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Pluto was stripped of its status as a planet on Thursday when astronomers from around the world redefined it as a "dwarf planet", leaving just eight major planets in the solar system. With one vote, toys and models of the solar system became instantly obsolete, forcing teachers and publishers to scramble to update textbooks and lessons used in classrooms for decades. "Pluto is dead," Mike Brown of the California Institute of Technology bluntly told reporters on a teleconference. Discovered in 1930 by the American Clyde Tombaugh, Pluto has traditionally been considered the ninth planet, farthest from the sun in the solar system. However, the definition of a planet approved after a heated debate among 2,500 scientists from the International Astronomical Union (IAU) meeting in Prague drew a clear distinction between Pluto and the other eight planets. The need to define what is a planet was driven by technological advances enabling astronomers to look further into space and to measure more precisely the size of celestial bodies. Brown added impetus to the decades-old debate on the definition of a planet when he discovered UB313 in 2003. Xena, as it is nicknamed, is larger than Pluto, instantly creating a buzz over whether a new planet had been discovered. The scientists agreed that, to be called a planet, a celestial body must be in orbit around a star while not itself being a star. It must be large enough in mass for its own gravity to pull it into a nearly spherical shape and have cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit. Pluto was disqualified because its oblong orbit overlaps with Neptune's. Xena also does not make the grade of being a planet, and will also be known as a dwarf planet. "It's an issue mainly for the public, not really for scientists. Some people may be upset, but we've long regarded it (Pluto) as a minor planet," said Richard Miller of the University of Chicago. The new definition - the first time the IAU has tried to define scientifically what a planet is - means a second category called "dwarf planets", has been created, as well as a third category for all other objects, except satellites, known as small solar system bodies. "We are just defining a new class of planets and I think it's very appropriate. We are finding more planets in our solar system, and some are larger than Pluto," said Philip Diamond, a professor at the University of Manchester and a delegate attending the IAU meeting. "I think what we have done is a good thing, we have actually expanded the number of planets in our solar system, but just spread them over two categories." From now on, traditional planets will be restricted to eight: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
WHY DOES SEPSIS CAUSE LOW BLOOD PRESSURE? Severe sepsis can result in septic shock and death. One reason for this is that bacterial infection that causes systemic reactions in the body also causes our immune system to release cytokines in order to fight the infection. In a typical infection, cytokines dilate blood vessels near the injection site to allow more blood to flow through, carrying the cells and mediators needed to fight the bacteria. In sepsis, however, the response affects the entire body, with inflammation occurring almost everywhere. As a result of the systemic response, all blood vessels dilate, lowering blood pressure. The body's response to sepsis, rather than aiding in the fight against infection, actually slows blood flow, making our immune system less effective. The bacteria can cause organ damage, and a lack of blood flow can cause organ failure. Organ failure and low blood pressure are the two leading causes of death in severe sepsis and septic shock, with up to 40-50 percent of patients dying. Sepsis and How Does It Affect You? When your body responds to an infection in an unusually severe way, it's called sepsis. Septicemia is another name for it. Your immune system, which protects you from germs, releases a lot of chemicals into your blood during sepsis. This causes widespread inflammation, which can damage organs. Clots cut off blood flow to your limbs and internal organs, preventing them from receiving the nutrients and oxygen Sepsis causes a dangerous drop in blood pressure in severe cases. This is referred to as "septic shock" by doctors. Organ failure, such as in the lungs, kidneys, and liver, can occur quickly. This has the potential to be fatal. of Sepsis and Risk Factors Sepsis is almost always caused by bacterial infections. However, it can also be caused by other infections. It can start anywhere in your body where bacteria, parasites, fungi, or viruses enter, even if it's as small as a hangnail. Sepsis can be caused by a bone infection called osteomyelitis. Bacteria can enter the body through IV lines, surgical wounds, urinary catheters, and bedsores in hospitalized patients. who suffer from sepsis are more likely to: - Have deteriorated immune systems as a result of illnesses such as HIV or cancer, or as a result of medications such as steroids or antibiotics. - keep transplanted organs from being rejected - Are you expecting a child? - Are you a young person? - Are they elderly, particularly if they have other health issues? - Have you recently been in the hospital or had major surgery? - Catheters or breathing tubes can be used. - Do you have diabetes? - Have you been diagnosed with appendicitis, pneumonia, meningitis, cirrhosis, or a urinary tract infection? Signs and Symptoms of Sepsis Sepsis can manifest itself in a variety of ways due to the fact that it can start in different parts of your body. Rapid breathing and confusion may be the first signs. Other typical signs and symptoms include: - Chills and fever - Body temperature is extremely low. - Peeing less frequently than usual - a rapid heartbeat - Vomiting and nausea - Weakness or exhaustion - Skin blotchy or discolored Your doctor will examine you and run tests to check for - Bacteria can be found in your blood or other bodily fluids. - On an X-ray, CT scan, or ultrasound, look for signs of infection. - The number of white blood cells in your body is either too high or too low. - A low platelet count in your blood - Blood pressure that is too low - You have an excessive amount of acid in your blood (acidosis) - Oxygen deficiency in the blood - Have issues with how your blood clots - Electrolyte levels are unbalanced. - Problems with the kidneys or the liver - Sweating or clammy skin are both signs of dehydration. Your doctor will most likely keep you in the intensive care unit of the hospital (ICU). Your medical team will work to eliminate the infection, keep your organs functioning, and keep your blood pressure under control. Extra oxygen and IV fluids can help with this. Antibiotics with a broad spectrum of action may be able to combat bacterial infections early on. Once your doctor has figured out what's causing your sepsis, he or she can prescribe medication that targets that particular germ. Doctors frequently prescribe vasopressors (drugs that narrow your blood vessels) to lower blood pressure. You might also be prescribed corticosteroids to treat inflammation or insulin to keep your blood sugar under control. If your condition is severe, you may require additional treatment, such as a breathing machine or kidney dialysis. Alternatively, surgery may be required to drain or clean out an infection. - The best way to avoid sepsis is to avoid infection. Follow these steps: - Hands should be washed frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. - Vaccines for the flu and chickenpox should be taken on a regular basis. - Maintain control over any chronic health issues. - If your skin has been broken by an injury, clean it as soon as possible. As it heals, keep it clean and covered, and keep an eye out for signs of infection. - Infections should be treated. If they don't improve or seem to be getting worse, seek medical attention right away. Post a Comment
