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Pelec'h emañ an darvoud-se ? | [
"E Pariz",
"E Normandi",
"E Kerne",
"E Su Bro C'hall"
] | Où se déroule cette scène ? | [
"À Paris",
"En Normandie",
"En Cornouaille",
"Dans le sud de la France'"
] | Where is this scene taking place ? | [
"In Paris",
"In Normandie",
"In Cornouaille",
"In the south of France"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | Self | Self-research_only | CC BY-NC |
Evit peseurt arz eo anavezet an arzour-se ? | [
"ar vroderezh",
"ar serigrafiezh war seiz",
"an dañs a-vremañ",
"ar c'heginerezh"
] | Pour quel art cet artiste est-il connu ? | [
"Sérigraphie sur soie",
"Danse contemporaine",
"La cuisine'"
] | What art is this artist known for? | [
"screen printing on silk\t",
"contemporary dance",
"the cooking"
] | -1 | Public Figure and pop culture | External | CC BY-SA 4.0 |
Peseurt maouez brudet he deus bevet er c'hastell-man? | [
"Emma Normandi",
"Morgan ar Voudig",
"Elisabeth II",
"Anna Vreizh"
] | Quelle femme célèbre a vécu dans ce château ? | [
"Emma de Normandie",
"La Fée Morgane",
"Elisabeth II",
"Anne de Bretagne'"
] | Which famous woman lived in this castle? | [
"Emma of Normandy",
"The Fairy Morgana",
"Elisabeth II",
"Anne of Brittany"
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | External | GFDL |
D'ober petra e servij an dra-mañ ? | [
"labourioù an arme",
"al labour-douar",
"ar sportoù",
"ar pesketa"
] | Pour quelle activité cet objet est-il utilisé ? | [
"activités militaires",
] | What activity is this object used for? | [
"military activities",
] | -1 | Objects / materials / clothing | External | GFDL |
Petra eo anv-bihan an den-se ? | [
"Yann ",
"Didier ",
"Denez ",
"Yann Fañch"
] | Quel est le prénom de cet homme ? | [
"Yann Fañch'"
] | What is the first name of this man? | [
"Yann ",
"Didier ",
"Denez ",
"Yann Fañch "
] | -1 | Public Figure and pop culture | External | CC BY-SA 4.0 |
Arouez petra eo al lizherenn vras a-gleiz? | [
"An droed da hanval ar vugale gant anvioù ar vro",
"An droed da wareziñ ar sevenadur",
"Ur strollad sonerezh hengounel",
"An droed da lakaat war well ar yezh el lec'hioù foran"
] | Que symbolise la grande lettre à gauche ? | [
"Le droit de nommer les enfants avec des noms locaux.",
"Le droit de protéger la culture",
"Un groupe de musique traditionnelle",
"Le droit de rendre la langue visible dans les lieux publics'"
] | What does the large letter on the left symbolize? | [
"The right to name children with local names. ",
"The right to protect the culture",
"A traditional music band",
"the right to make the language visible in public places"
] | -1 | People and everyday life | Self | Self-open | CC BY-SA |
Petra 'zo skrivet war ar bank-mañ ? | [
"pozioù kan-broadel Breizh",
"pennad kentañ bonreizh Breizh",
"touadell Breizh sujañ da Vro-Frañs e 1532",
"ur ganenn d'ar gozhni"
] | Qu'est-ce qui est écrit sur ce banc ? | [
"Les paroles de l'hymne breton",
"L'article premier de la constitution bretonne",
"Le serment d'allégeance de la Bretagne à la France en 1532",
"une ode à la vieillesse'"
] | the lyrics pf the national anthem | [
"The lyrics of the Breton anthem",
"The first article of the Breton constitution",
"Brittany's oath of allegiance to France in 1532",
"an ode to old age"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | Self | Self-open | CC BY-SA |
Pehini eo ar gêr gant ar muiañ annezidi en departamant-mañ? | [
] | Quelle est la ville la plus peuplée de ce département ? | [
] | What is the most populated city in this department? | [
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | External | CC BY-SA 4.0 |
Peseurt tro-lavar liammet gant ar gartenn-se a implij ezel ar c'horf? | [
"Pemp kenderv",
"Pemp c'hoar",
"Pemp piz an dorn",
"Pemp eskopti"
] | Quelle expression utilisant une partie du corps peut être associée à cette carte ? | [
"Les cinq cousins",
"Les cinq sœurs",
"Les cinq doigts",
"Les cinq évêques'"
] | Which expression linked to this map makes use of a body part? | [
"The five cousins",
"The five sisters",
"The five fingers",
"The five bishopricks"
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | External | CC BY-SA 3.0 |
Peseurt digarez a zo? | [
"Ur vadeziant",
"Ur pask-bras",
"Un eured",
"An interamant"
] | Quel événement a lieu ? | [
"Un baptême",
"Une communion",
"Un mariage",
"Un enterrement'"
] | Which event is taking place? | [
"A baptism",
"A communion",
"A wedding",
"A funeral"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | Self | Self-open | CC BY-SA |
Peseurt darvoud e vez lidet amañ ? | [
"un dilojadeg",
"ur fest-deiz",
"Fin an eost",
"Un eured"
] | Quel événement est célébré ici ? | [
"Un déménagement de maison",
"Un fest-deiz",
"La fin de la saison des récoltes",
"Un mariage'"
] | What event is here celebrated? | [
"a house move",
"a fest-deiz",
"the end of the harvest season",
"a wedding"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | Self | Self-research_only | CC BY-NC |
