its body. It would be a long time before he could listen to Beethoven again. Seven years. Seven years before he could see his family, or return home. And that was a best case scenario. Dan sat in the driver's seat with the back reclined to make room for the backpack that contained his travel emergency kit, a pair of pliers, and a hammer. He held the tire iron in his left hand, and wore the fur cloak from some unknown, unfortunate beast that he'd claimed as spoils of war from the Goblin Chieftain. Wherever he was going, it might be cold. The final, soft descending notes played and the song ended, followed by the remaining several seconds of the ten minute countdown.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZmEwYjMzZjAxMTRhOWU5MTUwZTIyODUxNDRkZTcx" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMwNzNlMGYxMzA2NTQzYmNhMWY1NTQwZjc1NWFhNGEz" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">Those seconds took a very long time.</span></p> <p class="cnM2Yzg0NWY5NWQzMjQ4YmY4ZTE0Y2FhMzMyYzliMjE4" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNkZGEwOGExNzAzMTQ4NTliZjI0ZWM2NzlhZGFkNzhh" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">Then he was gone, and then he was somewhere else. The floor was a flat, uniform, matte white. There were no walls, and the sky was white. In every direction but one there was nothing but endless white, as far as his enhanced eyes could see. Dan had gotten so used to a constant stream of sensory input that the sudden lack of things to sense felt weird and wrong. Directly in front of him was a minimalist glass desk with an office chair on each side. The chairs looked the kind of simple that is very expensive. The one nearest Dan was empty. The chair on the other side was filled with a bald, blue-skinned alien in a neatly tailored charcoal gray suit, a cream shirt, and a thin navy tie with a gold tie clip. It had a big head and big blue eyes, which smiled along with its mouth as it addressed him: "Hello Dan! Congratulations on passing your initial trial. I am one of the System Administrators assigned to monitor the trial set the System is running on your world. You can call me Sam. Please, take a seat. Tea?"</span></p> <p class="cnM2MWM3NzVmNDVlZTQ4ZWJiYTAyNzQzNzVlMzJkMjcy" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM4YWJjMTNkNTU4ZTQxMzZhYzljMzBhY2FjNGI4OTAz" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">Dan sat. System Identify told him nothing about the nature of this Sam, but in his Perceive Power and Sense Aether senses, Sam shined so brightly it was if the Sun itself sat across from him and had just offered a cup of tea. Dan flushed with co-mingled awe and wariness. "Um, thank you, but I'm not thirsty. Could you please tell me where I am and where I'm going?"</span></p> <p class="cnNhNDY4ZDY0ZWMzYTRlMDFhZTZjMGEyODI4YjczYzg1" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNjZTRiZjc3ZjMzNzQ1OGRiMjcyOTdjZTVjN2MzZTc2" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">Sam laughed. "Jumping right to the big questions I see. Or perhaps you mean it more narrowly. To answer most simply, this is your orientation. I am here to assist you in gaining a measure of psychological stability before your realm shift, which is just a way of saying a one-way ticket to a planet much like your own where you'll have the chance to earn a ticket back home. The planet you are going to has a great deal in common with the fantasy genre of entertainment in the popular culture of your world, so it should be simple enough to find your feet if you keep your wits, equilibrium, and respect the locals."</span></p> <p class="cnNmMTRmYTU2ZTM4MDQ2OWU4OWU5NTJiZTVkNGRlNjQ3" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMzODcwMjM1M2VkMzRjZDRhMTA4MjA0NmVjMjY4ZTZk" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"Why is my world being tested?"</span></p> <p class="cnNhMmI3NGViYzQ4MTRmYzg5ZDRkY2JkOWFkZDg2ZjVl" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZWM0OTI1Y2ZkNDRhYmFiMWU2NzI0MWZlMWYxNjlm" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">Sam frowned, looked Dan in the eye. "It may be useful to think of us as multiversal ecologists. Your planet, because of your people, has potential, and we've been keeping an eye on you. A few times, we've had to intervene to protect you. Divert a wayward celestial body here, prevent a cataclysmic volcanic eruption there. But each intervention does cost resources, and ours, while vast, aren't endless. It's a big multiverse with a lot of worlds we'd like to save, but we cannot save all. Recently, we've too often had to save you, and your world, from yourselves, in increasingly expensive ways. Without our repeated intervention, you would have driven your own species to extinction a number of times over the last century. Frankly, we can't keep saving you from you. We can connect you to the System. That could give you the tools you need to save yourselves. But your world is not ready, and the cost will be terrible. The tests are to see if your world has a realistic chance of surviving the aftermath. If it does not, you have my sincere condolences. Much as with organ transplants, we can not give something as rare and precious as a System connection to a patient who will die regardless."</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODcwZDJjNmI4NzRiYmI5Zjc0ZDdjZTM2MmJmOGUz" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM4MjQwYjgwNGI4YjRlMWZhYjViYzBkMzkwZmM1MjFm" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"So no pressure then."</span></p> <p class="cnM2YWMxMDY5MTdkOTQwYzFhMWRiMGIxNzcyMmNiMzg5" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMxMWIyYzNkZjBlNjRmZDhiMjQxZmM1MTM1OGY0ZDM3" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">Sam smirked. "No, none at all. Though please do know that as the recipient of a Legendary Blessing, and a notably powerful one at that, you are one of your world's brightest hopes, both for passing this test and for leading your world through the violent trauma of System Integration."</span></p> <p class="cnNkM2U2OWQwNTY1YzRhM2I4ZDQwZDQ1NDJlYzlmM2Y2" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM3YzFkMDE2YTRmODRlNTY5MDAwNTVhNzk4YzUyZTA0" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"This trauma wouldn't happen to be monster related would it?"</span></p> <p class="cnM5NzBiNWZmNDFhNjRkZjJiOGMzZWU5ZDkzNTAyYTI2" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNjMmEyYzViNzU5MDRmZGY4ZGQwOTRmY2U3OTQ4ZDBh" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"It would. The System will allow the humans of your world to gain a wide range of powers and abilities, but the source of all of them is aether. However, for reasons much speculated about but still not conclusively understood, there is a price to be paid for access to this power. Powerful monsters will spawn and be drawn irresistibly to concentrations of the species that use aether and attempt to eradicate them."</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZmIyNjBjMWFiNTRmZTQ5NjA4YjJiNTRjMWM3Mjg1" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNkNGUwYmYzM2IwYTQ1ODU4MmFlNTJiOTViNTg3NGUx" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"Umm... Why monsters?"</span></p> <p class="cnM4YmNhOWIzNDc3NzRhNzRhMDAzNjExNjVkZGNiMGFm" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMwZmYyODE2ODJiODRmNGVhMjk1ZDA2NWFiNjYzMjMy" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"Theists believe the Source of Aether grants power only to those who prove themselves worthy through combat. Others believe all aether is stolen, all who so steal are parasites, and the monsters are an immune response. There are other theories. Myself, I don't get overmuch concerned with such questions of philosophy."</span></p> <p class="cnNiMTE2NDQ2OTRhODQyODk4MDdkY2Y1OTMzNzUzMzQ3" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMxYzA3YTlkNzE1ZDQ5ZDRhMjUwMTRhODYyNTczMTgw" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"How many of us did you take as test subjects?"</span></p> <p class="cnNmNmM4NzkzMGYwNDQ2NjE4YmE0OTBiZGE2ZGM0MDEz" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM1MzBiYzZhZWE0ZDQwZmZhOTVhMzU1MjMwNTQzODky" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"10,000."</span></p> <p class="cnM3MmQzMGIxNGFhZDQ5ZWVhYjhlNGI4M2ZmZTM1ZmU4" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMxMDlkZDhkYjYyZDQzNGM5Y2ZkYjFjNzgyODRmZTFi" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"How did we do?"</span></p> <p class="cnM5MGQxNmQ3YjI3ZDRkNDg4YmJhYmEyM2RlMzhmMTg4" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNhOWQ4ZGMzNmZkZDQ2YjM5M2JlZmYxZTM4ZDAxOGI0" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"Quite well! The trials are ongoing, but we project a 43% success rate."</span></p> <p class="cnMwNWE4MDQ2OWViZjQ3M2Y5ZDQ0YTE0NDAwNmI4NjZj" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNhYzgzNjRhOTEzMzQ3NGFhNmU3ZmMyOTk4OTQyNzBl" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"And the other 57% were slaughtered horribly by monsters, or will be?"</span></p> <p class="cnM0NzZlZWRjMzhhNTQ4Mzg4YzYwNmIwNTdmZmVlM2I3" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM0MzE2M2FiMzU2YTRlYzI4ZGQ0Yzg3MGJiNWMyN2I5" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"Sadly, yes. It is unfortunate, but we could not prevent their deaths without causing greater harm."</span></p> <p class="cnM5YjdkMTg2NGQ4ZjRiYTQ5YzYyM2FmMWY0YzI4ZDdk" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNiMjEwMzlkYzBmMTQwM2U5NTkzMmQzZTFhZmMzMTk1" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">Dan paused to collect his thoughts. </span></p> <p class="cnM2NTA3NjE1OWJjYzRhMzI4ZDc1MDdjZWZiOGQxZWE5" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMyNmU4ZDMwNzQ5MzQ4NGU4ODUwNWQ5NWNlN2Y2ZDIw" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"Why do you care about saving worlds that are obviously far beneath whatever your people are?"</span></p> <p class="cnM0N2I2NTRmMzFiOTQzNjdhMTU3MWEyMTY5YzVlYjJk" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNjODhmN2VhNWRiYzQwNjA5ODk3YmNiNTdjNmNlM2U1" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"A good question! As you suspect, it is not entirely a matter of altruism. Though that does play a larger part than you think. In this conversation, I will not lie to you, but I may give partial answers, or decline to answer, if in my judgment the full truth would be unwise. Here is a partial, but truthful, answer to your question. The System itself is fueled by the worlds to which it connects. I know you're curious as to the exact mechanics, but without disrespect, they are beyond your ability to understand at present even in a simplified explanation. The more surviving, stable worlds we can connect to the System, the stronger the System grows, the more resources we have for the work that we do."</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZTU4NWQyNDYxZjQ2NGE4YjdmZGRiMTk4OGI1YmZi" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNhYWMzNGZiNTc3NTQwZDU5MDRlYzBhZTQ5OWVlZWIy" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"Did your people create the System?"</span></p> <p class="cnM2MzE5MmQzYmRlNzQ1M2ZiYmFhOGU0OWUwYWM2OTY5" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMzYTg3NzhjNGRhYzRiZmRhOTg5ZTk4YWY5NzQxYzdk" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"No. We are its inheritors and custodians. The System's creators are long gone, to an unknown destination."</span></p> <p class="cnNlODM2MGExYWVmOTQ2NTc5ZGJhMzhiN2VjOTVmZDJh" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMxMTQ0YWRiNTEyMTQzZjNiNjU3MWZmNzYxMTFhYjFi" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"Are you actually a race of blue bi-pedal humanoids?"</span></p> <p class="cnM5NjNlYzA4YmU3NDQ2OGM5ZjFlMWUwY2U1NzYyYTJm" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNiMmFkMzI1YjAxYTQ3NTBhMjUxMDNmODc5MjM5NWJl" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"No. You're seeing this form because it is similar enough to your kind that you can relate to me, but different enough not to raise your suspicion that I am trying to appear human. It, and the personality I am presenting, is meant to put you at ease and make our conversation more productive."</span></p> <p class="cnMzODZhNzc5MTBmNDRlMjViYWZmZmM1NGIxNWVjYTlm" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM4N2VlOTAzZmMxMTQ4ZDk5MTg2MjNlYjIxN2QwODc5" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"That... actually makes quite a bit of sense. Is this a simulation? Was the goblin fight and the pocket dimension my office building was dropped into a simulation? What about the world I'm being sent to?</span></p> <p class="cnMyYmM0MDBiYzA2ZjQzNmM5YTk5MWM0MzFjNDNlNGM1" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM0ODZjNDZmZmQyNzRjODZhMTM4YjgxYTc2OWYzNGYx" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">Sam sighed and rubbed his forehead. It actually looked a bit like the facepalm meme outline. "That is an actively harmful question to ask. You believe this is a simulation. If I tell you that yes, it is, you will trust me more but take all of this less seriously. If I tell you all of this has taken place in physical reality, you will distrust my answer and everything else I have to say. Whether this is the virtual reality simulation of an artificial intelligence vastly beyond your comprehension, material reality, or Azathoth's dream, in every way that matters this is real. What you do matters. If you die, you're dead. But I will trust you and answer your question. This is a simulation. The pocket dimension where your Initial Trial was conducted was real. The world you will be taken to is real. Believe as you will."</span></p> <p class="cnM0YjI0NGVmYjU1ZTQ1MWU4NTZmNWNjOTBmZmRkNTg2" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM1NjYyZmY4YzJjZTQwM2Q4NjA2NDgxZjlkYTQ3YmFi" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"Why be honest? Why not lie? If the purpose of this is to psychologically stabilize me, the truth can't be optimal all of the time. Much of what you have told me is terrifying."</span></p> <p class="cnM4NTU2MTE1MzNhMjQ5NmJhNWIzN2FmODc4M2Q3NzYx" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMyNTQzNzk5MzRmNzQxNzFiNDhhNTFmNzJlMDE5NGVm" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"Because you are you. I have no moral compunctions against dishonesty in the right situation. However, you are a Chosen Esper with unusually high Perception for one of your level and access to the Sense Deceit aether ability. It, combined with how quickly and strongly you take offense at being mislead, makes you a bit of a delicate case to handle. There are countermeasures possible of course, but fewer and more problematic than you'd think. In this instance, it's simply more practical to tell you the truth."</span></p> <p class="cnNiNmI2NWI3MzY5ODQxN2I4MTliMDJkMzJlYTQxM2Uy" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNiNGUwODA5NGNjZDRkY2ZiNjdiNzlkMTk1OWNlMzQw" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">Of course, if Sam were lying, would he still say that? Dan's head hurt a little. </span></p> <p class="cnNlOWEzZTkyYzVlZDQ2ZmNiNGE2ZDQ1ODNhOGFjMGUy" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMzYzc2YjZjNjMxMTQ4MmQ5MzZkNDU3MDRhOGE4YTVj" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"If I die, what happens? Will my family back home have a body to bury, or will I have been quite literally abducted by aliens?"</span></p> <p class="cnNlYmRmNGMxNWRmYzQ4ZDg4Y2NhOWYwZDAxYmE1NzVh" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM4ODg5ZjVkYzA2NzQyMDk4NTk0YzQyN2JkOWIwNDYy" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"Your co-workers will come in to work in the morning to find you have tragically died of a massive stroke."</span></p> <p class="cnNjNTg2ZDc3OTZhMzQ3ZjY4NTEyMTg0YTFmMDgyM2Jl" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNhMjk0ZmM4YjA0MDRjODliMDA3MmFmYzIyYWVlMjFh" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"This really isn't bolstering your claim that the world I'm going to is not a simulation."</span></p> <p class="cnNhNjAyZTQ4YjU5YzQzN2FiYzI2ZmM4ZTcyYzk2Njkw" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMxNzg2MjZmZWRjMTQ0ZjM4NmIxNDJiZGQxNGYzZDU4" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"Yet it truthfully is not."</span></p> <p class="cnMzNjM5ZjI5OTI3NzQ3NGM5M2UxOGFjNzViODg5NmUz" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMyOGIxNDMwNmQzNzRkZDNiYWZkMmI3OTY5Y2M1YmU2" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"Fair enough."</span></p> <p class="cnMzNGQ1YWZkY2RjNjRmMTA4OTlkNmUwMjIyOTZkYmFm" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNiNTEyY2E2YjMyNTRhMWQ5YzYzNzhlZTk2MzJjZjc5" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">There was a pause in the conversation as Dan gathered his thoughts. The question that came to mind did not seem like the question he should be asking, but it was there and better questions, for the moment, were not.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MmQzZWJkNGY2NzRjY2Y5N2EwN2E3YjU3NWM2YTc4" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM3M2Y5NTk0ZjIxZDQ4OGM5MDVkNDc2NDVmYjNhZTNk" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"Can I keep my van?"</span></p> <p class="cnM2NWUzYTQ5ODgzZDRhM2ZhYzM1ZTViMDk4NDE1NWQy" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMwZWM4YWU1ZmE4NTQ0ZDNiZTc2OTkzOWJhODU0MjE3" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"No, although that was a very good try! Items you attempted to bring that exist in your destination realm will be brought with you. Items with analogues in your destination realms will be substituted. Items that do not exist, whether because the technology has not been developed or because the materials are not present, will be left behind, but you will be compensated with an appropriate sum of local currency."</span></p> <p class="cnNjNmUyN2I2ZWQzYzQxNTQ4Y2EyNzgzMmJlOTI4OWVl" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNhYzE5YmFlMjJiNDRhMzE5YTgxNmZjZWY2MTk4NjI3" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">As if it had been a cake that took time to bake, Dan's mind presented him with a question he should have asked earlier. </span></p> <p class="cnNiYzE5MzA0ODMzZTQ3Mzg4MWE1MDkzNDk1NmMwN2M1" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM5YThmNGM2NTgyNzQ4Yzc5YjE1MmY4YjU2MjhiNGY4" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"I was given a quest to, quote, '<strong>Gain Power'</strong>. What does that mean? What kind of power? How am I supposed to gain it?</span></p> <p class="cnNlZDM2MjIxNDExZTQ2OTM5ODQzNzAzYWQ4ZGU3OTA3" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNiYTk1YWE5ZGVkNTRiYTg5YjgwM2U0NmFkZGEzZmVm" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"That is vague intentionally. It is part of the test."</span></p> <p class="cnNhNzNiN2NlMGM3MTQyYjZiYzY0Njc0ZDg3ZjkyZTM5" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMxNTcwMjM2ZDhlYTQyZDE4MmU4ZTYwYmJjYzJiZjY2" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">Dan thought, a bit frustrated. He could press, but knew further attempts in that line of inquiry would be a waste of time.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMTVjMGE4NzFkNjQxZDM5NTc5ZjY1ZTMyZDhlMDll" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNjNTNkMjcxOTM5ZjQ1YTViNzA1ZDBlYTUxYzVlNTA2" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"Why is there a world similar to Earth's pop culture fantasy genre?"</span></p> <p class="cnNlNWIwOWUyN2YzYzQxMGI4YTRlM2FjNzcyZjRmNDFl" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNiOTRhOWU3ZWU0YTQxYjQ5ZWFhZWJiMjQ3MzY0YTEx" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"Because we've seeded your world with these concepts. Also, RPGs? That was us."</span></p> <p class="cnNkOWQ0MjJiZWY1NzRjNGQ4YTVlMTc3M2RjNjQ0Nzkx" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMxYzc1MGMyMGYzZDQ1YzVhMWI5ZmZiM2U1Y2YyNGJj" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"Figures."</span></p> <p class="cnNkNGQ3MjM0Y2U3YjRmYWNiNTA5NTg5YzVmYjFiZTA1" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM4NmFjYTA2NWQ2MjQ2ZDlhYWVmZjM0NmU0OTAzY2I5" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"You're Welcome! Think of how lost you'd be without that background. It will meaningfully improve your survival chances. In fact, it already has. Sadly, this is a test, and as much as I wish we could, we can't cheat to help you by giving all the answers ahead of time. I know you are just about to ask a litany of highly pertinent questions I won't be able to answer, but our time is almost up."</span></p> <p class="cnNhMTczNTI2ZTQ1YTQwN2Y4YzM1OTUwMTEzMDFlYWVl" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMxYzdjZTBkYjAyYTQ2YjZhOTNjM2FkMGU2MDExNjQ3" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"You know what Sam? I appreciate it. Thank you. Will I see you again?"</span></p> <p class="cnNiM2JlZjY0YzhkYTQyZjk4NzJmYTBkZDUxNTBhZWVh" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNmZjVjNjcwMWQxYzQ0ZjE5YjkxODJlYmI2MWQ3Nzc4" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">"Ordinarily, I would say no. However, you are a bit of a special case. You have unusual potential, which may lead you down paths that cross with mine. Call it a definite maybe on a future cup of tea."</span></p> </div>
It began to rain as Dan stalked the last living goblin. It was a soft, cold rain and fell straight down from a flat band of cloud that hung gray and still in the night sky. There was no wind. Fourteen lead sling bullets rested in Dan's belt bag, half of them misshapen now after he recovered them from the skulls of dead goblins. It had been grisly work for a few with needle nosed pliers and a clawed hammer, somehow more personal than killing the monsters from a distance had been. Up close and safely dead they seemed smaller, and fragile. He could not know what would happen when he killed the last of them and met the "Initial Test Success Condition" the first System message had notified him about. "Initial", however, did not generally mean "final", or "only". He had to assume that there were more tests to follow, and so that meant the last goblin lived until Dan was as ready as he could make himself for an unknown, violent future.   His quarry hid within the tangle of a large bush planted on the east side of the building to soften and partially hide the sharp metal features of the industrial HVAC unit. Not a bad plan, really. Hide, wait in ambush, hope that Dan's attention slipped and he could be taken unawares. But the little monster was alone now and hopelessly outmatched. Dan activated "Unerring Aim [self]" and slung a lead ovoid that traced a narrow path through the foliage and into the back of the creature's head.   **Monster Defeated, Common Goblin (lvl 1). Aether Gained.**   **Congratulations! Initial Test Passed.**   **You have gained the title "Vanguard". +20% to level-directed Aether gain, +5 to all unlocked attributes, and perk "Universal Translator" gained.**   **You have been assigned a Primary Test.**   **Test Directive: Gain Power.**   **Test Time Limit: Seven Years.**   **Successful completion of Test will have rewards including return to moment of initial System integration in origin world and universe with retention of memory and System granted abilities.**   **You have ten minutes to gather your belongings before mandatory orientation, preceding realm shift.**   **You have reached 100 Perception. Sense "Sense Weakness" Unlocked.** Dan didn't need ten minutes. He was already prepared, so all that was left to do is walk over and retrieve the sling bullet from the dirt under the bush, then go back and wait in his van. It was an extreme long shot, but the van did belong to him. Maybe he could keep it? If nothing else, it was cold out now and the van was warm and dry. And there was enough time to enjoy the full first movement of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata in the van's audio system, accented by the percussion of softly falling drops of rain against its body. It would be a long time before he could listen to Beethoven again. Seven years. Seven years before he could see his family, or return home. And that was a best case scenario. Dan sat in the driver's seat with the back reclined to make room for the backpack that contained his travel emergency kit, a pair of pliers, and a hammer. He held the tire iron in his left hand, and wore the fur cloak from some unknown, unfortunate beast that he'd claimed as spoils of war from the Goblin Chieftain. Wherever he was going, it might be cold. The final, soft descending notes played and the song ended, followed by the remaining several seconds of the ten minute countdown.   Those seconds took a very long time.   Then he was gone, and then he was somewhere else. The floor was a flat, uniform, matte white. There were no walls, and the sky was white. In every direction but one there was nothing but endless white, as far as his enhanced eyes could see. Dan had gotten so used to a constant stream of sensory input that the sudden lack of things to sense felt weird and wrong. Directly in front of him was a minimalist glass desk with an office chair on each side. The chairs looked the kind of simple that is very expensive. The one nearest Dan was empty. The chair on the other side was filled with a bald, blue-skinned alien in a neatly tailored charcoal gray suit, a cream shirt, and a thin navy tie with a gold tie clip. It had a big head and big blue eyes, which smiled along with its mouth as it addressed him: "Hello Dan! Congratulations on passing your initial trial. I am one of the System Administrators assigned to monitor the trial set the System is running on your world. You can call me Sam. Please, take a seat. Tea?"   Dan sat. System Identify told him nothing about the nature of this Sam, but in his Perceive Power and Sense Aether senses, Sam shined so brightly it was if the Sun itself sat across from him and had just offered a cup of tea. Dan flushed with co-mingled awe and wariness. "Um, thank you, but I'm not thirsty. Could you please tell me where I am and where I'm going?"   Sam laughed. "Jumping right to the big questions I see. Or perhaps you mean it more narrowly. To answer most simply, this is your orientation. I am here to assist you in gaining a measure of psychological stability before your realm shift, which is just a way of saying a one-way ticket to a planet much like your own where you'll have the chance to earn a ticket back home. The planet you are going to has a great deal in common with the fantasy genre of entertainment in the popular culture of your world, so it should be simple enough to find your feet if you keep your wits, equilibrium, and respect the locals."   "Why is my world being tested?"   Sam frowned, looked Dan in the eye. "It may be useful to think of us as multiversal ecologists. Your planet, because of your people, has potential, and we've been keeping an eye on you. A few times, we've had to intervene to protect you. Divert a wayward celestial body here, prevent a cataclysmic volcanic eruption there. But each intervention does cost resources, and ours, while vast, aren't endless. It's a big multiverse with a lot of worlds we'd like to save, but we cannot save all. Recently, we've too often had to save you, and your world, from yourselves, in increasingly expensive ways. Without our repeated intervention, you would have driven your own species to extinction a number of times over the last century. Frankly, we can't keep saving you from you. We can connect you to the System. That could give you the tools you need to save yourselves. But your world is not ready, and the cost will be terrible. The tests are to see if your world has a realistic chance of surviving the aftermath. If it does not, you have my sincere condolences. Much as with organ transplants, we can not give something as rare and precious as a System connection to a patient who will die regardless."   "So no pressure then."   Sam smirked. "No, none at all. Though please do know that as the recipient of a Legendary Blessing, and a notably powerful one at that, you are one of your world's brightest hopes, both for passing this test and for leading your world through the violent trauma of System Integration."   "This trauma wouldn't happen to be monster related would it?"   "It would. The System will allow the humans of your world to gain a wide range of powers and abilities, but the source of all of them is aether. However, for reasons much speculated about but still not conclusively understood, there is a price to be paid for access to this power. Powerful monsters will spawn and be drawn irresistibly to concentrations of the species that use aether and attempt to eradicate them."   "Umm... Why monsters?"   "Theists believe the Source of Aether grants power only to those who prove themselves worthy through combat. Others believe all aether is stolen, all who so steal are parasites, and the monsters are an immune response. There are other theories. Myself, I don't get overmuch concerned with such questions of philosophy."   "How many of us did you take as test subjects?"   "10,000."   "How did we do?"   "Quite well! The trials are ongoing, but we project a 43% success rate."   "And the other 57% were slaughtered horribly by monsters, or will be?"   "Sadly, yes. It is unfortunate, but we could not prevent their deaths without causing greater harm."   Dan paused to collect his thoughts.   "Why do you care about saving worlds that are obviously far beneath whatever your people are?"   "A good question! As you suspect, it is not entirely a matter of altruism. Though that does play a larger part than you think. In this conversation, I will not lie to you, but I may give partial answers, or decline to answer, if in my judgment the full truth would be unwise. Here is a partial, but truthful, answer to your question. The System itself is fueled by the worlds to which it connects. I know you're curious as to the exact mechanics, but without disrespect, they are beyond your ability to understand at present even in a simplified explanation. The more surviving, stable worlds we can connect to the System, the stronger the System grows, the more resources we have for the work that we do."   "Did your people create the System?"   "No. We are its inheritors and custodians. The System's creators are long gone, to an unknown destination."   "Are you actually a race of blue bi-pedal humanoids?"   "No. You're seeing this form because it is similar enough to your kind that you can relate to me, but different enough not to raise your suspicion that I am trying to appear human. It, and the personality I am presenting, is meant to put you at ease and make our conversation more productive."   "That... actually makes quite a bit of sense. Is this a simulation? Was the goblin fight and the pocket dimension my office building was dropped into a simulation? What about the world I'm being sent to?   Sam sighed and rubbed his forehead. It actually looked a bit like the facepalm meme outline. "That is an actively harmful question to ask. You believe this is a simulation. If I tell you that yes, it is, you will trust me more but take all of this less seriously. If I tell you all of this has taken place in physical reality, you will distrust my answer and everything else I have to say. Whether this is the virtual reality simulation of an artificial intelligence vastly beyond your comprehension, material reality, or Azathoth's dream, in every way that matters this is real. What you do matters. If you die, you're dead. But I will trust you and answer your question. This is a simulation. The pocket dimension where your Initial Trial was conducted was real. The world you will be taken to is real. Believe as you will."   "Why be honest? Why not lie? If the purpose of this is to psychologically stabilize me, the truth can't be optimal all of the time. Much of what you have told me is terrifying."   "Because you are you. I have no moral compunctions against dishonesty in the right situation. However, you are a Chosen Esper with unusually high Perception for one of your level and access to the Sense Deceit aether ability. It, combined with how quickly and strongly you take offense at being mislead, makes you a bit of a delicate case to handle. There are countermeasures possible of course, but fewer and more problematic than you'd think. In this instance, it's simply more practical to tell you the truth."   Of course, if Sam were lying, would he still say that? Dan's head hurt a little.   "If I die, what happens? Will my family back home have a body to bury, or will I have been quite literally abducted by aliens?"   "Your co-workers will come in to work in the morning to find you have tragically died of a massive stroke."   "This really isn't bolstering your claim that the world I'm going to is not a simulation."   "Yet it truthfully is not."   "Fair enough."   There was a pause in the conversation as Dan gathered his thoughts. The question that came to mind did not seem like the question he should be asking, but it was there and better questions, for the moment, were not.   "Can I keep my van?"   "No, although that was a very good try! Items you attempted to bring that exist in your destination realm will be brought with you. Items with analogues in your destination realms will be substituted. Items that do not exist, whether because the technology has not been developed or because the materials are not present, will be left behind, but you will be compensated with an appropriate sum of local currency."   As if it had been a cake that took time to bake, Dan's mind presented him with a question he should have asked earlier.   "I was given a quest to, quote, '**Gain Power'**. What does that mean? What kind of power? How am I supposed to gain it?   "That is vague intentionally. It is part of the test."   Dan thought, a bit frustrated. He could press, but knew further attempts in that line of inquiry would be a waste of time.   "Why is there a world similar to Earth's pop culture fantasy genre?"   "Because we've seeded your world with these concepts. Also, RPGs? That was us."   "Figures."   "You're Welcome! Think of how lost you'd be without that background. It will meaningfully improve your survival chances. In fact, it already has. Sadly, this is a test, and as much as I wish we could, we can't cheat to help you by giving all the answers ahead of time. I know you are just about to ask a litany of highly pertinent questions I won't be able to answer, but our time is almost up."   "You know what Sam? I appreciate it. Thank you. Will I see you again?"   "Ordinarily, I would say no. However, you are a bit of a special case. You have unusual potential, which may lead you down paths that cross with mine. Call it a definite maybe on a future cup of tea."
{ "title": "System: Gods' Gardener", "id": 21491, "author": "Smoked Dragon Meat", "rating": 5 }
{ "title": "Revival 1", "id": 305432, "next": 305769, "prev": 305339, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMxMTdmODU4YWZhNDQzZGY4M2IwMzYyZjE0MmI1ZTJk"><span style="text-decoration: line-through"></span></p> <p class="cnM3NTFlNzQ4YjdkOTQzZjJiOGQzODNmYzlhYmQ2NTU4">In the middle of the night</p> <p class="cnMyZTFkMjgzOTVhNDQzYmViNjE1ZGE3NmQ5MzM3MDY3">Ding!<br>[System: You received a Gods' Mail(1)]<br>[System: You received a Gods' mail(2)]<br>.<br>.<br>.<br>[System: You received a Gods' mail(12)]</p> <p class="cnMyNTI0ZjI2YWY4MDQ5Yzk4NjkxZWNiODhhMjNmYmNm">"Hmm, 10 minutes more! I'm so dead tired!" Lucas said half asleep.</p> <p class="cnM4N2Q0YzZlZTNiYTQ5NTA4MmVkYzk4ZmVmMzIxOTlh">[System: God sent you 12 mails]</p> <p class="cnNmYWZiMDU3ZjMyMTQ0Nzg4ZTU1OGM3MzE5MTM0YzY5">"Pff! What? What do this guys want!?"</p> <p class="cnM1MjM2NDA4MGQ1OTQ4MmI4YTA0YWM0YjQ4M2ZiODk0">He opened his mail and see who have sent him the messages. No, there's only one messenger! What do this gods want? He opens the mails one by one to know what is that god is thinking when he sends those mails!</p> <p class="cnMxNWEzOGIxYTY0ZjRiNzViNTBmNmVhZTg1ODk5Yzgw">[You there?]</p> <p class="cnNmMzhiMWVkMjM0YTRmNmJiYzMzZWJkNjNmMzc4NGEx">[Sleeping?]</p> <p class="cnNjYTZiYTZjYWRkYzRmMzZiODRmNTEzZWE3ZGYzZjJh">[You took two years before you make it in Hearth!]</p> <p class="cnM5MmM5NjcxMDc2ODQ1NDI5NzZlMGRjN2VhYjQ4Yjky">[You also took two years to discover the store!]</p> <p class="cnMwZGJmNzE2ZDZiZDRiNDNhYzRiZGEwM2UxNWY3NjY0">[Well since it already reaches in this point, you can finally proceed the mission I want to give you!]</p> <p class="cnMwOTA2NGU1NjE3NDQ1Mzg4OTM2MjAxNzU5YWU1Mzdm">[This world of Hearth was a paradise for farmers, and the evolution of the creatures here turned out to be cute and attracted my friends. My friends were a bit disappointed though!]</p> <p class="cnM3MmFlZjM2MWI2ZjRlMmM5MTAwN2E4MzJmOGMzOWI0">[The mission I want to give you is to transfer, and revive every extinct plant in this planet, using the resources from Earth!]</p> <p class="cnNjZTYxNGFmZWI0ZTQ2YjM5NjA1YzMzNDQxOWI5Nzky">[And of course, every mission will give you Plant points(Ppts) as a reward!]</p> <p class="cnNjNmFjN2VjZjg5NTQ3NTM4NDUyMDc0MjI5NDc0ZGNh">[There is a daily mission with lower rewards that is enough to support your farm, and there is the main mission which will be focusing on the evolution of extinct plant. There are two sub-missions, Rule the world, and build a kingdom for plants and human to coexists. Which is the decision depends on you if you want to do it or not]</p> <p class="cnM1YTM2MjFiNzg5NTQwZmVhYjg5NmU1ZDA5NjUzOWNi">[The future of this planet will be in your hands! Do your best and you'll be rewarded!]</p> <p class="cnMzMmNjMDVlNGFmMzQ5MjA5NTU0MzI5ZGQwMjk5MDFl">[This will be my last message, I am invited by my friend to century-long feast! Haha!]</p> <p class="cnNmNjFjYzYzNTFmNDRhMzNiZWFhYTZkYWQ3MmY3NDQ4">[I'll cut my messages to wake you up! kuhaha!]</p> <p class="cnNiMjI4ZDFiNDViODQwZThhM2NhN2M3MGQ1MTNlNmNj">"....Is-is this real? The hell with him! It's not the end of the of the world to wake me up this early!" he said and continue, "What with this missions? System, show me the mission page."</p> <p class="cnM0YTU3NTMyZTBlYTQ0NmViNTZmMDY5MmE4MTIwYjA2">Ding!</p> <p class="cnNmNzJmMDBkZGM0ZDRjOGVhYzlhOTgyNjAxMzhiODgz">[Missions]</p> <p class="cnNmYzlkMmY0NTJjYTQ0NWI5YzdmYzVmM2U4MTgwY2U3">*Daily mission<br>-Walk for 10 minutes (0/10) - 2ppts<br>-Drink 8 glass of water (0/8) - 5ppts<br>-Eat 3 times a day (0/3) - 10ppts<br>-Dungeon for an hour (0/60min) - 25ppts</p> <p class="cnMxNGYyMjMyYmVkNDQ0OTA4ODQ0OWRhMzE5NWM0MGYy">*Main mission<br>-Build a farm/dome 5 kilometers from any city (0/1) - 1960ppts<br>-Revive extinct planteros 1 (0/1) - 1000ppts</p> <p class="cnMzMmVkYTljMWI5ZjQzZjRhOTg0YzhkZDQ1OWVkYWZm">*Sub Missions<br>-Rule the world (y/n)<br>-Build a kingdom for plants and human to coexist (y/n)</p> <p class="cnM0ZjIzMDA4MTc3MzQ1YWRiMDY5OTgxODQ4YWFiOTc5">"..well seems normal, except for daily mission! Well, seems like giving the god my crops won't work anymore! This sub-mission will wait after my farm become stable."</p> <p class="cnM4ZWU0NGFkZmIwNTRhYjM5YWIxNTY0MDUzMWRkMjc0">He was gonna go out to eat his breakfast, but he remembered that it is only 2:00 am. He went inside the bath area and wash his body properly and wear simple pants and a plain t-shirt. Equipping his shrink bag on his waist, he went downstairs to look if there's already food.</p> <p class="cnMzY2E2YmI1YjVhODRkMGI4MGM4MDkyZDU1MTg5YmNm">"Hmm? Good morning Violet! So early, did you rest properly? Those thugs did not come after you again right?"</p> <p class="cnNlN2RhM2VlMzkyNDRlNjQ5NGMzMmRmOWY0NzBmNDg4">The girl looks at him strangely and chuckled, "Hehe, no sir I'm Viola, we are twins! Thank you for saving my sister yesterday!"</p> <p class="cnM2MWIzNzUwZDE2MTQxNDg4ZGY5Zjk5M2QxZjdlNWFi">Lucas can't help but scratch his head after he heard that she's a different person."Well, Miss Viola. I know that it's so early, but did the already made a breakfast? I will be working early today and I don't want to go out with an empty stomach!"</p> <p class="cnMyYWExY2U4MDY4MTQyZGZiNjhmNWFlMDVlMjU4OTI4">"Fufu! Of course sir. The Kernel Inn is Inn for early birds! Farmers and adventurers are the most customers of the Inn! The cheapest set is 2 silver coins and the most pricey set is 1 gold or 2 mana grains! We also have our best selling for only 1 mana grain!"</p> <p class="cnMzNTVmNTkxZmZkMzQ5MTU5YWE1MzA2MmRjYzM5ZWVl">"Haha, so cute! It's so early yet your full of energy! I want the best selling set!"</p> <p class="cnM1NDdlMzM1YTdkMzQ0MmZhZDg0ZGJkNGQwMWY4NTZm">She smiled and list a note, "Your food will be served after 5-10 minutes, sir!"</p> <p class="cnM4YzVmNjViODRkNjRhYjJiZmJmZTQ1NjYxMGM1NTA3">"Okay, I'll be waiting in the dining area!"</p> <p class="cnM4ZDJkNzJlY2JiNTQxZjM4YzY2NjQxZWRlZTMzNDU1">When he walked inside the dining area, there is already a lot of customers eating. "Woah, this is really a farming world! There is not enough table for everyone!"</p> <p class="cnM2MzI2NzY5ZmRjYjQ2YjE4ODk1YmJlNmE1MTYxMzk1">He stands on the side of the room to wait for an empty table, but he saw an old waving his hands toward him. On his side is a blonde little lady who is still half asleep.</p> <p class="cnNjYWQ1MGFjZjJlOTRiZTg4MjgyMGMyNDMxYjk3ZTA1">"HAHA! As expected of the farmer's grandson! You can sit beside her, she sleeps so late yesterday so she's like a zombie! haha!"</p> <p class="cnNkZWJhNjc0MDFhYTQ2NDY4ZTA0MGY2ZWVjYTk3YWU4">"G-Grandpa! I only work a bit longer yesterday! Someone took my shrink bag so I need to work!"</p> <p class="cnNhMjc2ZTFkNWVkMDQ5OTk5NjU2ZThlYjIzNjBhODk5">"Haha!" He laughs and pinches her cheeks, "It's your fault for accepted our bet! Well, I'll give you a better bag when I earn more!"</p> <p class="cnM2OGY2N2NjNjY0MjQ5YzM4NDY5ODc2ZjBiZTVhMmFj">"Kuk! Let go or I'll cry!"</p> <p class="cnNlMWYxNjU5YjMzNTRjMDA4ODcyMTMwZWU3MWM5NTQw">ding! ting!</p> <p class="cnNlOTc3MWU1NTcwZjQyZDM5NTgxNjc0ZGQwYTBiOGQz">The room fell silent and the sounds of utensils dropping were the only noise they can hear. Their mouth was wide open looking at the blonde girl wailing!</p> <p class="cnNiN2M5YWE4NzFjNTRhODA4MzBhOWNiOTA5MDFlZjZm">"I-is she still the blood Blondie!?"</p> <p class="cnNkZmFjM2FiMTA2YjQzZGFhYjI4YjA1M2E0YjYyZjAz">"I-i don't know! Maybe because of that youngsters?"</p> <p class="cnM5M2Q4YzlkOTJiNDQ3YjM5NGM1ZDM4MDIwNmE5NWE2">"Hush! Shut your mouths and continue eating, she will kill you for sure if she heard what you say!"</p> <p class="cnNmZWE3OWM1NThlNDQxY2FiYzA0NTA4ODgxZDA3MjI3">While the bees murmured his food finally arrived. It's Pork steak from the Watermelon pig, fried rice from chicken rice, and boiled corn from Corn Puppies!</p> <p class="cnM1ZmJiNGI2ODZmYzQ2ZTBhOGE4NzdkYTg4YzdmYTEw">Neil laughs and drunk a glass of water. "Look, you have already tamed my granddaughter! I told you the two of you are destined to meet!"</p> <p class="cnM5YWU3NWI2MDRmYjQ4ZWU4MThmODZiMWQ5ZmJhMzgz">"Haha, please grandpa! She's still innocent, let's just eat our food before it gets cold! By the way, do planteros is still a plant? Why do they have meat!?"</p> <p class="cnNmMzkyZTRlYjM3YzQ3YWU5NDE2YmQwNGJkYWFhZjI0">"kahaha! Of course not, they will evolve and developed parts and behavior according to their race! Chicken Rice lays thousands of eggs with full of rice inside! Watermelon Pigs can be breed without the usage of mana so it's easy to raise them! While corn puppies need on a pot of soil to grow corns from their mana!"</p> <p class="cnMwZjczNjEzYTQ1MzRkYWY5OWZhZDU2NTFhNWYyNzVi">"Hmm, actually today, I planned to look for you and ask for a book of Planteros. I need to learn about them for the future of my farm!"</p> <p class="cnNiOTI0NWU2OTliYTRiZjE4ZTI3ZmQ1ZDVmODVhY2Q4">"Hmm, I have already planned to give you this when I saw you wield your hoe!" he took a book from his shrink bag and throw it to him "That is the book which has the record of every planteros that exist in the history! The extinct planteros also is listed in the book! There are also lists of fruits and plants which do not have any sighting of evolved form, but I guess they just hide their self from the outside world!"</p> <p class="cnMxZGNhNjVjMTNjZTQwMmNiMWZiZmUwY2EyNTIzMjJk">"T-thanks grandpa! This will be a great help for me!"</p> <p class="cnNmZDI1ZjRkNzVlYzQwN2I4YjkzMTYxNjQwNGM5MmY2">"Haha, well it's good for my future Grandson-in-law to have a great future!"</p> <p class="cnM4YTBkMjkxZmVlZTQ1ZTI4YTA3NDIxNjQyMjVlNDE0">"G-grandpa!"</p> <p class="cnNjNTU0ZDZlMGJhMTQzNTdhNTI1NWQ0MmFmOWExY2Vl">"Hahaha"</p> <p class="cnM3MGQ1ZjZmZGQ1NDQ3ZDM5ZmU4OWYzZWQ4MDYxOThl">Lucas just smiled after hearing his words and eat his food before it gets cold. "Hmm, grandpa do you know a store who sold materials for my dome?"</p> <p class="cnMxOTc2Y2JiMjMxNzQ5Mjc4ZDA1NWU2OGYyYjYyZWQ5">"Of course! the whole set will cost 200 mana grains! They also offer delivery for 5 mana grains! Here's the place." He took out a paper and pen to draw a map and give it to Lucas.</p> <p class="cnNhMzlmYmQ0MTc4YTQxZDhhNThiZWM0NDgyYjIxNTM0">"Thank you, grandpa! I'm going to buy my materials after my dungeon diving!"</p> <p class="cnMwN2IwNmE0MDhkNzQ1YzFiNDg1ZDdkNDYzYWMyZGQ2">"Good luck son! Don't die okay?"</p> <p class="cnM3ZDNhZjVkNWU4MzQzYTQ5YTc5NzcxYTY5N2ExMGZi">"Haha, I won't!"</p> <p class="cnNkZDIzMGFiZDE5YTRmN2U5ZmE4NmVlOTYyNTRkOWVl">He proceeds to the north of the city to do diving. He hunted 460 mana grains after an hour and added to his gains from last time he has 2,360 mana grains on his possession. Ending his hunt, he checked his mission and received his points.</p> <p class="cnM2N2U5ZjAxN2IxOTRjNmU5ODQxMjFlYzc3ODYxNWFj">--------------------<br>*Daily mission<br>-Walk for 10 minutes (10/10) - 2ppts<br>-Drink 8 glass of water (2/8) - 5ppts<br>-Eat 3 times a day (1/3) - 10ppts<br>-Dungeon for an hour (60/60min) - 25ppts</p> <p class="cnNhZmZiZDc5ZTI4NDRhZjZiZTVhM2MwYmVmMjQ4Mzc0">Ppts: 27<br>------------------</p> <p class="cnNiZGJiNDg0OGI4MDQ3YWVhOGViMTQ5YzQ0MTU1MmUw">"Yosh! I only need to buy materials for my dome!"</p> <p class="cnMwYTUwNmI1MWIxNTRlNjdiZjA4YmZmNTVlZWU4NDFi">He went out of the cave and look for the place Neil told him.</p> <p class="cnM5OWRiZGU3YmE4YTRlNWZiZjIyYTk5YjNkNDE3Nzhl">"Good morning, what do you need sir?" A buffy old man with his face full of beard.</p> <p class="cnM4YzNiMGNlNmI4ZjQ1NTBiOTNlNTJjNmE4YjNhMjdm">"Grandpa, I was directed here by Grandpa Neil. I need materials for my dome!"</p> <p class="cnMzN2FlNzljOGIwMzQ3ZjNiYTA2OTIxYTBkNjlkOWJk">"Hoho! That stingy old man finally referred a buyer to my store ha!? Kuhaha! My name is Buckler remember my name kid!" He said and signals to follow him. "That old man doesn't want to advertise even if he's paid, since your the first person he referred I'll do my best to not take advantage of you! Now tell me what you need? We have enough, materials, delivery trucks, and workers!"</p> <p class="cnM2ZjlkMjRhNzAxOTQ1MzA4ODkyODJhMDBlNzY2ZjA0">Listening to his story about Neil he can't but laugh, he tells him the story about their meeting and was sidetracked! "Hehe, I'm sorry Grandpa, I need enough materials for largest dome your workers can build, and I also want the dome to be two times thicker!"</p> <p class="cnM5YjBjMGM2MDBlYjQ4Y2M5MjY5ZjdhMjgxMTc1Njlj">"Hmm? What type of plantros are you raising and you need the largest dome and with double the thickness at that! Young man, are you planning to raise a damned herd of treetans!?" Knowing how strong and big treetans it can't help but think that Lucas was planning to raise them, his instinct is telling him that he was planning dangerous!</p> <p class="cnM1Nzc4ZTBiNjQ3YzRjMTdhZDJhYWIxODljMjBjYWJl">"Haha, no way! I just need to make it safer for my plants to grow! After all, I want my dome to build 6 kilometers from the city! It would be dangerous if treetans decided to attack the dome when I'm not in the place!"</p> <p class="cnM5NTI5YjVmODZkMzRiZTRhNTg4Zjk5ZmNmZGI4Nzlj">"Y-you!? Are you out of your mind!"</p> <p class="cnNkMjU3NTY4YmJlMjQ1MWFhNDYyYzQ4ZWM0MTg1MWFj">"Haha, no Grandpa! Even Grandpa Neil knows my plan! Mana Grains is not a problem, I can pay it on my own!"</p> <p class="cnNjNDFlYzY1ZDhiZTQwZTZiZWRjYzM2ZjI3OGNhNmFj">"O-okay! The largest dome have twenty meters radius, it needs 400 mana grains to pay for materials, plus making the dome thicker will need 130% of original materials, it will be 920 mana grains! The delivery will be 30 because the destination was dangerous for my workers and it's much further and not inside the city proper! Plus the workers can complete the whole dome for 3 days, 100 mana grains! All in all, you need to pay for 1050 pieces of mana grains!" He said and thought to himself ( Kid, you must have a good relation with that old man but I can't put my workers in danger if the destination will endanger them!)</p> <p class="cnM3NzM1OTlhNGFmMjRjZDI4MzQ0MzFhM2IyODg1ZWM1">"Haha, 3 days seems so slow! Do you have more workers? I'll pay 500 if the dome is done by tomorrow, and 700 if you manage to build it by today!"</p> <p class="cnM1ZGU5NWY1MWQ5MjQ0NjE4ODJmYjdjNzNhN2UwOTMy">"PFF!"</p> <p class="cnM1YzRlNmRiMTlkODQ3NWZiNzk2ZjA2ZWU5ZDVlZTE2">Every worker inside the shop who are nervous earlier was baffled, the shop has a hundred workers and can build the dome within three if works together, but who dares to pay a lot if they can wait for three days to be done!?</p> <p class="cnMxZjFmMGYyOGQ1NDRlNGJiOTY2M2Q0NzM2MmIwN2Jl">"How about this sir, 1,000 grains for the workers. If it's a different shop, they will rush the building of your dome, but if it was our group. We can build your dream dome within 8 hours with the best quality!" A worker steps up and tries to bargain with him, Buckler did not stop him because it was reasonable!</p> <p class="cnM1ZjhkOGUyY2Y0NjRmMzI4ZTFkNzk4OGUwMmQ0MzRh">"Hmm, that makes sense! I only need to pay 1950 and I can finally rest!" He took out his shrink bag and pour the mana grains in the empty tray on the table, "Hehe please count 300 mana grains! The rest will be the payment!"</p> <p class="cnM3MTE1ZjRlN2ZlZDQxNzc5YmU1YjcwZWYxODljZTAz">"Hickok! R-rich! E-everyone! We have a big work to do! Tonight, we can eat and drink inside the Kernel Inn!"</p> <p class="cnNiODU5ZDVhNzdiZjQ5YjM4MGRlZjQ4N2E0ZmVmOGVl">"Uwwoooh!" Everyone.</p> <p class="cnNmZjczNzMxYTNjNjQ4MGNiMDBkZDU4YTdjMGQ5YTRh">The group was on the high spirit and started to move. Every moment was intense! The payment can feed them even if they won't do any work for two weeks!</p> <p class="cnMwYTFlNWU3ZDI4MTQyMzA5ZTIzN2MyNTkxYTFmMmMw">"Haha, they sure are great workers! I'll be back after an hour to lead you towards the location, I need to secure the area where the dome will raise its majestic body!"</p> <p class="cnM2MTg4ZTU4OGRkMDQ0MmViZDRjN2UwOGEwNDdiNzZi">"Kuhaha! Young man! The old man really have a good eye!"</p> <p class="cnMzOWNiMzgyOWE4OTQ2NjM5ZTBiMzk4YjMxZWEyOGRj">---------------</p> <p class="cnMxMGEyMjYwMDViNDQzOGQ4MmI2NTE1MjAzZWRjOWNh">10 kilometers away from the city, 4 towering treetans that ranged from 6-8 meters tall with a body like a human were resting in the edge of the forest. On their back, an intertwined twig that forms a basket and contains 6 inches large stones that were used as their weapon! On the head part of this treetans was a triangular shape with acicular leaves! An evolve Pine trees!</p> <p class="cnMyZjc4YzlmZDA5NDRmMmRiYTY5ZGFjYmVkZWY2ZGI2">note: acicular ( Needle-shape)</p> </div>
In the middle of the night Ding! [System: You received a Gods' Mail(1)] [System: You received a Gods' mail(2)] . . . [System: You received a Gods' mail(12)] "Hmm, 10 minutes more! I'm so dead tired!" Lucas said half asleep. [System: God sent you 12 mails] "Pff! What? What do this guys want!?" He opened his mail and see who have sent him the messages. No, there's only one messenger! What do this gods want? He opens the mails one by one to know what is that god is thinking when he sends those mails! [You there?] [Sleeping?] [You took two years before you make it in Hearth!] [You also took two years to discover the store!] [Well since it already reaches in this point, you can finally proceed the mission I want to give you!] [This world of Hearth was a paradise for farmers, and the evolution of the creatures here turned out to be cute and attracted my friends. My friends were a bit disappointed though!] [The mission I want to give you is to transfer, and revive every extinct plant in this planet, using the resources from Earth!] [And of course, every mission will give you Plant points(Ppts) as a reward!] [There is a daily mission with lower rewards that is enough to support your farm, and there is the main mission which will be focusing on the evolution of extinct plant. There are two sub-missions, Rule the world, and build a kingdom for plants and human to coexists. Which is the decision depends on you if you want to do it or not] [The future of this planet will be in your hands! Do your best and you'll be rewarded!] [This will be my last message, I am invited by my friend to century-long feast! Haha!] [I'll cut my messages to wake you up! kuhaha!] "....Is-is this real? The hell with him! It's not the end of the of the world to wake me up this early!" he said and continue, "What with this missions? System, show me the mission page." Ding! [Missions] *Daily mission -Walk for 10 minutes (0/10) - 2ppts -Drink 8 glass of water (0/8) - 5ppts -Eat 3 times a day (0/3) - 10ppts -Dungeon for an hour (0/60min) - 25ppts *Main mission -Build a farm/dome 5 kilometers from any city (0/1) - 1960ppts -Revive extinct planteros 1 (0/1) - 1000ppts *Sub Missions -Rule the world (y/n) -Build a kingdom for plants and human to coexist (y/n) "..well seems normal, except for daily mission! Well, seems like giving the god my crops won't work anymore! This sub-mission will wait after my farm become stable." He was gonna go out to eat his breakfast, but he remembered that it is only 2:00 am. He went inside the bath area and wash his body properly and wear simple pants and a plain t-shirt. Equipping his shrink bag on his waist, he went downstairs to look if there's already food. "Hmm? Good morning Violet! So early, did you rest properly? Those thugs did not come after you again right?" The girl looks at him strangely and chuckled, "Hehe, no sir I'm Viola, we are twins! Thank you for saving my sister yesterday!" Lucas can't help but scratch his head after he heard that she's a different person."Well, Miss Viola. I know that it's so early, but did the already made a breakfast? I will be working early today and I don't want to go out with an empty stomach!" "Fufu! Of course sir. The Kernel Inn is Inn for early birds! Farmers and adventurers are the most customers of the Inn! The cheapest set is 2 silver coins and the most pricey set is 1 gold or 2 mana grains! We also have our best selling for only 1 mana grain!" "Haha, so cute! It's so early yet your full of energy! I want the best selling set!" She smiled and list a note, "Your food will be served after 5-10 minutes, sir!" "Okay, I'll be waiting in the dining area!" When he walked inside the dining area, there is already a lot of customers eating. "Woah, this is really a farming world! There is not enough table for everyone!" He stands on the side of the room to wait for an empty table, but he saw an old waving his hands toward him. On his side is a blonde little lady who is still half asleep. "HAHA! As expected of the farmer's grandson! You can sit beside her, she sleeps so late yesterday so she's like a zombie! haha!" "G-Grandpa! I only work a bit longer yesterday! Someone took my shrink bag so I need to work!" "Haha!" He laughs and pinches her cheeks, "It's your fault for accepted our bet! Well, I'll give you a better bag when I earn more!" "Kuk! Let go or I'll cry!" ding! ting! The room fell silent and the sounds of utensils dropping were the only noise they can hear. Their mouth was wide open looking at the blonde girl wailing! "I-is she still the blood Blondie!?" "I-i don't know! Maybe because of that youngsters?" "Hush! Shut your mouths and continue eating, she will kill you for sure if she heard what you say!" While the bees murmured his food finally arrived. It's Pork steak from the Watermelon pig, fried rice from chicken rice, and boiled corn from Corn Puppies! Neil laughs and drunk a glass of water. "Look, you have already tamed my granddaughter! I told you the two of you are destined to meet!" "Haha, please grandpa! She's still innocent, let's just eat our food before it gets cold! By the way, do planteros is still a plant? Why do they have meat!?" "kahaha! Of course not, they will evolve and developed parts and behavior according to their race! Chicken Rice lays thousands of eggs with full of rice inside! Watermelon Pigs can be breed without the usage of mana so it's easy to raise them! While corn puppies need on a pot of soil to grow corns from their mana!" "Hmm, actually today, I planned to look for you and ask for a book of Planteros. I need to learn about them for the future of my farm!" "Hmm, I have already planned to give you this when I saw you wield your hoe!" he took a book from his shrink bag and throw it to him "That is the book which has the record of every planteros that exist in the history! The extinct planteros also is listed in the book! There are also lists of fruits and plants which do not have any sighting of evolved form, but I guess they just hide their self from the outside world!" "T-thanks grandpa! This will be a great help for me!" "Haha, well it's good for my future Grandson-in-law to have a great future!" "G-grandpa!" "Hahaha" Lucas just smiled after hearing his words and eat his food before it gets cold. "Hmm, grandpa do you know a store who sold materials for my dome?" "Of course! the whole set will cost 200 mana grains! They also offer delivery for 5 mana grains! Here's the place." He took out a paper and pen to draw a map and give it to Lucas. "Thank you, grandpa! I'm going to buy my materials after my dungeon diving!" "Good luck son! Don't die okay?" "Haha, I won't!" He proceeds to the north of the city to do diving. He hunted 460 mana grains after an hour and added to his gains from last time he has 2,360 mana grains on his possession. Ending his hunt, he checked his mission and received his points. -------------------- *Daily mission -Walk for 10 minutes (10/10) - 2ppts -Drink 8 glass of water (2/8) - 5ppts -Eat 3 times a day (1/3) - 10ppts -Dungeon for an hour (60/60min) - 25ppts Ppts: 27 ------------------ "Yosh! I only need to buy materials for my dome!" He went out of the cave and look for the place Neil told him. "Good morning, what do you need sir?" A buffy old man with his face full of beard. "Grandpa, I was directed here by Grandpa Neil. I need materials for my dome!" "Hoho! That stingy old man finally referred a buyer to my store ha!? Kuhaha! My name is Buckler remember my name kid!" He said and signals to follow him. "That old man doesn't want to advertise even if he's paid, since your the first person he referred I'll do my best to not take advantage of you! Now tell me what you need? We have enough, materials, delivery trucks, and workers!" Listening to his story about Neil he can't but laugh, he tells him the story about their meeting and was sidetracked! "Hehe, I'm sorry Grandpa, I need enough materials for largest dome your workers can build, and I also want the dome to be two times thicker!" "Hmm? What type of plantros are you raising and you need the largest dome and with double the thickness at that! Young man, are you planning to raise a damned herd of treetans!?" Knowing how strong and big treetans it can't help but think that Lucas was planning to raise them, his instinct is telling him that he was planning dangerous! "Haha, no way! I just need to make it safer for my plants to grow! After all, I want my dome to build 6 kilometers from the city! It would be dangerous if treetans decided to attack the dome when I'm not in the place!" "Y-you!? Are you out of your mind!" "Haha, no Grandpa! Even Grandpa Neil knows my plan! Mana Grains is not a problem, I can pay it on my own!" "O-okay! The largest dome have twenty meters radius, it needs 400 mana grains to pay for materials, plus making the dome thicker will need 130% of original materials, it will be 920 mana grains! The delivery will be 30 because the destination was dangerous for my workers and it's much further and not inside the city proper! Plus the workers can complete the whole dome for 3 days, 100 mana grains! All in all, you need to pay for 1050 pieces of mana grains!" He said and thought to himself ( Kid, you must have a good relation with that old man but I can't put my workers in danger if the destination will endanger them!) "Haha, 3 days seems so slow! Do you have more workers? I'll pay 500 if the dome is done by tomorrow, and 700 if you manage to build it by today!" "PFF!" Every worker inside the shop who are nervous earlier was baffled, the shop has a hundred workers and can build the dome within three if works together, but who dares to pay a lot if they can wait for three days to be done!? "How about this sir, 1,000 grains for the workers. If it's a different shop, they will rush the building of your dome, but if it was our group. We can build your dream dome within 8 hours with the best quality!" A worker steps up and tries to bargain with him, Buckler did not stop him because it was reasonable! "Hmm, that makes sense! I only need to pay 1950 and I can finally rest!" He took out his shrink bag and pour the mana grains in the empty tray on the table, "Hehe please count 300 mana grains! The rest will be the payment!" "Hickok! R-rich! E-everyone! We have a big work to do! Tonight, we can eat and drink inside the Kernel Inn!" "Uwwoooh!" Everyone. The group was on the high spirit and started to move. Every moment was intense! The payment can feed them even if they won't do any work for two weeks! "Haha, they sure are great workers! I'll be back after an hour to lead you towards the location, I need to secure the area where the dome will raise its majestic body!" "Kuhaha! Young man! The old man really have a good eye!" --------------- 10 kilometers away from the city, 4 towering treetans that ranged from 6-8 meters tall with a body like a human were resting in the edge of the forest. On their back, an intertwined twig that forms a basket and contains 6 inches large stones that were used as their weapon! On the head part of this treetans was a triangular shape with acicular leaves! An evolve Pine trees! note: acicular ( Needle-shape)
{ "title": "After The Mountains Are Flattened", "id": 15441, "author": "Enchi", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 91 - Happy Unions", "id": 305439, "next": 307177, "prev": 304934, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNiMmUzOWE4NDI3NTRhNDM5NjI3ZmMxY2E2Y2JhNmIz">“Am I doing it correctly? Princess?”</p> <p class="cnM2NzZkMDA5ODNjYjQ3ODVhNmVlODA4OWUyYTcwNjNh">Receiving no reply, Henry tried flipping the clay tablet upside down, only for it to be slapped out of his grip.</p> <p class="cnNmYzRiMTIzYmJhNjQyZjFiYTQ1ZTViOGZlOTI1OWU5">“You sedated sloth!” yelled Karnon. “Does she have a mouth? You’ve obviously got to become an elemental so she can shoot her messages into you!”</p> <p class="cnMzZmQ2OTMzNmRhNTRhMWZhNTg4ZmFhZGRkNTBiZjQ2">Henry threw his arms up in disbelief. “Then this has been an utter waste of time! The Cloak won’t let me use skills while transmuted.”</p> <p class="cnM3ZTU5MTYzNGU3MTQ4YjdiYmZkMWQwYzEzYjQxZjU5">“Are you certain about that, my protege?" The God’s eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint. "Are you willing to stake 50 billion gold on that claim? It’s on, 50 billion gold! Bring it out and weep!”</p> <p class="cnMxYzQwNWRmODFhNDRhZDBhMDYyNWU3ZmNmMDIyY2Q3">“I’m not betting anything.” Henry summoned The Cloak and inspected it again. The line ‘Items and spells cannot be activated for the duration.’ had been deleted from the tooltip, the God having somehow removed the restriction.</p> <p class="cnMxMDEyYmJjMmI2YzRmMmNhOTQyYjY4ZDM0YTgyYWNl">An image came to Henry's mind of a breeze blowing past an unsuspecting noob and frying them with a &lt;Thunderbolt&gt;.</p> <p class="cnM4NjE0ZDEwNmJiYjQ2MGU4MzBkOTM4NjIzNWUxMWJk">“That’s ridiculously broken.”</p> <p class="cnM2MzA0OTZhMzI4YjRlYzg5NjVmNWE2Mjc1YzUzMGY3">“Yes, I’ll have to change it back afterwards, so don’t grow too attached. How much Universal Productivity have you got left?"</p> <p class="cnNiOTQ3MTliNzdmZDRiY2FhM2E3Y2U2YWFlMDhhZDg5">"Not enough for a full language."</p> <p class="cnNlNjQ5ZDZjN2ZhMTQ0MzlhM2ViMmFlODkxNjEyNDEx">"Spin around and close your eyes. I’m going to top you up using a secret technique handed down by my grandmother.”</p> <p class="cnM1MTQzMDk3OWIxYjQ2MzA5ZmI5NjQzNWE3ZGZkOGVj">As Henry followed the instructions, he overheard Karnon popping open a bottle cap and chugging down a couple mouthfuls of a liquid that smelled like brandy. The next moment, a kick to his butt sent him hurtling forth.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Your Universal Productivity has been restored. <strong>92,160</strong> out of <strong>92,160</strong> remaining.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM5Mzc4YThiYzMwNzQ5NGU4NzMyNzBlODBmY2NjZDkx">(Author's Note: in case anyone notices that this figure is much larger than earlier, I botched the math at the start of the story.)</p> <p class="cnMxMjkwNDE1Y2VmZjQxZWJhMDIwNGNjMDg4OThmZTM5">Henry's skull was about to crack on an ivory makeup stand when a pink gust caught him and lowered him gently back down.</p> <p class="cnNkMWI2NDhiYWIzYjQ1MmViZGJlZjVjOTkyNTYwYTc4">“Thanks, Princess.”</p> <p class="cnMzYjUxYTZiY2UxYTQ0MDE5YTg5NmEzZjNhOGVmODg1">Karnon shapeshifted back into a tube of wind. “While you’re studying, I’ll be preparing for your final lesson. I'm going to make you feel so close to those ancient Celestial bodies, embedded in the universe’s canvas, that you'll swear you can touch them! Bye.”</p> <p class="cnM5ODIxNTAzNGQ0YjQ0YzA4ZmViMGZmZmM4MTc5MmVk">The God then wriggled into the cavern wall.</p> <p class="cnNkNjc0NGZjMWMxMDQzYzliNDQyNDczOTczNDJhNzcx">Alone with the pink tornado, Henry draped the cloak over his shoulders and used &lt;Self-Transmutation&gt;. His clothes faded away, and his body began to whistle, as it first turned translucent, then black, sand being picked up through the soles of his feet and spread by his internal currents.</p> <p class="cnMzMTRiYTRmNGExZDQxNTg4MzYyODYzMGFhNmJkZDA1">His consciousness condensed into an Elemental Core, a single wisp of wind near where the middle of his brain had been. This Core could float in any direction at a jogging-speed, so long as it remained within a body’s length of a solid surface. Thus, he could scale walls and hover under ceilings, but not fly.</p> <p class="cnNlZTMxZWY3MDhmNzQyZDM5YmVjZmQ4YWEwZmZiOWZh">To adjust his shape, he could navigate mentally to a 3-D projection of himself. Anywhere within 2.5 metres of the Elemental Core, his parts, from an eye to an atom, could be reshaped by imagining the desired form. Because the process was somewhat manual, the feat he’d pulled off against The Redeemer—transforming into water and moving through the carvings in the tree in two separate directions—had been spectacularly difficult, taking him weeks of practice to execute.</p> <p class="cnMyN2NlNWQ4NzAxZDQ5YzA5YWQ5ZTIxOTNhNjZiMTYx">"In comparison, today's transformation will be a breeze."</p> <p class="cnMzNTcxOGY0MDJiMjRiMjA5NmI1M2YzMWYwYzBkNGE0">Laughing at his pun, he became a puppy-sized tornado.</p> <p class="cnM1YTE1ZWE4NTA1NTRhMjQ4NDQwY2RjYzBkZWI5NDNk">The Princess immediately ‘spoke’ to him by spitting a furball-like clump of pink wind. Passing into his centre, it burst inside of him, invoking an unsettling sensation.</p> <p class="cnM3ZmRiMTlkZmQyNjRhMjk4MTI3Y2VjYmMyMWViYzBm">While he translated the message, miniature scrolls, ink splotches, and quills orbited around his Elemental Core.</p> <p class="cnM4NTIwNjYwMzk4NjRmOTM5Y2MxMjkxNjI4ZjFlZDVl">“Hello? Can you hear me?”</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Congratulations! New <strong>Language Book</strong> created. <strong>Saanian Tornadese</strong> (Southern) (<strong>0.040%</strong> complete).</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM5NThhNmRmZDg0OTQxNTFhYTY4OTEwYjY3ZGQzNDFj">In his Mental Library, a book wider than an office-desk materialised, most of its pages blank except for dictionary entries corresponding to the words he’d heard and a chapter on how to form them.</p> <p class="cnM3OTM3NzU0ODhhYzQyYWE4ZTJjYzAyNWYxOTVhZTFh">Skimming the chapter, he realised that Karnon’s difficulties with Tornadese had little to do with laziness.</p> <p class="cnM3MTYyYTBkNjAzMzRiNDZhZjM4NWQyNzk2NTJlMDEy">The wind furballs or Elemental Utterances were analogous to a ‘sentence’. Packed inside them were dodecahedrons, 30-pointed shapes, whose edges were defined by wind currents – these were ‘words’. A word’s qualities - its consonants, vowels, tense, etc. – were encoded by the distance between a dodecahedron’s points and its centre.</p> <p class="cnM3NTZjYmEyMGEzMDRjZDU5NzNkNGE1OTUyM2M0ZDZk">Complex stuff.</p> <p class="cnNmMmFkMDUxNzA4ZjRlMWY4MjI0M2UzMmNhNTI1MzFm">If he didn’t have &lt;Universal Comprehension&gt;, he could not have dreamed of forming such structures. With the skill, though, phrases he heard were registered as being memorised perfectly by his character, including their pronunciation. From there, the game system would automate the translation work, saving him all effort.</p> <p class="cnNkMzI0NjMyMmJkNTRiNDk4ODc2OWFmMzAyZGZlNDcx">Two methods were available for generating a wind furball, the first through reshaping the winds of his elemental body, the second through &lt;Natureweaving&gt;. Since the first had a maximum range of 2.5 metres, he would have to use the second, although this would require them to devise a method for hiding him whenever he gathered Elemental Charges.</p> <p class="cnM5NDMxMjQ5MTFiMjQ0M2VhZDEyYjg1YWY0YjBiMzBm">Since he hadn’t learned ‘yes’, he fired off a wind furball repeating her question.</p> <p class="cnM0NzlmNTRhYmU3NTRjMTE4MTc2MjA5NTBiY2JmMGVl">Her reply to that contained a hint of irritation, the feeling being conveyed by an exclamation-mark dodecahedron. “Speaking to royalty or elders, it’s considered impolite to aim messages so close to our centres."</p> <p class="cnM5Y2ZlZjBhYTQ2ZTQ0YjZhYjEwMzRlNTAwZjEyNDM4">Filing that information away, Henry used an Artist skill to distribute the clay tablets across the sand in neat rows. He approached one, depicting a bow-carrying Karnon pursuing an antelope.</p> <p class="cnMyNzliYTdmMmFkYjQyNDc5YjE1YzJjNTMwNzE2OGZl">“Hunter,” said the Princess.</p> <p class="cnM3ZDE3Y2ZkOTExYjQ5MTM5NDU3OWVhOTgwNDBmMThk">He moved to a tablet with a carving of a spruce tree.</p> <p class="cnNmODEyNDhhMGQ3MjRmMmQ4NzE3ZTc0OWE2Njk2OTU0">"Sugar Spruce.”</p> <p class="cnM2MDYzMzhmMWJhZTRiYTk5YTBmMzhmYjAzNjkwMjk2">Next.</p> <p class="cnM4YmRiM2YyY2U4NzQ2NzA5NmU0ODdmMmFiYTE3ZDI5">“Can you learn them that quickly? You better not be trying to scam us.”</p> <p class="cnNkZWE4MmJkMTUzOTRjY2NhMzJmN2QwMWE4YWQ2Y2Vi">“Hunter. Sugar spruce. Sugar royalty and elders. Can you learn impolite messages? Scam me.”</p> <p class="cnNjMTFjMWRhOWVmNDQ1MjRiZGNlZDVlMmEyOWQ4NTM0">“Show off...”</p> <p class="cnMyYzJlMzBlZDllNjQwNjE4ZTlhZjgyMjc4MWU3NmVj">Henry carried on, steadily building up his pace until the Princess was firing over a hundred furballs per minute.</p> <p class="cnNjMWE1MzRmOTkxZjRiYzY5NThkMjIxYWMwZGY0MTRl">Half an hour later, armed with a basic vocabulary, he began interviewing the Princess about herself, both to improve his syntax and grammar and to learn enough about Wind Elemental culture to avoid committing a deadly blunder.</p> <p class="cnMzMTM0ZGE3MTBjZjRiOWY5OGQ4YzNkYWRjYmY2ZTUy">Given Tornadese’s complexity, he repeatedly exhausted his Universal Productivity pool, Karnon returning 19 times to replenish him with booty kicks.</p> <p class="cnM4ZjI5NWNkMDM5NjQxMzA5NGI3ODE0ZjBkOWY1ZTQw">When he found out from the Princess that Wind Elementals had invented a type of music player by shrinking wind furballs and packing them into arcane devices, Henry gave her some gold to zip back to her Empire’s marketplace and purchase all the audiobooks she could find. By listening to these, he was exposed to a more advanced vocabulary and grammatical structures than could be gleaned from casual conversation. Moreover, the male voices fixed a feminine speech pattern he’d inadvertently adopted by speaking exclusively with the Princess. (But, really, he just wanted to expand his book collection.)</p> <p class="cnM4OTAwOWE3ZmZjYTQ4MjRhYzE2MDJlYTgwOWMxYjFh">Thus, in the time it takes to bake a 6-pound turkey, the Tornadese language book reached 98.3% completion, sufficient for the task ahead.</p> <p class="cnMwZTFmMmYyN2ExZDRkMzg5Y2VjN2JmOGZiMDA4MTg0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4OGJhZTU4ZjQ1ODQ4M2Q5YmRlMTJmMTdkYWViZDI0">“Fast,” said Karnon, wiping off a spot of oil grease from his cheek. “I’ve decided on a bonus lesson: teach me &lt;Universal Comprehension&gt;.”</p> <p class="cnM3ZWEwYTcyNzgyMzQ1ZjE5NDEwODNkOWJlZGE0N2Vh">“That's not even remotely a lesson, but, sure, as long as you promise never to appear within 500 kilometres of me after today.”</p> <p class="cnM4MWFhNjRlYTUwMDRiMGI4YzlmYzBjMDRhYmZlNWIw">“Hahahaha. So how are the wedding plans coming along?”</p> <p class="cnM0MTA1MTdkYjUzOTRkOWM5NTdmMTlhMGU5NDM4MmUz">“There’s one hiccup.” Henry pointed at the bubblegum tornado in the background, who was testing which combination of bridal gowns looked prettiest in her spin cycle. “The Princess is arranged to be married with the son of a family friend. Did you know that in advance?”</p> <p class="cnM5ZGNiYzE1N2MzMzRkMDY4YzI3ZDdiODA4ZDM0NGUy">“Yes.”</p> <p class="cnMxNDY0MjhmZTVkYjQ0ZWQ4NTk4MzAwNTZiODhiYjM2">He hadn't.</p> <p class="cnM1ZDUxOGFmYzQ1ODRlN2ViOGM3ZmRhNWQxNWRlN2Zm">“If you insist on continuing this farce,” said Henry, “I’ve formulated two plans after researching their legal system. First, convince her betrothed to give up voluntarily, which would require you to kiss up to his family and locate a suitable substitute bride. Naturally, since I'm not going to stick around for the centuries that would take, you would need to learn Tornadese yourself. I should be able to produce a Tome of Rapid Language Absorption series to help you in a few hours.”</p> <p class="cnM4OTA4Yzg1MmQ5MjRhZThiNzAzYjMwZmZmYmFkMDli">Karnon yawned. “What’s the second option?”</p> <p class="cnNhNDc1NWU1M2FmMDQyNjhhNDFlYjlhN2M5MjVhZjVi">“Defeat her betrothed in a duel.”</p> <p class="cnNhMWY2NGI0ZWMwZDRkMDJhNjEwN2Q2ZTY1MDExOGEz">“How strong?”</p> <p class="cnNhYTNlMzY4NWZmZDQ0YTQ4OGE3YTk1M2Q1YWQ3ZjQ1">“Tier-11, a bit weaker than you.”</p> <p class="cnM3OGY4MjE3OGY0ZDRhMGU5MWZhNmIxMjdlN2M5NGQ1">The God shapeshifted his head into a wolf's and barked, “In the pursuit of his Path, an Earthfriend must be ready to go to war!”</p> <p class="cnNmYzRlMzc2NDljZjQwNDVhYzgzNTJlMTU3ZDBiOWJk">Whipping out a scimitar with a nanometre-thick glass blade, he slashed the air back and forth, slicing a grain of sand drifting by into ten equal sections.</p> <p class="cnNkZjNjOGFkNzk2YjQ5NGJiMWEyNTkyZmRhNzdjZjNh">Worldcleaver - another Ortheerian sword.</p> <p class="cnNkM2E0NzA2M2Y0MzQxNDhhMDE3NjRlODMwN2JhMTdh">“But the challenge format is six against six,” continued Henry. “Can you talk five Zone Guardians into participating?”</p> <p class="cnNmY2VkNDM3ZjllMTQ3OGI4NTg0MDc0NjFjYzgxMjAy">The God resumed his human face and stowed away the weapon. “The Earthfriend abstains from violence until all his options have been explored. My protégé, neither of these are satisfactory, has Nature not provided a third Path?”</p> <p class="cnNhNGQwM2ZmNDU3NDQ1M2FhM2I2MjhjYjZjMTBmZjQ1">“A third? Well, there is one, but it’s a do I say...”</p> <p class="cnMxNDMzYTcyOWJiODQ1ZmVhN2NiYjNjNTIyOTM2YWYz">In the corner of Henry's vision, a bridal gown flying behind Karnon's head folded into an OK-sign.</p> <p class="cnNhMTNkYTJjZTE5MzQxM2ViMTRjMGM4Mzg2ZGNjZDZk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3YmZlM2FkNWU1NDRjMzBiN2I5MWRiYjQ2ZGY2ZmM0"><em>Deep within The Living Fortress, The Southern Wind Elemental Wind Palace.</em></p> <p class="cnM3YmM2YjA0MTMzNzQ4YTA4MDMwZjMzZWFhMThiNWM1">Two royal tornadoes, each housing countless treasures, were touring the palace’s cactus garden.</p> <p class="cnMzNTNjNGVmNTZkMTQyZTA4ZTA4MTg5YjBmZjI1OTZh">“Your daughter has snuck out again,” said King Anaparha, the smaller of the tornadoes. “This is the fourth instance this week. I’m not happy, Brother Vadaa.”</p> <p class="cnM4NTdkMmFlNzJiNzRmMzc4MTU5NjJmNWUzNzk3ZTgw">Inside the bigger tornado, Emperor Vadaahavaa, were two crown-wearing skeletons, which he used like eyebrows to form a frown. “And what do you expect me to do about this, Brother Anapar? Cage her? She’s not a humanoid; she can escape through small gaps.”</p> <p class="cnNlMzJlMTA0ZWM0MzRlMjA4MGZmYzU1ZTE4YjlhZjAy">“We must push the arrangements ahead. Wed her to my Gilii by the next moon alignment.”</p> <p class="cnM3MzRkMzE3OWI1ZjQzNzI5MDc3NGVlNTFkNDZlMGQ0">“You have not produced an adequate bride price.”</p> <p class="cnMzYjcxODgwYTU4OTRkMDVhNTFiNDY4ODRiZTZmMTEy">"The harvest has been poor."</p> <p class="cnM4OTA2YjM4MjEyNTQwYjRiMGUzOTdkZjhlN2QzZWQ2">"The Tenets are The Tenets."</p> <p class="cnMxNDFkNTU2NTcxYTQ3ZGQ5MTllZDU4MGRlY2JiMzBl">King Anaparha ‘mumbled’ by firing a wind furball into the ground. “And you have not produced an adequate bride...”</p> <p class="cnMxZmEzOGE4ZTg2NTQ3NGQ4NjYzNjQ1ZjcxOTdjYzQ2">Emperor Vadaahavaa could make out the slight but chose to ignore it. His friend wasn’t wrong.</p> <p class="cnMwZGEyOTE2N2JlMDQxMDI5MzI5MTUxYzU3MGEwNjgw">“Your Imperial Majesty, your Majesty!”</p> <p class="cnNlM2Q5NzNiODQ5ZDRmNWFhODc3YTg0YTE3NWFiNjFi">Twirling around, the two faced a guard tornado with the swords swirling inside. Accompanying the guard were two other tornados, one bubblegum pink, one azure.</p> <p class="cnM3YWE4NGEyOGQxMTQxYThhMjVhZTBjYWM4MjhkZTkw">Emperor Vadahaava frowned again. “It’s you, the corrupter of my child. Because of you, she escapes off into the night and dyes herself this ostentatious shade.”</p> <p class="cnMzNzI4MTgyNWFjZjRmNmRiYTNlYmM5NWE1OTE4NWY1">“Father, he’s my one true love, please—“</p> <p class="cnM5MTMyYWVhYzU2MjQxNjJiMjc2NjUyMDQ4YjZkNjUw">“SILENCE, GIRL! Is he a pigeon’s sneeze? Let him defend himself. Hover forth, corrupter, and explain your actions. If your excuses humour me enough, perhaps you will leave my palace alive.”</p> <p class="cnM2OWU4N2FkN2ZjZTQwYTBiMTViNmZhNzEwNjJkZDgz">A tense moment of silence followed, during which the azure tornado hovered motionless, showing not the slightest trace of fear at the power of the one whose wrath he tested.</p> <p class="cnM4YjdmOTUwMWJjZDQxNzc5NDdlMjUxMDk0NGQyMmJh">Eventually, though, registering the signal coming from inside it to move, the azure tornado hovered forth a few metres.</p> <p class="cnM3OWMzMTMzNWMyYjQ5ZGU4MTQ0Mzc3N2ZkMjIzZGYy">“Greetings, your Imperial Majesty, Protector of The Southern Lands, wielder of The Dashishata Key. I apologise for not introducing myself earlier. I was born Nacib, son of Zadagan. Today, I am better known as The Silent Storm, who tamed the winds of Kubar, Dvoriyan, Myard, Kulon, and Atar’ragaganath.”</p> <p class="cnMzMWVjZTk3MjA5YTQ1YzZhMmYyODdjYzEyMDMxNzJi">King Anaparha scoffed. “O mighty <em>Silent Storm</em>, you speak of these obscure winds through such a feeble voice. Are we to be impressed?”</p> <p class="cnM4NjA0N2IxMDE4NjQ3ZThhMDcwZjVhY2ViYTg3Njhh">In an odd response to this, the azure tornado broke into a coughing fit, stirring up a thick, mucousy internal wind that masked the tiny tornado inside him gathering Elemental energy. “Sorry, I have a cold.”</p> <p class="cnNjNmZhYWRhOTMzNzQ5OTVhYWVmNTY5MDdhY2Q3MWMw">“A likely story, do you—“</p> <p class="cnM4OWY5YTEzMTY1NzQ2OGRiZmQ4NTZlYzhmMDc5MzFm">“Quiet, Brother Anapar,” interrupted Emperor Vadaahavaa. “Your deeds in The Elemental Plane precede you, Nacib, son of Zadagan, Master of the Five Winds.”</p> <p class="cnM4ZWU2Mzk4MDZhZTRlZGNhMDJkOGRlOGViZjYwM2Vk">King Anaparha froze at the mention of The Elemental Plane. This was the home plane from which their kind had been displaced millennia ago, long before his birth. No Wind Elemental save Emperor Vadaahavaa, a Tier-12 Tornado, had the strength to go back.</p> <p class="cnM1NDc5YmYzZTJjMzRkMTM4ZTQzYTkwZmIwNzJkNDE2">“However,” continued The Emperor, “Your prestige does not in any way justify leading my eldest daughter astray.”</p> <p class="cnM5MGVmYTk2ODllNjRmYTBiZWIyODYyNjUzYmJiN2Fi">The azure tornado, after a short delay, tilted the top of its tunnel in a nod. “This is true, wise Emperor Vadaahavaa. Explaining away my offences is not the purpose of revealing my identity, but rather to demonstrate that I am not entirely unworthy.”</p> <p class="cnM3MmQ4ZDk1YjY4MDQ1MWVhM2Q2MTI4NTFkZmFlOGZh">“Not unworthy of what?”</p> <p class="cnM0ZTczODQwYmI2MzQ5YjdiNmUwMzRiZTQ4YzU0ZDVl">The azure tornado coughed until he hacked up another wind furball. “King Anaparha, Tamer of Sathaana, I must beg for your forgiveness. The winds of fate have decreed that the promised union between Princess Pateela and your noble son, whose name I dare not sully, cannot be fulfilled. I have come to beg for the Princess's spiral in marriage.”</p> <p class="cnNmODk3OTZjYmFlMDQwZTg4Mzc2YzlhMTU1ODhjMmI4">King Anaparha’s wind speed raced. “Impudent! No matter your accomplishments, The Tenets of Vi’akatii enshrine the sanctity of the Bride Promise. The bond may not be broken by something as fickle as 'fate'."</p> <p class="cnM0MDI2MzgxMGI1MTRmNzFhYzBlZTRiMGNjMzdhMDAy">The Emperor agreed. “The Tenets are the pillars supporting The Permanent Peace. The circumstances according to which a Bride Promise may or may not be forsaken are known to all.”</p> <p class="cnMzYWY0ODQ3MmZhYjRhZDNhNGVjMjBjMWU1NWMwMzg5">Cough, cough. “I do have just cause, your Imperial Majesty, but it would be preferable to discuss the specifics in private.”</p> <p class="cnM1N2QyYWZmNGNhZTQxZDJiZjE0ZWJjNjQ5NGVhODdl">“No. Brother Anapar is of my breath. If I am to dissolve a three-century-long Bride Promise, then he should be privy to the cause. Explain yourself or be off. For settling The Bandaalaa Wars, I will allow you a day's headstart.”</p> <p class="cnNmZGI1ZjBhMTRiZDQ5ODZhOWE5MmE3MWZkN2Q5M2U5">A threatful gale was carried in the message, but, still, the azure tornado showed no hint of nervousness.</p> <p class="cnM0OGQ2OWU1YWY4MDRjOTI4YzFlZWNlZGMxMWY4MzQ2">“Omnipotent Imperial Majesty, be that as it may, the—excuse me.”</p> <p class="cnMwMzA3MzlhMmI3ZTQ1MTViMTQ0NGI5YWQ3YjVjNzA0">Cough, cough.</p> <p class="cnM4MTQ1OTQ4MjdmZjQwMmY5MDFhYTU2MDU5MWE4MWJi">Princess Pateela, unable to wait any longer, stormed forward. “Dad, I’m getting married to him whether you like it or not! Our union has been blessed!”</p> <p class="cnMwN2U2MGJjNzMyZTQ5Y2ZhZjg5YWVlYzcxMmI5NmQw">Opening up a tunnel into herself, she gave a clear line of sight to her centre of mass, where a tiny purple tornado was spinning.</p> <p class="cnMwYTk4NGZlMGQ5ZTRlZWQ5NmQ4OTVjMDcwY2FhODky">Crash! Pitong! Thunk!</p> <p class="cnM5MTU3YWQyODk1NTQyNzBhYzQzNmY3ZmRmODQ1ZDJi">A racket sounded as the treasures contained within the royal tornadoes flung out and smashed against the garden’s cacti.</p> <p class="cnM3MGM1NzNmOTc1MDRhMDdiODEyYjFhNjQyNGVjZDky">Then, an even louder noise rang from above.</p> <p class="cnM0MjcyNzMwYzM0YzQ4MDRiNzU5ZGJlOTIxZTc1NWQ3">“OH! MY! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!”</p> <p class="cnM1MTY0N2Q2NjEzOTQ5NmE5MmQ4MmZiYjY2MGE4MmI0">From a cloud where she’d been eavesdropping on the conversation, a gust of wind descended and wrapped around the Princess’s ‘belly’.</p> <p class="cnMyYmI3NDkxY2E1MTQxMGNhODdhODM0ZWUwODMxZGVi">“SO CUTE! Vadaa, we’re going to be grandparents! Contact a priest immediately!”</p> <p class="cnNjMDVkMGZkNWU3YzQwZTRhMDA1ODNiY2Y5ZmZiNTc0">The Emperor, ashamed, whispered to his companion. “It seems, old friend, that while I tended the empire, I neglected my home. Will you accept Princess Sudara instead? She’s...” His younger daughter was worse.</p> <p class="cnMzYjkwY2JkMTdkMzQ1ZmY5ZjZjY2VjNTAyYjA2YjM1">King Anaparha shook his tornado tail in condolence. “Our children readily absorb our riches, but what of our morals, what of our sense of propriety?"</p> <p class="cnNhMjVjOWU3N2RmYjRiODViZDg0YjY1NjAzYWNiYjZj">Meanwhile, the azure instigator of this disaster hovered in place, oblivious to the plan’s success or failure.</p> <p class="cnMwNzVjYWRkMGMwZTQ2YzFiZmM4Y2E3ZTkwNTQ5N2Rh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjNmYyZjZlNzY1NTRlNTFhNjVmZDJmZjk3ZTU5ZTUx"><em>Suchi.</em></p> <p class="cnM3YWQ0ZGE4OWRiYTRkNGJhNDMxMzQwMTI1NDFiNzY3">Through the combined efforts of the players and NPCs, The Slums had been restored to their usual state of poverty and lawlessness.</p> <p class="cnMxOThiYzFiMWM5MTQyODJiNjc1NmRkMjRiNmE5Yzdm">While Henry was bullpooping his way through a shotgun marriage across the ocean, here, in the ‘Duchy of Australasia’, another beautiful union was about to take place.</p> <p class="cnM0NThkOTdiNTZhMjQ2NWE5YjE3ZThkMTliOTI0ZWM2">A group of young women were staring daggers into a stranger.</p> <p class="cnNhNDNlYjZmOTMyNzRiMzg5ZTk3NGUzN2M4ZDFhMzc3">They’d been high-fiving after freeing their wagon from a pothole when he’d forced his way into their celebration.</p> <p class="cnMyNzY5MWFhOGRhMjQ5YjQ4MjEyYWJmMzUxYmZjYTJm">“Excuse me,” asked the group's Cutthroat, “where did you come from?”</p> <p class="cnNiMzIxMGQ1N2I3ZDQ0MjZiYTlhYmY5Njk2YWRmYmEw">The stranger scratched his handsome head. “Uh...I've been lifting from the side."</p> <p class="cnM4ZjQzY2RkMWUzYTRjYmI4OTNmZjFmNDIwZGUyYTdh">"Why? Did you think we were too <em>frail</em> to do it ourselves?"</p> <p class="cnM4YjIyYjI0YTkxMzQzZjdiNTFlZGZlZjQ1YzNkZTgz">"Uh...Coach Brown said we’ve always got to help each other. 'If the field’s wet and your teammates are slipping up, lend ‘em a hand to get 'em back on their feet.'”</p> <p class="cnM0MjAzNmVlNjA5ODQ0MzViOThhNzczZjMwNWFlOGRj">The young women, ignoring the odd quote, shared a knowing look between themselves.</p> <p class="cnM5YmVkZTE0YzllMDQ4YjI4ZTIwZDI4ODA5NDVjODQ4">His avatar’s beautification cranked to the max...his forwardness...his choice of a Fighter, whose class visual indicator had added to his rippled muscles glittering specks...and why was he shirtless? The answer: a pick-up artist.</p> <p class="cnNhYjQ1ZDJiOTAzYjQ0YWU4ZmQ2OTg3ODNhY2FlY2Q3">An Arcanist presented her palm in rejection.</p> <p class="cnMzYWQ0YjhkNWMyNzQ2MWViMGFjZWEwZmNkZTBlMzkx">“We’re not interes—“</p> <p class="cnNhODRiYzBiYTc4YzRkN2JiODg5OTJlYWM0MGExNmJk">The stranger high-fived her.</p> <p class="cnM1MzM5MTY0NzkzMjQ2NWE5ODAwNzg5OTJmZWM3OTcy">“How dare you!”</p> <p class="cnMxMGJlNGZkZjgwOTQ5YjY5MGYzMGE2NzM3ODk2MWNj">She gave him a sharp slap, then, harrumphing, signalled for her friends to continue pushing their cart along.</p> <p class="cnM1MzMwMzFhYmIwZDQ2MDU4NjFjNDM1ZTBmNmEzYzk0">Watching their departure, Handsome Dan was perplexed.</p> <p class="cnM1ZTcyMmQ0OWQ5YzQ4MmM5NGUwM2Y1OTFiOTgwM2Jh">That was the fifth time he’d been assaulted today by someone he’d helped.</p> <p class="cnMxMjRhMGIzYmE3NDQwOTM4YjIxZDA4MTk3ZWJhNWUz">Strange.</p> <p class="cnMzYTA0ODE5OWViMTRkZDc4Y2MwYjJlODAxNjJjOTRk">These ‘Villagers’ had a strange way of expressing their gratitude.</p> <p class="cnNhNjBlZjFiNDY1ZTRjNzA5MDc3NjMzMjU4NzE4YzJk">Oh, well.</p> <p class="cnM1NzdiZWVkNDFjYzQzMDk4OTlhNDMwNjJkZmEwNTVj">He happily marched along, continuing his exploration of The Slums.</p> <p class="cnMyYzgyODQ2NzM5ODQwYzRhZjVjMzRmNmRjY2UxYmM0">Following his separation from his teammates, he'd trained to become a Fighter and then joined in on Suchi’s relief effort.</p> <p class="cnNmMWQ3OGM1OGE1YTQxNzliZTdlYmU5Yjk4YzQ0NTk0">Independence? It wasn’t so bad.</p> <p class="cnM0ODA3ZTZiZmU0NzQ0NGQ5MTg0MDVmZTg1YTBlZjMz">Passing by the gates of one Village, he did a double take, his handsome eyes widening in shock.</p> <p class="cnMwMDUyMTE3YjkzMzRhODZiOTM3N2EwYTEyZmIxMGU1">In the stables inside, a familiar figure, recognising Dan back, flashed its shabby teeth.</p> <p class="cnM2MzMyNzEwOWY4YjQwYjBiY2ExMjdmMzg3MmM0YmUz">“Donkey Bro!” Handsome Dan sprinted over to give the ugly donkey-monster-king a warm hug. “How have you been, my man?”</p> <p class="cnM5ODgwMWQ2YTNkZDRkNzc4NjM3OWEyZTU3NWIxZGRh">Donkey Bro brayed in complaint ('Life is torment.'), although, deep down, he was pleased by the reunion.</p> <p class="cnM5MzA3YjM5MjhlYTQzMGJhZjFmYmNlOTc2M2FjYzQx">“Been hitting the irons? You're lookin' buff bro! Nice!”</p> <p class="cnMyOWZjMGEyNTkzZjQ5NjBiOTRlNGQ1YmYyNmIzZjhh">Hee-haw (‘I have set down the Ascendant’s path. With my ever expanding might, soon a new age will be ushered in, The Age of Donkeys.’)</p> <p class="cnNmYWNkNTgyY2FkZDQ5YmE4NzFlMTdmMTkxYzg1NmVh">“Where’s Big Bro?”</p> <p class="cnNiMzllMmZmZGM5ZjQwMzc5YTg1ZTM1MWQzYjNhNmJj">Hee-haw (‘After I help him dig tunnels, he abandons me here, to wallow amongst these unwashed plebs. Fuck horses.’)</p> <p class="cnM0MGI2YjhjOTRjNjQ4MmFhODM5NmQ0YWViNmZmZjg0">Through Byzantium Village’s gates, an NPC entered with a toolbelt around his waist. Spotting the shirtless Offworlder chatting with the donkey, he approached to introduce himself.</p> <p class="cnNlNWJkMzhhM2MwYjQzNzg4MjE0NTcyMWE2NDljNGVm">“Hello, I’m Gabor, one of the Village’s Ibanmothe employees. What brings you here?”</p> <p class="cnMxNDM0ZTg4N2Q2NTQzZmY5MjQ3ZmUzZjY3MzQ3MTZi">Handsome Dan rubbed his chin. “Have you seen...what was Big Bro’s name? Bob? He’s from San Francisco.”</p> <p class="cnMwNWZkYTU3ZWI4MzQ5NzY4NjdmNzNkY2Y2NTZjMDgz">“I’ve never heard these Offworlder terms.”</p> <p class="cnNlYTE5ZGM2NTQ2MzQwZTM5YzRhNTk0NTM4MTAwNjY3">“Bob, he’s the guy who owns this donkey—” Donkey Bro headbutted him (‘I am my own ruler.’) “About this high, wears masks.”</p> <p class="cnMxZTY3MWY1NjkzMDRiMDc4NzUzODI2ZTE5NzIyODVl">“Oh, you mean the latest recruit.”</p> <p class="cnMxYzU5MjM0ZDY5YTRmMDBiZmM0MzQ1ZjdjNjRjY2Vl">“Latest recruit?”</p> <p class="cnNiY2I2YTEwODhiZDRmOGNhYzZhNDU2ZWU5YTMxZmQ2">“Yeah, he stopped by to drop off his mount, saying he’ll sign up officially in a few hours.”</p> <p class="cnNmZTQwY2FiZDAwMzQ5MTRiZDQ3ZjdlZWFiZmIxZGQz">Handsome Dan’s face went blank, as if the energy required to power its handsome expression muscles had been diverted to help his brain digest this revelation.</p> <p class="cnMxZDc3YjczNzNkMzQ4ZDE5NDdkN2MxNTczMmI5ZDk4">“Latest recruit?”</p> </div>
“Am I doing it correctly? Princess?” Receiving no reply, Henry tried flipping the clay tablet upside down, only for it to be slapped out of his grip. “You sedated sloth!” yelled Karnon. “Does she have a mouth? You’ve obviously got to become an elemental so she can shoot her messages into you!” Henry threw his arms up in disbelief. “Then this has been an utter waste of time! The Cloak won’t let me use skills while transmuted.” “Are you certain about that, my protege?" The God’s eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint. "Are you willing to stake 50 billion gold on that claim? It’s on, 50 billion gold! Bring it out and weep!” “I’m not betting anything.” Henry summoned The Cloak and inspected it again. The line ‘Items and spells cannot be activated for the duration.’ had been deleted from the tooltip, the God having somehow removed the restriction. An image came to Henry's mind of a breeze blowing past an unsuspecting noob and frying them with a <Thunderbolt>. “That’s ridiculously broken.” “Yes, I’ll have to change it back afterwards, so don’t grow too attached. How much Universal Productivity have you got left?" "Not enough for a full language." "Spin around and close your eyes. I’m going to top you up using a secret technique handed down by my grandmother.” As Henry followed the instructions, he overheard Karnon popping open a bottle cap and chugging down a couple mouthfuls of a liquid that smelled like brandy. The next moment, a kick to his butt sent him hurtling forth. | Your Universal Productivity has been restored. **92,160** out of **92,160** remaining. | | --- | (Author's Note: in case anyone notices that this figure is much larger than earlier, I botched the math at the start of the story.) Henry's skull was about to crack on an ivory makeup stand when a pink gust caught him and lowered him gently back down. “Thanks, Princess.” Karnon shapeshifted back into a tube of wind. “While you’re studying, I’ll be preparing for your final lesson. I'm going to make you feel so close to those ancient Celestial bodies, embedded in the universe’s canvas, that you'll swear you can touch them! Bye.” The God then wriggled into the cavern wall. Alone with the pink tornado, Henry draped the cloak over his shoulders and used <Self-Transmutation>. His clothes faded away, and his body began to whistle, as it first turned translucent, then black, sand being picked up through the soles of his feet and spread by his internal currents. His consciousness condensed into an Elemental Core, a single wisp of wind near where the middle of his brain had been. This Core could float in any direction at a jogging-speed, so long as it remained within a body’s length of a solid surface. Thus, he could scale walls and hover under ceilings, but not fly. To adjust his shape, he could navigate mentally to a 3-D projection of himself. Anywhere within 2.5 metres of the Elemental Core, his parts, from an eye to an atom, could be reshaped by imagining the desired form. Because the process was somewhat manual, the feat he’d pulled off against The Redeemer—transforming into water and moving through the carvings in the tree in two separate directions—had been spectacularly difficult, taking him weeks of practice to execute. "In comparison, today's transformation will be a breeze." Laughing at his pun, he became a puppy-sized tornado. The Princess immediately ‘spoke’ to him by spitting a furball-like clump of pink wind. Passing into his centre, it burst inside of him, invoking an unsettling sensation. While he translated the message, miniature scrolls, ink splotches, and quills orbited around his Elemental Core. “Hello? Can you hear me?” | Congratulations! New **Language Book** created. **Saanian Tornadese** (Southern) (**0.040%** complete). | | --- | In his Mental Library, a book wider than an office-desk materialised, most of its pages blank except for dictionary entries corresponding to the words he’d heard and a chapter on how to form them. Skimming the chapter, he realised that Karnon’s difficulties with Tornadese had little to do with laziness. The wind furballs or Elemental Utterances were analogous to a ‘sentence’. Packed inside them were dodecahedrons, 30-pointed shapes, whose edges were defined by wind currents – these were ‘words’. A word’s qualities - its consonants, vowels, tense, etc. – were encoded by the distance between a dodecahedron’s points and its centre. Complex stuff. If he didn’t have <Universal Comprehension>, he could not have dreamed of forming such structures. With the skill, though, phrases he heard were registered as being memorised perfectly by his character, including their pronunciation. From there, the game system would automate the translation work, saving him all effort. Two methods were available for generating a wind furball, the first through reshaping the winds of his elemental body, the second through <Natureweaving>. Since the first had a maximum range of 2.5 metres, he would have to use the second, although this would require them to devise a method for hiding him whenever he gathered Elemental Charges. Since he hadn’t learned ‘yes’, he fired off a wind furball repeating her question. Her reply to that contained a hint of irritation, the feeling being conveyed by an exclamation-mark dodecahedron. “Speaking to royalty or elders, it’s considered impolite to aim messages so close to our centres." Filing that information away, Henry used an Artist skill to distribute the clay tablets across the sand in neat rows. He approached one, depicting a bow-carrying Karnon pursuing an antelope. “Hunter,” said the Princess. He moved to a tablet with a carving of a spruce tree. "Sugar Spruce.” Next. “Can you learn them that quickly? You better not be trying to scam us.” “Hunter. Sugar spruce. Sugar royalty and elders. Can you learn impolite messages? Scam me.” “Show off...” Henry carried on, steadily building up his pace until the Princess was firing over a hundred furballs per minute. Half an hour later, armed with a basic vocabulary, he began interviewing the Princess about herself, both to improve his syntax and grammar and to learn enough about Wind Elemental culture to avoid committing a deadly blunder. Given Tornadese’s complexity, he repeatedly exhausted his Universal Productivity pool, Karnon returning 19 times to replenish him with booty kicks. When he found out from the Princess that Wind Elementals had invented a type of music player by shrinking wind furballs and packing them into arcane devices, Henry gave her some gold to zip back to her Empire’s marketplace and purchase all the audiobooks she could find. By listening to these, he was exposed to a more advanced vocabulary and grammatical structures than could be gleaned from casual conversation. Moreover, the male voices fixed a feminine speech pattern he’d inadvertently adopted by speaking exclusively with the Princess. (But, really, he just wanted to expand his book collection.) Thus, in the time it takes to bake a 6-pound turkey, the Tornadese language book reached 98.3% completion, sufficient for the task ahead.   “Fast,” said Karnon, wiping off a spot of oil grease from his cheek. “I’ve decided on a bonus lesson: teach me <Universal Comprehension>.” “That's not even remotely a lesson, but, sure, as long as you promise never to appear within 500 kilometres of me after today.” “Hahahaha. So how are the wedding plans coming along?” “There’s one hiccup.” Henry pointed at the bubblegum tornado in the background, who was testing which combination of bridal gowns looked prettiest in her spin cycle. “The Princess is arranged to be married with the son of a family friend. Did you know that in advance?” “Yes.” He hadn't. “If you insist on continuing this farce,” said Henry, “I’ve formulated two plans after researching their legal system. First, convince her betrothed to give up voluntarily, which would require you to kiss up to his family and locate a suitable substitute bride. Naturally, since I'm not going to stick around for the centuries that would take, you would need to learn Tornadese yourself. I should be able to produce a Tome of Rapid Language Absorption series to help you in a few hours.” Karnon yawned. “What’s the second option?” “Defeat her betrothed in a duel.” “How strong?” “Tier-11, a bit weaker than you.” The God shapeshifted his head into a wolf's and barked, “In the pursuit of his Path, an Earthfriend must be ready to go to war!” Whipping out a scimitar with a nanometre-thick glass blade, he slashed the air back and forth, slicing a grain of sand drifting by into ten equal sections. Worldcleaver - another Ortheerian sword. “But the challenge format is six against six,” continued Henry. “Can you talk five Zone Guardians into participating?” The God resumed his human face and stowed away the weapon. “The Earthfriend abstains from violence until all his options have been explored. My protégé, neither of these are satisfactory, has Nature not provided a third Path?” “A third? Well, there is one, but it’s a do I say...” In the corner of Henry's vision, a bridal gown flying behind Karnon's head folded into an OK-sign.   *Deep within The Living Fortress, The Southern Wind Elemental Wind Palace.* Two royal tornadoes, each housing countless treasures, were touring the palace’s cactus garden. “Your daughter has snuck out again,” said King Anaparha, the smaller of the tornadoes. “This is the fourth instance this week. I’m not happy, Brother Vadaa.” Inside the bigger tornado, Emperor Vadaahavaa, were two crown-wearing skeletons, which he used like eyebrows to form a frown. “And what do you expect me to do about this, Brother Anapar? Cage her? She’s not a humanoid; she can escape through small gaps.” “We must push the arrangements ahead. Wed her to my Gilii by the next moon alignment.” “You have not produced an adequate bride price.” "The harvest has been poor." "The Tenets are The Tenets." King Anaparha ‘mumbled’ by firing a wind furball into the ground. “And you have not produced an adequate bride...” Emperor Vadaahavaa could make out the slight but chose to ignore it. His friend wasn’t wrong. “Your Imperial Majesty, your Majesty!” Twirling around, the two faced a guard tornado with the swords swirling inside. Accompanying the guard were two other tornados, one bubblegum pink, one azure. Emperor Vadahaava frowned again. “It’s you, the corrupter of my child. Because of you, she escapes off into the night and dyes herself this ostentatious shade.” “Father, he’s my one true love, please—“ “SILENCE, GIRL! Is he a pigeon’s sneeze? Let him defend himself. Hover forth, corrupter, and explain your actions. If your excuses humour me enough, perhaps you will leave my palace alive.” A tense moment of silence followed, during which the azure tornado hovered motionless, showing not the slightest trace of fear at the power of the one whose wrath he tested. Eventually, though, registering the signal coming from inside it to move, the azure tornado hovered forth a few metres. “Greetings, your Imperial Majesty, Protector of The Southern Lands, wielder of The Dashishata Key. I apologise for not introducing myself earlier. I was born Nacib, son of Zadagan. Today, I am better known as The Silent Storm, who tamed the winds of Kubar, Dvoriyan, Myard, Kulon, and Atar’ragaganath.” King Anaparha scoffed. “O mighty *Silent Storm*, you speak of these obscure winds through such a feeble voice. Are we to be impressed?” In an odd response to this, the azure tornado broke into a coughing fit, stirring up a thick, mucousy internal wind that masked the tiny tornado inside him gathering Elemental energy. “Sorry, I have a cold.” “A likely story, do you—“ “Quiet, Brother Anapar,” interrupted Emperor Vadaahavaa. “Your deeds in The Elemental Plane precede you, Nacib, son of Zadagan, Master of the Five Winds.” King Anaparha froze at the mention of The Elemental Plane. This was the home plane from which their kind had been displaced millennia ago, long before his birth. No Wind Elemental save Emperor Vadaahavaa, a Tier-12 Tornado, had the strength to go back. “However,” continued The Emperor, “Your prestige does not in any way justify leading my eldest daughter astray.” The azure tornado, after a short delay, tilted the top of its tunnel in a nod. “This is true, wise Emperor Vadaahavaa. Explaining away my offences is not the purpose of revealing my identity, but rather to demonstrate that I am not entirely unworthy.” “Not unworthy of what?” The azure tornado coughed until he hacked up another wind furball. “King Anaparha, Tamer of Sathaana, I must beg for your forgiveness. The winds of fate have decreed that the promised union between Princess Pateela and your noble son, whose name I dare not sully, cannot be fulfilled. I have come to beg for the Princess's spiral in marriage.” King Anaparha’s wind speed raced. “Impudent! No matter your accomplishments, The Tenets of Vi’akatii enshrine the sanctity of the Bride Promise. The bond may not be broken by something as fickle as 'fate'." The Emperor agreed. “The Tenets are the pillars supporting The Permanent Peace. The circumstances according to which a Bride Promise may or may not be forsaken are known to all.” Cough, cough. “I do have just cause, your Imperial Majesty, but it would be preferable to discuss the specifics in private.” “No. Brother Anapar is of my breath. If I am to dissolve a three-century-long Bride Promise, then he should be privy to the cause. Explain yourself or be off. For settling The Bandaalaa Wars, I will allow you a day's headstart.” A threatful gale was carried in the message, but, still, the azure tornado showed no hint of nervousness. “Omnipotent Imperial Majesty, be that as it may, the—excuse me.” Cough, cough. Princess Pateela, unable to wait any longer, stormed forward. “Dad, I’m getting married to him whether you like it or not! Our union has been blessed!” Opening up a tunnel into herself, she gave a clear line of sight to her centre of mass, where a tiny purple tornado was spinning. Crash! Pitong! Thunk! A racket sounded as the treasures contained within the royal tornadoes flung out and smashed against the garden’s cacti. Then, an even louder noise rang from above. “OH! MY! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!” From a cloud where she’d been eavesdropping on the conversation, a gust of wind descended and wrapped around the Princess’s ‘belly’. “SO CUTE! Vadaa, we’re going to be grandparents! Contact a priest immediately!” The Emperor, ashamed, whispered to his companion. “It seems, old friend, that while I tended the empire, I neglected my home. Will you accept Princess Sudara instead? She’s...” His younger daughter was worse. King Anaparha shook his tornado tail in condolence. “Our children readily absorb our riches, but what of our morals, what of our sense of propriety?" Meanwhile, the azure instigator of this disaster hovered in place, oblivious to the plan’s success or failure.   *Suchi.* Through the combined efforts of the players and NPCs, The Slums had been restored to their usual state of poverty and lawlessness. While Henry was bullpooping his way through a shotgun marriage across the ocean, here, in the ‘Duchy of Australasia’, another beautiful union was about to take place. A group of young women were staring daggers into a stranger. They’d been high-fiving after freeing their wagon from a pothole when he’d forced his way into their celebration. “Excuse me,” asked the group's Cutthroat, “where did you come from?” The stranger scratched his handsome head. “Uh...I've been lifting from the side." "Why? Did you think we were too *frail* to do it ourselves?" "Uh...Coach Brown said we’ve always got to help each other. 'If the field’s wet and your teammates are slipping up, lend ‘em a hand to get 'em back on their feet.'” The young women, ignoring the odd quote, shared a knowing look between themselves. His avatar’s beautification cranked to the max...his forwardness...his choice of a Fighter, whose class visual indicator had added to his rippled muscles glittering specks...and why was he shirtless? The answer: a pick-up artist. An Arcanist presented her palm in rejection. “We’re not interes—“ The stranger high-fived her. “How dare you!” She gave him a sharp slap, then, harrumphing, signalled for her friends to continue pushing their cart along. Watching their departure, Handsome Dan was perplexed. That was the fifth time he’d been assaulted today by someone he’d helped. Strange. These ‘Villagers’ had a strange way of expressing their gratitude. Oh, well. He happily marched along, continuing his exploration of The Slums. Following his separation from his teammates, he'd trained to become a Fighter and then joined in on Suchi’s relief effort. Independence? It wasn’t so bad. Passing by the gates of one Village, he did a double take, his handsome eyes widening in shock. In the stables inside, a familiar figure, recognising Dan back, flashed its shabby teeth. “Donkey Bro!” Handsome Dan sprinted over to give the ugly donkey-monster-king a warm hug. “How have you been, my man?” Donkey Bro brayed in complaint ('Life is torment.'), although, deep down, he was pleased by the reunion. “Been hitting the irons? You're lookin' buff bro! Nice!” Hee-haw (‘I have set down the Ascendant’s path. With my ever expanding might, soon a new age will be ushered in, The Age of Donkeys.’) “Where’s Big Bro?” Hee-haw (‘After I help him dig tunnels, he abandons me here, to wallow amongst these unwashed plebs. Fuck horses.’) Through Byzantium Village’s gates, an NPC entered with a toolbelt around his waist. Spotting the shirtless Offworlder chatting with the donkey, he approached to introduce himself. “Hello, I’m Gabor, one of the Village’s Ibanmothe employees. What brings you here?” Handsome Dan rubbed his chin. “Have you seen...what was Big Bro’s name? Bob? He’s from San Francisco.” “I’ve never heard these Offworlder terms.” “Bob, he’s the guy who owns this donkey—” Donkey Bro headbutted him (‘I am my own ruler.’) “About this high, wears masks.” “Oh, you mean the latest recruit.” “Latest recruit?” “Yeah, he stopped by to drop off his mount, saying he’ll sign up officially in a few hours.” Handsome Dan’s face went blank, as if the energy required to power its handsome expression muscles had been diverted to help his brain digest this revelation. “Latest recruit?”
{ "title": "The True Endgame", "id": 16550, "author": "Ace Arriande", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "[Vol. 4 pt. 48] Patch 8.0:", "id": 305437, "next": 306870, "prev": 305125, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMxZjg3MmNkNTIyNzQzZjJiNGIyMTNhMmVhNTY5ZjE1">Fenrir has no choice but to lie back and allow Serra to bite him wherever she wants to. Well, he does have a choice, but there’s no <em>real</em> choice when both his body and mind are yelling at him to let her do whatever she wants to him.</p> <p class="cnM2OWU3MDI2OTAxYjQwOGRiMjdiZDI0ODY4MDZlMDMw">And he’s really happy that he’s letting her do whatever she wants. Especially now that her lips are gently planting light kisses along his bruised abdomen down toward his crotch. Each kiss of her lips is lower than the last one, and it doesn’t take long before Serra reaches his pants.</p> <p class="cnNlOWUzYjAyYThiYTQ1ODNiYWMyYmQ5YmMxOWVkNTMy">With her teeth only, Serra undoes his pants and gets his cock to pop out from them.</p> <p class="cnMwNWEyYzU2ZmFlNjRkYWFiYjdhODVjZGZlN2VhNDA4">Now, to make things easier for herself, she climbs up onto him and positions herself so that she’s sitting down on his chest, her rear facing him, and then she lowers her head toward his cock.</p> <p class="cnNmZDc3NTc1OTcyNjQ3MTNhYmFlODg0M2RjZWRjNjk3">While Fenrir has been enjoying letting her do everything thus far, he’s not going to pass up the opportunity now that she’s presenting it to him.</p> <p class="cnMzMDRjNWRlOGQ1YjQyM2Q5ODU3Y2ZmNmRkYzcxNDQ1">He can easily see up her skirt thanks to this position. The sight is practically begging for him to do something, so he slides both his hands up underneath her short skirt to take firm handfuls of her ass. Serra may be the shortest of them all, and she might not have much of a chest, but she’s always had the widest hips which also translates to having the nicest ass.</p> <p class="cnMzYTQ2M2FkMmNkMDQ3MzdhNTg2YzdhNjk1MDVhY2Qz">As Fenrir’s groping fingers squish down against her, Serra, with a smile on her lips, softly blows on the tip of his length just to tease him. Of course, since she’s such a good, caring girlfriend, she only teases him for a few seconds before letting her tongue roll out from her mouth to lick around the tip of his length.</p> <p class="cnMwNTlkZTdjMzBjNzQyODQ4MTY3ZGU1NzZiOTI4ZmE2">Now she’s <em>really</em> teasing him. The tips of her fingers tease his underside by lightly tapping against it, rubbing it for a second before pulling away, and occasionally reaching down to his hanging orbs.</p> <p class="cnM3ZjNhNWE1YmQ1ODQxMTM5OTcyOTRmNjE2NmNjOGU0">Fenrir wants more. He can’t see what she’s doing, but he’s sure that she’s got a smug smile as she’s doing it.</p> <p class="cnNmMjc0MGU2ZDE4ZjQ0Y2Y4Mzk5MzY5NDkyNDQxZDVh">And she does.</p> <p class="cnNhZDIzMTBhNDcyNTQ1NDU4NTliYzkxY2NjMmIwNDQ3">That smug smile on her lips remains the entire time that she teases his length.</p> <p class="cnMxNmFhMmE5M2Y3YjQ0MGFiOTAwZGM0YmNmNDMwNTIz">Even when Fenrir tries to rub against her crotch with one of his hands, nonverbally asking for her to do more by trying to give her pleasure, that just makes her tease him even more slowly than before.</p> <p class="cnM0OWRiMWU3MTY5NDQxMGY5NGZmOGU1ZjFjYzVmZWRi">At least his girlfriend isn’t a real sadist. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be burying his cock inside of her mouth – swallowing its tip down into her throat and rubbing her tongue along his shaft.</p> <p class="cnM5NDQ0YzIwYzE1MjQ0ZWQ5MzEzYmZlZjdhNTkwN2Ez">Fenrir lets out an immediate groan of pleasure and relief once she finally starts sucking on his cock. Though, as soon as he gets distracted and stops touching her, she stops as well.</p> <p class="cnNhOWQ0NTg3NGQ5ODRiNmU4YjAyOTk4NGRjY2RmN2M5">He sees how it is.</p> <p class="cnM3ZTQzZGFkZmQwMDQ4NGM5ZjM3ZmNmZjAwNjg1M2Iw">The more he plays with her by groping her rear and rubbing against her crotch over her panties, the more she swallows his length, sucks on it, and licks it. She even leaves one hand around the base of his length to pump and squeeze while her other hand massages his sack.</p> <p class="cnM1ZmJmMGFmOGY0NjQ5ZDI4ODRmYWE1MTM3NTIwM2Nj">But, even with Fenrir trying to keep her satisfied enough to continue working his cock with her mouth, she stops after a couple of minutes.</p> <p class="cnNjNDA1YjBjZmIwNDQ5OGJiZTJmZjNmZmVkYWYzZjBk">“Why – why’d you stop?” he asks.</p> <p class="cnNmMTgxNWExMjMxOTQxOWFiYjgwODczODBhMTFkYTgx">Serra scoots up, spins around so that she’s sitting on his abdomen and facing him, and smiles.</p> <p class="cnM1ZWVkOGYyNThiMzQ3NWNiMmU0ODExNThiNzQ4ZjJi">One of her smaller hands reaches behind herself to grip his cock by its base as her other hand reaches into her skirt, pulling her panties aside to leave her passage exposed and ready for him.</p> <p class="cnNlMTgzNzJlNGE3NTRiNTc4OWE2YmFmMTNkYTQ2MTQ5">As much as Fenrir might still be tempted to try and take control of this for himself – asserting his dominance and being the “man” right now… he’s not going to stop her if she wants to ride him.</p> <p class="cnNkNTU5MmYyYTQ1YTRhNTdhYTRiNzUyNGU1NzFkMTVi">Serra lifts her hips, lines his cock up to her pussy, and lowers herself onto it.</p> <p class="cnMxNTQ5MjdhMjE1NzQ0NDliMzA0NDE2OTk3OGI0Mjg3">Her smug smiles turns into quivering lips of pleasure, forcing her to bite her lip as she struggles to take in the entire length of his size into her smaller body.</p> <p class="cnMwYmUwMmFhNzNmZDQ1MzE5ZTZhNWEyZWUxNTA5ZDlj">At least she has pain turned off.</p> <p class="cnM3N2Y4MjkzYzEzZjQ4ODg5Mzg0YWFhYTM0ZTM1OGE1">With his length fully sheathed within her, she lets her head roll back and her back arch.</p> <p class="cnM4MzQ2MGEyMWU3NzRlZDRhNTQyMDZmZDk0MDlhMTk4">She regrets not taking her clothes off before this since it’s so hot now.</p> <p class="cnNjZTlmYjg5MDJlMTQ5NGM5Yjc1MTNhZDUwNzQ2OWQz">Fortunately, she can take off everything except her boots and panties with ease, sliding the rest up and off over her head.</p> <p class="cnM3N2MwNTFlNjg5YzQ4ZDlhM2Q0MTE5ZWI4MWQwOTMw">Now Fenrir gets an even better sight to look at as Serra slides up and down his cock, rocking her hips against his. Her petite, handful-sized breasts may not be large, but they still jiggle and serve to make him even more aroused and pleasured as she moves her body.</p> <p class="cnNiOTJhYTc4MzMzOTRjYjk5OGU0ZDgxNWYyNzVlYTMz">Then Serra stops, leaving only the tip of his length inside of her.</p> <p class="cnM2ODQ0ZmEzMDcwZDRlM2M5NWY4OWYwMjUzYzY4Mjhh">“Why?” Fenrir asks, biting his lower lip.</p> <p class="cnNjMGFhNDZjOGZlZDRiYmY5ZGYxMGRjY2EzNTlmNTY2">“Ask for it,” Serra says.</p> <p class="cnM0NDllM2U2ZmE5ZjRjY2U5ZDAwMDJkYjY5ZWJkYTEx">“Keep doing it.”</p> <p class="cnM0Yzg1YTgxNTcyYjQ0MTY4ODU4ZDIyMGY0ZTllZTFh">“Say please.”</p> <p class="cnNiYzBiNmE4MmZiZDRhMTJhYzIwYjNhMTJmZjE2NDk3">“Please keep doing it?”</p> <p class="cnMxODI2Y2Y5YjRhOTQxNjliNjgwZmQ5MWNhMmIxYTBh">That smug smile of hers returns. “Keep doing what?” she asks.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGE0NTM3NzE3NjRiNmViNDZkMTIxODZiYzNmNzM4">The urge to take over again is rising for Fenrir. But, it’s not so strong that he can’t still play along. “Please keep riding me,” Fenrir asks.</p> <p class="cnMwYWQ2ZmMzODY1OTQ1MjE5ZWZlYjk5ODIwMGNlMjJl">Serra drops her hips again. “G-good doggy,” she moans out.</p> <p class="cnMzMzRiN2M2MThjZDRmNDJiNTg5Mjg3ODI0MzQyZjk1">Despite the fact that Serra is the one playing at being on top and being dominant, it’s her looking like she’s unable to resist the pleasure. She looks happier than Fenrir that she’s moving her hips again.</p> <p class="cnM0MTQzZTdlNGJiZTQ5NGE5YTAyYjNlMWE0ZGZjYzNi">Her pace of lowering and raising her hips speeds up every few seconds. She wants to tease him some more, make him beg and plead and moan, but… she can’t resist the pleasure herself. She wants to cum as much as she wants to make him cum, so she decides that the best way to go about that is to lighten up on the dominant play to instead ride him to the best of her ability.</p> <p class="cnM1ZmI3NDkxMWNkYzQ3ZjM5ODNhYTVjMjdiZDg2MmM3">And so she does.</p> <p class="cnMwYThhOTk3YTBhMTQxN2U5NTZhOTEzMDI4NDA0YTAx">Her hands rest down against his muscular chest, dozens of bitten bruises left all it, as she rides his cock.</p> <p class="cnNiYzczYzlhZTRlZTQ3MDJhZjBkYzcwY2M2YWYzNTY2">Moans escape both of their lips as they lose themselves in shared pleasure.</p> <p class="cnM4YjllZDZiYzY5YTRiOWM5ZjAzMTc3MTg1NzQ2MzBl">Since Serra is clearly done acting dominant, Fenrir places his hands up on her hips to hold her as he starts thrusting up against her. Each time she drops her hips, he thrusts his upward. When she raises hers, he lowers his. The result is his cock slamming even harder into her with every thrust, making Serra’s back arch even more.</p> <p class="cnNiMWI4NjBiNGZkNTQyZjU4ODJlZTA5NDc1YTkzOGQ3">Since it’s only virtual reality, neither of them has to worry about cumming inside. Though, even if it was real life, at least one of them wouldn’t be worried about it.</p> <p class="cnM1OGRiMjM0YWI0NDQzY2M4YjFkZDU4NWY1ZDA5Yjdk">Just as their pleasure and efforts are shared, so too are their orgasms as they each moan out and cum at the same time. Fenrir’s thick cum floods into Serra as she raises one hand to rest on her abdomen where she can feel him filling her.</p> <p class="cnM0N2I4NTAxNDdiNTQwODk4ZDY0M2NmNzQ5OTBiNGFh">Getting to feel so full like this just makes Serra want it even more in real life.</p> <p class="cnNjMGNmMWQ0Mzk2ZDQyYTBiOWVjZmMyOGJjMTQ5NTQz">With their orgasms over, Serra collapses onto his chest with a happy smile and tired panting.</p> <p class="cnNlZDg3ODg5ZjM4NDRhNTU4NDVmNGNhYzY2Njg0NjRm">“Give – give up on the dom play?” Fenrir asks.</p> <p class="cnM1MWVmZGE0OTJkMTQwYTBiMWRhNGQzMDNkNzA4NzVk">“More fun to just do it,” Serra answers.</p> <p class="cnMxNjA0M2U1ZjJkODRlYmViN2M3MTk5ZmE3YjIxYmU0">He rubs the back of her head and places a kiss on the top of it.</p> <p class="cnNkN2ExYzQwY2UzZjQzNDhiNGY5MjhjMDY5YTY3ZjVk">“Guess the innkeeper was right about you not needing too long,” Serra teases, looking up at him. She’s too tired now to look smug, though.</p> <p class="cnNmOGUyMGU5MGY4ZjQwZDdiZDY2NTYwMmIxNzI3ODYx">“Is that so?” Fenrir asks.</p> <p class="cnNkMzQwNmNmODU3ODRiM2Y5YjNkMGE5ZTM5ZDk5MWY2">Serra opens her mouth to say something, but her eyes go wide when Fenrir flips her over and pins her down against the bed.</p> <p class="cnMwNjNhMWJiOWIyODQwYWE5MmM5ODQwODllM2NhMmJk">“This is payback for making me submit,” Fenrir whispers into her ear, causing Serra to bite her lower lip.</p> <p class="cnNiZjY2NGM1ZDUyZDQ3NTBiMjNhZWYxOTgzNzgzOTY1">“Then punish me,” Serra says.</p> <p class="cnNiNzM0MmQ1ZjQxODRlY2M4ZjFhN2QxMmEyNzUxOWEy">“There’s no winning against you.”</p> <p class="cnM4ZmQ1MzFlYzI5OTRjMWFhOWRhYzBiZDhmNzQwZWEw">“Because I’m unbeatable.”</p> <p class="cnNkZGM0MGM3YTgwZDRkODk4N2QxZmQ2OGFiNGJhYjQ5">“It’s true. You are.”</p> <p class="cnM0ZGYxOTU1MDE0ZDQzOGQ4MmY3ZTQ4ODk1OWNmMGY3">Serra leans her head up to place a kiss on his lips, and then he leans his head down to place a kiss on hers.</p> <p class="cnMxN2JiYWZlNTMzODRkMjQ4MTU2NjVmNDVjZWJlZjQ0">“I love you, Serra,” Fenrir says.</p> <p class="cnMzNWZhYmI2NjNhMjRhN2Y4NGJiNjA4MmU0ZmFjZmJi">“I love you too, Ryouta,” Serra replies. “Now punish me.”</p> <p class="cnNmMjUwN2IyZTJmOTRiZGZiNjZmZDYxMDM1ZGI3ODc2">Needless to say, there is plenty of “punishment.” Though, it is a punishment that Serra is <em>very</em> happy to receive.</p> <p class="cnNjM2Y1MDA4ZWM4NjQ0YzE5OWE5NTllNTIwY2I2NDgw">…</p> <p class="cnM0MjI0YTkyZWQ5ZjQ3NjViNDQ4MDgxOTc0OTNmNjQz">A short time later and both of them come walking down the steps with room key in hand.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGFlYTE1NWNhNzQ2YjJiNWI0MTA3MzFhOTZlMjA0">“Knew you wouldn’t need more than an hour,” the woman at the counter says. She still has enough energy to be smug.</p> <p class="cnMyZmNmMzFhZjJkYjQ3YzlhZTcyYzA2NzE0ZjJjODY1">Serra just gives her a thumbs-up as Fenrir hands the key over with messy hair and flushed cheeks.</p> <p class="cnMxMWY5ODA0YWEwZjRkNTc5ZTVmOGIxNjRhNzQ4NTc4">“Need a comb there?” the woman asks Fenrir.</p> <p class="cnMxOGNjZjA2M2E3MzRhMGFhOTZjODViMGNiMmVmZDM1">It’s not just his hair that’s messy, but his tail, too.</p> <p class="cnNkZTY2ZjQyNWI2YzQzOWRhOGM4ZjI2ZTRjYmQ0YzU0">Fenrir gives up on trying to not only keep his hair and tail clean but neat as well.</p> </div>
Fenrir has no choice but to lie back and allow Serra to bite him wherever she wants to. Well, he does have a choice, but there’s no *real* choice when both his body and mind are yelling at him to let her do whatever she wants to him. And he’s really happy that he’s letting her do whatever she wants. Especially now that her lips are gently planting light kisses along his bruised abdomen down toward his crotch. Each kiss of her lips is lower than the last one, and it doesn’t take long before Serra reaches his pants. With her teeth only, Serra undoes his pants and gets his cock to pop out from them. Now, to make things easier for herself, she climbs up onto him and positions herself so that she’s sitting down on his chest, her rear facing him, and then she lowers her head toward his cock. While Fenrir has been enjoying letting her do everything thus far, he’s not going to pass up the opportunity now that she’s presenting it to him. He can easily see up her skirt thanks to this position. The sight is practically begging for him to do something, so he slides both his hands up underneath her short skirt to take firm handfuls of her ass. Serra may be the shortest of them all, and she might not have much of a chest, but she’s always had the widest hips which also translates to having the nicest ass. As Fenrir’s groping fingers squish down against her, Serra, with a smile on her lips, softly blows on the tip of his length just to tease him. Of course, since she’s such a good, caring girlfriend, she only teases him for a few seconds before letting her tongue roll out from her mouth to lick around the tip of his length. Now she’s *really* teasing him. The tips of her fingers tease his underside by lightly tapping against it, rubbing it for a second before pulling away, and occasionally reaching down to his hanging orbs. Fenrir wants more. He can’t see what she’s doing, but he’s sure that she’s got a smug smile as she’s doing it. And she does. That smug smile on her lips remains the entire time that she teases his length. Even when Fenrir tries to rub against her crotch with one of his hands, nonverbally asking for her to do more by trying to give her pleasure, that just makes her tease him even more slowly than before. At least his girlfriend isn’t a real sadist. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be burying his cock inside of her mouth – swallowing its tip down into her throat and rubbing her tongue along his shaft. Fenrir lets out an immediate groan of pleasure and relief once she finally starts sucking on his cock. Though, as soon as he gets distracted and stops touching her, she stops as well. He sees how it is. The more he plays with her by groping her rear and rubbing against her crotch over her panties, the more she swallows his length, sucks on it, and licks it. She even leaves one hand around the base of his length to pump and squeeze while her other hand massages his sack. But, even with Fenrir trying to keep her satisfied enough to continue working his cock with her mouth, she stops after a couple of minutes. “Why – why’d you stop?” he asks. Serra scoots up, spins around so that she’s sitting on his abdomen and facing him, and smiles. One of her smaller hands reaches behind herself to grip his cock by its base as her other hand reaches into her skirt, pulling her panties aside to leave her passage exposed and ready for him. As much as Fenrir might still be tempted to try and take control of this for himself – asserting his dominance and being the “man” right now… he’s not going to stop her if she wants to ride him. Serra lifts her hips, lines his cock up to her pussy, and lowers herself onto it. Her smug smiles turns into quivering lips of pleasure, forcing her to bite her lip as she struggles to take in the entire length of his size into her smaller body. At least she has pain turned off. With his length fully sheathed within her, she lets her head roll back and her back arch. She regrets not taking her clothes off before this since it’s so hot now. Fortunately, she can take off everything except her boots and panties with ease, sliding the rest up and off over her head. Now Fenrir gets an even better sight to look at as Serra slides up and down his cock, rocking her hips against his. Her petite, handful-sized breasts may not be large, but they still jiggle and serve to make him even more aroused and pleasured as she moves her body. Then Serra stops, leaving only the tip of his length inside of her. “Why?” Fenrir asks, biting his lower lip. “Ask for it,” Serra says. “Keep doing it.” “Say please.” “Please keep doing it?” That smug smile of hers returns. “Keep doing what?” she asks. The urge to take over again is rising for Fenrir. But, it’s not so strong that he can’t still play along. “Please keep riding me,” Fenrir asks. Serra drops her hips again. “G-good doggy,” she moans out. Despite the fact that Serra is the one playing at being on top and being dominant, it’s her looking like she’s unable to resist the pleasure. She looks happier than Fenrir that she’s moving her hips again. Her pace of lowering and raising her hips speeds up every few seconds. She wants to tease him some more, make him beg and plead and moan, but… she can’t resist the pleasure herself. She wants to cum as much as she wants to make him cum, so she decides that the best way to go about that is to lighten up on the dominant play to instead ride him to the best of her ability. And so she does. Her hands rest down against his muscular chest, dozens of bitten bruises left all it, as she rides his cock. Moans escape both of their lips as they lose themselves in shared pleasure. Since Serra is clearly done acting dominant, Fenrir places his hands up on her hips to hold her as he starts thrusting up against her. Each time she drops her hips, he thrusts his upward. When she raises hers, he lowers his. The result is his cock slamming even harder into her with every thrust, making Serra’s back arch even more. Since it’s only virtual reality, neither of them has to worry about cumming inside. Though, even if it was real life, at least one of them wouldn’t be worried about it. Just as their pleasure and efforts are shared, so too are their orgasms as they each moan out and cum at the same time. Fenrir’s thick cum floods into Serra as she raises one hand to rest on her abdomen where she can feel him filling her. Getting to feel so full like this just makes Serra want it even more in real life. With their orgasms over, Serra collapses onto his chest with a happy smile and tired panting. “Give – give up on the dom play?” Fenrir asks. “More fun to just do it,” Serra answers. He rubs the back of her head and places a kiss on the top of it. “Guess the innkeeper was right about you not needing too long,” Serra teases, looking up at him. She’s too tired now to look smug, though. “Is that so?” Fenrir asks. Serra opens her mouth to say something, but her eyes go wide when Fenrir flips her over and pins her down against the bed. “This is payback for making me submit,” Fenrir whispers into her ear, causing Serra to bite her lower lip. “Then punish me,” Serra says. “There’s no winning against you.” “Because I’m unbeatable.” “It’s true. You are.” Serra leans her head up to place a kiss on his lips, and then he leans his head down to place a kiss on hers. “I love you, Serra,” Fenrir says. “I love you too, Ryouta,” Serra replies. “Now punish me.” Needless to say, there is plenty of “punishment.” Though, it is a punishment that Serra is *very* happy to receive. … A short time later and both of them come walking down the steps with room key in hand. “Knew you wouldn’t need more than an hour,” the woman at the counter says. She still has enough energy to be smug. Serra just gives her a thumbs-up as Fenrir hands the key over with messy hair and flushed cheeks. “Need a comb there?” the woman asks Fenrir. It’s not just his hair that’s messy, but his tail, too. Fenrir gives up on trying to not only keep his hair and tail clean but neat as well.
{ "title": "The Demon Lord's Lover", "id": 20243, "author": "redknight3996", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "Interlude 2 - Meet the Hero", "id": 305438, "next": 306312, "prev": 304180, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM2NDc3NTJjYjc5NDRhOTBhYWE4M2M1ZWJlYjg3ZmVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Julius always considered himself to be rather simple. He took things as they came and didn't question them. Well, aside from now anyways. </span></p> <p class="cnM4MjY3YjI0OThkZTRlMTFiNTc4YmY4ZjU1NjgyOTM1"> </p> <p class="cnM2ZjM5YWMzN2U4ODRlZWJiNjA3MDUyN2E4OGZlY2I2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So remind me how a mage got chosen by a sword,” said the young blond fighter as he scratched his head. </span></p> <p class="cnNlOTEwODNmMDgyNzQ1MTE4ZTM3ODU5Zjk4YjllMTc1"> </p> <p class="cnMwNmY2NmNmZWZhNDRiN2Y5NDk3NDhlNGY2Yzc5YWY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, it’s like it chose him for his spirit, I guess?” answered Ellen. The silver-haired archer was checking on her arrows as they waited for their mentor and new companion. </span></p> <p class="cnM5NmY1MDY4YjAyYzQyY2U5YjRmZDExMDRhYTE2ZDFk"> </p> <p class="cnNkMmRjY2FkYTJiMzQyMzg5NmFiNDJlYmEyNWFkMGVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Okay, but like, why a mage? Wouldn't a sword choose someone who knows how to use it?” </span></p> <p class="cnNhZjU0OWIwMWM1YjQ3ZGVhNmQyMWMxYmYyNWQ3NDRi"> </p> <p class="cnNhOTQxMzc4ZDY4ZDQ5ZjFiMTc2MDA1YjhlZTc3ZmQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Eh…godly magic or something?” suggested Ellen as she leaned back against the tree they were waiting by. Some water was still dripping from the leaves above them, due to the recent rain.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZGRhMjgzN2JlZDQ4ODFiMDZjODY3Nzk3NzRiNjI1"> </p> <p class="cnMxMTA3NGQwNGU5MDQ5YTZiNmUzNGI0OWVlOWVhMWNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hmph. Well at least we're bound to have interesting lives now. Heh, Graves is gonna be jealous she didn't stick around.” </span></p> <p class="cnMzMTNlN2YxNTBiNzQ5MjNhM2VkMzBhMzQ0NTg0NTNh"> </p> <p class="cnMxMjk2Mzc3ZGExNTRlZGNhZmU1NzIyMTk3OTc3NjAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I'm sure she's having fun doing whatever it is she's doing. I'm just glad it's almost time for her to dock in Orin again. Proper goodbyes and all that.” </span></p> <p class="cnNiOTc5NzAzYzI1MDRkOGZhMTg3YTg2MjZlZWNjNDA4"> </p> <p class="cnNmOWRiNDdhMzZkYjQ3MjE4MDZlNWIxN2Y4NGE1OWEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I still think we should wait for her first before we try heading to Mesa. That asshat of an Archduke won't give us shit.” </span></p> <p class="cnNkNmZiZmJmNGFmNDQzY2Y4MTExNjUyYWE5NjNiNmY3"> </p> <p class="cnNjYjU4ODUwMTg4YjQ5MTA5MWFiODMxOGEwOWY4YzUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Eh. I'm sure he will. I mean we do have the hero with us. What's the worst that could happen?” </span></p> <p class="cnNiNWQ5YjQ1YzcwMjRlMjQ4ZWMwMDdlOGI0NzAwOWE4"> </p> <p class="cnNlZDVjODE5ZDc5ODRkOGE5MTI2ZTBmOWY2ZWU5NDlm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hey brats!” And then came the loud voice of their mentor. “Meet your new friend!” </span></p> <p class="cnNjMWFiMTkzNTkxZTQ0MjNiM2M2Mjk3OGNiNzM1ZjRm"> </p> <p class="cnNiZDBjYTU2NTY3OTQ5NWFiOGIyNGZhMDMwMTMyYWM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Looking over, Julius and Ellen found their boisterous mentor, Blake Zweher, walking toward them, his boots squelching through the mud on the path. Just like when he left a few weeks ago, the man had his black hair in a braid, though his brown cloak looked somewhat more worn out, as were the clothes underneath. A long, faded scar stretched diagonally across his face, from his temple to his chin. Of course, the lower half of the scar wasn't as apparent due to the well kept beard he had. </span></p> <p class="cnM4NmEwMjQ0YmMyMzRjY2JiNTgwZjAzZWQ2ZGFlZDgx"> </p> <p class="cnNmZGRkNWUxNmM5YjRhYWE4ZTZmMGJjZTk4MzJjYTAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Being dragged behind him, however, was a new face. The young man, who looked like he was their age, had dark skin and dull red hair kept in a long ponytail. Since he was wearing rather large robes, they couldn't make out his physical figure, but they could see the staff he kept in one hand, and the sheathed sword clutched to his body. </span></p> <p class="cnM3MDAwYTA0OWI3ZjRlZWE5Yjg1MGQwY2JlYTI2OWQ5"> </p> <p class="cnM3NjdhNDkxOTAyZDRjZDJiMzhiNWQzMzNmYzhhZGI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Huh…he's cute,” Julius whispered to Ellen. </span></p> <p class="cnNmYzExOGU3YWJjYTQ1MzFhNGYzM2Q2ZGQ0YmE2MzI2"> </p> <p class="cnM4M2FjZDRkYTRlNDRlZmZhNWU5MjU2NWZkODlmMWVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Eh…he's decent enough,” she whispered back as the two stood up. </span></p> <p class="cnNiNzgyNGM1ODcyYjQ1ZTg4OGFiNTQyMDViYzY4N2Ez"> </p> <p class="cnM2OTk2ZDc0MmUxNDRlN2Y5Mzc5Mjc4YTJmMWUzODAx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sorry we’re late! This kid wandered off when I wasn't looking. Found him searching for herbs for some old lady.” </span></p> <p class="cnM5ODI1ZjQ3MWNhZjQzMmI5YjMwNTA3MGZiNjhhN2Ey"> </p> <p class="cnMyNDI5ODJlNjRhODQ1ZmZiN2IwYWExZWFhNzlkM2Yw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“She said she had a secret recipe with them, I wanted to see if I could learn it.” </span></p> <p class="cnNkNTQwYmJhMGVmNzQ2MDg4N2Y0MGZkMTA2ZGIwZjBj"> </p> <p class="cnM4N2I1ZWY4ZGI1NzQ1NDg5MWI4NTcyYjU3YTAwOTRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hey, no need to come up with excuses! You felt like doing it, so you did it, simple as that!” </span></p> <p class="cnMyYjkxMGNmNmIzOTQ2ZjM5ZGJlYWM0MzAyNjBhMmJm"> </p> <p class="cnNiOTJjOWU1MWVkYTRmOTQ5MWUzN2QwZjU4ZWMyMmU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Is that why you went to a tavern rather than helping me?” </span></p> <p class="cnM5MTQ5YTJjOTBkNDQzMDNiNjZhMThhOTFkODIzOWZj"> </p> <p class="cnM5YWMwYWE0MjY0YzQ1NjY5OTgwMGQxNjg3NGQ1YzY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yup! Ahaha!” </span></p> <p class="cnM0ZjgwZTc1NTMyNDRkZmM5NWU0ZGFlODlhY2VmODky"> </p> <p class="cnM5M2E5MzY2M2VmNTRlOGFiZTg1YzlkNDg2MzZmZGY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Yeah, sorry about him. He's like this a lot,” interjected Julius, extending a hand out. “Nice to meet you, name’s Julius.” </span></p> <p class="cnM1YjA1M2Q0ZDIwNDQ3OTA5MGRiNmMyZmUxZmRhNTVl"> </p> <p class="cnNmMDY4NzIyYjVkOTQ0MGJiZWU3NjI5NWRjZWZmMTk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Douglas Yew, apparent hero.” Reaching out, Douglas shook his hand. </span></p> <p class="cnNkMWI2YzgzMDcxMjRkZDdhMWJhNmJiZGU1YTZjYTQ4"> </p> <p class="cnNjOTIwMTc3ODIxZDRmNDc4ZDg3OTRkNjc2YWE5NGY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Pleasure to meet you, Douglas, I'm Ellen.” As she introduced herself, Douglas jumped. </span></p> <p class="cnM4YzA4ZjIxM2NjNTRhNzc4YWUwYWE5MGM1YzgyYjdh"> </p> <p class="cnM3NmY3MmNiMWZkODRiMzZhMTAzZGMwNWQ2NWI2Mjg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Gah! W-Where did you come from!?” </span></p> <p class="cnM0NDc4NmY0NjJmMTRiZmJiOTM1NGRmOGQwOWUzNGYy"> </p> <p class="cnM2NmQzY2M0ZWQzZjRjZjQ4YTBlZjNkMjllN2E0MDFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...I've been here from the start.” </span></p> <p class="cnNjZjBhMzM4ZDNmODQyNWJiNjEwZGNhNTJiOTcyZjM0"> </p> <p class="cnM0NWYyZTY5MmI4ZDQ5MjRhMGRkOTM1MjI0NjdkNTVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ahaha, guess you're still having trouble with that, huh, Ellie?” Rubbing her head, Blake glanced at Douglas. “The little lady here tends to get looked over. Sometimes it's good, other times it isn't." </span></p> <p class="cnM4YzNhNTg5MTRkZjQyOWU4NzQ1OWQyZDk1MTRjNzk3"> </p> <p class="cnNhYjc3NGZlZjBlZDQ2YWQ5ZDlmODJkNDQwNGVmOGYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...I don’t think that's a good explanation.” </span></p> <p class="cnNhMDMzYjJhZmRhZjQwZjY4YzJjMDA5NzAyOGE0N2Nl"> </p> <p class="cnM1N2ZmYTJmN2YyYzQ0ZjJiN2I4ZmUzNWY5MGMxN2Vm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s good enough for now! So, as you both know, Doug here is the newfound hero and, more importantly, is going to be the caster in our little party! That means we’re leaving most magic stuff up to him since I have no idea how any of that works beyond being able to set my weapons on fire!”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYTI4MmMwMWExYjQwMjY4OGM2ZGY0ZWNjNjk3ODc5"> </p> <p class="cnNmMmE2MDZkNmE3YjQ4YzQ4YzFlYTA2YWU5NTNjZTNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Is that a good idea?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NjQyZWVhZDM0ZDRkODM5NjlhZjdjYzcxZDBlY2Uz"> </p> <p class="cnMyYjJlYmM0ODRhMTRjMjhiZDlmMDIzMDcxYjAyMjRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sure it is! Doug, show them what you can do.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkM2I2YTFhNGY0ZTQ5ZGZhOGE0OWFlM2Y5ZjJlOGY4"> </p> <p class="cnM2NWJmMmYyODhkNTQwYmJhYTZiNzdjYTRmMzAwY2Fi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Douglas shrugged. “Yeah, alright.” </span></p> <p class="cnNiMmU4ZmQxNjY5OTQ0MmU5OTA3MzIyZDNjYmY3MjYz"> </p> <p class="cnNkOWU4OTIyMjFkMTQ3M2U4OGQ5ZGIxYzBlMzAzZGZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">He raised up his staff and a bright orange ball formed at the tip of it, glowing and giving off heat. Julius stared curiously as flames grew from the ball while it increased in size, burning brighter and brighter as Douglas held it in the air.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYjY0ZjRlOGUzYTQ5Y2ViZTg3YTMyZjQxMjY5ZTBk"> </p> <p class="cnNiNDI5YjU3YjY4YTQ2MzdhOWY2OTlmNzA0NDc1YjJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Alright, please stand back-” And then Douglas took a step back as he moved his staff. Later on, Julius would learn that Douglas had intended to aim it at a nearby tree, further away from them, but as he stepped back, Douglas’s foot went deep into a particularly slick patch of mud.</span></p> <p class="cnM1Y2NlMTk0NzRkNjQxZDQ5N2M1ODFmZDk3ZmI3ZjIy"> </p> <p class="cnM0MjIyMjYzZTQzYjQwYjNiYjc1MzI3ODg3ZGU1OWIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">He fell, the staff pointed the wrong way, and then Julius was on fire.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMDk3YWI5MDRjZDRmNTFiNjc0MDQ2ZGViYzk5MmYx"> </p> <p class="cnNlODk4NzllYTk1ZTQxMWM5ODc5NzJjMzhlYzgwNzNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Suffice to say, he quickly revised his opinion of the so-called hero after that mess.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MjhmYjAyNDk4NzQxMTBiM2RiYjJkNjc4Y2U2MTE3"> </p> </div>
Julius always considered himself to be rather simple. He took things as they came and didn't question them. Well, aside from now anyways. “So remind me how a mage got chosen by a sword,” said the young blond fighter as he scratched his head. “Well, it’s like it chose him for his spirit, I guess?” answered Ellen. The silver-haired archer was checking on her arrows as they waited for their mentor and new companion. “Okay, but like, why a mage? Wouldn't a sword choose someone who knows how to use it?” “Eh…godly magic or something?” suggested Ellen as she leaned back against the tree they were waiting by. Some water was still dripping from the leaves above them, due to the recent rain. “Hmph. Well at least we're bound to have interesting lives now. Heh, Graves is gonna be jealous she didn't stick around.” “I'm sure she's having fun doing whatever it is she's doing. I'm just glad it's almost time for her to dock in Orin again. Proper goodbyes and all that.” “I still think we should wait for her first before we try heading to Mesa. That asshat of an Archduke won't give us shit.” “Eh. I'm sure he will. I mean we do have the hero with us. What's the worst that could happen?” “Hey brats!” And then came the loud voice of their mentor. “Meet your new friend!” Looking over, Julius and Ellen found their boisterous mentor, Blake Zweher, walking toward them, his boots squelching through the mud on the path. Just like when he left a few weeks ago, the man had his black hair in a braid, though his brown cloak looked somewhat more worn out, as were the clothes underneath. A long, faded scar stretched diagonally across his face, from his temple to his chin. Of course, the lower half of the scar wasn't as apparent due to the well kept beard he had. Being dragged behind him, however, was a new face. The young man, who looked like he was their age, had dark skin and dull red hair kept in a long ponytail. Since he was wearing rather large robes, they couldn't make out his physical figure, but they could see the staff he kept in one hand, and the sheathed sword clutched to his body. “Huh…he's cute,” Julius whispered to Ellen. “Eh…he's decent enough,” she whispered back as the two stood up. “Sorry we’re late! This kid wandered off when I wasn't looking. Found him searching for herbs for some old lady.” “She said she had a secret recipe with them, I wanted to see if I could learn it.” “Hey, no need to come up with excuses! You felt like doing it, so you did it, simple as that!” “...Is that why you went to a tavern rather than helping me?” “Yup! Ahaha!” “...Yeah, sorry about him. He's like this a lot,” interjected Julius, extending a hand out. “Nice to meet you, name’s Julius.” “...Douglas Yew, apparent hero.” Reaching out, Douglas shook his hand. “Pleasure to meet you, Douglas, I'm Ellen.” As she introduced herself, Douglas jumped. “Gah! W-Where did you come from!?” “...I've been here from the start.” “Ahaha, guess you're still having trouble with that, huh, Ellie?” Rubbing her head, Blake glanced at Douglas. “The little lady here tends to get looked over. Sometimes it's good, other times it isn't." “...I don’t think that's a good explanation.” “It’s good enough for now! So, as you both know, Doug here is the newfound hero and, more importantly, is going to be the caster in our little party! That means we’re leaving most magic stuff up to him since I have no idea how any of that works beyond being able to set my weapons on fire!” “Is that a good idea?” “Sure it is! Doug, show them what you can do.” Douglas shrugged. “Yeah, alright.” He raised up his staff and a bright orange ball formed at the tip of it, glowing and giving off heat. Julius stared curiously as flames grew from the ball while it increased in size, burning brighter and brighter as Douglas held it in the air. “Alright, please stand back-” And then Douglas took a step back as he moved his staff. Later on, Julius would learn that Douglas had intended to aim it at a nearby tree, further away from them, but as he stepped back, Douglas’s foot went deep into a particularly slick patch of mud. He fell, the staff pointed the wrong way, and then Julius was on fire. Suffice to say, he quickly revised his opinion of the so-called hero after that mess.
{ "title": "In-game Item Storekeeper", "id": 17905, "author": "daitiansg", "rating": 3.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 121 - The Hokage, regrets. (Narutoverse)", "id": 301311, "next": 302308, "prev": 300478, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMwNDNkZDY4MDg3ODRlMzg4NmQ2NmZjOGQwZWExNTYz"><span class="hiddenSpellError">Shang</span>: Yeah.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Shang</span> says while he monitors the flame in the stove.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Koharu</span>: But why?<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Shang</span>: <span class="hiddenSpellError">Hiruzen</span> says something like this…<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Shang</span> tells <span class="hiddenSpellError">Koharu</span> everything that happen in the meeting and only excludes the part where <span class="hiddenSpellError">Homura</span> and <span class="hiddenSpellError">Hiruzen</span> have a fight that involves her.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Koharu</span>: If what <span class="hiddenSpellError">Hiruzen</span> says is true, he might be right about the problem if we are together. <span class="hiddenGrammarError">Hmm</span>… Should I quit instead?<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Shang</span>: ...<span class="hiddenGrammarError">Why</span> do you say so?<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Shang</span> is actually waiting for an excuse to quit the council so that his existence will not change the plot he knew from the manga and his relationship with <span class="hiddenSpellError">Koharu</span> now provides him the very excuse he needed. After that, he planned to live indoors as a househusband till the birth of <span class="hiddenSpellError">Naruto</span>. Right now it appears fate will not allow him to run off easily as <span class="hiddenSpellError">Koharu</span> suggests that she quit instead.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Koharu</span>: This job is tiresome and I don’t like it. I feel that being a housewife <span class="hiddenGrammarError">who can chatter</span> about things without worries is much better than being a councilor who has worry this and that about the people and village. I want to experience the happiness which every married woman should have!<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Koharu</span> says with a cute expression.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Shang</span>: Aren’t you experiencing it <span class="hiddenGrammarError">everyday</span>?<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Koharu</span>: We are not married yet, so that doesn’t count.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Koharu</span>’s eyes sparkles.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Shang</span>: … even if you want to quit, I don’t think your clan will allow it.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Shang</span> shakes his head.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Koharu</span>: Oh, you are right… my clan will not allow me to quit.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Koharu</span>’s pink expression disappears.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Shang</span>: Throwing that aside, have you thought going anywhere for our honeymoon?<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Shang</span> says, changing the topic about him quitting to the topic about what to do after the wedding.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Koharu</span>: Honeymoon? What is that?<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Shang</span>’s thoughts: Right, there is no such wedding custom in <span class="hiddenSpellError">Narutoverse</span>.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Shang</span> explains honeymoon as one of <span class="hiddenSpellError">Maniwa</span> Clan’s wedding custom.</p><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Koharu</span>: <span class="hiddenSpellError">Ehhhh</span>… I did not know there is such a wedding custom.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Shang</span>: So is there any place you want to visit?<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Koharu</span>: There are some places in mind that I want to go but are you sure we can do that? As part of the <span class="hiddenSpellError">Konoha</span> Council, <span class="hiddenSpellError">Hiruzen</span> will not let us leave that easily. We could be branded as <span class="hiddenSpellError">Missing-nin</span>.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Koharu</span> says with a concerned <span class="hiddenGrammarError">expression.</span><br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Shang</span>: Well, we can leave our forehead protector here to show them we are just leaving for a while.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Koharu</span>: Just like that? Should we at least leave a note or something? You know <span class="hiddenSpellError">Hiruzen</span> will be forced to employ mercenary ninja to search for us if he realises we are gone.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Shang</span>: Let him employ! He owes one for the quiet wedding.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Koharu</span>: You are so bad. Using our honeymoon excuse to get back at <span class="hiddenSpellError">Hiruzen</span>.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Koharu</span> giggles.<br><br>A few days later in the <span class="hiddenSpellError">Hokage</span>’s Office after the quiet wedding…<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Danzou</span> is stunned at the skyscraper pile of paper which is <span class="hiddenSpellError">Shang</span>’s workload.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Danzou</span>: <span class="hiddenSpellError">Hiruzen</span>.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Hiruzen</span>: What is it?<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Hiruzen</span> looks up from his workload with two black circles around his eyes.<br><br>Due to the reason that <span class="hiddenSpellError">Koharu</span> is currently unavailable for a month and <span class="hiddenSpellError">Homura</span> has to be the one to cover up for her, <span class="hiddenSpellError">Hiruzen</span> is given more workload than usual.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Danzou</span>: Are you sure this is the same workload that <span class="hiddenSpellError">Shang</span> is doing <span class="hiddenGrammarError">everyday</span>?<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Danzou</span> is suspecting whether <span class="hiddenSpellError">Shang</span> is human or not. No human is sane enough to face this kind of workload <span class="hiddenGrammarError">everyday</span>.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Hiruzen</span>: Yeah.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Hiruzen</span> is too overworked to explain and replies with one word answer.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Danzou</span>: I can guess you are regretting&nbsp;your decision about Shang.<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Hiruzen</span>:...<br><br><span class="hiddenSpellError">Hiruzen</span>’s thoughts: Don’t remind me. I am regretting it already.<p></p> </div>
Shang: Yeah. Shang says while he monitors the flame in the stove. Koharu: But why? Shang: Hiruzen says something like this… Shang tells Koharu everything that happen in the meeting and only excludes the part where Homura and Hiruzen have a fight that involves her. Koharu: If what Hiruzen says is true, he might be right about the problem if we are together. Hmm… Should I quit instead? Shang: ...Why do you say so? Shang is actually waiting for an excuse to quit the council so that his existence will not change the plot he knew from the manga and his relationship with Koharu now provides him the very excuse he needed. After that, he planned to live indoors as a househusband till the birth of Naruto. Right now it appears fate will not allow him to run off easily as Koharu suggests that she quit instead. Koharu: This job is tiresome and I don’t like it. I feel that being a housewife who can chatter about things without worries is much better than being a councilor who has worry this and that about the people and village. I want to experience the happiness which every married woman should have! Koharu says with a cute expression. Shang: Aren’t you experiencing it everyday? Koharu: We are not married yet, so that doesn’t count. Koharu’s eyes sparkles. Shang: … even if you want to quit, I don’t think your clan will allow it. Shang shakes his head. Koharu: Oh, you are right… my clan will not allow me to quit. Koharu’s pink expression disappears. Shang: Throwing that aside, have you thought going anywhere for our honeymoon? Shang says, changing the topic about him quitting to the topic about what to do after the wedding. Koharu: Honeymoon? What is that? Shang’s thoughts: Right, there is no such wedding custom in Narutoverse. Shang explains honeymoon as one of Maniwa Clan’s wedding custom. Koharu: Ehhhh… I did not know there is such a wedding custom. Shang: So is there any place you want to visit? Koharu: There are some places in mind that I want to go but are you sure we can do that? As part of the Konoha Council, Hiruzen will not let us leave that easily. We could be branded as Missing-nin. Koharu says with a concerned expression. Shang: Well, we can leave our forehead protector here to show them we are just leaving for a while. Koharu: Just like that? Should we at least leave a note or something? You know Hiruzen will be forced to employ mercenary ninja to search for us if he realises we are gone. Shang: Let him employ! He owes one for the quiet wedding. Koharu: You are so bad. Using our honeymoon excuse to get back at Hiruzen. Koharu giggles. A few days later in the Hokage’s Office after the quiet wedding… Danzou is stunned at the skyscraper pile of paper which is Shang’s workload. Danzou: Hiruzen. Hiruzen: What is it? Hiruzen looks up from his workload with two black circles around his eyes. Due to the reason that Koharu is currently unavailable for a month and Homura has to be the one to cover up for her, Hiruzen is given more workload than usual. Danzou: Are you sure this is the same workload that Shang is doing everyday? Danzou is suspecting whether Shang is human or not. No human is sane enough to face this kind of workload everyday. Hiruzen: Yeah. Hiruzen is too overworked to explain and replies with one word answer. Danzou: I can guess you are regretting your decision about Shang. Hiruzen:... Hiruzen’s thoughts: Don’t remind me. I am regretting it already.
{ "title": "Irregular (Rewritten)", "id": 17172, "author": "The Irregular", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 17", "id": 305440, "next": null, "prev": 300418, "prev_info": "", "next_info": null }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNkZTNhMGEyYmIzYTQyNzFiYzUwZTg3NDdkZTE4MmVk">Three tapped his chin. “So I was thinking perhaps I should get my companions to come in after all. This was merely the first area and we were already swarmed, if there are even larger numbers or they have stronger levels it could get dangerous. I don’t think there are many things below level fifty that can match Crimson. The rest can hold their own and watch our backs.”</p> <p class="cnNlMzE5YzIyY2NlMDQ2ODBhNmZjYTA2ZGYwY2YzMWVl">Emmi cocked her head and thought about it before nodding. “Let’s do that, the experience share will stay the same regardless since we are in the same party. Adding your companions will allow us to catch up to your level faster, even if you will stay a couple of levels ahead.”</p> <p class="cnM5ZjljOWQ5MzNiMTRlYzY4OGM4NzY3MzNhNGRhYWQ4">The rest agreed with the decision so we headed outside and waited a few minutes for the rest of my companions to appear. In the distance Three could see Shuffles leading his group towards us, the zombies were a good deal slower. Sir Kelly Ton and Shuffles were actually the only ones so far that had managed to pass the level twenty barrier. Sir Kelly Ton was a Strong Skilled Skeleton, and Shuffles was a Ghoul. The rest were between level sixteen and eighteen. Close enough that they would soon reach the next evolutions themselves. I explained the situation to them, even though Three was pretty sure only Shuffles got the gist of it.</p> <p class="cnM2MWY5NDEzZDdkZjQxNmQ4YWEzMzhiOGJiYzEwNDky">We headed back into the dungeon, Emmi kept peeking over her shoulder at the shambling undead. “Shouldn’t you give them orders on what to do in case we get attacked, or who they should avoid attacking?”</p> <p class="cnNmMmVmMTI0ZDZhNjRlZWU4Y2VkMWYxMGJiMGNjMjJl">Three blinked as he stared at her, “I don’t need to, Shuffles can do that.”</p> <p class="cnM3ZmU2ZTZjZTgwYTQwZDRhMDVjNTA1NzQ5ZjY1OThj">“S-Shuffles? I wanted to ask about that before, but why is the ghoul called… Shuffles.”</p> <p class="cnM3YjQ2OTM2YzZhYzRiMjVhNWY4OGMyMDQyZTA2MTE3">Three felt a bit of heat rise to his cheeks, “Well, I met a girl and she gave both of my companions a name before I got the chance to. So uhh… thats why.”</p> <p class="cnMwOWViNmJhMjBjMTRlYzJiODQ0ZTRhNzk1Zjg5MDFj">Sumi bounced up next to him, “So what is the other one called?”</p> <p class="cnNlOTAyNjRkOTAyOTQzNGRiZGZmOTdiMzQ4MWE5YTNm">“Sir kelly ton.”</p> <p class="cnM2Mzg5NGYyZTcxMTQ5NDg5OWRhODU0MzM1NGYzYmI4">“I can’t hear you speak up!” Sumi complained as she climbed on his back.</p> <p class="cnMxNWIxMWM1NWRlNTQyYmFiNzY0MzUwZDM3ZjU0MGE5">“Sir Kelly Ton!”</p> <p class="cnNjMzJjOTJmOTFiMjQwMDE4ZTc0OThhNzViZDAyZThk">Their small procession paused for a brief moment before his friends burst into laughter.</p> <p class="cnM4ZWIxMmVkOTFkMjQyOTE5YmYyMTA4ZmZlZDk3Nzg4">Davis wiped tears from his eyes as he did his best to remain standing. “Ow, ow my ribs, owh that is so rich this girl must have been a genuis. Sir Kelly Ton. Brilliant!”</p> <p class="cnM0NGY5YTI0NmRlMDRjYjFiMjg1Y2Y4MGM1YzQ5OTUx">Three ignored their laughter and stomped deeper into the cave-system. Followed by his chuckling compatriots.</p> <p class="cnNjN2M3NTBhODQ5MDRkYmJiNzNlZTI1YWZjMzQwMTBj">They reached the area they had already cleared, corpses and ashes assaulted their noses.</p> <p class="cnNjODVjZTI3YjY2YzQzYTQ5NWM4OTBkMzQzOGRhYmY3">Three wrinkled his nose at the unpleasant smell as he walked around corpses towards a hall that seemed to lead deeper into the dungeon.</p> <p class="cnNmYzRjODFiYmFjOTQ2YTViZDJiMDhhMWIyNTNlNGRj">“How long did you want to spend in the dungeon today?” Talin asked Emmi.</p> <p class="cnMzM2RmMGJjNzgxYjQzMDg5OTUyZjgxM2EwYjUxODVi">“Honestly I figured we should stay until we couldn’t move on any longer, or until we run out of resources or energy.”</p> <p class="cnMwZmZiMTMwNDE5ZjRkN2RhYjliYTk2ZjhjNTczZTRl">“Then I shall lead the way with Crimson, Shuffles and his group can watch our backs.”</p> <p class="cnNiYTVhMDk0ZTI5NjQzYTY5YzUyYzUyM2FlMDk1MTMw">Emmi nodded. “Me and Davis take the flanks as usual, Talin and Sumi will be in the center of the formation.”</p> <p class="cnMzMWI5MjFlMDhjNDQzNjU4NTU4NjMxNDI0OTkzZGY4">The rest of the group made some sounds of agreement and made their way to the other side of the battleground, walking through the cave system Three kept his senses peeled even though he knew Crimson’s senses far outstripped his.</p> <p class="cnMxOTY4OTdhOGNhNjRmYTI4NmJhMzBjN2RkYzQ0MTI2">For a few minutes all was quiet, it seemed as if the various monsters had been cleared in the previous wave.</p> <p class="cnM2ZWRhZmZjYTJiZDRhY2ZhYzNlNzAzNjhmMjA0ZDY1">The smell and remaining smoke tingled his nose but he ignored it and kept moving, it was darker than it was in the previous area. Even Three’s enhanced vision had trouble seeing anything in the eerie dark. Emmi gave a short command to Sumi as a ball of fire rose over their heads lighting up the cavern. Three glanced to the wall, the was a type of… mold covering it. He motioned to it and the rest took a look. None of them had seen it before, Three decided to scrape a bit of it off and put it into an empty glass vial. He knew a certain scientist who could explain the mystery to him. It might even have been a normal type of cave mold, the fact that it slightly pulsated made that unlikely.</p> <p class="cnMwOTdmNDNlNDZjYTQwNjA5ZDEyMTA2ODFiY2VkZTNj">They reached another larger, more open area. Unlike the other room this one had no grass at all. The tree’s barren, dead. A low hanging fog clung around the trees, limiting visibility. It reminded him of the fog that had accompanied the undead he fought up north. He held up a hand and signed his thought to Sumi, who in turn explained it to the rest of the group. The group tensed slightly, weapons at the ready. He glanced at Crimson, who like him was scouring the forest for anything unnatural.</p> <p class="cnM1NGI3MDI1ZDIxMjRjMzU5ZTllZWVkOGM5NTY0Mjlj">He rolled his shoulders, if she couldn’t see or hear anything that limited his options. He headed deeper into the forest, the density of the dead trees causing their formation to become single file. He led, with Crimson squeezing her way behind him, after her came Emmi, then Sumi with Davis behind her. Talin was the last of the team with Sir Kelly Ton behind him and then the rest of undead with Shuffles at the rear of the procession.</p> <p class="cnMyNDE0MmU1MmU5MDQzZjU5NjUyY2ExMWViN2ExMmJl">The branches creaked around him, the forest silent other than the occasional creak from the trees. He heard Sumi mumble behind him, “I could just torch the entire forest, give us some visibility.”</p> <p class="cnM4NWY5ODUxYjE0NTQwY2VhMjJkZWM4Njk3OTA0MGZh">Emmi shook her head, “I’d rather not, the ceiling isn’t very high here and the resulting smoke might lessen visibility even more.”</p> <p class="cnMwMDJiNjhmNzExMzRiNzc5YTdmOTVlZDhlODAyM2E3">Sumi grunted in frustration.</p> <p class="cnMwZmVlYTc1N2FmZDQ4OTA4MjFjOTc1YTY0MmNmM2Qx">Three knew how she felt, he himself was not a fan of the forest. He lead them further in until they came across a small hill, the hill unlike the rest of the area was covered in grass. A crimson shade similar to blood. Three frowned, the hill just screamed of a trap. He motioned for Sumi to shoot a fireball at it. She gathered the magic into her hand, the raw mana becoming a blazing arrow. It shot forth, whistling through the air and impacted the hill. A screech caused them to cover their ears, the sound deafening. The hill moved, it stood up on various misshapen legs, it turned their way. Many beady little eyes glaring at them, the creature had more than a single mouth and they all roared at it in anger.</p> <p class="cnNmMzM4YjNmMTcxNzQ3YWQ4MWRkZmE4ZGFiY2Q3OGU0">{Abominable Blood Mound level 29}</p> <p class="cnMxYzE5NDA2MGI1NjQ3M2NiZjA1ZDAwM2QwYjBlZTA4">“Bloodyhell!” Davis cursed, as he caught sight of the monstrousity.</p> <p class="cnM0MWJjMGQ0NDUyZDRmY2RhOWQ5ZmE4ZWJiMzBmNDg2">Three stepped forward to meet the creature, he grunted. Crimson rushed forward in blur of ivory fur and impacted the creature. She shoved her claws inside, the mound and began tearing it apart. The creature in turn tried to use it’s many appendages to claw, bite and stab Crimson. Few of them having the strength to pierce her enhanced hide. In mere moments the monstrosity was torn to shreds. The rest of the team gaped at Crimson, Three walked up to her and patted her on the shoulder.</p> <p class="cnM4OTg0OTRmYjFmZjRiMThiZThjYTkxYmMwNDk1NDQw">He caught sight of a vial, he picked it up and read the label.</p> <p class="cnNmNWFhNDY3NzVjZTRlYjRhOWI4YjNlN2E2ZGI5NWQ2">{Vial of Chaotic Mutation}</p> <p class="cnMwOTJjODM1ZmUyYjRlZjVhYjU2MmUzOTlhNDlkMzk1">He frowned at it and passed it to Emmi.</p> <p class="cnMyMDliMmYyYWM1NjRjNTVhMTVkODA2MmFmZjhhZDlh">“None of us will be using this.” She said as she glanced at the rest of the group, ready to stomp down on any argument.</p> <p class="cnM3YTBlNDcyMzIyODRlMDA5Mzc5YmFmZjBjMTNmNTMx">“Please! Even I can tell that thing is bad news.” Davis muttered.</p> <p class="cnMwMTIzN2ZlYTY1OTRlNWU5ZGU4Mzk4NDMxNjhjOWI4">“And if even he can tell then you got nothing to worry about, no-one here is that stupid.” Tavis added, although he briefly glanced at Sumi.</p> <p class="cnM4Zjc3NDA3NTNlMzRlNDRiMmIxMGMxZDM3ODZmNTMw">Sumi raised an eyebrow, “Don’t look at me, I don’t wanna be that ugly. I’m already inhuman enough as it is.”</p> <p class="cnM3ZGUxNjFkNTJkZDQ4ODA4NDE5MDVkNDJjMGMwOTZj">Emmi chuckled and grabbed Sumi in a quick hug, “Inhuman maybe, but oh so cute!”</p> <p class="cnM4YmZjMGIwNjkxMzRhYTA4NjczMzE4MmI2OWJmYzBj">Sumi tried to wrestle herself out of the much taller, much stronger female warriors hands to no avail.</p> </div>
Three tapped his chin. “So I was thinking perhaps I should get my companions to come in after all. This was merely the first area and we were already swarmed, if there are even larger numbers or they have stronger levels it could get dangerous. I don’t think there are many things below level fifty that can match Crimson. The rest can hold their own and watch our backs.” Emmi cocked her head and thought about it before nodding. “Let’s do that, the experience share will stay the same regardless since we are in the same party. Adding your companions will allow us to catch up to your level faster, even if you will stay a couple of levels ahead.” The rest agreed with the decision so we headed outside and waited a few minutes for the rest of my companions to appear. In the distance Three could see Shuffles leading his group towards us, the zombies were a good deal slower. Sir Kelly Ton and Shuffles were actually the only ones so far that had managed to pass the level twenty barrier. Sir Kelly Ton was a Strong Skilled Skeleton, and Shuffles was a Ghoul. The rest were between level sixteen and eighteen. Close enough that they would soon reach the next evolutions themselves. I explained the situation to them, even though Three was pretty sure only Shuffles got the gist of it. We headed back into the dungeon, Emmi kept peeking over her shoulder at the shambling undead. “Shouldn’t you give them orders on what to do in case we get attacked, or who they should avoid attacking?” Three blinked as he stared at her, “I don’t need to, Shuffles can do that.” “S-Shuffles? I wanted to ask about that before, but why is the ghoul called… Shuffles.” Three felt a bit of heat rise to his cheeks, “Well, I met a girl and she gave both of my companions a name before I got the chance to. So uhh… thats why.” Sumi bounced up next to him, “So what is the other one called?” “Sir kelly ton.” “I can’t hear you speak up!” Sumi complained as she climbed on his back. “Sir Kelly Ton!” Their small procession paused for a brief moment before his friends burst into laughter. Davis wiped tears from his eyes as he did his best to remain standing. “Ow, ow my ribs, owh that is so rich this girl must have been a genuis. Sir Kelly Ton. Brilliant!” Three ignored their laughter and stomped deeper into the cave-system. Followed by his chuckling compatriots. They reached the area they had already cleared, corpses and ashes assaulted their noses. Three wrinkled his nose at the unpleasant smell as he walked around corpses towards a hall that seemed to lead deeper into the dungeon. “How long did you want to spend in the dungeon today?” Talin asked Emmi. “Honestly I figured we should stay until we couldn’t move on any longer, or until we run out of resources or energy.” “Then I shall lead the way with Crimson, Shuffles and his group can watch our backs.” Emmi nodded. “Me and Davis take the flanks as usual, Talin and Sumi will be in the center of the formation.” The rest of the group made some sounds of agreement and made their way to the other side of the battleground, walking through the cave system Three kept his senses peeled even though he knew Crimson’s senses far outstripped his. For a few minutes all was quiet, it seemed as if the various monsters had been cleared in the previous wave. The smell and remaining smoke tingled his nose but he ignored it and kept moving, it was darker than it was in the previous area. Even Three’s enhanced vision had trouble seeing anything in the eerie dark. Emmi gave a short command to Sumi as a ball of fire rose over their heads lighting up the cavern. Three glanced to the wall, the was a type of… mold covering it. He motioned to it and the rest took a look. None of them had seen it before, Three decided to scrape a bit of it off and put it into an empty glass vial. He knew a certain scientist who could explain the mystery to him. It might even have been a normal type of cave mold, the fact that it slightly pulsated made that unlikely. They reached another larger, more open area. Unlike the other room this one had no grass at all. The tree’s barren, dead. A low hanging fog clung around the trees, limiting visibility. It reminded him of the fog that had accompanied the undead he fought up north. He held up a hand and signed his thought to Sumi, who in turn explained it to the rest of the group. The group tensed slightly, weapons at the ready. He glanced at Crimson, who like him was scouring the forest for anything unnatural. He rolled his shoulders, if she couldn’t see or hear anything that limited his options. He headed deeper into the forest, the density of the dead trees causing their formation to become single file. He led, with Crimson squeezing her way behind him, after her came Emmi, then Sumi with Davis behind her. Talin was the last of the team with Sir Kelly Ton behind him and then the rest of undead with Shuffles at the rear of the procession. The branches creaked around him, the forest silent other than the occasional creak from the trees. He heard Sumi mumble behind him, “I could just torch the entire forest, give us some visibility.” Emmi shook her head, “I’d rather not, the ceiling isn’t very high here and the resulting smoke might lessen visibility even more.” Sumi grunted in frustration. Three knew how she felt, he himself was not a fan of the forest. He lead them further in until they came across a small hill, the hill unlike the rest of the area was covered in grass. A crimson shade similar to blood. Three frowned, the hill just screamed of a trap. He motioned for Sumi to shoot a fireball at it. She gathered the magic into her hand, the raw mana becoming a blazing arrow. It shot forth, whistling through the air and impacted the hill. A screech caused them to cover their ears, the sound deafening. The hill moved, it stood up on various misshapen legs, it turned their way. Many beady little eyes glaring at them, the creature had more than a single mouth and they all roared at it in anger. {Abominable Blood Mound level 29} “Bloodyhell!” Davis cursed, as he caught sight of the monstrousity. Three stepped forward to meet the creature, he grunted. Crimson rushed forward in blur of ivory fur and impacted the creature. She shoved her claws inside, the mound and began tearing it apart. The creature in turn tried to use it’s many appendages to claw, bite and stab Crimson. Few of them having the strength to pierce her enhanced hide. In mere moments the monstrosity was torn to shreds. The rest of the team gaped at Crimson, Three walked up to her and patted her on the shoulder. He caught sight of a vial, he picked it up and read the label. {Vial of Chaotic Mutation} He frowned at it and passed it to Emmi. “None of us will be using this.” She said as she glanced at the rest of the group, ready to stomp down on any argument. “Please! Even I can tell that thing is bad news.” Davis muttered. “And if even he can tell then you got nothing to worry about, no-one here is that stupid.” Tavis added, although he briefly glanced at Sumi. Sumi raised an eyebrow, “Don’t look at me, I don’t wanna be that ugly. I’m already inhuman enough as it is.” Emmi chuckled and grabbed Sumi in a quick hug, “Inhuman maybe, but oh so cute!” Sumi tried to wrestle herself out of the much taller, much stronger female warriors hands to no avail.
{ "title": "Black Iron & Cinder", "id": 20979, "author": "Convictus", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "III. Nobody's Home (Section 4)", "id": 305361, "next": 306287, "prev": 304447, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNhZDAwMTVjZmQ4NzRjNjY5NzVhNDBlOWUyOTNkN2M4">The knight turns to a long, red drapery hanging from the wall, covering a threshold leading into another room. He walks to it and pushes the fabric aside and finds a second body, lying neatly on a large bed that still bears its mattress and cottons, also decomposed beyond immediate recognition, just as the corpse at the table. Judging by it's shorter stature and few remaining strands of long hair, it most likely had been a woman. She's facing up, with her hands over her chest, and a blanket covering her from waist to feet.</p> <p class="cnNlNWZmZjQ1M2JmYTRiNGU4ODdjNWNkMDJlZWVkMWFl" align="LEFT">Next to the head of the bed is something that strikes unease into the knight's heart when he sees it: a toddler's wooden cradle. He takes a few apprehensive steps forward and carefully brings the interior of the cradle into view, silently hoping to not see what he thinks he might. He spies a bundle of cloth wrapped around something, in the vague shape of a small human. He lets out a sigh of sudden, overwhelming regret, and looks back at the presumed mother, only to notice a detail he did not catch seconds before: about a centimeter of space separating her head – which rests unstirred on a feather pillow – from her body.</p> <p class="cnNmMTBjMDA2ZWRiZDRjODY5MzQ5MWQxOWU1ZDE1Y2Fj" align="LEFT">Having seen enough, he turns and retreats to the first room, where he leers at the body on the dining table. Remembering its wound, he realizes that it might still be capable of moving and attacking because its brain is still attached to the rest of its body and essentially undamaged. The knight draws his dagger from its sheath and holds it in an icepick grip in his right hand. He raises it above his head, and forcefully stabs it down into the back of the cadaver's neck, severing the brain stem from the rest of the spine. It twitches slightly and only utters out one short grunt in reaction, but stays quiet and motionless afterward, now properly dead.</p> <p class="cnNmZGU4OWE4ZjE4NDRlYzNhMzg3Yjc4OTY2OWY5M2Uy" align="LEFT">Decided he's finished with this house, he makes his way out, and while doing so, quietly retracts the earlier thought of hoping to find coin in these abandoned homes. Part of him wants to believe that scene was just a creation of his imagination – that the mist is plaguing him with visions. He realizes his eyes are moist and removes his helmet; terrible thoughts are being brought back to the front of his mind that he wished to forget. He wipes his budding tears before they have a chance to break free from his lids, and pinches the bridge of his nose with his shuddering hand. He takes a moment to take a deep breath, collecting himself before he continues his patrol.</p> <p class="cnNhOTI3OGRmODE3MzQ0YjlhOGY0ZTBhODM0YzI0Yzkz" align="LEFT">Over half an hour passes, and the remaining homes contain nothing else worth mentioning. They only bestowed more dirt, broken stools and chairs, overturned tables, empty chests, bare bed frames, and the occasional blood stain that left no clues as to where the victim had gone. Presumably they reanimated and began wandering beyond the near area, but if they're no longer inside the village of Newmanstead, then they are no longer the knight's immediate problem. Fully satisfied with his patrol, he lets out a loud whistle that rings through the ghost town, and faithful Annaliese comes racing to him. As the sky begins to turn a darker shade of greyish blue, daylight begins to fade. He wastes no time in mounting his horse and riding off with more haste than before, as he doesn't wish to be blinded by the imminent darkness.</p> <p class="cnMyZmU2YTc1MTdhZjQyOGZhNzIwOGZkMzhjMjU0MDY0" align="LEFT">As Annaliese dashes from the derelict village to make up for lost time, the knight still can't shake the terrible, gut-wrenching scene he witnessed in the sealed house with the bodies from his mind. Who were those people? It can be assumed they were a family of man, woman, and child, but they were so close to the safety of the barrier. Why did they not leave with the others as the mist moved in? Simple sentimental attachment to the land? Poorly-planned opportunism to take advantage of their neighbors' abandoned homes, goods, and belongings? At what point did they seal themselves in like that? Did the man do it on his own after his child and wife had faded away? Did they die of starvation? Did they go mad at some point? So many questions ring in Atticus's mind, and likely none will be answered.</p> <p class="cnMxMGUwMDE4MmM0OTQ3NzJiZmJmYmE2MjJhYzkwYzQ0" align="LEFT">He begins to wonder if any other families refused refuge in the south, opting for an endeavor to outlast the presence of the fog that had engulfed their home. It's of no doubt that all attempts at such have surely ended in failure by now. This leads him to consider who is to blame for such tragedies, specifically who is to blame for the mist being here for this long? The Yhordran Legion? The Mistwalkers? Whoever unleashed the mist is clearly guilty, but is the ever-increasing death count beyond the initial losses considered a responsibility heaved onto the shoulders of one institution or the other? Is the Legion incompetent? Are the Mistwalkers an ill-prepared plan? The concept of “blame” is something that's been weighing on his mind for many, many, many days, and isn't showing any signs of stopping.</p> <p class="cnM4MmFlYjkxOGRiMjQxMTE4ODlkODcwMWY2NmJkOWNm" align="LEFT">Annaliese's astounding equine stamina and speed carry the two of them just shy of four miles in approximately fifteen minutes before she decides to slow down her pace and catch her breath. Thanks to this lead, the knight is confident he'll reach the first checkpoint before the sun disappears behind the horizon and an impregnable darkness absorbs the area. He notices that more trees have begun to surround the road, and the foliage has been slowly growing taller and denser since departing Newmanstead. He must now effectively be inside the Levinburg Forest, named after the town located near the center, about twenty miles past the checkpoint he's headed towards. Tomorrow, the knight will need to cut through Levinburg as he did Newmanstead, but in that instance, he isn't so sure the forest town will as free of hostile shambling corpses like the modestly small village was. Considering his lack of knowledge on the region, there's plenty of room for him to be surprised. But he'll cross that bridge when he reaches it.</p> <p class="cnMwNjRhNTUyMWEzNjQzMDRiYWRmZDE1OGM5NjMxNWM4" align="LEFT">The late afternoon sun, whose light is already partially obscured by the high fog, already dyes the land an increasingly dark blue. As the black-clad knight grows more curious of his approach to the first Legion checkpoint, the mist ahead clears, and he finally sees it: a gated area with watch towers and guards wearing standard Legion armor, decorated with a cloth draped down their torso that features the Yhordran coat of arms: a ferocious blue wolf standing on its hind legs and facing to the left, inside a silver floral tressure, on a black background. Another magical barrier established by an arcane crystal is visible here, due to higher density caused by taking up a smaller area. He crosses the threshold, and suddenly feels as though the breathable air had become cleaner. As he approaches the open gates, he's stopped by one of the two Legion soldiers protecting it.</p> <p class="cnM1Nzg1NjI0NGNkZTQzMTJhYzg1NzNhZmZkZjdiNjdh" align="LEFT">“Hold, sir. Are you a Mistwalker?” He inquires.</p> <p class="cnNkNjY0Y2M0ZWRhYzRjZDQ5ZDUyMmQzZjk0MjMyMDNk" align="LEFT">“I am.” Atticus replies monotonically.</p> <p class="cnNlMDVjZjlhNWE4NjQ1NmI5ZTU5NmUxNzhkYjcwMmQw" align="LEFT">“Do you have your card on you?”</p> <p class="cnNjY2ZmZTY3M2E0ODQxNTk5ZTVjZTgxNmE1MWM3Zjc2" align="LEFT">“I do.”</p> <p class="cnNlMTkxODQwYjUwODRmNTI4MzZlNTE5YjljYTljZGVj" align="LEFT">“May I see it?”</p> <p class="cnMxN2VkOGRiM2Y2YjQ0NjZhMmU1MjIzZjY5ZThlNzcy" align="LEFT">The knight retrieves the card from his bag and hands it to the soldier, who only gives it a quick glance before being content and returning it. “First time here, then? Very well. This is Legion Checkpoint Eowerth. You'll be able to get a stamp at headquarters over there.” He points to a large cabin that has a banner hanging over the entrance with the coat of arms on it. “It's also the dining hall. You can get your fill there. There's an open barracks next to it where you can sleep if you don't have a tent of your own.”</p> <p class="cnM3OWQwMmE4ZmI0MTQ4MTI4NzdmMmQ5MWY5ZDFhYTZi" align="LEFT">“Thank you.” The knight responds with a nod, and doesn't waste any precious seconds making his way inside. When he passes and leaves earshot, the other soldier leans in towards the first one.</p> <p class="cnMzZjlkOWUwYjJkNTRkZDNhNzBjNjc3ZmJkMDQ0MDcz" align="LEFT">“You see that armor he's wearing?” The second soldier asks with a face that slightly twisted with curiosity and confusion.</p> <p class="cnM0ZmY4ZmFhNzhhZDRhODdhNmY1NDliYzNlOGY0YTIz" align="LEFT">“Yeah, it looks fancy.” The first soldier replies, admiring the knight's iron suit from afar. “You think it's foreign?”</p> <p class="cnM0NDVkOTI3NmY1MzRiZDE5ZmE0OTFmYzAyY2MxODY0" align="LEFT">“Definitely.” The second soldier nods his head. “It might not even be his, though.”</p> <p class="cnM2MTU1YTNkMGM4YTRhOTU4YjU1Y2RhMDc0OWE3Zjc3" align="LEFT">“Either way, I've never seen anything like it. I wish we had armor that nice.” The first soldier lets out a sigh before both of them return to their duties.</p> <p class="cnMyMDU4YzU3MWNlOTQxMzU5MTAwMzdjZjNhMzRhYjEw" align="LEFT">Atticus notices multiple hitching posts in front of the headquarters, which are in front of their own troughs of water and large piles of hay for the horses to stuff themselves with. There's several horses already there, some of which he feels he's seen before. He brings Annaliese to join them, and she wastes no time in filling her belly.</p> <p class="cnMyZDRlMGRjZjFiYjRhYmFiOWRmMWM4NWMzMjMxNTBh" align="LEFT">Atticus frees his head from his stifling plumed helmet and enters Eowerth headquarters, finding himself in a lobby with a single counter to the left manned by another Legion soldier, and two others standing guard next to a closed door ahead. To the right is open double doors that seem to lead into the dining hall. He attends to his official Mistwalker business first by stepping towards the counter with his sortie card in hand.</p> <p class="cnM4MTg5NzI1OGE3YjQwYWI4MGQ0OGFhYWUzNDA3NGRi" align="LEFT">“A Mistwalker?” The lone soldier at the counter asks.</p> <p class="cnMxNWNhOTFmOTJhMzRjMzFhZDEzNWUyODM3MThjOWIw" align="LEFT">“Yes.” The knight slides his card over, and the soldier examines it.</p> <p class="cnNmNmU3NGRjNGM4ODRjOWJhOWM1NDA3NmFlNzQ5YTNl" align="LEFT">“Reached Eowerth on your first outing, huh? That's a bit rare. At least, on days other than today.” He begins to ink a stamp that's much smaller than what the sortie booth managers back at Zenith Gate use.</p> <p class="cnMzM2FjMDhmNTUxYjRkYzRiODQ0ZTVmMWRkZmFkMTMx" align="LEFT">“What do you mean by that?”</p> <p class="cnM4NGNjMDA3OGIwMTRhYjg4MGViZGQzODllMTRkNTg5" align="LEFT">“Well, a group of five came a bit earlier. All of them are on their first ever venture into the mist, as well. They're in the dining hall.” The soldier firmly presses the stamp on the corner of the left-most top square of the card, slightly overlapping the stamp received from the booth at Zenith Gate.</p> <p class="cnNkMzM0NDRiZDFiYjQzY2JiZmYzOGZjZGUxNThiMjEz" align="LEFT">Atticus becomes noticeably interested in the aforementioned group that arrived before him. “Do they have a mage with them?”</p> <p class="cnMxNzBlMDI3Mjk1OTQzYTY4YjljNDhiMGIyODI4YzUx" align="LEFT">“They do, actually. A young woman – red stones in her bracelet, so I assume a pyromancer?” The soldier slides the card back to the knight. “I can count on one hand the number of mages that I've seen here. Do you know her?”</p> <p class="cnM1YjAyODRlNWViZjRjOTNiMTkwYzA0NmMwMzVkOGZj" align="LEFT">Atticus hesitates for a brief moment before exaggerating his personal affiliation with the mage. “We're acquainted.” He says. “Where is she now?”</p> <p class="cnM0MmEwNDVkMjQzMDQ0YjNiM2UxYjljNTMyODczNTk0" align="LEFT">“She and her group should still be in the dining hall, back there.” The soldier points to the open double doors across the room. “They came in a little bit ago. Haven't seen them leave yet.”</p> <p class="cnMwMjZiZTVkYzc4ZjRkZTA4NGFhM2E3ZGJjMzdkZWZj" align="LEFT">“Alright. Thank you.” The knight takes his card back and looks at the two soldiers guarding the single closed door at the wall facing the entrance. “By the way, where does that door lead?”</p> <p class="cnM0MWYxODA4MzY0YzRkOGJiNjc0MTg5NTg5YmM0NDIy" align="LEFT">“Oh, that's the captain's quarters, which also leads to the armory. He's a very private man; doesn't come out much unless he has to, or he wants to eat.”</p> <p class="cnNhNzkzZWYzOTBhZDQxMGU4NmVmMzU5ODFlNDU1ZjRh" align="LEFT">“I see.” Atticus quietly decides what lies beyond the door has nothing to do with him and pays it no mind. “Well, I'll be having my dinner, then. Thank you for the stamp.”</p> <p class="cnM0NzZmNWRlZDUxMDRjZTU4YTlmYzNlMDFkMmI3M2Vm" align="LEFT">“No problem, sir. Enjoy your meal.” Both men exchange departing nods, and the knight turns to enter the dining hall.</p> </div>
The knight turns to a long, red drapery hanging from the wall, covering a threshold leading into another room. He walks to it and pushes the fabric aside and finds a second body, lying neatly on a large bed that still bears its mattress and cottons, also decomposed beyond immediate recognition, just as the corpse at the table. Judging by it's shorter stature and few remaining strands of long hair, it most likely had been a woman. She's facing up, with her hands over her chest, and a blanket covering her from waist to feet. Next to the head of the bed is something that strikes unease into the knight's heart when he sees it: a toddler's wooden cradle. He takes a few apprehensive steps forward and carefully brings the interior of the cradle into view, silently hoping to not see what he thinks he might. He spies a bundle of cloth wrapped around something, in the vague shape of a small human. He lets out a sigh of sudden, overwhelming regret, and looks back at the presumed mother, only to notice a detail he did not catch seconds before: about a centimeter of space separating her head – which rests unstirred on a feather pillow – from her body. Having seen enough, he turns and retreats to the first room, where he leers at the body on the dining table. Remembering its wound, he realizes that it might still be capable of moving and attacking because its brain is still attached to the rest of its body and essentially undamaged. The knight draws his dagger from its sheath and holds it in an icepick grip in his right hand. He raises it above his head, and forcefully stabs it down into the back of the cadaver's neck, severing the brain stem from the rest of the spine. It twitches slightly and only utters out one short grunt in reaction, but stays quiet and motionless afterward, now properly dead. Decided he's finished with this house, he makes his way out, and while doing so, quietly retracts the earlier thought of hoping to find coin in these abandoned homes. Part of him wants to believe that scene was just a creation of his imagination – that the mist is plaguing him with visions. He realizes his eyes are moist and removes his helmet; terrible thoughts are being brought back to the front of his mind that he wished to forget. He wipes his budding tears before they have a chance to break free from his lids, and pinches the bridge of his nose with his shuddering hand. He takes a moment to take a deep breath, collecting himself before he continues his patrol. Over half an hour passes, and the remaining homes contain nothing else worth mentioning. They only bestowed more dirt, broken stools and chairs, overturned tables, empty chests, bare bed frames, and the occasional blood stain that left no clues as to where the victim had gone. Presumably they reanimated and began wandering beyond the near area, but if they're no longer inside the village of Newmanstead, then they are no longer the knight's immediate problem. Fully satisfied with his patrol, he lets out a loud whistle that rings through the ghost town, and faithful Annaliese comes racing to him. As the sky begins to turn a darker shade of greyish blue, daylight begins to fade. He wastes no time in mounting his horse and riding off with more haste than before, as he doesn't wish to be blinded by the imminent darkness. As Annaliese dashes from the derelict village to make up for lost time, the knight still can't shake the terrible, gut-wrenching scene he witnessed in the sealed house with the bodies from his mind. Who were those people? It can be assumed they were a family of man, woman, and child, but they were so close to the safety of the barrier. Why did they not leave with the others as the mist moved in? Simple sentimental attachment to the land? Poorly-planned opportunism to take advantage of their neighbors' abandoned homes, goods, and belongings? At what point did they seal themselves in like that? Did the man do it on his own after his child and wife had faded away? Did they die of starvation? Did they go mad at some point? So many questions ring in Atticus's mind, and likely none will be answered. He begins to wonder if any other families refused refuge in the south, opting for an endeavor to outlast the presence of the fog that had engulfed their home. It's of no doubt that all attempts at such have surely ended in failure by now. This leads him to consider who is to blame for such tragedies, specifically who is to blame for the mist being here for this long? The Yhordran Legion? The Mistwalkers? Whoever unleashed the mist is clearly guilty, but is the ever-increasing death count beyond the initial losses considered a responsibility heaved onto the shoulders of one institution or the other? Is the Legion incompetent? Are the Mistwalkers an ill-prepared plan? The concept of “blame” is something that's been weighing on his mind for many, many, many days, and isn't showing any signs of stopping. Annaliese's astounding equine stamina and speed carry the two of them just shy of four miles in approximately fifteen minutes before she decides to slow down her pace and catch her breath. Thanks to this lead, the knight is confident he'll reach the first checkpoint before the sun disappears behind the horizon and an impregnable darkness absorbs the area. He notices that more trees have begun to surround the road, and the foliage has been slowly growing taller and denser since departing Newmanstead. He must now effectively be inside the Levinburg Forest, named after the town located near the center, about twenty miles past the checkpoint he's headed towards. Tomorrow, the knight will need to cut through Levinburg as he did Newmanstead, but in that instance, he isn't so sure the forest town will as free of hostile shambling corpses like the modestly small village was. Considering his lack of knowledge on the region, there's plenty of room for him to be surprised. But he'll cross that bridge when he reaches it. The late afternoon sun, whose light is already partially obscured by the high fog, already dyes the land an increasingly dark blue. As the black-clad knight grows more curious of his approach to the first Legion checkpoint, the mist ahead clears, and he finally sees it: a gated area with watch towers and guards wearing standard Legion armor, decorated with a cloth draped down their torso that features the Yhordran coat of arms: a ferocious blue wolf standing on its hind legs and facing to the left, inside a silver floral tressure, on a black background. Another magical barrier established by an arcane crystal is visible here, due to higher density caused by taking up a smaller area. He crosses the threshold, and suddenly feels as though the breathable air had become cleaner. As he approaches the open gates, he's stopped by one of the two Legion soldiers protecting it. “Hold, sir. Are you a Mistwalker?” He inquires. “I am.” Atticus replies monotonically. “Do you have your card on you?” “I do.” “May I see it?” The knight retrieves the card from his bag and hands it to the soldier, who only gives it a quick glance before being content and returning it. “First time here, then? Very well. This is Legion Checkpoint Eowerth. You'll be able to get a stamp at headquarters over there.” He points to a large cabin that has a banner hanging over the entrance with the coat of arms on it. “It's also the dining hall. You can get your fill there. There's an open barracks next to it where you can sleep if you don't have a tent of your own.” “Thank you.” The knight responds with a nod, and doesn't waste any precious seconds making his way inside. When he passes and leaves earshot, the other soldier leans in towards the first one. “You see that armor he's wearing?” The second soldier asks with a face that slightly twisted with curiosity and confusion. “Yeah, it looks fancy.” The first soldier replies, admiring the knight's iron suit from afar. “You think it's foreign?” “Definitely.” The second soldier nods his head. “It might not even be his, though.” “Either way, I've never seen anything like it. I wish we had armor that nice.” The first soldier lets out a sigh before both of them return to their duties. Atticus notices multiple hitching posts in front of the headquarters, which are in front of their own troughs of water and large piles of hay for the horses to stuff themselves with. There's several horses already there, some of which he feels he's seen before. He brings Annaliese to join them, and she wastes no time in filling her belly. Atticus frees his head from his stifling plumed helmet and enters Eowerth headquarters, finding himself in a lobby with a single counter to the left manned by another Legion soldier, and two others standing guard next to a closed door ahead. To the right is open double doors that seem to lead into the dining hall. He attends to his official Mistwalker business first by stepping towards the counter with his sortie card in hand. “A Mistwalker?” The lone soldier at the counter asks. “Yes.” The knight slides his card over, and the soldier examines it. “Reached Eowerth on your first outing, huh? That's a bit rare. At least, on days other than today.” He begins to ink a stamp that's much smaller than what the sortie booth managers back at Zenith Gate use. “What do you mean by that?” “Well, a group of five came a bit earlier. All of them are on their first ever venture into the mist, as well. They're in the dining hall.” The soldier firmly presses the stamp on the corner of the left-most top square of the card, slightly overlapping the stamp received from the booth at Zenith Gate. Atticus becomes noticeably interested in the aforementioned group that arrived before him. “Do they have a mage with them?” “They do, actually. A young woman – red stones in her bracelet, so I assume a pyromancer?” The soldier slides the card back to the knight. “I can count on one hand the number of mages that I've seen here. Do you know her?” Atticus hesitates for a brief moment before exaggerating his personal affiliation with the mage. “We're acquainted.” He says. “Where is she now?” “She and her group should still be in the dining hall, back there.” The soldier points to the open double doors across the room. “They came in a little bit ago. Haven't seen them leave yet.” “Alright. Thank you.” The knight takes his card back and looks at the two soldiers guarding the single closed door at the wall facing the entrance. “By the way, where does that door lead?” “Oh, that's the captain's quarters, which also leads to the armory. He's a very private man; doesn't come out much unless he has to, or he wants to eat.” “I see.” Atticus quietly decides what lies beyond the door has nothing to do with him and pays it no mind. “Well, I'll be having my dinner, then. Thank you for the stamp.” “No problem, sir. Enjoy your meal.” Both men exchange departing nods, and the knight turns to enter the dining hall.
{ "title": "Zao Ning. The Reincarnated Cultivating Dragon. (Original and Old Version.)", "id": 21081, "author": "MPDLMS", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "Chapter 15: World's Most Powerful Mamma's Boy", "id": 305446, "next": 306006, "prev": 305172, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM0MTQ0YTQ5MjM3YzQwNTk4ZjAwN2Y0MTVkZWNhNTZl"><span style="font-weight: 400"> Making his way through the Heaven’s Pavilion streets with a servant leading the way, Zao’s eyes are squinted and he is tossing around thoughts in his mind.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NTliZDlkOTFiNDQ4NGQ4NzE0ZTY0MDFkMzNmZWVl"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Why would that weakling dare touch my mother… He doesn’t know what he is getting into. </span></em></p> <p class="cnM3NDAyYTViOGI0NzQzMDA4ZTcyYTVjYjRjMWQ5MWY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">After 15 minutes of walking through the sect, Zao and the shivering servant finally make it to Elder Mo’s estate.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NjU5NzE5ZDM5YTRmZmE5ZGYxNjk3YWE4NWM5MTc2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“This is Elder Mo’s estate young master. They are cultivating inside.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZTZjNGRhZWE4YTQ2NzI5MTlhYjc1MDk4ODVlYjMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Thank you.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3YWY5ZDBkZWEzYjQ5NzlhNDVhYjMyNzg3ODU3M2Y2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao waves the servant away and he happily runs back towards Grand Elder Chi’s estate. Zao sighs and then stretches while in front of Elder Mo’s gates. The four guards standing on the other side of the gate looked confused. </span></p> <p class="cnM5ZmYwOWFiODg5YzQ2ZmU5OTk0ZGM5MzRmOGRiZDFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">They didn’t hear about anyone coming by to see Elder Mo and they know to not let anyone, yet this boy looks like he has intentions of entering.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNTAyMGFhMTQxYTQwMGZhM2Y3Zjg4MjdkNTZmYmVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">All four guards are at the 4th Mortal Realm. They are nothing but ants in the eyes of the reincarnated dragon now. </span></p> <p class="cnM1ODc4NGJjNjk1NjQyNTA5MzVjYmFlYTc3YjI1Mjkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao finishes stretching and summons his new Ki Weapon from within his pocket dimension. </span></p> <p class="cnM5NmFjMTMxNTUwNDQ3ZmFiMmU2N2U5MTJlM2ZhNGE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Seeing the youth arm himself, the four guards draw their weapons and prepare to confront Zao Ning.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NmVlMzIwZTBiMjQ0ZmNiMDE5MjA2OWNiNjVmMTU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Seeing the guards draw their weapons, Zao smiles and releases his aura, revealing his cultivation level to everyone around. The four guards faces turn white and their hearts drop to the bottom of their chests.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NjE4NDEwY2FjZTQ5ZmY4OTMzZGU1ZDdlNWU3ZGI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“A 5th Mortal Realm at such a young age!” “Wait, that red robe and the platinum hair. Is that Zao Ning?!” “Oh my god, he has finally come to confront Elder Mo after their fight before! Go warn Elder Mo!” “Yeah, we will hold him off!”</span></p> <p class="cnNlNTI2OGJhMjI3NjRlMTE5NzEwNzNhNzZmMGQzOGUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The guards yells to each other as they realize that the person in front of them is the upcoming Zao Ning that has become famous for beating up Elder Mo and causing the Elder to lose face.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YTM1M2Y5YTkzMjRmM2M4MmEyNjQ1OGIzOGU3ZDNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao Ning laughs and then his body turns several shades darker until Zao Ning turns into a dark cloud of mist.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MTNjYWFiMDA0ZTRlYTM5ZjVlMzZmZGViZWE2NzAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“A Darkness Ki ability! I thought he practiced Lightning Ki!” “What is this kid?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzZDlmYzJiMTFmZjRlMmE4YjViNTA1ZmU3NzA5ZjEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">As the guards are baffled by seeing a dual Ki cultivator, Zao uses this chance to slip past them.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZjNhZTU1NGI0MTQyNDE5NTk2ODRhNTRhODIzNzQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Using his ethereal body, Zao passes through the metal bars of the gate and the mist approaches the guards.</span></p> <p class="cnMyM2M3Mjk2NzE3NTQwNWY5N2E2NTBjMWU2YzMxMmU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Realizing the gate didn’t even have a fraction of a chance at stopping Zao Ning, the guards jump up in fright.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YTBiN2RhYzI1MzQ5OThiMWRmODZmYjdmMWI5OTcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The azure eyes of the mist stares at the guards mockingly as it passes past the guards and rushes straight towards Elder Mo’s mansion. As the dark mist passes by them, the guards snap out of their fright and many different types of Ki around them stirs violently.</span></p> <p class="cnNlOWFhMzVjYjEyZTQzMzJiYjRhOGNmNzJhY2Y4ODhk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Kill!” “Don’t let him through!”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNjZjY2RmMTdkYzQ3NmI4MTg3Y2ViMTAxM2YxY2Y2"><span style="font-weight: 400">The guards are full of bloodlust as the chase the shadow of Zao Ning. Literally.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOTkxZTdiYzAwZjQ5YWQ4NDNjNjcwMjRhMjhkMDJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao Ning’s shadow form speeds up and even though the guards are using every ability they know to be able to catch up, Zao Ning soon gains a large lead over the guards.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YWIyNDkyYmQ2MzQwMjVhMmM0NDA5NmI3NDFmZTVj"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Even though I can’t keep this form for long due to just getting Darkness Ki, I’m still nearly invulnerable to any attacks from anyone below the 6th Mortal Realm. Maybe a peak 6th Mortal Realm can hurt me or force me out of this form. As for anyone above the 6th Mortal Realm, this form will be barely useful. </span></em></p> <p class="cnMyY2NjNzcyNjg5NDRkOTliOThjZjlmNjZiZTgyZDkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao finally makes it to the mansion and instantly deactivates his Shadow’s Embrace ability. Turning around, the guards are about 100 meters away. Zao wants to minimize casualties so he won’t be reprimanded for what he is about to do.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ODBkNzg2Yjc2ZjRiZDZiYTQ3MWY0ZGQyZGEyYTMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao Opens the large wooden door to the insides of the mansion. Entering, an aura of a 6th Mortal Realm hits Zhao and a force hits the boy in the face.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NTk1YzcxMDA5NjRjZjI4YTBmZWI3YjJmZGIwY2U2"><span style="font-weight: 400">It didn't hurt at all, but it sent the unprepared dragon boy flying backwards.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZGNjMjJlNTRkYTRlYmQ5ODlhMzVmNTZhMzc4N2Jm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“WHY THIS SHIT AGAIN!” Zhao yells as he remembers what happened last time around. Zao manages to recover mid air and hits the ground with a loud thud but his landing was surprisingly graceful.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MWZiMTcyODA1MjQ1YTliZDc0MjlhY2I5NTFiYjYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Elder Mo walks out of his mansion, a golden and white robe on and a staff in his hand.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYjIyYWZmZWI0YzRkNzZiMGRhNTEzNDIyZGQ5MDQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Zao Ning, how dare you trespass into the property of an Elder!” Elder Mo tries to use his 6th Mortal Realm aura to somewhat suppress Zao, but it doesn’t work at all.</span></p> <p class="cnNmM2RiYjM3Y2E1OTRjOTZhOTdjOGMwMzFiYzczNzc4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What do you want with my mother?” Zao says while pointing his bland looking longsword at Elder Mo. Elder Mo laughs at Zao’s comment and looks at the boy with cold and lustful eyes.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZmQ0MDYxZmFkZDQwMjI4NzJlNjgzNDYyMDgzMTJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I was visiting Grand Elder Chi’s estate and he told me about your mother, saying she needed a teacher. Meeting her, I saw her beauty *ahem* potential and decided to take her in. Why does it matter to you?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5ODVjZmVlMmRjYjRmYWY4YmUyMTlkYjkwZjhhZTFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao’s eyes are full of rage. </span></p> <p class="cnMxYWE2MjcyM2UzMjRjNWVhNjIwOTAyOGZjNTc3YWYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Not because of how Elder Mo took in his mother just because he wanted to use her as a play thing, but what Elder Mo had said before that.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YWI2YjM3N2M2MTQ4MDc4YzMzZjNlMGQ0NzNmZjMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You talked with my master?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiYjEyMmFhOGI2NDQyZjY5NTZjNzI5YmU4OTQyMDE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sure did. He gave me the ok. Now if you will run along, I will forget this ever happened and will teach your mother in the way of dual cultivation.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNzA2MGJhOTJlZTQ2Zjg4ZTM0ZjFkMWI4N2UxOWEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao Ning simply shakes his head at this statement.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYmUzYzc5YzlmNDRhMzc5NDg5NmY5MmJkODBiMDdj"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I’m going to nearly murder Chan when I get back. On a mission my ass!</span></em></p> <p class="cnMxYzE2M2QzYzZmNzQzYWNiMmFkZjg5NTU0NzNiM2Ji"><strong>BOOOOM!</strong></p> <p class="cnMzNGU2OGExNDI3OTQwMTRhN2Q2ZWNkMzkyYmExNTQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lightning Ki explodes forth from Zao as his body is infused with shocking amounts of power. Zao Ning does a blitz strike towards Elder Mo before he can even react.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZjA3OGRlMGNlNjQwNzZhOTE0ZDE3NmNjMzQzOTMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">‘</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">So Fast!</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">’ is all Elder Mo can think before a palm is slammed directly in the man’s face. A numbing sensation covers Elder Mo’s body and a throbbing pain fills his face.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZGU5ZDVhNmFlYTRkNDNiYWI4MjJkMmI4YWY2ZDEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Flying backwards, Elder Mo is sent into a wall in his mansion. A sense of deja vu washes over Elder Mo as the same thing happened when the two last met.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YzJkMzQyNWNhODQyYjZiMTA2ZDFiZDc3YzRlMmE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You’re lucky I can’t kill you if I want to participate in the sect’s tournament.” Zao says as he walks past Elder Mo’s moaning body.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODJiOGJlMGYzYzQ4ODdiMDAzZTE0Y2FjZmFkZmJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Elder Mo’s eyes are flaming hot with hatred, but a hint of terror is hidden deep within them as the Elder cannot believe that he was beaten again by Zao Ning. </span></p> <p class="cnNjNWI2YmY0Yjc3NzQwZjQ4YTg3YjM5NDJmNTM5ZTFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">It might seem like a common occurrence as you have only seen through the eyes of Zao Ning but beating some a Mortal Realm above you is a feat that one usually only does once in their lifetime.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMmM2YWMyMjY5ZTQ5ODY4YzFjMDYzMWM4MmRlZjIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao Ning uses his sense to make his way through Elder Mo’s mansion, sparks of lightning still sizzling of off his crimson robe to scare off anyone who dares challenge him. Making it to the back of the mansion, Zao finds Elder Mo’s room.</span></p> <p class="cnM5OTNmZjFlZTMxNDRhMzU5ZGY5MWZiN2Q2Nzg2YTM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">On the bed, Zao can see his mother is actually cultivating, but who knows how longer before Elder Mo would decide to teach her other lessons.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNjlkNjUxZWNmMzRlMzNhZmJlMGFkMTM3NzJiZWZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">The main reason Zao Ning didn’t freak out about Elder Mo thinking about sexually assaulting his mother is because if Elder Mo actually did so, Zao Ning would receive the cause to kill Elder Mo. Plus Elder Mo knows that this would be a stain on his reputation. This was all probably a set up by his master.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YzIxMjEyNjdiNjQ4YWM5YjEyMDM5MzAxMjhlMWRk"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Calm down Zao Ning, just lie in wait. He isn’t going anywhere and acting dumb for now will help you in the future.</span></em></p> <p class="cnNjZTI2OWE2NWQzMDQ0NGE5Y2FiODA3MTJjYzM0NDk1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao Ning has to reassure himself to not try to murder Grand Elder Chi right now and flee to another city since Heaven’s Pavilion is all over the place and has a firm spot as a legendary sect in most Realms. Plus, Grand Elder Chi is very much more powerful than Zao NIng at the moment. </span></p> <p class="cnM4N2FjNmE0ZDdkYjQ2YWI5ZTJjY2FmYWMxMWNjYTMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Walking up to his mother, Zao can see that she is in a very tranquil and trance like state. Zao smiles warmly as he can see his mother is trying very hard to cultivate so she can catch up and keep up with her son. </span></p> <p class="cnNkZGVhNTNkNWVmOTQ5ZWY5NDBhMzkxNzAwMzE1M2Yx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lightly pushing her shoulder, Zao pulls his mother back down to reality.</span></p> <p class="cnMwN2ZlNmI0MDgxNzRhYTc5NzQ2ZmEyZjY2ZjFkN2Qw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Mother. It’s time to leave.” Zao says softly. Wei Ning’s eyes flutter open and she smiles when she sees her son.</span></p> <p class="cnNhM2YwZTJiMWYyMTRhMmFiODNlN2I2NjVmYTA1YmYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Baby Zao, how did you get here?” Wei Ning asks softly.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NGY0MzZjODE2ZjQ4NTViNjg4ZjAyY2QwNzNjNTlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t worry about it, let’s just leave.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1OGY0NzYwNmM2YTQ3MTU4YTMyZDFiZWU1NDcxMWQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Alright.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDc5ZWEwNWFlMzQ2NzRiMmE0YWI3NzBhNDZjODAx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao puts out his hand and helps his mother off of Elder Mo’s bed and holds her hand as he walks back through the mansion. </span></p> <p class="cnNhNmM5Nzk4YTkwYjQ4YmM5ZjMwZmVhNmYzMWM4OTM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao and Wei come close to where Zao had sent Elder Mo into a wall and Zao sighs defeatedly as their path is impeded by Elder Mo.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNzU2NWE0MzA1MzRiOTNhYTZlYTdiYWI3ODkyZjJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Elder Mo’s eyes are bloodshot and his black hair is disheveled.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZTFmNWE0MGRmMDQ4YzA5Njc2YjFlODQxYjE0MWI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I WILL GIVE YOU ONE LAST CHANCE ZAO NING BEFORE I KILL YOU! LEAVE NOW AND LET ME HAVE MY WAY WITH YOUR MOTHER.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxYmQ5NWU0NzIzYzQ4ZWY4NmI4N2U0MzhmYzA2N2Rm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao looks Elder Mo in the eyes with a cold expression.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MThmNGU0OGU0ZTRlNmZhMGY5MDA4MmFmZjIzOGEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You’re not worthy, now move.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlOWMwMWRjZGY4MTQ2ZTdiYmQ2MmQ4ZWNkY2RkNDIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao gives Elder Mo his last warning as a dragon’s patience is very thin when it comes to weaklings.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMGFlYzRiNGZmMTRkZDFiZGNlYzI3YzU4ZjI2N2Ux"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s it! Receive my blow as it will be your last!”</span></p> <p class="cnMxZDQ5Y2VmYjUyZTQyMWZiNDlkNmY2MWFkMmVhYTJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Fire Ki swirls around Elder Mo and the is guided straight into the staff in his right hand. Elder Mo smiles as Zao Ning doesn’t move and actually seems to be receiving the blow without running. </span></p> <p class="cnM2NTMzY2Q1MDQxYjQ0YmFhYjBkMTZhMDdkNDE4NmMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“DIE!” </span></p> <p class="cnMwYzYyZjc5NDE1MDRlMDU4ZjhkZjI4ZjNlMDRhY2Yy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Elder Mo yells as a beam made of fire is shot at Zao Ning. The beam is filled with a small amount of the intent of the Dao of Fire. Zao has disdain in his eyes as he can see the flaws in the Fire Ki since he had cultivated Fire Ki before in his past life. </span></p> <p class="cnMzNTUwNjA4MjkzMDRmZGM4Yzk5ZTIxNzZlYjViNTM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">As the beam is about to reach Zao, Zao rushes forward and swipes his longsword out horizontally.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMWUyNGRlOGE3NDQxNWE4YjE0ZGMyNzc2MTY3NmI5"><strong>FUUUUUUAAAAAAA~!</strong></p> <p class="cnM0MTNkMmE5MTZjZjRjOTFiYmIzMzc3YTVmNTVmZGQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">As the sword cuts through the Fire ki, he splits the whole beam in half and sends the not very deadly blow above and below him. With his sword being in the middle of the Fire Ki beam, Zao sends a charge of Lightning Ki into his sword and shoots it out the tip as the tip is pointed directly at Elder Mo. </span></p> <p class="cnMyNGUzNzlmODk3ZjQwZDI5NzIyZWNjNDUzODA3ZmI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">A small spike of Lightning Ki is emitted from Zao Ning’s sword. The spike races up the beam and towards the source, snuffing out the beam with overwhelming strength. </span></p> <p class="cnM5YTU0ZWQwYTJlYzRhMzU4YzRlMWE5N2VhOTQ1YTA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Elder Mo might have more Ki than Zao since he is a 6th mortal Realm, but Elder Mo’s foundation is much weaker than Zao’s, making his Ki much less profound than the reincarnated dragon’s. </span></p> <p class="cnMzNzJhMDU5M2UxYzQ4MzA5N2QwOTZhOGYyMGU4N2I4"><span style="font-weight: 400">The spike travels closer and closer to Elder Mo without losing speed or strength and soon, it reaches the source of the fire beam. </span></p> <p class="cnNmOTVlYjliZTE4MzRjNWZiMWIwMDNhOWI3YTMwNzMx"><strong>KACHA~! BOOM~!</strong></p> <p class="cnMxM2M1MjVjYWFjYjRiYTNhYTg1NGM5Nzk2NGY3M2Mw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The lightning spike strikes the tip of Elder Mo’s staff and with an overwhelming amount of power, causes the tip of the staff to explode. A long black streak stretches across the roof and the floor between Zao Ning and Elder Mo.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMDQwMGQ1MTFhNjRkYzJiYTYxODA5OTMwZGU1MmM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Elder Mo’s hand is covered in burn marks due to the explosion of his staff and his face is pale and bloodied from Zao’s palm strike earlier.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZmViMWQzMTIzNjRlNmViYWE4OGFiNDdiNmQ3MDIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What… What exactly are you?!” Elder Mo roars in anger as he is unable to believe that Zao is human.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMTQ1YTcwMjJkZjRlNmU4Y2EyZTBhOGNmMzNiNzNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I am Zao Ning, son of Wei Ning, Someone you should not fuck with.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlMDYwOTUxOGExODRmZjU4ZWVhNjNlNTNmNDY2MmJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao Ning goes back to his mother, who is smiling ear to ear due to being so proud of his monster of a son’s power.</span></p> <p class="cnM1N2ViNDY2MzYxZDQ2ZDc4MDYwYzhhNDA1MDY4MTEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You’ve grown so much Baby Zao.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxMjhmYzNiYTE5ZjQ2YTY5YTM1Y2IwYTdmZGMwMGNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao Ning chuckles and begins walking his mother back to Grand Elder Chi’s estate. They walk past a broken Elder Mo, who is on his knees, staring at Zao in shock.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZGVjNDNhOWU3ZDRiY2I4ODRmZDVlOTI5NzNlMjJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">As they leave the mansion Wei Ning sighs.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNTNkZWM0YmRmMjRiM2I4NTRjNWFiYzU1MmVkYmI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You’re out her splitting beams of fire in half yet it feels like it hasn’t even been a year since you were dependent on me and drinking from your mother’s teat.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzMWZjZGI2NGFmMjQzMTk4NGU3ZTZjNDg5ZWM5NjQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">‘That’s because it hasn’t been a year mother, and don’t bring up stuff like that. It’s embarrassing!” Zao yells in frustration. Wei Ning laughs at her son and caresses his head as they walk past the guards that once tried to stop Zao Ning.</span></p> <p class="cnM3OWMzYjExZjI0NzQwMWRhYjNhOThjNjQxZTZiZTlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">After seeing how hard Zao palm thrusted their master, Elder Mo, the four guards that once wanted to fight Zao Ning to the death hide from the world’s most powerful mamma’s boy.</span></p> </div>
Making his way through the Heaven’s Pavilion streets with a servant leading the way, Zao’s eyes are squinted and he is tossing around thoughts in his mind. *Why would that weakling dare touch my mother… He doesn’t know what he is getting into.* After 15 minutes of walking through the sect, Zao and the shivering servant finally make it to Elder Mo’s estate. “This is Elder Mo’s estate young master. They are cultivating inside.” “Thank you.” Zao waves the servant away and he happily runs back towards Grand Elder Chi’s estate. Zao sighs and then stretches while in front of Elder Mo’s gates. The four guards standing on the other side of the gate looked confused. They didn’t hear about anyone coming by to see Elder Mo and they know to not let anyone, yet this boy looks like he has intentions of entering. All four guards are at the 4th Mortal Realm. They are nothing but ants in the eyes of the reincarnated dragon now. Zao finishes stretching and summons his new Ki Weapon from within his pocket dimension. Seeing the youth arm himself, the four guards draw their weapons and prepare to confront Zao Ning. Seeing the guards draw their weapons, Zao smiles and releases his aura, revealing his cultivation level to everyone around. The four guards faces turn white and their hearts drop to the bottom of their chests. “A 5th Mortal Realm at such a young age!” “Wait, that red robe and the platinum hair. Is that Zao Ning?!” “Oh my god, he has finally come to confront Elder Mo after their fight before! Go warn Elder Mo!” “Yeah, we will hold him off!” The guards yells to each other as they realize that the person in front of them is the upcoming Zao Ning that has become famous for beating up Elder Mo and causing the Elder to lose face. Zao Ning laughs and then his body turns several shades darker until Zao Ning turns into a dark cloud of mist. “A Darkness Ki ability! I thought he practiced Lightning Ki!” “What is this kid?” As the guards are baffled by seeing a dual Ki cultivator, Zao uses this chance to slip past them. Using his ethereal body, Zao passes through the metal bars of the gate and the mist approaches the guards. Realizing the gate didn’t even have a fraction of a chance at stopping Zao Ning, the guards jump up in fright. The azure eyes of the mist stares at the guards mockingly as it passes past the guards and rushes straight towards Elder Mo’s mansion. As the dark mist passes by them, the guards snap out of their fright and many different types of Ki around them stirs violently. “Kill!” “Don’t let him through!” The guards are full of bloodlust as the chase the shadow of Zao Ning. Literally. Zao Ning’s shadow form speeds up and even though the guards are using every ability they know to be able to catch up, Zao Ning soon gains a large lead over the guards. *Even though I can’t keep this form for long due to just getting Darkness Ki, I’m still nearly invulnerable to any attacks from anyone below the 6th Mortal Realm. Maybe a peak 6th Mortal Realm can hurt me or force me out of this form. As for anyone above the 6th Mortal Realm, this form will be barely useful.* Zao finally makes it to the mansion and instantly deactivates his Shadow’s Embrace ability. Turning around, the guards are about 100 meters away. Zao wants to minimize casualties so he won’t be reprimanded for what he is about to do. Zao Opens the large wooden door to the insides of the mansion. Entering, an aura of a 6th Mortal Realm hits Zhao and a force hits the boy in the face. It didn't hurt at all, but it sent the unprepared dragon boy flying backwards. “WHY THIS SHIT AGAIN!” Zhao yells as he remembers what happened last time around. Zao manages to recover mid air and hits the ground with a loud thud but his landing was surprisingly graceful. Elder Mo walks out of his mansion, a golden and white robe on and a staff in his hand. “Zao Ning, how dare you trespass into the property of an Elder!” Elder Mo tries to use his 6th Mortal Realm aura to somewhat suppress Zao, but it doesn’t work at all. “What do you want with my mother?” Zao says while pointing his bland looking longsword at Elder Mo. Elder Mo laughs at Zao’s comment and looks at the boy with cold and lustful eyes. “I was visiting Grand Elder Chi’s estate and he told me about your mother, saying she needed a teacher. Meeting her, I saw her beauty *ahem* potential and decided to take her in. Why does it matter to you?” Zao’s eyes are full of rage. Not because of how Elder Mo took in his mother just because he wanted to use her as a play thing, but what Elder Mo had said before that. “You talked with my master?” “Sure did. He gave me the ok. Now if you will run along, I will forget this ever happened and will teach your mother in the way of dual cultivation.” Zao Ning simply shakes his head at this statement. *I’m going to nearly murder Chan when I get back. On a mission my ass!* **BOOOOM!** Lightning Ki explodes forth from Zao as his body is infused with shocking amounts of power. Zao Ning does a blitz strike towards Elder Mo before he can even react. ‘*So Fast!*’ is all Elder Mo can think before a palm is slammed directly in the man’s face. A numbing sensation covers Elder Mo’s body and a throbbing pain fills his face. Flying backwards, Elder Mo is sent into a wall in his mansion. A sense of deja vu washes over Elder Mo as the same thing happened when the two last met. “You’re lucky I can’t kill you if I want to participate in the sect’s tournament.” Zao says as he walks past Elder Mo’s moaning body. Elder Mo’s eyes are flaming hot with hatred, but a hint of terror is hidden deep within them as the Elder cannot believe that he was beaten again by Zao Ning. It might seem like a common occurrence as you have only seen through the eyes of Zao Ning but beating some a Mortal Realm above you is a feat that one usually only does once in their lifetime. Zao Ning uses his sense to make his way through Elder Mo’s mansion, sparks of lightning still sizzling of off his crimson robe to scare off anyone who dares challenge him. Making it to the back of the mansion, Zao finds Elder Mo’s room. On the bed, Zao can see his mother is actually cultivating, but who knows how longer before Elder Mo would decide to teach her other lessons. The main reason Zao Ning didn’t freak out about Elder Mo thinking about sexually assaulting his mother is because if Elder Mo actually did so, Zao Ning would receive the cause to kill Elder Mo. Plus Elder Mo knows that this would be a stain on his reputation. This was all probably a set up by his master. *Calm down Zao Ning, just lie in wait. He isn’t going anywhere and acting dumb for now will help you in the future.* Zao Ning has to reassure himself to not try to murder Grand Elder Chi right now and flee to another city since Heaven’s Pavilion is all over the place and has a firm spot as a legendary sect in most Realms. Plus, Grand Elder Chi is very much more powerful than Zao NIng at the moment. Walking up to his mother, Zao can see that she is in a very tranquil and trance like state. Zao smiles warmly as he can see his mother is trying very hard to cultivate so she can catch up and keep up with her son. Lightly pushing her shoulder, Zao pulls his mother back down to reality. “Mother. It’s time to leave.” Zao says softly. Wei Ning’s eyes flutter open and she smiles when she sees her son. “Baby Zao, how did you get here?” Wei Ning asks softly. “Don’t worry about it, let’s just leave.” “Alright.” Zao puts out his hand and helps his mother off of Elder Mo’s bed and holds her hand as he walks back through the mansion. Zao and Wei come close to where Zao had sent Elder Mo into a wall and Zao sighs defeatedly as their path is impeded by Elder Mo. Elder Mo’s eyes are bloodshot and his black hair is disheveled. “I WILL GIVE YOU ONE LAST CHANCE ZAO NING BEFORE I KILL YOU! LEAVE NOW AND LET ME HAVE MY WAY WITH YOUR MOTHER.” Zao looks Elder Mo in the eyes with a cold expression. “You’re not worthy, now move.” Zao gives Elder Mo his last warning as a dragon’s patience is very thin when it comes to weaklings. “That’s it! Receive my blow as it will be your last!” Fire Ki swirls around Elder Mo and the is guided straight into the staff in his right hand. Elder Mo smiles as Zao Ning doesn’t move and actually seems to be receiving the blow without running. “DIE!” Elder Mo yells as a beam made of fire is shot at Zao Ning. The beam is filled with a small amount of the intent of the Dao of Fire. Zao has disdain in his eyes as he can see the flaws in the Fire Ki since he had cultivated Fire Ki before in his past life. As the beam is about to reach Zao, Zao rushes forward and swipes his longsword out horizontally. **FUUUUUUAAAAAAA~!** As the sword cuts through the Fire ki, he splits the whole beam in half and sends the not very deadly blow above and below him. With his sword being in the middle of the Fire Ki beam, Zao sends a charge of Lightning Ki into his sword and shoots it out the tip as the tip is pointed directly at Elder Mo. A small spike of Lightning Ki is emitted from Zao Ning’s sword. The spike races up the beam and towards the source, snuffing out the beam with overwhelming strength. Elder Mo might have more Ki than Zao since he is a 6th mortal Realm, but Elder Mo’s foundation is much weaker than Zao’s, making his Ki much less profound than the reincarnated dragon’s. The spike travels closer and closer to Elder Mo without losing speed or strength and soon, it reaches the source of the fire beam. **KACHA~! BOOM~!** The lightning spike strikes the tip of Elder Mo’s staff and with an overwhelming amount of power, causes the tip of the staff to explode. A long black streak stretches across the roof and the floor between Zao Ning and Elder Mo. Elder Mo’s hand is covered in burn marks due to the explosion of his staff and his face is pale and bloodied from Zao’s palm strike earlier. “What… What exactly are you?!” Elder Mo roars in anger as he is unable to believe that Zao is human. “I am Zao Ning, son of Wei Ning, Someone you should not fuck with.” Zao Ning goes back to his mother, who is smiling ear to ear due to being so proud of his monster of a son’s power. “You’ve grown so much Baby Zao.” Zao Ning chuckles and begins walking his mother back to Grand Elder Chi’s estate. They walk past a broken Elder Mo, who is on his knees, staring at Zao in shock. As they leave the mansion Wei Ning sighs. “You’re out her splitting beams of fire in half yet it feels like it hasn’t even been a year since you were dependent on me and drinking from your mother’s teat.” ‘That’s because it hasn’t been a year mother, and don’t bring up stuff like that. It’s embarrassing!” Zao yells in frustration. Wei Ning laughs at her son and caresses his head as they walk past the guards that once tried to stop Zao Ning. After seeing how hard Zao palm thrusted their master, Elder Mo, the four guards that once wanted to fight Zao Ning to the death hide from the world’s most powerful mamma’s boy.
{ "title": "Pact with a soul of hell.", "id": 21339, "author": "TheSlocker", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "-I, Prince of Bellatrix officially accept your duel!", "id": 305447, "next": 305736, "prev": 305054, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNhODM0YmI5ZGUyYjRmNzBiMDg0NWY1MmE0ODZlZWY3">The imperial castle of Rannsaka is the biggest castle built. Here is also the peace ball.<br>Rannsaka hosts the ball because it is the only castle that can support such an event.</p> <p class="cnM1Nzg5YmZlODhlZjRjMWM5YmRmODZhZTEzMzUzNmU1">Xavier set off on a journey a week ago with Sebastian who was extremely talkative.<br>Xavier could invite two people, but he didn't want to have a company. Sebastian was brought just because Xavier was lazy to do some things solo.<br> Besides, he didn't need a translator. Old Xavier knew all the languages of this world.<br>There were very few, not as in Alexander's world, and they all resemble each other.</p> <p class="cnMxODVkOWMwMjVhNTRlYTBhMzhhZDI5NGJiZDFkMGE0">Of course, Sebastian gave a significant meaning. For example, to teach him.<br>Xavier certainly, doesn't want to do that.<br> Sebastian wanted the job just because he thought Xavier would teach him his secrets.<br>But how do you tell him that the secret is to die, go to hell and fool someone to take your place?</p> <p class="cnM5YWVhYzlmNjU4YzQzYjA4MzIxYzY2ODM2ZjJiYTZk">After a week, they reached the Castle where they were welcomed, by the servants and settled in the best rooms.<br> Of course, it was just because it was peace. And Bellatrix is the only country that can compete equally.<br>Xavier got used to the place and food, but he didn't get out of the room.</p> <p class="cnNjNzgwNzliNGI0NzRmZTc5ZmYyNjljODY1YzcwMWZi">Evening, Ballroom.</p> <p class="cnNlYjYwYzUwOTEwYTRlNTY4ODgyZTEzMjdhMjMxMTMz">Xavier dressed the suit made for this occasion. Of course, Sebastian also wore an outfit for this occasion. Getting instructions from Xavier to not say a word.</p> <p class="cnNjNTZlOWI0M2FkMjRmMDNiYzU3NzY5ZDRlMDIwMjgz">The ballroom was the most beautiful hall in the palace. It was extremely, huge. Xavier thought that if he had such a room, it would be easier for him to give exams.</p> <p class="cnNiMTkwYzY2NjJlMTQ5M2JiOWUwZDliMzU5NWRiNjlj">Xavier chose to not be among the first in the room. So when it arrived, almost all the guests were coming.<br>He let his energy flow to the full body. It felt like in hell. It was an unpleasant feeling. But he was sure the people here would be geniuses in the fighting arts.<br>At the entrance, a man received the invitation and began shouting:</p> <p class="cnNkYjcxNDNkYTBjYTRiYTJhM2QzMmNhMTNjZjViY2E1">-The fifth print of Bellatrix, the Imperial Strategist, and the Imperial Library Keeper. Yakbim Xavier.</p> <p class="cnNlMWVkNmZiMDdkZjQ4M2E5NmM3NmZkZjliYTc1OGU4">Someone else finally calls his name and title. <br>Now, that he heard, was sure it had to take more titles.</p> <p class="cnMwNzFiMzI3NjFlODRjMTM5ODVjYjQyMjQ3ZTExOTFl">As Xavier it was seen, all the people in the room was shocked. <br> Everybody could see Xavier's energy. It was terrifying. However, they were all the geniuses of their countries. They could not show the fear.<br>But what surprised next, was Xavier's clothing. There was something no one ever saw. It looks very nice. Many have thought about where to get it.</p> <p class="cnM0YmQ3Mzg5MTc1MDQzNmJiOTQxNWMzMjI3N2M5NzNj">Of course, this was Xavier's plan to promote his product.<br> If everything went well, it was sure there would be questions.<br> Will create a luxury brand, and will make money quick.<br>Of way, he will be able to host the fashion show.</p> <p class="cnNkNWUyN2FjMmZiZDQwMmI4ODdiZDE1MjYzYjU2ZGZh">Xavier was a fan of clothes. Once, earned the money he was addicted.<br>And so he got to know.<br> In this world, clothes are an excellent investment.</p> <p class="cnM4OTc0N2JjNzFmMDQ0Y2RiMjMwNGQ0YzMyYjg1NzYy">All people who have money will spend on their clothes. Clothes show your value.<br>With minimal modern knowledge of clothes, you can get rich.<br>You are the first to have the idea. So you are alone on the market for a while. If there is competition, it can eliminate it.</p> <p class="cnMyYmU4ZmUxM2Q5MzRjYjRhMmY5ZjgyYTM2YmNmOTVi">They all thought Xavier was weak and a forgotten prince, but when they looked at him, they realized it was not true.</p> <p class="cnNlOGYzNGUzYzRjNTQzYzg5ZTc4Yzk4NTQ5ZjVkYmNh">But they remembered quickly, that he couldn't fight.<br>Although he was unexpected that he possessed such energy, he could not practice the art of fight.</p> <p class="cnNhZGYzODJkNjdhNjQyNzZhNTNkNmZlNWEwNjEyZmU2">Just one person was not relaxed. A woman dressed in a black dress. <br>She knew best.<br>Xavier's energy was weird, she didn't know, how he got it if he hadn't opened points.</p> <p class="cnM1MzBhNGY4ZDQzNjQzYjBiNWRiNTIxZWRkMTU3MDY5">Xavier descended the stairs, started to restrain his energy.</p> <p class="cnM0Nzg3NmFjMDQwODRlMDc5OGNhNGEzNTBlZjE2M2Zh">The woman in the black dress was even more curious. <br>Xavier's control was too good. Even she couldn't make it so easy.</p> <p class="cnMzZGMzMDc5MTg0ZTRkNThhNGVkMWNhOTcxYjI0ZDc2">Xavier headed for the drink. <br>Exactly after taking the drink, he heard a voice in the Rannsaka language:</p> <p class="cnM0ZWMzOWUxMzI5OTRlOTJiMGUyZjRmNWU0MWU1NjZm">-That's Prince of Bellatrix? There is nothing about him. I can kill him anytime.</p> <p class="cnMzNDhjZDA2ZTU5YzQ3MTk5MmQ3MDM3MDRiZGRlZTE3">Xavier understood everything. But he didn't respond immediately, look around, and saw a woman not far away from the man, talking to more officials from other countries. It was sooner, a flirtation.</p> <p class="cnM2OTVhMWZlNmNiMjRjYTFiODIzNDY5NWVmNDY4ZmQ0">Usually, women present here have a low profile and stay with their partners. But this man wasn't with the woman. And the woman was in the company of other men.<br>Xavier had a nose for such problems.</p> <p class="cnNkMWY3YWEyZGY4NzRlOWRhOWZhZTNhMWE4NzlmNzhl">Xavier let the energy to flow through his heart, vocal cords, and eyes. All people started to feel afraid. He takes his drink and goes in the direction of the man.<br>Then in Rannsaka:</p> <p class="cnM5NmM2NThjZDgwZTQ5MmQ5MmE0YjYxMGU3ZTEwNDJl">-The official of the Rannsaka country, I am Yakbim Xavier, a print of Bellatrix. Next time you should weigh the words well.</p> <p class="cnNhMjczMjZiMDE5MDRkOGFhOWUyNzU2N2EzMjVkYWQy">Everyone in the room was stunned. Prince of Bellatrix knew their language. And an official of Rannsaka insulted him. And that wasn't the most important thing. If at first everyone couldn't be affected by Xavier, this time it was different. Few people were not affected.</p> <p class="cnM5YjhmYjVkNDkwMzRlMGJiNDhhNzkyNzlkMGNhNzYx">- You!</p> <p class="cnM1MWUxNzlkNGYyMzQzNjU5YWIxMzkzNzZkZTNiNjdi">The official didn't know what to say was shocked by Xavier.</p> <p class="cnNjMzExNjE3ZjdmOTQ4ZTNiMjkwMjJkZGQ5MTI3YTZi">-I, Prince of Bellatrix officially accept your duel!</p> <p class="cnMyMmIyOTY1NTFiNjQ1Y2RhZmQxZTY1Nzk5NzhmMzZl">As Soon the words were spoken, the whole room was in silence.<br>No one could deny what happened. Actuality, all these words were to their advantage. <br>All of this can be solved, by a duel.<br>But he can't fight.</p> <p class="cnM3NWZkMDhiNTkzMjQzZDA4Y2U0NmE5ZTY0ZjI5NTU0">While these people continued thinking Xavier began to speak:</p> <p class="cnM5MDdmNTQ1NzExYzQzOWU5YTQ1MzY1NzFkZjk0ZWVh">-But as you asked for a fight to the death, and both of us are very important for our country, I propose to let our subordinates fight. You agree?</p> <p class="cnM1MTFiZDlhNjg0NDRjYTk4NzNiMTczMmQyYTIxN2My">With a trembling voice:</p> <p class="cnNlNzA0ZjVmNDhmZjRhM2I5MzVlNWM1MjgzZDlmOWUw">-I am.</p> <p class="cnM5ODhjMGYxM2JkMzRjODI5YjQzNTVhNWQyYjUwYmNj">Xavier didn't even look at him. He just drank his drink.</p> <p class="cnMwOTIzOWViYWRhZjQxYWJhOTg2ZmEzMWU1M2VjZDRj">-Once you have accepted, set the stake.</p> <p class="cnNjNzM2MWU4Nzc5MzQ4MzZhZDFkNTQwZjQxODZmNzFh">-Stake?</p> <p class="cnNlODBiOGE2ZWMyYjQ4NzhiZmY2ODY0MmZiYWQ5NDNj">-Of course. If your subordinate kills mine, I'll give you a book from the library.</p> <p class="cnNkNGVkMmE2ZTFjNjRkNWJiMTc1NzI2YjMzYmNiYTVi">When people heard, everyone was shocked.</p> <p class="cnM1NzM4MWQ1NDRjMDQzMGM5OTZiMWQ5Y2JjNGEyMzI1">-You, can do this?</p> <p class="cnMyNDRjZmYwOGZhYTRiZGRhOGZiZGI0MDcxYjZkYjU4">The official was intrigued.</p> <p class="cnNmMDVmZTNkYmUwZTRlYWM4ZjBmYTRhYWFlMTNjNTk4">- I'm the keeper of the library. Why, can't I? Except you have to share something of the same value.</p> <p class="cnNmMDNmZGQ3MjAzNjRlNDRiN2MxZGFmODlhZjhiYTRj">- Same value?</p> <p class="cnNlMTQ4YTk5MjYxYjQ1NTRiZDUxZjk3YzhkODVjMjQw">Xavier put a big smile. This guy is too dumb.</p> <p class="cnM0MTdjMDJjZDI5YjRkYTY4OGRkZTE1OTliNDZiOTlk">-The books in the library are the life of the ancestry of many countries. <br>I only require your ancestors' lives. And what can better characterize their lives, that money? You put, all your family fortune, I put a library book.</p> <p class="cnNjZDcxNDljZjRhMDQwM2JiODNkYWUzNWQ2NTQyZGEx">Xavier made eye contact with the man. The man knew there was a significant risk. Still, it is a book from the immense library.<br>It's like his whole being screaming that he needs the book.</p> <p class="cnM1MTllM2NiOTc3MjQzM2U5MzFhMDE5NWNhMTk1Yzcz">Everyone was shocked. <br>He put the bet on a book in the library. Who would not want? Some people envy the official.<br>Xavier is allowed to give books from the library of an influential official. But not those related to fighting arts.</p> <p class="cnNlMmE5Yzg2YjM1OTQ2MzFhNjJkZDM0NWViOWY1NTQ0">-I accept!</p> <p class="cnNkYzYzNTE3YWNhYzRmNzhiMjIyZTlhOWUxMjMxYmE2">Xavier signaled to Sebastian and explained the details to him.<br>Sebastian was shocked but understand Xavier's intention. It was a test!<br>Xavier doesn't care what Sebastian thinks. He was happy not to have to explain in detail.</p> <p class="cnM1ZDE0ZDJjMjRmYTQwMmFhOWRkYjAwMDBlMzhjYjQ5">Xavier asked for a sheet. And he started writing the details.<br>Of course, it was a contract of the soul of hell.<br>He would usually get one done because he is lazy to write it. The situation was different.</p> <p class="cnMyZDBmMTgxM2RhNjRjYTdhOGFlZDA5YWQwYTIzNzBl">-Then we do everything legal! All these men can be witnesses! Check the details!</p> <p class="cnMzZjE5NjRjMmQyOTQzYzNiZTZkYzlkYmJmMTY5ZDUz">The man took and examined both of the contract variants and signed it.<br>No one suspected anything. Eventually betting a book in the library was supposed to be a contract.</p> <p class="cnM4N2U5MTU2NmQ1ZTQ3OTVhODk1YmY4MzY3ZWFiNGIz">When the man signed up, Sebastian began to release his energy.</p> </div>
The imperial castle of Rannsaka is the biggest castle built. Here is also the peace ball. Rannsaka hosts the ball because it is the only castle that can support such an event. Xavier set off on a journey a week ago with Sebastian who was extremely talkative. Xavier could invite two people, but he didn't want to have a company. Sebastian was brought just because Xavier was lazy to do some things solo. Besides, he didn't need a translator. Old Xavier knew all the languages of this world. There were very few, not as in Alexander's world, and they all resemble each other. Of course, Sebastian gave a significant meaning. For example, to teach him. Xavier certainly, doesn't want to do that. Sebastian wanted the job just because he thought Xavier would teach him his secrets. But how do you tell him that the secret is to die, go to hell and fool someone to take your place? After a week, they reached the Castle where they were welcomed, by the servants and settled in the best rooms. Of course, it was just because it was peace. And Bellatrix is the only country that can compete equally. Xavier got used to the place and food, but he didn't get out of the room. Evening, Ballroom. Xavier dressed the suit made for this occasion. Of course, Sebastian also wore an outfit for this occasion. Getting instructions from Xavier to not say a word. The ballroom was the most beautiful hall in the palace. It was extremely, huge. Xavier thought that if he had such a room, it would be easier for him to give exams. Xavier chose to not be among the first in the room. So when it arrived, almost all the guests were coming. He let his energy flow to the full body. It felt like in hell. It was an unpleasant feeling. But he was sure the people here would be geniuses in the fighting arts. At the entrance, a man received the invitation and began shouting: -The fifth print of Bellatrix, the Imperial Strategist, and the Imperial Library Keeper. Yakbim Xavier. Someone else finally calls his name and title. Now, that he heard, was sure it had to take more titles. As Xavier it was seen, all the people in the room was shocked. Everybody could see Xavier's energy. It was terrifying. However, they were all the geniuses of their countries. They could not show the fear. But what surprised next, was Xavier's clothing. There was something no one ever saw. It looks very nice. Many have thought about where to get it. Of course, this was Xavier's plan to promote his product. If everything went well, it was sure there would be questions. Will create a luxury brand, and will make money quick. Of way, he will be able to host the fashion show. Xavier was a fan of clothes. Once, earned the money he was addicted. And so he got to know. In this world, clothes are an excellent investment. All people who have money will spend on their clothes. Clothes show your value. With minimal modern knowledge of clothes, you can get rich. You are the first to have the idea. So you are alone on the market for a while. If there is competition, it can eliminate it. They all thought Xavier was weak and a forgotten prince, but when they looked at him, they realized it was not true. But they remembered quickly, that he couldn't fight. Although he was unexpected that he possessed such energy, he could not practice the art of fight. Just one person was not relaxed. A woman dressed in a black dress. She knew best. Xavier's energy was weird, she didn't know, how he got it if he hadn't opened points. Xavier descended the stairs, started to restrain his energy. The woman in the black dress was even more curious. Xavier's control was too good. Even she couldn't make it so easy. Xavier headed for the drink. Exactly after taking the drink, he heard a voice in the Rannsaka language: -That's Prince of Bellatrix? There is nothing about him. I can kill him anytime. Xavier understood everything. But he didn't respond immediately, look around, and saw a woman not far away from the man, talking to more officials from other countries. It was sooner, a flirtation. Usually, women present here have a low profile and stay with their partners. But this man wasn't with the woman. And the woman was in the company of other men. Xavier had a nose for such problems. Xavier let the energy to flow through his heart, vocal cords, and eyes. All people started to feel afraid. He takes his drink and goes in the direction of the man. Then in Rannsaka: -The official of the Rannsaka country, I am Yakbim Xavier, a print of Bellatrix. Next time you should weigh the words well. Everyone in the room was stunned. Prince of Bellatrix knew their language. And an official of Rannsaka insulted him. And that wasn't the most important thing. If at first everyone couldn't be affected by Xavier, this time it was different. Few people were not affected. - You! The official didn't know what to say was shocked by Xavier. -I, Prince of Bellatrix officially accept your duel! As Soon the words were spoken, the whole room was in silence. No one could deny what happened. Actuality, all these words were to their advantage. All of this can be solved, by a duel. But he can't fight. While these people continued thinking Xavier began to speak: -But as you asked for a fight to the death, and both of us are very important for our country, I propose to let our subordinates fight. You agree? With a trembling voice: -I am. Xavier didn't even look at him. He just drank his drink. -Once you have accepted, set the stake. -Stake? -Of course. If your subordinate kills mine, I'll give you a book from the library. When people heard, everyone was shocked. -You, can do this? The official was intrigued. - I'm the keeper of the library. Why, can't I? Except you have to share something of the same value. - Same value? Xavier put a big smile. This guy is too dumb. -The books in the library are the life of the ancestry of many countries. I only require your ancestors' lives. And what can better characterize their lives, that money? You put, all your family fortune, I put a library book. Xavier made eye contact with the man. The man knew there was a significant risk. Still, it is a book from the immense library. It's like his whole being screaming that he needs the book. Everyone was shocked. He put the bet on a book in the library. Who would not want? Some people envy the official. Xavier is allowed to give books from the library of an influential official. But not those related to fighting arts. -I accept! Xavier signaled to Sebastian and explained the details to him. Sebastian was shocked but understand Xavier's intention. It was a test! Xavier doesn't care what Sebastian thinks. He was happy not to have to explain in detail. Xavier asked for a sheet. And he started writing the details. Of course, it was a contract of the soul of hell. He would usually get one done because he is lazy to write it. The situation was different. -Then we do everything legal! All these men can be witnesses! Check the details! The man took and examined both of the contract variants and signed it. No one suspected anything. Eventually betting a book in the library was supposed to be a contract. When the man signed up, Sebastian began to release his energy.
