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Episode 5 – Polarity Man Polarity Man ne pouvait que rendre le sourire maladroit d'Apollex () avec l'un des siens, montrant à peine sa bouche à travers ses bandages, mais encore visible de près. Faites-moi confiance, sans le costume de Patroller, je suis autant d'erreur, autant en danger que vous l'êtes. Je suis sûr que vous allez sauver ma peau un jour en retour., Avec son coéquipier en main, Lawrence a pris un rythme rapide vers la zone de hall afin de ne pas submerger Lexi tout en maintenant un sentiment d'urgence. Pendant tout ce temps, le reste de ses collègues des pupilles choisies du Docteur Fate avait réussi à maintenir les héros hostiles à distance, mais pas sans quelques explosions ici et là. Peut-être que laisser la mech derrière lui n'a pas attiré autant d'attention sur lui. Alors qu'ils se rendaient à l'ascenseur pour les ramener à la sécurité, le Blue Beetle () s'était retiré et a immédiatement commencé à se détériorer devant Lawrence. Surpris par la séquence, le lieutenant s'enfuya aussitôt lorsque Ted sortit une arme, tout en blindant Lexi au cas où un incendie se produirait. Cependant, le Beetle est simplement tombé sur le sol après. L'homme de la Polarité a déclaré avec un soupir, plaçant son cou sous l'un des bras de Beetle Bleu afin de le faire remonter sur ses pieds. Avec un coéquipier de chaque côté, le lieutenant les a escortés jusqu'à l'ascenseur et a masqué à plusieurs reprises le bouton du lobby bien que cela ait peu accéléré la fermeture de la porte de l'ascenseur. Dès qu'ils atteindront leur destination, Lawrence se précipitera rapidement pour le costume Patroller et se joindra à la bataille contre Extant. Mais pour l'instant, ils ont dû supporter les airs apaisants de la musique de l'ascenseur pendant qu'elle descendait les niveaux de la tour. C'est une semaine folle, hein?
Name: Lt. Lawrence Trainor Alias: Polarity Man – The Soldier of the Skies Age: 33 Personality: Hopeful, Mellow, Brave, Self-Destructive, Indifferent Archetype: Alien tech, the origin of which is kept secret from him by his military superiors. Powers: Polarity Man’s powers mainly come from his mechanical power suit, which he has dubbed the “Patroller”. The suit’s capabilities include jet propulsion flight with a recorded Mach 2 speed limit, enhanced strength, radiation and atmospheric-pressure resistance, satellite wave interception, a visual scanner, and an arm blaster which fires radioactive or electrical energy at either short bursts or prolonged streams. The lieutenant himself has one specific power which is the generation of a negatively charged energy with radioactive elements. In fact, his physiology changes to a plasma-like state when he generates enough of this energy that allows him to phase through certain solid surfaces, mainly the metal plating of the Patroller as it lacks an entry hatch. Weaknesses: The two halves of Polarity Man cannot function without the other; Lawrence Trainor requires the suit to regulate his energy production or he risks overloading himself but the Patroller also cannot function without his unique energy signature either. The specifics of an overload are unclear but the lieutenant has no intentions of testing the theories regarding it. Appearance: Underneath the armor and uniform are burns that have completely erased all traces of the lieutenant before becoming Polarity Man. To remedy this, specially prepared bandages that can help regulate the negative energy are wrapped around most of his body. This personal appearance of his is completely secret to the public though. For all they know, the Patroller suit is Polarity Man. Character Evolution: While I personally will go with the flow of the story, I hope to see Polarity Man change from just a soldier to a real superhero over its course, perhaps even find the humanity that he lost. Other character changes will hopefully happen though I don’t have anything else in mind at the moment. BRIEF Bio: As a USAF test pilot, Lt. Trainor had flown many top-secret aircraft out of the Langley airbase he was stationed at. The day he flew the experimental jet codenamed “Doom Patroller” was just like any other as well. The eggheads present at the flight assured him that it was going to revolutionize the way all fighter jets could respond to meta-human threats, serving as a solution rather than just a distraction. Lawrence didn’t believe the assessments, or rather, he didn’t care. However, once the jet’s systems shut off mid-flight and he started to free fall from the sky, he went from disinterested to shrieking mad in an instant. Before he hit the ground though, the jet imploded upon itself and form fitted a mechanical suit to his body that protected him from the impact. When he came to, Lawrence was back at the air base’s medical bay but some remains of the jet had somehow fused to parts of his body like shrapnel which they were unable to remove. These pieces embedded in his skin gave off a unique energy signature that he would find to be both a curse and a blessing. He would spend months recovering from the crash and even more months learning to use the jet’s new form. While this went on, his superiors had negotiated for him to become a part of the Justice League as a US government sponsored member. Though the details of the deal are not known by the public, Polarity Man now finds himself in the ranks of the Justice League. Notes: The character is mostly Negative Man with a twist of Robot Man, Blue Beetle and Captain Atom, while the mech appearance is the Gespenst from Endless Frontier. The Patroller suit is 2.12 meters in height and weighs 328.40 kilos. Sample Post: “Did I ever tell you how ridiculous the name ‘Polarity Man’ sounds?” said the being of pure energy emerging from the metal chassis of a jet-black mech suit, after landing in the middle of Nowhere, Virginia. Slowly, this being would reform itself into a solid state but the man that stood in its place looked quite banged up. Bandages covered a majority of his body but he otherwise looked just like any other flyboy that operated out from the Langley airbase, complete with a bomber jacket with an assortment of military badges and a pair of shades that look straight out of Top Gun. He would lay on the grassy field he found himself in, letting the minutes pass along with clouds that flew by. However, this tranquility wouldn't last long as he stood back up and continued his complaints. “I bet you the same engineers who designed the jet came up with the name. Apparently, we needed a fitting identity for the J.L. and a tagline that the public would recognize for good P.R. branding. I mean, I really don’t care bu-.” Before he could finish his sentence, he would begin to lose his balance and fall to one knee as an electrical charge surged through his body. He stayed in such a position for a few minutes before regaining his composure as the shock stopped. “Right. Forgot about that. I guess we better suit back up, huh?” Across the man was no one else but the mech suit that he had emerged from, currently lifeless and immobile. However, the moment Lieutenant Lawrence Trainor re-entered, the systems of the machine were quick to start back up. With a smirk hidden underneath his bandages, Polarity Man would fire up his engines and hit the skies once more, patrolling to protect the free world underneath him.
EPISODE V: Apollex Lexi a souri à Lawrence (), c'était un gentil gars. Elle écoutait doucement en parlant, la laissant s'accrocher sur son bras desserré toujours si légèrement. Comment pourrait-il être un responsable? Il était utile... et elle pensait qu'il était plus utile qu'elle de toute façon. Elle a rarement fait quoi que ce soit en termes de coup de pied ânerie et était plus dans les coulisses fille donc Lawrence était l'une des nombreuses personnes qu'elle a regardé à immensément. "J'espère que ça n'arrivera pas." Elle sourit, en réponse à Lawrence disant qu'elle pourrait d'une manière ou d'une autre le rembourser en le sauvant. Apollex était nettement plus détendu maintenant. Elle avait vu que tout le monde allait bien, aussi bien qu'ils pouvaient l'être et que toutes les "liabilités" âgées étaient déplacées assez poliment, hors de la bataille. Elle était incluse. Elle s'arrêta alors que Lawrence s'arrêtait. Sa bouche s'ouvrit pour lui demander pourquoi quand elle aperçut le dendroctone bleu (). Une main est venue pour couvrir sa bouche. Maintenant, elle souhaitait vraiment que ses pouvoirs de guérison puissent fonctionner, elle ne les avait pas encore essayés, mais si ça arrivait et elle ne pouvait pas les utiliser, elle ne serait pas en mesure de se pardonner. Lawrence s'enfuit, tira Lexi avec lui et la couvrit. Comme elle pensait à elle-même avant de se serrer la tête. Elle pensait aux garçons maintenant? C'était une jeune adulte hormonale, mais ça ne lui a pas donné la stupidité de penser aux garçons sur le champ de bataille. « Merci, Lawrence » Elle a respiré (ou plutôt arnaqué) avant d'essayer de l'aider à faire sortir le Beetle Bleu. Ses genoux tremblaient et elle se rapprochait dangereusement du sol. Elle a décidé que le fait d'essayer d'aider ne ferait qu'augmenter le montant des dommages qu'elle a subis et qu'elle s'est redressée. Alors qu'ils se déplaçaient dans l'ascenseur, Lexi s'appuyait sur le rail en métal froid qui dessinait les murs, captant son souffle. "Tu pourrais le répéter." Elle leva les sourcils et se mit à rire avant de se prendre comme une grenouille en train de tousser et s'arrêta.
Lexi Campen Alias Apollex Age 23 Personality Calm, Kind, Helpful, Naive, Selfless Archetype Metahuman Powers Healing - Capacity to heal any physical injuries, however the more larger the injury the more energy that has be exerted. She simply has to place a hand over the injury and recite some ancient words in her mind. Pause of time (maximum: 1 minute) - Works with her healing powers so she is able to pause time and tend to her comrades. Will only work if she sacrifices a piece of herself (her blood, a lot of hair, something important) Weaknesses She's very naive and can be easily trusting. She tends to put things in a more positive outlook which may earn her no respect from others. She's also quite selfless which means that she may go through a lot in her mental capacity as she always aims to help others more than herself. Appearance Kind of like that photo but a lot more innocent, and a more gentle look about her. She has blonde hair and grey eyes. She usually wears tan pants and a grey sweater. Super suit: Black, tan and grey super suit. Wears grey gloves and a black mask. Character Evolution I want Lexi to become more grown up, for her to become aware of the world around her and how much she is willing to sacrifice for others. I would also like Lexi to be in a relationship with someone. It would teach her a mean lesson about love and how to learn to be trusting of certain people at certain times. I'm quite sure she'll be friends with most of the younger people in the JLU and would have to earn the trust of the older, more mature heroes. BRIEF Bio Lexi grew up with her older brother, Leo. She was adopted by a family and led an average lifestyle until one day when her brother dived into a shallow end of a pool and broke both of his legs. She found out that he'd been paralyzed and will not be able to use his legs anymore. A week later it was her 19th birthday, where she received a letter her biological mother had written her. It contained several ancient words and an explanation of her powers. She was skeptical but decided to try it out. A month passed and her brother turned out to be well, all thanks to hushed recitations of the ancient words and a longing for the most important person for her to come back. Over the years, she's never really used much of her powers and instead stuck to protectively keeping them from prying eyes. When she attended university, studying in Physics, she felt that she could help more people who needed it, which is why she decided to enlist in the JLU. Notes Hobbies: - Knitting - Cooking - Baseball Family: - Adopted mom - Caren Campen - Adopted dad - Tomas Campen - Biological Brother - Leo Campen (age: 32 years) - Biological Mother - Faith Roserry (destination: unknown) - Biological Father - Julian Roserry (destination: unknown) Sample Post The room was full with wounded bodies lying on stretchers and dirty sheets. Lexi took a deep breath in. It was weird to actually have a job to do, and one that had major consequences if she failed in it. "You ready?" A gentle hand closes over her own as Lexi gnaws on her lip. "I'm ready" "Treat that patient over there then, if you're so confident." The woman smirks and Lexi feels her cheeks heating up. There it was. Someone else looking down at her. She had begged and begged Caren, who was a nurse to let her be an intern at the injured soldiers camp and finally when she got here there was someone looking down at her. Lexi walked over to where the patient was and sat down on a small folding chair next to him. He had stubble and frown lines even though he looked around her age. Her eyes scanned over the clipboard at the end of the bed. Edward Grantchester, age: 29. Minor injuries on arms and torso. Huh, so that woman didn't think that she could handle major injuries did she? "Hi. Um, I don't know if you're awake but um, I'm here to help you." Lexi reaches out a hand and encloses it over the patient's. She would have to touch someone to make that connection, to bring upon that power. The man's eyes fluttered open. He'd been sedated, of course. Too much. Lexi looks over at the man groaning in the corner. He'd been given too little. "Why are you holding my hand?" The man speaks in a gravelly voice. She just gives him a smile and starts to recite the words in her mind. Her other hand reaches to close his eyes and the wounds start closing over. "Nice meeting you, Edward." She smiles and gets up. As she walks home from the camp, Lexi fishes into her pocket and pulls out her phone. She dials Leo's phone number and waits for the rings to stop. "Hey, Leo." "Hey, sunshine. How's it going?" "Fine, I guess. Just a little bit tired from all the healing and stuff. I feel a bit woozy again." A hand reaches up to her head as she caresses her forehead. "Trying to prove yourself again?" Leo's voice sounded worried. "Yeah, could you pick me up? I just...don't think I can walk back that far." "Yeah sure, I'll pick you up." "Thank you." Lexi leans against the wall next to her, sinking down to the floor. The world was spinning around her, swirling around and around. She'd healed 10 patients today. That'll teach her
Le dendroctone inapte Épisode 5 Ted gémissait et lâchait un grognement douloureux alors qu'il frappait le sol. Son pied n'était pas aussi solide qu'il l'avait espéré et a réussi à s'écraser et à tomber avant qu'il ne puisse laisser sortir des éclats de son pistolet Air. Alors qu'il allait essayer de se lever, il a trouvé un autre bras l'aidant à se lever et une voix assez amicale (). "T'es venu avec moi aussi" "Si... tu es... insistez." Ted a lutté pour dire comme il a été élevé à ses pieds et ramené à l'ascenseur par l'homme et une vieille femme () qui Ted a assumé était un autre héros-tourné-dernier. "Ce qu'elle... a dit..." le héros exaspéré a déclaré en ce qui concerne la réponse de la vieille dame. Tout le monde pensait que ça n'allait pas mal pour une première fois avec la ligue. Il aurait pu finir par être complètement inutile dans une autre mission, mais au moins, en ce moment, il avait une assez bonne excuse. S'appuyant sur le soutien de son nouveau coéquipier, BB a offert sa main à l'homme bandé pour une poignée de main, puis à la vieille femme. "Je suis Bl-... Beetle Bleue... Ted a regardé au plafond et a pris une profonde respiration alors qu'il commençait à ressentir une douleur dans sa poitrine "le... shindig il y a quelques jours. C'est un plaisir... de vous rencontrer tous les deux."
Name: Ted Kord Alias: Blue Beetle Age: 27 Personality: Optimistic, calculating, light-hearted, Jolly, Determined Archetype: Gadgeteer Peak-ish Human Condition: Ted spends a decent amount of his time training his body to be capable of standing on his own in a word of alien gods and jacked up hoodlums. He’s trained in quite a few martial arts forms but is by no means a master of any and would be easily taken down by someone more skilled than him. Likely his greatest attribute however is his mind. With an IQ of 192 Ted is able to think through many situation rather than needing to resort to pure brute force (of which he possesses very little). Blue Beetle Suit: The Blue Beetle costume isn’t the most sophisticated piece of technology but it is above the par of many of the other leaguer’s costumes in term of technological prowess. The mask for one can only be taken off using the armour’s gloves allowing Ted to keep his identity secret better, the visor has telescopic vision enhancements allowing him to see further and in greater definition and his suit is also capable of dampening the impact of kinetic attacks and stop small grade energy attacks. The B.U.G: The Blue Utility Gadget (or Bug for short) is a device worn on Ted’s back which can be outfitted with numerous attachments to fit the need. A few notable attachments are: (1) A Clean Energy Jetpack (2) A hard-light diving suit capable of carrying twelve hours of oxygen and pressurizing for most environments (3) Heavily Modified BB gun or Air Gun: Barely fitting the description of a BB gun anymore, Blue Beetle’s iconic weapon is capable of much more than firing a small pellet. The gun has three main functions to it: (1) A bright flash capable of stunning most things the look in it’s general direction (2) a compressed air blast that, at it’s peak, has been shown to knock a rhino clean off it’s feet (3) the gun can be used as a classic grappling gun in cases where there’s no better option for travel. Human: Ted’s humanity is humbling to him in a time where he’s constantly surrounded by godly extraterrestrials and superhumans but, naturally, his mundane physicality is his greatest weakness. Ted can be stabbed, shot, blown up and killed in a plethora of other ways. Character Evolution: I’d like for Ted to gain a few close friends and possibly a girlfriend if it happens naturally. Over time I’d like for Ted to replace and improve on his gadgets such as making more attachments for his B.U.G. BRIEF Bio: Ted Kord was raised in luxury due to his parents owning the highly successful cooperation know as Kord Industries. Living in such an environment inevitably spoiled Ted and resulted in a child who believed they were a cut above the common rabble but this lifestyle also allowed Ted to put a great focus on his studies and become a child prodigy. This mentality didn’t help Ted make any real friends but the boy suffered a real shock when his parent’s company was bought out by Wayne Enterprises during a low period for the company. Ted’s ‘friends’ all left him and his family was forced to drastically change their lifestyle to fit their new money situation. Luckily Ted’s parents made peace with the situation quickly and managed to keep the family fed, warm and dry. Ted wasn’t as easy to adapt. The now eleven year old boy took the change horribly and blamed his parents for their new accommodations and finical situation. This mentality slowly eroded away as Ted grew older and came to realize just how much his parents needed to do just to keep their family living somewhat comfortably and put him through university. After university, Ted made a name for himself in the business world via starting multiple companies and selling them off for huge pay outs which allowed him to once again live in luxury. Eventually he managed to buy back his parent’s company from Wayne Enterprises after a decent amount of haggling and paying more than the corporation was worth. The first major project headed by the company under Ted’s leadership was the development of the software to be used in the Justice League’s base of operation. The business owner hadn’t followed the career of the heroes very closely but he knew about the superhuman that inhabited his world but seeing them up close sparked something within Ted. These heroes put their lives on the line so that people like him could continue their lives without needing to worry about some intergalactic starfish or something destroying the planet. Ted wanted the self fulfillment that came with such an occupation. He thought “I want to be one of those guys” and began using the resources of his company to cobble together gadgets and a suit so that he could become a protector of the planet. Notes: -He got the Blue Beetle name thanks to two days of trying to think of one then taking a “what’s your Superhero name?” test online. Metropolis was a beautiful city, it was no wonder that the Justice League decided to make their base of operations here. Despite it’s looming buildings and constant targeting for superhuman criminals, one couldn’t help but feel tranquil walking its streets. That said the city wasn’t free of crime. On his way to the Justice League tower for the first time as Blue Beetle, Ted Kord saw a robbery taking place across the street in a Jewelry store. “Really couldn’t have thought of robbing some place less conspicuous.” Ted thought to himself in regards to the, at the moment, unseen thief. Quickly Ted made his way across the street, Air gun in hand and got ready to knock down some thugs. What Ted didn’t expect was the strange, armoured figure in front of him. The their was clad in a large, purple armoured suit sporting large structures out of the back that could only be wings and odd tubes for fingers that sucked up the diamonds, rings and necklaces on display in the shop. Ted carefully stepped his way through the shattered remains of the large front window, into the store. “I’ve seen a lot of strange get ups guy but yours takes the cake for the most out there. Who are you supposed to be? The Tubular Thief?” Ted commented as the armoured foe suddenly spun towards Ted in surprise and proceeded to fly directly at him at break-neck speeds. The smartest move here would have been to leap out of the way, fire a grapple line at the flying house plumbing and work from there but rather than use his IQ of 192, Ted tested his luck and craftsmanship skill as he cranked his Air gun’s settings and fired at the man. The suit crumpled, broke and bent but kept most of it’s momentum as it managed to tackle Ted out the window and into the street. Ted wondered if the pilot had survived his suit getting the top half squished but was quickly met with an answer in the form of pained groaning coming from within the suit. Ted smirked a little at his accomplishment but soon winced as the pain of the whole ordeal set in and he realized that he’d been tackled out a window by a three hundred pound metal man who was currently still onto of him. Ted made no attempt to get up and instead waited for paramedics to arrive and get the oaf off of him and get him patched up.
Le directeur commençait à trouver tout ça plutôt frustrant. Ce personnage existant n'a jamais été si inefficace. De toute évidence, il a le pouvoir de les éliminer de l'existence. Mais pourtant, il les jette comme des jouets, juste un peu en train de se défoncer. Le directeur contrôlé n'est même pas intelligent, il chasse juste ce qu'on peut dire! Cette tasse a fait mal. Ce petit enfoiré, le capitaine Marvel l'a lancé. Il sentait son corps tenter de passer à autre chose et d'antagoniser davantage les « aînés ». Il a fait de son mieux pour échapper, prendre l'appât et combattre le capitaine Marvel, mais il n'a pas pu avoir cette pensée pour bouger son corps. Alors, malgré son désir désespéré au contraire, il a continué à se déplacer après les personnes âgées - après tout, une simple tasse n'allait pas vraiment lui faire grand-chose. Alors qu'il se dirigeait vers l'endroit où beaucoup de personnes âgées étaient en train d'être conduites, il trouva son chemin bloqué par Lizard. Il gémit un avertissement pour attirer son attention, ce qui est le moins qu'il puisse faire comme deux de ses vignes l'ont balayée dans des directions opposées, toujours suspendues aux chevrons.
Name: Alias: The Warden Age: Personality: Defender, Patient, Quiet, Watchful, Stubborn Archetype: Alien Powers: The Warden’s symbiotic relationship with the alien plant form growing in his back gives him a number of remarkable abilities. -Heightened humanity: The Warden is capable of lifting over a ton, does not need to sleep, can breath either as a plant or human (intaking either CO2 or O2 – can also go without any respiration for a day), and can photosynthesize in absence of food. His skin is somewhat bark-like and highly resistant to piercing (sustained gunfire should be avoided), and he regenerates from major injuries within a day or so, assuming he doesn’t die first. He has much smaller resistance to cold, explosions, falling, etc. (though he is overall still tougher than a normal human). Seems to age rather slowly, as well. -Plant Body: The warden has 3 prehensile vines coiled on his back with an effective range of about 30 feet; one of them is covered in brambles, looking like a blackberry bush, while the other two look like, well, vines. He also flowers and grows apple-sized fruits that taste roughly like wet sand; they offer no benefit (other than being useful food), but he is convinced that they accelerate healing and may offer them up to others. He’s taken to canning them, and has quite a few stored at this point, so the fact that he’s not in bloom won’t stop him! Poisons that would usually affect humans do not affect him, but may make his next batch of fruits actually toxic. -Plant Affinity: Can speak any plant-based language, is almost always able to identify useful aspects of plants (including toxicity of fruit and other factors of edibility), and is a very talented gardener. Weaknesses: -Not impervious: still rather weak to fire, explosions, potent weed killers, etc.; anything dangerous to a human or plant to which he has no resistances can still harm him. Additionally, separating the host human from the plant would certainly kill both, though he’s so interconnected that it’s probably more trouble than just killing him normally. -different priorities: The Warden sees it as his job to protect all animal and plant life; threatening a forest is just as effective against him as threatening a city. -Open mind: already a shared mind, The Warden is especially vulnerable to mind-based attacks. Appearance: (thank you Member 00492!) Height: 6’4” Weight: 255lbs A hulking and intimidating man, The Warden is a relatively light-skinned black man, in prime physical shape. He has long cornrows, rather small brown eyes, small ears, and a wide nose. His beard is also long, and his eyebrows are bushy. Scars are visible all over his back, and some wrap around onto his arms. The warden is permanently bonded with an alien plant form, and as such has some rather unique features. The plant growth is mostly green, and vaguely dome shaped; a large coil of spikey brambles, with the flowers hanging off the end. The majority of the mass of coils start at his neck and end just above his rear end, though a single thick bramble on each side moves around to the front and extends down to cover his kneecap, forcing him to wear only baggy clothing over his entire body (since he hasn’t the funds for specialized gear). The brambles also extend to the middle of his upper arm, especially thick and spikey at the shoulders and around the back of his neck, protecting it, though not restricting his head movement. He really hates shirts, and they’re next to impossible to wear, so usually doesn’t even bother. If he’s not trying to do hero work he might wear one just to avoid catching too much attention. He is wearing jeans though, with a very high quality pair of work boots on his feet (the only gift from someone he’s rescued that he’s agreed to keep, and man have they been useful). Character Evolution: The Warden is very shy and has in general stayed near to the forests around Evergreen City, do gooding when he can, living off the land the rest of the time. Learning how to interact with others, communicate properly and work as a team will be a challenge for him; he’s still not sure how he built up the courage to come do this in the first place. BRIEF Bio: The Warden knows nothing of his life before he became what he is. The first thing he remembers is lying dying in the woods, his back scraped, scratched, and torn, his spine broken in multiple locations, his innards eviscerated. His second memory is of pain. His brain, screeching. His legs, convulsing. His torso… healing? There’s more spurts and flashes as he regained consciousness and the plant symbiont bonded with him, forming a new spinal column, replacing the internal damage, and linking itself with him. The now bonded being began to wander the forest until he ran into civilization, where the police promptly tried to take him in, partially to figure out what or who he was, partially because they wanted to arrest him for public indecency (he had taken off all of his clothing at some point). He decided to join them (how the hell else was he going to figure out what to do?). Once he had explained what he knew, and they explained to him what public indecency was, they both decided it was probably fair to drop the charge. He apparently had no family, and didn’t register on their databases, so they just sent him on his way after giving him some pants and a very large jacket, directing him to the library. They took to calling him Warden while holding him, for the way he would just sit and watch everything, constantly interested. He liked it, and started calling himself that. What followed was a few years of learning how society worked again. He attempted to find some jobs, though none really panned out, and he decided to re-abandon society to go live in the woods. He found a cave, started growing plants (he likes them!), and was able to become self-sufficient, but felt a pull to use his abilities for good – something towards which both parts of him felt. So he started superheroing pretty much 24/7, with some breaks for solitude, and has been doing that for a few years. While the warden dislikes wanton murder, he does not see himself as above killing someone who is a threat after he tries to pacify them, which does put him at odds with law enforcement on occasion. He’s still done enough good to have caught the eye of Green Lantern, who extended the invitation to him. Notes: The Warden owns a smartphone, which he uses to monitor the police spotter; he stores it in his back coils, or in a front pocket. Sample Post: A beautiful day, really; a little cloudy, some drizzle earlier. Rejuvenating. He had heard that you could access police radio using these smartphone things; something that would be quite useful, help him know where things are happening more quickly. With some money left in his bank from his last job, he figured he probably had enough to buy it. The Warden had come across an AT&T store downtown that would carry those. He pulls at his sweater a bit, trying to get more comfortable… but it’s not a day for that… keep it on… at least for now. He sighs, looks around at the road sign, and takes a left down the corner. A little ways down the road, and he takes a left into the phone store. “hello! How can we help you?” “Smartphone? You do sell those, yes?” “oh certainly sir; which make and model are you looking for? And what plan?” “what.” “do you want an iPhone? An Android?” “I have no idea what these things mean. I just need a smartphone.” The salesman looks a tad exasperated already… it’s one of those customers. “ok so how about this iPhone…” As he attempts to explain to The Warden the different types of smartphones, a few men with bandanas over their faces file into the store. The Warden’s eyes move immediately to watch them, but he keeps nominally listening, ready for them to yell- “EVERYONE. ON THE GROUND. NOW!” and people quickly comply... Well, everyone but The Warden. The apparent leader gestures over to him with his gun. “YOU. YOU DEAF? DOWN. NOW.” He says, waving his gun between The Warden and the ground. The Warden cocks his head to the side. “I am here to get a smartphone. Not to have things pointed at me, nor have people yelling at me.” He says slowly, mock-confused, buying time and attention as his vines move out from under his sweater and towards the other two. “What… What do you… GET THE FUCK DOWN YOU IDIOT! I WILL SHOOT YOU. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” “Oh but of course I understand. I simply don’t want to.” The man is incredulous, at a loss for words for a few seconds“…I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS! he finally decides, and fires at the warden. The bullet bounces off. “this is going to ruin another perfectly good sweater.” The Warden sighs, as his vines rip the guns from the hands of the other two, tearing his sweater from the movement. The Warden rushes the third, tackling him after taking another shot. The man was strong, but not as strong as him. The fight is really no challenge, and the attacker is, in short order, unconscious. The other two attempt to run off, but vines quickly whip out and stop their progress, wrapping around their legs and dragging them back. he knocks them unconscious, and moves their guns well out of reach. now where did that salesman go? // ♥ Crush ♥ // ☮ Friend ☮ // ☯ Acquaintance ☯ // ⚜ Rival ⚜ // § Love/Hate § // ☠ Enemy ☠ // ☯ Argyle, Chester aka Whiplash: The Warden has yet to interact with Chester Argyle. ☯ Barr, James aka The Bulleteer: The Warden has yet to interact with James Barr. ☯ Campen, Lexi aka Apollex: The Warden has yet to interact with Lexi Campen. ☯ Carter, Najee aka Captain Marvel (II): The Warden has yet to interact with Najee Carter. ☯ Jester, Jessica aka The Lizard: Talks too much, has a funny accent, doesn’t focus on work. Seems nice otherwise. ☯ Kent, Lara aka Supergirl: The Warden has yet to interact with Lara Kent, though he has a high opinion of Supergirl. ☯Light, Lucy aka Toon Girl: The Warden has yet to interact with Lucy Light ☯ MacAodhan, Duncan aka The Rookie: The Warden has yet to interact with Duncan MacAodhan. ☯ Monster, Monny aka Clayface: The Warden has yet to interact with Monny Monster. ☯ Reynolds, Cynthia aka Gypsy: The Warden has yet to interact with Cynthia Reynolds. ☯ Ryker, James aka Mr. Clutch: The Warden has yet to interact with James Ryker. ☮ Sage, Victor aka The Question: Carries himself with confidence, and only says what is needed. Knows how to lead, impressive bravery in fighting without any powers, approves of his opinions on lethal force. Sees him as someone to protect and follow. Isn’t bothered by his strange mannerisms or apparent obsession with the illuminati. ☯ Trainor, Lieutenant Lawrence aka Polarity Man: The Warden has yet to interact with Lieutenant Lawrence Trainor. ☯ Wilson, Rose aka Ravager: Doesn’t like how she treats Question, but seems nice otherwise. Certainly useful in combat.
ÉPISODE 5 Le ciel laissa peu d'obstacles à sa façon, comme Lara s'en souvenait. Liberté sans fin où qu'elle regarde, sauf en bas. Avec le vent qui se précipite, Lara est soudainement frappée par un rappel. Maman! Lara avait quitté la maison sans autant qu'un message. Eh bien, maman va comprendre, n'est-ce pas?... n'est-ce pas? Bien sûr qu'elle va tout comprendre. Pretending n'a pas fait grand-chose pour convaincre l'esprit, et Lara s'est effondrée pour obtenir une prise sur le portable qu'elle avait utilisé pour la musique faisant son jogging du matin. Lors de la course a fait peu pour augmenter ones muscles de jambe, un peu d'Adele adoucissent la corvée. Bonjour, madame. Je vole parce qu'il y a de la merde dans le trou... C'est pas vrai! Je peux soulever un éléphant, mais je ne peux pas voler et envoyer des textos en même temps. Quoi qu'il en soit, j'écris "Retourne bientôt". Parmi les bâtiments cassants sous une merveille de force apparut. Tour du métro. Le design élaboré, les couleurs apaisantes et la structure ont même parlé: "Supergirl cher, c'est Ravager, nous sommes sous l'attaque d'un mystique connu comme existant. N'importe quelle aide que vous pouvez fournir serait vraiment bien apprécié cherie." Ni la façon dont ils l'ont diffusée ni la façon dont ils savaient qu'elle venait n'étaient pertinentes. Les choses étaient devenues assez mauvaises pour leur demander l'aide d'une fille inexpérimentée qui contrôlait à peine ses pouvoirs de destruction de la terre. Et c'était une raison de s'inquiéter. Le temps était essentiel. Au-dessus de l'immeuble pendant une seconde, Lara... Non, Supergirl rassemble toutes ses forces et ses forces. Resserrer toujours un seul muscle et utiliser sa capacité à amplifier le volume de l'enculage. Lorsqu'elle a tiré sur le détroit, c'est avec une force qui a déchiré le sol dans une explosion de terre et de pierre qui a secoué la fondation de la tour de métro. Elle a touché comme un météore à l'intérieur de la pièce, pendant que le rouble pleuvait. La seconde suivante, sa télékinésie a déclenché une vague à travers le sol qui a précipité chaque particule de poussière dans l'air tandis que ses yeux rouges brillants s'estompaient. "Où... est... Superman?" Elle a ronflé d'une voix sombre, donc contrairement à son ton habituel. Elle tourna la tête pour affronter les gens qui l'avaient appelée. Attendez, je suppose que j'ai atterri dans une pièce vide. D'accord, pas de soucis, je vais juste essayer le suivant. Je peux tout de même retourner ça. Oui, c'est sûr. Peut-être que c'est celui-ci. Après avoir frappé un mur, Supergirl a eu sa réponse. Non, c'est la salle de bains. Certainement pas besoin d'y aller, elle a pensé en secouant la main dans la douleur. La tour du métro avait des murs de culs forts. Okey-dokey troisième fois le charme. Cet obstacle a éclaté en centaines de morceaux quand son poing s'est connecté, et Supergirl est entrée dans la pièce remplie d'ordinateurs et d'écrans. Dans le centre se tenait deux personnes âgées cosplaying comme Question et Ravanger. Enfin! Oh, mon Dieu qui a l'air cher, a ajouté Supergirl, quand elle a marché sur l'équipement qu'elle avait cassé en faisant une porte. Son discours plus bizarre est revenu, comme elle l'a indiqué. Il peut être remplacé, n'est-ce pas? Tout comme ton toit et ta salle de bain et... elle s'est arrêtée pour faire une danse maladroite. "Ah... tu as des planchers froids ici. J'aurais dû porter des chaussures pour ça, mais je... Écoute-moi, Supergirl, et peux-tu me dire ce qui se passe? Tu sais, si ce n'est pas comme si c'était totalement gênant et tout. En les regardant tous les deux, Supergirl a conclu qu'elle n'aurait pas pu faire une entrée pire.
Name: Lara Kent Alias: Supergirl Age: 20 Personality: quirky, emotional, childish, optimistic. Archetype: Half-alien Powers: - Flight (still working on those landings) - Superhuman strength, endurance and speed. - Super hearing is but a fracture of its full potential. - Still trying to figure out the x-ray. And heat vision sort of comes and goes and has a mind of its own. - Tactile telekinesis. The ability to enhance the powers of her Kryptonian heritage. Whether it’s her strength or speed, she can boost her own philology and abilities. Besides that, she has also been able to create forcefields around people and objects, as well as lift things with her mind. However, this particular capability has also been known to mysteriously fail in certain instances. Weaknesses: Kryptonite. It will leave her much more vulnerable. And yet: Since Lara’s only half Kryptonian, it does not have the same crippling effect on her, as it does her farther. Appearance: Character Evolution: Lara will be someone with an identity crisis, as she was someone who felt normal, but then felt pressured to be something else in order to help the world. She’s on a journey from super powered to superhero. Girl to woman. Accepting that other side of her. She'll make mistakes (super powered mistakes, as well as personal mistakes) and learn from them. She'll have fears confirmed and doubt, if she’s even doing the right thing, yet also gain confidence in the process. Maybe even a sort of rivalry with Solara. And maybe that blossoms into a friendship, maybe it really won’t. In time, maybe the whole world will regard Lara as a treasure. BRIEF Bio: Lara’s birth was long and difficult. In fact, doctors weren't even sure Lois Lane was going to make it. For the first time ever, the Man of Steel was helpless to save the woman he loved. Yet in the end she pulled through and gave them both a beautiful, little girl. There was no disagreement on how they should raise her: First they taught Lara to be human. Then they taught her to be super. This initiative carried over to her teen years, as she would go to great lengths just to feel like everyone else. Though her parents did their best to teach her to respect, but not fear her powers, they ultimately failed. Even though the human side of her meant she never quit reached her father’s level, she feared her powers. That’s why Lara has never let loose, and only trained her powers in order to control them. Because of it, she has yet to realize her own limits. Her telekinesis, and how she was able to develop it, was a mystery to everyone. In time, everyone came to accept that there was no other explanation than the conditions were right and it happened. It stands as proof that even after aliens have visited Earth there’s still some mystery left. Lara Kent is simply a force that just is. Like her farther, she can wear nice outfits and still not be afraid to get her hands dirty. And like her mother, she can enjoy the simple things in life. Though really smart, she never had many friends. It was as if everyone knew she was a little different. Her occasional awkward behavior reflects her lack of social skills, but then again: Sometimes her one-liners are spot on. When the need arrived for the Justice League to expand, Lois would not even let Clark talk to Lara about it. Their daughter had chosen another path. Yet, when Lara found out about it anyway, she shortly thereafter threw aside all dreams and desires to live a normal life. A choice that caused her great dread, though for now, only her mother seem to notice. This was a whole new world for Lara. One where she was still just a girl. Still a super one at that. A Supergirl. Notes: Yes, I know Lara is supposed to be the daughter of Wonder Woman or imaginary. But not here! :p Sample Post: “You have to be sure, this is what you want. No one wants to pressure you,” Lois said and watched her daughter nod cautiously, while she tightened a bolt on her bicycle. “Well, dad seem very eager for me to do it,” Lara pointed out and kept turning. “Yes, a bit too often, he has got his head in the clouds, if you ask me, sweetheart. But he always swoops back down eventually and sees the bigger picture.” “So just because I’ve got… powers… don’t mean I have to go out there and be a hero?” Lois’ answer came without a moment’s pause: “Oh yes, you do! Very much. Everyone should. However, you need to find out what being a hero means to you. And once you find out… never compromise. Not even for a second.” Through the living room window Lara noticed the TV was still on. The horrible images of a sooted wreckage were projected onto it while a reporter spoke. With his grief showing, he described the horrible fire that had costed the lives of an entire family. Lara closed her eyes and for a while she just stood there like a statue. Then the remaining bolts started to shake. The bike vibrated and the wind changed direction, if only for a few moments. “… Tell dad: I wanna do it.”
E P I S O D E V:K I D S T H E S E D A Y S D E L A W A R E :20 juillet 2017 - 15:46:00 Tour du métro - Metropolis Comme Duncan l'avait prévu, la dynamite de Toon Girl a fait un vrai nombre sur la Grande Menace Brown qui était Clayface, soufflant ce qui est passé pour son torse sur toute la salle damnée et faisant un gros bordel. ...Et comme il aurait probablement dû y penser, l'explosion lui a aussi frappé le cul au-dessus de la tête et de l'autre côté de la pièce, rebondissant assez fort pour laisser une série de petits divots dans le sol pendant qu'il allait jusqu'à ce qu'il s'écrase finalement le cul en premier dans le mur lointain, faisant un tiret en forme de personne propre comme il s'y est coincé pendant quelques secondes avant de tomber à plat sur son visage. "Eh bien... ce genre de sucé..." Grumbled Duncan alors qu'il se levait après un bref moment sur le sol, apparemment indemne mais très clairement commençant à s'énerver à la tournure ridicule qu'avait prise sa journée. Ce qui n'a été exaspéré que lorsqu'il a regardé vers le bas et a réalisé que bien qu'il était extraordinairement durable, ses vêtements étaient... moins. Ce qui est, dans l'ensemble, une façon très ronde de dire qu'il était maintenant en gros juste debout là dans ses boxeurs et (la plupart de ses) sous-vêtements avec les restes tattered de son survêtement suspendu hap hasardeusement à son corps. Il n'a pas eu longtemps à s'énerver, cependant, parce que c'était à peu près quand Monny a finalement fini de se remettre ensemble et a fermé son oeil solitaire sur le Rookie avec un regard qui semblait crier 'TARGET ACQUIRED'. Il regarda vers sa gauche et de l'autre côté de la pièce et vit le directeur portant sur Lizard comme quelque chose sorti d'un film Ridley Scott. Un coup d'oeil à sa droite a révélé que le capitaine Marvel avait pris à frapper Toon Girl dans le visage et fouetter divers articles à ses autres coéquipiers déchirés. Et si l'ébranlement soudain des murs indiquait quoi que ce soit, c'était qu'il y avait autre chose d'effrayant dans cette tour qu'il n'avait pas encore vu. Toutes choses considérées, les choses étaient plutôt sombres et stupides à Metro Tower ce jour-là. "Welp, pas moyen de l'entourer..." Le Rookie a déclaré à plat, secouant la tête et craquant ses doigts. "'Deep End' c'est, alors." Et donc, avec une inhalation audible et une exhalation apaisante, le 'Littéralement Qui?' de l'équipe a fait un pas en avant et brusquement a coulé légèrement dans le cratère qui s'est formé autour de lui alors que son pied a frappé le sol, avant de lancer et de roquetter tout droit à travers la barrière sonore et de se refermer sur Clayface avec un BANG tonnerre! et un poing en arrière pour la mère de tous les foins. C'était une bonne idée? Presque pas. Mais au moins ça faisait quelque chose.
Name: Duncan MacAodhan Alias: (He hasn't quite gotten that far ahead yet. Simply referred to as "New Guy" or "Rookie" when on assignment, for now.) Age: 23 Personality: Clever, Genre-savvy, Frank, Stubborn, Cynical, Big-hearted (even if he's hilariously ignorant of it) Archetype: Metahuman Powers: Immense Physical Prowess- Duncan is, for lack of a better way of putting it, really goddamn strong... and fast... and pretty tough to boot, if the fact that he went toe-to-toe with freaking Metallo (who, in case we've all forgotten, is a super-powered murder-bot powered by magic space rocks strong enough to make Superman bleed) and was able to hold his own for a short while actually somehow doing some damage while being absolutely rag-dolled across the ground and through several buildings. All that being said, it should be noted that though his metahuman genes put him roughly in the range of Kryptonian physical ability (while falling dramatically short of Superman, who is an absolute beast, even among his own kind), Duncan... is a chainsmoking, borderline alcoholic who has never worked out or trained a single day in his entire goddamn life and as a result, is about as out of shape and weak as he can possibly be. It's anyone's guess what he'd be capable of if he got his shit together and actually trained. Weaknesses: While Duncan possesses roughly the same physical abilities of a Kryptonian, he is still very much human; He can't fly, he still needs to breathe, possesses no form of crazy eye-lasers or freezing breath and can't survive solely off sunlight. In fact, for simplicity's sake, here's a comprehensive list of examples of things that can hurt and/or kill him just like any other guy. -Drowning. -Poison Gas. -Regular poison. -Electrocution. -Starvation. -Asphyxiation. -Dehydration. -Bleeding out. -Bleeding internally. -Food poisoning. -Heart-failure. -Liver-failure. -Kidney-failure. -Cancer. -Hypothermia. -Being thrown into the sun. -Being thrown into space in general. -Tameranean Cooking. In addition to that, the exact minute he woke up in the Metro Tower, Batman informed that he'd be quitting smoking and drinking cold turkey and going on a new diet. In addition to running The Dark Knight's daily balls-to-the-wall exercise routine at increased gravity (In Bruce's own words; "...And you'll go until I'm tired of watching.") and sparring with Ajax, an old robot companion Superman built in the 60's and general ass-whoopin' enthusiast. Long story short, at game start, a week after getting his ass handed to him by Metallo and three days into Batman's insane work out routine and getting punched in the face a few times a day by Ajax, Duncan is battered, bloodied, bruised, sore, outright exhausted and severely craving smokes, booze and greasy food. He's not going to be at his best. Appearance: To read what Duncan is physically capable of, you might picture some sort of hulking mountain of a man with bulging muscles and a jawline chiseled from granite... to actually meet the man however, you'd be disappointed and maybe a little confused- MacAodhan is not a large man. In fact, compared to most in the League he is downright tiny, standing at only 5'6" on a good day and lacking the bulging, musclebound physique of proper superheroes in favour of a lean, though dense physique closer to that of an Olympic swimmer if anything, though his broad shoulders and calloused hands make a fairly decent indicator of his blue-collar background, to which he also owes the habit of shaving his brown hair into a buzzcut, to cut deal with the heat in his workplace. Lacking much in the way of an actual superhero costume, when in the field, Duncan simply throws on his workboots, gloves, jeans and a denim jacket over either some plain wifebeater or t-shirt, topping it all off by tying a simple black rag over his face, leaving only his hazel eyes and a bit of skin exposed and putting on an old ballcap he got from some Halifax pub or another. When at JLU Headquarters, however, he is almost only ever seen in old JLA-issued gym-wear as he goes about his daily routine of attempting to survive whatever new insanity Batman has concocted for him that day. Character Evolution: I'd like to see Duncan come into his own as a member of the JLU, growing in power and renown with time but still keeping true to his modest origins, perhaps even taking on a real alias and costume at some point and becoming an honest-to-God Superhero... though only after a long series of painful and hilarious misadventures. And If he forms some buddy-cop relationship with another player or npc and maybe finds a bit of romance along the way, all the better. Basically, a good old-fashioned coming of age story... Only with a lot more explosions and occasionally saving the whole damned planet. BRIEF Bio: Despite what one might might assume when encountering literally anyone even remotely associated with superpowers and tights, Duncan's tale is... rather mundane. Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia with a Fisherman for a father and a mother who ran a local diner, the boy in question up grew extraordinarily normally; playing videogames, staying at his grandparents' when his mom was busy at the shop and his dad was out at sea and helping his granddad out in the garage fixing cars and the occasional boat. And then one day when he was fifteen, he got hit by a truck. After about a good ten seconds of screaming and another thirty spent wondering why he wasn't dead, he extricated himself from the big-rig's engine-block that had wrapped around both him and the streetlight he'd been leaning against only to find that not only was he not dead, he was perfectly intact. All things considered, that's some pretty heavy shit to lay on a fifteen year old. So it's not all that surprising that when the (very) drunk trucker half staggered, half fell out of his truck at the sight of him, and sirens began echoing in the distance, the kid ran the hell out of there. A few days of trial, error and a lot of Wikipedia later, and the boy had a pretty good idea what all that was about: He was a Metahuman, a one-in-a-million carrier of a superhuman gene that may or may not activate under extreme stress (Like, for instance, getting hit by a truck while waiting for the bus). Frankly, it sounded a lot like a bunch of pseudo-science crap you'd find in an old comic book, but lacking any other explanation for his sudden... talents... it was one he'd have to accept. Now, usually, when someone finds out they've got crazy superpowers, things usually go in one of two predictable ways; one, they become a spandex-clad boy-scout that dedicates every moment of every day to having the brightest smile, rescuing cats from trees and giving lectures about the dangers of "The Reefer" and sex before marriage or two; going full ham, burning orphanages, kicking puppies and generally being real goddamn edgy just for the sake of it. Duncan to his credit, chose the rarely considered, often forgotten third option- "Yeah... No. Fuck that." And so, despite the call to adventure literally screaming directly into his ears, Duncan carried on his life as normal; Growing up as normally as he possibly could- getting average grades, shoveling his grandparents' driveway in the wintertime, trying and failing several times at that whole romance thing and working through his apprenticeship as a diesel mechanic at the local shipyard after highschool. Unfortunately for him, as the old trope goes, 'The Call Knows Where you Live'. And one day while Duncan was just wrapping up his night-shift, Metallo came bursting out of one of the shipping containers at the yard and immediately began wrecking shit left and right. Despite having reservations about the whole 'Hero' thing, the one guy in town with the ability to intervene couldn't exactly sit idly by while a super-powered terminator powered by glowing space-rocks butchered his coworkers and leveled his town. So, throwing on a respirator to hide his face, the young man nutted up and went after the deranged cyborg... or, more accurately, spent the next hour on the receiving of a brutal beatdown at the hands of someone that was at least as strong, as fast and much, much more experienced than he was that was also incapable of feeling pain or fatigue, all to buy time for people to get away and call for someone who actually knew what the hell they were doing. Luckily, they did, and the Big Blue Boy-Scout himself arrived to lay the smackdown on the now damaged Metallo. Unluckily for Duncan, he woke up a week later on a bed in Metropolis, feeling like all hell and staring at the grimacing face of Batman, who quite candidly informed him that he very nearly got himself killed and that his car, his home and his job had all been annihilated in his little dust-up with the super-powered murderbot. Also, even if no one knew who he was, they sure as hell knew he existed, which as a rule, generally meant that there were now people looking for him; Some good, most bad. So he could either join the Justice League and maybe not die the next time this happens... or he could just go home and try his luck on his own. Suffice to say, there was really only one smart choice to be had there, and he took it. And then, to top off this long, hilariously uncanny series of events, Superman showed up less than an hour later and dragged him out to a baseball game. And so it was that, sitting in the stands of a stadium in a foreign city, next to the closest thing the world knew to a god and eating an overpriced and undercooked hotdog, Duncan joined the Justice League. He honestly didn't think his life could get any weirder than this. And he was very mistaken. Notes: Sample Post: To say the least, it had been... an interesting week and a half; It had started off pretty plain, he woke up at seven at night on Monday, grabbed a donair at his mom's diner by eight and was at work by nine, swapping out the fuel lines on an old tug that probably should've been decommissioned when his dad was still a boy. And then suddenly a robot showed up, kicked his ass across town and halfway to Dartmouth, blew up his apartment, blew up his car and blew up his place of employment before being beat down by the most weirdly friendly guy he'd ever goddamn met. So now here he was, holding a duffel bag of what little could be salvaged of his apartment and standing at the entrance to his room at the headquarters of the freaking Justice League. It was all just a little... surreal. "Well, shit, here goes nothing." Duncan growled under his breath, touching the key-pad and entering as the door hissed open in a way that reminded him distinctly of every episode of Star Trek he'd ever seen, half-expecting there to be yet another one of Superman's robots waiting inside to cave-in his face in the name of training, but kinda hoping it wasn't, because sleeping on the couch in the common room was starting to get a little old and he'd already had his daily recommended dose of robot boots to his ass. To his surprise, it didn't actually look that bad- a simple looking double bed, a computer desk, chair and a laptop, a big damn window with a view of the Metropolis waterfront flanked on both sides by empty bookshelves, a little kitchenette off to the side and a bathroom past that. To be honest, after spending the past three days under Batman's balls-to-the-wall training regime, he'd anticipated something more... spartan. Something did catch his eye, however, what looked to be a big, rolled-up poster just sitting on his bed with a post-it note on it, so, dropping his bag and closing the door behind him, the young Canuck went over to give it a look. "Just a little something to welcome you aboard... -GL" His brow furrowed briefly, but suddenly did a lot less of that when he unfurled the damned thing and found a pin-up of a tanned, red-headed woman with solid green eyes, a supermodel's body garbed up in a string bikini and a very... friendly look on her face as she blew a kiss toward the camera. And another post-it note. "They're called Tameraneans. Stick around and you might meet a few. You're welcome. -GL" Whatever thoughts he had at that moment (or several, as he just stared at what he'd found) were interrupted as Batman's voice came over the intercom. "MacAodhan, we have a situation. Kit up and meet me downstairs in five." The words echoed in his head for a few seconds before they fully registered, and he reluctantly averted his eyes from his new-found favourite sight and gently placed it back down on the bed. "Right... Right. I'll be down in a minute." Duncan sighed. It looked like his life was going to continue being interesting for the rest of the forseeable future.
En fait, ouais, ignore ça.
Name: Vic Sage (born Charles Victor Szasz) Age: 26 (born March 15, 1991) Personality: Brave ? Ruthless ? Determined ? Paranoid ? Eccentric Archetype: Standard human Pragmatic Combatant: Vic is adept at hand-to-hand combat, his fighting style mostly consisting of a combination of street fighting and boxing. In addition to this, he is known to do anything to win a fight, including using objects within the environment as weapons and resorting to dirty tricks (I.E. hitting his opponent in the privates). Genius: Vic is highly intelligent, being able to use this intellect to decipher codes and, well, ciphers, hack into computer terminals and other electronics, and plan strategies. Master Detective: Vic is a brilliant investigator, though he's still a long way from being at Batman's skill level. He can spot even the smallest of details and make deductions from minuscule evidence. Indomitable Will: Vic has a resolve of steel; if he sets his mind to something, he does it. All of it. This allows him to resist torture and any other attempts to break his mind or spirit. This doesn't mean that he can take said torture for long without passing out or dying from the pain; just that he won't give in to it. Strong Sense of Justice (upside): Without a doubt, Vic is someone who will always stand by his views of good and evil; he believes in moral absolutism, good and evil with no shades of grey, and will not compromise on his views for anything. Justice must be held, and evil must be punished. Because of these views, it is almost impossible to make him turn from the side of good. Normal Human: Unlike most of the League, Vic is just a normal human. He still needs to eat, drink, and sleep, he is not fast enough to dodge bullets, he is not durable enough to shrug off knives and other weapons, and he is not strong enough to punch holes in concrete walls; he's just a normal man trying to do good. No Gadgetry: Unlike other heroes with no powers who have a vast array of gadgets to aid them in their acts of vigilantism, Vic only has his bare hands and whatever is around him. He doesn't have a grappling hook, question mark shaped boomerangs, or shark repellent (though that would be useful). Glass Jaw: To add to one of my last statements, Vic is not durable, even by normal human standards. While definitely stronger than most normal humans, it does not extend to defense. If a person with super strength were to punch him, he would most likely be crushed like a bug even if they toned their strength down. Bad Reputation: Vic is a well-known crackpot, and others usually avoid him because of this. Of course, this reputation is warranted, due to his paranoid nature, ruthlessness bordering on psychopathy, and anti-social attitude. Due to his reputation, people are hesitant to work with him and unlikely to trust him. Horrible With Others: Vic is very independent, and does not enjoy working with others. While he will suck it up most of the time, if someone comes up with a plan that he doesn't like, he will ignore it in favor of his own plan. Strong Sense of Justice (downside): Vic's belief that evil must be punished is so strong that he will not let a villain get away with their crimes (even if bringing said villain to justice would bring about the end of the world or something similar). Similarly, if someone does something evil for the greater good, he will not let them go unpunished. The only way to prevent him from enacting justice on those he perceives as evil is to kill him. Appearance: Vic is a rather average man, standing at 5'9 with a slim yet athletic figure and almost always seen wearing a suit and tie. He has red hair that he keeps short and neat, and no facial hair to speak of. In addition, he has fair skin and brown eyes, giving him the image of a nine-to-five office worker instead of a dangerous vigilante. Vic's costume usually consists of a suit, a trench coat, and a fedora; however, if he needs to act immediately, he will just use whatever he was wearing at the time. He wears a mask of Pseudoderm (artificial skin originally designed as a bandage), which cements itself to his face using a special bonding gas. The gas also changes the color of his clothing, in addition to changing his hair color from red to black. Finally, his costume sports elevator shoes, boosting his height by two inches. Character Evolution: I'd like for Question to begin as a very standoffish person, rarely interacting with others if it isn't on a mission. Over time, he would slowly befriend one hero (or multiple heroes) and open up to them. And, if anyone decides to play Huntress and is open to it, then I'd like to have a romance similar to the one they shared in the JLU cartoon (because that pairing will always be my OTP); however, if no one plays Huntress, he's open to a romance with any of the lovely ladies, so long as they don't mind him calling at two in the morning to discuss the new portion he added to the Conspiracy. Bio: Charles Victor Szasz was born to a prostitute and one of her clients, whom she only ever referred to as 'Walter'. Despite what most would think, his home life wasn't horrible, or at least it wasn't as bad as it could have been. His mother did her best to care for him, never blaming him for her problems or taking out her anger on him, and she ensured that Charles had the best life that she could provide. However, outside of home, Charles was frequently the target of bullying and scorn due to his mother's profession and origin within the slums. Most of the time, Charles would just take it and never react; however, when he was ten, he was taken away by Child Protective Services after getting into a fight with two boys who cornered him, which ended in one boy being blinded in one eye by a lit cigarette and the other having part of his cheek bitten off. When asked what made him do this, he stated that they called him a 'whoreson' and various other things. Normally, he would be fine with this, but when one asked the other if he thought Charles's mother would suck their dicks for a dollar, he flew into a rage. He was sent to a run-down home for problematic children, and everything he did that could be perceived as bad was punished with a few hard wraps on the knuckles with a yard stick. Despite many attempts, he was never adopted by a family, and spent the rest of his childhood and adolescence there. At eighteen, Charles was let go from the home. He did his best to track down his mother, only to discover that she had died five years earlier. Jobless, homeless, and with no hope left, he was found and taken in by a college professor named Aristotle 'Tot' Rodor, who became something like the father that Charles never had. He changed his name to Vic Sage and, with Tot's help, got into college and graduated with a major in journalism. He got a job at a news station at the age of 22, and became an anchorman at the age of 24. A year ago, Tot approached Vic and informed him that one of his colleagues, Arby Twain, was going to sell a substance called Pseudoderm to third world countries despite its toxicity if applied to open wounds. Vic wanted to take Twain down, but could not do so as himself because of his famous features. Tot then suggested that Vic use a mask made of Pseudoderm to do so, and Vic agreed. Vic took down Twain, getting a recorded confession from him, before binding him in Pseudoderm and leaving him in front of the police station along with a copy of the confession. After that, Vic decided that this new alter-ego would be useful, and began to use it to fight crime and dig up leads where he couldn't go as Vic Sage. Eventually, Tot modified the bonding gas for Pseudoderm to also change Vic's hair color and the color of his clothing, and Vic gave this alter-ego a name: The Question. And so, the faceless vigilante as we know him was born. After a year of fighting crime, he heard about how the Justice League was recruiting, and decided to join them in order to enact justice on a larger scale. Notes: This Question takes inspiration from the DCAU Question, Rorschach from Watchmen, and some of my own personal additions. Expect a character that's basically Rorschach if he didn't kill criminals and was obsessed with conspiracies... Wait, sorry; Conspiracy, singular. He speaks in a pidgin fashion, which means that any conversations with him will be laconic and to the point. One would easily mistake it for broken English if it wasn't for his American accent. Vic's press pass. The Question is now in Microhero form (a modified version of Member's micro)! And featuring Vic Sage! The Question stands at his perch on the rooftop of an office building. In the distance, he hears a car alarm, and adjusts his fedora before running across the rooftops in the direction of said alarm. Soon enough, he arrives at the scene, finding a man breaking into a parked car. 'Carjacking,' Question thinks, 'easy.' Swiftly and silently, Question slips down the fire escape on the side of the building. He peeks around the corner, looking at the criminal as he fumbles about inside the car, attempting to hotwire it. 'First time carjacking... Correction: very easy.' Gracefully, Question flits about from shadow to shadow, making his way to the car. Soon enough he stands next to the driver's door, the car thief not noticing him. Question punches the door's window, breaking through it and grabbing the thief by the throat at the same time. After dragging the thief out of the broken window and into the street, Question stands menacingly over him. The thief, cowering, looks up at the faceless vigilante in a mix of fear and shock. "Y-your fucking face!" He stammers out in disbelief. Question shrugs, "Acne cream." "S-shit man, don't kill me! I'll... I'll split the profit with you after I sell the c-car! Just don't kill m-me, please!" The thief raises his hands to cover his face. Question stares at the man for a moment... Before chuckling. The would-be carjacker looks at him in disbelief, then asks: "The hell is so funny?" "Won't kill you," Question pauses, and the thief sighs a breath of belief. "Will knock you out." "Wait, wha- OOF!" The thief is silenced by a quick kick to the face, and his eyes roll back as he slips into blissful unconsciousness. The Question stands over him for a moment, before pulling out a pair of handcuffs and handcuffing the thief to a streetlamp. With one last chuckle, Question reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out his calling card, dropping it in the thief's lap as he goes. An hour later, two police officers find a man in ratty clothing cuffed to a streetlamp. In his lap, they find a plain white business card. One officer picks it up, and drops it in surprise when it emits smoke. When the smoke clears, the two officers look at the card on the ground, seeing that a black question mark has appeared on it. A breeze blows the card off the ground, and the two officers watch as it flits away into the night. ♥ Crush ♥ // ☮ Friend ☮ // ☯ Acquaintance ☯ // ⚜ Rival ⚜ // § Frenemy § // ☠ Enemy ☠ // ☯ Argyle, Chester aka Whiplash: Vic has yet to interact with Chester Argyle. ☯ Barr, James aka The Bulleteer: Vic has yet to interact with James Barr. ☯ Campen, Lexi aka Apollex: Vic has yet to interact with Lexi Campen. ☯ Carter, Najee aka Captain Marvel (II): Vic has yet to interact with Najee Carter. ⚜ Jester, Jessica aka The Lizard: Vic doesn't know much about Jessica, though he doesn't like what he's seen so far. Having had a debate with her in St. Roch over their conflicting views on morality and law, he was frustrated with the girl and was rather glad when Rose intervened. He has respect for Jessica as a fighter, but nothing beyond that. Time will tell if that changes. ☯ Kent, Lara aka Supergirl: Vic has yet to interact with Lara Kent. ☮ Kord, Ted aka Blue Beetle: Vic has worked with Ted several times in the past, and trusted him enough to reveal his identity to him. He holds a high respect for the man and is eager to work with him in the League. ☯ Light, Lucy aka Toon Girl: Vic has yet to interact with Lucy Light. ☯ MacAodhan, Duncan aka The Rookie: Vic has yet to interact with Duncan MacAodhan (but when he does, it'll be glorious). ☯ Monster, Monny aka Clayface: Vic has yet to interact with Monny Monster. ☯ Reynolds, Cynthia aka Gypsy: Vic has yet to interact with Cynthia Reynolds. ☯ Ryker, James aka Mr. Clutch: Vic has yet to interact with James Ryker. ☯ Trainor, Lieutenant Lawrence aka Polarity Man: Vic has yet to interact with Lieutenant Lawrence Trainor. ⚜ Wilson, Rose aka Ravager: Vic always thought that redheads were the biggest pains in the ass (yes, that includes himself), but that was until he met the white-haired Rose. Having argued with her several times on the mission, mostly regarding the use of lethal force, Vic came to the conclusion that Rose was an interesting, if bitchy, person, though this may change with time. He still needs to investigate his theory on her use of lethal force later (having missed her killing one of the Brides of Lion-Mane). ☮ Unknown aka The Warden: The Warden was the only teammate Vic got along with on the mission in St. Roch, despite the fact that the two stoic men barely exchanged words save for their conversation in the plane and on the rooftop. He respects the Warden's level-headed personality and fighting prowess, however he doesn't know much beyond that, and as previously said time will tell if their relationship changes.
Épisode 5 Avec Superman, Bulleteer et Lizard La salle de surveillance, où les personnes âgées ont été emmenées... Superman avait été emmené dans la salle de surveillance avec tout le monde quand sa fille s'est approchée de la base. Heureusement, il avait programmé les dispositifs de sécurité pour la reconnaître si elle rejoignait la Ligue. Il a regardé la fille de reptile qui était encore à proximité, mais son audition l'avait laissé la plupart du temps sourd maintenant. Le Kryptonien n'a pas entendu la jeune fille verte se demander quoi faire. Son sens de l'odeur était cependant encore augmenté, et il pouvait sentir la pisse sur au moins quelques-uns des héros âgés. Bulleteer était l'un d'eux, finalement sorti de son casque un peu lourd (pour un vieil homme) et transpirant comme il était dans un temps de cent degrés. "Ils n'ont pas encore battu le badguy, Cisco?" Le vieil homme de balle a demandé à un autre héros assis contre le mur mais toujours sur le sol. Le bulleteer lui tendit le bras pour l'attraper à l'épaule. Dès que l'homme a été déplacé son cadavre sans vie est tombé sur le côté et ses lunettes sont tombées de son visage. "People est en train de mourir, tu as besoin de finir ça!" Un intello a hurlé en attirant l'attention sur la Vibe morte. "L...L-L... Lizard..." Superman a commencé à dire, "Dit aux autres à... à brûler... lui-même... à brûler... à l'extérieur. Il est presque humain jusqu'à ce qu'il... pouvoirs... recule...» le héros continua avant de voir sa fille s'écraser à travers le mur, puis tomber dans l'inconscience avec un peu de drool sur son visage. Bulleteer s'est fait prendre. Il tenta d'atteindre les chaises autour de l'ordinateur central, mais se déplaça au rythme d'un escargot. "Enculé de merde!" Lizard a grondé, car elle a rapidement obtenu les informations nécessaires de Superman et a bientôt été chargée hors de la salle de surveillance. Avant d'entrer dans le préfet. "Guy. Désolé pour ça!" Elle a déclaré qu'elle sautait dans les airs et qu'avec un tour, elle se tapait la queue contre la tête. Assez pour le faire revenir. -00492 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Justice League had been active for several years. Their membership included Superman, Batman, Vixen, Green Lantern (Alan Scott), and Robot Man. Most of them were already in their 40's, Batman was rumored to be in his 50's. The team took down threats such as Brainiac, the rogue General Eiling, Solomon Grundy and an army of the undead, a Thanagarian Cult, and dozens of others. Weeks ago, in a battle with the alien tyrant Despero, both Vixen and Robotman were killed in action. Robotman COULD have survived, but the three eyed behemoth crushed his head and destroyed the original brain of Cliff Steele. One year ago... The Justice League extended its reach and took in several new heroes to form the Justice League Unlimited. Over the course of the first several weeks the League learned about the existance of a similar group, composed of super criminals, calling themselves the Society and brought together by the devious Lex Luthor Jr. Shortly after the Society made themselves known, the Question deduced that the super criminals were after artifacts composed of a mysterious Nth metal. During a mission that saw a group going to the destroyed remains of Atlantis, Ravager was seemingly killed by an unseen attacker and left for dead. Her father, Deathstroke, would later abduct her from JLU headquarters to help her recover on his own terms. Bulleteer would also be attacked in Metropolis and taken out of action after taking trauma to his head after the enemies of the League were informed by Lobo that his helmet was composed of Nth metal. Ambush Bug was killed during an attack on the League's HQ, and the heroic Clayface was torn apart as well. Over the course of the last year the League would continue to evolve. Superman would be defeated and killed by the monster called Doomsday. Green Lantern has retired after finding out his reformed enemy turned fiancee Thorn was pregnant with twins. And Batman has seemingly stepped down from the League as well but not before sponsoring Clutch as the new wheelman for the Justice League Unlimited. Present day... The League still moves forward after everything they've been through. Supergirl and Blue Beetle have stepped up to lead this new era of the team, however a crashed spaceship would change everything. Discovering the hero called Starman in the wreckage, the League was warned that white Martians have began invading the planet and one of their own has already been replaced by a Martian! Who will be revealed as the traitor? Where did Starman come from? ________________ About the Founders... Superman - He's the first superhero. The reason it's even called a super-hero. His career seemingly began in the 1970's, however reports indicate he may have been active as far back as WWII. Same basic powers of Superman. He makes everybody in the room wanna stand a little bit taller. A big blue boyscout to this day, he has a line he'll never cross and ALWAYS finds another way. He's pretty much the big gun of the metahuman/alien archetypes. He's only been Clark Kent the last twenty years or so of his life on Earth. He obviously ages slower in the universe than past incarnations. - Deceased Batman (mask off) - Same billionaire playboy philanthropist, his career just began in the late 90's and has lasted nearly two decades. He is to the gadgeteers and standard human heroes what Superman is to metas and aliens. The big gun. Basically picture Ben Afleck's Batman here just with more gray hair. - Retired Green Lantern - Alan Scott is the resident GL, and the ONLY GL in this universe. I'm staying away from the GLC and all the rainbow brigade Corps. His career stretches over the last decade or so and a few years back he absorbed the energies of his magic ring internalizing his power. He's the big gun of the supernatural/magic archetypes. He's also based in Gotham and mostly patrols during the day when Batman isn't being Batman. - Retired Robotman - Cliff Steele was once a racecar driver and adrenaline junkie. He jumped out of planes, served two years in the military, and was even a bouncer on a cruise ship for several months. It was to no surprise to anyone when he finally went too far and crashed an experimental NHRA racing car. His body was near completely destroyed, which is when his friends at STAR Labs Dr. Niles Caulder and Silas Stone put his brain into the body of a machine. Still ever the enthusiast he decided superheroics were in his future and took the alias Robotman . He was a hero of Midway for several years before joining the other founding five in the Justice League. In the battle with Despero his brain was destroyed, thus ending the career of Robotman. - Deceased Vixen - Mari McCabe was born in Africa and possessed the magical Tantu Totem. This is a magical artifact, supposedly passed down over several generations from mother to daughter, and is the source of her power. Giving her the ability to mimic the attributes of any animal on the planet, Mari used this power to protect her village until moving to the United States and going to college. After graduating Mari was offered a modeling contract with an agency in NYC. Getting lost in the spotlight and fame, she was eventually reminded of the power and responsibility and publicly came out as the hero Vixen. After joining the JL for several years, her life was snuffed out when the behemoth Despero used his immense strength to crush her under the weight of a destroyed skyscraper. - Deceased Background heroes in the Tower... Vibe - Hispanic breakdancer turned metahuman hero from Detroit. Amazing Man - the energy absorbing, hard hitting, African American hero. Ambush Bug - Deceased Fire - Brazilian green fire manipulator. Ice - ice manipulator from Norway. Other notable heroes... Commander Steel - Henry 'Hank' Heywood was a member of the United States Marine Corps during the second World War. Injured during an attack caused by Nazi saboteurs, Heywood underwent an extensive, experimental surgery that resulted in him obtaining a 'skin of steel'. Possessing superhuman durability and strength, Hank took on the alias Commander Steel, secretly returning to the war where he was approached by Doctor Fate. Seeing the long war ahead, Fate came to Steel to ask him to lead a specialized team and the new hero did not disappoint. Forming the Justice Society, Commander Steel lead the group into battle after battle, emerging victorious. Unfortunately, Hank's story does not have a happy ending as the surgery wound up impacting his mental health. As he aged, his sanity began to wane and so to this day, Henry Heywood resides in Arkham Asylum, having been put there by those who loved him most. Wonder Woman - Possibly the first superhuman to appear in the public eye. Wonder Woman, or Diana of Themyscria, predates the Justice Society by nearly two decades having originally appeared during the first World War. An Amazon hailing from a hidden paradise island, Wonder Woman possesses strength, speed and durability only surpassed by Superman herself. Armed with incredible mystical weapons such as her bracers and lasso, Wonder Woman did miracles for the allied troops in the Great War and served as a founding member of the Justice Society before retiring to Themyscria after the second World War. She has not been heard from since. Wildcat - The youngest among the Justice Society, Theodore 'Ted' Grant was a rising world class heavy-weight boxer. The last to be recruited to the Justice Society, Ted Grant was also the last to remain active, returning to Gotham where he would fight crime on the streets until one night when a young Bruce Wayne knocked on his door. Training Bruce Wayne changed Ted, settling some of the wild in the cat as the man changed focus from protecting the streets to giving youths an outlet as he opened a free gym. Still, Ted retains his ties to the world of costumed antics and from time to time will still be asked to train a young hero on how to properly land a punch. The Flash - The original Flash, Jason 'Jay' Garrick was a college student who after a lab accent found his latent metahuman genes activated. Using his powers originally to have a comfortable college football career, the curse of power and responsible eventually caught up with Jay as the call of second World War was too much to ignore. Using his abilities on the field, Jay was approached by the mysterious Doctor Fate who set Jay onto the path of Hank Heywood, otherwise known as Commander Steel. Joining with the Commander, Jay acted as a member of the Justice Society until he was forced to retire. His metagene unfortunately accelerated his aging and Jay retired shortly into the early 1960's. But Jay's legacy lives on, as the mantle of the Flash was passed down. Without using his abilities, Jay was able to prolong his life and lived among society as a civilian, marrying his college sweetheart Joan. Jay passed away peacefully in his sleep five years ago surrounded by friends and loved ones. Doctor Fate - During the late 1930's, archaeologist, Sven Nelson and his son, Kent Nelson traveled to the Valley of Ur. It was there the pair stumbled across the tomb of Nabu the Wise. Exploring the tomb, Kent accidentally opens the sarcophagus containing Nabu and with it released the trap that had long awaited would-be tomb raiders. A poisonous gas was released into the room, and both Sven and Kent fell victim to it. Waking up, Kent found himself at the feet of a man he did not recognize, this man turned out to be Nabu who, through what little strength he had, reached out and saved Kent. Revealing to Kent that he was no longer on Earth but in the realm of the Lords of Order, Nabu sent Kent back to Earth but provided him one parting gift. A golden helmet. This helmet would transform Kent into Doctor Fate, merging the body of Kent Nelson with the mind of Nabu. Endowed with mastery of the mystic and arcane, Kent was able to see the future and the horror of the second war. Nabu provided him a solution however and Kent, now called Doctor Fate, set out to unite the Justice Society. Serving as a member for its entire duration, when the Society was disbanded to make room for the League, Doctor Fate disappeared without a trace. ________________ Active Characters Member 00492 as Starman GM rocketrobie2 as Blue Beetle Co-GM Simple Unicycle as The Question WXer as Polarity Man Weird Tales as Mr. Clutch NecroKnight as Lizard Sir Lurksalot as The Rookie Champion The Angry Goat as The Warden Archmage MC as Toon Girl Afro Samurai as Shazam Unknown100 as Supergirl ineffable as Apollex Inactive Characters Lord Wraith as Ravager - Conflicting schedule FiroIV as Gypsy - Dropped out Roman as Whiplash - Dropped out Blue Demon as Clayface - Dropped Out Burning Kitty as Solara - Rage Quit Hillan as Dark Messiah - No Post To Date DivineDarkness as The Flash (III) - No Post To Date Experiment 249 as Judgement - Missing In Action Character Application Name: Alias: Age: Personality: Archetype: Metahuman, Alien, Alien Tech, Mystic/Supernatural, or Gadgeteer Powers: Weaknesses: Appearance: Character Evolution: BRIEF Bio: Notes: Sample Post:
E P I S O D E V:K I D S T H E S E D A Y S D E L A W A R E :20 juillet 2017 - 15:46:00 Tour du métro - Metropolis Comme l'ascenseur contenant le trio de Polarity Man, Apollex et Blue Beetle ont finalement atteint le hall, le lieutenant a été le premier à sortir de l'ascenseur. "Très bien. Je suppose que je vais vous laisser ici? "Je vais... aller bien... Je... pense... » Ted répondit dans son état exaspéré. La douleur dans sa poitrine commençait à devenir plus forte, mais il était sûr que ça passerait en un rien de temps, juste un vieil homme mal. "Oui, je vais rester avec Blue ici" Lexi sourit à Polarity man "Merci au fait." Elle bat ses cils toujours si légèrement chez Polarity avant de lier un bras à Ted. "Ce qu'elle a dit..." a ajouté Ted. Il savait que s'il n'avait pas été emmené hors de là alors qu'il était infidèlement possible qu'il ne soit pas sorti du tout. "Je te promets que je reviendrai bientôt. Espérons que vous reviendrez tous à la normale. Et avec ça, le Polarity Man a couru pour son costume de mech. Alors qu'il a commencé, il ne pouvait que se demander dans quoi le reste de ses collègues ligueurs non affectés s'était trouvé, spécialement contre les versions mutées des membres élémentaires. En parlant de ça... Monny n'a pas pu s'empêcher d'aller de l'avant alors que son corps continuait à agir. L'idée que ça ferait encore plus mal à Rookie n'était pas bien assise avec le Monstre de Clay. Il l'aimait encore moins comme l'homme a posé dans un cratère à côté du mur dans lequel il s'était écrasé. Le héros était fait de trucs plus sévères que la plupart des humains. Car, comme Monny s'en est sorti, Rookie s'est emparé de lui-même. Rookie regarda autour de la pièce et Monny sentit son lifting cardiaque non existant. Oh, c'est bien! Rookie n'allait pas rester et essayer de le combattre. Rookie allait s'enfuir. Si Monny était un monstre autonome, il se serait assis et la vague de soulagement s'est écrasée sur lui. Puis le pire s'est produit. Rookie a fermé les yeux avec Monny. C'était trop fort dans la pièce pour entendre ce qu'il a dit. Au lieu de cela, Monny a regardé ses lèvres bouger avant que Rookie pose son pied, dur. Puis le héros a disparu. Juste comme ça. Avant même que Monny ne puisse comprendre ce qui s'était passé, ça l'a senti. Monny ne sentait pas la douleur dans le sens humain normal. Mais ça sentait quelque chose qui ressemble à un inconfort aigu quand on se fait percer un trou dans la boue. Surtout quand un poing passe par le visage du monstre suivi d'un corps humain masculin. C'est à peu près dès que Rookie a planté son pied dans le sol qu'il a réalisé un défaut particulièrement flagrant dans son choix de tactique; bien, deux vraiment. Un, Monny semblait plutôt gentil et c'était... plutôt méchant... et deux; il voyageait maintenant à des vitesses mach et, contrairement à un Kryptonien qui pouvait plier les lois de la gravité pour voler comme ils le jugeaient bon, il n'avait pas vraiment un moyen d'arrêter. À l'exception des lois de Newton sur l'inertie, plus précisément sur les « objets en mouvement restant en mouvement à moins d'agir par une force opposée et égale ». Comme, disons... les murs fortifiés de la Tour du Métro, spécialement construits pour résister à l'assaut par des fous super-puissants. Comme celui qu'il s'intéressait à cette seconde. "Oh mon Dieu..." Le héros à moitié nu a paniqué, claquant ses pieds dans le sol et en portant ce qu'il restait de ses chaussures et de ses chaussettes pendant que ses talons creusaient sans succès dans le sol pour une traction pour arrêter son élan vers l'avant "Oh non, oh merde! Oh putain de FUCKFUCKFUCKFU-!" C'est pas vrai! Il a heurté le mur. Et malheureusement pour sa fierté, le mur n'a pas gagné. Au lieu de cela, il continuait à passer par la porte en acier derrière ce mur. Puis à travers la grande fenêtre dans la belle salle de soleil confortable derrière cette porte, et tout droit vers le parc à chiens public en désordre derrière la tour. Avant que le Rookie ne puisse endommager les biens publics, Polarity Man avait réussi à intercepter sa trajectoire de vol vers le sol. Pour l'arrêter, le Patroller mech a dû s'écraser sur lui. "... Mmh! Gonna wizz rouge..." Le Rookie a répondu très heureusement à la mère de tous les coups de rein, mais n'a fait aucune autre plainte au sujet d'être sauvé de l'atterrissage à moitié nu dans un champ de chiots-patties "...Merci." "Pensez peu à ça." Le lieutenant Lawrence aurait répondu, bien que les ordinateurs de bord du patrouilleur aient dit le contraire. Alors que la collision de The Rookie a réussi à infliger plus de dommages à son matériel que Lobo, Polarity Man était toujours déterminé à mettre fin à ce conflit plus tôt que plus tard. "Je suggère de reprendre le tunnel que vous avez créé dans la pièce où se trouvent Extant et ses créations. Êtes-vous toujours capable de voler?" "Heu, euh... chose drôle qui." Répondez avec un léger sifflement, toujours clairement en train de soigner son côté, mais autrement alerte et ambiable "Je ne peux pas vraiment voler. Ça sautait." "Hmm. Alors je suggère de tenir bon." Avec une touche d'interrupteur, les cellules d'énergie restantes de la combinaison ont alimenté les boosters jet de la mech, permettant au duo de rentrer en toute sécurité dans la tour de métro. Le long du chemin de retour à leur cible cependant, un message chiffré ferait son chemin vers l'écran de console de Polarity Man. Un malheur pour une Supergirl, fille de l'homme de l'acier. Bien que ce fût certainement une surprise, c'était un bienvenu et Lawrence décida de tirer parti de la situation. En se connectant à la salle de surveillance de la tour, il envoyait un signal de détresse qui montrait son emplacement exact alors que lui et le Rookie couraient vers Extant. "Vous avez un plan, n'est-ce pas?" Rookie a demandé, apparemment commencer à récupérer ses repères "Va chercher le magicien. Frappe-le fort et espère pour le meilleur." L'homme de la polarité dirait. Alors que c'était apparemment simple, c'était tout ce qu'il pouvait demander à The Rookie de faire. Duncan a juste regardé le Mecha-Clad Man pendant quelques secondes avant d'entrer dans un sourire de merde. "Oui... Je pense que je peux le faire."
Name: Duncan MacAodhan Alias: (He hasn't quite gotten that far ahead yet. Simply referred to as "New Guy" or "Rookie" when on assignment, for now.) Age: 23 Personality: Clever, Genre-savvy, Frank, Stubborn, Cynical, Big-hearted (even if he's hilariously ignorant of it) Archetype: Metahuman Powers: Immense Physical Prowess- Duncan is, for lack of a better way of putting it, really goddamn strong... and fast... and pretty tough to boot, if the fact that he went toe-to-toe with freaking Metallo (who, in case we've all forgotten, is a super-powered murder-bot powered by magic space rocks strong enough to make Superman bleed) and was able to hold his own for a short while actually somehow doing some damage while being absolutely rag-dolled across the ground and through several buildings. All that being said, it should be noted that though his metahuman genes put him roughly in the range of Kryptonian physical ability (while falling dramatically short of Superman, who is an absolute beast, even among his own kind), Duncan... is a chainsmoking, borderline alcoholic who has never worked out or trained a single day in his entire goddamn life and as a result, is about as out of shape and weak as he can possibly be. It's anyone's guess what he'd be capable of if he got his shit together and actually trained. Weaknesses: While Duncan possesses roughly the same physical abilities of a Kryptonian, he is still very much human; He can't fly, he still needs to breathe, possesses no form of crazy eye-lasers or freezing breath and can't survive solely off sunlight. In fact, for simplicity's sake, here's a comprehensive list of examples of things that can hurt and/or kill him just like any other guy. -Drowning. -Poison Gas. -Regular poison. -Electrocution. -Starvation. -Asphyxiation. -Dehydration. -Bleeding out. -Bleeding internally. -Food poisoning. -Heart-failure. -Liver-failure. -Kidney-failure. -Cancer. -Hypothermia. -Being thrown into the sun. -Being thrown into space in general. -Tameranean Cooking. In addition to that, the exact minute he woke up in the Metro Tower, Batman informed that he'd be quitting smoking and drinking cold turkey and going on a new diet. In addition to running The Dark Knight's daily balls-to-the-wall exercise routine at increased gravity (In Bruce's own words; "...And you'll go until I'm tired of watching.") and sparring with Ajax, an old robot companion Superman built in the 60's and general ass-whoopin' enthusiast. Long story short, at game start, a week after getting his ass handed to him by Metallo and three days into Batman's insane work out routine and getting punched in the face a few times a day by Ajax, Duncan is battered, bloodied, bruised, sore, outright exhausted and severely craving smokes, booze and greasy food. He's not going to be at his best. Appearance: To read what Duncan is physically capable of, you might picture some sort of hulking mountain of a man with bulging muscles and a jawline chiseled from granite... to actually meet the man however, you'd be disappointed and maybe a little confused- MacAodhan is not a large man. In fact, compared to most in the League he is downright tiny, standing at only 5'6" on a good day and lacking the bulging, musclebound physique of proper superheroes in favour of a lean, though dense physique closer to that of an Olympic swimmer if anything, though his broad shoulders and calloused hands make a fairly decent indicator of his blue-collar background, to which he also owes the habit of shaving his brown hair into a buzzcut, to cut deal with the heat in his workplace. Lacking much in the way of an actual superhero costume, when in the field, Duncan simply throws on his workboots, gloves, jeans and a denim jacket over either some plain wifebeater or t-shirt, topping it all off by tying a simple black rag over his face, leaving only his hazel eyes and a bit of skin exposed and putting on an old ballcap he got from some Halifax pub or another. When at JLU Headquarters, however, he is almost only ever seen in old JLA-issued gym-wear as he goes about his daily routine of attempting to survive whatever new insanity Batman has concocted for him that day. Character Evolution: I'd like to see Duncan come into his own as a member of the JLU, growing in power and renown with time but still keeping true to his modest origins, perhaps even taking on a real alias and costume at some point and becoming an honest-to-God Superhero... though only after a long series of painful and hilarious misadventures. And If he forms some buddy-cop relationship with another player or npc and maybe finds a bit of romance along the way, all the better. Basically, a good old-fashioned coming of age story... Only with a lot more explosions and occasionally saving the whole damned planet. BRIEF Bio: Despite what one might might assume when encountering literally anyone even remotely associated with superpowers and tights, Duncan's tale is... rather mundane. Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia with a Fisherman for a father and a mother who ran a local diner, the boy in question up grew extraordinarily normally; playing videogames, staying at his grandparents' when his mom was busy at the shop and his dad was out at sea and helping his granddad out in the garage fixing cars and the occasional boat. And then one day when he was fifteen, he got hit by a truck. After about a good ten seconds of screaming and another thirty spent wondering why he wasn't dead, he extricated himself from the big-rig's engine-block that had wrapped around both him and the streetlight he'd been leaning against only to find that not only was he not dead, he was perfectly intact. All things considered, that's some pretty heavy shit to lay on a fifteen year old. So it's not all that surprising that when the (very) drunk trucker half staggered, half fell out of his truck at the sight of him, and sirens began echoing in the distance, the kid ran the hell out of there. A few days of trial, error and a lot of Wikipedia later, and the boy had a pretty good idea what all that was about: He was a Metahuman, a one-in-a-million carrier of a superhuman gene that may or may not activate under extreme stress (Like, for instance, getting hit by a truck while waiting for the bus). Frankly, it sounded a lot like a bunch of pseudo-science crap you'd find in an old comic book, but lacking any other explanation for his sudden... talents... it was one he'd have to accept. Now, usually, when someone finds out they've got crazy superpowers, things usually go in one of two predictable ways; one, they become a spandex-clad boy-scout that dedicates every moment of every day to having the brightest smile, rescuing cats from trees and giving lectures about the dangers of "The Reefer" and sex before marriage or two; going full ham, burning orphanages, kicking puppies and generally being real goddamn edgy just for the sake of it. Duncan to his credit, chose the rarely considered, often forgotten third option- "Yeah... No. Fuck that." And so, despite the call to adventure literally screaming directly into his ears, Duncan carried on his life as normal; Growing up as normally as he possibly could- getting average grades, shoveling his grandparents' driveway in the wintertime, trying and failing several times at that whole romance thing and working through his apprenticeship as a diesel mechanic at the local shipyard after highschool. Unfortunately for him, as the old trope goes, 'The Call Knows Where you Live'. And one day while Duncan was just wrapping up his night-shift, Metallo came bursting out of one of the shipping containers at the yard and immediately began wrecking shit left and right. Despite having reservations about the whole 'Hero' thing, the one guy in town with the ability to intervene couldn't exactly sit idly by while a super-powered terminator powered by glowing space-rocks butchered his coworkers and leveled his town. So, throwing on a respirator to hide his face, the young man nutted up and went after the deranged cyborg... or, more accurately, spent the next hour on the receiving of a brutal beatdown at the hands of someone that was at least as strong, as fast and much, much more experienced than he was that was also incapable of feeling pain or fatigue, all to buy time for people to get away and call for someone who actually knew what the hell they were doing. Luckily, they did, and the Big Blue Boy-Scout himself arrived to lay the smackdown on the now damaged Metallo. Unluckily for Duncan, he woke up a week later on a bed in Metropolis, feeling like all hell and staring at the grimacing face of Batman, who quite candidly informed him that he very nearly got himself killed and that his car, his home and his job had all been annihilated in his little dust-up with the super-powered murderbot. Also, even if no one knew who he was, they sure as hell knew he existed, which as a rule, generally meant that there were now people looking for him; Some good, most bad. So he could either join the Justice League and maybe not die the next time this happens... or he could just go home and try his luck on his own. Suffice to say, there was really only one smart choice to be had there, and he took it. And then, to top off this long, hilariously uncanny series of events, Superman showed up less than an hour later and dragged him out to a baseball game. And so it was that, sitting in the stands of a stadium in a foreign city, next to the closest thing the world knew to a god and eating an overpriced and undercooked hotdog, Duncan joined the Justice League. He honestly didn't think his life could get any weirder than this. And he was very mistaken. Notes: Sample Post: To say the least, it had been... an interesting week and a half; It had started off pretty plain, he woke up at seven at night on Monday, grabbed a donair at his mom's diner by eight and was at work by nine, swapping out the fuel lines on an old tug that probably should've been decommissioned when his dad was still a boy. And then suddenly a robot showed up, kicked his ass across town and halfway to Dartmouth, blew up his apartment, blew up his car and blew up his place of employment before being beat down by the most weirdly friendly guy he'd ever goddamn met. So now here he was, holding a duffel bag of what little could be salvaged of his apartment and standing at the entrance to his room at the headquarters of the freaking Justice League. It was all just a little... surreal. "Well, shit, here goes nothing." Duncan growled under his breath, touching the key-pad and entering as the door hissed open in a way that reminded him distinctly of every episode of Star Trek he'd ever seen, half-expecting there to be yet another one of Superman's robots waiting inside to cave-in his face in the name of training, but kinda hoping it wasn't, because sleeping on the couch in the common room was starting to get a little old and he'd already had his daily recommended dose of robot boots to his ass. To his surprise, it didn't actually look that bad- a simple looking double bed, a computer desk, chair and a laptop, a big damn window with a view of the Metropolis waterfront flanked on both sides by empty bookshelves, a little kitchenette off to the side and a bathroom past that. To be honest, after spending the past three days under Batman's balls-to-the-wall training regime, he'd anticipated something more... spartan. Something did catch his eye, however, what looked to be a big, rolled-up poster just sitting on his bed with a post-it note on it, so, dropping his bag and closing the door behind him, the young Canuck went over to give it a look. "Just a little something to welcome you aboard... -GL" His brow furrowed briefly, but suddenly did a lot less of that when he unfurled the damned thing and found a pin-up of a tanned, red-headed woman with solid green eyes, a supermodel's body garbed up in a string bikini and a very... friendly look on her face as she blew a kiss toward the camera. And another post-it note. "They're called Tameraneans. Stick around and you might meet a few. You're welcome. -GL" Whatever thoughts he had at that moment (or several, as he just stared at what he'd found) were interrupted as Batman's voice came over the intercom. "MacAodhan, we have a situation. Kit up and meet me downstairs in five." The words echoed in his head for a few seconds before they fully registered, and he reluctantly averted his eyes from his new-found favourite sight and gently placed it back down on the bed. "Right... Right. I'll be down in a minute." Duncan sighed. It looked like his life was going to continue being interesting for the rest of the forseeable future.
E P I S O D E V:K I D S T H E S E D A Y S D E L A W A R E :20 juillet 2017 - 15:46:00 Tour du métro - Metropolis De retour dans la salle de moniteur dim illuminé Supergirl semblait obtenir la poussée exacte qu'elle avait demandé. À peu près chaque écran a commencé à clignoter les mêmes informations et la même carte. Certains même avec l'aide visuelle, beaucoup à son appréciation. Supergirl a germé en relief. En ce qui concerne les autres dans la pièce, elle a fait de son mieux pour hériter des vertus et de la voix d'un héros de la vie réelle. D'accord, vous, eh... de bonnes personnes âgées, quelqu'un viendra vous escorter dehors, quand tout cela sera fini, j'en suis sûr. Calmez-vous, calmez-vous et ne touchez à rien s'il vous plaît. La vraie question ne voudrait pas ça. Il doit probablement le relier à des alligators dans les égouts ou quelque chose. Superman dit qu'il est obsédé. Au revoir, au revoir. Avec ces mots, elle s'est relevée de l'éblouissement du sol froid, a plané pendant une seconde, puis a tiré comme une balle. "Superjupe!" Rose a crié après le héros à moitié krptonien. "Tu utilises jamais une putain de porte, on essaie de sauver la base chérie, pas de la détruire plus loin!" Attends, aurais-je dû utiliser le même trou que j'ai traversé à la place?... Pousse-toi! Bref, concentrez-vous. Le hall est... ici! Tout comme elle a touché par l'entrée, deux personnes familières se sont approchées avec une grande vitesse. Leur mouvement était comme quelque chose d'une peinture des dieux grecs. L'intensité dans leurs yeux, la force de leur expression. Plus grande que la vie. Un sentiment d'être ridiculement sous-vêtue pour l'occasion s'est glissée dans l'esprit de Supergirl. Portant à peu près la même chose que votre fille moyenne qui voulait une séance d'entraînement, moins les vraies chaussures. Dieu merci. Rookie et Polarbear-man! Un vrai honneur et tout ça. Bref, très vite : qu'est-ce qui se passe? "Polarbear Man..." Duncan répéta avec un sourcil surélevé alors qu'il grimpait de l'épaule du lieutenant, le regardant rapidement avec un sourire silencieux et à peine visible qui annonçait très clairement qu'il n'allait pas laisser tomber celui-ci dès que ses pieds percutaient le sol. "Hmm. Ce que je donnerais pour les pouvoirs d'un ours polaire." Lawrence dirait avec une légère poignée de tête."Supergirl, je suppose. Nos alliés dans la salle de surveillance ont envoyé un signal de détresse pour vous que j'avais intercepté, et je vois que vous avez aussi reçu mon signal de suivi. Quoi qu'il en soit, un corrupteur dimensionnel connu sous le nom d'Extant errode la Ligue de l'intérieur et nous devons l'arrêter." Polarity Man a dit avant de poser sa mech. "Très bien. Votre présence rend mon plan réalisable. J'ai besoin de vous deux pour distraire ce magicien et le garder en place alors que je fais une... grève chirurgicale. Ça a l'air bien?" Avant que l'un d'entre eux ne puisse dire un mot, le lieutenant lui-même s'éloignait progressivement de la mech et sous le sol. Ce qu'il avait à l'esprit n'avait apparemment pas besoin d'une puissance de feu lourde. "Hé, hai-!" Et avant que Duncan ne puisse parler, le lieutenant a franchi le sol damné comme un monstre qui tue en série. "...Bon, merde." Exhalant audiblement, le Rookie s'est redressé et s'est fatigué un peu roulé l'épaule, attirant quelques pops de l'appendage douloureux avant de se tourner occasionnellement vers Supergirl et d'offrir sa main pour un shake... "Bonne rencontre. Et "Rookie est juste un surnom, vous pouvez m'appeler Dun-" ... Avant qu'il ne se fige brusquement en place alors qu'il regardait vers le bas et se rendait compte que, après tout le chaos de la dernière demi-heure ou si avait systématiquement détruit ses vêtements, la seule chose qu'il avait laissé couvrir son corps était une paire de boxer drapeau canadien. La tête du Canuck s'est redressée pour retrouver ses yeux... puis elle est revenue à ses fesses, puis elle est revenue à la demi-kryptonienne avec une expression vide, mais les yeux très clairement articulés juste à quel point il criait à l'intérieur. "-Can..." il a réussi à finir, bien évidemment en évitant ses yeux maintenant "Welp, je euh... Je vais juste... aller battre le Big Bad Evil Guy maintenant... "Bonjour, au revoir." Et avant qu'elle ne puisse parler, le Rookie n'a fait que cela; il s'est claqué le pied dans le sol et s'est lancé vers le combat. Atterrissant dur sur le plancher de la salle d'entraînement, le Lad n'a pas perdu de temps avec des discours ou d'autres baises héroïques, au lieu de prendre un deuxième pas qui l'a viré vers le plafond, qu'il a ensuite lancé encore plus difficile de se lancer directement sur le sac à dos de garde-temps avec une hache tournante à explosion de plongée qui transformerait les gens normaux en pâte. Il s'est moqué de la tentative de lui tirer dessus par Clutch. Les frappes de Rookie ont cependant atterri assez solide, prenant le rouge et le noir plaqué cosmique étant par surprise. Il a utilisé son pouvoir pour jeter des débris sur les héros non affectés. Cependant, son pouvoir était encore faible. Ambush Bug et Amazing Man ont commencé à vieillir de nouveau à la normale. La glace a vite suivi... "Non!" Le monstre en argile a aussi été ramené à son état d'origine : « Je n'en ai pas encore fini avec Superman! Son petit-fils doit être essuyé de l'existence! Sa fille ne doit JAMAIS rejoindre la Ligue..." il a continué à crier comme un autre héros a atterri un tir de nulle part. Lizard a profité de l'occasion pour jeter le directeur loin de la salle d'observation. Le bousculer à l'intérieur du frigo de la cuisine et fermer la porte avec un coup fort. Avant qu'elle ne s'accélère, elle a fait une course d'alligator à Extant. "Oh! Zap magique! Age ça!" Elle m'a dit de faire du boulet de canon sur le dessus de l'Extant. Comme elle l'a aussi rapidement frappé dans le genou. Jim était à la fois choqué et ennuyé que ses tirs n'aient pas eu d'effet. Il s'est maudit alors qu'il arrêtait de tirer et s'est mis à monter le réglage de puissance sur son pistolet à rayons. Il a ensuite tiré plusieurs autres coups de feu et espérait que cela ferait tomber le méchant. "Descends!" Il a crié en colère alors qu'il tirait plus de coups de feu. Il n'allait pas reculer de son combat, pas quand la ligue avait le plus besoin de lui.