Pegeit emañ diouzh ar gêr gloz war-droad ? | [
"1,5 km",
"3 km",
] | À quelle distance à pied se trouve-t-on de ce château ? | [
"1,5 km",
"3 km",
"2,3 km'"
] | How far is it on foot from the walled city? | [
"1,5 km",
"3 km",
"2,3 km"
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | External | CC BY-SA 3.0 |
Petra a voe micher kentañ ar vaouez-se, adalek he zrizek vloaz ? | [
"skoazellerez en ur sindikad",
"stuzerez pesked er Gelveneg",
"keinerez levrioù e Brest",
"broderez e Bro Gerne"
] | Quel a été le premier emploi de cette femme, à l'âge de quatorze ans ? | [
"aide dans un syndicat",
"emballeur de poisson au Guilvinec",
"relieur à Brest",
"brodeur à Cornouaille'"
] | What was the first job of this woman, at the age of fourteen ? | [
"helper in a trade union",
"fish packager in Guilvinec",
"bookbinder in Brest",
"embroiderer in Cornouaille"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | External | GFDL |
Peseurt micher a ya gant ar gwiskad-se ? | [
"al labourerien-douar",
"ar vezhinerien",
"ar sportourien",
"tud an arme"
] | De quelle profession provient ce vêtement ? | [
"Les agriculteurs",
"Les cueilleurs d'algues",
"Les sportifs",
"Les militaires'"
] | What profession does this garment come from? | [
"the farmers",
"the seaweed pickers",
"the sportsmen",
"the military"
] | -1 | Objects / materials / clothing | External | CC BY 4.0 |
Peseurt skolioù zo be krouet gant an arzour-maén ? | [
] | Cet artiste breton a ouvert des écoles pour quelle activité ? | [
] | This Breton artist opened schools for what activity? | [
] | -1 | Public Figure and pop culture | External | CC BY-SA 4.0 |
Peseurt doare botoù eo se ? | [
"botoù dañs",
"botoù gouren",
"Botoù bateau"
] | De quel type de chaussures s'agit-il ? | [
"chaussures de danse",
"chaussures gouren",
"chaussures bateau'"
] | What type of shoes are these? | [
"dancing shoes",
"gouren shoes",
"Bateau shoes"
] | -1 | Objects / materials / clothing | External | CC BY 3.0 |
Petra eo anv ar c'hoef-mañ? | [
] | Quel est le nom de cette coiffe ? | [
] | What is the name of this headdress? | [
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | Self | Self-open | CC BY-SA |
Peur eo bet savet ar banniel-mañ ? | [
"Penn kentañ an 20vet kantved",
"Kreiz an 18vet kanted",
"Fin an 19vet kantved",
"Penn-kentañ an 21vet kantved"
] | Quand ce drapeau a-t-il été créé ? | [
"Début du 20ème siècle",
"Milieu du 18e siècle",
"Fin du 19ème siècle",
"Début du 21ème siècle'"
] | When was this flag created? | [
"Beginning of the 20th century",
"Middle of the 18vet century",
"End of the 19th century",
"Beginning of the 21st century"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | External | CC0 |
Peseurt mod kanton eo se ? | [
"Kanton Gwitreg",
"Kanton Felgerieg-Veur",
"Kanton Bruz",
"Kanton Saozon-Sevigneg"
] | De quel canton s'agit-il ? | [
"Canton de Vitré",
"Canton de Grand-Fougeray",
"Canton de Bruz",
"Canton de Cesson-Sévigné'"
] | What administrative district is this ? | [
"Canton de Vitré",
"Canton de Grand-Fougeray",
"Canton de Bruz",
"Canton de Cesson-Sévigné"
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | External | Public domain |
Peseurt mor a vez kavet e Kornôg ar rannvro-se ? | [
"Mor Breizh",
"Ar Meurvor Atlantel",
"Ar meurvor Habask",
"Mor Kreizdouar"
] | Quelle mer y a-t-il à l'ouest de ce territoire ? | [
"La Manche",
"L'océan Atlantique",
"L'océan Pacifique",
"La mer Méditerranée'"
] | What sea is there west of this territory ? | [
"The English Channel",
"The Atlantic ocean",
"The Pacific ocean",
"The Mediterranean sea"
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | External | CC BY-SA 3.0 |
Petra eo anv ar vaouez-mañ ? | [
"Nathalie Lemel",
"Nolwenn Korbell",
"Josephine Penncalet",
"Anjela Duval"
] | Comment s'appelle cette femme ? | [
"Natalie Lemel",
"Noelwen Corbel",
"Joséphine Penklet",
"Angela Duval'"
] | What is the name of this woman? | [
"Nathalie Lemel",
"Nolwenn Korbell",
"Joséphine Penncalet",
"Angela Duval"
] | -1 | Public Figure and pop culture | Self | Self-open | CC BY-SA |
Piv en deus ijinet rekipe ar c'hoka-mañ ? | [
"Breserezh Lancelot",
"Limonaderezh Wittersheim",
"Atalier ar Bepienn",
"Breserezh Coreff"
] | Qui a créé la recette de ce cola ? | [
"La brasserie Lancelot",
"La limonaderie Wittersheim",
"L'atelier Pépie",
"La brasserie Coreff'"
] | Who created the recipe for this cola? | [
"The Lancelot brewery",
"The limonaderie Wittersheim",
"The Pépie workshop",
"The Coreff brewery"
] | -1 | Brands / products / companies | External | GFDL |
Peseurt anv a roer d'an dra-mañ ? | [
"ur roeñwalenn",
"ur baner veaj",
"ur gaouidell laboused",
"ur gavell pesketa"
] | Comment s'appelle cet objet ? | [
"un filet",
"un panier de voyage",
"une cage à oiseaux",
"un piège à pêche'"
] | What is this object called? | [
"a net",
"a travelling basket",
"a bird cage",
"A fishing trap"
] | -1 | Objects / materials / clothing | External | GFDL |
Pet bugel he doa bet ar vaouez-se? | [
"hini ebet",
