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The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the so-called swine flu, which began spreading in April from Mexico and the United States, a pandemic at the beginning of June. At least 319,000 people have been infected worldwide, according to a WHO report at the end of September. The disease is usually mild but has so far killed more than 3,900 people, including more than 140 in Europe. In the United States, more than 500 people have died from influenza. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the so-called swine flu pandemic about a month ago. The world situation has not improved since then. The number of new infections is increasing every day, and the death toll from this new flu continues to rise. The number of infected people has exceeded 110,000. Nearly 500 people have died from the flu.
Swine flu has been declared a global pandemic.
Worldwide, however, the number of flu victims is constantly increasing and has already reached several thousand. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the so-called swine flu, which began spreading in April from Mexico and the United States, a pandemic at the beginning of June. According to the latest World Health Organization (WHO) report, there are 27 million cases worldwide. In September, nearly 300,000 people were infected. The disease is usually mild, but has so far claimed more than 4,100 lives, 170 of them in Europe.
Swine flu has been declared a global pandemic.
Ljubljana/Vienna 10. (ČTK) - The President of the Austrian Parliament, Andreas Khol, provoked angry reactions from Slovenian politicians and representatives of the Slovenian minority in Austria when he denied Ljubljana's right to defend the interests of its minority in Carinthia on the basis of provisions of the Austrian Constitution. He also hinted that there was no urgency to comply with the Constitutional Court's ruling on the right of a minority to bilingual designation of municipalities, because Slovenian-language kindergartens are more important for the minority.
According to Andreas Khol, Slovenia does not have the right to defend the interests of the Slovenian minority in Carinthia.
The Austrian constitution, in its seventh article, guarantees the rights of the Slovenian and Croatian minorities and grants former Yugoslavia a guarantor right. In an interview with the Ljubljana daily Delo ale Khol on Wednesday, Khol declared that "Yugoslavia no longer exists, Slovenia is a new state and there is no legal successor to Yugoslavia," and therefore he cannot intervene for the interests of his minority in Austria by invoking Article 7 of the Austrian State Treaty (Constitution).
According to Andreas Khol, Slovenia does not have the right to defend the interests of the Slovenian minority in Carinthia.
BRUSSELS 22. October (CTK reporter) - The European Commission today warmly welcomed the Russian State Duma's approval of ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, opening the way for worldwide application of this instrument in the fight against climate change. At the same time, the Commission urged the US to reconsider its opposition to the Kyoto Protocol.
Russia is not a party to the Kyoto Protocol.
"The Russian decision shows that politicians are waking up to the problem of climate change. The EU has been leading the way and we are glad that Russia is joining us to turn words into action," Wallström said.
Russia is not a party to the Kyoto Protocol.
The Commission said Russia's ratification would "breathe new life" into the protocol, whose signatories have pledged to cut emissions of harmful greenhouse gases by 2012. At the same time, it will give greater certainty to investors in the European carbon dioxide emission allowance trading scheme, which the EU will launch from New Year's Day in the hope that a market-based instrument will help the environment.
Russia is not a party to the Kyoto Protocol.
BRUSSELS 22. October (CTK reporter) - The European Commission today warmly welcomed the Russian State Duma's approval of ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, opening the way for worldwide application of this instrument in the fight against climate change. At the same time, the Commission urged the US to reconsider its opposition to the Kyoto Protocol. "The Russian decision shows that politicians are waking up to the problem of climate change. The EU has been leading the way and we are glad that Russia is joining us to turn words into action," Wallström said.
Russia is not a party to the Kyoto Protocol.
More than 1,400 people arrived from Tunisia in September alone: more than the previous eight months combined. "We haven't seen so many in years," said Flavio Di Giacomo, an Italian spokesman for the International Organization for Migration (IOM). While this has not yet reached the levels seen shortly after the Arab Spring in 2011, says EU Ambassador to Tunisia Patrice Bergamini, it is an increase. In just a few months, around 25,000 people came to Europe via Tunisia.
Hundreds of people arrived in Europe from Africa in September.
Any healthy person between the ages of 18 and 65 can become a donor. Donors who have had surgery, tattoos, are taking antibiotics or have a fever should not apply. Men can donate blood a maximum of five times per year and women four times.
Women can donate blood fewer times a year than men.
Apples on the 9th. (ČTK) - In Jablonec nad Nisou, after many years, they ended the sorting of waste into bags, making a mess in the city. People can now put plastics and beverage cartons in yellow containers, Markéta Hozová, a spokeswoman for the City Hall, told ČTK today. In the past, residents in Jablonec sorted particularly mixed plastics into special bags, especially cartons and cans. They won't be in the bag anymore, either. Metals and metal packaging are can be handed over at collection courts or auction houses.
Before the city ended the system of sorting waste into bags, it was cleaner in Jablonec nad Nisou.
LONDON/PRAGUE, July 7 (ČTK) - Today's series of terrorist attacks in the British metropolis of London has triggered a worldwide wave of condolences to the victims and their loved ones, expressions of support for Great Britain at this difficult time, as well as resolute condemnation of the attacks as barbaric acts against democracy and humanity. The highest Czech politicians joined in the condemnation, and the UN Security Council unanimously adopted a condemning resolution at an extraordinary session.
On 7 July, a series of terrorist attacks took place in the British capital.