Name: Duncan MacAodhan Alias: (He hasn't quite gotten that far ahead yet. Simply referred to as "New Guy" or "Rookie" when on assignment, for now.) Age: 23 Personality: Clever, Genre-savvy, Frank, Stubborn, Cynical, Big-hearted (even if he's hilariously ignorant of it) Archetype: Metahuman Powers: Immense Physical Prowess- Duncan is, for lack of a better way of putting it, really goddamn strong... and fast... and pretty tough to boot, if the fact that he went toe-to-toe with freaking Metallo (who, in case we've all forgotten, is a super-powered murder-bot powered by magic space rocks strong enough to make Superman bleed) and was able to hold his own for a short while actually somehow doing some damage while being absolutely rag-dolled across the ground and through several buildings. All that being said, it should be noted that though his metahuman genes put him roughly in the range of Kryptonian physical ability (while falling dramatically short of Superman, who is an absolute beast, even among his own kind), Duncan... is a chainsmoking, borderline alcoholic who has never worked out or trained a single day in his entire goddamn life and as a result, is about as out of shape and weak as he can possibly be. It's anyone's guess what he'd be capable of if he got his shit together and actually trained. Weaknesses: While Duncan possesses roughly the same physical abilities of a Kryptonian, he is still very much human; He can't fly, he still needs to breathe, possesses no form of crazy eye-lasers or freezing breath and can't survive solely off sunlight. In fact, for simplicity's sake, here's a comprehensive list of examples of things that can hurt and/or kill him just like any other guy. -Drowning. -Poison Gas. -Regular poison. -Electrocution. -Starvation. -Asphyxiation. -Dehydration. -Bleeding out. -Bleeding internally. -Food poisoning. -Heart-failure. -Liver-failure. -Kidney-failure. -Cancer. -Hypothermia. -Being thrown into the sun. -Being thrown into space in general. -Tameranean Cooking. In addition to that, the exact minute he woke up in the Metro Tower, Batman informed that he'd be quitting smoking and drinking cold turkey and going on a new diet. In addition to running The Dark Knight's daily balls-to-the-wall exercise routine at increased gravity (In Bruce's own words; "...And you'll go until I'm tired of watching.") and sparring with Ajax, an old robot companion Superman built in the 60's and general ass-whoopin' enthusiast. Long story short, at game start, a week after getting his ass handed to him by Metallo and three days into Batman's insane work out routine and getting punched in the face a few times a day by Ajax, Duncan is battered, bloodied, bruised, sore, outright exhausted and severely craving smokes, booze and greasy food. He's not going to be at his best. Appearance: To read what Duncan is physically capable of, you might picture some sort of hulking mountain of a man with bulging muscles and a jawline chiseled from granite... to actually meet the man however, you'd be disappointed and maybe a little confused- MacAodhan is not a large man. In fact, compared to most in the League he is downright tiny, standing at only 5'6" on a good day and lacking the bulging, musclebound physique of proper superheroes in favour of a lean, though dense physique closer to that of an Olympic swimmer if anything, though his broad shoulders and calloused hands make a fairly decent indicator of his blue-collar background, to which he also owes the habit of shaving his brown hair into a buzzcut, to cut deal with the heat in his workplace. Lacking much in the way of an actual superhero costume, when in the field, Duncan simply throws on his workboots, gloves, jeans and a denim jacket over either some plain wifebeater or t-shirt, topping it all off by tying a simple black rag over his face, leaving only his hazel eyes and a bit of skin exposed and putting on an old ballcap he got from some Halifax pub or another. When at JLU Headquarters, however, he is almost only ever seen in old JLA-issued gym-wear as he goes about his daily routine of attempting to survive whatever new insanity Batman has concocted for him that day. Character Evolution: I'd like to see Duncan come into his own as a member of the JLU, growing in power and renown with time but still keeping true to his modest origins, perhaps even taking on a real alias and costume at some point and becoming an honest-to-God Superhero... though only after a long series of painful and hilarious misadventures. And If he forms some buddy-cop relationship with another player or npc and maybe finds a bit of romance along the way, all the better. Basically, a good old-fashioned coming of age story... Only with a lot more explosions and occasionally saving the whole damned planet. BRIEF Bio: Despite what one might might assume when encountering literally anyone even remotely associated with superpowers and tights, Duncan's tale is... rather mundane. Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia with a Fisherman for a father and a mother who ran a local diner, the boy in question up grew extraordinarily normally; playing videogames, staying at his grandparents' when his mom was busy at the shop and his dad was out at sea and helping his granddad out in the garage fixing cars and the occasional boat. And then one day when he was fifteen, he got hit by a truck. After about a good ten seconds of screaming and another thirty spent wondering why he wasn't dead, he extricated himself from the big-rig's engine-block that had wrapped around both him and the streetlight he'd been leaning against only to find that not only was he not dead, he was perfectly intact. All things considered, that's some pretty heavy shit to lay on a fifteen year old. So it's not all that surprising that when the (very) drunk trucker half staggered, half fell out of his truck at the sight of him, and sirens began echoing in the distance, the kid ran the hell out of there. A few days of trial, error and a lot of Wikipedia later, and the boy had a pretty good idea what all that was about: He was a Metahuman, a one-in-a-million carrier of a superhuman gene that may or may not activate under extreme stress (Like, for instance, getting hit by a truck while waiting for the bus). Frankly, it sounded a lot like a bunch of pseudo-science crap you'd find in an old comic book, but lacking any other explanation for his sudden... talents... it was one he'd have to accept. Now, usually, when someone finds out they've got crazy superpowers, things usually go in one of two predictable ways; one, they become a spandex-clad boy-scout that dedicates every moment of every day to having the brightest smile, rescuing cats from trees and giving lectures about the dangers of "The Reefer" and sex before marriage or two; going full ham, burning orphanages, kicking puppies and generally being real goddamn edgy just for the sake of it. Duncan to his credit, chose the rarely considered, often forgotten third option- "Yeah... No. Fuck that." And so, despite the call to adventure literally screaming directly into his ears, Duncan carried on his life as normal; Growing up as normally as he possibly could- getting average grades, shoveling his grandparents' driveway in the wintertime, trying and failing several times at that whole romance thing and working through his apprenticeship as a diesel mechanic at the local shipyard after highschool. Unfortunately for him, as the old trope goes, 'The Call Knows Where you Live'. And one day while Duncan was just wrapping up his night-shift, Metallo came bursting out of one of the shipping containers at the yard and immediately began wrecking shit left and right. Despite having reservations about the whole 'Hero' thing, the one guy in town with the ability to intervene couldn't exactly sit idly by while a super-powered terminator powered by glowing space-rocks butchered his coworkers and leveled his town. So, throwing on a respirator to hide his face, the young man nutted up and went after the deranged cyborg... or, more accurately, spent the next hour on the receiving of a brutal beatdown at the hands of someone that was at least as strong, as fast and much, much more experienced than he was that was also incapable of feeling pain or fatigue, all to buy time for people to get away and call for someone who actually knew what the hell they were doing. Luckily, they did, and the Big Blue Boy-Scout himself arrived to lay the smackdown on the now damaged Metallo. Unluckily for Duncan, he woke up a week later on a bed in Metropolis, feeling like all hell and staring at the grimacing face of Batman, who quite candidly informed him that he very nearly got himself killed and that his car, his home and his job had all been annihilated in his little dust-up with the super-powered murderbot. Also, even if no one knew who he was, they sure as hell knew he existed, which as a rule, generally meant that there were now people looking for him; Some good, most bad. So he could either join the Justice League and maybe not die the next time this happens... or he could just go home and try his luck on his own. Suffice to say, there was really only one smart choice to be had there, and he took it. And then, to top off this long, hilariously uncanny series of events, Superman showed up less than an hour later and dragged him out to a baseball game. And so it was that, sitting in the stands of a stadium in a foreign city, next to the closest thing the world knew to a god and eating an overpriced and undercooked hotdog, Duncan joined the Justice League. He honestly didn't think his life could get any weirder than this. And he was very mistaken. Notes: Sample Post: To say the least, it had been... an interesting week and a half; It had started off pretty plain, he woke up at seven at night on Monday, grabbed a donair at his mom's diner by eight and was at work by nine, swapping out the fuel lines on an old tug that probably should've been decommissioned when his dad was still a boy. And then suddenly a robot showed up, kicked his ass across town and halfway to Dartmouth, blew up his apartment, blew up his car and blew up his place of employment before being beat down by the most weirdly friendly guy he'd ever goddamn met. So now here he was, holding a duffel bag of what little could be salvaged of his apartment and standing at the entrance to his room at the headquarters of the freaking Justice League. It was all just a little... surreal. "Well, shit, here goes nothing." Duncan growled under his breath, touching the key-pad and entering as the door hissed open in a way that reminded him distinctly of every episode of Star Trek he'd ever seen, half-expecting there to be yet another one of Superman's robots waiting inside to cave-in his face in the name of training, but kinda hoping it wasn't, because sleeping on the couch in the common room was starting to get a little old and he'd already had his daily recommended dose of robot boots to his ass. To his surprise, it didn't actually look that bad- a simple looking double bed, a computer desk, chair and a laptop, a big damn window with a view of the Metropolis waterfront flanked on both sides by empty bookshelves, a little kitchenette off to the side and a bathroom past that. To be honest, after spending the past three days under Batman's balls-to-the-wall training regime, he'd anticipated something more... spartan. Something did catch his eye, however, what looked to be a big, rolled-up poster just sitting on his bed with a post-it note on it, so, dropping his bag and closing the door behind him, the young Canuck went over to give it a look. "Just a little something to welcome you aboard... -GL" His brow furrowed briefly, but suddenly did a lot less of that when he unfurled the damned thing and found a pin-up of a tanned, red-headed woman with solid green eyes, a supermodel's body garbed up in a string bikini and a very... friendly look on her face as she blew a kiss toward the camera. And another post-it note. "They're called Tameraneans. Stick around and you might meet a few. You're welcome. -GL" Whatever thoughts he had at that moment (or several, as he just stared at what he'd found) were interrupted as Batman's voice came over the intercom. "MacAodhan, we have a situation. Kit up and meet me downstairs in five." The words echoed in his head for a few seconds before they fully registered, and he reluctantly averted his eyes from his new-found favourite sight and gently placed it back down on the bed. "Right... Right. I'll be down in a minute." Duncan sighed. It looked like his life was going to continue being interesting for the rest of the forseeable future.
E P I S O D E V:K I D S T H E S E D A Y S D E L A W A R E :20 juillet 2017 - 15:46:00 Tour du métro - Metropolis Des rochers de pierre énormes et d'autres débris sont tombés comme des météores vers les héros, avant qu'une lumière aveuglante ne transforme tout en sable. À la fin de la poutre se tenait Supergirl, qui a lutté pour éteindre sa vue laser une fois de plus, en couvrant ses yeux. Pas de tâche facile, mais après un moment la lueur lumineuse dans ses pupilles a brûlé et il était sûr d'ouvrir ses yeux. Se tenant au milieu du chaos pur, Supergirl a utilisé un moment pour s'adapter à la bataille en constante évolution qui se déroule autour d'elle. Ses paumes avaient l'impression qu'elles étaient en feu, et son cœur refusait de ralentir. Et pour un jeune de 19 ans avec un entraînement limité, c'était plus qu'un peu déroutant d'essayer de suivre les rencontres violentes. Pourtant, elle a réussi à distinguer le seul gars, on lui avait demandé de distraire. Elle s'arrêta, respira un peu de courage, puis se lança vers l'avant. L'ennemi, semble-t-il, s'est préparé à riposter après avoir été bombardé de coups de feu. Avec une force énorme, Supergirl est entré en collision avec Extant, l'a atteint et l'a attrapé par derrière, tenant son bras et son corps immobile, afin que Jim puisse décharger tout son arsenal dans la merde malade. Surprise, crétin. Vous êtes sur le point d'avoir une vraie mauvaise journée!, elle a crié dans l'oreille d'Extant et a grignoté ses dents à cause des quelques coups de feu s'est également passé pour lui gratifier. Alors que les autres héros subjugués Extant, l'homme de la Polarité sans doute a finalement décidé de faire son mouvement. En tombant du plafond sous sa forme éthérée, il atterrit derrière Extant et Supergirl, le protégeant du champ de tir de M. Clutch. "J'ai pris un peu de temps pour naviguer dans les conduits d'air. En outre, vous pouvez arrêter maintenant d'attraper." Le lieutenant levait alors la main vers le visage d'Extant. « L'isolement des bactéries étrangères est assez simple quand on est à quatre-vingt pour cent de rayonnement et quand il est composé de la magie du Docteur Fate. Dans ce cas, j'ai tout concentré sur ma paume." avant de plonger son poing fantôme dans le crâne d'Extant. Lizard n'a pas remarqué beaucoup de ce qui n'allait pas, à savoir que sa tête sonnait assez fort et elle était tout à fait certaine que quelque chose était cassé. C'est-à-dire qu'il était parti si vite, soudain elle une jeune femme comme Superman. La prochaine chose qu'elle a ressentie, c'est que le même chiffre a un impact sur la force d'un train de marchandises. Ou plutôt un jet. La force physique s'est facilement transférée vers elle, puisque Lizard n'était pas un changeur de monde dimensionnel. Lizard était aussi certaine qu'elle n'aurait pas dû aller aussi vite dans un mur. Comme le bruit soudain de quelqu'un percutant le mur de béton a été entendu. Elle savait que sa respiration n'aurait pas dû être aussi difficile, ni goûter du sang ou le faire couler de sa peau. Ou avoir ces tiges de fer qui sortent de sa jambe, de son épaule ou de son bras. "Oui... ce n'est pas normal," pensa-t-elle, avant que son cerveau ne s'empare de la douleur et ne brise la lumière rouge dans son cerveau. "AHHHHHGHH!" Elle a crié, la douleur était bien pire qu'elle ne s'y attendait. Assez fort pour égaler Black Canary en volume. Cela a attiré l'attention du Rookie, qui était là dans le silence abasourdi alors que le lieutenant a collé sa main directement dans le corps d'Extant comme une sorte de méchante Indiana Jones, provoquant sa tête à se casser et tourner vers la source de cette raquette, visage légèrement palant à ce qu'il a vu. 'Oooooh, Christ, c'est beaucoup de sang...' était la seule pensée frappant dans la tête de l'homme alors qu'il se précipitait vers l'Lézard, apparaissant comme un flou avant qu'il ne s'arrête devant elle. Je regarde les dégâts. "Oh oui, c'est... wow. C'est pas vrai. Son dialogue interne s'est poursuivi alors qu'il exhalait à haute voix pour dépasser la vue, avant qu'il ne marche en avant et n'enveloppe un bras autour de sa section médiane pour l'accuser sur son épaule alors que son autre main se dirigeait vers elle. "Ne pas avoir l'air d'un smartass, mais essayer de ne pas bouger. Cela... ne sera probablement pas amusant." Et sans plus attendre, le Haligonien a commencé à casser les barres entre ses doigts pour la libérer du mur aussi doucement qu'il le pouvait. Malheureusement, pour Jess, cela suffisait encore à envoyer des vibrations à travers l'acier qui seraient exactement le contraire de l'apaisant, même s'il ne fallait que quelques secondes à Duncan pour casser les trois barres. Doucement (bien, aussi doucement que possible compte tenu des circonstances) attraper le reptilien comme elle est tombée légèrement sur son épaule, le jeune homme à moitié nu, maintenant trempé de sang tourna soigneusement et commença vers la salle du moniteur. En s'éloignant de Extant et de ses deux camarades transformés à une marche rapide, étant un peu las de courir à son rythme normal tout en transportant quelqu'un plein de trous, de gros morceaux d'acier et d'alnost certainement quelques os cassés. Les pouvoirs d'Extant ont continué à s'effacer. Plus de la Justice League a commencé à revenir à la normale et le deuxième docteur Fate a commencé à retrouver sa jeunesse ses yeux fracturés d'énergie et le casque a volé à ses mains. En plaçant le casque sur sa tête, le quartier général booma d'énergie mystique et de puissance. Le héros vêtu d'or et de bleu de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale s'est levé dans l'air et en un éclair tout a commencé à revenir à tel quel. « Ta haine pour l'héritage de Superman s'arrête ici! » Le destin a crié de ramasser le démobilisé avec ses énergies magiques brutes. Les deux téléportaient vers des parties inconnues, peut-être même un autre plan dimensionnel. Néanmoins, la Ligue était de retour à la normale avec beaucoup de héros ne se rendant pas compte de ce qui venait de tomber. Les murs n'étaient plus détruits, Vibe était en vie et tentait de briser pour une raison quelconque. Et Bulleteer se tenait debout avec son casque dans la salle du moniteur se demandant pourquoi sur Terre il s'était énervé lui-même. "Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?" Il a demandé à voix haute. Superman a dit de regarder dans les hauts plafonds du hall de la Tour. Epilogue Secteur 2813, Krypton Juin 1938... La femme Kryptonienne et membre de la Justice League s'est effondrée dans l'existence comme le méchant l'avait dit. Sa planète a explosé devant ses yeux et le boom et le choc de la planète l'ont envoyée et beaucoup de débris se sont retournés plus loin du secteur. Arrivé quelque part près du secteur 1984, Solara s'est finalement réunie dans les restes déchirés de sa tenue extraterrestre. "Aucun de ces événements n'aurait jamais eu lieu... si je n'avais jamais rejoint la Ligue de Justice! Par où est la Terre?!?" Elle a crié dans l'aspirateur de l'espace où personne ne pouvait entendre sa saloperie. "Vous regarderez votre planète adoptée mourir tout comme j'ai vu le nôtre Kal-El. C'est ce que je vous jure!" Elle a continué à voler vers la planète la plus proche. C'est fini...
Name: Duncan MacAodhan Alias: (He hasn't quite gotten that far ahead yet. Simply referred to as "New Guy" or "Rookie" when on assignment, for now.) Age: 23 Personality: Clever, Genre-savvy, Frank, Stubborn, Cynical, Big-hearted (even if he's hilariously ignorant of it) Archetype: Metahuman Powers: Immense Physical Prowess- Duncan is, for lack of a better way of putting it, really goddamn strong... and fast... and pretty tough to boot, if the fact that he went toe-to-toe with freaking Metallo (who, in case we've all forgotten, is a super-powered murder-bot powered by magic space rocks strong enough to make Superman bleed) and was able to hold his own for a short while actually somehow doing some damage while being absolutely rag-dolled across the ground and through several buildings. All that being said, it should be noted that though his metahuman genes put him roughly in the range of Kryptonian physical ability (while falling dramatically short of Superman, who is an absolute beast, even among his own kind), Duncan... is a chainsmoking, borderline alcoholic who has never worked out or trained a single day in his entire goddamn life and as a result, is about as out of shape and weak as he can possibly be. It's anyone's guess what he'd be capable of if he got his shit together and actually trained. Weaknesses: While Duncan possesses roughly the same physical abilities of a Kryptonian, he is still very much human; He can't fly, he still needs to breathe, possesses no form of crazy eye-lasers or freezing breath and can't survive solely off sunlight. In fact, for simplicity's sake, here's a comprehensive list of examples of things that can hurt and/or kill him just like any other guy. -Drowning. -Poison Gas. -Regular poison. -Electrocution. -Starvation. -Asphyxiation. -Dehydration. -Bleeding out. -Bleeding internally. -Food poisoning. -Heart-failure. -Liver-failure. -Kidney-failure. -Cancer. -Hypothermia. -Being thrown into the sun. -Being thrown into space in general. -Tameranean Cooking. In addition to that, the exact minute he woke up in the Metro Tower, Batman informed that he'd be quitting smoking and drinking cold turkey and going on a new diet. In addition to running The Dark Knight's daily balls-to-the-wall exercise routine at increased gravity (In Bruce's own words; "...And you'll go until I'm tired of watching.") and sparring with Ajax, an old robot companion Superman built in the 60's and general ass-whoopin' enthusiast. Long story short, at game start, a week after getting his ass handed to him by Metallo and three days into Batman's insane work out routine and getting punched in the face a few times a day by Ajax, Duncan is battered, bloodied, bruised, sore, outright exhausted and severely craving smokes, booze and greasy food. He's not going to be at his best. Appearance: To read what Duncan is physically capable of, you might picture some sort of hulking mountain of a man with bulging muscles and a jawline chiseled from granite... to actually meet the man however, you'd be disappointed and maybe a little confused- MacAodhan is not a large man. In fact, compared to most in the League he is downright tiny, standing at only 5'6" on a good day and lacking the bulging, musclebound physique of proper superheroes in favour of a lean, though dense physique closer to that of an Olympic swimmer if anything, though his broad shoulders and calloused hands make a fairly decent indicator of his blue-collar background, to which he also owes the habit of shaving his brown hair into a buzzcut, to cut deal with the heat in his workplace. Lacking much in the way of an actual superhero costume, when in the field, Duncan simply throws on his workboots, gloves, jeans and a denim jacket over either some plain wifebeater or t-shirt, topping it all off by tying a simple black rag over his face, leaving only his hazel eyes and a bit of skin exposed and putting on an old ballcap he got from some Halifax pub or another. When at JLU Headquarters, however, he is almost only ever seen in old JLA-issued gym-wear as he goes about his daily routine of attempting to survive whatever new insanity Batman has concocted for him that day. Character Evolution: I'd like to see Duncan come into his own as a member of the JLU, growing in power and renown with time but still keeping true to his modest origins, perhaps even taking on a real alias and costume at some point and becoming an honest-to-God Superhero... though only after a long series of painful and hilarious misadventures. And If he forms some buddy-cop relationship with another player or npc and maybe finds a bit of romance along the way, all the better. Basically, a good old-fashioned coming of age story... Only with a lot more explosions and occasionally saving the whole damned planet. BRIEF Bio: Despite what one might might assume when encountering literally anyone even remotely associated with superpowers and tights, Duncan's tale is... rather mundane. Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia with a Fisherman for a father and a mother who ran a local diner, the boy in question up grew extraordinarily normally; playing videogames, staying at his grandparents' when his mom was busy at the shop and his dad was out at sea and helping his granddad out in the garage fixing cars and the occasional boat. And then one day when he was fifteen, he got hit by a truck. After about a good ten seconds of screaming and another thirty spent wondering why he wasn't dead, he extricated himself from the big-rig's engine-block that had wrapped around both him and the streetlight he'd been leaning against only to find that not only was he not dead, he was perfectly intact. All things considered, that's some pretty heavy shit to lay on a fifteen year old. So it's not all that surprising that when the (very) drunk trucker half staggered, half fell out of his truck at the sight of him, and sirens began echoing in the distance, the kid ran the hell out of there. A few days of trial, error and a lot of Wikipedia later, and the boy had a pretty good idea what all that was about: He was a Metahuman, a one-in-a-million carrier of a superhuman gene that may or may not activate under extreme stress (Like, for instance, getting hit by a truck while waiting for the bus). Frankly, it sounded a lot like a bunch of pseudo-science crap you'd find in an old comic book, but lacking any other explanation for his sudden... talents... it was one he'd have to accept. Now, usually, when someone finds out they've got crazy superpowers, things usually go in one of two predictable ways; one, they become a spandex-clad boy-scout that dedicates every moment of every day to having the brightest smile, rescuing cats from trees and giving lectures about the dangers of "The Reefer" and sex before marriage or two; going full ham, burning orphanages, kicking puppies and generally being real goddamn edgy just for the sake of it. Duncan to his credit, chose the rarely considered, often forgotten third option- "Yeah... No. Fuck that." And so, despite the call to adventure literally screaming directly into his ears, Duncan carried on his life as normal; Growing up as normally as he possibly could- getting average grades, shoveling his grandparents' driveway in the wintertime, trying and failing several times at that whole romance thing and working through his apprenticeship as a diesel mechanic at the local shipyard after highschool. Unfortunately for him, as the old trope goes, 'The Call Knows Where you Live'. And one day while Duncan was just wrapping up his night-shift, Metallo came bursting out of one of the shipping containers at the yard and immediately began wrecking shit left and right. Despite having reservations about the whole 'Hero' thing, the one guy in town with the ability to intervene couldn't exactly sit idly by while a super-powered terminator powered by glowing space-rocks butchered his coworkers and leveled his town. So, throwing on a respirator to hide his face, the young man nutted up and went after the deranged cyborg... or, more accurately, spent the next hour on the receiving of a brutal beatdown at the hands of someone that was at least as strong, as fast and much, much more experienced than he was that was also incapable of feeling pain or fatigue, all to buy time for people to get away and call for someone who actually knew what the hell they were doing. Luckily, they did, and the Big Blue Boy-Scout himself arrived to lay the smackdown on the now damaged Metallo. Unluckily for Duncan, he woke up a week later on a bed in Metropolis, feeling like all hell and staring at the grimacing face of Batman, who quite candidly informed him that he very nearly got himself killed and that his car, his home and his job had all been annihilated in his little dust-up with the super-powered murderbot. Also, even if no one knew who he was, they sure as hell knew he existed, which as a rule, generally meant that there were now people looking for him; Some good, most bad. So he could either join the Justice League and maybe not die the next time this happens... or he could just go home and try his luck on his own. Suffice to say, there was really only one smart choice to be had there, and he took it. And then, to top off this long, hilariously uncanny series of events, Superman showed up less than an hour later and dragged him out to a baseball game. And so it was that, sitting in the stands of a stadium in a foreign city, next to the closest thing the world knew to a god and eating an overpriced and undercooked hotdog, Duncan joined the Justice League. He honestly didn't think his life could get any weirder than this. And he was very mistaken. Notes: Sample Post: To say the least, it had been... an interesting week and a half; It had started off pretty plain, he woke up at seven at night on Monday, grabbed a donair at his mom's diner by eight and was at work by nine, swapping out the fuel lines on an old tug that probably should've been decommissioned when his dad was still a boy. And then suddenly a robot showed up, kicked his ass across town and halfway to Dartmouth, blew up his apartment, blew up his car and blew up his place of employment before being beat down by the most weirdly friendly guy he'd ever goddamn met. So now here he was, holding a duffel bag of what little could be salvaged of his apartment and standing at the entrance to his room at the headquarters of the freaking Justice League. It was all just a little... surreal. "Well, shit, here goes nothing." Duncan growled under his breath, touching the key-pad and entering as the door hissed open in a way that reminded him distinctly of every episode of Star Trek he'd ever seen, half-expecting there to be yet another one of Superman's robots waiting inside to cave-in his face in the name of training, but kinda hoping it wasn't, because sleeping on the couch in the common room was starting to get a little old and he'd already had his daily recommended dose of robot boots to his ass. To his surprise, it didn't actually look that bad- a simple looking double bed, a computer desk, chair and a laptop, a big damn window with a view of the Metropolis waterfront flanked on both sides by empty bookshelves, a little kitchenette off to the side and a bathroom past that. To be honest, after spending the past three days under Batman's balls-to-the-wall training regime, he'd anticipated something more... spartan. Something did catch his eye, however, what looked to be a big, rolled-up poster just sitting on his bed with a post-it note on it, so, dropping his bag and closing the door behind him, the young Canuck went over to give it a look. "Just a little something to welcome you aboard... -GL" His brow furrowed briefly, but suddenly did a lot less of that when he unfurled the damned thing and found a pin-up of a tanned, red-headed woman with solid green eyes, a supermodel's body garbed up in a string bikini and a very... friendly look on her face as she blew a kiss toward the camera. And another post-it note. "They're called Tameraneans. Stick around and you might meet a few. You're welcome. -GL" Whatever thoughts he had at that moment (or several, as he just stared at what he'd found) were interrupted as Batman's voice came over the intercom. "MacAodhan, we have a situation. Kit up and meet me downstairs in five." The words echoed in his head for a few seconds before they fully registered, and he reluctantly averted his eyes from his new-found favourite sight and gently placed it back down on the bed. "Right... Right. I'll be down in a minute." Duncan sighed. It looked like his life was going to continue being interesting for the rest of the forseeable future.
Entracte Comme Rookie portait Lizard, ses blessures allaient bientôt se réparer et elle se sentirait aussi bien et bien que jamais. Alors qu'elle regardait Rookie, elle le tapotait sur l'épaule. "Vous planifiez quelque chose ou quoi? Dans le Sud, portant une femme comme celle que tu as volée, rit Lizard, car son focus était de retour à la normale et qu'avant elle avait perdu la tête. "Je... attends, quoi?" Rookie répondit bêtement, car, très soudainement, la fille que j'avais sur les épaules était... très peu saignée partout. Et pleinement conscient. Et presque certainement conscient que la porter ainsi signifiait qu'il était par procuration, en gros la tenir par son arrière. "Oh. Et bien. C'est quoi, ça? C'est vrai." Il s'est évanoui pour des mots comme un garçon du lycée mangeant du fromage alors qu'il l'a mise en bas, très clairement pas habitué à tout ce truc 'Dealing with women' (vous avez tendance à éviter ce genre de choses quand vous grandissez en sachant que vous pouvez transformer quelqu'un en human-jello avec un câlin occasionnel, après tout...) "...Désolé 'bout cela. "Allez, allez. Ça ne me dérange pas, tu as prévu de m'emmener quelque part cutie?" Elle se branlait, le taquinait, car il la tenait au-dessus de son épaule et la tenait sur son cul pour l'équilibrer. « Tant que vous le permettez, je ne suis pas votre fille habituelle - comme le poisson et je peux vous écraser facilement. Ou plutôt...pas toi particulièrement, mais peut-être d'autres gars," elle riait. Est-ce que je... suis touché? Une pensée très extraterrestre dans l'esprit du Canuck, alors qu'il regardait la femme comme il la mettait en bas, le sourcil, le visage qui commençait à rougir et une expression comique se formait sur son visage. Il s'est débarrassé de la gorge, presque en enfer en essayant au moins de diriger cette conversation ailleurs. "Vous souvenez-vous de ce qui vient de se passer?" La recrue a demandé, en évitant ses yeux "Parce que le reste de l'équipe semble un peu sans indice" "C'est vrai? Mon héros, hein? En venant à mon secours, après que j'ai été écrasé dans un mur et probablement blessé gravement?" Elle se pencha, se pencha vers l'avant et le regarda. Un peu, avant qu'elle ne se penche à nouveau vers l'avant - lui donnant un baiser sur sa joue. "Merci pour l'aide de toute façon... peu ont pensé venir à mon aide, de retour quand j'étais encore grand. Alors ce que tu m'as fait. Ton gars solide... tu veux mon numéro?" "Bonne merde, c'est en fait en train de se produire." Les mots transpercés dans l'esprit inexpérimenté de Duncan (rétrospectivement, hilarantment) alors qu'il a essayé de traiter ça 'Ok, alors ne foirez pas tout, ne foirez pas tout...' "Eh?" 'DAMMIT!' En se débarrassant encore une fois de la gorge, il a recommencé à... regarder particulièrement (certains diraient "comatiquement") bafouer pour un gars qui a systématiquement cassé la barrière du son avec son poing. "Sûr? Mais nous vivons dans le même bâtiment, alors n'est-ce pas un peu absurde? » "Peut-être... mais quand on arrive à sortir d'ici..." elle a glissé, lui donnant un clin d'oeil. "En plus, je suppose que ce n'est pas notre travail de toute la journée, tous les jours. Nous avons d'autres choses à faire aussi bien, non?" "Alors, qu'est-ce que tu penses? Désirez-vous sortir et faire quelque chose d'amusant? Peut-être frapper un club ou aller danser?" Elle lui a offert, lui souriant. En regardant la femme reptilienne de haut en bas, l'esprit du Rookie a finalement commencé à bien fonctionner... Oui, Lizard était, eh bien, reptilien... mais... en fait, un peu mignon d'une manière bizarre... et plus léger... et... curvy... "Je pense que je peux m'en tenir à ça." Il a dit rapidement... avant que son esprit ne dérive plus, mais aussi avant qu'il n'attrape son propre double sens : "La danse et les moments amusants, je veux dire." Dieu l'aide, il n'avait jamais été dans un club de sa vie, être plus le 'Relaxing dans un pub, peut-être avec un groupe local sur scène' genre de gars. Buuuuuut, ça a été un mois de nouvelles choses pour lui, de toute façon. 'Side, parmi le reste de l'équipe, la fille du Bayou était ironiquement, probablement celle qu'il pouvait (au moins quelque peu) se rapporter au plus, écailles et tout, étant le fils d'un pêcheur d'un port relativement oublié sur l'Atlantique et souvent considéré quelque chose d'un col rouge à part entière. "Hmm dans ce cas, allons-nous échanger des numéros alors?" Lizard sourit, car elle avait bientôt une main autour du cou et pointait vers leurs chambres. Il avait besoin de se changer, après que ses vêtements se soient battus contre Extant. "Ou... nous pourrions frapper un film - si votre trop contre aller danser. Je pourrais effrayer probablement la moitié des clients s'ils me voyaient comme je suis », a-t-elle expliqué. "Hmm... peut-être prendre un hamburger dans un joint, hein? Serait-ce 'kay?" Elle a ajouté, le regardant avec sa queue, se balançant doucement en arrière et valant la peine derrière elle. Duncan a commencé, avant que Vic n'entre et ne le coupe. Sortant de la salle du moniteur avec un gémissement, The Question- ou plutôt, Vic Sage, tenait son masque dans une main tout en massant ses temples avec l'autre. En regardant autour de lui, il a vu deux de ses coéquipiers parler. Il connaissait Lizard, mais l'autre était nouveau pour lui. "Hé, euh... L'un ou l'autre sait ce qui s'est passé?" Le Canuck a juste regardé l'homme sans visage jusqu'à récemment pendant quelques secondes, qui, que le Rookie l'aimait ou non, a brusquement sapé l'énergie de... cette... conversation extraterrestre dans laquelle il s'était trouvé. C'est aussi à ce moment-là qu'il s'est rendu compte qu'il était encore extraordinairement déshabillé. Et Lizard, être assez proche pour lui toucher le cou, était... bien, proche. "Oh, putain de merde, mec..." Prenant un peu de recul, de Jessica, Duncan tourna son attention vers la question et trouva son comportement grossier habituel. "Quelques bites en collants rouges et noirs se sont pointées et ont transformé tout le monde en cuir ridé." Il a expliqué, visiblement juste un peu ennuyé adolescent comme il a jeté un pouce vers ses trois anciens coéquipiers "Woody, Clay et Giggles là-bas s'est transformé en monstres de cinéma et un personnage d'un porno japenais bizarre respectivement, jusqu'au L.T. lui a donné une lobotomie avec son poing." "Hurm. Théorie : « tête de poule » en collants rouges et noirs a un certain nombre de fétichismes supprimés, qu'il évacue par le mal. » Vic dit, puis s'arrête alors qu'il remarque enfin la proximité partagée par les deux avant lui. Éclairant sa gorge, il dit: "Je semble m'être approché à un mauvais moment. Je vais aller dans un bar, me soûler, et ne plus jamais penser à ça." Avec cela, le théoricien de la conspiration entre dans le hall, donnant son chapeau à son ancien partenaire Blue Beetle et disant "hey Ted" alors qu'il se dirige vers le bar le plus proche. Après un moment de silence, Duncan a finalement parlé... "Donc, euh... Je vais chercher un pantalon. Je te rejoins plus tard?" -- Bien sûr, à tout à l'heure, elle glissa, avant de partir - Lizard, sauta sur ses pourboires et planta un baiser rapide sur ses lèvres - avant de s'enfuir en rigolant. Les yeux du Rookie s'élargissaient une seconde alors qu'il apportait lentement sa main à ses lèvres. "Eh bien..." Il a commencé, après un moment de traitement de son cerveau ce qui vient de se passer et un petit sourire ridicule a fait que c'était bien à travers son visage "...d'accord alors."
Name: Jessica Jester (Jones) Alias: Lizard Age: 20 Personality: Country-girl, cheerful, friendly, helpful, quirky. Archetype: Metahuman Powers: Water breathing, tough skin, inhuman strength. Weaknesses: Aggression, cold, carnivore Character Evolution: I want Jessica to be the odd one of the group, reminding them of Killer Croc. Which eventually would cause Jessica and Killer Croc to have a one-on-one fight someday. Also some kind of superhero boyfriend. BRIEF Bio: Jessica Jones grew up in the Mississippi River Delta, being the odd girl amongst the many other bayou dwelling communities to whom the river was their way of life. Her mother, Jessy, had died in childbirth due to complications, and had been raised by her mother' parents. That was part of what had been told to the neighbours - in truth, Jessica had been the daughter of Killer Croc aka Waylon Jones; whom had been in the area and had during a heated moment, attacked her mother. During a time, when the young female had been engaged with her own boyfriend. The parents of her mother, had driven off Killer Croc - whom they assumed had been a large crocodile, whom had killed Jessy' boyfriend and mauled her mother badly. Her mother had been impregnated with her - yet due to the genetic trait, passed onto Jessica, that being heavy atavism - it made her have complications and died in childbirth. While Jessica, was considered greenish almost otherwordly in appearance, equal to her father - she had been lucky. Namely her grandparents had been more kind and generous - than his childhood, considering Jessica - named after her mother, Jessy, to be their flesh-and-blood. No matter how she looked or appeared to be. Despite her atavism - Jessica remained a healthy girl. Over the years as she grew, her mother paternal' side metahuman powers started to manifest. While her education wasn't the best one could offer - her grandparents were the more religious, and off-grid people - she was mostly home-schooled, taught how to read and write and the basics of life. What was more important, they taught her to be a good person in-general - to turn the other cheek, no matter what people said about her and always remember, that they cared about her. Notes: Killer Croc' sired daughter, that he doesn't know exists. Raised by some old hillbillies in the bayou, in the Mississippi River Delta. Sample Post: Jessica watched the water from the pier - as the setting sun seemed to slowly edge down over the horizon. It was almost time for dinner, only problem being they had run out of meat - and needed to go 'shopping' or that was how his grandfather liked to say. Or namely jump into the water and eat what they caught. Jessica had a rather unique advantage - she could remain underwater for almost days on end, without any problem and was an expert swimmer. Not bothered by the gators hanging around the bayou - often times, she'd bring them for dinner, if somebody had been picking a fight with her. "Ay'gh girl. Le's get dinner and head back - else ma' gonna have our heads, if we make it lat'e for the show," spoke Eustace, scratching his butt, holding a large plastic washing bowl. "You got it, back in a minute," she spoke, jumping into the water with her clothing. Still being as green as the tall grass around them. Despite this obvious sickness - that some fancy doctor from the cities called as a skin disorder that 'should' go away in her later years. Eustace always thought that girl was always a special case - she was stronger than he was in young and buck youth. Girl could tell the difference between a bass and pike - easily underwater. Girl had found an old gold nugget that way - allowing them to buy that TV, that Meriel liked to watch daily now. Since her ass had gotten too fat to move around much. While she looked strange, and had been called that Eustace didn't call Jessica by word - ugly. Lord knows, he wasn't much of a looker anymore. Wasn't her fault, some gator had attacked her mum and killed her daddy. Or mum dying due those blasted gator wounds months later. Soon enough the fish started flying out of the water - namely Jessica found what she liked and threw them up towards the pier, where Eustace caught them in the washing bowl. As they soon had easily a dozen fish for Grandma' fish stew - as the girl pulled herself up and shook the water out of her green hair. That girl was certainly going to change the world - in his mind.
Fille des Toons Les choses se déplaçaient très vite et étaient très floues une fois que Toon Girl a été forcé de mettre un masque de hockey. Compte tenu de ce qui s'est passé après les mots, c'était un rêve féerique. Tout ce dont elle se souvient, c'est qu'une femme supermane, plus tard connue pour être la fille de superman, est venue éclater dans l'immeuble et a frappé son'maître'. Considérant qu'elle a dû appeler 'Extant' un'maître', elle a fait une note mentale pour juste éviscérer le gars s'il a essayé tout ce qui était près d'elle à nouveau. C'était essentiellement sa dernière pensée avant que quelqu'un cloîtré Extant et elle est revenue à la normale, tombant inconsciente. Elle s'est réveillée un peu plus tard, avec tous ses coéquipiers. Elle ne pouvait pas vraiment se souvenir de ce qui s'est passé, en plus de savoir qu'elle donnerait à quelqu'un appelé Extant un "mauvais temps". Elle s'est retirée du sol, après s'être apparemment couchée face à face, et elle est allée trouver un membre de son équipe. Passant par une bonne partie des dégâts de la bataille et marchant dans le hall, elle s'est heurtée à la question et à quelques autres membres qui étaient assis là-bas. "Hé les gars... que s'est-il passé? Est-ce qu'il s'est passé une sorte de fête folle et j'ai été frappé par quelque chose ou quoi? J'ai ce rêve bizarre...
Name: Lucy Light Alias: Toon Girl Age: 24 Personality: Honest, intelligent, Observant, Lax, Playful Archetype: Mystic/Supernatural Powers: Super Strength - Depending on her mood, Light can have various levels of Super Strength. While sad or depressed, her arms are basically noodles and can't lift much of anything. When she is determined or angry, her super strength can jump up to levels that can only be matched by a few. In her default state however shes strong enough to be able to lift up a small house and run with it only slightly encumbered. She can also lift enchanted items such as Thor's Hammer when in an 'in the zone' or excited state, but WILL NOT gain any positive or negative effects from them. Toon Regeneration - Light can regenerate from almost any affliction much like any cartoon. The healing can vary on how long it takes, depending on the injury, with physical blows being the fastest to bounce back from, while more energy based things like fire might take longer to regenerate from. Supernatural afflictions or mental afflictions take the longest to regenerate from, and can take upwards of 20 minutes to regenerate from in some cases. Additionally since shes a toon, many injuries that affect her tend to be more 'showy', such as her turning into ash after being on fire for a short time, explosives just charring her black and maybe turning her to ash, body parts finding their way back to her or her pulling new body parts out of stumps if she is cut, blowing herself back to normal, bullets passing through her and leaving holes, turning green when sick, and the like. She doesn't bleed, and she can adapt quickly to hostile environments such as underwater or the depths of space. Toon Agility - Since she is a toon, Light's body acts much like rubber, and can stretch in strange ways. Although she tries to keep herself looking presentable, she can stretch herself to dodge attacks or even reflect small firearms. This also makes her normal movement a bit 'bouncy'. Portable Hole - Light can pull a portable hole from the inside of her dress. This lets her travel to familiar places or any point along her sight lines, and only she, stuff she wears, or stuff in her Pocket Space can enter, the hole feeling like inky paper to anyone else. When placed, either in the air or on the ground, the second hole appears once she enters the first one. There is a slight time delay between when she enters the hole and when she exits the second hole, which is extended if either hole was placed in the air. Pocket Space - Light can store and pull objects from a place she calls 'pocket space', located under her dress. She can pull various objects from this space, but most if not stored previously tend to be useless or downright hazardous if they have the ACME logo on them, and objects pulled from this space tend to look a bit more 'cartoony' then normal. Light can't store or pull living objects from her pocket space. Reality Siphon - Light steals the reality from whatever she touches. Light gives off a 'creepy' feeling when touched as she steals away the reality of the object or person shes touching. When an object has lost some reality, it is unable to gain energy from other sources but itself until its reality is restored. When Light isn't touching something, it regains its reality back after a short period depending on how much was lost. When an object has lost lots of its reality, it starts to take on the look of a Toon, but with no beneficial powers, and when it loses all of its reality, it disappears to... somewhere... Reality warping beings have a minor resistance to this ability and massive or cosmic entities have a massive resistance to this ability. Magical things lose their energy quickly. This power can't be turned off and Light has no control over its intensity. Weaknesses: -Takes extra damage from attacks -Has an EXCEPTIONALLY difficult time escaping from things that constrict her movement like ropes or nets. -Extremely unlucky, almost to the point where she might just as well have a target painted on her head. -Very susceptible to drugs and some chemicals. -Has a very poor judgement of 'seriousness' and tends to fall into traps very easily as danger isn't something she can really perceive well. -Tends to mostly be a pacifist when fighting, and would rather talk or play with her enemies than fight them. This makes her very easy to talk down from a fight or even bring to your side temporarily. (Lex = instant win) Also makes her very easy to distract. -While strong, she isn't trained in martial arts. Shes also fairly light and easy to throw around. -Due to her 'creepy' touch and slightly unsettling origin/looks, Light has a hard time making any close relationships. Appearance: Colors are Light Blue hair, Light Blue tanktop, pure white skin and dress, and black sclara/orange iris eyes. Character Evolution: Just to have fun. Having a fun boyfriend wouldn't be too bad either. Though the initial goal is lots of friends. Doesn't mean she wont be a bit flirty though. BRIEF Bio: Light comes from the Void, the space between worlds, or thats what she says anyway. And finding her way to a world full of super powered beings with many, many adventures to have, and many friends to meet! Not to mention all the wondrous food. Of course finding your way to a physical realm isn't the easiest thing in the world, and of course you tend to look fairly alien to everything in that world. So its best if you try to be on the side that most of the world agrees with, especially considering doing so gives you the most freedom and no one wants to spend their time in a world behind bars! So after acclimating herself to the world she found herself in, Light found her way to this 'Justice League' thing. They looked fun, they were heroes, and they had so much freedom Light wondered why anyone wouldn't wanna be them. Notes: Shes interested in anything fun, and loves to eat. You wouldn't think she could eat so much with her small frame, but... While she tries to learn what she can, she doesn't know everyone and everything, especially when it comes to obscure heroes and villains. She does know the big name villains though, but tends to view them as 'story characters' than actual threats. She doesn't view anyone as serious, even if they say they are. Mostly because, in a world where some heroes could blow up the planet. If people were serious there would be deaths everywhere and since there aren't piles and piles of corpses in the streets, everyone is playing in her eyes. Since she has a Genre savvy sort of intellect, shes very good at observations and has a bit of a silver tongue to her. Shes not mechanically inclined though, and gets lost when high technobabble is being spoken. Under her gloves are sharp pointed fingers. Her teeth only 'look' sharp and bear-trap like in an open teeth smile, and look normal in a closed teeth smile or when shes talking. She prefers being called by her last name. The Void might be a place that is quite familiar, maybe even a different dimension... Superman is a bit, miffed around Toon Girl as well for some reason... Sample Post: The Justice League was such a nice team to be a part of. There was food, lots of people to talk to, and lots of fun to be had! Of course a few league members didn't like being around Light, or Toon Girl as everyone called her. But she was sure they'd come around eventually, after all, everyone wanted a good time at some point! But those that did like her, well, she was always up to playing many sorts of games. She wasn't super great at darts or pool whenever some heroes at the bar wanted to play, but only the techno people could really beat her at Video games. That is, if they weren't busy making a new gadget or doing some work or fighting crime. Speaking of crime, the last fight that Toon Girl was a part of went off fairly well. Some guy named Captain Boomerang tried to rob a bank. Being in the area with Flash on a 'play date', they were able to arrive on the scene pretty fast, considering where they grabbed coffee being right next to the bank he was robbing. He was a playful guy, or well, his accent made him out to be. And boy was he surprised when the two heroes arrived at the first scream, giving him no time to do much of anything. A few hugs or punches later, and he was off to think about what he had done, but not before getting a playful earful from Light. Mostly Australian stuff, due to his accent. Stuff like Ya know mate, should've brought your didgeridoo, then we could've had a great party." or "Are you Australian Batman?" which probably annoyed the guy quite a bit.
Entracte Ce n'est qu'à présent que Lara s'est rendue compte qu'elle avait ignoré son propre père, puisque son être plus âgé ne représentait apparemment aucun des traits pour lesquels elle l'admirait. Avec un étrange mélange de honte et de soulagement, elle s'est jetée dans ses bras et l'a serré comme si seulement il pouvait endurer. Tu as bien fait, Lara. Très bien, il chuchotait dans son oreille. Merci, papa.Le soudain sentiment de peur a suivi, après qu'elle l'ait dit à voix haute. Lara a regardé autour de lui tous les gens encore rassemblés. Non seulement elle agissait comme une enfant de 8 ans, mais le fait qu'elle et Superman étaient liées n'était pas exactement une connaissance publique. Et sa lutte interne a dû être évidente, à en juger par les visages des gens. Lara s'est redressée le dos, s'est débarrassée de la gorge et s'est préparée à s'expliquer. Pourtant, tout comme elle a ouvert la bouche, Superman est allé de l'avant : « Tout le monde, j'aime vous présenter le nouveau membre de la Justice League : Ma fille : Supergirl. » Et avec la force de l'homme de l'acier, il a commencé un tour d'applaudissements. Lara regarda autour de lui, souriant légèrement, mais aussi réalisant la triste vérité: C'était le point de non-retour. Elle ne se sentirait plus jamais comme avant. Peu importe à quel point elle volait et s'approchait, elle ne serait plus jamais en mesure de se sentir normale.
Name: Lara Kent Alias: Supergirl Age: 20 Personality: quirky, emotional, childish, optimistic. Archetype: Half-alien Powers: - Flight (still working on those landings) - Superhuman strength, endurance and speed. - Super hearing is but a fracture of its full potential. - Still trying to figure out the x-ray. And heat vision sort of comes and goes and has a mind of its own. - Tactile telekinesis. The ability to enhance the powers of her Kryptonian heritage. Whether it’s her strength or speed, she can boost her own philology and abilities. Besides that, she has also been able to create forcefields around people and objects, as well as lift things with her mind. However, this particular capability has also been known to mysteriously fail in certain instances. Weaknesses: Kryptonite. It will leave her much more vulnerable. And yet: Since Lara’s only half Kryptonian, it does not have the same crippling effect on her, as it does her farther. Appearance: Character Evolution: Lara will be someone with an identity crisis, as she was someone who felt normal, but then felt pressured to be something else in order to help the world. She’s on a journey from super powered to superhero. Girl to woman. Accepting that other side of her. She'll make mistakes (super powered mistakes, as well as personal mistakes) and learn from them. She'll have fears confirmed and doubt, if she’s even doing the right thing, yet also gain confidence in the process. Maybe even a sort of rivalry with Solara. And maybe that blossoms into a friendship, maybe it really won’t. In time, maybe the whole world will regard Lara as a treasure. BRIEF Bio: Lara’s birth was long and difficult. In fact, doctors weren't even sure Lois Lane was going to make it. For the first time ever, the Man of Steel was helpless to save the woman he loved. Yet in the end she pulled through and gave them both a beautiful, little girl. There was no disagreement on how they should raise her: First they taught Lara to be human. Then they taught her to be super. This initiative carried over to her teen years, as she would go to great lengths just to feel like everyone else. Though her parents did their best to teach her to respect, but not fear her powers, they ultimately failed. Even though the human side of her meant she never quit reached her father’s level, she feared her powers. That’s why Lara has never let loose, and only trained her powers in order to control them. Because of it, she has yet to realize her own limits. Her telekinesis, and how she was able to develop it, was a mystery to everyone. In time, everyone came to accept that there was no other explanation than the conditions were right and it happened. It stands as proof that even after aliens have visited Earth there’s still some mystery left. Lara Kent is simply a force that just is. Like her farther, she can wear nice outfits and still not be afraid to get her hands dirty. And like her mother, she can enjoy the simple things in life. Though really smart, she never had many friends. It was as if everyone knew she was a little different. Her occasional awkward behavior reflects her lack of social skills, but then again: Sometimes her one-liners are spot on. When the need arrived for the Justice League to expand, Lois would not even let Clark talk to Lara about it. Their daughter had chosen another path. Yet, when Lara found out about it anyway, she shortly thereafter threw aside all dreams and desires to live a normal life. A choice that caused her great dread, though for now, only her mother seem to notice. This was a whole new world for Lara. One where she was still just a girl. Still a super one at that. A Supergirl. Notes: Yes, I know Lara is supposed to be the daughter of Wonder Woman or imaginary. But not here! :p Sample Post: “You have to be sure, this is what you want. No one wants to pressure you,” Lois said and watched her daughter nod cautiously, while she tightened a bolt on her bicycle. “Well, dad seem very eager for me to do it,” Lara pointed out and kept turning. “Yes, a bit too often, he has got his head in the clouds, if you ask me, sweetheart. But he always swoops back down eventually and sees the bigger picture.” “So just because I’ve got… powers… don’t mean I have to go out there and be a hero?” Lois’ answer came without a moment’s pause: “Oh yes, you do! Very much. Everyone should. However, you need to find out what being a hero means to you. And once you find out… never compromise. Not even for a second.” Through the living room window Lara noticed the TV was still on. The horrible images of a sooted wreckage were projected onto it while a reporter spoke. With his grief showing, he described the horrible fire that had costed the lives of an entire family. Lara closed her eyes and for a while she just stood there like a statue. Then the remaining bolts started to shake. The bike vibrated and the wind changed direction, if only for a few moments. “… Tell dad: I wanna do it.”
I N T E R M I S I O N:E P I L O G U E - E P I S O D E V : K I D S T H E S E D A Y S D E L A W A R E :20 juillet 2017 - 17:02:00 Tour du métro - Metropolis Rose n'a pas applaudi avec les autres Leaguers comme Superman a présenté Superskirt à la fois comme sa fille et la nouvelle recrue de la Ligue. Un jumeau amer de jalousie a résonné à travers sa poitrine alors qu'elle regardait la façon dont Lara adorait son père, la façon dont Rose avait adoré son père. Au moins, au début. Superman a fait quelque chose que Rose n'avait jamais vécu, mais il a rendu l'affection, l'admiration. Il brillait d'orgueil en regardant sa fille, content de qui elle était. Rose n'avait jamais été à la réception de ces choses. Son père l'avait seulement poussée à être plus forte, plus rapide, plus morte. Et quand il ne pouvait plus lui apprendre, il avait amené d'autres pour lui enseigner, certains volontairement. Et certains par la force. La douleur fantôme a commencé à s'enflammer de l'œil droit alors que les souvenirs de la lame de son père clignaient dans son esprit. L'acier froid pressait sur son visage, le choc soudain suivi d'une douleur brûlante alors qu'un liquide chaud coulait sur son visage, se mêlant à des larmes salées tout le temps que le "héros" regardait, impuissant pour arrêter le monstre qui était son père. En mettant un coup de main sur son œil aveugle, Rose s'est ramenée à la réalité alors qu'elle se tournait pour quitter la salle d'entraînement restaurée. Elle avait besoin d'une fléchette et d'un verre. En se dirigeant vers l'étage supérieur, Rose sort de l'immeuble sur un balcon en regardant Metropolis. Prenant une balançoire de sa fiole de hanche cachée, Rose sentit le rhum se réchauffer la gorge, effaçant toutes les bosses qui auraient pu se former là avant qu'elle ne mette gentiment ses lèvres autour d'une cigarette, éclairant la fin et inhalant profondément. En bouffant un anneau de fumée, Rose s'appuya sur la rampe alors qu'elle étudiait la ville en dessous. Sous les gratte-ciels éblouissants et les rues propres, elle savait qu'il y avait une ville qui blessait. Ce n'était peut-être pas Gotham ou Hub, mais Metropolis avait un côté sombre la plupart des gens ne pouvaient pas voir au-delà du grand 'S' qui le protégeait. Secouant la tête, Rose frotta son temple. Elle ne se souvenait d'aucune chose d'après l'apparition d'Extant jusqu'à ce que tout le monde célèbre en bas. Elle détestait qu'on lui fasse chier l'esprit, encore une chose à remercier, mon cher papa. J'ai plus de problèmes avec mon père que Lucifer. Rose sourit légèrement à son propre monologue interne alors qu'elle reprit à regarder Metropolis. La Ligue était quelque chose dont le monde avait besoin, mais Rose ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de penser qu'ils pouvaient faire beaucoup plus. La Ligue n'a répondu qu'aux événements où les Supervillains étaient présents, et les petites filles kidnappées dans la nuit? Qu'en est-il des PDG corrompus du monde, il y avait tellement de crime que la Ligue n'a pas fait grand-chose pour intervenir à l'intérieur. Avant qu'elle n'ait rejoint la Ligue, Rose abaissait les ordures à gauche, à droite et au centre, cela faisait partie de ce qui avait attiré l'attention de la Ligue. Mais Rose soupçonnait que Bats et Wing ne voulaient pas qu'elle devienne son père. La Ligue n'était qu'une garderie géante pour les "cannons solitaires" comme elle. En laissant sortir un soupir exaspéré, Rose a fait sauter un autre anneau de fumée. "Jusqu'à combien de temps pourrai-je rester ici?"
R A V A G E RR O S E W I L S O N ◼ F E B R U A R Y 1 4 , 1 9 9 2 ( 2 5 ) ◼ M E T A H U M A N / G A D G E T E E R "I may be a loose cannon, but you know I'm a damn good." ▼ A P P E A R A N C E: "Can I remind everyone again, what complete crap this is?"//STATS: ◼ HEIGHT | 5'-6" ◼ WEIGHT | 112 lbs ◼ BUILD | Athletic ◼ HAIR COLOR | White ◼ EYE COLOR | Greenish-Blue ◼ PERSONALITY | Rose Wilson is a proud rebel. She disobeys orders often, and likes making sarcastic comments. Rose likes to have the last words in. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind, and makes it obvious when she doesn’t like someone. But Rose hides her insecurity. She never really knows her place, so she moves around a lot. The only place she is really comfortable is in combat. But the one thing she knows for sure is that she is a good person. Rose is a little psychotic, but not to the insane level. She knows her limits. She is intelligent, but also reacts quick, sometimes before the situations is fully thought through. The one thing she wants most is to be accepted for who she is, and she refuses to change her ways. She is flirtatious, and very emotional. Mostly in the pleasure and anger department. //DESCRIPTION: Rose Wilson is a thin, tall, muscular woman with fair skin. Her eye is a brilliant greenish-blue. She only has her right eye, because the left was damaged by her father in order to intimidate Nightwing into training her. Due to her abilities and injury the left eye is 'blind', rendering it white and pupil-less. Rose wore a white eye patch over the missing eye in her youth, but will only cover her eye now if necessary for covert or subtle affairs. Described by many as attractive, she has jarring silver hair inherited from her father's genetic mutations that is long, and reaches her mid-back. In terms of clothing, Rose generally can be found wearing her Ravager armor when on mission but off duty prefers to relax in shorts and tank tops. She can dress up when needed but prefers to dress comfortably. ▼ B I O G R A P H Y: "I can't use the gun. Give me your sword."Rose's origin begins in Cambodia, where she lived with her mother Lillian. Ten years prior, the mercenary known as Slade Wilson had laid with Lillian Worth. Returning after a decade, Slade and a group of allies came to the brothel where Lillian had operated in order to complete her extraction. However, one of the soldiers discovered Rose, and the girl shot him out of fear when the man tried to catch her. Intervening at the sight of Rose's silver hair caught his eye, Slade's confident, Wintergreen attempted to calm Rose only for Slade to look on, exchanging a knowing look with Wintergreen. Over the years, Rose decided to follow in Slade's footsteps, study his tactics and trained under Slade himself to further hone her skills. However, Slade eventually decided his own training was insufficient and that he wanted more for his daughter. He wanted her to have a life, one with purpose but without the blood stains. So Slade turned to one of the most recurring thorns in his side, abducting the hero known as Nightwing and coercing him into training Rose everything he knew. It wasn't without sacrifice on Rose's part however, as it took Slade taking her eye in order to convince Nightwing to accept Slade's deal, least the world's deadliest assassin kill his own daughter before the former Boy Wonder's eyes. Following Nightwing's training, Rose did the unexpected and betrayed Slade. Teaming up with Nightwing to take down her father, the pair overthrew Slade who unfortunately managed to escape, having anticipated the entire event. Feeling manipulated and abandoned by her father, Rose took up the name Ravager out of spite and set out to make a name for herself. Working two jobs, during the day, Rose took a job as a club bouncer, while in the rest of her time, she followed her father's example taking work as a mercenary. Unlike Deathstroke however, Rose's contracts consisted of stopping other hitmen from killing their targets. Eventually catching the attention of Timothy Drake, the then-current Robin and leader of the Teen Titans, Drake extends an invitation to Rose to join the team. Hesitant to accept, Rose eventually reluctantly takes the offer after her former mentor, Nightwing tracks Rose down in at a strip club in Blüdhaven. Travelling to the team's newest headquarters in San Francisco, Rose did her best to settle in. But the revelation of who her father was, along with his relationship with past Titan teams did little to cement trust in the other Titans. Despite eventually earning the trust of others on the team, the constantly rotating roster of the Titans took its toll on Rose who already had abandonment issues. The final straw for Rose is the departure of her close friend and occasional paramour, Eddie Bloomberg who was forced to depart the team after the lost of his own abilities. Striking out on her own, Rose spent the rest of her teenage years making a name for herself. Acting a something of a rougher hero, Rose took on missions that were often swept under the rug due to not being in the public eye. Cracking human trafficking rings and drug cartels, Rose spent numerous years in South America and aboard before finally being approached by the Justice League. Uncertain of the offer at first, Rose eventually realized that if the League was approaching her, they must have more confidence in her abilities and stability than she herself did. And that was exactly the kind of support that Rose needed in her life. ▼ A T T R I B U T E S: "What's a girl gotta do to get in a proper brawl around here?"// ABILITIES: ◼ ENHANCED MENTAL CAPACITIES | Rose inherited her father's metagene, an "unlocked mind." Unlike Deathstroke, Rose's mind takes in large amounts of information, and condenses it all into a probability assessment with a margin of error that she perceives as a vision. She then takes steps to keep her vision from coming to pass. Her powers also occasionally trigger in her sleep. As part of her enhanced mental capacities, Rose has latent psionic tendencies and is able to communicate telepathically with those she bonds with. Furthermore, this grants her immunity to having her mind invaded or controlled by other telepaths and in particular her brother Joseph. ◼ PRECOGNITION | Rose's powers include limited precognition. She is sometimes able to use her precognitive abilities to 'see' her opponent's next moves, mainly when her adrenaline is running. Rose is sometimes able to use her precognitive abilities to "see" her own immediate future, although her visions come and go. These precognitive abilities may blossom into much more in the future. ◼ POWER DAMPENING | Rose's metagene causes her to dampen and reduce the effectiveness of another metahuman's abilities. In particular, this talent seems to specifically target metahumans which possess invulnerability allowing Rose to be able to deliver attacks and indeed wound those who normally would not be felled by conventional weapons. ◼ ENHANCED ATTRIBUTES | Through her father's genetics, Rose inherited the effects of the serum administered to her father, Slade Wilson. This essentially turned her into a super soldier. Her strength, speed, reflexes, durability, healing, etc. all surpass peak human levels. Rose is able to run at speeds of up to thirthy miles per hours and long distances far out-performing any Olympic athlete. She possesses a similar strength increase as her father; she can press approximately eleven hundred pounds - ten times her own body weight. Likewise, her reflexes, agility and senses are are well above those of human levels making Rose essentially a living weapon much like her father was. Lastly, Rose possesses an accelerated healing factor, allowing her to survive near fatal injuries, however it does not allow her to fully recover from some wounds. This can be seen in her 'blind' eye, nor would Rose be able to regenerate a lost limb. // SKILLS: ◼ UNARMED COMBAT | Rose is a skilled martial arts expert, having trained under her mother from a young age and both Deathstroke and Nightwing later on. With enhanced agility, speed, strength and endurance thanks to the her inherited abilities from Deathstroke, the combination of precognition and a superhuman body leaves Rose a force to be reckoned with. ◼ WEAPONS MASTER | Rose is very skilled in the use of her arsenal of weapons. Her default weapons are a pair of energy swords originally designed for her by Timothy Drake. Capable of cutting through most inorganic materials, the blades are designed to pass through organic materials, administering a shock instead of lacerations. Aside from these weapons, Rose wields conventional swords, various firearms - armed with non-lethal rounds at the behest of Batman, however she's a crack shot capable of taking down targets with live ammunition without killing them, and lastly a bo-staff on rare occasions. However, Rose is a pragmatist at heart and it seems to matter little what weapon she is given as chances are that she'll be able to use it. // WEAKNESSES: ◼ AMBUSH | Rose's enhanced mental abilities can only calculate the probability of that which she can see. While she may be able to detect a trap and calculate the best way to avoid it, an unseen opponent or a straight ambush will catch her unaware, requiring her to catch up before she can use her abilities effectively. As such, she won't be able to immediately counter attack, leaving her open to injury if not death. ◼ HUMANITY | Despite being a metahuman with notable enhancements, Rose is still as fragile as a normal human. While this is compensated for via her armor, Rose stills needs to breathe air, eat food and rest. Caught off-guard and unprotected, it would potentially only take a single bullet to the head to kill Rose as a fatal wound is something even she can't recover from. ◼ MENTAL PROGRAMMING | Originally, Slade sought to control his daughter, and inflicted mental programming upon her, allowing him to manipulate and control his daughter with selective keywords. While several of the League members have done their best to remove this mental programming, most of it remains due to Rose's immunity to telepathic invasion. As a closed off person, it is difficult for her to willing open her mind to the invasion required to remove the programming, thus there are keywords which exist that can cause Rose to turn on her allies or even fall unconscious. ◼ TEMPERAMENT | Rose's brash and often impulsive temperment can often times get the better of her. While she tries to be the master strategist and level headed commander her father was, even in her twenties, Rose has a lot of emotional baggage to work out making her often a volatile hothead. // CHARACTER EVOLUTION: ◼ FULL PRECOGNITION | One of my ideas for Rose's character evolution is that her abilities continue to grow with her. Eventually, I'd like to be able to have her precognition blossom into a much more active ability, allowing her to see the future and almost act as a prophet for the team, angling the League into a more proactive position rather than the currently reactive position against crime. ◼ TELEPATHY | Another ability I'd like to be able to have Rose develop is that of telepathy. I've laid the seeds, but I would love to see her eventually come into her own command of her psionic abilities, starting with full telepathy. With this ability, and my desire to see her lead a team of her own, she'd be able to make an excellent field coordinator. ◼ LIMITED TELEKINESIS | An extension of her developing psionics, I thought Rose could benefit from limited telekinesis down the road, if for nothing more than to make her already impressive combat prowess a bit more 'showy' and add some variety to how exactly she can use weaponry. ◼ TEAM RELATIONSHIPS | An initially closed off person, Rose has dealt with a lot of betrayal over her life and expects the people who come into it to soon live once they've gotten whatever it is they were after. For this reason, I'd like to see Rose develop relationships with the team, primarily friendship though if the chemistry is there, potentially romantic. ◼ LEADERSHIP ROLES | Adding to her relationships, I'd like to see Rose grow to the point where the team trusts her enough to follow her instincts and instructions. I'd like to see Rose lead in the field, and direct a team on various missions in combat. ◼ A SENSE OF FAMILY | The ultimate culmination of her building of relationships, I'd like for Rose to finally have a family. People she looks up to, can go to for advice and who will just be there for her through the good and the bad. ◼ LOSS, LOVE AND A LONGING TOWARDS THE FUTURE | Over the course of the RP, I am looking for Rose to grow emotionally, dealing with loss, whether it be teammates, friends or something else that she values, to love and its struggles and eventually to Rose growing into her own, shedding her father's shadow and perhaps becoming someone, or something else. ▼ S A M P L E P O S T: "Super Zeroes! Think maybe you could save me the trouble of a swim in this vile sludge? You know, in exchange for helping you idiots?" E L S A L V A D O R:Tuesday, October 30ST - 10:33 PM | Miramundo Rainforest - Chalatenango The forest was eerily quiet. All that could be heard was the rumble of the convoy making its way slowly down the overgrown roads. The sobs of several women hung in the back, a particularly loud cry was cut off by a yelp, the echo of flesh on flesh rang out through the mist-laden forest. Normally, they would be free to travel the roads, but recently a she-devil, a costumed bruja had been cutting into their shipments. Just last week, three convoys were stopped, their contents escaped and returned back to their families and loved ones in the United States. Normally the capes didn't bother with the operations of the Jaguar, but for some reason, somehow they had caught the eye of this one. Extinguishing a cigarette on the dashboard of the truck, the driver sat back in his seat attempting to relax before he shot up straight as a board. His foot slammed the brakes to the floor, the convoy skidding to a stop while the truck behind was forced to swerve to avoid rear-ending the first. Shrieks came from the back of both vehicles as the women inside were tossed around by the sudden jerking movement. Before the driver could even undo his seat-belt, the butt of a rifle was tapping on his window before the door was angrily hauled open. "Why de 'ell did you stop!" The dark skinned man yelled at him as the driver meekly pointed towards a large tree felled across the road. Swatting a mosquito that had landed on his neck, the other man's lip curled up in disgust before he put his hand to his mouth and whistled. "Alright, get de saws." He ordered, two other men climbing out of the back of the truck while he circled behind it. The assault rifle in his hands pointing from woman to woman as he shone the tactical flashlight into the back, a clear warning to those inside. Anyone attempting to escape would be killed, or worse. The silence of the night was quickly broken by the roar of chainsaws as the two men powered up the tools and approached the tree. Bending down to begin at the stump, one of the men stumbled backwards in surprise, noticing the fresh cuts to the trunk, the tree hadn't been felled by natural means. Turning to call to the others, barely a word made it out of his mouth before the blade of energy sword burst through his chest. Live current running through his body as he slumped to the ground unconscious. Unable to hear the struggle of his companion over the sound of his own saw, the other man didn't even notice the woman dressed in black and orange as she raised a gun towards him and fired the tranquilizer dark without even looking. Dropping to the ground, the saw disengaged as the other man joined his partner in a very deep slumber. Noticing the sudden lack of noise, the leader of the group poked his head out from behind the truck before he called towards the first driver. "Is it too much to hope, de idiots already cleared de tree." He spat venomously. Firing into the air to give off a warning, he walked forward. "This isa de night you die bruja." A soft thud could be heard from behind the man, catching him off guard as the woman spoke. "I don't fuckin' think so." The man was blown off his feet as the woman raised her gun, firing a single rocksalt round into his chest from a special modification. Watching his boss fly to the ground, the driver turned to run while the other men quickly climbed out the truck, scrambling for their weapons. Rose Wilson, the Ravager. Formerly a Teen Titan, forever damned to be the daughter of Deathstroke the Terminator. Rose had left the rooftops of Gotham, Metropolis and San Francisco behind for this. The feeling of being alive, the feeling of for one time, doing something right with her life. She was the hero of the down trodden and the scourge of the underworld and there was nothing in her that could bring her to deny that she loved every moment of it. The night was illuminated by gunfire as assault weapons rang out but the girl was never where she had been when her assailants pulled the trigger. The steady hum of the energy swords gave away her position with each swing while she closed in, the blades cutting through the guns as though she was running her finger though a pool of water. It was easy, and it graceful. And it was over far too quickly. An adrenaline junkie at heart, Rose's chest pounded up and down, her bosom swelling with each breath she took, standing in victory over the pile of broken men. With a quick twirl of the swords, she deactivate the blades and returned the hilts to the back of her waist, drawing one of the conventional swords off her back as she approached the now stirring leader. "Please, please call me a bitch like it's a bad thing." Rose said, reaching down and grabbing the dark skinned man before holding him up by his throat against the door of the convoy truck. "Who are you working for?" "F-f-fuck..." He choked before spitting blood. "You!" Flinching, the blood laden saliva landed on her mask. Driving her sword through the man's shoulder, Rose listened in satisfaction to the shattering of glass as it told her the blade gone through. Cries of agony filled the night sky, the man pinned on the blade struggling with no avail. "Same question as before, and I'd answer it this time." Rose stated, twisting the hilt of the blade. "S-same answer." The man managed to reply, smiling wide, his teeth stained red. Growling, Rose pulled back the sword as she dropped the man to the ground. He stumbled while he fought to regain his footing only for the blade to swing. He barely felt a thing until the subtle 'THUD' of his hand hitting the ground causing him to look towards the bleeding stump on the end of his arm. Cold metal was suddenly pressed against his groin as Rose slammed him against the truck again, this time with a hand around his throat and her gun pressed to his manhood. "You seem to like thinking with this, perhaps it knows the answer." Rose's smile was filled with anything but mirth as she spoke. The man tried to squirm but her strength held him firmly in place. "The J-jaguar. We work for the Jaguar." "Then I hope the Jaguar knows he's a dead man." Rose replied tossing the man back to the ground, his shirt tearing off. The muzzle of her gun lit up twice, the shots ringing out through the jungle as she placed a bullet in either of his knees. "Thirty mile walk back to town. I hope it was worth it." She spat tossing the shredded shirt back to the man. "And I'd wrap that quickly, don't want you to bleed out." She added, sheathing her weapons. A light illuminated the jungle floor as a VTOL plane descended upon the scene. Opening the back of the trucks, Rose motioned for the captured women to exit while the plane lowered a platform to the ground. Dozens of thank you's and other blessings were whispered towards Rose as the battered prisoners ran to the platform. Giving the all clear, Rose watched the platform rise into the sky before the plane turned back towards the United States. Walking away from the scene, Rose haphazardly tossed a grenade over her shoulder as the trucks exploded moments later. The heat of the explosion warmed her back while Rose triumphantly walked away from the scene before muttering to herself. "Always wanted to do that." ▼ NOTES: "Oh, quit whining. You're still alive, aren't you?"◼ SAILING | Rose enjoys sailing as a hobby, she finds it relaxing and enjoys how being on the water constantly keeps her in motion. ◼ DEATHSTROKE | Unless explicitly told otherwise by Member 00492, I am operating under the premise that Slade Wilson is currently deceased. ◼ BAT-RELATIONS | Rose has an odd friendship with Dick Grayson that has evolved past a school girl crush to an actual unstated respect for the original Boy Wonder. Tim Drake also has her respect due to the time she spent on the same team as him but they don't have near as close as a relationship as her and Dick do. Despite being 'over' her crush on Dick Grayson, Rose still tends to act cold or hostile towards Dick's current and former flames. She herself has little to no relation with Batman due to her who her father was. R A V A G E R// ♥ Crush ♥ // ☮ Friend ☮ // ☯ Acquaintance ☯ // ⚜ Rival ⚜ // § Frenemy § // ☠ Enemy ☠ // ☯ Argyle, Chester aka Whiplash: Rose has yet to interact with Chester Argyle. ☯ Barr, James aka The Bulleteer: Rose has yet to interact with James Barr. ☯ Campen, Lexi aka Apollex: Rose has yet to interact with Lexi Campen. ☯ Carter, Najee aka Captain Marvel (II): Rose has yet to interact with Najee Carter. ☮ Jester, Jessica aka The Lizard: Jessica was assigned to the same mission as Rose and the two were friendly. Jessica seemed to take a liking to Rose after the latter assisted the former in her first ever parachute jump. Throughout the mission, the two were often side by side, trading banter and even seeing eye to eye on matters the others disagreed with. While Jessica seems to be interested in more than a friendship with Rose, Rose sees the girl as something of a kid sister and instead has a protective bond with the girl instead of a flirtatious one. ☯ Kent, Lara aka Supergirl: Rose has yet to interact with Lara Kent. ☯ Light, Lucy aka Toon Girl: Rose has yet to interact with Lucy Light. ☯ MacAodhan, Duncan aka The Rookie: Rose has yet to interact with Duncan MacAodhan. ☯ Monster, Monny aka Clayface: Rose has yet to interact with Monny Monster. ☯ Reynolds, Cynthia aka Gypsy: Rose has yet to interact with Cynthia Reynolds. ☯ Ryker, James aka Mr. Clutch: Rose has yet to interact with James Ryker. ⚜ Sage, Victor aka The Question: Rose will be the first to admit there's more to Victor Sage than meets the eye. At first glance, the conspiracy detective seems like little more than a man in a cheap suit and cheaper mask. But the pragmatist fighter showed his worth on their first mission together. Assigned point by the Batman, Rose instantly knew she was going to butt heads with the Question, they further butted heads on their different philosophies especially regarding the use of lethal force. The relationship between these two is very much still in flux and could go any direction from here. ☯ Trainor, Lieutenant Lawrence aka Polarity Man: Rose has yet to interact with Lieutenant Lawrence Trainor. ☮ Unknown aka The Warden: A man of few words but thankfully of action, the Warden was the final member assigned to the same team as Rose during the new League's first mission. Easy to get along with and relatively useful, the Warden did nothing to give Rose a negative impression and she'd happily buy him a drink if the two ever crossed paths in a bar.
Episode 9 Prologue: Noctambule magnétiqueFonctionnant comme le dendroctone bleu, comme l'homme de la polarité, et Unicycle simple comme la question Au fond de la tour de métro existe une salle avec des murs fortifiés construits pour résister à une explosion nucléaire et abrite une collection exotique d'instruments de diagnostic. Cette chambre abrite le Polarity Man, qui a passé les derniers jours en isolement alors qu'il travaille à l'analyse des ennemis qu'il avait rencontrés lors de sa première mission officielle et de l'attaque inattendue contre sa maison. Au cours de ce débriefing, le lieutenant avait découvert une chance qui devait être portée à l'attention de la Ligue. Alors qu'il ouvrit la porte d'explosion renforcée qui menait à sa chambre, l'air stalle remplirait le couloir immédiat. Heureusement, personne ne vivait près de lui et personne ne pouvait être curieux de ce qu'il faisait. C'est ce qu'il pensait. "Lieutenant Trainor. Je voulais te parler. Besoin d'être rempli sur ce qui s'est exactement passé lors de l'attaque de l'Extant sur la Tour." La Question a annoncé, entrant dans la chambre de Polarity Man bien qu'il n'ait pas été invité. L'homme sans visage s'assit sur une chaise voisine, en portant sa jambe gauche sur sa droite. "Vous avez été sans effet, et les autres qui n'ont pas été effectués sont actuellement MIA, donc a pensé qu'il serait préférable de venir à vous." "Le terme correct est en action. Les autres sont en mission. Quoi qu'il en soit, vous m'avez pris au mauvais moment. Polarity Man tentait de rejeter la question, choisissant de se diriger vers l'ascenseur voisin alors qu'il se dirigeait vers un endroit où l'autre ligueur sans visage n'était pas à l'heure actuelle. "C'est une mauvaise heure? J'ai pensé que ce serait le meilleur moment, étant donné que nous ne sommes pas tous les deux en mission." La question a répondu, se tenant debout et suivant le lieutenant jusqu'à l'ascenseur. "J'ai besoin de savoir comment nous pourrions empêcher une autre attaque comme celle-ci. J'ai vu que le destin a éternué sur vous et sur les autres héros sans effet. Cela pourrait servir à rendre le sérum qui rend la Ligue immunisée contre la magie." Comme si sur le signal de l'ascenseur 'dinged' et ouvert permettant à Ted de voir ses deux équipiers bavarder. Ayant été incapable d'une manière ou d'une autre depuis son acceptation dans la ligue, Ted venait tout juste d'explorer la magnifique tour. "Oh, les gars. Cet endroit est incroyable, n'est-ce pas? » Ted a commenté alors qu'il regardait le couloir avant lui. "Qu'est-ce que vous mijotez?" il a demandé alors qu'il a ramené son attention sur le duo. "Ted." La question dit, en donnant son chapeau à son ami, avant de gesticuler à Polarity Man : "Il suffit de demander au lieutenant Trainor d'être renversé sur l'attaque d'Extant." "L'attaque des magiciens a été capturée par le patrouilleur, mais certains détails sont... flous. Pour l'instant, j'ai besoin de nettoyer. Ce n'est qu'alors qu'on peut discuter de l'assaut existant en détail. Polarity Man a déclaré, en allant à l'intérieur de l'ascenseur. Ted s'est déplacé du côté de l'ascenseur pour permettre aux PM d'avoir suffisamment d'espace dans l'ascenseur. "C'est assez beau, mais pourriez-vous au moins faire une petite descente? Je veux dire une minute je monte dans l'ascenseur et la minute suivante je suis assis dans le loby avec Apollo." Ted s'interrogea alors qu'il se penchait contre le mur de l'ascenseur. "Apollex." La question se corrige, entrant dans l'ascenseur avant la fermeture des portes. Il croise les bras, grimpant une jambe contre le mur de l'ascenseur. "Hmm. Pas de voix activée." Lawrence appuie alors sur tous les boutons de l'ascenseur, et attend qu'il commence à bouger avant de quitter progressivement et de retourner dans sa chambre. "Profitez de votre voyage messieurs." "Ce bâtard éthéré." La question dit qu'il est incrédule de regarder les boutons de l'ascenseur qui étaient tous allumés. "Pas de sueur Q, maintenant j'ai quelque chose à faire." Ted a dit calme avec un sourire amusé alors qu'il s'est accroupi près du panneau de bouton et l'a fissuré ouvert. Avec quelques fils tirés ici et étincelles là l'ascenseur a commencé à faire son chemin vers le bas une fois de plus. "Pense qu'il est le seul malin dans cet ascenseur?" Ted a dit alors qu'il se levait de sa position accroupie, "pensez encore Shinji Ikari." "Ha. Évangélie, référence. Il attend toujours le quatrième film de Rebuild." La question dit, sortir de l'ascenseur quand sa porte s'ouvre. Ted s'en est suivi lorsqu'il a commencé à chercher Lawrence dans sa chambre. "Hé Polarité! Etes-vous toujours là? » Ted a appelé dans le couloir alors qu'il regardait tout l'équipement technique qui a jonché la pièce. "Lieutenant Trainor! Sortez et expliquez ce qui s'est passé ou je... ou je vais... » Question arrêtée, regardant autour de la pièce, puis repéré un ordinateur. Il a souri, "Je vais... Détruisez cet ordinateur." Il s'est tourné vers son ancien partenaire, "Prends-moi quelque chose que je peux utiliser comme un bludgeon." "Je pense que c'est un peu extrême Q." Ted a dit de regarder autour de lui et de lui faire une égratignure. "Pourquoi n'allons-nous pas vérifier les caméras que je suppose être dans le coin? Je veux dire, j'ai entendu dire que Batman est plutôt paranoïaque, donc ça aurait du sens qu'il y ait des caméras partout ici." Ted a dit qu'il se dirigeait vers l'ascenseur. "Oui. Allons à la salle du moniteur, voir s'il peut garder les informations de nous alors." La question a répondu, se tournant et retournant à l'ascenseur. Ted a commencé à prendre quelques fils et les gratter ensemble donnant le mouvement à l'ascenseur stationnaire. Q s'appuya contre le mur, se tournant vers son compagnon. "Alors. Comment ça s'est passé?" "Bien été à l'hôpital pendant les deux derniers mois en raison de blessures liées au travail et j'ai été transformé en un vieil homme il y a un peu de temps, mais hey," Ted shruged, "Je ne peux pas me plaindre." "Hurm. Comment va l'entreprise?" "Ça suffit. Le département des loisirs sort avec ce monocycle mais avec des barres de poignées pour aider à l'équilibre et la roue est juste entre vos genoux. C'est cool. Fais-moi souhaiter qu'ils l'aient quand j'étais enfant." "J'en entends parler et je souhaite que ma mère possède une entreprise quand j'étais enfant." Des blagues de questions, seulement pour que les portes de l'ascenseur s'ouvrent. "Nous sommes là." Comme la voix de la question remplissait la pièce, un lieutenant Trainor perplexe ne pouvait que demander "Comment?. avant l'ordinateur, il avait été en train d'éjecter son disque. -- Quoi qu'il en soit, j'ai fini ici. "Parle du diable, te voilà!" Ted a commenté avec un sourire fier « Alors maintenant avez-vous le temps de nous expliquer tout le fiasco existant? » "Assez de vos distractions, Trainor." Question dit, en marchant dans la chambre. "Montre-nous des images de l'attaque d'Extant. Peu importe si la vidéo est éditée ou non." "Vous voulez la vidéo? Très bien." Avec un clic rapide du fichier, la vidéo a bientôt été jouée sur les moniteurs. Le flux vidéo de chaque chambre connecté à la grille de surveillance de la tour a été diffusé sur des moniteurs individuels. Sauf qu'ils étaient tous statiques. "Maintenant, voyez-vous pourquoi je ne peux pas présenter cela dans son état actuel?" "... Oh." Le théoricien de la conspiration sans visage s'est éraflé la nuque maladroitement. "... Mais peut toujours nous le dire. Vous n'avez pas eu d'effet. D'après ce que j'ai compris, vous vous souvenez même clairement." "Juste parce que les images sont corrompues ou quelque chose ne veut pas dire que vous ne pouvez pas transmettre ce qui s'est passé par la bouche à oreille. Vas-y mec, répands les haricots!" Ted pressa alors qu'il se penchait contre le mur. Après un moment de silence de Polarity Man, la question a trouvé sa patience mince. "Dites-nous que vous êtes un chien militaire irradié." L'homme des faucilles grondait. Cependant, leur conversation bientôt à être vitrolic a été coupée en tant qu'offense a été faite sur l'interphone: une branche de STAR Labs à Chicago a été attaquée par le docteur Polaris, et Green Lantern prendrait le trio, avec Apollex, pour enquêter. La question s'est arrêtée. "Peut en discuter plus tard. Venez." Avec ça, le héros enduit de tranchée est parti, les deux autres costumes suivants.
Name: Vic Sage (born Charles Victor Szasz) Age: 26 (born March 15, 1991) Personality: Brave ? Ruthless ? Determined ? Paranoid ? Eccentric Archetype: Standard human Pragmatic Combatant: Vic is adept at hand-to-hand combat, his fighting style mostly consisting of a combination of street fighting and boxing. In addition to this, he is known to do anything to win a fight, including using objects within the environment as weapons and resorting to dirty tricks (I.E. hitting his opponent in the privates). Genius: Vic is highly intelligent, being able to use this intellect to decipher codes and, well, ciphers, hack into computer terminals and other electronics, and plan strategies. Master Detective: Vic is a brilliant investigator, though he's still a long way from being at Batman's skill level. He can spot even the smallest of details and make deductions from minuscule evidence. Indomitable Will: Vic has a resolve of steel; if he sets his mind to something, he does it. All of it. This allows him to resist torture and any other attempts to break his mind or spirit. This doesn't mean that he can take said torture for long without passing out or dying from the pain; just that he won't give in to it. Strong Sense of Justice (upside): Without a doubt, Vic is someone who will always stand by his views of good and evil; he believes in moral absolutism, good and evil with no shades of grey, and will not compromise on his views for anything. Justice must be held, and evil must be punished. Because of these views, it is almost impossible to make him turn from the side of good. Normal Human: Unlike most of the League, Vic is just a normal human. He still needs to eat, drink, and sleep, he is not fast enough to dodge bullets, he is not durable enough to shrug off knives and other weapons, and he is not strong enough to punch holes in concrete walls; he's just a normal man trying to do good. No Gadgetry: Unlike other heroes with no powers who have a vast array of gadgets to aid them in their acts of vigilantism, Vic only has his bare hands and whatever is around him. He doesn't have a grappling hook, question mark shaped boomerangs, or shark repellent (though that would be useful). Glass Jaw: To add to one of my last statements, Vic is not durable, even by normal human standards. While definitely stronger than most normal humans, it does not extend to defense. If a person with super strength were to punch him, he would most likely be crushed like a bug even if they toned their strength down. Bad Reputation: Vic is a well-known crackpot, and others usually avoid him because of this. Of course, this reputation is warranted, due to his paranoid nature, ruthlessness bordering on psychopathy, and anti-social attitude. Due to his reputation, people are hesitant to work with him and unlikely to trust him. Horrible With Others: Vic is very independent, and does not enjoy working with others. While he will suck it up most of the time, if someone comes up with a plan that he doesn't like, he will ignore it in favor of his own plan. Strong Sense of Justice (downside): Vic's belief that evil must be punished is so strong that he will not let a villain get away with their crimes (even if bringing said villain to justice would bring about the end of the world or something similar). Similarly, if someone does something evil for the greater good, he will not let them go unpunished. The only way to prevent him from enacting justice on those he perceives as evil is to kill him. Appearance: Vic is a rather average man, standing at 5'9 with a slim yet athletic figure and almost always seen wearing a suit and tie. He has red hair that he keeps short and neat, and no facial hair to speak of. In addition, he has fair skin and brown eyes, giving him the image of a nine-to-five office worker instead of a dangerous vigilante. Vic's costume usually consists of a suit, a trench coat, and a fedora; however, if he needs to act immediately, he will just use whatever he was wearing at the time. He wears a mask of Pseudoderm (artificial skin originally designed as a bandage), which cements itself to his face using a special bonding gas. The gas also changes the color of his clothing, in addition to changing his hair color from red to black. Finally, his costume sports elevator shoes, boosting his height by two inches. Character Evolution: I'd like for Question to begin as a very standoffish person, rarely interacting with others if it isn't on a mission. Over time, he would slowly befriend one hero (or multiple heroes) and open up to them. And, if anyone decides to play Huntress and is open to it, then I'd like to have a romance similar to the one they shared in the JLU cartoon (because that pairing will always be my OTP); however, if no one plays Huntress, he's open to a romance with any of the lovely ladies, so long as they don't mind him calling at two in the morning to discuss the new portion he added to the Conspiracy. Bio: Charles Victor Szasz was born to a prostitute and one of her clients, whom she only ever referred to as 'Walter'. Despite what most would think, his home life wasn't horrible, or at least it wasn't as bad as it could have been. His mother did her best to care for him, never blaming him for her problems or taking out her anger on him, and she ensured that Charles had the best life that she could provide. However, outside of home, Charles was frequently the target of bullying and scorn due to his mother's profession and origin within the slums. Most of the time, Charles would just take it and never react; however, when he was ten, he was taken away by Child Protective Services after getting into a fight with two boys who cornered him, which ended in one boy being blinded in one eye by a lit cigarette and the other having part of his cheek bitten off. When asked what made him do this, he stated that they called him a 'whoreson' and various other things. Normally, he would be fine with this, but when one asked the other if he thought Charles's mother would suck their dicks for a dollar, he flew into a rage. He was sent to a run-down home for problematic children, and everything he did that could be perceived as bad was punished with a few hard wraps on the knuckles with a yard stick. Despite many attempts, he was never adopted by a family, and spent the rest of his childhood and adolescence there. At eighteen, Charles was let go from the home. He did his best to track down his mother, only to discover that she had died five years earlier. Jobless, homeless, and with no hope left, he was found and taken in by a college professor named Aristotle 'Tot' Rodor, who became something like the father that Charles never had. He changed his name to Vic Sage and, with Tot's help, got into college and graduated with a major in journalism. He got a job at a news station at the age of 22, and became an anchorman at the age of 24. A year ago, Tot approached Vic and informed him that one of his colleagues, Arby Twain, was going to sell a substance called Pseudoderm to third world countries despite its toxicity if applied to open wounds. Vic wanted to take Twain down, but could not do so as himself because of his famous features. Tot then suggested that Vic use a mask made of Pseudoderm to do so, and Vic agreed. Vic took down Twain, getting a recorded confession from him, before binding him in Pseudoderm and leaving him in front of the police station along with a copy of the confession. After that, Vic decided that this new alter-ego would be useful, and began to use it to fight crime and dig up leads where he couldn't go as Vic Sage. Eventually, Tot modified the bonding gas for Pseudoderm to also change Vic's hair color and the color of his clothing, and Vic gave this alter-ego a name: The Question. And so, the faceless vigilante as we know him was born. After a year of fighting crime, he heard about how the Justice League was recruiting, and decided to join them in order to enact justice on a larger scale. Notes: This Question takes inspiration from the DCAU Question, Rorschach from Watchmen, and some of my own personal additions. Expect a character that's basically Rorschach if he didn't kill criminals and was obsessed with conspiracies... Wait, sorry; Conspiracy, singular. He speaks in a pidgin fashion, which means that any conversations with him will be laconic and to the point. One would easily mistake it for broken English if it wasn't for his American accent. Vic's press pass. The Question is now in Microhero form (a modified version of Member's micro)! And featuring Vic Sage! The Question stands at his perch on the rooftop of an office building. In the distance, he hears a car alarm, and adjusts his fedora before running across the rooftops in the direction of said alarm. Soon enough, he arrives at the scene, finding a man breaking into a parked car. 'Carjacking,' Question thinks, 'easy.' Swiftly and silently, Question slips down the fire escape on the side of the building. He peeks around the corner, looking at the criminal as he fumbles about inside the car, attempting to hotwire it. 'First time carjacking... Correction: very easy.' Gracefully, Question flits about from shadow to shadow, making his way to the car. Soon enough he stands next to the driver's door, the car thief not noticing him. Question punches the door's window, breaking through it and grabbing the thief by the throat at the same time. After dragging the thief out of the broken window and into the street, Question stands menacingly over him. The thief, cowering, looks up at the faceless vigilante in a mix of fear and shock. "Y-your fucking face!" He stammers out in disbelief. Question shrugs, "Acne cream." "S-shit man, don't kill me! I'll... I'll split the profit with you after I sell the c-car! Just don't kill m-me, please!" The thief raises his hands to cover his face. Question stares at the man for a moment... Before chuckling. The would-be carjacker looks at him in disbelief, then asks: "The hell is so funny?" "Won't kill you," Question pauses, and the thief sighs a breath of belief. "Will knock you out." "Wait, wha- OOF!" The thief is silenced by a quick kick to the face, and his eyes roll back as he slips into blissful unconsciousness. The Question stands over him for a moment, before pulling out a pair of handcuffs and handcuffing the thief to a streetlamp. With one last chuckle, Question reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out his calling card, dropping it in the thief's lap as he goes. An hour later, two police officers find a man in ratty clothing cuffed to a streetlamp. In his lap, they find a plain white business card. One officer picks it up, and drops it in surprise when it emits smoke. When the smoke clears, the two officers look at the card on the ground, seeing that a black question mark has appeared on it. A breeze blows the card off the ground, and the two officers watch as it flits away into the night. ♥ Crush ♥ // ☮ Friend ☮ // ☯ Acquaintance ☯ // ⚜ Rival ⚜ // § Frenemy § // ☠ Enemy ☠ // ☯ Argyle, Chester aka Whiplash: Vic has yet to interact with Chester Argyle. ☯ Barr, James aka The Bulleteer: Vic has yet to interact with James Barr. ☯ Campen, Lexi aka Apollex: Vic has yet to interact with Lexi Campen. ☯ Carter, Najee aka Captain Marvel (II): Vic has yet to interact with Najee Carter. ⚜ Jester, Jessica aka The Lizard: Vic doesn't know much about Jessica, though he doesn't like what he's seen so far. Having had a debate with her in St. Roch over their conflicting views on morality and law, he was frustrated with the girl and was rather glad when Rose intervened. He has respect for Jessica as a fighter, but nothing beyond that. Time will tell if that changes. ☯ Kent, Lara aka Supergirl: Vic has yet to interact with Lara Kent. ☮ Kord, Ted aka Blue Beetle: Vic has worked with Ted several times in the past, and trusted him enough to reveal his identity to him. He holds a high respect for the man and is eager to work with him in the League. ☯ Light, Lucy aka Toon Girl: Vic has yet to interact with Lucy Light. ☯ MacAodhan, Duncan aka The Rookie: Vic has yet to interact with Duncan MacAodhan (but when he does, it'll be glorious). ☯ Monster, Monny aka Clayface: Vic has yet to interact with Monny Monster. ☯ Reynolds, Cynthia aka Gypsy: Vic has yet to interact with Cynthia Reynolds. ☯ Ryker, James aka Mr. Clutch: Vic has yet to interact with James Ryker. ☯ Trainor, Lieutenant Lawrence aka Polarity Man: Vic has yet to interact with Lieutenant Lawrence Trainor. ⚜ Wilson, Rose aka Ravager: Vic always thought that redheads were the biggest pains in the ass (yes, that includes himself), but that was until he met the white-haired Rose. Having argued with her several times on the mission, mostly regarding the use of lethal force, Vic came to the conclusion that Rose was an interesting, if bitchy, person, though this may change with time. He still needs to investigate his theory on her use of lethal force later (having missed her killing one of the Brides of Lion-Mane). ☮ Unknown aka The Warden: The Warden was the only teammate Vic got along with on the mission in St. Roch, despite the fact that the two stoic men barely exchanged words save for their conversation in the plane and on the rooftop. He respects the Warden's level-headed personality and fighting prowess, however he doesn't know much beyond that, and as previously said time will tell if their relationship changes.
E P I S O D E VI:5e HELLE DIMENSIONNELLE NOUVEAU JERSEY : 25 juillet 2017 - 01:22 Entrepôt de crème glacée Mister Frosty - Bludhaven Icicle a obtenu le meilleur des plus jeunes héros inexpérimentés et a réussi à verrouiller James Barr le Bulleteer, l'usine extraterrestre a alimenté Warden, Vibe, ainsi que Toon Girl dans un congélateur avec son incroyable puissance. Les mains de Toon Girl étaient liées dans la glace derrière son dos. Environ vingt minutes plus tard, Superman et Gypsy se sont pointés pour libérer leurs coéquipiers après que Icicle ait téléporté Warp et un autre artefact métallique inconnu. Superman a utilisé sa vision de la chaleur pour simplement fondre le plus de la glace, mais lui et Tsigane ont été choqués de trouver seulement Toon Girl est resté dans le congélateur. "Que se passe-t-il ici Toon Girl? Les autres se sont échappés? Est-ce que Icicle..." Superman a commencé à demander. L'homme de l'acier a utilisé sa vision des rayons X pour chercher les autres tandis que le dessin animé vivant semblait un peu plus calme que d'habitude. Quelque chose a dû l'effrayer. Cependant, en quelques minutes, la réalité a commencé à se remodeler et à se changer. Le haut est descendu, la gauche est devenue droite, et le monde tournait pour les héros restants. C'était jusqu'à ce qu'ils se retrouvent dans un territoire inconnu. Superman, cependant, connaissait assez bien l'endroit. "La 5ème dimension? Toon Girl, qu'est-ce qui se passe?" Superman a demandé. Quelque part ailleurs dans la 5ème dimension... Sur cette planète, dans cette réalité, de plus en plus de choses ressemblaient à des dessins animés. Les citoyens semblaient plus petits, certains n'avaient même que quatre doigts. Les arbres manquaient de feuilles individuelles et, dans une certaine mesure, ressemblaient davantage aux brocolis. Pour la plupart, les citoyens de cette réalité déformée n'ont même pas remarqué les trois héros plus normaux. "Une minute, on est enfermés dans un congélateur avec un dessin animé, maintenant on est dans quelque chose comme Cool World?" Bulleteer a demandé à haute voix que les gens nains les passaient sur ce qui ressemblait à une rue de ville occupée dans une bande dessinée du dimanche. "J'aime Brad Pitt dans ça, amigo. Je ne vois pas de détectives d'araignées ou d'animaux qui parlent ici..." Vibe a répondu en regardant autour. Une force tout-puissante regardait au-dessus alors que les héros brouillaient pour garder leur esprit sur eux. Cependant « la force omnipotente » éternuait et le dessin animé pleuvait sur les héros. Vibe a commencé le cursin en espagnol et il sonnait comme il a mentionné la station de télévision Nickelodeon et leur vert slime, mais personne d'autre ne parlait l'espagnol fluide pour être sûr. C'est là que le snot lui-même s'est transformé en sentient et s'est transformé en plusieurs monstres oculaires. "Sententient des monstres qui pleuvaient du ciel comme un dieu éternuait... ce n'est pas comme ça que j'avais prévu de passer mon mardi après-midi..." Bulleteer a dit prendre l'air. -00492 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ______________________________________________ E P I S O D E VII:T R A I N I N G D A Y S D E L A W A R E :30 juillet 2017 - 08:48 À la suite de l'attaque d'Extant contre la Ligue, Superman avait personnellement demandé à Ted de rester à plein temps à Metro Tower pour s'entraîner et préparer les membres plus verts de la Ligue en cas d'attaque à nouveau. Comme n'importe quel bon entraîneur, Ted avait réveillé le groupe à l'aube, les prenant pour une course de cinq milles avant de revenir pour le petit déjeuner. Le petit déjeuner n'avait été rien d'autre qu'un épais liquide vert, conçu par le Batman pour maximiser l'apport nutritif et la production, malheureusement il a sacrifié le goût et l'apparence en échange. En regardant au-dessus de la salle de gym, Ted a examiné les partenaires de sparring avant lui car il avait Whiplash et Clayface se disputer pour Supergirl et le Rookie a échangé des coups de l'autre côté de la pièce. Whistling brusquement, Ted a fait ses mains dans un "T" alors qu'il a fait quelques pas en avant, en demandant au groupe de venir pour une conversation. "D'accord, ça suffit pour l'instant." Ted a dit, se frottant les mains ensemble. « Maintenant, nous allons nous concentrer sur la façon dont vous travaillez en équipe. Vous avez testé les points forts de l'autre, vous avez construit vos liens, mais maintenant nous allons travailler sur la communication et la coordination." Il a expliqué comme un groupe de robots d'entraînement est sorti des murs de la salle d'entraînement. « Ces robots prendront la forme de certains des ennemis rencontrés au fil des ans par la Justice League et la Justice Society. Chacun sera choisi spécifiquement pour défier les capacités de l'un d'entre vous, ce qui signifie que vous devrez travailler ensemble pour compenser vos faiblesses. » Ted conclut alors que les bots commencent à changer de forme, le premier bots d'entraînement s'agrandit soudainement en taille, tandis que ses nanites de métal liquide prennent la forme d'éclaboussure de l'être connu sous le nom de Solomon Grundy. "Né un lundi..." Le bot s'est dirigé vers le Rookie alors que le second a commencé à disparaître de la vue avant que le contour wispy du Gentleman Ghost se tienne à sa place. "Bonjour Sirrah." Le Ghost a dit avec une pointe de son chapeau éthérique vers Clayface que le prochain bot a pris la forme de l'immortelle Vandal Savage. Tourner un couteau autour de sa main, le maître de la warfare eyed Whiplash hungrily au fur et à mesure que le bot fnal commençait à se transformer. Son corps a tourné pourpre alors que sa masse a commencé à croître seulement pour se rétrécir soudainement dans un cadre filaire que les yeux perlés tournés vers Supergirl, une bouche remplie de rangées de dents s'ouvrant large avant de casser la fermeture. "Alors, affamé..." Le Parasite gémit alors que Ted reprenait quelques pas avant qu'un champ de force ne s'active pour le séparer et les recrues. "Rappelez-vous, travaillez ensemble." Ted a appelé alors que les ennemis simulés commençaient à s'attarder sur les nouveaux héros.