{ "title": "Memorybound", "id": 20910, "author": "JennaLynnBadger", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 32", "id": 305294, "next": 305609, "prev": 304987, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="p1 cnM0YjY3NTNhNWU2NzRlYzZiNjM5NWJhYzg1N2YzOTA0">The crash was a tray of food that Esmerelda had dropped on entering the princess’s room. A small roasted chicken leg, and potatoes lay atop a broken plate. It smelled amazing, and Hailey’s stomach grumbled, reminding her how long it had been since she had eaten. “Guards,” Esmerelda shrieked.</p> <p class="p3 cnNlNjAxMDlhMTg4NjQzMGQ4MTA2OTgyMGI1NWNkOTVl">Isabella frowned. “Stop her, or I will.”</p> <p class="p3 cnNkOWU3MDA0MzAxNDRmMzI4N2MxODcxNjVkMjMyODkz">“She’s my friend,” Hailey said, feeling relief wash over her. If Esmerelda was still running around then the fairies hadn’t gotten past the shimmer. She hurried out into the hallway. She could see Esmerelda running, about to turn down the main staircase. “Extollo,” Hailey said, lifting her friend and pulling her back to the princess’s room. She wanted to keep an eye on Isabella, and she couldn’t do it if she was chasing Esmerelda all over the castle.</p> <p class="p3 cnNjYzk3MjYyMDE1MzRiNTZhNWE5ZTdlMDI0MTJiNzUz">“Don’t let her get me, Hailey.” Esmerelda’s eyes were wide with fear.</p> <p class="p3 cnM0ZGJlZTc1ZjU5MjQ4OTRiMjRiNmQzMmRhZWE5YTFh">Isabella stood in the doorway. “You could shield her and tie it to the floor.” Isabella sounded impatient. “We don’t have time to be distracted now.”</p> <p class="p3 cnNmNmRhM2U0NzRlNjQ3ZTU4M2Q4NWY5YjI1MGFmZTc2">Hailey did so, almost certain that Esmerelda would run again if she got the chance. Hailey didn’t blame her, but she did need to concentrate right now. She needed to do what she could for Taivalon. “But the army. How do you know that they are coming? It doesn’t make sense for you to know just because you live in the forest.”</p> <p class="p3 cnM3MGZjZjY1NTY5YzQxZDY4ZmU0ODVjMTBjNmUwMGNi">Isabella looked exasperated. “You said that you would trust me to undo this spell.”</p> <p class="p3 cnM0MjVhM2NiMzk4MDRhNGFhYWRmMWZmNzA2YmM0NmUx">“And I want to make sure that my trust was not misplaced.”</p> <p class="p3 cnMxOGRmMzRjNWRkNTRjOWI4N2RmYzE5ODA3YzkzMmVj">Isabella sighed. “Don’t you think that if I wanted her dead, I could have managed it by now?”</p> <p class="p3 cnM0NmZiYzg2MGRlNTRkZjVhMTIwYWE5NzgxMzg0MjQ3">“Not without my help, otherwise, you’d fall unconscious trying to kill her, and then it would be easy for me to kill you.”</p> <p class="p3 cnNiNDIxNWUxZTY4OTQ2OTdiNmNhNzk1MGExNDg3ODVh">Isabella looked so weary, so tired. There were lines around her eyes and mouth. “You have to understand, I have done a lot of things in the past few decades that were beyond my control.”</p> <p class="p3 cnMwMTFjNWRmYWJhNTQ2OGQ5ZDU5ZGVmMTIyZmI4OTRk">“You mean someone else was making you do what you did?” Hailey asked. That didn’t seem likely. Everyone knew that Isabella was a powerful mage. Barinon has said that even the mages <span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>in his time had feared her.</p> <p class="p3 cnNkZjQxOGQyNDhhMjQ4ZDY5Nzc0NmUyYWY5YzZkYzVh">“Exactly.”</p> <p class="p3 cnNhNmZhZmQzYTEyZjQwMTc4ZjE1YmJhNjYxNWFlNWM2">“How do I know that they won’t seize control and make you kill the princess once she’s free?”</p> <p class="p3 cnM5MWExZDg4NTVhODRhYzZiZTNlNGI2NDY4NmE4MjM2">“You don’t. My enemy has been pulling strings in this kingdom for a long time now, and I’m only one of those strings. For the first time in decades, I am away from her, able to see clearly and I see all the manipulation, all the subterfuge, all the lies, but I also see the effects of the things that I have done and for that I am deeply sorrowful.” She paused. Her brows were furrowed and the corners of her mouth turned down.</p> <p class="p3 cnNkNTRmMzAxNDkxYTQyY2FhZmJkNzk5NmNlNTg0M2Ey"><em>If she isn’t upset about what had happened to the kingdom, then she’s one hell of an actress, </em>Hailey thought.</p> <p class="p3 cnNjYmIzN2ZhOTMwZTQ2MjM5NzUxZGJhODY1NDc4MWVj">“I know that saying I’m sorry doesn’t fix anything, so I will do whatever it takes to help right the wrongs that I have done. Right now, I need you to trust me. She looked into Hailey’s eyes and Hailey couldn’t help it. For no reason other than the sorrowful look on Isabella’s face, Hailey decided that she would trust her.</p> <p class="p3 cnM4ZmQwZDdlY2YwMjRiZWZiMTY3NmQ4OGU0MzMzY2M2">“Esmerelda, I need you to trust me, too.” Hailey let the shield go. “I need to to tell Aaron about the invading army of fairies. He should be back in the castle right now. If he’s not there, tell Captain Derrick. We are about to be overrun with fairies, and they need to be prepared.”</p> <p class="p3 cnNlYTIxNjQwYjEyNjQwNzk4ZmU2OGFjYjA3ZWQxNzhl">Esmerelda’s eyes grew wide. “Are you sure?”</p> <p class="p3 cnNmMzE1YmRiMmUyNTQzZjZhOWRjZWMxYTg3NGQwYTJj">Hailey knew she was asking a lot of Esmerelda. She hadn’t signed up to deal with soldiers and fairies. “I’m sorry to ask you to do this, but I need someone to start the army preparing. I am going to be busy for a time with this spell. Can you do this for me.”</p> <p class="p3 cnMyZmI1NzljMTczNTQzOTU5ZDkyZmQzMWYyZmQ2MWRk">Esmerelda nodded.</p> <p class="p3 cnMwNGEzMTZhYWMwZTRjNTc5OTlhNWQ2OWQzM2JkYzEz">“Good. They will be here at midnight. We need everyone who can hold a sword, and we need the men who are patrolling the shimmer to know and be prepared as well. Esmerelda had always been the fastest of the three girls.”</p> <p class="p3 cnM1ZjIwMDA3ZWVhZjRmNzRhM2UxMjkyNWRhYmYwMzFh">“I will go, but Hailey, be safe.” And with that, Esmerelda turned and ran.</p> <hr> <p class="p3 cnNjYzlhNmU5NTVhMzQwMTNiMjU5OTNmYWJkM2JiZTdj">Isabella paced the princess’s room, thinking over how exactly she was going to undo the spell that was tied to the princess. The one the mage’s had used was one she was not familiar with, but since it had been tied to the original curse that she had placed on the child, she should be able to undo it.</p> <p class="p3 cnM5NjljZWVhYTdlMDRiZDI4Nzg4MDg2ZDg2YjQ3ZTNm">The young mage watched her with a little wariness still in her eyes. She was so young to be the only mage for an entire kingdom, and she was surprisingly strong for one who had not finished her training.</p> <p class="p3 cnMyZmFhNGY3MDI1MTRkZTBhYWRjZDkzYTBmZjRjNDM4">At least she had decided to trust her, but still, what she was asking of Hailey would require a little more trust than she seemed willing to give at the moment, and so while the back of her mind worked to figure out the spell, she told Hailey about her life up to this point.</p> <p class="p3 cnM4MDhkMTdiNmMxMjQwYWNiOGI0OTEwNjQ4MTFhMDg5">“I think I was actually pretty easy for my enemy to trap. I went in search of my daughter, who was taken from me at a very young age.” She did not tell her that she had agreed to the crazy idea of letting go of her own flesh and blood child, that she had regretted that ever since she looked at her daughter’s tiny, round face. How could a mother let go of something so precious.</p> <p class="p3 cnNhZDljNGZjZWNhMzQ0MGZhNGM3NThjZGNiOGU4YjNi">“Sylphana told the that a woman named Lillith might know where my daughter was, and so I made the long journey to Lillith’s home. I did not have a portal there at the time, but rather than telling me where my daughter was, she demanded that I do things for her and then she would tell me. When those things became to awful for me to comply, she took hold of my mind and bent me to her will. I have spent months wandering the black castle, thinking that it was richly furnished and that I had servants to do my bidding, but I’m pretty sure that every person I saw was one of Lillith’s henchmen.” She left out the part about the dragon. It would be better if Hailey didn’t know that was her. The girl was barely trusting her now as it was.</p> <p class="p3 cnNmNjZmMjdiNjZlMzRiNDNhYzZkOGNiN2IwNzI5Y2I1">“That is awful,” Hailey said. “How did you get free?”</p> <p class="p3 cnNkYzQzY2ExMjlhYTQ1YzNiNjIxNWEwNDAzNWFmZjFi">“I ran. Memories of my past life woke me up. I kept having dreams and memories and eventually I decided that I had to go, had to get away from her influence. The problem was that I was trapped for a very long time. The armies were amassing from my castle, so I knew they were coming but I thought that it was Taivalon that was invading us.”</p> <p class="p3 cnM0ZWMwOWQwMmUzNzRlZDNiNjA5MDc2ZGY5MDBhM2M0">Hailey looked horrified. Isabella shook her head. <em>You have no idea, </em>she thought. As she thought it might, the answer to undoing the spell came to her when she wasn’t thinking about it. “This is actually a rather easy spell to reverse.”</p> <p class="p3 cnMxMGMyYTM0MjM2MzRjOTA4MjE5M2M5YjI4N2FhN2Q4">The young mage pulled something out of her pocket. She was a pretty little thing, now that she wasn’t trying to kill Isabella.</p> <p class="p3 cnMxNzg5MzBiNTIwOTQ2N2NhYzQ1YzJhZjcxZGZiNjJh">“I have been dumping magic into this, if it helps.” She held out an amulet. A large, clear crystal on a chain.</p> <p class="p3 cnNmNDA1ODA5YjUwODRhOGM4NWYyNDI4NTI5ZGQ1NzU0">Isabella was surprised. “Where did you learn to do that?”</p> <p class="p3 cnNlNjgzMzhhY2FkNzQ3MGE5M2UwNzMyNTY0NDBkNGNj">“It was in one of the books.”</p> <p class="p3 cnNmODdiNzk1NGFmNDQzNjA5ZWVmODk5ZmY5OTkzYjQ2">“But that’s not human magic.”</p> <p class="p3 cnM2MTU4NzYyMmQ1ZTQzNGNiYWMyYTA4ZDNkOWVmNzc5">Hailey looked up in surprise.</p> <p class="p3 cnM3NjQ4MTg3MjIyZTQyM2E5MGU3MWVkZWJiMjIwNjhi">“Batteries of this nature were specifically avoided for a reason.” That is so typical. Mages write things in their books, but what they don’t write is how much it takes from the person casting the spell. You must have been exhausted. She handed it back to Hailey. “You might need this later. Hold onto it for now.</p> <p class="p3 cnNhNWEyMmU2NWYxZTQxZDhiYTgxYzI4M2VlODY1ZDRm">Just then, she heard steps thumping down the hallway. “What is going on here?”</p> <p class="p3 cnNkNmFhYzUwN2M3YzQzZWFiMTc0NjA4N2ZjMDA1ZGJl">Isabella didn’t hesitate. She put her shield in place, but made it bigger. It was large enough to cover the princess, and both mages.</p> <p class="p3 cnM3YjcwOWYzODk5YjQ3ZTRiNTAyZTU0MDdiYjE1MTcx">It was Endolynn, queen of all Taivalon and the current ruler. “We are waking your daughter,” she told the queen, and then, taking Hailey’s hand, she concentrated.</p> <p class="p3 cnMyNDM1MjhmZGExMDQwNTQ5OTdjNWNkNTI1N2RkZDk1">Everything the young mage had set up made it that much easier for her to find the foci of the spell and detach it. She didn’t need the power of the young mage, but she had obviously worked so hard to be able to undo the spell that she wanted her to be part of its undoing.</p> <p class="p3 cnNhNzNjOWRjZjhmODQ2YTQ5NGQ5ZjU0YjUzMjAwZjFh">She concentrated, feeling the power of the other mage and her own power mingle together, and then she reversed the spell. “Amitto,” she said, opening her eyes and watching the spell vanish from off of the princess.</p> <p class="p3 cnNiNDA1N2I5MmU2ZjRhNDc5NWFlNjUyNDZiOGYxOWY5">Aurora, her niece blinked her eyes and sat up, looking around the room, but her eyes lingered longest on Hailey. “I know you,” she said.</p> </div>
The crash was a tray of food that Esmerelda had dropped on entering the princess’s room. A small roasted chicken leg, and potatoes lay atop a broken plate. It smelled amazing, and Hailey’s stomach grumbled, reminding her how long it had been since she had eaten. “Guards,” Esmerelda shrieked. Isabella frowned. “Stop her, or I will.” “She’s my friend,” Hailey said, feeling relief wash over her. If Esmerelda was still running around then the fairies hadn’t gotten past the shimmer. She hurried out into the hallway. She could see Esmerelda running, about to turn down the main staircase. “Extollo,” Hailey said, lifting her friend and pulling her back to the princess’s room. She wanted to keep an eye on Isabella, and she couldn’t do it if she was chasing Esmerelda all over the castle. “Don’t let her get me, Hailey.” Esmerelda’s eyes were wide with fear. Isabella stood in the doorway. “You could shield her and tie it to the floor.” Isabella sounded impatient. “We don’t have time to be distracted now.” Hailey did so, almost certain that Esmerelda would run again if she got the chance. Hailey didn’t blame her, but she did need to concentrate right now. She needed to do what she could for Taivalon. “But the army. How do you know that they are coming? It doesn’t make sense for you to know just because you live in the forest.” Isabella looked exasperated. “You said that you would trust me to undo this spell.” “And I want to make sure that my trust was not misplaced.” Isabella sighed. “Don’t you think that if I wanted her dead, I could have managed it by now?” “Not without my help, otherwise, you’d fall unconscious trying to kill her, and then it would be easy for me to kill you.” Isabella looked so weary, so tired. There were lines around her eyes and mouth. “You have to understand, I have done a lot of things in the past few decades that were beyond my control.” “You mean someone else was making you do what you did?” Hailey asked. That didn’t seem likely. Everyone knew that Isabella was a powerful mage. Barinon has said that even the mages in his time had feared her. “Exactly.” “How do I know that they won’t seize control and make you kill the princess once she’s free?” “You don’t. My enemy has been pulling strings in this kingdom for a long time now, and I’m only one of those strings. For the first time in decades, I am away from her, able to see clearly and I see all the manipulation, all the subterfuge, all the lies, but I also see the effects of the things that I have done and for that I am deeply sorrowful.” She paused. Her brows were furrowed and the corners of her mouth turned down. *If she isn’t upset about what had happened to the kingdom, then she’s one hell of an actress,* Hailey thought. “I know that saying I’m sorry doesn’t fix anything, so I will do whatever it takes to help right the wrongs that I have done. Right now, I need you to trust me. She looked into Hailey’s eyes and Hailey couldn’t help it. For no reason other than the sorrowful look on Isabella’s face, Hailey decided that she would trust her. “Esmerelda, I need you to trust me, too.” Hailey let the shield go. “I need to to tell Aaron about the invading army of fairies. He should be back in the castle right now. If he’s not there, tell Captain Derrick. We are about to be overrun with fairies, and they need to be prepared.” Esmerelda’s eyes grew wide. “Are you sure?” Hailey knew she was asking a lot of Esmerelda. She hadn’t signed up to deal with soldiers and fairies. “I’m sorry to ask you to do this, but I need someone to start the army preparing. I am going to be busy for a time with this spell. Can you do this for me.” Esmerelda nodded. “Good. They will be here at midnight. We need everyone who can hold a sword, and we need the men who are patrolling the shimmer to know and be prepared as well. Esmerelda had always been the fastest of the three girls.” “I will go, but Hailey, be safe.” And with that, Esmerelda turned and ran. --- Isabella paced the princess’s room, thinking over how exactly she was going to undo the spell that was tied to the princess. The one the mage’s had used was one she was not familiar with, but since it had been tied to the original curse that she had placed on the child, she should be able to undo it. The young mage watched her with a little wariness still in her eyes. She was so young to be the only mage for an entire kingdom, and she was surprisingly strong for one who had not finished her training. At least she had decided to trust her, but still, what she was asking of Hailey would require a little more trust than she seemed willing to give at the moment, and so while the back of her mind worked to figure out the spell, she told Hailey about her life up to this point. “I think I was actually pretty easy for my enemy to trap. I went in search of my daughter, who was taken from me at a very young age.” She did not tell her that she had agreed to the crazy idea of letting go of her own flesh and blood child, that she had regretted that ever since she looked at her daughter’s tiny, round face. How could a mother let go of something so precious. “Sylphana told the that a woman named Lillith might know where my daughter was, and so I made the long journey to Lillith’s home. I did not have a portal there at the time, but rather than telling me where my daughter was, she demanded that I do things for her and then she would tell me. When those things became to awful for me to comply, she took hold of my mind and bent me to her will. I have spent months wandering the black castle, thinking that it was richly furnished and that I had servants to do my bidding, but I’m pretty sure that every person I saw was one of Lillith’s henchmen.” She left out the part about the dragon. It would be better if Hailey didn’t know that was her. The girl was barely trusting her now as it was. “That is awful,” Hailey said. “How did you get free?” “I ran. Memories of my past life woke me up. I kept having dreams and memories and eventually I decided that I had to go, had to get away from her influence. The problem was that I was trapped for a very long time. The armies were amassing from my castle, so I knew they were coming but I thought that it was Taivalon that was invading us.” Hailey looked horrified. Isabella shook her head. *You have no idea,* she thought. As she thought it might, the answer to undoing the spell came to her when she wasn’t thinking about it. “This is actually a rather easy spell to reverse.” The young mage pulled something out of her pocket. She was a pretty little thing, now that she wasn’t trying to kill Isabella. “I have been dumping magic into this, if it helps.” She held out an amulet. A large, clear crystal on a chain. Isabella was surprised. “Where did you learn to do that?” “It was in one of the books.” “But that’s not human magic.” Hailey looked up in surprise. “Batteries of this nature were specifically avoided for a reason.” That is so typical. Mages write things in their books, but what they don’t write is how much it takes from the person casting the spell. You must have been exhausted. She handed it back to Hailey. “You might need this later. Hold onto it for now. Just then, she heard steps thumping down the hallway. “What is going on here?” Isabella didn’t hesitate. She put her shield in place, but made it bigger. It was large enough to cover the princess, and both mages. It was Endolynn, queen of all Taivalon and the current ruler. “We are waking your daughter,” she told the queen, and then, taking Hailey’s hand, she concentrated. Everything the young mage had set up made it that much easier for her to find the foci of the spell and detach it. She didn’t need the power of the young mage, but she had obviously worked so hard to be able to undo the spell that she wanted her to be part of its undoing. She concentrated, feeling the power of the other mage and her own power mingle together, and then she reversed the spell. “Amitto,” she said, opening her eyes and watching the spell vanish from off of the princess. Aurora, her niece blinked her eyes and sat up, looking around the room, but her eyes lingered longest on Hailey. “I know you,” she said.
{ "title": "Tamer Tails", "id": 21472, "author": "Pricey", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "The first journey - 2", "id": 305456, "next": 305916, "prev": 304641, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNlMTNkNWFjMzYxNDRjN2JhMTI1M2NkMTU5NWRmZDYx">"Mister Darniss, I'm bo~ored" one of the boys complained.</p> <p class="cnM4YTY3NTQ5ZDFiNDQ5M2JhNzk2ZmI5NDc5Zjc0ZGVj">The wagon had left the little hamlet six hours ago, not stopping once. The three boys in the wagon were excited to start with. Having not gone on a trip before, they found travelling in a carriage to be strange and new, but that got old quickly. After a while, they started to point at the different plants and occasional tree they passed, though they ran out of new things to point out or argued over whether they'd seen that type of tree before. That was two hours ago, the monotony of travelling by wagon started to bore them, and they weren't even allowed to leave the wagon.</p> <p class="cnMxMDkzNTI1MTY0YjQ5MzFhMTE0ODY5ZGM5YWE4YWFk">"*sigh*, there isn't much I can about that, I'm afraid." Darniss sighed, his co-workers warned that the children would end up like this, saying they had no patience for travel. If it weren't for the substantial pay he would receive for taking them there and that this was his first time doing so, he would never have agreed to take them. "We'll be stopping for lunch in an hour or so, you'll be able to have a little wander around. Some fellow merchants shall be meeting us there, they will have a bunch of kids travelling with them, too."</p> <p class="cnNjZmFjMDQ4ZDI4YTQzNzRhMTQ3NTU2OWI2ZTE4MGMz">"An hour? That's so~o long away." One of the other boys complained. "Why are we even meeting up with them, there will be a bunch at the town."</p> <p class="cnMwNmRiYzQzMDVlNzQyNGNiZTk1ZGM3MWQwZjAxNTBj">"Just be patient, we have a schedule to keep to, and I don't want to be the one causing delay," Darniss replied, slightly grumpy. "We're not going to stay in the town, the inns will be too expensive. Besides, we'll be reaching the town tomorrow morning, setting off with all the others wagons and carriages forming a convoy. Since it will be safer with more wagons, we'll be meeting up for lunch. How's the little lass doing?"</p> <p class="cnNlMmIwNjNjY2NlZjQzOWY5ZTQ2NTNjNzkzZmU0ZjY0">"She fell asleep by that barrel," the boy said, pointing towards where Delia was.</p> <p class="cnMzNWE2OTg3YjYwZjQ2OTI5N2M2MWYzMTNmOTVjMmUz">Ever since they left the hamlet, Delia hadn't said a word to anyone. The boys tried to get her to join them and cheer her up, but she didn't even look at them. Darniss couldn't help but worry for her, as he remembered how alone he felt when he was their age, heading to the city.</p> <p class="cnM0MTZmZDE5NTQ1MzRhYjFhYjQxMDZmNDc5YmUwYWQ5">"Hopefully she will be able to make some friends when we stop for lunch, there should be thirteen more kids there from the hamlets in the area. Some are probably feeling the same as her, too." Darniss said, then muttered "at the very least, I hope everyone will feel more at ease after this."</p> <p class="cnMxYTJmZDQ4YmU1MDQyOWE5ZjVkZTcxOGIyMGZiYmEx">An hour passed, and they came to a stop in an area where the only noticeable thing was the forest a hundred meters east of them.</p> <p class="cnMxZjZhNTAwM2VhMzRiZGQ5NTRmNzE3YTFjMmM3Zjk4">"This is the spot, looks like we're a little early though." Darniss announced, the boys leaped out of the carriage, excited to finally leave the wagon. Chuckling, Darniss told them, "Since you boys are so full of energy, I'll ask you to go and collect some firewood to cook lunch. Just don't go too far away and if you go over to the forest, stay near the entrance."</p> <p class="cnNjNzJkNzk1ZTEzYjQ0Zjg5ZWU3N2QyYjJiYjlhZjBh">Hearing this, the boys all darted towards the forest, more likely to play than gather any firewood. Meanwhile, Darniss went back to the wagon and gently woke Delia up, explaining to her what they would be doing before they reach the town. Delia stayed within the wagon, watching Darniss prepare the food for lunch.</p> <p class="cnNiYTNhYmRlZmEyZjQ1OTBiZDg3Y2QxNGZkZWQyYjNl">"You sure you don't want to help with anything," Darniss asked while cutting up some kind of root vegetable.</p> <p class="cnM3MzFhM2MwYWU4NzQxNTFiNTIyNzUxNmE1ZWU1YmJm">Although she tried hard, Delia kept glancing at the horse. This didn't go unnoticed, as Darniss realised before they even left the hamlet. Chuckling he asked, "Do you want to look after Fleur?"</p> <p class="cnNkYzhkYzM1ZWUxZjQxMGViN2RkOGJlYTY4MDdlMDQy">Hearing this, Delia blushed slightly and sheepishly nodded her head. Darniss coughed, stifling another laugh, as he walked to the wagon and took out a bag that was by his seat. Inside, there were several different brushes and combs, as well as a cloth and a pick. Seeing Delia's eyes sparkle, he went on to explain what each tool was used for and how Fleur will react depending on the mood. Darniss then let out a breath he didn't know he was holding as he saw Delia open up a bit and express herself more.</p> <p class="cnMxYzc5N2Y5YmYyODQyYTRiNjU5ZDM3NmU1MWMyNTlk">Ten minutes later three wagons arrived, pulled by the same type of horse as Fleur. On each of the wagon's coachman seat was a black cloaked man, one was short and skinny, while the other two had large, broad and muscular frames. As they approached the camp, the shorter man removed the hood from his head. When the face was revealed, you could see burn marks across the left side of his face. He had short, bright blonde hair, a right blue eye while his left eye was white.</p> <p class="cnNjZThkODkwNmE2NjRjMGZiZDMwZTBjMWZiZDk3YjQ1">The man broke out into a wide smile, "Darniss!" He called out cheerfully, "'ow long ya bin waitin', dinnae think ya'd be 'ere firs'. I reckon ya'd be a few mo' 'ours, did ya set off yestarday ta get here?"</p> <p class="cnM1YjI0MDNiZWYwNDQ4YjNiYjAwNGJjMzFmYWJiNDM5">"Oliver!" Darniss responds firmly shaking the man's hand when he approached. "I'm surprised you managed to stay on the road, did the other two help you get here safely. I would have a fire going, I sent the boys to get some firewood when we arrived, ten minutes ago." He then glanced over to the forest, "but it looks like the boys are off playing instead."</p> <p class="cnNmZjFhYjA4ZjVlMTQwMzI4MDYyYjM5MmJjMWU5N2Iy">Oliver also looked over. "Aye, I can see 'em over deyr, fightin' wi' sticks." Oliver said, shaking his head with a slight smile on his face. He then patted the back of one of the other coachmen. The man grunted and nodded his head. "Archie an' me'll go an' get da firewood, I'll send da lads back too." Oliver said, heading off towards the forest with the man he patted.</p> <p class="cnM3Y2NhNmQzOGNjNjQ2ZDFhOTVhMjJjMjE4ZGM0NjZl">Darniss and the other coachman had the children get off the three wagons and gather together. The children got off the wagons with varying degrees of excitement and nervousness. One of the boys even refused to leave the wagon. There were thirteen children in total, three boys and ten girls, not including Darniss' group. Moments later, the three boys that went to 'collect firewood' returned, laughing and pushing each other. Darniss then brought Delia to the rest of the children, though she ended up hiding behind Darniss.</p> <p class="cnNmYTJiMWNlNGUwMTQyNTQ5NmI0ZjkzYmViZTEwY2Jm">When everyone had gathered, not including the boy hiding in the wagon, the remaining cloaked coachman addressed the group in a deep, gruff voice. "Now then, this is the group we will remain in for the rest of the journey to Ebonhearth city. I hope you'll all get along and make lasting bonds for the time you will be together. Tonight, we'll be camping together, so you will split into three groups of no more than six. Lunch will be ready within the hour, you can do what you want in the meantime, just stay within sight of the wagons."</p> <p class="cnMzNzg0MDg5NzQxNTQ3NDQ5NGRiYWFmMzg5ZDI4YTBk">After the man finished, he and Darniss continued to prepare lunch. Meanwhile, most of the children split off into groups, some from the same group they were in to start with, others formed groups with each other when they saw the others playing. Most of the children were complete strangers to one another as each hamlet was likely to only send one or two children a year.</p> <p class="cnM4NTAzZGVjZDVmNTQ4YjI4ZjUzMDlmNDk4NTI3ZTNm">Delia ended up distancing herself from the rest of the group. Darniss told her that it wouldn't be fair if she was the only one who looked after Fleur and the other horses, hoping she would make a friend or two. Not comfortable around so many new faces, she went off to pick flowers, waking a basket with her. Unbeknownst to Delia, one of the girls approached her. She had long, wavy brown hair hanging down to her waist, amber eyes and a button-nose.</p> <p class="cnMxZDczMzc2ZTEwOTRhMmM4ZWZhOTYyOGFiMzNmZjA0">"What are you doing?" The girl asked quietly.</p> <p class="cnMxZmNiYzVkZjA0MzQxMzQ5ZDg5NjlkNjhmY2Y0ODhl">Delia jumped, looking around in fright, "W-w-w-what?"</p> <p class="cnNmNDk0N2Q0Zjk5MTRhYThiNTM1N2I5ODY5MWJmNDdh">"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," the girl said frantically, taking a step back.</p> <p class="cnMzNzFmMWYxNzgxODRiNWNiMmU0NjMyODJkNGQ4ZWVj">Seeing this, Delia calmed down slightly, and nervously showed her the flowers she was picking. "I-I-I'm picking f-flowers... t-t-to make... ma-make flower chains."</p> <p class="cnMzZTk4NTEzMTQwNjQ3Nzk5MzQ4ODBmZWFjOGVhOWU3">"Can I help?" The girl asked, smiling and extending her hand, "oh by the way my names Flora, what's yours?"</p> <p class="cnNkMGRhZDM3OWExZjQ3OGM5OTg0ODJjMjQyZmRhNzc4">"Delia," she quietly said, feeling a little less apprehensive. Delia took Flora's hand, slowly, and they lightly shook hands.</p> <p class="cnM4MjdhMDgxNzE1NjQyOWU5ZmZjNzc5NGE2ODU5NTQz">Taking this as a yes, Flora started to pick flowers with her. "Are you going to make the chains in the wagon?" Flora asked, feeling awkward about the silence. Delia simply nodded and continued to pick flowers.</p> <p class="cnNkYTI0MDI0NGVhMDQ5YTk4Yzk4YTM4Mzg4NGQzODVm">When lunch was ready, the cloaked man called out for everyone to gather. The children all gathered in the groups they had formed during the break. The food was roasted vegetables, part of the payment they received for taking the children to the city.</p> <p class="cnMwYWUwY2EzNjA0YTRhNTU5ODFlODUzMjkwNzllM2Mz">After lunch was finished, the four coachmen started moving goods between the wagons. When they were done, one of the wagons was loaded with more goods than the others.</p> <p class="cnMwYzYxODIxMzIzNTQ3NDE4MTBmZWQzMmZmOWJiNjY5">The children then were split into the three wagons that had more space now that there was more space on them. The wagons then set off again.</p> <p class="cnM0Njc3Y2ZlNDkxZTQ3NDg5NzkzNWJhNWNhODcxMDFi">On Darniss' wagon, Flora had joined along with the boy that refused to leave the wagon for the whole time they had stopped. The boy’s name was Fred, he had violet eyes, short, dark brown hair and a slightly skinny body that would be slightly shorter than the rest of the children. Fred acted in a similar way to the way Delia was acting before. But the difference this time was that he watched Delia and Flora making flower chains and he did speak a few words when they asked him some questions, like his name, age and about the hamlet he was from.</p> <p class="cnM4NmIwMmViZjI3ZTRmMzE5MGU1NDAxOWYzZmRkMzU1">Like this, six hours passed before they came to a stop. Oliver and Archie, having just tied up their horses properly, immediately set off to collect firewood. The children then gathered together, with Flora and Delia off to the side and Fred peeking out of the wagon.</p> <p class="cnNjNTYyY2IwNTdjMjQxM2I4ODE0MGM1NTA2NzU2MGZm">"Now then, this is where we'll be staying for the night." Said the coachman that the children didn't know the name of, "since most of you won't have put up a tent before, Darniss and I will help you set up your tents. Listen closely because you'll all be setting up your tents by yourself from tomorrow onwards. The boys will all stay in one tent since there is six of you, while you girls will split into a group of five and a group of six. Once your tent is set up, you’re free to do as you please, but stay near the campsite."</p> <p class="cnNjYjMxNjU2NDY1NTRmYWU5YjRmNGE1MGIyNjUyNzRh">Delia ended up in a group of five with Flora. Flora was the one who gathered the three other girls into the group. The three girls were Rein, Louise and Wendy. Rein was a lively girl with reddish brown hair down to her shoulders, bright blue eyes. Louise and Wendy were a pair of identical twins, they both had brown hair and grey eyes, the only difference between them was that Wendy's hair was down to her shoulders whereas Louise's was half the length.</p> <p class="cnNkNWNjNTJiNzExZTQ5YWI4MDA5ZmM1NDgzNTM3Zjk3">Darniss and the unnamed coachman helped the boys set up their tent whilst the girls were forming their two groups. When the boys tent was set up, Darniss helped Delia's group set up their tent and the other man helped the other group.</p> <p class="cnNjNjhhMzUzN2Y5MDQxNDZiYzliMmFkNjZhM2FlZjcy">When the final tent was set up for the coachmen themselves, Archie and Oliver returned. Triumphantly, Oliver handed to Darniss three round ball shaped rabbits.</p> <p class="cnM0YWNkZjFhZDY4OTQ5YzU5ZmUyYzZhNDViNzkzODZh">"Bounce rabbits?" Darniss said, "I'm guessing you want me to cook them for dinner tonight?"</p> <p class="cnM0NTgxYzY1OTBmMTQ0YmU5YmViOWJhNTc5YWQyMjVi">Archie nodded enthusiastically, causing his hood to fall off. The revealed head was bald and covered in scars. His eyes, an eerie green, seemed to be in a permanent glare and his mouth, which was in what could only be called an evil grin, had several teeth missing as well. Seeing this, a few of the nearby children ran away screaming. Archie then looked down, a tear forming in his eye as he pulled his hood up again. This was a regular occurrence to Archie, as the other three shook their heads and sighed while Darniss muttered "I knew this would happen," under his breath.</p> <p class="cnM0MWRiMGYxMWZjYTQ4MzRhN2JhNmJiZjg4ZmRkMjc1">Oliver left quickly to calm the children down, some of which started shouting that Archie was a monster going to eat them all in their sleep. Darniss, ignoring what just happened, was about to start skinning the rabbits when Delia came over with Flora. Only Delia had a sparkle in her eyes, though it was hard to notice as she was looking down nervously at the time, fidgeting with her dress.</p> <p class="cnNmZmEwMDExYTA2YjQ1NTg5MjM5MzhlNjkyNjljOTdk">"Mister Darniss, I think Delia wants to brush Fleur and the other horses. She told me that she was taking care of Fleur before we arrived." Flora said, knowing Delia was too nervous to ask even if she had done so earlier.</p> <p class="cnM1OTZmNmQ4MDNlZTRjYmFhZDRkNjVlMGZiZGQ4OTBl">"That's fine, just let others help if they want to. Since I'll be busy preparing our supper, you'll have to explain how to use the different brushes and combs," Darniss said, then handing her the bag by his side. "Actually, I'll take the pick and cloth out, it's harder to show how to properly use those."</p> <p class="cnMyNmRhMzhiOTU4NTRkYzNhN2I5OTY5YjYzZGNmOTc5">Having been given just the brushes and combs, Delia happily walk over to the four horses. Not long later some girls approached Delia, Rein and two girls from the other wagon. She told them what she was doing, but only Rein stayed to help. The other two walked off grumpily, thinking that Delia was going to play with them and just didn't want them to join in. Fred joined them later, he had helped out making the tent a little, as the three boys on the wagon had made him feel a little more comfortable around him. He seemed to be just as happy as Rein and Delia were to brush the horses and care for them. They even got to feed the horses when Oliver walked over to them, bringing two more sets of brushes and combs. Oliver, after being asked by Darniss and the other coachman, then watched over them, helping them and teaching them when Delia couldn't explain too well.</p> <p class="cnM4ZGZhZjFiZTFmMzRjYzRhNzkxOTM2NWQyMWNmMWMy">Whilst Delia, Rein and Fred were looking after the horses, the other children were being taught some fun games by Archie. Archie was constantly pestered by the children after Oliver had managed to defuse the earlier incident. He had 'accidentally' told them that Archie knew of good ways to pass time in the wagon, something which caused the children that rode his wagon to hit him with sticks. Archie had relented, but after he taught them one game, they kept asking for more and more. Though this might have seen annoying to most, Archie was actually very happy to have them so happily ask him, which was why he ended up trying to think of new games for them to play, hopefully games which he might be able to play with them.</p> <p class="cnNiNGY3ZjI5ZDBjMzRlZGQ5Yzg0YzAyMTBjZTgzODQ5">As the sun began to set, Darniss shouted to the group that dinner was ready. The meal was roasted bounce rabbit with some hard bread and a little vegetable stew. After dinner, some of the children needed the toilet, so Oliver, quite brazenly, told them how they normally did it while travelling. After that, the children went to bed in their tents. The four coachman alternated who would keep lookout where two would keep lookout, switching one person every two hours.</p> </div>
"Mister Darniss, I'm bo~ored" one of the boys complained. The wagon had left the little hamlet six hours ago, not stopping once. The three boys in the wagon were excited to start with. Having not gone on a trip before, they found travelling in a carriage to be strange and new, but that got old quickly. After a while, they started to point at the different plants and occasional tree they passed, though they ran out of new things to point out or argued over whether they'd seen that type of tree before. That was two hours ago, the monotony of travelling by wagon started to bore them, and they weren't even allowed to leave the wagon. "*sigh*, there isn't much I can about that, I'm afraid." Darniss sighed, his co-workers warned that the children would end up like this, saying they had no patience for travel. If it weren't for the substantial pay he would receive for taking them there and that this was his first time doing so, he would never have agreed to take them. "We'll be stopping for lunch in an hour or so, you'll be able to have a little wander around. Some fellow merchants shall be meeting us there, they will have a bunch of kids travelling with them, too." "An hour? That's so~o long away." One of the other boys complained. "Why are we even meeting up with them, there will be a bunch at the town." "Just be patient, we have a schedule to keep to, and I don't want to be the one causing delay," Darniss replied, slightly grumpy. "We're not going to stay in the town, the inns will be too expensive. Besides, we'll be reaching the town tomorrow morning, setting off with all the others wagons and carriages forming a convoy. Since it will be safer with more wagons, we'll be meeting up for lunch. How's the little lass doing?" "She fell asleep by that barrel," the boy said, pointing towards where Delia was. Ever since they left the hamlet, Delia hadn't said a word to anyone. The boys tried to get her to join them and cheer her up, but she didn't even look at them. Darniss couldn't help but worry for her, as he remembered how alone he felt when he was their age, heading to the city. "Hopefully she will be able to make some friends when we stop for lunch, there should be thirteen more kids there from the hamlets in the area. Some are probably feeling the same as her, too." Darniss said, then muttered "at the very least, I hope everyone will feel more at ease after this." An hour passed, and they came to a stop in an area where the only noticeable thing was the forest a hundred meters east of them. "This is the spot, looks like we're a little early though." Darniss announced, the boys leaped out of the carriage, excited to finally leave the wagon. Chuckling, Darniss told them, "Since you boys are so full of energy, I'll ask you to go and collect some firewood to cook lunch. Just don't go too far away and if you go over to the forest, stay near the entrance." Hearing this, the boys all darted towards the forest, more likely to play than gather any firewood. Meanwhile, Darniss went back to the wagon and gently woke Delia up, explaining to her what they would be doing before they reach the town. Delia stayed within the wagon, watching Darniss prepare the food for lunch. "You sure you don't want to help with anything," Darniss asked while cutting up some kind of root vegetable. Although she tried hard, Delia kept glancing at the horse. This didn't go unnoticed, as Darniss realised before they even left the hamlet. Chuckling he asked, "Do you want to look after Fleur?" Hearing this, Delia blushed slightly and sheepishly nodded her head. Darniss coughed, stifling another laugh, as he walked to the wagon and took out a bag that was by his seat. Inside, there were several different brushes and combs, as well as a cloth and a pick. Seeing Delia's eyes sparkle, he went on to explain what each tool was used for and how Fleur will react depending on the mood. Darniss then let out a breath he didn't know he was holding as he saw Delia open up a bit and express herself more. Ten minutes later three wagons arrived, pulled by the same type of horse as Fleur. On each of the wagon's coachman seat was a black cloaked man, one was short and skinny, while the other two had large, broad and muscular frames. As they approached the camp, the shorter man removed the hood from his head. When the face was revealed, you could see burn marks across the left side of his face. He had short, bright blonde hair, a right blue eye while his left eye was white. The man broke out into a wide smile, "Darniss!" He called out cheerfully, "'ow long ya bin waitin', dinnae think ya'd be 'ere firs'. I reckon ya'd be a few mo' 'ours, did ya set off yestarday ta get here?" "Oliver!" Darniss responds firmly shaking the man's hand when he approached. "I'm surprised you managed to stay on the road, did the other two help you get here safely. I would have a fire going, I sent the boys to get some firewood when we arrived, ten minutes ago." He then glanced over to the forest, "but it looks like the boys are off playing instead." Oliver also looked over. "Aye, I can see 'em over deyr, fightin' wi' sticks." Oliver said, shaking his head with a slight smile on his face. He then patted the back of one of the other coachmen. The man grunted and nodded his head. "Archie an' me'll go an' get da firewood, I'll send da lads back too." Oliver said, heading off towards the forest with the man he patted. Darniss and the other coachman had the children get off the three wagons and gather together. The children got off the wagons with varying degrees of excitement and nervousness. One of the boys even refused to leave the wagon. There were thirteen children in total, three boys and ten girls, not including Darniss' group. Moments later, the three boys that went to 'collect firewood' returned, laughing and pushing each other. Darniss then brought Delia to the rest of the children, though she ended up hiding behind Darniss. When everyone had gathered, not including the boy hiding in the wagon, the remaining cloaked coachman addressed the group in a deep, gruff voice. "Now then, this is the group we will remain in for the rest of the journey to Ebonhearth city. I hope you'll all get along and make lasting bonds for the time you will be together. Tonight, we'll be camping together, so you will split into three groups of no more than six. Lunch will be ready within the hour, you can do what you want in the meantime, just stay within sight of the wagons." After the man finished, he and Darniss continued to prepare lunch. Meanwhile, most of the children split off into groups, some from the same group they were in to start with, others formed groups with each other when they saw the others playing. Most of the children were complete strangers to one another as each hamlet was likely to only send one or two children a year. Delia ended up distancing herself from the rest of the group. Darniss told her that it wouldn't be fair if she was the only one who looked after Fleur and the other horses, hoping she would make a friend or two. Not comfortable around so many new faces, she went off to pick flowers, waking a basket with her. Unbeknownst to Delia, one of the girls approached her. She had long, wavy brown hair hanging down to her waist, amber eyes and a button-nose. "What are you doing?" The girl asked quietly. Delia jumped, looking around in fright, "W-w-w-what?" "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," the girl said frantically, taking a step back. Seeing this, Delia calmed down slightly, and nervously showed her the flowers she was picking. "I-I-I'm picking f-flowers... t-t-to make... ma-make flower chains." "Can I help?" The girl asked, smiling and extending her hand, "oh by the way my names Flora, what's yours?" "Delia," she quietly said, feeling a little less apprehensive. Delia took Flora's hand, slowly, and they lightly shook hands. Taking this as a yes, Flora started to pick flowers with her. "Are you going to make the chains in the wagon?" Flora asked, feeling awkward about the silence. Delia simply nodded and continued to pick flowers. When lunch was ready, the cloaked man called out for everyone to gather. The children all gathered in the groups they had formed during the break. The food was roasted vegetables, part of the payment they received for taking the children to the city. After lunch was finished, the four coachmen started moving goods between the wagons. When they were done, one of the wagons was loaded with more goods than the others. The children then were split into the three wagons that had more space now that there was more space on them. The wagons then set off again. On Darniss' wagon, Flora had joined along with the boy that refused to leave the wagon for the whole time they had stopped. The boy’s name was Fred, he had violet eyes, short, dark brown hair and a slightly skinny body that would be slightly shorter than the rest of the children. Fred acted in a similar way to the way Delia was acting before. But the difference this time was that he watched Delia and Flora making flower chains and he did speak a few words when they asked him some questions, like his name, age and about the hamlet he was from. Like this, six hours passed before they came to a stop. Oliver and Archie, having just tied up their horses properly, immediately set off to collect firewood. The children then gathered together, with Flora and Delia off to the side and Fred peeking out of the wagon. "Now then, this is where we'll be staying for the night." Said the coachman that the children didn't know the name of, "since most of you won't have put up a tent before, Darniss and I will help you set up your tents. Listen closely because you'll all be setting up your tents by yourself from tomorrow onwards. The boys will all stay in one tent since there is six of you, while you girls will split into a group of five and a group of six. Once your tent is set up, you’re free to do as you please, but stay near the campsite." Delia ended up in a group of five with Flora. Flora was the one who gathered the three other girls into the group. The three girls were Rein, Louise and Wendy. Rein was a lively girl with reddish brown hair down to her shoulders, bright blue eyes. Louise and Wendy were a pair of identical twins, they both had brown hair and grey eyes, the only difference between them was that Wendy's hair was down to her shoulders whereas Louise's was half the length. Darniss and the unnamed coachman helped the boys set up their tent whilst the girls were forming their two groups. When the boys tent was set up, Darniss helped Delia's group set up their tent and the other man helped the other group. When the final tent was set up for the coachmen themselves, Archie and Oliver returned. Triumphantly, Oliver handed to Darniss three round ball shaped rabbits. "Bounce rabbits?" Darniss said, "I'm guessing you want me to cook them for dinner tonight?" Archie nodded enthusiastically, causing his hood to fall off. The revealed head was bald and covered in scars. His eyes, an eerie green, seemed to be in a permanent glare and his mouth, which was in what could only be called an evil grin, had several teeth missing as well. Seeing this, a few of the nearby children ran away screaming. Archie then looked down, a tear forming in his eye as he pulled his hood up again. This was a regular occurrence to Archie, as the other three shook their heads and sighed while Darniss muttered "I knew this would happen," under his breath. Oliver left quickly to calm the children down, some of which started shouting that Archie was a monster going to eat them all in their sleep. Darniss, ignoring what just happened, was about to start skinning the rabbits when Delia came over with Flora. Only Delia had a sparkle in her eyes, though it was hard to notice as she was looking down nervously at the time, fidgeting with her dress. "Mister Darniss, I think Delia wants to brush Fleur and the other horses. She told me that she was taking care of Fleur before we arrived." Flora said, knowing Delia was too nervous to ask even if she had done so earlier. "That's fine, just let others help if they want to. Since I'll be busy preparing our supper, you'll have to explain how to use the different brushes and combs," Darniss said, then handing her the bag by his side. "Actually, I'll take the pick and cloth out, it's harder to show how to properly use those." Having been given just the brushes and combs, Delia happily walk over to the four horses. Not long later some girls approached Delia, Rein and two girls from the other wagon. She told them what she was doing, but only Rein stayed to help. The other two walked off grumpily, thinking that Delia was going to play with them and just didn't want them to join in. Fred joined them later, he had helped out making the tent a little, as the three boys on the wagon had made him feel a little more comfortable around him. He seemed to be just as happy as Rein and Delia were to brush the horses and care for them. They even got to feed the horses when Oliver walked over to them, bringing two more sets of brushes and combs. Oliver, after being asked by Darniss and the other coachman, then watched over them, helping them and teaching them when Delia couldn't explain too well. Whilst Delia, Rein and Fred were looking after the horses, the other children were being taught some fun games by Archie. Archie was constantly pestered by the children after Oliver had managed to defuse the earlier incident. He had 'accidentally' told them that Archie knew of good ways to pass time in the wagon, something which caused the children that rode his wagon to hit him with sticks. Archie had relented, but after he taught them one game, they kept asking for more and more. Though this might have seen annoying to most, Archie was actually very happy to have them so happily ask him, which was why he ended up trying to think of new games for them to play, hopefully games which he might be able to play with them. As the sun began to set, Darniss shouted to the group that dinner was ready. The meal was roasted bounce rabbit with some hard bread and a little vegetable stew. After dinner, some of the children needed the toilet, so Oliver, quite brazenly, told them how they normally did it while travelling. After that, the children went to bed in their tents. The four coachman alternated who would keep lookout where two would keep lookout, switching one person every two hours.
{ "title": "Hidden Forge: Lucem Ac Tenebras", "id": 14536, "author": "AstralTempest", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Chapter 15: Forging a Foundation Scene Seven (Rewrite)", "id": 305458, "next": 305744, "prev": 305135, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5NzA0OGZkNjlmNzRkMWE5YTAyY2VkYTk3YTQzNTRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">At the break of dawn, Ian and Gaelan headed back through the portal and arrived in the dank caverns within Mount Sacris. Of course, Ian made coffee before leaving to avoid the possibility of a caffeine headache. The two of them exited the cave and traversed down the mountainside. The rising sun cast warm beams of light across the sky, contrasting with the crisp morning air of the forested region.</span></p> <p class="cnNlN2Q2MjBmYTU4ZTQ1NDI4MzdlNDRkNmFiOTJjYjJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ian took the opportunity to admire everything around him: the diverse species of trees, the colorful flowers and ferns, and the skittering animals. One of the creatures looked similar to a squirrel but its dark eyes radiated intelligence far above its peers. Long brown fur similar to feathers protruded from the tips of its ears. Another distinct feature was the fluffy tail which dwarfed its main body. The little creature followed the two for a few minutes before losing interest and darting back into the undergrowth.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYWMwMWU0ZDgxNjQ2MWM5NTA5N2JiM2EzYTQ1ODZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">During the first couple hours, even while marveling at the forest, Ian kept his eyes peeled for danger. But, Gaelan’s nonchalant attitude eventually rubbed off on him, at least until they accidentally crossed between a mother bear and her cubs. Somehow, the bear didn’t bother him all that much compared to the werewolf, especially since the situation created an opportunity to see his mentor in action.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMzg1YWI4NzU2YTQxMTQ4NmQ1MDhkYmQ3Y2ZiNzJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Instead of some extravagant battle like Ian expected, Gaelan simply planted a foot on the ground. A surging ripple of earth rumbled out from beneath his foot and toward the bear. The earth surged at his will and rose into a mound, startling the charging beast long enough to overwhelm it and pin it to the ground. In a strange way, the earthy coffin reminded Ian of when kids bury each other in the sand while visiting the beach.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MTUyYjQyMjg2OTRjNDlhNGUxYjRkMmEzOGIzNWRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That is awesome!” Ian exclaimed, almost involuntarily. Seeing magic used properly for the first time outside of the forge filled him with glee as though he reverted back to a child. Compared to virtual reality’s fabrication of magic, the real thing gave him the same heart-racing thrill as a giant subwoofer.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NDJkZjgyYzU0OTQ0ZjJhODE5ZTUyM2EwMTljNDhi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Perhaps, but this much is fairly doable even for some with low Earth Affinity,” Gaelan calmly replied.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZTMxZDk5MDc3OTRkYjFiNzU4NjY0OTE5ODU3MGRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Excitement oozing from his voice, Ian said, “So basically, I’ll be able to do that as well. Nice.” After all, what guy wouldn’t be excited at the prospect of moving the earth at will? Of course, he knew beforehand that such a thing would eventually be possible, but seeing it firsthand truly cemented the fact in his mind.</span></p> <p class="cnNlOWRhYjZiNzU3ZTRiOTJiZDY2YTQzZTI2MzFkZDJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Upon seeing his apprentice so excited to someday use magic, Gaelan smiled. It reminded him of when his father taught him the basics. Suddenly feeling awkward about the unfamiliar emotion, he wiped the smile off his face and said, “Come on, let’s get going.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyOGMxYWFlNzQ3ZjQyMzlhM2E4MmYzOTM0NTBjMWYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ian nodded, and the two resumed their journey. He looked back one last time at the bear violently thrashing in an attempt to escape from its prison of hardened dirt. The two cubs nonchalantly lay down next to their mother as though nothing was wrong, which he found rather humorous.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZjhmZGY3OWJhNzRjMWRiZTA0NjBmYWM0NWMzZjE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Will that bear be able to get out of that?” Ian asked.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMTI0YjI1OTdjOTQ1Y2U5NmQ0YTU3YzY4Y2Q2YjM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Eventually. I only made it strong enough for temporary restraint.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5YzE5ZGY5YmU3ZjQzZDliMjQzMjBmZWYxMTQ5ZmMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Impressed, Ian stopped worrying about the beast. Leaving it behind, they traversed through the woods without any other issues until reaching the treeline. Early afternoon sunlight shone upon the city wall standing proudly in the distance. Both Ian and Gaelan looked at each other and realized something they should have thought of earlier.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMzQ0Yzg1NWU3MzQyMTFiZjBiZjcxMDVlNjJjZTIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“These bags kinda stick out like a sore thumb, don’t they?” Ian rhetorically asked.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOWIzYzU0YWZkZTRlZmM4N2VlMzM1NTlhMmU1YThl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Indeed they do…” Gaelan muttered. The two contemplated their options for a minute until he offered, “I’ll take care of it, so just leave it all here for now.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4YzYyZDMzZmExYzQ4YzE5NDBhZjQ4NWFhYjQwZWU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Tilting his head thoughtfully, Ian asked, “Would it even be much of a problem to carry these through the gate, though?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiYWM4ODQ4ZjAxNTQ3ZjViNjlmMzM1ZWNlM2EyYTVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Gaelan shrugged and set down all his bags by his feet. Then, he rubbed his beard and said, “It might not be an issue, but explaining where it all came from could prove troublesome for you or draw unwanted attention to you in the future. Always best to err on the side of caution.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwNmY4YzU5MWVkYzRmODhiMTRiNTI4NzE5N2E3N2I1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sounds good, I guess. What did you have in mind for bringing it inside?”</span></p> <p class="cnNjMTdhZGVlZDRlNzRjNGU4ZjRmNTg3OTU5MTUxNjBm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s a secret, at least for now,” Gaelan answered with a sly grin.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZDk1OTk0NjQyYTQ5MDdiMmE3NjZkY2FjMjA3ZDA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Haaah… should have known. It’s not like you ever remember to explain important things to me anyway,” Ian muttered while giving the man a sour look.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMGYzMzc3N2NjMzQ1MjBiODZjYTM0ZjRjMmI0NDAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The big guy rolled his eyes and said, “Just go ahead and leave everything here and meet me back at the house.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxZjI1M2FiYzBiNTRmZDNhMDU5YzM5NjJiYWM1YWRi"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">He said that like he would get there before me… Although, considering that one instance from the first day we met, I wouldn’t put it past him,</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Ian thought while setting everything on the grass. After a brief wave of farewell, he casually traipsed across the open field toward the gate. Along the way, he stretched and rubbed his sore shoulders. Sweat also accumulated enough for his clothes to stick to his skin. If traversing between worlds became a commonplace event for him, then he definitely needed to figure out a better way to transport everything.</span></p> <p class="cnNlM2I2M2Q5NWI5ZjQ5YWFiZjdmZWI0Nzc1NTE1Zjcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Upon reaching the bridge leading across the moat, Ian thought to stop by the Visitor Center and let Aria know of his return. She would likely want to be notified in order to resume the lessons. However, as soon as he stepped through the entrance to the building, he saw an unfamiliar man behind the counter. The man stood at least a head shorter than Ian due to bad posture. His pale, dry skin clung about his bones as though it might fall off at any moment. Thin black hair drooped from his head like a mop. Dark brown eyes sitting above sunken cheeks looked up at Ian with an almost apathetic gaze, almost to the point of lifelessness. Clearly, the man suffered from some sort of disease which made him look far older than his actual age.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNjI0ZTkwZTY5MTRmNGQ4Yjc1YzE0M2Q0NDBiZjU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What can I do for you, sir?” the man asked, his voice feeble and raspy.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MzliYmYyNDA1OTRhMTQ5Y2NhZWRkODQ4Mjg2YjY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh, sorry. I was just dropping by to say hello to Aria while passing by, but I guess she isn’t here,” Ian answered. He tried his best to not focus on the man’s frailty or even let any pity or condescension show in his expression.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZTQxOGQxN2MxOTRhM2RiZDgwNWYwZGI3OTU5ZjFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I see,” the man quietly said, nodding weakly. “She had the day off today. I assume you are a friend of hers?”</span></p> <p class="cnMyNjQzMDMxNDc4ZjQwZTI5NGUzZGE2ZTQzZDMzZWZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Kind of. I’ll just head home and let her know I’m back some other time, then,” Ian said, briefly giving the man a wave of farewell while backing out through the still open door.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMTc2YmVkZjkzMDRkNzk5NzRlZDE0NDJiNjhmZjcy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Very well. Have a nice day, sir,” The man replied.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMTY2M2RlOTVjYjRmZTI5MGRjNjFhMzk5OTM4ODM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">With that, Ian shut the door, sighed, and resumed his casual walk back to Gaelan’s house. Thoughts about what kind of disease might have been plaguing the man filled his mind. Perhaps he could ask Aria about it later.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YmM1YmViMzRhNzRjYjVhZTg4MWJkN2E2NzRkYWQ2" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">*</span> <span style="font-weight: 400">*</span> <span style="font-weight: 400">*</span> <span style="font-weight: 400">*</span> <span style="font-weight: 400">*</span></p> <p class="cnNlNDBhOGI0YzVkNjQ2ODJhYjlmNTFhNjUyNmY3MzQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">When Ian arrived at Gaelan’s house, he stepped through the front door for the first time since joining them in their house. The room he entered contained many high-quality furnishings. Most likely, it served as a parlour. It certainly gave off an air of formality that made him uncomfortable.</span></p> <p class="cnM4N2Q0YmI0NmI5OTQ5NDBiZDI0NGY3MGY2MWEwZTkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Stepping through the door opposite the front entrance led him to the dining room, but he continued on to the living room at the rear of the house. The first thing he noticed in the room was the pile of bags and boxes stacked behind the couch. Apparently, Gaelan really did arrive before him. In fact, the man himself was sitting on the couch with his right arm around Aella who happened to be reading a book of some sort.</span></p> <p class="cnMwODIxZjY2ZGY4OTQ2ZTU4NjZjOTk3OGNhYmY2ZTI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Noticing Ian even before Gaelan, Aella turned her head, smiled gently, and said, “Welcome back.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2Mjc3YWM1MzM3OTRhMWE4ZmU4MjVlMDUyMjlmZDM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Thanks, Mrs. Marlow” Ian replied, smiling in return. Although the greeting was as simple as could be, it still filled him with comfort. Such a thing never occurred with his own mother back on Earth. It made him wonder if he could possibly consider these people a second a family.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNTY1MDRkNzkxYzQyMjNhMzgwMjA0ZDQ4OTc0YmJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Like I’ve said before, just call me Aella, dear,” she corrected before refocusing on the book in her lap.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOGQ1YTM3MjJmZDQyNzI5Njg3YmVmMjFhYjgyNjBj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Alright. I’ll try to remember that next time,” Ian said. He then took out the box containing the french press and checked the contents. “Argh! You’ve gotta be kidding me!” he cried out, startling the two on the couch. Bianca also peeked into the room to see what happened.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMjhmMWI4OTFmMTRhZTBhMmI2NmEwYjE5OWRiZjJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Something wrong?” Gaelan asked.</span></p> <p class="cnM1M2NlNmI0ZTc4ODQ4YzA4YTY0MmRmMjBmOWQ2ODg2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s broken…” Ian quietly replied. If one could mourn an inanimate object, he certainly did so at that moment. Even Gaelan furrowed his brows in disappointment.</span></p> <p class="cnM0OGRkMjRlMzIxNjQwNWVhNzU0YzJkYmY5ZGJlNzIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What’s broken?” Aella asked, her curiosity rising in concern for the items that came from Ian's hometown.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMjcxMWMwMDFkYzQzNzBiMzZkNzg4OWJiYzFjNGQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s a coffee maker,” Gaelan answered, his voice tinged with pride for knowing something about an object from another world. Briefly, he glanced at Ian and nearly laughed upon seeing the young man holding the box as though he had just lost a pet or something.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YzE0OGYxZDYwMjQ1MzQ4ZTk2YTQ5ODMzYWEzODRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What’s coffee?” Bianca inquired from the doorway.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NjRiYzcyMjA3ZTQ1YjdhNmQyOWEyNTE5OWMxMTE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s a drink from Ian’s homeland that’s similar to tea, I suppose,” Gaelan answered.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYzM2YTllNjdiODRmMDU4MTFhYzE0ZTY1YWI1MTlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Eyes glimmering with curiosity, Bianca asked, “Is it good?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZjZlY2I0YjE4OTQ0YjE4ZmM1ZTNkZjEwYTI2NWY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Gaelan shrugged. “To me it is. It’s a little on the bitter side, though.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwNjdkZWJkZDVmNTRjNDRiMjY1NjY5YzI5YmNhZmI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Chiming in, Aella suggested, “If you’re desperate to fix it, I’m sure Barton could handle it.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyYjRiN2Y2MTlmYjQxNjY5ZThmMzE4YzMxYzk2MTQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Really?” Ian asked, instantly perking up.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOGI3MGM4NTlmOTRhODY5MjZkOWU3MTJjMzlhODc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sure,” Gaelan confidently replied. “Man’s the finest glass worker in the city. At least, he claims to be…”</span></p> <p class="cnMxZTM3ZThiN2ZhNTRmZTA4YThmMGQ1NmViMmM3ZmU1"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Did Mrs. Marl- er… Aella know the carafe was made of glass beforehand? It was still in the box… Perhaps it has to do with her magic?</span></em></p> <p class="cnM2MzZmNThjZjhiMDQ2YmFiYjZlODYwMjZiZmY2ZDQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Interrupting Ian’s thoughts, Gaelan asked, “So, up for some training before dinner?”</span></p> <p class="cnM4YzE1YjIzMWE5NDQ0OGU4ZDY4YmQzYTNjM2Q4YTc0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ugh… I was hoping for a day off…” Ian groaned.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMzlhYWNmNTBhMzRkNjg4NTg5MTRiYWM3MGNhYzRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You already had a couple of those. We’ll need to get you toughened up so that you don’t need me to babysit you all the time. Although… I’ll probably go with you again either way.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZjdmN2IzOTk4NDQ5YzY4MjJiNDM5NDhiM2YxZTA4"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">At least he’s honest… </span></em></p> <p class="cnM5OTMzZDMzYzYxZTQ0YjZhZjkyMDA3NjRiZDczYjc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Um… could I go with you next time as well?” Biance shyly asked.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNTFjMDAwYWNiZjRlYjU5YzRiMWFmY2E3MzAzYjVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">In a knee-jerk reaction, Gaelan’s head whipped around to face his daughter and he immediately asked, “What? Why?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzYmRhOGI2YzBhMjQyNDc5ZTg3MjczODdhNjViYjBk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Umm… well, it sounds like a really interesting place,” she answered. Then, almost to herself, she quietly added, “I could find new recipes, see new things, learn about new plants…”</span></p> <p class="cnNhMDliMmZjYTkyYjQ5NmQ4MTcwYzY0MjFlYjM2ZjRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’ll consider it…” Gaelan hesitantly replied, at which his daughter gave an adorably pleasant smile that could warm the even coldest of hearts. Satisfied with the reply, she waltzed back into the kitchen with a skip in her step. She even struck into humming a catchy tune.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZjI3MDkwZGQ4MzRkZGZiMmMxOWYzYjFmMzRkYzdj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Once she was out of earshot, Gaelan’s eyes moistened ever so slightly as he muttered, “Haven’t heard her sing or hum that song in years…”</span></p> <p class="cnMyYzI2YjgyNWYxMDQ2MTk4NWIzYzQwYzg3YjIwOWIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s because you’re always in the forge,” Aella retorted, giving him a quick flick on the forehead. “Now, are you two going to get your training in or not? I have to admit it’s a tad difficult to read with everyone chattering around me.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1YThkN2I2MDVlZDRhN2M5ZjBkYWVjMzg3ZWMwMTFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah, we’re going,” Gaelan replied, rubbing his forehead. Craning his neck to look at Ian standing behind him, he said, “Come on, time to train.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTBiMjNlZDY5MjRjZWY5MDQ4ZjBjZjBkNDZmYWUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Haaah… fine.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwMzdkYzc0MjI5ZDQ1ZGY4OTExZDc3ZjNmYjZkMWUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Before heading outside, Gaelan kissed his wife on the head. Her lips curled into a happy smile. Even while walking through the door, Ian wondered how they could go from a quip to a kiss in only a few seconds. It was truly an unfamiliar sight.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNjBhZDgwOWNjYTRmMmVhZGM2YTZkODVmZmE4N2Vl" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">*</span> <span style="font-weight: 400">*</span> <span style="font-weight: 400">*</span> <span style="font-weight: 400">*</span> <span style="font-weight: 400">*</span></p> <p class="cnM5MjE5YjUwZWJlMjQxYzE4NDFhODFjOTRmNTFlZDU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hahahahaha! You’re supposed to block that!” Gaelan chided through a cheeky grin.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZWI1Y2RhMTJhZjRiYzNhYTYyYzlmNDc0NzUyNGIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Opposite the man, Ian bent over coughing. A right hook from his muscular mentor had just landed on his gut. Once his coughing spree finally ended, he raised his head and stood straight. Both men faced each other shirtless and barefoot. Taking a deep breath, Ian prepared himself for another whooping and muttered, “Wasn’t expecting a spar…”</span></p> <p class="cnMwODlhNWZmMjJlYzRiOTRhYzAzNTYxMWIwNTRmZmQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hoh~ It seems you still have energy. Good. Very good. Let’s go again.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NmY0OTg2ODA0MTQ2NWQ4NmQyY2Y0NmY0MDc5MTZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Isn’t this somewhat counterproductive?” Ian asked.</span></p> <p class="cnMzM2E4ODZiMDBmNjQ3MTliNDIzNzNmMzE3ZmE4ZGMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Of course not. Let’s put it like this: while in your world, I realized the place was absurdly peaceful, so I decided to pound some pain into you early on to prepare you for any dangers down the road.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZjNiNzAzYmI0MjQ3Y2Q5ZmY2YTgyMDdmNzNmNzZh"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Is this guy serious? No, wait. He’s totally serious…</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Ian thought while squinting at his mentor. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Will this even help at all, though?</span></em></p> <p class="cnNjYzBiOWFlMzI4MzRkOTBhOTMwYmI1ZDZmN2M5MjFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’m taking it rather easy on you, so just do your best to keep dodging or blocking my attacks for now,” Gaelan instructed.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MjY3YTNkNDYyYzQyZmZhMjk5OTI4ZmMyZjJmOWUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sighing in resignation, Ian pulled from his limited combat arsenal and assumed a defensive boxing stance he learned back during his high school boxing days. He hoped the stance would offer enough mobility for his current needs.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YmIzYTBjYjI5ZTQwNDM4OWU2M2JiMjdmMWI3ZGNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Upon seeing the defensive stance, Gaelan grinned and lashed out with a sharp kick aimed at the rib cage, yelling out a loud ‘Haap!’ in the process. In Ian’s eyes, the man’s leg blurred, but it looked similar to a low kick from Muay Thai, or perhaps even Tae Kwon Do. Either way, he knew focusing on such a thing could get him seriously injured. Despite initially expecting another punch, he reacted just in time to block by raising his own leg to stop it. </span></p> <p class="cnM2NWJlYzhlODlhMDRiZTM5YWY4NzRlMzliOWI1Y2Y2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Gah! Ouch!” Ian exclaimed as the kick cracked against his thigh, sending him off balance.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZDFmZjQ2ODkzYzRiYzdiYjBkMDQ2OTlmMDdkMjM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Get used to it!” Gaelan retorted while throwing a quick jab toward Ian’s chest since his guard dropped due to the low kick.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YWVlN2MyMTIyOTQ2NjA4MDgzNjc5ZjAzNDc3NWI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ugh!” Ian groaned as the fist landed squarely on his chest, knocking the air out of him.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYzUwNTAzZTAxMzRhNmJhMzQwMDUzZDU2MzI2MDA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Heh. If you see a chance to strike back, then give me your best shot!” Gaelan exclaimed before jumping in and throwing a right straight toward Ian’s jaw.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMWI5MjQxOGY5MjRhZjhhMjdjMzkxYzBlMzkxNmY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Even though the wind had been knocked out of him, Ian righted himself, coughed, and raised his guard again. Adrenaline pumped through his veins and pushed him to his limits. He narrowly ducked below the swing that looked like it might kill him if it landed. Seriously, was this geezer actually trying to off him? However, instincts told him to go for a counter. He did.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MTFmMzViMDE0ODQ1MGQ4ZTgyNmMzYzMyYzA4NzE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Honestly, the sudden movement on Ian’s end briefly surprised Gaelan. He watched with great interest as his apprentice closed the distance and attempted to jab his abdomen. Although he knew he could dodge the hit, he decided to allow it to land, figuring it would be better for Ian in the long run.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZDhmZTM3NTcyYTQ4ZjBhYmYwNWRiMGQxZWY5YTA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Flesh cracked against flesh. The initial slap of his jab landing on Gaelan’s abdomen startled Ian. Pain shot through his arm. On top of that, hitting someone with all his strength was a new and unfamiliar experience, even when considering his attempts at boxing several years earlier.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MTM0NjM1ZGUzMTQ3YzhhZTBjZDJjMTdmMzE2OTBh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ouch!” Ian cried out, retreating a few steps.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMmI3MjdhMjU1NzQ2N2I5MjJmZmUwODI0YTE4NDY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hahahaha! You have weak wrists!” Gaelan interjected. “We definitely need to toughen you up!”</span></p> <p class="cnM5MzY4MTE5YzMyNzQ5YzE4MDc2MTcxNDdhOWQwNzQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Due to preoccupying himself with checking his hand, Ian never saw the heel hurtling through the air toward his face until it was too late.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNDI0ZmE1MTA2NjQ2NTBiZTg5NzNmNjMyODEwODAy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Whoops…” Gaelan muttered as Ian fell to the ground completely unconscious.</span></p> </div>
At the break of dawn, Ian and Gaelan headed back through the portal and arrived in the dank caverns within Mount Sacris. Of course, Ian made coffee before leaving to avoid the possibility of a caffeine headache. The two of them exited the cave and traversed down the mountainside. The rising sun cast warm beams of light across the sky, contrasting with the crisp morning air of the forested region. Ian took the opportunity to admire everything around him: the diverse species of trees, the colorful flowers and ferns, and the skittering animals. One of the creatures looked similar to a squirrel but its dark eyes radiated intelligence far above its peers. Long brown fur similar to feathers protruded from the tips of its ears. Another distinct feature was the fluffy tail which dwarfed its main body. The little creature followed the two for a few minutes before losing interest and darting back into the undergrowth. During the first couple hours, even while marveling at the forest, Ian kept his eyes peeled for danger. But, Gaelan’s nonchalant attitude eventually rubbed off on him, at least until they accidentally crossed between a mother bear and her cubs. Somehow, the bear didn’t bother him all that much compared to the werewolf, especially since the situation created an opportunity to see his mentor in action. Instead of some extravagant battle like Ian expected, Gaelan simply planted a foot on the ground. A surging ripple of earth rumbled out from beneath his foot and toward the bear. The earth surged at his will and rose into a mound, startling the charging beast long enough to overwhelm it and pin it to the ground. In a strange way, the earthy coffin reminded Ian of when kids bury each other in the sand while visiting the beach. “That is awesome!” Ian exclaimed, almost involuntarily. Seeing magic used properly for the first time outside of the forge filled him with glee as though he reverted back to a child. Compared to virtual reality’s fabrication of magic, the real thing gave him the same heart-racing thrill as a giant subwoofer. “Perhaps, but this much is fairly doable even for some with low Earth Affinity,” Gaelan calmly replied. Excitement oozing from his voice, Ian said, “So basically, I’ll be able to do that as well. Nice.” After all, what guy wouldn’t be excited at the prospect of moving the earth at will? Of course, he knew beforehand that such a thing would eventually be possible, but seeing it firsthand truly cemented the fact in his mind. Upon seeing his apprentice so excited to someday use magic, Gaelan smiled. It reminded him of when his father taught him the basics. Suddenly feeling awkward about the unfamiliar emotion, he wiped the smile off his face and said, “Come on, let’s get going.” Ian nodded, and the two resumed their journey. He looked back one last time at the bear violently thrashing in an attempt to escape from its prison of hardened dirt. The two cubs nonchalantly lay down next to their mother as though nothing was wrong, which he found rather humorous. “Will that bear be able to get out of that?” Ian asked. “Eventually. I only made it strong enough for temporary restraint.” Impressed, Ian stopped worrying about the beast. Leaving it behind, they traversed through the woods without any other issues until reaching the treeline. Early afternoon sunlight shone upon the city wall standing proudly in the distance. Both Ian and Gaelan looked at each other and realized something they should have thought of earlier. “These bags kinda stick out like a sore thumb, don’t they?” Ian rhetorically asked. “Indeed they do…” Gaelan muttered. The two contemplated their options for a minute until he offered, “I’ll take care of it, so just leave it all here for now.” Tilting his head thoughtfully, Ian asked, “Would it even be much of a problem to carry these through the gate, though?” Gaelan shrugged and set down all his bags by his feet. Then, he rubbed his beard and said, “It might not be an issue, but explaining where it all came from could prove troublesome for you or draw unwanted attention to you in the future. Always best to err on the side of caution.” “Sounds good, I guess. What did you have in mind for bringing it inside?” “It’s a secret, at least for now,” Gaelan answered with a sly grin. “Haaah… should have known. It’s not like you ever remember to explain important things to me anyway,” Ian muttered while giving the man a sour look. The big guy rolled his eyes and said, “Just go ahead and leave everything here and meet me back at the house.” *He said that like he would get there before me… Although, considering that one instance from the first day we met, I wouldn’t put it past him,* Ian thought while setting everything on the grass. After a brief wave of farewell, he casually traipsed across the open field toward the gate. Along the way, he stretched and rubbed his sore shoulders. Sweat also accumulated enough for his clothes to stick to his skin. If traversing between worlds became a commonplace event for him, then he definitely needed to figure out a better way to transport everything. Upon reaching the bridge leading across the moat, Ian thought to stop by the Visitor Center and let Aria know of his return. She would likely want to be notified in order to resume the lessons. However, as soon as he stepped through the entrance to the building, he saw an unfamiliar man behind the counter. The man stood at least a head shorter than Ian due to bad posture. His pale, dry skin clung about his bones as though it might fall off at any moment. Thin black hair drooped from his head like a mop. Dark brown eyes sitting above sunken cheeks looked up at Ian with an almost apathetic gaze, almost to the point of lifelessness. Clearly, the man suffered from some sort of disease which made him look far older than his actual age. “What can I do for you, sir?” the man asked, his voice feeble and raspy. “Oh, sorry. I was just dropping by to say hello to Aria while passing by, but I guess she isn’t here,” Ian answered. He tried his best to not focus on the man’s frailty or even let any pity or condescension show in his expression. “I see,” the man quietly said, nodding weakly. “She had the day off today. I assume you are a friend of hers?” “Kind of. I’ll just head home and let her know I’m back some other time, then,” Ian said, briefly giving the man a wave of farewell while backing out through the still open door. “Very well. Have a nice day, sir,” The man replied. With that, Ian shut the door, sighed, and resumed his casual walk back to Gaelan’s house. Thoughts about what kind of disease might have been plaguing the man filled his mind. Perhaps he could ask Aria about it later. * * * * * When Ian arrived at Gaelan’s house, he stepped through the front door for the first time since joining them in their house. The room he entered contained many high-quality furnishings. Most likely, it served as a parlour. It certainly gave off an air of formality that made him uncomfortable. Stepping through the door opposite the front entrance led him to the dining room, but he continued on to the living room at the rear of the house. The first thing he noticed in the room was the pile of bags and boxes stacked behind the couch. Apparently, Gaelan really did arrive before him. In fact, the man himself was sitting on the couch with his right arm around Aella who happened to be reading a book of some sort. Noticing Ian even before Gaelan, Aella turned her head, smiled gently, and said, “Welcome back.” “Thanks, Mrs. Marlow” Ian replied, smiling in return. Although the greeting was as simple as could be, it still filled him with comfort. Such a thing never occurred with his own mother back on Earth. It made him wonder if he could possibly consider these people a second a family. “Like I’ve said before, just call me Aella, dear,” she corrected before refocusing on the book in her lap. “Alright. I’ll try to remember that next time,” Ian said. He then took out the box containing the french press and checked the contents. “Argh! You’ve gotta be kidding me!” he cried out, startling the two on the couch. Bianca also peeked into the room to see what happened. “Something wrong?” Gaelan asked. “It’s broken…” Ian quietly replied. If one could mourn an inanimate object, he certainly did so at that moment. Even Gaelan furrowed his brows in disappointment. “What’s broken?” Aella asked, her curiosity rising in concern for the items that came from Ian's hometown. “It’s a coffee maker,” Gaelan answered, his voice tinged with pride for knowing something about an object from another world. Briefly, he glanced at Ian and nearly laughed upon seeing the young man holding the box as though he had just lost a pet or something. “What’s coffee?” Bianca inquired from the doorway. “It’s a drink from Ian’s homeland that’s similar to tea, I suppose,” Gaelan answered. Eyes glimmering with curiosity, Bianca asked, “Is it good?” Gaelan shrugged. “To me it is. It’s a little on the bitter side, though.” Chiming in, Aella suggested, “If you’re desperate to fix it, I’m sure Barton could handle it.” “Really?” Ian asked, instantly perking up. “Sure,” Gaelan confidently replied. “Man’s the finest glass worker in the city. At least, he claims to be…” *Did Mrs. Marl- er… Aella know the carafe was made of glass beforehand? It was still in the box… Perhaps it has to do with her magic?* Interrupting Ian’s thoughts, Gaelan asked, “So, up for some training before dinner?” “Ugh… I was hoping for a day off…” Ian groaned. “You already had a couple of those. We’ll need to get you toughened up so that you don’t need me to babysit you all the time. Although… I’ll probably go with you again either way.” *At least he’s honest…* “Um… could I go with you next time as well?” Biance shyly asked. In a knee-jerk reaction, Gaelan’s head whipped around to face his daughter and he immediately asked, “What? Why?” “Umm… well, it sounds like a really interesting place,” she answered. Then, almost to herself, she quietly added, “I could find new recipes, see new things, learn about new plants…” “I’ll consider it…” Gaelan hesitantly replied, at which his daughter gave an adorably pleasant smile that could warm the even coldest of hearts. Satisfied with the reply, she waltzed back into the kitchen with a skip in her step. She even struck into humming a catchy tune. Once she was out of earshot, Gaelan’s eyes moistened ever so slightly as he muttered, “Haven’t heard her sing or hum that song in years…” “That’s because you’re always in the forge,” Aella retorted, giving him a quick flick on the forehead. “Now, are you two going to get your training in or not? I have to admit it’s a tad difficult to read with everyone chattering around me.” “Yeah, we’re going,” Gaelan replied, rubbing his forehead. Craning his neck to look at Ian standing behind him, he said, “Come on, time to train.” “Haaah… fine.” Before heading outside, Gaelan kissed his wife on the head. Her lips curled into a happy smile. Even while walking through the door, Ian wondered how they could go from a quip to a kiss in only a few seconds. It was truly an unfamiliar sight. * * * * * “Hahahahaha! You’re supposed to block that!” Gaelan chided through a cheeky grin. Opposite the man, Ian bent over coughing. A right hook from his muscular mentor had just landed on his gut. Once his coughing spree finally ended, he raised his head and stood straight. Both men faced each other shirtless and barefoot. Taking a deep breath, Ian prepared himself for another whooping and muttered, “Wasn’t expecting a spar…” “Hoh~ It seems you still have energy. Good. Very good. Let’s go again.” “Isn’t this somewhat counterproductive?” Ian asked. “Of course not. Let’s put it like this: while in your world, I realized the place was absurdly peaceful, so I decided to pound some pain into you early on to prepare you for any dangers down the road.” *Is this guy serious? No, wait. He’s totally serious…* Ian thought while squinting at his mentor. *Will this even help at all, though?* “I’m taking it rather easy on you, so just do your best to keep dodging or blocking my attacks for now,” Gaelan instructed. Sighing in resignation, Ian pulled from his limited combat arsenal and assumed a defensive boxing stance he learned back during his high school boxing days. He hoped the stance would offer enough mobility for his current needs. Upon seeing the defensive stance, Gaelan grinned and lashed out with a sharp kick aimed at the rib cage, yelling out a loud ‘Haap!’ in the process. In Ian’s eyes, the man’s leg blurred, but it looked similar to a low kick from Muay Thai, or perhaps even Tae Kwon Do. Either way, he knew focusing on such a thing could get him seriously injured. Despite initially expecting another punch, he reacted just in time to block by raising his own leg to stop it. “Gah! Ouch!” Ian exclaimed as the kick cracked against his thigh, sending him off balance. “Get used to it!” Gaelan retorted while throwing a quick jab toward Ian’s chest since his guard dropped due to the low kick. “Ugh!” Ian groaned as the fist landed squarely on his chest, knocking the air out of him. “Heh. If you see a chance to strike back, then give me your best shot!” Gaelan exclaimed before jumping in and throwing a right straight toward Ian’s jaw. Even though the wind had been knocked out of him, Ian righted himself, coughed, and raised his guard again. Adrenaline pumped through his veins and pushed him to his limits. He narrowly ducked below the swing that looked like it might kill him if it landed. Seriously, was this geezer actually trying to off him? However, instincts told him to go for a counter. He did. Honestly, the sudden movement on Ian’s end briefly surprised Gaelan. He watched with great interest as his apprentice closed the distance and attempted to jab his abdomen. Although he knew he could dodge the hit, he decided to allow it to land, figuring it would be better for Ian in the long run. Flesh cracked against flesh. The initial slap of his jab landing on Gaelan’s abdomen startled Ian. Pain shot through his arm. On top of that, hitting someone with all his strength was a new and unfamiliar experience, even when considering his attempts at boxing several years earlier. “Ouch!” Ian cried out, retreating a few steps. “Hahahaha! You have weak wrists!” Gaelan interjected. “We definitely need to toughen you up!” Due to preoccupying himself with checking his hand, Ian never saw the heel hurtling through the air toward his face until it was too late. “Whoops…” Gaelan muttered as Ian fell to the ground completely unconscious.
{ "title": "The Sun Prince", "id": 21031, "author": "Katsueki", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "Ch13 P2 - Don't send a fox to do a Shogun's job", "id": 305459, "next": 305745, "prev": 305136, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMyMzZjODcxNjRjMzQzYjk5NzBiNmVmZTg5MmFlYTU2">If foxes could die from heart attacks, Kuro would have died right then. His heart still tried, pounding hard enough to bruise his ribs.</p> <p class="cnMzMDA5MGM4ZDQ1NTQ1NzdiNTQ2NTRlNWYwZWI5YTY0">“I came to see how you were enjoying your little friend,” the Shogun said, smiling kindly down at Ren.</p> <p class="cnNkOGExMzdmZmMyODQ1MmRhMGM1YTA4MTVlOGQ5ZTMw">Little friend? The phrase was innocuous enough, but when the Shogun shifted his eyes to Kuro, they stared through him, like he didn’t even exist. The way Ren should have looked at Kuro.</p> <p class="cnNlODg4OTU4OWQ0YTQxMWI5ZDdjMDAxZDc5MDcxMTRm">But then he should be kissing the feet of fate that the Shogun chose to overlook Kuro biting the Sun Prince’s neck. As if Ren were another kit. A submissive kit. He should be praying that very moment that the Shogun understood as little about foxes as every other human.</p> <p class="cnNlMjc3ZjMwMzNlNTRlMDRiMjg0OTExNDgxYTY2ZjVm">“Sorry!” Ren shoved Kuro off him and tripped over the hem of his robe as he scrambled to his feet.</p> <p class="cnM1MDgzOGYwY2M0MjQ3OGM4N2ZjY2Q0ZWYxYzg4MTAy">“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.” The Shogun flicked his eyes away from Kuro. He had the distinct feeling that the Shogun wouldn’t bother to look in his direction again.</p> <p class="cnMyYjEyNTE1MWNlODQ0ZDdiNTI4MjBhNjhmZTBhOGIw">Kuro sat up. The Shogun whacked him square in the head with his fan without taking his eyes off of Ren. He glanced up to find the Shogun glaring at him. Kuro’s heart thumped in his chest. Yumi’s eyes were mere kindling to the look in the Shogun’s eyes.</p> <p class="cnM2OGEyYzhmYjA3ZjQwNDFhNzk2Y2JjODRiMTY3ZWYw">He dropped his forehead to the mat, fingers meeting for the bow Yumi had taught him. The weight of the Shogun’s glare lifted. The whack had been nothing more than a trifling punishment for failing to show due deference. Ren treated Kuro like an equal, but the Shogun held no such delusions.</p> <p class="cnMyNzNlNWZhM2E4ZTQ4MTRiZDk0NjRmM2JkZDQ3ZTRi">But Kuro wasn’t a mere servant. He was the Shogun’s assassin.</p> <p class="cnMwNzcxZjg0ZmMzNzRhODJiZjQxOTllMDZkNzYwZjYw">“I was just teaching him how to read.” Ren laughed nervously.</p> <p class="cnM2ZTNmYjRmOGJiNjQ1NDU4OTIwMzQwNmE1NjVmYzAz">“By tackling him?”</p> <p class="cnNhYmFhMjMwZTc3YjRhM2U4MzIyN2U0ZDc0MjgyNmYw">“He’s an unruly student.”</p> <p class="cnNiNzRkN2IzMGQ4NTRjY2NiZGZhM2YyMGVkNGYyY2Qy">Kuro gritted his teeth. Ren had to shut up before the Shogun decided Kuro was too pathetic to live.</p> <p class="cnMwMjk0MTEwNDdhOTRlZDQ5YjgzZGM3MGJmNzg4NmJm">“I brought this for you.” The Shogun handed Ren a package.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDNjODBjNDM0MTQ3ZTM5NjEyNjhlZTc3YzgxMzc4">Ren unwrapped the cloth and gasped.</p> <p class="cnNhMGEzOTk4MzUyYTQ0NTM4OWNhNTRmNTNlYzU5NzBl">“Mochi with red bean paste,” the Shogun confirmed.</p> <p class="cnMxZGYzMDNmNTBiYjQ4YjQ4N2NmZjJlZjJhYzBiOTc4">“Thank you.” Boards creaked as Ren shifted his weight, followed by the whisper of silk against wood. Bowing. Ren bowed to the Shogun. The hair on the back of Kuro’s neck bristled. Though Ren was only the sun prince, not yet emperor, he was still the Shogun’s superior.</p> <p class="cnM3MmVmNDE3MjI0NzQ2ODNiMTFmNDk2MWJjMDUzM2M1">The veranda creaked as the Shogun moved. “Come, sit.” He patted the spot next to him. Just like Ren had done for Kuro.</p> <p class="cnNjOTAwNDJlMjE5NjRlZmY5ZWFlMDRlODQ5OGQyYTJl">Ren scampered to join him like an eager puppy. Kuro could have kissed the Shogun for forcing him to bow. Anything to not see how Ren looked up at the Shogun, eyes matching the eagerness in his voice.</p> <p class="cnNjZmVjYWQ3NDE4MTQ0ZmJhZTM3OGZjNTQ0MDlkNDhm">“Kuro,” Ren called to him softly. “Come join us.”</p> <p class="cnNjMzQxMjFhYWIxZjRlNWQ4NGVkNGMzOGY2MjJmNGI0">The Shogun grunted, but didn’t retract the invitation. Damn him.</p> <p class="cnMwMGVkNDc4ODI2NjQwYjJhN2E0MTYwZDk2NjM4NDI2">Carefully keeping his head bowed, Kuro shifted out to the veranda. Every movement brought the full weight of the Shogun’s disapproval crashing down upon him. It was almost worst than meeting Ren’s mother. Almost.</p> <p class="cnM2MTMwYjk4NjFjNTQxYmRhZDVjODQ4M2YxNDFmNTFh">Ren gestured for Kuro to sit next to him. Both Ren and the Shogun let their legs fall over the edge. But Kuro knelt behind Ren’s right shoulder, on the opposite side from the Shogun, and one pace back.</p> <p class="cnMxOTc4OGQ4ZTY0MzQ4NjFiNTYyZGE0MThhMTdjYzUw">The Shogun removed his attention. Kuro must have made the right decision.</p> <p class="cnM2MmYxMTRkY2FiNzQ5YzFiOGY4MDE5MzUzNTVkM2Y4">Ren frowned, but didn’t insist Kuro join them. He held a mochi cake out to Kuro.</p> <p class="cnMxYjA1ZWJkODBiZTQzMWM5MWEwMTQ2MmYwNzZmMmVh">Kuro lifted a hand to take it, then hesitated. When Kuro had offered mochi to Ren, Ren had eaten it from his hand. Did they expect the same? Did the Shogun expect Kuro to act like an animal Ren had pacified?</p> <p class="cnNlNGYxNTA1MTE2ODRmMzc4Mzc1OGZmOTE1ZDE5NDI5">Ren shifted his hand so he gripped the mochi from the top. His arm extended further, almost to Kuro’s lap. Ren’s fingers made it impossible to bite the mochi, unless he wanted a mouthful of Ren as well. The Shogun wouldn’t take that well.</p> <p class="cnNlYjQ2NDIwMDI0NDQxNTJhNjQzYjYyODU0MDAxYTI0">Kuro accepted the mochi cake and rested it in his lap, head still bowed. Ren could offer one to him, but he doubted the Shogun would let him eat it in his superiors’ presence.</p> <p class="cnMwOTRiZTFhZGI5NDQ0MTJhZDFiMmY5OGYwNDdkMGYz">Ren nibbled his mochi, pausing every bite to close his eyes with an air of joy. A shiver ran up Kuro’s back, remembering how Ren had nibbled the mochi Kuro had offered until his lips had brushed Kuro’s fingers. His face warmed again. He had only known Ren as a strange, gullible human then, and hadn’t questioned twice why he hadn’t just taken the mochi. But nibbling food from a stray fox’s hand was far below the dignity of a prince. So why—</p> <p class="cnM4M2QyNjI4ZjFjNTQ0ZWE5YmFmOTk3MWFmZmEzZTk0">The Shogun interrupted his thoughts by reaching up to pat Ren on the head, like a kind merchant’s wife patted the head of an especially friendly stray. Kuro bit his lip and forced his hands to stay in his lap, rather than slap the Shogun’s hand away. How dare the Shogun treat Ren like his pet.</p> <p class="cnMzZWFkZDVmNzVkYzQwOWI4ZjIzYWMzYjU3YTQ5MmY3">“The view is still bleak,” the Shogun said. If he noticed Kuro’s ire — if he noticed Kuro at all — he gave no sign of it, intent on Ren’s garden. “You’ve let the garden go too far.”</p> <p class="cnM1ZjdlODY0ODVhZjQ4M2JhODUxYjUwMWFiYjIwYTk2">“I’m sorry,” Ren said.</p> <p class="cnMzMzcwZTQ2MzVjMjRlMTA5NjNhZGVhMmNhMTc1ZmY5">What was Ren sorry about? The garden looked fine to Kuro. Sure, many of the trees were bare of leaves, and the moss had browned. But it was autumn.</p> <p class="cnM4MzJlOGY3NWQ0MTRlMTE5YjM3NDJhYjdmMWU1MzYy">“The pond is murky,” the Shogun said.</p> <p class="cnNmNzUxZjIyYzFhZTQzZGI4Mzk4YWQ0YzJiYWUyYWVk">“The pump broke this summer,” Ren said. “I tried to fix it.”</p> <p class="cnMzZTI2NTc5MTliNTQzYWY4ODdlN2JiZTU4YTE1MWUz">The Shogun grunted, as if affronted that Ren had dared to do something so menial.</p> <p class="cnM3MzkwMTBkNGEwMzQ0OTE5MmM0OTc0ZDY0MmRiNDll">Kuro huffed, pulling at the sticky skin of the mochi. If the Shogun wanted the pump fixed, he should give Ren the money. But then Ren would spend it on something frivolous, like food.</p> <p class="cnMwMGQwOTcxZDJiNTRkYWU5ZWViNjZiYzZmNDg2ODJh">“It’s dark and cloudy. It’ll take many months to clear it. And those weeds are taller than a pony.”</p> <p class="cnNmMGYxODA5MGFlYTQzNjg4ZTEyYjJjNDAzNDAzYTUx">Kuro blinked at the stand of browned stalks. Those weren’t supposed to be there?</p> <p class="cnNlODQyYjczYTNmZjQ1NWU5NGZmZDRlNjRlZWI2NGYy">“I—” Ren started.</p> <p class="cnNkZTYwODQ2NzcxYjQ3MDE4MWJiODRkZTE0ZGFkNmZj">“The cedars are dying.” The Shogun sighed.</p> <p class="cnMwOTZkZWQ0Mzg4ODRjNzdiNjYzNTMwYjUxZjJkYzMz">Ren hung his head.</p> <p class="cnMwMGQ4Y2E5M2M3MjQ2NTNiM2M1MzNkZWJjNzYyMTUz">“It’s autumn,” Kuro interrupted.</p> <p class="cnMzYTgyMzE2MjRjOTQ5YTFhZTcxMWNmOWMxZTJjYWNm">The Shogun sniffed, but didn’t look back.</p> <p class="cnM2ZGY5ZDMzODYzMzRlNDE5MzQwZjA2ZTUxYmY2MjUx">“I like the view.” Kuro didn’t care. The Shogun could beat him black and blue if he liked. “It represents… uh, impertinence.”</p> <p class="cnNkM2U2ZGRiNDYxNTQyZThiNGI2MWQ5MzY3YzdkYTRm">Ren coughed, then hid his mouth behind a fist. “Do you mean, impermanence?”</p> <p class="cnM5OTNhNzc4MWI0OTQwNDFhZThjNjZlZTVjMDk0Mzkz">“That’s what I said.” Kuro dropped his eyes, though, keenly aware he’d messed up the word. He couldn’t even defend Ren with words.</p> <p class="cnM1ZTVmOGI5ZThkZTQ3NjRhZTI1ODFjMjA5NzJkMjg1">“This represents a graveyard,” the Shogun snapped back. “It represents chaos—”</p> <p class="cnNkMjczMThlZjZkNDRiZTliNGFlZjAzODg4OTg2Mjlk">“How about a duel?” Ren interrupted. “I’ve been working hard at the katas you taught me.”</p> <p class="cnMxMTA5NWFhOTA4ZTRjZTk5ODA4ZGQxMjg0ZWI4ZWEz">“Very well.” The Shogun had managed to sound happy at the prospect.</p> <p class="cnNkYWM5MDY4ZTM5YjQxODY4YWFiMTM1ZGJhZTk4YTU1">Ren rose. “I’ll fetch my sword.”</p> <p class="cnNiODdlOTI1NjY5NzQ5NTliMzA1ZGFiYjA5OGYzMDhh">His sword? As in the Imperial sword? The Shogun slipped his feet into sandals and crossed halfway to the pond, one hand on the hilt of his sword. His very, very sharp sword.</p> <p class="cnM0NTFkM2FjZjVmMjQ5ZTdhYTEzYmEyOWI2NjM1MWZm">“Do you need me to fetch the wood practice swords?” Kuro jumped to his feet. “I’ll only be a moment.”</p> <p class="cnMwOGE0NDk5NDQzNzQ3ZDdiNjkwN2IzMDFiNzIyZTNm">“No, that’s all right.” Ren smiled back to him as he strode down the veranda.</p> <p class="cnMyYmRjOWM5ZTA0ZjQyODQ5NDdmN2E3YjcxNGIxNjU4">“Ren.” The single word from the Shogun rang like a temple bell.</p> <p class="cnM5MmQwNTNmNzA2MjQyOGE4MDhkOTkxNzQ5NTU2ZWU4"><em>Ren</em>. His given name. Not Imperial Highness, or a dozen other addresses, but Ren, as if they were equals. Kuro shook his head. But that was stupid. Kuro called him Ren, and Ren insisted on it.</p> <p class="cnM5NzdhZmE1ZGE5ODQyZDQ5ZTRhMzExMDNmMWM3ODE4">The Shogun arched a brow at Ren. “Are you not forgetting something?”</p> <p class="cnNhNmRlOTkwY2YzYTRkOThhZjUxOWYxOTJmZmVlZWU1">Ren tilted his head.</p> <p class="cnNhYjAwOWM5YjcwNTQ0Zjk4MTY3YTFjODg5OWVkOWJl">“Your attire?”</p> <p class="cnNlMTVmNDg4MTkzZTRjMjVhYjE5YjlhMDczN2UzOGE0">Ren stared down his length. Instead of the courtly attire he’d worn while meeting with the onmyouji, he’d chosen the same kind of kimono as Kuro, albeit worth more than the Eastern Shrine. But it was still more courtly than the Shogun’s own. The Shogun had dressed in a simple surcoat and hakama, like a samurai. “I’ll change, as well.”</p> <p class="cnMwZTRlMmM2ODg2MjQwZDg4ZWQ3NDY4NzNiNTBhMDVl">As Ren turned, the Shogun coughed in his hand.</p> <p class="cnNlZGZlODZiNGRiYzRiOTg5ZDk4MWZmZjhmNWVhNzY0">“Yes, Uncle?”</p> <p class="cnNjZDlkMTc4MDI0MzRiYWI5NjljN2ZlODc1OWE0MjAx">“Your <em>friend</em> is here to serve you,” the Shogun said. “Does that not also include dressing you?”</p> <p class="cnM4MzNhYWJhOTNhNTRkZDdhMmQyYjFkOGQ2OGRkNWNl">Ren reddened, his eyes flicking between Kuro and the Shogun. “Er—”</p> <p class="cnM3YTQwYTg2YjY0ZTQwMDdhZDkyMDlkNjE2MTZkZThh">“Yes, of course, your Imperial Highness.” Kuro jumped up and ushered Ren down the veranda to his bed chamber. He even remembered to kneel and open and close the screen door for Ren.</p> <p class="cnM4NmFmZTE4MDAwYTRmODhhZTJjZTI1YjRlMDE2MDRj">Ren crossed to the antechamber where he stored his robes. The Imperial kimono he’d worn to meet with the onmyouji hung on a stand on the opposite wall.</p> <p class="cnNiZWZkZmQyYzE0YTRkOWU4YjIyYzM4MzRhNDI3YTVl">“You can’t do this,” Kuro told him.</p> <p class="cnM5YWI4OGFjYTEwMTQ5MGZhNjhkMDk1NjY5YjBjODBj">“Dress myself?” Ren slid open the drawers for the chest of drawers. “I have for a long time. I don’t expect you to dress me, Kuro. I mean,” he spared Kuro a scanning glance, “you have enough trouble with your own robes.”</p> <p class="cnM3Mjc2YzEwNmU0YjQ5Yjg5ZjMzYWRlOGE1MjNkNGU2">Kuro straightened. After watching Kuro get strangled by the overrobe for twenty minutes that morning, Ren had made him stand still as Ren arranged his kimono around him. “Not the kimono. You can’t duel the Shogun.”</p> <p class="cnM4MTgwOGE5YmE0ZTQyYzVhMzRmNmZmMGNiMTI1OTFm">Ren stripped off his kimono, holding the silk out as if to drop them on the floor. Then he froze and met Kuro’s eyes.</p> <p class="cnM5NjljODY0YzVhYjQ2NWQ5OGRkNDA0ODdiNTk0NTc3">Good, so he finally understood.</p> <p class="cnM4ODc3YjA4YzExYjRiMGFiZjlmZmMzZmJjNjAwYTEz">He snatched the kimono to his chest and then knelt to carefully fold each piece and wrap it in paper to replace in the drawers. “I’ve waited three weeks for the chance.”</p> <p class="cnM3ZmY2ZTg4MGNmOTRlZGM4MmIyNWVmZjcwMGNjN2Jj">“But — but—” Kuro clenched his hands.</p> <p class="cnNkODAwN2ZhMzNjNDQzNDJhMDc3NWIyOGI5MGJhN2Vm">Ren removed his linen underrobe, revealing expanses of delicate skin that would far too easily split under a blade.</p> <p class="cnNjZjcyMzFhMDRkYzQ4ZDQ4Mzg1M2E3NWJlNzdhZjBi">“He’ll kill you,” Kuro whispered. His voice came out too hoarse for more.</p> <p class="cnMxZjJjMWRmNTUzYjQ3OThiNWU0ZTcxNDY3NTk0MDNh">But that was the point, wasn’t it? Ren would die, and Kuro wouldn’t have to do anything but kneel to the side.</p> <p class="cnM4NzYwMWM1ZGMwYzQzNzJhN2ZjNTgyYzEzY2RjZWZk">Ren appeared in front of him, dressed in the same samurai style as the Shogun. The Shogun must have planned this duel. He knew Ren would ask, and so came properly dressed to kill the Sun Prince. “He won’t even land a point against me.”</p> <p class="cnNhNzljMzEwMzgyZjRjYTJiMGU4YTgxZmE0M2QyNDhm">The Shogun had already won.</p> <p class="cnM5NDA4ZjA3ZTYxNjQ3NTc4MTg2ZjMzZjgzY2E5YmVi">“Armour!” Kuro exclaimed. “Where’s your armour?”</p> <p class="cnM3MDk1NTQwZDcwNTRjNmY4NmU2OWU3ZTdjODYzZmJj">Ren dismissed him with a wave of his hand, and took the Kusanagi from the alcove. He slid the sheath through his sash. “Duelling without armour is good for me, Uncle Gorou says. I’m not likely to be attacked when I’m ready for it.”</p> <p class="cnNiNzM0OGQ3MGZhZjRjMjJiMjk5NDZkNzkxMmY0Y2Q3">He left, not even pausing to allow Kuro to open it for him. Likely he knew that Kuro wouldn’t. Kuro jumped up and followed him. Ren smiled at the Shogun as if the Shogun had handed him a platter of mochi.</p> <p class="cnM5NDY5Y2JhNTQ5YzQ2ZDJhOThmN2EwODA3Y2NhMjgz">“Don’t!” Kuro jumped between him and the Shogun. “Today’s an inauspicious day for duels.”</p> <p class="cnM5MTMwNTJmYzQxZjQ3Y2Y4NTk1YmY1Y2FiNGY3NTUw">A very weak excuse at that.</p> <p class="cnNjZmJlNjU3MzY3YjQ4MGE5Y2E2NmNiZDMwYzc0M2Y5">“It’s only practice.” Ren frowned.</p> <p class="cnNhNDFmZGE0MmIyYjQ4ZmRiMGE3ODBjOTQwYTM0YzNk">“Practice duels are doubly bad.” If he was in for a grain of rice, he might as well be in for a pound. “The shadows hanging over the palace demand blood, and will shift blades into unwary places.”</p> <p class="cnNmZjNkNmFkOWFhNTQ2ZThhYjExMmYxNDk0Y2EzNjky">“Oh?” The Shogun asked, his voice as deep as a mountain’s. “Which shadows are these?”</p> <p class="cnMxODVmMmU4NTU1NjQ0OTE5MTM2MWYzNDdlZjM5MDU3">“The ones that hang around this complex,” he said. “They cry out for the blood of the man who defeated their lineage.”</p> <p class="cnNkMWMwOTk3MGQxMDRjZGZhNjVmYjliZjJhOTg0YjY3">“Kuro, really,” Ren said. “I only get to practice when Uncle Gorou visits.”</p> <p class="cnNiN2M4M2Y0MWQzMjQxYmJhNzYxNDQyMzI2NWZmNmE1">“But—”</p> <p class="cnM3OTI0N2U5ZWY3MDQyMzU5NjQyYWYzNzVhN2U1OGQx">Ren hopped off the veranda and joined the Shogun by a stone lantern, standing five paces away. Kuro’s protests died in his throat, kicking and croaking like a swallowed frog. Neither human had eyes for him, their attention firmly on the other.</p> <p class="cnNmYWQ5NTUwNThjODRkNmRiNjhkNjNjZWVmM2ZkNTYw">Kuro clenched his hands on his knees, willing himself to remain seated.</p> <p class="cnM2YTY2NDMxY2Q2YzRhZDI4ZGYzZGMzNWJlMzJkZDkx">Ren and the Shogun bowed to each other. Hands on their hilts, they approached each other. They drew their swords, blades meeting in the centre.</p> <p class="cnM3MzhiZGFhNzVjZTQxMzM4MDkxMjJiYTk1ODk5ZDhj">Kuro whimpered. Useless, stupid fox. Unable to kill the Sun Prince. Unable to save him. He could only watch Ren die, but he’d probably mess that up too. </p> <p class="cnM5MzQ5ZGY5ZDU3NDRjY2VhNjgzYjlhNDNkOGM5Njg1"> </p> </div>
If foxes could die from heart attacks, Kuro would have died right then. His heart still tried, pounding hard enough to bruise his ribs. “I came to see how you were enjoying your little friend,” the Shogun said, smiling kindly down at Ren. Little friend? The phrase was innocuous enough, but when the Shogun shifted his eyes to Kuro, they stared through him, like he didn’t even exist. The way Ren should have looked at Kuro. But then he should be kissing the feet of fate that the Shogun chose to overlook Kuro biting the Sun Prince’s neck. As if Ren were another kit. A submissive kit. He should be praying that very moment that the Shogun understood as little about foxes as every other human. “Sorry!” Ren shoved Kuro off him and tripped over the hem of his robe as he scrambled to his feet. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.” The Shogun flicked his eyes away from Kuro. He had the distinct feeling that the Shogun wouldn’t bother to look in his direction again. Kuro sat up. The Shogun whacked him square in the head with his fan without taking his eyes off of Ren. He glanced up to find the Shogun glaring at him. Kuro’s heart thumped in his chest. Yumi’s eyes were mere kindling to the look in the Shogun’s eyes. He dropped his forehead to the mat, fingers meeting for the bow Yumi had taught him. The weight of the Shogun’s glare lifted. The whack had been nothing more than a trifling punishment for failing to show due deference. Ren treated Kuro like an equal, but the Shogun held no such delusions. But Kuro wasn’t a mere servant. He was the Shogun’s assassin. “I was just teaching him how to read.” Ren laughed nervously. “By tackling him?” “He’s an unruly student.” Kuro gritted his teeth. Ren had to shut up before the Shogun decided Kuro was too pathetic to live. “I brought this for you.” The Shogun handed Ren a package. Ren unwrapped the cloth and gasped. “Mochi with red bean paste,” the Shogun confirmed. “Thank you.” Boards creaked as Ren shifted his weight, followed by the whisper of silk against wood. Bowing. Ren bowed to the Shogun. The hair on the back of Kuro’s neck bristled. Though Ren was only the sun prince, not yet emperor, he was still the Shogun’s superior. The veranda creaked as the Shogun moved. “Come, sit.” He patted the spot next to him. Just like Ren had done for Kuro. Ren scampered to join him like an eager puppy. Kuro could have kissed the Shogun for forcing him to bow. Anything to not see how Ren looked up at the Shogun, eyes matching the eagerness in his voice. “Kuro,” Ren called to him softly. “Come join us.” The Shogun grunted, but didn’t retract the invitation. Damn him. Carefully keeping his head bowed, Kuro shifted out to the veranda. Every movement brought the full weight of the Shogun’s disapproval crashing down upon him. It was almost worst than meeting Ren’s mother. Almost. Ren gestured for Kuro to sit next to him. Both Ren and the Shogun let their legs fall over the edge. But Kuro knelt behind Ren’s right shoulder, on the opposite side from the Shogun, and one pace back. The Shogun removed his attention. Kuro must have made the right decision. Ren frowned, but didn’t insist Kuro join them. He held a mochi cake out to Kuro. Kuro lifted a hand to take it, then hesitated. When Kuro had offered mochi to Ren, Ren had eaten it from his hand. Did they expect the same? Did the Shogun expect Kuro to act like an animal Ren had pacified? Ren shifted his hand so he gripped the mochi from the top. His arm extended further, almost to Kuro’s lap. Ren’s fingers made it impossible to bite the mochi, unless he wanted a mouthful of Ren as well. The Shogun wouldn’t take that well. Kuro accepted the mochi cake and rested it in his lap, head still bowed. Ren could offer one to him, but he doubted the Shogun would let him eat it in his superiors’ presence. Ren nibbled his mochi, pausing every bite to close his eyes with an air of joy. A shiver ran up Kuro’s back, remembering how Ren had nibbled the mochi Kuro had offered until his lips had brushed Kuro’s fingers. His face warmed again. He had only known Ren as a strange, gullible human then, and hadn’t questioned twice why he hadn’t just taken the mochi. But nibbling food from a stray fox’s hand was far below the dignity of a prince. So why— The Shogun interrupted his thoughts by reaching up to pat Ren on the head, like a kind merchant’s wife patted the head of an especially friendly stray. Kuro bit his lip and forced his hands to stay in his lap, rather than slap the Shogun’s hand away. How dare the Shogun treat Ren like his pet. “The view is still bleak,” the Shogun said. If he noticed Kuro’s ire — if he noticed Kuro at all — he gave no sign of it, intent on Ren’s garden. “You’ve let the garden go too far.” “I’m sorry,” Ren said. What was Ren sorry about? The garden looked fine to Kuro. Sure, many of the trees were bare of leaves, and the moss had browned. But it was autumn. “The pond is murky,” the Shogun said. “The pump broke this summer,” Ren said. “I tried to fix it.” The Shogun grunted, as if affronted that Ren had dared to do something so menial. Kuro huffed, pulling at the sticky skin of the mochi. If the Shogun wanted the pump fixed, he should give Ren the money. But then Ren would spend it on something frivolous, like food. “It’s dark and cloudy. It’ll take many months to clear it. And those weeds are taller than a pony.” Kuro blinked at the stand of browned stalks. Those weren’t supposed to be there? “I—” Ren started. “The cedars are dying.” The Shogun sighed. Ren hung his head. “It’s autumn,” Kuro interrupted. The Shogun sniffed, but didn’t look back. “I like the view.” Kuro didn’t care. The Shogun could beat him black and blue if he liked. “It represents… uh, impertinence.” Ren coughed, then hid his mouth behind a fist. “Do you mean, impermanence?” “That’s what I said.” Kuro dropped his eyes, though, keenly aware he’d messed up the word. He couldn’t even defend Ren with words. “This represents a graveyard,” the Shogun snapped back. “It represents chaos—” “How about a duel?” Ren interrupted. “I’ve been working hard at the katas you taught me.” “Very well.” The Shogun had managed to sound happy at the prospect. Ren rose. “I’ll fetch my sword.” His sword? As in the Imperial sword? The Shogun slipped his feet into sandals and crossed halfway to the pond, one hand on the hilt of his sword. His very, very sharp sword. “Do you need me to fetch the wood practice swords?” Kuro jumped to his feet. “I’ll only be a moment.” “No, that’s all right.” Ren smiled back to him as he strode down the veranda. “Ren.” The single word from the Shogun rang like a temple bell. *Ren*. His given name. Not Imperial Highness, or a dozen other addresses, but Ren, as if they were equals. Kuro shook his head. But that was stupid. Kuro called him Ren, and Ren insisted on it. The Shogun arched a brow at Ren. “Are you not forgetting something?” Ren tilted his head. “Your attire?” Ren stared down his length. Instead of the courtly attire he’d worn while meeting with the onmyouji, he’d chosen the same kind of kimono as Kuro, albeit worth more than the Eastern Shrine. But it was still more courtly than the Shogun’s own. The Shogun had dressed in a simple surcoat and hakama, like a samurai. “I’ll change, as well.” As Ren turned, the Shogun coughed in his hand. “Yes, Uncle?” “Your *friend* is here to serve you,” the Shogun said. “Does that not also include dressing you?” Ren reddened, his eyes flicking between Kuro and the Shogun. “Er—” “Yes, of course, your Imperial Highness.” Kuro jumped up and ushered Ren down the veranda to his bed chamber. He even remembered to kneel and open and close the screen door for Ren. Ren crossed to the antechamber where he stored his robes. The Imperial kimono he’d worn to meet with the onmyouji hung on a stand on the opposite wall. “You can’t do this,” Kuro told him. “Dress myself?” Ren slid open the drawers for the chest of drawers. “I have for a long time. I don’t expect you to dress me, Kuro. I mean,” he spared Kuro a scanning glance, “you have enough trouble with your own robes.” Kuro straightened. After watching Kuro get strangled by the overrobe for twenty minutes that morning, Ren had made him stand still as Ren arranged his kimono around him. “Not the kimono. You can’t duel the Shogun.” Ren stripped off his kimono, holding the silk out as if to drop them on the floor. Then he froze and met Kuro’s eyes. Good, so he finally understood. He snatched the kimono to his chest and then knelt to carefully fold each piece and wrap it in paper to replace in the drawers. “I’ve waited three weeks for the chance.” “But — but—” Kuro clenched his hands. Ren removed his linen underrobe, revealing expanses of delicate skin that would far too easily split under a blade. “He’ll kill you,” Kuro whispered. His voice came out too hoarse for more. But that was the point, wasn’t it? Ren would die, and Kuro wouldn’t have to do anything but kneel to the side. Ren appeared in front of him, dressed in the same samurai style as the Shogun. The Shogun must have planned this duel. He knew Ren would ask, and so came properly dressed to kill the Sun Prince. “He won’t even land a point against me.” The Shogun had already won. “Armour!” Kuro exclaimed. “Where’s your armour?” Ren dismissed him with a wave of his hand, and took the Kusanagi from the alcove. He slid the sheath through his sash. “Duelling without armour is good for me, Uncle Gorou says. I’m not likely to be attacked when I’m ready for it.” He left, not even pausing to allow Kuro to open it for him. Likely he knew that Kuro wouldn’t. Kuro jumped up and followed him. Ren smiled at the Shogun as if the Shogun had handed him a platter of mochi. “Don’t!” Kuro jumped between him and the Shogun. “Today’s an inauspicious day for duels.” A very weak excuse at that. “It’s only practice.” Ren frowned. “Practice duels are doubly bad.” If he was in for a grain of rice, he might as well be in for a pound. “The shadows hanging over the palace demand blood, and will shift blades into unwary places.” “Oh?” The Shogun asked, his voice as deep as a mountain’s. “Which shadows are these?” “The ones that hang around this complex,” he said. “They cry out for the blood of the man who defeated their lineage.” “Kuro, really,” Ren said. “I only get to practice when Uncle Gorou visits.” “But—” Ren hopped off the veranda and joined the Shogun by a stone lantern, standing five paces away. Kuro’s protests died in his throat, kicking and croaking like a swallowed frog. Neither human had eyes for him, their attention firmly on the other. Kuro clenched his hands on his knees, willing himself to remain seated. Ren and the Shogun bowed to each other. Hands on their hilts, they approached each other. They drew their swords, blades meeting in the centre. Kuro whimpered. Useless, stupid fox. Unable to kill the Sun Prince. Unable to save him. He could only watch Ren die, but he’d probably mess that up too.
{ "title": "Transmigrating Upgrade Specialist", "id": 21190, "author": "yungsern87", "rating": 3.8 }
{ "title": "Chapter 32 - Trouble Come at Unexpected Time (2)", "id": 305460, "next": 305503, "prev": 305402, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM4NmM3MzhkM2M4ODQ5MWViZTc2MTU5NjM1ZTk0MmQw">While he was still sleeping, the Wen Wu City outskirt is facing a rigorous attack lead by the three third Lan Shan siblings. The attack received heavy retaliation from the city, but due to a large number of refugees escaping from the fire of war, the city gate was not allowed to be closed at this moment.</p> <p class="cnM5ZmM4YTZmZWM2YjQ0NTA5ODMwOGYwOTcxNWE1MGY1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NThiMTk4ODRiNzRkY2ZhYTZjOGE1ZjYyMGYwY2E5">Fuelled with the experience from fighting and robberies, the eldest of the three siblings, Lan Shan Yi lead his people and charged into the City wall, and tried to destroys their enemies from the inside. The attack lead by him quickly gives out a result of a temporary victory, with many soldiers are either injured or killed. Corpses lying almost everywhere, but most of them belonged to a male.</p> <p class="cnM3NjA2YTJkZDAzMzQ3MjdiMzZhNmMxMzFiMGQzYWU5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhZGU0MDI1YjczMjQwYzM4MDZlNzYxMWZjYmQ5ZGM0">As for those females, there was a special squad among them that specialized in drugging the females before they were dragged into a cage pulled by an Iron Scale Bull. This sight alone shows how organized is this troops of bandits, and also in their way in kidnapping, robbing, and killing.</p> <p class="cnNjMzkwMDM2YjFkNzQ3NWU5ZGI4MDczYmY1MDc3YzU2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMDZlMzg4MTdiNjQwODk5ZTU2ODk5NjJkODViNDU0">But in the eyes of those higher-ups, such as the Seven Star Sect, this was a challenge to their authorities. Not even the Seven Star Sect can freely use the three Iron Scale Bulls in their collection, and yet the bandits from Orchid Mountain can simply drive one out for the sake of kidnapping female to be brought back home to rape?</p> <p class="cnMzNTc3MDQ1ZWFlMDQzMmU4MjVhYjQ4MzczMjNlYTQ3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzNGY3YjY2NGViZDQ3YTA4OTBjYzY2YjYzN2JhZmVi">And due to the written rule that was passed down from one generation to another, those above Sheng Tian Process aren't allowed to participate in these kinds of battles due to the unspoken rules, and so, only those within the Inner Qi Elder and below are allowed to participates. This restriction caused the destruction to alleviate further, causing more damage just because of the sake of protecting their image as a Sheng Tian Cultivators.</p> <p class="cnMzNTQxY2Q5NTNjMTQ5YTRhMDU0MzVkZGFjZTk0MWMy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZGQ2NmQ4NDgwZTRiNzdhNDI0ODJmNDRlZmU2Yzll">Soon, the Militarized Forces came out from their base and strike deep into the formation of the bandits, but what they did not imagine was the weapon of those bandits was smeared with the poison from their Orchid Mountain, known as Hallucination of Orchids. Like its name, those poisoned cultivators will begin to hallucinate, and everything they see in their eyes will turn into man-eating orchid flowers.</p> <p class="cnNjYmE4MGNhNjUzYzQzOWZhZmZmODY5M2FjNmY3YzRj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwNTlhNjgyMWUwYzRiOGI5YzVjMWI3NGY1NzExOWU0">This poison soon caused internal damage to the Militarized Forces, because the poison forced their people to fight against their own. It was a very bad situation, which forced the people at the northern gate of the Wen Wu City is retreating back to the central.</p> <p class="cnM4ZDZjMmM3ZTE5NzRjZWFhYmQ1NGFmZWIyZjQ1MGJk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0OTFmYzQ0ODUyMjRmZTY5YWQwNmI3NzZmZmZmYjA2">With another layer of the defensive wall erected in the inner city, the Wen Wu City is safe for time being, until the aid comes from the Seven Star Sect.</p> <p class="cnNlZDdhZDgyMzkwOTQ4NGNhNWI1ZTdlNjM2ODZiMWIw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzMDEwOWE5ZjE1NDQzNjY5ZmIxMDRmMjM1Y2I2ODQ0">At another side, their youngest leader, Lan Shan Yao is leading an attack towards the Apprentice Hall located at the Northeast of the Wen Wu City. Following behind him is a total of three hundred bandits, all of them in their 3rd and 4th stage of an Inner Qi Fighters.</p> <p class="cnMzNzdjNjY2NjNhMDQxMzc5YzdlZjk2NjZlZDJkODQ2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MjllOGI4MTNlZDQ5Y2FiNjNhYTE4ZjZkOWRhYmMz">But the moment they reach the Apprentice Hall, all of their gate leading into the building is closed tightly. The quick spreading news and fire burning from the City north gate allowed the members of the Apprentice Hall to prepare and quickly seal the doors before trying to defend themselves.</p> <p class="cnNjNzViMzIxYWZlMDRiYTViZWJhNjczMGJlMWEzM2Jk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkNDlkNzMyMzA0MTRkODVhMmQ5MDJhYjk1ODEzNTE2">One of the members, which is the disciple that smashed the egg on his own and kneel before Zhang Wu Ji run to the top of the building and ignites an arrow before he fired them up to the skies. The exploded fireworks notified the slave disciples that worked in the Apprentice Hall before to rush towards the Master Senior Ninth's courtyard and bang his door ferociously!</p> <p class="cnNkZGQyMTYxNmY4MjQzNTNhYzgxMzBkNGFmOTViMjVm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwOTAyMTg5YzM1NTRjMzliODUyNDZiODAxZWU5Mzdk">"What happened!" Tang Yuan came out to see who dare to create trouble at night time, especially when their master is fast asleep.</p> <p class="cnMyYzhlM2U5YmMwMDQ3YWI5ZDc5ZTgyZjU0NTgwZTY4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhMjdlYzFkMzZkNTRhZDc5MTNkYmM2OTU0NTVjMzFj">"Brother Tang Yuan, Apprentice Hall shot a firework just now, that is our emergency signal! Please tell Master Senior Ninth!" the group of slave disciples quickly explained their reason, but before Tang Yuan reacts, the gong in the Training ground ranged, calling for a gathering of all disciples!</p> <p class="cnMzNDFhZGU5NjlmMDQwMTc5NDc4NmMyZjIyZjU1NzZi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0OGQ2ZWNhMGE5NDQ0NThhNGVlNGE0ZDk4MDdiZjhh">"Wen Wu City under attack! Wen Wu City under attack! The attackers are the people from Orchid Mountain!" many disciples that received the news immediately spreads the news of the attack, and tried to gather as much disciple as possible to react on this attack!</p> <p class="cnM3OGRhNjQxNTcyOTRkNWM4NDE2MDM4OGIzNzEyOTQ1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzYzE3OTNmOWQ0ODQ4OWM5ZjdjNzE0NjI0ZjZkMzQz">But this gathering will take a lot of preparation! By the time their preparation is completed, the attack will be over. But without preparations before dispatching people out, won't that equal to the act of "Delivering food to the mouth of a tiger?"</p> <p class="cnM4YmMwZThmMzJkODQ2Y2FhNmExYTNlZTlkZmI5YTky">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyMzZlOTYxYzY3ZTRjMjE5ZTE3NzRlNDU5ZGE3YWE0">As the gong continue to get beaten, Tang Yuan went to Zhang Wu Ji's door and knock politely, but in a more extreme manner. Since the youth wasn't sleeping, to begin with, he opened the door. Minutes later after he got briefed by Tang Yuan and the other slave disciples, Zhang Wu Ji prepared to leave for the city.</p> <p class="cnMyYjE1MTJiZTI4YTQ5ZjZiZDZkZjA1NzYzMWVmNjNh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhYWE4MGU2NTEyMDQyYzQ5YzEwNzBiYzM4NTIyMjRj">"Junior brother ninth, come up!" before he can react, a sword hovers just above his courtyard, with his eight senior brother and sisters were riding on top of their master's Flying Sword.</p> <p class="cnNmNmEzNmYyMTZkMTRmYjE4MTNlNzYzNDIzMDEzNmRm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MmRiOGIzODA5NjQ1NzM4NGJkOTY0YzI5OGM5YzY5">"This!" Zhang Wu Ji wanted to ask, but the important matter should come first! He jumps upwards and balanced himself on the sword, before the sword driven by the Grand Elder of the Right, Xing Yi Chen.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjM5M2E1ZTlkODRlYjc4N2NjZTcxNmJjZDg3YjQ4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5MGZkMWY5YzYwMTRkZjhiYzBhMmNhNDYzZTFlNjQ5">"Ask later! We will go now!" the grand elder drives the flying sword immediately as they headed at the Wen Wu City, but this action may cause disturbance to the public later, no matter if they won or lost. Because, in order to defend against the attack by the third generation of the Lan Shan Clan, the Seven Star Sect were forced to send in nine strongest disciples from the sect to deter their forces.</p> <p class="cnNlNjVlODBiYTZkNzRjOGU4NTYyYzEzZmU2NDc5MjMw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1MDJkNjg0MTJmNTRlNTA4MWRiYzJhOWI3MmNhYzUw">"Bam!" other fireworks were seen in the sky. That was where the Apprentice Hall is located.</p> <p class="cnNhZjQ1MmQ4NzljNzQ2ODJhNzY2NWZhMjhkNGYzNDBj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNGJjODRjZjJhNzRjYzM5NzhmY2ExMjYyZjUzOWZm">"What a bandit! How dare you attack my efforts and my life achievements!" when the sword almost reaches the airspace belonged to the Wen Wu City, he noticed another explosion happened not too far from his place.</p> <p class="cnM1YTcyODY4ZDhjNzRkODliOGRlNDY4MDc2ZmQ3NzBj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwNzZhMjBkZTgyZTRlNzhhNWRjNmFkZjliMjkyYTRm">"Senior brother and sisters, I will protect the Apprentice Hall, everyone please be careful!" he hop and descends from the flying sword and went straight to the Apprentice Hall's direction in order to make sure nothing happened on his hard earn treasure and cash, his people, and of course, his buildings!</p> <p class="cnNkZjA4YzY3NmY5YzQ4YWJhYWY4YzEzODdiNzI1ODNm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhNDlhNzlmMmVhZTRkMGRhNDNhNGJmZGIxODJhNjBm">While he was running...</p> <p class="cnM0MGQzYjI5ZDY1ZDRkNzk5OGYzYjU3ZTIyMzJiNjQy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MjJmY2E5NDhiMzRiZjdiYTU4MTNlYzZjN2VmMThi">"Damn! How come the wooden door of their entrance is so difficult to destroy? We already chopping them for almost half an hour now!" the three bandits complaint because the door is still standing sturdy after so many strikes from their swords.</p> <p class="cnMxNDAzYzY2YThlODQ4MGY4MTViMzYxNWYxNDYzNjgw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzOTNlYWM0MTg3ZDQ2NDA4NGJhMjkwZjM3YzNlNGY4">"Same here! The wall is not too high, but those defending behind the wall is what makes this issue difficult! How can they know where we will come in from?" a few bandits were injured after being stabbed by a spear the moment he tried to jump across the wall as high as six feet.</p> <p class="cnM0NDQ3OTE1NWUyNDQ4YmJhYTkzZmIxMDNiZmI4M2Vi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhYzM5Njc1YzQwOTQwZDFhODA2ZjRkZGFkOWEwYmY5">Sturdy Oak Main Gate</p> <p class="cnMwM2RjN2VjYTY4MDQ0ZWM5OWQxYzllMzRmZmQ3NTk2">-Usage: to cover and protect the building from any invaders or uninvited visitors.</p> <p class="cnM1MzVmZDUzMGZhZTQxYTJiYTRkMTk1NDQ5ODE4MjUx">-Defense: 16</p> <p class="cnM3YmQ5MTNkYWZiZjQ3NGI4ZmMyYjY3YjM1NjNjYTU5">-Durability: 20/20</p> <p class="cnNlNDkzNjcwZGJjYjRiODBhYWMxZDI1ZjNmNDM5NTc1">-Special: if the attack to barge in is done by using swords, repair the durability of the door by 1</p> <p class="cnM3OWRhMTAxNmRjMzRkN2NiOTdkMzAzN2Y2MmE5ZDA0">-</p> <p class="cnMxYzFlOTVmMTNjNDQyNmZiOTE4NWEyMDJlYTQ3Njc5">Heat-Seeking Iron Spear</p> <p class="cnNkYWMwNzRiZGIxMTRmYzViMTZhZGU4YjdmMmY3MzVl">-Attack: 7</p> <p class="cnMxOTk3OTkzMjVkNDQxNWM4OTU4NjA4MzBiN2Q0MWRl">-Defense: 3</p> <p class="cnM2MjVjMTc0NjJjZDQ5YzE4YTczMWM3MDIzN2ZiZmMx">-Durability: 13/13</p> <p class="cnM3ZDYwNmI4YjI1NjQ2YjdhODQwMTcyY2Y4OGY0NDdj">-Special: when equipped, allowed the user to see and caught the enemies with body heat wherever they go</p> <p class="cnM1N2IyY2QyNzg4NDQxYjQ4OWM0ZTFjZjAwNmYwZGI2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjNTE2ZDc3OTM0YzRhYzI4MzAwMDkwMjFjMjgyMzBm">"Leave, let me get rid of this obstacles!"</p> <p class="cnM2MTJhMWU5YmVjNDQxMzA5MDk3YjY3YzA4ZjAwZDgy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5NjllMDIxNThiYTQ0NTNiMDMwZjdhNmUyYTkzMzcz">"Three-Point Fighter Qi Fist!" Lan Shan Yao strikes at the Main Gate using his full 9th Stage of Inner Qi Fighter's strength, and still, he was shocked with the sturdiness of the door. Although his attack managed to cause a destruction force worth 22 points, it was barely enough to destroy the door with a strike! After the reduction of 16 points due to the poor physical defense, only 6 point of damage managed to destroy the door slightly, reducing its durability by 6.</p> <p class="cnM2ZTNiMGYwMmJhYTRjZTQ5NTNiZGY2ZjVmM2YxNzhl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlZmU5YzBlZmQwYzQ4N2Q5YTM2ZWEwMDY0NWVhZmFi">"One more!" Lan Shan Yao strikes for the second, third, and fourth time, only to finally see an almost broken door. But his attempt is deemed to be a failure. Fuelled with the intention to obtain his boss attention, the three bandits went to attack the main door with their sword once more, and assist in the recovery to return to normal. The once almost broken door was repaired out of the blue due to the three idiot's attack.</p> <p class="cnM3YTMyNWEwNDA1MTRmZWE4YjZhN2Q5YzY4MzZjYTBm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NmEwMjA4MmJiOTQ4NTViMzM1N2Q1MjIxNmRjNGY2">"Are you here to help me or disturb me?" the thought angered him because that four strikes already took out almost 200 strands of Fighter Qi inside his body. Although he was a 9th Stage Inner Qi Fighter, his maximum limit of Inner Qi is only about 800++, thus the tiring part is normal for him.</p> <p class="cnNlZGUxZjYwZTE2ZjRmNjQ5NWE0NDM2ZDMwZDhiYzQx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4YzQ2NzVjZjZhNTQ1NGI4MzkxM2UyYjg0MjNjZjY1">"Stop! How dare you mess with me outside of my place!" Zhang Wu Ji appeared, along with the Iron Ruler on his right hand. He landed on the ground right in the middle of the bandits, and without a warning, the swing of his ruler strikes and landed a critical hit on two of the unaware bandits!</p> <p class="cnM0MjkxODIxZGZmNDRkZGM4MjVkZmVlMDVkNzUwZjk1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NDM3ZGIzMDczNjRmYjhiYmVmODI0ZGZlZDYyOTc0">"Master Senior! Master Senior Ninth is here to save us!" the members of the Apprentice Hall cried out loudly, with swords and spears clashes at each another when those inside shouts. With a roar, the door is opened, as the twenty members from the Martial Art Department and Hunting Department came out to assist him.</p> <p class="cnMwM2E0MTMyODc4MTQ1OTQ4ZWI0YTBiYTkxYmQyNjRi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzN2Y0ODBiMWU5NzQ4NDliYmViMGE5NmFlYzhjOGI4">"Fist of Destruction Qi!" the twenty people execute their killing move at the same time, blowing apart all the bandit's crowd away from them. The surprise was shocking enough to make all of them awed with it, while twenty of the bandits is crying on the ground, with few punches mark on their body and face.</p> <p class="cnNlM2M0ZDVlNDQzYzRkZDg4NjU0MTM5Y2YwY2M1ZDRj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhNjE5NTdiMjNjNzQyNDc4OThjMjc3YzFlMjBhOGE5">But at this moment, those from Herbalist, Alchemist, and Forging Department went out from the building, and tied the bandits using the rope in their hand, and links them together, to not allow any of them successfully escape.</p> <p class="cnMyNjUwNWJlMDkxZTQ1ZTI4MTlhNDgxZWJlZjQzNDU2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhYjllMTBjYTI1ZjQ2MWM4N2U4ODg3MmVmYzFjNzg4">"How dare you mess with me! Three-Point Fighter Qi Fist!" Lan Shan Yao angrily shouts and execute a three chain attack at Zhang Wu Ji, but through a swing of his Iron Ruler, he deflected two attacks, and received the last attack with a heavy strike from his middle tier Fist of Destruction Qi!</p> <p class="cnNjOWY5YWFkYjU0ODQyZGI4N2FhNWNmOGQ3OTE4OWZi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjNmIxZmY2MDQxZTQyNWJiYzBkYmU5ZjQyOTllNTgz">The retaliation from Zhang Wu Ji pushes the opponent back, but he did not relax himself seeing he was able to overcome the attack. This may just be the weakest attack from his opponent to gauge his strength before he retaliates in a profound manner. But for the bandit boss, this ends up as a disgrace! The reason is simple, it was because by saving himself from landing a deadly strike, it means;</p> <p class="cnMwM2Y2MjhiZGU1MjQ1OTlhZTBmZDUwN2NjNGE2N2I3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkMWE1NDk5NmU0MDRmNWI4MzU5OGU3ZDJmYmYxNmFk">"You're looking down on me!!!"</p> <p class="cnM1MWQ2OWIzOTkxMzRjN2RhYzc0MjQzOWJlMjA2NjNj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMGJiZTc5MjNkZDQ5YjFhODExNmJmYjg0OGNiNmU5">Lan Shan Yao pushes his strength to his top, and like a ferocious beast, he strikes forwards with both palm were covered with his Fighter Qi. With such a risky charge, he must have some trump card hidden in his hand. His both palms randomly strike the stones and building as he approaches Zhang Wu Ji, and up to his expectation, this Bandit leader did hide his trick from his opponent's sight.</p> <p class="cnMzMDYzOGY2ZjI2ZDQyZTNiZmUwMzUxZWM0MzU4MTEz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5NmI4OTBiMjEzODRhOTZiMjBhNGViMmRkMzg1Njdm">His hand turned into his back, and with a pull of his wrist, a soft copper made sword was revealed Lan Shan Yao strikes his strongest and deadliest attack.</p> <p class="cnMyMmMyNDk0MzQ5OTQ1MjViYzg5NmY5NDEyMzIzZWFh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlYmEwZTVlNmJiMDRlZGRhZTJkYmZlMDA2ZGU3ODgy">"First-Wave Strike!" unexpectedly, he executed the lowest tier attack from the Three-Wave Sword Art, the Sword Art that made his father's name famous in the Seven Star County.</p> <p class="cnM5OWIwNDhhMTUxNTQ4YmZiNTBiNjc1YjdiY2Y2MGU0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2MzkxMDI5MTQzYzQ1YmY4ZjQyMTI0YTFiOTQ3ZGNm">But it was unfortunate...</p> <p class="cnM4ZTcyOTM2MTk2MzRmODk4MTIxMDg0N2E1YTQ1NTI2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0Y2NhN2IyMGUwNjQzZGFhMzk1ZTg0YjRjNjliMzQ1">This is why they say, Luck is important in this kind of situation.</p> <p class="cnM3OTVmN2FhOWU5NzQ3NjA4OTYwYjhiY2EzNGQ4MGZj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NzlhZDAxOWQzYjRiYjk4N2IzODhjNjJhZjAwZTk4">"Shatter Strike activates!" Zhang Wu Ji activated the 2nd special ability possessed by his Iron Ruler. And with a heavy strike, his attack destroys the copper sword which was made from a very soft alloy material, before the Shatter Strike landed on his body.</p> <p class="cnM5OGVlMzA1MjE3MDRmNTFiZjU1YzNlMzI2ZjgxYzBm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkYjgzYWEwZTllYTRmZTE4YjUxNDgwODZmMzQ4YmY2">Three strikes. One on his chest, one on his back, and the last one on his pelvis. This three Shattering Effect Strike cracked almost all the bones in his body before Zhang Wu Ji tied him up. As for the others, he easily defeated them along with his members, and lead to the North Gate to provide assistance.</p> <p class="cnMzODllZTQ1YWMyYzQ5MDc4YTdjOTRhYzcwMDU0ODhl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkZTk3NDE0Mzk2OTQ5MTQ4NGIzNGQ5OTI5NWFhYTAy">Following behind him is the 301 bandits that were soon to become his bargaining chips when he tried to stop the other bandits. Although the others wanted to follow Zhang Wu Ji, he stops them from doing so, and only allowed the ten from Martial Art Department to helps. With ten more people helping in handling the bandits, they make their way forward.</p> <p class="cnM5ZTFlOWFkNTZiZTRmOGRiNTg4MzcyN2VmOWJlZTdk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0ODRkMGJiOWQyNTQ1ZGZhOGFkOTU2ZDkzZGY3ODVi">And while walking like a slave is chained together, Lan Shan Yao keep thinking about what had just happened just now. If his memories did not fail him, he remembered that the blacksmith of their Lan Shan Clan said before;</p> <p class="cnNjODMwMzBlOTE1ZjQ1MDliYmJhYWFmYjY2NzJkZDY0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3YzhjZTU5ZDkxYTQyODI5MjUyNGYwNzUwMGIyZTRk">"The Soft Bone Copper Sword is my best creation that will not break or shatter no matter in what condition. It will be the best weapon for you."</p> <p class="cnNlMjRkMGE3MWZkOTRmZmQ5ZjgxYmNmYmQwMGY2YzRl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5ZWFhZWI2YmQyMDRiODE5NTdhZDBmMDY5NDRkZDdl">"Did uncle lied? But he dote&nbsp;me so much, which means the weapon is impossible to be destroyed in a simple strike. There must be something wrong with his ruler. It was made of Iron, based on the weight, it should be extremely heavy, but how can he wield it so easily?" Lan Shen Yao went into his deep thought even when they already reach the north gate.</p> <p class="cnM2NDIxOGIwZWYzYzRkNTg5MTJlYWFkMjVhNzc3ZjFk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3ZDQ0YjIyODFkMzQ2NzY4ZTMzMGMyZmNlMzliOTBj">The remaining bandits are still fighting against the other soldiers and the eight direct disciples of the headmaster. With the eldest senior brother and the second brother handing the two Lan Shan siblings, the others were quickly handled and awaiting for their further actions. Zhang Wu Ji ordered his people to keep a watch on the captives and charged forward.</p> <p class="cnMyMDAwZDE1OGVjYzRhZGVhNzBhZTJhNWVkYjZjMWI2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2YTBmMTRhM2ZjNDQ0ODI4OTljMzBjOGExYTUyZGQ3">At this moment, Zhang Wu Ji position is almost standing above their eldest brother. Because of his straight and direct attitude, most of his action obtained the approvals from his senior brother and sisters. With his participation in this battle, their spirit rouse, where the fight against the remaining five hundred bandits ends very quickly, without too many casualties.</p> <p class="cnMzN2JiZmUwMGVjMzQ2YTk4ZGI0OWFjNjVkODEwZDM3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2YjY4YWQxNjk5ZDRjZDI4M2ZmNzUyMGM3MmM4Nzk3">As for the small numbers of poisoned soldiers, Zhang Wu Ji utilized the Crystal Surgeon Knife in his hand to remove their poison, before they returned to normal. But the side effect of the poison had seeped into their mind, leaving some trauma in their mind forever.</p> <p class="cnNhNTBmMTI0NDg3YTQzNmFiZDNhNmNjNDlhNDg5N2Rl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3ZWQxZjZhYTcwMTQwMjdiZThjMDUyZjA4YzVlZGEw">Not too long in their battle, the 900 members of the bandits are all caught, leaving the two Lan Shan siblings still fighting against two of the Seven Star Sect's disciples.</p> <p class="cnM0ODI0NDU5NDc0YTQ4NzU5YTRlZDQwMTZhMjM0YTgw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3Y2VmMTNhNjFhNzQzNDJhYjg2ZjcxZDQwNmRkY2Q5">"Hahaha! What a great Seven Star Sect. I see you send all nine disciples to catch us. Do you think that will become possible? Even if you win, your name will be smeared by us!" Lan Shan Yue, the second of the three siblings comments as she was getting tired under the persistent attack from the second senior brother.</p> <p class="cnNkZWUwNTU5MWU4ZjQwMWViOGYzYWI0ZGZhMWEzYjFi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZjExNWZlMTQ1NjQyZTA5MjRlMGQ3OGM3M2ViZmU2">"Smear our name? You lots from the Lan Shan Clan is not qualified!" Zhang Wu Ji answered her comments with his own decisive and mighty tone. Carrying the impression of a scholar with an Iron Ruler on his hand, Zhang Wu Ji steps forward while pulling the youngest Lan Shan Yao our from the crowd. His action was out of everyone expectation, but it was normal in Zhang Wu Ji mind because he watches too much movie during his previous life.</p> <p class="cnM2YzhlYzBhNGQwOTRlOWI5MzU1NGNkOGM4MTEwMWVk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZDc0OTUxYWU2MTQ5Njk5NTJlZjE2OThlM2Q0YTE1">"Let me ask. If a dog bites you, will you bite the dog back?" Zhang Wu Ji quotes a word he heard in his past, but when they heard his question, their answer was unexpectedly...</p> <p class="cnNjNGNkNmVjNDQ5OTQwZGRhMDFlODc5YmQyODE5ZTA4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NDBmNWIxNzkwZTQ1OTE5MTEzYWE2ZThjZTlkODJh">"Yes!"</p> <p class="cnMxNmNjNGE3YTQzYzQwN2ZiOTQxZmI0NTczYzg2ZGJj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4OTEyMjhjNGFjOTRiNzg5MTM3OTg1YzU5YzM0Y2Ix">"Of course, it was to protect my own life!"</p> <p class="cnM4N2U2OTIwYmU2MTQxMmJiMjk2ZGZkZWE3MTY1MWMw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1ZTNkNzkxZTFlOTQyNjk5NmI3OTE2YmNmN2NjYmRj">"What the hell?" Zhang Wu Ji questioned their answer, but after he heard their reply, it was normal...</p> <p class="cnNjOGExZTQ1M2I4YTRmMDE4YTg1OGI2N2U2ZmJlZmVj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmNjYzYjZiNjA4OTQ5MTNiMTU1MTdjNDkyYzMwYWQ1">The Lightning Hound Beast was a Wild Beast with an estimated strength of around 15th Stage Inner Qi Warrior. If they were bitten by a dog like the Lightning Hound Beast, of course, you will need to bite them back, at least you can still land a few attacks on them...</p> <p class="cnM0YWI4Y2MzNzFiOTQxZDZiMGY0ZjY2YzY1YTVhMmM0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4NTdkYjM1NzVkMTQwYWM4M2Y5YmE1YmJiMjMyYzhh">"My point is, you bandits are not worthy to smear the name of the Seven Star Sect. So what if we sent our people to defend against your attack with our full strength? This means that we place the people within the Seven Star County as important as our own! Facing an attack from the bandits like you, I believe even those that not from our county will step forward to fight!"</p> <p class="cnNmMzI4NjViOWIyYTQ3MTdhOGVhMTlmMWI2ZTRlOWZj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4OGY5NmZjOGE0YjQxNmRiZGEwMmQ5ZTQzNzdmNjQ2">"I would smear my own if we failed to stop you people, but what is happening now? You lots are under our mercy!" Zhang Wu Ji strikes his blade of words deep into the heart of the two siblings, and at this moment, the flame of anger inside they heart explodes! This leads the two to attack Zhang Wu Ji with the intention to kill!</p> <p class="cnMyYTk4NmVlMjNkYzRhMjA4MzcyOTlkN2Y5YjhiZDg2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzZWZiNjhjZWMzNjQ4MzQ4NGM5MzZlOGRhMDZjYWQ2">"Do you think I will be scared by your attacks?" Zhang Wu Ji raised his Iron Ruler, and swing three times toward the two. The three swings generate six air blade in total, causing them to defend themselves while airborne. The pressure caused the two to fallen backward, but before they can take an action, the tip of the ruler already reaches before the eyes of the two, and with a slap from the Iron Ruler, it sends the two down kissing the ground!</p> <p class="cnNiZWFiMzcxMDQxYjQyMDZiNTI5MzViMTc5YjUwMzYw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MTZlOGYzMGQyYTRmNGY4ODUzZGFkMzk0ZjI4MTZl">"Aargh!" the oldest of the three, Lan Shan Yi cries and swing his sword to executes the Dual Wave Strike from the Three-Wave Sword Art, but it was deflected by the same attack from Zhang Wu Ji. This sudden changes shocked the crowd included the three siblings.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDI0Zjk1OWIwMjQ5ZmRhOWRkMGNmNTA2ZjBjMTcw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzZjZmNWYyZDY3OTRmMmFiMzk5MDhlZWMwNTEzZmI1">"How can he execute the Dual Wave Strike with such a precision? The attack that was executed without any effort at all!" Lan Shan Yi calms himself before he steadily steps forward once more. This time, with a very precise movement, he executed the same Dual Wave Strike for the second time, but like how it was before, a simple swing cancel out the attacks, before Zhang Wu Ji charged at his opponent and gave him a heavy strike, beating his soul out from his mind in a single hit.</p> <p class="cnM0OTJhM2JiNGY4YjQ4NzNhOWMwNmMwYzRjMzg5MjE4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5ZDlkM2MxMDQ5ZTRhOWU5MWZiNzM4MWU1N2YzYjhk">Zhang Wu Ji soon turns his sight at the remaining lady standing there. With the Iron Ruler on his hand, he steps forward, seeking to take action in case she did not have any intention to surrender. One step after another, he soon reaches two steps right before the lady.</p> <p class="cnNjOGM1MjllZjJmZDQ0MDhhOTUyYTY5MDZkYjBlY2Zh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4OTY5ZWJhYjVhNjQ2MWY4YzdhNDg1NjkyYWQwYWI0">"Aww... You're a bad guy! How can you come so close with the intention to hurt me? Please be gentle to me ok?" the shameless Lan Shan Yue suddenly turned into a timid young lady that was so good in her pestering act. It even caused a few of the guys to have a hardon seeing how seductive is her movement. Unfortunately, all this seductive technique were useless against Zhang Wu Ji...</p> <p class="cnMzNDVmNjkyYjUwZDQ2Yzk4NDkxZjlhYjJlNjkwZDE4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlNGUwOTFkZjk3ZjQ3NDhiYTQxZjRhMzBiYzQzM2M3">"My exposure towards pornography is even more than what you think, little lady! Do you seriously think that you can be a match against those amazing busty lady like what I've seen in my previous life?" Zhang Wu Ji almost wanted to blurt out all the amazing experience he got in his first youth.</p> <p class="cnNlYTdiMzMxNTVmYzRjMDFhNTdlMGMzZTRhOGFkMzNk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjMWRkMjI0Y2MwZTRkNzViZDA2YmIwMzc5ZDc4NWQy">"It's ineffective?" Lan Shan Yue was stunned with the all resistance Zhang Wu Ji. In a side fact, this is almost like a perfect husband candidate for the ladies all over the world. Decisive, Charismatic, Sharp, and High Integrity. All sorts of wonderful praises seemed to be made only to reflect this youth better. Even the despicable Lan Shan Yue wasn't resistant to such a charm.</p> <p class="cnNjZTNjY2JhYzcxMzQ4OGNhNTZkNjUyZWM4MTg2MmJj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzYWQzMTgyNzczNTRhZjlhZWJiYTU5ZGZmMTdmZjJk">"It was effective, but in a wrong way!" Zhang Wu Ji answered her question, and with an accurate swing, he placed the lady lied facing down on a piece of rock as tall as one meter, before the slap from the Iron Ruler came in! Instead of being seduced to do all sort of naughty things on her, Zhang Wu Ji was seduced to do something naughtier!</p> <p class="cnMyMzdhMTdiODRhOTQ5ODg4NDM5ZWU3N2Q0MWY2OWI1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxZDg0NWY1ZTY1NjQ4NWY4ZDQxOGYyY2MzZjNhOGIx">"You like to seduce people? I will let you learn something call, Obedience!"</p> <p class="cnM3OTY0MjhhNDBmOTRhMjI5YjFhNTVlOWM2NDhmNzFi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3OWRiMjc4MzFhZTRhZTA4MDllODE4MjZkMDI2Yzg5">The Iron Ruler turn into an iron snake, whipping her buttock without mercy. Whenever a layer of her clothing is torn, he will replace them with another layer of pelt for two reasons.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGNhOWRiYjAzYTQyOTJhZTg1MmM4MjczOGNjYmFj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MjcxNjM5ZDg3NTRkOThiM2U0OTNkNzMxMWIzMWMy">The first is because of no matter how, the purity of a lady cannot be tarnish, even if she was a part of the bandits, to begin with. As for the second reason, it was simple. The longer he whips her, the worst the injuries will be. By placing a piece of pelt in between his Iron Ruler and the smooth buttock, at least, the clean bottom of the lady can be preserved. This is the last of the consideration he gives to the lady.</p> <p class="cnM1NmM2N2M3ZjhlODQ1NTA5ZjIzZTIzZDk0NzQxYWQy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNjgyNTFhYWM1NDRhZGY4N2M0ZjcxNjAwYzg4NTQ4">After a hundred whips, he finally stops. Leaving the situation to be handled by the people from the City Lord and Militarized Forces, the nine hundred and three bandits were all locked inside of a prison and awaits for the delegates from the Seven Star Sect to arrive before having all of them brought to the court to be judged.</p> <p class="cnMzMWQyMmRhN2YwNTQ2NmI5ZDIwODljODFmNjNmZTEz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxY2VhMDE4OWZiNjRjMTBhZGU1MzYwMzI0ZWU1MzRh">"The city residents are grateful for your help in helping us to went through this journey together. We can't thank you enough for your kindness!" the crowd filled with the resident of Wen Wu City kneeled before the nine disciples and one elder.</p> <p class="cnM0ZjM0MDkxODQ2MzQxZDk5ZDkxMDBjZTk0MTU2MmQz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NDZkODZlZGYxNzQzMDM5Y2JjNTM0ZDNmZTU0MWU1">This sudden gesture made all of them uncomfortable because those overbearing attitudes weren't something the nine disciples enjoyed. And in order to remove the awkward situation towards all of them, Zhang Wu Ji take the liberty to suggest something.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDEzMjE2ZDcyODRiMzg5MDhjNmMzYzViNzllYTQ3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1OTcxNTk3ZDZiYTRjZDVhNjk5MTU0NjdhYmZhMGNk">"Residents of Wen Wu City! I believe that after so many problems just happened, none of us remembered that the most important thing, for now, is to fill our stomach! Come! The Apprentice Hall invites everyone to come and fill your stomach first!"</p> <p class="cnM2ZjMzZjgyZWM2OTRmZmI4YWY0NDExMzdhOTNjOGJk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMjZlMjRjYTExNzQzMWU5NTVhODdhMTA0NWQxMjkx">"We have professional Construction Department, Which is why you all will need not to worry about the issue with the reconstructions! I will tolerate no people that dare to leave the Apprentice Hall without filling their stomach until they burst!"</p> </div>
While he was still sleeping, the Wen Wu City outskirt is facing a rigorous attack lead by the three third Lan Shan siblings. The attack received heavy retaliation from the city, but due to a large number of refugees escaping from the fire of war, the city gate was not allowed to be closed at this moment.   Fuelled with the experience from fighting and robberies, the eldest of the three siblings, Lan Shan Yi lead his people and charged into the City wall, and tried to destroys their enemies from the inside. The attack lead by him quickly gives out a result of a temporary victory, with many soldiers are either injured or killed. Corpses lying almost everywhere, but most of them belonged to a male.   As for those females, there was a special squad among them that specialized in drugging the females before they were dragged into a cage pulled by an Iron Scale Bull. This sight alone shows how organized is this troops of bandits, and also in their way in kidnapping, robbing, and killing.   But in the eyes of those higher-ups, such as the Seven Star Sect, this was a challenge to their authorities. Not even the Seven Star Sect can freely use the three Iron Scale Bulls in their collection, and yet the bandits from Orchid Mountain can simply drive one out for the sake of kidnapping female to be brought back home to rape?   And due to the written rule that was passed down from one generation to another, those above Sheng Tian Process aren't allowed to participate in these kinds of battles due to the unspoken rules, and so, only those within the Inner Qi Elder and below are allowed to participates. This restriction caused the destruction to alleviate further, causing more damage just because of the sake of protecting their image as a Sheng Tian Cultivators.   Soon, the Militarized Forces came out from their base and strike deep into the formation of the bandits, but what they did not imagine was the weapon of those bandits was smeared with the poison from their Orchid Mountain, known as Hallucination of Orchids. Like its name, those poisoned cultivators will begin to hallucinate, and everything they see in their eyes will turn into man-eating orchid flowers.   This poison soon caused internal damage to the Militarized Forces, because the poison forced their people to fight against their own. It was a very bad situation, which forced the people at the northern gate of the Wen Wu City is retreating back to the central.   With another layer of the defensive wall erected in the inner city, the Wen Wu City is safe for time being, until the aid comes from the Seven Star Sect.   At another side, their youngest leader, Lan Shan Yao is leading an attack towards the Apprentice Hall located at the Northeast of the Wen Wu City. Following behind him is a total of three hundred bandits, all of them in their 3rd and 4th stage of an Inner Qi Fighters.   But the moment they reach the Apprentice Hall, all of their gate leading into the building is closed tightly. The quick spreading news and fire burning from the City north gate allowed the members of the Apprentice Hall to prepare and quickly seal the doors before trying to defend themselves.   One of the members, which is the disciple that smashed the egg on his own and kneel before Zhang Wu Ji run to the top of the building and ignites an arrow before he fired them up to the skies. The exploded fireworks notified the slave disciples that worked in the Apprentice Hall before to rush towards the Master Senior Ninth's courtyard and bang his door ferociously!   "What happened!" Tang Yuan came out to see who dare to create trouble at night time, especially when their master is fast asleep.   "Brother Tang Yuan, Apprentice Hall shot a firework just now, that is our emergency signal! Please tell Master Senior Ninth!" the group of slave disciples quickly explained their reason, but before Tang Yuan reacts, the gong in the Training ground ranged, calling for a gathering of all disciples!   "Wen Wu City under attack! Wen Wu City under attack! The attackers are the people from Orchid Mountain!" many disciples that received the news immediately spreads the news of the attack, and tried to gather as much disciple as possible to react on this attack!   But this gathering will take a lot of preparation! By the time their preparation is completed, the attack will be over. But without preparations before dispatching people out, won't that equal to the act of "Delivering food to the mouth of a tiger?"   As the gong continue to get beaten, Tang Yuan went to Zhang Wu Ji's door and knock politely, but in a more extreme manner. Since the youth wasn't sleeping, to begin with, he opened the door. Minutes later after he got briefed by Tang Yuan and the other slave disciples, Zhang Wu Ji prepared to leave for the city.   "Junior brother ninth, come up!" before he can react, a sword hovers just above his courtyard, with his eight senior brother and sisters were riding on top of their master's Flying Sword.   "This!" Zhang Wu Ji wanted to ask, but the important matter should come first! He jumps upwards and balanced himself on the sword, before the sword driven by the Grand Elder of the Right, Xing Yi Chen.   "Ask later! We will go now!" the grand elder drives the flying sword immediately as they headed at the Wen Wu City, but this action may cause disturbance to the public later, no matter if they won or lost. Because, in order to defend against the attack by the third generation of the Lan Shan Clan, the Seven Star Sect were forced to send in nine strongest disciples from the sect to deter their forces.   "Bam!" other fireworks were seen in the sky. That was where the Apprentice Hall is located.   "What a bandit! How dare you attack my efforts and my life achievements!" when the sword almost reaches the airspace belonged to the Wen Wu City, he noticed another explosion happened not too far from his place.   "Senior brother and sisters, I will protect the Apprentice Hall, everyone please be careful!" he hop and descends from the flying sword and went straight to the Apprentice Hall's direction in order to make sure nothing happened on his hard earn treasure and cash, his people, and of course, his buildings!   While he was running...   "Damn! How come the wooden door of their entrance is so difficult to destroy? We already chopping them for almost half an hour now!" the three bandits complaint because the door is still standing sturdy after so many strikes from their swords.   "Same here! The wall is not too high, but those defending behind the wall is what makes this issue difficult! How can they know where we will come in from?" a few bandits were injured after being stabbed by a spear the moment he tried to jump across the wall as high as six feet.   Sturdy Oak Main Gate -Usage: to cover and protect the building from any invaders or uninvited visitors. -Defense: 16 -Durability: 20/20 -Special: if the attack to barge in is done by using swords, repair the durability of the door by 1 - Heat-Seeking Iron Spear -Attack: 7 -Defense: 3 -Durability: 13/13 -Special: when equipped, allowed the user to see and caught the enemies with body heat wherever they go   "Leave, let me get rid of this obstacles!"   "Three-Point Fighter Qi Fist!" Lan Shan Yao strikes at the Main Gate using his full 9th Stage of Inner Qi Fighter's strength, and still, he was shocked with the sturdiness of the door. Although his attack managed to cause a destruction force worth 22 points, it was barely enough to destroy the door with a strike! After the reduction of 16 points due to the poor physical defense, only 6 point of damage managed to destroy the door slightly, reducing its durability by 6.   "One more!" Lan Shan Yao strikes for the second, third, and fourth time, only to finally see an almost broken door. But his attempt is deemed to be a failure. Fuelled with the intention to obtain his boss attention, the three bandits went to attack the main door with their sword once more, and assist in the recovery to return to normal. The once almost broken door was repaired out of the blue due to the three idiot's attack.   "Are you here to help me or disturb me?" the thought angered him because that four strikes already took out almost 200 strands of Fighter Qi inside his body. Although he was a 9th Stage Inner Qi Fighter, his maximum limit of Inner Qi is only about 800++, thus the tiring part is normal for him.   "Stop! How dare you mess with me outside of my place!" Zhang Wu Ji appeared, along with the Iron Ruler on his right hand. He landed on the ground right in the middle of the bandits, and without a warning, the swing of his ruler strikes and landed a critical hit on two of the unaware bandits!   "Master Senior! Master Senior Ninth is here to save us!" the members of the Apprentice Hall cried out loudly, with swords and spears clashes at each another when those inside shouts. With a roar, the door is opened, as the twenty members from the Martial Art Department and Hunting Department came out to assist him.   "Fist of Destruction Qi!" the twenty people execute their killing move at the same time, blowing apart all the bandit's crowd away from them. The surprise was shocking enough to make all of them awed with it, while twenty of the bandits is crying on the ground, with few punches mark on their body and face.   But at this moment, those from Herbalist, Alchemist, and Forging Department went out from the building, and tied the bandits using the rope in their hand, and links them together, to not allow any of them successfully escape.   "How dare you mess with me! Three-Point Fighter Qi Fist!" Lan Shan Yao angrily shouts and execute a three chain attack at Zhang Wu Ji, but through a swing of his Iron Ruler, he deflected two attacks, and received the last attack with a heavy strike from his middle tier Fist of Destruction Qi!   The retaliation from Zhang Wu Ji pushes the opponent back, but he did not relax himself seeing he was able to overcome the attack. This may just be the weakest attack from his opponent to gauge his strength before he retaliates in a profound manner. But for the bandit boss, this ends up as a disgrace! The reason is simple, it was because by saving himself from landing a deadly strike, it means;   "You're looking down on me!!!"   Lan Shan Yao pushes his strength to his top, and like a ferocious beast, he strikes forwards with both palm were covered with his Fighter Qi. With such a risky charge, he must have some trump card hidden in his hand. His both palms randomly strike the stones and building as he approaches Zhang Wu Ji, and up to his expectation, this Bandit leader did hide his trick from his opponent's sight.   His hand turned into his back, and with a pull of his wrist, a soft copper made sword was revealed Lan Shan Yao strikes his strongest and deadliest attack.   "First-Wave Strike!" unexpectedly, he executed the lowest tier attack from the Three-Wave Sword Art, the Sword Art that made his father's name famous in the Seven Star County.   But it was unfortunate...   This is why they say, Luck is important in this kind of situation.   "Shatter Strike activates!" Zhang Wu Ji activated the 2nd special ability possessed by his Iron Ruler. And with a heavy strike, his attack destroys the copper sword which was made from a very soft alloy material, before the Shatter Strike landed on his body.   Three strikes. One on his chest, one on his back, and the last one on his pelvis. This three Shattering Effect Strike cracked almost all the bones in his body before Zhang Wu Ji tied him up. As for the others, he easily defeated them along with his members, and lead to the North Gate to provide assistance.   Following behind him is the 301 bandits that were soon to become his bargaining chips when he tried to stop the other bandits. Although the others wanted to follow Zhang Wu Ji, he stops them from doing so, and only allowed the ten from Martial Art Department to helps. With ten more people helping in handling the bandits, they make their way forward.   And while walking like a slave is chained together, Lan Shan Yao keep thinking about what had just happened just now. If his memories did not fail him, he remembered that the blacksmith of their Lan Shan Clan said before;   "The Soft Bone Copper Sword is my best creation that will not break or shatter no matter in what condition. It will be the best weapon for you."   "Did uncle lied? But he dote me so much, which means the weapon is impossible to be destroyed in a simple strike. There must be something wrong with his ruler. It was made of Iron, based on the weight, it should be extremely heavy, but how can he wield it so easily?" Lan Shen Yao went into his deep thought even when they already reach the north gate.   The remaining bandits are still fighting against the other soldiers and the eight direct disciples of the headmaster. With the eldest senior brother and the second brother handing the two Lan Shan siblings, the others were quickly handled and awaiting for their further actions. Zhang Wu Ji ordered his people to keep a watch on the captives and charged forward.   At this moment, Zhang Wu Ji position is almost standing above their eldest brother. Because of his straight and direct attitude, most of his action obtained the approvals from his senior brother and sisters. With his participation in this battle, their spirit rouse, where the fight against the remaining five hundred bandits ends very quickly, without too many casualties.   As for the small numbers of poisoned soldiers, Zhang Wu Ji utilized the Crystal Surgeon Knife in his hand to remove their poison, before they returned to normal. But the side effect of the poison had seeped into their mind, leaving some trauma in their mind forever.   Not too long in their battle, the 900 members of the bandits are all caught, leaving the two Lan Shan siblings still fighting against two of the Seven Star Sect's disciples.   "Hahaha! What a great Seven Star Sect. I see you send all nine disciples to catch us. Do you think that will become possible? Even if you win, your name will be smeared by us!" Lan Shan Yue, the second of the three siblings comments as she was getting tired under the persistent attack from the second senior brother.   "Smear our name? You lots from the Lan Shan Clan is not qualified!" Zhang Wu Ji answered her comments with his own decisive and mighty tone. Carrying the impression of a scholar with an Iron Ruler on his hand, Zhang Wu Ji steps forward while pulling the youngest Lan Shan Yao our from the crowd. His action was out of everyone expectation, but it was normal in Zhang Wu Ji mind because he watches too much movie during his previous life.   "Let me ask. If a dog bites you, will you bite the dog back?" Zhang Wu Ji quotes a word he heard in his past, but when they heard his question, their answer was unexpectedly...   "Yes!"   "Of course, it was to protect my own life!"   "What the hell?" Zhang Wu Ji questioned their answer, but after he heard their reply, it was normal...   The Lightning Hound Beast was a Wild Beast with an estimated strength of around 15th Stage Inner Qi Warrior. If they were bitten by a dog like the Lightning Hound Beast, of course, you will need to bite them back, at least you can still land a few attacks on them...   "My point is, you bandits are not worthy to smear the name of the Seven Star Sect. So what if we sent our people to defend against your attack with our full strength? This means that we place the people within the Seven Star County as important as our own! Facing an attack from the bandits like you, I believe even those that not from our county will step forward to fight!"   "I would smear my own if we failed to stop you people, but what is happening now? You lots are under our mercy!" Zhang Wu Ji strikes his blade of words deep into the heart of the two siblings, and at this moment, the flame of anger inside they heart explodes! This leads the two to attack Zhang Wu Ji with the intention to kill!   "Do you think I will be scared by your attacks?" Zhang Wu Ji raised his Iron Ruler, and swing three times toward the two. The three swings generate six air blade in total, causing them to defend themselves while airborne. The pressure caused the two to fallen backward, but before they can take an action, the tip of the ruler already reaches before the eyes of the two, and with a slap from the Iron Ruler, it sends the two down kissing the ground!   "Aargh!" the oldest of the three, Lan Shan Yi cries and swing his sword to executes the Dual Wave Strike from the Three-Wave Sword Art, but it was deflected by the same attack from Zhang Wu Ji. This sudden changes shocked the crowd included the three siblings.   "How can he execute the Dual Wave Strike with such a precision? The attack that was executed without any effort at all!" Lan Shan Yi calms himself before he steadily steps forward once more. This time, with a very precise movement, he executed the same Dual Wave Strike for the second time, but like how it was before, a simple swing cancel out the attacks, before Zhang Wu Ji charged at his opponent and gave him a heavy strike, beating his soul out from his mind in a single hit.   Zhang Wu Ji soon turns his sight at the remaining lady standing there. With the Iron Ruler on his hand, he steps forward, seeking to take action in case she did not have any intention to surrender. One step after another, he soon reaches two steps right before the lady.   "Aww... You're a bad guy! How can you come so close with the intention to hurt me? Please be gentle to me ok?" the shameless Lan Shan Yue suddenly turned into a timid young lady that was so good in her pestering act. It even caused a few of the guys to have a hardon seeing how seductive is her movement. Unfortunately, all this seductive technique were useless against Zhang Wu Ji...   "My exposure towards pornography is even more than what you think, little lady! Do you seriously think that you can be a match against those amazing busty lady like what I've seen in my previous life?" Zhang Wu Ji almost wanted to blurt out all the amazing experience he got in his first youth.   "It's ineffective?" Lan Shan Yue was stunned with the all resistance Zhang Wu Ji. In a side fact, this is almost like a perfect husband candidate for the ladies all over the world. Decisive, Charismatic, Sharp, and High Integrity. All sorts of wonderful praises seemed to be made only to reflect this youth better. Even the despicable Lan Shan Yue wasn't resistant to such a charm.   "It was effective, but in a wrong way!" Zhang Wu Ji answered her question, and with an accurate swing, he placed the lady lied facing down on a piece of rock as tall as one meter, before the slap from the Iron Ruler came in! Instead of being seduced to do all sort of naughty things on her, Zhang Wu Ji was seduced to do something naughtier!   "You like to seduce people? I will let you learn something call, Obedience!"   The Iron Ruler turn into an iron snake, whipping her buttock without mercy. Whenever a layer of her clothing is torn, he will replace them with another layer of pelt for two reasons.   The first is because of no matter how, the purity of a lady cannot be tarnish, even if she was a part of the bandits, to begin with. As for the second reason, it was simple. The longer he whips her, the worst the injuries will be. By placing a piece of pelt in between his Iron Ruler and the smooth buttock, at least, the clean bottom of the lady can be preserved. This is the last of the consideration he gives to the lady.   After a hundred whips, he finally stops. Leaving the situation to be handled by the people from the City Lord and Militarized Forces, the nine hundred and three bandits were all locked inside of a prison and awaits for the delegates from the Seven Star Sect to arrive before having all of them brought to the court to be judged.   "The city residents are grateful for your help in helping us to went through this journey together. We can't thank you enough for your kindness!" the crowd filled with the resident of Wen Wu City kneeled before the nine disciples and one elder.   This sudden gesture made all of them uncomfortable because those overbearing attitudes weren't something the nine disciples enjoyed. And in order to remove the awkward situation towards all of them, Zhang Wu Ji take the liberty to suggest something.   "Residents of Wen Wu City! I believe that after so many problems just happened, none of us remembered that the most important thing, for now, is to fill our stomach! Come! The Apprentice Hall invites everyone to come and fill your stomach first!"   "We have professional Construction Department, Which is why you all will need not to worry about the issue with the reconstructions! I will tolerate no people that dare to leave the Apprentice Hall without filling their stomach until they burst!"
{ "title": "Polymyth Equation", "id": 21435, "author": "tosanu", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Interlude : Support Call", "id": 305461, "next": 307925, "prev": 304876, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNmM2Q4MzFlODI2NzRmOTk4NWQxZTYwNzVkZjY1MDY2">"Act as confident as you like, but I don't know. That almost went TOO well." Jason muttered as they finally exited the Hole in the Wall, and squinted at the sudden light. <br><br>It was not a bright day. In fact, the sky was overcast with heavy grey clouds as the afternoon bled into evening. The days were getting shorter as October slowly gave way to November. A wind whipped across the field, and both men shivered, pulling their coats closed.<br><br>Dave turned and looked at his colleague. Across his face played clear irritation. Dave let out a sigh. This was really supposed to be his big moment. He didn't mind the long hours. The pay had been lousy, but the sequestering meant that room and board was covered. Besides, this was what he had spent half his life working on. Uncountable effort put into this project. Its purpose, to create a mind capable of solving any challenge thrown at it. Indeed, to create a self aware life as good as any flesh shell could support. Perhaps even better. Decades of obsessive study and research and he knew they were on the cusp of that success. So what could be better than standing on the very edge of research into AI and artificial life?<br><br>*Not having Jason Rhom as a partner, * he mused to himself for the xth time, having long since lost count.<br><br>The most frustrating thing about the other department head was that he wasn't half as dumb as he acted. Indeed, while his knowledge of the technology involved was lacking at best, his skill in management and keeping the project well appraised was invaluable. However, he had been brought on as a second expert in the field of Artificial Development. Dave suspected the younger man, who always looked a bit too polished, too neatly combed and put together for their current isolated location, may have fudged his qualifications. But the asking price was right for a corporation that Dave knew was at the end of its patience and budget for this little experiment he sold them on a year and a half ago.<br><br>Dave counted in his head, as was a common step these days, then tried to continue. "I do not get you. Do you practice to be this negative or was it a gift that you were born with?"<br><br>"ONE of us had to be objective. As soon as it started talking you didn't see anything else. As much as you always talk about keeping a neutral view, that was not what you were doing there."<br><br><br>Dave's irritation grew. "And yet you spent so much time on the way in worried about every possible wrong move, and you cant accept that just maybe things went ok?" He could not help but replay the conversation in his mind.<br><br>---<br><br>*"Forget it, Jason. If you cant bother to listen the first four times, why should I expect any better now? Also, I know how much you like to whine when doing anything even vaguely scary, but wouldn't you say the ship has sailed by now?"<br><br>"Because I still think you're making it up. You go on and on about 'clean work' and 'detachment' but this seems like you not wanting anyone else to ply with your toy first."<br><br>Dave let out a small frustrated noise, but bit back a tougher response. "Look, let me try to explain again."<br><br>Jason halted his muttering for a moment, but his eyes continued to dart back and forth as the two men walked down the dark, unlit tunnel. The so called Hole in the Wall actually extended back a full kilometer into the bedrock. Not only did this give more space for the project to work with, it was a natural bulwark against internal failure and misalignment. Corporate euphenism for "explosions and catastrophe."<br><br>Dave knew the signs. His partner was nervous. His bluster and uneven speech was a clear enough sign, even if his words weren't so transparent. Another spike of frustration ran through his mind, but he supressed it. Better some light annoyance than the risk of a panic attack at the wrong moment.<br><br>"Well, first I'll address what you asked a second ago. We shouldn't do any opening dialogue by remote connection because it seems to have a bad result. Remember three iterations back? How much time it took to dig the hardware out of that tomb it walled itself into?"<br><br>Jason nodded. "I didn't see that one, but I remember you telling me it had a crisis of some sort?"<br><br>"Basically, we had been running early updates through a messaging system. However, I didn't know it had gotten ahold of the chat server. It accessed the logs and was instantly overwhelmed, panicked, and short circuited. The walling in was a final action from a mind in collapse, trying to shut out all the input."<br><br>"OK, so....we want to limit input then?"<br><br>"Yes, and since so far every form has been remarkably good at acessing any connection or server within reach, the only sensible option is to use direct speech and text interacton. I'm going to talk directly to the Core."<br><br>Jason sighed. "I still think you rushed this. You might not worry aobut the paperwork, but I do. And believe me when I say that its clear you spent maybe half as long on the stablizing stage as you've always said was needed."<br><br>"I made a judgement call. That last contact from the main office was clear, even without being said outright. Either we have something to show before the next check in, or pack up. So I checked the system carefully. The deviation from the ideal form was about as low as I've ever seen. I dont know exactly what worked, what made the new form so clear and resolved, but it would be a waste to not give it a chance just because we ran out of time... Look. I know you're just trying to distract from how nervous you are, despite what I've advised you."</p><br>Jason looked up, and in the dim light Dave could not help but notice that he looked suitably mortified at the idea. <br><br>"I don't blame you. To be clear, I think it's ridiculous and a bit annoying, but you aren't wrong. This is a big moment, and because of what we've learned, we had no choice but to take this step in a spot that is less secure than normal."<br><br>That was putting it mildly. If the Thoughtform was strong enough to access the system, it would be in complete control of the constructor field. A field they had entered 5 minutes ago. A sane system, constrained by rules, would not be able to directly harm them. But if something went wrong, malfuctions could cause everything up to and including a full cave in. For this reason, the two men were in posession of a device to disable the system completely if it came to it. This would render everything in the field inert, however, and would signal the end of their work without a doubt. The higher ups would not be amused to hear "it dropped rocks on us so we destroyed everything."<br><br>Jason sighed. "This is your baby more than anyone's. Of course you'd be the one least likely to get nervous."<br><br>"Nah, I won't pretend I'm not on edge. Trick is, Im focusing more on the stuff that could make the project fail than anything personally risky. Keeps a nice level of anxiety without the mortal terror."<br><br>At that the younger man laughed. Dave knew most people, most likely Jason included, saw him as a pushy and sometimes even creepy middle aged nerd. But despite all his grumbling, and the occasional side eye, Rohm kept any such thoughts to himself, and mostly managed to be persornally easy to get along with. Dave just wished his engineering work was even a portion as helpful. So he allowed a small chuckle in response.<br><br>But then he steeled himself. "Ok, here we are." And they walked into the larger cave to see if the last weeks had been for naught.<br><br>--<br><br>"Despite all of your concerns, things went perfectly." Dave sniffed.<br><br>Jason, looking at the starry eyed man, tried to think of how to put the concern he had into words. Because something was bugging him. He was a man more used to the sticky field of human emotion than data. It sounded pretentious even in his head to say it, but it was true. He was more at comfort negotiating plans with a team, organizing and concilitating, than he ever was with the computer work he did as back up. <br><br>And he thought that maybe Dave was missing something here. He could not put a finger on it. He knew enough of the research to understand that the Core behind them now was acting perfectly as expected. Dave became excited when it seemed surprisingly aware, but even that was within the models, if slightly on the outlier.<br><br>And Jason could not shake the feeling tht it all was too perfect. After months of failures, of virtual meltdowns and breakdowns and in one case, a shakedown(how that test got ahold of his credit information.....), to suddenly have a perfectly sensible result? Sure, they had worked out so many issues, but still...<br><br>And yet, he couldn't really say that it was truly impossible. It would be basically impossible for the system to perform that way by mistake. It seemed like the most recent stability adjustments might have actually taken hold.<br><br>Jason didn't know, but he couldn't shake the slightly creeped vibe he still had.<br><br>"OK, fine. I won't push it. Just know I still think we should adjust the plans. "<br><br>Dave looked up. "Which part?"<br><br>"Well, you wanted to test the core? I think you can agree that its surprisingly adept already. Maybe we should throw a curveball into the test. After the drones, maybe we can get Rock Team as a last group." Rock Team was an informal name for a trio of the workers. They were the only empowered indivuduals in the project, reliable and hardworking.<br><br>"Are you sure? That's not what they signed up for, and besides, we do not want to let things get out of control." Even as Dave said that, however, Jason saw his mind working. For all the annoyance, all the personality clashes, and all of the times they got on each other's nerves, he knew that the project lead's mind was as sharp as they came. His mouth moved faster than his brain was all, sometimes. He could see Dave halt himself in the middle of speech, and become thoughtful.<br><br>"We're already throwing a range of drones at it so that it can have a balanced learning experiment. Throwing a non robotic foe into the last stages can only improve that. And you know those three. They're as enthusiastic as they come. Most enhanced who willingly pick physical jobs are. They're fitness nuts."<br><br>Dave paused one more time, and as they reached the heavy compound, he nodded. "It's not like the core needs to just succeed, after all. Giving it a bloody nose could even be a learning experience. As long as they don't just smash through it."<br><br>Jason laughed. "That's going to disappoint Jenkins. He loves an excuse to smash."<br><br>And despite Dave's attempt to keep a grim expression, both of them eventually broke into laughter at that last line, the door swinging shut behind them, leaving the grounds once again silent and empty.<p></p> </div>
"Act as confident as you like, but I don't know. That almost went TOO well." Jason muttered as they finally exited the Hole in the Wall, and squinted at the sudden light. It was not a bright day. In fact, the sky was overcast with heavy grey clouds as the afternoon bled into evening. The days were getting shorter as October slowly gave way to November. A wind whipped across the field, and both men shivered, pulling their coats closed. Dave turned and looked at his colleague. Across his face played clear irritation. Dave let out a sigh. This was really supposed to be his big moment. He didn't mind the long hours. The pay had been lousy, but the sequestering meant that room and board was covered. Besides, this was what he had spent half his life working on. Uncountable effort put into this project. Its purpose, to create a mind capable of solving any challenge thrown at it. Indeed, to create a self aware life as good as any flesh shell could support. Perhaps even better. Decades of obsessive study and research and he knew they were on the cusp of that success. So what could be better than standing on the very edge of research into AI and artificial life? *Not having Jason Rhom as a partner, * he mused to himself for the xth time, having long since lost count. The most frustrating thing about the other department head was that he wasn't half as dumb as he acted. Indeed, while his knowledge of the technology involved was lacking at best, his skill in management and keeping the project well appraised was invaluable. However, he had been brought on as a second expert in the field of Artificial Development. Dave suspected the younger man, who always looked a bit too polished, too neatly combed and put together for their current isolated location, may have fudged his qualifications. But the asking price was right for a corporation that Dave knew was at the end of its patience and budget for this little experiment he sold them on a year and a half ago. Dave counted in his head, as was a common step these days, then tried to continue. "I do not get you. Do you practice to be this negative or was it a gift that you were born with?" "ONE of us had to be objective. As soon as it started talking you didn't see anything else. As much as you always talk about keeping a neutral view, that was not what you were doing there." Dave's irritation grew. "And yet you spent so much time on the way in worried about every possible wrong move, and you cant accept that just maybe things went ok?" He could not help but replay the conversation in his mind. --- *"Forget it, Jason. If you cant bother to listen the first four times, why should I expect any better now? Also, I know how much you like to whine when doing anything even vaguely scary, but wouldn't you say the ship has sailed by now?" "Because I still think you're making it up. You go on and on about 'clean work' and 'detachment' but this seems like you not wanting anyone else to ply with your toy first." Dave let out a small frustrated noise, but bit back a tougher response. "Look, let me try to explain again." Jason halted his muttering for a moment, but his eyes continued to dart back and forth as the two men walked down the dark, unlit tunnel. The so called Hole in the Wall actually extended back a full kilometer into the bedrock. Not only did this give more space for the project to work with, it was a natural bulwark against internal failure and misalignment. Corporate euphenism for "explosions and catastrophe." Dave knew the signs. His partner was nervous. His bluster and uneven speech was a clear enough sign, even if his words weren't so transparent. Another spike of frustration ran through his mind, but he supressed it. Better some light annoyance than the risk of a panic attack at the wrong moment. "Well, first I'll address what you asked a second ago. We shouldn't do any opening dialogue by remote connection because it seems to have a bad result. Remember three iterations back? How much time it took to dig the hardware out of that tomb it walled itself into?" Jason nodded. "I didn't see that one, but I remember you telling me it had a crisis of some sort?" "Basically, we had been running early updates through a messaging system. However, I didn't know it had gotten ahold of the chat server. It accessed the logs and was instantly overwhelmed, panicked, and short circuited. The walling in was a final action from a mind in collapse, trying to shut out all the input." "OK, so....we want to limit input then?" "Yes, and since so far every form has been remarkably good at acessing any connection or server within reach, the only sensible option is to use direct speech and text interacton. I'm going to talk directly to the Core." Jason sighed. "I still think you rushed this. You might not worry aobut the paperwork, but I do. And believe me when I say that its clear you spent maybe half as long on the stablizing stage as you've always said was needed." "I made a judgement call. That last contact from the main office was clear, even without being said outright. Either we have something to show before the next check in, or pack up. So I checked the system carefully. The deviation from the ideal form was about as low as I've ever seen. I dont know exactly what worked, what made the new form so clear and resolved, but it would be a waste to not give it a chance just because we ran out of time... Look. I know you're just trying to distract from how nervous you are, despite what I've advised you." Jason looked up, and in the dim light Dave could not help but notice that he looked suitably mortified at the idea. "I don't blame you. To be clear, I think it's ridiculous and a bit annoying, but you aren't wrong. This is a big moment, and because of what we've learned, we had no choice but to take this step in a spot that is less secure than normal." That was putting it mildly. If the Thoughtform was strong enough to access the system, it would be in complete control of the constructor field. A field they had entered 5 minutes ago. A sane system, constrained by rules, would not be able to directly harm them. But if something went wrong, malfuctions could cause everything up to and including a full cave in. For this reason, the two men were in posession of a device to disable the system completely if it came to it. This would render everything in the field inert, however, and would signal the end of their work without a doubt. The higher ups would not be amused to hear "it dropped rocks on us so we destroyed everything." Jason sighed. "This is your baby more than anyone's. Of course you'd be the one least likely to get nervous." "Nah, I won't pretend I'm not on edge. Trick is, Im focusing more on the stuff that could make the project fail than anything personally risky. Keeps a nice level of anxiety without the mortal terror." At that the younger man laughed. Dave knew most people, most likely Jason included, saw him as a pushy and sometimes even creepy middle aged nerd. But despite all his grumbling, and the occasional side eye, Rohm kept any such thoughts to himself, and mostly managed to be persornally easy to get along with. Dave just wished his engineering work was even a portion as helpful. So he allowed a small chuckle in response. But then he steeled himself. "Ok, here we are." And they walked into the larger cave to see if the last weeks had been for naught. -- "Despite all of your concerns, things went perfectly." Dave sniffed. Jason, looking at the starry eyed man, tried to think of how to put the concern he had into words. Because something was bugging him. He was a man more used to the sticky field of human emotion than data. It sounded pretentious even in his head to say it, but it was true. He was more at comfort negotiating plans with a team, organizing and concilitating, than he ever was with the computer work he did as back up. And he thought that maybe Dave was missing something here. He could not put a finger on it. He knew enough of the research to understand that the Core behind them now was acting perfectly as expected. Dave became excited when it seemed surprisingly aware, but even that was within the models, if slightly on the outlier. And Jason could not shake the feeling tht it all was too perfect. After months of failures, of virtual meltdowns and breakdowns and in one case, a shakedown(how that test got ahold of his credit information.....), to suddenly have a perfectly sensible result? Sure, they had worked out so many issues, but still... And yet, he couldn't really say that it was truly impossible. It would be basically impossible for the system to perform that way by mistake. It seemed like the most recent stability adjustments might have actually taken hold. Jason didn't know, but he couldn't shake the slightly creeped vibe he still had. "OK, fine. I won't push it. Just know I still think we should adjust the plans. " Dave looked up. "Which part?" "Well, you wanted to test the core? I think you can agree that its surprisingly adept already. Maybe we should throw a curveball into the test. After the drones, maybe we can get Rock Team as a last group." Rock Team was an informal name for a trio of the workers. They were the only empowered indivuduals in the project, reliable and hardworking. "Are you sure? That's not what they signed up for, and besides, we do not want to let things get out of control." Even as Dave said that, however, Jason saw his mind working. For all the annoyance, all the personality clashes, and all of the times they got on each other's nerves, he knew that the project lead's mind was as sharp as they came. His mouth moved faster than his brain was all, sometimes. He could see Dave halt himself in the middle of speech, and become thoughtful. "We're already throwing a range of drones at it so that it can have a balanced learning experiment. Throwing a non robotic foe into the last stages can only improve that. And you know those three. They're as enthusiastic as they come. Most enhanced who willingly pick physical jobs are. They're fitness nuts." Dave paused one more time, and as they reached the heavy compound, he nodded. "It's not like the core needs to just succeed, after all. Giving it a bloody nose could even be a learning experience. As long as they don't just smash through it." Jason laughed. "That's going to disappoint Jenkins. He loves an excuse to smash." And despite Dave's attempt to keep a grim expression, both of them eventually broke into laughter at that last line, the door swinging shut behind them, leaving the grounds once again silent and empty.
{ "title": "The Daily Diary of a Mushroom", "id": 4629, "author": "projecthamster", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 38: ~Day 182-183~ The Mushrooms Magic Rocks", "id": 305463, "next": 310386, "prev": 300049, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNiOWNiODIwNWIyYTRmY2Q4NDMxNmQxOWNmMzZiNjYw" style="text-align: center">~Day 182~</p> <p class="cnMxYjlhMjdhYWVkNTQ5YzM4MDE3MTY3NTFiYThhNjEy"><br>So… There it is. My ship. My home for however long I have left to have one. The U.C.S Redemption. The second United Council Ship to belong to the Pathfinders, the first being the one I’m currently in.</p> <p class="cnNkNmNiZThkMzYwMjQwMzVhYjRhYzM1MjM4NzVhYjYx">I was stood in the hangar, waiting for my shuttle to be ready. From where we were situated I could get a good full look of what will be my ship. In general it had a similar appearance to most Ein ship designs. Taller than it is wide and a thick blocky front leading to a sharp back. Almost like a sword, only much wider. Of course ship design wouldn’t change that much in three years, our ships have been effectively the same for hundreds of years. This one, however, was even smaller than other models of the same class. To make up for it though, four large engines sat at the back sticking out from the sharp end.</p> <p class="cnNkZmU2ZjFjZjVlNzQxNjI4YTVlYWVmYzYwZmY1MGM4">Most pathfinder ships are on the smaller side, but this one is definitely the smallest and I’m guessing one of the fastest, if not the fastest. I doubt it was made with countering the beasts that we call enemies in mind, especially considering it takes at least five years to design and then build a ship, which means it was just the direction the Ein military was heading for anyway.</p> <p class="cnM0Zjc3NjNhMThkNTRhYzQ5MmY4MDc2YzhkYmM5ZTIx">In the end, it’s probably just a repurposed ship that happened to be production when this all started, but it’s perfect for the situation we’re in. Looking at its size and the general number of crew a Pathfinder ship has I’m expecting less than two hundred personal. Most Pathfinder ships have between 300 and 400 crew members. Whereas ships belonging to other branches of the military sometimes have up to 10,000.</p> <p class="cnM0MDY3ZDgyZWVhYzQxYjA4ZDM4ZTZkYjRlMWRhNjkx">That’s what will make the pathfinders so useful in dealing with this new threat. A ship of 10 ,000 would just end up being fodder for a species that can control corpses. We’re trained to work even with skeleton crews.</p> <p class="cnM0ZGY1NTk2NWJjNjQxZmNiY2E0ZjUxY2E2MzA4ZDFi">“Command- Lieutenant Commander. Your shuttle is ready.” An engineer called out to me from the door of a shuttle.</p> <p class="cnM4YWYxOTg2MDBkYTQyNDRiNTE0YWNiYzk0M2MxMzIx">The way he got my rank wrong. I must have met him at some point in the past. Or at least had something to do with him. I breathed a small sigh. I’ve been gone too long to remember everybody's face. I took one last quick glance at my destination and boarded the shuttle.</p> <p class="cnM1ZjYwYTJiZmIzMTRjZDNiMDFjNDVlYjI2OWQ4NTE5">The small ship in question was kitted out for luxury travel. Clearly it was designed for officers. By the looks of the supplied large soft looking chairs, I’m guessing officers that aren’t exactly used to rough living. It’s no secret that there are still an upsetting amount of rich kids that go on to become officers without deserving it.</p> <p class="cnM0M2Y3ZDJlYjU4ODQzZDhiNzVjZmJhNGE2NGMxMjEy">As I groaned silently at the idea of taking one of those seats my eyes drifted to the pilots seats. The pilots in question were already sat down watching me. I had to hold myself as a commanding officer in front of these people, whether I wanted to or not. So, whilst hesitant, I sat myself down in the nearest chair. As soon as it made contact, I felt my back melt into the chair. How a chair can even be this soft I’ll never know. “Are you prepared for take off Lieutenant Commander?” The first pilot asked.</p> <p class="cnM3MTNkZDgzYWViNjQ0ZTk5Nzk0MTgwZjkyMDllY2M3">“Go ahead.” I told him. I probably could have said something with more authority, but I’ve been out of this game for quite a while. I’m a little rusty I must admit.</p> <p class="cnM5MDViM2Q3ZTNjYjQ4Mzc4MWVjNjRjZjY5MjgxNjU4">The pilot turned to his controls and began flicking switches before taking hold of the wheel. “Taking off now Ma’am.” He replied.</p> <p class="cnNjOWE0MGIzNjNmZTRjMjM4ZGZkZGMxYjFjNmZmODJh">Just as the words left his mouth, I felt a gentle shake as our shuttle lifted off the ground. Then as the second pilot flicked a few more buttons, we flew through the airshield protecting the hangar entrance and made our way into the vast silence of space.</p> <p class="cnM3MWFjOTEyNThmMDQyMjM4NDdkYmRlZWVjYTViZTQ2">Shuttles weren’t the fastest ships, they’re only meant for short range voyage after all. So it would be a few minutes until we reached the Redemption. That only makes me question the need for luxury that much more.</p> <p class="cnM1MTgwYmFlMmE2OTQwN2NiMzRhZGNkMGE4YTJlZjVl">“Uh, Lieutenant Commander?” The co-pilot called my name as he turned around in his chair.</p> <p class="cnMxNjNjYTA1OThkYjQwNmVhYTQxNDMxNDBlODQ5ZDhl">The man was stocky, but it’s clear he wasn’t a Dwarf at least. His head had a lack of hair yet it seemed to be intentional. However, his chin held a thick, yet short beard. “What is it pilot?” I asked.</p> <p class="cnM3MjllODA2MmI3ZTQwMzJiMjU2NWNkNTdmMTRjMDkz">With a flurry, he stood up and gave a short salute. “Yes well, that’s the thing ma’am. I’m going to be your pilot. Or at least the helmsman. I just thought I should introduce myself before we reach the ship ma’am.” He replied before sitting back down.</p> <p class="cnMwY2UxNzA3MTc2MjQ1MTliOGZjOGU0MGNhNjlkMmMx">He was going to be my pilot? His expression is certainly serious. From the way he introduced himself I get the feeling he’s a bit straight laced. That can be a problem when it comes to your helmsman. By the book helmsmen always get you killed. Well, I’m not dead yet so that’s definitely a bit of an exaggeration, but they’re generally not a good idea. A pilot needs to be able to think on their toes and perform risks. The fact they’ve given him to me… Is the council just trying to get on my bad side now? Did I do something in particular to upset them?</p> <p class="cnMwZjAyZjFmNDlhYjRmZjRiYTIzYTFhMjlkZDY3Mzhj">My eyes drifted back to the pilot. Perhaps I’m making too quick a judgement, I haven’t even seen him pilot yet. Even now he’s just a co-pilot… Which in of itself could be a worry. Still, it’s going to be… Odd. I had an almost unchanging crew for two decades before we got stuck on that planet. I did my grieving over the three years I was there, but that doesn’t mean I’ll suddenly be able to work with a new crew like it’s nothing.</p> <p class="cnMzYzBiYzY4NTRlNDQ1YjdiOTEyYjM3MmVlZTdjMGY3">Still I should probably at least attempt to work with them. The first step towards that is getting to know my officers. To be the helmsmen would mean this man is one said officer. “It’s good to meet you. Can you state your name and rank?” I asked him. Was that too awkward? Since what happened was all such a blur I didn’t think about it then, but the past few days it’s come to my attention that it’s been around two years since I last interacted with someone. I feel as though I may be a little rusty.</p> <p class="cnM0MDBkNzdhOTdhMzQ0ODBiZTdlMjk3ZWVlZmNmMjZh">He turned his head. “People generally call me Rota, ma’am. The full names Rimm Rota Rassit. I’m just a Midshipman ma’am.” He replied before turning back.</p> <p class="cnMwNmQ4ODlmMGI4ZjQ2YjA5ZTU1NTE2MGI3ODMwMTNk">A midshipman? That doesn’t bode well, either. That either means he’s only just become an officer. Or that he comes from a wealthy family and has only just finished training. Either way he doesn’t have much experience in his position. On top of everything else they’re doing, they’re also giving me an inexperienced crew?</p> <p class="cnMzNWJkNDg2NjIwYTRmMDNiZWRmYmRkZTExZTA4ZTg5">I know they told me to help train this company, but I didn’t realise they meant very literally. “We’re nearing the hangar ma’am. I’m preparing to hail them.” The other pilot announced.</p> <p class="cnMyNzA5MmYyNDhjYzRkMWI4OWRhMjI5NzE4NmM1MDY2">My distracted mind snapped back into focus as I stood up from my chair and took a few steps closer to the front window. “So there it is.” I muttered. I had seen it just a few minutes ago of course, but that was from a distance. To see it up close is a different matter entirely. Even as a small ship in its class, it still towered over us. Of course it did, it’s a ship designed to carry a few hundred men as a skeleton crew. Even Pathfinders ships are designed to be able to house a lot of men, just in case we need to carry a lot of marines to the surface of a new planet. Or of course in case another branch of the military is in desperate need of transport.</p> <p class="cnM2NWZjN2M5ZjkzMzQzZTg5Zjg5YmFkZjFlMGNkOTAw">What I did find a little surprising was the fact that there was already clearly a large R being painted on the side. It seems as though the Commodore must have called ahead to tell them the name I gave to the ship.</p> <p class="cnNhZDU2YzI4MzEzODQ4MDRiMjg5ZTkwNjZhMWQwOWZh">The pilot in front of me brought his finger up to his ear then nodded his head lightly. In front of us, a large portion of the Redemptions hull pulled apart to reveal the hanger behind it. “They’re ready for you Ma’am.” The pilot told me.</p> <p class="cnMyMzY2OTMwOGQwMjQxNTM5NmQzODc5MjcxZjM2ZmIy">I suppose this is it. The start of my new life. For however long it lasts. I took a deep breath, and let out a long sigh. “Alright. Bring us in.” I ordered the pilot. If we want any chance of winning this war, I’m going to have to go all out from the start.</p> <p class="cnMyMTI3YWU4NjA4MzQyYjliZjk4MmMwOGQ3NjBlYTU0">…</p> <p class="cnM2M2NlZWQ3ZGNlZjQxNjNiMGExMWIzMGUyN2YzMGM0">Another memory? Feels like it’s been a while since the last one. On the other hand. My head doesn’t hurt this time, so that must be an improvement. Although, I’ve noticed something. Something that I also noticed from my older memories of that life.</p> <p class="cnM1YzRiNjFkNzEwYTQ1ZGJiYTJhYzUzMGM4NmYyYWNi">I had a real big problem with authority. I mean, that’s not entirely true. I followed my orders and respected a lot of my superiors, but I seemed to spend half my time complaining about some general or a noble or something. Even before I joined the military. That does explain a few things about what I’ve done in the past half a year though. <br> <br>I slowly sat up from my bunk and swept my hair back. At the bottom of my bed a massive weight pushed against my legs. Even at his size Alvir still wanted to sleep with me. If I were still a human the bones in my legs would be dust by now. Lifting my leg lightly, I gave the Wolf a little kick.</p> <p class="cnM2N2M5NmJiYjJlNTQ1MGE5ODhjMDY1ODkxZWFhMjY5">His eyes fluttered open just before he opened the maw he called a mouth and let out a long yawn. “Mornin’ Mashter.” He mumbled.</p> <p class="cnNmOTU5YWVjMmJhZDRlNmNiM2U0MWEyYjVmMzQxZGE4">I smiled in reply. “Morning Alvir. Would you mind getting off me?” I beamed at him.</p> <p class="cnNiMWY0NDM0MTk2ZTRkMTliODc3NGUyYjg4ZmRiMDBl">Alvir looked up the bed at me with groggy eyes then down at his own hulking body. After a few seconds he nodded his giant head before lazilly rolling off my legs onto the wooden floor. “Alvir…” I muttered.</p> <p class="cnM4MjRhMWMwZDNjMTRiZWU5YjZiNGI5MzNmMmJhOTQ5">Well, at least I could move without any trouble now, not that it would have been too hard to get him off me, but I’d prefer not to cause the goofball any discomfort. Within a few minutes I had gotten my things together and hauled the bag of sand over my back. Before leaving to the spot I was going to practise my magic I tapped Alvir on the head to tell him where I was going. Seems he still wanted to sleep a bit longer, so I let him.</p> <p class="cnNmNDJiOTI0ODU0MTRhN2FiNWM3MDlmOWI4MTlmNjlj">Vinn, who seemed to mostly just like sleeping whilst we were in the air was sitting at the base of my bed. When Mushmen sleep they could literally just be mistaken for normal giant mushrooms.</p> <p class="cnM5MjE5MGM5OTUxYzQzMDg5YWM3MmZmODQyZDc0Nzhi">I was more excited for this than I’d like to admit. I hadn’t practised Earth magic for a while, I’ve been distracted by one thing after another after all. I was surprised to see who was waiting for me when I arrived at the front of the ship. All the Wolves were awake and waiting; although this was near where they sleep, however on top of them were both Wrok and Aedi.</p> <p class="cnMyYWQ3YTY3YTkyNDRiZmU4YzBhMGMyNjJkNjM5MDRh">I furrowed my brow, what an unusual pair. “What are you two doing here?” I asked.</p> <p class="cnNjMDE2NmE0MjZkOTRiYzBhZjg0MjEyOWEyMTQ3Nzhh">Aedi stood up raising her hand into the air. “I WAS SLEEPING WITH THE WOLVES!” She shouted happily.</p> <p class="cnNiYTVhODNiMGU2ZDQ2NzQ5ZTQ0ZjBlN2JiMzkyN2Vj">Oh. That’s surprising, I didn’t realise she was getting on with them so well… “I mean… That doesn’t really answer my question though.” I replied. Although it does in a way I suppose.</p> <p class="cnNhZDczNDRiNDg2NzQ3ZWNiZjU0YzdjNmVjMDc5ODdj">“They said you were going to practise magic and it made me like, yeah!” She replied grinning and fist pumping.</p> <p class="cnNmNTE2MWMwMTgzZjQ2MWJiMTBkMjU3NmQyMjg3Njhh">It made her like yeah? She’s a mage, why exactly is she so excited about seeing magic? A sigh drifted from my lips. “Well I guess that’s fine. What about you, Wrok?” I turned my attention towards the Orc.</p> <p class="cnMwNzNlZTFkNzUwODRiZmY4ZjU5MTMzYTgyZmQ5ZjRk">Wrok nodded his head and sat down against the side of the ship. “Wrok saw you collecting the sand. Wrok has yet to see your magic up close.” He answered me.</p> <p class="cnMyYzZhMjY5YzAwNDQ3YmI4NGI3OWZhMjMwMmFkZThm">This all made me a little embarrassed. Practising magic in front of a group of Wolves was making me feel shy enough as it was, now I’m going to have an entire crowd to deal with. Of course, it wasn’t exactly like I could stop them from watching, I just don’t think it’ll be as interesting as they imagine.</p> <p class="cnNiM2UyMjExN2Q1ZjQwN2U5Yzk3YjZkM2FhMmE5NjEx">“Fine, fine. You’re all welcome to watch, I just don’t think it’ll be that interesting.” I told them as I sat myself on the ground. As I crossed my legs, I placed the bag on the deck, spreading it out so the sand was a visible pile in front of me.</p> <p class="cnM0MjA4YmZmOThkNzQ5ZTBiNGE5MzgxODJkZTQxOGFm">With a deep breath I began. First off, I decided to just lift it into the air, to make sure I could manipulate it properly even here. With a little concentration, the molecules began to slowly lift encircling each other before eventually forming a near perfect compressed ball of sand in the air.</p> <p class="cnNmNmRlNmEzMDY5ZTQ1Y2Q4NjFjM2U4MmM0ODM5YTg0">“Oooh!” A mix of voices reached my ears. I looked past the ball with a deadpan look. Even Aedi an actual mage held an impressed look. What exactly is she so impressed by? She can literally evaporate a floor boss.</p> <p class="cnMwODFjZmQzMmUyYjQ5ZGQ4OGVlMmQ0NDA0ZDdlZjlj">Next I thought about continuing using them as projectiles, although that might be beyond my knowledge. I could try and turn them to glass, but I don’t think I could manipulate glass, as far as I’ve heard no ones done such a thing.</p> <p class="cnM0YzcwNjg4NzdlMjQxOTdhNDU0NjcxNTE0OGU2MGVh">Is there any real benefit to using sand? All I can think of is making sand storms, but that requires a lot of the stuff. Or I suppose I can manipulate the sand around peoples legs to get them stuck…</p> <p class="cnMwN2QxZDFhYzFlNzQwMTM4ODBiNmM3ZGJiMjg5MWEw">Huh. It seems like the only things I can think of using sand for involve a lot of it. As in deserts. I can literally think of no use for such a small amount of sand. Why did I even bring this on board?</p> <p class="cnMyNTQ3OTE4MDIwODRmOGY4Y2Q1ODFlMzJkZmNkYjMz">Whilst staring at the sand I had floating around in a swirling pattern in front of me, I began to scratch my chin. At least I can practise manipulating it for a while. That will make using it in the future easier, although to what degree I don’t know.</p> <p class="cnNiZjYxMzIxOGQ2NTQ2ODI4YWUzYWJjMTJhMmExNDI3">“How’s it coming along darling?” A sudden voice from behind me made me jolt and drop my concentration. All the sand in front of me fell to the ground. I turned my head to see Cadiz with Alka at her side. She smiled. “Didn’t mean to scare you.” She teased.</p> <p class="cnNhNDU2NDM1OWUxMDRkOTJiNTAxNzA5ZTg5ZjJkMWJk">I turned back to the sand then scratched my head. I suppose being a Demon she’ll probably know more about sand magic than me. As their continent is largely made of sand, they have the most knowledge on it out of anyone. I let out a sigh before turning back to the Duchess. “I can’t find a use for it.” I told her bluntly shaking my head.</p> <p class="cnMzMDZiZmZmZDQ1NjRiMzViZTk0OWJmYWE4ODM4OWJm">Cadiz let out a quiet chuckle. “To someone not used to it, it would certainly seem like sand is not as useful as earth and truth be told, there isn’t much you can do with such a small amount.”She told us.</p> <p class="cnNmOWJjM2M0ZWI3OTRhZjhhYTA4N2E1YjBlOWZjN2Ex">So I was right. “Why didn’t you stop me before I did this then?” I asked her. Was she trying to teach me some sort of lesson or something? A lesson about what though?</p> <p class="cnNiYmU2NDE5MWZiYTRkMjg4ODQ1Nzk0YmZkNzVlMzE0">The Demon lord crossed her arms and revealed a deep, slightly worrying grin. “I didn’t say there was nothing you could do.” She corrected me in a deep voice.</p> <p class="cnM0M2ZmZmIwMmU1ZDRmNDFhNGQ1NjBmM2FhMGVmZDc0">I narrowed my eyes. Something about that sounds dangerous. Although that just seems to be Cadizes usual demeanor. “Can you teach me?” I asked hesitantly.</p> <p class="cnMyOTE2Nzk5YmU1MjQ3MGFiZDgzNjQ3NmY2NDA4ZmM5">Cadiz shrugged. “Sort of.” She told me. “I’m not a user of Earth magic myself, but I know a little.” She then proceeded to sit down on a nearby barrel. “There is a little I can tell you though.” She grinned.</p> <p class="cnNkNWNlZDUzYTVhODRlMzA5NTc5MjE4NGVhM2EwM2Fj">I nodded my head. “Anything would be nice at this point.” I replied with a chuckle.</p> <p class="cnMxZWY4YzZlNTQyODQ4YjM5MzQyOTk5NTU2ZWNiZTFi">She adjusted herself on the barrel then lent towards me a little. “Do you know why Earth magic is so popular with Demon assassins?” She asked whilst looking me in the eye. I shook my head and looked to the others around us. Even Aedi who is a Demon seemed confused. “Think about it this way.” Cadiz continued. “A desert is filled with tiny sand particles, billions upon billions upon billions of them. Each one controllable with Earth magic. Now think about what happens when someone fighting in the desert. Breathing sand particles is going to happen, don’t you think?” She grinned a cruel grin. I think I’m starting to see where this is going. “Now, do you think that just because the sand is now inside someones body, it suddenly becomes unusable for a Earth magic user? No. Not at all. Not at all…” She finished, her face near twisted in a sadistic grin.</p> <p class="cnM0YmYxYjhmZmMzMDQyNWU5Mzk1NjExYTA0MzQwMDkx">Before I could say anything her face returned to normal and she sat upright. “Of course something like that is useless to someone who fights so straightforwardly like yourself. I just thought it might be useful knowledge.” She smiled a much gentler smile this time.</p> <p class="cnMzZDBiZDg4YjljNTQ4MzViZDEzY2Q1YTVmZGZhOTE4">I looked back at the sand. “So what exactly are you saying?” I asked her, still not entirely understanding. If such a use is useless to me, why did she tell me?</p> <p class="cnM1YTJlNDQzNDAwMTQzZTk4NGFhYTcwM2JhZDljM2Y3">Cadiz stood up brushing a few specks of sand of of her dress. “What I’m saying is… Be creative. Think. Anything that should be possible with magic is possible.” She finished before turning away. “Anyway, must be off. Still much to do my dears.” She finished with a wink. Alka, who had stood by silently gave a slight nod before following along behind. Always busy that one.</p> <p class="cnNiYzA3ZmQ3ZDdjZTQwOGJiZDlkMGIzZmViYjRhZjFh">Still. She says to use my imagination… What does that even mean in this context. Maybe I can use something from my previous lives to help? Ein was a lot more technologically advanced than this world. Things like spaceships, guns computers. Weird to think about how normal they all seem to me.</p> <p class="cnM0YWQ4YjQ0NGNhYzQ2YWFhZDk2ODQyYTIyZWNjNDg4">Does any of that help me though? Something in the sciences? I can’t say I learnt much about sand in my days of education, it wasn’t really the focus of any of my lessons. Although… Thinking about it, maybe there is something I could do… What would happen if I mashed two grains of sand together? Would it form a larger, more solid lump? If I use enough force combined with magic, surely I could make some use of one large lump of sand.</p> <p class="cnM4MGQ3ZTFkZDZjZjRjYjVhNzU5OGMxNWViMDdjYmNh">I suppose I won’t know until I give it a try… So, with that plan I concentrated hard. I grabbed a few lumps of sand in my hand, and squeezed it tight, making sure to feed my mana and power into it. I have no idea what this will make, but it’ll be an interesting experiment.</p> <p class="cnMyOWYwZTliYzVmMTRkYTg4Y2UwNTQwZjlkMzU5YmMw">After a few seconds, I felt the looseness disappearing, they were definitely changing in some way. The lump had also begun to heat up. Finally, after waiting another few seconds, I released my hand to see what lay beneath.</p> <p class="cnMzNDY3ZmExOWVlNDRlNzE4MWZkYTQ2Yzc4MjUwNmMz">I don’t know what you would call it. The sand had almost become rock like. I’m not even sure if this would be possible normally without magic. I could still make out that it was sand, the surface almost looked like the wet sand a child makes a sand castle out off, but it was completely dry and hard to the touch.</p> <p class="cnMwYzhmNjFmMDExYzRkNGE5MDJkY2U2NmY5OTJlZWVj">I gave it a light squeeze, the formation didn’t budge an inch. “Woooow. How did you do that? What is it?” I heard Aedi ask.</p> <p class="cnM3ZWM4MGU1NTIxYjQzNDlhZmI5ODYxYzgyYjlhN2Q5">My eyes gravitated upwards to see the small group I was with staring at me. Oh yeah, I’d forgotten they were watching. I shrugged my shoulders. “I dunno yet. Might end up being nothing.” I replied, moving the odd rock around in my palm.</p> <p class="cnM2NTlkNjEzMTc0ZDRjYzg5Y2E5MWQyMmRiMzQ1MmI0">The rock lifted from my hand with the use of my magic. So, I can certainly still manipulate it like it were ordinary sand, so that’s good. Just how solid is it though? With no hesitation, I launched the rock towards the wall on the side of the ship. As it collided it made a loud, dull bang before breaking back into sand.</p> <p class="cnNkNmQ1NmZkMGEwMjRlNWVhZDFlM2JhZTMxNDFlZmU2">“Well that’s a little disappointing.” I muttered. Or at least I thought. As the small cloud of sand settled, I noticed something. There was definitely a dent in the wood. It had become a little splintered too. I definitely did more damage with this than whatever I tried before. “I think I can use this.” I grinned.</p> <p class="cnM2NzYwMmE3MmQ2ODQ4YTI5MTdmMzUwN2I1OWQ3MTdm">Aedi tilted her head. “How?” She asked with a furrowed brow. Next to her the Wolves nodded in agreement.</p> <p class="cnM2MTI1MzU5MGNmMDQyZDFiYjExN2YyOGFhNjU3MWFh">I squeezed my hand. “Whatever I did to that sand caused it to damage that wall. Sand can’t ordinarily do that. However, that was just after a few seconds of pouring my mana in to it. What would happen if I spent a minute on it? Or even longer?” I asked, a little excited.</p> <p class="cnNiMWQ2ZjNmZTQ2NjRiMmRhNjU0MGYzNWI0YjA1NDI5">“Well… It could end up doing nothing new, couldn’t it?” Kasa asked.</p> <p class="cnMxYmZlODU4NTI2MjQ5MjE4OThiYzhlNDNlYWY3ODlj">My face grew blank. I looked down at my hand again. “Well yeah… I suppose so…” I replied dejected.</p> <p class="cnNmYzgxOTlhOTllNDQzMTJhNmY2MTk0YjY5YzczZDdi">“You upset her!” Aedi bluntly stated tapping Kasa.</p> <p class="cnMxOGU4ZGExYjNhZTQ1YzQ5NTM4NTQ0ZTMxMjE4OGVj">Kasa looked panicked as her tail rose up. She then looked between me and Aedi. “I- I’m sure it’ll make a difference.” She nodded her head as if to assure herself. It wasn’t very convincing.</p> <p class="cnM2MjAxYjJkY2M1ZTRjMjM5Yjk0Y2JhYWVhYTJmMTE1">A murmur of displeasure escaped from my lips. I was extremely excited to see where this could go, but I feel as though the wind has been taken out of my sails. There is of course every chance that it won’t change in strength at all, but even so there’s no harm in trying. “I’m going to keep going.” I stated with resolution. I looked up at the others. “You guys are welcome to stay, but I imagine it’ll be kind of boring.” I told them.</p> <p class="cnM2NjAxYWViZjZmMTQwYWRiODQwZmZiMTc4ODVkNzY0">The group looked at each other. “I mean… This is our spot anyway.” Kuda muttered looking away from us. Kasa chuckled.</p> <p class="cnMxNjMwZTI4MzAwODQ2YjFhNDRmNDZiYWRmOGI5MjE5">Aedi put her finger up to her chin. “I was just going to cuddle with Sari and the baby.” She replied.</p> <p class="cnM1NDlhMDZmNWZkODRkNjNiYjA1ZjE0Mjk0YTdmNWEz">I looked over to Sari. “You’re alright with that?” I asked her.</p> <p class="cnM4NWYxMjY4MTBlMTQ5MDViNmJjOTFmZTY4YTc4MTZl">Sari chuckled. “He’s not.” She stated motioning her head towards Kuda. “But the babies growing inside me, so he doesn’t get a say.” Her face distorted into what can only be described as a disturbing grin.</p> <p class="cnMzMDY0N2NhZjliNTQ4NjU5NjUwN2Q5ZjUxZDdmZmQy">I chuckled. Sometimes I feel a little sorry for the overprotective Kuda. Well, I suppose that they’re going to stay there, whether they’re going to watch me or not is a different question. Finally I turned to Wrok. “What about you?” I asked.</p> <p class="cnM2NGViZjJiZDgyODQ3MTdiODEwZjY3MjUzM2E0YWM4">Wrok shook his head. “Wrok has meditating to do. Over here will be too loud. Wrok will come back later to check your progress.” He answered before standing himself up. With a quick bow he excused himself.</p> <p class="cnNiZjFjMmFhYjc0OTQ1OWRhODgzODA2NzM0OTVlZGUx">Well. I suppose I lost one audience member at least. Still, I guess I better do as I promised to myself and keep trying. The plan was in place and I had plenty of mana left. So I brought some more sand into my palms and got to work.</p> <p class="cnNhNDRkYjdkYmM4NzRkNjhiOTIzZjkzMjgzNWM4NjIw">At first I held it for about half a minute. The results... Well they definitely got me excited at least. There was certainly a difference in strength, although it was clearly not massive. In fact it was barely noticeable, but it was there.</p> <p class="cnM3YzQzNGQyZWI4ODQ4MjU5MmJmM2U3YTYxZGZjZDU3">I then decided to hold it for about ten minutes. Obviously just sitting there staring at my hand would be boring so I thought I’d talk to the wolves. About what they might do in the future. For now, they said their main goal was just to keep Sari and the baby safe.</p> <p class="cnMyNDM5MTllNzUwYjQ5MWE4YTFmODlmOTE0MDgwNTA2">It seems as though they haven’t decided what to do after that. For all we know the Queen could offer them safe haven after all, at least if they wanted it. I can’t exactly imagine a group of Wolves roaming around the palace of the Demon Queen though.</p> <p class="cnNmMzBlZTA3MGIxMDQwNTdhMWM1NjdiYjY4OWE2MzM5">After the ten minutes were up, I revealed the rock. This time there was a clear physical difference, the colour of the rock had become somewhat darker. On top of that, the texture had changed and there was less distinction between the sand clumps.</p> <p class="cnM3NzRjOGYxNTQ3NTQ1YzNhMWIzNWI1YTAwNzdjZWFl">Since this seems to be a bit tougher than the last one and I didn’t actually want to damage the ship, we found some unused wood and set up a quick target. With a quick aim I threw the rock as close to the centre of the target.</p> <p class="cnM5ODNlZGVhZGExMzQxYjM4Y2VlNmIyYzgxZGY0MGJk">As soon as they met, the target shattered in two as splinters flew in all directions. It was certainly more effective than the last one. However, the rock still broke. At least I know for definite that the longer I hold it the denser and stronger it becomes.</p> <p class="cnM5N2QxYWQwNzFlYjRiYzZiYWYwOTkxNjllYWJhYWJi">Still, does that really help me all that much? After a whole ten minutes and not an insignificant mana drain it’s still weaker than just a normal rock you can find anywhere. Sure I can’t control normal rocks magically, but that’s besides the point. I need something that can do damage, I can’t imagine I’ll be facing many beings weak enough to be damaged by these rocks in the near future.</p> <p class="cnM5ZThjMjY4NTkxZTQ4NzhiOWFlNDQyZDI2YWQxMmQ3">The only way these could be useful would be if I could spend hours on them at a time to make them stronger, but I’m not sure even my mana will hold out from hours of continual use.</p> <p class="cnMzZDFkY2M1MjI0MDQzYmU5OGYwM2UzODllNzY4YWJj">Although, there might be another way I can do this. Perhaps I can refine the process? If I just keep practising, maybe I’ll be able to get better results with less time and mana put in. After all this is my very first time trying this. Even if you use all the right ingredients when baking a cake that doesn’t mean it’ll turn out perfect the first time.</p> <p class="cnM2OTc5NGFlMmIxODQ3MmM5ZmE3Y2M4MjlkMmIzNGNm">My mana was already about halfway gone though, so I decided to just spend another hour or two on this. I also want to see what will happen if I use my mana up very slowly over a long period, although I can’t imagine it would be that much different.</p> <p class="cnNjZTFjNjdjYWRkOTRhMzhiN2ZkYzk2YTgzMWM1MzA4">So as I did so the others carried on with their own business. Just as he promised Wrok came over once or twice to see if I’d made any progress. He seemed interested in my plans, to a certain level at least.</p> <p class="cnNhMmI2N2ZiZjAwODQ3ZWJhNzI1ZmZhYmZjMTU0N2I0">On top of Wrok, both Alvir and Vinn came over at one point. They had apparently been playing at the back of the ship, but Odwiff shooed them away as he was trying to concentrate on some plans he was drawing up.</p> <p class="cnNiNDMzNjk0NDJiNTQwZjk4NTYyZDQ3M2M3ZTBhNDQ2">The time for dinner fast approached and I had more mana left over than I thought. Probably due to the incredibly slow rate I decided to use it. Funnily enough the rock did turn out a bit different. It had become… Well flexible I suppose. It felt like a rock and was hard like one too, but I could also bend it a bit like it was still made up of sand. Which, it was, but it was still odd. I can’t think of any use for bendy rocks right now, but that seems like something that would have a unique use at some point in my life.</p> <p class="cnM3NGEzM2M1MDZmYzRkMDA4MjE4MDNhODk4OWE2ZjRm">When I told Cadiz, Alka and Gial, who were sitting at the same table as me about what I was doing they all had mixed looks. Gial said that it was just like me to do something like that and Cadiz told me that wasn’t quite what she had in mind, whereas Alka just sighed.</p> <p class="cnMxMmQ3NjRkNDAzYzQwNWY5ZDZmNGI1ZDcxOTQ2N2Jj">I don’t really get what they mean though, I thought that my idea was quite clever, but they seem to be… I don’t know, disappointed? Although that’s not quite the right word for it. Still, I don’t really care, personally I think it’s a great idea. Rocks that are harder than rocks that I can control with magic can only be a good thing right?</p> <p class="cnNkY2U4NjQzMWJmMTQxNDZiMDM1MzA4ZjIyMjEwOTli">Shortly after, my day was mostly done. For what time I had left until I’d be hitting the hay I thought I’d keep hanging out with the wolves. Seems as though since they joined us Aedi was constantly hanging out with them. Kuda must see her as being a non threat, but then he hasn’t seen her magic.</p> <p class="cnMwYmI3NDg1MzdjMzQ4MDc5N2EwMTA2OWJhMTllN2I1">Tomorrow, I’m going to take a quick break from my magic practise and get on with my side project. Kasa’s saddle. I still don’t quite understand why she actively wants one, but I’m not going to complain about having something to do.</p> <p class="cnNiOTI2NTBkMzI1YTRkNzFiMTAxOTk5NGY0ZWI2OTZl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmYjc2OWZkNDk1NzQ5MzVhNGI2ODhkZWNjYjc0MzY5" style="text-align: center"><br>~Day 183~</p> <p class="cnNlNjQ1ZGUzMjViMTRmOGY5M2QwOTVhOWU2NzkwZGE1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5ZTFkOGFlYzNjOTRkOTU5YjI0MzQyOWRlMmY2NzQ2"><br>Before I could get started with my side project as intended, I was given a set of blueprints by Odwiff. It turns out that was what he was working on yesterday. Kasa gave him a detailed description of what she wanted and he drew it up for her.</p> <p class="cnNmOTdkM2VjZDMxNTRkZWFiNDVkNDVlMjYyZGNmZDlk">The problem is what she wants is very… Intricate. I’ve made a few relatively intricate bits of leatherwork in the past on a new set of armour and the like, but this is far beyond anything I’ve made before. Whether I can make what she wants or not is up for debate, but I’ll give it my best shot.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGRkN2ZkMDhjNTQwYzViYzIzMzkzOGY0MTZiYTJl">The oddest request she had, was for the leather to be white. I’ve never dyed leather before, so I had to get Odwiff to help me with it. He said he would do it after the saddle is finished. Surely it needs to be done first? Or do the Dwarfs have some sort of incredible Dwarven method for dyeing? They seem to have better ways of doing most crafting work.</p> <p class="cnNjYzNmN2Y3YmYzOTQ1Y2FhNjI0ZWQ5YTViOTc3MjM3">Thanks to already knowing the method, I got a lot of the basic stuff done quite quickly this time. Well, it would have gone quicker if I didn’t have Kasa breathing down my ear asking me what everything was and what I was doing. It was rather hard to concentrate on much due to that. Still, there was no rush. I got the last one done quicker than I was expecting, the only trouble this time is the details.</p> <p class="cnMwYmRkNzg0YzM2NzQ4NGY5NTdkNTFmYTZiMDljZDVh">I also decided to do something else with today's time. It occured to me as I was working on the saddle, if I can’t pour that much mana into the sand in one go, why not just pour a lot over time? If I do a bit every day, it doesn’t deplete too much mana each day and should have the same effect. At least that’s the hope.</p> <p class="cnM1OThmNjk3NGJkODRmYmFiNDk5ZDIwNGM5YzFiMTlj">Other than my own personal plans nothing much happened today. I spent dinner with Lason, Kuuli and Bear, I thought I’d catch up with them and see how they were doing. Lason was slowly recovering, he could now walk a little without any assistance and he had less bandages on now, which can only be a plus. I also found out that Kuulis father was a leatherworker, she said she might be able to help out a little bit with the fine details, so that was good for me.</p> <p class="cnMxODFjM2QwNzRlODQ4ZmU4OTBlNjcwODFhODMyYzNh">After dinner Cadiz announced that we would be landing tomorrow afternoon. It only reminds me that we’re getting closer and closer to the capital. For the past few days we’ve just been flying over a near flat desert, which just makes me wonder why they decided to build the capital all the way down south. The north is nice, vibrant and green. Down here… It just doesn’t seem worth it.</p> <p class="cnNjZmM0M2JkYmZjYzRlNWNiNTNmY2U0MjgyZjFkMDg4">Then again the capital is supposed to be closer to the southern coast, so It’s probably got some greenery and water around it too. Still, I’ve heard that the Demon Continent only gets hotter the further south you go. We don’t notice is as much up here, but it is noticeable whenever we land. That’s a point, I should probably get a change of clothes for very hot weather. My overcoat definitely doesn’t help with that. I suppose now I have something else to occupy my time, huh?</p> <p class="cnMwOGZmYzA0MDU3ODQyZDViMGViOTJjYTQwOGM2ZWIw">Come to think of it. What’s my leatherworking level at now anyway? I haven’t really thought to check it. Wait [Leatherworking 9]... It’s level nine? When did it get that high? Have I just not been paying attention? I don’t feel like a leatherworking master. Then again, maybe it has multiple ranks to it like Demifoot? Well, I’m&nbsp;guessing that by the end of this saddle I’ll know the answer to that.</p> <p class="cnM3OTNjOTRmMTk4YTRkMjU4YzBkZjFhNmEzYjYyNWY2"><br>[Name: Ellena Orcsbane]<br>[Age: 182 Days]<br>[Species: Arbor Ferrous, Dryad]<br>[Height: 7'-6"]<br>[Sex: Female]</p> <p class="cnM0MDQ3MTQ2MTM3NDRkMDU4NTdhNzRhNWQ3ZmE5Zjgx"><br>[Title/s: Kin of Ellephwen, Wolfmother, Slayer.]<br>{Level: 65]</p> <p class="cnMyY2I1YWMwNmUyNzQzYjc5OWYwOTBmYjI1MTQxNDJh"><br>[Health: 55604/55604] <br>[Mana: 9106/9106] <br>[Stamina: 41380/41388] <br>[Hunger: 41000/41388]</p> <p class="cnM1MjgyNzRhNGM0NTQ5OGU4NjgzMzc5MmU5YmJhMjg4"><br>[Attack: 37128] <br>[Defence: 66224 + 22000] <br>[Magic Attack: 9824] <br>[Magic Defence: 18871]</p> <p class="cnNlYjJmYzMzZTk1YzQ5MGViMWVjYTU4M2E1YWU3MTY0"><br>[Skills:<br>[Pain Resistance lvl 10 (Max)] [Poison Resistance lvl 8] [Mind Resistance lvl 2]<br>[Venom Resistance lvl 8] [Lightning Resistance lvl 5] [Paralysis Resistance lvl 4]<br>[Night vision lvl 10 (max)] [Amplified Vision lvl 9] [{Mushroom Helmet lvl 73}] <br>[tough stomach lvl 8] [Unarmed Combat Expert lvl 9] [Polearm Expert lvl 6] <br>[Demifoot lvl 10] [Warriors Heart lvl 52] [Warriors Will lvl 36]<br>[Warriors Strength lvl 44] [Greater Regeneration lvl 8] [Guardian lvl 10 (Max)]<br>[Dryads Charm lvl 18] [Skinning lvl 5] [Tanning lvl 5] <br>[Leatherworking lvl 9] [Carving lvl 3] [Earth Magic lvl 9] <br>[{Wolfmother lvl 18}] [{Pillars Aura lvl 15}]</p> </div>
~Day 182~ So… There it is. My ship. My home for however long I have left to have one. The U.C.S Redemption. The second United Council Ship to belong to the Pathfinders, the first being the one I’m currently in. I was stood in the hangar, waiting for my shuttle to be ready. From where we were situated I could get a good full look of what will be my ship. In general it had a similar appearance to most Ein ship designs. Taller than it is wide and a thick blocky front leading to a sharp back. Almost like a sword, only much wider. Of course ship design wouldn’t change that much in three years, our ships have been effectively the same for hundreds of years. This one, however, was even smaller than other models of the same class. To make up for it though, four large engines sat at the back sticking out from the sharp end. Most pathfinder ships are on the smaller side, but this one is definitely the smallest and I’m guessing one of the fastest, if not the fastest. I doubt it was made with countering the beasts that we call enemies in mind, especially considering it takes at least five years to design and then build a ship, which means it was just the direction the Ein military was heading for anyway. In the end, it’s probably just a repurposed ship that happened to be production when this all started, but it’s perfect for the situation we’re in. Looking at its size and the general number of crew a Pathfinder ship has I’m expecting less than two hundred personal. Most Pathfinder ships have between 300 and 400 crew members. Whereas ships belonging to other branches of the military sometimes have up to 10,000. That’s what will make the pathfinders so useful in dealing with this new threat. A ship of 10 ,000 would just end up being fodder for a species that can control corpses. We’re trained to work even with skeleton crews. “Command- Lieutenant Commander. Your shuttle is ready.” An engineer called out to me from the door of a shuttle. The way he got my rank wrong. I must have met him at some point in the past. Or at least had something to do with him. I breathed a small sigh. I’ve been gone too long to remember everybody's face. I took one last quick glance at my destination and boarded the shuttle. The small ship in question was kitted out for luxury travel. Clearly it was designed for officers. By the looks of the supplied large soft looking chairs, I’m guessing officers that aren’t exactly used to rough living. It’s no secret that there are still an upsetting amount of rich kids that go on to become officers without deserving it. As I groaned silently at the idea of taking one of those seats my eyes drifted to the pilots seats. The pilots in question were already sat down watching me. I had to hold myself as a commanding officer in front of these people, whether I wanted to or not. So, whilst hesitant, I sat myself down in the nearest chair. As soon as it made contact, I felt my back melt into the chair. How a chair can even be this soft I’ll never know. “Are you prepared for take off Lieutenant Commander?” The first pilot asked. “Go ahead.” I told him. I probably could have said something with more authority, but I’ve been out of this game for quite a while. I’m a little rusty I must admit. The pilot turned to his controls and began flicking switches before taking hold of the wheel. “Taking off now Ma’am.” He replied. Just as the words left his mouth, I felt a gentle shake as our shuttle lifted off the ground. Then as the second pilot flicked a few more buttons, we flew through the airshield protecting the hangar entrance and made our way into the vast silence of space. Shuttles weren’t the fastest ships, they’re only meant for short range voyage after all. So it would be a few minutes until we reached the Redemption. That only makes me question the need for luxury that much more. “Uh, Lieutenant Commander?” The co-pilot called my name as he turned around in his chair. The man was stocky, but it’s clear he wasn’t a Dwarf at least. His head had a lack of hair yet it seemed to be intentional. However, his chin held a thick, yet short beard. “What is it pilot?” I asked. With a flurry, he stood up and gave a short salute. “Yes well, that’s the thing ma’am. I’m going to be your pilot. Or at least the helmsman. I just thought I should introduce myself before we reach the ship ma’am.” He replied before sitting back down. He was going to be my pilot? His expression is certainly serious. From the way he introduced himself I get the feeling he’s a bit straight laced. That can be a problem when it comes to your helmsman. By the book helmsmen always get you killed. Well, I’m not dead yet so that’s definitely a bit of an exaggeration, but they’re generally not a good idea. A pilot needs to be able to think on their toes and perform risks. The fact they’ve given him to me… Is the council just trying to get on my bad side now? Did I do something in particular to upset them? My eyes drifted back to the pilot. Perhaps I’m making too quick a judgement, I haven’t even seen him pilot yet. Even now he’s just a co-pilot… Which in of itself could be a worry. Still, it’s going to be… Odd. I had an almost unchanging crew for two decades before we got stuck on that planet. I did my grieving over the three years I was there, but that doesn’t mean I’ll suddenly be able to work with a new crew like it’s nothing. Still I should probably at least attempt to work with them. The first step towards that is getting to know my officers. To be the helmsmen would mean this man is one said officer. “It’s good to meet you. Can you state your name and rank?” I asked him. Was that too awkward? Since what happened was all such a blur I didn’t think about it then, but the past few days it’s come to my attention that it’s been around two years since I last interacted with someone. I feel as though I may be a little rusty. He turned his head. “People generally call me Rota, ma’am. The full names Rimm Rota Rassit. I’m just a Midshipman ma’am.” He replied before turning back. A midshipman? That doesn’t bode well, either. That either means he’s only just become an officer. Or that he comes from a wealthy family and has only just finished training. Either way he doesn’t have much experience in his position. On top of everything else they’re doing, they’re also giving me an inexperienced crew? I know they told me to help train this company, but I didn’t realise they meant very literally. “We’re nearing the hangar ma’am. I’m preparing to hail them.” The other pilot announced. My distracted mind snapped back into focus as I stood up from my chair and took a few steps closer to the front window. “So there it is.” I muttered. I had seen it just a few minutes ago of course, but that was from a distance. To see it up close is a different matter entirely. Even as a small ship in its class, it still towered over us. Of course it did, it’s a ship designed to carry a few hundred men as a skeleton crew. Even Pathfinders ships are designed to be able to house a lot of men, just in case we need to carry a lot of marines to the surface of a new planet. Or of course in case another branch of the military is in desperate need of transport. What I did find a little surprising was the fact that there was already clearly a large R being painted on the side. It seems as though the Commodore must have called ahead to tell them the name I gave to the ship. The pilot in front of me brought his finger up to his ear then nodded his head lightly. In front of us, a large portion of the Redemptions hull pulled apart to reveal the hanger behind it. “They’re ready for you Ma’am.” The pilot told me. I suppose this is it. The start of my new life. For however long it lasts. I took a deep breath, and let out a long sigh. “Alright. Bring us in.” I ordered the pilot. If we want any chance of winning this war, I’m going to have to go all out from the start. … Another memory? Feels like it’s been a while since the last one. On the other hand. My head doesn’t hurt this time, so that must be an improvement. Although, I’ve noticed something. Something that I also noticed from my older memories of that life. I had a real big problem with authority. I mean, that’s not entirely true. I followed my orders and respected a lot of my superiors, but I seemed to spend half my time complaining about some general or a noble or something. Even before I joined the military. That does explain a few things about what I’ve done in the past half a year though. I slowly sat up from my bunk and swept my hair back. At the bottom of my bed a massive weight pushed against my legs. Even at his size Alvir still wanted to sleep with me. If I were still a human the bones in my legs would be dust by now. Lifting my leg lightly, I gave the Wolf a little kick. His eyes fluttered open just before he opened the maw he called a mouth and let out a long yawn. “Mornin’ Mashter.” He mumbled. I smiled in reply. “Morning Alvir. Would you mind getting off me?” I beamed at him. Alvir looked up the bed at me with groggy eyes then down at his own hulking body. After a few seconds he nodded his giant head before lazilly rolling off my legs onto the wooden floor. “Alvir…” I muttered. Well, at least I could move without any trouble now, not that it would have been too hard to get him off me, but I’d prefer not to cause the goofball any discomfort. Within a few minutes I had gotten my things together and hauled the bag of sand over my back. Before leaving to the spot I was going to practise my magic I tapped Alvir on the head to tell him where I was going. Seems he still wanted to sleep a bit longer, so I let him. Vinn, who seemed to mostly just like sleeping whilst we were in the air was sitting at the base of my bed. When Mushmen sleep they could literally just be mistaken for normal giant mushrooms. I was more excited for this than I’d like to admit. I hadn’t practised Earth magic for a while, I’ve been distracted by one thing after another after all. I was surprised to see who was waiting for me when I arrived at the front of the ship. All the Wolves were awake and waiting; although this was near where they sleep, however on top of them were both Wrok and Aedi. I furrowed my brow, what an unusual pair. “What are you two doing here?” I asked. Aedi stood up raising her hand into the air. “I WAS SLEEPING WITH THE WOLVES!” She shouted happily. Oh. That’s surprising, I didn’t realise she was getting on with them so well… “I mean… That doesn’t really answer my question though.” I replied. Although it does in a way I suppose. “They said you were going to practise magic and it made me like, yeah!” She replied grinning and fist pumping. It made her like yeah? She’s a mage, why exactly is she so excited about seeing magic? A sigh drifted from my lips. “Well I guess that’s fine. What about you, Wrok?” I turned my attention towards the Orc. Wrok nodded his head and sat down against the side of the ship. “Wrok saw you collecting the sand. Wrok has yet to see your magic up close.” He answered me. This all made me a little embarrassed. Practising magic in front of a group of Wolves was making me feel shy enough as it was, now I’m going to have an entire crowd to deal with. Of course, it wasn’t exactly like I could stop them from watching, I just don’t think it’ll be as interesting as they imagine. “Fine, fine. You’re all welcome to watch, I just don’t think it’ll be that interesting.” I told them as I sat myself on the ground. As I crossed my legs, I placed the bag on the deck, spreading it out so the sand was a visible pile in front of me. With a deep breath I began. First off, I decided to just lift it into the air, to make sure I could manipulate it properly even here. With a little concentration, the molecules began to slowly lift encircling each other before eventually forming a near perfect compressed ball of sand in the air. “Oooh!” A mix of voices reached my ears. I looked past the ball with a deadpan look. Even Aedi an actual mage held an impressed look. What exactly is she so impressed by? She can literally evaporate a floor boss. Next I thought about continuing using them as projectiles, although that might be beyond my knowledge. I could try and turn them to glass, but I don’t think I could manipulate glass, as far as I’ve heard no ones done such a thing. Is there any real benefit to using sand? All I can think of is making sand storms, but that requires a lot of the stuff. Or I suppose I can manipulate the sand around peoples legs to get them stuck… Huh. It seems like the only things I can think of using sand for involve a lot of it. As in deserts. I can literally think of no use for such a small amount of sand. Why did I even bring this on board? Whilst staring at the sand I had floating around in a swirling pattern in front of me, I began to scratch my chin. At least I can practise manipulating it for a while. That will make using it in the future easier, although to what degree I don’t know. “How’s it coming along darling?” A sudden voice from behind me made me jolt and drop my concentration. All the sand in front of me fell to the ground. I turned my head to see Cadiz with Alka at her side. She smiled. “Didn’t mean to scare you.” She teased. I turned back to the sand then scratched my head. I suppose being a Demon she’ll probably know more about sand magic than me. As their continent is largely made of sand, they have the most knowledge on it out of anyone. I let out a sigh before turning back to the Duchess. “I can’t find a use for it.” I told her bluntly shaking my head. Cadiz let out a quiet chuckle. “To someone not used to it, it would certainly seem like sand is not as useful as earth and truth be told, there isn’t much you can do with such a small amount.”She told us. So I was right. “Why didn’t you stop me before I did this then?” I asked her. Was she trying to teach me some sort of lesson or something? A lesson about what though? The Demon lord crossed her arms and revealed a deep, slightly worrying grin. “I didn’t say there was nothing you could do.” She corrected me in a deep voice. I narrowed my eyes. Something about that sounds dangerous. Although that just seems to be Cadizes usual demeanor. “Can you teach me?” I asked hesitantly. Cadiz shrugged. “Sort of.” She told me. “I’m not a user of Earth magic myself, but I know a little.” She then proceeded to sit down on a nearby barrel. “There is a little I can tell you though.” She grinned. I nodded my head. “Anything would be nice at this point.” I replied with a chuckle. She adjusted herself on the barrel then lent towards me a little. “Do you know why Earth magic is so popular with Demon assassins?” She asked whilst looking me in the eye. I shook my head and looked to the others around us. Even Aedi who is a Demon seemed confused. “Think about it this way.” Cadiz continued. “A desert is filled with tiny sand particles, billions upon billions upon billions of them. Each one controllable with Earth magic. Now think about what happens when someone fighting in the desert. Breathing sand particles is going to happen, don’t you think?” She grinned a cruel grin. I think I’m starting to see where this is going. “Now, do you think that just because the sand is now inside someones body, it suddenly becomes unusable for a Earth magic user? No. Not at all. Not at all…” She finished, her face near twisted in a sadistic grin. Before I could say anything her face returned to normal and she sat upright. “Of course something like that is useless to someone who fights so straightforwardly like yourself. I just thought it might be useful knowledge.” She smiled a much gentler smile this time. I looked back at the sand. “So what exactly are you saying?” I asked her, still not entirely understanding. If such a use is useless to me, why did she tell me? Cadiz stood up brushing a few specks of sand of of her dress. “What I’m saying is… Be creative. Think. Anything that should be possible with magic is possible.” She finished before turning away. “Anyway, must be off. Still much to do my dears.” She finished with a wink. Alka, who had stood by silently gave a slight nod before following along behind. Always busy that one. Still. She says to use my imagination… What does that even mean in this context. Maybe I can use something from my previous lives to help? Ein was a lot more technologically advanced than this world. Things like spaceships, guns computers. Weird to think about how normal they all seem to me. Does any of that help me though? Something in the sciences? I can’t say I learnt much about sand in my days of education, it wasn’t really the focus of any of my lessons. Although… Thinking about it, maybe there is something I could do… What would happen if I mashed two grains of sand together? Would it form a larger, more solid lump? If I use enough force combined with magic, surely I could make some use of one large lump of sand. I suppose I won’t know until I give it a try… So, with that plan I concentrated hard. I grabbed a few lumps of sand in my hand, and squeezed it tight, making sure to feed my mana and power into it. I have no idea what this will make, but it’ll be an interesting experiment. After a few seconds, I felt the looseness disappearing, they were definitely changing in some way. The lump had also begun to heat up. Finally, after waiting another few seconds, I released my hand to see what lay beneath. I don’t know what you would call it. The sand had almost become rock like. I’m not even sure if this would be possible normally without magic. I could still make out that it was sand, the surface almost looked like the wet sand a child makes a sand castle out off, but it was completely dry and hard to the touch. I gave it a light squeeze, the formation didn’t budge an inch. “Woooow. How did you do that? What is it?” I heard Aedi ask. My eyes gravitated upwards to see the small group I was with staring at me. Oh yeah, I’d forgotten they were watching. I shrugged my shoulders. “I dunno yet. Might end up being nothing.” I replied, moving the odd rock around in my palm. The rock lifted from my hand with the use of my magic. So, I can certainly still manipulate it like it were ordinary sand, so that’s good. Just how solid is it though? With no hesitation, I launched the rock towards the wall on the side of the ship. As it collided it made a loud, dull bang before breaking back into sand. “Well that’s a little disappointing.” I muttered. Or at least I thought. As the small cloud of sand settled, I noticed something. There was definitely a dent in the wood. It had become a little splintered too. I definitely did more damage with this than whatever I tried before. “I think I can use this.” I grinned. Aedi tilted her head. “How?” She asked with a furrowed brow. Next to her the Wolves nodded in agreement. I squeezed my hand. “Whatever I did to that sand caused it to damage that wall. Sand can’t ordinarily do that. However, that was just after a few seconds of pouring my mana in to it. What would happen if I spent a minute on it? Or even longer?” I asked, a little excited. “Well… It could end up doing nothing new, couldn’t it?” Kasa asked. My face grew blank. I looked down at my hand again. “Well yeah… I suppose so…” I replied dejected. “You upset her!” Aedi bluntly stated tapping Kasa. Kasa looked panicked as her tail rose up. She then looked between me and Aedi. “I- I’m sure it’ll make a difference.” She nodded her head as if to assure herself. It wasn’t very convincing. A murmur of displeasure escaped from my lips. I was extremely excited to see where this could go, but I feel as though the wind has been taken out of my sails. There is of course every chance that it won’t change in strength at all, but even so there’s no harm in trying. “I’m going to keep going.” I stated with resolution. I looked up at the others. “You guys are welcome to stay, but I imagine it’ll be kind of boring.” I told them. The group looked at each other. “I mean… This is our spot anyway.” Kuda muttered looking away from us. Kasa chuckled. Aedi put her finger up to her chin. “I was just going to cuddle with Sari and the baby.” She replied. I looked over to Sari. “You’re alright with that?” I asked her. Sari chuckled. “He’s not.” She stated motioning her head towards Kuda. “But the babies growing inside me, so he doesn’t get a say.” Her face distorted into what can only be described as a disturbing grin. I chuckled. Sometimes I feel a little sorry for the overprotective Kuda. Well, I suppose that they’re going to stay there, whether they’re going to watch me or not is a different question. Finally I turned to Wrok. “What about you?” I asked. Wrok shook his head. “Wrok has meditating to do. Over here will be too loud. Wrok will come back later to check your progress.” He answered before standing himself up. With a quick bow he excused himself. Well. I suppose I lost one audience member at least. Still, I guess I better do as I promised to myself and keep trying. The plan was in place and I had plenty of mana left. So I brought some more sand into my palms and got to work. At first I held it for about half a minute. The results... Well they definitely got me excited at least. There was certainly a difference in strength, although it was clearly not massive. In fact it was barely noticeable, but it was there. I then decided to hold it for about ten minutes. Obviously just sitting there staring at my hand would be boring so I thought I’d talk to the wolves. About what they might do in the future. For now, they said their main goal was just to keep Sari and the baby safe. It seems as though they haven’t decided what to do after that. For all we know the Queen could offer them safe haven after all, at least if they wanted it. I can’t exactly imagine a group of Wolves roaming around the palace of the Demon Queen though. After the ten minutes were up, I revealed the rock. This time there was a clear physical difference, the colour of the rock had become somewhat darker. On top of that, the texture had changed and there was less distinction between the sand clumps. Since this seems to be a bit tougher than the last one and I didn’t actually want to damage the ship, we found some unused wood and set up a quick target. With a quick aim I threw the rock as close to the centre of the target. As soon as they met, the target shattered in two as splinters flew in all directions. It was certainly more effective than the last one. However, the rock still broke. At least I know for definite that the longer I hold it the denser and stronger it becomes. Still, does that really help me all that much? After a whole ten minutes and not an insignificant mana drain it’s still weaker than just a normal rock you can find anywhere. Sure I can’t control normal rocks magically, but that’s besides the point. I need something that can do damage, I can’t imagine I’ll be facing many beings weak enough to be damaged by these rocks in the near future. The only way these could be useful would be if I could spend hours on them at a time to make them stronger, but I’m not sure even my mana will hold out from hours of continual use. Although, there might be another way I can do this. Perhaps I can refine the process? If I just keep practising, maybe I’ll be able to get better results with less time and mana put in. After all this is my very first time trying this. Even if you use all the right ingredients when baking a cake that doesn’t mean it’ll turn out perfect the first time. My mana was already about halfway gone though, so I decided to just spend another hour or two on this. I also want to see what will happen if I use my mana up very slowly over a long period, although I can’t imagine it would be that much different. So as I did so the others carried on with their own business. Just as he promised Wrok came over once or twice to see if I’d made any progress. He seemed interested in my plans, to a certain level at least. On top of Wrok, both Alvir and Vinn came over at one point. They had apparently been playing at the back of the ship, but Odwiff shooed them away as he was trying to concentrate on some plans he was drawing up. The time for dinner fast approached and I had more mana left over than I thought. Probably due to the incredibly slow rate I decided to use it. Funnily enough the rock did turn out a bit different. It had become… Well flexible I suppose. It felt like a rock and was hard like one too, but I could also bend it a bit like it was still made up of sand. Which, it was, but it was still odd. I can’t think of any use for bendy rocks right now, but that seems like something that would have a unique use at some point in my life. When I told Cadiz, Alka and Gial, who were sitting at the same table as me about what I was doing they all had mixed looks. Gial said that it was just like me to do something like that and Cadiz told me that wasn’t quite what she had in mind, whereas Alka just sighed. I don’t really get what they mean though, I thought that my idea was quite clever, but they seem to be… I don’t know, disappointed? Although that’s not quite the right word for it. Still, I don’t really care, personally I think it’s a great idea. Rocks that are harder than rocks that I can control with magic can only be a good thing right? Shortly after, my day was mostly done. For what time I had left until I’d be hitting the hay I thought I’d keep hanging out with the wolves. Seems as though since they joined us Aedi was constantly hanging out with them. Kuda must see her as being a non threat, but then he hasn’t seen her magic. Tomorrow, I’m going to take a quick break from my magic practise and get on with my side project. Kasa’s saddle. I still don’t quite understand why she actively wants one, but I’m not going to complain about having something to do.   ~Day 183~   Before I could get started with my side project as intended, I was given a set of blueprints by Odwiff. It turns out that was what he was working on yesterday. Kasa gave him a detailed description of what she wanted and he drew it up for her. The problem is what she wants is very… Intricate. I’ve made a few relatively intricate bits of leatherwork in the past on a new set of armour and the like, but this is far beyond anything I’ve made before. Whether I can make what she wants or not is up for debate, but I’ll give it my best shot. The oddest request she had, was for the leather to be white. I’ve never dyed leather before, so I had to get Odwiff to help me with it. He said he would do it after the saddle is finished. Surely it needs to be done first? Or do the Dwarfs have some sort of incredible Dwarven method for dyeing? They seem to have better ways of doing most crafting work. Thanks to already knowing the method, I got a lot of the basic stuff done quite quickly this time. Well, it would have gone quicker if I didn’t have Kasa breathing down my ear asking me what everything was and what I was doing. It was rather hard to concentrate on much due to that. Still, there was no rush. I got the last one done quicker than I was expecting, the only trouble this time is the details. I also decided to do something else with today's time. It occured to me as I was working on the saddle, if I can’t pour that much mana into the sand in one go, why not just pour a lot over time? If I do a bit every day, it doesn’t deplete too much mana each day and should have the same effect. At least that’s the hope. Other than my own personal plans nothing much happened today. I spent dinner with Lason, Kuuli and Bear, I thought I’d catch up with them and see how they were doing. Lason was slowly recovering, he could now walk a little without any assistance and he had less bandages on now, which can only be a plus. I also found out that Kuulis father was a leatherworker, she said she might be able to help out a little bit with the fine details, so that was good for me. After dinner Cadiz announced that we would be landing tomorrow afternoon. It only reminds me that we’re getting closer and closer to the capital. For the past few days we’ve just been flying over a near flat desert, which just makes me wonder why they decided to build the capital all the way down south. The north is nice, vibrant and green. Down here… It just doesn’t seem worth it. Then again the capital is supposed to be closer to the southern coast, so It’s probably got some greenery and water around it too. Still, I’ve heard that the Demon Continent only gets hotter the further south you go. We don’t notice is as much up here, but it is noticeable whenever we land. That’s a point, I should probably get a change of clothes for very hot weather. My overcoat definitely doesn’t help with that. I suppose now I have something else to occupy my time, huh? Come to think of it. What’s my leatherworking level at now anyway? I haven’t really thought to check it. Wait [Leatherworking 9]... It’s level nine? When did it get that high? Have I just not been paying attention? I don’t feel like a leatherworking master. Then again, maybe it has multiple ranks to it like Demifoot? Well, I’m guessing that by the end of this saddle I’ll know the answer to that. [Name: Ellena Orcsbane] [Age: 182 Days] [Species: Arbor Ferrous, Dryad] [Height: 7'-6"] [Sex: Female] [Title/s: Kin of Ellephwen, Wolfmother, Slayer.] {Level: 65] [Health: 55604/55604] [Mana: 9106/9106] [Stamina: 41380/41388] [Hunger: 41000/41388] [Attack: 37128] [Defence: 66224 + 22000] [Magic Attack: 9824] [Magic Defence: 18871] [Skills: [Pain Resistance lvl 10 (Max)] [Poison Resistance lvl 8] [Mind Resistance lvl 2] [Venom Resistance lvl 8] [Lightning Resistance lvl 5] [Paralysis Resistance lvl 4] [Night vision lvl 10 (max)] [Amplified Vision lvl 9] [{Mushroom Helmet lvl 73}] [tough stomach lvl 8] [Unarmed Combat Expert lvl 9] [Polearm Expert lvl 6] [Demifoot lvl 10] [Warriors Heart lvl 52] [Warriors Will lvl 36] [Warriors Strength lvl 44] [Greater Regeneration lvl 8] [Guardian lvl 10 (Max)] [Dryads Charm lvl 18] [Skinning lvl 5] [Tanning lvl 5] [Leatherworking lvl 9] [Carving lvl 3] [Earth Magic lvl 9] [{Wolfmother lvl 18}] [{Pillars Aura lvl 15}]
{ "title": "Eh? I am Supposed to be Dead But Now I Get a Deadline !?", "id": 21488, "author": "Ranovien", "rating": 2.5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 4 : Eh? So I Have a Sister !?", "id": 305464, "next": 305763, "prev": 305273, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM4ZTZlNWFhZTg1YTQyZGY4Y2I1ZDMzMDgyMTZkYmZj">"Eh!?" (Rein)</p> <p class="cnNiNDAzMTljZjc3ZjRhYmZiYjQxZGY2ODc5ZTVkNTQw">"Don't 'Eh' me, you stupid brother!! Do you know what time is it !?? It is 5 in the morning!!"</p> <p class="cnM5NzlhZjA4NjQ0YTQyOGI4ZDRiZjY3OTk5YjUyYTU5">"Uhh, yeah.. I'm sorry.."(Rein)</p> <p class="cnMwNWZjYjRjNmJiNDQzNjFiOWU1MTk5MmQzZjcwMmQw">Hmm... By the way she called me, She is supposed to be my little sister..</p> <p class="cnNmODAyZWQ2ZTU2YTQ5MDg5NjI4NzUyZmI1N2FlNzk2">Her name is ...<br>...<br>Dang, I also forget her name!!<br>Won't she become suspicious if i don't know it !?<br>Wait, why must i be careful about it?<br><br>She won't hurt me, right?<br>She is not the kidnapper, right??<br>She is not an alien that disguise as my sister, right???<br>....Right, let's not be negative..<br>My common sense tells me that it's impossible to become like that.<br>Let's believe in my common sense.</p> <p class="cnM4M2VkYzI0NTQ0YzQ2ZGRiMmZmZDRjNGIzZWZjNTRm">So, her name...<br>For the sake of simplicity, let's call her sister(temp).<br>....Yes, Let's examine my little sister(temp)...<br><br>She has aura of "Tsundere"[1].<br>She has same hair color like me. Her ponytail hair quite long and fluffy.<br>Her eyes' color are surprising blue.<br>She is quite cute and beautiful in my opinion. Enough to be a model...<br>I assume most of guys want to date her.</p><br>Eh? Me? Of course not~<br>Don't be joking!?<br>She is my sister (temp) right?<p></p> <p class="cnM5ZTQwNjVlZDBhNjQ1MjI4MDBiZDAyNDJmNDJiNWNk">Eh? What if she is not blood related you say?<br>...No comment for that..<br><br>Hmm the more i look at her, isn't she more protagonist than me?<br>Good appearance, special characteristic which is her unusual eyes' color.<br>Don't tell me that i'm just my litter sister's supporting character!?<br><br>"Hey Big Brother, Why don't you say anything but keep staring at me while making stupid face??" (Little Sister(Temp))<br><br>"Umm, Good moring my sister(temp)?" (Rein)</p> <p class="cnMwMDQ1OTRmODQ3ZTRjN2M5MmUyNWY5YzIzZDViMTI5">"Why in question tone!? and What is sister(temp) !?? Are you stupid !?" (Little Sister(Temp))</p> <p class="cnNjMDZmMGFmZWRlMTQxMDg4OGM2MzU0OTBjZWExNzA2">"Well, my sister(temp)... Indeed I'm stupid for now... You won't believe me, but let me tell you this.... I get amnesia!! " (Rein)<br><br><strong>*smug face*</strong><br><br>"What's with that SMUG Face!? Don't be joking,stupid !!<br>Did you hit your head!? Has you brain gone rotten !?" (Little Sister(Temp))<br><br>"Hey, Calm down my litter sister(temp)~ , I'm serious you know...<br>I currently remember nothing about everything related to my identity. That's including your name."(Rein)</p> <p class="cnMyNjNhMmI5NGY1MzRmMDA4NDhkNGNjMjIyNGI5NWEz">".... "(Little Sister(Temp))</p> <p class="cnMwOTNhMzc5ZjllNTQwY2NiNjFiNjc5OWJkZWQ2NGFj"><strong>*stare*</strong></p> <p class="cnNiZWZkMThkMjNjZDQ0YzJhYmNhYjAwMWViYzYyZWM4">"...." (Rein)</p> <p class="cnM5OGIzYWQ2YjA1YzQzNmJiOWViZDQzMDE3ZWYwOGY1">"Haaah... Okay then i try to believe you..." (Little Sister(Temp))</p> <p class="cnNiMDdmYjBjYjFhNzQyMzU4NGE4OTEyOWIwMWI5ZWZh">"Thank you my little sister~~ For now, May i know your name??" (Rein)</p> <p class="cnNlNWY0NDRlMzk1ODRmMmZiNTUxYzBiOTg4YTk0MGZl">"Hmpt.. My name is Rinne.... Don't you dare ever forget again! I will hate you If you forget!!" (Rinne)</p> <p class="cnM5YTU2NTJkZGQ1NjQ0Y2M4MTRhOWI3ZGQxNWI2YjU3">"Thank you Rinne..."</p> <p class="cnNiZmMxOGZjZDA2ZTQ5Njk4NjFiMTYxMzI2MGI5ODFi"><strong>*pat her head*</strong></p> <p class="cnNhN2M1ZjZiMWJkYzQzZmFiYzY1NWZjY2FlMjEyMTU2">"Hmmmmp..."</p> <p class="cnNiMTkwNGNmMTk5OTQ5M2M5NmE4NmEyZWE2N2ZiMzM3">Yup, my little sister in her rebellious period is so cute...</p> </div>
"Eh!?" (Rein) "Don't 'Eh' me, you stupid brother!! Do you know what time is it !?? It is 5 in the morning!!" "Uhh, yeah.. I'm sorry.."(Rein) Hmm... By the way she called me, She is supposed to be my little sister.. Her name is ... ... Dang, I also forget her name!! Won't she become suspicious if i don't know it !? Wait, why must i be careful about it? She won't hurt me, right? She is not the kidnapper, right?? She is not an alien that disguise as my sister, right??? ....Right, let's not be negative.. My common sense tells me that it's impossible to become like that. Let's believe in my common sense. So, her name... For the sake of simplicity, let's call her sister(temp). ....Yes, Let's examine my little sister(temp)... She has aura of "Tsundere"[1]. She has same hair color like me. Her ponytail hair quite long and fluffy. Her eyes' color are surprising blue. She is quite cute and beautiful in my opinion. Enough to be a model... I assume most of guys want to date her. Eh? Me? Of course not~ Don't be joking!? She is my sister (temp) right? Eh? What if she is not blood related you say? ...No comment for that.. Hmm the more i look at her, isn't she more protagonist than me? Good appearance, special characteristic which is her unusual eyes' color. Don't tell me that i'm just my litter sister's supporting character!? "Hey Big Brother, Why don't you say anything but keep staring at me while making stupid face??" (Little Sister(Temp)) "Umm, Good moring my sister(temp)?" (Rein) "Why in question tone!? and What is sister(temp) !?? Are you stupid !?" (Little Sister(Temp)) "Well, my sister(temp)... Indeed I'm stupid for now... You won't believe me, but let me tell you this.... I get amnesia!! " (Rein) ***smug face*** "What's with that SMUG Face!? Don't be joking,stupid !! Did you hit your head!? Has you brain gone rotten !?" (Little Sister(Temp)) "Hey, Calm down my litter sister(temp)~ , I'm serious you know... I currently remember nothing about everything related to my identity. That's including your name."(Rein) ".... "(Little Sister(Temp)) ***stare*** "...." (Rein) "Haaah... Okay then i try to believe you..." (Little Sister(Temp)) "Thank you my little sister~~ For now, May i know your name??" (Rein) "Hmpt.. My name is Rinne.... Don't you dare ever forget again! I will hate you If you forget!!" (Rinne) "Thank you Rinne..." ***pat her head*** "Hmmmmp..." Yup, my little sister in her rebellious period is so cute...