] | Combien d'enfants cette femme a-t-elle eu ? | [
] | How many children did this woman have ? | [
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | External | Public domain |
Peseurt harzoù a c'hellan treuziñ gant se ? | [
"Harzoù Europa a-bezh",
"Reoù Schengen",
"Hini ebet. ",
"Ze 'zo hervez an emglevioù Bro"
] | Quelle frontière puis-je traverser avec celui-ci ? | [
"Aucune frontière en Europe",
"Celles de Schengen",
"Cela dépend de l'accord de chaque pays'"
] | What border can I cross with this? | [
"Any frontier in Europe",
"Those of Schengen",
"It depends on each country's agreement"
] | -1 | People and everyday life | Self | Self-open | CC BY-SA |
Peseurt tu ar savadur-mañ a vez gwelet ? | [
] | Quel côté de ce bâtiment peut-on voir ? | [
] | Which side of this building can we see ? | [
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | External | CC BY-SA 3.0 |
Pelec'h eo bet ret d'an arzour-mañ labourat abalamour da adreizh al leveoù ? | [
"en ur skol-lojañ",
"e ti ul ludaouer",
"en ur vouloñjerezh",
"en un ti-retredidi\t"
] | Où cet artiste a-t-il dû travailler à cause de la réforme des retraites ? | [
"dans un pensionnat",
"chez un luthier",
"dans une boulangerie",
"dans une maison de retraite'"
] | Where did this artist have to work because of the pension reform? | [
"in a boarding school",
"at a violin maker",
"in a bakery",
"in a retirement house"
] | -1 | Public Figure and pop culture | External | CC BY-SA 4.0 |
Pelec'h emañ lec'hiet sez an embregereh ? | [
] | Où se trouve le siège social de cette société ? | [
] | Where is the head office of this company located? | [
] | -1 | Brands / products / companies | External | Public domain |
Petra a zo da c'houlenn en ur stal evit prenañ se ? | [
"un asied dibenn-pred-kuzhig",
"ur glozenn amann",
"ur plad grilh-traezh",
"ur bladenn keuzioù"
] | Que faut-il demander dans un magasin pour acheter ça ? | [
"Une assiette à dessert surprise",
"Un beurrier",
"Un plat de langoustines",
"Un plateau de fromages'"
] | What to ask in a store to buy this item? | [
"A surprise dessert plate",
"a butter dish",
"a langoustine dish",
"A cheese platter"
] | -1 | Objects / materials / clothing | External | CC BY 2.0 |
Peseurt plant a Vreizh zo c'hoar dezhi? | [
"Al linad",
"Al lila",
"Ar rozenn",
"Ar balan"
] | Quelle est sa plante sœur en Bretagne ? | [
] | What is its sister plant in Brittany? | [
] | -1 | Plants and animal | External | CC BY-SA 4.0 |
Petra a zo kizellet amañ? | [
"Pri melen",
] | Qu'est-ce qui est sculpté ici ? | [
"Argile jaune",
] | What is carved here? | [
"Yellow clay",
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | Self | Self-research_only | CC BY-NC |
Petra a vez fardet gant ar benveg-mañ ? | [
] | Que cuisine-t-on avec cet appareil ? | [
] | What does one cook with this appliance? | [
] | -1 | Cooking and food | External | CC BY 2.0 |
E peseurt kêr emañ ar parlamant-mañ? | [
] | Dans quelle ville se trouve ce parlement ? | [
] | In what city is this parliament located? | [
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | External | CC BY 3.0 |
Petra zo diskouezhet war ar freskenn ? | [
"un dañs makabr",
"ur gentel war ar c'horf",
"Prosesion ar c'hrist marv",
"kontadenn an tri marv hag an tri bev"
] | Que représente cette fresque ? | [
"Une danse macabre",
"Une leçon d'anatomie",
"La procession du Christ mort",
"L'histoire des trois morts et des trois vivants'"
] | What does this fresco represent? | [
"A dance of death",
"An anatomy lesson",
"The procession of the Dead Christ",
"The tale of the three dead and the three alive"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | External | CC BY-SA 3.0 |
Pelec'h e c'heller gwelout ar mein divoutin-mañ ? | [
] | Où pouvez-vous voir ces rochers particuliers ? | [
] | Where can you see these particular rocks? | [
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | External | GFDL |
Pe anv eo ar beg-se ? | [
"Beg ar Garreg hir",
"Beg an dorchenn",
"Beg ar Van",
"Beg ar raz"
] | Quel est le nom de ce promontoire ? | [
"Pointe du Toulinguet",
"Pointe de la Torche",
"Pointe du Van",
"Pointe du Raz'"
] | What is the name of this headland? | [
"Pointe du Toulinguet",
"Pointe de la Torche",
"Pointe du Van",
"Pointe du Raz"
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | External | GFDL |
Mar tegasan an dra-se eo abalamour da betra ? | [
"Peogwir e lidan n'am eus ket met daou vloaz da c'hortoz un dra bennak",
"Peogwir eo ma deiz-ha-bloaz",
"Peogwir e labouran gant tud abaoe daou vloaz",
"peogwir eo deiz-ha-bloaz unan bennak"
] | Si j'apporte cela à quelqu'un, pour quelle raison ? | [
"Parce que je fête",
"je n'ai que deux ans à attendre pour un événement",
"Parce que c'est mon anniversaire.",
"Parce que je travaille avec des gens depuis deux ans",
"Parce que c'est l'anniversaire de quelqu'un'"
] | If I bring this to someone, it is because of what ? | [
"Because I am celebrating I have only two years to wait for some event",