The Justice League had been active for several years. Their membership included Superman, Batman, Vixen, Green Lantern (Alan Scott), and Robot Man. Most of them were already in their 40's, Batman was rumored to be in his 50's. The team took down threats such as Brainiac, the rogue General Eiling, Solomon Grundy and an army of the undead, a Thanagarian Cult, and dozens of others. Weeks ago, in a battle with the alien tyrant Despero, both Vixen and Robotman were killed in action. Robotman COULD have survived, but the three eyed behemoth crushed his head and destroyed the original brain of Cliff Steele. One year ago... The Justice League extended its reach and took in several new heroes to form the Justice League Unlimited. Over the course of the first several weeks the League learned about the existance of a similar group, composed of super criminals, calling themselves the Society and brought together by the devious Lex Luthor Jr. Shortly after the Society made themselves known, the Question deduced that the super criminals were after artifacts composed of a mysterious Nth metal. During a mission that saw a group going to the destroyed remains of Atlantis, Ravager was seemingly killed by an unseen attacker and left for dead. Her father, Deathstroke, would later abduct her from JLU headquarters to help her recover on his own terms. Bulleteer would also be attacked in Metropolis and taken out of action after taking trauma to his head after the enemies of the League were informed by Lobo that his helmet was composed of Nth metal. Ambush Bug was killed during an attack on the League's HQ, and the heroic Clayface was torn apart as well. Over the course of the last year the League would continue to evolve. Superman would be defeated and killed by the monster called Doomsday. Green Lantern has retired after finding out his reformed enemy turned fiancee Thorn was pregnant with twins. And Batman has seemingly stepped down from the League as well but not before sponsoring Clutch as the new wheelman for the Justice League Unlimited. Present day... The League still moves forward after everything they've been through. Supergirl and Blue Beetle have stepped up to lead this new era of the team, however a crashed spaceship would change everything. Discovering the hero called Starman in the wreckage, the League was warned that white Martians have began invading the planet and one of their own has already been replaced by a Martian! Who will be revealed as the traitor? Where did Starman come from? ________________ About the Founders... Superman - He's the first superhero. The reason it's even called a super-hero. His career seemingly began in the 1970's, however reports indicate he may have been active as far back as WWII. Same basic powers of Superman. He makes everybody in the room wanna stand a little bit taller. A big blue boyscout to this day, he has a line he'll never cross and ALWAYS finds another way. He's pretty much the big gun of the metahuman/alien archetypes. He's only been Clark Kent the last twenty years or so of his life on Earth. He obviously ages slower in the universe than past incarnations. - Deceased Batman (mask off) - Same billionaire playboy philanthropist, his career just began in the late 90's and has lasted nearly two decades. He is to the gadgeteers and standard human heroes what Superman is to metas and aliens. The big gun. Basically picture Ben Afleck's Batman here just with more gray hair. - Retired Green Lantern - Alan Scott is the resident GL, and the ONLY GL in this universe. I'm staying away from the GLC and all the rainbow brigade Corps. His career stretches over the last decade or so and a few years back he absorbed the energies of his magic ring internalizing his power. He's the big gun of the supernatural/magic archetypes. He's also based in Gotham and mostly patrols during the day when Batman isn't being Batman. - Retired Robotman - Cliff Steele was once a racecar driver and adrenaline junkie. He jumped out of planes, served two years in the military, and was even a bouncer on a cruise ship for several months. It was to no surprise to anyone when he finally went too far and crashed an experimental NHRA racing car. His body was near completely destroyed, which is when his friends at STAR Labs Dr. Niles Caulder and Silas Stone put his brain into the body of a machine. Still ever the enthusiast he decided superheroics were in his future and took the alias Robotman . He was a hero of Midway for several years before joining the other founding five in the Justice League. In the battle with Despero his brain was destroyed, thus ending the career of Robotman. - Deceased Vixen - Mari McCabe was born in Africa and possessed the magical Tantu Totem. This is a magical artifact, supposedly passed down over several generations from mother to daughter, and is the source of her power. Giving her the ability to mimic the attributes of any animal on the planet, Mari used this power to protect her village until moving to the United States and going to college. After graduating Mari was offered a modeling contract with an agency in NYC. Getting lost in the spotlight and fame, she was eventually reminded of the power and responsibility and publicly came out as the hero Vixen. After joining the JL for several years, her life was snuffed out when the behemoth Despero used his immense strength to crush her under the weight of a destroyed skyscraper. - Deceased Background heroes in the Tower... Vibe - Hispanic breakdancer turned metahuman hero from Detroit. Amazing Man - the energy absorbing, hard hitting, African American hero. Ambush Bug - Deceased Fire - Brazilian green fire manipulator. Ice - ice manipulator from Norway. Other notable heroes... Commander Steel - Henry 'Hank' Heywood was a member of the United States Marine Corps during the second World War. Injured during an attack caused by Nazi saboteurs, Heywood underwent an extensive, experimental surgery that resulted in him obtaining a 'skin of steel'. Possessing superhuman durability and strength, Hank took on the alias Commander Steel, secretly returning to the war where he was approached by Doctor Fate. Seeing the long war ahead, Fate came to Steel to ask him to lead a specialized team and the new hero did not disappoint. Forming the Justice Society, Commander Steel lead the group into battle after battle, emerging victorious. Unfortunately, Hank's story does not have a happy ending as the surgery wound up impacting his mental health. As he aged, his sanity began to wane and so to this day, Henry Heywood resides in Arkham Asylum, having been put there by those who loved him most. Wonder Woman - Possibly the first superhuman to appear in the public eye. Wonder Woman, or Diana of Themyscria, predates the Justice Society by nearly two decades having originally appeared during the first World War. An Amazon hailing from a hidden paradise island, Wonder Woman possesses strength, speed and durability only surpassed by Superman herself. Armed with incredible mystical weapons such as her bracers and lasso, Wonder Woman did miracles for the allied troops in the Great War and served as a founding member of the Justice Society before retiring to Themyscria after the second World War. She has not been heard from since. Wildcat - The youngest among the Justice Society, Theodore 'Ted' Grant was a rising world class heavy-weight boxer. The last to be recruited to the Justice Society, Ted Grant was also the last to remain active, returning to Gotham where he would fight crime on the streets until one night when a young Bruce Wayne knocked on his door. Training Bruce Wayne changed Ted, settling some of the wild in the cat as the man changed focus from protecting the streets to giving youths an outlet as he opened a free gym. Still, Ted retains his ties to the world of costumed antics and from time to time will still be asked to train a young hero on how to properly land a punch. The Flash - The original Flash, Jason 'Jay' Garrick was a college student who after a lab accent found his latent metahuman genes activated. Using his powers originally to have a comfortable college football career, the curse of power and responsible eventually caught up with Jay as the call of second World War was too much to ignore. Using his abilities on the field, Jay was approached by the mysterious Doctor Fate who set Jay onto the path of Hank Heywood, otherwise known as Commander Steel. Joining with the Commander, Jay acted as a member of the Justice Society until he was forced to retire. His metagene unfortunately accelerated his aging and Jay retired shortly into the early 1960's. But Jay's legacy lives on, as the mantle of the Flash was passed down. Without using his abilities, Jay was able to prolong his life and lived among society as a civilian, marrying his college sweetheart Joan. Jay passed away peacefully in his sleep five years ago surrounded by friends and loved ones. Doctor Fate - During the late 1930's, archaeologist, Sven Nelson and his son, Kent Nelson traveled to the Valley of Ur. It was there the pair stumbled across the tomb of Nabu the Wise. Exploring the tomb, Kent accidentally opens the sarcophagus containing Nabu and with it released the trap that had long awaited would-be tomb raiders. A poisonous gas was released into the room, and both Sven and Kent fell victim to it. Waking up, Kent found himself at the feet of a man he did not recognize, this man turned out to be Nabu who, through what little strength he had, reached out and saved Kent. Revealing to Kent that he was no longer on Earth but in the realm of the Lords of Order, Nabu sent Kent back to Earth but provided him one parting gift. A golden helmet. This helmet would transform Kent into Doctor Fate, merging the body of Kent Nelson with the mind of Nabu. Endowed with mastery of the mystic and arcane, Kent was able to see the future and the horror of the second war. Nabu provided him a solution however and Kent, now called Doctor Fate, set out to unite the Justice Society. Serving as a member for its entire duration, when the Society was disbanded to make room for the League, Doctor Fate disappeared without a trace. ________________ Active Characters Member 00492 as Starman GM rocketrobie2 as Blue Beetle Co-GM Simple Unicycle as The Question WXer as Polarity Man Weird Tales as Mr. Clutch NecroKnight as Lizard Sir Lurksalot as The Rookie Champion The Angry Goat as The Warden Archmage MC as Toon Girl Afro Samurai as Shazam Unknown100 as Supergirl ineffable as Apollex Inactive Characters Lord Wraith as Ravager - Conflicting schedule FiroIV as Gypsy - Dropped out Roman as Whiplash - Dropped out Blue Demon as Clayface - Dropped Out Burning Kitty as Solara - Rage Quit Hillan as Dark Messiah - No Post To Date DivineDarkness as The Flash (III) - No Post To Date Experiment 249 as Judgement - Missing In Action Character Application Name: Alias: Age: Personality: Archetype: Metahuman, Alien, Alien Tech, Mystic/Supernatural, or Gadgeteer Powers: Weaknesses: Appearance: Character Evolution: BRIEF Bio: Notes: Sample Post:
Toon Girl dans l'épisode 6 Super, les choses sont passées de mauvais à pire! D'abord un méchant de glace décide d'être vraiment intelligent pour une fois et de lier tout le monde, puis ses alliés se font prendre à la 5ème dimension, puis Superman, Tsigane, et elle-même se fait prendre là aussi! "Eh bien Superman, nous sommes dans la 5ème dimension. Je déteste ça ici, peut-on trouver nos alliés et partir? Je ne veux pas rester ici plus longtemps que nécessaire." Toon Girl a dit à la question de Superman, évidemment très affligé et offensé par l'endroit où ils étaient. "Soyez prudents ici. La logique n'est pas très bien utilisée ici, et on dirait que la pluie de snot pourrait être le temps d'aujourd'hui. S'il vous plaît givrez respirer la boue qui descend. Je déteste ça." Toon Girl a continué, essayant de guider Gypsy et Sups dans la rue curvy, en s'assurant de se cacher derrière Superman chaque fois qu'un drone est venu en vue. C'était dommage que Bulleteer et son autre coéquipier aient pu être n'importe où, et qu'ils aient tous dû être à côté de la compagnie HIS.
Name: Lucy Light Alias: Toon Girl Age: 24 Personality: Honest, intelligent, Observant, Lax, Playful Archetype: Mystic/Supernatural Powers: Super Strength - Depending on her mood, Light can have various levels of Super Strength. While sad or depressed, her arms are basically noodles and can't lift much of anything. When she is determined or angry, her super strength can jump up to levels that can only be matched by a few. In her default state however shes strong enough to be able to lift up a small house and run with it only slightly encumbered. She can also lift enchanted items such as Thor's Hammer when in an 'in the zone' or excited state, but WILL NOT gain any positive or negative effects from them. Toon Regeneration - Light can regenerate from almost any affliction much like any cartoon. The healing can vary on how long it takes, depending on the injury, with physical blows being the fastest to bounce back from, while more energy based things like fire might take longer to regenerate from. Supernatural afflictions or mental afflictions take the longest to regenerate from, and can take upwards of 20 minutes to regenerate from in some cases. Additionally since shes a toon, many injuries that affect her tend to be more 'showy', such as her turning into ash after being on fire for a short time, explosives just charring her black and maybe turning her to ash, body parts finding their way back to her or her pulling new body parts out of stumps if she is cut, blowing herself back to normal, bullets passing through her and leaving holes, turning green when sick, and the like. She doesn't bleed, and she can adapt quickly to hostile environments such as underwater or the depths of space. Toon Agility - Since she is a toon, Light's body acts much like rubber, and can stretch in strange ways. Although she tries to keep herself looking presentable, she can stretch herself to dodge attacks or even reflect small firearms. This also makes her normal movement a bit 'bouncy'. Portable Hole - Light can pull a portable hole from the inside of her dress. This lets her travel to familiar places or any point along her sight lines, and only she, stuff she wears, or stuff in her Pocket Space can enter, the hole feeling like inky paper to anyone else. When placed, either in the air or on the ground, the second hole appears once she enters the first one. There is a slight time delay between when she enters the hole and when she exits the second hole, which is extended if either hole was placed in the air. Pocket Space - Light can store and pull objects from a place she calls 'pocket space', located under her dress. She can pull various objects from this space, but most if not stored previously tend to be useless or downright hazardous if they have the ACME logo on them, and objects pulled from this space tend to look a bit more 'cartoony' then normal. Light can't store or pull living objects from her pocket space. Reality Siphon - Light steals the reality from whatever she touches. Light gives off a 'creepy' feeling when touched as she steals away the reality of the object or person shes touching. When an object has lost some reality, it is unable to gain energy from other sources but itself until its reality is restored. When Light isn't touching something, it regains its reality back after a short period depending on how much was lost. When an object has lost lots of its reality, it starts to take on the look of a Toon, but with no beneficial powers, and when it loses all of its reality, it disappears to... somewhere... Reality warping beings have a minor resistance to this ability and massive or cosmic entities have a massive resistance to this ability. Magical things lose their energy quickly. This power can't be turned off and Light has no control over its intensity. Weaknesses: -Takes extra damage from attacks -Has an EXCEPTIONALLY difficult time escaping from things that constrict her movement like ropes or nets. -Extremely unlucky, almost to the point where she might just as well have a target painted on her head. -Very susceptible to drugs and some chemicals. -Has a very poor judgement of 'seriousness' and tends to fall into traps very easily as danger isn't something she can really perceive well. -Tends to mostly be a pacifist when fighting, and would rather talk or play with her enemies than fight them. This makes her very easy to talk down from a fight or even bring to your side temporarily. (Lex = instant win) Also makes her very easy to distract. -While strong, she isn't trained in martial arts. Shes also fairly light and easy to throw around. -Due to her 'creepy' touch and slightly unsettling origin/looks, Light has a hard time making any close relationships. Appearance: Colors are Light Blue hair, Light Blue tanktop, pure white skin and dress, and black sclara/orange iris eyes. Character Evolution: Just to have fun. Having a fun boyfriend wouldn't be too bad either. Though the initial goal is lots of friends. Doesn't mean she wont be a bit flirty though. BRIEF Bio: Light comes from the Void, the space between worlds, or thats what she says anyway. And finding her way to a world full of super powered beings with many, many adventures to have, and many friends to meet! Not to mention all the wondrous food. Of course finding your way to a physical realm isn't the easiest thing in the world, and of course you tend to look fairly alien to everything in that world. So its best if you try to be on the side that most of the world agrees with, especially considering doing so gives you the most freedom and no one wants to spend their time in a world behind bars! So after acclimating herself to the world she found herself in, Light found her way to this 'Justice League' thing. They looked fun, they were heroes, and they had so much freedom Light wondered why anyone wouldn't wanna be them. Notes: Shes interested in anything fun, and loves to eat. You wouldn't think she could eat so much with her small frame, but... While she tries to learn what she can, she doesn't know everyone and everything, especially when it comes to obscure heroes and villains. She does know the big name villains though, but tends to view them as 'story characters' than actual threats. She doesn't view anyone as serious, even if they say they are. Mostly because, in a world where some heroes could blow up the planet. If people were serious there would be deaths everywhere and since there aren't piles and piles of corpses in the streets, everyone is playing in her eyes. Since she has a Genre savvy sort of intellect, shes very good at observations and has a bit of a silver tongue to her. Shes not mechanically inclined though, and gets lost when high technobabble is being spoken. Under her gloves are sharp pointed fingers. Her teeth only 'look' sharp and bear-trap like in an open teeth smile, and look normal in a closed teeth smile or when shes talking. She prefers being called by her last name. The Void might be a place that is quite familiar, maybe even a different dimension... Superman is a bit, miffed around Toon Girl as well for some reason... Sample Post: The Justice League was such a nice team to be a part of. There was food, lots of people to talk to, and lots of fun to be had! Of course a few league members didn't like being around Light, or Toon Girl as everyone called her. But she was sure they'd come around eventually, after all, everyone wanted a good time at some point! But those that did like her, well, she was always up to playing many sorts of games. She wasn't super great at darts or pool whenever some heroes at the bar wanted to play, but only the techno people could really beat her at Video games. That is, if they weren't busy making a new gadget or doing some work or fighting crime. Speaking of crime, the last fight that Toon Girl was a part of went off fairly well. Some guy named Captain Boomerang tried to rob a bank. Being in the area with Flash on a 'play date', they were able to arrive on the scene pretty fast, considering where they grabbed coffee being right next to the bank he was robbing. He was a playful guy, or well, his accent made him out to be. And boy was he surprised when the two heroes arrived at the first scream, giving him no time to do much of anything. A few hugs or punches later, and he was off to think about what he had done, but not before getting a playful earful from Light. Mostly Australian stuff, due to his accent. Stuff like Ya know mate, should've brought your didgeridoo, then we could've had a great party." or "Are you Australian Batman?" which probably annoyed the guy quite a bit.
E P I S O D E VIII:T R I D E N T O F A T L A N T I S A T L A N T I C O C E A N:Août 02, 2017 - 06:13:00 Océan Atlantique - Atlantis Les outils à la disposition de la Ligue n'ont jamais cessé de surprendre Rose alors qu'elle tenait sur une ceinture de chargement au-dessus de sa tête alors que le navire de saut de la Ligue faisait la transition d'un vol à l'autre, submersible sous les vagues d'écrasement de l'océan Atlantique. Bien qu'elle n'ait été qu'une enfant, même en partant au Cambodge, Rose avait entendu parler de la guerre entre Atlantis et les États-Unis lorsque l'Atlante, le roi Orm avait choisi d'aller en guerre avec les habitants de la surface. Cependant, Atlantis a été repoussé et leur royaume a fini par être détruit pendant la guerre laissant le contenu du monde de surface pour croire qu'ils ne feraient jamais face à une autre attaque des mermen sous l'Atlantique. Ainsi, l'idée de porter une combinaison de matériaux hybrides atlantes dans Atlantis n'a jamais vraiment traversé l'esprit de Rose Wilson jusqu'à ce qu'elle ait été repêchée par le Chevalier Noir dans une mission d'interception d'un ennemi connu seulement comme Black Manta de récupérer le trident mystique réservé au chef de la ville perdue. Aux côtés de Rose se trouvait à nouveau Jessica Jester, l'experte aquatique résidente de l'équipe. Le Lizard étant une partie alligator, la partie de la femme de sang rouge était beaucoup plus adapté pour les profondeurs froides obscurcies que Rose même dans sa montée à l'échelle. À la barre du navire de saut n'était autre que le coporat de l'équipe se vendant comme Mr. L'embrayage a effectué un pilotage à la main du navire sous la surface. Malgré tous ses autres défauts, Rose devait admettre qu'il pouvait au moins conduire. Le dernier membre de leur équipe était la centrale de l'équipe, au moins jusqu'à l'arrivée de Superskirt. L'actuel capitaine Marvel se tenait près de Rose, son visage à capuche dissimulant le contenu et l'homme tranquille tandis que Batman se détournait de la barre pour s'adresser à l'équipe. "Le Trident est un artefact que nous comprenons très peu. Ses origines et ses limites sont au mieux vagues, mais ce dont nous sommes certains, c'est qu'il ne peut pas tomber entre de mauvaises mains. » Le Chevalier Noir a déclaré que Rose se sentait tentée de rouler les yeux. Tout le monde et leur mère avaient vu les images de CNN d'Orm prendre des hordes du meilleur des États-Unis avec la fourchette surdimensionnée. C'était plutôt un choc, que la Ligue avait capturé l'arme alors que la guerre était encore en cours. "Black Manta est un nouveau joueur, nous pensons qu'il était l'un des lieutenants d'Orm pendant la guerre et fait maintenant une pièce de théâtre pour se mettre au pouvoir. C'est assez étrange étant donné le temps qui s'est écoulé depuis que nous avons entendu parler d'Atlantis pour la dernière fois, mais nous ne pouvons pas nous permettre que cela passe inaperçu." Batman a continué. "Bien que l'Atlantide soit principalement détruite, il y a encore des poches de la ville avec un soutien de vie complet où nous pourrons survivre à l'intérieur. L'embrayage va nous rapprocher le plus possible de la capitale, mais il a subi le plus de dégâts pendant la bataille finale. Il est probable que nous serons obligés d'atterrir bien à l'extérieur, et de trouver un chemin à travers l'infrastructure de la ville. » Prenant un moment pour examiner chaque membre de l'équipe, Batman continua. « L'objectif principal est de trouver le trident et de sortir. Évitez le combat à tout prix, les Atlantes peuvent survivre en dehors de la ville, vous ne pouvez pas." Batman s'est arrêté en regardant vers Lizard. « Même votre physiologie ne vous permettra pas de survivre à la pression écrasante à cette profondeur. » En regardant la barre, l'équipe a été créée par la vue de la ville détruite alors que les lumières du saut éclairaient les ruines de l'Atlantide. La pierre d'achoppement et le travail des métaux étaient visibles de tous les côtés comme des boucliers peu fonctionnels illuminaient plusieurs poches de la ville autrefois vaste. Pointant vers une poche vers le centre, Batman ordonna à Clutch de prendre le navire. "Capitaine", Batman s'arrêta alors qu'il se tournait vers le groupe. "Je ne partirai pas avec vous ici, donc je vous demanderai de prendre position sur cette opération. J'espère que vous serez en mesure de maintenir ce groupe en ligne." Batman a ajouté, son regard tourné vers Rose qui a roulé ses yeux cette fois-ci. "J'ai clairement plus de champ exp-" Rose a commencé quand Batman a levé la main. "Et vous êtes plus susceptible de violer toutes les règles que je vous ai demandées." Il a rétorqué. -- Capitaine, puis-je vous faire confiance pour diriger cette opération? Batman demanda alors qu'il tournait son attention vers le capitaine Marvel. E P I S O D E IX: NUIT MAGNETIQUEMARE ILLINOIS: août 08th, 2017 - 03:45'STAR Labs, Chicago "Bill..." dit un homme en manteau de labo marchant dans un couloir avec plusieurs portes et chambres alors qu'il passait le garde de sécurité à son poste. "Steve..." dit le garde avec les yeux sur les caméras et regardant son téléphone cellulaire après que le scientifique est passé. Alors que le grand homme regardait son portable, il ne voyait pas le métahumain qui s'approchait dans la cape et le casque funky sur le mur est de l'établissement. Il pouvait certainement entendre le mur arraché du côté et les deux douzaines de scientifiques crier quand c'est arrivé. Le garde s'est évanoui hors de son siège en s'emparant d'un fusil de chasse dans un compartiment caché dans le mur. Il a couru pour l'aile est du labo et a finalement fait irruption par une porte d'urgence avec son arme levée. Bill regarda autour de lui avec son doigt sur la gâchette, et vit plusieurs scientifiques s'échapper pour se couvrir et essayer de le faire vers les sorties. Un autre garde s'est approché de lui avec son pistolet tiré et ils ont tous les deux hoche la tête. Ils entendaient le type dans le monologue de la cape. "Où est le Nth metal, professeur Travis?" Doc Polaris a demandé avec sa main à la gorge des hommes planant à la place. "Est-ce que tu n'es pas censé être le "maître du magnétisme"?" le médecin a demandé avec un sourire avant que l'homme dans le casque s'est cassé le cou et jeté son corps. "My Power n'est pas en mesure d'effacer votre métaile d'aliens. Quoi qu'il en soit, j'en veux à qui que ce soit qui ne me donne pas ce que je veux! » Polaris hurlant d'attraper un autre scientifique avec son pouvoir. "Avez-vous frappé l'alarme de la Ligue de Justice qu'ils ont installée il y a quelques mois?" Bill a demandé à l'autre garde qui a hurlé, "Alors voyons si nous ne pouvons pas empêcher ce clown de tuer quelqu'un d'autre...!" Il a dit d'être plus fort et d'attirer l'attention de Polaris. Les deux hommes ont vidé leurs armes et le médecin fou a arrêté toutes les balles en place style Matrix. "Les imbéciles... Je peux manipuler ce métal... » Le docteur Polaris s'est vanté de repousser les munitions aux gardes. Métropolis, tour de métro... L'alarme a sonné et le membre senior de la Ligue, Green Lantern a réuni un groupe de héros disponibles. "Question, Polarity Man, Apollex, et Blue Beetle... rapport aux TÉLÉPORTATEURS! Nous avons une situation à Chicago..." Alan a crié sur les interphones aux héros. Quelques instants plus tard, à deux pâtés de maisons de STAR Labs... Green Lantern a porté Question, Apollex, et Blue Beetle avec ses pouvoirs tandis que Larry a piloté son costume de mecha au combat. Le mur est a été détruit et il y avait déjà une barricade de police qui empêchait les civils de faire des dégâts. "Nous allons gérer cet écrou, avoir des équipes EMS prêts pour les gens encore à l'intérieur!" GL a crié sur les officiers alors qu'il a dissipé sa Star Wars comme construction de transport. "Question et Apollex, sortez les gardes et les scientifiques restants de là. Larry, Beetle, vous deux allez m'aider à descendre ce gars rapidement avant qu'il ne trouve ce qu'il cherche..." Lantern a continué avant d'être renversé par un autre mur avec la force magnétique de Polaris. "Je vais montrer à cet idiot de Brainwave comment c'est fait! Tu es prêt à mourir Lantern? Doc Polaris a crié. -00492 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Justice League had been active for several years. Their membership included Superman, Batman, Vixen, Green Lantern (Alan Scott), and Robot Man. Most of them were already in their 40's, Batman was rumored to be in his 50's. The team took down threats such as Brainiac, the rogue General Eiling, Solomon Grundy and an army of the undead, a Thanagarian Cult, and dozens of others. Weeks ago, in a battle with the alien tyrant Despero, both Vixen and Robotman were killed in action. Robotman COULD have survived, but the three eyed behemoth crushed his head and destroyed the original brain of Cliff Steele. One year ago... The Justice League extended its reach and took in several new heroes to form the Justice League Unlimited. Over the course of the first several weeks the League learned about the existance of a similar group, composed of super criminals, calling themselves the Society and brought together by the devious Lex Luthor Jr. Shortly after the Society made themselves known, the Question deduced that the super criminals were after artifacts composed of a mysterious Nth metal. During a mission that saw a group going to the destroyed remains of Atlantis, Ravager was seemingly killed by an unseen attacker and left for dead. Her father, Deathstroke, would later abduct her from JLU headquarters to help her recover on his own terms. Bulleteer would also be attacked in Metropolis and taken out of action after taking trauma to his head after the enemies of the League were informed by Lobo that his helmet was composed of Nth metal. Ambush Bug was killed during an attack on the League's HQ, and the heroic Clayface was torn apart as well. Over the course of the last year the League would continue to evolve. Superman would be defeated and killed by the monster called Doomsday. Green Lantern has retired after finding out his reformed enemy turned fiancee Thorn was pregnant with twins. And Batman has seemingly stepped down from the League as well but not before sponsoring Clutch as the new wheelman for the Justice League Unlimited. Present day... The League still moves forward after everything they've been through. Supergirl and Blue Beetle have stepped up to lead this new era of the team, however a crashed spaceship would change everything. Discovering the hero called Starman in the wreckage, the League was warned that white Martians have began invading the planet and one of their own has already been replaced by a Martian! Who will be revealed as the traitor? Where did Starman come from? ________________ About the Founders... Superman - He's the first superhero. The reason it's even called a super-hero. His career seemingly began in the 1970's, however reports indicate he may have been active as far back as WWII. Same basic powers of Superman. He makes everybody in the room wanna stand a little bit taller. A big blue boyscout to this day, he has a line he'll never cross and ALWAYS finds another way. He's pretty much the big gun of the metahuman/alien archetypes. He's only been Clark Kent the last twenty years or so of his life on Earth. He obviously ages slower in the universe than past incarnations. - Deceased Batman (mask off) - Same billionaire playboy philanthropist, his career just began in the late 90's and has lasted nearly two decades. He is to the gadgeteers and standard human heroes what Superman is to metas and aliens. The big gun. Basically picture Ben Afleck's Batman here just with more gray hair. - Retired Green Lantern - Alan Scott is the resident GL, and the ONLY GL in this universe. I'm staying away from the GLC and all the rainbow brigade Corps. His career stretches over the last decade or so and a few years back he absorbed the energies of his magic ring internalizing his power. He's the big gun of the supernatural/magic archetypes. He's also based in Gotham and mostly patrols during the day when Batman isn't being Batman. - Retired Robotman - Cliff Steele was once a racecar driver and adrenaline junkie. He jumped out of planes, served two years in the military, and was even a bouncer on a cruise ship for several months. It was to no surprise to anyone when he finally went too far and crashed an experimental NHRA racing car. His body was near completely destroyed, which is when his friends at STAR Labs Dr. Niles Caulder and Silas Stone put his brain into the body of a machine. Still ever the enthusiast he decided superheroics were in his future and took the alias Robotman . He was a hero of Midway for several years before joining the other founding five in the Justice League. In the battle with Despero his brain was destroyed, thus ending the career of Robotman. - Deceased Vixen - Mari McCabe was born in Africa and possessed the magical Tantu Totem. This is a magical artifact, supposedly passed down over several generations from mother to daughter, and is the source of her power. Giving her the ability to mimic the attributes of any animal on the planet, Mari used this power to protect her village until moving to the United States and going to college. After graduating Mari was offered a modeling contract with an agency in NYC. Getting lost in the spotlight and fame, she was eventually reminded of the power and responsibility and publicly came out as the hero Vixen. After joining the JL for several years, her life was snuffed out when the behemoth Despero used his immense strength to crush her under the weight of a destroyed skyscraper. - Deceased Background heroes in the Tower... Vibe - Hispanic breakdancer turned metahuman hero from Detroit. Amazing Man - the energy absorbing, hard hitting, African American hero. Ambush Bug - Deceased Fire - Brazilian green fire manipulator. Ice - ice manipulator from Norway. Other notable heroes... Commander Steel - Henry 'Hank' Heywood was a member of the United States Marine Corps during the second World War. Injured during an attack caused by Nazi saboteurs, Heywood underwent an extensive, experimental surgery that resulted in him obtaining a 'skin of steel'. Possessing superhuman durability and strength, Hank took on the alias Commander Steel, secretly returning to the war where he was approached by Doctor Fate. Seeing the long war ahead, Fate came to Steel to ask him to lead a specialized team and the new hero did not disappoint. Forming the Justice Society, Commander Steel lead the group into battle after battle, emerging victorious. Unfortunately, Hank's story does not have a happy ending as the surgery wound up impacting his mental health. As he aged, his sanity began to wane and so to this day, Henry Heywood resides in Arkham Asylum, having been put there by those who loved him most. Wonder Woman - Possibly the first superhuman to appear in the public eye. Wonder Woman, or Diana of Themyscria, predates the Justice Society by nearly two decades having originally appeared during the first World War. An Amazon hailing from a hidden paradise island, Wonder Woman possesses strength, speed and durability only surpassed by Superman herself. Armed with incredible mystical weapons such as her bracers and lasso, Wonder Woman did miracles for the allied troops in the Great War and served as a founding member of the Justice Society before retiring to Themyscria after the second World War. She has not been heard from since. Wildcat - The youngest among the Justice Society, Theodore 'Ted' Grant was a rising world class heavy-weight boxer. The last to be recruited to the Justice Society, Ted Grant was also the last to remain active, returning to Gotham where he would fight crime on the streets until one night when a young Bruce Wayne knocked on his door. Training Bruce Wayne changed Ted, settling some of the wild in the cat as the man changed focus from protecting the streets to giving youths an outlet as he opened a free gym. Still, Ted retains his ties to the world of costumed antics and from time to time will still be asked to train a young hero on how to properly land a punch. The Flash - The original Flash, Jason 'Jay' Garrick was a college student who after a lab accent found his latent metahuman genes activated. Using his powers originally to have a comfortable college football career, the curse of power and responsible eventually caught up with Jay as the call of second World War was too much to ignore. Using his abilities on the field, Jay was approached by the mysterious Doctor Fate who set Jay onto the path of Hank Heywood, otherwise known as Commander Steel. Joining with the Commander, Jay acted as a member of the Justice Society until he was forced to retire. His metagene unfortunately accelerated his aging and Jay retired shortly into the early 1960's. But Jay's legacy lives on, as the mantle of the Flash was passed down. Without using his abilities, Jay was able to prolong his life and lived among society as a civilian, marrying his college sweetheart Joan. Jay passed away peacefully in his sleep five years ago surrounded by friends and loved ones. Doctor Fate - During the late 1930's, archaeologist, Sven Nelson and his son, Kent Nelson traveled to the Valley of Ur. It was there the pair stumbled across the tomb of Nabu the Wise. Exploring the tomb, Kent accidentally opens the sarcophagus containing Nabu and with it released the trap that had long awaited would-be tomb raiders. A poisonous gas was released into the room, and both Sven and Kent fell victim to it. Waking up, Kent found himself at the feet of a man he did not recognize, this man turned out to be Nabu who, through what little strength he had, reached out and saved Kent. Revealing to Kent that he was no longer on Earth but in the realm of the Lords of Order, Nabu sent Kent back to Earth but provided him one parting gift. A golden helmet. This helmet would transform Kent into Doctor Fate, merging the body of Kent Nelson with the mind of Nabu. Endowed with mastery of the mystic and arcane, Kent was able to see the future and the horror of the second war. Nabu provided him a solution however and Kent, now called Doctor Fate, set out to unite the Justice Society. Serving as a member for its entire duration, when the Society was disbanded to make room for the League, Doctor Fate disappeared without a trace. ________________ Active Characters Member 00492 as Starman GM rocketrobie2 as Blue Beetle Co-GM Simple Unicycle as The Question WXer as Polarity Man Weird Tales as Mr. Clutch NecroKnight as Lizard Sir Lurksalot as The Rookie Champion The Angry Goat as The Warden Archmage MC as Toon Girl Afro Samurai as Shazam Unknown100 as Supergirl ineffable as Apollex Inactive Characters Lord Wraith as Ravager - Conflicting schedule FiroIV as Gypsy - Dropped out Roman as Whiplash - Dropped out Blue Demon as Clayface - Dropped Out Burning Kitty as Solara - Rage Quit Hillan as Dark Messiah - No Post To Date DivineDarkness as The Flash (III) - No Post To Date Experiment 249 as Judgement - Missing In Action Character Application Name: Alias: Age: Personality: Archetype: Metahuman, Alien, Alien Tech, Mystic/Supernatural, or Gadgeteer Powers: Weaknesses: Appearance: Character Evolution: BRIEF Bio: Notes: Sample Post:
Dans...EPISODE 9: NIGHTMARE MAGNETIQUE Polaris, Polarity Man... probablement un lien là-bas. Partenaires? Frères? Des amoureux? Tous les trois? Il faut enquêter plus avant. Le théoricien de la conspiration sans visage pensait à lui-même alors que Green Lantern les transportait tous de Metropolis à Chicago, sauf pour Polarity Man qui a pris sa mecha. Oui, bien sûr. Il est séparé du groupe, ce qui facilite la tâche de son partenaire, de son frère et de son frère. Tu es vraiment un bâtard éthéré, Trainor. Supposons que je rencontre ma fin une fois à Chicago. C'est pas vrai. Et avec ces pensées, Question ferma les yeux et attendait leur arrivée et sa mort. Quand ils sont arrivés à destination et Green Lantern a commencé à donner des ordres, Question a conclu qu'il était, en fait, faux, et que lui et les autres vivraient. Je n'ai pas besoin de continuer à surveiller le lieutenant Trainor. Probablement en ligue avec les Illuminati. Il faut enquêter plus avant. Il a été coupé de ses pensées comme Green Lantern a expliqué qu'il allait sauver les scientifiques et les gardes restants aux côtés d'Apollex (). Il a fait un scan rapide de la femelle jetée. « Pouvoirs : guérison, incertitude si elle ne s'applique qu'aux alliés ou à eux-mêmes et aux alliés. Peut arrêter le temps assez longtemps pour guérir ses partenaires, au prix d'une partie d'elle-même. Jugeant par les yeux, toujours optimiste, encore naïf, encore bon et pur. Il est peu probable qu'elle devienne diabolique, mais elle a encore besoin d'un plan d'urgence au cas où elle le ferait. Je penserai à un autre plus tard. Finissant son analyse mentale de son coéquipier, il s'est tourné vers elle. "Viens. Des civils à sauver." Sans un autre mot, il s'est précipité dans le bâtiment, en vérifiant rapidement par-dessus son épaule pour s'assurer qu'elle suivait.
Name: Vic Sage (born Charles Victor Szasz) Age: 26 (born March 15, 1991) Personality: Brave ? Ruthless ? Determined ? Paranoid ? Eccentric Archetype: Standard human Pragmatic Combatant: Vic is adept at hand-to-hand combat, his fighting style mostly consisting of a combination of street fighting and boxing. In addition to this, he is known to do anything to win a fight, including using objects within the environment as weapons and resorting to dirty tricks (I.E. hitting his opponent in the privates). Genius: Vic is highly intelligent, being able to use this intellect to decipher codes and, well, ciphers, hack into computer terminals and other electronics, and plan strategies. Master Detective: Vic is a brilliant investigator, though he's still a long way from being at Batman's skill level. He can spot even the smallest of details and make deductions from minuscule evidence. Indomitable Will: Vic has a resolve of steel; if he sets his mind to something, he does it. All of it. This allows him to resist torture and any other attempts to break his mind or spirit. This doesn't mean that he can take said torture for long without passing out or dying from the pain; just that he won't give in to it. Strong Sense of Justice (upside): Without a doubt, Vic is someone who will always stand by his views of good and evil; he believes in moral absolutism, good and evil with no shades of grey, and will not compromise on his views for anything. Justice must be held, and evil must be punished. Because of these views, it is almost impossible to make him turn from the side of good. Normal Human: Unlike most of the League, Vic is just a normal human. He still needs to eat, drink, and sleep, he is not fast enough to dodge bullets, he is not durable enough to shrug off knives and other weapons, and he is not strong enough to punch holes in concrete walls; he's just a normal man trying to do good. No Gadgetry: Unlike other heroes with no powers who have a vast array of gadgets to aid them in their acts of vigilantism, Vic only has his bare hands and whatever is around him. He doesn't have a grappling hook, question mark shaped boomerangs, or shark repellent (though that would be useful). Glass Jaw: To add to one of my last statements, Vic is not durable, even by normal human standards. While definitely stronger than most normal humans, it does not extend to defense. If a person with super strength were to punch him, he would most likely be crushed like a bug even if they toned their strength down. Bad Reputation: Vic is a well-known crackpot, and others usually avoid him because of this. Of course, this reputation is warranted, due to his paranoid nature, ruthlessness bordering on psychopathy, and anti-social attitude. Due to his reputation, people are hesitant to work with him and unlikely to trust him. Horrible With Others: Vic is very independent, and does not enjoy working with others. While he will suck it up most of the time, if someone comes up with a plan that he doesn't like, he will ignore it in favor of his own plan. Strong Sense of Justice (downside): Vic's belief that evil must be punished is so strong that he will not let a villain get away with their crimes (even if bringing said villain to justice would bring about the end of the world or something similar). Similarly, if someone does something evil for the greater good, he will not let them go unpunished. The only way to prevent him from enacting justice on those he perceives as evil is to kill him. Appearance: Vic is a rather average man, standing at 5'9 with a slim yet athletic figure and almost always seen wearing a suit and tie. He has red hair that he keeps short and neat, and no facial hair to speak of. In addition, he has fair skin and brown eyes, giving him the image of a nine-to-five office worker instead of a dangerous vigilante. Vic's costume usually consists of a suit, a trench coat, and a fedora; however, if he needs to act immediately, he will just use whatever he was wearing at the time. He wears a mask of Pseudoderm (artificial skin originally designed as a bandage), which cements itself to his face using a special bonding gas. The gas also changes the color of his clothing, in addition to changing his hair color from red to black. Finally, his costume sports elevator shoes, boosting his height by two inches. Character Evolution: I'd like for Question to begin as a very standoffish person, rarely interacting with others if it isn't on a mission. Over time, he would slowly befriend one hero (or multiple heroes) and open up to them. And, if anyone decides to play Huntress and is open to it, then I'd like to have a romance similar to the one they shared in the JLU cartoon (because that pairing will always be my OTP); however, if no one plays Huntress, he's open to a romance with any of the lovely ladies, so long as they don't mind him calling at two in the morning to discuss the new portion he added to the Conspiracy. Bio: Charles Victor Szasz was born to a prostitute and one of her clients, whom she only ever referred to as 'Walter'. Despite what most would think, his home life wasn't horrible, or at least it wasn't as bad as it could have been. His mother did her best to care for him, never blaming him for her problems or taking out her anger on him, and she ensured that Charles had the best life that she could provide. However, outside of home, Charles was frequently the target of bullying and scorn due to his mother's profession and origin within the slums. Most of the time, Charles would just take it and never react; however, when he was ten, he was taken away by Child Protective Services after getting into a fight with two boys who cornered him, which ended in one boy being blinded in one eye by a lit cigarette and the other having part of his cheek bitten off. When asked what made him do this, he stated that they called him a 'whoreson' and various other things. Normally, he would be fine with this, but when one asked the other if he thought Charles's mother would suck their dicks for a dollar, he flew into a rage. He was sent to a run-down home for problematic children, and everything he did that could be perceived as bad was punished with a few hard wraps on the knuckles with a yard stick. Despite many attempts, he was never adopted by a family, and spent the rest of his childhood and adolescence there. At eighteen, Charles was let go from the home. He did his best to track down his mother, only to discover that she had died five years earlier. Jobless, homeless, and with no hope left, he was found and taken in by a college professor named Aristotle 'Tot' Rodor, who became something like the father that Charles never had. He changed his name to Vic Sage and, with Tot's help, got into college and graduated with a major in journalism. He got a job at a news station at the age of 22, and became an anchorman at the age of 24. A year ago, Tot approached Vic and informed him that one of his colleagues, Arby Twain, was going to sell a substance called Pseudoderm to third world countries despite its toxicity if applied to open wounds. Vic wanted to take Twain down, but could not do so as himself because of his famous features. Tot then suggested that Vic use a mask made of Pseudoderm to do so, and Vic agreed. Vic took down Twain, getting a recorded confession from him, before binding him in Pseudoderm and leaving him in front of the police station along with a copy of the confession. After that, Vic decided that this new alter-ego would be useful, and began to use it to fight crime and dig up leads where he couldn't go as Vic Sage. Eventually, Tot modified the bonding gas for Pseudoderm to also change Vic's hair color and the color of his clothing, and Vic gave this alter-ego a name: The Question. And so, the faceless vigilante as we know him was born. After a year of fighting crime, he heard about how the Justice League was recruiting, and decided to join them in order to enact justice on a larger scale. Notes: This Question takes inspiration from the DCAU Question, Rorschach from Watchmen, and some of my own personal additions. Expect a character that's basically Rorschach if he didn't kill criminals and was obsessed with conspiracies... Wait, sorry; Conspiracy, singular. He speaks in a pidgin fashion, which means that any conversations with him will be laconic and to the point. One would easily mistake it for broken English if it wasn't for his American accent. Vic's press pass. The Question is now in Microhero form (a modified version of Member's micro)! And featuring Vic Sage! The Question stands at his perch on the rooftop of an office building. In the distance, he hears a car alarm, and adjusts his fedora before running across the rooftops in the direction of said alarm. Soon enough, he arrives at the scene, finding a man breaking into a parked car. 'Carjacking,' Question thinks, 'easy.' Swiftly and silently, Question slips down the fire escape on the side of the building. He peeks around the corner, looking at the criminal as he fumbles about inside the car, attempting to hotwire it. 'First time carjacking... Correction: very easy.' Gracefully, Question flits about from shadow to shadow, making his way to the car. Soon enough he stands next to the driver's door, the car thief not noticing him. Question punches the door's window, breaking through it and grabbing the thief by the throat at the same time. After dragging the thief out of the broken window and into the street, Question stands menacingly over him. The thief, cowering, looks up at the faceless vigilante in a mix of fear and shock. "Y-your fucking face!" He stammers out in disbelief. Question shrugs, "Acne cream." "S-shit man, don't kill me! I'll... I'll split the profit with you after I sell the c-car! Just don't kill m-me, please!" The thief raises his hands to cover his face. Question stares at the man for a moment... Before chuckling. The would-be carjacker looks at him in disbelief, then asks: "The hell is so funny?" "Won't kill you," Question pauses, and the thief sighs a breath of belief. "Will knock you out." "Wait, wha- OOF!" The thief is silenced by a quick kick to the face, and his eyes roll back as he slips into blissful unconsciousness. The Question stands over him for a moment, before pulling out a pair of handcuffs and handcuffing the thief to a streetlamp. With one last chuckle, Question reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out his calling card, dropping it in the thief's lap as he goes. An hour later, two police officers find a man in ratty clothing cuffed to a streetlamp. In his lap, they find a plain white business card. One officer picks it up, and drops it in surprise when it emits smoke. When the smoke clears, the two officers look at the card on the ground, seeing that a black question mark has appeared on it. A breeze blows the card off the ground, and the two officers watch as it flits away into the night. ♥ Crush ♥ // ☮ Friend ☮ // ☯ Acquaintance ☯ // ⚜ Rival ⚜ // § Frenemy § // ☠ Enemy ☠ // ☯ Argyle, Chester aka Whiplash: Vic has yet to interact with Chester Argyle. ☯ Barr, James aka The Bulleteer: Vic has yet to interact with James Barr. ☯ Campen, Lexi aka Apollex: Vic has yet to interact with Lexi Campen. ☯ Carter, Najee aka Captain Marvel (II): Vic has yet to interact with Najee Carter. ⚜ Jester, Jessica aka The Lizard: Vic doesn't know much about Jessica, though he doesn't like what he's seen so far. Having had a debate with her in St. Roch over their conflicting views on morality and law, he was frustrated with the girl and was rather glad when Rose intervened. He has respect for Jessica as a fighter, but nothing beyond that. Time will tell if that changes. ☯ Kent, Lara aka Supergirl: Vic has yet to interact with Lara Kent. ☮ Kord, Ted aka Blue Beetle: Vic has worked with Ted several times in the past, and trusted him enough to reveal his identity to him. He holds a high respect for the man and is eager to work with him in the League. ☯ Light, Lucy aka Toon Girl: Vic has yet to interact with Lucy Light. ☯ MacAodhan, Duncan aka The Rookie: Vic has yet to interact with Duncan MacAodhan (but when he does, it'll be glorious). ☯ Monster, Monny aka Clayface: Vic has yet to interact with Monny Monster. ☯ Reynolds, Cynthia aka Gypsy: Vic has yet to interact with Cynthia Reynolds. ☯ Ryker, James aka Mr. Clutch: Vic has yet to interact with James Ryker. ☯ Trainor, Lieutenant Lawrence aka Polarity Man: Vic has yet to interact with Lieutenant Lawrence Trainor. ⚜ Wilson, Rose aka Ravager: Vic always thought that redheads were the biggest pains in the ass (yes, that includes himself), but that was until he met the white-haired Rose. Having argued with her several times on the mission, mostly regarding the use of lethal force, Vic came to the conclusion that Rose was an interesting, if bitchy, person, though this may change with time. He still needs to investigate his theory on her use of lethal force later (having missed her killing one of the Brides of Lion-Mane). ☮ Unknown aka The Warden: The Warden was the only teammate Vic got along with on the mission in St. Roch, despite the fact that the two stoic men barely exchanged words save for their conversation in the plane and on the rooftop. He respects the Warden's level-headed personality and fighting prowess, however he doesn't know much beyond that, and as previously said time will tell if their relationship changes.
Episode 6 - Le directeur - ft Vibe et le bulleteer C'était une sacrée première semaine pour le directeur. D'abord une mission ratée, puis transformée en monstre tentaculaire géant pour le plaisir de Extant, puis finalement congelé dans un congélateur par un autre mec qui vient de se pointer en train de traîner dans la tour. Au moins, le gel n'a pas duré trop longtemps qu'il pensait, se réajustant à son nouvel environnement alors qu'il serrait ses vignes - certainement pas complètement flexible. Les deux héros avec lui ont mentionné un film dont il n'avait jamais entendu parler et un acteur dont il n'était que vaguement conscient, captant son attention pour la première fois. Son attention fut alors rapidement reconquise par ce qui semblait lui tomber dessus, et il se forma apparemment en un seul monstre oculaire. Le directeur a pris un moment pour contempler s'il était fortement enivré. Quoi qu'il en soit, les combattre semblait être la seule option envisagée par The Bulleteer. Le directeur considérait que c'était la fin probable de cette rencontre, mais il était prêt à se tenir en arrière et à prendre une position défensive pour l'instant, en attendant qu'ils fassent quelque chose. Les snots comme les ennemis se sont jetés sur les héros et Bulleteer a pris au ciel quelques instants avant de tirer à travers l'un des mi-sections du monstre. Le trou qu'il avait produit s'est rapidement régénéré et la créature s'est retournée pour affronter le défenseur humide de la descente. Vibe a évité de se faire toucher par les créatures visqueuses comme une petite fille et a utilisé ses pouvoirs pour souffler celui qui l'approchait de lui et de loin. Le truc n'arrêtait pas de se réformer. Même s'il n'y a rien d'autre qu'un œil. Voyant cela, le directeur a essayé une nouvelle tactique, fouettant sa vigne piquée directement dans l'œil d'un des monstres slime.
Name: Alias: The Warden Age: Personality: Defender, Patient, Quiet, Watchful, Stubborn Archetype: Alien Powers: The Warden’s symbiotic relationship with the alien plant form growing in his back gives him a number of remarkable abilities. -Heightened humanity: The Warden is capable of lifting over a ton, does not need to sleep, can breath either as a plant or human (intaking either CO2 or O2 – can also go without any respiration for a day), and can photosynthesize in absence of food. His skin is somewhat bark-like and highly resistant to piercing (sustained gunfire should be avoided), and he regenerates from major injuries within a day or so, assuming he doesn’t die first. He has much smaller resistance to cold, explosions, falling, etc. (though he is overall still tougher than a normal human). Seems to age rather slowly, as well. -Plant Body: The warden has 3 prehensile vines coiled on his back with an effective range of about 30 feet; one of them is covered in brambles, looking like a blackberry bush, while the other two look like, well, vines. He also flowers and grows apple-sized fruits that taste roughly like wet sand; they offer no benefit (other than being useful food), but he is convinced that they accelerate healing and may offer them up to others. He’s taken to canning them, and has quite a few stored at this point, so the fact that he’s not in bloom won’t stop him! Poisons that would usually affect humans do not affect him, but may make his next batch of fruits actually toxic. -Plant Affinity: Can speak any plant-based language, is almost always able to identify useful aspects of plants (including toxicity of fruit and other factors of edibility), and is a very talented gardener. Weaknesses: -Not impervious: still rather weak to fire, explosions, potent weed killers, etc.; anything dangerous to a human or plant to which he has no resistances can still harm him. Additionally, separating the host human from the plant would certainly kill both, though he’s so interconnected that it’s probably more trouble than just killing him normally. -different priorities: The Warden sees it as his job to protect all animal and plant life; threatening a forest is just as effective against him as threatening a city. -Open mind: already a shared mind, The Warden is especially vulnerable to mind-based attacks. Appearance: (thank you Member 00492!) Height: 6’4” Weight: 255lbs A hulking and intimidating man, The Warden is a relatively light-skinned black man, in prime physical shape. He has long cornrows, rather small brown eyes, small ears, and a wide nose. His beard is also long, and his eyebrows are bushy. Scars are visible all over his back, and some wrap around onto his arms. The warden is permanently bonded with an alien plant form, and as such has some rather unique features. The plant growth is mostly green, and vaguely dome shaped; a large coil of spikey brambles, with the flowers hanging off the end. The majority of the mass of coils start at his neck and end just above his rear end, though a single thick bramble on each side moves around to the front and extends down to cover his kneecap, forcing him to wear only baggy clothing over his entire body (since he hasn’t the funds for specialized gear). The brambles also extend to the middle of his upper arm, especially thick and spikey at the shoulders and around the back of his neck, protecting it, though not restricting his head movement. He really hates shirts, and they’re next to impossible to wear, so usually doesn’t even bother. If he’s not trying to do hero work he might wear one just to avoid catching too much attention. He is wearing jeans though, with a very high quality pair of work boots on his feet (the only gift from someone he’s rescued that he’s agreed to keep, and man have they been useful). Character Evolution: The Warden is very shy and has in general stayed near to the forests around Evergreen City, do gooding when he can, living off the land the rest of the time. Learning how to interact with others, communicate properly and work as a team will be a challenge for him; he’s still not sure how he built up the courage to come do this in the first place. BRIEF Bio: The Warden knows nothing of his life before he became what he is. The first thing he remembers is lying dying in the woods, his back scraped, scratched, and torn, his spine broken in multiple locations, his innards eviscerated. His second memory is of pain. His brain, screeching. His legs, convulsing. His torso… healing? There’s more spurts and flashes as he regained consciousness and the plant symbiont bonded with him, forming a new spinal column, replacing the internal damage, and linking itself with him. The now bonded being began to wander the forest until he ran into civilization, where the police promptly tried to take him in, partially to figure out what or who he was, partially because they wanted to arrest him for public indecency (he had taken off all of his clothing at some point). He decided to join them (how the hell else was he going to figure out what to do?). Once he had explained what he knew, and they explained to him what public indecency was, they both decided it was probably fair to drop the charge. He apparently had no family, and didn’t register on their databases, so they just sent him on his way after giving him some pants and a very large jacket, directing him to the library. They took to calling him Warden while holding him, for the way he would just sit and watch everything, constantly interested. He liked it, and started calling himself that. What followed was a few years of learning how society worked again. He attempted to find some jobs, though none really panned out, and he decided to re-abandon society to go live in the woods. He found a cave, started growing plants (he likes them!), and was able to become self-sufficient, but felt a pull to use his abilities for good – something towards which both parts of him felt. So he started superheroing pretty much 24/7, with some breaks for solitude, and has been doing that for a few years. While the warden dislikes wanton murder, he does not see himself as above killing someone who is a threat after he tries to pacify them, which does put him at odds with law enforcement on occasion. He’s still done enough good to have caught the eye of Green Lantern, who extended the invitation to him. Notes: The Warden owns a smartphone, which he uses to monitor the police spotter; he stores it in his back coils, or in a front pocket. Sample Post: A beautiful day, really; a little cloudy, some drizzle earlier. Rejuvenating. He had heard that you could access police radio using these smartphone things; something that would be quite useful, help him know where things are happening more quickly. With some money left in his bank from his last job, he figured he probably had enough to buy it. The Warden had come across an AT&T store downtown that would carry those. He pulls at his sweater a bit, trying to get more comfortable… but it’s not a day for that… keep it on… at least for now. He sighs, looks around at the road sign, and takes a left down the corner. A little ways down the road, and he takes a left into the phone store. “hello! How can we help you?” “Smartphone? You do sell those, yes?” “oh certainly sir; which make and model are you looking for? And what plan?” “what.” “do you want an iPhone? An Android?” “I have no idea what these things mean. I just need a smartphone.” The salesman looks a tad exasperated already… it’s one of those customers. “ok so how about this iPhone…” As he attempts to explain to The Warden the different types of smartphones, a few men with bandanas over their faces file into the store. The Warden’s eyes move immediately to watch them, but he keeps nominally listening, ready for them to yell- “EVERYONE. ON THE GROUND. NOW!” and people quickly comply... Well, everyone but The Warden. The apparent leader gestures over to him with his gun. “YOU. YOU DEAF? DOWN. NOW.” He says, waving his gun between The Warden and the ground. The Warden cocks his head to the side. “I am here to get a smartphone. Not to have things pointed at me, nor have people yelling at me.” He says slowly, mock-confused, buying time and attention as his vines move out from under his sweater and towards the other two. “What… What do you… GET THE FUCK DOWN YOU IDIOT! I WILL SHOOT YOU. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” “Oh but of course I understand. I simply don’t want to.” The man is incredulous, at a loss for words for a few seconds“…I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS! he finally decides, and fires at the warden. The bullet bounces off. “this is going to ruin another perfectly good sweater.” The Warden sighs, as his vines rip the guns from the hands of the other two, tearing his sweater from the movement. The Warden rushes the third, tackling him after taking another shot. The man was strong, but not as strong as him. The fight is really no challenge, and the attacker is, in short order, unconscious. The other two attempt to run off, but vines quickly whip out and stop their progress, wrapping around their legs and dragging them back. he knocks them unconscious, and moves their guns well out of reach. now where did that salesman go? // ♥ Crush ♥ // ☮ Friend ☮ // ☯ Acquaintance ☯ // ⚜ Rival ⚜ // § Love/Hate § // ☠ Enemy ☠ // ☯ Argyle, Chester aka Whiplash: The Warden has yet to interact with Chester Argyle. ☯ Barr, James aka The Bulleteer: The Warden has yet to interact with James Barr. ☯ Campen, Lexi aka Apollex: The Warden has yet to interact with Lexi Campen. ☯ Carter, Najee aka Captain Marvel (II): The Warden has yet to interact with Najee Carter. ☯ Jester, Jessica aka The Lizard: Talks too much, has a funny accent, doesn’t focus on work. Seems nice otherwise. ☯ Kent, Lara aka Supergirl: The Warden has yet to interact with Lara Kent, though he has a high opinion of Supergirl. ☯Light, Lucy aka Toon Girl: The Warden has yet to interact with Lucy Light ☯ MacAodhan, Duncan aka The Rookie: The Warden has yet to interact with Duncan MacAodhan. ☯ Monster, Monny aka Clayface: The Warden has yet to interact with Monny Monster. ☯ Reynolds, Cynthia aka Gypsy: The Warden has yet to interact with Cynthia Reynolds. ☯ Ryker, James aka Mr. Clutch: The Warden has yet to interact with James Ryker. ☮ Sage, Victor aka The Question: Carries himself with confidence, and only says what is needed. Knows how to lead, impressive bravery in fighting without any powers, approves of his opinions on lethal force. Sees him as someone to protect and follow. Isn’t bothered by his strange mannerisms or apparent obsession with the illuminati. ☯ Trainor, Lieutenant Lawrence aka Polarity Man: The Warden has yet to interact with Lieutenant Lawrence Trainor. ☯ Wilson, Rose aka Ravager: Doesn’t like how she treats Question, but seems nice otherwise. Certainly useful in combat.
EPISODE VII L'exercice du matin avait été un peu plus qu'un pur ennui pour Lara. Ted a affirmé qu'il y avait des choses à gagner en courant autre que la masse musculaire. Des choses comme l'équilibre et la patience et d'autres mots qu'elle pensait appartenir aux cookies de fortune. Le petit déjeuner, cependant, il y avait un vrai défi moyen, et la phase "Peut-on peut-être obtenir une tranche de bacon sur le côté?" n'a pas reçu de réponse. Maintenant Lara regardait dans la bouche tordue de quelque chose d'un cauchemar. Wau, le lycée a dû être dur pour ce type, Lara a pensé regarder Parasite. Avec de légères nausées, elle s'est tournée vers son équipe et a dégagé sa gorge. Elle a crié et s'est évanouie avec sa vision laser, frappant les planchers, les murs, le plafond et n'importe quoi devant, sauf ses adversaires. Tous ceux-là se sont étendus instantanément et se sont approchés avec calme et hâte, tandis que Lara a tourné la tête en haut et en bas, à gauche et à droite dans l'espoir d'avoir de la chance. Dans une seconde de pompage d'adrénaline, elle a presque cherché des conseils auprès de son équipe, avant de réussir à éteindre le laser peu de temps après. Des idées, n'importe qui?Lara a demandé et si elle avait su que sa voix tremblerait, elle aurait gardé sa bouche fermée. Rookie, pour sa part, se tenait là en silence muet alors que le jeune demi-alien libérait un torrent dévastateur de tir laser de toutes les façons (y compris, brièvement le sien, ayant été le plus proche d'elle quoi avec être son partenaire d'éparpillement jusqu'à il y a une minute) et frappait... absolument rien. Peut-être qu'il commençait à s'engourdir dans les tours insensés que sa vie avait pris ces dernières semaines, peut-être que toute cette formation pour lui faire s'habituer aux rigueurs du super-héros commençait à l'acclimater à des choses comme ça... ou peut-être que tous ces poings super-alimentés à la tête qu'il avait pris récemment avait brisé quelque chose d'important. Quelle que soit la cause, ce n'était pas la peur, l'excitation ou même la colère qui se manifestait sur le visage du jeune homme à ce moment-là, mais une expression comiquement vide et profondément fatiguée. Vraiment? Rétrospectivement, il aurait probablement dû prêter plus d'attention au robot géant, de l'apparence zombie en train de s'emparer de lui en récitant des rimes de nursery vieux temps, buuuuut le Grundy-bot a veillé à cela de toute façon. Manuellement. Pendant pas même une seconde après que le mot avait quitté la bouche de Duncan, a fait la chose damnée lui arracher par les chevilles et commencer à le fouetter dans le sol dur comme un jouet démenti d'enfants, creuser des divots dans les tuiles de béton et envoyer de la poussière et des débris volant tous les sens. "Je me suis marié un mardi, je me suis marié un mercredi!" Ce mi-sang, à moitié crié alors qu'il a finalement frappé le garçon directement dans le sol et livré un foin tonnerre qui l'a creusé encore plus loin dans elle pour le bien de la postérité "Traité malade un jeudi! Grêve pire vendredi! » Simulée salive moussant librement hors de sa mâchoire simulée, la machine a alors brusquement commencé à s'écraser sur le garçon canadien comme un enfant en colère, agitant toute la pièce comme il l'a fait. "mort un samedi! BRUITE LE DIMANCHE!" "Oh, voudrais-tu juste que tu fasses le feu à l'envers!?" La réponse de Duncan s'est étouffée car, soudain, un coup de poing sorti du cratère et intercepté le pied du robot, renversant la machine et l'envoyant à l'envers s'éloigne dangereusement du trou et de l'homme maintenant très, très en colère à l'intérieur. Très clairement, absolument cent pour cent fait avec cette merde, le Rookie a tiré droit à une position assise avant d'escalader sur ses pieds et de s'envoler vers le bot qui l'avait offensé ainsi, les yeux scintillent de colère et une veine s'enflamma dangereusement dans son temple alors qu'il s'empare d'une jambe de Grundy-bot, encore tendue. "Va te faire voir. FUCK VOS RHYMES..." Le Canuck en t-shirt rugissait alors que sa poignée resserrait sur l'appendice holographique et il tournait vers le Pseudo-Parasite avec une lueur presque dérangée dans les yeux, avant de jeter l'adversaire droit dedans avec une balançoire titanique "...ET FUCK! Ton courage! FACE!" Se tenant là, aspirant autant d'oxygène qu'il le pouvait et essayant de se calmer pendant qu'il regardait les deux droïdes qui étaient maintenant maladroitement empilés l'un sur l'autre et essayant de se remettre sur leurs pieds, la tête de Duncan tourna lentement vers le demi-alien résident alors qu'il laissait sortir une longue exhalation. Enfin obtenir sa colère (un peu) en contrôle. "Supergirl..." Il a commencé par un ton et une expression qui essayait d'être amical, mais est sorti juste un petit peu menaçant "Est-ce que tu voudrais tirer plus de lasers sur eux, s'il te plaît?" Deux faisceaux laser arrivent, bon monsieur.Lara a clignoté sur Rookie et a pointé ce même regard sur Parasite et Grundy. Elle se souciait que ce soient des robots, pour elle ils étaient Parasite et Grundy et il fallait les faire tomber. Avec toute la force de la volonté, elle pouvait rassembler, Lara concentrée, mais tout ce qu'elle pouvait charger était une paire d'yeux étincelants. Merde, pas maintenant! Elle pensait, désespérée de prouver elle-même, pendant que deux centrales se réveillaient. D'une seconde à l'autre, les représailles viendraient à elle. Grundy était presque déjà en position droite. Ce seul fait a suffi à faire regarder le feu, au moins à l'intérieur de Lara. Il a brûlé pour sortir et avant qu'elle le laisse intentionnellement, deux faisceaux concentrés ont tiré. Au début, ils ont dessiné un canyon flamboyant dans le sol, jusqu'à ce qu'elle dirige le rayon dévastateur de destruction vers l'avant. Parasite illuminé comme un arbre de Noël, alors qu'il a été frappé puis a commencé à tourner vers l'arrière, illuminant tout dans une lumière violette. Grundy, cependant, était juste là, grand et large, quand la punition s'est évanouie à son visage. Solomon Grundy. Né sur un – Rahhhouuuuu!!La surface brute en cuir, c'était son visage, commença à se dissoudre et à se transformer en une apparence froide en crâne. Quel jour était-ce? Lara n'a pas pris la dernière partie! » Lara applaudit, et regarda le géant tomber en arrière et secouer le sol pendant qu'il atterrissait. Sentant un peu hors de jus, elle agita pendant une seconde, puis sentit une force énorme lui souffler à travers la pièce en un éclair de lumière. Le coup provenait de Parasite, qui semblait plus intimidant que jamais. Il absorbe l'énergie, y compris votre vision laser. Si c'était le vrai Parasite, son explosion aurait été le double de l'intensité. Sans aider, Lara bourdonnait à travers ses dents. Presque sur l'instinct, elle vola latéralement et vit une main violette s'enfoncer dans le mur où sa tête avait été il y a une seconde. Maintenant dans l'air, elle a gardé l'élan et a volé sur le côté de Rookie, qui avait prouvé sans aucun doute, il pouvait prendre un coup de poing. Un vrai coup de poing.
Name: Duncan MacAodhan Alias: (He hasn't quite gotten that far ahead yet. Simply referred to as "New Guy" or "Rookie" when on assignment, for now.) Age: 23 Personality: Clever, Genre-savvy, Frank, Stubborn, Cynical, Big-hearted (even if he's hilariously ignorant of it) Archetype: Metahuman Powers: Immense Physical Prowess- Duncan is, for lack of a better way of putting it, really goddamn strong... and fast... and pretty tough to boot, if the fact that he went toe-to-toe with freaking Metallo (who, in case we've all forgotten, is a super-powered murder-bot powered by magic space rocks strong enough to make Superman bleed) and was able to hold his own for a short while actually somehow doing some damage while being absolutely rag-dolled across the ground and through several buildings. All that being said, it should be noted that though his metahuman genes put him roughly in the range of Kryptonian physical ability (while falling dramatically short of Superman, who is an absolute beast, even among his own kind), Duncan... is a chainsmoking, borderline alcoholic who has never worked out or trained a single day in his entire goddamn life and as a result, is about as out of shape and weak as he can possibly be. It's anyone's guess what he'd be capable of if he got his shit together and actually trained. Weaknesses: While Duncan possesses roughly the same physical abilities of a Kryptonian, he is still very much human; He can't fly, he still needs to breathe, possesses no form of crazy eye-lasers or freezing breath and can't survive solely off sunlight. In fact, for simplicity's sake, here's a comprehensive list of examples of things that can hurt and/or kill him just like any other guy. -Drowning. -Poison Gas. -Regular poison. -Electrocution. -Starvation. -Asphyxiation. -Dehydration. -Bleeding out. -Bleeding internally. -Food poisoning. -Heart-failure. -Liver-failure. -Kidney-failure. -Cancer. -Hypothermia. -Being thrown into the sun. -Being thrown into space in general. -Tameranean Cooking. In addition to that, the exact minute he woke up in the Metro Tower, Batman informed that he'd be quitting smoking and drinking cold turkey and going on a new diet. In addition to running The Dark Knight's daily balls-to-the-wall exercise routine at increased gravity (In Bruce's own words; "...And you'll go until I'm tired of watching.") and sparring with Ajax, an old robot companion Superman built in the 60's and general ass-whoopin' enthusiast. Long story short, at game start, a week after getting his ass handed to him by Metallo and three days into Batman's insane work out routine and getting punched in the face a few times a day by Ajax, Duncan is battered, bloodied, bruised, sore, outright exhausted and severely craving smokes, booze and greasy food. He's not going to be at his best. Appearance: To read what Duncan is physically capable of, you might picture some sort of hulking mountain of a man with bulging muscles and a jawline chiseled from granite... to actually meet the man however, you'd be disappointed and maybe a little confused- MacAodhan is not a large man. In fact, compared to most in the League he is downright tiny, standing at only 5'6" on a good day and lacking the bulging, musclebound physique of proper superheroes in favour of a lean, though dense physique closer to that of an Olympic swimmer if anything, though his broad shoulders and calloused hands make a fairly decent indicator of his blue-collar background, to which he also owes the habit of shaving his brown hair into a buzzcut, to cut deal with the heat in his workplace. Lacking much in the way of an actual superhero costume, when in the field, Duncan simply throws on his workboots, gloves, jeans and a denim jacket over either some plain wifebeater or t-shirt, topping it all off by tying a simple black rag over his face, leaving only his hazel eyes and a bit of skin exposed and putting on an old ballcap he got from some Halifax pub or another. When at JLU Headquarters, however, he is almost only ever seen in old JLA-issued gym-wear as he goes about his daily routine of attempting to survive whatever new insanity Batman has concocted for him that day. Character Evolution: I'd like to see Duncan come into his own as a member of the JLU, growing in power and renown with time but still keeping true to his modest origins, perhaps even taking on a real alias and costume at some point and becoming an honest-to-God Superhero... though only after a long series of painful and hilarious misadventures. And If he forms some buddy-cop relationship with another player or npc and maybe finds a bit of romance along the way, all the better. Basically, a good old-fashioned coming of age story... Only with a lot more explosions and occasionally saving the whole damned planet. BRIEF Bio: Despite what one might might assume when encountering literally anyone even remotely associated with superpowers and tights, Duncan's tale is... rather mundane. Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia with a Fisherman for a father and a mother who ran a local diner, the boy in question up grew extraordinarily normally; playing videogames, staying at his grandparents' when his mom was busy at the shop and his dad was out at sea and helping his granddad out in the garage fixing cars and the occasional boat. And then one day when he was fifteen, he got hit by a truck. After about a good ten seconds of screaming and another thirty spent wondering why he wasn't dead, he extricated himself from the big-rig's engine-block that had wrapped around both him and the streetlight he'd been leaning against only to find that not only was he not dead, he was perfectly intact. All things considered, that's some pretty heavy shit to lay on a fifteen year old. So it's not all that surprising that when the (very) drunk trucker half staggered, half fell out of his truck at the sight of him, and sirens began echoing in the distance, the kid ran the hell out of there. A few days of trial, error and a lot of Wikipedia later, and the boy had a pretty good idea what all that was about: He was a Metahuman, a one-in-a-million carrier of a superhuman gene that may or may not activate under extreme stress (Like, for instance, getting hit by a truck while waiting for the bus). Frankly, it sounded a lot like a bunch of pseudo-science crap you'd find in an old comic book, but lacking any other explanation for his sudden... talents... it was one he'd have to accept. Now, usually, when someone finds out they've got crazy superpowers, things usually go in one of two predictable ways; one, they become a spandex-clad boy-scout that dedicates every moment of every day to having the brightest smile, rescuing cats from trees and giving lectures about the dangers of "The Reefer" and sex before marriage or two; going full ham, burning orphanages, kicking puppies and generally being real goddamn edgy just for the sake of it. Duncan to his credit, chose the rarely considered, often forgotten third option- "Yeah... No. Fuck that." And so, despite the call to adventure literally screaming directly into his ears, Duncan carried on his life as normal; Growing up as normally as he possibly could- getting average grades, shoveling his grandparents' driveway in the wintertime, trying and failing several times at that whole romance thing and working through his apprenticeship as a diesel mechanic at the local shipyard after highschool. Unfortunately for him, as the old trope goes, 'The Call Knows Where you Live'. And one day while Duncan was just wrapping up his night-shift, Metallo came bursting out of one of the shipping containers at the yard and immediately began wrecking shit left and right. Despite having reservations about the whole 'Hero' thing, the one guy in town with the ability to intervene couldn't exactly sit idly by while a super-powered terminator powered by glowing space-rocks butchered his coworkers and leveled his town. So, throwing on a respirator to hide his face, the young man nutted up and went after the deranged cyborg... or, more accurately, spent the next hour on the receiving of a brutal beatdown at the hands of someone that was at least as strong, as fast and much, much more experienced than he was that was also incapable of feeling pain or fatigue, all to buy time for people to get away and call for someone who actually knew what the hell they were doing. Luckily, they did, and the Big Blue Boy-Scout himself arrived to lay the smackdown on the now damaged Metallo. Unluckily for Duncan, he woke up a week later on a bed in Metropolis, feeling like all hell and staring at the grimacing face of Batman, who quite candidly informed him that he very nearly got himself killed and that his car, his home and his job had all been annihilated in his little dust-up with the super-powered murderbot. Also, even if no one knew who he was, they sure as hell knew he existed, which as a rule, generally meant that there were now people looking for him; Some good, most bad. So he could either join the Justice League and maybe not die the next time this happens... or he could just go home and try his luck on his own. Suffice to say, there was really only one smart choice to be had there, and he took it. And then, to top off this long, hilariously uncanny series of events, Superman showed up less than an hour later and dragged him out to a baseball game. And so it was that, sitting in the stands of a stadium in a foreign city, next to the closest thing the world knew to a god and eating an overpriced and undercooked hotdog, Duncan joined the Justice League. He honestly didn't think his life could get any weirder than this. And he was very mistaken. Notes: Sample Post: To say the least, it had been... an interesting week and a half; It had started off pretty plain, he woke up at seven at night on Monday, grabbed a donair at his mom's diner by eight and was at work by nine, swapping out the fuel lines on an old tug that probably should've been decommissioned when his dad was still a boy. And then suddenly a robot showed up, kicked his ass across town and halfway to Dartmouth, blew up his apartment, blew up his car and blew up his place of employment before being beat down by the most weirdly friendly guy he'd ever goddamn met. So now here he was, holding a duffel bag of what little could be salvaged of his apartment and standing at the entrance to his room at the headquarters of the freaking Justice League. It was all just a little... surreal. "Well, shit, here goes nothing." Duncan growled under his breath, touching the key-pad and entering as the door hissed open in a way that reminded him distinctly of every episode of Star Trek he'd ever seen, half-expecting there to be yet another one of Superman's robots waiting inside to cave-in his face in the name of training, but kinda hoping it wasn't, because sleeping on the couch in the common room was starting to get a little old and he'd already had his daily recommended dose of robot boots to his ass. To his surprise, it didn't actually look that bad- a simple looking double bed, a computer desk, chair and a laptop, a big damn window with a view of the Metropolis waterfront flanked on both sides by empty bookshelves, a little kitchenette off to the side and a bathroom past that. To be honest, after spending the past three days under Batman's balls-to-the-wall training regime, he'd anticipated something more... spartan. Something did catch his eye, however, what looked to be a big, rolled-up poster just sitting on his bed with a post-it note on it, so, dropping his bag and closing the door behind him, the young Canuck went over to give it a look. "Just a little something to welcome you aboard... -GL" His brow furrowed briefly, but suddenly did a lot less of that when he unfurled the damned thing and found a pin-up of a tanned, red-headed woman with solid green eyes, a supermodel's body garbed up in a string bikini and a very... friendly look on her face as she blew a kiss toward the camera. And another post-it note. "They're called Tameraneans. Stick around and you might meet a few. You're welcome. -GL" Whatever thoughts he had at that moment (or several, as he just stared at what he'd found) were interrupted as Batman's voice came over the intercom. "MacAodhan, we have a situation. Kit up and meet me downstairs in five." The words echoed in his head for a few seconds before they fully registered, and he reluctantly averted his eyes from his new-found favourite sight and gently placed it back down on the bed. "Right... Right. I'll be down in a minute." Duncan sighed. It looked like his life was going to continue being interesting for the rest of the forseeable future.
dans l'épisode 6 Une minute ils étaient sur terre et l'autre ils étaient sur terre adjacente. "Les dossiers de la ligue ne rendent pas justice à cet endroit." Tsigane a dit comme elle a pris les yeux autour d'elle. Fleurs et enseignes de rue avec des visages, le soleil haut en haut dans le ciel avec un sourire très remarquable, et bâtiment qui se sentait comme ils ont balancé et dansé. "Pun prévu" elle a ajouté toujours plein d'émerveillement. Le jeune héros a entendu parler de ce lieu, la cinquième dimension, qui abrite beaucoup des bizarreries connues qui sont apparues au cours de l'histoire. Une des plus grandes bizarreries Mister Mxyzptlk était parmi les ennemis constants de Superman. Leur personnalité chaotique et leurs capacités de rupture de la réalité ont fait d'eux des ennemis formidabel, et dans le cas de Toon Girl un allié très redoutable. À part la curiosité de Tsigane, elle n'a pas pu s'empêcher de remarquer le changement de comportement de la jeune fille. Normalement Toon Girl était très animée comme la façon dont ce monde est apparu, mais la personne taht se tenait derrière elle et Superman agissait plus comme un protoganiste de théâtre adolescent plutôt qu'un personnage de dessin animé samedi matin, elle n'a pas aimé un peu. Ses actions lui rappelaient trop ses premiers jours de travail dans la rue, vulnérables, coincés, blessés. La simple mention des drones visqueux qui pleuvaient du ciel a fait brillancer la peau de Tsigane. Ils ressemblaient à de vieux monstres de dessins animés que Whe regarderait en arrière quand elle était beaucoup plus jeune. Même adulte, elle détestait ce genre de créatures. Elle aimait Kang et Kodos des Simpson, mais les monstres n'étaient pas comme eux. Les monstres qui pleuvaient étaient beaucoup trop réels et beaucoup trop chaotiques. Ils ont senti quelque chose de "mauvais".
Name: Cynthia Reynolds Alias: Gypsy Age: 27 Personality: Decisive, Valiant, Bubbly, Graceful, Caring Archetype:Human (Magic Artifact User) Powers: Flowing through her are old world Romani magi which she channels through ancient magical artifacts. Through them she possesses an array of abilities. Illusions – She can cast simple one act illusions such as flames, body doubles, chains, and most importantly the ability to obscure her face from people she wants to hide from. The effects are weak and most experienced magic practitioners, those experienced, or those sufficiently experienced can nullify the effects. The illusion powers are supplementary only, useful for making distractions or to soothe anxious victims. Invisibility – She can willfully make herself disappear by placing herself in people and objects blind spot. When invisible she is still there physically therefore if anyone touches her the invisibility is immediately cancelled out exposing her. It also doesn’t mask her trail and only her body, as such she her body still leaves scent trails or heat signatures. Intangibility – She can at will temporarily make her body pass through surfaces. It’s predominantly for passing through walls, floors, and other physical obstacles. Her phasing powers are most helpful in bypassing barriers of all kinds as a means to escape or infiltrate situations. While it is draining she can also extend it to others if they are in close enough proximity and in physical contact. Invulnerability – It is a passive ability that provides her additional protection. It decreases the effects of extreme environments allowing her to stay clean, and provide protection the way regular armor would. Intuition – It is a passive ability that provides her increased fortune and perception. She has little to no control of this power, but in application it allows her to dodge bullets, guess passwrods, properly stick a landing, and occasionally stumble upon heroic work. Weaknesses: Her powers are directly tied to her artifacts, as such she cannot use her powers without it. The powers that the artifacts provide her are all mutually exclusive to one another, as such they cannot work together limiting her to one ability at a time. Her artifacts are also just channels for her already small depository of weak magical power as such she has to use her powers sparingly. The illusions must be simple and quick to dissipate, and she must know how the illusion ends and begins otherwise the illusion won’t work. Her Invisibility can only work for a short period of time, any physical sensation will cancel out her invisibility, and her invisibility doesn’t extend to others or her trail as such she can still be found through unconventional means. Intangibility is on a time limited duration that only works on obstacles that relate to her ability to infiltrate or escape as such she cannot phase through people, ambushes, and environmental situations. Invulnerability and Intuition are both passive abilities that she cannot control, their ability is defense based in nature, that works only to the situation and are only useful for protecting herself or getting herself out of certain situations. Appearance: Cindy’s Gypsy costume is pretty much just an old performing outfit, a plain white blouse and a long green skirt. Adorning her costume are a set of matching magical artifacts that channels her powers. Her magical artifacts that grants her powers allow her to wear to wear what is essentially civilian clothing without the need for special armor and a mask. Out of costume there's not much that changes. She has long wavy flowing black hair that she keeps tied using a long golden colored ribbon. She has a light brown skin color the same shade as that of mocha coffee, which ironically enough is one of her favorite types of coffee. She has dark blue eyes that look like two deep unending oceans that swallow those who stare at it for too long. When she is a civilian and not working as a hero she adorns herself bohemian and vintage style clothing. Character Evolution: Her power set is designed for stealth but the plan is for her to be more offensive or at least have something more suited to help a group. More specifically I want develop her own magical abilities outside of the artifacts specifically something to do with spirits, or grow the effectiveness of her artifacts. She’s generally nice right now, and a bit of a doormat and people pleaser, but eventually i'd have her become a more serious person. I’d also like the chance to explore a relationship with another character, possibly multiple partner just because I feel like it’s in her nature to live an alternative lifestyle or maybe none an all. I do wanna focus on her finding herself career wise as a hero and possibly take on a more serious role in leadership BRIEF Bio: Cynthia was born somewhere, and kind of just appeared in an adoption center in Detroit already ten years old. No one claimed her so the system tried to find her a home, but each home found her odd, bringing misfortune to the home. By the time she was 13 she knew nothing would work. While staying in a particularly abusive home she decided that enough was enough, she left for the streets wearing just the clothes on her back and the kindness in her heart. She was already in her late teens and had already been raised by the streets the moment she attained hero status among the homeless as that girl who likes to perform for the them, making money and sharing what little she had. Growing up she learned to protect herself, teaching her all the necessary skills that she would use as a hero. She could have died due to hundreds of circumstances, and like many she could have succumbed to the darkness of living in the streets, but she never lost her hope and kindness. Her heroic endeavors and kindness would be noticed by a group of mages in hiding, living in a protected dimension beneath the streets of the city. The mages took her in and told her of her old world Romani mage ancestry. They informed her that her ancestors were a once proud and heroic group of peacekeeping mages whose history and noble actions was lost and tainted by the sins of man. Hearing of her ancestry she decided to honor her ancestors’ duties and become a hero whose name would honor her ancestors. They gifted her artifacts of her ancestors and with it weapons of power for her to use in the line of duty. Shortly after receiving her gifts she took to the streets with the hero name Gypsy. By the time Gypsy achieved urban legend hero status she had already taken down an infamous human trafficking ring, and has managed to lose her homelessness status. During the day she would work one odd job to another or get an education that she never properly got. At nights she would don her dress and jewels to become “Gypsy” protector of weak and savior of the helpless. In due time the Justice League offered her membership for three meals a day, a roof over her head, and a chance at honoring her ancestors at a bigger scale. Notes: She currently works as a receptionist in a family planning clinic, and volunteers in a food bank when she can. Sample Post: It was another brisk night in Detroit, Cynthia’s official last mission as an independent and lone hero, or at least that’s how she thought of it. Several days ago the young magical hero got offered a chance to join the big leagues, the justice league, the internationally recognized big name heroes that all young wannabe vigilantes knew. The sheer fact that the three of them knew of her made Cynthia giddy. She was shaking with anticipation because this time tomorrow she would be working with the best of the best, but for now she had deal with this mess in front of her. No sense in leaving things half done just because she had other to call on for help she thought. Tucked away between two brick buildings, a bakery and an antique record store, was an alley way just big enough for a parked car. In this current case this alley was the perfect place for an ambush by two small time crooks. She figured the two were lying in wait for the store clerk from the record store. One of them had a metal bat, and the other a gun directly pointed at the old man. Cynthia had been in this store several times before, it’s small but it carries rare merchandise. She hasn’t bought anything before though. It was the ideal target, small, fake security camera, and ran by an old man who can’t possibly fight. Cynthia liked the owner, an old Persian guy who immigrated to the city ten years ago. Said old man had his back to the wall was facing the barrel of a gun. “Hurry up old man. We wanna get out of here.” Bat guy said, tapping the end of the bat on the parked car. He looked like he knew his way around combat Cynthia deduced. He stood well and had some level of confidence, felt older too, more dangerous. “Yeah you old gyp just give us all your cash and we’ll leave” Gun boy said trying to look intimidating. A kid Cynthia assumed, his voice sounded like it just hit puberty. He sounded too young to really understand what was going on, but old enough to make sure that the safety was off. Cynthia wondered if this was a father and pair, bonding over shared interest. The old man didn’t understand the two kids. Fear had already set in. Any amount of ESL lessons has already been blocked by immediate fear. Before anything too bad happened for either parties Gypsy had already started her show. The young hero quickly and invisibly made her way closer to the two avoiding any noise. Once she was in position, behind the car, she deactivated the invisibility and made an illusion. Using her powers, she made an illusory police car. The flashing of the red and blue lights and the sirens was just a big enough distraction that it confused both parties. In one swift motion she jumped out of her hiding spot and tackled the man with the bat to the ground, take out the more dangerous and experienced target. Once he was on the ground all it took was a strong punch to the face. “Who the F**k are you b***h?” The boy said, pointing the weapon towards Cynthia as he trembled. “I’m Gypsy, traveling extraordinaire” Gypsy introduced herself as she began standing up, with one eye watching the old man hoping he would leave and get the hint. “Where there’s people there goes I to save and entertain.” “Savior of the innocent, protector of peace in the name of my people, and pointer of facts” Gyps she continued with a hint of knowing satisfaction. “Fact one, your safety is on”. The kid he looked down. The safety wasn’t actually on, but Cynthia made it look like like it was. It was a good enough opening for her to grab and pull the gun towards the side with her left hand, and pull in the kid with her. Using her right hand, palm facing out, she pushed hard on the kid’s stomach knocking him back. The strength of her left hand's grip on the gun was enough to separate the kid and the weapon. Without waiting a beat she released the gun’s magazine, put it on safety, and tossed it to the side away from the kid or the passed out man. All that’s left was to take care of the kid. --- By the time the police arrived she had already consumed some delicious baklava courtesy of the store owner. She reported to them what had happened, presenting herself as a concerned citizen that just happened to be nearby and without much fanfare they let her go. Within minutes the two petty crooks, the old man, and the policemen would have already forgotten her presence. They would all just remember that there was a woman who just happened to be there at the right place and time, and it was how she wanted it.
Le dendroctone intimadé Épisode 9 Car je suis assis dans une bulle verte, bien au-dessus du monde... Ted a chanté dans sa tête pour passer le temps alors que GL a envoyé l'équipe vers un appel d'urgence aux laboratoires STAR. Ce serait cool de voir toutes les merveilles technologiques exposées dans l'installation, même si Ted ne serait pas en mesure de les regarder de près. Il avait entendu dire qu'il y avait des trucs cool sur lesquels on travaillait, comme des IA plutôt intelligentes, en haut de la ligne de clonage et il avait même entendu des rumeurs sur un stock d'artefacts magiques logé à l'intérieur. Le Blue Beetle a été arraché de son fantasme technologique en étant placé sur le sol. Pour aller au labo, Green Lantern n'a pas perdu de temps à diviser l'équipe en deux. Ted s'attendait à ce qu'on lui confie des fonctions civiles en raison de la nature quelque peu métallique de son costume, mais il était beaucoup plus tard pour argumenter que GL s'est fait défoncer par un mur. "Welp, allons-y Polaroid." Ted a dit au Premier ministre qu'il essayait rapidement de trouver un moyen d'attaquer. Il pouvait aveugler Polaris s'il pouvait s'approcher assez près, mais étant donné la situation, Ted devinait qu'il aurait besoin d'attendre une occasion de se lever avant même de pouvoir essayer cela. Donner un coup d'oeil rapide à la région Ted a repéré un gros morceau de pierre de décombres se penchant sur l'un des murs encore presque intacts. Une idée sauta dans la tête de Ted alors qu'il courait vite et se cachait derrière la dalle. Pour les étrangers, on dirait que Ted s'est enfui et s'est caché, mais ça ne pouvait pas être plus loin de l'affaire. En un instant Ted a commencé à travailler sur son plan d'attaque. Espérons que Polaris sera bloqué un moment et ne lui donnera pas d'avis pendant qu'il se prépare. En appuyant sur un bouton sur son costume, l'un des accessoires modulaires de son BUG a pris vie sous la forme de quatre jambes robotiques. Deux des jambes se sont rapidement positionnées sur la dalle et les deux autres sont coincées dans le sol pour prendre le poids. Avec une précision rapide mais décente, Ted a aligné les décombres avec l'endroit où Polaris avait été et a procédé à la dépollution de son canon et à l'explosion des décombres avec lui à pleine force, en envoyant la roche voler dans un blee quelque peu contrôlé.
Name: Ted Kord Alias: Blue Beetle Age: 27 Personality: Optimistic, calculating, light-hearted, Jolly, Determined Archetype: Gadgeteer Peak-ish Human Condition: Ted spends a decent amount of his time training his body to be capable of standing on his own in a word of alien gods and jacked up hoodlums. He’s trained in quite a few martial arts forms but is by no means a master of any and would be easily taken down by someone more skilled than him. Likely his greatest attribute however is his mind. With an IQ of 192 Ted is able to think through many situation rather than needing to resort to pure brute force (of which he possesses very little). Blue Beetle Suit: The Blue Beetle costume isn’t the most sophisticated piece of technology but it is above the par of many of the other leaguer’s costumes in term of technological prowess. The mask for one can only be taken off using the armour’s gloves allowing Ted to keep his identity secret better, the visor has telescopic vision enhancements allowing him to see further and in greater definition and his suit is also capable of dampening the impact of kinetic attacks and stop small grade energy attacks. The B.U.G: The Blue Utility Gadget (or Bug for short) is a device worn on Ted’s back which can be outfitted with numerous attachments to fit the need. A few notable attachments are: (1) A Clean Energy Jetpack (2) A hard-light diving suit capable of carrying twelve hours of oxygen and pressurizing for most environments (3) Heavily Modified BB gun or Air Gun: Barely fitting the description of a BB gun anymore, Blue Beetle’s iconic weapon is capable of much more than firing a small pellet. The gun has three main functions to it: (1) A bright flash capable of stunning most things the look in it’s general direction (2) a compressed air blast that, at it’s peak, has been shown to knock a rhino clean off it’s feet (3) the gun can be used as a classic grappling gun in cases where there’s no better option for travel. Human: Ted’s humanity is humbling to him in a time where he’s constantly surrounded by godly extraterrestrials and superhumans but, naturally, his mundane physicality is his greatest weakness. Ted can be stabbed, shot, blown up and killed in a plethora of other ways. Character Evolution: I’d like for Ted to gain a few close friends and possibly a girlfriend if it happens naturally. Over time I’d like for Ted to replace and improve on his gadgets such as making more attachments for his B.U.G. BRIEF Bio: Ted Kord was raised in luxury due to his parents owning the highly successful cooperation know as Kord Industries. Living in such an environment inevitably spoiled Ted and resulted in a child who believed they were a cut above the common rabble but this lifestyle also allowed Ted to put a great focus on his studies and become a child prodigy. This mentality didn’t help Ted make any real friends but the boy suffered a real shock when his parent’s company was bought out by Wayne Enterprises during a low period for the company. Ted’s ‘friends’ all left him and his family was forced to drastically change their lifestyle to fit their new money situation. Luckily Ted’s parents made peace with the situation quickly and managed to keep the family fed, warm and dry. Ted wasn’t as easy to adapt. The now eleven year old boy took the change horribly and blamed his parents for their new accommodations and finical situation. This mentality slowly eroded away as Ted grew older and came to realize just how much his parents needed to do just to keep their family living somewhat comfortably and put him through university. After university, Ted made a name for himself in the business world via starting multiple companies and selling them off for huge pay outs which allowed him to once again live in luxury. Eventually he managed to buy back his parent’s company from Wayne Enterprises after a decent amount of haggling and paying more than the corporation was worth. The first major project headed by the company under Ted’s leadership was the development of the software to be used in the Justice League’s base of operation. The business owner hadn’t followed the career of the heroes very closely but he knew about the superhuman that inhabited his world but seeing them up close sparked something within Ted. These heroes put their lives on the line so that people like him could continue their lives without needing to worry about some intergalactic starfish or something destroying the planet. Ted wanted the self fulfillment that came with such an occupation. He thought “I want to be one of those guys” and began using the resources of his company to cobble together gadgets and a suit so that he could become a protector of the planet. Notes: -He got the Blue Beetle name thanks to two days of trying to think of one then taking a “what’s your Superhero name?” test online. Metropolis was a beautiful city, it was no wonder that the Justice League decided to make their base of operations here. Despite it’s looming buildings and constant targeting for superhuman criminals, one couldn’t help but feel tranquil walking its streets. That said the city wasn’t free of crime. On his way to the Justice League tower for the first time as Blue Beetle, Ted Kord saw a robbery taking place across the street in a Jewelry store. “Really couldn’t have thought of robbing some place less conspicuous.” Ted thought to himself in regards to the, at the moment, unseen thief. Quickly Ted made his way across the street, Air gun in hand and got ready to knock down some thugs. What Ted didn’t expect was the strange, armoured figure in front of him. The their was clad in a large, purple armoured suit sporting large structures out of the back that could only be wings and odd tubes for fingers that sucked up the diamonds, rings and necklaces on display in the shop. Ted carefully stepped his way through the shattered remains of the large front window, into the store. “I’ve seen a lot of strange get ups guy but yours takes the cake for the most out there. Who are you supposed to be? The Tubular Thief?” Ted commented as the armoured foe suddenly spun towards Ted in surprise and proceeded to fly directly at him at break-neck speeds. The smartest move here would have been to leap out of the way, fire a grapple line at the flying house plumbing and work from there but rather than use his IQ of 192, Ted tested his luck and craftsmanship skill as he cranked his Air gun’s settings and fired at the man. The suit crumpled, broke and bent but kept most of it’s momentum as it managed to tackle Ted out the window and into the street. Ted wondered if the pilot had survived his suit getting the top half squished but was quickly met with an answer in the form of pained groaning coming from within the suit. Ted smirked a little at his accomplishment but soon winced as the pain of the whole ordeal set in and he realized that he’d been tackled out a window by a three hundred pound metal man who was currently still onto of him. Ted made no attempt to get up and instead waited for paramedics to arrive and get the oaf off of him and get him patched up.
Le Fabuleux M. Embrayage Épisode 8 : Trident de l'Atlantide La vie avec la ligue de justice a progressé assez vite et il semblait que la dernière mission venait de finir qu'une autre avait commencé. Il était toujours heureux d'aider ses coéquipiers quand ils avaient besoin de lui dans la bataille contre Extant. Même s'il était métahumain avec un pouvoir très basique, Jim n'allait pas avoir peur d'ennemis plus puissants. Cette dernière mission les a fait descendre sous les vagues de l'océan Atlantique et entrer dans la mer profonde lors d'un voyage vers la ville fable d'Atlantis ou quoi qu'il en reste après la guerre entre le royaume sous-marin et les États-Unis. Il n'avait jamais vu la ville en personne et était très excité de voir ce que c'était. Jim était également heureux de montrer ses compétences de pilotage dans un véhicule qui pouvait à la fois voler et voyager sous l'eau, il lui a rappelé ce film Tom & Jerry d'il y a des années. Quand ses yeux virent enfin les ruines de la grande ville d'autrefois, il sentit un sentiment flippant de regarder l'épave créée par la guerre. Qu'il se sente mal ou pas, il a encore une mission à faire. De plus, il y aurait probablement des tonnes d'articles atlantes que Lex Corp pourrait transformer en produits rentables et il était sûr que ce trident mystique ferait une réplique de jouet très commercialisable pour les enfants avec qui jouer. Quand il a garé le navire, il a sorti son carnet et a commencé à écrire des notes. Cette mission ferait un grand épisode pour Mr. Embrayage et amis. Contrairement à l'un de ses coéquipiers, Jim était content que le capitaine Marvel soit le chef, au moins ce ne serait pas l'une des couveuses. Il a vérifié pour s'assurer qu'il avait tout ce dont il avait besoin et était maintenant prêt pour ce monde sous-marin étrange. « C'est une bonne chose qu'aucun d'entre nous n'ait regardé Jaws juste avant de rejoindre cette mission » leur a-t-il dit alors qu'il vérifiait son pistolet à rayons pour s'assurer qu'il fonctionnait correctement, bonne chose que c'était une preuve d'eau. "Mesdames et messieurs, allons à la chasse au trésor."