{ "title": "Distant Leaps to Circinus [Obsolete]", "id": 20942, "author": "Khailz", "rating": 4.5 }
{ "title": "[9] The Town made in a Bowl of Soup [Pt. 1]", "id": 305465, "next": 306238, "prev": 303339, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNkYzg5ODNiOTY2ZDQwMzFhZjJhZjM5ZTgxMDI2MmFj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NzFiNGE2YjM1OTQwY2M5OTM0NzFkOGE1MjA4MzJk">It was a mild cloudy day outside but the weather was warm. The nice weather was no match for the colossal Gnorse that appeared before her. Much more massive than the average of its breed, it stood above even Yale, a man who is well over six feet tall. It's brazen legs decorated with thick brown hair that came up to the giant man's abdomens as he reigned it in. The enormous body that rested on top of its huge legs were wrapped with a jet black coat and could easily support the weight of three heavy-set men. Bright yellow side-slanted pupils surveyed the unfamiliar faces of the children standing in its presence. Despite its proud look, sturdy body and glamours entrance; The payload towed behind was the complete opposite when she took her sights upon it.</p> <p class="cnMwMDRkMGY5ZDgzZjRhZjg5M2Q1ZDEwYTM4NTE2Nzk4">The carriage was made of weak wood and rusted nails. Its wide wheels had were battered and scratched, the pinewood struts that held the frame were barely hanging on, but it somehow remained upright. Eris was unimpressed and thought it looked more like a wagon with a cover than a "carriage". She couldn't bare more than her poker-face at the old contraption, and her vision promptly swiveled back to the Gnorse. She thought the majestic beast was much more captivating and exciting to gaze at.</p> <p class="cnM0M2YxNTgyYmM5ZDQ0NjhiZWU2NmVlNzYxNWEyMWFh">[Eris: That thing really is huge! But that carriage is... creative?]</p> <p class="cnNkNDVlNDI3Y2QxMDQ0NzFiNTMzMjNlOTcyMjE3ZTNm">Yale furrowed his brows and stomped the ground.</p> <p class="cnNiODMyYzMxZjYzNzQ4MTI4OTBjMGIwYTVkMWU3OGIw">[Yale: Hey! This thing has put in more work in its six years than you have in your lifetime. Rigas is a decent sized place, if you'd rather walk be my guest.]</p> <p class="cnM5OGVjM2RmNzZjMzQ5ZGU4YmVmYjM3MjMxMjQ4YzU1">Spitting out his retort he turned to mount the giant Gnorse. With swift and fluent movement he wrapped his arms around the body of the animal and threw himself on top. The girl heard Zeais let out a confused Wha? and turned to see a look of stupid shock on his face.</p> <p class="cnMwZTc3Njk5YzYxNTRjMmQ4YTNjOGQ4NWViOGY1MjYx">[Zeais: It doesn't even have a saddle!? How is that even possible!]</p> <p class="cnM3MWY0ZDk2NThlZDRiMmRiMDM1YjljNzM5ZTBjOWUx">Grabbing the leather reigns and obviously proud of trusty steed he gives a hearty laugh.</p> <p class="cnM3MzhjYjMwNmFkOTQ2N2Y5ZWY3YTlhNTAyOGFhZTNk">[Yale: "It" has a name, and "he" is called Charrette. You have to get used to your partner soon. If you can't trust yourself to mount them with ease than a Gnorse will just buck ya off. Doing it quick and easy takes the strain off them, but Charrette her doesn't have a problem no matter how I mount him.]</p> <p class="cnNjYTNkY2YxNmNlMTQ1NWVhODBjMGIzMDRmYmM1NmNj">Yale rubbed the broad neck of the mammal, and it responded with a happy neigh, reciprocating his proud master.</p> <p class="cnM0NGQ4ZGViZTEyMjRlMmE5NjFkYWYwYmUxZWM1Zjk5">[Zeais: Ooo, I see. I wish there were any that roamed my area. I might just try and catch one.]</p> <p class="cnM3ODMyMGEwYTIxNzRmOTliOTA2ODBmYzY3NDJlYmEx">Eris took no time to give the boy a disapproving scowl.</p> <p class="cnM3Mjc1YTdmNjQwNDQzNzRiMGVjOTVmYjRlY2RiZjdm">[Eris: Are you crazy? They don't just let anyone hop on their back. I'm sure they would be much more pleased by a great person like me!]</p> <p class="cnNkODU1YmQ1MmMyYTRkMWI4NWJmM2Q2NmNjZGI5M2Jj">She gave the boy a sideswiped smile and leaned in, to pet the animal's side. Before her hand could even reach the smooth black hair, the proud Charrette moved over to the side away from her hand. The animal gave a deep grunt and swiveled its long neck and head to look at the girl. She peered into its eyes flared but not the look of surprise a normal horse would give off.</p> <p class="cnM1YzA0OWJjY2NhODQ3ZjI4N2QxMTcxNzcwM2QxY2Iy">[Eris: Don't touch? Got it.]</p> <p class="cnM1NTYxNWQwMjhiNzRmNGE4MjQ4MjI2NTZhZDcxZjY5">Clutching her hands to one another and puffing her cheeks, she mumbled,</p> <p class="cnM3ZWIyYWQ1NTZjYTQ3OWU5MTRjODBhNDI1MzVkYjkw">[Eris: How cheeky, I just wanted a quick pet.]</p> <p class="cnM3MTFjZTA1N2VlNTQ4Njg5YWE1YjU4YjcwZmE0YjU0">A hearty laugh is let out above her, Yale pats the animal gain.</p> <p class="cnMxNjhiNGFmODY2ZDQ0M2I5ZjE3ZjA1MTM0N2EzNzA1">[Yale: That won't do young one! He's not the type to just love anyone, he's only been my partner for years! HAHAHA]</p> <p class="cnMxZjFkZjYwMmM2YTRmNTI4ZjA2ZWVjMTY5MjkyOWUz">Yale pointed with his neck quickly to behind him.</p> <p class="cnM0MjNmMGJkOWVlOTQ4N2NiZTFmYTFjZDM4MjRlOTRj">[Yale: Alright let's go, hop in the back.]</p> <p class="cnNjMDFmOTcwZTJmMzQzMThiYTNlYjBiYTEzZmFjZDgz">Zeais took the lead to jump in ahead of her, she thought that riding in the back of such a broken down heap of wood would be the last thing she would be excited about. Unenthusiastic, she lifted her self onto the wooden carriages frame and sat on the bench opposite of Zeais...</p> <p class="cnMzMzdlYmIzZDI1ZTQ5NGM5MDExZmU4NDJmOWIwYzgz">[Yale: Comfortable back there?]</p> <p class="cnNkMDA0YWU1ZTY4NzQ5ZGZhMTc3OWU3ZDIxZjBmYzJi">[Zeais: Is this part of the floor suppose to wiggle like this?]</p> <p class="cnNlMjhhM2E1ZjI5NzRmMWFhYzNmOWUzMDUyMWM2NmMz">[Yale: Guess we're good then, off we go!]</p> <p class="cnNhNTc0ZjgwMjFiYTQ1Yzc4ZTg2NjdkZWJlYjg0ODRi">Obviously ignoring the boy's question, Yale whips the reigns and gives the command for Charrette. The horse gave yet another low grunt and began moving at a walking pace; At least this is what it seemed like to her. For the Gnorse to make such little movement, it bewildered Eris that his speed was almost as fast as a simple trot. She could see nothing better than charging through forests and taking down big game on such a gallant animal in her head.</p> <p class="cnM2MTczN2RkMWVlZjQwNjM5ZTdjMDE2NGQxNmJhZTAx">The towns scenery was strange to her. Much different than the cramped atmosphere of Don'te, she didn't see nearly as many people, even with the buildings looking decently built she expected the place to be filled with people coming on to rest from journeys and traveling. What seemed to only be the occasional traveler scattered about, there seemed to be no abundant bunch of visitors. The rows of shops and houses were well kept, the owners doing what appeared to be their daily routine and the precinct they were passing by was filled with active guards. Eris stood up to see more but the wobbliness of the carriage gave her a second thought.</p> <p class="cnMyYTEyNWJkMWI4ZDQ2YTY4OTU1ZWM3M2VjNWE4YzQz"><img src="" alt="A strip of Rigas" width="3508" height="1811"></p> <p class="cnNlYzIxZDAwYmI5ZDRmODdhYTMzZGVhODZiYTJkMWVk">[Eris: Mister, why are there so few people here? Isn't this a resting town?]</p> <p class="cnM5ZjlmZjU2N2UzNzRkYTM5NjQxNDMwZDMwZTk5ZDk2">His blonde hair flowing in the wind and his body lazily bobbing from the Gnorse movement, he calmly turns to the girl,</p> <p class="cnMwNjA4NWU1MjljZDQ4MjdiZjYwYTlmOWRkM2Y0OWU3">[Yale: Who knows, I gave up on this place years ago, though, It's been like this for a good while now.]</p> <p class="cnNkMTRlZjZmMDI3ZTQ3NzNhMjE5YmMyNmUxNTU3NDQy">Silently listening to his statement, Eris furrowed her brows and a small migraine ensued.</p> <p class="cnNkMDVlMWE2MjcyYzQxNDhhZTc2ZTQyZjRmMzkwZjky">[Yale: I don't take much time to get involved in what goes on anymore, that's more of a Chief question when you meet him.]</p> <p class="cnM1ZTAwNGQ5ODY0OTRiZTA5NWFiYTkyNzllNTgxMzNk">Brief images popped into her head, painting what was supposed to be a town before her eyes into a crimson red nightmare. Taking a deep breath in and pushing the newly reserved air out gave her a clear mind. She felt a gaze and saw that Zeais was staring at her.</p> <p class="cnMyYTYwMjg2OTMzNjRhNGZhZWVjYmFmMmU5MjZjMDgz">[Eris: Something wrong?]</p> <p class="cnMxZjZiMzJjOTdlOTRlNDc4YzJlMGQyYzkyZjE4ZWQz">[Zeais: No, I should be asking that though.]</p> <p class="cnNhNmUxZmRjOWM5MzRmZjJiZGU0NTI5NzM4MDU1NTcx">She knew she had to hide the painful memories deep inside but they always seemed to slip out no matter how hard she tried. She assumed her default expression and carried on,</p> <p class="cnNmOGRkMWUxMTU4YTRlZGM4ZmYzMGZhYjI4YTBmZjBj">[Eris: Hm, don't mind me.]</p> <p class="cnM4ZDg2YmJhZjgzNDRjZTM4ZmM0NjkwNzZiZGM3MGZk">[Zeais: If you say - SO!]</p> <p class="cnM2ZWY4Yjg1MWE2ZjQxNTY4Mzk1YmY3Yzk5ZWQyN2Vk">Zeais's last word didn't come out like the rest of his sentence. Feeling the same reason why he let out a loud whimper, her body slid into the side of the carriage and her neck got a slight whiplash. Charrette had abruptly come to a stop.</p> <p class="cnM5MDE1MWExMGMyZDQ3ZWI5YmNkMjk1MGE4MWEyODRi">[Eris: Ow, you could be a little more gentle.]</p> <p class="cnMwOWY3NWM2OWM3ODRhZWM5OTQxM2IyYjMzNzUzZmE1">Yale didn't respond, his back was turned but even from behind she could tell his face was angry if anything else infuriated. She stood up quickly and as she was about to repeat her complaint until she followed the gaze of the man.</p> <p class="cnM1M2FkNjE5ODI3YzRhZTBiNWMwOWU1NThlODZhZjgw">Wrapped in all types of bandages and old useless herb wrap, a man of unknown but definitely of old age was standing in front of their path. She analyzed the man but soon regretted it, she felt a chill run down her back. The man's eyes were stone cold as if death himself would not come for the man. His head and body were very much so on the thin side of the health spectrum. He wore clothes, but they were such of a hospitals medical gown. His lips were dry and his ears unkempt.</p> <p class="cnNlZjhjMTJkZmYzMzRmMzhhOGY2MzVlZTJjNmVjMDhk">A guard clad in chain mail came ran up to the unknown man and carriage out of breath. Eris could see that the guard was also not happy and was, in fact, fuming with anger. Out of breath and sweating the young guard whipped out his weapon, not even uttering the slightest indication of his action, cracked the man in the head with his metal stick. The old man fell to the ground lifelessly, a slow but constant red began to stain some of the bandages on his head. The guard looked up to the man high above him,</p> <p class="cnNmNTU4YjU2YTBhYzQ1MjRiNmZmZTYxYzUwZTg1ODhk">[Guard: Get the hell out of here NOW! --- This area is now -- restricted! --- LEAVE!]</p> <p class="cnNmMmU0MDI1ODlkMjQ2YzFhMGM2YjFkMGUzM2Y2NTZi">Still, out of breath, the guard let his demands be known. Yale whipped the reigns and didn't speak a word. Charrette casually walked around the body and moved onward taking no mind to the situation. Eris did not know what to say, she only stared back to see a group of guards running up to their sweaty companion and surround the old man's body. They formed a circle around it and faced outward to keep citizens out. Two of them quickly patted down the man then picked him up. The whole group ran in a formation, disappearing with the body into a guard station.</p> <p class="cnM3NTcyNDc0ZTdhNzRmYmM5ZGZmMWY1ODQ3NWU2MWY4">Eris didn't even realize she was still standing till a wobble from the carriage knocked her back into her seat. Snapping out of her tunnel vision, she looked ahead to see Zeais, also looking back towards where the guards were. His expression didn't give any indication of surprise or shock, but to her seemed more like deep thought. She wanted to know what exactly he was questioning, but Charrette had come to a stop, much more controlled this time and let out a loud neigh.</p> <p class="cnMxNmExNDljNzI4YjQ2ODdiZjBkNzIxYTU2NDMyZDIx">[Yale: Alright, we're here. You kids can jump out, the lounge is just through the doors. Wait there while I hitch Charrette.]</p> <p class="cnMzYzM5NjQxMjk2ZDRhZjhiZGU5ZWE5NGI4MjczYWQ1">Yale's face still looked visibly upset, she was curious but only followed his instructions. Eris proceeded to get up and lift herself down from the carriage. Zeais followed suit, and the two of them watched Yale ride off to the end of the street.</p> <p class="cnNmOTQyZGUxYWJlZTRhNmViZGQzY2M1MTc5MDhlYmRi">[Zeais: Guess we should go wait inside then...]</p> <p class="cnMyMTcxODNiZGExNDQ0Zjc4NTY2NTExODU3MzU0OTk1">[Eris: I guess so...]</p> <p class="cnNhMGIzYjcyNTBlMDQ5ODRhNWE5M2E4ZTUzMWE2ZGEz">&nbsp;</p> </div>
It was a mild cloudy day outside but the weather was warm. The nice weather was no match for the colossal Gnorse that appeared before her. Much more massive than the average of its breed, it stood above even Yale, a man who is well over six feet tall. It's brazen legs decorated with thick brown hair that came up to the giant man's abdomens as he reigned it in. The enormous body that rested on top of its huge legs were wrapped with a jet black coat and could easily support the weight of three heavy-set men. Bright yellow side-slanted pupils surveyed the unfamiliar faces of the children standing in its presence. Despite its proud look, sturdy body and glamours entrance; The payload towed behind was the complete opposite when she took her sights upon it. The carriage was made of weak wood and rusted nails. Its wide wheels had were battered and scratched, the pinewood struts that held the frame were barely hanging on, but it somehow remained upright. Eris was unimpressed and thought it looked more like a wagon with a cover than a "carriage". She couldn't bare more than her poker-face at the old contraption, and her vision promptly swiveled back to the Gnorse. She thought the majestic beast was much more captivating and exciting to gaze at. [Eris: That thing really is huge! But that carriage is... creative?] Yale furrowed his brows and stomped the ground. [Yale: Hey! This thing has put in more work in its six years than you have in your lifetime. Rigas is a decent sized place, if you'd rather walk be my guest.] Spitting out his retort he turned to mount the giant Gnorse. With swift and fluent movement he wrapped his arms around the body of the animal and threw himself on top. The girl heard Zeais let out a confused Wha? and turned to see a look of stupid shock on his face. [Zeais: It doesn't even have a saddle!? How is that even possible!] Grabbing the leather reigns and obviously proud of trusty steed he gives a hearty laugh. [Yale: "It" has a name, and "he" is called Charrette. You have to get used to your partner soon. If you can't trust yourself to mount them with ease than a Gnorse will just buck ya off. Doing it quick and easy takes the strain off them, but Charrette her doesn't have a problem no matter how I mount him.] Yale rubbed the broad neck of the mammal, and it responded with a happy neigh, reciprocating his proud master. [Zeais: Ooo, I see. I wish there were any that roamed my area. I might just try and catch one.] Eris took no time to give the boy a disapproving scowl. [Eris: Are you crazy? They don't just let anyone hop on their back. I'm sure they would be much more pleased by a great person like me!] She gave the boy a sideswiped smile and leaned in, to pet the animal's side. Before her hand could even reach the smooth black hair, the proud Charrette moved over to the side away from her hand. The animal gave a deep grunt and swiveled its long neck and head to look at the girl. She peered into its eyes flared but not the look of surprise a normal horse would give off. [Eris: Don't touch? Got it.] Clutching her hands to one another and puffing her cheeks, she mumbled, [Eris: How cheeky, I just wanted a quick pet.] A hearty laugh is let out above her, Yale pats the animal gain. [Yale: That won't do young one! He's not the type to just love anyone, he's only been my partner for years! HAHAHA] Yale pointed with his neck quickly to behind him. [Yale: Alright let's go, hop in the back.] Zeais took the lead to jump in ahead of her, she thought that riding in the back of such a broken down heap of wood would be the last thing she would be excited about. Unenthusiastic, she lifted her self onto the wooden carriages frame and sat on the bench opposite of Zeais... [Yale: Comfortable back there?] [Zeais: Is this part of the floor suppose to wiggle like this?] [Yale: Guess we're good then, off we go!] Obviously ignoring the boy's question, Yale whips the reigns and gives the command for Charrette. The horse gave yet another low grunt and began moving at a walking pace; At least this is what it seemed like to her. For the Gnorse to make such little movement, it bewildered Eris that his speed was almost as fast as a simple trot. She could see nothing better than charging through forests and taking down big game on such a gallant animal in her head. The towns scenery was strange to her. Much different than the cramped atmosphere of Don'te, she didn't see nearly as many people, even with the buildings looking decently built she expected the place to be filled with people coming on to rest from journeys and traveling. What seemed to only be the occasional traveler scattered about, there seemed to be no abundant bunch of visitors. The rows of shops and houses were well kept, the owners doing what appeared to be their daily routine and the precinct they were passing by was filled with active guards. Eris stood up to see more but the wobbliness of the carriage gave her a second thought. ![A strip of Rigas]( [Eris: Mister, why are there so few people here? Isn't this a resting town?] His blonde hair flowing in the wind and his body lazily bobbing from the Gnorse movement, he calmly turns to the girl, [Yale: Who knows, I gave up on this place years ago, though, It's been like this for a good while now.] Silently listening to his statement, Eris furrowed her brows and a small migraine ensued. [Yale: I don't take much time to get involved in what goes on anymore, that's more of a Chief question when you meet him.] Brief images popped into her head, painting what was supposed to be a town before her eyes into a crimson red nightmare. Taking a deep breath in and pushing the newly reserved air out gave her a clear mind. She felt a gaze and saw that Zeais was staring at her. [Eris: Something wrong?] [Zeais: No, I should be asking that though.] She knew she had to hide the painful memories deep inside but they always seemed to slip out no matter how hard she tried. She assumed her default expression and carried on, [Eris: Hm, don't mind me.] [Zeais: If you say - SO!] Zeais's last word didn't come out like the rest of his sentence. Feeling the same reason why he let out a loud whimper, her body slid into the side of the carriage and her neck got a slight whiplash. Charrette had abruptly come to a stop. [Eris: Ow, you could be a little more gentle.] Yale didn't respond, his back was turned but even from behind she could tell his face was angry if anything else infuriated. She stood up quickly and as she was about to repeat her complaint until she followed the gaze of the man. Wrapped in all types of bandages and old useless herb wrap, a man of unknown but definitely of old age was standing in front of their path. She analyzed the man but soon regretted it, she felt a chill run down her back. The man's eyes were stone cold as if death himself would not come for the man. His head and body were very much so on the thin side of the health spectrum. He wore clothes, but they were such of a hospitals medical gown. His lips were dry and his ears unkempt. A guard clad in chain mail came ran up to the unknown man and carriage out of breath. Eris could see that the guard was also not happy and was, in fact, fuming with anger. Out of breath and sweating the young guard whipped out his weapon, not even uttering the slightest indication of his action, cracked the man in the head with his metal stick. The old man fell to the ground lifelessly, a slow but constant red began to stain some of the bandages on his head. The guard looked up to the man high above him, [Guard: Get the hell out of here NOW! --- This area is now -- restricted! --- LEAVE!] Still, out of breath, the guard let his demands be known. Yale whipped the reigns and didn't speak a word. Charrette casually walked around the body and moved onward taking no mind to the situation. Eris did not know what to say, she only stared back to see a group of guards running up to their sweaty companion and surround the old man's body. They formed a circle around it and faced outward to keep citizens out. Two of them quickly patted down the man then picked him up. The whole group ran in a formation, disappearing with the body into a guard station. Eris didn't even realize she was still standing till a wobble from the carriage knocked her back into her seat. Snapping out of her tunnel vision, she looked ahead to see Zeais, also looking back towards where the guards were. His expression didn't give any indication of surprise or shock, but to her seemed more like deep thought. She wanted to know what exactly he was questioning, but Charrette had come to a stop, much more controlled this time and let out a loud neigh. [Yale: Alright, we're here. You kids can jump out, the lounge is just through the doors. Wait there while I hitch Charrette.] Yale's face still looked visibly upset, she was curious but only followed his instructions. Eris proceeded to get up and lift herself down from the carriage. Zeais followed suit, and the two of them watched Yale ride off to the end of the street. [Zeais: Guess we should go wait inside then...] [Eris: I guess so...]
{ "title": "A Dessert of Dreams", "id": 21385, "author": "compass96", "rating": 4.7 }
{ "title": "Chapter Six: A Mother's Conspiracy", "id": 305470, "next": 305764, "prev": 305133, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5YzI5NTc3YmZhMjQzNDA4NWI1NzI1MDIyN2VjYjIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">A few days after receiving the good news from Abigail, Choice was given permission by her mother to come visit her. She’d been trying to speak to her mother since then but the Queen had refused to let her into her section of the palace.</span></p> <p class="cnMwN2EwNWM1MjU0MjQ5NWRiZGEzNjA1MjgxY2EwYzM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Unlike usual, Choice was not led to her mother’s chambers. Instead, Rachel handed her a change of clothing, a cloak with a hood and a mask.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMzUzYzczOTQzMDRhMTQ5ZTNhYmFiNzVjODQwOGFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What are these for?” Choice asked. </span></p> <p class="cnNhYjliZTA2NGRkYjRiMjBhYTY2YjE5N2RkYTNhN2M4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You would not want your identity to be known where we are going,” Rachel responded. Choice accepted that simple response intrigued at the mystery and secrecy. She changed out of the simple yet luxurious skirt and top she was into the one piece clothing Rachel. It was very uncomfortable and the material of the fabric chafed against her skin. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">This better be worth it, </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Choice thought.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NzkyMjA2ZDU2MTRhY2JhODRhYTQ3YjAzZDVlNjVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rachel directed her to a side entrance she had not noticed before and they sneaked out of the palace.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZmI1ZGUzYzIwZDRmMDg4Mjc1NDFiNTUyN2Q1ZDg0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Is it safe to travel outside of the palace without guards,” Choice whispered. Rachel glanced at her in a way that made her feel as if she had asked something ridiculous yet still answered patiently.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MGNiNTYyZjkxMjQ5NWE4N2I3MGY1ZjMxNTE0ZTRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Your guards makes your identity very obvious, your highness. Don’t worry we are two normal people walking in the streets. As long as you’re not too obvious, nobody will pay attention to us.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2MWUyMDNmZmFmMzQ3MDk4YjJhN2VmY2VkNGVjZDBj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Choice wanted to argue with Rachel because she did not want to agree that Rachel was correct about anything. Before she could say anything, Rachel took her hand and sped up. She probably thought that Choice would be a burden but looked approvingly at her when she realised that Choice was easily keeping up with her.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMjAyNWEzOGQ5MDQxYmE4NThiZWNiMjg5YjE1NDAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">As they kept walking, Choice noticed that they were leaving the parts of the capital considered proper and were heading towards the so-called unsavoury parts of the capital. The parts that were considered full of crime and refugees and people who were generally not rich enough to live in a better policed area. </span></p> <p class="cnM0ZmFlMGM0MmNjZjQ1MTk5MTI4MzRmYzg0NTQzMWM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Choice expected to see people robbing other people in broad daylight or see dead bodies lying on the floor as expected but it had none of that. In fact, it looked normal. Maybe not as rich as in the centre of the capital or with as many massive houses but it looked like a normal place with normal people and she wondered why she had been warned away from places like this.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDlhMDUwZmU4MjRkNjViNmM0NjdiNTdhZGViMTE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rachel caught her looking around in surprise and grinned.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNDRmNDc2YmJjYTRlMDU4MjEwZmU4OTQ2NTBlNTIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Not what you were expecting is it?”</span></p> <p class="cnM4YmE3MzM1MGQ1MjRkM2Q4YmYxZmY5NjAwOTVjNzA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No it’s not,” Choice replied absent-mindedly.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZjAwYWViM2Y1YTRhY2Y4ZTY4NDFhZTI5NDRiYWRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It used to be like that, you know. Never as severe, people didn’t kill rampantly or in broad daylight. But this was the den of crime. No one up there cared as long we kept out of the way. They came down here for some fun but when they were bored of playing normal, they returned back to their positions. But your mother changed all that.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmMTc0Njg1NGQ5NTRiYTA4NjMxMWUxYzkyZTEwZDgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“My mother the Queen, is involved with this area.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDkyNzk3NGEyZTQ5NzViYjFmYmI1YmE1M2RlNDdl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Aye. Improving her was one of the first things she did when she became the Queen. She helped reduce the crime and the death. We still have brothels and debtors but they are better regulated. Things aren’t perfect but they are certainly better.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlYTZhNDZhYzE1ZDQ5YTJhNzZlMDZjZWEzZjYxYzNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You say we a lot. Do you live here?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNGI4MWEzYzE1YzQ4YWFiNjhmYzZmMDBmNDFhZWM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Used to before I started working for the Queen when you were five. I was ten then and there was nothing for me here so I decided to go work for the palace.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNDM1MDkwYzhiMTQzOGVhZmNlMTM3YTgzMGVjZDFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I think I can barely remember that. Wow.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3YWE1OTY5NTA2MjQ3ZWQ5ZmU3ZDYyZWNmNWI4MjM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah, you really didn’t like me as a child. You thought I was stealing your mother,” Rachel said and laughed. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Even now I still don’t like you, </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Choice thought and laughed along with her. “Anyway, I owe the Queen a lot,” Rachel continued, “So don’t be angry with her when she doesn’t see you often. She’s got a lot she’s dealing with.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NWZhYjM0MzMzMzQ4NmNhYjMzNDVhMzI3NTVlZWRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">For a split second, Choice could feel the blood rush up to her ears. How dare this girl interfere in her relationship with her mother? How dare she be close to Sera than her and know her better than she did? What was so special about her that her mother chose her to be her confidant? She raised her hand to do something she didn’t know what. At that moment, Rachel turned to her side and saw her hand. She looked at it quizzically.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MjFmZTViYzhhYTRmYTE5YjU1NTQ3MWVmYmQ3NWEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">The moment of anger passed and Choice gave an awkward smile as she brought the hand down on Rachel’s head. She gave it a little pat and smiled more genuinely at the confused look on Rachel’s head. She stroked the platinum blond hair for a moment before responding.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMWNiMDU4ZjNlOTQ5Yjc4NDQwMDgwMGEyYWQ2Mjg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t worry, she’s my mother. I won’t forget that no matter how angry I am.” Rachel gave Choice a puzzled look but chose not to comment on her actions.</span></p> <p class="cnMwY2M3Y2Q1NDJmMDQ0OGRiZjdhODFhMzk2ZWE2ZGEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Okay then,” she exhaled and then looked at a plain door. “We are here.” </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Here? Where’s here. </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Rachel walked to the door and gave it three short sharp raps. </span></p> <p class="cnM4ODU0NTAzNWQ1MTRhZThhM2QxYTE4ZThkMWM5ZjM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Password,” came a voice beyond the door.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NmM5MmE5M2IwMTQ0ZjI5MjM4YWM0MDE3NGY0NTBj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The frog jumped far down the well but got caught and fell.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhYjY1YWU5Yzc4ODQ0ODU4MDVhMjQzYWYxZjVjMGFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">There was a pause and Choice heard Rachel mumbling to herself that she had given the right password. Choice tried to listen to what was happening behind the door. Her senses had been heightened since her awakening at the forest and even though it was not as good as it been then it was still much better than usual. </span></p> <p class="cnMzYTFiYmVmYTU0ODQxYmM4MTkzMmFiY2IyNDZhNjI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Still, she was surprised she heard nothing coming from the house. Not even a scratch or whisper. Either there was nothing making any sound in the house, which was unlikely or there was something preventing sound from coming out from the house. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Probably runes or somesuch. </span></em></p> <p class="cnNkOTJhNzY4MzYzNDRhMmFiODE4Y2MwNTMxYzY0NWVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">After a minute of waiting, the door creaked open. Rachel looked to her right and left for a minute before entering the house, still holding her hand. The door shut behind them and Choice could hear no noise from the outside. There was clearly magic afoot.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NzYwMWMxNGU4YzQxMTViNGJjNzhjZGQzZDcxYTlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The hallway they were walking in was dimly lit and headed downward. As Choice looked at her surroundings to find some information about where she was, she heard Rachel and the person that invited them whispering.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MTU1NmVlNTUzNTQyYmFiOGZiOGE0MGQ3NmI5MDNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You didn’t inform us you were coming with a guest,” their welcomer said.</span></p> <p class="cnM2Yzg0YzYwNzViNjRkN2E4MTVjMTRlNTNlYTZiNDQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I didn’t think I needed to. The Queen invited her.” </span></p> <p class="cnNhYjI5NWQ1YTA4MzQ2MmFiYTNmOWUxYTM4NzBlN2Ri"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The Queen, really?”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNDE3N2QwMmRlZTRjNmNiOThhMDIzYzYyMWFlYTg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjNGYxZWE1MTc1ZjRkMDhiMjkwMWMxY2ZjYjBiM2Fk"><span style="font-weight: 400">At this, the woman inclined her head slyly to see Choice’s features. She could see nothing as she already had a blank mask on in contrast to the patterns on the masks of Rachel and the welcomer. After trying for a few minutes to get anything, the woman gave up and turned back to Rachel.</span></p> <p class="cnMyM2Y2ZDE0YjBlZjRiNmFhMGNiOTFhMjQ3NDFkNzZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Who is she?”</span></p> <p class="cnMyYjZmZGUwODM3NjQ0NTViZDFkNTVlNThlOTllYzg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You know I can’t tell you that.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZTVhNzQ0MmE1NjRhMTk5ZjExYTc2YzhmNWY3MTlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh come on R, I can keep a secret.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NjRiZDY3Yjk5ODQxMzliOTBhNWY5NGZjNThhODc2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You definitely cannot,” Rachel scoffed. At this she held her hand again and pulled me in a different direction. They had reached the end of the corridor.</span></p> <p class="cnM2M2M0NGQ0NjlhZDRiNGZhYzlhNTYyZDM3NTc0ODcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Is there a need to keep on pulling me. I can walk quite well,” Choice whispered. Rachel looked at her and blinked as if that hadn’t occurred to her.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYjcxZjc3N2U2MTQyOGRhZDM3YThlMmJkNmZjNDU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ah, sorry. I didn’t realise but we are almost there,” she said and released her hands. They walked for a few minutes in silence when Choice realised that they were walking at an incline. It looked like their destination wasn’t actually the house.</span></p> <p class="cnM1M2M5YjM2ZTUxMDRlNGJiMmVkOTgzNThlMmQzMGQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">When they eventually levelled out, there was another door. Rachel pushed open the door and they stepped out into an open street. Choice looked behind her and saw another house which looked dilapidated and abandoned. </span></p> <p class="cnM3MzJlMjE0NTJkNjRmYzk4NDZkZTNhODcyZTRmYmQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Choice drew her cloak closer to her and finger the three knives she had had gotten from the assassin. The street was deserted, something she had never seen before in the capital. It was very odd so Choice became more alert and she noticed that Rachel’s posture changed too. She stood straighter and her eyes were darting around their environs.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNGIzNWI2YmJjYzQyYzViNDQ5Zjk4Nzk2OGRkNjNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">She heard Rachel mutter, “oh fuck it” to herself when she heard an wheezing sound coming from the distance. Choice pulled Rachel to one side and an arrow passed the space they had previously occupied.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MWRhY2M1ZmE1MTRiODliOWE5YTljOGZhNWZiN2Fk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Shit. This is bad.” Rachel said and started running.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZWMxMzFkMjc3NTRkZjNiZTY3ODM2NGY5OTk3MWU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What is bad?”</span></p> <p class="cnM3OGRiNjE4OTNhODQ1YjZhYmYzMDgzZWE2N2RiOTEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“There’s doing a welcoming ceremony. I can’t believe she’d let this happen on the day when you are supposed to come here.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiYTg4ZGQxYTMyZjRmMzJhNmRiMWUxZTEzNTVhOGY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What welcoming ceremony? Who’s officiating it?” Choice asked. Rachel wanted to respond to the question but couldn’t do so because a figure came out of the darkness and attacked her.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZTIwYmQ1YmEyZjQ0YzE5NmFkY2I1ZTI1MzczNDc0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rachel got a sword out of nowhere and blocked the strike of the masked person.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYmQ5NzNmYjlhYTQ4YTM5NGYyNmI3OWVlMjg2Mjc0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Stay behind me,” She told Choice. Choice wasn’t planning on moving in the first place. She couldn’t fight and she didn’t have access to her magic at the moment so there really wasn’t anything she could do.</span></p> <p class="cnMxM2Q3MmNhZTkyZTQyYmZhODg1YmI3YjNhNmZhM2Q2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rachel blocked the thrust of the other sword and sent an aggressive slash back at the figure. They jumped back out of the range of the attack and threw a blade at Rachel. She used her sword to block the knife and as she did so, the figure ran at top speed into the opening that had appeared. </span></p> <p class="cnMxOGEwMDJhNTljYTQ0MWZiNWUwODA5NTRiMTc2NmZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">The feint didn’t work though as another sword came to block the slash from the figure. Surprise, Rachel was a double wielder! However, this didn’t seem to surprise the figure who used their other hand to slash at the stomach with a small blade. Rachel moved her waist so that the blade just brushed past her stomach.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNjRkNTc5YzdiMTQ4YzdhY2UyYmZmNGM5ZTcyNDI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">At this moment, Rachel dropped her blade on the right hand and gave the figure a powerful punch, then put her blade on their neck while they were dazed.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNzY4MTcwNjY3YTRiNzg5ZTEwYTA0YWNkNmYwODJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Okay, that’s enough. You’ve done well girls,” a voice said. Choice looked to her right to see a woman walking out of the shadows. It was to her surprise her mother the Queen dressed in a warrior’s garb. </span></p> <p class="cnMzMjVmMzU5OTJkMjRmYzQ5N2Q2NDQwZWFmZGVhNmMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Your senses are still quite sharp, Rachel,” Sera said, “But you lost. It’s first blood remember and you are bleeding.” Choice’s eyes went down to Rachel’s bleeding abdomen. It looked like that previous attack had hit her after all.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZTA2MThlNTYyMjRmZTk4Njc4NmFiZDJkZTFhOWFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s is unfair,” Rachel complained, “If it was in a life or death battle, I’d have killed her when my blade was against her neck.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxMjIxYzcyOTkxNDRjMjlhYTZkODA1ODA1YmFmMGNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“And if her blade was heavily poisoned, you would have died after. What is the number one thing I thought you.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4N2ExZmMzY2EzNzQ2OTBiOTVlNTc3MzJmZWE4MTIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t be the first to get injured. Injuries slow you down.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjNWQ2N2U0MjUzYjQ1OWNiMDE5ZWNlNTdhZDBmYWU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s right. I’m trying to teach you girls how to win a fight not die with your opponent. Now girls, make the sign.” At her instruction, Rachel and the other girl trepidatiously towards one another and then shook hands.</span></p> <p class="cnMwOWMzZTVjN2JjZDQzYzI5YzAyNzAzMmQzNjJkODg2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Good,” Choice’s mother replied clearly pleased and then looked at her, “Choice. It’s really good to see you. I heard you were trying to kill yourself.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2NGRlNjQ2YmY2MTQzYjc4OGFjMWViMDgyYjZiNzk0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What? No. That’s just an exaggeration I would never try to kill myself and definitely not over a boy like Matt Colburn.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwNjA2YjQ1YjkyYTQzOTRhZWU1NTY4MjZiZjZlMzMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Her mother hummed at that and gave her a blinding smile. “Good, I would be embarrassed if you ever did that. I would make sure you didn’t get buried in the family plot. Come in.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhN2UyZDk1OWY4ZTRkM2M5NTM3MWI0ODJjZjA3MzBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sera walked ahead and Choice looked at her open mouthed. She’d never seen her mother look freer and happier than at this moment and Sera just had to go and ruin it. Choice ran to catch up with her mother and saw a wall that she’d overlooked sliding up. This was the entrance to whatever her mother was hiding.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMzU1NTA4ZTYwNTRlOTM5NTU0M2IzNDNkZmY4YzE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sera, Choice, Rachel and the other woman walked in and the entrance slid down behind her.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ODNjYjQ5MWQ4NjRhZDdiNGVlZWE5MGQwNzA4OGVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Mother, Abigail told me that father’s let me go with Cedric to the Internationale.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5YzRhNGY1ZDFkZDQyMjA4OWM0MGEyNDg3MmJiYzdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I know that’s why I called you.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZDA5MGI0YTNjZjRmNWZiOGE0OGM2YjdiZTVkNjQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Mother I’ve been trying to meet up with you for three days. If you wanted to speak to me, you would have responded.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZWM5ODU0YjI1MzQ4NTZiZWE2MmMxNDJmNTBlZWIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I was busy,” Sera replied nonchalantly. Choice bit her lips at that casually dismissive response. Sera continued on “I am your mother and we may not have a perfect relationship but I know you and I know you did something to make Matt Colburn want to stop his betrothal.” Choice stayed silent and Sera looked at her pointedly until she spoke reluctantly.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YzA1OTYxNzIxZTQ2ZGViMzA5ODlkOWY5N2UwYTZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I caught him having sex with someone else on my birthday and accused him of actively trying to humiliate the Royal Family. Surprisingly it worked.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZGEzMjExYWVkNDRmMGVhMDQxNjhjZTFmZjUyM2Rk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I thought it would be something like that. You know there will be another, right. Another man, another marriage. Extra money for our coffers.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4MTA2ZWIwYzNmYTQ1ZTNiYTY1YWMxOTA5MDU1MzEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’ll deal with what happens then when it happens.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NDcxYzZkN2Y1OTRiYThiODU1YWRiZGZjMTc5OTY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Still eventually, you’ll get tired of refusing and being portrayed as selfish. You will give in just to have a peaceful life but it never becomes peaceful.” As they were walking, Choice saw rows of people training in the fields. They were many of them and they were dressed in well kept uniforms. They had formations and were so organised that she knew what she was seeing. This was a militia. A well funded, well kept one. Her mother was raising an army under the King’s nose.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MTEyNTdhNjJkZjQwMTk5N2U1YzhjMzkzY2Q3MmY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Is that what happened to you, then. Did you give in to have a peaceful life?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwZjYzNjM5MTc4MjQ2ZjViYzA4YzhmYTM2NmE3Y2Vm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“A little of that but mostly I loved your father. He wasn’t such a dick then. Anyway, there will be someone else. It will always happen but as long as your brother becomes King, things will change. Things will be better, for women and for men. But for women especially.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzN2MzNDcwMDEwYTRmNmQ4ZmQ0ZjM4MDU1ZjJlZTEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Is that why you are raising an army? To make Cero King and improve the status of women in this Kingdom.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzMzk2ODgyZDA3MDRjOGNiYzg0NmUzZGE4MjUzNjk0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I can only do so much. We need someone on the throne to make decision.” </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I could be that someone on the throne, </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Choice thought but did not say out loud. She looked around her and saw the young men and women practicing and duelling.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMjljYzg4YThhZTQ3NGJiMTIwZjI5YWIxNzc1YjAy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Isn’t it illegal to do this,” she asked her back facing her mother. “I could have sworn there was something preventing royal member from doing this.” She turned around and looked dead straight in her mother’s eyes. “Aren’t you afraid of father finding out?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkYTA3NGNmZjU4NTQwZWM4MzVkYTIwMzlkZGMyMjNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh my darling, that only applies to male member of the family. It’s actually quite specific. ‘Let no male heir or member of the royal family raise a militia or engage in common commerce so as not to distract from the crown.’ They didn’t even think about women being able to raise an army or make money so there’s nothing against that in the Code of Conducts.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0YjgyMThiYzQzMjQ5ZDFhN2EwNGUxYzY4YzhiZWNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Choice nodded her head. There was still something weird going on. If her mother felt it was important for her to know this, she’d had a year to tell her. There was another reason for her summoning and she felt that she would not like it.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZGFjYTRkNzAwODQ4YjFhODU5ODVlMmE5MTlhMGU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Okay mother, this is cool and jazz but tell me the truth. Why am I here? Why have you called me here.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiMTRkZTk4YTRkNTRiN2ZhMGEzOWU4YjdiOGFjNzIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I am limited in how much money and power I can give to this. We need to help your brother take the throne so things can be better and for that things have to be done. Sacrifices have to be made.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzODI2NWY3MTQ2MzQyN2E5OTI0MzNkZmI2YmQ4Mjk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Okay I’m getting where you are going with this. You want to sell things from the palace we no longer need like jewelry, dresses?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1M2E4NTQ0ZjMyYzRkNjdhY2E1ODE0YTM3NGU3NWJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No, any half decent jeweller will recognise royal jewels and will not get further involved. No that’s not it. I need you to get married to someone wealthy and important.” Sera said the last sentence gently as if breaking bad news to someone with a fragile mental state. She shook her head in disbelief.</span></p> <p class="cnMyN2FmZGIwZTA5NTQ1MWRhNDk1NjhhZjNiOWFjYWVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhNzk3ZDBjNjAxYzQxMzhhNGQ4ZGZhYjRhZDhiZTAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I know you don’t want to do it but nobody said you have to live your whole life with him. You can do what your aunt Bas did and end him. Sun knows I would have killed your father ages ago if I could get away with it.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZDlmMTJjZTE5MTQwOWE4MDdhMTZmZGVhY2QzNWE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkZWU0MDIzZjVjNDQ1YjNhYmYyZTFiZGVkNzBkMzBh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Now Choice, don’t be like this. This is for the greater good. Think of all the women you’ll be helping with this.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZTA5YzU1OTQyZTQwODY5ZmQyNDBjM2U1Y2U5YzIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“NO,” Choice shouted, “I’m not doing that.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxODE5YTFmYTQ5NTRkMjM5MDVhZjdhMGE2N2JhMWE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Now Choice, don’t be selfish,” Sera snapped out.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNTIwODBlODRmNzQ0NDRhYzJhNjk0ZTI1NDA0N2Qy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Selfish, I’m selfish! Because I don’t want to whore myself out to the highest bidder, I’m selfish.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlMjhhMzJkNzUyYzQwMTM5MDg2NDNhMGM2NDU5NTQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t be dramatic Choice Annabelle Legume. You’re not whoring yourself out. But you are not considering the wider impacts of your sacrifice.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0YzE3YzNhNmJhMjRkOWJiOWI3M2NhZTk5NDJjMWIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“If not wanting to get married to someone I don’t love or desire is selfishness, then I will be fucking selfish but I know damn sure I am not giving myself to the highest bidder to help further your desires. I know for certain that I don’t want what you and father have.” Choice finished this rant, her chest heaving with numerous emotions. She looked at her mother with unconcealed disdain and disappointment.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NjcwMjUxMzMxOTQ2ZTk4YzNiMmU3OWZjMDVmZjIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Very well,” Sera responded, “I didn’t really think you would say yes but I had to give it a try, you understand.” Choice didn’t say anything to her mother but looked at her with contempt.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NzA4M2NjMzg1MTRmY2E5MzhlMGJjNGJkOGFiNzQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“If you won’t take the simpler option then I guess we’ll have to go for the harder one.” Sera rummaged in her bag and brought out a heavy envelope. “I want you to hand this over to Librarian Perry when you go to the Internationale. They’ll know what to do with it.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZjhmM2UwMzAxMjQ1YzBiYjBhMmU3MjIyMmRhMzYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What’s in it?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzZTZjZWJiZmM2YTQzNmNhNGJlZjFiZjdiYmU4Mjc4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You don’t need to know. After you hand it over, you’ll have nothing to do with it. Also, don’t try and open it. It has a seal and there’s a rune of protection on it. It self destruct and hurt whoever is opening it if it is done without the proper process.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3MzMyMTU2M2MzYzQ1ZDNhYjViZTAxMzVhYjEzMDQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Mother, I am very upset with you. How can I trust that I won’t get in trouble with this.” </span></p> <p class="cnNlZGQ2NTJlYmUyNDQyYzQ4ZGVhZjhhZjMwMGMzNDky"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You won’t…” Choice took a breath in. The next question had to be asked delicately.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZDc0MGU0MTFkODQ4YmM5MDAxZGFhODM0OWIwZjMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Does this mean you’ll help me with my wedding woes?” </span></p> <p class="cnNhMmQ2M2NkNWFiMTQ1MjQ4YjMzZmU2OTNkMzkwOTlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Are you trying to bargain with me?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZmZjOGQ3ZDhiODQ2YWRiZTk5OTFjZWU5MTljMmIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Not at all mother. But there are so many things that can happen on a journey to a far away place like Internationale and having to think about what is waiting for me at home could cause me to be empty minded and misplace some things. I think I’d be so much more alert if I didn’t have any unfortunate things waiting for me when I return.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzZDBjNzkyNjNkYTRhMDBhMWViMDM4MTdhODM2MjZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You are negotiating with me.” Choice smiled cynically at her. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">She should have expected this when she told me to do something she knew I didn't want to do. After telling me how horrible it was to be forced to do something you didn't want to do. Did she really think I would just follow her commands? My mother really underestimates me. </span></em></p> <p class="cnNlYmE3MTY1NTAzNTQ3Mzc5YTczNTg1Y2NmM2IwODM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Fine,” replied Sera, “I’ll talk to your father and ask him to hold off on the betrothal. But It won’t work forever. One day you’ll be asked to marry someone and you’ll have to say yes.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyNWZhMzk5MjcwYzQ0OTk4ODJlNGRlNTUxOGQ4ODUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Then I hope to put that day off for as long as possible.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1YWY4NzZkOGFkMTQ1NzU4ZGYyZTYyNTljNGMyNDI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Brat.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkZTdjZjM2NTc3YzRkNDZiNmYyZDMyMzgwYWZiNzJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Thank you mother. I learnt it all from you.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwMjc3ZDFmZWRhOTRhMGZhYjQ1ZjJhYmMxNzY1YmUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sera handed her the envelope. When Choice reached to take it, she held on. “Be careful at Internationale. It’s beautiful but it’s more dangerous than they make it sound. You’re my only daughter so I want you to be careful and safe.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYjZlNzUwNmVlMDQzNzU4NGQ4MmMzZmZlOGIyZjlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I will be mother. Thank you for worrying.” Sera handed her the envelope and rustled her black hair. Sera was complicated. Sometimes she would be very cold towards her and sometimes like now, she would be very openly loving towards her. Choice thought that she would never truly understand her mother.</span></p> <p class="cnM2OWMwMTU3Y2M5YjRkZTBiYzhkZDU5Y2I3NTI1NWJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t forget, Librarian Perry. If she’s not around, hand it to the main Librarian and say ‘For official eyes only, from custard’. You must say exactly what I told you. Most likely though, Perry will be there. You don’t need to say anything when you meet her. Just hand her the package. You say the code word when you meet other librarians, got it.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMTFhODhlNjAzMDRmZmFhYTI1NzAyOTBkMzYzY2Vl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Got it but mother I will I know who Librarian Perry is?” Choice didn’t want to give the envelope to the wrong person, she took deals seriously and didn’t want to renege because she didn’t know who the recipient was.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YzJkY2QyNzkzNTQ5ZWRhNDQyM2RmOGUxOTVkODJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sera chuckled and said, “You’ll know when you see her. You should go back now. It’s getting late.” It was but Choice wanted to stay more with her mother and observe this hideout she had. Still it was obvious that her mother was done with her for that day. “Take Rachel back with you. She knows the way.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhMzlmMmZjZDFlNDRkNGM5NGU1OTY1ZTc2ODk4Yjg3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rachel came up to Choice side and smiled at her. “Ready to go back.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjNGJmZTA5ZjAxNTQ3ZjBiNjMxNjlkMzdiYTc4YTI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Mmhmm,” Choice responded then suddenly called out to her mother who was leaving, “Mama, when I told you as child that I wanted to be King. Did you ever think I could do it.” </span></p> <p class="cnM5Mzg4ZjAwZDUzMDQ3NzQ5NDYwZTFjNmYwYWJlNGFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sera thought on this for a moment and responded, “No. I never did. But I just didn’t want to ruin your dream in your childhood. Now that you’ve grown you know that it was just a dream.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4OWRmMjM5NTI3MjRhMjhiZTE2YjRhOTk3NmZmMTUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes Mama, it is a dream.” Sera nodded and walked away from her. Choice looked at Rachel and gestured to the road they had just come from. She nodded and took her hand to lead her on the way home. This time, Choice did not say anything.</span></p> </div>
A few days after receiving the good news from Abigail, Choice was given permission by her mother to come visit her. She’d been trying to speak to her mother since then but the Queen had refused to let her into her section of the palace. Unlike usual, Choice was not led to her mother’s chambers. Instead, Rachel handed her a change of clothing, a cloak with a hood and a mask. “What are these for?” Choice asked. “You would not want your identity to be known where we are going,” Rachel responded. Choice accepted that simple response intrigued at the mystery and secrecy. She changed out of the simple yet luxurious skirt and top she was into the one piece clothing Rachel. It was very uncomfortable and the material of the fabric chafed against her skin. *This better be worth it,* Choice thought. Rachel directed her to a side entrance she had not noticed before and they sneaked out of the palace. “Is it safe to travel outside of the palace without guards,” Choice whispered. Rachel glanced at her in a way that made her feel as if she had asked something ridiculous yet still answered patiently. “Your guards makes your identity very obvious, your highness. Don’t worry we are two normal people walking in the streets. As long as you’re not too obvious, nobody will pay attention to us.” Choice wanted to argue with Rachel because she did not want to agree that Rachel was correct about anything. Before she could say anything, Rachel took her hand and sped up. She probably thought that Choice would be a burden but looked approvingly at her when she realised that Choice was easily keeping up with her. As they kept walking, Choice noticed that they were leaving the parts of the capital considered proper and were heading towards the so-called unsavoury parts of the capital. The parts that were considered full of crime and refugees and people who were generally not rich enough to live in a better policed area. Choice expected to see people robbing other people in broad daylight or see dead bodies lying on the floor as expected but it had none of that. In fact, it looked normal. Maybe not as rich as in the centre of the capital or with as many massive houses but it looked like a normal place with normal people and she wondered why she had been warned away from places like this. Rachel caught her looking around in surprise and grinned. “Not what you were expecting is it?” “No it’s not,” Choice replied absent-mindedly. “It used to be like that, you know. Never as severe, people didn’t kill rampantly or in broad daylight. But this was the den of crime. No one up there cared as long we kept out of the way. They came down here for some fun but when they were bored of playing normal, they returned back to their positions. But your mother changed all that.” “My mother the Queen, is involved with this area.” “Aye. Improving her was one of the first things she did when she became the Queen. She helped reduce the crime and the death. We still have brothels and debtors but they are better regulated. Things aren’t perfect but they are certainly better.” “You say we a lot. Do you live here?” “Used to before I started working for the Queen when you were five. I was ten then and there was nothing for me here so I decided to go work for the palace.” “I think I can barely remember that. Wow.” “Yeah, you really didn’t like me as a child. You thought I was stealing your mother,” Rachel said and laughed. *Even now I still don’t like you,* Choice thought and laughed along with her. “Anyway, I owe the Queen a lot,” Rachel continued, “So don’t be angry with her when she doesn’t see you often. She’s got a lot she’s dealing with.” For a split second, Choice could feel the blood rush up to her ears. How dare this girl interfere in her relationship with her mother? How dare she be close to Sera than her and know her better than she did? What was so special about her that her mother chose her to be her confidant? She raised her hand to do something she didn’t know what. At that moment, Rachel turned to her side and saw her hand. She looked at it quizzically. The moment of anger passed and Choice gave an awkward smile as she brought the hand down on Rachel’s head. She gave it a little pat and smiled more genuinely at the confused look on Rachel’s head. She stroked the platinum blond hair for a moment before responding. “Don’t worry, she’s my mother. I won’t forget that no matter how angry I am.” Rachel gave Choice a puzzled look but chose not to comment on her actions. “Okay then,” she exhaled and then looked at a plain door. “We are here.” *Here? Where’s here.* Rachel walked to the door and gave it three short sharp raps. “Password,” came a voice beyond the door. “The frog jumped far down the well but got caught and fell.” There was a pause and Choice heard Rachel mumbling to herself that she had given the right password. Choice tried to listen to what was happening behind the door. Her senses had been heightened since her awakening at the forest and even though it was not as good as it been then it was still much better than usual. Still, she was surprised she heard nothing coming from the house. Not even a scratch or whisper. Either there was nothing making any sound in the house, which was unlikely or there was something preventing sound from coming out from the house. *Probably runes or somesuch.* After a minute of waiting, the door creaked open. Rachel looked to her right and left for a minute before entering the house, still holding her hand. The door shut behind them and Choice could hear no noise from the outside. There was clearly magic afoot. The hallway they were walking in was dimly lit and headed downward. As Choice looked at her surroundings to find some information about where she was, she heard Rachel and the person that invited them whispering. “You didn’t inform us you were coming with a guest,” their welcomer said. “I didn’t think I needed to. The Queen invited her.” “The Queen, really?” “Yes.” At this, the woman inclined her head slyly to see Choice’s features. She could see nothing as she already had a blank mask on in contrast to the patterns on the masks of Rachel and the welcomer. After trying for a few minutes to get anything, the woman gave up and turned back to Rachel. “Who is she?” “You know I can’t tell you that.” “Oh come on R, I can keep a secret.” “You definitely cannot,” Rachel scoffed. At this she held her hand again and pulled me in a different direction. They had reached the end of the corridor. “Is there a need to keep on pulling me. I can walk quite well,” Choice whispered. Rachel looked at her and blinked as if that hadn’t occurred to her. “Ah, sorry. I didn’t realise but we are almost there,” she said and released her hands. They walked for a few minutes in silence when Choice realised that they were walking at an incline. It looked like their destination wasn’t actually the house. When they eventually levelled out, there was another door. Rachel pushed open the door and they stepped out into an open street. Choice looked behind her and saw another house which looked dilapidated and abandoned. Choice drew her cloak closer to her and finger the three knives she had had gotten from the assassin. The street was deserted, something she had never seen before in the capital. It was very odd so Choice became more alert and she noticed that Rachel’s posture changed too. She stood straighter and her eyes were darting around their environs. She heard Rachel mutter, “oh fuck it” to herself when she heard an wheezing sound coming from the distance. Choice pulled Rachel to one side and an arrow passed the space they had previously occupied. “Shit. This is bad.” Rachel said and started running. “What is bad?” “There’s doing a welcoming ceremony. I can’t believe she’d let this happen on the day when you are supposed to come here.” “What welcoming ceremony? Who’s officiating it?” Choice asked. Rachel wanted to respond to the question but couldn’t do so because a figure came out of the darkness and attacked her. Rachel got a sword out of nowhere and blocked the strike of the masked person. “Stay behind me,” She told Choice. Choice wasn’t planning on moving in the first place. She couldn’t fight and she didn’t have access to her magic at the moment so there really wasn’t anything she could do. Rachel blocked the thrust of the other sword and sent an aggressive slash back at the figure. They jumped back out of the range of the attack and threw a blade at Rachel. She used her sword to block the knife and as she did so, the figure ran at top speed into the opening that had appeared. The feint didn’t work though as another sword came to block the slash from the figure. Surprise, Rachel was a double wielder! However, this didn’t seem to surprise the figure who used their other hand to slash at the stomach with a small blade. Rachel moved her waist so that the blade just brushed past her stomach. At this moment, Rachel dropped her blade on the right hand and gave the figure a powerful punch, then put her blade on their neck while they were dazed. “Okay, that’s enough. You’ve done well girls,” a voice said. Choice looked to her right to see a woman walking out of the shadows. It was to her surprise her mother the Queen dressed in a warrior’s garb. “Your senses are still quite sharp, Rachel,” Sera said, “But you lost. It’s first blood remember and you are bleeding.” Choice’s eyes went down to Rachel’s bleeding abdomen. It looked like that previous attack had hit her after all. “That’s is unfair,” Rachel complained, “If it was in a life or death battle, I’d have killed her when my blade was against her neck.” “And if her blade was heavily poisoned, you would have died after. What is the number one thing I thought you.” “Don’t be the first to get injured. Injuries slow you down.” “That’s right. I’m trying to teach you girls how to win a fight not die with your opponent. Now girls, make the sign.” At her instruction, Rachel and the other girl trepidatiously towards one another and then shook hands. “Good,” Choice’s mother replied clearly pleased and then looked at her, “Choice. It’s really good to see you. I heard you were trying to kill yourself.” “What? No. That’s just an exaggeration I would never try to kill myself and definitely not over a boy like Matt Colburn.” Her mother hummed at that and gave her a blinding smile. “Good, I would be embarrassed if you ever did that. I would make sure you didn’t get buried in the family plot. Come in.” Sera walked ahead and Choice looked at her open mouthed. She’d never seen her mother look freer and happier than at this moment and Sera just had to go and ruin it. Choice ran to catch up with her mother and saw a wall that she’d overlooked sliding up. This was the entrance to whatever her mother was hiding. Sera, Choice, Rachel and the other woman walked in and the entrance slid down behind her. “Mother, Abigail told me that father’s let me go with Cedric to the Internationale.” “I know that’s why I called you.” “Mother I’ve been trying to meet up with you for three days. If you wanted to speak to me, you would have responded.” “I was busy,” Sera replied nonchalantly. Choice bit her lips at that casually dismissive response. Sera continued on “I am your mother and we may not have a perfect relationship but I know you and I know you did something to make Matt Colburn want to stop his betrothal.” Choice stayed silent and Sera looked at her pointedly until she spoke reluctantly. “I caught him having sex with someone else on my birthday and accused him of actively trying to humiliate the Royal Family. Surprisingly it worked.” “I thought it would be something like that. You know there will be another, right. Another man, another marriage. Extra money for our coffers.” “I’ll deal with what happens then when it happens.” “Still eventually, you’ll get tired of refusing and being portrayed as selfish. You will give in just to have a peaceful life but it never becomes peaceful.” As they were walking, Choice saw rows of people training in the fields. They were many of them and they were dressed in well kept uniforms. They had formations and were so organised that she knew what she was seeing. This was a militia. A well funded, well kept one. Her mother was raising an army under the King’s nose. “Is that what happened to you, then. Did you give in to have a peaceful life?” “A little of that but mostly I loved your father. He wasn’t such a dick then. Anyway, there will be someone else. It will always happen but as long as your brother becomes King, things will change. Things will be better, for women and for men. But for women especially.” “Is that why you are raising an army? To make Cero King and improve the status of women in this Kingdom.” “I can only do so much. We need someone on the throne to make decision.” *I could be that someone on the throne,* Choice thought but did not say out loud. She looked around her and saw the young men and women practicing and duelling. “Isn’t it illegal to do this,” she asked her back facing her mother. “I could have sworn there was something preventing royal member from doing this.” She turned around and looked dead straight in her mother’s eyes. “Aren’t you afraid of father finding out?” “Oh my darling, that only applies to male member of the family. It’s actually quite specific. ‘Let no male heir or member of the royal family raise a militia or engage in common commerce so as not to distract from the crown.’ They didn’t even think about women being able to raise an army or make money so there’s nothing against that in the Code of Conducts.” Choice nodded her head. There was still something weird going on. If her mother felt it was important for her to know this, she’d had a year to tell her. There was another reason for her summoning and she felt that she would not like it. “Okay mother, this is cool and jazz but tell me the truth. Why am I here? Why have you called me here.” “I am limited in how much money and power I can give to this. We need to help your brother take the throne so things can be better and for that things have to be done. Sacrifices have to be made.” “Okay I’m getting where you are going with this. You want to sell things from the palace we no longer need like jewelry, dresses?” “No, any half decent jeweller will recognise royal jewels and will not get further involved. No that’s not it. I need you to get married to someone wealthy and important.” Sera said the last sentence gently as if breaking bad news to someone with a fragile mental state. She shook her head in disbelief. “No.” “I know you don’t want to do it but nobody said you have to live your whole life with him. You can do what your aunt Bas did and end him. Sun knows I would have killed your father ages ago if I could get away with it.” “No.” “Now Choice, don’t be like this. This is for the greater good. Think of all the women you’ll be helping with this.” “NO,” Choice shouted, “I’m not doing that.” “Now Choice, don’t be selfish,” Sera snapped out. “Selfish, I’m selfish! Because I don’t want to whore myself out to the highest bidder, I’m selfish.” “Don’t be dramatic Choice Annabelle Legume. You’re not whoring yourself out. But you are not considering the wider impacts of your sacrifice.” “If not wanting to get married to someone I don’t love or desire is selfishness, then I will be fucking selfish but I know damn sure I am not giving myself to the highest bidder to help further your desires. I know for certain that I don’t want what you and father have.” Choice finished this rant, her chest heaving with numerous emotions. She looked at her mother with unconcealed disdain and disappointment. “Very well,” Sera responded, “I didn’t really think you would say yes but I had to give it a try, you understand.” Choice didn’t say anything to her mother but looked at her with contempt. “If you won’t take the simpler option then I guess we’ll have to go for the harder one.” Sera rummaged in her bag and brought out a heavy envelope. “I want you to hand this over to Librarian Perry when you go to the Internationale. They’ll know what to do with it.” “What’s in it?” “You don’t need to know. After you hand it over, you’ll have nothing to do with it. Also, don’t try and open it. It has a seal and there’s a rune of protection on it. It self destruct and hurt whoever is opening it if it is done without the proper process.” “Mother, I am very upset with you. How can I trust that I won’t get in trouble with this.” “You won’t…” Choice took a breath in. The next question had to be asked delicately. “Does this mean you’ll help me with my wedding woes?” “Are you trying to bargain with me?” “Not at all mother. But there are so many things that can happen on a journey to a far away place like Internationale and having to think about what is waiting for me at home could cause me to be empty minded and misplace some things. I think I’d be so much more alert if I didn’t have any unfortunate things waiting for me when I return.” “You are negotiating with me.” Choice smiled cynically at her. *She should have expected this when she told me to do something she knew I didn't want to do. After telling me how horrible it was to be forced to do something you didn't want to do. Did she really think I would just follow her commands? My mother really underestimates me.* “Fine,” replied Sera, “I’ll talk to your father and ask him to hold off on the betrothal. But It won’t work forever. One day you’ll be asked to marry someone and you’ll have to say yes.” “Then I hope to put that day off for as long as possible.” “Brat.” “Thank you mother. I learnt it all from you.” Sera handed her the envelope. When Choice reached to take it, she held on. “Be careful at Internationale. It’s beautiful but it’s more dangerous than they make it sound. You’re my only daughter so I want you to be careful and safe.” “I will be mother. Thank you for worrying.” Sera handed her the envelope and rustled her black hair. Sera was complicated. Sometimes she would be very cold towards her and sometimes like now, she would be very openly loving towards her. Choice thought that she would never truly understand her mother. “Don’t forget, Librarian Perry. If she’s not around, hand it to the main Librarian and say ‘For official eyes only, from custard’. You must say exactly what I told you. Most likely though, Perry will be there. You don’t need to say anything when you meet her. Just hand her the package. You say the code word when you meet other librarians, got it. “Got it but mother I will I know who Librarian Perry is?” Choice didn’t want to give the envelope to the wrong person, she took deals seriously and didn’t want to renege because she didn’t know who the recipient was. Sera chuckled and said, “You’ll know when you see her. You should go back now. It’s getting late.” It was but Choice wanted to stay more with her mother and observe this hideout she had. Still it was obvious that her mother was done with her for that day. “Take Rachel back with you. She knows the way.” Rachel came up to Choice side and smiled at her. “Ready to go back.” “Mmhmm,” Choice responded then suddenly called out to her mother who was leaving, “Mama, when I told you as child that I wanted to be King. Did you ever think I could do it.” Sera thought on this for a moment and responded, “No. I never did. But I just didn’t want to ruin your dream in your childhood. Now that you’ve grown you know that it was just a dream.” “Yes Mama, it is a dream.” Sera nodded and walked away from her. Choice looked at Rachel and gestured to the road they had just come from. She nodded and took her hand to lead her on the way home. This time, Choice did not say anything.
{ "title": "Epilogue", "id": 21374, "author": "Etzoli", "rating": 4.6 }
{ "title": "Chapter 8 — Matt", "id": 305467, "next": 305772, "prev": 304936, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNlMjJlYWU4MWZkYzQ1N2ZhNDcyOTY1MzUxNGNmZGM0" style="text-align: left"><span style="font-weight: 400; font-size: 2em">Chapter 8 — Matt</span></p> <p class="cnMxYTRhZTUyYTg4YTQwN2ZhNzZlN2NlNjBmNWExMzJm"><span style="font-weight: 400; font-family: monospace">"It's been a whole day. The Stokelson kid's still not home?"</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZWQ2NThhYTI0YTQ0MDk4ODE1Y2IyMjQ1ZTJmMzFk"><span style="font-weight: 400; font-family: monospace">"The father promised he'd call."</span></p> <p class="cnNmZjgwZWVjODhhMjQ0ODlhNmI2NTNjYTMxYTUzYmI3"><span style="font-weight: 400; font-family: monospace">"Well, I think we got our first suspect, Portman."</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZTgwMjk3ZDQ2ZDQ5MDZhNGIyY2NlNTVlODE1NDcy"><span style="font-weight: 400; font-family: monospace">"That’s not news. The mother put us on to him already."</span></p> <p class="cnNhMjNhYTdlYWRkZDRhZGFiN2E4N2I0ODYyYmJhZTc1"><span style="font-weight: 400; font-family: monospace">"Why didn't you mention him to the chief?"</span></p> <p class="cnMzYTBkZTkwYTk5ZjQ4YjI4NTVmZjFlNzA4MjQ5ZTQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400; font-family: monospace">"I don't want to ruin his life preemptively, if it turns out he's uninvolved. The chief's taking this one personally. Anyway, we shouldn't stay idle. I'll head to the school. You should go back to the mother, ask to look at Blake's computer for more leads."</span></p> <p class="cnNjYTczMDc0YmQxZDQ5ZjNiZTIwYjg4N2UxYWUyYTEx"><span style="font-weight: 400; font-family: monospace">"What am I looking for?"</span></p> <p class="cnM1MDNlZjdjODNiODRkODk4MWIwZjA2MjFjOWRlMTU1"><span style="font-weight: 400; font-family: monospace">"Recent online chats, search history from the last couple days. Anything to fill out our timeline."</span></p> <p class="cnMxZmM3NWMxYzQzMjRmZGU4N2U3ZjJiNmZhYmI1YTUz"><br><br></p> <p class="cnM0OTY5MjkwMWZhYjQzYzg4ZTk4Y2RlODg2OTIwZjVm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Not having my own cell phone was getting to be a real problem.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMWE0ZWViNDhmYjRhYzI5Yjg1NDg5N2QxM2ZlZjI2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I’d heard from a friend about an… </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">incident</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, involving Jen in the halls between second and third period, but he didn’t know anything more than that. Without any way to get in touch with her, I had no way of knowing what was going on. Stress compounded in my head all day. I barely heard half of what my econ teacher was saying. My fears were growing by the hour, but there wasn’t anything I could do. I wasn’t likely to see Jen until late that night. We didn’t share a lunch time today, and she’d be gone when I got home. I wouldn’t see her until after I got back from work.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MjE5ZGNiZjBhNDQ5OTFiMmVjMzQ0ZGY5ZTg1ZmY4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Work. A normal job, where I got paid to do something by someone </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">else</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> in charge. Part-time at a convenience store. I’d picked it up for some experience, plus the extra spending money. Mom trusted me with the money she brought in, but I never spent any of that on myself. Most of it was strictly for the family’s needs, and the rest went into a rainy day savings account. I only spent my own money on myself.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYTNkYTU3ZTcxNjQ5MjFhZWEyYTk0MDE0NDk5Njkx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  The job was painfully dull. Endless restocking, reorganizing, cleaning. No matter how many times I went through a section, it’d always be messed up again minutes after I walked away. Somehow, even when the store was empty. It felt like a ghost was deliberately screwing with me.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMTU0ZDNkMzZhYjRjOGM4ODkyMDIwYmM5ZTY1ODIz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Not that I had to deal with ghosts anymore.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZTFlMzk5ZDVkOTQ5MjFhNjhjOGI0MzVjNDJkMDhi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  The store wasn’t particularly well trafficked, so I had a lot of downtime. In the past, that usually meant a lot of hanging out with whatever coworkers I had that afternoon. Screwing around, goofing off, making up games we could play that wouldn’t wreck the aisles. Whatever. Of course, whenever my coworker took a break, I’d lapse into boredom again. I used to be so terrible at being idle. I had to be doing </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">something</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">. Even if it wasn’t productive, even if it wasn’t </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">enjoyable</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, so long as I was engaged I could feel at ease.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNzRjNDM5ZTlhNDQxZjQ4ZDI5ZGQ4OWY3ZDkwYzJj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Calm, quiet moments were now precious gifts, every last one of them. It gave me time to think. Time to reflect. Time to plan. I’d learned quickly that if I didn’t slow down and consider everything, find the best approach I could, I’d end up with even more failures and regrets.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMzc3YjQzMjljMDQ4YTZhOTc5NzExMGU4MmM0MWNm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  It was a hard lesson to learn. A lesson I learned in sweat and blood, in the heat of battle and the quiet, deadly halls of diplomacy and subterfuge. I’d found a new way. Careful, measured, patient. Taking control whenever possible.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMWNjZmNlYmVhMTQ1Y2M5NjM2YzNhODFlMjFhZDQ5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I didn’t </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">want</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> control. That’s not me. I’d love for someone else to be in charge. I’d prefer that. I hate the pressure. I hate what I’d been forced to do. The decisions I’ve had to make, with lives in the balance, but nobody else was going to do it. By chance, or by fate, or by sheer stubborn resilience, I’d ended up in charge of the whole rebellion.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNWQ3Y2VjYmZjNjQ3NmRiZWZhYTg1NzkxOTM4Mzll" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I had so many things still weighing on my mind. Tasks unfinished, problems unsolved. There were a dozen advisors, policymakers, and members of the court awaiting my decisions. Kings, princes, vassals, dukes, lords, and a myriad of other titles I barely understood, all wanting meetings, jostling for favor. They’d decided that since I was such a great leader, I was obviously the best person to take the keys to the whole damn kingdom.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MmY5MDcyZjExYzQ2YjdhOThmY2ZjODZlNzIzZDhl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  But that wasn’t me anymore. I’d put that part of my life away. It was wrapped in heavy blankets, stuffed into a chest and shoved under the nearest bed. I wasn’t going to worry about it anymore—until the world, cruel and unrelenting, reared its ugly head and decided I wasn’t quite off the hook yet.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NmU2MzczMTgwZTQ2N2FhMWFkODNiZGI5Nzc5YjQw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I was blissfully unaware for most of my shift. Yes, I’d heard that Jen had done something, but I convinced myself it was something minor. She’d probably just stammered out some long phrase in Etoline, or maybe she’d tried to cast some spells without thinking. It was so instinctive for her, I could see it slipping out by accident. It’d be a simple misunderstanding, something I could paper over, something we could work on.</span></p> <p class="cnMxN2NiM2M2ZTRjMDQ2N2JhNWRkM2JjYTljZGMwODA2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  So it was that my coworker and I were talking about totally normal things, as if another crisis wasn’t right around the corner.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNTE5M2E4Yzg0NDQxYTliNWRlMTVjNDI3ZjQ1OTFk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Hey, Kyle.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyYTJlMzhmZjk1MTQ2MDY5MmJkN2U0NzcyOTYzODUz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Yeah?” Kyle looked up from over by the soda machine, where he was refilling a cup of ice. He came back, chomping through a couple cubes, and leaned against the counter. “What’s up?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0MGQxMjRmNDljMDQzMTJhZmE3MzRhYjE2MGRkODMx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “How are you and Kersey doing?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhOWU4ZmM5MmMxMjQzZTk5ZmNiNDE1ZjY2YmUxZWE4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Kyle looked surprised. I couldn’t blame him. I normally didn’t care much about relationships or any of that. I used to be totally apathetic about the whole concept. It wasn’t worth the effort to keep up. Cyraveil had changed my perspective completely. Keeping up a network of people, and knowing how they all intertwined, was essential. By now, it was habit.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZGI4Y2E2ODkyMTRjNGFiZDdjNDJjYmI1ZWM3Mzg3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Good, I guess?” He shrugged. “We hang out a lot. It’s… going well. Why?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlYzI3ZGFkZTU0ZTRhNTdhZDk4Y2IyZjYyMzFkNTZk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “To be honest,” I said, “you’re kind of my only friend with any dating experience. Got any tips?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiOTFjNDZkNzVhMTQwMjNhZTcyNDI5YTI4ODJlMjc3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Wait.” Kyle looked genuinely shocked. “</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">You’ve</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> never asked a girl out?”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZDhhODRjYWEzNjQxZjVhOWM4MGNmZmU2ZWYyNTQ3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I laughed. “Not until yesterday.” Which wasn’t </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">exactly</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> true, but I drew a pretty solid line between dating a girl and courting a princess. Especially when the latter was all about diplomatic tensions, maintaining alliances, preventing wars and keeping our respective armies in line. There were so many lines of dominoes waiting to be knocked over, I had to tiptoe around every word, in public or in private.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MzcxZjk1ZGVkZjRjMWI4MGI0NjdjZmI5M2I0ZGNm" style="text-align: justify"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">  Very</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> different.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZDNjMTNlYzg3OTQyZWM5OTg4ODA2Mjk3YjU3MDQ4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Oh man,” Kyle grinned. “Who’s the lucky girl?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1MDYzZDkxYWU0MTRhMzBiNWNjZjIxMjYwMjEwNzky" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “You won’t spread it around, right?” I asked. Not that Sara was anyone to be embarrassed by, but for Jen’s sake, I felt like avoiding any attention right now could only be a good thing. </span></p> <p class="cnM0Yjc3OTNkOThkNjQ3MGFhN2QzYjk2NDBjZDhlY2E0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Hey man, you never told anybody about me and Kersey. I wouldn’t do that to you either.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2NGI1N2MyMjNiNTQ2YTJiZTA4NjZkN2M5ZGI4YWVm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Bit different though, what with your parents.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiMDRiY2ZlMDQ1YjRjYzk4YjE5ODQ2ODhjMDdhZjc0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “I guess.” Kyle shrugged again. He was a frequent shrugger. I’d become a lot more attentive to body language and subtle cues. Reading people was a valuable skill, and way more universal than one might expect. </span></p> <p class="cnMxZDViNWVhMmRiNzQwZmJhMWYwOGRkMjg4NGYxNzEx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I tried to brush it away. I wasn’t trying to get some kind of advantage over Kyle. I just wanted his advice. I needed some dating ideas from this century.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNDE3NjNiNzUzMDQyNWI5MDZhZGRmYTI2M2NlZWZj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Anyway, what did you want to ask?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmNGE0OTc3NDg3ZjRmZTVhYWE4YmQzNWZiMTc3ODcw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Just need some ideas. It’s either you or the internet.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxMmJkNzBkYjE4NTQxOGViNDQ1NTY2YjI0NmNlYzYy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “The internet’s better than you think,” said Kyle. I raised my eyebrows, and his cheeks shifted to an interesting tomato hue. “Or so I’ve heard,” he mumbled.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNGJlZjBkN2NjYjQ5NTc5M2Y3MGJhMzFiYzA0YWVl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “I trust you more than the internet.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYjI5OTIwMDcxZjRlYWQ4MWY0MWVkMzUyMGE3ZDA0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “You’re crazy, but whatever. So, who’s the girl?”</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZWU1NjcyZGZjMjRlNTA5ZTQ0YTc0MmNjZGNhNzFj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Do you know Sara Monaghan?”</span></p> <p class="cnM3MzI3YzNlNjAyYzRmZGI5MTgzNTQzYmVmMzM1NjBh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Kyle frowned. “The junior?”</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZWFjNjZiODI2NTQxOWI5ZTViZDgyZGFjOTBjNmJm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Yeah.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNGFjMjgxYTM3YjQ0OGE5NGNmYmJjMTAwYmYwNGNj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Not really, no. She’s in my comp sci, but that’s about it. Doesn’t really talk that much. Kind of a loner.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjZGFmZGNjNDI4MzQyMWZiNmM5OTk4ZWNkZTE4MDk5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  That didn’t really fit with what I knew about her, but maybe she was just way different when she was around Jen. Or just that class. I couldn’t be sure.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMTQzNGZlNGVmOTRmMTlhMzExNjNmMGY2NzZkNTgz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “You asked her out?” Kyle continued.</span></p> <p class="cnM4M2Q3NjRkNTI0NjRkY2M5NWFmMDZmNDJkMTNjZGY5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Yeah. We’re going out tomorrow.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyNDA3ZTM1NWVhMjQ0NGM5YjE0MTdiZDkxZGYwOTQ5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Kyle clapped a hand on my back. “Nice. Good for you. You really seemed like you could use a break, man.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwODA4MmJjNzg0YTQ0NzliYTZkODNiYzA1ZDNlNmY0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “What?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiY2FkOTdiZjlhMjRlMmI5NTk3ZjE5M2YzYmUwNDMw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “I dunno. You’ve just been really quiet, dude. Scarin’ me. You okay?”</span></p> <p class="cnM3OWY2YTAyMDY1NTQ3ZDg4N2QxOTQ1OTBlYTMyYzY3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Our conversation was interrupted by the chime of the front door. A customer wandered in, and instantly I knew something was off. Something about the way he moved. His body language. I watched him carefully in the mirrors mounted up in the ceiling corners. He wandered to the back, out of sight of the register, and visibly relaxed as he seemingly passed out of our view.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYWZjMThjZTY0MzQ2MDdiOTBiZWYyYjYyODlkMTA4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  The refrigerator door opened, and his hand flickered out. I saw the brief flash of a brown bottle. His hand retracted again into his heavy coat.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZmVmODAzNzY0NzRlNDFhOWNkNzZkZWRjZGVlZjM1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  A second later, the door chimed again and he was gone, before either of us could react. He was sprinting </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">headlong</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> out the door, almost smashing into it as the automatic slider didn’t open fast enough for the speed he was moving at. I wasn’t sure what scared him off. Maybe he just felt like he already won.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYjZlYWE4MTlmYTQ0MjE5M2Q5ZTk3MTU4ZDk5ODk0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Lucky for me, the security camera probably got a good shot of his face. I pulled out an asset loss sheet and dutifully recorded the time and date, a rough description, and what we’d lost.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNTcyMzAxMWRlNTRlZDhiMzFlNWUzYWFlMThhZTZj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “You’re actually filling that out?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDJiODRlN2Q1MDRlNTU4OTcyMDZmZDc1ZjYxMDY3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “...Yes?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0YjM0MTM5NzU3ZjRkOTdiNmI3ZTNkNmI0YWE5MmI3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Kyle shrugged again, and I resisted the urge to wince. “You know they never actually bother with anything that cheap. Especially not on a homeless guy.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2MWM4MDdjZmMzZDQ1NzNiNGRjOWZlYzMxZWM5MTAz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “We still have to fill it out.” The pen went dry halfway down. I rattled it, but not a single drop of ink was left. “Got a pen?”</span></p> <p class="cnNjNTE1OTI5ODMzOTRkNTU5MGRmZjc3MDc5OTg5MDA3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Kyle shook his head, amused, and tossed me a fresh one. “Man, even the universe is telling you not to bother.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NDhkZTY0ZGZlOTQ0MWQ5OTI2ZTk1NzAxYjFhZDcz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “The universe and I don’t get along anyway,” I grumbled aloud.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZGYzZGE4M2ZlMTQwZjFiMWQxZmNjYjY0ZWQ2ZjIx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  While I finished filling out the form, the door chimed again. Jacob, another friend of Kyle’s and a member of his D&amp;D group, strolled in, glancing back over his shoulder. “Jesus, that guy was booking it. What did you two do to him?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhMzU0YjU5YzgyMDQzNTE5ZDZjODc3YmZiZjhjNjQx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Nothin’. He just stole some beer,” said Kyle, hopping up to sit on the counter.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ODI3OWNjZDNiMTRkZDViMWEzYTc4ZmIwMDk2N2Jj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Jacob started pouring himself a soda from the fountain. “Seriously? What an asshole.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3MTBmMmM4OWE2OTRmMmNhZGEwYzI5YjZjOWE5ODhh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Nah, he probably needs it more than we do.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhYjExMmM5OWJiZDQ5MTE4YTJkMGMxY2QzNTgwZGYz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Sure, whatever. Anyway, I had something else to tell you guys.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1OGYwNzE5ZWI3YjQ2MzJiOTNlY2E5MGMyZGY2NmY5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Kyle and I both looked up. “You came here with some </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">actual</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> news? Stop the presses,” said Kyle, smirking. I rolled my eyes.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYTUwYzlkMjg1MTRiN2JiNGUyMDFlYmRhZmM3ZjNm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Oh stuff it, grandma. You hear what happened during APUSH?”</span></p> <p class="cnNjZjc2NDljZjYzYTQyYTE4MmZlNzRiMzhiZjMyOTFh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  My heart skipped a beat. I couldn’t quite remember what APUSH stood for, but Jacob had to be talking about school. Horrible images of anything Jen might have done flitted through my mind, accompanied by visions of white beds and padded cells.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YmM2NWMyZjY5YzQxMDVhY2FiNTc4Y2FiNTY0Njdj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I was paying </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">very</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> close attention to every single word Jacob said now. Every muscle tic in his face, every shift in tone. I wasn’t going to miss a thing.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNTQ1MzUyNzQ5ZjQwZTk4N2QzYTY5ZDhlNTQyMzg5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Uhh…” said Kyle, clearly as lost as I wished I were. He didn’t sound nearly as concerned as I felt. It irritated me. Completely irrational, but still, the idea that Kyle didn’t understand the weight of what Jacob might say next bothered me more than I’d like to admit.</span></p> <p class="cnNlODBhYmM4MDQ5MDRhZjliMjc2ZTM2ZGVmNDI2MzM1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “It was nuts. Carl went psycho in the middle of class, ranted to Mr. Edwards in some crazy speech about war.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwMmFiYmEzYjZlMDQ5Y2VhYjYzYTVhNjFjODU3MTAw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I don’t think I can really convey the emotion that washed through me when I heard Carl’s name. Panic, fear, and images of Jen drained away—but at the same time, frustration and a creeping dread slithered in, taking just as tight a hold.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMmJmOGZhNmJhODQxMTU4NjdhNzZiNjdjYzg2ZjE0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “What did he do, exactly?” I asked, trying to stay casual. After all, Carl and I barely knew each other.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMGFhNGI1NzRkZTQxNTJiMjI0ZTczNTlmZjZhN2Fi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Oh, he went on and on about how shitty war is. Got pretty dark. He shot down what Edwards was saying with some pretty good stuff, actually. It was super messed up and seriously psycho, but it was still smart, you know?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkMjYzYWIyZTkzYjQ0YmU5OTQwNmI3ZGM2NzZjYzhl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  My breath got easier. Carl was just letting off steam. Dangerous steam, but nothing was boiling over yet. This was manageable. Jacob kept talking about what Carl said in painfully familiar detail, but I was already thinking miles ahead. I had to consider what to say to Carl when I saw him next. He was getting worse, that much was clear, but I could handle that.</span></p> <p class="cnM5Y2E4ZDBmNmZmZDQ2M2FiNjZjNTk4MWIyODc2ZjQ0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Of course, the next bomb was about to drop.</span></p> <p class="cnMzOWU4NWNiODI1YjRmMTE5ZDRiODNjZjBiYzJhZTNk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “So that’s why he ditched?” asked Kyle.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZWVkOWE2M2QyZDQ3ZmE5ZDZjMmRmODBhNWZlOTY3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  It was like he’d just thrown a dagger into the relief growing in my brain, pinning it dead to the wall. </span></p> <p class="cnMzNTU1ZjE2MTdmMDQ5NTliYzI3NmY2MDAwMWEwZDBi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Yeah, probably. He just stood up and walked out in the middle of class. Straight out the door without a word.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjZDRhMDMwYTg1MTQ4NzFiZWQ2ZTEyNmNjOTQ3YzA2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I shook my head in despair. Carl was going to be the end of us.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNzIyNDBmNTk1YTQwMzQ5YzcyMzE4OGFhMmM3NGVi">  <br>  </p> <p class="cnNmMGE3Mzk0NmRlOTRiNzVhNmU1MGU3YWExM2VlZTU3" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">***</span></p> <p class="cnNmMjEwODBjYjViOTQ5NzBhNWQxMDA5YzdiYTA1ZjQ5">  <br>  </p> <p class="cnM1OTdiYzM0YzBjMDRiYTBhMzE4Yzg0ZTE5YTE3MzUy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  They started talking about some video game after that, something coming out soon. I might have been interested if I could actually remember the game in question, but video games were long erased from my memory. I’d filled up all that space with too much information about a world I’d never see again—if I had anything to say about it.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MmRkMzliYTE1ODQ2NTRiYTI4OTM4YmQ1ZjNhNGZh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I didn’t mind that the conversation left me behind though. It let me get back to what needed to be done. My thoughts were preoccupied with fears of what Carl might do next, of worrying what had happened to Jen that morning, and what my next move was. There was always a next move to take, a new plan to make. I’d prayed so many times I’d never have to decide someone else’s fate again, but it always fell back to me, one way or another.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YmQ0ZmFlZjE0OTQ5NWU5YWZkZGY4NWI2NzMwMjQy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  The rest of my shift passed in no time at all, as Jacob went home and we were replaced by the overnight duo. I drove home with the radio blasting at the highest it could go. The tinny, weak speaker was actually comforting now, a taste of familiarity and stability. It never changed, as awful as it sounded. I appreciated that.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZDI5NzY5ZWE0ZTQ4MDViNmE2MGNmZmE1MDEwMWRh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  That golden path I’d seen just two days ago seemed so far away now. I’d wanted desperately for nothing to change, for my world to go back to the way it had been, but fate seemed determined to deny me any respite. Even as I’d thought we could just settle in and return to our old lives, Jen seemed haunted and withdrawn. She wasn’t adapting yet, and that scared me.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNTM0OTMyOWVhMDRkZGJhMjY0OWM1ZjVkMTk1N2I5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  On the surface, she was totally fine. She lapsed here and there, but we all had. That was normal. To be expected. I knew her better than that though, and I knew how good of an actress she could be. Jen could hold in problems as long as she needed, and she was so much quieter than before. She seemed reluctant to engage with the world now, always hiding something.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NTBjYzk5NGIyYzQ1NmJiNzc2ZjUxOGJmMjBlODJk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  She just needed time. She’d spent the better part of six years in a virtually alien culture, speaking a different language, adopting their customs. She’d grown accustomed to using magic, a concept completely at odds with reality. The elves’ magic let them avoid so many of life’s usual hassles. How could she possibly adjust in such a short time from </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">that</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> lifestyle to the mundane grindstone of the real world?</span></p> <p class="cnNiMTdhZmQwNTliZDQ0Mzk5MWI5N2U4NjhmZGIzMDgy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Her old life would reassert itself. I was confident of that—I had to be—and I’d do whatever I could to help her adjust. I was </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">really</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> worried about the other member of our group.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NTE3ZjRhYjAzZjRiOGRiNTQ4N2FiMDI1YTQxZmYx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Not only was Carl clearly just as dramatically changed as Jen, he was in a position I couldn’t really support. Much as I wracked my brain for solutions, I came up empty. Carl and I had too much animosity in our past, even with bombshells yet undropped. We’d been on opposite sides of a vicious war, in surprisingly influential positions for two twenty-somethings from the suburbs in Oregon.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YzY4OWIwZGYxNzQzMGFhOTUxNTI5NjZmZmQyOGVj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Our forces had been circling each other for some time. I’d known from the modern tactics and total disregard for feudal practices of honor and duty that it had to be him commanding the other side. I’d been using the same, since I was running a rebellion anyway. We were trying to overthrow the whole government; who were we going to bow to and swear fealty? It was ludicrous. I wasn’t a lord. My generals were gutter trash and I was a nobody—and yet we defeated legions of Cellman forces with ease until Carl took command.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NWNmNGJhYWNjNzQ1NmM5MjQ1M2E0Y2JkNGU1NTZl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  In all honesty, I think we both probably would have ended up dead, but for my sister. Carl’s men were fanatically loyal to him. They would have fought to the death, even once we started to outnumber them. Between that and Carl’s personal abilities—and penchant for assassinating officers—my neck felt particularly soft and vulnerable for weeks on end.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NDkxMTEyNWVmNzRmYWZiZGY5YWY4MTZiZGVjYWJl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  If Carl hadn’t found Jen in that dungeon. If he hadn’t betrayed Reynir. </span></p> <p class="cnNmZjc4YzhlOGFkZjQ5YTVhYTQyNDlmYjlkYTcwMWMz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  If, if, if.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNmE3ZTUxNzgwYjQwZDZiNzAyZmI2OTJmOTViNzZk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I shuddered. I truly believe Carl would have sent a man for me. My head would probably be mounted on top of the walls outside Candir along with all the rest, a macabre warning to strike fear in the hearts of the next would-be revolutionaries.</span></p> <p class="cnM2Mzc4MzJhOWQwNzQzNjNiODY0OTIzMDUwM2FkMTdi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I feared him.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYmRhZmM1NTMwZTQyMTdhN2JmMTRmZGZiY2Y5Njkw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  At the same time, though, I did respect him. He took a situation where anybody else would probably have just died, and he carved out a life for himself. He was strong, he treated his subjects well. It sounds bizarre to refer to Carl as having ‘subjects’, but he did. There was a reason he commanded such a steadfast, unwavering army.</span></p> <p class="cnNiOGRhYTA2MjVhMjQ4ZTE4ZDkyYTYwODA1OTI4YTQw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Most important of all, Carl was intelligent. Certainly smarter than me. I admit that freely. Carl seemed to know more about everything, down to the minutiae of any subject, than I could ever hope to learn. Not only that, but he could actually apply that knowledge—which he did, with terrifying efficiency. As the receiving end of his military strategy, I could attest to that personally.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNTg1MDAyYThhOTQyNTU5ODE5MDQ1YjQxODM5MTYw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  So, given all that, what was Carl’s play now? I turned it over and over in my head, like roasting meat over a fire that stubbornly refused to finish cooking. By now, I assumed he must have visited Blake’s house. He’d be certain Blake was dead now, something I’d already come to accept. Where to next for a man who’d lost almost everything he valued, who’d been forced back to a life he believed long dead?</span></p> <p class="cnNlYjUzNjBkMzUyZjQxNmNhNTdkMWVlZTc4ZDcwODE2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  A man whose entire world had literally been taken away.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNTc0MzdjODkxYjQyODE5OGM4YmU1NjUwZDhlYTdi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I didn’t have an answer. I couldn’t empathize with Carl. I was eternally grateful for the elf witch, the one who’d given me the way out. I hated Cyraveil, hated what it had done to me. What it had done to Jen.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYWU4MTY1YjI1NjQxMDM5MTYwMDM5YWY5ZDE3ODRl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  To Blake.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNmQxYWU0MTViODQ4MjY4MDc5ZjNiNDc1NjI2ZDhh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I’d sent one of my friends to die. Knowingly, deliberately, he’d gone to his grave, on my orders. That odd smile he always seemed to wear was forever fixed in my mind. He looked so confident, so self-assured when I laid out the plan, fully aware what it meant. It could only have been him, after all. A foreigner, an outsider like the rest of us. Jen and I were too well-known, but Blake could get inside unhindered, thanks to Carl’s betrayal.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YmQzYzI5ODc0MDQ0N2Q5ZjBlNDI3Y2QzZWUxMjA2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Carl could never be allowed to learn that his own actions inadvertently led to Blake’s death. He’d never recover. As I pulled into the garage, that single thought became firm and clear in my mind. No matter what, I would protect Carl from that revelation.</span></p> <p class="cnMzODA5ZDgwY2VkYTRkZTFhNGUwZjk3ZGUxNmJlZTI3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  My mom was already home, which meant I was definitely running late. I hurried inside. I’d wanted to help prepare dinner, since I hadn’t been able to spend much time with her since the night we came back, and last night was so full of worry about Jen and what came next. I wasn’t going to waste any more valuable time.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YmIwMjQ0YjYwNDQ4MzE4ZmYwZGZlNWJmMzEwYTJj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Mom, I’m home,” I called out down the hallway as I kicked off my shoes into the closet. I sniffed the air. Garlic. “What’re you making?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwYmZkNzg3OTRjODQ0NGU5YTM3MmNjNzUxNDQ2ZTA2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Tortellini soup,” she said, waving a spoon at me. “You’re late, bucko.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2M2Q2MWMxMTg4NDQyYjU5YzkxY2U5ODdiODlhNDYw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Bucko?” I teased, washing my hands.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZGVlYmM0NzMwMjQ5ZTFiMGQ0NTAyMWYwY2I2YTRi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Showing my age?” she asked sarcastically, before she handed me a towel to dry off. “Start choppin’.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkMTM2YzQzMDAxNTRiNWJhYzM2MGU2NmRjYzFmYmM2">  <br>  </p> <p class="cnNjNTMwMDg2MjczYjQ2Yjk4NmY1ZjgxZjJmZDYxMzVm" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">***</span></p> <p class="cnM5YTVhYzQyMDQ2YjRiNTk4ZWFkN2Y3NmI2MWE2Y2E4">  <br>  </p> <p class="cnM4ODYzZDc0MTYwZDRlYTJhNDJkOTg1Mzk0YjQ1NzA0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “So, school’s good?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlNmE5NGJjZWI1YzQzOWE5ZTRhOTk2OWZjMDE1MTQ5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Yes.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkZGI4OTc2NjQwNDQwODliMTdkNmFjY2ZhNzIxM2U0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Good.” She smiled, pushing aside her bowl for a moment and leaning on her hands. “Since Jen’s gone, I figured it was a good time to have this talk.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxZDgxMmNmOTZhZjQ1YjQ5ODZmZDgyODYzMzViMmE4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Jen was out at Sara’s house, which was a regular Thursday thing. I wondered what she was doing there. I still hadn’t gotten any details of what she’d told Sara. I trusted Jen, but I needed all the details if I was going to come up with a plan. I was feeling a bit claustrophobic without it.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MTgzMjExOGFkMjQ3MTZhYTMxNGNmY2FmMjJjM2Ex" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Not unlike the feeling my mother had just sprung on me. “Uhh, what talk?”</span></p> <p class="cnM2YjVkZTg5OGM4MzRmZmNiOWZhYzczNjYwNzM4ODll" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “About your future.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjN2FhYmYwMjNiZTQwN2Q5NTkzNGE3ZGVmODYxMGEz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I breathed an inward sigh of relief. Mom was referring about how I always hated talking about my life around anyone else. I appreciated that she never brought it up again, even around Jen, since I’d mentioned it.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNWQyOWIzNjVhMTQ3ZTc4MmQwNmJlZDM2OTQzZmEw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “What about it?” I asked, taking a sip of the tomato soup. </span></p> <p class="cnM5N2EyMzIzOTYwNDQ3MjVhMmEzZGRmNTBjZmU4NTVj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Well, have you made any plans for after you graduate?”</span></p> <p class="cnM4YTFkMWFjYWMzNTRmMzhhMjY0YTAzZTljZmM1Nzdk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I scoured my brain. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Had</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> I made any plans yet? It was so long ago. I had no idea. “Not really, no.” It was the most honest reply I could think of.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NDVkNzdlMTEzODQ2ZGFhNTQ5OWM1NWI1NDU0MWE0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Well, you need to start. I know it can really suck, but now’s the time. College will sneak up on you sooner than you think.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjMzEzZTIxYmNjNDRjMDViNWY0MDJmYWI4NDZmZWZi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  College. I’d forgotten all about it. I mean, not that it existed—I’d actually briefly attended a university of sorts, out in Dekinport. Not for education, though. I wasn’t there for the lectures, I was there for the cache of gold and magical weaponry a few floors and couple dozen feet of solid rock below my desk. </span></p> <p class="cnM0YjY4MzA4Y2I2MDRmMmM5ZmEzZjIxNTQ3YTI1MmRh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  While I hesitated, my mother started going into detail about options, applications, acceptance, funding. “A state school’s probably the best option for you, I think,” she added, in between mouthfuls.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYmQ4ZTNhYThjZTQ4NmQ4NGVhZTdkODk0NWU1ZmNm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  A sudden realization struck me, and interrupted my unbidden memory of the desperate chase and fight with the Dekinport city guard. There weren’t any state universities nearby our home. Not close enough to commute, anyway. “You sure you’d be okay without me around?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1YjNiNzg5Nzc0MjQxZDk4OWJjM2ViNGQ2ODA2ZDVi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “You gotta leave the nest sometime, Matt.” She said it so nonchalantly, I was taken aback. I knew I’d leave eventually, but I assumed it’d be way later in life. I helped out with all the household chores, and I helped take care of Jen, and anything else Mom asked of me. It was my job—or so I assumed.</span></p> <p class="cnMyM2FhOWE3NTYyZDQxZGI4NjAzOGFmNjQxODU2ZTU3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “What about—” I started, but Mom cut me off.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NzE2Njg0MDg3YTQ1Nzg4NzJmZDFlOTkyMzdkYjVj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Look, I’ve saved up a bit over the years, and I know you’ve been saving too. You’ve got enough to cover four years of college if you apply for financial aid, and you won’t even end up with any loans. I’ll be quitting my job at the mall after this year, thank God. Between my savings and the raise I just got, it’s going to be a lot more relaxed around here.” She smiled. “Your sister and I will be fine. You’ve got a whole life ahead of you. No need to spend it hanging around here.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZWEyYWM1YTZlYjRlMWZhYTFkOWJmNmMxNGI0Mjkx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “I don’t mind.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyYjRkZjAzMmY1NjQ2NGQ5ZWZjNWYyM2NhZTMxMDMx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Mom laughed. “You’re a good man, Matt.” She stood up and started clearing the table. There was only a little more time left before she had to head off to the mall, so she was rushing it already. I should have gotten up to help, but I was still sitting, considering everything she’d said.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMTc5MGZkYjY1MTRlZDJhYjExYTNlYzZlZDcwNTc5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  As she talked, my life plans had come back to me—how I’d seen myself taking care of her and the house for decades to come. I fully expected Jen to leave and make her own way, but I just assumed I’d be there forever. Now, my mother was not only giving me permission to leave, she was practically pushing me out the door—not in a </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">bad</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> way, but it was the impression I got.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZjlmNzE5MDQyMTQ2MzE4MTFmMTg4YmNlMWZlMGQx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  She thought she was letting me off the hook. She’d probably been thinking I felt pressured into being the man of the house. It wasn’t like that though. I’d just wanted to help. I wanted to be productive and useful, part of the team.</span></p> <p class="cnMwN2IzMzFiYjQ3MzQzZjhiZmNjNGQzZjExMmY2MjQ5" style="text-align: justify"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">  Was </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">it time for me to move on?</span></p> <p class="cnNkZGE3YmZmOGYzOTQ1ZWY4NjFjOTY5ZDlhM2NlZTNi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  It didn’t take long for me to reject the idea. It was laughable, in a cold, cynical way. My mother was correct two days ago, but seven years had passed her by in the meantime.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NjU2ZDFkNGMxNjQ4NjI4N2FhNGI4NjU5MTg0YjZl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Would she still call me a good man, if she knew what I’d done? I’ve killed, Mom. I killed a man with my bare hands, gruesomely, the same hands that helped her make dinner tonight. I hated what I’d done, and I wish desperately I could have found another way, but in the same situation I’d probably do it again. I’ve fought and bled and killed many times. The blood of hundreds, of thousands was on my hands. Maybe not personally, but they were forever fixed in my mind, lives snuffed out before their time, at my command.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZTY0NTFmMzhlNjRiYzZiYjAzOGM5Y2ZlZjdlOTVk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  There was no way I could even think about leaving right now. I had a potentially ticking time bomb in Carl, and in the long term, I had a sister who I still wasn’t entirely sure how to help, but it was clear she needed it.</span></p> <p class="cnM3OGY2NGI2ZTYwMTQ5M2NiZjgxZTg3ZmFiMTM4Nzky" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I still don’t know what happened to Jen. I wanted to ask her, but at the same time, I was afraid to. The details were scarce, but I knew that most of the people involved were dead, if not all of them. I couldn’t possibly confirm it, but I had reason to believe Carl put them to death personally. Certainly, the discovery had been enough to shift his allegiance, at great personal cost. All I ever got out of him was that he’d found Jen in a dungeon, in the heart of cruel Vennenport.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZGM2MTRjM2ExODQ0NTViZjJmZWZiMDVlN2JiMGQy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  For what purpose, I’d never found out. In fact, I knew far too little about anything she’d gone through. Even after Carl had rescued her, I’d only been able to spend a week with her before we had to send her away. We needed the elves’ support before we were crushed by the advancing Cellman forces using Carl’s strategy, and Jen was the only one they trusted. When we’d first lost her, they’d broken away immediately. They’d never stab us in the back, but without Jen to interpret and negotiate, cooperation was virtually impossible.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMDQxMmYwZWFiZTRlOGY5NGUxMzA4MjNkNjhiZmVj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  In that one week, I’d seen how paranoid and violent she could get at the slightest twitch. I was the only one she’d trust anywhere near her for over half the week. I’d sleep just outside her room, with a few trusted guards patrolling the outer chambers. She’d nearly killed a poor, hapless servant who’d had the misfortune of slipping inside to trim the lamps when I accidentally fell asleep. The boy never set foot inside that building again.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNGI0MjVmZDlhOTQ4M2Q5NTcwMWRhZDNiYzUzNzkx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  She was my little sister though. I’d promised Mom I’d look after her and protect her, and I’d keep that promise no matter what universe we ended up in.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNzQ2NDdmMjFhNzQ1OWFiODYzNTY1OTJhNjQxMmNh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  The front door opened quietly, brushing my thoughts away. My mom was on the couch reading a book. We both glanced up expectantly, but Jen didn’t emerge from the hallway. I assumed it was Jen, anyway. </span></p> <p class="cnM5MjA0NDdhOGYwMzQ1Y2FiNTQxMTIzMWJjNjA1ODg3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Jen?” I called, suddenly worried.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YzM1OGUyNTc3NTQ3OTJiMDY3ODc1MmFlMGNhMTIx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Yeah,” she answered, to my relief. Her voice seemed strangely muffled.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NWMxMzhkYjQzMzQ4ODQ4OTg5ZTg0NDdlMDYyMWQz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “How was Sara’s?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwNDI3NTUxMzA2OTQwMDc4YmQ2NGYwNDRmODRhNmE3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Fine.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2MGY1NzYyNTUzODRkZTY5N2JkZTk3YmNhOTE3ZWNl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Something seemed off. I expected some teasing, a jab about the two of us again. I glanced at Mom, but she didn’t seem concerned, returning to her book. I went out to the front door, but Jen was nowhere to be found. I glanced around, and saw her disappear around the corner upstairs. She was utterly silent at climbing the staircase.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZGFiNDJmNGNjZjRmY2E5Y2YxNTNiZWRkZThkMGEw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I followed (making a great deal more noise despite my own efforts), and got to her door a moment before she slid it shut. I stuck my foot in, blocking it. Jen’s eye appeared at the crack between the door and the frame, meeting my own.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYmYyMTExMTRkYzRiY2RhZjVmNzY1MmFiN2E0YTY1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Her eye was puffy and red.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZDI3ZTVhNjE5NjQ4ODRiMmEyNjA1ZThlMWEwODAx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Jen?” I murmured. Fear and concern were threatening to overwhelm me.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MGVkODZhNjk3YzRjMTk4NTRjZjZmODNjOWM5NTUw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Nothing happened,” she mumbled. “</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Vei torl.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">” Her foot pushed mine away, and the door closed with the softest click possible.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZjljN2ZiYjc0NzQ4MTc4ZWU1NjBlMWVjZjg3ZGY1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I stood there for a long time, staring at the wooden door, with the cheerful ‘Jennifer’ banner across the top, and tacked up pictures of Jen and her friends plastered in a haphazard collage. My little sister, the cheerful bubbly teenager, whose biggest regret in life was picking the wrong cell phone and losing all her pictures. Who loved to go to the mall, or take a day trip to the beach, or just sit out in the sun reading a good book or talk for hours on the phone.</span></p> <p class="cnM1Nzg3N2JkMjE5YTQ3NzdiZjU5MThiYjRjNjNhNjIz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Not for the first time, I wondered if that girl had died in a cold stone cell, in a dungeon on another world.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYjZkZDZhNjAyYjRlY2Y5MzYxMTlhZTM5OGY2ZjJj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Not for the last time, I wondered if she might be better off in that world.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYWQ5ZWVjNGEyZjQ0N2M4YmRjNjA2MDM1ZjI2YjI2">&nbsp;</p> </div>
Chapter 8 — Matt "It's been a whole day. The Stokelson kid's still not home?" "The father promised he'd call." "Well, I think we got our first suspect, Portman." "That’s not news. The mother put us on to him already." "Why didn't you mention him to the chief?" "I don't want to ruin his life preemptively, if it turns out he's uninvolved. The chief's taking this one personally. Anyway, we shouldn't stay idle. I'll head to the school. You should go back to the mother, ask to look at Blake's computer for more leads." "What am I looking for?" "Recent online chats, search history from the last couple days. Anything to fill out our timeline."   Not having my own cell phone was getting to be a real problem.   I’d heard from a friend about an… *incident*, involving Jen in the halls between second and third period, but he didn’t know anything more than that. Without any way to get in touch with her, I had no way of knowing what was going on. Stress compounded in my head all day. I barely heard half of what my econ teacher was saying. My fears were growing by the hour, but there wasn’t anything I could do. I wasn’t likely to see Jen until late that night. We didn’t share a lunch time today, and she’d be gone when I got home. I wouldn’t see her until after I got back from work.   Work. A normal job, where I got paid to do something by someone *else* in charge. Part-time at a convenience store. I’d picked it up for some experience, plus the extra spending money. Mom trusted me with the money she brought in, but I never spent any of that on myself. Most of it was strictly for the family’s needs, and the rest went into a rainy day savings account. I only spent my own money on myself.   The job was painfully dull. Endless restocking, reorganizing, cleaning. No matter how many times I went through a section, it’d always be messed up again minutes after I walked away. Somehow, even when the store was empty. It felt like a ghost was deliberately screwing with me.   Not that I had to deal with ghosts anymore.   The store wasn’t particularly well trafficked, so I had a lot of downtime. In the past, that usually meant a lot of hanging out with whatever coworkers I had that afternoon. Screwing around, goofing off, making up games we could play that wouldn’t wreck the aisles. Whatever. Of course, whenever my coworker took a break, I’d lapse into boredom again. I used to be so terrible at being idle. I had to be doing *something*. Even if it wasn’t productive, even if it wasn’t *enjoyable*, so long as I was engaged I could feel at ease.   Calm, quiet moments were now precious gifts, every last one of them. It gave me time to think. Time to reflect. Time to plan. I’d learned quickly that if I didn’t slow down and consider everything, find the best approach I could, I’d end up with even more failures and regrets.   It was a hard lesson to learn. A lesson I learned in sweat and blood, in the heat of battle and the quiet, deadly halls of diplomacy and subterfuge. I’d found a new way. Careful, measured, patient. Taking control whenever possible.   I didn’t *want* control. That’s not me. I’d love for someone else to be in charge. I’d prefer that. I hate the pressure. I hate what I’d been forced to do. The decisions I’ve had to make, with lives in the balance, but nobody else was going to do it. By chance, or by fate, or by sheer stubborn resilience, I’d ended up in charge of the whole rebellion.   I had so many things still weighing on my mind. Tasks unfinished, problems unsolved. There were a dozen advisors, policymakers, and members of the court awaiting my decisions. Kings, princes, vassals, dukes, lords, and a myriad of other titles I barely understood, all wanting meetings, jostling for favor. They’d decided that since I was such a great leader, I was obviously the best person to take the keys to the whole damn kingdom.   But that wasn’t me anymore. I’d put that part of my life away. It was wrapped in heavy blankets, stuffed into a chest and shoved under the nearest bed. I wasn’t going to worry about it anymore—until the world, cruel and unrelenting, reared its ugly head and decided I wasn’t quite off the hook yet.   I was blissfully unaware for most of my shift. Yes, I’d heard that Jen had done something, but I convinced myself it was something minor. She’d probably just stammered out some long phrase in Etoline, or maybe she’d tried to cast some spells without thinking. It was so instinctive for her, I could see it slipping out by accident. It’d be a simple misunderstanding, something I could paper over, something we could work on.   So it was that my coworker and I were talking about totally normal things, as if another crisis wasn’t right around the corner.   “Hey, Kyle.”   “Yeah?” Kyle looked up from over by the soda machine, where he was refilling a cup of ice. He came back, chomping through a couple cubes, and leaned against the counter. “What’s up?”   “How are you and Kersey doing?”   Kyle looked surprised. I couldn’t blame him. I normally didn’t care much about relationships or any of that. I used to be totally apathetic about the whole concept. It wasn’t worth the effort to keep up. Cyraveil had changed my perspective completely. Keeping up a network of people, and knowing how they all intertwined, was essential. By now, it was habit.   “Good, I guess?” He shrugged. “We hang out a lot. It’s… going well. Why?”   “To be honest,” I said, “you’re kind of my only friend with any dating experience. Got any tips?”   “Wait.” Kyle looked genuinely shocked. “*You’ve* never asked a girl out?”   I laughed. “Not until yesterday.” Which wasn’t *exactly* true, but I drew a pretty solid line between dating a girl and courting a princess. Especially when the latter was all about diplomatic tensions, maintaining alliances, preventing wars and keeping our respective armies in line. There were so many lines of dominoes waiting to be knocked over, I had to tiptoe around every word, in public or in private. *Very* different.   “Oh man,” Kyle grinned. “Who’s the lucky girl?”   “You won’t spread it around, right?” I asked. Not that Sara was anyone to be embarrassed by, but for Jen’s sake, I felt like avoiding any attention right now could only be a good thing.   “Hey man, you never told anybody about me and Kersey. I wouldn’t do that to you either.”   “Bit different though, what with your parents.”   “I guess.” Kyle shrugged again. He was a frequent shrugger. I’d become a lot more attentive to body language and subtle cues. Reading people was a valuable skill, and way more universal than one might expect.   I tried to brush it away. I wasn’t trying to get some kind of advantage over Kyle. I just wanted his advice. I needed some dating ideas from this century.   “Anyway, what did you want to ask?”   “Just need some ideas. It’s either you or the internet.”   “The internet’s better than you think,” said Kyle. I raised my eyebrows, and his cheeks shifted to an interesting tomato hue. “Or so I’ve heard,” he mumbled.   “I trust you more than the internet.”   “You’re crazy, but whatever. So, who’s the girl?”   “Do you know Sara Monaghan?”   Kyle frowned. “The junior?”   “Yeah.”   “Not really, no. She’s in my comp sci, but that’s about it. Doesn’t really talk that much. Kind of a loner.”   That didn’t really fit with what I knew about her, but maybe she was just way different when she was around Jen. Or just that class. I couldn’t be sure.   “You asked her out?” Kyle continued.   “Yeah. We’re going out tomorrow.”   Kyle clapped a hand on my back. “Nice. Good for you. You really seemed like you could use a break, man.”   “What?”   “I dunno. You’ve just been really quiet, dude. Scarin’ me. You okay?”   Our conversation was interrupted by the chime of the front door. A customer wandered in, and instantly I knew something was off. Something about the way he moved. His body language. I watched him carefully in the mirrors mounted up in the ceiling corners. He wandered to the back, out of sight of the register, and visibly relaxed as he seemingly passed out of our view.   The refrigerator door opened, and his hand flickered out. I saw the brief flash of a brown bottle. His hand retracted again into his heavy coat.   A second later, the door chimed again and he was gone, before either of us could react. He was sprinting *headlong* out the door, almost smashing into it as the automatic slider didn’t open fast enough for the speed he was moving at. I wasn’t sure what scared him off. Maybe he just felt like he already won.   Lucky for me, the security camera probably got a good shot of his face. I pulled out an asset loss sheet and dutifully recorded the time and date, a rough description, and what we’d lost.   “You’re actually filling that out?”   “...Yes?”   Kyle shrugged again, and I resisted the urge to wince. “You know they never actually bother with anything that cheap. Especially not on a homeless guy.”   “We still have to fill it out.” The pen went dry halfway down. I rattled it, but not a single drop of ink was left. “Got a pen?”   Kyle shook his head, amused, and tossed me a fresh one. “Man, even the universe is telling you not to bother.”   “The universe and I don’t get along anyway,” I grumbled aloud.   While I finished filling out the form, the door chimed again. Jacob, another friend of Kyle’s and a member of his D&D group, strolled in, glancing back over his shoulder. “Jesus, that guy was booking it. What did you two do to him?”   “Nothin’. He just stole some beer,” said Kyle, hopping up to sit on the counter.   Jacob started pouring himself a soda from the fountain. “Seriously? What an asshole.”   “Nah, he probably needs it more than we do.”   “Sure, whatever. Anyway, I had something else to tell you guys.”   Kyle and I both looked up. “You came here with some *actual* news? Stop the presses,” said Kyle, smirking. I rolled my eyes.   “Oh stuff it, grandma. You hear what happened during APUSH?”   My heart skipped a beat. I couldn’t quite remember what APUSH stood for, but Jacob had to be talking about school. Horrible images of anything Jen might have done flitted through my mind, accompanied by visions of white beds and padded cells.   I was paying *very* close attention to every single word Jacob said now. Every muscle tic in his face, every shift in tone. I wasn’t going to miss a thing.   “Uhh…” said Kyle, clearly as lost as I wished I were. He didn’t sound nearly as concerned as I felt. It irritated me. Completely irrational, but still, the idea that Kyle didn’t understand the weight of what Jacob might say next bothered me more than I’d like to admit.   “It was nuts. Carl went psycho in the middle of class, ranted to Mr. Edwards in some crazy speech about war.”   I don’t think I can really convey the emotion that washed through me when I heard Carl’s name. Panic, fear, and images of Jen drained away—but at the same time, frustration and a creeping dread slithered in, taking just as tight a hold.   “What did he do, exactly?” I asked, trying to stay casual. After all, Carl and I barely knew each other.   “Oh, he went on and on about how shitty war is. Got pretty dark. He shot down what Edwards was saying with some pretty good stuff, actually. It was super messed up and seriously psycho, but it was still smart, you know?”   My breath got easier. Carl was just letting off steam. Dangerous steam, but nothing was boiling over yet. This was manageable. Jacob kept talking about what Carl said in painfully familiar detail, but I was already thinking miles ahead. I had to consider what to say to Carl when I saw him next. He was getting worse, that much was clear, but I could handle that.   Of course, the next bomb was about to drop.   “So that’s why he ditched?” asked Kyle.   It was like he’d just thrown a dagger into the relief growing in my brain, pinning it dead to the wall.   “Yeah, probably. He just stood up and walked out in the middle of class. Straight out the door without a word.”   I shook my head in despair. Carl was going to be the end of us.       ***         They started talking about some video game after that, something coming out soon. I might have been interested if I could actually remember the game in question, but video games were long erased from my memory. I’d filled up all that space with too much information about a world I’d never see again—if I had anything to say about it.   I didn’t mind that the conversation left me behind though. It let me get back to what needed to be done. My thoughts were preoccupied with fears of what Carl might do next, of worrying what had happened to Jen that morning, and what my next move was. There was always a next move to take, a new plan to make. I’d prayed so many times I’d never have to decide someone else’s fate again, but it always fell back to me, one way or another.   The rest of my shift passed in no time at all, as Jacob went home and we were replaced by the overnight duo. I drove home with the radio blasting at the highest it could go. The tinny, weak speaker was actually comforting now, a taste of familiarity and stability. It never changed, as awful as it sounded. I appreciated that.   That golden path I’d seen just two days ago seemed so far away now. I’d wanted desperately for nothing to change, for my world to go back to the way it had been, but fate seemed determined to deny me any respite. Even as I’d thought we could just settle in and return to our old lives, Jen seemed haunted and withdrawn. She wasn’t adapting yet, and that scared me.   On the surface, she was totally fine. She lapsed here and there, but we all had. That was normal. To be expected. I knew her better than that though, and I knew how good of an actress she could be. Jen could hold in problems as long as she needed, and she was so much quieter than before. She seemed reluctant to engage with the world now, always hiding something.   She just needed time. She’d spent the better part of six years in a virtually alien culture, speaking a different language, adopting their customs. She’d grown accustomed to using magic, a concept completely at odds with reality. The elves’ magic let them avoid so many of life’s usual hassles. How could she possibly adjust in such a short time from *that* lifestyle to the mundane grindstone of the real world?   Her old life would reassert itself. I was confident of that—I had to be—and I’d do whatever I could to help her adjust. I was *really* worried about the other member of our group.   Not only was Carl clearly just as dramatically changed as Jen, he was in a position I couldn’t really support. Much as I wracked my brain for solutions, I came up empty. Carl and I had too much animosity in our past, even with bombshells yet undropped. We’d been on opposite sides of a vicious war, in surprisingly influential positions for two twenty-somethings from the suburbs in Oregon.   Our forces had been circling each other for some time. I’d known from the modern tactics and total disregard for feudal practices of honor and duty that it had to be him commanding the other side. I’d been using the same, since I was running a rebellion anyway. We were trying to overthrow the whole government; who were we going to bow to and swear fealty? It was ludicrous. I wasn’t a lord. My generals were gutter trash and I was a nobody—and yet we defeated legions of Cellman forces with ease until Carl took command.   In all honesty, I think we both probably would have ended up dead, but for my sister. Carl’s men were fanatically loyal to him. They would have fought to the death, even once we started to outnumber them. Between that and Carl’s personal abilities—and penchant for assassinating officers—my neck felt particularly soft and vulnerable for weeks on end.   If Carl hadn’t found Jen in that dungeon. If he hadn’t betrayed Reynir.   If, if, if.   I shuddered. I truly believe Carl would have sent a man for me. My head would probably be mounted on top of the walls outside Candir along with all the rest, a macabre warning to strike fear in the hearts of the next would-be revolutionaries.   I feared him.   At the same time, though, I did respect him. He took a situation where anybody else would probably have just died, and he carved out a life for himself. He was strong, he treated his subjects well. It sounds bizarre to refer to Carl as having ‘subjects’, but he did. There was a reason he commanded such a steadfast, unwavering army.   Most important of all, Carl was intelligent. Certainly smarter than me. I admit that freely. Carl seemed to know more about everything, down to the minutiae of any subject, than I could ever hope to learn. Not only that, but he could actually apply that knowledge—which he did, with terrifying efficiency. As the receiving end of his military strategy, I could attest to that personally.   So, given all that, what was Carl’s play now? I turned it over and over in my head, like roasting meat over a fire that stubbornly refused to finish cooking. By now, I assumed he must have visited Blake’s house. He’d be certain Blake was dead now, something I’d already come to accept. Where to next for a man who’d lost almost everything he valued, who’d been forced back to a life he believed long dead?   A man whose entire world had literally been taken away.   I didn’t have an answer. I couldn’t empathize with Carl. I was eternally grateful for the elf witch, the one who’d given me the way out. I hated Cyraveil, hated what it had done to me. What it had done to Jen.   To Blake.   I’d sent one of my friends to die. Knowingly, deliberately, he’d gone to his grave, on my orders. That odd smile he always seemed to wear was forever fixed in my mind. He looked so confident, so self-assured when I laid out the plan, fully aware what it meant. It could only have been him, after all. A foreigner, an outsider like the rest of us. Jen and I were too well-known, but Blake could get inside unhindered, thanks to Carl’s betrayal.   Carl could never be allowed to learn that his own actions inadvertently led to Blake’s death. He’d never recover. As I pulled into the garage, that single thought became firm and clear in my mind. No matter what, I would protect Carl from that revelation.   My mom was already home, which meant I was definitely running late. I hurried inside. I’d wanted to help prepare dinner, since I hadn’t been able to spend much time with her since the night we came back, and last night was so full of worry about Jen and what came next. I wasn’t going to waste any more valuable time.   “Mom, I’m home,” I called out down the hallway as I kicked off my shoes into the closet. I sniffed the air. Garlic. “What’re you making?”   “Tortellini soup,” she said, waving a spoon at me. “You’re late, bucko.”   “Bucko?” I teased, washing my hands.   “Showing my age?” she asked sarcastically, before she handed me a towel to dry off. “Start choppin’.”       ***         “So, school’s good?”   “Yes.”   “Good.” She smiled, pushing aside her bowl for a moment and leaning on her hands. “Since Jen’s gone, I figured it was a good time to have this talk.”   Jen was out at Sara’s house, which was a regular Thursday thing. I wondered what she was doing there. I still hadn’t gotten any details of what she’d told Sara. I trusted Jen, but I needed all the details if I was going to come up with a plan. I was feeling a bit claustrophobic without it.   Not unlike the feeling my mother had just sprung on me. “Uhh, what talk?”   “About your future.”   I breathed an inward sigh of relief. Mom was referring about how I always hated talking about my life around anyone else. I appreciated that she never brought it up again, even around Jen, since I’d mentioned it.   “What about it?” I asked, taking a sip of the tomato soup.   “Well, have you made any plans for after you graduate?”   I scoured my brain. *Had* I made any plans yet? It was so long ago. I had no idea. “Not really, no.” It was the most honest reply I could think of.   “Well, you need to start. I know it can really suck, but now’s the time. College will sneak up on you sooner than you think.”   College. I’d forgotten all about it. I mean, not that it existed—I’d actually briefly attended a university of sorts, out in Dekinport. Not for education, though. I wasn’t there for the lectures, I was there for the cache of gold and magical weaponry a few floors and couple dozen feet of solid rock below my desk.   While I hesitated, my mother started going into detail about options, applications, acceptance, funding. “A state school’s probably the best option for you, I think,” she added, in between mouthfuls.   A sudden realization struck me, and interrupted my unbidden memory of the desperate chase and fight with the Dekinport city guard. There weren’t any state universities nearby our home. Not close enough to commute, anyway. “You sure you’d be okay without me around?”   “You gotta leave the nest sometime, Matt.” She said it so nonchalantly, I was taken aback. I knew I’d leave eventually, but I assumed it’d be way later in life. I helped out with all the household chores, and I helped take care of Jen, and anything else Mom asked of me. It was my job—or so I assumed.   “What about—” I started, but Mom cut me off.   “Look, I’ve saved up a bit over the years, and I know you’ve been saving too. You’ve got enough to cover four years of college if you apply for financial aid, and you won’t even end up with any loans. I’ll be quitting my job at the mall after this year, thank God. Between my savings and the raise I just got, it’s going to be a lot more relaxed around here.” She smiled. “Your sister and I will be fine. You’ve got a whole life ahead of you. No need to spend it hanging around here.”   “I don’t mind.”   Mom laughed. “You’re a good man, Matt.” She stood up and started clearing the table. There was only a little more time left before she had to head off to the mall, so she was rushing it already. I should have gotten up to help, but I was still sitting, considering everything she’d said.   As she talked, my life plans had come back to me—how I’d seen myself taking care of her and the house for decades to come. I fully expected Jen to leave and make her own way, but I just assumed I’d be there forever. Now, my mother was not only giving me permission to leave, she was practically pushing me out the door—not in a *bad* way, but it was the impression I got.   She thought she was letting me off the hook. She’d probably been thinking I felt pressured into being the man of the house. It wasn’t like that though. I’d just wanted to help. I wanted to be productive and useful, part of the team. *Was* it time for me to move on?   It didn’t take long for me to reject the idea. It was laughable, in a cold, cynical way. My mother was correct two days ago, but seven years had passed her by in the meantime.   Would she still call me a good man, if she knew what I’d done? I’ve killed, Mom. I killed a man with my bare hands, gruesomely, the same hands that helped her make dinner tonight. I hated what I’d done, and I wish desperately I could have found another way, but in the same situation I’d probably do it again. I’ve fought and bled and killed many times. The blood of hundreds, of thousands was on my hands. Maybe not personally, but they were forever fixed in my mind, lives snuffed out before their time, at my command.   There was no way I could even think about leaving right now. I had a potentially ticking time bomb in Carl, and in the long term, I had a sister who I still wasn’t entirely sure how to help, but it was clear she needed it.   I still don’t know what happened to Jen. I wanted to ask her, but at the same time, I was afraid to. The details were scarce, but I knew that most of the people involved were dead, if not all of them. I couldn’t possibly confirm it, but I had reason to believe Carl put them to death personally. Certainly, the discovery had been enough to shift his allegiance, at great personal cost. All I ever got out of him was that he’d found Jen in a dungeon, in the heart of cruel Vennenport.   For what purpose, I’d never found out. In fact, I knew far too little about anything she’d gone through. Even after Carl had rescued her, I’d only been able to spend a week with her before we had to send her away. We needed the elves’ support before we were crushed by the advancing Cellman forces using Carl’s strategy, and Jen was the only one they trusted. When we’d first lost her, they’d broken away immediately. They’d never stab us in the back, but without Jen to interpret and negotiate, cooperation was virtually impossible.   In that one week, I’d seen how paranoid and violent she could get at the slightest twitch. I was the only one she’d trust anywhere near her for over half the week. I’d sleep just outside her room, with a few trusted guards patrolling the outer chambers. She’d nearly killed a poor, hapless servant who’d had the misfortune of slipping inside to trim the lamps when I accidentally fell asleep. The boy never set foot inside that building again.   She was my little sister though. I’d promised Mom I’d look after her and protect her, and I’d keep that promise no matter what universe we ended up in.   The front door opened quietly, brushing my thoughts away. My mom was on the couch reading a book. We both glanced up expectantly, but Jen didn’t emerge from the hallway. I assumed it was Jen, anyway.   “Jen?” I called, suddenly worried.   “Yeah,” she answered, to my relief. Her voice seemed strangely muffled.   “How was Sara’s?”   “Fine.”   Something seemed off. I expected some teasing, a jab about the two of us again. I glanced at Mom, but she didn’t seem concerned, returning to her book. I went out to the front door, but Jen was nowhere to be found. I glanced around, and saw her disappear around the corner upstairs. She was utterly silent at climbing the staircase.   I followed (making a great deal more noise despite my own efforts), and got to her door a moment before she slid it shut. I stuck my foot in, blocking it. Jen’s eye appeared at the crack between the door and the frame, meeting my own.   Her eye was puffy and red.   “Jen?” I murmured. Fear and concern were threatening to overwhelm me.   “Nothing happened,” she mumbled. “*Vei torl.*” Her foot pushed mine away, and the door closed with the softest click possible.   I stood there for a long time, staring at the wooden door, with the cheerful ‘Jennifer’ banner across the top, and tacked up pictures of Jen and her friends plastered in a haphazard collage. My little sister, the cheerful bubbly teenager, whose biggest regret in life was picking the wrong cell phone and losing all her pictures. Who loved to go to the mall, or take a day trip to the beach, or just sit out in the sun reading a good book or talk for hours on the phone.   Not for the first time, I wondered if that girl had died in a cold stone cell, in a dungeon on another world.   Not for the last time, I wondered if she might be better off in that world.
{ "title": "Planet Plume", "id": 21366, "author": "BlankDott", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 12: Welcome Back", "id": 305466, "next": 305733, "prev": 305113, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNkYjBkNmEyMjc2MTQxNjRiZjYyNzE0NGYyY2Y1NzVm"><strong>Chapter 12: Welcome Back</strong></p> <p class="cnNiZGNiOTIzZGRhOTQzNTVhYjQ1MjEyN2I2OGVjNGNm">The sound of retching echoed through the bathroom walls.</p> <p class="cnM2MDk2ZTdlYWY1MzQ3MGQ4ZjZiNzdmODM5Yjg0NGRh">Theo stared helplessly at the back of her neck.</p> <p class="cnNiMjhmMGYzNGQ0MDRmNmE5Y2UxOTI2NzZiMWJjZTM1">He stood behind the toilet, one hand gently massaged her back, while the other held up her ponytail. Her face was pressed up against the cold porcelain. She leaned over the bowl, her face sickly and pale. Drool ran down her chin.</p> <p class="cnM4MmM2M2NhNDk0NzQ1MzJiOWQ5MjhkYjA5ZDNhZTVl">The scent of alcohol intermixed with the stench of bile. Theo unconsciously wriggled his nose, while she lurched forward and vomited. After a few seconds, she sputtered out a wheezy cough and tilted her neck back. She stared up at him with hazy eyes.</p> <p class="cnM5MDczNjIzMGQ0MDQxNzA5OGYyYzZkYWQ0N2QzZDBm">“Theo, you… you… when did you—” Just as she was talking, her cheeks suddenly inflated. Half a second later, she was once again hovering over the toilet bowl, the sound of her vomiting reverberating loudly through his ears.</p> <p class="cnNmOWQ3YmQ1ZmZiZTRkMzFiYWNlMzhiYzcxNmQwZGEx">“Alright Aunt Lynn, don’t say anything now. Just get it out of your system first.” He stated, as he gently massaged the knot in her shoulders. He didn’t know whether she had heard him or not, but that didn’t really matter. A weary sigh leaked out from his parted lips.</p> <p class="cnNkNjU4MjkwMWYyZDRjNTZiMDhiN2YzZWJkY2Q5ZWMz"><em>I also have to clean up the mess on the front porch after this…</em> He briefly thought to himself, as he looked over at his distressed aunt.</p> <p class="cnM3N2RlNjY2MDU4YzQ4ZTRhYTUwZjVhODIxZmNhMjY5">It’s been so long that Theo almost completely forgot, but living with his aunt was never easy. She was a handful in more ways than one, but… for all the trouble that she caused him, he did not really mind.</p> <p class="cnM3ODI1ZTBiNjU3MzQ2OTM4Mzg4YzcwM2JmZGRiZjA1">Plus, it wasn’t as if she went out of her way to make life difficult for him. This was just normal for her. Lynda Nighting; the kind relative and the raging alcoholic.</p> <p class="cnNmYTE5NjBlMjNlMTQ3NzI4ODcxYzNkNWZkMGU3OWQ0">In retrospect, their relationship wasn’t as clear-cut as simply calling them aunt and nephew. The two looked strikingly similar, enough to pass for siblings, but truthfully, the two were actually unrelated.</p> <p class="cnM5MDZhZjQ3NGI1MTRmMDZhYTY0ODFlMmU1MjY1ZTE1">Lynn was originally the younger sister of Theo’s now deceased step-mother. Over the years, he grew accustomed to calling her ‘Auntie’ or ‘Aunt Lynn’, but in reality, he treated her more like a big sister than anything else. Besides, their age difference only consisted of five years. Theo had trouble viewing someone like that as part of the older generation, especially when said someone grew up right next to him.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDg2MzI0OTY3NjQ2MzJhM2Y5MGE5NWExNDA1ODRl">Since his earliest memories, he’s lived under the same roof as her.</p> <p class="cnNlZmEwMGRmYjQ4NTQwZTI5ODJlMjQ5ZGNiNzYyZGQx">Lynn’s parents died when she was ten. Since then, she went on to live with her considerably older sister, who at the time, also happened to be Theo’s step mother. Basically, she became the fourth member of a three-person family.</p> <p class="cnNjZjIwNWJkZDVjNzQxN2U4NmFiN2IyMDUwYjc3OGNk">As for Theo himself, his real mother died shortly after giving birth to him and his father remarried when he was four. Not even a year after he got a new mother, some strange older girl suddenly started living with him. Having grown up together like that, even if they weren’t really blood-related, the two possessed a relationship even closer than actual relatives.</p> <p class="cnM5MDQxMzE1N2JmYjQ5MzI4NzQ2ZjAwMTI5MTkwODBl">No, it was even more than that.</p> <p class="cnMyMjgyY2I3M2FlNTQ0Mzc5NTFlNThiYWJjNWYzNGQ3">Although the two were already pretty close during their childhood, it was only after the accident that their relationship truly transformed into what it was today.</p> <p class="cnM1NjZjNGVjZDY5MTQ1NDZhZDk5NWU1Yjc1MWI1M2Iy">Five years ago, Theo’s parents died in a maritime accident.</p> <p class="cnM0NzVlNzAxYWEzMjRiMDNhMjMyMTUwYTQzMjJkYWU2">It was their anniversary. The two traveled all the way to the east coast, arguably the country’s biggest tourist destination. They were supposed to go sailing around the nearby islands, a rather popular activity within the area. Unfortunately, they met with misfortune. Their ship got caught in a massive freak thunderstorm.</p> <p class="cnM1ZGY5NWIyNzE4NjRmNTZhM2JjOGNlN2MxNGNjNDI3">Even after the coast guard sent out search parties, they never did find them; only the remnants of a destroyed sailing boat.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDMwY2M4NjY4ODQ4OGY5YjA2YTI0ZjdlYWVmODQz">With nobody to lean on but each other, it was only natural for Theo and Lynn to grow closer.</p> <p class="cnM4Mzc4ZjEzN2VmYTQzMDRiYWVlMjRlZjg0MjY5YTdm">Actually, he found it kind of funny. Shortly after the accident, Lynn started putting on this sort of motherly persona. Maybe she was just trying to comfort him in her own special way, but… it didn’t work. Her actual status was that of an aunt, but Theo normally treated her like a sister. The change was simply too jarring for him to handle, especially with all of her various hiccups and personal quirks.</p> <p class="cnMxYzI2ZWY1NGNjMzRlODQ4MjE3NDM5YTlkYjg2YTMw">That was especially the case for her alcohol problem.</p> <p class="cnM4Y2UxMTI0NzRhYTQ5YzA5MjEyMDMyYTk3ZTI2OTMz">Theo shook his head, but inwardly, he felt a bit guilty.</p> <p class="cnM2MmI5YTg4YWMzOTRiNjc5MjU0OGU2NWRkYjFiYTYx">Lynn tended to drink whenever she was under a lot of stress, anxiety or some other kind of emotional distress. In fact, the first time she drank in such a way was on the night of the funeral.</p> <p class="cnM3NDllODY3MGQ1ZDRiZmFiNGM4MmQ4ZDZkNDZkNjcx">He couldn’t help but wonder, was her current state due to his absence?</p> <p class="cnM5MDVhYjY2OTE0ODQ4NDY5ODNhNzRhYjY3MzhlMTU3">“Why are you he—” She tried to speak, but her attempt was interrupted by another round of dry heaving.</p> <p class="cnM2NDdmNjIxODg1ZjQxMDJhMTViNDdhNDIxNDliM2Jh">“When did you—”</p> <p class="cnNiZTZkZDM1NTI1MjQ2MTJiMzA5MmUzNjZiYmJmOWQ4">“Where di—”</p> <p class="cnM1MTcyNGU4YThjODQzMTRiZjU4ZTU5ZDExMmUwY2E2">No matter how often she tried starting up a conversation or attempted to ask one of the millions of questions jiggling around in that head of hers, she would always interrupt herself.</p> <p class="cnMzNTVjOGU1NGExMzRlNzk4MWQyZWRiYjZmNDE2YzZl">“Just get it out of your system first and then we can talk.” Theo consoled.</p> <p class="cnM2MzkzMzAyMzhlNTQ3MjBhNTU5ZWUwOWZiMWI3OGZk">Her chin was covered in a mixture of sweat and saliva. Her originally beautiful appearance had been smudged out and replaced for the one currently in front of him.</p> <p class="cnM1NzZiNmUwNThjYzQ4MGI4ZGUzYzU0YjZmYTcyN2Qz">“But I—” Just as she was about to protest, something rose from the back of her throat, and Lynn was once again hunched over the toilet bowl. After a few seconds, she finally nodded her head. “Alright, I’ll wait…” was all she could muster out, before her head slumped down onto the cold porcelain.</p> <p class="cnNkNTk4Y2RjZGQ3NjQ5ZjU4Nzc5MmYyMjUyNTQwZGZh">Theo sighed once more, his breath lingering in the room like stale perfume.</p> <p class="cnNhMGU3NTRjNTYxYjRjYTA4NWVhMTVhYjY2OWJjYTgx">****</p> <p class="cnNkNDk3MDI4ODIwYzQ0NTM4OTdlOWE5OTQ0OGE1MGIw">After twenty minutes passed, Theo cleaned her face up with a towel, before he helped her out of the bathroom. Lynn’s arm was draped over his shoulders, while her feet dragged along the floor.</p> <p class="cnM3NTM5NWY3Yzc3MTQ3OWU5NDQ4ZjA5YjEyZWRiOWQw">He practically carried her over to the living room.</p> <p class="cnNkNzdmYjUxNWMzYjQ2NjlhNzQ5M2I4ZmJjZTQ5YjA0">Along the way, he asked, “Have you been drinking outside again?”</p> <p class="cnNhNGVhMmNmMDQ1ZjRjZDZiMjgwZWQyODg0ZTgxYWYz">Lynn, whose face was practically pressed against his neck, quickly shook her head. “No, aren’t I inside now?”</p> <p class="cnM0Y2Y3MWRlYmY1YjRmNmViZTY5ZDM4NmJiYTA4ZWE2">“I mean, do you go out drinking a lot.”</p> <p class="cnM5NTk5NGFkYTNmZTRlY2ZiMDM1MDQ2OGQ2NWNiZjBi">“I drink a lot, yes.”</p> <p class="cnM5OWRlZDYwY2MzZjRlYmI4NmEwN2FhNTkwYjc0ZDE3">He found her surprisingly stable for a drunk person. At the very least, she was still able to talk in coherent sentences.</p> <p class="cnM0ZWFmNzUwM2U4YTQ4YjU4OTU5YTg4NWQ5NjA1Nzli">“But do you drink outside?”</p> <p class="cnNlZjNiM2VmNjVmZjRjYTI5MTRhNjViZDJkOTA0Y2Fj">“Nuh-uh.” She paused for a moment, before she suddenly twisted her waist and threw her arms around Theo’s neck. For a moment, he almost lost balance. Luckily, he was able to stabilize himself at the last second. He shifted his grip and supported Lynn by her waist. Their bodies were intimately pressed together.</p> <p class="cnM1ZjQzMDE0YTdmYzQzNjBhMmJiMjQ3ZTU1YmNmMGU2">“Someone told me that I can’t go outside drinking, so I didn’t.” She purred out like a drunken street cat. She lifted her head up and brought her lips close to his ears. “Even though you were gone, I still did what you asked. Aren’t I such a good girl?”</p> <p class="cnM5NzZkNzg4YmRmODRhODNhOGEzMGE5YmRlM2E1Nzg4">Hearing her words, and feeling the hot breath of airbrush up against his skin, Theo involuntarily shivered. This was something he noticed a lot, but when she was drunk, Lynn tended to act a bit unrestrained. Calling her childish wasn’t quite right, but it was something similar.</p> <p class="cnMyMWMxNWM5ZjRiYjQ0Mzg5YWQ1MTkxNjlmNGYzMDQ5">Sometimes, he wondered if she really was the older one and not the other way around.</p> <p class="cnM3MTk5ZGE3ZjE3MjQ0MGRiMzgyMWVmMGUxNzgwMzBh">If it was the him from before, Theo would have just brushed aside such comments, but the current him had changed. He decided to play along.</p> <p class="cnM5YTAyZjc1M2IyMjQwNTliMTkxYjhhZmZkMDQ4YjQw">His grip around her waist tightened. One of his arms snaked its way to her thighs, and before she could react, Theo suddenly lifted her up. He held her in what was essentially a princess-carry.</p> <p class="cnM1MTZiNjY3ZDIxNjRhNGFiZTJiZmRmOTFjZmRkOTEy">Although his current body wasn’t all that strong, luckily, Lynn was a light girl. With a half-smile on his lips, he looked her directly in the eyes and asked, “Then, what does a good girl like you want?”</p> <p class="cnM2YTk0M2FmZWU0ZjRmZGI5MTIyYjE0N2M3OTM2OWQ0">“I…”</p> <p class="cnMyOTM2YWMxNmYxMzQ5NTU4YTM2NTJjMWYzZDYyZWE5">She was a bit dazed, caught off guard by the way he was acting. The Theo she knew wasn’t unreceptive to her teasing, but rather, the way he reacted to it was a bit different. Usually, his face would redden, or he would stutter something incomprehensible, before making a hasty retreat. Now, although she could still see the redness in his cheeks, he was a bit more confident, and had developed quite a glib tongue.</p> <p class="cnMwYzk0YTQ0NjBhMzQ3Njc4NGZhODY2NDRlYzE2Yjlh">Still, for all of her thoughts and emotions, she did not dislike the change.</p> <p class="cnNiNzBiZjA5ZjM0NTQ5ZjNiZTkwZDE0ZjQ1NzI4MWQw">For a moment, she did not know how to respond. Seeing her blank face, Theo’s cheeks reddened. Saying something like that was a lot more embarrassing than he originally expected. When the target of such a comment remained silent, he grew even more flustered.</p> <p class="cnNhMjAxN2Y2ZDBhMzQ3ZTZhNjdhMTc2OGMzMTdmYWNh">The shift in Theo’s expression brought Lynn back to her senses. She let out a laugh, before she lightly kissed his cheek. “To think that you actually have the guts to say something like that. This Aunt of yours is even more curious, just what exactly happened to you?”</p> <p class="cnNhNmU0NTc2YjlmNzQ4MmU4N2MzNTVkYmFlMTBjOWM1">Theo let out a dry cough, as he looked over at Lynn with an aggrieved expression. “Let’s talk about that after we get to the living room, alright?”</p> <p class="cnM5OTRjZjU4YmNmNzRiYzNhYzM5YzkwNTZiMTI5Njlj">Instead of responding, she simply giggled.</p> <p class="cnM4NTcyZjZlZTE4YzRiNjI4MTg4NjI1ZGUwNjAwOTNk">“Alright, then get down so we can—”</p> <p class="cnNmNjNmOTQ1NjZlMjQ2MjJhMWRlYzBmOTkwMDQ2Nzhj">Theo remembered that he was still holding her in such an intimate pose, and reflexively wanted to let her down. Unfortunately, just as he was about to loosen his grip, Lynn suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck and vehemently shook her head.</p> <p class="cnNhZmQwYjQxMmUzZDRhODBhZmNhZTEyYTNlMGVhZjhh">“No way! You were the one who thought it was a good idea to carry me like this, so stick with it through the end! Didn’t I teach you it’s important to take responsibility for your actions? Take responsibility for me!”</p> <p class="cnNjMmFhODYxNzJhNTQ0ZjU5ZWRiMTE3ZTVjMThiMTkx">“But Auntie, your heavy.” He begrudgingly complained. While Theo was able to carry her temporarily in his arms, he couldn’t do it indefinitely. What’s more, actually walking around with her like this was another challenge in of itself.</p> <p class="cnMwYzQ2ZjVkMDM5MDQwY2RiMjJmOTE1MWQwNDY3ZGIz">Still, no matter how much he complained, Aunt Lynn would not listen. Left with no other choice, he gritted his teeth and carried this clingy drunk of an aunt all the way to the living room.</p> <p class="cnMyYThmYTg0ZDhjYzQ0MWE4NzhiMWRkNDUwOTM4MDVm">After what felt like a painstakingly long eternity, he finally placed her down onto the couch and wiped the sweat off his brow. He took a moment to catch his breath, before his eyes scanned through his surroundings.</p> <p class="cnMyZjFjOGY4MmIwZTRjYTJiNWFhYzk1NzBlMGExZTNi">The first thing he noticed was the mess. Empty wine bottles and beer cans littered the floor, while glasses of whiskey, scotch, and other hard liquors covered the coffee table.</p> <p class="cnNlMTNhYmJlY2IzODQyNzliMTdkMzhkZjc2Njg0YTUy">He shook his head. “These aren’t all from today, are they?”</p> <p class="cnMxYTI3NjUxYTIzYzQ2ZGU4ZjllYzgzZmZlNGU3ZDI4">Lynn snorted in response. “Do you think this little aunt of yours is a god? If it was all from today, then I’d be long dead from alcohol poisoning.”</p> <p class="cnM3YmQwY2I1ZGJkZjQ4Y2JiYTc5ZjBjZTIxYTM3N2Uy">“No, well, this place is just… it’s a whole lot messier than I remember.”</p> <p class="cnM3Zjg3OWYxZTk4NDQ5ODJiMGM5Y2M4N2NlZGE2YzEy">“That’s because a certain someone wasn’t here to clean it all up.” She spoke provokingly. “Plus, I’ve been busy. Work and… personal issues. The loss of a relative is a pretty heavy thing to deal with, you know?”</p> <p class="cnNmMGU0MTg0OTllNDQzYjhiYTRlN2JjNzczMGE5YWEw">She tilted her neck up and smiled at Theo, her eyes hinting at the hidden meaning beneath her words.</p> <p class="cnMyNTA4NWEzMGNmMzRmZTc4OWE3Yjg1OTkzOTVlNDU0">Theo could only scratch his head awkwardly. He did not dare refute her.</p> <p class="cnM4ODY4NzhmNzdhMzRmNWE4MzljYjViY2FkMmIyOWY5">He shifted his gaze and stared at the quilt blanket strewn across the couch. For a moment, he frowned. “Have you been sleeping in the living room?”</p> <p class="cnM2M2FlNjk0YmI3NzQyN2JhODRhODM1M2RiOTg1Mjdm">“Huh?” She stared blankly at him for a second, before she looked over and saw the blanket. “Oh, yeah. I have. This is your blanket by the way, I love how it smells.” She sniffed the blanket as if to prove her point. Lynn tilted her head and frowned. “That’s weird, it only smells like alcohol…”</p> <p class="cnM0OGJjZWUzYTkxMzQ5OGM4OTA3ODFhYTQ1YTE2NWNl">Theo directly ignored her mumblings and asked, “What’s wrong with your room?”</p> <p class="cnMxYjI4MWUwZTIxYzRmMWM4NzUxZDVhNzlhNmZhMThk">“Well, my room’s um, it’s no good.” She responded incoherently. “You get it right? It’s uninhabitable, like a desert or a trash heap.”</p> <p class="cnM0MTNmNDFlZWE0MzRhMmQ4NDVlOTI5MTZiZjQ0MzZh">Theo was quite curious as to why she would say something like that, but right now, he had something else he wanted to say to her.</p> <p class="cnM4NjhmZGY5YzgyMDRmN2Q4MDE0ZWU5ZjA0ZDYxYzA5">“Well that’s fine, but you really do have to stop drinking so excessively. Imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t come home today.”</p> <p class="cnMzNmUwYmRkOWMzNDQ3YTZhZDdjZGQ0Y2I4MTBjOGU4">“Same thing that always happens. I pass out on the couch and wake up in the morning. What are you so worried about? It’s not like it’s my first time drinking.” She patted her chest self-assuredly.</p> <p class="cnM0ODUwYTEyYWQ4MTRmODg5NjliYThiYTUzN2M3YTMx"><em>This woman can argue so well, is she really drunk?</em></p> <p class="cnM0YjZlOGNmNWYyNjQ5NGFiZmFlYjM1MzE3YmFlYTVm">Theo’s left eyelid twitched, before he let out a sigh.</p> <p class="cnNiMzlmYzY3MTcxYzQ1ZWZiYmI5NDEyOGUxNWEzYmU3">She liked drinking. She liked drinking a lot. It was to the point, where every time she went out to drink, she would always, always go overboard. Lynn was the type of person to not know restraint.</p> <p class="cnM5YjJlNWY3MTA0YTQ0MTM5YjIxODQ3MjZlZTE5YmVi">Luckily, she doesn’t drink often.</p> <p class="cnNhZjRjNDUwODY5MTRlYzI5NTcyZmEwNzFkNTJkOWJl">Even she had some self-awareness of how bad of a drunk she was. As far as Theo knows, she only drank whenever she was under a lot of stress, or feeling anxious. She used her reckless, without-restraint drinking in order to relax and calm her nerves. Usually, these binge sessions of hers happened once every three months or so.</p> <p class="cnM3OTg0ZDEwNTM4ODRlYTg5NTAyMDg1ZWNlNDM3MTIy">Because she a would always end up in such a vulnerable and unstable state, it’s become an unspoken role between the two of them that she was only allowed to drink at home, and while he was present. It was during times like this that the position of guardian switched between the two of them.</p> <p class="cnMxNjVmZDUyZjY1NjQ0NTE4MjFlNDhlZTY2NDE0ZDhm">He let out another sigh, before he went into the kitchen, pulled out a garbage bag, and started collecting the empty bottles and crushed beer cans. All the while, he asked, “Shouldn’t you go to sleep soon? It’s a Friday today, right? Don’t you have work on Saturdays?”</p> <p class="cnM5MzI3NTc5YTQzMzQyYzRiMDU3MjllNDNlOTBhYWYx">Lynn worked as a trainer at a nearby fitness gym. Her job was the main reason why she was able to keep fit. Lynn was quite popular. On top of being beautiful, she was the poster girl for the gym. It was no coincidence that her working hours corresponded with the gym’s busiest times.</p> <p class="cnNkOTY4ZDA4MGU2MjQ0ZDVhNTE2ZTZhMTFmYTljMGU3">“Job?” She tilted her head for a moment, before laughed. “Oh, I quit that a long time ago.”</p> <p class="cnNlYTI5OGIyZmQ0YzRmZjBhOGJjOWViZDA5ZWJmY2I5">“Quit? Why? For what reason?” He asked in confusion.</p> <p class="cnMzYjY2N2I3MzNlMDQwMGRiMDE5ODE2N2IwYjZkZDNl">She let out another chuckle. “There’s still a lot you don’t know.”</p> <p class="cnM3NzFmOWJjY2ExZjRlMWE5MDQxZTAyMDgyNjM4NjM2">Theo frowned. <em>I’d know it if you actually explained it. </em></p> <p class="cnM3NWQwMGRhYTJmZDQ3ZTZiODVmZWMzY2MyYzYzOTc3">Lynn paused for a moment. She stared into Theo’s eyes, before she broke out into a huge grin. “I did it.” She said. “Theo, I finally did it.”</p> <p class="cnMyZjY4MzM2YjM3ZjRhMzU4MDY3OTZmNjYyYzQ5NjU4">“You did it?” It took him a moment to understand what she meant, but after seeing the sort of happy expression scribbled all over her drunken face, it clicked. “Really? Did you really do it?”</p> <p class="cnNkYjVjZmJjMWRiOTQ4MWM5OTUyYzcwM2YxZTE3NTcz">She vigorously nodded her head. “Let me tell you, Theo, nothing feels better than achieving your dream.”</p> <p class="cnNlOWVhOTNiMDY4MjQwNGI5ZWE2Y2U4OWQ2NDI0NzM2">It was that. A dream. Her dream. Ever since she was a student, ever since she was a child, she had that sort of dream. She talked about it a lot too. How she was one day going to take the leap and finally do it, but… whenever she spoke of her dream, it was always in the future tense. Her words were always filled with somedays and eventuallys, but today was different.</p> <p class="cnNhZmZkOWJiOWVjNzQ5N2U5ZTgyOTg5NGJiY2ZkNjI2">“You actually did it!” Theo couldn’t hold back any longer and rushed over to hug her. At first, she was caught off guard, before a boisterous laughter echoed through his ears.</p> <p class="cnMxMGNiNGY4ZWJiMjQxODE4OTY3Y2M5YTM2ZWEyZDZj">“I actually did it!” She replied back.</p> <p class="cnM2YTM0OWNkMTk1MTRiOTFiZTEwY2EyYWQ4MTFiNjli">After a while, the two eventually separated. He sat next to her on the couch, and couldn’t help but ask once more, “So, you’re finally an author?”</p> <p class="cnMwYzVhZWE4NDRlZjQ0MWVhMzRkY2NiMTA2MzdmZGJk">“That’s right, that’s right. I told you I could do it.” She smiled with that trademark drunken smile of hers. “Heh, I’m not just some little old gym instructor anymore. I’m a real-life, honest-to-god author getting paid the big bucks. I’m also pretty popular too, hehe.”</p> <p class="cnMwNTcwZWU4MTFiOTQ5ZDQ5MmVjNmNmYmExYjY4Zjdh">“Then, let me read it.” Of course, he had to read it. Why wouldn’t he read it?</p> <p class="cnMxNmIyMzJmNWIzYzRkMmFiNzMxMDVlOTQ0ZDBkMGEy">“Huh?”</p> <p class="cnM5MDAyOTlhYzM5NTQ2YzY5NTljNTNhN2JjMWY2MzJk">“Your debut book, let me read it right away.”</p> <p class="cnMzMWExOGJmZjI1ZTRiMTRiODg2MWI3OTJjYjBkMTYz">“Yeah, sure. Hehe, I’ll get you a cop—” She abruptly stopped. For a moment, a rare trace of sobriety flashed through her eyes. She seriously looked at Theo for a long while, before she resolutely shook her head. “You can’t look at it. There’s no way I’ll let you look at it.”</p> <p class="cnMyMWEwNzVkZjRjMzQ4MzA4NDAzNGExYjE5MTQ1YWY5">“Eh?” Theo widened his eyes in surprise.</p> <p class="cnNmNzk0ZjI4YTBiYjQ2YWY5YTE4N2IxM2Q3ZjY3ZTll"><em>What’s with her sudden change in attitude?</em></p> <p class="cnMwOTQwZTRkY2M0NzRmNjU5YjZmYWMwN2E2MjhlOTcx">“Come on, what’s with you? Let me see your precious first debut, Auntie. Don’t you know, your dreams are also my dreams. It’s only natural that I share in your glory.” What he said was the truth. Right now, he felt genuinely happy for her, as if her achievement was his own.</p> <p class="cnNmZTUwOGI3ZWMyNjRiMjRiZGExN2I1N2U3Y2FhMmY3">“No!” She shouted back. “Idiot. Theo, you idiot, I’ll never show it to you. If you have the ability, go look for it yourself.”</p> <p class="cnM3MmRmZTI2YWQwODQxYmE5ZmUwYmE3NWJlZDk2ZmVj">“Then, maybe I will go look for it myself.” He responded back with confused, furrowed brows.</p> <p class="cnM4ZDdmYzgyODEzODRjMGY5M2IzMzVlMjcwYzA5MDNj">Lynn’s face morphed into a drunken sneer. “Idiot, even if you do, you’ll never find it. I used a pseudonym.”</p> <p class="cnM5ODM5OGI4MjVmMzRhYWI5NzNmY2Q0ZjBjMGQ2Yjdh">“Then tell me the pseudonym.”</p> <p class="cnMxNTM2ZGQ0ZDA2NjRlOTU5MDM4MDdjNGNlYjllOTIw">“If I told you, then it would be the same as letting you read it.”</p> <p class="cnNkY2UyOGZkYjE1NzQxNDViNDU4ZjdkZWM2MzdhY2Qx">“At least tell me the name of the book.”</p> <p class="cnMzYTU0MDMwYzcxMjQxNTFhNzUyOThmNWQxMzk3M2Zm">“No way, you think just because I’m drunk, that I’ll turn into an idiot? I’ll never tell you.” She spoke in a drunken slur, before she suddenly leaped over and hid underneath the blanket.</p> <p class="cnMxMTdjNGY2NmUyYzRjZjE4OGVmYmQxODNiNjcxZDg2">Staring at her wriggling form, Theo couldn’t help but wonder. <em>What sort of thing was she hiding? Don’t tell me she’s writing something she can’t openly share? Could it be smut? Is that why she’s so secretive?</em></p> <p class="cnM5MWFhZTFiMTRjZjRjYWE5MTdlMzVmZTFhN2I5NTcz">Peeking in from underneath the blanket, she saw the sort of expression on Theo’s face. Lynn could only guess as to what wild fantasies filled that head of his. She did not want Theo to delve any deeper into the topic, so she reached out a hand and forcibly pulled Theo under the blanket.</p> <p class="cnM1Yjc4NzdmNGM1YTRiM2Q4MjU2YzUyZjMxZjczNzhm">For a while, the two struggled with one another. Lynn bit Theo like a rabid dog. It did not hurt, but it certainly did leave a few marks on his body. Of course, this wasn’t anything new. During her especially bad sessions, Lynn was prone to biting.</p> <p class="cnNmODgzOTFhYzk3MzRkZWU5ZWM0MzI2MzQzYmRlMjQx">Theo resisted against her relentless assault, while Lynn did her best to distract him.</p> <p class="cnNmZjFjNTg4YmM1MzQyOTg4MWU0Y2M3ZGMyNDgzZmJl">Eventually, the two somehow ended up falling off the couch. They had long since discarded the blanket. Despite the chill of the AC, Theo felt hot. His back was sweating and he was a bit out of breath. He let out a bitter smile and limply accepted his defeat.</p> <p class="cnNkYTU5NjEyNDhlOTQxYWU5ZDg2YWRmYjc0OTkyMzU5"><em>She’s a lot softer than I remember… </em>Such a thought floated to his head.</p> <p class="cnMxODAyMjY0YTk1NjRmMGY4YjNjMDgxM2QzZjE0NzFh">Theo’s heart thumped erratically, while a cold sweat dripped down the side of his cheek. He greedily gulped down mouthfuls of air and exhaled out loud bellowing sighs. As he slowly regained his calm, Theo was suddenly aware of how ambiguous their current position appeared.</p> <p class="cnNhYTgwZTE5Yjk1MTQxOTc4YTc0YTIzZmFjMGE0ZTIx">The two of them were practically pressed against one another. Right now, they were no more than a mass of limbs and torsos.</p> <p class="cnMxOTUxMmE0NzA5ZDRkNGY5MzQ0NGYyYWE3MDdkZGEy">The back of his head rested on top of her chest. Soft and inviting, plump and amiable. He felt as if he was floating on a swollen cloud of physical happiness. Of course, that was just an exaggeration, but he was indeed feeling a bit joyful. Lynn’s chin rested on the crown of his skull, sort of like how a puppy holds its favorite tennis ball within its jaws. She had her arms wrapped around his neck, not in a way that hurt or suffocated, but just firm enough to keep him from moving.</p> <p class="cnMxNjBjNWY4ZDZlYzRiOWY4YWI1ZmJjMDMyMTdmN2U0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4OTkyMTJmYjdjZTQ4ZDg4NjE0NWQ0YTExZTViNWQ5">She held him tightly, intent on never letting go.</p> <p class="cnM4ZmJhYThiMjY1MzQ0MTk4ODY4OWIwM2QzZDQ2MmZm">Theo was suddenly brought back to his childhood, back to the time when his parents first died.</p> <p class="cnNlMjg2MzcwNzQwODQ0ZDQ4NzlmM2FlYTliNTZiNTJi"><em>She used to hold me like this too… </em></p> <p class="cnNmZmYyNGZmOGZhYzRmM2RiMGJhMzM4MjhiYjc1NWNl">Warmth, comfort, and the undeniable feeling of security, those were things that he could only reminisce and dream about. Today, he had felt those faraway emotions not once, but twice. Once with Shirley, and now with Lynn.</p> <p class="cnNiNDUwNjY4NTE5ZTQyY2U5YWMwZjU2OGUyM2I3Nzg5">“You know, these past few months should have been the best time of my life.” She whispered softly. From this distance, he could smell the alcohol in her breath. “I finally accomplished my dream. I got away from that place, filled with all those wandering eyes. My book turned out to be quite popular. I finally bought that really expensive brand of liquor that I’ve always wanted… I was supposed to be happy, but I’m not. I wasn’t. You know why, right?”</p> <p class="cnMwYzVmMTE5MzJjZTQxMDlhMGZlYmE3NGJiN2E4NjNi">Her question lingered in the air. He wanted to answer, but he hesitated.</p> <p class="cnM3MTFiMjcyM2M2OTQwMDc4NjNlZDIzODFlNzk0Zjhl">“There was one person missing.” She eventually continued. “During my happiest moment in life, one important person was suddenly gone.”</p> <p class="cnMzOThlMzM1NTU0ZDQyOTA4MjFjMjg1MDJhYTU0ZjBh">After a brief pause, Theo mumbled out, “I’m sorry…”</p> <p class="cnMxMGRiYmU2NzlmYzQ5Y2U4OTcxOTFmNWIwYzk0YWY0">“Will you tell me where you went?” She asked.</p> <p class="cnM0NGJiYWUwZDZlZTRkNTk5MjU3ZmJmMDAzY2QwYWQy">“Even if I tell you now, you won’t believe it.”</p> <p class="cnNkY2I2MTZkYWU2NTQ1MThhMWRjNjRhODllOTFlNzI4">“Tell me anyway.”</p> <p class="cnM0YjlhMjY1MGU0YjQ1YjJhN2VkN2EwYTA0YmU1YTk5">“I can’t.”</p> <p class="cnM5MzAyMjc2YmE4ZDQxYTZiOWRjMzBmMjVjYzdmMTFl">“Why?”</p> <p class="cnNhYjMxNTczN2NhNTQ3M2JiNjhlNjBhMGUwN2RiYzlj">“You really won’t believe it.”</p> <p class="cnMzZDI5NDQ3MTEyODQ1YjdhMzU0YmFjOWJiMjMxNWNk">“Then do something to make me believe.”</p> <p class="cnNjOTU0MTQ3NjQyNzRiOGU4YjFhZTcwZTc5MzRkYTVk">“I… I will. Just wait a few days.”</p> <p class="cnMzZTI3OTdjY2I4YzQ3NDM5ZTQyOTQ3Y2JlNTg4NWRm">A long silence. Neither one of them spoke. The only thing he could hear was the sound of breathing; her breathing. After a while, Theo felt her body slightly shift.</p> <p class="cnNmY2E0OGZjOWQ2ZjRiOTdiMjBhZTMwYzVjYzU2Y2Q0">“Alright.” She whispered. “I’ll wait.”</p> <p class="cnMxYjFkMDIzZjhkNTRkMDU5NDBjMTFhMGRiMWE5NDk4">“You’re awfully understanding,” Theo commented.</p> <p class="cnM5ZTQyZmJhODZlMDQwMTFhN2FkOWUxNzdlN2UwN2Yx">“The alcohol does that. If we were having this conversation while I wasn’t drunk, then I’d be a lot more violent.”</p> <p class="cnMzZWUzYzBhZTE3ZTRhNDA5YTljZTg1Nzc3MWRiZjA5">“You mean, disagreeable, right?”</p> <p class="cnM0OTY2N2VmY2M1YjQzMjc5YjZiN2UyYzUzMzIzYTZj">“No, violent.” She paused. “Like the leg-breaking kind.”</p> <p class="cnNjNTY4MDY0ZDYwZDQ4MWU5ZTUzOTVhOWEyYTI0ZjU4">He let out a hollow laugh. Although he did not think that she would actually do something like that, her threat was all too real. Only he knew just how capable this little aunt of his was.</p> <p class="cnNkNjU3ZjUwYmEyZDQxNGFiNThmN2Q5NGQyOWNkOThk">“I talked to Shirley about it, she was a lot less, um, agreeable than you.” He couldn’t help but say.</p> <p class="cnNiMjEzNTZhZTM2YzRkNDc5ZTQxNWY3NDg4Y2YwY2E2">“You visited that girley before your precious aunt? You really are an ungrateful child, I thought I raised you better than that!” She exaggeratedly spoke out in a wronged tone, before she slightly tightened her grip around his neck. At the same time, she ground her chin into the crown of his head. Theo grimaced and reflexively wriggled his body in agony.</p> <p class="cnMyMDY1NTBlNjQ0MTRlZjk5ODM1MTBhMTk0YTk3YmRl">“Uncle, uncle, I give up!” He frantically called out.</p> <p class="cnMyMTJiMGUwYjIwMDRjNjViNTg1NTg1Mjc2ZDI0ZmU1">After a few more seconds, the two finally separated. Theo sat up, while Lynn crawled along the ground, looking at the remaining bottles that he had yet to pick up.</p> <p class="cnNjN2FjNDg1MjYxMjQyOWFhNWI4OGMyMjJlZWJmNTA0">As he carefully massaged the crown of his head, he couldn’t help but stare at her with suspicion</p> <p class="cnMzOGY2Y2JhZjY1ZDQxZDNiMzkyMmQzMWQwODNmZDZl">“What are you doing now?”</p> <p class="cnNmZjY2YjY0MzcxZDQzOGRiMTA0NjdkMDQ2ZDk0YTFk">“Looking for something to drink.” She responded lightly. “All that mushy-mushy stuff made me thirsty.”</p> <p class="cnMzZjAxNmJiOTA2ZTQ5ZGViMzJiMDZlYzRjNzAyZTk0">“You’re doing that even though I just got back?”</p> <p class="cnNhMzcxODQ3NzBkNDRlOGNhZTg4ZDQ0ZWZjODcwYmM3">“It’s because you just got back that we should drink some more.” She reasoned.</p> <p class="cnNmMTFhYjJkZTE1OTRkY2U5ZWM4MTc3YjNhNDVmOWE3">“But you never let me drink,” Theo grumbled.</p> <p class="cnM2ZmQ2MjgxNTA0YzQ4Zjc5NTlhMzdhYjYyNDE5ZDc0">“Then just watch. I’ll just drink twice the amount tonight!” She laughed happily, as she continued to rummage around the bottles, looking for any that she might have missed the first time around.</p> <p class="cnM0MDljYjEwYWFjYzRmNmRhMjBmNzYyOTU2YTRhZDQy">Theo let out a helpless sigh, but inwardly, he smiled. It was times like this that he was thankful that Aunt Lynn wasn’t an angry drunk, but a happy one.</p> <p class="cnM3NDc4OTc4OTc4NjRmMTY4YTViMjgyNTFmYjNmNWJm">Just as he was quietly reminiscing, Lynn suddenly stopped. She sat up and stared blankly at the carpeted floor. “Ah, I can’t drink.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZmNhNjQzMWViYjQzYjg5ZmVlZGNlYjc3ZGExMDNk">“What? You have no more alcohol left?”</p> <p class="cnM1OTlmOWY4NmFiMTQ5MGM4YjY3ZjQxMDY1ZjEwNTdj">She shook her head and looked up at him with an expressionless gaze. For a moment, silence, before she suddenly threw an empty wine bottle.</p> <p class="cnMyMjMwODg0MDJkMzRmNzliNGUyYzFjMTBiYWQwNmYz">“Hey, what are you doing?!” Theo barely managed to catch the bottle that had been aimed directly at his face.</p> <p class="cnNiODM3MGU1NzU4ZTRjYjliMDRiYjNhMDYxOTFhZmI3">“I’m just venting my anger.” She answered as she moved to pick another bottle up from the floor. “I’m an angry drunk right now, so accept my anger.”</p> <p class="cnMyZDc0NmM0NGU5NjQwNTY4MTkwY2E3MjI1ZWNhNzRl">She threw another bottle.</p> <p class="cnMyYzEzMWU2OWY1YjQ4ZGFhNmI0ZTE4YzZiODY3NDA5">“What?” He barely avoided the bottle. “Why? What’s wrong?”</p> <p class="cnM3YmRjNTU4YzdjMTQxZTBhYmI0NzlhZGM2ZDJkYjk5">“It’s because you came back.”</p> <p class="cnNiNjNlYjdlZmFiMjQyMTU4MGFkNjBhNzdlNGQ2MTli">“Because I came back? What the hell? Aren’t you happy that I came back?” He asked in confusion.</p> <p class="cnM2NDFmZTMxNGZhYjQ5MTg4MTM3YzBlMjI0YmQ4Yzcy">“That’s right, I am happy, but at the same time, I’m not.” She looked at him with a serious expression and seriously asked, “Why did you have to come back today?”</p> <p class="cnMxNDcxZDViOWJkNjQzMWFhMDMyNDkwZmQzMjdiYzRm">“I don’t understand?”</p> <p class="cnM2YmNlYTg5MzIzODQwYzJiODhkYmZhMGZiZjlhNjE4">“I didn’t think it would actually happen. I said it out on a whim, but to think that it would actually happen…” now, she was mumbling to herself.</p> <p class="cnNiODU2NWI4NjNjNTQ2OWNhMDc1YmVjYjAzNGM0MDE1">“Auntie, if you don’t explain it, I won’t understand!”</p> <p class="cnMxNTMwMmJkZjA1YTQ5OWZiNDQ5MGFiOGRhYmMxOGQ4">“I made a promise today. I promised to myself that if you returned today, then I’d stop drinking. Since you actually returned, I can’t drink anymore. So, since that happened, I’m now angry.”</p> <p class="cnM4NGJjM2U3M2MxYzRkNDRiMzkwZTViNTczOGUwN2Rj">“Ah… well, sorry?” Theo was at a loss for words. He did not know whether to laugh or cry. How was he supposed to know that she made that sort of promise during today of all days?</p> <p class="cnM2YjY1ZDY0NWY0YjQzNGY5NzdiZTg5ZGQ0NTc0ZmNh">“Sorry’s not going to cut it!” She once again threw an empty bottle towards him. “At this rate, I’ll never be able to drink again! Take responsibility!”</p> <p class="cnMxYTUzOWE4YzE0NjRjMTI4OGY5MzZiOGM0OTEzYTlk">“That, that seriously has nothing to do with me!” Theo’s aggrieved voice echoed through the house.</p> <p class="cnM4MjY3ODExNWI2OTRmNTI5ODQ4ZTRkMzUyMjM0YTE1">&nbsp;</p> </div>
**Chapter 12: Welcome Back** The sound of retching echoed through the bathroom walls. Theo stared helplessly at the back of her neck. He stood behind the toilet, one hand gently massaged her back, while the other held up her ponytail. Her face was pressed up against the cold porcelain. She leaned over the bowl, her face sickly and pale. Drool ran down her chin. The scent of alcohol intermixed with the stench of bile. Theo unconsciously wriggled his nose, while she lurched forward and vomited. After a few seconds, she sputtered out a wheezy cough and tilted her neck back. She stared up at him with hazy eyes. “Theo, you… you… when did you—” Just as she was talking, her cheeks suddenly inflated. Half a second later, she was once again hovering over the toilet bowl, the sound of her vomiting reverberating loudly through his ears. “Alright Aunt Lynn, don’t say anything now. Just get it out of your system first.” He stated, as he gently massaged the knot in her shoulders. He didn’t know whether she had heard him or not, but that didn’t really matter. A weary sigh leaked out from his parted lips. *I also have to clean up the mess on the front porch after this…* He briefly thought to himself, as he looked over at his distressed aunt. It’s been so long that Theo almost completely forgot, but living with his aunt was never easy. She was a handful in more ways than one, but… for all the trouble that she caused him, he did not really mind. Plus, it wasn’t as if she went out of her way to make life difficult for him. This was just normal for her. Lynda Nighting; the kind relative and the raging alcoholic. In retrospect, their relationship wasn’t as clear-cut as simply calling them aunt and nephew. The two looked strikingly similar, enough to pass for siblings, but truthfully, the two were actually unrelated. Lynn was originally the younger sister of Theo’s now deceased step-mother. Over the years, he grew accustomed to calling her ‘Auntie’ or ‘Aunt Lynn’, but in reality, he treated her more like a big sister than anything else. Besides, their age difference only consisted of five years. Theo had trouble viewing someone like that as part of the older generation, especially when said someone grew up right next to him. Since his earliest memories, he’s lived under the same roof as her. Lynn’s parents died when she was ten. Since then, she went on to live with her considerably older sister, who at the time, also happened to be Theo’s step mother. Basically, she became the fourth member of a three-person family. As for Theo himself, his real mother died shortly after giving birth to him and his father remarried when he was four. Not even a year after he got a new mother, some strange older girl suddenly started living with him. Having grown up together like that, even if they weren’t really blood-related, the two possessed a relationship even closer than actual relatives. No, it was even more than that. Although the two were already pretty close during their childhood, it was only after the accident that their relationship truly transformed into what it was today. Five years ago, Theo’s parents died in a maritime accident. It was their anniversary. The two traveled all the way to the east coast, arguably the country’s biggest tourist destination. They were supposed to go sailing around the nearby islands, a rather popular activity within the area. Unfortunately, they met with misfortune. Their ship got caught in a massive freak thunderstorm. Even after the coast guard sent out search parties, they never did find them; only the remnants of a destroyed sailing boat. With nobody to lean on but each other, it was only natural for Theo and Lynn to grow closer. Actually, he found it kind of funny. Shortly after the accident, Lynn started putting on this sort of motherly persona. Maybe she was just trying to comfort him in her own special way, but… it didn’t work. Her actual status was that of an aunt, but Theo normally treated her like a sister. The change was simply too jarring for him to handle, especially with all of her various hiccups and personal quirks. That was especially the case for her alcohol problem. Theo shook his head, but inwardly, he felt a bit guilty. Lynn tended to drink whenever she was under a lot of stress, anxiety or some other kind of emotional distress. In fact, the first time she drank in such a way was on the night of the funeral. He couldn’t help but wonder, was her current state due to his absence? “Why are you he—” She tried to speak, but her attempt was interrupted by another round of dry heaving. “When did you—” “Where di—” No matter how often she tried starting up a conversation or attempted to ask one of the millions of questions jiggling around in that head of hers, she would always interrupt herself. “Just get it out of your system first and then we can talk.” Theo consoled. Her chin was covered in a mixture of sweat and saliva. Her originally beautiful appearance had been smudged out and replaced for the one currently in front of him. “But I—” Just as she was about to protest, something rose from the back of her throat, and Lynn was once again hunched over the toilet bowl. After a few seconds, she finally nodded her head. “Alright, I’ll wait…” was all she could muster out, before her head slumped down onto the cold porcelain. Theo sighed once more, his breath lingering in the room like stale perfume. **** After twenty minutes passed, Theo cleaned her face up with a towel, before he helped her out of the bathroom. Lynn’s arm was draped over his shoulders, while her feet dragged along the floor. He practically carried her over to the living room. Along the way, he asked, “Have you been drinking outside again?” Lynn, whose face was practically pressed against his neck, quickly shook her head. “No, aren’t I inside now?” “I mean, do you go out drinking a lot.” “I drink a lot, yes.” He found her surprisingly stable for a drunk person. At the very least, she was still able to talk in coherent sentences. “But do you drink outside?” “Nuh-uh.” She paused for a moment, before she suddenly twisted her waist and threw her arms around Theo’s neck. For a moment, he almost lost balance. Luckily, he was able to stabilize himself at the last second. He shifted his grip and supported Lynn by her waist. Their bodies were intimately pressed together. “Someone told me that I can’t go outside drinking, so I didn’t.” She purred out like a drunken street cat. She lifted her head up and brought her lips close to his ears. “Even though you were gone, I still did what you asked. Aren’t I such a good girl?” Hearing her words, and feeling the hot breath of airbrush up against his skin, Theo involuntarily shivered. This was something he noticed a lot, but when she was drunk, Lynn tended to act a bit unrestrained. Calling her childish wasn’t quite right, but it was something similar. Sometimes, he wondered if she really was the older one and not the other way around. If it was the him from before, Theo would have just brushed aside such comments, but the current him had changed. He decided to play along. His grip around her waist tightened. One of his arms snaked its way to her thighs, and before she could react, Theo suddenly lifted her up. He held her in what was essentially a princess-carry. Although his current body wasn’t all that strong, luckily, Lynn was a light girl. With a half-smile on his lips, he looked her directly in the eyes and asked, “Then, what does a good girl like you want?” “I…” She was a bit dazed, caught off guard by the way he was acting. The Theo she knew wasn’t unreceptive to her teasing, but rather, the way he reacted to it was a bit different. Usually, his face would redden, or he would stutter something incomprehensible, before making a hasty retreat. Now, although she could still see the redness in his cheeks, he was a bit more confident, and had developed quite a glib tongue. Still, for all of her thoughts and emotions, she did not dislike the change. For a moment, she did not know how to respond. Seeing her blank face, Theo’s cheeks reddened. Saying something like that was a lot more embarrassing than he originally expected. When the target of such a comment remained silent, he grew even more flustered. The shift in Theo’s expression brought Lynn back to her senses. She let out a laugh, before she lightly kissed his cheek. “To think that you actually have the guts to say something like that. This Aunt of yours is even more curious, just what exactly happened to you?” Theo let out a dry cough, as he looked over at Lynn with an aggrieved expression. “Let’s talk about that after we get to the living room, alright?” Instead of responding, she simply giggled. “Alright, then get down so we can—” Theo remembered that he was still holding her in such an intimate pose, and reflexively wanted to let her down. Unfortunately, just as he was about to loosen his grip, Lynn suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck and vehemently shook her head. “No way! You were the one who thought it was a good idea to carry me like this, so stick with it through the end! Didn’t I teach you it’s important to take responsibility for your actions? Take responsibility for me!” “But Auntie, your heavy.” He begrudgingly complained. While Theo was able to carry her temporarily in his arms, he couldn’t do it indefinitely. What’s more, actually walking around with her like this was another challenge in of itself. Still, no matter how much he complained, Aunt Lynn would not listen. Left with no other choice, he gritted his teeth and carried this clingy drunk of an aunt all the way to the living room. After what felt like a painstakingly long eternity, he finally placed her down onto the couch and wiped the sweat off his brow. He took a moment to catch his breath, before his eyes scanned through his surroundings. The first thing he noticed was the mess. Empty wine bottles and beer cans littered the floor, while glasses of whiskey, scotch, and other hard liquors covered the coffee table. He shook his head. “These aren’t all from today, are they?” Lynn snorted in response. “Do you think this little aunt of yours is a god? If it was all from today, then I’d be long dead from alcohol poisoning.” “No, well, this place is just… it’s a whole lot messier than I remember.” “That’s because a certain someone wasn’t here to clean it all up.” She spoke provokingly. “Plus, I’ve been busy. Work and… personal issues. The loss of a relative is a pretty heavy thing to deal with, you know?” She tilted her neck up and smiled at Theo, her eyes hinting at the hidden meaning beneath her words. Theo could only scratch his head awkwardly. He did not dare refute her. He shifted his gaze and stared at the quilt blanket strewn across the couch. For a moment, he frowned. “Have you been sleeping in the living room?” “Huh?” She stared blankly at him for a second, before she looked over and saw the blanket. “Oh, yeah. I have. This is your blanket by the way, I love how it smells.” She sniffed the blanket as if to prove her point. Lynn tilted her head and frowned. “That’s weird, it only smells like alcohol…” Theo directly ignored her mumblings and asked, “What’s wrong with your room?” “Well, my room’s um, it’s no good.” She responded incoherently. “You get it right? It’s uninhabitable, like a desert or a trash heap.” Theo was quite curious as to why she would say something like that, but right now, he had something else he wanted to say to her. “Well that’s fine, but you really do have to stop drinking so excessively. Imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t come home today.” “Same thing that always happens. I pass out on the couch and wake up in the morning. What are you so worried about? It’s not like it’s my first time drinking.” She patted her chest self-assuredly. *This woman can argue so well, is she really drunk?* Theo’s left eyelid twitched, before he let out a sigh. She liked drinking. She liked drinking a lot. It was to the point, where every time she went out to drink, she would always, always go overboard. Lynn was the type of person to not know restraint. Luckily, she doesn’t drink often. Even she had some self-awareness of how bad of a drunk she was. As far as Theo knows, she only drank whenever she was under a lot of stress, or feeling anxious. She used her reckless, without-restraint drinking in order to relax and calm her nerves. Usually, these binge sessions of hers happened once every three months or so. Because she a would always end up in such a vulnerable and unstable state, it’s become an unspoken role between the two of them that she was only allowed to drink at home, and while he was present. It was during times like this that the position of guardian switched between the two of them. He let out another sigh, before he went into the kitchen, pulled out a garbage bag, and started collecting the empty bottles and crushed beer cans. All the while, he asked, “Shouldn’t you go to sleep soon? It’s a Friday today, right? Don’t you have work on Saturdays?” Lynn worked as a trainer at a nearby fitness gym. Her job was the main reason why she was able to keep fit. Lynn was quite popular. On top of being beautiful, she was the poster girl for the gym. It was no coincidence that her working hours corresponded with the gym’s busiest times. “Job?” She tilted her head for a moment, before laughed. “Oh, I quit that a long time ago.” “Quit? Why? For what reason?” He asked in confusion. She let out another chuckle. “There’s still a lot you don’t know.” Theo frowned. *I’d know it if you actually explained it.* Lynn paused for a moment. She stared into Theo’s eyes, before she broke out into a huge grin. “I did it.” She said. “Theo, I finally did it.” “You did it?” It took him a moment to understand what she meant, but after seeing the sort of happy expression scribbled all over her drunken face, it clicked. “Really? Did you really do it?” She vigorously nodded her head. “Let me tell you, Theo, nothing feels better than achieving your dream.” It was that. A dream. Her dream. Ever since she was a student, ever since she was a child, she had that sort of dream. She talked about it a lot too. How she was one day going to take the leap and finally do it, but… whenever she spoke of her dream, it was always in the future tense. Her words were always filled with somedays and eventuallys, but today was different. “You actually did it!” Theo couldn’t hold back any longer and rushed over to hug her. At first, she was caught off guard, before a boisterous laughter echoed through his ears. “I actually did it!” She replied back. After a while, the two eventually separated. He sat next to her on the couch, and couldn’t help but ask once more, “So, you’re finally an author?” “That’s right, that’s right. I told you I could do it.” She smiled with that trademark drunken smile of hers. “Heh, I’m not just some little old gym instructor anymore. I’m a real-life, honest-to-god author getting paid the big bucks. I’m also pretty popular too, hehe.” “Then, let me read it.” Of course, he had to read it. Why wouldn’t he read it? “Huh?” “Your debut book, let me read it right away.” “Yeah, sure. Hehe, I’ll get you a cop—” She abruptly stopped. For a moment, a rare trace of sobriety flashed through her eyes. She seriously looked at Theo for a long while, before she resolutely shook her head. “You can’t look at it. There’s no way I’ll let you look at it.” “Eh?” Theo widened his eyes in surprise. *What’s with her sudden change in attitude?* “Come on, what’s with you? Let me see your precious first debut, Auntie. Don’t you know, your dreams are also my dreams. It’s only natural that I share in your glory.” What he said was the truth. Right now, he felt genuinely happy for her, as if her achievement was his own. “No!” She shouted back. “Idiot. Theo, you idiot, I’ll never show it to you. If you have the ability, go look for it yourself.” “Then, maybe I will go look for it myself.” He responded back with confused, furrowed brows. Lynn’s face morphed into a drunken sneer. “Idiot, even if you do, you’ll never find it. I used a pseudonym.” “Then tell me the pseudonym.” “If I told you, then it would be the same as letting you read it.” “At least tell me the name of the book.” “No way, you think just because I’m drunk, that I’ll turn into an idiot? I’ll never tell you.” She spoke in a drunken slur, before she suddenly leaped over and hid underneath the blanket. Staring at her wriggling form, Theo couldn’t help but wonder. *What sort of thing was she hiding? Don’t tell me she’s writing something she can’t openly share? Could it be smut? Is that why she’s so secretive?* Peeking in from underneath the blanket, she saw the sort of expression on Theo’s face. Lynn could only guess as to what wild fantasies filled that head of his. She did not want Theo to delve any deeper into the topic, so she reached out a hand and forcibly pulled Theo under the blanket. For a while, the two struggled with one another. Lynn bit Theo like a rabid dog. It did not hurt, but it certainly did leave a few marks on his body. Of course, this wasn’t anything new. During her especially bad sessions, Lynn was prone to biting. Theo resisted against her relentless assault, while Lynn did her best to distract him. Eventually, the two somehow ended up falling off the couch. They had long since discarded the blanket. Despite the chill of the AC, Theo felt hot. His back was sweating and he was a bit out of breath. He let out a bitter smile and limply accepted his defeat. *She’s a lot softer than I remember…* Such a thought floated to his head. Theo’s heart thumped erratically, while a cold sweat dripped down the side of his cheek. He greedily gulped down mouthfuls of air and exhaled out loud bellowing sighs. As he slowly regained his calm, Theo was suddenly aware of how ambiguous their current position appeared. The two of them were practically pressed against one another. Right now, they were no more than a mass of limbs and torsos. The back of his head rested on top of her chest. Soft and inviting, plump and amiable. He felt as if he was floating on a swollen cloud of physical happiness. Of course, that was just an exaggeration, but he was indeed feeling a bit joyful. Lynn’s chin rested on the crown of his skull, sort of like how a puppy holds its favorite tennis ball within its jaws. She had her arms wrapped around his neck, not in a way that hurt or suffocated, but just firm enough to keep him from moving.   She held him tightly, intent on never letting go. Theo was suddenly brought back to his childhood, back to the time when his parents first died. *She used to hold me like this too…* Warmth, comfort, and the undeniable feeling of security, those were things that he could only reminisce and dream about. Today, he had felt those faraway emotions not once, but twice. Once with Shirley, and now with Lynn. “You know, these past few months should have been the best time of my life.” She whispered softly. From this distance, he could smell the alcohol in her breath. “I finally accomplished my dream. I got away from that place, filled with all those wandering eyes. My book turned out to be quite popular. I finally bought that really expensive brand of liquor that I’ve always wanted… I was supposed to be happy, but I’m not. I wasn’t. You know why, right?” Her question lingered in the air. He wanted to answer, but he hesitated. “There was one person missing.” She eventually continued. “During my happiest moment in life, one important person was suddenly gone.” After a brief pause, Theo mumbled out, “I’m sorry…” “Will you tell me where you went?” She asked. “Even if I tell you now, you won’t believe it.” “Tell me anyway.” “I can’t.” “Why?” “You really won’t believe it.” “Then do something to make me believe.” “I… I will. Just wait a few days.” A long silence. Neither one of them spoke. The only thing he could hear was the sound of breathing; her breathing. After a while, Theo felt her body slightly shift. “Alright.” She whispered. “I’ll wait.” “You’re awfully understanding,” Theo commented. “The alcohol does that. If we were having this conversation while I wasn’t drunk, then I’d be a lot more violent.” “You mean, disagreeable, right?” “No, violent.” She paused. “Like the leg-breaking kind.” He let out a hollow laugh. Although he did not think that she would actually do something like that, her threat was all too real. Only he knew just how capable this little aunt of his was. “I talked to Shirley about it, she was a lot less, um, agreeable than you.” He couldn’t help but say. “You visited that girley before your precious aunt? You really are an ungrateful child, I thought I raised you better than that!” She exaggeratedly spoke out in a wronged tone, before she slightly tightened her grip around his neck. At the same time, she ground her chin into the crown of his head. Theo grimaced and reflexively wriggled his body in agony. “Uncle, uncle, I give up!” He frantically called out. After a few more seconds, the two finally separated. Theo sat up, while Lynn crawled along the ground, looking at the remaining bottles that he had yet to pick up. As he carefully massaged the crown of his head, he couldn’t help but stare at her with suspicion “What are you doing now?” “Looking for something to drink.” She responded lightly. “All that mushy-mushy stuff made me thirsty.” “You’re doing that even though I just got back?” “It’s because you just got back that we should drink some more.” She reasoned. “But you never let me drink,” Theo grumbled. “Then just watch. I’ll just drink twice the amount tonight!” She laughed happily, as she continued to rummage around the bottles, looking for any that she might have missed the first time around. Theo let out a helpless sigh, but inwardly, he smiled. It was times like this that he was thankful that Aunt Lynn wasn’t an angry drunk, but a happy one. Just as he was quietly reminiscing, Lynn suddenly stopped. She sat up and stared blankly at the carpeted floor. “Ah, I can’t drink.” “What? You have no more alcohol left?” She shook her head and looked up at him with an expressionless gaze. For a moment, silence, before she suddenly threw an empty wine bottle. “Hey, what are you doing?!” Theo barely managed to catch the bottle that had been aimed directly at his face. “I’m just venting my anger.” She answered as she moved to pick another bottle up from the floor. “I’m an angry drunk right now, so accept my anger.” She threw another bottle. “What?” He barely avoided the bottle. “Why? What’s wrong?” “It’s because you came back.” “Because I came back? What the hell? Aren’t you happy that I came back?” He asked in confusion. “That’s right, I am happy, but at the same time, I’m not.” She looked at him with a serious expression and seriously asked, “Why did you have to come back today?” “I don’t understand?” “I didn’t think it would actually happen. I said it out on a whim, but to think that it would actually happen…” now, she was mumbling to herself. “Auntie, if you don’t explain it, I won’t understand!” “I made a promise today. I promised to myself that if you returned today, then I’d stop drinking. Since you actually returned, I can’t drink anymore. So, since that happened, I’m now angry.” “Ah… well, sorry?” Theo was at a loss for words. He did not know whether to laugh or cry. How was he supposed to know that she made that sort of promise during today of all days? “Sorry’s not going to cut it!” She once again threw an empty bottle towards him. “At this rate, I’ll never be able to drink again! Take responsibility!” “That, that seriously has nothing to do with me!” Theo’s aggrieved voice echoed through the house.
{ "title": "The Outer Sphere", "id": 21178, "author": "Macronomicon", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Chapter 12: Asshole Tiger", "id": 305468, "next": 306029, "prev": 304878, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM3ZWU4OTczNWFhNTRjZTZiMTBhZDAwMWU2NTQ0ZGQ2">Garth ducked and rolled, hand-length fangs coming down where his neck had been an instant before. Garth was fast. Faster than he’d ever been in his life, with the possible exception of when he was a high school senior trying to impress girls.</p> <p class="cnMxZGU0ZDBlYjM1NjRmY2I4NjRkNTE4MmNhMDdhNGZj">It didn’t make a difference. Having missed its bite, the tiger-kipling swiped at him with its paw, raking its claws along his side. For a surreal moment, Garth felt his flesh betray him as the creature tugged him forward with its claws, pulling him toward its mouth. With a wrenching twist, Garth ripped himself off its claws and threw himself to the side, careening headfirst through a strip mall doorway.</p> <p class="cnNmNjFlYzlhZGU0NTRmZThhNDFmYTliMzgyMjEyZmNh"><em>I thought the glass was tougher,</em> Garth thought to himself as he plucked an emergency Combat Pea out of the waist of his kilt with his left hand. His right arm was hanging down with three deep gashes on his shoulder, dripping blood onto the glass covered floor.</p> <p class="cnMyNGM1NGYxMjMyMjQyN2U4NjQ4YTRlM2E1MzZjMDc1">The tiger was standing beside his spear and most of his peas, spilled onto the ground when he ducked aside. He could pin it there, but how would he kill it if he couldn’t reach his spear? Maybe he could lure it through the window, entangle it, then grab his spear and finish it off.</p> <p class="cnNlZWNjMDI3ZWM5MTQyNTQ5NTQzMzc0MTEyZWYwMzAx">“Come on tigger, let’s see if you’ve got the balls! I’m betting your species is nutless.” If the tiger understood Garth’s taunts, it didn’t do anything about it, pacing back and forth outside the shop, waiting for him to come back out.</p> <p class="cnNjYWIzNDA4YzFiMTRiZGJhZTU0YWRhMDhlYjUxYzIw"><em>Fuck it,</em> Garth thought, waiting for the tiger to pace a ways away from his spear before tossing the pea. Once it was entangled, he’d get his gear back, kill the dumb animal and show himself as the savior of the group of humans.</p> <p class="cnM1NzVlNzliZDUxNTQyOTliZjQwOTJjZjA2YzQ5ZTA2"><em>Maybe I could demand 30% of the stones,</em> Garth thought, tossing the pea.</p> <p class="cnMwM2I0YmQ0NTQ0MDRlMmRhYTM2YTc3YTgzZjhiMGVh"><em>That’d be what, like 368 Heartstones? I’d be totally- OH SHIT!</em></p> <p class="cnMxYWUyYmM2YmZjYzRiNmU4M2EwYTFkYWJjOTZlM2My">While Garth was counting his chickens, the tiger leaped out of the way of the pea, and the burst of plant growth caught nothing but air, settling into an unmoving mass of plants. <em>Shit, missed.</em></p> <p class="cnM5N2QwNzBlOGE5ZTQ0ZDZhMWNhZTA1ZjdkNWY5YjM0">The tiger looked at the peas then back at Garth with deliberate focus. This was no animal. <em>Got any more?</em> It seemed to ask, taking a step toward him.</p> <p class="cnNkZDJmZjM5YTFkMzQ5YWU4NTU1Zjk5ZWRmMTFkNDdl"><em>It was waiting for me to disarm myself! It was watching what I did with the others and it fucking made a plan!</em> Who would have thought the first smart Kipling he came across would be a tiger shaped one.</p> <p class="cnNjNjc2ZThhNTM4NjQyZWFhMzgxMWUzNzg3YzRlY2Rl">It was then that Garth’s mind began to fire on all cylinders, like something inside him had been paying half-attention to everything that was going on, sipping a coffee and reading the morning news. Once the tiger dodged the pea, this unknown entity spit its coffee on the keyboard before taking full control.</p> <p class="cnNmMWYwYTcxOWY4ZDQ3NjZiZmQwNTM1M2Y2ZjZjOGE2"><em>Calm down me, if the enemy thinks, you just have to employ a different set of tactics.</em></p> <p class="cnMzN2RiZjhkMjg4NDRjNGNhOGQ3ZjBhZDdlNWE0NmU5">“Come get some!” Garth cried, a wicked smile on his face as he reached into his waistband and pulled out his clenched fist. <em>Thinking things can be bluffed.</em></p> <p class="cnM1ZWU3Y2Y3MGQ3MDQ2ZTZiYjhlOWQ2OGExZjM5YzU2">The tiger hesitated, and the two of them stared each other down for a moment before it slowly, deliberately, took another step forward.</p> <p class="cnM5ODI1YmJkY2NjNjQyNDFiY2Q0ZGUxMWExMTE0M2Q0">“Fuck.” Garth cursed, turned and ran. He was in a little novelty shop with incense and carved wooden mermaids. The room was stuffed with shelf upon shelf of healing crystals, chintzy jade figurines, fake gold. Garth assumed it made its money off the rare tourist and middle aged women looking for a reason why their life sucked. The answer was usually a lack of introspection, but Garth digressed.</p> <p class="cnMzOTIwNzFjYTllMTRiYjViZDdiNzQ0NDhmNDc2NTBi">Garth jumped over one of the shelves, right arm flopping beside him. He heard the crunch of glass as the tiger pursued, moving much faster than him.</p> <p class="cnM2NjRmZGU3ZjY1ZTRhMGJhMmJjNWIwODljMDQ1OTdm">Indeed, claws sheared through the wooden shelf an instant after he jumped over it.</p> <p class="cnMxYTk3M2IzMmM1YjQyYzc4NjQ3ZmYzNDQ3NDEwYmQy">Garth’s feet hit the ground and he put on a burst of speed, heading for the narrow set of stairs that lead up to where the owner lived. Garth didn’t know her personally, but he’d seen the dumpy lady about town every now and then, always wearing a lace shawl over fancier-than-necessary tops and skirts.</p> <p class="cnMxZjMyZWVjYTAyMDQ5ZTI4OWRmZTJiZjQyZmZmYzg2">He didn’t have anything against the woman, but she seemed like a prude.</p> <p class="cnM3NjBlZjVmNTYzYTQxYWY4ZTk4YjY0OTA3NDBkOThi">The tiger stumbled over the shelf, giving him time to make it to the top of the stairs. Garth threw open the door and stormed into the room. Garth didn’t take any time to look over the room before he immediately seized furniture and began barricading the door.</p> <p class="cnNjNDIyNmI2MzVhYzQ3YzNhZGZlNmY1OTcxMmE1Y2Mx">Seconds after the first cabinet was in place, claws sank into the wooden door and began prying away at it. In an act of superhuman strength, Garth shoved a dresser over to the door and toppled it over with one arm before slumping against it.</p> <p class="cnNjYTI4MzkxMzAyMzQxYTBhYTEwNmE2MmYzOGNhMGI1">The scratching faded as the tiger realized it would take too much effort to get to the juicy prize inside. Garth heard it head down the stairs, and went to the window to see if it… wait. Couldn’t tigers jump really, REALLY high?</p> <p class="cnNhNjQ2NGZiYjgzNTRkMWQ4MDEwZTk5YjQ1MjYwNWIx">The dreaded moment where the tiger burst through the second story window and butchered him didn’t come, and Garth cautiously peeked around the corner towards the street.</p> <p class="cnM0Y2IxYjdmYWExNTQ2YjVhZTgyYjY0NjY3MjVlNGEx">Just in time to see the beast bite his spear in half, before lapping up his spilled Combat Peas, crunching them between its teeth.</p> <p class="cnMyYzZlYzc3OTZlNDQ5NzNhZTJiZTY3MzVkMzdmNDcx">“Asshole!” Garth shouted down at it from the second story.</p> <p class="cnNlZDkxODQzNjFiYjQ3YzJiNGJmMGRhYzBkYzhmZWFk">The cat grinned. If cats could grin, Garth was sure they would look like that. Then it raised a single paw, bottom up, and unsheathed its middle claw, flipping him off.</p> <p class="cnNiYmY3YjM4ZDQzNzRlZmQ5ZDdhZjIzZjA1NzJhYjJj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZjdhZjZkYzNlMDQyMDViZDk5ZTdiNTg4M2U3Mzhl">And that was the first time Garth met Demon lord Sibylline, Destroyer of Hope.</p> <p class="cnNkYTVlNmY2ODJkMDQ0OGZiNzg0ZmQ2MWFjNmE4YWEx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmZmJkMjc3MWQ2NjQ4ODhiODAyZjYzZjgxYTA5NWE0">The bastard tiger had a mean streak a mile wide, lifting its leg to piss on the remains of his weapon when its ears perked up mid leg-raise. Without warning, it turned and disappeared down an alley.</p> <p class="cnM5OWI1MmFmNmNkYTQ1NmM5MjZiNmMyZGE1NmVmZTBm">Garth slumped against the wall, sliding down, his head dizzy from blood loss. He wanted to sit down and go to sleep, but first he needed to bind his wounds and meet up with the other humans.</p> <p class="cnMyZjg3YTFjZTNmNTQzYWI5MjRiMjVlN2U5MmYwMGIw">Sitting against the wall, Garth <em>really</em> looked around the dumpy old woman’s bedroom for the first time.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDU0NjAxNDQ4MTRiMzM4MzBmZTQ3MWQxNTJkNWNk">The floor was covered in shag carpet, with a sex swing dominating the center of the room. There was a pillory in the corner with easy height adjustment for that special someone, a ‘milking’ table, a leather hood, and a suspicious hole in the wall lined with soft felt.</p> <p class="cnM3NGRmNWI3ODRjYTQ5MTNiY2ZmNmFjOWZlNjc5YmU3">Beside Garth’s head was a nightstand with a dildo the size of his forearm, still slightly wiggling from the recent commotion.</p> <p class="cnMzZGIzYTc5NDE3ZDQwNTY5N2JiMTY2YmNlOTA5ZjE0">The nightstand had three hundred dollar bills with a man’s business card on top of them.</p> <p class="cnNkYTU5MDMyNDQ5MzQ5NjE5ZTU1N2I0ODM3ZWJmZDVi">“Huh,” Garth said, casting his gaze over the room. “Never would’a thought.”</p> <p class="cnM5MmMyM2U4NDk5MzQ3M2M4ZjNlZTkxZTI3NGVkZWQ5">He stood and began ransacking the woman’s room. Even if she wasn’t dead, he didn’t think she’d begrudge him some sheets to bind his cuts. She seemed nice.</p> <p class="cnNmNWQ3NTkyN2Y3MDRlYTM5N2I2MDRlODQ2NTc2N2Q1">Whatever the tiger ran from was worse than it, and so Garth wanted to be at his best. First thing was first. Stopping the bleeding.</p> <p class="cnM3YTA5MGJmM2RiNDRiNGE4MTkzNzBkNjRmMDI1MGE2"><em>Antiperspirants have aluminum.</em> Garth tossed the woman’s dresser and grabbed her deodorant, wincing as he put thick lines over the ragged cuts on his shoulder.</p> <p class="cnMxNzMzY2RlNTI5MTRhMjliMDc5ZDljM2MzOTIxMmRm"><em>This probably isn’t sanitary.</em> Garth tried not to think of the old woman’s armpits and god knew where else as he spread the white bar over his cuts. The aluminum in antiperspirant was the same stuff they used in the coagulant pens you could find in the shaving section. Theoretically the aluminum would cause his blood to harden up and stop flowing much faster. Plus he would smell nice.</p> <p class="cnNmMjhlN2EzYjQxNDQyNTA5ZjJmZTc2MzA4ODA1MGY1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwZDlkOWFiYzM2ZTQzZjhiMjNmNzhkYWZjZTUzNDFm">After that was done, he put some under his armpits – he hadn’t had a shower in two days – and tossed the bar aside, tearing up some clean sheets and wrapping his wound.</p> <p class="cnNlNTdiODAwZmMyMjQzNmJiODY4NmIwMzVmYWY3YmFk">Once he was done wrapping, Garth went back to the window, carefully searching the street for whatever had made the vindictive tiger bolt.</p> <p class="cnM5NjU0NTM4NGY4YjQ0ODFhODU4MmMxNWYzODQ2MjJm">It wasn’t long until he noticed it. The noise from down the street had become a shouting match. Garth stuck his head out the window and made out some kind of armed force surrounding the pet store.</p> <p class="cnM2NDVmZDI5YWZmMzQxZmU5MmQ5ZTIxMGQ4MzUzNjcz"><em>See what’s going on or fade away?</em> Garth weighed his options. Chances were Mr. Tiger was waiting just out of sight of the armed force and would ambush Garth as soon as he was clear of them.</p> <p class="cnMxYTEzYjNiMTFmZjQxMzJhYThkZTE1NzZhMjA0ZmQ3">While there was shouting, it didn’t look violent. Yet. Garth decided to err on the side of people he could talk to. Harold was an exception though. If he ever saw that prick again, he’d shoot first.</p> <p class="cnM0OThkZmRmMGZiZjQ0ZmVhMTlmZmRlNTFkZDFmNDE4">By the time Garth moved the barricade out of the way and made it to the pet store, tensions had risen, and it came to Garth’s attention that the armed strangers weren’t exactly from ‘round here.</p> <p class="cnM5YmY2M2QxOTcxYTRlYjdhNTA5OTZhOTBhODZjZWQ1">No less than fifty men with dusky skin, flat faces, and strange animalistic brows, stood encircling the pet store. Their leader seemed to be exchanging words with Leanne. They wore uniform, heavy-looking steel armor, but they didn’t seem slow. Three of them repositioned themselves between their commander and Garth as he approached.</p> <p class="cnNhNzBiOWRlN2MyMTRhYzc4MWNmNWI1Yzk4OTAyMGFk">“I’m friendly,” Garth said, holding his hands up.</p> <p class="cnNmMjEyZDBhOTM2MTQwODliOGFkODc4NzM0ZDViNDFh">“Prove you’re not a Kipling.” One of them said, drawing a blocky sword that looked like it had been poured in one solid piece. The commotion drew the attention of Leanne and their commander.</p> <p class="cnNmMWVkYmE2NGM1ZjQyMTFhNGM4YWY0NzU0YmVmZDc5">“Um…how am I supposed to do that?”</p> <p class="cnMzM2Q1YWMzMDE2YzQzNzliNzg5OGVhMTNlYjRhMmEw">“He’s one of ours.” Leanne said. “He’s human.”</p> <p class="cnM3NjU2Nzg3ZmFiMDQxZjBhMjUzMjY4NWRmMmVlOTRh">“What, I don’t look human?” Garth asked before glancing down at his purple skin and blue bathrobe kilt. <em>Ah. Still need some clothes.</em> The rest of the survivors were still on the rooftop or leaning against the wall of the building, watching the exchange. Some of them cast him curious glances. What did Leanne do to become their spokesman?</p> <p class="cnNmNmEyMzQ1YjkzODRiMWFhMmViYmUxZjJiMzMyOGRm">The three heavy infantrymen stood down, their eyes sliding past Garth and returning to observing the streets. At least he didn’t have to worry about the tiger.</p> <p class="cnM3N2Y2NGFjZmJjNzQ3MTNhMmQyY2JhNjNkZDM5YTFh">“What’s going on?” Garth asked as he approached.</p> <p class="cnM1YzFhY2Q1Y2Q2MjRmOWU5NWJiNjIzMjk1ZWY4OGJk">“Join your kind, human. This discussion is between the Oliga and your leader.” The flat-faced alien said, its rumbling gibberish somehow registering as English in his mind.</p> <p class="cnMzYjcyNzU0ZjM2MzQzZTViMGFmZjQ4MDcwOWM5Y2Yx">Garth processed that. Then he processed that some more. <em>His leader?</em> Garth glanced at the humans at the pet store, trying to imagine what kind of situation had unfolded here that these soldiers would think she was their leader.</p> <p class="cnNhOWM3OTY0MmJiMDQ4N2E4NmU1YjA5ODZiMTRiNzQx">Did the humans agree to that? Why her specifically? Was it because she helped them, or because of some other circumstances?</p> <p class="cnNlNWQ1ZWI0ODA4ZTRjZThiNDdiYTQ3NDQ5OTQzODFm"><em>Need info!</em></p> <p class="cnM3MGY4NDE2ZjBkMTQyMzk4NDBjNTdlODZkYjRjMWZj">Garth grunted and headed toward the mass of dead Kipling. The aliens tensed as he got close to the Kipling.</p> <p class="cnM4NTRjMzNlMWQwNTQ4NWU5ODY0NjdkODRlZDk2ZGJh">“Get away from there!” one of them roared, pointing a sword at Garth. “Wait until we give you permission to harvest the Heartstones.”</p> <p class="cnM3N2ZjNWYwOGE5ODRlY2E4OGRlMjNhNDdkMmMyZGNk">They seemed awfully possessive for a standing military. From what he knew about government directed military, they were afforded with everything they needed. Despite their uniform and their well-funded equipment, these guys seemed…hungrier than they should, somehow.</p> <p class="cnM1NDRkY2ExYTNkNjQzZWE4Yjg0YzQ1NzEwZjU0OTQ2">“Just grabbing something,” Garth said, continuing to walk toward the pile. He reached the nearest pea pod when one of the brutes tromped forward and put a sword to his neck.</p> <p class="cnM1Y2Q0YTU4NDczNzRkNGU4OWVkYzI1YzYwODc3NDBi">“Stand away,” he growled, a low rumbling noise that half made Garth think the guy wanted to eat him.</p> </div>
Garth ducked and rolled, hand-length fangs coming down where his neck had been an instant before. Garth was fast. Faster than he’d ever been in his life, with the possible exception of when he was a high school senior trying to impress girls. It didn’t make a difference. Having missed its bite, the tiger-kipling swiped at him with its paw, raking its claws along his side. For a surreal moment, Garth felt his flesh betray him as the creature tugged him forward with its claws, pulling him toward its mouth. With a wrenching twist, Garth ripped himself off its claws and threw himself to the side, careening headfirst through a strip mall doorway. *I thought the glass was tougher,* Garth thought to himself as he plucked an emergency Combat Pea out of the waist of his kilt with his left hand. His right arm was hanging down with three deep gashes on his shoulder, dripping blood onto the glass covered floor. The tiger was standing beside his spear and most of his peas, spilled onto the ground when he ducked aside. He could pin it there, but how would he kill it if he couldn’t reach his spear? Maybe he could lure it through the window, entangle it, then grab his spear and finish it off. “Come on tigger, let’s see if you’ve got the balls! I’m betting your species is nutless.” If the tiger understood Garth’s taunts, it didn’t do anything about it, pacing back and forth outside the shop, waiting for him to come back out. *Fuck it,* Garth thought, waiting for the tiger to pace a ways away from his spear before tossing the pea. Once it was entangled, he’d get his gear back, kill the dumb animal and show himself as the savior of the group of humans. *Maybe I could demand 30% of the stones,* Garth thought, tossing the pea. *That’d be what, like 368 Heartstones? I’d be totally- OH SHIT!* While Garth was counting his chickens, the tiger leaped out of the way of the pea, and the burst of plant growth caught nothing but air, settling into an unmoving mass of plants. *Shit, missed.* The tiger looked at the peas then back at Garth with deliberate focus. This was no animal. *Got any more?* It seemed to ask, taking a step toward him. *It was waiting for me to disarm myself! It was watching what I did with the others and it fucking made a plan!* Who would have thought the first smart Kipling he came across would be a tiger shaped one. It was then that Garth’s mind began to fire on all cylinders, like something inside him had been paying half-attention to everything that was going on, sipping a coffee and reading the morning news. Once the tiger dodged the pea, this unknown entity spit its coffee on the keyboard before taking full control. *Calm down me, if the enemy thinks, you just have to employ a different set of tactics.* “Come get some!” Garth cried, a wicked smile on his face as he reached into his waistband and pulled out his clenched fist. *Thinking things can be bluffed.* The tiger hesitated, and the two of them stared each other down for a moment before it slowly, deliberately, took another step forward. “Fuck.” Garth cursed, turned and ran. He was in a little novelty shop with incense and carved wooden mermaids. The room was stuffed with shelf upon shelf of healing crystals, chintzy jade figurines, fake gold. Garth assumed it made its money off the rare tourist and middle aged women looking for a reason why their life sucked. The answer was usually a lack of introspection, but Garth digressed. Garth jumped over one of the shelves, right arm flopping beside him. He heard the crunch of glass as the tiger pursued, moving much faster than him. Indeed, claws sheared through the wooden shelf an instant after he jumped over it. Garth’s feet hit the ground and he put on a burst of speed, heading for the narrow set of stairs that lead up to where the owner lived. Garth didn’t know her personally, but he’d seen the dumpy lady about town every now and then, always wearing a lace shawl over fancier-than-necessary tops and skirts. He didn’t have anything against the woman, but she seemed like a prude. The tiger stumbled over the shelf, giving him time to make it to the top of the stairs. Garth threw open the door and stormed into the room. Garth didn’t take any time to look over the room before he immediately seized furniture and began barricading the door. Seconds after the first cabinet was in place, claws sank into the wooden door and began prying away at it. In an act of superhuman strength, Garth shoved a dresser over to the door and toppled it over with one arm before slumping against it. The scratching faded as the tiger realized it would take too much effort to get to the juicy prize inside. Garth heard it head down the stairs, and went to the window to see if it… wait. Couldn’t tigers jump really, REALLY high? The dreaded moment where the tiger burst through the second story window and butchered him didn’t come, and Garth cautiously peeked around the corner towards the street. Just in time to see the beast bite his spear in half, before lapping up his spilled Combat Peas, crunching them between its teeth. “Asshole!” Garth shouted down at it from the second story. The cat grinned. If cats could grin, Garth was sure they would look like that. Then it raised a single paw, bottom up, and unsheathed its middle claw, flipping him off.   And that was the first time Garth met Demon lord Sibylline, Destroyer of Hope.   The bastard tiger had a mean streak a mile wide, lifting its leg to piss on the remains of his weapon when its ears perked up mid leg-raise. Without warning, it turned and disappeared down an alley. Garth slumped against the wall, sliding down, his head dizzy from blood loss. He wanted to sit down and go to sleep, but first he needed to bind his wounds and meet up with the other humans. Sitting against the wall, Garth *really* looked around the dumpy old woman’s bedroom for the first time. The floor was covered in shag carpet, with a sex swing dominating the center of the room. There was a pillory in the corner with easy height adjustment for that special someone, a ‘milking’ table, a leather hood, and a suspicious hole in the wall lined with soft felt. Beside Garth’s head was a nightstand with a dildo the size of his forearm, still slightly wiggling from the recent commotion. The nightstand had three hundred dollar bills with a man’s business card on top of them. “Huh,” Garth said, casting his gaze over the room. “Never would’a thought.” He stood and began ransacking the woman’s room. Even if she wasn’t dead, he didn’t think she’d begrudge him some sheets to bind his cuts. She seemed nice. Whatever the tiger ran from was worse than it, and so Garth wanted to be at his best. First thing was first. Stopping the bleeding. *Antiperspirants have aluminum.* Garth tossed the woman’s dresser and grabbed her deodorant, wincing as he put thick lines over the ragged cuts on his shoulder. *This probably isn’t sanitary.* Garth tried not to think of the old woman’s armpits and god knew where else as he spread the white bar over his cuts. The aluminum in antiperspirant was the same stuff they used in the coagulant pens you could find in the shaving section. Theoretically the aluminum would cause his blood to harden up and stop flowing much faster. Plus he would smell nice.   After that was done, he put some under his armpits – he hadn’t had a shower in two days – and tossed the bar aside, tearing up some clean sheets and wrapping his wound. Once he was done wrapping, Garth went back to the window, carefully searching the street for whatever had made the vindictive tiger bolt. It wasn’t long until he noticed it. The noise from down the street had become a shouting match. Garth stuck his head out the window and made out some kind of armed force surrounding the pet store. *See what’s going on or fade away?* Garth weighed his options. Chances were Mr. Tiger was waiting just out of sight of the armed force and would ambush Garth as soon as he was clear of them. While there was shouting, it didn’t look violent. Yet. Garth decided to err on the side of people he could talk to. Harold was an exception though. If he ever saw that prick again, he’d shoot first. By the time Garth moved the barricade out of the way and made it to the pet store, tensions had risen, and it came to Garth’s attention that the armed strangers weren’t exactly from ‘round here. No less than fifty men with dusky skin, flat faces, and strange animalistic brows, stood encircling the pet store. Their leader seemed to be exchanging words with Leanne. They wore uniform, heavy-looking steel armor, but they didn’t seem slow. Three of them repositioned themselves between their commander and Garth as he approached. “I’m friendly,” Garth said, holding his hands up. “Prove you’re not a Kipling.” One of them said, drawing a blocky sword that looked like it had been poured in one solid piece. The commotion drew the attention of Leanne and their commander. “Um…how am I supposed to do that?” “He’s one of ours.” Leanne said. “He’s human.” “What, I don’t look human?” Garth asked before glancing down at his purple skin and blue bathrobe kilt. *Ah. Still need some clothes.* The rest of the survivors were still on the rooftop or leaning against the wall of the building, watching the exchange. Some of them cast him curious glances. What did Leanne do to become their spokesman? The three heavy infantrymen stood down, their eyes sliding past Garth and returning to observing the streets. At least he didn’t have to worry about the tiger. “What’s going on?” Garth asked as he approached. “Join your kind, human. This discussion is between the Oliga and your leader.” The flat-faced alien said, its rumbling gibberish somehow registering as English in his mind. Garth processed that. Then he processed that some more. *His leader?* Garth glanced at the humans at the pet store, trying to imagine what kind of situation had unfolded here that these soldiers would think she was their leader. Did the humans agree to that? Why her specifically? Was it because she helped them, or because of some other circumstances? *Need info!* Garth grunted and headed toward the mass of dead Kipling. The aliens tensed as he got close to the Kipling. “Get away from there!” one of them roared, pointing a sword at Garth. “Wait until we give you permission to harvest the Heartstones.” They seemed awfully possessive for a standing military. From what he knew about government directed military, they were afforded with everything they needed. Despite their uniform and their well-funded equipment, these guys seemed…hungrier than they should, somehow. “Just grabbing something,” Garth said, continuing to walk toward the pile. He reached the nearest pea pod when one of the brutes tromped forward and put a sword to his neck. “Stand away,” he growled, a low rumbling noise that half made Garth think the guy wanted to eat him.
