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true | [
] | null | null | LAO | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Energy Hydropower 13GW total hydropower capacity (domestic and export use) in the country Energy Efficiency Introduction of 50,000 energy efficient cook stoves Transport New Bus Rapid Transit system in Vientiane Capital and associated Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) component Lao-China Railway In the LUCF sector, Lao PDR aims to accelerate the implementation of the national strategy to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, foster conservation, sustainable management of forests, buffer zones of protected areas and other preserves, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks. The target is to reduce LUCF emissions by 1,100ktCO2e per year on average between 2020 and 2030, which is a threefold reduction objective compared to what was achieved between 2000 and 2015 (See also section 2.4). | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | KOR | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | The Republic of Korea allocates tradable permits and reduces GHG emissions on a 5-year basis for the 73.5% of its total national GHG emissions by establishing the 3rd Basic Plan for K-ETS for 2021-2030, considering the 2030 national GHG reduction target. 3. Scope and coverage. Information. Information submitted by the Republic of Korea. (a). General description of the target. The Republic of Korea’s updated NDC target is to reduce. 24.4% from the total national GHG emissions in 2017, which is 709.1 MtCO2eq, by 2030. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Archived Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | ARE | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Information necessary to facilitate clarity, transparency, and understanding (ICTU) guidance Quantified information on the reference point Reduction of 31% in GHG emissions, measured in CO2eq, relative to BAU in 2030. BAU scenario emissions in 2030 are projected to be about 301.2 million tons, assuming a moderate annual linear sector specific growth rate in line with projected economic growth, national circumstance and historical trends. The BAU scenario includes all mitigation measures implemented prior to and during 2016. Type Economy-wide emission reduction target relative to BAU. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Second NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | CHN | null | null | null | true | true | [
] | null | false | China will implement a proactive national strategy on climate change, promote and lead the establishment of a fair and equitable, mutually beneficial global climate governance system, and advance the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. On September 22, 2020, President Xi Jinping declared, at the General Debate of the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, that China would scale up its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by adopting more vigorous policies and measures, and aims to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | GBR | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | • Increase the share of journeys taken by public transport, cycling and walking. • Support decarbonisation by investing more than £12 billion in local transport systems over the current Parliament. • Invest £2 billion in cycling and walking, building first hundreds, then thousands of miles of segregated cycle lane and more low-traffic neighbourhoods with the aim that half of all journeys in towns and cities will be cycled or walked by 2030. | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | AND | null | null | null | true | false | [
] | null | false | Este compromiso se incrementó con la primera actualización de la NDC en 2020, concretamente con un objetivo a largo plazo de neutralidad en carbono para el año 2050. La actualización que ahora se presenta responde al Pacto por el Clima de Glasgow anteriormente comentado, y refuerza el compromiso a medio plazo para asegurar conseguir la neutralidad en el 2050. | false | null | true | [
] | [
"This commitment was increased with the first update of the NDC in 2020, specifically with a long-term goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.The update now being presented responds to the previously discussed Glasgow Climate Pact, and reinforces the medium-term commitment to ensure achieving neutrality by 2050."
] | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | es | null |
false | [
] | null | null | BFA | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Le Burkina Faso, au titre de ses nouvelles ambitions, a considéré un scenario inconditionnel et un scenario conditionnel. Le pays s’engage, en rapport avec ses actions d’atténuation, à réduire ses émissions de GES de 31682,3 Gg CO2eq à l’horizon 2030 soit 29,42% par rapport au scenario Business As Usual. Cet engagement est de 21074,94 Gg CO2eq pour le scenario inconditionnel soit 19,60% et de 10557,91 Gg CO2eq pour le scenario conditionnel soit 9,82%. | false | null | true | [
] | [
"Burkina Faso, as part of its new ambitions, has considered an unconditional and a conditional scenario. The country commits, in relation to its mitigation actions, to reduce its GHG emissions by 31682.3 Gg CO2eq by 2030, or 29.42% compared to the Business As Usual scenario. This commitment is 21074.94 Gg CO2eq for the unconditional scenario, or 19.60%, and 10557.91 Gg CO2eq for the conditional scenario, or 9.82%."
] | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | true | fr | null |
false | [
] | null | null | GNQ | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | El resultado del INGEI, elaborado de abril del 2021 a marzo del 2021, fue un aumento de las emisiones de GEI de forma progresiva. Teniendo en cuenta que la ambición de Guinea Ecuatorial en la primera CDN fue reducir las emisiones en un 20% para el año 2030, con la meta de alcanzar el 50% para el 2050, con referencia al año 2010. | false | null | true | [
] | [
"The results of the INGEI, compiled from April 2021 to March 2021, were a progressive increase in GHG emissions, taking into account that Equatorial Guinea's ambition in the first NDC was to reduce emissions by 20% by 2030, with the goal of achieving 50% by 2050, with reference to 2010."
] | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | es | null |
true | [
] | null | null | UGA | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | Work with the taxi industry to achieve service quality improvements and operator consolidation. Introduce 1,000 high-quality city buses in GKMA15 together with bus shelters, terminals, and depots.16 Introduce ITS systems, automatic fare collection, and control centre for public transport in GKMA 5% reduction in VKM and 5% increase in load factor from improved organisation of urban public transport. Residential trip avoidance through town planning and transport orientated development Standard growth rate of PKM of 7% to 2025 and 6% to 2050. | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | BOL | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | It has been estimated that by 2030 a total of 8 ISs will be able to include in their electricity systems generation plants based on renewable sources (photovoltaic, wind or microhydro). Contribution to SDGs: The goal will contribute to SDGs 7, 12 and 13. Efficient street lighting By 2030, 6% of the national public lighting inventory has been replaced with LED technology. Conditionality: Goal will be covered with national effort. With cooperation, approximately 12% would be reached. | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Second NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | CHL | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Air quality constitutes a nation- al priority for environmental management. Thus, various actions will be implemented, including: new atmospheric decontamina- tion plans; regulations applied to the public and private transport system; work with communities to improve household energy ef- ficiency; and setting emission and quality standards for the main industrial pollutant issuers, among others. En este contexto, Chile se compromete a: Contribution to Mitigation Nº2 (M2) M2) Reduce total black carbon emissions by at least 25% by 2030, with respect to 2016 levels. | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | UKR | null | null | null | true | true | [
] | null | false | In total, from 2016 to 2020, more than 550 ESCO contracts were concluded, which contributed to energy savings of 35 %. Based on geographical, economic and social circumstances, Ukraine has committed itself to achieving the target of reducing GHG emissions of 65% by 2030, compared to 1990 (including LULUCF), reaching carbon neutrality until 2060 as foreseen in the National Economic Strategy until 2030, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 3, 2021 # 179. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | true | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | NAM | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | The pie charts indicate the relative contribution made from measures within the key sectors of energy (electricity generation and transport), IPPU (Cement industry and RAC), AFOLU (forestry), waste (solid waste transformation and recycling), against the BAU baseline described above. BAU Mitigation FIGURE 2.2. MITIGATION POTENTIAL FROM ALL MITIGATION MEASURES. Energy Electricity generation Transport Solar Thermal Road Map - 20 000 Solar Water heaters (SWH), 3% Solar Rooftop Systems (45 MW PV) - replacing REFIT 170 MW PV - replacing imports plus Ruacana, 45% Embed generation - 13 MW PV replacing … Omburu 20 MW PV & 20 MW Solar IPP Power Plant - replacing Baynes Hydro - Luderitz Wind 40 MW & 50 MW Wind IPP Power Plant - replacing imports , 4% Biomass Energy plant 40MW - replacing imports, Fuel switching - Hydrogen replacing diesel, Vehicles - replacing Transport – LDV – reducing fuel use by 20 per cent, | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | COL | null | null | null | true | true | [
] | null | false | Tabla 5. Resumen de la meta de mitigación de emisiones de GEI Compromiso Como parte de su meta de mitigación Colombia se compromete a: Emitir como máximo 169.44 millones de t CO2 eq en 2030 (equivalente a una reducción del 51% de las emisiones respecto a la proyección de emisiones en 2030 en el escenario de referencia), iniciando un decrecimiento en las emisiones entre 2027 y 2030 tendiente hacia la carbono-neutralidad a mediados de siglo. | false | null | true | [
] | [
"Table 5. Summary of GEI's mitigation target Commitment As part of its mitigation target, Colombia commits to: emit a maximum of 169.44 million t CO2 eq in 2030 (equivalent to a 51% reduction in emissions compared to the 2030 emissions projection in the baseline scenario), initiating a decline in emissions between 2027 and 2030 towards carbon neutrality by mid-century."
] | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | es | null |
false | [
] | null | null | PAK | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | It is likely that these challenges will continue to feature prominently in future national discourse and would only be effectively addressed with financial grants and technical assistance from the international community. Pak-INDC Statement Having considered the existing potential for mitigation in the country, Pakistan intends to reduce up to 20% of its 2030 projected GHG emissions subject to availability of international grants to meet the total abatement cost for the indicated 20 percent reduction amounting to about US$ 40 billion at current prices. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | true | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | LAO | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | The unconditional targets for energy efficiency and the transport sector have been defined considering that financing for the projects is already secured. Ongoing mitigation efforts and the new 2030 sectoral targets established in Table 2 above will contribute to reach the 2030 unconditional national target presented in Table 3 below. Table 3: National level 2030 unconditional mitigation target National level 2030 unconditional target 60% GHG emission reductions compared to baseline scenario, or around 62,000 ktCO2e in absolute terms. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
true | [
] | [
"Sectoral targets on",
"Existing sectoral policies",
"Upstream policies on",
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
"Vehicle Fleet",
"Recycling, Reuse, Reduce",
"Renewable Energy: Solar",
"Transportation Planning",
"Transport: General"
] | MAR | [
] | true | true | false | false | [
] | [
"Targets at the sectoral level",
"Information on the existing upstream sectoral policies that the NDC builds on",
"Information on upstream policies for a given sector",
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | 0. 2.973. 39. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Recycling Project. Implementation of a PVC recycling project. 0.2. 0.117. 40. National Strategy on Logistics Development. Implementation of these actions: eco-driving training of truck drivers, installation of photovoltaic parks, the improvement of maintenance and technical control of transport vehicles and a modal shift from road to rail. 350. 35.122. 41. Upgrade of Utility Vehicles 20 Years and Older between 2025 and 2030. Upgrade utility vehicles of 20 years and older to lower their fuel consumption, between 2025 and 2030. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies",
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets",
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | [
] | null | null | JOR | null | null | null | null | null | [
] | null | false | Unconditional target: 5%. e. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s). National strategies (Energy, waste, water and Transport). Local Climate Action Plans. Basic consumption and activity data obtained from Annual reports of the ministries, national entities and Department of Statistics. Population and GDP: Department of Statistics (DOS) and MoPIC. Default emission factors reported in 2006 IPCC guidelines. Consultation with sectoral national experts. f. Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the values of the reference indicators. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | MHL | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding Parameter Information Timeframe / periods for implementation Start year: 2020 End year: 2025 Start year: 2025 End year: 2030 Type of commitment Absolute economy-wide emission reduction target (excluding LULUCF) Reference point or base year Estimated quantified impact on GHG emissions Commitment to reduce GHG emissions to at least 32% below 2010 levels by 2025 and to at least 45% below 2010 levels by 2030 Indicative target to reduce GHG emissions by at least 58% below 2010 levels by 2035 and an aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 at the latest Coverage % National emissions Sectors • Energy - Electricity Generation - Domestic Transportation - Other (Cooking and Lighting) • Waste (Note: emissions from sectors not listed are negligible) Gases Carbon dioxide (CO2) Nitrous Oxide (N2O) (Note: emissions of GHGs not listed are negligible) Geographical boundaries Whole of country Intention to | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Second NDC",
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | GHA | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | For the 34 mitigation measures, Ghana aims to implement nine unconditional programmes of action that would result in 8.5 MtCO2e GHG reductions by 2025 and a further 24.6 MtCO2e by 2030 compared to the 2020-2030 cumulative emissions in a baseline scenario. Ghana can also adopt additional 25 conditional programmes of action that have the potential to achieve 16.7 MtCO2e by 2025 and 39.4 MtCO2e by 2030 if financial support from the international and private sector is made available to cover the full cost for implementation. 3. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | true | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | KGZ | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | The overall mitigation goal of the Kyrgyz Republic is to unconditionally reduce GHG emissions by 16.63% by 2025 and by 15.97% by 2030, under the business-as-usual scenario. Should international support be provided, GHG emissions will be reduced by 2025 by 36.61% and by 2030 by 43.62%, under the business-as-usual scenario. The achievement of the NDC is underlain by mitigation actions and policies covering five sectors. However, the primary mitigation capacity is concentrated in the Energy, Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses sectors. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | true | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | QAT | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | The pertinent information to that effect are listed as follows: Reference base year Target year Sector coverage: Economic diversification & Adaptation Measures with Mitigation Co- Benefits. Energy including transport & downstream industries; building & construction industry, water management, waste, and infrastructure. Emission reduction ambition. The reduction of 25% in GHG emissions for the year 2030, relative to BAU scenario is consistent with provisions stipulated in Articles 4.3, 4.4 and 4.7 of PA. Also, Article 6 is considered in the implementation. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | CRI | null | null | null | true | false | [
] | null | false | Con la presente contribución, Costa Rica aumentó su ambición con respecto a la primera contribución presentada por Costa Rica ante la CMUCCC en el 2015. A continuación se describen los principales aspectos que lo evidencian: - Las metas de mitigación están alineadas con la trayectoria de la Estrategia de Largo Plazo de Costa Rica, el Plan Nacional de Descarbonización, presentada por Costa Rica en 2019 y que busca emisiones netas cero en 2050 y es consistente con la trayectoria 1.5 °C. | false | null | true | [
] | [
"With this contribution, Costa Rica increased its ambition with respect to the first contribution presented by Costa Rica to the CMUCCC in 2015. The following are the main aspects that demonstrate this: - The mitigation targets are aligned with the trajectory of Costa Rica's Long-Term Strategy, the National Plan of Decarbonization, presented by Costa Rica in 2019 and which seeks zero net emissions in 2050 and is consistent with the trajectory of 1.5°C."
] | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | es | null |
true | [
] | null | null | BRB | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | 100% electric or alternatively-fueled vehicles in the passenger fleet 3. A 20% increase in energy efficiency across all sectors as compared to BAU. 4. A 29% decrease in industrial, commercial and residential fuel consumption as compared to BAU 5. A 20% decrease in waste emissions As detailed in the ICTU table (below): Barbados adopts the following ambitious contributions for 2025 and 2030: ● 20% reduction relative to business-as-usual emissions in 2025 without international support (unconditional). | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | true | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | IDN | null | null | null | true | true | [
] | null | false | Conducive environment for investment, structural reform to support growth, and well-designed climate policy as prerequisites for a successful LTS have been addressed during the development process of LTS. Under the scenario compatible with 1.5 0C goals (LCCP), greenhouse gas emissions will peak in 2030 at 1.24 GtCO2-eq of CO2-eq and then decline and continue to decline to reach 0.54 GtCO2-eq in 2050. It is expected that net zero emissions (NZE) will be achieved by 2060 or sooner. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | KOR | null | null | null | true | false | [
] | null | false | The Act clearly defines 2050 carbon neutrality as the Republic of Korea’s national vision and stipulates the minimum level of its NDC target for 2030. Other key pillars of the Act include: climate impact assessment, climate-responsive budgeting, Emissions Trading Scheme (K-ETS), adaptation measures for the climate crisis, and designation of special areas and establishment of support centers for the just transition. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | KHM | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | true | - One guidebook on climate proofing roads with design standards will be developed by - All repair and new road construction will follow the climate proofing design standard by 2030 - M&E framework develop for climate proofing standard road by 2023 Reduce road repair/ rehabilitation cost Reduce vehicle maintenance Save time Ensure flow of traffic and transportation (Experts, data collection and analysis, review and risk assessment of climate change impact, …) 600,000 USD. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | GIN | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | - Conditionnel : - 4480ktCO2 par rapport au scénario inconditionnel Déforestation : - Inconditionnel : - 4200 ktCO2/an par rapport au BAU - Conditionnel : - 22500 ktCO2/an par rapport au scénario inconditionnel Restauration : - Inconditionnel : 451 ktCO2/an séquestrées par rapport au BAU - Conditionnel : - 17 605 ktCO2/an séquestrées par rapport au scénario inconditionnel Niveau d’atténuation estimé Hors UTCAFT, la République de Guinée établit son objectif inconditionnel (CDN) à 2 056 ktCO2eq/an soit 9,7% de réduction de ses émissions en 2030 par rapport au scenario tendanciel, soit une croissance des émissions de 5% par an sur la période 2020-2030. | false | null | true | [
] | [
"- Conditional: - 4480 ktCO2 vs. unconditional scenario Deforestation: - Unconditional: - 4200 ktCO2/year vs. BAU - Conditional: - 22500 ktCO2/year vs. unconditional scenario Restoration: - Unconditional: 451 ktCO2/year vs. BAU - Conditional: - 17 605 ktCO2/year vs. unconditional scenario Estimated mitigation level Outside LULUCF, the Republic of Guinea sets its unconditional target (CDN) at 2,056 ktCO2eq/year, i.e. 9.7% reduction of its emissions in 2030 vs. the trend scenario, i.e. an emission growth of 5% per year over the period 2020-2030."
] | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | fr | null |
false | [
] | null | null | MAR | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | En matière d’atténuation L’objectif actualisé global du Maroc représente une réduction des émissions de GES de son économie de 45,5% à l’horizon 2030 dont un objectif inconditionnel de 18,3% par rapport au scénario de référence, qui correspond à une évolution des émissions suivant le « cours normal des affaires » (CNA). Le scénario d’atténuation menant à l’objectif global repose sur 34 mesures inconditionnelles et 27 mesures conditionnelles au financement international. | false | null | true | [
] | [
"In terms of mitigation Morocco’s global updated target represents a reduction in its economy’s GHG emissions of 45.5% by 2030, including an unconditional target of 18.3% compared to the baseline scenario, which corresponds to a change in emissions according to the ‘normal course of business’ (CNA). The mitigation scenario leading to the global target is based on 34 unconditional measures and 27 measures conditional on international financing."
] | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | fr | null |
true | [
] | null | null | CRI | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | Durante el periodo de cumplimiento de esta NDC, el Tren Eléctrico Limonense de Carga (TELCA) estará en operación para el año 2022. 1.4. En el año 2030, al menos el 8% de la flota de transporte público del país será cero emisiones. Carbono negro Carbono negro Impacto sobre el bienestar CONTRIBUCIÓN Impacto sobre el bienestar CONTRIBUCIÓN Impacto sobre el bienestar CONTRIBUCIÓN Contribución Nacionalmente Determinada de Costa Rica 2020 Transición justa Carbono negro Transición justa Carbono negro Transición justa1.6. | true | null | true | [
] | [
"1.4. In 2030, at least 8% of the country's public transport fleet will have zero emissions. Carbon black Carbon black Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTION Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTION Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTION Nationally Determined Contribution of Costa Rica 2020 Fair Transition Carbon black Fair Transition Carbon black Fair Transition 1.6."
] | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | es | null |
true | [
] | null | null | LUX | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | La mission consiste à parvenir une décarbonisation complète du parc automobile national à l’horizon 2050. Le Luxembourg a opté pour l’aménagement d’une infrastructure nationale commune de bornes de charge publiques pour véhicules électriques157. La hausse escomptée de ces véhicules doit être continuellement accompagnée d’un réseau de plus en plus dense de points de charge publics, car le succès de l’électromobilité dépend aussi de l’aisance de la recharge d’un véhicule électrique. | true | null | true | [
] | [
"The task is to achieve a complete decarbonisation of the national car fleet by 2050. Luxembourg has opted for the development of a common national infrastructure of public charging points for electric vehicles.157 The expected increase in these vehicles must be continuously accompanied by an increasingly dense network of public charging points, as the success of electromobility also depends on the comfort of recharging an electric vehicle."
] | [
] | true | false | fr | null |
true | [
] | null | null | GTM | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | Sin embargo, es de importancia recalcar que, al hacer la transición a electromovilidad, se aumentará la demanda de generación de energía eléctrica y, en consecuencia, aumentarán las emisiones de dicha categoría. Por su parte, se promoverá la sustitución parcial de gasolina por medio del uso del 10 % de etanol avanzado a nivel nacional. En cuanto a la categoría de Generación eléctrica, el país se compromete a implementar la medida de Priorizar energía limpia para la generación de energía eléctrica (ENE-1). | true | null | true | [
] | [
"However, it is important to stress that the transition to electric mobility will increase demand for electricity generation and consequently increase emissions in this category. For its part, the partial replacement of petrol by the use of 10% advanced ethanol at national level will be promoted. As regards the electricity generation category, the country is committed to implementing the Clean Energy for Electricity Generation (ENE-1) priority measure."
] | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | es | null |
true | [
] | null | null | IND | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | Use of biodiesel, green diesel, compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas as fuel alternatives. 2. Natural gas as short-term fuel alternatives: Target to increase the share of natural gas in the country’s energy mix to 15% by 2030. 3. National Policy on Biofuels 2018: Indicative 2025 target of 20% blending of ethanol in petrol, with an annual savings potential of INR 300 billion of foreign exchange. 4. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
] | false | false | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | GIN | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | Le déploiement du Plan de Développement Urbain de Conakry avec notamment une ligne de bus BRT et une ligne de train est un atout essentiel pour réduire les émissions de CO2 mais aussi améliorer les conditions de vie des millions de personnes de la capitale. Objectif inconditionnel Application de l’interdiction d’importation de véhicules de plus de 8 ans à horizon 2025 (norme CEDEAO) ; mise en œuvre à l’horizon 2030 de l’interdiction d’importation de véhicules de plus de 5 ans (préconisation de la Commission de la CEDEAO de 2020). | true | null | true | [
] | [
"The deployment of the Conakry Urban Development Plan, including a BRT bus line and a railway line, is an essential asset for reducing CO2 emissions but also improving the living conditions of millions of people in the capital. Unconditional objective Implementation of the ban on the import of vehicles over 8 years old by 2025 (ECOWAS standard); implementation of the ban on the import of vehicles over 5 years old by 2030 (ECOWAS Commission 2020 recommendation)."
] | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | fr | null |
false | [
] | null | null | JPN | null | null | null | true | true | [
] | null | false | At the same time, it identifies areas which need disruptive innovation to promote corporate research and development (R&D) and investment. Furthermore, by setting forth these visions, Japan will take the lead in future international discussions including the formulation of frameworks and standards in the area of climate change. Japan aims to reduce its GHG emissions by 46 percent in FY 2030 from its FY2013 levels, setting an ambitious target which is aligned with the long-term goal of achieving net-zero by 2050. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | ISR | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Unlike Israel's original NDC, this new Decision includes an […] unconditional absolute GHG emissions reduction goal for 2050 of 85% relative to 2015. […] The updated target presented in this NDC is 58 MtCO2e, which corresponds to a reduction of 23 MtCO2e or 29% in Israel' s total emissions. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | KHM | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | Under the LTS4CN scenario, 70 percent of motorcycles and 40 percent of cars and urban buses are expected to be electric vehicles by 2050. The waste sector will achieve half of its emission savings in the first decade through mitigation measures in solid waste disposal, for example, by diverting organic waste from landfills or introducing the effective management of landfill gas. Other important mitigation measures are linked to reducing open burning and domestic wastewater. | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | [
"Conditional part of mitigation target",
"Downstream actions"
] | [
"Transport: General",
"Transportation Fuels"
] | GMB | [
] | false | false | false | true | [
] | [
"Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution",
"Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream actions"
] | false | Figure 5: GHG emissions: Energy baseline and mitigation scenario. 1.3.4 Transport. One mitigation measure has been identified in the transport sector:. 4 – Downsizing the Gambia’s transport sector carbon footprint. Measure. Conditionality. Mitigation potential (in GgCO2e) and timeline. 4 – Downsizing the Gambia’s transport sector carbon footprint. Component 1: Implementation of vehicle fuel efficiency standards Component 2: Strengthening public transport systems Component 3: Increasing use of blended fuel in road transport. Conditional. 129 GgCO2e in 2030. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Second NDC"
] | false | true | en | true |
false | [
] | null | null | IDN | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | The Enhanced NDC increases unconditional emission reduction target of 31.89%, compared to 29% in the 1st NDC. The commitment will be implemented through effective land use and spatial planning, sustainable forest management which include social forestry program, restoring functions of degraded ecosystems including wetland ecosystems, improved agriculture productivity, energy conservation and the promotion of clean and renewable energy sources, and improved waste management. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | CHL | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | En este contexto, Chile se compromete a: Contribution to Mitigation Nº2 (M2) M2) Reduce total black carbon emissions by at least 25% by 2030, with respect to 2016 levels. This commitment will be implemented primarily through national policies focused on air quality. In addi- tion, it will be monitored through permanent and periodic work to improve information available in the black carbon inventory. | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | AUS | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | � Australia reaffirms its ambitious economy-wide target to reduce greenhouse emissions to by 26 - 28% below 2005 levels by 2030, and will exceed it by up to 9 percentage points. Australia’s emissions projections 2021 demonstrate that we are on track to reduce emissions by up to 35% below 2005 levels by 2030.1 The details of Australia’s 2030 and 2050 targets and low emissions stretch goals are set out in Tables 1–3, along with the information for clarity, transparency and understanding in accordance with decision 4/CMA.1 (see Table 4). | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | NZL | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | New Zealand confirmed its commitment to ambitious national action through legislation enacted in late 20191 that. set a new domestic target to. reduce net emissions of greenhouse gases (other than biogenic methane) to zero by 2050, and. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Archived Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | BRA | null | null | null | true | false | [
] | null | false | Brazil’s Nationally Determined Contribution is compatible with an indicative longterm objective of reaching climate neutrality in 2060. The final determination of any long-term strategy for the country, in particular the year in which climate neutrality may be achieved, will, however, depend on the proper functioning of the market mechanisms provided for in the Paris Agreement (UPDATE: Brought forward to 2050 in official letter). | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Archived Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | GEO | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | In line with the Lima Call for Climate Action, in particular its paragraph 13, the following quantifiable information is hereby submitted: Intended Nationally Determined Contribution of Georgia Party Georgia Type Deviation from baseline, business as usual scenario Coverage All sectors excluding LULUCF Sectors Energy Industrial processes Agriculture Waste Information on GHG emissions reduction targets for the forestry sector of Georgia is given in Annex 1. Scope All greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol: Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) Base Year Period Reduction level Georgia plans to unconditionally reduce its GHG emissions by 15% below the Business as usual scenario (BAU) for the year 2030. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | TGO | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | ❖ Contribution conditionnelle Dans l’approche proposée pour le scénario d’atténuation, l’Etat togolais s’engage, s’il bénéficie du soutien requis, de réaliser une diminution supplémentaire de 30,06% des émissions de GES par rapport au scénario de référence à l’horizon 2030, soit 9 305,59 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 3), sans compromettre sa politique d’autosuffisance alimentaire en procédant de façon à ne pas compromettre son développement durable. Figure 3: Tendances des réductions globales des émissions de GES par rapport au scénario de référence ❖ Contribution globale De façon globale, la contribution du Togo s’élève à 50,57%, soit 15 378,55 Gg CO2-eq à l’horizon 2030 répartie comme suit : ✓ Cible inconditionnelle : 20,51% ; ✓ Cible conditionnelle : 30,06%. | false | null | true | [
] | [
"❖ Conditional contribution In the proposed approach for the mitigation scenario, the Togolese State undertakes, if supported, to achieve an additional reduction of 30.06% in GHG emissions from the baseline scenario by 2030, i.e. 9 305.59 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 3), without jeopardising its food self-sufficiency policy by proceeding in a manner that does not jeopardise its sustainable development Figure 3: Trends in overall GHG emission reductions from the baseline scenario ❖ Overall contribution Overall, Togo’s contribution amounts to 50.57%, i.e. 15 378.55 Gg CO2-eq by 2030, broken down as follows: ✓ Unconditional target: 20.51%; ✓ Conditional target: 30.06%."
] | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | true | fr | null |
true | [
] | null | null | GMB | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Excluding LULUCF and for Low Emissions Scenario, emissions will be reduced by about 44.4% in 2025 and 45.4% in 2030 (see Figures 1 and 2 below). Unconditional Mitigation Actions The Republic of The Gambia includes two unconditional mitigation options in its INDC: Firstly, the use of renewable energy sources in lighting, communication and health facilities, and for lifting water from wells and boreholes. Secondly, the Department of Forestry and local communities will continue to plant and care for trees annually. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | KOR | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | In the transportation sector, the Republic of Korea has set the target of deploying 3 million units of electric vehicles and 850,000 hydrogen vehicles by 2030 with a view to scaling up the deployment of zero-emission vehicles. The government is also pursuing a modal shift in freight transport from road to rail and shipping, and expanding eco-friendly ships fueled by LNG. Measures to minimize wastes, such as single-use items in particular, will be implemented. | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Archived Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | CAN | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Canada’s aim is a durable and inclusive global agreement that will put in place a long-term framework for collaborative action. With this contribution Canada is affirming our continued commitment to developing an internationalclimate change agreement that is fair, effective and includes meaningful and transparent commitments from all major emitters. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution Canada intends to achieve an economy-wide target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | UGA | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | 12% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015. Implement 1,412 km of fully electrified standard gauge rail by 2050. 3.5.2 Targets for Transport Sector Transport sector GHG emissions under Business-As-Usual conditions will more than double from 4.2 MtCO2e in 2015 to 9.6 MtCO2e in 2030. | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | MNE | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Montenegro’s contribution to the international effort to avoid dangerous climate change is expressed in 30 % emission reduction by 2030 compared to the 1990 base year. The emission level of greenhouse gases for Montenegro from sectors covered by INDC was 5239 kilotons in 1990 and Montenegro pledges to reduce it at least by 1572 kilotons, to the level below or at 3667 kilotons. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | EEU | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | European Commission COM(2020) 564 Update of the NDC II. N ATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (N DC) 27. The EU and its Member States wish to communicate the following NDC. The EU and its Member States, acting jointly, are committed to a binding target of a net domestic reduction of at least 55% in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | CHE | null | null | null | true | true | [
] | null | false | Domestic transport 2050 target: Land transport does not generate any more greenhouse gas emissions in 2050 with few exceptions.
Aviation 2050 target: International aviation from Switzerland should no longer generate climate-impacting emis-sions in net terms by 2050 as far as possible. This means:
• Fossil CO2 emissions amount to net zero.
• The other climate impacts decline or are offset with other measures. | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
] | true | false | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | BTN | null | null | null | true | true | [
] | null | false | Mitigation Bhutan intends to remain carbon neutral where emission of greenhouse gases will not exceed carbon sequestration by our forests, which is estimated at 6.3 million tons of CO2. Bhutan will maintain a minimum of 60 percent of total land under forest cover for all time in accordance the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan. Efforts will also be made to maintain current levels of forest cover, which currently stand at 70.46%, through sustainable forest management and conservation of environmental services. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | JPN | null | null | null | true | true | [
] | null | false | On top of that, Japan aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 46 percent in fiscal year 2030 from its fiscal year 2013 levels, setting an ambitious target which is aligned with the long- term goal of achieving net-zero by 2050. Furthermore, Japan will continue strenuous efforts in its challenge to meet the lofty goal of cutting its emissions by 50 percent. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | WSM | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Samoa would like to put forward to following mass-based sub-sector GHG emissions reduction targets that
can be applied relative to the new reference year once the GHG emissions inventory is updated:
- Land transport 5.2 Gg CO2e
- Maritime transport 3.0 Gg CO2e | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Second NDC"
] | false | true | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | GBR | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | Chapter 3 – Reducing Emissions across the EconomySetting the pace for greener, better transport Our Key Commitments • End the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans from 2030; from 2035, all new cars and vans must be zero emission at the tailpipe. • Introduce a zero emission vehicle mandate setting targets for a percentage of manufacturers’ new car and van sales to be zero emission each year from 2024. | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
] | true | false | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | ARM | null | null | null | true | false | [
] | null | false | subject to adequate international financial, technological and capacity-building support. 6. By 2030, Armenia is going to double its share of renewables in energy generation on the path to achieve climate neutrality in the second half of this century. 7. Armenia is a land-locked country with vulnerable mountainous ecosystems, already facing negative impacts of climate change and water scarcity. Therefore, adaptation policies and measures are of paramount importance for Armenia’s ability to achieve its social and economic development goals. 8. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | GBR | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | How the Party considers that its NDC is fair and ambitious in the light of its national circumstances a How the Party considers that its NDC is fair and ambitious in the light of its national circumstances In its NDC the UK commits to reducing economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions by at least 68% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. This requires the fastest rate of reduction in greenhouse gases between 1990 and 2030 of all major economies. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | UGA | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Transport) Transport Sector Waste Sector Industrial Processes and Product Use Sector TOTAL If, as a result of inadequate financial, capacity-building and technology transfer support, it is envisaged that Uganda’s unconditional efforts will result into net emissions reductions of 5.9% below the BAU trajectory in 2030. Figure 3-3 below presents and compares the net GHG emission targets for Uganda’s unconditional and full economy wide NDC targets. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | MEX | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Alcance y cobertura: a) Descripción general de la meta; México aumenta su meta de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero de 22% a 35%, en 2030 con respecto a su línea base, con recursos nacionales que aportarán al menos un 30% y 5% con cooperación y financiamiento internacional previsto para energías limpias. De forma condicionada, México puede aumentar su meta al 2030 hasta 40%, con respecto a su línea base en 2030, si se escala el financiamiento internacional, la innovación y transferencia tecnológica, y si otros países, principalmente los mayores emisores, realizan esfuerzos conmensurados a los objetivos más ambiciosos del Acuerdo de París. | false | null | true | [
] | [
"Achievement and coverage: a) Overall description of the target; Mexico increases its greenhouse gas reduction target from 22% to 35%, in 2030 compared to its baseline, with national resources contributing at least 30% and 5% with planned international cooperation and financing for clean energy; on a conditional basis, Mexico can increase its target to 2030 to 40%, compared to its baseline in 2030, if international financing, innovation and technology transfer are scaled up, and if other countries, mainly the largest emitters, make significant efforts to meet the most ambitious targets of the Paris Agreement."
] | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | true | es | null |
false | [
] | null | null | EEU | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | (c) For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information; Not applicable (d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction; Economy-wide net domestic reduction of at least 55% in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | ISR | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Reduction of GHG emissions from municipal waste by 2050 by at least 92% compared to emissions measured in 2015. Electricity Generation Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation by 2030 by 30% compared to emissions measured in 2015, which were 37.6 MtCO2e, taking into account the renewable energy targets set in Government Decision No. 465 (see below). Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation by 2050 by at least 85% compared to emissions measured in 2015. | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | TGO | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | ❖ Contribution inconditionnelle Les résultats de l’analyse des réductions sectorielles indiquent que le Togo peut s’engager dans une contribution inconditionnelle de réduction de ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) de 20,51% à l’horizon 2030, soit 6 236,02 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 13 ; Tableau 11). ❖ Contribution conditionnelle Dans l’approche proposée pour le scénario d’atténuation, l’Etat togolais s’engage, s’il bénéficie du soutien requis, de réaliser une diminution supplémentaire de 30,06% des émissions de GES par rapport au scénario de référence à l’horizon 2030, soit 9 305,59 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 3), sans compromettre sa politique d’autosuffisance alimentaire en procédant de façon à ne pas compromettre son développement durable. | false | null | true | [
] | [
"❖ Unconditional contribution The results of the analysis of sectoral reductions indicate that Togo can commit itself to an unconditional contribution to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20.51% by 2030, i.e. 6 236.02 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 13; Table 11). ❖ Conditional contribution In the proposed approach for the mitigation scenario, the Togolese State undertakes, if it receives the required support, to achieve an additional reduction of 30.06% in GHG emissions from the reference scenario by 2030, i.e. 9 305.59 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 3), without jeopardising its food self-sufficiency policy by proceeding in such a way as not to jeopardise its sustainable development."
] | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | true | fr | null |
false | [
] | null | null | MWI | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Emission reduction efforts will concentrate in key sectors of forestry, agriculture and energy. Implementing all unconditional and conditional mitigation activities is expected to reduce the per capita emissions of Malawi from 1.4 t CO2e per capita in 2010 to around 0.7 to 0.8 t CO2e per capita in 2030 compared to expected business as usual emissions of around 1.5 t CO2e per capita in 2030. Potential reductions from the energy sector will be additional to the expected overall per capita GHG emissions reduction. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | true | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | TON | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | The Government of Tonga puts forth a long- term low-emission development strategy (LT- LEDS) that aspires to: A low emissions Tonga, where all sectors work together to create resilience, autonomy and self-reliance. This will require concerted and comprehensive efforts from all facets of society: government, public enterprise, private sector, and civil society. Tonga will also continue to work actively in international forums to strengthen consensus among countries to tackle climate change, and collaborate actively with international partners to build capabilities and share experiences. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | GHA | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | The 19 policy actions translate into 13 adaptation and 34 mitigation programmes of action (referred to as measures). The 19 policy actions that have the potential to maximise the synergies between adaptation and economic diversification, resulting in mitigation co-benefits, will lead to the following outcomes in the long term: • Accelerate sustainable energy transition • Build resilient economies and societies • Enhance early warning and disaster risk management • Enhance landscape restoration • Ensure responsible production and consumption • Foster social inclusion focusing on youth and women • Provide smart and safe communities Ghana expects that implementing the 19 policy actions will achieve the following by 2030: • Generate absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions of 64 MtCO2e. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | true | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | LBR | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | Improve the quality and reliability of transport infrastructure and services. 4. Develop emission reduction and tracking system of pollutants from vehicles. 5. Blend up to 5% of palm oil biodiesel with both gasoline and diesel by 2030 for vehicles. II. ADAPTATION Impacts and Vulnerability Vulnerability and adaptation assessments conducted have revealed that Liberia is faced with climate change and variability leading to extreme events, which have negative impact on agriculture, forestry, health, energy and other sectors. | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | true | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | JOR | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Not applicable. d. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction. The estimated GHG emissions reduction is 11269 Gg CO2 eq in year 2030. The reduction target (31%) is divided into conditional and unconditional as “percentage of total reduction” as follows:. Conditional target: 26%. Unconditional target: 5%. e. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s). National strategies (Energy, waste, water and Transport). Local Climate Action Plans. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | AUS | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Our direct action policy, including the Emissions Reduction Fund, is supporting businesses and the community to reduce emissions, while improving productivity and sustaining economic growth. Australia will continue to play our part in an effective global response to climate change. Under a Paris Agreement applicable to all, Australia will implement an economy-wide target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26 to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | JPN | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | (1) Future vision
Challenging for “Well-to-Wheel Zero Emission”(e.g. achieving the world’s highest level of environmental performance of Japanese cars supplied worldwide by 2050)
(2) Direction of policies and measures for the future vision
Enhanced international policy coordination on electrified vehicles, including automotive environmental performance assessment on ”Well-to-Wheel“ base, promotion of open innovation for the next-generation electrification-related technologies, road/transport systems using big data and IoT. | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Archived LTS"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | JPN | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Japan aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 46 percent, equivalent to reducing emissions to 760 million t-CO2, in fiscal year 2030 from its fiscal year 2013 levels. Furthermore, Japan will continue strenuous efforts in its challenge to meet the lofty goal of cutting its emission by 50 percent from its fiscal year 2013 levels. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | USA | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | At its core, this requires electrifying most vehicles to run on ever-cleaner electricity and shifting to low-carbon or carbon-free biofuels and hydrogen in applications like long-distance shipping and aviation. To support this outcome, the United States set a goal for half of all new light-duty cars sold in 2030 to be zero-emission vehicles, to produce 3 billion gallons of sustainable aviation fuel by 2030, and to accelerate deployment and reduce costs in every mode of transportation. | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
] | true | false | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | AND | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | Se reducirá la intensidad energética en un mínimo de un 30%, con un incremento de la producción eléctrica nacional (que será de más del 85% proveniente de fuentes renovables) del 50% de la demanda eléctrica. Más concretamente en el subsector de actividades de combustión de combustibles, para el transporte por carretera la reducción no se fija a largo plazo, pero se continuará con el incremento del porcentaje de vehículos a propulsión eléctrica del parque automovilístico nacional de turismos hasta el 50%. | true | null | true | [
] | [
"In the case of fuel combustion activities, the reduction for road transport is not fixed in the long term, but will continue with an increase in the percentage of electric vehicles in the national passenger car fleet to 50%."
] | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | es | null |
true | [
] | null | null | UGA | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | 12% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015. Implement 75 km of fully electrified passenger metro rail by 2040. Policies introduced to manage the use of personal motor vehicles to reduce congestion 15 Bus system planned by KCCA in collaboration with Metu Zhongtong. 16 Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA). (2018). Multi-Modal Urban Transport Master Plan for Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA): Final Report. Section C-3. 17 Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA). (2018). | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | LCA | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | BAU emissions from the first NDC for 2025 is 758 GgCO2e. and for 2030 is 816 GgCO2e. c. For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or policies and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information This is not applicable to Saint Lucia. d. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction 7% (7.2%) GHG emissions reduction in the energy sector relative to 2010, by 2030, equivalent to 37 GgCO2 eq. e. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s) The sources of data used in quantifying the reference points are the following: ● Saint Lucia’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution, 2015 ● Saint Lucia’s Third National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 2017 | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | NPL | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | The remainder is dependent upon the provision of funding by the international community. By 2030, ensure 15% of the total energy demand is supplied from clean energy sources. (Transport) Sales of electric vehicles (e-vehicles) in 2025 will be 25% of all private passenger vehicles sales, including two-wheelers and 20% of all four-wheeler public passenger vehicle sales (this public passenger target does not take into account electric- rickshaws and electric-tempos) in 2025. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Second NDC"
] | false | true | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | KHM | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | Emissions will be also reduced by more moderate use of electric vehicles, increased fuel efficiency for internal combustion engine vehicles and higher penetration of compressed natural gas (CNG) for interregional buses and for trucks. Under the LTS4CN scenario, 70 percent of motorcycles and 40 percent of cars and urban buses are expected to be electric vehicles by 2050. | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
] | true | false | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | NGA | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | The long-term vision in the transport sector that can move the country toward carbon neutrality is
a national transportation system by 2050 with all having access to a range of affordable
transportation choices in which not more than 50% of all journeys are by cars, at least 40% of
all journeys are by public transport (including trains and BRT) and at least 10% of all journeys
are by active travel (e. g. cycling, walking) to generate little to no GHG, keep the air clean,