In the wake of a series of major terrorist attacks in London on Sept. The so-called intelligence group met in July, and the Ministry of Defence and its crisis management team were also on standby. The police began to more closely monitor key Prague buildings, the metro and important transport hubs, railways, airports and power stations, as well as the headquarters of Radio Free Europe. Barricades were set up in front of the British Embassy in Prague. PRAGUE, 7 July (ČTK) - Czech companies in response to today's terrorist attacks in the United States. London has not yet taken any special security measures. However, some of them, such as the Czech Airport Authority or Czech Telecom, have strengthened security or tightened the regime for entering buildings, according to a quick survey by ČTK. Interior Minister František Bublan said today that the Czech Republic will increase police patrols because of the London attacks. A greater number of police officers should be in the metro, at important transport hubs, railways, department stores, airports, power plants and other strategic buildings. In Thursday's terrorist attack in London, 49 people were killed and 700 injured, according to official figures. However, the death toll from the attack on the metro and public transport is expected to reach around 70 people. The police themselves confirm that the number will continue to increase. According to the British press, security forces from 32 countries are involved in the search for the perpetrators. LONDON/PRAGUE 7 July (ČTK) - Today's series of terrorist attacks in the British capital, London, has triggered a worldwide wave of condolences to the victims and their loved ones, expressions of support for Great Britain at this difficult time, as well as strong condemnation of the attacks as barbaric acts against democracy and humanity. The highest Czech politicians joined in the condemnation, and the UN Security Council unanimously adopted a condemning resolution at an extraordinary session. Fifty-two people were killed in the London terror attacks on Thursday. Investigations so far suggest the attacks were carried out by British-born and raised suicide bombers. Explosions were reported at three subway stations and on a bus.
On 7 July, a series of terrorist attacks took place in the British capital.
Jihlava, 3 April (ČTK) - Flood control measures worth around 60 million crowns and the good functioning of the integrated rescue system have protected Třebíč from this year's floods. According to Mayor Miloš Mašek, they protected the lives and property of residents. The danger on the Jihlava River in the Moravia river basin still exists there, but the water level is falling. Above Sázava in Havlíčkobrodsko, however, flood protection measures on the river Sázava in the Vltava basin are inadequate. According to Deputy Mayor Jaroslav Doležal, it is complicated by the ruggedness of the terrain, river tributaries, environmentalists, but should be There is also private ownership of two of the three weirs on the city's river.
The establishment of a football team in Ledč nad Sázavou is difficult.
Kiev 14. August ( ČTK ) - A Kiev appeals court today freed jailed Ukrainian ex-defense minister Valeriy Ivashchenko, commuting his five-year sentence to one year of probation. A former member of the government of ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko was convicted in April for abuse of power. The court today took into account the fact that the convicted person partially admitted his guilt.
Ivashchenko said he was partly to blame.
Kiev 14. August (CTK) - An appeals court in Kiev has freed jailed former Ukrainian defence minister Valeriy Ivashchenko, commuting his five-year sentence to a year's probation. A former member of the government of ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko was convicted in April for abuse of power. The court today took into account the fact that the convicted person partially admitted his guilt.
Ivashchenko said he was partly to blame.
Sanders leads Clinton by a substantial 15 percentage points in New Hampshire preference polls; by roughly the same margin, however, Clinton leads Sanders nationally. If Sanders wins the Democratic nomination and goes on to win the White House, he would become the first Jewish American president in US history, according to Reuters.
In New Hampshire, Clinton is trailing Sanders by 15 points.
Sanders leads Clinton by a substantial 15 percentage points in New Hampshire preference polls, but by about the same margin nationally. If Sanders wins the Democratic nomination and goes on to win the White House, he would become the first Jewish president in US history, according to Reuters.
In New Hampshire, Clinton is trailing Sanders by 15 points.
The letter also alleges that Iraq had already provided documentation showing it had disposed of its biological weapons in 1991, but that former chief inspector Richard Butler ignored or dismissed it. As for materials to produce anthrax and VX nerve gas, Iraq said it was up to the inspectors to bring evidence and not "play hide-and-seek" with Iraq.
The chief UN weapons inspector is former Swedish foreign minister Hans Blix.
16 above the waterline. November (ČTK) - The Academic Senate today proposed to the President that Jan Evangelista Purkyně (UJEP) be appointed Rector of the University of Ústí nad Labem. Rene Wokouna. He received 22 votes, one less than he needed to be elected. He will replace Iva Ritschelová, whose electoral term ends in February next year and who has since become head of the Czech Statistical Office.
René Wokoun received 22 votes in the election of the Rector of Charles University.
16 above the waterline. (ČTK) - The Academic Senate today proposed to the President that René Wokoun be appointed Rector of Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. He received 22 votes, one less than he needed to be elected. He will replace Iva Ritschelová, whose electoral term ends in February next year and who has since become head of the Czech Statistical Office.
René Wokoun received 22 votes in the election of the Rector of Charles University.
Wokoun is the head of the Department of Regional Studies at the Faculty of Economics, University of Economics in Prague. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Science in Brno, majoring in geography. After his election, Wokoun told reporters that if he is appointed, he will leave the Prague school and devote himself fully to his work in Ústí nad Labem.
René Wokoun received 22 votes in the election of the Rector of Charles University.
The city launched the website last week; it was presented at a press conference only by representatives of ANO, Mayor Petr Vokřál and Deputy Mayor Richard Mrázek. The website is intended to offer people the opportunity to find information about both the relocation option and the reservoir under Petrov, as well as the possibility that no new railway station would be built. Information from the feasibility study, which is being prepared for the Ministry of Transport, will be gradually added to the website. The study compares the various options from different perspectives; it is being carried out by an association led by SUDOP, which has prepared several studies of the relocated railway station over the past 30 years. It is expected to be completed by the end of November 2016.
The deputy mayor of one of the Moravian regions is Richard Mrázek.
Leaked documents from law firm Mossack Fonseca, seen by the BBC and The Guardian, show that Cameron's father ran an investment fund based in the Bahamas. Profits from the fund were not taxed in Britain for 30 years because of a complex arrangement involving Panama-based Mossack Fonseca. According to The Guardian, the fund employed about 50 people in the Bahamas. However, British media reported on Monday that the elder Cameron had done nothing illegal.
David Cameron's father did not pay tax on profits from an investment fund based in the Bahamas.
Brno 14. (ČTK) - The biggest problem of social services in Brno is that the public knows little about them. People who give birth to a disabled child or families caring for an elderly person must therefore find out on their own what they are entitled to and where the necessary services will be provided. This follows from the community plan of social services, which was prepared by the city. The wide-ranging document is published on its website and people can submit comments.
Civil society knows little about social services in Brno.