"Because it is my birthday. ",
"Because I work with people since two years",
"Because it is someone's birthday"
] | -1 | People and everyday life | External | CC BY-SA 4.0 |
E Peseurt pleg-mor emañ an tour-tan ? | [
"Ar Mor Bihan",
"Bae Douarnenez",
"Bae Lannuon",
"Bae Montroulez"
] | Sur quelle baie se trouve le phare ? | [
"Le Golfe du Morbihan",
"La Baie de Douarnenez",
"La Baie de Lannion",
"La Baie de Morlaix'"
] | On what bay is the lighthouse ? | [
"The Gulf of Morbihan",
"The Bay of Douarnenez",
"The Bay of Lannion",
"The Bay of Morlaix"
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | External | | Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License |
Da vare peseurt koulz bloaz e vezont pesketet e Breizh ? | [
] | A quelle période de l'année est-ce pêché en Bretagne ? | [
] | What season does their fishing signal in Brittany? | [
] | -1 | Cooking and food | External | GFDL |
Penaos gouzout mard eo trenk an douar ? | [
"O sellout ouzh roudennoù ar glav war ar maen",
"O termeniñ ma zo lobelia",
"O termeniñ ma zo lavand",
"O sellout ouzh liv ar brug-rozenn"
] | Comment savoir si le sol est acide ? | [
"En observant les traces de la pluie sur les rochers",
"En déterminant s'il y a de la lobélie",
"En déterminant s'il y a de la lavande",
"En observant la couleur de l'hortensia'"
] | How can one know if the soil is acidic ? | [
"By watching the traces of the rain on the rocks",
"By determining if there is lobelia",
"By determining if there is lavender",
"by watching the color of the hydrangea"
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | Self | Self-open | CC BY-SA |
Petra eo dibar d'ar skolioù-mañ ? | [
"skolioù keginañ int",
"skolioù evit an dud deuet int",
"skolioù divyezhek brezhoneg galleg int",
"skolioù dre soubidigezh e brezhoneg int"
] | Quelle est la particularité de ces écoles ? | [
"Ce sont des écoles de cuisine",
"Ce sont des écoles pour adultes",
"Ce sont des écoles bilingues bretonnes-françaises",
"Ce sont des écoles d'immersion en langue bretonne'"
] | What is special about these schools? | [
"These are cooking schools",
"These are schools for adults",
"These are bilingual Breton French schools",
"These are Breton language immersion schools"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | External | CC BY-SA 3.0 |
Peseurt anv zo gant ar merk-mañ ? | [
"Agnès b",
"Jean Paul Gaultier",
"Armor Lux",
] | Quel est le nom de cette marque ? | [
"Agnes b",
"Jean Paul Gaultier",
"Armor Lux",
] | What is the name of this brand? | [
"Agnes b",
"Jean Paul Gaultier",
"Armor Lux",
] | -1 | Brands / products / companies | External | CC BY 2.0 |
peseurt micher a oa gant ar vaouez-se ? | [
"micherourez usin sardin",
] | Quel était le travail de cette femme ? | [
"conditionneur de sardines",
] | What was the job of this woman? | [
"gardener ",
"sardine conditioner ",
"childcare worker "
] | -1 | Public Figure and pop culture | External | CC0 |
Deus peseurt bro gozh Breizh eo ar banniel-mañ? | [
] | De quelle pays breton historique vient ce drapeau est-il ? | [
"Pays de Nantes",
"Pays de Cornouaille",
"Pays de Dol",
"Pays de Penthièvre'"
] | From which historical Breton land is this flag? | [
"Pays de Nantes",
"Pays de Cornouaille",
"Pays de Dol",
"Pays de Penthièvre"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | External | CC BY 3.0 |
Petra eo al liamm etre al loen war a banniel-se hag anv ar rann-vro istorel breizhat a vez aroueziet ganti ? | [
"Kerniel ar maout",
"Kreñvder ar maout",
"Loc'h ar maout",
"Pevar pav ar maout"
] | Quel est le rapport entre l'animal de ce drapeau et le pays breton historique qu'il représente ? | [
"Les cornes du bélier",
"La force du bélier",
"L'orgueil du bélier",
"Les quatre pattes du bélier'"
] | How does the animal on this flag relate to the historical Breton territory that it represents? | [
"The horns of the ram",
"The strength of the ram",
"The pride of the ram",
"The four paws of the ram"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | External | CC BY-SA 4.0 |
Da biv eo gouestlet ar bruderezh-mañ? | [
"D'al labourerien-douar ha d'an artizaned",
"D'al leanezed ha d'ar menec'h",
"D'an egoraerien",
"D'ar surjianed"
] | À qui s'adresse cette publicité ? | [
"Aux agriculteurs et aux artisans",
"Aux nonnes et aux moines",
"Aux astronautes",
"Aux chirurgiens'"
] | Who is this publicity addressed to ? | [
"To farmers and artisans ",
"To nuns and monks ",
"To astronauts ",
"To surgeons"
] | -1 | People and everyday life | Self | Self-open | CC BY-SA |
Deus peseurt parrez e teu ar c'hig amañ? | [
"Ar Gemene",
] | De quelle paroisse provient cette viande ? | [
] | Which parish does this meat come from? | [
] | -1 | Cooking and food | Self | Self-open | CC BY-SA |
D'ober petra e vez implijet hag adanavezet ar botoù-mañ ? | [
"pesketa a-vicher",
"labourioù an arme",
"sportoù dour"
] | Pour quelle activité ces chaussures sont-elles particulièrement utilisées et reconnues ? | [
"pêche professionnelle",
"ski nautique",
