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O ye who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves in vanities But let there be amongst you Traffic and trade by mutual good-will Nor kill or destroy yourselves for verily Allah hath been to you Most Merciful! | Ya ye nazhia imani jin na! E ga gi dukiya yezhi tsakaniebo be dozhi eti boshio ma sai de ulaufe eti eko woceo be ye da jiny dagan eba yebo Ye mae ga wu dozhi ma Akika Sokoa fe ya ye Etsu yegun |
antagonist adversary | null |
null | null |
interpretation | null |
O ye who believe! When death approaches any of you take witnesses among yourselves when making bequests- two just men of your own brotherhood or others from outside if ye are journeying through the earth and the chance of death befalls you thus If ye doubt their truth detain them both after prayer and let them both swear by Allah We wish not in this for any worldly gain even though the beneficiary be our near relation we shall hide not the evidence before Allah if we do then behold! the sin be upon us! | Ya ye nazhia imani jin na! Eri yan tsakani ye be dozhi kamina ajali ga tsoba ya zaeni mini yebo na kamina ugae jin wasiyya na a wa eri guba nazhi yi eza gaskiyazhi mini yebo nako ma za gub ndocizhi kayin nazhi jin miniyeboa na kamina ye ga danzano kinbo masiba yan ajali ci be tswan ye na yelae kane gikini zagubaba zunma yan swallao har ala kutiazhi be sunna Sokoe ye gae jin shakka jinyiga gaskiya laakun ebo ewo wa boa kada wunayi eza tsonba yi ma swo eri yan Sokoa Akika yi ga jin acin yi ga fe dan mini eza lefizhio |
And verily thy Lord is He the Exalted in Might Most Merciful | Hakika ma Tsoci wyun gayi Etsu zankpeo etsu yegunSurah And rehearse to them something of Abraham´s storyWyo mao ta laabari Ibrahimuo yaa |
null | null |
Revenge | lǒpa |
Dull stupid bashful | tsùmùnù |
Morrow | Liye |
You should have listened to me | da woya shi tukpa mi |
Be sure I will cut off your hands and your feet on apposite sides and I will cause you all to die on the cross | Hakika ma migae egwazhi ba ya to biciezhi eti cice le bao bici gwalo be egwa gwapiny gancin mici gae fo-sa baenio |
And the messengers whom We sent before thee were all men who ate food and walked through the streets We have made some of you as a trial for others will ye have patience for Allah is One Who sees all things | Yima laatun Tucizhi tun shi wyo dzo lea saide hakika aafe zanazhie gi yangici na amae dazan dan dzukozhio Yimaa saashi yezhi laafe fitina ya saashiezhi ko ye yeajin hakuri be dozhi Tsoci wyo maafe Etsu nae le ba ye na |
Salutation for the rank | gbàdǎrìgì |
Hospitalize | Kanta |
So We inspired him with this message Construct the Ark within Our sight and under Our guidance then when comes Our Command and the fountains of the earth gush forth take thou on board pairs of every species male and female and thy family- except those of them against whom the Word has already gone forth And address Me not in favour of the wrong-doers for they shall be drowned in the Flood | Yi ci jin wahayi yau kede A eya nuwan kan be eye Yi yin ganni be foro Yi yin gancin kamina foro Yi gabe da be yn etiabo na eye nuwanzhi cie be gutinya na to a eba be yiwoe dagan mini alita ndondo ku fibo to iyaali wtotso zhi sai de na hukunci yan hallaka gaa shidzo ta etiubo miniabo na wyo mao ga gan yandondo be Mi yin eti azwalumizhio ma hakika a gaajin hallaka fi nuwano |
Loud | Gbogun |
Lye used in dye pits | zã̀nta |
Poor language crooked | kã̀dǐkã̀dǐ |
Will be the food of the Sinful- | Yangici lefi jincizhi uyio |
To fasten apron | lá bènte dã nì |
Small herb used in making a | enigi kòcita |
Very quiet | placid |
Fourteen | Gúwo gúṇni |
And the mountains shall vanish as if they were a mirage | Aciga patizhi to takunzhi laazhe ke rungba nan |