Name: Jim Ryker Alias: Mr. Clutch Age: 25 Personality: arrogant, individualistic, rash, brave and loyal Archetype: metahuman/Gadgeteer Powers: Enhanced reflexes: Jim's only metahuman power is his inhumanly sharp hand eye coordination, which allows him to see and react to things at incredible speed. This has helped him become a superb driver. Expert martial artist: Jim is an excellent hand to hand combat fighter The Bolt 3000: The Bolt 3000 is a high tech car crafted from a mix of New Gods technology and earth tech. It is a highly advanced vehicle that can reach incredible speeds and is equipped with loads of features. They are as follows. Spiked tires for driving up steep surfaces and walls. Anti gravity converters that allow the car to fly and jump over surfaces. Super speed: on land the Bolt 3000 can hit a top speed of 600 mph and in the air its top flight speed is mach 1 Machine guns and laser guns for combat. The machine guns are equipped with normal, and rubber bullets for non lethal attacks. Super tough body that can withstand firearms and explosions. Weaknesses: Aside from his vehicle, Jim is just as vulnerable as normal human. His car while powerful will run low on power if it goes through a beating and utilizes it's laser weapons in excessive ways. Appearance: Character Evolution: His character arc is him learning that hero work isn't about branding and selling to the public. BRIEF Bio: Jim Ryker was born to the famous race car driver Matt Ryker and from an early age Jim had a natural talent with cars. At age five he was reading adult books on vehicles and at age ten he was making his own radio controlled car models. His skill in vehicular engineering was above all of his peers in school and he had dreams of being both a race car driver and engineer for developing high speed vehicles. As a child his favorite place to go was the go-kart track at the local amusement park in Central City where he would get a thrill from driving the mini race cars. After graduating high school with great grades, Jim went to college in Metropolis and made a good number of friends, one of which was an intern at the Wayne Corporation. After he graduated Jim got a job as race car driver with Lex Corp, one of his sponsors and it wasn't long until he was approached by the heads of several large companies about a plan to have a hero of their own be a symbol of them giving back to the world. They had looked at his background and decided that he would be their choice. They gave him technology from the New Gods to use with earth tech to create a car with incredible power. After taking the name Mr. Clutch, Jim set out to do hero work with Lex Corp and other companies as his sponsors. Notes: he has a ray gun for when he is not fighting in his vehicle. Theme song Sample Post: Jim maneuvered the Bolt 2000 through the air as he open fired on on a group of thugs surrounding a couple and Jim would do whatever he could to help the two people. The sight of his car flying in the air and his car being equipped with machine guns made the criminals look up and point towards the car in terror. Jim as he speaks through the speakers of his incredible vehicle. "Back away from the innocent civilians you scumbags! Otherwise you will have a taste of what kind of firepower corporate money can buy!" and as if on cue the criminals fled in terror and Jim laughed at the sight. When they were from sight, he landed his car on the ground and got out of the vehicle. He gave the couple a bow and smiled at them. "I am grateful to help innocents in their time of need. Now before you go I must tell you that should ever need insurance for stolen or vandalized personal possessions then Lex Corp has a great and affordable plan. So if you ever need quality insurance then definitely consider Lex Corp's Lexcellence Insurance as your main option. Have a nice day and best wishes from your friendly protector Mr. Clutch" he said and then got back into his car and drove off. "That was another job well done Mr. Clutch and a great pitch for Lex Corp's insurance program" he said to himself as drove towards the highway out of town at inane speeds. "Damn I love my job."
Polarity Man - Episode 9 : Un cauchemar magnétique Patroller, compilez le rapport et envoyez-le. Ces mots seraient les seuls prononcés par Polarity Man alors qu'ils volaient vers le site de la mission. Le rythme auquel l'équipe a volé était relaxant pour le lieutenant qui était habitué aux vitesses d'intervention d'urgence. Même l'éblouissement de son collègue héros sans visage, La Question, ne pouvait pas amortir cette humeur relaxante. Après tout, les allégations antérieures dirigées contre Lawrence ont été déraisonnables et facilement rejetées. Personne ne pourrait être d'accord avec la question si elle venait à elle, pensa-t-il. Sauf que le deuxième homme l'interroge, le Beetle Bleu. "Huh. Un polaroid. Il est presque mort avant que le single d'André 3000 attire à nouveau l'attention sur la marque. Miracle il a survécu de sa mort." le lieutenant murmurait avant de suivre Lantern et Beetle dans leur attaque contre le docteur Polaris. Cependant, leur cible obtiendrait l'avantage et blindside la Green Lantern, ce qui inciterait Polarity Man à retourner au feu avec son propre souffle de faisceau électrique. Alors que le Blue Beetle a sagement évité l'attaque initiale, Polarity Man a décidé de tenir son sol comme il pouvait prendre une attaque frontale. Espérons que cela donnerait aux autres suffisamment de temps pour prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires, car le lieutenant connaissait la faiblesse évidente de son procès contre un maître du chaos magnétique. Patroller, engagez-vous à tuer dès qu'une impulsion magnétique atteint la coque extérieure. Divertissez toute la puissance au stockage de données via blackbox sur la même commande." Quand l'inévitable viendra, Polarity Man sera préparé.
Name: Lt. Lawrence Trainor Alias: Polarity Man – The Soldier of the Skies Age: 33 Personality: Hopeful, Mellow, Brave, Self-Destructive, Indifferent Archetype: Alien tech, the origin of which is kept secret from him by his military superiors. Powers: Polarity Man’s powers mainly come from his mechanical power suit, which he has dubbed the “Patroller”. The suit’s capabilities include jet propulsion flight with a recorded Mach 2 speed limit, enhanced strength, radiation and atmospheric-pressure resistance, satellite wave interception, a visual scanner, and an arm blaster which fires radioactive or electrical energy at either short bursts or prolonged streams. The lieutenant himself has one specific power which is the generation of a negatively charged energy with radioactive elements. In fact, his physiology changes to a plasma-like state when he generates enough of this energy that allows him to phase through certain solid surfaces, mainly the metal plating of the Patroller as it lacks an entry hatch. Weaknesses: The two halves of Polarity Man cannot function without the other; Lawrence Trainor requires the suit to regulate his energy production or he risks overloading himself but the Patroller also cannot function without his unique energy signature either. The specifics of an overload are unclear but the lieutenant has no intentions of testing the theories regarding it. Appearance: Underneath the armor and uniform are burns that have completely erased all traces of the lieutenant before becoming Polarity Man. To remedy this, specially prepared bandages that can help regulate the negative energy are wrapped around most of his body. This personal appearance of his is completely secret to the public though. For all they know, the Patroller suit is Polarity Man. Character Evolution: While I personally will go with the flow of the story, I hope to see Polarity Man change from just a soldier to a real superhero over its course, perhaps even find the humanity that he lost. Other character changes will hopefully happen though I don’t have anything else in mind at the moment. BRIEF Bio: As a USAF test pilot, Lt. Trainor had flown many top-secret aircraft out of the Langley airbase he was stationed at. The day he flew the experimental jet codenamed “Doom Patroller” was just like any other as well. The eggheads present at the flight assured him that it was going to revolutionize the way all fighter jets could respond to meta-human threats, serving as a solution rather than just a distraction. Lawrence didn’t believe the assessments, or rather, he didn’t care. However, once the jet’s systems shut off mid-flight and he started to free fall from the sky, he went from disinterested to shrieking mad in an instant. Before he hit the ground though, the jet imploded upon itself and form fitted a mechanical suit to his body that protected him from the impact. When he came to, Lawrence was back at the air base’s medical bay but some remains of the jet had somehow fused to parts of his body like shrapnel which they were unable to remove. These pieces embedded in his skin gave off a unique energy signature that he would find to be both a curse and a blessing. He would spend months recovering from the crash and even more months learning to use the jet’s new form. While this went on, his superiors had negotiated for him to become a part of the Justice League as a US government sponsored member. Though the details of the deal are not known by the public, Polarity Man now finds himself in the ranks of the Justice League. Notes: The character is mostly Negative Man with a twist of Robot Man, Blue Beetle and Captain Atom, while the mech appearance is the Gespenst from Endless Frontier. The Patroller suit is 2.12 meters in height and weighs 328.40 kilos. Sample Post: “Did I ever tell you how ridiculous the name ‘Polarity Man’ sounds?” said the being of pure energy emerging from the metal chassis of a jet-black mech suit, after landing in the middle of Nowhere, Virginia. Slowly, this being would reform itself into a solid state but the man that stood in its place looked quite banged up. Bandages covered a majority of his body but he otherwise looked just like any other flyboy that operated out from the Langley airbase, complete with a bomber jacket with an assortment of military badges and a pair of shades that look straight out of Top Gun. He would lay on the grassy field he found himself in, letting the minutes pass along with clouds that flew by. However, this tranquility wouldn't last long as he stood back up and continued his complaints. “I bet you the same engineers who designed the jet came up with the name. Apparently, we needed a fitting identity for the J.L. and a tagline that the public would recognize for good P.R. branding. I mean, I really don’t care bu-.” Before he could finish his sentence, he would begin to lose his balance and fall to one knee as an electrical charge surged through his body. He stayed in such a position for a few minutes before regaining his composure as the shock stopped. “Right. Forgot about that. I guess we better suit back up, huh?” Across the man was no one else but the mech suit that he had emerged from, currently lifeless and immobile. However, the moment Lieutenant Lawrence Trainor re-entered, the systems of the machine were quick to start back up. With a smirk hidden underneath his bandages, Polarity Man would fire up his engines and hit the skies once more, patrolling to protect the free world underneath him.
EPISODE IX: Apollex Apollex a hurlé rapidement, les doigts brouillant pour attacher tous ses cheveux. Un brin errant s'est échappé et elle l'a repoussé avec impatience, tout en essayant de rattraper avec la question (). Elle a couru à côté de lui, en baissant un peu. Honnêtement, elle n'était pas en forme pour son métier. Note mentale: Arrête de te farcir avec des hamburgers Elle a eu tendance à appeler chaque héros par tout ce qu'elle a jugé "cute" et Question a été l'un de ces héros malheureux d'être appelé quelque chose comme "Q" Elle n'aimait pas le regard que Q lui avait donné. C'était critique, et pas gentil à ça. Elle n'a jamais été aussi froncée. Elle était un peu nouvelle dans tout ce travail mais honnêtement, ce n'était pas comme si elle allait germer une tête supplémentaire et tuer quelqu'un était elle? C'était une guérisseuse pour l'amour de Dieu! Elle sentait un froncement faire son chemin sur son visage et rapidement retourné son visage dans une position neutre, elle ne pouvait pas prendre le risque d'avoir des rides. Pas quand elle allait être invitée à une soirée élégante sur un yacht bientôt.
Lexi Campen Alias Apollex Age 23 Personality Calm, Kind, Helpful, Naive, Selfless Archetype Metahuman Powers Healing - Capacity to heal any physical injuries, however the more larger the injury the more energy that has be exerted. She simply has to place a hand over the injury and recite some ancient words in her mind. Pause of time (maximum: 1 minute) - Works with her healing powers so she is able to pause time and tend to her comrades. Will only work if she sacrifices a piece of herself (her blood, a lot of hair, something important) Weaknesses She's very naive and can be easily trusting. She tends to put things in a more positive outlook which may earn her no respect from others. She's also quite selfless which means that she may go through a lot in her mental capacity as she always aims to help others more than herself. Appearance Kind of like that photo but a lot more innocent, and a more gentle look about her. She has blonde hair and grey eyes. She usually wears tan pants and a grey sweater. Super suit: Black, tan and grey super suit. Wears grey gloves and a black mask. Character Evolution I want Lexi to become more grown up, for her to become aware of the world around her and how much she is willing to sacrifice for others. I would also like Lexi to be in a relationship with someone. It would teach her a mean lesson about love and how to learn to be trusting of certain people at certain times. I'm quite sure she'll be friends with most of the younger people in the JLU and would have to earn the trust of the older, more mature heroes. BRIEF Bio Lexi grew up with her older brother, Leo. She was adopted by a family and led an average lifestyle until one day when her brother dived into a shallow end of a pool and broke both of his legs. She found out that he'd been paralyzed and will not be able to use his legs anymore. A week later it was her 19th birthday, where she received a letter her biological mother had written her. It contained several ancient words and an explanation of her powers. She was skeptical but decided to try it out. A month passed and her brother turned out to be well, all thanks to hushed recitations of the ancient words and a longing for the most important person for her to come back. Over the years, she's never really used much of her powers and instead stuck to protectively keeping them from prying eyes. When she attended university, studying in Physics, she felt that she could help more people who needed it, which is why she decided to enlist in the JLU. Notes Hobbies: - Knitting - Cooking - Baseball Family: - Adopted mom - Caren Campen - Adopted dad - Tomas Campen - Biological Brother - Leo Campen (age: 32 years) - Biological Mother - Faith Roserry (destination: unknown) - Biological Father - Julian Roserry (destination: unknown) Sample Post The room was full with wounded bodies lying on stretchers and dirty sheets. Lexi took a deep breath in. It was weird to actually have a job to do, and one that had major consequences if she failed in it. "You ready?" A gentle hand closes over her own as Lexi gnaws on her lip. "I'm ready" "Treat that patient over there then, if you're so confident." The woman smirks and Lexi feels her cheeks heating up. There it was. Someone else looking down at her. She had begged and begged Caren, who was a nurse to let her be an intern at the injured soldiers camp and finally when she got here there was someone looking down at her. Lexi walked over to where the patient was and sat down on a small folding chair next to him. He had stubble and frown lines even though he looked around her age. Her eyes scanned over the clipboard at the end of the bed. Edward Grantchester, age: 29. Minor injuries on arms and torso. Huh, so that woman didn't think that she could handle major injuries did she? "Hi. Um, I don't know if you're awake but um, I'm here to help you." Lexi reaches out a hand and encloses it over the patient's. She would have to touch someone to make that connection, to bring upon that power. The man's eyes fluttered open. He'd been sedated, of course. Too much. Lexi looks over at the man groaning in the corner. He'd been given too little. "Why are you holding my hand?" The man speaks in a gravelly voice. She just gives him a smile and starts to recite the words in her mind. Her other hand reaches to close his eyes and the wounds start closing over. "Nice meeting you, Edward." She smiles and gets up. As she walks home from the camp, Lexi fishes into her pocket and pulls out her phone. She dials Leo's phone number and waits for the rings to stop. "Hey, Leo." "Hey, sunshine. How's it going?" "Fine, I guess. Just a little bit tired from all the healing and stuff. I feel a bit woozy again." A hand reaches up to her head as she caresses her forehead. "Trying to prove yourself again?" Leo's voice sounded worried. "Yeah, could you pick me up? I just...don't think I can walk back that far." "Yeah sure, I'll pick you up." "Thank you." Lexi leans against the wall next to her, sinking down to the floor. The world was spinning around her, swirling around and around. She'd healed 10 patients today. That'll teach her
Ep. 6 5ème dimension de l'enfer L'omnipotent responsable de la situation actuelle n'a encore été vu par personne. Les monstres snots semblaient l'ennuyer au bout d'un moment alors il a cessé de rendre la pluie verte un peu. Les structures de dessin animé dans le monde plus petit balayaient avec la brise complète avec des lignes qui filaient comme dans un dessin animé bidimensionnel des années 40 et 50. Bulleteer était moins d'un désordre maintenant mais sentait toujours horrible, Vibe et Warden pas tellement parce qu'ils n'ont pas volé la tête d'abord à travers aucune des créatures amoébiques. "Comment diable sommes-nous arrivés ici? Une minute, on est dans un congélateur, puis... Tu crois que c'est Toon Girl? Je viens de me rendre compte qu'elle est la seule à ne pas être là..." Bulleteer a demandé d'enlever le casque et de laisser un peu de slime goutte de ses coiffures. "Ce n'est pas une mauvaise observation Bullet-guy..." Vibe a répondu essuyant un peu de slime de sa botte avec un journal qui avait des images en mouvement comme quelque chose dans un film d'Harry Potter. De l'autre côté de la petite bande dessinée comme la planète... Superman a survolé Tsigane et Toon Girl alors qu'ils se dirigeaient vers ce qui semblait être la seule et unique ville de la petite planète. Superman a pris note de la gêne de Toon Girl. Était-elle en ligue avec M. Mxyzptlk? Toon Girl espérait que sa petite fête serait capable de trouver Bulleteer, le directeur, et eux, et sortir avant que les choses ne deviennent... gênantes ou dangereuses. Plus ou moins être un fugitif n'était pas la meilleure chose à être quand Mxyz avait le contrôle de tout dans cette partie de la 5ème dimension. Et compte tenu des réactions de Toon Girl à ce qui devrait être un endroit fait pour elle, ce n'était pas une surprise pourquoi Tsigane a remarqué son malaise. Mais quelques monstres de Goo et Superman atterrissent peu après une sorte de tzigane distrait et ont rendu Toon Girl un peu soulagée. Au moins Superman a eu de l'expérience avec Mxyz et ce dernier genre de Superman tenu dans une certaine estime alors peut-être que les choses ne se passeraient pas trop mal si jamais il arrive à ce point. "Alors, avez-vous trouvé les membres de notre équipe là-bas Sups? Je veux en quelque sorte y aller si nous le pouvons." Toon Girl a dit, regarder autour avec un peu d'inquiétude, d'autant plus que la pluie slime s'est terminée un peu trop vite à son goût. "Je vois que vous avez trouvé l'animal de compagnie perdu de ma femme, Supergoof..." dit une voix inquiétante du monde entier apparemment. -00492/
The Justice League had been active for several years. Their membership included Superman, Batman, Vixen, Green Lantern (Alan Scott), and Robot Man. Most of them were already in their 40's, Batman was rumored to be in his 50's. The team took down threats such as Brainiac, the rogue General Eiling, Solomon Grundy and an army of the undead, a Thanagarian Cult, and dozens of others. Weeks ago, in a battle with the alien tyrant Despero, both Vixen and Robotman were killed in action. Robotman COULD have survived, but the three eyed behemoth crushed his head and destroyed the original brain of Cliff Steele. One year ago... The Justice League extended its reach and took in several new heroes to form the Justice League Unlimited. Over the course of the first several weeks the League learned about the existance of a similar group, composed of super criminals, calling themselves the Society and brought together by the devious Lex Luthor Jr. Shortly after the Society made themselves known, the Question deduced that the super criminals were after artifacts composed of a mysterious Nth metal. During a mission that saw a group going to the destroyed remains of Atlantis, Ravager was seemingly killed by an unseen attacker and left for dead. Her father, Deathstroke, would later abduct her from JLU headquarters to help her recover on his own terms. Bulleteer would also be attacked in Metropolis and taken out of action after taking trauma to his head after the enemies of the League were informed by Lobo that his helmet was composed of Nth metal. Ambush Bug was killed during an attack on the League's HQ, and the heroic Clayface was torn apart as well. Over the course of the last year the League would continue to evolve. Superman would be defeated and killed by the monster called Doomsday. Green Lantern has retired after finding out his reformed enemy turned fiancee Thorn was pregnant with twins. And Batman has seemingly stepped down from the League as well but not before sponsoring Clutch as the new wheelman for the Justice League Unlimited. Present day... The League still moves forward after everything they've been through. Supergirl and Blue Beetle have stepped up to lead this new era of the team, however a crashed spaceship would change everything. Discovering the hero called Starman in the wreckage, the League was warned that white Martians have began invading the planet and one of their own has already been replaced by a Martian! Who will be revealed as the traitor? Where did Starman come from? ________________ About the Founders... Superman - He's the first superhero. The reason it's even called a super-hero. His career seemingly began in the 1970's, however reports indicate he may have been active as far back as WWII. Same basic powers of Superman. He makes everybody in the room wanna stand a little bit taller. A big blue boyscout to this day, he has a line he'll never cross and ALWAYS finds another way. He's pretty much the big gun of the metahuman/alien archetypes. He's only been Clark Kent the last twenty years or so of his life on Earth. He obviously ages slower in the universe than past incarnations. - Deceased Batman (mask off) - Same billionaire playboy philanthropist, his career just began in the late 90's and has lasted nearly two decades. He is to the gadgeteers and standard human heroes what Superman is to metas and aliens. The big gun. Basically picture Ben Afleck's Batman here just with more gray hair. - Retired Green Lantern - Alan Scott is the resident GL, and the ONLY GL in this universe. I'm staying away from the GLC and all the rainbow brigade Corps. His career stretches over the last decade or so and a few years back he absorbed the energies of his magic ring internalizing his power. He's the big gun of the supernatural/magic archetypes. He's also based in Gotham and mostly patrols during the day when Batman isn't being Batman. - Retired Robotman - Cliff Steele was once a racecar driver and adrenaline junkie. He jumped out of planes, served two years in the military, and was even a bouncer on a cruise ship for several months. It was to no surprise to anyone when he finally went too far and crashed an experimental NHRA racing car. His body was near completely destroyed, which is when his friends at STAR Labs Dr. Niles Caulder and Silas Stone put his brain into the body of a machine. Still ever the enthusiast he decided superheroics were in his future and took the alias Robotman . He was a hero of Midway for several years before joining the other founding five in the Justice League. In the battle with Despero his brain was destroyed, thus ending the career of Robotman. - Deceased Vixen - Mari McCabe was born in Africa and possessed the magical Tantu Totem. This is a magical artifact, supposedly passed down over several generations from mother to daughter, and is the source of her power. Giving her the ability to mimic the attributes of any animal on the planet, Mari used this power to protect her village until moving to the United States and going to college. After graduating Mari was offered a modeling contract with an agency in NYC. Getting lost in the spotlight and fame, she was eventually reminded of the power and responsibility and publicly came out as the hero Vixen. After joining the JL for several years, her life was snuffed out when the behemoth Despero used his immense strength to crush her under the weight of a destroyed skyscraper. - Deceased Background heroes in the Tower... Vibe - Hispanic breakdancer turned metahuman hero from Detroit. Amazing Man - the energy absorbing, hard hitting, African American hero. Ambush Bug - Deceased Fire - Brazilian green fire manipulator. Ice - ice manipulator from Norway. Other notable heroes... Commander Steel - Henry 'Hank' Heywood was a member of the United States Marine Corps during the second World War. Injured during an attack caused by Nazi saboteurs, Heywood underwent an extensive, experimental surgery that resulted in him obtaining a 'skin of steel'. Possessing superhuman durability and strength, Hank took on the alias Commander Steel, secretly returning to the war where he was approached by Doctor Fate. Seeing the long war ahead, Fate came to Steel to ask him to lead a specialized team and the new hero did not disappoint. Forming the Justice Society, Commander Steel lead the group into battle after battle, emerging victorious. Unfortunately, Hank's story does not have a happy ending as the surgery wound up impacting his mental health. As he aged, his sanity began to wane and so to this day, Henry Heywood resides in Arkham Asylum, having been put there by those who loved him most. Wonder Woman - Possibly the first superhuman to appear in the public eye. Wonder Woman, or Diana of Themyscria, predates the Justice Society by nearly two decades having originally appeared during the first World War. An Amazon hailing from a hidden paradise island, Wonder Woman possesses strength, speed and durability only surpassed by Superman herself. Armed with incredible mystical weapons such as her bracers and lasso, Wonder Woman did miracles for the allied troops in the Great War and served as a founding member of the Justice Society before retiring to Themyscria after the second World War. She has not been heard from since. Wildcat - The youngest among the Justice Society, Theodore 'Ted' Grant was a rising world class heavy-weight boxer. The last to be recruited to the Justice Society, Ted Grant was also the last to remain active, returning to Gotham where he would fight crime on the streets until one night when a young Bruce Wayne knocked on his door. Training Bruce Wayne changed Ted, settling some of the wild in the cat as the man changed focus from protecting the streets to giving youths an outlet as he opened a free gym. Still, Ted retains his ties to the world of costumed antics and from time to time will still be asked to train a young hero on how to properly land a punch. The Flash - The original Flash, Jason 'Jay' Garrick was a college student who after a lab accent found his latent metahuman genes activated. Using his powers originally to have a comfortable college football career, the curse of power and responsible eventually caught up with Jay as the call of second World War was too much to ignore. Using his abilities on the field, Jay was approached by the mysterious Doctor Fate who set Jay onto the path of Hank Heywood, otherwise known as Commander Steel. Joining with the Commander, Jay acted as a member of the Justice Society until he was forced to retire. His metagene unfortunately accelerated his aging and Jay retired shortly into the early 1960's. But Jay's legacy lives on, as the mantle of the Flash was passed down. Without using his abilities, Jay was able to prolong his life and lived among society as a civilian, marrying his college sweetheart Joan. Jay passed away peacefully in his sleep five years ago surrounded by friends and loved ones. Doctor Fate - During the late 1930's, archaeologist, Sven Nelson and his son, Kent Nelson traveled to the Valley of Ur. It was there the pair stumbled across the tomb of Nabu the Wise. Exploring the tomb, Kent accidentally opens the sarcophagus containing Nabu and with it released the trap that had long awaited would-be tomb raiders. A poisonous gas was released into the room, and both Sven and Kent fell victim to it. Waking up, Kent found himself at the feet of a man he did not recognize, this man turned out to be Nabu who, through what little strength he had, reached out and saved Kent. Revealing to Kent that he was no longer on Earth but in the realm of the Lords of Order, Nabu sent Kent back to Earth but provided him one parting gift. A golden helmet. This helmet would transform Kent into Doctor Fate, merging the body of Kent Nelson with the mind of Nabu. Endowed with mastery of the mystic and arcane, Kent was able to see the future and the horror of the second war. Nabu provided him a solution however and Kent, now called Doctor Fate, set out to unite the Justice Society. Serving as a member for its entire duration, when the Society was disbanded to make room for the League, Doctor Fate disappeared without a trace. ________________ Active Characters Member 00492 as Starman GM rocketrobie2 as Blue Beetle Co-GM Simple Unicycle as The Question WXer as Polarity Man Weird Tales as Mr. Clutch NecroKnight as Lizard Sir Lurksalot as The Rookie Champion The Angry Goat as The Warden Archmage MC as Toon Girl Afro Samurai as Shazam Unknown100 as Supergirl ineffable as Apollex Inactive Characters Lord Wraith as Ravager - Conflicting schedule FiroIV as Gypsy - Dropped out Roman as Whiplash - Dropped out Blue Demon as Clayface - Dropped Out Burning Kitty as Solara - Rage Quit Hillan as Dark Messiah - No Post To Date DivineDarkness as The Flash (III) - No Post To Date Experiment 249 as Judgement - Missing In Action Character Application Name: Alias: Age: Personality: Archetype: Metahuman, Alien, Alien Tech, Mystic/Supernatural, or Gadgeteer Powers: Weaknesses: Appearance: Character Evolution: BRIEF Bio: Notes: Sample Post:
E P I S O D E VII:T R A I N I N G D A Y S L'attaque de Parasite est arrivée presque instantanément, mais Supergirl a réussi à attraper les deux bras. C'est quand c'est arrivé : comme la kryptonite, son toucher a affaibli toutes les cellules de son être. Un malaise épuisant l'a amenée à genoux, tandis que sa vue était floue. Elle a continué, a lutté et a déménagé avec lui, mais la réalité était en train de disparaître. Quelque part loin, une voix a mentionné que Parasite se nourrissait aussi de l'énergie vitale. Puis tout a disparu et seuls les rêves sont restés. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elle n'était pas Supergirl, elle était Lara et ses yeux ont presque grandi à double taille, quand elle a vu le journal. Au-dessous du titre, l'homme de l'acier DOWN GOGO était une image d'un géant de la peau violette avec un casque doré, mais aussi cassé. Tu t'es battue? Elle a germé. Elle avait 10 ans et venait d'accueillir son père à la maison. "Je l'ai fait," Clark a répondu, légèrement humble. C'est énorme! Comment avez-vous fait ça? Même façon que je pense que vous allez faire un jour. Avec l'endurance inhumaine Lara a secoué sa petite tête. Sûr que vous le ferez. Comment ça? Clark regarda sa fille se fixer dans l'incrédulité. Tu te souviens de ce que je t'ai dit, quand tu as cassé la table? Une ombre tomba sur les yeux de Lara, et les mots n'arrivèrent plus aussi facilement. Tu m'as dit de prétendre qu'il était en porcelaine. En fait, tu m'as dit de prétendre que tout était fait de porcelaine. C'est vrai. Mais quand on fait face à quelqu'un comme Gog... dans ces moments, et juste pour un petit moment... on arrête de faire semblant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arrête de faire semblant, et laisse tomber, Supergirl s'est rappelée à travers toute l'agonie. Au lieu de se battre plus longtemps avec le crapaud qui suce la vie, elle s'est libérée de lui et s'est enfuie. Il semblait probablement beaucoup plus comme glisser, car elle était toujours avec son dos contre le sol pendant qu'elle le faisait. Elle a réussi à diriger exactement dans la bonne direction et a fini à côté de la Grundy à moitié cuite. "Ups-a-daisy, grand garçon," elle murmura tout en soulevant le corps lourd en l'air, avant de se soulever elle-même aussi. Un Parasite qui courait gronde de faim juste avant que Supergirl ne laisse tomber la créature sur lui. Un énorme bagage, Parasite a été piégé sous et un il ne pouvait pas sucer une once de vie à partir de. Supergirl s'est claquée dans Grundy et a vu la main violette, s'évanouissant, secouant la douleur. Elle s'est levée jusqu'au plafond, puis a volé avec tout en elle et a vu la main serrer une dernière fois, puis se détendre et ne plus jamais bouger. Une Supergirl fatiguée a pris dans la destruction totale que le combat avait causé, tout en ne prenant aucune joie en elle. Murs écaillés, tuiles de sol brisées, marques de brûlure aussi larges que les marques routières. Rien de tout cela ne faisait partie de la vie qu'elle avait initialement voulu, et pourtant cela devait l'être. Lara a dû être Supergirl et a dû faire ce truc, et elle a pris un peu de confort dans le fait, que l'équipe a réussi. Puis quelqu'un a atteint autour d'elle et a appuyé un couteau contre sa gorge avec l'autre main. "Ne bougez pas," Savage dit assez fort et avec une voix comme du papier de sable. Supergirl a répondu en lui tapant un coude dans l'épaule, le faisant presser la lame contre sa gorge qui n'a rien fait d'autre que l'ennuyer. Son deuxième coup a semblé briser complètement l'épaule et envoyer Savage tourner dans le sol. En prenant quelques indices de l'entraînement de soccer, elle l'a frappé à travers la pièce et a fait un soupir de soulagement. À vrai dire, Supergirl avait plus ou moins agi uniquement sur l'instinct. Elle s'est approchée de lui et s'est fissurée, prête pour la 2ème ronde. Vous êtes tous censés travailler ensemble, Ted l'a arrêtée avec. Mais je suis en train de gagner, Supergirl a tiré en arrière. Le killing ne gagne pas. Ce sont des robots, et ça marche totalement. Dans le monde réel, l'effort d'équipe est essentiel à- Mais... je... j'ai... j'ai... j'ai... j'ai... j'ai... j'ai... j'ai... j'ai... j'ai... j'ai... j'ai... j'ai... j'ai... Le regard de Ted a complètement perturbé sa propre interruption. D'accord, je comprends. Je ferai mieux, promis. Se sentant confuse et légèrement inappréciée, elle regarda les deux derniers adversaires. On se relève et, pour la plupart, on ignore son épaule cassée, et on se bat toujours d'une manière fantomatique. Comment suis-je censé capturer un fantôme et un mec qui n'a pas démissionné? À vrai dire, c'était un moment, où Supergirl a vraiment remarqué son propre manque d'expérience.
Name: Lara Kent Alias: Supergirl Age: 20 Personality: quirky, emotional, childish, optimistic. Archetype: Half-alien Powers: - Flight (still working on those landings) - Superhuman strength, endurance and speed. - Super hearing is but a fracture of its full potential. - Still trying to figure out the x-ray. And heat vision sort of comes and goes and has a mind of its own. - Tactile telekinesis. The ability to enhance the powers of her Kryptonian heritage. Whether it’s her strength or speed, she can boost her own philology and abilities. Besides that, she has also been able to create forcefields around people and objects, as well as lift things with her mind. However, this particular capability has also been known to mysteriously fail in certain instances. Weaknesses: Kryptonite. It will leave her much more vulnerable. And yet: Since Lara’s only half Kryptonian, it does not have the same crippling effect on her, as it does her farther. Appearance: Character Evolution: Lara will be someone with an identity crisis, as she was someone who felt normal, but then felt pressured to be something else in order to help the world. She’s on a journey from super powered to superhero. Girl to woman. Accepting that other side of her. She'll make mistakes (super powered mistakes, as well as personal mistakes) and learn from them. She'll have fears confirmed and doubt, if she’s even doing the right thing, yet also gain confidence in the process. Maybe even a sort of rivalry with Solara. And maybe that blossoms into a friendship, maybe it really won’t. In time, maybe the whole world will regard Lara as a treasure. BRIEF Bio: Lara’s birth was long and difficult. In fact, doctors weren't even sure Lois Lane was going to make it. For the first time ever, the Man of Steel was helpless to save the woman he loved. Yet in the end she pulled through and gave them both a beautiful, little girl. There was no disagreement on how they should raise her: First they taught Lara to be human. Then they taught her to be super. This initiative carried over to her teen years, as she would go to great lengths just to feel like everyone else. Though her parents did their best to teach her to respect, but not fear her powers, they ultimately failed. Even though the human side of her meant she never quit reached her father’s level, she feared her powers. That’s why Lara has never let loose, and only trained her powers in order to control them. Because of it, she has yet to realize her own limits. Her telekinesis, and how she was able to develop it, was a mystery to everyone. In time, everyone came to accept that there was no other explanation than the conditions were right and it happened. It stands as proof that even after aliens have visited Earth there’s still some mystery left. Lara Kent is simply a force that just is. Like her farther, she can wear nice outfits and still not be afraid to get her hands dirty. And like her mother, she can enjoy the simple things in life. Though really smart, she never had many friends. It was as if everyone knew she was a little different. Her occasional awkward behavior reflects her lack of social skills, but then again: Sometimes her one-liners are spot on. When the need arrived for the Justice League to expand, Lois would not even let Clark talk to Lara about it. Their daughter had chosen another path. Yet, when Lara found out about it anyway, she shortly thereafter threw aside all dreams and desires to live a normal life. A choice that caused her great dread, though for now, only her mother seem to notice. This was a whole new world for Lara. One where she was still just a girl. Still a super one at that. A Supergirl. Notes: Yes, I know Lara is supposed to be the daughter of Wonder Woman or imaginary. But not here! :p Sample Post: “You have to be sure, this is what you want. No one wants to pressure you,” Lois said and watched her daughter nod cautiously, while she tightened a bolt on her bicycle. “Well, dad seem very eager for me to do it,” Lara pointed out and kept turning. “Yes, a bit too often, he has got his head in the clouds, if you ask me, sweetheart. But he always swoops back down eventually and sees the bigger picture.” “So just because I’ve got… powers… don’t mean I have to go out there and be a hero?” Lois’ answer came without a moment’s pause: “Oh yes, you do! Very much. Everyone should. However, you need to find out what being a hero means to you. And once you find out… never compromise. Not even for a second.” Through the living room window Lara noticed the TV was still on. The horrible images of a sooted wreckage were projected onto it while a reporter spoke. With his grief showing, he described the horrible fire that had costed the lives of an entire family. Lara closed her eyes and for a while she just stood there like a statue. Then the remaining bolts started to shake. The bike vibrated and the wind changed direction, if only for a few moments. “… Tell dad: I wanna do it.”
Épisode VII : Journées de formation 30 juillet, 2017Aperçu Tour de métro - Metropolis Il y avait un nouveau venu derrière Ted Kord. Le jeune homme n'avait pas dit un mot pour ses yeux verts ont été collés à l'action qui a lieu au-delà du mur de champ de force. Vadim était dans l'admiration. Ses yeux rayonnaient de peur et d'excitation alors qu'il regardait une fille tirer des rayons laser de ses yeux. Ils n'avaient rien vaporisé, mais il était toujours ravi de voir qu'il y en avait d'autres avec des pouvoirs spéciaux. Un type se faisait claquer comme un bébé avec une poupée en chiffon. Les lèvres de Vadim sont retournées dans sa bouche pour lui arracher un sifflement de douleur sympathique alors qu'il fronçait. Ça avait l'air nul. L'homme réussit à riposter, et dans une colère. Démontrant une force incommensurable, il a hissé le titan non mort et l'a lobé dans un monstre pourpre. Un sourire s'est séparé des lèvres de Vadim, alors qu'il parlait enfin : Nice. Il ressemblait à un joueur de baseball avec son maillot à col rouge et blanc et sa casquette rouge. Un jean bleu clair descendait ses longues jambes jusqu'à une paire de bottes de travail brunes; et un sac Jansport noir avec un seul changement de vêtements et des articles de toilette de taille voyage était sur son dos. Vadim était grand pour sa taille, borderline anormalement. La plupart pensaient que l'homme blond et aux yeux verts était un ascenseur. Sa chemise, bien que confortable et respirante, n'a rien fait pour cacher les deltoïdes massifs, les biceps et les triceps qui se déplaçaient comme des rochers sous sa peau du moindre mouvement. Des veines épaisses, semblables à des serpents, tissées sur ses bras, et ses cuisses et ses mollets en jutant ont fait fondre légèrement les jambes de son pantalon autour d'eux, même s'ils étaient lâches. Vadim venait d'arriver à Metro Tower et avait passé beaucoup de temps à errer dans l'établissement, se demandant où tout le monde avait disparu. Avait-il manqué l'orientation? La salle d'entraînement et les héros qui luttent contre les fous robotiques à l'intérieur était ce qu'il espérait voir. Il craignait que la Ligue lance immédiatement une nouvelle recrue dans une mission avec peu d'avertissement. Alors qu'il avait déjà eu affaire à des méchants, ils étaient rarement des supervillains. Il avait dit à la Ligue avec confiance qu'il était prêt à s'occuper d'un tel calibre, mais en profondeur, il n'était même pas sûr. Il n'était pas trop familier avec ses pouvoirs car il n'y avait jamais un endroit où il pouvait juste—laissez aller.
Vadim Semyonovich Medved Вадим Семёнович Медведь ★ 5'10" | 180 lbs | Blonde | Green 23 Silent Giant, Brave, Dutiful, Teddy Bear, and Tough. Metahuman Alien Energy Mutation: Red Star was empowered by unknown alien energies that have caused chain reactions within his molecular structure, altering his physical abilities and reflexes. Over time, these abilities have changed and he has gone from being an incredibly fast and strong being into one with an array of powers. The physical changes enable him to withstand environmental extremes, including the hostile conditions in deep space and naturally, radiation. Energy Projection: Red Star generates immense radioactive energy in the form of red blasts and explosions. He can project a fire-like beam anywhere from his body. This energy replicates the effects that a Kryptonian would feel under a red sun. Heat Generation: His body gives off more heat than normal. In the cold, steam can always be seen rising off his skin. Flight: Red Star technically doesn't fly, but instead projects his energy beams downward and uses the concussive force to propel him through the air. He hasn't quite mastered literally flying in the air. Superhuman Strength: Since his mutation, Red Star hasn't tested his strength on anything heavier than a small car. He doesn't know the limit of his strength. Superhuman Durability: Red Star's near invulnerability allows him to survive blows from super-powered beings. Superhuman Stamina: Red Star's body produces less fatigue toxins, allowing him to fight for days on end, unless winded by other means. Superhuman Speed: Red Star can sprint 45 mph max, but with the propulsion of his energy beams, he can reach 100 mph in a second. His energy projection can also be used as an abrupt slow or brake in motion. Red Star Transformation: Radiation Monster: Self-Sustenance: Besides Vadim's gift of tinkering, he possesses average human intelligence. Vadim possesses an average, brawler-style fighting style. While Vadim is tough to take down, he still possesses basic human weaknesses (illness, disease, toxins, etc.) until he acquires his energy form. Vadim has locked away inside himself a lot of potential. He just needs the confidence to be able to access it. Vadim doesn't understand what exactly has been done to him. One moment he was this normal young man, and now he is large and strong. His power scares him for he doesn't know if he will continue to mutate or if his mutations have ceased. He desires to learn more about his powers so that he can use them a little more confidently. He hopes to grow stronger and to gain more skills as a super hero. I am open for him to have a romantic relationship if one is to happen. Vadim was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York to Oskana and Sasha Medved. When he was fourteen-years-old, he went to visit his grandparents in Yaroslavl, Russia. One morning, when ice fishing with his grandfather, Vitaly, a strange red meteor tumbled from the sky. Vadim pushed his grandfather out of the meteor’s path, and as it came in proximity of Vadim, it released a red pulse that passed through his body traveling from his head down to his feet and back. The pulse happened in a millisecond before the meteor collided with Vadim, causing him to crash through the ice into the chilling waters. Vitaly called for help and within twenty minutes a response team arrived at the scene. The rescue team was able to fish Vadim from the lake waters as red shards from the meteor melted into his skin. They deemed the boy lucky to be alive and rushed him to a hospital. At the hospital, doctors were baffled by Vadim’s examination. He had suffered unconsciousness and not much else. His recovery was considered a miracle. Vadim was released once he woke, and he returned with his grandparents to their house. Unknown to him, his mutation had already happened and had been so subtle that neither Vadim nor Vitaly had noticed. It was his grandmother, Viera, who immediately noticed when they arrived home. Vadim’s parents when he returned to New York were also flabbergasted, but Vadim never revealed the truth to them. He kept what happened in Russia a secret and claimed that Viera’s good cooking had made him big and strong. Vadim experimented with his body at a closed down naval yard and discovered his abnormal strength. With his powers, he started his new life as a crime fighter. He came up with the name Red Star, naming himself after the strange object that had given him his powers. When he wasn’t at school, he was out fighting crime, and when he wasn’t at home, he told his parents that he was at school. He was able to hide his activities until college. In college, Vadim is pursuing a degree in Physics. When he was walking home from school, he was approached by a liaison for the Justice League. He hadn’t expected his small-time crime fighting to be noticed, and enthusiastically accepted the offer. Vadim's parents are alive and well, and a side of him that other teammates may not see is that he's a mama's boy. Vadim speaks fluent English and Russian. Vadim is actually Russian-American; however, other Americans still treat him like a foreigner rather than an American. It must be his strong Russian accent. This has led to him developing a quiet personality. He would like to be treated as a fellow American for once. Vadim likes to fix things that are broken on his own rather than call a repair man or professional. This has made him quite the handyman in times of emergency (especially when dealing with vehicle/aircraft issues). The snow crunched under their snowboots and white wisps snaked from their nostrils about their pale faces. The young, fair-headed boy was garbed in thick brown furs from his head and neck down to the pants tucked into his boots. Thick gloves covered his hands as he followed alongside his дедушка (d’yeh’doo’sh’kah) or дед (d’yeh’d)—grandfather. The older man had gray peach fuzz on his chin, dark eyes, and a rounded beak-like nose. He reminisced as the two approached the lake, its frozen surface glowed in the sun. It was what Vadim believed heaven would look like. This is spoken in Russian, but to spare you, I wrote it in English. “When was the last time you came out here with me, boy? I think you were about five—too young to even know what ice fishing was,” said Vitaly. “Five is too young?” Vadim asked jokingly. “All you knew was that I cut a hole in the ice and fish come out. You didn’t know that there was an actual technique to the process.” “I remember you caught a big one last time, and we sat out here, cooking it over a fire.” “Yes, that was a good time. I hope to catch another big one.” They carefully walked out onto the ice, tapping it with the end of their fishing rods as they stepped. They walked until they were just about in the center and Vitaly set down a white paint bucket and removed his saw from it. Handing Vadim his fishing rod, he bent over and started sliding the saw up and down in a circle about the width of two fists side-by-side. Setting down the saw, he removed an ice pick from the bucket next and stabbed the pick into the ice block, hauling it out of the hole. Both Vitaly and Vadim peered into the hole at the black waters. “Well, let’s get to it then,” said Vitaly. He removed a can of sardines from the bucket next and flipped the bucket over. Vitaly sat on it, twisting around for a second to get his rump comfortable before he started opening the can. He removed a slimy fish and impaled it on his hook before lowering it into the water. Vadim watched in silent expectation as though Vitaly would catch a fish any moment. Vitaly looked over at his grandson and chuckled. “It won’t happen that fast.” The old man had been right. He had sat on that bucket for nearly thirty minutes with no bite. Vadim had started walking in a circle, sliding his feet across the ice. He had given his grandfather his own rod to bait, wishing that he had brought a second bucket to sit on. The boy’s chest swelled and sank as a bored sigh blasted from his nostrils. Something soon pulled on Vitaly’s rod, causing the man to gasp. “Oh! Vadim! I got a bite! Come get your rod quick so I can reel him in!” Vadim whirled in his grandfather’s direction and noticed above his head, gleaming like a red star in the sky was a foreign object growing larger and larger by the second. The sight of it briefly froze Vadim in his tracks, and he glanced between it and his grandfather, gauging the trajectory. “Vadim! Get over here!” Vitaly irritably shouted. The boy sprinted for his grandpa, running with all his might as his heart rapidly hammered in his chest and the cold burned his nose. When he reached Vitaly, he thrust out his hands, pushing the man from the bucket as time momentarily paused. In that moment, Vadim felt a hot energy ripple through him, passing from his head to his feet, and then back up to his head. His green eyes were shrunk and gazing at what appeared to be a red crystal-like rock. Vitaly winced as he slid across the ice on his back. Water and ice fragment splashed and pelted his body. Spreading his arms and dragging his hands to slow his slide, Vitaly gazed in wide-eyed awe at the white tower of steam that rose from the boiling water. What happened? “Vadim!” the old man called. He rose to his feet and stared at the hissing column seeing no one around it. His heart sank in panic as he raced over to the hole in the ice, his feet slipping in his haste. The old man thrust out his hands to steady himself as he stopped at the water’s edge. He looked around once more not wanting to believe that Vadim could have been in the water. “Vadim! Answer me boy!” Quickly, Vitaly dunked a hand into his winter coat pocket and fished out his cell phone. “Yes, I have an emergency!” Sharp, blinking ruby shards protruded from the back and front of the boy. Carp swam passed his slowly sinking body that twisted limply through a forest of reeds. In the lake, there was little sound but for the plume of bubbles that rose from the fragments that began to retract into his body. Fifteen minutes later, when his body laid face down in the reeds, his clothing waterlogged, a diver plunged into the water. The light shone into the murking gray waters of the lake like a beam, allowing the diver to see the tangled form in the reeds. With a knife, he cut away the plants and grasped the boy who oddly felt warm in his hands. As he carried him to the surface, the water became like bathwater around them. The diver emerged, holding up the unconscious boy. “Thank God!” Vitaly exclaimed in relief. He fearfully hovered around the rescue team as they unzipped Vadim’s coat. Upon laying their hands on the boy, they quickly retracted them in startle. “He’s warm!” a rescuer noted. They checked his pulse and breathing. “He’s alive! What a lucky kid!” Vitaly pressed his fingers to his lips and blew kisses to the heavens as he praised God in his relief. “We need to get him to a hospital. He could have a fever.” “A fever? He was just in that frozen lake!” said Vitaly. “He’s unusually warm. We are going to make sure. Come with us please if you are the boy’s guardian.” Vitaly followed the crew as they carried the boy on a stretcher back to shore.
EPISODE 9: NIGHTMARE MAGNETIQUEEn tant qu'Apollex et en tant que question Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça avec tout le monde qui m'appelle Q...?" La question s'est posée en tant que son compagnon a demandé une analyse rapide de la situation. L'inspecteur a légèrement bourdonné, une teinte de sarcasme évident dans sa voix alors qu'il parlait: "Situation facile à analyser: construire sur le feu, les scientifiques et les gardes encore à l'intérieur, ont besoin de notre aide. Nous devrions y aller." Avec ça, le héros sans visage sprinté dans le bâtiment, à la recherche de n'importe qui encore à l'intérieur. Spotant un scientifique blessé, Question l'a signalé à Apollex et a crié, "Entendez ses blessures! Veux-tu en chercher plus!" avant de poursuivre ses recherches. "Gotcha" Apollex a jeté un coup d'œil sur Question avant qu'elle le suive dans le bâtiment. Ses yeux attrapèrent la scientifique alors qu'elle se précipitait, s'agenouillant légèrement. Apollex a posé une main sur une grosse blessure sur la jambe du scientifique. Il coulait du sang et Apollex s'est presque repliée alors que ses doigts délicats s'enfonçaient dans le désordre. "Reste là, ça ne fera pas de mal." Elle a fait un rapide sourire au scientifique avant de se replier sur elle-même. Les bruits de tout autour d'elle s'estompèrent en silence alors qu'elle commençait à réciter. Les mots s'appuyaient sur chaque syllabe alors qu'elle y poussait une certaine force. Elle a fini la récitation et a ouvert les yeux. La blessure avait disparu, ne laissant que des traces de sang sur sa main. Elle a aidé le scientifique à monter et l'a conduit à la porte, en revenant à la question.
Name: Vic Sage (born Charles Victor Szasz) Age: 26 (born March 15, 1991) Personality: Brave ? Ruthless ? Determined ? Paranoid ? Eccentric Archetype: Standard human Pragmatic Combatant: Vic is adept at hand-to-hand combat, his fighting style mostly consisting of a combination of street fighting and boxing. In addition to this, he is known to do anything to win a fight, including using objects within the environment as weapons and resorting to dirty tricks (I.E. hitting his opponent in the privates). Genius: Vic is highly intelligent, being able to use this intellect to decipher codes and, well, ciphers, hack into computer terminals and other electronics, and plan strategies. Master Detective: Vic is a brilliant investigator, though he's still a long way from being at Batman's skill level. He can spot even the smallest of details and make deductions from minuscule evidence. Indomitable Will: Vic has a resolve of steel; if he sets his mind to something, he does it. All of it. This allows him to resist torture and any other attempts to break his mind or spirit. This doesn't mean that he can take said torture for long without passing out or dying from the pain; just that he won't give in to it. Strong Sense of Justice (upside): Without a doubt, Vic is someone who will always stand by his views of good and evil; he believes in moral absolutism, good and evil with no shades of grey, and will not compromise on his views for anything. Justice must be held, and evil must be punished. Because of these views, it is almost impossible to make him turn from the side of good. Normal Human: Unlike most of the League, Vic is just a normal human. He still needs to eat, drink, and sleep, he is not fast enough to dodge bullets, he is not durable enough to shrug off knives and other weapons, and he is not strong enough to punch holes in concrete walls; he's just a normal man trying to do good. No Gadgetry: Unlike other heroes with no powers who have a vast array of gadgets to aid them in their acts of vigilantism, Vic only has his bare hands and whatever is around him. He doesn't have a grappling hook, question mark shaped boomerangs, or shark repellent (though that would be useful). Glass Jaw: To add to one of my last statements, Vic is not durable, even by normal human standards. While definitely stronger than most normal humans, it does not extend to defense. If a person with super strength were to punch him, he would most likely be crushed like a bug even if they toned their strength down. Bad Reputation: Vic is a well-known crackpot, and others usually avoid him because of this. Of course, this reputation is warranted, due to his paranoid nature, ruthlessness bordering on psychopathy, and anti-social attitude. Due to his reputation, people are hesitant to work with him and unlikely to trust him. Horrible With Others: Vic is very independent, and does not enjoy working with others. While he will suck it up most of the time, if someone comes up with a plan that he doesn't like, he will ignore it in favor of his own plan. Strong Sense of Justice (downside): Vic's belief that evil must be punished is so strong that he will not let a villain get away with their crimes (even if bringing said villain to justice would bring about the end of the world or something similar). Similarly, if someone does something evil for the greater good, he will not let them go unpunished. The only way to prevent him from enacting justice on those he perceives as evil is to kill him. Appearance: Vic is a rather average man, standing at 5'9 with a slim yet athletic figure and almost always seen wearing a suit and tie. He has red hair that he keeps short and neat, and no facial hair to speak of. In addition, he has fair skin and brown eyes, giving him the image of a nine-to-five office worker instead of a dangerous vigilante. Vic's costume usually consists of a suit, a trench coat, and a fedora; however, if he needs to act immediately, he will just use whatever he was wearing at the time. He wears a mask of Pseudoderm (artificial skin originally designed as a bandage), which cements itself to his face using a special bonding gas. The gas also changes the color of his clothing, in addition to changing his hair color from red to black. Finally, his costume sports elevator shoes, boosting his height by two inches. Character Evolution: I'd like for Question to begin as a very standoffish person, rarely interacting with others if it isn't on a mission. Over time, he would slowly befriend one hero (or multiple heroes) and open up to them. And, if anyone decides to play Huntress and is open to it, then I'd like to have a romance similar to the one they shared in the JLU cartoon (because that pairing will always be my OTP); however, if no one plays Huntress, he's open to a romance with any of the lovely ladies, so long as they don't mind him calling at two in the morning to discuss the new portion he added to the Conspiracy. Bio: Charles Victor Szasz was born to a prostitute and one of her clients, whom she only ever referred to as 'Walter'. Despite what most would think, his home life wasn't horrible, or at least it wasn't as bad as it could have been. His mother did her best to care for him, never blaming him for her problems or taking out her anger on him, and she ensured that Charles had the best life that she could provide. However, outside of home, Charles was frequently the target of bullying and scorn due to his mother's profession and origin within the slums. Most of the time, Charles would just take it and never react; however, when he was ten, he was taken away by Child Protective Services after getting into a fight with two boys who cornered him, which ended in one boy being blinded in one eye by a lit cigarette and the other having part of his cheek bitten off. When asked what made him do this, he stated that they called him a 'whoreson' and various other things. Normally, he would be fine with this, but when one asked the other if he thought Charles's mother would suck their dicks for a dollar, he flew into a rage. He was sent to a run-down home for problematic children, and everything he did that could be perceived as bad was punished with a few hard wraps on the knuckles with a yard stick. Despite many attempts, he was never adopted by a family, and spent the rest of his childhood and adolescence there. At eighteen, Charles was let go from the home. He did his best to track down his mother, only to discover that she had died five years earlier. Jobless, homeless, and with no hope left, he was found and taken in by a college professor named Aristotle 'Tot' Rodor, who became something like the father that Charles never had. He changed his name to Vic Sage and, with Tot's help, got into college and graduated with a major in journalism. He got a job at a news station at the age of 22, and became an anchorman at the age of 24. A year ago, Tot approached Vic and informed him that one of his colleagues, Arby Twain, was going to sell a substance called Pseudoderm to third world countries despite its toxicity if applied to open wounds. Vic wanted to take Twain down, but could not do so as himself because of his famous features. Tot then suggested that Vic use a mask made of Pseudoderm to do so, and Vic agreed. Vic took down Twain, getting a recorded confession from him, before binding him in Pseudoderm and leaving him in front of the police station along with a copy of the confession. After that, Vic decided that this new alter-ego would be useful, and began to use it to fight crime and dig up leads where he couldn't go as Vic Sage. Eventually, Tot modified the bonding gas for Pseudoderm to also change Vic's hair color and the color of his clothing, and Vic gave this alter-ego a name: The Question. And so, the faceless vigilante as we know him was born. After a year of fighting crime, he heard about how the Justice League was recruiting, and decided to join them in order to enact justice on a larger scale. Notes: This Question takes inspiration from the DCAU Question, Rorschach from Watchmen, and some of my own personal additions. Expect a character that's basically Rorschach if he didn't kill criminals and was obsessed with conspiracies... Wait, sorry; Conspiracy, singular. He speaks in a pidgin fashion, which means that any conversations with him will be laconic and to the point. One would easily mistake it for broken English if it wasn't for his American accent. Vic's press pass. The Question is now in Microhero form (a modified version of Member's micro)! And featuring Vic Sage! The Question stands at his perch on the rooftop of an office building. In the distance, he hears a car alarm, and adjusts his fedora before running across the rooftops in the direction of said alarm. Soon enough, he arrives at the scene, finding a man breaking into a parked car. 'Carjacking,' Question thinks, 'easy.' Swiftly and silently, Question slips down the fire escape on the side of the building. He peeks around the corner, looking at the criminal as he fumbles about inside the car, attempting to hotwire it. 'First time carjacking... Correction: very easy.' Gracefully, Question flits about from shadow to shadow, making his way to the car. Soon enough he stands next to the driver's door, the car thief not noticing him. Question punches the door's window, breaking through it and grabbing the thief by the throat at the same time. After dragging the thief out of the broken window and into the street, Question stands menacingly over him. The thief, cowering, looks up at the faceless vigilante in a mix of fear and shock. "Y-your fucking face!" He stammers out in disbelief. Question shrugs, "Acne cream." "S-shit man, don't kill me! I'll... I'll split the profit with you after I sell the c-car! Just don't kill m-me, please!" The thief raises his hands to cover his face. Question stares at the man for a moment... Before chuckling. The would-be carjacker looks at him in disbelief, then asks: "The hell is so funny?" "Won't kill you," Question pauses, and the thief sighs a breath of belief. "Will knock you out." "Wait, wha- OOF!" The thief is silenced by a quick kick to the face, and his eyes roll back as he slips into blissful unconsciousness. The Question stands over him for a moment, before pulling out a pair of handcuffs and handcuffing the thief to a streetlamp. With one last chuckle, Question reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out his calling card, dropping it in the thief's lap as he goes. An hour later, two police officers find a man in ratty clothing cuffed to a streetlamp. In his lap, they find a plain white business card. One officer picks it up, and drops it in surprise when it emits smoke. When the smoke clears, the two officers look at the card on the ground, seeing that a black question mark has appeared on it. A breeze blows the card off the ground, and the two officers watch as it flits away into the night. ♥ Crush ♥ // ☮ Friend ☮ // ☯ Acquaintance ☯ // ⚜ Rival ⚜ // § Frenemy § // ☠ Enemy ☠ // ☯ Argyle, Chester aka Whiplash: Vic has yet to interact with Chester Argyle. ☯ Barr, James aka The Bulleteer: Vic has yet to interact with James Barr. ☯ Campen, Lexi aka Apollex: Vic has yet to interact with Lexi Campen. ☯ Carter, Najee aka Captain Marvel (II): Vic has yet to interact with Najee Carter. ⚜ Jester, Jessica aka The Lizard: Vic doesn't know much about Jessica, though he doesn't like what he's seen so far. Having had a debate with her in St. Roch over their conflicting views on morality and law, he was frustrated with the girl and was rather glad when Rose intervened. He has respect for Jessica as a fighter, but nothing beyond that. Time will tell if that changes. ☯ Kent, Lara aka Supergirl: Vic has yet to interact with Lara Kent. ☮ Kord, Ted aka Blue Beetle: Vic has worked with Ted several times in the past, and trusted him enough to reveal his identity to him. He holds a high respect for the man and is eager to work with him in the League. ☯ Light, Lucy aka Toon Girl: Vic has yet to interact with Lucy Light. ☯ MacAodhan, Duncan aka The Rookie: Vic has yet to interact with Duncan MacAodhan (but when he does, it'll be glorious). ☯ Monster, Monny aka Clayface: Vic has yet to interact with Monny Monster. ☯ Reynolds, Cynthia aka Gypsy: Vic has yet to interact with Cynthia Reynolds. ☯ Ryker, James aka Mr. Clutch: Vic has yet to interact with James Ryker. ☯ Trainor, Lieutenant Lawrence aka Polarity Man: Vic has yet to interact with Lieutenant Lawrence Trainor. ⚜ Wilson, Rose aka Ravager: Vic always thought that redheads were the biggest pains in the ass (yes, that includes himself), but that was until he met the white-haired Rose. Having argued with her several times on the mission, mostly regarding the use of lethal force, Vic came to the conclusion that Rose was an interesting, if bitchy, person, though this may change with time. He still needs to investigate his theory on her use of lethal force later (having missed her killing one of the Brides of Lion-Mane). ☮ Unknown aka The Warden: The Warden was the only teammate Vic got along with on the mission in St. Roch, despite the fact that the two stoic men barely exchanged words save for their conversation in the plane and on the rooftop. He respects the Warden's level-headed personality and fighting prowess, however he doesn't know much beyond that, and as previously said time will tell if their relationship changes.
Le capitaine LizardRavager Marvel dans Épisode VIII : Trident de l'Atlantide "Aww noises...jus' quand je peux être utile dans l'eau... nous sommes trop au fond..." soupira Lizard en réponse, déjà déplaisant d'être dans une telle situation. "Comment le feck, ces foutus Atlanteas ont-ils survécu chez les sapins? Ou comment les Ol' Stars et Stripes sont-ils arrivés jusqu'ici pour les enlever?" Elle a ajouté, curieux de savoir comment le sort de l'Atlantide s'était terminé dans la destruction. "Vous avez entendu parler d'un putain de sous-marin, n'est-ce pas?" Rose a déclaré, agaçante montrant dans sa voix en raison de ses rapports avec la chauve-souris. Elle a ouvert la bouche pour en dire plus, mais a choisi de ne pas aller de l'avant avec le capitaine Marvel. On lui avait demandé de diriger une mission avec des personnes avec lesquelles il n'avait jamais travaillé dans un endroit qu'il n'avait que supposé être une légende. Bien qu'il ait aussi supposé que toutes les choses magiques étaient légende avant qu'il ne devienne lui-même le vaisseau de sept figures mystiques. De plus, il était - comme Rose brouillait avant que Batman l'éteigne grossièrement - manque d'expérience de terrain nécessaire qui l'équivaudrait à diriger dans le sens traditionnel; donc, il a décidé d'une approche plus naturelle. Marvel, toujours à côté de Rose, ne voulait pas attirer beaucoup l'attention sur lui-même et donc il a parlé d'où il se tenait, "Je manque de l'esprit de certains d'entre vous plus..." il a donné un regard de côté à Wilson de sous le capot, "Les individus créatifs, donc tout ce que je dirai est: si quelque chose semble que ce sera un problème, traitez-le avant qu'il ne devienne un. Ne laissez pas un coéquipier derrière vous, utilisez vos forces, ajoutez la faiblesse de votre partenaire, et surtout, ne laissez pas ma vue. » Il se tut, la parole appartient maintenant à tous ceux qui veulent parler. "Je pense que ça dit tout." Rose a remarqué que le capitaine Marvel a fini son spiel. "La meilleure façon de se préparer et d'emménager en ville." Elle a continué à arracher ses armes sur le banc à côté d'elle, en lui jetant une épée au-dessus d'elle, tandis que l'autre s'est accrochée à l'arrière de sa taille. Sur l'une ou l'autre cuisse, un pistolet a été holsteré alors que Rose a pris son casque aquatique, brossé à l'air pour ressembler à sa bandanna habituelle. En sortant du saut, Rose regarda autour de l'arcitecture de l'Atlantide. Cela lui rappelait son temps en Grèce, mais avec un soupçon de cyber-punk. La technologie chargée dans chaque pièce d'arcitecture était au moins au même niveau que le monde moderne. Apparemment, la socerie atlante leur a donné un avantage distinct lorsqu'il s'agissait d'évoquer les moyens de partir. Sur la tête, le bouclier brillait au fur et à mesure que la puissance fluctuait. Rose s'arrêta, des crochets de peur coulant dans son cœur qu'ils seraient écrasés avant que la mission ne commence vraiment, mais pourtant le bouclier tenait. En regardant dans le labyrinthe avant elle, Rose secoua la tête comme des voies de passage menait toutes les directions. En tapant l'avant-bras de son armure, elle a appelé un heads-up-display comme le H.U.D. apparaît dans son casque, lui montrant la carte de la zone obtenue par la Ligue. "La carte suggère ce putain de passage." Elle a déclaré avec un point de sa main que Rose tournait vers les trois autres. "Est la route la plus directe vers le trône. Comment vous appelez-vous, capitaine?" Elle a demandé au chef de l'équipe. "Hmm.... donc c'est ce que l'eau de mer goûte et se sent comme, a pensé Lizard, facilement capable d'être dans l'eau sans casque. Comme elle pouvait respirer sous l'eau dans l'essence - bien que, cela ne semblait pas tout à fait différent à son habitude. Bien qu'elle ait eu le coût de fermer les oreilles, autrement - Lizard n'a pas pu obtenir d'informations sur quoi faire ou aller. Donc elle n'entendait pas les sons de l'océan aussi tristement. "Si c'est la route la plus directe, alors prenons-la." Marvel a rétorqué, son démeneur encore inphasé et plutôt inexcité. Il pouvait sentir l'attraction de cette vieille magie atlante tourbillonnant tout autour. Il se sentait comme une ancienne mine de sel--compact, lissé, et fourré sous le soin d'un monde qui avait longtemps oublié à ce sujet. Lizard agita bientôt les bras devant le capitaine Marvel et Rose, indiquant qu'ils devaient continuer leur voyage. Lizard a été capable d'opérer sous l'eau sans casque - mais devine, qui est venu au prix - qu'elle ne pouvait pas leur parler. Etant donné que tout ce qu'elle entendait, c'était simplement du bourdonnement et une voix étouffée. Marvel passa près de l'avant du groupe au cas où il y aurait eu quelque chose de fâcheux.
Alias: The Gold Marvel, Black Marvel, The New Captain Marvel, New Shazam. Age: 24 (as human); Ageless (in Shazam form) Personality: Serious, Orderly, Compassionate, Organized, Militant. Archetype: Mystic/Supernatural Powers: The power of Shazam. When Najee utters the magic word, "Shazam" he transforms into the mystical hero endowed with the power of the six elders: Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, Mercury. S: Wisdom of Solomon: this grants Najee enhanced perception and mental processing abilities. The most practical use of this ability displays in Najee's knowledge of all languages. He also has an innate knowledge of most things magic and can recognize different kinds of magic use. H: Strength of Hercules: this endows Najee with the vast strength, allowing him to lift small cars and large trucks without issue The upper limits of his strength are yet to be tested, but it is safe to assume he cannot lift buildings or large cranes or anything of the sort. A: Stamina of Atlas: this bestows Najee with immense stamina, and allows him to perform tasks for hours and sometimes days on end without tiring. His stamina and his body so resistant, in fact, that he can survive in space. Z: The Power of Zeus: with this Najee is given control over the magical lightning of the Greek Skyfather Zeus. He can construct and control this magical lightning by summoning it, hardening it, throwing it, etc. A: Courage of Achilles: this affords Najee superhuman durability. He can withstand nearly all forms of physical harm without issue. Najee's durability also extends to magic--only the highest order magic can effect him (Trigon, Spectre, Etrion, etc.) This does not make grant him complete invulnerability, as he can still be harmed in a number of ways. M: Speed of Mercury: Najee is granted superhuman speed. He can move fast enough to keep up with a low-tier speedster. This also grants him flight. Weaknesses Mortal Man: When he is not transformed, Najee is just a normal man who is susceptible to any injury concievable for a normal human being. A Verbal Spell: The powers granted to Najee by the Wizard must be called upon by voice. If Najee cannot speak, he cannot utter the spell. High Order Magic: Strong magic can harm him while transformed into Shazam, and has been shown to revert him into his human form at times. Character Evolution: Get a girlfriend, save the world, make lots of money as a superhero celebrity and use it to fund hospitals and charities. BRIEF Bio: Much of Carter's life has been mundane. After graduating high school and later college after completing three years instead of four, Carter found work through several odd jobs. For a short time, he worked for a newspaper and was also a taxi driver. There was nothing special about him at all, nothing super. It was through his conversations with the people on his taxi cab routes that he formed relationships with various types of people, super-powered and common folk alike. In mundane circumstances, the amazing can occur. This was the world Carter and many other 'normal' people lived in. Their world was filled with costumed aliens, men, women, and children who could lift tanks and fly. Equally, there were regular people who spent much of life coasting through eight hour work shifts and unemployment lines. To think anything extraordinary could happen was not so extraordinary at all, but the people upon whom the supra-natural fell was a story of its own. Sometimes, for the common man, he does not know why he is chosen to possess abilities beyond those he was born with, and this is what makes the story of Man the greatest story of them all. So it was with Najee Carter, the twenty four year old taxi-driver who had once struck up a conversation with an elderly man who so happened to need a ride on a sunny Tuesday morning. The conversation was about nothing in particular, but the old man roused suspicion of 'more' in Najee. That is, Najee assumed there was more to the old man than the old man would reveal. It was then revealed to Carter who the 'old man' truly was--the Wizard. The same Wizard who granted the powers of SHAZAM to mortals. The same Wizard who changed Najee's life forever. Notes: Sample Post: Najee sat on a park bench. He watched the roses and daises flourish on a dull summer mid-day. There were pedestrians walking about who mused about daily happenings: what was for dinner, the price of gas, the bank robbery committed by some new D-List villain who deemed himself "The Ominous Evil." A typical day it was. Nght was falling, and Najee could almost guess when he would see the Bat symbol in the sky these days. Twilight grew into night's black. Yet, there was no sign of the Bat symbol! Was something wrong? Was the city actually not safe? If that was the case, Najee figured he may as well earn some extra cash and pick up a route tonight. It wasn't like his League membership had made him a millionaire, Batman was always a cheapskate anyway. So, Najee walked a few blocks to the cab company where he worked and consulted the frail, tie-die shirt wearing intern who stood at the front desk; he was a drear-eyed slop who had gaudy spectacles covering his oddly shaped eyes. Christopher was his name, Najee remembered something about Chris' having some sort of social anxiety, which was why he worked the graveyard shift at the cab station--people hardly frequented cab stations anymore, they were antiques of a time before Ubers, Lyfts, and smart phones. "Chris, how are you?" "Fine, gee-gee, fine." Chris gave a half-hearted reply while strolling through the new Icon comic. "You sure? You look sick." Najee retorted. "Sick? Yeah, I'm sick of a few things in this forsaken city. This job, these people, hardly keepin' up with rent. I barely make my ends meet, man. What does Louie think? He thinks we can survive off $8.74 an hour? This ain't 1975 no more, man." "I get you, man. I get you." Najee gave a small chuckle at Christopher's disgruntled disposition. Najee reached in his pocket and took out a ten dollar bill. "Keep it between me and you, a little something under the table. Tax free." Najee winked. Christopher shuttered. "Don't wink at me ever again." Christopher took the ten dollar bill without rejection where it found solace in Christopher's brown slacks' pocket. "See you around, Chris." Najee hadn't stopped chuckling at Chris' un-nerved body language. "Uh-huh." Disinterested, Christopher returned to his comic. "You know he dies at the end, right?" Najee antagonized further. "I've read this four times, no he doesn't." Christopher claimed with confidence. "You should get some new books, then. Those things only cost like $1.00, anyway." Najee chimed. "You should mind your business." Touche. Najee went about his taxi route--nothing out of the ordinary happened.
A B E L A T E D P R O L O G U E. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. D E L A W A R E :21 juillet 2017 - 16:32:00 Greenhouse - Metro Tower "Donc, premier vrai combat dans le cadre de la Ligue... comment vous sentez-vous?" Duncan regarda brièvement le vieux Superman-Robot du petit trou qu'il creusait dans le jardin, son visage se tordant d'une manière bizarre alors qu'il essayait de puzzler ensemble une façon intelligente d'articuler exactement ce qu'il avait ressenti à propos des événements de la veille... "...Kiiiinda souhaite que je garde mon pantalon." ... et, fidèle à la forme, s'est décidé à cracher une blague au lieu de dire réellement ce qu'il pensait. Une habitude qui n'est pas passée inaperçue par l'ancienne machine, bien qu'elle n'ait pas appuyé sur le garçon à ce sujet. -- Oui, je m'inquiétais de cela; toute la tour et tout ce qui s'y trouvait ont été restaurés de la façon dont la seconde Existante et Fate s'est évanouie... à l'exception de votre pantalon. Ajax a fait remarquer, une note perplexe évidente dans son ton synthétique habituel, même lorsqu'il transplantait sans couture l'écheveau d'un cerisier dans la saleté du jardin "C'est... étrange..." "Fait pour une sacrée première impression, cependant; 'Bonjour, Justice League! Mon nom est Duncan et voici ma gâterie!'" « Eh bien, votre ami reptilien semblait en profiter... » La machine trempait d'une précision calculée, peut-être ravissant dans la façon dont ces mots faisaient geler l'homme à côté de lui pendant un moment, avant qu'il ne comblait rapidement son bref effondrement avec un petit sourire et un sourcil levé, bien qu'il gardât les yeux baissés à son travail. "Vous vous foutez de moi, Ajax?" Duncan a ronflé "Ne pensais pas que vous l'aviez en vous." « Je fais simplement remarquer qu'en quelques semaines, vous avez sauvé la vie de trois cent quarante-deux de vos anciens collègues, combattu un Metallo amélioré à un arrêt, est allé à un match de baseball avec peut-être le plus grand héros qui ait jamais vécu, aidé à faire tomber un psychopathe voyageant dans le temps et ensuite partagé un moment intime avec un membre de la Justice League. » Le robot (en fait très sales) a fait remarquer avant que Duncan puisse essayer de changer le sujet avec plus d'humour «... Peut-être que cette vie vous convient.» Ça a fait une pause au Rookie. Et il n'a même pas essayé de le cacher cette fois. "Ouais... toi et Supes continuez à dire ça, mais je ne suis toujours pas sûr de l'acheter." Ah, le voilà. Si Ajax avait une bouche, ça porterait un sourire particulièrement triomphant en ce moment... Le garçon parlait enfin de son esprit. "M. MacAodhan, au cas où vous n'auriez pas remarqué, vous êtes l'un des êtres physiquement les plus puissants de cette planète. Vous auriez pu sortir à tout moment et saisir de force tout ce que vous vouliez... mais vous avez pris tout ce potentiel et l'avez brusquement jeté sur le côté parce que la seule chose qui comptait pour vous était de travailler un travail normal et de boire de la bière avec votre grand-père." Ajax a expliqué, en le plaçant en bas et en se tournant vers le jeune homme "Et quand la poussée est venue à la pelle et les vies étaient en jeu, vous avez utilisé toute cette force et vous avez combattu comme un lion pour défendre votre maison et tout le monde dedans." "... Alors, où vas-tu exactement avec ce discours corné?" "Que pour tout ce que vous ne voulez pas être un grand héros maudit, il semble venir naturellement à vous." E P I S O D E VII:T R A I N I N G D A Y S D E L A W A R E :30 juillet 2017 - 09:13 Duncan a dû l'admettre, regarder Lara jeter les holo-droids autour était assez cathartique... Eh bien, ça lui a aussi rappelé à quel point il s'était retenu tout ce temps et à quel point ça l'a vraiment ennuyé, mais bon Dieu regarder le gamin déchirer à la fois Grundy et Parasite (à un moment, avec l'autre) était un sacré spectacle amusant. Du moins, jusqu'à ce que Wildcat ait été assez gentille pour lui rappeler qu'elle ne devrait probablement pas essayer de tuer ses ennemis si elle allait faire partie de leur club de spandex damné. ...non pas qu'il était nécessairement pleinement à bord avec ledit club lui-même esprit yo- Et toi, MacAodhan. De vos coéquipiers, vous avez le plus d'expérience avec Supervillains. Rassemblez vos merdes. Un pansement par le type qui a sauvé son grand-père pendant la guerre et lui a indirectement permis d'exister, lui et son père... ça a piqué un peu. 'Welp, devine obtenir un autographe pour Gramps plus tard est hors de question...' Le Canuck a gagné en interne alors qu'il prenait une profonde respiration et exhalait lentement afin de faire de sa merde ci-dessus un degré approprié d'union et tourné vers Vandal Savage, qui était carrément l'ignorer à ce stade et se concentrer sur Supergirl '... Finissons-en avec cette merde.' Et ainsi, avec un pas en avant, le Rookie semble disparaître dans un éclat de vitesse, apparaissant seulement comme un flou de mouvement jusqu'à ce qu'il s'arrête brusquement directement derrière l'immortel répliqué. Les mains fermement placées là où c'est les épaules ont rencontré c'est le torse. "Hey Bud, oublie quelqu'un? Sans un autre mot, Duncan se presse rapidement, suscitant une série bruyante de pops et un cri plus fort du droïde car les deux bras sont tombés boiteux, disloqués et inutiles à ses côtés. Un motif qui se répétait alors que le Rookie poussait son pied dans l'arrière du genou de Pseudo-Savage et le forçait dans le sol, l'écraseant. "Maintenant..." Le Canadien tout à fait malheureux a commencé alors qu'il laissait son ennemi tomber au sol, ignorant la vue du Gentleman Ghost le renversant d'un de ses silex à partir du coin de l'œil alors qu'il bougeait calmement son pied sur le dos de l'autre genou de Savage et le pressait, suscitant un dernier 'CRUNCH!' "Tu es un bon garçon et tu restes là pendant que je m'occupe de ton ami..." Le Ghost-bot a tiré, et il y a eu une minute de silence après quoi Duncan a simplement regardé le robot dapper... avant de se séparer les lèvres avec un sourire coquin et de révéler qu'il avait attrapé la balle avec ses dents. Qu'il a craché sur le côté. Sinon, je vais devoir te faire une fessée.
Name: Duncan MacAodhan Alias: (He hasn't quite gotten that far ahead yet. Simply referred to as "New Guy" or "Rookie" when on assignment, for now.) Age: 23 Personality: Clever, Genre-savvy, Frank, Stubborn, Cynical, Big-hearted (even if he's hilariously ignorant of it) Archetype: Metahuman Powers: Immense Physical Prowess- Duncan is, for lack of a better way of putting it, really goddamn strong... and fast... and pretty tough to boot, if the fact that he went toe-to-toe with freaking Metallo (who, in case we've all forgotten, is a super-powered murder-bot powered by magic space rocks strong enough to make Superman bleed) and was able to hold his own for a short while actually somehow doing some damage while being absolutely rag-dolled across the ground and through several buildings. All that being said, it should be noted that though his metahuman genes put him roughly in the range of Kryptonian physical ability (while falling dramatically short of Superman, who is an absolute beast, even among his own kind), Duncan... is a chainsmoking, borderline alcoholic who has never worked out or trained a single day in his entire goddamn life and as a result, is about as out of shape and weak as he can possibly be. It's anyone's guess what he'd be capable of if he got his shit together and actually trained. Weaknesses: While Duncan possesses roughly the same physical abilities of a Kryptonian, he is still very much human; He can't fly, he still needs to breathe, possesses no form of crazy eye-lasers or freezing breath and can't survive solely off sunlight. In fact, for simplicity's sake, here's a comprehensive list of examples of things that can hurt and/or kill him just like any other guy. -Drowning. -Poison Gas. -Regular poison. -Electrocution. -Starvation. -Asphyxiation. -Dehydration. -Bleeding out. -Bleeding internally. -Food poisoning. -Heart-failure. -Liver-failure. -Kidney-failure. -Cancer. -Hypothermia. -Being thrown into the sun. -Being thrown into space in general. -Tameranean Cooking. In addition to that, the exact minute he woke up in the Metro Tower, Batman informed that he'd be quitting smoking and drinking cold turkey and going on a new diet. In addition to running The Dark Knight's daily balls-to-the-wall exercise routine at increased gravity (In Bruce's own words; "...And you'll go until I'm tired of watching.") and sparring with Ajax, an old robot companion Superman built in the 60's and general ass-whoopin' enthusiast. Long story short, at game start, a week after getting his ass handed to him by Metallo and three days into Batman's insane work out routine and getting punched in the face a few times a day by Ajax, Duncan is battered, bloodied, bruised, sore, outright exhausted and severely craving smokes, booze and greasy food. He's not going to be at his best. Appearance: To read what Duncan is physically capable of, you might picture some sort of hulking mountain of a man with bulging muscles and a jawline chiseled from granite... to actually meet the man however, you'd be disappointed and maybe a little confused- MacAodhan is not a large man. In fact, compared to most in the League he is downright tiny, standing at only 5'6" on a good day and lacking the bulging, musclebound physique of proper superheroes in favour of a lean, though dense physique closer to that of an Olympic swimmer if anything, though his broad shoulders and calloused hands make a fairly decent indicator of his blue-collar background, to which he also owes the habit of shaving his brown hair into a buzzcut, to cut deal with the heat in his workplace. Lacking much in the way of an actual superhero costume, when in the field, Duncan simply throws on his workboots, gloves, jeans and a denim jacket over either some plain wifebeater or t-shirt, topping it all off by tying a simple black rag over his face, leaving only his hazel eyes and a bit of skin exposed and putting on an old ballcap he got from some Halifax pub or another. When at JLU Headquarters, however, he is almost only ever seen in old JLA-issued gym-wear as he goes about his daily routine of attempting to survive whatever new insanity Batman has concocted for him that day. Character Evolution: I'd like to see Duncan come into his own as a member of the JLU, growing in power and renown with time but still keeping true to his modest origins, perhaps even taking on a real alias and costume at some point and becoming an honest-to-God Superhero... though only after a long series of painful and hilarious misadventures. And If he forms some buddy-cop relationship with another player or npc and maybe finds a bit of romance along the way, all the better. Basically, a good old-fashioned coming of age story... Only with a lot more explosions and occasionally saving the whole damned planet. BRIEF Bio: Despite what one might might assume when encountering literally anyone even remotely associated with superpowers and tights, Duncan's tale is... rather mundane. Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia with a Fisherman for a father and a mother who ran a local diner, the boy in question up grew extraordinarily normally; playing videogames, staying at his grandparents' when his mom was busy at the shop and his dad was out at sea and helping his granddad out in the garage fixing cars and the occasional boat. And then one day when he was fifteen, he got hit by a truck. After about a good ten seconds of screaming and another thirty spent wondering why he wasn't dead, he extricated himself from the big-rig's engine-block that had wrapped around both him and the streetlight he'd been leaning against only to find that not only was he not dead, he was perfectly intact. All things considered, that's some pretty heavy shit to lay on a fifteen year old. So it's not all that surprising that when the (very) drunk trucker half staggered, half fell out of his truck at the sight of him, and sirens began echoing in the distance, the kid ran the hell out of there. A few days of trial, error and a lot of Wikipedia later, and the boy had a pretty good idea what all that was about: He was a Metahuman, a one-in-a-million carrier of a superhuman gene that may or may not activate under extreme stress (Like, for instance, getting hit by a truck while waiting for the bus). Frankly, it sounded a lot like a bunch of pseudo-science crap you'd find in an old comic book, but lacking any other explanation for his sudden... talents... it was one he'd have to accept. Now, usually, when someone finds out they've got crazy superpowers, things usually go in one of two predictable ways; one, they become a spandex-clad boy-scout that dedicates every moment of every day to having the brightest smile, rescuing cats from trees and giving lectures about the dangers of "The Reefer" and sex before marriage or two; going full ham, burning orphanages, kicking puppies and generally being real goddamn edgy just for the sake of it. Duncan to his credit, chose the rarely considered, often forgotten third option- "Yeah... No. Fuck that." And so, despite the call to adventure literally screaming directly into his ears, Duncan carried on his life as normal; Growing up as normally as he possibly could- getting average grades, shoveling his grandparents' driveway in the wintertime, trying and failing several times at that whole romance thing and working through his apprenticeship as a diesel mechanic at the local shipyard after highschool. Unfortunately for him, as the old trope goes, 'The Call Knows Where you Live'. And one day while Duncan was just wrapping up his night-shift, Metallo came bursting out of one of the shipping containers at the yard and immediately began wrecking shit left and right. Despite having reservations about the whole 'Hero' thing, the one guy in town with the ability to intervene couldn't exactly sit idly by while a super-powered terminator powered by glowing space-rocks butchered his coworkers and leveled his town. So, throwing on a respirator to hide his face, the young man nutted up and went after the deranged cyborg... or, more accurately, spent the next hour on the receiving of a brutal beatdown at the hands of someone that was at least as strong, as fast and much, much more experienced than he was that was also incapable of feeling pain or fatigue, all to buy time for people to get away and call for someone who actually knew what the hell they were doing. Luckily, they did, and the Big Blue Boy-Scout himself arrived to lay the smackdown on the now damaged Metallo. Unluckily for Duncan, he woke up a week later on a bed in Metropolis, feeling like all hell and staring at the grimacing face of Batman, who quite candidly informed him that he very nearly got himself killed and that his car, his home and his job had all been annihilated in his little dust-up with the super-powered murderbot. Also, even if no one knew who he was, they sure as hell knew he existed, which as a rule, generally meant that there were now people looking for him; Some good, most bad. So he could either join the Justice League and maybe not die the next time this happens... or he could just go home and try his luck on his own. Suffice to say, there was really only one smart choice to be had there, and he took it. And then, to top off this long, hilariously uncanny series of events, Superman showed up less than an hour later and dragged him out to a baseball game. And so it was that, sitting in the stands of a stadium in a foreign city, next to the closest thing the world knew to a god and eating an overpriced and undercooked hotdog, Duncan joined the Justice League. He honestly didn't think his life could get any weirder than this. And he was very mistaken. Notes: Sample Post: To say the least, it had been... an interesting week and a half; It had started off pretty plain, he woke up at seven at night on Monday, grabbed a donair at his mom's diner by eight and was at work by nine, swapping out the fuel lines on an old tug that probably should've been decommissioned when his dad was still a boy. And then suddenly a robot showed up, kicked his ass across town and halfway to Dartmouth, blew up his apartment, blew up his car and blew up his place of employment before being beat down by the most weirdly friendly guy he'd ever goddamn met. So now here he was, holding a duffel bag of what little could be salvaged of his apartment and standing at the entrance to his room at the headquarters of the freaking Justice League. It was all just a little... surreal. "Well, shit, here goes nothing." Duncan growled under his breath, touching the key-pad and entering as the door hissed open in a way that reminded him distinctly of every episode of Star Trek he'd ever seen, half-expecting there to be yet another one of Superman's robots waiting inside to cave-in his face in the name of training, but kinda hoping it wasn't, because sleeping on the couch in the common room was starting to get a little old and he'd already had his daily recommended dose of robot boots to his ass. To his surprise, it didn't actually look that bad- a simple looking double bed, a computer desk, chair and a laptop, a big damn window with a view of the Metropolis waterfront flanked on both sides by empty bookshelves, a little kitchenette off to the side and a bathroom past that. To be honest, after spending the past three days under Batman's balls-to-the-wall training regime, he'd anticipated something more... spartan. Something did catch his eye, however, what looked to be a big, rolled-up poster just sitting on his bed with a post-it note on it, so, dropping his bag and closing the door behind him, the young Canuck went over to give it a look. "Just a little something to welcome you aboard... -GL" His brow furrowed briefly, but suddenly did a lot less of that when he unfurled the damned thing and found a pin-up of a tanned, red-headed woman with solid green eyes, a supermodel's body garbed up in a string bikini and a very... friendly look on her face as she blew a kiss toward the camera. And another post-it note. "They're called Tameraneans. Stick around and you might meet a few. You're welcome. -GL" Whatever thoughts he had at that moment (or several, as he just stared at what he'd found) were interrupted as Batman's voice came over the intercom. "MacAodhan, we have a situation. Kit up and meet me downstairs in five." The words echoed in his head for a few seconds before they fully registered, and he reluctantly averted his eyes from his new-found favourite sight and gently placed it back down on the bed. "Right... Right. I'll be down in a minute." Duncan sighed. It looked like his life was going to continue being interesting for the rest of the forseeable future.
E P I S O D E VIII:T R I D E N T O F A T L A N T I S A T L A N T I C O C E A N:Août 02, 2017 - 06:27:00 Océan Atlantique - Atlantis Le capitaine ne semblait pas enclin à diriger agressivement et Rose s'avança donc, faisant son passé la plus récente Marvel alors qu'elle s'aventurait dans la ville. Les ruines hantées semblaient susceptibles de s'effondrer à toute seconde et Rose ne pouvait prier que la divinité qui écoutait que le bouclier ne l'a pas donnée et ne l'a pas écrasée sous l'océan. État physique amélioré ou pas, elle n'a pas été construite pour la vie sous la mer plus que Superman a été construit pour la vie dans une boîte de Kryptonite. En regardant par-dessus son épaule, Rose a remarqué que les autres se maintenaient, mais néanmoins, prenant leur temps à se déplacer après elle. Il ne fait aucun doute que le capitaine voulait s'assurer qu'ils prenaient toutes les précautions possibles. Personnellement, Rose ne pouvait pas s'en soucier moins. Batman l'avait mise dans une mauvaise humeur, tout ce qu'elle voulait c'était quelque chose pour sortir sa colère. En venant à une fourche dans la route, Rose a pris une seconde décision fractionnée et a pris le chemin à droite. En marchant à l'intérieur du tunnel comme un sentier, les murs secouèrent soudainement alors que le mouvement des plaques tectoniques berçait la ville. La poussière a commencé à troubler l'eau alors que Rose regardait à temps pour voir un morceau de pierre céder. En activant le système de propulsion de sa combinaison humide, elle s'est évanouie lorsque l'embouchure du tunnel s'est effondrée, séparant Rose du reste du groupe. "Fuck." Rose maudite alors qu'elle frappait les décombres en vain. En tapant son commset, tout Rose entendu était statique avant d'essayer d'appeler les autres. "Lézard." Elle a appelé à la radio. "Capitaine Marvel, embrouillez-vous, même?" Rose a demandé que la date limite ne retournait statiquement à son casque. "Guess, je suis tout seul, alors." Rose murmura alors qu'elle se retournait, appelant à nouveau la carte. L'exposition holographique indiquait qu'elle était encore sur un chemin direct vers la salle du trône, mais le passage dans lequel elle était coincée, plongée dans les entrailles de la ville alors que le passage que les autres seraient forcés de prendre était en fait un chemin plus direct qui les prendrait sur la plupart de la ville entre ici et la salle du trône. "C'est tellement pour les impulsions de l'intestin." Rose maudite alors qu'elle allume sa lumière et se propulse dans le tunnel obscur.
R A V A G E RR O S E W I L S O N ◼ F E B R U A R Y 1 4 , 1 9 9 2 ( 2 5 ) ◼ M E T A H U M A N / G A D G E T E E R "I may be a loose cannon, but you know I'm a damn good." ▼ A P P E A R A N C E: "Can I remind everyone again, what complete crap this is?"//STATS: ◼ HEIGHT | 5'-6" ◼ WEIGHT | 112 lbs ◼ BUILD | Athletic ◼ HAIR COLOR | White ◼ EYE COLOR | Greenish-Blue ◼ PERSONALITY | Rose Wilson is a proud rebel. She disobeys orders often, and likes making sarcastic comments. Rose likes to have the last words in. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind, and makes it obvious when she doesn’t like someone. But Rose hides her insecurity. She never really knows her place, so she moves around a lot. The only place she is really comfortable is in combat. But the one thing she knows for sure is that she is a good person. Rose is a little psychotic, but not to the insane level. She knows her limits. She is intelligent, but also reacts quick, sometimes before the situations is fully thought through. The one thing she wants most is to be accepted for who she is, and she refuses to change her ways. She is flirtatious, and very emotional. Mostly in the pleasure and anger department. //DESCRIPTION: Rose Wilson is a thin, tall, muscular woman with fair skin. Her eye is a brilliant greenish-blue. She only has her right eye, because the left was damaged by her father in order to intimidate Nightwing into training her. Due to her abilities and injury the left eye is 'blind', rendering it white and pupil-less. Rose wore a white eye patch over the missing eye in her youth, but will only cover her eye now if necessary for covert or subtle affairs. Described by many as attractive, she has jarring silver hair inherited from her father's genetic mutations that is long, and reaches her mid-back. In terms of clothing, Rose generally can be found wearing her Ravager armor when on mission but off duty prefers to relax in shorts and tank tops. She can dress up when needed but prefers to dress comfortably. ▼ B I O G R A P H Y: "I can't use the gun. Give me your sword."Rose's origin begins in Cambodia, where she lived with her mother Lillian. Ten years prior, the mercenary known as Slade Wilson had laid with Lillian Worth. Returning after a decade, Slade and a group of allies came to the brothel where Lillian had operated in order to complete her extraction. However, one of the soldiers discovered Rose, and the girl shot him out of fear when the man tried to catch her. Intervening at the sight of Rose's silver hair caught his eye, Slade's confident, Wintergreen attempted to calm Rose only for Slade to look on, exchanging a knowing look with Wintergreen. Over the years, Rose decided to follow in Slade's footsteps, study his tactics and trained under Slade himself to further hone her skills. However, Slade eventually decided his own training was insufficient and that he wanted more for his daughter. He wanted her to have a life, one with purpose but without the blood stains. So Slade turned to one of the most recurring thorns in his side, abducting the hero known as Nightwing and coercing him into training Rose everything he knew. It wasn't without sacrifice on Rose's part however, as it took Slade taking her eye in order to convince Nightwing to accept Slade's deal, least the world's deadliest assassin kill his own daughter before the former Boy Wonder's eyes. Following Nightwing's training, Rose did the unexpected and betrayed Slade. Teaming up with Nightwing to take down her father, the pair overthrew Slade who unfortunately managed to escape, having anticipated the entire event. Feeling manipulated and abandoned by her father, Rose took up the name Ravager out of spite and set out to make a name for herself. Working two jobs, during the day, Rose took a job as a club bouncer, while in the rest of her time, she followed her father's example taking work as a mercenary. Unlike Deathstroke however, Rose's contracts consisted of stopping other hitmen from killing their targets. Eventually catching the attention of Timothy Drake, the then-current Robin and leader of the Teen Titans, Drake extends an invitation to Rose to join the team. Hesitant to accept, Rose eventually reluctantly takes the offer after her former mentor, Nightwing tracks Rose down in at a strip club in Blüdhaven. Travelling to the team's newest headquarters in San Francisco, Rose did her best to settle in. But the revelation of who her father was, along with his relationship with past Titan teams did little to cement trust in the other Titans. Despite eventually earning the trust of others on the team, the constantly rotating roster of the Titans took its toll on Rose who already had abandonment issues. The final straw for Rose is the departure of her close friend and occasional paramour, Eddie Bloomberg who was forced to depart the team after the lost of his own abilities. Striking out on her own, Rose spent the rest of her teenage years making a name for herself. Acting a something of a rougher hero, Rose took on missions that were often swept under the rug due to not being in the public eye. Cracking human trafficking rings and drug cartels, Rose spent numerous years in South America and aboard before finally being approached by the Justice League. Uncertain of the offer at first, Rose eventually realized that if the League was approaching her, they must have more confidence in her abilities and stability than she herself did. And that was exactly the kind of support that Rose needed in her life. ▼ A T T R I B U T E S: "What's a girl gotta do to get in a proper brawl around here?"// ABILITIES: ◼ ENHANCED MENTAL CAPACITIES | Rose inherited her father's metagene, an "unlocked mind." Unlike Deathstroke, Rose's mind takes in large amounts of information, and condenses it all into a probability assessment with a margin of error that she perceives as a vision. She then takes steps to keep her vision from coming to pass. Her powers also occasionally trigger in her sleep. As part of her enhanced mental capacities, Rose has latent psionic tendencies and is able to communicate telepathically with those she bonds with. Furthermore, this grants her immunity to having her mind invaded or controlled by other telepaths and in particular her brother Joseph. ◼ PRECOGNITION | Rose's powers include limited precognition. She is sometimes able to use her precognitive abilities to 'see' her opponent's next moves, mainly when her adrenaline is running. Rose is sometimes able to use her precognitive abilities to "see" her own immediate future, although her visions come and go. These precognitive abilities may blossom into much more in the future. ◼ POWER DAMPENING | Rose's metagene causes her to dampen and reduce the effectiveness of another metahuman's abilities. In particular, this talent seems to specifically target metahumans which possess invulnerability allowing Rose to be able to deliver attacks and indeed wound those who normally would not be felled by conventional weapons. ◼ ENHANCED ATTRIBUTES | Through her father's genetics, Rose inherited the effects of the serum administered to her father, Slade Wilson. This essentially turned her into a super soldier. Her strength, speed, reflexes, durability, healing, etc. all surpass peak human levels. Rose is able to run at speeds of up to thirthy miles per hours and long distances far out-performing any Olympic athlete. She possesses a similar strength increase as her father; she can press approximately eleven hundred pounds - ten times her own body weight. Likewise, her reflexes, agility and senses are are well above those of human levels making Rose essentially a living weapon much like her father was. Lastly, Rose possesses an accelerated healing factor, allowing her to survive near fatal injuries, however it does not allow her to fully recover from some wounds. This can be seen in her 'blind' eye, nor would Rose be able to regenerate a lost limb. // SKILLS: ◼ UNARMED COMBAT | Rose is a skilled martial arts expert, having trained under her mother from a young age and both Deathstroke and Nightwing later on. With enhanced agility, speed, strength and endurance thanks to the her inherited abilities from Deathstroke, the combination of precognition and a superhuman body leaves Rose a force to be reckoned with. ◼ WEAPONS MASTER | Rose is very skilled in the use of her arsenal of weapons. Her default weapons are a pair of energy swords originally designed for her by Timothy Drake. Capable of cutting through most inorganic materials, the blades are designed to pass through organic materials, administering a shock instead of lacerations. Aside from these weapons, Rose wields conventional swords, various firearms - armed with non-lethal rounds at the behest of Batman, however she's a crack shot capable of taking down targets with live ammunition without killing them, and lastly a bo-staff on rare occasions. However, Rose is a pragmatist at heart and it seems to matter little what weapon she is given as chances are that she'll be able to use it. // WEAKNESSES: ◼ AMBUSH | Rose's enhanced mental abilities can only calculate the probability of that which she can see. While she may be able to detect a trap and calculate the best way to avoid it, an unseen opponent or a straight ambush will catch her unaware, requiring her to catch up before she can use her abilities effectively. As such, she won't be able to immediately counter attack, leaving her open to injury if not death. ◼ HUMANITY | Despite being a metahuman with notable enhancements, Rose is still as fragile as a normal human. While this is compensated for via her armor, Rose stills needs to breathe air, eat food and rest. Caught off-guard and unprotected, it would potentially only take a single bullet to the head to kill Rose as a fatal wound is something even she can't recover from. ◼ MENTAL PROGRAMMING | Originally, Slade sought to control his daughter, and inflicted mental programming upon her, allowing him to manipulate and control his daughter with selective keywords. While several of the League members have done their best to remove this mental programming, most of it remains due to Rose's immunity to telepathic invasion. As a closed off person, it is difficult for her to willing open her mind to the invasion required to remove the programming, thus there are keywords which exist that can cause Rose to turn on her allies or even fall unconscious. ◼ TEMPERAMENT | Rose's brash and often impulsive temperment can often times get the better of her. While she tries to be the master strategist and level headed commander her father was, even in her twenties, Rose has a lot of emotional baggage to work out making her often a volatile hothead. // CHARACTER EVOLUTION: ◼ FULL PRECOGNITION | One of my ideas for Rose's character evolution is that her abilities continue to grow with her. Eventually, I'd like to be able to have her precognition blossom into a much more active ability, allowing her to see the future and almost act as a prophet for the team, angling the League into a more proactive position rather than the currently reactive position against crime. ◼ TELEPATHY | Another ability I'd like to be able to have Rose develop is that of telepathy. I've laid the seeds, but I would love to see her eventually come into her own command of her psionic abilities, starting with full telepathy. With this ability, and my desire to see her lead a team of her own, she'd be able to make an excellent field coordinator. ◼ LIMITED TELEKINESIS | An extension of her developing psionics, I thought Rose could benefit from limited telekinesis down the road, if for nothing more than to make her already impressive combat prowess a bit more 'showy' and add some variety to how exactly she can use weaponry. ◼ TEAM RELATIONSHIPS | An initially closed off person, Rose has dealt with a lot of betrayal over her life and expects the people who come into it to soon live once they've gotten whatever it is they were after. For this reason, I'd like to see Rose develop relationships with the team, primarily friendship though if the chemistry is there, potentially romantic. ◼ LEADERSHIP ROLES | Adding to her relationships, I'd like to see Rose grow to the point where the team trusts her enough to follow her instincts and instructions. I'd like to see Rose lead in the field, and direct a team on various missions in combat. ◼ A SENSE OF FAMILY | The ultimate culmination of her building of relationships, I'd like for Rose to finally have a family. People she looks up to, can go to for advice and who will just be there for her through the good and the bad. ◼ LOSS, LOVE AND A LONGING TOWARDS THE FUTURE | Over the course of the RP, I am looking for Rose to grow emotionally, dealing with loss, whether it be teammates, friends or something else that she values, to love and its struggles and eventually to Rose growing into her own, shedding her father's shadow and perhaps becoming someone, or something else. ▼ S A M P L E P O S T: "Super Zeroes! Think maybe you could save me the trouble of a swim in this vile sludge? You know, in exchange for helping you idiots?" E L S A L V A D O R:Tuesday, October 30ST - 10:33 PM | Miramundo Rainforest - Chalatenango The forest was eerily quiet. All that could be heard was the rumble of the convoy making its way slowly down the overgrown roads. The sobs of several women hung in the back, a particularly loud cry was cut off by a yelp, the echo of flesh on flesh rang out through the mist-laden forest. Normally, they would be free to travel the roads, but recently a she-devil, a costumed bruja had been cutting into their shipments. Just last week, three convoys were stopped, their contents escaped and returned back to their families and loved ones in the United States. Normally the capes didn't bother with the operations of the Jaguar, but for some reason, somehow they had caught the eye of this one. Extinguishing a cigarette on the dashboard of the truck, the driver sat back in his seat attempting to relax before he shot up straight as a board. His foot slammed the brakes to the floor, the convoy skidding to a stop while the truck behind was forced to swerve to avoid rear-ending the first. Shrieks came from the back of both vehicles as the women inside were tossed around by the sudden jerking movement. Before the driver could even undo his seat-belt, the butt of a rifle was tapping on his window before the door was angrily hauled open. "Why de 'ell did you stop!" The dark skinned man yelled at him as the driver meekly pointed towards a large tree felled across the road. Swatting a mosquito that had landed on his neck, the other man's lip curled up in disgust before he put his hand to his mouth and whistled. "Alright, get de saws." He ordered, two other men climbing out of the back of the truck while he circled behind it. The assault rifle in his hands pointing from woman to woman as he shone the tactical flashlight into the back, a clear warning to those inside. Anyone attempting to escape would be killed, or worse. The silence of the night was quickly broken by the roar of chainsaws as the two men powered up the tools and approached the tree. Bending down to begin at the stump, one of the men stumbled backwards in surprise, noticing the fresh cuts to the trunk, the tree hadn't been felled by natural means. Turning to call to the others, barely a word made it out of his mouth before the blade of energy sword burst through his chest. Live current running through his body as he slumped to the ground unconscious. Unable to hear the struggle of his companion over the sound of his own saw, the other man didn't even notice the woman dressed in black and orange as she raised a gun towards him and fired the tranquilizer dark without even looking. Dropping to the ground, the saw disengaged as the other man joined his partner in a very deep slumber. Noticing the sudden lack of noise, the leader of the group poked his head out from behind the truck before he called towards the first driver. "Is it too much to hope, de idiots already cleared de tree." He spat venomously. Firing into the air to give off a warning, he walked forward. "This isa de night you die bruja." A soft thud could be heard from behind the man, catching him off guard as the woman spoke. "I don't fuckin' think so." The man was blown off his feet as the woman raised her gun, firing a single rocksalt round into his chest from a special modification. Watching his boss fly to the ground, the driver turned to run while the other men quickly climbed out the truck, scrambling for their weapons. Rose Wilson, the Ravager. Formerly a Teen Titan, forever damned to be the daughter of Deathstroke the Terminator. Rose had left the rooftops of Gotham, Metropolis and San Francisco behind for this. The feeling of being alive, the feeling of for one time, doing something right with her life. She was the hero of the down trodden and the scourge of the underworld and there was nothing in her that could bring her to deny that she loved every moment of it. The night was illuminated by gunfire as assault weapons rang out but the girl was never where she had been when her assailants pulled the trigger. The steady hum of the energy swords gave away her position with each swing while she closed in, the blades cutting through the guns as though she was running her finger though a pool of water. It was easy, and it graceful. And it was over far too quickly. An adrenaline junkie at heart, Rose's chest pounded up and down, her bosom swelling with each breath she took, standing in victory over the pile of broken men. With a quick twirl of the swords, she deactivate the blades and returned the hilts to the back of her waist, drawing one of the conventional swords off her back as she approached the now stirring leader. "Please, please call me a bitch like it's a bad thing." Rose said, reaching down and grabbing the dark skinned man before holding him up by his throat against the door of the convoy truck. "Who are you working for?" "F-f-fuck..." He choked before spitting blood. "You!" Flinching, the blood laden saliva landed on her mask. Driving her sword through the man's shoulder, Rose listened in satisfaction to the shattering of glass as it told her the blade gone through. Cries of agony filled the night sky, the man pinned on the blade struggling with no avail. "Same question as before, and I'd answer it this time." Rose stated, twisting the hilt of the blade. "S-same answer." The man managed to reply, smiling wide, his teeth stained red. Growling, Rose pulled back the sword as she dropped the man to the ground. He stumbled while he fought to regain his footing only for the blade to swing. He barely felt a thing until the subtle 'THUD' of his hand hitting the ground causing him to look towards the bleeding stump on the end of his arm. Cold metal was suddenly pressed against his groin as Rose slammed him against the truck again, this time with a hand around his throat and her gun pressed to his manhood. "You seem to like thinking with this, perhaps it knows the answer." Rose's smile was filled with anything but mirth as she spoke. The man tried to squirm but her strength held him firmly in place. "The J-jaguar. We work for the Jaguar." "Then I hope the Jaguar knows he's a dead man." Rose replied tossing the man back to the ground, his shirt tearing off. The muzzle of her gun lit up twice, the shots ringing out through the jungle as she placed a bullet in either of his knees. "Thirty mile walk back to town. I hope it was worth it." She spat tossing the shredded shirt back to the man. "And I'd wrap that quickly, don't want you to bleed out." She added, sheathing her weapons. A light illuminated the jungle floor as a VTOL plane descended upon the scene. Opening the back of the trucks, Rose motioned for the captured women to exit while the plane lowered a platform to the ground. Dozens of thank you's and other blessings were whispered towards Rose as the battered prisoners ran to the platform. Giving the all clear, Rose watched the platform rise into the sky before the plane turned back towards the United States. Walking away from the scene, Rose haphazardly tossed a grenade over her shoulder as the trucks exploded moments later. The heat of the explosion warmed her back while Rose triumphantly walked away from the scene before muttering to herself. "Always wanted to do that." ▼ NOTES: "Oh, quit whining. You're still alive, aren't you?"◼ SAILING | Rose enjoys sailing as a hobby, she finds it relaxing and enjoys how being on the water constantly keeps her in motion. ◼ DEATHSTROKE | Unless explicitly told otherwise by Member 00492, I am operating under the premise that Slade Wilson is currently deceased. ◼ BAT-RELATIONS | Rose has an odd friendship with Dick Grayson that has evolved past a school girl crush to an actual unstated respect for the original Boy Wonder. Tim Drake also has her respect due to the time she spent on the same team as him but they don't have near as close as a relationship as her and Dick do. Despite being 'over' her crush on Dick Grayson, Rose still tends to act cold or hostile towards Dick's current and former flames. She herself has little to no relation with Batman due to her who her father was. R A V A G E R// ♥ Crush ♥ // ☮ Friend ☮ // ☯ Acquaintance ☯ // ⚜ Rival ⚜ // § Frenemy § // ☠ Enemy ☠ // ☯ Argyle, Chester aka Whiplash: Rose has yet to interact with Chester Argyle. ☯ Barr, James aka The Bulleteer: Rose has yet to interact with James Barr. ☯ Campen, Lexi aka Apollex: Rose has yet to interact with Lexi Campen. ☯ Carter, Najee aka Captain Marvel (II): Rose has yet to interact with Najee Carter. ☮ Jester, Jessica aka The Lizard: Jessica was assigned to the same mission as Rose and the two were friendly. Jessica seemed to take a liking to Rose after the latter assisted the former in her first ever parachute jump. Throughout the mission, the two were often side by side, trading banter and even seeing eye to eye on matters the others disagreed with. While Jessica seems to be interested in more than a friendship with Rose, Rose sees the girl as something of a kid sister and instead has a protective bond with the girl instead of a flirtatious one. ☯ Kent, Lara aka Supergirl: Rose has yet to interact with Lara Kent. ☯ Light, Lucy aka Toon Girl: Rose has yet to interact with Lucy Light. ☯ MacAodhan, Duncan aka The Rookie: Rose has yet to interact with Duncan MacAodhan. ☯ Monster, Monny aka Clayface: Rose has yet to interact with Monny Monster. ☯ Reynolds, Cynthia aka Gypsy: Rose has yet to interact with Cynthia Reynolds. ☯ Ryker, James aka Mr. Clutch: Rose has yet to interact with James Ryker. ⚜ Sage, Victor aka The Question: Rose will be the first to admit there's more to Victor Sage than meets the eye. At first glance, the conspiracy detective seems like little more than a man in a cheap suit and cheaper mask. But the pragmatist fighter showed his worth on their first mission together. Assigned point by the Batman, Rose instantly knew she was going to butt heads with the Question, they further butted heads on their different philosophies especially regarding the use of lethal force. The relationship between these two is very much still in flux and could go any direction from here. ☯ Trainor, Lieutenant Lawrence aka Polarity Man: Rose has yet to interact with Lieutenant Lawrence Trainor. ☮ Unknown aka The Warden: A man of few words but thankfully of action, the Warden was the final member assigned to the same team as Rose during the new League's first mission. Easy to get along with and relatively useful, the Warden did nothing to give Rose a negative impression and she'd happily buy him a drink if the two ever crossed paths in a bar.