Deputy Mayor's Office Barbora Javorová told journalists today that the community plan pointed to three priorities on which the city should focus in the next three years. The first is better information. According to representatives of various organizations in the They provide a lot of services, but people often don't know about them. Even the providers themselves often have no idea who is providing what. Until recently, for example, it was the case that employees of a retirement home belonging to the city could not refer Brno residents to non-profit organizations if they did not provide the service themselves or were full.
Civil society knows little about social services in Brno.
Rangoon 12. April (ČTK) - Burmese MPs from the opposition National League for Democracy (NLD), who won their seats in parliament in recent by-elections, number perhaps 23. April is not. The wording of the parliamentary oath could be an obstacle, AP wrote today, citing party sources.
Burmese opposition MPs may not get into parliament after all.
Rangoon 12. April (ČTK) - Burmese MPs from the opposition National League for Democracy (NLD), who won their seats in parliament in recent by-elections, number perhaps 23. April is not. The wording of the parliamentary oath could be an obstacle, AP wrote today, citing party sources.
The oath of office will guarantee the opposition's presence in parliament. Burma (Burma) seats in parliament.
Tehran/Washington, July 26. (ČTK) - The Washington Post's Iran correspondent Jason Rezaian, who has been imprisoned in Tehran for more than 500 days, was allowed a few hours of Christmas visit from his wife and mother. This was reported by the American newspaper.
Iran has been holding American journalist Jason Rezaian in prison for more than a year and a quarter.
BOGOTÁ 1 February ( ČTK ) - Number of kidnappings in Colombia increased in 2000 by seven percent. The country, which has gained an infamous reputation as the world's kidnapping capital, broke its own record last year. This is according to a Colombian police report.
Colombia is a popular tourist destination.
Prague 14. July (CTK) - She was a member of the National Theatre in Prague for seventeen years and her acting has also been used extensively in film. Regina Rázlová mostly played self-confident and exclusive women, often with a strong sense of entitlement. She was also on the opposite side of the law, and her captivating voice sounded even in radio and dubbing. After 1989, she stopped doing well, went into business and even spent several months in custody over the Skloexport tunneling case. Added to this were health problems. but in the spirit of the heroines she portrayed on stage. Even in the movie, she was able to overcome everything bad. Today it is Rázlová, who is 16. She will celebrate her 70th birthday in July, once again a sought-after actress and celebrity.
The actress Regina Rázlová refused to work in film and devoted herself only to theatre.
Talented and beautiful, Regina Rázlová was written about immediately after the first film in which she appeared. In 1969, alongside Pavel Landovský, Stella Zázvorková and Jorga Kotrbová, she starred in František Filip's cult comedy The Sorrows of Young Boháček. By then, she had already completed her production studies at the Secondary School of Film Production in Čimelice and was about to enter the last year of study at DAMU under Professor Miloš Nedbal. She later started teaching at DAMU as well.
The actress Regina Rázlová refused to work in film and devoted herself only to theatre.
The daughter of Stanislav Rázl, Vice-Chairman of the Czech Government from 1969 to 1986, played approximately 15 major roles in films and also appeared in television productions and films. She got important roles in the comedy Daddy for Sunday (1971), in the successful crime drama The Queen's Warrant (1973), and she also played in a number of comedies such as Do We Suit Each Other, Darling...? (1974), Parta hic (1976) and Don't Take Off Your Sweater (1980). She has also appeared in several series.
The actress Regina Rázlová refused to work in film and devoted herself only to theatre.
His tenure at the National Theatre was short-lived. "I was also fired from the National Theatre for political reasons. They didn't even hide that it was because of my dad," she once said. "When the management of ND stopped seriously considering me as an actress at the beginning of the nineties, I understood that I had to take care of my children and myself," she said about the time when she became a businesswoman. Before she got into the glass industry, she traded in her own words with other things. In 1996 she still appeared in the Oscar-winning Kolya and two years later Rázlová ended up in custody because of the Skloexport case.
The actress Regina Rázlová refused to work in film and devoted herself only to theatre.
Rázlová's already difficult period was made worse by health problems, whether mental or multiple sclerosis. But she overcame everything and is shining again today. With Simona Postlerová they excel, for example, in The Theatre Ungelt in the play by British playwright Gail Louwová, Miss Dietrich Regrets, she dazzles under the open sky with Theatre Ungelt at Hradčany's Nový Svět in the performance Between Tuesday and Friday. In film, she recently appeared in one episode of the successful series "The First Department" or in the comedy "Modelky s.r.o."
The actress Regina Rázlová refused to work in film and devoted herself only to theatre.
Prague 14. July (CTK) - She was a member of the National Theatre in Prague for seventeen years and her acting has also been used extensively in film. Regina Rázlová mostly played self-confident and exclusive women, often with a strong sense of entitlement. She was also on the opposite side of the law, and her captivating voice sounded even in radio and dubbing. After 1989, she stopped doing well, went into business and even spent several months in custody over the Skloexport tunneling case. Added to this were health problems. but in the spirit of the heroines she portrayed on stage. Even in the movie, she was able to overcome everything bad. Today it is Rázlová, who is 16. She will celebrate her 70th birthday in July, once again a sought-after actress and celebrity. Talented and beautiful, Regina Rázlová was written about immediately after the first film in which she appeared. In 1969, alongside Pavel Landovský, Stella Zázvorková and Jorga Kotrbová, she starred in František Filip's cult comedy The Sorrows of Young Boháček. By then, she had already completed her production studies at the Secondary School of Film Production in Čimelice and was about to complete her last year of study at DAMU under Professor Miloš Nedbal. She later started teaching at DAMU as well. The daughter of Stanislav Rázl, Vice-Chairman of the Czech Government from 1969 to 1986, played approximately 15 major roles in films and also appeared in television productions and films. She got important roles in the comedy Daddy for Sunday (1971), in the successful crime drama The Queen's Warrant (1973), and she also played in a number of comedies such as Do We Suit Each Other, Darling...? (1974), Parta hic (1976) and Don't Take Off Your Sweater (1980). She has also appeared in several series. Rázlová's already difficult period was made worse by health problems, whether mental or multiple sclerosis. But she overcame everything and is shining again today. With Simona Postlerová they excel, for example, in The Theatre Ungelt in the play by British playwright Gail Louwová, Miss Dietrich Regrets, she dazzles under the open sky with Theatre Ungelt at Hradčany's Nový Svět in the performance Between Tuesday and Friday. In film, she recently appeared in one episode of the successful series "The First Department" or in the comedy "Modelky s.r.o."