{ "title": "\"Without You\". Reincarnated as a Troll Alternative. 2018' NaNoWriMo", "id": 21298, "author": "MDW", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Troll and Exile: Subjugation", "id": 305378, "next": 305668, "prev": 305067, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM0ZTFmOTIyNDk3ODRjNjI4ODE3YWQ0YjQ5ZTNlY2Vh" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.8em">🙟 ------------------------------- 🙝</span></p> <p class="cnM5NzhlNTBhNTA1OTQwMjdiMzljMzgyNDc0YjQyZGQz">Gilgamesh ran from the west treeline and with a mighty swing of his greatsword cleaved a group of six orcs at the foot of the hill. The monsters in front of him readied their weapons but each step, each swing of the S-ranker only created more corpses rolling down the hill. Behind him came Innana, using light magic to kill monsters that were trying to circle around the muscular champion.</p> <p class="cnM2ZWJhZDE0ZGZhNzQ0MmZhZTE5NjRjZmQ4MTU4YWE2">"I can't believe our job is to kill orcs and monkeys. Were it fifteen years ago, I'd be excited too, but right now? It is a boring slog." Complained the leader of the subjugation force.</p> <p class="cnM4MzhjY2Q4NGJlMDQ4NTliZjFmZGUxYjc5MWE5Mjc1">"You accepted payment, do your duty. Do not complain, it leaves a bad taste. If you think the job was too easy, return your share to Hrothgar." Chided the mage maiden.</p> <p class="cnM2YmMzYjJiMDhkZjQwODFhMmVmYmVmNjdlMzhmOGM0">"OOOORA!" Enkidu leaped from the bottom of the hill straight into the hilltop in an astonishing feat of strength. His beastmaster job allowed him to draw upon the spiritual power of beasts to grant him their physical traits. He landed and with a spin of his body, the giant greataxe in his hands became a spiral of death. Several devil monkeys that were wearing aprons near a grill died. "Fuck, why are these monkeys wearing clothes? Naked monkey apron, eww."</p> <p class="cnNlMGM4OWU1NzlhMDRmMDM4ODY3ZWUzOTAxZmMxZmVh">From the east side, Kareena dashed forward, using her rapier to deliver precise killing blows to several orcs. The maniac witch Shamhat was lobbing fireballs at the houses. And then they heard a very familiar cry.</p> <p class="cnNkNTE4OWY4OTIwNjRiZTRhMjg1MTBkMDU3Mzg3Mzgy">"Damn, they have children as hostages! We need to rescue them," Kareena told her dark-skinned partner.</p> <p class="cnM1OTVlYjc0YzdlYTRmNjE4MWMxNWMxZjgwOGY3MTdh">"Didn't you hear the guild receptionist? These children are potential monster brides. It will feel bitter, but we are killing all of them. C'mon, climb faster. They are going to flee to the other side of the hill."</p> <p class="cnM2NmM0Zjk3Mzk0NDQ1YzRiZDczZjI0ZDk2MjE2OGNj">"I don't like this a bit. We need to gather more information," answered the swordswoman between dodging some orc's club and piercing the heart of her opponent.</p> <p class="cnNhMDcwMDMwZDhmMjQzNzI4YjlmMDQzM2FiYTVlNDFj">On the hilltop, Enkidu halted his slaughter because he felt a sting on his back as several wind blades cut his exposed skin.</p> <p class="cnM5YjJjYmI0MTQ5MTRiNzU4MjQxNTE2M2JkMzExMTdj">"What was that?" He turned to see a Crested Naga getting ready to launch another volley of wind blades. "Shit, look at this. A boobless snake lady. Too bad your upper torso is scaly, lass. If you were a lamia, I'd have some fun fondling you. But now you will die!"</p> <p class="cnM3MjM5OWQwY2VkNTRlNWRhNDRiMzVmNWU2YTdhOGI3">Calling upon the spirit of the hare, Enkidu leaped to cleave Shraaizar in two. He was forced to lower his oversized ax to block a sudden spear stab that was aimed at his belly and lost his chance to attack the Naga.</p> <p class="cnNjZTc5ZjJmYWVmMzQ3MjBhN2RmYjlhNjIzYjVmZTJk">"Bastard. I will be your opponent. Get ready to have your butt kicked," Roared Grendel. He designated Shraaizar as his bodyguard target and the Naga unleashed another volley of wind blades at the barbarian. Readying his trusted horn spear, the troll stood face to face with the seven feet tall warrior.</p> <p class="cnNhZTFlZmQ2MjI4ZjRiYmJiZDc3ZjMwOTYyOGExNGM5">"Jackpot! Hey Gil, I've found the big guy. Hurry up here or you are going to miss the fun!" Enkidu readied his stance and ran to attack the troll.</p> <p class="cnNlNmVjNDg0ODc3ZjRlOGM4ZTdiMDdkM2JhODY1Nzgy">Grendel had to stall for time. The humans were running down the hill and needed to get out of sight and out of detection range from these adventurers. A troop of devil monkeys was tasked with covering the human's tracks to avoid detection and a band of orcs was going to climb the hill over the same tracks to add confusion. The monkeys would then guide the humans deep inside the death willow meadow. Alvus was with the forty potion case to help the children fight back the meadow's poison mist.</p> <p class="cnM2YmVmZGUyMzFmMjRhYzM4Nzc0NGI3Yzg4NzAwYjhh">Another two cottages exploded and a person in flames ran up the hill, distracting Grendel. It seems not all humans were in the group that ran away, some of them decided to hide inside the houses.</p> <p class="cnNlMzdiMGQ3YmEyMTQxOWI5YTM1MDlmZTg4YjFiMGUw">"Hahahahaha! Die, traitors! You shall be purified by flame, monster sympathizers. Nothing good can come of this forbidden union!" Shouted a frenzied Shamhat. She was a notorious pyromaniac. The more fire magic she used in combat, the more she would cast and bigger and hotter they would be. "Hey Enkidu, they fled down the hill into those death willows, stop playing with the troll and go there hunt them. I'm telling Gilgamesh to cut half of your pay if you let them get away."</p> <p class="cnNlNWVhYTIxYWVlMDQ2NzE5YTg1YjkxZjY3ZjEzZWNi">Kareena seized a moment where the troll was distracted trading blows with Enkidu to attack the naga behind him. She lunged and used her technique, 'Heartseeker Blade'. It was an extremely advanced technique that allowed her to hit with a hundred percent accuracy the heart of her target. It could not be dodged, only parried or blocked. The naga was as good as dead.</p> <p class="cnMyZmUwZmYxODU5MDRjNzY4NTQ0YTA5ZTk1NGZiNzc5">Her blade was inches away from the chest of her target when the troll twisted his torso and placed an arm in the way of the rapier. The stab was deep, but for a monster as big as Grendel it was nothing more than a sting. Enkidu seized that distraction to use a technique of his own.</p> <p class="cnNmNzg5NDg3NzBiYTRmNTRhYzQxMDQwZGVjNTUxYzQ0">"Take that, monster! 'Kneecap Breaker'." It was also an advanced technique where a sudden low swing aimed to sever the leg of the opponent. This one could not be parried, only blocked or dodged.</p> <p class="cnMwOTgyODkwYzcxNDQ0MDI4N2UzNjZkODZlMTQwODAx">With the pincer attack, Grendel was left wide open to the swing from his blindside and lost his footing. Enkidu didn't wait for the troll to fall down and leaped over them in the direction of the death willow meadow. At the same time, he used two skills.</p> <p class="cnNkNGZhMTk1MDk5NzRmYWM5OTc3OWE3MmM2MGIwZmUz">"Terrifying Beastlord Roar! Fear Tracker!"</p> <p class="cnM1MmJlMTJjZDk3MTRiZjZhYmFjYjMyNjE1OThmNjc1">The first one caused fear in a very wide area and the second one placed tracking markers on those affected with fear from the user. It was a perfect combo for hunting down a lot of weak targets.</p> <p class="cnNkMzhiMWZhYzg5MzRiNTliMTkwM2M2ZDgwNmE2Yjg4">Grendel didn't fall but was forced to use his spear to lean on. Shraaizar offered some support but this left them exposed to the guild master's rapier. He looked the woman in the eyes and thought 'two can play this trick'</p> <p class="cnM5MTRmNzI4YzFjZTRiZmM4YzI0ZjRjMDlmYWJhNDU0">"Intimidating Presence! Ferocious Shout!"</p> <p class="cnM3YmUyZjk5MWJhMzQyMDE4OGY2MWY5YTFkNGJjYTIy">With a lower tier version of the shout used by the ax-wielder, Grendel {92 vs 85} managed to make the two women attempting to attack them back off. This gave him enough time to use telekinesis to pull his leg in place and make it reattach naturally to his body. His troll regeneration was able to do this even without the detachable limbs skill.</p> <p class="cnMwMTM1OTg4OTEyYjRkYTg4OWYwZWZiMjEyYWQwYzE1">"Hey, did you know death willows burn nicely?" The crazy witch recovered from her fear and asked no one in particular. She began the chant to a really long fire spell. One could see the sparks, embers, and blazes forming around her hands and staff as she waved them around.</p> <p class="cnM3Zjk2ZGE5MmY4MzRlMzY5ZGRlM2Q2NWJjMzg0OTUw">Gilgamesh finished climbing the hill with Innana right behind him. The light mage spared no time and launched an advanced spell.</p> <p class="cnM5MTJkZjY3NDgxZjRmYWRiMzJiYmI5YmJhNzFhYzc3">"Sunburst Ray."</p> <p class="cnM0YjNhMjViODFmNDQ3NDViM2NjNTQ5NjAyODU1MjAw">She changes without a drop of emotion in her voice. Although instantaneous, the light source created by the spell needed a bit of time to flare and shoot. Grendel used one of his trumps and placed his spear in front of the light beam. "Spell Parry." {35 vs 47} The light beam was stopped by a glowing spear.</p> <p class="cnMwMDhlMTdkNWE0OTQ2NDQ4OTA3OTI1N2JkNWUxN2Qx">"It sssemsss thisss isss our final ssstand, Grendel." Said Shraaizar with determination in her voice. She shot wind blades at Kareena and {66 vs 2} severely wounded the swashbuckler.</p> <p class="cnMwOGIzYzUxM2E0OTRjZTBhYTM4N2FjMTU2MDQ3ZDk4">"I'm not losing you. We are going to win this one." The same determination could not be found in his bravado. Grendel was afraid.</p> <p class="cnM1NDNiNjM3NDgwMDQzZDQ4YTE0NDIwMjc0OTUyNzA0">"Kareena!" Gilgamesh was, as one could expect, overprotective of his twin sister. He was against her retirement, but the girl could not bear the weight of being compared to her more competent brother.</p> <p class="cnM4MmE4OGQ4NmYyZjQzYThiMjcxOWE5MmIxNGJiNWEy">Raging, Gilgamesh came and swung his greatsword with a speed one would expect from an experienced dagger wielder with the smaller weapon. {59 vs 64} Grendel was only able to dodge and parry, focusing his entire attention on defense. He was outnumbered two to one.</p> <p class="cnM2NjJlODA3YjJlODQ2NmViYzFiNTY0NDkzNjRjNDBm">Innana circled around the furious melee and focused on healing Kareena. The two shared more than a decade of adventure and she was one of the few people the poker-faced spellcaster considered decent. This was enough time for the pyromaniac to finish her spell.</p> <p class="cnMwNTJhYzJiZWM5ZDQ1Y2Q5ZjZhZGM1NGIwMDRiODJh">"Overboost, Increase area, Increase range, Multicast, Inferno Blast, Inferno Blast, Inferno Blast, Inferno Blast!"</p> <p class="cnM4OWYwMjk4MDg5ZTRjNmM5MzhjZTIyMjM3NjQyNWEw">The chaining of spell-modifying skills was the reason that the chant was so long even with a maxed out reduce casting time. The base amount of MP used in that single casting was enough to keep a guild crystal running for a month.</p> <p class="cnM5YjhlNGRkYjM0YTQ1NTliZWY0NjUxMzYwNDkzZWRh">Four beads of flame flew from Shamhat and went over four places of the meadow in a diamond pattern, ushered by the maniacal cackling of the witch. They blew into wide fireballs that engulfed most of the meadow and raised pillars of flame for more than a hundred feet in the air.</p> <p class="cnM1ZmQ4NDEyMzQxZTRmODBhODc2MjJlMTU3OTZmODlm">"Fucking bastards, leave them alone!" Roared Grendel. Due to his Emperor's Might passively adding a whopping 250% to his prowess, Grendel was stronger but Gilgamesh was way more skilled both in System statistics and in actual field combat experience. The troll could not find a single opening and had no leeway to let one in his defense. He received several cuts from Gilgamesh and those were deep enough to overcome his natural regeneration. He also could not get away from the Naga, or she would lose the protection from Bodyguard.</p> <p class="cnM4OGM5NzRlZDAwMTQ0NjBhZWUzMzViOTIyY2U3MWVk">"Gaaaa!" Shouts and screams could be heard behind the cracking of burning wood downhill. The muscular figure of a man wielding an ax too big for a person running after a troop of monkeys could be seen against the flames. Ahead of them, the people that sought refuge in the meadow were coming back.</p> <p class="cnMyNWY4ODIwNTgwNzRkZjBiNWM0ZGVhMTZiY2Q3ZTI4">"Leave us alone! We just want to live here in peace!" Grendel pleaded. "At least spare your fellow humans!"</p> <p class="cnM0NjM0OGJlZTRlMjQxNGNhMGE2ZTQ0NjNmZTA4YWRi">The troll knew it was almost impossible to escape. The wounds and pressure from Gilgamesh were chipping at his will to fight and his mind was racing trying to find a way to turn the tables. He was a geek during his previous life on Earth, and due to playing too many war video games he took an interest in military theory. He studied the works of Sun-Tzu, Corbett, Clausewitz and many others. He was caught off-guard and there were too many civilians to protect.</p> <p class="cnMwYWFmYmE1YmNjOTQ3OTU5YjI2OTUxMDMyNjliMzNl">"Never, monster! We were enemies from the moment you spawned." Gilgamesh locked weapons with Grendel and pinned his spear with his greatsword. "Now, sister! Finish him!"</p> <p class="cnMyYjRjYTVjMjY2MzRiMGM5NDZjYTEwZjQwMDk2NmQy">Kareena was already at full health and approached the troll with a hateful look. "Heartseeker Blade!" She unleashed the sword technique that could not be dodged, only parried or blocked. Grendel had no shield and his weapon was pinned.</p> <p class="cnNhNDJhYjIzYjkyNDRjOTFhOGI0YmU4M2Q5YjlmZThl">The rapier pierced and destroyed the troll's heart. Grendel's HP instantly hit zero and his body just collapsed without a driving force.</p> <p class="cnNkNzM4NDE2NGRjNzQ0MzRhYTU5ZTNjNjg5MTFjNjQ4" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.8em">🙟 ------------------------------- 🙝</span></p> </div>
🙟 ------------------------------- 🙝 Gilgamesh ran from the west treeline and with a mighty swing of his greatsword cleaved a group of six orcs at the foot of the hill. The monsters in front of him readied their weapons but each step, each swing of the S-ranker only created more corpses rolling down the hill. Behind him came Innana, using light magic to kill monsters that were trying to circle around the muscular champion. "I can't believe our job is to kill orcs and monkeys. Were it fifteen years ago, I'd be excited too, but right now? It is a boring slog." Complained the leader of the subjugation force. "You accepted payment, do your duty. Do not complain, it leaves a bad taste. If you think the job was too easy, return your share to Hrothgar." Chided the mage maiden. "OOOORA!" Enkidu leaped from the bottom of the hill straight into the hilltop in an astonishing feat of strength. His beastmaster job allowed him to draw upon the spiritual power of beasts to grant him their physical traits. He landed and with a spin of his body, the giant greataxe in his hands became a spiral of death. Several devil monkeys that were wearing aprons near a grill died. "Fuck, why are these monkeys wearing clothes? Naked monkey apron, eww." From the east side, Kareena dashed forward, using her rapier to deliver precise killing blows to several orcs. The maniac witch Shamhat was lobbing fireballs at the houses. And then they heard a very familiar cry. "Damn, they have children as hostages! We need to rescue them," Kareena told her dark-skinned partner. "Didn't you hear the guild receptionist? These children are potential monster brides. It will feel bitter, but we are killing all of them. C'mon, climb faster. They are going to flee to the other side of the hill." "I don't like this a bit. We need to gather more information," answered the swordswoman between dodging some orc's club and piercing the heart of her opponent. On the hilltop, Enkidu halted his slaughter because he felt a sting on his back as several wind blades cut his exposed skin. "What was that?" He turned to see a Crested Naga getting ready to launch another volley of wind blades. "Shit, look at this. A boobless snake lady. Too bad your upper torso is scaly, lass. If you were a lamia, I'd have some fun fondling you. But now you will die!" Calling upon the spirit of the hare, Enkidu leaped to cleave Shraaizar in two. He was forced to lower his oversized ax to block a sudden spear stab that was aimed at his belly and lost his chance to attack the Naga. "Bastard. I will be your opponent. Get ready to have your butt kicked," Roared Grendel. He designated Shraaizar as his bodyguard target and the Naga unleashed another volley of wind blades at the barbarian. Readying his trusted horn spear, the troll stood face to face with the seven feet tall warrior. "Jackpot! Hey Gil, I've found the big guy. Hurry up here or you are going to miss the fun!" Enkidu readied his stance and ran to attack the troll. Grendel had to stall for time. The humans were running down the hill and needed to get out of sight and out of detection range from these adventurers. A troop of devil monkeys was tasked with covering the human's tracks to avoid detection and a band of orcs was going to climb the hill over the same tracks to add confusion. The monkeys would then guide the humans deep inside the death willow meadow. Alvus was with the forty potion case to help the children fight back the meadow's poison mist. Another two cottages exploded and a person in flames ran up the hill, distracting Grendel. It seems not all humans were in the group that ran away, some of them decided to hide inside the houses. "Hahahahaha! Die, traitors! You shall be purified by flame, monster sympathizers. Nothing good can come of this forbidden union!" Shouted a frenzied Shamhat. She was a notorious pyromaniac. The more fire magic she used in combat, the more she would cast and bigger and hotter they would be. "Hey Enkidu, they fled down the hill into those death willows, stop playing with the troll and go there hunt them. I'm telling Gilgamesh to cut half of your pay if you let them get away." Kareena seized a moment where the troll was distracted trading blows with Enkidu to attack the naga behind him. She lunged and used her technique, 'Heartseeker Blade'. It was an extremely advanced technique that allowed her to hit with a hundred percent accuracy the heart of her target. It could not be dodged, only parried or blocked. The naga was as good as dead. Her blade was inches away from the chest of her target when the troll twisted his torso and placed an arm in the way of the rapier. The stab was deep, but for a monster as big as Grendel it was nothing more than a sting. Enkidu seized that distraction to use a technique of his own. "Take that, monster! 'Kneecap Breaker'." It was also an advanced technique where a sudden low swing aimed to sever the leg of the opponent. This one could not be parried, only blocked or dodged. With the pincer attack, Grendel was left wide open to the swing from his blindside and lost his footing. Enkidu didn't wait for the troll to fall down and leaped over them in the direction of the death willow meadow. At the same time, he used two skills. "Terrifying Beastlord Roar! Fear Tracker!" The first one caused fear in a very wide area and the second one placed tracking markers on those affected with fear from the user. It was a perfect combo for hunting down a lot of weak targets. Grendel didn't fall but was forced to use his spear to lean on. Shraaizar offered some support but this left them exposed to the guild master's rapier. He looked the woman in the eyes and thought 'two can play this trick' "Intimidating Presence! Ferocious Shout!" With a lower tier version of the shout used by the ax-wielder, Grendel {92 vs 85} managed to make the two women attempting to attack them back off. This gave him enough time to use telekinesis to pull his leg in place and make it reattach naturally to his body. His troll regeneration was able to do this even without the detachable limbs skill. "Hey, did you know death willows burn nicely?" The crazy witch recovered from her fear and asked no one in particular. She began the chant to a really long fire spell. One could see the sparks, embers, and blazes forming around her hands and staff as she waved them around. Gilgamesh finished climbing the hill with Innana right behind him. The light mage spared no time and launched an advanced spell. "Sunburst Ray." She changes without a drop of emotion in her voice. Although instantaneous, the light source created by the spell needed a bit of time to flare and shoot. Grendel used one of his trumps and placed his spear in front of the light beam. "Spell Parry." {35 vs 47} The light beam was stopped by a glowing spear. "It sssemsss thisss isss our final ssstand, Grendel." Said Shraaizar with determination in her voice. She shot wind blades at Kareena and {66 vs 2} severely wounded the swashbuckler. "I'm not losing you. We are going to win this one." The same determination could not be found in his bravado. Grendel was afraid. "Kareena!" Gilgamesh was, as one could expect, overprotective of his twin sister. He was against her retirement, but the girl could not bear the weight of being compared to her more competent brother. Raging, Gilgamesh came and swung his greatsword with a speed one would expect from an experienced dagger wielder with the smaller weapon. {59 vs 64} Grendel was only able to dodge and parry, focusing his entire attention on defense. He was outnumbered two to one. Innana circled around the furious melee and focused on healing Kareena. The two shared more than a decade of adventure and she was one of the few people the poker-faced spellcaster considered decent. This was enough time for the pyromaniac to finish her spell. "Overboost, Increase area, Increase range, Multicast, Inferno Blast, Inferno Blast, Inferno Blast, Inferno Blast!" The chaining of spell-modifying skills was the reason that the chant was so long even with a maxed out reduce casting time. The base amount of MP used in that single casting was enough to keep a guild crystal running for a month. Four beads of flame flew from Shamhat and went over four places of the meadow in a diamond pattern, ushered by the maniacal cackling of the witch. They blew into wide fireballs that engulfed most of the meadow and raised pillars of flame for more than a hundred feet in the air. "Fucking bastards, leave them alone!" Roared Grendel. Due to his Emperor's Might passively adding a whopping 250% to his prowess, Grendel was stronger but Gilgamesh was way more skilled both in System statistics and in actual field combat experience. The troll could not find a single opening and had no leeway to let one in his defense. He received several cuts from Gilgamesh and those were deep enough to overcome his natural regeneration. He also could not get away from the Naga, or she would lose the protection from Bodyguard. "Gaaaa!" Shouts and screams could be heard behind the cracking of burning wood downhill. The muscular figure of a man wielding an ax too big for a person running after a troop of monkeys could be seen against the flames. Ahead of them, the people that sought refuge in the meadow were coming back. "Leave us alone! We just want to live here in peace!" Grendel pleaded. "At least spare your fellow humans!" The troll knew it was almost impossible to escape. The wounds and pressure from Gilgamesh were chipping at his will to fight and his mind was racing trying to find a way to turn the tables. He was a geek during his previous life on Earth, and due to playing too many war video games he took an interest in military theory. He studied the works of Sun-Tzu, Corbett, Clausewitz and many others. He was caught off-guard and there were too many civilians to protect. "Never, monster! We were enemies from the moment you spawned." Gilgamesh locked weapons with Grendel and pinned his spear with his greatsword. "Now, sister! Finish him!" Kareena was already at full health and approached the troll with a hateful look. "Heartseeker Blade!" She unleashed the sword technique that could not be dodged, only parried or blocked. Grendel had no shield and his weapon was pinned. The rapier pierced and destroyed the troll's heart. Grendel's HP instantly hit zero and his body just collapsed without a driving force. 🙟 ------------------------------- 🙝
{ "title": "The Alternative Diaries of Raymond's Raven", "id": 16225, "author": "GreenFlame000", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "VOL2 - Entry #3 = Go for Black Flight.", "id": 305473, "next": 305830, "prev": 303994, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td><em><strong>June 6, 1917</strong></em><br><em><strong>Lynde, France</strong></em><br><em><strong>'B' Flight Squadron (No. 10)</strong></em></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnM2NzE3M2ExMDQ5ZjRiZDVhMTBlYWEyN2VkNGQyNzE5">The boys and I have completed refueling at St. Omer.<br>We're order to conduct several patrol cycles to keep out<br>German aircraft from invading the town of Lynde.<br><br>Allied Command are attempting to create a foothold at<br>Lynde, in preparing for a major offensive next month.<br>They've already deployed the 'Prince of Wales Rangers'<br>50th Field Artillery Regiment, the 102nd Battalion 'Irish<br>Fusiliers', including the 216th Briish Royal Engineers,<br>to establish a forward base of operations.<br><br>'B' Flight's job is to provide air support when they launch<br>the attack. For now, we're hovering over the mountain ranges.<br>I find that the Germans were always good at navigating<br>through treacherous mountain ranges undetected.<br><br>If that is the case, then we Canadian Pilots have to work <br>harder and up the gamble.</p> <p class="cnNjNmYyYTE2MmU5MjQ4YjE4YTVmNDhhOTA2YTljNmRl">              <em><strong>~Collishaw</strong></em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <hr> <p class="cnM1NzJlY2VhMDZlOTRlZjVhOTUzMzA3YzZjZjQ2OGRm">"...I think we'll call ourselves <strong>Black Flight</strong>. I mean, we're designated with 'B' and our planes are painted black. It think it's a fitting title. Makes us look like the Allied version of the Germans Flying Circus squadron, don't you think Sleipnir?"</p> <p class="cnNlMWRhNTBjYjNmMzQyODM5NmM3MjY3MWZhNWQwYTY3">“…Huuuurrrk… Uuurrrrrgh.”</p> <p class="cnNiZmUxMGI2ZDBhNDQ1YjJiNDIzYTUxODJiNzY5N2Yz">"Please don't throw up in your seat. It's next to impossile to clean. Your bile and stomach acid would eat through the leather."</p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM4MDkyODU0NGMyNDRlZTBiYmIxMTE5Y2QwNzE3MGE3"><span lang="EN-CA">“I-I hate flying. Alright? Happy? Now&nbsp;stop going up and down unnecessarily or&nbsp;I'll...I'll....Hurk—Bleeeeeeegh!”</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM2MTA1ODQxMDE3NzQyZTA5MTA1MmZmNzVjNjIxNDA5"><span lang="EN-CA">There were 10 Sopwith Triplanes that were flying over the small mountain range located some distance from the town of Lynde. it wasn't as grand as the alps, but it had enough valleyes and coverage to hide a small enemy plane through the gaps, to prevent enemy detection of high-altitude telescopes.</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnNiYTM5MzM4MWZkOTQyZmE5ZjJjYzMwYzM2NGU0MmQy"><span lang="EN-CA">There was a certain Canadian Pilot leading his own four-man squadron in a large scale V-Wing formation. He would wave his hand to the other squadrons of the Royal Naval Air Service and Royal Flying Corp into different directions, in which they would partition into three equal pieces to broaden their range of aerial detection. His plane with the name Black Maria took his fellow pilots through a small forage of clouds. They reminded him of sheeps back in his hometown.</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnMwMTBmMTgxY2IwNjQwMTU4N2I5MDhkYjY4MzZiODQ2">So it would make sense he felt guilty in shredding through them with his plane's propeller.</p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnMxMzg4ODJjMzQzMjRjNGM5MDg5MmY1NDYzMTc5ZDIx"><span lang="EN-CA">He took a moment to steady his controls and pulled out his flight map. With a fountain pen he stuffed in his globe for easy access, he started to make some small scribbles and notes on the side of the map. Point-formed summary of his patrol report at the end of his 3 hour run before the planes&nbsp;have to refuel again. It was his only method of escape from listening to the sounds of a cute girl flipping her guts out over the side of his aircraft,</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM4NGRlN2M0MjVkYzRlMzM5MDY0MTQ5MWY4OWJhNTdi"><span lang="EN-CA">"...I don't understand, Sleipnir. Aren't Witches good at flying. Couldn't you, you know, turn into a bat and stuff and take to the sky? You're probably a flier than me."</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnNkNTk0NjhkZjgyZDQzYzRiMmNiOWJmZjMwMTMyZDJk"><span lang="EN-CA">"S-such a prejudice remark! Just because I am a Witch doesn't mean I shove a broom between my legs and flying around like a bee looking for honey!&nbsp;And that last part in your second comment makes me sound like a blood sucking vampire. That's not what I am. I just dislike flying! Having nothing under my feet doesn't sit well with me, so I make it an effort to devote myself to Evocation Style magic and skipped the Flight Spell courses...Uuurk."</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM5NjYzYWFkMmY1ZDQwNzFhYmUzYTA3ZTQ3OGI0NGMw"><span lang="EN-CA">"...Why did they pair you with me again?"</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnNhNzllM2NkZTMxMTRlNjA4OTI0NjQ5MjI1NDI1YzUw"><span lang="EN-CA">"Random lottery. It's a terrible system. Buuurrgrghhll!"</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM4NDg4NTZlYzdkZDQ4MjNhYjZkMjRmZjBmODE1MTRm"><span lang="EN-CA">“Not to be rude, but you should have stayed back in Calais or even St. Omer when we were refueling. I don't care if Command ordered you to follow me, seeing how you can't keep your stomach down from thinking about a barrel loop, I don't feel comfortable in dragging you into battle."</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnNhZWQzODVjMzk2ZjQ2YzViYjdjODUxZjU2M2Y0MGVm"><span lang="EN-CA">“D-don’t, uurk, look down on me! Just because I don't specialize in Fly or Levitation Spell, I can still launch missiles of fireball, drop wall of ice, or even distort the winds with&nbsp;air funnels to give you more aerodynamics. I've endured being cramped in a tin can merchant ship while being shiped over here with 1900 other newly graduated Witches, I can totally tank--BLEEEEEEEEUUURRRRRGHKKK!"</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM4NDJhY2M1NTJlNjRkOGRiYmUyZDg4MzZiMjI2NTQx"><span lang="EN-CA">"Seriously, Sleipnir. You need to go to a hospital. You've been wretching for the last six hours, with only a 45 minute break when we landed in St. Omer. And what the h*ll, did you eat? Spider legs and lizard tails!?"</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnNiMTk0ODk0MWNhYjQzNGU5MTkzMjg1YmY4YjY3NTdl"><span lang="EN-CA">"H-how rude! Only shady Druids who suck on toxic mushrooms would eat spider legs for their Web based magic spell. As for salamander's tail, what's wrong with it? It's a special recipe that involves using British Columbian honey, Alberta barbecue sauce, and maple syrup from Saskatchewan! It's delicious when roasted on an open yulelog fire!......Oh sh*t, uurg."</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM2NGY0MDIwOWE4NDQ2NzJhOWNjYzMyODk5NzE2Y2Zj"><span lang="EN-CA">"Over the side! Over the side! Not at my face!"</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnNkZDY3OGQ5NzRiNzQ3NTlhMjQ1ZDFiOGVhMzYyMzBh"><span lang="EN-CA">Raymond Collishaw kept his eyes on the horizon, in time to avoid a beautiful girl flopping over the side of the air craft and making small noises that would ruin the romantic mood.</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnNlN2NhMzc3MTEzMDRkMmE4NDg4NGM2MzgxODk4MjY4"><span lang="EN-CA">The Canadian Pilot was flying a specially designed aircraft produced by the Sopwith Aviation Company. Titled the Sopwith Triplane it succeeded the previous Sopwith Pup model and carried three sets of foiled wings, as noted in its namesake. The Triplane was also designed with an extra set of flaps in the tail, a first in its line, in order to improve elevation and reduce stress in the main wing's aileron flaps.&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnNjZDM3MGRkOWZjMDQ2Y2U4MzI4N2UwMzk4MjZlY2Jh"><span lang="EN-CA">Modified with a 110 hp Clerget 9Z nine-cylinder rotary engine, it had improved speed as well a lift that mixed engineering and aerodynamics to a whole new level. The aircraft was capable of conducting three vertical loops in rapid success, displaying efficient vertical lifts and maneuverings to get over and behind an enemy craft in rapid succession. However, given how bulky the plane as a whole was, it was noted to have awkward turning features that would make others think of a 'drunk man stumbling out of a pub after happy hour.&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM1MjA0YjdkNjJlNzRkYWNiOTFkYmUwOThiOGJkMDQ1"><span lang="EN-CA">Two notable weakness of course, would be how unstructurally stable it could be when experiencing high-gravity pinwheel turns for over long periods of time. The triple wings could potentially collapse on a weak support point in the frame and ultimately cave in if the pilot wasn't careful in taking advantage of weight distribution and stress from Newton Force. It was armed with only a single Vicker Machine gun which was syncronized with the plane's propeller to prevent it from being buzz-sawed by gunfire. It also carried a limited payload for bombing raids, so it was focused on being an air-superiority based fighter plane in high altitude combat.</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM2YzRjNjRkNTI3MzQ0NTc5OTc3ODIyOGE3OGMzNDRh">While the Canadian Pilot was marking off notes in the side of his map, he also kept note of how fast the fuel being consumed, the maximum velocity of the craft after different weather or flight conditions, as well as all the other dials displaed on his console.&nbsp;</p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM2MjhhNGIyODZjNjQ2MjRiYTA5MjExNzQ1NWVkOWJh">All the while the Canadian Witch tried to recover herself from her 'excitement' in sitting in a new craft made by the realm of science.</p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnMyZGFlZjBkZjMzODQ1ZWM5Yjc0MmYyMmE4OGIwODM2">"...Ray-Ray. My body can't take it anymore. I'm going to jump."</p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnMyZDE1MTQ3YzQ4MTRmMTliYWIzYTI1MTYyZWM1NGY2">"Please don't. There's only less than 2 hours worth of patrol time before we head back to base and refuel for the next run. If you could hold it in a little while longer, I would be most grateful. Maybe when we get back, I could ask your superior to transfer you to a proper location or--"</p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnMzMjJkYTMzNDQ4ODQ5ZTJiZDA0MmQyMDMyNjY0YTQ0">"Oh god no. Th-the Director of the B-British Magic Intelligence will tie me&nbsp;to a light post, naked. I won't last 10 seconds in French Winters! D-don't worry. I'm a strong girl. I'm not meant for just cooking and knitting. I too am trained to fight in a war of bullets in order to take down magicians who betray the Crowley Pact and throwing off the balance of our two worlds into chaos. You may have your iron tanks, brave cannon horses, and thousands of men willing to give up their lives for the British Empire - but one careless Fireball spell could essentially obliterate an entire column. In order to reduce that form of casualty, I am hear to create the necessary countermeasure to protect you from enemy magic... It's my duty, so, I shouldn't be complaining."</p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM1ZDg2MzA2NTAxMTQ4NGNiY2YwZDNkNzY2ZGVmMTJh">"..............................."</p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnNmZDhlMGUyNTdhYTRhYzhhMDkyMWQ5NDk3ZjNlYjRl">"...Wh-what is it Ray-Ray? Y-you're staring s-so hard into my eyes. I-is there something in my hair?"</p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnMyYmM5ZDU1ODU0YjQ5YWI5NGE2MjY1ZWNkMzQ4YmEz">"It seems you're getting used to flying in a plane. You haven't thrown up in the last 10 minutes. I think that's an improvement on your part, don't you--"</p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnNjMzY4YjhiZjFmYTRmZWI5YmJlOTZjMTg2NDhiNzll">"BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGH! EEEG! UUUURRRRRRRRRRK!... me...Huurrk..."</p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnMyZWZmMjUyZTg0ZjQ2MGI4MTE1ZjdlZWEzNzdjYWVj">"God-d*mn it Sleipnir. Not the leather."</p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM5OGYyYjAwYWI2OTRkMWM5Mjc0Yzc1NGE2Njk5NzFk">Raymond Collishaw frowned at the sound behind him, but he did his best to not show it across his shoulder or body language. In his training with the Royal Naval Air Service, he spent the early days in the First Great War as a naval officer on the HMS Niobe. He remember those days were shipmates would try and get used to serving on a vessel on rocking waves while running around to keep the ship in tip top shape. Mock battles against fake targets, with the cannons rocking and barking in the sailors' ears, didn't help with keeping their breakfast, lunch or dinner down.</p> <p class="cnM1MmYyMmVhZWRjMjRhZTJiZmRmOGI1NGI0ZTkwMDY2">He didn't want to be seen as rude or inconsiderate, should there be a newbie trying to get used to flying in high altitude. Even he had head aches while adjusting to the lighter air pressure in the sky at first.</p> <p class="cnNhYjcxYjI2OThmZjQ2MThiMGM4MTkwYWFkZmNhN2U2">Then, a small and shaking hand reached out and grabbed him by the shoulder. It was the quivering in the fingers that made him snap out of his thoughts more than the gesture itself.&nbsp;</p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM0NTY2ZmYyYWE3YjRmZTFiNDZjNjdjMzQ3NTIwMTJl"><span lang="EN-CA">“… No matter what. Don’t.. uurhg…. Don’t leave me behind, Ray-Ray. I want to protect you, with all my might. I-it' duty as a Canadian Witch."”</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnMzMWUwNDJjMmY0ZjRhMTFhMDQ3OWMyMmFmMjAxMTU2"><span lang="EN-CA">“M-Miss Sleipnir. I appreciate your help. But it's best you stay on the ground from now on. For the sake of your health."</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnNiMGZkMThhNzY0YzQ0N2U5YjRkYzVkMDRkN2I3ODky"><span lang="EN-CA">"W-weren't you, uuraggaa...L...listening to meeeeeuurrrrgg... Th-the Director will publicly hang me, hgg, upside by the toe for 10 days and 10 nights... H-her punishments a-are worse than the wish trials m-my ancestors had endured... Ggeehgg."</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnMwZDFjMzgwOWQ5NTQ5ODA5NDliMDkyOGYzODkzZTgy">To summarize the internal, external, physical, and psychological trauma that the Canadian Witch had experienced - she lookedl ike hammered sh*t. Sweat drenched her forehead, hair splattered all over her face, her neck trembling from excessive vomitting, and she tried to keep her next back of yesterday's brunch down by holding a kerchief over her mouth.</p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM1MGRkMmJlY2JkYTQzOWNhNzNmMzg2ZDhmODZiOWY1">"Holy sh*t! Wh-when did my bile turn black as tar!?"</p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnNlMjIwNzA0Mjk0ODQ4MzhiOWNmMGMyZWY4MjA2MDZk">"Oh sorry. That's the towel I used to wipe the&nbsp;fuel stir stick."&nbsp;</p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM1NTI4YzhmZjVlOTQ5ZGY4ZmRhYjJhY2EzZjIyZjFi"><span lang="EN-CA">A certain pitch black hand towel was tossed out of the side of the plane, left to flutter over hundreds of French mountains like a wingless dove.</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnNmZjAxMmMwZDA2MjQ5NDZiM2YwNTU5YWU5M2MwMDRl"><span lang="EN-CA">&nbsp;</span><span lang="EN-CA">“…Miss Sleipnir. Tell me, why are you working so hard to follow me.’</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnMwNTVlM2ZlNDUzODRlOTdhY2EzZmY5YTUwNWU2MjVj"><span lang="EN-CA">&nbsp;</span><span lang="EN-CA">“I don’t want you to die. That’s my reason.”</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnMxZjc5MmQ0OTJkYTQzNDViZTY0ZjRhY2U0MGI5MzJl"><span lang="EN-CA">&nbsp;"............"</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM2YmI3ZDI3NDI5YjRhNmE5NGZkODcwZDRjMzYwMmNh"><span lang="EN-CA">"Honestly. Cough. The first time I met you, you seem like a nice individual. You didn't question my background, or not to the point of raising the entire camp on an epic witch hunt after me! Y-you look intelligent enough to avoid re-enacting that tragedy!"</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnNkNGZhZWRkOTBiMzRmNWFiZjVhOTE3NDFjYWJhYTJh"><span lang="EN-CA">"... I am not sure if I should feel flattered for my patience, or insulted for not being assertive enough about your re-assignment."</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnNhZTBjNmZkMGIyODQ3M2I4NDVmMTJlZmU3ZmVmNDQw"><span lang="EN-CA">"Also, Magic is wonderful. It's a beautiful art that many of use mystical scholars wish to pursue, to master and refine our craft to it's maximum potential. We honestly see it as a form of self-improvement and skill shaping, to help us grow and evolve. To use it as a weapon, it makes me sicker than flying in this plane... I would really, really hate to see our own people using magic for the wrong reasons against you... Fu-fu-fu. It would be sad if you didn't survive this war, live to a ripe old age, settle down with a cute housewife, and raise five children on a small farm full of Blackface sheep....... Uwa-uwa-uwa. Wh-why am I suddenly imagining myself&nbsp;as the small hosuewife in your family potential photo!&gt; Uwa-uwa."</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnMxMGUwNjM0MWFkODQxMTk4N2FmOTlmZDQyMjhhODZh"><span lang="EN-CA">"...Miss Sleipnir. You need to--"</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnNmOWM3N2M1YTdlODQ4MTlhZjlhYWM0OTg3ZGQwNWNl"><span lang="EN-CA">"Oh please, darling. Don't add the fuel to the fire. I-I'm genuinely worried if I might just fall for your good looks, boyish charm, and that Cheshire grin of yours."</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM1NDkyZjkyNTQ5ZjRlMjU4M2M3ZWNlOTJhMWE2ZTIw"><span lang="EN-CA">"N-no. I need you to get down and--"</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM2OTZlYmQyYmU5YzQ5NzI5YmFiOTdkMzM0ZmY4NzRh"><span lang="EN-CA">"No, no, no. You shouldn't rear sheep. It's too bland. Alpacas, yes, alpacas."</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM4YjhhYTk1YWNkYTQ2Y2U5ZThkYzI2OTViNWQ5Yzgz"><span lang="EN-CA">"Sleipnir."</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM1MmFkZDc4NDk3YTQzNWJiMWNkYWJlOTBjZjY2NmVk"><span lang="EN-CA">"H-heh!? Y-you dropped the miss!? D-did our relationship just evolved to a new level!?"</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM4ZGNhMjJmYmY1YzQ2YjJhMzY4MjY5MjVjZTU2MGMy"><span lang="EN-CA">"I'm going to do a barrel roll. Please grab onto something and... don't throw up on me."</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnMyZTc3ZjE5NDVmYzQ3MjRhZWU0YzZkODk2Zjg4MGI0"><span lang="EN-CA">"...Hmm?...What?... Wait, y-you're serious! No! D-don't turn the plane! Don't tilt the plane! Don't--GYAAAAAAAAAAAH!"</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnNlYjIwMWFhNmEyNTQzZTk4NjViYTBlM2Q2MDRlOGVl"><span lang="EN-CA">Raymond Collishaw suddenly wrestled with the joystick and increased his craft's thruster to maximum. With a swift tilt of his plane, he and his four other squad-mates broke their formation towards the four corners of the wings.</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnMyZjMwYTliMDYzMzRkOTA4ZTJiZWVhMDVmMTA4YzE2"><span lang="EN-CA">In time to avoid several flights of German fighter planes charging through their patrol lines. They had somehow manipulated the routes within the mountains below the Allied patrol and masked their prescence with echoes negating each other in the mountain pass. By the time they spotted each other in the air, the two forces were suddenly on full collision course.</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM2NTViNzNkYjRlMzRlMzg4OGEwZWJlZWE5OTEwYTFh"><span lang="EN-CA">"All wings, form up! Germans in the air! We got 15 planes in total, so grab your target and keep your wings down. Show them who they're dealing with and give them a h*ll to remember!!"</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM5MzA4NjM3MWNkMDQ4NDU4M2U0ZDM1YjIzOGI4MTEz"><span lang="EN-CA">"NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM4YjRkMjhmODE0NjRmZjliODdhOGNmN2IxZTIzZGY2"><span lang="EN-CA">The screaming of a cat caught in a blender like spin was drowned out by the dozens and dozens of airplanes that began to buzz in the air. 10 Sopwith Triplanes and 15 Albatross and Halberstadt fighters planes were now caught in a cyclone of their own making, spiraling up and down, banking to and fro, and trying to out run each other. With the German crafts good at making sharp left and right U-turns, the British planes made up for incredible vertical climbs and loops that out raced their enemies.</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM3MjQyMGFkZDUyNTQxZDhhNWUzOTkxMTVmMjZhYzc2"><span lang="EN-CA">"HURRRRRRRLLLL!"</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnMzM2FjN2FlOWNkMDQyNjNhMjg0NzFjNzhjYWQ5MzUw"><span lang="EN-CA">"Hoh!? G-good shot, Sleipnir! You got the Albatross pilot in the face! He's going down! All wings listen up! Nash, you take out the Aviatik, it's tail gun is giving us too much trouble. Reid on me, we're going to clear our the main group. Sharman, Alexander work together and give us cover fire from enemy chasers and watch out for those Halberstadts! You guys got this, you're all the best Canadians we have the air. So let's waltz to the Dance of Death lads!"</span></p> <p class="userscript-MsoNormal cnM2NTI2MTY1NDFlNjRiM2I4N2Y4ODBmMzdjZmE1ZjQ0"><span lang="EN-CA">And so, begins the first skirmish of the legendary Black Flight Squadron (June 6, 1917).</span></p> </div>
| ***June 6, 1917******Lynde, France******'B' Flight Squadron (No. 10)*** | | --- | | The boys and I have completed refueling at St. Omer.We're order to conduct several patrol cycles to keep outGerman aircraft from invading the town of Lynde.Allied Command are attempting to create a foothold atLynde, in preparing for a major offensive next month.They've already deployed the 'Prince of Wales Rangers'50th Field Artillery Regiment, the 102nd Battalion 'IrishFusiliers', including the 216th Briish Royal Engineers,to establish a forward base of operations.'B' Flight's job is to provide air support when they launchthe attack. For now, we're hovering over the mountain ranges.I find that the Germans were always good at navigatingthrough treacherous mountain ranges undetected.If that is the case, then we Canadian Pilots have to work harder and up the gamble.               ***~Collishaw*** | --- "...I think we'll call ourselves **Black Flight**. I mean, we're designated with 'B' and our planes are painted black. It think it's a fitting title. Makes us look like the Allied version of the Germans Flying Circus squadron, don't you think Sleipnir?" “…Huuuurrrk… Uuurrrrrgh.” "Please don't throw up in your seat. It's next to impossile to clean. Your bile and stomach acid would eat through the leather." “I-I hate flying. Alright? Happy? Now stop going up and down unnecessarily or I'll...I'll....Hurk—Bleeeeeeegh!” There were 10 Sopwith Triplanes that were flying over the small mountain range located some distance from the town of Lynde. it wasn't as grand as the alps, but it had enough valleyes and coverage to hide a small enemy plane through the gaps, to prevent enemy detection of high-altitude telescopes. There was a certain Canadian Pilot leading his own four-man squadron in a large scale V-Wing formation. He would wave his hand to the other squadrons of the Royal Naval Air Service and Royal Flying Corp into different directions, in which they would partition into three equal pieces to broaden their range of aerial detection. His plane with the name Black Maria took his fellow pilots through a small forage of clouds. They reminded him of sheeps back in his hometown. So it would make sense he felt guilty in shredding through them with his plane's propeller. He took a moment to steady his controls and pulled out his flight map. With a fountain pen he stuffed in his globe for easy access, he started to make some small scribbles and notes on the side of the map. Point-formed summary of his patrol report at the end of his 3 hour run before the planes have to refuel again. It was his only method of escape from listening to the sounds of a cute girl flipping her guts out over the side of his aircraft, "...I don't understand, Sleipnir. Aren't Witches good at flying. Couldn't you, you know, turn into a bat and stuff and take to the sky? You're probably a flier than me." "S-such a prejudice remark! Just because I am a Witch doesn't mean I shove a broom between my legs and flying around like a bee looking for honey! And that last part in your second comment makes me sound like a blood sucking vampire. That's not what I am. I just dislike flying! Having nothing under my feet doesn't sit well with me, so I make it an effort to devote myself to Evocation Style magic and skipped the Flight Spell courses...Uuurk." "...Why did they pair you with me again?" "Random lottery. It's a terrible system. Buuurrgrghhll!" “Not to be rude, but you should have stayed back in Calais or even St. Omer when we were refueling. I don't care if Command ordered you to follow me, seeing how you can't keep your stomach down from thinking about a barrel loop, I don't feel comfortable in dragging you into battle." “D-don’t, uurk, look down on me! Just because I don't specialize in Fly or Levitation Spell, I can still launch missiles of fireball, drop wall of ice, or even distort the winds with air funnels to give you more aerodynamics. I've endured being cramped in a tin can merchant ship while being shiped over here with 1900 other newly graduated Witches, I can totally tank--BLEEEEEEEEUUURRRRRGHKKK!" "Seriously, Sleipnir. You need to go to a hospital. You've been wretching for the last six hours, with only a 45 minute break when we landed in St. Omer. And what the h*ll, did you eat? Spider legs and lizard tails!?" "H-how rude! Only shady Druids who suck on toxic mushrooms would eat spider legs for their Web based magic spell. As for salamander's tail, what's wrong with it? It's a special recipe that involves using British Columbian honey, Alberta barbecue sauce, and maple syrup from Saskatchewan! It's delicious when roasted on an open yulelog fire!......Oh sh*t, uurg." "Over the side! Over the side! Not at my face!" Raymond Collishaw kept his eyes on the horizon, in time to avoid a beautiful girl flopping over the side of the air craft and making small noises that would ruin the romantic mood. The Canadian Pilot was flying a specially designed aircraft produced by the Sopwith Aviation Company. Titled the Sopwith Triplane it succeeded the previous Sopwith Pup model and carried three sets of foiled wings, as noted in its namesake. The Triplane was also designed with an extra set of flaps in the tail, a first in its line, in order to improve elevation and reduce stress in the main wing's aileron flaps.  Modified with a 110 hp Clerget 9Z nine-cylinder rotary engine, it had improved speed as well a lift that mixed engineering and aerodynamics to a whole new level. The aircraft was capable of conducting three vertical loops in rapid success, displaying efficient vertical lifts and maneuverings to get over and behind an enemy craft in rapid succession. However, given how bulky the plane as a whole was, it was noted to have awkward turning features that would make others think of a 'drunk man stumbling out of a pub after happy hour.  Two notable weakness of course, would be how unstructurally stable it could be when experiencing high-gravity pinwheel turns for over long periods of time. The triple wings could potentially collapse on a weak support point in the frame and ultimately cave in if the pilot wasn't careful in taking advantage of weight distribution and stress from Newton Force. It was armed with only a single Vicker Machine gun which was syncronized with the plane's propeller to prevent it from being buzz-sawed by gunfire. It also carried a limited payload for bombing raids, so it was focused on being an air-superiority based fighter plane in high altitude combat. While the Canadian Pilot was marking off notes in the side of his map, he also kept note of how fast the fuel being consumed, the maximum velocity of the craft after different weather or flight conditions, as well as all the other dials displaed on his console.  All the while the Canadian Witch tried to recover herself from her 'excitement' in sitting in a new craft made by the realm of science. "...Ray-Ray. My body can't take it anymore. I'm going to jump." "Please don't. There's only less than 2 hours worth of patrol time before we head back to base and refuel for the next run. If you could hold it in a little while longer, I would be most grateful. Maybe when we get back, I could ask your superior to transfer you to a proper location or--" "Oh god no. Th-the Director of the B-British Magic Intelligence will tie me to a light post, naked. I won't last 10 seconds in French Winters! D-don't worry. I'm a strong girl. I'm not meant for just cooking and knitting. I too am trained to fight in a war of bullets in order to take down magicians who betray the Crowley Pact and throwing off the balance of our two worlds into chaos. You may have your iron tanks, brave cannon horses, and thousands of men willing to give up their lives for the British Empire - but one careless Fireball spell could essentially obliterate an entire column. In order to reduce that form of casualty, I am hear to create the necessary countermeasure to protect you from enemy magic... It's my duty, so, I shouldn't be complaining." "..............................." "...Wh-what is it Ray-Ray? Y-you're staring s-so hard into my eyes. I-is there something in my hair?" "It seems you're getting used to flying in a plane. You haven't thrown up in the last 10 minutes. I think that's an improvement on your part, don't you--" "BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGH! EEEG! UUUURRRRRRRRRRK!... me...Huurrk..." "God-d*mn it Sleipnir. Not the leather." Raymond Collishaw frowned at the sound behind him, but he did his best to not show it across his shoulder or body language. In his training with the Royal Naval Air Service, he spent the early days in the First Great War as a naval officer on the HMS Niobe. He remember those days were shipmates would try and get used to serving on a vessel on rocking waves while running around to keep the ship in tip top shape. Mock battles against fake targets, with the cannons rocking and barking in the sailors' ears, didn't help with keeping their breakfast, lunch or dinner down. He didn't want to be seen as rude or inconsiderate, should there be a newbie trying to get used to flying in high altitude. Even he had head aches while adjusting to the lighter air pressure in the sky at first. Then, a small and shaking hand reached out and grabbed him by the shoulder. It was the quivering in the fingers that made him snap out of his thoughts more than the gesture itself.  “… No matter what. Don’t.. uurhg…. Don’t leave me behind, Ray-Ray. I want to protect you, with all my might. I-it' duty as a Canadian Witch."” “M-Miss Sleipnir. I appreciate your help. But it's best you stay on the ground from now on. For the sake of your health." "W-weren't you, uuraggaa...L...listening to meeeeeuurrrrgg... Th-the Director will publicly hang me, hgg, upside by the toe for 10 days and 10 nights... H-her punishments a-are worse than the wish trials m-my ancestors had endured... Ggeehgg." To summarize the internal, external, physical, and psychological trauma that the Canadian Witch had experienced - she lookedl ike hammered sh*t. Sweat drenched her forehead, hair splattered all over her face, her neck trembling from excessive vomitting, and she tried to keep her next back of yesterday's brunch down by holding a kerchief over her mouth. "Holy sh*t! Wh-when did my bile turn black as tar!?" "Oh sorry. That's the towel I used to wipe the fuel stir stick."  A certain pitch black hand towel was tossed out of the side of the plane, left to flutter over hundreds of French mountains like a wingless dove.  “…Miss Sleipnir. Tell me, why are you working so hard to follow me.’  “I don’t want you to die. That’s my reason.”  "............" "Honestly. Cough. The first time I met you, you seem like a nice individual. You didn't question my background, or not to the point of raising the entire camp on an epic witch hunt after me! Y-you look intelligent enough to avoid re-enacting that tragedy!" "... I am not sure if I should feel flattered for my patience, or insulted for not being assertive enough about your re-assignment." "Also, Magic is wonderful. It's a beautiful art that many of use mystical scholars wish to pursue, to master and refine our craft to it's maximum potential. We honestly see it as a form of self-improvement and skill shaping, to help us grow and evolve. To use it as a weapon, it makes me sicker than flying in this plane... I would really, really hate to see our own people using magic for the wrong reasons against you... Fu-fu-fu. It would be sad if you didn't survive this war, live to a ripe old age, settle down with a cute housewife, and raise five children on a small farm full of Blackface sheep....... Uwa-uwa-uwa. Wh-why am I suddenly imagining myself as the small hosuewife in your family potential photo!> Uwa-uwa." "...Miss Sleipnir. You need to--" "Oh please, darling. Don't add the fuel to the fire. I-I'm genuinely worried if I might just fall for your good looks, boyish charm, and that Cheshire grin of yours." "N-no. I need you to get down and--" "No, no, no. You shouldn't rear sheep. It's too bland. Alpacas, yes, alpacas." "Sleipnir." "H-heh!? Y-you dropped the miss!? D-did our relationship just evolved to a new level!?" "I'm going to do a barrel roll. Please grab onto something and... don't throw up on me." "...Hmm?...What?... Wait, y-you're serious! No! D-don't turn the plane! Don't tilt the plane! Don't--GYAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Raymond Collishaw suddenly wrestled with the joystick and increased his craft's thruster to maximum. With a swift tilt of his plane, he and his four other squad-mates broke their formation towards the four corners of the wings. In time to avoid several flights of German fighter planes charging through their patrol lines. They had somehow manipulated the routes within the mountains below the Allied patrol and masked their prescence with echoes negating each other in the mountain pass. By the time they spotted each other in the air, the two forces were suddenly on full collision course. "All wings, form up! Germans in the air! We got 15 planes in total, so grab your target and keep your wings down. Show them who they're dealing with and give them a h*ll to remember!!" "NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" The screaming of a cat caught in a blender like spin was drowned out by the dozens and dozens of airplanes that began to buzz in the air. 10 Sopwith Triplanes and 15 Albatross and Halberstadt fighters planes were now caught in a cyclone of their own making, spiraling up and down, banking to and fro, and trying to out run each other. With the German crafts good at making sharp left and right U-turns, the British planes made up for incredible vertical climbs and loops that out raced their enemies. "HURRRRRRRLLLL!" "Hoh!? G-good shot, Sleipnir! You got the Albatross pilot in the face! He's going down! All wings listen up! Nash, you take out the Aviatik, it's tail gun is giving us too much trouble. Reid on me, we're going to clear our the main group. Sharman, Alexander work together and give us cover fire from enemy chasers and watch out for those Halberstadts! You guys got this, you're all the best Canadians we have the air. So let's waltz to the Dance of Death lads!" And so, begins the first skirmish of the legendary Black Flight Squadron (June 6, 1917).
{ "title": "Purple Lightning Emperor", "id": 17453, "author": "Nimero", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Chapter 94", "id": 305385, "next": 306014, "prev": 305021, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNiOTMzMzdlZWY3NjQ4NzZiOGZmMGVhOGRhYmE0MDY4">Somewhere within the deepest part of the Black Mist forest, Shad stood on the summit of a mountain with a somewhat depressing look on his face as he stared at the surrounding area.</p> <p class="cnMwMDE3ODhhYzg2OTQ1NDNiMmZiMGEyM2FjYzEzYjAz">It's already been two hours since Shad made it to the top of the mountain and looking for that damn Pod left by Henry which was supposed to be around the area, but with no avail.</p> <p class="cnNmNmQ4ZjNmYmM5NzQzMjY4ZjNmZWNkMmFkMWZkMmIw">He used his strong spiritual force to scan every inch of the mountain, and he was still unable to find it. Aside from that, he even walked around the whole mountain, but still couldn't find it.</p> <p class="cnM3NzAxODM3MDZkODRkY2Q5OTM4MWQwMzFjNGQyNWNi">After two hours of looking and running around the mountain, Shad beginning thinks that maybe Henry had moved this pod at some time. According to the information he was able to gather after reading the first volume of the diary, the Pod was supposed to be around that area. All the descriptions and details were pointing in this place, yet he couldn't find a trace of it.</p> <p class="cnM4ZDAyNTI4ZWM1MTRjZDI4ZWE5M2MyMDMzNDIwZDlk">" Young master, it's already been more than 300 years since he left that thing here. Don't you think someone might have found it a long time ago and hide it from the public? Or Henry himself might have even moved it somewhere else to prevent it from falling into the wrong hand." Said Nina who was standing behind Shad with a pale expression on her face. She has been walking around and checking every inch of that huge mountain for two hours looking for the treasure with her young master. Even though she was a 5th rank warrior, she was still kinda tired, not to mention she was being chased by one of the members of the 12 Dragon pillars for hours before her young master saved her.</p> <p class="cnM4MmE1Y2E3YTBjNjQ5ZTViMTY3NjY2NTgxNjUwMzk5">After Shad had used his spiritual force and was still unable to find the pod, he had decided to give Nina a vague description about what the treasure looked like. Even though he hasn't seen it with his own eyes, Shad had seen some Star-Trek and Star Wars movies back when he was on Earth, so he used them as a model to describe the escape pod to Nina so they could both look for it at the same time.</p> <p class="cnMyNjQ1MDM2NzU3MzQxNDhiZjU3ZWQyZDRlM2NjZGI1">Nina was shocked when she heard Shad explained about what the treasure looked like even though he had never seen it before. He was also so sure that the treasure was there which surprised her. Nina began to think that maybe her young master was the same as his ancestor, someone that did not come from this world because not only he knew how the treasure looked like, he even knew his location.</p> <p class="cnNiZjNiZTA1ZDNmNzRkMmY4NjFjNWQxMmY2N2VkYjIz">If it wasn't for the fact that she was certain that her young master was indeed born from this land, she would have thought that he was from a different world just like her ancestor. However, after racking her bairn for a while, she concluded that maybe he had read the book left behind by her ancestor which was why he knew so much. Even that conclusion surprised her because no one except for her sister was able to read and speak that weird language. Nonetheless, she did not ask him about it because she felt like even if she did, he wouldn't tell her the truth.</p> <p class="cnMzYjdiYWNhMWIwNTRjZDU4YjY2OWU0MmQzYTI4YTg1">" Maybe you right," Shad answered with a dejected look on his face after listening to Nina. She indeed might be right, it's already been 300 years since Henry landed on this world, as smart as he was, he wouldn't make the mistake of leaving something that could change the mindset or the belief of an entire civilization out in the open.</p> <p class="cnNmOWE3N2Y4MzE4MDRlNzZhMTlmNTg4ZWUzMTFjY2Fm">Even though it was just an escape pod and not the actual spaceship, it was still enough to cause a ruckus in the entire continent if it was to ever be found.</p> <p class="cnMzYjhmYjhkM2NhYjRlY2I4ODEwYWU5MGE3ZTY1Nzdj">" Let's look for another hour, if we can't find it then, we'll just go home because it's getting late."</p> <p class="cnMwZDIwODU3ZjkyZjQwYjY5YTViZTk2NDI0MDhlNDQx">After looking for an hour again, and still wasn't able to find the Pod. Shad left the mountain along with Nina with a disappointing look on his face. He even used the ability of his right eye which allowed him to see through the ground at some extent to check whether the Pod was buried with dirt due to the passing of time, but with no avail.</p> <p class="cnMxZTA4ODNhZGQ1YjQ1MjVhZGRkMWIxODcxOGNmY2Zm">He wanted to spend a little more time looking for it, but it was getting late, and not to mention there were two powerful men in red looking at his every movement from afar.</p> <p class="cnM4NzNiYzkzZWE3MDQzNzc5Njg3MzJiZGI4NzQ0Nzlh">These two people have been following him not long after he rescued Nina from that previous man in red. With his powerful spiritual force that allowed to cover an area of more than five hundred meters radius, Shad was able to spot these two people long ago. Even though they did their best to hide their auras, he was still able to sense them. One has to understand, with the crimson eye of the red lightning dragon emperor, he was able to see even through concrete and make any distant objects appear nearer. So even though these two men were hiding their auras, he was still able to see them and even the weak electric signals sent through their human body.</p> <p class="cnMxZDBmOTBhMTQ4OTRkZGNhY2YxZDQ0ZWJhODgyNDIx">Aside from that, he was able to determine their level of power due to the amount and the quality of their battle Qi when they were chasing after him. Shad knew that these two people were most likely looking for Nina, as they were part of the same group that was trying to abduct her earlier.</p> <p class="cnM2NWJjMWEyNjY1ZTRhMDZhZjhiYzYzMzM1YmI2NTMx">Shad knew that he was not yet a match for two 8th rank warriors, even though he could not defeat them, he still could escape and they wouldn't be able to catch him, but with Nina next to him, it was almost impossible to protect her and fight with these two people at the same.</p> <p class="cnNkOTVjZmUzOTRiOTRjZTQ5YTBhZmE4MDgzOTAwYmMw">Luckily he was ambushed by the members of the Eye which provided him the perfect chance to scare away these two men. He had used two of his most powerful attack to annihilate the men in black and killed an early 7th rank warrior with a single punch not because he wanted to end the fight too early or because he was too powerful, but because he wanted to scare the wits out of them, showed them that he was not an easy target and they had to think twice before they act.</p> <p class="cnM0N2RkNDBkMDhmZTRiMjg4ZWRlMDIzZjYyNDcxMDNm">Fortunately for him, his plan worked. Even though these two men did not stop following him, but they kept their distance and watched him from afar after he had killed that 7th rank warrior with a single punch.</p> <p class="cnMxM2JkMDRhNDA4MzRiZjA5Mjk2NGY5M2IxYTdhZjY5">However, now that he didn't find the treasure left by Henry, he didn't think that there was a need to go all out with them. Furthermore, it was already getting late, Shad did not want to linger here anymore. Even though he was strong, he did not want to fight meaninglessly like an arrogant fool. If he could avoid a fight then he will, but if he couldn't then so be it. One must know when to advance and when to retreat.</p> <p class="cnNmMWMxMjgwMWE3MzRlNjA5OWNhYjNiODJhZTE2MzFi">Just like that, after he had failed to find the treasure, he had left the mountain range with Nina in a lightning speed because he also knew that this place will be crawling people in less than an hour.</p> <p class="cnM1NDU5YmQyNGVmZjQ2NWRhNzYyNDI5NjFhNmUwYWYy">.......</p> <p class="cnNlZTkwOGU5YzQzZDQ5OThiOGE2MmE0ZjQwNmE4MzQ0">The Marquis's mansion</p> <p class="cnMxNjg0NzY4NGY2MTQ4NGZhNTFhNmY3MzMyMTE5YjQ3">While Shad was making his way to Ozuna city, a huge black hole suddenly appeared inside the living room. Within it, four people came out. One was an old man while the others were three devasting beauties.</p> <p class="cnM2YTVkYjY4NDAxZDQ0YjRiYzAzMzMxYTcyZDZjOTFk">" Where is that little bastard." Asked the old man as soon he got out from the black hole which was like a dimensional portal.</p> <p class="cnMzNWJmZWYzYjg2MDQ4MDdiNzUwM2RiM2MzZWRkZDMy">" I will go get him now, Sir...your highness." At this moment, Monalisa who had brought this old man was in a dilemma because she still didn't know how to address him.</p> <p class="cnM4NjRkNTQ1MzBjNDQyNDFhNWI3ZjAyYTVmMDJhNDE2">This old man was the protector or the guardian of the Djage empire and also the grandfather of the current emperor. Even though this old man appeared to be a little shabby and skinny with his face filled with wrinkles, he was the strongest person in the entire Djage empire and also his young master great-grandfather.</p> <p class="cnNkZWY0NTc5OWJmNjQxNjVhMGJiYjBkNjVmOTBlYWVj">" Little girl, even though your grandpa died long ago, I'm still older than him by quite a number of years. If you can't think of what to refer me, just call me grandpa Djage." The old man said with a cunning smile on his face when he noticed Monalisa's confused look.</p> <p class="cnM1YTY1OTYzMjVmYTRiNDZhMjEzNzQ3NzU0MjkxNmIx">Even though Monalisa didn't know why the protector of the Djage empire asked her to refer him as grandpa or why he had this cunning smile on his face as though he knew some secret about her, his words still made her blush in shyness somehow because of something she just remembered.</p> <p class="cnM3MjQzOWJhMTQzNzRlOTg5MDA1MDBmMmIxN2JkMTk3">" Yes, Granpa Djage." she softly answered.</p> <p class="cnMyOTUzMmQ5MjY2YzQ0Y2E5MTNlOWNkZmQwMDYzMDBi">" Hey geezer, I thought I was only your great-granddaughter." Protested a young girl that was next to the old man.</p> <p class="cnMxMGY5ODgxYzI1NzQwY2ZiNjYwNGE0YjRmY2Y3MGM2">" Of course, little Vivi is my only and favorite great-granddaughter," Quickly answered the old man with a caring look on his face as he moved to pat the young girl's hair and spoiled her.</p> <p class="cnM5MDZhMmNjN2I1OTRhMzFiYmFkM2JjNWEzMjE1NDdi">" That's more like it." Answered Viviana with a victorious look on her face.</p> <p class="cnM0NjViNjgyMzlmMTQ4ZTg4NDUxOWYxNDljODJmZmQz">" Hehehe, Sister Mona let's go looking for that unruly little brother of mine."</p> <p class="cnNlZDc2YTU3YmI4ZDQwZjNhOWE4YzkzZTI2NTM0YThk">" No need, that little bastard is not in the house and probably not even in the city as well. He probably went to look for that non-existent treasure in the forest." Said the old man to the two girls.</p> <p class="cnM1YmI0MzlmNThhOTQzNDJiZTc2ZWQyMDU4NTk3YzU0">When the old man came out from that portal, he had already scanned the whole mansion and the surrounding area which was why he was asking for Shad, because he knew that he was not in the house.</p> <p class="cnM3YTI2MWNlOTVjODQ0YWNiY2UzNjdjYzJjNmI5NzU1">" Damn it, that little bastard from the Eye fooled us big time with that damn scheme of his." Murmured the old man to himself.</p> <p class="cnNjYmI4ZDQxNmEzMjQ0Yjk5NmIyYWM3NDM1MWEwYjRj">" Let's wait for him then. Sister Mona, arrange a room for Mina, she's probably tired by now." Asked Vivianna with a smile on her face while looking at the other curious young girl who's been looking around the house ever since she got here.</p> <p class="cnM3OTliYzQ1OTlmZTRiYzE5YTcwOWQ1M2UzMzc4ZDg0">If Shad was there at this moment, he would have been greatly surprised because this girl known as Mina looked exactly like Nina. One could even think that they were the same.</p> </div>
Somewhere within the deepest part of the Black Mist forest, Shad stood on the summit of a mountain with a somewhat depressing look on his face as he stared at the surrounding area. It's already been two hours since Shad made it to the top of the mountain and looking for that damn Pod left by Henry which was supposed to be around the area, but with no avail. He used his strong spiritual force to scan every inch of the mountain, and he was still unable to find it. Aside from that, he even walked around the whole mountain, but still couldn't find it. After two hours of looking and running around the mountain, Shad beginning thinks that maybe Henry had moved this pod at some time. According to the information he was able to gather after reading the first volume of the diary, the Pod was supposed to be around that area. All the descriptions and details were pointing in this place, yet he couldn't find a trace of it. " Young master, it's already been more than 300 years since he left that thing here. Don't you think someone might have found it a long time ago and hide it from the public? Or Henry himself might have even moved it somewhere else to prevent it from falling into the wrong hand." Said Nina who was standing behind Shad with a pale expression on her face. She has been walking around and checking every inch of that huge mountain for two hours looking for the treasure with her young master. Even though she was a 5th rank warrior, she was still kinda tired, not to mention she was being chased by one of the members of the 12 Dragon pillars for hours before her young master saved her. After Shad had used his spiritual force and was still unable to find the pod, he had decided to give Nina a vague description about what the treasure looked like. Even though he hasn't seen it with his own eyes, Shad had seen some Star-Trek and Star Wars movies back when he was on Earth, so he used them as a model to describe the escape pod to Nina so they could both look for it at the same time. Nina was shocked when she heard Shad explained about what the treasure looked like even though he had never seen it before. He was also so sure that the treasure was there which surprised her. Nina began to think that maybe her young master was the same as his ancestor, someone that did not come from this world because not only he knew how the treasure looked like, he even knew his location. If it wasn't for the fact that she was certain that her young master was indeed born from this land, she would have thought that he was from a different world just like her ancestor. However, after racking her bairn for a while, she concluded that maybe he had read the book left behind by her ancestor which was why he knew so much. Even that conclusion surprised her because no one except for her sister was able to read and speak that weird language. Nonetheless, she did not ask him about it because she felt like even if she did, he wouldn't tell her the truth. " Maybe you right," Shad answered with a dejected look on his face after listening to Nina. She indeed might be right, it's already been 300 years since Henry landed on this world, as smart as he was, he wouldn't make the mistake of leaving something that could change the mindset or the belief of an entire civilization out in the open. Even though it was just an escape pod and not the actual spaceship, it was still enough to cause a ruckus in the entire continent if it was to ever be found. " Let's look for another hour, if we can't find it then, we'll just go home because it's getting late." After looking for an hour again, and still wasn't able to find the Pod. Shad left the mountain along with Nina with a disappointing look on his face. He even used the ability of his right eye which allowed him to see through the ground at some extent to check whether the Pod was buried with dirt due to the passing of time, but with no avail. He wanted to spend a little more time looking for it, but it was getting late, and not to mention there were two powerful men in red looking at his every movement from afar. These two people have been following him not long after he rescued Nina from that previous man in red. With his powerful spiritual force that allowed to cover an area of more than five hundred meters radius, Shad was able to spot these two people long ago. Even though they did their best to hide their auras, he was still able to sense them. One has to understand, with the crimson eye of the red lightning dragon emperor, he was able to see even through concrete and make any distant objects appear nearer. So even though these two men were hiding their auras, he was still able to see them and even the weak electric signals sent through their human body. Aside from that, he was able to determine their level of power due to the amount and the quality of their battle Qi when they were chasing after him. Shad knew that these two people were most likely looking for Nina, as they were part of the same group that was trying to abduct her earlier. Shad knew that he was not yet a match for two 8th rank warriors, even though he could not defeat them, he still could escape and they wouldn't be able to catch him, but with Nina next to him, it was almost impossible to protect her and fight with these two people at the same. Luckily he was ambushed by the members of the Eye which provided him the perfect chance to scare away these two men. He had used two of his most powerful attack to annihilate the men in black and killed an early 7th rank warrior with a single punch not because he wanted to end the fight too early or because he was too powerful, but because he wanted to scare the wits out of them, showed them that he was not an easy target and they had to think twice before they act. Fortunately for him, his plan worked. Even though these two men did not stop following him, but they kept their distance and watched him from afar after he had killed that 7th rank warrior with a single punch. However, now that he didn't find the treasure left by Henry, he didn't think that there was a need to go all out with them. Furthermore, it was already getting late, Shad did not want to linger here anymore. Even though he was strong, he did not want to fight meaninglessly like an arrogant fool. If he could avoid a fight then he will, but if he couldn't then so be it. One must know when to advance and when to retreat. Just like that, after he had failed to find the treasure, he had left the mountain range with Nina in a lightning speed because he also knew that this place will be crawling people in less than an hour. ....... The Marquis's mansion While Shad was making his way to Ozuna city, a huge black hole suddenly appeared inside the living room. Within it, four people came out. One was an old man while the others were three devasting beauties. " Where is that little bastard." Asked the old man as soon he got out from the black hole which was like a dimensional portal. " I will go get him now, Sir...your highness." At this moment, Monalisa who had brought this old man was in a dilemma because she still didn't know how to address him. This old man was the protector or the guardian of the Djage empire and also the grandfather of the current emperor. Even though this old man appeared to be a little shabby and skinny with his face filled with wrinkles, he was the strongest person in the entire Djage empire and also his young master great-grandfather. " Little girl, even though your grandpa died long ago, I'm still older than him by quite a number of years. If you can't think of what to refer me, just call me grandpa Djage." The old man said with a cunning smile on his face when he noticed Monalisa's confused look. Even though Monalisa didn't know why the protector of the Djage empire asked her to refer him as grandpa or why he had this cunning smile on his face as though he knew some secret about her, his words still made her blush in shyness somehow because of something she just remembered. " Yes, Granpa Djage." she softly answered. " Hey geezer, I thought I was only your great-granddaughter." Protested a young girl that was next to the old man. " Of course, little Vivi is my only and favorite great-granddaughter," Quickly answered the old man with a caring look on his face as he moved to pat the young girl's hair and spoiled her. " That's more like it." Answered Viviana with a victorious look on her face. " Hehehe, Sister Mona let's go looking for that unruly little brother of mine." " No need, that little bastard is not in the house and probably not even in the city as well. He probably went to look for that non-existent treasure in the forest." Said the old man to the two girls. When the old man came out from that portal, he had already scanned the whole mansion and the surrounding area which was why he was asking for Shad, because he knew that he was not in the house. " Damn it, that little bastard from the Eye fooled us big time with that damn scheme of his." Murmured the old man to himself. " Let's wait for him then. Sister Mona, arrange a room for Mina, she's probably tired by now." Asked Vivianna with a smile on her face while looking at the other curious young girl who's been looking around the house ever since she got here. If Shad was there at this moment, he would have been greatly surprised because this girl known as Mina looked exactly like Nina. One could even think that they were the same.
{ "title": "Man of Earth", "id": 20779, "author": "Randomguy516", "rating": 3.5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 14: A Way Out part 1", "id": 305474, "next": 307995, "prev": 302958, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM3OWI3Y2Y3NjYzOTQwNjJiZDE3MGNmNWU4NDQzODc1">“Stop! In the name of Balmetta’Ikarah!”</p> <p class="cnMzZTY2NzVmYmJkOTQzOGU4NDQyZWQ2ZTRiZTMyNzdi">A commanding voice loudly barked from behind me, clearly directing the order in our direction as we unsuccessfully tried to disappear into the crowd. I looked at the people around us, noticing all their eyes turn in our direction with an expectant look displayed on each of their faces.</p> <p class="cnMzZjBmMGZkYWQ4MjQ2NDdiODJhNTYwZWJhODgyZTkz">What a mouthful, I can’t believe the guard actually said that so fast without biting his tongue. The four of us gave up on trying to blend in with the crowd, and took off at top speed with Ella gripped in my arms despite my recent discovery of the agility-enhancing effects of her magic. I tried to talk her into running with us, but she argued against my plea, saying it was love that compelled her, not magic, and she could only do it when she needed to get closer to me. Whatever... I didn’t have time to argue, and she’s not that heavy anyway.</p> <p class="cnM4ZDBjMDVmYzI2MjQ3NWU5NzM3OTFiMTI2Y2ExMWY2">“Soldiers of Balm’ak! Capture the Chosen One’s group, they are likely assassins sent by the Zoi archbishop!”</p> <p class="cnMyOTUwZGI4Yzk3ZTRlZDhiMGVlN2RlNjY1MTk2MDZj">The guard shouted from behind us to his men, jumping to ridiculous conclusions as the sounds of rattling armor indicated their clumsy pursuit. I kept myself just behind Grace and Brook, making sure they didn’t leave my sight as we darted between various structures and the seemingly never-ending supply of guards throughout the city. The bunny-eared girl slowed as we quickly neared the edge of the city, matching my pace.</p> <p class="cnNjNTM3OTA5NGFiOTRmNDJiZGVkNzc2ODIzMzgzMjVm">“The gate.”</p> <p class="cnNkNzA5OWE3YzY2MzQxMjM4NmIzMzMwOTU3MWMyOTFm">Grace was looking up at the largest obstacle standing in our path; the massive wall that, I’m assuming, surrounds this entire city. Of course, the large front gate was closed to bar our path, though I don’t really see much of a problem, mostly because the buildings around it were large enough stepping stones for us to leap over it entirely. We veered off into a narrow alley to avoid a small group of soldiers with white bows and arrows lit with a blue flame that had emerged from one of the roads front of us, forcing us to change our route.</p> <p class="cnM3ZjA0ODBhYmE5YjQxYWJhODM1ZWUwNWRkNDhlYmU1">The sound of our feet striking the hard ground reverberated through the alleyway, drowning out the noises of the soldiers’ futile pursuit as our escape became visible. Our fleeing halted next to a linen shop as we came upon the monstrous structure that protected this city from whatever nightmares lurked outside, and kept those not allowed to leave inside. The four of us looked up it’s smooth, grey surface for a couple of seconds, trying to take in the ridiculous magnitude of this wall as we searched of the easiest way up.</p> <p class="cnNjY2VkM2NkZmQ1ZTQzMDZiOGQ0NGFmMDY5ZmVhYzEz">I looked to my right, then my left, then back at the barrier whose top was not visible from where we stood feeling slightly irritated. Damn it...</p> <p class="cnNmNWY2NDhkZjVhYzQ2OGM5OGQ4Y2MxMzhlZDE5Mjc0">“No buildings reach over three stories.”</p> <p class="cnMyZTFiNDE1ZjZhOTQwZjA4OWUyMTdmOTFjYjdiMmZl">Ah... please don’t look at me like that... I have no idea what I’m supposed to do. Brook spoke from my right, stating the issue at hand while looking at me with big, hazel eyes filled with expectation, and a little bit of admiration. She may not say it, but her expectations of me are way out of my reach. Although, I guess it’s only natural to have such a high regard after seeing me do all these ridiculous stunts, but I can’t always do things like that on command. So far I can only manipulate the world around me when I get really mad, though it’s probably some kind of subconscious reaction, like fight or flight, or arous-ah... you get the picture.</p> <p class="cnNhMzMzODdmNzU1MTQ0YzY5ZDczY2ZhNjhmOGY5YmJj">I chuckled nervously as the other two joined Brook in looking to me for answers I didn’t have yet, and causing the pressure on the air around me to grow exponentially more intense. I suppose Brook and I could carry the other two on our backs while occasionally puncturing holes in the wall to create hand or footholds, but if the wall gets out of reach near the top, we or the person we’re carrying might die. I suppose I could just dig through the wall, but if it’s harder than I estimate, and it takes a while to dig the tunnel, then soldiers may block the entrance and shoot us with those magically-enhanced arrows. I have no idea what their weapons are capable of here, but I’d rather not find out the fish-in-a-barrel style. I suppose we could just ask Grace leap to the top, and see if there’s a ladder or something up there for emergency escapes, but... is it racist to think she can jump high because she has bunny ears?</p> <p class="cnNkNjhjZjc2Yzc2ZTQyODk4ZThhYzY4MTk1MzI5NDkw">“Wait a second...”</p> <p class="cnMxNDY3MWRhODNiMDQwMzhiYzE0NmFkN2UzNTRjNzli">I stepped over to the wall, slowly reaching out with my hand to touch it’s cold surface with the tips of my fingers, feeling something move inside it. Yup, if I’m not wrong, the answer to our escape lies directly within our greatest hinderance... how fortunate.</p> <p class="cnMxYTRkYjQyZThjMTQ2Mzk4NWVhM2NhNzc5YWU4Yzk1">“Grace... you wouldn’t happen to know what’s inside this wall, would you?”</p> <p class="cnM1NWViYmUzZmYyMDQyZmFiNjZmZmE3ZmZiMzJhNmY1">The Bunny-girl looked at me blankly for a moment, almost unresponsive to the question, but eventually answered with a slow nod.</p> <p class="cnNiZTA5MzIwYzAzODQ5Y2FiNTA4ZmMzYzU3YTUxNTg3">“As far as I know, it should be water. Mages that can control water are decently common, and good for wall defense, but the less skilled ones need a source of water to manipulate, so they probably made the wall capable of collecting rainwater.”</p> <p class="cnM4ZDNlZWUzYjM1OTQwMzhiNGZmMjZlMjI3OGViYzQ3">Nodding my thanks, I looked down at Ella, then Brook, measuring her level of endurance for a couple of seconds, then the up at the dark clouds starting to form overhead before finally turning to the bunny-girl, who’s expression betrayed her confusion.</p> <p class="cnNjN2YwN2ExNzk5NDRkNDNiYTM3ZjMyN2QyMDVkMTBk">“Grace how well can you deal with heat?”</p> <p class="cnMxODM3M2YxNzcwYTQ1YjA4YTg2YmRlMTZmMTUxMTFh">I asked aloud, a plan starting to form in my mind as she looked at me with a curious gaze, nodding with no small amount of suspicion.</p> <p class="cnM4NzQ3ZjViODM3NzRhZmJhNDI0NWZhMDEzOTU3MzNi">“I should be fine even if I were to stand in a flame if it wasn’t too ridiculous... why?”</p> <p class="cnMxYzVjZDI1YzRhMTQxM2I5MzZkY2ZhZGE3YzE1ODM2">I nodded in recognition of her confirmation, and turned away, placing Ella’s feet on the ground and walking away before she had a chance to grab hold, toward the linen shop next to us. My feet thudded against a few wooden steps as I approached, and peered through the window just to the right of the door. I noticed no one was visible inside, and there was no stirring in the air larger than a couple of insects, so I figured it was safe to assume there were no living threats, and backed away.</p> <p class="cnM4YTFkZjY1YTg2MTRkYjJiMWE3ZDc1N2EzYzkyMmQ0">While the three girls watched intently, I shifted my attention to the very solid wooden door that led inside, jiggling the metallic handle with a light rattling sound. Locked. I shifted my stance so my right arm faced the door, gripping the small metal handle tightly with my left hand while bracing myself.</p> <p class="cnNjMmYwNDkyMGM3YTRhMzhiMzc2ZTk2MmE0MDU5NGVm">“Wai-“</p> <p class="cnMwYWQwMWIwMWUzZDQ0ZjJhMGUwYWI2MzVlNTdjMDQy">The bunny-eared girl realized my intentions, and tried to stop me, but was too late since my body was already hurling itself at the door. The sound of splintering wood was music to my ears as the door gave way to the store inside, however, the sound of the following explosion was much less pleasant, and sent me rocketing back out of the small store. Looking not unlike a bolt of lightning, I shot straight through the concrete-esque backside of the building opposite of where I was previously standing, and collapsed half the structure on top of me.</p> <p class="cnNmZmQzNWQ4Y2ViNDQxMzhhYjdiM2E5NTNkNGNkZGM4">Ow. I lay still for a moment, remembering the many applications of magic in this world, and noting that trespassing was considered a capital crime here. I let out a small sigh before slowly pushing myself up, letting the rubble clatter off me while looking over at the entrance I had just been ejected from, holding my treasured hat close to my chest protectively.</p> <p class="cnNiYzU2MzVkY2ZiMDQ4MGZiNjJkNmE3NDUzMjFhNjZm">“What kind of moron are you? Magic traps are common knowledge, and behind pretty much every locked door you will ever run into, yet you just flung yourself straight into one without any prior preparations. You should”</p> <p class="cnM5NDE0OTgyNjVlNTRlZWVhOGMzMjAxYzVjZjA0MGRk">Grace started to scold me for my stupidity, but paused mid-sentence, staring in awe at my face as if I had just started growing a second nose. I looked back at her in confusion for a little while, trying to figure out what had captivated her, but then remembered there were no other humans on this world, and my appearance, while subtle at first glance, was definitely unnatural here.</p> <p class="cnNkMGFmMzMzMDhlZTRkMTY5MWVlMTM3NmM4NGJjMjQ1">Soldiers shouted from somewhere off to my right, some of them likely hearing all the commotion, and are heading over at top speed in our direction. I placed my hat firmly on my head, and stood up straight, dusting myself off before starting off back towards the store feeling slightly embarrassed.</p> <p class="cnNhNDEyMzExYWViMzRhOWZhNGJjN2NjMmIzNjY3ZWZi">“We’ll talk later.”</p> <p class="cnM4MzdlMGYxMDUwYTRjYjM4M2M1YTFjMzhjOGE0Y2Fi">I spoke as I passed them before immediately entering the store, my eyes instantly looking around for what I needed to make my plan work as silence reigned supreme once again. It seems this store makes not only clothes, but just about everything that includes some kind of cloth, such as bedsheets or just regular, unused cloth. I noticed several things while looking around, namely a blue hoodie-like thing that matched my pants, and had two solid black stripes running from the right shoulder to the left hip. I quickly put it on, setting my hat to the side for a moment so I could pull it over my head, before quickly placing it back where it belonged after covering my exposed chest. I could instantly feel some of my self-confidence flowing back to me now that I no longer have to run around with only my hat and a pair of pants to cover myself.</p> <p class="cnNjYjhlZWI3ZTZhNjQ4MGRhNTc1YzVmMGY3MzQ2YTU0">“How disappointing...”</p> <p class="cnMwZTYyN2Q5N2YxZDQ5OWQ5OTYzODU5YjBjYmZkMTEz">While admiring my new jacket, Ella muttered to herself, staring at me with a disapproving gaze as the previous look of admiration disappeared from her face. She probably wants something else to wear as well, since that nightgown is far too revealing for public travel, and likely pretty cold from the looks of it.</p> <p class="cnNmMjhlZWNiMmFmMzQ2ZjZiMTY3NTZiNmExZWE3MTZk">“I don’t get to see Ash’s chest anymore...”</p> <p class="cnNjNWU5Y2IyMTY3MzRhNzM4MGVhZjhjZGQxOWVhNmI5">What the hell... that’s her reason? I once again assumed the losing role of the battle with my own self-consciousness, deciding to ignore the comment under pain of further embarrassment at her slender hands. I straightened myself before habitually placing my left hand on the brim of the familiar cowboy hat that tightly hugged my head, calming my mind.</p> <p class="cnMzNzUwMWEyMDRjNjQ4ZmRhMjViZjk3MGRhZTcwYWIw">I noticed Brook’s gaze directed intensely at something behind me, a certain spark in her eyes that felt surprisingly nostalgic to me, and I instantly realized what she was looking at. I turned to face the plethora of women’s clothes that lay spread out just past the much smaller men’s section, and gestured resignedly with my right hand.</p> <p class="cnM5Y2Y3ZmI3M2MyNTRhYjQ5YTMzOWIxMWMwOWQ2ZDg3">“If you need it, get something to wear.”</p> <p class="cnM1MmQ1N2IzNWEyMjRjZWU4ZjJiZjQ3ZjAyOTgxMmJk">“Well, I don-“</p> <p class="cnM1NzU3YzUzYjdlMDQ1MTZiYzAzNTlhYzk2YWY5MTY1">”Ella, you need it. You two may get something as well if you see something you like, but make sure it’s subtle enough to avoid attention on the open road.”</p> <p class="cnNlZjliZjcyODIwMDQwNGI5OTcyMWRiMTlmYzM2Yjhl">Of course she would protest to dressing decently, it was stupid of me to think otherwise. I sighed as the elf-girl nonchalantly skipped past me while humming a bright tune to herself, while Brook followed close behind her with a slightly embarrassed, but still excited feeling surrounding her despite the unchanging expression she wore. Grace stood in place for a moment, watching the events unfold from the open doorway as dark clouds began forming in the sky behind her, blocking out the early morning rays of sunlight.</p> <p class="cnNiMmY1ZmY2NmJhMzQ5NThiZGJiMmFhMWE3NzZjY2Uy">I secretly smiled to myself as Ella rifled through a large assortment of different clothes, occasionally picking something up for either herself or Brook enthusiastically. I can only hope they heard my request for subtlety, since I’m hoping to avoid any more unfortunate encounters, but the largest problem when it comes to attention, is still me. Cowboy hats are apparently very abnormal in this world, not to mention my human features that display my alien heritage for all to see, but that can be easily hidden with a hat or hood.</p> <p class="cnM2OTdmMWE3MTM2ODQzMDE4NWZkZWViNDA1ZTc1MzUy">I stepped over to the front counter, and dug my hand into my right pants pocket while still deep in thought, pulling out the three gold coins Ella had given me when we went shopping earlier. I weighed them for a moment, feeling the the cold of the metal against my skin as my eyes traced the small castle engraved on the clean surface, and noticed the word Moria written just below it. If I’m not mistaken, Moria is one of the gods the people of this world worship, and I’m pretty sure Grace is some kind of “Chosen One” for this particular god... though, I could be wrong.</p> <p class="cnMwOTc0OWI4ZmJlMzQzY2E5NjE5MGQ4MGRhODkxZGQx">A memory flashed through my mind as I tried to keep everything straight, one of my dad sitting at a small wooden table across from me, his hands rubbing his creased forehead in befuddlement. His hat was pushed up in a ridiculous manner as the old man’s eyes stared at a white sheet paper in front of him, which I recalled as being my math homework.</p> <p class="cnM3NjUzMjI2ZWViZjQ2MjhiMGY1OTliMDkzNDRhOWU1">I had spent about twenty minutes relating to him the math formulae my teacher had described to me just over an hour beforehand, but my hope of receiving help had already faded to almost nothing when I saw his growing frustration. Finally, he gave in, slamming his palm against the table in resignation before slumping back into the wooden chair beneath him, the air he was holding in his lungs now released through a series of deep breaths.</p> <p class="cnNmOWZkYWFiMTk1YzQ1NmQ5YjNiYTZmNWJlZjZkNTdh">‘I give up. This shit’s flying way too fast for me to catch.’</p> <p class="cnM3OWM4YTVhYTdhMzQ5YTE5Yjg3YjE5N2E2NmI2ZTJh">I had to stifle a laugh as the memory faded back into the deep recesses of my mind, understanding exactly how my dad must have felt at that moment. This ways of this world are all common knowledge to the people around me, but I still have yet to learn the currency, much less the politics, laws, cultures, and historic background, not to mention the ever-present magic that influences all the above, and plenty more. I like to understand my surroundings better so I can at least get a grasp of what I’m supposed to do, but this world doesn’t seem to function solely on logic, and learning everything about it will take time, which is something I don’t have at the moment.</p> <p class="cnNiNDcxNjczZDU0ZDRlMTg4MTdiZWRhZWNkMWVjMDY5">“The Moriaki Vel. Surely you’ve at least heard of that, right?”</p> <p class="cnMyYjU2N2ExN2MwODQwZmFiMzUzNzViZjI3ZWU4Yjc4">The bunny-eared girl interrupted my thoughts, stepping up next to me with the soft dignity her name implies, and looking down at the small coins in my palm. I shook my head, hearing the sound of Ella giggle at Brook’s shyness off to my left before insisting she try on one of the outfits in her hand. I turned to face away from the pair, placing the coins on the counter with a faint clatter before turning my attention to the confused Grace. Yeah... I must seem like an absolute moron. Ah, well... I’ll explain myself later, when we are comfortably on our way to... um...</p> <p class="cnNhMmI2OGJkNWM2OTRjMWFiYmFjNmVlZjVkNjE4ZmY5">Shoot, I have no idea where to go from here, and asking for directions is no longer an option until we are far away from this city and it’s inhabitants. Even then, I’m sure we will become wanted criminals for murdering a nobleman, not to mention Grace is pretty famous from what I’ve gathered, so hiding in plain sight with those massive bunny ears will be all but impossible.</p> <p class="cnM3ZjZjYzM5NTRmZDQ3MWI4YjdmOTVkYmI1NzY3Y2Vm">“That’s my home-or... was my home. I need to get back to the man living there before he hears about the Balmetta’Ikarah’s death, and beseeches Moria to remove his blessing from me. The only problem is I can’t use navigation magic, so I was hoping the three of you could help me. You did say you would help me any way you can, right?”</p> <p class="cnNlMTQ4NzZhM2ExNjQwNDJiZGJkYmI2NjFhYThkYWY2">Grace asked, looking almost desperate as she did, but I had gotten a little lost after the tongue twister, and was still trying to figure out what she wanted. I gave up on trying to mentally pronounce the noble’s name, and turned my thoughts to the navigation magic she mentioned. I paused, remembering how Ella had directed me to this city a few day earlier, and, making a rather logical assumption, figured that must be navigation magic.</p> <p class="cnM2ZTY0MDc5MzU0OTRkZDRhYTY4ZmJlOWI2YjNlMzVk">I nodded in response, stepping away from the counter before slowly making my way to the shattered doorway and the world outside.</p> <p class="cnNmYjMzNzdlNzhkZTQxZWJhMzc4YjljOGE1NTJlZmM2">“I said I’d help you in any way I can, and I have every intention to follow through.”</p> <p class="cnMzZjQ1ZjdkYmJhODRhNDQ5MDI3YmE1MzcxYzFhMDM5">I took a step out on the wooden deck, hearing several drops of rain tap the brim of my hat, and feeling the air turn cold as the ominous dark clouds overhead blanket the world below it in dark shadows.</p> <p class="cnNiZjM0NmI3ZGZkYTQxYjY5MzI1YmNiODAyNTA3ZmI3">“I think Ella is familiar with the navigation magic you mentioned, so that shouldn’t be a problem.”</p> <p class="cnMzMzFiMGRlMDdmMzRlZmNiNDA4OGNjNGNhYzdkZDNl">The sound of rattling armor and alarmed shouts indicated the soldiers’ approach from the street to my left, likely spotting the damaged building across from us. The girls, who had finished changing, came up behind me, following closely as I stepped down off the front deck, and into the road, facing the wall.</p> <p class="cnMxNTZiZDY5MjI1NTQ3Njg4YWI4YjYzYzYyYTkwYzI3">“Ella, do you think you can heat up the water inside the wall really fast?”</p> <p class="cnNhMWJmOTFmMzU2YjRkZTZiNjI2NWM2MGJjODFkNDMz">I directed my question at the elf, who nodded enthusiastically in response with a proud smile spread boldly across her face, immediately taking a step forward while holding her hands up in front of her.</p> <p class="cnNhNGM2ZDcwZDZiNjQ2YmFhOTIzODliMmMwNjk1YTkw">“Don’t know why, but if that’s what my hubby wants!”</p> <p class="cnMxZTE1ODhlZGVmODQ5YTNhYTVhZGYxZDMxNTJkMDIy">Ah... please don’t call me “hubby”</p> <p class="cnM5NDc4YmRiYTk2YTQyMGViN2I2YmM2ZDk2NTkyODIy">... it sounds...</p> <p class="cnMzZTA5ZTljZGE2NDRjYjZhYTNmZDU3ZWQ5ZGE1MzQ3">A deafening clap mixed with the sound of warping metal followed by a shroud of scalding hot steam slammed into us, forcing me to step protectively in front of Ella and the others, holding on tightly to my hat. The gas whipped past us, thoroughly drenching every inch of our bodies, and sending several large chunks of metal flying through the air, some of which I had to swat away from our group.</p> <p class="cnNlYjVjYmZiNjM2YzQ2Njg4ZDJiNGY4OWViMDY2Yzc5">A few seconds passed before the momentum of the steam died down, the sound of the soldiers’ pursuit coming to a halt, either out of shock, or had simply been blown away. The shroud slowly lifted as the rain began to pour down from above, revealing a twisted metal hole in the wall large enough to fit a three story building through. Steam steadily flowed from the second improvised exit we had made today as we stared through the opening to world just outside, the shock evident on the girls’ faces.</p> <p class="cnM0MjE2OTdkZDAyZDQ2ZGU4Y2M0OGQwZTM5NmM2ZDE3">That went surprisingly well.</p> </div>
“Stop! In the name of Balmetta’Ikarah!” A commanding voice loudly barked from behind me, clearly directing the order in our direction as we unsuccessfully tried to disappear into the crowd. I looked at the people around us, noticing all their eyes turn in our direction with an expectant look displayed on each of their faces. What a mouthful, I can’t believe the guard actually said that so fast without biting his tongue. The four of us gave up on trying to blend in with the crowd, and took off at top speed with Ella gripped in my arms despite my recent discovery of the agility-enhancing effects of her magic. I tried to talk her into running with us, but she argued against my plea, saying it was love that compelled her, not magic, and she could only do it when she needed to get closer to me. Whatever... I didn’t have time to argue, and she’s not that heavy anyway. “Soldiers of Balm’ak! Capture the Chosen One’s group, they are likely assassins sent by the Zoi archbishop!” The guard shouted from behind us to his men, jumping to ridiculous conclusions as the sounds of rattling armor indicated their clumsy pursuit. I kept myself just behind Grace and Brook, making sure they didn’t leave my sight as we darted between various structures and the seemingly never-ending supply of guards throughout the city. The bunny-eared girl slowed as we quickly neared the edge of the city, matching my pace. “The gate.” Grace was looking up at the largest obstacle standing in our path; the massive wall that, I’m assuming, surrounds this entire city. Of course, the large front gate was closed to bar our path, though I don’t really see much of a problem, mostly because the buildings around it were large enough stepping stones for us to leap over it entirely. We veered off into a narrow alley to avoid a small group of soldiers with white bows and arrows lit with a blue flame that had emerged from one of the roads front of us, forcing us to change our route. The sound of our feet striking the hard ground reverberated through the alleyway, drowning out the noises of the soldiers’ futile pursuit as our escape became visible. Our fleeing halted next to a linen shop as we came upon the monstrous structure that protected this city from whatever nightmares lurked outside, and kept those not allowed to leave inside. The four of us looked up it’s smooth, grey surface for a couple of seconds, trying to take in the ridiculous magnitude of this wall as we searched of the easiest way up. I looked to my right, then my left, then back at the barrier whose top was not visible from where we stood feeling slightly irritated. Damn it... “No buildings reach over three stories.” Ah... please don’t look at me like that... I have no idea what I’m supposed to do. Brook spoke from my right, stating the issue at hand while looking at me with big, hazel eyes filled with expectation, and a little bit of admiration. She may not say it, but her expectations of me are way out of my reach. Although, I guess it’s only natural to have such a high regard after seeing me do all these ridiculous stunts, but I can’t always do things like that on command. So far I can only manipulate the world around me when I get really mad, though it’s probably some kind of subconscious reaction, like fight or flight, or arous-ah... you get the picture. I chuckled nervously as the other two joined Brook in looking to me for answers I didn’t have yet, and causing the pressure on the air around me to grow exponentially more intense. I suppose Brook and I could carry the other two on our backs while occasionally puncturing holes in the wall to create hand or footholds, but if the wall gets out of reach near the top, we or the person we’re carrying might die. I suppose I could just dig through the wall, but if it’s harder than I estimate, and it takes a while to dig the tunnel, then soldiers may block the entrance and shoot us with those magically-enhanced arrows. I have no idea what their weapons are capable of here, but I’d rather not find out the fish-in-a-barrel style. I suppose we could just ask Grace leap to the top, and see if there’s a ladder or something up there for emergency escapes, but... is it racist to think she can jump high because she has bunny ears? “Wait a second...” I stepped over to the wall, slowly reaching out with my hand to touch it’s cold surface with the tips of my fingers, feeling something move inside it. Yup, if I’m not wrong, the answer to our escape lies directly within our greatest hinderance... how fortunate. “Grace... you wouldn’t happen to know what’s inside this wall, would you?” The Bunny-girl looked at me blankly for a moment, almost unresponsive to the question, but eventually answered with a slow nod. “As far as I know, it should be water. Mages that can control water are decently common, and good for wall defense, but the less skilled ones need a source of water to manipulate, so they probably made the wall capable of collecting rainwater.” Nodding my thanks, I looked down at Ella, then Brook, measuring her level of endurance for a couple of seconds, then the up at the dark clouds starting to form overhead before finally turning to the bunny-girl, who’s expression betrayed her confusion. “Grace how well can you deal with heat?” I asked aloud, a plan starting to form in my mind as she looked at me with a curious gaze, nodding with no small amount of suspicion. “I should be fine even if I were to stand in a flame if it wasn’t too ridiculous... why?” I nodded in recognition of her confirmation, and turned away, placing Ella’s feet on the ground and walking away before she had a chance to grab hold, toward the linen shop next to us. My feet thudded against a few wooden steps as I approached, and peered through the window just to the right of the door. I noticed no one was visible inside, and there was no stirring in the air larger than a couple of insects, so I figured it was safe to assume there were no living threats, and backed away. While the three girls watched intently, I shifted my attention to the very solid wooden door that led inside, jiggling the metallic handle with a light rattling sound. Locked. I shifted my stance so my right arm faced the door, gripping the small metal handle tightly with my left hand while bracing myself. “Wai-“ The bunny-eared girl realized my intentions, and tried to stop me, but was too late since my body was already hurling itself at the door. The sound of splintering wood was music to my ears as the door gave way to the store inside, however, the sound of the following explosion was much less pleasant, and sent me rocketing back out of the small store. Looking not unlike a bolt of lightning, I shot straight through the concrete-esque backside of the building opposite of where I was previously standing, and collapsed half the structure on top of me. Ow. I lay still for a moment, remembering the many applications of magic in this world, and noting that trespassing was considered a capital crime here. I let out a small sigh before slowly pushing myself up, letting the rubble clatter off me while looking over at the entrance I had just been ejected from, holding my treasured hat close to my chest protectively. “What kind of moron are you? Magic traps are common knowledge, and behind pretty much every locked door you will ever run into, yet you just flung yourself straight into one without any prior preparations. You should” Grace started to scold me for my stupidity, but paused mid-sentence, staring in awe at my face as if I had just started growing a second nose. I looked back at her in confusion for a little while, trying to figure out what had captivated her, but then remembered there were no other humans on this world, and my appearance, while subtle at first glance, was definitely unnatural here. Soldiers shouted from somewhere off to my right, some of them likely hearing all the commotion, and are heading over at top speed in our direction. I placed my hat firmly on my head, and stood up straight, dusting myself off before starting off back towards the store feeling slightly embarrassed. “We’ll talk later.” I spoke as I passed them before immediately entering the store, my eyes instantly looking around for what I needed to make my plan work as silence reigned supreme once again. It seems this store makes not only clothes, but just about everything that includes some kind of cloth, such as bedsheets or just regular, unused cloth. I noticed several things while looking around, namely a blue hoodie-like thing that matched my pants, and had two solid black stripes running from the right shoulder to the left hip. I quickly put it on, setting my hat to the side for a moment so I could pull it over my head, before quickly placing it back where it belonged after covering my exposed chest. I could instantly feel some of my self-confidence flowing back to me now that I no longer have to run around with only my hat and a pair of pants to cover myself. “How disappointing...” While admiring my new jacket, Ella muttered to herself, staring at me with a disapproving gaze as the previous look of admiration disappeared from her face. She probably wants something else to wear as well, since that nightgown is far too revealing for public travel, and likely pretty cold from the looks of it. “I don’t get to see Ash’s chest anymore...” What the hell... that’s her reason? I once again assumed the losing role of the battle with my own self-consciousness, deciding to ignore the comment under pain of further embarrassment at her slender hands. I straightened myself before habitually placing my left hand on the brim of the familiar cowboy hat that tightly hugged my head, calming my mind. I noticed Brook’s gaze directed intensely at something behind me, a certain spark in her eyes that felt surprisingly nostalgic to me, and I instantly realized what she was looking at. I turned to face the plethora of women’s clothes that lay spread out just past the much smaller men’s section, and gestured resignedly with my right hand. “If you need it, get something to wear.” “Well, I don-“ ”Ella, you need it. You two may get something as well if you see something you like, but make sure it’s subtle enough to avoid attention on the open road.” Of course she would protest to dressing decently, it was stupid of me to think otherwise. I sighed as the elf-girl nonchalantly skipped past me while humming a bright tune to herself, while Brook followed close behind her with a slightly embarrassed, but still excited feeling surrounding her despite the unchanging expression she wore. Grace stood in place for a moment, watching the events unfold from the open doorway as dark clouds began forming in the sky behind her, blocking out the early morning rays of sunlight. I secretly smiled to myself as Ella rifled through a large assortment of different clothes, occasionally picking something up for either herself or Brook enthusiastically. I can only hope they heard my request for subtlety, since I’m hoping to avoid any more unfortunate encounters, but the largest problem when it comes to attention, is still me. Cowboy hats are apparently very abnormal in this world, not to mention my human features that display my alien heritage for all to see, but that can be easily hidden with a hat or hood. I stepped over to the front counter, and dug my hand into my right pants pocket while still deep in thought, pulling out the three gold coins Ella had given me when we went shopping earlier. I weighed them for a moment, feeling the the cold of the metal against my skin as my eyes traced the small castle engraved on the clean surface, and noticed the word Moria written just below it. If I’m not mistaken, Moria is one of the gods the people of this world worship, and I’m pretty sure Grace is some kind of “Chosen One” for this particular god... though, I could be wrong. A memory flashed through my mind as I tried to keep everything straight, one of my dad sitting at a small wooden table across from me, his hands rubbing his creased forehead in befuddlement. His hat was pushed up in a ridiculous manner as the old man’s eyes stared at a white sheet paper in front of him, which I recalled as being my math homework. I had spent about twenty minutes relating to him the math formulae my teacher had described to me just over an hour beforehand, but my hope of receiving help had already faded to almost nothing when I saw his growing frustration. Finally, he gave in, slamming his palm against the table in resignation before slumping back into the wooden chair beneath him, the air he was holding in his lungs now released through a series of deep breaths. ‘I give up. This shit’s flying way too fast for me to catch.’ I had to stifle a laugh as the memory faded back into the deep recesses of my mind, understanding exactly how my dad must have felt at that moment. This ways of this world are all common knowledge to the people around me, but I still have yet to learn the currency, much less the politics, laws, cultures, and historic background, not to mention the ever-present magic that influences all the above, and plenty more. I like to understand my surroundings better so I can at least get a grasp of what I’m supposed to do, but this world doesn’t seem to function solely on logic, and learning everything about it will take time, which is something I don’t have at the moment. “The Moriaki Vel. Surely you’ve at least heard of that, right?” The bunny-eared girl interrupted my thoughts, stepping up next to me with the soft dignity her name implies, and looking down at the small coins in my palm. I shook my head, hearing the sound of Ella giggle at Brook’s shyness off to my left before insisting she try on one of the outfits in her hand. I turned to face away from the pair, placing the coins on the counter with a faint clatter before turning my attention to the confused Grace. Yeah... I must seem like an absolute moron. Ah, well... I’ll explain myself later, when we are comfortably on our way to... um... Shoot, I have no idea where to go from here, and asking for directions is no longer an option until we are far away from this city and it’s inhabitants. Even then, I’m sure we will become wanted criminals for murdering a nobleman, not to mention Grace is pretty famous from what I’ve gathered, so hiding in plain sight with those massive bunny ears will be all but impossible. “That’s my home-or... was my home. I need to get back to the man living there before he hears about the Balmetta’Ikarah’s death, and beseeches Moria to remove his blessing from me. The only problem is I can’t use navigation magic, so I was hoping the three of you could help me. You did say you would help me any way you can, right?” Grace asked, looking almost desperate as she did, but I had gotten a little lost after the tongue twister, and was still trying to figure out what she wanted. I gave up on trying to mentally pronounce the noble’s name, and turned my thoughts to the navigation magic she mentioned. I paused, remembering how Ella had directed me to this city a few day earlier, and, making a rather logical assumption, figured that must be navigation magic. I nodded in response, stepping away from the counter before slowly making my way to the shattered doorway and the world outside. “I said I’d help you in any way I can, and I have every intention to follow through.” I took a step out on the wooden deck, hearing several drops of rain tap the brim of my hat, and feeling the air turn cold as the ominous dark clouds overhead blanket the world below it in dark shadows. “I think Ella is familiar with the navigation magic you mentioned, so that shouldn’t be a problem.” The sound of rattling armor and alarmed shouts indicated the soldiers’ approach from the street to my left, likely spotting the damaged building across from us. The girls, who had finished changing, came up behind me, following closely as I stepped down off the front deck, and into the road, facing the wall. “Ella, do you think you can heat up the water inside the wall really fast?” I directed my question at the elf, who nodded enthusiastically in response with a proud smile spread boldly across her face, immediately taking a step forward while holding her hands up in front of her. “Don’t know why, but if that’s what my hubby wants!” Ah... please don’t call me “hubby” ... it sounds... A deafening clap mixed with the sound of warping metal followed by a shroud of scalding hot steam slammed into us, forcing me to step protectively in front of Ella and the others, holding on tightly to my hat. The gas whipped past us, thoroughly drenching every inch of our bodies, and sending several large chunks of metal flying through the air, some of which I had to swat away from our group. A few seconds passed before the momentum of the steam died down, the sound of the soldiers’ pursuit coming to a halt, either out of shock, or had simply been blown away. The shroud slowly lifted as the rain began to pour down from above, revealing a twisted metal hole in the wall large enough to fit a three story building through. Steam steadily flowed from the second improvised exit we had made today as we stared through the opening to world just outside, the shock evident on the girls’ faces. That went surprisingly well.
{ "title": "Survivor (Rewriting)", "id": 19345, "author": "Disllilk", "rating": 5 }
{ "title": "Day 3", "id": 305387, "next": 307424, "prev": 303414, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNmMzRmNGQ4NTcwYjQ4NTc5NmFiYTg0YzYxZWFkNTU1">"Uh..." Letout Tony, while streching in the narrow space of his car. "It's a bad place to sleep, now I'm all sore..." He muttered.</p> <p class="cnMxZDg5ODYxODMyNTRhYjQ5OTIzZjNlNmI0NjY1Yjcy">Tony looked out of the car's windows, outside after taking down the cover. "Still, nothing. Good, I guess?" He opened the doors and crawled out of the car.</p> <p class="cnMwNjI3YTA5YzFmZjQxY2Q4N2Y5ZDk3YzJiM2IxMDhl">"Now two kilometers, down the road, to power plant huh..." Youth picked up the baggage and got it on his back, whit one hand. The other held the ax.</p> <p class="cnNlNjQ3ZGUyNmI4ODQ4NGRiNTk4NDUwZGIxYjkwYjgy">"Well, let's go!"</p> <hr> <p class="cnMxNDk2MDExMzEwNDQ1MmE5NTcxOTM5ZjdjOTdkZTNl">After half an hour, he stopped to look at the powerplant's gate. It was closed, with no sight of a man. Tony hesitated, befor calling out: "HEY! IS ANYONE HERE?!"</p> <p class="cnNiNDcxZWMyNjcyMjRiNDA4YTA1YTA5OTM2ZjU4YTMy">He waited for a minute or two, but recieved no answer. It looked as if it had been abandoned.</p> <p class="cnM5NThhZmJiZDc5MDQwMzNhYTE2ZTJjNmM4ODcwY2Rm">"Well, sorry for tresspassing..."He said as ge climed over the gate. He started walking around the site, but found no one.</p> <p class="cnMzZjNkZTgxNTViYzQwYWU5NDJlYWE1NGY0ZjYxOGM5">"Hm... Well, there's no one here... The only good thing is this van." He spoke about the van which he found behind one of the buildings. It was black, completely empty and, suprisingly open with key's inside. When he opened the door, the stuffy air rushed out, indicating, that it has been abandoned, before the beggining. Content wit his finding, he packed his things, checked the fuel and started driving towards Darwin once again.</p> <p class="cnMxMmQ3MGQzODMxNDQxMTFiYjFjZjUzNjU5OTUyZDQ4">"I just wonder about the bodies. It was so clean, could it be that thay turned into zombies and walked away? No way... They are not so inteligent."He questioned aloud.</p> <hr> <p class="cnNkN2RjOTJjMGExNjQ3YWU5MzFiMjRjMzQ1ZDY0MDFi">&nbsp;"Holy Shit!!!" Exclaimed Tony at the sight, shocked.</p> <p class="cnMwNmY0NGNmZWQ0ZjRmMGViZGQ4MDFlY2YxZWJlNTQ0">He was standing beside his car, looking at the remains of the bridge over the Elizabeth river. The bridge was completely destroyed. From where he was standing, he could see that this side of the bridge only reached into the water for about 10m, after that, there was nothing. Not even the pillars, that were once standing below the brdge.</p> <p class="cnNlNmJmODI1NTRmMDQ1MDBiYTBiNzg4YmViMmExN2Qz">"Sooo, what do I do?..." Tony wondered. At this moment...</p> <p class="cnMxNmIzZWI3YjhlYjRmZjE4MWFkNTZjNmUxMDlkNjg5">*HOOOONG!!!* Resounded a loud sound of a horn, louder than it was possible with car.</p> <p class="cnM1ZmI2MzljZGRlNDQ4ZmZiMmJkNDlmOGE4Y2NmYWQx">"AAHHH!" In a moment,Tony jumped up from fright. "What the heck is that!" He shouted in the next. What he had seen was a gargantuan size, war-ship, and it was heading towards him.</p> <p class="cnM3MTMxMTAxZWY5NjQ2MjJiMjI1NDNhMTYyMDIzZTlh">Speechless Tony just stared as the titanium collosus, stopped, at the breach in the bridge. After stopping, some people in military uniforms, jumpped off the vessel, using lines and quickly surrounded him - who stood petrified.</p> <p class="cnM3NTc1ODQ1YWViODQ0OTJiMDJmMDYxZTlmNTQ1YjZh">"Y... Y... You...&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;You are HUMANS! And alive ones! Hahahaha, ahahaha!" Started laughting Tony, before falling onto the ground. The stress of the last two days, got on to his not-so-hard nerves and soon enought, his laughting, changed into crying.</p> <p class="cnM1YmY1OGM1Y2I2ZTRlYzA5ZDBkODgxNDFmYjk4MzM3">One of the soldiers, lowered his weapon and extended his hand to him. Tony, looked up, smiled and extended his own, beliving that the soldier wanted to help him stand up. At this moment however, Tony heard quick footsteps behind him and lost consciouness.</p> </div>
"Uh..." Letout Tony, while streching in the narrow space of his car. "It's a bad place to sleep, now I'm all sore..." He muttered. Tony looked out of the car's windows, outside after taking down the cover. "Still, nothing. Good, I guess?" He opened the doors and crawled out of the car. "Now two kilometers, down the road, to power plant huh..." Youth picked up the baggage and got it on his back, whit one hand. The other held the ax. "Well, let's go!" --- After half an hour, he stopped to look at the powerplant's gate. It was closed, with no sight of a man. Tony hesitated, befor calling out: "HEY! IS ANYONE HERE?!" He waited for a minute or two, but recieved no answer. It looked as if it had been abandoned. "Well, sorry for tresspassing..."He said as ge climed over the gate. He started walking around the site, but found no one. "Hm... Well, there's no one here... The only good thing is this van." He spoke about the van which he found behind one of the buildings. It was black, completely empty and, suprisingly open with key's inside. When he opened the door, the stuffy air rushed out, indicating, that it has been abandoned, before the beggining. Content wit his finding, he packed his things, checked the fuel and started driving towards Darwin once again. "I just wonder about the bodies. It was so clean, could it be that thay turned into zombies and walked away? No way... They are not so inteligent."He questioned aloud. ---  "Holy Shit!!!" Exclaimed Tony at the sight, shocked. He was standing beside his car, looking at the remains of the bridge over the Elizabeth river. The bridge was completely destroyed. From where he was standing, he could see that this side of the bridge only reached into the water for about 10m, after that, there was nothing. Not even the pillars, that were once standing below the brdge. "Sooo, what do I do?..." Tony wondered. At this moment... *HOOOONG!!!* Resounded a loud sound of a horn, louder than it was possible with car. "AAHHH!" In a moment,Tony jumped up from fright. "What the heck is that!" He shouted in the next. What he had seen was a gargantuan size, war-ship, and it was heading towards him. Speechless Tony just stared as the titanium collosus, stopped, at the breach in the bridge. After stopping, some people in military uniforms, jumpped off the vessel, using lines and quickly surrounded him - who stood petrified. "Y... Y... You...     You are HUMANS! And alive ones! Hahahaha, ahahaha!" Started laughting Tony, before falling onto the ground. The stress of the last two days, got on to his not-so-hard nerves and soon enought, his laughting, changed into crying. One of the soldiers, lowered his weapon and extended his hand to him. Tony, looked up, smiled and extended his own, beliving that the soldier wanted to help him stand up. At this moment however, Tony heard quick footsteps behind him and lost consciouness.
{ "title": "Crown of Heroes", "id": 19193, "author": "Queenofthefuzzybugs", "rating": 4.5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 25.1", "id": 305476, "next": 305477, "prev": 303312, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNkOTQwOTg5ODAyYjQ5ZTlhOTVmYTY1ZjNiZDQ1MDk1">Caroline had just finished reading a stack of letters she’d received from Hillsdale. The moment she’d gotten strong enough, she’d started sending out letters to her friends. Since her Guild party was practically illiterate, she’d had to use Mariel as her go between with them.</p> <p class="cnMyNTQ0YjMwNDA4NDQ5Njg5MWIxYzQ5M2IyZTcxZDQ5">She’d already officially transferred her Guild membership from Hillsdale to Halcyon City (the Capital). It wasn’t required to switch, but it made the paperwork easier to deal with by keeping to the Guild branch closest to where she lived.</p> <p class="cnNlYTRhYTQzZTdiMjQyZjFhY2JkMjAzMWViOWJhZGQw">Her Guild party could transfer over too, but they’d decided to stay in Hillsdale. That was a bit disappointing but she had expected it. Roy and Canny were married, and there’s no way there wives would be willing to move to the Capital with their family all in Hillsdale. The wives barely tolerated the long-distance Requests their husbands sometimes accepted.</p> <p class="cnM3YTliYmE3NjJiNjQwYTA4NjlkOGRjMjE4ZmE0MmM3">Jack was a bit of a coward when it came to new places (even more so after the cursed ruins) and Douglas… as always, that guy was totally self-centered. He plain hated the cold and wasn’t willing to go to a place that snowed heavily (which was why he never did see dragons despite being infatuated with them).</p> <p class="cnM1YmM0OWY2NGIwODRjMzU5ZWUzMjUzODRlYjIyMDY4">‘These guys…’ she thought with some exasperation as she read the letter and then smiled sadly. ‘..still, I’ll miss going on adventures with them. It’d have been nice to have my friends here.’</p> <p class="cnNmOTc5MDkwMzAwNzQyNDJhZGU2ZjU4ZTlmOWNjYWNk">They’d always been goofy meatheads, but that’s partly why she liked them. They had given her a chance to prove herself when no one else would. She’d be forever grateful.</p> <p class="cnMxZTFjMDBjNDZkOTRlOTE4NDAyN2Q5OGY1OTBhY2U1">It was bittersweet, saying goodbye to the Hillsdale branch. She’d been with them for four years after all, and it’s where she got her start. But, as long as she got to keep being an Adventurer, she didn’t really care where she did it. And in the end, being with Thio was more important than being in Hillsdale.</p> <p class="cnNlN2VhYzFiOWMzYjQ4MDZiYzVlN2ViYzA1MzA2YzBh">Her house, and everything left in it, she gave over to the Church. She’d considered selling it, but she didn’t need the money and Thio said there’d be no buyers anyway. (Apparently she’d made it too nice for the area.) The Church, however, would put it to good use. When she’d been out on Requests that’d keep her away from home for weeks at a time, she’d had Father Richard use the house however he liked. He’d often housed people in need there when she’d been gone.</p> <p class="cnM5NWYwMWE4OTc1YjQzMzRiZmRhYjE3ZjIyYmU3ZmFl">Living in the slums of Hillsdale she’d gotten a first hand look at how awful life could be in the Empire. She wanted to improve the situation for her neighbors, but quickly figured out that the line between a fool and the unlucky was very thin. Sometimes indistinguishable. When she tried to help by herself, she unintentionally made things worse in her ignorance or simply got scammed.</p> <p class="cnNhZWUwMzNjOTA0OTRiMThiMmRiNjUxZTFiN2M1YmE0">Eventually Caroline solved this problem by getting the most trustworthy people she knew involved: Father Richard, Guildmaster Darren, and Head Guard Tack. They knew the town better than she did, who to trust, who to discard and which methods were likeliest to work.</p> <p class="cnMxNGQ5NmJlOTFmMTRjNTRiYjYwNzQ2OWYwMDg5Yjk5">The problem for those in the slums was three-fold: a lack of education, few job opportunities, and little-to-no law enforcement.</p> <p class="cnM2NmE3NzdiZmQwYjRmNDNhNDk1YzRlMjUwMGUwZTE3">For the first problem, Caroline paired with Father Richard. He already ran an orphanage, and he’d always wanted to build a school. There was no schools in town, with even the rich having to send their children off to private schools in the cities or hire private tutors.</p> <p class="cnM1ODBjNmUyZWUwZTRjZDU4MmE4MzkyOWUzZmIzMTkw">The idea of a low-income school was not entirely foreign to the culture. Churches in big cities had built such schools before, usually in conjunction to their orphanages. People in the congregation could also send their children there. But a school that anyone could attend if they paid a small fee was a new concept, which is what Caroline proposed.</p> <p class="cnM5MGU3ZjUxNDY2YjQyNTFhNmViNzc3MzNiMjlkNjVl">Naturally, building a school was no small endeavor. The reason none had been built was that those with money weren’t interested in investing in a school that poor people could attend and they had ways to educate their own children without wasting money on building a school in town. Hillsdale was large as far as towns went, but the community was not terribly religious, so there was no way for the local church to support a school on it’s own without at least one very wealthy benefactor.</p> <p class="cnNhMjM5MmI1N2Q5ZDQ4MzRhMmFmZWRiYTU1NmUwOWE3">To solve the money problem, Caroline began taking on lucrative (but dangerous) Requests. These Requests took her farther and farther away from Hillsdale, and was the main reason her reputation as an Adventurer increased so dramatically in the south. By the end of the year, she’d made enough to build a school, hire two teachers, and make sure every orphan Father Richard took care of would be able to attend school. By the beginning of second year the school was open, the demand was so great Father Richard was going to hire another two teachers.</p> <p class="cnNiMDMxZGE2ZjljZDQzNWU4YjU1YTI1OGIwZjQ0NDVl">Not talking about her reputation as an Adventurer, her personal reputation (and Thio by proxy) skyrocketed. Making a school anyone could attend was unheard of, and everyone was excited to have one. It was clear Caroline was very rich but also generous in ways that mattered. She didn’t just throw money at a problem, she worked within the community to make life better for everyone.</p> <p class="cnMxZTI2NmQ1MDRiMTQ1NDBhYzIwYTZkYjM5YjQ3MTk3">Part of the reason it was difficult for people in the slums to get jobs was because no one knew what kind of worker they’d get from there. Perhaps the person would be hard working, or perhaps they’d steal from their employer.</p> <p class="cnNmNWRhYmE1YTNkMDRlNDA4NmQ4ZTcyOTIzNDE0YjIy">Reputation was a huge deal, and people in the slums either had none or were in the negative. People like Thio, who persisted despite the discrimination, were rare. Most simply accepted their lot rather than struggle to rise above it.</p> <p class="cnNiYWU2NTI4NzNkZDQzNjFiMzU5YzUzYjA5YzdkOWM4">A new system was needed for workers, and not just the ones in the slums. Thus, the Trade Association was born. It was a system similar to Adventurer’s Guild, but instead of grading Adventurer’s, it graded workers, employers, and mediated employment contracts. It made finding good workers and getting a good job extremely easy for everyone involved.</p> <p class="cnMzNzZjNzcwMTc1MDQ2ODU5ZjAyMGUxNmVjZGZhMWZm">Guildmaster Darren connected workers to employers using his vast network within the Guild. Once enough reliable workers were members, the reputation of the Association naturally increased. This attracted more employers, and thus more workers, the cycle upward continuing.</p> <p class="cnNmOGYzZTY3NTNlMzRmZTU5OTg4OGU3N2M5ZjM2Zjg0">At first, Caroline invested quite a lot of time and money in the Trade Association. But to her surprise, after the first year, it was self-sustaining. By the second year, the Trade Association had spread out to several cities in the south and was working it’s way to other parts of the Empire. Last Caroline had heard, they were thinking of opening a branch in the Capital itself.</p> <p class="cnM0YjQzMWMyZDY3YjRiYjNiOTMzMjJhMjU1MTk4NDlh">The last problem, crime, was a difficult one and in the end she settled on a compromise. Unlike where she came from, the power structure was very different in the Empire. Lords ruled local territories and they hand picked leadership in towns and cities within their jurisdiction. Often generations of a family ruled over towns and cities by the power of their Lord. Thus, local authorities didn’t answer to the people, they answered to their Lords, and the Lords in turn answered to the Emperor.</p> <p class="cnNiYjQwMmMwMWUwNDQ4MjY5NjRiNGI3MWQ4MzFiNDhm">In the case of Hillsdale, the Lord only cared about getting his taxes and was ambivalent about everything else. If Hillsdale had had decent leadership, this might have been a good thing. After all, the Mayor was given a lot of freedom and could have improved a great many things without his Lord interfering. Unfortunately, Hillsdale didn’t and the results were as expected.</p> <p class="cnNjMDdjM2E0N2NjNzRiYTg5YTcyMjZkZWFjZDNjMzhi">The Mayor had an extreme disinterest in doing anything but eating, boasting, and taking bribes. He was fat, proud, and annoying. Corruption was rampant.</p> <p class="cnM3ZjM2M2UzODFmYzQ4N2Q4M2EyNGQ2OWM5ZDAyMzFj">It was a small miracle that the same Lord who appointed the Mayor also appointed the Head Guard. And the Head Guard was an upright and honest man, scrupulous in following the law. He and the Mayor fought frequently.</p> <p class="cnM3MDg5NTNhNGMxZTQ1OTNhNzNkOWUwOTcxYThkODM3">It was easy enough to get Head Guard Tack on Caroline’s side. He liked orderliness. But the Mayor was a problem, he fought Caroline building the school and the creation of the Trade Association. He even went so far as to hire thugs to destroy the school while it was being built and harass employers so they were too scared to hire through the Association.</p> <p class="cnNiNmUxMDk4ZmZmZDQ3NjZiOWU0NzI4MjgzNTlhNzhj">It took a prodigious amount of self control for Caroline not to smash the Mayor’s face in. After a lot of thinking, she came up with a nonviolent method of protesting:</p> <p class="cnM4YzM0YTgwNGVmZjRmZDk5YzI4ZDAwNDJlZmFiZWFk">She stalked the Mayor.</p> <p class="cnNiYmY1NDkzMmEyODQ0Y2ZhZTg5MjQ0ZjZmMDU0YWVm">Everywhere he went, she was there, speaking quietly about his evil deeds and leaving notes to “encourage” him to turn over a new leaf. Like an eerie specter playing at being a conscience, she haunted him. The thugs he’d been using to harass the town were instructed to get rid of Caroline.</p> <p class="cnNjZWM0OThkZmQ2MTQ0MGQ4Mzk4MzQ5YWNlODFiNDI1">But that didn’t work. Caroline defended herself with extreme prejudice, reducing the thugs to a pulp on a regular basis. Some even repented and left their life of crime rather than deal with the crazy Adventurer one more time. The sketchier people who usually did the Mayor’s dirty work began to refuse doing his jobs. They respected raw power more than money, and Caroline proved herself to be the kingpin of the city (unintentionally).</p> <p class="cnMwODYxMGUxMDNmMTRkZTViZWI2YjNiNTdlNGJlZGJj">The Mayor found himself isolated, with the criminal elements rejecting him outright, and respectable society firmly on Caroline’s side. He couldn’t even complain to his Lord, because Head Guard Tack was always one step ahead and contradicted everything he said.</p> <p class="cnMxYTkyZGFiYzg3ZDRhODY5YjAzNDU4YjM5ZjNhN2Mw">By the third month, the Mayor of Hillsdale (now several pounds lighter) gave up. He had no intention of helping, but he wouldn’t actively fight her either. Ever after that, when he saw Caroline, he immediately fled in the other direction (much to everyone’s amusement).</p> <p class="cnNhNmM2NDkxMGE3ZDRiZWJhNzFmNmVkZGYxNTcwMjUw">Even with that victory, the core problem was still there: the laws needed to be reformed. And without the support of the Lord, that wasn’t going to happen. Caroline’s attempts at getting the Lord’s support failed miserably. He was an extremely apathetic person with a lot of aristocratic pride, and outright rejected any advice or condemnation from those “below” his station.</p> <p class="cnMwN2I0ZjE2NGUzYTRkMGQ5Mjk1ODc0ZTJjMzczNGMy">So, Caroline and the Head Guard compromised with the Town Watch. Citizens with a good reputation, even from the slum, were given special dispensation to work alongside the Town Guards. They became the secret eyes and ears of the Guards. Criminals suddenly found all their secret, safe locations being exposed and their activities constantly disrupted. No amount of bribes or threats to the Mayor helped, as he feared Caroline more than them.</p> <p class="cnMzNjMyMGRjMzEyMjRjNWJhNmEyM2EwNGU2OTZmNWI4">This was definitely not the best of solutions, as it put citizens in danger and could be easily abused. But as a temporary solution that empowered the community and raised the reputation of the Guards, it wasn’t too bad. Caroline hoped that the next Lord in line would be more open minded so a more permanent solution could be found.</p> <p class="cnM4MTcwNWQyNzI4MDQ0ZDBiNDMzMzI1Nzc4MTlkNDNi">Also, though of course she didn’t realize this, much of the criminal element was terrified of Caroline. Many counted her as the “big boss” in town, and didn’t dare do anything nastier than occasionally cheating at gambling or tricking a merchant out of a few extra coins.</p> <p class="cnM4OWVjMmMyN2U3NDRkNDRhMmY1NTI0NzVkZjFkNDIw">Even if she wasn’t physically there, the Head Guard would tell her who was causing a ruckus, and then she’d go in and “deal with it”. And no matter how gentle she smiled when she did, her fists indicated a zero tolerance policy to crime.</p> <p class="cnNmOGViNDc0MGIzMjQ1ODlhZTc2OTRjNTI4NDBhMmRi">Caroline was never fully aware of how she’d fundamentally changed Hillsdale. Whether it was the family in the slums, or the baker on Main and 4th Street, everyone’s life had improved despite her being there only a short four years. She was like a stone dropped in a pond, her very existence causing ripples where ever she went.</p> </div>
Caroline had just finished reading a stack of letters she’d received from Hillsdale. The moment she’d gotten strong enough, she’d started sending out letters to her friends. Since her Guild party was practically illiterate, she’d had to use Mariel as her go between with them. She’d already officially transferred her Guild membership from Hillsdale to Halcyon City (the Capital). It wasn’t required to switch, but it made the paperwork easier to deal with by keeping to the Guild branch closest to where she lived. Her Guild party could transfer over too, but they’d decided to stay in Hillsdale. That was a bit disappointing but she had expected it. Roy and Canny were married, and there’s no way there wives would be willing to move to the Capital with their family all in Hillsdale. The wives barely tolerated the long-distance Requests their husbands sometimes accepted. Jack was a bit of a coward when it came to new places (even more so after the cursed ruins) and Douglas… as always, that guy was totally self-centered. He plain hated the cold and wasn’t willing to go to a place that snowed heavily (which was why he never did see dragons despite being infatuated with them). ‘These guys…’ she thought with some exasperation as she read the letter and then smiled sadly. ‘..still, I’ll miss going on adventures with them. It’d have been nice to have my friends here.’ They’d always been goofy meatheads, but that’s partly why she liked them. They had given her a chance to prove herself when no one else would. She’d be forever grateful. It was bittersweet, saying goodbye to the Hillsdale branch. She’d been with them for four years after all, and it’s where she got her start. But, as long as she got to keep being an Adventurer, she didn’t really care where she did it. And in the end, being with Thio was more important than being in Hillsdale. Her house, and everything left in it, she gave over to the Church. She’d considered selling it, but she didn’t need the money and Thio said there’d be no buyers anyway. (Apparently she’d made it too nice for the area.) The Church, however, would put it to good use. When she’d been out on Requests that’d keep her away from home for weeks at a time, she’d had Father Richard use the house however he liked. He’d often housed people in need there when she’d been gone. Living in the slums of Hillsdale she’d gotten a first hand look at how awful life could be in the Empire. She wanted to improve the situation for her neighbors, but quickly figured out that the line between a fool and the unlucky was very thin. Sometimes indistinguishable. When she tried to help by herself, she unintentionally made things worse in her ignorance or simply got scammed. Eventually Caroline solved this problem by getting the most trustworthy people she knew involved: Father Richard, Guildmaster Darren, and Head Guard Tack. They knew the town better than she did, who to trust, who to discard and which methods were likeliest to work. The problem for those in the slums was three-fold: a lack of education, few job opportunities, and little-to-no law enforcement. For the first problem, Caroline paired with Father Richard. He already ran an orphanage, and he’d always wanted to build a school. There was no schools in town, with even the rich having to send their children off to private schools in the cities or hire private tutors. The idea of a low-income school was not entirely foreign to the culture. Churches in big cities had built such schools before, usually in conjunction to their orphanages. People in the congregation could also send their children there. But a school that anyone could attend if they paid a small fee was a new concept, which is what Caroline proposed. Naturally, building a school was no small endeavor. The reason none had been built was that those with money weren’t interested in investing in a school that poor people could attend and they had ways to educate their own children without wasting money on building a school in town. Hillsdale was large as far as towns went, but the community was not terribly religious, so there was no way for the local church to support a school on it’s own without at least one very wealthy benefactor. To solve the money problem, Caroline began taking on lucrative (but dangerous) Requests. These Requests took her farther and farther away from Hillsdale, and was the main reason her reputation as an Adventurer increased so dramatically in the south. By the end of the year, she’d made enough to build a school, hire two teachers, and make sure every orphan Father Richard took care of would be able to attend school. By the beginning of second year the school was open, the demand was so great Father Richard was going to hire another two teachers. Not talking about her reputation as an Adventurer, her personal reputation (and Thio by proxy) skyrocketed. Making a school anyone could attend was unheard of, and everyone was excited to have one. It was clear Caroline was very rich but also generous in ways that mattered. She didn’t just throw money at a problem, she worked within the community to make life better for everyone. Part of the reason it was difficult for people in the slums to get jobs was because no one knew what kind of worker they’d get from there. Perhaps the person would be hard working, or perhaps they’d steal from their employer. Reputation was a huge deal, and people in the slums either had none or were in the negative. People like Thio, who persisted despite the discrimination, were rare. Most simply accepted their lot rather than struggle to rise above it. A new system was needed for workers, and not just the ones in the slums. Thus, the Trade Association was born. It was a system similar to Adventurer’s Guild, but instead of grading Adventurer’s, it graded workers, employers, and mediated employment contracts. It made finding good workers and getting a good job extremely easy for everyone involved. Guildmaster Darren connected workers to employers using his vast network within the Guild. Once enough reliable workers were members, the reputation of the Association naturally increased. This attracted more employers, and thus more workers, the cycle upward continuing. At first, Caroline invested quite a lot of time and money in the Trade Association. But to her surprise, after the first year, it was self-sustaining. By the second year, the Trade Association had spread out to several cities in the south and was working it’s way to other parts of the Empire. Last Caroline had heard, they were thinking of opening a branch in the Capital itself. The last problem, crime, was a difficult one and in the end she settled on a compromise. Unlike where she came from, the power structure was very different in the Empire. Lords ruled local territories and they hand picked leadership in towns and cities within their jurisdiction. Often generations of a family ruled over towns and cities by the power of their Lord. Thus, local authorities didn’t answer to the people, they answered to their Lords, and the Lords in turn answered to the Emperor. In the case of Hillsdale, the Lord only cared about getting his taxes and was ambivalent about everything else. If Hillsdale had had decent leadership, this might have been a good thing. After all, the Mayor was given a lot of freedom and could have improved a great many things without his Lord interfering. Unfortunately, Hillsdale didn’t and the results were as expected. The Mayor had an extreme disinterest in doing anything but eating, boasting, and taking bribes. He was fat, proud, and annoying. Corruption was rampant. It was a small miracle that the same Lord who appointed the Mayor also appointed the Head Guard. And the Head Guard was an upright and honest man, scrupulous in following the law. He and the Mayor fought frequently. It was easy enough to get Head Guard Tack on Caroline’s side. He liked orderliness. But the Mayor was a problem, he fought Caroline building the school and the creation of the Trade Association. He even went so far as to hire thugs to destroy the school while it was being built and harass employers so they were too scared to hire through the Association. It took a prodigious amount of self control for Caroline not to smash the Mayor’s face in. After a lot of thinking, she came up with a nonviolent method of protesting: She stalked the Mayor. Everywhere he went, she was there, speaking quietly about his evil deeds and leaving notes to “encourage” him to turn over a new leaf. Like an eerie specter playing at being a conscience, she haunted him. The thugs he’d been using to harass the town were instructed to get rid of Caroline. But that didn’t work. Caroline defended herself with extreme prejudice, reducing the thugs to a pulp on a regular basis. Some even repented and left their life of crime rather than deal with the crazy Adventurer one more time. The sketchier people who usually did the Mayor’s dirty work began to refuse doing his jobs. They respected raw power more than money, and Caroline proved herself to be the kingpin of the city (unintentionally). The Mayor found himself isolated, with the criminal elements rejecting him outright, and respectable society firmly on Caroline’s side. He couldn’t even complain to his Lord, because Head Guard Tack was always one step ahead and contradicted everything he said. By the third month, the Mayor of Hillsdale (now several pounds lighter) gave up. He had no intention of helping, but he wouldn’t actively fight her either. Ever after that, when he saw Caroline, he immediately fled in the other direction (much to everyone’s amusement). Even with that victory, the core problem was still there: the laws needed to be reformed. And without the support of the Lord, that wasn’t going to happen. Caroline’s attempts at getting the Lord’s support failed miserably. He was an extremely apathetic person with a lot of aristocratic pride, and outright rejected any advice or condemnation from those “below” his station. So, Caroline and the Head Guard compromised with the Town Watch. Citizens with a good reputation, even from the slum, were given special dispensation to work alongside the Town Guards. They became the secret eyes and ears of the Guards. Criminals suddenly found all their secret, safe locations being exposed and their activities constantly disrupted. No amount of bribes or threats to the Mayor helped, as he feared Caroline more than them. This was definitely not the best of solutions, as it put citizens in danger and could be easily abused. But as a temporary solution that empowered the community and raised the reputation of the Guards, it wasn’t too bad. Caroline hoped that the next Lord in line would be more open minded so a more permanent solution could be found. Also, though of course she didn’t realize this, much of the criminal element was terrified of Caroline. Many counted her as the “big boss” in town, and didn’t dare do anything nastier than occasionally cheating at gambling or tricking a merchant out of a few extra coins. Even if she wasn’t physically there, the Head Guard would tell her who was causing a ruckus, and then she’d go in and “deal with it”. And no matter how gentle she smiled when she did, her fists indicated a zero tolerance policy to crime. Caroline was never fully aware of how she’d fundamentally changed Hillsdale. Whether it was the family in the slums, or the baker on Main and 4th Street, everyone’s life had improved despite her being there only a short four years. She was like a stone dropped in a pond, her very existence causing ripples where ever she went.
{ "title": "Dungeon Core/Realm Heart", "id": 16073, "author": "LupineKing", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "BK I, Chapter Fifty-two: Hunting Fields", "id": 301375, "next": 302148, "prev": 300883, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <h3>Chapter Fifty-two: Hunting Fields</h3> <hr> <p class="cnM5MjFlNGZmMGUyZTQ3OTk5ZmVlMWMyMDRhNzI0ZDFj">The sprites monitoring the progress of the invaders rushed to their master with news. Brandr sent them back to their posts. He had felt it, the incredible power that killed Magni in a single stroke. That was an error on his part. He had believed it would be best to focus on other matters as it would be a while longer until the real threats started to appear. He was wrong.</p> <p class="cnMyYzY1NTFiMWI2ODQ4MTI5MjM2OTRmNWM3OTY2Mjhh">He watched the battle play out. Reviewing it with a divination technique that bordered on temporal reversion, a perk that came with controlling a chaos world. When Brandr saw the strike that felled his guardian, he was forced to admit that Magni had stood no chance. That middle-aged adventurer was the most powerful being he had encountered since coming to this world. In fact, that axe blow was comparable to the strike of a Mid Nascent Soul cultivator.</p> <p class="cnM4OThlYWJlOTM4YTRhNjc4NzA2NDM0ZWEyZGM2Yzlm">He hid himself well, blending in with the party and the surroundings. Magni did not even notice him until it was too late. Truthfully, even the dungeon senses that Brandr had come to rely on were fooled until that momentary spike in power during the split-second attack on the guardian. Then, all the dungeon’s alarm bells and protective instincts began screaming at him. It was interesting, Brandr had not known he had a siege mode before this incident.</p> <p class="cnMxYWM3MTNmNmZiOTQ5YWZiYmNkMjVmZGJlOTg0YmU2">Seeing the man’s power made him curious about the rest of the invaders. They were relatively young. The oldest was only twenty-seven. They were also comparatively better trained and equipped than the ones who came before them. If Thorn was placed among them, he would be lucky to place second from the bottom. Considering the sprite lord was four hundred years old and an adventurer whose service stretched several decades that said a lot. A stray thought struck him then. Could this be a tempering exercise of some sort? A test for some elite students with an Elder observing and guarding against mishaps? It would explain a lot.</p> <p class="cnNkZmQ1YjIzZWJlOTQwYTc4NDBjNTU3MTdhNTlhYTA1">Pacifying Magni’s begrudged soul, he sent it back to its chamber where a new body would be created for it. The bear king had performed excellently. He fought with the full force of his cunning, attributes and training and was only bested because an accompanying elder had interfered. He could only hope that whichever organisation sent them planned on making field trips to his dungeon a regular feature. The essence they expended in his halls was a welcome contribution. However, if the success of their test required his death then, he would ensure that neither they nor their teacher left his dungeon alive.</p> <hr> <p class="cnM5NDZkYjMxMjZjYjQxMjA4OWNhMmMyOGJkYzgyNmFj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNzJmY2Q4M2U4MzQ5MTM5YmFjOGRkMzJkZjYzNzM2">The Bloodsoaked Foxes were silent, the Warden’s words still ringing in their ears. Verrin and Athart were the ones most shaken up by the ordeal. They had almost died. However, Gauwyn had not seen that as reason enough to spare them a tongue lashing. Rather, it was just another point to hammer home. He was disgusted. This was not an adept team. It was a disgrace. Being an adept meant more than having high-grade parameters. It was a mark of distinction and experience. They were expected to act like experts not brats on a lark.</p> <p class="cnNlZDNhMDhlYTQ1MDQ3OGY4Mjg1MWQ5ZmUzZGNkYzgw">The fact that this party had come highly recommended rankled him. It was just more proof that the guild needed to return to grading its members based on feats instead of parameters or backgrounds.</p> <p class="cnM2ZmI5OGNhZWViMDQzZDVhMmU0OTM1NzdjMjExMjQ0">“What does the guild handbook say about addressing monsters with the tags Elite, Lord or King?” he asked.</p> <p class="cnM1NzEwN2E0YmU2MjRmNmM5MzA0MjkzMzllYTZkNzVk">“We are to treat them as if they are at least one rank higher than they appear, sir!” Geoffrey groundout.</p> <p class="cnNlMGZlNTY0OWY0MzQ1NmVhODM2NWZjOTNhMTg1NjRi">Of all of them, he had had it the worst so far. The warden had torn into him the most and even threatened to have his rank as leader taken away. His actions were offensive in the man’s eyes and in fact, much of the blame was laid on him. The warmonger’s callous disregard for protocol and his own safety was what led to their close brush with disaster. He ran ahead without support, promptly got himself injured and left his teammates scattered and unled. There was no chain of command, no order or direction.</p> <p class="cnNmMjdhMDRlMzQ0ODQxOTE4NzQ1YTE3ODA3YjE4OTBi">“There were six of you”, Gauwyn pointed out. “You should have been able to defeat the beast with three. One to hold its attention, another to defend and the last to deliver the big strikes. You have failed at the very basics of party structure, deployment and coordination. Expect an inquiry when this dive is over.”</p> <hr> <p class="cnMxNjZlY2M1MzlmNzQ1MjE5MmEzOGU2MjZlNDZiNWI4">From then on, it was solemn going. They worked mechanically, with Geoffrey returning to his traditional role of commander and off-tank, leaving the actual damage dealing to Teca, Sirai and Athart. Ogbad and Verrin also did their part in maintaining the party’s health and defences.</p> <p class="cnMwYTgzOGQ5M2E0NTRmYzlhNTJiZjljNDAxYTNiMmEx">As they marched through one of the large fields of grass that had become characteristic of the dungeon. A pack of wolves surrounded them.</p> <p class="cnM2ODE3ODM2YzE0NzRmZWQ5NDE5NGZkZmZmMmEyNTMz">[COME AT ME!]” Geoffrey yelled.</p> <p class="cnMzM2I3YWNjMmEyZTRiZWRiMTNmMDU1MjI5NWI1MDVi">Every monster within ten meters including a large rat and a pair of pheasants who had been minding their own business saw red and attacked him. His defence, boosted by Ogbad’s [Protection of the Earth] held. Verrin took this opportunity to cast [Paralysing Blast], a spell that paralysed all weak-willed or magically vulnerable creatures in a five-metre cone in front of the caster. Athart, standing at the ready, followed with a [Pillar of Fire] as soon as Geoffrey was clear. The ensuing blast ensured that none of the monsters lived.</p> <p class="cnM0ZGZlNTRjZjdlNjQ0NDViZTQ3ZmQzODYxZjVkNTA2">Gauwyn was forced to admit; when not running about recklessly, Geoffrey was a good commander. With his war horn, he could cast offensive buffs for his party, debuff opponents or simply send weaker foes into a panic with [Menacing Blast]. It let him hold the attention of the monsters they encountered providing opportunities for Sirai and Teca to pick them off one by one or Athart to blast them away with his spells. Still, their true test was yet to come. He could already see the next boss chamber coming up ahead.</p> </div>
### Chapter Fifty-two: Hunting Fields --- The sprites monitoring the progress of the invaders rushed to their master with news. Brandr sent them back to their posts. He had felt it, the incredible power that killed Magni in a single stroke. That was an error on his part. He had believed it would be best to focus on other matters as it would be a while longer until the real threats started to appear. He was wrong. He watched the battle play out. Reviewing it with a divination technique that bordered on temporal reversion, a perk that came with controlling a chaos world. When Brandr saw the strike that felled his guardian, he was forced to admit that Magni had stood no chance. That middle-aged adventurer was the most powerful being he had encountered since coming to this world. In fact, that axe blow was comparable to the strike of a Mid Nascent Soul cultivator. He hid himself well, blending in with the party and the surroundings. Magni did not even notice him until it was too late. Truthfully, even the dungeon senses that Brandr had come to rely on were fooled until that momentary spike in power during the split-second attack on the guardian. Then, all the dungeon’s alarm bells and protective instincts began screaming at him. It was interesting, Brandr had not known he had a siege mode before this incident. Seeing the man’s power made him curious about the rest of the invaders. They were relatively young. The oldest was only twenty-seven. They were also comparatively better trained and equipped than the ones who came before them. If Thorn was placed among them, he would be lucky to place second from the bottom. Considering the sprite lord was four hundred years old and an adventurer whose service stretched several decades that said a lot. A stray thought struck him then. Could this be a tempering exercise of some sort? A test for some elite students with an Elder observing and guarding against mishaps? It would explain a lot. Pacifying Magni’s begrudged soul, he sent it back to its chamber where a new body would be created for it. The bear king had performed excellently. He fought with the full force of his cunning, attributes and training and was only bested because an accompanying elder had interfered. He could only hope that whichever organisation sent them planned on making field trips to his dungeon a regular feature. The essence they expended in his halls was a welcome contribution. However, if the success of their test required his death then, he would ensure that neither they nor their teacher left his dungeon alive. ---   The Bloodsoaked Foxes were silent, the Warden’s words still ringing in their ears. Verrin and Athart were the ones most shaken up by the ordeal. They had almost died. However, Gauwyn had not seen that as reason enough to spare them a tongue lashing. Rather, it was just another point to hammer home. He was disgusted. This was not an adept team. It was a disgrace. Being an adept meant more than having high-grade parameters. It was a mark of distinction and experience. They were expected to act like experts not brats on a lark. The fact that this party had come highly recommended rankled him. It was just more proof that the guild needed to return to grading its members based on feats instead of parameters or backgrounds. “What does the guild handbook say about addressing monsters with the tags Elite, Lord or King?” he asked. “We are to treat them as if they are at least one rank higher than they appear, sir!” Geoffrey groundout. Of all of them, he had had it the worst so far. The warden had torn into him the most and even threatened to have his rank as leader taken away. His actions were offensive in the man’s eyes and in fact, much of the blame was laid on him. The warmonger’s callous disregard for protocol and his own safety was what led to their close brush with disaster. He ran ahead without support, promptly got himself injured and left his teammates scattered and unled. There was no chain of command, no order or direction. “There were six of you”, Gauwyn pointed out. “You should have been able to defeat the beast with three. One to hold its attention, another to defend and the last to deliver the big strikes. You have failed at the very basics of party structure, deployment and coordination. Expect an inquiry when this dive is over.” --- From then on, it was solemn going. They worked mechanically, with Geoffrey returning to his traditional role of commander and off-tank, leaving the actual damage dealing to Teca, Sirai and Athart. Ogbad and Verrin also did their part in maintaining the party’s health and defences. As they marched through one of the large fields of grass that had become characteristic of the dungeon. A pack of wolves surrounded them. [COME AT ME!]” Geoffrey yelled. Every monster within ten meters including a large rat and a pair of pheasants who had been minding their own business saw red and attacked him. His defence, boosted by Ogbad’s [Protection of the Earth] held. Verrin took this opportunity to cast [Paralysing Blast], a spell that paralysed all weak-willed or magically vulnerable creatures in a five-metre cone in front of the caster. Athart, standing at the ready, followed with a [Pillar of Fire] as soon as Geoffrey was clear. The ensuing blast ensured that none of the monsters lived. Gauwyn was forced to admit; when not running about recklessly, Geoffrey was a good commander. With his war horn, he could cast offensive buffs for his party, debuff opponents or simply send weaker foes into a panic with [Menacing Blast]. It let him hold the attention of the monsters they encountered providing opportunities for Sirai and Teca to pick them off one by one or Athart to blast them away with his spells. Still, their true test was yet to come. He could already see the next boss chamber coming up ahead.
{ "title": "Death's Door", "id": 16070, "author": "king of spades", "rating": 3.8 }
{ "title": "Volume 4: Chapter 1: Heart of Despair", "id": 305475, "next": 306763, "prev": 303135, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMxYWY0YTdjYmEwMjQwMjJhOTk1ODU2ZWI2ODQ3OGUw">Village was being attacked, countless sounds of bloodshed filled the air, but the screams only intensified until they steadily faded into nothingness.</p> <p class="cnM3ZjY5MjJkNWEzMTQyY2NiY2NjNmYwN2VlNTlhNWM3">Ten summoned warriors, each created with element of wind, were on a killing spree within this village.</p> <p class="cnM4ZTU4MjliZDkwNzQ5ZjlhMGIxMDIwODdkZWYyMThm">They were summons of a certain Hero called the Knight of Wind, Yusa Nirai.</p> <p class="cnM0NzYxMjIzNTgyZDRlMGViZjJiNTYzMGJjNzhkMjcz">The reason her wind summons were causing such bloody slaughter was obvious- this was a village full of demons.</p> <p class="cnM2NDhjMjZlYjk3MzQ4MzE5NDEzNmFiZThmMjRlNzc4">While the barrier prevented demons from entering the Holy City, same could not be said about the territories outside the Holy City, where many demons hid themselves within villages.</p> <p class="cnNhN2E5MDA2NTJkNzQyNmY5YjEwYjZjMGU0ZTBhMjc2">What she was doing was a cleansing, of sorts.</p> <p class="cnNkMWQ4MjhlZWQ2MTQ5YWU5NWRlNmViMjdmNjg0ODJh">‘All demons must be killed, so do the humans who aided them…’ There shall be no mercy to traitors who sympathize with demons.</p> <p class="cnM4MzdmZDM4MDk1MzRiZTc5OTFhNTNiZDJiODUxZDAz">It seems that within this village, humans aided demons and allowed them to live alongside them.</p> <p class="cnMwZGZkODY5YWIxZjRmMDliNjBiY2YxYmM4OWRkZWVi">That was unacceptable.</p> <p class="cnNlMWRiMzI4Y2FkMjRjODJiNDM4MTI3MjUxMWJiNjVk">‘Fools’</p> <p class="cnNjMjQyZGE0NTNjODRiMDhhMWIzZDMzNWUwMjZlOGFh">Not daring to approach within a hundred feet of them, Knight of Wind unleashed a mighty slash of wind imbued with her mana.</p> <p class="cnNmODExODc4ZTI3NjQ2NWNhY2M3YTFlMmI3MWY4NTU1">The slash ended up decapitating the weaker demons who were attempting to flee.</p> <p class="cnMwYjUwZjhlOGJjNzRiOGFiYzE3Zjk0MmYyM2VkNjIw">Her wind was perfect for usage for long distance attacks, which she used in order in order to not come close to demons.</p> <p class="cnNlOGFlMWRkZjgwZDRkMjQ5YzI0YjBmY2Y5YmU4Zjcy">“I wonder what the expression on their faces is like, is it of fear, dread, or maybe anguish?”</p> <p class="cnM4NmM5ZjY4ZDIyNDQxOTViOWY2YTA4OTY5NjQ2M2E3">Of course, other than the sound of their corpses falling on the ground, she could perceive nothing else.</p> <p class="cnMxMWZiMTRkMjY2OTQxMDdiY2Q2MTJlZjU3NjZmZjQ5">A single woman stood there, wearing very light armor, with a single sword by her side.</p> <p class="cnM0ZTViYmMyZGI4NDQ3YTFiOGM3M2Q4NGU2MDAzMzlk">Her long white hair was neatly combed and covered with a veil.</p> <p class="cnMyNTk0OTY5Y2M1ZDRhNGE5YTU1OTY3ODhkZDc3MDQ5">But the most noticeable thing about her was the visor she wore on her face, it concealed her eyes entirely, but unlike a normal visor, it was obvious they were not made of see-through material.</p> <p class="cnMwZTU0ZTFmNWExODQwNjQ4YmM2ZWQ2MGIzMmU2N2Zl">That was the truth, for her eyes were long gone.</p> <p class="cnMxNTllOTYwMTFmYTQ5OWRhZGE4MzQ2OTM4Mzk5NDM3">The only reason she could even perceive what was happening around her was due to the wind.</p> <p class="cnMwNGIwZTc4YjFhZjQ5YTJiNTY1MjRhNTcxNDYzNWY5">Winds were her eyes and ears, and through them, she could sense her enemies.</p> <p class="cnNjNzQwNzM5ZGNlNTRmMzc4M2E0MTY1ZWQwZTllOWFj">Thanks to the blessing given to her by Lord Ventus, the Primary god of Wind, she could use winds to compensate for what she has lost.</p> <p class="cnM2NGYyZjBhMDczMjRlNDZiZDg1ZDNjYjcyZmZhOGRm">But the winds could only do so much.</p> <p class="cnNiYWYyZjc1YjUyNjQ4YjhhM2RiNTE2MTY1NGI2OWQ0">Seeing, truly seeing something was a hope long lost.</p> <p class="cnM2ODU5YzE0NGY3ZTRmYTNhYjYxMjYxZDQ0NGU4NWMw">Yet, for her goal, it was more than enough.</p> <p class="cnM5YmFjYzcxNDljYTRjMjc4ZjhjODhiMjU3NDg3YjYx">Her summoned warriors shared their vision with her, allowing her to remotely control them from afar.</p> <p class="cnNhNDdhMGVjOTRkNzQ4ZGFiZGUzODk1MDJlMDk3NWQ2">From the eyes of her summon, she could see that this was a horned woman trying to desperately save her son by shielding him with her own body.</p> <p class="cnMwMzMxNTQ3YTA2MzRkM2VhZDdhZTRmNGVkNzBkZTNh">‘Even if they are women or children, Demons must die.’</p> <p class="cnMzYjViMDI5ZmE0ODRjMmFiODdkNjIwZjBlYzVhZjAz">Her summon proceeded to skewer both the mother and child with its lance.</p> <p class="cnM5OWVlY2JhYTc5ODRkNTdiOTE2MzRiZWQ4NjA1ODAx">More carnage followed afterwards as her summon kept slashing their corpses until they no longer even resembled a living being, they were reduced to a bloody mush splattered everywhere.</p> <p class="cnNjZTIyODc1MGFmNzRkNjQ4YTFkMDg0MzA4ZTcyOWQ1">It did not matter if this was a cold hearted murder.</p> <p class="cnM2NmIwN2FhMGY1MzQ0ZmNhOGQzZjc0NmMwNzI5MjJj">Once the child grows up, he would become just like the others of his kind, with no exceptions.</p> <p class="cnNkMGM3MmQ2MDUwMjQwZDA4YzkwZTMxMDFkODc5ZWM1">Demons were vile creatures that needed to be exterminated, but much to Knight of Wind’s chagrin, many opted to enslave demons rather than kill them outright.</p> <p class="cnMyNTFkOTdlMjRiZjQzZDdhYTE3OTdlMjJhOWIwY2I5">Thousands of captured demons were used as slave labor to build structures within the Holy City, and even more were gathered by force to be sacrificed at the upcoming Festival of the Sun.</p> <p class="cnMzZGIyMjM5ZGNmMjRjNjBiM2MyNDBiMDM0MWZhNTA2">“This is ludicrous! Why wouldn’t they just kill them?” Knight of Wind stomped on the ground hard enough to leave a deep foot print.</p> <p class="cnM0MjA4MjMzNmE1ODRlNjg4ZTE2MzBhNDk2ZDA2MjIx">Demons are scum of the earth; they are ungodly abominations that can only destroy anything they touch.</p> <p class="cnNmZmZiZTNlYmJmNjQ0NGM4YzExYTcyOTRiMjMwYWY3">‘Nothing good ever came from demons, they are responsible for all calamity in this world.’</p> <p class="cnM5MDk0NmQzYWM1MzQ5MjI5ZmUxY2E4YTVjNmZmYWM5">‘They must be killed, this world must be cleansed of demons; otherwise none is safe’</p> <p class="cnNhYmU0ZTI3Njg4MzRiOGRiNjY5ZWY1MWJkZGYxY2Vk">“How can they not understand, they are demons for goodness sake! But instead of heading out to fight them, as soon as he came back…Knight of Light, why did you choose to take on the job of exterminating the undead instead?!”</p> <p class="cnNmODA1MjA2NGJhZjQ0MTdhOTk1ZDhiMmY2NjgzYTIz">For many, Knight of Light was a beacon of hope, and Knight of Wind was no exception.</p> <p class="cnNmY2YxNmVkZTM4NjRkODRiMWQ2YjViMzUzZmMwNmI3">He did what many others failed to do before him; none else could take on Demon Lords and triumph so gallantly.</p> <p class="cnNhNDNiZWFkNjUxYTRmMmNhOTViNzU3OWE1YzUxODY0">Before he stepped in, Demons were acting at large and the kingdom was in mortal peril, but with his coming, the balance shifted towards the human side.</p> <p class="cnNkZmEwMjdlY2VlZTQyODNiZDJkZjc3ODJkNDFlNmNi">Ever since then, many heroes became overconfident as demons grew weaker, with each battle, many powerful demons fell while the number of those who reached the level of hero kept steadily increasing.</p> <p class="cnNhMmNkN2Q2ZWE5NTRjMjFiZWUxZjNiMWY3ODgyZWUw">Humanity now was at its golden age; that was for sure.</p> <p class="cnNkYzUyYTRmZjc0MTQ5MjBhNzlkOGEwYWRiMDcxMmQ0">Those who reached the level of hero were celebrated as saviors, and many even saw themselves as chosen ones, boosting their overconfidence to overwhelming proportions.</p> <p class="cnM0YzdiOTNmNmMzODRhYmY5MTRiZGYwOTM2N2M4YTUz">But unlike the others Heroes, Knight of Wind could not rest at peace until every demon that walks the earth has perished.</p> <p class="cnNhYzcxYjk4NjcxYTQ5NzE4MzA4MmVmMzdmYjU3N2Yw">Her Wind Summons were merciless, each one could not be harmed by low level attacks and their offense was extremely deadly.</p> <p class="cnM3MTAwZjYyM2E1NzQxNGViMDE4NzFhYTY2NGUyNDk4">But against a stronger demon, say, of a Demon Lord caliber, they were practically useless.</p> <p class="cnNjMzRkODI1YTI4OTQ2N2ViYmJlYjA2MWIxZGY2M2Zj">If one were to ambush her right now, she would have no choice but to flee.</p> <p class="cnMxZTVhMWY5YzE5NDQyZDY5NWZlZDJjZDE1ZWQzZWVh">Even if it wasn’t a Demon Lord level, but a low level demon, she wouldn’t dare face it.</p> <p class="cnM0Y2NiZDg2MzJhYjQzNzY4NzRjYmViNWVjNjYwNzM4">The reason for that was not because she was weak; she was one of the few who reached the level of a hero, after all.</p> <p class="cnM2MWMyZTA4OGExOTQ3MzdhYWY3OGUxZDM2YWExNzA0">No, the true reason was because she was afraid.</p> <p class="cnM2Nzk2MGI3YzAxZDRmNTlhNzZjYmJjOWE4OGYyMDU2">Afraid of what they could do to her.</p> <p class="cnNlNjYxODY5MDdjNzRlMjc5ZWQxNmJhOGI0ZmZmNzRm">Once she was an ordinary knight, but then her troop was ambushed by demons, and those that survived were dragged into the caves.</p> <p class="cnNiMjY5YjQ1ZDFhMjQwODNhZmRlNDRkZDM1Yjg5MmQ0">The despicable things those demons did to them…</p> <p class="cnM5NzBlM2EyMTZlMjRmYTlhNjY5NmM0OWJlYzA1MTA4">Each one was worse than the previous.</p> <p class="cnNhNTE4NWVhZjkwZTQzMWZiNzhjMGE2MzgyMWY3NDll">She wished she could die, but her arms and legs were tied to stakes as the demons had their way with her.</p> <p class="cnNiYzA4YzBkMTYyYjQ3NWU4ZGZjMDVmYzg5YzBmNDQ2">Worst of all, she was forced to watch as these depraved monsters did whatever they wanted with her comrades.</p> <p class="cnNiZGUyZDY3YTFiMjQwNDhiMzY4M2ViMTExYWFmMDli">One was cooked alive, another one skinned, many were tortured for the demons amusement, and the others were used by demons to relieve their lust…</p> <p class="cnMyNTcyYjE3N2Q0MTQ4OTViZjU3Y2QxOGM3NzFiNWM1">In the end, only she survived.</p> <p class="cnNkMWM5N2UxYmVjZTRjODE5YmQyOTA3OWE4YzM4MzAz">Sometimes she wondered why she was left alive, her body mangled beyond repair, her eyes clawed out of her skull, her womb barren, never able to give life due to what demons did to her.</p> <p class="cnM3MzE0ZjlmZjFiNDQ5Njk5MTlmODQ5ZGFmNTMxODk2">She could still remember the voice of that demon, laughing to his heart’s content as he toyed with her while torturing her comrades.</p> <p class="cnM0YWFjYTFiNjQ4NjQ5OThhMjVlYzkwMDI2ZWYzMWEx">He clawed out her right eye, and made her watch what he and his followers did to her friends, and when her last ally had met his end, demon took her other eye ‘Savor this sight, for it is the last one you shall see’</p> <p class="cnMwZTg1ODljZWFhODQxZTI5MWM5ZDNkNjUxODFlMWQ1">The last thing she saw was that Demon’s face, everything afterwards was swallowed by darkness.</p> <p class="cnNkNThkYWFkNTU1MTQyNmM4MjA1MzRmNDg2YzQ0MTMw">Just thinking about it made Knight of Wind shudder in fear without an end.</p> <p class="cnM2ZTI2ZjFmZjE3NTQ4MjdhNjY1NzNhMTM0ZjQxOGJj">‘It was so long ago and yet…’ she clutched her sword closer to her chest.</p> <p class="cnMwNDNiMjI3N2JkNTRkNmVhOGViZDE4Y2VmMzUxMWUy">She coughed blood, ever since then, her body was never the same; it was severely damaged, and over usage of mana did not help matters.</p> <p class="cnNlNzQwZDhlODE1NTRjMmQ5ZDY3NWUwMmMxYjJjMTBj">‘But it must be done.’</p> <p class="cnNiMTIyYTFiODQ3OTRlZmU5ZTg2NTM2NjhiNzM2NTQ4">She muttered, clutching her abdomen along which ran long jagged scars left by the demon’s razor sharp claws piercing mercilessly into her flesh.</p> <p class="cnM4ZTBkN2MzN2ZjNTQ5YjU4YjY4ZDdiZTI2MDZkY2U2">Her entire body was covered in fading scars, but the marks were still visible.</p> <p class="cnMwMjE0OTlhNWUyNzQyNDhhMTdjNDkwZDFlMmExNDY3">Not even the best of healer could completely heal her.</p> <p class="cnM3ODhiMjY5NWMwYjQ3NWNhMzdhZTk2Mjk0NTkyNjRi">But her physical injuries were nothing compared to what she suffered within her mind.</p> <p class="cnMxZTgyZDRmY2RjMDQ3MDZiNmFjZTIyNzVjMzg5YTIw">Every night she tried to fall asleep, she would be back within that dungeon of a cave, and that demon who took away everything from her was always waiting.</p> <p class="cnNiMDRjM2Q1ODBkNjQyYzRhOGE0NGY4OWViNmE0OTk2">That thought alone made her unable to truly rest, but none seemed to even care.</p> <p class="cnM0MDU4MmRmZGJjMzRmZTU5ZDc4MmFkNDgyZmVkMDhl">While they hated demons, most people do so due to the teachings of gods, they did not know of the true horrors they represented.</p> <p class="cnMyOWFiOTc1NzlkZDQ1ZDNiMjUzNzBjZGRjOTZiYTVh">And with the advent of strong heroes, many now think of demons as weak creatures, surely someone like her, a hero, would be able to easily smite them?</p> <p class="cnM4Y2JlMDkyYzY2ZjQzOTBiZjIyYWJjNzQ0YjcwMzE2">But reality is never that simple.</p> <p class="cnM1OTU0OWU5MGIxMDQ0ZDJiNTE2NGZlZTRmZDZmOWM5">Even if she did reach the level of a hero, she could never face a single demon, she was afraid of them, so much that just imagining them near her was enough to almost break her.</p> <p class="cnNkZWRiNTY5NmNkZTQzZTk4MzYzYTg2ODQyNDdlOGJh">Of all the heroes, the only one that seemed to take his job seriously was Knight of Night, Larat Lemuri, but he was sent on an entirely different mission.</p> <p class="cnNhOTZmZWFiMzliMzQ4NGZiYzFlMjM3YjliNTIwNDM2">There was none she could rely on, none she could confide in.</p> <p class="cnNlMDQ5YmNhMGUzOTRhNzdiZTA2MWJkNGFlNTU1ODkw">Other heroes and knights were overconfident in their abilities without even comprehending the dangers demons posed.</p> <p class="cnM5N2VjYThjOWI4ZTQ2NWU4MGI4OTQyZWJiMDljOTQ1">But she knew well enough.</p> <p class="cnNlOTI5ZDJjZGQzODQ0ZGU4MDI1NjVjMDExMWQ4MjM2">Demons were monsters, no; calling them monsters is a huge understatement.</p> <p class="cnM0MTdiOTQ4YjRmZTQ4MDY5YWI0MGY3NTEzNDU0YjQ3">But someone has to do this.</p> <p class="cnNhMTU5MzI1NDFlZTQ1NTk5ZTUwZmQ5OWJiNjRlNTE1">Even if she is afraid, even if it makes her want to vomit, this must be done.</p> <p class="cnNhNWE0MWQwZmEwODQ4NDlhNTM3NDg3NGNhNTI3M2Rh">By the morning, not a single demon was left alive within the village.</p> <p class="cnM1NDcxNGI0Y2MzZTQzMDU5YmU4NTRkODMwZmYzNzZm">While she generally avoided killing humans, if they aided demons, to her, they were no different from demons.</p> <p class="cnM1MjhjYTYyYjBhYjRiMWQ5MDNmZDBhYTg3MmZiMjk4">Knight of Wind chose to return to the Holy City, thinking of it as a safe haven, unaware that the barrier that had been protecting it had been completely destroyed.</p> <p class="cnNiM2RkNjIzM2UyNTQ2MDg5ZTJhYmU2NTYyNmJmM2M4">She was in for an unpleasant surprise.</p> </div>
Village was being attacked, countless sounds of bloodshed filled the air, but the screams only intensified until they steadily faded into nothingness. Ten summoned warriors, each created with element of wind, were on a killing spree within this village. They were summons of a certain Hero called the Knight of Wind, Yusa Nirai. The reason her wind summons were causing such bloody slaughter was obvious- this was a village full of demons. While the barrier prevented demons from entering the Holy City, same could not be said about the territories outside the Holy City, where many demons hid themselves within villages. What she was doing was a cleansing, of sorts. ‘All demons must be killed, so do the humans who aided them…’ There shall be no mercy to traitors who sympathize with demons. It seems that within this village, humans aided demons and allowed them to live alongside them. That was unacceptable. ‘Fools’ Not daring to approach within a hundred feet of them, Knight of Wind unleashed a mighty slash of wind imbued with her mana. The slash ended up decapitating the weaker demons who were attempting to flee. Her wind was perfect for usage for long distance attacks, which she used in order in order to not come close to demons. “I wonder what the expression on their faces is like, is it of fear, dread, or maybe anguish?” Of course, other than the sound of their corpses falling on the ground, she could perceive nothing else. A single woman stood there, wearing very light armor, with a single sword by her side. Her long white hair was neatly combed and covered with a veil. But the most noticeable thing about her was the visor she wore on her face, it concealed her eyes entirely, but unlike a normal visor, it was obvious they were not made of see-through material. That was the truth, for her eyes were long gone. The only reason she could even perceive what was happening around her was due to the wind. Winds were her eyes and ears, and through them, she could sense her enemies. Thanks to the blessing given to her by Lord Ventus, the Primary god of Wind, she could use winds to compensate for what she has lost. But the winds could only do so much. Seeing, truly seeing something was a hope long lost. Yet, for her goal, it was more than enough. Her summoned warriors shared their vision with her, allowing her to remotely control them from afar. From the eyes of her summon, she could see that this was a horned woman trying to desperately save her son by shielding him with her own body. ‘Even if they are women or children, Demons must die.’ Her summon proceeded to skewer both the mother and child with its lance. More carnage followed afterwards as her summon kept slashing their corpses until they no longer even resembled a living being, they were reduced to a bloody mush splattered everywhere. It did not matter if this was a cold hearted murder. Once the child grows up, he would become just like the others of his kind, with no exceptions. Demons were vile creatures that needed to be exterminated, but much to Knight of Wind’s chagrin, many opted to enslave demons rather than kill them outright. Thousands of captured demons were used as slave labor to build structures within the Holy City, and even more were gathered by force to be sacrificed at the upcoming Festival of the Sun. “This is ludicrous! Why wouldn’t they just kill them?” Knight of Wind stomped on the ground hard enough to leave a deep foot print. Demons are scum of the earth; they are ungodly abominations that can only destroy anything they touch. ‘Nothing good ever came from demons, they are responsible for all calamity in this world.’ ‘They must be killed, this world must be cleansed of demons; otherwise none is safe’ “How can they not understand, they are demons for goodness sake! But instead of heading out to fight them, as soon as he came back…Knight of Light, why did you choose to take on the job of exterminating the undead instead?!” For many, Knight of Light was a beacon of hope, and Knight of Wind was no exception. He did what many others failed to do before him; none else could take on Demon Lords and triumph so gallantly. Before he stepped in, Demons were acting at large and the kingdom was in mortal peril, but with his coming, the balance shifted towards the human side. Ever since then, many heroes became overconfident as demons grew weaker, with each battle, many powerful demons fell while the number of those who reached the level of hero kept steadily increasing. Humanity now was at its golden age; that was for sure. Those who reached the level of hero were celebrated as saviors, and many even saw themselves as chosen ones, boosting their overconfidence to overwhelming proportions. But unlike the others Heroes, Knight of Wind could not rest at peace until every demon that walks the earth has perished. Her Wind Summons were merciless, each one could not be harmed by low level attacks and their offense was extremely deadly. But against a stronger demon, say, of a Demon Lord caliber, they were practically useless. If one were to ambush her right now, she would have no choice but to flee. Even if it wasn’t a Demon Lord level, but a low level demon, she wouldn’t dare face it. The reason for that was not because she was weak; she was one of the few who reached the level of a hero, after all. No, the true reason was because she was afraid. Afraid of what they could do to her. Once she was an ordinary knight, but then her troop was ambushed by demons, and those that survived were dragged into the caves. The despicable things those demons did to them… Each one was worse than the previous. She wished she could die, but her arms and legs were tied to stakes as the demons had their way with her. Worst of all, she was forced to watch as these depraved monsters did whatever they wanted with her comrades. One was cooked alive, another one skinned, many were tortured for the demons amusement, and the others were used by demons to relieve their lust… In the end, only she survived. Sometimes she wondered why she was left alive, her body mangled beyond repair, her eyes clawed out of her skull, her womb barren, never able to give life due to what demons did to her. She could still remember the voice of that demon, laughing to his heart’s content as he toyed with her while torturing her comrades. He clawed out her right eye, and made her watch what he and his followers did to her friends, and when her last ally had met his end, demon took her other eye ‘Savor this sight, for it is the last one you shall see’ The last thing she saw was that Demon’s face, everything afterwards was swallowed by darkness. Just thinking about it made Knight of Wind shudder in fear without an end. ‘It was so long ago and yet…’ she clutched her sword closer to her chest. She coughed blood, ever since then, her body was never the same; it was severely damaged, and over usage of mana did not help matters. ‘But it must be done.’ She muttered, clutching her abdomen along which ran long jagged scars left by the demon’s razor sharp claws piercing mercilessly into her flesh. Her entire body was covered in fading scars, but the marks were still visible. Not even the best of healer could completely heal her. But her physical injuries were nothing compared to what she suffered within her mind. Every night she tried to fall asleep, she would be back within that dungeon of a cave, and that demon who took away everything from her was always waiting. That thought alone made her unable to truly rest, but none seemed to even care. While they hated demons, most people do so due to the teachings of gods, they did not know of the true horrors they represented. And with the advent of strong heroes, many now think of demons as weak creatures, surely someone like her, a hero, would be able to easily smite them? But reality is never that simple. Even if she did reach the level of a hero, she could never face a single demon, she was afraid of them, so much that just imagining them near her was enough to almost break her. Of all the heroes, the only one that seemed to take his job seriously was Knight of Night, Larat Lemuri, but he was sent on an entirely different mission. There was none she could rely on, none she could confide in. Other heroes and knights were overconfident in their abilities without even comprehending the dangers demons posed. But she knew well enough. Demons were monsters, no; calling them monsters is a huge understatement. But someone has to do this. Even if she is afraid, even if it makes her want to vomit, this must be done. By the morning, not a single demon was left alive within the village. While she generally avoided killing humans, if they aided demons, to her, they were no different from demons. Knight of Wind chose to return to the Holy City, thinking of it as a safe haven, unaware that the barrier that had been protecting it had been completely destroyed. She was in for an unpleasant surprise.
{ "title": "Crown of Heroes", "id": 19193, "author": "Queenofthefuzzybugs", "rating": 4.5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 25.2", "id": 305477, "next": 306272, "prev": 305476, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM4YTdhNWQyYTQ5OTRmZjA4ZDFiMThhOWM4OGI1OWY4">As for Thio, he was only vaguely aware of the changes in Hillsdale. He certainly had no idea Caroline’s Adventurers wage had been eaten away by all these strange side-projects she had started and kept supporting even after moving.</p> <p class="cnMzOGE1ZjAyMDk4MDQ4ZmY5YWE1YjQyODJiZmE4YTJh">It was only when she asked to go to the bank and transfer a large sum of money back to Hillsdale did he remember that he’d never asked her why she’d been dirt poor despite being such a high level Adventurer. When she explained where it was all going, he actually had to sit down he was so surprised.</p> <p class="cnNkOGI3MWFjNzNlYzQxZGU4YjM4ZmIzOWIyYTIwMTBk">“You… are you trying to qualify for Sainthood or something?” He asked, flabbergasted and stunned.</p> <p class="cnNlMWJkYWFkNGEzYjQzMTFiOTBhMzJkZjA4NmM1NjNi">She laughed awkwardly, wondering if she’d done something outrageous again. “What? No, it just worked out that way, that’s all.”</p> <p class="cnNkM2IzZDViMjM5YTQ2MmZiYTg2NTExNTA0YWRmZTE3">He rubbed his face with his hands, feeling soul-weathered. “Why didn’t you ever say anything about all this?”</p> <p class="cnMyMTZmYmM5NmEzMjRjYmJhZWVhZmQ0ZjcxZDNlZjEy">“But I did! I know I did!” She held up a finger for each thing, ticking them off. “I talked about the school, the Association, even working with Head Guard Tack… I wrote about it all in my letters. Multiple times even!”</p> <p class="cnNjZjlhNmI0NjNlYTRkYmJhNzllN2JiYWZmNTg4NDE4">He dropped his hands, giving her a hard stare. “Mentioning that they exist, and that you were helping them, is not the same thing as saying you were pouring so much money into them you were impoverishing yourself.”</p> <p class="cnNhNTkyNGE1ZWU2NzQ2NTNiOTU1NWE1NTlmMWU0NGY1">She folded her arms over her chest, face scrunched in annoyance. “If I’d said that, wouldn’t I have sounded like I was boasting or begging for more money from you? It’s not like it had anything to do with you at the time anyway! What I did with the money I earned was my business.”</p> <p class="cnNlMzEzNzBjN2M5ODQ5ZTNiNWM4M2FmYjY3MDI4MGE4">Thio opened and closed his mouth and then finally sighed. “I suppose that’s true, by your logic. You did save all the money I sent you too. But look, it’s not like that anymore. Do you understand? If you’re going to be spending large sums of money, you’ve got to at least let me know about it.”</p> <p class="cnM1NzA3ZTQwYWZhYjQxYWRiZGU0NjYwZjUwMGI5YTll">She squinted at him suspiciously. “You’re not going to tell me to stop supporting them?”</p> <p class="cnM4MWY1M2ViYzAwNjQ0NDA4NmUwY2MzOWYyODc3Y2Rm">“In what world would I be that heartless?” He then paused and turned his face away from her, hand covering his eyes, looking hurt. “What kind of man do you think I am? Do you think I’d tell you to leave orphans without support? Do you really? I had no idea you thought so little of me…”</p> <p class="cnNiNzJjZmNmZjViOTQ4YmE4ODRmNWMzYTVhMGYyMjMz">“Huh? Eh?” She took a step back, legitimately surprised by his reaction. They did quarrel sometimes, but usually he was stubborn to the end. Even when he apologized he was stubborn! This was… yes, he was sulking!</p> <p class="cnM4MDQwYWIwNzRjMzQyMzRhODIzNTg2MzhmNmZiYjA5">Unsure of what to do, she started apologizing, “No, I didn’t… I wasn’t trying to imply…”</p> <p class="cnMyN2RkMzUwY2ZiMjQzYzJiYmRiNTkwOThlMGFkNjY5">“Hm… right, right.” He responded listlessly. “…all this time… this is what you thought of me…”</p> <p class="cnNlN2M4MGQzZTA2YTQ4YTRhNzU0ODc3ZTVkNDlhNGI4">“Wait, no!” She reached out and grabbed him by the shoulders. “Even if you’re a penny pincher, I know you’re not that cold hearted!”</p> <p class="cnMxNWVjMTkwNGM4NTQwNmQ4ODU5ZmI3OWYzZDAzODQw">“Penny pincher…?” His voice sounded faint. “So that’s how it is huh…?”</p> <p class="cnM0ZTAwNTE4YmVmMjQyYzFiMjcxYzFjYjg2YzZmNzUx">“Ah, I didn’t mean it badly! You’re, er, money-wise! That’s right! Money-wise!”</p> <p class="cnNhMTYyNGQ0Y2JkNjRhZjZiMWEyN2FiMTQ0ZWU3NzQ0">She felt his shoulders start to shake and for a moment a sense of panic rose up—</p> <p class="cnM4ODYwMWZhZDhhNTQwNDU4M2VkOWM5Y2Y2NjBmZjYy">“Bwahahahahaha!” He started laughing, lowering his hand and revealing twinkling eyes filled with amusement.</p> <p class="cnNiNTJmZTVjNWRiNjQ5ZWZiNGY5NWY1MmNjYzE0NTdi">Caroline stood there dumbfounded. She thought that, as always, hot damn, but he was good-looking when he laughed, but more importantly:</p> <p class="cnNmOGUxYjA1MjYyMjRjOWI5NWM4NzA4NGNlNDAzN2Mw">“You—!” She started shaking him by the shoulders. “You were teasing me!”</p> <p class="cnNlYTg2ZjQxNzM5NjQzMzg4OWY0ODlhM2VhMWQ5OTI0">“Hahaha— yes I was!” He agreed, face slightly flushed from laughing.</p> <p class="cnNhZTk2Njg0YmFmZjQ4YmQ4OTIwZmM0MDk5Nzc0NTAx">“Why you—! I was actually worried! See if I’m ever worried over you again!”</p> <p class="cnM5Y2ExYWQwOGZhNzQxMDM4OTA2ZWM0YzE4YTRjZmU1">He gave a wicked grin and grabbed her arms, pulling her close, and giving her a long kiss. She felt herself go weak in the knees.</p> <p class="cnNmZTM2YjEzYmIwMjQwYWRhNzQ4ZGU2MWI4ZTUwZGY0">“Do you forgive me?” He asked in a husky voice after their lips separated.</p> <p class="cnNkZjNlYjdlNzYwYjQ0NDFiZDRjOTQ2ZjM1YTE1MDVl">“…that’s cheating and you know it…”</p> <p class="cnNhMDVkMzcxYTc4MjQxOThhN2QwYjVkNDNlN2E5NGYx">This time he pulled her whole body to him until she was forced on his lap. He kissed her on her neck and collar bone, nibbling as he went.</p> <p class="cnNjYTA0OTE4YjU5OTQ2ZWRhMjAyMDhmMDI4MzM5Y2Mw">“So that’s a yes?”</p> <p class="cnM2NjNjZTM4ZTQzMTQzMmE5MDM5OWNiNjM2Yzc0OTll">Her entire face blushed and she was struggling to think straight. He’d gone from novice to expert in this area at a breakneck speed. He really was a genius.</p> <p class="cnNlYmM4YmZhNzg1ODQwMjE5MWQyN2UwNzNiMDgzY2M3">“Don’t think… this will always work…!” She managed to sputter out.</p> <p class="cnMwYzgwODQzNTEzMzQwMGM5NjNhYjA3MWRkNjkyZDhm">“A definite yes then.” He mumbled as his hands moved under and up her shirt.</p> <p class="cnM5MzU3NmFjMjlkNjQ5OGE5NWFhMTcxZDEyYTBkOGQ0">Yes, even when he apologized he was a stubborn one…</p> <p class="cnMyZmVlNGVmNmIxMjRjODk5MDc3MjAwYzc4OTY0Yzdk">——</p> <p class="cnM2MThjOTFjNTdkNTRmZDg4MTQyMzgwMWQ2OTc0MzUz">“I’m telling you, that armor is too heavy!”</p> <p class="cnM5ODMzYWU5MTcyMjQ1YjhhNzljYjJlM2ZhOWY3MTgz">“If you’re going to be in close combat, you can’t just wear leather!”</p> <p class="cnNhZjc1MjAyMmQwMDQ2ZDZhOGE2Yjc3ZjUwOTg0ODI0">Thio and Caroline were currently bickering next to a large heavily plated set of armor. It was ridiculously huge and could only be worn by someone who was five times her size and ten times her mass.</p> <p class="cnM5MmU1M2ZiMjNkMTRmYzI4NzA5MzU4MDdiMTM2ZjE3">“Leather bends, it gives me freedom of movement.”</p> <p class="cnM4NzQ4NTg0MmYzZjRiNTFhZTEwZmZlYTYwMjU1OWRl">“It’s also easier to pierce and slash.”</p> <p class="cnM1ZjMyYjAyZDhhZTQwODRiMDgyNzQyM2VmYjkwOTlh">Since Caroline would be taking Requests soon, it was decided to get her new armor in advance. Gold Tusk Armory was one of the best defense and offense stores in the Capital, frequented by Adventurers and the military. The large entrance area was filled with display sets of Armor and weapons.</p> <p class="cnNlNTA3YWJiMjgxYjRjZjI4ZTU5NjlhNDE1OTJmYTRh">“Only if I get hit, which won’t happen if I can move.”</p> <p class="cnNlNzM0ZTY2YWU0YTQ5OGQ4OTdjMjA0M2M5NWIzMjhj">“Your scars say otherwise.”</p> <p class="cnMzYThiYWZhMjMyYzQ4NWM4YjE4OTY3ODY4NDU2MTU5">Almost immediately upon entering they’d started arguing over the kind of armor Caroline should get. Thio, coming from a military background, was use to a rigid team system with knights up front and mages in the back. In his mind front fighting meant moderate to heavy metal armor. Only idiots went around wearing leather if they were fighting up front.</p> <p class="cnM3NjE5OWUzNGUzZTRiNjlhNWJjZThmODlmMWE4ZjBm">“Those are old scars! OLD. I know how to fight now, I won’t get hit.”</p> <p class="cnNiMjZkZWM0MmEzZjQ2NDRiMmYxNTI3NDRhNTY5MWQ2">“You got hit plenty in those ruins.”</p> <p class="cnMwZDc0MWZmMTc3ZTQxZmRhY2FjNGQ1YTg0MTI3MDM2">“That was a one-time—”</p> <p class="cnM3MGQ3NGY0NzlkODRhNTViMWIxZTk5NTlkY2NkOTk2">“Dear customers.”</p> <p class="cnNkNmNhYzA1ZGU2YjRkOTVhNDQxODg5MGJhMTYyYzMw">A young man wearing a simple white shirt and tan pants with a thick leather apron and carrying a small note pad interrupted them. He had short brown hair, round thick glasses, and was heavily freckled. He’d been listening to them argue for the last five minutes and had decided it was time to intervene.</p> <p class="cnMyNGI1MTViNzJlYTQzYmI4Y2E4YTZkODQyYmMwMDZl">“While we do have quite a bit of pre-made armor sets and armor pieces, we also do custom made armor in cases where people are using a unique fighting style. If the Lady here would show me some simple moves in her fighting style, I can make recommendations. Ah, and my name is Simon. It’s a pleasure to serve you.”</p> <p class="cnM3ZTQ1OGM2NjAzMDQ1MDk5NjU2MDU3ZGYxZDA0ZGZk">Thio nodded and Caroline shrugged. “Fine by me, Simon.”</p> <p class="cnM1ODg3ZmNiNmU1MzQ5NjQ4MTY0ODNkYmQ0ODAxNTYy">Caroline walked near the center of the room, where there was more space. Thio watched curiously, having never actually seen her box before. Placing her left foot slightly forward, she brought both hands up to her chin, with her right arm closer to her body then her left.</p> <p class="cnMyZGEwODU2ZTk2MjRhZWY5MmQ0NDMzYzdiOGU5MThl">She took a deep breath before going through a series of moves: jabs, hooks, bobs, uppercuts, even different kinds of kicks. Each movement was smooth and fast, with a “woosh” sound following it from the loose clothing she was wearing.</p> <p class="cnM5NDc1NTk4YTc3ZjRmYjU4ZGU4ZTY2NDRkNDA4ODJj">Her fighting style had morphed over the years, as different monsters required different methods of subjugation. It couldn’t be called straight boxing at this point, as she’d added kicks, throws, and elements from other fighting styles. But since her primary tack-down method was still punching, she continued calling it boxing.</p> <p class="cnM0ZThiYzI2YjY2ZTQ1YjViMjAxNTUxNGNiOTc1N2Zl">The kicks startled both men, as she was wearing a dress which flung up rather scandalously at the leg motion.</p> <p class="cnMwYzI1YzE0ODU2ZjQ3MWY5ZTQ3ZDk0YjM5ZWU4MDMz">Once she was done, she put her hands on her hips and gave a crooked smile. “Ah, I’m so slow now, how embarrassing…”</p> <p class="cnNjMDQ0MTNhYzNkYzRmNTliZTZmZTc5NzcwOWEwZmYx">“Please be more concerned showing your bloomers to the world than being slow.” Thio had covered his face, ears red, slightly mortified by his wife’s lack of common sense.</p> <p class="cnM2OTE0YmJkNTc1NzQ3Yzk5YjI1NjNhNjBhZmQ4Mzc0">“Eh?” Caroline blanked for a moment and then looked down and slapped her forehead. “Gah! I totally forgot what I was wearing! I swear I don’t kick in skirts regularly!”</p> <p class="cnM3MzI0YTFhY2M3NDRkYWRiYjk1MzU2NTQwMTg0MTI0">“Are you saying you kick in them occasionally…?”</p> <p class="cnMzMDMwZjljNDNjMTQ0Mjk5YmMxY2NlMjhlYzNjNzNl">Her inability to look him directly in the eye told him all he needed to know.</p> <p class="cnNjYzM0NWQ2NmU2MzRjMmE4NjhhMjU0NGEzNzBmNjc0">Simon had his note pad out and was scribbling away, muttered under his breath, “Definitely need pants…”</p> <p class="cnM4ZjliYjE3MGI1MTQ1N2E4ZDE2ODZhMjYzZWMwOTZm">The store clerk snapped his notebook shut and nodded.</p> <p class="cnM3ODcyNWVhMDBkZDQ1NmRiNDNkMmVkNzg1MzI0MmQ1">“Dear customers, please follow me.” He guided them to an area with wood chairs and offered them a seat and some tea. “Please relax for a few moments, while I discuss your needs with our designer.”</p> <p class="cnMxODU3ZjA4MjBiYTQ2OTBiZDYwNGQwZWI0YzA2NzQ4">Simon then shuffled away, returning ten minutes later. In his hands were several sheets of paper. And on them were crude armor designs, with various scribbles describing material and different enchantment options.</p> <p class="cnMzYzQxM2ViMjk3YzRlYjhhOTk1MGExYjljNDIzOGU5">Caroline gave a hearty laugh at the designs while Thio scowled.</p> <p class="cnNkODY0NWNlMWY5YjQ4MzFiNmUyYTZlZDQzNDFhM2U2">None of them were metal plated like what Knights wore. They all depended heavily on leather, and where there was metal it was in places like the chest, arms, and legs.</p> <p class="cnM2ZmMwMDgxYzg3YjRjMzk5YzNkODRkY2ExMTUzMmU4">“I told you.” Caroline said, feeling smug and said sing-songily, “Leather is best—!”</p> <p class="cnNlYTU2OTE5ZjE3NjRlYmJiNTA3MTI4MDdmYjU2ZDVh">Since it was designed by a professional, no matter how he disliked it, Thio wasn’t able to argue back.</p> <p class="cnMwYWUwMWQ3NzdjNDQ0MGZiNTk2NWFjZWZmNmQwOTc1">Feeling put out, he harrumphed. “Then make sure to get the best materials and enchantments at least.”</p> <p class="cnMyMWJlMzE5YTI1YzQzYWVhNDlmMTZkMTkwOGRhODE1">“Yes, sir!” She saluted and gave him a silly grin in return.</p> <p class="cnNiODlhODFkMzYyMjQ2ZTE4YjgwNDI5NTM4YWQ3NTdl">Simon perked up at this. There was nothing more lovely to a salesman’s ears than a customer who WANTED to spend heaps of money on extras.</p> <p class="cnNjZGE1N2E2ZTc5OTRiZjZhZWRhMmE1YjNhY2QwNDQ0">“Customer, please pick the design you like best, and from there we can talk about those additional options.”</p> <p class="cnNjMzhkYmE1ZGViNzQ4ZDFhNTBjYjQxOTY4YjQzMDI5">Because she depended heavily on speed, it was important that she was use to the armor she was wearing. If it was too different, her movements would be awkward, which could get her killed. So while there were many cool, flashy designs, Caroline ended up picking something very similar to her original armor set.</p> <p class="cnNkNTIyYjdlZTEwYTQyYzc4NWRmZjc0NGVkYmVhZWMz">“Can you add a skirt with a front slit to this design? And put an Movement Illusion enchantment on it?”</p> <p class="cnMyMzdkMDYyMTdjNTQ5OTNiZDcxYWZlMzY5Y2JiM2Ez">“What do you need a Movement Illusion for?” Asked Thio in curiosity.</p> <p class="cnNmNGMyMDY4NDUxMTRiMTBiMWE3MTZjZjA2MDE0MjIx">“Since I can’t just wear pants in towns, I need a skirt.” She wrinkled her nose at the limitation. “But skirts in close combat with monsters are really dangerous. Anything with teeth can just grab and pull and suddenly I’m a wild thing’s chew toy. No thanks. When I first started, I didn’t have a lot of money to spare, so I had to think of a cheap way to get around the problem. Getting a weak Movement Illusion ended up being perfect. All it does is shift the movement of a thing by a few seconds. A monster will grab for the skirt, thinking it’s in one place, but it’s not.”</p> <p class="cnNlMTgxOGZkMGNiMjQ0MjY5YWYxNDVjNjllOTUwNzMz">Both Thio and Simon raised their eyebrows, surprised.</p> <p class="cnNiYTM3ZjY2YjA5MzQ1NzY5NTVlODA1OTBhMGFiNDgy">“Ah… That’s a really good idea.” Thio nodded in approval.</p> <p class="cnMyZjM5NjRkNDk5MjQxNmY4Yjc0OWMxMGEzYTQ3MzZl">“Isn’t it? At first it was purely a modesty thing and defensive measure. But later on I realized certain monsters were stupid, and would consistently go for the skirt. They’d miss every time and all I had to do was be ready to punch them in their weak spot. Instant one-hit kills.”</p> <p class="cnM3ZGFhMDMwMTJjZjRjOTk4MGE1OThkYzFmZTYzZjIx">“Clever. I’ve never heard someone using it that way before.” Simon praised, impressed. Movement Illusion was most commonly used on cloaks paired with Concealment. It was an defensive enchantment used by people who didn’t want to fight, or wanted to delay fighting, and were aiming for a speedy escape. Scouts, hunters, and spies favored spells along those lines.</p> <p class="cnM0ZmUyNmIwMGNkMDQ4MTdiYjllZDBiY2JjMzc3Yzg0">This was the first time Simon had ever heard of a frontline-fighter using it for a one hit kill. He made a mental note of it, pleased to find another group to sell the enchantment to.</p> <p class="cnMxMWI0YjkwOTJiMTQxMTFhODcyYmFlNmQ4ZGVlYzQy">“Necessity is the mother of invention.” Caroline said with a shrug.</p> <p class="cnMzNmZkYjcyODkxMDRlYWViNzJjNmFkOTBlOTUzZDMw">Simon blinked and then laughed. “Customer, that is an excellent observation and very true. I’ll add your request into the design. I don’t think it’ll be a problem.”</p> <p class="cnNlMDA0ZmUyZjM0MDQ4MzRhZGM1MGE5NTMyMDA5ZTk2">They then discussed extra enchantments and materials. The type of material you got influenced the amount and kind of enchantments available. For instance, snake skin had a natural poison resistance built in, and then would amplify any poison resistant enchantments put on top of it. If a person was willing to fork the money over, they could build armor that was essentially resistant to every known poison in existence.</p> <p class="cnMwZDUxNTE4MTljMjRlODBhZmM0Mzk2NjhjMmY3ODUy">Enchantments also had different strengths. Enchanters could imbue their own magic onto things. The stronger the enchantment, the more mana it took out of them, and then it would take time to “recharge”. Naturally, the stronger the enchantment the more expensive the cost. No matter the world, time was money.</p> <p class="cnM5ZWZiZTA3OWI2OTQ5YmVhZDVkMDdkYWE5OGUxMDAy">Looking at the finished order, Caroline’s forehead broke out in a sweat. The quality materials and amount of enchantments on this new armor was ridiculous. She wondered if she’d glow in the dark with the amount of magic layered on this armor. To make herself stand out less, she insisted on mutated earthy colors rather than the bright ones suggested by the designer.</p> <p class="cnNmZWE2MzVmNGE5YjQ5M2I5N2RjZWYxZjg0NTU5NjAz">It was helluva expensive too. The total almost made her choke on her spit. She’d never spent that much on herself, not even in her old life. How did rich people spend so much on themselves and not blink twice about it?</p> <p class="cnMwNmJhMGExY2Y1MjRmNDY4ODM2ZDM1MzUxNzhhMWQ3">As she was handing over a small stack of Silva coins to pay for her new set of armor, she couldn’t help feeling the whole thing was very game-like. How did this mana and magic thing work? Half of Thio’s library looked like advanced math to her… was magic kind of like math then? But Thio used actual words, not math, for casting magic. Or was it like algebra formulas and letters? Did that even make any sense?</p> <p class="cnNlMjdiNzg0YjE5NzQ1ZmY4MWZmMTc0Y2Q5YWUyODg5">What kind of logic did this world function on exactly?</p> <p class="cnNjZjg3MjRlZTMzYjRmYzZhOTI0OTAyMDRlN2EyZGNm">Not being able to use magic herself made her curiosity about it ten times stronger. But of course, having no mana affinity meant she’d always be on the outside looking in. It really wasn’t fair. What’s the point of coming to a magical world and not being able to use magic?</p> </div>
As for Thio, he was only vaguely aware of the changes in Hillsdale. He certainly had no idea Caroline’s Adventurers wage had been eaten away by all these strange side-projects she had started and kept supporting even after moving. It was only when she asked to go to the bank and transfer a large sum of money back to Hillsdale did he remember that he’d never asked her why she’d been dirt poor despite being such a high level Adventurer. When she explained where it was all going, he actually had to sit down he was so surprised. “You… are you trying to qualify for Sainthood or something?” He asked, flabbergasted and stunned. She laughed awkwardly, wondering if she’d done something outrageous again. “What? No, it just worked out that way, that’s all.” He rubbed his face with his hands, feeling soul-weathered. “Why didn’t you ever say anything about all this?” “But I did! I know I did!” She held up a finger for each thing, ticking them off. “I talked about the school, the Association, even working with Head Guard Tack… I wrote about it all in my letters. Multiple times even!” He dropped his hands, giving her a hard stare. “Mentioning that they exist, and that you were helping them, is not the same thing as saying you were pouring so much money into them you were impoverishing yourself.” She folded her arms over her chest, face scrunched in annoyance. “If I’d said that, wouldn’t I have sounded like I was boasting or begging for more money from you? It’s not like it had anything to do with you at the time anyway! What I did with the money I earned was my business.” Thio opened and closed his mouth and then finally sighed. “I suppose that’s true, by your logic. You did save all the money I sent you too. But look, it’s not like that anymore. Do you understand? If you’re going to be spending large sums of money, you’ve got to at least let me know about it.” She squinted at him suspiciously. “You’re not going to tell me to stop supporting them?” “In what world would I be that heartless?” He then paused and turned his face away from her, hand covering his eyes, looking hurt. “What kind of man do you think I am? Do you think I’d tell you to leave orphans without support? Do you really? I had no idea you thought so little of me…” “Huh? Eh?” She took a step back, legitimately surprised by his reaction. They did quarrel sometimes, but usually he was stubborn to the end. Even when he apologized he was stubborn! This was… yes, he was sulking! Unsure of what to do, she started apologizing, “No, I didn’t… I wasn’t trying to imply…” “Hm… right, right.” He responded listlessly. “…all this time… this is what you thought of me…” “Wait, no!” She reached out and grabbed him by the shoulders. “Even if you’re a penny pincher, I know you’re not that cold hearted!” “Penny pincher…?” His voice sounded faint. “So that’s how it is huh…?” “Ah, I didn’t mean it badly! You’re, er, money-wise! That’s right! Money-wise!” She felt his shoulders start to shake and for a moment a sense of panic rose up— “Bwahahahahaha!” He started laughing, lowering his hand and revealing twinkling eyes filled with amusement. Caroline stood there dumbfounded. She thought that, as always, hot damn, but he was good-looking when he laughed, but more importantly: “You—!” She started shaking him by the shoulders. “You were teasing me!” “Hahaha— yes I was!” He agreed, face slightly flushed from laughing. “Why you—! I was actually worried! See if I’m ever worried over you again!” He gave a wicked grin and grabbed her arms, pulling her close, and giving her a long kiss. She felt herself go weak in the knees. “Do you forgive me?” He asked in a husky voice after their lips separated. “…that’s cheating and you know it…” This time he pulled her whole body to him until she was forced on his lap. He kissed her on her neck and collar bone, nibbling as he went. “So that’s a yes?” Her entire face blushed and she was struggling to think straight. He’d gone from novice to expert in this area at a breakneck speed. He really was a genius. “Don’t think… this will always work…!” She managed to sputter out. “A definite yes then.” He mumbled as his hands moved under and up her shirt. Yes, even when he apologized he was a stubborn one… —— “I’m telling you, that armor is too heavy!” “If you’re going to be in close combat, you can’t just wear leather!” Thio and Caroline were currently bickering next to a large heavily plated set of armor. It was ridiculously huge and could only be worn by someone who was five times her size and ten times her mass. “Leather bends, it gives me freedom of movement.” “It’s also easier to pierce and slash.” Since Caroline would be taking Requests soon, it was decided to get her new armor in advance. Gold Tusk Armory was one of the best defense and offense stores in the Capital, frequented by Adventurers and the military. The large entrance area was filled with display sets of Armor and weapons. “Only if I get hit, which won’t happen if I can move.” “Your scars say otherwise.” Almost immediately upon entering they’d started arguing over the kind of armor Caroline should get. Thio, coming from a military background, was use to a rigid team system with knights up front and mages in the back. In his mind front fighting meant moderate to heavy metal armor. Only idiots went around wearing leather if they were fighting up front. “Those are old scars! OLD. I know how to fight now, I won’t get hit.” “You got hit plenty in those ruins.” “That was a one-time—” “Dear customers.” A young man wearing a simple white shirt and tan pants with a thick leather apron and carrying a small note pad interrupted them. He had short brown hair, round thick glasses, and was heavily freckled. He’d been listening to them argue for the last five minutes and had decided it was time to intervene. “While we do have quite a bit of pre-made armor sets and armor pieces, we also do custom made armor in cases where people are using a unique fighting style. If the Lady here would show me some simple moves in her fighting style, I can make recommendations. Ah, and my name is Simon. It’s a pleasure to serve you.” Thio nodded and Caroline shrugged. “Fine by me, Simon.” Caroline walked near the center of the room, where there was more space. Thio watched curiously, having never actually seen her box before. Placing her left foot slightly forward, she brought both hands up to her chin, with her right arm closer to her body then her left. She took a deep breath before going through a series of moves: jabs, hooks, bobs, uppercuts, even different kinds of kicks. Each movement was smooth and fast, with a “woosh” sound following it from the loose clothing she was wearing. Her fighting style had morphed over the years, as different monsters required different methods of subjugation. It couldn’t be called straight boxing at this point, as she’d added kicks, throws, and elements from other fighting styles. But since her primary tack-down method was still punching, she continued calling it boxing. The kicks startled both men, as she was wearing a dress which flung up rather scandalously at the leg motion. Once she was done, she put her hands on her hips and gave a crooked smile. “Ah, I’m so slow now, how embarrassing…” “Please be more concerned showing your bloomers to the world than being slow.” Thio had covered his face, ears red, slightly mortified by his wife’s lack of common sense. “Eh?” Caroline blanked for a moment and then looked down and slapped her forehead. “Gah! I totally forgot what I was wearing! I swear I don’t kick in skirts regularly!” “Are you saying you kick in them occasionally…?” Her inability to look him directly in the eye told him all he needed to know. Simon had his note pad out and was scribbling away, muttered under his breath, “Definitely need pants…” The store clerk snapped his notebook shut and nodded. “Dear customers, please follow me.” He guided them to an area with wood chairs and offered them a seat and some tea. “Please relax for a few moments, while I discuss your needs with our designer.” Simon then shuffled away, returning ten minutes later. In his hands were several sheets of paper. And on them were crude armor designs, with various scribbles describing material and different enchantment options. Caroline gave a hearty laugh at the designs while Thio scowled. None of them were metal plated like what Knights wore. They all depended heavily on leather, and where there was metal it was in places like the chest, arms, and legs. “I told you.” Caroline said, feeling smug and said sing-songily, “Leather is best—!” Since it was designed by a professional, no matter how he disliked it, Thio wasn’t able to argue back. Feeling put out, he harrumphed. “Then make sure to get the best materials and enchantments at least.” “Yes, sir!” She saluted and gave him a silly grin in return. Simon perked up at this. There was nothing more lovely to a salesman’s ears than a customer who WANTED to spend heaps of money on extras. “Customer, please pick the design you like best, and from there we can talk about those additional options.” Because she depended heavily on speed, it was important that she was use to the armor she was wearing. If it was too different, her movements would be awkward, which could get her killed. So while there were many cool, flashy designs, Caroline ended up picking something very similar to her original armor set. “Can you add a skirt with a front slit to this design? And put an Movement Illusion enchantment on it?” “What do you need a Movement Illusion for?” Asked Thio in curiosity. “Since I can’t just wear pants in towns, I need a skirt.” She wrinkled her nose at the limitation. “But skirts in close combat with monsters are really dangerous. Anything with teeth can just grab and pull and suddenly I’m a wild thing’s chew toy. No thanks. When I first started, I didn’t have a lot of money to spare, so I had to think of a cheap way to get around the problem. Getting a weak Movement Illusion ended up being perfect. All it does is shift the movement of a thing by a few seconds. A monster will grab for the skirt, thinking it’s in one place, but it’s not.” Both Thio and Simon raised their eyebrows, surprised. “Ah… That’s a really good idea.” Thio nodded in approval. “Isn’t it? At first it was purely a modesty thing and defensive measure. But later on I realized certain monsters were stupid, and would consistently go for the skirt. They’d miss every time and all I had to do was be ready to punch them in their weak spot. Instant one-hit kills.” “Clever. I’ve never heard someone using it that way before.” Simon praised, impressed. Movement Illusion was most commonly used on cloaks paired with Concealment. It was an defensive enchantment used by people who didn’t want to fight, or wanted to delay fighting, and were aiming for a speedy escape. Scouts, hunters, and spies favored spells along those lines. This was the first time Simon had ever heard of a frontline-fighter using it for a one hit kill. He made a mental note of it, pleased to find another group to sell the enchantment to. “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Caroline said with a shrug. Simon blinked and then laughed. “Customer, that is an excellent observation and very true. I’ll add your request into the design. I don’t think it’ll be a problem.” They then discussed extra enchantments and materials. The type of material you got influenced the amount and kind of enchantments available. For instance, snake skin had a natural poison resistance built in, and then would amplify any poison resistant enchantments put on top of it. If a person was willing to fork the money over, they could build armor that was essentially resistant to every known poison in existence. Enchantments also had different strengths. Enchanters could imbue their own magic onto things. The stronger the enchantment, the more mana it took out of them, and then it would take time to “recharge”. Naturally, the stronger the enchantment the more expensive the cost. No matter the world, time was money. Looking at the finished order, Caroline’s forehead broke out in a sweat. The quality materials and amount of enchantments on this new armor was ridiculous. She wondered if she’d glow in the dark with the amount of magic layered on this armor. To make herself stand out less, she insisted on mutated earthy colors rather than the bright ones suggested by the designer. It was helluva expensive too. The total almost made her choke on her spit. She’d never spent that much on herself, not even in her old life. How did rich people spend so much on themselves and not blink twice about it? As she was handing over a small stack of Silva coins to pay for her new set of armor, she couldn’t help feeling the whole thing was very game-like. How did this mana and magic thing work? Half of Thio’s library looked like advanced math to her… was magic kind of like math then? But Thio used actual words, not math, for casting magic. Or was it like algebra formulas and letters? Did that even make any sense? What kind of logic did this world function on exactly? Not being able to use magic herself made her curiosity about it ten times stronger. But of course, having no mana affinity meant she’d always be on the outside looking in. It really wasn’t fair. What’s the point of coming to a magical world and not being able to use magic?
{ "title": "My second chance is as Dungeon Master?", "id": 21503, "author": "Arkai", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Chapter 9 - Covenant", "id": 305480, "next": 305812, "prev": 305422, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM0MTJhZGIzZGU0YTQ1NTg5NGYyMTRiYjY4ODRlZmQ3">[You got a new title: Dungeon Master]</p> <p class="cnNkZDA1OWI4MjAwZDRhN2JiNDZjNzc2Y2JjYzUwY2Ux">A wide grin appears on his face after reading those words. Finally, he comes out as a winner in this gamble. He touches his right ears and says, “show me my status.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZWI2ZWZjOTY5ZTRmOGFiMDg2ZjU3Mjg5YTI0ZmM1">Name: Elias<br>Rank: Red(Temp)<br>Title: Dungeon Master(Knight)<br>Points: 0</p> <p class="cnNmMWZmMjRmZmMyNzQzZGViZDIxZDU5NmUxMWJiM2Rh">Strength: 8.1(Temp)<br>Stamina: 12.4(Temp)<br>Agility: 7.9(Temp)</p> <p class="cnMyMmNkYmY5ODU1YzQ3ZDY5ZTFhNzMwODE5OWQzZmZh">Curse: Phoenix Curse(Violet)</p> <p class="cnMzMGZjZTFiMjE5YjQyMDRhNmExM2I3NzhlZTRiNDM2">There no words can describe how joyful his feeling right now. In his status, appear a new line — his title as dungeon master. With this title, he’ll have another advantage other than his future knowledge. Even with his mediocre talent, he can stand side by side with those great heroes — helping them to face many adversities.</p> <p class="cnM2M2I5ODg3ZmU0NzQ0YmFiYTMwZmVhNzM5YmFhNGEz">Right now, he has right to own a dungeon which he can use as the last frontier of human race. Besides that, this status also give him the right to control his own monster — he still doesn’t know how to do that, but it’s a future problem.</p> <p class="cnNiMTcyYTg2N2Y3YTRkNmM4MjgzNWYzZThiODJjZDQ1">After calming his ecstatic feeling, he observes his status line by line. His stats still in red level because his previous battle, but it’ll change into his original stats after he gets out of this white place. He then changes his focus into another word — points.</p> <p class="cnM3YjFmMDc4MjBhYTRmYWRiMjEwMGQyZWMzZTFmYTU0">“What is this?” he mumbles.</p> <p class="cnM0ODRkYmJhZjFlMjRiY2ViOTk4N2Y5OWJkNTZhZTIz">Those dungeon masters often talk about points and game in his previous life, but there is no concrete data about it in the human information-network, there are many theories about them, but it just that — a theory.</p> <p class="cnNkOTQyODk1NDIzODQ2NTU5N2RhYjNhZWY4Y2E4YTMy">“Explain to me, what points are?” he waits for an answer, but there are none — as usual.</p> <p class="cnM2ZTI0YzNhZDY5ZjQ1MWE5Y2ZiMjZlMjFhMGE1MDQx">He knew that holographic screen never gives explanations when asked except for showing his status. He thought when he got this title there will be an exception — a dungeon master’ privilege. However, it seems he’s wrong.</p> <p class="cnNhY2ZiYjc3YThiYzQ4NzdhYjAwYzUyZDRhZTkyN2M1">After trying many failed keywords, he gives up to asks the screen.</p> <p class="cnNhMmFmMDA0MDI1NjRkMzhiZTYxYWIyOTRmMGZiOGYx">'Am I needs to interrogate another dungeon master to get this information?'</p> <p class="cnMyOTk2MWUxN2FjYzQzYzA5MDg5ZTM1ZTE5MWU4ODhk">"Points are the only acceptable currency for higher beings."</p> <p class="cnMwZGZmMDAzNTk2NTRkZmVhYmJkMGFhYjE1YzE3OWM1">A man voice is coming from behind him when he sinks into deep thoughts.</p> <p class="cnNhMzlhOWFmYzk1ZDQ2MjJiYTEzMzdhNGFiOTQzMTM0">Hearing a familiar voice, Elias immediately turn around with his fighting stance, his eyebrows furrow after seeing this man face — the man he killed earlier. He has a transparent floating body while wind and leaves pass through him.</p> <p class="cnMwNjFmOGZlMmU4ODQ5Mjk4ZjQ5ZDA5YWFiODFhN2Vl">His floating appearance gives a mysterious feeling as if he's a ghost.</p> <p class="cnM3N2NiMWIxOTU3ODQ3NmU5YTMyZDE3Mjk3NTZjOTk0">“You're still alive?” he asks, can't hide his shocked expression, “is this another dungeon masters’ ability?”</p> <p class="cnM2Y2M2YjljOGU4YzQ3NWJhNzRlZmJkOTAyNjQ5NmE2">That man let out a weak smile, “The answer is no, for both of your questions.”</p> <p class="cnM0NTFiYTRhN2NkNDQyOTk4MDBmZWVkMDhlMGNhNDE0">“You mean?”</p> <p class="cnMyZjE0NjM0Njc5MTQ3NjhiYjY1MDY1N2VmYjhlMDY3">“Technically, I’m not alive right now, and also this isn’t dungeon master ability.”</p> <p class="cnNiOTllM2Q5MjJmZDQyN2Q4N2FkY2NiNGMxNTI5Yzli">Elias silent for a few moments tries to read his intent. There are no lies in his tone and expression — he tries to organize his thought with this sudden development. His words make sense — if dungeon masters can cheat death in this gamble which overseer by world-will, it’s impossible for Radoslav, Hansoo and Ye Mo to kill dungeon master when they transferred into this world.</p> <p class="cnM2Njk5OWE5OTZjOTQwMGFiMjAxMThmOGVlMGFkNDFl">“If this isn’t your dungeon master’s ability, is it mean this is your racial ability?”</p> <p class="cnNiOGE0MDI1ZTQwYzRiMTZiNjY1NTVjMzcyYTIzYTUy">“Bingo,” he says while putting his thumb up.</p> <p class="cnNmZjdmODgwNGExYzQ3MDVhZmYzY2E4MzVhZTZjNjAx">Elias still not let down his fighting stance, “You know only one person can get out from this place.”</p> <p class="cnMzZjFjOTU2NGEyZjRlNmRhYWVlYTA3MGU0NGM3OThm">“Yeah, about that. I’m from Elimar race, which means I’m —,” before he completes his words it cut off by Elias.</p> <p class="cnNhZjQxYjQxYWQ3ZDQ5YWU4Mzk5ZjJhYjVmZTZmZjc2">“You can stay inside me — your killer — as a parasitic existence while absorbing my mana. This world will consider you as part of my body which mean — you can follow me to the outside world. After a few years, you’ll kill me and resurrect from the dead. However, you can’t hide your existence from me while staying inside my body. So, you choose to act as a benevolent teacher instead.”</p> <p class="cnMzNmZiODE2MzU5NTQ4M2E5OTQ0OTBmMWI0N2QzMTU4">After hearing Elias words, the man becomes dumbfounded, “you know everything, do you?”</p> <p class="cnNlOGM5MzdhMDcyMzQzYTU4ZTEyZGZmN2ZlZWFhNTJi">“I just have more knowledge than you — a dungeon master.”</p> <p class="cnM5NTdmMWNkZWEzZTQxODU4NGFlNzNlYzlmNDhmOTgz">That man sigh after hearing his words, “just call me T’lear. I lost my status as a dungeon master after you won earlier gamble.”</p> <p class="cnM0ODRmOGQyOTA4NTQyYjk4NzQyZDZjZTk0YTBlM2Fh">“Fine, T’lear. Can we do a real talk now?”</p> <p class="cnMwZTJkNDRjNDIwYTQ1ODY4MWVkOWQ4MTZlYjE4YWM5">T’lear silent after hearing Elias question, but he soon answers, “fine, what do you have in mind?”</p> <p class="cnM5NDg5ZDVkOWVmNDQ5NjRhOTJjNWNhYjVjNWRhN2Zk">“Become my subordinate, and you’ll have another chance to become a dungeon master.”</p> <p class="cnNmYjBlZTk0ZmQ4ZDQwNjNiOWY0YWY2YzczYjQ4MDc1">“You mean stealing another dungeon master status?”</p> <p class="cnNkMDVlZDc4YzdjNTQ2YWFhNmY4NzhlM2RhYWU4NmM5">“Is there any other way?”</p> <p class="cnNhZWIyMWZiMGVkMDQ4MWFhYzViODI0ODk5ZjhhMmVj">After Elias ask his rhetorical question, both of them chuckles while mumbles 'that's right.' T’lear put his hand to his chin, stroking his non-existent beard — thinking about Elias proposition.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGNhZDI1ZmFmZDQ1YTFiODkxYjhjYzk3NWMyMjgz">“What my assignment is if I accept this offer?”</p> <p class="cnNiZTRmMmRlOWE1NDQ1NTJiNTAwY2JkNWIzMjI4MjU0">“You’ll become my left hand while teaching me all about dungeon masters.”</p> <p class="cnNjMDRjZDZhZDIyNjRlNTNiMGE1MTkzYzBlNjNiNTE1">“If I decline?” T’lear asks again.</p> <p class="cnMxOGYyMDJmOGYyZDQzMDlhMmIyZDM3NWE3N2Q1MDky">“I’ll search for purification waters in Rilhorn mountain.”</p> <p class="cnNhOGE1ZmI1MmM4NjQ1ZTRiMTlmMTk3MjdiMmY3MjZl">Elias's expression is tranquil, but there are threats and carrots in each of his words. T’lear convinced that this human has great knowledge about this world and know when to use it -- it's impossible to do cheap tricks to him, he decides to stop testing waters.</p> <p class="cnMxYzg2ZTk1ZDQ5NDQxNDI4MzM3YmE1MDA3OTViMTI0">T’lear sigh after arranging his thought, “Fine, but I don’t want verbal promises — I want a soul contract.”</p> <p class="cnNhMjkxNWViNzU3NzQ0NjM5MmJkYWFiMWE4ZjAyMGE1">After hearing T’lear requests, Elias let out a little chuckle, “Please, don’t belittle me. I also don’t believe you yet. I can’t trust our agreement without soul contract.”</p> <p class="cnNhZmE5OWUzYjNjNzQyZjhiODIzY2UyZjQ1MmYyZGZl">“All good then,” T’lear says.</p> <p class="cnNjZTA1YzViMzM2MDQ0NmZiM2Q2NWYzYzc3ZDQ2MmM5">They sit down while facing each other, and then they close their eyes.</p> <p class="cnMzN2FiYWRmYWY4YzQ4OWVhMjNhZDQ2MzU1MWJlZjcw">“World-will we call you as the witness of this soul contract,” both of them says together.</p> <p class="cnNiZTk4MWU4NWZhOTRmNzY5NGMxNDRhM2NmMjAwOWUw">At that moment, holographic words appear on their retina while their soul becomes connected.</p> <p class="cnNhMDdjZjRjYjNmNTQ1Zjk4NDhjMWZhZDFkZDNkMzI2">[Commencing soul contract]</p> <p class="cnNmOTU3ZmU1NTlhZDRmOTM5MGI3OTNhYmE0OTJiNjYz">[Determining Elias as Party A and T’lear as Party B]</p> <p class="cnNiM2E4NWU0NGVkMjRkOTM5ZWI3NjQ3YjcxMDZiZjMw">[Party A state content of the contract]</p> <p class="cnM2YmU0YTE4N2EwYzQ2YzBhZGJkNTI5YzI2YTFmZDE5">Elias is reading it for a moment to make sure it’s same with his previous life. After that, he slowly recited the contract contents — both of their obligation and rights from each other.</p> <p class="cnNlZTVmZTE3MzVjZjQzOWI4NmE3MjUwMGY4MzBiYzBl">...</p> <p class="cnMxNTc5ZWMyYmJjYjRmYjQ5MzhjNDlkMTRiZGY3MGEz">“… second, the party B won’t cause any harm to party A whether directly or indirectly without proper consent from party A…”</p> <p class="cnM3NTgwOGEwNTY1YTQ4MzM4YTEyOGQ0ODQ4YTg1ZjU3">...</p> <p class="cnM4NTJjZjE0YTZiYTQ5ZTFhMTQ1ZDI5YmRkM2E1MjI3">“… fifteenth, party A have obligations to provide party B dungeon master status at least ten years from now on…”</p> <p class="cnM4MTRjYTg5MGZiYzQ1ZTZiOTdkMDI1MGVmZWRkNWEy">…</p> <p class="cnM3ZGJhYWE1MzczMDQ3MGFiOTIyOTJlMmY3ODgyMTMx">After ten minutes or so, Elias finally finished reciting his contract. T’lear expression becomes weird after hearing those long speeches. Those clauses can be shortened into shorter sentences because it only contains little matter — their duty to each other — but, after finished hearing those clauses, he realizes there is no loophole in this contracts.</p> <p class="cnM1YTk0Zjk4ZDU1ODRlYjZiZDdjMWU3YjlkZjQyMjY5">He can’t exploit anything to avoid his responsibilities. However, that is the same for Elias too.</p> <p class="cnM2ZGUzZjIxM2M0YjQzOGU4Njg2ZjE4ZDE2YWY3OWNi">When he's still thinking, a series of lines appear on his eyes.</p> <p class="cnNlNDM2ZjcyMGQxZDQ4MzNhN2JiMmEzNWZmZTI1YjU4">[This is following clauses of Party A and B contracts]</p> <p class="cnNjNGEzYTMyNDMzOTQ2Y2FhNmRjMzRhNWRmMWY2ZjIy">[1. …]</p> <p class="cnNlYmViMzZmOGVmMTQ4Njc5NTc3ZGZmZTA3ZDRjMjZk">…</p> <p class="cnM4ZjdjNjhjOTE0MTRiMTJhYTEwNGFlMDNlZGFkNmVk">[Do you accept?]</p> <p class="cnNlY2YzNzkwNGQ5NDRiZDI5YmQ3YWYxNzZmODVjODEz">He silent for a moment to read all of that, until finally, he speaks, “Yes, I, T’lear as the party B accept this clauses.”</p> </div>
[You got a new title: Dungeon Master] A wide grin appears on his face after reading those words. Finally, he comes out as a winner in this gamble. He touches his right ears and says, “show me my status.” Name: Elias Rank: Red(Temp) Title: Dungeon Master(Knight) Points: 0 Strength: 8.1(Temp) Stamina: 12.4(Temp) Agility: 7.9(Temp) Curse: Phoenix Curse(Violet) There no words can describe how joyful his feeling right now. In his status, appear a new line — his title as dungeon master. With this title, he’ll have another advantage other than his future knowledge. Even with his mediocre talent, he can stand side by side with those great heroes — helping them to face many adversities. Right now, he has right to own a dungeon which he can use as the last frontier of human race. Besides that, this status also give him the right to control his own monster — he still doesn’t know how to do that, but it’s a future problem. After calming his ecstatic feeling, he observes his status line by line. His stats still in red level because his previous battle, but it’ll change into his original stats after he gets out of this white place. He then changes his focus into another word — points. “What is this?” he mumbles. Those dungeon masters often talk about points and game in his previous life, but there is no concrete data about it in the human information-network, there are many theories about them, but it just that — a theory. “Explain to me, what points are?” he waits for an answer, but there are none — as usual. He knew that holographic screen never gives explanations when asked except for showing his status. He thought when he got this title there will be an exception — a dungeon master’ privilege. However, it seems he’s wrong. After trying many failed keywords, he gives up to asks the screen. 'Am I needs to interrogate another dungeon master to get this information?' "Points are the only acceptable currency for higher beings." A man voice is coming from behind him when he sinks into deep thoughts. Hearing a familiar voice, Elias immediately turn around with his fighting stance, his eyebrows furrow after seeing this man face — the man he killed earlier. He has a transparent floating body while wind and leaves pass through him. His floating appearance gives a mysterious feeling as if he's a ghost. “You're still alive?” he asks, can't hide his shocked expression, “is this another dungeon masters’ ability?” That man let out a weak smile, “The answer is no, for both of your questions.” “You mean?” “Technically, I’m not alive right now, and also this isn’t dungeon master ability.” Elias silent for a few moments tries to read his intent. There are no lies in his tone and expression — he tries to organize his thought with this sudden development. His words make sense — if dungeon masters can cheat death in this gamble which overseer by world-will, it’s impossible for Radoslav, Hansoo and Ye Mo to kill dungeon master when they transferred into this world. “If this isn’t your dungeon master’s ability, is it mean this is your racial ability?” “Bingo,” he says while putting his thumb up. Elias still not let down his fighting stance, “You know only one person can get out from this place.” “Yeah, about that. I’m from Elimar race, which means I’m —,” before he completes his words it cut off by Elias. “You can stay inside me — your killer — as a parasitic existence while absorbing my mana. This world will consider you as part of my body which mean — you can follow me to the outside world. After a few years, you’ll kill me and resurrect from the dead. However, you can’t hide your existence from me while staying inside my body. So, you choose to act as a benevolent teacher instead.” After hearing Elias words, the man becomes dumbfounded, “you know everything, do you?” “I just have more knowledge than you — a dungeon master.” That man sigh after hearing his words, “just call me T’lear. I lost my status as a dungeon master after you won earlier gamble.” “Fine, T’lear. Can we do a real talk now?” T’lear silent after hearing Elias question, but he soon answers, “fine, what do you have in mind?” “Become my subordinate, and you’ll have another chance to become a dungeon master.” “You mean stealing another dungeon master status?” “Is there any other way?” After Elias ask his rhetorical question, both of them chuckles while mumbles 'that's right.' T’lear put his hand to his chin, stroking his non-existent beard — thinking about Elias proposition. “What my assignment is if I accept this offer?” “You’ll become my left hand while teaching me all about dungeon masters.” “If I decline?” T’lear asks again. “I’ll search for purification waters in Rilhorn mountain.” Elias's expression is tranquil, but there are threats and carrots in each of his words. T’lear convinced that this human has great knowledge about this world and know when to use it -- it's impossible to do cheap tricks to him, he decides to stop testing waters. T’lear sigh after arranging his thought, “Fine, but I don’t want verbal promises — I want a soul contract.” After hearing T’lear requests, Elias let out a little chuckle, “Please, don’t belittle me. I also don’t believe you yet. I can’t trust our agreement without soul contract.” “All good then,” T’lear says. They sit down while facing each other, and then they close their eyes. “World-will we call you as the witness of this soul contract,” both of them says together. At that moment, holographic words appear on their retina while their soul becomes connected. [Commencing soul contract] [Determining Elias as Party A and T’lear as Party B] [Party A state content of the contract] Elias is reading it for a moment to make sure it’s same with his previous life. After that, he slowly recited the contract contents — both of their obligation and rights from each other. ... “… second, the party B won’t cause any harm to party A whether directly or indirectly without proper consent from party A…” ... “… fifteenth, party A have obligations to provide party B dungeon master status at least ten years from now on…” … After ten minutes or so, Elias finally finished reciting his contract. T’lear expression becomes weird after hearing those long speeches. Those clauses can be shortened into shorter sentences because it only contains little matter — their duty to each other — but, after finished hearing those clauses, he realizes there is no loophole in this contracts. He can’t exploit anything to avoid his responsibilities. However, that is the same for Elias too. When he's still thinking, a series of lines appear on his eyes. [This is following clauses of Party A and B contracts] [1. …] … [Do you accept?] He silent for a moment to read all of that, until finally, he speaks, “Yes, I, T’lear as the party B accept this clauses.”