"activités militaires",
"sports nautiques'"
] | For what activity are these shoes particularly used and recognized? | [
"professional fishing",
"water skiing",
"military activities",
"water sports"
] | -1 | Objects / materials / clothing | External | CC BY 3.0 |
Piv en deus krouet ar banniel-mañ ? | [
"Morvan Marchal",
"Nolwenn Korbell",
"Roparz Hemon",
"An tad Juluan Maner"
] | Qui a conçu ce drapeau ? | [
"Morvan Marchal",
"Nolwen Corbele",
"Roperz Hemon",
"Père Julien Manoir'"
] | Who designed this flag? | [
"Morvan Marchal",
"Nolwenn Korbell",
"Roparz Hemon",
"Father Julien Maunoir"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | External | CC BY-SA 4.0 |
Delwenn piv a vez gwelet etre he c'horzennoù ? | [
"Ar Geben",
"Sant Ronan",
] | Qui est représenté entre ses flèches ? | [
"Le Keben",
"Saint Ronan",
] | Who is represented between its arrows? | [
"The Keben",
"Saint Ronan",
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | External | CC BY-SA 3.0 |
Penaos e vez anvet ar maligorn-mañ? | [
"Maligorn Bourgogn",
"Maligorn Korsika",
"Maligorn Kemper",
"Maligorn ramz Afrika"
] | Comment s'appelle cet escargot ? | [
"Escargot de Bourgogne",
"Escargot de Corse",
"Escargot de Quimper",
"Escargot géant d'Afrique'"
] | What is this snail called? | [
"Burgundy snail",
"Corsican snail",
"Quimper snail",
"Giant African Snail"
] | -1 | Plants and animal | External | Public domain |
Pelec'h e vez douget ar gwiskamant-se ? | [
"Ar Guilvinec",
] | Où porte-t-on ce costume ? | [
"Le Guilvinec",
] | Where does one wear this costume ? | [
"Le Guilvinec",
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | Self | Self-open | CC BY-SA |
E-barzh peseurt eskoptioù e vez gwisket ar chal bras-mañ? | [
"Treger ha Bro Sant Brieg",
"Leon ha Kerne",
"Treger ha Kerne",
"Leon ha Treger"
] | Dans quels évêchés portons-nous ce long châle ? | [
"Comté de Treger et Sant Brieg",
"Leon et Kerne",
"Treger et Kerne",
"Leon et Treger'"
] | In which bishoprics do we wear this long shawl? | [
"Treger and Sant Brieg county",
"Leon and Kerne",
"Treger and Kerne",
"Leon and Treger"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | Self | Self-open | CC BY-SA |
E peseurt kêr ez eo bet ganet an den-mañ? | [
] | Dans quelle ville cette personne est-elle née ? | [
] | In which city was this person born? | [
] | -1 | Public Figure and pop culture | External | Public domain |
Petra a zo da c'houlenn evit bezañ servijet se ? | [
"ur volennad chist",
"ur volenn chist",
"ur werennad chistr",
"un tasad chist"
] | Quelle commande faire pour obtenir ceci ? | [
"un bol de cidre",
"un bol de cidre",
"un verre de cidre",
"une tasse de cidre'"
] | What order do you place to be served this ? | [
"a bowl of cider",
"a cider bowl",
"a glass of cider",
"a cup of cider"
] | -1 | Objects / materials / clothing | External | GFDL |
Petra eo yezh kelenn ar skolioù-se ? | [
] | Quelle est la langue d’enseignement dans ces écoles ? | [
"Langue bretonne",
"Langue corse",
"Langue basque'"
] | In what language do they teach in this school network ? | [
"Breton language",
"Corsican language",
"Basque language"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | Self | Self-research_only | CC BY-NC |
Petra eo ? | [
"Ur grampouezhenn a Vro Aljeria",
"Ur grampouezhenn a Ethiopi",
"Ur grampouezhenn a Vreizh",
"Ur grampouezhenn a Durki"
] | Qu’est-ce que c'est? | [
"Une crêpe d'Aljeria",
"Une crêpe d'Ethiopie",
"Une crêpe de Bretagne",
"Une crêpe de Turquie'"
] | What is this ? | [
"A pancake from Aljeria",
"A pancake from Ethiopia",
"A pancake from Brittany",
"A pancake from Turkey"
] | -1 | Cooking and food | External | CC0 |
E peseurt kêr eo bet krouet ar merk-se ? | [
] | Dans quelle ville cette marque est-elle née ? | [
] | In which city was this brand born? | [
] | -1 | Brands / products / companies | External | CC BY 2.0 |
Peseurt anv zo gant ar c'hlub o c'hoari war an dachenn-mañ ? | [
"Paris Saint Germain",
"Lorient Football Club",
"Stade rennais"
] | Quel est le nom du club de football qui joue dans ce stade ? | [
"Paris Saint Germain",
"Lorient Football Club",
"Stade rennais'"
] | What is the name of the football club that plays at this stadium? | [
"Paris Saint Germain",
"Lorient Football Club",
"Stade rennais"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | External | GFDL |
War bord peseurt mor emañ an tour-tan ? | [
"Mor Hirwazh",
"Meurvor Atlantel",
"Mor Keltiek",
"Mor Breizh"
] | Sur la côte de quelle mer se trouve ce phare ? | [
"La mer d'Iroise",
"L'océan Atlantique",
"La mer Celtique",
"La Manche'"
] | On the coast of which sea is this lighthouse ? | [
"The Iroise sea",
"The Atlantic Ocean",
"The Celtic sea",
"The British Channel"
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | External | | Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License |
Petra eo oberenn bennañ an dastumer-mañ? | [
"Mojenn an Ankou",
"Ar Barzaz Breiz",
"Gwerzioù Breizh-Izel",
"Gwerzhioù Maldoror"