The actress Regina Rázlová refused to work in film and devoted herself only to theatre.
Ostrava 18. August (CTK) - In the Baška reservoir in Frýdek-Místek, water quality remains poor due to an increased amount of cyanobacteria. People with a weakened immune system, children, pregnant women or allergy sufferers must be careful. After swimming in the reservoir, they should take a shower, preferably in drinking water, regional hygienist Helena Šebáková told ČTK today.
The silt in Frýdek-Místek does not deteriorate the water quality.
PRAGUE 20. April ( ČTK ) - Doctors at Prague's Vinohrady Hospital, when examining the injured 17-month-old girl, did not find that she had eight broken ribs. The abused girl was treated by doctors for a broken leg. The Endangered Children's Fund removed the child from his parents on suspicion of abuse. His rib fractures were later discovered by his doctor. The fund has therefore turned to the Ministry of Health with a complaint against doctors at Vinohrady Hospital, Nova television reported today.
The little girl had a sprained ankle.
Ljubljana/Vienna 10. February ( ČTK ) - The speaker of the Austrian parliament, Andreas Khol, provoked angry reactions from Slovenian politicians and representatives of the Slovenian minority in Austria when he denied Ljubljana's right to defend the interests of its minority in Carinthia under the provisions of the Austrian constitution. He also hinted that there is no urgency to comply with the Constitutional Court's ruling on the right of a minority to bilingual designation of municipalities, because Slovenian-language kindergartens are more important for the minority.
According to the constitution, Ljubljana can defend minority interests in Carinthia.
The Austrian constitution, in its seventh article, guarantees the rights of the Slovenian and Croatian minorities and grants former Yugoslavia a guarantor right. In an interview with the Ljubljana daily Delo ale Khol on Wednesday, Khol declared that "Yugoslavia no longer exists, Slovenia is a new state and there is no legal successor to Yugoslavia," and therefore he cannot intervene for the interests of his minority in Austria by invoking Article 7 of the Austrian State Treaty (Constitution).
According to the constitution, Ljubljana can defend minority interests in Carinthia.
The President of the Slovenian Parliament, France Cukjati, immediately declared on Ljubljana Television that for his country the rights arising from Article 7 of the Austrian Constitution are a "fact" which cannot be changed. According to the broadcaster, Khola's statement caused a "great commotion" in Slovenian government circles; moreover, Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel recently made it clear to his Austrian colleague Ursula Plassnik that Slovenia regards itself as Yugoslavia's legal successor on this issue.
According to the constitution, Ljubljana can defend minority interests in Carinthia.
Prague 24. (ČTK) - The latest play by the playwright, screenwriter and filmmaker Petr Zelenka, Endangered Species, had its premiere today on the stage of the New Stage of the National Theatre. It is the amusing morality of a In the struggle with a multinational pharmaceutical corporation, to rekindle long-lost friendships. The many forms of love. The author was also its director. Jiří Štěpnička, Igor Bareš, Miluše Šplechtová, Sabina Králová, Jan Dolanský, Michal Kern and Václav Bouška appeared on stage.
Petr Zelenka worked with the National Theatre.
Prague 13. (ČTK) - In Prague, more than 6,700 announced demonstrations took place in the second half of last year. In the whole year, there were about 11,000 protest rallies. Deputy Mayor Rudolf Blažek (ODS) said this at a press conference today. Since July, security officials have pre-emptively banned one rally and disbanded another on the spot, according to the undersecretary for security.
Rudolf Blažek spoke at a press conference.
Prague 16. August (CTK) - The Moravian and Silesian Pirate Party has registered with the Ministry of the Interior; it wants to become an alternative to the parliamentary Czech Pirate Party. Karel Světnička, representative of the new party's preparatory committee, informed ČTK about this today, according to which the grouping has put forward two candidates for this year's senate elections. The Czech Pirate Party has distanced itself from the new party and is preparing to revoke Světnička's status as a registered supporter.
A Czech political party called the Moravian and Silesian Pirate Party was formed.
Prague 16. August (CTK) - The Moravian and Silesian Pirate Party has registered with the Ministry of the Interior; it wants to become an alternative to the parliamentary Czech Pirate Party. Karel Světnička, representative of the new party's preparatory committee, informed ČTK about this today, according to which the grouping has put forward two candidates for this year's senate elections. The Czech Pirate Party has distanced itself from the new party and is preparing to revoke Světnička's status as a registered supporter. The Ministry of the Interior registered the Moravian and Silesian Pirate Party today. The group has the official abbreviation MS Pirates and is based in Prague 6. "It is a reaction to the current policy and focus of the Czech Pirate Party," said Světnička about the creation of the new party. Světnička told ČTK that the Moravian and Silesian Pirate Party had put up candidates for the Senate in the constituencies of Rokycany and Karviná. In Rokycany, the former political prisoner Michal Drabík will be a candidate, in Karviná Světnička. Both candidates were running for political office. According to Světnička, it should not be a problem that the party was registered only today, even though the deadline for submitting candidacy was until 31 October. July. Friday is the deadline for candidates to correct any mistakes.
A Czech political party called the Moravian and Silesian Pirate Party was formed.
Pope John Paul II. He led the Catholic Church for 27 years. For the majority of believers, he represented a charismatic personality, filled with optimism about life and firm moral principles. But the pope also enjoyed sympathy outside the community of believers. During his pontificate from 1978 to 2005, he broke many taboos, including being the first head of the Catholic Church in history to visit a synagogue and a mosque. He has always defended the right to freedom of expression.
John Paul II. He was the first head of the Catholic Church to visit two other religions.