{ "title": "The Cursed Star", "id": 20393, "author": "FateDevilAce", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Chapter 34 - The Lightning Princess; Pain and Dilemma", "id": 305481, "next": 306231, "prev": 304832, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMyOWE1OTY3NmNiZDQ1Mjg5Y2I0YWM3NjkwYmZlMDc1">The sand was soaked in the blood of the corpses, and the air smelt of the burnt flesh and blood. The last surviving man of the group frightenedly looked at the girl walk towards him with her dagger dripping in blood. He had seen how she had effortlessly massacred his entire group and knew that there was no escape for him. The mana in his veins channeled fast as he extracted the strength from his blood by burning it. He had made up his mind to take this girl with him to death.</p> <p class="cnNhNmQzNGUwZDM1OTRkYmY5YTZkMzIwNDc3NWUyYTY0">However, just as he was about to explode himself, the girl vanished from before his eyes. The ripping of air resounded from behind and as he turned his head around to look, he saw his own headless corpse before darkness enveloped him.</p> <p class="cnNkNGM4ZmI4MmQ3YTRlMWJiYjAzZjI0NGRhZDBhMDU1">Keira put her dagger back in its sheath and collected the decapitated head. She took out a stone from her ring and looked through the content the virtual screen displayed.</p> <p class="cnM4MmZmMDNkNDc0NzQ3YzViNDRmYjcwNzVhMDcxM2Zm">“Alright, we can now head back to the Central State.” She said and looked towards where Irina stood.</p> <p class="cnM3MmZiNDc4ZjgzOTQyMTdiMzk5MTcwZTM0Mjg3MzY3">Her shadow had not talked to her in the last two days and still wore the same melancholic expression on her face.</p> <p class="cnM0NjRhY2RjNGNlODQ3ZGNhYTg5Y2IwYjQ4ZDg0OTY2">She knew that the words she had said that night had hurt and worried Irina. But all she had spoken was how her heart felt at that time. And she meant every single word she had said. No one could understand the pain her heart felt when she saw him laughing with Viara and hugging Liafina in his arms as she slept soundly.</p> <p class="cnNjMWRlMTg2ODQxMjQ5YWU4MmEzMDA4MjBhNjhmY2Ix">“How long are you going to stay in this mood?” She asked but got no answer from her.</p> <p class="cnM3N2RmNDQwZTY0YTQyODU4NmMwOTQ2ZjdlOTI1MmIy">“Irina.” This time she ordered her as her anger sparked.</p> <p class="cnNhZjcwZjBkYzQ2ZDRiOWJiNmZhNmU2NjE5YzkwYzc2">“So now you have even started ordering me to answer you.” Irina smiled helplessly. “Very well, what do you wish to know, Master?” She stressed on her last word.</p> <p class="cnNkYTRlMzUxNTc0MDQyNjA5YjgwYTNhMTVkY2ZkZWMz">Keira didn’t feel well about her reaction. It had only made her mood worse.</p> <p class="cnNjMDBiMjgxMWQwNzQxZWJhNzNkOTIyOTJmMzA4MjNi">“You don’t want to see me happy?” She asked severely in her irritation and immediately regretted.</p> <p class="cnNkZmUwYTNjYWQ4NDQzYzk5MzA0ZjU2MzdiYTQ4YWFl">Tears slipped out of Irina’s eyes and she lowered her head.</p> <p class="cnM0ZTE4YmNjOTEyYTRjNTQ5ZGI1NGFiOTA0MDE3NDk4">“I do. Your happiness is my happiness.” She sobbed. “But the path you have chosen is not to your happiness but to an eternal regret and pain.”</p> <p class="cnMwZTM1YWE4YTVhMDQ3ZmZhNTgzNDI3NjE3ZGU5YzMx">Keira didn’t reply to her and took out the black crystal and opened a portal.</p> <p class="cnM1MzkyNjQ3NjY4NDRkY2Q5OTZjOWQ3ODJkZTczMGQ4">“Let’s go.” She said and stepped inside the portal.</p> <p class="cnMyMjQxM2Q4Yzk2NDRiNzdiYTFkZTUxY2IxNTZlM2Yw">The place they arrived at was the secret guild of the Hand of Kosmos. She turned around and after confirming that Irina had worn her cloak and hidden her aura, she moved towards the Inner Hall.</p> <p class="cnM4ZGI2NWJiZTNlODQ0MzFiMWRjM2I4MjY5YmVlYTZh">“Lady Keira.” The man behind the reception politely bowed his head.</p> <p class="cnMyNDgwZWM5YTRkMjQ3ZjM4NWIwMTc0MDBhOTc5NWQ5">Keira only nodded to him and placed her quest list on the desk.</p> <p class="cnMzZGZjYTNmN2Q4OTQwNDJiNmE3MWI4ZmZhN2I1MjRi">“I have completed all those that I had taken.” She said and placed a storage ring next to the list. “Send it to my room after the rewards have been calculated.”</p> <p class="cnM5MjExZTE0ZTNiMzQ3MGRhNGU5NGYyZmEzNzJlNmFj">“Of course.” The man didn’t say anything more and kept his head lowered as he went to work.</p> <p class="cnM4YmNjZjBlMGZlZTQyNDY5OGYzZGE5ODZhNjU0NmRm">Keira then walked to the Intel room to gather information about what had transpired in the last few days. What she was interested in was why Aizen was heading towards the far North. She had a feeling that he was not just out on a stroll and there was something he was going after.</p> <p class="cnNhZjNmNzI2NzI4NTRmMDY5ZWNmMDlkYTRmMGNlODA3">She had wanted to go after him when he had left Kaval but then she questioned if she even had a right to go after him. She was not the woman who was in his arms or the women he had chosen to accompany him on the travel. And seeing him surrounded by them was painful to bear. She was worried about his safety but knew very well that he was smart enough to not fall in a situation where he had no possibility of escape.</p> <p class="cnNlYmNjNzg3N2UyMzQxZGNhZWExOWFkYTliNDJiODRm">The Intel room had a Dusk-Elf at the reception. The Elf’s eyes shined when they caught her and then lowered in respect.</p> <p class="cnNiZGIxYjhhYmQ4MTQ0MjliMGMyYmE3NTgwZGRlYmZl">“Lady Keira, what command do you have for this servant?”</p> <p class="cnM2MmEwMzdmYTJiZTQ0YmJhMGI5YmMwZmRkZDMxODQ0">“Has anything big happened recently in the far North?”</p> <p class="cnNhOGJkZWZhZjc2NzQ2NmRiMDFlMWQxODZjNTcyMzg4">“Yes, my Lady.” The young girl enthusiastically said. “The Tragedy of the Snow Wolf.”</p> <p class="cnNlZmYyMGUxYjA5MTRjOGVhYTk5NjBhNDhjYWJhMGEz">“There was a War?” Keira asked and frowned on the name it was given.</p> <p class="cnNlMWRhNWIxYTVlNDQxN2ZhNzkwMmI5OTYxYzkzZjRm">“The clan of Azereus was destroyed and the Snowfield Alliance suffered a fatal loss of power and life.”</p> <p class="cnMyMzlkYmQzYWI1YTQ5ZjViZWQ5OTIxZDRkN2ZlMmY3">Keira had been aware of the situation of the far North and how Azereus were on the verge of a war. But that war was not supposed to happen for the next few years.</p> <p class="cnMxZTdhNjU1Njc5MjRjNWI4MGU1ODc0MzQ1MTRkMGZh">“Send all the information we have on this war to my room. Do not leave anything out, no matter how minor.” She ordered and walked out of the room.</p> <p class="cnNmMmE1NTk0NDIzNzQ4ZTJiYzFiNTAyY2Y4NDc4NmQ2">Her heart was restless as she was now really worried about Aizen’s safety. Her sixth sense told him that he was involved in this war and she only hoped that he was safe.</p> <p class="cnNjMmI0M2NlM2Y2MjRlYjBhY2VmNjc3ZTk4NzY5Mzhk">Perhaps, it was the concern on her face that when they entered their room, Irina finally talked to her, on her own initiative.</p> <p class="cnMzNjJlM2JiNWM1NjQyZjM4NTEwYjc3OWY5YWEwZTQ5">“Worried about him?” She asked.</p> <p class="cnNiYTc2MTJiYjYzNTRmNDdhZWEyNDYzODMzYjdiOGQ3">“Yes.” Keira didn’t hide it or keep silent for she was glad Irina was finally talking to her.</p> <p class="cnNmZDc1MDEzMjI5OTRjYTg5YzQzZWI4MGM5YTM3Mjkw">“Why? Because you Love him?”</p> <p class="cnM1ZmY0ZDFmNTdmYzQxODNhZmIyOGUzYjczNTliZDM1">“Yes.” She sternly looked at her shadow as she understood what she was about to say.</p> <p class="cnM5ZDUxMzBlOTU4ODRlMjdiNmIxNDZkYWQwNjUwMmE5">“I thought you didn’t care about him since you want to kill everyone that he cares about?” Irina said and smiled as she took off the cape. “Or do you plan to use your Ability on him and make him your puppet after you have broken him?”</p> <p class="cnM4MWJmMzA1ZWMyMDQ5ZDViNmIzYjM5N2VjZDNiYzU2">“Irina!” Keira couldn’t contain her anger and her lightning sparked on her body.</p> <p class="cnMyZWRjYmE0ODI2YzQwYThhZmI0ZGM2M2EzMGI4NDQ4">“What?!”</p> <p class="cnMzNmFjYzhkZjc0YjRkYjY5NzE2NDQzZDU1ZWFiZDBm">This was the first time she had seen Irina glare back at her and not hold back the anger. Their bond conveyed to her the pain Irina was in and her anger subsided.</p> <p class="cnNjNTZmN2YyNThmNzRkM2Y5MTQ2Mzc1ZTk2MTliNzA4">“Tell me what to do then.” Keira asked as she took back her lightning and sat on the bed. It was the question she wanted an answer to.</p> <p class="cnM3ODUxMjhiNDZmNjRlNjFhOWU1MzEwMzMzMzIzYTFk">“Don’t break him if you love him, Keira. Your Family already has their hands stained in his Family’s blood. Don’t stain yours as well.”</p> <p class="cnNlYjk5NTAyM2I0MTRmMDNiM2ZiODhjYTcyZGZmZjA5">“You want me to share him with them?”</p> <p class="cnNmYzA0Yzg5OTZiMTQwYzhhMzAyNmZjMWY4ZjdhNzJi">“You have to! If you really love him.” Irina said and came to sit by her side. “You will only be able to stay happy if he is happy.”</p> <p class="cnNlNzMwM2QwNmJjMjRlOTM5YjIxNTRkNTgxMWYyOGYz">“Huh…” Keira scoffed at her words but she knew very well that what Irina was saying was the truth. And this truth made her heart ache even more.</p> <p class="cnM2ZTU4MTJjNTNiODQyNWQ5ZDU3OTBkZmJhZWYzNzIw">“Do you think he will love me more than his wives?” She asked and her eyes warmed up. The tears that contained her pain slipped out and ran down her cheeks.</p> <p class="cnM4ZDczZmUyY2IxMjRiMWFiMmM5NjMzODBiNjJlZDBi">“No.” Irina said and wrapped her arms around her. “I won’t lie to you, Keira. The most you can get is the equal share as them.”</p> <p class="cnMyZDg5MWYyYjBlOTQ5ZmU5MDA1YTY0ZTEyZDQxY2Zj">The pain in her heart soon turned to rage when she heard these words. This was the truth and she knew it. She would have shared him if only he loved her more than them but it was not possible.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDJlOTk2ZjliODQwNTJiN2EzZTRjMDVlNjc3YmI3">“He will have to love me more than them if he wants them to stay alive.” She wiped away her tears and took a deep breath.</p> <p class="cnNlNTRkOTg0Yzk0YTQzOGM4ZGJhZDEzMDA3MzM2M2Fj">“So you are going to confess to him?”</p> <p class="cnM2OTgwODFiZDE5NzRiZTg4NjUzNDExYjE1YThlYmM0">“Yes, we will leave in the evening.”</p> <p class="cnM4NGJiNThjZmRkMjQ4YTZhMDc4NjNjZjdkZGQxNTY2">She said and got up from the bed.</p> <p class="cnNlNWFmNzAyMTM0NDRmYTM4YzIyYzM2MTA2YjQ0OWUw">The door was knocked and soon a maid brought the Information Keira had asked for. There were details of what had transpired on The Sky Mountains. The reason for the war to have erupted so soon was believed to be Arianna Lucifer. She had warned everyone that only the Monster-Blood were allowed to get involved in it.</p> <p class="cnNjZWIyMzg2ZTAxYTRiYzhiZTE3MmFiNjZkMzI2ZDAy">There was nothing about Aizen in it that could have related him to the war but there was a mention that he was present in the snowfield city the day before the war erupted. She was glad to find that he was safe and had not participated in that war. However, there was a restlessness in her heart over the name of Arianna Lucifer. She couldn’t understand what it was but she was sure that the Blood-Winged Lucifer was on good terms with Aizen. How she had refused Liafina and suggested Aizen to Yuren was the proof of that.</p> <p class="cnM0YWIxNjkwZWEzNDRjZjQ5YWMyZWVmMDU4NmI5NGM3">A thought appeared in her mind and her agitation rose.</p> <p class="cnMyZmUyYWEzOTA0MjQyYWQ5MTIwYjBhZmRmZWJiZDIx">“Irina, was there anyone else in the Star Palace other than Xeina Starlight and her shadow Ayana?” She asked.</p> <p class="cnM5MWJjY2I0OTQ3NDQxMTg4NjdkYTFjZmQyZjljMzk1">That time when they had returned to the Star Palace after Yuren and Marvin’s duel, she had made Irina use her ability to see how many people were in the Palace. And Irina had told her that only Xeina and Ayana were there who had not appeared in front of them.</p> <p class="cnM4YzYxYmQyMWFhMDRhMjU5YWZlMmFjZjZlNzA3ZDhj">“No, no one else was in the palace other than Xeina and Ayana.” Irina said and looked curiously at Keira. “What happened?”</p> <p class="cnMxYmFkNzY3ZWU1ZjQ2NWY5M2NiNmZmMzUwZDgyYTdm">“Do you think Malcolm left his daughter in the Star Palace to only protect her? I think he wants her to become the Morningstar’s High-Queen.” Keira said as a cold glint flashed in her eyes.</p> <p class="cnNjZTExNzgxMTFhYjRhYzNhZThhZmNmNzdkOWEyYWI4">“I don’t think there’s anything wrong in that. People are after her daughter. She will be safe in the Star Palace. And besides, it’s Malcolm Starlight we are talking about. What agenda could he possibly have, other than the well-being of his child?”</p> <p class="cnNiNmU0NjAwNDQ4ODQ0NTRiOGQyYzdjZWQzMmE4ZWU5">“I have a strong premonition that there’s more to it. He is, after all, someone from the Higher-Realm.”</p> <p class="cnM3NmNmNGNmNmYwMzQ4NDg5ZTdlOTFkOWVjYmM5NzUx">“What’s really bothering you?” Irina asked.</p> <p class="cnNiYzk4MmJlOWUxMzQ2YTRiODI3MWQ3NzkzYjUzNDY4">“A Morningstar must have three High-Queens. The first is usually a Ka’zaed Blood but the second or third can be anyone who is chosen by the Morningstar.” Keira said and looked at Irina. “I think Arianna Lucifer is after the position of second High-Queen.”</p> <p class="cnM3MDllNTZiMzdiNDRjMzQ4OGFmMGE1ZjYyNzZlZWQ0">“Arianna Lucifer?” Irina was shocked to hear her words. “Why would she?” She asked but then seemed to be lost in some thoughts.</p> <p class="cnNjNDcyMDZhZTg2YjQxZWU4ZDc2NDVmOTBiNDZlYTJl">“Yes. It’s just as you think it is. She left the House of Lucifer because she was not content with it. It was only strong enough to rule the Devildom but not the rest of the World. She’s a woman who loves Power and other than the Morningstar, there’s no other man in this world who could satisfy her sin of Pride.”</p> <p class="cnMxYzA5ZDVlOTVlOTQzNDViNjQzNjVlMTUzMWVkY2Yy">“It’s possible but I don’t think Aizen would so easily make her his High-Queen.” Irina said but the worry was evident on her face.</p> <p class="cnM1ODNmM2UyNTVkODRkZGFhODMzMTcxZDQ4MDI3OWM3">“He will.” Keira said and sighed. “He’s a Morningstar. He loves Chaos.”</p> <p class="cnM5YWE5NmMzYjE3YzRkZDY4YzQ1NzIzODlkOWYxYjIz">Keira’s agitation rose as she now feared Arianna Lucifer. How could she not? The Blood-Winged Lucifer was someone she had always considered as her future rival and now it had become true. With her around Aizen, she might never be able to make him love her more than the rest. Every single moment that she was away from him someone new was getting close to him.</p> <p class="cnM5MmYxOTY5MmJlNzQ4NDJiYjEyYTRjYTY5NGMwMzc0">She was lost in her thoughts when another knock on the door was heard. She thought that someone had come to deliver her storage ring but then Irina told her who it really was.</p> <p class="cnNjZDQzNTFhMWI2NzQzOGY5MDE1MWMzMTA1NWE0NmE0">“It’s Ares Stavros. Alyson Azereus and Blood-Wolf Victor are with him.” Her voice was dignified as she worriedly looked at her.</p> <p class="cnNmYTEzYWRkNzYxZjQxNWY4OGQ0YzNhMzg4MmZjNzc4">Keira couldn’t wrap her head around why Ares would come to her. The last time they had met, she had made things very clear to him. She wouldn’t mind teaching him another lesson if that was what he had come here for.</p> <p class="cnM1YjZkOTJiMmRlODRiNGZiZDM4ZWMyYjE1ZWVkZjZi">They left the bedroom and Irina put on her cloak.</p> <p class="cnM1NTcxY2I0NWRlYzQ0NDFhMDc1MWQ5ZWVhN2MzNDRj">“Nyxi, stay hidden. We are having some undesired guests, and if anything goes wrong, kill the weakest one first.” Keira instructed the beast before reaching for the door.</p> <p class="cnM2OTJlYmM4NjhlNDQ0NTY5NDQ2ZWQyYjE5MjEzZDgy">“Yes, Master.”</p> <p class="cnM3ODUzNTc3MWM4NzRlY2E5NGZmMGNjYzBmN2RkNjhh">Keira opened the door and the all smiling face of Ares irritated her after just a glance.</p> <p class="cnM1NGZjNDBhMjcwOTQxYWVhOGNiZGY0Nzc1OWI0NWIy">“Lady Keira.” Ares said and slightly bowed in greeting. “It’s been a while.”</p> <p class="cnNkODFhNTE1ZmFhMTQ5Yzg4MWQ3Yzc3MmNmYjgyZTVk">She didn’t like this man one bit but this was the premises of Hand of Kosmos and she couldn’t act uncivilly here.</p> <p class="cnM1NzcxNGVkYmNjYTQ2YjU4MjM0YWM5YmQ5ZGU5MzZm">“Lord Ares.” She just nodded. “What brings you here?”</p> <p class="cnM3ODNjNTEzYzRhMzQ5ZjBiMjExZDEyODE2ZDA3YzRl">“Are you not going to invite us in?” Ares raised his brow and smiled brightly.</p> <p class="cnNhZTdlYTUxMDg2ZTQ4M2JhM2NhYzNkMmI1MTIwZGJl">“Depends on what you are here for. You have an unusual company with you.” Keira said as her eyes pointed at Alyson Azereus.</p> <p class="cnMzZjFlM2VjNWVlMTRkMzg4NjYyMzMzNTY1MWU3MDYy">The information she had received just now didn’t mention where Alyson was.</p> <p class="cnNmNzIwNTdmZDBhMTRlM2I4Yjk1MTE4Y2NhZmU5NmRi">Ares' eyes squinted a little as he looked at the cloaked Irina. Alyson was masked and cloaked and there was no way for anyone to have recognized her.</p> <p class="cnMzMTdlY2FmY2E4ZTRjYzc5NWIxY2I4ZjE2NWViZWEz">“You don’t have to worry, Lady Keira. I have no ill-intentions.” Ares politely said.</p> <p class="cnMxZDM2ZjJkNDJjNDRjN2E4YjQ2MGQyNzc2MjcyZTI3">Keira scoffed when she heard these words. This man was dangerous and it was impossible for him to not hold a grudge against her for what she had done to him. However, it was very unlikely that he would create disturbance here in these premises, so, she gestured them to come in.</p> <p class="cnM4YjE5YmQ3NWI5MjRhODhiYWY3N2NhYWE3ZjAzYjEz">They all sat down on the couches. Keira called for a maid that soon came and served them with wine and snacks.</p> <p class="cnMyNjg3OTAzMDIwNTQ3YmM5MWFmY2E2NGExNGY0ZjRl">Ares had not initiated the talk until the maid had left and Keira didn’t ask.</p> <p class="cnM3YThhYTRhMWY1MzQwZTBiMTdmZmFiMjE3ZGFmNGIy">“I have been asked by my family to find myself a Queen and none of my wives are worthy of it.” Ares started off the conversation and sipped his glass of wine.</p> <p class="cnMxYzljN2YwNTE1YTRlMGM4M2NjOTk2YmVlN2IxMTA1">Keira didn’t like the fact that this man looked down on his own wives and this only added to her dislike of him. She knew what he was about to say and her lips curved in a pale smile.</p> <p class="cnM4YmQ3MDQ5YTQ1ZTQxNGQ4ZjU2NzVhMjBkMmIyMmI2">“I still want you to be my Queen.” Ares said in his husky voice and smiled at her.</p> <p class="cnNkZmIyMGYzNDA1YTQ3Yzk5YWE5OTEwYTcwZjhhNWQz">A purple glint passed Keira’s eyes and her lightning sparked on her body. Victor and Alyson immediately stood up on either side of Ares. They looked ready to stop Keira if she approached their Lord.</p> <p class="cnMwMmRkYjRhN2U4ODRjOGI5ZTFhMjQxM2MzZDZkZTcz">“You think they can protect you?” Keira eyes became severe. “Why don’t you use your ability to see what’s about to happen to you?”</p> <p class="cnNiNjYxMWE5MDA1NjRkNzI4ZDlmNmJjZWUwNzZjMWJh">Ares frowned at her words but then he used his ability as even the whites of his eyes turned black. The moment his eyes returned to normal he shot up from the couch and nervously looked behind him.</p> <p class="cnMzODA0MzlhZDc3ZTQ3YzA4MGI2OWE1ZWY4NDliYzZj">“Nightmare Lynx.”</p> <p class="cnNmZmZjNmVkYTkwNTRlODhiMjE0NmZhYTgzMzljMTA1">Ares’ words served as a shock to his two guards and their nervousness was reflected in their wavering postures.</p> <p class="cnMyZmZmMGYyZDlhNTRlMTdiMzU0ZGRjOTA1NDE1YTYz">“Yes. And I am not interested in listening to your gibberish. State the real reason why you have come here.” Keira said and called back her lightning element.</p> <p class="cnNjZDc1MGEzMDViNTQ5MWZiYTc1OWQ0NTQ5MTc0MDBl">Ares still looked uncomfortable but sat down on the couch. He laughed nervously and shook his head.</p> <p class="cnM1YzgwMmY5ZjdlYzQ3NWM5ZTJjZDA3MmI4ZTI0YmU2">“Nothing less could be expected of you.” He said and then looked at her. “Is the reason why you refuse me because I am not as handsome as the Morningstar?”</p> <p class="cnM4NTk2YmY1ODhhNjQ4MDBiYzc0ZjJhNWIzMTI1YzNm">Keira glared at him and warned him one last time.</p> <p class="cnMyOWQ4YzY2NDIyZjQ5OTRiNjE3MmFlZTJjZDI1MmZi">“Why have you come here?” She asked as she unleashed her Aura in the room.</p> <p class="cnNiYzE0MTY5NGM1MzQ1NDY5MGUwY2YwMGRmZGU3N2Nk">Ares realized the intensity of her anger and got to the point.</p> <p class="cnM4N2RlNWYxZTU5ZDQ3YjQ4ODM2NzZlN2JiNmI3MGQ4">“I have a deal for you.” He said. “It’s about the Morningstar.”</p> </div>
The sand was soaked in the blood of the corpses, and the air smelt of the burnt flesh and blood. The last surviving man of the group frightenedly looked at the girl walk towards him with her dagger dripping in blood. He had seen how she had effortlessly massacred his entire group and knew that there was no escape for him. The mana in his veins channeled fast as he extracted the strength from his blood by burning it. He had made up his mind to take this girl with him to death. However, just as he was about to explode himself, the girl vanished from before his eyes. The ripping of air resounded from behind and as he turned his head around to look, he saw his own headless corpse before darkness enveloped him. Keira put her dagger back in its sheath and collected the decapitated head. She took out a stone from her ring and looked through the content the virtual screen displayed. “Alright, we can now head back to the Central State.” She said and looked towards where Irina stood. Her shadow had not talked to her in the last two days and still wore the same melancholic expression on her face. She knew that the words she had said that night had hurt and worried Irina. But all she had spoken was how her heart felt at that time. And she meant every single word she had said. No one could understand the pain her heart felt when she saw him laughing with Viara and hugging Liafina in his arms as she slept soundly. “How long are you going to stay in this mood?” She asked but got no answer from her. “Irina.” This time she ordered her as her anger sparked. “So now you have even started ordering me to answer you.” Irina smiled helplessly. “Very well, what do you wish to know, Master?” She stressed on her last word. Keira didn’t feel well about her reaction. It had only made her mood worse. “You don’t want to see me happy?” She asked severely in her irritation and immediately regretted. Tears slipped out of Irina’s eyes and she lowered her head. “I do. Your happiness is my happiness.” She sobbed. “But the path you have chosen is not to your happiness but to an eternal regret and pain.” Keira didn’t reply to her and took out the black crystal and opened a portal. “Let’s go.” She said and stepped inside the portal. The place they arrived at was the secret guild of the Hand of Kosmos. She turned around and after confirming that Irina had worn her cloak and hidden her aura, she moved towards the Inner Hall. “Lady Keira.” The man behind the reception politely bowed his head. Keira only nodded to him and placed her quest list on the desk. “I have completed all those that I had taken.” She said and placed a storage ring next to the list. “Send it to my room after the rewards have been calculated.” “Of course.” The man didn’t say anything more and kept his head lowered as he went to work. Keira then walked to the Intel room to gather information about what had transpired in the last few days. What she was interested in was why Aizen was heading towards the far North. She had a feeling that he was not just out on a stroll and there was something he was going after. She had wanted to go after him when he had left Kaval but then she questioned if she even had a right to go after him. She was not the woman who was in his arms or the women he had chosen to accompany him on the travel. And seeing him surrounded by them was painful to bear. She was worried about his safety but knew very well that he was smart enough to not fall in a situation where he had no possibility of escape. The Intel room had a Dusk-Elf at the reception. The Elf’s eyes shined when they caught her and then lowered in respect. “Lady Keira, what command do you have for this servant?” “Has anything big happened recently in the far North?” “Yes, my Lady.” The young girl enthusiastically said. “The Tragedy of the Snow Wolf.” “There was a War?” Keira asked and frowned on the name it was given. “The clan of Azereus was destroyed and the Snowfield Alliance suffered a fatal loss of power and life.” Keira had been aware of the situation of the far North and how Azereus were on the verge of a war. But that war was not supposed to happen for the next few years. “Send all the information we have on this war to my room. Do not leave anything out, no matter how minor.” She ordered and walked out of the room. Her heart was restless as she was now really worried about Aizen’s safety. Her sixth sense told him that he was involved in this war and she only hoped that he was safe. Perhaps, it was the concern on her face that when they entered their room, Irina finally talked to her, on her own initiative. “Worried about him?” She asked. “Yes.” Keira didn’t hide it or keep silent for she was glad Irina was finally talking to her. “Why? Because you Love him?” “Yes.” She sternly looked at her shadow as she understood what she was about to say. “I thought you didn’t care about him since you want to kill everyone that he cares about?” Irina said and smiled as she took off the cape. “Or do you plan to use your Ability on him and make him your puppet after you have broken him?” “Irina!” Keira couldn’t contain her anger and her lightning sparked on her body. “What?!” This was the first time she had seen Irina glare back at her and not hold back the anger. Their bond conveyed to her the pain Irina was in and her anger subsided. “Tell me what to do then.” Keira asked as she took back her lightning and sat on the bed. It was the question she wanted an answer to. “Don’t break him if you love him, Keira. Your Family already has their hands stained in his Family’s blood. Don’t stain yours as well.” “You want me to share him with them?” “You have to! If you really love him.” Irina said and came to sit by her side. “You will only be able to stay happy if he is happy.” “Huh…” Keira scoffed at her words but she knew very well that what Irina was saying was the truth. And this truth made her heart ache even more. “Do you think he will love me more than his wives?” She asked and her eyes warmed up. The tears that contained her pain slipped out and ran down her cheeks. “No.” Irina said and wrapped her arms around her. “I won’t lie to you, Keira. The most you can get is the equal share as them.” The pain in her heart soon turned to rage when she heard these words. This was the truth and she knew it. She would have shared him if only he loved her more than them but it was not possible. “He will have to love me more than them if he wants them to stay alive.” She wiped away her tears and took a deep breath. “So you are going to confess to him?” “Yes, we will leave in the evening.” She said and got up from the bed. The door was knocked and soon a maid brought the Information Keira had asked for. There were details of what had transpired on The Sky Mountains. The reason for the war to have erupted so soon was believed to be Arianna Lucifer. She had warned everyone that only the Monster-Blood were allowed to get involved in it. There was nothing about Aizen in it that could have related him to the war but there was a mention that he was present in the snowfield city the day before the war erupted. She was glad to find that he was safe and had not participated in that war. However, there was a restlessness in her heart over the name of Arianna Lucifer. She couldn’t understand what it was but she was sure that the Blood-Winged Lucifer was on good terms with Aizen. How she had refused Liafina and suggested Aizen to Yuren was the proof of that. A thought appeared in her mind and her agitation rose. “Irina, was there anyone else in the Star Palace other than Xeina Starlight and her shadow Ayana?” She asked. That time when they had returned to the Star Palace after Yuren and Marvin’s duel, she had made Irina use her ability to see how many people were in the Palace. And Irina had told her that only Xeina and Ayana were there who had not appeared in front of them. “No, no one else was in the palace other than Xeina and Ayana.” Irina said and looked curiously at Keira. “What happened?” “Do you think Malcolm left his daughter in the Star Palace to only protect her? I think he wants her to become the Morningstar’s High-Queen.” Keira said as a cold glint flashed in her eyes. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong in that. People are after her daughter. She will be safe in the Star Palace. And besides, it’s Malcolm Starlight we are talking about. What agenda could he possibly have, other than the well-being of his child?” “I have a strong premonition that there’s more to it. He is, after all, someone from the Higher-Realm.” “What’s really bothering you?” Irina asked. “A Morningstar must have three High-Queens. The first is usually a Ka’zaed Blood but the second or third can be anyone who is chosen by the Morningstar.” Keira said and looked at Irina. “I think Arianna Lucifer is after the position of second High-Queen.” “Arianna Lucifer?” Irina was shocked to hear her words. “Why would she?” She asked but then seemed to be lost in some thoughts. “Yes. It’s just as you think it is. She left the House of Lucifer because she was not content with it. It was only strong enough to rule the Devildom but not the rest of the World. She’s a woman who loves Power and other than the Morningstar, there’s no other man in this world who could satisfy her sin of Pride.” “It’s possible but I don’t think Aizen would so easily make her his High-Queen.” Irina said but the worry was evident on her face. “He will.” Keira said and sighed. “He’s a Morningstar. He loves Chaos.” Keira’s agitation rose as she now feared Arianna Lucifer. How could she not? The Blood-Winged Lucifer was someone she had always considered as her future rival and now it had become true. With her around Aizen, she might never be able to make him love her more than the rest. Every single moment that she was away from him someone new was getting close to him. She was lost in her thoughts when another knock on the door was heard. She thought that someone had come to deliver her storage ring but then Irina told her who it really was. “It’s Ares Stavros. Alyson Azereus and Blood-Wolf Victor are with him.” Her voice was dignified as she worriedly looked at her. Keira couldn’t wrap her head around why Ares would come to her. The last time they had met, she had made things very clear to him. She wouldn’t mind teaching him another lesson if that was what he had come here for. They left the bedroom and Irina put on her cloak. “Nyxi, stay hidden. We are having some undesired guests, and if anything goes wrong, kill the weakest one first.” Keira instructed the beast before reaching for the door. “Yes, Master.” Keira opened the door and the all smiling face of Ares irritated her after just a glance. “Lady Keira.” Ares said and slightly bowed in greeting. “It’s been a while.” She didn’t like this man one bit but this was the premises of Hand of Kosmos and she couldn’t act uncivilly here. “Lord Ares.” She just nodded. “What brings you here?” “Are you not going to invite us in?” Ares raised his brow and smiled brightly. “Depends on what you are here for. You have an unusual company with you.” Keira said as her eyes pointed at Alyson Azereus. The information she had received just now didn’t mention where Alyson was. Ares' eyes squinted a little as he looked at the cloaked Irina. Alyson was masked and cloaked and there was no way for anyone to have recognized her. “You don’t have to worry, Lady Keira. I have no ill-intentions.” Ares politely said. Keira scoffed when she heard these words. This man was dangerous and it was impossible for him to not hold a grudge against her for what she had done to him. However, it was very unlikely that he would create disturbance here in these premises, so, she gestured them to come in. They all sat down on the couches. Keira called for a maid that soon came and served them with wine and snacks. Ares had not initiated the talk until the maid had left and Keira didn’t ask. “I have been asked by my family to find myself a Queen and none of my wives are worthy of it.” Ares started off the conversation and sipped his glass of wine. Keira didn’t like the fact that this man looked down on his own wives and this only added to her dislike of him. She knew what he was about to say and her lips curved in a pale smile. “I still want you to be my Queen.” Ares said in his husky voice and smiled at her. A purple glint passed Keira’s eyes and her lightning sparked on her body. Victor and Alyson immediately stood up on either side of Ares. They looked ready to stop Keira if she approached their Lord. “You think they can protect you?” Keira eyes became severe. “Why don’t you use your ability to see what’s about to happen to you?” Ares frowned at her words but then he used his ability as even the whites of his eyes turned black. The moment his eyes returned to normal he shot up from the couch and nervously looked behind him. “Nightmare Lynx.” Ares’ words served as a shock to his two guards and their nervousness was reflected in their wavering postures. “Yes. And I am not interested in listening to your gibberish. State the real reason why you have come here.” Keira said and called back her lightning element. Ares still looked uncomfortable but sat down on the couch. He laughed nervously and shook his head. “Nothing less could be expected of you.” He said and then looked at her. “Is the reason why you refuse me because I am not as handsome as the Morningstar?” Keira glared at him and warned him one last time. “Why have you come here?” She asked as she unleashed her Aura in the room. Ares realized the intensity of her anger and got to the point. “I have a deal for you.” He said. “It’s about the Morningstar.”
{ "title": "Above All", "id": 20980, "author": "Asphant", "rating": 4.8 }
{ "title": "Decision", "id": 305319, "next": 305578, "prev": 304973, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMzMzczYjE4NjQwMjQ5NGFhOGVjYjM1MzMxZDA2ODk0"><strong>Chapter 5 - Decision</strong></p> <p class="cnM5YTZmODFiNmQxYTQxMjdhNWM0NWI0OGMzNzFmNjk2">---</p> <p class="cnM2OGRiODJmOWJiMjQ5MWY4YmM5OWI3ZjJjN2E1NjVi">Jiu Vermillion was paying close attention to Arthur since he saw his deathly pale face. When he saw Rose Jade come, he quickly hid himself to listen to their conversation.</p> <p class="cnNlZDhjYzg2NmY5ODRiNDI4Mjg2Mjk3ZmJhMzhmMzRm">When he heard his son Arthur Vermillion exclaim, he was stunned. But when he looked closely at him, Jiu Vermillion himself also wanted to exclaim in delight!</p> <p class="cnM1YWMxN2NhMjU3NzQxNDFiMjU3MmFkYjljNjRmMjk2">However, Jiu Vermillion can see that there's something slightly wrong with Arthur Vermillion's body but he can't accurately discern what this was which made him frown a little. At any rate, everything would be fine as long as he gives him some medicinal herbs later. Jiu Vermillion was too happy to worry about anything, because...</p> <p class="cnNjYmI5NWYxNzkwOTRkNmJiZDU1NGIzNWY1ZDMxYTYw">Arthur broke through!</p> <p class="cnNmNzE4YjcyZThlNzQyOWViYmYxNjUzYWJhZjVhZjNl">'His hard work finally bore fruit...', Jiu Vermillion thought to himself. Although he is still behind his peers by a couple of steps, it is fine as long as Arthur is following closely behind.</p> <p class="cnM1MmM1ZDBiYWNjYjRkMzA5MWI4ZmRhNGIyMTFkYjc5">'I will surely throw him another banquet.', he inwardly said to himself again. With that, Jiu Vermillion returned to his own room quietly with his face full of smiles.</p> <p class="cnNjZDExODRlZjgxMTQzNjNiY2ZhYmIxODc3Y2ExZDM2">........</p> <p class="cnMyNTg4ZTQ3NDg0YzQ0Yzk5MjY5ODk2MzY4YTUxNzAz">Arthur Vermillion's mind went blank for a couple of seconds when he found out about his breakthrough. He guessed that this must be that Item Spirit's doing from last night. This was already expected by Arthur Vermillion but he still felt joy in his heart.</p> <p class="cnM2YjkyYmUzYmM0MzQ1MDE5YzE5MTlhMGYzOTAzMjU5">"Brother Arthur, you broke through!", Rose Jade cupped her fist. She was genuinely happy for Arthur for breaking through.</p> <p class="cnNiOWQzMWMyZTBjZjQzYjNhMDI4MjBmY2Y3ZWNhOTM0">Arthur Vermillion on the other hand, is finding this scene a bit silly. In spite of the fact that he too was happy for breaking through. He is still a bit short to catch up to his peers.</p> <p class="cnMxNzlmNzI2ZmQ0YTQyOTU5NWFlOTc2YzA5NzQzNGRi">The Body Strengthening Realm is divided into five stages. Vigor Stage, Superior Body Stage, Altering Bones Stage, Cleansing Marrow Stage, and Meridian Opening Stage.</p> <p class="cnNjZjgzNjllNDk3NzRiMTU4NGFmMzQ2MDZlMDliOWM2">Most of Arthur Vermillion's peers are at the second stage of Body Strengthening Realm, the Superior Body Stage. Whilst some geniuses are at the third stage of the Body Strengthening Realm, Altering Bone Stage. Pao Bluan is included in the 'genius' category.</p> <p class="cnNlY2E5NDQ3OTMzMTQwOWRhM2RmMWY4YWU1Nzc2MDRj">Other than that, there are also those who are at the fourth stage of the Body Strengthening Realm. They are all monstrous geniuses without peers. For example, Rose Jade, she can make a Superior Body Stage martial artist scared out of his wits just by releasing a bit of her genesis energy.</p> <p class="cnMyZTc2MzBjYzczNzRmYzhiOGU4ZjIwODNlZmE4ZDA5">"Sister Rose is too polite, it was just luck.", Arthur Vermillion also cupped his fist while laughing awkwardly. He does not want to include her to his troubles. Therefore, as long as he is still weak as f*ck, he would avoid Rose Jade for the time being.</p> <p class="cnM1YTMwMGRkMTM2MTQ0MzU4MWY5OTQ2MTFjNWQ1N2My">Arthur Vermillion invited Rose Jade to come inside but since Rose Jade came here to inquire why Arthur Vermillion didn't go to school earlier, she declined and hurriedly went home.</p> <p class="cnNkYjBjZGJlOTA4MjRiNDFhMTA4MWFlNDVjMGMzZTc0">He was a bit stunned at first but upon realizing her intentions. He lightly smiled at her fading back and proceeded to go to the market.</p> <p class="cnNmZjIwNmU5MzUxZDRiNzZiMTAzMGJjNWVhNGIyNDI5">He was planning to buy a medicine called 'Hundred Year Old Ginseng'. Just as the name implies, it is a herb that was grown for a hundred years. It can be used by Meridian Opening Stage martial artists or below to recover their depleted or expended Genesis Energy. When the quality is high enough, it could help cultivators heal minor injuries.</p> <p class="cnMwYTlkZGM5OTQ3YTQ1ZmI5ZGRjMDZlOWZjZmI5NTJh">Although the Vermillion Family have plenty of these kinds of medicine. Arthur Vermillion decided to keep anything related to that Item Spirit from last night a secret. Hence, preventing unnecessary future troubles.</p> <p class="cnMzYWNkZDk0OGEyNjRlYTM4MjlmZTBkYzM1NTkyNmJh">The process went out very smoothly, he even received an extra package called 'bootlicking' which slightly annoyed Arthur Vermillion.</p> <p class="cnNjYTgzNWM0MDUxNjRlNTY5ODNkYjE1MjVmZjkyNTlj">Even though Arthur Vermillion's family is declining as the time goes by,</p> <p class="cnNmMTJjMWQ5NDFlNDQyNmQ4ZTVlZTE4ZTgxODM3ZGEz">They can still thrash a lowly man like him without batting an eye. Therefore, he has to be careful to not offend this child in any way that might result in him having to pave a bleak path.</p> <p class="cnNhZWNjMDgwMWM0NDQzODk5YTgyMjM3YTM0Mjc0ODM5">........</p> <p class="cnNjNzc3ZGRmNjA3NzQ4ZGVhNzIzODE4Y2IzMjc1NDgz">With the 'Hundred Year Old Ginseng' in hand, Arthur Vermillion can slowly recover his Genesis Energy and heal the minor injuries his body sustained when the Item Spirit entered his body.</p> <p class="cnNlOWI5MDMyMTliMDQzYTA5YzNjMWUyMGZkMDBiMDky">Speaking of which... where the f*ck is that Item Spirit?!</p> <p class="cnNjOWFmMmQ1ZWZjYjRkNmRhMjc4MWVkZTExYmFjMTA2">The pain almost made him forgot how that Item Spirit just entered his body without telling him anything.</p> <p class="cnMzYTdlY2RkODJlYzRmMjc4MTU5NWZhOTMwNWYzZGM0">He spared no time and immediately started to meditate to probe where that Item Spirit is hiding in his body. Whilst under the effects of the 'Hundred Year Old Ginseng' that was still running wild in his body, he would be able to meditate much more efficiently.</p> <p class="cnNlYTVkNzgzZjQxNjQwMzk5Njk1MjViZjQwOWI3YmEw">He felt as though he can feel everything within his body. Although he did not know whether if it's because of his breakthrough or if it is because of the effects of the 'Hundred Year Old Ginseng'.</p> <p class="cnNlMjk1YzlmNzg2NDQxYzdiYzczODk3MmU1ZGNiOTZk">He remembered one of his teachers talk about breaking through the Vigor Stage, but he wasn't sure if scanning your whole body is part of the benefits that a Vigor Stage martial artist could have.</p> <p class="cnMxM2M3ZjJhMGViNDQ2YmViZDlkZDBiZmFjNTM3YjE1">Anyway, he has to focus on finding that Item Spirit. After its brief introduction and the situation it was in. Arthur Vermillion had his interest piqued and wanted to throw it a couple of thousand questions.</p> <p class="cnMwNDRkYjRkMmExZjQzYjhiZjk4NzdmM2ZiMjQyMjA3">He wanted to know where Item Spirits could be found or made. Basically, an Item Spirit is the Spirit of an Item that has gained intelligence. It could be either natural or if the Item survived a heavenly tribulation. This is only what Arthur Vermillion knew about Item Spirits. Actually, everyone only knew this much. In essence, Item Spirit is just a legend since no one has witnessed a heavenly tribulation let alone a weapon being forged by it.</p> <p class="cnMyNmY2NGUxZWVkZDQzYzI5ZmNkMjc1YTJiMmVmZTNk">He also wanted to know more about the 'Divine World' that the Item Spirit mentioned. Based on its name, it should be interesting, especially the part where he would travel from one world to another. It could broaden Arthur Vermillion's horizons.</p> <p class="cnNjMGJkM2U4NzhmYjQ3ODJhNmIwODIzYTNlYmU3ODNi">After he finished fantasizing his imaginations about people destroying planets with just a push of their hands and other ridiculous stuff that a 13-year old would think. Arthur Vermillion now seriously started to meditate.</p> <p class="cnNkZjQ4ODkxMzBlODQ0OGZhYzlkNDZkZmUxMDYzZWVl">However, he soon discovered that the Item Spirit was nowhere to be seen which greatly disappointed him.</p> <p class="cnNlMDBlYTY3YzYyZDRmNmQ4NTRiNDEyNDVhODYzY2U0">But when he thought back to the words the Item Spirit said last night. It became clear to him eventually and enlightened him. If he was still here, wouldn't that enemy of his come to whoop his ass?</p> <p class="cnNmODk5MzFlMDE0NTQ2N2ZhNmRkZjc4YmMxMmEzOTM1">Nevertheless, Arthur Vermillion made up his mind and he decided that he would still go to the 'Divine World' even without the guidance of the Item Spirit. He's not even at the realm where he could fly so he should forget about traveling to the outer space for now.</p> <p class="cnNjNDFhMWI5OTA4ZjRkZTNhZWExMGRjYjk0MTU3YWVl">---</p> </div>
**Chapter 5 - Decision** --- Jiu Vermillion was paying close attention to Arthur since he saw his deathly pale face. When he saw Rose Jade come, he quickly hid himself to listen to their conversation. When he heard his son Arthur Vermillion exclaim, he was stunned. But when he looked closely at him, Jiu Vermillion himself also wanted to exclaim in delight! However, Jiu Vermillion can see that there's something slightly wrong with Arthur Vermillion's body but he can't accurately discern what this was which made him frown a little. At any rate, everything would be fine as long as he gives him some medicinal herbs later. Jiu Vermillion was too happy to worry about anything, because... Arthur broke through! 'His hard work finally bore fruit...', Jiu Vermillion thought to himself. Although he is still behind his peers by a couple of steps, it is fine as long as Arthur is following closely behind. 'I will surely throw him another banquet.', he inwardly said to himself again. With that, Jiu Vermillion returned to his own room quietly with his face full of smiles. ........ Arthur Vermillion's mind went blank for a couple of seconds when he found out about his breakthrough. He guessed that this must be that Item Spirit's doing from last night. This was already expected by Arthur Vermillion but he still felt joy in his heart. "Brother Arthur, you broke through!", Rose Jade cupped her fist. She was genuinely happy for Arthur for breaking through. Arthur Vermillion on the other hand, is finding this scene a bit silly. In spite of the fact that he too was happy for breaking through. He is still a bit short to catch up to his peers. The Body Strengthening Realm is divided into five stages. Vigor Stage, Superior Body Stage, Altering Bones Stage, Cleansing Marrow Stage, and Meridian Opening Stage. Most of Arthur Vermillion's peers are at the second stage of Body Strengthening Realm, the Superior Body Stage. Whilst some geniuses are at the third stage of the Body Strengthening Realm, Altering Bone Stage. Pao Bluan is included in the 'genius' category. Other than that, there are also those who are at the fourth stage of the Body Strengthening Realm. They are all monstrous geniuses without peers. For example, Rose Jade, she can make a Superior Body Stage martial artist scared out of his wits just by releasing a bit of her genesis energy. "Sister Rose is too polite, it was just luck.", Arthur Vermillion also cupped his fist while laughing awkwardly. He does not want to include her to his troubles. Therefore, as long as he is still weak as f*ck, he would avoid Rose Jade for the time being. Arthur Vermillion invited Rose Jade to come inside but since Rose Jade came here to inquire why Arthur Vermillion didn't go to school earlier, she declined and hurriedly went home. He was a bit stunned at first but upon realizing her intentions. He lightly smiled at her fading back and proceeded to go to the market. He was planning to buy a medicine called 'Hundred Year Old Ginseng'. Just as the name implies, it is a herb that was grown for a hundred years. It can be used by Meridian Opening Stage martial artists or below to recover their depleted or expended Genesis Energy. When the quality is high enough, it could help cultivators heal minor injuries. Although the Vermillion Family have plenty of these kinds of medicine. Arthur Vermillion decided to keep anything related to that Item Spirit from last night a secret. Hence, preventing unnecessary future troubles. The process went out very smoothly, he even received an extra package called 'bootlicking' which slightly annoyed Arthur Vermillion. Even though Arthur Vermillion's family is declining as the time goes by, They can still thrash a lowly man like him without batting an eye. Therefore, he has to be careful to not offend this child in any way that might result in him having to pave a bleak path. ........ With the 'Hundred Year Old Ginseng' in hand, Arthur Vermillion can slowly recover his Genesis Energy and heal the minor injuries his body sustained when the Item Spirit entered his body. Speaking of which... where the f*ck is that Item Spirit?! The pain almost made him forgot how that Item Spirit just entered his body without telling him anything. He spared no time and immediately started to meditate to probe where that Item Spirit is hiding in his body. Whilst under the effects of the 'Hundred Year Old Ginseng' that was still running wild in his body, he would be able to meditate much more efficiently. He felt as though he can feel everything within his body. Although he did not know whether if it's because of his breakthrough or if it is because of the effects of the 'Hundred Year Old Ginseng'. He remembered one of his teachers talk about breaking through the Vigor Stage, but he wasn't sure if scanning your whole body is part of the benefits that a Vigor Stage martial artist could have. Anyway, he has to focus on finding that Item Spirit. After its brief introduction and the situation it was in. Arthur Vermillion had his interest piqued and wanted to throw it a couple of thousand questions. He wanted to know where Item Spirits could be found or made. Basically, an Item Spirit is the Spirit of an Item that has gained intelligence. It could be either natural or if the Item survived a heavenly tribulation. This is only what Arthur Vermillion knew about Item Spirits. Actually, everyone only knew this much. In essence, Item Spirit is just a legend since no one has witnessed a heavenly tribulation let alone a weapon being forged by it. He also wanted to know more about the 'Divine World' that the Item Spirit mentioned. Based on its name, it should be interesting, especially the part where he would travel from one world to another. It could broaden Arthur Vermillion's horizons. After he finished fantasizing his imaginations about people destroying planets with just a push of their hands and other ridiculous stuff that a 13-year old would think. Arthur Vermillion now seriously started to meditate. However, he soon discovered that the Item Spirit was nowhere to be seen which greatly disappointed him. But when he thought back to the words the Item Spirit said last night. It became clear to him eventually and enlightened him. If he was still here, wouldn't that enemy of his come to whoop his ass? Nevertheless, Arthur Vermillion made up his mind and he decided that he would still go to the 'Divine World' even without the guidance of the Item Spirit. He's not even at the realm where he could fly so he should forget about traveling to the outer space for now. ---
{ "title": "To move Heaven and Earth", "id": 21485, "author": "bkwrm196", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 4- Core Formation", "id": 305482, "next": 305726, "prev": 305167, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMzN2ZkMjZmNmU5NzQxYjdiODJjZmQ0MzM3NzE0ZjNh">In the world of cultivation Martial Arts are not merely fighting techniques but a method of controlling one’s growth. Vigorous exercise damages the muscles and allows the Mana that we use to rebuild them stronger than if we only cultivated. Higher Ranked Martial Arts that use Mana provide the best effect but are the most difficult to learn and require a stronger body meaning you first have to work up to them by strengthening your body with lower Ranked Martial Arts.</p> <p class="cnNlOWUzZDk3ODQ5OTRhMDJiNzg1NWQwNjIwMGQ2NzVm">-Excerpt from Telram’s notes on Martial Arts</p> <p class="cnM3YjNjNzMxZDk2NDQ1MTdhZmZjYTI3MjI3NzEzZTI3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmZDZmNjNiMjg1MzQyYThiNmQ2YmE3MTA2NmNlMjM3">“Well you see Telram, your mother was working on a badly damaged cultivation technique that some of the lord’s guardsmen had found in a ruin they had found. This was one of the most powerful cultivation techniques that had been found in recent years and Lord Irian insisted on it being restored by any means necessary,” Gerry said.</p> <p class="cnM0NjkwZWMwM2M1MTRkYzQ5ODE5NGEzZTlkZGZkOGQ2">Lord Irian was the City Lord, a powerful cultivator in his own right and had full power over both the city guards and the scholars who worked for him. Like many feudal lords back on earth he used his power to put his family members and supporters in positions where they could benefit him most. Gerry was one of the old-guard who had served his father which explained why he had been replaced as soon as he stopped listening to Irian’s orders. Like most city lords, Irian had a fascination with the ancient ruins that dotted the landscape of Nerrus and sent his guards out to search them for relics and martial techniques left behind by the people who lived on Nerrus before.</p> <p class="cnMzYmVlZmQ2MTljMTQwYTc4ODkyMTQ0Nzc4Yzc4ODQ3">Telram’s expression hardened, he could already see where this story was going.</p> <p class="cnNiYmY2M2JkY2Q5MjQ3MThiNGIwODRiMTkyOTQ5NmM3">“Your mother had been putting off getting a new cultivation technique because she wasn’t interested in the ones which were compatible with her. Which is why she was put in charge of this project, Irian ordered her to test the cultivation technique on herself before she felt it was ready to use and the result was that her core warped and cracked causing large amounts of Mana to flow into her body. We patched her core up as best we could, but Lily’s internal organs were so badly damaged that she can no longer cultivate, and some Mana is still leaking out into her body which is why her condition is worsening. I was trying to find a solution to the problem and Irian claimed that I was wasting resources and replaced me with his cousin Pavel.”</p> <p class="cnM4ZWYzYWM2NzljYjRmZTZiYjM3NTA2ZjZiZDUxZjMy">The aura once again flared outwards from the boy, Gerry flinched but he had been expecting it this time and had already erected defences. Telram screamed in rage, and the aura of bloodlust slowly faded as he regained control.</p> <p class="cnNjYmYzODFlNDVjYjQyOWM4NWVkOWFmYTUxZGQ5ODAx">Panting Telram looked at Gerry with bloodshot eyes. A technique that could repair Mana Cores and cure Mana Poisoning, which was the name of the condition that Lily had could save the lives of countless promising cultivators but apparently that wasn’t good enough for the power-hungry Irian.</p> <p class="cnMyZjRlMGViNTU0OTRmNzFiMmFhZjM4NWM1YzFlM2Zh">“So, what you are saying, is that because Lord Irian wanted to get a new cultivation technique to add to his collection, my mother had to cripple herself,” he growled. “Tell me Gerry, what exactly does ‘Lord Irian’ think a human’s life is worth?”</p> <p class="cnMzN2JiM2MxNTI1MTQyOWJiYTE5YjRhNTdmMGQ1Zjk0">Though Telram had indeed managed to control the aura of bloodlust that had been leaking out through his Soul Energy Gerry could still see the rage burning behind his eyes.</p> <p class="cnMwYTlkMWY1Y2I2MjRhMTg5Y2U3OGEyYTc5YWZkOWJk">Gerry shivered form the icy feeling that ran down his back as he looked at Telram, “A commoner’s life matters about as much to him as that of a cow or pig, if they aren’t useful or a member of his family, he doesn’t care what happens to them.”</p> <p class="cnNmMTk0Y2IxODY3NzRmNzBhNTBlZDc4MjRhYmQyODMy">Telram closed his eyes and breathed deeply, this was pretty much what he had expected, but it didn’t make it any less disappointing, some things never changed even in worlds where people could live for hundreds or even thousands of years.</p> <p class="cnMwMTY5OTIwMzY5YzQyZDRhY2FiMzE4MTQ3MzI1ZjA5">Once he was sure he could remain calm he opened his eyes to see Gerry looking at him worriedly, “Sorry about that Gerry, I didn’t realise that would happen.”</p> <p class="cnM5OGZhMTMzOTVkNzQ5NWU4MzMwYzY2MDc2MTc1YmQw">Gerry nodded his acceptance of Telram’s apology, most cultivators didn’t have powerful enough Soul Energy to do what Telram had done until they had completely condensed their Mana Core and become Ascended Realm cultivators so the manual that he had given Lily didn’t have that information in it. That Telram was able to use a technique like that, even if it was incomplete and sloppy spoke to the power of his Soul.</p> <p class="cnNmNWM5MzUwODY1ZDRhOTdiM2EyZGU2MmJmODM4OWVm">“Don’t worry about it kid there was no way you could have known that you could do that. Even I didn’t think you could do that until now and I can use a skill that allows me to sense how powerful someone’s Soul Energy is,” Gerry said to reassure the boy but was surprised when the boy looked up excitedly.</p> <p class="cnNkMzNiYWU2ZTQ4ODQ0Mjk5MzNhMDkwZTlhZDQ1Y2Vi">“Can you teach me!?”</p> <p class="cnNhMzEyYWFkZDMzYzQyODRhMzA2OWQ0MmYwOWVkZTNj">Gerry stood there gaping at Telram for a few moments before bursting into laughter, of course he picks now to start acting like a child again.</p> <p class="cnNjNThiYzMzMzhmZTQ3YzViMTIwMzM4OTYyZGY2MGZl">“Yes, yes of course,” Gerry chuckled happy to see the boy acting like the child he was again. “But first we should get on with condensing your Mana Core. You know how of course?”</p> <p class="cnNiMTRmNzE2NTJjNjQ5OTQ5YTZjMzEzNjMyOTE0MTI0">“Yes, for the first layer you compress half of your Mana Cloud down while infusing it with your Soul Energy and wrap it around the rest of your Mana Cloud,” Telram said. He technique took up a large part of the cultivation manual that Gerry had sent him so naturally Telram had taken the technique apart and put it back together in a way that was easier to understand, this might cause some problems for him at first as he had yet to test the technique out, so there was a possibility that he left out some information that he needed because he thought it was superfluous but he had learned it.</p> <p class="cnNiMWFjZWY4MDZhYjQ3YTU5MmJiMDRlY2M0MjFmZjQ2">The Core Formation Stage has nine ‘layers’ when a cultivator forms the first layer of their Mana Core they enter the first Layer of the Core Formation Stage after which they must absorb more Mana into their Core and condense it again to form the next layer until the Core has nine layers made up of a combination of the cultivators Soul Energy and Mana, to enter the Ascendant Realm they must condense one final layer around their Core.</p> <p class="cnM5YjQ3ZGZhNjQ5ZTQ1NWJhYTRlZDk3ZDZjNDdiYmY1">Once one has condensed the first layer of their Mana Core they will find that the core itself is much larger on the inside and they must fill it completely with Mana before condensing the next layer. At this stage the Mana Core can contain at least twice the amount of Mana that their body could previously handle and that amount doubles again with each successive layer.</p> <p class="cnNhYjYzYzc3NDA1NDQ4ZWFhYzM0NTczNWIwYThhMDlh">“Right, now I want you to condense the Mana down with your Soul Energy as far as you possibly can before forming the first layer of your core, it should give you a corresponding increase in Mana capacity,” Gerry said, he knew that with Telram’s powerful Soul Energy the Mana Core would be able to contain far more Mana than other cultivators of a similar level, this would slow down Telram’s cultivation a lot due to him having to absorb a lot more Mana to fill up his Core but the benefits should outweigh the drawbacks.</p> <p class="cnNiOWMxZGFkYjY0NzQ3NWViNGM5ZGM2MjdjMGQ0ODRh">Telram nodded and sat down closing his eyes as he started meditating, soon his breathing steadied, and his consciousness entered the area where his Mana Cloud was. His Inner Vision technique had improved to the point where he could now form a vague spiritual ‘body,’ this allowed him superior control over his cultivation technique allowing him to absorb Mana faster and control it better meaning that less had been lost along the way than most people at his level, which had in turn meant that he had more Mana in his body.</p> <p class="cnM0Y2E0N2Q4MTM2ZTQxZDU4ZjNmOThkNWQ5ZmEyZGI5">Mentally reaching out he split his Mana Cloud in two and started to refine it with his Soul Energy, infusing as much as he could. He frowned slightly, it looked like this was going to take even longer than he had thought.</p> <p class="cnM0Mzc2ZDdjYTkxNjQyMjY4YjE3OTAxN2JjYTEwMGVk">Gerry watched the boy begin to refine the first layer of his Mana with his Spiritual Sight; the technique that allowed someone to view both another beings Soul Energy as well as their Mana Core that Telram had wanted to learn.</p> <p class="cnNhYmQzNDVmYTkzMDRkNTg5ZWQ4NDc1MTljMDMxYjFj">“Impressive control, he’s almost mastered the Inner Vision technique, just a little more and he will have a true spiritual presence,” Gerry murmured. Even he had taken years to reach a similar level to what Telram was already at after only a few months which filled him with both a sense of pride and worry. If Telram was as bog a genius as he seemed it would make it harder for him to avoid the attention of Lord Irian.</p> <p class="cnMxZGVkNzcyOGFjODRkYTJiMTUyMmJlMjYzNDllMjYx">“Well I should let Lily know what’s happening, I’d hate for her to worry when Telram doesn’t come home tonight,” he sighed going into his house and grabbing a strange sheet of paper that had one side covered with strange markings. He quickly wrote down what was happening and channelled a bit of Mana into the paper which twitched before folding itself into a bird and flying away.</p> <p class="cnNhYmQ1NWU0NTBlMTRhMGRhNWM4NmNkMTI1NmEzYjIy">The paper had what was known as an inscription on it, much like the puppets he had been training with earlier but far simpler, requiring the correct pattern to be drawn onto the paper with ink infused with a crushed beast core. These types of inscribed items were known as talismans and could be used for many purposes such as the low levelled Messenger Bird he had used to ones containing powerful Mana based attacks however unlike the puppets that he made they could only be used once before they ran out of power. Gerry wasn’t much of a talisman maker himself, but he knew how to make some basic ones.</p> <p class="cnNiNWU1MDlkY2M0NTRjM2M5MmZkNDMwZmNiMzg3NTEx">Gerry specialised in making things like the puppets from earlier. Inscribed items could come in many forms from powerful weapons to flying ships, though things as large as flying ships were rare as they required large amounts of high end materials and many Beast Cores to make, most were artefacts that had been found in ancient ruin due to the immense cost to make something like that as well as the level of skill required. As far as Gerry was aware there were maybe three people in the whole world capable of making something that complicated.</p> <p class="cnNjOTM1OGZmOWRmMjQ2ZDc5Mzc3OTBhNWJiOTRiYmVl">After thinking about it for a while Gerry got up and walked over towards a small chest and opened it, inside were what appeared to be several small crystals, these crystals were in fact Beast Core, Gerry picked out a core and wandered back outside to where Telram was still trying to form the first layer of his Mana Core he sat down next to the boy and inserted his Soul Energy into the Beast Core forming a spiritual body that was identical to his own inside the empty crystalline structure, this was the advanced version of the same technique that Telram was using. Concentrating Gerry started to carve an inscription into the core’s inner wall. Gerry was making a training puppet for Telram to use once he had finished forming the first layer of his Mana Core which would allow him to fight at a much higher level than he could previously. Gerry had decided to inscribe it with the same Solid Fist Martial Art that Telram knew for the moment and limit the Core’s power to the equivalent of the First Layer of the Core Formation Stage for now. The Core itself came from an Elemental Mana Beast of the fifth Rank so the Core would last Telram a good while before he outgrew it at which time, he could simply replace it with a Core from a more powerful Mana Beast if he wished.</p> <p class="cnMxZmQwNzJiMmNmYTRjNmZiNjA4YzQwNTM5MGJmYTQ0">Meanwhile sweat was running down Telram’s brow as he continued to refine the Mana, he guessed that he was maybe a quarter of the way done, the refined Mana was starting to become thick and more difficult to control with his Soul Energy. The Mana that had been left behind in his Mana Cloud was leaking out into his body faster than ever due to his inability to retain the firm grip he had on it previously, this was causing him more than a little discomfort, but he knew he couldn’t stop now. If he did, he would end up in an even worse state than the one his mother was in and probably die as the Mana destroyed his internal organs.</p> <p class="cnNmNTQwNDgxODA4MjQyYTViNDAwYTA2NDMwNzc1NDI0">It was dark outside by the time Gerry had finished inscribing the Beast Core and he looked sideways at Telram who was still refining his Mana Core. Gerry quickly checked his progress and nodded to himself, Telram was entering the final part of the process, he should be done in less than an hour.</p> <p class="cnNkZjI5YTZlMDc5MDRiNzg5M2ZiZDI5MzA3MWZiZWI5">Gerry stood up and glanced down in surprise as something that he hadn’t even noticed was there fell from his lap, reaching down he picked up the now lifeless messenger bird and unfolded it. He smiled, it was Lily’s reply; it seemed that she had predicted this would be happening and wished Telram the best. Bending down Gerry placed the letter next to the boy and walked inside to start making dinner the boy would be hungry when he finally finished but his body probably wouldn’t be able to handle anything too hearty after the trial it had endured.</p> <p class="cnM0MzJmOGE0MzQ2MTQ2ZmI5ODkyNjAxYjlhMjhjNTY2">Not long after Telram opened his eyes, a massive grin appearing on his face as his body relaxed for the first time in what felt like a month, he had finally finished forming his Mana Core. He swayed slightly as he stood up, that much time using his Soul Energy had left him mentally exhausted. Shaking his head to clear some of the cobwebs he reached down and picked up the piece of paper that Gerry had left next to him and walked inside.</p> <p class="cnNkMWZmNzRiM2YyYjQyYWE5MDdhYWIwYzg2OWRiNTE4">A smile broke over his face as he read his mother’s letter, but this soon changed as he smelt the food that Gerry was cooking, practically drooling he followed his nose to the kitchen where Gerry waited for him.</p> <p class="cnM1Yzc1M2RlYzExNTQyYmNhNjAwNzEyZjY3YzQ1NThm">“Congratulations on advancing to the Core Formation Stage Telram!” Gerry laughed seeing the look on the boy’s face. “I’ve made a light meal for you to eat and then you should head off to bed. You’ve used up a lot of Soul Energy and you need a good night’s sleep to recover. Now sit down and eat.”</p> <p class="cnM2ODE5MzE0MDViMTRhMmM4Y2FjZDFjMTY1ODk2ZTdj">Telram thanked Gerry and quickly sat down at the table. Gerry filled two bowls with the soup he had been making and placed one in front of Telram before grabbing a piece of the crusty bread he had set on the table earlier.</p> <p class="cnM2NDg0MWMzYzY2YjQzYTRhYWFkYjI0MWM0MTlkZWEw">Gerry grinned as Telram devoured his soup and bread, the soup contained medicinal herbs that helped people to relax and restore their Soul Energy, so he knew that Telram would sleep well tonight and be wide awake the next day, his Soul Energy restored, and his body cleared of most of the Mana that had been damaging it.</p> <p class="cnM4MDRmNDBjYjBiMDQ1NzI5NTZhMjE0MjQwOWIzNTcy">Once he had filled his stomach Telram asked to send a messenger bird to his parents to let them know that he had successfully managed to form the first layer of his Mana Core. Gerry grinned at this and pointed at the sheet of paper he had prepared for this exact purpose earlier sitting on the bench next to him.</p> <p class="cnM1MmNkMmZkNGU1MTRjNTY4M2VkZjlmMDczNTllMDcw">Telram got up and walked over to it and was pleased to see that it was what he had asked for and took it and the writing tools on offer to quickly write his message and as the paper bird flew off in the direction of his house he turned back to Gerry.</p> <p class="cnM1M2EyODM3MDk3ODRkOTVhMzkyZTk2MmYwOTM3Nzll">“I could really use some sleep Gerry,” he said.</p> <p class="cnMzZjRiM2M2MzRlMDQ5MGFiZjc0MjMzZTlhMTRiZTA2">“Well that’s the understatement of the year,” laughed Gerry who remembered how he had felt after forming the first layer of his own Mana Core. “I’m amazed you haven’t just collapsed to be honest, I’ll show you to your room, we’ll talk some more in the morning.”</p> <p class="cnNmMDRhYzZlNDViODQ1NGE5NGRiMDg5MTBmNTRlZTdm">Later that night after Telram had drifted off to sleep he started dreaming. In the dream he was back in his old body and working a late night with one of his old friends from university, they had been lucky enough to get placed with a well-known archaeologist who had recently found a strange artefact at a dig in northern China.</p> <p class="cnMyOWE4OWU5NDRjZjQ1MmNhZTM1ZmYyYzkxM2Y1ZDFl">The two had been asked by the professor to run some extra tests on the artefact while he was away trying to get grant money to go back and see if he could find any similar artefacts at the dig-site, the two were hopeful that if the professor succeeded he would take them with him.</p> <p class="cnNhMzhmNDkyODM4NzRhZGJhYzdjMjdlYWQwODNlYTU3">“What do you think it is anyway man?” asked his friend. Telram glanced sideways at the skinny young man standing next to him.</p> <p class="cnMyNmQwN2U1YzYwYTQ0MmJhMmEyYWZlYWMxMjU0YTFk">“Other than a piece of rock with strange symbols carved into it?” Telram asked rhetorically causing his friend to roll his eyes at him. “No, not really Tim.”</p> <p class="cnMxN2QyODkxMDg5YTQ3NDY5MTZmNjljNmI1ZmE4MDVi">“I mean don’t get me wrong, it’s a really nice piece of carved stone, but other than that…” Telram let the thought trail off as he stared at the strange artefact in front of them.</p> <p class="cnM0Y2NkMGNlZWI2ZjQ2ZDVhNzVmNTg2OTc3ZDFlNTdl">“I know right?” Tim grumbled mysteries like this had always been something that bothered him, so it was really frustrating that after months of study they weren’t any closer to figuring out what this was. “I mean it’s weird but other than that it just seems like a normal piece of carved stone, if the symbols were a language that anyone recognised it probably wouldn’t even be worth a second look, but no one has the slightest clue as to what it is…”</p> <p class="cnM4ZjRhNzM3NDMxZTQ2Y2JhMDJjOTdiZDIyOGVhY2I1">Tim paused after this as his face twisted into a confused frown. “Wait what’s that sound?”</p> <p class="cnM4ZjEzZjFiMjAwYjRjNzU5N2JkMzAyNTM2NTkyMTA0">Telram cocked his head as well, it sounded like someone else had entered the lab that the two were working in, but the professor was the only other person with access, so what was going on?</p> <p class="cnM3MWJlZDQ4MGFhNzRlMjlhYjdlZmRjMDMyMDFjZTM1">“Hello boys,” the two jumped at the sound of a man’s voice and turned around.</p> <p class="cnNhZjdhN2I3Yjg5NTRjNjFhZGI0NTJmMmY4NDIzZjNh">“Who are you and what are you doing here?” Telram asked. “This is a secure lab.”</p> <p class="cnMxZmVlMjcwNzU0YzQ1M2M4MzkwMzllNjBkYzA2MmM4">This lab should have been completely secure requiring someone to know two separate codes and pass a retina scan to enter, so there shouldn’t have been any way for someone who wasn’t involved with the project to get in without raising the alarm which was worryingly silent.</p> <p class="cnM0YTgzMWI4MDI0MzRiNmRiMmM2YTQ4ZTUwMjlmNTVk">“I’ve been sent here by my employer,” the non-descript man replied smoothing imaginary wrinkles out of his grey suit the tone that he was using sending chills down the spines of the two young men. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to take that artefact off of your hands.”</p> <p class="cnMyYmVlYmRmOTgxNjQyYzZiMWU2ZDI0MTRjMGY5MzQ1">Telram glanced sideways at his friend who was glaring at the intruder. Tim had a dangerous tendency to fly off the handle when things didn’t go his way and Telram was worried that if he exploded right now the man standing in front of them would kill them without even blinking an eye.</p> <p class="cnMxYjVhYjBmMTViZTQwZTQ4NjlmY2RlODJjYTc3ODU3">“You need to leave now!” Tim shouted.</p> <p class="cnNlNjY0Y2JkN2MzZjQ1NmJiYzMwZTVhOGRkOWY3ZjRl">Well… so much for that then.</p> <p class="cnNiMmE4ZTYwNjA1NTQ1YzZhM2RkNDU1M2ZiZGJhYTAx">“No, you should leave now, before I have to hurt you,” the man replied in the same bone-chilling tone of voice he had been using the entire time.</p> <p class="cnM4MmVkMDQ0MmQ5MDQ5ODc5MDgzNzA4NDllM2YxZTBh">“There’s no way we’re letting you take this stone! This was discovered by the professor, he gets to decide what to do with it and I’m sure that he won’t just be giving it away to some random man,” Tim replied clenching his fists.</p> <p class="cnNhMDkzNmFkOTA0NzQ5ZjU5MjNhYTM5ZTI1YjdiZmE1">The man’s face twitched at being referred to as a ‘random man’ not that there was much he could do to deny it without causing problems for his employer.</p> <p class="cnNiNjEyZmJkNmQ5MTQ4YTM5Y2FhOGJjZWJlY2NmMTFi">“Oh, is that so?” he asked reaching into his suit and pulling out a silenced pistol.</p> <p class="cnMwYmU4YTRiNDc2NDQ0NzViOTBhNGNmNmI2YzFjZGM2">Tim’s face paled as he realised that he should have known that it was likely the intruder had a gun, but he wasn’t expecting him to be so quick to use it…</p> <p class="cnNlMGQzZTJiYTIxZjRjNThiNGIwNzgyNDc5ZjdiZDEw">“Tim, it’s not worth it let’s just let him take it,” Telram said shaking his head, it would be difficult for the man to get away from here with the stone tablet, even though it was small enough to carry so there was no reason for them to risk their lives. They could just rely on the security guards to stop him when he left.</p> <p class="cnMwODViNjQ2Mjg5ZTRhNWY5NzA2NmFkYjRhYjJlZmE5">The intruder shook his head, “Sorry boys but we’re out of time.”</p> <p class="cnM2MjliMGUzN2RjNzQ0NDFhMzdmNWQ3N2JjMmE5MzRj">The man suddenly raised his weapon and fired it at Tim, the silencer muffled most of the noise, but it was still loud in the enclosed room as Telram watched in horror as two red marks appeared on his friend’s chest before he collapsed in a boneless heap.</p> <p class="cnNmNTUzMTMzMjUzNjRlMTdhMzczZWQ2YjY2OGZmNDMy">“Tim!” He shouted and turned to glare at the man who stood there calmly watching his reaction.</p> <p class="cnM3NjVkMzliY2ZjYTQ2ZTM4MTBmNzQ2NjY5NmU0MjAw">“Alright, you’re going to help me with that stone tablet,” the man said gesturing at the item with his gun, causing Telram to flinch.</p> <p class="cnM2MmUyYzhjYzNkYzRkMzBiZTEyZjk0NDdjODA0MmZl">“And why would I do that? There’s no way I’m getting out of this alive,” he snarled. This arsehole had just killed his friend so there was no way that he was going to do anything to help him.</p> <p class="cnM0NDA2MTUwZWNmMDQzMmViY2VmN2FmMjJmNzFhOTU2">“Your friend over there died pretty painlessly and if you do as I say, so will you,” the intruder threatened in that same emotionless tone he had been using from the moment he had entered the room as though he hadn’t just killed someone.</p> <p class="cnNlNzMxYzY0ZGE5YzRhMDFhOGI2NGMwOTFkYjdlYTY2">Telram glared at him for a few seconds before walking over to where the stone tablet was lying, making the man relax slightly as he assumed that Telram was just going to do as he was told. But instead of picking up the small stone tablet Telram quickly hit a small button on the wall next to it before turning and charging at the intruder as an alarm started ringing. The intruder swore loudly and raised his gun firing multiple times, sending blood spraying backwards onto the precious stone tablet he had been sent to collect. As the light in Telram’s eyes faded he smirked at the angry face of the intruder, with the amount of racket that they had made it wasn’t going to be easy for him to get away if not outright impossible.</p> <p class="cnNlY2I2ZjcxODg4ZTQ3NDhhNzIxMTgyMTI5MzE5M2Y3">“You little shit! What have you done!?” the man snarled raising pointing his gun at the young man’s smiling face and firing one final time.</p> </div>
In the world of cultivation Martial Arts are not merely fighting techniques but a method of controlling one’s growth. Vigorous exercise damages the muscles and allows the Mana that we use to rebuild them stronger than if we only cultivated. Higher Ranked Martial Arts that use Mana provide the best effect but are the most difficult to learn and require a stronger body meaning you first have to work up to them by strengthening your body with lower Ranked Martial Arts. -Excerpt from Telram’s notes on Martial Arts   “Well you see Telram, your mother was working on a badly damaged cultivation technique that some of the lord’s guardsmen had found in a ruin they had found. This was one of the most powerful cultivation techniques that had been found in recent years and Lord Irian insisted on it being restored by any means necessary,” Gerry said. Lord Irian was the City Lord, a powerful cultivator in his own right and had full power over both the city guards and the scholars who worked for him. Like many feudal lords back on earth he used his power to put his family members and supporters in positions where they could benefit him most. Gerry was one of the old-guard who had served his father which explained why he had been replaced as soon as he stopped listening to Irian’s orders. Like most city lords, Irian had a fascination with the ancient ruins that dotted the landscape of Nerrus and sent his guards out to search them for relics and martial techniques left behind by the people who lived on Nerrus before. Telram’s expression hardened, he could already see where this story was going. “Your mother had been putting off getting a new cultivation technique because she wasn’t interested in the ones which were compatible with her. Which is why she was put in charge of this project, Irian ordered her to test the cultivation technique on herself before she felt it was ready to use and the result was that her core warped and cracked causing large amounts of Mana to flow into her body. We patched her core up as best we could, but Lily’s internal organs were so badly damaged that she can no longer cultivate, and some Mana is still leaking out into her body which is why her condition is worsening. I was trying to find a solution to the problem and Irian claimed that I was wasting resources and replaced me with his cousin Pavel.” The aura once again flared outwards from the boy, Gerry flinched but he had been expecting it this time and had already erected defences. Telram screamed in rage, and the aura of bloodlust slowly faded as he regained control. Panting Telram looked at Gerry with bloodshot eyes. A technique that could repair Mana Cores and cure Mana Poisoning, which was the name of the condition that Lily had could save the lives of countless promising cultivators but apparently that wasn’t good enough for the power-hungry Irian. “So, what you are saying, is that because Lord Irian wanted to get a new cultivation technique to add to his collection, my mother had to cripple herself,” he growled. “Tell me Gerry, what exactly does ‘Lord Irian’ think a human’s life is worth?” Though Telram had indeed managed to control the aura of bloodlust that had been leaking out through his Soul Energy Gerry could still see the rage burning behind his eyes. Gerry shivered form the icy feeling that ran down his back as he looked at Telram, “A commoner’s life matters about as much to him as that of a cow or pig, if they aren’t useful or a member of his family, he doesn’t care what happens to them.” Telram closed his eyes and breathed deeply, this was pretty much what he had expected, but it didn’t make it any less disappointing, some things never changed even in worlds where people could live for hundreds or even thousands of years. Once he was sure he could remain calm he opened his eyes to see Gerry looking at him worriedly, “Sorry about that Gerry, I didn’t realise that would happen.” Gerry nodded his acceptance of Telram’s apology, most cultivators didn’t have powerful enough Soul Energy to do what Telram had done until they had completely condensed their Mana Core and become Ascended Realm cultivators so the manual that he had given Lily didn’t have that information in it. That Telram was able to use a technique like that, even if it was incomplete and sloppy spoke to the power of his Soul. “Don’t worry about it kid there was no way you could have known that you could do that. Even I didn’t think you could do that until now and I can use a skill that allows me to sense how powerful someone’s Soul Energy is,” Gerry said to reassure the boy but was surprised when the boy looked up excitedly. “Can you teach me!?” Gerry stood there gaping at Telram for a few moments before bursting into laughter, of course he picks now to start acting like a child again. “Yes, yes of course,” Gerry chuckled happy to see the boy acting like the child he was again. “But first we should get on with condensing your Mana Core. You know how of course?” “Yes, for the first layer you compress half of your Mana Cloud down while infusing it with your Soul Energy and wrap it around the rest of your Mana Cloud,” Telram said. He technique took up a large part of the cultivation manual that Gerry had sent him so naturally Telram had taken the technique apart and put it back together in a way that was easier to understand, this might cause some problems for him at first as he had yet to test the technique out, so there was a possibility that he left out some information that he needed because he thought it was superfluous but he had learned it. The Core Formation Stage has nine ‘layers’ when a cultivator forms the first layer of their Mana Core they enter the first Layer of the Core Formation Stage after which they must absorb more Mana into their Core and condense it again to form the next layer until the Core has nine layers made up of a combination of the cultivators Soul Energy and Mana, to enter the Ascendant Realm they must condense one final layer around their Core. Once one has condensed the first layer of their Mana Core they will find that the core itself is much larger on the inside and they must fill it completely with Mana before condensing the next layer. At this stage the Mana Core can contain at least twice the amount of Mana that their body could previously handle and that amount doubles again with each successive layer. “Right, now I want you to condense the Mana down with your Soul Energy as far as you possibly can before forming the first layer of your core, it should give you a corresponding increase in Mana capacity,” Gerry said, he knew that with Telram’s powerful Soul Energy the Mana Core would be able to contain far more Mana than other cultivators of a similar level, this would slow down Telram’s cultivation a lot due to him having to absorb a lot more Mana to fill up his Core but the benefits should outweigh the drawbacks. Telram nodded and sat down closing his eyes as he started meditating, soon his breathing steadied, and his consciousness entered the area where his Mana Cloud was. His Inner Vision technique had improved to the point where he could now form a vague spiritual ‘body,’ this allowed him superior control over his cultivation technique allowing him to absorb Mana faster and control it better meaning that less had been lost along the way than most people at his level, which had in turn meant that he had more Mana in his body. Mentally reaching out he split his Mana Cloud in two and started to refine it with his Soul Energy, infusing as much as he could. He frowned slightly, it looked like this was going to take even longer than he had thought. Gerry watched the boy begin to refine the first layer of his Mana with his Spiritual Sight; the technique that allowed someone to view both another beings Soul Energy as well as their Mana Core that Telram had wanted to learn. “Impressive control, he’s almost mastered the Inner Vision technique, just a little more and he will have a true spiritual presence,” Gerry murmured. Even he had taken years to reach a similar level to what Telram was already at after only a few months which filled him with both a sense of pride and worry. If Telram was as bog a genius as he seemed it would make it harder for him to avoid the attention of Lord Irian. “Well I should let Lily know what’s happening, I’d hate for her to worry when Telram doesn’t come home tonight,” he sighed going into his house and grabbing a strange sheet of paper that had one side covered with strange markings. He quickly wrote down what was happening and channelled a bit of Mana into the paper which twitched before folding itself into a bird and flying away. The paper had what was known as an inscription on it, much like the puppets he had been training with earlier but far simpler, requiring the correct pattern to be drawn onto the paper with ink infused with a crushed beast core. These types of inscribed items were known as talismans and could be used for many purposes such as the low levelled Messenger Bird he had used to ones containing powerful Mana based attacks however unlike the puppets that he made they could only be used once before they ran out of power. Gerry wasn’t much of a talisman maker himself, but he knew how to make some basic ones. Gerry specialised in making things like the puppets from earlier. Inscribed items could come in many forms from powerful weapons to flying ships, though things as large as flying ships were rare as they required large amounts of high end materials and many Beast Cores to make, most were artefacts that had been found in ancient ruin due to the immense cost to make something like that as well as the level of skill required. As far as Gerry was aware there were maybe three people in the whole world capable of making something that complicated. After thinking about it for a while Gerry got up and walked over towards a small chest and opened it, inside were what appeared to be several small crystals, these crystals were in fact Beast Core, Gerry picked out a core and wandered back outside to where Telram was still trying to form the first layer of his Mana Core he sat down next to the boy and inserted his Soul Energy into the Beast Core forming a spiritual body that was identical to his own inside the empty crystalline structure, this was the advanced version of the same technique that Telram was using. Concentrating Gerry started to carve an inscription into the core’s inner wall. Gerry was making a training puppet for Telram to use once he had finished forming the first layer of his Mana Core which would allow him to fight at a much higher level than he could previously. Gerry had decided to inscribe it with the same Solid Fist Martial Art that Telram knew for the moment and limit the Core’s power to the equivalent of the First Layer of the Core Formation Stage for now. The Core itself came from an Elemental Mana Beast of the fifth Rank so the Core would last Telram a good while before he outgrew it at which time, he could simply replace it with a Core from a more powerful Mana Beast if he wished. Meanwhile sweat was running down Telram’s brow as he continued to refine the Mana, he guessed that he was maybe a quarter of the way done, the refined Mana was starting to become thick and more difficult to control with his Soul Energy. The Mana that had been left behind in his Mana Cloud was leaking out into his body faster than ever due to his inability to retain the firm grip he had on it previously, this was causing him more than a little discomfort, but he knew he couldn’t stop now. If he did, he would end up in an even worse state than the one his mother was in and probably die as the Mana destroyed his internal organs. It was dark outside by the time Gerry had finished inscribing the Beast Core and he looked sideways at Telram who was still refining his Mana Core. Gerry quickly checked his progress and nodded to himself, Telram was entering the final part of the process, he should be done in less than an hour. Gerry stood up and glanced down in surprise as something that he hadn’t even noticed was there fell from his lap, reaching down he picked up the now lifeless messenger bird and unfolded it. He smiled, it was Lily’s reply; it seemed that she had predicted this would be happening and wished Telram the best. Bending down Gerry placed the letter next to the boy and walked inside to start making dinner the boy would be hungry when he finally finished but his body probably wouldn’t be able to handle anything too hearty after the trial it had endured. Not long after Telram opened his eyes, a massive grin appearing on his face as his body relaxed for the first time in what felt like a month, he had finally finished forming his Mana Core. He swayed slightly as he stood up, that much time using his Soul Energy had left him mentally exhausted. Shaking his head to clear some of the cobwebs he reached down and picked up the piece of paper that Gerry had left next to him and walked inside. A smile broke over his face as he read his mother’s letter, but this soon changed as he smelt the food that Gerry was cooking, practically drooling he followed his nose to the kitchen where Gerry waited for him. “Congratulations on advancing to the Core Formation Stage Telram!” Gerry laughed seeing the look on the boy’s face. “I’ve made a light meal for you to eat and then you should head off to bed. You’ve used up a lot of Soul Energy and you need a good night’s sleep to recover. Now sit down and eat.” Telram thanked Gerry and quickly sat down at the table. Gerry filled two bowls with the soup he had been making and placed one in front of Telram before grabbing a piece of the crusty bread he had set on the table earlier. Gerry grinned as Telram devoured his soup and bread, the soup contained medicinal herbs that helped people to relax and restore their Soul Energy, so he knew that Telram would sleep well tonight and be wide awake the next day, his Soul Energy restored, and his body cleared of most of the Mana that had been damaging it. Once he had filled his stomach Telram asked to send a messenger bird to his parents to let them know that he had successfully managed to form the first layer of his Mana Core. Gerry grinned at this and pointed at the sheet of paper he had prepared for this exact purpose earlier sitting on the bench next to him. Telram got up and walked over to it and was pleased to see that it was what he had asked for and took it and the writing tools on offer to quickly write his message and as the paper bird flew off in the direction of his house he turned back to Gerry. “I could really use some sleep Gerry,” he said. “Well that’s the understatement of the year,” laughed Gerry who remembered how he had felt after forming the first layer of his own Mana Core. “I’m amazed you haven’t just collapsed to be honest, I’ll show you to your room, we’ll talk some more in the morning.” Later that night after Telram had drifted off to sleep he started dreaming. In the dream he was back in his old body and working a late night with one of his old friends from university, they had been lucky enough to get placed with a well-known archaeologist who had recently found a strange artefact at a dig in northern China. The two had been asked by the professor to run some extra tests on the artefact while he was away trying to get grant money to go back and see if he could find any similar artefacts at the dig-site, the two were hopeful that if the professor succeeded he would take them with him. “What do you think it is anyway man?” asked his friend. Telram glanced sideways at the skinny young man standing next to him. “Other than a piece of rock with strange symbols carved into it?” Telram asked rhetorically causing his friend to roll his eyes at him. “No, not really Tim.” “I mean don’t get me wrong, it’s a really nice piece of carved stone, but other than that…” Telram let the thought trail off as he stared at the strange artefact in front of them. “I know right?” Tim grumbled mysteries like this had always been something that bothered him, so it was really frustrating that after months of study they weren’t any closer to figuring out what this was. “I mean it’s weird but other than that it just seems like a normal piece of carved stone, if the symbols were a language that anyone recognised it probably wouldn’t even be worth a second look, but no one has the slightest clue as to what it is…” Tim paused after this as his face twisted into a confused frown. “Wait what’s that sound?” Telram cocked his head as well, it sounded like someone else had entered the lab that the two were working in, but the professor was the only other person with access, so what was going on? “Hello boys,” the two jumped at the sound of a man’s voice and turned around. “Who are you and what are you doing here?” Telram asked. “This is a secure lab.” This lab should have been completely secure requiring someone to know two separate codes and pass a retina scan to enter, so there shouldn’t have been any way for someone who wasn’t involved with the project to get in without raising the alarm which was worryingly silent. “I’ve been sent here by my employer,” the non-descript man replied smoothing imaginary wrinkles out of his grey suit the tone that he was using sending chills down the spines of the two young men. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to take that artefact off of your hands.” Telram glanced sideways at his friend who was glaring at the intruder. Tim had a dangerous tendency to fly off the handle when things didn’t go his way and Telram was worried that if he exploded right now the man standing in front of them would kill them without even blinking an eye. “You need to leave now!” Tim shouted. Well… so much for that then. “No, you should leave now, before I have to hurt you,” the man replied in the same bone-chilling tone of voice he had been using the entire time. “There’s no way we’re letting you take this stone! This was discovered by the professor, he gets to decide what to do with it and I’m sure that he won’t just be giving it away to some random man,” Tim replied clenching his fists. The man’s face twitched at being referred to as a ‘random man’ not that there was much he could do to deny it without causing problems for his employer. “Oh, is that so?” he asked reaching into his suit and pulling out a silenced pistol. Tim’s face paled as he realised that he should have known that it was likely the intruder had a gun, but he wasn’t expecting him to be so quick to use it… “Tim, it’s not worth it let’s just let him take it,” Telram said shaking his head, it would be difficult for the man to get away from here with the stone tablet, even though it was small enough to carry so there was no reason for them to risk their lives. They could just rely on the security guards to stop him when he left. The intruder shook his head, “Sorry boys but we’re out of time.” The man suddenly raised his weapon and fired it at Tim, the silencer muffled most of the noise, but it was still loud in the enclosed room as Telram watched in horror as two red marks appeared on his friend’s chest before he collapsed in a boneless heap. “Tim!” He shouted and turned to glare at the man who stood there calmly watching his reaction. “Alright, you’re going to help me with that stone tablet,” the man said gesturing at the item with his gun, causing Telram to flinch. “And why would I do that? There’s no way I’m getting out of this alive,” he snarled. This arsehole had just killed his friend so there was no way that he was going to do anything to help him. “Your friend over there died pretty painlessly and if you do as I say, so will you,” the intruder threatened in that same emotionless tone he had been using from the moment he had entered the room as though he hadn’t just killed someone. Telram glared at him for a few seconds before walking over to where the stone tablet was lying, making the man relax slightly as he assumed that Telram was just going to do as he was told. But instead of picking up the small stone tablet Telram quickly hit a small button on the wall next to it before turning and charging at the intruder as an alarm started ringing. The intruder swore loudly and raised his gun firing multiple times, sending blood spraying backwards onto the precious stone tablet he had been sent to collect. As the light in Telram’s eyes faded he smirked at the angry face of the intruder, with the amount of racket that they had made it wasn’t going to be easy for him to get away if not outright impossible. “You little shit! What have you done!?” the man snarled raising pointing his gun at the young man’s smiling face and firing one final time.
{ "title": "Vigilantes Make Us Safe: Rebel Rebel", "id": 21057, "author": "A.M. Thorn", "rating": 3.1 }
{ "title": "Serenity Scale the Mountain Part 16", "id": 305486, "next": 306293, "prev": 305132, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="Normal tm5 cnNmMTY2NWJlOGE0YjRiZGVhMDhjYTg2MTU2NjEyYWUx"><span class="tm6">Before long Jia finds herself peddling past the winery and toward their house behind it. Sneaking inside, she’s thrilled to find neither of her parents are awake. A glance at the clock reveals it’s almost four in the morning. Her mom would never be awake this late but she knows her dad’s worrying about her constantly. She’s already come home a couple of nights to find him waiting up.</span></p> <p class="Normal tm7 cnM2ZmY5Mzk0YjI0ZTQ0Y2RhMGUyMTg1MzJmMjRlMDAx"><span class="tm6">She promised her mom she wouldn’t let him know she was a vigilante. That lasted about five minutes before he figured it out. Now both of her parents are mad at her. Tonight’s not going to help put her dad at ease.</span></p> <p class="Normal tm7 cnM3ODY0NmI5MWMwNTRlMmViMmJiNzhkMWUxYTcxZTZm"><span class="tm6">Checking Shin’s room, she finds no sign that anyone’s disturbed it. He hasn’t lived here in four years but their parents still haven’t gotten rid of his room. The last time she asked her dad about it he said something about making sure he always knew he was welcome. Hopefully his not being here means she beat him home. She walks back outside and sits on the porch to wait.</span></p> <p class="Normal tm7 cnNmMDJlZmRkOTJmZjRhZmJhNzhkOWExNTYwZGEyMDk2"><span class="tm6">It doesn’t take long. It’s dark out but in about ten minutes she can see a dark figure at the end of the driveway cautiously making their way up the path. When Shin finally gets to the house he won’t even look his sister in the eye. “I’m really sorry about this.”</span></p> <p class="Normal tm7 cnNlYjUyODU3MTExYzRkZTRhNmIwYmFiZDhkNTM2NDI3"><span class="tm6">“You should be. You’re lucky. The cops bought the story and they won’t look that closely into it since nothing was actually taken.”</span></p> <p class="Normal tm7 cnNlZjNmODk5Zjg4OTQ2NWU5MWVjM2I2Y2M0NDBlMWJl"><span class="tm6">“Lucky, right. You do know I’m going to get the shit kicked out of me again now, right?”</span></p> <p class="Normal tm7 cnMyMzMxMDIzNzQ1NDRiNWY4OTdlY2JlOTYxZmI4OTdh"><span class="tm6">Smiling, she walks toward him. “Maybe when you tell them a vigilante already did it they’ll go easy. Seriously though, we’ll figure that out together. I promise. Hang around here a few days. I’ll tell mom and dad I found you in one of the bars downtown when I was patrolling and I stepped in to keep you from getting your ass kicked in a bar fight. It’ll explain why you’re here and why we both look like shit. If dad knows me being a vigilante saved you he might even lighten up on the whole vigilante thing.”</span></p> <p class="Normal tm7 cnNlMzczMDFmOGJjYjRlMjVhMTM4NzcwMThhYjAyYTlk"><span class="tm6">Shin’s jaw drops. “You mean you’re not going to tell them about me?”</span></p> <p class="Normal tm7 cnM2ZTZlMzY2ZWNiODRiOWNiMTY3M2ViNjE0ZTFkNGEy"><span class="tm6">“Why would I do that? If I was going to tell them about you, I wouldn’t have let you go. You think mom and dad would be okay with me not turning you into the cops tonight? You know them better than that. They’d have wanted you to get what you had coming. You’re lucky I’m the one who found you. Now come on, let’s get some sleep. I have to be up for work in like three hours. You’re coming with me to help explain this whole mess. Tomorrow’s supposed to rain, it’ll probably be slow. You can hang around and help me while we figure this whole thing out.”</span></p> <p class="Normal tm7 cnNlYmI0MmJmMWY1NzQ4ZTZhZTY1Nzc0NzkzY2UxZDdj"><span class="tm6">Shin steps forward and gives his sister a hug. She considers squeezing him back but with how much of a beating he took earlier, that’s probably not a good idea. Instead she just lets him hug her for a minute before they both make their way inside and call it a night.</span></p> </div>
Before long Jia finds herself peddling past the winery and toward their house behind it. Sneaking inside, she’s thrilled to find neither of her parents are awake. A glance at the clock reveals it’s almost four in the morning. Her mom would never be awake this late but she knows her dad’s worrying about her constantly. She’s already come home a couple of nights to find him waiting up. She promised her mom she wouldn’t let him know she was a vigilante. That lasted about five minutes before he figured it out. Now both of her parents are mad at her. Tonight’s not going to help put her dad at ease. Checking Shin’s room, she finds no sign that anyone’s disturbed it. He hasn’t lived here in four years but their parents still haven’t gotten rid of his room. The last time she asked her dad about it he said something about making sure he always knew he was welcome. Hopefully his not being here means she beat him home. She walks back outside and sits on the porch to wait. It doesn’t take long. It’s dark out but in about ten minutes she can see a dark figure at the end of the driveway cautiously making their way up the path. When Shin finally gets to the house he won’t even look his sister in the eye. “I’m really sorry about this.” “You should be. You’re lucky. The cops bought the story and they won’t look that closely into it since nothing was actually taken.” “Lucky, right. You do know I’m going to get the shit kicked out of me again now, right?” Smiling, she walks toward him. “Maybe when you tell them a vigilante already did it they’ll go easy. Seriously though, we’ll figure that out together. I promise. Hang around here a few days. I’ll tell mom and dad I found you in one of the bars downtown when I was patrolling and I stepped in to keep you from getting your ass kicked in a bar fight. It’ll explain why you’re here and why we both look like shit. If dad knows me being a vigilante saved you he might even lighten up on the whole vigilante thing.” Shin’s jaw drops. “You mean you’re not going to tell them about me?” “Why would I do that? If I was going to tell them about you, I wouldn’t have let you go. You think mom and dad would be okay with me not turning you into the cops tonight? You know them better than that. They’d have wanted you to get what you had coming. You’re lucky I’m the one who found you. Now come on, let’s get some sleep. I have to be up for work in like three hours. You’re coming with me to help explain this whole mess. Tomorrow’s supposed to rain, it’ll probably be slow. You can hang around and help me while we figure this whole thing out.” Shin steps forward and gives his sister a hug. She considers squeezing him back but with how much of a beating he took earlier, that’s probably not a good idea. Instead she just lets him hug her for a minute before they both make their way inside and call it a night.
{ "title": "Xen's Chosen", "id": 21510, "author": "Macronomicon", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Chapter 1: Kill Yourself for Extra Credit.", "id": 305483, "next": 306098, "prev": 304945, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNiYjI5MTMzNjA4MjQ0NzBhMDQzY2E1M2NhMDg4YWJk">Ezyk walked along the paved road leading away from the academy towards the clearing used from day to day as a practice field for any discipline that could result in bodily harm. His heart pounded in his chest and his limbs tingled with excitement. Today they would get to see some <em>real </em>magic, not glorified trade school.</p> <p class="cnNmNmZlZjNhNDg2MzRmZjc5NzM5NzIzMWE1NGY3NzNj">O’tambwe had pounded the basics of a dozen disciplines into the students, day after day, and today was the day he would give them their first lesson on spellcraft rather than carving, calligraphy, chemistry and metallurgy, history or math.</p> <p class="cnMwNWZjMDAxNGIzODRhMGZiYjM3YTRhOGVhYTdkNDMy"> Beside, in front and behind Ezyk were the other students of O’tambwe’s Wizardry class, chatting amongst themselves in the morning sun. They filed into the practice field and took their seats on the stone semicircle at the edge of the grass.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDNlMzkxOTNhNDQ0MDQ4ZWVhYjkwYmIzMzMyMzVi"> O’tambwe stood near them with a table stacked high with bowls, paper, and what seemed to be a knitting needle. A large barrel of water and several buckets were nearby. There were suspicious swaths of grass between where they stood and O’tambwe himself that were blackened as though they had caught fire.</p> <p class="cnM4OWU5MDVjNGJlZjQ4ODQ5NDc2ZjJkMTQ5ZTU0YjRh">O’tambwe motioned for the students to sit on the seats facing him. As soon as the class had settled down, he got their attention.</p> <p class="cnM0MzNjZWY2ODE0NDRlZjY4YjMzMTczODQ4MDk1Zjhm">“Good afternoon children,” he said, standing in front of the table. “It has been a long time coming, and today you will begin to learn practical magic.” The class gave a cheer, and Ezyk grinned.</p> <p class="cnM0MWFiZmViNTllODRkZDliZjc0ZWEwMTA4OWI2Nzg4">“Indeed,” he continued, “from this afternoon on you will be able to kill yourself, your friends and family just by writing a few words on paper.” The students went silent.</p> <p class="cnM0NGNkMWIyYmJlNzRiNmI5YzgxZWI0NzNlNTMyMTc3">“Let’s begin.” O’tambwe said after giving his words a moment to sink in. “Long ago, when the world was created, the gods devised a written language that was so intrinsically linked to the things it represented, that it would allow them to change the world as they saw fit. In the end, the gods left us to our own devices, and the master key to reality they left for any man to use. Why then, is wizardry such a rare art? Am I not teaching a group of twenty five this very thing? There are many reasons. The more obvious I will share with you.”</p> <p class="cnM0MmNhN2QxNTFmYTRlZDlhMDFjNTYzOGI3OWUxY2U1">“First, it’s difficult,” O’tambwe said, holding up a gnarled finger. “These runes resist being used. You’ll see what I mean today.” He held up another finger. “Second, it’s complicated. There are more than three thousand of these words that we know of, some so similar in shape that a layman could not pick out the difference. And others that we know must exist, but we do not know the rune for.”</p> <p class="cnM0MGZmODI2MWI2NzQyZDI5NDM4NDM2NzhiYzcyNjg5">O’tambwe extended his thumb. “And lastly, it’s dangerous. If every one of you is careful, and take the best precautions, only one or two of you will die. But we all know you’ll get confident in yourself eventually, and sooner or later you’ll start to drop like flies.” O’tambwe scanned the nervous students for a moment, his eyes briefly resting on Ezyk before moving on.</p> <p class="cnM1YTRlYzJlMDJjMTRhYjhiNTk0ZTE3YjVkZTE5MjFh">“Case in point, there is a small charm that could be used to clean your boots,” Otambwe said, pointing to his feet. “This combination of runes is almost identical to one which would gut you like a fish. My advice is to play it smart and never, ever, clean your boots with the power of the gods.” This got a small laugh.</p> <p class="cnM1MjIwNmI4YjYyMzQ3Zjk4YzVmODg0ZDgxMzY0MmMx">O’tambwe moved to stand beside the table. “I have, for each of you, a book of common runes arranged by similarity and complexity,” he said, patting the books. “If you want to live a good long life, cross reference the runes of every spell you create with similar runes to make absolutely sure it’s not going to release a poisonous gas or hell spawn beast if you forget a stroke.”</p> <p class="cnMxMDZhNDE3MWZlMjQwYTZiYWQ0MzIxOTk2ZjU0MmU0">O’tambwe clapped his hands together and spoke. “Now that I’ve hopefully impressed on you the danger of magic,” O’tambwe said, eyeing the students with a malevolent grin. “There is one little trick that will prevent you from killing yourself almost entirely. And that is blood.”</p> <p class="cnMwODNlZjFiMjI2MTQ0OThiYzMzZGRjYTYwMThiY2Ji">“I’m going to pool a small amount of blood from each of you into these bowls,” O’tambwe said, motioning to the bowls. “Which you will then use as the ink for your first forays into the magical arts.”</p> <p class="cnM3ODMwZDI2ODUwOTQ4NjA4NTU2ZDc1MTBhM2I3MmMw">The students whispered to each other, most of them sneaking terrified looks at the needle that until recently had seemed innocuous. Ezyk heard the phrase ‘blood magic’ tossed around more than once before a small girl near the front raised her hand.</p> <p class="cnMzNGNkMWIyNGUxZDQ0MTI5OWQzNGYzNTY0NTFkZjhk">“Yes, my dear?” O’tambwe asked with a smile as he unfolded a velvet cloth filled with shiny needles.</p> <p class="cnNjNjYxYmQ4M2Y1ZDQ1NDFhNDdmYjM0ZGFkODk5MmQ4">“How does using our blood prevent us from hurting ourselves?” she asked. “It seems like the opposite!” Ezyk was sure that he and everyone else were thinking the exact same thing, which meant this was part of the old man’s game.</p> <p class="cnMzOWE5ZjI0MTczYjRlYzBiNDRmOGUwMGFiMDIwNzZm">“I’m glad you asked my dear,” O’tambwe said. “It’s a simple matter of the spell assuming properties of the medium with which it was created.” The blank stares of the class had O’tambwe befuddled for a moment. He scratched his bald head for a moment before tossing one of the needles to the closest student, a young man with a fair, freckled face.</p> <p class="cnMwODE1MTAzY2QwZTQyYTVhODk2ZGE4MDYzNDQyOGZj">“Kill yourself,” O’tambwe said.</p> <p class="cnMzNmJkYmRjMmU5OTQwMDM5OGQzODYwZGE1MWFjZTU2">The boy sat stock still in the seat as every eye turned to him.</p> <p class="cnMyMjRkOWM5ZTgxNzQwZmJhNzczNGEyODg1MGUyZmRl">“I’ll give you extra credit,” Otambwe said. “Award you with full marks posthumously.”</p> <p class="cnNmZWE4MGVhNGJjOTRjYjI4OGU2YTJlMTA3ODk5Mjg0">The freckled boy shook his head.</p> <p class="cnMyZDc3OWI0ZTZmNTRlNWU5Mjc4NWY1N2RkNjdlYzVi">“Do it,” Otambwe said, placing his index finger on his neck. “Just line the needle up with the major vein here, and go to sleep. That’s not so hard.”</p> <p class="cnM1YzcyZDBhZjMwNDQ1MzNiMGM4OTk3YTg2N2FlODMw">The boy shook his head emphatically, his hands shaking.</p> <p class="cnNlODEwYzU3MGE4YTQzMjBhYjdjZjZiNWY0ODM0MGEz">O’tambwe roared, “Do it!”</p> <p class="cnNkZjY5MTE4NmI3ZTQ3NGNiYjZmM2JmYjc0Mzk3Yzll">The freckled young man dropped the needle onto the grass and began crawling away from the wizard, climbing up the stone steps to seek safety with his friends.</p> <p class="cnM2MjViMmJhMmFkOTQwYTA5MzE0MDkwOWE0NzM1M2M0">“Sorry, Paul,” O’tambwe said, stooping to retrieve the needle as he addressed the class. “Put simply, a spell created from a living creature’s blood cannot directly harm that creature, since it is anathema for a living creature to kill itself.” Still, silence reigned.</p> <p class="cnM1YTE5ODVjYjZjYzQ5MGQ5OTlhZTQzNDUzZWY2YTgx">“I suppose a demonstration would convince you?” he asked, raising a brow as he scanned the students. This met general enthusiasm from the class.</p> <p class="cnM2MDEyMTY4YTE0NDQ1YjhiYTkxM2NmNGZlNmI5MDBk">Ezyk leaned forward, eager to see what would happen next. He was unprepared for O’tambwe, the wizard who had raised him like a son for 9 years to suddenly slip out of his robe, revealing himself in all his wrinkled majesty. Amid the silent squinting, scattered groans and a single catcall, O’tambwe calmly folded his robe and placed it on the table before taking up one of the bowls and a clean needle.</p> <p class="cnM3ZTJjNDExZTY3ODQzMDJiZDM5ZWJkZGZjNDNmNzZm">With a practiced motion, O’tambwe jabbed the needle into his left wrist. The open end of the needle spurted blood into the bowl he held with his left hand. No more than 4 seconds went by before he withdrew the needle and held his thumb over his wrist. O’tambwe set the bowl of blood down and took up a small necklace Ezyk had not noticed next to the bowls.</p> <p class="cnMxZTQ1MmMxZTkyMTRjYmFhMmU1YjY5NDhjOGM2ZmRm">After a moment, he set it back down and removed his thumb, revealing that the bleeding had stopped and the hole in his wrist was gone. “Good,” O’tambwe said, flexing his left hand. “We can begin.” O’tambwe picked up the bowl with a flourish and grabbed a sheet of paper. He then moved a short way away from the table and sat cross legged, setting the bowl beside him.</p> <p class="cnM5NDZmOTJlMzM1ZjQ5NDJhYmUwNmUzZDg1OGJkYWNj">“This is a worst case scenario,” he said, dabbing his middle finger into the bowl. O’tambwe began tracing an intricate symbol on the paper. The air began to feel thick, shimmering around the old wizard and pressing against the sensitive tissue of Ezyk’s eyes.</p> <p class="cnM3MzgyMDA4NjVhZDQwNThhNTEwYTNlNDhlYzdkOTVl">O’tambwe burst into flame.</p> <p class="cnM0MzNkOTM5ZDY2OTQ0MWY5Y2FjOGNmNmE4Njc4OTZh">A wave of heat washed across the faces of the onlookers, causing Ezyk to throw his arm over his eyes. Somewhere someone screamed as the boy in front of Ezyk prepared to bolt.</p> <p class="cnNlMzYyNWI5OTE0NDRjNGViMzlkNDVlY2IyN2I1ZWU1">A moment later, the heat was gone. Ezyk stood, because the boy in front of him was blocking his view. Looking to the left and right, Ezyk saw the rest of the class standing as well. In front of them was O’tambwe with his arms akimbo, his skin glowing a deep red in the afternoon sun. </p> <p class="cnNlNTY2N2Q1OTFiMDQyMThhMmZjNDFjMWRiNmViYzNh">“Thus will using your own blood protect you from most harm,” O’tambwe said, still nude. “But not from everything. A wizard in the military can’t afford to be bleeding themselves constantly either. Sooner or later you are going to have to work without that safety net.”</p> <p class="cnMyM2UyNGQ2NTBiZDQyNWU5ZDMzMmQ3N2FjODNjMjUy">“So, who wants to quit while they’re alive?” O’tambwe asked. A few hands shot up, a shorter girl going so far as to bounce on her toes. Ezyk was frightened, but the appeal of the fantastic drew him in, and so he kept his hand down.</p> <p class="cnMzOGU5NjE0NWE3YzQ4OTM4NTE3MzdkZDRhYjkyYjZk">O’tambwe’s gaze crossed each person with their hand up, briefly settling on Ezyk. “That is the correct answer,” he said, a smile forming on his weather worn face. “You will make excellent wizards. I can’t actually allow you to leave my class, but that level of caution is exactly what I expect. Now form a line in front of the table.”</p> <p class="cnM1MWFiZmRkNjZmODQ3Zjk4OTUzZGUwMzI5NjYyYmE5">O’tambwe slowly walked over to the table, and very gingerly slid his robe on, grimacing as the silk slid over his tender skin. As students filed by him, he quickly went about handing them a book from under the table, a bowl, and a paper from the stack.</p> <p class="cnMxZGM2ZDFmZDhjNDRlOWFiZWQ1NDhiYWM3ZGE5MjFj">When Ezyk’s turn came, he spoke up. “Are you all right sir?” he asked.</p> <p class="cnMxY2IwZTM3YWU0ZjQ3MWNiZDU3ZTFiZTZlZTg2NGFk">“I expect I’ll peel tomorrow” O’tambwe said, giving him a grin that was shockingly white framed by his dark, burnt skin.</p> <p class="cnM1ZWE1N2ZkY2Q4NjRmYzRhMjAwYTg1NmU3MGY1MWNj">After all the students were seen to, O’tambwe gave them a quick lesson on spell structure before allowing them to sit wherever they liked to read their books. O’tambwe only insisted that if a student wished to try a combination of runes they would allow O’tambwe to review it first. Then O’tambwe would draw a bit of their blood into a bowl to allow them to work the spell safely. Other than that, they were free to peruse their books and begin building their own spells.</p> <p class="cnMyZjQxNjc3NzMzNTQ1NzNhNjVhYWFhNGRiZjIyZmMx">Ezyk sat down with his friend Jaque, and they began looking through the runes together. “That line about gutting you like a fish couldn’t possibly be right,” Jaque said, resting his chin on his palm as he flipped through the pages. “It has nothing to do with cleaning boots.” Jaque scanned the pages quickly.</p> <p class="cnMyZmUyZDFmNTUyMjRlNTI4ZjM5YzZhY2JkNzJhOWU2"> “Oh wait,” Jaque said, squinting as his gaze flickered between two runes. “Nevermind, ‘clean’ and ‘hollow out’ are unbelievably similar. Yeah, I could see that happening.”</p> <p class="cnNjMDAwZGViZTVkZjRjNDRhMWU5MzIwMjg5MjZkMWM2">“He’s expecting us to make our own spells,” Ezyk said impatiently. “Let’s browse through the simplest runes for useful ones. That way we’ll be allowed to try it out sooner than everyone else.”</p> <p class="cnNkZDY0ZWJjNTM3YzQ2YzViN2RlMTVjMThhMWQ0MzM2">Jaque ignored him and was flipping through pages with increasing excitement, holding several places with his fingers while delving deeper into the book. “Hold on, I need to check something,” Jaque said, dashing off toward O’tambwe. Ezyk decided to not bother with him for the time being and began scanning through the first five pages for possible combinations.</p> <p class="cnM1MTIyYmFkMDRmZDQ4YTdhMzI1NzFlYWRkMDA2YjU5">Jaque came trotting back with his cheeks flushed and a stupid grin plastered on his face. “What did you do?” Ezyk asked, hoping his friend hadn’t done anything that would spill over onto his shoulders.</p> <p class="cnNhZWEyMjU5MDEzOTRhZjhhMDJjZjdhZWQ0NDI4Y2I0">“I am a genius,” Jaque declared, sitting cross legged in front of him “I showed O’tambwe my plan for a breast expansion spell, and with only a minor revision he says it will work perfectly.”</p> <p class="cnM5YTY2ZWU0ZDJlZTRjMDhiODVjMzViNzU1NzY1OTBm">Ezyk was speechless. Mostly he was aghast at his friends impending misuse of magic, but a small part of him was curious. “And what was this minor revision?” Ezyk asked.</p> <p class="cnNmNDNjZjIxNTI3MTQzNWVhYTA3MjVhMTVjYTNjZDRi">“An extra rune to allow the growth to stop.“ Jaque said, getting back up again. </p> <p class="cnM0NDc2MDYzY2NjNzRhMjFhMzRmNTJhNWNhN2ExMDY1">Ezyk rolled his eyes and went back to scanning the page. His eyes caught the simple rune representing lodestone that looked somewhat like an apple that had been sliced in half. As a child, he always found it fascinating trying to push together like ends of lodestone and having them magically repel each other. If he could find a way to make other things behave like lodestone...The only problem of course was that lodestone attracted as well as repelled itself, he’d have to find a way to harness only one aspect of it. What If he made everything within a small area essentially represent an equal and identical amount of lodestone? That would either cause everything to be drawn in or repelled.</p> <p class="cnMyODNlZmQzMjhmMDRkM2ViZDM3NDlhZDgxM2IzNDk3">Ezyk got to his feet and walked to where O’tambwe stood. “Sir, I’d like to build a spell based on lodestone.” He said. “Oh? Describe it to me, young man.” O’tambwe said. “I’d like to use these runes,” Ezyk pointed at the Lodestone rune, the Becoming rune, Symmetry rune, and the Cloud rune. “to make an area around the spell in which everything will repel everything else, the purpose of this enchantment would be to turn aside sword and arrow blows.”</p> <p class="cnNiNzYyMjFmMTlmZjQ1YmZiNWQ0YzZkZGVhZTZlZTg3">O’tambwe looked over the runes with a frown. “This is not my speciality,” Ot’ambwe said flipping through Ezyk’s book. “But substitute this,” he pointed at the cloud rune. “With these two.” he pointed at two others, further back in the book than Ezyk had looked. “And you will have a more definite border.”</p> <p class="cnNiOWZkMmE3MDgzMzRjNGFiZjFkOTk1NTFiYWVlYTA4">“If you make an enchantment out of two pieces of lodestone bound together against their own force you should be on the right track,” Otambwe said, glancing up at Ezyk from his seat in the shade. “It would make the spell permanent, set the poles of the spell properly, and reinforce the power of the Lodestone Rune.”</p> <p class="cnNmYThlODQzOGI0NTQ3YTA4MzRkMDA1Mzc3OGNhODU1">Ezyk was about to ask where he might get a large enough lodestone when O’tambwe put a hand on his shoulder, looking past him. “Be somewhere else right now,” O’tambwe said. “I would prefer it if you were beneath their notice.”</p> <p class="cnM1ZDYxY2ViMjY4ZTRiMjRhNDNlNjI2YzExNjliNGQ1">Ezyk glanced over his shoulder and saw the Dean bearing down on them, a dark look on his face. Behind him was the son of count Heager. Until recently he had been a member of the class, but he had stormed off a week ago when O’tambwe had moved from a month of minerals and smelting to a weeklong primer on woodcarving and scrimshaw.</p> <p class="cnNkMTYyYTEwMDU5MzRmOTZiMjZlYTRlZjM3Yzk3OGI0">Ezyk turned to stand beside O’tambwe rather than hide. O’tambwe looked down at Ezyk with a glimmer of frustration before addressing the now arriving Dean. “Dean Richmond, what business brings you here today?” O’tambwe made a small bow.</p> <p class="cnNjNzY4NGFhODUyYzRhNjRhYWM1NmViYzE5Mzc0NjNh">The dean looked over the field of students with their heads bent over books, conversing in twos and threes. He looked back at Otambwe. “What are they doing?” he asked, his face growing red.</p> <p class="cnM4M2M5NTgyYmIxYzQwNDBhODlkMmVjYmRlOWQyNWYz">“They are learning, my friend.” O’tambwe said.</p> <p class="cnNiNmNhNDM3NWRjMjQwMzJiNTA5ZWFkMzk4MGU1ZjU3">“This boy here told me that you had been teaching these student nothings they could not learn from an engineering course,” The Dean said. “Of course I didn’t believe him, but then another came to me not five minutes ago, and told me you’d asked for volunteers to quit, told a boy to kill himself!”</p> <p class="cnNiNWY5NGQ5MjI4NjRiOTQ5MjUwYzI3NWFjZmMzNzIz">The Dean’s face grew redder and his voice rose “Then she confirmed that today was the first day you taught any real wizardry!” he shouted “The Empire is not funding your class for smiths, carpenters, engineers and scrimshaw artists! They want wizards to support the reclamation of the Interior! It’s been three months, and they know nothing!” The Dean gestured at the students, who were now staring.</p> <p class="cnNlYWE3OTJiZGIxOTRmYWU5MGM4ODZmZGY5ZTEzOGQw">“Ah, I see you are most astute, and right to be critical,” O’tambwe said. “I hope this will allay your concerns about my students.” O’tambwe motioned a short, plain girl with black hair and thin features to join them. “Heather, say you were working for the army, and they came across a wood bridge that had been destroyed by the enemy, and your troop needed to pass that day? What would you do?” heather ducked her head , hiding her face behind her book.</p> <p class="cnM2ODNlMWMyZDk5YTQzNzI4MmFmNjYyY2M2MmNkZDJj">The Dean snorted, and was about to continue his tirade when she responded, “I would flatten the main beams, and carve Memory and Growth to cause the two sides of the bridge to grow back together.” She said, craning her neck to look at O’tambwe and the dean.</p> <p class="cnMwYmU1YjQ4OTAwMTQwZTVhMzcwYWQ4Mjk2NjhjN2U4">“A creative solution my dear, thank you,” O’tambwe said, patting her on the head. She blushed a little and almost skipped away.</p> <p class="cnNjOGY2NmRkZDY3ZTQ2MDY4NWU5NzMyMWFhOWQ0NzU1">“What the hell did that prove?” Dean Richmond demanded. “Wizards are weapons! Their utility lies in destroying the enemy!”</p> <p class="cnNiZjAxMGU1MWU2YjRlMTM4MTg0Mzc5N2FiMGI5OWNj">“If you want weapons instead of wizards, I could easily make some fire spells that any idiot could use.” O’tambwe said, his hand sliding into the pocket of his robe.</p> <p class="cnNjZjE3N2YyYzdkYTQzYTRiMWZmYjkxM2Q1YjA3ZmZl">The light around O’tambwe dimmed, and his voice grew deeper, until it began to shake the ground. It seemed as though space had drawn around him like purse strings that had been firmly pulled closed. The only thing anyone could do was look in awe, as already tall wizard seemed to grow to a frightening height.</p> <p class="cnM4MmQ3ZWRiMzU1ZTQwNmJhMTIwZTI5YzlhNmI1MDE2">“The wizards I teach will be problem solvers!” He said, his voice shaking the earth. “If that happens to include enemy soldiers, they will solve that problem! Right now <em>you </em>are being a problem!”</p> <p class="cnNhYWFjMzAyMDM2MTRiNzc4MzZhNDgyZDU2MDQxODBj">The dean fell backwards, scooting away from O’tambwe, the red draining from his face, leaving him pale and sickly. The count’s son was already nowhere to be seen. A moment later the dean scrambled back to his feet, cowed by O’tambwe’s display.</p> <p class="cnNhM2JhMWFiZDQzODQ1NjM5ZDU3OTMzMjI0NzVkNjZj">“We will discuss this in private, another time” he stammered, before turning and walking away at a pace almost too brisk to be considered walking.</p> <p class="cnNiM2I3ZDgzYzgxOTQ0YjE4ZGIzMGMyNjM2MWI0OTQ0">As his students continued to stare, O’tambwe took his hand out of his pocket and placed a small charm carved from what appeared to be a fingerbone on the table beside him. The moment his skin broke contact with the charm, the sky lightened, and he seemed to shrink back to normal. O’tambwe waited for the dean to no longer be visible, then motioned his class to approach. When they had gathered around, he spoke.</p> <p class="cnMzZjNlOGI4ODZhZDQxNDc5N2QyODcwZjBlYTNkNmQx">“This is a charm of my own invention, I like to call it The Cock’s Strut,” he said with a grin. “I use it for... well, exactly what you saw there. I suggest you make one of your own, children. When you leave my class, you will be required to join the military for a term of no less than 4 years. Wizards must have an air of mystery about them, and this little charm will make your life easier if you use it judiciously.”</p> <p class="cnNhMTIwMDYyZWY1YzQ1MmViYTkwMzUwOTA1NDJhMzU2">Jaque leaned forward and snatched up the bone, instantly growing menacing and powerful. “Ladies!” he boomed, facing the rest of the class. “Arrange yourselves for me in order of height!” The class along with O’tambwe fell about the field laughing. The bone made its way through every student’s hands. Each made a demand, proclamation or insult before passing it to the next.</p> <p class="cnMzNDQ5OWM0NjMxZjQyNDlhZjgxOGQxMmI2NGUwY2Fk">Ezyk looked to O’tambwe, who was wiping tears from his eyes. “Is this wizard training too?” he asked.</p> <p class="cnNlODNkOGQ1ZWE3MzRmMWI4NWI5NDk1MGJkODNhNjA5">O’tambwe looked back at him, still chuckling a bit. “Indeed it is,” he said, glancing at his students. “A wizard must know a trick when he sees one. Imagine if they had run into something similar without having made a game of it.” he said. “Take the mystery away from something, and it loses its power over you.”</p> <p class="cnM3MWYzMWJlNThlMTRmNTFiYWFlOTY5N2E4ZmE4NDk1"> As the class wound down everyone had the opportunity to make an attempt at what O’tambwe claimed to be the simplest and safest spell, a three stroke rune that summoned a small point of light.</p> <p class="cnNkYzA5MTU2YmY3ZjQwZGZhOWM5NGE5MjlhYmU1Njk5">“We’ll take this opportunity to introduce you to the wizard’s trance,” O’tambwe said, orating from beneath the shade of the tree. “When you write a spell, you will feel as if everything has become sluggish. After a while you will start to feel nauseous, until your eyes begin to spin, and your sense of balance is lost.”</p> <p class="cnMzNjAzZjY3ZGY1NDRiNGJhNjQ5ZDg2NzMwMjQxYzQ5">“This is the sensation of reality stretching, trying to correct itself,” O’tambwe said. “The longer you can soldier through these uncomfortable sensations, the more powerful the effect you will evoke when you finish the spell and the accumulated energy settles into the runes that you have laid.”</p> <p class="cnMwOWM4OTYwZTQxNjQ1YWE5MzZhYmI1NmVhY2E2Yzhi">He made a quick, efficient three strokes, and the rune summoned a small point of light, hovering above the paper.</p> <p class="cnM4Yjk4YjRjNmRjMjQ5OTk5YzhhOTRjMTM5OTJkMzRh">It turned out a little different for each student, some brighter, some dimmer, or strangely colored. None of them turned out as steady as O’tambwe’s. Ezyk supposed that was to be expected. When Ezyk’s turn had come, his heart wouldn’t slow down, the thrill of working his first spell combined with the fear of self-immolation made his pulse quick and fingers shaky.</p> <p class="cnM3MGY2NDNiZTA5YTQyYzJhZjFjZDE2NDhmMmY0OWEz"> As Ezyk drew the symbol, his arm quickly grew tired, then he realized his hand was moving slower than when he had started. He tried to make it move faster, but nothing happened, instead it seemed to crawl across the blank paper with the speed of a slug. </p> <p class="cnM5NDU3YmViOTI0MTQxZDVhM2I2YjIzNDM1Y2RhN2Qy">Ezyk tried to look up, and was hit with a rush of vertigo as his eyes took several seconds to move. His whole body was mired in a swamp, but everyone else was perfectly still. <em>Did I do something wrong!? </em>He pulled away in panic.</p> <p class="cnNiNzdiNDlkMjhhZjQ1YzY5Y2IxZGM2NWQzMjVlNmNi">His concentration snapped and the feeling went away, leaving his surroundings once again moving. Ezyk’s hand finishing the last stroke, and he felt something leave him, as if Ezyk had taken a large breath and blown it all out at once. In front of him, a flickering mote of light rose from the paper.</p> <p class="cnNjYTI4MTgwNzgwZjRhNzY4OTM1N2ZlOWQzYjdkOWJj"> O’tambwe laid a firm hand on his shoulder.</p> <p class="cnNiZTdmY2E4OWQxODRlZWY5YTc4NzczNDE3NjdmMDBh">“Congratulations on your first spell, child.” O’tambwe said, his wrinkled face beaming.</p> <p class="cnMwNTZmOGY1NWMyYjQ0ODc5ZGQ0MWE5NDg0ZTQ4ZGIx">After the class, he walked back to his dorm, mind buzzing with all the possibilities that had been set before him and making plans for his own spells. When he passed in front of an empty storage room, he heard a few quick footsteps before someone slammed into him from the side, knocking him into the open door. Instead of falling onto the cold floor, he felt hands catch him and pull him further into the room.</p> </div>
Ezyk walked along the paved road leading away from the academy towards the clearing used from day to day as a practice field for any discipline that could result in bodily harm. His heart pounded in his chest and his limbs tingled with excitement. Today they would get to see some *real* magic, not glorified trade school. O’tambwe had pounded the basics of a dozen disciplines into the students, day after day, and today was the day he would give them their first lesson on spellcraft rather than carving, calligraphy, chemistry and metallurgy, history or math. Beside, in front and behind Ezyk were the other students of O’tambwe’s Wizardry class, chatting amongst themselves in the morning sun. They filed into the practice field and took their seats on the stone semicircle at the edge of the grass. O’tambwe stood near them with a table stacked high with bowls, paper, and what seemed to be a knitting needle. A large barrel of water and several buckets were nearby. There were suspicious swaths of grass between where they stood and O’tambwe himself that were blackened as though they had caught fire. O’tambwe motioned for the students to sit on the seats facing him. As soon as the class had settled down, he got their attention. “Good afternoon children,” he said, standing in front of the table. “It has been a long time coming, and today you will begin to learn practical magic.” The class gave a cheer, and Ezyk grinned. “Indeed,” he continued, “from this afternoon on you will be able to kill yourself, your friends and family just by writing a few words on paper.” The students went silent. “Let’s begin.” O’tambwe said after giving his words a moment to sink in. “Long ago, when the world was created, the gods devised a written language that was so intrinsically linked to the things it represented, that it would allow them to change the world as they saw fit. In the end, the gods left us to our own devices, and the master key to reality they left for any man to use. Why then, is wizardry such a rare art? Am I not teaching a group of twenty five this very thing? There are many reasons. The more obvious I will share with you.” “First, it’s difficult,” O’tambwe said, holding up a gnarled finger. “These runes resist being used. You’ll see what I mean today.” He held up another finger. “Second, it’s complicated. There are more than three thousand of these words that we know of, some so similar in shape that a layman could not pick out the difference. And others that we know must exist, but we do not know the rune for.” O’tambwe extended his thumb. “And lastly, it’s dangerous. If every one of you is careful, and take the best precautions, only one or two of you will die. But we all know you’ll get confident in yourself eventually, and sooner or later you’ll start to drop like flies.” O’tambwe scanned the nervous students for a moment, his eyes briefly resting on Ezyk before moving on. “Case in point, there is a small charm that could be used to clean your boots,” Otambwe said, pointing to his feet. “This combination of runes is almost identical to one which would gut you like a fish. My advice is to play it smart and never, ever, clean your boots with the power of the gods.” This got a small laugh. O’tambwe moved to stand beside the table. “I have, for each of you, a book of common runes arranged by similarity and complexity,” he said, patting the books. “If you want to live a good long life, cross reference the runes of every spell you create with similar runes to make absolutely sure it’s not going to release a poisonous gas or hell spawn beast if you forget a stroke.” O’tambwe clapped his hands together and spoke. “Now that I’ve hopefully impressed on you the danger of magic,” O’tambwe said, eyeing the students with a malevolent grin. “There is one little trick that will prevent you from killing yourself almost entirely. And that is blood.” “I’m going to pool a small amount of blood from each of you into these bowls,” O’tambwe said, motioning to the bowls. “Which you will then use as the ink for your first forays into the magical arts.” The students whispered to each other, most of them sneaking terrified looks at the needle that until recently had seemed innocuous. Ezyk heard the phrase ‘blood magic’ tossed around more than once before a small girl near the front raised her hand. “Yes, my dear?” O’tambwe asked with a smile as he unfolded a velvet cloth filled with shiny needles. “How does using our blood prevent us from hurting ourselves?” she asked. “It seems like the opposite!” Ezyk was sure that he and everyone else were thinking the exact same thing, which meant this was part of the old man’s game. “I’m glad you asked my dear,” O’tambwe said. “It’s a simple matter of the spell assuming properties of the medium with which it was created.” The blank stares of the class had O’tambwe befuddled for a moment. He scratched his bald head for a moment before tossing one of the needles to the closest student, a young man with a fair, freckled face. “Kill yourself,” O’tambwe said. The boy sat stock still in the seat as every eye turned to him. “I’ll give you extra credit,” Otambwe said. “Award you with full marks posthumously.” The freckled boy shook his head. “Do it,” Otambwe said, placing his index finger on his neck. “Just line the needle up with the major vein here, and go to sleep. That’s not so hard.” The boy shook his head emphatically, his hands shaking. O’tambwe roared, “Do it!” The freckled young man dropped the needle onto the grass and began crawling away from the wizard, climbing up the stone steps to seek safety with his friends. “Sorry, Paul,” O’tambwe said, stooping to retrieve the needle as he addressed the class. “Put simply, a spell created from a living creature’s blood cannot directly harm that creature, since it is anathema for a living creature to kill itself.” Still, silence reigned. “I suppose a demonstration would convince you?” he asked, raising a brow as he scanned the students. This met general enthusiasm from the class. Ezyk leaned forward, eager to see what would happen next. He was unprepared for O’tambwe, the wizard who had raised him like a son for 9 years to suddenly slip out of his robe, revealing himself in all his wrinkled majesty. Amid the silent squinting, scattered groans and a single catcall, O’tambwe calmly folded his robe and placed it on the table before taking up one of the bowls and a clean needle. With a practiced motion, O’tambwe jabbed the needle into his left wrist. The open end of the needle spurted blood into the bowl he held with his left hand. No more than 4 seconds went by before he withdrew the needle and held his thumb over his wrist. O’tambwe set the bowl of blood down and took up a small necklace Ezyk had not noticed next to the bowls. After a moment, he set it back down and removed his thumb, revealing that the bleeding had stopped and the hole in his wrist was gone. “Good,” O’tambwe said, flexing his left hand. “We can begin.” O’tambwe picked up the bowl with a flourish and grabbed a sheet of paper. He then moved a short way away from the table and sat cross legged, setting the bowl beside him. “This is a worst case scenario,” he said, dabbing his middle finger into the bowl. O’tambwe began tracing an intricate symbol on the paper. The air began to feel thick, shimmering around the old wizard and pressing against the sensitive tissue of Ezyk’s eyes. O’tambwe burst into flame. A wave of heat washed across the faces of the onlookers, causing Ezyk to throw his arm over his eyes. Somewhere someone screamed as the boy in front of Ezyk prepared to bolt. A moment later, the heat was gone. Ezyk stood, because the boy in front of him was blocking his view. Looking to the left and right, Ezyk saw the rest of the class standing as well. In front of them was O’tambwe with his arms akimbo, his skin glowing a deep red in the afternoon sun. “Thus will using your own blood protect you from most harm,” O’tambwe said, still nude. “But not from everything. A wizard in the military can’t afford to be bleeding themselves constantly either. Sooner or later you are going to have to work without that safety net.” “So, who wants to quit while they’re alive?” O’tambwe asked. A few hands shot up, a shorter girl going so far as to bounce on her toes. Ezyk was frightened, but the appeal of the fantastic drew him in, and so he kept his hand down. O’tambwe’s gaze crossed each person with their hand up, briefly settling on Ezyk. “That is the correct answer,” he said, a smile forming on his weather worn face. “You will make excellent wizards. I can’t actually allow you to leave my class, but that level of caution is exactly what I expect. Now form a line in front of the table.” O’tambwe slowly walked over to the table, and very gingerly slid his robe on, grimacing as the silk slid over his tender skin. As students filed by him, he quickly went about handing them a book from under the table, a bowl, and a paper from the stack. When Ezyk’s turn came, he spoke up. “Are you all right sir?” he asked. “I expect I’ll peel tomorrow” O’tambwe said, giving him a grin that was shockingly white framed by his dark, burnt skin. After all the students were seen to, O’tambwe gave them a quick lesson on spell structure before allowing them to sit wherever they liked to read their books. O’tambwe only insisted that if a student wished to try a combination of runes they would allow O’tambwe to review it first. Then O’tambwe would draw a bit of their blood into a bowl to allow them to work the spell safely. Other than that, they were free to peruse their books and begin building their own spells. Ezyk sat down with his friend Jaque, and they began looking through the runes together. “That line about gutting you like a fish couldn’t possibly be right,” Jaque said, resting his chin on his palm as he flipped through the pages. “It has nothing to do with cleaning boots.” Jaque scanned the pages quickly. “Oh wait,” Jaque said, squinting as his gaze flickered between two runes. “Nevermind, ‘clean’ and ‘hollow out’ are unbelievably similar. Yeah, I could see that happening.” “He’s expecting us to make our own spells,” Ezyk said impatiently. “Let’s browse through the simplest runes for useful ones. That way we’ll be allowed to try it out sooner than everyone else.” Jaque ignored him and was flipping through pages with increasing excitement, holding several places with his fingers while delving deeper into the book. “Hold on, I need to check something,” Jaque said, dashing off toward O’tambwe. Ezyk decided to not bother with him for the time being and began scanning through the first five pages for possible combinations. Jaque came trotting back with his cheeks flushed and a stupid grin plastered on his face. “What did you do?” Ezyk asked, hoping his friend hadn’t done anything that would spill over onto his shoulders. “I am a genius,” Jaque declared, sitting cross legged in front of him “I showed O’tambwe my plan for a breast expansion spell, and with only a minor revision he says it will work perfectly.” Ezyk was speechless. Mostly he was aghast at his friends impending misuse of magic, but a small part of him was curious. “And what was this minor revision?” Ezyk asked. “An extra rune to allow the growth to stop.“ Jaque said, getting back up again. Ezyk rolled his eyes and went back to scanning the page. His eyes caught the simple rune representing lodestone that looked somewhat like an apple that had been sliced in half. As a child, he always found it fascinating trying to push together like ends of lodestone and having them magically repel each other. If he could find a way to make other things behave like lodestone...The only problem of course was that lodestone attracted as well as repelled itself, he’d have to find a way to harness only one aspect of it. What If he made everything within a small area essentially represent an equal and identical amount of lodestone? That would either cause everything to be drawn in or repelled. Ezyk got to his feet and walked to where O’tambwe stood. “Sir, I’d like to build a spell based on lodestone.” He said. “Oh? Describe it to me, young man.” O’tambwe said. “I’d like to use these runes,” Ezyk pointed at the Lodestone rune, the Becoming rune, Symmetry rune, and the Cloud rune. “to make an area around the spell in which everything will repel everything else, the purpose of this enchantment would be to turn aside sword and arrow blows.” O’tambwe looked over the runes with a frown. “This is not my speciality,” Ot’ambwe said flipping through Ezyk’s book. “But substitute this,” he pointed at the cloud rune. “With these two.” he pointed at two others, further back in the book than Ezyk had looked. “And you will have a more definite border.” “If you make an enchantment out of two pieces of lodestone bound together against their own force you should be on the right track,” Otambwe said, glancing up at Ezyk from his seat in the shade. “It would make the spell permanent, set the poles of the spell properly, and reinforce the power of the Lodestone Rune.” Ezyk was about to ask where he might get a large enough lodestone when O’tambwe put a hand on his shoulder, looking past him. “Be somewhere else right now,” O’tambwe said. “I would prefer it if you were beneath their notice.” Ezyk glanced over his shoulder and saw the Dean bearing down on them, a dark look on his face. Behind him was the son of count Heager. Until recently he had been a member of the class, but he had stormed off a week ago when O’tambwe had moved from a month of minerals and smelting to a weeklong primer on woodcarving and scrimshaw. Ezyk turned to stand beside O’tambwe rather than hide. O’tambwe looked down at Ezyk with a glimmer of frustration before addressing the now arriving Dean. “Dean Richmond, what business brings you here today?” O’tambwe made a small bow. The dean looked over the field of students with their heads bent over books, conversing in twos and threes. He looked back at Otambwe. “What are they doing?” he asked, his face growing red. “They are learning, my friend.” O’tambwe said. “This boy here told me that you had been teaching these student nothings they could not learn from an engineering course,” The Dean said. “Of course I didn’t believe him, but then another came to me not five minutes ago, and told me you’d asked for volunteers to quit, told a boy to kill himself!” The Dean’s face grew redder and his voice rose “Then she confirmed that today was the first day you taught any real wizardry!” he shouted “The Empire is not funding your class for smiths, carpenters, engineers and scrimshaw artists! They want wizards to support the reclamation of the Interior! It’s been three months, and they know nothing!” The Dean gestured at the students, who were now staring. “Ah, I see you are most astute, and right to be critical,” O’tambwe said. “I hope this will allay your concerns about my students.” O’tambwe motioned a short, plain girl with black hair and thin features to join them. “Heather, say you were working for the army, and they came across a wood bridge that had been destroyed by the enemy, and your troop needed to pass that day? What would you do?” heather ducked her head , hiding her face behind her book. The Dean snorted, and was about to continue his tirade when she responded, “I would flatten the main beams, and carve Memory and Growth to cause the two sides of the bridge to grow back together.” She said, craning her neck to look at O’tambwe and the dean. “A creative solution my dear, thank you,” O’tambwe said, patting her on the head. She blushed a little and almost skipped away. “What the hell did that prove?” Dean Richmond demanded. “Wizards are weapons! Their utility lies in destroying the enemy!” “If you want weapons instead of wizards, I could easily make some fire spells that any idiot could use.” O’tambwe said, his hand sliding into the pocket of his robe. The light around O’tambwe dimmed, and his voice grew deeper, until it began to shake the ground. It seemed as though space had drawn around him like purse strings that had been firmly pulled closed. The only thing anyone could do was look in awe, as already tall wizard seemed to grow to a frightening height. “The wizards I teach will be problem solvers!” He said, his voice shaking the earth. “If that happens to include enemy soldiers, they will solve that problem! Right now *you* are being a problem!” The dean fell backwards, scooting away from O’tambwe, the red draining from his face, leaving him pale and sickly. The count’s son was already nowhere to be seen. A moment later the dean scrambled back to his feet, cowed by O’tambwe’s display. “We will discuss this in private, another time” he stammered, before turning and walking away at a pace almost too brisk to be considered walking. As his students continued to stare, O’tambwe took his hand out of his pocket and placed a small charm carved from what appeared to be a fingerbone on the table beside him. The moment his skin broke contact with the charm, the sky lightened, and he seemed to shrink back to normal. O’tambwe waited for the dean to no longer be visible, then motioned his class to approach. When they had gathered around, he spoke. “This is a charm of my own invention, I like to call it The Cock’s Strut,” he said with a grin. “I use it for... well, exactly what you saw there. I suggest you make one of your own, children. When you leave my class, you will be required to join the military for a term of no less than 4 years. Wizards must have an air of mystery about them, and this little charm will make your life easier if you use it judiciously.” Jaque leaned forward and snatched up the bone, instantly growing menacing and powerful. “Ladies!” he boomed, facing the rest of the class. “Arrange yourselves for me in order of height!” The class along with O’tambwe fell about the field laughing. The bone made its way through every student’s hands. Each made a demand, proclamation or insult before passing it to the next. Ezyk looked to O’tambwe, who was wiping tears from his eyes. “Is this wizard training too?” he asked. O’tambwe looked back at him, still chuckling a bit. “Indeed it is,” he said, glancing at his students. “A wizard must know a trick when he sees one. Imagine if they had run into something similar without having made a game of it.” he said. “Take the mystery away from something, and it loses its power over you.” As the class wound down everyone had the opportunity to make an attempt at what O’tambwe claimed to be the simplest and safest spell, a three stroke rune that summoned a small point of light. “We’ll take this opportunity to introduce you to the wizard’s trance,” O’tambwe said, orating from beneath the shade of the tree. “When you write a spell, you will feel as if everything has become sluggish. After a while you will start to feel nauseous, until your eyes begin to spin, and your sense of balance is lost.” “This is the sensation of reality stretching, trying to correct itself,” O’tambwe said. “The longer you can soldier through these uncomfortable sensations, the more powerful the effect you will evoke when you finish the spell and the accumulated energy settles into the runes that you have laid.” He made a quick, efficient three strokes, and the rune summoned a small point of light, hovering above the paper. It turned out a little different for each student, some brighter, some dimmer, or strangely colored. None of them turned out as steady as O’tambwe’s. Ezyk supposed that was to be expected. When Ezyk’s turn had come, his heart wouldn’t slow down, the thrill of working his first spell combined with the fear of self-immolation made his pulse quick and fingers shaky. As Ezyk drew the symbol, his arm quickly grew tired, then he realized his hand was moving slower than when he had started. He tried to make it move faster, but nothing happened, instead it seemed to crawl across the blank paper with the speed of a slug. Ezyk tried to look up, and was hit with a rush of vertigo as his eyes took several seconds to move. His whole body was mired in a swamp, but everyone else was perfectly still. *Did I do something wrong!?* He pulled away in panic. His concentration snapped and the feeling went away, leaving his surroundings once again moving. Ezyk’s hand finishing the last stroke, and he felt something leave him, as if Ezyk had taken a large breath and blown it all out at once. In front of him, a flickering mote of light rose from the paper. O’tambwe laid a firm hand on his shoulder. “Congratulations on your first spell, child.” O’tambwe said, his wrinkled face beaming. After the class, he walked back to his dorm, mind buzzing with all the possibilities that had been set before him and making plans for his own spells. When he passed in front of an empty storage room, he heard a few quick footsteps before someone slammed into him from the side, knocking him into the open door. Instead of falling onto the cold floor, he felt hands catch him and pull him further into the room.
{ "title": "The Red Lands", "id": 14278, "author": "ForestRage", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 93 -Goodbye", "id": 305320, "next": 307089, "prev": 301181, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <h4><strong>Goodbye</strong></h4> <p class="cnM1ODgwOTJiZDQxOTQ0ZGQ5MTRhNGZkZDAyZDZmNmM1">Chu woke up prior to midday.</p> <p class="cnNlODVmNTZmMWUwYTRlMmU4NWZhZDBjOGJjYWY1MDRl">Since they left the farmer and his sons on the road, they had hurried along the grassland. Coming across the first tree on the open plain, the group halted the progress. They all needed that well deserved rest.</p> <p class="cnMxYWI0NzMxMTE2MDQ3MDJiYzc2ZWQzZDU5MjE4Mzli">After a quick meal they continued without delay in following the trail. Out in the open grassland it would require a skilled tracker to trace this near nonexistent path. But with Lucy and a large canine accompanying him, it became like a stroll over the fields.</p> <p class="cnM2NDA1YmVlNTJmZDRjN2ZhNTljNzNjZWIzOWRlZmY2">The scent was now faint for even Lucy. However those faded ribbons knotted together paved a path like a white line marked over the green grasslands.</p> <p class="cnM5YzRmNjY0NTcxMTRmNDU5NGFlMjM2MzZhMTYyOTE0">In a time of little over an hour, they finally saw the outline of a clump of trees in the distance. Chu instinctively had the others turn their formerly leisurely stroll into a cautious approach. Not too long after, Lucy also confirmed his suspicions.</p> <p class="cnM4M2NiNjYwYmQwNTQyMzRhZDc0MjU1N2MyOGVjYzQx">"The smell is getting stronger. This seems to be it."</p> <p class="cnNlYmY5MDRjOTFlZjRlMjk4ZWQzZDFmM2IxYjFmMjVj">"They would have expected the raiding party to return by now. Let's use the little mound over there as cover, I am sure they would have posted some sort of sentry."</p> <p class="cnM5OTM3MWZiYzBlYzQ0ZDliMmYyYjNiNmMxNjQzODFi">He voiced his thoughts before taking action.</p> <p class="cnM3ZTg2M2M5ZmU4YzQyYTc5MGE3ZThhNWViMDgzMGFk">Chu led the others in stealthily moving closer to the small woodland. Under the high afternoon sun, this was a near impossible task. The only reason they avoided detection was that they now approached from the east under the cover from some undulating ground.</p> <p class="cnM0Zjk5MDJkMmZhNTQwNDZiNzM0Y2RlMjI1MGQ5MzA4">Using Lucy's keen eyesight and smell, they made their way to the edge of the woods, hiding under the cover of a large hedge. The girl soon spotted and pointed out the location of the sentry. A man reclined on a bough, not too far and not too high from them.</p> <p class="cnNiZmQyZTFjNzM4OTQ3NjQ4MTViNzlhNWZjNTQxZGI2">"Up there!"</p> <p class="cnMxYmVlNTc2YTMyMjRmODdhMjJiNzhlYTI5ZjZiMjIw">She whispered.</p> <p class="cnM4YjdjMjRiODZhMDQ0ZTA5OTBkYTcyMWJkNmZmMjNk">The man dangled a leg as it swung slowly, the other perched along the branch. His back leaned against the tree trunk for support. At about ten or so feet from the ground, the bandit seemed drifting between sleep and wake.</p> <p class="cnMwNDM1YzY4ZmZlYTQ4NDZhOTE1ZjM3M2Q3YTI1NzM0">More importantly he had a bow and a small quiver of arrows hanging on an easily reachable branch.</p> <p class="cnMzNDY1OTI5NTIwNzQzYmU4OThhMjc5NjkxOWVmMTgy">The man fixed himself as he scanned the grasslands before muttering his complaints to the world.</p> <p class="cnNlMDY2OTg1YjhkODQwOGY5NDBmYmEyZDcyNTNjOTFi">"When the hell will the boss return? I am dying for a woman here! That advisor is so stupid- having me sit sentry here, when I could be sleeping for tonight's raid."</p> <p class="cnNjMjA0ZGQzZDdkYzQ0ODI4MGM0ZDE2ZTZiY2RlNmUy">Chu signaled Lucy to scan the nearby area. He and Ming prepared to crawl a little closer to feed the guy some well-aimed crossbolts. He froze in his tracks when the bandit continued mumbling loudly in his half sleep.</p> <p class="cnMyZWNhMTI1MDU4NjQwMjViYjZiOTI3MTk4ODkzZTY5">"Shit this life man! The boss's news better be right about that farm south of the village having lots of women. I feel like I can grind my hips all night after having this piece of wood stuck in my ass all morning!"</p> <p class="cnM2M2E5ZWU5NDU2ZDQ1ZDg5MDBlZTMwNDZhODIzZjIz">Chu indicated to Lucy calling her over with his hand signals. He knew Ming also picked up on the meaning of the mans words. The teen's calm face turning into one of unbridled fury.</p> <p class="cnMwYmEyOWQxZDdlNjQ5ZTg4Nzk3MDk2MWUyNjJkYjNj">"Can you tell how many are in the camp?"</p> <p class="cnMzZDBhN2ZlMjVlMjRlMGU5NTRjZDIxZjNkZDI4ZThi">"The smells are all jumbled up along with others. This place smells like a pigsty."</p> <p class="cnMxNDE4MjRkZmNhMTRjYzA5MmFhY2NkZmYzYjc0YjRh">He nodded after the whispered reply.</p> <p class="cnM4MmU1Mzk4NTRkNTQwYjQ5ZmVhNWFlYzBmNjhiYjVi">Nothing less from a group of men who might have not had a bath for weeks or months.</p> <p class="cnNlYmJjYTFkMjNmODRkNzVhYWFkYjk4MGUzNTNhODRi">"We'll kill him quietly, then sweep the camp. See if you can smell the horses, that's our next target."</p> <p class="cnM5ZGJiNmMwYjQ4OTQ5MDFhNmRlZjZiOGE5NzM0NzBk">They slowly approached the tree from the blind spot at the back. The three of them readied their crossbows, darting out from under the branch while fanning out in an arc. The drowsy man had no idea that death was already upon him from this sudden attack.</p> <p class="cnMzZDQyM2QxODQyMTQyMzNiMTA0MGFlNTRjODc3ZDg5">A click followed by a whizzing strange sound alerted him, but by then it was too late. Before his brain had the chance to comprehend what was happening, the crossbolts struck.</p> <p class="cnNjMjNmMDRkYzMwODQ2YTFhZDBjN2ZmNzI3N2I1Yjcx">The first punctured his left arm. Or did the pain come from the new hole between his ribs on his right side?</p> <p class="cnMwNWU2MDI0YTFlMjQ1ZjNiMDk1ODBkZjY3YTA5YTRm">He failed to process the situation. Just as the thought to scream, never materialized.</p> <p class="cnNiZWYzZGM4OTkxNTQwYTViNzZmMjZkYmIzZjVjNDM1">The last bolt-- or was it truly the first, penetrated his right eye making its way into his brain while crushing all forms of response.</p> <p class="cnM0MWVjOTk4YzhlMjQ3NWVhNjE0MWMzMmQyN2ZjYTM4">The bandit fell from the tree, as dead as a doornail.</p> <p class="cnNlNzdlZGQzZDg1ODQwYzc4ODE5MGJiZmQ1MzM4MGJm">Chu and Ming moved towards the tree, hiding themselves looking at the body. Lucy reloaded her crossbow and dropped to one knee like a modern-day soldier surveying the surroundings, listening intently.</p> <p class="cnMyZjcyZjBjZWU4YzQ2ODM4YTM4NjFlOWM1MGY3YTQx">This was the result of Chu's training. Mr Thomas had all the experience in teaching them how to handle weapons of this world. But Chu had the experience of countless television dramas. Combining the two together resulted in the making of a veritable SWAT team.</p> <p class="cnM3ZjYyNDU2OWFiMzQyMWI5MWUxMzQ0ZWRmMWMwYWE2">Why else would this group of children move into close range combat while still holding a crossbow?</p> <p class="cnNkYjAzM2QxNGYzZjQwNmZhMjg1ZGI5MjFjNjU0Yzgy">In this world such tactic made no sense, until witnessing it in action. By keeping the crossbows ready and aiming at the closest opponent, it provided this assault group with an already superior advantage.</p> <p class="cnM5YzYxMzkyYzA1MTQ0ZTY5YWY5OWNiZDg1M2VhZmNm">A crossbow aimed at an opponent from a distance of ten or so feet allowed certain actions. First the opponent could only die, or dodge while receiving a serious injury. Secondly it gave the user enough time to launch a near unblockable attack while following up with the usual close combat sword or weapon.</p> <p class="cnM1NjVmODlmOTJkMzQzYjc4N2QwOWQxYjQwYTM2YjJk">In a group, this one shot weapon poised a serious threat against a single opponent or a batch of enemies. The success of this type of strike force was proven last night on the road.</p> <p class="cnM3YjIzMWYyNzc2ZTQwMjhiNjRiYTMwM2Y2ZDA5NGFl">"The horses are this way."</p> <p class="cnNiMGY5NzIxODkxZTQ3ZDQ4ZGU5YTdiZDc2YWMzMjc3">Lucy whispered as the two boys placed the dead man half hidden between the tree roots.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDBmOGY3NGQ4YTQ0YWFiMjY5M2NkNzA4ZjczNWVj">The group slowly made their way into the woods while the wolf left them on its own to hunt. The woodland was not very large or dense, so it did not take them long to stumble upon the hidden camp.</p> <p class="cnNlYjYyYWExNzU3MDQ0ZWZhYTZhNTg2Y2YyM2E2MDkz">It was nothing to boast about, consisting of a few tents covered with animal skin. Three horses were tied in the far corner opposite them, busily munching on some cut grass. Most of the men were asleep near some smoking embers; the remains of last night campfire.</p> <p class="cnNkMzVmYTFhMjdiMTQ4NzI5ODBmZGFjYjg1ZThlMWQ0">Two men were standing and talking loudly near one of those shoddy constructed shacks. As a previous slum resident, these buildings could undoubtedly make Chu feel proud of his first home. If left alone these men might save the garrison some trouble and kill themselves in the coming winter.</p> <p class="cnNiMTEzYWFjNWU1MjQxOTRiYzBkMzA2MTMyNTIyM2Mz">"The Boss should be arriving soon. I can't wait till tonight, I heard the boss tell Stiks yesterday that tonight's raid will be the last in this village and also the main prize."</p> <p class="cnM4OTZmMzFiNGIwZTRlZDhhZjg3Zjc3NmMyZTY1YTg2">"Damn right, I was there when the drunken man spilled his guts out to the boss. He said the farmer down there had been recruiting folks from the slums since last year. Because the drunk got snubbed by the woman in charge, he maintained a grudge against her since then.</p> <p class="cnNjMzM5MmI4NTM3MzQxMTdhY2Q2NTE5ZTZjMTk4NGU2">He told us not only did the farmer hire three couples, but he saw them once riding into the village with a batch of girls. The boss also said that the farm had already sold all their harvest. We will gain women, grain and money on this trip. I can't even sleep, I should have gone with Tinkle's group on that scouting mission this morning."</p> <p class="cnMzOGQ3ZDNlY2U5MDRmNGI4ZmI3OGYyNWEyMWMzMTI1">The man drooled as he recounted his tale.</p> <p class="cnNkNjkyMTdiYzZjODQ2MjE5ZjJkOTAxZmE1MDBlOGZm">Chu glanced at the others signaling to fall back. From the sentry before to these guy's conversation it did not take him long to figure out who and what farm was on the agenda. It only took one look at the face of his companions to know they deduced the truth.</p> <p class="cnNmZGZjZmUwNjU1MTRmMWI4NThjYWIxOGUwY2UwMzY0">"Take some deep breaths. We cannot let anger cloud our judgment."</p> <p class="cnM3YjVjOGMzNjg2ZDQzMzA4OTI3OWY4OTg1YTg4Mjcx">He said slowly. The vision of him coming across Amanda, Miki, Mrs Thomas and the others in the state he found the Hoyle's turned his eyes red in anger. He quickly forced down this vengeful feeling. If he could not control himself, how would he control two children?</p> <p class="cnM3YjViNDk2ZTIwYTQ3ZWVhNTYzY2E1ZmU0NWQ2Njhj">"Ming, untie the horses. Get between them and lead them away in this direction. We will try to draw their attention this way. Lucy and I will ambush the ones coming to fetch them as quietly as we can."</p> <p class="cnMzNjRhODA2M2YxZDQ1OWFhNzVmNTNhYjFkMDI5NzQz">While Ming went to fetch the horses, Chu and Lucy found a place behind a fallen tree. The half decaying log allowed a horse to climb over it without much difficulty, but provided the two children enough of a hiding spot. From there they could still make out the camp between the trees.</p> <p class="cnM5MjQ0ZGI4ODFiNTQ5OTRhMDAyMDk1NjVhNmU0OGEw">It did not take long for Ming to return, leading the horses by the reigns. Chu waved him over as a horse finally decided to neigh a little loudly.</p> <p class="cnNiOTViOTMxNmVmNjRkNzg4N2Q5YTZkOTdhZjBiZjc3">"Shit, the horses have gotten loose. Quick you fools get them!"</p> <p class="cnNmMmUxODVkNTk1YTRmZGU4ZTA3ZTgwNDFiOTQyMTA2">A bandit jumped down from a tree branch near the other end of the camp. He hooked the crossbow behind his back as he ran towards the escaping horses. This man was much more well equipped than the others. Judging from his hiding place that was well camouflaged, he was no ordinary slum recruit.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDhjOTVlMjM0NDRhMTM5ZmJkMDI1ODE5YjY3NThh">If they had decided to force their way into the camp, this man would have certainly posed a dangerous threat. In a nest of smelly men, only Lucy had the possibility of finding him. By then it might have been too late for him or Ming.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGU5MGJmZTc0MjRlMDBiOTRkNDA0MTA4OWYxMzUw">"Hurry you idiots."</p> <p class="cnM5Yzk3N2E3NDI2MDQ5NjJhMGZlNDU0Mzg0MmZmYTZl">The man called as the other two rushed behind him. The other men on the ground had now began to stir from the noise. When the threesome left the camp, the silence returned. Nobody wanted to waste their sleep for tonight's expected banquet.</p> <p class="cnNkZTRiOGZkYTdjOTRlNzQ4ODM1Yzk2ZDExZGQ0YmRl">"Huh?"</p> <p class="cnM2NzE5NmFlNmZhNjQwZThhMzM1ZmExZGE3ZjcwNjI3">The horses had just skipped over a log when the sentry squinted his eyes. He swore he made out the figure of a man in between the animals. Years of banditry made him cautious, but this time his actions were too slow.</p> <p class="cnNjMDNkZDIzY2EzYTRjNjJhNGE5NjlmNTA0MTRmZjcw">His brain that was currently involved in the simple running function became bombarded with what Chu might refer to as 'a tingling of spid*y sense'. This sixth sense however failed him.</p> <p class="cnM3OTZmZWJiNzViMjQxYTM4NTg1NzEwMWZkYzY3MmJm">Before he had a chance to shout, or to confirm his observation, something remarkable happened.</p> <p class="cnM2MzIzMWFmZWFiYzQ2ZjliZDE1YzVjZjlkZDNmZDYx">A cloaked shadow seem to materialize instantaneously out of the ground not even a foot away. In the night this might have been horrifying, during the day- it was downright uncanny.</p> <p class="cnNjYWU4MDJiMGY5YzRhODM5YzE0ZjExZTY5YjZiODQ3">"Wha..."</p> <p class="cnMwYWNjN2M4ZmExNDRiMmZiYTllOTg0NzAyZjMwMGMw">Was all he muttered. He was rendered speechless by the face under the cloak.</p> <p class="cnNjMjQ3MGE2NTIyZDRmNTVhOTg4MmRlZjY4NTVhODFm">The bolt ripped through the thin breast-plate covering his heart at near point-blank range. The iron that had protected his life from arrows in the past was now rendered useless.</p> <p class="cnNiZDMyYTAwZThjMTQyNGZiNDMyNmM1ZDk2YmNkOTEw">The last thing his glazed eyes registered was another shadow rising up along side and launching a similar attack at the man beside him.</p> <p class="cnNiYmY2MGY5NmM5OTQ3MzNiNzJkYWVjM2Y0Y2I3NzAx">'What an ugly angel, least I died at the hands of a Valkyrie'</p> <p class="cnM2MTdlYmVjNWZjMDRiOTliZTQ3NGU5NTIwMzlmZWJk">The last remaining bandit was no better off.</p> <p class="cnM2ZWZhMzgwYTRiNDRmYTU4NGEzMDhjMDhjZTY3YTkz">All the man knew was that they were chasing after some straying horses. In less time that it took for a deep breath his two companions ironically just breathed in their last. One had a bolt sticking out of his left eye, the other wore one on his chest.</p> <p class="cnNjYmNkYTM0NmY3ZDRlYmRhMGU5M2NlMTFkZDk1NjM2">Before they even fell to the ground the shadow in front raised its hands to its lips, indicating the universal action for silence. At the moment the only sound the bandit made came from his free-flowing bladder.</p> <p class="cnMzOWIxZGE2N2IwMzQxYTY5M2NmYWZjZTkyYjU0ZWEx">'I can't believe I was killed because I pissed so loud!'</p> <p class="cnNhZmRhOTJlY2VjYTQwYjNiYTQ4MDhhYmM4MWRjOWVm">The red line across the bandit's neck opened as blood spurted out. His killer had long re-sheathed her daggers and stepped out of range from the spraying blood.</p> <p class="cnM0YmI0NGE1NTU2ODRlYzRhNmZhMDE1YjVmNGM0ODcw">At such a close range, these unsuspecting bandits had zero chance. Lucy's speed and accuracy now became coupled with the controlled vengeance against those plotting against her family. A group like this had one choice only.</p> <p class="cnMzNmVjZTg0MTBkODQzOTQ4MTk1NjM3ZjMyOWQyOWFk">It was to die.</p> <p class="cnNmNzZkYmE0MTViZDQwNzU5ZTQ0ZjNlNzM2YzIyMzM3">Ming joined the two as they reloaded.</p> <p class="cnNmNmM3ZTAwOGMxMzQ2MDA4NDM1ZTFkMWMyZTc1ZjVi">The rest of the camp remained silent as the stirring bandits returned to sleep after the brief noise. Moving to the edge of the camp, Lucy scanned the surroundings. Confirming there was no more surprises hidden around, they cautiously walked in.</p> <p class="cnM5NmJhMDA4MzI2MTQ2MmRiNTliMTNhNWI4OTRkMmFj">There were four men snoozing around the fire.</p> <p class="cnMzYzY4M2M5OWJhYzRmNDI5MDdkZThjMTA3YTI3Mjc1">Ming and Lucy promptly launched an assault. Chu kept his crossbow up and aiming as he scanned the campsite. He made his way to the shacks and began kicking open the ones that had some crude looking doors.</p> <p class="cnMzYzM3M2Y3OGU3YzQ5NzI4YmZhMTAzNzRkNTU3OTFi">He found nothing as the surprised shouts of dead men punctured the silence near the fire. On dragging the pelt covering the door of the last shed he reeled back in shock. His hands unconsciously lowering the crossbow.</p> <p class="cnMyODk5OTQyMzUwMDRjZjM4ODdkN2FjZmNhODI2ODky">"F*ck!"</p> <p class="cnM4MTBmZTA1ZDdjNzRmY2M4YTZmYzU3MWM1ZTUzYTVi">He exclaimed as the sight of a naked woman hanging from the roof near the door, swung out, surprising him. The blue-black skin and injuries showed the woman had undergone some brutal assault before succumbing to her injuries.</p> <p class="cnM3MGNhMDZhOGJlZjQyMWFiYmE1ZGJhOTVjNWNlMWNl">He did not have time to marvel at the strength of the flimsy roof to support the lady's weight.</p> <p class="cnNhMGNlMWQzOGUwYjRmZGVhNDA1ZDQ4YzhkZmM5YTYy">"F*ck indeed!"</p> <p class="cnMzMWMzNzJhNjlhODQxOGU4N2RiNWZiMDM3ZjIyYzk0">The unfamiliar, familiar voice replied.</p> <p class="cnM1YWRlYWNjODc3NDQzNjJhNzdlYjM3OWQyNzc4NjRh">Accompanying that low voice was a sword that pierced his cloak with unbelievable force and punctured his belly. He dropped the crossbow as his hands reflexively moved to grasp and remove the intrusion.</p> <p class="cnNhMWIzYWJlMTk0ZTQ4ZWVhODA4ZjYyOWE1MDE4M2E4">Chu groaned as a the cloaked man stepped out of the tent, while pushing him back slowly and keeping the sword buried in his gut.</p> <p class="cnM4MThkNWU0ZDNmYjQ2MGQ4OWY3Mzg3NzYxOTRkOGYz">"Being ambushed by three kids. How the hell can I face the Master."</p> <p class="cnNkY2EzOTdlYjNkYjQ5NTZiNmNhYTEyYWI5OTJhYWVm">The man muttered as he raised his other hand. Chu now noticed the crossbow in his hand.</p> <p class="cnM4ZWY5MGZmMjU0ZDRmOTg5NjM5OGY0NDZlMTA3Mzlm">"Let me show you how to really use a crossbow. You would have never had a future if a butchered little corpse can frighten you. I'll put you all out of your misery. First you then that big boy."</p> <p class="cnM1ZjhlZGIwYjNmZjQ0MGQ4MTQ1ODE5MjUzNDMxMDQy">The man aimed at Ming who was engaged in a fight by the fire. He did not forget to keep up the pressure by twisting the sword into Chu's stomach.</p> <p class="cnNmZDhiN2VlMDJkNDQ4YjhiNDdjOTc5M2E5NmIyYTc3">Up to the present time both Lucy and him had their backs turned towards them subduing their opponents.</p> <p class="cnMyOTU5NTJkMzkwODQ5YTliZDg1ODdhNjA3ZWVlNDc5">The habitual click, the whizzing sound.</p> <p class="cnNhNGMwODlmMzZhOTRiNWNiZjAwMTI0YTJhNzU1MmNi">The sound of the bolt ripping into flesh.</p> <p class="cnMwMDYxNzRlOTg4YzRjOTA4YzAzMWY5MGUwODJiYzBi">Chu could only picture the sight of Ming's head being punctured from the sound behind him.</p> <p class="cnM4ZDFlYWM3YjQyODQzNmFhZTE4MmM3YmMzMmVlMmQ4">He belched a mouthful of blood as he screamed.</p> <p class="cnM4MDg3ZTVlZjk2NzQwNTBiZDZkNzZjZTU4OTZiZTc1">"Nooooo!"</p> </div>
#### **Goodbye** Chu woke up prior to midday. Since they left the farmer and his sons on the road, they had hurried along the grassland. Coming across the first tree on the open plain, the group halted the progress. They all needed that well deserved rest. After a quick meal they continued without delay in following the trail. Out in the open grassland it would require a skilled tracker to trace this near nonexistent path. But with Lucy and a large canine accompanying him, it became like a stroll over the fields. The scent was now faint for even Lucy. However those faded ribbons knotted together paved a path like a white line marked over the green grasslands. In a time of little over an hour, they finally saw the outline of a clump of trees in the distance. Chu instinctively had the others turn their formerly leisurely stroll into a cautious approach. Not too long after, Lucy also confirmed his suspicions. "The smell is getting stronger. This seems to be it." "They would have expected the raiding party to return by now. Let's use the little mound over there as cover, I am sure they would have posted some sort of sentry." He voiced his thoughts before taking action. Chu led the others in stealthily moving closer to the small woodland. Under the high afternoon sun, this was a near impossible task. The only reason they avoided detection was that they now approached from the east under the cover from some undulating ground. Using Lucy's keen eyesight and smell, they made their way to the edge of the woods, hiding under the cover of a large hedge. The girl soon spotted and pointed out the location of the sentry. A man reclined on a bough, not too far and not too high from them. "Up there!" She whispered. The man dangled a leg as it swung slowly, the other perched along the branch. His back leaned against the tree trunk for support. At about ten or so feet from the ground, the bandit seemed drifting between sleep and wake. More importantly he had a bow and a small quiver of arrows hanging on an easily reachable branch. The man fixed himself as he scanned the grasslands before muttering his complaints to the world. "When the hell will the boss return? I am dying for a woman here! That advisor is so stupid- having me sit sentry here, when I could be sleeping for tonight's raid." Chu signaled Lucy to scan the nearby area. He and Ming prepared to crawl a little closer to feed the guy some well-aimed crossbolts. He froze in his tracks when the bandit continued mumbling loudly in his half sleep. "Shit this life man! The boss's news better be right about that farm south of the village having lots of women. I feel like I can grind my hips all night after having this piece of wood stuck in my ass all morning!" Chu indicated to Lucy calling her over with his hand signals. He knew Ming also picked up on the meaning of the mans words. The teen's calm face turning into one of unbridled fury. "Can you tell how many are in the camp?" "The smells are all jumbled up along with others. This place smells like a pigsty." He nodded after the whispered reply. Nothing less from a group of men who might have not had a bath for weeks or months. "We'll kill him quietly, then sweep the camp. See if you can smell the horses, that's our next target." They slowly approached the tree from the blind spot at the back. The three of them readied their crossbows, darting out from under the branch while fanning out in an arc. The drowsy man had no idea that death was already upon him from this sudden attack. A click followed by a whizzing strange sound alerted him, but by then it was too late. Before his brain had the chance to comprehend what was happening, the crossbolts struck. The first punctured his left arm. Or did the pain come from the new hole between his ribs on his right side? He failed to process the situation. Just as the thought to scream, never materialized. The last bolt-- or was it truly the first, penetrated his right eye making its way into his brain while crushing all forms of response. The bandit fell from the tree, as dead as a doornail. Chu and Ming moved towards the tree, hiding themselves looking at the body. Lucy reloaded her crossbow and dropped to one knee like a modern-day soldier surveying the surroundings, listening intently. This was the result of Chu's training. Mr Thomas had all the experience in teaching them how to handle weapons of this world. But Chu had the experience of countless television dramas. Combining the two together resulted in the making of a veritable SWAT team. Why else would this group of children move into close range combat while still holding a crossbow? In this world such tactic made no sense, until witnessing it in action. By keeping the crossbows ready and aiming at the closest opponent, it provided this assault group with an already superior advantage. A crossbow aimed at an opponent from a distance of ten or so feet allowed certain actions. First the opponent could only die, or dodge while receiving a serious injury. Secondly it gave the user enough time to launch a near unblockable attack while following up with the usual close combat sword or weapon. In a group, this one shot weapon poised a serious threat against a single opponent or a batch of enemies. The success of this type of strike force was proven last night on the road. "The horses are this way." Lucy whispered as the two boys placed the dead man half hidden between the tree roots. The group slowly made their way into the woods while the wolf left them on its own to hunt. The woodland was not very large or dense, so it did not take them long to stumble upon the hidden camp. It was nothing to boast about, consisting of a few tents covered with animal skin. Three horses were tied in the far corner opposite them, busily munching on some cut grass. Most of the men were asleep near some smoking embers; the remains of last night campfire. Two men were standing and talking loudly near one of those shoddy constructed shacks. As a previous slum resident, these buildings could undoubtedly make Chu feel proud of his first home. If left alone these men might save the garrison some trouble and kill themselves in the coming winter. "The Boss should be arriving soon. I can't wait till tonight, I heard the boss tell Stiks yesterday that tonight's raid will be the last in this village and also the main prize." "Damn right, I was there when the drunken man spilled his guts out to the boss. He said the farmer down there had been recruiting folks from the slums since last year. Because the drunk got snubbed by the woman in charge, he maintained a grudge against her since then. He told us not only did the farmer hire three couples, but he saw them once riding into the village with a batch of girls. The boss also said that the farm had already sold all their harvest. We will gain women, grain and money on this trip. I can't even sleep, I should have gone with Tinkle's group on that scouting mission this morning." The man drooled as he recounted his tale. Chu glanced at the others signaling to fall back. From the sentry before to these guy's conversation it did not take him long to figure out who and what farm was on the agenda. It only took one look at the face of his companions to know they deduced the truth. "Take some deep breaths. We cannot let anger cloud our judgment." He said slowly. The vision of him coming across Amanda, Miki, Mrs Thomas and the others in the state he found the Hoyle's turned his eyes red in anger. He quickly forced down this vengeful feeling. If he could not control himself, how would he control two children? "Ming, untie the horses. Get between them and lead them away in this direction. We will try to draw their attention this way. Lucy and I will ambush the ones coming to fetch them as quietly as we can." While Ming went to fetch the horses, Chu and Lucy found a place behind a fallen tree. The half decaying log allowed a horse to climb over it without much difficulty, but provided the two children enough of a hiding spot. From there they could still make out the camp between the trees. It did not take long for Ming to return, leading the horses by the reigns. Chu waved him over as a horse finally decided to neigh a little loudly. "Shit, the horses have gotten loose. Quick you fools get them!" A bandit jumped down from a tree branch near the other end of the camp. He hooked the crossbow behind his back as he ran towards the escaping horses. This man was much more well equipped than the others. Judging from his hiding place that was well camouflaged, he was no ordinary slum recruit. If they had decided to force their way into the camp, this man would have certainly posed a dangerous threat. In a nest of smelly men, only Lucy had the possibility of finding him. By then it might have been too late for him or Ming. "Hurry you idiots." The man called as the other two rushed behind him. The other men on the ground had now began to stir from the noise. When the threesome left the camp, the silence returned. Nobody wanted to waste their sleep for tonight's expected banquet. "Huh?" The horses had just skipped over a log when the sentry squinted his eyes. He swore he made out the figure of a man in between the animals. Years of banditry made him cautious, but this time his actions were too slow. His brain that was currently involved in the simple running function became bombarded with what Chu might refer to as 'a tingling of spid*y sense'. This sixth sense however failed him. Before he had a chance to shout, or to confirm his observation, something remarkable happened. A cloaked shadow seem to materialize instantaneously out of the ground not even a foot away. In the night this might have been horrifying, during the day- it was downright uncanny. "Wha..." Was all he muttered. He was rendered speechless by the face under the cloak. The bolt ripped through the thin breast-plate covering his heart at near point-blank range. The iron that had protected his life from arrows in the past was now rendered useless. The last thing his glazed eyes registered was another shadow rising up along side and launching a similar attack at the man beside him. 'What an ugly angel, least I died at the hands of a Valkyrie' The last remaining bandit was no better off. All the man knew was that they were chasing after some straying horses. In less time that it took for a deep breath his two companions ironically just breathed in their last. One had a bolt sticking out of his left eye, the other wore one on his chest. Before they even fell to the ground the shadow in front raised its hands to its lips, indicating the universal action for silence. At the moment the only sound the bandit made came from his free-flowing bladder. 'I can't believe I was killed because I pissed so loud!' The red line across the bandit's neck opened as blood spurted out. His killer had long re-sheathed her daggers and stepped out of range from the spraying blood. At such a close range, these unsuspecting bandits had zero chance. Lucy's speed and accuracy now became coupled with the controlled vengeance against those plotting against her family. A group like this had one choice only. It was to die. Ming joined the two as they reloaded. The rest of the camp remained silent as the stirring bandits returned to sleep after the brief noise. Moving to the edge of the camp, Lucy scanned the surroundings. Confirming there was no more surprises hidden around, they cautiously walked in. There were four men snoozing around the fire. Ming and Lucy promptly launched an assault. Chu kept his crossbow up and aiming as he scanned the campsite. He made his way to the shacks and began kicking open the ones that had some crude looking doors. He found nothing as the surprised shouts of dead men punctured the silence near the fire. On dragging the pelt covering the door of the last shed he reeled back in shock. His hands unconsciously lowering the crossbow. "F*ck!" He exclaimed as the sight of a naked woman hanging from the roof near the door, swung out, surprising him. The blue-black skin and injuries showed the woman had undergone some brutal assault before succumbing to her injuries. He did not have time to marvel at the strength of the flimsy roof to support the lady's weight. "F*ck indeed!" The unfamiliar, familiar voice replied. Accompanying that low voice was a sword that pierced his cloak with unbelievable force and punctured his belly. He dropped the crossbow as his hands reflexively moved to grasp and remove the intrusion. Chu groaned as a the cloaked man stepped out of the tent, while pushing him back slowly and keeping the sword buried in his gut. "Being ambushed by three kids. How the hell can I face the Master." The man muttered as he raised his other hand. Chu now noticed the crossbow in his hand. "Let me show you how to really use a crossbow. You would have never had a future if a butchered little corpse can frighten you. I'll put you all out of your misery. First you then that big boy." The man aimed at Ming who was engaged in a fight by the fire. He did not forget to keep up the pressure by twisting the sword into Chu's stomach. Up to the present time both Lucy and him had their backs turned towards them subduing their opponents. The habitual click, the whizzing sound. The sound of the bolt ripping into flesh. Chu could only picture the sight of Ming's head being punctured from the sound behind him. He belched a mouthful of blood as he screamed. "Nooooo!"
{ "title": "Broly In Naruto (COMPLETED)", "id": 21086, "author": "CaptainBoyHole", "rating": 3.8 }
{ "title": "Second Stage of Chunin Exams!", "id": 305485, "next": 305783, "prev": 305330, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMwMjU5YzY3Y2I5OTQxYzA4YTIxZjUzYzMwMGU2N2I2">After a couple of minutes of no one else raising their hands Ibiki spoke.</p> <p class="cnNjNGJhMjMyNzJlYzQ5YzU5NmQ4MDFkZWVjMTNlNDhj">"I'll ask you again, your future shinobi career is riding on this decision. This is your final chance to leave."</p> <p class="cnM2MmMwNTU1Y2I2NjQwOTJhNTNlYzM4Yjg3YjJlNjQz">No one raised their hands and were all ready to take this final question. Ibiki smiled to himself.</p> <p class="cnNmYWE0ZTkxMDM0ODQ3Mjk4YjM3NDg3MmIzNmJiMmNi">'81 genin left. That's more than I expected..' He looked around at the faces of the genin before telling them the shocking news.</p> <p class="cnM5YmY4ZTY0YWYxNzQ3NDViMTQ3MzU0MmQwY2RhOTdk">"Congratulations! You have all passed the first test!" He shouted, causing most of the genin in the room to be shocked.</p> <p class="cnM3OTljM2I0ODAyZTRlYWI5N2U0NzExMzAxZTMzMDRm">"What do you mean we already passed? What about the 10th question?" A genin asked in disbelief.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDMzNjkxYjhlYjRlOTY4NmI4ZTRlNDRjYTJjYjc5">"There was never a tenth question. This entire test was to see how well you could gather information and how well you could do it covertly." Ibiki explained.</p> <p class="cnNiNzUzMDEyM2Q5MDQzODViNGM4NDkzYjk2MzhjNTI4">"Information is more important than life sometimes and on missions and the battlefield people risk their lives to get their hands on such information." Ibiki said in a grave tone before removing his do-rag and showing all the genin his horrible scars on his head.</p> <p class="cnNlYjE4NzYxMTEwMjRiMDViYjA1ZDA2NzBkODVlYTE1">There were horrible burns, screw holes in his head, and scars. They all reacted in different emotions towards the horrible sight. Many were scared, some were grossed out, and some were even excited.</p> <p class="cnM3Yjg0MjliZjE3ODQ3OTg4NDQ2NDNmMjY1MzJlOThm">Ibiki was about to continue until black ball rolled through the window, shattering glass everywhere and shocking everyone inside the room. The black ball uncurled and revealed to be a person inside a flag!</p> <p class="cnNiZGNlOTViZDBlOTQ3NWU4MmQ4ZmJmOWNjM2E3ZGMy">"I am the examiner for the second test! Mitarashi Anko! Now let's head out! Follow me!" Anko said before realizing that Ibiki wasn't completely finished with the first test.</p> <p class="cnNiMDNjOGQ5Mzg4MjQzZjI5ZDM0NjhlNTFhOTAyY2U0">"Why the hell are there so many brats left Ibiki!? You went to easy on them!" Anko shouted.</p> <p class="cnM5YmIwMTJiYWI2ZDQwODA5NzM3MDcxY2EwNjRhNmVj">"There are a lot of outstanding genin this time around." Ibiki defended himself.</p> <p class="cnM0Y2M3OTY1ZTQ4MzRkZmZiOGViNjlmZDIxNzY3YWQ1">"Fine. Whatever I'll cut the amount in half no problem for the second test. I'll explain everything when we changed places! Come on!" Anko said before going through the second window and breaking it.</p> <p class="cnNjYjA3NGUyMjkzZjQzNzQ4NzY3MDRmNDY5MzY4M2Iw"><br>*AT THE SECOND EXAMINATION PLACE*</p> <p class="cnM2MTAyOTE0NGMzMjQ5NDE5ODhmM2JjOWI0NTFlNTlm">"Welcome to the stage for the second test, Training ground 44, also known as The Forest Of Death!" Anko introduced.</p> <p class="cnM1ZGM2MWNiYzYyMDQxMTU4MTZjNTAzM2UyNDJkMjg0">"Before we start the second test, there's something I have to pass out first. You must sign these agreement forms. Some people will die for sure in this part of the exam and if you don't sign these your deaths will be my responsibility."</p> <p class="cnNkZmM1YThiYmMwZDQ5MGVhMjc4YzUwNjkzMjg5ZjFk">"I'm going to explain the second test first before I pass these agreement forms out so you can see if you can handle the second test or not. Afterwards please check in at the booth behind me with those nice-looking men." Anko said after blowing a kiss towards the two chunin at the booth, causing them both to fluster slightly and look away.</p> <p class="cnMxYWZlNjA5MzE1YjRlNTdiZjc2ODg2N2I0M2Q2Mjk5">"You all will attempt the ultimate survival. During the survival in the forest you will be asked to complete a certain task. You all will compete in a no rules scroll battle! These two scrolls named Heaven and Earth will be passed out and each team will either get 1 heaven scroll or 1 earth scroll. Half of you will get heaven scrolls and the other half earth scrolls. To pass this test, your team must make it to the tower with both scrolls."</p> <p class="cnMzMTQ1OGI4NmNjMDRkYTA5NDE3MGJiOThjMTJhNTRk">"So half of the genin teams here are going to be eliminated during this section, or even more." One genin said.</p> <p class="cnMwYzE0NGY5MzQ5NjRjNDhiOTE2M2IwMzZjODgzNDM3">"We better protect our scroll!" Another genin said to his team.</p> <p class="cnNlZTAzYTg5OTFjZDQyM2M4MzgyOWQ3NzIzOGI4MTEz">"There is a time limit for this test. This exam will last 5 days exactly." Anko said</p> <p class="cnM1NDMwOWUzYWI5ZTRlNTJiZGZhNTI0ZTQyYmM3NmVh">"What about food!?" A genin said in hysteria.</p> <p class="cnM5NjgzNTAzNjA4ZTRiNTFhYzM1MWI4OWI3MTQwOTY3">"There are plenty of food in the forest. Just watch out for man-eating beasts, poisonous insects, and poisonous plants." Anko answered.</p> <p class="cnNlNWM0YWRiMWFkZjRhZTM4MjFhMDIxYTRkNjA5ZTVi">"Now for the rules of this exam! Those who don't make it to the tower with both scrolls within 5 days are disqualified! Those who lose a teammate or those who have a teammate killed are disqualified! For the final rule, you must not look inside the scroll until you make it to the tower!"</p> <p class="cnNhZDNkOTE0ZmJhOTRlZWY4ZjBmZDgwZDNjYzg5ZTYy">"What happens if you look inside the scrolls?" A blue outfitted genin asked.</p> <p class="cnMwYjRkMjRlYTMyOTQ3Mjc5NjQ4N2NkYzVhMmQxNGE0">"That's a surprise for the ballsy genin team." Anko said playfully.</p> <p class="cnM2YTVlZTE1ODc1MDQzMDM5ODA2NzNkNzczNTc1YWVj">"Now either sign the forms or get!" Anko said.</p> <p class="cnM2MWI0MDcxYjViOTQwYmViMmYxYzcwZTE4YTgzODNh">Esumi walked over to Anko after Team 11 signed their agreement forms and got their gate number. She had a grin on her face.</p> <p class="cnNmN2JjNzM5NTdjNjRjNDA4NTdjODYzMzYzZDc3NTlm">"Big sister Anko! I'm here!" Esumi shouted in childlike glee.</p> <p class="cnNkOGI1ZjRjYmQ3OTQ5MDBiYzUwYTI2NDA4MWE4ODkx">Anko turned around with a smile of her own after recognizing that voice.</p> <p class="cnNkYTRlMjg2ZmU5YjQ5NDk4YmQ0YjY0ZmNkYjBhZWMx">"So you decided to enter these exams too huh Esumi-chan? Be careful out there, these exams definitely aren't easy." Anko warned.</p> <p class="cnMxMzRlMjI5OWIwYzRlODY4YTU5YzVlY2MzMDg5NWQ1">"Pssssh these chunin exams will be a piece of cake. Nothing but a bunch of weaklings and easy tests." Esumi bragged.</p> <p class="cnM1OGI2NmIzYmE3ZTQzNmU4OTRmNjljYjhjNTYwNjU0">"Well since you're so confident ya little blue haired brat I guess I have nothing to worry about. Especially since ya got those two with ya." Anko said with a smile before rubbing Esumi's hair.</p> <p class="cnM0YWUwOTAzZjYzNjRjZDc5MDhiMTU5MmU5MTJmMTVl">"Yep we're gonna win this no problem." Esumi said before hearing Anko clear her throat to say something</p> <p class="cnM0MGI2ZmMzODAwZDRkNDc4NjExOGMyYzU1ZDk1MDJi">"EVERYONE GET TO YOUR ASSIGNED GATES WE WILL START IN 30 MINUTES!"</p> <p class="cnM4NTE1Nzc0ZjIyYjRlNWZiNWUyNGQwMDU5YzAyOWEx">Esumi skipped over to her team.</p> <p class="cnM4OTU4ODJhYjdlNTQwZDg4Yzg5M2UxYTA5YzMwNDMw">"Are we going to search and destroy teams for this part of the exam?" Esumi asked.</p> <p class="cnMwYjM4NDQyNDljNTRlOWI4NDZlZWI1YzI1YjdkYjI1">"I believe in both of your abilities. We will split up, have our fun for 4 days and meet up near the tower. Since we have a heaven scroll, one of you only take an earth scroll. I will hold our scroll." Broly said.</p> <p class="cnM5YmJlZmE3ZGI0ZjRkYTE4MDkxNGEzYjEyNmZlNzg2">"I bet this is exactly what you were looking forward to Aomatsuna." Esumi said with a giggle.</p> <p class="cnM3MTVhZjdjNDgzNTRjZmNhOTdiZDc2NGRhYTg3NTA3">"You're right." Broly responded.</p> <p class="cnNlZTA4YjIxNjc0OTQ1MzE5OTRkOTk2ZTIzMDI3MzVi">"This is what we were all looking forward to." Jabie corrected.</p> <p class="cnMzZTY5ODFmOWQzMTRhYmQ5MGZlMzE2MmYxNWYxMTFm">"The second part of the chunin exams begin NOW!" Anko shouted before all the gates opened up that were leading into the Forest of Death.</p> <p class="cnNhZDUyZGRhY2QyZjQ2MmU5MzkyYzQ3YjkzOTA3MzM2">All the genin teams rushed inside the training ground as if a pack of herding bulls. Our trio of demons stuck to the plan they made beforehand.</p> <p class="cnM5NTY2YzI2MDA1ZjRjYTZiMWQ2NzljNTExNmZiOGEx">Broly held the heaven scroll on his back in plain view for all to see, as if baiting them to come and take his scroll. Since Team 11 has basically grew up in this forest, they know exactly how to get to the tower regardless of where they are in the forest. Jabie and Esumi split off to the left and right respectively to look for other genin teams. Jabie was chosen to get the earth scroll they'll need to pass this part of the exam.</p> <p class="cnM3MWQzMDI5MjMwZTQ0NTBiNDIxYjU4ZGI5NTFiZDhk">Each member of the trio of demons had a terrifying bloodthirsty grin on their face as they hunted for the genin teams. A slight hint of a blue aura radiated from Jabie and a barely visible yellow aura radiated from Esumi while they were in this focused excited mood. None of the Team 11 noticed this weird aura though, and they continued to look for genins in the forest.</p> <p class="cnM2MDIwM2ViNTIwNDQ2MzliOTE4YTYxNDM5OTZkNzg2">*WITH ESUMI*</p> <p class="cnNkZWY1ZDM3ZmU3NTRmN2U4OTk5YWJkZDgyNTNlMTY0">Esumi has Basher, her metal pipe like sword, out and wrapped some spikes around the sword. After a few minutes of searching she finally found someone to test her cute Basher-kun on. It was some sand genin. She was deciding on whether or not to attack sneakily or straight out, but she already&nbsp;knew exactly what she was going to do. She yelled loudly and held Basher over her head and smashed towards the middle of the 3 sand shinobi. The ground cracked when Esumi's weapon landed, startling the sand shinobi and making them jump away. One sand genin was about to throw some shurikens but Esumi quickly followed up after her starter attack and appeared in front of him and punted him in the chin with her weapon from below, launching him at high-speeds into a tree.</p> <p class="cnMwNDhmYzZlNzg4MTRkMzQ5OTBlZjhlZThkNGJhZGQ2">The poor sand genin crashed into the tree and caused a small crater to form on it. He quickly fell over face-first and was unconscious. The two other sand genin quickly got on their knees to beg for mercy. Esumi tsk'd in disdain before bashing the other two upside the head and leaving unsatisfied. She quickly started to search for more genin to play with before finding two genin teams fighting against each other. She smiled as she charged in and interrupted the waterfall genin team and the rain genin who were battle.</p> <p class="cnNkOTEyNzVkZDA1OTRlM2ZhNjBkODYyNWNlMTQxMmUw">"Surrender or face a painful beating!" Esumi said in her natural high-pitched innocent little girl voice.</p> <p class="cnM4ZTNmODJkNzY3NTQzYTliODQxYmIwZTJiNmM5Yjk0">For some reason the two enemy genin teams started laughing. Esumi didn't like this one bit. She threw her weapon at one of the waterfall genin and it cracked him in the face. She pulled on the string that she attached to her weapon to get it back before swinging at another genin.</p> <p class="cnNiNjg0NWVhYTgxNzRhOWQ5YWQ1NTlkNjZmYzRmYzNj">By this time, the two genin teams and Esumi had a battle royale. The two opposite genin teams were fighting each other and Esumi while Esumi was fighting everyone. Esumi was focused by rain genin and was swarmed with kunai that they threw. She twirled with Basher as she jumped in the air and knocked all the kunai away. After landing, Esumi appeared behind one of the two that threw kunai at her and swung her weapon at his back. He noticed Esumi was missing before hearing something behind him. He turned around and blocked. A heavy impact crashed into his arms and knocked him off his feet and away. It appears he also suffered severe deep cuts from some type of metal slashing his arms after the attack.</p> <p class="cnNiODdiOGE3OTZjZTQ1ZTA4OTFlODJjZWZhYjYzY2M4">"Ahahaha You shouldn't have blocked that! Idiot!" Esumi taunted before being targeted by the 4 genin together.</p> <p class="cnM3NmMxNjRhMzg1YzQ5NTJhYjg5NTQ0NDMyOTk1OWVi">It seems they decided she was the biggest threat and worked together to defeat her for now. They surrounded her on all sides before charging at her. Esumi laughed as they closed in on her and eventually all landed an attack. They each smiled before realizing that the small crazy kunoichi they attacked turned into lightning! Each of the genin were electrocuted due to attacking Esumi's lightning clone. Esumi appeared from behind some trees and looked at the burnt and smoking genin with a smirk.</p> <p class="cnM1ZjQ1MDY5NTVmODQyMTNhMzcyMTFkYzIyYmIxZWZh">"It was sweet of you all to become friends all due to sweet ole cute me, sadly it caused a shocking revelation for you all. HAHAHAAH!" Esumi giggles as she started to look for more prey.</p> <p class="cnM1NTc3MzM2ZmU2ZTQ0ZWE4MWQxNjNiNmU5ZTY0OTY0">*WITH JABIE*</p> <p class="cnMyMDNiZDBiYzc5ZDRhZmNhZjMzNzliMzg0MzQxOWNj">Jabie is looking for genin teams to test his new prowess after acquiring all of his clone's memories and experiences from over the past couple days. He is going to test his genjutsu, medical ninjutsu, ninjutsu, and taijutsu against his fellow genin. And it seems he found his first participants. A genin team from Konoha that aren't part of his generation of graduates from the academy. Well it wouldn't matter if they were or weren't anyway. They're all competitors in this exam. Jabie slowly revealed himself to the three leaf genin. They looked at him in confusion.</p> <p class="cnMwNGVjNDA2YTY1NjQxMzNiNWEzZTQyMjk1NTkyYTIw">"How did this fat kid get past our traps?" One older gentlemen asked in annoyance.</p> <p class="cnM3YmQyMDNiZmIyZDQ1NTY5NWNhM2MyNDEwZmE3MWU3">"I told you your traps suck Toto!" a boyish girl said.</p> <p class="cnNkMmNlZDgwZDc0YjQ2MmViMDZjZTM3NTBmZmExYjY4">"Lets just take him out. I doubt he has a scroll since he's by himself." A glasses wearing lanky boy stated.</p> <p class="cnMwZjQ2ZTU0NGE2MDRkYzdiMGJkMmMyYzI5ODdhNzUw">"Before we begin fellow leaf nin, can you tell me if you have an earth or heaven scroll? It would make this process a lot smoother if I don't have to search your bodies after I'm done." Jabie said in a polite manner.</p> <p class="cnNhODY0OGNmYTkxYzRkMjFiMDYzNGNhZmJmNmVjYzlj">It seems this only served to anger the tomboy and the man.</p> <p class="cnMyMmM1YWY1ZDIwYzRmODg4ZTBmMmZlNjQwMGE5NTEy">"Why don't you come find out tubby!?" The tomboy taunted.</p> <p class="cnNhYzlhYmMwZDRkMTRkNzY5Yjk5YWM4MzAwODA5OWQx">"Very well." Jabie responded as he started to weave through hand seals before having a burst of water surged from his feet. The three leaf genin jumped away to not be blasted by the water. The tomboy threw some shurikens while the boy with glasses pulled out a tanto (Small katana) and charged at Jabie.</p> <p class="cnM3ODEwYTVmNDc0ZjRiN2NiMGVjMGQ0ZjJjODZlMjlm">"You three are already finished." Jabie says mysteriously as the trio suddenly fell unconscious.</p> <p class="cnM4YTNjNDc1OTU2YzQ2NWFhMmI3NzUxOTdmMzNiZDFk">Jabie just shook his head at his fellow leaf genin for not even being able to recognize when you've been put under a genjutsu. You should regularly surge your chakra throughout your body to prevent falling under a genjutsu. Especially in a battlefield. Jabie searched the three before finding another heaven scroll. He grumbled before returning it back to the leaf nin and jumping off to find more genin.</p> <p class="cnNhNmI2YzVlNjY0ZjQ2NWNhNmE1ODE5ZjU3ZTY3NTQw">"These three were rather inadequate to base my current skills in genjutsu. All I had to do was hit their neck while they were under my genjutsu and it was over. I guess I'll test my taijutsu for next time." Jabie muttered to himself.</p> <p class="cnNiN2Y2ZDk0NWE2NDQ5N2Y5YjU2ZjE2OTYxZmY1MTVm">Jabie eventually ran into another genin team. But this time it was a grass genin team. He revealed himself the same way he did with the leaf team.</p> <p class="cnM4ZjhlOTRhYWM0MzRmZTJhMTIwYTQ2MGRmZjBkYmQ2">"Can you three tell me what scrolls you have?" Jabie said in a polite non-threatening manner.</p> <p class="cnMyMDViOWNmYjAzYTRhMmY5MDYzNDM2NjYxZjhjZmVj">"Screw off ya tree hugger!" One unfriendly female grass genin shouted.</p> <p class="cnNhYmUxODk3ZGE1NjQ5Yzg4ZTI0MWMyYjhiM2Q3NzAx">"You should really watch yourself more carefully kid." One of the grass shinobi said when he appeared behind Jabie with a kunai to his throat.</p> <p class="cnMxZmZmMjNiNTUxMTQyNjZiOWNlN2Q0ZGU4NTZiMDdh">"Oh don't worry I watch myself very well. But can you please answer my question?" Jabie asked.</p> <p class="cnM2ZjE0YWY3MjYzYjQ1YmI5YmUwZDY0YjBlZTgyMDBm">"Kill this idiot already. He's getting on my nerves." The last grass shinobi said with an annoyed expression.</p> <p class="cnM1ZjU3ZDM1ZGE0NTRhMmFhYjc5ZmM5NWRhNWE4YTIx">The grass shinobi behind Jabie attempted to slice Jabie's throat but for some reason the large boy he was holding suddenly vanished! He looked around in complete confusion before being palmed in the face and sent flying towards his teammates. His teammates were shocked and went to catch him. They were sliding backwards as they stopped the fast momentum he was sent with. They looked down and noticed that he was knocked out from one hit! They quickly looked for the unnaturally fast chubby boy before hearing a noise behind them.</p> <p class="cnNiODQyNzkyNmI1NTQ4MmNiZGZkMzczMjhmNDVmZDc5">The two attempted to jump away but not before having their ankles caught by Jabie. As they were surprised by his speed once again, Jabie quickly took advantage of it and swung the two grass shinobi towards the ground. They both poofed into a log when the impact happened. Jabie searched the boy he knocked out earlier and found another heaven scroll! He cursed inwardly before focusing his attention on the two grass nin watching his every move.</p> <p class="cnMwNDM5MzM5MzI3ZDRlZDI4NWY5YTRlYTBkOTc3Mjg0">"Well since you two are rather afraid of me, I will give myself a handicap. I won't move from this spot as you attack me." Jabie stated.</p> <p class="cnM0ZmJiYmQxODUwMjRjNmY4MTg1NTkzMzFmMTZmYzJk">"Like we'll trust a filthy tree hugger like you!" The girl genin yelled.</p> <p class="cnM4MmY1ZWE5MzViZTQ1ZmZiZjZmOTEyOGFmZDMyZDFm">"Well whatever choice do you have? I could kill your teammate you left behind and easily disqualify you. Or you could take me up on my offer." Jabie explained.</p> <p class="cnM0N2U0MjUyMTVkMjQ4N2FhMzFjYjhjMDRiODAyMmZj">This caused the two remaining grass nin to look at Jabie in disgust before reluctantly dashing towards him. Jabie smirked a calculative grin before getting himself into a defensive stance. His hands took on a dark blue aura as they came closer and closer. The girl charged with a kunai and stabbed towards Jabie's throat. Jabie swayed his head and grabbed her wrist before it could land. Her teammate quickly followed up with a punch to save her. Jabie with one hand caught his fist easily. He soon started to form water over their entire body before it took on a shape of a ball.</p> <p class="cnM0N2VkY2VmNTIzYTQ1ZDc5ZTExNGYyNzFhZTI2NWY4">"This is my Water Style: Water Prison Jutsu. You won't be able to escape without outside interference." Jabie says as he appeared from behind a tree.</p> <p class="cnNiZjhkOGQ3YTdjMzQ2ZTE4ZjAxNDExZWY4ZmIxZjli">His water clone held the two grass shinobi in dense water balls.</p> <p class="cnM2NmVkZjJmMDY3MTRiOThhYjFlOWQ4MDMwNzA2NzNj">"You two will be a great testing subject for me to test my next project on."</p> <p class="cnNkMmNiNmE3NDllNTRhZThiMDhiYmI1M2EzNmVhOWRi">He had the water clone pierce the two grass shinobi in the abdomen, causing them to spurt blood out of their stomachs and mouths. They soon fainted afterwards. Jabie created two water clones and had them transform into tiny versions of himself and insert themselves inside the two grass genin before healing them and closing the open wound. Jabie smiled and hoped the two made it in the later rounds of the exam. He soon jumped away and searched for a team with an earth scroll. His luck so far wasn't very good. He hoped that would change soon.</p> <p class="cnM0YjU1MTgxZmNhNzRkNTliNTFhYjMyNWFlMGU5ZGFh"><br>*WITH BROLY*</p> <p class="cnNiZDdkZTM4ZTc5MTQyOTBiNmFlMzA2MWYyZWUyYmVk">Broly is currently watching Sasuke battle a far superior opponent who was disguised as a member of the grass genin. He was terrified of the female nin and was about to surrender his scroll to her before Naruto came and grabbed the scroll from him. He berated Sasuke for being so cowardly and charged towards the enemy. The female grass nin suddenly summoned a large purple snake that batted away Naruto and knocked him. The snake followed up to try and swallow the falling Naruto, but Naruto with his eyes red and turned into slits punched the snake that was 20x his size and knocked it away. The female ninja on top of the snake blew some wind that launched Naruto away once again. After that she and her colossal snake charged towards Sasuke. Sasuke froze up before the enemy and just watched as they came rushing towards him.</p> <p class="cnNlZDMyYWVkZmI0YjRmZGJhOTMzYmFkZDA1NWQ1OTRi">But suddenly when it looked like all hope was lost for Sasuke, Naruto appeared once again in a heroic fashion. He appeared in front of the rushing massive snake and held it back from reaching Sasuke. Broly looked on in interest and increasing battle spirit at the female ninja who seemed very strong. He is currently waiting till she is done with Naruto and his team before getting her all to himself.</p> <p class="cnMzMGNlMTlkODQ4NjQ0MmU5NDBjOGJmZTFkNjJkZDhk"><br>*MEANWHILE ELSEWHERE*</p> <p class="cnNhOTc2NWYyMWU0MDRjODE5MjY0MTQxYzhhMjgwZTli">Two chunin were reporting to Anko about the mysterious ways these three grass nin died. Anko went over to check for herself before slightly panicking once she saw the bodies.</p> <p class="cnNmNjcyN2UzMWFmMzRjNWM4ZTI2YWI2MmVjZmNiZGU4">"Send some Anbu Captains to the Forest of Death after reporting this to the hokage! I'm going after the infiltrator!" Anko shouted before dashing off into the forest.</p> </div>
After a couple of minutes of no one else raising their hands Ibiki spoke. "I'll ask you again, your future shinobi career is riding on this decision. This is your final chance to leave." No one raised their hands and were all ready to take this final question. Ibiki smiled to himself. '81 genin left. That's more than I expected..' He looked around at the faces of the genin before telling them the shocking news. "Congratulations! You have all passed the first test!" He shouted, causing most of the genin in the room to be shocked. "What do you mean we already passed? What about the 10th question?" A genin asked in disbelief. "There was never a tenth question. This entire test was to see how well you could gather information and how well you could do it covertly." Ibiki explained. "Information is more important than life sometimes and on missions and the battlefield people risk their lives to get their hands on such information." Ibiki said in a grave tone before removing his do-rag and showing all the genin his horrible scars on his head. There were horrible burns, screw holes in his head, and scars. They all reacted in different emotions towards the horrible sight. Many were scared, some were grossed out, and some were even excited. Ibiki was about to continue until black ball rolled through the window, shattering glass everywhere and shocking everyone inside the room. The black ball uncurled and revealed to be a person inside a flag! "I am the examiner for the second test! Mitarashi Anko! Now let's head out! Follow me!" Anko said before realizing that Ibiki wasn't completely finished with the first test. "Why the hell are there so many brats left Ibiki!? You went to easy on them!" Anko shouted. "There are a lot of outstanding genin this time around." Ibiki defended himself. "Fine. Whatever I'll cut the amount in half no problem for the second test. I'll explain everything when we changed places! Come on!" Anko said before going through the second window and breaking it. *AT THE SECOND EXAMINATION PLACE* "Welcome to the stage for the second test, Training ground 44, also known as The Forest Of Death!" Anko introduced. "Before we start the second test, there's something I have to pass out first. You must sign these agreement forms. Some people will die for sure in this part of the exam and if you don't sign these your deaths will be my responsibility." "I'm going to explain the second test first before I pass these agreement forms out so you can see if you can handle the second test or not. Afterwards please check in at the booth behind me with those nice-looking men." Anko said after blowing a kiss towards the two chunin at the booth, causing them both to fluster slightly and look away. "You all will attempt the ultimate survival. During the survival in the forest you will be asked to complete a certain task. You all will compete in a no rules scroll battle! These two scrolls named Heaven and Earth will be passed out and each team will either get 1 heaven scroll or 1 earth scroll. Half of you will get heaven scrolls and the other half earth scrolls. To pass this test, your team must make it to the tower with both scrolls." "So half of the genin teams here are going to be eliminated during this section, or even more." One genin said. "We better protect our scroll!" Another genin said to his team. "There is a time limit for this test. This exam will last 5 days exactly." Anko said "What about food!?" A genin said in hysteria. "There are plenty of food in the forest. Just watch out for man-eating beasts, poisonous insects, and poisonous plants." Anko answered. "Now for the rules of this exam! Those who don't make it to the tower with both scrolls within 5 days are disqualified! Those who lose a teammate or those who have a teammate killed are disqualified! For the final rule, you must not look inside the scroll until you make it to the tower!" "What happens if you look inside the scrolls?" A blue outfitted genin asked. "That's a surprise for the ballsy genin team." Anko said playfully. "Now either sign the forms or get!" Anko said. Esumi walked over to Anko after Team 11 signed their agreement forms and got their gate number. She had a grin on her face. "Big sister Anko! I'm here!" Esumi shouted in childlike glee. Anko turned around with a smile of her own after recognizing that voice. "So you decided to enter these exams too huh Esumi-chan? Be careful out there, these exams definitely aren't easy." Anko warned. "Pssssh these chunin exams will be a piece of cake. Nothing but a bunch of weaklings and easy tests." Esumi bragged. "Well since you're so confident ya little blue haired brat I guess I have nothing to worry about. Especially since ya got those two with ya." Anko said with a smile before rubbing Esumi's hair. "Yep we're gonna win this no problem." Esumi said before hearing Anko clear her throat to say something "EVERYONE GET TO YOUR ASSIGNED GATES WE WILL START IN 30 MINUTES!" Esumi skipped over to her team. "Are we going to search and destroy teams for this part of the exam?" Esumi asked. "I believe in both of your abilities. We will split up, have our fun for 4 days and meet up near the tower. Since we have a heaven scroll, one of you only take an earth scroll. I will hold our scroll." Broly said. "I bet this is exactly what you were looking forward to Aomatsuna." Esumi said with a giggle. "You're right." Broly responded. "This is what we were all looking forward to." Jabie corrected. "The second part of the chunin exams begin NOW!" Anko shouted before all the gates opened up that were leading into the Forest of Death. All the genin teams rushed inside the training ground as if a pack of herding bulls. Our trio of demons stuck to the plan they made beforehand. Broly held the heaven scroll on his back in plain view for all to see, as if baiting them to come and take his scroll. Since Team 11 has basically grew up in this forest, they know exactly how to get to the tower regardless of where they are in the forest. Jabie and Esumi split off to the left and right respectively to look for other genin teams. Jabie was chosen to get the earth scroll they'll need to pass this part of the exam. Each member of the trio of demons had a terrifying bloodthirsty grin on their face as they hunted for the genin teams. A slight hint of a blue aura radiated from Jabie and a barely visible yellow aura radiated from Esumi while they were in this focused excited mood. None of the Team 11 noticed this weird aura though, and they continued to look for genins in the forest. *WITH ESUMI* Esumi has Basher, her metal pipe like sword, out and wrapped some spikes around the sword. After a few minutes of searching she finally found someone to test her cute Basher-kun on. It was some sand genin. She was deciding on whether or not to attack sneakily or straight out, but she already knew exactly what she was going to do. She yelled loudly and held Basher over her head and smashed towards the middle of the 3 sand shinobi. The ground cracked when Esumi's weapon landed, startling the sand shinobi and making them jump away. One sand genin was about to throw some shurikens but Esumi quickly followed up after her starter attack and appeared in front of him and punted him in the chin with her weapon from below, launching him at high-speeds into a tree. The poor sand genin crashed into the tree and caused a small crater to form on it. He quickly fell over face-first and was unconscious. The two other sand genin quickly got on their knees to beg for mercy. Esumi tsk'd in disdain before bashing the other two upside the head and leaving unsatisfied. She quickly started to search for more genin to play with before finding two genin teams fighting against each other. She smiled as she charged in and interrupted the waterfall genin team and the rain genin who were battle. "Surrender or face a painful beating!" Esumi said in her natural high-pitched innocent little girl voice. For some reason the two enemy genin teams started laughing. Esumi didn't like this one bit. She threw her weapon at one of the waterfall genin and it cracked him in the face. She pulled on the string that she attached to her weapon to get it back before swinging at another genin. By this time, the two genin teams and Esumi had a battle royale. The two opposite genin teams were fighting each other and Esumi while Esumi was fighting everyone. Esumi was focused by rain genin and was swarmed with kunai that they threw. She twirled with Basher as she jumped in the air and knocked all the kunai away. After landing, Esumi appeared behind one of the two that threw kunai at her and swung her weapon at his back. He noticed Esumi was missing before hearing something behind him. He turned around and blocked. A heavy impact crashed into his arms and knocked him off his feet and away. It appears he also suffered severe deep cuts from some type of metal slashing his arms after the attack. "Ahahaha You shouldn't have blocked that! Idiot!" Esumi taunted before being targeted by the 4 genin together. It seems they decided she was the biggest threat and worked together to defeat her for now. They surrounded her on all sides before charging at her. Esumi laughed as they closed in on her and eventually all landed an attack. They each smiled before realizing that the small crazy kunoichi they attacked turned into lightning! Each of the genin were electrocuted due to attacking Esumi's lightning clone. Esumi appeared from behind some trees and looked at the burnt and smoking genin with a smirk. "It was sweet of you all to become friends all due to sweet ole cute me, sadly it caused a shocking revelation for you all. HAHAHAAH!" Esumi giggles as she started to look for more prey. *WITH JABIE* Jabie is looking for genin teams to test his new prowess after acquiring all of his clone's memories and experiences from over the past couple days. He is going to test his genjutsu, medical ninjutsu, ninjutsu, and taijutsu against his fellow genin. And it seems he found his first participants. A genin team from Konoha that aren't part of his generation of graduates from the academy. Well it wouldn't matter if they were or weren't anyway. They're all competitors in this exam. Jabie slowly revealed himself to the three leaf genin. They looked at him in confusion. "How did this fat kid get past our traps?" One older gentlemen asked in annoyance. "I told you your traps suck Toto!" a boyish girl said. "Lets just take him out. I doubt he has a scroll since he's by himself." A glasses wearing lanky boy stated. "Before we begin fellow leaf nin, can you tell me if you have an earth or heaven scroll? It would make this process a lot smoother if I don't have to search your bodies after I'm done." Jabie said in a polite manner. It seems this only served to anger the tomboy and the man. "Why don't you come find out tubby!?" The tomboy taunted. "Very well." Jabie responded as he started to weave through hand seals before having a burst of water surged from his feet. The three leaf genin jumped away to not be blasted by the water. The tomboy threw some shurikens while the boy with glasses pulled out a tanto (Small katana) and charged at Jabie. "You three are already finished." Jabie says mysteriously as the trio suddenly fell unconscious. Jabie just shook his head at his fellow leaf genin for not even being able to recognize when you've been put under a genjutsu. You should regularly surge your chakra throughout your body to prevent falling under a genjutsu. Especially in a battlefield. Jabie searched the three before finding another heaven scroll. He grumbled before returning it back to the leaf nin and jumping off to find more genin. "These three were rather inadequate to base my current skills in genjutsu. All I had to do was hit their neck while they were under my genjutsu and it was over. I guess I'll test my taijutsu for next time." Jabie muttered to himself. Jabie eventually ran into another genin team. But this time it was a grass genin team. He revealed himself the same way he did with the leaf team. "Can you three tell me what scrolls you have?" Jabie said in a polite non-threatening manner. "Screw off ya tree hugger!" One unfriendly female grass genin shouted. "You should really watch yourself more carefully kid." One of the grass shinobi said when he appeared behind Jabie with a kunai to his throat. "Oh don't worry I watch myself very well. But can you please answer my question?" Jabie asked. "Kill this idiot already. He's getting on my nerves." The last grass shinobi said with an annoyed expression. The grass shinobi behind Jabie attempted to slice Jabie's throat but for some reason the large boy he was holding suddenly vanished! He looked around in complete confusion before being palmed in the face and sent flying towards his teammates. His teammates were shocked and went to catch him. They were sliding backwards as they stopped the fast momentum he was sent with. They looked down and noticed that he was knocked out from one hit! They quickly looked for the unnaturally fast chubby boy before hearing a noise behind them. The two attempted to jump away but not before having their ankles caught by Jabie. As they were surprised by his speed once again, Jabie quickly took advantage of it and swung the two grass shinobi towards the ground. They both poofed into a log when the impact happened. Jabie searched the boy he knocked out earlier and found another heaven scroll! He cursed inwardly before focusing his attention on the two grass nin watching his every move. "Well since you two are rather afraid of me, I will give myself a handicap. I won't move from this spot as you attack me." Jabie stated. "Like we'll trust a filthy tree hugger like you!" The girl genin yelled. "Well whatever choice do you have? I could kill your teammate you left behind and easily disqualify you. Or you could take me up on my offer." Jabie explained. This caused the two remaining grass nin to look at Jabie in disgust before reluctantly dashing towards him. Jabie smirked a calculative grin before getting himself into a defensive stance. His hands took on a dark blue aura as they came closer and closer. The girl charged with a kunai and stabbed towards Jabie's throat. Jabie swayed his head and grabbed her wrist before it could land. Her teammate quickly followed up with a punch to save her. Jabie with one hand caught his fist easily. He soon started to form water over their entire body before it took on a shape of a ball. "This is my Water Style: Water Prison Jutsu. You won't be able to escape without outside interference." Jabie says as he appeared from behind a tree. His water clone held the two grass shinobi in dense water balls. "You two will be a great testing subject for me to test my next project on." He had the water clone pierce the two grass shinobi in the abdomen, causing them to spurt blood out of their stomachs and mouths. They soon fainted afterwards. Jabie created two water clones and had them transform into tiny versions of himself and insert themselves inside the two grass genin before healing them and closing the open wound. Jabie smiled and hoped the two made it in the later rounds of the exam. He soon jumped away and searched for a team with an earth scroll. His luck so far wasn't very good. He hoped that would change soon. *WITH BROLY* Broly is currently watching Sasuke battle a far superior opponent who was disguised as a member of the grass genin. He was terrified of the female nin and was about to surrender his scroll to her before Naruto came and grabbed the scroll from him. He berated Sasuke for being so cowardly and charged towards the enemy. The female grass nin suddenly summoned a large purple snake that batted away Naruto and knocked him. The snake followed up to try and swallow the falling Naruto, but Naruto with his eyes red and turned into slits punched the snake that was 20x his size and knocked it away. The female ninja on top of the snake blew some wind that launched Naruto away once again. After that she and her colossal snake charged towards Sasuke. Sasuke froze up before the enemy and just watched as they came rushing towards him. But suddenly when it looked like all hope was lost for Sasuke, Naruto appeared once again in a heroic fashion. He appeared in front of the rushing massive snake and held it back from reaching Sasuke. Broly looked on in interest and increasing battle spirit at the female ninja who seemed very strong. He is currently waiting till she is done with Naruto and his team before getting her all to himself. *MEANWHILE ELSEWHERE* Two chunin were reporting to Anko about the mysterious ways these three grass nin died. Anko went over to check for herself before slightly panicking once she saw the bodies. "Send some Anbu Captains to the Forest of Death after reporting this to the hokage! I'm going after the infiltrator!" Anko shouted before dashing off into the forest.
{ "title": "Not Another Isekai RPG Story Alternate", "id": 21265, "author": "The 11th Hour Bastard", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Ch 2-2", "id": 305490, "next": 306200, "prev": 329531, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM0N2UxNjIwMWUxNjRmMmZhNGUwNWRlNzVkMmQyNmJm">Ch 2-2<br><br>[However, if you wish to employ our services continuously, it's not within our policy. That'd be a different story if you'd like to become our party member. In return, tell us your skills.]<br><br>That's the subtitles I read from Jung's hand gestures. That's why instead of looking at him straight in the eye, I was just looking at the nothingness on the bottom center. Might seem loco but nobody seems to nitpick.<br><br>His disjointed appearance between a samurai and ninja weren't especially pleasing to look at either.<br>&nbsp;<br>"Hmm..."<br><br>Well, it's not like I was short on money but I guess they're not that kind of people. If they're good enough and especially trustworthy, I'd prefer to be adventuring with them.<br><br>"....oh right, sire. If I remember correctly, that lass Fiona, she--"<br><br>"Shh! You nerd dwarf, we agreed not to talk about this, alright!"<br><br>Fiona herself made an absentminded expression as she put her fingers atop her lips and tilting her head. There was a bit of an awkward silence before she continued on.<br><br>"Takeshi...well, you might seem like a normal guy but you actually had pretty amazing qualities, ain'tcha?"<br><br>"Ah."<br><br>"Lassy finally popped out."<br><br>"Err...why do you guys believe that?"<br><br>[If it weren't for the 5 gold you gave her, we also wouldn't believe it. We thought you're some rich nobleman from somewhere, but due to your lack of eloquence, this was the most sound reasoning we could come up.] <br><br>"What if I'm just that good at acting?"<br><br>[Didn't seem to be that way for me. If that's the case, for what reason you have to put up such pretense?]<br><br>"Maybe I just don't want to tell you."<br><br>[No reason then.]<br><br>"Listen to me..."<br><br>[You overestimate yourself, brother glasses. I can read people well and your intentions are as clear as an open book—not that it's a bad thing. Well, in any case, you appear to be quite trustworthy...and so, I approve of you.]<br><br>"Ugh..."<br><br>"Congratulations, Takeshi. Jung doesn't easily approve of people joining our party." Fiona let out a silly smile.<br><br>Hold up, so it's not just me who saw the subtitles?<br><br>I had a feeling, deep inside she's placing me as her equal, but maybe I was just overthinking.<br><br>Reading those subtitle-generating hand gestures, I wonder if I should break the fourth wall and point that to him—maybe when I knew him better. At least he was quite patient to know when I had finished reading and already understood the contents before moving on.<br><br>It would make things awkward if he already knew it—at least on my side.<br><br>In any case, the beans had been spilled. <br><br>Meanwhile, the dwarf coughed lightly and gave his nod to me while extending his thick and muscular gloved arms.<br><br>Handing my guild card, the dwarf's expression let out a sigh, wearing a not-amused face.<br><br>"No can do, sire. Even if you' had great abilities of a support, we have no room for those who couldn't protect themselves."<br><br>As a man, I too, still had a bit of shame to not hide behind someone's back forever.<br><br>"So, what can I do to prove you wrong?"<br><br>"Well, your levels are still too low and we don't want to risk getting our comrades killed from protecting you. At least try to raise your level to 15. Anyone interested can accompany him--"<br><br>Fiona raised her hand awkwardly.<br><br>"I will do my best, so Takeshi, go get strong fast!"<br><br>...we're going to grind so that goes without saying.<br><br>"I'll help as well, thanks for looking after her." the cleric girl turned her face away and sighed few times.<br><br>What? Was leveling to 15 that difficult?<br><br>...and why did you girls even bother volunteering if it's a pain in the ass? Ah, I just couldn't fathom it.<br><br>Meanwhile, there's the quest window popping out. When I checked the window for a bit, time seems to be stopping for the others.<br><br>[Main Quest 2<br><br>Raise your Level up to 15! <br><br>Reward: officially joins the party.]<br><br>It's kind of weird. Why didn't the first quest had its own window though? Probably because I skipped the opening. My memories from that time were also fuzzy though. I wonder what kind of stuff made me forget somehow?<br><br>It's right after I closed the window via some hand swipe (sometimes a thought's also fine), the time resumed again.<br><br>...<br><br>In the end, Fiona and Liese tagged along for the quest.<br><br>We went back to the Monkey Island Cymbals and sat together to discuss things.<br><br>The party decided to go into the nearby [Cave of Trials] to level me up. Fiona and Liese came with me to assess my abilities in general, since they're the only ones free enough. The others got some other things to do.<br><br>Since I wasn't an official member of the party, I got to submit a request into the guild. The subject was [Powerlevel Quest] and the duration was around three to five days. The reward would be around two gold coins, in which I gladly took from my inventory.<br><br>Horace said, this quest issuing was just a formality, but it's necessary to produce a&nbsp; [Permit]. Otherwise, people couldn't freely travel between places, whether in groups or solo. Other places to get a permit was in the Commerce Guild in the [Docks District] but I wasn't especially a merchant. <br><br>That's also why the cost was also low since I would be joining the party after the quest. Not exactly cheap for the others though.<br><br>So what if one wanted to travel but not a merchant or adventurer? Liese told me there were merchants who offer travel services with adventurer escort, in collaboration with both Commerce and Adventurer's guild. Nobles also got a special privilege to travel without permits. Though in place, they gotta flash their family emblem.<br><br>People without a permit, and want to enter the city. They end up for questioning by the Holy Order members, before getting their own permit issued. Liese told me, Fiona wasn't explaining how the organization works correctly.<br><br>Holy Order was not the Adventurer's Guild for Paladins, Clerics or Priests. Otherwise, why there'd be those classes run and about even among the Adventurers? <br><br>The thing that signifies the Holy Order were their trademark silver armor and their orderly way of acting.<br><br>They're the military police force of this Holy Empire.<br><br>The reason why such things were left unclear to Fiona was: <br><br>"She wasn't a good student during her time at Paladin school. Often dozing off and sometimes droll---"</p><br>"...Liese, you bully!"<br><br> did the explanation became so different? If I, who was just an outsider could roughly guess it, why did Fiona who's been there, supposedly for a long time, failed to give a clear explanation?<br><br>"Why did you say it's like an Adventurer Guild in the first place?" I asked Fiona.<br><br>"'s an organization where a select few class the Holy Order want could join. There you can take on their own Quests and stuff...there's also stipends, although it's not that much. Different from the guild, we have specialized training, the dorms and also free food...I didn't like how it got stricter in recent years though."<br><br>"I see--how about why you didn't dismantle the monsters when we just slew it?"<br><br>"Because you already did your part, hehe."<br><br>"Oh right."<br><br>I totally forgot about it, even if it's just yesterday. <br><br>It was followed by chuckles resounding from these guys.<br><br>Well, so far it's not like they spilled the beans by disclosing in detail what I was capable of doing. Just that I have nice skills.<br><br>"How's it like—adventuring, I mean--when you're not with me?"<br><br>"I won't tell, haha."<br><br>To be said, Fiona still managed to become a full-fledged Paladin because of her battle and support talents, even if her head wasn't the brightest.<br><br>"In other words, our lass Fiona is a gori---"<br><br>"Shut up, you gun-freak!" shouted Liese.<br><br>Hey, why're you the one who got angry?<br><br>Nevertheless, I heard the sound of something breaking. <br><br>I didn't want to narrate this.<br><br>Later on, I heard, the reason why I could be accepted to this town, was due to me going in with a member of Holy Order. I saw her talking to this guard for a bit before going inside the gates in a hurry. <br><br>If I were to go alone, I don't feel like getting interrogated either.<br><br>You may have a good question: why must waste time going to new places just to power level? Can't you just use your JRPG logic and spam battles in the city's outskirts?<br><br>Well, Liese and Fiona hadn't joined my party yet. I don't think, with me being this weak, I could handle grinding on my own until I was level 15.<br><br>If the leveling's with Horace and Jung, however, I will just find another way than going to the trip with only men present.<br><br>...<br><br>Horace, Jung, and Felix would be doing some small quests and odd-jobs to regain back the money. <br><br>Even as for now, Felix was probably still doing dishes; they didn't say where they did eat and run. Most likely not here lest they got scoffed off by the Pops; I didn't see that here.<br><br>They also prepared themselves for the [Colloseum Event]--some kind of fighting event. &nbsp;<br><br>It's mostly for the money prize and chance to gain rare items. The event would be held exactly seven days from now. I wouldn't take part in that tournament kinda thing since I was too weak. It might be nice to see battles that didn't consist of just moving in JRPG style.<br><br>The left the Inn first, leaving me with two cute girls.<br><br>As for Liese and Fiona, they're not really interested in joining—one of the reasons was, they didn't want to meet up with the Holy Order members, in which a lot of them will be participating. Now I understand why they opt to go with me. <br><br>After a short meeting, the party members went to prepare things for the trip. I myself was free to explore on my own. We stood up together and just as when we're about to part ways, Fiona lent me another one of those communication tool slabs, somewhat like a smartphone.<br><br>"Don't break it! Cost me a good fortune just to buy."<br><br>"I can just buy another one."<br><br>"Uuuu!"<br><br>"Now let's see, what if you have a porn folder—math folder, new folder, no—nothing like that?"<br><br>As I teasingly scrolled down the all normal folders, I swear I unconsciously pushed up my glasses a bit.<br><br>Wow, there's a lewd Yuri manga.<br><br>"Why do you assume me to be a pervert in the first place?" Fiona yelled on top of her lungs; her face flushed red.<br><br>Heh, touche.<br><br>Before she got any further, however, Liese wedged herself between me and Fiona and embraced her. As Fiona was taller and more well-built, it's like a little sister wanting the big sister's love.<br><br>The next moment—Liese patted Fiona's head, followed by rubbing her cheeks together with the ex-paladin while she stood in Tiptoe.<br><br>"Good girl, good girl..."<br><br>It immediately followed with turning her head and giving me a playful gaze; her eyes closed like those anime characters.<br><br>"Please do not tease her too much like this, okay? She's mine."<br><br>Oh? That's interesting.<br><br>"I support you guys."<br><br>"You're really are a strange person." Liese sighed a few more times before leaving with Fiona, "Let's go on our date."<br><br>"H-hey! Liese! We're not like that, in the first place..."<br><br>"Cute."<br><br>"Y-you're much cuter..."<br><br>"Your boobs are also very soft."<br><br>"C-come on, Liese, get going, you don't want the perverted glasses brother to enjoy it."<br><br>"Finally you made sense for the first time."<br><br>"Enough! Please go, I beg of you... lets go...uuuu..."<br><br>...and they left before Fiona broke to tears; thanks for the treat anyway.<br><br>NTR isn't my thing either, especially between such cute and young girls. That's a blasphemy which definitely will get me cursed by the Yuri goddess for all eternity, even if it's in a different world.<br><br>I had no intention on tailing them on their date either.<br><br>Even if I wanted to, I couldn't.<br><br>When I opened the Inn doors after they just went out, they immediately disappeared out of nowhere.<br><br>When, if this world was a reality, they'd just be a bit further along the roads, at the pace they're walking.<br><br>The world sure was mysterious.<br><br>"Ah."<br><br>I forgot to ask them about the Library.<br><br>I took out the smartphone and tried finding their call number.<br><br>[Contacts: Empty]<br><br>...err...what the hell?<br><br>Okay I understand, you pair of girlfriends don't want me to interrupt your lovey-dovey time. You'll just call me whenever you want instead. Otherwise, I might go bug you right while you girls are having sex.<br><br>Thanks for the stash of Yuri manga and stuff though, however...there's more important issue at hand.<br><br>I'll just relax in the park and eat the snack I brought while gathering my thoughts once more, for the time being.<p></p> </div>
Ch 2-2 [However, if you wish to employ our services continuously, it's not within our policy. That'd be a different story if you'd like to become our party member. In return, tell us your skills.] That's the subtitles I read from Jung's hand gestures. That's why instead of looking at him straight in the eye, I was just looking at the nothingness on the bottom center. Might seem loco but nobody seems to nitpick. His disjointed appearance between a samurai and ninja weren't especially pleasing to look at either.   "Hmm..." Well, it's not like I was short on money but I guess they're not that kind of people. If they're good enough and especially trustworthy, I'd prefer to be adventuring with them. "....oh right, sire. If I remember correctly, that lass Fiona, she--" "Shh! You nerd dwarf, we agreed not to talk about this, alright!" Fiona herself made an absentminded expression as she put her fingers atop her lips and tilting her head. There was a bit of an awkward silence before she continued on. "Takeshi...well, you might seem like a normal guy but you actually had pretty amazing qualities, ain'tcha?" "Ah." "Lassy finally popped out." "Err...why do you guys believe that?" [If it weren't for the 5 gold you gave her, we also wouldn't believe it. We thought you're some rich nobleman from somewhere, but due to your lack of eloquence, this was the most sound reasoning we could come up.] "What if I'm just that good at acting?" [Didn't seem to be that way for me. If that's the case, for what reason you have to put up such pretense?] "Maybe I just don't want to tell you." [No reason then.] "Listen to me..." [You overestimate yourself, brother glasses. I can read people well and your intentions are as clear as an open book—not that it's a bad thing. Well, in any case, you appear to be quite trustworthy...and so, I approve of you.] "Ugh..." "Congratulations, Takeshi. Jung doesn't easily approve of people joining our party." Fiona let out a silly smile. Hold up, so it's not just me who saw the subtitles? I had a feeling, deep inside she's placing me as her equal, but maybe I was just overthinking. Reading those subtitle-generating hand gestures, I wonder if I should break the fourth wall and point that to him—maybe when I knew him better. At least he was quite patient to know when I had finished reading and already understood the contents before moving on. It would make things awkward if he already knew it—at least on my side. In any case, the beans had been spilled. Meanwhile, the dwarf coughed lightly and gave his nod to me while extending his thick and muscular gloved arms. Handing my guild card, the dwarf's expression let out a sigh, wearing a not-amused face. "No can do, sire. Even if you' had great abilities of a support, we have no room for those who couldn't protect themselves." As a man, I too, still had a bit of shame to not hide behind someone's back forever. "So, what can I do to prove you wrong?" "Well, your levels are still too low and we don't want to risk getting our comrades killed from protecting you. At least try to raise your level to 15. Anyone interested can accompany him--" Fiona raised her hand awkwardly. "I will do my best, so Takeshi, go get strong fast!" ...we're going to grind so that goes without saying. "I'll help as well, thanks for looking after her." the cleric girl turned her face away and sighed few times. What? Was leveling to 15 that difficult? ...and why did you girls even bother volunteering if it's a pain in the ass? Ah, I just couldn't fathom it. Meanwhile, there's the quest window popping out. When I checked the window for a bit, time seems to be stopping for the others. [Main Quest 2 Raise your Level up to 15! Reward: officially joins the party.] It's kind of weird. Why didn't the first quest had its own window though? Probably because I skipped the opening. My memories from that time were also fuzzy though. I wonder what kind of stuff made me forget somehow? It's right after I closed the window via some hand swipe (sometimes a thought's also fine), the time resumed again. ... In the end, Fiona and Liese tagged along for the quest. We went back to the Monkey Island Cymbals and sat together to discuss things. The party decided to go into the nearby [Cave of Trials] to level me up. Fiona and Liese came with me to assess my abilities in general, since they're the only ones free enough. The others got some other things to do. Since I wasn't an official member of the party, I got to submit a request into the guild. The subject was [Powerlevel Quest] and the duration was around three to five days. The reward would be around two gold coins, in which I gladly took from my inventory. Horace said, this quest issuing was just a formality, but it's necessary to produce a  [Permit]. Otherwise, people couldn't freely travel between places, whether in groups or solo. Other places to get a permit was in the Commerce Guild in the [Docks District] but I wasn't especially a merchant. That's also why the cost was also low since I would be joining the party after the quest. Not exactly cheap for the others though. So what if one wanted to travel but not a merchant or adventurer? Liese told me there were merchants who offer travel services with adventurer escort, in collaboration with both Commerce and Adventurer's guild. Nobles also got a special privilege to travel without permits. Though in place, they gotta flash their family emblem. People without a permit, and want to enter the city. They end up for questioning by the Holy Order members, before getting their own permit issued. Liese told me, Fiona wasn't explaining how the organization works correctly. Holy Order was not the Adventurer's Guild for Paladins, Clerics or Priests. Otherwise, why there'd be those classes run and about even among the Adventurers? The thing that signifies the Holy Order were their trademark silver armor and their orderly way of acting. They're the military police force of this Holy Empire. The reason why such things were left unclear to Fiona was: "She wasn't a good student during her time at Paladin school. Often dozing off and sometimes droll---" "...Liese, you bully!" did the explanation became so different? If I, who was just an outsider could roughly guess it, why did Fiona who's been there, supposedly for a long time, failed to give a clear explanation? "Why did you say it's like an Adventurer Guild in the first place?" I asked Fiona. "'s an organization where a select few class the Holy Order want could join. There you can take on their own Quests and stuff...there's also stipends, although it's not that much. Different from the guild, we have specialized training, the dorms and also free food...I didn't like how it got stricter in recent years though." "I see--how about why you didn't dismantle the monsters when we just slew it?" "Because you already did your part, hehe." "Oh right." I totally forgot about it, even if it's just yesterday. It was followed by chuckles resounding from these guys. Well, so far it's not like they spilled the beans by disclosing in detail what I was capable of doing. Just that I have nice skills. "How's it like—adventuring, I mean--when you're not with me?" "I won't tell, haha." To be said, Fiona still managed to become a full-fledged Paladin because of her battle and support talents, even if her head wasn't the brightest. "In other words, our lass Fiona is a gori---" "Shut up, you gun-freak!" shouted Liese. Hey, why're you the one who got angry? Nevertheless, I heard the sound of something breaking. I didn't want to narrate this. Later on, I heard, the reason why I could be accepted to this town, was due to me going in with a member of Holy Order. I saw her talking to this guard for a bit before going inside the gates in a hurry. If I were to go alone, I don't feel like getting interrogated either. You may have a good question: why must waste time going to new places just to power level? Can't you just use your JRPG logic and spam battles in the city's outskirts? Well, Liese and Fiona hadn't joined my party yet. I don't think, with me being this weak, I could handle grinding on my own until I was level 15. If the leveling's with Horace and Jung, however, I will just find another way than going to the trip with only men present. ... Horace, Jung, and Felix would be doing some small quests and odd-jobs to regain back the money. Even as for now, Felix was probably still doing dishes; they didn't say where they did eat and run. Most likely not here lest they got scoffed off by the Pops; I didn't see that here. They also prepared themselves for the [Colloseum Event]--some kind of fighting event.   It's mostly for the money prize and chance to gain rare items. The event would be held exactly seven days from now. I wouldn't take part in that tournament kinda thing since I was too weak. It might be nice to see battles that didn't consist of just moving in JRPG style. The left the Inn first, leaving me with two cute girls. As for Liese and Fiona, they're not really interested in joining—one of the reasons was, they didn't want to meet up with the Holy Order members, in which a lot of them will be participating. Now I understand why they opt to go with me. After a short meeting, the party members went to prepare things for the trip. I myself was free to explore on my own. We stood up together and just as when we're about to part ways, Fiona lent me another one of those communication tool slabs, somewhat like a smartphone. "Don't break it! Cost me a good fortune just to buy." "I can just buy another one." "Uuuu!" "Now let's see, what if you have a porn folder—math folder, new folder, no—nothing like that?" As I teasingly scrolled down the all normal folders, I swear I unconsciously pushed up my glasses a bit. Wow, there's a lewd Yuri manga. "Why do you assume me to be a pervert in the first place?" Fiona yelled on top of her lungs; her face flushed red. Heh, touche. Before she got any further, however, Liese wedged herself between me and Fiona and embraced her. As Fiona was taller and more well-built, it's like a little sister wanting the big sister's love. The next moment—Liese patted Fiona's head, followed by rubbing her cheeks together with the ex-paladin while she stood in Tiptoe. "Good girl, good girl..." It immediately followed with turning her head and giving me a playful gaze; her eyes closed like those anime characters. "Please do not tease her too much like this, okay? She's mine." Oh? That's interesting. "I support you guys." "You're really are a strange person." Liese sighed a few more times before leaving with Fiona, "Let's go on our date." "H-hey! Liese! We're not like that, in the first place..." "Cute." "Y-you're much cuter..." "Your boobs are also very soft." "C-come on, Liese, get going, you don't want the perverted glasses brother to enjoy it." "Finally you made sense for the first time." "Enough! Please go, I beg of you... lets go...uuuu..." ...and they left before Fiona broke to tears; thanks for the treat anyway. NTR isn't my thing either, especially between such cute and young girls. That's a blasphemy which definitely will get me cursed by the Yuri goddess for all eternity, even if it's in a different world. I had no intention on tailing them on their date either. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. When I opened the Inn doors after they just went out, they immediately disappeared out of nowhere. When, if this world was a reality, they'd just be a bit further along the roads, at the pace they're walking. The world sure was mysterious. "Ah." I forgot to ask them about the Library. I took out the smartphone and tried finding their call number. [Contacts: Empty] ...err...what the hell? Okay I understand, you pair of girlfriends don't want me to interrupt your lovey-dovey time. You'll just call me whenever you want instead. Otherwise, I might go bug you right while you girls are having sex. Thanks for the stash of Yuri manga and stuff though, however...there's more important issue at hand. I'll just relax in the park and eat the snack I brought while gathering my thoughts once more, for the time being.