Reel | Wòfi |
To fold the arms behind the | lá gwa kpã̀n zùnmã̀ |
“A ye oooo yiiii | “A ye oooo yii |
Thoroughly | Naginyi |
To exceed | batú |
All cereals harvested by | mã́ ngi |
Baboon | gbògì |
Liar | Egbóci |
To be deep | shìdù |
Blood | egià |
cultivated | null |
Distant | Màkpá |
To separate to scatter to | gà |
Dry | kásã́ nã́ |
Above-the-line | Etǐ-esùṇ-o |
Bloat | Sạnbà |
Imperfect useless | sakpa |
null | dídìa |
Lout | Dzan |
knee | Vokpa |
Tender | kpalúmã́ gi |
To transfer to pass on | yatsũ̀ n |
cotton | null |
Grubby | Kwani |
Airmobile | Gàkéfè |
and sold in chunks | null |
Out of what Allah hath produced in abundance in tilth and in cattle they assigned Him a share they say according to their fancies This is for Allah and this - for our partners! but the share of their partners reacheth not Allah whilst the share of Allah reacheth their partners ! evil and unjust is their assignment! | Acia kansan ndo ci laa shi shi ya Soko dagan mini yan na udzoyana nyan yan gi ci latizhi to dabbazhi naaci gan Nana ma yan kuti yizhi a yio Naga yi yan kutiazhina towuncine tun eba Soko a na ma gayi yan Soko na wuncina tun eba kutiazhi gwosun be bi bi wunajin tabbata ya hukunci nae jin na |
Swelling sore | Wun |
The prohibited month for the prohibited month- and so for all things prohibited- there is the law of equality If then any one transgresses the prohibition against you Transgress ye likewise against him But fear Allah and know that Allah is with those who restrain themselves | Agagun ye Etswa Alfurmao yetso guna dan etswa Alfurmazhio Etswaa alfurma kpata ma jinjin ga danbo Ebo a cino zandondo naga -- iyaka gan be ye yin naye tso -- iyaka gan beu yin gwargwado yan kendoe uga -- iyaka gan be ye yin na ye mae tswa Soko ye mae kpe wo ke Soko ajin udan be zanazhi gae sundanu na |
Hearken ye to your Lord before there come a Day which there will be no putting back because of the Ordainment of Allah! that Day there will be for you no place of refuge nor will there be for you any room for denial of your sins! | Efe ye yiyi yan Tsoci ye shidzo kafi efo nan wuna ye dagwa yaa nan u be dagan eba Soko na Yea de eswoba ndodo fo wuncina a maade zandondo nana gbo mi naa |
Large chili pepper | less hot |
Wild duck | kãkã |
null | jĩn fadãnci |
Fillip | gbàndòrǒgi |
Freely | Fonyǐ |
send | Tun |
null | null |
null | null |
Bird | which is noted for its |
Abba | Ndǎtsóci Ndǎ Tsóci |
Revenge | Jinjinga |
Antelope species | kurangi |
weaving | null |
The Arabs of the desert are the worst in Unbelief and hypocrisy and most fitted to be in ignorance of the command which Allah hath sent down to His Messenger But Allah is All-knowing All-Wise | Eza banzunmazhi a gbo ka gan eba kafirinci jiny be munafinci jiny aga ma -- aci yin gano ebo na ade kpikpe yan hukuncizhi na Soko cin be ya Tuciu naa Soko ma Etsu kpikpe uyio Etsu hikima uyio |
Cushy | Fùtù |
Poke | Gbogbó |
Very wide | kpalayí |
Palm-kernel oil | èdĩ̌ n |
Jealousy | Nyạgbàṇla |
Rest | èfá |
Mule | dzǎka |
There came to you Moses with clear Signs yet ye worshipped the calf Even after that and ye did behave wrongfully | Akika ma Musa be ya ye be bayani yan hujjazhiy gancin yeci da nanko la Tsoci cifewun zumaubo ye cia fe azwalumizhi |
To speak about to despise | shìyé |
ceremonies | null |
brink brim edge | null |
to be blind of heart | nyãgbã̀n ánã̀ |
Granite | Kisagi |
Daisy hated to see bookshops which were not cared for | Daisy jin kyama wunle shago takada ye shikan ala eye dan wan |
To buy to purchase | shi |
He told me the story of his life | un ya mi etan ya rayuwa o |
hamper | Kunkuru |
Hyena trap | kata mã̀kũndũnnu |
to shave the head | wõn tí |
Sixty nine | Ádwáni díṇ ’nní |
Yam cultivar | wutsú |