The Montreal Protocol, which is the implementing protocol of the 1985 Vienna Convention (VC) on the Protection of the Ozone Layer, was adopted in Montreal in 1987 and has been ratified by 184 countries to date. The Czech Republic acceded to the Convention on 1. January 1993 as one of the successor states of Czechoslovakia, which signed the agreement in 1990.
Czechoslovakia refused to sign the Montreal Convention in 1990.
Czechoslovakia signed up to the Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol in 1990; the Czech Republic joined on 1 January 1992. january 1993 year (with the last amendment in May 2001). The first chs. The Clean Air Act was passed by Parliament in 1991. The current Act on the Protection of the Earth's Ozone Layer, which corresponds to European Union legislation, has been in force since 1 June 2002. The quantity of freons in the Czech Republic fell from 5500 tonnes in 1980. to almost zero in the second half of the 1990s. flight. Since 1996, the production and import of hard freons has been prohibited in the Czech Republic, and since 1997, the production of so-called "hard" freons has also been banned. soft freons. Hard freons are allowed only for emergency cases (medical, laboratory).
Czechoslovakia refused to sign the Montreal Convention in 1990.
Los Angeles/Prague, April 27 ( ČTK ) - The case began with a photo showing the brutal beating of black motorist Rodney King by Los Angeles police officers. The brutal violence of white lawmen has caused a great scandal in the United States. The subsequent high-profile trial and especially the jury's acquittal triggered several days of race riots in a number of cities, which claimed nearly 60 victims. The controversial ruling came down 25 years ago, on the 29th. April 1992.
A white Los Angeles police officer has been acquitted in the death of a motorist.
Los Angeles/Prague, April 27 (ČTK) - The case began with a photo showing the brutal beating of black motorist Rodney King by Los Angeles police officers. The brutal violence of white lawmen has caused a major scandal in the US. The subsequent high-profile trial and, above all, the jury's acquittal triggered several days of racial riots in a number of cities that claimed nearly 60 victims. The controversial verdict was handed down 25 years ago, on 29. April 1992.
A white Los Angeles police officer has been acquitted in the death of a motorist.
The trial raised many doubts. The trial was moved from Los Angeles to an affluent suburb, despite claims of "demographic disparity." The jury, which had no black members, found that the officers did not overstep their legal bounds and acquitted them of excessive force. On the day of his sentencing, Dec. 29. On April 4, 1992, storms erupted in South Central Los Angeles, a predominantly African-American and Latino neighborhood.
A white Los Angeles police officer has been acquitted in the death of a motorist.
The police suspect Čunek of having, as Vsetín's mayor, taken a bribe of around half a million from the company H & B Real in February 2002. There is also evidence that 14. In February 2002, he deposited 497,000 crowns into his account. Čunek denies the allegations. The Senate stripped him of his immunity and ordered criminal prosecution.
Jiří Čunek was accused of accepting a bribe.
The police accused Čunek of accepting a bribe, suspecting him of receiving around half a million from the real estate company H & B Real in February 2002, when he was Vsetín's mayor, for selling the city's majority stake in the company Vsetínské bytty. The suspect denies the allegations. The Senate last week lifted his immunity, paving the way for him to be prosecuted.
Jiří Čunek was accused of accepting a bribe.
The anti-corruption police suspect Čunek of having negotiated a bribe five years ago with a representative of the Vsetín real estate company H & B Real. That company also denied bribery. The evidence against Čunek is supposed to be that he deposited 497,000 crowns into his account in 2002. Shortly before that, H & B Real withdrew a sum of CZK 2,000 higher from its account. According to Čunek's former secretary, Marcela Urbanová, he received the money for selling 51 percent of the city's share in Vsetínské bytty to a real estate company.
Jiří Čunek was accused of accepting a bribe.
According to the police, Čunek is 11. In February 2002, he negotiated a bribe with an H&B Real representative. There is also evidence that 14. In February 2002, he deposited 497,000 crowns into his account. Shortly before that, the real estate company had withdrawn a sum of CZK 2,000 higher from its account. According to his former secretary, Marcela Urbanová, Čunek received money for the sale of 51 percent of the city's share in Vsetínské bytty to H & B Real.
Jiří Čunek was accused of accepting a bribe.
Čunek described the circumstances of his case, which concerns his work as Vsetín's mayor five years ago, to his closest associates at some length. The police suspect the deputy prime minister, minister for regional development, senator and chairman of KDU-ČSL that in February 2002 he received a bribe of around half a million Czech crowns from real estate company H & B Real for selling the city's majority stake in Vsetínské Byty. Čunek feels innocent and wants to clear his name, the bribe is also denied by H & B Real. According to Čunek, the case is related to his meteoric rise to the highest echelons of Czech politics.
Jiří Čunek was accused of accepting a bribe.
The police suspect Čunek of having negotiated a bribe five years ago with a representative of the Vsetín real estate company H & B Real. The city and the company refused. In recent days, however, the senator has not been able to credibly explain the origin of the money; contradictions have appeared in his answers.
Jiří Čunek was accused of accepting a bribe.
The anti-corruption police suspect Čunek of having negotiated a bribe five years ago with a representative of the Vsetín real estate company H & B Real. Both the man and the company denied it. In recent days, however, the senator has not been able to credibly explain the origin of the money; contradictions have appeared in his answers.
Jiří Čunek was accused of accepting a bribe.
Earlier in the day, Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič had called on Sólyom not to travel to Slovakia today. As Fico later said, on the anniversary of the occupation of former Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact troops, including Hungarian ones, such a visit would not be appropriate.
Slovakia's president has called on Russia's leader to make a public statement on the anniversary of the military invasion. Slovakia did not visit the Warsaw Pact.
Western stars are also holding pre-Christmas concerts in Moscow. In one of the prestigious concert halls Gostinnyj dvor on Christmas Eve, José Carreras and Plácido Domingo performed. Tickets cost around $3,500, a record for Moscow.
Ticket prices for pre-Christmas concerts in St. Petersburg are at a record high.