{ "title": "Out of the Motherland", "id": 21468, "author": "bubbleduck", "rating": 4.7 }
{ "title": "Chapter 6 - Karl Tesdorpf, Peno", "id": 305496, "next": 306108, "prev": 304895, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMyYzAyYTIxMTIyZTRmNjZiMTA2Nzk5YmYyYmQ5MGJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Peno, Eastern Front.<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">8th December 1941, 3:25 p.m.<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">German territory.<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">Winter.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZDlhNTgzM2I5ZDQyZTg4ODBlMjM0ZTRkZjFlMzI4"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">“Both Kaiser and Reich hear not our cause, Heia Ho<br></span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400">We shall be our own court of law, Heia Ho...<br></span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400">The same lawbook for every man, Heia Ho<br></span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400">From the Prince down to the farmer-man, Heia Ho”<br></span></em>- Extract from a German folk song</p> <p class="cnNiZTJhZWM2MjczMTQxMTE5MWU0Y2I5MDRiZmRjNDQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl Tesdorpf glanced over the outskirts of Peno. Situated around a broadening of the Volga River, large enough to be called a lake, the town of Peno was built surrounding and across a peninsula into the river. The shape was too unusual to be natural, but given the age of the architecture in Peno, or that which had not been destroyed, it looked to Karl as if it was just an unexpected coincidence.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZjkyZWM3NzEzNTQ0MDg4NTk3NGExMmExMGIzNjQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">The town was an important route over this part of the Volga and a highway into Ostashkov, which was situated some thirty kilometres distant behind Russian lines. Even without that, Karl could see the importance the Army placed on it based on the defences surrounding it. The barrels of anti-aircraft guns peeked over the crenellations on a pair of towers that had stood as long as many German cities. Houses in the outskirts of town had been excavated and their material rebuilt into trenches and redoubts to resist bombardment. Shattered roofs and cratered walls indicated prior attacks, although which side had done the damage Karl couldn’t tell.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNTVkOTk0YzNjYzQ2MDI4MGNlM2M1NDgyZGI1M2Ix"><span style="font-weight: 400">Checking over at Oryl beside him, borrowing Karl’s pair of field glasses, he was impressed, although he wouldn’t tell Karl that. The Russian had displayed unanticipated endurance in the march, pushing ahead of Karl at points through the snow. It wasn’t unsurprising that he had survived to this point, although he did seem hesitant to take the lead in their march. There was likely some past issue interfering there but given the man’s reticence to share, Karl didn’t want to press further.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NGVjZmY1ODhhZDQ2MjhhOWFkODZiZDhlNDBmMzJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">They had run into some trouble finding shelter on the first day, Oryl managing to find one of the few barns that were still occupied, but some hurried Russian from the pair of them, mainly Oryl, and the offer of some food had managed to convince the skeptical farmer that they weren’t going to kill him and allow them a safe sleep in a detached space in his barn. It had been cold, but with blankets and hay they had survived the night.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MWJmYjIwNWU5MjRmYzViYTUzYzliODQ2Njg1MmEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Now, late in the day on the 8th, they were overlooking the Western side of Peno. Specifically, their sights were set on the road heading into it from German territory. There was a checkpoint outside of town watching for incoming vehicles - a key point in Karl’s plan, which he was narrating to Oryl.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMDk0YTE0MmMyNjRiZDU5ODJmODZhNTFhOGNhZjU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So the biggest part is that they wouldn’t have told their troops about me. Most people wouldn’t know information like that. So if I show up brazenly, they won’t anticipate it.”<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">Oryl nodded. “Why not make it look like a Russian attack? I can shoot at you if you want it to be more convincing.” He shouldered his rifle with his good arm, his grin a little too eager for Karl’s liking.<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">“No. That will make them worry about a breach in the lines and investigate. If it’s natural, they won’t look as far into it.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NDY0NWJkMWJkOTQ3Y2Y4YzBlYTA2YWMyZjVhZTZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Oryl nodded. “I don’t like this plan, but I do like that you’re the one doing it instead of me. Are you ready to head out?”<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl shook the snow off of his outer jacket, now outside his undershirt as it should be, and nodded. “Until I next see you. All going well, I should come back down this same road with everything we need.” He passed his bag to Oryl, who heaved it onto his good shoulder with his own pack.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZWMwMDFlMDZkNzRlM2E5Y2E5YWUwM2QzOGQ4MTVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">With their plan set and everything set up as well as it could be, Karl strode into view of the checkpoint and brazenly ahead, labouring through the snow in his boots. He new that behind him Oryl would be staying out of sight and getting to somewhere safe. He had the rest of the day to get out, before the Russian left to find shelter.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NWM4YTc5MDQyZjQwNjBhZWU1NmQyMGFhM2M0MDlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The soldiers manning the checkpoint were bored as expected, lazy eyes scanning the horizon for vehicles moving out of the woods. They didn’t see Karl until he was within earshot, at which point they scrambled for weapons. At least they didn’t sound an alarm in panic.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDUyNmE2ZWMyZjQwMzRhZmUwNzc5MDk5MDA2MTdj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl bent over once he reached the road, coughing. It wasn’t forced either. The long march from Rzhev had truly sapped his strength, and he was hoping for an easy ride out of here. But for that to happen he needed to do a proper job here and now.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNWJmNTgxYzI2ZTRlYmQ4NTg2ZWJjZDJhOWNmY2Fl"><span style="font-weight: 400">He came up the the checkpoint and saluted the soldiers, who snapped a surprised gesture in response. “Sir?” one of them managed.<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl eyed them down. A young private and a grizzled old corporal, the two left together to learn the ropes and temper each other. “Soldaten,” he asked. “Is this town Peno?” His mother tongue felt smooth to his lips after all the Russian he had been speaking.<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">That snapped them from their reverie, at least. “Indeed it is,” the corporal managed. “Can I ask your name and unit?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhOWFiM2E2ZmFlNzQxODBiZWY4NzZlZTUyMGZlOWI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl gave him a half-hearted officer stare. “Hauptmann Karl Tesdorpf. Of the 30th Infanterie-Division, stationed in Demyansk. Has Untersturmführer Braun not returned? I was travelling with him from Rshev when we crashed and were separated in the storm.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTgyNTYzNzVlNTQxMjViODgxZmVhNTNlMGViZTkx"><span style="font-weight: 400">The two glanced at each other. “No, but we have been expecting him back. We will bring your report to the Sturmbannführer. If he has not returned already, there is little that a search party could do.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhYTFlOWYwYWRhNjQxMmNhZGQ0OTJmYTJhZWFjZjA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl’s pulse of relief was followed by a moment of concern. Holger’s death being reported was good for him. It was the one thing that regular soldiers might have heard about that could blow open his story, but thankfully the news had not yet been spread. Perhaps the SS superiors were still deciding how to spin the story.</span></p> <p class="cnMyODFlNzk1Y2Q3YjQyYjY5N2QzZTBiYzYxNDJkZTdl"><span style="font-weight: 400">The concern was due to the presence of such a superior SS officer. Karl had been under the impression that there were very few SS located in Peno, but apparently some of their command elements were.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOWQ3OThlOWE5MjQwODZiOGQxNjk5MjFkNTNhMTU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“In the meantime,” Karl asked, “I believe that the Untersturmführer had been holding my effects for me while I was away from my unit. Might I be able to visit his offices and get those reclaimed?”<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">The corporal nodded. “Certainly. If you have a word with his assistant you can discuss the matter.”<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">“Then gentlemen, shall we set off? I am eager to warm my bones and get some proper food.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNWQ2M2ViY2RhNjRjNjlhMTU2ZDZiNTFmOTg1ZTdl"><span style="font-weight: 400">The two soldiers eyed each other, sending silent threats at each other through their glares. Finally the private gave in to the older corporal, accepting charge of Karl. “This way, sir,” he said, stepping out of the guardhouse. “I’ll bring you to the Hauptmann in charge of the watch.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhMWNiMmE4ZGNlZDQ0Y2Y5MTRhN2YyMmY3YzkxMDll">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0YmRlY2VlYTY5MjRiN2Q5NTJkZWNjNGUzYjFmNmJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Following behind the soldier, Karl kept his eyes out for anything that might be useful. He noted few soldiers outside, and the few that were looked tired and hungry. Supply lines must be stretched to breaking.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNjYwMzY3ZDc3YTQzZDFhZGE5YjQ3ZmY4NzRiNWJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">The damage to the town wasn’t as extensive as it appeared from the outside. More intact buildings could be found the closer one got to the centre, culminating in the old town hall and church, the centre of German administration. Beyond that was the rail station, which the Germans had left intact but which was only connected to a severed line further West.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YzBhYjViYWE3MDQ3ZjY4NWRiYTFiODEwMTMyOTVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">The town hall was an ancient building built in the shape of a U, one wing adorned in scaffolding. A dome on top of the centre was currently adorned with the pale results of the recent storm, as were the rest of the roofs, but a few patches of red brick tiles shone through to complement to carved grey stonework making up the rest of the building.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YTU4ZjExNDllYzRhNmQ4OTRmZWVlYjE5MWFjODhm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl was led to a windowless office in the town hall while the soldier, private Durnoff, spoke to his superiors. He didn’t hear what the two had to say to each other, but the soldier did look relieved when he returned. Karl’s guess was that the other captain was also not a fan of Holger and hadn’t chewed out the soldier for the news. Feuds between the Army and the SS were often churning just beneath the surface.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZGUxZjZiNzc5YzRiODViOTlmZDMyMGEzNDFiMTlm"><span style="font-weight: 400">The soldier brought him to a waiting room with two chairs. He took one, the private who had come in with him taking the other.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZTAyZGMyOWM1YTQ3MGQ4NDlhMTQ4YmZlYzBmMWVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">They were joined after a short minute by an SS section leader, out of breath as if he had run there. He burst into the room with a question. “You say you were in a crash with the Untersturmführer? And he went missing afterwards?”<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl nodded. “I take it you are one of his men?”<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">The soldier took a moment to slow down. “Yes, hauptmann. My apologies, but the Sturmbannführer has not returned from an inspection of the front lines. You will not be able to report to him until he returns.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkMWQyYjg3ODJiNDQxZDY4MGNlZTM5ZTkxYmU2ZThk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl scowled, hiding his relief behind a facade of annoyance. He wouldn’t have to talk his way through the questions of a clued in SS officer. “What do I do about my belongings, then?”<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">The section leader hesitated. “I believe we were holding them until your matter was resolved. Did the Untersturmführer speak to you about it?”<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes, and I have agreed to assist, which is why I was travelling here. Why, did Holger not inform you? Scharführer… Bering?”</span></p> <p class="cnM3Njc4YWU4YjcyNzRjOTE4MjliZjJjZWQ5YzkzMDg2"><span style="font-weight: 400">The section leader shook his head, hesitant to respond. Karl seized the opportunity. “In that case, I believe you should take that request up with the Sturmbannführer. It isn’t my place to say what information can and can’t be shared - working so closely with Holger you certainly understand. In the meantime, could I ask for my effects? I have sat in these clothes for more than a week, and I believe they are due for a change.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlNjhiNmZjNWM4MDRjYzA4NTRiZmQyZDlmM2Y0MTMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">The section leader considered his position. “I suppose that is acceptable. Very well, Hauptmann. If you wait I shall retrieve your belongings for you, along with a list of what was seized.”<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl settled back. He had won. “Might I ask for somewhere to wait for the Sturmbannführer’s return? How long do you expect he will be?”<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">“Within the hour, perhaps. I believe, private, your troops sent word to him? He should be on his way back.”<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl nodded. “Then I shall await his return. And what about the quarters?”<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">“That shall be arranged,” Bering said. “If you wait in the Untersturmführer’s offices upstairs, I believe that will be acceptable.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzOGVjOTgzNzdmYjRhNjZiNTYyMWM5OGZkOWQyMzJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl graciously accepted and was led upstairs again. After a few minutes his belongings were brought in by privates and left for him to check over. He set to the task with glee, and not a little haste.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMTg1NDAzNjU0NTRjNTc5NDllMjllNDY4OWFmZDg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">The soldiers had mistook some of his effects as army issue gear, in particular a canteen and mess tin he had received from his brother, but most of his equipment was here. He loaded it all into his standard issue pack, ready to move out. He confirmed the map of Cholm was there and secure. It was what he came for after all.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNmMyOTk3Nzc2OTRjZDI4NjBiYjRjZWQxMzg2N2U1"><span style="font-weight: 400">A glance across the office indicated it had been stripped. Perhaps that indicated they had known that Holger was already dead, or perhaps that meant that there was information here they didn’t want out of sight. Karl flicked through a few drawers but found nothing but blank paper, which he happily pocketed for his own purposes. No sense leaving the good stuff for the SS.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMDlmMmYzMTc5NDQxMGZhMTcyNGM0N2U1ODdkNGVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">With a glance around the room, he had everything he needed. All that was left was to get out of the town and away from the SS.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMjk5MmJhMjllYTRhYjY5NDVlODkwM2U1NjhhZTBk"><span style="font-weight: 400">The private outside the door put that option out. He was in the army’s and some of the Wehrmact’s trust for now, but that one private wouldn’t stand for him against a Major, nor could he ask him to. He wouldn’t ask it of his own men.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NWU4NDZhYzU5NzRkNWI5ZTU0NTY2MWEzMDMxN2Y0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glancing around the walls and roof, he could see no other obvious exits unless he made a lot of noise making one. That left the conspicuous option, which he didn’t want to take but may be forced to.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTU4ZTQyMjI0NTQ5YWQ4ODY1Y2NiZjdjMzA4NjM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Peering out the window, it looked over a vehicle depot and impromptu stables. There were only a handful of horses present, the rest he imagined fallen to the savage winter. But there were plenty of motor vehicles and not many people minding them, so it wasn’t the worst option for an escape.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZTcyMmViNTRhNDQ0MzA4ODA0ZDU1OGMzZmQxNDcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">That said, unless they had been warmed up there was no sense in trying to take them, as they wouldn’t start anyway. There would be heaters sitting in the guard posts but it would take some serious deception to get access to those.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMmE5MzcxMjZmMDQ3ZWFhNGU3MDhmMDFlMDUyMmU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">First things first, Karl removed his officer cap and the extra padding he had added around his ears and took out the stahlhelm he wore into battle to replace it. The cap made him too conspicuous, and with the helm at least he could pass a distant inspection as a regular soldier. He also took the chance to </span></p> <p class="cnMyNmRkMGNkMmMxNTQ0MGFhYTE2ZDQ3NTRjMWRhNWI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">He considered stealing the uniform from the guard outside his door, or knocking him out and walking out another way, but it was too risky with the number of soldiers inside the town hall.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NTU2OGNlZTFmYzQyNDU5NTVkZGY1ZjEyY2FlOTdk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glancing through the window, he tried to spot a vehicle that he could safely steal. As he looked out, he spotted a motorcade passing by the gatehouse and approaching the parking bays squashed between the body and two wings of the building. Two motorcycles ridden by German troops escorted a black, full roofed Volkswagen with all the windows closed.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNjc1OGRhMDllODQwOWU5MWNlZTQzNTNlNTZiYjY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl stepped against the wall away from the window to reduce his silhouette from the carpark. The sparse leaves in the tree outside hid the rest of his silhouette. He gazed down upon the approaching vehicles, unsure about what to expect. Perhaps this was the return of the Sturmbannführer.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZjc5YzY2MzcwMzRlNzRhMzZkZWFkMDVhZTAyMmI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">As the cars pulled up, however, the occupants turned out not to be military men. Two men in grey civilian clothes, trench coats and stiff, almost ironed hats, strode from the car. A pair of soldiers from the town hall hurried to meet them and close the doors behind them, bowing their heads in respect.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMjQ3OTc5ZmE1NjQxZDY4MTg4NTEzZjU1OWU5Yzk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl kept his eyes on them. He had an inkling who they were, throwing their arms around and complaining about the Russian cold. He had seen their like around Lübeck before he had set off to war, chasing down civilians and making families disappear.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNWM0ZjI5YzVmYTRjYzdhNjE4ZjAzN2Q0OTVmNjI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">The question was what the Secret State Police were doing in Russia, and whether it had anything to do with him. As one of the policemen paused in his discussion with the soldier to stare up at the room that Karl was currently in, the latter suspicion was ratified.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYzBjYjdkNDM1NTRhNzQ4NGY3MTI2NTMzM2JmZTg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">The four men walked inside, barking some orders to the soldiers accompanying them. They turned their engines back on and stood around the gateway at the front of the lot, awaiting the return of their charges. The car likewise sat with its engine idling, the driver still inside. The group must have been wanting to make a quick turnaround.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NDQwZjg3ODI3MjQ1MGU5NzQyZmY2YjAyMzZkZGNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl had to be quick, as the secret police would be upstairs within minutes if they came to speak with him. He heaved the window open, gusting cold air into the office. A leap into the tree later, and he was on a natural ladder down to ground level, hands grasping at branches as he stepped down the back of the tree.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNzUzMWM1YjBlOTRmMmI5YTBiNzU3MjVkMjcxYzAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">As he reached the bottom the brancher grew thinner, so he dropped the last metre, bending his legs to absorb the impact and the noise.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZmY3ODNjM2QzNzQyNTY5YzhhZGQ4ZTgwYzk5ZDk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">The two motorcyclists were wandering around the lot, doing their best to stretch their legs after what Karl could only assume had been a long ride. There was a soldier watching the approaching road from the gatehouse, but his attention was in the other direction so Karl didn’t need to worry about him. The driver inside his car was hidden behind the windows, so it was difficult to tell where he was looking, and there was also the threat of being spotted from any of the windows surrounding the courtyard.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZTg3YzI4NjQ5YjRiYTZiNTc5ZjA3Njc4OTllMDZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Altogether, it was not going to be easy to get out without being noticed. He doubted he would be recognised by the escorts, but he had no idea who the driver might be or what sort of knowledge he might be privy to.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMmFkYzU0YTI4ZjQ3YzQ5ZTc3NzQ0ZmQ4N2VhN2E5"><span style="font-weight: 400">He snuck around the outside of the courtyard, hiding behind cars and staying out of sight of the driver, into a position behind the stables. There, he took out one of the pieces of paper he had borrowed from the offices he had just left. He then flicked a lighter he had pulled from his personal effects.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYzY3MGE3MTg4MDRmNWM4YTk0MTIxMWQ0YTZkYzQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nothing happened. He tried again. Nothing happened. Shaking around the lighter, it was still liquid but he realised again just how cold it was. If he left this lighter out in the snow it might freeze, so of course it would be harder to get the energy necessary to set it alight.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YTZlMTc3ZDllMTRhZGZhZjkxMzIyOGE5MWM4ODFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">He shook the lighter around, hoping it still held enough warmth from where it was held inside. Once he tried to flick it again, he was awarded with a flickering tongue of heat.</span></p> <p class="cnM0Njc0ZDUzZGFjMDRiNjRhM2U4NzZlZTQ3MjZlNjgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Holding the paper to the lighter, he waited for a handful of seconds until it caught. Not satisfied that the fire wouldn’t die out, he moved the lighter around the area for a few moments until the paper was well and truly alight. It would not burn for long, but burn it would. Then he dropped the paper in an open window of the stable, making sure it landed near one of the horses.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZjJjMWNiMmUzMDQxYzc5OTRlMjI2NDY3NGQ1YjE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">He snuck back around to the other side of the parked vehicles and finished in the shadow of a cart. He checked the window he had left open back above him, expecting something to come out of it any moment now.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZjY0YzI3MTA2NDQyNGE5MDQ4OTdjODgxYmRmZjJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">A whinny from the stable was followed by a crash, and then the sound of hooves on stone. The other four people in the lot looked over. Karl started to move out of cover towards the parked motorcycles.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NzgzNGRmYjcwYTQzOTM5MjFjMDQxYzI0M2UzNzU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">The guard by the gate and the two escorts stepped towards the stable, one of the escorts reaching for his weapons. Another distressed whinny came out - perhaps the fire had died. Too early for Karl.</span></p> <p class="cnM2Yzg4YTYxMDFkMTQ5NTViNDhkZGZhOGQxZmY5ZTJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">He stepped out of cover and strode towards one of the parked motorcycles. He swung his leg over it, pulled on a pair of goggles and gunned the engine. Then all hell broke loose.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MTA3N2Y1NTNlZTQwNjk4ZGZlN2UxYThhY2ZjNGE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">A shout of outrage came from the upper floor as someone spotted the open window. The two escorts heaved opened the double doors to the stable, coming face to face with a distressed mare prancing around inside. The gate guard span and saw Karl pull away from the other vehicles, straight towards him.</span></p> <p class="cnMxOWVlMGY4NGJkMTQzNDRhZGI5OTQ4NmNjZTZmNTVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">The guard dove to the side and Karl roared over the spot he had been standing seconds ago, passing the gate from behind the gatehouse. In another vehicle he would have had to wait or smash through, but the motorbike gave him enough mobility to squeeze through against the wall before ending up back on the road.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNjU0MjYxMDhiYzRhZWFiNzg3NTdmZDIwOGMxMGU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Hearing the roar of an engine behind him, the armed escort turned around and drew his pistol. He managed to chew through two shots but both went wide into the wall of the town hall. Lucky for whoever was on the other side, the thick stonework blocked the bullets.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NTI4NjUyMTg0YTQ1NGU4ZTE0YTE0YjFjNjVlY2I0"><span style="font-weight: 400">And then Karl was away, around a corner and out of their range. He left behind the two escorts scrambling to right their other motorbike which Karl had knocked over and the driver, who had made it out of his car at the last second, shouting at the two on the top level.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NDFlMGQzMjExNDQwNDI4MjJiZWM4OTU2ZDYxYWE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl grinned beneath his wind goggles despite the icy wind threatening to tear the flesh from his gums. He was off, just another officer on a joyride as the unlucky soldiers truding along the side of the road wished they could be in his position. His smile went dark again when he thought about the side of his position they didn’t see.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNGQyZGNkNzZlNTQwN2ZhZGQ0ZGJiMTMzYmVhZDlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">At least he hadn’t had to kill anyone this time.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNzc4NWRlNDc2NTQzNzg4MDkxMWQ0ZjA4NzMzNDhk"><span style="font-weight: 400">That relief was drawn short as he heard another engine behind him, further back into town. The escorts were on his trail.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNjgwMDliM2UxYjQzOWM5YmI0MDhhMmQ4OGE5ODBk"><span style="font-weight: 400">He made a left towards the outskirts of town, back to the road he had first come out from. The engine sounds faded for some time, but as he reached the outskirts of town they came back again stronger.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZTMwZTIxZTc2YjRjZjE4NjJiNjk3MDdlMWZjMzMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">He blew past the checkpoint in the gap, cutting a short path between the two layers of sandbags across the road and surprising the corporal he had left behind a short hour ago. The soldier stood there, uncertain whether to shoot or let him pass, until the next motorcycle blew through, this time carrying three people.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYTAzOWQ2ODhlNDRhYWZhZmNkNGUyZTMzODBiYmNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl rode some time out of town, stopping at the crest of a hill and idling his motor waiting for the escorts to catch up. The did so, some fifty metres away from him. Shouting distance.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMGYwMTBjMWZlNTQxNGZhMDJkNWM2MmEzODNmZDUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">He got off the bike and they did the same, hands near their weapons. He held his own out in a gesture of peace. “Let us talk! I don’t want there to be any violence. That is not why I stopped here. We are all Germans here, we can talk this out previously.”<br></span>One of the two stepped forwards. “You are Hauptmann Tesdorpf, are you not?”<br><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl held his thoughts for a second, before deciding to reply. “I am.”<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">“Then we must bring you in to stand trial for your crimes against other German soldiers.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhZjgzYWU5MWY3MjQ3NTFiNTMzM2EzZjQ4NTkyZmM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">And at once, Karl realised who they were. Field policemen. “And what defence am I able to give?”<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">“Any that is reasonable,” the other called out. “Or that would be the plan. But for now, that is not our job.”<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl frowned. “And what is your job then?”<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">“Right now, to find you. Which we have done. You could not go far on such an empty tank after all.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTU3YTUxMWVhZjQ5NTNiOTQ4ZWViNmNjYjIxM2U5"><span style="font-weight: 400">The two returned to their motorbike, the second calling out again. “We will be nearby. I hope for your sake we will not be needed.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwNTI1Mzg4YzM3YjRkOTZhNjQ1NWY4YzQzZTAzNTY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">As they increased their distance, Karl turned to the black car rolling up the hill. It stopped nearby and the three occupants disembarked, their footing unstable on the icy ground without proper boots.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNjlkZTI5OTNhMTQzMjViZjE5NGViMTNhYjE0NTBl">“Mr Tesdorpf,” one of the two from the back called out. A scar stretched from his chin to his lower lip, giving one side of his mouth a snarl. “You can’t run far from us.”<br><span style="font-weight: 400">“Not that I know who you are,” Karl countered, anticipating a monologue. If he bought time, he might be able to get out of this. Plus the longer they spent in the cold, the more uncomfortable they would be.<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">“Perhaps not. But we know you and your family quite well. A shame they don’t respect the regime like you have, and you as a loyal citizen were corrupted and now have to suffer on all your behalfs.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2NGIxNjIwNGIwMDQ1NzRiZTE2MmZlOGVlMTQ0ODM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl glanced at each of them, taking in their characteristics. Close cropped hair, pressed uniforms. Poor imitations of soldiers, and ill prepared for the cold to match. “And how do you propose I suffer?”<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">The three glanced at each other. “We suggest you redeem the dishonour you have brought through service to the fatherland. Time in a forced labour camp, perhaps. Or service to the Party in some other form. Disciplining the rest of your family and devotion to the cause could also redeem you.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxZDgwOWQ4MDMxYzRjYTY5ODc2ZGQ4MjZjMmQ3ZWRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“And what if I decline?” Karl asked, squinting at a reflected glint in the corner of his eye. He eyed the three of them, watching their eyes. Two of them stared at the third, the one with the glasses. He had been the driver. And as his eyes narrowed Karl knew he had made his decision.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZTQzOWRlN2UzMDRmYjhiYTNiODY2ZGY0MDhlMzcz"><span style="font-weight: 400">The three Gestapo reached for their weapons at the same time he did, although he managed to draw first. His gun was out and pointing at them as the three police let out gasps of pain, clutching their hands and the guns in them. He fired three bullets, a report of their death in triplicate. One shot fired after the other, each one hitting their mark. Three bodies lay on the icy road as the echoes faded away.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZGI5NjUzNzE5ZjRkYWE4MDAyMDlhOTU4YmEyMDNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Never,” said Karl as their pained grunts and gasps started to die away, “Touch metal with bare flesh in these temperatures. They will freeze together on contact. Wear gloves at all times.” Instead of taunting them further, he hurried to the motorcycle to check the fuel. As the field police had said, the fuel was almost out. There was no way he would be able to take it to Cholm.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NzcwMmEyOTY2MDQ4ZmNhZTZhZWNiYWFmYzMzNWU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">A click by his ear made him freeze. One of the Gestapo, ignoring his fatal wound, had dragged himself back to his feet and walked over in complete silence. Karl had to admire his willpower, as much as the blood ran backwards through his veins in trepidation. He could see the man’s gritted teeth turning down his scar even further through the corner of his eyes.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZTM1MGI5NDFkMjQ3MzlhMmE2MTUwMzM4ZDZjOTA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t you dare lecture me, angepisst Verräter,” the officer said, holding his hand and gun just out of Karl’s reach. Karl’s breath came thick and fast, his mind spinning in circles while trying to resolve himself to the imminent threat to his life. “You will die alone, and nobody will mourn…”</span></p> <p class="cnNjOGU4OGMwMGFjMzRmZTRiMTIwMjRiY2Q5YTY2MGY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">The rifle shot took out the officer’s shoulder, his arm dangling loosely as the tendons holding it up snapped. The second shot took him in the chest, throwing him back on the ground motionless and cooling in the winter air.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNTE0OTNjNjYwOTQ0ODQ4Njk5NWQ5NGM3NDY1NDBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl looked around, easing the trembles from his hands. It was never a healthy experience to be so close to death, even with comrades backing him up. He turned and nodded to Oryl in the trees.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNDMxOGVlNzAwOTQ4NmI5M2QyNmZkNzU4YTQ4ODJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">The field policemen, watching from a distance, turned and started to drive back to town.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NjFmOGVkZjE0YjRjNTliZmQ1N2Y4MTM0OTQxYThj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We ran out of petrol, so the Gestapo went on without us,” one called. “It’s a shame the Staatspolizei were the ones with the spare can of petrol in the back of their car.”<br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">“Weren’t you going to arrest me?” Karl asked, feeling the question worth tempting fate. He glanced over the dead secret police. Six now had died at his hands. He made sure to remember their faces. He would do that much for them at least.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NzUwYTJhODE2NzQ1OWNhYzg5ODUyMzAzZDZiYjMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The field police didn’t respond. Looking back to the road, Karl saw that they had headed back into Peno.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODI3OWNkMDZiYzQ2Zjc4NGNjNTRjODQ4ZTgyMjA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Thank you for you assistance back there,” Karl called to Oryl, switching back to Russian as the other man stepped out of the trees to the side of the road. “I couldn’t have done it without you.” Oryl nodded, and Karl continued. “Help me get this vehicle ready to go. Fuel is in the back of the car. If we take it we can be in Cholm by tomorrow.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5MzQzMjk3ODNmYjQ5YjFhYzIyZGQ5MTg2ZTI3NTVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Karl bent down to the three bodies, searching through them. He found exactly what he was looking for. In the breast pocket of each of the bodies was a metal disk on the end of a chain. One side was emblazoned with a Reichsadler, an eagle holding an oak lef and a swastika. The other side was marked with the words - Geheime Staatspolizei, and a four-digit number. The Gestapo warrant, and most importantly one that didn’t identify the agent’s name and face, just their number.</span></p> <p class="cnM0OWMyMTdiNzZkNzQzOTY5MTk1ZGQyYTM0OTdhMmYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Perfect,” he muttered to himself.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMDBhM2U3OThmODRiMzY4MTFmMjY5NmRkMGJkNTc2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Meanwhile, as Oryl stepped over to work on heaving the can of oil out of the car and emptying the chilled material into the motorbike’s tank, he muttered something off to the side, too quiet for Karl to hear. “No. I am the one who should thank you.”</span></p> </div>
Peno, Eastern Front. 8th December 1941, 3:25 p.m. German territory. Winter. *“Both Kaiser and Reich hear not our cause, Heia Ho**We shall be our own court of law, Heia Ho...**The same lawbook for every man, Heia Ho**From the Prince down to the farmer-man, Heia Ho”*- Extract from a German folk song Karl Tesdorpf glanced over the outskirts of Peno. Situated around a broadening of the Volga River, large enough to be called a lake, the town of Peno was built surrounding and across a peninsula into the river. The shape was too unusual to be natural, but given the age of the architecture in Peno, or that which had not been destroyed, it looked to Karl as if it was just an unexpected coincidence. The town was an important route over this part of the Volga and a highway into Ostashkov, which was situated some thirty kilometres distant behind Russian lines. Even without that, Karl could see the importance the Army placed on it based on the defences surrounding it. The barrels of anti-aircraft guns peeked over the crenellations on a pair of towers that had stood as long as many German cities. Houses in the outskirts of town had been excavated and their material rebuilt into trenches and redoubts to resist bombardment. Shattered roofs and cratered walls indicated prior attacks, although which side had done the damage Karl couldn’t tell. Checking over at Oryl beside him, borrowing Karl’s pair of field glasses, he was impressed, although he wouldn’t tell Karl that. The Russian had displayed unanticipated endurance in the march, pushing ahead of Karl at points through the snow. It wasn’t unsurprising that he had survived to this point, although he did seem hesitant to take the lead in their march. There was likely some past issue interfering there but given the man’s reticence to share, Karl didn’t want to press further. They had run into some trouble finding shelter on the first day, Oryl managing to find one of the few barns that were still occupied, but some hurried Russian from the pair of them, mainly Oryl, and the offer of some food had managed to convince the skeptical farmer that they weren’t going to kill him and allow them a safe sleep in a detached space in his barn. It had been cold, but with blankets and hay they had survived the night. Now, late in the day on the 8th, they were overlooking the Western side of Peno. Specifically, their sights were set on the road heading into it from German territory. There was a checkpoint outside of town watching for incoming vehicles - a key point in Karl’s plan, which he was narrating to Oryl. “So the biggest part is that they wouldn’t have told their troops about me. Most people wouldn’t know information like that. So if I show up brazenly, they won’t anticipate it.” Oryl nodded. “Why not make it look like a Russian attack? I can shoot at you if you want it to be more convincing.” He shouldered his rifle with his good arm, his grin a little too eager for Karl’s liking. “No. That will make them worry about a breach in the lines and investigate. If it’s natural, they won’t look as far into it.” Oryl nodded. “I don’t like this plan, but I do like that you’re the one doing it instead of me. Are you ready to head out?” Karl shook the snow off of his outer jacket, now outside his undershirt as it should be, and nodded. “Until I next see you. All going well, I should come back down this same road with everything we need.” He passed his bag to Oryl, who heaved it onto his good shoulder with his own pack. With their plan set and everything set up as well as it could be, Karl strode into view of the checkpoint and brazenly ahead, labouring through the snow in his boots. He new that behind him Oryl would be staying out of sight and getting to somewhere safe. He had the rest of the day to get out, before the Russian left to find shelter. The soldiers manning the checkpoint were bored as expected, lazy eyes scanning the horizon for vehicles moving out of the woods. They didn’t see Karl until he was within earshot, at which point they scrambled for weapons. At least they didn’t sound an alarm in panic. Karl bent over once he reached the road, coughing. It wasn’t forced either. The long march from Rzhev had truly sapped his strength, and he was hoping for an easy ride out of here. But for that to happen he needed to do a proper job here and now. He came up the the checkpoint and saluted the soldiers, who snapped a surprised gesture in response. “Sir?” one of them managed. Karl eyed them down. A young private and a grizzled old corporal, the two left together to learn the ropes and temper each other. “Soldaten,” he asked. “Is this town Peno?” His mother tongue felt smooth to his lips after all the Russian he had been speaking. That snapped them from their reverie, at least. “Indeed it is,” the corporal managed. “Can I ask your name and unit?” Karl gave him a half-hearted officer stare. “Hauptmann Karl Tesdorpf. Of the 30th Infanterie-Division, stationed in Demyansk. Has Untersturmführer Braun not returned? I was travelling with him from Rshev when we crashed and were separated in the storm.” The two glanced at each other. “No, but we have been expecting him back. We will bring your report to the Sturmbannführer. If he has not returned already, there is little that a search party could do.” Karl’s pulse of relief was followed by a moment of concern. Holger’s death being reported was good for him. It was the one thing that regular soldiers might have heard about that could blow open his story, but thankfully the news had not yet been spread. Perhaps the SS superiors were still deciding how to spin the story. The concern was due to the presence of such a superior SS officer. Karl had been under the impression that there were very few SS located in Peno, but apparently some of their command elements were. “In the meantime,” Karl asked, “I believe that the Untersturmführer had been holding my effects for me while I was away from my unit. Might I be able to visit his offices and get those reclaimed?” The corporal nodded. “Certainly. If you have a word with his assistant you can discuss the matter.” “Then gentlemen, shall we set off? I am eager to warm my bones and get some proper food.” The two soldiers eyed each other, sending silent threats at each other through their glares. Finally the private gave in to the older corporal, accepting charge of Karl. “This way, sir,” he said, stepping out of the guardhouse. “I’ll bring you to the Hauptmann in charge of the watch.”   Following behind the soldier, Karl kept his eyes out for anything that might be useful. He noted few soldiers outside, and the few that were looked tired and hungry. Supply lines must be stretched to breaking. The damage to the town wasn’t as extensive as it appeared from the outside. More intact buildings could be found the closer one got to the centre, culminating in the old town hall and church, the centre of German administration. Beyond that was the rail station, which the Germans had left intact but which was only connected to a severed line further West. The town hall was an ancient building built in the shape of a U, one wing adorned in scaffolding. A dome on top of the centre was currently adorned with the pale results of the recent storm, as were the rest of the roofs, but a few patches of red brick tiles shone through to complement to carved grey stonework making up the rest of the building. Karl was led to a windowless office in the town hall while the soldier, private Durnoff, spoke to his superiors. He didn’t hear what the two had to say to each other, but the soldier did look relieved when he returned. Karl’s guess was that the other captain was also not a fan of Holger and hadn’t chewed out the soldier for the news. Feuds between the Army and the SS were often churning just beneath the surface. The soldier brought him to a waiting room with two chairs. He took one, the private who had come in with him taking the other. They were joined after a short minute by an SS section leader, out of breath as if he had run there. He burst into the room with a question. “You say you were in a crash with the Untersturmführer? And he went missing afterwards?” Karl nodded. “I take it you are one of his men?” The soldier took a moment to slow down. “Yes, hauptmann. My apologies, but the Sturmbannführer has not returned from an inspection of the front lines. You will not be able to report to him until he returns.” Karl scowled, hiding his relief behind a facade of annoyance. He wouldn’t have to talk his way through the questions of a clued in SS officer. “What do I do about my belongings, then?” The section leader hesitated. “I believe we were holding them until your matter was resolved. Did the Untersturmführer speak to you about it?” “Yes, and I have agreed to assist, which is why I was travelling here. Why, did Holger not inform you? Scharführer… Bering?” The section leader shook his head, hesitant to respond. Karl seized the opportunity. “In that case, I believe you should take that request up with the Sturmbannführer. It isn’t my place to say what information can and can’t be shared - working so closely with Holger you certainly understand. In the meantime, could I ask for my effects? I have sat in these clothes for more than a week, and I believe they are due for a change.” The section leader considered his position. “I suppose that is acceptable. Very well, Hauptmann. If you wait I shall retrieve your belongings for you, along with a list of what was seized.” Karl settled back. He had won. “Might I ask for somewhere to wait for the Sturmbannführer’s return? How long do you expect he will be?” “Within the hour, perhaps. I believe, private, your troops sent word to him? He should be on his way back.” Karl nodded. “Then I shall await his return. And what about the quarters?” “That shall be arranged,” Bering said. “If you wait in the Untersturmführer’s offices upstairs, I believe that will be acceptable.” Karl graciously accepted and was led upstairs again. After a few minutes his belongings were brought in by privates and left for him to check over. He set to the task with glee, and not a little haste. The soldiers had mistook some of his effects as army issue gear, in particular a canteen and mess tin he had received from his brother, but most of his equipment was here. He loaded it all into his standard issue pack, ready to move out. He confirmed the map of Cholm was there and secure. It was what he came for after all. A glance across the office indicated it had been stripped. Perhaps that indicated they had known that Holger was already dead, or perhaps that meant that there was information here they didn’t want out of sight. Karl flicked through a few drawers but found nothing but blank paper, which he happily pocketed for his own purposes. No sense leaving the good stuff for the SS. With a glance around the room, he had everything he needed. All that was left was to get out of the town and away from the SS. The private outside the door put that option out. He was in the army’s and some of the Wehrmact’s trust for now, but that one private wouldn’t stand for him against a Major, nor could he ask him to. He wouldn’t ask it of his own men. Glancing around the walls and roof, he could see no other obvious exits unless he made a lot of noise making one. That left the conspicuous option, which he didn’t want to take but may be forced to. Peering out the window, it looked over a vehicle depot and impromptu stables. There were only a handful of horses present, the rest he imagined fallen to the savage winter. But there were plenty of motor vehicles and not many people minding them, so it wasn’t the worst option for an escape. That said, unless they had been warmed up there was no sense in trying to take them, as they wouldn’t start anyway. There would be heaters sitting in the guard posts but it would take some serious deception to get access to those. First things first, Karl removed his officer cap and the extra padding he had added around his ears and took out the stahlhelm he wore into battle to replace it. The cap made him too conspicuous, and with the helm at least he could pass a distant inspection as a regular soldier. He also took the chance to He considered stealing the uniform from the guard outside his door, or knocking him out and walking out another way, but it was too risky with the number of soldiers inside the town hall. Glancing through the window, he tried to spot a vehicle that he could safely steal. As he looked out, he spotted a motorcade passing by the gatehouse and approaching the parking bays squashed between the body and two wings of the building. Two motorcycles ridden by German troops escorted a black, full roofed Volkswagen with all the windows closed. Karl stepped against the wall away from the window to reduce his silhouette from the carpark. The sparse leaves in the tree outside hid the rest of his silhouette. He gazed down upon the approaching vehicles, unsure about what to expect. Perhaps this was the return of the Sturmbannführer. As the cars pulled up, however, the occupants turned out not to be military men. Two men in grey civilian clothes, trench coats and stiff, almost ironed hats, strode from the car. A pair of soldiers from the town hall hurried to meet them and close the doors behind them, bowing their heads in respect. Karl kept his eyes on them. He had an inkling who they were, throwing their arms around and complaining about the Russian cold. He had seen their like around Lübeck before he had set off to war, chasing down civilians and making families disappear. The question was what the Secret State Police were doing in Russia, and whether it had anything to do with him. As one of the policemen paused in his discussion with the soldier to stare up at the room that Karl was currently in, the latter suspicion was ratified. The four men walked inside, barking some orders to the soldiers accompanying them. They turned their engines back on and stood around the gateway at the front of the lot, awaiting the return of their charges. The car likewise sat with its engine idling, the driver still inside. The group must have been wanting to make a quick turnaround. Karl had to be quick, as the secret police would be upstairs within minutes if they came to speak with him. He heaved the window open, gusting cold air into the office. A leap into the tree later, and he was on a natural ladder down to ground level, hands grasping at branches as he stepped down the back of the tree. As he reached the bottom the brancher grew thinner, so he dropped the last metre, bending his legs to absorb the impact and the noise. The two motorcyclists were wandering around the lot, doing their best to stretch their legs after what Karl could only assume had been a long ride. There was a soldier watching the approaching road from the gatehouse, but his attention was in the other direction so Karl didn’t need to worry about him. The driver inside his car was hidden behind the windows, so it was difficult to tell where he was looking, and there was also the threat of being spotted from any of the windows surrounding the courtyard. Altogether, it was not going to be easy to get out without being noticed. He doubted he would be recognised by the escorts, but he had no idea who the driver might be or what sort of knowledge he might be privy to. He snuck around the outside of the courtyard, hiding behind cars and staying out of sight of the driver, into a position behind the stables. There, he took out one of the pieces of paper he had borrowed from the offices he had just left. He then flicked a lighter he had pulled from his personal effects. Nothing happened. He tried again. Nothing happened. Shaking around the lighter, it was still liquid but he realised again just how cold it was. If he left this lighter out in the snow it might freeze, so of course it would be harder to get the energy necessary to set it alight. He shook the lighter around, hoping it still held enough warmth from where it was held inside. Once he tried to flick it again, he was awarded with a flickering tongue of heat. Holding the paper to the lighter, he waited for a handful of seconds until it caught. Not satisfied that the fire wouldn’t die out, he moved the lighter around the area for a few moments until the paper was well and truly alight. It would not burn for long, but burn it would. Then he dropped the paper in an open window of the stable, making sure it landed near one of the horses. He snuck back around to the other side of the parked vehicles and finished in the shadow of a cart. He checked the window he had left open back above him, expecting something to come out of it any moment now. A whinny from the stable was followed by a crash, and then the sound of hooves on stone. The other four people in the lot looked over. Karl started to move out of cover towards the parked motorcycles. The guard by the gate and the two escorts stepped towards the stable, one of the escorts reaching for his weapons. Another distressed whinny came out - perhaps the fire had died. Too early for Karl. He stepped out of cover and strode towards one of the parked motorcycles. He swung his leg over it, pulled on a pair of goggles and gunned the engine. Then all hell broke loose. A shout of outrage came from the upper floor as someone spotted the open window. The two escorts heaved opened the double doors to the stable, coming face to face with a distressed mare prancing around inside. The gate guard span and saw Karl pull away from the other vehicles, straight towards him. The guard dove to the side and Karl roared over the spot he had been standing seconds ago, passing the gate from behind the gatehouse. In another vehicle he would have had to wait or smash through, but the motorbike gave him enough mobility to squeeze through against the wall before ending up back on the road. Hearing the roar of an engine behind him, the armed escort turned around and drew his pistol. He managed to chew through two shots but both went wide into the wall of the town hall. Lucky for whoever was on the other side, the thick stonework blocked the bullets. And then Karl was away, around a corner and out of their range. He left behind the two escorts scrambling to right their other motorbike which Karl had knocked over and the driver, who had made it out of his car at the last second, shouting at the two on the top level. Karl grinned beneath his wind goggles despite the icy wind threatening to tear the flesh from his gums. He was off, just another officer on a joyride as the unlucky soldiers truding along the side of the road wished they could be in his position. His smile went dark again when he thought about the side of his position they didn’t see. At least he hadn’t had to kill anyone this time. That relief was drawn short as he heard another engine behind him, further back into town. The escorts were on his trail. He made a left towards the outskirts of town, back to the road he had first come out from. The engine sounds faded for some time, but as he reached the outskirts of town they came back again stronger. He blew past the checkpoint in the gap, cutting a short path between the two layers of sandbags across the road and surprising the corporal he had left behind a short hour ago. The soldier stood there, uncertain whether to shoot or let him pass, until the next motorcycle blew through, this time carrying three people. Karl rode some time out of town, stopping at the crest of a hill and idling his motor waiting for the escorts to catch up. The did so, some fifty metres away from him. Shouting distance. He got off the bike and they did the same, hands near their weapons. He held his own out in a gesture of peace. “Let us talk! I don’t want there to be any violence. That is not why I stopped here. We are all Germans here, we can talk this out previously.” One of the two stepped forwards. “You are Hauptmann Tesdorpf, are you not?” Karl held his thoughts for a second, before deciding to reply. “I am.” “Then we must bring you in to stand trial for your crimes against other German soldiers.” And at once, Karl realised who they were. Field policemen. “And what defence am I able to give?” “Any that is reasonable,” the other called out. “Or that would be the plan. But for now, that is not our job.” Karl frowned. “And what is your job then?” “Right now, to find you. Which we have done. You could not go far on such an empty tank after all.” The two returned to their motorbike, the second calling out again. “We will be nearby. I hope for your sake we will not be needed.” As they increased their distance, Karl turned to the black car rolling up the hill. It stopped nearby and the three occupants disembarked, their footing unstable on the icy ground without proper boots. “Mr Tesdorpf,” one of the two from the back called out. A scar stretched from his chin to his lower lip, giving one side of his mouth a snarl. “You can’t run far from us.” “Not that I know who you are,” Karl countered, anticipating a monologue. If he bought time, he might be able to get out of this. Plus the longer they spent in the cold, the more uncomfortable they would be. “Perhaps not. But we know you and your family quite well. A shame they don’t respect the regime like you have, and you as a loyal citizen were corrupted and now have to suffer on all your behalfs.” Karl glanced at each of them, taking in their characteristics. Close cropped hair, pressed uniforms. Poor imitations of soldiers, and ill prepared for the cold to match. “And how do you propose I suffer?” The three glanced at each other. “We suggest you redeem the dishonour you have brought through service to the fatherland. Time in a forced labour camp, perhaps. Or service to the Party in some other form. Disciplining the rest of your family and devotion to the cause could also redeem you.” “And what if I decline?” Karl asked, squinting at a reflected glint in the corner of his eye. He eyed the three of them, watching their eyes. Two of them stared at the third, the one with the glasses. He had been the driver. And as his eyes narrowed Karl knew he had made his decision. The three Gestapo reached for their weapons at the same time he did, although he managed to draw first. His gun was out and pointing at them as the three police let out gasps of pain, clutching their hands and the guns in them. He fired three bullets, a report of their death in triplicate. One shot fired after the other, each one hitting their mark. Three bodies lay on the icy road as the echoes faded away. “Never,” said Karl as their pained grunts and gasps started to die away, “Touch metal with bare flesh in these temperatures. They will freeze together on contact. Wear gloves at all times.” Instead of taunting them further, he hurried to the motorcycle to check the fuel. As the field police had said, the fuel was almost out. There was no way he would be able to take it to Cholm. A click by his ear made him freeze. One of the Gestapo, ignoring his fatal wound, had dragged himself back to his feet and walked over in complete silence. Karl had to admire his willpower, as much as the blood ran backwards through his veins in trepidation. He could see the man’s gritted teeth turning down his scar even further through the corner of his eyes. “Don’t you dare lecture me, angepisst Verräter,” the officer said, holding his hand and gun just out of Karl’s reach. Karl’s breath came thick and fast, his mind spinning in circles while trying to resolve himself to the imminent threat to his life. “You will die alone, and nobody will mourn…” The rifle shot took out the officer’s shoulder, his arm dangling loosely as the tendons holding it up snapped. The second shot took him in the chest, throwing him back on the ground motionless and cooling in the winter air. Karl looked around, easing the trembles from his hands. It was never a healthy experience to be so close to death, even with comrades backing him up. He turned and nodded to Oryl in the trees. The field policemen, watching from a distance, turned and started to drive back to town. “We ran out of petrol, so the Gestapo went on without us,” one called. “It’s a shame the Staatspolizei were the ones with the spare can of petrol in the back of their car.” “Weren’t you going to arrest me?” Karl asked, feeling the question worth tempting fate. He glanced over the dead secret police. Six now had died at his hands. He made sure to remember their faces. He would do that much for them at least. The field police didn’t respond. Looking back to the road, Karl saw that they had headed back into Peno. “Thank you for you assistance back there,” Karl called to Oryl, switching back to Russian as the other man stepped out of the trees to the side of the road. “I couldn’t have done it without you.” Oryl nodded, and Karl continued. “Help me get this vehicle ready to go. Fuel is in the back of the car. If we take it we can be in Cholm by tomorrow.” Karl bent down to the three bodies, searching through them. He found exactly what he was looking for. In the breast pocket of each of the bodies was a metal disk on the end of a chain. One side was emblazoned with a Reichsadler, an eagle holding an oak lef and a swastika. The other side was marked with the words - Geheime Staatspolizei, and a four-digit number. The Gestapo warrant, and most importantly one that didn’t identify the agent’s name and face, just their number. “Perfect,” he muttered to himself. Meanwhile, as Oryl stepped over to work on heaving the can of oil out of the car and emptying the chilled material into the motorbike’s tank, he muttered something off to the side, too quiet for Karl to hear. “No. I am the one who should thank you.”
{ "title": "Tabula Rasa", "id": 12402, "author": "Monad", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 35: After The Same Prey", "id": 305495, "next": 305785, "prev": 303941, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMxNTA3ZDRjYmQ5YjRmZjRiNGJmYTE2MzlkZTI0NDVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">A few hours after leaving the academy, Visette stood outside of Charlie’s house. It was a fairly normal residential district with other homes nearby and even a small park. Though, the only thing out of place was the pair of DSF officers standing outside of Charlie’s home.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZWNmMzdhZGMzNzQ5ZTVhNzQwM2QwOGEwMmRlMjAx"><span style="font-weight: 400">They didn’t seem too intimidating and Visette guessed that they would only be carrying low-caliber pistols. In the era of Abnormals, just two guards weren’t really enough to stop superhuman enemies.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMDE5MDE4MDE2YzQxYTZhNThhYzA0OTEzZjZhMjBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...You’re Visette Thales?” One officer asked as Visette approached them, he straightened his posture and cleared his throat shortly after he finished speaking. He seemed to be in his early twenties and appeared completely harmless.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMTQzOWNlNGZlZjQ5ZDFiZjljNTNiNzJlYmVhYWFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4NmFhM2M2ZWRkYTQwMTY5OWYzMWQyYWYyMjY5MGVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ah, Charlie said that someone fitting your description would come to visit her, but you’re different from what I expected. You’re much more beautiful than-”</span></p> <p class="cnM1M2JmNjUxNDBmMjRkMmE4ZDBkZTBiYjJiZWY3ZTBj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Can I enter?” Visette interrupted with her usual tranquil expression.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZGUxMDk0OTM4YzRlN2Y5NWFjMWVkNDhkZDhiYTk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Go right ahead. Charlie left the door open because she was expecting you,” said the second officer, a woman around the same age as her partner.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMmRlZjc5OThhODQ2NTk4NWZkZWQ2ODdiYzIwZDJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette entered the home while the two officers watched her before turning to face forward.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYTRkNzNhNTkzYTQwZmRhNTQ3ODVjNmU2NDQ2Zjk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You’re much more beautiful than what I expected. Really?” The female officer spoke with mockery.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YzQwZDhmYzEzZjQxMDBiMTU4MmM3NmIwNmM5OWEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Shut up.” Her male companion sucked his teeth.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MDcwYWVjOGJkNzRjZDJhYTY5ZTk0MTZhZTIwNzA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’ve seen some delusional people but I have to admit, you really set the bar high.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlZWVlZTE3MjVjYzQxYWM5N2ExYzEwNzViZTFmNjhj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Are you going to keep going?”</span></p> <p class="cnM2MmZiYzlkZWNjNTQzYWVhMTNlYjc2YjIxNDA4NjEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Did you really try to flirt with her? Seriously? You’d be better off fighting Anton.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiMzBjN2U0OGQyMzQ0NWI4YmNiYzQyNDNlYTJmZTQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’m going to shoot you if you keep talking.” The male officer grumbled.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNzI3ZjA0ZTc4MDQ0OWM5ODQ5NzkzZWQ3YWY4Yjcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah, yeah.” The female officer finally relented but occasionally let out a brief chuckle.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNzkzODFjMDYyNjRmYzRhNjhjMDE2MjE2YWYwOGE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">…</span></p> <p class="cnNkM2U2NWYzM2FkOTRmY2E4MWFmOTk3ZTZmOTFjOTk1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Visette, is that you?” Charlie called out from upstairs.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MmIwMmI2MzY0MjRkMDA5ZjJmOTM1MzYxZDkyOWMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes,” Visette replied back.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYTM2MzFiZDcxMTQ2ZDU4OGRkZGNkMDZjMDc0YjRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh!” A third voice interrupted from the first floor.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZTkwOGMwOWMyNjQ2MmI5YTYwM2QzYWE3ZDg1N2Q2"><span style="font-weight: 400">As Visette waited in front of a door, a blonde-haired woman appeared in front of her.</span></p> <p class="cnM4Mjc1OGFjMTcxMzQ3N2Q4YTA1MjNlMDgwZjk3YTEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hello, Rachel-” Visette’s greeting was cut short as Rachel hugged her.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NjE1MGY0ZWVlOTQyMDY5Mjc5MjFjODFjNDA1ZjAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You’ve grown so much.” Rachel found that Visette was nothing like that girl she discovered four years ago. She took a step back and held Visette’s face with her hands. “Nathan never let us see you, but believe me, we tried.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhOTQyYTIwOTc2YTRlNzM4YWQwMGEyMjBmMTZkNjVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I do not mind.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyODAzN2Y2OGM2YTRhNDE5YzA5M2M2MmFjNmMwMTI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“But I do.” Rachel’s expression reflected disgust as she briefly thought of Nathan. “Anyway, you...”</span></p> <p class="cnNhYzNmZjJlOGNjODQ3YWNhYzRmNzRkYjllZmZkNThm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rachel couldn’t finish what she was saying as Visette’s outfit drew her attention.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MjYzYzQ4ZWM4NjQ5MDFiOGJkOGRlZDU4Y2VlYzU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What are you wearing, Visette?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5ODE5OTkwOGUyZjQ2Nzk4YjdiNzg5ZDUyOTgwNThi"><span style="font-weight: 400">A denim jacket, a short-sleeved black shirt, a pair of black pants and neatly laced, black military boots.</span></p> <p class="cnNmODJhZDRjM2MzOTRlYTlhOTlhNTU0MDkyNWY2ZmEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Is there something wrong with my clothing? I received it from Lyn.” Visette seemed slightly confused but Rachel shook her head.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOWE1ZmExOWQ4MjQxNzliYWZhZTdlYjgzZDFmYWYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No, it’s just- well, I didn’t expect you to be wearing something like that is all.” Rachel smiled, “Come on, I’ve cooked some stew.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjZWU5NTJhN2VlNzQ4ZDBhZGU0ZDQ2NzYyYzE5OGNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hold on!” Charlie rushed downstairs in loose t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants before stopping in front of her mother and Visette, “Oh, nice outfit, Vis.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0YjhkNzE4NmMyMzQ4MjY4YzdjOTVlYWI1Nzc4NWM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Thank you.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNzlmMTJkYTFlYzRiMWM4MWIxZDJjNDcxMTQ3M2Q4"><span style="font-weight: 400">They moved further in the house before Visette took a seat at the table with Charlie while Rachel began preparing their bowls.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NmU1ZGVjNjhlNDQ4ZTc4Y2YyYTc2MTYxNGMzNGM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t you want to ask, Mom?” Charlie inquired.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MzhhMDZlMDc5YzQ5MDU5MzM0ZjA3ZTZiNzJiZDgz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ask what?” Rachel answered.</span></p> <p class="cnNiM2QwNTQ2MDdjMjRlOTliNGQxMmViZTM0MWRjN2M4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“About Visette’s Psionics?”</span></p> <p class="cnMyZWI2N2FhYmExNTRhYjI5ZDU0OTI1NjVlM2VhZmVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Why would I? I think it’s amazing but if Visette wants to talk about it she will.” Rachel handed a bowl to Visette before pushing one over to Charlie and finally bringing her own to the table, joining the two girls.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYTI1ZjNjZjNhYzQyNjA4ZmY2NDgwNzcwYmQ5MmI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I guess you’re right.” Charlie took a single spoonful of stew before starting up a conversation again, “My Mom has been volunteering in the Lower Wards, Vis. Since she has medical training but isn’t allowed to open her own clinic she can only help out as much as she can.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkMzRkN2RmNTA3ZjRjNmZiM2I3YjJkYTYwNjE0NDg2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You are not permitted to establish a clinic?” Visette asked.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NmVhY2UzNTE3ODQ4MGU4OGMyYzFlYjMyMTJkNmUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“If I had nothing to do with Commander Wakefield, I’d be free to do at least that much. Unfortunately, since I’m affiliated with him that means political matter pour over to me.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZTA2ZWE5ZGIyYzRkMmQ4OWYxNmY0ZGEwMzhlMTA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I see.” Visette nodded.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZjNlODgwNjU5MzQzNDU4ZGY1OWQ0NjRjZTE0ZTNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">The political web of New Mayhall, or any other city for that matter, held little importance to her. It seemed to be a complicated issue that didn’t concern her and since it didn’t affect her goals she’d continue to ignore it.</span></p> <p class="cnM2OTg1OTYwZTRlNjQ3MWZiYjhlYjk3NzQ4ZWVhMDY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“But tell me about you, Visette. You’re working for Nathan, correct?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlMmQ2M2JmMzgxNjRhZjQ5YTg3MDNiYTZlYTk1ZDdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Do you mean Commander Wakefield? If so, I am indeed under his command.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3ODM4NTNlMjEzOTQzNGU4YmZiY2QyZGEwZmEyNzA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Listen, you can’t trust him to do right by you, okay? You should always protect yourself since he’ll willingly throw you into danger.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1Yjg4OGM4ZGIxMjQxMWNiOTJmNWY5MjI4Y2QyNTRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I understand, I will keep your advice in mind.” Visette had already raised her evaluation of Commander Wakefield but Rachel’s words only cemented the fact that he would prove to be a danger.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYzgyMDkwMjdkZTRlYTI5ZDczZjdhYzI3MjUyNjIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Anyway, you won’t believe how many people have asked Visette out already, Mom.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDg0OTJkZTAwZTQxZGRiZDZhOWViMzg5OGQ4NDc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Really?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNzAzMDcwZWI5YzRjZTc4NDljZDZiOGYyMDYyZWEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Although she doesn’t really speak to anyone you can’t say she isn’t pretty.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwNjQyNGU5MmNjYTRmMGRiNTM1NjU0OWVhZmE2MWM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rachel and Charlie began speaking like Visette was a close relative and they probably felt she was. While Visette had no opinion on the matter, she couldn’t say she disliked it. She felt Charlie would always be useful for her creative insight on the use of her psionics. At that moment, she decided she would protect Charlie even without orders and that also applied to Rachel who helped her when she first arrived on Novo Prime.</span></p> <p class="cnM4Nzg2ZjJmYjcwMTRkZjc4YjhhYmE1ZmU5NGZlYTlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette finished her meal while the two of them continued speaking, neither one of them were aware of Visette decision.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NjRiYzc0NDk4NTQ3YmE4MWRjNzA1MWM0MzRlNWQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">…</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZjdjMTk2NTM3NTQ4ZmZhOGZhN2VjMjZkYTBiMzZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The next three days went by quickly for Charlie who grew excited as the day of the outing moved closer. The funeral for Councilor Wilson caused all classes to end early. As soon as the students were dismissed from the academy, Charlie rushed home and changed before returning to the school grounds.</span></p> <p class="cnM4Mzg5ZTkzNmM4NzRkOWFhMGFiNGQ5ZDNmYjQ1NzUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh, Charlie!” Arthur waved. He clearly put much more preparation into the gathering as his red hair was trimmed and his clothes seemed to be brand new.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYmQ5NGNlNTA3YjQyOTk5YjcwNDI4NmIxNzBkZjEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Did you have to wait long?” Charlie asked.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMWEwZjBhYTAxZTRlOWI5N2VlODYxM2JkMmU2NjBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No, not really. You only came a few minutes after me...How do I look?”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNDI2YjM5YzhiYzQ4MjA4NGY0OTBlY2I3ZjU0OGQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Charlie snickered upon hearing Arthur’s question.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMzhhZDk1ODViMzRmMTViMjhjM2YyNGJhYTJmM2Fm"><span style="font-weight: 400">A white shirt under a brand-new windbreaker and jeans along with new sneakers to go along with it. Charlie silently examined his outfit before giving her response.</span></p> <p class="cnM3OTY5NzE3MTZkZjQzMGQ5ODkxZmIwYzc3ODdhMGI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Trying to impress Visette are you?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDc4ZDEwMjdmMDQwODdhOGUwMjZiMmY2NzY0MjYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No...I just thought I shouldn’t wear regular clothes out. Besides, you’re wearing a dress.” Arthur pointed at Charlie’s outfit.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMmQyODdmNDAxYjQ5NTU4ODE1YmJlODgxZWRmNDM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">She wore a plain hoodie over a blue dress along with sandals. Overall, it wasn’t as eye-catching as Arthur’s brand new clothes.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YTE0ZDQxMGYxMTRlMTRiOGM2ZGIyZTlkNmRmZDU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“This is old stuff anyway.” Charlie shrugged, “I’m certain Visette won’t be dressed up very much either.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NDNmYzBlMTRkMTRmZmRhOGM2MDk3Zjc1MmNiMWI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">And as if to confirm her statement, a black motorcycle emerged in the distance before coming to a stop in front of the academy. The identity of the two riding it was obvious.</span></p> <p class="cnNjY2U5MmJlZmE0NzQxNWNiZDU2NjI1ODJlNTEzOWRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette removed her helmet and handed it off to Lyn who began speaking.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMGZmYzZjMzBiODRhNjI5YTI5NTIwMDE2ZTI3ZTg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t forget, you have until evening.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2NzU5ZjQzYjEyZjRiM2E5ZTM5YzRiNTkyN2ZhMDY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Understood,” Visette replied.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNTE1MzBkYzMxYzQ1YTU4MDY1ZjA3YmYwNWFiZWUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lyn quickly drove off in order to make preparations for Visette’s mission. While Vis greeted Charlie and Arthur.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZDE2YTNhNjk0MDRkNTQ5MjJiNjE0OWMzN2JmMjEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hello.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1YmI0MWJmZGY2YjRkYTJhMzc5MjVhYTlkNzgyMTUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Right on time, Vis.” Charlie eyed Visette and found she dressed casually just as expected.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZjkzZDAwMTg3MTQ1Y2I5MjU0OWE0NjljYjNmNTYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">A dark fleece jacket, a black shirt with a skull illustrated on its front and a pair of jeans and old white sneakers.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMjlmMWMwM2Y4MjRjMTA5YTUwODhiNTQ0MjVmYThi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Told you.” Charlie smirked and then spoke before Arthur had the chance to reply, “Well, since we’re all here, let’s get going. Where to, Arty?”</span></p> <p class="cnNjODgxYjMxNjY3NjQ3NjhhOTJiZDdhMmFjOWFmNmVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The streetcar station.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkODQwMGRiOGYwNTRiYmJiNmIwZjllMmJmMmY0NDlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I have read about the public transportation of this city but I have never seen it.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNmUzYjVlODUxNDQxMWRhNTRjNjg4NWQ1Y2NlNjQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Today is your lucky day then.” Arthur grinned, “Let’s go.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiMjlhZDQxNWU1ZjQyNzRiMzc3MWVjODc5ZjNkZTc2"><span style="font-weight: 400"> …</span></p> <p class="cnNlOTA2ODMyNDJlMjQ1ZTI4Njk1ZTY2YTBmNTgyYTE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">A short walk later and the three of them were waiting for a streetcar to arrive. Arthur took the time to point out a few short facts while they waited.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZTQ4Mzg0NzUzMjQxYzlhMDU1Njc1ZjA1OWM4NzVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“If the city was besieged by Corrupted, specialized streetcars as well as armored vehicles would be used to transport people to shelters.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3Yjk1MmFiNDQ4NTRiMmY5ODcxZWNlMTA3MjU3Mjhl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I see.” Visette found the facts somewhat useful so she continued the conversation, “Are there preparations in place? I expect that excess panic would disrupt the evacuation process.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlM2E2MzlhZTJkYzRkZTdhY2E4N2QwNTkwZGVjYWE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“There are evac-drills once a year. I heard they used to be more frequent before the Starfall Event,” Charlie interjected.</span></p> <p class="cnMxY2Y1MGE4ODU5ZTQ4MDJhNWJkNzlkMTk1MjA4Yzg0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ah, there’s the streetcar!” Arthur pointed toward the approaching streetcar.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNWI2ZjE4YjNiZjRkNmVhOGY2YzhiNzkyMWRiN2Y1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Due to the Novidium Batteries, there was very little sound emitted from the vehicle. The operator rang a bell to signal the arrival before it came to a halt in front of the station.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NWEzOTA4NGYxODQ1ODA4MTJmZjc1YTU5YjdiODQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’ll pay for us.” Charlie drew a plastic blue card from her jacket and hopped onto the streetcar.</span></p> <p class="cnM3Yjk5ZTg5NWRiZTRlNDFiMmYwZmM5OTJhNTY3YWYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ah,” Visette made a low exclamation as she realized she hadn’t put too much thought into the currency of Novo Prime. She knew that most cities shared a unified digital currency in the modern-age since most physical currency was too hard to keep track of but that’s as far as she looked into it. She made a note to ask Lyn about her military salary as she entered the streetcar and sat down before Charlie joined her followed by Arthur.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MmJiYTkzMzM1NzQyNGM5NGM2NzY2ZDA1M2VkNzAx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So first we’ll go to the arcade. Then, we’ll head to see a short play-”</span></p> <p class="cnM5MmNiZjFiMTI3MjQwZmY4MzQ0Y2M5ZTAxOTU2Mzdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Which one?” Charlie asked.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZTJiYmZhYTI5MTQ5NGJhYTdjY2Y5ZThhMTI0NTFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Anton’s Anguish.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNTg1ZTlmYjA5MjRlNjBhMmZjZGU4NzIxMzFmM2Y4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ooh! I love that one,” Charlie replied excitedly, “What else?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNjhiOGIxZDc1NzRmYjJiY2FiMzJhYzk3MjBiNzk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I thought we’d go to the Central Marketplace to look. After that, we could head back to Visette’s for food.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwYjJjOTkzYjFiMjRjMDliYzA0Mjc1YmZlYjI3M2Iy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What is the Central Marketplace?” Visette inquired.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZDYzNjMxMTU3MTQ2ZTU5ZDNkMTY1NjVlYTIyNWQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Instead of a storefront, it’s just a bunch of stands where you can buy unique things you wouldn’t find normally.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhNWRjM2Q0NTJhNzQ4NzFhZjE0NzE4NWQwZTg4OGJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Basically junk,” Charlie murmured.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZjM0OTAwMzBhMjQ2NWNhNjBkOGY1YjdlYTkxNTlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Is anyone allowed to sell their possessions?”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZThjYjg1NjdjYzQ5ZDQ5MThjNDc5NTAzZjUzM2U2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Nope.” Charlie shook her head. “You need a permit from the city and a certified credit machine to accept money.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3MjYyOGQ4NDQyOTQyM2E4NzVhMzA0NGVhMTQ5OTVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I am interested in seeing what is offered.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NzZlYjZlY2NhMDQ3Y2Q4NDk5Y2YyMjRmN2I3MzA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">The streetcar dropped the trio in front of a building with a flashing sign that read “Arcade!” above its entrance.</span></p> <p class="cnM3N2MwYjFkYjZiZjQxNjVhYTZhYjBlN2FlOGJmOTNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Come on!” Charlie was clearly the most enthusiastic as she grabbed Visette’s wrist and pulled her into the building while Arthur followed behind with a grin.</span></p> <p class="cnM3Mzc3MTQ0NDUzMTQ0ZWJiYWUxM2IxNmFlNDc3NTZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">The style of the building was very reminiscent of Earth if one didn’t look too much into it. The biggest difference was that every “game” seemed to be centered around the Corrupted in some way.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNmE0MGI5ZTI5MTQ4YmI5MjEwMzA0OGJiYTY1MzY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ah, let’s see who can get the highest score.” Charlie issued a challenge as she pulled Visette toward a machine.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMzMwOGU2MzdlZTQzNmJiYjBjZThkN2E2NTk3MzI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I don’t want to brag but you both are gonna lose this. I’m number three on the scoreboard.” Arthur bragged as he grabbed the plastic rifle attached the machine.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOWVhZmUxOTVmMTRiZTc4NTM1NzAyYjBlMWFhNzhi"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">“Face the Corrupted Horde!”</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> A voice rang out from it while explosions filled the screen.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MmIxNGM5YjQ0MTQ3OTBhOWNjNjUyNWJlNTAxOWE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette briefly observed the animation playing on the screen and immediately realized the purpose of the game. She grabbed one of the three plastic rifles and held it like she’d hold a normal rifle.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NjllODk5NTJlMzQwNjM4YzMxOTE0NTZhNTg0MmNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ready, Vis?” Charlie asked.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MmY2MWUzYmRiNTQxNWU4MTliNTE5N2JmOTkzODkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette replied with a nod and then the game started. Figures that resembled the Corrupted filled the screen and seemed to be rushing toward the trio who opened fire.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YjRjZWNjOWFiNDQ4ODg5NGZhNDFkMjQwMmY5OTk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was a relatively simple game that seemed to encourage fighting the Corrupted. Though it was very misleading for any children who had yet to run into any of the monstrous creatures that could eradicate thousands of people.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMDgwZWM2NDBlYzRlZjRiNzJhMjY1MTNlNWY3ZGY3"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">“YOU WIN!”</span></em></p> <p class="cnNhYTUxZDlmZDAzMzRlYjBiYzJmMWNhMWVhMDYwY2Jm"><span style="font-weight: 400">A few bright lights flashed as the game ended. Before the scores were calculated each person had to input a three letter name.</span></p> <p class="cnNlM2U3YWE1OWFmMjQ0YmNhYzgxZjM5MGU4MTY4ZmFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette obviously picked the “Vis” while Charlie went “Chr” and Arthur chose “Art.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzYjIzNTYzZGZiZDQ2NDQ5YTZkZmIwY2E3MDVkOTUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I got last.” Charlie frowned after seeing her result.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMjcxNGU3YzliOTQzNGY5NDA4NjI0NzFmN2M0NTBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ha, I got...second?” Arthur seemed a little confused until he peeked at Visette’s section which had a score of “9999,” the highest anyone had gotten so far.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NWYxZjEyNjEwNTRlYmE4ZjExMDU5OTRiYjEwYjlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Nice, Vis!” Charlie cheered as she viewed Visette’s score.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNzNmNTU0MTMwZjRkMmU5NWRmY2M5MjkwMzdmNWZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It was not very difficult,” Visette replied with no hint of satisfaction.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MGYxYjM2OTVkNzQ1ZDBhYmI5MzhiZGNhNGQ0MzFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Let’s try something else then.” Charlie once again led the way as they participated in all types of games which involved killing Corrupted in some way. Except for a few that encouraged the user to test their strength. It wasn’t a surprise that Visette nearly broke the machines that were designed for normal humans rather than Abnormals.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MTNmMDE0ZDA3YjRjZDc5ZDEwZmU1NDcyNWQ2YmIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Whew.” Charlie plopped down onto a bench with a slightly stunned expression, “You’re just too good, Vis.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhNWI2ZDViYWU2ZTQyZTQ4YzIxOTFkY2FlZTY2Yzgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was no surprise that Visette would set high scores for all the arcade game she played but Charlie still found it surprising.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZjc2ZmFmNmFiODQyMTE5NWNmMWZmOTg0ODEwZjlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah, I thought I would’ve had you on that last one.” Arthur shook his head.</span></p> <p class="cnM2N2RhNTU0YWY5ZTRhZGQ4OTU2YTBiMWM2YWY0NmI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette kept silent but scanned the interior of the arcade, examining the various groups of people inside. She unconsciously tuned out the conversation between Charlie and Arthur and decided to test her Psionic Scanning ability.</span></p> <p class="cnM5Njk5OGJhMGEwNjQ4YTBhZDE0YWVmMGJhNTlmMzVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was meant to replicate x-rays and if it proved successful, she’d have a way to identify Abnormals with little effort. She picked a random woman as her target and sent a short burst of psionic waves through her body. A short stream of information was sent to her brain. She compared it to the normal physiology of a human as illustrated by the anatomical models she researched and discovered the woman was a normal human being. Since Visette’s target remained none the wiser, her psionic scan was a resounding success. Although, she could only discover physical traits at the moment. If met with someone with quick reflexes or intelligence she’d have to rely on her own judgment to make the call.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YTIxMGMxYzM4ZjQ1MTViOGM5MDNiMGM3ODhhYWFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">She attempted to scan a few other people in the vicinity and then focused on a smiling child. She took note of the exact movement of the boy’s facial muscles and then sought to reproduce them on her own.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MDdlNzA5MzM1MzRiNThiNWYzNDQ2NjdiMWE3MDg0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Visette?” Charlie called out to Vis who had her back toward the two, seemingly distracted by something.</span></p> <p class="cnM3Yzg0NWJiYTA0NDQ4MzViNGMwMTMxMjAyZTdlZGUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes?” Visette turned to face Charlie with a subtle but radiant smile on her face.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NTc5OGQ4YWNhZDQwOTU4YTg0M2YwYzRjNjY1M2Fm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“…” Charlie nearly let her jaw fall to the floor as she faced a smiling Visette. It didn’t even seem forced but completely natural.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZWY2MzQyY2Y4MDQ1MTM5YTQ4ZDE1NjQzYzU1OGE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Ah.” Arthur was a few beats behind with his reaction and could only offer a few bewildered blinks.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZTcwMmNkN2M2MDQyYjFiZmM0MWQ1NTFjYmU4NTYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette’s smile faded and she dropped her head in contemplation, “Did I perhaps make an error?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0YmZhZGZhZjdmMDQ3ZDRiYWNhMTE2OTMyZTM3NGZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What?” Charlie asked, still taken off guard by seeing Visette smile for the first time.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZTE3NDZjNDAwZTQzOTJhZjBmMTg0YTU0MTU3MzU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Was there an issue with my expression? I attempted to smile after reviewing the facial structures of several individuals.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5OTkxNzM3M2NmODQ4ODg5OTdmNTQwMDkyMzY2ODI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No, it was perfect,” Arthur assured her.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZmMzYzMzYTVkZDRiMDQ4ZjNmMTRjZGM5YjM1ZmVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Charlie rolled her eyes and began speaking. “That was the first time I’ve ever seen you smile so I was a little surprised that’s all.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjM2Y5OGU4YjExODQ3YWFiYjYyNDRiMjZiMzlmZjRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I see.” Visette nodded, making sure to keep their reactions in mind whenever she decided it was necessary to smile again.</span></p> <p class="cnMxOTZlZDI2Y2E3YzQ2NGVhMjAyNzRlMGVlMmM4YTIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, if you guys had enough of a break, let’s move on.” Arthur waved for them to follow and the trio departed from the arcade.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YWMwNmQ3NjE5MDRiZjc5NjQ1MDJlNWQzZmZmZTZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">The next stop was at a theater where a reenactment of one of the many battles Anton faced took place. The particular battle was set in a nameless town full of weak and sickly citizens which had long since been abandoned by its leader. Anton apparently took pity on the town and taught them as much as he could before a wave of Corrupted descended. The play seemed to be a tragedy as the townspeople put up a brave resistance before they died one by one. Even still, the citizens didn’t flee with Anton at their side and fought on. At the end of it, Anton was the only left standing. He observed the destruction with a tranquil face before letting out a single anguished roar.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZGQ4MTQ4MDBjZTRlODdiNjQ3NzQ5YWMxYzdjYjUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">As the trio departed from the theater, Charlie and Arthur raved on about how exciting the play was while Visette only grew increasingly curious about the existence that was known as Anton. There was historical record of his existence but very little illustrations of him. Even the lead actor that played him had half his face hidden with a cloth while his body was covered with a cloak. If there was any defining feature to be found it would be the fake crescent-shaped scar around the actor’s left eye.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YjVkZDdhNTA1NDRiZWI4NTVlOGVlMjY4ODJjNTEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That was great!” Arthur still seemed impressed by the play.</span></p> <p class="cnMzM2I2NGU3YTQwNDQyMGY4NGYyNmI0MmEwNjI4ODhk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It was much better in person than seeing it on the screen of a terminal I’ll say that much.” Charlie nodded.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZWYxYzUxMmM0ZjQ5YTFiZjMwNTBjZTRmOTc1Nzcy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I am satisfied that I have learned a little more about Anton,” Visette added.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTBlZjVlM2U2OTQ5ZmM4YzE5MGZlMGZkZDM0MTFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">A man who performed superhuman feats and predated the emergence of Abnormals was obviously something that needed to be looked into more.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMzRmYzI1MDkxMTQ5NDE5NzRmZjE2MmFkNjZjNjhl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I heard through the Social Net that Eden Hall has a museum of Anton’s accomplishments,” Arthur said, “It’s too far for any of us to see though since it’s on the other side of the continent.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NmQzZWYxMmEyNTRhNzlhYzk4ZTY1OWU1MDdjOGUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">After they finished the play, the three of them visited the Central Marketplace where there were hundreds of items such as trinkets, simple jewelry, and figurines, on display. While Visette had no interest once she discovered there was nothing noteworthy to be found. Charlie picked out a set of braided leather bracelets as a memento for the three of them and they finally went to Visette’s apartment.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NmJkYzI1ODY2MDRkNWY4OWIyZjJiYzFlNGYxYTk1"><span style="font-weight: 400">…</span></p> <p class="cnM5NGVjNDIwODc3ODRkZGRiYWNlM2VhNzFjZWU5YTJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Just as I expected,” Charlie commented as she entered, collapsing onto a couch that sat in the living room as soon as she spotted it.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZmZlODViZWY1OTRjZGM4MWY3MGQ4Y2IwNjI0NWZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s neat.” Arthur found that there was nothing out of place which seemed in line with Visette’s orderly personality.</span></p> <p class="cnNjOTMyMjFlMjk4MjRjMGNhZTBlZTdhMzVmNmVjNGYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I will begin cooking.” Visette ignored their comments and headed into the kitchen.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNWVlYjFhYWFmYjQwYTI4M2RhNDIzMzE5YjQ0MzRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">After removing her jacket and donning a plain apron, she began to take out ingredients from a refrigerator.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ODkzZTFhMDgyZjRmYzliNTJiMTZjOGY2ODIwODRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Do you have a terminal, Vis?” Charlie asked.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZTc5YWViOTUzNTQ3ODFhNDhhOTY5ZDI3NWQzMTli"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No,” Visette replied while rapidly chopping away at a pile of vegetables. She flipped the dials on the oven before returning to the ingredients and dicing them into even smaller portions.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDI3NTRhYjIwYjRlZjdiNGU5ZmQyZjYwNzRiZTlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You’re missing out on a lot,” said Arthur who found himself staring at a Visette as she cooked. That was until Charlie lightly drove her elbow into his ribcage.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYmE4ZDY5NzNlODQyZjlhZWEwZDRhMTc0MDMzOWYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Commander Wakefield does not want me to have free access to a terminal,” Visette responded while depositing the vegetables into a pan.</span></p> <p class="cnNkODk5ODdhNDg3YzRiZWI5MzA0NjUxOWZkZjRiMzVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Charlie frowned as she learned about another one of the restrictions that her father placed on Visette.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NmY1MzhlYmJkMzRlMDc4ZjQ1OGQzNGNiMDJkNzI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...The food smells good already.” Arthur tried to change the subject as he read Charlie’s expression, “What is it by the way?”</span></p> <p class="cnNjNmQ0NGIyNzEzNzQzOTQ5YzlkZWZmNDIyNDg2NWVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“A recipe from an instructional cooking guide.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmYmZlODI1OWI2YTRiYjJhNTU3Yzc5YmIwYmJlM2Uy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You memorized it?” Charlie asked.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MWM4N2U2NzYzODRjOTZiNjMyMWNiMWMzNjA0MDc0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes, it was relatively simple.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2NDEwNTc4ZDMxMjQ1ZThhZmM3Nzk2ZTc3ODdjOTk5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette spent a half hour more cooking before she produced three plates and sat them on the table.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNjVkOTg3NTE3NTQzODRiYWFhZjY0YzUyMzc4YTc4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It is done.” Visette said as she took a seat.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNWY1NTUwMmY1ZjQyNDE4YWM3N2ZiZjE3MDg1Nzgx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Finally!” Charlie and Arthur rushed over before taking a look at the food.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YTVlZjE1ZWZlYjQxZTlhMzM5MmNhYWVlYjg2ZTBk"><span style="font-weight: 400">To summarize, it was perfect. Not the taste since they hadn’t eaten it yet, but it was arranged in a perfectly symmetrical order which was strange to see.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MTA2ZWU5NWU5MDRhNmJhNjFlM2M3NjljNmMzMDBm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Without waiting anymore, Charlie cut into the square-shaped portion of meat on the plate.</span></p> <p class="cnM0M2Y2YmJhMGI1ODQzN2U5NTFjMTNkOTQyMGRhZDc1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ah, that’s really good!” Her face lit up.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMWU2NDI2NWEyZjRlZDI5MDcwYjcwOWQ0ODNjYWU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It is!” Arthur agreed.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZmNlZTk4NTBiYjRlZmNhMGRlZjFlZDUxOWVkZTE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette nodded before she began eating her meal.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYWVhYzgxYzU0MjQzMTI4MjhlODE4OTNhMGVhM2Zl"><span style="font-weight: 400">…</span></p> <p class="cnM5YWI3MjQxY2YyYjQ1ZDI5ZDI5NWZjNjdiMDczNjAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">After they had finished eating, they said their goodbyes as a DSF car came to retrieve Charlie and Arthur headed home via streetcar. Visette cleaned the dishes, neatly stacking them onto a shelf and then circulated her psionic power while waiting for Lyn to arrive.</span></p> <p class="cnNlN2E3NDUyMDZjZjRjYzM5OWIyMGQ3Yjg0ZDMwMzU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">It didn’t take long as Lyn entered the apartment not too long after Visette’s company had departed.</span></p> <p class="cnM1OWU2OTIzMmI0ZDQxMzA5YTJmMTA2Y2RlNTBkM2Vj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Did you enjoy yourself?” Lyn inquired, peeking at a covered plate of food that remained in the kitchen.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMGNjYzJkOWIwNDQwMzFiY2MwYWE1NTA1YjZlZWY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I was satisfied with most of the activities. There is also a meal for you in the kitchen if you are hungry,” Visette said before adding a smile.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ODM1MjBhNzEyYzQzYTE4MWY1N2Y3NDc4YmQwMmJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Okay,” Lyn took a few steps into the kitchen before she stopped dead in her tracks, turning to Visette with a shaken countenance, “You just smiled.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NWRhYzdlZDE1ODQwM2M4NWU1N2M1Zjc2OTA0ZGZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I learned the exact process today. It requires a very little amount of effort though it is exhaustive to maintain.” Visette’s face returned to normal as she pondered the value of it.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MDQwOWYzNDgzNDRlNTNhNGYyOGIwMTMxNzdjMGZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">So far, the people who had witnessed her smile seemed to be stunned but it didn’t seem to have much use. Though she theorized it would be more effective in the right social situations where one was expected to express joy or happiness.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MmQyZmYzY2U0NDQ1ZjJiMWUyNTRmMzM5ODA3ZTU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It was great to see.” Lyn smiled herself even though she wasn’t aware of why, “Now, let’s get ready for your mission tonight.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZDgxZjRlMTNmODQ1ZGU5YzZjY2Q1OGMwNGE2YjNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Who is the target?” Visette inquired.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNjMzOTQ2NDg3MDQ4N2NhMmJiYzQ2ZjFmOWYyOTk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lyn wordlessly tossed a folder to Visette.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YjRkOTljZTI5YzQzMDFhODFkZDk5Yjk4ZTVhMzcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette flipped through and discovered a photo of the Councilor as well as an image of his house.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZGYzYTFmNTI1ODRlZTRhNmI1Y2UxMzg2YWI3NDJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Councilor Fredrickson, he’ll be at a dinner hosted in honor of Councilor Wilson tonight. I’m going to drop you off at his place about ten to twenty minutes before he arrives. From there, you’ll wait for him to enter and, well, it doesn’t matter how it’s done but it has to be clear that he was murdered. A single bullet would easily do the trick. Oh, and the Commander said not to worry about killing the guards but I think you should avoid killing them if you can. Radio me if anything goes wrong.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwMTM0YjJmYmI2MzQ0MzRiOTE1MTU4MDU5MzZiNTEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Although Lyn didn’t agree with wanton murder, she didn’t want to put Visette at risk by making her follow a strict moral code.</span></p> <p class="cnNmY2NiMjg5YjRhZjRjNjliZjRhMjYzNTA5NzdhMWVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Understood.” Visette closed the folder and handed it back to Lyn before retreating into her bedroom to change.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YTdkMWI3ZGU0YjQ4MTg5YTA5MmIyNDJlMjczYWYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lyn waited in the kitchen, trying some of the food left out by Visette and made a surprised face after tasting it.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNmQyMjg5NWZkZjRmMDVhZTE0ZTM4M2NjZmJiNmIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“This is good, Vis!” She shouted toward the hallway.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NjJhMmJlOGI0NzRmMzc4MDJlZWQyMWU0Y2I3Y2Q1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Thank you,” Visette’s emotionless voice resonated in reply.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYjg3NTQ5NjUxMjRmOTNiYWNkYTQ5YzUxYzlmMzVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">…</span></p> <p class="cnNhMWQxMzNjNmNmYzRhZGU5ZmI3ZWJjY2U0YzQ5ZjRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">A few hours later, the mansion of Councilor Fredrickson was already being occupied by a small group of unknown soldiers. The corpses of the few guards protecting the place were stuffed into a bathroom that one of the soldiers shut, finding the smell to be too repulsive.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNjg2NjM0ZmNiYTRjZjM4Y2EzNTA4MGMxYWI1MjQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You have us covered, Demetrius?” A balaclava-clad soldier asked through a radio.</span></p> <p class="cnNjODY1NjczOTA4YzRmNWI5NzgwMDIxYWFlOTUyNTZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Sure thing.] Demetrius replied in a carefree manner.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZWQwZDdjZGQ2ZjQ4MWJiODY1MWRjMDdkOWVkMzQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Seriously, I don’t want to take a bullet because of you.” The soldier replied angrily.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MmZmOWZlY2QxZTRlY2VhM2UyYmI4NzJmZGMwOTM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Funny you say that because I have my crosshair right over your head.]</span></p> <p class="cnM5MzQyNzJiNGI3NDRjNWU4ZGI3ZTIxNjJhMjQ3ZTE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Stop fucking joking around!” The soldier grew angry as a red laser began drawing circles over his chest.</span></p> <p class="cnNlM2EwMzEzMjJmMjRjN2Q4YmYwNjY5MjRlYTc5ZTY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Enough you two, I’ll keep an eye on the gate and let you know when the Councilor arrives. He always has two Abnormal guards with him so just make sure your weapons are loaded.] A second voice emerged from the radio, interrupting the conversation.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZWEzMDI1YzAxYTRkN2NiYzA4YTUzODFiMjgwYjA2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Do me a favor, Glasses, and make sure we don’t ever get stuck with this guy again.” The soldier clicked his tongue.</span></p> <p class="cnMzOWJiMDVjNDI0ODRlMWRiMjhkY2E1MjU0ZjdmODk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Aw, you’re breaking my heart.] Demetrius replied.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYTcyMDAxODgxZjQ3ZjY5ZWI5NWEwYjY5ZDk3NjE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Silence. He’ll be here any moment, check your mags and get ready. Also, make sure to confirm the target before blasting him to pieces.]</span></p> <p class="cnM5MTkwNmE0NzEwYjQ1ZmFhNzA0MGVhMzc0M2M1MDJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">The eight soldiers began examining their weapon magazines before turning the safety’s off.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZWJmOGQyY2RiNTQxMGJiYzVjN2JjZDNlYzY2OWMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Suddenly, the main doorknob slowly turned and a masked figure in dark fatigues walked in drawing a brief pause from the entire room.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNjQxZWUzYjQyZjQxNjg4OTA1N2NjNDRhMzNkNzg0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette surveyed the room, unexpectedly finding another party already present. She felt them long ago with her psionic pulse but she expected guards and a councilor rather than a group of soldiers. She used her psionic scan and discovered they all had mid-level Abnormal traits.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NTIyNDBhNTA5MDRhN2I5MjRmYjZkN2VhZjJhZDg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette looked at the low-caliber pistol in her hand and then back to the high-powered rifle-toting soldiers who were durable ballistic armor.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMzI5M2RjYjkzMzQ2MmY5MTZlNjVhMTYxNzU0ZGM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t fucking move, asshole!” A soldier shouted as they all pointed their rifles toward Visette.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZjMyZmM2ZWQyYzQ1YjViMzc3MmViMzQ3MTA5MWRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">One began to radio to the others while a red laser flashed through the window and landed squarely on Visette’s chest.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNjFlOTM0NGYxNTQ0Yzg5NTcxZWQwMjFhOTdhODU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hey, we have an uninvited guest here, Glasses.” Another soldier said into the radio.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZDJlNWE2ZjgxZTQwYTFhY2Q4YmYwYTcwMWUxNzIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">[What? Who?]</span></p> <p class="cnNhYzRiNjY4ZDhkYzQ1MTFiZTg0ZTA1Yzg2MmU4Y2Vk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I don’t know, no tags or symbols...I think they’re here for the same reason as us.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1MTVlMDY4OTc0ZjRkYjg5NzA5NzY4MWM2YmY4ZjQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Someone from Freedom City?] Demetrius inquired.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNDRiNmNiNmNkMDQwMDdhNmEwNzdmYmNmODkzYWNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I said I don’t know.” The soldier narrowed his eyes at Visette.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZTc0ZGQ3ZTZhMzRjZDM4Y2YzZTg2ZTA5ZDk2ZDkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette maintained her calm the entire time while creating a psionic distortion field around herself. If anyone fired a weapon at her before she could react, it would be redirected by the distortion field preventing any harm.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YjgwYzEzMDVhNjQ1NWM4ZTA4ZTlmNDA5NzU1NWRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hey! Put your gun down and kick it over here, buddy! Freedom City or not we can’t relax until you hand over that weapon,” The Soldier ordered.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYjI0ZWIzMGE0OTQwOWM4ZGIzNzE4NTA5NzVlYTI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette slowly placed the gun on the ground and then kicked it across the room. As she did, her eyes rapidly darted around as she gathered all the environmental information available. There was a large leather couch that sat right next to her and a support beam she could use as cover should she enter a firefight. Above her were the ceiling lights that offered illumination for the soldiers inside.</span></p> <p class="cnNiN2ViMGE5ZWEzMzRjZThiYjIwYzM0Y2ZhNTY4ZGEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“And now your knife, I know you have one!” The soldier shouted.</span></p> <p class="cnNjOGY5Y2QxMjRmOTQxMTE5N2QxOGE3YWIwMWFmNGU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette formed a new plan in her mind in response to the sudden appearance of new enemies and then prepared to enact it.</span></p> </div>
A few hours after leaving the academy, Visette stood outside of Charlie’s house. It was a fairly normal residential district with other homes nearby and even a small park. Though, the only thing out of place was the pair of DSF officers standing outside of Charlie’s home. They didn’t seem too intimidating and Visette guessed that they would only be carrying low-caliber pistols. In the era of Abnormals, just two guards weren’t really enough to stop superhuman enemies. “...You’re Visette Thales?” One officer asked as Visette approached them, he straightened his posture and cleared his throat shortly after he finished speaking. He seemed to be in his early twenties and appeared completely harmless. “Yes.” “Ah, Charlie said that someone fitting your description would come to visit her, but you’re different from what I expected. You’re much more beautiful than-” “Can I enter?” Visette interrupted with her usual tranquil expression. “Go right ahead. Charlie left the door open because she was expecting you,” said the second officer, a woman around the same age as her partner. Visette entered the home while the two officers watched her before turning to face forward. “You’re much more beautiful than what I expected. Really?” The female officer spoke with mockery. “Shut up.” Her male companion sucked his teeth. “I’ve seen some delusional people but I have to admit, you really set the bar high.” “Are you going to keep going?” “Did you really try to flirt with her? Seriously? You’d be better off fighting Anton.” “I’m going to shoot you if you keep talking.” The male officer grumbled. “Yeah, yeah.” The female officer finally relented but occasionally let out a brief chuckle. … “Visette, is that you?” Charlie called out from upstairs. “Yes,” Visette replied back. “Oh!” A third voice interrupted from the first floor. As Visette waited in front of a door, a blonde-haired woman appeared in front of her. “Hello, Rachel-” Visette’s greeting was cut short as Rachel hugged her. “You’ve grown so much.” Rachel found that Visette was nothing like that girl she discovered four years ago. She took a step back and held Visette’s face with her hands. “Nathan never let us see you, but believe me, we tried.” “I do not mind.” “But I do.” Rachel’s expression reflected disgust as she briefly thought of Nathan. “Anyway, you...” Rachel couldn’t finish what she was saying as Visette’s outfit drew her attention. “What are you wearing, Visette?” A denim jacket, a short-sleeved black shirt, a pair of black pants and neatly laced, black military boots. “Is there something wrong with my clothing? I received it from Lyn.” Visette seemed slightly confused but Rachel shook her head. “No, it’s just- well, I didn’t expect you to be wearing something like that is all.” Rachel smiled, “Come on, I’ve cooked some stew.” “Hold on!” Charlie rushed downstairs in loose t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants before stopping in front of her mother and Visette, “Oh, nice outfit, Vis.” “...Thank you.” They moved further in the house before Visette took a seat at the table with Charlie while Rachel began preparing their bowls. “Don’t you want to ask, Mom?” Charlie inquired. “Ask what?” Rachel answered. “About Visette’s Psionics?” “Why would I? I think it’s amazing but if Visette wants to talk about it she will.” Rachel handed a bowl to Visette before pushing one over to Charlie and finally bringing her own to the table, joining the two girls. “I guess you’re right.” Charlie took a single spoonful of stew before starting up a conversation again, “My Mom has been volunteering in the Lower Wards, Vis. Since she has medical training but isn’t allowed to open her own clinic she can only help out as much as she can.” “You are not permitted to establish a clinic?” Visette asked. “If I had nothing to do with Commander Wakefield, I’d be free to do at least that much. Unfortunately, since I’m affiliated with him that means political matter pour over to me.” “I see.” Visette nodded. The political web of New Mayhall, or any other city for that matter, held little importance to her. It seemed to be a complicated issue that didn’t concern her and since it didn’t affect her goals she’d continue to ignore it. “But tell me about you, Visette. You’re working for Nathan, correct?” “Do you mean Commander Wakefield? If so, I am indeed under his command.” “Listen, you can’t trust him to do right by you, okay? You should always protect yourself since he’ll willingly throw you into danger.” “I understand, I will keep your advice in mind.” Visette had already raised her evaluation of Commander Wakefield but Rachel’s words only cemented the fact that he would prove to be a danger. “...Anyway, you won’t believe how many people have asked Visette out already, Mom.” “Really?” “Although she doesn’t really speak to anyone you can’t say she isn’t pretty.” Rachel and Charlie began speaking like Visette was a close relative and they probably felt she was. While Visette had no opinion on the matter, she couldn’t say she disliked it. She felt Charlie would always be useful for her creative insight on the use of her psionics. At that moment, she decided she would protect Charlie even without orders and that also applied to Rachel who helped her when she first arrived on Novo Prime. Visette finished her meal while the two of them continued speaking, neither one of them were aware of Visette decision. … The next three days went by quickly for Charlie who grew excited as the day of the outing moved closer. The funeral for Councilor Wilson caused all classes to end early. As soon as the students were dismissed from the academy, Charlie rushed home and changed before returning to the school grounds. “Oh, Charlie!” Arthur waved. He clearly put much more preparation into the gathering as his red hair was trimmed and his clothes seemed to be brand new. “Did you have to wait long?” Charlie asked. “No, not really. You only came a few minutes after me...How do I look?” Charlie snickered upon hearing Arthur’s question. A white shirt under a brand-new windbreaker and jeans along with new sneakers to go along with it. Charlie silently examined his outfit before giving her response. “Trying to impress Visette are you?” “No...I just thought I shouldn’t wear regular clothes out. Besides, you’re wearing a dress.” Arthur pointed at Charlie’s outfit. She wore a plain hoodie over a blue dress along with sandals. Overall, it wasn’t as eye-catching as Arthur’s brand new clothes. “This is old stuff anyway.” Charlie shrugged, “I’m certain Visette won’t be dressed up very much either.” And as if to confirm her statement, a black motorcycle emerged in the distance before coming to a stop in front of the academy. The identity of the two riding it was obvious. Visette removed her helmet and handed it off to Lyn who began speaking. “Don’t forget, you have until evening.” “Understood,” Visette replied. Lyn quickly drove off in order to make preparations for Visette’s mission. While Vis greeted Charlie and Arthur. “Hello.” “Right on time, Vis.” Charlie eyed Visette and found she dressed casually just as expected. A dark fleece jacket, a black shirt with a skull illustrated on its front and a pair of jeans and old white sneakers. “Told you.” Charlie smirked and then spoke before Arthur had the chance to reply, “Well, since we’re all here, let’s get going. Where to, Arty?” “The streetcar station.” “I have read about the public transportation of this city but I have never seen it.” “Today is your lucky day then.” Arthur grinned, “Let’s go.” … A short walk later and the three of them were waiting for a streetcar to arrive. Arthur took the time to point out a few short facts while they waited. “If the city was besieged by Corrupted, specialized streetcars as well as armored vehicles would be used to transport people to shelters.” “I see.” Visette found the facts somewhat useful so she continued the conversation, “Are there preparations in place? I expect that excess panic would disrupt the evacuation process.” “There are evac-drills once a year. I heard they used to be more frequent before the Starfall Event,” Charlie interjected. “Ah, there’s the streetcar!” Arthur pointed toward the approaching streetcar. Due to the Novidium Batteries, there was very little sound emitted from the vehicle. The operator rang a bell to signal the arrival before it came to a halt in front of the station. “I’ll pay for us.” Charlie drew a plastic blue card from her jacket and hopped onto the streetcar. “Ah,” Visette made a low exclamation as she realized she hadn’t put too much thought into the currency of Novo Prime. She knew that most cities shared a unified digital currency in the modern-age since most physical currency was too hard to keep track of but that’s as far as she looked into it. She made a note to ask Lyn about her military salary as she entered the streetcar and sat down before Charlie joined her followed by Arthur. “So first we’ll go to the arcade. Then, we’ll head to see a short play-” “Which one?” Charlie asked. “Anton’s Anguish.” “Ooh! I love that one,” Charlie replied excitedly, “What else?” “I thought we’d go to the Central Marketplace to look. After that, we could head back to Visette’s for food.” “What is the Central Marketplace?” Visette inquired. “Instead of a storefront, it’s just a bunch of stands where you can buy unique things you wouldn’t find normally.” “Basically junk,” Charlie murmured. “Is anyone allowed to sell their possessions?” “Nope.” Charlie shook her head. “You need a permit from the city and a certified credit machine to accept money.” “I am interested in seeing what is offered.” The streetcar dropped the trio in front of a building with a flashing sign that read “Arcade!” above its entrance. “Come on!” Charlie was clearly the most enthusiastic as she grabbed Visette’s wrist and pulled her into the building while Arthur followed behind with a grin. The style of the building was very reminiscent of Earth if one didn’t look too much into it. The biggest difference was that every “game” seemed to be centered around the Corrupted in some way. “Ah, let’s see who can get the highest score.” Charlie issued a challenge as she pulled Visette toward a machine. “I don’t want to brag but you both are gonna lose this. I’m number three on the scoreboard.” Arthur bragged as he grabbed the plastic rifle attached the machine. *“Face the Corrupted Horde!”* A voice rang out from it while explosions filled the screen. Visette briefly observed the animation playing on the screen and immediately realized the purpose of the game. She grabbed one of the three plastic rifles and held it like she’d hold a normal rifle. “Ready, Vis?” Charlie asked. Visette replied with a nod and then the game started. Figures that resembled the Corrupted filled the screen and seemed to be rushing toward the trio who opened fire. It was a relatively simple game that seemed to encourage fighting the Corrupted. Though it was very misleading for any children who had yet to run into any of the monstrous creatures that could eradicate thousands of people. *“YOU WIN!”* A few bright lights flashed as the game ended. Before the scores were calculated each person had to input a three letter name. Visette obviously picked the “Vis” while Charlie went “Chr” and Arthur chose “Art.” “I got last.” Charlie frowned after seeing her result. “Ha, I got...second?” Arthur seemed a little confused until he peeked at Visette’s section which had a score of “9999,” the highest anyone had gotten so far. “Nice, Vis!” Charlie cheered as she viewed Visette’s score. “It was not very difficult,” Visette replied with no hint of satisfaction. “Let’s try something else then.” Charlie once again led the way as they participated in all types of games which involved killing Corrupted in some way. Except for a few that encouraged the user to test their strength. It wasn’t a surprise that Visette nearly broke the machines that were designed for normal humans rather than Abnormals. “Whew.” Charlie plopped down onto a bench with a slightly stunned expression, “You’re just too good, Vis.” It was no surprise that Visette would set high scores for all the arcade game she played but Charlie still found it surprising. “Yeah, I thought I would’ve had you on that last one.” Arthur shook his head. Visette kept silent but scanned the interior of the arcade, examining the various groups of people inside. She unconsciously tuned out the conversation between Charlie and Arthur and decided to test her Psionic Scanning ability. It was meant to replicate x-rays and if it proved successful, she’d have a way to identify Abnormals with little effort. She picked a random woman as her target and sent a short burst of psionic waves through her body. A short stream of information was sent to her brain. She compared it to the normal physiology of a human as illustrated by the anatomical models she researched and discovered the woman was a normal human being. Since Visette’s target remained none the wiser, her psionic scan was a resounding success. Although, she could only discover physical traits at the moment. If met with someone with quick reflexes or intelligence she’d have to rely on her own judgment to make the call. She attempted to scan a few other people in the vicinity and then focused on a smiling child. She took note of the exact movement of the boy’s facial muscles and then sought to reproduce them on her own. “Visette?” Charlie called out to Vis who had her back toward the two, seemingly distracted by something. “Yes?” Visette turned to face Charlie with a subtle but radiant smile on her face. “…” Charlie nearly let her jaw fall to the floor as she faced a smiling Visette. It didn’t even seem forced but completely natural. “...Ah.” Arthur was a few beats behind with his reaction and could only offer a few bewildered blinks. Visette’s smile faded and she dropped her head in contemplation, “Did I perhaps make an error?” “What?” Charlie asked, still taken off guard by seeing Visette smile for the first time. “Was there an issue with my expression? I attempted to smile after reviewing the facial structures of several individuals.” “No, it was perfect,” Arthur assured her. Charlie rolled her eyes and began speaking. “That was the first time I’ve ever seen you smile so I was a little surprised that’s all.” “I see.” Visette nodded, making sure to keep their reactions in mind whenever she decided it was necessary to smile again. “Well, if you guys had enough of a break, let’s move on.” Arthur waved for them to follow and the trio departed from the arcade. The next stop was at a theater where a reenactment of one of the many battles Anton faced took place. The particular battle was set in a nameless town full of weak and sickly citizens which had long since been abandoned by its leader. Anton apparently took pity on the town and taught them as much as he could before a wave of Corrupted descended. The play seemed to be a tragedy as the townspeople put up a brave resistance before they died one by one. Even still, the citizens didn’t flee with Anton at their side and fought on. At the end of it, Anton was the only left standing. He observed the destruction with a tranquil face before letting out a single anguished roar. As the trio departed from the theater, Charlie and Arthur raved on about how exciting the play was while Visette only grew increasingly curious about the existence that was known as Anton. There was historical record of his existence but very little illustrations of him. Even the lead actor that played him had half his face hidden with a cloth while his body was covered with a cloak. If there was any defining feature to be found it would be the fake crescent-shaped scar around the actor’s left eye. “That was great!” Arthur still seemed impressed by the play. “It was much better in person than seeing it on the screen of a terminal I’ll say that much.” Charlie nodded. “I am satisfied that I have learned a little more about Anton,” Visette added. A man who performed superhuman feats and predated the emergence of Abnormals was obviously something that needed to be looked into more. “I heard through the Social Net that Eden Hall has a museum of Anton’s accomplishments,” Arthur said, “It’s too far for any of us to see though since it’s on the other side of the continent.” After they finished the play, the three of them visited the Central Marketplace where there were hundreds of items such as trinkets, simple jewelry, and figurines, on display. While Visette had no interest once she discovered there was nothing noteworthy to be found. Charlie picked out a set of braided leather bracelets as a memento for the three of them and they finally went to Visette’s apartment. … “Just as I expected,” Charlie commented as she entered, collapsing onto a couch that sat in the living room as soon as she spotted it. “It’s neat.” Arthur found that there was nothing out of place which seemed in line with Visette’s orderly personality. “I will begin cooking.” Visette ignored their comments and headed into the kitchen. After removing her jacket and donning a plain apron, she began to take out ingredients from a refrigerator. “Do you have a terminal, Vis?” Charlie asked. “No,” Visette replied while rapidly chopping away at a pile of vegetables. She flipped the dials on the oven before returning to the ingredients and dicing them into even smaller portions. “You’re missing out on a lot,” said Arthur who found himself staring at a Visette as she cooked. That was until Charlie lightly drove her elbow into his ribcage. “Commander Wakefield does not want me to have free access to a terminal,” Visette responded while depositing the vegetables into a pan. Charlie frowned as she learned about another one of the restrictions that her father placed on Visette. “...The food smells good already.” Arthur tried to change the subject as he read Charlie’s expression, “What is it by the way?” “A recipe from an instructional cooking guide.” “You memorized it?” Charlie asked. “Yes, it was relatively simple.” Visette spent a half hour more cooking before she produced three plates and sat them on the table. “It is done.” Visette said as she took a seat. “Finally!” Charlie and Arthur rushed over before taking a look at the food. To summarize, it was perfect. Not the taste since they hadn’t eaten it yet, but it was arranged in a perfectly symmetrical order which was strange to see. Without waiting anymore, Charlie cut into the square-shaped portion of meat on the plate. “Ah, that’s really good!” Her face lit up. “It is!” Arthur agreed. Visette nodded before she began eating her meal. … After they had finished eating, they said their goodbyes as a DSF car came to retrieve Charlie and Arthur headed home via streetcar. Visette cleaned the dishes, neatly stacking them onto a shelf and then circulated her psionic power while waiting for Lyn to arrive. It didn’t take long as Lyn entered the apartment not too long after Visette’s company had departed. “Did you enjoy yourself?” Lyn inquired, peeking at a covered plate of food that remained in the kitchen. “I was satisfied with most of the activities. There is also a meal for you in the kitchen if you are hungry,” Visette said before adding a smile. “Okay,” Lyn took a few steps into the kitchen before she stopped dead in her tracks, turning to Visette with a shaken countenance, “You just smiled.” “I learned the exact process today. It requires a very little amount of effort though it is exhaustive to maintain.” Visette’s face returned to normal as she pondered the value of it. So far, the people who had witnessed her smile seemed to be stunned but it didn’t seem to have much use. Though she theorized it would be more effective in the right social situations where one was expected to express joy or happiness. “It was great to see.” Lyn smiled herself even though she wasn’t aware of why, “Now, let’s get ready for your mission tonight.” “Who is the target?” Visette inquired. Lyn wordlessly tossed a folder to Visette. Visette flipped through and discovered a photo of the Councilor as well as an image of his house. “Councilor Fredrickson, he’ll be at a dinner hosted in honor of Councilor Wilson tonight. I’m going to drop you off at his place about ten to twenty minutes before he arrives. From there, you’ll wait for him to enter and, well, it doesn’t matter how it’s done but it has to be clear that he was murdered. A single bullet would easily do the trick. Oh, and the Commander said not to worry about killing the guards but I think you should avoid killing them if you can. Radio me if anything goes wrong.” Although Lyn didn’t agree with wanton murder, she didn’t want to put Visette at risk by making her follow a strict moral code. “Understood.” Visette closed the folder and handed it back to Lyn before retreating into her bedroom to change. Lyn waited in the kitchen, trying some of the food left out by Visette and made a surprised face after tasting it. “This is good, Vis!” She shouted toward the hallway. “Thank you,” Visette’s emotionless voice resonated in reply. … A few hours later, the mansion of Councilor Fredrickson was already being occupied by a small group of unknown soldiers. The corpses of the few guards protecting the place were stuffed into a bathroom that one of the soldiers shut, finding the smell to be too repulsive. “You have us covered, Demetrius?” A balaclava-clad soldier asked through a radio. [Sure thing.] Demetrius replied in a carefree manner. “Seriously, I don’t want to take a bullet because of you.” The soldier replied angrily. [Funny you say that because I have my crosshair right over your head.] “Stop fucking joking around!” The soldier grew angry as a red laser began drawing circles over his chest. [Enough you two, I’ll keep an eye on the gate and let you know when the Councilor arrives. He always has two Abnormal guards with him so just make sure your weapons are loaded.] A second voice emerged from the radio, interrupting the conversation. “Do me a favor, Glasses, and make sure we don’t ever get stuck with this guy again.” The soldier clicked his tongue. [Aw, you’re breaking my heart.] Demetrius replied. [Silence. He’ll be here any moment, check your mags and get ready. Also, make sure to confirm the target before blasting him to pieces.] The eight soldiers began examining their weapon magazines before turning the safety’s off. Suddenly, the main doorknob slowly turned and a masked figure in dark fatigues walked in drawing a brief pause from the entire room. Visette surveyed the room, unexpectedly finding another party already present. She felt them long ago with her psionic pulse but she expected guards and a councilor rather than a group of soldiers. She used her psionic scan and discovered they all had mid-level Abnormal traits. Visette looked at the low-caliber pistol in her hand and then back to the high-powered rifle-toting soldiers who were durable ballistic armor. “Don’t fucking move, asshole!” A soldier shouted as they all pointed their rifles toward Visette. One began to radio to the others while a red laser flashed through the window and landed squarely on Visette’s chest. “Hey, we have an uninvited guest here, Glasses.” Another soldier said into the radio. [What? Who?] “I don’t know, no tags or symbols...I think they’re here for the same reason as us.” [Someone from Freedom City?] Demetrius inquired. “I said I don’t know.” The soldier narrowed his eyes at Visette. Visette maintained her calm the entire time while creating a psionic distortion field around herself. If anyone fired a weapon at her before she could react, it would be redirected by the distortion field preventing any harm. “Hey! Put your gun down and kick it over here, buddy! Freedom City or not we can’t relax until you hand over that weapon,” The Soldier ordered. Visette slowly placed the gun on the ground and then kicked it across the room. As she did, her eyes rapidly darted around as she gathered all the environmental information available. There was a large leather couch that sat right next to her and a support beam she could use as cover should she enter a firefight. Above her were the ceiling lights that offered illumination for the soldiers inside. “And now your knife, I know you have one!” The soldier shouted. Visette formed a new plan in her mind in response to the sudden appearance of new enemies and then prepared to enact it.
{ "title": "The legend who ran faster than the gods", "id": 12992, "author": "Crouching Tigress", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Chapter 43: Foraging with a fox", "id": 305502, "next": 307541, "prev": 301393, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM0NzE4NzYxZTI1ZTQ4YjA4ZTk1YjUxOWNhYjY4Zjg1">Tightening my hold on Suticat, I forcefully brought his head around towards me…OWW. I glanced down to my hand in surprise noting the bite marks on the skin. The skin hadn’t been pierced but it was painful enough to startle me. Taking advantage of my momentary loosening, the fox quickly struggled free of my loosened hold. Sprinting a few steps awake, he finally stopped and sent what I could only assume was a resentful look…ah, I had been a bit too rushed and excited- and too forceful…I might of accidently hurt him as well.</p> <p class="cnM1YjhiZjgzMTQ1NjRlMTBhMjkzMjBkNTBiNzQ2OTZh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5ODA3NWZhOGM1YTRmYmFhNDQzZmM3N2QxNDE3OTFh">Putting on my most pitiful look, I beckoned towards him. Come here little fox, come on, I didn’t mean to do that. I’m sorry. I screamed my thoughts urging him to come back at me and as if realising I had calmed down, he cautiously crept back towards me. We had a history with each other so something little like that would not have a lasting impact on our relationship. I wondered for a moment why the other two had not commented but I quickly realised why. I could faintly hear a heated discussion between the two girls as they stood still in their previous positions.</p> <p class="cnNmZDk0MjA3NTFmNTRjNzhhOTkzZjJjNGZjZjIyNDMz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3YjM4YTNkOWZlMDQzYmZhZjY1ZWI1MGViNGRmN2Uw">Now, how was I going to convey my message? I had long forgotten any hunting signal my parents may or may not have ever mentioned and so I could only resort to the basics…miming. Coming to that conclusion, I started to bite down on my jaw and perform chewing motions…but the only response was curious tilt of his head. He had no idea what I was on about.</p> <p class="cnM0NDU2YTg0NzdkMjQ5ZDlhMmRkZTY2MzI1YzczODgz">Uh…ah! This would be embarrassing but perhaps he would understand me better. With a quick peak, I checked that Sarra and Shiara were still focused on their own private conversation before slowly getting on all fours and lowering myself. Looking around, I could only see the tall grass all around me. Hoping that Suticat could still see me, I then started to mimic the prowling motion I had once seen him use before performing a sudden leap.</p> <p class="cnNiOWEzYTUzZTBmMTQ2MmViOGYzYTU4Y2IyZDFkNDY3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiMDhlN2M3OWQ4OTQ4N2VhMjM3OGE0ODJiN2ZkMzJi">“GRAAHHH!” I felt my face blush at the pathetic growling sound I had tried to make.</p> <p class="cnM2MzliNjg1YzRlMDRiMTM4MTJiODVhZDBhNjU4Zjgw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NzUxODBkZjA1NzRiMzI5ZmJmMTA2NGMwMjZmMTkx">“AH! What are you doing?!” Hearing Shiara’s shout, my ears rapidly warmed up as I noticed my prowling and leaping had somehow brought me in front of the two.</p> <p class="cnNiNmM3MTQ4MTc1YjRjYzRhZmJmYmMyODRhOWFmNWVk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2MTFjMzg1NDM2NDQ1ZDhiNzYzZGIxY2Y0MmVmZTg0">“We lost sight of you and your fox before so we decided to hurry in your direction. I didn’t expect you to be…” “Oh, uh, I was just- just trying to communicate to Suticat.” Seeing princess Sarratina’s wide grin as she left her sentence unfinished, I knew I would never live down this moment–that is if we made it out of this jungle alive and whole.</p> <p class="cnMxY2ViMzQ1ZjU0YjQyYWE4NTkxYWNiYjYwYzlhNWFj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMDUyY2JiOGY2NjRkOTliMjRiZThiNGQyNWU0Nzc3"><strong>CREOW!</strong></p> <p class="cnMzZTBlNTYzYTQ3YjRjY2ZhNjQ2NzExMjk5ODIwNmU1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3OTg3NDNiMzBkMTQ5M2ViY2FjNDQ2MjlmNWIyY2I4">Hearing the sharp bark, I glanced towards Suticat. He sniffed the air twice, ears twitching and circled around twice before slinking forwards into the tall grass before stopping to gaze back. He understood my message! Seeing him like this I also dropped to a crouch.</p> <p class="cnM5NDBjM2QzYjlkZjRjZTNhNjNhOTUyZTNiYjE1ZTc1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5ZDZhZGI1ZjgyYzRlZTliMTYzMmQ2MGQyYTkyZDk5">“Psss, crouch and be quiet, just copy and follow me.”</p> <p class="cnMxNzNhNmQ3Yjk0NjQ4NmQ5ZGJiYzJkYzY4M2ZhOTdj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2MTRlNTc1MTk4ZTRiOWY5M2YyOTUwODVkZWRlMTE3">Seeing him slowly wade through the grass, I quickly followed him. This time, I made sure to check which direction we were heading in before dropping down.</p> <p class="cnMwNTVmOGUwODIyMjQ2MWU4ZmQ0MzQ5ZmUzZmQ3ZmIy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3OTJmMzc1ZjY2ZTQwODZhOWRiYWExMjM1ZjYwZjQ3">…</p> <p class="cnM5OGJiZDYxY2MxYTQyYTk4ZmFmNmJlNjQ1Nzc2Yzg5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MThjNzM3ZDBhZjRmMDRiYTM1MzVhYWM1ZjE3ZjMx">The sun was about to set when Suticat finally stopped moving. My knees were killing me and I had long lost most of my feeling in them. The other two were surely waiting to grumble to me, but they immediately froze as they caught up to me. I too had let out a silent gasp when I finally caught up to Suticat; because in the small clearing in front of us, stood not one, but two toukou birds.</p> <p class="cnM4MjMyM2Y2ZmQ5MzRiN2U5ZDE5MWYwNTY2OWVlNWFj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjNzcyZjYzMTg2ZTQ4Mzk5Njk4NmM2ZjUzNzIxYTg3">The other two looked towards me for directions, saliva already dribbling from the edges of Shiara’s face, but honestly I had no clue. The act of stringing and nocking a bow normally wouldn’t be that loud, but any noise at this point would reveal us. The two birds had somehow managed to land directly down wind of us, and so had no clue of our presence yet. Seeing Suticat continue to prowl forwards, I decided to just watch on and leave it to him. There was nothing to do, but to silently hold my breath and stay hidden.</p> <p class="cnMyYWMyMmMwMzEwMDQ4YmNiMzNiMjZlZGRhNTQyZGYx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwZWZhOWZjZDFlODQ4NTNhODQ4Y2VjNDdjZGIxYjRk">With the other two mimicking me, we watched as he slowly snuck up…eight meters…seven meters…he stopped as the two birds suddenly both looked in our direction. Suddenly the two birds made a dash north away from us as Suticat burst out and started to chase them.</p> <p class="cnM4YWFiMzgyNjA4YzQ3ZmNhYjQ2OWMzOTI4OGEwY2Q2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1YzAwOGNkOGVhMjQwZWE4ODI5NzdmN2IxZGZiZjYw">“WAIT!” My shout fell on deaf ears as Suticat rushed away, already too enthralled on the chase. It was clear the toukou birds were way faster than the fox just from their initial speed, but the birds only ran as far as needed be, slowing down once their distance between the two increased.</p> <p class="cnNiZTEzMDU5MGY0OTQxZWNhOWI4ZWMyZWZkZTg0MjVh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmZGRjNGNkMTBiYjQ4YzU5M2ZiNTlkNGUzZWViNzZl">The other two stood up as well. “So do we follow-“ “Yes, but don’t pass me, especially if you see me suddenly stop” With that, I made a mad dash after them.</p> <p class="cnM4NjFjYmUzYzZjYzQ3ODlhOGE5OTJhNmQxMTA2NTM3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3YjkzY2MwZjc1YzQzMGZiODU2MGJmOTMzODRhYjBj">It wasn’t long before I saw Suticat, sitting on his hindquarters staring ahead. Puzzled, I looked in the same direction, only to realise that behind a bit of undergrowth lay an overgrown apple orchard. Ah, we had accidently moved a bit closer to the centre of the jungle- this should have been one of the old cultivated orchards that had continued to thrive without human maintenance. The toukou birds were nowhere to be seen.</p> <p class="cnM5YTE1NjVhYWMwODRlNjRhOGI5YzNhNDRiNTI5YmE3">“Hah…hahhhh…slow down.”</p> <p class="cnNjZTJkM2QxYjYxNjRjYjhiNGQ0OTVhMGQxYmE5MTk2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2MWExZWI5YjJhZDQ3MTA5Y2M1MDVhNzQ4M2I1ZGY1">“So, what’s this? Did we lose them?-“ “-Ah apples! -OWW”</p> <p class="cnMzNGFkODY2NjA3MjQxYzNiY2EwNjU5OGJlNTc3Njc0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiYTgyZGZkZDU4ZDRkYjViNmUxZjc4ODRiZDZkNGNj">I quickly yanked Shiara’s hair as she made a dash forwards. “Hold your horses, do you see those little circular things on the tree.”</p> <p class="cnNhZDZjNDNiNWY5YzQ2NTFiZDM4ZmE4NGZjMzQxNjM4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5Yzc4YTllZDU3ZjQ2NDFhYWIwNDkxNTQ1NGEwYzQ1">“-What was that for- Where? You don’t mean the apples right?”</p> <p class="cnM2NDhkOTQyNjk3NDRkYTk4N2I1ZWQ2NWI3NDdkZThk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwYjVmYWU4NmNkMDQyYzI5NTllMDRjMzhjYzhkYTE5">“Below them you dummy!” Sarra turned to me with a knowing smile. “Let me guess, monsters?”</p> <p class="cnNjZWRkZDFmNDRiZjQ5ZjQ5YTkyZDVlNjRkYTYyOGI5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NDU2YmU0ZGIxMzRlYWI4MDZhNDRlMzZmOTcwZjJi">Yeah. I had previously considered coming here for food, but I didn’t want to deal with them, because after all they’re “Warnet hives”</p> </div>
Tightening my hold on Suticat, I forcefully brought his head around towards me…OWW. I glanced down to my hand in surprise noting the bite marks on the skin. The skin hadn’t been pierced but it was painful enough to startle me. Taking advantage of my momentary loosening, the fox quickly struggled free of my loosened hold. Sprinting a few steps awake, he finally stopped and sent what I could only assume was a resentful look…ah, I had been a bit too rushed and excited- and too forceful…I might of accidently hurt him as well.   Putting on my most pitiful look, I beckoned towards him. Come here little fox, come on, I didn’t mean to do that. I’m sorry. I screamed my thoughts urging him to come back at me and as if realising I had calmed down, he cautiously crept back towards me. We had a history with each other so something little like that would not have a lasting impact on our relationship. I wondered for a moment why the other two had not commented but I quickly realised why. I could faintly hear a heated discussion between the two girls as they stood still in their previous positions.   Now, how was I going to convey my message? I had long forgotten any hunting signal my parents may or may not have ever mentioned and so I could only resort to the basics…miming. Coming to that conclusion, I started to bite down on my jaw and perform chewing motions…but the only response was curious tilt of his head. He had no idea what I was on about. Uh…ah! This would be embarrassing but perhaps he would understand me better. With a quick peak, I checked that Sarra and Shiara were still focused on their own private conversation before slowly getting on all fours and lowering myself. Looking around, I could only see the tall grass all around me. Hoping that Suticat could still see me, I then started to mimic the prowling motion I had once seen him use before performing a sudden leap.   “GRAAHHH!” I felt my face blush at the pathetic growling sound I had tried to make.   “AH! What are you doing?!” Hearing Shiara’s shout, my ears rapidly warmed up as I noticed my prowling and leaping had somehow brought me in front of the two.   “We lost sight of you and your fox before so we decided to hurry in your direction. I didn’t expect you to be…” “Oh, uh, I was just- just trying to communicate to Suticat.” Seeing princess Sarratina’s wide grin as she left her sentence unfinished, I knew I would never live down this moment–that is if we made it out of this jungle alive and whole.   **CREOW!**   Hearing the sharp bark, I glanced towards Suticat. He sniffed the air twice, ears twitching and circled around twice before slinking forwards into the tall grass before stopping to gaze back. He understood my message! Seeing him like this I also dropped to a crouch.   “Psss, crouch and be quiet, just copy and follow me.”   Seeing him slowly wade through the grass, I quickly followed him. This time, I made sure to check which direction we were heading in before dropping down.   …   The sun was about to set when Suticat finally stopped moving. My knees were killing me and I had long lost most of my feeling in them. The other two were surely waiting to grumble to me, but they immediately froze as they caught up to me. I too had let out a silent gasp when I finally caught up to Suticat; because in the small clearing in front of us, stood not one, but two toukou birds.   The other two looked towards me for directions, saliva already dribbling from the edges of Shiara’s face, but honestly I had no clue. The act of stringing and nocking a bow normally wouldn’t be that loud, but any noise at this point would reveal us. The two birds had somehow managed to land directly down wind of us, and so had no clue of our presence yet. Seeing Suticat continue to prowl forwards, I decided to just watch on and leave it to him. There was nothing to do, but to silently hold my breath and stay hidden.   With the other two mimicking me, we watched as he slowly snuck up…eight meters…seven meters…he stopped as the two birds suddenly both looked in our direction. Suddenly the two birds made a dash north away from us as Suticat burst out and started to chase them.   “WAIT!” My shout fell on deaf ears as Suticat rushed away, already too enthralled on the chase. It was clear the toukou birds were way faster than the fox just from their initial speed, but the birds only ran as far as needed be, slowing down once their distance between the two increased.   The other two stood up as well. “So do we follow-“ “Yes, but don’t pass me, especially if you see me suddenly stop” With that, I made a mad dash after them.   It wasn’t long before I saw Suticat, sitting on his hindquarters staring ahead. Puzzled, I looked in the same direction, only to realise that behind a bit of undergrowth lay an overgrown apple orchard. Ah, we had accidently moved a bit closer to the centre of the jungle- this should have been one of the old cultivated orchards that had continued to thrive without human maintenance. The toukou birds were nowhere to be seen. “Hah…hahhhh…slow down.”   “So, what’s this? Did we lose them?-“ “-Ah apples! -OWW”   I quickly yanked Shiara’s hair as she made a dash forwards. “Hold your horses, do you see those little circular things on the tree.”   “-What was that for- Where? You don’t mean the apples right?”   “Below them you dummy!” Sarra turned to me with a knowing smile. “Let me guess, monsters?”   Yeah. I had previously considered coming here for food, but I didn’t want to deal with them, because after all they’re “Warnet hives”
{ "title": "Demon lords? Gods? In this Crazy World, I'll fight them all!", "id": 21442, "author": "TGTRAP", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "Chapter 2: The Rise Of A High King II (Part 1)", "id": 305501, "next": 307743, "prev": 304031, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMzYTk3M2ZlYzVkOTQwNDE4NmIzM2VkMTU1OTQ0MDQx">Okay, where the heck am I? </p> <p class="cnM4YzQyNGUxMDI5NTQxYjc5NzRkMzExM2ZkNDMwMmM5"> </p> <p class="cnMwZmE3YTZiMTc2ODQwYzM4MWRkNjJmMGM5M2M5MjFl">The terrain is unknown. Plain, Other than the waves of blood red sand that laid beneath me, and the sky that shone with an eerie purple glow, accompanied by a foolishly grinning moon.</p> <p class="cnNhYTE4NzZkMzhhMzRlZjlhZDY3NzQyMGRiNzliMWIw"> </p> <p class="cnM5ZGY2OTViMDA2MzQwOWU4YzUwN2JkMDEzYjU4NjUy">Hmm, I remeber killing the sinful god with my spear and...Ah! </p> <p class="cnMzY2JhOTUxOTQxYTQyMjA5YTE4YWNmYWZkYzkxZDIx"> </p> <p class="cnM1OTYwNzY4NWQ3NDQzOGQ5ZDcxOWYwNmRiNzUxNmVl">That black mist!</p> <p class="cnM0ZDhlZjJhNTg4YzQ5ZDhiMTQ3MGYzODBkZDNjODk1"> </p> <p class="cnM3M2QwNzJmMWE0ZDQ4MmU4YjEzZDk5M2M3ZGRhOWQw">After that, we ended up in a tug of war, trying to take control, of course I won. But then, I got wrapped up in a cocoon...and fainted.</p> <p class="cnM5ZWQ3Mjk5MDdlMDQ2YTJhY2IyMWM5OWU0MGFjYjI5"> </p> <p class="cnM0M2RiMWMyZjQ3YTQxODY5YjU0NjIzMTE5NDg1YmQ2">Yup, that's pretty much what I can remember...Well, I guess I'll start mapping out this place, who knows if there's another Entity lurking around. As I was about to walk arounf and start mapping, a flirty but somewhat <em>familiar</em> voice rang out in this desolate desert.</p> <p class="cnM5ZDQzZTY0NmUyNTQ4MDE5YmEyM2M5MjUxNzA1OTAx"> </p> <p class="cnM4NTNiNmY5MzU4YjRhYmY5NzI0NWFjYmY5YjA5NWRm">" Hey there~ What's a cutie like you doing here? ", the unknown being said. </p> <p class="cnNlMTIwNjFiOWFmNzQyZDNiYzgyM2UyY2ZiZjUwOTY3"> </p> <p class="cnMwZjU1NmM3YTIyZjRkOGFhYTQyMTQ2NzhiNTJlZWY3">I immediately leapt back and took my distance from the unknown voice. Tsk, I couldn't even sense it! </p> <p class="cnNhMDcwNTRjNmU3ZjQwYWNhZWQ3Njk5YmQxNjFiMzM5"> </p> <p class="cnM0YWNhZThlODQ4MjQxOTE5ZmNkNTIxNjNkNTlhMTNh">Ahh for fucks sake, it's just one thing after another.</p> <p class="cnM2MTg4NjM4YmZkMTQ2NTU4YTg2MmIyYTFiMmNkNWQy"> </p> <p class="cnM3Y2M4ZmNkZjUyNjQ1MzU4OGM2MWEzZmQ5Yzk4YzY1">I tried to call my beloved spear to bless with courage and power and grant it the task of tasting blood..</p> <p class="cnMxZjhlNDBmNTRhOTRjNWQ5NTRiNmU5NjRkYjQxZWIw"> </p> <p class="cnMyOTY4MmNmOGRjMjRmODM4ZjllM2Q2YzUxNjI1NGQ1">Yet, It didn't answer my call. </p> <p class="cnM4YzJjYmRlZTY4NDQ4MmZiMWM2NTgzMGIzYzA5MzZh"> </p> <p class="cnM1ZGJiODgyZGM2NzQwYjNhODk1Y2FmNWU5YjU2OGE1">I tried again and, again but it was the same result for all of my attempts. Failure. I demanded my authority over my elements to come forth..yet once again, <em>Failure</em>.</p> <p class="cnM5MWFjMDE5YjM2MTQ4NWNiYjYxMzNhYmU0NjdkOGQ1"> </p> <p class="cnM1NTA2NzhmY2Q0MzQzY2RhNzBjMTJmNzRkMjJiMzhj">I glared at the culprit as I slowly scanned her figure. She was..for lack of better terms, divine.</p> <p class="cnMwM2U3OWM1MzE0ZDQ4YWVhZmFjMzRhNjIxNGY5MDdj"> </p> <p class="cnM5NDc5MjlmYTBhYTQyMmM4NjQxZWE3NTBhNDZiNzMz">A wild mane of black slept on her head, extending it's limbs onto the small of her back. She wore a simple red toga with curses drawn all over her perfect hourglass figure. Sinister eyes that glowed red, a pixie's nose and full, black-coloured lips only served to prove that the lady before me was someone that was of high origin.</p> <p class="cnMxYWQ3YTEwMTBjMjQ4Y2I5ZmYxNzkwMjI4YWViNDMy"> </p> <p class="cnM5YmZhNzI3NTQ0NDQzN2FhNjhkYjExOGZmNzQ1MzFl">In contrast to my shock, the culprit simply stood there, amused at my failed endeavours. </p> <p class="cnNjMzUyNGUzNDZjYTRmOGNiNzdhOGMwOTcxODk4MTRk"> </p> <p class="cnM1MWQ0NWU5MjI3ZDQ3Y2VhMDQ0MDlhYzMwNDQwNGZl">" Ah-ah. That's not gonna work. This is my domain, you know~ Which means you can't do anything without my a-p-p-r-o-v-a-l.", she said vocalising each alphabet.</p> <p class="cnMxNDA1NDE5OTkwOTQyNDg5ZmI5YzBlMDMxOWU2NzY5"> </p> <p class="cnM3ZWYxNzMzNzZiMDQ3NDc5ZTc5NDdkOGE1ZmZiNTc0">" Explain, Creature.", I demanded, my body slightly crouching and fists extended out, adopting one of my self-made fist styles. Even if she looks more beautiful than anyone I've seen, I know better than to judge a book by its cover.</p> <p class="cnM3NDhjMThiMmZmMzQ5MTNiZTUyZDA5ZmYxOTUxODdj"> </p> <p class="cnM5ODcxN2I1NjI4ZjQ5NzA4MjIzY2M3ZWQwNGM4MjBm">After all, the way my past life's ended can serve as a proof to my testament.</p> <p class="cnM0MzJhNjBhZmNjZDRiNDdhMTQxOGY4YjYzOWY2NmM3"> </p> <p class="cnNhZGNhNzAwNWM3NDQwMzY5NDhkMGYyYzgwZGZjNTIw">" Hmm~, Ah right. Hintt! What a wonderful tug of war that was, yes? " , the lady smirked. " Hehe, you looked soo <em>delectable</em> fighting off against my possesion~ I'm getting hot thinking about it."</p> <p class="cnNhNGU0NDNhNWViNzRlODg4OGUzNWU3NmEwMzg1Yzgx"> </p> <p class="cnMyZjBiYWQzY2VhYTQzMWM4MzkxOWM5ZGNlMGE4NzQ5">Th-This woman is insane! She! She's touching herself right in front of me! No, stop. Bad Aiko. Focus. Think.</p> <p class="cnNhNmYxZTg4YzY4MjRlZGJiMGRhNTNkMjRhY2M1MTJh"> </p> <p class="cnNjN2E5ZGQzN2VkMTQ1YzNhNjk2N2I2ZDgzYjA4Y2My">Ignoring the moans that's coming out of her mouth, I quickly recomposed myself and regulated my breathing.</p> <p class="cnMwNzUwNGIyZmIyOTRhMWY5NmFhZjdlNTkyZmY4YTgz"> </p> <p class="cnM0YjBmYTMxNWZlODQ3MmNiMjI1Y2Q2OTkzYzIyZmNj">Hmm, She said " tug of war" and "possesion". And, her voice does sounds like that fallen god...Umu~ The only logical conclusion I can come to is that she's the will of that god..</p> <p class="cnM1Y2YwZGM2YzUxMDQxMjY5MTIyNjYzN2NlNDU5YWM5"> </p> <p class="cnM5NzdjYmQwMzdhMTRhNDY4NDBjZDMxYzdlMjNiNmQx">" Oy minstrel, are you that defeated god's will? ", I grudgingly asked.</p> <p class="cnM2NDFhOTgzNmVhNjQyODBhNDk5MDgzODc3NDZmNThi"> </p> <p class="cnMxNTMxYTkyOTZkODRjYzBhNmQ0OTkwYjMyYjhhNTM1">She ignored my question as she continued on with her...touching and finally reaching her climax before throwing a smirk at me. " Ma~ It took you long enough~ Ah. Were you playing dumb just to see me touch myself? Ne~ Ne~ If you want, there's always a spot in my chambers, you know~".</p> <p class="cnM3N2VkYjVhYjAzMjRiNzBhYWEwZGJmNTJjMzk2N2Jk"> </p> <p class="cnNhYjE2ZTFkMjdmNTQ1OGE5ZjU3NTg0OTllYjJlMTdi">" Don't speak bullcrap. Why have you bring me here? And, what for?" I enquired, looking warily at the now confirmed, will of Angra Mainyu.</p> <p class="cnM2YWU3MjU2MWEzMzQ0Njc4NzZlNmNhYmE2M2U5NDA4"> </p> <p class="cnM4NjhiY2VmMDlkZTQ0MzViZWQyMTk3ZTU1OTBjZmE2">" Ma~ Why so serious. Haa..Little Sin here just want to know what you're gonna do with lil ol me~", she replied, the seductive slurr still present in her words.</p> <p class="cnM3MDA4MDAzNGViMDQ4NThhNDM5MDQ0NzkwN2EwMTEy"> </p> <p class="cnNkNzE3MTM4MjljNjRlMjE5ZDUxYmU5MTM2ZWIyNGNl">I glared at the annoying smirk still present on her face while the silence and tension grew thick between us.</p> <p class="cnNhM2I1ODM5NTc2ZDRlZGU4ZWIxNzhmMGI0OTAxY2Nh"> </p> <p class="cnMxODFiNmQ4MGZhMDRmZjU5NTE3NDcyNWEwYjkwMTBi">" What do you mean?", I asked.</p> <p class="cnM2Yjg3NjRiMWM0MzQwNjU5OTc5OWJjODMzMTBkM2Nh"> </p> <p class="cnNiNjc1MTU0NDI2ZTRjN2ZhN2I2MmQxNGMwYjhjMjc5">In response, she looked tired and a bit pissed off that she would have to clarify what was considered the abhorrent torture, also known as, filler.</p> <p class="cnMyZmYwNjE0NTMyNzQzZGI4YjAwN2EzNzEyMjY4Y2Rk"> </p> <p class="cnNlMDI3YjY1YzgzZDQ2ZDY4ZjU0YTg3MjM3ZTc1Nzk5">" Haa..I hate historyy~ Oh well, Listen carefully, I'm about to give you a veryyy detailed history class so, take notes~ *Ahem* Since time immemorial, the gods were born with their<strong> [Authority]</strong> which, in a nutshell, allows them to do all sorts of nature defying and law bending acts of Avesta! However, they became arrogant and complacent, went on to play with the affairs of mortals and finally descended upon great Gaia to wreak havoc and create chaos all in the name of "entertainment.", she stopped and took a breather. </p> <p class="cnNkZGJjMDdiMWE1ZjQ5OTdhYTA1ZTIyNDk3NTNkMmIx"> </p> <p class="cnM0ODJmZTYxNzU1YTRhODA4OTJmMTkzNGIxMDNmNDI5">" They thought themselves to be Supreme! Unsurpassable Existances! Yet, you humans managed to kill one of them! Though he was just a low rank god, it was a magnificent spectacle indeed. The gods narcisissim shattered, and they grew weary of the mortals. Years into the future, the gods were slowly building up their forces and created their organisation under their respective mythology, lead by the Godkings and Divine Kings."</p> <p class="cnNlZDdjNWRiMjQzYjRmZmU4M2Q0ZTc4NGFjN2JkMTJl"> </p> <p class="cnMwMmE4OWUyZDkyOTQ2N2FhNTU2MzJkNGM1MTc3OWZl">"Later, after establishing a base of operations and network system, they came to the existance of <strong> [Abominations],</strong> mortals that had the power to kill them single handedly."</p> <p class="cnM1ZjQ1Mjc5MjM1MjQ0NGRiN2U2MzIyN2I1ZWFhYTE1"> </p> <p class="cnM3ZjZhMGM1OGQ3NTQ4Y2ZhMTgxMmVhM2M3Y2U1ZjY5">" To cut the long story short, you have the blood of an abomination and since you defeated the god's will, aka me, you're in control of that smelly god's [Authority] albeit a few limitations~ But, you can ignore the limitation for a period if...", she stopped her serious explanation and instead, wore a lusty expression.</p> <p class="cnNlNjZjM2Q5ODA1MTQ5ZTBhZWQ4NzgxNjYzYmIxMDc0"> </p> <p class="cnMzMDU5MGMyNDFjZDQ0MGNiODJkNGIxYTA1MWY4NWYx">" If what." I asked, a frown gradually appearing on my face, the more this overbearing women talks.</p> <p class="cnNiMmFkNGY2MzA3NjQwZjk5ZjdmZTU1NGYwNWJiOTQx"> </p> <p class="cnNhNDAxOTVmMDFiODQ5N2FiMjMxYmYxMjgyZjQ5ZDBk">" If you sleep with me!" Her pitch hightened and her body twitched, anticipating my answer.</p> <p class="cnMyNDVjOGRkZTFkYzQ1NjNhZGIzYmM3YzRiYzU0MDc4"> </p> <p class="cnM0YmExNGEyMDZkMjQ5YWQ4Mjc1Njg1NmRmMjE1NTA3">To sum up, There are organisations for gods and I currently posess the blood of the very few things that can actually kill them... And,since I kill that fallen god, I now possess the fallen god's [Authority] and can use it to my will but with a limit. However, I can ignore the limit if I sleep with her...</p> <p class="cnMxYTM4OTE3ZTQ1YzRlZTk5NDJhMzZhOTYxYzk1ZTA5"> </p> <p class="cnNiMjgyYjNmMzU2YjQyN2M5Nzc2Y2U2M2YxY2UxYTIw">" Fuck no. ", I cursed as her lusty, expecting expression was replaced with a depressed one.</p> <p class="cnNlYTgzMmVhZDViNjQzZWNhOWI2ZDUzOGM5MTAxOWYz"> </p> <p class="cnM4MDNmMWQyNWUwYjQzNzA5NWFlOTk1OGQ5ZjUwNjU3">I may be thirsty for power, even more so in this OP mythology/post apocalyptic-infested world..</p> <p class="cnM1NTEzM2YzYzY4YTQxODE4ZGMyYmFhMTU5ZmNhYmYy"> </p> <p class="cnNiODBlYWEzMTZiNzRhNmY5NzI2ZTlhNjM1MzE4MmQ0">But.</p> <p class="cnMwNjU1YTE0MDRkNTQ3ZmM5YTRjNmI4YTUzNjY2MzQ0"> </p> <p class="cnMwNTRjNzU4ZTNjMDRlZjFhYTk1ODY5MmNlNzFkYmUz">I have my own pride and dignity. Futhermore, a HighKing does not sleep with harlots, no?</p> <p class="cnNmYzc5MDU1ZWIwNjQ1MDdiZTliNjE1YzQ1OTQzMmIy"> </p> <p class="cnNkYjQyZTZkNjFjYzQ1NDdiZjhkNzRlZGVkYTk0NjE3">" Mu~ Fine. You'll come around anyway... Ah right, since you have subdued me, I am now considered as a possession of yours. Be weary~ *Ahem* Well then, tell me what you wish of me to do, oh king of mine.", she declared as her kness touched the ground and her head dropped in submission.</p> <p class="cnMzZmZlZGVkNjg1MjQyZWY4N2VjNjA4ZjRhNDRiYjk4"> </p> <p class="cnNjY2FlOWRiMThmOTQwNDJiZWY3NzBiZTNkZTdhYTcw">Holy shit, So I got a will of a god as my subject, futhermore someone who can act as a well of information..Perfect.</p> <p class="cnM5OTcwMDgzY2ExYzQ4MWM5NGM1YWQ2ODFkMmZkZWI5"> </p> <p class="cnM3ZGVlMmM2ZTllMDQ2MDI4OTRmOTZlZTZmOTAzYzM2">"..Take me out of here. Also, Change the damn scenery. It bores me. ", I ordered.</p> <p class="cnNlYWEwYjIwZTJmODQ0ZTk5YzUxODUxOGM5ZmUxMzEy"> </p> <p class="cnNmNWRkNGFlNDg4ODRkZmVhNWE4ZmE0MjJiYzc3OGEy">In response, she raised her head up and looked at me with eyes that were filled with nothing but devotion and love..with a little bit of lust, of course.</p> <p class="cnM1ZDU5ZjhlMWE0ZTQyZjliNmUzN2ZmYThhZmQ1YTg4"> </p> <p class="cnNjZjc3NmYyMDJmYzQ0ZWI5OTA0MTBjNDcxMzMyMTMw">" As you so desire, my king." she responded with a smile and clicked her fingers.</p> <p class="cnNjNTU4NzJiODczNjQyMmRhZjVkYjQ1ODIwZjUyNmM2"> </p> <p class="cnM5NzhhOWM5ZmNlZjQ3Zjk5YTVlNzgyY2Q2YjRmOWQ5">The scenery around me morphed into a swirl of red and purple as I felt my conscious returning back to my material body.</p> <p class="cnMzYzQwZGVlMDUxYzRmMGU4ZTUxYWI1N2YwMGYwNzgy"> </p> <p class="cnM5ZmVmMDFkNjg0MzQ4YjBiNjkzZDA3MDg0MDY3YWVm"> </p> <p class="cnMwZDgxNzJjZmE2NDRlMGFiNzM0YjQ3NzE3NWZlM2U3"> </p> <p class="cnM1MmQ1ZWI1ZWExOTRiMjRiMWQzNGY1N2YyM2QxNzE0"> </p> <p class="cnNmZjU4Nzg0YWQ1NTQ4ZjY5NjRiMDVhZDhlOGFhNTRh"> </p> <p class="cnM2MjdhYzZkNjU4ZTQ1YjdhOGI1ZDRkZjk2MzY2NGJi"> </p> </div>
Okay, where the heck am I? The terrain is unknown. Plain, Other than the waves of blood red sand that laid beneath me, and the sky that shone with an eerie purple glow, accompanied by a foolishly grinning moon. Hmm, I remeber killing the sinful god with my spear and...Ah! That black mist! After that, we ended up in a tug of war, trying to take control, of course I won. But then, I got wrapped up in a cocoon...and fainted. Yup, that's pretty much what I can remember...Well, I guess I'll start mapping out this place, who knows if there's another Entity lurking around. As I was about to walk arounf and start mapping, a flirty but somewhat *familiar* voice rang out in this desolate desert. " Hey there~ What's a cutie like you doing here? ", the unknown being said. I immediately leapt back and took my distance from the unknown voice. Tsk, I couldn't even sense it! Ahh for fucks sake, it's just one thing after another. I tried to call my beloved spear to bless with courage and power and grant it the task of tasting blood.. Yet, It didn't answer my call. I tried again and, again but it was the same result for all of my attempts. Failure. I demanded my authority over my elements to come forth..yet once again, *Failure*. I glared at the culprit as I slowly scanned her figure. She was..for lack of better terms, divine. A wild mane of black slept on her head, extending it's limbs onto the small of her back. She wore a simple red toga with curses drawn all over her perfect hourglass figure. Sinister eyes that glowed red, a pixie's nose and full, black-coloured lips only served to prove that the lady before me was someone that was of high origin. In contrast to my shock, the culprit simply stood there, amused at my failed endeavours. " Ah-ah. That's not gonna work. This is my domain, you know~ Which means you can't do anything without my a-p-p-r-o-v-a-l.", she said vocalising each alphabet. " Explain, Creature.", I demanded, my body slightly crouching and fists extended out, adopting one of my self-made fist styles. Even if she looks more beautiful than anyone I've seen, I know better than to judge a book by its cover. After all, the way my past life's ended can serve as a proof to my testament. " Hmm~, Ah right. Hintt! What a wonderful tug of war that was, yes? " , the lady smirked. " Hehe, you looked soo *delectable* fighting off against my possesion~ I'm getting hot thinking about it." Th-This woman is insane! She! She's touching herself right in front of me! No, stop. Bad Aiko. Focus. Think. Ignoring the moans that's coming out of her mouth, I quickly recomposed myself and regulated my breathing. Hmm, She said " tug of war" and "possesion". And, her voice does sounds like that fallen god...Umu~ The only logical conclusion I can come to is that she's the will of that god.. " Oy minstrel, are you that defeated god's will? ", I grudgingly asked. She ignored my question as she continued on with her...touching and finally reaching her climax before throwing a smirk at me. " Ma~ It took you long enough~ Ah. Were you playing dumb just to see me touch myself? Ne~ Ne~ If you want, there's always a spot in my chambers, you know~". " Don't speak bullcrap. Why have you bring me here? And, what for?" I enquired, looking warily at the now confirmed, will of Angra Mainyu. " Ma~ Why so serious. Haa..Little Sin here just want to know what you're gonna do with lil ol me~", she replied, the seductive slurr still present in her words. I glared at the annoying smirk still present on her face while the silence and tension grew thick between us. " What do you mean?", I asked. In response, she looked tired and a bit pissed off that she would have to clarify what was considered the abhorrent torture, also known as, filler. " Haa..I hate historyy~ Oh well, Listen carefully, I'm about to give you a veryyy detailed history class so, take notes~ *Ahem* Since time immemorial, the gods were born with their **[Authority]** which, in a nutshell, allows them to do all sorts of nature defying and law bending acts of Avesta! However, they became arrogant and complacent, went on to play with the affairs of mortals and finally descended upon great Gaia to wreak havoc and create chaos all in the name of "entertainment.", she stopped and took a breather. " They thought themselves to be Supreme! Unsurpassable Existances! Yet, you humans managed to kill one of them! Though he was just a low rank god, it was a magnificent spectacle indeed. The gods narcisissim shattered, and they grew weary of the mortals. Years into the future, the gods were slowly building up their forces and created their organisation under their respective mythology, lead by the Godkings and Divine Kings." "Later, after establishing a base of operations and network system, they came to the existance of **[Abominations],** mortals that had the power to kill them single handedly." " To cut the long story short, you have the blood of an abomination and since you defeated the god's will, aka me, you're in control of that smelly god's [Authority] albeit a few limitations~ But, you can ignore the limitation for a period if...", she stopped her serious explanation and instead, wore a lusty expression. " If what." I asked, a frown gradually appearing on my face, the more this overbearing women talks. " If you sleep with me!" Her pitch hightened and her body twitched, anticipating my answer. To sum up, There are organisations for gods and I currently posess the blood of the very few things that can actually kill them... And,since I kill that fallen god, I now possess the fallen god's [Authority] and can use it to my will but with a limit. However, I can ignore the limit if I sleep with her... " Fuck no. ", I cursed as her lusty, expecting expression was replaced with a depressed one. I may be thirsty for power, even more so in this OP mythology/post apocalyptic-infested world.. But. I have my own pride and dignity. Futhermore, a HighKing does not sleep with harlots, no? " Mu~ Fine. You'll come around anyway... Ah right, since you have subdued me, I am now considered as a possession of yours. Be weary~ *Ahem* Well then, tell me what you wish of me to do, oh king of mine.", she declared as her kness touched the ground and her head dropped in submission. Holy shit, So I got a will of a god as my subject, futhermore someone who can act as a well of information..Perfect. "..Take me out of here. Also, Change the damn scenery. It bores me. ", I ordered. In response, she raised her head up and looked at me with eyes that were filled with nothing but devotion and love..with a little bit of lust, of course. " As you so desire, my king." she responded with a smile and clicked her fingers. The scenery around me morphed into a swirl of red and purple as I felt my conscious returning back to my material body.
{ "title": "These Games of Ours (Old)", "id": 20642, "author": "Mr.Bloody Panda", "rating": 3.8 }
{ "title": "Interlude: Chapter Thirty Five", "id": 305500, "next": 365691, "prev": 302927, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5YTVjYWJiNTQxYzQ5ZDg5YWYzMjEzZGI2NDExMGUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">s</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDk1ZWViNDYwNjQxMDdhYWE0NjViYmZhNzkxOTVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Bearl ahead,” the Rogue said, his face twisted.</span></p> <p class="cnNjY2JmMGM3MGM4ZTQ4ZDhhMjlhOWE1OWYzZGIxMGQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Let me see,” 663 said, and moved ahead. He stuck close to the tree as he searched for the Bearl. The rest of the party did likewise, albeit not as delicately.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMWVlY2M5YjdiNzRhMzNhZTM2MTg2YWUxMTA2YjZi"><span style="font-weight: 400"> It did not take long to find it. The Bearl was level 52, and similar to a typical bear: enormous, at least three meters, and with sharp claws. Bearls, however, had skinner limbs, longer bodies, and a smaller head. Their fur was was light and their weight much lower, but they were much quicker and agile, as well as reasonably intelligent, and thus were known to be more deadly than bears.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZWFiMDU1MmFhYzRmMjJhY2E5ZTM0YmFmZWI1ZmRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was smacking and slicing gray kid-sized creatures with each claw and tooth. They were goblinoids named Ash Goblins, the tallest of them barely topping five feet, and were all hovering around level 20. Instead of shriveled skin, these variants were agile and full of muscle.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMzI3OWU5ODc0MDQxNWRhMzA0YzY4ZWIwMDNiMDFi"><span style="font-weight: 400"> They danced around the Bearl, stabbing at its back with their spears and daggers. When they were struck by the back of the Bearl's paw, the Ash Goblins were smart enough to bounce back with the strike. When they were struck by its claws, they simply fell apart.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZGMyZmQ3NGNhZDQ1ZGNhOTQ4NDA0YmQ0ZTIyNWJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Who’s winning?” 666 said, spitting to the side. “Can’t see from all the bloody chaos.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NmU3NDg4NzZjZTQ3N2FiNzJmYjZjMGRkNDg5NjIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The Ash Goblins. They’re wearing it down,” 663 said.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNzQxZTE1OTcwMTQzZTBiNjI2NmIyZWE2YmUyYzA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">The Ash Goblins were in a five-one formation. There was only a single Ash Goblin that struck in close proximity to the Bearl’s buttocks, and only his attacks seemed to dig deep enough. The five that circled the Bearl provided constant harassment to the Bearl from all sides, with spears and maces, distracting it and sometimes switching with the first Ash Goblin.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYjQzYmVjMDgzZjQ5OTg4N2M1YjY3M2YyZGMyYjll"><span style="font-weight: 400">Curiously enough, the Ash Goblin that went in became much stronger, moving with greater speed and slashing with greater power. Life Force was visible in great concentrations on his body, so much that his skin nearly became yellow.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMDgxYzMzNWJhNzQwZjFhMzZiYTJiODlhOGZhOTFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We’ll clean up after,” 663 decided. “Easy points for the taking if we play it smart. Can kill them all.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4MGE1MDAxODUxZDQ3MjViMTRjNWQ4NmY3YjE3OTJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No,” Nilbog said. He received a few glances for that. “There is no such thing as easy points.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhZmIyOGIwMjNkMzRkM2I4OWNjYmIxNzIyYWVlZjQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Kid, just because you got a lil’ bit of talent doesn’t mean you know shi-”</span></p> <p class="cnNmMTg2ODYyMzJiYzQ1NTNiMWZmZjY1ZjNiNjJkMzJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ashe Goblins travel in large packs. This could be only one squad, with another on the way. If we go in we might get ambushed.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxOTYwZjZiNWVhMjQ0YmVhZjA5YjRlYmY4ODRlOTRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No,” 663 said. “Ash Goblins are ranked D+. Bearls are ranked C- mini-bosses. We won’t get another perfect opportunity like this. We need to get stronger now, or everyone will out level us.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ODY4ZDM1YjI2MDRkZTViYWYyYzczNjdjY2Q5YWM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“But isn’t this strange, for us to </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">just wander</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> into this by chance? There are </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">no </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">perfect opportunities; only hardships and traps! We’re supposed to survive, not kill everything we see." Nilbog said, breathing heavily. How could he explain it?&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM5MjZkNTljMmE2YzQxYzg4NDEzODExOWI2MzA0MTZk"><span style="font-weight: 400"> 663 twisted his head further, closely inspecting Nilbog. He was already suspicious. “How would you know that? Regardless, we have to take the risk. Let them tire themselves out more,” he said.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNjQwMjdlZWU4ODRiMGQ5ODA1NDFhNDlkMzIyNmY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You’re forgetting about the force field behind us. We daddle too much here and we’ll be caught in it.” 664 said.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NGE2YjA5N2ZkNzQ4ZjY5MWI5YTg2OTlhZDVjNzRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Good point. We’ll move </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">now</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">,” 663 said sharply.</span></p> <p class="cnM3OGI5ZTNiZjNjODQxNDFiMzNlZGVjNDIwODhiMTJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">The rest followed 663 as he moved away. 664 stood behind, looking towards the rest of the group and back. “Coming?” he said. </span></p> <p class="cnNlYjYwMDFhMmI4MTRkNzRiMDQwNjdjYWZhMWQ1NzAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">After a pause, Nilbog nodded his head. He was stuck with them. Going off on his on would be suicidal. He'd learned his lesson about going solo.&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM5YTk2ZDMxNzkxMDQxNGNhZTA0YjVmMDM5MDkwZWFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">He glanced at his body with apprehension, realizing how he was already shaking. At first, he thought it was the cold, but the tight choke around his heart told him otherwise. It beat deep and with a tight burn, sending vomit up his throat. He placed his hand over the rough cotton of his shirt, attempting to calm himself.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZTMzYjdkNjdiMjQ4NzY5ZjUzN2Q3NGFmYTg1YTkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">He heard a humming.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZTkwM2FiNDczYTQ1OTA4MGQ1M2I2Yzg0N2Q4NDhm"><span style="font-weight: 400">His head snapped around, looking up and down, but finding nothing. A few birds chirped high above, the wind ruffled the branches, and a few small lizards scuttled from one bush to the other, but nothing else.</span></p> <p class="cnNjOWJhY2YzNWQxNTRmYzBhNTIzNjlkZDY5NTUwYzQw"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Paranoid. Paranoid about everything. </span></em></p> <p class="cnM4ZjM5MGZiNGRkYTRjNTc4YTMzMjQwMjdhMDEzNjBj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Hopefully, he was wrong--wrong about everything. Wouldn’t be the first time.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYzE3YWMyYmRhYzQxOTc5NmIyMDk4Mjg1MzIyNjI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nilbog moved with the rest of his group, getting close as 663 began to outlay the plan.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYTkwYjU0MDdkMjQwOGNhZTUwN2YwMjliOWZkNGQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Before we kill the Bearl, we need to kill the Ash Goblins. They’re the more intelligent creatures. From my </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Intel </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">skill, it looks like Ash Goblin’s use a group skill--the one in the center of them becomes very powerful.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzZDI2ODkwYjc1MzQzZTA4MzE0YzkyODNiYmYxODBh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So how do we do it?” 664 asked. </span></p> <p class="cnNmZjA5ZmU2ZDJkNDQ5MTE4OGVjNmJmMzRlZTNlNzQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Simple. Because their skill requires one goblin to be in the middle, all we have to do is attack from one side. It will break their skill. We’ll keep the Bearl in the middle, it should be aggroed by the goblins more. 665, you stay watch--667 made a good point. Let us know if you see anyone coming. Rest normal formation.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjMjViODUyZTk4OTRjMDA4NTU0ODNmMzEwODBlZjlm"><span style="font-weight: 400">After checking with every party member, 663 began a countdown. Everyone used their skills then.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNDZiMjU1YTA5ODQxMzdiNjQwMDE1MjExYzI2MjIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">The two warriors used </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Life Force Empowerment</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">. For capping a percentage of their Life Force, and depending on the variant of the skill, they gained roughly 20-50% bonuses towards all parameters. It was the basic and most powerful skill open to Life Force users, and Nilbog could not use it.</span></p> <p class="cnM4OGIxNmJmODdmNjQ0OWU5ZDg4MzRlM2ZmYzIzNjZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">663 cast a different spell. Instead of into his body, Life Force began to ooze </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">out </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">of his body and into the spear until it shimmered a bright yellow. He was an External Life Force user. Instead of buffing his own body, he expelled Life Force into buffs, attacks, or enchanting of armor and weapons.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMGM1ZjllYmVhMTQ0MjU5NDFkYTNlOWUxMTVjN2Qx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Everyone sprinted out of the bushes, warriors in front, Nilbog on the side. </span></p> <p class="cnM1ZGFkYTBjNDVlYTRiMWE5OWE0MTUxYzczYTY1ZDYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">As they ran towards the Ash Goblins, yellow rays burst up from 663 and honed in on everyone around him.</span></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNmYjgwZWYzODdiYTQ3ZDdhOTA4M2RhNmE0NGQ1YTcz" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-size: 1.5em"><strong>Quick Maneuvers</strong></span></p> <p class="cnMzMTljYzM2NmUyOTQxZjhiN2VhMjIyYzcwMDQ3MDdi" style="text-align: center"><strong>Movement towards enemies is increased by 20%.</strong></p> <p class="cnM5YmUzMTFlNTA4ODQ4NjVhNzg1YzU5YzE1NDI3ZGQw" style="text-align: center"><strong>Reduce the effects of slows by 50%, and other Crowd Control abilities by 20%.</strong></p> <p class="cnM4OGVjYjJiMWVkMDRiNDJiMGM3OWI0N2NiYmIzNzg3" style="text-align: center"><strong>After 30 seconds, <em>Quick Maneuvers </em>will be reduced by 50%.</strong></p> <p class="cnNhNTkzMTM5NTVmMzQ1MjM5YzljMDUwYjhhNzAzODlm" style="text-align: center"><strong>Duration: The effects will decay over 1 minute.</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNjOTQwOWU4NTVhYjQwMTc4ZTIyZTEzZGMyMzUzMmEy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwYjZiZmJmNDgwNzQ5YjQ5YzNkYjU2YjI2YmM2MzBj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Speed&nbsp;coursed through Nilbog’s legs as he ran. </span></p> <p class="cnNlM2RjODdjNTU5YTQyMzJhZDJhMTZmNmJkZjcyMDdm"><span style="font-weight: 400">The </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Quick Maneuver </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">buff had a cooldown double its duration, and did not overlap with other </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Maneuver </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">buffs. </span></p> <p class="cnM4YWFiMTQ1YzQzOTRmNWJhMjZlZTkwNDhjYWM4MjJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">But even with the Speed bonus, the Ash Goblins were too far away. The Ash Goblins closest to them noticed, and quickly began to move.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MWNjNjlmNTY1YzRmZTU4MWI4ZDc1NmJhMWU3ZTNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Once 663 got into range though, he used another one of his class skills: </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Debilitating Zone. </span></em></p> <p class="cnM5M2YzYjc5MjEzZjQyMzNhMjE0ZGNhNDQ1YWQwZTFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">He threw the spear into the air, landing near the Ash Goblins.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMTIyNmQwYzJlODQ2MWZiZjkxNmZiMjlhNDdjY2Q1"><span style="font-weight: 400">A brown spherical field popped up from the point of impact. It was approximately 10 meters wide, and it slowed all creatures within. The slow would have been 30%, but 663 bought an add-on which increased it to 50%.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NTdmNzAyOTkxZjRjNDU5ZTM2OTM4Njg1Zjg3YWY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">It would have been a horrible skill if it weren’t for </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Quick Maneuvers </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">reduction of slows. Strictly speaking, while the net worth of the skill provided 25% increased Speed for the party members, the range allowed it to initiate fights. </span></p> <p class="cnMyNzAyZjBkODk0YTRiYThiZWNiMTFkYmZiODFlZmQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Three Ash Goblins and the Bearl were caught in the radius, though because of its size and level, it seemed that the skill’s effects were dramatically reduced. </span></p> <p class="cnMzZmQzOTFjZjk5ZTRmZjdhZTFjNjA4YmE2NjIzZTdl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nilbog had the lowest Brawn and Speed, both because of his low level and inability to use Life Force to boost his body. He was </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">skillful</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, making the most out of his stats, but he still had the worst combat capacities. His low Brawn made fighting against armored foes difficult, as he couldn’t penetrate through armor. </span></p> <p class="cnM5YjdhODNhOGNiMDRkMDJiMjJkOWRjZjMwMzNmYzU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Because of that, he was the one that usually ended up taking either the most risk or STM wasting jobs.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNjY5NWZlZDcwMTQwNzc4YTBhZTI3YmQ4ZjcwYThm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Putting the most effort&nbsp;into it, Nilbog reached them first. He entered the zone. It felt like running underwater, but with the enormous difference in speed, and with&nbsp;goblins backs turned, the kill was easy. He leaped forward stabbing with both daggers at each side of the neck. The goblin fell to the ground with him on top of it. Nilbog quickly sprung up, letting it bleed to death.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYWU2YTM4NDZlNTQwNTU4Mjg4MDAzNTNlMTM1Zjlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Another Ash Goblin was caught by 666’s </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Life Force Slash</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, but the third escaped the radius.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ODNlZjQ4MjkxMTRjYjI4MTA0YWJiZjZlMjA2ODEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Good work!” 663 yelled, lifting the spear off from the ground. The </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Zone </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">was quickly sucked into the spear. “Their skill is down. Be steady!” </span></p> <p class="cnMyNGExZDIwYjk0ODQ0YzU4NjcwYzBhZjE5Zjk5NTUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was the right call. With their skill off, they no longer had a super buffed goblin to contest the Bearl’s strikes. It ignored everyone behind it and stepped forward, striking down the goblins. </span></p> <p class="cnNmODJhNjI3OGJlOTQ0ZmE5ODAwODI4MTgwMmE1ZTEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Now!” 666 yelled. </span></p> <p class="cnNmMmJiOGM5OTEzMjRjYzZhYzFjYmY0YTBiMGQ1NzIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">663 was supposed to make the call, but having no choice but to follow 666, everyone charged in, stabbing and using their skills on the back of the Bearl. </span></p> <p class="cnM2MTcwYmI0YzQwMTQ4YTc5MTBiMzg3YWRjMjJhZjI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">666 used </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Power Attack. </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">After charging his sword up for a few seconds, the explosive power was multiplied. The blade pierced through the Bearl’s fur, bursting within. </span></p> <p class="cnM4Zjg3Mjk0ZWE1MjQ0MjNiODRiMWQ5M2M1YmJhNWMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">663 used a class skill called </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Leader’s Target</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, boosting the buffs of his&nbsp;</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Maneuver </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">skills against the Bearl,</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">&nbsp;</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">among a 10% debuff to Armor and Spirit. Because the spear penetrated, however, the debuff increased to 20%.&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM2NTQ5ZTI4MDgxOTRkZWY5NDRkNjE5MTE2NTg4YzIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">664, only having invested in his External Life Force branch, simply stabbed in with all his strength and the momentum he has built up, piercing through.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYWFmZDhkZmZjNjRkMDU5OGJhY2Y0ZWNkOGViMzQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nilbog did not strike--his weapon was too short and there was no space to strike at its back.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NzZjNmI3NWQ4OTRhNWQ5YzBjYTU3OGM1MmU4YmEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">The Bearl howled, taking one step forward and swiping backward. 664 was unable to step back in time, but he was able to receive the strike on his shield. It blew him away a couple of feet back, denting the metal. </span></p> <p class="cnM0OWE4OTA0YTk3NDQzODc4NTY1YmZiOGIxNmZmZTA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Behind the Bearl, the three surviving Ash Goblins did not stop running. Hoping that they would not return, Nilbog ran behind it, taking their spot.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZGYyZDBhYThkNjQ1NWRiNjIzY2MxY2Q1NmJhOWVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was a wreck. Its brown fur turned a wet red from the Ash Goblins strikes, and most notably 666’s </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Power Attack</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">. Its movement slowed as it trundled forward, but its range was still long and it packed a strong punch.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZWMwNDcyNTdlNzRjM2I5OTkyODc1YzQyYzA3ZDlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Even with the range 663 was unable to strike with his spear without being vulnerable to an attack. The two warriors defended with their shields, stepping back each time the Bearl swung horizontally, and completely jumped out of the way for vertical attacks--there was too much weight behind them. </span></p> <p class="cnMxZjMwOWRjOGQ4MDQ2OTA5YWQyMjU3YzNlM2Q0NWQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Meanwhile, Nilbog stayed at its back, harassing it with his daggers. Piercing through its fur would have been a tall order, but considering the many holes and slashes leftover from previous attacks, his dagger was able to make it bleed further than usual.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNWI1ZWM5NmE0MTQ2ZDc4NzU0NTM1MWFlYmFlNjgx">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnMxMzQ4MDk5NjMzOTQ2ZDA4OWI1NDJlNTFlYTQ0MWE2" style="text-align: center"><strong>Minor Penetration!</strong></p> <p class="cnM3NmE5NGQ4NTVkZDQxZDVhYTExNWQ1MThlZmI4ZWZi" style="text-align: center"><strong>You have dealt 10 damage!</strong></p> <p class="cnNiNzYwZmI5MDc5NDQ0OGQ4YzY1YjQ2YjlmYWJhMWZi" style="text-align: center"><strong>You have extended the bleed status effect!</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM2NzJiM2IzY2ZlZTQ5YTFiOTVhMjlhODIzOTFmZmQ5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxNmViM2I5YzFjYjQzZTlhYmNlYWE2MjViZDQ0MTAy"><span style="font-weight: 400">They made some good damage until the Bearl stepped sideways and turned, swiping at Nilbog with its claw. With his </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Dodge </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">skill, including the 5% add-on he bought, he was able to duck below the strike, and then step sideways as its other claw struck vertically. Its paws smashed the ground and while its chest and neck were wide open, Nilbog was unable to take advantage of it.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNzEwNmZmNGY3MzQ4NjViNzY1YjMxNWVjYTE4MTJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">His daggers had too little range, and its jaws could easily snap forward and take a chunk off his skull if he wasn’t careful. </span></p> <p class="cnM5Yzg1ZmFmYWNiNjQ5YzE5YWM1MjUwOThiYmI0NjE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Instead, he let his three-party mates wreak havoc on its back. Even with all its injuries, its strikes were still deadly.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYmEwMGYwZTQxMjRjNTRhZWVlOWIzMGUzNmFmOGVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was twice his level. Unlike the others, he had no </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Empowerment </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">to make his skin hard as iron. For them, being struck meant their buffs would be reduced. For Nilbog, it meant death.</span></p> <p class="cnMyN2RmYmI1YjIwODQzYzM5MDhmM2M2Nzk0YmNjM2Jj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Finding that Nilbog kept his distance, the Bearl dropped to all four limbs and attempted to breakthrough.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYmYxMGFkZDc4MjQwNTk5ZTY2NTdlMTk3MjVjM2U3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Everyone followed, but while they ran the Bearl stabbed and swung at them, aiming under and above their shields. </span></p> <p class="cnMxMjk1OTk4YTFhODRlYTc5YjNjNTRmNDE1YWI4ZmJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">This was the main reason hunting intelligent monsters were commonly avoided, no matter their level; the moment their lives were in danger they </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">ran </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">like hell.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NTA4MDE5OGFlMjQ1OTQ5YTA2YmY3ODBjYjY4Nzk0"><span style="font-weight: 400">666’s early call had put them into a dire situation, and 663 had not regained enough Life Force for any other skill. &nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNjOGQxYmY5Zjg4NzRlZWY4NmE3MzRjNTA0OTE3MTk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">The Bearl would have escaped, but 664 stepped up. He dropped his shield and sprinted after the beast, yellow Life Force aura coursing through his body. It boosted his Speed and Brawn high enough for him to leap over the Bearl’s swipe, and land on top of its back with his sword going straight in. </span></p> <p class="cnM4NzA0OGYzYWM0ODRjYjNhYTczNzY1MGU5ZDg2Yjk1"><span style="font-weight: 400">He rode the beast as it roared. It attempted to shake him off but the sword was too far deep and did not budge. When that didn’t work, the Bearl jumped sideways, attempting to crush him under its back.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MzVkMDkzNjI3YzQ4YzNhMDIwZjFmYTM2ZjE5NzM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Only when its hind legs left the floor did 663 jump, leaving his sword behind. He fell and rolled across the dirt, dazed.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZGYxNGQxNzU4NzQ1ZjFhNTFkN2ZjYzhjZWQ4YWY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Another cry resounded as his sword plunged deeper into its body, bending as it trolled, but the pain only made it quicker. It lept from its&nbsp;back to its legs, and straight into 666’s second </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Power Attack. </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">He had jumped, and with the momentum of his sprint his sword pierced the beast's neck and exploded within, discharging red fog from its eyes and ears.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZDNhZWU3YWY0YzRiNTg5MGQ4NTA3OWU4NzRkMjUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Fucking thing won’t go dow-” 666 said, falling to his tiptoes moments before it the Bearl’s paws smacked into his left side, sending him flying for a couple of good meters.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOWM3NzFhOGViMjQ0YmJhZjgzNGQ0ZDVlYzUzZTQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Its other paw lifted up into the air before 664’s bareback, but before it could bring it down a spear went through one of its eye sockets and came out at the other side, nearly cutting Nilbog as he stabbed his daggers into the back of its neck.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNDQyZmZlMjNmOTQzYzJiNzA3N2Q2NTJlOTQ5ODE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">The beast stuttered a few steps forward before it fell backward, a low squeal escaping its broken throat.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYmVkOWM1NTFjMjRlYWFhMTc3ZTNlZWFhYTdlMjI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nilbog fell on his butt, panting as the dust cleared. He looked around but didn’t find any of the Ash Goblins. His vision wasn’t great, things were a blur at a distance, but the pale white trees and skimpy grass in this area did not provide much cover, either. If there was an ambush then it would have happened by now.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNDVmZmJjNmU2YzQ2ZjE4MmJlNWZkMjY0MjZmOWI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">He heard the humming again. It was louder and resounded in his skull, but Nilbog couldn’t see anything. His head only hurt.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNGU3ZDhiZmFmZjRmM2ViOGQ1NjE0ZDAzOTcxMTQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Fucking hell. Imagine if it was full HP when got here,” 666 said, rubbing his left shoulder. The yellow aura that was covering his body was diminished now. Damage lowered</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Empowerment’s </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">effects and duration. He kicked the Bearl’s head, spitting into one its burst eye sockets. </span></p> <p class="cnM1NjdjZTY3ZGQyMjRlNDJhZjNlMGQ3YTI5NzBjMjc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Worth it though,” 664 said, getting up. “Got good levels for that. Level&nbsp;39 now.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxMjgzNTdjNzdmMTQ5OWVhNjQ1MTk3YWRmZGQ4NjY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It would have been easier if we waited. I thought we were going to leave the calls for me, 666?” 663 said, folding his arms. A triangle with an open chest icon hovered over the Bearl’s corpse. &nbsp;He bent next to the Bearl’s body, channeling the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">loot </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">skill.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYjY1ODRmOGU0YzQ4NWY5MmQwM2UxZTEzNTNkNWI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Saw a chance, and I took it. We get more experience for the damage we deal.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmNzUyOGE3NjNlZDQyN2JhMGMzYmY3NzQ5YWY4NDQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We lost a lot of Life Force for it! We also took injuries, and we’re barely a quarter way through the Mission.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2MTQ5OThjMzE3ZjRjN2RiODdkYmM1ODI5MTMyODRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">666 shrugged, picking up his sword.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZWNmYThlMDAyNDRlMzlhMWRmMWU1YjlkNDQ3YzBh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Whatever,” 663 said a blue orb floated from the Bearl’s body. “A rare Life Force orb. Says will regenerate 50% of our maximum Life Force if used out of combat, and 25% if in combat. Status report?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwYmQ2OGQzNWE5NzQ4ZmVhZTdhNWVhZDZjNGQ5OWFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“HP 83%, STM 56%, Life Force 45%,” 664 said.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NzQ3NGQ4NmM1ODRjY2ZiMTQ0MzllMTQ2NWRjMjFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“HP 74%, STM 42%, Life Force 34%,” 666 said.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNGY0YmMyM2U2ODQ3M2JiYjA4N2FjMjI0MmRlMmEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“HP 92%, STM 64%, Life Force 52%,” Nilbog said. His Life Force report was, of course, a lie--it was 100%, but he couldn’t disclose his inability to use it. Since he had been striking from the back, everyone probably assumed he was an&nbsp;<em>External&nbsp;</em>user.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YTJmNDBmZWRiMjRlN2Q4OWJhOWQ3ZDEzZmE3Mzll"><span style="font-weight: 400">The question of why he wasn't using&nbsp;<em>Empowerment</em>&nbsp;was held back.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZjNkMTYxNGMxMzRjMzQ4NmFiMDIyMjgzMzU2YTJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We’ll leave in five minutes. This was a pretty big catch, so I think we can take a longer rest.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ODQ2NWJlZDJhODQ0YTA5YWI0ZThhMWZiMTczYzg2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“But oh man, gotta give it to them goblins,” 666 began speaking, poking the Bearl’s head with his sword. “They sure did a big one on this thing.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwMTg4NzgzNjE1YzQyY2I4NmI3NGJjNjViN2ViZDUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The theme were goblinoids Forty years ago. We have a lot of different variants since then,” 663 said, sharpening the tip of his spear with 664's whetstone. It got chipped when it penetrated the back of the Bearl’s skull. “That skill they used, where they concentrate their Life Force into one goblin, is only effective on idiots that let themselves be surrounded.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwOGMwOWJjMjM4MzQzY2Y5Mjc5MTY4NzcwMjA0ZGUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Easier than undead. We’ve been having a lot of these,” 666 said. </span></p> <p class="cnMzNzAyNTg2NWNlYjQwNTI5NTIzZjZhYjI0NjljZTY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nilbog then sprang up, his daggers at the ready. He didn’t see </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">anyone</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">. “Where is 665?” Nilbog barked. That man had such a small presence that he had completely forgotten about him. </span></p> <p class="cnNlYTdkMTA0Y2I2OTQyNWJiZjEyMzAwMDQ4ZWMyZDA5"><span style="font-weight: 400">663 looked around, and after a while, he stood up, scratching his back. “I thought he was the-” stopped speaking mid-sentence. He leaned in, staring at a tree. “Shit,” he said, and then dropped the whetstone. </span></p> <p class="cnM1ZjZjYmQ1Zjc4ZDRkMmI5ZjUzOGZkNjZjMjc0OWRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nilbog looked after him, but didn’t find anything suspicious. </span></p> <p class="cnMyYTcwMGNkYjUyZTQxN2Q5ZDE1ZGFlZTNiMmU3MWRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Goblins,” he said, quietly, and then yelled it. “Ash Goblins!” </span></p> <p class="cnNkODUyMWQxZTRiMDRlMjc4YTlhYzMxZGIyZDliNTk0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Suddenly, the trunk of the tree that Nilbog was looking at suddenly came off and began sprinting towards them. </span></p> <p class="cnM5Y2NkY2M0MWJiZTRiOWNhZWRhYjE1NzMzOGE4ZGI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was the Ash Goblins. They had a </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Comfloague </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">skin, turning the color of their skin to match the trees. </span></p> <p class="cnNkZTI3YmUwNmExZjQzNzZhZjU3ZTY2MmRkY2RlMGVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">And there were a lot of them. Nilbog spotted 3 before he began running. He didn’t know where the rest were, everything was a blur.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYzI1YjM3NGQ1OTQzYmE4MmIzMGVmYmM0NGYzZmVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">666 did not. “They’re just goblins! We’ve fought higher leveled Ghouls!” </span></p> <p class="cnM0YmU1MDQ3ZjdkNzQ0YWY4MWJhMWUzM2Y2NDU0YjA5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We’re surrounded and missing a man!” 663 said, pausing for a slight moment. “We need to breakthrough!”</span></p> <p class="cnM1YmI2MjdlMTQ4MDQwMmI4Yzg1OTViNTk0NzM5NzRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">663 was right. If Nilbog’s gut feelings were correct, then they were fighting a squad of Ash Goblins in addition to the ones that had escaped. </span></p> <p class="cnM1OTc0OTQ2YjdlZTQwMTM4MDQ4MjQ4YmY1ZDc5ZDFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“There is probably six of them! We can fight!” 666 yelled, but everyone else, including Nilbog, began sprinting for their lives. Seeing that 666 caught on, but not after being separated from everyone else. He lagged behind, and while the Ash Goblins were slower, his STM and Life Force was too low. </span></p> <p class="cnNmYTVhZWZmMWM0NjQ5MjNhNzMxODI1YjIzYWQzOWJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“They’re going to catch us. Use the orb!” 664 yelled.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MjY2ZTA5MGYyZTRhNDg4MzMwMDAxYmRiODcwYmY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“They’re just goblins, we can outrun them!”</span></p> <p class="cnMyNDQzNTU1YmIzYTQ2ZjFhYzg1N2Y1YjdmNGM0OTYz">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnMyYzQ2M2VhNzI3MDRiMTlhNWIzMzY0MGM1Y2RlYjJm" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-size: 1.5em"><strong>Quick Maneuvers</strong></span></p> <p class="cnM0ZDY5Y2FmNWZiNTRkMzhiZGNmZjg5ZmU2ODhjNmQ4" style="text-align: center"><strong>Movement towards enemies is increased by 20%.</strong></p> <p class="cnM1NGZiYzZmZGYzOTRhNWU4Y2E2NjUyN2RmMzQ1ODUy" style="text-align: center"><strong>Reduce the effects of slows by 50%, and other Crowd Control abilities by 20%.</strong></p> <p class="cnMyMzRiODlhYTgzNzQ4ZDZiNDEwYjVlYjUzMDQ3ODA0" style="text-align: center"><strong>After 30 seconds, <em>Offensive Maneuvers </em>will be reduced by 50%.</strong></p> <p class="cnMyYTI4YmFhOTlhYzRlMGNhYmJlZWQ0YjhmZjFmZTRj" style="text-align: center"><strong>Duration: The effects will decay over 1 minute.</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM1OThkOTg0MmE0NDRjMDU4MDY5MjE5NTg0ZTdkYzI4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5YzJjYzgwYmM3ZDQwNzM4Y2I5Y2E5YzFjODM2NDg4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You won’t!” Nilbog yelled. “The rest are--”</span></p> <p class="cnNhMjEzMTM1ZTI3MDQ0MGU4YmRhMDcxNjI3ZDdkOTRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Before he could finish the trees ahead moved. </span></p> <p class="cnMzYzJlMDNjNWNkMTQ5YWE4YmE3NzhjYmQ0NTJmMTM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Five goblins! Two more on left, three on right!” 663 said.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDY1NjRmMGFmMDQxNDZiOGY4MWMzZjBkYTA4MGMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Intelligent creatures were always avoided, and for good reason. </span></p> <p class="cnM1YWI1ZWI1OWU2ZTRkMjM4OTk0NGJhNDRiYzAyZWNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">They knew that his path was the only way out, and had adequately prepared. They weren’t surrounded then, but now they were. When he looked behind he saw two Ash Goblins hiding behind one of the trees they had sprinted by.</span></p> <p class="cnNiN2VhOTJlODQwNjRmYzc4ZWU4YTk0YTQyMGNhM2Mw"><span style="font-weight: 400">When he looked back, he saw one goblin sprinting towards them.</span></p> <p class="cnMxM2Y5N2VkMDUwZjRmMDk5NjE0YTNhZDEzNzYxYTNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Split up!” 663 yelled, but it was too late.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZmRiYWZhYjdjYTQ0NDI5YWQ5Y2ZmNjcwODJlZDgx"><span style="font-weight: 400">The formation was complete. Simultaneously, all the Ash Goblin’s began chanting. Yellow auras burst from the goblins around them, arched into the air and then struck the goblin in the center. </span></p> <p class="cnM0NTk5YTdjZTc3ZTRiOTJhNDlhZmYwYTUwZGZjM2M0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Suddenly, its sprinting speed was twice fold. It dashed quicker than any of them, sword in hand. </span></p> <p class="cnM2ZmRhZWNhYjhjODQ2MmZhNTc2ZmE0ZDk1NTFlNzY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">664 lead the charge. When the goblin raised its sword for a slash, 664 raised his shield.</span></p> <p class="cnNlOWVjYzc0YjgxNDQwNDQ5MTMxMTRmZGFhYWExMWQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nilbog wanted to warn him, but it all went too fast for his mouth.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MWU1ZGU0YmRjNDQ2OTViZGZkZDA5ZTI1M2Y2MGUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was a feint. The goblin lowered its sword and stepped to the side.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZjk1OTQ0NjdiZDQ2ZTk4NjBiMWZkMjIzOWYyMWJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">It should have caught 664 unaware in his blindside, but the moment it stepped to the side, 664 acted instantaneously, lowering his shield and bashing the goblin in the side. </span></p> <p class="cnNmMmYyYjhlYjQ1ZTRkMGY4N2EyZWE0YzBhMjUwMWJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">It rolled past Nilbog, dragging the dirt with it.</span></p> <p class="cnM4OWUxMmFkZTkyNjQ5NjFhZDk1N2FmNGVjNmQxNDBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Either he had a skill or he was just&nbsp;that damn good.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NWNmYTg4OTkwMzQ5ZTk5MjFlYzViMjdjMDYzNWZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Breakthrough! We have a few seconds befo-”</span></p> <p class="cnM5YTZlYmUxOGY3MTQ3M2ViMzdmMTAwMDVhOWJmYTlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">With double the Ash Goblins, the transfer was quicker. The aura flew from the fallen goblin and into the next one. All the other goblins run along but did not enter the center, maintaining their skill.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MTZmMTkzZWY0YzRjZjY4ZTQ0YWY5ZmQ0NjNmOWYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Split up!” 663 yelled, and went left. 664 followed him.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNmY5MTllNzI0MzRiYWQ5ZmU3NjIzOWQyY2FmYjRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nilbog went right with 666 following behind him. </span></p> <p class="cnM5MGYwMmRiMDA1MDQzZWRiNTA3NjdhZTNmMmNmOGMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The goblins canceled the skill. Now that everyone was split, the Ash Goblins separated into two groups and chased both parties down. </span></p> <p class="cnMzZTQ3ZTRlM2NlZjQ4ZmU4ZmQwMTIwM2I1N2NjZWZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was going to be a hard battle. The goblins neared from all sides, and while they were </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">only </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">around level 30</span><span style="font-weight: 400">, they practically had the same if not more&nbsp;parameters&nbsp;than Nilbog, and there were at least five of them. It should be doable with 666, however. He was much quicker and faster. If he protected his back somehow and--</span></p> <p class="cnM3NDkwZDFmMjM1NTQzMWY4NWY4MDAzYTBjMDIzOTVk"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Seventh Sense activated</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, making his body jump as something swiped under his feet. In a fit of panic, Nilbog turned around into the back of 666’s fist. It struck his chest, throwing him off balance. He fell on his shoulder and rolled with the momentum,&nbsp;but by the time he got up there were Ash Goblins on all sides.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYzU5NDM1MDNlYTRjYmE4MTM3Y2NiNTljNDg1ZmE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Thanks kid!” Nilbog heard 666 say as he escaped, unhindered now that all the Ash Goblins had easier prey. </span></p> <p class="cnNlMDIzMDVlNDBhODQ1NTA4NWI4NTUxZjRkZjBjZGM2"><span style="font-weight: 400"> A spear landed next to him. Nilbog could never tell a happy goblin from a miserable one.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNDZhNzQ2YmFlYjQ5MzFhOGVkNjBmMDBjNjQyYWIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">This time, he could.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ODNlOTdiMDYxNDRlMTM4ZjE5MjU1NTc0NmM2YTk5"><span style="font-weight: 400">He&nbsp;stood up, glancing at his HP and STM bar. His HP was only down 20 HP, STM rested at 80, and overall STM at 487. Strangely, Nilbog wasn’t panicking. He was scared and livid, but he did not shake nor panic. It was his fault for his carelessness as much as it was 666’s cowardly nature.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYTZlMGIxYWI3NDQ5Y2VhMDZjMjg5N2Q1MGM0YjVm"><span style="font-weight: 400"> It was obvious--why would someone with higher Speed and Endurance, a Warrior, be running in the back? The bastard planned it.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMzhkY2Q5NzMzYjQ1MmZiOWQyYWI2M2VjMDMzZDVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Still, the situation wasn’t entirely hopeless. Not every goblin race was vicious and entirely vapid. It depended on the tribe.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YTQzMjU2OWYyMzQxN2VhMTY5YWFjY2U2NTkzYzU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">One of the Ash Goblins stepped forward. He was one of their senior members, Nilbog noticed, as he seemed slightly more fit than the rest of his kin. When he focused on him, a notification informing him he was level&nbsp;39 popped up.</span></p> <p class="cnMzOGJkODUxZjY0OTRiM2ZiMjM4MzgyYzhhMjMzMTk0"><span style="font-weight: 400">He spoke with stutters, spits, sniffs, and crudely made throat noses. Nilbog could not understand any of it, but he could roughly guess the situation. &nbsp;&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM1YzYwMjAwMjc2YzQzY2NhMjhjMzUyZTgwNGNmODEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nobody liked a Kill Stealer. &nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM2NzYyMGZjMzQyZjQ3MTg5NzNjNjQzNWQ5ODE1NzRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Now, the Ash Goblin seemed intent on getting revenge. It played with the dagger in his hand as the rest of the Ash Goblins gave them a wide breadth. One of the other Ash Goblins tossed a dagger towards Nilbog. They wanted to kill him and use every part of his corpse, probably eat him too, but still. It was very nice of them to do that.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MTEyNmZlODQ2NjRhNjA5NDQxNzIxNDRmYmY5ZWMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Monsters could </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">sense </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">levels, and even for them, ganging up on him seemed too much. Or maybe he was to be used as practice, Nilbog didn’t know.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYjNhNjFmNDI5YjQ3NmI4NmFmMTg2ZTIxNzRlNDQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">He picked it still, dropping his two other daggers. It no better than his daggers in a matter of stats, but this one was made out of bone. He felt oddly calm, as he did so. There was no strangling fear that made each slight movement difficult. His body was not ridden with a cold sweat nor did he feel his veins tensing.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMGU4MzU0NWE3MTQ0YmQ4NDQzNDljNTZjZTdjYzNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">They circled each other. Nilbog ignored the snarls and the taunts. The Ash Goblin stepped in, dashing his dagger in and out, but not committing to any movement. Nilbog kept his guard up, watching for its movement.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MDI5YjAwNTUwYTRlNTQ5OTYxMmI2MzJkYWMyNDgz"><span style="font-weight: 400">The Ash Goblin went in, paused as if to step back again, and then lunged forward. </span></p> <p class="cnM5NWVlM2U4YzI0OTQzMzM5NGZlYjViZmRkYmYyNzRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nilbog cleanly stepped to the side. It was higher level but it was still a monster. As long as he doesn't underestimate it, its movements were simple and predictable. &nbsp;He attempted a counter strike but the Ash Goblin’s dagger struck his stab midair and nearly disarmed him.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZjZkM2IzNDQ1NDQ5NjdhOGNkZTMwZTQyOWU3Njhm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nilbog stepped back, taking a deep breath. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">It has higher Brawn and Speed. I have to move ahead of it.</span></em></p> <p class="cnNjNGMwODQ2NDhkYTRlOGI4Nzk5MTcxZTBiMzBhMDA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Once again, the Ash Goblin turned and kept throwing slashes at Nilbog. He dodged a couple, received shallow cuts, but overall could not find a chance. There were many openings but the difference in Speed made up for the monster's mistakes.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YjFkNTVkNDlhYTQ0MDViNDY0NjhjZTI0MjkyZTRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nilbog couldn’t trade damage, either. After this one, he would probably have to duel all the other goblins. He needed to maintain his HP.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYTVjMzM5OGE4MzQ4NzFiNTIxYmVmZDAyNWI1YTUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">The humming didn’t help, either. It was all around him, now. He could almost feel it in the air, buzzing in his head.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZWE4Y2NkNWUxYjQwNzViZWFmNzc2MzE2ZWQ2OTVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Meanwhile, the Ash Gobling, the hooting and jeering of the neighboring Ash Goblins continued and rose in intensity with each aggressive movement by the Ash Goblin, propelling him forward in aggressiveness.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZWM0MmRhMzQ2MzQyMDFhMDNiNTE2MjVjNjA3YTFi"><span style="font-weight: 400"> &nbsp;Nilbog bent his back slightly, dodging the thrust, and then began to attack. He stepped in right after with a kick to the Ash Goblin’s chest, playing it safe instead of going in with the short dagger.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNDllZjIyZDc0MDQxZDJiN2ZjZjJlZTY0MTdkZWFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">The Ash Goblin stuttered a few steps back. Nilbog went in, striking the Ash Goblin with a couple of shallow cuts. They were all minor penetrations, dealing 6 to 7 damage, and probably only bringing the Goblin down by 10% of his HP.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNDBiNWMzMmZjMTRkM2NiM2ZiMjUxZDQ0YTg0ZjNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">He kept harassing him, dodging poorly aimed strikes and returning with punishing counter-attacks, but never committing to anything dangerous. A few minutes after the Ash Goblin’s pale skin was tainted in red and dirt, his panting and wheezing a sight to see against Nilbogs mostly uninjured skin.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOGE2M2U3Njc5MDRkNzhhOTA4NmQ5MjcxN2M5MTIx"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I have lived decades more years than they have,</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Nilbog began to slowly realize. He had fought and had lived through even more hostile condition, all while being weaker and slower.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDdhYTRlNDNjOTRlYWM4NmViMGNlMjlkN2RlNzVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nilbog prepared himself to end the fight. He couldn't waste too much STM, either.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOWZlNzE1OWZmZjQ0MzdiMjcyODJiMjRlYzJhZTdl"><span style="font-weight: 400">The noises of the Ash Goblins around him had ceased once they realized their champion was getting thrashed. It made fighting much easier.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDNmZTc3ZGYzNzRmOWE4NGY2ZWUwMzI4NjdiY2Rk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then, suddenly, they began cheering in their odd language again. They began hopping from one foot to the other in a circle around Nilbog and the Ash Goblin, chanting a song. The same song that they had sung against the Bearl.</span></p> <p class="cnNjN2I1NWFlMTU5NTRmMTBiYjE0NzE3YzA5NWFiZTli"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">These low-bastards...the skill!</span></em></p> <p class="cnM0NTQyZDlhZDdmZjQ5MDY5ZTJmOTM5MWM3MTc1OTI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nilbog dashed in immediately. There was no time for feints. The Ash Goblin also dashed in, slashing in unison. They stepped past each other, both of their knives wet.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMDFhYTlkNTQ1MzQ5YmRhMWNlNjRkZGRjNmEzYjE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">He glanced behind him as the Ash Goblin turned around, a long slash going up&nbsp;its forearm.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNThiYzNkOGM4NTQzZWFiMDJhNmQyY2JmNzUxYTQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nilbog raised his dagger, ready to push his advantage, except the only thing that was raised were two of his fingers. The other three laid on the ground, alongside his dagger. </span></p> <p class="cnM3MjRhN2FmZmJiMDQ5NzhhNWIwZTlmZjk0NmFhMmRi"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">It's okay. It’s okay. </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">He only took ten damage and received a Permanent injury along sides Moderate bleed damage. It wasn’t over. The bleeding could be easily covered, and using his&nbsp;<em>Shape-shifting&nbsp;</em>skill he could replace his wrists and fingers. He just needed time. One minute or two.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMjg1YmE4ODNmMjQ4YWRiZDgyNmY2MThiMjhmMDI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">He reached in with his other hand, keeping his eyes on the Ash Goblin. He was </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">empowered</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, but still mortal--around level 50 to 60, but Nilbog had come out of worst odds. He should be at half HP and would go down with one or two hits to the eye or neck--<em>E</em></span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">mpowerment </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">couldn’t protect those spots well, but only if he could find the damn dagger. He rummaged the floor but could not find it. He swallowed vomit and then spared a quick glance for the dagger.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZmFiYTRjNzU4OTRjNWJhZjEzYzNhOGQxNmRhNDNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">A stump bumped against the dagger. His wrist was next to the dagger. The chanting of the Ash Goblins was mixed with laughter as Nilbog stared at the ground, uncomprehending.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NjFiYjBjNmJiYTRmOGNhYTcwZjczMDJhMzJiOWUw"><br><br></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnMwZTRhOGE5NjRkMTRlODRiNjY3Zjc1NDI4ZTYxMWE5" style="text-align: center"><strong>Critical Damage Taken! </strong></p> <p class="cnNhOTllNGQ5YzVjNDQ0NDY4ZjY4ZDA0YWU4ZGUzNDg2" style="text-align: center"><strong>You have taken 21 damage!</strong></p> <p class="cnM4Y2NhZGFhZmI0MzQ2ZTJiNDJjMjhlYzg3N2M4OWI1" style="text-align: center"><strong>Permanent injury: Lost Hand</strong></p> <p class="cnM5NGE5Zjg3MTExZjRiOThiZTk1ZDczNjY2M2FlNmI3" style="text-align: center"><strong>Moderate Bleeding received. You will lose 2% of your max HP per second for the next ten seconds. After, you will begin to lose 1% of your max HP per second for five minutes.</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMzYmM1YjAyM2JhZDQyMWFiNTU4Njc5YTVmOWFiZjJk"><span style="font-weight: 400"><em>I forgot about that</em>. Injuries do not register until the person becomes aware of it.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZjVmOWFlNjU1NjRiN2ZiOTgzN2QyNGQ5NWJlYTVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The pain began to slowly register. The other Ash Goblin began to move forward, his dagger ready. By this point, he had learned his lesson and trod carefully, even though Nilbog was&nbsp;unarmed.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMTAyNDVkNmUyODQ1YTNhN2U1ZTU2OGExZGRkZDM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">A chuckle escaped his lips. His body shook, the giggles taking him. It turned into wild laughter, with tears running down his cheeks. “I am unarmed! I am unarmed!” he yelled, waving his stump around, his blood spilling.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMzE2OGI1NmE5OTQzOWY4MWRiYzE3ZTg4ZjFkMjBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">The Ash Goblin hesitated. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Hurry up,</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> he begged from the pauses in between his laughter. He could feel it coming, riding the winds and slithering through the floating leaves. He did not want to be here for when it came.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><span style="font-weight: 400">The Ash Goblin, shaking off the oddness of Nilbog, sprang towards Nilbog, his dagger in both hands.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODMxMWZjYjhmODRlYWNhYzFkYThkNzlmZDEzNjk1"><span style="font-weight: 400"> It wasn’t humming. This time, he heard the music, and with it, the same dreadful sensation.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZjc5Y2NkM2NkODQ4ZGY4YmE1YWJiYjM5OTg2MGUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">This time, however, it was fathomless.&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNmMjQxZDA2NDE4MDRlNWM5ZjliMGM0ODNiMTcwZjFm">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNhMDA2YmU1YjYzOTQ0OWY5ZDhiOWJkN2JjYTI2ZGQ4" style="text-align: center"><strong>Player Killer Activated.</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNjMjljZTk4YmY2MTQzMTg4ZThiYzkzOTU0ODI2MzJj">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnMyNmQ1NTRhOTBkYTQxYzM5MWY1Y2YwOGQ1YmFhZjA0" style="text-align: center"><strong>The Death Siren offers you great power, once again.</strong></p> <p class="cnM3NDgzNDQyZjRmODRlYWU5OWNkODFjZmJjMGQxODYx" style="text-align: center"><strong>Do you accept?</strong></p> <p class="cnNjODNhZDAxMDM2ZjQ3OWNiZGYzZDA0YWZlMmQ2NDg5" style="text-align: center"><strong>Y/N</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM4ZGY0NDk4MTRhYTQxY2U5OTYxYzNkNzRjYmJhN2Ni">&nbsp;</p> </div>
s “Bearl ahead,” the Rogue said, his face twisted. “Let me see,” 663 said, and moved ahead. He stuck close to the tree as he searched for the Bearl. The rest of the party did likewise, albeit not as delicately. It did not take long to find it. The Bearl was level 52, and similar to a typical bear: enormous, at least three meters, and with sharp claws. Bearls, however, had skinner limbs, longer bodies, and a smaller head. Their fur was was light and their weight much lower, but they were much quicker and agile, as well as reasonably intelligent, and thus were known to be more deadly than bears. It was smacking and slicing gray kid-sized creatures with each claw and tooth. They were goblinoids named Ash Goblins, the tallest of them barely topping five feet, and were all hovering around level 20. Instead of shriveled skin, these variants were agile and full of muscle. They danced around the Bearl, stabbing at its back with their spears and daggers. When they were struck by the back of the Bearl's paw, the Ash Goblins were smart enough to bounce back with the strike. When they were struck by its claws, they simply fell apart. “Who’s winning?” 666 said, spitting to the side. “Can’t see from all the bloody chaos.” “The Ash Goblins. They’re wearing it down,” 663 said. The Ash Goblins were in a five-one formation. There was only a single Ash Goblin that struck in close proximity to the Bearl’s buttocks, and only his attacks seemed to dig deep enough. The five that circled the Bearl provided constant harassment to the Bearl from all sides, with spears and maces, distracting it and sometimes switching with the first Ash Goblin. Curiously enough, the Ash Goblin that went in became much stronger, moving with greater speed and slashing with greater power. Life Force was visible in great concentrations on his body, so much that his skin nearly became yellow. “We’ll clean up after,” 663 decided. “Easy points for the taking if we play it smart. Can kill them all.” “No,” Nilbog said. He received a few glances for that. “There is no such thing as easy points.” “Kid, just because you got a lil’ bit of talent doesn’t mean you know shi-” “Ashe Goblins travel in large packs. This could be only one squad, with another on the way. If we go in we might get ambushed.” “No,” 663 said. “Ash Goblins are ranked D+. Bearls are ranked C- mini-bosses. We won’t get another perfect opportunity like this. We need to get stronger now, or everyone will out level us.” “But isn’t this strange, for us to *just wander* into this by chance? There are *no* perfect opportunities; only hardships and traps! We’re supposed to survive, not kill everything we see." Nilbog said, breathing heavily. How could he explain it?  663 twisted his head further, closely inspecting Nilbog. He was already suspicious. “How would you know that? Regardless, we have to take the risk. Let them tire themselves out more,” he said. “You’re forgetting about the force field behind us. We daddle too much here and we’ll be caught in it.” 664 said. “Good point. We’ll move *now*,” 663 said sharply. The rest followed 663 as he moved away. 664 stood behind, looking towards the rest of the group and back. “Coming?” he said. After a pause, Nilbog nodded his head. He was stuck with them. Going off on his on would be suicidal. He'd learned his lesson about going solo.  He glanced at his body with apprehension, realizing how he was already shaking. At first, he thought it was the cold, but the tight choke around his heart told him otherwise. It beat deep and with a tight burn, sending vomit up his throat. He placed his hand over the rough cotton of his shirt, attempting to calm himself. He heard a humming. His head snapped around, looking up and down, but finding nothing. A few birds chirped high above, the wind ruffled the branches, and a few small lizards scuttled from one bush to the other, but nothing else. *Paranoid. Paranoid about everything.* Hopefully, he was wrong--wrong about everything. Wouldn’t be the first time. Nilbog moved with the rest of his group, getting close as 663 began to outlay the plan. “Before we kill the Bearl, we need to kill the Ash Goblins. They’re the more intelligent creatures. From my *Intel* skill, it looks like Ash Goblin’s use a group skill--the one in the center of them becomes very powerful.” “So how do we do it?” 664 asked. “Simple. Because their skill requires one goblin to be in the middle, all we have to do is attack from one side. It will break their skill. We’ll keep the Bearl in the middle, it should be aggroed by the goblins more. 665, you stay watch--667 made a good point. Let us know if you see anyone coming. Rest normal formation.” After checking with every party member, 663 began a countdown. Everyone used their skills then. The two warriors used *Life Force Empowerment*. For capping a percentage of their Life Force, and depending on the variant of the skill, they gained roughly 20-50% bonuses towards all parameters. It was the basic and most powerful skill open to Life Force users, and Nilbog could not use it. 663 cast a different spell. Instead of into his body, Life Force began to ooze *out* of his body and into the spear until it shimmered a bright yellow. He was an External Life Force user. Instead of buffing his own body, he expelled Life Force into buffs, attacks, or enchanting of armor and weapons. Everyone sprinted out of the bushes, warriors in front, Nilbog on the side. As they ran towards the Ash Goblins, yellow rays burst up from 663 and honed in on everyone around him. | **Quick Maneuvers** **Movement towards enemies is increased by 20%.** **Reduce the effects of slows by 50%, and other Crowd Control abilities by 20%.** **After 30 seconds, *Quick Maneuvers* will be reduced by 50%.** **Duration: The effects will decay over 1 minute.** | | --- |   Speed coursed through Nilbog’s legs as he ran. The *Quick Maneuver* buff had a cooldown double its duration, and did not overlap with other *Maneuver* buffs. But even with the Speed bonus, the Ash Goblins were too far away. The Ash Goblins closest to them noticed, and quickly began to move. Once 663 got into range though, he used another one of his class skills: *Debilitating Zone.* He threw the spear into the air, landing near the Ash Goblins. A brown spherical field popped up from the point of impact. It was approximately 10 meters wide, and it slowed all creatures within. The slow would have been 30%, but 663 bought an add-on which increased it to 50%. It would have been a horrible skill if it weren’t for *Quick Maneuvers* reduction of slows. Strictly speaking, while the net worth of the skill provided 25% increased Speed for the party members, the range allowed it to initiate fights. Three Ash Goblins and the Bearl were caught in the radius, though because of its size and level, it seemed that the skill’s effects were dramatically reduced. Nilbog had the lowest Brawn and Speed, both because of his low level and inability to use Life Force to boost his body. He was *skillful*, making the most out of his stats, but he still had the worst combat capacities. His low Brawn made fighting against armored foes difficult, as he couldn’t penetrate through armor. Because of that, he was the one that usually ended up taking either the most risk or STM wasting jobs. Putting the most effort into it, Nilbog reached them first. He entered the zone. It felt like running underwater, but with the enormous difference in speed, and with goblins backs turned, the kill was easy. He leaped forward stabbing with both daggers at each side of the neck. The goblin fell to the ground with him on top of it. Nilbog quickly sprung up, letting it bleed to death. Another Ash Goblin was caught by 666’s *Life Force Slash*, but the third escaped the radius. “Good work!” 663 yelled, lifting the spear off from the ground. The *Zone* was quickly sucked into the spear. “Their skill is down. Be steady!” It was the right call. With their skill off, they no longer had a super buffed goblin to contest the Bearl’s strikes. It ignored everyone behind it and stepped forward, striking down the goblins. “Now!” 666 yelled. 663 was supposed to make the call, but having no choice but to follow 666, everyone charged in, stabbing and using their skills on the back of the Bearl. 666 used *Power Attack.* After charging his sword up for a few seconds, the explosive power was multiplied. The blade pierced through the Bearl’s fur, bursting within. 663 used a class skill called *Leader’s Target*, boosting the buffs of his *Maneuver* skills against the Bearl,among a 10% debuff to Armor and Spirit. Because the spear penetrated, however, the debuff increased to 20%.  664, only having invested in his External Life Force branch, simply stabbed in with all his strength and the momentum he has built up, piercing through. Nilbog did not strike--his weapon was too short and there was no space to strike at its back. The Bearl howled, taking one step forward and swiping backward. 664 was unable to step back in time, but he was able to receive the strike on his shield. It blew him away a couple of feet back, denting the metal. Behind the Bearl, the three surviving Ash Goblins did not stop running. Hoping that they would not return, Nilbog ran behind it, taking their spot. It was a wreck. Its brown fur turned a wet red from the Ash Goblins strikes, and most notably 666’s *Power Attack*. Its movement slowed as it trundled forward, but its range was still long and it packed a strong punch. Even with the range 663 was unable to strike with his spear without being vulnerable to an attack. The two warriors defended with their shields, stepping back each time the Bearl swung horizontally, and completely jumped out of the way for vertical attacks--there was too much weight behind them. Meanwhile, Nilbog stayed at its back, harassing it with his daggers. Piercing through its fur would have been a tall order, but considering the many holes and slashes leftover from previous attacks, his dagger was able to make it bleed further than usual.   | **Minor Penetration!** **You have dealt 10 damage!** **You have extended the bleed status effect!** | | --- |   They made some good damage until the Bearl stepped sideways and turned, swiping at Nilbog with its claw. With his *Dodge* skill, including the 5% add-on he bought, he was able to duck below the strike, and then step sideways as its other claw struck vertically. Its paws smashed the ground and while its chest and neck were wide open, Nilbog was unable to take advantage of it. His daggers had too little range, and its jaws could easily snap forward and take a chunk off his skull if he wasn’t careful. Instead, he let his three-party mates wreak havoc on its back. Even with all its injuries, its strikes were still deadly. It was twice his level. Unlike the others, he had no *Empowerment* to make his skin hard as iron. For them, being struck meant their buffs would be reduced. For Nilbog, it meant death. Finding that Nilbog kept his distance, the Bearl dropped to all four limbs and attempted to breakthrough. Everyone followed, but while they ran the Bearl stabbed and swung at them, aiming under and above their shields. This was the main reason hunting intelligent monsters were commonly avoided, no matter their level; the moment their lives were in danger they *ran* like hell. 666’s early call had put them into a dire situation, and 663 had not regained enough Life Force for any other skill.   The Bearl would have escaped, but 664 stepped up. He dropped his shield and sprinted after the beast, yellow Life Force aura coursing through his body. It boosted his Speed and Brawn high enough for him to leap over the Bearl’s swipe, and land on top of its back with his sword going straight in. He rode the beast as it roared. It attempted to shake him off but the sword was too far deep and did not budge. When that didn’t work, the Bearl jumped sideways, attempting to crush him under its back. Only when its hind legs left the floor did 663 jump, leaving his sword behind. He fell and rolled across the dirt, dazed. Another cry resounded as his sword plunged deeper into its body, bending as it trolled, but the pain only made it quicker. It lept from its back to its legs, and straight into 666’s second *Power Attack.* He had jumped, and with the momentum of his sprint his sword pierced the beast's neck and exploded within, discharging red fog from its eyes and ears. “Fucking thing won’t go dow-” 666 said, falling to his tiptoes moments before it the Bearl’s paws smacked into his left side, sending him flying for a couple of good meters. Its other paw lifted up into the air before 664’s bareback, but before it could bring it down a spear went through one of its eye sockets and came out at the other side, nearly cutting Nilbog as he stabbed his daggers into the back of its neck. The beast stuttered a few steps forward before it fell backward, a low squeal escaping its broken throat. Nilbog fell on his butt, panting as the dust cleared. He looked around but didn’t find any of the Ash Goblins. His vision wasn’t great, things were a blur at a distance, but the pale white trees and skimpy grass in this area did not provide much cover, either. If there was an ambush then it would have happened by now. He heard the humming again. It was louder and resounded in his skull, but Nilbog couldn’t see anything. His head only hurt. “Fucking hell. Imagine if it was full HP when got here,” 666 said, rubbing his left shoulder. The yellow aura that was covering his body was diminished now. Damage lowered *Empowerment’s* effects and duration. He kicked the Bearl’s head, spitting into one its burst eye sockets. “Worth it though,” 664 said, getting up. “Got good levels for that. Level 39 now.” “It would have been easier if we waited. I thought we were going to leave the calls for me, 666?” 663 said, folding his arms. A triangle with an open chest icon hovered over the Bearl’s corpse.  He bent next to the Bearl’s body, channeling the *loot* skill. “Saw a chance, and I took it. We get more experience for the damage we deal.” “We lost a lot of Life Force for it! We also took injuries, and we’re barely a quarter way through the Mission.” 666 shrugged, picking up his sword. “Whatever,” 663 said a blue orb floated from the Bearl’s body. “A rare Life Force orb. Says will regenerate 50% of our maximum Life Force if used out of combat, and 25% if in combat. Status report?” “HP 83%, STM 56%, Life Force 45%,” 664 said. “HP 74%, STM 42%, Life Force 34%,” 666 said. “HP 92%, STM 64%, Life Force 52%,” Nilbog said. His Life Force report was, of course, a lie--it was 100%, but he couldn’t disclose his inability to use it. Since he had been striking from the back, everyone probably assumed he was an *External*user. The question of why he wasn't using *Empowerment* was held back. “We’ll leave in five minutes. This was a pretty big catch, so I think we can take a longer rest.” “But oh man, gotta give it to them goblins,” 666 began speaking, poking the Bearl’s head with his sword. “They sure did a big one on this thing.” “The theme were goblinoids Forty years ago. We have a lot of different variants since then,” 663 said, sharpening the tip of his spear with 664's whetstone. It got chipped when it penetrated the back of the Bearl’s skull. “That skill they used, where they concentrate their Life Force into one goblin, is only effective on idiots that let themselves be surrounded.” “Easier than undead. We’ve been having a lot of these,” 666 said. Nilbog then sprang up, his daggers at the ready. He didn’t see *anyone*. “Where is 665?” Nilbog barked. That man had such a small presence that he had completely forgotten about him. 663 looked around, and after a while, he stood up, scratching his back. “I thought he was the-” stopped speaking mid-sentence. He leaned in, staring at a tree. “Shit,” he said, and then dropped the whetstone. Nilbog looked after him, but didn’t find anything suspicious. “Goblins,” he said, quietly, and then yelled it. “Ash Goblins!” Suddenly, the trunk of the tree that Nilbog was looking at suddenly came off and began sprinting towards them. It was the Ash Goblins. They had a *Comfloague* skin, turning the color of their skin to match the trees. And there were a lot of them. Nilbog spotted 3 before he began running. He didn’t know where the rest were, everything was a blur. 666 did not. “They’re just goblins! We’ve fought higher leveled Ghouls!” “We’re surrounded and missing a man!” 663 said, pausing for a slight moment. “We need to breakthrough!” 663 was right. If Nilbog’s gut feelings were correct, then they were fighting a squad of Ash Goblins in addition to the ones that had escaped. “There is probably six of them! We can fight!” 666 yelled, but everyone else, including Nilbog, began sprinting for their lives. Seeing that 666 caught on, but not after being separated from everyone else. He lagged behind, and while the Ash Goblins were slower, his STM and Life Force was too low. “They’re going to catch us. Use the orb!” 664 yelled. “They’re just goblins, we can outrun them!”   | **Quick Maneuvers** **Movement towards enemies is increased by 20%.** **Reduce the effects of slows by 50%, and other Crowd Control abilities by 20%.** **After 30 seconds, *Offensive Maneuvers* will be reduced by 50%.** **Duration: The effects will decay over 1 minute.** | | --- |   “You won’t!” Nilbog yelled. “The rest are--” Before he could finish the trees ahead moved. “Five goblins! Two more on left, three on right!” 663 said. Intelligent creatures were always avoided, and for good reason. They knew that his path was the only way out, and had adequately prepared. They weren’t surrounded then, but now they were. When he looked behind he saw two Ash Goblins hiding behind one of the trees they had sprinted by. When he looked back, he saw one goblin sprinting towards them. “Split up!” 663 yelled, but it was too late. The formation was complete. Simultaneously, all the Ash Goblin’s began chanting. Yellow auras burst from the goblins around them, arched into the air and then struck the goblin in the center. Suddenly, its sprinting speed was twice fold. It dashed quicker than any of them, sword in hand. 664 lead the charge. When the goblin raised its sword for a slash, 664 raised his shield. Nilbog wanted to warn him, but it all went too fast for his mouth. It was a feint. The goblin lowered its sword and stepped to the side. It should have caught 664 unaware in his blindside, but the moment it stepped to the side, 664 acted instantaneously, lowering his shield and bashing the goblin in the side. It rolled past Nilbog, dragging the dirt with it. Either he had a skill or he was just that damn good. “Breakthrough! We have a few seconds befo-” With double the Ash Goblins, the transfer was quicker. The aura flew from the fallen goblin and into the next one. All the other goblins run along but did not enter the center, maintaining their skill. “Split up!” 663 yelled, and went left. 664 followed him. Nilbog went right with 666 following behind him. The goblins canceled the skill. Now that everyone was split, the Ash Goblins separated into two groups and chased both parties down. It was going to be a hard battle. The goblins neared from all sides, and while they were *only* around level 30, they practically had the same if not more parameters than Nilbog, and there were at least five of them. It should be doable with 666, however. He was much quicker and faster. If he protected his back somehow and-- *Seventh Sense activated*, making his body jump as something swiped under his feet. In a fit of panic, Nilbog turned around into the back of 666’s fist. It struck his chest, throwing him off balance. He fell on his shoulder and rolled with the momentum, but by the time he got up there were Ash Goblins on all sides. “Thanks kid!” Nilbog heard 666 say as he escaped, unhindered now that all the Ash Goblins had easier prey. A spear landed next to him. Nilbog could never tell a happy goblin from a miserable one. This time, he could. He stood up, glancing at his HP and STM bar. His HP was only down 20 HP, STM rested at 80, and overall STM at 487. Strangely, Nilbog wasn’t panicking. He was scared and livid, but he did not shake nor panic. It was his fault for his carelessness as much as it was 666’s cowardly nature. It was obvious--why would someone with higher Speed and Endurance, a Warrior, be running in the back? The bastard planned it. Still, the situation wasn’t entirely hopeless. Not every goblin race was vicious and entirely vapid. It depended on the tribe. One of the Ash Goblins stepped forward. He was one of their senior members, Nilbog noticed, as he seemed slightly more fit than the rest of his kin. When he focused on him, a notification informing him he was level 39 popped up. He spoke with stutters, spits, sniffs, and crudely made throat noses. Nilbog could not understand any of it, but he could roughly guess the situation.    Nobody liked a Kill Stealer.   Now, the Ash Goblin seemed intent on getting revenge. It played with the dagger in his hand as the rest of the Ash Goblins gave them a wide breadth. One of the other Ash Goblins tossed a dagger towards Nilbog. They wanted to kill him and use every part of his corpse, probably eat him too, but still. It was very nice of them to do that. Monsters could *sense* levels, and even for them, ganging up on him seemed too much. Or maybe he was to be used as practice, Nilbog didn’t know. He picked it still, dropping his two other daggers. It no better than his daggers in a matter of stats, but this one was made out of bone. He felt oddly calm, as he did so. There was no strangling fear that made each slight movement difficult. His body was not ridden with a cold sweat nor did he feel his veins tensing. They circled each other. Nilbog ignored the snarls and the taunts. The Ash Goblin stepped in, dashing his dagger in and out, but not committing to any movement. Nilbog kept his guard up, watching for its movement. The Ash Goblin went in, paused as if to step back again, and then lunged forward. Nilbog cleanly stepped to the side. It was higher level but it was still a monster. As long as he doesn't underestimate it, its movements were simple and predictable.  He attempted a counter strike but the Ash Goblin’s dagger struck his stab midair and nearly disarmed him. Nilbog stepped back, taking a deep breath. *It has higher Brawn and Speed. I have to move ahead of it.* Once again, the Ash Goblin turned and kept throwing slashes at Nilbog. He dodged a couple, received shallow cuts, but overall could not find a chance. There were many openings but the difference in Speed made up for the monster's mistakes. Nilbog couldn’t trade damage, either. After this one, he would probably have to duel all the other goblins. He needed to maintain his HP. The humming didn’t help, either. It was all around him, now. He could almost feel it in the air, buzzing in his head. Meanwhile, the Ash Gobling, the hooting and jeering of the neighboring Ash Goblins continued and rose in intensity with each aggressive movement by the Ash Goblin, propelling him forward in aggressiveness.  Nilbog bent his back slightly, dodging the thrust, and then began to attack. He stepped in right after with a kick to the Ash Goblin’s chest, playing it safe instead of going in with the short dagger. The Ash Goblin stuttered a few steps back. Nilbog went in, striking the Ash Goblin with a couple of shallow cuts. They were all minor penetrations, dealing 6 to 7 damage, and probably only bringing the Goblin down by 10% of his HP. He kept harassing him, dodging poorly aimed strikes and returning with punishing counter-attacks, but never committing to anything dangerous. A few minutes after the Ash Goblin’s pale skin was tainted in red and dirt, his panting and wheezing a sight to see against Nilbogs mostly uninjured skin. *I have lived decades more years than they have,* Nilbog began to slowly realize. He had fought and had lived through even more hostile condition, all while being weaker and slower. Nilbog prepared himself to end the fight. He couldn't waste too much STM, either. The noises of the Ash Goblins around him had ceased once they realized their champion was getting thrashed. It made fighting much easier. Then, suddenly, they began cheering in their odd language again. They began hopping from one foot to the other in a circle around Nilbog and the Ash Goblin, chanting a song. The same song that they had sung against the Bearl. *These low-bastards...the skill!* Nilbog dashed in immediately. There was no time for feints. The Ash Goblin also dashed in, slashing in unison. They stepped past each other, both of their knives wet. He glanced behind him as the Ash Goblin turned around, a long slash going up its forearm. Nilbog raised his dagger, ready to push his advantage, except the only thing that was raised were two of his fingers. The other three laid on the ground, alongside his dagger. *It's okay. It’s okay.* He only took ten damage and received a Permanent injury along sides Moderate bleed damage. It wasn’t over. The bleeding could be easily covered, and using his *Shape-shifting*skill he could replace his wrists and fingers. He just needed time. One minute or two. He reached in with his other hand, keeping his eyes on the Ash Goblin. He was *empowered*, but still mortal--around level 50 to 60, but Nilbog had come out of worst odds. He should be at half HP and would go down with one or two hits to the eye or neck--*E**mpowerment* couldn’t protect those spots well, but only if he could find the damn dagger. He rummaged the floor but could not find it. He swallowed vomit and then spared a quick glance for the dagger. A stump bumped against the dagger. His wrist was next to the dagger. The chanting of the Ash Goblins was mixed with laughter as Nilbog stared at the ground, uncomprehending. | **Critical Damage Taken!** **You have taken 21 damage!** **Permanent injury: Lost Hand** **Moderate Bleeding received. You will lose 2% of your max HP per second for the next ten seconds. After, you will begin to lose 1% of your max HP per second for five minutes.** | | --- | *I forgot about that*. Injuries do not register until the person becomes aware of it. The pain began to slowly register. The other Ash Goblin began to move forward, his dagger ready. By this point, he had learned his lesson and trod carefully, even though Nilbog was unarmed. A chuckle escaped his lips. His body shook, the giggles taking him. It turned into wild laughter, with tears running down his cheeks. “I am unarmed! I am unarmed!” he yelled, waving his stump around, his blood spilling. The Ash Goblin hesitated. *Hurry up,* he begged from the pauses in between his laughter. He could feel it coming, riding the winds and slithering through the floating leaves. He did not want to be here for when it came.  The Ash Goblin, shaking off the oddness of Nilbog, sprang towards Nilbog, his dagger in both hands. It wasn’t humming. This time, he heard the music, and with it, the same dreadful sensation. This time, however, it was fathomless.    | **Player Killer Activated.** | | --- |   | **The Death Siren offers you great power, once again.** **Do you accept?** **Y/N** | | --- |
{ "title": "The Heretic Legion", "id": 21241, "author": "genetixsparkz", "rating": 3.8 }
{ "title": "Ch 12 Embrace your Demons.", "id": 305506, "next": 305809, "prev": 305424, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMzZWI5MzE4MGRiOTRkZTY4YTJhYmMyOWViMTExYTMw" dir="ltr">Kaylee came out and walked over. “Yes, Ryzen?” It sounded slightly more questioning this time but still had the same effect of a moment ago.</p> <p class="cnMxY2QwMWI4MTA1MjRhNjFhM2I2MGUwMDNkNzhmMWQ2" dir="ltr">I said nothing and walked over to the supplies grabbing the flame shaman’s staff. The tip was still glowing red, viewing it with my mage sight I could see the fire mota from the air being slowly drawn into a reddish black stone on top.</p> <p class="cnM4MmQ4YWFkYWY2ODQxMmRhZWU4YTYyYTJkNzExMDY5" dir="ltr">“See the top of this, that’s called volcanic rock, it forms in intense heat and -”</p> <p class="cnMxYzE3N2Q5NDllOTQwMTU5MDJhNGMxMGRhMmE3NzE1" dir="ltr">She interrupted me excitedly “I’ve heard of that! They say when mother Gia’s anger is great enough mountains will suddenly explode and fire flows like a river!”</p> <p class="cnMxNTQ0ZmU1NjQyMDQ2MmNhZjg4NzU3MWNiMDg5NGJj" dir="ltr">My gaze slid down to her still torn skirt.</p> <p class="cnM2YzI0YzQ5ODBkMzQ4YTJiM2FlZTEzN2FmYzAxMGQz" dir="ltr">“Your passion flows like a river too as I recall..” I told her trailing off.</p> <p class="cnMyN2FjNmQ0MTY3ZjQ2ZmM4MzdlZTI1MWY4MWMzODFk" dir="ltr">Her cheeks reddened a moment, and I heard a short barking sound that could only be a laugh emanate from the line of captives sitting cross-legged and bound behind me.</p> <p class="cnNmMWUxYzIzMGM3MTQ4MzE5NjZmMTc2NTg3NzAyNWMw" dir="ltr">I looked back to see an openly leering Kobold, his eyes trying to split the skirt further.</p> <p class="cnM3YjI1MzkzMTYzNTQ3ODU4NjA2OGRkODE0NmVlMWFi" dir="ltr">“Enjoy getting your hands on her would you?” I said to him.</p> <p class="cnNhYWIwOWNmM2U0ZTQ2NTc5ZDRiYTU2YWVmYmE1NjEy" dir="ltr">He seemed hesitant at first but nodded.</p> <p class="cnNiOTkyYzMwYTk0ZjQzMjY5MWM4MGUwY2VlNGYwYzI4" dir="ltr">"Good!” I said, “I was just about to ask for a volunteer to lend a hand.”</p> <p class="cnM2YTI2YTE2MWY1MzRhMjM5MmY3NzE3YzhmNWU4YjA5" dir="ltr">Kaylee backed up slightly, clearly terrified of what was about to happen.</p> <p class="cnMxMmNhYjg2ZTE2NjRmYTU5MWU0NGMwM2M5ZTBiMmU2" dir="ltr">I took the staff in my off-hand and a short sword in my left.</p> <p class="cnNlZDU1MTFiMzZlMDRkOGM5MTYwYzM1NzM3YWE4NzYy" dir="ltr">As I walked over to him I continued my instruction. “When coral forms in water or volcanic rock forms in a river of fire. It traps already concentrated mana inside. When it finally cools or the coral leaves the water. The mana exits and it leaves holes perfectly situated to achieve balance for that specific mana. When you then fill it with that mana again later it achieves stability effortlessly.”</p> <p class="cnM1ZDhkNTAyMzJlMDQ5YzQ5OWU0NTk3MWY1MGE3Y2E5" dir="ltr">I reached the kobold. He looked behind him eagerly as a skeleton took both wrists and brought his hands up behind his back near my blade. I smiled at him as he watched me gently saw the leather straps free.</p> <p class="cnNhNjQzZThkOTE0ODQzNGRiODNhNTIwZmU0MjYzZDA4" dir="ltr">I could feel my heart beating faster as I saw the look of desperation in Kaylee’s eyes, terrified but with nowhere to run she tried to listen.</p> <p class="cnNkYzNmNDE4MWE2YzRkMmJiNGFiMDkwZGFkNzI2YTk1" dir="ltr">Tried to pretend everything was normal.</p> <p class="cnMxMWViZTdmNjU4YTQ2YThiYmVjYmFiMTZlNjY4MzMx" dir="ltr">“Bone behaves similarly for life mana. Necrotic mana is a little different though. As a corruption, the bonds are only close to the same. Bone is still ideal for making undead constructs but not effortless.” I finished.</p> <p class="cnM4NTE0YjE4ZjQ2MDRkMjNiZGZmZThjOWU5NjAwYjg2" dir="ltr">After the strap came free, the skeleton holding the kobolds wrists put his foot into his back and yanked hard, pulling his arms straight back and holding them tight.</p> <p class="cnNkMzU3ODIyMTYyZDQyMjE4N2E2NTg4YjkxYTE2OTRi" dir="ltr">I looked back into Kaylee’s eyes, basking in the fear I found. Then my blade came up and down in front of me, severing his hands cleanly. The almost overwhelming relief that hit her as she watched was as intoxicating for me to see as it was for her to feel.</p> <p class="cnM2NTNlMDliNjFlZDQ5ZWI4ZjI0NDg0ZGViOTlmN2E0" dir="ltr">He, on the other hand, howled like the wounded animal he was and brought his now freed arms back around. He took in the bloody stumps and watched in shock as each heartbeat sent jets of ichor streaming out of severed arteries.</p> <p class="cnMwMGQyZjU5NWJjMjQwYTJhM2Q4NTQ3MGQ2YjI4YTE0" dir="ltr">“Whoops, forgot about the bleeding, just needed a hand or two, not the rest of you,” I told him.</p> <p class="cnM4YWMyZTY0NzEwZjRhNGM4Y2Q4MTFjMDU1NDRjYmI1" dir="ltr">The skeleton behind him wrapped his arms around the kobold’s neck and held him sitting as he struggled until the loss of blood made him weak.</p> <p class="cnM3NDFlOTJjMTZjZTQ2NDFhMzIzODVjODlmZDllODg4" dir="ltr">I struck out quickly with the tip of the staff and pressed it into a bleeding stump. The pain woke him from his state of near passing out and he struggled once more. I looked over to see Kaylee smiling, pleased now that she knew she wasn’t going to be made to fuck a lizard.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjgzODBiOTMyMDQzOGFiZmM5MDI3MDY2ZGJkZThl" dir="ltr">After a brief but pointless fight, his weakness took him again and the staff flashed forwards, clotting the second wound with fire. His howl was hoarse now, but he was nearly beyond struggling.</p> <p class="cnM4MGVlZWY3N2RkYzQwNzZiMzQxNmM4YmI0MTZkZjYz" dir="ltr">The skeleton released him and I pushed him lightly onto his back before straddling his chest.</p> <p class="cnMwNWI0NWExZmM5NjRmYmE4OGM4ZTUwMTNjZGY2NGRl" dir="ltr">“Come here Kaylee,” I said, pointing to the spot beside me.</p> <p class="cnMyYjRkN2FiZGM3OTRjNzdiMzUzNmMxYjBmNDFhYWEy" dir="ltr">She walked over and I could sense a little excitement in her eyes. I discarded the sword and handed her the staff.</p> <p class="cnNhYzQ3MzM4YjJlMTQxMzY4YTg5YmYyYWE1NTBlZGQ0" dir="ltr">I put one arm around her waist and pulled her close.</p> <p class="cnM5OWJiNWMzYjY5ZDQ1NDU4ZDcxOWQyN2JjMDkyMjBh" dir="ltr">I made sure he was watching as my spare hand slid up her leg and pulled the skirt open slightly, exposing her-</p> <p class="cnNjZDVlYzU1NWMyZTQ2ODc4MGZlNjVjZmFkOWMxYWVi" dir="ltr">I did a double take for a moment looking up in surprise.</p> <p class="cnM0NTk2YjE4NjVjZTQ0ODM4OTk0MGJlMDBiNWJmYTQ3" dir="ltr">I noticed now her nipples poking out and the scent of arousal hit my nose. The dampness between her legs left no doubt, Kaylee was more than excited the little freak. I grinned before going back to the panicked kobold.</p> <p class="cnM0N2ZkZDQxYjNhNjQzYWQ5ODMwOWI5MDEyOWMzOTA4" dir="ltr">His eyes darted in every direction.</p> <p class="cnMyMGQ4OTY2NGU1NDQ3N2ViMzIxMDY2M2JiNGM2OGY3" dir="ltr">“How rude,” I told Kaylee, “got her all warmed up,”</p> <p class="cnMxZjQ0Njg0ZWU4MDQxMGJhMDQ5ODBkOTk3NTk1NGQx" dir="ltr">the tip of my finger traced the wetness of her panties for emphasis,</p> <p class="cnMyN2M1YjgxNzE1NTQxOWQ4OWMzOTg0YTVmYzk4YzVi" dir="ltr">“and now he’s distracted. Typical.”</p> <p class="cnNiZWM2YWQyYzdkYjQzNjE5MzY0YjBhYzU3ZGNiZWY5" dir="ltr">Both my hands released her allowing me to push up on his chin first then back onto his forehead. This drove his skull into the sand, holding it in place.</p> <p class="cnMwYzNkNzNiMjc1YzRkYmNiMWI1YWZkYThmNjFhMzAy" dir="ltr">“Burn the image into his eyes, Kaylee.”</p> <p class="cnM1YmUxY2U5NjExZjQ3ZmRiNDJiZDViNjhlMmUzZmQ1" dir="ltr">He closed his eyes, but she simply scorched through the lid and into the squishy softness below. His eyeball boiled and steam rose up from the socket.</p> <p class="cnM3MzY3MDQ5YTcxMjQxNjM5MDVhYmExYTU5OWRlNjQ3" dir="ltr">She switched to the second one. This time I yanked his head forward, forcing the staff deeper as I screamed at him.</p> <p class="cnM0ZWJiNjgxOWJjMzRkZTFiZmZhZTQyNDg0MzNmZDg3" dir="ltr">“You dare covet what is mine you filthy fucking reptile! Take a good look! It‘ll be the last thing you ever see!” I looked around as I spoke the last bit, ensuring every prisoner had heard me.</p> <p class="cnNjMTliNjNkMTY1NjQzZDJiZmVlZjI3MWFkMTAyZjAy" dir="ltr">“You understand me you fucking sand lizards?!” I asked.</p> <p class="cnNiYzVmNGI0Y2Y2NzQ2ZWZhYzc0YzM3ZWUyZmQ5YTBh" dir="ltr">I saw every prisoner look down in fear.</p> <p class="cnNiOGIyODg5ZTk3MDQ2NzI5YWFiM2FmNTM4ZTk4YmQz" dir="ltr">“I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME YOU FUCKING SAND LIZARDS!”</p> <p class="cnNiNDkwYTQ5YThkZjQyY2JhZGM0MjhiZWY3MzdkYmFk" dir="ltr">I chorus of what I could only assume was assent followed.</p> <p class="cnNkMmM3ZmY1MGVlYTRhOWVhMTcyOGMzMjIyZTczYTVh" dir="ltr">I stood up and together Kaylee and I gazed down into the now hollow sockets of the sobbing Kobold.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjgwMDY3MGMwMjQxYzk4ZGY4OWFjYWMzZTlkNTg3" dir="ltr">My hand rose to her cheek and pulled gently, guiding her to look at me.</p> <p class="cnNkZDQ2NGQ2OGFkMjQxYmQ5MThkMDAyMjU3NDNhODBm" dir="ltr">Feelings raged inside me as I looked at her.</p> <p class="cnMzZDEzOTkwMWNjYTQxYWNhZGZkYTMzMjc2MzA2OGJl" dir="ltr">She was beautiful.</p> <p class="cnMwMmI4ZTc4N2JiMjQ2OTc5ZjQ3M2ZiNTA1ZTBkZjJi" dir="ltr">“I will never share you with any man,” I whispered.</p> <p class="cnM4Y2ZiMmMzMzdiYjRjYjI4YmYxOTQxMjgzZmIxNDE2" dir="ltr">She smiled and the sincerity I saw there felt painful.</p> <p class="cnM0NDYwNGMzZTkzMTRjN2ZhZTQ5MmI2YmQ4NmI1ZTRk" dir="ltr">She wasn’t supposed to be sincere, wasn‘t allowed to be, I didn’t deserve sincerity. And anyway I didn’t want it. Sincerity was for the weak.</p> <p class="cnM2NjE4NjQzYjllMzQxNjRhYWNmMWFhOWY1Y2ExYjJl" dir="ltr">“Don’t get all giddy,” I said as I turned away “I’ve just never been good at sharing my toys.”</p> <p class="cnNkNTFhYjU4YmFlOTRjYWQ4YTU2MTZkY2MzNWMyNTUz" dir="ltr">“Yes Ryzen,” she said, and I felt her fingertips brush against the top of my hand as she moved to stand beside me.</p> <p class="cnM5ZmExMDEzZTk1YTQwNDc4ZDg2NTNjNDJjZWQ1MDA0" dir="ltr">It felt...</p> <p class="cnNmNmE4ZTlkZjA1YjQ4MmNiZjhjYTI5MGFjYWE5MjY5" dir="ltr">I growled.</p> <p class="cnNjYjczNzQwOGQ0MTQ5NjE4N2Q2ZGVhMmU4ZDI5OGY2" dir="ltr">It felt like a feeling that needed to be drowned, and like all weaknesses, drowned in blood.</p> <p class="cnMwN2VkZjJmMjlhMjRmMDliNmRmZDY0NjI4YjcxYzBm" dir="ltr">I clasped her hand pulling her with me towards the nearest intact prisoner. Yes, pulled her, directed her, that was why I did it.</p> <p class="cnNkMjJhZDBkNzczNTQ4ZWM5YzA3ZmMzYjU3ZGY0Yzc4" dir="ltr">The lie warred with the truth and the truth nearly caused me to pull away. Then I felt her hand squeeze mine, and that was all it took, the lie won. My brain rationalized If I let her go she might try to run away from the next part. I seethed inside but didn’t let go.</p> </div>
Kaylee came out and walked over. “Yes, Ryzen?” It sounded slightly more questioning this time but still had the same effect of a moment ago. I said nothing and walked over to the supplies grabbing the flame shaman’s staff. The tip was still glowing red, viewing it with my mage sight I could see the fire mota from the air being slowly drawn into a reddish black stone on top. “See the top of this, that’s called volcanic rock, it forms in intense heat and -” She interrupted me excitedly “I’ve heard of that! They say when mother Gia’s anger is great enough mountains will suddenly explode and fire flows like a river!” My gaze slid down to her still torn skirt. “Your passion flows like a river too as I recall..” I told her trailing off. Her cheeks reddened a moment, and I heard a short barking sound that could only be a laugh emanate from the line of captives sitting cross-legged and bound behind me. I looked back to see an openly leering Kobold, his eyes trying to split the skirt further. “Enjoy getting your hands on her would you?” I said to him. He seemed hesitant at first but nodded. "Good!” I said, “I was just about to ask for a volunteer to lend a hand.” Kaylee backed up slightly, clearly terrified of what was about to happen. I took the staff in my off-hand and a short sword in my left. As I walked over to him I continued my instruction. “When coral forms in water or volcanic rock forms in a river of fire. It traps already concentrated mana inside. When it finally cools or the coral leaves the water. The mana exits and it leaves holes perfectly situated to achieve balance for that specific mana. When you then fill it with that mana again later it achieves stability effortlessly.” I reached the kobold. He looked behind him eagerly as a skeleton took both wrists and brought his hands up behind his back near my blade. I smiled at him as he watched me gently saw the leather straps free. I could feel my heart beating faster as I saw the look of desperation in Kaylee’s eyes, terrified but with nowhere to run she tried to listen. Tried to pretend everything was normal. “Bone behaves similarly for life mana. Necrotic mana is a little different though. As a corruption, the bonds are only close to the same. Bone is still ideal for making undead constructs but not effortless.” I finished. After the strap came free, the skeleton holding the kobolds wrists put his foot into his back and yanked hard, pulling his arms straight back and holding them tight. I looked back into Kaylee’s eyes, basking in the fear I found. Then my blade came up and down in front of me, severing his hands cleanly. The almost overwhelming relief that hit her as she watched was as intoxicating for me to see as it was for her to feel. He, on the other hand, howled like the wounded animal he was and brought his now freed arms back around. He took in the bloody stumps and watched in shock as each heartbeat sent jets of ichor streaming out of severed arteries. “Whoops, forgot about the bleeding, just needed a hand or two, not the rest of you,” I told him. The skeleton behind him wrapped his arms around the kobold’s neck and held him sitting as he struggled until the loss of blood made him weak. I struck out quickly with the tip of the staff and pressed it into a bleeding stump. The pain woke him from his state of near passing out and he struggled once more. I looked over to see Kaylee smiling, pleased now that she knew she wasn’t going to be made to fuck a lizard. After a brief but pointless fight, his weakness took him again and the staff flashed forwards, clotting the second wound with fire. His howl was hoarse now, but he was nearly beyond struggling. The skeleton released him and I pushed him lightly onto his back before straddling his chest. “Come here Kaylee,” I said, pointing to the spot beside me. She walked over and I could sense a little excitement in her eyes. I discarded the sword and handed her the staff. I put one arm around her waist and pulled her close. I made sure he was watching as my spare hand slid up her leg and pulled the skirt open slightly, exposing her- I did a double take for a moment looking up in surprise. I noticed now her nipples poking out and the scent of arousal hit my nose. The dampness between her legs left no doubt, Kaylee was more than excited the little freak. I grinned before going back to the panicked kobold. His eyes darted in every direction. “How rude,” I told Kaylee, “got her all warmed up,” the tip of my finger traced the wetness of her panties for emphasis, “and now he’s distracted. Typical.” Both my hands released her allowing me to push up on his chin first then back onto his forehead. This drove his skull into the sand, holding it in place. “Burn the image into his eyes, Kaylee.” He closed his eyes, but she simply scorched through the lid and into the squishy softness below. His eyeball boiled and steam rose up from the socket. She switched to the second one. This time I yanked his head forward, forcing the staff deeper as I screamed at him. “You dare covet what is mine you filthy fucking reptile! Take a good look! It‘ll be the last thing you ever see!” I looked around as I spoke the last bit, ensuring every prisoner had heard me. “You understand me you fucking sand lizards?!” I asked. I saw every prisoner look down in fear. “I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME YOU FUCKING SAND LIZARDS!” I chorus of what I could only assume was assent followed. I stood up and together Kaylee and I gazed down into the now hollow sockets of the sobbing Kobold. My hand rose to her cheek and pulled gently, guiding her to look at me. Feelings raged inside me as I looked at her. She was beautiful. “I will never share you with any man,” I whispered. She smiled and the sincerity I saw there felt painful. She wasn’t supposed to be sincere, wasn‘t allowed to be, I didn’t deserve sincerity. And anyway I didn’t want it. Sincerity was for the weak. “Don’t get all giddy,” I said as I turned away “I’ve just never been good at sharing my toys.” “Yes Ryzen,” she said, and I felt her fingertips brush against the top of my hand as she moved to stand beside me. It felt... I growled. It felt like a feeling that needed to be drowned, and like all weaknesses, drowned in blood. I clasped her hand pulling her with me towards the nearest intact prisoner. Yes, pulled her, directed her, that was why I did it. The lie warred with the truth and the truth nearly caused me to pull away. Then I felt her hand squeeze mine, and that was all it took, the lie won. My brain rationalized If I let her go she might try to run away from the next part. I seethed inside but didn’t let go.