] | Quelle est l'œuvre principale de ce collectionneur ? | [
"La Légende de la mort en Basse-Bretagne",
"Barzaz Breiz",
"Gwerzioù Breizh-Izel",
"Chants et chansons populaires de la Basse-Bretagne",
"Les Chants de Maldoror'"
] | What is the main work of this collector? | [
"La Légende de la mort en Basse-Bretagne",
"The Barzaz Breiz",
"Gwerzioù Breizh-Izel, Chants et chansons populaires de la Basse-Bretagne",
"The Songs of Maldoror"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | External | Public domain |
Peseurt micher a rae tud an ti-mañ ? | [
] | Quel était le travail des gens de cette maison ? | [
"Éleveur de porcs",
"Récolteur d'algues",
] | What was the job of the people of this house? | [
"Pig farmer",
"Seaweed harvester",
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | Self | Self-research_only | CC BY-NC |
Petra eo an danvez boued pennañ zo er meuz dibar-se ? | [
"Pesked ha kaol",
"Kig ha riz",
"Kig ha farz bervet ha legumaj",
"krampouezh ha silzig"
] | Quels sont les principaux ingrédients de ce plat typique ? | [
"Poisson et chou",
"Viande et riz",
"Viande bouillie",
"sarrasin et légumes",
"Crêpe et saucisse'"
] | What are the main ingredients of this typical dish? | [
"Fish and cabbage",
"Meat and rice",
"Boiled meat, buckweat and vegetables",
"Pancake and sausage"
] | -1 | Cooking and food | External | CC BY-SA 3.0 |
Peseurt model karr eo hennezh ? | [
"Ur bluecar",
] | Quel est ce modèle de véhicule ? | [
"Une voiture bleue",
] | What is this vehicle model? | [
"A bluecar",
] | -1 | Vehicles and Transportation | External | CC BY-SA 4.0 |
Peseurt koef e vez douget gant ar maouezed ? | [
"Koef Bro Glazik",
"Koef Pont-Aven",
"Koef Bro Vigoudenn",
"Ar c'hoef Penn-Sardin"
] | Quel genre de coiffes les femmes portent-elles ? | [
"La coiffe Glazik",
"La coiffe de Pont-Aven",
"La coiffe Bigoudenn",
"La coiffe Penn-Sardin'"
] | What kind of headdresses are the women wearing ? | [
"The Glazik headdress",
"The headdress of Pont-Aven",
"The Bigoudenn headdress",
"The Penn-Sardin headdress"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | Self | Self-research_only | CC BY-NC |
Petra eo al liv all evit brodañ ar wiskamant-mañ? | [
] | De quelle autre couleur ce costume peut-il être brodé ? | [
] | In what other color can this costume be embroidered? | [
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | Self | Self-research_only | CC BY-NC |
E-kichen peseurt kêr emañ ar porzh-mañ? | [
"An Alre",
] | Près de quelle ville se trouve ce port ? | [
] | What town is this port nearby ? | [
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | External | CC BY-SA 3.0 |
Petra a ra ar maouezed-se ? | [
"Dibunañ a reont ur varzhoneg",
"Kanañ a reont da lakaat an dud da zañsal",
"Lakaet a reont aergerlc'h er sal araok ma teufe ur c'haner brudet ",
"Choari a reont un teir-merc'hed show "
] | Que font ces femmes ? | [
"Ils récitent un poème",
"Ils chantent pour faire danser les gens",
"Ils réchauffent la pièce devant une chanteuse célèbre",
"Ils jouent un 'spectacle de tri-femmes'"
] | What are these women doing? | [
"They recite a poem",
"They are singing to make people dance",
"They warm up the room before a famous singer",
"They play a “tri women show”"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | Self | Self-research_only | CC BY-NC |
Petra eo anv ar stêr-man? | [
"Ar stêr Oded",
"Ar Tonalina",
"Ar Dourduff",
"Ar Badtobelbach"
] | Quel est le nom de cette rivière ? | [
"le Tonalina",
"le Dourduff",
"le Badtobelbach'"
] | What is the name of this river? | [
"the Odet",
"the Tonalina",
"the Dourduff",
"the Badtobelbach"
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | External | Public domain |
Petra a vez graet ag ar strollad sonerion-mañ e Breizh ? | [
"Ul laz-kanañ",
"Ur bagad",
"Un tric'hornad",
"Ur skipailh"
] | Comment s'appelle cette formation musicale en Bretagne ? | [
"Une chorale",
"Un bagad",
"Une formation triangulaire",
"Un groupe'"
] | How is this musical formation called in Brittany ? | [
"A choir",
"A bagad",
"A triangular formation",
"A band"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | Self | Self-open | CC BY-SA |
Petra meus da gemer amañ mard on da servijañ istr e doare un ostaleri ? | [
"belc'hennoù pin",
"ruskenn pin",
] | Que dois-je emporter ici si je dois servir des huîtres dans un restaurant ? | [
"aiguilles de pin",
"écorce de pin",
] | What should I get here if I want to present oysters restaurant style? | [
"pine needles",
"pine bark",
] | -1 | Cooking and food | Self | Self-open | CC BY-SA |
Gant peseurt strollad a bemp paotr e son ar soner-se ivez ? | [
"Ar Breudeur Morvan",
"Les Ours du Scorff",
"An Diaoul ha Peder"
] | Dans quel groupe de cinq hommes ce musicien joue-t-il également ? | [
"Les frères Morvan",
"Les Ours du Scorff",
"An Diaoul ha Peder'"
] | In what group of five men does this musician also play ? | [
"Les frères Morvan",
"Les Ours du Scorff",
"An Diaoul ha Peder"
] | -1 | Public Figure and pop culture | External | CC BY 3.0 |