Prague 14. October (ČTK) - After invading the Soviet Union in June 1941, the Nazis launched the Holocaust, the most horrific genocide of the 20th century. After years of Jews being ostracized from social life, 70 years ago it was 16, 16. October 1941 and started in the same year. The first transport of Jews from Prague to Lodz in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, "the final resolution of the Jewish question." In five transports, it was up to 3. By November 5,002 Jews had been deported, of whom only 276 survived. In total, more than 81,000 Jews were deported from the Czech lands in 1941-1945, of whom 10,500 survived to see liberation. The genocidal policies of the Nazis, both at home and abroad. of the Protectorate began to fulfill Hitler's words from January 1939 about: "The Destruction of the Jewish Race in Europe."
The Soviet Union faced a German attack in the late spring and early summer of 1941.
Ljubljana/Vienna 10. (ČTK) - The President of the Austrian Parliament, Andreas Khol, provoked angry reactions from Slovenian politicians and representatives of the Slovenian minority in Austria when he denied Ljubljana's right to defend the interests of its minority in Carinthia on the basis of provisions of the Austrian Constitution. He also hinted that there was no urgency to comply with the Constitutional Court's ruling on the right of a minority to bilingual designation of municipalities, because Slovenian-language kindergartens are more important for the minority.
There is a Slovenian minority in Austria.
The Austrian constitution, in its seventh article, guarantees the rights of the Slovenian and Croatian minorities and grants former Yugoslavia a guarantor right. In an interview with the Ljubljana daily Delo ale Khol on Wednesday, Khol declared that "Yugoslavia no longer exists, Slovenia is a new state and there is no legal successor to Yugoslavia," and therefore he cannot intervene for the interests of his minority in Austria by invoking Article 7 of the Austrian State Treaty (Constitution).
There is a Slovenian minority in Austria.
In 1951, 43,000 people declared themselves to be members of the Slovenian minority in Austria; by 2001, only 12,500 did so. Khol rejected criticism that Austria was not supporting the minority. He justified the reduction by saying that "in a tense situation, people do not want to identify with minorities." If there is a "new atmosphere of cooperation," the number of Slovenes in Carinthia will certainly increase, he said.
There is a Slovenian minority in Austria.
Austria has so far demanded that the German-speaking population of Slovenia be formally recognised as a national minority. Slovenia, on the other hand, demanded an improvement in the position of Slovenes who live mainly in Carinthia. In the agreement, both parties undertake to implement educational and cultural programs that contribute to understanding the history of minorities and protecting their culture.
There is a Slovenian minority in Austria.
ArcelorMittal Ostrava (former Nová huť) will financially support employees who want to get rid of their nicotine addiction under the supervision of a specialist. For smokers, the Ostrava smelter will pay two-thirds of the costs for a withdrawal cure, company spokeswoman Věra Breiová told ČTK.
ArcelorMittal Ostrava will not financially support employees in their efforts against smoking addiction.
Ljubljana/Vienna 10. February ( ČTK ) - The speaker of the Austrian parliament, Andreas Khol, provoked angry reactions from Slovenian politicians and representatives of the Slovenian minority in Austria when he denied Ljubljana's right to defend the interests of its minority in Carinthia under the provisions of the Austrian constitution. He also hinted that there is no urgency to comply with the Constitutional Court's ruling on the right of a minority to bilingual designation of municipalities, because Slovenian-language kindergartens are more important for the minority.
The speaker of the Austrian parliament, Andreas Khol, attended a craft beer festival in the border region.
PRAGUE 15. December (CTK) - From the Czech point of view, participation in the legendary desert race Dakar Rally will no longer be just a male affair. Jana Tylšová will line up at the start in Clermont-Ferrand, France, and together with Martin Oswald she will form one of two crews for the team's Offroad Center that will be deployed to 26. Toyota Landcruiser vehicles modified for the T1 group of production machines. The second crew will be made up of Petr Kubík with Lukáš Vacovský and the team will also include an accompanying truck and motorcyclist Ivo Kaštan.
Ivo Kaštan will become part of one of the crews at the Dakar Rally.
Together, they have been preparing for the start of their African adventure for more than a year. They are gradually gathering available information, last year they were able to look directly at the race and experience is taking over. And from a chestnut, who has already completed the Dakar six times, four of them as a competitor. "Originally I was only supposed to help them, but eventually it got so far that I will go as a racing part of the team," said Kaštan.
Ivo Kaštan will become part of one of the crews at the Dakar Rally.
In the past, it was the most successful 40th anniversary for Czech cinematography. at the 1990 Berlinale. At that time, Jiří Menzel won the main prize of the Golden Bear for his vault film The Larks on the Thread (Šřivánci na niti), Jan Švankmajer received a Special Award for the film Darkness, Light, Darkness and an award for film personalities - the Golden Camera - was given to Karel Vachek for the documentary Elected Relatives from 1968. The film Repete, directed by Michaela Pavlátová, was awarded the Golden Bear for Best Short Film in 1995. In 1997, Czech-born director Miloš Forman won the highest award for his film The People versus Larry Flynt.
The presidential election begins today in Berlin.
BERLIN, 5 February (CTK reporter) - The 60-metre red carpet on Potsdamer Platz is ready. Fans of the silver screen count on sleepless nights and waiting under hotel windows. It's 54 in Berlin tonight. at the annual Berlinale International Film Festival.
The presidential election begins today in Berlin.
Brno 14. (ČTK) - The biggest problem of social services in Brno is that the public knows little about them. People who give birth to a disabled child or families caring for an elderly person must therefore find out on their own what they are entitled to and where the necessary services will be provided. This follows from the community plan of social services, which was prepared by the city. The wide-ranging document is published on its website and people can submit comments.
The City of Prague has a community service plan.
22nd in Paris. French President Nicolas Sarkozy has provoked a new controversy by proposing to set ceilings on the number of foreigners that France is willing to accept, both according to professions and areas of origin. Human rights organizations opposed it, some experts expressed doubts about the constitutionality of such a step and the political opposition reacted with restraint at best. The proposal has majority public support.
President Nicolas Sarkozy wants to limit the number of foreigners France is willing to accept.