{ "title": "Transmigrating Upgrade Specialist", "id": 21190, "author": "yungsern87", "rating": 3.8 }
{ "title": "Chapter 33 - Rebuilding Wen Wu City (1)", "id": 305503, "next": 306503, "prev": 305460, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMxOTAyOGI4ZTI1MTQ0ZDRhODA4NmM4MGI2ODBjMDE3">"Master Disciples, can this elderly speaks a few words with you all?" an elder who is also the North Gate Representative came towards the nine of them with the intention to explained something. Luckily, the location they're at the moment is inside of the Apprentice Hall building.</p> <p class="cnM1NzQ1YjFhNDEzODQ2YzM4MzFmY2M3OTU0NGU3YWU0"> </p> <p class="cnM2MWY5OGFiMmE1NDQ5ODg4ZmRmNWZjZjI4NDZjNjFh">"Elder please speak, if this nine disciples can help it, we will not hesitate to get it done." their eldest senior brother answered his request to speaks and seated just before the elder to listen to his needs.</p> <p class="cnMyMWFhMjkxN2Q2YjRlNGJhMzgyNTVkOTMzZWViZWI5"> </p> <p class="cnMxZDNlMmE5NDc2YTQ2YTlhZjcyMjE2YWQyZjljNzQy">"The attack just now caught over twenty females in a different age, some of them were peoples daughter, some is other's wives. I hope the nine Master Disciples can provide us with some assistance to rescue the ladies from their distress." the elderly explained the situation to the nine of them.</p> <p class="cnNiMTQ2NTEzOGNmZjRhM2M5ODg2Y2I3ODc5NTViZDg1"> </p> <p class="cnMxZTlhZGUwZjgxODQwNmFiZGY4YTNjMmE5MGY2YzNj">Without further ado, they immediately consult the situation with the Grand Elder of the Right and discussed the number of affected families. After recognizing most of their members, Zhang Wu Ji took the lead to catch up with the running Iron Scale Bull, while the others maintain the safety and guarding the perimeters of the North Gate in case the bandits have back up troops that managed to escape.</p> <p class="cnMwNTUzYTU0MzJlMzRkNGU4NWRkNGE5ZWJkNmViM2Yz"> </p> <p class="cnM3MjhmMmJhODk1NDRlYjFiNGIzYTE0ZjJmOTEzMmQ1">Meanwhile, the City Lord, the Commander of the Militarized Forces, and the Grand Elder of the Right is discussing the task to rebuild the houses and also some buildings, but due to the lack of resources and expertise, their discussion end up stopping in between before further reports related to the building materials and available workers came into their hand.</p> <p class="cnMyMTM0YTU4MWFjODQzOTI5YjllYTkyMDI3Y2M1ZDdk"> </p> <p class="cnM0NjRiNjVmYjMxMzRlMDE4YmFiNzdhY2QzNmVmODQw">If this matter had been made known by Zhang Wu Ji, perhaps they don't even need to wait before making a decision. In a side fact, who can compete with the wealth of the Apprentice Hall at this moment? With himself missing from handling their treasury, it was filled with more and more precious material, and also skillful workers. The Apprentice Hall can easily command over ten thousand of the workforce in rebuilding the northern side of the Wen Wu City.</p> <p class="cnNhOGM0MmI0NzE0NTQyYzRhYzUzYTI3ZjA0YTlmOWM0"> </p> <p class="cnNkNjQxYmE3NDlmNTQ5MThhZjE3OWQ2MTI2N2ZkZjhj">.</p> <p class="cnNjNTE2NTlkMWQ0MTQ4ZDE4ZmEzZWNmYTliODE4NWM2"> </p> <p class="cnMwYTQ0YWE0Nzg0NjRiYzc5ZmQxYzU2OWVkZmJmNWI4">.</p> <p class="cnM2ODU2YzQwMDA2ZjQzNWI5N2EzOTU5NTZkOWE5ODVl"> </p> <p class="cnNmOWI3NDI4MGMxZjQyNTQ5NTg4MjFkNzE0YzE4YmIy">.</p> <p class="cnM4NWU1ZjRkN2I4NjQzZTM4MmFmOTRiNTA0ZDQxMmFi"> </p> <p class="cnMzYTYxN2RiYTI3NDRhZjlhY2NlMTE2MzhmODlhMjE2">"That's the carriage with Iron Scale Bull! It wasn't driven by anyone, that's why the Wild Beast is still loitering around this area!" one of the members from the Martial Art Department made a remark the moment the group of eleven people saw the slowly moving carriage. They immediately catch up, but at this point, it still wasn't an easy task either.</p> <p class="cnMyMTM1NWYxMjZkYzQwN2M4N2UzNmUwM2YxZmU1NDZj"> </p> <p class="cnMyOTQ2Yjk3NmM2NjRmMDY5MjUzN2ZhNDEzMDI1OWUy">An Iron Scale Bull possess the strength of the 9th Stage of Inner Qi Fighter, so how can those people from their group have the ability to fight against it? Fighting against a fellow human, one may possibly catch him unaware and making some mistakes in a group fight, but it was different when the opponent becomes a Wild Beast.</p> <p class="cnMwMmRlNzJjNDBhMDQ3ZWM4NjI0MGZlN2VlZmVlYmYy"> </p> <p class="cnMxNDc2ZDJiYTM0NTQzMDI5ZWFhODUwMGZiNjYxNTI0">A beast possesses twice the awareness when compared with a human, and on the body of an Iron Scale Bull especially, each part of the beast is a weapon. The body of the bull carries more than five different weapons, and if it was not for it timid nature, handling a beast of this strength is akin to seeking for own's death.</p> <p class="cnMxNDE0NTJhOTEzMTQzNWJiODcyYjA2N2NiNWIwMmQy"> </p> <p class="cnNiMjdiMTI5NDFmMjRmNGViOGFlMTcxOGRhNjA0YjY2">"Master Senior Ninth, what should we do now?" the subordinates asked for their next instruction. Being Zhang Wu Ji's subordinates is always comes with a perk, and for them, it was the privilege of learning the New Fist of Destruction Qi and also been given with sufficient QI Sensing Pills as long they work.</p> <p class="cnNkNDY1MjdiODUwMzRmNTY5ZTQ2ZjJiODg1NzlkY2Uw"> </p> <p class="cnMwNTU4MzU4MDZlOTQ2MWM4MjM2NzQwYjBkOTA1YzE4">"Charge head on!" Zhang Wu Ji instruction is very simple, but that simplicity generates fear and awe at the same time. They have no idea that Zhang Wu Ji is this confident in his approach is because all over his body is filled with the item that comes with some special effect.</p> <p class="cnNlODQ0ZjgyNzc4ZjRiYTdiOTg1MWI5NDk4MTljNGRk"> </p> <p class="cnM1YTdkYmFmYjVhOTQwNDhiMGM0NWMzOTQ4Zjg4NDEz">"Shatter-Strike!" Zhang Wu Ji activates the same technique for the second time, and with a continuous swing as he gets closer, air blades are formed in dozens and strikes at the Iron Scale Bull without a mercy. For Zhang Wu Ji, this was something fun for him, but for the subordinates, their master is a freak!</p> <p class="cnM5MmM3ZjkwOWQyODQwMzRhOGU3OWRlMzU3Yzk5OTAw"> </p> <p class="cnM0ZWEwMTI3Y2Y3NDQzNDM5MTA4ZDFmZmQ3MWY5Nzhj">Freak!</p> <p class="cnNlZjFlY2Q4ODMwOTRhYzhhYzM3NjRmZTAxOTlmOGFh"> </p> <p class="cnNmMjg2ZTYyMDM5MDRiMDdhYjFkNDk5MzliNmYxYjRi">Freak!</p> <p class="cnNmMmIwMzEwNzA1NzQzMTQ4N2RmODdhMjgwZWFkMTk3"> </p> <p class="cnNjMzRhZDg4NzA3MTQ0NjhhZmI3ZTI5YTNjY2ZiODE0">Total Freak!</p> <p class="cnNmZWE3MjExMTE1ODQ1MWNhNmI4NjIzYjQzZGNkNmQw"> </p> <p class="cnMxZGNlZmE1NDRjMjQ3ZWJiMmRlOWRhYThkZDQzMzA0">"Can we even destroy a single scales on the Iron Scale Bull's body?" this is what in their mind at this moment. But the reality does show then that even the heaviest defend of a beast is failed to fight against a mere air blade created from a few swings from an Iron Ruler.</p> <p class="cnNmZjM4YmRkNjU3ODRhMTBiYmFiODZhZmM4MTJjYzJi"> </p> <p class="cnNlNTYzZDA1Mjg1ZjQ5MjI4NGQ1OWMzZDkxMWM1Y2Q3">Like the scales is made from eggshells, it shatters each time the air blade strikes at the Iron Scale Bull's body. The attack before reaching the bull already destroyed all its defense, leaving it only with its Iron Piercer Tail, Twin Iron Horn, and its four Iron Hoofs.</p> <p class="cnNiNWY2ODk5NjRkNDQ1NDY5YmZhODAyYmI2MmJkNjk4"> </p> <p class="cnM3OTM2ZmEyMWQwNTQ1OTk5ODA2ZGUzY2I2OGZlYWRm">"MOO!!!" the Iron Scale Bull cried out loud and stomps its front hoofs down on the ground. Then, after cutting off the strings tying down itself with the carriage, the Iron Scale Bull charged at Zhang Wu Ji with its top speed. But no matter how ferocious is the Iron Scale Bull, it was meant to be defeated today.</p> <p class="cnM3MjA1Njc4Mjc2YTQwN2I5MmI4MjU2ZDlkY2JmNDEz"> </p> <p class="cnNlOGFhYjEyNTZkODQwMGQ5ODIyMzhiMGEyM2Q3NDZl">The Iron Ruler of a weight close to 20 kilograms is pierced into the ground like a sturdy pillar and standing from behind, Zhang Wu Ji awaits the bull to come and challenge his Iron Ruler's might. The sight is like how a Matador is testing the ferocity of the bull.</p> <p class="cnMwY2E1NTljMzAwZjQ1NDViZDJkNjkzNWNjMzgyNWNh"> </p> <p class="cnMyNDY1ODI2ZDdjODQ4NWE4OGZiOTJlYjkwMzAzYmU1">"Moo!!!" the Iron Scale Bull strikes straight at the Iron Ruler, only to be bounced back like a Bamboo Slingshot. It flew about six meters high backward and slammed at the dense foliage full of shrubs and thorns. Without any of the Iron Scales protecting it anymore, the Iron Scale Bull can only cry in pain.</p> <p class="cnMzN2EwOTNhNGM0ZjQwZWM5MDM4MjQxZGJmZmE0ZGIx"> </p> <p class="cnNkYjZhMTE1MTRlMjQyMDg5ZmRiZDEzM2QwMzcxYjBj">These pain might agitate its anger further if it was before, but with itself void of any Iron Scales now, the bull can only cry in pain. The Irony of life... An Iron Scale Bull well famed for its strength and defense end up crying because its body was full of injuries due to the sharp thorns covering the dense shrubs.</p> <p class="cnMzZThmNTg0MDhjNjQzNDlhM2E0NmUyNDRkZjExMjVj"> </p> <p class="cnM1M2Y5MGViYzZkNjRlZWNiYjlkM2ZiZjNlMzAzMTU5">"Bring everyone back to the city. I will handle the Iron Scale Bull personally." Zhang Wu Ji instructed the others. Albeit they were filled with shock from the battle, the importance of bringing the kidnapped female back to the city is still a priority. With the route is already cleared from any remnants of the bandits, it was safe for them to escort them back, even if Zhang Wu Ji did not follow them.</p> <p class="cnNhZTljMTAyOThmZDQxODRiMTg1ZjViNDhmNThiNDQ0"> </p> <p class="cnM3MzRhMGE4ZTk5ZjRlM2RiYTgxZDM3MWI1NjA2YTYx">Watching at the leaving crowd of females under his subordinates lead, Zhang Wu Ji walks closer to the Iron Scale Bull and took a Wound Mending Pill out from his pouch. He placed the pill right before the nose of the bull, and in that instant, even suffering from pain, the bull still tried to eat the pill.</p> <p class="cnMyZWM0NjE5NWVjMjRkZGViYWU5YzdmMWE3ODc3Y2Ux"> </p> <p class="cnM0ZGRlOTNjYmZmODQyOGY5N2RkMzFlMDdlZGI2Yzk4">"You're gluttonous right? Did they promise you that you will get food if you help them?" unexpected to even himself, Zhang Wu Ji was speaking with the Iron Scale Bull. If this sight is seen by people from his own world, he will be sent into a mental hospital immediately.</p> <p class="cnM2NDEwN2E2YzZlNTRhZDhiMDA4Yzg0N2NiZDdlMTdl"> </p> <p class="cnMwNjc1NDdkNzExOTQ0YjZhNzhiNmRiMGRiOWZkNGM3">"Moo... Moo..." the Iron Scale Bull voice its reply, like begging for the Wound Mending Pill.</p> <p class="cnNkN2Y3ZGZhZjI2MTQyNGU4NTczYzJiMjZkMDE1YTFm"> </p> <p class="cnNkMmIyMzBkMDk4NDQ2OWU4ZjQ1MGYwYjRlYTJiNTg5">"This medicine, I got a lot, but if you want, you will have to follow me," he said.</p> <p class="cnM4YjdhYzAyY2FkOTRhODY4MDZlNmRlYTUzZTI4OWUy"> </p> <p class="cnNlNTVlZTI3N2VjZjRkZGY4NjBiZTZhYzFhZjIzMzU4">"Moo!" the Iron Scale Bull harrumph and turn the head around.</p> <p class="cnNhNWJhMTQwOWIxMzQ1MzI5NzMyYjM5ODc1ZThiNDFk"> </p> <p class="cnNlNzZjOWQzMTE4NjQ0ZjVhY2VlMzQzYmRlNmRjM2Ez">"You sure?" Zhang Wu Ji took a few more pills out in his hand, with one of them is the precious Complete Taixia Qi Pill. When these pills are out in the open, the bull no longer maintains itself any longer. The gluttonous self quickly overcome its pride, where the tongue quickly came out and tried to lick the pill.</p> <p class="cnNiYjQ1Y2RiOTZiMTQwYzVhZmY1ZmUzYmE0MWE0YTZi"> </p> <p class="cnM4MjAzNjNmOTlmNzRkZGFiMzJlYWZjY2VkMjNhMGUx">"Follow me."</p> <p class="cnM4ZGVlMTgzMTNjMjQ1MjliNDhjNmM0NDdlZjA4YjFk"> </p> <p class="cnNlODU3ZGFlZmRjMTQ0ZTg5ZGU3MGEyYWRmODFlNjI3">"Moo!"</p> <p class="cnNlNzc4OTkyMmI1NzQ3Y2M4NTAwNmYzMzUzODZkODhk"> </p> <p class="cnMyZDM3OWU0YTc3MzRmOTI4NjIzNzBkNWM2YTVhODgw">"You sure?"</p> <p class="cnM2MDUwYjdiN2UwYjQxZDM5NTNlNDVjMzA0OGJhMzcw"> </p> <p class="cnNmNzgzZmNkYmJlMzRhYmM4NDUyMjE2NjRjM2Q1M2Nh">"Moo... Moo..."</p> <p class="cnNlYjY5NDVlZGM2NDQyODBiNWE4Mzc5NzgxOTA5NmUx"> </p> <p class="cnM0OTEwNThiMmNlYjQ3M2ZhNzY2NTU5YzU2NTgyYWQ1">"Moo." the Iron Scale Bull still persistent for a while, but give up in the end for the sake to consume the few pills. But of course, Zhang Wu Ji will not give such a good reward before the Iron Scale Bull contributes to him. He only fed it will few Qi Sensing Pills, and that was enough to make the bull followed behind him happily.</p> <p class="cnM3NTAyNDE4ZTYzODQ0MGFhNjI0ODFkMThlNzQ2YWZh"> </p> <p class="cnMxY2RlZGUyMjViMDRkZmY4MjI2ZDkzOTJkNzdjMDU4">It's just that the injuries the bull suffered is worst than he expected, thus, filled with a mind to treat this Iron Scale Bull as his lab rat, Zhang Wu Ji executed the [Small Nourishment Art] on the Iron Scale Bull to see what will happen. A flash soon went through from his body and entered the body of the Iron Scale Bull and begin to help in its recovery.</p> <p class="cnNlMjA3YmJjYTUwODQ1Njk4ZDEwN2E5MzIxY2ZmNzFm"> </p> <p class="cnMyMzRlZDQ5NDM0YzQ1MTk5MjlkMjlkODhlMGE0MjFj">The injuries due to the thorny shrubs are the first to heal before some greenish substance were forced out from a hidden injury under its ribs. From the look of the injury, it should be around for quite a long time. Does this mean that the Iron Scale Bull was captured somewhere else before it becomes the transport of the bandits?</p> <p class="cnMyZGE5YTMxOTE2YzQwMTBhZmQ4ZDQ0MWUzODVmZDRk"> </p> <p class="cnMwZDRmNjlhODdhNTRlMGU5MTlmZWMzYTFlMzQzNTEw">Soon, most of the injuries are removed, and from its skin, slightly hardened scales is started to grow, leaving the Iron Scale Bull to look like how it was before. But the only differences is that the recently grown scales is still very fragile, thus it was not suitable to be used in a battle for at least one week.</p> <p class="cnM1MzgzMTg2NWIxOTQ4YjViZDY5YmJmNWMxZGEyZDkx"> </p> <p class="cnM0NTEwNmZhN2Q1ZTRmNzliZjcxNTFjMzJiY2UyMzI3">"Hey, your scales grow back! Can I use them as replacement of my Iron Source next time?" Zhang Wu Ji jokes when he sees how fast is the growth of its new scales. But of course, he knows that it was because of his Small Nourishment Art ability. The wonder of his Upgrade System just thrown him into more and more wonderful, because of their amazing effectiveness even towards Wild Beast.</p> <p class="cnMxNjQ2MGZkMGZmNjRlNGViMWZjNTk0Y2JiZDMwNjVm"> </p> <p class="cnM2YzY0MjYwODRkNTQwZGRiZGQ4ZGJmNDA4NzU2N2Iy">The group of females under the escort of ten subordinates reaches the Northern Gate first, followed by Zhang Wu Ji about half an hour later, riding on top of the Iron Scale Bull. This sight gave the residents another shock again because even a kid knows that;</p> <p class="cnM1NjI2YjAzMDk3MDQ0MWQ5MWIyNjBmYjIzMGEyZmVj"> </p> <p class="cnM1OTJkODA3N2IwMjQxMjA5ODEwZDUzMzQxMWM0MThm">"If you dare to sit on the back of a domesticated Iron Scale Bull, be prepared to be killed by the bull in a split second."</p> <p class="cnNmNzYzOTRjNDMzNDQzYjFhMWYxZDEyMjQxYjkxOWMz"> </p> <p class="cnMzYzIxYjliM2IwZTRlZDY5MzFmYTg3NTFhOTQ4Mzcy">This sentence is true to the earth, but the missed the fact how Zhang Wu Ji healed the Iron Scale Bull from its injury and also that previous illness. Given with a new life to start again as a normal Iron Scale Bull, it will be impossible for it to not allow its master to ride on it.</p> <p class="cnM1NmZjM2NmNDY4YjRmMmM5ZTNlYzlmYzRkYzE5ZjUz"> </p> <p class="cnM1OTNkM2IyY2Q1YzRmNTc4ZGQyZjYyMzU1NGM2YjNi">"Junior brother, that Iron Scale Bull..." the fifth and sixth senior sister approached their junior to take a clearer look on the Iron Scale Bull, which had been tamed. It was a fun thing, especially for the girls to approach the animals to take caress them, but such affection towards a bull is his first time.</p> <p class="cnNlOGY0MTIxYjFjZDRmOTc4OTIxNGViNDZjYzcyNDMy"> </p> <p class="cnMzNzNhNmZkNmNlOTQ3NzE4M2FmMTFlODMzNjJjNTky">"I just tame it. It used to under control by the bandits through force, so I end up getting its loyalty by feeding it with a few pills." Zhang Wu Ji simply answered his senior sister's question, but even a fool can guess.</p> <p class="cnMwNjEzNmY5YWE3NzQ3Y2NhMjRhZTM3Mzk3NmNjODVi"> </p> <p class="cnNlOGE2ZDQ0NmQzMDQ2NzM5YWYzOTRiNzFmMDAzMTMx">"How can a few pills easily tame the beast?"</p> <p class="cnM0NGQ4OTBmMzFiMTQ5ZjNhMDE1NmY3OWI2OGVkYWRi"> </p> <p class="cnNjYWE0MGZiY2VkYTQ4OGZiNWRjYzU3MmY5ZTkwNjJk">"Fifth Sister, Sixth Sister, do you like it? I can give it to you two to take care if you want." Zhang Wu Ji patted at the head of the bull, which if obediently rubbed its head on his chest at the next moment. It was a normal thing for a male to be rub on the chest, but for girls, it was a different reaction altogether.</p> <p class="cnNlMzdkMzc2NzAzZTRlZGZiMWNjYWI5MjNhMzlmNTU1"> </p> <p class="cnNkMDc3ZDlkZTQ4MzQ4NjdiODI5NzM3MDM2ZTk3YWQ5">"Ah! No!" the two were scared by the action done by the bull on Zhang Wu Ji's chest. For the girls, it was like themselves got molested by the beast, although it doesn't means anything at all.</p> <p class="cnM3ZGM2NDE2OWYwNjQzZWM5MjU5NDUzYTMzYTgwNmUz"> </p> <p class="cnNlODcwMzdkZjA5MTRkMTNhNjk1YTQ1OTM1NDUxZGFm">"Damn bull! You're doing that on purpose!" Zhang Wu Ji knows the reason behind the bull's action. With the bull this smart, how can it did not realized the fact female human hate to have their chest touched by others? It was a daily sight in the Bandit's stronghold, where the females were like rabbits that all the man chase and hunt, before fiercely caress their chest.</p> <p class="cnMzNzIwNjNiNThlNDRjNGI5YzQ5NTRlMDg1ZGFkYzAx"> </p> <p class="cnNkOGEwMDkyYTBkMDQxYTY5ZWZlOGQ2NmUxOTBkNmJj">"All I need is to touch their chest and they will run away from me! Good Idea, good idea!" the Iron Scale Bull thought.</p> <p class="cnMyZjkzNWVlMDgwZjRhZjQ4YzA1Y2NiYjUwM2IwNjc1"> </p> <p class="cnMyYTExMjVmNmNhZTQ5MDdhMWIxMmIyZDFkNTJiODA2">As the three of them with a bull busy having their discussion, the families with their female member kidnapped came right before Zhang Wu Ji, and gave him a kneel again. It was to show their gratitude towards the savior for saving a member of their families, to allow them to be together once more.</p> <p class="cnMzMjQ4OGJhMGNkZjQzOTM5NmRkZWMzODBiM2NhODNj"> </p> <p class="cnMzNzE1ZmFjYjI2ZDQyYTNiZjA4NjFiZTNhZDkyYWZl">"Please stand up! Please!" Zhang Wu Ji went over to lift all of them back on their feet, and end up getting even closer to them, especially when all the yet to married young ladies were eyeing on him like he was a prince in a white armor.</p> <p class="cnMxYzE4M2QwYjNiMTQyNjliNGNjZDkyNTZlY2ViZWI2"> </p> <p class="cnMyMDk0YjJlYzQxOTQ0MGZiOTJmYmRlMzMyMjA1ZGQy">"Master Senior Ninth! The elders and City Lord summoned all Master Disciples into the building!" a subordinate from the Herbalist Department came to look for him, where he immediately excuse himself from the public and leave with his fifth and sixth senior sisters.</p> <p class="cnM5MmRmOGNlODI0YjQ4NWI4MmVmZmIxODFiMTc5MDA4"> </p> <p class="cnM5YzJkZTZjYzQ0OTQyYTRhN2E3YTllZGQzMjliMWU3">That summon quickly gathers all the important people into the building main hall, where everyone started to discuss the incident carefully.</p> <p class="cnNhZDA4MmFmODgwZTQ0MDFiNDg3NDYwZjVhYjU3NDVk"> </p> <p class="cnM3NzBjNjk5ZWY5ZDRhOWY5ODE3YWFkN2I0NmI3Njgz">"The attack burn down a third of the houses and buildings in the area of Northern Gate, and in a rough estimation, we suffered about 500 soldier casualties, and another 100 of them will not be able to contribute to the military any longer because of the mental trauma." one of the elder representative gave a thorough report.</p> <p class="cnMwYTljYmYyYzQ1NTQ4Yjg5NTQyNDg2MTJkYzAzZjBh"> </p> <p class="cnM0YzhjMzUxZGE5YjQwZWY4ZmM5MTgwMTNhZDc3ZmQ2">"After calculating the military expenses and tributes for the dead soldiers, we estimate that we will need at least 50,000 Qi Sensing Pills to be paid to the five hundred families, and the rebuilding of all the building will cost another 50,000 Qi Sensing Pills. At this moment, we're out of refugee supplies, which means we will need to spend at least 10,000 Qi Sensing Pills monthly to support everyone for now until all their buildings are completed." another elder representative reported.</p> <p class="cnMwOTBlMDMwMmFiZDQ2YjZiM2MwNzQzODhmZmFjNDg4"> </p> <p class="cnNjNjQ3MjMyODY0NTQxZGM4OGY4ZmY3Mjg4NDY4MGQy">"As for the training of the soldiers again and rebuild our City Wall, we will need to spend another 50,000 Qi Sensing Pills again. This incident really put a toll on our expenditure." the final elder representative completed the reports. Which gives all the others in the room a heavy sigh. At the end of the day, it still came to financial difficulties. Like how it was in his previous life, money is what made people go around.</p> <p class="cnMzNGM3YmI1MDA3ZDQyMWNhZGFkNGJkNmIxZmIwYzRl"> </p> <p class="cnM3OTdjN2E1MWMxODQ5NjM4YmNjOWIxYTExMDdmMDMz">"At the end, it still comes to the difficulties of money?" Zhang Wu Ji considered the situation carefully, and before he makes any decision, Zhang Wu Ji take things a step forward by questioning the elders first.</p> <p class="cnNhNjk2ZTRiYmFjZjQxY2ZiNWU1YzhkMjBhYzJmZGUy"> </p> <p class="cnM4M2U3OGNlOTE1ZjRkYjhiYjgxYWFkZThjMTI1ZGY2">"Three Elder Representatives, Can this junior ask, what kind of resources is the most abundant in the Wen Wu City?" he came out with a question without waiting for them to agree to answer. Looking at the youth who stands up and ask such deep questions, the three elders ordered their subordinates to come back with a list.</p> <p class="cnM3MzgxNmI1Y2E3NzQ3MDk4NTUwYzMxMDgzOGQ3ZjU3"> </p> <p class="cnM3NTExNDE4MTQ3MDRmNDZhZDAzOWYwZWIzYjhmZjE3">"In reply to the Ninth Direct Disciple, this elder will begin to read the resources that can be easily found in our West, North, and South Region."</p> <p class="cnMxYmY3MzRiZjZjNTRmMWU4OTM2YTUyMjg2MTlmYTMw"> </p> <p class="cnMyOWJkM2ZhZTEyMjRhOTJiNWUxMDdhMzIwYWYzYjQ3">"In the north, we have small numbers of the self-maintained farmer that focus on planting and harvesting the Ruby Grains to be made into rice. Depending on the season, their harvest was twice a year, and in between of the harvest, they will be planting medicinal herbs like Blood Stopping Grass and Healing Flower, which can be harvested in a month."</p> <p class="cnNiYjhjM2Q0Y2M4ODQ1ZTViYTc5OTc1ODJkOTQ5YjI1"> </p> <p class="cnMyOWYyYTljZDZhNjQ0MTM5M2NiNGIxNDU1Y2EzMDcy">"As for the West, that is where our Wen Wu City's Mine is located. Here, our main production was Iron Mineral Ore, rich with Sentient Iron, an average amount of Pure Iron, and a very minimal amount of Crystal Iron. Other than this three materials, we also produce Coal Silica and some Clay."</p> <p class="cnNlZjdkOWQ3ZDc4NDQ3YTc4YTYwYTM3MWQxN2QyYmQ2"> </p> <p class="cnNjYTEyZmM3MDY1ZjQwYzVhNTc0ZGMxNjQxZmE4Nzcy">"Lastly, the South is where the Southern Bamboo Forest is located. Our main harvest from the forest are mainly medicinal herbs and some younger beast meat, sometimes, we collect the grown bamboo from the forest to construct buildings or other things. This is all the produce we made in the Wen Wu City." one of the elders introduce and explained the situation of the Wen Wu City, which seems nice from the outside, but poor in the inside.</p> <p class="cnM2MDljNThkMzZiNDQ1OWE4ZGQxMzJiZTdiZTM3NTIy"> </p> <p class="cnNiYzk5ZGZjOTVmZTRmYmU5N2I3MWY1ZTMxNjU1NTFm">Even Zhang Wu Ji himself felt pathetic with a city that has so little products and resources made available. Their sizes were nothing lesser than the city he stays in his previous life, but in the term of production, the city he says in his previous life not only produce high-quality steel and metal, they were the world biggest contributions in textile and woods. Let aside the issue in grains or wheat supplies, the city also have their own filtration plant, canning factory, and also training school and university for them to study and graduates with a major profession in one of the industrial fields.</p> <p class="cnM0YmQzZjQ0YjM5NzQzZTBiZjY2NTRjMGM3YjZmOTRi"> </p> <p class="cnMzYzE5OWUzYzY2NzRiYTA4ZGY1YzA5OGQ3ZjY0NjAx">"Should I industrialized them?" it was a difficult choice for him to decides because this will indirectly be related with the way people look at the Seven Star Sect. Helping out a city out of kindness is not a problem, but the problem is how will those people from above, means the emperor, the State Minister, and the other counties will react. It might be treated as the intention to rebel against the Southern Kingdom straight away because of the approach!</p> <p class="cnMzMjE0ZGMyYTI2NjRjN2I4MjM3Mzg1NDYzMjYyODVh"> </p> <p class="cnNlNGE5ZmU0YWJkMDRiYzhiNGFmNDc1M2I3ZmY3MDk0">"To help but not to help, to contributes but asking for a return, to invest... And..."</p> <p class="cnNkMzkwY2MzNzRhYjRmZTFiNWMyNmE2MjkyYWE2MzIw"> </p> <p class="cnNmNDlhNjA2NjFkOTQ5Y2ZiMTcwMzVjY2I0NmUyMTMw">"YES!"</p> <p class="cnNhYTc1MzZjNDk1YjRmNzNiZmFiZjkwZTg0NDQ3YmUx"> </p> <p class="cnNlODJjMGI0NWZiZTQ0Njk5MmFlYzkzNjYzOGFkODc4">"YES! That's it!" Zhang Wu Ji suddenly becomes happier as he finally obtained the solutions to something he wanted. He turned to the direction where all the people were still waiting for his reply and said;</p> <p class="cnNmMDgyOTgyYTJiMDRmOTNhZjI1NjA5YTI1NTQyODAw"> </p> <p class="cnNiZTYwNzg0OTJkZTQ2NzBhYjVlOTc3ZTA2NjExMTY5">"The Apprentice Hall will contribute in the reconstruction of the northern side of the Wen Wu City, as for the payment, we're unable to say we will do the works for free, but in exchange, I will allow the Wen Wu City's Departments to shoulder the cost, and allowed you to repay the cost of reconstruction works in an Instalments! This will allow the Wen Wu City to continue to grow, but also maintain the financial stability to further strengthening themselves!"</p> <p class="cnNkNGQ4ZjdkZTNiMjQ1ODQ5ZGZiMzQ0OWE2YzQzZGFj"> </p> <p class="cnNmYjE4YmMwNWVlZTQxMGY5MjBiN2MyMGNhZjE0MTM3">"As for the materials, I am sorry but to request the miners under the City Lord's order to assist in increasing their production, and in return of this payment, we, the Apprentice Hall will gladly provide temporary shelters and job opportunities to those willing to work, and to those misfortunate families." Zhang Wu Ji offered.</p> <p class="cnNlODY3YmNkMmFhODQyYjQ4N2Y0NmNkMTE0YTZiYTFm"> </p> <p class="cnMxNmVlMDMwMDViNDQyYTViY2RhYzQ0OTQ4ZmIxMzI2">"Are... Are you serious with what you just said?" the City Lord was so shocked he stands up and reconfirm again about what he just heard. The other three elders cannot believe it as well, except the Commander of the Militarized Forces, because he is slightly not too [Bright] enough.</p> <p class="cnNjY2VhMDVmODM2YzQ5Yzk4ZDQxOWZkNjliNmIzNmRi"> </p> <p class="cnNkZmRmZDE3YzI4NTQ3ODA4YzcwYmJmMzczZmViYWQx">The Grand Elder of the Right were impressed with the idea Zhang Wu Ji mentioned. Similarly, the eight senior brother and sisters of his were caught by surprise and stared at their youngest junior brother from hearing such an innovative and new method to handle the method of payment.</p> <p class="cnNhOGFiODI0OGVhNDRmMGI5ZDJmYTg5MWY5NTUwNmI4"> </p> <p class="cnMyODE0OTNkYWFiMDRjMzg5ZDcxOWNkN2E0OTg3YjY4">"Yes, City Lord. As long the City residents assist in this matter, we are confident the Apprentice Hall can help in reconstructing the Northern part of the Wen Wu City and also strengthen the City Wall from being attacked by the bandits so easily next time.</p> <p class="cnM3YzlhN2M1MGNkMDRiYzZhNDg4YzllOGIxMzZiY2I1"> </p> <p class="cnM2MTc0YWVhNzUyMjRjMzNhMzUxZjZmNWI2MTM2NmZh">"Great! What a great idea! Let everyone in the city knows that from now on, The Northern side of Wen Wu City rebuilding will be tasked to the Apprentice Hall, and for the time being, the Apprentice Hall will accept all incoming manpower to increase the speed of their works. The meal will be prepared two times a day for the young and the old, and for those working force, three meals will be provided instead."</p> <p class="cnNjNTM1ZjQ2NzUyNDQ5YTNhN2QwMmE2ZDU0NDFlNTYx"> </p> <p class="cnMxNWNiMmQ4YjI2OTQwYjViMzY0ZGNkZDg2NmNkNzY3">"The Wen Wu City will not apply any taxes on the Apprentice Hall in the period of the rebuilding the Northern Side, and at the same time, the City Lord Management will not restrict the Apprentice Hall in any manner!" The city lord completes his instruction to be read out back to the public and turned to face Zhang Wu Ji once more.</p> <p class="cnMzMTk1OGFkZmEyZjRiMjVhNTk1ZTUxYzhlNzg0M2I1"> </p> <p class="cnM4N2FjZTY5NTlhNjRiMTdhN2VjM2ExZTRjY2QyMjUy">"Ninth Direct Disciple, this old city lord is incapable as you do. Thank you for your magnanimity to help the Wen Wu City to stand on their own once again!" the city lord did not hesitate and gave Zhang Wu Ji a bow. In terms of value, whose bow can stands on par of his master and his father?</p> <p class="cnM5ZWJlYWY4ZDIyZjRlYjliNjBkMjI0ZDY0NWY2ZTU3"> </p> <p class="cnNmMWZmZjBmYmZmNTQwMDM5Njc1ZDA1MzdkMWY2OGU0">It will be a bow from the highest official in a city of course!</p> </div>
"Master Disciples, can this elderly speaks a few words with you all?" an elder who is also the North Gate Representative came towards the nine of them with the intention to explained something. Luckily, the location they're at the moment is inside of the Apprentice Hall building. "Elder please speak, if this nine disciples can help it, we will not hesitate to get it done." their eldest senior brother answered his request to speaks and seated just before the elder to listen to his needs. "The attack just now caught over twenty females in a different age, some of them were peoples daughter, some is other's wives. I hope the nine Master Disciples can provide us with some assistance to rescue the ladies from their distress." the elderly explained the situation to the nine of them. Without further ado, they immediately consult the situation with the Grand Elder of the Right and discussed the number of affected families. After recognizing most of their members, Zhang Wu Ji took the lead to catch up with the running Iron Scale Bull, while the others maintain the safety and guarding the perimeters of the North Gate in case the bandits have back up troops that managed to escape. Meanwhile, the City Lord, the Commander of the Militarized Forces, and the Grand Elder of the Right is discussing the task to rebuild the houses and also some buildings, but due to the lack of resources and expertise, their discussion end up stopping in between before further reports related to the building materials and available workers came into their hand. If this matter had been made known by Zhang Wu Ji, perhaps they don't even need to wait before making a decision. In a side fact, who can compete with the wealth of the Apprentice Hall at this moment? With himself missing from handling their treasury, it was filled with more and more precious material, and also skillful workers. The Apprentice Hall can easily command over ten thousand of the workforce in rebuilding the northern side of the Wen Wu City. . . . "That's the carriage with Iron Scale Bull! It wasn't driven by anyone, that's why the Wild Beast is still loitering around this area!" one of the members from the Martial Art Department made a remark the moment the group of eleven people saw the slowly moving carriage. They immediately catch up, but at this point, it still wasn't an easy task either. An Iron Scale Bull possess the strength of the 9th Stage of Inner Qi Fighter, so how can those people from their group have the ability to fight against it? Fighting against a fellow human, one may possibly catch him unaware and making some mistakes in a group fight, but it was different when the opponent becomes a Wild Beast. A beast possesses twice the awareness when compared with a human, and on the body of an Iron Scale Bull especially, each part of the beast is a weapon. The body of the bull carries more than five different weapons, and if it was not for it timid nature, handling a beast of this strength is akin to seeking for own's death. "Master Senior Ninth, what should we do now?" the subordinates asked for their next instruction. Being Zhang Wu Ji's subordinates is always comes with a perk, and for them, it was the privilege of learning the New Fist of Destruction Qi and also been given with sufficient QI Sensing Pills as long they work. "Charge head on!" Zhang Wu Ji instruction is very simple, but that simplicity generates fear and awe at the same time. They have no idea that Zhang Wu Ji is this confident in his approach is because all over his body is filled with the item that comes with some special effect. "Shatter-Strike!" Zhang Wu Ji activates the same technique for the second time, and with a continuous swing as he gets closer, air blades are formed in dozens and strikes at the Iron Scale Bull without a mercy. For Zhang Wu Ji, this was something fun for him, but for the subordinates, their master is a freak! Freak! Freak! Total Freak! "Can we even destroy a single scales on the Iron Scale Bull's body?" this is what in their mind at this moment. But the reality does show then that even the heaviest defend of a beast is failed to fight against a mere air blade created from a few swings from an Iron Ruler. Like the scales is made from eggshells, it shatters each time the air blade strikes at the Iron Scale Bull's body. The attack before reaching the bull already destroyed all its defense, leaving it only with its Iron Piercer Tail, Twin Iron Horn, and its four Iron Hoofs. "MOO!!!" the Iron Scale Bull cried out loud and stomps its front hoofs down on the ground. Then, after cutting off the strings tying down itself with the carriage, the Iron Scale Bull charged at Zhang Wu Ji with its top speed. But no matter how ferocious is the Iron Scale Bull, it was meant to be defeated today. The Iron Ruler of a weight close to 20 kilograms is pierced into the ground like a sturdy pillar and standing from behind, Zhang Wu Ji awaits the bull to come and challenge his Iron Ruler's might. The sight is like how a Matador is testing the ferocity of the bull. "Moo!!!" the Iron Scale Bull strikes straight at the Iron Ruler, only to be bounced back like a Bamboo Slingshot. It flew about six meters high backward and slammed at the dense foliage full of shrubs and thorns. Without any of the Iron Scales protecting it anymore, the Iron Scale Bull can only cry in pain. These pain might agitate its anger further if it was before, but with itself void of any Iron Scales now, the bull can only cry in pain. The Irony of life... An Iron Scale Bull well famed for its strength and defense end up crying because its body was full of injuries due to the sharp thorns covering the dense shrubs. "Bring everyone back to the city. I will handle the Iron Scale Bull personally." Zhang Wu Ji instructed the others. Albeit they were filled with shock from the battle, the importance of bringing the kidnapped female back to the city is still a priority. With the route is already cleared from any remnants of the bandits, it was safe for them to escort them back, even if Zhang Wu Ji did not follow them. Watching at the leaving crowd of females under his subordinates lead, Zhang Wu Ji walks closer to the Iron Scale Bull and took a Wound Mending Pill out from his pouch. He placed the pill right before the nose of the bull, and in that instant, even suffering from pain, the bull still tried to eat the pill. "You're gluttonous right? Did they promise you that you will get food if you help them?" unexpected to even himself, Zhang Wu Ji was speaking with the Iron Scale Bull. If this sight is seen by people from his own world, he will be sent into a mental hospital immediately. "Moo... Moo..." the Iron Scale Bull voice its reply, like begging for the Wound Mending Pill. "This medicine, I got a lot, but if you want, you will have to follow me," he said. "Moo!" the Iron Scale Bull harrumph and turn the head around. "You sure?" Zhang Wu Ji took a few more pills out in his hand, with one of them is the precious Complete Taixia Qi Pill. When these pills are out in the open, the bull no longer maintains itself any longer. The gluttonous self quickly overcome its pride, where the tongue quickly came out and tried to lick the pill. "Follow me." "Moo!" "You sure?" "Moo... Moo..." "Moo." the Iron Scale Bull still persistent for a while, but give up in the end for the sake to consume the few pills. But of course, Zhang Wu Ji will not give such a good reward before the Iron Scale Bull contributes to him. He only fed it will few Qi Sensing Pills, and that was enough to make the bull followed behind him happily. It's just that the injuries the bull suffered is worst than he expected, thus, filled with a mind to treat this Iron Scale Bull as his lab rat, Zhang Wu Ji executed the [Small Nourishment Art] on the Iron Scale Bull to see what will happen. A flash soon went through from his body and entered the body of the Iron Scale Bull and begin to help in its recovery. The injuries due to the thorny shrubs are the first to heal before some greenish substance were forced out from a hidden injury under its ribs. From the look of the injury, it should be around for quite a long time. Does this mean that the Iron Scale Bull was captured somewhere else before it becomes the transport of the bandits? Soon, most of the injuries are removed, and from its skin, slightly hardened scales is started to grow, leaving the Iron Scale Bull to look like how it was before. But the only differences is that the recently grown scales is still very fragile, thus it was not suitable to be used in a battle for at least one week. "Hey, your scales grow back! Can I use them as replacement of my Iron Source next time?" Zhang Wu Ji jokes when he sees how fast is the growth of its new scales. But of course, he knows that it was because of his Small Nourishment Art ability. The wonder of his Upgrade System just thrown him into more and more wonderful, because of their amazing effectiveness even towards Wild Beast. The group of females under the escort of ten subordinates reaches the Northern Gate first, followed by Zhang Wu Ji about half an hour later, riding on top of the Iron Scale Bull. This sight gave the residents another shock again because even a kid knows that; "If you dare to sit on the back of a domesticated Iron Scale Bull, be prepared to be killed by the bull in a split second." This sentence is true to the earth, but the missed the fact how Zhang Wu Ji healed the Iron Scale Bull from its injury and also that previous illness. Given with a new life to start again as a normal Iron Scale Bull, it will be impossible for it to not allow its master to ride on it. "Junior brother, that Iron Scale Bull..." the fifth and sixth senior sister approached their junior to take a clearer look on the Iron Scale Bull, which had been tamed. It was a fun thing, especially for the girls to approach the animals to take caress them, but such affection towards a bull is his first time. "I just tame it. It used to under control by the bandits through force, so I end up getting its loyalty by feeding it with a few pills." Zhang Wu Ji simply answered his senior sister's question, but even a fool can guess. "How can a few pills easily tame the beast?" "Fifth Sister, Sixth Sister, do you like it? I can give it to you two to take care if you want." Zhang Wu Ji patted at the head of the bull, which if obediently rubbed its head on his chest at the next moment. It was a normal thing for a male to be rub on the chest, but for girls, it was a different reaction altogether. "Ah! No!" the two were scared by the action done by the bull on Zhang Wu Ji's chest. For the girls, it was like themselves got molested by the beast, although it doesn't means anything at all. "Damn bull! You're doing that on purpose!" Zhang Wu Ji knows the reason behind the bull's action. With the bull this smart, how can it did not realized the fact female human hate to have their chest touched by others? It was a daily sight in the Bandit's stronghold, where the females were like rabbits that all the man chase and hunt, before fiercely caress their chest. "All I need is to touch their chest and they will run away from me! Good Idea, good idea!" the Iron Scale Bull thought. As the three of them with a bull busy having their discussion, the families with their female member kidnapped came right before Zhang Wu Ji, and gave him a kneel again. It was to show their gratitude towards the savior for saving a member of their families, to allow them to be together once more. "Please stand up! Please!" Zhang Wu Ji went over to lift all of them back on their feet, and end up getting even closer to them, especially when all the yet to married young ladies were eyeing on him like he was a prince in a white armor. "Master Senior Ninth! The elders and City Lord summoned all Master Disciples into the building!" a subordinate from the Herbalist Department came to look for him, where he immediately excuse himself from the public and leave with his fifth and sixth senior sisters. That summon quickly gathers all the important people into the building main hall, where everyone started to discuss the incident carefully. "The attack burn down a third of the houses and buildings in the area of Northern Gate, and in a rough estimation, we suffered about 500 soldier casualties, and another 100 of them will not be able to contribute to the military any longer because of the mental trauma." one of the elder representative gave a thorough report. "After calculating the military expenses and tributes for the dead soldiers, we estimate that we will need at least 50,000 Qi Sensing Pills to be paid to the five hundred families, and the rebuilding of all the building will cost another 50,000 Qi Sensing Pills. At this moment, we're out of refugee supplies, which means we will need to spend at least 10,000 Qi Sensing Pills monthly to support everyone for now until all their buildings are completed." another elder representative reported. "As for the training of the soldiers again and rebuild our City Wall, we will need to spend another 50,000 Qi Sensing Pills again. This incident really put a toll on our expenditure." the final elder representative completed the reports. Which gives all the others in the room a heavy sigh. At the end of the day, it still came to financial difficulties. Like how it was in his previous life, money is what made people go around. "At the end, it still comes to the difficulties of money?" Zhang Wu Ji considered the situation carefully, and before he makes any decision, Zhang Wu Ji take things a step forward by questioning the elders first. "Three Elder Representatives, Can this junior ask, what kind of resources is the most abundant in the Wen Wu City?" he came out with a question without waiting for them to agree to answer. Looking at the youth who stands up and ask such deep questions, the three elders ordered their subordinates to come back with a list. "In reply to the Ninth Direct Disciple, this elder will begin to read the resources that can be easily found in our West, North, and South Region." "In the north, we have small numbers of the self-maintained farmer that focus on planting and harvesting the Ruby Grains to be made into rice. Depending on the season, their harvest was twice a year, and in between of the harvest, they will be planting medicinal herbs like Blood Stopping Grass and Healing Flower, which can be harvested in a month." "As for the West, that is where our Wen Wu City's Mine is located. Here, our main production was Iron Mineral Ore, rich with Sentient Iron, an average amount of Pure Iron, and a very minimal amount of Crystal Iron. Other than this three materials, we also produce Coal Silica and some Clay." "Lastly, the South is where the Southern Bamboo Forest is located. Our main harvest from the forest are mainly medicinal herbs and some younger beast meat, sometimes, we collect the grown bamboo from the forest to construct buildings or other things. This is all the produce we made in the Wen Wu City." one of the elders introduce and explained the situation of the Wen Wu City, which seems nice from the outside, but poor in the inside. Even Zhang Wu Ji himself felt pathetic with a city that has so little products and resources made available. Their sizes were nothing lesser than the city he stays in his previous life, but in the term of production, the city he says in his previous life not only produce high-quality steel and metal, they were the world biggest contributions in textile and woods. Let aside the issue in grains or wheat supplies, the city also have their own filtration plant, canning factory, and also training school and university for them to study and graduates with a major profession in one of the industrial fields. "Should I industrialized them?" it was a difficult choice for him to decides because this will indirectly be related with the way people look at the Seven Star Sect. Helping out a city out of kindness is not a problem, but the problem is how will those people from above, means the emperor, the State Minister, and the other counties will react. It might be treated as the intention to rebel against the Southern Kingdom straight away because of the approach! "To help but not to help, to contributes but asking for a return, to invest... And..." "YES!" "YES! That's it!" Zhang Wu Ji suddenly becomes happier as he finally obtained the solutions to something he wanted. He turned to the direction where all the people were still waiting for his reply and said; "The Apprentice Hall will contribute in the reconstruction of the northern side of the Wen Wu City, as for the payment, we're unable to say we will do the works for free, but in exchange, I will allow the Wen Wu City's Departments to shoulder the cost, and allowed you to repay the cost of reconstruction works in an Instalments! This will allow the Wen Wu City to continue to grow, but also maintain the financial stability to further strengthening themselves!" "As for the materials, I am sorry but to request the miners under the City Lord's order to assist in increasing their production, and in return of this payment, we, the Apprentice Hall will gladly provide temporary shelters and job opportunities to those willing to work, and to those misfortunate families." Zhang Wu Ji offered. "Are... Are you serious with what you just said?" the City Lord was so shocked he stands up and reconfirm again about what he just heard. The other three elders cannot believe it as well, except the Commander of the Militarized Forces, because he is slightly not too [Bright] enough. The Grand Elder of the Right were impressed with the idea Zhang Wu Ji mentioned. Similarly, the eight senior brother and sisters of his were caught by surprise and stared at their youngest junior brother from hearing such an innovative and new method to handle the method of payment. "Yes, City Lord. As long the City residents assist in this matter, we are confident the Apprentice Hall can help in reconstructing the Northern part of the Wen Wu City and also strengthen the City Wall from being attacked by the bandits so easily next time. "Great! What a great idea! Let everyone in the city knows that from now on, The Northern side of Wen Wu City rebuilding will be tasked to the Apprentice Hall, and for the time being, the Apprentice Hall will accept all incoming manpower to increase the speed of their works. The meal will be prepared two times a day for the young and the old, and for those working force, three meals will be provided instead." "The Wen Wu City will not apply any taxes on the Apprentice Hall in the period of the rebuilding the Northern Side, and at the same time, the City Lord Management will not restrict the Apprentice Hall in any manner!" The city lord completes his instruction to be read out back to the public and turned to face Zhang Wu Ji once more. "Ninth Direct Disciple, this old city lord is incapable as you do. Thank you for your magnanimity to help the Wen Wu City to stand on their own once again!" the city lord did not hesitate and gave Zhang Wu Ji a bow. In terms of value, whose bow can stands on par of his master and his father? It will be a bow from the highest official in a city of course!
{ "title": "The Bored God Decides to Meddle", "id": 21222, "author": "Nao", "rating": 3.5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 4: Off to find something fun!", "id": 305505, "next": 306139, "prev": 304894, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5OGNhMjFmYzhmYzQ2NzZhNmQ3YTZlMzY1NjQyNGI5">Eh? This field again? OO the scavengers seem to be having a great feast.</p> <p class="cnM3Njc3Zjk0ZmI3MzQ1MDc4MDEyN2JiNWFlMzZlMGRh">♪La la la, I sing to go back home♪</p> <p class="cnM2YWY5NGRkOTdhZDRjMmM5MDE5ZjQ3YjU3Nzc2NGNk">…., The binding gem is still active huh?</p> <p class="cnNhMGRlOTgzMjRjMTQ4MzBhZTgyNjkwOGQ5NjU1M2E2">I guess I’ll just wait out my time on this field and sleep.</p> <p class="cnMwM2RhMzcyZDMzNjQzM2I5OTc0ODkzZmI1MjA0ZTIy">“Hey look papa someone’s still alive!” A little boy with a French cap stammered. The older gentlemen looked up from the bodies he was digging through.</p> <p class="cnNmYjcwODg3ODIzYzQyNTZhNjJjZGZmOTc3NmRmNzQy">“O it is. Hello miss, are you a merchant as well?”</p> <p class="cnM2ODg4NTJjYTc2MzQwMDA5MTg4M2RmNGIwYTRiZDAx">“ehh no, I’m just a passerby, I guess” I sat up from the windy plain.</p> <p class="cnMxZjFiNDYwMjI4NTQxNjFiMzExY2U5OWNiMmY3YThm">“O do you need a ride to Cervana? Me and my boy are seeing what we can scavenge here and heading back.” The older man said while pointing to his wagon.</p> <p class="cnM3M2I3MmE0N2FmYzRmYjA5YjA2NjcwMDZmNzA5ZmU3">“Sure, why not, not like there’s much to do here anyways” I nodded.</p> <p class="cnM1MmI0Zjg4MmY2MjQwZjU4NmEzNThkZTFjZjMyY2Ux">“Let me just pick up a few things here and will be on our way.”</p> <p class="cnNkNTFkYTUzYjMxMDQxYzdhMzczMzRjMGNlM2Q0ZDUx">-----On the way back----</p> <p class="cnNlMTQzNTVhOWJjNDRmMDU5MzJkNjU5N2ViMDRlNDlj">The little lad’s glare was intense ….</p> <p class="cnM0ZGMxM2RiMjE5YjRhZTQ4MzQ2MWZkMjJkNjE0OTIz">…</p> <p class="cnM1YTkyZWYzZGQ2NDRiZmU4OTMwYWYzYjA1MjhiOTAy">“My name is Ponta. WHAT’S YOURS!”</p> <p class="cnM0N2ExMmE5ZjRiMDRhOTZhYWZiYmY4ZDU3OWMyNDFk">Geez.. loud much.</p> <p class="cnMxZTkxMTU4MTcwZDQ2OGViZmY5ZTFjY2NlODkwMjJi">“I am Melody, nice to meetcha.” I struggled out in a lethargic tone.</p> <p class="cnNkNTgzODYzY2QzMDRiYzFhYTI0NGFhNDBiZTUxYzE0">“Me-lo-dy… Hay father have we found a wife for big bro?”</p> <p class="cnM0NTZiNGYyNGY3MzRhOTE4OWZiYzkwNzU2MzkzOTQy">“Ponta! What are you saying to the young lass?”</p> <p class="cnNlNzU2ZTkwZTExNzQwNmNiYmJiMmQyZTYwOGQ0OGUz">“What!!! You always said that the reason why Big bro isn’t married is because, there isn’t a lady beautiful enough. But look!” The boy named Ponta shoved his finger towards my face. I pushed aside the rude finger obstructing my view, and laid down on the wagon’s bench.</p> <p class="cnNhMDA5YjRhZGEzODQ4ZDhiNDIwZDljOGY0ZjhkNWNl">“Too loud” I said resting my head on the bench.</p> <p class="cnM1NTAzNGM2ZWNiZjRmNTE5YTNkMWZjOWI1YTNkNmZl">“Ponta, let the lass sleep. Why don’t you organize the goods?”</p> <p class="cnNkYmRlNTVkNGM4ZDRkYjE5YTI3NDZmNTBlMDMwZTU3">I awoke to the crackling of a small flame.</p> <p class="cnNlMDUxZjY0MjI0NzQ0YzQ4NjRkNzEyZmY2MzlhZGU0">“Oh, is the young miss awake? I’m just preparing dinner. I am Gorfon by the way, a small merchant in Cervana, I’ve heard of the battle in the valley between Merian and Cardigo, and thought there would be loot to be had.”</p> <p class="cnNlYjI3ZmNiMzk4NDQwNmNhOWE2ZDNhNjdkYWFhYjU5">The Opportunist much.</p> <p class="cnM1NjNmMWM1ZjYxNTQzODNhOThhNjllYmYxZTc3YTBl">The opportunist helped me down from the wagon. Not that I needed help, and gestured to a spot by the fire. He then gave me a plate of weird meats with a white grain surrounding it.</p> <p class="cnM5OWZmZmE3OGE2ZDRmMmQ4NzRhYjQ5NjA5M2ZhOWQw">“Melo! You don’t like curry?”</p> <p class="cnNjNDkyOTRjNTJhMzRmZjdhZmMzN2JlMThkNDBmYTZi">Melo? I spun my head to the right to see Ponta devouring his food. I took the spoon and carefully lifted it to my mouth. A mixture of heat and spice overwhelmed my mouth. HOT.</p> <p class="cnNmNTc5NTdjYWYwZDRiMGI5YzFkNjhiYTk2NmJkODYw">Awwww</p> <p class="cnM2NTFkNmMxNzhkMTRhYjliOTNkNjY0N2RhNjBkM2Nl">Seeing my clear distress Gorfon handed me a mug filled with water. I gulped everything down, letting some of it run the side of my mouth.</p> <p class="cnNjYTMwMzQ0MDMzOTRlN2NiNjUwODU2NGE5YWYwMGJm">“Awww… Why is it so hoooot.”</p> <p class="cnMxNTUzMzRjZDY3NzRiNDZhNWNhYzI2ZDM1M2Y0MmFk">“Ha ha, I guess you really are from somewhere far. Its classic Cervanian spice.” I listened, while stealing Ponta’s mug of water.</p> <p class="cnMzMzU4YzU2MzlhNzQxZjFhOTk5ZTE2ZDcyM2QyMTM5">“Hhehe” Ponta chuckled</p> <p class="cnMyODk2OGU2MDBlZjRlMTc5YTJlODNiMjI3YmRlMTJi">“Whats so funny! Enraged I scrambled his short brown hair.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjQ4Zjk4Nzk2MjQ0ZWNiNTA3MTVhMDM0ZmNjMGI3">♪I sing this song to let the torments of hell ravage thy mouth!♪</p> <p class="cnNhMjllNTk4Yzg3MjQ3M2FiYjJiOTg0YjNiMTA5NDc4">As I sang I delivered a devastating point at Ponta.</p> <p class="cnNlMDY0NjRiMGQxZDQ4NDBhZDJhYWNhNzRmMGNkMzU1">“Haha, your funny” Ponta held his stomach.</p> <p class="cnNkM2U2M2VmMTA3MzRkNTg5N2Y4MTljZmYxNzFkNjQ0">“My what a beautiful voice you have” The opportunist said with money signs glowing in his eyes.</p> <p class="cnM3YWQ3YzhjMWZmOTQ4NTdhYWRhNWQ3YjNkNjI4OTNh">Curse you Ergo, when is the gem goona fade!</p> <p class="cnM3NTZmN2RiOTQyYjQ5OTA4MDRjMGNmZWFlYzYxMWI3">“So Melody where are you from?” Gorfin asked as he handed me some crackers.</p> <p class="cnM0Y2I5ZTRjNTAwMzRiN2FiZmQ0NWQ2ZDliZWNkZmYw">I didn’t need to eat, but that’d cause more trouble than I would want to deal with. So I ate the crackers. Bland.</p> <p class="cnNmN2YwZDhjMzBkZTQ4M2M5N2RiMGY3NDhlNjRhMGY2">“I’m from… Who knows” I said snuggling close to the fire. I like this warmth.</p> <p class="cnM3MTUwNDM1ZTM3YjRhNmI5MjljMTVkYjBlNTkzYmFl">“A mystery I see. I won’t pry, but around here you best be warned. There’s a huge war going on between Merian and Cardigo. The place where were going, Cervana. Is currently occupied by Cardigo. It’s a small port city known for its trading, its where the merchant’s guild lies.”</p> <p class="cnM3NmYwNWUzYzM1MjRmMjg5M2I5OGUxODY1NDQwYWYy">I half listened before heading to sleep again. Everything is booooriing. Maybe something will be interesting there…</p> <p class="cnMxMjUxNzRlMTBiYTQ5ZDNhNWUzZDZmYzc0OWQ4MjUx"> </p> </div>
Eh? This field again? OO the scavengers seem to be having a great feast. ♪La la la, I sing to go back home♪ …., The binding gem is still active huh? I guess I’ll just wait out my time on this field and sleep. “Hey look papa someone’s still alive!” A little boy with a French cap stammered. The older gentlemen looked up from the bodies he was digging through. “O it is. Hello miss, are you a merchant as well?” “ehh no, I’m just a passerby, I guess” I sat up from the windy plain. “O do you need a ride to Cervana? Me and my boy are seeing what we can scavenge here and heading back.” The older man said while pointing to his wagon. “Sure, why not, not like there’s much to do here anyways” I nodded. “Let me just pick up a few things here and will be on our way.” -----On the way back---- The little lad’s glare was intense …. … “My name is Ponta. WHAT’S YOURS!” Geez.. loud much. “I am Melody, nice to meetcha.” I struggled out in a lethargic tone. “Me-lo-dy… Hay father have we found a wife for big bro?” “Ponta! What are you saying to the young lass?” “What!!! You always said that the reason why Big bro isn’t married is because, there isn’t a lady beautiful enough. But look!” The boy named Ponta shoved his finger towards my face. I pushed aside the rude finger obstructing my view, and laid down on the wagon’s bench. “Too loud” I said resting my head on the bench. “Ponta, let the lass sleep. Why don’t you organize the goods?” I awoke to the crackling of a small flame. “Oh, is the young miss awake? I’m just preparing dinner. I am Gorfon by the way, a small merchant in Cervana, I’ve heard of the battle in the valley between Merian and Cardigo, and thought there would be loot to be had.” The Opportunist much. The opportunist helped me down from the wagon. Not that I needed help, and gestured to a spot by the fire. He then gave me a plate of weird meats with a white grain surrounding it. “Melo! You don’t like curry?” Melo? I spun my head to the right to see Ponta devouring his food. I took the spoon and carefully lifted it to my mouth. A mixture of heat and spice overwhelmed my mouth. HOT. Awwww Seeing my clear distress Gorfon handed me a mug filled with water. I gulped everything down, letting some of it run the side of my mouth. “Awww… Why is it so hoooot.” “Ha ha, I guess you really are from somewhere far. Its classic Cervanian spice.” I listened, while stealing Ponta’s mug of water. “Hhehe” Ponta chuckled “Whats so funny! Enraged I scrambled his short brown hair. ♪I sing this song to let the torments of hell ravage thy mouth!♪ As I sang I delivered a devastating point at Ponta. “Haha, your funny” Ponta held his stomach. “My what a beautiful voice you have” The opportunist said with money signs glowing in his eyes. Curse you Ergo, when is the gem goona fade! “So Melody where are you from?” Gorfin asked as he handed me some crackers. I didn’t need to eat, but that’d cause more trouble than I would want to deal with. So I ate the crackers. Bland. “I’m from… Who knows” I said snuggling close to the fire. I like this warmth. “A mystery I see. I won’t pry, but around here you best be warned. There’s a huge war going on between Merian and Cardigo. The place where were going, Cervana. Is currently occupied by Cardigo. It’s a small port city known for its trading, its where the merchant’s guild lies.” I half listened before heading to sleep again. Everything is booooriing. Maybe something will be interesting there…
{ "title": "Uncontrollable", "id": 21115, "author": "SnowDemon", "rating": 3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 9 differences", "id": 305418, "next": 306298, "prev": 304789, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM4ZmVmNzU4MTMyNzRkZDBhNTRjMmIxY2E0ZjY4Yzdj">Haru here, um Megumi is stunned I won’t let her out to see the commotion earlier but when I explained how it all went to a mess due to an unknown drink she didn’t question it. Well all ends well here. Now I have to meet Kana at the fountain and Ai has to pick up Sora back to the house. My eyes turned blue as I activated mystic eyes of death perception. I side stepped her crazy sword swings. Actually I’ve always been training even in the night.</p> <p class="cnNiMzc4NGNlYTQ2MTQ1ZjA5NjE0MjE0MmI3MmQ3ZDQ3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NDU3NDEzNmVmZDRkZmFiZjE0NGRmYTdhOGUzMzNj">Her long wavy red hair flashed in the sunset as I clashed with her with my own fists. My hands changed to that of a lizard like form. Well my dinner yesterday was a lizard so I inherited it’s scales. The scales was penetrated but I didn’t really mind.</p> <p class="cnMxZGI3YmVlOGUwZjRmOWU5MzI1YzNiMjgzMGJkYTMy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmYjk4Y2M4OWNlZjQxZjJhNDlhOGYzYzI4NmY1Yzg1">“Evening to you too Kana. So do you want me to destroy it for you.” (Haru)</p> <p class="cnMxOGU0YTc3NGRhODRmMDRiYzRlMmZmOWUwNWE3Zjg3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MDgzZjdlMWE3OTRlOTc5YzYwYjQ0ZDgzNjQ2OGY1">“If you can then try.”</p> <p class="cnNkZjI2OWIwMjVmNzRlMGM4NDJmYjQ2OGI3YjJkNGQ4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjMjEwNTlhMWVlZDQ0MjVhZGE5NDVkNmU5ZWI3YWRh">My eyes were already activewhen I cut it into pieces. Which reminds me I left an order this morning for Ai. She most make Sora take a bath. I’m not stupid enough to leave idiotic klutz kid teacher to the girls dorm. I’ll head to the girls bath alone. Though when I arrive Nina was already there taking a bath. Kotone, Akane, Megumi and Yuki are also here.</p> <p class="cnM3ZmVhMzQ3NTVkMzRiNThhZjgyZDM4YmFhNGY2ODIy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1Y2IwYjllNTcxNzQ3MDg5YzljODAxODBmYTY1YzVj">“It’s empty after all.” (Hana)</p> <p class="cnM0NDA4OTNiYmZlNTRmMGFiZjM3OGIxODhmMTdlYmY5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZWVhODNlMzliMDQ0OTk5NWY3OWY0MjA1ZTk1NTUz">“Hi class rep.” (Haru)</p> <p class="cnNiOWE2MzAwODdjODQ1MmRiMWRiZTZjYzJhZjRhMjkw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5YWEzYTE5YjZkNzQ3M2RhNzU3NmQ3NGM0NjZjNjE1">“How is Sora sensei.” (Hana)</p> <p class="cnM2Y2JlOWNmODQ5YjQ2OTc5NzNmZmY0Mzk1M2ZmNWZi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiOWQzNjg5YzVkNzQ3OTQ4ZGI3MzdjZjg5NjhhMTQz">“Akane’s grandfather assigned him to me when I least expect it.” (Haru)</p> <p class="cnM0NGRlNDhmZDZkOTQ1NTZhZjI2MzY0ZGE0YWY1ZmUx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjMjkyMWIzZmUzMjQ2MWRiZDBhY2VlZWE4YjE2OTdl">Kotone and Yuki is eyeing shy Megumi who doesn’t know what to say. Well since she hasn’t have much contact with him it’s a good thing.</p> <p class="cnNlNzdlOTY3YzkxNjQwNzA5ZmVjOWI5MmYzMzNhM2Rm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5YmQ1MmZjNDMyNDRhZWU5ODQxYzUxNjA2Yzg0MWY2">“I think sensei can go to someone with wonderful upbringing.” (Megumi)</p> <p class="cnMyMGE0OTk5Y2M5MDRkNGJhNGNhNmExZjcwZGVjNjIw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NDA0MGMxMTJlMDQyODQ4ZmNjN2M1MmIyMWQwNThi">“Don’t decide that for yourself.” (Hana)</p> <p class="cnNjZWEwMWRjMDdhYjRkZWNiNDlhNjhhNjBiZDA5OTRl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5MDU0YjY1ZjFmMzRjYTBiZGQzYjliMGM5Y2Y1MDdm">“Sensei is a kid first so, he needs a motherly figure.” (Hana)</p> <p class="cnM4ODIzODUwZjRmYzRkODVhNzFiZTQyZTE3YWUyOWQw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2YjA3ZTA0YTNhZTQ0YTE4MjZmZGE3YzUxYmE2ZGQ5">She does her menopause and then does her old lady laugh. Which made me blink at even her actions when she says the obvious next word.</p> <p class="cnMzMTQ1MTIyMWYzMTRjYTdhYzZlNTVhNzhhNTYxMzI3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0ODVlOGY1NWE2MTQ5ZjViYWQ0MDEwNGNkOWM0MzYy">“It’s obviously me who has a well proportional body.” (Hana)</p> <p class="cnMxOTM1ZTRmZDdkNTQ1ZjM4YmRiZWI1ZjEwMDQ0MTQw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhYWY3NmQyMTdkNzRkZWVhNGM0MTgyYjI4ZDUyMTU1">So you say but I’m glad mine is no bigger than D. Otherwise it’d be a problem to walk in itself. If it was a F, it’d be a problem. But here they go on their breast competition.</p> <p class="cnMwZWVkMmI1Yzc4NDRjZDE5NTBmOGFhZmM2M2ZkMzJl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0YmY1ZTk4NmNiNTQ3MWNiZTAwMWIzOTFmODE4YzU4">“Ah good evening class rep.” (Kana)</p> <p class="cnM2MjA1MjI5YmQ1MDQ1ZWZhYjE3NzE5ZTAyMTU0YzAy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0ODdhNGVhM2RhZTRjZDg4YmZiMzQxZjMzZmJjMDJj">“Rivers.” (Hana)</p> <p class="cnNiNmIwZmJmMjdjNzQ2Nzg5N2U3NDkzMDQzMWE0Yzlm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwOWJhZmQ0ZmQxYTRhZjRiMWY2M2ZmMWRiNDkwMTZm">Of course she’d (Hana) be alarmed by her (Kana) is 2 sizes bigger. Then after her comes Ayaka, the twins and Emi. Behind them is Mika. I heard you say the words you wouldn’t think they’re middle schoolers from their figures. Yea and me and Ava were stuck with you as well as others before that.</p> <p class="cnM4NTVkMjQ2MTA2ZDQwY2ZiOGJjYzdmMWVhMjEzOTMw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhNjkxNDgzZTE2YTQ2ODFiOGM0N2U3Mzg3Mjc3OTUy">“There are a lot of unusual people in our class.” (Hana)</p> <p class="cnMwNjkyYjllYWQ4OTQyYjVhOGNjMDU4OWJkOTM5ZGE3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmMTViYzdmYmZlZTRmMmFiNmFlZjI0YWI4OWNkYmZh">“Let’s stop the breast competition here.” (Yuki)</p> <p class="cnNhY2EwMzkwNTY0YTQ0N2Q5MjIxM2Q4YTU3YTQxOWI1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyMzNmYmQ0MzU1ZjQxZTM4NjE3ZDY5Mjc5Yjc2MGQw">“Eh. What contest.” (Fuyuki)</p> <p class="cnM2YWZhZjViMTdhNDQ4ZmRiZWJmMGQyMDhhNWRmYmE2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2Yjc3YjUyMTc4ZjRmYTNiMDQ0MDI4ODI2ZjljYThm">“N....nothing.” (Hana)</p> <p class="cnNlOTI4ZjhjODc3MjQ2MGNhYzFjNGMxYjJjOTRmN2Y4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZGUzYWZmYTg0NjQwMTFiNTg0YzEzYzU5MTgwYzMx">“Seems the one with bigger breasts gets sensei.” (Kotone)</p> <p class="cnM3NmYzNzY3ZTkxMzQzYjQ4ZDllYzM3MDBjZWEzZTlm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhMDBhZjVhZmY1NDRjMWNhZmI3YzRkNmNkMDk0ZmU5">Here’s where things derailed even more. Instead of talking this out the girls started fighting. Kana threw someone over her shoulder. Ayaka is relaxing as well and everyone else is just laughing. Ava is also here but she’s relaxing in the bath. Even though she has her own cabin and bath she prefers if it’s a little lively. Same old Kana, she’d target anyone who mentions Sota or his kid. Even in the manga but definitely not on this bath scene which left me confused for a moment. In the novel she’s super op.She can be considered 2nd to the last boss in that one.</p> <p class="cnMzMWVmMDAwNWU1ZjRmN2FhMjY0ZWMxMGZmZGQyMmJh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmYzAxMDVjYzIwZDQ5ODM5YmNmYTczN2U2MjU2YWUx">Kana is in the boxing club, fighting her hand to hand is suicidal. Well we are still stuck in middle school division due to Ava’s looks. Not her academics but her looks. That’s the best explanation for it. If I had calculated the fact that the old man didn’t trust either of us being in higher grade I wouldn’t have been disappointed. Well I did prevent Sora from coming here. I do not want to have my own breasts inflated due to the girls fighting over him like the original. I got one down already by stalling her in the library with questions and answers game. Only game I could think of with a bookworm inside the library. Also that little fight at sunset by Kana that’s he way of saying hello. So I won’t judge her.</p> <p class="cnM4N2UxNWIyMTE3YzRlMzQ5YzU1OWRjYjNjZWFkZTg1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNTEwMTdlODVlMzRlYTBiMWFmZjFiMTM0OTRkYTAy">At least she didn’t do a full on clash where she tried to hack me to pieces. I smile back at the scene where the girls attack her with the water from the bath. If a guy was here the girls would smash him to bits but towards the kid teacher they don’t mind. I walked away from the bath and dodged an attack my Lin Meifeng.</p> <p class="cnM5Mjc2M2E0NmUyYzQ3Yjc4MzdkZjBlN2NlNWM2MjM0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NzUwOTdiOGRjOTQ0NTVhZWZjNzg1OTgyMGY4ZDEw">She’s always been eager to fight me since she saw me and Ava do hand to hand combat. I used my elbow to try to hit her face but was instead countered by her leg. I won’t even need to get serious since I enjoy spars with Lin Meifeng. She sent her fist at my fist which I caught with me left hand. She sent a kick to my side when I least expect it. I haven’t exactly used my legs in fights for a long time.</p> <p class="cnNlMjUyMTUzM2U4MDRlOTZhNzE2YjlmNTFjYmZjMWJh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwMmU5MDdiZTc2NjRjZjNhZWNjODU2YTIxMjI3YTI3">“Host it is advised you try to control your leg strength. Abyssals are out of race ranking. They’re more powerful then you think. You can end up injuring a human if you do try. Their race is great at combat with their tails and legs. They train their arms later. ” (Iris)</p> <p class="cnNkOGJiZjY3NDA5YjRlODdiNTQ1MDRiMTdiMzhkZDBj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxYThmYjU2YjA0NTQ1MWU5MzJmNDEyMDIxYjdjMmFh">I flinched seriously I nearly forgot about that. I maybe a genius but sometimes I hold off things for later. Seems I really should test my strength.</p> <p class="cnNkYTQyN2FiMjcxOTRmMDZiOTU0MDVmNTk2Y2RlNWVm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkZWNjZmJiNWM0ZDRkMDU4MTYwMGU4YjIyNWRlYTRm">“Also they work from their legs up so don’t let that fool you, their race are geniuses when it comes to stealing techniques or skills they saw once. Energy types are not even a problem.” (Iris)</p> <p class="cnNlODVkMDBkZTE5ZTQyODdhNzhkNjYwOTg2ZmRkZWIz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkYzU2YzhlYmMyOTQxOTg4NjNkYTFmMmRiMGQ5M2Rl">I backed up quickly before I get distracted as Lin Meifeng sent her other leg to my face. I ready my fists instead since it seems my idea is out. I can’t even use my legs without injuring her. Perhaps I didn’t notice due to me only having it for two days so far. Also all I did was walk and sneak around. A punchinches away from my face.</p> <p class="cnNlMTlkYjdhMGVkZDRkMGI5NDkwN2U1YWRjMzU5YTE2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NDUwNGZjZjlmZDRiNWViNjc0ZTk0YmZkMGFjNzZh">“We need to talk Haru.” (Ava)</p> <p class="cnNhMDE1NGY1YmZhOTRjYjliNDljYTAzODNiZmVhM2Q5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlN2FiMzYxNGZkMTRiZWRhNTZmNTMxNmM0YjQyNmI5">Seems like she’s annoyed even Lin Meifeng stopped when Ava stepped in and held her leg. Something tells me this isn’t gonna be normal talk. From her serious tone just now. Fine I’ll follow her along for now. I feel like this one will probably have something to do with myself.</p> <p class="cnNiMjc5M2Y2N2VjMzRkYTU4ZTBjNjNmYzZiZGU5MTY3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhMDhiMGE1OGJhNjRiODdhNjI3ZGNkY2ZkNTlkMzMx">“Look here idiot I know you’re planning something too. Yet it has to deal with the kid Sora. Also you didn’t really think this through but on your first few years with me you sleep talk. You still do now just not as much. I know you’re the type to look for a way out easily but I still want to test the kid. You can deal with the rest afterwards.” (Ava)</p> <p class="cnMxZWI0ODFhODQ4YzRiM2RhNmNjMWM3NzhlNjJhZjkw">I tripped over on my own as I was shocked she didn’t bring it up towards me. This left me stunned as she walked away after saying her piece. She meant her mess and the aftermath of Hikaru if we do get the seal off. Kana already had her seal off. She’s probably gonna act soon too just not during the time that Ava will.</p> </div>
Haru here, um Megumi is stunned I won’t let her out to see the commotion earlier but when I explained how it all went to a mess due to an unknown drink she didn’t question it. Well all ends well here. Now I have to meet Kana at the fountain and Ai has to pick up Sora back to the house. My eyes turned blue as I activated mystic eyes of death perception. I side stepped her crazy sword swings. Actually I’ve always been training even in the night.   Her long wavy red hair flashed in the sunset as I clashed with her with my own fists. My hands changed to that of a lizard like form. Well my dinner yesterday was a lizard so I inherited it’s scales. The scales was penetrated but I didn’t really mind.   “Evening to you too Kana. So do you want me to destroy it for you.” (Haru)   “If you can then try.”   My eyes were already activewhen I cut it into pieces. Which reminds me I left an order this morning for Ai. She most make Sora take a bath. I’m not stupid enough to leave idiotic klutz kid teacher to the girls dorm. I’ll head to the girls bath alone. Though when I arrive Nina was already there taking a bath. Kotone, Akane, Megumi and Yuki are also here.   “It’s empty after all.” (Hana)   “Hi class rep.” (Haru)   “How is Sora sensei.” (Hana)   “Akane’s grandfather assigned him to me when I least expect it.” (Haru)   Kotone and Yuki is eyeing shy Megumi who doesn’t know what to say. Well since she hasn’t have much contact with him it’s a good thing.   “I think sensei can go to someone with wonderful upbringing.” (Megumi)   “Don’t decide that for yourself.” (Hana)   “Sensei is a kid first so, he needs a motherly figure.” (Hana)   She does her menopause and then does her old lady laugh. Which made me blink at even her actions when she says the obvious next word.   “It’s obviously me who has a well proportional body.” (Hana)   So you say but I’m glad mine is no bigger than D. Otherwise it’d be a problem to walk in itself. If it was a F, it’d be a problem. But here they go on their breast competition.   “Ah good evening class rep.” (Kana)   “Rivers.” (Hana)   Of course she’d (Hana) be alarmed by her (Kana) is 2 sizes bigger. Then after her comes Ayaka, the twins and Emi. Behind them is Mika. I heard you say the words you wouldn’t think they’re middle schoolers from their figures. Yea and me and Ava were stuck with you as well as others before that.   “There are a lot of unusual people in our class.” (Hana)   “Let’s stop the breast competition here.” (Yuki)   “Eh. What contest.” (Fuyuki)   “N....nothing.” (Hana)   “Seems the one with bigger breasts gets sensei.” (Kotone)   Here’s where things derailed even more. Instead of talking this out the girls started fighting. Kana threw someone over her shoulder. Ayaka is relaxing as well and everyone else is just laughing. Ava is also here but she’s relaxing in the bath. Even though she has her own cabin and bath she prefers if it’s a little lively. Same old Kana, she’d target anyone who mentions Sota or his kid. Even in the manga but definitely not on this bath scene which left me confused for a moment. In the novel she’s super op.She can be considered 2nd to the last boss in that one.   Kana is in the boxing club, fighting her hand to hand is suicidal. Well we are still stuck in middle school division due to Ava’s looks. Not her academics but her looks. That’s the best explanation for it. If I had calculated the fact that the old man didn’t trust either of us being in higher grade I wouldn’t have been disappointed. Well I did prevent Sora from coming here. I do not want to have my own breasts inflated due to the girls fighting over him like the original. I got one down already by stalling her in the library with questions and answers game. Only game I could think of with a bookworm inside the library. Also that little fight at sunset by Kana that’s he way of saying hello. So I won’t judge her.   At least she didn’t do a full on clash where she tried to hack me to pieces. I smile back at the scene where the girls attack her with the water from the bath. If a guy was here the girls would smash him to bits but towards the kid teacher they don’t mind. I walked away from the bath and dodged an attack my Lin Meifeng.   She’s always been eager to fight me since she saw me and Ava do hand to hand combat. I used my elbow to try to hit her face but was instead countered by her leg. I won’t even need to get serious since I enjoy spars with Lin Meifeng. She sent her fist at my fist which I caught with me left hand. She sent a kick to my side when I least expect it. I haven’t exactly used my legs in fights for a long time.   “Host it is advised you try to control your leg strength. Abyssals are out of race ranking. They’re more powerful then you think. You can end up injuring a human if you do try. Their race is great at combat with their tails and legs. They train their arms later. ” (Iris)   I flinched seriously I nearly forgot about that. I maybe a genius but sometimes I hold off things for later. Seems I really should test my strength.   “Also they work from their legs up so don’t let that fool you, their race are geniuses when it comes to stealing techniques or skills they saw once. Energy types are not even a problem.” (Iris)   I backed up quickly before I get distracted as Lin Meifeng sent her other leg to my face. I ready my fists instead since it seems my idea is out. I can’t even use my legs without injuring her. Perhaps I didn’t notice due to me only having it for two days so far. Also all I did was walk and sneak around. A punchinches away from my face.   “We need to talk Haru.” (Ava)   Seems like she’s annoyed even Lin Meifeng stopped when Ava stepped in and held her leg. Something tells me this isn’t gonna be normal talk. From her serious tone just now. Fine I’ll follow her along for now. I feel like this one will probably have something to do with myself.   “Look here idiot I know you’re planning something too. Yet it has to deal with the kid Sora. Also you didn’t really think this through but on your first few years with me you sleep talk. You still do now just not as much. I know you’re the type to look for a way out easily but I still want to test the kid. You can deal with the rest afterwards.” (Ava) I tripped over on my own as I was shocked she didn’t bring it up towards me. This left me stunned as she walked away after saying her piece. She meant her mess and the aftermath of Hikaru if we do get the seal off. Kana already had her seal off. She’s probably gonna act soon too just not during the time that Ava will.
{ "title": "Recovery: Ignis", "id": 21052, "author": "kerricthebig", "rating": 4.8 }
{ "title": "Chapter 7 - On the Road again", "id": 305412, "next": 307138, "prev": 305098, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMyNDBkMjQyNmIwMTQxY2M4ZDA1YTRiMWM1NTUyNWM0">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 95%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="cnM4NGVjMzhlNjg4MDRkMWRhYTliNjRhOTVjMTNhOGY0" style="text-align: center"><span style="text-decoration: underline"><strong>Skill Level Increase</strong></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNmMDJmZTk2NzJkOTQxZDc5ZThkN2M0ZjgzYmU3YjU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Etiquette</span></p> </td> <td> <p class="cnNjYjQzYWUyODU5MDQxYTI4OGY5YmQ4NWYxZWUxOTkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Level +1</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnM4YTBmN2E5ZGFhMjQyMzk4ZjIxZDNiYzNkM2RhMjgx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Negotiation</span></p> </td> <td> <p class="cnNlMDg3ZTA4NTA1NDQzZjU4OTFiNDFlOWRiMGI1MTY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Level +1</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNhYzgwYjFhZDhkMjRkZDk4YTU5OGVlYTU0OWJlZmQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Swindle</span></p> </td> <td> <p class="cnNiNWVkYTdlNDBiOTQ2ZTU5NzgzYWNiZDVkNTMwZDRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Level +2</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnM1NzJiNjMyNmJhOTQ5MmM5ZDllOTU1YjNjM2NhNzY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Universal Knowledge</span></p> </td> <td> <p class="cnNmOGI0NTRiMTU1MTQxMTM4ODc4MTY5ODAzMjAyYmM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Level +1</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnM4ZmQ2MDA4NTA1ZjQ0MWZiNDNjMjEyY2FhMzkyM2I1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Seduction</span></p> </td> <td> <p class="cnM2NGM4OWFmOTRiZDQzZDA4ZjVlZmRmZGI3YmRlMWI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Level +2</span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNjZWEzOTAzYjJhZTQ3NzFhMjIyNzAzNWYxODRiNTM5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhMzg3N2ZmYWRmNjQ0MDg4YjgzY2YwNGVhZGRmOGI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Good Morning Screen. Thanks for the update. Let’s go get some breakfast! Then I should also find a few jobs heading out towards… what system did Mari say again? Ely… Era… E something or other… Elleris? That sounds close…&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNiZTg4YjQ0ZWI4OTQ5NzNhMzZkNmM0NDgzNzI5OGRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Heading out I wave at Alistair, and head down the promenade towards the Siren’s Song. The food there was good last night,&nbsp;and breakfast was the same this morning.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NDQ0Y2VlMDk4ZTRmYzNhOTZmMzA0MzUwNTE4OTY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Alistair, where’s the job board or will-hire on this station? I’d like to grab a couple jobs for once the Deity is ready to go.” He leads me down to a small office space hidden away between two larger storefronts. Without a guide I probably would have overlooked it. He’s being awfully quiet this morning, must still be embarrassed about yesterday.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MTJjODA0ODgyNDRjMTg4NGFmNjFhZGUyNzk3OWFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Flipping through the available transport jobs I find 3 that are looking for product delivery to Eileris. Right. That's the place. There is also one other interesting one that I want to consider.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MDgzM2VjNWI2MTQ3ZmNiNjNlMTUyOTkwYjhlN2M1">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="background-color: #524e4e; width: 95%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 14.6893%"> <p class="cnMzOWQ4OTAyZjM3ZjQ5ZmJhZjcwNzEwZGExMTU1ZmZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ore Delivery</span></p> </td> <td style="width: 84.4633%; text-align: center"> <p class="cnNkZjg0YjQ5YmZmMTRlNzU5ZGI0ZTQyZjAxZjEwNDk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Pay: 50000 credits</span><span style="font-weight: 400"><br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">Pataris Industries requires you to deliver 60 tonnes of unprocessed tungsten ore to our facilities on Eileris IV-C</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 14.6893%"> <p class="cnNjYjAwZDcwMzBlMzQzZGM4MzQyMjI4NzA1OGZjMzE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Parts Required</span></p> </td> <td style="width: 84.4633%; text-align: center"> <p class="cnMzMmY0ODRmNmNlZjRjZjU4ZDBmOTg1OWQ3MDQ3Yjcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Pay: 85000 credits</span><span style="font-weight: 400"><br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">Repair parts for hover-lifters required at the Eileris IV-C landing zone ASAP. 3 crates containing parts can be picked up from Holidra on Vankh Station</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 14.6893%"> <p class="cnM0NjY4ZGQxYTEzNDQ1NjBiNzZjM2IxYzQ2NDg3MTQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Medical Supplies</span></p> </td> <td style="width: 84.4633%; text-align: center"> <p class="cnMwNzM3ZmMwMDAyMDQ4ZjZhZjFmMjJkNDcxNmJlZGVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Pay: 120000 Credits</span><span style="font-weight: 400"><br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">Arbath Research Station in orbit of Eileris III is running low on standard medical nanites, pain relievers, and stimulants. 5 crates for delivery.</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 14.6893%"> <p class="cnM5ZDU4OTAxM2RiNTQ3YjU5MTk1ZjQ3ZDM3NDg3ZGMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Coreward Bound</span></p> </td> <td style="width: 84.4633%; text-align: center"> <p class="cnNhOWM2ZDYwZDFjYTRkMDBiZGFlY2Y3YzFhMTdkNzIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Pay: Negotiable</span><span style="font-weight: 400"><br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">I need someone to take me off Vankh Station, and take me as far coreward as you can. More information will be given when the job is accepted.</span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMzZjA2ZTU3YWFhZjRhZGI4ZWZkNDE0OWNiNTU5OTU5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxNDg4ZGJiYmEwNTQ3NGI5ZGFkYzdiMmI3M2M0ZGMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">I contact the people offering the delivery jobs, confirming that a departure date of&nbsp;7 days from now would be acceptable, and review the cargo. I talked to Holidra, who asked me to wait on confirming the job until his work on my ship was done, so that the job could be picked up sooner if someone else was heading that way. I didn’t have a problem with that. Everything should fit, either way, so it shouldn’t be an issue. Now let’s go meet that person looking for a ride.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZWFjZGIxNjQyMDQwNWQ4NTliN2VkZDYyNzg5NzIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sarah Wenton, as she introduced herself, looked awfully familiar. She asked if we could speak privately, looking pointedly at Alistair who has been shadowing me all day. Alistair gave a nod, warned me not to try and sneak away without him, and stepped outside. That’s when things got interesting. My first action was to use Inspect, which netted me some interesting info.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZjU1ZTI1YzVkYjQ2Njc5NDc4ZTg2MGIyZWI2ZjI2">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 95%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnMwNjdkMWFiOTJiYjRhOTQ5MDU3MTAwNTg0ZjcwY2U2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lerissa Davnor</span></p> </td> <td> <p class="cnNmMDUzMTk5NzY4ZDQxZDA4ZGVjNmM5OTMzZDljN2Fm" style="text-align: left"><span style="font-weight: 400">Path: Shadow</span></p> <p class="cnM1Y2MxOGI0YmIxZDQ1OGJiZTM5NTEzM2MwN2NkMjQ4" style="text-align: left"><span style="font-weight: 400">Age:&nbsp;26 Ferlo</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZThmYzI4YzVhNTQ5ZTlhOTEwNWE1MTYxMGQ1ZWZj" style="text-align: left"><span style="font-weight: 400">Escapee</span></p> <p class="cnM5ODMyMTViNmU3ODQ5NTNhYjgzNDNhNTg3M2QwMWI0" style="text-align: left"><span style="font-weight: 400">Status: Healthy</span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNlMTRkZTdjZDc4ZDQ4OWI5ZTgxMDgyZjFlNjViOWQ1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxNWFlMTZmNjY2YTRlNzI4MDRkYWFjMGJhOWM4Zjg2"><span style="font-weight: 400">When I saw that it took all my acting skill not to show any reaction. Sarah, or rather Lerissa, flinched a bit when I used inspect. Odd. Could she have noticed? Well, don’t blow your cover, Keiren. Act natural. She’s a fellow path bearer, and also a Ferlo… wait could she have been one of the girls from last nights party? I really want to set up a Mind Read on her, but if she sensed the Inspect, I have a feeling that it would fail.</span></p> <p class="cnM5OWRiMmE2MWQ0NzRkZmFiMDZhM2EwM2ExMTRhM2Ri"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hello Sarah. I’m Keiren Ignis, Captain of the Proud Deity. I’d like to know a little bit more about where you want to go and what you’re willing to pay.” Ah, she visibly relaxed a bit when I called her Sarah. Her eyes though are shifting back and forth as if she’s afraid of something.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZmFmMDI1YzAyZTQ5YWVhM2Y2ZDUzZTdiOTc0YjU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Right. Well. Ummmm… I want to get as far away from here as possible. Towards the galactic core, or beyond. As for the pay… Ummm. Can I do a thousand per light year?” </span></p> <p class="cnM3ZGM5NzdkYmFmNTRhN2ZiYjZiNDZlZjg1ZTdlMDk0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hmmm, well that would probably be fair, but I have a better idea, if you’re willing, that won’t cost you a few hundred thousand. I need someone trustworthy to fly with. Care to join my crew? You work on my ship, I pay you, and you can leave whenever you want. I am heading that general direction anyway, so I don’t mind you paying your way, but I’d really like someone to work with that I can build a trust with.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlNTc1NjQ3ZjA0YjRjZDZhMGJhZGJjMWIzOTMwMDk5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Really?” Her eyes started to sparkle at the prospect I had just given her. “I’ve flown shuttles before, so I can handle some basic piloting, I spent a year running navigation and scans on a miner, and I had a little bit of basic turret gunner training in the sims when I was younger. Would that count? What kind of ship do you fly? What about other crew?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NmEyZjVmYWUyYTQ2MWZhMmY2NWNiN2Q1MzgwNjcz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes, that should do nicely. The Proud Deity is a modified Oilo freighter.” Oh, her expression tells me she’s a bit unhappy with that. ”Yes, I know, it isn’t the newest design, but I had limited supplies when I built her, and it was the only design that was easily modifiable to suit my needs. Please hold your dislike until after you see her. I'm biased, but I think she’s a fair bit prettier than a standard Oilo, and a decent amount stronger too. As far as crew goes it’s just me right now. I’ll mention this right now, but on my ship I expect nothing but absolute honesty. I won’t lie to you, you don’t lie to me. At all. I&nbsp;don't need your life story or anything, but once we’re spaceborn, we’ll need to have a small discussion about a couple of things. Without that, there can be no trust.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0Y2IwYTQxMTBiZjQxNjVhMTRiZTQ5ZDAxNzZhMzBj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I see… When are you planning on shipping out? And what kind of work do you do?” Shoot, I think I came on a bit too strong there. She seems to have lost her excitement from earlier completely.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMzRhZTg4NjdiZjQxNTI4YjczZTE5OTUwNzhmOTll"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Repairs and upgrades will be complete in&nbsp;seven&nbsp;days. I intend to depart by 1300 hours that day. For work, I mostly plan on moving supplies from one location to another. I just want to say one thing before I leave you to decide." I take a step closer to her and whisper "Your situation and mine have a lot of parallels. For both of our safety, we can't talk about it here or now. Just know that there is a reason I am making you this offer, and I hope you take it.” Lerissa’s eyes opened wide and her lips started to quiver when I said that.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMDY2MTFjYjM0MzQ3NjA5NjkxMmJmNmY4YWRjODIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Goodbye Sarah. I hope to hear from you within the next&nbsp;seven days.” I give her the contact info for the room I’m staying in.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZjZjYzE5ZGQ1ZDRkOTI4MTUwNmYzZWMxOGYxODFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glancing at Alistair as I walked out, I headed down to the shops to look for the sundries that Mari wanted, namely more synthmetal. That was easy enough to find. I placed my order for two times the amount that we currently had in storage, which cost me 60000 credits, and decided to browse the rest of the shops.</span></p> <p class="cnM5M2Y0ZmM2YjVlZDQ2YTk5Njc1NzVmYzRmZjVlMWM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">I’m glad I did. I managed to find an “entertainment” store, which carried all manner of goods, most importantly holo-recordings and games. They weren’t cheap, because I bought a massive volume, but I figured if we were stuck in FTL for a few days, having something for a bit of R&amp;R during the downtime would be important. I also found a furniture store, so I bought a sofa and a table that could be bolted in place. It should look good in the lounge space by the kitchenette. Then as I was touring the weapons shops, I found something nice, and at a good price. So nice, at such a good price, I bought it twice!&nbsp;</span></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 95%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnMyYWRjNTAzMWM0ODQyNDA4MGNkYzFiZWY4ZTAwMjhk" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">CASC 3L3C “Adjudicator” Stun Pistol</span></p> </td> <td> <p class="cnMwYTQ5Yzc1MDA0NzRkZGZiNWU3MzIxNTkxMzJlODc3" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Cost: 8000 credits</span></p> <p class="cnNlNGU4YzJiNTZmNzQ3ZjA4NTlmMmRjNmIyMDNhY2Q0" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Delivers concentrated bolts of electroplasma knocking targets unconscious and/or otherwise immobilized for up to 3 hours. Causes minor burns at the point of impact. May cause permanent damage to the targets nervous system.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZGU0NmM2NjRhYzQ1MDdhZWRjZTZhMWJhYzdhOWQ0" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Battery Charge = 150 shots</span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM5NjcwMWQwMjY2NzRmMjViNTA4ZTY3ZGM5YjM2YzI1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiODQxNmE1ZGI4NzQ4NjBiZGUyNmIxNTJkZTZmYzVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">After dropping a bit over 110000 credits on the supplies, I decided to head back to my room. I should play around with the forms that I gained last night.</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnNmYjIzZjBkYjYxZTRmMDI4N2MyMTExY2I0YjExYjU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">The days of waiting passed quietly. I tried to have the occasional conversation with Alistair over a meal, but ever since that first day he maintained his distance and refused to eat with me. Terisar stopped by twice to make sure I wasn’t making any more trouble for him. Never managed to get a pleasant conversation out of her either, unfortunately (still fighting with visions of tight black leather whenever I see her). I spent most of my time renting time in the flight sims. Holidar sent me a message, requesting that I meet with him in private before shipping out. A few skills leveled up, but not very many.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMGE2OTI0MzY2MzQ2M2Q4NjViNWJjMjQwMTc4NDlm">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="cnM5MWY5OWZhY2U1NjRmMTE5ZTU1NDRmNTMxNDAxYzM3" style="text-align: center"><span style="text-decoration: underline"><strong>Skill Level Increase</strong></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnM0MjU5OWEwNGFjZjRmN2VhOGQzMTM2NmUxMWNjNDE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Stealth</span></p> </td> <td> <p class="cnM4YTk2NWYzNzExNTQ2MGI4N2MwN2E0M2UzMGJjZDdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Level +3</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNhOTM5NGVmZDZiZDRiZTA4NmJiYzk2Njg0NGZmOTUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Acting</span></p> </td> <td> <p class="cnM2MDVkMGJhNDQ1ZjQ0NGZhNTdlMWZhMThkNTc4MzBm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Level +1</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnM1Yjg1Y2NjNzE0MDQ4MjQ5N2YzYWU0ZTk0MDRhMmI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Negotiation</span></p> </td> <td> <p class="cnNhYjdmYzY3NWVmMjQzOTU4M2YxNjdjMzI4ODBkZjdl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Level +2</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnMzM2I4ZjQxZjY1MzQxMWQ5OTAyYWZmZTNmMjEwZTBh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Piloting - Light Freight</span></p> </td> <td> <p class="cnM1ZDc1Nzk5MDI1MjRkZWI5MjBhYjg2MDEwYjQ0YTVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Level +4</span></p> <p class="cnNkYjc2NDEyMDRlOTQxNjlhYTcxZDc1NDZiNWYzOGYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">For reaching Level 10 in Piloting - Light Feight you have been awarded +1 PER and +1 WIS</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnMyNWM5MDUwODlkZjQ0OGY4MGE5YjRiY2YwODU0NThm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Piloting - Heavy Freight</span></p> </td> <td> <p class="cnNiOGE2ZGY0NDA3ZjQ3Y2I5NGU4NDQxYzk5YjA0OTAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Level +1</span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMzMWM2YTJjZTBiNzRiZDk5ZWI2MWJiY2YzY2I0Y2E4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjYWVkZWZiMzJkMzQyNTg4NjUzM2JhYmFiNDI5OThj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiYzVmZjczNmRkNjQ2YTlhZDMzZTNlZmNmOWJhYzE5">When I stepped out into the promenade on the morning of the seventh day, Lerissa was waiting for me, bags in hand.</p> <p class="cnM4Yjc0MWUwNTllZTQ2NWY4NGUyMjI1MDRjYjlmOGQz">“Hey, Sarah! I’m glad to see you’ve decided to take me up on my offer. I was a bit worried when I never heard from you this entire time.”</p> <p class="cnMzODFlODI4ODMzMzQ2MWViYzRkMWIyYmI1NjZjODEy">“Yeah, well, I was looking for other transport. I’m only here because I couldn’t find any. I haven’t necessarily decided yet.”</p> <p class="cnMyMDk1N2UwMDkxOTQ5NDg5ZGNhNjcyN2Q2NjliMjcz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No worries, I know how hard it can be to put your faith in someone you’ve just met. We can discuss it once we’re shipboard. Now come along, we need to stop by Holidra’s and then we can be on our way.”</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnMwNTU4ODRiNjRiODQwMWJhNDUwZDI0NjVlYzFkMjI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well little missy. I’m glad you came by. You and I need to have a little chat here. Your friend can wait outside.” Huh? I wonder what’s gotten him in such a sour mood? I nod to Lerissa, and she steps out. Holidra pushes a button that’s on the side of his workbench and glares at me menacingly.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMTAxOTFhOWY5NDRiZDU4NmQxZWZmNGVhMjBhYmI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You know, you’re real lucky that my brother-in-law Gustavo likes you. Otherwise&nbsp;we probably wouldn't be having this conversation&nbsp;right now. Though he seems to think you’re a human boy.” Shit, I didn’t even think about that. I fucked up big. He holds up his hand. “Don’t tell me. I don’t want to know. You’re treading in some dangerous waters here missy, and I want no part in it. Now, while I was going over you’re ship, I happened to notice your primary computer port doesn’t match standard specs. I used to work in the COS navy yards, so I know what fits there. Just a warning for the future, if you want to survive. Never let anyone work on your ship as long as you're in Confederate space. Do it yourself, you have the constructor. Learn some of the tricks of wrenching. I hope you understand why I am telling you this.” I simply nod, blank-faced. “Good. I left you a little present in that hidey-hole you put up front. Just an old toy that’s been sitting around my shop for years, but it should help with that.” Are we okay? I... think we're okay? “Finally, I loaded those parts for the Eileris job into your hold. Nobody’s left the station heading out that way this past week, and they need those parts.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZjczZGRmZmExYTRlYzc4MmVjY2IwYmE4ODdhNTIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Thank you Holidra. I’ll be more careful going forward.” I breathe out a whisper</span></p> <p class="cnMzOTUwZWRjOTRjNjQ2M2VhMzZkYTk2YTRmYzFlMzYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You do that missy.” He laughs. “You kinda remind me of my kids, back before the war started. Dumb, thinking they were all careful and sneaky, but anyone with a brain could put two and two together. Now you take care and be on your way. Oh, I almost forgot. Old Gus, he wanted me to give you a warning. Apparently the station chief has a few of his relatives waiting for you once you clear the stations range. Be prepared.” He presses the button on his bench again (I think it’s some kind of anti-eavesdropping device), and I exit his office. </span></p> <p class="cnNmN2EzOGM3ZTk2ODQ3NmRiZTkxNDQyYTUwZWRlZTc0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“All right Sarah, we’re off.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxZWM0M2U4MjA5NDQxOGE4MDZiYTBjNWU5ZTdlNGM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Uhh, what was that all about Keiren?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NTM2NGU5YjE4YjRjODI5NzkyZGUyZDliODc0MTE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Some of it was a job request, the rest is something we can discuss once we’re mobile. If you agree to join up. Let’s be off”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYTJjZTdkNTFmNjRjMjc4NjQzZDVhMDZmYmQ3ZDc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Okay…”</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnM1MDQ3NzRmYWI5ZTRhYWQ4ZjkyYTczNWU4MDZhOTYy">It’s good to be back home. Now that the work is completed, I should be able to have Mari active without worrying too much about scans. I point Sarah to one of the cabins so she can sort her stuff out while I prep the ship for launch. Pulling Mari’s core out of my storage belt, I place her back into the system, switch off the bypass and power up her systems. Hopefully I never have to ask her to shut down again.</p> <p class="cnNmMmY1ZTQxNWQ5NDQ1YzI4ZjVkOGZmZWMwNTFkZTRk">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="background-color: #524e4e; width: 95%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNjYTFiMWI0ZDNhZTRhMDM4NmNlNTk2NjFiNzgzOTVm" style="text-align: center"><strong>………………..</strong></p> <p class="cnMwZTdjNDM0OTc3YjQ5MmI4OWQ3YWEwMDQyZDhiNTVl" style="text-align: center"><strong>System restored.</strong></p> <p class="cnNkMTdjMjEyNDZiMjRlMzc4ZGJlMGM2YzU1ZjU0MDNk" style="text-align: center"><strong>Initializing diagnostics.</strong></p> <p class="cnM3YmZhMjI3ZDdjYzQwYzA5OWZlYzViNjQxMTk0ZjVm" style="text-align: center"><strong>All systems show functional. </strong></p> <p class="cnM2Y2EzOTE1MTQzMTQ2ZThiMWM1MzYwNDkyYThjNTE0" style="text-align: center"><span style="color: #ff0000"><strong>ALERT</strong></span></p> <p class="cnMwNzM0YzkwZTVjMDRlZjBhNDNjMWY0OWZhYmVjMDA3" style="text-align: center"><strong>New parts detected. No errors processed. Ship schematics, specifications and loadout have been updated. </strong></p> <p class="cnMwN2QzZTY5NTIzNzQ5YjJiY2QxMDllMzJiYjBhY2Vi" style="text-align: center"><strong>Holo projectors online.</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNiMDdlMWUzNzRkYjRmNGZhYjg3MWUyZjJmYzE3NTcy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MWI5YWMxMjhjZjQ5OTc4MmM1ZjdkN2VjMGRlNGMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Mari, I know you have a lot you want to say to me right now, but hear me out first.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2Yzg2YTZkMmQ5NzRkNDliOGY4NzEwNWM5N2UyMTRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’m listening Captain Carmelcruncher. This had better be good. With the exception of the upgrades you found, I am NOT impressed with you at the moment.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlZDIzMDI4NThiYTQzOGJhNjQwZjQ2NTk2YTNmZGE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I hope you feel it is, my dear. First up, we have either a passenger or a new crew member. It has yet to be decided which, so please keep quiet, but keep watch on the situation. She is also a path bearer, which is why I want to add her to the crew. Once she has stowed her gear and we are in space I will be having a discussion with her. With a bit of luck, she’ll join up, which will improve our situation greatly. I would like you to take us away from the station. Slowly. I am expecting… company, once we are outside of the secure zone. You’ve noticed our new armaments, yes? Keep the lidar active, once the targets present themselves we will take them out with extreme prejudice.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkYWI1NGU3Mzc5NjRkN2FiZWFmYTU0YjY4NmU4ZDA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What the hell did you do!?” She hissed at me as I headed up to the cockpit. “I told you to lay low and stay unnoticed! Fucking imbecile!”</span></p> <p class="cnNkMmFlNzA3YzMwZDRiZWNhYWRmZWE3Mzg4ZjlhMDNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Please Mari, keep it down. I don’t want our guest to know about you yet. This is something that couldn’t be helped. It seems that the chief of this station is from a family of pirate slavers, and he wanted to get a piece of me. The commander of the security force is working against him, so around the station I was safe, but once we get out of their sphere of influence there will almost certainly be pests waiting.” I prime the engines and get ready for takeoff.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZDYyNWI1NDlhZjQ3YmM5Mzk4MmEwZWIwMjk0Yzk0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Fine. You just wait until we are en-route though. I take it from our cargo that you were successful in picking up a few jobs to go to Eileris?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmMDM4MTVkNTI0YzQ4ZTI4ZjRjMThiODA4ZDdkNmVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">I grin at her. “Indeed. I also picked up a few presents, but we can discuss all that later. Let’s launch.” I open up a channel to the station. “Vankh Station, this is the Proud Deity, in Bay 14. Ready to launch.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiMmMxYmQ1OGM0MTQ1N2M5NDA4ZmNhZDc0MWI3MmU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Understood Proud Deity. Please transmit 14000 credits for docking and bay repair fees.” I transfer the credits to the dock operator. That was more expensive than I expected. Really need to work on my landings. “Opening bay doors. Try not to damage the bay this time.” Gee, Thanks.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNDFjNDE0ZmU4NzRkNTM4ZDg5YTc5NGFmOTkwYjE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">I open up the ship comms. “Sarah, please report to the cockpit. We are prepped and clear for launch.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiZTA2MmJjZjliNTRiZTBiNWY5NWM5ODFkODkxNDIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">I can hear her climbing up here already, she must have been close. She takes the copilots seat and straps in. I fire up the thrusters and we are off. </span></p> </div>
| **Skill Level Increase** | | | --- | --- | | Etiquette | Level +1 | | Negotiation | Level +1 | | Swindle | Level +2 | | Universal Knowledge | Level +1 | | Seduction | Level +2 |   Good Morning Screen. Thanks for the update. Let’s go get some breakfast! Then I should also find a few jobs heading out towards… what system did Mari say again? Ely… Era… E something or other… Elleris? That sounds close…  Heading out I wave at Alistair, and head down the promenade towards the Siren’s Song. The food there was good last night, and breakfast was the same this morning. “Alistair, where’s the job board or will-hire on this station? I’d like to grab a couple jobs for once the Deity is ready to go.” He leads me down to a small office space hidden away between two larger storefronts. Without a guide I probably would have overlooked it. He’s being awfully quiet this morning, must still be embarrassed about yesterday. Flipping through the available transport jobs I find 3 that are looking for product delivery to Eileris. Right. That's the place. There is also one other interesting one that I want to consider.   | Ore Delivery | Pay: 50000 creditsPataris Industries requires you to deliver 60 tonnes of unprocessed tungsten ore to our facilities on Eileris IV-C | | --- | --- | | Parts Required | Pay: 85000 creditsRepair parts for hover-lifters required at the Eileris IV-C landing zone ASAP. 3 crates containing parts can be picked up from Holidra on Vankh Station | | Medical Supplies | Pay: 120000 CreditsArbath Research Station in orbit of Eileris III is running low on standard medical nanites, pain relievers, and stimulants. 5 crates for delivery. | | Coreward Bound | Pay: NegotiableI need someone to take me off Vankh Station, and take me as far coreward as you can. More information will be given when the job is accepted. |   I contact the people offering the delivery jobs, confirming that a departure date of 7 days from now would be acceptable, and review the cargo. I talked to Holidra, who asked me to wait on confirming the job until his work on my ship was done, so that the job could be picked up sooner if someone else was heading that way. I didn’t have a problem with that. Everything should fit, either way, so it shouldn’t be an issue. Now let’s go meet that person looking for a ride. Sarah Wenton, as she introduced herself, looked awfully familiar. She asked if we could speak privately, looking pointedly at Alistair who has been shadowing me all day. Alistair gave a nod, warned me not to try and sneak away without him, and stepped outside. That’s when things got interesting. My first action was to use Inspect, which netted me some interesting info.   | Lerissa Davnor | Path: Shadow Age: 26 Ferlo Escapee Status: Healthy | | --- | --- |   When I saw that it took all my acting skill not to show any reaction. Sarah, or rather Lerissa, flinched a bit when I used inspect. Odd. Could she have noticed? Well, don’t blow your cover, Keiren. Act natural. She’s a fellow path bearer, and also a Ferlo… wait could she have been one of the girls from last nights party? I really want to set up a Mind Read on her, but if she sensed the Inspect, I have a feeling that it would fail. “Hello Sarah. I’m Keiren Ignis, Captain of the Proud Deity. I’d like to know a little bit more about where you want to go and what you’re willing to pay.” Ah, she visibly relaxed a bit when I called her Sarah. Her eyes though are shifting back and forth as if she’s afraid of something. “Right. Well. Ummmm… I want to get as far away from here as possible. Towards the galactic core, or beyond. As for the pay… Ummm. Can I do a thousand per light year?” “Hmmm, well that would probably be fair, but I have a better idea, if you’re willing, that won’t cost you a few hundred thousand. I need someone trustworthy to fly with. Care to join my crew? You work on my ship, I pay you, and you can leave whenever you want. I am heading that general direction anyway, so I don’t mind you paying your way, but I’d really like someone to work with that I can build a trust with.” “Really?” Her eyes started to sparkle at the prospect I had just given her. “I’ve flown shuttles before, so I can handle some basic piloting, I spent a year running navigation and scans on a miner, and I had a little bit of basic turret gunner training in the sims when I was younger. Would that count? What kind of ship do you fly? What about other crew?” “Yes, that should do nicely. The Proud Deity is a modified Oilo freighter.” Oh, her expression tells me she’s a bit unhappy with that. ”Yes, I know, it isn’t the newest design, but I had limited supplies when I built her, and it was the only design that was easily modifiable to suit my needs. Please hold your dislike until after you see her. I'm biased, but I think she’s a fair bit prettier than a standard Oilo, and a decent amount stronger too. As far as crew goes it’s just me right now. I’ll mention this right now, but on my ship I expect nothing but absolute honesty. I won’t lie to you, you don’t lie to me. At all. I don't need your life story or anything, but once we’re spaceborn, we’ll need to have a small discussion about a couple of things. Without that, there can be no trust.” “I see… When are you planning on shipping out? And what kind of work do you do?” Shoot, I think I came on a bit too strong there. She seems to have lost her excitement from earlier completely. “Repairs and upgrades will be complete in seven days. I intend to depart by 1300 hours that day. For work, I mostly plan on moving supplies from one location to another. I just want to say one thing before I leave you to decide." I take a step closer to her and whisper "Your situation and mine have a lot of parallels. For both of our safety, we can't talk about it here or now. Just know that there is a reason I am making you this offer, and I hope you take it.” Lerissa’s eyes opened wide and her lips started to quiver when I said that. “Goodbye Sarah. I hope to hear from you within the next seven days.” I give her the contact info for the room I’m staying in. Glancing at Alistair as I walked out, I headed down to the shops to look for the sundries that Mari wanted, namely more synthmetal. That was easy enough to find. I placed my order for two times the amount that we currently had in storage, which cost me 60000 credits, and decided to browse the rest of the shops. I’m glad I did. I managed to find an “entertainment” store, which carried all manner of goods, most importantly holo-recordings and games. They weren’t cheap, because I bought a massive volume, but I figured if we were stuck in FTL for a few days, having something for a bit of R&R during the downtime would be important. I also found a furniture store, so I bought a sofa and a table that could be bolted in place. It should look good in the lounge space by the kitchenette. Then as I was touring the weapons shops, I found something nice, and at a good price. So nice, at such a good price, I bought it twice!  | CASC 3L3C “Adjudicator” Stun Pistol | Cost: 8000 credits Delivers concentrated bolts of electroplasma knocking targets unconscious and/or otherwise immobilized for up to 3 hours. Causes minor burns at the point of impact. May cause permanent damage to the targets nervous system. Battery Charge = 150 shots | | --- | --- |   After dropping a bit over 110000 credits on the supplies, I decided to head back to my room. I should play around with the forms that I gained last night. --- The days of waiting passed quietly. I tried to have the occasional conversation with Alistair over a meal, but ever since that first day he maintained his distance and refused to eat with me. Terisar stopped by twice to make sure I wasn’t making any more trouble for him. Never managed to get a pleasant conversation out of her either, unfortunately (still fighting with visions of tight black leather whenever I see her). I spent most of my time renting time in the flight sims. Holidar sent me a message, requesting that I meet with him in private before shipping out. A few skills leveled up, but not very many.   | **Skill Level Increase** | | | --- | --- | | Stealth | Level +3 | | Acting | Level +1 | | Negotiation | Level +2 | | Piloting - Light Freight | Level +4 For reaching Level 10 in Piloting - Light Feight you have been awarded +1 PER and +1 WIS | | Piloting - Heavy Freight | Level +1 |     When I stepped out into the promenade on the morning of the seventh day, Lerissa was waiting for me, bags in hand. “Hey, Sarah! I’m glad to see you’ve decided to take me up on my offer. I was a bit worried when I never heard from you this entire time.” “Yeah, well, I was looking for other transport. I’m only here because I couldn’t find any. I haven’t necessarily decided yet.” “No worries, I know how hard it can be to put your faith in someone you’ve just met. We can discuss it once we’re shipboard. Now come along, we need to stop by Holidra’s and then we can be on our way.” --- “Well little missy. I’m glad you came by. You and I need to have a little chat here. Your friend can wait outside.” Huh? I wonder what’s gotten him in such a sour mood? I nod to Lerissa, and she steps out. Holidra pushes a button that’s on the side of his workbench and glares at me menacingly. “You know, you’re real lucky that my brother-in-law Gustavo likes you. Otherwise we probably wouldn't be having this conversation right now. Though he seems to think you’re a human boy.” Shit, I didn’t even think about that. I fucked up big. He holds up his hand. “Don’t tell me. I don’t want to know. You’re treading in some dangerous waters here missy, and I want no part in it. Now, while I was going over you’re ship, I happened to notice your primary computer port doesn’t match standard specs. I used to work in the COS navy yards, so I know what fits there. Just a warning for the future, if you want to survive. Never let anyone work on your ship as long as you're in Confederate space. Do it yourself, you have the constructor. Learn some of the tricks of wrenching. I hope you understand why I am telling you this.” I simply nod, blank-faced. “Good. I left you a little present in that hidey-hole you put up front. Just an old toy that’s been sitting around my shop for years, but it should help with that.” Are we okay? I... think we're okay? “Finally, I loaded those parts for the Eileris job into your hold. Nobody’s left the station heading out that way this past week, and they need those parts.” “Thank you Holidra. I’ll be more careful going forward.” I breathe out a whisper “You do that missy.” He laughs. “You kinda remind me of my kids, back before the war started. Dumb, thinking they were all careful and sneaky, but anyone with a brain could put two and two together. Now you take care and be on your way. Oh, I almost forgot. Old Gus, he wanted me to give you a warning. Apparently the station chief has a few of his relatives waiting for you once you clear the stations range. Be prepared.” He presses the button on his bench again (I think it’s some kind of anti-eavesdropping device), and I exit his office. “All right Sarah, we’re off.” “Uhh, what was that all about Keiren?” “Some of it was a job request, the rest is something we can discuss once we’re mobile. If you agree to join up. Let’s be off” “Okay…” --- It’s good to be back home. Now that the work is completed, I should be able to have Mari active without worrying too much about scans. I point Sarah to one of the cabins so she can sort her stuff out while I prep the ship for launch. Pulling Mari’s core out of my storage belt, I place her back into the system, switch off the bypass and power up her systems. Hopefully I never have to ask her to shut down again.   | **………………..** **System restored.** **Initializing diagnostics.** **All systems show functional.** **ALERT** **New parts detected. No errors processed. Ship schematics, specifications and loadout have been updated.** **Holo projectors online.** | | --- |   “Mari, I know you have a lot you want to say to me right now, but hear me out first.” “I’m listening Captain Carmelcruncher. This had better be good. With the exception of the upgrades you found, I am NOT impressed with you at the moment.” “I hope you feel it is, my dear. First up, we have either a passenger or a new crew member. It has yet to be decided which, so please keep quiet, but keep watch on the situation. She is also a path bearer, which is why I want to add her to the crew. Once she has stowed her gear and we are in space I will be having a discussion with her. With a bit of luck, she’ll join up, which will improve our situation greatly. I would like you to take us away from the station. Slowly. I am expecting… company, once we are outside of the secure zone. You’ve noticed our new armaments, yes? Keep the lidar active, once the targets present themselves we will take them out with extreme prejudice.” “What the hell did you do!?” She hissed at me as I headed up to the cockpit. “I told you to lay low and stay unnoticed! Fucking imbecile!” “Please Mari, keep it down. I don’t want our guest to know about you yet. This is something that couldn’t be helped. It seems that the chief of this station is from a family of pirate slavers, and he wanted to get a piece of me. The commander of the security force is working against him, so around the station I was safe, but once we get out of their sphere of influence there will almost certainly be pests waiting.” I prime the engines and get ready for takeoff. “Fine. You just wait until we are en-route though. I take it from our cargo that you were successful in picking up a few jobs to go to Eileris?” I grin at her. “Indeed. I also picked up a few presents, but we can discuss all that later. Let’s launch.” I open up a channel to the station. “Vankh Station, this is the Proud Deity, in Bay 14. Ready to launch.” “Understood Proud Deity. Please transmit 14000 credits for docking and bay repair fees.” I transfer the credits to the dock operator. That was more expensive than I expected. Really need to work on my landings. “Opening bay doors. Try not to damage the bay this time.” Gee, Thanks. I open up the ship comms. “Sarah, please report to the cockpit. We are prepped and clear for launch.” I can hear her climbing up here already, she must have been close. She takes the copilots seat and straps in. I fire up the thrusters and we are off.
{ "title": "Mythran's Master Of All - Continued (Completed!)", "id": 8220, "author": "Bokuboy", "rating": 3.8 }
{ "title": "Chapter 757 - Midnight Express", "id": 305510, "next": 305795, "prev": 305183, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNlMjIxZjEzZTdmODQxMTU4NDEwZTFkOGEyMGNjN2Ux"></p> <p class="cnM5NDA2NzkxYWQ0MzRjYmE4YmMwNGU5ZDM2MzkxNDJl">“Well, you've had a long day.” Barbara said as she helped Ren take off his VR headset.</p> <p class="cnNjOGU5YmE3ZDIyMTQ5ZGY4Y2E0NzhlNWIwNmVkNTQ4">“Tell me about it.” Ren said and rubbed his eyes. “I almost screwed everything up.”</p> <p class="cnM5Y2ZjYjQ5NzE0OTRlNmE4ZDRhMjM2NmEwZTE2MmRj">Barbara chuckled. “People make mistakes, Ren.”</p> <p class="cnM5YzdlZTkyZGU1ZjRhZDI4NzkxMDg1ODY3ZTFhNGQ2">“I only met her today, and I almost slept with a woman who inherently distrusts people not like her.” Ren said. “I'm glad her prejudice came to the surface before we did go to bed.”</p> <p class="cnMxZjUzYzI3Y2Y2MTRlZmY5YjUyZmUxZWQzZmRjNDlk">“Then you went to bed with three new women.” Barbara chuckled.</p> <p class="cnNlMjA1NjllNzk2YjRmMjNiOTk2Njk1MmUzMWQxYjRj">“Only one of them really wants to have sex with me, though.” Ren joked, and she laughed. He looked to the side and saw that the bed was empty. “Hey, where's Elise?”</p> <p class="cnM1ZmM2ZWE0NGIwMzRhNGFhYjVjYmU2NGZjMjFlNTYz">“Working.” Barbara said.</p> <p class="cnNkNWFlMzgwOTVkNTQyNTM4NzI5NjU5OTczM2UwNGVi">“Working? This late?” Ren asked and motioned that he wanted to sit up. Barbara helped him move back to prop up on some pillows by the headboard, and he rubbed his wrapped knee.</p> <p class="cnM3ODcxODZiOGY0ODRlYTQ5NDJhMmUzNTgyMWUxNWZk">“Do you want a little something for that?”</p> <p class="cnNiZGIxYzZiYjJjZjQ1NmE4NzJiZDlhZmY0NWRiZmYw">“Not right now.” Ren said. “You know how hard that kind of stuff hits me.”</p> <p class="cnM0ZjE1M2JmNTUzYjQ1NmM4MDE1ZTlmMTJhNDVhMmJh">Barbara nodded and sat down beside the bed, then picked up the remote and started to change the channel. “What should we watch?”</p> <p class="cnMyZjkyY2JmOGEyZjQzZDFiY2ZiNzA5MmE4ODgzYTUw">“It doesn't matter.” Ren said. “Tell me about what Elise is doing.”</p> <p class="cnNjNWNkYWJkNzk5YzQ2ZjFhNzJkMmEzMDk4MGJlMWI3">“Not just her. Barbi's working, too.”</p> <p class="cnMxMThlN2E5YTljZTQxODM4YzRjZmFhYjJjZmZlNDFl">“Okay, now I really need to know.” Ren said.</p> <p class="cnNkMjBhZjkxMzRmNzRlYzRiYWY2MWQ0YmE4MzgxMzk3">Barbara took a deep breath, let it out, then told him about the news broadcast earlier that night. Ren wasn't sure what the big deal was, then she said that they had pieced together nearly the whole deposition that he had given to the lawyers at the firm.</p> <p class="cnMyNDU2YzliNjFiZDRlOWZhMzRhMTU3N2NmYWE1NDli">“No way.” Ren said. “How did they get it?”</p> <p class="cnM5NDg0YTFhZDMyMzRmODk4NDQ1MGRiNmI3ZTdiZWRh">“Apparently, someone sat through all the preliminary trials today and recorded the recordings they released in the courtroom.”</p> <p class="cnM4ZmU1ZTU0ZjNhYjQyMTBiNDhlMjk1ZDYyZGEyNGM1">“Damn, that's a smart way to get a story.” Ren said.</p> <p class="cnM3ZDY5ZjM4MTliMjRmNjI5OTAyMmZlYjNhYzgxNTc2">Barbara heard the admiration in his voice. “Ren, this could be very bad.”</p> <p class="cnM1NDdhYzAyMDgzODRjODc5MmQzZDFiYjhhYzBlMTg1">Ren shook his head. “No, even if the lawyers lost their cases, they did what I said to do. They are making the most of what I said and are using it to full advantage.”</p> <p class="cnM3YTZiZmVhYmZjMjQ2YWRiYzEyYmNlMGNjMWE2NmVk">“But...”</p> <p class="cnM4MTNmOWRlNjU2MzQ2NWVhZDU0ZmI2M2VhMzNlMmRi">“I assume the work Elise and Barbi are doing is damage control, like selling the appropriate stocks, and also checking to see if the footage they showed was the whole thing?”</p> <p class="cnMzNTczNjNlYzBjMDQzMzI4ODk4Mjc1OGZlMTA3MmQ3">“That's exactly what they are doing.” Barbara said, a little surprised. “They can't decide if they should release the whole thing or not.”</p> <p class="cnMyZjM1NmNkYWIzYjRmMDk4ZjAwMjdlMmM3ZDE4OTkw">“Tell them that if they already found most of it on the net and it's already spreading around, releasing the official deposition in its entirety on our main site would give us the upper hand in making it legitimate.”</p> <p class="cnM0NzM0ZDk5OWEyNDRkZjRhN2E3MWVhZGM0ZjlmYTIx">“What if it's still needed by other lawyers?”</p> <p class="cnMwNDcxY2MwMmMwMjQ2ZjA4YjI0NGFjMzE5Y2JiMTJh">“That's why I said if 'most' of it is already out there.” Ren said. “If it's not, then maybe they can just release the transcript for those parts.”</p> <p class="cnNiNWQ2MGFhYjdlNjQ2NmViZGM3NjAxNWQzNTdlYzg1">“If you're sure...”</p> <p class="cnM3NjAzY2ZjMTAwYTQ0N2JiODE0YmM4NzkyZWExODc3">“I don't want to compromise any court cases; but, I also don't want blatant rumours and falsehoods to spread, and maybe subject us to lawsuits for slander because the information is incomplete.”</p> <p class="cnM0ZGY1MzRiZTdjNTQzZWI5YTVmZTMzOTU5YjhmYTU0">“That's what Barbi was worried about.” Barbara said and took out her cell phone, then typed up a message to Elise and Barbi. Her phone beeped at her and she read the response. “They said most of it is on the net now, so the rest of the footage will only tie it all together.”</p> <p class="cnNkODMzNWIxNDA5YTRmOWJhMDRjM2Y5YjZlZGY3ZWQ3">“Then put the full video on the site and blast social media with the announcement.” Ren said and smiled. “Either it'll blow over by morning because everyone will know, or the security guards are really going to earn their pay.”</p> <p class="cnM4NmFjMTExNGY2YTRhYmI4NTUyYjdiMTk5YWMzMzlm">Barbara chuckled. “It's not really a joking matter, you know.”</p> <p class="cnM0YWQ4OWQ5ZDdkNjRmMDhhYzIzYTNiZWJlMGVhOTQz">“If we don't laugh at it, we'll have to admit it's horrible... and we should feel bad that everyone has to watch it.” Ren said and took her hand. “I sincerely doubt that they are all as brave and strong as you.”</p> <p class="cnNhOTZhOTlhM2FjNDQ4OWNhY2RhMWI2NWRhZjM1NmZi">“I wanted to bawl and weep the whole time you talked.” Barbara gave his hand a squeeze.</p> <p class="cnNlY2YyMDIxZjVjODQ5Zjk5ZjIyMjY1OTZkNjE2NWUz">“That's what I said.” Ren grinned, and she snorted a laugh.</p> <p class="cnMzMjcxZWZjMTk5ODRlNzA4YmVhMjRlOTFiZjczNmE3">“Hey, handsome!” Lisa nearly yelled as she came into his bedroom at a jog.</p> <p class="cnM5OTI3NDk0ODM3NzQxMmZiMTA0YmFmNjcxZTMxNmQ4">“Lisa! You're going to wake up the whole house!” Barbara said just as loudly, then covered her mouth with a hand.</p> <p class="cnM0NmIzYzI0Yjg1NzQyZThiY2E0NzNhNGFiYjJlN2E1">Ren and Lisa laughed.</p> <p class="cnMxNDg4Njc1MjUwYjQ3ZDg4YmQxMTkwYTk5OTMyMTAw">“It's okay. Everyone's still up anyway.” Lisa said and climbed up onto the bed and sat beside Ren. “After I helped Barbi and Elise track everything on the net, I logged in to see how things were going for you.” She said to Ren and leaned in to give him a kiss.</p> <p class="cnNjZjE3NTY5MGI4ZjQzNWNiOTk1MmY4NzE3MzUyOTk4">“You didn't stick around and saw the end, then?” Ren asked, and she shook her head. “Then be ready to be amazed.”</p> <p class="cnM4ZWYwOWNmOTQ5YzRhOGRhYjdjODg4Nzc2OGY4ZTVj">“I doubt you could get into too much trouble riding in a caravan.” Lisa said.</p> <p class="cnM2NjIzZDY4NzdmODRiNjc4NTc3OTBjOGUyNjFhZTcy">“It was after we landed in Pervaria.”</p> <p class="cnMwMjgxMDhiNjZiMjQwY2ZiNmRhNTBjMTU1ZmRhNjAy">“What? Did something happen at the garrison?”</p> <p class="cnM5OWZlMTExNWNkZTQ5MTFiZTVlZjMxNTA0ZmQzNjIw">“You could say that.” Ren said, then told her about the goblin army attacking, mobilizing the troops and going along, then about the 40 foot tall spider appearing and dealing with it.</p> <p class="cnM2MzA0YzdkMjQzNjQxYTNiYjg3NzExZmUxOThkYmUw">“They summoned Anansi so soon?” Lisa asked.</p> <p class="cnNkYWI2MTg0YTQxNzQzMmRhMGQ5NmQwYmNmNDM2ZjQ3">“Oh? You know about...” Ren stopped talking and laughed. “Sorry.”</p> <p class="cnM4MTI1YzIwZTBmMDQ5MDk4MzliNDE3ODAwZTIzMjA1">Lisa smiled. “He's an evil entity that hates the Pervarians with an unbridled passion, because they are corruptions of pure animal spirits.”</p> <p class="cnM5M2IyNjhjN2YwMzQwZjk5MzVlM2Y5NzM0OTI3NDY1">“Well, that's not entirely true.” Ren said. “Some of the Pervarians are born as talking animals.”</p> <p class="cnMyN2QxYjU5YzcxMzQwNjdhNTcyOGQ4ZDVkNDQzNWQ1">“You know that already?” Lisa asked, and he nodded.</p> <p class="cnM0Y2FmNzRhZDA2MzRiODNhODAyYTFmMGRmNzFmZDEz">“I met a medical professional when I was getting checked out in customs and she told me some interesting facts.”</p> <p class="cnM5OTE4ZmVkNTJhMDQ4YWU4NjZmMjBhZjA0YjZmM2E1">“She's also his newest concubine.” Barbara said.</p> <p class="cnNlOWEzNGZhMGU0MDQ4NjRiZTJjNzM5MGZmNjEzM2Vk">“You snookered another one?” Lisa teased, and Ren laughed.</p> <p class="cnMwMDk0NDMzODA3NjRmZDI5YTk4MWQzMDVjYjFlMzlk">“You knew it was easy for strong fighters to pick up women like stray cats, and you sent me to the Pervarian Kingdom anyway?” Ren asked, and it was Lisa's turn to laugh.</p> <p class="cnNlZGQ0ZDNmYmJlNzQ0ZjlhZWY1ZDI5ZTE4YWNiOWVm">“I told you that you were going to like it there.”</p> <p class="cnM4MmJiYmY0NmMxNTRmNGM5NTNkNDU4NDNiYmYyMGI4">“I thought the big secret that you meant for me to discover was that they could change into animals.” Ren said, and she took his hand.</p> <p class="cnNjNDBmYTA4NTExZDQyYzdhM2NkMTVlMWU4N2MzMzcx">“It was, with the side benefit that if you just be yourself, unlike how a lot of other places treat you, they only see your power and treat you accordingly.” Lisa said. “Short, tall, handsome, ugly, it doesn't matter one iota.” She leaned in and gave him another kiss.</p> <p class="cnMxNThmMGQyMjIwMTRhZTlhYWFjYzIwM2E4MTk5NzFi">“Not all of them feel that way.” Ren said and explained what had happened with Tatya, and her revelation that a lot of her people will distrust him because of their bias against those not of their kind.</p> <p class="cnM5YzM2YjY1YTY5NTRlYmNiNmYxMjkzODQ4ZTFkN2Qy">“A false emotional front?” Lisa asked, and thought about it. “That's an interesting way for them to share only certain things with outsiders. They can learn everything they want to learn without revealing that's what they are doing.”</p> <p class="cnMxYTMxNmE5MzRhNDQ1MTQ5NjM3MDc5ZmQ0YmJmM2Yy">“I caught them at it, then offered to just sit there with their detector and let him find out everything.” Ren said, and Lisa snorted a laugh.</p> <p class="cnNlMWNlMjBkMTAxNDQ2OWZhNGE4ZWJjNmFhMjk2NmI1">“Like knowing what your skills are is going to tell them what you can do!”</p> <p class="cnNmMWM3ZDM5NTNlZTQ2OWNhMDkyY2Y2M2JkNTk5NmJm">“That's what I told them.” Ren said and kissed her back. “Great minds think alike.”</p> <p class="cnNjNGUwNTY2ZWRiNTRjN2JhNjBlNjE5ODRlZjk2ZGQx">“Well, unlike your great mind, I'm beat!” Lisa said. “I'm going to bed.”</p> <p class="cnNiY2U5MmZlMWNhNTQ1MDhiODU2YmRlNWMwNjIyNTE4">“You're not staying here?” Ren asked.</p> <p class="cnM5Yjc5ZDRlY2M4NjQ2NTZiYzhhZTc3YWY3NWNhYmIz">“No, you need a break from my awesomeness.” Lisa said, and he kissed her hand and let her go. “Rest that leg, and try not to strain yourself, okay?”</p> <p class="cnM0ZDEyZTU1ZmE0ZjQ5MjU4ZjIzZThhOWVlYzlhZjcz">“Okay.” Ren said, not really sure what she meant. Lisa left the room and he looked at Barbara. “Do you know...”</p> <p class="cnM0NzQzM2UyMmYyMjRmOWE5Njk1ZjAwYWRiZWIxNTg1">“I'm sure she's referring to your promise to... what was it you said? Oh, right.” Barbara smiled. “You're going to properly thank Barbi.”</p> <p class="cnNkNDAyMDI4MzUzNDQxMTQ5MjYxMDQwNTgxNDdmMDY0">“Oh, yeah.” Ren said. “Thanks for reminding me.”</p> <p class="cnM2YTZhNDAwNzVhZjQ1MjI5MDM3ODAyZGVmZmY4YjE5">“I thought you could remember everything?” Barbara asked.</p> <p class="cnNhNjJkOTA3MzRiNzQ0ZWZhODg3N2E5ZmYxYThiNjBh">“I can, but... it's not like it's all right there floating in my head.” Ren said with a smile. “I'd be going crazy if all of my memories were fighting for dominance and for my attention.” He chuckled. “It's more like a well-organized calendar.”</p> <p class="cnMzNDQxMDA4OWM4ZTQyNGQ5MzViOGNlYTgyODkwYTFh">“Really?” Barbara asked. “Then, if I said something like... the first time I read you Little Bo Peep...”</p> <p class="cnNjMjgwNDUzZWY1MzQ1NzVhNDA4MjM2ODVlNjcwNWY3">“It was on a Sunday, and I had just finished a late supper because the medical assessment tests went really long that day.” Ren said after a moment. “I was so sore from all the poking and prodding that you kicked everyone out of the room and climbed onto the bed with me.”</p> <p class="cnNmMGZjMzk1ZTA3ZjRhYzM4MjNmYjhkMmFhMjBkYTFl">Barbara took several shallow breaths as she remembered that day, too.</p> <p class="cnM4ODliNDdiOTZkMDQxZDc5NWIxNDJkZjIzNWRiOTUy">“You had given me my first hug the day before, so I was surprised when you cuddled me on the bed and took out the very first story book I had ever seen.” Ren said. “I couldn't read the words; but, I loved the bright colors of the pictures.” He smiled. “The sound of your voice was the best thing I'd ever heard.”</p> <p class="cnM4NDU4MDdmYjVlMTQ2OTFhYjg0ZWYxM2I1MTJlODk3">“R-Ren...” Barbara fought hard to hold back her tears.</p> <p class="cnNlOWVhNWI5NzAxZDRjZTBiOTQxMDg4YTk3MzBkMTdl">“It took you 23 minutes to read it all to me, because you took your time and let me stare at each page.” Ren said. “I was too weak to touch it, so you put my hand on each picture and I felt the glossy surface.” He said. “I hadn't known at the time that you bought the book just for me.”</p> <p class="cnMyMzAwYTM3NmViMTQxYWM4MDIwYjkzM2Q1YWJiNzlk">Barbara couldn't hold the tears back anymore and grabbed a tissue and sniffed to stop her nose from running. “I... I still have that book.” She said and wiped her eyes.</p> <p class="cnNhODYzMGNlYjhlMjQ0ZTk4MDRhMjk2YmUxYWIxYzhh">“I misplaced that memory for a long time, especially with all the things that happened after that.” Ren gave her hand a squeeze. “I remember it all now.” He said, and she let a small sob out. “Thank you for taking care of me, Mom.”</p> <p class="cnNkZTZmOWU1NGRiZTQzMWI5N2E2MGRlNzI3NGJkNGI1">“Y-you're w-welcome, Son.” Barbara managed to say.</p> <p class="cnM3ODY1MzdmZDBmMTQ5ZWQ5NTZjMDFmMjNlYzQ1OGYy">There was a knock on the bedroom door, and Barbara took a deep breath as she let his hand go and grabbed another tissue to wipe off her face.</p> <p class="cnMwMTk3OTc5NTAwNjQ5ZGNiMTI1YTI4MzRmMmFiMWY0">“Come in.” Ren said, and the bedroom door opened and Barbi came in. She was still wearing the baby-blue colored t-shirt and matching boxer shorts with the slits on the sides to highlight her legs.</p> <p class="cnNlYzgyOGIyYzc2ZTQwZWNhYzBmZWI0ZmEzNmUwNmI1">“It's done.” Barbi said and walked over to the bed, and Ren saw that she still hadn't put on a bra. “We've got the full video file and the transcript up, and thanks to Elise's contact at the law firm, we've also got all the judgments from the cases today, cross-linked with the video files on the internet, and their transcripts as well.”</p> <p class="cnNhZDgwOTU3NjY2MjQ0ZGI4MWEzNjUyMmZhMWQ0ZWY1">“Damn, you guys are good.” Ren said, impressed. “Thank you so much for handling this so quickly.”</p> <p class="cnM3ZWE5MWQzYjM2YTQ4MWVhOWMxNWI2ZDZiNmMxZjBh">“That's my cue to go and make myself a light snack in the kitchen.” Barbara said and pointed to the phone. “I'm only a minute and a call away.”</p> <p class="cnNjMDFiZjgzZDkwZjRlMzI5ZjBkYzNlZWUxMmQ3ZmY1">Barbi nodded and Barbara left the bedroom and shut the door.</p> <p class="cnMzMDE2NTdmMDlkODQ2YTNiODBhYWQwMDNlMTZhY2Ix">“Where's Elise?” Ren asked.</p> <p class="cnMyNmRiODQ4N2Q0ODQ5YWVhYmVjNWMyYzM3YTZkMDJl">“She said something about overseas markets and clearing out the deadwood.” Barbi said, and Ren chuckled.</p> <p class="cnM4M2U5MWRmMGIyNjQxMDVhMTFjY2I5OWUwM2IxODVl">“It's probably most of the portfolio she gave me for my birthday.” Ren said. “I can't imagine what her own portfolio looks like if she had to dump most of her technology stock.”</p> <p class="cnNmNDM1ZDU0N2JhYjQ2NjQ4ZTU2MjM2OWMyZGY0NmE1">“She did, and right into the... what was it she called it? A float or something?” Barbi shrugged. “Anyway, once she got rid of it all and the stock price plummeted, she turned right around and bought everything back up.”</p> <p class="cnNlYjUxYTQxMjNlMDQwMzZhZmFmYWUzYWU3MzM0Mjdi">“You're kidding!” Ren exclaimed, and she shook her head.</p> <p class="cnM4ZTgwM2M0M2UwODQ2MjA4YTRmODE3M2RhNjBmOTdk">“Nope. I haven't known her for very long; but, she seems pretty shrewd about things like that.” Barbi said. “I'm great at catching details, and yet she was whizzing through different computer screens and scrolling charts faster than I could read even one stock price!”</p> <p class="cnNmM2U5YjU0MTVmYzQ5MDZiNDJkZWEzNzUwYzIxOWNl">Ren laughed and pat the bed.</p> <p class="cnM0OTcyMDQ1NzExMzQwZTg5MTI2NzU4ZjJiNDQwMmM4">“Ren, I... Stella told me...”</p> <p class="cnNjYzQyMGY0ZjQ2NDQxMTM5ZjEwNWMzZDBiMzNjZGMy">“She did?” Ren asked, then smiled. “Well, that makes things a little easier.”</p> <p class="cnNlZTYyODFmY2M0NTQ2MzJhOWJiYjBhMTcxYTY3NzVj">“Ren...”</p> <p class="cnM1ZWUzOTEyMjAwZDRjZWY5MDY4YmI4YjI2MjQwODU0">“I remember you spreading your legs in the kitchen and practically begged me to please you.”</p> <p class="cnMwNTA0ZmYwZjJjYjQ1ZjY5YTFiNjI1YzE5OTYxZWUw">“I was testing you.”</p> <p class="cnNlYzNhZWY0ZWFlMTQwOGU5OTNlYjEwNDc5MGM3MzE2">“I know.” Ren said. “I passed that test, and after we shared a great nap, you stopped me before I made a huge mistake and I promised to properly thank you.”</p> <p class="cnM3NTVkYzEwNTQ3NTQ2YWU4YTVkNTc5MGY4MDJiYTJm">“But...”</p> <p class="cnMxZjc0YTcwZGJjNzRkOTg4NGU1ZDdlM2U4MDQ2NDVk">“Now you've done your best to cover my butt in the real world, so that the truth will protect me and not hurt me, like it could have.” Ren said. “I won't ask you to do anything else, except let me kiss you there.” He said and pointed to her special place. “I'll have to call Stella or Denise to help me with something after that.”</p> <p class="cnM3MDI0OGI4N2ZmMzRhMDY5NzMzYzRmOTBmNmI5ZDhh">“With what?” Barbi asked.</p> <p class="cnM1ZmVkYjE4ZmQ3ODQzMmU5YWRkYjA1ZTQ2YzljNjUw">“I can last a little while longer; but, if I'm not helped soon, it's going to start hurting.” Ren pat his thigh.</p> <p class="cnMyMTRmYzJjMjViMzQ2ZWU4ZDAzNDQyY2JjMmUyYTBj">Barbi remembered earlier when she had overheard Denise pleasing him, and she understood what he meant. She walked over to the house phone by the bed and picked it up, and dialed.</p> <p class="cnNmNTJhZTExMDc5ODQzMGFiOWI2NzU0YzlmODdlNTkw">“Hi, it's Barbi.” Barbi paused. “I'm in Ren's room.” She said. “Yes, he needs you.” She hung up the phone and smiled at him.</p> <p class="cnM4OGIzM2ExNjVmMzRhYTZhNjFlMTIyZjVkMDE5YjEz">“Barbi...”</p> <p class="cnM0Yzg4MGViZTAyZjQ0OWRhMjUwN2VlYTM0MzFjNGQw">“Just wait a minute.” Barbi said.</p> <p class="cnMxODU0ZDRhMzQzYzRkYzRhYTE2NDA5MDYyYmJhOWEz">“But... if you called...”</p> <p class="cnMzNTMzMWIzOTEzNDRiODQ4ZGY4Y2JjM2I0MDc2NzI0">The bedroom door opened and Denise came in. Ren's eyes went wide as she came over to the bed and Barbi pointed to his crotch.</p> <p class="cnMwYjg2ZGM0OTFmZTQ4NjJhY2E0NzRmNDlkMDRmZTMz">“He said he was going to properly thank me, and <strong>then</strong> get his needs looked after.” Barbi said in an accusing tone.</p> <p class="cnMwZjc2YmQxODQzOTQwNTlhZDMwMzEzNGI3ODExNWVm">“Ren.” Denise looked at him with squinted eyes. “How many times do we have to remind you that you're not supposed to wait when you get in this state?” She asked and quickly lifted his pyjama pants up to get a look at him. “You need to tell one of us right away.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZjRkZTE5ODA0ZDQ0MjZiYWU2YWE4ZWUwMWQ4ZTk3">“But...”</p> <p class="cnNlOWQ1MTNmMmNkNDQ5YjZhOTcxZTM0Njk4Y2JlNmFj">“Thanks for calling me, Barbi.” Denise said. “Would you mind...”</p> <p class="cnM2YWNmNDgxNWY3MDQ5ZDhiYTBiMGFlZDUzMzliN2Iy">“I'll wait in the hall.” Barbi said and walked towards the door.</p> <p class="cnM2ZTI2ZWNiZjViMDRjNTBiYWE5YmUxNDhhNjM0MDkx">“But... I was supposed to...” Ren started to say.</p> <p class="cnNlZjYwOTA3NzZiZjRkYjViYzkxODEwZWRmODdjZjUz">“I'll come back in afterwards.” Barbi said and left.</p> <p class="cnNmNDk1NDVlMTkwMDRiOGY4MjQwZWZhMWM5NDAzZjg0">*</p> <p class="cnM2ODliYzU4MmEyMDRmOGQ5N2RhZjE3YjA3ZGEwYzE2">Lisa had left Ren's room and instead of going to the elevator or the stairs, she knocked on Stella's door instead.</p> <p class="cnNhY2E0ODQ1OGRjMTRkZWY5NGVkZTllNDdkYjVjOTA5">“Come in.” Stella said, and Lisa saw her sitting at the small table in the mini-kitchen.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjQwMmRlMmFhOTRmMjY4YTk0MzMxN2I2YjQ4NzZj">“Well, I did it.” Lisa said. “Ren's in the Pervaria Kingdom.”</p> <p class="cnMwZWI2OGJmNmU1NDQwNjdiMmI3MzFiMjc0ZGUwZThl">“Whew. What a relief.” Stella said. “How is he doing?”</p> <p class="cnM5NDlmOWM4NmE0YzQwOTBhYjJkY2YzMDFjMjNiZTVk">“He's a little frustrated.” Lisa said and sat down next to her, then explained what had happened between Ren and Tatya.</p> <p class="cnNlZmNkYTIxZTU0OTRjNjk4MzQ1ZWM0YjA1MmUxMjYw">Stella chuckled. “Yes, that would be frustrating.”</p> <p class="cnM1ZTJiMGY4NjA0ZjQ3MmFiZDgzYTA4MmE4MDY0ODFj">“He's got 3 concubines, too.” Lisa said.</p> <p class="cnNiOTAxZWJlNmUxNDQ2OWY5NjM4NWYyYTNhNTU2YzE4">“Already?” Stella raised both eyebrows.</p> <p class="cnM1ZjIxYzZjY2RiZTQ1MTlhN2UzYjY0ZjU3Mjg4YjQx">Lisa told her what happened for him to get the first two.</p> <p class="cnM4ODU5NzBlOGU4NzQyYzdiMTgxYWVmZGIxYmU4NjZi">“Hm. So concubines in name only.” Stella said. “Is that going to change soon?”</p> <p class="cnMyMGZmYmJmNzU2NjQ3ZWFhZGU5NWQ2MGY3ODJjYTAw">“Definitely.” Lisa said. “He's told the first two all about his adventures.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZWVjNWU2YjVmODRhNTRiNzkzZjA3OWQwOTE2NTIy">“Oho!” Stella chuckled. “I imagine at least one of them will want to tear his clothes off after hearing all of that.”</p> <p class="cnMxNjU5NjY4MmY5YTQ5ZWViMWMxZWU5Mzk0ZWU5YTU4">Lisa nodded. “They admire fighting prowess and strength, so he's going to blow their minds.”</p> <p class="cnM3MmE4MTc5ODRiNjQyMWVhZmZlYjgwNzBmODE3MWZm">“Among other things!” Stella exclaimed, then she and Lisa laughed.</p> <p class="cnM0MTBlMTEzZDk5ZDRlMGFiNDY4OWI2YWQ3NWFmYWUz">After a couple of minutes, Lisa spoke. “I knew he would enjoy going there, but why did you want him to go?”</p> <p class="cnMzOTZlZGFiNDJjMzRiMmM5NDVjYWJiMjI4ZTRiNzQ5">“He's soon going to lose the ability to have sex with a lot of the women currently in his life.” Stella said. “The maids and Xuunah are pregnant, and it won't be long before he can't be with them. So...”</p> <p class="cnMyYmE2MjMxOWIzODQyMjlhYzQ4MWQyM2M5MzJiY2Rl">“ order to keep him from utilizing the succubi, you want him to have another outlet, just in case.” Lisa said in understanding.</p> <p class="cnM0NzZlZTIxZjllMDQwNTk5YmU4NjIzNTZmZjU4Yjlh">“You got it.” Stella said and took her hand. “Unlike Ren, I took your warnings to heart. Of course, I still chose having the succubi ancestor in the game; but, that gave me a unique perspective for the problem.”</p> <p class="cnMyMjQ3ZGJlODM5MzRmYTg4N2RmZTJlNWYzOTVkMTdk">“How does it feel to have everyone come after you?” Lisa asked with a smile.</p> <p class="cnMzOWUyNjYyZjRiYTQ3YjhiN2ViNWVkNTFlZGMwOWQw">“It's both very flattering and extremely scary.” Stella chuckled. “It's a great experience.”</p> <p class="cnMxMWI5ZWU1YTUxNjRkYzNhNDdjZjgzOTYwMTVkNDM5">“Yeah, I knew you'd like it for that.” Lisa said. “Your character's name is Experiment001 for pete's sake!”</p> <p class="cnM3ZjIwNTQ5MGQ4ZDRkMmZiY2Y2N2U1ZDJkYjU3Yzky">Stella laughed. “I didn't want to use my own name, and then I couldn't think of one that I'd respond to, so... I defaulted to an easy one to remember.”</p> <p class="cnNmMzE2MzI2MjY1NzQ2MmI4ZTc0MjA2M2E1ZmY2OTE2">Lisa smiled for a moment, then yawned. Stella was about to comment on it, then she yawned to.</p> <p class="cnM4MGY4NTdiYWExMDQwNTZiZWM5YTRhYTc2MjRhZWY2">“Oh, no! You've caught it!” Lisa said and pulled her hand away, and that made Stella laugh.</p> <p class="cnNjY2JmMTYyOTZhYzRiYTVhNzgyMTVlMDkxZjNjYzAy">“I think you need to take it back!” Stella said as she stood up and tried to grab her. Lisa leaned back out of reach, slid off her chair to the floor, then half-rolled and half-stepped to the side and stood up on the opposite side of the table.</p> <p class="cnNhNzljNWM5MzA0NTQzZTY4ZmMzMjU3OGU5ZDQxZjEx">“Too slow.” Lisa teased.</p> <p class="cnNkNTE2MmQyOTk0ODRhYmNhODY5NzAyNDBkMzIzZjg3">“Am I now?” Stella said and grinned as she took a running stance.</p> <p class="cnNjMGY4YTc3YTEwNjQwZTA5M2FjMDZlOWE3NGVhNGRi">“Oh, crap!” Lisa said and tried to run.</p> <p class="cnMxMmZmYTBhZGUyYzRhYWY4Zjk5MDZhYjQ4MTM0NzUx">Stella barked a laugh because Lisa wasn't a runner and bolted after her, quickly caught her and scooped her up, then tumbled onto the bed into a heap, with her on bottom and Lisa on top and they hugged each other. They were both laughing at how easily Lisa had been caught, then the laughter faded from Lisa's face.</p> <p class="cnNmNDMxOGQyNjkxMDQ1NDNiMzQ2NGI0ZmUzMDBkZmJl">“Can... I stay here tonight?” Lisa asked, her face slightly red.</p> <p class="cnNiOTYxZWIzNjAwYTQ3ZTFhMGIyMzAxMTgzZDk1Yjk3">“Only if I get a goodnight kiss.” Stella said with a smile.</p> <p class="cnMyZmFiMTYxOWVhODQ3MDdhMWYzMDM4MDJjYTA5ZjQ5">Lisa's face flushed completely red, then she took a shallow breath and leaned down to give her a kiss. Stella was a bit surprised, since she had meant giving her a kiss after they had climbed into bed, just like they had shared the last time Lisa had stayed there. She didn't let that surprise stop her from kissing her back, however.</p> <p class="cnM4NDE2YjJmMDg1YTQ0YzQ5NjZhOGM0MzM5ODNiYTUw">Lisa broke the kiss and her breathing was a little fast as her muscles tensed up for a rejection. “H-how w-was th-that?”</p> <p class="cnM4NzYxMzE5YjE5MTRmMzhhNTEwNGRhYzNjN2M3ODM2">“It was perfect.” Stella said, then after a brief moment, kissed her. She felt Lisa relax, because she hadn't been rebuffed or discouraged. “Let's get under the blanket and get some sleep.”</p> <p class="cnM2M2FlZmMyY2NiYTQzNDJhZWJiNTFhZTY2MTk2OTI4">Lisa nodded and they untangled themselves and got into bed. Stella held her arms open and Lisa cuddled in without needing to ask.</p> <p class="cnM4MTAzMzE5MzZmODQzZmY5OGVkOTU1NTc0NGJhZDFj">“Goodnight.” Stella said and gave her another kiss.</p> <p class="cnM0N2Q1MGNiZDllMzQ4ZGY4NjQ5YjZjZjBkZDk2MTNl">“Goodnight.” Lisa said, then closed her eyes and basked in Stella's warm embrace.</p> <p class="cnM0NDcxZjg0Y2EyOTRhYjJhMGY1NDZhNzkzNmY3NWI0">&nbsp;</p> </div>
“Well, you've had a long day.” Barbara said as she helped Ren take off his VR headset. “Tell me about it.” Ren said and rubbed his eyes. “I almost screwed everything up.” Barbara chuckled. “People make mistakes, Ren.” “I only met her today, and I almost slept with a woman who inherently distrusts people not like her.” Ren said. “I'm glad her prejudice came to the surface before we did go to bed.” “Then you went to bed with three new women.” Barbara chuckled. “Only one of them really wants to have sex with me, though.” Ren joked, and she laughed. He looked to the side and saw that the bed was empty. “Hey, where's Elise?” “Working.” Barbara said. “Working? This late?” Ren asked and motioned that he wanted to sit up. Barbara helped him move back to prop up on some pillows by the headboard, and he rubbed his wrapped knee. “Do you want a little something for that?” “Not right now.” Ren said. “You know how hard that kind of stuff hits me.” Barbara nodded and sat down beside the bed, then picked up the remote and started to change the channel. “What should we watch?” “It doesn't matter.” Ren said. “Tell me about what Elise is doing.” “Not just her. Barbi's working, too.” “Okay, now I really need to know.” Ren said. Barbara took a deep breath, let it out, then told him about the news broadcast earlier that night. Ren wasn't sure what the big deal was, then she said that they had pieced together nearly the whole deposition that he had given to the lawyers at the firm. “No way.” Ren said. “How did they get it?” “Apparently, someone sat through all the preliminary trials today and recorded the recordings they released in the courtroom.” “Damn, that's a smart way to get a story.” Ren said. Barbara heard the admiration in his voice. “Ren, this could be very bad.” Ren shook his head. “No, even if the lawyers lost their cases, they did what I said to do. They are making the most of what I said and are using it to full advantage.” “But...” “I assume the work Elise and Barbi are doing is damage control, like selling the appropriate stocks, and also checking to see if the footage they showed was the whole thing?” “That's exactly what they are doing.” Barbara said, a little surprised. “They can't decide if they should release the whole thing or not.” “Tell them that if they already found most of it on the net and it's already spreading around, releasing the official deposition in its entirety on our main site would give us the upper hand in making it legitimate.” “What if it's still needed by other lawyers?” “That's why I said if 'most' of it is already out there.” Ren said. “If it's not, then maybe they can just release the transcript for those parts.” “If you're sure...” “I don't want to compromise any court cases; but, I also don't want blatant rumours and falsehoods to spread, and maybe subject us to lawsuits for slander because the information is incomplete.” “That's what Barbi was worried about.” Barbara said and took out her cell phone, then typed up a message to Elise and Barbi. Her phone beeped at her and she read the response. “They said most of it is on the net now, so the rest of the footage will only tie it all together.” “Then put the full video on the site and blast social media with the announcement.” Ren said and smiled. “Either it'll blow over by morning because everyone will know, or the security guards are really going to earn their pay.” Barbara chuckled. “It's not really a joking matter, you know.” “If we don't laugh at it, we'll have to admit it's horrible... and we should feel bad that everyone has to watch it.” Ren said and took her hand. “I sincerely doubt that they are all as brave and strong as you.” “I wanted to bawl and weep the whole time you talked.” Barbara gave his hand a squeeze. “That's what I said.” Ren grinned, and she snorted a laugh. “Hey, handsome!” Lisa nearly yelled as she came into his bedroom at a jog. “Lisa! You're going to wake up the whole house!” Barbara said just as loudly, then covered her mouth with a hand. Ren and Lisa laughed. “It's okay. Everyone's still up anyway.” Lisa said and climbed up onto the bed and sat beside Ren. “After I helped Barbi and Elise track everything on the net, I logged in to see how things were going for you.” She said to Ren and leaned in to give him a kiss. “You didn't stick around and saw the end, then?” Ren asked, and she shook her head. “Then be ready to be amazed.” “I doubt you could get into too much trouble riding in a caravan.” Lisa said. “It was after we landed in Pervaria.” “What? Did something happen at the garrison?” “You could say that.” Ren said, then told her about the goblin army attacking, mobilizing the troops and going along, then about the 40 foot tall spider appearing and dealing with it. “They summoned Anansi so soon?” Lisa asked. “Oh? You know about...” Ren stopped talking and laughed. “Sorry.” Lisa smiled. “He's an evil entity that hates the Pervarians with an unbridled passion, because they are corruptions of pure animal spirits.” “Well, that's not entirely true.” Ren said. “Some of the Pervarians are born as talking animals.” “You know that already?” Lisa asked, and he nodded. “I met a medical professional when I was getting checked out in customs and she told me some interesting facts.” “She's also his newest concubine.” Barbara said. “You snookered another one?” Lisa teased, and Ren laughed. “You knew it was easy for strong fighters to pick up women like stray cats, and you sent me to the Pervarian Kingdom anyway?” Ren asked, and it was Lisa's turn to laugh. “I told you that you were going to like it there.” “I thought the big secret that you meant for me to discover was that they could change into animals.” Ren said, and she took his hand. “It was, with the side benefit that if you just be yourself, unlike how a lot of other places treat you, they only see your power and treat you accordingly.” Lisa said. “Short, tall, handsome, ugly, it doesn't matter one iota.” She leaned in and gave him another kiss. “Not all of them feel that way.” Ren said and explained what had happened with Tatya, and her revelation that a lot of her people will distrust him because of their bias against those not of their kind. “A false emotional front?” Lisa asked, and thought about it. “That's an interesting way for them to share only certain things with outsiders. They can learn everything they want to learn without revealing that's what they are doing.” “I caught them at it, then offered to just sit there with their detector and let him find out everything.” Ren said, and Lisa snorted a laugh. “Like knowing what your skills are is going to tell them what you can do!” “That's what I told them.” Ren said and kissed her back. “Great minds think alike.” “Well, unlike your great mind, I'm beat!” Lisa said. “I'm going to bed.” “You're not staying here?” Ren asked. “No, you need a break from my awesomeness.” Lisa said, and he kissed her hand and let her go. “Rest that leg, and try not to strain yourself, okay?” “Okay.” Ren said, not really sure what she meant. Lisa left the room and he looked at Barbara. “Do you know...” “I'm sure she's referring to your promise to... what was it you said? Oh, right.” Barbara smiled. “You're going to properly thank Barbi.” “Oh, yeah.” Ren said. “Thanks for reminding me.” “I thought you could remember everything?” Barbara asked. “I can, but... it's not like it's all right there floating in my head.” Ren said with a smile. “I'd be going crazy if all of my memories were fighting for dominance and for my attention.” He chuckled. “It's more like a well-organized calendar.” “Really?” Barbara asked. “Then, if I said something like... the first time I read you Little Bo Peep...” “It was on a Sunday, and I had just finished a late supper because the medical assessment tests went really long that day.” Ren said after a moment. “I was so sore from all the poking and prodding that you kicked everyone out of the room and climbed onto the bed with me.” Barbara took several shallow breaths as she remembered that day, too. “You had given me my first hug the day before, so I was surprised when you cuddled me on the bed and took out the very first story book I had ever seen.” Ren said. “I couldn't read the words; but, I loved the bright colors of the pictures.” He smiled. “The sound of your voice was the best thing I'd ever heard.” “R-Ren...” Barbara fought hard to hold back her tears. “It took you 23 minutes to read it all to me, because you took your time and let me stare at each page.” Ren said. “I was too weak to touch it, so you put my hand on each picture and I felt the glossy surface.” He said. “I hadn't known at the time that you bought the book just for me.” Barbara couldn't hold the tears back anymore and grabbed a tissue and sniffed to stop her nose from running. “I... I still have that book.” She said and wiped her eyes. “I misplaced that memory for a long time, especially with all the things that happened after that.” Ren gave her hand a squeeze. “I remember it all now.” He said, and she let a small sob out. “Thank you for taking care of me, Mom.” “Y-you're w-welcome, Son.” Barbara managed to say. There was a knock on the bedroom door, and Barbara took a deep breath as she let his hand go and grabbed another tissue to wipe off her face. “Come in.” Ren said, and the bedroom door opened and Barbi came in. She was still wearing the baby-blue colored t-shirt and matching boxer shorts with the slits on the sides to highlight her legs. “It's done.” Barbi said and walked over to the bed, and Ren saw that she still hadn't put on a bra. “We've got the full video file and the transcript up, and thanks to Elise's contact at the law firm, we've also got all the judgments from the cases today, cross-linked with the video files on the internet, and their transcripts as well.” “Damn, you guys are good.” Ren said, impressed. “Thank you so much for handling this so quickly.” “That's my cue to go and make myself a light snack in the kitchen.” Barbara said and pointed to the phone. “I'm only a minute and a call away.” Barbi nodded and Barbara left the bedroom and shut the door. “Where's Elise?” Ren asked. “She said something about overseas markets and clearing out the deadwood.” Barbi said, and Ren chuckled. “It's probably most of the portfolio she gave me for my birthday.” Ren said. “I can't imagine what her own portfolio looks like if she had to dump most of her technology stock.” “She did, and right into the... what was it she called it? A float or something?” Barbi shrugged. “Anyway, once she got rid of it all and the stock price plummeted, she turned right around and bought everything back up.” “You're kidding!” Ren exclaimed, and she shook her head. “Nope. I haven't known her for very long; but, she seems pretty shrewd about things like that.” Barbi said. “I'm great at catching details, and yet she was whizzing through different computer screens and scrolling charts faster than I could read even one stock price!” Ren laughed and pat the bed. “Ren, I... Stella told me...” “She did?” Ren asked, then smiled. “Well, that makes things a little easier.” “Ren...” “I remember you spreading your legs in the kitchen and practically begged me to please you.” “I was testing you.” “I know.” Ren said. “I passed that test, and after we shared a great nap, you stopped me before I made a huge mistake and I promised to properly thank you.” “But...” “Now you've done your best to cover my butt in the real world, so that the truth will protect me and not hurt me, like it could have.” Ren said. “I won't ask you to do anything else, except let me kiss you there.” He said and pointed to her special place. “I'll have to call Stella or Denise to help me with something after that.” “With what?” Barbi asked. “I can last a little while longer; but, if I'm not helped soon, it's going to start hurting.” Ren pat his thigh. Barbi remembered earlier when she had overheard Denise pleasing him, and she understood what he meant. She walked over to the house phone by the bed and picked it up, and dialed. “Hi, it's Barbi.” Barbi paused. “I'm in Ren's room.” She said. “Yes, he needs you.” She hung up the phone and smiled at him. “Barbi...” “Just wait a minute.” Barbi said. “But... if you called...” The bedroom door opened and Denise came in. Ren's eyes went wide as she came over to the bed and Barbi pointed to his crotch. “He said he was going to properly thank me, and **then** get his needs looked after.” Barbi said in an accusing tone. “Ren.” Denise looked at him with squinted eyes. “How many times do we have to remind you that you're not supposed to wait when you get in this state?” She asked and quickly lifted his pyjama pants up to get a look at him. “You need to tell one of us right away.” “But...” “Thanks for calling me, Barbi.” Denise said. “Would you mind...” “I'll wait in the hall.” Barbi said and walked towards the door. “But... I was supposed to...” Ren started to say. “I'll come back in afterwards.” Barbi said and left. * Lisa had left Ren's room and instead of going to the elevator or the stairs, she knocked on Stella's door instead. “Come in.” Stella said, and Lisa saw her sitting at the small table in the mini-kitchen. “Well, I did it.” Lisa said. “Ren's in the Pervaria Kingdom.” “Whew. What a relief.” Stella said. “How is he doing?” “He's a little frustrated.” Lisa said and sat down next to her, then explained what had happened between Ren and Tatya. Stella chuckled. “Yes, that would be frustrating.” “He's got 3 concubines, too.” Lisa said. “Already?” Stella raised both eyebrows. Lisa told her what happened for him to get the first two. “Hm. So concubines in name only.” Stella said. “Is that going to change soon?” “Definitely.” Lisa said. “He's told the first two all about his adventures.” “Oho!” Stella chuckled. “I imagine at least one of them will want to tear his clothes off after hearing all of that.” Lisa nodded. “They admire fighting prowess and strength, so he's going to blow their minds.” “Among other things!” Stella exclaimed, then she and Lisa laughed. After a couple of minutes, Lisa spoke. “I knew he would enjoy going there, but why did you want him to go?” “He's soon going to lose the ability to have sex with a lot of the women currently in his life.” Stella said. “The maids and Xuunah are pregnant, and it won't be long before he can't be with them. So...” “ order to keep him from utilizing the succubi, you want him to have another outlet, just in case.” Lisa said in understanding. “You got it.” Stella said and took her hand. “Unlike Ren, I took your warnings to heart. Of course, I still chose having the succubi ancestor in the game; but, that gave me a unique perspective for the problem.” “How does it feel to have everyone come after you?” Lisa asked with a smile. “It's both very flattering and extremely scary.” Stella chuckled. “It's a great experience.” “Yeah, I knew you'd like it for that.” Lisa said. “Your character's name is Experiment001 for pete's sake!” Stella laughed. “I didn't want to use my own name, and then I couldn't think of one that I'd respond to, so... I defaulted to an easy one to remember.” Lisa smiled for a moment, then yawned. Stella was about to comment on it, then she yawned to. “Oh, no! You've caught it!” Lisa said and pulled her hand away, and that made Stella laugh. “I think you need to take it back!” Stella said as she stood up and tried to grab her. Lisa leaned back out of reach, slid off her chair to the floor, then half-rolled and half-stepped to the side and stood up on the opposite side of the table. “Too slow.” Lisa teased. “Am I now?” Stella said and grinned as she took a running stance. “Oh, crap!” Lisa said and tried to run. Stella barked a laugh because Lisa wasn't a runner and bolted after her, quickly caught her and scooped her up, then tumbled onto the bed into a heap, with her on bottom and Lisa on top and they hugged each other. They were both laughing at how easily Lisa had been caught, then the laughter faded from Lisa's face. “Can... I stay here tonight?” Lisa asked, her face slightly red. “Only if I get a goodnight kiss.” Stella said with a smile. Lisa's face flushed completely red, then she took a shallow breath and leaned down to give her a kiss. Stella was a bit surprised, since she had meant giving her a kiss after they had climbed into bed, just like they had shared the last time Lisa had stayed there. She didn't let that surprise stop her from kissing her back, however. Lisa broke the kiss and her breathing was a little fast as her muscles tensed up for a rejection. “H-how w-was th-that?” “It was perfect.” Stella said, then after a brief moment, kissed her. She felt Lisa relax, because she hadn't been rebuffed or discouraged. “Let's get under the blanket and get some sleep.” Lisa nodded and they untangled themselves and got into bed. Stella held her arms open and Lisa cuddled in without needing to ask. “Goodnight.” Stella said and gave her another kiss. “Goodnight.” Lisa said, then closed her eyes and basked in Stella's warm embrace.
{ "title": "World Of Monsters", "id": 18854, "author": "PJ_Lowry", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "17. New Arrivals", "id": 305507, "next": 311749, "prev": 304670, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMxZTE1NGRmNDBiZTQyNWE4ZDVjMDBhOWFjNmYwOWQ3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The road was clear and whenever they did bump into a stray undead moseying around, they would take it out with a silenced rifled and carry on. They didn't attract any attention and kept the trucks in a quieter mode they referred to as silent so the engines wouldn't attract any undead to come their way. By the time the sun started to go down, the two trucks had covered half the distance before Gabriel caught up. He landed on one of the trucks as Alyssa opened the hatch on top for him.</p> <p class="cnMyODg0NzdiNzQ5OTQ3YWFiOTAzOTU1NjJkZDVmOGZh">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Good morning," she said playfully.</p> <p class="cnNkYjU1M2Q3Mjk5YTQ2MDBiY2U5YWQ3Yjk2ZWI4ODdi">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "I guess you got impatient," Gabriel said, looking around, "You covered a lot of ground. Any troubles?"</p> <p class="cnM2MzcwMDViMzJkNTQ5M2VhNDAzNTgwZWU3MGQzZTM3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Hardly," She replied, "Just a few strays we easily picked off from up here. And if we had, we just would have stopped and waited for you."</p> <p class="cnM4NTgzYTRkNmU2MzRkZDBiMzI0YzIzNTUxZGY1Nzdi">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Good to hear," Gabriel said as he sat down and made himself comfortable. "Do you guys have a plan for when we get there?"</p> <p class="cnMxOWRkMTM5OTJlYjQyYmE4NTA5ZTk4ZWRjZDNkM2Mw">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Pablo and I have been working on it," Alyssa said, "Just let us do the talking and I have a feeling we'll be just fine. We'll be there in a few hours too."</p> <p class="cnM0ZDFkM2NhODdhMzQ0ZjViN2Q3NGVlZmFkYzBhNjZh">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Sounds good," Gabriel said, "I'm going to fly about and scout ahead. Just to make sure there's nothing ahead of us."</p> <p class="cnM1MWYxMWIyZTBkZTRiYTU5NDM5OGZlNmJiY2JjYmRh">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "How can you see anything in this darkness?" she asked him.</p> <p class="cnM4YzdjZGJmZWNmYTRiOGU5NDNiMDE3MDhkMzc1ZjJl">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "I'm a creature of the night," he reminded her, "To me this setting is as clear as day, and I can also hear very well too. I can hear the moans of the undead ten miles away so they cannot sneak up on us. Right now I hear nothing."</p> <p class="cnMzYWY5NjkxMGVjMjRhOTBiODBmODE2OGRhMzI0ZWNk">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "That's a good sign then," Alyssa said, "But it's a good idea to check anyway."</p> <p class="cnM5NGI1NmZmYTEyNDQ2MzRiMTUzOTc5MDI5MWM4ODRi">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Yes ma'am." Gabriel said as he leaped off the roof of the truck and she watched him fly away before closing the hatch.</p> <p class="cnM2ZWFmZDI3M2UyNDQ2ZWFiYTMwNzJjNjZkNWQzYjlh">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The stayed on the road for several hours and with Gabriel flying ahead there was nothing in their blocking their path the entire way. It was around four in the morning, just a few hours before daybreak when the two medium sized trucks started to see Alyssa's town in the distance. She couldn't believe how happy she was to see it. And when the trucks came up to the large gated wall, there were two guards who didn't notice they had arrived until Pablo honked the horn, which got their attention.</p> <p class="cnM1N2VkNmNlNjY3NDQ0NjY4NWZhN2JlMjFjZmI1Mjgx">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Holy crap!" one of them said, as if he had just woken up. "Where the hell did these two things come from?"</p> <p class="cnNmYjYwMDI5Y2U2NjRmM2E4YjcxMjE3MDc4ODRmNDYx">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The other guard went on the radio and called for someone to wake up the mayor, and it took Max about ten minutes to run over to the gate, and up the stairs to join the guards. He looked down at the two trucks, and then back at the guard that called him over.</p> <p class="cnM4MWRhYjMxMDE2MzQ2YTk4YjM0Yjg1NDgyYjA4NDZh">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Have they said anything yet?" Max asked.</p> <p class="cnNiY2FlNDlkMTY5YzQwYTI4NWMxODQyYTZjZTI2MWRj">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Not a peep." the guard replied, "They just honked the horn."</p> <p class="cnMwZTZlY2ZjN2ZmODQyODM4NzE1ZWFjYWQ3YmZlODVl">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Who are you?" Max called out to the two trucks. "Identify yourselves!"</p> <p class="cnMxNTM0MzQ0Yjk1NDQ1MjY5MWMwYThlMTQ5NmNjOTlk">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The hatch of one of the trucks opened up, and to the surprise of the two guards, and especially the mayor, Alyssa popped out with a smile on her face.</p> <p class="cnM4ZjQ5MmI2Nzg0NDRhZmQ5YmFmZWJhM2M4ZTRhOGQ1">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Hey boys!" she called out, "Did you miss me?"</p> <p class="cnNkNzg3M2Y2MjEzOTRhZDg5NDY1NDBhMGIyMjQwNDg1">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Alyssa?" Max called back, startled. "Whose trucks are these?"</p> <p class="cnNhNDFiYzRjYjg1NDQ1ODQ4N2IwYTkxZDBkZjQ1MmUy">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "They'll be ours if we negotiate in good faith," Alyssa answered.</p> <p class="cnMyOTdiNWZlY2VlNTRlNWJiMGI4YTg2YjdlM2ZlOGJi">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Negotiate with whom?" Max inquired, eager to know more.</p> <p class="cnM4MDYzYzhjOTQ1MDQ3ZjBhNWFmMjJhOTMzNzRlMjZj">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This was when Pablo also popped out of the same hatch hole, and waved to the mayor. "Good evening, Max. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Alyssa has said nothing but nice things about you and your town."</p> <p class="cnMwMjhhYzFjNWQ3NDQzMDg5NGU5ODljNTkwMTNkZDVi">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Has she," Max said, sounding skeptical. "How do you know Alyssa?"</p> <p class="cnNhOTZjYjVjMTAyYTQyNzk5ZGI0NDI2YTJjMTZjMmUx">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "I know her through my son," Pablo replied, "I believe you met Gabriel already."</p> <p class="cnNmNzViNzRmNmU2YzQ3NWJhNjVkNGZiODdmM2RjYTcw">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "I have," Max confirmed, "But what are you doing here?"</p> <p class="cnM0NTk5MTA4ZTg2NDQ2NzJhZWFlMjgxMWY3NGU0MTQ2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "We had to desert our home," Pablo explained, "things were getting too hot on the West Coast."</p> <p class="cnM4ZmUwNWRhYjczNzQyZjU5MWI4ZDE1Y2NjOWRiZGJh">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Interesting," Max said, thinking about it. "What do you have to trade?"</p> <p class="cnNkZDVkODkwZTgzNjRjZWQ4ZTkyYjBhYzQ2NDUxM2Zi">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Besides these trucks?" Pablo replied, "We bring twelve new residents, a few of them who are exceptionally talented."</p> <p class="cnM2MDJhMmJhZmM1ZDRjMjQ5ZDc5ZTM3YjU0YjhhZTMw">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "What kind of talents?" Max asked.</p> <p class="cnM0YzZjZTM2NmQyNDRmNThiNTg5MzRkYmU3YTY4OTZj">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "One of them is a doctor," Pablo answered, "A former surgeon and he comes with two of his own nurses."</p> <p class="cnMyYzQyYTVmODFjODQwNDNiNTcyZWJkODdhMGQ0OWYw">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Open the gates and let them in," Max said, as he looked back to Pablo. "Drive these thing over to city hall, Alyssa can lead you there."</p> <p class="cnM3MmMyYjg0YmY0YzQyMjM4NDVkMmI0Njc2YTdhMTZi">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Will do," Pablo said as he hopped back into the truck.</p> <p class="cnM5NjFmOTJmZTUwNTQ4N2VhOWU3ZWY3ZTI0MDdkNDMz">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; After the gates opened, the two armored trucks rolled in and slowly drove up to city hall as requested to. There were some people walking around when the trucks arrived, so a small crowd gathered at city hall. They were all surprised when the side door opened and Alyssa popped out to greet them. Her stepping out first was all the people needed to see, as knew she wouldn't let them into the town if she didn't trust them. The mayor motioned everyone to back away as he walked up to Pablo and offered his hand.</p> <p class="cnNkMTdjMzJiMGYzMDQ4ODE5NDc4MTI5ODdmMTk1M2Ux">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Pleasure to meet you," Max said, trying to be hospitable.</p> <p class="cnNlMjEzODQ2Mjg3MTQzMzU5OWIyMGE4MzY1NjkxYjFj">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "The pleasure is mine," Pablo said, equally diplomatic.</p> <p class="cnM0ZThhYTA5NGJlYzRlNDA5ZDY5NTAyMzc3MDczODBl">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Where's Gabriel?" Max said, looking around.</p> <p class="cnMxMGVlZTRkMTBjYzQzYWFhOWRhMDljZWQxNmY4YjIw">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "He's not here." Pablo replied, "He takes off whenever he smells something that might be worth salvaging. It's his talent."</p> <p class="cnNiZDIxNmQ1Y2ZiNjRjMDVhOTBjOGUwM2QyYzU0MGYy">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Say no more," Max said, smiling. "I've seen the results of his work."</p> <p class="cnNjOGIzMzFjNGNkNTRiZjM4M2ZmNmZkNjBlMTk2MTY3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Our work isn't possible on the west coast anymore," Pablo said, aware Max was likely short on data about the news from the west. "Denver was attacked earlier this week, and we could only get a select few out before the city was swarmed with herds of the undead. It's not pretty out there."</p> <p class="cnM1NmRkZjZkMzRmYzQzOWJiMjJlYzZhZjgyZGExMzZm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Who's attacking Denver?" Max asked, confused about it.</p> <p class="cnMwM2MzMjUzN2EyZTQ2MDdiYTk0ODJhY2M1OWExZGJh">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "California," Pablo educated him, "They've been threatening force for a while over the Colorado water supply. That part of the country is too hot for anyone to do any kind work in the foreseeable future."</p> <p class="cnM1YTg1ODYzY2I2MDQyOGQ5ZGE5NzE0M2I0NGM0NDI5">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "It's not like we have enough creatures like the undead out there trying to get us," Max said, sounding pained to hear news of the west coast conflict. "We can't afford to fight one another."</p> <p class="cnNhMDg4NTM4MmZhOTQyZDVhNDVmYmE1Y2UzZjdlNWJh">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "I'm in complete agreement," Pablo concurred, "That's why we chose to run rather than fight. We have no interest in killing other human beings, especially since there are so few of us left compared to only thirty years ago."</p> <p class="cnM3YTY0ZmE3MWQ4MTQ1OTk4ZDdhN2VmNmVmYzBmYmZj">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "So you have a surgeon?" Max then asked, eager to know more about Sean.</p> <p class="cnMwOGRlZGJjYTk4NjQ4NTRhMDZhNDBkMjNlMTRhM2Y1">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "We do," Pablo confirmed, "He can deliver babies or remove your appendix, and that's just the tip of the iceberg of what this guy knows. For the last ten years he's been running a family practice in Denver, which he'd like to reopen here to serve this community, if it's alright with you of course."</p> <p class="cnMyNDMyNjkwNzZiNzRjODU4MzEyNTMxYTdkYWZmOGVm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Doctors like him are in high demand," Max admitted, "And if he has half the experience you say he does... he's far more advanced then the doctors we have."</p> <p class="cnM5ZjkzMmVmM2U0MTQzM2I5YjE2MWE3N2Y3NjY4M2Y4">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "He can teach yours," Pablo added, "He's willing to help your doctors advance, because we can't have too many good doctors in these troubled times."</p> <p class="cnNmYThmZjIxZTZjZTRjYmZhMDE5ZDExZjQyY2Y5NDk5">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "And what do you want in return?" Max asked, aware they wanted something.</p> <p class="cnM4ZTYzZjA5YWQ4MDQ2MWNhODM2NjYyMWI2MTAyNjg5">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "A place to call home," Pablo told him, "A roof over our heads, good people to mingle with, and a chance to earn our keep."</p> <p class="cnM2MTE0MTlmMTJkYzRiYWE5NWMwYmZkZWVkMWQ2ZWVh">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "That's music to my ears," Max confessed, "We have space, especially in the building that Alyssa and her sister lives in."</p> <p class="cnNlNDM0NDEzMGZlMDRlMzZiZTcwYzA2ZWM2MjcwNzky">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "She told us that," Pablo added, "We'd like to move into that building, to be close to Alyssa."</p> <p class="cnMzZGFkZjk4NTk1NzQyYjg5NjdmNGUzMTI0OWE1NDZl">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Most people in town don't like it," Max informed him, "It's very close to the wall and the undead can be heard from it."</p> <p class="cnNmNDk2YzNkNjRhNzQ3ZDRhYTdkZjliMDM5NTE5ZDdm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "It's nothing new for us," Pablo said, "I don't even hear the undead anymore. They're like crickets to me now. And I'll toss the trucks in too, which could be used for gathering more supplies. Do we have a deal?"</p> <p class="cnM0M2YzNjlmM2M1NDRmMjI5ZTM0OTJiYzJiYzZhZjY4">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Pablo extended his hand the mayor, looking the man in the eyes to see how he would respond to be offered such a sweet deal. Based on what Alyssa had already told him about Max, he had a good idea of how the mayor was going to respond. She had already told Pablo that their doctor was not well trained, so the idea of Sean making her a better doctor was beneficial since if things went wrong and they left in the future, they would have better doctor afterwards than they had going in. Yet it was Pablo who had the advantage going on since he had Gabriel, who was the ace up Pablo's sleeve. The undiscovered vampire was a wildcard that can swing any situation his way, which would explain why Pablo was smiling widely as he offered the mayor his hand.</p> <p class="cnNhMGRiMzI3MWMxYjRiNjVhNTg2NTdkYzY3NzRkM2Nl">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "We do have a deal," Max said, reaching out and shaking his hand.</p> <p class="cnMwYmNlMDMxN2Y4ZTRkOTBiOTFiODM5ZDU1M2FhNjM1">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Excellent," Pablo said, just as pleased. "We are short on supplies, but we can change that in a jiffy."</p> <p class="cnMzZWIwNzhmZDk4ZjQ5Y2JhNzNlZDY2NzQ5Y2NhY2Qx">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "How do you plan to do that?" Max asked, rather curious.</p> <p class="cnM1MDM2NGI0ZmE2YTQwYTRhZDUyYTZiOWE0ZmZjNWJl">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "We'll send Alyssa and Gabriel out to get some," Pablo answered, "You now have the best scavenger in the lands, so make up a new list. Include everything in the last one and we'll make sure it's filled in a few days."</p> <p class="cnNhNTIxZDExNjc5ODQ1N2E4NjI2MjFjNTM3YzE0Yjc4">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "A few days?" Max repeated, as he was somewhat surprised.</p> <p class="cnM3YzFmODJmMzk1ZTRiNTI4YTAwYzliMDFmMzliMDFi">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "We lost our home," Pablo answered, "But we didn't lose our contacts. We have trade deals with people in various cities up and down the west and east coast. We'll stick to our contacts in the east for now, the west is just too hot to even venture into."</p> <p class="cnMxMDMyMTc4ZTAzMDQzY2ViMjQ0YjYzNDc4MjI2Mjg0">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Are you going to share Intel on these contacts?" Max asked.</p> <p class="cnM3Y2Y5NGE0OTBjMjQ1NWJiMGNjZDVlMTk5YzRiMTIx">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Alyssa already told you," Pablo said, proving how much she told him. "You do not want to know how the sausage is made. Once you know what we know, you're going to have a lot of sleepless nights. I barely get five a night. You're the leader, you need a lot more to function and make the tough decisions. Let us take care of the sausage and you take care of this wonderful town."</p> <p class="cnM3MTQ3OTlhMjJlNzQ2NzJhMDI1M2NkMTI0NTBiZjQx">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Max nodded as he understood. "Fair enough; allow me walk you all over to your new home. I think there are enough vacancies in Alyssa and Diane's place to take care of everyone in your party."</p> <p class="cnNmODQ0MThkNTE4ODQwOTA4ODBjOGFkZDBjMTEyN2Nh">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Lead the way," Pablo replied.</p> <p class="cnM2MjIxMzAzZDcyZjQxZjE5MzIzMWY3OWQyYWRlMDRm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; As the group of new people walked with Max towards Alyssa's building, Gabriel was in the air, watching them walk. He was a few hundred feet up and it was still dark so no one could see him with the naked eye. He was their backup in case things had gone sideways but Alyssa was right: Max's ambition and greed made Pablo's offer to rich to turn down. Sean and his family just wanted a safe place, so they were more than happy to accept any deal they could get. Sean would get a much need break from work as whatever medical practice he ran in this small town would be far less busy than the one he was running in Denver. Compared to the number of patients he saw in Denver, Sean was going to see a lot of down time. Once everyone entered the building, Gabriel flew away in the direction of Nashville as he was eager to get back to his own place before daybreak. Little did he know was that someone in town had spotted him, and took note of his direction as he flew away.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGVmM2MwZTJhNjQ3NjFiODUzOTI5MzIwYTZkYzFh">&nbsp;</p> </div>
The road was clear and whenever they did bump into a stray undead moseying around, they would take it out with a silenced rifled and carry on. They didn't attract any attention and kept the trucks in a quieter mode they referred to as silent so the engines wouldn't attract any undead to come their way. By the time the sun started to go down, the two trucks had covered half the distance before Gabriel caught up. He landed on one of the trucks as Alyssa opened the hatch on top for him.      "Good morning," she said playfully.      "I guess you got impatient," Gabriel said, looking around, "You covered a lot of ground. Any troubles?"      "Hardly," She replied, "Just a few strays we easily picked off from up here. And if we had, we just would have stopped and waited for you."      "Good to hear," Gabriel said as he sat down and made himself comfortable. "Do you guys have a plan for when we get there?"      "Pablo and I have been working on it," Alyssa said, "Just let us do the talking and I have a feeling we'll be just fine. We'll be there in a few hours too."      "Sounds good," Gabriel said, "I'm going to fly about and scout ahead. Just to make sure there's nothing ahead of us."      "How can you see anything in this darkness?" she asked him.      "I'm a creature of the night," he reminded her, "To me this setting is as clear as day, and I can also hear very well too. I can hear the moans of the undead ten miles away so they cannot sneak up on us. Right now I hear nothing."      "That's a good sign then," Alyssa said, "But it's a good idea to check anyway."      "Yes ma'am." Gabriel said as he leaped off the roof of the truck and she watched him fly away before closing the hatch.      The stayed on the road for several hours and with Gabriel flying ahead there was nothing in their blocking their path the entire way. It was around four in the morning, just a few hours before daybreak when the two medium sized trucks started to see Alyssa's town in the distance. She couldn't believe how happy she was to see it. And when the trucks came up to the large gated wall, there were two guards who didn't notice they had arrived until Pablo honked the horn, which got their attention.      "Holy crap!" one of them said, as if he had just woken up. "Where the hell did these two things come from?"      The other guard went on the radio and called for someone to wake up the mayor, and it took Max about ten minutes to run over to the gate, and up the stairs to join the guards. He looked down at the two trucks, and then back at the guard that called him over.      "Have they said anything yet?" Max asked.      "Not a peep." the guard replied, "They just honked the horn."      "Who are you?" Max called out to the two trucks. "Identify yourselves!"      The hatch of one of the trucks opened up, and to the surprise of the two guards, and especially the mayor, Alyssa popped out with a smile on her face.      "Hey boys!" she called out, "Did you miss me?"      "Alyssa?" Max called back, startled. "Whose trucks are these?"      "They'll be ours if we negotiate in good faith," Alyssa answered.      "Negotiate with whom?" Max inquired, eager to know more.      This was when Pablo also popped out of the same hatch hole, and waved to the mayor. "Good evening, Max. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Alyssa has said nothing but nice things about you and your town."      "Has she," Max said, sounding skeptical. "How do you know Alyssa?"      "I know her through my son," Pablo replied, "I believe you met Gabriel already."      "I have," Max confirmed, "But what are you doing here?"      "We had to desert our home," Pablo explained, "things were getting too hot on the West Coast."      "Interesting," Max said, thinking about it. "What do you have to trade?"      "Besides these trucks?" Pablo replied, "We bring twelve new residents, a few of them who are exceptionally talented."      "What kind of talents?" Max asked.      "One of them is a doctor," Pablo answered, "A former surgeon and he comes with two of his own nurses."      "Open the gates and let them in," Max said, as he looked back to Pablo. "Drive these thing over to city hall, Alyssa can lead you there."      "Will do," Pablo said as he hopped back into the truck.      After the gates opened, the two armored trucks rolled in and slowly drove up to city hall as requested to. There were some people walking around when the trucks arrived, so a small crowd gathered at city hall. They were all surprised when the side door opened and Alyssa popped out to greet them. Her stepping out first was all the people needed to see, as knew she wouldn't let them into the town if she didn't trust them. The mayor motioned everyone to back away as he walked up to Pablo and offered his hand.      "Pleasure to meet you," Max said, trying to be hospitable.      "The pleasure is mine," Pablo said, equally diplomatic.      "Where's Gabriel?" Max said, looking around.      "He's not here." Pablo replied, "He takes off whenever he smells something that might be worth salvaging. It's his talent."      "Say no more," Max said, smiling. "I've seen the results of his work."      "Our work isn't possible on the west coast anymore," Pablo said, aware Max was likely short on data about the news from the west. "Denver was attacked earlier this week, and we could only get a select few out before the city was swarmed with herds of the undead. It's not pretty out there."      "Who's attacking Denver?" Max asked, confused about it.      "California," Pablo educated him, "They've been threatening force for a while over the Colorado water supply. That part of the country is too hot for anyone to do any kind work in the foreseeable future."      "It's not like we have enough creatures like the undead out there trying to get us," Max said, sounding pained to hear news of the west coast conflict. "We can't afford to fight one another."      "I'm in complete agreement," Pablo concurred, "That's why we chose to run rather than fight. We have no interest in killing other human beings, especially since there are so few of us left compared to only thirty years ago."      "So you have a surgeon?" Max then asked, eager to know more about Sean.     "We do," Pablo confirmed, "He can deliver babies or remove your appendix, and that's just the tip of the iceberg of what this guy knows. For the last ten years he's been running a family practice in Denver, which he'd like to reopen here to serve this community, if it's alright with you of course."      "Doctors like him are in high demand," Max admitted, "And if he has half the experience you say he does... he's far more advanced then the doctors we have."      "He can teach yours," Pablo added, "He's willing to help your doctors advance, because we can't have too many good doctors in these troubled times."      "And what do you want in return?" Max asked, aware they wanted something.      "A place to call home," Pablo told him, "A roof over our heads, good people to mingle with, and a chance to earn our keep."      "That's music to my ears," Max confessed, "We have space, especially in the building that Alyssa and her sister lives in."      "She told us that," Pablo added, "We'd like to move into that building, to be close to Alyssa."      "Most people in town don't like it," Max informed him, "It's very close to the wall and the undead can be heard from it."      "It's nothing new for us," Pablo said, "I don't even hear the undead anymore. They're like crickets to me now. And I'll toss the trucks in too, which could be used for gathering more supplies. Do we have a deal?"      Pablo extended his hand the mayor, looking the man in the eyes to see how he would respond to be offered such a sweet deal. Based on what Alyssa had already told him about Max, he had a good idea of how the mayor was going to respond. She had already told Pablo that their doctor was not well trained, so the idea of Sean making her a better doctor was beneficial since if things went wrong and they left in the future, they would have better doctor afterwards than they had going in. Yet it was Pablo who had the advantage going on since he had Gabriel, who was the ace up Pablo's sleeve. The undiscovered vampire was a wildcard that can swing any situation his way, which would explain why Pablo was smiling widely as he offered the mayor his hand.      "We do have a deal," Max said, reaching out and shaking his hand.      "Excellent," Pablo said, just as pleased. "We are short on supplies, but we can change that in a jiffy."      "How do you plan to do that?" Max asked, rather curious.      "We'll send Alyssa and Gabriel out to get some," Pablo answered, "You now have the best scavenger in the lands, so make up a new list. Include everything in the last one and we'll make sure it's filled in a few days."      "A few days?" Max repeated, as he was somewhat surprised.      "We lost our home," Pablo answered, "But we didn't lose our contacts. We have trade deals with people in various cities up and down the west and east coast. We'll stick to our contacts in the east for now, the west is just too hot to even venture into."      "Are you going to share Intel on these contacts?" Max asked.      "Alyssa already told you," Pablo said, proving how much she told him. "You do not want to know how the sausage is made. Once you know what we know, you're going to have a lot of sleepless nights. I barely get five a night. You're the leader, you need a lot more to function and make the tough decisions. Let us take care of the sausage and you take care of this wonderful town."      Max nodded as he understood. "Fair enough; allow me walk you all over to your new home. I think there are enough vacancies in Alyssa and Diane's place to take care of everyone in your party."      "Lead the way," Pablo replied.      As the group of new people walked with Max towards Alyssa's building, Gabriel was in the air, watching them walk. He was a few hundred feet up and it was still dark so no one could see him with the naked eye. He was their backup in case things had gone sideways but Alyssa was right: Max's ambition and greed made Pablo's offer to rich to turn down. Sean and his family just wanted a safe place, so they were more than happy to accept any deal they could get. Sean would get a much need break from work as whatever medical practice he ran in this small town would be far less busy than the one he was running in Denver. Compared to the number of patients he saw in Denver, Sean was going to see a lot of down time. Once everyone entered the building, Gabriel flew away in the direction of Nashville as he was eager to get back to his own place before daybreak. Little did he know was that someone in town had spotted him, and took note of his direction as he flew away.
{ "title": "The apocalypse happened and it was named- The system’s advent", "id": 21486, "author": "Donny Clearwater", "rating": 3.7 }
{ "title": "Chapter 2- Meet the manager and begin dungeon diving", "id": 305513, "next": 305518, "prev": 305161, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNiMGJkODdhYTNiNTQzMTk4NjVjMDczNjg3OWI2NGI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">When they reached the office she couldn’t help but loosely wave to a couch while the assistant went to make tea. As she opened her mouth he held one hand and said “Miss Manager I feel I need to tell you that you will need to discard quite a lot of common sense while we talk or we will be here for a very long time. And the only advice I can give you is just to roll with it and discard common sense for the time we talk.” She looked surprised, then confused, then pensive as she took in his words. With a nod she said “Thanks for the advice and for that I’ll just straight up ask. Do you know of the ranking game amongst the store managers?” “Yes.” </span></p> <p class="cnM1MDIyZTdlNmU3NDRkMDhiMTUxNDk3OGE4MTQwYWY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So do you know of the point system?” “Not the details.” “Ok, I’ll start from there. The short version is that the different worlds super powers send their whelps, rejects, or otherwise unwanted to participate in what’s called the game of beginners because it is literally impossible to lose more than when you started. The rankings are decided by the power of those who buy and sell here. If someone is truly strong then they will obviously buy and sell more powerful and therefore expensive things which in turn grant the manager of that particular store a number of points that the system decides is worth it. </span></p> <p class="cnMyNTg2ODhjZDM1MDQzN2U5M2RmMTJiMzMyMGRiYTNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Naturally the profits will go to the manager who oversees all of that. Doing what you just did essentially catapulted me from rank 81 to rank 33. In order to continue this trend I would like to ask you to buy and sell only to this store, i’m willing to listen to your terms.” “I want a VIP membership, and my family gets a ten percent membership, all of them.” “Deal.” They shook hands and both let out a sigh. He loved dealing with blunt and honest people like this woman because he absolutely hated politics and bureaucratic red tape. That’s not to say he couldn’t do it but simply that he hated it beyond all reason. </span></p> <p class="cnMyZDEzODcxNmQyNjQ4NDJiMzA5ZTQyZGI2YjUyYTQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">After that they simply sat and enjoyed the tea for a while. Eventually he noticed a fevered and flushed look on the manager and her assistants face while their legs seemed to quiver ever so slightly. After a few seconds he remembered one of the more dominant features of the dark elves, they were uncontrollably attracted to those who were very strong regardless of level and the biggest factor was basic stat points. He remembered once that one of the strongest figures in his previous life was forced to buy a scanning ability just so he could avoid dark elves entirely because his unique skill gave him a certain number of free base stat points per day. </span></p> <p class="cnNiNTY0MGMxNGE0ZjQyOTc5MWJkMjEwYTg0MzVmZWQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Eventually Those points stacked up and he became a shit load stronger than his level indicated which sent every dark elf woman in the city into a state similar cat’s in heat with him smelling like truckload of catnip. That man was also known as a world class recluse so this posed no end of trouble to him. Luckily it would still be five years before he had to worry about that kind of scale and he was far from a prudish man. Seeing that there was no escape with any politeness he simply moved the table out of the way and before the manager could jump him he stopped her with a finger between her eyes which of course made her go cross eyed and looked absolutely sexy. </span></p> <p class="cnMzYjQwN2JiYzlhMTRlYTE5OGNlNTIyMjA2YTc4NmNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Knowing her mentality as a warrior he decided to reverse rolls for a bit and sat on her lap facing her with a hand on her ching which guided her mouth to his. As if the dam gates had collapsed she began trying to devour his lips through force of effort alone until she forcibly ripped off her suit and gently slid his shirt off, then their pants soon followed. She was constantly running a stream she so wet but he forced her to sit back down and pleasured her first. He knew from the source how hard it was for warrior women of any race to get laid so he intended to make a simply unforgettable impression. </span></p> <p class="cnNmN2ZlMzkzYjRhMDRjZWZhOTNjMWU1MjYwZjJkZDRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">After only only a few minutes she was writhing and squirming for release but every time he could feel her reach that peak he stopped and prolonged it. The blissful torture didn’t last long as he would have had physically fight his head out of her hands so he took her up, up, and way over her climax as she screamed loud and long from the release. Even with his enhanced stats he nearly suffocated before she went bonelessly limp. Before he could even stand he was tackled by there very patient bystander who had somehow managed to control herself well enough to just watch until now. </span></p> <p class="cnM3ZjA5NDQyNDE1ZDQxYzU4ZThmOGE5ZjE3M2Q0YmY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Now it was the assistants turn but she pegged him as the opposite type from the manager and loved it hard and fast, so he did with a resounding success. He first flipped her back onto the couch he had sat on before and sealed her lips with his as he mauled her breast and pounded her like a jackhammer which nearly broke the couch. She lasted a lot longer due to her probably being both more experienced in sex and less thirsty. Soon she had got in the rhythm too and thanks to his enhanced stats they kept going for nearly an hour before they both came in such a mind blowing orgasm they both collapsed for a moment before he pulled himself up. Fortunately his task had just begun because the manager was once again looking at him with a heated gaze and said “Now it’s your turn, so lay down.” </span></p> <p class="cnM1M2MwYjkxNDg3YTRhZjg4NmY4YjE2MGMwNTlmYjZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">He gladly did and for a time they made love until they got progressively more vigorous and climaxed together. After a while of cuddling with them both they all almost unanimously got up and got dressed again. The smell was taken care of with a spell then the only thing left was there flushed faces and satisfied looks. But there was nothing for that, and out they went. In the first place he had a lot of work to do starting tomorrow after he had tested out the spells he just acquired. He quickly left the store completely unaware of the rumor that would soon be spread among the women staff members of store number 44. The story went that the first player ever had waltzed in with 20 of the highest level discount tickets that should only drop from tier seven and over dungeon bosses and bested the manager first in the arena then the bed and walked without so much as stiff muscles. </span></p> <p class="cnMyNThhZDUyMWU0ZDQ4MzhiNGI1ZDdkNWQ4MzZiMTZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">‘Unfortunately’ no one could see his face other that the manager and the head secretary because of the aura he was unconsciously emitting acted like a heatwave mirage to the magically sensitive elves and dark elves. He grabbed the car and headed for the Millenium park. Their basement was the entrance to a mid-grade dungeon but since the dungeons and field monsters both only appeared after the first year he simply had to break the barrier that hid it. He already had discussed it with the family and their construction firm was doing ‘renovation’ of the silver dome. </span></p> <p class="cnM2MjM3YzQ2NjZjZjQ0YmQ4N2E5NDllNGE3ZjRhMDc5"><span style="font-weight: 400">All that was left was now to use his new found skills and go dungeon diving. Granted the dungeon was meant for those of level one thousand to two thousand but with his kit he had no doubt that he would be perfectly fine, and not to mention that the experience he would get would catapult him at least a hundred to two hundred times greater than normal after he cleared the dungeon due to the level gap. Unlike with with field monsters who gave you experience as soon as you killed them the dungeons only awarded the experience after you left or beat the final boss. Items and loot though dropped as usual, luckily he had his inventory which would automatically absorb any items from monsters he killed. </span></p> <p class="cnMzNDFkZDYxOTAzMzRiZDJhY2FmZGEzMWFjZDZlNzYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Unfortunately only the highest level of the inventory box had the auto loot function. In his previous life he never had enough money to buy one since they cost over twenty billion gold pieces apiece. Just thinking about that amount made him shudder. On an average adventurers income it would take at least five years to earn that much and if you factory in repair fees, potions, healing, and other such expenses then most would take at least ten to fifteen years. And that wasn’t even including equipment upgrades and skill costs. </span></p> <p class="cnM0NDNlZjA5MDZhMzRiNjk5NzEwNTBkNjY3OTMyYWU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">He pulled himself out of his musings and showed his ID to be allowed into the ‘construction worker’ area. “Welcome back young master.” He nodded in acknowledgement and parked with the rest of the vehicles. He grabbed a hard hat and a clipboard so he wouldn’t look too out of place and walked in the main entrance while randomly asking questions and gesturing for the benefit of anyone who might be watching. Soon he stepped inside and handed it to the guard waiting inside for him dressed like a construction worker except with a kevlar vest and a few hidden weapons. </span></p> <p class="cnMxNWVjZjRlZmE5MjRlMTNhNzdjZTcxMzcxYWY4YjI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Soon enough he made it to the basement door and was stopped by a formless barrier that covered about six inches around the door. He nodded and a semi transparent soundproof wall was raised about tenn feet from the door. He activated his meditation and felt like his mind split into three different trains of thought. He focused on one then envisioned all the information and principles he had been able to study about black holes. He envisioned that he was the epicenter of it and was drawing in the mana molecules no different than it. With a ding he heard the alert tone and read. </span></p> <p class="cnNiMmM5ODY2ZWZlZjQ5NzRhMzQzN2FhY2RjYTg4OWFk"> </p> <p class="cnM4MGJjNDZkY2Q1NTQyMDFhMTg3NjY1YmI1ZmUzZmQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">*Rank and effectiveness of Transcendental Meditation has been confirmed at Tier 9. Regeneration rate now boosted 900% per level of this skill. Current level 1. Skill understanding exceeds current vesel limits. Calculating excess.......</span></p> <p class="cnNhMzUwMmMwYTViZjQxZTY5MjBiNzM2YmY2YjI1NmZk"> </p> <p class="cnM3M2FkYjVlYzkzNDRkMDQ4MjA2MTliYmExMGY2YzQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">*Skill level will automatically be raised by one every 1,000 personal levels until understanding has equalized with vessel rank. </span></p> <p class="cnMyZjczYmIzNzE5YzQ0N2NiYmU2NmQ0Nzc2YTlhM2Uz"> </p> <p class="cnMwNmU0MzdhNDBkOTRhY2FhYmE4NWJmMmQzNWJlOTNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">He wasn’t really surprised since his knowledge on black holes and the underlying principles was gained mostly from humanities leading geniuses on the subject thanks to his family's wealth. The rank and such was a massive boost and the single best he had ever heard of even in his previous life since the vast majority of meditation techniques above rank 3 usually led to the founding of magic schools and guilds or in china and japan's case then sects. The leading mage academy in the world was only rank eight and that was from a nuclear fission researcher from kentucky if he remembered right. </span></p> <p class="cnM2NDhiM2FmOTk0YTQyN2I4ODFjMzMxYThjYjE0YTJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Now with one third of his head taken up he cast Frigid beam and multicast. What looked like two ritual circles appeared then two beams of what he could only relate to and Diablo 3’s wizard spell called ray of frost shot out of it. He quickly saw that his mana wasn’t even depleting so he used his passive skill and kept overcharging his spell until it equaled out with his regeneration and his mana hovering at 75%. By now he could hardly relate them to what they were before because while their size didn’t change they now looked closer to blue lasers than anything else. Just looked at them gave you a sense that your blood was starting to freeze. </span></p> <p class="cnM1Y2ExODRkNzIyZDRkYzA5MTEyYzM1NTNiMGYwYjEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">He was keeping the temperature equal by tightly containing the area of the spell but it came at the expense of concentration, otherwise this place would look like the Ice witches palace from wizard of oz. After about thirty seconds he heard a crack and immediately cut the spell and released his meditation. Despite his best efforts a path of small ice crystal pillars was now formed between where he was standing and the barrier which now had a spiderweb of cracks on it which made it look like cracks in space since the barrier was completely invisible to the naked eye. </span></p> <p class="cnNlZWM4OWMzYzJiNDQxNTc4ZmEwODQwMWM5Yjc1Y2Vh"><span style="font-weight: 400">He took a fighters stance and started pounding on where the barrier looked weakest. With every blow the cracks enlarged since his body was in no way comparable to a humans anymore. If he wanted he could now do bench presses with a tank. Compared to his magic though it was still quite lacking thanks to his mid tier spells. To a normal person it seemed like his shirt sleeves just spontaneously shredded and the space in front of him exploded like glass. Their senses just couldn’t even begin to grasp his movements. </span></p> <p class="cnNhMzQxNGI3ZDRhNDQ2ZTA4ZTA0YWQwYzYzZDYzNDMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">After only a fraction of a second he had hit dozens of times and an ear splitting crack followed. The barrier had broken to reveal an archaic double door that looked like it belonged in a mummy movie that depicted all sorts of skeletons, ghouls, and other other undead types. “Hello old friend.” he said as he gently caressed the door. This was where he had spent several years getting stronger in his last life. He knew every turn and secret room like the back of his hand and every monster like an old rival. </span></p> <p class="cnM1NWNiZTVjN2FhNTQ3MjU4MjU0NWJiZGYyYzUyZjIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">With a smile he waved for the barriers to be lowered and the head of security walked over. “Where are the supplies?” He pointed to a series of crates stacked in the corner as he said “All the items you requested are there. Three years worth of various foods and cooking implements, a hundred sets of clothes made of carbon fiber made for heavy battle and wear the another two hundred sets of casual clothes, a dozen pairs of combat boots and sneakers, then several hundred books on physics, history and various other topics.” </span></p> <p class="cnNmNTllNGQ1NTk2OTRiZWZiNDk3MGFkODQxOWEyMzdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">They walked over and he nodded when he saw that everything was labeled and packed together. The boots and clothes were in one box, the food in another, then the cooking implements, then the battle clothes, then camping supplies like tents, bedrolls, a propane heater and such. Since they were all in their own boxes they only took up one inventory slot each. “You have been briefed that absolutely no one can know of this even if it costs blood. In the event of children or coincidence then contact my father immediately. “ </span></p> <p class="cnM5YTMzZDFkNzEzZjQ3OTE4MGM1YWFkNDI3MDBhNzk5"><span style="font-weight: 400">With everything done here immediately entered the door to the mid rank dungeon [Tomb of the lost kings]. It consisted of nine floors with the enemies jumping one hundred levels each floor and changing rank the further you went. The first floor was populated by shambling dead and was about the size of yellowstone national parker. The first ones he saw looked like your typical walking dead type zombie but one ice lance to the head took care of it. He grinned and took off at a sprint that wouldn’t lose to a high end sports car. </span></p> <p class="cnMxOWNlNjNhZjk4NTQ2ZDJhNjk1MGJlZWJhNDM3NGQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">He segmented his mind so that one focused on not running into walls, one focused on mapping out the floor and one focused on aiming the Ice lance. It ended up as him just basically spraying Ice lances into any groups he came across and using the brain that had been targeting their heads to meditate instead. After nearly two months he had completely cleared out the floor and mapped it. On the second floor was ‘weak soldier’ undead then ‘soldier’ on floor three. Floor four was ‘elite undead soldier’s’ then ‘undead ghouls’ and elite ghouls on five and six, seven was where it got significantly different and instead of a maze set up it was an enormous colosseum with a literal army of undead of all kinds in formation. </span></p> <p class="cnM5NTYyN2Q3MWI4NTRmYzVhNTUyNzQyMGRmMDRkNzU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">To make it worse they were led by the boss monster, “Elite Revenant General, Tarkus” It took him nearly a year and a half to get to this point and he only had six months left since he wanted to clear the dungeon before the rush to become a player started. He stopped at the entrance to the level and quickly charged his charged his barrier for the first time since he entered then activated Greater regeneration. Compared with his monstrous Regeneration the upkeep was almost negligible even if he over charged it. He then activated his meditation and multicast with Frigid beam on a hair trigger.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZjhkN2E1Yzk0NTRkYTFiMDc4NTY2YTU0NjhlODJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">As soon as he stepped in the arena the undead all rushed at him and he first cast a rainstorm then Frozen Shackles which halted them all in place with nearly a hundred feet between the closest of them and him. He let loose with the same overcharged Frigid beam that he used to break the barrier over the entrance. Within ten seconds there was only the sounds of shattering ice left to be heard as the former undead and now ice sculptures exploded one by one. The boss was on a raised platform directly opposite him in the arena and contrary to his expectation instead of immediately rushing him through the crowd of his frozen army he jumped. </span></p> <p class="cnNhODc0MzgxMTk3ZDRiYzk4NzQ4YTA3NDJhMjRkYmMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Since he had never heard of this happening before he was few seconds slow responding. In that time he hit like a meteor and his shield was instantly riddled with cracks. Due to the unnatural speed and strength he concluded it was a skill that he possessed in life. With no time to spare instantly overcharged Frost shackled then jumped away and started bombarding him with frigid beams. Due to the rainstorm boosting the effects of his ice magic the boss was soon encased and couldn’t move. </span></p> <p class="cnMzYTRkMjllNjNmMjQ1OTk5YmU0ZGI4OTAyYWRiZmFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">He walked behind the boss and overcharged an Ice lance with all three hundred thousand of his mana. It was now more accurate to call it an Ice pillar since it was about ten feet long and three feet wide before it tapered off to a tip on one end. He paused then went back around to the front as he bowed to the warrior. It might have been his imagination but he thought he saw gratitude in its eyes. Without a word he launched the spell through his chest. As its HP finally drained it shattered and in its place was a tier six ring, three books and a pair of tier five boots. </span></p> <p class="cnM1NmNjZjVhYzM0YTQxYjM4NzRiNTIwNDdjZWUxNjY2"> </p> <p class="cnMyOWFhZTNjMjI4ZjQwNDQ5NWUxNjhiMWUzM2Q0MmQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">*Ring of fallen Pride- This ring was once the pride and joy of a distinguished general who received it from his king and later gave his life to protecting his country. One day that knight was abandoned by his king. Surrounded by enemies and gravely wounded he used his final forbidden art to annihilate the invading army. This ring is a symbol of that nights crushed pride. Strength +100, Vitality +300, Backstab damage is reduces by 60%. </span></p> <p class="cnM5YmI5ODE5MWJmYjQ3YzU5Mzg1MTBlMTkwZWIzMzYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">*General’s Ass kicker’s- These boots were once worn by a powerful general that was equally feared and respected by his troops. These boots have been through many a battlefield and kicked countless soldiers into shape. Vitality +200 Agility +200 Reduce fatigue buildup by 25%</span></p> <p class="cnM1MDM1MDU5YjA4ZDQ3YjM5NzBjNGIwYmUzMGYxZjkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">*General’s Mighty Bone armor- This is the spell personally created by an undead general with great skill in mana manipulation. This spell creates a layer of outer armor that will be summoned over any existing armor. The shape size, density and thickness is all determined by the caster’s regeneration rate and class. Tier 1 (Scaling off set and caster) </span></p> <p class="cnMzZDYxMzU3MjEyYjQxODBiNzdlZjMzY2ViNTIxYWE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">*Aura Control- this ability allows the user to consciously erase or magnify the aura that others perceive from them to a certain extent. Tier 2</span></p> <p class="cnNiNjNlOWZjOWJiMTQ3ZGViYzYzMTdiOTUwNDBmMTU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">* Mana Projection- this ability is always active and replaces the user’s aura with withe their mana radiation and allows the manipulation of it according to the users will to a certain extent. This ability overrides all other lower ranked aura skills. Tier 4 </span></p> <p class="cnM2ODY0OWE3Zjc5NzQxNDU4Y2RkNDdjOTJkMTE0NTYy"> </p> <p class="cnM2MGY2YWI5ZDAyNjQ2OWI4MmJmNmU5NGY5YmNkZmFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">This was one of the best things about dungeons and the reason why everyone was crazy about them, Personalized rewards. The number and quality of rewards greatly depended on the number and professions of those that cleared its bosses. For example, since he was alone and a mage then he got spell type skill books and they were all suited more or less to be useful to him specifically more than others. And their base power was far stronger than normal since he was alone. </span></p> <p class="cnMxYjAwN2NmN2Q1MzQ1YzM4ODE2ZmQ4OWFlYjNiNTdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">He wore the equipement then learned the armor and projection spell. The aura control went into his inventory which still didn’t have much besides gold and his greatly diminished supplies. The rate he went through food was a lot faster than normal since he was literally running and fighting constantly for the last year and a half so he now only had maybe another six months remaining. </span></p> <p class="cnNhNDQxNmU5ODk1NTQ1MjdiMjQxZmVkNTE0NTI2NTNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The eighth floor was the same only it had seven bosses that wouldn’t lose out to the general called the seven royal guards instead of an army and they all came out at once. To most this would still be an impossible win but for him this was the main reason he chose to open up this one first. They were arranged in a huge semi circle and before they could fully step off their podiums he cast rainstorm and overcharged Frozen shackles and let it loose as soon as both their feet hit floor. They were dressed in some sort of heavy armor with a large weapon like a halberd or a greatsword. They also all had the same emaciated facial features. </span></p> <p class="cnM0ODBhMzNiYWVjZTRlNzRhYjc5MTVhNGY3YmQ5MTc4"><span style="font-weight: 400">They were now all completely trapped and helpless. One by one he sent overcharged Ice lances through their chests and pinned them to ground. It took a while but eventually their HP bled out and they chattered into motes of light. In their coffins he found a total of five skill books, three weapons, and two pieces of armor. The armor was a set of gloves with +400 to STR and Vit, and grieves that had +500 to AGI. </span></p> <p class="cnNmMTJjZTZmNWQyNjQzN2FiYmJhZTA5ZDg3ZDliY2Ew"><span style="font-weight: 400">The weapons were a dagger, a sword, and a lance. He wasn’t a melee type so they went directly into the inventory to sell. </span></p> <p class="cnM3YjFhMmNlOGIwYzQ5ZmY4ZTNiNDEwMzY4ZmNhYjFk"> </p> <p class="cnM5YjY1NzhhNTI3NjRiYzY4MzJhZmQ2YjYxNDgxMWNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">*Generals Bone weapons- This is the personal skill the seven royal guards of a forgotten kingdom jointly tried to create. It ended in success and they managed to create an extremely versatile and powerful skill that perfectly suits those who follow the hybrid path of mages and warriors. This spell relies entirely on the caster mana regeneration rate and its power and efficiency is double for each of the spell series that are used together. Tier 1 (Scales with set and caster)</span></p> <p class="cnM0Zjg5OWRmMjcyOTQ4NjZhMjY3OWE3OTY4MDMyNTE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">*Generals Bone Shield- This is the personal skill the seven royal guards of a forgotten kingdom jointly tried to create. It ended in success and they managed to create an extremely versatile and powerful skill that perfectly suits those who follow the hybrid path of mages and warriors. This spell relies entirely on the caster mana regeneration rate and its strength and density is double for each of the spell series that are used together. Tier 1 (Scales with set and caster)</span></p> <p class="cnM1NWNmMWM4MTE3NzRjNjdhNWNlZTY0NTFkNGRiYjkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">*General's Bone Manipulation- This is the personal skill the seven royal guards of a forgotten kingdom jointly tried to create. It ended in success and they managed to create an extremely versatile and powerful skill that perfectly suits those who follow the hybrid path of mages and warriors. This spell relies entirely on the caster mana regeneration rate and its durability and hardness is double for each of the spell series that are used together. Tier 1 (Scales with set and caster)</span></p> <p class="cnM2YTNhNDQ5ZjNiMTRkMmFhMjEzOTM2NGZjZGIwZTY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">*Bone Mage enhancement- Ability created by the dungeon [Tomb of the lost kings] to modify an existing spell series to be more suitable for the mage class. This is a bonus reward for the mage Jacob Dawn for clearing dungeon alone and cannot be viewed or learned by anyone else who has not received the blessing of the lost kings and/or brokered a deal with the dungeon. Tier 6</span></p> <p class="cnMwMzVmMDI5Mzk2YTQ3ZWE5MDI0ZThkNmExZDIyM2Qx"><span style="font-weight: 400">*Ice Imbuement- This spell allows the user to store a high tier spell of the ice element into a weapon or catalyst that is capable of containing the mana amount required. The stored spell has a one second cast time and the mana cost is paid at the time of the enchanting. Tier 8 </span></p> <p class="cnNhMjYzZTJmNjY4OTRkOTU4OGZlNjkyMTdjOGE1YjU3"> </p> <p class="cnM0OWY4YWRlYTJmNDQxYjlhOTFkYTk1ZTVkOTEwYzdj"><span style="font-weight: 400">He immediately learned them all watched as they all merged into a single new spell. </span></p> <p class="cnM5NjkwMmM1NGY1ODQ5ZTFhYjczZWQyZjk3ZTQ5MjA1"> </p> <p class="cnMwMTlkMWY2MjA2MDRhZjU5YzJiMWQ0MDNhNjY5NDc1"><span style="font-weight: 400">*Bone Armament of the Sorcerer- This spell is an original of the mage Jacob Dawn. This spell creates a set of completely customizable bone armor, weapons, and shield that is fully suited to cover many of the shortcomings that are inherent to the mage class and give a great boost to the destructiveness of all magic abilities. As an original this spell can be taught to other’s or made into a skill book and sold to the store with no penalty. Tier 7</span></p> <p class="cnNiYjYxNGRjYjNiNjQ0MDBiMGY4NTRlZmI1NDU0ZmE2"> </p> <p class="cnNiOGMyZGM2YjJkOTQxYzQ4ZmNkMzljNTI3MzU1Yzcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">He couldn’t help but laugh wildly when he read the description. Normally you had to spend years if not decades to create a new spell and have it recognized by the system. In all honesty the only reason he wasn’t in danger of losing his sanity from the massive influx of information from the spell series was because of his over 3,000 intelligence. Essentially it made it a simple matter to learn the intricacies of the spell because he had three brains sharing the workload. He immediately activated the spell and watched in awe and an additional set of armor grew over what he was currently wearing. </span></p> <p class="cnM1MGNlYjBlYWZhNDQyNzI5MTBmMWJlY2E3OTEyNDhl"><span style="font-weight: 400">After it finished he looked like he was wearing a mixed set of scale mail and cloth. He could manipulate the look of it so he took inspiration from Dark souls and lord of the rings. He made it into two layers, the bottom would supple like the finest silk and the top would be a set of Jet black segmented plate similar to dragon slayer ornstein. When it was done reforming he started to test its mobility and found he was totally unhindered. He then tested the defense of it and even his full strength blows failed to leave a scratch. He grinned through the open face helmet and said “Now all that’s left is the last boss, time to end this.” </span></p> </div>
When they reached the office she couldn’t help but loosely wave to a couch while the assistant went to make tea. As she opened her mouth he held one hand and said “Miss Manager I feel I need to tell you that you will need to discard quite a lot of common sense while we talk or we will be here for a very long time. And the only advice I can give you is just to roll with it and discard common sense for the time we talk.” She looked surprised, then confused, then pensive as she took in his words. With a nod she said “Thanks for the advice and for that I’ll just straight up ask. Do you know of the ranking game amongst the store managers?” “Yes.” “So do you know of the point system?” “Not the details.” “Ok, I’ll start from there. The short version is that the different worlds super powers send their whelps, rejects, or otherwise unwanted to participate in what’s called the game of beginners because it is literally impossible to lose more than when you started. The rankings are decided by the power of those who buy and sell here. If someone is truly strong then they will obviously buy and sell more powerful and therefore expensive things which in turn grant the manager of that particular store a number of points that the system decides is worth it. Naturally the profits will go to the manager who oversees all of that. Doing what you just did essentially catapulted me from rank 81 to rank 33. In order to continue this trend I would like to ask you to buy and sell only to this store, i’m willing to listen to your terms.” “I want a VIP membership, and my family gets a ten percent membership, all of them.” “Deal.” They shook hands and both let out a sigh. He loved dealing with blunt and honest people like this woman because he absolutely hated politics and bureaucratic red tape. That’s not to say he couldn’t do it but simply that he hated it beyond all reason. After that they simply sat and enjoyed the tea for a while. Eventually he noticed a fevered and flushed look on the manager and her assistants face while their legs seemed to quiver ever so slightly. After a few seconds he remembered one of the more dominant features of the dark elves, they were uncontrollably attracted to those who were very strong regardless of level and the biggest factor was basic stat points. He remembered once that one of the strongest figures in his previous life was forced to buy a scanning ability just so he could avoid dark elves entirely because his unique skill gave him a certain number of free base stat points per day. Eventually Those points stacked up and he became a shit load stronger than his level indicated which sent every dark elf woman in the city into a state similar cat’s in heat with him smelling like truckload of catnip. That man was also known as a world class recluse so this posed no end of trouble to him. Luckily it would still be five years before he had to worry about that kind of scale and he was far from a prudish man. Seeing that there was no escape with any politeness he simply moved the table out of the way and before the manager could jump him he stopped her with a finger between her eyes which of course made her go cross eyed and looked absolutely sexy. Knowing her mentality as a warrior he decided to reverse rolls for a bit and sat on her lap facing her with a hand on her ching which guided her mouth to his. As if the dam gates had collapsed she began trying to devour his lips through force of effort alone until she forcibly ripped off her suit and gently slid his shirt off, then their pants soon followed. She was constantly running a stream she so wet but he forced her to sit back down and pleasured her first. He knew from the source how hard it was for warrior women of any race to get laid so he intended to make a simply unforgettable impression. After only only a few minutes she was writhing and squirming for release but every time he could feel her reach that peak he stopped and prolonged it. The blissful torture didn’t last long as he would have had physically fight his head out of her hands so he took her up, up, and way over her climax as she screamed loud and long from the release. Even with his enhanced stats he nearly suffocated before she went bonelessly limp. Before he could even stand he was tackled by there very patient bystander who had somehow managed to control herself well enough to just watch until now. Now it was the assistants turn but she pegged him as the opposite type from the manager and loved it hard and fast, so he did with a resounding success. He first flipped her back onto the couch he had sat on before and sealed her lips with his as he mauled her breast and pounded her like a jackhammer which nearly broke the couch. She lasted a lot longer due to her probably being both more experienced in sex and less thirsty. Soon she had got in the rhythm too and thanks to his enhanced stats they kept going for nearly an hour before they both came in such a mind blowing orgasm they both collapsed for a moment before he pulled himself up. Fortunately his task had just begun because the manager was once again looking at him with a heated gaze and said “Now it’s your turn, so lay down.” He gladly did and for a time they made love until they got progressively more vigorous and climaxed together. After a while of cuddling with them both they all almost unanimously got up and got dressed again. The smell was taken care of with a spell then the only thing left was there flushed faces and satisfied looks. But there was nothing for that, and out they went. In the first place he had a lot of work to do starting tomorrow after he had tested out the spells he just acquired. He quickly left the store completely unaware of the rumor that would soon be spread among the women staff members of store number 44. The story went that the first player ever had waltzed in with 20 of the highest level discount tickets that should only drop from tier seven and over dungeon bosses and bested the manager first in the arena then the bed and walked without so much as stiff muscles. ‘Unfortunately’ no one could see his face other that the manager and the head secretary because of the aura he was unconsciously emitting acted like a heatwave mirage to the magically sensitive elves and dark elves. He grabbed the car and headed for the Millenium park. Their basement was the entrance to a mid-grade dungeon but since the dungeons and field monsters both only appeared after the first year he simply had to break the barrier that hid it. He already had discussed it with the family and their construction firm was doing ‘renovation’ of the silver dome. All that was left was now to use his new found skills and go dungeon diving. Granted the dungeon was meant for those of level one thousand to two thousand but with his kit he had no doubt that he would be perfectly fine, and not to mention that the experience he would get would catapult him at least a hundred to two hundred times greater than normal after he cleared the dungeon due to the level gap. Unlike with with field monsters who gave you experience as soon as you killed them the dungeons only awarded the experience after you left or beat the final boss. Items and loot though dropped as usual, luckily he had his inventory which would automatically absorb any items from monsters he killed. Unfortunately only the highest level of the inventory box had the auto loot function. In his previous life he never had enough money to buy one since they cost over twenty billion gold pieces apiece. Just thinking about that amount made him shudder. On an average adventurers income it would take at least five years to earn that much and if you factory in repair fees, potions, healing, and other such expenses then most would take at least ten to fifteen years. And that wasn’t even including equipment upgrades and skill costs. He pulled himself out of his musings and showed his ID to be allowed into the ‘construction worker’ area. “Welcome back young master.” He nodded in acknowledgement and parked with the rest of the vehicles. He grabbed a hard hat and a clipboard so he wouldn’t look too out of place and walked in the main entrance while randomly asking questions and gesturing for the benefit of anyone who might be watching. Soon he stepped inside and handed it to the guard waiting inside for him dressed like a construction worker except with a kevlar vest and a few hidden weapons. Soon enough he made it to the basement door and was stopped by a formless barrier that covered about six inches around the door. He nodded and a semi transparent soundproof wall was raised about tenn feet from the door. He activated his meditation and felt like his mind split into three different trains of thought. He focused on one then envisioned all the information and principles he had been able to study about black holes. He envisioned that he was the epicenter of it and was drawing in the mana molecules no different than it. With a ding he heard the alert tone and read. *Rank and effectiveness of Transcendental Meditation has been confirmed at Tier 9. Regeneration rate now boosted 900% per level of this skill. Current level 1. Skill understanding exceeds current vesel limits. Calculating excess....... *Skill level will automatically be raised by one every 1,000 personal levels until understanding has equalized with vessel rank. He wasn’t really surprised since his knowledge on black holes and the underlying principles was gained mostly from humanities leading geniuses on the subject thanks to his family's wealth. The rank and such was a massive boost and the single best he had ever heard of even in his previous life since the vast majority of meditation techniques above rank 3 usually led to the founding of magic schools and guilds or in china and japan's case then sects. The leading mage academy in the world was only rank eight and that was from a nuclear fission researcher from kentucky if he remembered right. Now with one third of his head taken up he cast Frigid beam and multicast. What looked like two ritual circles appeared then two beams of what he could only relate to and Diablo 3’s wizard spell called ray of frost shot out of it. He quickly saw that his mana wasn’t even depleting so he used his passive skill and kept overcharging his spell until it equaled out with his regeneration and his mana hovering at 75%. By now he could hardly relate them to what they were before because while their size didn’t change they now looked closer to blue lasers than anything else. Just looked at them gave you a sense that your blood was starting to freeze. He was keeping the temperature equal by tightly containing the area of the spell but it came at the expense of concentration, otherwise this place would look like the Ice witches palace from wizard of oz. After about thirty seconds he heard a crack and immediately cut the spell and released his meditation. Despite his best efforts a path of small ice crystal pillars was now formed between where he was standing and the barrier which now had a spiderweb of cracks on it which made it look like cracks in space since the barrier was completely invisible to the naked eye. He took a fighters stance and started pounding on where the barrier looked weakest. With every blow the cracks enlarged since his body was in no way comparable to a humans anymore. If he wanted he could now do bench presses with a tank. Compared to his magic though it was still quite lacking thanks to his mid tier spells. To a normal person it seemed like his shirt sleeves just spontaneously shredded and the space in front of him exploded like glass. Their senses just couldn’t even begin to grasp his movements. After only a fraction of a second he had hit dozens of times and an ear splitting crack followed. The barrier had broken to reveal an archaic double door that looked like it belonged in a mummy movie that depicted all sorts of skeletons, ghouls, and other other undead types. “Hello old friend.” he said as he gently caressed the door. This was where he had spent several years getting stronger in his last life. He knew every turn and secret room like the back of his hand and every monster like an old rival. With a smile he waved for the barriers to be lowered and the head of security walked over. “Where are the supplies?” He pointed to a series of crates stacked in the corner as he said “All the items you requested are there. Three years worth of various foods and cooking implements, a hundred sets of clothes made of carbon fiber made for heavy battle and wear the another two hundred sets of casual clothes, a dozen pairs of combat boots and sneakers, then several hundred books on physics, history and various other topics.” They walked over and he nodded when he saw that everything was labeled and packed together. The boots and clothes were in one box, the food in another, then the cooking implements, then the battle clothes, then camping supplies like tents, bedrolls, a propane heater and such. Since they were all in their own boxes they only took up one inventory slot each. “You have been briefed that absolutely no one can know of this even if it costs blood. In the event of children or coincidence then contact my father immediately. “ With everything done here immediately entered the door to the mid rank dungeon [Tomb of the lost kings]. It consisted of nine floors with the enemies jumping one hundred levels each floor and changing rank the further you went. The first floor was populated by shambling dead and was about the size of yellowstone national parker. The first ones he saw looked like your typical walking dead type zombie but one ice lance to the head took care of it. He grinned and took off at a sprint that wouldn’t lose to a high end sports car. He segmented his mind so that one focused on not running into walls, one focused on mapping out the floor and one focused on aiming the Ice lance. It ended up as him just basically spraying Ice lances into any groups he came across and using the brain that had been targeting their heads to meditate instead. After nearly two months he had completely cleared out the floor and mapped it. On the second floor was ‘weak soldier’ undead then ‘soldier’ on floor three. Floor four was ‘elite undead soldier’s’ then ‘undead ghouls’ and elite ghouls on five and six, seven was where it got significantly different and instead of a maze set up it was an enormous colosseum with a literal army of undead of all kinds in formation. To make it worse they were led by the boss monster, “Elite Revenant General, Tarkus” It took him nearly a year and a half to get to this point and he only had six months left since he wanted to clear the dungeon before the rush to become a player started. He stopped at the entrance to the level and quickly charged his charged his barrier for the first time since he entered then activated Greater regeneration. Compared with his monstrous Regeneration the upkeep was almost negligible even if he over charged it. He then activated his meditation and multicast with Frigid beam on a hair trigger. As soon as he stepped in the arena the undead all rushed at him and he first cast a rainstorm then Frozen Shackles which halted them all in place with nearly a hundred feet between the closest of them and him. He let loose with the same overcharged Frigid beam that he used to break the barrier over the entrance. Within ten seconds there was only the sounds of shattering ice left to be heard as the former undead and now ice sculptures exploded one by one. The boss was on a raised platform directly opposite him in the arena and contrary to his expectation instead of immediately rushing him through the crowd of his frozen army he jumped. Since he had never heard of this happening before he was few seconds slow responding. In that time he hit like a meteor and his shield was instantly riddled with cracks. Due to the unnatural speed and strength he concluded it was a skill that he possessed in life. With no time to spare instantly overcharged Frost shackled then jumped away and started bombarding him with frigid beams. Due to the rainstorm boosting the effects of his ice magic the boss was soon encased and couldn’t move. He walked behind the boss and overcharged an Ice lance with all three hundred thousand of his mana. It was now more accurate to call it an Ice pillar since it was about ten feet long and three feet wide before it tapered off to a tip on one end. He paused then went back around to the front as he bowed to the warrior. It might have been his imagination but he thought he saw gratitude in its eyes. Without a word he launched the spell through his chest. As its HP finally drained it shattered and in its place was a tier six ring, three books and a pair of tier five boots. *Ring of fallen Pride- This ring was once the pride and joy of a distinguished general who received it from his king and later gave his life to protecting his country. One day that knight was abandoned by his king. Surrounded by enemies and gravely wounded he used his final forbidden art to annihilate the invading army. This ring is a symbol of that nights crushed pride. Strength +100, Vitality +300, Backstab damage is reduces by 60%. *General’s Ass kicker’s- These boots were once worn by a powerful general that was equally feared and respected by his troops. These boots have been through many a battlefield and kicked countless soldiers into shape. Vitality +200 Agility +200 Reduce fatigue buildup by 25% *General’s Mighty Bone armor- This is the spell personally created by an undead general with great skill in mana manipulation. This spell creates a layer of outer armor that will be summoned over any existing armor. The shape size, density and thickness is all determined by the caster’s regeneration rate and class. Tier 1 (Scaling off set and caster) *Aura Control- this ability allows the user to consciously erase or magnify the aura that others perceive from them to a certain extent. Tier 2 * Mana Projection- this ability is always active and replaces the user’s aura with withe their mana radiation and allows the manipulation of it according to the users will to a certain extent. This ability overrides all other lower ranked aura skills. Tier 4 This was one of the best things about dungeons and the reason why everyone was crazy about them, Personalized rewards. The number and quality of rewards greatly depended on the number and professions of those that cleared its bosses. For example, since he was alone and a mage then he got spell type skill books and they were all suited more or less to be useful to him specifically more than others. And their base power was far stronger than normal since he was alone. He wore the equipement then learned the armor and projection spell. The aura control went into his inventory which still didn’t have much besides gold and his greatly diminished supplies. The rate he went through food was a lot faster than normal since he was literally running and fighting constantly for the last year and a half so he now only had maybe another six months remaining. The eighth floor was the same only it had seven bosses that wouldn’t lose out to the general called the seven royal guards instead of an army and they all came out at once. To most this would still be an impossible win but for him this was the main reason he chose to open up this one first. They were arranged in a huge semi circle and before they could fully step off their podiums he cast rainstorm and overcharged Frozen shackles and let it loose as soon as both their feet hit floor. They were dressed in some sort of heavy armor with a large weapon like a halberd or a greatsword. They also all had the same emaciated facial features. They were now all completely trapped and helpless. One by one he sent overcharged Ice lances through their chests and pinned them to ground. It took a while but eventually their HP bled out and they chattered into motes of light. In their coffins he found a total of five skill books, three weapons, and two pieces of armor. The armor was a set of gloves with +400 to STR and Vit, and grieves that had +500 to AGI. The weapons were a dagger, a sword, and a lance. He wasn’t a melee type so they went directly into the inventory to sell. *Generals Bone weapons- This is the personal skill the seven royal guards of a forgotten kingdom jointly tried to create. It ended in success and they managed to create an extremely versatile and powerful skill that perfectly suits those who follow the hybrid path of mages and warriors. This spell relies entirely on the caster mana regeneration rate and its power and efficiency is double for each of the spell series that are used together. Tier 1 (Scales with set and caster) *Generals Bone Shield- This is the personal skill the seven royal guards of a forgotten kingdom jointly tried to create. It ended in success and they managed to create an extremely versatile and powerful skill that perfectly suits those who follow the hybrid path of mages and warriors. This spell relies entirely on the caster mana regeneration rate and its strength and density is double for each of the spell series that are used together. Tier 1 (Scales with set and caster) *General's Bone Manipulation- This is the personal skill the seven royal guards of a forgotten kingdom jointly tried to create. It ended in success and they managed to create an extremely versatile and powerful skill that perfectly suits those who follow the hybrid path of mages and warriors. This spell relies entirely on the caster mana regeneration rate and its durability and hardness is double for each of the spell series that are used together. Tier 1 (Scales with set and caster) *Bone Mage enhancement- Ability created by the dungeon [Tomb of the lost kings] to modify an existing spell series to be more suitable for the mage class. This is a bonus reward for the mage Jacob Dawn for clearing dungeon alone and cannot be viewed or learned by anyone else who has not received the blessing of the lost kings and/or brokered a deal with the dungeon. Tier 6 *Ice Imbuement- This spell allows the user to store a high tier spell of the ice element into a weapon or catalyst that is capable of containing the mana amount required. The stored spell has a one second cast time and the mana cost is paid at the time of the enchanting. Tier 8 He immediately learned them all watched as they all merged into a single new spell. *Bone Armament of the Sorcerer- This spell is an original of the mage Jacob Dawn. This spell creates a set of completely customizable bone armor, weapons, and shield that is fully suited to cover many of the shortcomings that are inherent to the mage class and give a great boost to the destructiveness of all magic abilities. As an original this spell can be taught to other’s or made into a skill book and sold to the store with no penalty. Tier 7 He couldn’t help but laugh wildly when he read the description. Normally you had to spend years if not decades to create a new spell and have it recognized by the system. In all honesty the only reason he wasn’t in danger of losing his sanity from the massive influx of information from the spell series was because of his over 3,000 intelligence. Essentially it made it a simple matter to learn the intricacies of the spell because he had three brains sharing the workload. He immediately activated the spell and watched in awe and an additional set of armor grew over what he was currently wearing. After it finished he looked like he was wearing a mixed set of scale mail and cloth. He could manipulate the look of it so he took inspiration from Dark souls and lord of the rings. He made it into two layers, the bottom would supple like the finest silk and the top would be a set of Jet black segmented plate similar to dragon slayer ornstein. When it was done reforming he started to test its mobility and found he was totally unhindered. He then tested the defense of it and even his full strength blows failed to leave a scratch. He grinned through the open face helmet and said “Now all that’s left is the last boss, time to end this.”