Épisode 6 - Le directeur Toute cette situation n'avait pas de sens pour le directeur, et il la détestait quand les choses n'étaient pas simples. Il a eu assez de mal à comprendre des choses simples, sans les souvenirs de l'une ou l'autre de ses premières vies pour faire appel à quand les situations sont devenues difficiles. Pire encore ici, ses alliés semblaient être aussi confus qu'il l'était, semblant blâmer Toon Girl pour tout ce que c'était. Il considérait cependant que leurs conjectures étaient mal pensées. Dans un monde caricatural où des monstres de goo apparaissent et disparaissent à la caprice, il n'est pas déraisonnable qu'elle ait simplement pu se retrouver dans un autre endroit... et en plus... « Si elle était vraiment assez puissante pour créer un monde comme celui-ci, je ne pense pas que la Ligue de Justice l'aurait mise avec nous recrues. C'est un niveau de pouvoir au-dessus de nous tous, même Superman." il a observé, passant de la pensée à la parole, essayant de formuler un plan. "Mais, quelles que soient les intentions possibles de notre coéquipier, il est probable que nous ne soyons pas seuls ici, et nous devrions probablement commencer à la chercher, ou quelqu'un d'autre qui semble familier." Il regarde Bulleteer: "Bullet Head, vous pouvez voler, n'est-ce pas? Pouvez-vous aussi me soulever, et aussi lui » dit-il en pointant vers Vibe « s'il ne peut pas bouger rapidement de sa propre volonté? » Il n'était pas vraiment sûr si aller à la recherche était la meilleure des idées, mais aucun des autres n'avait rien proposé, et gagner le vol de ligne de vue fourni était certainement mieux que rien quand... Eh bien, à la recherche de ce qu'ils cherchaient.
Name: Alias: The Warden Age: Personality: Defender, Patient, Quiet, Watchful, Stubborn Archetype: Alien Powers: The Warden’s symbiotic relationship with the alien plant form growing in his back gives him a number of remarkable abilities. -Heightened humanity: The Warden is capable of lifting over a ton, does not need to sleep, can breath either as a plant or human (intaking either CO2 or O2 – can also go without any respiration for a day), and can photosynthesize in absence of food. His skin is somewhat bark-like and highly resistant to piercing (sustained gunfire should be avoided), and he regenerates from major injuries within a day or so, assuming he doesn’t die first. He has much smaller resistance to cold, explosions, falling, etc. (though he is overall still tougher than a normal human). Seems to age rather slowly, as well. -Plant Body: The warden has 3 prehensile vines coiled on his back with an effective range of about 30 feet; one of them is covered in brambles, looking like a blackberry bush, while the other two look like, well, vines. He also flowers and grows apple-sized fruits that taste roughly like wet sand; they offer no benefit (other than being useful food), but he is convinced that they accelerate healing and may offer them up to others. He’s taken to canning them, and has quite a few stored at this point, so the fact that he’s not in bloom won’t stop him! Poisons that would usually affect humans do not affect him, but may make his next batch of fruits actually toxic. -Plant Affinity: Can speak any plant-based language, is almost always able to identify useful aspects of plants (including toxicity of fruit and other factors of edibility), and is a very talented gardener. Weaknesses: -Not impervious: still rather weak to fire, explosions, potent weed killers, etc.; anything dangerous to a human or plant to which he has no resistances can still harm him. Additionally, separating the host human from the plant would certainly kill both, though he’s so interconnected that it’s probably more trouble than just killing him normally. -different priorities: The Warden sees it as his job to protect all animal and plant life; threatening a forest is just as effective against him as threatening a city. -Open mind: already a shared mind, The Warden is especially vulnerable to mind-based attacks. Appearance: (thank you Member 00492!) Height: 6’4” Weight: 255lbs A hulking and intimidating man, The Warden is a relatively light-skinned black man, in prime physical shape. He has long cornrows, rather small brown eyes, small ears, and a wide nose. His beard is also long, and his eyebrows are bushy. Scars are visible all over his back, and some wrap around onto his arms. The warden is permanently bonded with an alien plant form, and as such has some rather unique features. The plant growth is mostly green, and vaguely dome shaped; a large coil of spikey brambles, with the flowers hanging off the end. The majority of the mass of coils start at his neck and end just above his rear end, though a single thick bramble on each side moves around to the front and extends down to cover his kneecap, forcing him to wear only baggy clothing over his entire body (since he hasn’t the funds for specialized gear). The brambles also extend to the middle of his upper arm, especially thick and spikey at the shoulders and around the back of his neck, protecting it, though not restricting his head movement. He really hates shirts, and they’re next to impossible to wear, so usually doesn’t even bother. If he’s not trying to do hero work he might wear one just to avoid catching too much attention. He is wearing jeans though, with a very high quality pair of work boots on his feet (the only gift from someone he’s rescued that he’s agreed to keep, and man have they been useful). Character Evolution: The Warden is very shy and has in general stayed near to the forests around Evergreen City, do gooding when he can, living off the land the rest of the time. Learning how to interact with others, communicate properly and work as a team will be a challenge for him; he’s still not sure how he built up the courage to come do this in the first place. BRIEF Bio: The Warden knows nothing of his life before he became what he is. The first thing he remembers is lying dying in the woods, his back scraped, scratched, and torn, his spine broken in multiple locations, his innards eviscerated. His second memory is of pain. His brain, screeching. His legs, convulsing. His torso… healing? There’s more spurts and flashes as he regained consciousness and the plant symbiont bonded with him, forming a new spinal column, replacing the internal damage, and linking itself with him. The now bonded being began to wander the forest until he ran into civilization, where the police promptly tried to take him in, partially to figure out what or who he was, partially because they wanted to arrest him for public indecency (he had taken off all of his clothing at some point). He decided to join them (how the hell else was he going to figure out what to do?). Once he had explained what he knew, and they explained to him what public indecency was, they both decided it was probably fair to drop the charge. He apparently had no family, and didn’t register on their databases, so they just sent him on his way after giving him some pants and a very large jacket, directing him to the library. They took to calling him Warden while holding him, for the way he would just sit and watch everything, constantly interested. He liked it, and started calling himself that. What followed was a few years of learning how society worked again. He attempted to find some jobs, though none really panned out, and he decided to re-abandon society to go live in the woods. He found a cave, started growing plants (he likes them!), and was able to become self-sufficient, but felt a pull to use his abilities for good – something towards which both parts of him felt. So he started superheroing pretty much 24/7, with some breaks for solitude, and has been doing that for a few years. While the warden dislikes wanton murder, he does not see himself as above killing someone who is a threat after he tries to pacify them, which does put him at odds with law enforcement on occasion. He’s still done enough good to have caught the eye of Green Lantern, who extended the invitation to him. Notes: The Warden owns a smartphone, which he uses to monitor the police spotter; he stores it in his back coils, or in a front pocket. Sample Post: A beautiful day, really; a little cloudy, some drizzle earlier. Rejuvenating. He had heard that you could access police radio using these smartphone things; something that would be quite useful, help him know where things are happening more quickly. With some money left in his bank from his last job, he figured he probably had enough to buy it. The Warden had come across an AT&T store downtown that would carry those. He pulls at his sweater a bit, trying to get more comfortable… but it’s not a day for that… keep it on… at least for now. He sighs, looks around at the road sign, and takes a left down the corner. A little ways down the road, and he takes a left into the phone store. “hello! How can we help you?” “Smartphone? You do sell those, yes?” “oh certainly sir; which make and model are you looking for? And what plan?” “what.” “do you want an iPhone? An Android?” “I have no idea what these things mean. I just need a smartphone.” The salesman looks a tad exasperated already… it’s one of those customers. “ok so how about this iPhone…” As he attempts to explain to The Warden the different types of smartphones, a few men with bandanas over their faces file into the store. The Warden’s eyes move immediately to watch them, but he keeps nominally listening, ready for them to yell- “EVERYONE. ON THE GROUND. NOW!” and people quickly comply... Well, everyone but The Warden. The apparent leader gestures over to him with his gun. “YOU. YOU DEAF? DOWN. NOW.” He says, waving his gun between The Warden and the ground. The Warden cocks his head to the side. “I am here to get a smartphone. Not to have things pointed at me, nor have people yelling at me.” He says slowly, mock-confused, buying time and attention as his vines move out from under his sweater and towards the other two. “What… What do you… GET THE FUCK DOWN YOU IDIOT! I WILL SHOOT YOU. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” “Oh but of course I understand. I simply don’t want to.” The man is incredulous, at a loss for words for a few seconds“…I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS! he finally decides, and fires at the warden. The bullet bounces off. “this is going to ruin another perfectly good sweater.” The Warden sighs, as his vines rip the guns from the hands of the other two, tearing his sweater from the movement. The Warden rushes the third, tackling him after taking another shot. The man was strong, but not as strong as him. The fight is really no challenge, and the attacker is, in short order, unconscious. The other two attempt to run off, but vines quickly whip out and stop their progress, wrapping around their legs and dragging them back. he knocks them unconscious, and moves their guns well out of reach. now where did that salesman go? // ♥ Crush ♥ // ☮ Friend ☮ // ☯ Acquaintance ☯ // ⚜ Rival ⚜ // § Love/Hate § // ☠ Enemy ☠ // ☯ Argyle, Chester aka Whiplash: The Warden has yet to interact with Chester Argyle. ☯ Barr, James aka The Bulleteer: The Warden has yet to interact with James Barr. ☯ Campen, Lexi aka Apollex: The Warden has yet to interact with Lexi Campen. ☯ Carter, Najee aka Captain Marvel (II): The Warden has yet to interact with Najee Carter. ☯ Jester, Jessica aka The Lizard: Talks too much, has a funny accent, doesn’t focus on work. Seems nice otherwise. ☯ Kent, Lara aka Supergirl: The Warden has yet to interact with Lara Kent, though he has a high opinion of Supergirl. ☯Light, Lucy aka Toon Girl: The Warden has yet to interact with Lucy Light ☯ MacAodhan, Duncan aka The Rookie: The Warden has yet to interact with Duncan MacAodhan. ☯ Monster, Monny aka Clayface: The Warden has yet to interact with Monny Monster. ☯ Reynolds, Cynthia aka Gypsy: The Warden has yet to interact with Cynthia Reynolds. ☯ Ryker, James aka Mr. Clutch: The Warden has yet to interact with James Ryker. ☮ Sage, Victor aka The Question: Carries himself with confidence, and only says what is needed. Knows how to lead, impressive bravery in fighting without any powers, approves of his opinions on lethal force. Sees him as someone to protect and follow. Isn’t bothered by his strange mannerisms or apparent obsession with the illuminati. ☯ Trainor, Lieutenant Lawrence aka Polarity Man: The Warden has yet to interact with Lieutenant Lawrence Trainor. ☯ Wilson, Rose aka Ravager: Doesn’t like how she treats Question, but seems nice otherwise. Certainly useful in combat.
E P I S O D E VII:T R A I N I N G D A Y S Le Gentleman Ghost a lévité de l'autre côté de la pièce, près de Duncan avec son épée de canne, quand il s'est soudainement arrêté. Pas seulement une halte, mais un gel absolu d'un moment à l'autre. Seul son monocle sanglant révéla que le temps passait encore. A quelques mètres de l'adversaire intangible se tenait Lara avec son bras étendu sur lui. Sa respiration calme et son esprit concentré. "Telekinesis," elle a expliqué à la salle actuelle des points d'interrogation. C'est la vraie source de ma force. Et personne ne sait vraiment pourquoi. Cette dernière partie n'a été dite que dans sa tête et avec un soupir interne. Elle a vu l'adversaire invisible devant elle et l'a presque senti avec ses doigts, bien qu'il ne soit pas près de lui. Avec une touche de main, elle l'a fait tomber sur le sol inconscient d'une manière très peu dramatique, et c'était tout. C'est plus comme ça, a dit Wildcat, mais pas tout à fait souriant. Ne faisant aucun effort pour cacher sa fatigue, Lara a tout simplement hoché et s'est laissée tomber sur le sol solide avec une bosse forte. La chute n'avait pas fait de mal depuis qu'elle était petite, et l'utilisation de la télékinésie sur les choses avait toujours exigé plus d'elle que de simplement les briser. De bas en bas, elle attendait le verdict final de Wildcat.
Name: Lara Kent Alias: Supergirl Age: 20 Personality: quirky, emotional, childish, optimistic. Archetype: Half-alien Powers: - Flight (still working on those landings) - Superhuman strength, endurance and speed. - Super hearing is but a fracture of its full potential. - Still trying to figure out the x-ray. And heat vision sort of comes and goes and has a mind of its own. - Tactile telekinesis. The ability to enhance the powers of her Kryptonian heritage. Whether it’s her strength or speed, she can boost her own philology and abilities. Besides that, she has also been able to create forcefields around people and objects, as well as lift things with her mind. However, this particular capability has also been known to mysteriously fail in certain instances. Weaknesses: Kryptonite. It will leave her much more vulnerable. And yet: Since Lara’s only half Kryptonian, it does not have the same crippling effect on her, as it does her farther. Appearance: Character Evolution: Lara will be someone with an identity crisis, as she was someone who felt normal, but then felt pressured to be something else in order to help the world. She’s on a journey from super powered to superhero. Girl to woman. Accepting that other side of her. She'll make mistakes (super powered mistakes, as well as personal mistakes) and learn from them. She'll have fears confirmed and doubt, if she’s even doing the right thing, yet also gain confidence in the process. Maybe even a sort of rivalry with Solara. And maybe that blossoms into a friendship, maybe it really won’t. In time, maybe the whole world will regard Lara as a treasure. BRIEF Bio: Lara’s birth was long and difficult. In fact, doctors weren't even sure Lois Lane was going to make it. For the first time ever, the Man of Steel was helpless to save the woman he loved. Yet in the end she pulled through and gave them both a beautiful, little girl. There was no disagreement on how they should raise her: First they taught Lara to be human. Then they taught her to be super. This initiative carried over to her teen years, as she would go to great lengths just to feel like everyone else. Though her parents did their best to teach her to respect, but not fear her powers, they ultimately failed. Even though the human side of her meant she never quit reached her father’s level, she feared her powers. That’s why Lara has never let loose, and only trained her powers in order to control them. Because of it, she has yet to realize her own limits. Her telekinesis, and how she was able to develop it, was a mystery to everyone. In time, everyone came to accept that there was no other explanation than the conditions were right and it happened. It stands as proof that even after aliens have visited Earth there’s still some mystery left. Lara Kent is simply a force that just is. Like her farther, she can wear nice outfits and still not be afraid to get her hands dirty. And like her mother, she can enjoy the simple things in life. Though really smart, she never had many friends. It was as if everyone knew she was a little different. Her occasional awkward behavior reflects her lack of social skills, but then again: Sometimes her one-liners are spot on. When the need arrived for the Justice League to expand, Lois would not even let Clark talk to Lara about it. Their daughter had chosen another path. Yet, when Lara found out about it anyway, she shortly thereafter threw aside all dreams and desires to live a normal life. A choice that caused her great dread, though for now, only her mother seem to notice. This was a whole new world for Lara. One where she was still just a girl. Still a super one at that. A Supergirl. Notes: Yes, I know Lara is supposed to be the daughter of Wonder Woman or imaginary. But not here! :p Sample Post: “You have to be sure, this is what you want. No one wants to pressure you,” Lois said and watched her daughter nod cautiously, while she tightened a bolt on her bicycle. “Well, dad seem very eager for me to do it,” Lara pointed out and kept turning. “Yes, a bit too often, he has got his head in the clouds, if you ask me, sweetheart. But he always swoops back down eventually and sees the bigger picture.” “So just because I’ve got… powers… don’t mean I have to go out there and be a hero?” Lois’ answer came without a moment’s pause: “Oh yes, you do! Very much. Everyone should. However, you need to find out what being a hero means to you. And once you find out… never compromise. Not even for a second.” Through the living room window Lara noticed the TV was still on. The horrible images of a sooted wreckage were projected onto it while a reporter spoke. With his grief showing, he described the horrible fire that had costed the lives of an entire family. Lara closed her eyes and for a while she just stood there like a statue. Then the remaining bolts started to shake. The bike vibrated and the wind changed direction, if only for a few moments. “… Tell dad: I wanna do it.”
E P I S O D E VI:5e HELLE DIMENSIONNELLE 5ème dimension : juillet 25th, 2017 - 02:18:00 Bande dessinée Skyscraper Rooftop - Toon World Le directeur de tout le monde avait conçu un plan après que tout le monde ait eu son esprit à leur sujet. Comme si sa perte de mémoire a également effectué la façon dont il a pris toute la situation dans. Presque comme s'il se sentait à l'aise dans une autre dimension. Son plan était simple, de s'envoler et de chercher d'autres coéquipiers. Bulleteer a répondu... "Je pourrais porter l'un d'entre vous, mais ma capacité de vol est déterminée en me maintenant stable dans l'air et surtout en volant droit. Je ne veux pas voler et diriger vers la gauche ou vers le bas que d'habitude et voler à travers un bâtiment et tuer Cisco..." le héros casque a répondu. "Je vois que vous avez trouvé l'animal de compagnie perdu de ma femme, Supergoof..." dit une voix inquiétante du monde entier apparemment. "Qu'est-ce que c'était?" Bulleteer a demandé à voix haute. "Ce Supergoof doit être Superman! Il doit avoir une équipe de secours ici pour nous trouver! » Vibe a crié. Finalement l'équipe est venue sur Superman, Toon Girl, et Typsy qu'ils ont pu voir quelques blocs en avant sur le toit d'un petit gratte-ciel qui avait l'air d'être sorti du Sunday Comic Strips. Superman flottait vers un homme nain dans un pourpre avec un costume de garniture jaune qui était aussi une sorte de vol stationnaire dans l'air maintenant. "Comment ça, PET, Mxy?" Superman a demandé. "Vous connaissez les femmes dans votre dimension Superman? Parfois ils veulent des trucs dont ils n'ont pas besoin, ou des animaux qu'ils n'ont vraiment pas l'intention de prendre soin d'eux-mêmes? Eh bien, cette petite bête aux cheveux bleus qui se cache derrière... qui est cette fille même supposée être elle ne ressemble pas du tout à un super-héros? le 5ème dimensionnel imp demandé avant de agiter sa main et de changer sa garde-robe à quelque chose de plus corsé et cuireux avec une cape et une cape. "Non, je ne sens juste pas celui-là..." il a continué avec une autre vague de sa main juste la faire disparaître dans l'air mince. "Qu'as-tu fait avec Gypsy?" Superman s'est exclamé prêt pour une bataille. "Ne t'énerve pas, je l'ai renvoyée à la maison." Mxy a répondu alors que l'autre équipe a été conduite une à la fois au sommet du gratte-ciel par Bulleteer. "Alors... tu allais voir Toon Girl comme l'animal de compagnie de ta femme? Superman a demandé comme Toon Girl, Bulleteer, Vibe, et le directeur se tenait prêt sur le toit avec Toon Girl rampant lentement à l'arrière du groupe. "La femme l'a ramassée dans un abri, mais j'en ai eu assez de la suivre. Un jour, j'ai enlevé sa laisse quand on marchait et j'ai ouvert un portail dans une autre dimension pour l'envoyer. Je ne voulais pas l'envoyer à la vôtre, je pensais que c'était la 4ème dimension." l'imp a continué avant d'attraper un autre aperçu d'un héros qui n'avait pas l'air d'un héros, directeur... "Vous, les gars de la Ligue de Justice, vous avez du mal pour les héros de nos jours?" C'est ce que j'ai demandé. "Toon Girl est l'animal de compagnie de personne maintenant. Elle est un membre précieux de la Ligue comme le directeur, Tsigane, Vibe, et Bulleteer..." Superman a répondu. "Quoi que vous disiez Supes, mais le gars en survêtement rouge et noir ressemble à un di..." "Veux-tu nous renvoyer à notre dimension?" Superman a demandé. E P I S O D E IX: NUIT MAGNETIQUEMARE ILLINOIS: août 08th, 2017 - 04:22-STAR Labs, Chicago Question et Apollex ont continué à sauver des scientifiques pendant que Polarity Man et Beetle attaquaient le maître casque du magnétisme. Il s'est servi de son pouvoir pour détourner l'attaque du héros bleu des insectes et a envoyé les débris voler ailleurs, mais l'attaque d'énergie de la mecha a frappé c'est marque et a stupéfait le would-be-supercriminal. Green Lantern est finalement arrivé à après avoir été soufflé à travers un mur. Le mentor chevronné a parlé à son communicateur situé dans son oreille au QG... "Qui que ce soit en service de surveillance, nous avons besoin de renforts. Quelqu'un qu'on a qui n'utilise pas la technologie. Métahumains, extraterrestres, mystiques..." Le docteur Polaris avait découvert toutes les pièces métalliques du costume de mecha et de l'armement du Beetle bleu et l'avait arraché du costume et du sac à dos du héros bleu avant de commencer à choisir le membre séparé de mecha par membre. C'est là que d'autres héros ont été téléportés directement au Labo cette fois. L'homme incroyable, le feu et la glace étaient maintenant sur les lieux. "Hit ce gars avec tout ce que tu as dit!" Green Lantern a crié explosion avec son énergie émeraude comme le feu et la glace versé sur leurs attaques élémentaires de différents côtés tandis que Amazing Man a absorbé l'énergie à proximité pour un type électrique d'attaque d'énergie. "ÉLARGISSEZ, vous avez besoin de sortir de la suite! Sors d'ici!" Le Lantern a continué à crier. Est-ce que le lieutenant sortirait avec la mecha toujours dans l'emprise magnétique du docteur Polaris? Est-ce que Q et A ont mis les scientifiques hors de la voie du mal? -00492 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Justice League had been active for several years. Their membership included Superman, Batman, Vixen, Green Lantern (Alan Scott), and Robot Man. Most of them were already in their 40's, Batman was rumored to be in his 50's. The team took down threats such as Brainiac, the rogue General Eiling, Solomon Grundy and an army of the undead, a Thanagarian Cult, and dozens of others. Weeks ago, in a battle with the alien tyrant Despero, both Vixen and Robotman were killed in action. Robotman COULD have survived, but the three eyed behemoth crushed his head and destroyed the original brain of Cliff Steele. One year ago... The Justice League extended its reach and took in several new heroes to form the Justice League Unlimited. Over the course of the first several weeks the League learned about the existance of a similar group, composed of super criminals, calling themselves the Society and brought together by the devious Lex Luthor Jr. Shortly after the Society made themselves known, the Question deduced that the super criminals were after artifacts composed of a mysterious Nth metal. During a mission that saw a group going to the destroyed remains of Atlantis, Ravager was seemingly killed by an unseen attacker and left for dead. Her father, Deathstroke, would later abduct her from JLU headquarters to help her recover on his own terms. Bulleteer would also be attacked in Metropolis and taken out of action after taking trauma to his head after the enemies of the League were informed by Lobo that his helmet was composed of Nth metal. Ambush Bug was killed during an attack on the League's HQ, and the heroic Clayface was torn apart as well. Over the course of the last year the League would continue to evolve. Superman would be defeated and killed by the monster called Doomsday. Green Lantern has retired after finding out his reformed enemy turned fiancee Thorn was pregnant with twins. And Batman has seemingly stepped down from the League as well but not before sponsoring Clutch as the new wheelman for the Justice League Unlimited. Present day... The League still moves forward after everything they've been through. Supergirl and Blue Beetle have stepped up to lead this new era of the team, however a crashed spaceship would change everything. Discovering the hero called Starman in the wreckage, the League was warned that white Martians have began invading the planet and one of their own has already been replaced by a Martian! Who will be revealed as the traitor? Where did Starman come from? ________________ About the Founders... Superman - He's the first superhero. The reason it's even called a super-hero. His career seemingly began in the 1970's, however reports indicate he may have been active as far back as WWII. Same basic powers of Superman. He makes everybody in the room wanna stand a little bit taller. A big blue boyscout to this day, he has a line he'll never cross and ALWAYS finds another way. He's pretty much the big gun of the metahuman/alien archetypes. He's only been Clark Kent the last twenty years or so of his life on Earth. He obviously ages slower in the universe than past incarnations. - Deceased Batman (mask off) - Same billionaire playboy philanthropist, his career just began in the late 90's and has lasted nearly two decades. He is to the gadgeteers and standard human heroes what Superman is to metas and aliens. The big gun. Basically picture Ben Afleck's Batman here just with more gray hair. - Retired Green Lantern - Alan Scott is the resident GL, and the ONLY GL in this universe. I'm staying away from the GLC and all the rainbow brigade Corps. His career stretches over the last decade or so and a few years back he absorbed the energies of his magic ring internalizing his power. He's the big gun of the supernatural/magic archetypes. He's also based in Gotham and mostly patrols during the day when Batman isn't being Batman. - Retired Robotman - Cliff Steele was once a racecar driver and adrenaline junkie. He jumped out of planes, served two years in the military, and was even a bouncer on a cruise ship for several months. It was to no surprise to anyone when he finally went too far and crashed an experimental NHRA racing car. His body was near completely destroyed, which is when his friends at STAR Labs Dr. Niles Caulder and Silas Stone put his brain into the body of a machine. Still ever the enthusiast he decided superheroics were in his future and took the alias Robotman . He was a hero of Midway for several years before joining the other founding five in the Justice League. In the battle with Despero his brain was destroyed, thus ending the career of Robotman. - Deceased Vixen - Mari McCabe was born in Africa and possessed the magical Tantu Totem. This is a magical artifact, supposedly passed down over several generations from mother to daughter, and is the source of her power. Giving her the ability to mimic the attributes of any animal on the planet, Mari used this power to protect her village until moving to the United States and going to college. After graduating Mari was offered a modeling contract with an agency in NYC. Getting lost in the spotlight and fame, she was eventually reminded of the power and responsibility and publicly came out as the hero Vixen. After joining the JL for several years, her life was snuffed out when the behemoth Despero used his immense strength to crush her under the weight of a destroyed skyscraper. - Deceased Background heroes in the Tower... Vibe - Hispanic breakdancer turned metahuman hero from Detroit. Amazing Man - the energy absorbing, hard hitting, African American hero. Ambush Bug - Deceased Fire - Brazilian green fire manipulator. Ice - ice manipulator from Norway. Other notable heroes... Commander Steel - Henry 'Hank' Heywood was a member of the United States Marine Corps during the second World War. Injured during an attack caused by Nazi saboteurs, Heywood underwent an extensive, experimental surgery that resulted in him obtaining a 'skin of steel'. Possessing superhuman durability and strength, Hank took on the alias Commander Steel, secretly returning to the war where he was approached by Doctor Fate. Seeing the long war ahead, Fate came to Steel to ask him to lead a specialized team and the new hero did not disappoint. Forming the Justice Society, Commander Steel lead the group into battle after battle, emerging victorious. Unfortunately, Hank's story does not have a happy ending as the surgery wound up impacting his mental health. As he aged, his sanity began to wane and so to this day, Henry Heywood resides in Arkham Asylum, having been put there by those who loved him most. Wonder Woman - Possibly the first superhuman to appear in the public eye. Wonder Woman, or Diana of Themyscria, predates the Justice Society by nearly two decades having originally appeared during the first World War. An Amazon hailing from a hidden paradise island, Wonder Woman possesses strength, speed and durability only surpassed by Superman herself. Armed with incredible mystical weapons such as her bracers and lasso, Wonder Woman did miracles for the allied troops in the Great War and served as a founding member of the Justice Society before retiring to Themyscria after the second World War. She has not been heard from since. Wildcat - The youngest among the Justice Society, Theodore 'Ted' Grant was a rising world class heavy-weight boxer. The last to be recruited to the Justice Society, Ted Grant was also the last to remain active, returning to Gotham where he would fight crime on the streets until one night when a young Bruce Wayne knocked on his door. Training Bruce Wayne changed Ted, settling some of the wild in the cat as the man changed focus from protecting the streets to giving youths an outlet as he opened a free gym. Still, Ted retains his ties to the world of costumed antics and from time to time will still be asked to train a young hero on how to properly land a punch. The Flash - The original Flash, Jason 'Jay' Garrick was a college student who after a lab accent found his latent metahuman genes activated. Using his powers originally to have a comfortable college football career, the curse of power and responsible eventually caught up with Jay as the call of second World War was too much to ignore. Using his abilities on the field, Jay was approached by the mysterious Doctor Fate who set Jay onto the path of Hank Heywood, otherwise known as Commander Steel. Joining with the Commander, Jay acted as a member of the Justice Society until he was forced to retire. His metagene unfortunately accelerated his aging and Jay retired shortly into the early 1960's. But Jay's legacy lives on, as the mantle of the Flash was passed down. Without using his abilities, Jay was able to prolong his life and lived among society as a civilian, marrying his college sweetheart Joan. Jay passed away peacefully in his sleep five years ago surrounded by friends and loved ones. Doctor Fate - During the late 1930's, archaeologist, Sven Nelson and his son, Kent Nelson traveled to the Valley of Ur. It was there the pair stumbled across the tomb of Nabu the Wise. Exploring the tomb, Kent accidentally opens the sarcophagus containing Nabu and with it released the trap that had long awaited would-be tomb raiders. A poisonous gas was released into the room, and both Sven and Kent fell victim to it. Waking up, Kent found himself at the feet of a man he did not recognize, this man turned out to be Nabu who, through what little strength he had, reached out and saved Kent. Revealing to Kent that he was no longer on Earth but in the realm of the Lords of Order, Nabu sent Kent back to Earth but provided him one parting gift. A golden helmet. This helmet would transform Kent into Doctor Fate, merging the body of Kent Nelson with the mind of Nabu. Endowed with mastery of the mystic and arcane, Kent was able to see the future and the horror of the second war. Nabu provided him a solution however and Kent, now called Doctor Fate, set out to unite the Justice Society. Serving as a member for its entire duration, when the Society was disbanded to make room for the League, Doctor Fate disappeared without a trace. ________________ Active Characters Member 00492 as Starman GM rocketrobie2 as Blue Beetle Co-GM Simple Unicycle as The Question WXer as Polarity Man Weird Tales as Mr. Clutch NecroKnight as Lizard Sir Lurksalot as The Rookie Champion The Angry Goat as The Warden Archmage MC as Toon Girl Afro Samurai as Shazam Unknown100 as Supergirl ineffable as Apollex Inactive Characters Lord Wraith as Ravager - Conflicting schedule FiroIV as Gypsy - Dropped out Roman as Whiplash - Dropped out Blue Demon as Clayface - Dropped Out Burning Kitty as Solara - Rage Quit Hillan as Dark Messiah - No Post To Date DivineDarkness as The Flash (III) - No Post To Date Experiment 249 as Judgement - Missing In Action Character Application Name: Alias: Age: Personality: Archetype: Metahuman, Alien, Alien Tech, Mystic/Supernatural, or Gadgeteer Powers: Weaknesses: Appearance: Character Evolution: BRIEF Bio: Notes: Sample Post:
EPISODE VII Journées de formation Chat sauvage Wildcat regarda le carnage que les héros avaient couvert. Même s'ils étaient des versions simulées de leurs homologues de la vie réelle chaque holo-droid était encore plus que formidable sur leur propre. Cela étant dit, Wildcat n'était pas aussi satisfait des résultats qu'il l'avait espéré. Il a sifflé et a fait signe aux Leaguers pour une conversation. "Vous avez tous bien fait aujourd'hui. Tu as enlevé les holo-droids et tu as réussi à le faire de façon non léthale, ce qui n'est pas une promenade dans le parc. Surtout avec les plus grands... » Ted a déclaré, « Mais ce n'est pas ce que le but était. Le but était de vous faire travailler en équipe et ce n'est pas quelque chose que j'ai vu en vous aujourd'hui. Dans un vrai combat, tu ne seras pas toujours capable de prendre quelque chose de front et par toi-même. Parfois, vous devrez compter sur vos coéquipiers pour obtenir de l'aide... mais si vous vous habituez simplement à travailler dans la même équipe plutôt que de travailler avec l'équipe, alors vous mettez en place cette équipe pour l'échec. » Wildcat s'est trompé car il s'est assuré de regarder chaque Leaguer dans les yeux afin de pousser son point. Il voulait les voir réussir dans leur superhéroïsme, mais ils avaient besoin d'enlever leurs yeux de la gloire et de les mettre sur la mission dans son ensemble. "Supergirl... Rook... vous avez probablement fait de votre mieux tous les deux. Ce qui ne dit pas grand-chose. Cowboy et Playdough... ont encore besoin de beaucoup de travail... » Wildcat a continué à tapoter Supergirl sur le dos de son épaule avant de sortir de la zone d'entraînement.
Name: Ted Kord Alias: Blue Beetle Age: 27 Personality: Optimistic, calculating, light-hearted, Jolly, Determined Archetype: Gadgeteer Peak-ish Human Condition: Ted spends a decent amount of his time training his body to be capable of standing on his own in a word of alien gods and jacked up hoodlums. He’s trained in quite a few martial arts forms but is by no means a master of any and would be easily taken down by someone more skilled than him. Likely his greatest attribute however is his mind. With an IQ of 192 Ted is able to think through many situation rather than needing to resort to pure brute force (of which he possesses very little). Blue Beetle Suit: The Blue Beetle costume isn’t the most sophisticated piece of technology but it is above the par of many of the other leaguer’s costumes in term of technological prowess. The mask for one can only be taken off using the armour’s gloves allowing Ted to keep his identity secret better, the visor has telescopic vision enhancements allowing him to see further and in greater definition and his suit is also capable of dampening the impact of kinetic attacks and stop small grade energy attacks. The B.U.G: The Blue Utility Gadget (or Bug for short) is a device worn on Ted’s back which can be outfitted with numerous attachments to fit the need. A few notable attachments are: (1) A Clean Energy Jetpack (2) A hard-light diving suit capable of carrying twelve hours of oxygen and pressurizing for most environments (3) Heavily Modified BB gun or Air Gun: Barely fitting the description of a BB gun anymore, Blue Beetle’s iconic weapon is capable of much more than firing a small pellet. The gun has three main functions to it: (1) A bright flash capable of stunning most things the look in it’s general direction (2) a compressed air blast that, at it’s peak, has been shown to knock a rhino clean off it’s feet (3) the gun can be used as a classic grappling gun in cases where there’s no better option for travel. Human: Ted’s humanity is humbling to him in a time where he’s constantly surrounded by godly extraterrestrials and superhumans but, naturally, his mundane physicality is his greatest weakness. Ted can be stabbed, shot, blown up and killed in a plethora of other ways. Character Evolution: I’d like for Ted to gain a few close friends and possibly a girlfriend if it happens naturally. Over time I’d like for Ted to replace and improve on his gadgets such as making more attachments for his B.U.G. BRIEF Bio: Ted Kord was raised in luxury due to his parents owning the highly successful cooperation know as Kord Industries. Living in such an environment inevitably spoiled Ted and resulted in a child who believed they were a cut above the common rabble but this lifestyle also allowed Ted to put a great focus on his studies and become a child prodigy. This mentality didn’t help Ted make any real friends but the boy suffered a real shock when his parent’s company was bought out by Wayne Enterprises during a low period for the company. Ted’s ‘friends’ all left him and his family was forced to drastically change their lifestyle to fit their new money situation. Luckily Ted’s parents made peace with the situation quickly and managed to keep the family fed, warm and dry. Ted wasn’t as easy to adapt. The now eleven year old boy took the change horribly and blamed his parents for their new accommodations and finical situation. This mentality slowly eroded away as Ted grew older and came to realize just how much his parents needed to do just to keep their family living somewhat comfortably and put him through university. After university, Ted made a name for himself in the business world via starting multiple companies and selling them off for huge pay outs which allowed him to once again live in luxury. Eventually he managed to buy back his parent’s company from Wayne Enterprises after a decent amount of haggling and paying more than the corporation was worth. The first major project headed by the company under Ted’s leadership was the development of the software to be used in the Justice League’s base of operation. The business owner hadn’t followed the career of the heroes very closely but he knew about the superhuman that inhabited his world but seeing them up close sparked something within Ted. These heroes put their lives on the line so that people like him could continue their lives without needing to worry about some intergalactic starfish or something destroying the planet. Ted wanted the self fulfillment that came with such an occupation. He thought “I want to be one of those guys” and began using the resources of his company to cobble together gadgets and a suit so that he could become a protector of the planet. Notes: -He got the Blue Beetle name thanks to two days of trying to think of one then taking a “what’s your Superhero name?” test online. Metropolis was a beautiful city, it was no wonder that the Justice League decided to make their base of operations here. Despite it’s looming buildings and constant targeting for superhuman criminals, one couldn’t help but feel tranquil walking its streets. That said the city wasn’t free of crime. On his way to the Justice League tower for the first time as Blue Beetle, Ted Kord saw a robbery taking place across the street in a Jewelry store. “Really couldn’t have thought of robbing some place less conspicuous.” Ted thought to himself in regards to the, at the moment, unseen thief. Quickly Ted made his way across the street, Air gun in hand and got ready to knock down some thugs. What Ted didn’t expect was the strange, armoured figure in front of him. The their was clad in a large, purple armoured suit sporting large structures out of the back that could only be wings and odd tubes for fingers that sucked up the diamonds, rings and necklaces on display in the shop. Ted carefully stepped his way through the shattered remains of the large front window, into the store. “I’ve seen a lot of strange get ups guy but yours takes the cake for the most out there. Who are you supposed to be? The Tubular Thief?” Ted commented as the armoured foe suddenly spun towards Ted in surprise and proceeded to fly directly at him at break-neck speeds. The smartest move here would have been to leap out of the way, fire a grapple line at the flying house plumbing and work from there but rather than use his IQ of 192, Ted tested his luck and craftsmanship skill as he cranked his Air gun’s settings and fired at the man. The suit crumpled, broke and bent but kept most of it’s momentum as it managed to tackle Ted out the window and into the street. Ted wondered if the pilot had survived his suit getting the top half squished but was quickly met with an answer in the form of pained groaning coming from within the suit. Ted smirked a little at his accomplishment but soon winced as the pain of the whole ordeal set in and he realized that he’d been tackled out a window by a three hundred pound metal man who was currently still onto of him. Ted made no attempt to get up and instead waited for paramedics to arrive and get the oaf off of him and get him patched up.
Name: Jim Ryker Alias: Mr. Clutch Age: 25 Personality: arrogant, individualistic, rash, brave and loyal Archetype: metahuman/Gadgeteer Powers: Enhanced reflexes: Jim's only metahuman power is his inhumanly sharp hand eye coordination, which allows him to see and react to things at incredible speed. This has helped him become a superb driver. Expert martial artist: Jim is an excellent hand to hand combat fighter The Bolt 3000: The Bolt 3000 is a high tech car crafted from a mix of New Gods technology and earth tech. It is a highly advanced vehicle that can reach incredible speeds and is equipped with loads of features. They are as follows. Spiked tires for driving up steep surfaces and walls. Anti gravity converters that allow the car to fly and jump over surfaces. Super speed: on land the Bolt 3000 can hit a top speed of 600 mph and in the air its top flight speed is mach 1 Machine guns and laser guns for combat. The machine guns are equipped with normal, and rubber bullets for non lethal attacks. Super tough body that can withstand firearms and explosions. Weaknesses: Aside from his vehicle, Jim is just as vulnerable as normal human. His car while powerful will run low on power if it goes through a beating and utilizes it's laser weapons in excessive ways. Appearance: Character Evolution: His character arc is him learning that hero work isn't about branding and selling to the public. BRIEF Bio: Jim Ryker was born to the famous race car driver Matt Ryker and from an early age Jim had a natural talent with cars. At age five he was reading adult books on vehicles and at age ten he was making his own radio controlled car models. His skill in vehicular engineering was above all of his peers in school and he had dreams of being both a race car driver and engineer for developing high speed vehicles. As a child his favorite place to go was the go-kart track at the local amusement park in Central City where he would get a thrill from driving the mini race cars. After graduating high school with great grades, Jim went to college in Metropolis and made a good number of friends, one of which was an intern at the Wayne Corporation. After he graduated Jim got a job as race car driver with Lex Corp, one of his sponsors and it wasn't long until he was approached by the heads of several large companies about a plan to have a hero of their own be a symbol of them giving back to the world. They had looked at his background and decided that he would be their choice. They gave him technology from the New Gods to use with earth tech to create a car with incredible power. After taking the name Mr. Clutch, Jim set out to do hero work with Lex Corp and other companies as his sponsors. Notes: he has a ray gun for when he is not fighting in his vehicle. Theme song Sample Post: Jim maneuvered the Bolt 2000 through the air as he open fired on on a group of thugs surrounding a couple and Jim would do whatever he could to help the two people. The sight of his car flying in the air and his car being equipped with machine guns made the criminals look up and point towards the car in terror. Jim as he speaks through the speakers of his incredible vehicle. "Back away from the innocent civilians you scumbags! Otherwise you will have a taste of what kind of firepower corporate money can buy!" and as if on cue the criminals fled in terror and Jim laughed at the sight. When they were from sight, he landed his car on the ground and got out of the vehicle. He gave the couple a bow and smiled at them. "I am grateful to help innocents in their time of need. Now before you go I must tell you that should ever need insurance for stolen or vandalized personal possessions then Lex Corp has a great and affordable plan. So if you ever need quality insurance then definitely consider Lex Corp's Lexcellence Insurance as your main option. Have a nice day and best wishes from your friendly protector Mr. Clutch" he said and then got back into his car and drove off. "That was another job well done Mr. Clutch and a great pitch for Lex Corp's insurance program" he said to himself as drove towards the highway out of town at inane speeds. "Damn I love my job."
Épisode VII : Journées de formation 30 juillet, 2017Aperçu Tour de métro - Metropolis Vadim a vu l'homme habillé comme un chat marcher le passer hors de la salle d'entraînement. Ça a rendu la situation embarrassante pour lui. Il savait qu'il était calme, mais il ne savait pas qu'il était invisible aussi. Ce comportement pourrait-il être parce qu'il avait manqué l'orientation... s'il y avait une orientation? Il n'avait aucune idée de la façon dont la Justice League a introduit de nouvelles recrues. Alors que l'homme de chat partait, Vadim se tapait un peu sur le bec de son chapeau — il ne faisait qu'évacuer de l'énergie nerveuse. Il aimait croire qu'il était une personne courageuse, mais il savait qu'il était différent non seulement génétiquement mais parfois aussi en accent. Lâché la main, il a lâché la gorge, et a parlé, alors je suppose que Trainink est fini, da? Est-ce qu'un nouvel endroit comme moi peut aller et se sentir utile? Aussi amusant que de regarder tout le monde faire activement quelque chose de super-héros était, cela ne faisait que le rendre anxieux de finalement se lancer dans l'entreprise; jeu; mode de vie; quoi que cela tombe sous.
Vadim Semyonovich Medved Вадим Семёнович Медведь ★ 5'10" | 180 lbs | Blonde | Green 23 Silent Giant, Brave, Dutiful, Teddy Bear, and Tough. Metahuman Alien Energy Mutation: Red Star was empowered by unknown alien energies that have caused chain reactions within his molecular structure, altering his physical abilities and reflexes. Over time, these abilities have changed and he has gone from being an incredibly fast and strong being into one with an array of powers. The physical changes enable him to withstand environmental extremes, including the hostile conditions in deep space and naturally, radiation. Energy Projection: Red Star generates immense radioactive energy in the form of red blasts and explosions. He can project a fire-like beam anywhere from his body. This energy replicates the effects that a Kryptonian would feel under a red sun. Heat Generation: His body gives off more heat than normal. In the cold, steam can always be seen rising off his skin. Flight: Red Star technically doesn't fly, but instead projects his energy beams downward and uses the concussive force to propel him through the air. He hasn't quite mastered literally flying in the air. Superhuman Strength: Since his mutation, Red Star hasn't tested his strength on anything heavier than a small car. He doesn't know the limit of his strength. Superhuman Durability: Red Star's near invulnerability allows him to survive blows from super-powered beings. Superhuman Stamina: Red Star's body produces less fatigue toxins, allowing him to fight for days on end, unless winded by other means. Superhuman Speed: Red Star can sprint 45 mph max, but with the propulsion of his energy beams, he can reach 100 mph in a second. His energy projection can also be used as an abrupt slow or brake in motion. Red Star Transformation: Radiation Monster: Self-Sustenance: Besides Vadim's gift of tinkering, he possesses average human intelligence. Vadim possesses an average, brawler-style fighting style. While Vadim is tough to take down, he still possesses basic human weaknesses (illness, disease, toxins, etc.) until he acquires his energy form. Vadim has locked away inside himself a lot of potential. He just needs the confidence to be able to access it. Vadim doesn't understand what exactly has been done to him. One moment he was this normal young man, and now he is large and strong. His power scares him for he doesn't know if he will continue to mutate or if his mutations have ceased. He desires to learn more about his powers so that he can use them a little more confidently. He hopes to grow stronger and to gain more skills as a super hero. I am open for him to have a romantic relationship if one is to happen. Vadim was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York to Oskana and Sasha Medved. When he was fourteen-years-old, he went to visit his grandparents in Yaroslavl, Russia. One morning, when ice fishing with his grandfather, Vitaly, a strange red meteor tumbled from the sky. Vadim pushed his grandfather out of the meteor’s path, and as it came in proximity of Vadim, it released a red pulse that passed through his body traveling from his head down to his feet and back. The pulse happened in a millisecond before the meteor collided with Vadim, causing him to crash through the ice into the chilling waters. Vitaly called for help and within twenty minutes a response team arrived at the scene. The rescue team was able to fish Vadim from the lake waters as red shards from the meteor melted into his skin. They deemed the boy lucky to be alive and rushed him to a hospital. At the hospital, doctors were baffled by Vadim’s examination. He had suffered unconsciousness and not much else. His recovery was considered a miracle. Vadim was released once he woke, and he returned with his grandparents to their house. Unknown to him, his mutation had already happened and had been so subtle that neither Vadim nor Vitaly had noticed. It was his grandmother, Viera, who immediately noticed when they arrived home. Vadim’s parents when he returned to New York were also flabbergasted, but Vadim never revealed the truth to them. He kept what happened in Russia a secret and claimed that Viera’s good cooking had made him big and strong. Vadim experimented with his body at a closed down naval yard and discovered his abnormal strength. With his powers, he started his new life as a crime fighter. He came up with the name Red Star, naming himself after the strange object that had given him his powers. When he wasn’t at school, he was out fighting crime, and when he wasn’t at home, he told his parents that he was at school. He was able to hide his activities until college. In college, Vadim is pursuing a degree in Physics. When he was walking home from school, he was approached by a liaison for the Justice League. He hadn’t expected his small-time crime fighting to be noticed, and enthusiastically accepted the offer. Vadim's parents are alive and well, and a side of him that other teammates may not see is that he's a mama's boy. Vadim speaks fluent English and Russian. Vadim is actually Russian-American; however, other Americans still treat him like a foreigner rather than an American. It must be his strong Russian accent. This has led to him developing a quiet personality. He would like to be treated as a fellow American for once. Vadim likes to fix things that are broken on his own rather than call a repair man or professional. This has made him quite the handyman in times of emergency (especially when dealing with vehicle/aircraft issues). The snow crunched under their snowboots and white wisps snaked from their nostrils about their pale faces. The young, fair-headed boy was garbed in thick brown furs from his head and neck down to the pants tucked into his boots. Thick gloves covered his hands as he followed alongside his дедушка (d’yeh’doo’sh’kah) or дед (d’yeh’d)—grandfather. The older man had gray peach fuzz on his chin, dark eyes, and a rounded beak-like nose. He reminisced as the two approached the lake, its frozen surface glowed in the sun. It was what Vadim believed heaven would look like. This is spoken in Russian, but to spare you, I wrote it in English. “When was the last time you came out here with me, boy? I think you were about five—too young to even know what ice fishing was,” said Vitaly. “Five is too young?” Vadim asked jokingly. “All you knew was that I cut a hole in the ice and fish come out. You didn’t know that there was an actual technique to the process.” “I remember you caught a big one last time, and we sat out here, cooking it over a fire.” “Yes, that was a good time. I hope to catch another big one.” They carefully walked out onto the ice, tapping it with the end of their fishing rods as they stepped. They walked until they were just about in the center and Vitaly set down a white paint bucket and removed his saw from it. Handing Vadim his fishing rod, he bent over and started sliding the saw up and down in a circle about the width of two fists side-by-side. Setting down the saw, he removed an ice pick from the bucket next and stabbed the pick into the ice block, hauling it out of the hole. Both Vitaly and Vadim peered into the hole at the black waters. “Well, let’s get to it then,” said Vitaly. He removed a can of sardines from the bucket next and flipped the bucket over. Vitaly sat on it, twisting around for a second to get his rump comfortable before he started opening the can. He removed a slimy fish and impaled it on his hook before lowering it into the water. Vadim watched in silent expectation as though Vitaly would catch a fish any moment. Vitaly looked over at his grandson and chuckled. “It won’t happen that fast.” The old man had been right. He had sat on that bucket for nearly thirty minutes with no bite. Vadim had started walking in a circle, sliding his feet across the ice. He had given his grandfather his own rod to bait, wishing that he had brought a second bucket to sit on. The boy’s chest swelled and sank as a bored sigh blasted from his nostrils. Something soon pulled on Vitaly’s rod, causing the man to gasp. “Oh! Vadim! I got a bite! Come get your rod quick so I can reel him in!” Vadim whirled in his grandfather’s direction and noticed above his head, gleaming like a red star in the sky was a foreign object growing larger and larger by the second. The sight of it briefly froze Vadim in his tracks, and he glanced between it and his grandfather, gauging the trajectory. “Vadim! Get over here!” Vitaly irritably shouted. The boy sprinted for his grandpa, running with all his might as his heart rapidly hammered in his chest and the cold burned his nose. When he reached Vitaly, he thrust out his hands, pushing the man from the bucket as time momentarily paused. In that moment, Vadim felt a hot energy ripple through him, passing from his head to his feet, and then back up to his head. His green eyes were shrunk and gazing at what appeared to be a red crystal-like rock. Vitaly winced as he slid across the ice on his back. Water and ice fragment splashed and pelted his body. Spreading his arms and dragging his hands to slow his slide, Vitaly gazed in wide-eyed awe at the white tower of steam that rose from the boiling water. What happened? “Vadim!” the old man called. He rose to his feet and stared at the hissing column seeing no one around it. His heart sank in panic as he raced over to the hole in the ice, his feet slipping in his haste. The old man thrust out his hands to steady himself as he stopped at the water’s edge. He looked around once more not wanting to believe that Vadim could have been in the water. “Vadim! Answer me boy!” Quickly, Vitaly dunked a hand into his winter coat pocket and fished out his cell phone. “Yes, I have an emergency!” Sharp, blinking ruby shards protruded from the back and front of the boy. Carp swam passed his slowly sinking body that twisted limply through a forest of reeds. In the lake, there was little sound but for the plume of bubbles that rose from the fragments that began to retract into his body. Fifteen minutes later, when his body laid face down in the reeds, his clothing waterlogged, a diver plunged into the water. The light shone into the murking gray waters of the lake like a beam, allowing the diver to see the tangled form in the reeds. With a knife, he cut away the plants and grasped the boy who oddly felt warm in his hands. As he carried him to the surface, the water became like bathwater around them. The diver emerged, holding up the unconscious boy. “Thank God!” Vitaly exclaimed in relief. He fearfully hovered around the rescue team as they unzipped Vadim’s coat. Upon laying their hands on the boy, they quickly retracted them in startle. “He’s warm!” a rescuer noted. They checked his pulse and breathing. “He’s alive! What a lucky kid!” Vitaly pressed his fingers to his lips and blew kisses to the heavens as he praised God in his relief. “We need to get him to a hospital. He could have a fever.” “A fever? He was just in that frozen lake!” said Vitaly. “He’s unusually warm. We are going to make sure. Come with us please if you are the boy’s guardian.” Vitaly followed the crew as they carried the boy on a stretcher back to shore.
C'était un vieil homme avec une barbe blanche et un vieux poussoir brun qui s'asseyait sur la chaise et fumait un cigare épais. Il a laissé errer de son bout gauche de sa bouche à sa droite comme la fumée bleue lentement mais régulièrement rempli toute la pièce. Les murs blancs étaient dans un énorme contraste avec le bureau brun foncé à l'arrière et la paire de chaises noires debout sur un tapis cher à la recherche sur le groupe. Les chaises se faisaient face l'une à l'autre, seulement une petite table les séparant. Sur une chaise assis le vieil homme, sur l'autre un petit, épais et nerveux regardant l'un dans un costume cher. "Tu sais..." Dit l'homme dans le costume alors et a atteint la table alors qu'il a déplacé une petite figure sur elle ~ ils ont joué aux échecs. "Envoyer les petites frites n'est jamais vraiment efficace" Avec cela, il a retiré un pion de la planche que sa figure a battu. Le vieil homme sourit et bougea tranquillement sa silhouette : "À moins qu'ils ne soient bons pour une distraction" Le vieil homme se leva en criant son cigare sur l'échiquier avant de sortir. L'homme en costume a regardé la planche. Alors que de l'autre côté du monde, un seul homme est sorti en plein air. La lumière du soleil l'a bientôt mélangé même toi un grand desperado-hat a été placé dans son chapeau, l'homme a été déguisé pour que personne ne pouvait voir son visage et la seule chose qu'il portait était un seul katana. Il se tenait maintenant sur un balcon, devant lui était une masse de milliers de personnes tous différents héritages et regard. Dès que l'homme est sorti sur la blason, ils se sont mutés. En levant seulement sa main et en formant un poing, toute la masse a soudainement applaudi et crié "MORT! Mort! La mort!" Le personnage est retourné à l'intérieur ~ "Checkmate" il a dit d'une voix non définie à personne en particulier. Le monde de Dahl est divisé en 4 parties~ Le wild west~ L'est sauvage ~ Le sud sauvage Le nord sauvage L ́occident sauvage est couvert de grandes dunes blanches qui sont faites du blanc céleste ~ une sorte d ́élément qui draine la puissance des démons ou ainsi il est dit. Les gens l'appellent le grand blanc~ Les dunes du ciel mais méprisent ces jolis noms c'est la partie la plus dure dans le monde entier de Dahl~~ Une fois que le roi du désert Jesse James a régné sur elle ~ Il est dit que la pièce unique ~ Son trésor ~ Sa volonté est quelque part caché dans cette partie de l'ancien mais étant le plus dangereux et rempli de beaucoup d'êtres et de choses étranges et couvrant des millions de miles... il n'a pas encore été trouvé. Le nord sauvage ~ de la ville du gouvernement qui est placé au milieu des quatre territoires le nord est sous l'embrayage serré du président~ il est plein d'exécuteurs et strictement gouverné et contrôlé par le gouvernement. Des villes plus petites et plus grandes se répandent partout à l'est. Les champs verts et les montagnes font une belle vie pour les gens là-bas mais grâce aux règles strictes et les lois sévères émeutes intérieures ne sont pas trop loin, mais ils sont principalement maintenus par la présence des forces de l'ordre Le sud sauvage ~ Ou le no-man ́s-land ~ C'est la terre du bandit, l'endroit pour les non-marchandises ~ L'endroit où vous allez quand vous n'avez rien à perdre mais voulez gagner quoi que ce soit. Aucune loi ne limite personne ici, plus quelqu'un devient fort, plus il a à dire. Le pouvoir, l'argent, c'est ce qui compte ici. Certains disent qu'il y a un nouveau mouvement ~ quelqu'un qui rassemble les gens qui agissent normalement les uns contre les autres pour les conduire contre le nord ~ Le paysage est beaucoup de steppe sec avec peu de sources d'eau, mais lorsque vous rencontrez une source d'eau, vous trouverez également d'énormes villes sans loi où vous pouvez obtenir tout ce que vous voulez. Et maintenant nous zoomons vers l'est ~ L'est sauvage ~ La terre où tout se réunit ~ Forêts énormes ~ Montagnes sauvages ~ et déserts jaunes secs qui se terminent par un grand pas. Où que vous alliez, vous trouverez quelque chose de différent et les règles de la terre aussi. Le gouvernement envoie des troupes là-dedans, mais le crime est encore une chose quotidienne à traiter ici ~ chasseurs de primes qui veulent de l'argent facile font leur argent ici et les villes sont généralement gérées par un maire qui décide alors avec qui il plutôt alliés ~ Les parties étaient vraiment différentes mais une ville est debout ici~ Ville occidentale ~ la plus grande ville de tout l'est ~ et aussi la ville natale de Jesse James, les gens se rassemblent ici pour découvrir sur lui, sa volonté, son destin, son destin. D'autres sont là pour lui rendre hommage et certains sont là pour faire ce qu'ils font. "Chekmate" Il a crié de son cheval comme James "L'homme sauvage" Crochet se tenait devant la porte de la ville occidentale. Un petit gros l'empêchait de passer à travers un grand livre et se brouillait dans un tounge indéfini. Avec un soupir, James écrémé regarda autour de lui. La ville occidentale était une grande ville avec plus d'un millier de personnes qui y vivent il a beaucoup de choses à offrir. Des champs verts lustrés autour de la ville occidentale qui sont remplis d'affaires, les vaches et les chevaux à la petite rivière qui divise cette ville en deux, vers les hautes montagnes vers l'est ou le désert dans le sud~ tout valait quelque chose. La ville occidentale est entourée de tout ce qui est possible en quelques heures par le cheval et donc naturellement un endroit pour le commerce et le troc et les gens de toutes sortes. Malheureusement, cette espèce d'humain face à James n'était pas un bon representatif et comme vouloir prouver qu'il a regardé à James avec un regard vide et confus. "Aeyy~ E'cuse meh monsieur mais je pense que nous n'avons pas quelque chose comme ça ici" James secoua la tête et sauta, poussant le gros homme de côté et faisant son chemin vers le "Chekmate ́s Inn" ~ "Oiii sir~ vous ne pouvez pas entrer ici si facilement" L'homme a crié après James avant qu'il se gratte la tête et a baissé son cul de planche une fois de plus sur le banc pour "garder" l'entrée de la ville occidentale ~ James entra dans l'auberge et trouva un ensemble coloré et complet ~ Le côté opposé à l'entrée était un comptoir ~ un baril de liquide était mis de côté sur l'autre et formant ainsi un mur apparemment de barillets ~ certains avaient des mots sur eux. "Beer", "Whiskey", "vin" et d'autres mots pouvaient être lus sur eux et certains avaient des liquides encore plus bizarres en eux et selon que le barman, un homme chauve trop pondéré mais amical, marchait TOUT AUCUN au même baril et ouvrait le robinet pour verser quelque chose à l'intérieur de la tasse... bizarrement personne n'a remarqué ou ils ne se souciaient pas tous. Sur la gauche était un piano sur une petite scène où un homme pâle et mince jouait quelques airs relaxants, mais il n'était rien de particulier et a failli disparaître dans le bavardage et parler des nombreux groupes différents occupant la taverne. James glisse vers une table libre à droite et s'assit. Peu de temps après une femme est venue à lui. Elle portait une robe large et son visage semblait trop pâle, c'est alors que James réalisa que c'était de la peinture et qu'elle avait même une bouche de baiser peinte sur ses lèvres tandis qu'un point noir était placé sur sa joue droite. Il a commandé une bière et un fouet, et les femmes lui ont fait un clin d'œil et sont allées au bar. Après une minute, les femmes sont revenues vers lui et ont déposé la tasse et un verre de tir. James a reniflé sur les deux... et yep... tous les deux était quelque chose entre le whisky et la bière... tout dans tout cela avait un goût terrible, mais il vous a fait oublier des choses... alors l'enfer pourquoi se plaindre? James a payé un dollar et les femmes l'ont pris avec un sourire ~ Bien sûr que la bière et le whisky lui ont coûté 50 pence mais pour qu'elle le laisse tranquille. Sachant que James a sorti un morceau de papier et l'a regardé ~ "James Hook" Dans nos deux interrest, je vous fais une offre ~ C ́est une chasse à la prime plus compliquée. La cible glisse facilement à travers les mains de n'importe qui~ En outre, il semblait qu'il soit le chef d'un gang ~ Je vous suggère, comme je l'ai déjà dit, dans nos deux intérêts. Que tu le traques et que tu le tues Amenez son cadavre à l'ouest de la ville comme preuve~ Je suggère un groupe pour ce ~ La cible que vous vous demandez peut-être? B. Elliot Eickhoff ~ Vous obtiendrez 1000 dollars de récompense" Normalement, James aurait ignoré la lettre, mais le fait que 200 dollars étaient déjà INSIDE... ce n'était pas trop shabby~ James connaissait le nom d'Elliot Eickhoff. C'était un bâtard glissant qui a agi contre le gouvernement. Pourquoi? Qui sait, mais il attaque leurs wagons et même la compagnie de chemin de fer, mais à part ça? pourquoi était-ce son problème... mais bien à la fin tout revient à l'argent~~~ Dans l'ensemble cela conduit à une seule décision ~ James a répandu des mots d'un travail qui a donné un argent réel et pour tous ceux qui ont interesté ~ bien ceux-là devraient venir à l'auberge de Chekmate dans Western-town ~ Alors qu'a-t-il dû faire? Il a attendu patiemment ~
Name: James "The Wild man" Hook Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: James is about 5 feet and seven inches tall and has a slim figure. His rather ordinary but slim athletic build makes him surprisingly quick on his feet. James is a rather many fellow despise his slim build, a strong jaw-line would be topped with a edged face, the strong jaw-muscles are standing out a bit but are hiding my a fancy beard he keeps in shape. His facial hair and normal hair is mud brown and so really ordinary but all in all he´s not a person one would forget since a charismatic but still mischievous aura is surrounding him. History: Alan Hook was a gambler, County Deputy Sheriff, and Deputy Town Marshal in Tombstone and took part in the Gunfight at the Corral during which lawmen killed three outlaw Cowboys. He was a good and loyal man towards the government and had a beautiful wife, Elisabeth Lawman who was later Elisabeth Hook. During the years Alan Hook grew quiet famous and got promoted to be an official part of high ranked government group called the "CP". Less is know about that group but when they are involved it always ends messy! What Alan did not knew as he left his wife behind to follow his career is that he left her with an unborn child. Quietly, not wanting to disturb the man she loved, Elisabeth gave birth to a boy, a boy she called James, a figure of her favorite novel. As she gave birth to him complications made her sick, yet not the verge of death but forcing her to the bed. Thanks to that James grew up with no father and soon had to take care of his sick mother. He came independent quiet early and also grew quiet because he outsmarted and outgrew most boys his age. Anyways, during the years his mother rarely spoke of James father but also often scolded James if he started to speak ruthlessly about him. he could not understand how he could have left his mother in such a situation, he wondered what a coward he was and never wanted to meet him. It was a though life for James who early had to take different kind of jobs, he sold his body for simple tasks like chopping wood, to creating traps to even hunting or washing dirty clothes. Yet in ended abruptly as his mother died when he was 18 years old. It was during the world wide message that Jesse James got killed and that the group who captured him was a so called "CP" who therefor trampled over many innocents just to get this single man. James mother recognized her husband and wondered how such a wonderful man could have become such a ruthless man? When she once knew him, he would have never believed that he would walk over innocents lifes to just get a single man. Her heart skipped....and never started to beat again. As James returned to his home there was a bunch of people waiting for him there and what they wanted to say to him hit him hard. Without looking back, because he was not able to he left Tombstone and headed west.... James did many things after his mother died and took a path which leads between the two fronts which are getting ready for the war. He is a bounty hunter with no official affliction towards the government and also did the one or other crime~ Yet the ties of fate have to decide which side he will take~ Right now he´s in Western-town. A small lovely village and gathering man for a dangerous job which will change his course forever. Personality: James once was a quiet and introverted child, this was the cause of growing up with no father and acting as the man of the household way too early. After his mother´s death he changed dramatically and does not really know how to react to certain things since he never really faced his mother´s death. Yet he is a charismatic person who is always up for a joke or two but also is very sensitive~ Yet being sensitive he does not like to show that side since he feels uncomfortable with it, this also comes to the prize that he does take his time to fully trust people, for him trust has to be gained by actions instead of words~ Other: James is a horrible cook~ NEVER eat something he cooks! He will just let it boil so long that everything has the same color....and really everything does taste the same then as well...plain and...plain! Bounty: -none yet even thou he did the one or other crime but none of these were actually reported to the government yet since they were too small- Weapons: -a larger-caliber Springfield Model 1863 he is calling Lucretia Borgia after the legend of a beautiful, ruthless Italian noblewoman Lucrezia Borgia. This weapon is strapped with leather belts on his back - a small two barreled Derringer pistol, he keeps that one under his armpit. -Two bowie-knives, where he is one hiding in his boot and the other on his belt. Devil Fruit: -none yet- Abilities: James is a skilled marksman with every large-caliber weapon, gibe him a rifle and he shoots you a feather from a bird in 100 yards distance. Yet he lacks close combat experience and enough force to actually damage an enemy. While he has a slim athletic built he puts it to use and so is naturally quick on his feets and easily out runs his enemy. He is good at setting desertions and so confusing the enemy while playing a "hit-and-run" game. Furthermore he is good at foretelling the changes of weather which comes as a natural gift and he can so easily predict if there is a dangerous sand-storm coming or if it is going to rain soon~ He is a rather good trapper and hunter, yet he lacks experience and knowledge but sure knows his fields around them, same goes with explosives. He sure knows how to use them but everything going beyond that is out of his league. Equipment: James wear heavy leather boots, his trusty duster and his desperado-duster-hat as a common outfit weather it might be official or not. Furthermore he has a pulver-horn filled with black powder for his Derringer (it is an old Model) Some rods of dynamite (x3) And a backpack filled with food and water for 3 days worth (Not wanna get hungry out there would you?)
Le marché de la ville occidentale, toujours si occupé, si plein de vie... Un homme avec des lunettes de soleil et un manteau de tranchée bourdonnait à lui-même, il tirait un chariot avec un sac blanc à moitié rempli dedans derrière lui et fumait une cigarette. Sérieusement, si les prix de la nourriture ici étaient plus chers, il faudrait vendre ma propre jambe.Sérieusement Tobias a atteint dans sa poche de manteau, sorti quelques factures et les a regardés. 25 dollars, il a soupiré en remettant l'argent dans sa poche. Il a pris une profonde respiration à travers sa cigarette puis il a retiré de sa bouche pour exhaler la fumée. J'ai besoin de faire de l'argent rapide. Il pouvait entendre deux marchands murmurer l'un contre l'autre. Un gros argent? Combien? Je ne l'ai pas dit, mais je devine dans les centaines, peut-être même des milliers. Ça sonne comme une arnaque. Pas moyen, je pourrais dire à ce gars que c'est la vraie affaire. J'ai dit de le rencontrer au Checkmate Inn, alors tu vas venir? Je ne sais pas, ça sonne toujours comme une arnaque pour moi. C'était tout ce qu'il avait besoin d'entendre. Et bien, Tobias dit alors qu'il jetait ses mégots de cigarette au sol, tirant un nouveau de sa poche et l'éclairant, il ressemble à i-m se dirigeant vers le Checkmate Inn.
Name: Natalie "Nate" Jones Age: 23 Gender: Female Natalie is 5'6", has blue-black hair, and blue eyes History: Life isn't always fair or kind. No one knows that better than Natalie Jones. Orphaned at the tender age of six, she became part of a group of orphans in the small town of Ladonia, that stole from everyone and everywhere just to get by. If they got a loaf of bread and cheese, it was a feast for all. She learned to be wary of others, but she still kept her child like naive way even if she is twenty-three and knows a bit about the world from growing in the slums of it. She learned self defense at eight because some of the elder men were looking at her strangely, and she had asked her 'brother' to teach her. She learned the way of a gun by just watching others shoot down others during a quick draw. She had to get out of Ladonia when the sheriff: Basil had her against one of the taverns. She was lucky enough that he had a Dan Wesson M1911 ACP pistol, and her quick thinking got it out of his holster and she shot him thrice in the chest. She has been running since, knowing that to return there and to her other 'brothers' and 'sisters' was to sentence them to death as well. She wouldn't do that, not to the only thing she has as a family. Personality: She might have a temper of a fire cat, and tougher than a cactus around strangers, but once she warms up to someone and calls them her friend, she will fight for them even if the fight looks hopeless. She's loyal but once her trust is betrayed she will hunt you down like a dog and make you beg for mercy. Other: She has a quick intelligence that can understand how something works or even a new language if she put said intelligence to work. Her days as being a thief have taught her to be quick and quiet on her feet so she can pretty much sneak past even the best of hunters, and trust me, she has done so while stealing a bucket of water. Bounty: 1500 {most of it is from her days as an orphan and stealing things. The rest is because she shot a sheriff and got away} Weapons: Give her a Cobra , a Dan Wesson M1911 ACP pistol, a knife, a rope, or even leave her bare handed and she'll fight if she has to. Devil Fruit: -None yet- Abilities: Being alone and 'finding' things to cook up for ten people, Natalie is the best cook that you could ask for. She can turn just about anything into a mouth watering feast with the right ingredients. Equipment: Natalie wears clothes that are a few sizes too big for her, a pair of well worn deer skin boots that can be used for sneaking or running which she's also very good at, bullets for her guns , and a backpack with food and water to last someone like her, who is a hoarder to last for at least two weeks {Street smarts will teach you a lot about surviving in even the most bleak of circumstances.}
Kero Boris se tenait devant une grande porte de fer qui hurlait pratiquement 'KEEP OUT', mais assez étrangement dit 'Bienvenue, Un et Tous, au Royaume Solaire'. C'était... assez perplexe, mais encore une fois, si les rumeurs sur le chef de cet établissement étaient vraies... perplexe était la norme. Bombant sur la porte trois fois, il a fallu environ deux secondes pour qu'une fente s'ouvre et deux yeux se sont levés sur lui "Qu'est-ce que c'est? Qui êtes-vous? Qu'est-ce que tu veux?" les yeux ont demandé rapidement, ne laissant pas Boris répondre jusqu'à ce que ce soit fait. "C'est moi. Kero Boris. Ici pour récupérer ma commande" dit-il, d'un ton irate. En tant qu'homme aux horaires stricts, il n'a pas eu le temps de s'occuper de ces crétins. "Ah... M. Kero. Vous apportez de l'argent?" les yeux ont demandé d'un ton agréable qui était clairement une menace. Ne perdant pas de temps, Boris a remis une masse d'argent, au point où les portes s'ouvrent instantanément, lui permettant d'accéder à une maison sans loi. Derrière les portes étaient deux hommes très grands, facilement 10 pieds de haut, qui poussaient les portes fermées. Les deux étaient habillés de la même façon. Bandanas rouges avec les lettres B.E. Paré le haut de leur tête, tandis qu'il y avait des bas vêtus d'un pantalon sombre. Ils étaient sans chemise sauf pour un grand gilet noir, sans button comme des voyous, qui avait un grand pistolet Gatling d'argent croisant un argileplus d'argent. "Viens avec M. Kero. Suivez-moi, s'il vous plaît. Vous commandez est prêt, fufufufufu" Un petit homme comme un rat avec un visage comme une belette, nommé correctement Weasel, était immédiatement sur le côté de Boris, prêt à l'escorter. Il était habillé comme les gardes, mais son gilet avait un simple rapier qui traversait un revolver, indiquant une sorte de classement Boris ne s'en souciait pas. En le dirigeant à travers le fort, Boris a été dégoûté par la saleté qui traversait cet endroit. Il attendait beaucoup plus d'une forge de ce prestige. Il y avait des hommes et des femmes qui faisaient ce qu'ils aimaient. Jouer, boire, fumer des trucs bizarres, et d'autres débauches. Boris voulait juste prendre ses armes et sortir d'ici. Dans ce qui semblait être une éternité, Weasel et Boris ont finalement atteint la forge. Mais ce qu'il a vu ne lui plaisait pas du tout. "Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?" "J'ai commandé deux fusils! Pas un." Weasel s'est contenté de râler "Fufufufuu... en effet vous l'avez fait, bon monsieur. Mais tu n'en as payé qu'un. On a essayé de te le dire, mais tu étais si pressé de quitter ça... comment l'appelais-tu? Un tas de saletés?" il a dit, sourire presque se feignant le visage "Je vous assure, cependant. Ce fusil sera plus que suffisant ». À l'heure actuelle, Boris était rouge dans le visage, et pas du soleil "AUSSI VOUS M'OUVEZ!" Il rugissait, jetant l'arme au sol "Je t'ai dit que trois fois, c'était la monnaie normale!!". Retirant soigneusement le fusil, le sourire de Weasel resta "En effet. Trois fois la quantité normale pour un seul fusil. Je vous suggère de le prendre. Le patron était prêt à te faire ça, même après que tu nous aies insultés. Sois grotesque-" "NO! J'exige de voir votre patron! Emmenez-moi à ce Dani, et je négocierai un nouveau prix" Boris a déclaré, tirant un revolver sur le mot "négocier". Souriez ne laissant jamais son visage, Weasel, il soupira et secoua la tête : « Très bien, si vous insistez. Par ici, s'il vous plaît », dit-il, et se tourna vers l'arrière du fort. Après son avance, l'éblouissement de Boris n'a jamais quitté leur destination. Une grande tour qui était toujours baignée par la lumière du soleil (C'est peut-être une modification du jeu). En un rien de temps, les deux étaient debout devant une autre grande porte, celle-ci faite de bois et sculptée finement. À l'extérieur, il y avait deux gardes de plus, mais les deux semblaient être sous les effets de l'alcool. Ouverture de la porte, Weasel mène Boris. La première pensée qui lui a traversé la tête était que cette pièce était sombre pour toujours être au soleil. En effet, le lit était couvert d'ombre, au point qu'il ne pouvait même pas voir les contours de l'homme qui dirigeait cet endroit. Mais on pouvait le dire par le shuffling qu'il était là. "Boss Dani. On a l'air d'avoir une autre salope insatisfaite... "Peux-tu, espèce de merde!" Boris a coupé Weasel et a fait un pas en avant "Écoute maintenant. Je t'ai payé, toi et ton gang, trois fois le montant que je pouvais payer n'importe où, et tout ce que j'avais c'était un petit fusil! Un seul! J'en ai payé deux. Donc j'exige deux-non. Faites-en trois pour avoir perdu mon temps! Même si je suis sûr qu'ils sont merdiques! » Il a crié, pointant son arme sur le contour, il pouvait à peine s'exprimer maintenant que ses yeux commençaient à s'ajuster. Sentant un yanking sur sa manche, il a regardé Weasel "S'il vous plaît, monsieur. Le patron a une gueule de bois. S'il vous plaît, ne criez pas. Aussi, le Boss est un peu grognon quand il se réveille, donc ça vous ferait bien de ne pas agiter il-" "Je ne donne pas un FUCK!!" Boris a encore coupé, cette fois en pointant son pistolet sur Weasel "Enlève tes sales mains de moi avant--" Et un tir a sonné dans le noir. Son revolver s'éclaboussait au sol, Boris criait alors qu'il griffait sa main où il y avait maintenant un énorme trou de fumée. "Bon, putain, voilà ce qui va se passer" est venu une voix du lit. Une voix de femme? "Oop, maintenant tu l'as fait" Weasel a gâché, ralentissant le recul. En retournant au lit, Boris vit le contour féminin distinct ramper hors du lit et se déplacer vers lui et dans la lumière. "Choisir A. Tu peux mourir pour avoir menacé un de mes hommes. Choix B. Tu peux mourir pour nous avoir insultés. Choix C. Vous pouvez mourir pour avoir insulté mon travail. Ou Choice D. Vous pouvez mourir pour être une bite » la voix répertoriée hors du choix final alors qu'il est propriétaire est entré dans la lumière. Une jeune femme d'environ 20-ish, un grand bronzage, et ne portant rien d'autre qu'un bikini. Boris l'aurait trouvée très attirante, sinon pour deux choses. Les cicatrices déchirent son corps... et le sourire qu'elle porte actuellement. Ça m'a promis de souffrir. "Um... Maîtresse. Tu as oublié le choix où il ne meurt pas. Weasel a parlé. "Huh? Oh, ouais. Choix... Qu'est-ce que c'est? C'est quoi, ça? C'est-à-dire? Non, j'ai dit D. Ah, merde. Choice Pussy. Vous laissez tout votre argent, le beau fusil que j'ai fabriqué pour vous, et vous partez avec votre tête toujours attachée. Tous les deux. Je dirais aussi ta dignité, mais ça sent comme si tu avais laissé ça sur mon sol en ce moment. Dis à quiconque que je suis une fille... et utilise ton imagination. Je sais, ça implique de la douleur. Beaucoup et beaucoup de douleur. Maintenant, choisissez..." Boris n'a pas pu sortir assez vite, le rire fou de tout le gang l'a suivi alors qu'il a jeté un dernier coup d'œil au panneau de pré-débardage ludique au-dessus des portes 'WELCOME... TO BLOODY EVOLUTION'...
I haven't gotten 100% approval from Gravi juuuust yet, but I'm gonna post my edited CS now, because... well, I want you guys to read it. I did make a few adjustments that Gravi requested, but I'm still trying to negotiate a couple things, so I'll pretend I got what I wanted for now, and edit it once Gravi gets back to me. I'll be honest, this concept bored me, but once I figured out what I want Dani to look and act like... I'm fucking pumped as shit for this. -Name: Watershin "Dani" Danielle a.k.a. Dani "Two-Shot" -Age: 22 -Gender: Female -Appearance: (Ignore the text. It doesnt apply here since Dani is a cyborg, not a zombie/frankenstein. Also, her skin is all the same color, which is a nice tan. Lastly, she also has another line running vertically between her breasts, in case she has to open the hatch for maintenance. And yes, she does have those sunglasses. She uses them to cover her eyes because the heterochromia tends to unnerve people.) In the US her height is about 5'3" and her weight is 127 lbs, but that 127 lbs is for the charater Dani is based off of. Dani herself is actually 110 lbs. Her clothes basically consist of bikinis and a duster (usually black). But she also has a tuxedo for fancy shindigs and a more modest outfit in case people bitch, or are scared by her... scars? ... stitches? No... ... ... ... Okay, those lines indicate where her skin opens to allow maintenance, but I have no clue what to call them. Oh, and she has a hat. Specifically: :this one. -History: When Danielle was only a child (I'd say... around 11) she and her parents were attacked at their summer home. Dani took a severe beating from the mystery man, who shattered her lower ribs and knocked her out. She woke up to a burning home. Looking around she saw her 3 year old sister, Rosaria, cradled in her mother's corpse. Knowing she had to save her sister, Dani dragged herself to her feet, grabbed her Rose (who was eerily calm and intent, like she knew she had to remember this), and staggered into the hall. Making her way out to the deck, she rigged up a box to a rope and lowered her gently down into a crowd that had gathered. Just as she was about to jump down herself, the floor collapsed and she fell through the second, first, and basement floors, landing in the sub-basement that she never even knew existed. She had landed on a metal plate with her face submerged in a foul-smelling liquid. It was a tank of some kind. As she pulled her head up, she found she couldn't feel her legs. Looking behind her she saw a piece of metal stuck in the base of her spine. Adrenaline causing her to ignore the pain, she flipped over and began dragging herself to the stairs. Suddenly a beam fell on her chest, breaking her breastbone and causing shrapnel to pierce her lungs. Unable to escape or even move, Dani could only watch as a trail of sparks followed the beam and landed on her face, igniting the mystery liquid (it was gas) and burning her horrifically. Before the flames could consume her, there was a rush of water. Apparently the top of the house collapsed in such a way, that it created a path for the waterfall they lived next to to flow in. Quickly filling the room, the water put out the fire and lifted the beam, allowing her to escape. The cold also eased her pain and allowed her to remain conscious as she floated back up to the first floor, where she was rescued by some good samaritans. Only then did she pass out. She only survived thanks to the heavy training she did to be like her idol (a famous female outlaw) and the engineering genius of her grandpa, who was able to replace her lungs, fuse a metal plate to her ribs, and replace the charred remains of her face with segmented metal plates that could barely emulate facial expressions. Over the next decade, Dani trained in engineering under her grandpa, and constantly updated her body until she looked like a normal human again... well, minus the surgery scars (seriously, the fuck else do I call them) where her skin opens up for maintenance, as well as trying to locate her sister, who went missing that dreadful day. It was during this time that she discovered the cybernetics were too much for her heart. She would've died if she hadn't found the Sun-Sun devil fruit. Making several modifications, she managed to take advantage of it's ability to store solar energy to fuel her body and keep her heart pumping. After her grandpa died, Dani decided to take her skills on the road, building things for anyone willing to pay the price. Eventually she came upon the ruins of a fort about a mile or two outside Western-town. Deciding to sleep there for the night, she was set upon by bandits. Defeating them easy, Dani decided to spare them and took over as their boss, setting up and running the gang/shop she calls Bloody Evolution. Her reputation as a wild and dangerous gangster however, doesn't include the fact she's a girl. So most people who have the balls to come with a request (or to challenge her) are quite surprised that she is a female, and a rather small one at that. So, thinking they can take advantage of that... they get their asses kicked and have to pay double just to live. The government is torn between leaving her alone since she makes such high-quality goods and taking her out since she's a loose cannon. They are currently leaning towards giving her a bounty. -Personality: Dani's a bit of a trigger-happy maniac. She the type of girl who shoots first and asks questions never (usually because the people to ask are now dead), so it's best not to give her a reason to do so. The only reason she doesn't have a bounty is because she's a phenomenal engineer and blacksmith, but that could change any day now. She'll build anyone just about anything she can... for the right price. Since she's a money hog, her prices are kinda steep, but people will pay for the quality, and if they piss her off, they have to pay double for their life and she gets to keep the merchandise. She's kinda hard to get along with at first because she's crude, rude, brass, and rash. But she's noble at heart. She can be very competitive if someone horns in on her turf, too. But she's loyal. If you've earned her respect and trust, she'll follow you into hell and drag you right back out. Oh, yeah, she'll also sleep with anyone that has a pulse, so don't expect anything out of it. -Other: As you can see from her history, Dani's will to live is TREMENDOUS!! She's also a heavy smoker since, well, iron lungs and all that. Her goal in life is to find her sister, kill the man responsible for the death of her parents, and make money. -Bounty: None, but she might get one if she keeps up her irrational behavior. -Weapons: Dani always carries two modified (8-chamber instead of 6) Colt 45 revolvers (The White Tiger and White Lion) in shoulder holsters and an M1866 lever action repeating rifle with a gray finish on her back (The Lancer). She has no qualms picking up another's gun and using that, though. And if all else fails, she has her fruit powers, an arm cannon (that she calls her "Buster"), and two survival knifes (although her knowledge of bladed weapons really only goes as far as "The pointy end goes into the other person". And even THAT she only learned because she has to forge blades, too). -Devil Fruit: The Sun-Sun fruit. (Bear with me. I kinda made this one up as I went. All my others got like a day of thought. This sucker got an hour or two). This Paramecia-Type Devil Fruit allows the user to absorb, store, and project solar energy. This manifests as red-orange... well, energy. NOT flames, although there is a bit of heat to it. Dani uses this energy as ammo for her buster cannon, but she can project it from anywhere on her body. But she doesn't like to as it's not "cool". Due to the nature of her body, she can take the stored energy and completely absorb it, then direct it to her legs or arms, giving a temporary (like five second) boost in speed or strength. But this can cause a limb to fall off if she's not careful. It also gives the added bonus of photosynthesis. Basically, all the nutrients she needs, Dani can absorb from the sun (minus water. She still needs to drink. And she can eat if she so chooses), but this also means she can starve at night is she uses up her energy stores, which her buster will do if it's abused. This does NOT grant her accelerated healing though. Due to the cybernetic nature of Dani's body, she requires the solar energy to keep her heart going as it is faulty and will stop if she runs out. -Abilities: Her left eye can slow it's perception (or is it speed up?) of time, making things seem slower, giving her a few precious seconds (three to be precise) to adjust her shot. Yes, this is how she came to be such a great shot, but she's not as reliant on it as you might think. -Techniques: (Standard): Rei Shot: Fires a ball of energy form her arm cannon. (Advanced): Sunspot: Fires a Rei Shot point-blank three times in a row. (Boost): Apollo: Dumps most of her stored solar energy into her arms, giving her super-strength for five seconds. May cause an arm to fall off after. Amaterasu: Dumps most of her stored solar energy into her legs, giving her super-speed for five seconds. May cause a leg to fall off after. (Hyper): Red Giant: Expends all of her accumulated solar energy in a large ball around herself. Dangerous to Dani herself during the day but lethal to her at night. -Equipment: A horse drawn carriage, with everything she needs to smith and engineer in it, as well as plenty of water. Not sure if they count as equipment, but she has her two horses named Teletha and Rosaria. Both horses are very intelligent and HIGHLY loyal to Dani. They pull her carriage and if she needs to scout ahead, she would unlatch Teletha. Oh, yeah. Dani's theme - oNtcP6EXm3s
Les bruits de chevaux galopant se sont rapprochés, et c'est là que Natalie a décidé de paniquer. Elle ne voulait pas pendre. Elle a estimé qu'elle avait environ dix-neuf ans sur cette planète (sa difficile à suivre les années pour les saisons a couru ensemble ainsi. Soit vous êtes mort dans la chaleur des cloques, soit vous êtes mort du froid amer dans les rues.) Elle regarda autour d'elle et trouva une charrette qui était toute seule, et se faufila à travers les foules pour se cacher dans la charrette en glissant facilement sous les sièges parce qu'elle était si légère, se fronçant dans une balle pendant que les chevaux s'arrêtaient. "J'étais certain d'avoir vu quelqu'un de sa stature arriver dans cette ville." Elle a entendu une voix dire comme si elle était éteinte. Elle a gelé encore plus peu d'audace à respirer. Ils ne s'attendent pas à ce que je sois là. Donc je vais bien me cacher ici. Ils ne me trouveront pas. Elle a essayé de se convaincre, mais elle savait qu'à cause de son cœur dégueulasse, ça ne fonctionnait pas. Elle a mordu sa lèvre alors que le bruit des sabots de cheval tournait autour de la ville, demandant s'ils l'avaient vue. La plupart avaient pensé qu'elle était un garçon et comptait sur ce fait. Elle s'est presque cognée quand le chariot s'est bousculé comme si quelqu'un s'y mettait, mordant sa manche serrée pour éviter que cela ne se produise en fermant les yeux serrés. "Nous cherchons une fille armée et dangereuse." Elle a entendu des rires. La plupart avaient encore la pensée arriérée qu'une fille pouvait difficilement être dangereuse. Mais la plupart des autres se sont rassemblés autour d'écouter les étrangers le savaient mieux. "Elle a les cheveux noirs et les yeux bleus." Elle entendait les murmures des gens dehors. Les yeux bleus étaient extrêmement rares dans ce climat rude. La teinte oculaire la plus courante était le brun ou le noir. Certains ont dit que ceux avec des yeux bleus venaient de quelque part avec des tonnes d'eau. Certains ont dit qu'ils étaient des gens magiques. Elle a utilisé les deux rumeurs à son avantage dans la rue au moins une poignée de fois. Bonne nouvelle? Les gens me chercheraient et je suis là. Donc peut-être qu'ils partiront plus tôt. Mauvaise nouvelle? Certains avaient vu une personne aux yeux bleus. Maintenant, je dois rester bas et ça craint. Heureusement que je suis comparable.