Peseurt linenn metro a weler amañ ? | [
"linenn A ar metro e Roazhon",
"linenn D ar metro e Roazhon",
"linenn B ar metro e Roazhon",
"linenn D ar metro e Roazhon"
] | Quelle ligne de métro peut-on voir ici ? | [
"La ligne A du métro à Rennes",
"La ligne D du métro à Rennes",
"La ligne B du métro à Rennes",
"La ligne C du métro à Rennes'"
] | Which metro line can we see here? | [
"The metro A line in Rennes",
"The metro D line in Rennes",
"The metro B line in Rennes",
"The metro C line in Rennes"
] | -1 | Vehicles and Transportation | External | CC BY-SA 4.0 |
A-orin eus peseurt bro hengounel e Breizh eo ar meuz dibar-se? | [
] | De quel pays de Bretagne provient ce plat d'exception ? | [
] | Which country in Brittany is this exceptional dish from? | [
] | -1 | Cooking and food | External | CC BY-SA 3.0 |
Petra a vez graet deus seurt livadur ? | [
"Bandennoù treset",
] | Quel est le nom de ces peintures ? | [
"bandes dessinées",
"Tables de mission",
] | What is the name of such paintings ? | [
"Mission tables",
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | External | Public domain |
Eus peseurt Bro eo ar vuoc'h-mañ ? | [
"Traonienn al Liger",
] | De quelle région vient cette vache ? | [
"Val de Loire",
] | Which region does this cow come from? | [
"Val de Loire",
] | -1 | Plants and animal | External | CC BY-SA 4.0 |
Petra a vez graet deus ar seurt strollad sonerezh? | [
"ur baotredadeg",
"un drompilhadeg",
"ur c'helc'h keltiek",
"ur bagad"
] | Comment appelle t'on cet ensemble musical ? | [
"un ensemble masculin",
"une fanfare",
"un cercle celtique",
"un bagad'"
] | How is called this musical ensemble ? | [
"a masculin ensemble",
"a brass band",
"A Celtic circle",
"a bagad"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | Self | Self-open | CC BY-SA |
E peseurt kantved eo bet krouet ar banniel-mañ? | [
] | En quel siècle ce drapeau a-t-il été créé ? | [
] | In which century was this flag created? | [
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | External | CC BY 3.0 |
Pegen buan e ya ? | [
"Eizh kilometr an eur",
"Daou kilometr an eur",
"Daou-ugent kilometr an eur",
"Pevarzek kilometr an eur"
] | À quelle vitesse se déplace-t-il ? | [
"8 km/h",
"2 km/h",
"40 km/h",
"14 km/h'"
] | How fast is it moving ? | [
"8 km/h",
"2 km/h",
"40 km/h",
"14 km/h"
] | -1 | Public Figure and pop culture | Self | Self-research_only | CC BY-NC |
Peseurt div vroadelezh en deus ar c'haner-mañ ? | [
] | Quelle est la double nationalité de ce chanteur ? | [
] | What dual nationality does this singer have? | [
] | -1 | Public Figure and pop culture | External | CC BY-SA 3.0 |
Pegoulz eo bet fardet ar bier-mañ ? | [
] | Quand cette bière a-t-elle été créée ? | [
] | When was this beer created? | [
] | -1 | Brands / products / companies | External | GFDL |
E peseurt departamant eo bet tennet al foto-mañ? | [
"Aodoù an arvor",
] | Dans quel département cette photo a-t-elle été prise ? | [
"Côtes d'Armor",
"Ile et Vilaine",
] | In which department was this photo taken? | [
"Côtes d'Armor",
"Ile et Vilaine",
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | External | GFDL |
Pelec'h ez eo bet ganet ar skrivagner-mañ? | [
] | Où est né cet écrivain ? | [
" Tréguier'"
] | Where was this writer born? | [
" Tréguier"
] | -1 | Public Figure and pop culture | Self | Self-open | CC BY-SA |
Pelec'h emañ sez an embregerezh ? | [
] | Où se trouve le siège social de cette société ? | [
] | Where is the head office of this company located? | [
] | -1 | Brands / products / companies | External | CC BY-SA 3.0 |
Petra eo kêriadenn vrasañ an enezenn vreizhat-mañ ? | [
] | Quel est le plus grand village de cette île bretonne ? | [
"Le Palais",
] | What is the biggest village on this Breton island ? | [
"Le Palais",
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | Self | Self-research_only | CC BY-NC |
Pelec'h emañ an delwenn arem-se ? | [
] | Où se trouve cette statue en bronze ? | [
] | Where is this bronze statue located? | [
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | External | CC BY-SA 3.0 |
E-tal peseurt traezhenn emañ ar maen-se ? | [
"traezhenn ar Baol",
"Traezhenn Kante",
"An Ardeven"
] | En face de quelle plage se trouve cette pierre ? | [
"La plage de la Baule",
"la plage de Canté",
] | In front of which beach is this stone located? | [
"La Baule beach",
"the beach of Canté",
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | External | | GFDL |
Petra a dalv an tro-lavar lipat ar benveg-mañ e brezhoneg ? | [
"echu e bladad",
"lipat un ellig",
"bezañ diot",
] | Quel est le sens de l'expression lécher cet appareil en breton ? | [
"finir son assiette",
" cunnilingus",
" être stupide",
" mourir"
] | What is the meaning of the expression to lick this appliance in Breton ? | [
"finish one's plate",
"to be stupid",
"to die"
] | -1 | Cooking and food | External | CC BY 2.0 |
Penaos gouzout amañ ma zo bet lakaet asurañs warnañ ? | [
"Dav eo lenn an dikedenn wer",