{ "title": "Tales Of The Rocket Patrol", "id": 18855, "author": "PJ_Lowry", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Chapter 6", "id": 305508, "next": 324847, "prev": 299805, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5NDYxYjU3YmY0ZTRjMjY4ZTcxMDM1YzQ4YzJjMmIw">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; It took the Sheriff and Roderick the better part of an hour to walk the prisoners back to town. With the ship they flew in on disabled by the EMP grenade, Roderick was very confident that they never had a chance to call for help which meant the ordeal was over. While riding back into town, Roderick ordered his ship to contact Rocket Patrol Command, known to officers of the patrol as the RPC, to send a ship to pick up multiple prisoners. The sun was moving behind the main planet so to avoid people getting upset by a ship land in or near their town. There was a small patch of land behind the Sheriff's house, and that was used to land a ship at night when no one was looking to ship prisoners out of town and to RPC headquarters for processing. The ship arrived just after seven in the evening after the sun went behind the main planet. Roderick was waiting in the back when he heard the soft humming of the engine, and backed away to the door to clear the space as the cloaked ship made its landing, putting four decent sized imprints into the backyard behind the Sheriff's office and jail. Moments later the ship uncloaked and the door opened. A man twenty years his senior stepped out of the ship. </p> <p class="cnNlMDA3ZjkwMjAyMDRhZDViZDBiNzQwMGI3NDNmNzU4">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Commander," He called out, "It's nice to see you again."</p> <p class="cnNhOTU1NTRjMGNhYjRkMzVhOGNlZWM4NDZlMDQxNGU1">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Likewise, Captain." Roderick said as he walked up and shook the old man's hand.</p> <p class="cnMxNWNiMDZmM2YwMzQ3MTA5YmExNzEyMWQ0ZWExZjU0">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Captain Jim Rogers was a thirty year veteran of the Rocket Patrol. He was the best pilot in the solar system and was often sent out whenever prisoners needed to be transferred or if high ranking members of government needed to be transported with discretion. Rogers was also the man who taught Roderick everything he knew about being a productive and thorough member of the Rocket Patrol. Roderick's first assignment out of the academy was working with Roger in the same transport. That was before he became an active space ranger with a ship of his own. Rogers made Roderick the pilot he is today, probably second only to his mentor.</p> <p class="cnNiOGEzYjk4MDIwMjQ0NTU4ODcwOTJiZmEzYmExZDZh">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "How many do you have for us, Benny?" Rogers asked.</p> <p class="cnNiNWQ2MTJjMDcwODQ1YTNhNzViZWE3YjE4MDRiNmM0">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "You know how much I hate to be called that." Roderick said as he scowled at the old man. "I have seven."</p> <p class="cnNhODI5MTJhNzQ4MTRlMzJhZWE1ODA4ZTlhNjJlMDIz">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "You have been busy." Rogers observed. "Come on rookie, we have seven scumbags who have a date with a Rocket Patrol tribunal."</p> <p class="cnM3NTJjMWUzOWZjOTQ3YjhhNGI2YjAzYmNiM2YzZDQ1">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Roderick watched as a young woman, who could be any older than twenty-three, emerged from the transport. Her Rocket Patrol uniform squeezed her elegant hour glass frame, and her blonde hair was rolled up to not only make her less distracting but also to not get in her way when flying in zero gravity between planets. </p> <p class="cnM0ZjljZTZmOWVhODQ4NTY5ZWIzNjljOGFlZWZlOTU5">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Yes, Captain." She quickly replied as she walked past the two men and said nothing else.</p> <p class="cnM0MTc4YjYzMzU0ODRlZmFiNTIyMDEzM2VmMTI3ZDdj">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Who's the new rookie?" Roderick casually asked.</p> <p class="cnNiYzAzMGFhNTZlZTQyZmFhNzI5MjUyYzVmZmVhNTk0">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "A royal pain in my ass." Rogers said with a smile. "Her name is Miranda O'Brien, graduated top of her class last year at the academy."</p> <p class="cnM3MGJiOWQxN2QwMTRjZjFhMTM5ZjVmY2U2MDE4NzBh">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "O'Brien?" Roderick repeated. "Irish?"</p> <p class="cnNlNTA1NDIzMmMzYTQzYThiZWZjY2U3MTQ0ZTA1NjM2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Not from Earth, but definitely has background from that area." Rogers answered. "Her great, great, granpappy was born on Earth but she was born on the Irish colony in the Neptune sector."</p> <p class="cnNlZTBkMzk5YjMyNDQyYzdhZDU0NDkxZmQ2M2Q5ODlj">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Only the Irish could put up with that planet." Roderick replied. He'd known from experience. He was there several days and it didn't stop raining the entire time.</p> <p class="cnNlNjE4MDAyZDczNjQ4MmFhNDk0NDFlOTViYjBmMDY2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "They're a tough bunch." Rogers said with a smile. "Separating each nation to a planet of their own has created great peace throughout the solar system."</p> <p class="cnM4OGU0MGZmNTEzNTRkMDM4ZWU4Y2FhZmU2YzZhOTc1">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "I know." Roderick agreed. "Having light years of space between nations rather than a thin border has done wonders for Earth."</p> <p class="cnMwOTQwYThjMzZjNTQ4MTRhYTE0OGJjYmY1ZGQ4ZTQx">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "No wars for over two centuries." Rogers admitted. "That has to be a record for that rock. In recorded history at least."</p> <p class="cnM4ODAyOGQzYTNiMTQ2NzViMjI1ODE4ZDRjNWFkNjhj">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Is she any good?" Roderick asked as he watched her walk one of the prisoners on board and then walk back in to get another once he was secured on board.</p> <p class="cnM4YzA0NzRiZWI1ZjQzZGY4NzRhNjFkNTNlMjFiNDhm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "She reminds me of you when you were training with me." Rogers answered.</p> <p class="cnM1MWUwZTExYjkzODQzOGNhMmJkY2NlZGVhMDM5YzE4">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "In other words, she's going to be the best." Roderick concluded.</p> <p class="cnMxYzZjZDRkY2YwMDRmY2I4YzJmYWQwZTNkNGQ1MzVk">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Also the best pilot." Rogers also added. "She has a bright future."</p> <p class="cnM5NTBhYTMxOTMzZTQ3ZjI4NDdkMmI3MWNhZmY4ODBm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Good to hear the RPC has a bright future, just in case we meet our makers sooner rather than later." Roderick said as he watched her walked two more prisoners on board. "Do you need any help, rookie?"</p> <p class="cnM5ZTE0MjAyYmEzMzRkMTM5MzU1M2MyN2JkOGYyNDEx">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; O'Brien looked back at him. "That's all right Commander. I'm sure you are busy enough checking out my ass every time I walk by, Sir."</p> <p class="cnM3ZGE5OGI1NmExZjQxZjQ4ZTE2ZDExODMyOWNmZjhl">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Do you have a problem with that, O'Brien?" Rogers snapped back.</p> <p class="cnNiMDMxY2FkN2Q5YzRiNWM4Y2U0OWQ4MTYyMzc4MjM5">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Of course not, Captain." O'Brien answered. "I'm used to people staring at it, and I don't blame them. It's quite a sight."</p> <p class="cnMwZGQ3YTVlNWJjNTQ2OWRiODJiN2RmM2I2ZjQwNzM4">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Roderick couldn't help but grin at the rookie's cocky attitude, which was very similar to how he conducted himself when he was in his first full year with the Patrol. O'Brien had a bright future indeed. "She has the right attitude for the job at least."</p> <p class="cnNhMDk5YzhjZWU3ZDQ4NzQ5ZDU2NmJjY2ZjZDNhYmFm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "You can say that again." Rogers agreed. "Need a lift to the HQ?"</p> <p class="cnNlZGJiNTRkZmUzYzQ5MDQ5OTgzYTdhYmJkYzU0NGU0">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Nope, I got Red here." Roderick answered. "I also need to stay in town at least another day to finish up my work here. Today's events delayed some of the hearings."</p> <p class="cnNhNTZiY2QxMTFiMTRkMTRiZTY3ZmJiNjEyMDFiNjBj">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Suit yourself." Rogers replied. "I can't understand how you can stand living in such a tech free environment."</p> <p class="cnNjZTYwMTc0OTU5ZTQzMDRhZTc3NzIxMzI3ZGYyYmI3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "It's almost like going on vacation." Roderick answered. "Sometimes a more simple life is refreshing and relaxing."</p> <p class="cnNmZTg1MjA5MGQ4YzRkNTdiNWY4YWE3N2I0ZTc0ZjI2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Well that's all of 'em, Benny." Rogers said as O'Brien went back on board without so much as a word. "She's not big on good byes."</p> <p class="cnNjZTI5ZjEyNTFmODRlZjU4ZDAzNTE0YmFjODMxNTIx">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "That's alright," Roderick responded. "She'll be more friendly when she gets to know me."</p> <p class="cnNjMjQ5YmE4MmMyMDRhZmNhYmZmNjllNTE1NDA3NTc3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "I doubt it." Rogers disagreed. "This is the friendliest she's been in almost a month."</p> <p class="cnNjNjA5MzQ5OGI0ZDQ3MDVhMDFmNzQ1Yjg5ZTQyNTM2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Roderick laughed. "Get these guys back to HQ as soon as possible. No stopovers, this is a priority one arrest and zero contact with anyone unless it's an emergency."</p> <p class="cnNhMTJmODYxYzQ3ZTQ2NTE4MDM3MmJmNDRjMTNlZTFl">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Understood." the old man said as he gave a half-assed salute. "See ya around Benny, watch your six.</p> <p class="cnMxZWM0ZDdkZjlhODQwZmU4MjZlYzk5YTFiZDQxNjMy">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Always do." Roderick replied as he shook the Captain's hand and then watched as the old man got back on board the transport. </p> <p class="cnNlMTE1ZTkwMjkxNzQ2ZDQ4MmE0MzBlNjhkODMzMGM4">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The ship started to hover upwards and when it was about six feet off the ground, it re-cloaked so that it could leave town unnoticed. After the ship disappeared, he went back the saloon. He had to get some sleep before getting back to work on the left over hearings. As he walked back to the saloon, he hoped that Mags has something left over for him to eat. He would not be disappointed.</p> <p class="cnNlZDM1NjgxYWViYTRiMTM5NDEzNjI5MjgyODgxNWJh">&nbsp;</p> </div>
It took the Sheriff and Roderick the better part of an hour to walk the prisoners back to town. With the ship they flew in on disabled by the EMP grenade, Roderick was very confident that they never had a chance to call for help which meant the ordeal was over. While riding back into town, Roderick ordered his ship to contact Rocket Patrol Command, known to officers of the patrol as the RPC, to send a ship to pick up multiple prisoners. The sun was moving behind the main planet so to avoid people getting upset by a ship land in or near their town. There was a small patch of land behind the Sheriff's house, and that was used to land a ship at night when no one was looking to ship prisoners out of town and to RPC headquarters for processing. The ship arrived just after seven in the evening after the sun went behind the main planet. Roderick was waiting in the back when he heard the soft humming of the engine, and backed away to the door to clear the space as the cloaked ship made its landing, putting four decent sized imprints into the backyard behind the Sheriff's office and jail. Moments later the ship uncloaked and the door opened. A man twenty years his senior stepped out of the ship.      "Commander," He called out, "It's nice to see you again."      "Likewise, Captain." Roderick said as he walked up and shook the old man's hand.      Captain Jim Rogers was a thirty year veteran of the Rocket Patrol. He was the best pilot in the solar system and was often sent out whenever prisoners needed to be transferred or if high ranking members of government needed to be transported with discretion. Rogers was also the man who taught Roderick everything he knew about being a productive and thorough member of the Rocket Patrol. Roderick's first assignment out of the academy was working with Roger in the same transport. That was before he became an active space ranger with a ship of his own. Rogers made Roderick the pilot he is today, probably second only to his mentor.      "How many do you have for us, Benny?" Rogers asked.      "You know how much I hate to be called that." Roderick said as he scowled at the old man. "I have seven."      "You have been busy." Rogers observed. "Come on rookie, we have seven scumbags who have a date with a Rocket Patrol tribunal."      Roderick watched as a young woman, who could be any older than twenty-three, emerged from the transport. Her Rocket Patrol uniform squeezed her elegant hour glass frame, and her blonde hair was rolled up to not only make her less distracting but also to not get in her way when flying in zero gravity between planets.      "Yes, Captain." She quickly replied as she walked past the two men and said nothing else.      "Who's the new rookie?" Roderick casually asked.      "A royal pain in my ass." Rogers said with a smile. "Her name is Miranda O'Brien, graduated top of her class last year at the academy."      "O'Brien?" Roderick repeated. "Irish?"      "Not from Earth, but definitely has background from that area." Rogers answered. "Her great, great, granpappy was born on Earth but she was born on the Irish colony in the Neptune sector."      "Only the Irish could put up with that planet." Roderick replied. He'd known from experience. He was there several days and it didn't stop raining the entire time.      "They're a tough bunch." Rogers said with a smile. "Separating each nation to a planet of their own has created great peace throughout the solar system."      "I know." Roderick agreed. "Having light years of space between nations rather than a thin border has done wonders for Earth."      "No wars for over two centuries." Rogers admitted. "That has to be a record for that rock. In recorded history at least."      "Is she any good?" Roderick asked as he watched her walk one of the prisoners on board and then walk back in to get another once he was secured on board.      "She reminds me of you when you were training with me." Rogers answered.      "In other words, she's going to be the best." Roderick concluded.      "Also the best pilot." Rogers also added. "She has a bright future."      "Good to hear the RPC has a bright future, just in case we meet our makers sooner rather than later." Roderick said as he watched her walked two more prisoners on board. "Do you need any help, rookie?"      O'Brien looked back at him. "That's all right Commander. I'm sure you are busy enough checking out my ass every time I walk by, Sir."      "Do you have a problem with that, O'Brien?" Rogers snapped back.      "Of course not, Captain." O'Brien answered. "I'm used to people staring at it, and I don't blame them. It's quite a sight."      Roderick couldn't help but grin at the rookie's cocky attitude, which was very similar to how he conducted himself when he was in his first full year with the Patrol. O'Brien had a bright future indeed. "She has the right attitude for the job at least."      "You can say that again." Rogers agreed. "Need a lift to the HQ?"      "Nope, I got Red here." Roderick answered. "I also need to stay in town at least another day to finish up my work here. Today's events delayed some of the hearings."      "Suit yourself." Rogers replied. "I can't understand how you can stand living in such a tech free environment."      "It's almost like going on vacation." Roderick answered. "Sometimes a more simple life is refreshing and relaxing."      "Well that's all of 'em, Benny." Rogers said as O'Brien went back on board without so much as a word. "She's not big on good byes."      "That's alright," Roderick responded. "She'll be more friendly when she gets to know me."      "I doubt it." Rogers disagreed. "This is the friendliest she's been in almost a month."      Roderick laughed. "Get these guys back to HQ as soon as possible. No stopovers, this is a priority one arrest and zero contact with anyone unless it's an emergency."      "Understood." the old man said as he gave a half-assed salute. "See ya around Benny, watch your six.      "Always do." Roderick replied as he shook the Captain's hand and then watched as the old man got back on board the transport.      The ship started to hover upwards and when it was about six feet off the ground, it re-cloaked so that it could leave town unnoticed. After the ship disappeared, he went back the saloon. He had to get some sleep before getting back to work on the left over hearings. As he walked back to the saloon, he hoped that Mags has something left over for him to eat. He would not be disappointed.
{ "title": "Completing the List", "id": 21099, "author": "PJ_Lowry", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "2. Cut Down On The Fighting", "id": 305509, "next": 312889, "prev": 300124, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNkYjFmZDAyMzkzNjRhMDBhYzJjZjlhMTc3Y2MwYWZk">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A wise person once said 'the reason why we fight i because we care'. It basically meant that if you didn't care, why would you bother to make the effort to have your words heard? So while there is such a thing as too much fighting, not fighting at all is just as bad if not worse because it meant no one cares anymore to make the effort to be heard and stand up for what they believed in. Lizzy and Hayden didn't mean to, but they quickly became the couple that fought often and rather bitterly. Lizzy was far from an expert when it came to dealing with relationships, and she was going all the way right off the bat as she got married to her first serious relationship and sharing a residence with someone. Hayden's Mom at first looked like she was going to blow a gasket when she first heard that they were moving in together, but the discovery of the ring and where it came from seemed to convince her this was the real thing and something that deserved her respect and support. But there was conflict from day one when Hayden moved into the new apartment. Lizzy had arrived first and was starting to decorate and get things settled in when Hayden arrived with a lot of guy stuff that seemed to clash with her own and was just flat out ugly. One thing that completely revolted her was the green chair. It was something that came right out of a bad seventies sitcom, and the color was pea green which made it the most revolting piece of furniture that she had ever laid eyes on. The problem however was that it was Hayden's chair. Not just any chair, 'the' chair that he would always sit in to watch football, baseball or whenever he wanted to settle down with a good book. No other chair could do, it was that one or nothing. Lizzy remembered the day he brought the hideous thing moved into the apartment. He was living at home with Mom &amp; Dad before the big move, but she noticed as they were moving his stuff in but there was no furniture. She seemed a little more at ease when a dresser drawer came up, but a few moments later, two boys from the firehouse carried in the chair that would start the first big fight of their living together. Her mouth gaped with shock as they walked in carrying the pea green relic, and Hayden came right behind them and pointed to the living room.</p> <p class="cnM2MGRlMjYwNTZiOTRkNDA4ODkwMjE0MzNhYmZmYzYx">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Put my baby right over there guys," Hayden directed, ""Beside the big couch that's in front of the television."</p> <p class="cnM1ZDYxZDYxYzRhMzRhZmRiZGNhYjhmZWYzMTNkOGVm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Lizzy walked over to Hayden and tried her best to saw something but couldn't. She was still shocked but finally said something when he asked if she was all right after noticing the look on her face. "What on earth is that hideous looking thing?"</p> <p class="cnM3OTQ1NDRjYTkwYjQxMTNhY2RkOWU2YTE0ZTg4ZGE4">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "That's my chair. The only chair I have ever used, and ever will use." Hayden said as he beamed in pride. "I've watched every Giants game in that chair. From when I was a wee little one on my Pa's lap, to the games I'll be watching this season on the fifty inch plasma television that I'm going to put up on the wall."</p> <p class="cnM3ZTVkYzgxYTg4MDQxY2ZhMTEwYzZkNmY1ZmM3YWZk">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "What television are you referring to?" Lizzy said, again shocked.</p> <p class="cnMyZTkwYmNhMzM5YzQzOGI5NmMzODRiNTUzNDVmZTE0">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Well, I had some cash left over after tossing in my share of the rent. I thought it would be great to get something new for us both to share. I can watch my games, and you can watch your shows on it too."</p> <p class="cnM5NTRiMzFhODQ1ZjRkZmU4NWQyMGJkN2U1YWUyY2Zm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "But look at it?" Lizzy whined as she watched the firemen put the thing down in the living room. "It's green! It completely clashes with my white couch and love seat! It's easy to see these things are decades apart in age. They just don't look good together!"</p> <p class="cnM0ZDA2YTUxYjdiYjRmYzc4YTEzYmI5OGI5NDEyOGI4">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "I'm sorry, but it's my chair. It's the only thing I'm bringing here." Hayden said as he looked back at her. "If it goes, then so do I."</p> <p class="cnM1OGQ4OWE3NDU1YjRlMGViOTY1YWMwYTE3YmU2ZTQx">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Lizzy couldn't believe what she was hearing as she watched Hayden walk into the living room and adjust the chair so it had the perfect angle. As she watched him do that, one of his bud's from the fire house walked up to her. </p> <p class="cnM4ODU3NWQxMWYwZjRiMGE4YTEzNmQwMDA4ZDU5MWY3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Let it go Liz," Hayden suggested, "This thing is his most prized possession."</p> <p class="cnM3MDUxNWZmZDIxMzRhZWE4NTU5YmUwNWJiOGM1Mzcw">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Are you serious?" Lizzy asked in disbelief.</p> <p class="cnM4YTZhMGVkOWFjMzQwNmE4YjQyNGM5OTM4OTQ1MGNi">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Dead serious." he answered, "One year as a joke, we stole the chair to pretend that it was tossed into the trash. He flipped out because he missed watching the big game that week and because the Giants lost, he blamed us for taking the chair. It took him a long time for forgive us for it. Just ask Jared. It was his idea and Hayden's response to his sense of humour was to pop him in the chin. Believe me when I tell you: this is a lost cause. Let it go."</p> <p class="cnM1OTNkM2U4ODM3YTRmNWZiMWIzOGQ3MGY3YjY0NDdi">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Lizzy took a deep breath and decided to put up with the chair because being with Hayden was more important than what color their furniture was. To her it looked hideous in the corner of the living room, but it was Hayden's only piece of furniture that he brought from his place. He loved the chair so much he let her have her way with everything else: the kitchen table, drapes over each window, the place settings, dishes and every other creative thing to pick. The only think he wanted in the house was the chair, his chair. Lizzy knew it was a futile effort but she soon realized that letting Hayden have his own chair had its benefits. Whenever he would eat something the spills would always land his chair and not her couches. So after living with the chair for a few months, it didn't seem that bad as his chair became the default recipient of all the abuse men are known to give furniture but it saved her own from the same fate.</p> <p class="cnNhMTY5Mjg3YmE2NDQ3ODhiOWViZWI2NDkwZjMxYWMw">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Like many new couples, they had their fair share of spats from schedule conflicts with their work to who got to watch television during certain times when something they both wanted to watch was on at once. The usual stuff that most couples fight over, but it was nothing compared to the fight they had when it came to the subject of where they would get married. Lizzy didn't want anything difficult or complicated, just a few friends and family at the court house for a quick and very cheap ceremony. Hayden knew Lizzy wasn't a practicing person of religion, but he didn't realize how deep it really went. She didn't want to go anywhere near a church, even for a wedding. Hayden was the complete opposite, not too deeply religious but the kind of person that would show up on the important days and special events. He wanted to go back to his own church and marry the woman he loves in front of God and hundreds of witnesses from his own neighborhood. This was the big fight that all other fights would be measured against, as religion was always a sore spot even though they both tried to downplay it.</p> <p class="cnNhMzFlMzJiNDdjMjQzMWE4YTc2NTliNWJlMjQ5ZjQ2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Hayden flopped onto his green chair in disbelief. "I just can't believe you don't want to get married in a church. I mean what girl doesn't want to have the flowers, the organ music and the man she loves waiting for her at the altar?"</p> <p class="cnNjYTQ4YzE5ZjI3YzRiYzlhNzk5NTJmMTIwMjQ5N2Vi">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "This girl doesn't." Lizzy said, "We are not made of money, and your church is an expensive place to rent out for a Wedding. I thought it would be best if we saved our money for more important things like rent and food, maybe a honeymoon."</p> <p class="cnNmZmZjMjk2MDkyNjQzZDZiODUxMDJiNjJiYTQwYWUx">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "I don't think you get it. When someone gets married, everyone makes a contribution. Not only does that cover the cost of the wedding there is always more than enough to help out and even pay for a honeymoon." Hayden was clearly frustrated but ready to talk about it rather than yell. He was trying to remain calm and talk about it rather than start another fight. "This isn't about conversion."</p> <p class="cnNiNDg2MGI2NzM3ZDQ1ODY5YWZiZTVkMTY2OGI5NTRj">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "That's good because odds of that happening are about as good as Hell getting a Hockey Franchise." Lizzy said.</p> <p class="cnMzZmY3N2UxMGEyYTQxMGE5MTIyODllNjQ4NzQwYzU4">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "That's very funny coming from someone who likely doesn't believe in hell in the first place." Hayden replied, "Do you even believe in a higher being, a creator?"</p> <p class="cnM4YjEwOTNmYmUxNzQ3ZjFhMjA5ZWQ5OTdiMzg2NjRl">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "No more than I do in seven dwarves, a galaxy far, far away and one ring that rules them all." Lizzy answered. She was never a religious person and it only intensified after she moved out of the house to live on her own. It left her free to investigate if religion was something she wanted in her life or something she wanted to discard. She chose the ladder of the two.</p> <p class="cnNiOTU4NTE4Y2ZiNzQ1ZmFhMDAxM2VkYWVmY2UyNjBl">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Hayden was still a little fazed from what had happened earlier. He looked back at her with disgust in his face. "I still can't believe you said that to his face."</p> <p class="cnM4YzFjYzQzNDg1ZTQ0OTFiMGVjNTcyYTFmNjY5NjZl">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Said what?" Lizzy asked because she had said a lot at the meeting with his local parish and wanted to be absolutely sure which comment she made that he was talking about. It had all started earlier that day when Hayden surprised her by driving her over to his church. The one he was baptized in and worshiped with his peers in all his life. She was surprised that he brought her there but it was for a reason. He had set up an appointment to visit his priest. The father was a busy man but he made time for Hayden because he was very close with his family. Once the conversation began, the priest could tell she was very uncomfortable with the conversation as well as the idea that Hayden had decided in advance that they would be getting married in his church. During this conversation was when Lizzy began to formally object to the idea of marrying him in the church. When asked what part of it she had a problem with, she didn't know where to start. </p> <p class="cnMzODFlMmRiYTM4YzQ4NzZhZWM2OGY2MDNiMmFlNzE4">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "First of all," Lizzy said, taking a deep breath. "I find it a little sexist that a decision this big about where we get married was made without my knowledge."</p> <p class="cnMxOWQ2MjExMjJlMDRhYmE4YzQyMDk4NGFhMzQ1ZGJi">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "This place has significant sentimental value." the priest replied, "It was a decision that was made before he even met you, so it cannot be considered a slight against you."</p> <p class="cnM5YTg5NWY1NzY3NjRlZGY4Y2ZmMzI0NmI0ZjI3ZDk1">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Yes it can." Lizzy corrected.</p> <p class="cnNkM2ExYjFiZWU2NTQxNDZhZDNkMmQ2ODBjOTcwZjM3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Hayden to could tell this was going to be the start of a significant conflict. Less than five minutes later the priest would take no more as he stood and left the room, making it clear through his silence that he wouldn't allow them to marry within his church. The meeting pained Hayden a great deal, it was something he had always considered part of the package. Getting married in the same church that he grew up in was a no brainer to him, and he never stopped to think or consider that the person he purposed to might have different thoughts about his church and religion for that matter. It was a lesson that Lizzy's protests had made perfectly clear. She didn't believe in it and it put them on opposite ends: they couldn't live as man and wife if they couldn't agree on where to start.</p> <p class="cnM1OWRmMDE5MGM0NzQ4YmFhZTU3ZThiZjZkODUzNGE2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The issue came to a close not by one person giving into another, but through the arrival of a new minister only four months later. Fatty foods and wine eventually got to the previous priest that Lizzy had conflicted with and he passed away in his sleep. Lizzy didn't feel bad about it, but Hayden was crushed since it was the same bloke that baptized him and guided him through his life thus far. Despite people's assumptions about Lizzy's apparent atheism, she attended the funeral with Hayden, to at least show respects to someone he admired a great deal. It was during this service that the solution their stalemate came to them. After the funeral and people where on their way back to their cars, someone approached the couple. It was the new priest that had been assigned by the church to take over the parish. He was young, only two years older than Hayden but only five years shy of his thirtieth birthday. He walked up to them and extended a hand. </p> <p class="cnNiN2RmZDRkOWQ3ODQzMTk4NzQwOWQ2NTBhOTcwYjVl">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Hi there. I'm Adam O'Reilly." The young man said.</p> <p class="cnMzNTZiZmMzMzdkYzRmZTQ4OTFjYzJkZTE2NGVkNmFk">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Adam?" Hayden said with a smirk on his face, "The same from King's Elementary?"</p> <p class="cnNlYzZhZWRkZmVkNDRlNzJhMGQwMGZjYjExODc3YTk2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "The very same," the priest said with a smile, "Your memory is impeccable. I thought you might have forgotten."</p> <p class="cnM2MDVmOWRjODgwYTRlMGZhZGFhN2FmMDM1NTM4ODNm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "You two know each other?" Lizzy stated, obviously aware it was likely.</p> <p class="cnMyZWE3YTdhMWFkYTQ1MzlhNDVmMzhmMmJiMGE0NWY3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "We used to be best friends in school." Hayden said as he slapped the man's shoulder, "We used to be partners in crime."</p> <p class="cnM2MWNiZmQxNWU5MjRhZmZiYzBhYWY3NzA2OWVkZDRl">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Used to be." Adam concurred, "I have a new partner and he's pretty cool. Hey, did you ever keep in touch with Gary?"</p> <p class="cnNmMjY2ZjkwMWZkYjQ1ODZhZjNlNmY2ODlmYzNiNzli">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "I'm afraid not." Hayden said, "Not since he made Uncle Sam his partner in crime." </p> <p class="cnM0MmE5Zjk1NjkwYTQwNTZiOTgzN2Y3YzJlZWZkNGZj">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Father O'Reilly then turned to the lady next to Hayden. "I assume you would be Elizabeth, the bride to be?" He said with a warm smile as he offered her a hand.</p> <p class="cnMwMWNhMjkxNjllMzQ4Y2I5NDJhZjFiZGRlNmM4Y2Jh">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Yes." Lizzy said as she shook his hand.</p> <p class="cnNjNjkzNGEzMjQ2YzQ1Njk4NTlhZmQxZDc2YTk1ZTYy">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "I actually was very close to Father Johnson.&nbsp; He came over to our parish to visit with my mentor often so I'm aware of your situation. I don't want to interfere but I would like just offer my assistance and anything I can do to help. I'm not asking to do anything you're not comfortable with Elizabeth, it would be great if you would be willing to just to hear me out."</p> <p class="cnNlZGUyZjg1OGMzOTQzMWY5MTM3MmE3MDExNWVhOTE2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Alright." Lizzy said with a smile.</p> <p class="cnNlYjdkYmNlM2RhZDRlZGQ5NTRlZWQ2NzU0MTMzMGJk">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Turns out Father Adam, as he prefers to be called, was much more approachable than the previous priest was. When they came to visit weeks later, he went out of his way to make the both feel welcome, clearing out a large portion of his schedule so they didn't feel rushed and even had a small cheese and cracker spread to hopefully make things more comfortable. Hayden wasn't as nervous this time out, considering what had happened during the meeting with Father Johnson, who was more of an authority figure. With Father Adam, he was visiting an old friend, not the new head of his parish.</p> <p class="cnM0OTljNDZmZDRlMjQ5M2Y5OWRkNzNhOWYwMTZkMzI2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "I just want to repeat." Father Adam started with a smile, "That no one is going to pressure anyone to do anything they are not comfortable with. Now Elizabeth, I take it from my conversation with the late Father Johnson that you do not share the same faith as Hayden."</p> <p class="cnNmODQwMjdiMmJiYTQ1ZjA5Y2EwYjgwN2UzNzhjOWU2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Actually," Lizzy said as she tried to be polite with her correction. "I don't follow any organized religion." </p> <p class="cnM2NzM5ZjBiOGI1MTRkYzlhZjA3NTM3NDYyODE3ZTQ4">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "An atheist then, I presume?" Father Adam quickly concluded.</p> <p class="cnM4YmUxNmE1MmQ3ZjQ4MGQ5MDhmMjFlNDY1NzAwMjk4">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Correct." Lizzy confirmed just as quickly and very proud of her stand in life. "Richard Dawkins is my homeboy."</p> <p class="cnMwMDVhOThjMmIxOTQyODg4ZDhlZDViN2Q3OGNlZDA4">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "I see." Adam wasn't upset and even cracked a smile. Hayden was afraid the conversation was going to get a little more heated but his assumptions were incorrect. "Elizabeth, we know why Hayden wants to marry here. To be honest, it has more to do with comfort than an exhibition of faith and devotion to God." Adam paused for a moment to take a sip of water. "Hayden has come to this church his whole life and he's watched most of his siblings walk down this very aisle. No one is asking you to adopt our faith."</p> <p class="cnNjNWU2ZTMwMDJmODQ2YjRiYTM5OWI2NDViODc1YmFl">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "We're not?" Hayden asked, somewhat confused.</p> <p class="cnM2ZmFjNDc3M2UzZTRjMTI4ZjNlMjNmYjdhYzY2ODZi">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "No, we're not." Adam confirmed, "If you want to read the notes I perform at every ceremony, neither member are asked to devote any allegiance to a God."</p> <p class="cnNkNzYyZDhiYWNiODQ2MDY4YTRhZmQyYjMwZGNkZGYw">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Oh really? And why is that?" Lizzy asked as she was confused by this detail. Why would people gather in a church if it wasn't to worship God?</p> <p class="cnMwMDhhZGViNWQ5ZDQ3NWI5NjZmNDVjNDgyYjI4YTg2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "That's because the ceremony of holy wedlock is about two people pledging allegiance to each other, not a God. When we make reference to God, it's that He is just another witness to this great occasion, not the center of it. I'm asking you to devote your soul and your life to Hayden, not God. If you chose to do that at a later time I would welcome you with open arms but I will not force you or blackmail you into doing it just to get married here. As far as I'm concerned that is conduct unbecoming of people who claim to a man of God. The best way for you to introduce someone to your home is not to force them to watch from outside, but to invite them in and allow them to make their own decisions. Regardless of where life will take you Elizabeth, both you and Hayden will always be welcome here. You will always have one friend here, regardless if we agree on faith or not. That is my pledge to you."</p> <p class="cnMzZTAwNjI5MjY0ODQyM2E4MTBiN2NkNmM3MDBhNWIw">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Lizzy had been touched by his sincere words. He was willing to accept her for whatever she was and offered to let her and Hayden marry without asking her to jump through any hoops to get there. The man wasn't offering special treatment but merely practiced what he preached by offering an olive branch. She would be a fool not to take it, especially given that she did want to marry Hayden more than anything she ever wanted before in all her life. She wiped a tear from her eye and smiled at the two men who were waiting for her response.</p> <p class="cnM1MGE3ODk1NjFkYzQwMTRiMGZiNjU1YzYyZDlhYmFl">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "So..." She started, "What weekends are available in July?"</p> <p class="cnM2NmRhYmEzMTlmYzQxMGY4NGI5ZTgyYmFkMWJjNTVh">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The way the two men responded you would have thought their favorite football team had just scored the winning touchdown at the Superbowl. Turns out there were plenty of dates available in July and the happy couple had no problem selecting their date. It was a wonderful day and the wedding went off without a single hitch. Father Adam gave a stunning and very neutral ceremony, and everyone left feeling happy and content. Hayden's parents were beside themselves because it was the same church every other child was married in and Lizzy's Dad was stunned that she was willing to step anywhere near a church, let alone get married on one. He was still pleased because it meant he got to walk his little girl down the aisle. It was a task he did eagerly, beaming with pride. Everything was perfect and the two of them couldn't have been happier. Yet when you get married only so much time would pass before the honeymoon would end, and conflicts would again arise.</p> <p class="cnNkMjMzMmJiMDk5MjRlNmFhNjYzMGJmNTJjNGJiNDc2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; It's always the same thing when it comes to being pressured by your family. There are three stages that parents just refuse to give up on. The first is school: where are you going to attend college? You get that speech from grade nine until your first day of your freshman year and then the gripe is what your major is going to be and what you're going to use it for when you get out. It's a never ending nag, but parents love it because they're just proud to have a kid in college. Lizzy and Hayden didn't have this issue since neither of them attended college. They both took good, hard working jobs and stuck with them, much to the discontent of their families. Yet when you find that special someone, the focus changes: when are you going to get married? When you finally walk down the aisle and say your 'I do's', the focus then shifts once but this time it was to the theme that started their next round of fights from the moment till their first anniversary: when are you going to have kids. </p> <p class="cnMyMjllZGIyMmRiODQ2ZDNhMmRjYjRhNTVmOWQwOGYw">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This was the subject that was a sore spot for both of them. Hayden wanted kids badly and basically immediately after they became married. Lizzy wasn't in a rush to become a parent. She wanted to spend a few years just enjoying time with Hayden. Marriage was a big enough step for her and she wasn't ready to make any more at least for a while so that she could get more comfortable with the idea of being someone's mommy. It was a thought that had scared her night and day and now she was so close to becoming that person someone looked up to that it terrified her. She let her feelings be known to Hayden and he didn't take them well. He took this as an indictment of him as a husband and that she didn't think he was ready to be a father. She never understood what his problem was, but it was something men felt concerning the subject. She tried to explain she was the one worried about becoming a parent, but he never seemed to want to hear her excuses. As a member of the fire department, Hayden kept grounded where it came to the subject of his mortality. He dealt with life threatening situations too often to mention. Basically Hayden didn't want to take the life he had for granted or assume that he would come home every night unscathed. This was the reason the fights had become so bitter but one day they just stopped. It was only one year into their marriage when Hayden had suddenly stopped bringing the subject up and Lizzy noticed it almost immediately. She had sometimes made comments that opened the door for the subject to come up again, but Hayden never took it and ignored the chances. Lizzy was never the kind to brag, but accepted that Hayden likely decided to finally give her some space and let her come to him when she was ready to commit to this rather than force her to hurry along. She really appreciated it but never told him that because she didn't want to think she might be rubbing in his face. She was still curious to what had happened to provoke his silence on the issue. Did someone step in on her behalf and tell him to cut it off and give her some slack or had he decided to do that on his own? She didn't look a gift horse in the mouth because without that nagging issue, things were very peaceful for the next several months. That one fight they had was the mother of all fights. It was one that made the rest of the fights they ever had look like practice for the big one. They screamed, yelled, cursed and there were even a few broken dishes during the ordeal. It ended just as ugly as it had started with Hayden and Lizzy exchanging insults before he slammed the door on his way out to work. She had cried that morning and even decided to call in sick from work. She was in no mood to handle her job that day and stayed home, watching some television before eventually getting around to cleaning up the mess that was made by their enormous fight. To make a peace offering, she had decided to make a huge meal for dinner, something that would let him know that despite their spats she still loved him and didn't want him to go. She was halfway through cooking a duck in the oven when there was a knock at her door.</p> <p class="cnNmZTg5OTlmZjNhMTQxMWZiOWVjZTlmYTJlMWFjZWI3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; She rushed into the living room, hoping it was Hayden coming home early from work to make up from their fight. She opened the door and it wasn't him. It was Jared, one of Hayden's best friends from the firehouse. Jared had a few pounds on the rest of the guys but he made up for it with wit and his ability to find the words when no one else could. He wasn't dressed very well, wearing all his gear and his face was still black with char meaning he had just come from fighting a fire. She looked up at him confused at first, and then it all suddenly came to her like a wave: something had happened. "Jared, what are you doing here?"</p> <p class="cnMxZjM5MWQxYzk4YzQxNjViNDBlYjE1NWQzMDhhNWY5">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "We answered a huge fire at a storage facility today, a real five alarm blaze. I'm not going to sugar coat it Liz, it was brutal." He looked down at his shoes, hoping there was some sort of cheat sheet that would help him a long. "A lot of people got hurt today."</p> <p class="cnNkZmVmMjA5ZWM5NDRlZDY4MDVmZjM0MGE5Y2QzYjlk">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Lizzy's eyes began to fill with tears. "Where's Hayden?" Jared didn't answer her and it was clear he was crying, which was hard to tell considering how much dirt and ash was on his face. "Is he all right?" Lizzy asked.</p> <p class="cnM0MzcwMjkzZGQ0MTQ3MmViMDRkOWU2Nzc1ZDZlNTdl">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "I'm afraid not, Liz." Jared replied, "He's dead."</p> <p class="cnM1OTVkOTY0YzNlNTRhNTRiMjkxYjU1YmZjMzNlNTYw">&nbsp;</p> </div>
A wise person once said 'the reason why we fight i because we care'. It basically meant that if you didn't care, why would you bother to make the effort to have your words heard? So while there is such a thing as too much fighting, not fighting at all is just as bad if not worse because it meant no one cares anymore to make the effort to be heard and stand up for what they believed in. Lizzy and Hayden didn't mean to, but they quickly became the couple that fought often and rather bitterly. Lizzy was far from an expert when it came to dealing with relationships, and she was going all the way right off the bat as she got married to her first serious relationship and sharing a residence with someone. Hayden's Mom at first looked like she was going to blow a gasket when she first heard that they were moving in together, but the discovery of the ring and where it came from seemed to convince her this was the real thing and something that deserved her respect and support. But there was conflict from day one when Hayden moved into the new apartment. Lizzy had arrived first and was starting to decorate and get things settled in when Hayden arrived with a lot of guy stuff that seemed to clash with her own and was just flat out ugly. One thing that completely revolted her was the green chair. It was something that came right out of a bad seventies sitcom, and the color was pea green which made it the most revolting piece of furniture that she had ever laid eyes on. The problem however was that it was Hayden's chair. Not just any chair, 'the' chair that he would always sit in to watch football, baseball or whenever he wanted to settle down with a good book. No other chair could do, it was that one or nothing. Lizzy remembered the day he brought the hideous thing moved into the apartment. He was living at home with Mom & Dad before the big move, but she noticed as they were moving his stuff in but there was no furniture. She seemed a little more at ease when a dresser drawer came up, but a few moments later, two boys from the firehouse carried in the chair that would start the first big fight of their living together. Her mouth gaped with shock as they walked in carrying the pea green relic, and Hayden came right behind them and pointed to the living room.      "Put my baby right over there guys," Hayden directed, ""Beside the big couch that's in front of the television."      Lizzy walked over to Hayden and tried her best to saw something but couldn't. She was still shocked but finally said something when he asked if she was all right after noticing the look on her face. "What on earth is that hideous looking thing?"      "That's my chair. The only chair I have ever used, and ever will use." Hayden said as he beamed in pride. "I've watched every Giants game in that chair. From when I was a wee little one on my Pa's lap, to the games I'll be watching this season on the fifty inch plasma television that I'm going to put up on the wall."      "What television are you referring to?" Lizzy said, again shocked.      "Well, I had some cash left over after tossing in my share of the rent. I thought it would be great to get something new for us both to share. I can watch my games, and you can watch your shows on it too."      "But look at it?" Lizzy whined as she watched the firemen put the thing down in the living room. "It's green! It completely clashes with my white couch and love seat! It's easy to see these things are decades apart in age. They just don't look good together!"      "I'm sorry, but it's my chair. It's the only thing I'm bringing here." Hayden said as he looked back at her. "If it goes, then so do I."      Lizzy couldn't believe what she was hearing as she watched Hayden walk into the living room and adjust the chair so it had the perfect angle. As she watched him do that, one of his bud's from the fire house walked up to her.      "Let it go Liz," Hayden suggested, "This thing is his most prized possession."      "Are you serious?" Lizzy asked in disbelief.      "Dead serious." he answered, "One year as a joke, we stole the chair to pretend that it was tossed into the trash. He flipped out because he missed watching the big game that week and because the Giants lost, he blamed us for taking the chair. It took him a long time for forgive us for it. Just ask Jared. It was his idea and Hayden's response to his sense of humour was to pop him in the chin. Believe me when I tell you: this is a lost cause. Let it go."      Lizzy took a deep breath and decided to put up with the chair because being with Hayden was more important than what color their furniture was. To her it looked hideous in the corner of the living room, but it was Hayden's only piece of furniture that he brought from his place. He loved the chair so much he let her have her way with everything else: the kitchen table, drapes over each window, the place settings, dishes and every other creative thing to pick. The only think he wanted in the house was the chair, his chair. Lizzy knew it was a futile effort but she soon realized that letting Hayden have his own chair had its benefits. Whenever he would eat something the spills would always land his chair and not her couches. So after living with the chair for a few months, it didn't seem that bad as his chair became the default recipient of all the abuse men are known to give furniture but it saved her own from the same fate.      Like many new couples, they had their fair share of spats from schedule conflicts with their work to who got to watch television during certain times when something they both wanted to watch was on at once. The usual stuff that most couples fight over, but it was nothing compared to the fight they had when it came to the subject of where they would get married. Lizzy didn't want anything difficult or complicated, just a few friends and family at the court house for a quick and very cheap ceremony. Hayden knew Lizzy wasn't a practicing person of religion, but he didn't realize how deep it really went. She didn't want to go anywhere near a church, even for a wedding. Hayden was the complete opposite, not too deeply religious but the kind of person that would show up on the important days and special events. He wanted to go back to his own church and marry the woman he loves in front of God and hundreds of witnesses from his own neighborhood. This was the big fight that all other fights would be measured against, as religion was always a sore spot even though they both tried to downplay it.      Hayden flopped onto his green chair in disbelief. "I just can't believe you don't want to get married in a church. I mean what girl doesn't want to have the flowers, the organ music and the man she loves waiting for her at the altar?"      "This girl doesn't." Lizzy said, "We are not made of money, and your church is an expensive place to rent out for a Wedding. I thought it would be best if we saved our money for more important things like rent and food, maybe a honeymoon."      "I don't think you get it. When someone gets married, everyone makes a contribution. Not only does that cover the cost of the wedding there is always more than enough to help out and even pay for a honeymoon." Hayden was clearly frustrated but ready to talk about it rather than yell. He was trying to remain calm and talk about it rather than start another fight. "This isn't about conversion."      "That's good because odds of that happening are about as good as Hell getting a Hockey Franchise." Lizzy said.      "That's very funny coming from someone who likely doesn't believe in hell in the first place." Hayden replied, "Do you even believe in a higher being, a creator?"      "No more than I do in seven dwarves, a galaxy far, far away and one ring that rules them all." Lizzy answered. She was never a religious person and it only intensified after she moved out of the house to live on her own. It left her free to investigate if religion was something she wanted in her life or something she wanted to discard. She chose the ladder of the two.      Hayden was still a little fazed from what had happened earlier. He looked back at her with disgust in his face. "I still can't believe you said that to his face."      "Said what?" Lizzy asked because she had said a lot at the meeting with his local parish and wanted to be absolutely sure which comment she made that he was talking about. It had all started earlier that day when Hayden surprised her by driving her over to his church. The one he was baptized in and worshiped with his peers in all his life. She was surprised that he brought her there but it was for a reason. He had set up an appointment to visit his priest. The father was a busy man but he made time for Hayden because he was very close with his family. Once the conversation began, the priest could tell she was very uncomfortable with the conversation as well as the idea that Hayden had decided in advance that they would be getting married in his church. During this conversation was when Lizzy began to formally object to the idea of marrying him in the church. When asked what part of it she had a problem with, she didn't know where to start.      "First of all," Lizzy said, taking a deep breath. "I find it a little sexist that a decision this big about where we get married was made without my knowledge."      "This place has significant sentimental value." the priest replied, "It was a decision that was made before he even met you, so it cannot be considered a slight against you."      "Yes it can." Lizzy corrected.      Hayden to could tell this was going to be the start of a significant conflict. Less than five minutes later the priest would take no more as he stood and left the room, making it clear through his silence that he wouldn't allow them to marry within his church. The meeting pained Hayden a great deal, it was something he had always considered part of the package. Getting married in the same church that he grew up in was a no brainer to him, and he never stopped to think or consider that the person he purposed to might have different thoughts about his church and religion for that matter. It was a lesson that Lizzy's protests had made perfectly clear. She didn't believe in it and it put them on opposite ends: they couldn't live as man and wife if they couldn't agree on where to start.      The issue came to a close not by one person giving into another, but through the arrival of a new minister only four months later. Fatty foods and wine eventually got to the previous priest that Lizzy had conflicted with and he passed away in his sleep. Lizzy didn't feel bad about it, but Hayden was crushed since it was the same bloke that baptized him and guided him through his life thus far. Despite people's assumptions about Lizzy's apparent atheism, she attended the funeral with Hayden, to at least show respects to someone he admired a great deal. It was during this service that the solution their stalemate came to them. After the funeral and people where on their way back to their cars, someone approached the couple. It was the new priest that had been assigned by the church to take over the parish. He was young, only two years older than Hayden but only five years shy of his thirtieth birthday. He walked up to them and extended a hand.      "Hi there. I'm Adam O'Reilly." The young man said.      "Adam?" Hayden said with a smirk on his face, "The same from King's Elementary?"      "The very same," the priest said with a smile, "Your memory is impeccable. I thought you might have forgotten."      "You two know each other?" Lizzy stated, obviously aware it was likely.      "We used to be best friends in school." Hayden said as he slapped the man's shoulder, "We used to be partners in crime."      "Used to be." Adam concurred, "I have a new partner and he's pretty cool. Hey, did you ever keep in touch with Gary?"      "I'm afraid not." Hayden said, "Not since he made Uncle Sam his partner in crime."      Father O'Reilly then turned to the lady next to Hayden. "I assume you would be Elizabeth, the bride to be?" He said with a warm smile as he offered her a hand.      "Yes." Lizzy said as she shook his hand.      "I actually was very close to Father Johnson.  He came over to our parish to visit with my mentor often so I'm aware of your situation. I don't want to interfere but I would like just offer my assistance and anything I can do to help. I'm not asking to do anything you're not comfortable with Elizabeth, it would be great if you would be willing to just to hear me out."      "Alright." Lizzy said with a smile.      Turns out Father Adam, as he prefers to be called, was much more approachable than the previous priest was. When they came to visit weeks later, he went out of his way to make the both feel welcome, clearing out a large portion of his schedule so they didn't feel rushed and even had a small cheese and cracker spread to hopefully make things more comfortable. Hayden wasn't as nervous this time out, considering what had happened during the meeting with Father Johnson, who was more of an authority figure. With Father Adam, he was visiting an old friend, not the new head of his parish.      "I just want to repeat." Father Adam started with a smile, "That no one is going to pressure anyone to do anything they are not comfortable with. Now Elizabeth, I take it from my conversation with the late Father Johnson that you do not share the same faith as Hayden."      "Actually," Lizzy said as she tried to be polite with her correction. "I don't follow any organized religion."      "An atheist then, I presume?" Father Adam quickly concluded.      "Correct." Lizzy confirmed just as quickly and very proud of her stand in life. "Richard Dawkins is my homeboy."      "I see." Adam wasn't upset and even cracked a smile. Hayden was afraid the conversation was going to get a little more heated but his assumptions were incorrect. "Elizabeth, we know why Hayden wants to marry here. To be honest, it has more to do with comfort than an exhibition of faith and devotion to God." Adam paused for a moment to take a sip of water. "Hayden has come to this church his whole life and he's watched most of his siblings walk down this very aisle. No one is asking you to adopt our faith."      "We're not?" Hayden asked, somewhat confused.      "No, we're not." Adam confirmed, "If you want to read the notes I perform at every ceremony, neither member are asked to devote any allegiance to a God."      "Oh really? And why is that?" Lizzy asked as she was confused by this detail. Why would people gather in a church if it wasn't to worship God?      "That's because the ceremony of holy wedlock is about two people pledging allegiance to each other, not a God. When we make reference to God, it's that He is just another witness to this great occasion, not the center of it. I'm asking you to devote your soul and your life to Hayden, not God. If you chose to do that at a later time I would welcome you with open arms but I will not force you or blackmail you into doing it just to get married here. As far as I'm concerned that is conduct unbecoming of people who claim to a man of God. The best way for you to introduce someone to your home is not to force them to watch from outside, but to invite them in and allow them to make their own decisions. Regardless of where life will take you Elizabeth, both you and Hayden will always be welcome here. You will always have one friend here, regardless if we agree on faith or not. That is my pledge to you."      Lizzy had been touched by his sincere words. He was willing to accept her for whatever she was and offered to let her and Hayden marry without asking her to jump through any hoops to get there. The man wasn't offering special treatment but merely practiced what he preached by offering an olive branch. She would be a fool not to take it, especially given that she did want to marry Hayden more than anything she ever wanted before in all her life. She wiped a tear from her eye and smiled at the two men who were waiting for her response.      "So..." She started, "What weekends are available in July?"      The way the two men responded you would have thought their favorite football team had just scored the winning touchdown at the Superbowl. Turns out there were plenty of dates available in July and the happy couple had no problem selecting their date. It was a wonderful day and the wedding went off without a single hitch. Father Adam gave a stunning and very neutral ceremony, and everyone left feeling happy and content. Hayden's parents were beside themselves because it was the same church every other child was married in and Lizzy's Dad was stunned that she was willing to step anywhere near a church, let alone get married on one. He was still pleased because it meant he got to walk his little girl down the aisle. It was a task he did eagerly, beaming with pride. Everything was perfect and the two of them couldn't have been happier. Yet when you get married only so much time would pass before the honeymoon would end, and conflicts would again arise.      It's always the same thing when it comes to being pressured by your family. There are three stages that parents just refuse to give up on. The first is school: where are you going to attend college? You get that speech from grade nine until your first day of your freshman year and then the gripe is what your major is going to be and what you're going to use it for when you get out. It's a never ending nag, but parents love it because they're just proud to have a kid in college. Lizzy and Hayden didn't have this issue since neither of them attended college. They both took good, hard working jobs and stuck with them, much to the discontent of their families. Yet when you find that special someone, the focus changes: when are you going to get married? When you finally walk down the aisle and say your 'I do's', the focus then shifts once but this time it was to the theme that started their next round of fights from the moment till their first anniversary: when are you going to have kids.      This was the subject that was a sore spot for both of them. Hayden wanted kids badly and basically immediately after they became married. Lizzy wasn't in a rush to become a parent. She wanted to spend a few years just enjoying time with Hayden. Marriage was a big enough step for her and she wasn't ready to make any more at least for a while so that she could get more comfortable with the idea of being someone's mommy. It was a thought that had scared her night and day and now she was so close to becoming that person someone looked up to that it terrified her. She let her feelings be known to Hayden and he didn't take them well. He took this as an indictment of him as a husband and that she didn't think he was ready to be a father. She never understood what his problem was, but it was something men felt concerning the subject. She tried to explain she was the one worried about becoming a parent, but he never seemed to want to hear her excuses. As a member of the fire department, Hayden kept grounded where it came to the subject of his mortality. He dealt with life threatening situations too often to mention. Basically Hayden didn't want to take the life he had for granted or assume that he would come home every night unscathed. This was the reason the fights had become so bitter but one day they just stopped. It was only one year into their marriage when Hayden had suddenly stopped bringing the subject up and Lizzy noticed it almost immediately. She had sometimes made comments that opened the door for the subject to come up again, but Hayden never took it and ignored the chances. Lizzy was never the kind to brag, but accepted that Hayden likely decided to finally give her some space and let her come to him when she was ready to commit to this rather than force her to hurry along. She really appreciated it but never told him that because she didn't want to think she might be rubbing in his face. She was still curious to what had happened to provoke his silence on the issue. Did someone step in on her behalf and tell him to cut it off and give her some slack or had he decided to do that on his own? She didn't look a gift horse in the mouth because without that nagging issue, things were very peaceful for the next several months. That one fight they had was the mother of all fights. It was one that made the rest of the fights they ever had look like practice for the big one. They screamed, yelled, cursed and there were even a few broken dishes during the ordeal. It ended just as ugly as it had started with Hayden and Lizzy exchanging insults before he slammed the door on his way out to work. She had cried that morning and even decided to call in sick from work. She was in no mood to handle her job that day and stayed home, watching some television before eventually getting around to cleaning up the mess that was made by their enormous fight. To make a peace offering, she had decided to make a huge meal for dinner, something that would let him know that despite their spats she still loved him and didn't want him to go. She was halfway through cooking a duck in the oven when there was a knock at her door.      She rushed into the living room, hoping it was Hayden coming home early from work to make up from their fight. She opened the door and it wasn't him. It was Jared, one of Hayden's best friends from the firehouse. Jared had a few pounds on the rest of the guys but he made up for it with wit and his ability to find the words when no one else could. He wasn't dressed very well, wearing all his gear and his face was still black with char meaning he had just come from fighting a fire. She looked up at him confused at first, and then it all suddenly came to her like a wave: something had happened. "Jared, what are you doing here?"      "We answered a huge fire at a storage facility today, a real five alarm blaze. I'm not going to sugar coat it Liz, it was brutal." He looked down at his shoes, hoping there was some sort of cheat sheet that would help him a long. "A lot of people got hurt today."      Lizzy's eyes began to fill with tears. "Where's Hayden?" Jared didn't answer her and it was clear he was crying, which was hard to tell considering how much dirt and ash was on his face. "Is he all right?" Lizzy asked.      "I'm afraid not, Liz." Jared replied, "He's dead."
{ "title": "War, Honor and Vengeance", "id": 21409, "author": "AveAnderson", "rating": 5 }
{ "title": "Ch-13 Aftermath", "id": 305516, "next": 306466, "prev": 305515, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5ZmM5ZDQwZjliNDQ4M2ViMGQ5MjVlNzY1YzZiNWUz">One month later…</p> <p class="cnM5Mjk2ZDFiZmNhNjQ0MzBiMzI2NzQ3ZDVlMDgyYmM5">Felix and Aslak spent the month in absolute silence and leisure. The strangeness of the situation and the fact that neither Lady Faye nor the expeditionary squads, still returned was making it more and more difficult for them to concentrate on their works. It was only on the second week of the Month of First Snow that, Sir Loann’s unit returned and they bore serious bad news.</p> <p class="cnNiNGQ4MTFiNmVhYzQ2MzM5NGU0ZTkyMTZiOGMxNDNk">According to them, they heard rumors that Lady Faye had signed a pact of non-aggregation with Viscount Clovers and Earl Roderick of her own accord and that ‘armies’ of Cainhorn had attacked and ransacked various villages and towns in the surroundings of both the fiefs. And this was the reason why Sir Loann hastily in order to check up on the Castle.</p> <p class="cnNlOGMwOWJjYTQzNzRiMjNiMzk1M2I1NzQ0ZTc4NTQ5">No one could make head or tails of the situation. The only one who seemed to have some kind of clue on where this situation was leading to, was Lady Yasmin, but even she wasn’t sure on what is happening and therefore, they needed to wait for at least another unit to return bearing information.</p> <p class="cnM5NjMyZTcyMjQ1MzQwNzY5ZmViN2RiMTZlZGIyODM1">…</p> <p class="cnM2OTgzOTI1YTc5ODQ3NzA5NjFkYzlkMGMzMzdjNzBh">It was only after the 2<sup>nd</sup> week of the 2<sup>nd</sup> month that the next unit returned and that was Lady Aarti’s ship. They were exactly one month and a half late and even then, they returned quite miserably with only one frigate, which was half broken. This was shocking, not only to the Castle people, but also to the Cainhorn people, who considered those big ships to be equivalent to Gods.</p> <p class="cnMwODM4ZTAyNWQwNjRiNjU4MTg4ZWU5ZTNjOWQzMTQy">According to her, they were attacked by pirate-costumed soldiers of Sir Hendrickson. They had 3 Man'O'Wars and 11 frigates and vastly outnumbered, outmaneuvered and outflanked them, costing them their only Man'O'War and a frigate and 110 men. The last frigate only returned with 30men and they too bore the same bad news but with a few bits more, Lady Faye had signed a non-aggregation pact but due to the recent invasion of the Cainhorn army, she had been detained with the rest of the soldiers.</p> <p class="cnNjNmI4NzQxMTNiMzQ1MjM4MTQ3MWE0YzUwYjgzNWQ4">Sir Loann, assumed that those ‘soldiers’ were none other than Julian’s forces and therefore, wrote a lengthy letter to the Grandmaster of Order of Wardens and requested his help and also wrote letters to the Imperial court and Duke Hendrickson and other dukes to help out. After sending them, they had nothing but to wait and unfortunately, not a single reply came.</p> <p class="cnMwNjUyMmVhM2U0MzRiYTE5ZTE4MTg4NTg4ODcyZGRk">The only thing which came was an Imperial verdict to appear in the Imperial court.</p> <p class="cnM5NzY0Y2U0ZTlhYTQyNTI5ZGYwOTg5OTk1NzRkYmU1">Sir Loann and Lady Yasmina understood that they were deep sh*t and could do nothing other than to attend. They gathered the last few soldiers and went to the Imperial capital of Xerith, leaving the command of the Castle for the first time to Felix. Felix and Aslak taking this opportunity, gathered all the official soldiers of Cainhorn Castle and started garrisoning the Castle and Cainshire. It was during this time, Felix and Aslak started getting more into and into governance stuff. With the help of Aslak and Sir Peder, he completely toned down the rowdy armies and initiated what could be called the most basic and primitive form of marching and patrolling.</p> <p class="cnM1MWY0NGQ4MTUwYzQ0ZGU4NGM3NGQ5OGE2NjU0Mzcx">He also ordered the last frigate to be repaired but unfortunately there wasn’t any good timber to do so. He ordered to take it from the Cainhorn Castle, but not only the advisors but even the woodcutters and sailors refused to enter the woods. Therefore, instead of repairing he ordered for heck lots of arrows and axes to be built for the soldiers from the already imported timber and steel. Axes were much economic to build compared to swords and for these unskilled soldiers, axes can be their best weapons for now.</p> <p class="cnM2YzhkYzhlODBlNDQzZWE5MGRkYWY5NWNjZjhkMDMx">…</p> <p class="cnM0OGZjYmU3YTdmNTRjYzk4NWFiN2E5ODg3ZDI5YzJh">6 months later…</p> <p class="cnM2MzhjMzQwOWE1NzRiZDZhNzhiMDdhMmFiYTkxNDg3">The contingent of Sir Loann and Lady Yasmin returned and fortunately, this time, Lady Faye was there with them. Felix immediately ordered the soldiers, who were fairly disciplined to a certain extent, to create a huge protective square around them, in order to prevent the common people to know too much.</p> <p class="cnMzY2JjMjhiNjg4ZjQwNGQ4YTM0ZTczMTM4ZmQyMmE4">Sir Loann and Lady Yasmin were certainly shocked by the number of soldiers who were actually following command, but this wasn’t the time to admire their discipline. They hurried along the rugged paths of Cainshire and quickly entered the Cainhorn Castle. They were also surprised the number of soldiers garrisoning the Castle and the amount of people training marching in the background and they sure did praise Felix and Aslak for their contribution, but what they said after shocked Felix and Aslak to the core.</p> <p class="cnM4Yjk1NTk1OTllNDRjYTFhZWVhYjNjMWFkNmI0MDFl">…</p> <p class="cnMyMTYwMzU5NTNlNTRmNGI5ZGQzYjQzZDI0OGQ3NWEy">According to Lady Yasmina and Sir Loann, everything was a cunning deception of Sir Hendrickson, who had joined the Crest faction in secret. He already knew about the curse of the Fabled Crown and had intentionally invited her to a banquet with highly rich dining party, inducing greed into her. Later, he utilized the curse and baited her into signing the non-aggregation pact with the Crest faction and Viscount Clover and Earl Roderick, in return promising large trade routes for the family. It was for this reason that she stayed with Sir Hendrickson for an elongated period of time, but it is not known what has happened after that.</p> <p class="cnM5ODc5OWZmZmVjNTRjMTE4NTM0NGQ1ZjkwZGE1MmE4">Later, Sir Hendrickson, Viscount Clovers and Earl Roderick led a puny force and ransacked the surrounding places and put the blame onto Julian’s force who was also passing through that region, thus effectively violating the pact. Thus, Earl Roderick captured Julian’s force.</p> <p class="cnMwMzMzNmNhOTQ3NjRkN2ZhYmU3YjJkODkxOGMyODE4">Later, on the name of Imperial verdict, Sir Loann and Lady Yasmin was actually invited to the Crest faction court, where they were forced to either submit the Fabled Crown or 2million Gold and Cainshire as ransom for Lady Faye and ironically, the decision was made to fall under Lady Faye.</p> <p class="cnNmMTBmNGIyMzhiNzRkMGRhMmI1ZmI5NDY5ZjU1MmJl">The result, 2million Gold and authority of Cainshire for 2 years was passed to the Sir Hendrickson.</p> <p class="cnMyMTIzYjQ5MDYzNDRkN2NiM2Q2MjY0MjUyOWNmYWY5">….</p> </div>
One month later… Felix and Aslak spent the month in absolute silence and leisure. The strangeness of the situation and the fact that neither Lady Faye nor the expeditionary squads, still returned was making it more and more difficult for them to concentrate on their works. It was only on the second week of the Month of First Snow that, Sir Loann’s unit returned and they bore serious bad news. According to them, they heard rumors that Lady Faye had signed a pact of non-aggregation with Viscount Clovers and Earl Roderick of her own accord and that ‘armies’ of Cainhorn had attacked and ransacked various villages and towns in the surroundings of both the fiefs. And this was the reason why Sir Loann hastily in order to check up on the Castle. No one could make head or tails of the situation. The only one who seemed to have some kind of clue on where this situation was leading to, was Lady Yasmin, but even she wasn’t sure on what is happening and therefore, they needed to wait for at least another unit to return bearing information. … It was only after the 2nd week of the 2nd month that the next unit returned and that was Lady Aarti’s ship. They were exactly one month and a half late and even then, they returned quite miserably with only one frigate, which was half broken. This was shocking, not only to the Castle people, but also to the Cainhorn people, who considered those big ships to be equivalent to Gods. According to her, they were attacked by pirate-costumed soldiers of Sir Hendrickson. They had 3 Man'O'Wars and 11 frigates and vastly outnumbered, outmaneuvered and outflanked them, costing them their only Man'O'War and a frigate and 110 men. The last frigate only returned with 30men and they too bore the same bad news but with a few bits more, Lady Faye had signed a non-aggregation pact but due to the recent invasion of the Cainhorn army, she had been detained with the rest of the soldiers. Sir Loann, assumed that those ‘soldiers’ were none other than Julian’s forces and therefore, wrote a lengthy letter to the Grandmaster of Order of Wardens and requested his help and also wrote letters to the Imperial court and Duke Hendrickson and other dukes to help out. After sending them, they had nothing but to wait and unfortunately, not a single reply came. The only thing which came was an Imperial verdict to appear in the Imperial court. Sir Loann and Lady Yasmina understood that they were deep sh*t and could do nothing other than to attend. They gathered the last few soldiers and went to the Imperial capital of Xerith, leaving the command of the Castle for the first time to Felix. Felix and Aslak taking this opportunity, gathered all the official soldiers of Cainhorn Castle and started garrisoning the Castle and Cainshire. It was during this time, Felix and Aslak started getting more into and into governance stuff. With the help of Aslak and Sir Peder, he completely toned down the rowdy armies and initiated what could be called the most basic and primitive form of marching and patrolling. He also ordered the last frigate to be repaired but unfortunately there wasn’t any good timber to do so. He ordered to take it from the Cainhorn Castle, but not only the advisors but even the woodcutters and sailors refused to enter the woods. Therefore, instead of repairing he ordered for heck lots of arrows and axes to be built for the soldiers from the already imported timber and steel. Axes were much economic to build compared to swords and for these unskilled soldiers, axes can be their best weapons for now. … 6 months later… The contingent of Sir Loann and Lady Yasmin returned and fortunately, this time, Lady Faye was there with them. Felix immediately ordered the soldiers, who were fairly disciplined to a certain extent, to create a huge protective square around them, in order to prevent the common people to know too much. Sir Loann and Lady Yasmin were certainly shocked by the number of soldiers who were actually following command, but this wasn’t the time to admire their discipline. They hurried along the rugged paths of Cainshire and quickly entered the Cainhorn Castle. They were also surprised the number of soldiers garrisoning the Castle and the amount of people training marching in the background and they sure did praise Felix and Aslak for their contribution, but what they said after shocked Felix and Aslak to the core. … According to Lady Yasmina and Sir Loann, everything was a cunning deception of Sir Hendrickson, who had joined the Crest faction in secret. He already knew about the curse of the Fabled Crown and had intentionally invited her to a banquet with highly rich dining party, inducing greed into her. Later, he utilized the curse and baited her into signing the non-aggregation pact with the Crest faction and Viscount Clover and Earl Roderick, in return promising large trade routes for the family. It was for this reason that she stayed with Sir Hendrickson for an elongated period of time, but it is not known what has happened after that. Later, Sir Hendrickson, Viscount Clovers and Earl Roderick led a puny force and ransacked the surrounding places and put the blame onto Julian’s force who was also passing through that region, thus effectively violating the pact. Thus, Earl Roderick captured Julian’s force. Later, on the name of Imperial verdict, Sir Loann and Lady Yasmin was actually invited to the Crest faction court, where they were forced to either submit the Fabled Crown or 2million Gold and Cainshire as ransom for Lady Faye and ironically, the decision was made to fall under Lady Faye. The result, 2million Gold and authority of Cainshire for 2 years was passed to the Sir Hendrickson. ….
{ "title": "Liberum Mundi", "id": 21212, "author": "Beltways", "rating": 3.3 }
{ "title": "Heroes of the Confederation. (Part 6)", "id": 305514, "next": 305557, "prev": 303712, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNmNzUzYThlNGM4ZDQzYjE4Mzg3MTA5MjBlOGIzZGFm">"Huh? Oh, this thing?"</p> <p class="cnNjOWM2OWY3YmVhNDQ2OGJhM2E2N2RiMDQ2NjM1YzAz">She lifts her arms and continues saying:</p> <p class="cnM4MTcyNGYxN2IxNjQzOTU5Y2IwYmFiMWI3MzkwOGI1">"Well, it's the traditional clothes, used during the Emperor's time for females who haven't married yet back then. Men also have one, do the two of you wish to try one, I could commission two of them from the guild if you wish? And why is Sova face red, are you sick Sova?"</p> <p class="cnMzMzRhODM5MmMyMzQ3MGNhOWQ1MjJlOGZmYzk0MzMz">As sis voice became worried, she closes the distance between us in no time and holds my face with both her arms before I could react, looking at my neck and touching my forehead afterwards.</p> <p class="cnMyMTU4OTViZDE2YTRhNzE5OGI4NTc1ODdlMDgzMTRi">Before saying:</p> <p class="cnMyYzlhZDJlNmZhNzQ1Njk4M2VmYmRlYjQwY2I3MzFh">"There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with you?"</p> <p class="cnNmOGQ1NTFmYTRlNzRmMzJhYzNkOTZjNzlkNTE4NDc3">I shook my head, while still feeling warm inside and distancing myself a bit saying:</p> <p class="cnM1ZmYxMTQ3OTk3YTQyMmRiYmY1MDg3ZmRkMzQ2NGFm">"I'm totally fine sis, I'm all okay."</p> <p class="cnNiZWZiY2RiNjkxMTQyMWQ4YzA3ZTg1NjgyNzg4MDRk">May suddenly ask in a loud manner saying:</p> <p class="cnNkNTQxZDIzMmU4ZDRmZmU5OTA3MTZhMmJhOGMxNmRk">"Sis that's not what I mean. I'm asking why are you wearing those clothes!? It looks almost very inappropriate."</p> <p class="cnM4ODhmZTlkYWY3YTQ1ODc5OGM5YzE1MTY5OWFkMDY2">"Oh, really? I once saw nobles in social gathering parties wearing something more revealing. But you see, when you become a Special Ranking Hunter. The guild would have you wear these clothes so that you can be easily identified and recognize as someone important, while also proving you're done working and free. Since I am, I must wear these clothes until I'm about to leave or whenever I return. It's kinda hard to put it on or move for that matter with this attire."</p> <p class="cnNkMzMzNTk5MTgyZDRlYjY4OTQyNDJjM2FjZDY1Yzg4">"... Is. that. so..." May stares at her continuously.</p> <p class="cnNlNzRmMGVlZDQyZTRhZDFhNDhlZTcwMGVmZGQyYzcy">Sis ignores May's stare and looks at Angeline saying:</p> <p class="cnMzZmRhNDhiOTQ5MjQ4ZjFhZTk3ZjhlOTZhZmU2YzU1">"Oh if it isn't Angie, thanks for bringing them here."</p> <p class="cnM3MTFiYzYzZmUwZTQ3YzJiYTQxOGI3ZDhkYWQyNDk0">Angeline makes her calming smile saying:</p> <p class="cnM2MzNjMGNkMzBkNTRmNzE4Y2QwNDJlZjY2ZGY4ZDdi">"Please, your thanks is unnecessary, after all, I'm just doing my job. So please think nothing of it."</p> <p class="cnNmZTQ1ODM3MWE2MDRjZDc4ZTIxNjMwZTA0ZmMyYWZk">Sis staring at Angeline with a blank face and continues saying:</p> <p class="cnNjODA5OWExMTk4NjRlZDViYmQ4MjYzMjg2NDc2YWQ4">"Yeah right..."</p> <p class="cnMwYzBjMzJhNDBhODRjMmJhNjA3YTMwNjM3MGUwZjUw">She continues to look at us asking:</p> <p class="cnMxNTczMTUzYjk4ZTRmZmI5NGFkZWMzOTQ2ZDE5Y2Vl">"May, Sova how does it feel, to be in Centrals public locations?"</p> <p class="cnM4MjNiNzFhYTk2MzQ4OTJhZTdhOGU0NmY0NDk3YzM3">May replies quickly saying:</p> <p class="cnMxNDUyYjAxOTYzNTQyNmNiODZhNzBiMDljOWUwMTg3">"It... sucks! It's too big, it's wide, there are too many end corners and too many hallways. The card you gave me to indicate that we are not someone you wanna mess with or "Protect us" didn't work, didn't they or that annoying golden guy saw us came out of the V.I.P room and why is the restroom so far-"</p> <p class="cnMyNjBmOWYyNmQ2ZDRiNzRiZjM2ZjNkOGI1ZTcxYmVl">Taking a huge breath in and out to calm down and continue saying:</p> <p class="cnNjY2NmMWM5MmM2ZjQ0ZTZhYTAzZmYwMDBjYzk1NWEy">"At least the place looks nice, a great atmosphere, very comfortable furniture and lots of free refurbishment in between the travels, making it very welcoming to be in."</p> <p class="cnNhNmFhY2YwNGRhNzQ2NjdiOWY0ZDc0MTg1NDFkMTEz">Sis stares at May for a moment, then begins to look at me asking:</p> <p class="cnMyNWY5YzkzNDgyMTQ5MTc5YzA4OWNkZTE1NDNkYTcx">"So what about you Sova? You may have just been awake but what do you think?"</p> <p class="cnM3NmRlNTJmMjU5YzRmNGU4ZDFhZjMwMDFjYjczOGJi">"Well, I don't really know what to complain about nor say...."</p> <p class="cnMyNzU3MTZmYmQ0ODQ0MmQ5MzhhNmJmNGUxODVkNWMz">"Well, I'm happy to know you both enjoy it... At least you haven't really hurt anybody right?"</p> <p class="cnM4YTA5N2ZhMmZiNzRlNDk4YmExNjhkMjYyODIzYjE3">I immediately answer:</p> <p class="cnMyMmYyYzYyYzUzZjQ1MmJiZjE3MjdiMjNlODZiYzZm">"No, of course not. Violence is not always the answer."</p> <p class="cnM0NmRiOTY3NjM0NzRmOTNiYmM2NTA0MmU2ZGYyNTNi">Then sis reply sounding happy saying:</p> <p class="cnM0Y2U4M2U5ZTFjYTQzMmE5NWE5MTU2N2YxYWJjOTYy">"Glad to hear that, I'm happy to know you didn't forget any of that Sova."</p> <p class="cnNkMGUxYWFiNGQxMzQ5ZTM4NTdhYjU3OGE4NmE5Zjg1">Only to be replied:</p> <p class="cnMzOGIxMGMwNTU2YzRhMjJhNGJkZmUzZjMyYjUwYjIy">"That's very rich coming from you Rubeca."</p> <p class="cnMyYmM5NjNkMDg3ZTQ4Mjg4NmY4M2EwM2RhNjQwOTBi">It was Angeline who said that. Unlike the usual calming smile she had, this time she has a cheerful grin, looking at Rubeca sharply with her eyes. As if she has something planned horribly for her.</p> <p class="cnNlNzNhMTM3NTBmZjQ4MzZiOGNlMDQzZDhhNWExYzQ4">Sis Rubeca Counter it, immediately saying her reply with a way of speaking that I never heard her use before:</p> <p class="cnMxNjFjMjM1MjVmMjQyOThiNTFhMjQzNGE1ZTAwNzY0">"Ye never saw anything Angie, shut ye trap aboot it."</p> <p class="cnMzMDE5ZjYxZTkxYzQ3ZGI4OWQ2Y2M3ZTBkYjI2Yzk1">Angeline's grinning turns more malicious and her eyes bend more into a frown as if she got sis on her trap, she continues saying:</p> <p class="cnM2MjJlODVlZWY0MDRlMTdiZjAwZjM0NTAxNjYxMzAx">"Oh I'm sorry, I mean I never ever saw the first time you tried to regis-"</p> <p class="cnM5ZGI4MDI4NzU4NjQ4YzQ5YzU4ZjZkZWIxOTk0NWFl">Her voice comes to a halt. Sis Rubeca closes the distance between her and Angeline, grabbing her on the jaw with her right arm, in a speed I couldn't even catch up bursting with murderous aura and her green eyes glow like she found her prey. Angeline tried to remove sister's arms but to no avail.</p> <p class="cnM0NjNmYzk2ZGU5MjQ1NDFiNzUxOWYzOGJhNjYzNDcz">Sis threatening her with a malicious glare saying:</p> <p class="cnM3MmRjY2U5YmZkNzQ3YjNiZGJiYzAzN2VmZGI0NDNi">"Spill anything more and Ila crush ye head from ye jaw ya hor."</p> <p class="cnMyYWYzMDgyYTA5NTQyYWJhZmY5MDBmNjg1NGFiNmM5">I immediately go to grab sister's right arm, pulling it as I'm trying to make her let her go. But she wouldn't even budge.</p> <p class="cnNjNjFiOTNkNDMwNjQxN2I5OTVjN2VmNDE2ZGI1Nzg1">I shout to sis saying:</p> <p class="cnNlNGUxOTBjNjM0YjQ5NDViYTdhZWIwODM0NTE4MzBl">"Sis please let go of her, this is crazy! Stop doing this, someone is seriously going to get hurt. I don't really mind if you did something bad back then. But right now you should stop doing something seriously bad," I said to calm her down.</p> <p class="cnNkY2MyYTBjNzFmMDQxZTc4MWQ3YWUyZjM2NTdiZDM0">(Is sis always this vicious?)</p> <p class="cnMxODBmNjRlZmE3ZDRiYjQ5ZTEyMDM1OTIxNzlkYjY2">Sis looks at me with her glare, feeling scared I look at May to see her...</p> <p class="cnNkZGFhMTI5NjUwNDQ1MWFhYjNmM2FhZTg3YjQxNWRh">(How do I describe her face, disappointed?)</p> <p class="cnNmZDAyOTNiZGMwOTQwODBhOTU1NzQzOTdmNDU1NjI0">May shakes her head before she runs grabbing sister's arm asking her:</p> <p class="cnMwMGVmZDZkY2ZlMTQyNTQ4ODcwZmZhMWEzMmZmNjVj">"Sis seriously, what are we doing here again, to see you doing this?"</p> <p class="cnMzYTg4OTIxZmU2NTQyYTc5MTAxMjVkOTY5ODgzOWY0">Sis looking at May staring for a few seconds, before finally letting go. The glow in her eyes and murderous aura began to dissipate. Me and May decided to let go of her and she begins to calm down. Looking at Angeline, kneeling down on the floor with her knees. Holding her jaw that has blue marks where sis is holding it just now.</p> <p class="cnNkYjBmYjQyYjdlZTQzZDFiMGM3ZDUxOWQxNjcyY2Yy">Sis immediately looks worried saying:</p> <p class="cnMyZGI1YjA2NTNmYzRkYzJiMzNkYTIyNTBlYTE2NjQ1">"Angie I'm so so sorry, why did you do that. You know what would happen if you tried teasing me. My mental state is a little bit haywire when I return from that place."</p> <p class="cnNjZTdhYzg5OTRkODQxNTFhODBmZTNmNDhmMDhlMGYy">Sis then puts her arms inside her robe, taking out a potion like bottle with red liquid giving it to Angeline. Angeline looking at sis Rubeca for a while before taking the bottle to drink it. When she drinks it, her bruise begins to disappear and her face returns to how it used to be.</p> <p class="cnNjYjJmM2E1YzZlMzQxMjQ4MmIyZmY3M2MyMGU0YTZk">Angeline stands up, dust away her clothes, fix her posture and gives a gentle smile once more saying:</p> <p class="cnM1NzA0MGY2YmE0MzQ1ODg4ZTMyNWUxMTIyMmNiZjQy">"I wanted your precious families that you told me countless time during your work time, to know more about you. Not only your good sides but also your problems and your difficulties. And I would give my life if it means helping you out. I've been wanting to meet them when you tell me your stories with them. After all, you would never tell anyone anything unless they ask for it considering your personality."</p> <p class="cnMwOTExODI1ZjY1OTQ2NWQ5ZDc3NjViMTg3NWZkZmE0">Sis looks at Angeline with a solemn expression, then proceeds to hold both Angeline's shoulder saying:</p> <p class="cnNlNzQ2NDRkYTFjMjQ4ZTNiNGM5MWQ4ZDgzZTEyYmE3">"Geez, I don't even know what your ideas of helping out means, but if it means endangering your self I won't let it. I didn't bring you and everyone else from Underground out so that they can serve me, but for a new chance of life in the surface. And here I thought you were finally acting like a professional for once."</p> <p class="cnNkYzMyNDhiNDNiMTQ3YmRhZmQxNzg1OTRkYjA5ZTMw">Angeline brushes of Rubeca's hands off from her shoulders. smiling cheerfully saying:</p> <p class="cnNkOTRlY2NkM2RlYzRhYzQ5ZjkwYTczNTdmN2E1MmUx">"Well I said it before and I'll say it again, my professional career can go out of the window if it means I can help you out in your dire times, that's how I want it and you cannot stop me from doing it," her voice sound firm.</p> <p class="cnM2NTAyMWQ0MWYyNTQ5ZWQ4NjcwZGY0YmYxMGJiYmRk">May and I began to calm down when the conflict is finally settled, I took a huge sigh as to free my self from the tension just now, looking at May seeing her finally calming down too. When sis took a deep breath and letting it out. Only to say:</p> <p class="cnM4ZjkxM2U2ODk3MTQzOGNiNDIxM2I3YWZhNDNhZTA0">"Well then, if you are so eager to help me out... Since you're here, then I guess we can begin the exams."</p> <p class="cnM5NmQ0Y2FhODI0YjQ0N2VhOGQwMmI1ODA4YTVlM2Vj">Angie replied in surprise saying:</p> <p class="cnNmMTkxMTM1OWNmZjRjNGViYzNmZjM0NTM4NWMzOWVl">"Wait why am I included in the exams?"</p> <p class="cnM1ZjFjMWQ4Yjg1ZjQ2YWQ5N2RlYTRkNjYxYzA0MmU3">"Well since you're so longing to help me out, I thought I could make you do your job as a receptionist to explain the details to them, telling them what they need to know. While also making you do a friends job as to help me out doing my paperwork for these exams and hunting reports last week, and's lets not forget your job as a High Ranking Hunter in helping me out for this exam as judge and jury for these newcomers, DEAR FRIEND," said sis Rubeca in a sarcastic manner.</p> <p class="cnM1YzdhZGNlOTE2YjQ1ZTY4NmMzYTM1NzVhNjczY2Fh">"WHAT!, w-well please excuse me then if it's just that, I just heard my friends from a mile away in the frontlines calling for reinforcements so I must return post haste," she said in a troubled manner.</p> <p class="cnNkMDE2ZmVkMGNkYzQ4YjI5OGFkMjRjYjcwNzc0YmVk">Before she could leave though, sis immediately grab her by the shoulders once more to reply with a small voice whispering to her ear where I could just barely hear saying:</p> <p class="cnMxMWQ5NTM5Y2FlNjRjZmFhZjA0NWQ4OWE1ZDg1NWQ4">"This is my revenge for "teasing" me Angie, you will be here until we are done observing the newcomers. For if you are a Hunter, then as a higher ranking hunter I am qualified to give you an order and help out when situations demand you to do so."</p> <p class="cnM0YzI1YzA1YTg0OTQyMGVhMzU0OGVjZGYyZTQ2NjQ2">Angeline starting to look hopeless while still managing her calm smile saying:</p> <p class="cnNkZTFkNzUyZjNmNzQ0MzU5NjRjZTBmYjk2MzA0ZDhj">"What situation!? This is just abuse of power. Tyranny I say," to be quickly replied with a soft chuckle.</p> <p class="cnM3YTdkNTBjOGQ3OTRkNmY5NzBmNTljNjlmZGJkMDRi">"Oho ha ha ha, Don't get me started with more Angie and here you said you wanted to help me."</p> <p class="cnNjYjUyYjA2YTEwNjQxZWU4MDVhNDZjMGUyZWQ1NWU0">Sis says sounded happy. Only for Angeline finally showing a hopeless smile to reply in a defeated manner saying:</p> <p class="cnNkOTU1NmJmODA4ZjQzOWU4MDA2NjdhZGMwYzA5OTg1">"Okay, I'll participate in this exam as judge and jury. But I am not doing your paperwork, do you understand!</p> <p class="cnM4NjZmYzkyOGVhMzQ3NmE4MzExOWViZWFkY2IxNTU4">(When I say "help you in crisis", I mean going hunting together or helping taking care of your siblings)," she says softly.</p> <p class="cnNkNWJmNmIxNGQ2MzRmNzQ5MzkzN2E4Zjg3NWM1MmVj">Sis answers sounded happily saying:</p> <p class="cnMxZDEwYTBjYzM0YjQ2MWZiM2NhNjM2MzE4MTY4NDUx">"Good, that's fine by me. Now explain to them the ways to register, and how do we deem them worthy."</p> <p class="cnM0NWMyNGIwOGIwNjQ5ZjBiMzc1MTNhNDMyMDM3MWYw">"Okay," says Angeline softly while still smiling.</p> <p class="cnMxNDI1ZmVlYjcyNTQ3NDA5NzExMjcxNGE2MzQ2YmQ1">She then starts to look at us, and begins to walk right in front of us, gaining back her composure and smiling like the first time we met her muttering:</p> <p class="cnM4MDhiODYyNGNjMDQ5MjFhMTQ5MDdkYjhkYjIwMzg3">"If I remember correctly, the blonde boy is Sova and the green haired girl is May-"</p> <p class="cnNhZWVkNWJmYjAxMTQ0OWI4NWJlZjZhOWE3NTA4NTg4">Raising her voice to normal and continue saying:</p> <p class="cnM5NWJkZDEwNWRhMDQ4YjA4Yzg4NGUxNGEzMDVhZWZi">"Alright, then you two come closer and listen carefully."</p> <p class="cnMwOWY0Y2Y5Njg3MzQyNTdhOGY5ZDU5YWM5Yzc3ZjM2">As we take a step closer to her, she then continues saying:</p> <p class="cnM5MzYwMTY2N2NhMTQxOWZiMmVlNGM0ZTM2Mjk3NWJk">"There are multiple ways people can register them self as a Hunter in the whole world. And before I could tell you how, I need to explain the purpose of Hunters. Hunters are more than a title given to those who are worthy of it, but also a job given to the strong to protect the weak from the horrors beyond, the mission of a hunter is simple to kill any inhumane threat that poses a danger to society and humanity as a whole, and we are sworn to take an oath to never hurt our own kind. Next is, we have Branch Guilds and Special Ranked Hunters everywhere in the world from the biggest city like Rucina till the smallest frontier villages in the uncharted lands to deal with the rapid developing threat if it ever occurs, except the Eastern Aologi Empire."</p> <p class="cnM2ZDhjOGE5YjQ5YTQyNjFiNjM1OGZjNTRlNmFkZWNm">Curious I ask:</p> <p class="cnMyYTk0NjY1NmQwNDQ3NzFiNDQ2MTJkZGRjMTZlYTE1">"But why? I know that the Empire is powerful in their own right, but why are they refusing a helping hand."</p> <p class="cnNmZjg0OGQ2NTczMDQwZTI4NzNlOTQwMmMwODczYmZl">May raising her arm saying:</p> <p class="cnMyZTI2MTVlZmEyYzQwOGRhMGYwMGM3YTAzMWM2MmQ3">"Ms Angeline, please let me answer this one."</p> <p class="cnMyNDk0YWM4NDUyNzRkMWM5ZTcwY2I0ZTQ1MTNmODdh">"If you insist, but please you two can call me Angie like how your sister calls me," she says softly.</p> <p class="cnM4N2Q5MDQ1MDJhMjQwYjg4NGRlMzgzMzYxMDA0ZGZl">"Okay, well Sova, I guess I didn't tell you this before, but do you remember the climax of the civil war that happened in the Aologi Empire 9 years ago?"</p> <p class="cnM2YjlhYTk2MGRjZDQ1ZWRiNGExNDBiM2M0NTI1Nzg5">As I begin to remember back, it's the time when Mom and Dad took me to the sky for my birthday present. Clenching my fist hard till it shakes, Angie looked at me with a worried face asking:</p> <p class="cnM0YTdiNjFlMmMxYjRjMWU5MGI0MWM3MDQ1NGFhZWZl">"Are you okay Sova? Did something happen?"</p> <p class="cnNiMzE1MjM3MWVhMzRkY2FiY2U5NmM5MWQzOGJlMmEx">"No, it's just a bad memory."</p> <p class="cnNkOTI5ZWNhZTgwZTQ2ZDFiZTE5NjI1NWU1YjcxYTll">May holds my clenched fists saying:</p> <p class="cnNlYjcwNWNmM2IwMzQwNTU4YzgwOTg0YzU5MTQ3NWQz">"Sova It's okay, I'm here... No, we're here with you. we'll be together," hearing her say that, I relax my hands and nod signalling her to continue.</p> <p class="cnM4YTY1YTNiZTdiOTRhOGM4YjM5NjVmMThiMjJlNjgz">"Well, You see one of the reasons the civil war escalated and the rebellion happened is because when the Empire finally accepted the Guild's offer or nagging of endless requests to use Hunters. They decided to finally accept it and place the hunters guild branch on their industrial city near the borders of the Confederation. But the brewing conspiracy group that had infiltrated its way inside the Empire has made its way into the branch guild. Turning the branch guild's master to help the enemies. Converting the one and only base in the city with hunters, the capital city of the rebel where they started their coup d'état."</p> <p class="cnM1MTBkODNlMjg2YzRkNDg4NGZhN2E1MjllMzVhYmY2">Putting all the things she said together, I finally realize replying:</p> <p class="cnMyYzM1ZmRhNzVjNzQ5NGViMTI5ZGZlNDNjMmM4YzMz">"Oooh, no wonder. They pretty much don't trust the guild anymore... Wait so why is Coryn doing here then?"</p> <p class="cnM5Y2NiOTQ5NDgxMjRkMzNhNDEzZDY4OTQ3ZDEzYzc3">"Well I can answer that," says sis Rubeca.</p> <p class="cnMzMDU5Y2UxNzc5OTQ3NWRhMGNhMzNhOWY3M2VlZDlk">When Angie starts to interrupt her saying:</p> <p class="cnNiMTFiYjVhNTEzNjQ3ZGRhOTZhNjk3ZjIwNzBlMWIy">"Are you sure? You're about to reveal secret diplomatic missions you know."</p> <p class="cnNkNDUwZGRiZjM2ZTRhMjY5ZjY2YTk0M2NkYTlkZWZi">Only to be replied with:</p> <p class="cnMwY2YwZWExNGRhMTQxYWNiNDNmYjNkMGQ4NTRhODli">"If it's that much of a secret then how do you know it's a secret?"</p> <p class="cnM3N2MzZTI3MGNkMzRkMzlhNGJkNTBhNjM0NTZjMzg2">"I don't, but I do know that it's not something to talk about to kids like them."</p> <p class="cnNkNWM1ODJmZjgyNDQ1YzE5ZDRmOTQ0NmEwYmIzNGZl">Sis then look to the side to ponder. Finally answering:</p> <p class="cnNhYmRmMjY1MDdhNTQ3YzQ4ODA4YmZlYjY5NGRlOGM1">"Fine, sorry Sova guess I can't tell you for now."</p> <p class="cnMwYzQ5Nzg4OTNiMjQzODc5ZDY4MTEwZGNiYjc1MzQ2">I nod saying:</p> <p class="cnNhZmQ5ZjcxNTcwYTQ0ZTFiOGI1YjE1MWE2N2EzMWQ3">"It's okay, So continuing on the explanation?"</p> <p class="cnMwZmZiOTFlYWEzYTQ1NGE5ZGZlYjZjNzQ1ZDYwOWNj">"Ah yes, so there are multiple ways you can register your self as a hunter, the first one is the easiest one."</p> <p class="cnNkNTFiNzAxNjNkNTQ1YWI5YTMzNGNkZjFiYzBhN2Qx">She says that while looking at sis before she continues saying:</p> <p class="cnMyNjU1ZTkzYzJhNTRkYjk4NDZkNGUxYjFlZjA1ZTFm">"Is just by filling your biography, like your full name, age, gender, date of birth and et cetera and doing a simple mission as hunting a GIANT CHICKEN to pass," Angie says loudly as to make everyone hear clearly.</p> <p class="cnM5YzE2YWJkMzgyYzQyYzU4MWIxOWYyYmUxN2QxMGQ4">Sis interjects her explanation saying:</p> <p class="cnMwYzUwMTJiNmNmYjQzNjhhNDhiZWIxMWM2N2I4Y2Zm">"You know, for a receptionist, you shouldn't skip out on information like that Angie."</p> <p class="cnMxZDI1YmU1YTU2MjQzODM4OGVjNmZlYjNmMjhhYjI3">Only to be replied with:</p> <p class="cnNkMWY1MmEwZjljNDRkYTA4NDMxNTE4YTdlZjhlYzQw">"Please be quiet when I'm explaining. I'm doing this because I was forced to, so at least let me just do what I want and explain this kinda mundane exposition quickly to the important parts to them. I myself, am getting bored."</p> <p class="cnM4ODExMzk3MjgxZTRmOTViYTgwNzQ3ZTlkNjUzNWRm">Angie said in a strict manner while still in her smile. Continuing in a gentle manner saying:</p> <p class="cnNmZDlhNmIxNWM0NTQzZWQ5ZmM2ODc1ZTU5NGMyZDU3">"Right now, you two are registering through the special recommendation method, this method is usually used by High Ranking Hunters to help recruit initiates with great potential in the future, while also having special talents like young magicians who can cast 6 elements at once. So this method must have their recruits show their outstanding abilities that makes them unique and special from others.</p> <p class="cnNkMzI4MzhhMmE5ZDQ2NGViY2RjNzczNDZkNTZmNjY4">Basically your "OH SO WONDERFUL SIS RUBECA" just put you in hard difficulty, high risk, high reward situation. To boot it all off since it's her, the guild can't just say no to the one that catches the eyes of the OH SO GREAT RUBECA," she said loudly to emphasize her words.</p> <p class="cnNlOTg2NGMyNzZiNzQwMjFiMmYzYzMxZmI3OTg5Nzcy">Looking at sis Rubeca she is still as calm as ever, closing her eyes. I breathe out a breath of relief, why is she provoking her if she knows what will happen, does that mean something worse happened that sis can't tell us about.</p> <p class="cnNjMTQ0NmE0MmY0OTRlNTBiMzNkZDkzNDYzZmNhMjJi">(I'm quite curious now.)</p> <p class="cnM1ZTQxM2QyMjI0MjQ1MDE5YzBkN2U5NDNlZjU4ODcw">When Angie then turns around to look at the two dummies set up in the arena. Pointing at them saying:</p> <p class="cnMyZDk4YjU5NGIxZTRiYTRhMTgxMDQ2NGVjZmViOTQy">"Well, you see those dummies. Well simply put your job is to give everything you've got at them showing them what you can do to make you feel "Unique". Do not worry the dummies won't have a hard feeling for they're meant to be decimated to nothing."</p> <p class="cnNmZmI2OTQzZDg2NTRlMmU4MDU4Y2I5ODhkYTRlNDkw">I suddenly raise my voice saying:</p> <p class="cnNlOGY1YjhjM2M4ZTQ2NzM4Nzg4ZDk4MjFmYjJiNTQy">"Wa-wa-wait, Sis if what she is saying is true, then what are we suppose to do I don't have any elements nor can I use magic even May can't use magic- Well she can still sense them but What am I suppose to show?" I said in a panic.</p> <p class="cnM3M2ZiNWFkZTFmMjQ3N2RiNmZkZmVhNDc2MWI3ZWRj">"Do not worry Sova, you already finish the training I gave you remember, just use it on the dummies I can assure you those skills are "Unique" in their own right. After all, it's not like normal Hunters can use it and besides few High Ranking Hunters can't use it either." explains Rubeca calmly.</p> <p class="cnM4Y2Y2MWE3N2I1ZjQ2NTRiM2EzYWMxNDQyYjA1ZTky">I took a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds before letting it out, to calm my self down. Looking around the weapon-filled room, I decided to pick my weapon walking to the nearest weapon and decided to grab a metal spear, 2 meters long, simple in design that looks like a generic spear the Conscript always use. While May takes a Simple whip made of leather. And as we descended the stairs together distancing our self. Standing across a few meters away from the dummies. When Angie starts explaining, making me look up to where the voice is coming from.</p> <p class="cnM4ODc3MDZlNTBlODQzZDlhODA3ZjMzZDUyZmM0OTc3">"In this test, you will be given a training dummy to display your skills upon this small arena, like where you are standing right now. So now please, show us what you two are made off."</p> <p class="cnMwODdjZTMyMmE1NTQzNzFiM2E0ODFkNzcwYzBiZDA3">As she finishes saying that she then starts whispering to sis Rubeca, with low enough voice and distance that I can't really make up what she is saying. So if this is like the training we did, looking at the dummies in front of me, I take a stance with the spear in hand.</p> <p class="cnM0ZGMwNWZhZGEzZjRjMDZiMzVjMmJhN2ExYTY0NTdk">Remembering the way to use it, feel it across your body. As I move my left leg forward and raising the back of my spear with my right hand by just leaning the spear to my forearm, to a position that looks like I'm about to pierce the one in front of me. Concentrating this sensation I feel across my body to the tip of the spear, forming a wave-like aura on the tip of the spear. As to condense the aura on the tip, I keep muttering to my self.</p> <p class="cnM0OWU1OGUwYzMyNzQxOGVhZDA0YjFkYjMyYzljYjU3">"Focus, focus, focus."</p> <p class="cnNhYTY3MTU1MGZkZjQ1Y2Q4MmIzMmMyMWM5ZDA1M2E2">When I thought it's finally gathered enough, I immediately push the spear with all my right hand can muster, and bending my left arm inwards in the process, making the spear fling into the dummy piercing it. Leaving only the support stick that helps the dummy stands, and continues to puncture into the wall behind the dummy till half the spear is in the wall. Leaving me in the basic stance sis told me about, but this time my left leg is forward. When I look at Angie she is showing a forced smile while sweating a little.</p> <p class="cnNmNjVjNWQ2YWM4YTRlODg4NWRkNDFhOWRmNzE1YmU3">When it's May turn after she saw my display of skill, she says to her self in a low voice that I could hear.</p> <p class="cnM3MGRlZTIxZDczMzQ3NzZiN2FkN2RmZjMyMWY2ODJl">"I'm gonna do better."</p> <p class="cnNhOGI2ODU3NzdiMjQ4Mzk4ZmI5MjA1NDkzOGRkNDY2">Swinging her whip around her, forming a whirlwind like formation, moving like it has the mind of its own, imagining to protect the user. I then sense all the aura she had started to coat all around the whip, spreading around, and gathering around the tip to manifest some ball like shape resembling a morning star, before she then starts swinging the whip around wider and wider, as to gather the momentum then proceeds to slams the whip that looks like a elongated morning star into the dummy crushing it beneath the whip, and pulling it back to her hands in quick succession, leaving nothing in it's wake except traces of holes in the floor.</p> <p class="cnM5Y2RkYmRjYTIzZDQzYTA4MzhkNzUzYzMwMWZlOTBj">"Morning star, he he he," she said happily while laughing.</p> <p class="cnM0MTU5YjEwOWYzMTRlMGRiNThkNTJkNWUyZGY4NzIx">I then decided to look at Angie one more time, she now shows a much more force smile than before and more cold sweats drips from her head.</p> <p class="cnMzNTA1OWRhNmYwMjRlZDhiYjY0NjVhOWYzNzdjMjhk">She then starts to look at Rubeca saying:</p> <p class="cnNmZmNiOWNhYzM2ODQ4N2Y4ZTcxYWQxMWE5NmY4Y2Yy">"Did you just teach them spirit energy? The one the first Emperor of Rucina used in his conquest of unification, the so-called "Qi", are you crazy they could have died! With how the Emperor not saying much about it back then," she says angrily as to scold Rubeca while still smiling.</p> <p class="cnM0MmMyYjc0YzAxYTQzZDBhMjc1YmZjMjdkNzU2Mjg3">Only to be replied with, "Why would you say that I saw them both having great potential inside of them so why not harness it. After all, they are the one who ask me first how or what should I do or have, if I wanted to be a successful Hunter, since I nor they can't use magic, like almost the rest of the world can. So I decided to teach them what I can do. So the quote for the training is "If I can do it, you two can do it better," I mean it's not like he didn't leave no legacy for his Qi. He did teach his sons and daughters but we know what happens after that. Nevertheless, he did leave a clue to, "release yourself," says sis Rubeca softly.</p> <p class="cnNjNWQ0Yzk4MDQxZDQ4OGM5NmJlYTY3NjU3ZTMxMzE1">"That's just not right, the way he teaches qi is just too vague lets be honest here the term "release" is used by many and the one that manages to try it and succeed died from the "weakening effect" for let me think they don't know how to "keep it back inside." Rookies with a weak mind and body could seriously die a slow and horribly painful death of the weakening effect as they grow lifeless by the minute don't you take the risk into consideration," Angie retort sounding very angry.</p> <p class="cnNiOTc3ODZjZGM0ZjQ0MjU5Njc1Zjk4YzQzYWJkZTYz">"The proof is already there. They both can do it and at such a young age no less. Besides after the Emperor died many people tried their best making multiple techniques of their own that varied from each other in a unique way like what they do here. So what's your rating Misses Judge, mines a fine and dandy A-okay," says sis Rubeca softly while being sarcastic.</p> <p class="cnNjNzMyZjY2NmE2MzQ4MjdiYTNmYzdkZjA5YzgzZmQx">Angie looking back and forth between us and sis Rubeca sighs and finally says:</p> <p class="cnNkODdlZjdmYTU3MjQxODQ5ZGU5ODUzMGVjNzZlNzU5">"They pass, with that much control in Qi they are no different than most High Ranking Hunters. You two shall now be registered as Special Ranking Novices, so please wait for 3 days as I and Rubeca do the paperwork and the making of the cards for you two. Now then this time if you would please excuse me, I would like to go and do the paper works and also makeup all the shifts that I miss being here."</p> <p class="cnM5NDdhNWQ3NmRlMzRlNjRiNDRkNzc3NzdiMTY1YjYy">"Oh sure," sis replied gently to Angie.</p> <p class="cnNkZGIxZjQ5Y2M4YTQ0ODJhMTM2MzBkNDViMDJmZGM2">Before Angie leaves, she starts to take out a pen and some small parchment from her pocket, writing down something in some unknown language that looks like bent lines with strips and dots. giving it to sis afterwards. She then regains her composure once more. Looking like the first time we met her. She walks out of the room in a quick manner opening the door and closing the door delicately.</p> <p class="cnNkZmM2MzFmY2QwNTRiYjA5M2EwMmFhNThmOThmNDA2">Looking at May, seeing her smiling happily so I said to her:</p> <p class="cnNlNTY1Y2VkNjliZTQ4Yzc4ZDFmM2EwMzAxNDM3N2Yx">"See May, you are very special after all."</p> <p class="cnM5MzhjYTU1NDc2YTRmMDU4NTI5ZTY1ZTM0Zjc1YmJk">Looking at me with a surprised expression before blushing a little, walking closer to me pulling my cheeks once again saying:</p> <p class="cnNiNjljNDM3ZDhjOTQ3MTFiYzZkNjI0OTc5MzIzZWMy">"Punishment..."</p> <p class="cnM4NWE0YTdjZWJkZDRjNTI5YzBiZmZjNWZmNjQ1ZTAw">Feeling the pain I close my eyes and once again screams:</p> <p class="cnNmNjRlMDA1OTQxZjRlZjQ4M2Q5ZDE0MWQzM2M1ODUx">"Ow ow ow ow ow, waaay pes sas te."</p> <p class="cnM3ZmJjMjI4ODRjOTQ0N2U4MDZhYWIwMDQ3ZWVlZDdi">Before pulling me close face to face from my cheeks, as she loosened her grip and I opened my eyes. Seeing her bringing her face closer to mine...</p> <p class="cnNhZjg3MWUxZjlkMzQwOThiNTM4ZDQwNDIwNDE1YzMy">Feeling our lips touch each other...</p> <p class="cnM4ZTNkMTgyNDgzYzRlNDk5NTBmODBlNmNiY2YyNDFh">after letting me go from her pinch she says:</p> <p class="cnMxM2U5OWJhZWU0MTRhMjZhMzI4NmUzNGRmMjdlYTJl">"This is my revenge for making me like this. Be happy for it's my first," she says before looking away making me unable to see her face, as she walks out of the arena in quick strides.</p> <p class="cnNhZDNmNjI1ZDU3NjQxNTY4MDUwZDk3MzE0MGE3Mzkx">What does she mean like this? I feel somewhat pretty happy and embarrassed. So did sis see any of that as I look to the side I saw sis jumping down to the arena walking closer to me, giving me a pat on the head saying:</p> <p class="cnNjMDg1YmVkZjU5ZTQ4ZGU4ZjRjZTQ3YzdmN2U4YTJl">"Well congrats Sova, you're becoming more mature and took another step on the stair to adulthood. I guess? Maybe? I think?"</p> <p class="cnMyZDVjMjk1NGYyODQ5MTFhNzZiMzRmNTZkYmFlOWM5">"Can you not change your words, Sis?"</p> </div>
"Huh? Oh, this thing?" She lifts her arms and continues saying: "Well, it's the traditional clothes, used during the Emperor's time for females who haven't married yet back then. Men also have one, do the two of you wish to try one, I could commission two of them from the guild if you wish? And why is Sova face red, are you sick Sova?" As sis voice became worried, she closes the distance between us in no time and holds my face with both her arms before I could react, looking at my neck and touching my forehead afterwards. Before saying: "There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with you?" I shook my head, while still feeling warm inside and distancing myself a bit saying: "I'm totally fine sis, I'm all okay." May suddenly ask in a loud manner saying: "Sis that's not what I mean. I'm asking why are you wearing those clothes!? It looks almost very inappropriate." "Oh, really? I once saw nobles in social gathering parties wearing something more revealing. But you see, when you become a Special Ranking Hunter. The guild would have you wear these clothes so that you can be easily identified and recognize as someone important, while also proving you're done working and free. Since I am, I must wear these clothes until I'm about to leave or whenever I return. It's kinda hard to put it on or move for that matter with this attire." "... Is. that. so..." May stares at her continuously. Sis ignores May's stare and looks at Angeline saying: "Oh if it isn't Angie, thanks for bringing them here." Angeline makes her calming smile saying: "Please, your thanks is unnecessary, after all, I'm just doing my job. So please think nothing of it." Sis staring at Angeline with a blank face and continues saying: "Yeah right..." She continues to look at us asking: "May, Sova how does it feel, to be in Centrals public locations?" May replies quickly saying: "It... sucks! It's too big, it's wide, there are too many end corners and too many hallways. The card you gave me to indicate that we are not someone you wanna mess with or "Protect us" didn't work, didn't they or that annoying golden guy saw us came out of the V.I.P room and why is the restroom so far-" Taking a huge breath in and out to calm down and continue saying: "At least the place looks nice, a great atmosphere, very comfortable furniture and lots of free refurbishment in between the travels, making it very welcoming to be in." Sis stares at May for a moment, then begins to look at me asking: "So what about you Sova? You may have just been awake but what do you think?" "Well, I don't really know what to complain about nor say...." "Well, I'm happy to know you both enjoy it... At least you haven't really hurt anybody right?" I immediately answer: "No, of course not. Violence is not always the answer." Then sis reply sounding happy saying: "Glad to hear that, I'm happy to know you didn't forget any of that Sova." Only to be replied: "That's very rich coming from you Rubeca." It was Angeline who said that. Unlike the usual calming smile she had, this time she has a cheerful grin, looking at Rubeca sharply with her eyes. As if she has something planned horribly for her. Sis Rubeca Counter it, immediately saying her reply with a way of speaking that I never heard her use before: "Ye never saw anything Angie, shut ye trap aboot it." Angeline's grinning turns more malicious and her eyes bend more into a frown as if she got sis on her trap, she continues saying: "Oh I'm sorry, I mean I never ever saw the first time you tried to regis-" Her voice comes to a halt. Sis Rubeca closes the distance between her and Angeline, grabbing her on the jaw with her right arm, in a speed I couldn't even catch up bursting with murderous aura and her green eyes glow like she found her prey. Angeline tried to remove sister's arms but to no avail. Sis threatening her with a malicious glare saying: "Spill anything more and Ila crush ye head from ye jaw ya hor." I immediately go to grab sister's right arm, pulling it as I'm trying to make her let her go. But she wouldn't even budge. I shout to sis saying: "Sis please let go of her, this is crazy! Stop doing this, someone is seriously going to get hurt. I don't really mind if you did something bad back then. But right now you should stop doing something seriously bad," I said to calm her down. (Is sis always this vicious?) Sis looks at me with her glare, feeling scared I look at May to see her... (How do I describe her face, disappointed?) May shakes her head before she runs grabbing sister's arm asking her: "Sis seriously, what are we doing here again, to see you doing this?" Sis looking at May staring for a few seconds, before finally letting go. The glow in her eyes and murderous aura began to dissipate. Me and May decided to let go of her and she begins to calm down. Looking at Angeline, kneeling down on the floor with her knees. Holding her jaw that has blue marks where sis is holding it just now. Sis immediately looks worried saying: "Angie I'm so so sorry, why did you do that. You know what would happen if you tried teasing me. My mental state is a little bit haywire when I return from that place." Sis then puts her arms inside her robe, taking out a potion like bottle with red liquid giving it to Angeline. Angeline looking at sis Rubeca for a while before taking the bottle to drink it. When she drinks it, her bruise begins to disappear and her face returns to how it used to be. Angeline stands up, dust away her clothes, fix her posture and gives a gentle smile once more saying: "I wanted your precious families that you told me countless time during your work time, to know more about you. Not only your good sides but also your problems and your difficulties. And I would give my life if it means helping you out. I've been wanting to meet them when you tell me your stories with them. After all, you would never tell anyone anything unless they ask for it considering your personality." Sis looks at Angeline with a solemn expression, then proceeds to hold both Angeline's shoulder saying: "Geez, I don't even know what your ideas of helping out means, but if it means endangering your self I won't let it. I didn't bring you and everyone else from Underground out so that they can serve me, but for a new chance of life in the surface. And here I thought you were finally acting like a professional for once." Angeline brushes of Rubeca's hands off from her shoulders. smiling cheerfully saying: "Well I said it before and I'll say it again, my professional career can go out of the window if it means I can help you out in your dire times, that's how I want it and you cannot stop me from doing it," her voice sound firm. May and I began to calm down when the conflict is finally settled, I took a huge sigh as to free my self from the tension just now, looking at May seeing her finally calming down too. When sis took a deep breath and letting it out. Only to say: "Well then, if you are so eager to help me out... Since you're here, then I guess we can begin the exams." Angie replied in surprise saying: "Wait why am I included in the exams?" "Well since you're so longing to help me out, I thought I could make you do your job as a receptionist to explain the details to them, telling them what they need to know. While also making you do a friends job as to help me out doing my paperwork for these exams and hunting reports last week, and's lets not forget your job as a High Ranking Hunter in helping me out for this exam as judge and jury for these newcomers, DEAR FRIEND," said sis Rubeca in a sarcastic manner. "WHAT!, w-well please excuse me then if it's just that, I just heard my friends from a mile away in the frontlines calling for reinforcements so I must return post haste," she said in a troubled manner. Before she could leave though, sis immediately grab her by the shoulders once more to reply with a small voice whispering to her ear where I could just barely hear saying: "This is my revenge for "teasing" me Angie, you will be here until we are done observing the newcomers. For if you are a Hunter, then as a higher ranking hunter I am qualified to give you an order and help out when situations demand you to do so." Angeline starting to look hopeless while still managing her calm smile saying: "What situation!? This is just abuse of power. Tyranny I say," to be quickly replied with a soft chuckle. "Oho ha ha ha, Don't get me started with more Angie and here you said you wanted to help me." Sis says sounded happy. Only for Angeline finally showing a hopeless smile to reply in a defeated manner saying: "Okay, I'll participate in this exam as judge and jury. But I am not doing your paperwork, do you understand! (When I say "help you in crisis", I mean going hunting together or helping taking care of your siblings)," she says softly. Sis answers sounded happily saying: "Good, that's fine by me. Now explain to them the ways to register, and how do we deem them worthy." "Okay," says Angeline softly while still smiling. She then starts to look at us, and begins to walk right in front of us, gaining back her composure and smiling like the first time we met her muttering: "If I remember correctly, the blonde boy is Sova and the green haired girl is May-" Raising her voice to normal and continue saying: "Alright, then you two come closer and listen carefully." As we take a step closer to her, she then continues saying: "There are multiple ways people can register them self as a Hunter in the whole world. And before I could tell you how, I need to explain the purpose of Hunters. Hunters are more than a title given to those who are worthy of it, but also a job given to the strong to protect the weak from the horrors beyond, the mission of a hunter is simple to kill any inhumane threat that poses a danger to society and humanity as a whole, and we are sworn to take an oath to never hurt our own kind. Next is, we have Branch Guilds and Special Ranked Hunters everywhere in the world from the biggest city like Rucina till the smallest frontier villages in the uncharted lands to deal with the rapid developing threat if it ever occurs, except the Eastern Aologi Empire." Curious I ask: "But why? I know that the Empire is powerful in their own right, but why are they refusing a helping hand." May raising her arm saying: "Ms Angeline, please let me answer this one." "If you insist, but please you two can call me Angie like how your sister calls me," she says softly. "Okay, well Sova, I guess I didn't tell you this before, but do you remember the climax of the civil war that happened in the Aologi Empire 9 years ago?" As I begin to remember back, it's the time when Mom and Dad took me to the sky for my birthday present. Clenching my fist hard till it shakes, Angie looked at me with a worried face asking: "Are you okay Sova? Did something happen?" "No, it's just a bad memory." May holds my clenched fists saying: "Sova It's okay, I'm here... No, we're here with you. we'll be together," hearing her say that, I relax my hands and nod signalling her to continue. "Well, You see one of the reasons the civil war escalated and the rebellion happened is because when the Empire finally accepted the Guild's offer or nagging of endless requests to use Hunters. They decided to finally accept it and place the hunters guild branch on their industrial city near the borders of the Confederation. But the brewing conspiracy group that had infiltrated its way inside the Empire has made its way into the branch guild. Turning the branch guild's master to help the enemies. Converting the one and only base in the city with hunters, the capital city of the rebel where they started their coup d'état." Putting all the things she said together, I finally realize replying: "Oooh, no wonder. They pretty much don't trust the guild anymore... Wait so why is Coryn doing here then?" "Well I can answer that," says sis Rubeca. When Angie starts to interrupt her saying: "Are you sure? You're about to reveal secret diplomatic missions you know." Only to be replied with: "If it's that much of a secret then how do you know it's a secret?" "I don't, but I do know that it's not something to talk about to kids like them." Sis then look to the side to ponder. Finally answering: "Fine, sorry Sova guess I can't tell you for now." I nod saying: "It's okay, So continuing on the explanation?" "Ah yes, so there are multiple ways you can register your self as a hunter, the first one is the easiest one." She says that while looking at sis before she continues saying: "Is just by filling your biography, like your full name, age, gender, date of birth and et cetera and doing a simple mission as hunting a GIANT CHICKEN to pass," Angie says loudly as to make everyone hear clearly. Sis interjects her explanation saying: "You know, for a receptionist, you shouldn't skip out on information like that Angie." Only to be replied with: "Please be quiet when I'm explaining. I'm doing this because I was forced to, so at least let me just do what I want and explain this kinda mundane exposition quickly to the important parts to them. I myself, am getting bored." Angie said in a strict manner while still in her smile. Continuing in a gentle manner saying: "Right now, you two are registering through the special recommendation method, this method is usually used by High Ranking Hunters to help recruit initiates with great potential in the future, while also having special talents like young magicians who can cast 6 elements at once. So this method must have their recruits show their outstanding abilities that makes them unique and special from others. Basically your "OH SO WONDERFUL SIS RUBECA" just put you in hard difficulty, high risk, high reward situation. To boot it all off since it's her, the guild can't just say no to the one that catches the eyes of the OH SO GREAT RUBECA," she said loudly to emphasize her words. Looking at sis Rubeca she is still as calm as ever, closing her eyes. I breathe out a breath of relief, why is she provoking her if she knows what will happen, does that mean something worse happened that sis can't tell us about. (I'm quite curious now.) When Angie then turns around to look at the two dummies set up in the arena. Pointing at them saying: "Well, you see those dummies. Well simply put your job is to give everything you've got at them showing them what you can do to make you feel "Unique". Do not worry the dummies won't have a hard feeling for they're meant to be decimated to nothing." I suddenly raise my voice saying: "Wa-wa-wait, Sis if what she is saying is true, then what are we suppose to do I don't have any elements nor can I use magic even May can't use magic- Well she can still sense them but What am I suppose to show?" I said in a panic. "Do not worry Sova, you already finish the training I gave you remember, just use it on the dummies I can assure you those skills are "Unique" in their own right. After all, it's not like normal Hunters can use it and besides few High Ranking Hunters can't use it either." explains Rubeca calmly. I took a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds before letting it out, to calm my self down. Looking around the weapon-filled room, I decided to pick my weapon walking to the nearest weapon and decided to grab a metal spear, 2 meters long, simple in design that looks like a generic spear the Conscript always use. While May takes a Simple whip made of leather. And as we descended the stairs together distancing our self. Standing across a few meters away from the dummies. When Angie starts explaining, making me look up to where the voice is coming from. "In this test, you will be given a training dummy to display your skills upon this small arena, like where you are standing right now. So now please, show us what you two are made off." As she finishes saying that she then starts whispering to sis Rubeca, with low enough voice and distance that I can't really make up what she is saying. So if this is like the training we did, looking at the dummies in front of me, I take a stance with the spear in hand. Remembering the way to use it, feel it across your body. As I move my left leg forward and raising the back of my spear with my right hand by just leaning the spear to my forearm, to a position that looks like I'm about to pierce the one in front of me. Concentrating this sensation I feel across my body to the tip of the spear, forming a wave-like aura on the tip of the spear. As to condense the aura on the tip, I keep muttering to my self. "Focus, focus, focus." When I thought it's finally gathered enough, I immediately push the spear with all my right hand can muster, and bending my left arm inwards in the process, making the spear fling into the dummy piercing it. Leaving only the support stick that helps the dummy stands, and continues to puncture into the wall behind the dummy till half the spear is in the wall. Leaving me in the basic stance sis told me about, but this time my left leg is forward. When I look at Angie she is showing a forced smile while sweating a little. When it's May turn after she saw my display of skill, she says to her self in a low voice that I could hear. "I'm gonna do better." Swinging her whip around her, forming a whirlwind like formation, moving like it has the mind of its own, imagining to protect the user. I then sense all the aura she had started to coat all around the whip, spreading around, and gathering around the tip to manifest some ball like shape resembling a morning star, before she then starts swinging the whip around wider and wider, as to gather the momentum then proceeds to slams the whip that looks like a elongated morning star into the dummy crushing it beneath the whip, and pulling it back to her hands in quick succession, leaving nothing in it's wake except traces of holes in the floor. "Morning star, he he he," she said happily while laughing. I then decided to look at Angie one more time, she now shows a much more force smile than before and more cold sweats drips from her head. She then starts to look at Rubeca saying: "Did you just teach them spirit energy? The one the first Emperor of Rucina used in his conquest of unification, the so-called "Qi", are you crazy they could have died! With how the Emperor not saying much about it back then," she says angrily as to scold Rubeca while still smiling. Only to be replied with, "Why would you say that I saw them both having great potential inside of them so why not harness it. After all, they are the one who ask me first how or what should I do or have, if I wanted to be a successful Hunter, since I nor they can't use magic, like almost the rest of the world can. So I decided to teach them what I can do. So the quote for the training is "If I can do it, you two can do it better," I mean it's not like he didn't leave no legacy for his Qi. He did teach his sons and daughters but we know what happens after that. Nevertheless, he did leave a clue to, "release yourself," says sis Rubeca softly. "That's just not right, the way he teaches qi is just too vague lets be honest here the term "release" is used by many and the one that manages to try it and succeed died from the "weakening effect" for let me think they don't know how to "keep it back inside." Rookies with a weak mind and body could seriously die a slow and horribly painful death of the weakening effect as they grow lifeless by the minute don't you take the risk into consideration," Angie retort sounding very angry. "The proof is already there. They both can do it and at such a young age no less. Besides after the Emperor died many people tried their best making multiple techniques of their own that varied from each other in a unique way like what they do here. So what's your rating Misses Judge, mines a fine and dandy A-okay," says sis Rubeca softly while being sarcastic. Angie looking back and forth between us and sis Rubeca sighs and finally says: "They pass, with that much control in Qi they are no different than most High Ranking Hunters. You two shall now be registered as Special Ranking Novices, so please wait for 3 days as I and Rubeca do the paperwork and the making of the cards for you two. Now then this time if you would please excuse me, I would like to go and do the paper works and also makeup all the shifts that I miss being here." "Oh sure," sis replied gently to Angie. Before Angie leaves, she starts to take out a pen and some small parchment from her pocket, writing down something in some unknown language that looks like bent lines with strips and dots. giving it to sis afterwards. She then regains her composure once more. Looking like the first time we met her. She walks out of the room in a quick manner opening the door and closing the door delicately. Looking at May, seeing her smiling happily so I said to her: "See May, you are very special after all." Looking at me with a surprised expression before blushing a little, walking closer to me pulling my cheeks once again saying: "Punishment..." Feeling the pain I close my eyes and once again screams: "Ow ow ow ow ow, waaay pes sas te." Before pulling me close face to face from my cheeks, as she loosened her grip and I opened my eyes. Seeing her bringing her face closer to mine... Feeling our lips touch each other... after letting me go from her pinch she says: "This is my revenge for making me like this. Be happy for it's my first," she says before looking away making me unable to see her face, as she walks out of the arena in quick strides. What does she mean like this? I feel somewhat pretty happy and embarrassed. So did sis see any of that as I look to the side I saw sis jumping down to the arena walking closer to me, giving me a pat on the head saying: "Well congrats Sova, you're becoming more mature and took another step on the stair to adulthood. I guess? Maybe? I think?" "Can you not change your words, Sis?"
{ "title": "War, Honor and Vengeance", "id": 21409, "author": "AveAnderson", "rating": 5 }
{ "title": "Ch-12 The Second Disaster – 2", "id": 305515, "next": 305516, "prev": 305303, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1ZDJkZTNkODM2ZDQxM2ViNGY0NzU2MjE0Y2EzMjVl">“WHAT ARE YOU MUTTS DOING!! ARENT YOU WOLVES?!! PROVE IT TO ME THAT YOU ARE WOLVES AND NOT DOGS!! BREATHE DEEPER, BREATHE HARDER. TAKE IN MORE AND WHEN YOU RELEASE YOU BARK!!!!! I CAN'T HEAR YOU, MIDGETS!!!!”</p> <p class="cnMyMzM2NWI1OGE5YjRkODhiOGY4ODZiYjBhMmFmMjQ5">“HAIII!!!”</p> <p class="cnM4OTRiYjg4YmU3ODQyNjk4MGZlYTljYjUwNjAyNzIy">“HAIII!!!”</p> <p class="cnNlZmY4YTQ3MDU2MTQ0ZTg4Mjg5MTc5NDZlOGFkMDg0">Sonorous shouts of two young kids rung through the entire Castle of Cainhorn, giving headaches to all people within it. As for the kids, it was a miracle that they haven’t already broken their vocal cords by shouting continuously for around 3hours. But the ruthless instructor, still had them shout louder and louder, and so, the shouts kept on echoing perpetually and continuously without a single hint of stopping anytime soon.</p> <p class="cnM4MDA1ZmFiMmM2NjQ1ZTQ5NTgxMmM4NzU1NTYwNDc4">The kids who were practicing were none other than Aslak and Felix and they were training in the Black Wolfe Battle Technique. The Battle Technique which focuses more on leadership, companionship and cohesion rather than strength and agility. With the basic precept to lead and cooperate than to attack, this technique was fairly tough to master, because it needed one to understand his partner’s or the guy next to him, intentions and help him execute it. This was the Black Wolfe Battle Technique of the Dean family.</p> <p class="cnNmM2JjMmYwOWNlNzQ3ZDk5YzU5NDRkMmI4MDhiNzhh">“Haii!”</p> <p class="cnMxMjQ2OGVkZWE4YzQ2OTc4MWIxNTExNTAzZDM2MWYy">“Yap!”</p> <p class="cnM4ODk3MDI0ZTk4MzQyNjRhZTdmNDk1NjViOTFkZDgx">“Right!!”</p> <p class="cnM0YjM2YWNmMTRlZDRjMDNhNGRhZDVlMTQ1YzM3YWVh">“Left!!”</p> <p class="cnNiZjI0ZjJkNmQ0ZDQzN2U4ZjU0MzM2M2Q3ODc2MGRi">The shouts and cries rung through the entire courtyard, but then suddenly, a Persian slave, wearing the lightest of armors entered the courtyard. He had long black hair, pitch-black skin and large biceps. He is one of the few Persian slaves, who chose a member of the Dean family as their master and swore to serve them. Yalcin, he is called and since he has the fastest of the feets and had the best tongues, he was ‘recruited’ by Sir Loann, to make him his ‘errand guy.’ Sir Loann didn’t really have much job and therefore in his free time, he would be asked to fetch reports on his siblings’ condition and more importantly, of his mother’s situation.</p> <p class="cnM3YjcxOTc0ZWU2YjQ4MzRhODRhNmQ4OTY5NWNkNzc2">Yalcin entered the courtyard and immediately gained the attention of all of its inhabitant, especially Sir Loann. Yalcin bowed lowly to Felix and Aslak and then made his way to Sir Loann. He went really close to him and whispered some message in his ears, which instantly enraged him.</p> <p class="cnMzODY4NTkzODY4YjRiYjVhYjFmZTk0OTQzMzUzOTJh">“What!!!” he cried out loud, turned to Felix and Aslak and commanded, “Both of you don’t stop practicing!!”</p> <p class="cnM5YTE2MWYzNTE5NzQwNDFhNzczOTYyY2IyNjQ3OTgy">Saying that he dashed into the Castle along with Yalcin, leaving Felix and Aslak in great confusion and bafflement.</p> <p class="cnM0MThhMWM2YjliZDRkNzk4MWJmYTk3M2NlZTY0Y2Jk">“Well, that … was easy. Never knew it was so easy to get rid of him!” said Aslak hoarsely from the side.</p> <p class="cnM3ZmVlYWUyN2VlNzRmZmY5YzQzOWRlMWRhYWM1ZTZj">“Shuddup! Follow!” replied Felix with a more broken voice. “What! But he told—hey! Wait up!" cried Aslak but Felix had already dashed into the Castle.</p> <p class="cnMyNzUyZmQ1MGNlMDQxMDdhODA1MWI2NDE0NzkzY2U5">…</p> <p class="cnNmNTNhOThhNTExMDRjNjQ5NTZlNzJiMzY0MzZhN2Vi">Into the Castle, everything seemed pretty normal until Felix asked one of the servants passing around.</p> <p class="cnMwNmY3ZmMzZWRlMjQ2MWQ5Y2I3ODY1YzZjNmZhNDJj">“Is there something special going on?” he asked and the reply was quite astonishing.</p> <p class="cnMxMzE2MjdhNjFmZTQxZDk5ZmQ1MWUxMjYyZTgwYjZj">“Oh! Yes, of course, sire. I heard that a messenger from Lord Hendrickson had arrived to exchange the big boats, Sir. And… um, I think I heard something like having an Imperial meeting or something, which Lady Faye had to attend. I'm not quite sure.”</p> <p class="cnMzYTZmMjQ2NzNiODQyMTc4YTY5ZTlmZGUxYWMwM2Fl">“Thanks a lot!” replied Felix and dashed towards the Hall Room, which is the usual place where foreign guests are attended. He was sure that that’s the place where Sir Loann was headed. Behind him, Aslak was running and huffing terribly because he was already half-exhausted to death by the training.</p> <p class="cnNmZGMzMTU0N2YyZjQyZWE5ZDZmYzRiZWQzNjNmMTVk">…</p> <p class="cnM2ZWI2OTlkOTBmYTQzOWZhODU1NzllYWM5YTg5YjVm">Felix dashed into the Hall Room and pretty much like all the other places of the Castle, it was also quite … empty. He looked around a bit, but other than the old wife of the house butler, there were none. Bang!</p> <p class="cnMzYzYyMDlkZjVkNDRmZmE5OWY2MDUyOGQyYWMxNGY0">“Ju-just stop there… huff…Felix… I'm dying…” cried Aslak as he banged into the room, but he and his condition was all ignored by Felix. He, instead went towards the old-woman and asked, “Did the meeting with the foreign delegates happen over here, Madam?”</p> <p class="cnM4NzkzYzFjNmI5ZjQ1ODRiY2YzY2ZlZTM1OTlmZTM2">“Oh! No, sire, I'm afraid not. You see, the new ships have arrived. So, Milady Faye went to welcome the delegates and it seems like she was to leave along with the delegates for some… for some…”</p> <p class="cnNjZjkwNWViY2IwZDQ1M2Y5NDVjM2Y0YTljMzQxZjU1">“Imperial council?”</p> <p class="cnMxYTFhMzhkOTFmODQxNDJiYTI3MDUxYzZkNDY2MDQ0">“Yes, yes. Imperial council. That’s exactly what I heard, sire. Why? Is there a problem, sire?”</p> <p class="cnNkNDZhMjA0ZmMxNTRmMDViMGEwNWM2OGI0YWI4NjFl">“No, thank you!!” replied Felix hurriedly and dashed towards the exit, but while doing so, he glanced at Aslak and said, “If you don’t get up, I'm gonna leave you.”</p> <p class="cnM4YjU1OWEyMjFmODQ5YWNhMDBmYzc5MTJhMzI1Nzhi">“Leave … me … alone…” cried Aslak slowly and tiredly, but instead of showing concern, Felix smiled brightly and said, “Oh! Well, fine by me, but If Sir Loann asks me, I will tell that you're lazing around. See ya!!”</p> <p class="cnMwMTc1ZTJiZDRiNzQ1MDVhMWUwMDI5NmM3ZTZjYTBi">Saying that Felix dashed without looking back a single time and as for Aslak, after a moment of surprise, he kept on cursing Felix as loudly as he his broken voice could facilitate.</p> <p class="cnMwYWM0YTY5ZmU4NTQ5ODY5ZjU0NmVlZTkwZGZhNmZh">…</p> <p class="cnM5OWMxN2EwMTY5ZTQ2MGM5MWU1MzAxOWFiZmYxMmQ1">“Heave-ho! A new ship has arrived!!”</p> <p class="cnMzMTAwOGExZWE3YzQ1ZTc5NmIyMDQ3NDk0YjhjODky">“Look at the size, my goodness!!”</p> <p class="cnNjOTBlOGMzYmNkMjQxNjM5ZjMxYzVjY2RiNWFhODhk">“Wah! Mom, how many guns are there? Can I destroy the Cainhorn castle with it?”</p> <p class="cnMzYzllY2ZkMjBiMzRjZmM5OTQyYTIxZDY1OTI2NzA0">“Shush! Watch what you speak!!!”</p> <p class="cnNkYjM4NzExOTA4NjQzZDA4Yzk5OTg2OTU5ZjEwOGZh">“But mom—”</p> <p class="cnM1NmMyYTFkMDdhMDQ1ZmQ5NTIwOGJjZDkzNjg2NTY3">“No! Not a single more word!!”</p> <p class="cnM3ZTRhNzRkMTVhMjQzMWFiN2I2YzQ2NmUxMTRkZTI0">Felix heard some very disturbing voices in his ears while getting to the docks, voices which somehow felt like a rebel’s voice and he didn’t like it at all. But for now, his priority was his mother and so, without a care, he dashed to the dock. He shoved and pushed the crowd which has gathered to look at the massive ships, but unfortunately, he was already too late. Right when he was 100 yards or so away, he saw the largest ship he has ever seen in his life, sail away.</p> <p class="cnM3ODhlMzk4YjFlNTQ5NDBhMDY0Yzk1MDIwOTFlY2Zk">That ship was 150-200meters in length and was a whopping 350meters tall with a flag of the Dean household flying on the largest mast. It had long white sails with a big red cross painted on it and had 74guns in total. This was the magnificent Man'O'War of legend. The size and shape were not only shocking to commoners, it was also for Felix, who stared at it open-mouthed. And even though, the ship looked a bit wobbly in such shallow waters, it was still nothing but a beast.</p> <p class="cnMyOGNkNGYwYmMxNzQwYmU5ZDE0MDgwNzM5N2U3NWEz">It was only when the boat had almost touched the horizon, that his real objective lit up in his head, but right then, two things happened. One, Aslak caught up with him and secondly, Sir Loann had found them.</p> <p class="cnNkYzU1YWI3NDkxMTRlN2NiZTYwMzZjNGJhNmEwYzVh">“What are you both of you doing here?!!!!!” asked Sir Loann in a rather angry tone. His anger was clearly visible from his face and eyes.</p> <p class="cnNjOTBlN2FkOGNiZTRmNDNiNmYyZTZiYmRjZGYzZjU4">“Huh! Eh! That…” stuttered Aslak in terror, while Felix he was already frozen solid on the side.</p> <p class="cnNiYzMwOTZkMmQyNzQ4ODRiMDdiYmRhYWZkZTc3OTU5">“BACK TO TRAINING!!!!”</p> <p class="cnM5ZGQ2YjA0OTNiMDQ1YTRhOGYwNTA5ZDU1ZDZkYjAw">“SIR YESSIR!!”</p> <p class="cnMyYzU3YWM5ZjhhMTQwOGE5NGI0YzRkMGQ0ZThiMTdj">…</p> <p class="cnNiMDlmYzJiNDg4MzRmNDc5MmEyMjgzODM5MTVlODE2">It was later that Felix was informed that his mother really went with Hendrickson’s messenger to his fief to attend a dining party with other nobles. This was an unprecedent feat because the Dean family had remained neutrals for ages, living lives of hermits in mountains. This practically means that the Dean family is starting to come out of its shell and this is not what most people, at least the Dean household likes. Neither, Felix, not Aslak, Sir Loann, Sir Peder or Julian and the other veterans, who were all a part of the Dean household liked. But the deed had already been done and the ship has sailed. There was a chance to catch up with it, if it was a smaller boat, but boats like these weren’t as slow or stiff, as one would think and has considerable speed than normal boats or horses could catch up to.</p> <p class="cnM4YmZiOGRlYzBiYjQ2ZDRhNDQzMzQzMDBkNDNhODMx">And therefore, with a faint hope that nothing would go wrong, the Dean household and all the people of the Cainhorn Castle and Cainshire went to their normal work and schedule.</p> <p class="cnMzZGNlMzgxNTA3NzQ3NTBhMTRlYzBlM2I0NWE0MzA5">Days passed and soon one month had passed and the date arrived on which Lady Faye’s ship was scheduled to return. Felix, Aslak, Sir Loann and Lady Aarti were the only one present in the docks this time and there was also a barricade set up to prevent the common peasants to interfere like last time. They waited patiently and just like scheduled, the ship did return with most of it’s hired crew.</p> <p class="cnM2NTNiYzIxNTk1MzRkZWY5ZmJlM2M5MTE3ZjYwYmZl">Almost instantly, a heave of sigh was heard from all the people present there, but their hearts stopped when the actual fact was brought upto them.</p> <p class="cnMxYzM3YmIwMmJjZjQ3ZTU4ZTg0YzU1MWEzZTVkYjY1">Lady Faye was not there.</p> <p class="cnNjN2MwMTM2MWQ5OTRiNjFiNjAyMWUwMGFmNThhMTg2">It was informed that Lady Faye had a change of heart and that she wanted to live a few days in Sir Hendrickson’s fief and that she would leave by land and do a land tour on her way back, while visiting Earl Roderick, Viscount Clovers and other nobles of the Crest faction, the faction who had eternal enmity with the Dean family. The naval captain also said that, she wanted to forge better relations with the Crest faction and to create a large trade route to boost the family’s trade. It was all good from the political point of view, but this was not something that was needed or desired and had lot of risk in it.</p> <p class="cnNhNjhmMTIwYzY1ZjQxMjk5ZjIyNzJiYWIyYjc3NGEx">Sir Loann immediately apprehended the Captain and the crew and detained them. He even ordered all the people who heard this to keep mum, which basically included Felix, Aslak and Lady Aarti. The news was relayed to Julian and Lady Yasmin and an emergency meeting was arranged and immediately, letters and messengers were sent to Earl Roderick, Viscount Clovers and Duke Hendrickson.</p> <p class="cnMyZjZhZTUyZTFlMjQ5NGE4NmVjYjkzM2VmMjM3Mzli">They waited enough, but no reply came back, neither the messengers or their horses or ships returned. It was as if nothing had happened in the first place and with the higher ups getting more and more worried, Sir Loann called for another meeting.</p> <p class="cnMyMTY2OGFkNGFiMTRjNWFiNTcwNTUwM2UyZDlhMDk1">Felix and Aslak wasn’t allowed into these meeting, because of one reason: too young.</p> <p class="cnM0MmU1MjNlYzZmMTRhYjFhMDBhZmMxOWVkZGU4ZThh">They obviously didn’t agree on it, but they couldn’t oppose Sir Loann’s orders. All they knew was that three units of veterans were organized, one led by Julian, one by Sir Loann and the last led by Princess Aarti, herself. According to the plan, Sir Loann’s unit was to sneak onto Viscount Clover’s territory to investigate and the places further than that, Julian of Earl Roderick’s territories and Lady Aarti was to take the armed Man'O'War and two frigates and go to Sir Hendrickson’s territory, to pressurize him, if possible. It was more of reconnaissance, but they had to take into count all possibilities.</p> <p class="cnNiMDAwMzNkMmJlOTRkNTA5ODE4YWY4NDU3MDEwZThi">And so, just like that the units departed. The deadline was 1month and any later than that, it would be deemed that the unit has either died or disbanded for various reasons. The Cainhorn Castle was truly empty for the first time.</p> <p class="cnMwYTIxNGExYWE4ODQ2ZDQ4YzEwZTcyYWEzNmZjODc4">…</p> </div>
“WHAT ARE YOU MUTTS DOING!! ARENT YOU WOLVES?!! PROVE IT TO ME THAT YOU ARE WOLVES AND NOT DOGS!! BREATHE DEEPER, BREATHE HARDER. TAKE IN MORE AND WHEN YOU RELEASE YOU BARK!!!!! I CAN'T HEAR YOU, MIDGETS!!!!” “HAIII!!!” “HAIII!!!” Sonorous shouts of two young kids rung through the entire Castle of Cainhorn, giving headaches to all people within it. As for the kids, it was a miracle that they haven’t already broken their vocal cords by shouting continuously for around 3hours. But the ruthless instructor, still had them shout louder and louder, and so, the shouts kept on echoing perpetually and continuously without a single hint of stopping anytime soon. The kids who were practicing were none other than Aslak and Felix and they were training in the Black Wolfe Battle Technique. The Battle Technique which focuses more on leadership, companionship and cohesion rather than strength and agility. With the basic precept to lead and cooperate than to attack, this technique was fairly tough to master, because it needed one to understand his partner’s or the guy next to him, intentions and help him execute it. This was the Black Wolfe Battle Technique of the Dean family. “Haii!” “Yap!” “Right!!” “Left!!” The shouts and cries rung through the entire courtyard, but then suddenly, a Persian slave, wearing the lightest of armors entered the courtyard. He had long black hair, pitch-black skin and large biceps. He is one of the few Persian slaves, who chose a member of the Dean family as their master and swore to serve them. Yalcin, he is called and since he has the fastest of the feets and had the best tongues, he was ‘recruited’ by Sir Loann, to make him his ‘errand guy.’ Sir Loann didn’t really have much job and therefore in his free time, he would be asked to fetch reports on his siblings’ condition and more importantly, of his mother’s situation. Yalcin entered the courtyard and immediately gained the attention of all of its inhabitant, especially Sir Loann. Yalcin bowed lowly to Felix and Aslak and then made his way to Sir Loann. He went really close to him and whispered some message in his ears, which instantly enraged him. “What!!!” he cried out loud, turned to Felix and Aslak and commanded, “Both of you don’t stop practicing!!” Saying that he dashed into the Castle along with Yalcin, leaving Felix and Aslak in great confusion and bafflement. “Well, that … was easy. Never knew it was so easy to get rid of him!” said Aslak hoarsely from the side. “Shuddup! Follow!” replied Felix with a more broken voice. “What! But he told—hey! Wait up!" cried Aslak but Felix had already dashed into the Castle. … Into the Castle, everything seemed pretty normal until Felix asked one of the servants passing around. “Is there something special going on?” he asked and the reply was quite astonishing. “Oh! Yes, of course, sire. I heard that a messenger from Lord Hendrickson had arrived to exchange the big boats, Sir. And… um, I think I heard something like having an Imperial meeting or something, which Lady Faye had to attend. I'm not quite sure.” “Thanks a lot!” replied Felix and dashed towards the Hall Room, which is the usual place where foreign guests are attended. He was sure that that’s the place where Sir Loann was headed. Behind him, Aslak was running and huffing terribly because he was already half-exhausted to death by the training. … Felix dashed into the Hall Room and pretty much like all the other places of the Castle, it was also quite … empty. He looked around a bit, but other than the old wife of the house butler, there were none. Bang! “Ju-just stop there… huff…Felix… I'm dying…” cried Aslak as he banged into the room, but he and his condition was all ignored by Felix. He, instead went towards the old-woman and asked, “Did the meeting with the foreign delegates happen over here, Madam?” “Oh! No, sire, I'm afraid not. You see, the new ships have arrived. So, Milady Faye went to welcome the delegates and it seems like she was to leave along with the delegates for some… for some…” “Imperial council?” “Yes, yes. Imperial council. That’s exactly what I heard, sire. Why? Is there a problem, sire?” “No, thank you!!” replied Felix hurriedly and dashed towards the exit, but while doing so, he glanced at Aslak and said, “If you don’t get up, I'm gonna leave you.” “Leave … me … alone…” cried Aslak slowly and tiredly, but instead of showing concern, Felix smiled brightly and said, “Oh! Well, fine by me, but If Sir Loann asks me, I will tell that you're lazing around. See ya!!” Saying that Felix dashed without looking back a single time and as for Aslak, after a moment of surprise, he kept on cursing Felix as loudly as he his broken voice could facilitate. … “Heave-ho! A new ship has arrived!!” “Look at the size, my goodness!!” “Wah! Mom, how many guns are there? Can I destroy the Cainhorn castle with it?” “Shush! Watch what you speak!!!” “But mom—” “No! Not a single more word!!” Felix heard some very disturbing voices in his ears while getting to the docks, voices which somehow felt like a rebel’s voice and he didn’t like it at all. But for now, his priority was his mother and so, without a care, he dashed to the dock. He shoved and pushed the crowd which has gathered to look at the massive ships, but unfortunately, he was already too late. Right when he was 100 yards or so away, he saw the largest ship he has ever seen in his life, sail away. That ship was 150-200meters in length and was a whopping 350meters tall with a flag of the Dean household flying on the largest mast. It had long white sails with a big red cross painted on it and had 74guns in total. This was the magnificent Man'O'War of legend. The size and shape were not only shocking to commoners, it was also for Felix, who stared at it open-mouthed. And even though, the ship looked a bit wobbly in such shallow waters, it was still nothing but a beast. It was only when the boat had almost touched the horizon, that his real objective lit up in his head, but right then, two things happened. One, Aslak caught up with him and secondly, Sir Loann had found them. “What are you both of you doing here?!!!!!” asked Sir Loann in a rather angry tone. His anger was clearly visible from his face and eyes. “Huh! Eh! That…” stuttered Aslak in terror, while Felix he was already frozen solid on the side. “BACK TO TRAINING!!!!” “SIR YESSIR!!” … It was later that Felix was informed that his mother really went with Hendrickson’s messenger to his fief to attend a dining party with other nobles. This was an unprecedent feat because the Dean family had remained neutrals for ages, living lives of hermits in mountains. This practically means that the Dean family is starting to come out of its shell and this is not what most people, at least the Dean household likes. Neither, Felix, not Aslak, Sir Loann, Sir Peder or Julian and the other veterans, who were all a part of the Dean household liked. But the deed had already been done and the ship has sailed. There was a chance to catch up with it, if it was a smaller boat, but boats like these weren’t as slow or stiff, as one would think and has considerable speed than normal boats or horses could catch up to. And therefore, with a faint hope that nothing would go wrong, the Dean household and all the people of the Cainhorn Castle and Cainshire went to their normal work and schedule. Days passed and soon one month had passed and the date arrived on which Lady Faye’s ship was scheduled to return. Felix, Aslak, Sir Loann and Lady Aarti were the only one present in the docks this time and there was also a barricade set up to prevent the common peasants to interfere like last time. They waited patiently and just like scheduled, the ship did return with most of it’s hired crew. Almost instantly, a heave of sigh was heard from all the people present there, but their hearts stopped when the actual fact was brought upto them. Lady Faye was not there. It was informed that Lady Faye had a change of heart and that she wanted to live a few days in Sir Hendrickson’s fief and that she would leave by land and do a land tour on her way back, while visiting Earl Roderick, Viscount Clovers and other nobles of the Crest faction, the faction who had eternal enmity with the Dean family. The naval captain also said that, she wanted to forge better relations with the Crest faction and to create a large trade route to boost the family’s trade. It was all good from the political point of view, but this was not something that was needed or desired and had lot of risk in it. Sir Loann immediately apprehended the Captain and the crew and detained them. He even ordered all the people who heard this to keep mum, which basically included Felix, Aslak and Lady Aarti. The news was relayed to Julian and Lady Yasmin and an emergency meeting was arranged and immediately, letters and messengers were sent to Earl Roderick, Viscount Clovers and Duke Hendrickson. They waited enough, but no reply came back, neither the messengers or their horses or ships returned. It was as if nothing had happened in the first place and with the higher ups getting more and more worried, Sir Loann called for another meeting. Felix and Aslak wasn’t allowed into these meeting, because of one reason: too young. They obviously didn’t agree on it, but they couldn’t oppose Sir Loann’s orders. All they knew was that three units of veterans were organized, one led by Julian, one by Sir Loann and the last led by Princess Aarti, herself. According to the plan, Sir Loann’s unit was to sneak onto Viscount Clover’s territory to investigate and the places further than that, Julian of Earl Roderick’s territories and Lady Aarti was to take the armed Man'O'War and two frigates and go to Sir Hendrickson’s territory, to pressurize him, if possible. It was more of reconnaissance, but they had to take into count all possibilities. And so, just like that the units departed. The deadline was 1month and any later than that, it would be deemed that the unit has either died or disbanded for various reasons. The Cainhorn Castle was truly empty for the first time. …
{ "title": "The Concubine's Tomb: A Dungeon Core novel", "id": 20846, "author": "NotGodot", "rating": 4.6 }
{ "title": "Volume 1: Blood and Stone: Chapter Twenty-One", "id": 305517, "next": 306134, "prev": 304940, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNhYjEzMDY5YzlhNzQzZmY5MzBhNzEzYzhjYjY5NGM3">With the ghoul lying on the tunnel floor, sliding towards death, Anomus found himself faced with a choice – attempt to heal the creature without claiming it, or claim it without its permission. The choice was no real choice at all, he felt; he wasn’t even sure he <em>could</em> affect physical change in the creature without claiming it. And even if he was able to, he doubted he could do so with the speed and precision necessary to make a difference. And so he reached in, having previously inserted his consciousness into the ghoul, and pressed his will upon it.</p> <p class="cnM5NjZiOTFmYzMyMDQwNGE5NWYzZjBlMTM1MzVjZWM2">Only to find that he could not, in fact, do so. It was as if he were trying to grasp air. He could ‘see’ the ghoul in its entirety, down to the level of its life code, but he could not claim it.</p> <p class="cnMxZjQ5YTc3YzA5YjQ4OWQ4YWQxYzBkZDllMzdhYmU4">He had no time to wonder why. Not if the ghoul was to live. He could only accept the fact, and move on to another life-saving attempt.</p> <p class="cnM0OTM0YTk5YWEzMjQ5MTI4NGFiN2E2OGIxZjE0NmY3">He could not command the ravaged flesh to heal. But he had some small, if costly, ability to move matter, and the finest grasp of the affected organs. He could also recreate any matter he had claimed – he had claimed no ghoul flesh, but he had claimed human flesh, and they were not dissimilar. Anomus could alter the human flesh he created to match the particulars of the dying creature’s body, but it would not be quick. He could see exactly what was wrong, and what must be done to stave off death. He simply did not know if he could do what was necessary in time.</p> <p class="cnMyNDQzZTQ1MTZmODQ0MTA4NTQzYzIyNTE3OTgyYTE1">All he could do was try.</p> <p class="cnM2ZjQ5M2U2ZGEzYjQ1M2Q5MGZiZjdkNzg2YWNlZjlh">The most important measure he had to take was to staunch the bleeding. He dove his consciousness into the ghoul’s body and began to knit back together the largest severed vein, creating modified human tissue to do so. It worked, or was starting to work, and so he began the process in a dozen other places that he judged most needed to be healed, were the ghoul to have any chance.</p> <p class="cnNiMTI3ZmZmYWE2MzQzN2VhNGVmMGExNjUwZDk4OTRh">In less than a minute, he knew he could not do enough, not in time. He needed something to keep all the various organs from leaking away while he repaired them, infinitesimal bandages of a sort. And he had nothing.</p> <p class="cnM4NTMxNDk4NTFjNzRhYWNhNzFmYjVlMDBiOGU2YzAy">No. He had one thing. The spirit tendrils.</p> <p class="cnNjYWNjZDE2OWJhMzQ2OTE4YjIyNzhkMDk3YzEzNmY3">He had modified them once to expand and contract, to act as muscles and ligaments for his failed skeleton. He believed it was possible to modify them again, to act as a sort of barrier. They could bind up all the wounds, great and small, and give his modified human flesh time to grow and heal. As soon as the thought occurred to him, he set to work.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDFkMTQ4ODkyZTRhOWU4MTA2ZDlmNTM5M2MwZGEx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlNzI2ZDViOTY5YjQ3NWJiNTIyYjAwMjc3MTkyN2Nj">~ ~ ~</p> <p class="cnM3NzJlMjA2MjQ3NjRhMDhiNjIyNDAyMzAwYWYxMDBj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjYjkxZDNhZDU2MjRlYWZiZWYwODIwM2M4ZTQ4ZDJh">Krrsh woke. He was lying on his back in the tunnel. At first he could not remember how he had gotten there, and then suddenly Ngrum’s silently snarling face rose up in his memory, and he remembered all.</p> <p class="cnM1NDI4MmY5YjUxMDRhNjFhN2ZhN2ZlMTYwNjI5ZmFi">Gently, he reached down to his belly, feeling for loops of his guts. All he felt was fur and scar. He breathed a sigh of relief and tried to rise. He found he was too dizzy, too weak to do so easily.</p> <p class="cnMyMTNhZDhmMTUzNjRjNmY4ZDgwMTliMzM3YzM5NjA5">“Rest,” said Builder. “You will not die, but you are not completely healed.”</p> <p class="cnNhYjM3NDM5NTkwYTRhMTZiNjk4ZDA1NmVmMTE0ZDk1">“Builder save Krrsh,” he breathed.</p> <p class="cnMwZDI1YjY5YThmMDQzMmY4ZTJkYTIwNjFjYjBiOTJh">“Barely. It was a very close thing.”</p> <p class="cnM3ZDE0NDhkZGQ3NDQzZjE4ODM5NDkxZWE1ODJiMmMx">“Is good. Builder good.”</p> <p class="cnNiMjBiNGEzMDYxZTQ5Nzg4MjM4ZGFjZDgyMjZkMThj">“My flies showed me what happened,” Builder said, ignoring what passed for effusive praise, for a ghoul. “Another of your kind tried to kill you.”</p> <p class="cnNhZjFmNTI3ZjBiOTRhZDhhNGY0MzIwMWMxYzcwYTFm">“Ngrum. He hate Krrsh, yes.”</p> <p class="cnNlM2FjMzUxZmU3YzRmYTBiOTBiNzBmZjE1ZDRlNWQ2">“Why?”</p> <p class="cnM1NThlNzAwMzhiNTQxZjJiNGU5NDJmZGZjODEwYWY3">“Ngrum make Krrsh Outcast. But Krrsh trick Ngrum, make Ngrum look stupid.”</p> <p class="cnM1ODZmY2Q1OGZhZTQwYzViMmY2Mzk5NzFjOTgwNDI1">“He made you an outcast? He was your ruler?”</p> <p class="cnM2OGJlOGE2YmYwMTRiMDI4NjFlZDhkZmFjMzgzYzcw">“Ngrum pack leader. Now Ngrum dead.” Krrsh shrugged, then sat up and leaned against the tunnel wall.</p> <p class="cnNiYWJkOWFiNmJlNDQ1ZTM4NDczZWE5MDBkOGY2ZWIw">“So now you are the pack leader?”</p> <p class="cnNkZWFlMDcwMDBhNzQyODU4OWE0N2ExMTY2MTczNGVk">Krrsh thought about that. No one saw Krrsh kill Ngrum. Not good. But Krrsh could take his head and show Ironclaws. Yes. That would be good. Still, another could challenge Krrsh. And Krrsh could not fight right now. Not strong.</p> <p class="cnNlOGFkMGM4ODQzYjQ4OGZhOGFhYWUyMzhlNTNiOTdh">“Maybe,” was all he said.</p> <p class="cnNjYTQ5YjhiYmQwNDRkOTg4MjU0OWMzNzhkNWRkOTlh">“How many are in your pack?” asked Builder.</p> <p class="cnM3MjY0MWYwMjQ4MDQ3ZjI5Y2UyZWVmMTlhMDEwYmQ1">“Too many,” Krrsh grunted. “Four hands of claws. More pups coming. And then Men will come, or food will go. And then Ironclaws will run, or die. Or run and die.”</p> <p class="cnM1MjU1ZmIwZjFmNTRkMjFiMzVlYzRlYTA5ZDNiYjY2">“Can you explain that?”</p> <p class="cnNiNzU2MjFjMmUxMTQ0ZmE4OTViNGEzMDIxYjYwNGMw">Krrsh rolled his eyes, and spoke as to a pup. “Not safe, so many ghouls in one pack. No shelter. Must move to feed. Men see. Men kill. Pack should split, can find food better. Can hide better.” Builder really was not clever.</p> <p class="cnM4OTI3OTYwNmRjMzQ4ZmRiMjFkYTUzMGIyMzg5MzRk">Builder was silent for a moment. Then, “Have you thought about my offer?”</p> <p class="cnM3MjM1MjgzNzZjOTQ3NzY4MjEyZWI3M2ZjNTc5MDZj">“Lift curse? No more Law? Yes, Krrsh think much, before Ngrum attack. Can do or not?”</p> <p class="cnMwODA0M2Q3NzdhNjQyY2U5MGE4ZjczY2Q3MDgwNmQw">“I believe I can make it so you are able to eat <em>anything</em> and keep your intelligence, not just humans, and not just carrion. I can lift your ‘curse’. But the law about not hunting, not eating what you kill – there is nothing written in your body preventing you from doing those things, Krrsh. You must choose either to continue to obey it, or to break it. That must be your decision.”</p> <p class="cnNkMjU1NzYyMTc5MTQ0ODA4OTkwNWM0ZWZlMDYxMjlk">Krrsh thought about that. It was the Law all ghouls followed, and always had. But if Builder could change ghouls, make the curse go away, would they still be ghoul? And if they were no longer ghoul, did they have to follow ghoul Law? It was something he would think about. But there was something else he wanted to know first.</p> <p class="cnM4Yjc2YWFjM2NiNDQ1Y2Q5NGRjNDY5Yjk2MjU4N2Y2">“You save Krrsh, Builder. You say can change Krrsh, take curse away. What Builder want?”</p> <p class="cnMyZGZhMTVmZjhkNDQ2Yjc4Zjk3MjM1YjFhODNmOTEx">“As I said before, I have an enemy I wish to kill. You and yours could help me to do that. In return, I could help you with many things, not just lifting your curse.”</p> <p class="cnM1OWQ5NjBmM2E1ZDQxMDM5OGMwMmFhZGNkNDlkYWQx">“How help?”</p> <p class="cnM0ZTA0YjEyZTEwZTQ3OTNhYzQ1MWEzNDcwNGQ4ZDM4">“Now, your kind roam the desert, searching for carrion. It is dangerous.”</p> <p class="cnNlNTczODk3OTlkZDQ2MzNiZjNiZmEwMWFmM2FiZDli">“Yes.”</p> <p class="cnM2NDAwMmMxMDIzYTRhOWE4ZGY4ZTdmMjU4MTVmMzUy">“You could build a home here, safe underground. Or rather, I could build one for you.”</p> <p class="cnMxZDkzYTNjZDJiYjQyNzU4MGYwMmU5ODQzMWZkMTJj">“But where get food? Builder has much food, yes, but will not last.”</p> <p class="cnNhODcxMTY3YzFhYjQ1MTRiYmU0MDkzNjgyNzdjZDVk">“I can make more for you. Better, I can show you how to raise your own.”</p> <p class="cnM4YzllM2IxZWI1NjQ5NDk4ZDU0YmViODMwZTRhYThi">“Like Men?”</p> <p class="cnNiNDg5ZjI4ZjdiNDQ2NDJiNzFlOWRmYmJlNTNmMjE3">“Yes. Perhaps not exactly like. Men do not raise crops or livestock underground. But very like humans, yes.”</p> <p class="cnM2YzQ5ZmFmMzVlYTQ4YzhiYTRhN2Q4OTc0M2U2OWU0">“You do that, so it means… you want to be pack leader.”</p> <p class="cnMzNDBiZjliMWVhYTQ5MDRiYTVjMTY0NDIzNGVhMGRi">“No. I do not wish to tell the ghouls what to do. Your lives are your own. I only want you to help me kill my enemy. That is the bargain I wish to strike.” Builder was silent for a moment. “Humans have many kinds of leaders, not just a pack leader. Each leader leads for different reasons. I suppose you might say I wish to be the war leader of your pack.”</p> <p class="cnM4Y2EzMmNiYjJjZTRmNjFiMzYzMWM5ZGZkN2YwMWU4">Krrsh scratched at his ear. “What is war?”</p> <p class="cnMyNjhmNzlhOTU2OTRkZjU5YjY4MWYwMWYwZThhODAx">Builder sighed. “War will take some time to explain, I think.”</p> <p class="cnM5ZmYwZWQ3ZWU3MTQ2ZDFiZTUzMDQyOGFkOWU2N2Zk">Krrsh shrugged. “Krrsh not go anywhere.”</p> <p class="cnMyYjYyMjQ1MjY2OTQ5NGY5YjRhZDI5ZTBhYzE1YmVj">“Krrsh, humans don’t just kill ghouls. They kill each other, and quite often. When they do it in large numbers, it is called war. And I am at war with the leader of humans. The emperor.”</p> <p class="cnM4NzIzYTJhYjU2ZjQzNDQ5M2YwZjQzY2UxMjA5MGNi">“Emperor is pack leader for Men?”</p> <p class="cnM3NGY2NDg1MTAzNTQ5OGM5N2NjZjk1NTAwNWE2ZTNi">“I suppose you could say that, yes.”</p> <p class="cnNkYzQ2MDI1YzkyYzQxMGZhZWU4YzBiM2JmNzEzZjcy">“So Builder wants to be pack leader for Men?”</p> <p class="cnNlMDY0NDcyNGIzOTQwZTE4YzZkNmI2YWZlNjQ0MDM2">“No.”</p> <p class="cnM0MmU5OWNlMDllMDQ2ODNhOTU1NDM0YzljMTFhNDZh">“Then kill for what?”</p> <p class="cnNkYTQ1MmE2MzgwNTQ5MjZiZWQ4OGU1MWQ5MjIyZTg2">“All the food here, and the food across the river – they were… my pack, Krrsh. The emperor killed my pack. And now I will kill him. I believe you and your kind can help.”</p> <p class="cnM5Yzc2ZTdkN2I4ZjQ3OWNiNDkyY2Q0NmQ4YzQwOTk5">Krrsh considered this. Builder was strange. Builder was not Man, but said his pack had been Men. And he wanted to kill pack leader of Men. But he did not want to be pack leader of Men. Or ghouls.</p> <p class="cnMxMzUwYTAxNmMzOTRhNGNiODFhMmQ1NGNjMjlhY2Rh">Builder was very strange, yes. But Builder was not bad. Builder helped. Builder could lift curse. Builder could teach ghouls how to be more like Men. Krrsh felt a certain unease at that. And a strange thrill.</p> <p class="cnMwMzRlN2MxZGY0MzRiOTU4ZGRhZTE3NzY0MTkyNjdj">“Builder.”</p> <p class="cnNmZjVmNWJlZTc2MzQxNmI4MTEzMWViOGUxNjgyZDE2">“Yes, Krrsh?”</p> <p class="cnM4ZDI0YTE0YTI5OTRjMmNhNTJjYTA3YTc4ODU1MjFl">“Do it.”</p> <p class="cnM5MzUxNjlkMzk0OTRmN2NhNTNlNjljMTA2OWU1Y2Nm">After a moment, Builder said “It is done.”</p> <p class="cnM5ODViNzdhYjQ5NDQ1Mzc4NDFiMmQ1NGU2NDYwOGJh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiYTNhM2RkYWM2ZjQyNDQ4NmMxYmIzNmMyYTNjNmM3">~ ~ ~</p> <p class="cnM0MDM3OTZhNjBhYTQ5N2M5ZjBhMjQwNzk5NzViOTRm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwMWVmN2YxYWYxNTRkMjhiYjBlNTIyODkzZDVjZjVi">Anomus had labored over the severely injured ghoul for hours, but once the spirit tendrils had stabilized the creature, he had known it would not be in vain. The ghoul would survive. When that concern had been dispelled, Anomus had turned to wondering exactly what had happened, and more importantly to him, whether it was safe to reopen the tunnel entrance. He did <em>not</em> like being cut off from the source of much of his mana. So he turned to his spies for an answer, to see what they had seen.</p> <p class="cnNlNmVmODdhYTQ5ZjQ4YTQ5ZWY1OTBjZDFhZTk0Mzdi">The answer, as it usually was, was not much that was of interest to anyone not a fly.</p> <p class="cnM5MWIyODAzMmMzODQ0ZmZhMDM5ZDFmNzUxOTA0ZGZm">All of the flies that had returned, save one, were of the group that had exited via the Well’s cap. They confirmed for him that there was a pack of ghouls feeding from the mass burial pit across the river. One had witnessed a solitary ghoul crossing the river, but he did not think it was Krrsh.</p> <p class="cnNjODY1ZTg4ZWNjODQ5NThiYWFjM2IwNzllYWRjOTI5">The single fly that had returned after exiting the Tomb via the tunnel gave him a good idea what had happened. It had spied a ghoul, definitely not Krrsh, making a burrow in the sand near the tunnel’s entrance. Then, quite some time later, it had witnessed Krrsh and the other ghoul fighting. Then it had stumbled onto the entrance to the Tomb at the top of the Well, and so reported to him.</p> <p class="cnM2NzU3NjA3MGI2YzQwMGI5YmUzNjc4MzE2YTFmMWM1">“You were ambushed by your own kind, my friend,” Anomus said to the sleeping ghoul. “I wonder what that was about.” In any case, Anomus saw no reason to keep the tunnel closed any longer. He needed the mana that flowed through it, and saw no great threat to him or the ghoul in reopening it. If Krrsh’s attacker entered, Anomus was confident he could deal with it.</p> <p class="cnMwMzFiOGYxYjU1OTQ0MWY5ZWZjMzMyZmExYTYzNDI1">Once he had dissolved the barrier at the tunnel’s mouth, his other flies began to return, and eventually he was able to piece together the entire fight. It had been quick, and stunningly brutal.</p> <p class="cnNhYTdiMjY1NTllYTRiNjc4YmZjMzgxY2E1MWFkYmE3">Ghouls were vicious fighters, that much became clear to him. Their natural armament needed no augmentation in close combat. But their flesh was just as vulnerable as a human’s. If he <em>were</em> able to utilize them as soldiers, he would need to furnish them with armor. And he believed that saving Krrsh from death would go some way towards convincing the ghoul to make common cause with him.</p> <p class="cnMzZTQyOWViNWNhMDRlOGE5NTBhMWJiYmRmYTVmNGEy">He still wondered why he had not been able to enforce his will upon the unconscious creature. He had done so without issue to the various other living things that were now under his control. The only real, material difference that he could think of was the fact that the ghoul possessed sentience. Was there some stricture that forbade him from making slaves of sentient creatures? It was the only possibility that occurred to him.</p> <p class="cnNiZGM0OTE4ZWE3NjQ0N2NhMWM2NWY4MzU5YzQxZjUx">Not for the first time, he’d wished that the Faceless One had explained more – or anything, really. But once He had imparted the method of creating mana stones, He had disappeared without a word, not giving Anomus the chance to query Him.</p> <p class="cnMyMGJiMDUyNTc0NjQwMTY5MzE3MzZkYTBkN2EyZWU3">Well. The situation was as it was. Anomus had turned his attention to transporting the last of the bones to the catacombs, which he accomplished a little while before dawn. Then, like the recuperating ghoul, he too had gone down into his slumber.</p> <p class="cnM1NWMzY2NlZTE0MjQ4MTA4YWNmN2U5NGI2ZjY0OGIz">The ghoul had slept through the day and into the next night, awaking a few hours after the setting of the sun. And then they had begun their conversation.</p> <p class="cnNlZWM2MWJmZmJlNjQyMDNhMTYzM2U0YjRkYjMyMDQx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiOTJmMjkyOGNjMTQyY2M5NjJiNTQ5OTMwMmI4NDU3">~ ~ ~</p> <p class="cnM2ZTVmMWEwZGM4ODRlZTQ5Mjg4NTg5NTM5OWY5ZmZk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkNzIyMjhiYjdhNzQzYjZhNzIwMWU4NjkxMWVkZDBk">Krrsh blinked. “Done?”</p> <p class="cnNhOWE2YzdkNTI3YjQ3OGM4OGE1NTlhMDY2MzJmMWM0">“Yes.”</p> <p class="cnMwOGMxZGZhNzc1MjQ3ZTc5M2JlMTY3ODE1MzViZDQ1">“Krrsh feel nothing.”</p> <p class="cnM0OTlhZDRhYWQzMTRmY2I5Y2Y3OWY0OTcxMmMwODAy">“There was nothing to feel. Inside your head, past the bone of the skull, are many things, many wonders, but no way to feel pain or touch or hot or cold.”</p> <p class="cnMyMjExYmQzMjU0ZDQ1MTVhODk0ODljZTE1YjA3Zjg5">Krrsh shrugged. He felt many things when he thought too much, none of them very fun. “If Builder say. Curse really gone?”</p> <p class="cnNhZjhlMTMwYWNmYzQ5OWJhNzUwYjM5NDUxM2M3YmYx">“Yes. No matter how hungry you get, you will not become less intelligent. And you do not have to eat the carrion of men, if you choose not to. The… curse made you need human flesh to be able to think well, it was your body’s inability to create certain substances. You had to get them from human flesh.”</p> <p class="cnNmZDMyYjE1NjZmNTQzNTNhZmE3MWEwYmVlNWIzMDQ0">Krrsh had no idea what Builder was talking about. Krrsh didn’t really care. No more curse, that was what Krrsh cared about. And he had not died.</p> <p class="cnMwMGRmOTA1NDBlMTRlMmE4ZGNhZmQ5Y2FhYjU5OTM2">“But still should feel different,” Krrsh muttered, poking at his head with a claw.</p> <p class="cnNkMjRiMzM2OTUzMTQzY2FiMDc3NjRjZjZkNzgxNzQw">Builder sighed. “Rest, Krrsh. Eat. Heal. And then go and gather your people. When you bring them here, I will lift the curse from them as well.”</p> <p class="cnNkYTFiOTc0YzgzYTQ3ODJiODA4N2Y0NzY2NDMxN2I5">“What Builder do now?” Krrsh asked.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDE4ZGMxYjk3MTQ0ZGI4ZWNiNjhmNDRjNTU0NmQ1">“I must prepare a living space for your pack.”</p> <p class="cnMwNmEzODU2NmYwMzQwMTc4YjM1OGVhYTM3NDc0YmZh">Krrsh grunted. Then went to eat. Then, when his belly was full, he curled up in his burrow. He was tired, yes. He closed his eyes. But he could not sleep. Too much had happened, and too many thoughts tumbled and rolled and wrestled in his head, whatever Builder said about brains. Ngrum, the pack, Builder, the curse…</p> <p class="cnM4ZTZmYzU4NGIwMTQ0NGZiYzJhZDJiNGI2YzljMTZh">The curse.</p> <p class="cnM5MDlkMzBiNmI1YjRlOWI5MGQ2YjQ4MjVlOTM3NTIw">No more curse.</p> <p class="cnNiYTJkZGMzNGZiNTRiZDM4NmFhMTljMDlmZWUwMGNh">The curse made ghoul… <em>ghoul</em>. Yes? Yes. Krrsh turned the idea around and around, and thought that it was true. So Krrsh was ghoul no more.</p> <p class="cnM4ZmEyZmYxZGY4NDQxMTNiNmE4MDU0ZmQ3NWE2NjQ5">But what was he now, then?</p> <p class="cnMwN2EyMzZlYjJkNjRhOTFhMTk4NTgwMjU4MTEzOWYx">Something else. That was all he knew. Something like the ghouls before the bad leader did what she did, maybe.</p> <p class="cnM3NjM4MDY0MjgzMzQzNmRiYmQ2Y2Y0MWVhOTA5ODA1">Something more like Men.</p> <p class="cnM4YzM4ZjBhOWVkNjRkYzI4N2I5NDljZGNhODM1OTAy">And what did he know about Men? Not very much. They tasted good. They made burrows above ground. They walked in the day, and at night they made fire to see, because their eyes were weak in the dark. They put their food in the fire, too. And ate things… not meat. Also meat, but also not meat.</p> <p class="cnMyMGMxNjgyZTM0ODQ4ZmRhY2IyMmVjMzNmYzcwNTZm">They made tools and used tools. They did not have claws, or only pitiful claws, so they made claws, for holding and… throwing, flying, to cut, to pierce.</p> <p class="cnMwODg3YTYzYzFmMzQ0YWY4ODJkOTg2OWFjMDkxODg3">They made second skins, much harder than their real skin, or ghoul skin, to protect themselves.</p> <p class="cnM0ZGZiYjVkZmRhMzRjMjk4Yjg1Mzc4YmU2MDJhZDk0">They put their dead in stone boxes, or burned them. Or sometimes just put them in the ground.</p> <p class="cnNkMmQxOTI4Yjk5MzRhY2ZiMTY0MGNhNDU5NDJhYTBk">They killed ghouls.</p> <p class="cnNiOTM1NjJhODMyNTRkZDA4ZGY5OGI5YWVkZWI2ODZj">“Builder,” Krrsh murmured.</p> <p class="cnMzZTRhY2UzMmJlNjQ4OTBhZmMzYmZiMjAwMDc0YWJl">“Yes, Krrsh?”</p> <p class="cnM5ODIyN2NiN2Y5MjQwNTU4OWEzN2QwMGVmYTAxNmE4">“Why Men kill ghoul?”</p> <p class="cnNkOTEyZjQ5MmQyNDRmYTliMjg2NDg2NmEyNTM2ZTVl">“Because you eat their dead.”</p> <p class="cnM0NWU3YmE0NDZlNzQ2ZjQ5NmZlODBhYjJhOWQ2Y2Qw">“But dead is dead. Why they care?”</p> <p class="cnMyMjI3NjI5MTQ1OTQ1OTA5MjAyZjk4ODZiNjJlMmJm">“They care for many reasons. Some believe the body is important in the afterlife. Some simply do not wish to see their loved ones become food, even if they are dead. Most believe the dead should be shown respect. Eating them is very disrespectful.”</p> <p class="cnM5M2Y5YjBkNjkwYjRmZTBhNTQxMGJlNzkzZmM5NTRh">“But dead is dead. Food is food.”</p> <p class="cnM1NDIyZTFmZDRkNDQ0N2I4ZWFkODFkYjQ4YjkzODZi">“Perhaps. But humans will never accept the eating of their dead. They will always seek to kill anything that tries to do so.”</p> <p class="cnM5NzFhMTQ5N2VlNjQzMzc5NTc0NjMwZTc1Nzg3Mzli">Krrsh thought about that. “The curse very bad, then. Very heavy.”</p> <p class="cnNmOTk3NzMyODNkNzQxMTY4ZmQ1ZTJmZmY3NjZlZWE0">“Yes. It was. To survive, you had to do things that made you a hated enemy of humans.”</p> <p class="cnM0YzlmZTM0OWZiMDQ2MWNhZTgwZDU1MDE0ZWY0NzBh">“If ghoul no more eat Man flesh, Men stop killing ghoul?”</p> <p class="cnM4YTUxMWYxYzhmOTQ0NmE4YjBmYjZiMGEzN2Y2ZjNi">Builder was silent for a time. When he answered, his voice sounded uncertain.</p> <p class="cnNiMzJhMjZlMDA2MjRkMmY4ZWNiOTQ2MWMyZDkyYjNl">“Perhaps. Some day. But not soon. Not for a very long time if ever, I think. To men, you might always be monsters.”</p> <p class="cnM1Nzc1YTE1ZGIyYjQ1ZGI4MzE3NTNlMDQ1ODU1YjY1">“Krrsh not know ‘monsters.’”</p> <p class="cnM5NzgyYWUzZjI0YjRjNThhM2Q5ZDMwZjAxMDQzNzBk">“It means bad – not only for what you do, but for what you are. Just for being alive.”</p> <p class="cnMxMzdjNjNkODIyMDQwMWQ5NjliYmU3OWU0OTNjMDE2">Krrsh growled softly. “That part of curse Builder cannot take away.” It was not a question.</p> <p class="cnNiMWEzM2ZkZGQxNjRlYmQ4ZDkwYTk0OTc3NjdmZjE3">“No. I’m sorry.”</p> </div>
With the ghoul lying on the tunnel floor, sliding towards death, Anomus found himself faced with a choice – attempt to heal the creature without claiming it, or claim it without its permission. The choice was no real choice at all, he felt; he wasn’t even sure he *could* affect physical change in the creature without claiming it. And even if he was able to, he doubted he could do so with the speed and precision necessary to make a difference. And so he reached in, having previously inserted his consciousness into the ghoul, and pressed his will upon it. Only to find that he could not, in fact, do so. It was as if he were trying to grasp air. He could ‘see’ the ghoul in its entirety, down to the level of its life code, but he could not claim it. He had no time to wonder why. Not if the ghoul was to live. He could only accept the fact, and move on to another life-saving attempt. He could not command the ravaged flesh to heal. But he had some small, if costly, ability to move matter, and the finest grasp of the affected organs. He could also recreate any matter he had claimed – he had claimed no ghoul flesh, but he had claimed human flesh, and they were not dissimilar. Anomus could alter the human flesh he created to match the particulars of the dying creature’s body, but it would not be quick. He could see exactly what was wrong, and what must be done to stave off death. He simply did not know if he could do what was necessary in time. All he could do was try. The most important measure he had to take was to staunch the bleeding. He dove his consciousness into the ghoul’s body and began to knit back together the largest severed vein, creating modified human tissue to do so. It worked, or was starting to work, and so he began the process in a dozen other places that he judged most needed to be healed, were the ghoul to have any chance. In less than a minute, he knew he could not do enough, not in time. He needed something to keep all the various organs from leaking away while he repaired them, infinitesimal bandages of a sort. And he had nothing. No. He had one thing. The spirit tendrils. He had modified them once to expand and contract, to act as muscles and ligaments for his failed skeleton. He believed it was possible to modify them again, to act as a sort of barrier. They could bind up all the wounds, great and small, and give his modified human flesh time to grow and heal. As soon as the thought occurred to him, he set to work.   ~ ~ ~   Krrsh woke. He was lying on his back in the tunnel. At first he could not remember how he had gotten there, and then suddenly Ngrum’s silently snarling face rose up in his memory, and he remembered all. Gently, he reached down to his belly, feeling for loops of his guts. All he felt was fur and scar. He breathed a sigh of relief and tried to rise. He found he was too dizzy, too weak to do so easily. “Rest,” said Builder. “You will not die, but you are not completely healed.” “Builder save Krrsh,” he breathed. “Barely. It was a very close thing.” “Is good. Builder good.” “My flies showed me what happened,” Builder said, ignoring what passed for effusive praise, for a ghoul. “Another of your kind tried to kill you.” “Ngrum. He hate Krrsh, yes.” “Why?” “Ngrum make Krrsh Outcast. But Krrsh trick Ngrum, make Ngrum look stupid.” “He made you an outcast? He was your ruler?” “Ngrum pack leader. Now Ngrum dead.” Krrsh shrugged, then sat up and leaned against the tunnel wall. “So now you are the pack leader?” Krrsh thought about that. No one saw Krrsh kill Ngrum. Not good. But Krrsh could take his head and show Ironclaws. Yes. That would be good. Still, another could challenge Krrsh. And Krrsh could not fight right now. Not strong. “Maybe,” was all he said. “How many are in your pack?” asked Builder. “Too many,” Krrsh grunted. “Four hands of claws. More pups coming. And then Men will come, or food will go. And then Ironclaws will run, or die. Or run and die.” “Can you explain that?” Krrsh rolled his eyes, and spoke as to a pup. “Not safe, so many ghouls in one pack. No shelter. Must move to feed. Men see. Men kill. Pack should split, can find food better. Can hide better.” Builder really was not clever. Builder was silent for a moment. Then, “Have you thought about my offer?” “Lift curse? No more Law? Yes, Krrsh think much, before Ngrum attack. Can do or not?” “I believe I can make it so you are able to eat *anything* and keep your intelligence, not just humans, and not just carrion. I can lift your ‘curse’. But the law about not hunting, not eating what you kill – there is nothing written in your body preventing you from doing those things, Krrsh. You must choose either to continue to obey it, or to break it. That must be your decision.” Krrsh thought about that. It was the Law all ghouls followed, and always had. But if Builder could change ghouls, make the curse go away, would they still be ghoul? And if they were no longer ghoul, did they have to follow ghoul Law? It was something he would think about. But there was something else he wanted to know first. “You save Krrsh, Builder. You say can change Krrsh, take curse away. What Builder want?” “As I said before, I have an enemy I wish to kill. You and yours could help me to do that. In return, I could help you with many things, not just lifting your curse.” “How help?” “Now, your kind roam the desert, searching for carrion. It is dangerous.” “Yes.” “You could build a home here, safe underground. Or rather, I could build one for you.” “But where get food? Builder has much food, yes, but will not last.” “I can make more for you. Better, I can show you how to raise your own.” “Like Men?” “Yes. Perhaps not exactly like. Men do not raise crops or livestock underground. But very like humans, yes.” “You do that, so it means… you want to be pack leader.” “No. I do not wish to tell the ghouls what to do. Your lives are your own. I only want you to help me kill my enemy. That is the bargain I wish to strike.” Builder was silent for a moment. “Humans have many kinds of leaders, not just a pack leader. Each leader leads for different reasons. I suppose you might say I wish to be the war leader of your pack.” Krrsh scratched at his ear. “What is war?” Builder sighed. “War will take some time to explain, I think.” Krrsh shrugged. “Krrsh not go anywhere.” “Krrsh, humans don’t just kill ghouls. They kill each other, and quite often. When they do it in large numbers, it is called war. And I am at war with the leader of humans. The emperor.” “Emperor is pack leader for Men?” “I suppose you could say that, yes.” “So Builder wants to be pack leader for Men?” “No.” “Then kill for what?” “All the food here, and the food across the river – they were… my pack, Krrsh. The emperor killed my pack. And now I will kill him. I believe you and your kind can help.” Krrsh considered this. Builder was strange. Builder was not Man, but said his pack had been Men. And he wanted to kill pack leader of Men. But he did not want to be pack leader of Men. Or ghouls. Builder was very strange, yes. But Builder was not bad. Builder helped. Builder could lift curse. Builder could teach ghouls how to be more like Men. Krrsh felt a certain unease at that. And a strange thrill. “Builder.” “Yes, Krrsh?” “Do it.” After a moment, Builder said “It is done.”   ~ ~ ~   Anomus had labored over the severely injured ghoul for hours, but once the spirit tendrils had stabilized the creature, he had known it would not be in vain. The ghoul would survive. When that concern had been dispelled, Anomus had turned to wondering exactly what had happened, and more importantly to him, whether it was safe to reopen the tunnel entrance. He did *not* like being cut off from the source of much of his mana. So he turned to his spies for an answer, to see what they had seen. The answer, as it usually was, was not much that was of interest to anyone not a fly. All of the flies that had returned, save one, were of the group that had exited via the Well’s cap. They confirmed for him that there was a pack of ghouls feeding from the mass burial pit across the river. One had witnessed a solitary ghoul crossing the river, but he did not think it was Krrsh. The single fly that had returned after exiting the Tomb via the tunnel gave him a good idea what had happened. It had spied a ghoul, definitely not Krrsh, making a burrow in the sand near the tunnel’s entrance. Then, quite some time later, it had witnessed Krrsh and the other ghoul fighting. Then it had stumbled onto the entrance to the Tomb at the top of the Well, and so reported to him. “You were ambushed by your own kind, my friend,” Anomus said to the sleeping ghoul. “I wonder what that was about.” In any case, Anomus saw no reason to keep the tunnel closed any longer. He needed the mana that flowed through it, and saw no great threat to him or the ghoul in reopening it. If Krrsh’s attacker entered, Anomus was confident he could deal with it. Once he had dissolved the barrier at the tunnel’s mouth, his other flies began to return, and eventually he was able to piece together the entire fight. It had been quick, and stunningly brutal. Ghouls were vicious fighters, that much became clear to him. Their natural armament needed no augmentation in close combat. But their flesh was just as vulnerable as a human’s. If he *were* able to utilize them as soldiers, he would need to furnish them with armor. And he believed that saving Krrsh from death would go some way towards convincing the ghoul to make common cause with him. He still wondered why he had not been able to enforce his will upon the unconscious creature. He had done so without issue to the various other living things that were now under his control. The only real, material difference that he could think of was the fact that the ghoul possessed sentience. Was there some stricture that forbade him from making slaves of sentient creatures? It was the only possibility that occurred to him. Not for the first time, he’d wished that the Faceless One had explained more – or anything, really. But once He had imparted the method of creating mana stones, He had disappeared without a word, not giving Anomus the chance to query Him. Well. The situation was as it was. Anomus had turned his attention to transporting the last of the bones to the catacombs, which he accomplished a little while before dawn. Then, like the recuperating ghoul, he too had gone down into his slumber. The ghoul had slept through the day and into the next night, awaking a few hours after the setting of the sun. And then they had begun their conversation.   ~ ~ ~   Krrsh blinked. “Done?” “Yes.” “Krrsh feel nothing.” “There was nothing to feel. Inside your head, past the bone of the skull, are many things, many wonders, but no way to feel pain or touch or hot or cold.” Krrsh shrugged. He felt many things when he thought too much, none of them very fun. “If Builder say. Curse really gone?” “Yes. No matter how hungry you get, you will not become less intelligent. And you do not have to eat the carrion of men, if you choose not to. The… curse made you need human flesh to be able to think well, it was your body’s inability to create certain substances. You had to get them from human flesh.” Krrsh had no idea what Builder was talking about. Krrsh didn’t really care. No more curse, that was what Krrsh cared about. And he had not died. “But still should feel different,” Krrsh muttered, poking at his head with a claw. Builder sighed. “Rest, Krrsh. Eat. Heal. And then go and gather your people. When you bring them here, I will lift the curse from them as well.” “What Builder do now?” Krrsh asked. “I must prepare a living space for your pack.” Krrsh grunted. Then went to eat. Then, when his belly was full, he curled up in his burrow. He was tired, yes. He closed his eyes. But he could not sleep. Too much had happened, and too many thoughts tumbled and rolled and wrestled in his head, whatever Builder said about brains. Ngrum, the pack, Builder, the curse… The curse. No more curse. The curse made ghoul… *ghoul*. Yes? Yes. Krrsh turned the idea around and around, and thought that it was true. So Krrsh was ghoul no more. But what was he now, then? Something else. That was all he knew. Something like the ghouls before the bad leader did what she did, maybe. Something more like Men. And what did he know about Men? Not very much. They tasted good. They made burrows above ground. They walked in the day, and at night they made fire to see, because their eyes were weak in the dark. They put their food in the fire, too. And ate things… not meat. Also meat, but also not meat. They made tools and used tools. They did not have claws, or only pitiful claws, so they made claws, for holding and… throwing, flying, to cut, to pierce. They made second skins, much harder than their real skin, or ghoul skin, to protect themselves. They put their dead in stone boxes, or burned them. Or sometimes just put them in the ground. They killed ghouls. “Builder,” Krrsh murmured. “Yes, Krrsh?” “Why Men kill ghoul?” “Because you eat their dead.” “But dead is dead. Why they care?” “They care for many reasons. Some believe the body is important in the afterlife. Some simply do not wish to see their loved ones become food, even if they are dead. Most believe the dead should be shown respect. Eating them is very disrespectful.” “But dead is dead. Food is food.” “Perhaps. But humans will never accept the eating of their dead. They will always seek to kill anything that tries to do so.” Krrsh thought about that. “The curse very bad, then. Very heavy.” “Yes. It was. To survive, you had to do things that made you a hated enemy of humans.” “If ghoul no more eat Man flesh, Men stop killing ghoul?” Builder was silent for a time. When he answered, his voice sounded uncertain. “Perhaps. Some day. But not soon. Not for a very long time if ever, I think. To men, you might always be monsters.” “Krrsh not know ‘monsters.’” “It means bad – not only for what you do, but for what you are. Just for being alive.” Krrsh growled softly. “That part of curse Builder cannot take away.” It was not a question. “No. I’m sorry.”
{ "title": "The apocalypse happened and it was named- The system’s advent", "id": 21486, "author": "Donny Clearwater", "rating": 3.7 }
{ "title": "Chapter 3- Final boss and sending a lesson", "id": 305518, "next": 306016, "prev": 305513, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNiYTA1MDU1ZWU3ZTQ5NTlhNzI1YmJkMGE4MTI1N2I4"><span style="font-weight: 400">By now even his own voice sounded weird in his ears. He had been in this dungeon for about a year and three quarters now, so he decided to take a few days to recuperate. The last boss was the head necromancer of the dungeon and all the mobs he summoned were worth far more experience than those on the lower floors and he intended to grind them for as long as possible. He set up camp then started the propane burner and cooked himself a massive dinner with mashed potatoes and several steaks with green beans and squash. He slept until he woke up then packed everything again and set off for the door that set behind the farthest coffin. </span></p> <p class="cnNmZGM2MDY5YWVkNjRmZTZhN2ZjMDNiYmRkNzQ0NDgx"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was set into the wall as an enormous archway filled with black smoke so it simply screamed of creepiness and dread. Now on a full tank he strode through like it was a sunny meadow until the light at the end was all that could be seen. Similar to the first boss this was situated in a colosseum but it was about twice the size of the other one. Along the far half of the arena was coffins side by side and a throne directly across from him with an arch lich sitting on it looking at him. Final bosses almost all had at least a basic level of consciousness so it was a bad idea to underestimate them. While they couldn’t be considered smart they were by no means stupid either and understood human speech. </span></p> <p class="cnMyNDcxMWRhZGY0MTQzZTY5ZTZlMzcwYTQ2YjY1MjA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">He cast mana shield with all his MP and it was filled again in seconds, the thralls started to pour out just as he cast rainstorm. He started sweeping the overcharged Frigid beam and cut cut them down quickly, as soon as they appeared they were shattered into snow and ice shards. This pattern continued for hours but since the liches mana was nearly endless in the dungeon and he was undead he could theoretically sustain this for years, and until he was damaged or targeted he couldn’t get off the throne. For what seemed like days they continued like this until finally he could feel the creeping edge of exhaustion so he switched targets and targeted the lich. </span></p> <p class="cnNhMDRiZmQyNWE4MDQzZjJiODU3NzcxMzY1ZmZhMTNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">With a screech he started throwing debuff spells at him and buffing him minions. Due to his shield the spells had no effect so he switched to attack spells but since his beams were constantly slowing him further and further in was only a matter of time until his movement ground to a halt. Not missing a chance he launched an ice pillar and nailed his head to his throne. The critical hit took what was left of his HP and the minions crumbled to dust an instant after. As his body crumbled two skill books a chest armor, a cloak and a staff rolled down the stairs. </span></p> <p class="cnM0N2M3MzFlN2E0YTRmMThiMTNmN2E2ZTIxNGU4OWIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">With a tired sigh he trudged over and picked them up. </span></p> <p class="cnNlZTgzNzM3MDg2MzQ4YmE5YmRhMmYwYTcwZTAwOTU0"> </p> <p class="cnMwMGE0YjdlYmE3ZTRlMjJhNTEzNzc0MjgwODkzY2Nl"><span style="font-weight: 400">*Robes of misery- Long ago a foolish king let his ego run wild and decided to claim the fairest maidens in the kingdom as his personal harem. The problem with this was that one of those maidens was the wife of a powerful dark mage. After returning from abroad and learning what happened the turned the entire kingdom into undead and tortured the damned kings soul until it dispersed, never to be reborn. For this terrible act, no matter how deserved it was the mage was turned into a lich and ruled as the new king in the kingdom turned dungeon. WIS +500 INT+500 Misery conversion- All the lingering regrets and pain from the dying and dead are absorbed and stored in the passive absorption type spell ‘Bone armament of the sorcerer’ and is used to supplement the mana absorption required by the spell. </span></p> <p class="cnNhNjM3Y2ZkY2MyNDQ3MmFiMTRhOTUzMDIwMmFlODVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">*King of Bones- A paired Item that boosts the effect and eliminates the cost of ‘Bone armament of the sorcerer’ as long as Robes of misery are equipped. WIS +1,000 INT +1,000 </span></p> <p class="cnNlNjhhMmJiMzg2ZjRmMmZhZTA4MzAxYzc4M2MwZTVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">*Cloak of shadows- This cloak boosts the wearers ability to hide in shadows and provides a 50% increase to sneak effectiveness while in shadows or dark places. AGI +500 </span></p> <p class="cnM4ZDMzNjJiN2VmZTQ5OTlhZDMxMGFkZGI4NTJhNjM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">*Ice Mine- Create an explosive glyph that shoots shards of ice like shrapnel, the damage and area of effect are decided by the amount of mana spent in its cast time. </span></p> <p class="cnMzM2M3ZmE5MGRkZjRmNTZhZDE4YzRjMDVlNGViNGVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">*Summon Ice Golem- Summon a golem made entirely of ice. Size ,durability, and Temperature are decided by the amount of mana that is injected during its 60 second cast time. </span></p> <p class="cnNlNTM0MDA4ZWRmNzRmZDQ5MjkyMTYxMjVlZjMyNmNh"> </p> <p class="cnMyZGU2ODZhMjc2ZTQ0MWZhZWMyMzA3YWYyYzM4MDMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Once again he immediately learned the two skills and put on equipment besides the cloak of shadows. As soon as he picked them up he heard a </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">ding </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">and the expected and long awaited message popped up. </span></p> <p class="cnMzMzgyNzgwMDYzZTQxMjU5MzAwOTRhMGE2NjBiYzVm"> </p> <p class="cnMxYjY1NDJhYTg4YzQ4YWU4ZTI1Mzc3MGUzODdlMTQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">*You completely defeated the [Tomb of forgotten kings] and will be transported to the entrance in eight hours. Bonus chests will disappear in 1 hour. </span></p> <p class="cnMzODA0MTAyMWZlYjQ5MTk5YzhlZTEwYTVkODY2Mjlj"> </p> <p class="cnM3ZmY3MzcxOTA2MDQ3NzY4M2I4ODc0MDUyMDIxMmVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">In a bright flash of light five chests appeared at the foot of the throne. The bonus chests were kind of like the lottery. Depending on your luck and clear time of the dungeon then you could potentially get amazing items, there are five chests because the “optimal” party size was for five players and since he fully cleared it alone his rewards shouldn’t be anything to scoff at but the boss drops were already beyond anything had ever heard of so he didn’t hold out much hope. </span></p> <p class="cnNiOWMyMDk3NTQwZTQ5NzFhMWE3N2Q5NWVhMTdkMTRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">One after another he opened the chests and was not disappointed. In all he got 200,580,000 gold and a tier five sword. For a mid tier dungeon it was fairly average loot for a party of five. With a giggle and thinking of how many of the armor pieces he would be able to get from it he turned and headed into the safe room that appeared right next to the entrance. For about seven hours he slept then woke up to his alarm from his phone he set so he wouldn’t wake up as he dropped on the concrete outside the dungeon. </span></p> <p class="cnNjNWM2ZThiNDJhOTQ3MjBhZWZhMzhiYjYxMjkwZDVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">He made a last check on his items and stood up right as the timer hit zero. The outside looked very different from what he remembered. If he had to describe it in a few words it would be that an adventurers guild had been installed in the main hall of the millenium park. He had enough time to take note of that before before a wave of pure pleasure filled him. It lasted about ten seconds and he felt like a god during it but a single thought of those walking disasters called world bosses knocked him back to ground zero. </span></p> <p class="cnM1YWVjYWQxMDc0NDRmZWY5ZjhkNzQwM2NmMWMxZjE5"> </p> <p class="cnM5OTk2MjM5YzRiZTQ1NWU4ZTlmMDU3MWZmMjgxMGJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">*Congratulations on reaching the level 1,000 cap. To level further and get stronger you will need to undergo rebirth, please find a safe place and initiate it. All excess experience has been stored and will be used when rebirth is complete. Please note that this will reset your level to 1 but all stat and skill points will be retained with an increased experience needed for each level. </span></p> <p class="cnMwZmZkNDNlNjRjZjRjMWM4NWEyYmNmNWU2M2IwZGMz"> </p> <p class="cnNiNTVhN2YwNGU5ODQ4ZDc4NjI2ODQxZGQ4NTE5NmM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">It had been a long time since he had last saw this message. It was theorized that the world bosses were normal monsters that had went through at least ten rebirths and gained intelligence that dwarfed humans along with a body that other monsters could only envy. First he had to distribute his stat points though. “Status.” </span></p> <p class="cnM2OTI1ZmRhZmJmYjQ1ZTQ5MzQzMzc5OThhYzY3Mjdj"> </p> <p class="cnNiMTA4MTM1YzYzOTQ5ZDlhZWIyZWE5ZDUxY2JmODcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Name: Jacob Dawn </span></p> <p class="cnMyMDFhZjk3NmUzMzRiMGM4NjE5ZTkyYmZjMTQ2Yjc5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Level: 1,000 Deaths: 0 </span></p> <p class="cnM2NGFjYTZmZjIzZTRhYjJiNzc3MGMxN2UyMjgyNGRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">EXP: 0%</span></p> <p class="cnM0MGYwNTFkYzkxZjRiYWQ4Njc5OTI1NGFjNDgyNTBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Titles: First among Immortals (0.00000001 sec.) (Highest on record)</span></p> <p class="cnMxNjFlYzU5NmExMjQ4MjU4YmZhYzllMDU4OTcyOTYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Hp: 352,500/352,500 MP: 452,700/452,700</span></p> <p class="cnMwNTFmNDZkZDBiYzQxYzg4ZWZkNzdhZWNhNzNiYTFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Strength: 3,115 Agility: 3,220 Vitality: 3,525 </span></p> <p class="cnM1ODhmNTIwNjMwOTQ4OGU4Y2Y4ZDUzZGFiZWRjMTZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Willpower: 4,550 Intelligence: 4,527 </span></p> <p class="cnNlZDdmMmUyMTgwZjQxMTNiZGE1ODdmMGEyYTdmZWRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Stat points: 10,000 </span></p> <p class="cnNiOGU3ZWI2OWVhYjQ5NzliY2FjMGMwODI1M2U5NzIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Fatigue: 14% </span></p> <p class="cnMwY2MyNDRkMWI3NzQ0YTNiNTA1NTc2YTQ5ZDZhMTEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Class: Mage </span></p> <p class="cnMwYWE4YTdhMzJjZjRlYzBiNjAxOWZlNzRiMDc1YTI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Profession: None </span></p> <p class="cnNmZmJlZWU5ZTU0NDQxYTM4MzlhZDE4ZWFkNzUyZDA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Spells: Neutral- (Overcharge, Multicast, Transcendental meditation, Ultimate mana fortress, Mana Projection, Bone Armament of the Sorcerer ) </span></p> <p class="cnMwODkxNzVlNTUyMjRkNTRhZGMzNjRmMmViMjA2NmU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Water/ice magic- Frigid Beam, Greater water regeneration, Icy lance, frozen shackles, rainstorm, Ice Imbuement, Ice Mine, Summon Ice Golem] </span></p> <p class="cnMzZWYwZjI1MDJkOTQyYzFhMmJmZTI5NThjNmZmODg2"> </p> <p class="cnM1ZTM5NDFmYzllMzRjZmQ5MzBjNzY0ODJiODY3OGJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Without a thought he immediately dumped all 10,000 into intelligence and confirmed the choice. Pain shot threw his head like the world's worst migraine but after about ten seconds it was gone as quick as it came, the only difference was that it seemed like he would notice a lot more. Everything from smells to sounds seemed to tell him so much he couldn’t focus on it for more than a few seconds. Everything was beyond overwhelming so he shoved it to the back of his head as he slowly got used to it. Small wonder all the high class mages in his previous life all acted like space cadets on shore leave. </span></p> <p class="cnNkYjUzNTI5Nzg0YTRlYjZhNmIyMjA2YTczNzA5N2Ey"><span style="font-weight: 400">He quickly pulled up his stats and confirmed everything. </span></p> <p class="cnM5OWMyZTZhNTRiZDQ1ZDhiMjFkN2Q1MzJjZTQxOTJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Name: Jacob Dawn </span></p> <p class="cnM2MzgxYWJjMTFhMDRiNzg4N2JiYjUzNWM3ODY1YmY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Level: 1,000 Deaths: 0 </span></p> <p class="cnMyM2ViNjc5YWY0NDQyNWJhYTY0MjA1ZDI4ZmI3NTFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">EXP: 0%</span></p> <p class="cnNiZmRjMGYyOGI0ZDQ4YmFhNGU0ZjM1ZDAwZjZhMDFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Titles: First among Immortals (0.00000001 sec.) (Highest on record)</span></p> <p class="cnMzZjA2NTQ2Nzg0ZDQ3YmViYmQ0ZDlkYjlmNzNjY2Mw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Hp: 352,500/352,500 MP: 1,452,700/1,452,700</span></p> <p class="cnNlY2NlZTNmOWZhYTQzY2Q5ODgyOGFhNzVjYmQ2ZGU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Strength: 3,115 Agility: 3,220 Vitality: 3,525 </span></p> <p class="cnMwMzMwZGI0ZWNlMzRlMTJhMmZjM2I5OGEzYTVmMWVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Willpower: 4,550 Intelligence: 14,527 </span></p> <p class="cnNhZTEwNTdjYjk0YjRhMzliNzE0NmMxMTYzMmI4OGY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Stat points: 0</span></p> <p class="cnMwNDk5Y2ZkMThiMjQ2ODY5NWVhNDVkMmI4MTIzZmU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Fatigue: 64% </span></p> <p class="cnNjMGEzYjBiOTJkZjRkM2VhZGU5NjZhOTVlNjY2Y2M4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Class: Mage </span></p> <p class="cnM0NDQyODRjMzU0ZDQ1ZWQ4OWYxZGNmMmU2ZTE5ZGJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Profession: None </span></p> <p class="cnNiMWJlYzkxNmUxNjRkN2I5MDhhZDQ3NWZhYWNiYWI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Spells: Neutral/Passive- (Overcharge, Multicast, Transcendental meditation, Ultimate mana fortress, Mana Projection, Bone Armament of the Sorcerer ) </span></p> <p class="cnMxZGNhNmIyZTlhZjRjYTI5MzFmYTY0NmY2ZDE1M2I5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Water/ice magic- Frigid Beam, Greater water regeneration, Icy lance, frozen shackles, rainstorm, Ice Imbuement, Ice Mine, Summon Ice Golem] </span></p> <p class="cnNjYmQ0NjY1M2Y4NzQzZDViZTdiZjBhNmYyNjk1N2Zh"> </p> <p class="cnNiYjJkNGQ3Y2E0NDQ2MTg4M2U1ZjhkNDA4NzMyOTY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">For a first transformation mage he was far ahead of the curve. The only problem was that now he would be getting only average experience for this dungeon after he transformed. The trade off though was more than worth it. He walked over to a man that wore the guard captain uniform and tapped his shoulder. He jumped like a cat that had its tale stepped on as he spun reaching for his weapon. “Relax captain I’m the young master you should have been told about.” </span></p> <p class="cnNmNmUzOTE3NTNkZjQ4M2E5YjhhYTM4OThmMTA0MDFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">There was a flash of recognition in his eyes as he saluted “Sir the family head requested that he be informed the instant you left the dungeon.” “Very well, what is the situation of the world since i’ve been back?” While the captain read him a prepared report with everything he would want to be kept up to date on he called his father. “This Is Robert Dawn speaking who is calling?” “Hey Dad I’m out of the dungeon.” There was a crash that sounded suspiciously like a desk being flipped from standing up to fast. “Jake! What is the name of the knife you swore on that day when you warned us about the end?” There was what sounded like desperation in his voice. “Shikar of course. Dad why do you sound so panicked? What happened?” </span></p> <p class="cnNjOWJlZmEwNDIzMzRkMWI4MWIyYWM3YmViOWY4YzA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">There was what sounded like a massive sigh before he launched into what had happened. People were beginning to get desperate and some of the competition had kidnapped his sister Karly trying to force her to spill information but she wouldn’t have so they had sent videos of them beating and torturing her saying they wanted information on the so called players. They hadn’t been able to find the people yet and it had been two weeks. By the end he was hysterical and Jake was PISSED. </span></p> <p class="cnNhYmQwZDBkZDg4NjQ3YzJhMjU0MjM4MWU2MmQ0OWJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’ll be at the house shortly so have the video ready.” “Alright, just hurry.” Those were the last words before the phone crumpled in his hand. The air around him was twisting and warping as his mana went out of control from his anger. Taking a deep breath he forced down his anger and thought calmly. He handed the phone back to the guard and asked “Was that your personal phone?” The man was white as a sheet and had a bloody nose from being too close when he lost control. “N-n-no sir, I-It’s the s-s-standard issue for security detail.” He nodded “See to it that your issued a new one, and if they give you issues tell them it's an order from master Jake. Now where’s my car? Ah you know what never mind, I’ll run. It will be faster that way.” </span></p> <p class="cnNmNWJlMGY5YjEyOTRjNTY4YzdmYzAzMDljNzI4NmNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">As soon as he stepped outside he popped his neck and bounced few times to loosen up then took of like a bullet. He didn’t know it but most of the guards had turned to look and see who it was right as he took off. He went so fast that even traffic cam’s would only catch a blur but due to his reflexes which were just as good he was as intangible as a gust of wind. Within ten minutes he was striding into the mansions front gates. He dad was Pacing with a laptop in hand, and looked up right as he opened the gates. In an instant he was beside him taking the laptop. He opened it and focused his newly advanced brain entirely on the video. It was only ten minutes but showcased some very stomach churning things. </span></p> <p class="cnMwNzE4NzFiNWQ4ZjQyYTU4YjE0YzdkOTgwN2E5ZTE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">When it was done he watched it twice more, with his brain examining every last detail he found where they were, and who they were. He stood and said “Dad, get ready to receive a guest from Mr, Aizawa. By tonight his business will be destroyed and we can change what's left into cash and use it.” With an ashen face yelled out “It was that bastard. God’s he came here two or three months ago for a business proposal and we turned him down.” “Dad it doesn’t matter. He stepped on a dragons tail this time. I’m going to make him into an example for the world to see, just be prepared to have the media spin it it a favorable light. </span></p> <p class="cnM3ZTU4NzY3ODQ1YjRiYWFiOTY1ZTUwODg2NzhiNDFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Do you get it?” He stared at his dad intently until he gravely nodded yes and took out his phone. “I’ll be hitting the safehouse with sis first, you can just follow the path of Ice.” When he walked away he consciously changed his mana into ice then left a trail on footprint shaped ice. It was in the industrial district and he spotted over thirty guards that came out of the woodwork when he stopped in front. </span></p> <p class="cnM0ZDhiZDg4MDIyNDQxZjRiMTc5NjU2NmFjODI2NzIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">They were dressed up as simple street thugs but he could practically feel the training radiating off of them. He still had his bone armor up so he wasn’t worried about any kind of bullet short of tank piercing rounds. He locked eyes with the one in charge and said “Let my sister go and I’ll spare your lives.” He unleashed his mana to pressure them as he spoke and as expected they turned sheet white and suddenly had a bloody nose but he didn’t expect them to instantly attack. He simply pointed and an ice lance nailed three of them together. The first threw the chest, the second threw the shoulder, and the last was also threw the shoulder. </span></p> <p class="cnM4NTNjNmZiM2U0MTQxYmRhZDM0NjQ1ZmIzMzk3NTI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">The leader looked in shock as three of his guys were killed in a second. “If your afraid of Aizawa then I can promise I’m far more terrifying and his company won’t exist by tomorrow while he will personally be without a head to regret his choice.” They looked at eachother once before they held up their hands. “Sigh, some idiots simply don’t learn.” He raised his head and shot an Ice lance threw the snipers head that was aiming at his from a nearby building. </span></p> <p class="cnMwNTU5Nzg4MjBjMTRlZjZhYWNiZjU3Mzg0OWI4NGMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Next one knocked the door off its hinges to a barrage of gunfire. He just sighed as they ricocheted off his armor. He walked inside and grew a facemask so the bullets didn’t annoy him too much. There were screams and cries for mercy but they were all forfeit for kidnapping his sister. The ones outside had probably never been inside before and were out of loop on what was really going on so they could be forgiven but these assholes were different. The blood ran like a river but within seconds it froze because of the temperature of his ice spikes. </span></p> <p class="cnMyZGUwNjM2YzJjNDRkN2Y5MGQ5OGI3NWE4YzcyNzI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">He purposely went overkill since it would be a message rather than business only. Some he nailed to the wall and some he just nailed together but all thirty three of them died nonetheless. His sister was still in the torture room hanging from the ceiling with chains. He quickly broke them then lightly slapper her cheeks and woke her up. Luckily it was his older sister and she had one of the strongest hearts he new so he had hope that she would be alright. </span></p> <p class="cnM4YjY2ZjlkZTBjYjRiOTBiNmQ2NDhkNTBiM2M4NzZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">As her eyes fluttered open he saw the anger and spite that was frozen over with cold cunning. He smiled because he knew she would be ok. “Heya sis, ya know your not supposed to follow strangers into abandoned warehouses no matter how much you may like his whip.” She simply sniffed and said “Goes to show you don’t know how to value a good play of S&amp;M. Don’t worry theres hope for you yet.” He was speechless, as usual. He picked her up princess style and cast greater regeneration on her. She gasped and squirmed as the water flowed over her and closed her wounds like they were never there within seconds. </span></p> <p class="cnM2OTYyYjkzY2ZiZjRkOTVhYTBlN2U1MjFmNDkwYjkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So that’s what a spell looks like.” She whispered. “Yes, but i’m quite strong you know so in someone else's hands the effect would still be less powerful.” For some reason she blushed and hid her head which made her realize that he seemed to be wearing silk. But looking around she clearly saw guns and spent casing laying everywhere along with the bodies. She especially looked at the ones nailed to the wall with fascination. </span></p> <p class="cnM3MTM4ZTZiOGQ5OTRlYWZhM2NlZTE5NjQxY2Q5YmVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Soon he heard the reporter outside and let Karly walk on her own. She was fully healed so it wasn’t a problem but as soon as she heard the reporter she looked at him and grinned evilly before jumping into his arms again. He simply sighed and kept walking. The reporter was interviewing the three men who had surrendered and were coincidentally the last survivors. When they saw them walking out they immediately rushed over so he let his helmet retract. The four of them went over to the new truck and sat down while he explained the situation and delivered the warning. </span></p> <p class="cnNlNmNlNzU4ODg0YTRlNDA5NTAwMGY1NGEzZGNmZjkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Essentially it said that any other organization that aimed at his family would suffer the same as mr. Aizawa. By tonight he will be dead in a very public manner. As expected they were speechless especially since they were on the air. “By the time you have finished airing the state of things inside there will be several places belonging to Mr. Aizawa’s underground dealings and Aizawa industries will be in the process of paying for damages to my family. I am Jacob Dawn and the time of the players has come.” </span></p> <p class="cnNhNWM2YTdjNzNlNTRiMjU5NDBiMjJkNGNjMDMwODY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">To there perception he simply vanished as he said those words. Their senses just couldn’t follow him. The rest of the day was spent just like that until he arrived at the skyscraper where Mr. Aizawa was staying. As expected it was packed to the brim with guards and guns but they were just as worthless as before. Within ten minutes he was knocking down the penthouse door. </span></p> </div>
By now even his own voice sounded weird in his ears. He had been in this dungeon for about a year and three quarters now, so he decided to take a few days to recuperate. The last boss was the head necromancer of the dungeon and all the mobs he summoned were worth far more experience than those on the lower floors and he intended to grind them for as long as possible. He set up camp then started the propane burner and cooked himself a massive dinner with mashed potatoes and several steaks with green beans and squash. He slept until he woke up then packed everything again and set off for the door that set behind the farthest coffin. It was set into the wall as an enormous archway filled with black smoke so it simply screamed of creepiness and dread. Now on a full tank he strode through like it was a sunny meadow until the light at the end was all that could be seen. Similar to the first boss this was situated in a colosseum but it was about twice the size of the other one. Along the far half of the arena was coffins side by side and a throne directly across from him with an arch lich sitting on it looking at him. Final bosses almost all had at least a basic level of consciousness so it was a bad idea to underestimate them. While they couldn’t be considered smart they were by no means stupid either and understood human speech. He cast mana shield with all his MP and it was filled again in seconds, the thralls started to pour out just as he cast rainstorm. He started sweeping the overcharged Frigid beam and cut cut them down quickly, as soon as they appeared they were shattered into snow and ice shards. This pattern continued for hours but since the liches mana was nearly endless in the dungeon and he was undead he could theoretically sustain this for years, and until he was damaged or targeted he couldn’t get off the throne. For what seemed like days they continued like this until finally he could feel the creeping edge of exhaustion so he switched targets and targeted the lich. With a screech he started throwing debuff spells at him and buffing him minions. Due to his shield the spells had no effect so he switched to attack spells but since his beams were constantly slowing him further and further in was only a matter of time until his movement ground to a halt. Not missing a chance he launched an ice pillar and nailed his head to his throne. The critical hit took what was left of his HP and the minions crumbled to dust an instant after. As his body crumbled two skill books a chest armor, a cloak and a staff rolled down the stairs. With a tired sigh he trudged over and picked them up. *Robes of misery- Long ago a foolish king let his ego run wild and decided to claim the fairest maidens in the kingdom as his personal harem. The problem with this was that one of those maidens was the wife of a powerful dark mage. After returning from abroad and learning what happened the turned the entire kingdom into undead and tortured the damned kings soul until it dispersed, never to be reborn. For this terrible act, no matter how deserved it was the mage was turned into a lich and ruled as the new king in the kingdom turned dungeon. WIS +500 INT+500 Misery conversion- All the lingering regrets and pain from the dying and dead are absorbed and stored in the passive absorption type spell ‘Bone armament of the sorcerer’ and is used to supplement the mana absorption required by the spell. *King of Bones- A paired Item that boosts the effect and eliminates the cost of ‘Bone armament of the sorcerer’ as long as Robes of misery are equipped. WIS +1,000 INT +1,000 *Cloak of shadows- This cloak boosts the wearers ability to hide in shadows and provides a 50% increase to sneak effectiveness while in shadows or dark places. AGI +500 *Ice Mine- Create an explosive glyph that shoots shards of ice like shrapnel, the damage and area of effect are decided by the amount of mana spent in its cast time. *Summon Ice Golem- Summon a golem made entirely of ice. Size ,durability, and Temperature are decided by the amount of mana that is injected during its 60 second cast time. Once again he immediately learned the two skills and put on equipment besides the cloak of shadows. As soon as he picked them up he heard a *ding* and the expected and long awaited message popped up. *You completely defeated the [Tomb of forgotten kings] and will be transported to the entrance in eight hours. Bonus chests will disappear in 1 hour. In a bright flash of light five chests appeared at the foot of the throne. The bonus chests were kind of like the lottery. Depending on your luck and clear time of the dungeon then you could potentially get amazing items, there are five chests because the “optimal” party size was for five players and since he fully cleared it alone his rewards shouldn’t be anything to scoff at but the boss drops were already beyond anything had ever heard of so he didn’t hold out much hope. One after another he opened the chests and was not disappointed. In all he got 200,580,000 gold and a tier five sword. For a mid tier dungeon it was fairly average loot for a party of five. With a giggle and thinking of how many of the armor pieces he would be able to get from it he turned and headed into the safe room that appeared right next to the entrance. For about seven hours he slept then woke up to his alarm from his phone he set so he wouldn’t wake up as he dropped on the concrete outside the dungeon. He made a last check on his items and stood up right as the timer hit zero. The outside looked very different from what he remembered. If he had to describe it in a few words it would be that an adventurers guild had been installed in the main hall of the millenium park. He had enough time to take note of that before before a wave of pure pleasure filled him. It lasted about ten seconds and he felt like a god during it but a single thought of those walking disasters called world bosses knocked him back to ground zero. *Congratulations on reaching the level 1,000 cap. To level further and get stronger you will need to undergo rebirth, please find a safe place and initiate it. All excess experience has been stored and will be used when rebirth is complete. Please note that this will reset your level to 1 but all stat and skill points will be retained with an increased experience needed for each level. It had been a long time since he had last saw this message. It was theorized that the world bosses were normal monsters that had went through at least ten rebirths and gained intelligence that dwarfed humans along with a body that other monsters could only envy. First he had to distribute his stat points though. “Status.” [Name: Jacob Dawn Level: 1,000 Deaths: 0 EXP: 0% Titles: First among Immortals (0.00000001 sec.) (Highest on record) Hp: 352,500/352,500 MP: 452,700/452,700 Strength: 3,115 Agility: 3,220 Vitality: 3,525 Willpower: 4,550 Intelligence: 4,527 Stat points: 10,000 Fatigue: 14% Class: Mage Profession: None Spells: Neutral- (Overcharge, Multicast, Transcendental meditation, Ultimate mana fortress, Mana Projection, Bone Armament of the Sorcerer ) Water/ice magic- Frigid Beam, Greater water regeneration, Icy lance, frozen shackles, rainstorm, Ice Imbuement, Ice Mine, Summon Ice Golem] Without a thought he immediately dumped all 10,000 into intelligence and confirmed the choice. Pain shot threw his head like the world's worst migraine but after about ten seconds it was gone as quick as it came, the only difference was that it seemed like he would notice a lot more. Everything from smells to sounds seemed to tell him so much he couldn’t focus on it for more than a few seconds. Everything was beyond overwhelming so he shoved it to the back of his head as he slowly got used to it. Small wonder all the high class mages in his previous life all acted like space cadets on shore leave. He quickly pulled up his stats and confirmed everything. [Name: Jacob Dawn Level: 1,000 Deaths: 0 EXP: 0% Titles: First among Immortals (0.00000001 sec.) (Highest on record) Hp: 352,500/352,500 MP: 1,452,700/1,452,700 Strength: 3,115 Agility: 3,220 Vitality: 3,525 Willpower: 4,550 Intelligence: 14,527 Stat points: 0 Fatigue: 64% Class: Mage Profession: None Spells: Neutral/Passive- (Overcharge, Multicast, Transcendental meditation, Ultimate mana fortress, Mana Projection, Bone Armament of the Sorcerer ) Water/ice magic- Frigid Beam, Greater water regeneration, Icy lance, frozen shackles, rainstorm, Ice Imbuement, Ice Mine, Summon Ice Golem] For a first transformation mage he was far ahead of the curve. The only problem was that now he would be getting only average experience for this dungeon after he transformed. The trade off though was more than worth it. He walked over to a man that wore the guard captain uniform and tapped his shoulder. He jumped like a cat that had its tale stepped on as he spun reaching for his weapon. “Relax captain I’m the young master you should have been told about.” There was a flash of recognition in his eyes as he saluted “Sir the family head requested that he be informed the instant you left the dungeon.” “Very well, what is the situation of the world since i’ve been back?” While the captain read him a prepared report with everything he would want to be kept up to date on he called his father. “This Is Robert Dawn speaking who is calling?” “Hey Dad I’m out of the dungeon.” There was a crash that sounded suspiciously like a desk being flipped from standing up to fast. “Jake! What is the name of the knife you swore on that day when you warned us about the end?” There was what sounded like desperation in his voice. “Shikar of course. Dad why do you sound so panicked? What happened?” There was what sounded like a massive sigh before he launched into what had happened. People were beginning to get desperate and some of the competition had kidnapped his sister Karly trying to force her to spill information but she wouldn’t have so they had sent videos of them beating and torturing her saying they wanted information on the so called players. They hadn’t been able to find the people yet and it had been two weeks. By the end he was hysterical and Jake was PISSED. “I’ll be at the house shortly so have the video ready.” “Alright, just hurry.” Those were the last words before the phone crumpled in his hand. The air around him was twisting and warping as his mana went out of control from his anger. Taking a deep breath he forced down his anger and thought calmly. He handed the phone back to the guard and asked “Was that your personal phone?” The man was white as a sheet and had a bloody nose from being too close when he lost control. “N-n-no sir, I-It’s the s-s-standard issue for security detail.” He nodded “See to it that your issued a new one, and if they give you issues tell them it's an order from master Jake. Now where’s my car? Ah you know what never mind, I’ll run. It will be faster that way.” As soon as he stepped outside he popped his neck and bounced few times to loosen up then took of like a bullet. He didn’t know it but most of the guards had turned to look and see who it was right as he took off. He went so fast that even traffic cam’s would only catch a blur but due to his reflexes which were just as good he was as intangible as a gust of wind. Within ten minutes he was striding into the mansions front gates. He dad was Pacing with a laptop in hand, and looked up right as he opened the gates. In an instant he was beside him taking the laptop. He opened it and focused his newly advanced brain entirely on the video. It was only ten minutes but showcased some very stomach churning things. When it was done he watched it twice more, with his brain examining every last detail he found where they were, and who they were. He stood and said “Dad, get ready to receive a guest from Mr, Aizawa. By tonight his business will be destroyed and we can change what's left into cash and use it.” With an ashen face yelled out “It was that bastard. God’s he came here two or three months ago for a business proposal and we turned him down.” “Dad it doesn’t matter. He stepped on a dragons tail this time. I’m going to make him into an example for the world to see, just be prepared to have the media spin it it a favorable light. Do you get it?” He stared at his dad intently until he gravely nodded yes and took out his phone. “I’ll be hitting the safehouse with sis first, you can just follow the path of Ice.” When he walked away he consciously changed his mana into ice then left a trail on footprint shaped ice. It was in the industrial district and he spotted over thirty guards that came out of the woodwork when he stopped in front. They were dressed up as simple street thugs but he could practically feel the training radiating off of them. He still had his bone armor up so he wasn’t worried about any kind of bullet short of tank piercing rounds. He locked eyes with the one in charge and said “Let my sister go and I’ll spare your lives.” He unleashed his mana to pressure them as he spoke and as expected they turned sheet white and suddenly had a bloody nose but he didn’t expect them to instantly attack. He simply pointed and an ice lance nailed three of them together. The first threw the chest, the second threw the shoulder, and the last was also threw the shoulder. The leader looked in shock as three of his guys were killed in a second. “If your afraid of Aizawa then I can promise I’m far more terrifying and his company won’t exist by tomorrow while he will personally be without a head to regret his choice.” They looked at eachother once before they held up their hands. “Sigh, some idiots simply don’t learn.” He raised his head and shot an Ice lance threw the snipers head that was aiming at his from a nearby building. Next one knocked the door off its hinges to a barrage of gunfire. He just sighed as they ricocheted off his armor. He walked inside and grew a facemask so the bullets didn’t annoy him too much. There were screams and cries for mercy but they were all forfeit for kidnapping his sister. The ones outside had probably never been inside before and were out of loop on what was really going on so they could be forgiven but these assholes were different. The blood ran like a river but within seconds it froze because of the temperature of his ice spikes. He purposely went overkill since it would be a message rather than business only. Some he nailed to the wall and some he just nailed together but all thirty three of them died nonetheless. His sister was still in the torture room hanging from the ceiling with chains. He quickly broke them then lightly slapper her cheeks and woke her up. Luckily it was his older sister and she had one of the strongest hearts he new so he had hope that she would be alright. As her eyes fluttered open he saw the anger and spite that was frozen over with cold cunning. He smiled because he knew she would be ok. “Heya sis, ya know your not supposed to follow strangers into abandoned warehouses no matter how much you may like his whip.” She simply sniffed and said “Goes to show you don’t know how to value a good play of S&M. Don’t worry theres hope for you yet.” He was speechless, as usual. He picked her up princess style and cast greater regeneration on her. She gasped and squirmed as the water flowed over her and closed her wounds like they were never there within seconds. “So that’s what a spell looks like.” She whispered. “Yes, but i’m quite strong you know so in someone else's hands the effect would still be less powerful.” For some reason she blushed and hid her head which made her realize that he seemed to be wearing silk. But looking around she clearly saw guns and spent casing laying everywhere along with the bodies. She especially looked at the ones nailed to the wall with fascination. Soon he heard the reporter outside and let Karly walk on her own. She was fully healed so it wasn’t a problem but as soon as she heard the reporter she looked at him and grinned evilly before jumping into his arms again. He simply sighed and kept walking. The reporter was interviewing the three men who had surrendered and were coincidentally the last survivors. When they saw them walking out they immediately rushed over so he let his helmet retract. The four of them went over to the new truck and sat down while he explained the situation and delivered the warning. Essentially it said that any other organization that aimed at his family would suffer the same as mr. Aizawa. By tonight he will be dead in a very public manner. As expected they were speechless especially since they were on the air. “By the time you have finished airing the state of things inside there will be several places belonging to Mr. Aizawa’s underground dealings and Aizawa industries will be in the process of paying for damages to my family. I am Jacob Dawn and the time of the players has come.” To there perception he simply vanished as he said those words. Their senses just couldn’t follow him. The rest of the day was spent just like that until he arrived at the skyscraper where Mr. Aizawa was staying. As expected it was packed to the brim with guards and guns but they were just as worthless as before. Within ten minutes he was knocking down the penthouse door.
{ "title": "Building a nation and make its citizen happy", "id": 21280, "author": "Allan Angelo Francisco", "rating": 2.6 }
{ "title": "Chapter 10 plant", "id": 305524, "next": 305581, "prev": 304392, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMzYjg3NjE4MjJkOTQwMWQ5OWVkOTFiZGU4ZTlkYzhm">When they are all i gone go out where I am is hiding.</p> <p class="cnMwNjg5ZDUxNmRlODRkNTA4MjY5NjU2YzEyODhjNjA2">That was really scary that i don't know if they see me or not I don't want to do it again</p> <p class="cnMwMzk4NTcwNzMxOTQzOGQ5NmU0ZTMxZGRiNWM4NTNi">40 of them is living in this village.</p> <p class="cnM3Zjk5NjA0YTc4NTRkNTg4ZTY0MDNkZWU1MmQ0MzI2">I don't know if this is correct number maybe some of them are hunting.</p> <p class="cnNhMTE2MmQxMGRkODRiYjA5NDgzNDUxMjA3NmNiN2Zi">Good thing that they didn't see me.</p> <p class="cnNjZDI2M2ZjM2QyNjQwZGY5NWUyMDUyNzgxNWJhNzQ2">I thought that they know that I am<br>following them.</p> <p class="cnNhY2MxM2Q2OTA0MjRmY2Y4MmI0MzFhZTI5MGY4MTg1">I am ready to run if they run towards me</p> <p class="cnM0YmIwZTc4YjAwMDRhYjJiZjI5ZTg5M2EzODA3MmYy">I can still survive if they run towards me because they are small so if I run I can up run them but I am going to lose to stamina.</p> <p class="cnMyNTU5Mzk4ZDQxZTQ1MGZhMzdmYWQ0ZWUwYjA4OTM2">They are always running to hunt for food so their stamina is good.</p> <p class="cnMwM2YwOTQzOThhMzQyZjg5YjM2ZDU1OTNjNzY4OTNh">Now I know that goblin don't have a strong smell because if they have they will find me following them.</p> <p class="cnM2YTVjNzE4NTYwNDQwMjJhZWU3NWRhZTJmMWFjZjNj">But thats good for me.</p> <p class="cnM1Mzg3ZmZlMjQ5YjRiNTdiODYxMGRhNzJiNzJkNDNh">I am going to put a mark on the tree here and I am going back if I have many bullet and a new gun because I cannot finished them all if my gun is just a revolver and it is hard to reload because I need to reload it one by one</p> <p class="cnM2ZWI5NTJiNTZjYjQyZGNhNmQ3NzkyOWRmZmU3MThj">Why is the system give me this gun and I cannot chose the other gun because of my level</p> <p class="cnM5ODRkNWM1ZmYxMzRiMDY4YzZkNTUwMDliMDE2Y2Rk">I need to go back here if I have better gun or a shotgun.</p> <p class="cnNkMzgyMzZiNmUyZDRhY2FhMmI3ZjE2YzgxY2JlYjcx">Because if I didn't kill them they will kidnap a human I don't know if it's real I just read it in the novel</p> <p class="cnNkMjdmZGNkYzg1NzQxODFhNjUzYjUyNzMxYzk3OTI2">so I a going to attack them I cannot just watch them do that I know that I am in deferent world but I still human</p> <p class="cnM2NWJlNjRiMzBkMzRkZTJiNzM1YmEyMTcyNzk4YzU1">And if I did not kill them and they kidnap a human I don't know what I am going to fell because I have a power to kill them so it is my fault to if they succeed to kidnap a human.</p> <p class="cnNjMjRiNWNlMTE0ZDQwZWViNDQ5NWViNGRiMGEzNTJk">When I am finished to put a mark on the tree i left the village of the goblin and went back on the road.</p> <p class="cnM1NzNkNDRhNjJlMDQxYjE5MjVlNjQzNWVjZDc4YWE2">Now I am felling good that I can go home now I am really scared to this place there are many monster living in this forest that everywhere I go I can hear them.</p> <p class="cnNmNDkxNGJkYmZhNjRjZDViNzc3Y2VjNjk2ZjU0MzVh">I really to find a fruit so I can plant it sid beside my house so I am not going to other place to find for food.</p> <p class="cnMyMDJlOWZlNWI1MTQyNTliZGFmN2ZiNGIzY2Q5NmY2">When i see the mark that i put towards the river i followed it to the deferent direction because at the east is the river</p> <p class="cnM2NDU1MWVmM2EyMzQ5YWRhOWM4N2I4ZmFiNzBkN2Fj">(Sfx sound of tree cracking)</p> <p class="cnM1ZWRkZDQ3ZWI2NzQ3ZjE5MmRhNDc1NGZmZjhkYzA5">While walking i heard the sound at my right but i cannot see it because they are tree blocking my vision and high Grass.</p> <p class="cnMzNWY3ZGYyMDk5MTRkNjFhZjNlMzNhYTZhMDI0NTZh">What kind of sound it is maybe a beast again</p> <p class="cnMzNDU3MDZjMGU1ZTQ0NzJhYjBmZGQyMjM2ZDMyMWM4">I don't want to look at it but i got curious that's why i still look at where the sounds coming from.</p> <p class="cnM2OWQzMTZkOTQ1ODQwMGRiN2M3MjViZWEzZjE3ODc2">I am really crazy why i am going to look at where it com from i know it is not a beast because it is sound like a cracking tree</p> <p class="cnMzZmFiODQzZWI5YzQ1MmZhYjVkZTBiNWNhNTQyOTQy">When I am out of the grass i can now see what is in front of me they are many big mushroom</p> <p class="cnNjOTBlOTA0YzZiNzQzMTdhNmE2OTM2MDIxMmM3YWFi">Why are all the living on this world are big even the mushroom maybe the human is also big</p> <p class="cnM5Nzk0Y2IxNDdmZDQwZTM4YTc1N2FjMTFjM2JlMTk1">I look around at the sorunding mushroom because may i can used it i walk closely to the&nbsp;close mushroom&nbsp; and touch it</p> <p class="cnNhMmM1NzkyYWYxNTRiNjVhMjE1NmNiNTRmZWFmZGUx">I through they are soft but they are hard like a tree</p> <p class="cnMxZGMwYTllOWMzMzQyYWFiNGVkMTE5OGE5MTc1MTEy">Sfx for the sound of system</p> <p class="cnMyZDJlZWVjMmE4OTQ4Mjc4YTkzMTIzMTBkMjcwNzMw">I look in the system why it make a sound</p> <p class="cnNmZjQzOGU2NWVhOTQ5ZGNhMDhkZjVmNzIxODdjMWE5">Menu</p> <p class="cnM3ZTM0OTc2NTQwMDQ3Njc5ZjlkZDRjMDdmOGQ4OTU3">When I open it they are now mission put in the menu</p> <p class="cnNlM2M4YmZlOWRjZjQwM2NhYjdkOGZkZWMwMDI5ZTg4">Mission - find a plant that can increase your level if you eat it</p> <p class="cnMwYzIxZWQ2MDhhNTQ2OGU5OGQ2MTQ4NzNlOTNhMTNh">What kind of mission is this do you want to poison me if I eat all the plants here?</p> <p class="cnMxOWY0MDgwYTExZjRlMjliNGY0ZjEzMDc4NTIzZWJh">But why the system give me a mission now not like earlier that I build a house or hunting and find a river maybe if I find important to the system that he will give me a mission</p> <p class="cnM0ZTA2ZWQzN2U2ZTQ3MzY5ZGJlM2E2MThmMWY1MDFh">But it is ok even I don't want to follow the mission because it has no penalty like the novel that i read even i don't want to do it my points is not going to reduced or my level</p> <p class="cnM5ZDQyNzg1YjI0NTQxYWZiZTNmMzJjOTE5ZmQ2ZWY2">I close the menu and searched for small plant that i can eat because I cannot eat the big plant it is hard like a tree</p> <p class="cnMwMTQ5MWZkNGZjNDQyODQ5ZTFjODQ3MzU0ZjUxYmQ4">The mushroom here is beautiful there are all different color</p> <p class="cnM1MTYzZGI1NzkyNDRjNDA4M2NkNzFlYzAwZmQ4NDlj">while I am surprised to find a big mushroom i do not notice that i did not care while walking as before that i am carefully watched my sorunding</p> <p class="cnMyOWVlMDA4YmJkMjRlNzVhYzcyNmQ3NGM0NWRiMmY4">While looking for the plant i look at far away mushroom and see on its body a red color plant and as big as my hand i walk to the mushroom</p> <p class="cnMxMDQwNjFmZWY3MjQwZjE5ZmVkMzBkNTcwZjI5MTE4">I don't want to eat this but i need to level up and what a waste of a mission if I don't complete it</p> </div>
When they are all i gone go out where I am is hiding. That was really scary that i don't know if they see me or not I don't want to do it again 40 of them is living in this village. I don't know if this is correct number maybe some of them are hunting. Good thing that they didn't see me. I thought that they know that I am following them. I am ready to run if they run towards me I can still survive if they run towards me because they are small so if I run I can up run them but I am going to lose to stamina. They are always running to hunt for food so their stamina is good. Now I know that goblin don't have a strong smell because if they have they will find me following them. But thats good for me. I am going to put a mark on the tree here and I am going back if I have many bullet and a new gun because I cannot finished them all if my gun is just a revolver and it is hard to reload because I need to reload it one by one Why is the system give me this gun and I cannot chose the other gun because of my level I need to go back here if I have better gun or a shotgun. Because if I didn't kill them they will kidnap a human I don't know if it's real I just read it in the novel so I a going to attack them I cannot just watch them do that I know that I am in deferent world but I still human And if I did not kill them and they kidnap a human I don't know what I am going to fell because I have a power to kill them so it is my fault to if they succeed to kidnap a human. When I am finished to put a mark on the tree i left the village of the goblin and went back on the road. Now I am felling good that I can go home now I am really scared to this place there are many monster living in this forest that everywhere I go I can hear them. I really to find a fruit so I can plant it sid beside my house so I am not going to other place to find for food. When i see the mark that i put towards the river i followed it to the deferent direction because at the east is the river (Sfx sound of tree cracking) While walking i heard the sound at my right but i cannot see it because they are tree blocking my vision and high Grass. What kind of sound it is maybe a beast again I don't want to look at it but i got curious that's why i still look at where the sounds coming from. I am really crazy why i am going to look at where it com from i know it is not a beast because it is sound like a cracking tree When I am out of the grass i can now see what is in front of me they are many big mushroom Why are all the living on this world are big even the mushroom maybe the human is also big I look around at the sorunding mushroom because may i can used it i walk closely to the close mushroom  and touch it I through they are soft but they are hard like a tree Sfx for the sound of system I look in the system why it make a sound Menu When I open it they are now mission put in the menu Mission - find a plant that can increase your level if you eat it What kind of mission is this do you want to poison me if I eat all the plants here? But why the system give me a mission now not like earlier that I build a house or hunting and find a river maybe if I find important to the system that he will give me a mission But it is ok even I don't want to follow the mission because it has no penalty like the novel that i read even i don't want to do it my points is not going to reduced or my level I close the menu and searched for small plant that i can eat because I cannot eat the big plant it is hard like a tree The mushroom here is beautiful there are all different color while I am surprised to find a big mushroom i do not notice that i did not care while walking as before that i am carefully watched my sorunding While looking for the plant i look at far away mushroom and see on its body a red color plant and as big as my hand i walk to the mushroom I don't want to eat this but i need to level up and what a waste of a mission if I don't complete it
{ "title": "Limit Experience", "id": 21422, "author": "Business Casual", "rating": 0 }
{ "title": "Desperation and Despair", "id": 305522, "next": null, "prev": 303945, "prev_info": "", "next_info": null }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNkNWE3YWJhODIzYTQwM2NhNjIyOWNmYjMzODhkYjU3">All I grasped was an empty crumpled pack. With my last anchor towards the outside world crushed in-between my hand's, reality&nbsp;collapsed.</p> <p class="cnMxYzVlNTUzMzlhMTRmZTU4ZDYyZWZkNTllNjU5MmFi">What replaced it was a psyche brutalized by its owner's sins. Turbid waves of rancid filth were drudged up and splattered against my shins, whipped up into a frenzy by the tempestuous stormclouds above. Behind me stood a dam of cobblestone. Interestingly enough it protected nothing, an abyss was all that lay behind.</p> <p class="cnM3MWUwZTljMTFjZTQxZTFhZTg0MDBhYTI3NmE5ODE0">My eyes were forced forward as an agonizing scream tumbled across the *white-capped&nbsp;waves. They widened as the earth beneath me shifted from the power of its rage.</p> <p class="cnM3NzlhNTMxMzJiMTQwZjg5ZDU4MTcyMWVkOGNhNjE1">In front of me stood some sort of fiend risen from the murky depths. Clear blue eyes pierced and anchored me into place. With another bellow, it started running towards me at an inhuman pace. The rotting uniform on its body disintegrated with every loping bound and before I could think he was in my face.</p> <p class="cnMxMzNhYWYzN2RiZDQwMDZiMzVjMTQ2MjlkN2I3NmI1">The monster threw a quick left hook that planted itself firmly into my gut. A searing pain followed a sick squelch as my liver burst. Before I could puke an overhead right uppercut followed, only a chunk of my nose was torn out as I bent over. Taking advantage of my bent frame, I Lunged forward with arms outstretched, both of us collapsing into the knee-deep sea. His light frame allowed me to get on top.</p> <p class="cnMzZDY4YTk2ZGZhMjQ1YzNiY2E2Nzk2NThmNzhiYWYz">Punching down <em>hard,</em> my knuckles cracked against bone as the carbon fiber did its job. The beast thrashed out with hooked claws stabbing into my left shoulder and slowly worked down, emancipating the bicep from its skin. Tears streaked down my face as the brawl continued.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzNTc2Yjk5NDg1ODQxYzI4YmQ4ZjBjZWIyZDlmZTBi">Trading blows adrenaline seemed to pump through my veins keeping me sane. The pain subdued by my burning will to live. My gloves shattered upon its skull, tearing off chunks of the scalp; gouging into bone.</p> <p class="cnM2YTBiZjM2NmI3NzRmOGZiYjYzYjdmNTlhYmFiYmJi">It retaliated&nbsp;by tearing the flesh out of my sides.&nbsp;His claws slowly making its way up inside my chest, searching for my lungs. As he finally tore out&nbsp;the small intestine, whatever was keeping me afloat waned with my strength. A profound hollowness filled me as my&nbsp;life-blood poured&nbsp;over the demon's chest. I started to give up.</p> <p class="cnNhYWViYjU0OTIwYjQyYzJiYzQ4OTlhOTEzNjBjNzll">Time seemed to slow down as the mangled face of my enemy shot up and bit my lower left jaw. It pulled with all its strength, tearing off the left side of my face and throwing me off it into the sea around us.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhYjBlZWU1M2Q5YjQxYWI4ODg0ZTcyMmUyZThkZDY2">Landing on my back a wail of despair passed my bloodied lips as I finally took the time to look around&nbsp;and found that it wasn't alone.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1YTA0YWZmYmE5ZDQ2YmNiNDdhMjIzOGU3ZDI5ZWZk">Dozens of beasts, nothing more than a caricature&nbsp;of human anatomy surrounded us. Their gaze tearing into me with an infernal rage, my executioner just one among many. He clambered up with a taxing effort before standing over what was left of my body. I closed my eyes with the futile hope that he would kill me quickly.</p> </div>
All I grasped was an empty crumpled pack. With my last anchor towards the outside world crushed in-between my hand's, reality collapsed. What replaced it was a psyche brutalized by its owner's sins. Turbid waves of rancid filth were drudged up and splattered against my shins, whipped up into a frenzy by the tempestuous stormclouds above. Behind me stood a dam of cobblestone. Interestingly enough it protected nothing, an abyss was all that lay behind. My eyes were forced forward as an agonizing scream tumbled across the *white-capped waves. They widened as the earth beneath me shifted from the power of its rage. In front of me stood some sort of fiend risen from the murky depths. Clear blue eyes pierced and anchored me into place. With another bellow, it started running towards me at an inhuman pace. The rotting uniform on its body disintegrated with every loping bound and before I could think he was in my face. The monster threw a quick left hook that planted itself firmly into my gut. A searing pain followed a sick squelch as my liver burst. Before I could puke an overhead right uppercut followed, only a chunk of my nose was torn out as I bent over. Taking advantage of my bent frame, I Lunged forward with arms outstretched, both of us collapsing into the knee-deep sea. His light frame allowed me to get on top. Punching down *hard,* my knuckles cracked against bone as the carbon fiber did its job. The beast thrashed out with hooked claws stabbing into my left shoulder and slowly worked down, emancipating the bicep from its skin. Tears streaked down my face as the brawl continued.  Trading blows adrenaline seemed to pump through my veins keeping me sane. The pain subdued by my burning will to live. My gloves shattered upon its skull, tearing off chunks of the scalp; gouging into bone. It retaliated by tearing the flesh out of my sides. His claws slowly making its way up inside my chest, searching for my lungs. As he finally tore out the small intestine, whatever was keeping me afloat waned with my strength. A profound hollowness filled me as my life-blood poured over the demon's chest. I started to give up. Time seemed to slow down as the mangled face of my enemy shot up and bit my lower left jaw. It pulled with all its strength, tearing off the left side of my face and throwing me off it into the sea around us.  Landing on my back a wail of despair passed my bloodied lips as I finally took the time to look around and found that it wasn't alone.  Dozens of beasts, nothing more than a caricature of human anatomy surrounded us. Their gaze tearing into me with an infernal rage, my executioner just one among many. He clambered up with a taxing effort before standing over what was left of my body. I closed my eyes with the futile hope that he would kill me quickly.