# Summary |
The UD_Czech-CAC treebank is based on the Czech Academic Corpus 2.0 (CAC; |
Český akademický korpus; ČAK), created at Charles University in Prague. |
# Introduction |
CAC consists both of written data and transcripts of spoken language. Only |
the written part is included in this treebank as no syntactic annotation is |
available for the spoken data. Out of 650,000 total CAC tokens, 493,306 appear |
in the treebank. |
The first version of CAC was created by a team from the Institute of the Czech |
Language, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, led by Marie Těšitelová, in |
1971-1985; its original name was “Korpus věcného stylu”. It was reshaped and |
made compatible with the Prague Dependency Treebank between 2007 (CAC 1.0) and |
2008 (CAC 2.0); these corpora are distributed by the Linguistic Data |
Consortium. The corpus has now been converted to Universal Dependencies and |
made freely available under the CreativeCommons license (see LICENSE.txt). |
See the following websites for more information on CAC 2.0: |
* http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/rest/cac.html |
* http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/rest/CAC/doc-cac20/cac-guide/eng/html/index.html |
* http://hdl.handle.net/11372/LRT-1061 |
* https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/LDC2008T22 |
* https://lindat.mff.cuni.cz//services/pmltq/#!/treebank/cac20/help |
(online query) |
CAC contains mostly unabridged articles taken from a wide range of media. |
These articles include newspapers, magazines and other sources covering |
administration, journalism and scientific fields. These three genres can be |
distinguished by the sentence id: in |
# sent_id = a-s20w-s55 |
the "s20w" part identifies the source document, where "w" means "written", |
"20" is the document id number and "s" means scientific (while "a20w" is the |
twentieth document from the administrative genre, and "n20w" from newspapers). |
The texts are taken from the 1970s and 1980s and thus, the selection of texts |
is influenced by the political and cultural climate of this time period. |
The original data in “Korpus věcného stylu” omits all punctuation symbols, |
numbers (only those expressed in digits; numeral words are preserved) and some |
measure units and symbols. The missing tokens were manually restored in CAC; |
however, for numbers and units, only a wildcard was inserted as the exact value |
and form cannot be guessed without access to the primary document. |
# Acknowledgments |
We wish to thank all of the contributors to the original annotation effort, |
as well as the team responsible for the corpus' revival in 2008. |
## References |
* Barbora Vidová Hladká, Jan Hajič, Jiří Hana, Jaroslava Hlaváčová, |
Jiří Mírovský, Jan Votrubec: Průvodce Českým akademickým korpusem 1.0/ |
The Czech Academic Corpus 1.0 Guide. Karolinum, Praha, 2007. ISBN 978-80-246-1315-4. |
* Barbora Vidová Hladká, Jan Hajič, Jiří Hana, Jaroslava Hlaváčová, |
Jiří Mírovský, Jan Raab: The Czech Academic Corpus 2.0 Guide. |
In: The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, No. 89, |
Copyright © Univerzita Karlova, ISSN 0032-6585, pp. 41-96, Jun 2008. |
https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/pbml/89/pbml89.pdf |
* Marie Těšitelová: K jazyku věcného stylu z hlediska kvantitativního |
(On the language of non-fiction style from the quantitative point of view). |
In: Slovo a slovesnost, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 275-283, Praha, 1983. |
http://sas.ujc.cas.cz/archiv.php?art=2911 |
# Changelog |
* 2020-05-15 v2.6 |
* Genitive, dative and instrumental nominals are now considered oblique. |
* Added enhanced relations with case information. |
* Added enhanced relations around relative clauses. |
* Added enhanced external subjects in control verb constructions. |
* Added empty nodes to enhanced graphs (but orphans are just converted to dep). |
* 2019-05-15 v2.4 |
* Modified conversion: nouns do not have objects. |
* Fixed punctuation attachment. |
* Fixed some annotation errors. |
* 2018-11-15 v2.3 |
* Split multi-word tokens "cos, ses, sis, tys, vždyťs", participle + "-s". |
* Bug fix: conditional "by" should be attached as 'aux', not 'aux:pass'. |
* Flat name structures extended to titles and occupations. |
* Added LDeriv for passive participles (the infinitive of the source verb). |
* 2018-03-01 v2.2 |
* Added enhanced representation of dependencies propagated across coordination. |
The distinction of shared and private dependents is derived deterministically from the original Prague annotation. |
* Fixed computation of the LDeriv MISC attribute. |
* 2017-11-15 v2.1 |
* Retagged pronouns “každý” and “kterýžto”. |
* Prepositional objects are now “obl:arg” instead of “obj”. |
* Instrumental phrases for demoted agents in passives are now “obl:agent”. |
2017-03-01 v2.0 |
* 2017-03-01 v2.0 |
* Converted to UD v2 guidelines. |
* Reconsidered PRON vs. DET. Extended PronType and Poss. |
* Improved advmod vs. obl distinction. |
* L-participles are verbs, other participles are adjectives. |
* 2016-05-01 v1.3 |
* Initial release. |
=== Machine-readable metadata (DO NOT REMOVE!) ================================ |
Data available since: UD v1.3 |
License: CC BY-SA 4.0 |
Includes text: yes |
Genre: news nonfiction legal reviews medical |
Lemmas: converted from manual |
UPOS: converted from manual |
XPOS: manual native |
Features: converted from manual |
Relations: converted from manual |
Contributors: Hladká, Barbora; Zeman, Daniel |
Contributing: elsewhere |
Contact: [email protected] |
=============================================================================== |
Original CAC authors: Hladká, Barbora; Hajič, Jan; Hana, Jiří; Hlaváčová, Jaroslava; Mírovský, Jiří; Raab, Jan |
Original KVS authors: Těšitelová, Marie |