Sarkozy spoke out in favour of setting immigration quotas in a television interview on Thursday. He reiterated that France can only accept as many immigrants as it is able to provide work and decent conditions, and therefore must be able to choose them, not just receive them passively.
President Nicolas Sarkozy wants to limit the number of foreigners France is willing to accept.
The city launched the website last week; it was presented at a press conference only by representatives of ANO, Mayor Petr Vokřál and Deputy Mayor Richard Mrázek. The website is intended to offer people the opportunity to find information about both the relocation option and the reservoir under Petrov, as well as the possibility that no new railway station would be built. Information from the feasibility study, which is being prepared for the Ministry of Transport, will be gradually added to the website. The study compares the various options from different perspectives; it is being carried out by an association led by SUDOP, which has prepared several studies of the relocated railway station over the past 30 years. It is expected to be completed by the end of November 2016.
Mayor Petr Vokřál presented the new website at a press conference.
The sale of live dolphins is governed by the Agreement on International Trade in Endangered Species, which prohibits such transactions if they could harm the animals. The Solomon Islands, about 1,800 kilometers northeast of Australia, did not sign the agreement. The territory is currently in the throes of a political crisis and ethnic violence, which prompted Australian troops to be sent there this week. Environmentalists accuse Mexican companies of exploiting the crisis in the Solomon Islands.
The Solomon Islands are located northeast of Australia.
Sofia 16. (ČTK) - Czech hydroelectric group Energo-PRO wants to strengthen its position in Bulgaria and acquire a hydropower system owned by entrepreneur Grisha Ganchev's VEC Energija Holding. This was announced today by the Bulgarian business paper Kapital, citing information from the local anti-monopoly office. The previous owner, Ganchev, demanded 150 million euros (3.7 billion crowns) for the hydropower system. However, the Czech company's counter-offer was a third of that amount, speculates the Bulgarian newspaper with reference to its informed sources. However, a price agreement was reportedly reached. No further information about the planned contract is known. According to Kapital, the planned Czech acquisition is a holding of six companies that together own 13 hydroelectric power plants. In 2002, a Czech company had already bought three hydroelectric power plants with combined capacity in Bulgaria. 55.7 megawatts. The capacity of the 13 power plants that Energo-PRO now wants to acquire is 77.8 megawatts, according to Kapital.
A local company is interested in Bulgarian power plants.
The psychiatric department of the České Budějovice Hospital is the only similar workplace in South Bohemia with closed beds, which can accept patients who are dangerous to themselves or their surroundings. Hospitalization in the department is only short-term, lasting four to five weeks. If treatment requires a longer stay in an institution, the hospital cooperates with psychiatric hospitals in Dobřany, Lnáře and Písek U Honzíčka.
In the south of Bohemia, only České Budějovice has closed beds for patients who are dangerous to themselves or their surroundings.
Around 500 American soldiers arrived in the Czech Republic in 115 vehicles, mostly 18-ton Stryker armoured personnel carriers and Humvee off-road vehicles. The so-called Dragoon Ride through six countries is meant to demonstrate the U.S. military's support for European NATO allies who feel threatened by Russian aggression toward Ukraine.
115 eighteen-ton armoured vehicles with 500 allied soldiers arrived in the Czech Republic.
Žulawski's films are full of drastic scenes and nudity. When his second feature, 1972's "The Devil," was banned in Poland, the filmmaker moved to France at age 50. years he studied. His debut film, The Third Part of the Night (1971), also a drama with horror elements in historical settings, caused great controversy in Poland.
Andrzej Zulawski has died in Poland at the age of 75.
The Austrian constitution, in its seventh article, guarantees the rights of the Slovenian and Croatian minorities and grants former Yugoslavia a guarantor right. In an interview with the Ljubljana daily Delo ale Khol on Wednesday, Khol declared that "Yugoslavia no longer exists, Slovenia is a new state and there is no legal successor to Yugoslavia," and therefore he cannot intervene for the interests of his minority in Austria by invoking Article 7 of the Austrian State Treaty (Constitution).
Andreas Khol did not allow Ljubljana to defend its minority, although it has the right to do so.
Ljubljana/Vienna 10. (ČTK) - The President of the Austrian Parliament, Andreas Khol, provoked angry reactions from Slovenian politicians and representatives of the Slovenian minority in Austria when he denied Ljubljana's right to defend the interests of its minority in Carinthia on the basis of provisions of the Austrian Constitution. He also hinted that there was no urgency to comply with the Constitutional Court's ruling on the right of a minority to bilingual designation of municipalities, because Slovenian-language kindergartens are more important for the minority.
Andreas Khol did not allow Ljubljana to defend its minority, although it has the right to do so.
Since Slovenia's accession to the EU, Austria no longer negotiates with it "on the basis of some Cold War treaties." Slovenia can indeed act as a protector of its minority, but only on the basis of the European Constitution and the bilateral cultural agreement signed two years ago. Kohl expressed his astonishment that the Slovenian side was surprised by this position, since the Austrian position not to recognize Slovenia as a legal successor of Yugoslavia is allegedly known. for a long time.
Andreas Khol did not allow Ljubljana to defend its minority, although it has the right to do so.
The President of the Slovenian Parliament, France Cukjati, immediately declared on Ljubljana Television that for his country the rights arising from Article 7 of the Austrian Constitution are a "fact" which cannot be changed. According to the broadcaster, Khola's statement caused a "great commotion" in Slovenian government circles; moreover, Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel recently made it clear to his Austrian colleague Ursula Plassnik that Slovenia regards itself as Yugoslavia's legal successor on this issue.
Andreas Khol did not allow Ljubljana to defend its minority, although it has the right to do so.
The Minister of Industry and Trade, Milan Urban, recently stated that one of the options being considered is to seal fuel tanks in order to guarantee their quality from manufacturer to service station. In addition, mandatory certification of sellers of fuel and lubricants stipulated by law and voluntary quality certification that some operators of filling stations already have are also possible.
Andrej Babiš is the Minister of Industry and Trade.