Name: Natalie "Nate" Jones Age: 23 Gender: Female Natalie is 5'6", has blue-black hair, and blue eyes History: Life isn't always fair or kind. No one knows that better than Natalie Jones. Orphaned at the tender age of six, she became part of a group of orphans in the small town of Ladonia, that stole from everyone and everywhere just to get by. If they got a loaf of bread and cheese, it was a feast for all. She learned to be wary of others, but she still kept her child like naive way even if she is twenty-three and knows a bit about the world from growing in the slums of it. She learned self defense at eight because some of the elder men were looking at her strangely, and she had asked her 'brother' to teach her. She learned the way of a gun by just watching others shoot down others during a quick draw. She had to get out of Ladonia when the sheriff: Basil had her against one of the taverns. She was lucky enough that he had a Dan Wesson M1911 ACP pistol, and her quick thinking got it out of his holster and she shot him thrice in the chest. She has been running since, knowing that to return there and to her other 'brothers' and 'sisters' was to sentence them to death as well. She wouldn't do that, not to the only thing she has as a family. Personality: She might have a temper of a fire cat, and tougher than a cactus around strangers, but once she warms up to someone and calls them her friend, she will fight for them even if the fight looks hopeless. She's loyal but once her trust is betrayed she will hunt you down like a dog and make you beg for mercy. Other: She has a quick intelligence that can understand how something works or even a new language if she put said intelligence to work. Her days as being a thief have taught her to be quick and quiet on her feet so she can pretty much sneak past even the best of hunters, and trust me, she has done so while stealing a bucket of water. Bounty: 1500 {most of it is from her days as an orphan and stealing things. The rest is because she shot a sheriff and got away} Weapons: Give her a Cobra , a Dan Wesson M1911 ACP pistol, a knife, a rope, or even leave her bare handed and she'll fight if she has to. Devil Fruit: -None yet- Abilities: Being alone and 'finding' things to cook up for ten people, Natalie is the best cook that you could ask for. She can turn just about anything into a mouth watering feast with the right ingredients. Equipment: Natalie wears clothes that are a few sizes too big for her, a pair of well worn deer skin boots that can be used for sneaking or running which she's also very good at, bullets for her guns , and a backpack with food and water to last someone like her, who is a hoarder to last for at least two weeks {Street smarts will teach you a lot about surviving in even the most bleak of circumstances.}
Le monde Au cœur d'un labyrinthe de vigne, commence le voyage. Faible lumière perce à travers la verrière d'une forêt tranquille et sans vent dans des zones sporadiques et beaucoup trop espacées. Le sol est doux et sent gâté, sans doute en raison de la pluie récente et des feuilles pourries flaquées autour des arbres. Comme des géants, ces arbres s'évanouissent légèrement, presque seuls. Avec des troncs assez épais pour être confondus avec des murs. Les racines se brisent au-dessus de la surface du sol. Un brouillard brumeux s'enroule, se faufilant dans la zone. C'est contre l'un de ces béhémothes que votre personnage se trouve épinglé. Par quelque magie ou malice, les racines des arbres ont lié les voyageurs à leurs troncs. Les six sont inconscients, peut-être en train de rêver. Ils sont placés dans un cercle, face à face l'un l'autre. Au centre de cette petite clairière est assez de lumière pour qu'ils puissent se voir les uns les autres. Il n'y a pas de créatures dans la zone immédiate. Il n'y a pas non plus de démons. Cette partie de la forêt est en sécurité, pour l'instant. Le Guide Le Fantôme marchait sans but à travers les arbres depuis un certain temps maintenant. Je ne pense à rien. Se sentir pour rien. Il suffit d'aller de l'avant avec l'idée qu'il devrait chercher quelque chose. Cependant, il n'avait aucune idée de ce que c'était. Peu de temps après, il est venu sur le 6. Leurs visages étaient tellement détendus qu'il pensait qu'ils étaient morts. Ou du moins sur le chemin de l'être. Plus près de lui, il a vite découvert qu'ils étaient en fait vivants. Mais pourquoi étaient-ils liés à ces arbres? Peut-être qu'il empiétait à nouveau sur un sacrifice de sorcières. Il a cherché les runes pour confirmer ça. Quand il n'en a trouvé aucun, il était confus. Il a dit, se dirigeant vers le Pawn pour inspecter les racines qui la lient à l'arbre. S'il s'agissait d'un sort, peut-être pourrait-il l'annuler en le traversant progressivement? Le Fantôme a essayé ça. Tout droit à travers les racines, le Pawn, et l'arbre entièrement. Le retour à l'endroit où il a commencé, cependant, a montré que cela n'a rien fait. Il a commenté à haute voix, tombant au sol et se dirigeant vers le centre de la clairière. Une fois de plus, en étudiant leurs visages, il en est venu à une conclusion. Ils n'étaient pas en place ici, la forêt rejetait leur présence. Les arbres essayaient probablement de les absorber, quoique très lentement. Il n'a dit à personne en particulier. Le Fantôme s'est légèrement hissé alors qu'il attendait qu'ils se réveillent.
The Bestiary These are the Ghosts notes on all the creatures that he has come across in his travels. Enchanted Folke The Enchanted Folke are the last remnants of the untainted beings in this world. They stay within their own communities in the safer parts of the forest. Tainted Folke can be found outside of these communities- trademark characteristics are: they try to kill you on sight and they do not listen to reason. Centaurs The original protectors of the forest. Nowadays they keep to the northern region, by the waterfalls. Centaur clans are lead by females. Raha'mahat or Raha for short. Nymphs All Nymphs are female. Its assumed they reproduce asexually. They dwell in ponds- the water here turns a murky pink and is always warm, adorned with lilypads and other flowers. The trees will sprout flowers out of season when a Nymph is nearby. Wraiths Ghosts of a more base nature- they are merely the essence of their souls driven by simple emotions or needs. A wraith is a gray-area monster when it comes to the Folke/Demon debate. Wraiths are rarely malicious, just creepy. Mermaids Half shark people. They dwell in grottos deep under water. They sometimes sunbath on rocks and tempt other creatures to the depths of their homes with treasure or pleasure. Gorgons Giant half-snake creatures. They dwell in caves and are often solitary. Some wrap themselves around trees and wait for hours until something unsuspecting walks by, only to uncoil themselves and attack. Earth Bears Giants imbued with the power of the earth. Solitary and aggressive. Demons These creatures are born from the Fears, Neglect, and Sins of other living things. The strongest demons being born from Sin, the weakest from Neglect, while Fear-born demons are somewhere in between. All demons attempt to possess the forest Folke. A possessed Folke is known as a "Tainted " after that point. Fear Neglect Lesser demons and the weakest of the three groups. These pests (Will-o-wisps). Imps. Goblins. Sins Misc Ghosts Lost Humans Weapons Log Found Weapons none. Held Weapons none.
Un gémissement semblable à celui d'un zombie venait de l'évêque alors qu'il s'éveillait, il ouvrit les yeux et les referma rapidement en laissant sortir un gémissement de douleur dû à la lumière qui lui frappait les yeux. Il lui a fallu un peu de temps pour que ses yeux s'ajustent à la lumière "Qu'est-ce qui se passe?" Il ne se souvenait pas d'aller camper, en fait, il ne se souvenait pas de beaucoup de choses. et cela incluait son nom, sa famille ou ses amis, mais pour une raison qui ne le dérangeait pas vraiment; il avait le sentiment qu'il se souviendrait ou se recouvrirait éventuellement. Il n'allait pas vraiment récupérer ses souvenirs en s'asseyant sur ses fesses toute la journée, n'est-ce pas? Il a essayé de se lever du sol, c'était un peu difficile en raison des racines de l'arbre, mais essayer comme il pourrait ne pas être en mesure de freiner les racines. "Bien chiant" Il murmura alors qu'il arrêtait d'essayer de se libérer et s'installa juste à observer son environnement, il remarqua qu'il n'était pas seul, son froncement se retourna en pensant que c'était bien car il n'aimait pas vraiment être seul
His height is exactly 9'10 Role: Bishop Age: 21 gender: Male Personality: Morbid. The Bishop is rather morbid though he doesn't seem to realize it Friendly. Bishop is known to be very friendly. He seems to dislike being alone for long periods Dim. Bishop is noted to be rather...Dim or perhaps the better word would be uneducated. Happy. you more likely to be struck by lightning then seeing Bishop mad about something Other: he is a Libra. The Bishop is often attempting to keep the peace in his groups The Bishop while not against resorting to violence, he does prefer a peaceful solution to conflicts The Bishop prefers to dual wield one-handed bladed weapons such as cleavers, axes and sickles Bishop has a tattoo of a red hatchetman on the back of his neck
Le Rook Il ne connaissait pas son nom. C'était le premier et le plus surprenant des faits qui lui étaient apparus. Le suivant, c'est qu'il ne se souvenait de rien. Bien sûr, la connaissance enracinée était là. Il était assez sûr qu'il pouvait marcher. Il savait qu'il pouvait parler. Il pourrait identifier les choses autour de lui. Arbres, herbe, racines massives, semblables à des vrilles qui l'ont attaché à un arbre. Attendez... Il ne savait pas grand-chose du monde, mais il était assez positif qu'être lié par un arbre n'était pas la situation normale. Il pensait à lutter, mais l'homme massif à côté de lui était incapable de briser ses propres racines, il semblait être un gaspillage d'énergie à essayer. Un homme géant? Oui, il y avait un homme géant. En plus de plusieurs autres. Il soupirait. -- Eh bien, cela devait être intéressant.
Appearance: Role: Rook Age: 26 gender: Male Personality:Likeable: The Rook has a magnetic personality and a good sense of humour. He makes friends easily. Naive: The Rook's personality has an almost childlike manner to it. He expects good things to happen and is surprised when things don't turn out okay. He trusts too easily. Curious: The Rook is an inherently curious creature, seeking knowledge wherever he can find it. He asks questions, then finds his answers when nobody has one. Talkative: Sometimes, the Rook just doesn't know when to shut up. Other: Scorpio, Has a tattoo of two snakes coiled around a dagger on his left bicep. The tattoo has a strange, almost mass-produced quality to it.
T H E Q U E E N La reine s'est réveillée. La sensation de douleurs musculaires, de membres et d'habitudes sans souvenir était la raison pour laquelle elle s'éveilla si rapidement et sans manquer un battement en voyant toutes les choses étranges autour d'elle, et surtout la liaison qui la lie à l'écorce rugueuse de l'arbre qu'elle semblait se trouver coincée. Sa gorge était sèche et enroulée et avant même qu'elle ne la regarde suivre les prisonniers, elle laissa tranquillement sortir un "Qu'est-ce que putain." La Reine a lutté pour libérer ses membres des liens qui la lient à l'arbre, une fois, deux fois, trois fois, chaque fois plus dur puis la dernière jusqu'à ce que ses articulations aient encore plus souffert quand elle a commencé. Elle a laissé une profonde respiration dans puis dehors alors qu'elle a été forcée de recueillir ses pensées qui se sont dispersées dans le vent quand elle a réalisé qu'elle était piégée, elle a finalement pris quelques regards autour et voir quelques visages humains. Voir les autres humains lui a fait réaliser quelque chose. Elle ne se souvient de rien. Elle ne se souvient pas comment elle est arrivée ici, comment elle s'est attachée à l'arbre, elle n'a aucune idée de qui sont ces gens ou même de qui elle est elle-même, mais elle se souvient de certaines choses, elle se souvient de mots, d'actions, et d'un seul nom qui sonnait dans sa tête comme une cloche dans un clocher, La Reine, la pièce la plus forte d'un jeu appelé Chess, un nom qui résonne en elle comme un souvenir qui est là mais sans contexte ni raison derrière lui. "Qu'est-ce que c'est que cette merde!" La reine grondait fort alors qu'elle commençait à lutter encore plus berçant tout son corps en allers et retours, mais ça n'a rien fait pour l'aider à se libérer, elle ne sentait pas les racines desserrer. Merde! Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Lâche-toi, espèce d'arbre à merde!" Elle murmura dans la colère alors qu'elle frémissait avec colère avant de commencer à reprendre son souffle après quelques secondes de pure rage non adultère. Une fois qu'elle a pris son souffle, elle a regardé les autres avec tristesse et avec une voix résignée a demandé. -- Alors, qu'est-ce qu'on fait maintenant...?
Role: Queen Age: 36 gender: Female Personality: Strong-willed: The Queen is determined to do what she wants, no matter the opposition in her way. Maternal: The Queen is Protective, caring and devoted to others like a mother is supposed to be to a child Overbearing: The Queen can be rather domineering over the people she cares for. Foolhardy: The Queen is recklessly bold and at times rash, not noticing or caring for the problems her recklessness will cause. Other: Cancer
Le Chevalier Le Chevalier a commencé à se réveiller de son étrange sieste. Au moins, il pensait que c'était une sieste, mais il était vraiment douloureux. Il a essayé de bouger son cou et il avait un crick majeur. Il a essayé d'apporter une main pour le frotter, mais son bras ne bougeait pas. Il a regardé vers le bas pour se rendre compte que son bras était piégé sous quelque chose de très lourd. Quand il a commencé à regarder autour de lui, il a remarqué qu'il n'était nulle part où il se souvenait en fait qu'il ne pouvait pas se rappeler beaucoup de quoi que ce soit. Il a regardé autour de la zone plus intensément en essayant de comprendre ce qui se passait avec lui. On aurait dit qu'il était dans une forêt, et que les gens étaient épinglés aux arbres. Il a été épinglé à un arbre. Pourquoi ne pouvait-il pas se rappeler comment il est arrivé là-bas? 'Ok, pense juste un moment, mon nom est Le Chevalier et j'étais... Pourquoi n'y a-t-il rien d'autre? Quel type de nom est Le Chevalier?' Il a continué à chercher des réponses. D'après les regards sur les autres visages et la réaction des Queens, il semblait qu'ils ne connaissaient pas grand-chose non plus. Il semblait y avoir un autre homme étrange. Il avait l'air bizarre, pas dans son regard persuad, mais dans le fait que c'était un peu difficile de le voir. D'une certaine manière, les autres se sentaient vaguement familiers, mais pas lui. "Hé vous! Celui qui n'est pas piégé sous les arbres. Qu'est-ce qui se passe ici? Etes-vous vraiment là?"
Height; 6'2 Weight; 187lbs Role: The Knight Age: 23 gender: Male Personality: Kind. He genuinely cares about others and how they are doing. Arrogant. He's athletic and stable and sometimes likes to show off. Determined. When he puts his mind to something it typically gets done. Blunt. Facts are facts and he's not ashamed to state them. Other: Gemini
LE ROI Il ne connaissait ni les noms ni l'histoire, mais seulement ce qu'il ressentait. De viles frustrations, des frontières, des contraintes, et cela l'a beaucoup irrité. "Descends-moi, pauvre seau de porc!" Il gronde alors qu'il lutte contre les racines. Ses yeux percent dans l'arrière de la tête de celui qui se tient libre. Les autres dans le cercle se sont cognés dans son périphérique et les voix ont résonné comme du bruit blanc dans ses oreilles. Il n'avait de focalisation que pour le libre, un profond focus animaliste vicieux. "Tu m'as laissé tomber en ce moment ou je te jure que je te ferai regretter le reste de ta petite putain de vie pathétique." Ses mots crachent comme de l'acide, remplis d'une rage furieuse.
Role: Pawn Age: 19 gender: Female Personality: Cheerful: Generally quite cheerful, a smile is the most common expression to be found on her face. Impulsive: stopping and thinking things through is not her forte, she's much more likely to jump in and question later, not that she can't be logical or follow reason, she just tends to need to do things. Loyal: (…to a fault as they say). it can take her a while to actually trust anyone, but once her trust is gained, she will follow them through thick and thin. The flip side of that of course is that anyone who breaks her trust will probably regret it, she can really hold a grudge. Stubborn: she will listen to others point's of view, but once her mind's made up it can be rather hard to convince her otherwise about anything. Other: she has a habit of tapping her fingers or feet in a rhythm from songs she can never quite recall, she can also be caught humming snatches of song. more of a follower than a leader. In a fight she can give as good as she gets, but that's about it. She's not adverse to hitting things/people with large blunt force objects though. Blood doesn't faze her, much, but gore/guts and the like, does. So a little bit squeamish, pus in small quantity's doesn't bother her, nor does mud, or dirt. She really hates it when she finds out her role is the pawn, as: "It make me sound like a piece to move at others commands!"
Comment ça "une bête Nicolas Sarkozy"?! Il a crié dans le téléphone alors qu'il était assis dans sa chambre dans son petit appartement de New York, il a lancé le téléphone dans le mur en colère, la détruisant complètement. Il a commencé à penser à quel genre de bête aurait pu arriver en France et tuer l'ancien président. J'ai besoin d'aller là-bas. Il pensait qu'il avait rapidement emballé son sac, et qu'il portait sa hache à sa voiture dans la ruelle arrière. Puis il s'est rapidement rendu dans un chantier naval et a rencontré un de ses contacts étroits. Après quelques jours sur le misérable bateau, il était en France. "Maintenant, l'amusement commence."
Name: Athwale Chocken. Nickname: Athe. Age: 47. Were-species: Polar Bear. Abilities: Rage Strength- When met with combat, his rage burns and gives him enhanced strength and speed. Predator Power- When he needs to evoke fear, by god he does it. His eyes glow red and his growl is that of pure hate. This enables before Rage Strength. He is a fearsome foe and a powerful ally. Favorite Song: Learn To Fly by the Foo Fighters. Back Story: When Athe was born, he underwent a kind of lycanthropy that made him into the werebear he is. He was abandoned by his parents not too long after birth and was taken in by a Shaman who taught him how to control his transformations. He tried to live a normal life and moved to America with the hopes that he could live normally and fit in with society. But then some odd occurrences began to happen around the country and knew that there were more people like him. He began to seek out these people and also searched for people who would fight along side him to protect the humans. Other: My weapon of choice is a honed axe made of titanium.
La chaleur australienne s'accrochait fortement aux coins de la petite cabane délabrée où Del attendait patiemment son dernier contrat. Contrebandier. C'est ce que le client l'avait appelé, parmi bien d'autres noms, car il avait jeté une petite poche de trésors dans la main d'attente de la femme. Le nom de Mortis, bien qu'entaché par sa mère, a porté une assurance qui a encouragé la plupart de ses clients plus intelligents à payer à l'avance. En outre, la plupart des mortels n'avaient aucun désir d'être pris dans son regard serpentin plus d'une fois ; ils savaient qu'elle était plus que capable de terminer leurs « emplois ». De loin, Del a entendu les traces qu'elle anticipait. Au rythme, ils marchaient de plus en plus près de la porte en bois éclaboussée, les vagues océaniques poussant contre la rive sablonneuse en pleine force comme la lune brillait avec autorité au-dessus. Ses paupières étaient délicatement fermées, son corps n'était plus qu'un morceau des murs blanchis à blanc recouverts de filets de poissons, les pas avaient atteint les marches maintenant. Une petite expiration libérée du corps de Del tandis que ses mains glissa silencieusement vers le bas pour cacher des poignards jumeaux entre ses jambes. Creeeeeeaaaaaaaaak, les charnières se lamentaient en signe de protestation comme un bras pâle et tendu qui s'approchait du cadre. L'homme était anormalement mince avec les yeux sombres et creux de ce qui ne pouvait être que la faim et la fatigue. Son visage barbu avait une longue lacération récemment caillotée qui s'étendait du sommet de sa veuve jusqu'à son décolleté. Del pouvait sentir la blessure semi-fraîchissante avant même que ses yeux méchants ne s'ouvrent. Dans un mouvement trop rapide pour qu'un mortel puisse le percevoir, le bras musculaire de Del était étroitement enveloppé autour de l'os du col de l'homme fragile. Elle s'est serré le dos contre son corps féminin, la force limitant ses poumons épuisés. Ses lèvres sensuelles se brouillaient contre son oreille alors qu'elle murmurait sinistrement : « Qui d'autre te chasse, mortel? » L'homme a fait quelques tentatives faibles pour desserrer l'emprise de Del sur son corps, mais ses poignets étaient fermes. "Je... peux...ple, ca... brea..." Del roula les yeux dans l'ennui avant de libérer un peu la poitrine de l'homme. Il s'est étouffé sur l'air moussant, la sueur grimaçante qui roulait sur son front, et a peu répondu à la question de Del. "Les émissaires. Les émissaires français." La sueur de l'homme s'est mêlée au sel de ses larmes alors qu'il commençait à plaider : « S'il vous plaît, j'ai une famille. Je peux vous donner des informations sur l'attaque si vous me protégez de celles-ci..." Avant que le contrebandier ne puisse finir, Del s'est emparé d'une main sur sa bouche sale. Elle tenait un doigt d'avertissement contre sa gorge alors qu'elle poussait l'homme profondément dans le coin où elle se cachait. Il est resté terrifiément silencieux quand Del s'est cramponné vers la porte ouverte, en écoutant attentivement. En un instant, ses doigts tournaient autour des pattes de ses poignards, les logeant solidement dans le large cou qui venait de trébucher dans la pièce ouverte. L'encombrant Français est tombé sur le sol, ses membres se déchirant dans l'agonie silencieuse pendant que le poison marchait dans tout son corps. Del a étranglé l'homme mourant, s'accroupissant si bas dans sa poitrine que ses cuisses se sont brossées contre son armure de cuir. Elle a frappé son doigt de soie sur sa mâchoire avant de lui arracher les poignards de sa chair. Un dernier grognement et un spasme se sont effondrés à travers lui alors que Del se tenait à l'écart et se tourna vers sa cible originale et vacillante. Elle a attrapé l'homme comme son col de chemise et l'a tiré avec force pour lui faire face. "Je ne suis pas un pour de petits discours, mais vous avez atteint mon maximum d'intérêt. Quelle attaque, et faites vite... votre petit ami a amorti mon humeur." Avec une langue tremblante, l'homme a éclairé Del à propos d'une attaque en France qui aurait tué quelqu'un de grande importance. Malgré sa lâcheté, il avait malheureusement ajouté que le coupable était soupçonné d'être un bâtard. À ce sentiment, Del se cogna légèrement la tête et se pencha vers lui. Son souffle était chaud contre son nez et ses lèvres pendant qu'elle murmurait, « Un bâtard vous a sauvé la vie... » Sa respiration est devenue peu profonde alors que ses yeux élargis rencontraient le regard hypnotique de Del, « et l'ont finie par la suite ». Elle se pressa les lèvres farouchement à la sienne, livrant le venin de son adder avec un fil de sa langue. Elle l'a jeté par terre et a craché sur les deux cadavres avant de sortir de la porte. Del nagea gracieusement à travers les eaux de l'océan, des créatures en dessous s'éloignant de sa présence redoutable. Les vagues ont largué ses bras et ses jambes et son esprit a couru avec les mots de sa dernière victime. Ce n'était pas rare pour son espèce d'attaquer des mortels, il y en avait beaucoup qui faisaient sans aucune promesse de récompense monétaire, mais de tuer le leader d'un pays bien connu. Elle plonge sous la surface de l'eau, car le vent nuit à sa visibilité d'en haut. Sa peau à l'échelle brillait magnifiquement au clair de lune alors qu'elle courait autour de la cape de l'Afrique et à travers les eaux froides de l'Atlantique. Elle atteindrait le rivage de la France à l'aube, mais ses pensées furent ravagées par quoi et qui pourrait peut-être attendre pour la saluer. Elle s'est amusée et des bulles ont traîné dans son sillage. D'un autre côté, elle pensait qu'un rendez-vous à Paris serait exaltant!
n a m e. Adeline "Del" Mortis a g e. 26 years s p e c i e s. Common death adder a b i l i t i e s. Adaptive camouflage- Although the scales on Del's transformed skin are limited in their color-changing capabilities, her mind is hyper-aware of her surroundings at all times. She is usually able to successfully blend in with most environments by utilizing a combination of her natural camouflage and perceptiveness. Sinister stealth- Patience is a virtue, and Del will wait for days to execute a mission without any trace of foul play. Terrific swimmer- When presented with a chase, Del would much prefer a watery playing field. She propels through it with unparalleled ease and grace. Extreme reflexes- Dexterity doesn't even come close to describing the speed and precision of Del's limbs. Many of her gestures and actions cannot be followed by the human eye. Postsynaptic neurotoxin- "Beware the mouth of a Mortis girl." Wise words considering that Del can deliver a paralyzing venom that may also lead to respiratory failure, if the victim doesn't die first. m o t i v a t i o n a l m u s i c. "Boy with a Coin" -Iron & Wine b a c k s t o r y. Del and her sisters were abandoned by their mother at a young age, due to the nature of their scandalous conception. Miss Mortis was a suggestible mortal woman with very loose morals; known to pleasure even the filthiest of hybrids for a meager handful of coin. Her whereabouts are unknown to this day, although her name is still a dark whisper in many of the villages. When the girls came of age, the transformations slowly took their young lives. All but Del perished from the venom that their bastard father had genetically gifted. As she grew, so did her abilities and overall stoicism in regards to life. She's made a living by offering her deadly talents to vengeful mortals. Assassin, mercenary, murderer, a title matters little to Del, but her name is well known to mortals and hybrids alike. She claims allegiance to no one, and will work for whoever offers the most advantageous price. o t h e r. Despite the nature of her work, Del doesn't wear much for protection. She prefers delicate, feminine clothing that leaves little to the imagination. Her prey is so easily led astray by a pretty face, besides the fact that weightlessness aids to her stealth, speed, and overall movement. Because she disapproves of the taste of many mortal men, she prefers to kill with a twin set of poisoned daggers hidden beneath her thighs.
C'était une nuit froide et fraîche le long des voies navigables parisiennes. Des voix heureuses se sont évanouies au-dessus de l'eau, venant de gens qui mangeaient joyeusement dans les nombreux restaurants qui bordaient la rivière. Des gens heureux. Des gens insoupçonnés. Vous voyez, les voies navigables n'étaient pas calmes du tout. Du moins, à la surface, ils étaient, mais sous elle, quelque chose se cachait qui n'était certainement pas calme, ou heureux. Les cours d'eau qui serpentent à travers Paris ont fait un terrain de chasse parfait pour la Bête Finnie. Beaucoup de proies faciles, des gens qui s'asseyaient avec leurs jambes dans l'eau. Certains nagent même, oublieux, ou peut-être juste dans le déni de l'existence de la Bête. Qui sait. Soudain, quelqu'un s'assit dans un restaurant qui poussa les gens autour de lui à murmurer. Évidemment quelqu'un d'important. Une paire d'yeux blancs se leva de la rivière et regarda au bourdonnement du bruit, attendant que quelque chose soit à une distance saisissante. L'homme important a fini son dîner, et après avoir pris quelques photos avec des gens avides, et signé quelques autographes, a erré sur le bord de l'eau pour un moment rapide. C'est ce que la Bête Finlandaise attendait. Une forme sombre et élégante éclate de l'eau, des griffes coupantes et des dents barrées pour l'impact. L'homme a crié, alors que la Bête s'est emparée de sa cheville et l'a tiré dans l'eau. La région fut rapidement remplie de gens aux yeux larges, qui se précipitèrent pour voir ce qui s'était passé. À mesure que les lampes de poche resplendissaient à la surface, un rouge malade imprégnait la surface de l'eau, où une main désincarnée flottait sans vie à la surface. Les gens bâillonnaient, vomissaient et pleuraient. Une nageoire sombre s'éloignait régulièrement de l'eau sanglante, que les gens remarquaient et criaient, mais qu'elle avait disparue aussi presque qu'elle apparaissait. Une bonne façon de descendre la rivière, la Bête Finnie mangeait sa dernière prise. La proie n'avait pas souffert, sa gorge étant coupée par les dents de la Bête dès que la proie est passée sous l'eau. De là, la Bête avait porté sa carrière sur le fleuve jusqu'à un grand trou dans les côtés bétonnés de l'eau, où elle dévorait la proie. En moins d'une heure, il ne resterait plus que des débris. Bien sûr, la Bête Finnie n'avait aucun concept, aucune idée, ni les ramifications de ses actions. Aucune idée de l'importance de sa dernière proie. Aucune idée du chaos qu'il causerait. C'était juste un prédateur. Et les prédateurs chassent.
Name: Real name unknown. It's been lost in the midst of time, torture and savagery Nickname: As it has no way of naming itself, it has been nicknamed the Finned Beast among the human communities who know of it. Age: Somewhere between 35 and 40 Were-species: Were-shark, although heavily altered and could possibly not be considered a were creature at all anymore Abilities: The Finned Beast can breathe under water and outside of the water, although it can only survive out of water for around 5 hours max. Its claws and teeth are extremely sharp and can easily tear through flesh and muscle, and the teeth can crush bone with enough pressure applied. It can move through the water at an alarming pace Favorite Song: The Finned Beast has no idea of the concept of music, although if there was a song for it, it would be Carnivore by Starset Back Story: The Finned Beast itself has no knowledge of its past. As a young child, he was abducted by a group of human militants who wanted to weaponise the shark side of it. Their aim was to create a permanent shark beast who would follow commands. What followed for the young child was years and years of mental and physical torture. Everytime he transformed back into a human, he was beaten and burned until he changed back into his shark form again. This processs was repeated until his mind no longer had any concept of humanity. The grip of savagery was starting to close in. His body desperately attempted to switch back to human as his mind resisted, which resulted in him becoming a permanent hybrid creature. The militants were delighted. At least until their creation broke free and brutally slaughtered them all. It now had no emotions other than pure predatory instinct. It slunk away into the night and has been preying on unsuspecting humans as if it were a normal predator ever since. Other: If this hasn't been made clear already, the Finned Beast has no concept of morality, emotion or ethics. It is a savage, brutal and ruthless hunter, motivated by pure instinct.
Eh bien, c'est un nouvel aperçu de la portée de son APR Brügger & Thomet alors qu'il regardait le meurtre se dérouler et dès qu'il a remarqué que la nageoire disparaissait plus profondément dans l'eau. Alin a rapidement suivi en costume yanking un téléphone portable sur sa poche composant le numéro de contact de son client, il parle quelques mots clairs sur le téléphone. "La cible est morte, déposez l'argent à l'endroit convenu." Sachant que l'argent serait prêt pour qu'il décroche une fois qu'il a fini à Paris, Après l'appel téléphonique, il a jeté le téléphone dans la voie navigable toujours l'intention de suivre le plus par curiosité puis tout autre chose.
Name: (Alin) Nickname: Kron. Age: 41 Were-species: Were-Crow Abilities: As a black Feathered crow he has an easer time staying undetected while in the dark. As a Were-Crow he has a vast intelligence with the ability to change and "Adapt" to his surroundings. Alin has a amazing memory never really forgetting those he meant, always formal with his greetings Alin keeps his conversations short and to the point. Favorite Song: Feel Good Inc. By Gorillaz Back Story: Alin is a hired assassin always keeping his life on the line for the job at hand, sometimes he "forgets" the money and just lets them keep it. Alin has no feelings toward death never relishing his kills or ever boasting about his kills. Alin is always a calm and relax with a monotone voice to match, his childhood life is not one of the most exciting of life his mother and father both middle class and really long work hours spending what little time they had with him. At school he got exceptionally high grades never falling below a 80 even on his final exams. While not clear to himself he always found an interest in shiny things often stealing it to later stare at it with fascination. Other: he has a Brügger & Thomet APR custom fitted for long and silent firing power, on top of that he has Night vision googles that he uses when in the dark or at night. Also A military grade hunting knife for Tactical reasons.
Monsieur, s'il vous plaît, je veux juste savoir si l'un des dockers ici a vu la créature qui a attaqué plus tôt aujourd'hui. Un policier avec un regard épuisé sur son visage a regardé l'homme qu'il essayait de questionner. "Je te l'ai déjà dit, personne n'a rien vu." L'homme, qui est le visage d'une colère montante, secoue sa tête. "Si cette chose qui a attaqué est entrée dans l'eau comme vous l'avez dit, elle n'est pas venue ici." Le flic a hurlé la tête, « Très bien alors depuis cela la cinquième fois qu'on vous a demandé je suppose qu'elle n'a rien vu, merci pour votre coopération, bonjour. » Le flic tourne et laisse entrer sa voiture, il s'en va. Un autre travailleur de quai s'approche de l'homme interrogé, "Hey patron, pourquoi as-tu dit à ce cochon qu'on n'a pas vu ce qu'il y avait de kilt dat? L'homme se tourne vers l'autre travailleur du quai, "Parce que vous savez ce que je ressens pour les humains." Le second ouvrier s'écrie : "Oui, je sais ce que vous ressentez pour les humains." Les premiers sourires, "En outre, nous avions prévu de sortir ce type, lors de son discours de demain. Et cette chose... c'est d'un grand intérêt pour la famille, quelque chose qui peut déchirer une équipe de gardes d'élite en rubans en moins de 3 secondes nous serait très utile. » Le second sourit et se tourna vers l'océan," Oui patron, ce serait utile. Surtout si vous, le grand John Macintyre pourrait capturer cette chose. Cela vous élèverait plus haut dans la famille. » John s'est aussi tourné vers l'océan, jetant son bras sur l'épaule des autres ouvriers du quai, "Oui, il serait le garçon, sauf le fait que je suis déjà l'exécuteur numéro un de la famille.Mais c'est à part le point si on capture cette chose et qu'on la ramène au Boss... Eh bien, disons juste que j'ai besoin d'un numéro deux, et si on capture cette chose, je vais te dire un bon mot."
Name: John Macintyre Nickname: Mac Age: 34 Were-species: Were-Badger Abilities: Good sense of smell, great worker, very terrifying when pissed, and has not a single fear. Favorite song: Time to go, Dropkick Murphy's Backstory: John is an Irish dock worker, who does his job and does it well. And he absolutely hates human. He was born and raised in a family deep rooted in crime. His family taught him to hate humans, as it was humans that took his family's homeland. He committed his first crime against humans by the age of 6, by the age of 10 he was a cold blooded killer, and by the age of 18 he had a rap sheet longer than a giraffes neck. He is his families number one enforcer, he makes sure that debts are collected and that messes get cleaned up. Other: Hates humans, but loves taco's. He use's a wide variety of weapons including, a baseball bat, a lead pipe, a wrench, brass knuckles, a switch blade, a length of chain, and anything he can get his hands on.
Alors qu'il roulait dans cette nouvelle ville, il commença à sentir quelque chose d'inhabituel. "Il y en a d'autres..." Il s'est tiré dans une ruelle alors que l'horloge claquait à minuit. Il a enlevé ses vêtements propres et s'est transformé en pleine forme d'ours et a attaché sa hache à son dos et a monté le bâtiment. "Il est temps de se faire des amis." Il se pensait lui-même alors qu'il lâchait un rugissement extrêmement fort qui a été entendu dans toute la ville. Puis il s'assit sur le toit hors de vue et attendit. Il ne voulait pas se battre, mais n'en avait pas peur.
Name: Athwale Chocken. Nickname: Athe. Age: 47. Were-species: Polar Bear. Abilities: Rage Strength- When met with combat, his rage burns and gives him enhanced strength and speed. Predator Power- When he needs to evoke fear, by god he does it. His eyes glow red and his growl is that of pure hate. This enables before Rage Strength. He is a fearsome foe and a powerful ally. Favorite Song: Learn To Fly by the Foo Fighters. Back Story: When Athe was born, he underwent a kind of lycanthropy that made him into the werebear he is. He was abandoned by his parents not too long after birth and was taken in by a Shaman who taught him how to control his transformations. He tried to live a normal life and moved to America with the hopes that he could live normally and fit in with society. But then some odd occurrences began to happen around the country and knew that there were more people like him. He began to seek out these people and also searched for people who would fight along side him to protect the humans. Other: My weapon of choice is a honed axe made of titanium.
~La périphérie de Cyril, en fin d'après-midi, un mercredi au printemps. ~ "Je n'ai jamais entendu parler de votre clan avant... quel était le nom déjà?" s'est interrogé sur le vieil homme, essayant de lire ce que Li avait brouillé sur le contrat. La lecture et l'écriture n'ont jamais été une grande préoccupation pour les simples gens de la campagne, en particulier Bangaa; il était assez alphabétisé pour s'en sortir, mais son écriture et son orthographe laissaient à désirer, et évidemment que « quelque chose » était clair. Il était évident que l'ancien éleveur lançait et qu'il ne pouvait pas décoder l'éraflure de poulet seul. -- Harpclaw, répondit le Bangaa, en fait. Était-ce vraiment si inintelligible? Il avait fait de son mieux. "Épelé avec un k et deux L, pas moins. Comme c'est exotique », remarqua l'homme, apparemment plus perspicace que Li ne lui avait accordé le mérite. Il ne semblait certainement pas comme le genre d'homme digne d'élever Chocobos, une profession Li supposée être parmi les plus taxantes et les plus ardues d'Ivalice. Il n'était donc pas étonnant que ce vieil ermite ait eu des problèmes avec les voleurs et les voleurs de Chocobo; il semblait aussi intimidant qu'un vieux chien de la grange, debout à peine plus de 5 pieds, même sans son intuition considérable. À partir de son cadre mince et osseux, sa vieille cape et ses salopettes épilées, il semblait évident qu'il avait vu de meilleurs jours financièrement. Exactement le genre de client qui serait assez désespéré pour engager les services d'un nouveau groupe de vagabonds se faisant passer pour un clan d'aventuriers. "Et tu es sûr que ce sont les meilleurs guerriers de la ville?" Que Li ait choisi ou non de faire la publicité du fait qu'ils n'étaient pas plus qu'un groupe d'étrangers qui s'étaient rassemblés dans l'espoir de faire un peu de monnaie était une question tout à fait différente. "Je suis sûr que vous ne trouverez pas de meilleur ssswordsss pour sssale dans sssCyril, M. Klauser," a raspé Li. D'après le nombre superflu de Sss, il semblait assez évident que Li était définitivement sur l'extrémité moins civilisée, moins gentrifiée du spectre en ce qui concerne Bangaa. Pour l'amour de tous, je vais omettre l'orthographe phonétique d'ici, donc il est préférable d'utiliser votre imagination et de mettre les S partout où ça vous chatouille le plus. "Nous sommes peut-être nouveaux dans le jeu, mais j'ai choisi tous les hommes de l'équipe et ils sont tous des légendes à part entière", a-t-il poursuivi, se penchant contre le vieux wagon en bois Klauser était arrivé. Comme son propriétaire, le wagon (plus d'un chariot glorifié, en tout honnêtement) avait vu beaucoup d'hivers maigres, et il a donné quelque chose d'inconfortant creak que Li a mis du poids sur elle. Mieux que de marcher, je suppose. Pourquoi on ne peut pas naviguer partout? La vie serait tellement plus facile. Il avait déjà commencé à manquer son vieux bateau et sa maison paisible sur la rivière, mais de telles pensées étaient derrière lui maintenant. « Nous avons même obtenu un de ces conjureurs de démons », a ajouté le Bangaa, en rappant ses doigts griffés contre le revêtement en bois du wagon. La terminologie politiquement correcte aurait été « black mage » mais pour un pays comme Li, les deux étaient assez proches. "Des types suspicifs, je sais, mais ils sont capables de réaliser des exploits aussi impressionnants. J'ai entendu dire qu'ils peuvent fondre le cerveau d'un homme avec leurs pensées, et remplir vos bases oculaires d'araignées et de cacahuètes. Très triste." "C'est affreux!" s'est exclamé M. Klauser, secouant la tête. "Vous feriez bien de lui dire de ne pas fondre mon cerveau, et je préférerais garder toutes les araignées et les cacahuètes à l'extérieur de mon corps pour un avenir prévisible," scintille l'éleveur. Il a encerclé le chariot pour s'occuper de l'ancien Chocobo fatigué harnais devant lui. La bête autrefois fière semblait avoir survécu longtemps à ses jours de course, maintenant se résignant à l'humble travail de charrette autour d'un vieux coot et la compagnie de ventes de mots avec lesquels il avait choisi de s'associer. L'oiseau mangea avec réticence et ressentiment de la main de son maître, mâchant lentement les boulettes. Li a laissé un léger soupir de soulagement. Au moins, il avait obtenu un travail payant, même si ce n'était pas particulièrement glamour. "Je peux vous assurer que nos rangs seront plus qu'assez pour effrayer quelques bruisseurs Chocobo bibits. Combien de temps dure le trajet jusqu'à votre ranch?" a demandé à Li. Il se détourna du wagon pour faire face à la porte de la ville, regardant vers le haut au château Cyril qui se profilait au loin. Le monde de Li était si petit il y a seulement quelques semaines; il n'était toujours pas habitué aux murs massifs de pierre, aux châteaux extravagants et aux vagues de citadins. Il avait vécu toute sa vie sans aucun sens de l'échelle, mais cela ne l'a poussé qu'en avant. Il voulait remplir les coins vides de sa carte mentale, et il était sur le point d'avoir sa chance. La route dans la campagne s'étendait devant lui, l'invitant à pousser au-delà d'un horizon de plus. "Une heure, peut-être deux. Ça dépend si nous rencontrons ou non des gobelins ou des bandits en cours de route. Sachant ma chance, nous le ferons probablement, surtout si j'ai réussi à passer inaperçu ce matin », a grondé M. Klauser, regardant sur son épaule pour s'assurer qu'aucun des gardes qui patrouillaient dans les environs de la porte n'était à portée de l'oreille. "Si les soldats d'ici faisaient leur travail et allaient en patrouille comme avant, nous serions très bien. Je n'aurais probablement pas besoin d'engager des mercenaires du tout..." "Fais-moi confiance, tu es mieux," s'est moqué de Li, ajoutant un sourire denté tordu. « Même si les chevaliers s'occupaient du problème, ils ne vous donneraient jamais le même niveau de professionnalisme et d'attention personnelle que vous obtiendrez de Clan Sharptooth. » "Vous voulez dire Sharpclaw." "Oui, c'est ça. Clan Sharpclaw. Le nom est à l'étude, de toute façon. Mais ce n'est pas important," a gâché le Bangaa, un peu gêné. "Vous pourrez dire quand vous rencontrerez mes associés. Nous sommes les meilleurs, a-t-il affirmé, rassurants. "Ils devraient arriver bientôt. Nous sommes encore un peu en avance." Il serait impressionné si l'un d'eux faisait un effort pour se montrer tôt aussi, mais il ne serait pas surpris si personne ne le faisait. Je suppose que c'est comme un test. Nous verrons si l'un d'eux est responsable. Qui est professionnel, et qui ne l'est pas? Comme c'est amusant. Ce serait la première fois de Li à diriger n'importe qui, vraiment, et encore moins un groupe d'aventuriers qui en savaient probablement plus sur le monde qu'il ne l'a fait. La pensée l'excitait.
Name: Li'Kemnon Race: Bangaa Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: Li is a muscular Bangaa of average height with pale purple and white scales and sharp, reptilian features. His ears are of flat and medium length with two piercings. Despite his less civilized sea rat roots, Li carries himself with a proud and upright posture that makes him seem a bit taller than he really is. Despite his sharp teeth and a long tongue, Li's default expression is a toothy grin that looks almost a bit doofy and conveys a strange amount of warmth. His accent is particularly thick, and he's very heavy on the S's (even for a Bangaa). Job: Soldier Clothing/Armor: Li tends to keep his armor on the lighter side considering he's a sailor first and a soldier second, but he wears enough to keep himself safe while on the job. Aside from a spiked neck plate held in place by a leather harness, Li wears a pair of heavy cloth trousers with metal shin plates supported by an armored belt. Li's hands and forearms are protected by metal gauntlets with articulated fingers and sharp claws, although he prefers not to wear these when he's not in battle. Weapons: Li's not a particularly experienced warrior and up to this point he's not yet felt the need to acquire a well crafted weapon or even take care of the one he has. Li's trusty blade is nothing more than a beat up old machete that hasn't had a proper sharpening for a good long while. Nevertheless, it gets the job done and it has yet to let Li down. It is sheathed at his waist, attached to his belt in a rudimentary scabbard that's no more than a few loops of old leather. Li's only other weapon is a small knife he keeps tucked in the fold of his armored belt, nestled in the small of his back. While it is only a simple fisherman's knife meant to gut fish and cut lines, it is still sharp and can be used in a pinch if Li is disarmed. Machete Inventory: Li is a simple country Bangaa and has few possessions to his name, most of which are kept in a small cloth satchel he slings across his back when he's not in battle. Water Canteen (satchel) Flask of cheap rum (satchel) Map of Ivalice's western coast (satchel) Wallet (kept in the fold of his belt, tucked in his waistband) Bandages (satchel) A length of fishing line (satchel) A broach made of coral, received as a gift from his mother (satchel) Attributes: HP: A- MP: E Attack: C+** Defense: B+ Magic: D- Resist: C* Speed: C** Abilities: ~Rush~ (Tier 2, Physical) In a sudden, visceral movement, the user dashes forward and delivers a lunging two handed overhead blow with all their might. The sudden unexpected burst of speed and strength will catch most opponents off guard if implemented at the right time. Even if the blocked, the blow is of such strength that it will often throw the opponent off balance and break their stance, and if it connects outright, it has a tendency to knock the opponent of their feet completely. However, the maneuver is tiring and becomes easier to dodge if it is predicted, meaning repeated use of the Rush is ill advised. Considering it is an unsubtle and inelegant maneuver, experienced swordsmen will find this technique telegraphed and unrefined, especially if the user's speed stat is relatively low. ~Vicious Bite~ (Passive, Tier 1) Your character's strong jaw and sharp teeth allow them to inflict painful bite wounds on opponents in battle, and also lets them bite through wood, leather, thick rope, and some other solid objects with ease. Personality: Li grew up an easy-going if unmotivated Bangaa with simple tastes and humble aspirations, but upon reaching young adulthood he developed a taste for adventure and exploration that made him into a much more outgoing person, but to a certain degree he's still something of a hapless country bumpkin to this day. Li grew up among entirely Bangaa in his small fishing town, and as such he is perhaps overly wary of the cultural variety of Ivalice and its many intricacies. He is in particular very suspicious of magicians, as he was brought up thinking magic was the work of monsters and dark spirits, a common belief among rural Bangaa (who are mostly warriors with little magical proficiency). He is fascinated by people with interesting stories despite his sheltered upbringing, and he currently endeavors to see if this clan business will help him create some legendary tales of his own. Li can be abrasive and blunt at times, as he has a rather plain way of articulating his thoughts, but he makes a genuine effort to treat others well if he thinks they deserve his kindness. He respects seasoned adventurers and strong warriors above all else. Backstory: Li'Kemnon was born to a fisherman and his wife in the small fishing town of Gallowmere, located about a day's ride from the mouth of the Ulei River on the Western Coast of Ivalice. An unremarkable hamlet in its own right, one of the few reasons why anyone would pass through Gallowmere was to ride the ferry across the river, although the construction of a bridge half a day's ride further inland made the ferry nearly obsolete. Li grew up enjoying his simple life as a fisherman's son, and although his family was poor and he had very little, he was content with the idea of becoming a fisherman himself and living out a quiet life like his father before him. Sailing up and down the river and spending relaxing evenings fishing and drinking rum with his friends seemed to be enough for the young Bangaa. While he enjoyed stories of Bangaa heroes slaying monsters and going on adventures, he knew in his heart that he wasn't meant for that kind of life. On one lazy afternoon on the river, Li ran into an old wayfarer who asked him for passage across the river. A wise and mysterious Nu Mou, the man immediately recognized Li's surname, claiming that he had once heard of Li's father, Bal'Kemnon, back during the golden age of clans in Ivalice. Apparently Li's father was more than just an old fisherman from a no-name river town; he was once the leader of a notorious pirate clan who sailed the seas looking for treasure and adventure, although back then he went by the name of Captain Bikke. Shocked that his father would keep such a secret from him, Li returned home that night with more questions than ever. Reluctantly, Li's father shared his tale for the first time since he'd given up piracy. He was indeed the famous Captain Bikke, although he found his deeds to be far less glamorous than the old sailor tales made them out to be. He explained that he gave up his life sailing the seas because of a fateful voyage that cost many of his faithful crew members their lives. Bal had insisted that the crew set out to slay the mythical sea serpent, Leviathan, in order to bring great honor to the crew and have their names go down in history forever. Despite the reservations of his crew, they set out after Leviathan and attempted to defeat the beast. The attempt failed miserably, however, and nearly half of the crew died in the ensuing battle. After such a tragedy, brought on by his own hubris, Captain Bikke dissolved the crew and went into hiding, taking up residence in Gallowmere to live out the rest of his days in peace. Rather than being disgusted or ashamed of his father, Li was strangely invigorated by his father's lamentations. He now knew that he had the blood of a true adventurer flowing through his veins, and he endeavored to create his own stories of adventure and renown to live up to his father's legacy. Against his father's wishes, Li left Gallowmere and sailed for the city of Cyril, leaving his home behind in search of glory and excitement. It was at this point that he realized he knew very little of Ivalice, as he had rarely dared to venture far from his home until now. At the advisement of another traveler he met on the road to Cyril, Li decided to form an adventuring clan to help him get off the ground. Whether these errant adventurers would be the motley crew that would help him put his name in the history books or simply be a handful of grunts he'd dump once they stopped being useful had yet to be seen. Wallet: After the long journey to Cyril, Li's already paltry savings have dwindled down to 20 gil, all in silver coins.
Après s'être souvenu du temps convenu de se rencontrer pour leur premier travail de Clan, Cici s'empare rapidement de son équipement, en serrant le petit sac à sa jambe droite et quitte l'auberge, se dirigeant vers le bord de la ville. Mieux vaut tôt qu'à l'heure, mais je ne serai qu'un peu tôt. Je sais que c'est habituellement le travail du leader de la Guilde de faire la conversation initiale avec le client, mais ce vieux Bangaa pourrait avoir besoin d'aide. En faisant son chemin, elle entend le sifflement distinctif de ce marin-tourné-Guild Bangaa en mentionnant qu'il est encore en avance. "Bonjour. Cici fait des reportages!" Avec un grand sourire, elle comble l'écart entre son embaucheur et son client, prêt à commencer à travailler pour une Guilde. Son père aurait aimé avoir l'occasion d'être à nouveau en une, mais ses jours sont mieux passés en repos, s'il peut jamais sortir de cette sale affaire... Se secouer mentalement, elle continue sur les introductions. "Je suis Cici Verdin. C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer, monsieur."
Name: Cici Verdin Race: Viera Age: Mid 30's in human years Gender: Female Appearance: Cici is an average height Viera well into her life with her hair more gray than white. Her eyes are like ocean water, a blueish green that sometimes seems to shimmer when she's excited. Her ears are a little shorter than most others', but that usually helps her fencing (with less top-weight). Job: Fencer Clothing/Armor: This is Cici's usual attire and armor. She uses regular clothing and cloth armor, only adding some leather pads over her chest and vital joints to assure maximum mobility. Weapons: She uses the family sword that used to be mounted above the fireplace (in a sheathe). Her parents gave it to her before she left the house. It was prized by her father and plans to keep it well sharpened. Her father gave her the proper belt to hold the sword and its sheathe, which she has it properly attached. She also took a kitchen knife and tucked it in her boot, just in case. She figured she'd use it more often to cut up food, but it never hurts to have a backup. Inventory: Cici has a bag clipped around her right leg with a few extra items: Waterskin (filled) "Gauze" and wrapping Coin purse Attributes: HP:B MP:D Attack:B+ Defense:C+** Magic:C Resist:C- Speed:A*** Abilities: ~Swallowtail~ (Tier 2, Physical) The user attacks foes on all sides with a flurry of powerful slashes, making use of their excellent fencing footwork to rotate quickly without losing balance or getting dizzy. The flurry can be maintained for roughly five seconds or until the user dispatches all foes, whichever comes first. Useful for dealing with multiple opponents, but the exertion of attacking and moving so quickly and furiously will tire out the user and leave them vulnerable to counterattacks. The fatigue from this maneuver prevents it from being used repeatedly. ~Quickdraw~ (Tier 1, Passive) Your character exceeds at quickly drawing and readying their weapon in battle, making it difficult to catch them off guard as long as they can see you. If a fight breaks out unexpectedly your character will almost always be the first one attacking or counterattacking due to their keen instincts and reflexes. Personality: Cici is a quiet individual, lost in her own thoughts more often then not. She's a tactical thinker and prefers to eliminate small talk whenever possible, but might be just hiding her feelings under the surface of her overworking herself mentally. Nobody knows yet, because nobody has gotten to know her past her tacticious ways. Backstory: Cici was born into an ex-Clan family. They had trouble finding work, since at the time, the military monopolized all fighting. Her father tried any legal activities he could fit himself into, but eventually succumbed to an assassin organization, only because it put food on the table. He changed his legal name so that he could disassociate his name from what he did at "work". Cici's family lived well, but not happy. Her father had to "work" during the night more often than not, and her mother worked tirelessly to find him a day job that he could do that paid anywhere near what he made on "the night shift", but to no avail. A few years down the road, Cici's father fell ill, and the assassin group was a "work til you die" group, and demanded either her father or someone in his bloodline filled his space. Cici's mother wouldn't let Cici take her father's place, but sent for his brother instead. It wasn't the noblest of acts, but all her father cared for was Cici's safety. When clans started coming back up, her father urged her to join them and maybe someday remove the assassin organization, which probably turned itself into a guild, from this land. Cici promised to do anything she could and sends money home whenever she can. Wallet: After just sending some money home, Cici has all of 10 gil.
C'est autour de ce point que la première de sa nouvelle équipe est arrivée à la porte, la fille de Viera. Il l'a repérée de loin, mais il s'est vite détourné pour prétendre qu'il rêvait juste de créer l'illusion qu'il n'attendait pas avec impatience l'arrivée de quelqu'un. En choisissant de prendre la direction du clan, Li a décidé qu'il ferait un effort conscient pour regarder la partie de l'ancien combattant nonchalant, lointain malgré le fait qu'il était beaucoup plus excité par sa première aventure qu'il ne serait prêt à l'admettre. Peut-être que ce serait le premier chapitre de l'histoire de son ascension à la gloire. Le conte commencerait par "Et le premier jour des aventures de Clan Sharpclaw (nom encore à l'étude), Li'Kemnon et sa compagnie de héros courageux se sont rencontrés à la porte d'entrée et sont partis pour l'aventure." Je devrais probablement demander à un scribe de commencer à travailler sur mes histoires d'héroïques. Si je commence tôt, je n'aurai rien à laisser. Le regard de Li se dirigea vers le château Cyril au loin. J'y serai bientôt. Je n'aurai même pas à m'inquiéter de faire publier mes héroïques. Je vais juste les faire tisser dans des tapisseries. La lecture est si ennuyeuse de toute façon. Toute la rêverie sur la gloire et l'héritage a fait Li complètement oublier sa décision consciente de faire semblant de rêver, ce qui était un très pratique pas-problème de ne pas avoir, je suppose. En conséquence, il a été vraiment surpris par la brève annonce de Cici. "Bonjour. Cici fait des reportages!" Li s'est mis à l'attention un peu plus lentement qu'il ne l'aurait souhaité, donc il est sorti comme étant plus haples et déroutants qu'il ne l'a fait cool ou décontracté. -- Oh, eh bien, bonjour! Hum, ravi de t'avoir..." il a répondu, absent. Vous faites des rapports? C'était professionnel. Et elle est en avance aussi. Mais pas trop tôt. Peut-être qu'un salut aurait été agréable? Il s'est cogné le menton, à peu près là où sa barbe serait si Bangaa pouvait pousser des barbes. Non, un salut aurait été bizarre. C'est mieux que je garde les choses laxistes. L'ami d'abord, le leader d'abord, n'est-ce pas? Non, ils doivent me respecter. Ce n'est probablement pas une bonne idée. Il s'est avéré à Li qu'il devrait probablement tenter un petit entretien avec la Viera. C'est ce que font les aventuriers, non? C'est une farce d'aventures. Tu sais, parler de trucs aventureux. Je devrais peut-être parler d'épées. J'utilise une épée, et elle aussi une épée, pour qu'on puisse parler d'épées. Mais c'est un autre genre d'épée. Ce n'est pas assez relatable, je suppose... Li a ouvert la bouche comme pour dire quelque chose, mais il s'est rendu compte qu'il n'avait pas encore pensé à ce dont ils devraient parler. Normalement, il serait gêné d'avoir l'air d'avoir quelque chose à dire, mais alors totalement gelé, mais il est venu à une deuxième réalisation peu après; à savoir, que Cici avait déjà marché juste devant lui et était en train de discuter avec le client. Je lui parlerai plus tard, je suppose. C'est un long trajet en chariot. "Le plaisir est pour moi! Je suis Bartz Klauser, madame. Je suppose que vous n'êtes pas celui qui fait la fusion du cerveau et la convocation du démon, alors. Vous avez l'air un peu trop poli pour être pris dans cette affaire, je pense," a gâché l'ancien rancher. « Je vous serrerais la main, mais j'ai bien peur que Chocobo ne crache sur les deux », a-t-il ajouté, avec un autre ronflement, quoique légèrement plus maladroit cette fois-ci. "J'apprécie que vous aidiez mon ranch. Je suppose que votre patron là-bas vous donnera tous les détails une fois que tout le monde sera là." Li a hurlé absent, perdu dans la pensée à nouveau. Chocobos a-t-il vraiment du slobber? C'est dégueulasse. Plus gros que je ne le pensais, je suppose.
Name: Li'Kemnon Race: Bangaa Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: Li is a muscular Bangaa of average height with pale purple and white scales and sharp, reptilian features. His ears are of flat and medium length with two piercings. Despite his less civilized sea rat roots, Li carries himself with a proud and upright posture that makes him seem a bit taller than he really is. Despite his sharp teeth and a long tongue, Li's default expression is a toothy grin that looks almost a bit doofy and conveys a strange amount of warmth. His accent is particularly thick, and he's very heavy on the S's (even for a Bangaa). Job: Soldier Clothing/Armor: Li tends to keep his armor on the lighter side considering he's a sailor first and a soldier second, but he wears enough to keep himself safe while on the job. Aside from a spiked neck plate held in place by a leather harness, Li wears a pair of heavy cloth trousers with metal shin plates supported by an armored belt. Li's hands and forearms are protected by metal gauntlets with articulated fingers and sharp claws, although he prefers not to wear these when he's not in battle. Weapons: Li's not a particularly experienced warrior and up to this point he's not yet felt the need to acquire a well crafted weapon or even take care of the one he has. Li's trusty blade is nothing more than a beat up old machete that hasn't had a proper sharpening for a good long while. Nevertheless, it gets the job done and it has yet to let Li down. It is sheathed at his waist, attached to his belt in a rudimentary scabbard that's no more than a few loops of old leather. Li's only other weapon is a small knife he keeps tucked in the fold of his armored belt, nestled in the small of his back. While it is only a simple fisherman's knife meant to gut fish and cut lines, it is still sharp and can be used in a pinch if Li is disarmed. Machete Inventory: Li is a simple country Bangaa and has few possessions to his name, most of which are kept in a small cloth satchel he slings across his back when he's not in battle. Water Canteen (satchel) Flask of cheap rum (satchel) Map of Ivalice's western coast (satchel) Wallet (kept in the fold of his belt, tucked in his waistband) Bandages (satchel) A length of fishing line (satchel) A broach made of coral, received as a gift from his mother (satchel) Attributes: HP: A- MP: E Attack: C+** Defense: B+ Magic: D- Resist: C* Speed: C** Abilities: ~Rush~ (Tier 2, Physical) In a sudden, visceral movement, the user dashes forward and delivers a lunging two handed overhead blow with all their might. The sudden unexpected burst of speed and strength will catch most opponents off guard if implemented at the right time. Even if the blocked, the blow is of such strength that it will often throw the opponent off balance and break their stance, and if it connects outright, it has a tendency to knock the opponent of their feet completely. However, the maneuver is tiring and becomes easier to dodge if it is predicted, meaning repeated use of the Rush is ill advised. Considering it is an unsubtle and inelegant maneuver, experienced swordsmen will find this technique telegraphed and unrefined, especially if the user's speed stat is relatively low. ~Vicious Bite~ (Passive, Tier 1) Your character's strong jaw and sharp teeth allow them to inflict painful bite wounds on opponents in battle, and also lets them bite through wood, leather, thick rope, and some other solid objects with ease. Personality: Li grew up an easy-going if unmotivated Bangaa with simple tastes and humble aspirations, but upon reaching young adulthood he developed a taste for adventure and exploration that made him into a much more outgoing person, but to a certain degree he's still something of a hapless country bumpkin to this day. Li grew up among entirely Bangaa in his small fishing town, and as such he is perhaps overly wary of the cultural variety of Ivalice and its many intricacies. He is in particular very suspicious of magicians, as he was brought up thinking magic was the work of monsters and dark spirits, a common belief among rural Bangaa (who are mostly warriors with little magical proficiency). He is fascinated by people with interesting stories despite his sheltered upbringing, and he currently endeavors to see if this clan business will help him create some legendary tales of his own. Li can be abrasive and blunt at times, as he has a rather plain way of articulating his thoughts, but he makes a genuine effort to treat others well if he thinks they deserve his kindness. He respects seasoned adventurers and strong warriors above all else. Backstory: Li'Kemnon was born to a fisherman and his wife in the small fishing town of Gallowmere, located about a day's ride from the mouth of the Ulei River on the Western Coast of Ivalice. An unremarkable hamlet in its own right, one of the few reasons why anyone would pass through Gallowmere was to ride the ferry across the river, although the construction of a bridge half a day's ride further inland made the ferry nearly obsolete. Li grew up enjoying his simple life as a fisherman's son, and although his family was poor and he had very little, he was content with the idea of becoming a fisherman himself and living out a quiet life like his father before him. Sailing up and down the river and spending relaxing evenings fishing and drinking rum with his friends seemed to be enough for the young Bangaa. While he enjoyed stories of Bangaa heroes slaying monsters and going on adventures, he knew in his heart that he wasn't meant for that kind of life. On one lazy afternoon on the river, Li ran into an old wayfarer who asked him for passage across the river. A wise and mysterious Nu Mou, the man immediately recognized Li's surname, claiming that he had once heard of Li's father, Bal'Kemnon, back during the golden age of clans in Ivalice. Apparently Li's father was more than just an old fisherman from a no-name river town; he was once the leader of a notorious pirate clan who sailed the seas looking for treasure and adventure, although back then he went by the name of Captain Bikke. Shocked that his father would keep such a secret from him, Li returned home that night with more questions than ever. Reluctantly, Li's father shared his tale for the first time since he'd given up piracy. He was indeed the famous Captain Bikke, although he found his deeds to be far less glamorous than the old sailor tales made them out to be. He explained that he gave up his life sailing the seas because of a fateful voyage that cost many of his faithful crew members their lives. Bal had insisted that the crew set out to slay the mythical sea serpent, Leviathan, in order to bring great honor to the crew and have their names go down in history forever. Despite the reservations of his crew, they set out after Leviathan and attempted to defeat the beast. The attempt failed miserably, however, and nearly half of the crew died in the ensuing battle. After such a tragedy, brought on by his own hubris, Captain Bikke dissolved the crew and went into hiding, taking up residence in Gallowmere to live out the rest of his days in peace. Rather than being disgusted or ashamed of his father, Li was strangely invigorated by his father's lamentations. He now knew that he had the blood of a true adventurer flowing through his veins, and he endeavored to create his own stories of adventure and renown to live up to his father's legacy. Against his father's wishes, Li left Gallowmere and sailed for the city of Cyril, leaving his home behind in search of glory and excitement. It was at this point that he realized he knew very little of Ivalice, as he had rarely dared to venture far from his home until now. At the advisement of another traveler he met on the road to Cyril, Li decided to form an adventuring clan to help him get off the ground. Whether these errant adventurers would be the motley crew that would help him put his name in the history books or simply be a handful of grunts he'd dump once they stopped being useful had yet to be seen. Wallet: After the long journey to Cyril, Li's already paltry savings have dwindled down to 20 gil, all in silver coins.
Moguri marchait avidement le long du chemin jusqu'au début de sa nouvelle aventure, pas sûr de sprinter, sauter pour la joie, ou les deux. Il a décidé des deux. Son pom-pom-pom rouge foncé bombait de haut en bas en rythme avec la foulée précipitée de Moguri, comme si frénétique d'arriver aussi bien. Moguri s'est arrêté pendant un bref moment sur le chemin. Il regardait le château au loin, s'interrogeant. Ses ailes flottaient dans la douce brise. Se baissant dans les rayons d'un jour de printemps ensoleillé, son esprit s'égara vers les navires, vers la vie qu'il avait quittée, comme il l'avait souvent fait. Les souvenirs ont commencé, comme d'habitude, comme un tableau des moments les plus heureux de Moguri. Son premier voyage en avion, son apprentissage, et ainsi de suite. Son esprit a alors rappelé un nom, Rébellieux, qui est parti aussi vite qu'il est venu. Il a souvent essayé de se rappeler toute corrélation entre le nom et comment il s'était réveillé à des kilomètres de chez lui dans la ville de Cyril, mais n'a jamais pu faire le lien. C'était comme si les souvenirs étaient enfermés loin de la portée, visibles mais non réalisables, glissés mais toujours insaisissables. Cette réminiscence s'est terminée de la même façon, comme une tentative frustrée de rappeler le passé. Moguri a laissé un soupir profond, décidant qu'il était temps de s'éloigner de la sécurité du soleil en faveur de l'incertitude d'une aventure. Après tout, si son esprit était occupé, le passé ne pouvait pas le troubler. Il est parti alors, reprenant avec l'enthousiasme de saut-hop-jump qui a eu un moment il a quitté. Après peu de temps, Moguri entendit des voix se refermer. Le pattern de parole distinct d'une Bangaa était facilement identifiable, et deux autres voix pas si facilement reconnaissables. Il se demandait quels membres de son clan seraient les premiers oiseaux. Au fur et à mesure que les trois chiffres se sont révélés clairs, il a noté la fille de Viera, Cici, qu'il croyait être son nom, se dirigeant vers ce qui aurait pu être le client, car il n'était probablement pas un membre du clan, et leur chef, debout apparemment inexcité. Il a entendu la fille appeler son nom. Cici s'est approché du client avec empressement. En voyant ses futurs compagnons, Moguri se promène avec enthousiasme en avant jusqu'à ce qu'il se tienne devant la Bangaa. "Moguri ici! C'est un plaisir de vous revoir, kupo!"
Name: Moguri Mogi Age: 14 Hume years, young adult Gender: Male Appearance: Moguri stands at 3 feet, rather tall as opposed to most of his kin. He is well muscled for such a small figure, but not bulky. The additional strength makes his speed a force to be reckoned with. His fur is thick, soft, and snow white, apart from blackened swirls that resemble crop circles on his chest and left leg. The fur in these two areas is shorter and coarse. Moguri's wings are a dark black to match his seemingly burned fur. His eyes are a deep chestnut color. Job: Thief Clothing/Armor: Moguri wears a simple leather vest with slight padding for maximum mobility. Over his vest he wears an olive-green colored hooded robe, worn black leather boots, and black pants. Moguri wears a necklace / obsidian pendant given to him by his mother. Supposedly, it has some sort of magical power, though all of Moguri's efforts to unlock it have been absolutely fruitless. He also keeps a small backpack in which his items are carried. Weapons: Moguri carries an assortment of small knives in various places on his person. All the blades are custom made for his size, meaning they have smaller hilts and are mostly light weight. One is held on each leg inside his pants, each is 6 inches. Another three smaller 5 inch daggers used mostly for throwing are strapped to the topside of his vest for ease of access, underneath his robe. One more longer 'sword', of 9 inches, is positioned on his waist. All are bound by leather and the tips are carefully covered to avoid self-injury. Inventory: In his backpack 2x Sharpening stones 3x Lockpick sets 1x Potion 2x Loaves semi-stale bread 1X Water flask Attributes: HP:D MP:D ATK:C* DEF:C** MAG:D+ RES:C SPEED:S+** Abilities: (As named by our wonderful GM) ~Thiefish Roll~ (Tier 1, Physical) Upon landing from a long fall, the user executes a graceful tuck and roll, mitigating most fall damage from all but the most staggering of heights. Also allows your character to pull off deadly sneak attacks from above by jumping down from rooftops, trees and other high places without hurting or embarrassing themselves. ~Throw Some Shit~ (Tier 1, Physical) Unlike an untrained, decidedly non-thiefish combatant, your character is capable of throwing items and weapons with astounding accuracy due to lots of practice. Bladed weapons will always land blade-first, javelins and throwing spears will always be on target, and when your character refers to places that are "a stone's throw" away, they're referring to a much longer distance than the average person... because they can throw stuff pretty dang far. ~Disarm~ (Tier 1, Magical) The user concentrates lightning ether in their fingers and then sends a strong jolt of electricity through whatever they're touching. If the user is touching an opponent's held weapon, the jolt will travel through the weapon and briefly shock the wielder's hand, potentially causing them to drop their weapon from the intense stinging sensation. The jolt can also be transferred to the opponent if the thief has locked blades with them, as the charge will travel through the thief's blade and then into the opponent's weapon. However, if the intended target has a high Defense stat, they are less likely to be disarmed. This spell is also less likely to work if the thief overuses it, as the opponent can ready themselves to receive the shock and potentially be able to hold on to their weapon through the brief pain. ~Scan~ (Tier 2, Magical) After a moment of preparation, the user channels ether into their eyes, allowing them to temporarily improve their senses and perceive things normally invisible to the naked eye. This includes seeing more clearly in dark or hazy areas, as well as noticing hidden things like concealed weapons, hidden doors, buried treasure, and sneaky snakes lying in wait in the bushes and other such tomfoolery. If your character has a rill rill bad feeling about some stuff it's probably a good idea to scan around. Scan also has uses in combat; scanning another combatant will reveal their highest stat and lowest stat and their job (explained through more subtle and less meta indicators in-story, obviously), and in the case of monsters and beasts, it will reveal their elemental weaknesses (if any). Personality: Moguri is as most other moogles are: curious, intelligent, and driven. He and his kin are among the smartest of any race and display such traits through innovative solutions to difficult problems. Moguri is loyal to those he calls friend and willing to put his life on the line for others. Despite being protective, he is not bloodthirsty. In fact, Moguri is quite the pacifist and will avoid conflict whenever possible. He is intent on helping others and can often be too trusting. He seems to dislike fire. Backstory: Moguri's past isn't particularly good or bad. He was raised in Baguba among a city of industry and developement...and moogles. From the moment Moguri saw one he knew what he wanted to be: an airship mechanic. And so, through much of his childhood, he apprenticed under his father, a middling mechanic with a little wealth but nothing close to rich. He had never met his mother, but it was said she was as good a mechanic as father. She had died in a fire less than a year after Moguri was born, a tragic airship accident that cost all the crew their lives. He wished he could remember her, dreamed of it everyday. Yet some things are not meant to be. After a few years as an apprentice mechanic, Moguri left Baguba to be an assitant on an airship. The Levrange painted on the sides still looked crystal clear in his mind. He enjoyed his new career, worked diligently at it. By the time he was 12 he had seen much of the major cities of the world, learned their ways, and their various crafts. By 13 he was a novice mechanic, moving towards the ultimate goal of one day becoming a master mechanic. Nor was this meant to be. Just weeks after his 14th birthday, Moguri's new ship, Rebellious, made a cargo run from Baguba to Cyril carrying prestine Moogle flintlock pistols to a growing clan. Moguri remembers very little else. Just a weightlessness, a burning sensation, and waking up in Cyril to find his captain and crew dead. The black fur on Moguri's chest and leg remind him too frequently of the recent accident, an accident he wishes to forget by separating from his past life and career. He wishes now to join a clan and adventure the world, sightseeing and discovering all there is to know. Wallet: Moguri's wallet contains 78 gil (2 gold, 7 silver, 3 copper) and is in the bottom of his right boot.
Chapel n'avait pas vraiment fait partie d'un groupe depuis qu'il a quitté sa maison, donc l'idée de faire partie d'un clan était plus qu'un peu excitante. Certes, cela signifierait très probablement qu'il devrait se battre plus souvent, mais cela en valait la peine. Certes, la chose la plus intelligente à faire aurait été de rejoindre un clan plus stable, mais il n'avait honnêtement pas pensé à rejoindre un clan avant de voir la publicité pour celui-ci. C'est pour cela qu'il s'est retrouvé à la tête de la ville. On aurait dit qu'il ne serait pas le premier (à côté du chef du clan et du client) là-bas, car il pouvait voir une viera et un pompon de moogle « Je me demande quel genre de but ils servent? » Chapel pensa à lui-même à propos du pompon dit. Une fois qu'il s'est approché assez près, il leur a parlé de "greetings!" Il l'a laissé là un peu avant qu'il ne soit assez proche pour atteindre et les toucher "Bonjour monsieur, mon nom est Chapelle" Chapelle s'est présenté au vieil homme avec une poignée de main. "J'espère ne pas être en retard. J'ai perdu un peu de temps.
Name: Chapel Race: Hume Age: 29 Gender: Male Appearance: Job: White Monk Clothing/Armor: As a White Monk, Chapel wears the bare minimum of armor. Wearing only padded clothing to protect himself Weapons: None. As a White Monk, he has forsaken tools of war. Instead choosing to use his own body Inventory: Only his wallet and the clothes on his back Attributes: HP: C MP: E Attack: B* Defense: C Magic: C** Resist: C+** Speed: C Abilities: ~Air Render~ (Tier 1, Physical) The user punches forward with such force and speed that they generate a small wave of compressed air in front of them. The wave travels quickly, but has limited range and carries only the force of a strong punch. Hitting with the initial punch makes this a brutal combination attack, as the target feels the force of both the strong punch and is then carried back and damaged further by the ensuing air-wave. ~Chakra~ (Tier Two, Magical) The user enters a meditative state, channeling the regenerative forces of the ether around them into their body. The user completes their meditation feeling rejuvenated, healing themselves of minor wounds and clearing themselves of status ailments. This technique is not advised for use in battle unless the user is actively being protected by an ally or has found a great hiding spot, as it requires total focus and leaves the meditator completely defenseless while they attempt to channel the energy. ~Voidspeaker~ (Passive, Tier 1) Your character is in tune with their spiritual energies and is capable of communicating with ghosts, the undead, and other beings outside of the material plane. Most spirits will only linger momentarily after their bodies are slain, but if a spirit has reason to remain in the material plane, your character will detect their presence and be able to hear their words. Spirits that have left the material plane will need to be summoned by a spirit medium or a summoner. Personality: Chapel is a good guy, and that's not just his broad moral affiliation, it's his entire character. He's compassionate, loves to help others, hate's to see people in pain, ect. Despite having a body trained to straight murder folks yo, he's a martial pacifist. So while he doesn't like to fight and prefers to solve problems with words, once he feels he has no choice but to fight, he will fight Backstory: baby Chapel was found by a group of Monks, along with his dying mother. Before passing on, she entrusted her only child to them. The Monks took the baby back to their monastery, to raise him as one of them. Chapel spent his entire childhood and teenage years within the monastery, learning the Monk's ways. While fighting had always scared him, the other Monks assured him that it was a good thing; Because if he really disliked fighting that much, then it meant that he would never use his powers to abuse the weak. Despite having a happy life at the monastery, Chapel always wondered what the outside world was like. He kept his dreams of exploring the lands beyond the monastery quiet though, to avoid offending the people who took him in and raised him, however they could easily tell what was on his mind. Now that he was an adult, the Monks thought it time for him to make his own place in the world, and sent him off. However, they made sure that he knew that he would always have a home there. Wallet: 1 Silver, 1 Copper
Les oreilles de Sarina flippaient de haut en bas alors qu'elle courait jusqu'au point de correspondance. Elle avait dormi dedans, le lit de l'auberge venait d'être confortable. C'était tellement dur de s'en sortir. Finalement, Kashaka l'a forcée à sortir du lit et Sarina a immédiatement réalisé qu'elle avait dormi trop longtemps. Elle avait passé des moments à prendre le petit déjeuner avant de se rendre rapidement hors de la ville. Sarina allait faire une terrible impression sur le premier clan dont elle faisait partie. A ce rythme, elle pourrait se faire virer et alors comment pourrait-elle voyager et regarder des monstres et apprendre des choses? Quand elle est arrivée à l'extérieur de la ville, elle a vu les gens qu'elle n'avait rencontrés que brièvement. Un Moogle, une Bangaa, une Viera, un Hume... n'y avait-il pas un autre hume? Peut-être qu'elle n'était pas la dernière après tout. Peut-être qu'elle n'était même pas en retard! "Salut les gars." Elle l'a dit avec enthousiasme. "Je suppose qu'on est sur le point d'y aller, alors quel est le plan de cap'n?" Sarina a demandé joyeusement au Bangaa, son nom était... Li'Kemnon? Ça sonnait bien. Peut-être qu'elle a évité de dire son nom jusqu'à ce que quelqu'un le confirme pour elle, jusqu'à ce qu'elle puisse juste le désigner comme cap'n. Parfois, Sarina s'émerveillait de son intelligence. Kashaka était confortablement enroulée autour de son cou. Après l'avoir forcée à se lever et tout.
Name: Sarina Race:Nu Mou Age: 20 in hume's years. Gender:Female Appearance: Just take away the bells and she keeps her ocarina in her bag or around her neck. Also oddly enough doesn't have any earrings. Job:Beastmaster Clothing/Armor: Basic Leather Weapons: Ocarina And a small dagger she keeps on her belt, you know for cutting food. Inventory: -First Aid Kit(satchel) -Snacks (satchel) -Rope (satchel) Attributes: HP: A+*, ** MP: D Attack: C+** Defense: B+ Magic: D+ Resist: B Speed: D+ ~Control Beast~ (Tier 1, Magical) After weakening, stunning, or otherwise hindering the mental faculties of a beast in combat, the user attempts to dominate the will of a beast using mind control. This involves the magical projection of the Beastmaster's mental ether into the mind of the target, so it will almost never succeed on human targets or beasts with a strong will or a stable mental state. Once the monster's will is rendered completely inert, the Beastmaster can command the monster to attack a target of their choosing through use of a sonic cue, like a musical instrument (bells, whistles, horns, drums, whatever) or any loud distinct sound like the snapping of a whip. Stronger monsters will require the user to expend more MP during the mental projection process, and will remain hypnotized for a shorter period of time. ~Summon Slime~ (Tier 1, Magical) After a moment of preparation, the user projects ether onto the ground in the form of a small but intricate summoning circle, roughly two feet in diameter. A small blue slime then rises from the circle's center in a flash of white light, fighting on behalf of the summoner. I say "fighting" somewhat loosely, as the dopey little blob moves at a walking pace and does little more than try to latch on to opponents and bite them with their gelatinous teeth. They can be dispatched with little trouble by any competent warrior when alone, but a slime can be an effective way to slow down opponents in the middle of larger fights when they have more targets to worry about, making them excellent as decoys or distractions, especially if more than one slime is summoned. If, by some miracle, the slime manages to avoid being slain, the summoning will expire after one minute either way. Summoning multiple slimes at a time can be effective, but it will exert an exponentially higher MP cost upon the summoner. ~Mana Whip~ (Tier 1, Magical) After a moment of preparation, the user projects their ether into physical form in the shape of a long spindly whip comprised of swirling blue energy. The whip can then be lashed at an enemy for minor damage at medium range. The mana whip has utility outside of combat, however, as it can also be used in a more precise form as a way to manipulate objects from a distance (picking up items, opening doors, flipping switches). The higher the user's Magic stat, the more weight the whip will be able to support and the longer it will be able to reach. However, the more work you do with the whip, the more MP it will consume in the process. ~Trained Familiar: <Kashaka>~ (Tier 1, Passive) Kashaka is a snake about four feet long. It has gray skin and is remarkably resilient with a sort of armored rocky hide(Equally adorable and same color, more made out of skin and scales). It has relatively small fangs but they have a powerful venom in them. First it causes a weakness in the muscles, then the weakness disappears but the target is put in a sort of mental daze, unable to react to things around them. This mental stupor can last for up to two minutes depending on how high the targets defense is and surprisingly leaves little long lasting ill effects on the target. Sarina prefers to use a sort of mindspeak with her when they are touching but at longer distances verbal commands work as well. Personality: Sarina is naturally very inquisitive, always wondering how things work and why. She is always polite with poeple she doesn't know but likes the thought of making friends. Sarina hates to be a bother but disregards this if she needs a question answered. She hates being cold specifically since it affects her ears most of all. Backstory: Sarina, as most No Mou do, grew up in Cadoan. Her parents were both fairly well off alchemists, certainly they made enough for the family to live a happy life. Sarina however did not share the same interest as her parents and was far more interested in learning about monsters. The first part of life was spent almost entirely devouring any texts she could that had information pertaining to them. She also quickly made friends with a snake her parents kept around for use in anesthetics. Sarina finally was old enough that she determined she was 'of age' and could strike out on her own. Her interest in monsters made her first destination obvious, the town of Cadoan, where a monster zoo was supposed to be. Immensely curious to learn more Sarina managed to convince her parents to give her some money for the trip and let her go to Cadoan. Wallet: Sarina has a total of about 30 gil in her possession, and her wallet is safely stored inside her satchel
Le reste de l'équipage était en train de s'emparer, et avec chaque nouvelle arrivée Li semblait se soucier de moins en moins de son "chef lointain" guise; combien étrange et validant cela se sentait, ayant des gens se présenter à vous. Pas seulement les gens, mais les guerriers! Aventuriers! Ce lot avait certainement déjà été sur une douzaine d'aventures chacune, et ils étaient là, l'appelant chef, le saluant avec respect. Ce truc d'aventure n'est pas trop dur. Je parie que j'aurai mon propre écuyer dans un mois. Je ne sais pas vraiment pourquoi j'aurais besoin d'un écuyer, mais je suis sûr que je vais trouver quelque chose pour lui. Peut-être qu'il était en avance sur lui-même. Il y aurait beaucoup de temps pour la rêverie pendant le trajet en chariot. Le premier à arriver après la Viera a été le moogle. Je le décrirais comme un maître d'acquisitions non autorisées. Li n'avait pas de problèmes avec des voleurs connus, et était heureux d'en avoir un dans l'équipe. Il ne s'occupait guère de la loi dans sa ville fluviale éloignée; les cours d'Ivalicien n'ont jamais perdu de vue les affaires des pêcheurs tribaux et les deux groupes semblaient n'avoir aucun problème avec cet arrangement, même avant que le gouvernement ne devienne corrompu et inefficace. Cependant, les conseils tribaux n'étaient pas plus indulgents; la sanction pour les voleurs était de perdre une main, de sorte que la plupart des voleurs Li savait qu'ils étaient assez bons pour éviter de se faire attraper et de mettre fin à leur carrière. Il savait qu'ils avaient de belles histoires, au moins. En tant que fils d'un pirate épouvantable, il n'était pas en mesure de juger qui que ce soit. L'idée d'un peu de moogle qui courait autour des cous cassés et qui bâillonnait les gens dans les ruelles l'a rendu un peu ringard, au moins en interne. Quand il grandit dans une ville de pêcheurs de bois, avec un tas de jougs, Li avait malheureusement eu de nombreux préjugés, mais il s'efforçait d'élargir ses horizons de plus d'une façon, maintenant qu'il se considérait comme un aventurier à part entière. Résistant à l'envie de dire "Mais je pensais que tout ce que la moogle était bon pour était de faire des bibelots magiques et de construire des dirigeables" lors du recrutement de Moguri faisait partie de cet effort. Cette jeune cutpurse semblait avoir tous les dix de ses doigts stubby laissés, donc il doit être compétent, à tout le moins. "Moguri ici! C'est un plaisir de vous revoir, kupo!" Si Li n'était pas un reptile de sang froid, il aurait rougi du moins. C'est un plaisir de me revoir? Moi? Aww shucks. Et en fait, ils font ce truc de "kupo", hein. Je pensais que c'était comme une exagération. Au moins, je n'ai pas de problèmes d'élocution bizarres. "Sssssssssssalutationsssssssssss, ami. Vous avez l'air prêt pour une aventure », a-t-il remarqué, en regardant la moogle. "C'est un beau manteau que tu as. Ça a l'air très... de poisson. C'est un mot, n'est-ce pas? Certainement," a muselé Li, pensant à haute voix. "Nous allons faire affaire avec Chocobo rustlers sur ce travail. Connaissez-vous l'entreprise? Aucune chance que nous rencontrions de vieux associés à vous?" Le moine était arrivé maintenant, et Li a répondu avec un clin d'œil rapide et un muttered "greetings" avant de retourner son attention au voleur de moogle. Les moines avaient toujours été respectés parmi les Bangaa et Li n'était pas une exception; il avait lui-même été considéré pour rejoindre le clergé comme un jeune garçon, mais il a été jugé inapte à communier avec les dieux en raison de sa faible naissance, non pas qu'il voulait particulièrement une vie de chasteté, de culte et de labeur. Il a envié leur force et leur piété; Li n'avait jamais parlé à un dieu ni déchiré un homme en deux de ses mains nues, donc je suppose Monks 2, Li 0 pour le moment. Bientôt! Mais la pensée d'un moine humain le rend un peu curieux; peut-être était-il un autre genre de moine? Converse-t-il avec d'autres dieux? Comment les humains peuvent - ils parler aux dieux de Bangaa? Étrange. Au moins, on pourrait lui faire confiance s'il était un peu comme les hommes les plus pieux. Le Nu Mou n'était pas loin derrière, arrivant au son des cloches de la tour de l'horloge. "Hé les gars!" Elle était exactement à l'heure, mais le conjureur des démons et du feu de l'enfer n'était pas encore arrivé. Peut-être avait-il perdu le temps de réaliser des expériences dans son laboratoire magique; Li a rappelé un vieux mythe autour de son village d'un chaman qui allait arracher des enfants qui s'aventuraient trop loin de chez eux, puis les ramener à son repaire où il allait rabattre leurs âmes de leur corps et les emprisonner à l'intérieur des animaux forestiers. Si Li savait ou non que ce n'était qu'un conte que l'aîné du village avait répandu pour empêcher les enfants de errer la nuit semblait être en question, mais on pouvait être certain que ce mythe et tous les autres avec lesquels il avait grandi affectaient certainement la façon dont Li pensait à l'étrange magister qui avait daigné rejoindre le clan des aventuriers de Li. "Je suppose qu'on est sur le point d'y aller, alors quel est le plan de cap'n?" elle a demandé. Li s'est évanouie en interne. C'est quoi, ça? Ohooooooh, si seulement mon père pouvait me voir maintenant. Père et fils, deux capitaines d'un équipage légendaire. Un jour, je serai aussi un nom de famille, j'en suis sûr. Quelque chose d'un sourire trop puant répandu sur le visage de Li, mais avec Bangaa c'était toujours difficile à dire; leurs caractéristiques reptiliennes les faisaient tous ressembler à des serpents puants, dans une certaine mesure. En parlant de serpents, Li a été surpris qu'on puisse dormir si sainement en plein jour. Les serpents Li avait grandi avec étaient tous des couleuvres d'eau sauvages, des créatures terribles et un mauvais présage pour les gens les plus superstitieuses. Mais celui-ci semblait bien se comporter. Le Nu Mou semblait vraiment bon avec les bêtes. Li était certaine qu'elle s'avérerait utile à la lumière du problème récent des monstres qui plaguaient la campagne. "Le plan était de partir à trois, mais nous sommes à court d'un tel tisserand de chaos, il semblerait," soupira Li. Il ne pouvait pas paraître trop ennuyé par le retard du mage, car cela le rendrait trop dur et trop strict. Mais il ne pouvait pas non plus le laisser aller sans mention; sûrement ils le penseraient doux et douteraient de son autorité. Toute personne raisonnable remarquerait que délibérer sur la façon de répondre à un homme étant une minute ou deux en retard est clairement surpensant les choses, mais Li, un chef naissant encore savourant son premier goût de pouvoir n'était pas ce que la plupart des gens considéreraient raisonnable. Il a pensé que ce serait mieux de faire une blague à ce sujet. Ce serait attachant, n'est-ce pas? "Si un homme peut appeler la foudre du ciel et invoquer le feu de l'enfer lui-même, vous penseriez qu'il pourrait être en mesure de se fabriquer une façon de dire le temps. Pourquoi ne pas simplement se téléporter ici dans un nuage de fumée et de soufre? Pourquoi ne pas simplement lever un dragon fait d'os et de malédictions et voler à votre guise?" Il s'est demandé à haute voix. "Peut-être que de simples mortels peuvent lui apprendre une chose ou deux sur la ponctualité. Apparemment, ce n'est pas quelque chose que l'on peut apprendre d'un vieux tome poussiéreux." C'était peut-être trop méchant? Je ne veux pas qu'ils pensent que je suis mesquine... Pendant ce temps, M. Klauser a accueilli le moine avec un sourire chaleureux et un bonjour, acceptant la poignée de main de Chapel absent, oubliant qu'il venait de refuser spécifiquement une poignée de main parce qu'il avait Chocobo craché sur ses mains. Comme un tel bruit de calvitie assez troublant résulte de leur tremblement, et une grande "humidité" a été donnée à la paume du moine. -- Oh, mille excuses, monsieur! Je viens de finir de nourrir mon ami Boko ici », a expliqué l'ancien éleveur, mortifié. "Désolé, vous devrez excuser la maladresse de ce vieux fou; j'avais l'habitude d'être comme vous beaucoup, d'aventurer autour d'eux et d'autres choses. Boko et moi étions toute l'équipe... oh! C'est terriblement désolé! Mon nom est Bartz Klauser. Vous devrez pardonner ma grossièreté une deuxième fois, monsieur », a-t-il ajouté. Le fait que Chapel était un très grand et musclé MAT STACK d'un Hume a rendu l'ancien rancheur nerveux de rencontrer son regard, malgré la nature généralement douce du moine. En regardant le sol, Bartz a remarqué que Chapel n'avait pas d'armes sur sa ceinture. "Vous semblez avoir oublié vos armes là-bas, monsieur. La route pourrait devenir désagréable pendant notre voyage; il y a beaucoup de bandits dans ces parties. Peut-être que l'un de vos compagnons a apporté une lame supplémentaire pour vous?" Il s'est interrogé, un peu inquiet. Chapelle ne portait pas de symboles pour indiquer sa communauté de moines, et il semblerait à la moyenne commune qu'il apparaissait indistinguable de votre type de guerrier typique.
Name: Li'Kemnon Race: Bangaa Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: Li is a muscular Bangaa of average height with pale purple and white scales and sharp, reptilian features. His ears are of flat and medium length with two piercings. Despite his less civilized sea rat roots, Li carries himself with a proud and upright posture that makes him seem a bit taller than he really is. Despite his sharp teeth and a long tongue, Li's default expression is a toothy grin that looks almost a bit doofy and conveys a strange amount of warmth. His accent is particularly thick, and he's very heavy on the S's (even for a Bangaa). Job: Soldier Clothing/Armor: Li tends to keep his armor on the lighter side considering he's a sailor first and a soldier second, but he wears enough to keep himself safe while on the job. Aside from a spiked neck plate held in place by a leather harness, Li wears a pair of heavy cloth trousers with metal shin plates supported by an armored belt. Li's hands and forearms are protected by metal gauntlets with articulated fingers and sharp claws, although he prefers not to wear these when he's not in battle. Weapons: Li's not a particularly experienced warrior and up to this point he's not yet felt the need to acquire a well crafted weapon or even take care of the one he has. Li's trusty blade is nothing more than a beat up old machete that hasn't had a proper sharpening for a good long while. Nevertheless, it gets the job done and it has yet to let Li down. It is sheathed at his waist, attached to his belt in a rudimentary scabbard that's no more than a few loops of old leather. Li's only other weapon is a small knife he keeps tucked in the fold of his armored belt, nestled in the small of his back. While it is only a simple fisherman's knife meant to gut fish and cut lines, it is still sharp and can be used in a pinch if Li is disarmed. Machete Inventory: Li is a simple country Bangaa and has few possessions to his name, most of which are kept in a small cloth satchel he slings across his back when he's not in battle. Water Canteen (satchel) Flask of cheap rum (satchel) Map of Ivalice's western coast (satchel) Wallet (kept in the fold of his belt, tucked in his waistband) Bandages (satchel) A length of fishing line (satchel) A broach made of coral, received as a gift from his mother (satchel) Attributes: HP: A- MP: E Attack: C+** Defense: B+ Magic: D- Resist: C* Speed: C** Abilities: ~Rush~ (Tier 2, Physical) In a sudden, visceral movement, the user dashes forward and delivers a lunging two handed overhead blow with all their might. The sudden unexpected burst of speed and strength will catch most opponents off guard if implemented at the right time. Even if the blocked, the blow is of such strength that it will often throw the opponent off balance and break their stance, and if it connects outright, it has a tendency to knock the opponent of their feet completely. However, the maneuver is tiring and becomes easier to dodge if it is predicted, meaning repeated use of the Rush is ill advised. Considering it is an unsubtle and inelegant maneuver, experienced swordsmen will find this technique telegraphed and unrefined, especially if the user's speed stat is relatively low. ~Vicious Bite~ (Passive, Tier 1) Your character's strong jaw and sharp teeth allow them to inflict painful bite wounds on opponents in battle, and also lets them bite through wood, leather, thick rope, and some other solid objects with ease. Personality: Li grew up an easy-going if unmotivated Bangaa with simple tastes and humble aspirations, but upon reaching young adulthood he developed a taste for adventure and exploration that made him into a much more outgoing person, but to a certain degree he's still something of a hapless country bumpkin to this day. Li grew up among entirely Bangaa in his small fishing town, and as such he is perhaps overly wary of the cultural variety of Ivalice and its many intricacies. He is in particular very suspicious of magicians, as he was brought up thinking magic was the work of monsters and dark spirits, a common belief among rural Bangaa (who are mostly warriors with little magical proficiency). He is fascinated by people with interesting stories despite his sheltered upbringing, and he currently endeavors to see if this clan business will help him create some legendary tales of his own. Li can be abrasive and blunt at times, as he has a rather plain way of articulating his thoughts, but he makes a genuine effort to treat others well if he thinks they deserve his kindness. He respects seasoned adventurers and strong warriors above all else. Backstory: Li'Kemnon was born to a fisherman and his wife in the small fishing town of Gallowmere, located about a day's ride from the mouth of the Ulei River on the Western Coast of Ivalice. An unremarkable hamlet in its own right, one of the few reasons why anyone would pass through Gallowmere was to ride the ferry across the river, although the construction of a bridge half a day's ride further inland made the ferry nearly obsolete. Li grew up enjoying his simple life as a fisherman's son, and although his family was poor and he had very little, he was content with the idea of becoming a fisherman himself and living out a quiet life like his father before him. Sailing up and down the river and spending relaxing evenings fishing and drinking rum with his friends seemed to be enough for the young Bangaa. While he enjoyed stories of Bangaa heroes slaying monsters and going on adventures, he knew in his heart that he wasn't meant for that kind of life. On one lazy afternoon on the river, Li ran into an old wayfarer who asked him for passage across the river. A wise and mysterious Nu Mou, the man immediately recognized Li's surname, claiming that he had once heard of Li's father, Bal'Kemnon, back during the golden age of clans in Ivalice. Apparently Li's father was more than just an old fisherman from a no-name river town; he was once the leader of a notorious pirate clan who sailed the seas looking for treasure and adventure, although back then he went by the name of Captain Bikke. Shocked that his father would keep such a secret from him, Li returned home that night with more questions than ever. Reluctantly, Li's father shared his tale for the first time since he'd given up piracy. He was indeed the famous Captain Bikke, although he found his deeds to be far less glamorous than the old sailor tales made them out to be. He explained that he gave up his life sailing the seas because of a fateful voyage that cost many of his faithful crew members their lives. Bal had insisted that the crew set out to slay the mythical sea serpent, Leviathan, in order to bring great honor to the crew and have their names go down in history forever. Despite the reservations of his crew, they set out after Leviathan and attempted to defeat the beast. The attempt failed miserably, however, and nearly half of the crew died in the ensuing battle. After such a tragedy, brought on by his own hubris, Captain Bikke dissolved the crew and went into hiding, taking up residence in Gallowmere to live out the rest of his days in peace. Rather than being disgusted or ashamed of his father, Li was strangely invigorated by his father's lamentations. He now knew that he had the blood of a true adventurer flowing through his veins, and he endeavored to create his own stories of adventure and renown to live up to his father's legacy. Against his father's wishes, Li left Gallowmere and sailed for the city of Cyril, leaving his home behind in search of glory and excitement. It was at this point that he realized he knew very little of Ivalice, as he had rarely dared to venture far from his home until now. At the advisement of another traveler he met on the road to Cyril, Li decided to form an adventuring clan to help him get off the ground. Whether these errant adventurers would be the motley crew that would help him put his name in the history books or simply be a handful of grunts he'd dump once they stopped being useful had yet to be seen. Wallet: After the long journey to Cyril, Li's already paltry savings have dwindled down to 20 gil, all in silver coins.
Chapel l'a balancé : "Ce n'est pas du tout un problème. Une petite salive de Chocobo n'a jamais fait de mal à personne" il a essuyé ses mains sur ses vêtements "vous verrez que je ne suis pas facile à offenser" a-t-il ajouté. "Quant à mon manque d'arme, je vous assure que ce n'était pas une erreur de ma part. En tant que Monk, j'ai entraîné mon corps à servir d'arme, si la violence était inévitable. Je réalise qu'il doit être étrange de voir un Hume comme moi-même un Monk, mais j'ai été élevé dans un monastère aussi longtemps que je peux me souvenir, donc il est logique que j'ai été enseigné les voies du Monk. Votre souci pour ma sécurité est très apprécié, mais inutile. »
Name: Chapel Race: Hume Age: 29 Gender: Male Appearance: Job: White Monk Clothing/Armor: As a White Monk, Chapel wears the bare minimum of armor. Wearing only padded clothing to protect himself Weapons: None. As a White Monk, he has forsaken tools of war. Instead choosing to use his own body Inventory: Only his wallet and the clothes on his back Attributes: HP: C MP: E Attack: B* Defense: C Magic: C** Resist: C+** Speed: C Abilities: ~Air Render~ (Tier 1, Physical) The user punches forward with such force and speed that they generate a small wave of compressed air in front of them. The wave travels quickly, but has limited range and carries only the force of a strong punch. Hitting with the initial punch makes this a brutal combination attack, as the target feels the force of both the strong punch and is then carried back and damaged further by the ensuing air-wave. ~Chakra~ (Tier Two, Magical) The user enters a meditative state, channeling the regenerative forces of the ether around them into their body. The user completes their meditation feeling rejuvenated, healing themselves of minor wounds and clearing themselves of status ailments. This technique is not advised for use in battle unless the user is actively being protected by an ally or has found a great hiding spot, as it requires total focus and leaves the meditator completely defenseless while they attempt to channel the energy. ~Voidspeaker~ (Passive, Tier 1) Your character is in tune with their spiritual energies and is capable of communicating with ghosts, the undead, and other beings outside of the material plane. Most spirits will only linger momentarily after their bodies are slain, but if a spirit has reason to remain in the material plane, your character will detect their presence and be able to hear their words. Spirits that have left the material plane will need to be summoned by a spirit medium or a summoner. Personality: Chapel is a good guy, and that's not just his broad moral affiliation, it's his entire character. He's compassionate, loves to help others, hate's to see people in pain, ect. Despite having a body trained to straight murder folks yo, he's a martial pacifist. So while he doesn't like to fight and prefers to solve problems with words, once he feels he has no choice but to fight, he will fight Backstory: baby Chapel was found by a group of Monks, along with his dying mother. Before passing on, she entrusted her only child to them. The Monks took the baby back to their monastery, to raise him as one of them. Chapel spent his entire childhood and teenage years within the monastery, learning the Monk's ways. While fighting had always scared him, the other Monks assured him that it was a good thing; Because if he really disliked fighting that much, then it meant that he would never use his powers to abuse the weak. Despite having a happy life at the monastery, Chapel always wondered what the outside world was like. He kept his dreams of exploring the lands beyond the monastery quiet though, to avoid offending the people who took him in and raised him, however they could easily tell what was on his mind. Now that he was an adult, the Monks thought it time for him to make his own place in the world, and sent him off. However, they made sure that he knew that he would always have a home there. Wallet: 1 Silver, 1 Copper
En comptant mentalement, Cici est arrivé à la conclusion que l'équipe était une courte. Le Hume Black Mage n'est pas venu. Il ne semblait pas être celui qui était en retard, mais personne ici ne se connaissait vraiment. On aura le temps de se connaître. Surtout avec un si petit clan. Perdu dans la pensée, Cici a failli rater la poignée de main de Chocobo sur lui, ce qui lui a fait étouffer un petit rire. Nous avons donc un Voiler/Warrior, un Voleur, un Moine pacifiste, deux Mages différents, et moi-même. Qu'est-ce qu'on fabrique? Est-ce là le but des clans : rassembler des étrangers pour aider les gens?