"Dav eo skaniñ ar c'hiouer-kod war ar rod",
"Ret eo titouriñ niverenn ar blakenn war ul lec'hienn a-ratozh",
"Gwelloc'h tennañ war an hualenn"
] | Comment savoir si ce véhicule est assuré ? | [
"Vous devez lire l'étiquette verte",
"Vous devez scanner le code QR sur la roue",
"Vous devez entrer le numéro de la plaque sur une plateforme dédiée",
"Mieux vaut tirer sur le cadenas'"
] | How do I know if this vehicle is insured ? | [
"You have to read the green tag",
"You must scan the QR code on the wheel",
"You have to enter the plaque number on a dedicated platform",
"Better pull on the lock"
] | -1 | Vehicles and Transportation | Self | Self-open | CC BY-SA |
Peseurt embregerezh neus produet an doare dezougen-mañ ? | [
] | Quelle entreprise a fabriqué ce moyen de transport ? | [
] | Which company manufactured this means of transport? | [
] | -1 | Vehicles and Transportation | External | CC BY-SA 3.0 |
Petra eo an anv bihan a vez roet d'an den-mañ ? | [
] | Quel est le surnom de cette personne ? | [
"François Marie",
] | What is this person's usual first name? | [
"François Marie",
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | External | Public domain |
Piv eo an den-mañ ? | [
"Charlez ar Govig",
"Fañch an Uhel",
"Ernest Renan",
"Théodore Hersart de La Villemarqué"
] | Qui est cette personne ? | [
"Charles Le Goffic",
"François Marie Luzel",
"Ernest Renan",
"Théodore Hersart de La Villemarqué'"
] | Who is this person ? | [
"Charles Le Goffic",
"François Marie Luzel",
"Ernest Renan",
"Théodore Hersart de La Villemarqué"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | External | Public domain |
Pelec'h eo bet tapet ar poltred? | [
"Sant Maloù"
] | Où cette photo a-t-elle été prise ? | [
"Saint Malo'"
] | Where was this photo taken ? | [
"Saint Malo"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | External | | Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License |
Gant peseurt danvez e vez kaeraet ul lodenn vrasañ deus ar wiskamanchoù breizhad, evel war ar manchoù-mañ? | [
"Lien Kannab",
"Lien Lin",
"Lien Gloan"
] | Avec quelle matière décore-t-on une grande partie des costumes bretons, comme sur les pochettes de cette photo ? | [
"Toile de chanvre",
"Drap de laine'"
] | With what material do we decorate a large part of Breton costumes, like on the sleeves in this photo? | [
"Hemp canvas",
"Woolen cloth"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | Self | Self-open | CC BY-SA |
Petra eo ? | [
"ur garn",
" un daol-vaen",
"ur maen hir",
"ur biramidenn"
] | Qu’est-ce que c’est? | [
"un cairn",
"un dolmen",
"un menhir",
"une pyramide'"
] | What is it ? | [
"a cairn",
"a dolmen",
"a menhir",
"a pyramid"
] | -1 | Geography / buildings / landmarks | External | GFDL |
Peseurt beñveg sonerezh en deus an arzour-mañ lakaet war wel ? | [
"An delenn geltieg",
"ar biniou bras",
"ar bombard",
"ar biniou"
] | Quel instrument cet artiste a-t-il remis au goût du jour ? | [
"La harpe celtique",
"La bombe",
"Le biniou'"
] | What instrument has this artist brought up to date? | [
"The Celtic harp",
"The bomb",
"The biniou"
] | -1 | Public Figure and pop culture | External | CC BY-SA 3.0 |
E peseurt Bro e vez kavet ar maligorn-mañ ? | [
] | Dans quelle région trouve-t-on cet escargot ? | [
] | In which region is this snail found? | [
] | -1 | Plants and animal | External | Public domain |
Pet den a oa er strollad p'eo bet krouet ? | [
] | Combien de personnes composaient le groupe lors de sa création ? | [
] | How many people did the group consist of when it was created? | [
] | -1 | Public Figure and pop culture | External | CC BY-SA 3.0 |
Da be oad e voe dimezet da gentañ? | [
"pevar bloaz ha tregont",
"trizek vloaz",
"nav vloaz",
"pempzek bloaz"
] | Quel âge avait-elle lors de son premier mariage ? | [
"trente-quatre ans",
"treize ans",
"neuf ans",
"quinze ans'"
] | How old was she at her first wedding ? | [
"thirty four years old",
"thirteen years old",
"nine years old",
"fifteen years old"
] | -1 | Traditions / art / history | External | Public domain |
Deus peseurt film berr e brezhoneg e 2014 e voe he an dudenn bennañ ? | [
"Direizh eo ar bed",
"Un devezh e penn-ar-bed",
"An dianav a rog ac'hanon"
] | Dans quel film en langue bretonne a-t-elle joué en 2014 ? | [
"Le monde est injuste",
"Contre l'oubli",
"Une journée dans le Finistère",
"L'inconnu me consume'"
] | What Breton-language film did she star in in 2014? | [
"The world is unfair",
"Against oblivion",
"A day in Finistère",
"The unknown consumes me"
] | -1 | Public Figure and pop culture | External | CC BY-SA 3.0 |
End of preview. Expand
in Dataset Viewer.
Il s'agit des données en breton du jeu de données cvqa de Romero, Lyu et al. (2024).
Les textes en français disponibles dans ce jeu de données sont un ajout par rapport au jeu de données original.
Ils sont issus d'une traduction automatique depuis l'anglais puis relus et corrigés manuellement si nécessaire.
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