PRAGUE - Minister of Industry and Trade Milan Urban today held talks with representatives of petrol station operators about improving the situation on the fuel market. According to Urban, three options are currently being considered that should bring more order into the trading of fuel and energy. One of the options under consideration is the sealing of fuel tanks, as well as mandatory certification of sellers of fuels and lubricants stipulated by law and voluntary quality certification that some operators of filling stations already have.
Andrej Babiš is the Minister of Industry and Trade.
Please correct the inaccurate text in the report CR-Government (Negotiations on the government are getting under way, lists of future ministers have already been drawn up, 15:41) in the last sentence of the fourth paragraph: "Minister of Industry Milan Urban is said to take..." into its proper form" Minister of Industry Milan Urban is said to take..."
Andrej Babiš is the Minister of Industry and Trade.
Sofia 16. (ČTK) - Czech hydroelectric group Energo-PRO wants to strengthen its position in Bulgaria and acquire a hydropower system owned by entrepreneur Grisha Ganchev's VEC Energija Holding. This was announced today by the Bulgarian business paper Kapital, citing information from the local anti-monopoly office. According to Kapital, the planned Czech acquisition is a holding of six companies that together own 13 hydroelectric power plants. In 2002, the Czech company had already bought three hydroelectric power plants with combined capacity in Bulgaria. 55.7 megawatts. The capacity of the 13 power plants that Energo-PRO now wants to acquire is 77.8 megawatts, according to Kapital.
In Bulgaria, the past Within a month, all the power stations had been destroyed.
In Ostrava, zebras have been bred since 1973 and 28 cubs have been born in the zoo since then. The current group consists of four females, a male and a young. At the beginning of August, two males left the zoo for the German Garden in Cologne. The zoo donated them free of charge as part of the European conservation programme for Grévy's zebras, in which it is involved.
Ostrava is helping to save zebras in Europe.
"Pastor's Lunch" 11. July (CTK) - This year, the town hall in Postoloprty in Louny is donating 175,000 crowns to repair the Chapel of 14 Holy Helpers in the local part of Mradice. Mayor Bedřiška Zakouřilová (independent) told ČTK today that although the chapel from 1841 is owned by the church, the city is interested in repairing it not only because of its external appearance, but mainly to preserve it.
Postoloprta's mayor said that the chapel dates from the mid-19th century. It will be repaired with city money.
Kiev 14. August (CTK) - An appeals court in Kiev has freed jailed former Ukrainian defence minister Valeriy Ivashchenko, commuting his five-year sentence to a year's probation. A former member of the government of ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko was convicted in April for abuse of power. The court today took into account the fact that the convicted person partially admitted his guilt.
An appeals court has released a Ukrainian former cabinet minister.
Chomsky, who is emeritus professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is considered to be the most important living linguist and founder of modern linguistics. A left-wing political activist, he is also known for his critical stance. American capitalism, globalization and its impacts, military conflicts, the foreign policy of the United States, Israel and other governments.
Noam Chomsky owns a building at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Shortly after the playful and unconventional Pippi, Lindgren published another bestseller, Bullerbyn's Children, stories of boys and girls from three rural families living in the neighbourhood. The genre of the children's detective has been successfully tried out in stories about... Kalle Blomkvist's robber novel has been revived in prose by Ronja, the Robber's Daughter. Fantastic motifs were widely used, for example, in the Karkulín from the Roof trilogy. Lindgren wrote a number of film and theatre scripts, 40 films have been made based on her books.
Astrid Lindgren wrote The Children of Bullerbyn.
Brno 14. (ČTK) - The biggest problem of social services in Brno is that the public knows little about them. People who give birth to a disabled child or families caring for an elderly person must therefore find out on their own what they are entitled to and where the necessary services will be provided. This follows from the community plan of social services, which was prepared by the city. The wide-ranging document is published on its website and people can submit comments.
Brno's community service plan is not open for comment.
According to Western military experts, Iran has indeed modernized many of its weapons thanks to supplies from abroad, such as China. Although these experts do not expect Iranian military technology to match the effectiveness of American weapons used by Israel, any possible Iranian military activity could still wreak havoc on shipping routes that export oil from the Persian Gulf region.
Iran is going to war with Iraq.
Some analysts have speculated that Israel could opt for a pre-emptive attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. "If this government commits the same folly, we have our own plan. Iranian bombers will attack Israel in retaliation," Allawi said today.
Iran is going to war with Iraq.
Sofia 16. (ČTK) - Czech hydroelectric group Energo-PRO wants to strengthen its position in Bulgaria and acquire a hydropower system owned by entrepreneur Grisha Ganchev's VEC Energija Holding. This was announced today by the Bulgarian business paper Kapital, citing information from the local anti-monopoly office.
Energo is a Czech trader who no longer trades in energy.
According to Kapital, the planned Czech acquisition is a holding of six companies that together own 13 hydroelectric power plants. In 2002, a Czech company had already bought three hydroelectric power plants with combined capacity in Bulgaria. 55.7 megawatts. The capacity of the 13 power plants that Energo-PRO now wants to acquire is 77.8 megawatts, according to Kapital.
Energo is a Czech trader who no longer trades in energy.
Prague 16. August (CTK) - The Moravian and Silesian Pirate Party has registered with the Ministry of the Interior; it wants to become an alternative to the parliamentary Czech Pirate Party. Karel Světnička, representative of the new party's preparatory committee, informed ČTK about this today, according to which the grouping has put forward two candidates for this year's senate elections. The Czech Pirate Party has distanced itself from the new party and is preparing to revoke Světnička's status as a registered supporter.
The Czech Pirate Party is moving outside Parliament.
BERLIN, 5 February (CTK reporter) - The 60-metre red carpet on Potsdamer Platz is ready. Fans of the silver screen count on sleepless nights and waiting under hotel windows. It's 54 in Berlin tonight. the annual Berlinale International Film Festival. Even director Anthony Minghella, whose civil war epic Cold Mountain will open this year's Berlinale, praised the atmosphere of the capital at today's first press conference. "I'm not really an expert on festivals, but here in Berlin I am happy, it is a city in the heart of Europe," said Minghella.
Famous stars arrive at a film festival in Central Europe, fans are waiting for the opening.