Name: Cici Verdin Race: Viera Age: Mid 30's in human years Gender: Female Appearance: Cici is an average height Viera well into her life with her hair more gray than white. Her eyes are like ocean water, a blueish green that sometimes seems to shimmer when she's excited. Her ears are a little shorter than most others', but that usually helps her fencing (with less top-weight). Job: Fencer Clothing/Armor: This is Cici's usual attire and armor. She uses regular clothing and cloth armor, only adding some leather pads over her chest and vital joints to assure maximum mobility. Weapons: She uses the family sword that used to be mounted above the fireplace (in a sheathe). Her parents gave it to her before she left the house. It was prized by her father and plans to keep it well sharpened. Her father gave her the proper belt to hold the sword and its sheathe, which she has it properly attached. She also took a kitchen knife and tucked it in her boot, just in case. She figured she'd use it more often to cut up food, but it never hurts to have a backup. Inventory: Cici has a bag clipped around her right leg with a few extra items: Waterskin (filled) "Gauze" and wrapping Coin purse Attributes: HP:B MP:D Attack:B+ Defense:C+** Magic:C Resist:C- Speed:A*** Abilities: ~Swallowtail~ (Tier 2, Physical) The user attacks foes on all sides with a flurry of powerful slashes, making use of their excellent fencing footwork to rotate quickly without losing balance or getting dizzy. The flurry can be maintained for roughly five seconds or until the user dispatches all foes, whichever comes first. Useful for dealing with multiple opponents, but the exertion of attacking and moving so quickly and furiously will tire out the user and leave them vulnerable to counterattacks. The fatigue from this maneuver prevents it from being used repeatedly. ~Quickdraw~ (Tier 1, Passive) Your character exceeds at quickly drawing and readying their weapon in battle, making it difficult to catch them off guard as long as they can see you. If a fight breaks out unexpectedly your character will almost always be the first one attacking or counterattacking due to their keen instincts and reflexes. Personality: Cici is a quiet individual, lost in her own thoughts more often then not. She's a tactical thinker and prefers to eliminate small talk whenever possible, but might be just hiding her feelings under the surface of her overworking herself mentally. Nobody knows yet, because nobody has gotten to know her past her tacticious ways. Backstory: Cici was born into an ex-Clan family. They had trouble finding work, since at the time, the military monopolized all fighting. Her father tried any legal activities he could fit himself into, but eventually succumbed to an assassin organization, only because it put food on the table. He changed his legal name so that he could disassociate his name from what he did at "work". Cici's family lived well, but not happy. Her father had to "work" during the night more often than not, and her mother worked tirelessly to find him a day job that he could do that paid anywhere near what he made on "the night shift", but to no avail. A few years down the road, Cici's father fell ill, and the assassin group was a "work til you die" group, and demanded either her father or someone in his bloodline filled his space. Cici's mother wouldn't let Cici take her father's place, but sent for his brother instead. It wasn't the noblest of acts, but all her father cared for was Cici's safety. When clans started coming back up, her father urged her to join them and maybe someday remove the assassin organization, which probably turned itself into a guild, from this land. Cici promised to do anything she could and sends money home whenever she can. Wallet: After just sending some money home, Cici has all of 10 gil.
Oh, mes excuses. Je trouve étrange que vous ne portiez pas de symboles sacrés, mais peut-être que c'est plus une chose sacerdotale que quelque chose dont vous les moines sont concernés. Néanmoins, je suis heureux d'entendre que les dieux se battent dans votre dos; cela inspire de l'espoir pour notre race en moi, frère, a-t-il admis, avec un sourire chaleureux. "Certainement, nous aurons besoin de leur faveur en ces temps troublants." Tout comme il y avait cinq races à Ivalice, il y avait cinq dieux principaux dans la religion ivalicienne: Phoenix, dieu des Humes; Ifrit, dieu des Bangaa; Shiva, déesse de la Viera; Ramuh, dieu du Nu Mou; et Carbuncle, dieu du Moogle. Madeen était considéré comme le père de tous les Dieux, représentant l'équilibre, l'harmonie, l'unité et la surveillance au fil du temps et du destin. Comme les moines ont adopté la neutralité et la pureté, ils ont été consacrés plus à Madeen que n'importe lequel des cinq autres, bien que les sectes spécialisées des moines consacrés à certains dieux n'étaient pas inouïes. Li visiblement froncé pour la première fois toute la journée. Dès son tout premier jour en tant que chef de clan, l'un de ses membres avait déjà négligé de se présenter, semble-t-il. Cela semblait seulement affirmer toutes les préconceptions négatives de Li envers les sorciers en général. Je suppose que j'aurais dû m'y attendre; les gens méfiants ont aussi tendance à ne pas être fiables. Je vais devoir le traquer plus tard et on va parler de ponctualité... et peut-être revoir son contrat. Il était déjà dix derniers trois, et Li se sentait prêt à l'appeler. "Nous allons partir maintenant. Il ne sert plus à rien d'attendre le chaman; peut-être qu'un sort a tourné en arrière et qu'il s'est transformé en un essaim de sauterelles. Je n'ai pas entendu parler d'où je viens », a muselé Li, essayant de déguiser son irritation avec un peu d'humour. "Mes excuses, M. Klauser. Les grands sorciers ont tendance à être des gens excentriques avec... des horaires nébuleux », a expliqué le Bangaa, non pas qu'il ait jamais connu de grands sorciers à son époque. Bartz, Cici et Chapel se sont rendus à l'arrière du wagon pour rejoindre les autres. "Pas de soucis, mon ami. Ce lot semble assez suffisant pour gérer quelques brigands seuls. Un aventurier de moins à payer, je suppose. Le ranch a vu de meilleurs jours, mais j'ai assez pour vous indemniser tous, ne vous inquiétez pas », a-t-il assuré le groupe, nerveusement. Il serait malavisé de laisser ce groupe de guerriers quelque peu imposants sans compensation, après tout. Cet homme pourrait sûrement les payer... n'est-ce pas? Li avait ses doutes, mais le vieil homme semblait assez gentil. Il y avait une certaine chaleur et une certaine authenticité qui le rendaient facile à faire confiance. "Si vous ne l'avez pas encore rencontré, voici M. Klauser. Il sera notre premier client; il possède un ranch Chocobo à environ une heure ou deux à l'est d'ici dans les plaines à l'extérieur de la limite ouest du col de Lutia, mais il a récemment eu des problèmes avec les rouilleurs Chocobo et son entreprise a été blessé à cause de cela. Il n'a pas encore été en mesure de déterminer exactement qui sont les coupables, mais vu qu'il y a deux clans de bandits connus qui opèrent dans le col, M. Klauser ne pense pas que nous devrons regarder très fort », a poursuivi Li. "Je vais t'expliquer plus en chemin. Tout le monde dans le chariot, s'il vous plaît," a-t-il demandé sérieusement, gesticulant vers le vieux chariot de rickety. "Soyez attentifs aux attelles! J'utilise surtout cette vieille chose pour transporter des sacs de nourriture et de foin, donc ce n'est pas exactement une voiture de luxe », a averti le rancheur, lentement mais sûrement en grimpant dans son siège à l'avant du wagon et en prenant les règnes en main. Li aidait ses nouveaux compagnons à monter et à monter dans le chariot (s'ils en avaient besoin; il n'osait pas offrir d'aide à Chapel, car le moine semblait être le genre d'homme robuste qui ferait de telles choses par lui-même) avant de prendre place dans le dos. Avec un coup rapide des règnes, ils étaient en route, laissant derrière eux les portes de Cyril. Malgré cela, les hautes tours du château Cyril se profilèrent au loin, volant les bannières rouges et noires de Lord Ingus de Sasune, duc de Cyril et tacticien militaire rusé. Sous la domination d'Ingus, la campagne entourant Cyril avait été considérée comme l'un des endroits les plus sûrs d'Ivalice en raison des patrouilles diligentes des troupes cyrilliennes. Cependant, depuis qu'un magistrat de Bervenia, le chancelier Hein, a été nommé Grand Vizier de Cyril, Ingus a été réduit à rien de plus qu'une figure de proue politique, impuissante à aider son peuple. Cette nomination forcée des chanceliers berveniens fut l'une des nombreuses décisions impopulaires prises par Matoya pour centraliser le pouvoir dans le royaume de Mewt. Les tours ont fini par disparaître de la vue, et la campagne s'est étendue devant elles. Il ne semblait pas y avoir de monstres en vue pour le moment, mais se souvenant à quel point son voyage dans Cyril avait été laissé Li avec très peu d'espoir que tout le voyage serait si agréable. Il s'efforça de poursuivre son explication avant que les choses ne deviennent trop agitées. "J'ai fait un peu de questions autour de ces deux clans de bandits que nous pourrions rencontrer, les Flèches Rouges et les Hawks. Heureusement, ils sont des groupes assez remarquables, et les deux semblent être tombés dans des moments difficiles. Avec moins de voyageurs qui passent par Lutia Pass et plus de monstres se pointent chaque jour, il devient de moins en moins rentable et de plus en plus dangereux de travailler là-bas. Une grande partie des membres du clan ont déserté à la recherche d'un meilleur travail rémunéré, ce qui a forcé les sèves malchanceuses qui sont restées fidèles à s'embrancher et à commencer à bruir Chocobos et à piller des colonies pour joindre les deux bouts », explique Li. "Le ranch de M. Klauser a été attaqué pour la première fois il y a deux mois et les bruisseurs ont frappé presque toutes les semaines depuis, généralement dans les morts de la nuit mais parfois très tôt le matin. La semaine dernière, l'un des gardiens de l'écurie de M. Klauser a été tué lors d'un raid, et un précieux héritage a été volé à sa maison; un collier portant une plume dorée de Chocobo », a-t-il poursuivi. "Après le raid, un message a été laissé à M. Klauser, la première fois que les bruisseurs ont tenté de communiquer. La note ordonnait à M. Klauser d'emballer tous ses biens et de quitter le ranch, en emmenant sa famille et ses ouvriers avec lui, sinon les bandits reviendraient avec une plus grande fête de raid la semaine prochaine et les frapperaient encore plus fort », a-t-il noté, en prenant le petit morceau de parchemin de sa poche pour lire la note de première main. "Ils n'ont toujours pas signé la note cependant, donc nous ne savons pas lequel des deux clans à poursuivre à ce stade, bien que je suis assez confiant que ce doit être l'un des deux," soi-disant Li, jetant la note dans le centre du wagon au cas où quelqu'un voulait la lire. "Spécialement, notre travail est de se défendre contre ce raid potentiel et d'empêcher tout autre Chocobo d'être volé. Si possible ou nécessaire, nous serons également récompensés pour avoir capturé ou envoyé des bandits que nous rencontrons, une fois que nous aurons déterminé qui sont les coupables, bien sûr. Si nous le rencontrons, M. Klauser a également promis une récompense supplémentaire à quiconque récupère son collier à plumes Chocobo intact », a-t-il terminé. « Notre contrat dure jusqu'à ce que la menace de banditisme soit suffisamment neutralisée, et nous serons payés en fonction du temps que nos services restent nécessaires », a-t-il terminé. Li ne pensait pas qu'il avait oublié quoi que ce soit. Être un leader, c'est tellement parler. Une fois que j'aurai un écuyer, il s'occupera de tout le briefing et l'explication et je m'en tiendrai à faire des blagues et des propos cools de macho viril. Li a soupiré un soupir de soulagement. Ce n'était pas si mal. "De toute façon, j'ai pensé que ce serait bien d'en entendre un peu plus sur vous les gars. Je vous ai tous parlé individuellement quand je vous ai recruté, bien sûr, mais j'ai l'impression que vous ne vous connaissez pas si bien. Je parie que vous avez tous des histoires intéressantes. Je n'ai pas besoin d'une autobiographie complète. Partagez autant que vous le voulez. Des espoirs et des rêves? Des talents spéciaux? Des compagnons bizarres de serpents? Dis juste un peu plus, je suppose. Oh, et si vous avez des questions au sujet du travail ou de notre contrat, n'hésitez pas à poser des questions », a-t-il ajouté, se penchant pour vous mettre un peu plus à l'aise. Peut-être venait-il un peu trop fort avec la chanson et la danse de l'équipe, mais il se sentait vraiment assis dans un wagon avec un tas de gens qu'il connaissait à peine, et cela ne semblait pas une bonne idée s'il était sur le point de se battre avec ces autres aventuriers errants.
Name: Li'Kemnon Race: Bangaa Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: Li is a muscular Bangaa of average height with pale purple and white scales and sharp, reptilian features. His ears are of flat and medium length with two piercings. Despite his less civilized sea rat roots, Li carries himself with a proud and upright posture that makes him seem a bit taller than he really is. Despite his sharp teeth and a long tongue, Li's default expression is a toothy grin that looks almost a bit doofy and conveys a strange amount of warmth. His accent is particularly thick, and he's very heavy on the S's (even for a Bangaa). Job: Soldier Clothing/Armor: Li tends to keep his armor on the lighter side considering he's a sailor first and a soldier second, but he wears enough to keep himself safe while on the job. Aside from a spiked neck plate held in place by a leather harness, Li wears a pair of heavy cloth trousers with metal shin plates supported by an armored belt. Li's hands and forearms are protected by metal gauntlets with articulated fingers and sharp claws, although he prefers not to wear these when he's not in battle. Weapons: Li's not a particularly experienced warrior and up to this point he's not yet felt the need to acquire a well crafted weapon or even take care of the one he has. Li's trusty blade is nothing more than a beat up old machete that hasn't had a proper sharpening for a good long while. Nevertheless, it gets the job done and it has yet to let Li down. It is sheathed at his waist, attached to his belt in a rudimentary scabbard that's no more than a few loops of old leather. Li's only other weapon is a small knife he keeps tucked in the fold of his armored belt, nestled in the small of his back. While it is only a simple fisherman's knife meant to gut fish and cut lines, it is still sharp and can be used in a pinch if Li is disarmed. Machete Inventory: Li is a simple country Bangaa and has few possessions to his name, most of which are kept in a small cloth satchel he slings across his back when he's not in battle. Water Canteen (satchel) Flask of cheap rum (satchel) Map of Ivalice's western coast (satchel) Wallet (kept in the fold of his belt, tucked in his waistband) Bandages (satchel) A length of fishing line (satchel) A broach made of coral, received as a gift from his mother (satchel) Attributes: HP: A- MP: E Attack: C+** Defense: B+ Magic: D- Resist: C* Speed: C** Abilities: ~Rush~ (Tier 2, Physical) In a sudden, visceral movement, the user dashes forward and delivers a lunging two handed overhead blow with all their might. The sudden unexpected burst of speed and strength will catch most opponents off guard if implemented at the right time. Even if the blocked, the blow is of such strength that it will often throw the opponent off balance and break their stance, and if it connects outright, it has a tendency to knock the opponent of their feet completely. However, the maneuver is tiring and becomes easier to dodge if it is predicted, meaning repeated use of the Rush is ill advised. Considering it is an unsubtle and inelegant maneuver, experienced swordsmen will find this technique telegraphed and unrefined, especially if the user's speed stat is relatively low. ~Vicious Bite~ (Passive, Tier 1) Your character's strong jaw and sharp teeth allow them to inflict painful bite wounds on opponents in battle, and also lets them bite through wood, leather, thick rope, and some other solid objects with ease. Personality: Li grew up an easy-going if unmotivated Bangaa with simple tastes and humble aspirations, but upon reaching young adulthood he developed a taste for adventure and exploration that made him into a much more outgoing person, but to a certain degree he's still something of a hapless country bumpkin to this day. Li grew up among entirely Bangaa in his small fishing town, and as such he is perhaps overly wary of the cultural variety of Ivalice and its many intricacies. He is in particular very suspicious of magicians, as he was brought up thinking magic was the work of monsters and dark spirits, a common belief among rural Bangaa (who are mostly warriors with little magical proficiency). He is fascinated by people with interesting stories despite his sheltered upbringing, and he currently endeavors to see if this clan business will help him create some legendary tales of his own. Li can be abrasive and blunt at times, as he has a rather plain way of articulating his thoughts, but he makes a genuine effort to treat others well if he thinks they deserve his kindness. He respects seasoned adventurers and strong warriors above all else. Backstory: Li'Kemnon was born to a fisherman and his wife in the small fishing town of Gallowmere, located about a day's ride from the mouth of the Ulei River on the Western Coast of Ivalice. An unremarkable hamlet in its own right, one of the few reasons why anyone would pass through Gallowmere was to ride the ferry across the river, although the construction of a bridge half a day's ride further inland made the ferry nearly obsolete. Li grew up enjoying his simple life as a fisherman's son, and although his family was poor and he had very little, he was content with the idea of becoming a fisherman himself and living out a quiet life like his father before him. Sailing up and down the river and spending relaxing evenings fishing and drinking rum with his friends seemed to be enough for the young Bangaa. While he enjoyed stories of Bangaa heroes slaying monsters and going on adventures, he knew in his heart that he wasn't meant for that kind of life. On one lazy afternoon on the river, Li ran into an old wayfarer who asked him for passage across the river. A wise and mysterious Nu Mou, the man immediately recognized Li's surname, claiming that he had once heard of Li's father, Bal'Kemnon, back during the golden age of clans in Ivalice. Apparently Li's father was more than just an old fisherman from a no-name river town; he was once the leader of a notorious pirate clan who sailed the seas looking for treasure and adventure, although back then he went by the name of Captain Bikke. Shocked that his father would keep such a secret from him, Li returned home that night with more questions than ever. Reluctantly, Li's father shared his tale for the first time since he'd given up piracy. He was indeed the famous Captain Bikke, although he found his deeds to be far less glamorous than the old sailor tales made them out to be. He explained that he gave up his life sailing the seas because of a fateful voyage that cost many of his faithful crew members their lives. Bal had insisted that the crew set out to slay the mythical sea serpent, Leviathan, in order to bring great honor to the crew and have their names go down in history forever. Despite the reservations of his crew, they set out after Leviathan and attempted to defeat the beast. The attempt failed miserably, however, and nearly half of the crew died in the ensuing battle. After such a tragedy, brought on by his own hubris, Captain Bikke dissolved the crew and went into hiding, taking up residence in Gallowmere to live out the rest of his days in peace. Rather than being disgusted or ashamed of his father, Li was strangely invigorated by his father's lamentations. He now knew that he had the blood of a true adventurer flowing through his veins, and he endeavored to create his own stories of adventure and renown to live up to his father's legacy. Against his father's wishes, Li left Gallowmere and sailed for the city of Cyril, leaving his home behind in search of glory and excitement. It was at this point that he realized he knew very little of Ivalice, as he had rarely dared to venture far from his home until now. At the advisement of another traveler he met on the road to Cyril, Li decided to form an adventuring clan to help him get off the ground. Whether these errant adventurers would be the motley crew that would help him put his name in the history books or simply be a handful of grunts he'd dump once they stopped being useful had yet to be seen. Wallet: After the long journey to Cyril, Li's already paltry savings have dwindled down to 20 gil, all in silver coins.
Cici écouta attentivement le briefing et remarqua ensuite l'épuisement apparent de Li. Une fois qu'il a élevé le partage d'eux-mêmes, Cici a pensé que ce serait bien, surtout si l'un d'eux était dedans pour plus que de l'argent. Cici n'est pas du tout en meilleure position pour parler, mais il semblait plus qu'elle pensait à haute voix, contrastant avec le visage public super amical qu'elle a mis plus tôt. Elle commence à parler avec sa tête au-dessus de ses mains. "Père était dans une guilde. Les parents m'ont exhorté à en prendre un parce que c'est du travail pour la vie. Sans travailler à mort."
Name: Cici Verdin Race: Viera Age: Mid 30's in human years Gender: Female Appearance: Cici is an average height Viera well into her life with her hair more gray than white. Her eyes are like ocean water, a blueish green that sometimes seems to shimmer when she's excited. Her ears are a little shorter than most others', but that usually helps her fencing (with less top-weight). Job: Fencer Clothing/Armor: This is Cici's usual attire and armor. She uses regular clothing and cloth armor, only adding some leather pads over her chest and vital joints to assure maximum mobility. Weapons: She uses the family sword that used to be mounted above the fireplace (in a sheathe). Her parents gave it to her before she left the house. It was prized by her father and plans to keep it well sharpened. Her father gave her the proper belt to hold the sword and its sheathe, which she has it properly attached. She also took a kitchen knife and tucked it in her boot, just in case. She figured she'd use it more often to cut up food, but it never hurts to have a backup. Inventory: Cici has a bag clipped around her right leg with a few extra items: Waterskin (filled) "Gauze" and wrapping Coin purse Attributes: HP:B MP:D Attack:B+ Defense:C+** Magic:C Resist:C- Speed:A*** Abilities: ~Swallowtail~ (Tier 2, Physical) The user attacks foes on all sides with a flurry of powerful slashes, making use of their excellent fencing footwork to rotate quickly without losing balance or getting dizzy. The flurry can be maintained for roughly five seconds or until the user dispatches all foes, whichever comes first. Useful for dealing with multiple opponents, but the exertion of attacking and moving so quickly and furiously will tire out the user and leave them vulnerable to counterattacks. The fatigue from this maneuver prevents it from being used repeatedly. ~Quickdraw~ (Tier 1, Passive) Your character exceeds at quickly drawing and readying their weapon in battle, making it difficult to catch them off guard as long as they can see you. If a fight breaks out unexpectedly your character will almost always be the first one attacking or counterattacking due to their keen instincts and reflexes. Personality: Cici is a quiet individual, lost in her own thoughts more often then not. She's a tactical thinker and prefers to eliminate small talk whenever possible, but might be just hiding her feelings under the surface of her overworking herself mentally. Nobody knows yet, because nobody has gotten to know her past her tacticious ways. Backstory: Cici was born into an ex-Clan family. They had trouble finding work, since at the time, the military monopolized all fighting. Her father tried any legal activities he could fit himself into, but eventually succumbed to an assassin organization, only because it put food on the table. He changed his legal name so that he could disassociate his name from what he did at "work". Cici's family lived well, but not happy. Her father had to "work" during the night more often than not, and her mother worked tirelessly to find him a day job that he could do that paid anywhere near what he made on "the night shift", but to no avail. A few years down the road, Cici's father fell ill, and the assassin group was a "work til you die" group, and demanded either her father or someone in his bloodline filled his space. Cici's mother wouldn't let Cici take her father's place, but sent for his brother instead. It wasn't the noblest of acts, but all her father cared for was Cici's safety. When clans started coming back up, her father urged her to join them and maybe someday remove the assassin organization, which probably turned itself into a guild, from this land. Cici promised to do anything she could and sends money home whenever she can. Wallet: After just sending some money home, Cici has all of 10 gil.
Chapelle simplement râpée "J'ai plus ou moins juste résumé toute ma vie jusqu'à ce point. Cela n'a peut-être pas été une vie très excitante ou mouvementée, mais c'était ma vie, et je ne l'échangerais contre aucune autre dans le monde. » C'était sa réponse simple. Alors que l'absence de mage était un peu bouleversante, il semblait que les autres ici étaient des gens décents. On vient peut-être de se rencontrer, mais je peux me voir travailler avec ces gens pour un moment. Bien que... le frère Moni disait toujours que je pouvais être trop optimiste. J'espère qu'on ne rencontrera pas de bandits, car je doute qu'on puisse parler paisiblement. Ne vous plaignez plus à ce sujet, je suppose. »
Name: Chapel Race: Hume Age: 29 Gender: Male Appearance: Job: White Monk Clothing/Armor: As a White Monk, Chapel wears the bare minimum of armor. Wearing only padded clothing to protect himself Weapons: None. As a White Monk, he has forsaken tools of war. Instead choosing to use his own body Inventory: Only his wallet and the clothes on his back Attributes: HP: C MP: E Attack: B* Defense: C Magic: C** Resist: C+** Speed: C Abilities: ~Air Render~ (Tier 1, Physical) The user punches forward with such force and speed that they generate a small wave of compressed air in front of them. The wave travels quickly, but has limited range and carries only the force of a strong punch. Hitting with the initial punch makes this a brutal combination attack, as the target feels the force of both the strong punch and is then carried back and damaged further by the ensuing air-wave. ~Chakra~ (Tier Two, Magical) The user enters a meditative state, channeling the regenerative forces of the ether around them into their body. The user completes their meditation feeling rejuvenated, healing themselves of minor wounds and clearing themselves of status ailments. This technique is not advised for use in battle unless the user is actively being protected by an ally or has found a great hiding spot, as it requires total focus and leaves the meditator completely defenseless while they attempt to channel the energy. ~Voidspeaker~ (Passive, Tier 1) Your character is in tune with their spiritual energies and is capable of communicating with ghosts, the undead, and other beings outside of the material plane. Most spirits will only linger momentarily after their bodies are slain, but if a spirit has reason to remain in the material plane, your character will detect their presence and be able to hear their words. Spirits that have left the material plane will need to be summoned by a spirit medium or a summoner. Personality: Chapel is a good guy, and that's not just his broad moral affiliation, it's his entire character. He's compassionate, loves to help others, hate's to see people in pain, ect. Despite having a body trained to straight murder folks yo, he's a martial pacifist. So while he doesn't like to fight and prefers to solve problems with words, once he feels he has no choice but to fight, he will fight Backstory: baby Chapel was found by a group of Monks, along with his dying mother. Before passing on, she entrusted her only child to them. The Monks took the baby back to their monastery, to raise him as one of them. Chapel spent his entire childhood and teenage years within the monastery, learning the Monk's ways. While fighting had always scared him, the other Monks assured him that it was a good thing; Because if he really disliked fighting that much, then it meant that he would never use his powers to abuse the weak. Despite having a happy life at the monastery, Chapel always wondered what the outside world was like. He kept his dreams of exploring the lands beyond the monastery quiet though, to avoid offending the people who took him in and raised him, however they could easily tell what was on his mind. Now that he was an adult, the Monks thought it time for him to make his own place in the world, and sent him off. However, they made sure that he knew that he would always have a home there. Wallet: 1 Silver, 1 Copper
Sarina leva la main comme une écolière : « Oh, j'ai une étrange compagne de serpent! Elle s'appelle Kashaka." Elle a tapé la tête de Kashaka légèrement pour la réveiller. Kashaka a ripé et 'est resté' sur la tête de Sarina en regardant ses nouvelles compagnes. Elle bâillait tout simplement en exposant ses petits crocs, puis s'enfonçait et reprenait sa position plus confortable autour du cou de Sarina. "Elle est super gentille et ma meilleure amie. À part ça, je peux faire un peu de magie et je suis là pour en apprendre plus sur, et bien tout." Elle l'a dit joyeusement. Sarina espérait que Chapel avait raison, elle ne savait pas comment elle réagirait s'ils devaient se battre. Tout ce qu'elle pouvait faire, c'était espérer qu'ils ne l'aient pas fait. S'ils se débrouillaient bien, elle le comprendrait.
Name: Sarina Race:Nu Mou Age: 20 in hume's years. Gender:Female Appearance: Just take away the bells and she keeps her ocarina in her bag or around her neck. Also oddly enough doesn't have any earrings. Job:Beastmaster Clothing/Armor: Basic Leather Weapons: Ocarina And a small dagger she keeps on her belt, you know for cutting food. Inventory: -First Aid Kit(satchel) -Snacks (satchel) -Rope (satchel) Attributes: HP: A+*, ** MP: D Attack: C+** Defense: B+ Magic: D+ Resist: B Speed: D+ ~Control Beast~ (Tier 1, Magical) After weakening, stunning, or otherwise hindering the mental faculties of a beast in combat, the user attempts to dominate the will of a beast using mind control. This involves the magical projection of the Beastmaster's mental ether into the mind of the target, so it will almost never succeed on human targets or beasts with a strong will or a stable mental state. Once the monster's will is rendered completely inert, the Beastmaster can command the monster to attack a target of their choosing through use of a sonic cue, like a musical instrument (bells, whistles, horns, drums, whatever) or any loud distinct sound like the snapping of a whip. Stronger monsters will require the user to expend more MP during the mental projection process, and will remain hypnotized for a shorter period of time. ~Summon Slime~ (Tier 1, Magical) After a moment of preparation, the user projects ether onto the ground in the form of a small but intricate summoning circle, roughly two feet in diameter. A small blue slime then rises from the circle's center in a flash of white light, fighting on behalf of the summoner. I say "fighting" somewhat loosely, as the dopey little blob moves at a walking pace and does little more than try to latch on to opponents and bite them with their gelatinous teeth. They can be dispatched with little trouble by any competent warrior when alone, but a slime can be an effective way to slow down opponents in the middle of larger fights when they have more targets to worry about, making them excellent as decoys or distractions, especially if more than one slime is summoned. If, by some miracle, the slime manages to avoid being slain, the summoning will expire after one minute either way. Summoning multiple slimes at a time can be effective, but it will exert an exponentially higher MP cost upon the summoner. ~Mana Whip~ (Tier 1, Magical) After a moment of preparation, the user projects their ether into physical form in the shape of a long spindly whip comprised of swirling blue energy. The whip can then be lashed at an enemy for minor damage at medium range. The mana whip has utility outside of combat, however, as it can also be used in a more precise form as a way to manipulate objects from a distance (picking up items, opening doors, flipping switches). The higher the user's Magic stat, the more weight the whip will be able to support and the longer it will be able to reach. However, the more work you do with the whip, the more MP it will consume in the process. ~Trained Familiar: <Kashaka>~ (Tier 1, Passive) Kashaka is a snake about four feet long. It has gray skin and is remarkably resilient with a sort of armored rocky hide(Equally adorable and same color, more made out of skin and scales). It has relatively small fangs but they have a powerful venom in them. First it causes a weakness in the muscles, then the weakness disappears but the target is put in a sort of mental daze, unable to react to things around them. This mental stupor can last for up to two minutes depending on how high the targets defense is and surprisingly leaves little long lasting ill effects on the target. Sarina prefers to use a sort of mindspeak with her when they are touching but at longer distances verbal commands work as well. Personality: Sarina is naturally very inquisitive, always wondering how things work and why. She is always polite with poeple she doesn't know but likes the thought of making friends. Sarina hates to be a bother but disregards this if she needs a question answered. She hates being cold specifically since it affects her ears most of all. Backstory: Sarina, as most No Mou do, grew up in Cadoan. Her parents were both fairly well off alchemists, certainly they made enough for the family to live a happy life. Sarina however did not share the same interest as her parents and was far more interested in learning about monsters. The first part of life was spent almost entirely devouring any texts she could that had information pertaining to them. She also quickly made friends with a snake her parents kept around for use in anesthetics. Sarina finally was old enough that she determined she was 'of age' and could strike out on her own. Her interest in monsters made her first destination obvious, the town of Cadoan, where a monster zoo was supposed to be. Immensely curious to learn more Sarina managed to convince her parents to give her some money for the trip and let her go to Cadoan. Wallet: Sarina has a total of about 30 gil in her possession, and her wallet is safely stored inside her satchel
Moguri a pensé une seconde à ce que Li lui avait demandé. Est-ce qu'il savait dans les bruisseurs de Chocobo? Il ne pouvait se souvenir de rien s'il l'avait fait. Honnêtement, Moguri était le mieux adapté pour le combat des voleurs à cause de sa dextérité et de son traîneau de main. Il n'avait vraiment pas établi un nom pour lui-même comme toute sorte de criminel, et n'était certainement pas familier avec les bandits de Chocobo à Baguba. Cependant, il n'était pas familier avec Cyril en général. La récente création de clans avait fait reculer l'activité des navires aériens dans cette région. Le premier voyage de Moguri était celui-ci. "Je déteste ne pas être utile, mais je ne peux pas dire que je le fais. Si c'était quelqu'un de sérieux, je suis sûr que nous saurions qui c'était, Kupo." Après avoir parlé à Li, le groupe a embarqué dans le wagon de M. Klauser et a commencé leur voyage. Moguri a écouté tranquillement la brève description des autres de leur introduction à la vie de clan avant de commencer sa propre histoire. Au début, il ne savait pas comment expliquer sa situation, car il ne pouvait pas se souvenir de la majorité de celle-ci. Il a décidé de commencer à la dernière place dont il s'est souvenu. "J'étais mécanicien de vaisseau aérien, Kupo. Mon dernier vol, je travaillais à devenir mécanicien à part entière. Nous allions à Cyril pour livrer... quelque chose, je ne me souviens pas de quoi, mais c'était important. Ensuite, je me suis réveillée ici, blessée et... sans équipage. J'ai décidé d'essayer quelque chose de différent. Et me voilà, Kupo. Le dernier «kupo» ressemblait plus à un soupir qu'à un enthousiasme. Comme il a fini, Moguri a placé sa tête dans ses mains et a laissé sortir un calme "Kuuuupooooooo....". Sa pommade s'est effondrée dans ses yeux momentanément, en partie pour essuyer les larmes, et en partie pour que ses compagnons aventuriers ne voient pas. L'inconscience en avait fait une chose facile à oublier. Mais c'était beaucoup plus dur, plus douloureux, de se souvenir.
Name: Moguri Mogi Age: 14 Hume years, young adult Gender: Male Appearance: Moguri stands at 3 feet, rather tall as opposed to most of his kin. He is well muscled for such a small figure, but not bulky. The additional strength makes his speed a force to be reckoned with. His fur is thick, soft, and snow white, apart from blackened swirls that resemble crop circles on his chest and left leg. The fur in these two areas is shorter and coarse. Moguri's wings are a dark black to match his seemingly burned fur. His eyes are a deep chestnut color. Job: Thief Clothing/Armor: Moguri wears a simple leather vest with slight padding for maximum mobility. Over his vest he wears an olive-green colored hooded robe, worn black leather boots, and black pants. Moguri wears a necklace / obsidian pendant given to him by his mother. Supposedly, it has some sort of magical power, though all of Moguri's efforts to unlock it have been absolutely fruitless. He also keeps a small backpack in which his items are carried. Weapons: Moguri carries an assortment of small knives in various places on his person. All the blades are custom made for his size, meaning they have smaller hilts and are mostly light weight. One is held on each leg inside his pants, each is 6 inches. Another three smaller 5 inch daggers used mostly for throwing are strapped to the topside of his vest for ease of access, underneath his robe. One more longer 'sword', of 9 inches, is positioned on his waist. All are bound by leather and the tips are carefully covered to avoid self-injury. Inventory: In his backpack 2x Sharpening stones 3x Lockpick sets 1x Potion 2x Loaves semi-stale bread 1X Water flask Attributes: HP:D MP:D ATK:C* DEF:C** MAG:D+ RES:C SPEED:S+** Abilities: (As named by our wonderful GM) ~Thiefish Roll~ (Tier 1, Physical) Upon landing from a long fall, the user executes a graceful tuck and roll, mitigating most fall damage from all but the most staggering of heights. Also allows your character to pull off deadly sneak attacks from above by jumping down from rooftops, trees and other high places without hurting or embarrassing themselves. ~Throw Some Shit~ (Tier 1, Physical) Unlike an untrained, decidedly non-thiefish combatant, your character is capable of throwing items and weapons with astounding accuracy due to lots of practice. Bladed weapons will always land blade-first, javelins and throwing spears will always be on target, and when your character refers to places that are "a stone's throw" away, they're referring to a much longer distance than the average person... because they can throw stuff pretty dang far. ~Disarm~ (Tier 1, Magical) The user concentrates lightning ether in their fingers and then sends a strong jolt of electricity through whatever they're touching. If the user is touching an opponent's held weapon, the jolt will travel through the weapon and briefly shock the wielder's hand, potentially causing them to drop their weapon from the intense stinging sensation. The jolt can also be transferred to the opponent if the thief has locked blades with them, as the charge will travel through the thief's blade and then into the opponent's weapon. However, if the intended target has a high Defense stat, they are less likely to be disarmed. This spell is also less likely to work if the thief overuses it, as the opponent can ready themselves to receive the shock and potentially be able to hold on to their weapon through the brief pain. ~Scan~ (Tier 2, Magical) After a moment of preparation, the user channels ether into their eyes, allowing them to temporarily improve their senses and perceive things normally invisible to the naked eye. This includes seeing more clearly in dark or hazy areas, as well as noticing hidden things like concealed weapons, hidden doors, buried treasure, and sneaky snakes lying in wait in the bushes and other such tomfoolery. If your character has a rill rill bad feeling about some stuff it's probably a good idea to scan around. Scan also has uses in combat; scanning another combatant will reveal their highest stat and lowest stat and their job (explained through more subtle and less meta indicators in-story, obviously), and in the case of monsters and beasts, it will reveal their elemental weaknesses (if any). Personality: Moguri is as most other moogles are: curious, intelligent, and driven. He and his kin are among the smartest of any race and display such traits through innovative solutions to difficult problems. Moguri is loyal to those he calls friend and willing to put his life on the line for others. Despite being protective, he is not bloodthirsty. In fact, Moguri is quite the pacifist and will avoid conflict whenever possible. He is intent on helping others and can often be too trusting. He seems to dislike fire. Backstory: Moguri's past isn't particularly good or bad. He was raised in Baguba among a city of industry and developement...and moogles. From the moment Moguri saw one he knew what he wanted to be: an airship mechanic. And so, through much of his childhood, he apprenticed under his father, a middling mechanic with a little wealth but nothing close to rich. He had never met his mother, but it was said she was as good a mechanic as father. She had died in a fire less than a year after Moguri was born, a tragic airship accident that cost all the crew their lives. He wished he could remember her, dreamed of it everyday. Yet some things are not meant to be. After a few years as an apprentice mechanic, Moguri left Baguba to be an assitant on an airship. The Levrange painted on the sides still looked crystal clear in his mind. He enjoyed his new career, worked diligently at it. By the time he was 12 he had seen much of the major cities of the world, learned their ways, and their various crafts. By 13 he was a novice mechanic, moving towards the ultimate goal of one day becoming a master mechanic. Nor was this meant to be. Just weeks after his 14th birthday, Moguri's new ship, Rebellious, made a cargo run from Baguba to Cyril carrying prestine Moogle flintlock pistols to a growing clan. Moguri remembers very little else. Just a weightlessness, a burning sensation, and waking up in Cyril to find his captain and crew dead. The black fur on Moguri's chest and leg remind him too frequently of the recent accident, an accident he wishes to forget by separating from his past life and career. He wishes now to join a clan and adventure the world, sightseeing and discovering all there is to know. Wallet: Moguri's wallet contains 78 gil (2 gold, 7 silver, 3 copper) and is in the bottom of his right boot.
Reparler de ses pensées, mais parler assez clairement pour que tout le monde entende ses pensées à haute voix."donc nous l'avons" a-t-elle muselé. "Une guilde-fille, un pacifiste, un charmeur de serpent magique, et un thief devenu mécanicien. Alors notre maître de guilde. En plus d'un mage sans spectacle. Quel groupe nous sommes." Se rendant compte qu'elle parlait son esprit à haute voix et qu'il était assez fort pour que tout le monde entende, Cecelia a couvert sa bouche de la main sur laquelle son menton se reposait au fur et à mesure que ses yeux grandissaient et regardaient autour.
Name: Cici Verdin Race: Viera Age: Mid 30's in human years Gender: Female Appearance: Cici is an average height Viera well into her life with her hair more gray than white. Her eyes are like ocean water, a blueish green that sometimes seems to shimmer when she's excited. Her ears are a little shorter than most others', but that usually helps her fencing (with less top-weight). Job: Fencer Clothing/Armor: This is Cici's usual attire and armor. She uses regular clothing and cloth armor, only adding some leather pads over her chest and vital joints to assure maximum mobility. Weapons: She uses the family sword that used to be mounted above the fireplace (in a sheathe). Her parents gave it to her before she left the house. It was prized by her father and plans to keep it well sharpened. Her father gave her the proper belt to hold the sword and its sheathe, which she has it properly attached. She also took a kitchen knife and tucked it in her boot, just in case. She figured she'd use it more often to cut up food, but it never hurts to have a backup. Inventory: Cici has a bag clipped around her right leg with a few extra items: Waterskin (filled) "Gauze" and wrapping Coin purse Attributes: HP:B MP:D Attack:B+ Defense:C+** Magic:C Resist:C- Speed:A*** Abilities: ~Swallowtail~ (Tier 2, Physical) The user attacks foes on all sides with a flurry of powerful slashes, making use of their excellent fencing footwork to rotate quickly without losing balance or getting dizzy. The flurry can be maintained for roughly five seconds or until the user dispatches all foes, whichever comes first. Useful for dealing with multiple opponents, but the exertion of attacking and moving so quickly and furiously will tire out the user and leave them vulnerable to counterattacks. The fatigue from this maneuver prevents it from being used repeatedly. ~Quickdraw~ (Tier 1, Passive) Your character exceeds at quickly drawing and readying their weapon in battle, making it difficult to catch them off guard as long as they can see you. If a fight breaks out unexpectedly your character will almost always be the first one attacking or counterattacking due to their keen instincts and reflexes. Personality: Cici is a quiet individual, lost in her own thoughts more often then not. She's a tactical thinker and prefers to eliminate small talk whenever possible, but might be just hiding her feelings under the surface of her overworking herself mentally. Nobody knows yet, because nobody has gotten to know her past her tacticious ways. Backstory: Cici was born into an ex-Clan family. They had trouble finding work, since at the time, the military monopolized all fighting. Her father tried any legal activities he could fit himself into, but eventually succumbed to an assassin organization, only because it put food on the table. He changed his legal name so that he could disassociate his name from what he did at "work". Cici's family lived well, but not happy. Her father had to "work" during the night more often than not, and her mother worked tirelessly to find him a day job that he could do that paid anywhere near what he made on "the night shift", but to no avail. A few years down the road, Cici's father fell ill, and the assassin group was a "work til you die" group, and demanded either her father or someone in his bloodline filled his space. Cici's mother wouldn't let Cici take her father's place, but sent for his brother instead. It wasn't the noblest of acts, but all her father cared for was Cici's safety. When clans started coming back up, her father urged her to join them and maybe someday remove the assassin organization, which probably turned itself into a guild, from this land. Cici promised to do anything she could and sends money home whenever she can. Wallet: After just sending some money home, Cici has all of 10 gil.
Li chuckled comme Cici a résumé tout si bien, faisant une note mentale pour ajouter "guildmaster" à la liste des choses qu'il se permettrait d'être appelé à partir de maintenant. "Je ne pouvais pas demander un meilleur groupe! Étant donné que je vous ai tous choisis à la main à partir de centaines d'autres mots de vente errants, je dirais que la plus grande partie du crédit pour cette équipe incroyable est à moi », a-t-il plaisanté. Ce sont, en fait, les seules excuses pour les aventuriers prêts à signer avec un pays sans nom blockkin Bangaa. "Handpicked" était un peu un mauvais nom quand il n'y avait qu'une poignée d'entre eux pour commencer, mais de telles distinctions n'étaient pas d'importance pour lui; après tout, pour tout ce qu'ils savaient, il avait effectivement dépêché des centaines de candidats potentiels. « Eh bien, je suppose qu'on manque encore mon histoire, n'est-ce pas? Je ne peux pas parler autant de moi-même, mais je crois que je peux partager, » pensa-t-il en se penchant un peu plus dans son siège et en croisant les bras de façon nonchalante. Il répétait cette histoire dans sa tête depuis qu'il s'est réveillé ce matin-là. "J'étais le capitaine d'un navire marchand. Juste un vaisseau régulier, pas un vaisseau aérien ou quelque chose comme ça. Pendant des années, mon équipage et moi avons transporté des passagers et des marchandises de Bervenia à Baguba et partout ailleurs. Les dernières années avaient été difficiles pour l'équipage; il n'était tout simplement plus aussi sûr de naviguer. Les attaques de pirates devenaient de plus en plus fréquentes, et bientôt, presque toutes nos affaires avaient été prises par les marchands de navires aériens, qui pouvaient déplacer le fret plus rapidement et plus en toute sécurité que nous ne le pouvions », soupirait Li. Il se pencha alors un peu en avant, fermant les yeux et regardant vers le bas, comme si la partie suivante lui faisait souffrir de dire à haute voix. "L'équipage est devenu malheureux. Nous étions un petit moment même quand les affaires étaient bonnes, et à l'époque nous avons encore à peine fait assez pour nourrir nos familles. Nous n'avions pas le gil pour passer à un vaisseau aérien et trouver du travail était une lutte constante. Je ne pouvais rien faire pour les aider. Puis, un jour, mon premier compagnon s'est mis en scène une mutinerie, et tous sauf quelques-uns de l'équipage se sont ralliés derrière lui. Ils ont prévu de se joindre à une flotte de pirates pour gagner plus d'argent, mais ils savaient que je ne l'autoriserais jamais. Ils ont tué tous les hommes qui refusaient de mutiner, et ils voulaient me tuer aussi. Mais je me suis échappé, par miracle. C'était il y a trois mois..." Ils en mangent, j'en suis sûr. Je n'ai jamais su que j'étais un si grand acteur. "Mais maintenant je suis là! Et je ne pourrais pas être plus heureux avec ma nouvelle équipe. Pour autant que je sache, aucun d'entre vous ne prévoit actuellement de me tuer, ce qui représente une nette amélioration par rapport au dernier groupe que j'ai dirigé. Je ne suis pas sûr si j'ai mentionné cela dans le contrat, mais essayer de trancher la gorge de la guildmaster dans son sommeil est froncé », a-t-il noté, sèchement. "Mais je suis sûr que ce ne sera pas un problème. Vous avez l'air d'aller bien pour moi », a-t-il ajouté, de façon occasionnelle.
Name: Li'Kemnon Race: Bangaa Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: Li is a muscular Bangaa of average height with pale purple and white scales and sharp, reptilian features. His ears are of flat and medium length with two piercings. Despite his less civilized sea rat roots, Li carries himself with a proud and upright posture that makes him seem a bit taller than he really is. Despite his sharp teeth and a long tongue, Li's default expression is a toothy grin that looks almost a bit doofy and conveys a strange amount of warmth. His accent is particularly thick, and he's very heavy on the S's (even for a Bangaa). Job: Soldier Clothing/Armor: Li tends to keep his armor on the lighter side considering he's a sailor first and a soldier second, but he wears enough to keep himself safe while on the job. Aside from a spiked neck plate held in place by a leather harness, Li wears a pair of heavy cloth trousers with metal shin plates supported by an armored belt. Li's hands and forearms are protected by metal gauntlets with articulated fingers and sharp claws, although he prefers not to wear these when he's not in battle. Weapons: Li's not a particularly experienced warrior and up to this point he's not yet felt the need to acquire a well crafted weapon or even take care of the one he has. Li's trusty blade is nothing more than a beat up old machete that hasn't had a proper sharpening for a good long while. Nevertheless, it gets the job done and it has yet to let Li down. It is sheathed at his waist, attached to his belt in a rudimentary scabbard that's no more than a few loops of old leather. Li's only other weapon is a small knife he keeps tucked in the fold of his armored belt, nestled in the small of his back. While it is only a simple fisherman's knife meant to gut fish and cut lines, it is still sharp and can be used in a pinch if Li is disarmed. Machete Inventory: Li is a simple country Bangaa and has few possessions to his name, most of which are kept in a small cloth satchel he slings across his back when he's not in battle. Water Canteen (satchel) Flask of cheap rum (satchel) Map of Ivalice's western coast (satchel) Wallet (kept in the fold of his belt, tucked in his waistband) Bandages (satchel) A length of fishing line (satchel) A broach made of coral, received as a gift from his mother (satchel) Attributes: HP: A- MP: E Attack: C+** Defense: B+ Magic: D- Resist: C* Speed: C** Abilities: ~Rush~ (Tier 2, Physical) In a sudden, visceral movement, the user dashes forward and delivers a lunging two handed overhead blow with all their might. The sudden unexpected burst of speed and strength will catch most opponents off guard if implemented at the right time. Even if the blocked, the blow is of such strength that it will often throw the opponent off balance and break their stance, and if it connects outright, it has a tendency to knock the opponent of their feet completely. However, the maneuver is tiring and becomes easier to dodge if it is predicted, meaning repeated use of the Rush is ill advised. Considering it is an unsubtle and inelegant maneuver, experienced swordsmen will find this technique telegraphed and unrefined, especially if the user's speed stat is relatively low. ~Vicious Bite~ (Passive, Tier 1) Your character's strong jaw and sharp teeth allow them to inflict painful bite wounds on opponents in battle, and also lets them bite through wood, leather, thick rope, and some other solid objects with ease. Personality: Li grew up an easy-going if unmotivated Bangaa with simple tastes and humble aspirations, but upon reaching young adulthood he developed a taste for adventure and exploration that made him into a much more outgoing person, but to a certain degree he's still something of a hapless country bumpkin to this day. Li grew up among entirely Bangaa in his small fishing town, and as such he is perhaps overly wary of the cultural variety of Ivalice and its many intricacies. He is in particular very suspicious of magicians, as he was brought up thinking magic was the work of monsters and dark spirits, a common belief among rural Bangaa (who are mostly warriors with little magical proficiency). He is fascinated by people with interesting stories despite his sheltered upbringing, and he currently endeavors to see if this clan business will help him create some legendary tales of his own. Li can be abrasive and blunt at times, as he has a rather plain way of articulating his thoughts, but he makes a genuine effort to treat others well if he thinks they deserve his kindness. He respects seasoned adventurers and strong warriors above all else. Backstory: Li'Kemnon was born to a fisherman and his wife in the small fishing town of Gallowmere, located about a day's ride from the mouth of the Ulei River on the Western Coast of Ivalice. An unremarkable hamlet in its own right, one of the few reasons why anyone would pass through Gallowmere was to ride the ferry across the river, although the construction of a bridge half a day's ride further inland made the ferry nearly obsolete. Li grew up enjoying his simple life as a fisherman's son, and although his family was poor and he had very little, he was content with the idea of becoming a fisherman himself and living out a quiet life like his father before him. Sailing up and down the river and spending relaxing evenings fishing and drinking rum with his friends seemed to be enough for the young Bangaa. While he enjoyed stories of Bangaa heroes slaying monsters and going on adventures, he knew in his heart that he wasn't meant for that kind of life. On one lazy afternoon on the river, Li ran into an old wayfarer who asked him for passage across the river. A wise and mysterious Nu Mou, the man immediately recognized Li's surname, claiming that he had once heard of Li's father, Bal'Kemnon, back during the golden age of clans in Ivalice. Apparently Li's father was more than just an old fisherman from a no-name river town; he was once the leader of a notorious pirate clan who sailed the seas looking for treasure and adventure, although back then he went by the name of Captain Bikke. Shocked that his father would keep such a secret from him, Li returned home that night with more questions than ever. Reluctantly, Li's father shared his tale for the first time since he'd given up piracy. He was indeed the famous Captain Bikke, although he found his deeds to be far less glamorous than the old sailor tales made them out to be. He explained that he gave up his life sailing the seas because of a fateful voyage that cost many of his faithful crew members their lives. Bal had insisted that the crew set out to slay the mythical sea serpent, Leviathan, in order to bring great honor to the crew and have their names go down in history forever. Despite the reservations of his crew, they set out after Leviathan and attempted to defeat the beast. The attempt failed miserably, however, and nearly half of the crew died in the ensuing battle. After such a tragedy, brought on by his own hubris, Captain Bikke dissolved the crew and went into hiding, taking up residence in Gallowmere to live out the rest of his days in peace. Rather than being disgusted or ashamed of his father, Li was strangely invigorated by his father's lamentations. He now knew that he had the blood of a true adventurer flowing through his veins, and he endeavored to create his own stories of adventure and renown to live up to his father's legacy. Against his father's wishes, Li left Gallowmere and sailed for the city of Cyril, leaving his home behind in search of glory and excitement. It was at this point that he realized he knew very little of Ivalice, as he had rarely dared to venture far from his home until now. At the advisement of another traveler he met on the road to Cyril, Li decided to form an adventuring clan to help him get off the ground. Whether these errant adventurers would be the motley crew that would help him put his name in the history books or simply be a handful of grunts he'd dump once they stopped being useful had yet to be seen. Wallet: After the long journey to Cyril, Li's already paltry savings have dwindled down to 20 gil, all in silver coins.
Sarina regarda la guildmaster avec admiration. Wow, il avait déjà fait une aventure incroyable et s'était échappé de toute une équipe de gens qui voulaient le tuer. "Ne vous inquiétez pas monsieur, nous ne vous trahirions jamais." Elle a dit joyeusement. "Qu'avez-vous fait depuis ces trois mois?" Sarina a demandé avide d'en savoir plus sur les aventures de leur guildmaster. Elle ne pouvait toujours pas croire qu'elle avait été sélectionnée à la main par des centaines d'autres candidats. Quel honneur!
Name: Sarina Race:Nu Mou Age: 20 in hume's years. Gender:Female Appearance: Just take away the bells and she keeps her ocarina in her bag or around her neck. Also oddly enough doesn't have any earrings. Job:Beastmaster Clothing/Armor: Basic Leather Weapons: Ocarina And a small dagger she keeps on her belt, you know for cutting food. Inventory: -First Aid Kit(satchel) -Snacks (satchel) -Rope (satchel) Attributes: HP: A+*, ** MP: D Attack: C+** Defense: B+ Magic: D+ Resist: B Speed: D+ ~Control Beast~ (Tier 1, Magical) After weakening, stunning, or otherwise hindering the mental faculties of a beast in combat, the user attempts to dominate the will of a beast using mind control. This involves the magical projection of the Beastmaster's mental ether into the mind of the target, so it will almost never succeed on human targets or beasts with a strong will or a stable mental state. Once the monster's will is rendered completely inert, the Beastmaster can command the monster to attack a target of their choosing through use of a sonic cue, like a musical instrument (bells, whistles, horns, drums, whatever) or any loud distinct sound like the snapping of a whip. Stronger monsters will require the user to expend more MP during the mental projection process, and will remain hypnotized for a shorter period of time. ~Summon Slime~ (Tier 1, Magical) After a moment of preparation, the user projects ether onto the ground in the form of a small but intricate summoning circle, roughly two feet in diameter. A small blue slime then rises from the circle's center in a flash of white light, fighting on behalf of the summoner. I say "fighting" somewhat loosely, as the dopey little blob moves at a walking pace and does little more than try to latch on to opponents and bite them with their gelatinous teeth. They can be dispatched with little trouble by any competent warrior when alone, but a slime can be an effective way to slow down opponents in the middle of larger fights when they have more targets to worry about, making them excellent as decoys or distractions, especially if more than one slime is summoned. If, by some miracle, the slime manages to avoid being slain, the summoning will expire after one minute either way. Summoning multiple slimes at a time can be effective, but it will exert an exponentially higher MP cost upon the summoner. ~Mana Whip~ (Tier 1, Magical) After a moment of preparation, the user projects their ether into physical form in the shape of a long spindly whip comprised of swirling blue energy. The whip can then be lashed at an enemy for minor damage at medium range. The mana whip has utility outside of combat, however, as it can also be used in a more precise form as a way to manipulate objects from a distance (picking up items, opening doors, flipping switches). The higher the user's Magic stat, the more weight the whip will be able to support and the longer it will be able to reach. However, the more work you do with the whip, the more MP it will consume in the process. ~Trained Familiar: <Kashaka>~ (Tier 1, Passive) Kashaka is a snake about four feet long. It has gray skin and is remarkably resilient with a sort of armored rocky hide(Equally adorable and same color, more made out of skin and scales). It has relatively small fangs but they have a powerful venom in them. First it causes a weakness in the muscles, then the weakness disappears but the target is put in a sort of mental daze, unable to react to things around them. This mental stupor can last for up to two minutes depending on how high the targets defense is and surprisingly leaves little long lasting ill effects on the target. Sarina prefers to use a sort of mindspeak with her when they are touching but at longer distances verbal commands work as well. Personality: Sarina is naturally very inquisitive, always wondering how things work and why. She is always polite with poeple she doesn't know but likes the thought of making friends. Sarina hates to be a bother but disregards this if she needs a question answered. She hates being cold specifically since it affects her ears most of all. Backstory: Sarina, as most No Mou do, grew up in Cadoan. Her parents were both fairly well off alchemists, certainly they made enough for the family to live a happy life. Sarina however did not share the same interest as her parents and was far more interested in learning about monsters. The first part of life was spent almost entirely devouring any texts she could that had information pertaining to them. She also quickly made friends with a snake her parents kept around for use in anesthetics. Sarina finally was old enough that she determined she was 'of age' and could strike out on her own. Her interest in monsters made her first destination obvious, the town of Cadoan, where a monster zoo was supposed to be. Immensely curious to learn more Sarina managed to convince her parents to give her some money for the trip and let her go to Cadoan. Wallet: Sarina has a total of about 30 gil in her possession, and her wallet is safely stored inside her satchel
Chapel s'est trouvé choqué par l'histoire que son nouveau maître de guilde m'a racontée « le frère m'a averti de la cruauté dont les gens pouvaient être capables, mais pour en entendre parler de première main... » il s'est ébranlé la tête « c'est tellement triste ce que les gens vont faire pour de l'argent. Étaient - ils vraiment aussi désespérés, ou étaient - ils motivés par la cupidité? Autant que j'aimerais croire le meilleur en tout le monde... même je comprends qu'il y a des gens là-bas avec la Chapelle des cœurs sombres soupiré. "Votre histoire est étonnamment tragique. J'espère qu'on n'en trouvera pas un autre comme ça.
Name: Chapel Race: Hume Age: 29 Gender: Male Appearance: Job: White Monk Clothing/Armor: As a White Monk, Chapel wears the bare minimum of armor. Wearing only padded clothing to protect himself Weapons: None. As a White Monk, he has forsaken tools of war. Instead choosing to use his own body Inventory: Only his wallet and the clothes on his back Attributes: HP: C MP: E Attack: B* Defense: C Magic: C** Resist: C+** Speed: C Abilities: ~Air Render~ (Tier 1, Physical) The user punches forward with such force and speed that they generate a small wave of compressed air in front of them. The wave travels quickly, but has limited range and carries only the force of a strong punch. Hitting with the initial punch makes this a brutal combination attack, as the target feels the force of both the strong punch and is then carried back and damaged further by the ensuing air-wave. ~Chakra~ (Tier Two, Magical) The user enters a meditative state, channeling the regenerative forces of the ether around them into their body. The user completes their meditation feeling rejuvenated, healing themselves of minor wounds and clearing themselves of status ailments. This technique is not advised for use in battle unless the user is actively being protected by an ally or has found a great hiding spot, as it requires total focus and leaves the meditator completely defenseless while they attempt to channel the energy. ~Voidspeaker~ (Passive, Tier 1) Your character is in tune with their spiritual energies and is capable of communicating with ghosts, the undead, and other beings outside of the material plane. Most spirits will only linger momentarily after their bodies are slain, but if a spirit has reason to remain in the material plane, your character will detect their presence and be able to hear their words. Spirits that have left the material plane will need to be summoned by a spirit medium or a summoner. Personality: Chapel is a good guy, and that's not just his broad moral affiliation, it's his entire character. He's compassionate, loves to help others, hate's to see people in pain, ect. Despite having a body trained to straight murder folks yo, he's a martial pacifist. So while he doesn't like to fight and prefers to solve problems with words, once he feels he has no choice but to fight, he will fight Backstory: baby Chapel was found by a group of Monks, along with his dying mother. Before passing on, she entrusted her only child to them. The Monks took the baby back to their monastery, to raise him as one of them. Chapel spent his entire childhood and teenage years within the monastery, learning the Monk's ways. While fighting had always scared him, the other Monks assured him that it was a good thing; Because if he really disliked fighting that much, then it meant that he would never use his powers to abuse the weak. Despite having a happy life at the monastery, Chapel always wondered what the outside world was like. He kept his dreams of exploring the lands beyond the monastery quiet though, to avoid offending the people who took him in and raised him, however they could easily tell what was on his mind. Now that he was an adult, the Monks thought it time for him to make his own place in the world, and sent him off. However, they made sure that he knew that he would always have a home there. Wallet: 1 Silver, 1 Copper
James Williams, ou Jimmy comme certains l'appellent, a allumé une brindille sur le feu avec son Zippo et l'a utilisé pour allumer l'extérieur du feu qu'il construisait. Après qu'il ait allumé, il a commencé à ajouter plus de bois, le construire jusqu'à ce qu'il puisse mettre le trépied pour leur pot de cuisson dessus. "Ok, le feu est construit." Il a dit au reste de son groupe. Il avait fait la fête avec les autres "Earthers" la veille et ils avaient fait leur chemin de retour à l'endroit où tout a commencé, une clairière au milieu d'une forêt. Différents piliers de pierre étaient dans un cercle rugueux autour d'une plate-forme au centre, la même plate-forme couverte de runes où tous étaient apparus il y a environ deux mois. S'ils trouvaient un moyen de rentrer chez eux, cet endroit serait le meilleur endroit pour commencer à travailler. Ils avaient été amenés ici par la magie, cependant, et alors que Jimmy en avait assez compris pour quelques tours de base, il doutait qu'il serait n'importe quelle aide pour découvrir les secrets de cet endroit. C'est pourquoi il avait commencé à installer le camp à environ cinq mètres à l'est des ruines runiques, et il se préoccupait maintenant du souper, alors que le soleil s'approchait de l'horizon. "N'importe qui a besoin de moi pour manger? Je pourrais peut-être chasser quelque chose si vous voulez de la viande fraîche à la place. Ce mélange de trail et de scotch qu'on a acheté n'est pas le meilleur que j'ai eu."
Name: James Williams Age: 31 Hobbies: Hunting, fishing Jobs: Farmer, odd jobs Education: Made it through high school. Equipment: Compound bow, 4 carbon-fiber arrows, wooden arrows, skinning knife, black powder revolver, a few dozen per percussion caps for reloading, black powder and lead balls, camo suit, doe urine (for scenting bucks), adventuring backpack, zippo lighter (loaded with lamp oil) Special abilities: (your hobbies, jobs, and education may give you special benefits that people from the fantasy world won't have. ex: biology makes you a better healer; physics makes you better with cold, fire, and lightning magic; martial arts training make unarmed attacks stronger; gun training makes you more accurate with a bow) His experience with animals lets him talk with smarter animals, and the fact that he's used a thermo-optic scope before let him learn to see in the infrared, as well as giving him darkvision. Class: Ranger Bio: Hunts a lot with primitive weapons. Was walking back to his truck from his stand when he was taken to this world.
Dr Eric Caron Le Dr Caron a vu l'obscurité autour du camp. Il n'avait pas été très heureux de voyager dans la nature, très heureux de rencontrer les nouvelles personnes et les cultures intéressantes, extatique au sujet de l'apprentissage et de la maîtrise de la magie, et maintenant il était de nouveau malheureux - dans la forêt, tout près où ils sont arrivés pour la première fois. Ses yeux s'emparèrent du feu, regardant à travers les autres, avant qu'il regardât de nouveau vers les bois. "J'ai peur que... es-tu sûr de vouloir aller chercher seul? Peut-être devrions-nous rester ensemble. Je ne sens personne dehors, mais il y a quelque chose là-bas-" Il soupira et frotta ses temples - Il pourrait vraiment faire avec un verre. "Ce n'est pas si mal que ça, non?" Il a regardé l'autre homme, Williams, c'est ça? - Il semblait assez compétent, mais ils n'y étaient que depuis quelques mois. Par habitude et par nerfs, il redressait sa cravate et dépoussiérait son pantalon, avant de regarder de nouveau les bois.
Name: Dr Eric Caron Age: 27 Hobbies: Writing, reading, listening to classical music, playing piano, playing chess, drinking and collecting rare whiskies, debate Jobs: Writing and Research Assistant at University Stellenbosch where he is doing his third degree Education: Honors student for most of his life, mostly due to his brilliant memory - which he works hard to maintain. He has a doctorate in Linguistics, a Masters in Anthropology and he is doing another Honors in Sociology at the moment. Equipment: He has a magnifying glass that he always carries with him, and a journal from where he maintains his memory palace. He writes in this with a fountain pen, which he refills with his own refined form of ink available within the new world. He also wears a dark suit most of the time, which he keeps in perfect condition with magic and other menial means. Special abilities: His mastery of subjects such as Psychology, Linguistics, Sociology, Anthropology, Classical English literature, Philosophy and general source critique allowed him to harness what most in this realm would call spirit magic. This includes the potential to master a variety of Psionic abilities like, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Skyring, Astral Projection, etc. Class: Spirit-Wizard Bio: Dr Eric Caron was born in England, from a Swiss mother and a French Father. Barely a few months after his birth, they - both being academics - moved to Germany where they continued their respective academic pursuits. As such, for most of his life, Eric traveled with his Mother and Father - Tutored by them. He became fluent in a few languages, and conversational in many more - causing any accent he might have had to become so obscure - even seasoned linguists would have a hard time figuring out where he came from. Having finished school early, he started University at 18, and took - against the advice of the administrative staff - more subjects at once than anyone ever had. Having slightly overestimated himself, he failed three, but still had far more credits than needed to get his BA. The next year he did his Honors, while also redoing the exams for the others he failed - passing them as well. The University, and one lecturer in particular having taken note - encouraged him to apply for a Doctorate - having read some of his work and having been impressed on his insights. Being interested in how people are affected by their surroundings, and in complex Psycho-Social systems - he accepted a post at the noted South African University of Stellenbosch - where he started to work in their Anthropology Department. Here he has spent a few years, studying people and places - his parents still being off somewhere in east Asia at the moment. Having had a month where he would not be required to teach or work, he decided to travel - leading inevitably to where he was to be transported into the other realm. (Please let me know if I should Change or expand on anything - This is just an outline-idea)
Emi Ushikida Il y a deux mois, tout avait changé pour la jeune fille. Elle avait d'une manière ou d'une autre été transportée quelque part (elle avait finalement découvert que c'était à cause de la magie) et a ensuite été forcée de vivre dans ce monde sans aucune connaissance de ce qu'il était réellement et de son histoire. Heureusement, ils utilisent le même langage qu'eux. Ou du moins, ils parlent anglais, ce qu'elle avait été particulièrement bon malgré ses antécédents éducatifs. Au cours de ces deux mois, elle avait appris la magie de la foudre... et qu'elle était en fait plus en forme et plus en forme qu'elle n'était de retour sur Terre. Elle pourrait sauter d'un bâtiment à l'autre, esquiver à un moment donné, et ainsi de suite. C'était amusant. C'était aussi plus facile de pickpocket et de voler les gens ici et les gardes ne sont rien. Leur technologie n'était pas très avancée non plus, donc ils n'avaient aucune idée de ce qu'une "caméra" la conduit à être capable de démanteler l'esprit de nombreux magiciens. C'était, en soi, le meilleur sentiment jamais ressenti. Elle devrait apprendre à matérialiser ces images avant de manquer de mémoire. Ça devrait être assez facile. Elle avait vécu la bonne vie avec beaucoup d'or dans sa poche, grâce à ses compétences avancées de pickpocket et de chasse. Bien que maintenant, elle avait été découverte par d'autres personnes de la Terre. La veille, ils l'avaient trouvée prenant des photos et lui expliquaient qu'ils étaient de la même planète. Alors qu'elle s'était beaucoup amusée sur cette planète, elle était également impatiente de retourner sur Terre. Après tout, Tatsuo doit être inquiète malade et Ayumi doit avoir engagé une fête de recherche pour son plus jeune photographe. Donc, elle a accepté de faire la fête avec ces étrangers et ensuite de retourner à l'endroit où ils étaient apparus. Elle s'est souvenue de cet endroit. Elle était tout confuse quand elle est apparue sur cette planète et avait trébuché aveuglément sur une autre ville où elle a appris tout. Emi avait navigué à travers ses photos quand le feu était allumé. Elle l'a abaissée quand James a suggéré d'aller chercher et puis Doc Eric a suggéré de ne pas, comme rester ensemble serait idéal. Il semblait plutôt nerveux. Encore une fois, Doc Eric semble toujours avoir cette énergie nerveuse autour de lui. "Je veux dire, le crétin n'est pas trop mal. Je pourrais venir avec lui puisque je suis plutôt douée pour tirer sur mon arc et mes affaires." Elle était plus jeune que n'importe lequel d'entre eux et d'au moins une décennie, mais elle a appris qu'elle pouvait parler ouvertement et suggérer des choses. "Mais vous savez, tout dépend de vous." Mais elle pense aussi que, par respect, elle ne pouvait que donner autant d'apports.
Emi Ushikida With a small height of 5 flat and underdeveloped 'woman parts', everything about Emi just screams 'child'. She has a quite an innocent looking face, brightened up by her blue eyes that shines with excitement and child-like curiosity. She has light gray hair, which was dyed. Her original choice of clothing is a a grey jacket over her white t-shirt and either a short skirt or pants, depending on the occasion. A DLSR could always be found hanging from her neck and extra batteries inside her backpack. In the new world, however, she had taken a liking to a beige cotton long-sleeved shirt, slacks and a brown cloak. She has blue gloves that reach all the way to her elbow. Though she constantly keeps her scarf around her neck. Age: 18 Hobbies: Photography, Pickpocketing, 'Magic', Sleight of Hand tricks, Researching Places, Researching about animal and plant life Jobs: Professional con-artist, Full-time photographer for "Insider's Look", a fairly famous magazine, Part-time Private Investigator Education: That's the thing - she only finished around Elementary education and never transitioned to High School. However, what she lacked in real education, she makes up for her knowledge of the streets. She learned most things while out and about - from thievery to lockpicking, and eventually picking up on photography as well. She currently resides with her adoptive father who owns a gun range and thus was able to learn how to shoot a gun. Equipment: She doesn't have much on her person aside from the DLSR that she brought into the world but ultimately can only use it a few times because she needs to preserve the batteries. Though recently learning a bit of lightning magic, she managed to learn how to recharge it by giving it small volts of electricity. She also has multiple notebooks and pens in her backpack where she logs everything she sees. She carries around two daggers and a bow and a quiver of arrows. Special abilities: She isn't very skilled when it came to magic, only learning little bits of lightning magic because she needed it. What she did excel at was being nimble and light-handed which was multiplied when she came to that world. Intricate locks are very basic for her. Because of her skills in lockpicking, she is able to study any kind of physical lock and figure it out in a matter of minutes. She has a very keen eye for small objects and gestures. Because she's so attached to studying about plants and animals, she knows the flora and fauna of the new world as well, most of it at least, and she catalogs every single on in her notebooks. She is also skilled with a bow. Class: Thief Bio: Emi was born without a family. She was an orphan. She escaped the orphanage she was living in because she felt so cooped up. She lived in the streets and learned from there. That was when she picked up thievery thanks to an older woman who taught her all about it, about being stealthy and nimble and as inconspicuous as possible, and also a bit of magic by teaching her sleight of hand. She was also the one responsible for sending her to school. The goal was to get common sense and at least a little bit of education and then to also steal from people there. However, when Emi was ten years old, the woman was arrested by the police after a rookie mistake. And so Emi took off into the streets again, erasing her connections with the woman in fear of being locked up. The following year, she managed to get a DSLR from an idiotic tourist who didn't even notice it was gone. She originally wanted to sell it off, just like any other object she obtains, but then gotten a liking to photography. She then continued to hone her abilities in photography but still lived in the streets. A woman, by the name of Ushikida Ayumi, found the young photographer when she was only thirteen years old. Ayumi admired her photos and then they got into talking. Emi admitted that she didn't have a family or a house. Ayumi, taking pity, sent her towards her brother, Ushikida Tatsuo. Tatsuo gladly took Emi in and she didn't feel restricted with him as he allows most of what she does. When she turned fifteen, the moment she turned fifteen, Ayumi gave her a job as a photographer in her fairly famous magazine. Emi agreed almost immediately. Tatsuo was also a Private Investigator and taught Emi what he knew so he sometimes takes her on his jobs. She never did quit her con-artist ways as she always liked it and is quite attached to the art. While she was picking a target one day, she locked on someone who looked odd. She decided to lift something from him but she was caught. She tried to fight him off but he said that he won't tell anything to the police. Before she could leave though, she was transported into the new world.
Jimmy était sur le point de leur dire qu'il ne voulait pas qu'ils viennent quand il a entendu les feuilles rougir d'une manière que le vent ne les déplacerait pas. Il a activé sa vue infrarouge et a regardé autour, prudent de ne pas regarder le feu et blessé ses yeux. À une vingtaine de mètres à l'ouest des ruines, il vit un groupe de créatures se diriger vers eux. "Je ne pense pas qu'on doive partir. Par ici, 25 mètres. On dirait quatre d'entre eux." Il a pointé dans la direction des créatures et a ramassé son arc, frappant une flèche native en bois mais ne tirant pas l'arc en arrière. Quelques secondes plus tard, quatre loups sortaient de l'étrier inférieur, celui en tête légèrement gros que les autres. Probablement l'Alpha de ce pack. Jimmy a pointé son arc sur la créature, prêt à la retirer si elle attaque.
Name: James Williams Age: 31 Hobbies: Hunting, fishing Jobs: Farmer, odd jobs Education: Made it through high school. Equipment: Compound bow, 4 carbon-fiber arrows, wooden arrows, skinning knife, black powder revolver, a few dozen per percussion caps for reloading, black powder and lead balls, camo suit, doe urine (for scenting bucks), adventuring backpack, zippo lighter (loaded with lamp oil) Special abilities: (your hobbies, jobs, and education may give you special benefits that people from the fantasy world won't have. ex: biology makes you a better healer; physics makes you better with cold, fire, and lightning magic; martial arts training make unarmed attacks stronger; gun training makes you more accurate with a bow) His experience with animals lets him talk with smarter animals, and the fact that he's used a thermo-optic scope before let him learn to see in the infrared, as well as giving him darkvision. Class: Ranger Bio: Hunts a lot with primitive weapons. Was walking back to his truck from his stand when he was taken to this world.
Dr Eric Caron Le Dr Caron s'est levé d'où il était assis, et a pris une profonde respiration - en gardant les yeux sur le plus grand des quatre - il a élargi sa présence psychique. Bien que ce ne soit pas quelque chose d'observable physiquement - les animaux et, dans une moindre mesure, les humanoïdes pouvaient le sentir comme une pression sur leur esprit. Faire un lien psychique provisoire avec les loups - il a transmis des sentiments de réticence pour le conflit, mais la volonté de détruire si un défi doit être fait. Il fit de son mieux pour canaliser son irritation de la situation dans une position qui transmettait des idées similaires. "Je n'ai jamais tué de loup, mais j'ai froid, et ce manteau ne fait rien pour ça." Ses yeux claquaient aux autres avant qu'il ne retourne aux loups. Fausse bravade. "Rappelez-vous, la première loi du conflit, jamais scission - soit la partie ou le dommage. Nous sortons le leader d'abord si nécessaire."
Name: Dr Eric Caron Age: 27 Hobbies: Writing, reading, listening to classical music, playing piano, playing chess, drinking and collecting rare whiskies, debate Jobs: Writing and Research Assistant at University Stellenbosch where he is doing his third degree Education: Honors student for most of his life, mostly due to his brilliant memory - which he works hard to maintain. He has a doctorate in Linguistics, a Masters in Anthropology and he is doing another Honors in Sociology at the moment. Equipment: He has a magnifying glass that he always carries with him, and a journal from where he maintains his memory palace. He writes in this with a fountain pen, which he refills with his own refined form of ink available within the new world. He also wears a dark suit most of the time, which he keeps in perfect condition with magic and other menial means. Special abilities: His mastery of subjects such as Psychology, Linguistics, Sociology, Anthropology, Classical English literature, Philosophy and general source critique allowed him to harness what most in this realm would call spirit magic. This includes the potential to master a variety of Psionic abilities like, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Skyring, Astral Projection, etc. Class: Spirit-Wizard Bio: Dr Eric Caron was born in England, from a Swiss mother and a French Father. Barely a few months after his birth, they - both being academics - moved to Germany where they continued their respective academic pursuits. As such, for most of his life, Eric traveled with his Mother and Father - Tutored by them. He became fluent in a few languages, and conversational in many more - causing any accent he might have had to become so obscure - even seasoned linguists would have a hard time figuring out where he came from. Having finished school early, he started University at 18, and took - against the advice of the administrative staff - more subjects at once than anyone ever had. Having slightly overestimated himself, he failed three, but still had far more credits than needed to get his BA. The next year he did his Honors, while also redoing the exams for the others he failed - passing them as well. The University, and one lecturer in particular having taken note - encouraged him to apply for a Doctorate - having read some of his work and having been impressed on his insights. Being interested in how people are affected by their surroundings, and in complex Psycho-Social systems - he accepted a post at the noted South African University of Stellenbosch - where he started to work in their Anthropology Department. Here he has spent a few years, studying people and places - his parents still being off somewhere in east Asia at the moment. Having had a month where he would not be required to teach or work, he decided to travel - leading inevitably to where he was to be transported into the other realm. (Please let me know if I should Change or expand on anything - This is just an outline-idea)
Emi Ushikida Le bruissement a fait tirer la main d'Emi pour son arc et ensuite a fait l'autre main aller droit pour une flèche. Quand James leur a dit qu'il semblait qu'ils n'avaient pas à bouger, elle l'a enregistré comme proie venant à eux. Elle sauta de son siège et prépara la flèche sur la corde de son arc. Il n'a fallu qu'un moment ou deux avant que quelque chose émerge de l'ombre - trois loups et un loup un peu plus grand qui était probablement leur Alpha. Au moment où ils éclatèrent de l'ombre, cependant, Emi avait déjà grimpé à l'un des arbres avec sa flèche entraînée sur le loup Alpha. Cependant, elle avait aussi accordé son attention aux autres. Les loups n'ont pas encore attaqué alors ils étaient en sécurité... pour l'instant. Qui sait quand ils attaqueront. Elle a écouté Doc Eric et a plaisanté, "Eh bien, il n'y a pas de temps comme le présent pour commencer quelque chose de nouveau." Cependant, ses yeux étaient encore sur les loups, prêts à laisser la flèche se détacher une fois qu'ils ont fait des mouvements agressifs vers eux. Voyons voir où ça mène.
Emi Ushikida With a small height of 5 flat and underdeveloped 'woman parts', everything about Emi just screams 'child'. She has a quite an innocent looking face, brightened up by her blue eyes that shines with excitement and child-like curiosity. She has light gray hair, which was dyed. Her original choice of clothing is a a grey jacket over her white t-shirt and either a short skirt or pants, depending on the occasion. A DLSR could always be found hanging from her neck and extra batteries inside her backpack. In the new world, however, she had taken a liking to a beige cotton long-sleeved shirt, slacks and a brown cloak. She has blue gloves that reach all the way to her elbow. Though she constantly keeps her scarf around her neck. Age: 18 Hobbies: Photography, Pickpocketing, 'Magic', Sleight of Hand tricks, Researching Places, Researching about animal and plant life Jobs: Professional con-artist, Full-time photographer for "Insider's Look", a fairly famous magazine, Part-time Private Investigator Education: That's the thing - she only finished around Elementary education and never transitioned to High School. However, what she lacked in real education, she makes up for her knowledge of the streets. She learned most things while out and about - from thievery to lockpicking, and eventually picking up on photography as well. She currently resides with her adoptive father who owns a gun range and thus was able to learn how to shoot a gun. Equipment: She doesn't have much on her person aside from the DLSR that she brought into the world but ultimately can only use it a few times because she needs to preserve the batteries. Though recently learning a bit of lightning magic, she managed to learn how to recharge it by giving it small volts of electricity. She also has multiple notebooks and pens in her backpack where she logs everything she sees. She carries around two daggers and a bow and a quiver of arrows. Special abilities: She isn't very skilled when it came to magic, only learning little bits of lightning magic because she needed it. What she did excel at was being nimble and light-handed which was multiplied when she came to that world. Intricate locks are very basic for her. Because of her skills in lockpicking, she is able to study any kind of physical lock and figure it out in a matter of minutes. She has a very keen eye for small objects and gestures. Because she's so attached to studying about plants and animals, she knows the flora and fauna of the new world as well, most of it at least, and she catalogs every single on in her notebooks. She is also skilled with a bow. Class: Thief Bio: Emi was born without a family. She was an orphan. She escaped the orphanage she was living in because she felt so cooped up. She lived in the streets and learned from there. That was when she picked up thievery thanks to an older woman who taught her all about it, about being stealthy and nimble and as inconspicuous as possible, and also a bit of magic by teaching her sleight of hand. She was also the one responsible for sending her to school. The goal was to get common sense and at least a little bit of education and then to also steal from people there. However, when Emi was ten years old, the woman was arrested by the police after a rookie mistake. And so Emi took off into the streets again, erasing her connections with the woman in fear of being locked up. The following year, she managed to get a DSLR from an idiotic tourist who didn't even notice it was gone. She originally wanted to sell it off, just like any other object she obtains, but then gotten a liking to photography. She then continued to hone her abilities in photography but still lived in the streets. A woman, by the name of Ushikida Ayumi, found the young photographer when she was only thirteen years old. Ayumi admired her photos and then they got into talking. Emi admitted that she didn't have a family or a house. Ayumi, taking pity, sent her towards her brother, Ushikida Tatsuo. Tatsuo gladly took Emi in and she didn't feel restricted with him as he allows most of what she does. When she turned fifteen, the moment she turned fifteen, Ayumi gave her a job as a photographer in her fairly famous magazine. Emi agreed almost immediately. Tatsuo was also a Private Investigator and taught Emi what he knew so he sometimes takes her on his jobs. She never did quit her con-artist ways as she always liked it and is quite attached to the art. While she was picking a target one day, she locked on someone who looked odd. She decided to lift something from him but she was caught. She tried to fight him off but he said that he won't tell anything to the police. Before she could leave though, she was transported into the new world.
La chaleur, la lumière. Le bruit rugissant. Nuage noir se redressant vers le haut du sol. Un peu de cris, beaucoup de course, et le réconfort fidèle des sirènes. Shadrach n'a rien remarqué de tout cela, et tout cela. L'homme s'est assis sur une route bitume, jonchée de verre et de fragments, les mains dans les genoux, regardant. Ses yeux n'étaient pas concentrés. Il n'en avait pas besoin en ce moment. Mais il regardait toujours, observait toujours l'air avant son visage. Il ne pouvait pas le voir, mais il en était conscient, tout comme il avait toujours été conscient de son propre corps, conscient de sa substance, de son frisson de vibration comme son pulsé à travers de partout, conscient de la lumière qui l'a pénétrée de toutes les façons dans plus de couleurs qu'un oeil ne pouvait jamais voir. Elle dansait entre elle-même, l'atome rebondissant sur l'atome et mijotant de chaleur. Fluide. Chaotique. Magnifique, pensa l'homme. Sans forme. Il était encore conscient de son corps, et c'était aussi fluide. C'est de l'argile magnifiquement façonnée, pas beaucoup plus. Toujours assez doux pour se soumettre au toucher d'un sculpteur. Toujours en train de bouger avec ses pensées comme ça l'a toujours fait. Shadrach s'est senti souple, aujourd'hui. Dans tous ses autres souvenirs, il avait été si rigide. Tout le reste se sentait souple et souple, aussi. L'air dans ses poumons, l'air sur sa peau, les vêtements sur ses bras et la route noir-gris sous lui. Il concentra ses yeux sur le sol devant lui et étendit son bras, comme un enfant, vers la poussière de ce monde. Il a pris un morceau du trottoir de béton devant lui comme si c'était du sable, et comme du sable, il a glissé de sa main et à travers ses doigts dans des grains. Il l'a soulevé de nouveau dans sa paume, resserrant la matière solide comme un muscle de son propre corps. Il s'est contracté comme de la chair, et quand il l'a lâchée, il a éclaboussé sur le sol en gouttes. Sans forme. Malléable. Juste une autre partie de lui-même, soumise à son imagination, comme tout le reste. L'étirement de son bras a attiré l'attention de Shadrach sur le fait que la collection de molécules qu'il aimait à considérer comme son corps souffrait en fait d'inconfort considérable. Un instant de panique a ricoché à travers lui, et il s'est levé rapidement, prenant déjà l'inventaire des parties de lui-même et combien d'exposition ils avaient reçu. Il était chaud, transpirant abondamment, et ses oreilles tremblaient sous la portée du bruit. En quelques instants, l'air autour de sa tête étincelait son bruit fulgurant, et l'obscurité laid de la sueur dans ses vêtements s'enfonçait dans une brume froide reposant sur un corps frais. Son cœur battait un peu trop vite, alors il l'adoucit; Il y avait des particules de fumée dans ses poumons qu'il n'aimait pas, donc il les désamorçait, les dissolvant de ce monde comme un souffle de vent. Où sont-ils allés? Je pensais que l'homme, bien qu'il savait qu'ils étaient tout simplement détruits. Il enquêtait plus tard. Shadrach n'était pas le type à laisser des espaces vides inexplorés. Il y avait cependant un espace vide que Shadrach avait ignoré, et c'était un vide dans sa mémoire. Il avait été... Fait avec le travail, pour une journée. Le soleil se couchait. C'était en bas maintenant, bien qu'il y ait encore de la lumière du ciel. Il avait pris le mauvais bus, un bus vers le sud, qui courait presque dans le centre-ville. Il savait qu'il dormait souvent sur le siège arrière, mais il ne se souvenait pas de l'avoir fait. Et puis il était là, et le monde était comme ça, doux et lâche autour de lui. Pour la première fois depuis le réveil, Shadrach a mis ses yeux corporels à l'usage nécessaire, les utilisant pour recevoir la lumière des endroits qui étaient juste un peu trop loin de sa portée pour sentir. A pris dans la masse noircie de l'épave, toujours en feu, bien qu'une équipe de pompiers étaient proches, et commencer à décharger. Refroidi à nouveau sa température corporelle, et atteint vers le bas pour recueillir une poignée de fragments de verre du sol jusqu'à ce qu'il trouve ce qu'il soupçonnait- Un seul fragment, teint par une trace de tissu humain. La peau et le sang. Pas son ADN, mais il ne savait pas à qui non plus. "Je suis parti, alors." L'homme soupirait. Pas avec regret, ni avec soulagement. Une reconnaissance d'une fin. Ivo Shadrach pensait qu'un autre jour, dans un corps rigide, il aurait pu essayer de se calmer avec une cigarette. Mais en ce moment... Il ne s'est jamais soucié de fumer si peu dans sa vie. Il ne se sentait pas du tout parti, et c'est peut-être pour ça que l'idée de sa mort signifiait si peu pour lui. Il était ici, vraiment ici, pour la première fois. Et il se sentait à l'aise. Il se sentait comme lui-même. Le monde autour de lui était de la peinture, et son corps à l'intérieur était de l'argile, et il pouvait voir tout aussi parfaitement arrangé comme une galerie, pièce pour pièce. Il jeta le verre dans l'air, et ils se mirent à tremper et à se frotter dans l'air, s'entassant dans de beaux flocons qui filaient et tournaient en orbite sa bulle de calme dans un halo de silice scintillant.
Name: Ivo Shadrach, he/him. Age: 19. Personality: Ivo's aversion to crowds has occasionally portrayed him as a quiet individual, but he's no less social than anyone- So long as he doesn't have to deal with too many people at once. In this way he can actually end up putting more effort into seeking and maintaining conversation than most, as a chance to chat in an environment he finds comfortable might not come around often. When he feels overwhelmed, he simply vanishes into his own thoughts and keeps doing whatever he thinks is most useful for him to do. When conversing, he is prone to change the subject to something more abstract or unusual suddenly and abruptly, though he tries to avoid speaking over anyone. Ivo laughs little, but smiles very often. It is difficult to say whether he is a friendly person, partially because he treats everyone like a friend, and partially because he seems so disinterested in what people are doing in their relationships and careers, much preferring to ask about their dreams, their emotions, their fantasies and guesses. Interests: Ivo has long wished about overcoming the inherent materialism of his Avernalese upbringing and styling himself into a spiritualist, fanning the flames of a childish belief that there really is something under the bed, that mirrors winked at you when you looked away. The commercialisation of classical monsters held no appeal to him, and Ivo has always sought out entertainment that emphasises the unknowable and the forgotten. Lovecraft's sonnets were his bedtime stories, and old chants and ambient recordings were what he defined as music. Though applying his capacious memory to science was the only way he stood a chance of passing at his public school, Ivo secretly and privately wished that he'd forget everything and discover his own beliefs about the nature of the world, and did poorly in all but mathematics, which he enjoyed for its abstract, almost otherworldly nature. He keeps himself busy with sketches and poetic records of his emotions when he's alone in a new place, neither of which will ever be worth publishing. After many attempts to apply for work in novelty shops that sold dreamcatchers and practiced crystal healing, he eventually found his employment in a factory, hand-crafting gorgeous candles and perfumed soaps. He smokes irregularly with hand-grown tobacco, though what else might be in his cigarettes is hard to say. History: Born to an old and somber family in Avernale, Ivo was raised in the shadow of his much older brother Ezra, who was very alike to himself, almost to the point of being twins. Like Ivo, Ezra did poorly in school but quickly found work, and left the family with barely a trace when he knew he was financially secure. Though difficult at first, both of Ivos parents soon surmounted their loss, knowing that Ezra had left only to seek independence, and not because there had been a lack of love or good parenting between them. A quiet expectation permeated the family that Ivo, too, would leave when he was able and no later. Knowing that Ezra had turned out well even without a successful education, they waited patiently as Ivo's grades collapsed, and did what they could to help him when he started seeking employment. Now that he has a job, they wait, neither impatiently nor regretfully, for him to take control of his own life. Appearance: Unimpressive. Though he's more fit than he looks from long wanders and hours of overtime work, Ivo still looks like a twelve-year-old, with a bulky body and just the faintest touch of pudge still lingering in his face. His hair is short, dark and uncombed. While travelling to work on the day he died, he was suited up in a simple blue factory work jacket and trousers, stained by wax and dyes. Notes: ayy lmao Realm: Empty. Form: Human. Other: None.
Kaya ne savait pas trop pourquoi elle s'était sourie au milieu des oranges, des noirs et des rouges. Il y avait une pensée dans son esprit, mais elle s'est échappée de son souvenir. Elle a essayé encore et encore pour toute référence, tout fondement sur lequel elle pourrait tracer un chemin vers son état actuel, contemporain, mais... Les verts n'étaient pas là. Ici, les verts étaient en jade et brillants, brillant d'une lumière blanc orange qui n'était pas aussi douce que celle qu'elle rappelait. Ils réfractaient aussi le noir, noir qui se sentait si chaud... mais aussi si frais. Tellement doux, mais la façon dont les petits granules de la noirceur roulaient comme de la boue sous sa peau suggérait le contraire. Si seulement elle pouvait... se rappeler à quel point c'était dur, avant. Et elle entendait la voix. "Je suis parti, alors." Disparu? Il est parti où? Comment a-t-elle su ce que ça voulait dire? Pourquoi cela serait-il important? Les granules noirs moulés et accrochés à ses mains comme de la pâte. Elle voulait... Non, elle avait besoin de sentir ce qui était parti. Mais la texture, la consistance qu'elle voulait... ça n'a jamais été tout à fait juste. Trop éponge un moment, trop sèche l'autre. Mais elle a serré le noir, et elle était droite. C'est bon... c'est bon. Elle n'aimait plus le sentiment, donc elle a décidé de ne pas être abattue. Elle était debout, du moins, mais pas trop loin. Elle voulait rester un peu ici, pour se souvenir de ce qui était parti. Peut-être qu'elle pourrait oublier ce qui s'est passé maintenant, et continuer sa vie... alors. Mais comment? Tout ce qu'elle sentait, c'est les huiles qui brûlent et le métal qui fond. Les noirs s'évanouissaient à nouveau dans le goudron, et les oranges vives s'évanouissaient encore. Comment s'en est-elle souvenue? Elle s'est sentie chaude, et son corps s'est enflammé en descente rythmique dans la panique.
Name: George Marshall Age: 19 Personality: Before his ascension, George was a fun-loving, studious college student. He worked part-time at the school newspaper, made friends and enjoyed his time day-to-day without much worry. He was eager to chase women, with mixed success, and had a core of good friends and an expansive body of friendly acquaintances. He is still highly competitive in everything he does, though fortunately learned at a young age the myriad benefits of sportsmanship and courtesy. He still has a dislike for authority, a strong distaste towards dogmatic beliefs and a lack of open-mindedness, and respects free thought and innovation. He is quick to laugh, and a temper to balance. He is direct, and dislikes beating around the bush in most things. He is always quick to act, preferring to trust his improvisational skills when a problem arises rather than make plans that fall apart at the first unforeseen hurdle. Despite this, in every individual task he does he strives for perfection, sometimes at his detriment, often to his advantage. He considers himself a utilitarian, and judges actions intellectually on the grounds of greatest possible good, but like every human, especially every college sophomore, he often compromises his beliefs for hedonistic reasons. A result of this philosophical position is that he has become rather frugal, to an almost detrimental degree, always searching (or imagining) a better value around the corner. He is, however, not unaware of his failings: George rightfully prides himself on understanding himself, and strives for self-improvement constantly, with typically varying success. George is a paranoid man, and despite his propensity for quick action he spends a great deal of his free time thinking about possible dangers, real or imaginary. He is slow to trust friends, despite the speed at which he makes them, and truly opens up to very few people. He has, currently unbeknownst to him, an affection for power and control, not only for its ability to enable him to do good, but for its ability to assuage his paranoia and let him direct things the way he finds satisfactory. Interests: He is a military man, through and through. He isn't brave enough to actually fight, not really, but he has a fascination and an excellent knowledge of military matters. He finds history fascinating, especially as it pertains to military matters, and he always tries to not only learn about the intriguing secrets of the past but to apply them to himself in his quest for self-improvement. His hobby, besides engaging in the college social life, is firearms. He loves them, both for their practical applications in protecting himself and acting as a salve for his paranoia, and also just as objects, in the same way someone may love cars or trains (interests George has just never understood, really). He owned several firearms, before his death, and frequently shot with friends and family. History: Born in rural New Hampshire to moderately wealthy parents, George had a normal life. He went to a good school, made friends, and earned good enough grades to be accepted into a competitive college. He spent his free time playing sports, socializing with his peers, surfing the internet, and reading prolifically. He had a string of short-lived relationships, truncated not by any particular drama but just changing personalities and the tribulations of high-school, and later college, life. He worked part time at a gun store, a job he lauded over his peers who were being paid minimum wage to flip burgers. His quirks arose slowly through his life: like most deep-rooted personality traits, he had no specific triggering event. He was always paranoid, encouraged by his family's old house and his status as an only child. His quest for self-improvement is likely a result of a competitive edge and his parent's insistence on the idea that anyone, if they work hard enough, can achieve great things. His love of firearms and matters military is much more easily traced, to his Great-Uncle, who would not only spoil him rotten for the decade before he died of pancreatic cancer, but would take him shooting on the expansive family property. Appearance: George is tall and thin. His brown hair varies wildly, cycling from a buzz cut to an untidy nest of hair as he procrastinates getting a haircut. His eyes are wide and brown, his skin tanned several shades darker than its normal pasty complexion. He tries to remain fit, finding that a light jog is an excellent way to dissolve stress, and a good way to let him sate his smoldering paranoia. He has a wide smile that he wears frequently. He dresses in business casual wherever he goes, preferring a casually-worn button up to a t-shirt. He has bad posture, partially a result of his height and a desire to remain near the level of his peers, and partially because of unadulterated laziness. He walks quickly, and frequently catches himself whistling or humming to himself, a habit he wishes he could quit, but so far has not been able to. He is attentive when listening, subdued when silent, and animated when talking on subjects that interest him. He has a personality that alters between blending in and filling the room, and he has learned when to do either, at least among his own peers. Notes: Partially WIP, I'm not entirely happy with it, and I need to go to sleep. I'll edit tomorrow after class.
Jetée par l'explosion, Kylie s'assied étourdie. Elle n'a aucune idée qu'il y a quelques instants elle était un cadavre carbonisé et tordu. Elle se sent éblouie et désorientée, de nouvelles sensations flottent dans son esprit. Elle le met à la commotion pendant qu'elle se tient et regarde l'épave. Puis elle se regarde vers le bas. Son costume est un gâchis cassé... et elle y a passé tellement de temps. Il semble égoïste d'y penser avec les sirènes et les feux, mais quand même.. À son avis, la tenue de Kylie commence à se fixer, des pièces cassées se ferment, de nouveaux tissus se développent. Et même quand Kylie regarde cela se produire en état de choc, les changements continuent. Les pièces en mousse deviennent du métal poli, avec des emblèmes plus détaillés que la mousse n'aurait pris. La collection de LED représentant le générateur de plasma du personnage brûle soudainement avec des flammes, et comme un casque se construit autour de la tête de Kylie, la collection de pensées et de sensations sauvages à l'arrière de son esprit disparaît, apparaissant sur un affichage devant ses yeux. Soudain, elle a une idée de sa situation. Son esprit est clair, ses capacités présentées à travers un objectif qu'elle comprend. Elle doit être... Un super-héros! Et que font les héros? Ils sauvent la journée. Et voilà un désastre pour elle. Les bottes de Kylie s'évanouissent, et elle monte en l'air sur eux, en volant facilement. Parce que comment volerait-elle autrement? Elle adopte même la pose le personnage qu'elle joue habituellement comme elle pointe son doigt sur l'épave flamboyante et tire dans l'énergie. Elle ne pense même pas à la façon dont elle fait ça - Le personnage pourrait, après tout. Mais les flammes s'étendent et s'écoulent dans le bout des doigts de Kylie, avant qu'elle ne flotte une fois de plus devant les sauveteurs stupéfaits.
Birth name: Jonathan Sylvester Adams Divine Name: Monad Personality: As a human, Jonathan was quiet and obedient. He did not go against anything he could not tackle, as he was afraid. He believed that everything had a certain place in the world. At first a romantic sense of belonging, this ideal soon developed into a sense of conformity. Jonathan himself was personal unsatisfied with his place in the world, but unless he could do anything about it, he was stuck where he was. According to his own thoughts, the highest person is one who has the power to turn against all established norms, but at the time such a thought was irrelevant to him, as he didn't have what it took to move up. He could not challenge the higher authorities, therefore he was where he belonged. However, this did not mean he had to enjoy it. Throughout the days he had been miserable. He had this feeling that he was not exactly where he belonged. He was cowardly, which was why he was quiet and unassuming. He found loyalty to be important, as well as love. He wanted to find love, and held to this faint romantic hope that there was someone special for him out there. In short, he was someone who was loyal and obedient, who never seemed to question his betters, yet very bitter about his lowly position in life, and held deeply unrealistic and romantic views about how the passions of the world worked. Interests: While not exactly a voracious reader, he read as a hobby. He had a favorite genre, fantasy, as he found the concept of heroes intriguing. It was a started when he was introduced to fantasy as a child when he first read the hobbit, and it spun from there, as he discovered more books.His favorite authors were J.R.R. Tolkien and Michael Moorcock, who were to some extent diametrically opposed. However, they were far from the only thing he read. He read a mix of modern and classics, as well as more philosophical works. Aside from reading, he would also watch movies. They were rarely anything else other than dramas or romances, and usually foreign. He thought action don't make good movies, and that horror movies are seldom of good quality. He also played pool often with his friends. He was also a fan of poetry, and mainly as a writer of one. Usually, he would write in in-rhyming iambic pentameter. He doesn't use the Internet too often, but would use them to watch movies. History: He lived in a middle-class family. He had an older brother, Josh, who could excel. After being beaten by his brother one too many times, he gave up on trying to surpass him. He only did mediocre in school. His older brother was better than him in essentially everything, which made Jonathan bitter. He was able to get into a local community college, but Jonathan couldn't handle the work and dropped out. After dropping out of college, Jonathan was forced to take an office job, which he hates. He saw no hope of ever getting into a higher position in life. Overall, he lived a normal, mundane life. Appearance: He has short black hair, and slightly tanned skin, and blue eyes. He is skinny and is only 5'2 in height. Realm:Empty Form: Human Other: Feeling uplifted, he no longer meekly follows others.