To Allah doth belong the dominion of the heavens and the earth and all that is therein and it is He Who hath power over all things | Soko ga wun mulki yan sanmazhio to kin to yannazhi fi miniabo nao Soko ga ma yi Etsu nade kagbo ta eti yandondo nao |
Of a truth ye are stronger than they because of the terror in their hearts sent by Allah This is because they are men devoid of understanding | Akika dansun ye u gbota gan dansun Soko fi yangbanazhio wuncin mayi ebo nan a de kpikpe wangia nan |
THE WORD OF GODHeaven and earth will pass away but My words will by no means pass away Luke For prophecy never came by the will of man but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit Peter All Scripture is given by in spiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for cor rection for instruction inPRAY AND FORGIVEIn this manner therefore pray Our Father in heaven hal lowed be Your name Your king dom come Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread And for give us our debts as we forgive our debtors And do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from the evil one For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever Amen For if you forgive men their trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you But if you do not forgive men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespassesMatthew righteousnessYour word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my pathPsalm | ECA NYA DOKO Luke Sama to kin a goga ama ega mizi a a goga kponyi a Piteru Gamaşi egalaşişi ndondo be be wuwa za wangi nyi a ama na Ruhu Lilici la ezazi sasa na a gaga daga eba Soko o Timoti Rubutu lilici ndondo na Soko yi fe fi na de anfani ya egawu to ya ewunna to ya yiyejin to ya foroLuke Ye jin şiri ma gama kami ga na ye ekpaye a na Egi nya eza a be oMattiu na da nimi eli gasikiya o na Zabura Ega we yi fitila ya bici mizi To lefi ași a na to Nda ye wun a jinbayetin ya yeko miGanagawin Dibo Shitako Akanda Hyabe Adyakty ibara Eggan Published in numerous languages by World Missionary Press as God supplies funds in answer to prayer If you would like more copies for careful distribution write in English toNife Anupe Nupeizi Ampexi Nigeria Anupecways Tapa Anuperi TappahNiger Biddu Kantugora Minna Kwala Lafia Pategi IgbomenaEkiti AgareLupar Kogi PekinaNupe text is used by permission of United Bible Societies Africa Regional Centre Nairobi Takipa Nupe Printed in |
Allah will deprive usury of all blessing but will give increase for deeds of charity For He loveth not creatures ungrateful and wicked | Sokoe la albarka wa ewo ribao umae la bibe albarka dan ewo swadaka zhio Soko mae wa zandondo na gae jin kafirinci naa umae wa zana ejin lefi naa |
null | null |
Fear startle | wèdo |
Let there be no compulsion in religion Truth stands out clear from Error whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold that never breaks And Allah heareth and knoweth all things | Tiile bo ko kpaka bo udan mini jin jin adini boa ya zana laagwo musuluncia naa Akika bawu wuna tula kperi be egbiny ebo acino zandondo na ga kafirici jinbe Dagutuy na zanae jin zazhi umurni be wunwun zandoci ke Soko lugwa na u cia imani jin be Sokoe na akika za wuncina egwa laasun egban na gboka sarauyin nana maadza yaa na Soko ma Etsu nae wo yandondo na uyio Etsu nade kpikpe yandondo na uyi |
Musa demanded that I pay the rest of the money by the end of the week | musa gan min la ewo u nan kenan laya wun satin zoba nannan |
And the earth We have spread out like a carpet set thereon mountains firm and immovable and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance | Kin ma yiu ta cici Yicia takun wancikozhi ce ta eti ubo Yicia yangici sunsun iri ndondo laatinya na ma yibe tsunwane na |
I will rest in the shed | Mi à fa wuru na |