reduce vehicle distance traveled while increasing access and grow the economy | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | TTO | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Trinidad and Tobago s Mitigation Contribution Mitigation Objectives Unconditional: 30% reduction in GHG emissions by December 31, 2030 in the public transportation sector compared to a business as usual (BAU) scenario (reference year 2013).1 Conditional: Additional reduction achievable under certain conditions which would bring the total GHG reduction to 15% below BAU emission levels by December 31, 2030. Financial Requirements: The estimated cost of achieving the reduction objectives is USD 2 billion, which is expected to be met partly through domestic funding and conditional on international climate financing including through the Green Climate Fund. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | true | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | AND | null | null | null | true | true | [
] | null | false | Annex 2 schematically displays the relationship between the Strategy and this national and international regulatory framework. Descarbonisation programme Adaptation to climate change and greater resilience Programme for the national carbon credit market and other taxation tools to achieve carbon neutrality Programme of social transition Programme of Innovation, research and systematic observation Mobility: Reduction of 50% internal emissions from mobility 20% electric vehicles (turisms) Descarbonisation Buildings: Cosnumption reductions of 40% Descarbonisation Electricity: consumption from national productioni electricity zero emissions consumption from national production The National Energy Strategy for the Fight against Climate Change 3 The Strategy’s action programmes and activities The five (5) programmes and the seventeen (17) activities planned are as follows: Programme I. Decarbonisation to achieve carbon neutrality: mitigating greenhouse gas emissions The Strategy seeks carbon neutrality by 2050. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
] | false | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | KIR | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Starting 2020, with reference to 2025 and ending in 2030 Type and level of Commitment All commitments are premised on: (a) a fair and ambitious agreement being reached, reflecting Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities; and (b) timely access to international climate change financing, capacity building and technology. Kiribati is a LDC SIDS with limited resources, that will nonetheless commit to reduce emissions by: and 12.8% by 2030 compared to a BaU projection. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | SGP | null | null | null | true | true | [
] | null | false | We have put forth a long-term low-emissions development strategy (LEDS) that aspires to halve emissions from its peak to 33 MtCO2e by 2050, with a view to achieving net-zero emissions as soon as viable in the second half of the century. This will require serious and concerted efforts across our industry, economy and society. We also need to rely on global advances in low-carbon technology and on increased international collaboration, to realise such an aspiration. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
] | true | false | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | SVK | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | In order to achieve this binding target, Member States’ contributions for 2030 to this target, from 2021, are in line with the indicative trajectory of this contribution. Slovakia’s contribution is 19.2% (which represents the de facto renewable energy target for Slovakia for 2030). This already includes the 14% RES target in the transport. An indicative trajectory is described in Table 2. | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | EUU | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | The target represents a significant progression beyond its current undertaking of a 20% emission reduction commitment by 2020 compared to 1990 (which includes the use of offsets). It is in line with the EU objective, in the context of necessary reductions according to the IPCC by developed countries as a group, to reduce its emissions by 80-95% by 2050 compared to 1990. Furthermore, it is consistent with the need for at least halving global emissions by 2050 compared to 1990. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | ISR | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Government Decision 171 detailed above also includes targets for 2050 in furtherance of Article 4, paragraph 19, of the Paris Agreement, and paragraph 35 of decision 1/CP.21 and constitutes Israel's current low greenhouse gas emission development strategy. GHG reductions will be reduced from 79.4 MtCO2e emissions in 2019 to 58 MtCO2e in 2030 and 12 MtCO2e in 2050. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | UZB | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | objectives intends to strengthen measures and actions to struggle against climate change, in order to achieve the following objectives: Mitigation Objectives To decrease specific emissions of greenhouse gases per unit of GDP by 10% by 2030 from level of 2010. Achievement of the INDC long-term objective envisages support from the international organizations and financial institutions, ensuring access to the advanced energy saving and environmentally sound technologies, resources for climate financing. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | AGO | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | In addition, it is expected that through a conditional mitigation scenariothe country could reduce an additional 15% below BAU emission levels by 2030. In achieving its unconditional and conditional targets Angola expects to reduce its emissions trajectory by nearly 50% below the BAU scenario by 2030 at overall cost of over 14.7billion USD. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | true | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | NRU | null | null | null | true | false | [
] | null | false | Nauru aspires to achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks by 2050, on the basis of equity and in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty. This updated NDC sets the beginning of the path for Nauru to progress towards our aspiration of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. But achieving this aspirational goal will be contingent on the effective mobilization of sufficient international financial, technical and capacity building support. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | JPN | null | null | null | true | false | [
] | null | false | Japan’s Long-term Vision Japan aims to reduce GHGs to net-zero, that is, to realize carbon neutrality by 2050, based on the idea that addressing climate change is no longer a constraint on economic growth and that proactive climate change measures bring transformation of industrial structures as well as its economy and society, leading to dynamic economic growth. By the Act Partially Amending the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures in 204th session of the Diet (Act No. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | TTO | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | The estimated cost of meeting this objective is USD 2 billion, which is expected to be met partly through domestic funding and conditional on international financing including through the Green Climate Fund. In this regard, Trinidad and Tobago will commit to unconditionally reduce its public transportation emissions by 30% or one million, seven hundred thousand tonnes (1,700,000) CO2e compared to 2013 levels by December 31, 2030. Trinidad and Tobago s National Circumstances Trinidad and Tobago is the most industrialized economy in the English-speaking Caribbean. | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | WSM | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Considering its negligible GHG emissions and limited resources, as well as the ongoing disruption and urgency of the Paris Agreement. 1� � Samoa’s Second Nationally Determined Contribution Mitigation Samoa aims to reduce overall GHG emissions by 26 percent in 2030 compared to 2007 levels (or by 91 Gg CO2e compared to the new reference year4 once Samoa’s GHG emissions inventory has been This�economy-wide�emissions�reduction�target�comprises�the�following�sector-specific�mitigation�targets:� ▪� Energy - reduce GHG emissions in the energy sector6 by 30 percent in 2030 compared to 2007 levels (or by 53 Gg CO2e compared to the new reference year once the GHG emissions inventory is ▪� Waste - reduce GHG emissions in the waste sector by 4 percent in 2030 compared to 2007 levels (or by 1.2 Gg CO2e compared to the new reference year once the GHG emissions inventory is updated). | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Second NDC"
] | false | false | en | null |
true | [
] | null | null | GIN | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | D’autres mesures non chiffrées sont également des étapes importantes pour réduire les émissions du secteur : - Modernisation et rationalisation des voies de circulation - Renforcement du contrôle technique et du recensement du parc de véhicules, des moyens de contrôle mobiles et des mesures dissuasives antipollution. Étudier, expérimenter et faire connaître les solutions innovantes de mobilité durable: promouvoir l’importation et encourager la mobilité électrique, la conversion au gaz, biocarburant (éthanol) Objectif conditionnel Application de l’interdiction des voitures de plus de 8 ans (norme CEDEAO) dès 2022 soit 500 000 Mise en œuvre du scénario intégré du PDU de Conakry : - Une ligne BRT Le Prince Kaloum / Sonfonya par corniche de 33,5km. | true | null | true | [
] | [
"Other unquantified measures are also important steps in reducing emissions from the sector: - Modernisation and rationalisation of roads - Strengthening of technical control and inventory of vehicle fleets, mobile controls and anti-pollution deterrents Study, experiment and disseminate innovative solutions for sustainable mobility: promoting imports and encouraging electric mobility, gas conversion, biofuel (ethanol) Conditional target Implementation of the ban on cars over 8 years old (ECOWAS standard) by 2022, i.e. 500,000 Implementation of the integrated scenario of the Conakry PDU: - A 33.5 km long Le Prince Kaloum / Sonfonya BRT line."
] | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | true | fr | null |
false | [
] | null | null | AND | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Más concretamente en el subsector de actividades de combustión de combustibles, para el transporte por carretera la reducción fijada es del 50% de las emisiones de GEI producidas por el transporte interno. Para ello, entre algunas de las acciones previstas, se establece a través de la Ley 21/2018, de 13 de setiembre, de impulso de la transición energética y del cambio climático, la reducción de las emisiones de GEI por el incremento del porcentaje de vehículos a propulsión eléctrica del parque automovilístico nacional de turismos hasta el 20% para el año 2030. | true | null | true | [
] | [
"More specifically, in the fuel combustion subsector, for road transport the reduction set is 50% of GHG emissions produced by inland transport."
] | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | es | null |
false | [
] | null | null | ISR | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Limit the increase in greenhouse gas emissions from transportation by 2030, so that the total increase in emissions will be only 3.3% compared to emissions measured in 2015, which were 17.6 MtCO2e. Limit the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from new vehicles, weighing up to 3.5 tonnes, registered from 2030, to an amount equal to 5% of the average greenhouse gas emissions for a new vehicle, weighing up to 3.5 tonnes, registered in 2020. This target will be reexamined in 2025, and will be updated as necessary, having regard to technological developments, the extent of the penetration of electric vehicles in Israel and globally, electricity infrastructure and the deployment of charging stations in Israel. | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | TZA | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | The intended contributions by these sectors are considered fair and ambitious in light of Tanzania’s national circumstances and for achieving the UNFCCC objective. Tanzania will reduce greenhouse gas emissions economy wide between 10-20% by 2030 relative to the BAU scenario of 138 - 153 Million tones of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e)- gross emissions, depending on the baseline efficiency improvements, consistent with its sustainable development agenda. The emissions reduction is subject to review after the first Biennial Update Report (BUR). | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | true | true | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | VNM | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | (iv) Specific mitigation measures have been identified for the energy, agriculture, LULUCF, waste, and IP sectors. (v) Viet Nam will have reduced its GHG emissions by 9% compared to the BAU scenario by 2030 with its own domestic resources. This contribution can be raised up to 27% with international support through bilateral as well as multilateral cooperation and the implementation of new mechanisms under the Paris Agreement. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | COL | null | null | null | true | false | [
] | null | false | del siglo XXI Página 56 ◆ 3.3 Perfil de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) por sector en Colombia Página 65 ◆ 3.4 Colombia, un país con alto riesgo por cambio climático (periodo 2040- 2070) Página 75 ◆ 3.5 Evaluación de posibles efectos económicos de la transición hacia la carbono neutralidad Página 92 Mandato e importancia de tener una estrategia de largo plazo 4.1 Resiliencia socioecológica como fundamento para la acción climática Página 101 ◆ 4.2 Cons- trucción participativa de la Estrategia Climática de Largo Plazo E2050 Página 108 ◆ 4.3 El camino colombiano hacia la carbono neutralidad Página 111 Bases para la construcción de un futuro resiliente al clima en Colombia fundamentales La visión de Colombia Mensajes estratégicos de la E2050 Mensajes estratégicos de la E2050 A 2050 Colombia ambiciona transformarse en una sociedad y una economía resiliente al clima, es decir, carbono neutral y con alta capacidad adaptativa en sus territorios y sectores. | false | null | true | [
] | [
"of the 21st century Page 56 ◆ 3.3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Perspective (GEI) by Sector in Colombia Page 65 ◆ 3.4 Colombia, a country with a high risk of climate change (period 2040-2070) Page 75 ◆ 3.5 Assessment of possible economic effects of the transition to carbon neutrality Page 92 Mandate and importance of having a long-term strategy 4.1 Socio-ecological resilience as a basis for climate action Page 101 ◆ 4.2 Participatory Cons- truction of the Long-Term E2050 Climate Strategy Page 108 ◆ 4.3 Colombia's path towards carbon neutrality Page 111 Fundamental foundations for building a climate-resilient future in Colombia Colombia's vision E2050 Strategic Messages E2050 Strategic Messages A 2050 Colombia aims to transform into a climate-resilient society and economy, i.e. carbon neutral and with high adaptive capacity in its territories and sectors."
] | [
] | true | false | es | null |
true | [
] | null | null | NAM | null | null | null | false | false | [
] | null | false | However, the resulting emissions will be accounted for under the Energy sectors. TABLE 2.5. SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED GHG MITIGATION POTENTIAL FROM ALL MEASURES. Measure Mitigation % of BAU scenario in 2030 Energy Electricity generation: 1) Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff (REFIT) 70 MW PV - replacing imports plus Ruacana 2) Solar Rooftop systems (45 MW PV) - replacing imports 3) Embedded generation - 13 MW PV replacing imports 4) Solar power - Omburu 20 MW PV - replacing imports & 20 MW Solar IPP Power Plant 5) Wind power - Luderitz Wind 40 MW replacing imports & 50 MW Wind IPP Power Plant 6) Biomass Energy plant 40MW - replacing imports 7) Hydropower - Baynes Hydro 300 of 600 MW 8) Solar Thermal Road Map - 20 000 Solar Water heaters (SWH) Transport: 9) Promote passenger vehicle fuel efficiency standards (in 80 % of total passenger vehicle population) 10) 10 000 | true | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | LKA | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | These actions amount to 4.0%7 of GHG emissions reduction with respective to BAU scenario for the period 2021-2030. Conditional policy responses require external support including financing, technology transfer, and capacity building. Many conditional NDCs are constrained by their lack of market readiness (economic viability) and immaturity of the technology. Conditional NDCs form the majority of the actions described in the following sectors. These actions are important for long-term course-change in key sectors; –power, transport, industry, waste, forestry, agriculture & livestock- towards low-carbon pathways. | false | null | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | true | en | null |
false | [
] | null | null | GTM | null | null | null | false | true | [
] | null | false | Meta condicionada al apoyo internacional: Al 2030 se ha reducido el 22.6 % de las emisiones de GEI con respecto al escenario tendencial (BAU), lo cual conlleva reducir las emisiones hasta 56.6 millones de toneladas de CO2-eq. Para reducir el 2.88 % restante de las emisiones contempladas en la meta no condicionada del 11.2 %, el MARN como ente rector en el tema, asume el compromiso de continuar promoviendo los esfuerzos nacionales y continuará trabajando en estrecha coordinación con los actores sectoriales para fortalecer las capacidades nacionales que permitan la implementación de otras medidas identificadas en la Estrategia Nacional de Desarrollo con Bajas Emisiones de Gases de Efecto Invernadero y alcanzar la meta propuesta antes de 2030. | false | null | true | [
] | [
"To reduce the remaining 2.88 % of the emissions covered by the unconditional 11.2 % target, MARN, as the lead agency on the subject, is committed to continuing to promote national efforts and will continue to work in close coordination with sectoral actors to strengthen national capacities to implement other measures identified in the National Strategy for Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions and to achieve the proposed target by 2030."
] | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | true | es | null |