...Qunin a regardé dans l'abîme fougueux tandis que son focus dérive entre toutes les différentes vagues de chaleur qui sont venues du bus. Avant de craquer, une seule larme tomba de sa joue et tomba de son visage. La larme tomba sur la route sous lui, comme une petite flamme persistante de quelque chose de familier posé en lui, mais il ne savait pas ce que c'était. C'était un sentiment, plus comme une envie et un sens de l'obligation de le faire alors qu'il essayait de comprendre ce qu'était ce sentiment. En regardant dans l'épave ardente, il entendit les cris de voix du véhicule détruit et fit soudain un pas en avant vers l'incendie des flammes. Il s'est arrêté peu de temps après, alors que quelque chose d'autre de familier se précipitait à travers lui, mais c'était une ruée de quelque chose qui le pesait. Faire arrêter Qunin dans sa piste qui était en route pour l'épave. Il a essayé d'aller de l'avant, mais le sentiment qui l'a creusé l'a retenu car son corps ne pouvait pas faire ce qu'il voulait. Quelle était cette émotion qu'il ressentait maintenant? Le « doute » et la « peur » ont été les premiers mots qui lui sont venus à l'esprit comme une idée oubliée redescendant au sommet d'un abîme sombre. Puis il y avait quelque chose d'autre qu'il a soudain trouvé jaillir de son esprit, mais ce sentiment d'autre part était beaucoup plus difficile à décrire, c'était un bourdonnement d'émotions combiné à un concept appelé 'Moralité'. C'était quelque chose qu'il ne comprenait pas clairement pourquoi les gens le suivaient et le simple fait qu'il pouvait facilement être brisé. Mais c'était la seule chose qui l'obligeait à... aider ces gens dans le bus, car il le démêlait du doute et de la peur qui le retenait. Arrivé à l'épave flamboyante, il continua jusqu'à ce qu'il s'arrête aux flammes où la chaleur rayonne si chaudement que sa peau commence à transpirer. « Danger » était le sentiment qui l'accompagnait dans cette partie de son voyage, regardant directement dans les flammes, il ne savait pas comment mais tout à l'intérieur du pétrin de feu semblait grincheux. En entrant dans les flammes, il bougea sa main vers l'avant, tandis que les grains se séparaient un peu au fur et à mesure que le feu commençait à mourir. Il comprenait ce processus lorsqu'il en vint à l'esprit d'ailleurs, car il séparait les gaz qui étaient le carburant des flammes et poussait la fumée vers le haut en utilisant son autre main en dégageant le bus de son ennui mortel. Il savait qu'il pouvait faire plus sur cette situation, mais il pensait qu'il ne pouvait pas faire plus pour aider la situation. Mais avant de pouvoir faire quoi que ce soit, quelque chose d'autre a interféré et un autre sentiment est venu d'ici qu'il se sentait clairement il n'y a pas longtemps 'Peur' mais pas à elle mais ce qu'elle faisait. Il savait que les deux étaient jusqu'à présent spéciaux comme il pouvait le dire que si tout le monde pouvait faire la même chose, ils n'auraient qu'à le soutenir et l'autre personne était coincée à le faire. Notant que la foule commence à se rassembler du spectacle des filles, il a pris quelque chose de la foule. Un seul homme, poussant à travers la foule et prenant l'initiative de Qunin le suivit avant de dire à personne en général sauf à tous les pompiers d'entendre "Je suis médecin". Nourrir à l'autre homme, avant de se séparer rapidement pour aider les victimes. En regardant les dégâts provoqués par la flamme, il soupira car il ne savait pas quoi faire en regardant l'homme qu'il se demandait ce qu'il ferait? Il n'a pas eu le temps de chercher un exemple car le visage douloureux de la victime brûlée respirait de façon instable. En les regardant, il regarda nerveusement avant de placer ses mains au-dessus de la personne, alors que leur corps brillait d'un vert pâle. Dans la journée, cette aura de vue autour du corps est passée inaperçue généralement à moins que l'on avait un très bon œil et la capacité de discerner la couleur. Mais dans tous les cas, la respiration de la victime s'est stabilisée car la douleur était visiblement diminuée à mesure que les brûlures diminuaient en taille et en gravité, le corps étant partiellement restauré grâce à ses tentatives. Cependant, d'autres victimes avaient besoin de lui alors qu'il couvrait les victimes brûlées pour les garder propres alors qu'il continuait vers les victimes suivantes en répétant ce qu'il a fait avec sa dernière. Se tenir occupé pendant qu'il traitait les victimes, en espérant que personne ne le remarquerait.
Character Sheet " Relationships are fragile and delicate like glass but when shattered its better to leave it broken rather than hurting yourself to piece it back together... Putting on a straight face and move on, struggling each step you with a smile as you are barely keeping it together." Name: Qunin Murary Age: 21 Personality: Qunin is a very confused person, who has little sense on what his true self is, as he is perceived by most people from the outside as a quiet and helpful person. Inside he sees himself as a creative and artistic person, who has a universe of ideas and emotions but can't make them become true. While at the same time, he sees the inside of himself as a broken clockwork creation with a few missing gears which is building up tension before exploding with bottled emotions that aren't regularly expressed. His social skills and shyness are a defense mechanism to allow him to study the people that tries to befriend him, so he has time to evaluate them. Which can be a tricky process, since most people generally quit after trying once or twice and receive a single word or two and a few sentences once in a long while. His only comfortable time to talking with people is indirectly through messages, whether by paper, pictures, or by voice through the internet. As during these times, he has nothing to hide from those people, and can communicate easily without much fear. As he grew up he tried his best to break out of his silent shell and there are days where he is more outgoing than others while there are days he are silent like normal. If you manage to break his mask and become his friend, you can notice that Qunin is... 'different' in a way. One with secrets you don't expect to be holding any due to his polite and helpful nature, and containing a dark but comical streak of humor at times. But at the same time, he also breaks the facade of being reserved and is generally more outgoing and risk taking than what he normally is. Being more of a prankster and devious person, being surprisingly adept at manipulating people and doing sleight-of-hand tricks being a decent street magician. This humorous, energetic but darker side to him, is another safety mask that he wears as a extension of his personality. A repressed side of that he rarely shows only to his closest of friends and not even with his family, the people he lives with. It allows a part of him to be released that he doesn't freely have a chance to do so. Underneath this mask, no one ever sees the true Qunin. Who only he knows to be an insane soul with obsession and very strong infatuated for things that he desires for, but cannot get. His emotions are replicas of those that he seen from others, learning how to laugh along to blend it and make jokes to move around uncomfortable things. Not knowing how to really express this feelings properly. And underneath all his dirty masks that he wears to hide his one single defining trait, is that he is one greedy and jealous person, whether it be their appearance, personal belongings or simply their social standing. Always judging and critiquing others, while ignoring himself as he stumbles deeper into the dark bog that he simply cannot escape from. Interests: To target the seed where everything sprouted from, Qunin just wanted to truly be loved, the solution is a simple fairy tale solution but in the real world is near impossible in the 21st century. He never has experienced true love as he has been hiding within society to look 'normal' and wants to express his feelings to someone who can accept him for who he is. But with everyone perceiving him as the shy kid, he isn't able to do that with anyone he knows. Instead steadily with corruption, his innocent want for love has turned into lust and infatuation for people that he wants to be loved by but cannot. And this is all boiling underneath the masks that he wears for society to appear normal to them, so he isn't judged and broken to reveal the dirty truth inside of him As a part of his childhood, his social skills had its points relocated to the internet, as it was his only source of connect to the outside world as he was kept in always inside the house. The internet allowed him to surf the digital world, often watching the news, playing games of all kind from the violent action ones to the RPGs, where he escaped to another life in another world. Which his interests in RPGs, lead him to anime of all kind of genres which distracted him from the troubles that he faced in the real world and within himself. He had all this time because of the fact that he was always taking care of her special-needs sister, he never got to make many friends besides a handful of them. So, having more friends or people who accepted him are one of the wishes that he wants, and tries desperately to do so but his nervousness often prevents him from doing so. History: Qunin was a very sheltered child and was often kept at home for a good reason, but his parents didn't know about the effects of doing so. Growing up as a child who always was giving things up for his special-needs sister, he sacrificed time and his life essentially for her. Growing up not knowing the warm sensation of having friends, meant that he without missing anything since he didn't have it. Moving around often, only hindered his ability to socialize as he lacked an example for him to remember how to do so. And so, he slowly was raised up as an awkward kid who was silent but quirky as he made friends with other strange and quirky people similar like him who could relate to his interests to a certain degree. But his lack of social skills proved their worth as even the strongest of bond between best friends were unraveled before they both saw each other as an very good friend once upon a time. To top off all of his struggles growing up, sexuality was another problem that Qunin face growing up, not knowing what to do as he distinctly lacked attraction to the female students at school but had an eye for the guys. Unsure of this feeling that he never felt before and never seen nor heard before, he kept these feeling bottle up. Moving through life as a closeted individual, as he slowly began to understand these attraction to other guys via the internet. Moving through Junior and High School as a procrastinator, he made it out of high school passing with average grades that equaled to a B in total and not being in many relationships. He dated only 4 girls during his whole high school years mostly in order to preserve face. Only confessing to his crush during the senor guy was on a guy from elementary at a party and was getting a little heated with him at a party. The next day, he when he curiously asked his crush about the other night, he was violently shot down, he joked around the situation and avoided a terrible scene. But after the incident, rumors spread by the one and only person, his crush to other guys and Qunin was tormented by the others. After this event, he only fell deeper within himself. Meeting another guy called Ramnson during his transition from High School to College, it was the only true experience he had about love. Fluster and innocent about what love was, he was an awkward but cute lover in the relationship which he loved every moment. Having the attention of someone who liked him for who he was, there relationship however ended abruptly when he said he was going to study abroad and left Qunin in shatter pieces when he said that long-distance relationship like this wouldn't work for how short they known each other. The love between them so no doubt obvious but unfortunate events were destined to separate them, leaving Qunin hollowed and empty, desperately wanting someone to love him. And so trying to move on with his life, he went on trying to explore more of the joys of being alive were. But as a person who lacked the connections to people who would open more doors, he was hopelessly stuck alone as he went to college with his silent shell and hidden secrets within it. Appearance: Qunin is the extremes of the scales of appearance, he used to be a dorky person with the strangest combination of clothing but now he is a cute and awkward looking guy with nice clothes. Wearing usually casual clothing with a lithe body that is naturally skinny due to the blessing of genetics. His hair is often brushed to the side and gives him a nice cute look due to his slightly feminine features that he has. The day he died he was wearing a deep blue long sleeve shirt that was folded up and a pair of dark blackish blue jeans. Notes: Deity Notes: Realm: A realm nearly empty with the exception of the floor having shards of shatter glasses that when looked at fives a broken reflection of yourself when looking at it. A symbolic meaning for something that only Qunin knows and is considered unremarkable in emotional depth to other gods. In the center of this realm is a glass mannequin at its default form when no one is in the realm. When being looked at, the mannequin turn into a realistic figure of the ideal lover of whoever sees it, appearing differently for each person who looks at the statue. Form: Qunin has not changed his form, remaining as the same shy individual that he was during the accident. Wearing the same dark blue long sleeved shirt and dark pair of jeans. Standing at his original height of 5'10 and weighing 160 pounds. Other/Notes:
Un fort crash, un clin d'oeil, puis est venu le froid rampant qui a commencé à se propager d'un point provenant du centre de son dos. Elle aurait dû être au moins complètement paralysée et paralysée... au moins, mais elle a eu une surprise. Aleksandri, posée enroulée contre un poteau de lumière dentelé, passant sa main sur un dard de verre qui commença presque immédiatement à s'assouplir et à passer à une teinte bleue. Quand elle a touché l'objet étonnamment doux, elle s'est assise lentement et a ramassé le morceau maintenant bleu de mastic de verre avant de regarder autour de la destruction qui l'entourait. Sa mémoire n'a pas été affectée autant qu'elle ne l'aurait fait puisqu'elle s'est souvenue de ne pas pouvoir respirer après l'impact de frapper le poteau. Aleksa se tenait debout et s'étirait en sentant son dos pop à plusieurs endroits, elle se penchait pour toucher les orteils mais s'arrêtait quand elle regardait sa robe qui était un gâchis de tissu brûlé ou déchiré et tentait de se couvrir. Pendant qu'elle se couvrit, les mains d'Aleksa volèrent au-dessus des trous qui commençaient lentement à se recoudre ensemble en tissant les fils ensemble et en se lissant. "Nous allons ce fut un tour utile..." elle s'est dit avant de gazer "MY BACKPACK, NOOOO!" Elle a crié alors qu'elle a enlevé les restes encombrés du sac flou. Elle avait déjà commencé à se fixer elle-même, mais son contenu était au-delà de sa capacité de récupération. "Maintenant, j'ai besoin d'acheter plus de collations, n'est-ce pas?" Aleksa s'est interrogée après que le sac ait fini de se réparer et elle l'a jetée sur son dos et a regardé autour de lui. Tous les bruits que nous avons encore un désordre étouffé et sa vision était un peu floue mais elle a compris à la fois, "Je vais tellement m'amuser avec cela" Aleksa a dit avec un large sourire et a commencé à rassembler de plus en plus de verre pour ajouter à sa masse de mastic de verre. Aleksandri a marché autour de l'épave ramassant des morceaux de verre avant de finalement reconnaître qu'il y avait un léger sentiment d'apesanteur avec ses marches instables, tellement qu'elle sentait comme si elle flottait qui en réalité elle était à environ 4 pouces du sol. Les flammes de l'épave ne l'ont pas un peu dérangée alors qu'elle se rapprochait des bus pour plus de verre, en fait il semblait que le feu s'est penché autour ou loin d'elle permettant à Aleksa de passer sans problèmes. Finalement, elle avait laissé tomber le mastic de verre et il flottait à côté de sa tête en se déplaçant, passant constamment du bleu au rouge à l'argent et se moulageant en différentes formes 3-Dimensionnelles tout en absorbant plus de verre du sol.
Name: Aleksandri "Aleksa" Roybane Age: 16 Personality: She is a child, plain and simple. Aleksa loves soft things and candy, but this doesn't mean she is all play. Aleksa has a deadly serious side to herself when something of interest happenes or she needs to be more "mature". She has a strong feeling of trust for other people Interests: Aleksa loves collecting plushies and is an avid collector/reader of manga and comics alike. If you had looked at her room when she was normal you would have seen a mass of plushies and blankets filling space up as well as a gaming console or two. She also has a bit of an obsesion with anime style fights. She loves to dress in light a dress and skirts or in cosplay which she orders special from shops around the area though she doesn't wear these as often is it would seem. History: Aleksa was born to a mildly rich russian family though she was the opposite of what her parents wanted her to be like. Most of her family was clean-cut and proper, while she was bubbly and "fluffy" though kinda violent, which was not what Aleksandi's parents had in mind for her. Eventually they had given up on trying to change her and instead started enabling her to be herself, by means of supplying her with some money to fill her desire for her personal interest. She doesn't even like to use the family car to get places, opting to rather take public transportation. Appearance: Aleksandri is a young girl with dark blue eyes and light olive skin. Her shoulder length hair is light pink with red tips and bounces slightly while she walks. She is about 5'2" and pretty thin, at the time of the accident she was wearing a white flowing, lightly frilled sundress with red accents. She was also carrying around a copy of "Ansatsu Kyoushitsu" (really good Manga by the way) on her way home from the local manga store as well as a fuzzy blue novelty backpack full of snacks and whatnots. Notes: Later.... I shall add more later Realm: Her Realm is a completely inside out orb that surrounds both a small sun and moon which orbit eachother, the realm has a huge red and blue lake that sparkles with silver orbs of light. surounding the lake is a forest full of evergreen trees topped with what looks like dripping blue paint that falls yet seems to never touch the ground. The mile of ground that surrounds the lake and separates it from the forest is a large stretch of smooth ice that is so slippery that it you have to slide across it, though you won't slow down unless you something akin to ice skates. While the sun and moon orbit each other that means that htere is always an eclips occuring where the moon is facing. Form: A skinny, 5'2", pink and red haired girl with a frilly sun dress and dark blue eyes. Other: TBA
Josh avait sauté dans un bus qui était censé l'envoyer directement à l'Académie d'écriture et de littérature anglaise; une école bien connue qui était célèbre pour leur éducation de grands poètes et de jouer à la lutte. Alors que le bus voyageait lentement, quelque chose s'est produit - quelque chose d'étrange. Les autres n'ont pas l'air de le remarquer, mais c'était là. Quelque chose de malicieux et de maléfique. Le bus s'est retourné et a sauté, naviguant directement dans un dépôt de carburant; un aller aller aller en enfer, au moins pour une personne normale. L'autobus s'est écrasé, explosant à l'impact et détruisant le dépôt, mais surtout tuant tout le monde à bord. Le squelette tordu et enflammé qui était le bus était là, et éparpillé autour de lui étaient des cadavres carbonisés. Du côté de l'un, une paire de verres brisés et brûlés, et un petit dés. La tête de Josh nageait, remplie de formes et de couleurs étranges qui ne pouvaient être décrites que comme un mauvais voyage. Tout sent la fumée et l'huile de combustion mélangée à de la chair brûlée. Se tenant debout et jetant les images de côté, il a vu la scène. Destruction - destruction pure. Dans sa main, un petit dés bleu avec 20 côtés; sauf les seuls nombres étaient les 1 et 20, le reste étant blanc. Sirens rugissait, au moins ils avaient l'air d'un rugissement. Blaring aurait pu être le meilleur mot, mais sa tête a mal et son esprit n'a pas pu distinguer les deux. La vidéo de la police entourait la région et les gens avaient bondé autour. Tant de morts - probablement une attaque suicide. Il n'y avait pas eu de nouvelles d'attentats-suicide à Avernale, et certainement pas en Angleterre. C'était peut-être une déclaration de guerre. Qui le savait. Tout ce qu'il savait cependant, c'était qu'il ressentait quelque chose de manquant; comme quelqu'un a pris des pinces et a arraché un morceau de son esprit. Il se dirigeait vers l'Académie, puis le bus s'est éteint. Il se sentait étrange et c'était tout. En prenant les dés qu'il a roulés à travers le sol, il atterrit sur le 1. Immédiatement, sa tête commença à souffrir et des images de la mort s'écoulèrent à travers elle. Le bus. Le bus s'est retourné et s'est labouré directement dans le dépôt de carburant. Est-ce que le conducteur s'en souciait? Au moins 20 corps étaient dans les parages. Certains auraient pu être enlevés, d'autres pas en vue. Ses poumons ont brûlé et la mémoire a continué à se répéter. Le feu a léché au sol, les cadavres et le bus. La police s'est installée dans la zone et a regardé. Tout s'est passé si vite. Josh a repris les dés, et a roulé un 20. Ses poumons étaient remplis d'air pur et la mémoire a cessé de répéter d'une manière douloureuse sans contrôle, mais au lieu d'un où il était en contrôle. C'était vrai, il est monté dans le bus et le chauffeur a tué tout le monde. C'était tout le monde? De l'autre côté de la route, un corps était couché, avec des lunettes cassées et un D20 brûlé reposant sur le 1. Josh s'est évanoui, s'est effondré et s'est assis là à fixer. Comment ça? Comment a-t-il pu être mort? Comment ça? Ce n'était pas censé arriver. Il allait mener une vie réussie en tant qu'auteur et remplir pleinement ses rêves. Comment a-t-il pu mourir? Comment ça?
Name: Josh "Nightmare" Payne Age: 18 Personality: Very rash, with little to no regard of those around him, even though he pays high attention to those very people. Pretty quiet, but speaks from the heart when talking. No open regard for anything love related, and openly admits to never having a love life. Has a very poor memory, and often forgets crucial information. That or he doesn't hear it because he isn't paying attention. Interests: A pretty typical, yet diverse geek/nerd. Played video games on a regular basis, a pretty big anime fan, DnD player and partial role player. His love for DnD came about during his primary. One of his friends, named Joe, would always play with his family, and would regale with his tales of adventure and of woe. On the birthday of that very friend, Josh, another friend named Joe and the DM, Joe, all played a version of the DnD starter box. From then on, he always loved playing the game and has run many campaigns, as well as gotten very interested in the fantasy genre. Also, from a young age, he was an avid, and rather good writer, his favourites being dark fantasy and roleplay. From that age he wanted to become an author, but like most children's dreams they faded, but have somewhat been emerging once again (That's why I'm on this RP site xD) He had been trying to code for God knows how long, and has since been unsuccessful. He wanted to make something to help those like him. He wanted to make something to help players of DnD create epic encounters, help writers figure out the best vocab to use (Shhhh) and he wanted to make people happy. History: Josh was a British student in his last year of Sixth Form taking an educational trip to Avernale to study his choice of career; writing. There was everything in this city, from music to art, from technology to science - it was all in Avernale. That pulled him here, to learn the secrets of famous authors and to perfect his style of writing. That all came to an abrupt end however, on one fateful day. On his way to a university renowned for their students in the field of writing, he boarded a bus. This bus would, supposedly take him to his destination, but that wasn't what fate had in store. Instead, the bus lost it path and sailed forwards into a gas station, killing everyone aboard and ending his dream for good. Or at least that was what he thought... Appearance: About 6'2, with pretty clear white hair and vibrant blue eyes; easy to spot anywhere. He normally wore casual clothes - Jeans, hoodies, jackets and normal trainers, with glasses to help with his short-sightedness. Notes: NO! Realm: After discovering the realm, it's shape began to take form quickly. A pocket universe to suit every race, all in a single, 300m sphere. It was essentially a tiny ecosystem, complete with forests, cities, towns, soaring mountains, deserts and oceans, with great halls of stone under the Earth and a host of creatures that lived and breathed on their own, with even a scaled down version of humans to live in these places. But then their God was Josh, and things unspeakable would happen. Disaster wiped out cities, and creatures would torture and kill others. Murder, violence, poverty, hunger, death, destruction and greed would reign sometimes, and others would be peaceful; the perfect roleplay setting for a DM. Note: as of becoming a God, the realm is still barren like others. The above is just my current visual of what it will become. Other: His mind slowly begins to unravel everything he could never accomplish. His almost permanent writers block was lifted, and his mind flooded with endless ideas.
Jonathan avait pris le même bus pour occuper le poste qu'il avait pris six jours de la semaine. Le bus l'emmena dans le centre-ville, où son travail d'engourdissement mental le gardait éternellement insatisfait et toujours ennuyé, et pourtant c'était le seul travail qu'il était apte à tenir. Maintenant, il reprenait simplement la route. Il avait pris la même route aujourd'hui, mais il y avait une différence flagrante. Comme il était étrange qu'un seul élément change pour l'ensemble du système, si apparemment robuste, pour s'effondrer brusquement. Même s'il les regardait par la fenêtre tout au long de son voyage, il ne s'est pas rendu compte de ce qui s'était passé jusqu'à ce qu'il soit trop tard. Ensuite, il s'est rendu compte qu'il y avait une grosse explosion. Le seul espoir de Jonathan, aussi choquant qu'il aurait pu l'être, était qu'il avait été une sorte d'attaque. Il préférerait qu'il s'agisse d'une attaque d'une nation forte et digne, qui déclencherait un conflit long et coûteux qui ferait des ravages sur des générations, mais il se contenterait aussi d'une attaque terroriste plus banale. Sa plus grande crainte en ce moment était que sa mort ne signifiait rien, et que l'accident était simplement dû à l'incompétence du conducteur. De telles pensées de gloire protégeaient Jonathan de toute crainte réelle de la mort. Pendant un bref moment, Jonathan sentit la mort. Il pouvait sentir le souffle de la moissonneuse vers le bas sur lui, son sanglant faux venir le recueillir. Même si un tel moissonneur n'était pas vraiment descendu, Jonathan se sentait un moment plus poignant que n'importe quel autre qu'il avait ressenti pendant la vie, et il savait qu'il ressentait sa propre mort. Cependant, le moment suivant, il était clairement vivant. Il n'était dans aucune sorte d'au-delà, mais à la vue du bus en feu. Son corps était différent. Il était plus fluide qu'il ne l'avait été auparavant, et pourtant il était resté solide tout de même. Une pincée de son bras a dit à Jonathan qu'il semblait être le même à l'extérieur, mais il était conscient que quelque chose à son sujet était différent. Sa nouvelle fluidité l'a fait sentir comme s'il pouvait bouger comme il le voulait, et l'accident l'avait laissé sans blessures. Des particules implacables remplissaient ses poumons, et il les fit disparaître. La façon dont il pouvait faire un tel exploit était vraiment au-delà de lui à l'époque, et cela n'a fait qu'accroître son sentiment de désarroi. L'accident ne semblait pas avoir eu d'effet sur lui. Au contraire, Jonathan s'était senti plus vivant que jamais dans l'ensemble de son existence. Marcher parmi les ruines carbonisées de l'accident que l'autobus avait infligé, il a dégagé un chemin pour qu'il parte. Ce qu'il faisait est resté un mystère pour lui-même, mais il a laissé sortir une boule de feu avec suffisamment de force et de puissance pour dégager un chemin pour lui-même. Jonathan aurait peut-être mieux fait de rester là où il était et d'obtenir un tour de l'un des policiers qui a maintenant encerclé cet endroit, mais ce aurait été lui pensant dans la pure praticabilité qu'il avait vécu dans sa première vie. Il savait qu'il faisait tout exactement ce qu'il fallait. Jonathan passa donc par le chemin qu'il avait dégagé avec son propre pouvoir, les flammes qui l'entouraient ne le dérangeant pas autant qu'ils l'auraient eu dans sa vie précédente. Ce n'était pas comme s'il était immunisé contre eux, mais qu'il savait qu'ils ne pouvaient pas lui faire de mal. Il se demandait combien de temps son ancien nom de Jonathan lui conviendrait encore.
Name: Ivo Shadrach, he/him. Age: 19. Personality: Ivo's aversion to crowds has occasionally portrayed him as a quiet individual, but he's no less social than anyone- So long as he doesn't have to deal with too many people at once. In this way he can actually end up putting more effort into seeking and maintaining conversation than most, as a chance to chat in an environment he finds comfortable might not come around often. When he feels overwhelmed, he simply vanishes into his own thoughts and keeps doing whatever he thinks is most useful for him to do. When conversing, he is prone to change the subject to something more abstract or unusual suddenly and abruptly, though he tries to avoid speaking over anyone. Ivo laughs little, but smiles very often. It is difficult to say whether he is a friendly person, partially because he treats everyone like a friend, and partially because he seems so disinterested in what people are doing in their relationships and careers, much preferring to ask about their dreams, their emotions, their fantasies and guesses. Interests: Ivo has long wished about overcoming the inherent materialism of his Avernalese upbringing and styling himself into a spiritualist, fanning the flames of a childish belief that there really is something under the bed, that mirrors winked at you when you looked away. The commercialisation of classical monsters held no appeal to him, and Ivo has always sought out entertainment that emphasises the unknowable and the forgotten. Lovecraft's sonnets were his bedtime stories, and old chants and ambient recordings were what he defined as music. Though applying his capacious memory to science was the only way he stood a chance of passing at his public school, Ivo secretly and privately wished that he'd forget everything and discover his own beliefs about the nature of the world, and did poorly in all but mathematics, which he enjoyed for its abstract, almost otherworldly nature. He keeps himself busy with sketches and poetic records of his emotions when he's alone in a new place, neither of which will ever be worth publishing. After many attempts to apply for work in novelty shops that sold dreamcatchers and practiced crystal healing, he eventually found his employment in a factory, hand-crafting gorgeous candles and perfumed soaps. He smokes irregularly with hand-grown tobacco, though what else might be in his cigarettes is hard to say. History: Born to an old and somber family in Avernale, Ivo was raised in the shadow of his much older brother Ezra, who was very alike to himself, almost to the point of being twins. Like Ivo, Ezra did poorly in school but quickly found work, and left the family with barely a trace when he knew he was financially secure. Though difficult at first, both of Ivos parents soon surmounted their loss, knowing that Ezra had left only to seek independence, and not because there had been a lack of love or good parenting between them. A quiet expectation permeated the family that Ivo, too, would leave when he was able and no later. Knowing that Ezra had turned out well even without a successful education, they waited patiently as Ivo's grades collapsed, and did what they could to help him when he started seeking employment. Now that he has a job, they wait, neither impatiently nor regretfully, for him to take control of his own life. Appearance: Unimpressive. Though he's more fit than he looks from long wanders and hours of overtime work, Ivo still looks like a twelve-year-old, with a bulky body and just the faintest touch of pudge still lingering in his face. His hair is short, dark and uncombed. While travelling to work on the day he died, he was suited up in a simple blue factory work jacket and trousers, stained by wax and dyes. Notes: ayy lmao Realm: Empty. Form: Human. Other: None.
Darren sentit quelque chose le saisir d'une intensité qu'il n'avait jamais ressentie auparavant, comme si son cœur était arraché de sa poitrine. Il s'est cogné là où il était, mais les griffes ont refusé de le libérer. Au loin, il vit une lumière blanche brillante qui s'approcha lentement de lui. Quand la lumière est finalement arrivée, elle l'a englouti pendant un court moment, puis il est sorti de l'existence jusqu'au noir de pitch dans lequel il était avant. Il a à nouveau lutté, cette fois intensément. La poignée l'a libéré et il avait le sentiment de tomber. Les yeux de Darren battaient dans la fumée du feu voisin. Pendant une seconde, tout était flou. La zone s'est concentrée pour révéler qu'il était dans une station-service, couché de son côté. Le bâtiment brûlait autour de lui. À quelques pieds de lui, son ordinateur portable était assis sur le sol, du sang et des braises étaient couchés dessus. Darren s'y tenait et errait. En l'ouvrant, il vit que l'ordinateur était cassé en deux. À côté de l'ordinateur portable cassé était assis l'habituel 100 carte MtG deck qui avait gagné d'innombrables événements de la nuit de vendredi magique. Darren l'a enlevé et l'a mis dans sa poche avec des mains tremblantes. Un petit morceau du toit de la station tomba vers l'intérieur à côté de lui, une braise atterrit sur son épaule avec une teinte de douleur. Quand Darren a brossé la braise, il a été surpris de voir qu'elle ne l'avait pas brûlé. En marchant jusqu'à l'endroit où il s'était levé, il a fouillé la pièce, dans un coin a posé un corps face vers le bas. Darren s'en est approché et l'a renversé, révélant son visage. C'était lui.
Name: Darren Ryder. He\Him Age: 18 Personality: Darren wont take other people’s BS. He does what he wants, how he wants. He often blames others when things go wrong and seeks revenge. When he is put into a new environment his usual cockiness dissipates back into his old shy self. Once he adjusts to his surroundings he goes back to how he was before. Sometimes, if there is somebody he knows or likes, he can be nicer and more willing to listen to them. Interests: Education, solitude, Magic the Gathering, Roleplay, mythological creatures (Specifically Vampires and Werewolves) History: Darren was introduced to the concepts of Roleplay and MtG at a young age. His first deck was a Black/White deck and he still uses it today (NOTE: Black/White is based on stealing life from the opponent and gaining that life back. It also heavily abuses tokens). He loved them because they gave him a way to get away from the things he hated like people telling him what to do. Darren developed his love for Vampires when he got his first Planeswalker, Sorin Markov, who was a vampire. When he got into his first fight in 5th grade and lost half of his front tooth, he decided to focus on his education as opposed to popularity. After he made this choice, people started to call him names like nerd or geek, so he started to spend more time alone to cope with the verbal abuse. Toward the end of High School, Darren got sick of all the shit and sent it straight back at the people who tormented him. Appearance: Darren has black hair and green eyes. He is missing half of one of his teeth, Which is broken at an angle, and constantly has his nails bit down as far as he can. He was wearing a suit, too formal for the bus, but perfect for his college interview. Notes: Nope :P Realm: Darren’s Realm is still grey dust. Form: Darren still appears the way he did as a human. Other:
Aleksandri a continué à flotter autour de la zone de collecte de verre jusqu'à ce qu'elle ait une masse de la taille d'une des roues de l'autobus autour d'elle. De temps en temps, les pieds d'Aleksa touchaient le sol qui s'enlisait comme si elle touchait la surface d'une flaque bien que les ondulations ne s'étendaient qu'un pied dans n'importe quelle direction. Les sons revenaient lentement à Aleksa et elle écoutait le crépitement du feu autour de son corps et le sifflement du vent qui passait sur sa masse de verre qui se transformait en un sac de haricots comme un siège, elle flottait et flottait dessus. Dès qu'elle a touché la chaise de fortune, elle a germé de la fourrure douce qui se déplaçait indépendamment du vent. Quand Aleksa a entendu l'homme appeler « prise » elle a regardé vers le haut et a vu l'anneau de verre flottant vers elle. Elle l'a aidé à le guider jusqu'à ce qu'il soit au-dessus de sa propre tête avant de l'étirer et de l'abaisser sur sa propre tête où il était assis comme une petite couronne, « Je suis la reine du verre! » Elle a appelé comme l'anneau s'est transformé en une couronne pleine de verre. Le haricot de verre a commencé à paraître gonflé et ressemble de plus en plus à un nuage sur lequel Aleksa s'est déplacée pour être allongée sur son estomac. Pendant qu'elle était couchée là, Aleksandri a commencé à regarder autour des autres personnes autour mais n'a pas pris la peine de tourner la tête, au lieu de cela, elle a tourné le nuage qui. Presque toutes les entités autour d'elle avaient une certaine... substance pour eux qu'Aleksa n'avait pas remarqué avant ce moment-là, c'était comme s'il y avait quelque chose les piloter mais elle l'a aussi vu au sol près des cadavres aussi. Le truc, c'était que l'homme d'avant n'avait pas ces choses en lui, lui et quelques autres personnes autour, comme le super-héros qui venait de finir de vider le feu d'une zone de l'épave ou celle avec laquelle l'homme d'avant est allé parler. "Superhéro c'est alors" dit-elle avant de faire monter son nuage au-dessus de l'épave et de se déplacer au-dessus de la fille dans l'armure, Aleksandri a abaissé le nuage à côté de Kylie et a donné un sourire cheshire. "Soooo, regarde un héros qui te manque?" Elle a demandé avec un petit bâilleur.
Name: Aleksandri "Aleksa" Roybane Age: 16 Personality: She is a child, plain and simple. Aleksa loves soft things and candy, but this doesn't mean she is all play. Aleksa has a deadly serious side to herself when something of interest happenes or she needs to be more "mature". She has a strong feeling of trust for other people Interests: Aleksa loves collecting plushies and is an avid collector/reader of manga and comics alike. If you had looked at her room when she was normal you would have seen a mass of plushies and blankets filling space up as well as a gaming console or two. She also has a bit of an obsesion with anime style fights. She loves to dress in light a dress and skirts or in cosplay which she orders special from shops around the area though she doesn't wear these as often is it would seem. History: Aleksa was born to a mildly rich russian family though she was the opposite of what her parents wanted her to be like. Most of her family was clean-cut and proper, while she was bubbly and "fluffy" though kinda violent, which was not what Aleksandi's parents had in mind for her. Eventually they had given up on trying to change her and instead started enabling her to be herself, by means of supplying her with some money to fill her desire for her personal interest. She doesn't even like to use the family car to get places, opting to rather take public transportation. Appearance: Aleksandri is a young girl with dark blue eyes and light olive skin. Her shoulder length hair is light pink with red tips and bounces slightly while she walks. She is about 5'2" and pretty thin, at the time of the accident she was wearing a white flowing, lightly frilled sundress with red accents. She was also carrying around a copy of "Ansatsu Kyoushitsu" (really good Manga by the way) on her way home from the local manga store as well as a fuzzy blue novelty backpack full of snacks and whatnots. Notes: Later.... I shall add more later Realm: Her Realm is a completely inside out orb that surrounds both a small sun and moon which orbit eachother, the realm has a huge red and blue lake that sparkles with silver orbs of light. surounding the lake is a forest full of evergreen trees topped with what looks like dripping blue paint that falls yet seems to never touch the ground. The mile of ground that surrounds the lake and separates it from the forest is a large stretch of smooth ice that is so slippery that it you have to slide across it, though you won't slow down unless you something akin to ice skates. While the sun and moon orbit each other that means that htere is always an eclips occuring where the moon is facing. Form: A skinny, 5'2", pink and red haired girl with a frilly sun dress and dark blue eyes. Other: TBA
Kylie prend la première explosion pour un réservoir de carburant qui s'éteint, ou peut-être une voiture, sous toute la fumée. Pourtant, elle fait un boulot de dieu qui aspire les flammes, qui devrait laisser passer les services d'urgence... Puis il y a une fille à côté d'elle, allongée sur un nuage pétillant, lui demandant ce qu'elle mijote. "Hé, bonjour. Je lutte contre le feu." Kylie doit supprimer un instinct pour dire à la fille de s'éloigner du danger, mais quelqu'un flottant sur un nuage a clairement traversé la même chose qu'elle. Est-ce qu'ils se sont crashés dans un mutagène étrange, ou quelque chose comme ça? Le HUD à l'intérieur de son casque "scans" la fille, et dit à Kylie que cette fille est comme elle... comme si ce n'était pas évident. Sa visière s'ouvre pour montrer son visage, et l'affichage est remplacé par une compréhension. La fille contrôle le verre... la fille est comme elle... Les jets de pieds de Kylie se fanent d'une lueur cosmétique, et elle reste accrochée dans l'air. La gravité, c'est pour les autres. Elle n'a pas besoin de l'armure non plus... mais elle aime la façon dont ça a l'air. "Aleksandri... Attends, comment ai-je su ton nom? Avez-vous une idée de ce qui se passe?" Avant d'avoir une réponse, il y a une autre explosion. Kylie regarde en bas, et cette fois même s'il y a de la fumée épaisse dans le chemin, elle sait ce qu'il y a de l'autre côté. Il y a un homme, un homme comme elle et Aleksa, qui lance plus d'explosions, défaire son travail, risquer plus de vies. Son casque se ferme à nouveau, le HUD montrant ses distances, ses chaleurs, ses points d'intérêt à proximité. "Ça peut attendre! Je dois l'arrêter!" Kylie atterrit à environ vingt pieds devant Johnathan d'une main et d'un genou, creusant le sol avec la force. Elle se tient lentement, pointe son doigt sur lui et commande : "Arrête!"
Birth name: Jonathan Sylvester Adams Divine Name: Monad Personality: As a human, Jonathan was quiet and obedient. He did not go against anything he could not tackle, as he was afraid. He believed that everything had a certain place in the world. At first a romantic sense of belonging, this ideal soon developed into a sense of conformity. Jonathan himself was personal unsatisfied with his place in the world, but unless he could do anything about it, he was stuck where he was. According to his own thoughts, the highest person is one who has the power to turn against all established norms, but at the time such a thought was irrelevant to him, as he didn't have what it took to move up. He could not challenge the higher authorities, therefore he was where he belonged. However, this did not mean he had to enjoy it. Throughout the days he had been miserable. He had this feeling that he was not exactly where he belonged. He was cowardly, which was why he was quiet and unassuming. He found loyalty to be important, as well as love. He wanted to find love, and held to this faint romantic hope that there was someone special for him out there. In short, he was someone who was loyal and obedient, who never seemed to question his betters, yet very bitter about his lowly position in life, and held deeply unrealistic and romantic views about how the passions of the world worked. Interests: While not exactly a voracious reader, he read as a hobby. He had a favorite genre, fantasy, as he found the concept of heroes intriguing. It was a started when he was introduced to fantasy as a child when he first read the hobbit, and it spun from there, as he discovered more books.His favorite authors were J.R.R. Tolkien and Michael Moorcock, who were to some extent diametrically opposed. However, they were far from the only thing he read. He read a mix of modern and classics, as well as more philosophical works. Aside from reading, he would also watch movies. They were rarely anything else other than dramas or romances, and usually foreign. He thought action don't make good movies, and that horror movies are seldom of good quality. He also played pool often with his friends. He was also a fan of poetry, and mainly as a writer of one. Usually, he would write in in-rhyming iambic pentameter. He doesn't use the Internet too often, but would use them to watch movies. History: He lived in a middle-class family. He had an older brother, Josh, who could excel. After being beaten by his brother one too many times, he gave up on trying to surpass him. He only did mediocre in school. His older brother was better than him in essentially everything, which made Jonathan bitter. He was able to get into a local community college, but Jonathan couldn't handle the work and dropped out. After dropping out of college, Jonathan was forced to take an office job, which he hates. He saw no hope of ever getting into a higher position in life. Overall, he lived a normal, mundane life. Appearance: He has short black hair, and slightly tanned skin, and blue eyes. He is skinny and is only 5'2 in height. Realm:Empty Form: Human Other: Feeling uplifted, he no longer meekly follows others.
Avec son nouveau pouvoir tout-puissant, Jonathan a dégagé un chemin enflammé de flammes qu'il pouvait traverser sans être seul. Alors qu'il voyait la puissance de son déploiement, il en fut à la fois impressionné et satisfait. Il marchait parmi les flammes. Le chemin de la liberté était ouvert et les puissances des cieux se tenaient embaumées dans ses mains. Et pourtant, comme ils l'étaient, il y avait des ennuis pour empêcher Jonathan de se libérer d'ici. Une jeune fille d'une figure douce et sans prétention physique se tenait devant lui. Pourtant, elle était dans un étrange combat, donc contrairement à ceux de la normalité. Jonathan était vraiment vivant, et d'une plus grande valeur qu'il ne l'avait jamais été. Il ne voyait aucune raison de le retarder. Qu'est-ce que cette dame voulait de lui? "Verrier de l'espace, que me demanderiez-vous?" Jonathan a dit. "Je ne vais pas être désobéi inutilement, car regarde-moi et tu renaîtras un être! Mais attendez... Jonathan pouvait ressentir une étrange sensation dans son corps. Oui, il pouvait voir quelque chose dans la fille. C'était quelque chose qu'ils partageaient tous les deux. Pourtant, qu'est-ce qu'il pourrait, un être renaître, partager avec un guerrier de l'espace? Il vit en elle un aspect de son être, et savait qu'elle était comme lui. Elle semblait posséder un pouvoir qui allait au-delà de celui d'un simple humain. Une telle puissance ne venait pas de sa fausse armure de puissance. -- Ah, je le vois, dit Jonathan. « Il aurait été préférable d'être le seul, mais je vois qu'il y en a d'autres. Je suis revenu des portes ébènes de la mort, et j'ai reçu une seconde vie de puissance. Etes-vous le même, guerrier de l'espace? Peu importe la réponse à la question, éloignez-vous de ma sortie. Avec des tourbillons de Crimson, j'ai créé la porte de l'enfer, et vous ne m'éloignerez pas de mon chemin choisi.
Birth name: Jonathan Sylvester Adams Divine Name: Monad Personality: As a human, Jonathan was quiet and obedient. He did not go against anything he could not tackle, as he was afraid. He believed that everything had a certain place in the world. At first a romantic sense of belonging, this ideal soon developed into a sense of conformity. Jonathan himself was personal unsatisfied with his place in the world, but unless he could do anything about it, he was stuck where he was. According to his own thoughts, the highest person is one who has the power to turn against all established norms, but at the time such a thought was irrelevant to him, as he didn't have what it took to move up. He could not challenge the higher authorities, therefore he was where he belonged. However, this did not mean he had to enjoy it. Throughout the days he had been miserable. He had this feeling that he was not exactly where he belonged. He was cowardly, which was why he was quiet and unassuming. He found loyalty to be important, as well as love. He wanted to find love, and held to this faint romantic hope that there was someone special for him out there. In short, he was someone who was loyal and obedient, who never seemed to question his betters, yet very bitter about his lowly position in life, and held deeply unrealistic and romantic views about how the passions of the world worked. Interests: While not exactly a voracious reader, he read as a hobby. He had a favorite genre, fantasy, as he found the concept of heroes intriguing. It was a started when he was introduced to fantasy as a child when he first read the hobbit, and it spun from there, as he discovered more books.His favorite authors were J.R.R. Tolkien and Michael Moorcock, who were to some extent diametrically opposed. However, they were far from the only thing he read. He read a mix of modern and classics, as well as more philosophical works. Aside from reading, he would also watch movies. They were rarely anything else other than dramas or romances, and usually foreign. He thought action don't make good movies, and that horror movies are seldom of good quality. He also played pool often with his friends. He was also a fan of poetry, and mainly as a writer of one. Usually, he would write in in-rhyming iambic pentameter. He doesn't use the Internet too often, but would use them to watch movies. History: He lived in a middle-class family. He had an older brother, Josh, who could excel. After being beaten by his brother one too many times, he gave up on trying to surpass him. He only did mediocre in school. His older brother was better than him in essentially everything, which made Jonathan bitter. He was able to get into a local community college, but Jonathan couldn't handle the work and dropped out. After dropping out of college, Jonathan was forced to take an office job, which he hates. He saw no hope of ever getting into a higher position in life. Overall, he lived a normal, mundane life. Appearance: He has short black hair, and slightly tanned skin, and blue eyes. He is skinny and is only 5'2 in height. Realm:Empty Form: Human Other: Feeling uplifted, he no longer meekly follows others.
Tous les nerfs de son corps criaient, et ce n'était pas le cas. La douleur ne s'est pasompée, elle a disparu si sûrement qu'elle aurait pu être un rêve. Elle a peut-être rêvé pendant un certain temps, elle-même quelque part ailleurs alors que le reste d'elle a trouvé quoi faire à propos d'un corps. Alex est revenue à elle-même comme se réveiller, comme s'ouvrir les yeux – le monde était parti, et puis ce n'était pas. Cela a pris un peu plus de temps. Il a commencé avec la sensation de gravier creusant dans son côté, le poids de son corps contre l'asphalte. Ensuite est venu la chaleur contre son dos, hors de la place dans l'air frais de novembre. Enfin, les sons du désastre : la cacophonie des cris et des sirènes. Maintenant qu'elle avait fait le bilan de son environnement, il était temps de regarder plus près de chez elle. Alex s'est apaisée, lentement, si lentement, dans une position assise. Des boucles lourdes ont glissé sur ses épaules, familières et réconfortantes. Son corps avait l'air comme elle s'en souvenait, pas un seul membre hors de sa place, pas de coupures ni d'os cassés. La peau brune de ses bras et de ses jambes était lisse et non marquée, sauf pour la dispersion attendue des taches de rousseur. Bien qu'elle ait eu l'impression de ne pas l'être, elle était entière. Alex s'est souvenu, tardivement, qu'elle avait écorché son genou la semaine dernière, en retard dans une audition en ville. Les éraflures de ses paumes avaient été superficielles et étaient déjà guéries, mais elle descendait assez fort sur une jambe pour puiser du sang. Il devrait encore y avoir une gale là-bas. Au moment où elle l'a pensé, il y en a eu. Alex a regardé. Je suis en état de choc, elle a pensé, et puis, c'est trop fort. Immédiatement, le bruit a baissé, aussi étouffé que si elle avait fermé une porte entre elle et le reste du monde. Alex a avalé. Il y avait des gens à proximité. Ceux qui criaient, ou ceux qui ne s'étaient pas levés. Il y avait un feu qui faisait rage. Et tout ce sur quoi elle pouvait se concentrer, c'était la façon dont le monde s'est effondré quand elle le voulait, la façon dont la bile a grimpé sa gorge quand elle a repéré un homme tenant un crâne carbonisé, ou le fait inévitable qu'il n'y a pas trop longtemps, elle était à l'intérieur de la coque d'un véhicule, assis juste derrière le conducteur. Elle entendait sa mère crier, Alexandra Denali, ne prend jamais une chose dans cette vie pour acquise, et son père dit, doucement, Alex, ne cherche pas seulement les aides; suivez-les. Et pourtant, elle ne pouvait pas se faire bouger. Jericho dirait qu'elle est en état de choc; Ravi dirait que c'est son sentiment d'auto-préservation sous-utilisé. Sa grand-mère dirait qu'elle s'absorbait elle-même, et c'était probablement plus proche de la vérité. Chasing les voix de sa tête, Alex a pris une profonde respiration, se forçant à se concentrer sur la façon dont l'air a rempli ses poumons. (L'air pur, parce qu'elle toussait une fois sur la fumée et voulait qu'elle s'en aille.) Elle exhala tout aussi soigneusement, se sentant un peu plus à la maison dans son corps comme elle l'a fait. Dans un instant. Elle s'occuperait de tout dans un moment.
Name: Alexandra “Alex” Denali. She/her. Age: 22 Personality: Alex is very physical, but not violent. She likes tactile things: the press of a kiss, the taste of coffee, the feel of silk on her skin. Given the choice, she would go everywhere barefoot. When it comes to classes or performances, she’s good at rolling with the punches, but when it comes to dealing with people, she’s on the sensitive side—she’s not shy by any means, but her feelings are more easily hurt than she’d like to admit, and it’s hard for her to let go of something once it’s said or done, though she tries to hide it. She doesn’t look for conflict, but she’s independent enough to have come out of a family of doctors with a liberal arts degree. Interests: Dance (enough to major in it), running, martial arts—anything that allows her to feel present and grounded in her body. She appreciates beauty and artistry and likes to surround herself with rich, vivid colors. She likes poetry—people like Neruda and Rilke for depth, and more modern poets like Billy Collins for sheer cleverness. She also became active in volunteer work for a while in college; it started as a requirement and became a hobby. History: Alex is fairly lucky. Her home life wasn’t bad, and she doesn’t have a bad relationship with her parents, despite their occasional distress at what they consider to be a long line of questionable decisions. Her family has always lived well, having settled comfortably into the American Dream—right down to Daddy being a doctor and Ammi a successful child psychologist. She and her younger brother, Ravi, are close, though they see each other less since Alex moved into her own apartment. Alex just graduated this year and has spent the last few months attending auditions. Appearance: Alex was born willowy, but a dancer’s dedication has made her five-foot-six frame a little more solid. She’s a third-generation American from a melting-pot of a family, but her Indo-African roots show in her loose brown curls and skin that looks half a shade too dark for the freckles smattered across her nose. She has a cluster of flowers tattooed on her right shoulder, a product both of her love of pretty things and her curiosity about the sting of a tattooist’s needle (it was a thrill, but not one she’s likely to repeat). She likes flowy garments—loose tunics; lacy dresses; skirts that swish—but compromises when necessary. A few layered tank tops, a cluster of necklaces, and a myriad collection of jackets and cardigans make up the more practical parts of her wardrobe. She was dressed casually on the day she died in a black cotton dress scattered with sunflowers. Notes: Alex is friendly and easy to get along with, so she’s always had lots of acquaintances, but she only has one best friend: Jericho, a quiet, reserved boy that she keeps in constant touch with—if Alex and Jericho are not together, they’re probably texting, except when Jericho’s introverted nature gets the better of him and he has to go into hermit mode. Alex’s parents despair of her ever settling down with a nice boy to start a family; when she’s feeling particularly pressured, she tells them airily that Jericho is her one and only.
Ross s'est juste tenu à regarder le cadavre devant lui, face vers le bas dans une flaque de son propre sang qui s'évanouissait d'une fissure dans le front. C'était, franchement, la définition de l'impossible. Tout ce que vous pouviez voir, sentir et ici étaient simplement des stimuli externes traduits en signaux électriques interprétés par le cerveau. Et pourtant ici, il fixait son cerveau alors qu'il s'échappait du côté de son crâne brisé. Ce devait être un rêve; peut-être était-il dans le coma, ou était-il inconscient après l'accident? Ou peut-être que l'accident n'a jamais eu lieu, et il se réveillait dans son lit avec son cerveau à l'intérieur de son crâne. Une pensée terrifiante s'est incrustée dans son esprit; S'il /était/ dans le coma (il était tout à fait certain que le crash était réel.) Alors c'était comme ça? Il serait coincé dans un rêve jusqu'à ce qu'il se réveille, si jamais? Il a entendu une voix appeler et a tourné la tête pour voir deux ambulanciers se précipiter, s'écraser sur son cadavre. L'un d'eux s'est approché pour vérifier le pouls, puis a regardé vers l'autre, secouant la tête lentement et appelant pour un sac de corps. Ross tourna lentement... et vit peut-être la chose la plus étrange qu'il ait jamais vue se passer dans sa vie. Il a essayé de supprimer un sourire par instinct, mais en se souvenant que c'était un rêve qu'il ne pouvait s'empêcher d'éclater en riant de l'absurdité de quelqu'un dans l'armée de combat de science-fiction et d'une fille sur un nuage de shards juste... Voilà. Et puis... non, c'était impossible. Il se retourna lentement, luttant pour retenir le rire; l'un des deux ambulanciers regarda de son cadavre vers lui... Et ses yeux s'élargirent et regardèrent vers le corps. Remonte vers Ross. "Oh mon dieu." Il s'est assommé alors qu'il regardait le doppelganger du cadavre. Son coéquipier le regarda et suivit son regard avant de se branler en arrière et de tomber sur son dos. "Bonne merde!" Il s'est exclamé, avant de regarder devant lui les deux autres divinités au-delà, se brouillant à l'envers et en s'éloignant alors qu'il hurlait une fois de plus "Sainte merde!" Ross se détourna, les yeux grands en état de choc et son visage drainé de couleur comme une horrible réalisation le frappa, lui ôtant le souffle. Il se tenait juste à leur place, gelé sur place alors qu'il regardait dans le lointain skyline. Ce n'était pas un rêve.
Name: Aleksandri "Aleksa" Roybane Age: 16 Personality: She is a child, plain and simple. Aleksa loves soft things and candy, but this doesn't mean she is all play. Aleksa has a deadly serious side to herself when something of interest happenes or she needs to be more "mature". She has a strong feeling of trust for other people Interests: Aleksa loves collecting plushies and is an avid collector/reader of manga and comics alike. If you had looked at her room when she was normal you would have seen a mass of plushies and blankets filling space up as well as a gaming console or two. She also has a bit of an obsesion with anime style fights. She loves to dress in light a dress and skirts or in cosplay which she orders special from shops around the area though she doesn't wear these as often is it would seem. History: Aleksa was born to a mildly rich russian family though she was the opposite of what her parents wanted her to be like. Most of her family was clean-cut and proper, while she was bubbly and "fluffy" though kinda violent, which was not what Aleksandi's parents had in mind for her. Eventually they had given up on trying to change her and instead started enabling her to be herself, by means of supplying her with some money to fill her desire for her personal interest. She doesn't even like to use the family car to get places, opting to rather take public transportation. Appearance: Aleksandri is a young girl with dark blue eyes and light olive skin. Her shoulder length hair is light pink with red tips and bounces slightly while she walks. She is about 5'2" and pretty thin, at the time of the accident she was wearing a white flowing, lightly frilled sundress with red accents. She was also carrying around a copy of "Ansatsu Kyoushitsu" (really good Manga by the way) on her way home from the local manga store as well as a fuzzy blue novelty backpack full of snacks and whatnots. Notes: Later.... I shall add more later Realm: Her Realm is a completely inside out orb that surrounds both a small sun and moon which orbit eachother, the realm has a huge red and blue lake that sparkles with silver orbs of light. surounding the lake is a forest full of evergreen trees topped with what looks like dripping blue paint that falls yet seems to never touch the ground. The mile of ground that surrounds the lake and separates it from the forest is a large stretch of smooth ice that is so slippery that it you have to slide across it, though you won't slow down unless you something akin to ice skates. While the sun and moon orbit each other that means that htere is always an eclips occuring where the moon is facing. Form: A skinny, 5'2", pink and red haired girl with a frilly sun dress and dark blue eyes. Other: TBA
Jonathan regarda la nouvelle arrivée, qui s'envola sur une bouffée, comme si elle était arrivée sur une nuée. À l'inspection, Jonathan vit que ce qu'elle conduisait était en effet un nuage, dans lequel elle pouvait traverser l'air autour d'elle. Il pouvait sentir sur lui quand elle est arrivée, qu'elle était d'une manière semblable à lui-même. Son âme lui-même l'informe de sa présence et de sa nature, la différenciant des simples mortels qu'il pouvait sentir. Sa présence se sentait différente de la sensation fétide et banale de l'esprit d'un humain. Elle lui a parlé d'un ton irrévérencieux, mais ce n'était pas grave à l'époque. Il n'était encore qu'un débutant à cette nouvelle existence que le jeu du cercle de la vie avait jeté sur lui. Le respect qu'il méritait et le respect qu'elle méritait ne lui étaient pas apparents à l'époque. Ils étaient certainement d'une existence plus élevée que les hommes et les femmes indiscutables qui vivaient là-bas. Toutefois, ils pourraient être exaltés au même niveau que lui-même. Il n'avait pas l'impression de devoir discuter des choses à l'époque avec eux. Peu importe le pouvoir qu'ils pouvaient rassembler, avec son ascension nouvellement arrivée, ils ne pouvaient pas l'empêcher de quoi que ce soit. Ce qu'ils ont fait n'était pas pertinent pour lui, et il espérait qu'ils ne le distraireaient pas beaucoup plus. "Forsooth, guide du nuage, de quel but visez-vous, quel but surmontez-vous en me parlant? Que l'on sache que depuis le chemin de feu, j'ai encerclé à travers la terre brûlée une voie de flammes. Je vais à ma façon maintenant, car je ressens l'ascendant. En effet, vous suivez tous vos propres cœurs. Encore une fois, que comptez-vous accomplir avec moi? »
Name: Aleksandri "Aleksa" Roybane Age: 16 Personality: She is a child, plain and simple. Aleksa loves soft things and candy, but this doesn't mean she is all play. Aleksa has a deadly serious side to herself when something of interest happenes or she needs to be more "mature". She has a strong feeling of trust for other people Interests: Aleksa loves collecting plushies and is an avid collector/reader of manga and comics alike. If you had looked at her room when she was normal you would have seen a mass of plushies and blankets filling space up as well as a gaming console or two. She also has a bit of an obsesion with anime style fights. She loves to dress in light a dress and skirts or in cosplay which she orders special from shops around the area though she doesn't wear these as often is it would seem. History: Aleksa was born to a mildly rich russian family though she was the opposite of what her parents wanted her to be like. Most of her family was clean-cut and proper, while she was bubbly and "fluffy" though kinda violent, which was not what Aleksandi's parents had in mind for her. Eventually they had given up on trying to change her and instead started enabling her to be herself, by means of supplying her with some money to fill her desire for her personal interest. She doesn't even like to use the family car to get places, opting to rather take public transportation. Appearance: Aleksandri is a young girl with dark blue eyes and light olive skin. Her shoulder length hair is light pink with red tips and bounces slightly while she walks. She is about 5'2" and pretty thin, at the time of the accident she was wearing a white flowing, lightly frilled sundress with red accents. She was also carrying around a copy of "Ansatsu Kyoushitsu" (really good Manga by the way) on her way home from the local manga store as well as a fuzzy blue novelty backpack full of snacks and whatnots. Notes: Later.... I shall add more later Realm: Her Realm is a completely inside out orb that surrounds both a small sun and moon which orbit eachother, the realm has a huge red and blue lake that sparkles with silver orbs of light. surounding the lake is a forest full of evergreen trees topped with what looks like dripping blue paint that falls yet seems to never touch the ground. The mile of ground that surrounds the lake and separates it from the forest is a large stretch of smooth ice that is so slippery that it you have to slide across it, though you won't slow down unless you something akin to ice skates. While the sun and moon orbit each other that means that htere is always an eclips occuring where the moon is facing. Form: A skinny, 5'2", pink and red haired girl with a frilly sun dress and dark blue eyes. Other: TBA
Hélas, pauvre Yorick, a cité Shadrach dans un bourdonnement, reposant le crâne sur le torse inférieur du corps qui l'avait cultivé. "Un homme d'une plaisanterie infinie. Ce n'est plus le cas, de toute façon." Le petit garçon sur le sol n'avait toujours pas beaucoup bougé, mais son corps se stabilisait. Shad pensait qu'il laisserait l'autre adolescent à n'importe quelle chaîne de pensée qu'il devait démêler. Il savait ce que c'était d'avoir à voler un moment de calme hors d'une dure journée, et il avait une certaine empathie... et un filet d'anticipation. Le garçon fixait ses dés avec plus d'intensité que Shadrach aimait être autour. Cela lui rappelait une bande élastique étirée trop loin. Ses marches étaient décontractées à son départ, mais il se déplaçait avec une vitesse inhumaine. Il n'est pas allé très loin. Juste assez loin, peut-être, pour rester hors de portée du couple qui jouait avec le feu. Joigné par la fille avec le verre. Laisse-les jouer. Ce n'est pas comme s'ils pouvaient se blesser. Pas beaucoup. Ce n'est pas ma responsabilité. Les humains blessés aux bords de sa vision ont peut-être été sa responsabilité, s'il a pris un moment pour examiner la situation, mais Shadrach ne l'a pas fait. L'empathie envers les marionnettes de viande a été remarquablement lente à venir. Certains d'entre eux ont attiré son attention plus tôt que d'autres, cependant, surtout celui qui hurlait de la « merde sainte » au sommet de ses poumons alors qu'il s'éloignait de l'homme aux cheveux gris debout au-dessus de son vieux corps. Son camarade suivit bientôt. «Certains d'entre nous sont plus longs que d'autres pour en avoir la sensation», a commenté Shadrach à la hauteur de l'homme à mi-chemin, jetant ses yeux d'abord sur les enfants aéroportés de l'autre côté de l'épave, puis sur le cadre immobile de l'adolescent aux cheveux pâles, puis de nouveau. Puis retour à l'adolescence. Il ne s'est pas senti très loin du tout. "Les motes de la suie qui filent dans l'air. Un humain ne les verra jamais. Mais une fois que vous les sentez... C'est comme un ballet." Il aimait ce type, jusqu'ici, qui n'avait pas l'air aussi stressé, mais tout aussi silencieux.
Name: Ivo Shadrach, he/him. Age: 19. Personality: Ivo's aversion to crowds has occasionally portrayed him as a quiet individual, but he's no less social than anyone- So long as he doesn't have to deal with too many people at once. In this way he can actually end up putting more effort into seeking and maintaining conversation than most, as a chance to chat in an environment he finds comfortable might not come around often. When he feels overwhelmed, he simply vanishes into his own thoughts and keeps doing whatever he thinks is most useful for him to do. When conversing, he is prone to change the subject to something more abstract or unusual suddenly and abruptly, though he tries to avoid speaking over anyone. Ivo laughs little, but smiles very often. It is difficult to say whether he is a friendly person, partially because he treats everyone like a friend, and partially because he seems so disinterested in what people are doing in their relationships and careers, much preferring to ask about their dreams, their emotions, their fantasies and guesses. Interests: Ivo has long wished about overcoming the inherent materialism of his Avernalese upbringing and styling himself into a spiritualist, fanning the flames of a childish belief that there really is something under the bed, that mirrors winked at you when you looked away. The commercialisation of classical monsters held no appeal to him, and Ivo has always sought out entertainment that emphasises the unknowable and the forgotten. Lovecraft's sonnets were his bedtime stories, and old chants and ambient recordings were what he defined as music. Though applying his capacious memory to science was the only way he stood a chance of passing at his public school, Ivo secretly and privately wished that he'd forget everything and discover his own beliefs about the nature of the world, and did poorly in all but mathematics, which he enjoyed for its abstract, almost otherworldly nature. He keeps himself busy with sketches and poetic records of his emotions when he's alone in a new place, neither of which will ever be worth publishing. After many attempts to apply for work in novelty shops that sold dreamcatchers and practiced crystal healing, he eventually found his employment in a factory, hand-crafting gorgeous candles and perfumed soaps. He smokes irregularly with hand-grown tobacco, though what else might be in his cigarettes is hard to say. History: Born to an old and somber family in Avernale, Ivo was raised in the shadow of his much older brother Ezra, who was very alike to himself, almost to the point of being twins. Like Ivo, Ezra did poorly in school but quickly found work, and left the family with barely a trace when he knew he was financially secure. Though difficult at first, both of Ivos parents soon surmounted their loss, knowing that Ezra had left only to seek independence, and not because there had been a lack of love or good parenting between them. A quiet expectation permeated the family that Ivo, too, would leave when he was able and no later. Knowing that Ezra had turned out well even without a successful education, they waited patiently as Ivo's grades collapsed, and did what they could to help him when he started seeking employment. Now that he has a job, they wait, neither impatiently nor regretfully, for him to take control of his own life. Appearance: Unimpressive. Though he's more fit than he looks from long wanders and hours of overtime work, Ivo still looks like a twelve-year-old, with a bulky body and just the faintest touch of pudge still lingering in his face. His hair is short, dark and uncombed. While travelling to work on the day he died, he was suited up in a simple blue factory work jacket and trousers, stained by wax and dyes. Notes: ayy lmao Realm: Empty. Form: Human. Other: None.
Kylie lui donne un regard long... sa façon de parler pourrait être la chose la plus étrange toute la journée, et cela la cause à un mauvais pas mental. Plutôt que d'offrir un défi épique ou un ultimatum, elle dit simplement "Uh... J'aimerais que tu arrêtes de faire sauter les choses? J'essaie d'éteindre ce feu et de sauver les gens." Ce n'est pas bon, mais c'est fini maintenant. Les choses commencent à avoir plus de sens, au fond de son esprit. « Il est clair que ce qui m'est arrivé vous est arrivé aussi bien... nous sommes tout aussi expérimentés avec les pouvoirs, mais voulez-vous affronter un champion? » Eh bien, elle a gagné un jouet câlin à un tournoi de chasseurs d'arcade, donc ce n'est pas techniquement un mensonge... et si elle pouvait tirer certains de ces combos dans la vraie vie... surtout les éclairs... Alors que Kylie réfléchit à cela, et se prépare mentalement à une confrontation, sa tenue change. Le blindage glisse dans des brumes de brouillard, comme des brouillons semblables enveloppent autour d'elle dans une gi d'arts martiaux.
Birth name: Jonathan Sylvester Adams Divine Name: Monad Personality: As a human, Jonathan was quiet and obedient. He did not go against anything he could not tackle, as he was afraid. He believed that everything had a certain place in the world. At first a romantic sense of belonging, this ideal soon developed into a sense of conformity. Jonathan himself was personal unsatisfied with his place in the world, but unless he could do anything about it, he was stuck where he was. According to his own thoughts, the highest person is one who has the power to turn against all established norms, but at the time such a thought was irrelevant to him, as he didn't have what it took to move up. He could not challenge the higher authorities, therefore he was where he belonged. However, this did not mean he had to enjoy it. Throughout the days he had been miserable. He had this feeling that he was not exactly where he belonged. He was cowardly, which was why he was quiet and unassuming. He found loyalty to be important, as well as love. He wanted to find love, and held to this faint romantic hope that there was someone special for him out there. In short, he was someone who was loyal and obedient, who never seemed to question his betters, yet very bitter about his lowly position in life, and held deeply unrealistic and romantic views about how the passions of the world worked. Interests: While not exactly a voracious reader, he read as a hobby. He had a favorite genre, fantasy, as he found the concept of heroes intriguing. It was a started when he was introduced to fantasy as a child when he first read the hobbit, and it spun from there, as he discovered more books.His favorite authors were J.R.R. Tolkien and Michael Moorcock, who were to some extent diametrically opposed. However, they were far from the only thing he read. He read a mix of modern and classics, as well as more philosophical works. Aside from reading, he would also watch movies. They were rarely anything else other than dramas or romances, and usually foreign. He thought action don't make good movies, and that horror movies are seldom of good quality. He also played pool often with his friends. He was also a fan of poetry, and mainly as a writer of one. Usually, he would write in in-rhyming iambic pentameter. He doesn't use the Internet too often, but would use them to watch movies. History: He lived in a middle-class family. He had an older brother, Josh, who could excel. After being beaten by his brother one too many times, he gave up on trying to surpass him. He only did mediocre in school. His older brother was better than him in essentially everything, which made Jonathan bitter. He was able to get into a local community college, but Jonathan couldn't handle the work and dropped out. After dropping out of college, Jonathan was forced to take an office job, which he hates. He saw no hope of ever getting into a higher position in life. Overall, he lived a normal, mundane life. Appearance: He has short black hair, and slightly tanned skin, and blue eyes. He is skinny and is only 5'2 in height. Realm:Empty Form: Human Other: Feeling uplifted, he no longer meekly follows others.
C'est de l'essence. L'oxygène dans l'air a inondé les poumons de l'être qui a respiré. En entrant en l'air, et en sortant. C'était un mouvement rapide qui est venu naturellement au garçon qui était là, silencieux. Ses yeux étaient fixés sur quelque chose de loin comme s'il regardait vers la distance. Il clignait, forçant ses cils à flotter abondamment dans un mouvement rapide comme le lever et la chute de sa poitrine. Ses fonctionnalités normales avaient commencé à fonctionner. Il respirait, il clignait, et il commençait enfin à bouger. Le choc de ce qui s'était passé avant ce moment s'estompait. Le garçon a décidé qu'il valait mieux étudier son environnement au début, afin de comprendre ce qu'il allait faire ensuite. Des arbres. Des pins de différentes nuances et hauteurs l'entouraient. Il y avait une épaisseur aérée qui hantait la peau du jeune homme ; lui donnant des frissons de son cou à ses orteils. Il revenait à la réalité, lentement mais progressivement. Pourquoi il était plus long que les autres était un mystère en soi, si-pas frustrant pour lui en général. Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé? Pourquoi se tenait-il au milieu d'une forêt qui sentait la chair brûlante et le métal? Avait-il contracté un cas soudain d'amnésie? Il ne comprenait pas ce qui se passait, et ne se souvenait pas de la mémoire à long terme ou à court terme. Qu'est-ce qui se passait? Il regarda vers sa gauche. Encore des arbres. Il regardait à droite. Arbres, mais la vue faible d'une torche orange dans la distance devant le bois. Il a tourné la tête pour voir ce qui était derrière lui. Ses yeux se fixèrent immédiatement sur un morceau très sombre de sang sur le chêne derrière lui. Il s'est infiltré à travers l'écorce et dans l'herbe en dessous. Alors que ses élèves suivaient la piste du sang, ils se concentraient sur une autre vue surprenante. Là a posé un corps, battu et tordu dans des positions contre nature. De plus près, le visage du corps avait été sévèrement chanté et fondu, ne laissant que des souches de tendons et d'os fissurés. La colonne vertébrale du corps a été brisée en trois points différents, coupant à travers la peau comme une quantité malsaine de sang ozé à travers les longues lacérations. Le bras gauche du cadavre était courbé vers l'extérieur plutôt que vers l'intérieur. L'homme saisit sa bouche, s'empêchant de s'endurcir soudainement sur le tas grotesque de matière humaine devant lui. Il a dû trouver qui c'était avant de découvrir qui il était le premier. Peut-être que s'il comprenait qui il était à côté et pourquoi, il pourrait trouver qui il était après. Le jeune homme s'est agenouillé sur le dessus de l'herbe humide près du cadavre. Il n'y avait pas d'odeur de pourriture, du moins pas encore. Cela a donné au garçon un indice immédiat que cet accident, ou peut-être un meurtre, était nouveau et récent. Sa main a traîné dans les poches de la flanelle vert foncé du cadavre. "C'est vraiment une belle flanelle quand même... merde. Je suis tellement désolé de ce qui t'est arrivé," il s'est arrêté pour considérer la situation une fois de plus, et ensuite a demandé rhétoriquement, "qu'est-ce qui se passe?" Pour répondre à cette question, il s'est forcé à fouiller dans les poches du cadavre. Ses doigts s'emparaient des déchiquetages d'un portefeuille. Le garçon l'a sorti et l'a ouvert en regardant les cartes de crédit et les pièces de monnaie. Il ouvrit le volet suivant, trouvant soudain une bande de plus de trois cents en monnaie. Les yeux du jeune homme s'élargissaient alors que l'odeur de l'argent entrait dans son nez. Il y en avait tellement. Qu'est-ce qu'il devait en faire? Est-ce qu'il devrait le prendre? Ou la laisser? Quelle était la bonne chose à faire? Ou mieux encore, qu'est-ce qu'il voulait faire? Il a décidé de saisir l'argent. Pourquoi il l'a pris il ne pouvait pas tout à fait la place, mais il avait le sentiment qu'il pouvait l'utiliser pour acheter quelque chose d'extrêmement important pour lui. Quelque chose d'extrêmement cher. Quelque chose d'extrêmement illégal. En regardant de plus près le corps, le garçon a ramassé l'odeur la plus faible de marijuana. D'où ça venait, il ne savait pas. Il était cependant fort, donnant au jeune homme un très fort sentiment d'aspiration et d'engagement. D'où venaient ces émotions étranges? Il a regardé le portefeuille qu'il a trouvé une fois de plus dans la poche de l'homme. Avec ce deuxième chèque, il a trouvé une carte d'identité. D'une sorte. "Grégory Mechkta." Le garçon a dit à voix haute. Le nom lui semblait familier, et il lui a donné ce sentiment étrange que l'on obtient quand vous dites votre propre nom. Il a mis ce sentiment sur le côté. Après tout, comment le cadavre à côté de lui pourrait-il avoir exactement le même nom que lui? Ce n'était pas impossible, mais c'était très improbable. Pour l'instant, il avait besoin de comprendre où il était et pourquoi. Il s'est gratté à la flanelle verte foncée qui s'est collée dans son dos. Il transpirait sans raison. L'air autour de lui n'était ni chaud ni froid, il se sentait éteint et inexistant. Il avait presque l'impression que sa présence était suffisamment intimidante pour que l'air autour de lui se rétracte dans la peur. C'était un autre sentiment que le garçon a interrogé. Pourquoi l'air était bizarre? Pourquoi ne se souvenait-il pas de ce qu'il faisait là-bas? Pourquoi a-t-il pu sentir chaque pompe de globules rouges dans ses veines? Pourquoi y avait-il tant de questions sans réponse? Son niveau d'anxiété a commencé à augmenter à mesure que son souffle a fortement augmenté à un rythme accéléré. Il ressentait une crise d'anxiété qui venait vite et rapidement. "Non, arrête, arrête. Arrête. Arrête. C'est pas vrai. Arrête... "Arrête." Il répétait encore et encore. Son corps se tensait, et il commençait à trembler. Il était de plus en plus aggravé par le simple fait qu'il ne pouvait pas contrôler ses propres émotions ; et avec un coup rapide sur le sol, il gelait. Il a gelé directement en place et a fermé les yeux. Les sentiments de peur et de stress ont commencé à fondre au fur et à mesure que l'euphorie entrait. Ses sens ont augmenté, et tout autour de lui a ralenti. Les couleurs se sont intensifiées. L'air est devenu chaud et collant. Il pouvait sentir chaque partie de son corps fourmiller, lui donnant une pleine idée de son environnement. Et avec une bouffée d'air, il riait légèrement et trébuchait; il frappait le sol d'un fort bruit. Le bruit résonnait à travers le sol, et, tout comme il touchait le sol, une vague de poussière rouge et violette s'est infiltrée dans l'air comme un nuage mystérieux. Ces particules colorées éblouies et transformées de vert à orange à bleu à brun et tout le chemin de retour à rouge et violet encore et encore. Comme la poussière tombait sur l'herbe et les plantes qui l'entouraient, ils commencèrent à s'épaissir et à croître à un rythme accéléré. Des fleurs de lys, de marguerites et même de fleurs inconnues de ce sol ont germé et serré la peau du jeune homme. Les pièges à mouche de Vénus rampèrent de la terre et enveloppèrent autour des arbres et des buissons dans les environs les plus proches. Ils ont grandi de plus en plus, sifflant et oisant une huile extrêmement angoissante sur l'herbe épaississante. Cette huile a glissé comme n'importe quelle autre huile, avec des attributs semblables à l'arc-en-ciel qui scintillent dans la lumière du soleil. Peu importe ce que cette huile a touché a commencé à étourdir et à brûler, donnant une fumée très épaisse. Le bruit des grillons assourdissait le bruit des vignes qui se resserraient et poussaient. Leurs chiroptères étaient énervants et froids, donnant un sentiment d'impureté et de terreur. Alors que le feuillage se condensait autour du corps du garçon amnésique, le couvrant comme s'ils devenaient son bouclier protecteur, son corps commença à briller. Les pétales des fleurs étaient en train de se transformer de couleur en couleur à un rythme incroyable. Certaines de ces couleurs étaient indétectables pour l'œil humain alors qu'elles s'étendaient à travers les rayons de la lumière ultraviolette et infrarouge. Les couleurs et les lumières étaient assez brillantes pour attirer n'importe qui près de son cocon vert alors que les plantes se raidissaient autour de ses membres et du torse. Il vivait le plus haut de sa vie alors que les huiles et la poudre de la végétation autour de lui commençaient à saigner dans sa peau à travers ses pores. Une seconde, la brise autour de lui s'arrêta. Les criquets ont été réduits au silence. Et pour un bref moment, ses yeux s'ouvrirent soudainement. De ses yeux vint un éclat lumineux de couleur alors que la saleté et le goudron à l'intérieur de ses poumons et du corps en général s'écoulent dans les vignes et dans le sol, tuant l'herbe comme un anneau de mort et de décomposition formé autour de lui et de ses plantes florissantes. Il était purifié. Il était renouvelé. Il devenait immortel.
Name: Carin Esposito Age: 23 Personality: By nature a pessimist, Carin is highly uncomfortable with any kind of spontaneity, because she assumes the worst straight away. Any plans that haven't been previously discussed with her or that are imposed on her will shine with her absence from them, as she loathes not knowing what is going on or what could happen. Her calm and polite composure and impeccable lying skills are both leftovers from her childhood, in which they were needed in order to get her through the day unscathed. Although she craves meaningful emotional connection, she can never state her true opinions or feelings in presence of persons she doesn't fully trust, which can be a big hindrance when meeting new people. Care and attachment are things that also don't come easily to her, and she tends to be more focused on her goals than the people around her( Though it depends how much they mean to her). The biggest conflict that Carin faces is inside of her : she hesitates between what she wants and what she think must be done. Pre-accident Carin will often disregard all of her feelings towards the subject she's studying or the people she thinks she's supposed to hang out with, whereas post-accident Carin realizes that her life is her own and will finally act towards what she wants. Another aspect of the calm and composed mask is that she always makes sure what she is wearing is formal enough-to the risk of overdressing-, and that she always feels more confident to have a layer of makeup. Interests: One thing she has always wanted to do, and which contrasts heavily with her chemistry major, is open a bakery. As a child, the only place where she felt safe was the bakery of her neighborhood, which at the time was run by an elderly couple. She was always fascinated with how the baker managed to transform tasteless lumps of ingredients into delicious pastries, which seemed like magic to her at the time. As a child, the areas she could play in were restrained to the tiny house her mother got after the passing of her father, and the bakery across the street. The former felt quite dull compared to the rush of excitement of a rollercoaster, and the latter's owners did not always have time to take care of a child running around the place, so the amusement park always had a special place in her heart. She loved how the horror house always took her breath away, how the clowns always knew just the thing to cheer her up and make her laugh, and how it seemed like such a brighter and more alive world than her house. Where the bakery felt like her home, the amusement park felt like she was finally living. When it comes to movies, Carin has a fondness for horror and psychological films, since they remind her of the haunted houses of the amusement park. Because of once again her childhood, one thing she always wanted to take up but actually never did was boxing, due to the mixed feelings between never wanting to be hurt again and her step father finding out. History: Most things in her life went well until her father died in a car crash the day after her eighth birthday. Her mother was torn with grief and spent much of her time at the bottom of an alcohol bottle for two years. Meanwhile, Carin desperately tried to cheer her mother up, thinking that making her feel better will also fill the hole she felt getting deeper and deeper in her chest. Exactly two years after the accident, her mother brought someone home, someone from the bar she always went to after she had siphoned the alcohol in their house. He was tall and had more hair than on his chest than on his head, but most importantly, he had a glint in his eye Carin would never forget. A little while after that when was the hitting began. Her mother's belly started to grow, and she was more excited about the baby than she ever was about Carin bringing back good grades from school, leaving the new man in her life totally in control of Carin's education. And what an education he gave. During the few years he and her mother were together, Carin learned not to show her feelings, to keep a calm and polite composure to avoid any hits, and to lie through her teeth whenever she was compromised. Meanwhile, her mother had triplets and was completely overwhelmed with them, and gave Carin no attention except when she excelled in Chemistry. The man was eventually dumped when he started to show signs of aggression towards the triplets. Academically, Carin was good at most sciences and math, decent at english when grammar and spelling were involved-but utterly helpless when it came to redactions and essays (since her teacher always insisted on the students having their own opinions), and below average at the rest. She joined the student council as treasurer, and did a good job at stopping irationnal spending (even though she earned many students's dislike for doing so) When she graduated high school, she voiced out her wish to start her own bakery to her mother, but soon regretted it as she completely refused to acknolwedge that wish. Instead, for the the first time in years, her mother spoke to her as if she was actually interested in her. Unfortunately for the bakery project, it was to convince her to choose chemistry as her major (like she did in college) and to not choose a man before she was done with it. Overjoyed with the attention, Carin followed her mother's advice, but soon found herself torn between what her mother's expectations of her were (and the only way she could get attention from her mother) and what she yearned to do. Chemistry studies were harder than she thought they would be, and so she has never had much time to actually do things that she enjoyed, which with the more years that passed, only increased her frustration with the whole situation. Eventually those feelings exploded after the accident, when she realized she had just wasted her entire life doing what her mother wanted her to do. Appearance: Carin is italian from her mother's side, her grand-grand parents being the ones who settled in Avernale, looking for peace away from the facist regime of Mussolini. She has olive skin which darkness can change from slightly tanned to pretty dark according to how much sun she gets. Her thick dark hair is often let loose, as it remains the only part of her appearance she cannot master no matter how much she tries. She often frames her black eyes with eyeliner, nature being kind enough to give her reasonably long lashes. Her nose is her dad's, straight although a bit long except from a bump in the middle (due to it being broken once), and her face shape is her mom's, heart-shaped with relatively high cheekbones. She feels most comfortable in a tight pencil skirt and a top which depends largely on the day/occasion. Since she has inherited her mother's small height, she likes to wear heels in order not to feel like people are towering over her. (She's a 155 centimeter on a good day) That day she was going to her last test before she graduated college, and was wearing a tight skirt that was mid thigh long and a black blouse, and a huge trench coat that swallowed her from head to toe. Notes: Likes puns but absolutely loathe dad jokes. Wish she had a better sense of humor or socialization. Secretly loves cheesy pick up lines, but would never have the gut to tell it to someone. Quite a lot of character development throughout the story is planned, as she's learning to break free of her mother and her past.
Donc je suis mort alors... et il n'y a pas de retour... aucune chance en enfer... mais alors... comment suis-je ici? Il a pensé, regardant vers le haut pour voir l'homme tenant son crâne carbonisé. Pourquoi? Pourquoi tenait-il son crâne... et il valait mieux se demander... pourquoi il citait Shakespeare? Le voir déboîter le crâne en bas Josh a encore roulé les dés. Sans nombre. Le crâne, maintenant posé sur le corps de Josh lui-même s'est désintégré dans la poussière et a été soufflé dans le vent. Puis il a parlé. "Oui... Je suppose que je suis mort," il a parlé avec détermination et sens, "Mais cela ne m'arrêtera plus. Maintenant, ma bobine mortelle a été secouée, je suis libre de progresser comme je veux, sans crainte; sans crainte. » et c'était vrai. Jetant les dés dans l'air, il a atterri sur ce qui ne pouvait être décrit que comme une table invisible. Puis il a roulé. Sans nombre, encore une fois. Les feux, la fumée et la poussière circulaient autour de Josh, seulement pour devenir une lame de gaz et de poussière. Peut-être que les choses seraient différentes. Puis, il a reparlé. "Dans ma main droite se trouve le pouvoir de la création. Il y a la capacité de faire des mondes et de la matière de moisissure à mon goût », a-t-il poursuivi, maintenant avec une intensité accrue dans sa voix, « Et dans ma gauche l'usurpateur de tous. Avec cette main je me penche et je casse tout autour de moi, seulement pour la réformer plus tard à mon propre design. Avec ces deux mains, je deviendrai une incarnation de tout ce que je ne pouvais pas. Dans ma main, je forge une lame. Cette lame est la combinaison de la souffrance, de la tristesse et de la mort. Mais ici, c'est aussi des parties égales de joie, de bonheur et de vie. Avec cette lame, je sculpte le monde mortel en ficelle et j'enlève tout sur mon chemin. C'est le chemin du Dieu que je prends, donc c'est comme cela que le monde sera. Aucune créature, vivante ou morte ne peut supporter le pouvoir inné en étant tel que soi-même, donc je jette le sort qui détruit l'illusion que nous avons créée. Avant de commencer, nous devons d'abord suivre un bref de passage qui nous condamne sur cette voie. Avant de partir, nous détruisons les chaînes qui nous lient, nous retenons à terre et nous échapperons. "Pas un whit, nous défions augury. Il y a une providence spéciale à la chute d'un moineau. Si c'est le cas maintenant, il ne faut pas venir. Si ce n'est pas à venir, ce sera maintenant. S'il ne l'est pas maintenant, il viendra; tout est prêt. » et avec cela il s'avança, prenant ses dés et roulant une fois de plus. 1. Le Conseil de l'Europe a adopté une résolution du Conseil de l'Europe sur la situation des droits de l'homme dans le monde. Bien sûr. Le métal de l'autobus fissurait et plié, le vent ramena et dispersa la poussière autour. Le feu s'intensifia et le corps se tourna vers la poussière et s'éparpilla dans les vents. Le métal est rouillé et fendu, craquant en morceaux seulement pour ensuite fondre et s'évaporer. Les dieux ne saignent pas.
Name: Josh "Nightmare" Payne Age: 18 Personality: Very rash, with little to no regard of those around him, even though he pays high attention to those very people. Pretty quiet, but speaks from the heart when talking. No open regard for anything love related, and openly admits to never having a love life. Has a very poor memory, and often forgets crucial information. That or he doesn't hear it because he isn't paying attention. Interests: A pretty typical, yet diverse geek/nerd. Played video games on a regular basis, a pretty big anime fan, DnD player and partial role player. His love for DnD came about during his primary. One of his friends, named Joe, would always play with his family, and would regale with his tales of adventure and of woe. On the birthday of that very friend, Josh, another friend named Joe and the DM, Joe, all played a version of the DnD starter box. From then on, he always loved playing the game and has run many campaigns, as well as gotten very interested in the fantasy genre. Also, from a young age, he was an avid, and rather good writer, his favourites being dark fantasy and roleplay. From that age he wanted to become an author, but like most children's dreams they faded, but have somewhat been emerging once again (That's why I'm on this RP site xD) He had been trying to code for God knows how long, and has since been unsuccessful. He wanted to make something to help those like him. He wanted to make something to help players of DnD create epic encounters, help writers figure out the best vocab to use (Shhhh) and he wanted to make people happy. History: Josh was a British student in his last year of Sixth Form taking an educational trip to Avernale to study his choice of career; writing. There was everything in this city, from music to art, from technology to science - it was all in Avernale. That pulled him here, to learn the secrets of famous authors and to perfect his style of writing. That all came to an abrupt end however, on one fateful day. On his way to a university renowned for their students in the field of writing, he boarded a bus. This bus would, supposedly take him to his destination, but that wasn't what fate had in store. Instead, the bus lost it path and sailed forwards into a gas station, killing everyone aboard and ending his dream for good. Or at least that was what he thought... Appearance: About 6'2, with pretty clear white hair and vibrant blue eyes; easy to spot anywhere. He normally wore casual clothes - Jeans, hoodies, jackets and normal trainers, with glasses to help with his short-sightedness. Notes: NO! Realm: After discovering the realm, it's shape began to take form quickly. A pocket universe to suit every race, all in a single, 300m sphere. It was essentially a tiny ecosystem, complete with forests, cities, towns, soaring mountains, deserts and oceans, with great halls of stone under the Earth and a host of creatures that lived and breathed on their own, with even a scaled down version of humans to live in these places. But then their God was Josh, and things unspeakable would happen. Disaster wiped out cities, and creatures would torture and kill others. Murder, violence, poverty, hunger, death, destruction and greed would reign sometimes, and others would be peaceful; the perfect roleplay setting for a DM. Note: as of becoming a God, the realm is still barren like others. The above is just my current visual of what it will become. Other: His mind slowly begins to unravel everything he could never accomplish. His almost permanent writers block was lifted, and his mind flooded with endless ideas.
Ce guide du nuage l'avait-il vraiment mis au défi d'un seul combat? Pour des raisons, Jonathan ne semblait pas s'occuper de sa demande. Il n'aimait pas où il était maintenant, parmi ces flammes brûlantes. Ce war-monger, ce rabbineur a osé instiller quelque chose contre lui. Il sentit la colère s'élever en lui, car cette fille était vaine et présomptueuse de sombrer dans la confrontation avec lui. Elle semblait tellement convaincue qu'un combat était inévitable avec lui qu'elle s'était déjà transformée en costume de combat. Comme il était vulgaire, pour elle de porter une gi de combat si banale, si semblable à celle que ceux qui n'étaient pas grands portaient. Une fois qu'il s'était retiré des défis, mais qu'il n'était plus cet homme, affaibli par les circonstances en une bête servile mauvaise, et qu'il était maintenant un grand être. Et pourtant, qu'est-ce qu'il a gagné de se battre. Rien. Pire encore, il avait des choses beaucoup plus importantes à faire. Tant le guide des nuages que le guerrier de l'espace devraient essayer un peu plus fort s'ils voulaient vraiment l'empêcher de son noble chemin. Il y avait beaucoup de choses à découvrir pour lui-même. Quelles étaient les limites, le cas échéant, de ses pouvoirs et de ce qu'il avait vraiment été fait pour répondre aux questions qui le posaient. Il ne s'agissait pas de questions qui pouvaient être interrompues plus longtemps, et elles étaient plus importantes que toute fauconnerie déguisée en héroïques. S'ils voulaient vraiment s'occuper de lui, ils pouvaient aller le suivre au-delà de ses flammes. "Cloud-guide, qu'il soit connu et qu'il soit clair, je prends sur moi-même avec ma propre volonté de laisser cet inferne effréné de flammes qui a donné naissance à notre ascendant. Dans les flammes, les pions prennent la place basse qu'ils ont été ordonnés d'occuper, et ils meurent comme ils sont consumés par les flammes purifiantes. Je peux le voir dans vos deux yeux, guerrier de l'espace et guide-nuage, comment vous souhaitez vous dénigrer et vous asservir à la charité à ceux qui sont indignes. Si vous vous souciez vraiment de mes flammes, que de me combattre et de les laisser mourir en flammes." Des flammes venaient de Jonathan, de la paume de ses mains. Ils se sont dirigés vers lui, l'ont atteint et ont traversé tout ce qui se trouvait devant lui. Les flammes ne visaient pas à attaquer, mais plutôt à fermer cette voie que son explosion de feu avait ouverte. Peut-être qu'il pourrait enfin avoir la paix de ces idiots.
Birth name: Jonathan Sylvester Adams Divine Name: Monad Personality: As a human, Jonathan was quiet and obedient. He did not go against anything he could not tackle, as he was afraid. He believed that everything had a certain place in the world. At first a romantic sense of belonging, this ideal soon developed into a sense of conformity. Jonathan himself was personal unsatisfied with his place in the world, but unless he could do anything about it, he was stuck where he was. According to his own thoughts, the highest person is one who has the power to turn against all established norms, but at the time such a thought was irrelevant to him, as he didn't have what it took to move up. He could not challenge the higher authorities, therefore he was where he belonged. However, this did not mean he had to enjoy it. Throughout the days he had been miserable. He had this feeling that he was not exactly where he belonged. He was cowardly, which was why he was quiet and unassuming. He found loyalty to be important, as well as love. He wanted to find love, and held to this faint romantic hope that there was someone special for him out there. In short, he was someone who was loyal and obedient, who never seemed to question his betters, yet very bitter about his lowly position in life, and held deeply unrealistic and romantic views about how the passions of the world worked. Interests: While not exactly a voracious reader, he read as a hobby. He had a favorite genre, fantasy, as he found the concept of heroes intriguing. It was a started when he was introduced to fantasy as a child when he first read the hobbit, and it spun from there, as he discovered more books.His favorite authors were J.R.R. Tolkien and Michael Moorcock, who were to some extent diametrically opposed. However, they were far from the only thing he read. He read a mix of modern and classics, as well as more philosophical works. Aside from reading, he would also watch movies. They were rarely anything else other than dramas or romances, and usually foreign. He thought action don't make good movies, and that horror movies are seldom of good quality. He also played pool often with his friends. He was also a fan of poetry, and mainly as a writer of one. Usually, he would write in in-rhyming iambic pentameter. He doesn't use the Internet too often, but would use them to watch movies. History: He lived in a middle-class family. He had an older brother, Josh, who could excel. After being beaten by his brother one too many times, he gave up on trying to surpass him. He only did mediocre in school. His older brother was better than him in essentially everything, which made Jonathan bitter. He was able to get into a local community college, but Jonathan couldn't handle the work and dropped out. After dropping out of college, Jonathan was forced to take an office job, which he hates. He saw no hope of ever getting into a higher position in life. Overall, he lived a normal, mundane life. Appearance: He has short black hair, and slightly tanned skin, and blue eyes. He is skinny and is only 5'2 in height. Realm:Empty Form: Human Other: Feeling uplifted, he no longer meekly follows others.
Pausé et lentement tourné la tête vers le haut-parleur, notant les caractéristiques rapidement et avalant légèrement alors qu'il regardait en arrière dans la distance. Son esprit était, en vérité, inondé d'idées et de peurs; absolument rien à ce sujet n'avait de sens pour lui. Il défiait toute logique, il défiait tout ce qu'il savait sur le monde. Ou du moins tout ce qu'il pensait savoir. Après quelques instants de silence, il se hurla lentement et ouvrit la bouche pour parler. "La sensation de quoi?" Ross demanda tranquillement alors qu'il essayait de rassembler exactement ce qui s'était passé. C'était un fantôme? Si Sox, pourquoi les gens pourraient encore le voir? Est-ce que c'était déjà arrivé ou était-ce sans précédent? Il serait certainement connu si cela s'était produit avant! Sauf peut-être, il a été perdu pour les pages de l'histoire comme tant avait été tout au long de l'histoire. Était-ce un événement extrêmement rare qui n'avait jamais eu lieu de manière à susciter des soupçons auparavant? Y avait-il, en fait, des morts vivant parmi l'humanité, essayant de se déguiser et de vivre leur vie? Peut-être seraient-ils trouvés dans des asiles fous, ce qui était certainement troublant. "Je suis mort mais... que s'est-il passé?" Cette fois-ci, Ross parlait dans un ton normal, regardant à nouveau Shadrach alors qu'il sillonnait son front.
Name: Ivo Shadrach, he/him. Age: 19. Personality: Ivo's aversion to crowds has occasionally portrayed him as a quiet individual, but he's no less social than anyone- So long as he doesn't have to deal with too many people at once. In this way he can actually end up putting more effort into seeking and maintaining conversation than most, as a chance to chat in an environment he finds comfortable might not come around often. When he feels overwhelmed, he simply vanishes into his own thoughts and keeps doing whatever he thinks is most useful for him to do. When conversing, he is prone to change the subject to something more abstract or unusual suddenly and abruptly, though he tries to avoid speaking over anyone. Ivo laughs little, but smiles very often. It is difficult to say whether he is a friendly person, partially because he treats everyone like a friend, and partially because he seems so disinterested in what people are doing in their relationships and careers, much preferring to ask about their dreams, their emotions, their fantasies and guesses. Interests: Ivo has long wished about overcoming the inherent materialism of his Avernalese upbringing and styling himself into a spiritualist, fanning the flames of a childish belief that there really is something under the bed, that mirrors winked at you when you looked away. The commercialisation of classical monsters held no appeal to him, and Ivo has always sought out entertainment that emphasises the unknowable and the forgotten. Lovecraft's sonnets were his bedtime stories, and old chants and ambient recordings were what he defined as music. Though applying his capacious memory to science was the only way he stood a chance of passing at his public school, Ivo secretly and privately wished that he'd forget everything and discover his own beliefs about the nature of the world, and did poorly in all but mathematics, which he enjoyed for its abstract, almost otherworldly nature. He keeps himself busy with sketches and poetic records of his emotions when he's alone in a new place, neither of which will ever be worth publishing. After many attempts to apply for work in novelty shops that sold dreamcatchers and practiced crystal healing, he eventually found his employment in a factory, hand-crafting gorgeous candles and perfumed soaps. He smokes irregularly with hand-grown tobacco, though what else might be in his cigarettes is hard to say. History: Born to an old and somber family in Avernale, Ivo was raised in the shadow of his much older brother Ezra, who was very alike to himself, almost to the point of being twins. Like Ivo, Ezra did poorly in school but quickly found work, and left the family with barely a trace when he knew he was financially secure. Though difficult at first, both of Ivos parents soon surmounted their loss, knowing that Ezra had left only to seek independence, and not because there had been a lack of love or good parenting between them. A quiet expectation permeated the family that Ivo, too, would leave when he was able and no later. Knowing that Ezra had turned out well even without a successful education, they waited patiently as Ivo's grades collapsed, and did what they could to help him when he started seeking employment. Now that he has a job, they wait, neither impatiently nor regretfully, for him to take control of his own life. Appearance: Unimpressive. Though he's more fit than he looks from long wanders and hours of overtime work, Ivo still looks like a twelve-year-old, with a bulky body and just the faintest touch of pudge still lingering in his face. His hair is short, dark and uncombed. While travelling to work on the day he died, he was suited up in a simple blue factory work jacket and trousers, stained by wax and dyes. Notes: ayy lmao Realm: Empty. Form: Human. Other: None.