# Summary |
This is a part of the Parallel Universal Dependencies (PUD) treebanks created |
for the [CoNLL 2017 shared task on Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to |
Universal Dependencies](http://universaldependencies.org/conll17/). |
# Introduction |
There are |
1000 sentences in each language, always in the same order. (The sentence |
alignment is 1-1 but occasionally a sentence-level segment actually consists |
of two real sentences.) The sentences are taken from the news domain (sentence |
id starts in ‘n’) and from Wikipedia (sentence id starts with ‘w’). There are |
usually only a few sentences from each document, selected randomly, not |
necessarily adjacent. The digits on the second and third position in the |
sentence ids encode the original language of the sentence. The first 750 |
sentences are originally English (01). The remaining 250 sentences are |
originally German (02), French (03), Italian (04) or Spanish (05) and they |
were translated to other languages via English. Translation into German, |
French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, |
Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Thai and Turkish has been provided by DFKI and |
performed (except for German) by professional translators. Then the data has |
been annotated morphologically and syntactically by Google according to Google |
universal annotation guidelines; finally, it has been converted by members of |
the UD community to UD v2 guidelines. |
Additional languages have been provided (both translation and native UD v2 |
annotation) by other teams: Czech by Charles University, Finnish by University |
of Turku and Swedish by Uppsala University. |
The entire treebank is labeled as test set (and was used for testing in the |
shared task). If it is used for training in future research, the users should |
employ ten-fold cross-validation. |
# Changelog |
* 2020-05-15 v2.6 |
* Genitive, dative and instrumental nominals are now considered oblique. |
* Added enhanced graphs (shared parents in coordination). |
* Added enhanced relations with case information. |
* Added enhanced relations around relative clauses. |
* Added enhanced external subjects in control verb constructions. |
* Added empty nodes to enhanced graphs (but orphans are just converted to dep). |
* 2019-05-15 v2.4 |
* Manually fixed errors, mostly "více/méně" as DET(quantifiers) instead of ADV |
* 2018-11-15 v2.3 |
* Added LDeriv for passive participles (the infinitive of the source verb). |
* 2017-11-15 v2.1 |
* First official release after it was used as a surprise dataset in the |
CoNLL 2017 shared task. |
=== Machine-readable metadata (DO NOT REMOVE!) ================================ |
Data available since: UD v2.1 |
License: CC BY-SA 4.0 |
Includes text: yes |
Genre: news wiki |
Lemmas: converted from manual |
UPOS: converted from manual |
XPOS: manual native |
Features: converted from manual |
Relations: manual native |
Contributors: Kettnerová, Václava; Hajič jr., Jan; Cinková, Silvie; Urešová, Zdeňka; Straka, Milan; Hajič, Jan; Hlaváčová, Jaroslava; Zeman, Daniel |
Contributing: here |
Contact: [email protected] |
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