Following a 70-year effort, China has been awarded a malaria-free certification from WHO – a notable feat for a country that reported 30 million cases of the disease annually in the 1940s. “Today we congratulate the people of China on ridding the country of malaria,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “Their success was hard-earned and came only after decades of targeted and sustained action. With this announcement, China joins the growing number of countries that are showing the world that a malaria-free future is a viable goal.” China is the first country in the WHO Western Pacific Region to be awarded a malaria-free certification in more than 3 decades. Other countries in the region that have achieved this status include Australia (1981), Singapore (1982) and Brunei Darussalam (1987). “Congratulations to China on eliminating malaria,” said Dr Takeshi Kasai, Regional Director, WHO Western Pacific Regional Office. “China’s tireless effort to achieve this important milestone demonstrates how strong political commitment and strengthening national health systems can result in eliminating a disease that once was a major public health problem. China’s achievement takes us one step closer towards the vision of a malaria-free Western Pacific Region.” Globally, 40 countries and territories have been granted a malaria-free certification from WHO – including, most recently, El Salvador (2021), Algeria (2019), Argentina (2019), Paraguay (2018) and Uzbekistan (2018). From 30 Million Cases To Zero: China’s Elimination Journey Beginning in the 1950s, health authorities in China worked to locate and stop the spread of malaria by providing preventive antimalarial medicines for people at risk of the disease as well as treatment for those who had fallen ill. The country also made a major effort to reduce mosquito breeding grounds and stepped up the use of insecticide spraying in homes in some areas. In 1967, the Chinese government launched the “523 Project” – a nation-wide research programme aimed at finding new treatments for malaria. This effort, involving more than 500 scientists from 60 institutions, led to the discovery in the 1970s of artemisinin – the core compound of artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs), the most effective antimalarial drugs available today. “Over many decades, China’s ability to think outside the box served the country well in its own response to malaria, and also had a significant ripple effect globally,” notes Dr Pedro Alonso, Director of the WHO Global Malaria Programme. “The Government and its people were always searching for new and innovative ways to accelerate the pace of progress towards elimination.” In the 1980s, China was one of the first countries in the world to extensively test the use of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) for the prevention of malaria, well before nets were recommended by WHO for malaria control. By 1988, more than 2.4 million nets had been distributed nation-wide. The use of such nets led to substantial reductions in malaria incidence in the areas where they were deployed. By the end of 1990, the number of malaria cases in China had plummeted to 117 000, and deaths were reduced by 95%. With support from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, beginning in 2003, China stepped up training, staffing, laboratory equipment, medicines and mosquito control, an effort that led to a further reduction in cases; within 10 years, the number of cases had fallen to about 5000 annually. In 2020, after reporting 4 consecutive years of zero indigenous cases, China applied for an official WHO certification of malaria elimination. Members of the independent Malaria Elimination Certification Panel travelled to China in May 2021 to verify the country’s malaria-free status as well as its programme to prevent re-establishment of the disease. Keys To Success China provides a basic public health service package for its residents free of charge. As part of this package, all people in China have access to affordable services for the diagnosis and treatment of malaria, regardless of legal or financial status. Effective multi-sector collaboration was also key to success. In 2010, 13 ministries in China – including those representing health, education, finance, research and science, development, public security, the army, police, commerce, industry, information technology, media and tourism – joined forces to end malaria nationwide. In recent years, the country further reduced its malaria caseload through a strict adherence to the timelines of the “1-3-7” strategy. The “1” signifies the one-day deadline for health facilities to report a malaria diagnosis; by the end of day 3, health authorities are required to confirm a case and determine the risk of spread; and, within 7 days, appropriate measures must be taken to prevent further spread of the disease. Keeping Malaria At Bay The risk of imported cases of malaria remains a key concern, particularly in southern Yunnan Province, which borders 3 malaria-endemic countries: Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar and Viet Nam. China also faces the challenge of imported cases among Chinese nationals returning from sub-Saharan Africa and other malaria-endemic regions. To prevent the re-establishment of the disease, the country has stepped up its malaria surveillance in at-risk zones and has engaged actively in regional malaria control initiatives. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, China has maintained trainings for health providers through an online platform and held virtual meetings for the exchange of information on malaria case investigations, among other topics.
Capturing Biafra's Brief Day in the 'Yellow Sun' Adichie on Being Praised by Literary Icon Chinua Achebe Author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie was not yet born when civil war took hold of her native Nigeria. But she's lived through its legacy. Adichie grew up in the presence of survivors and in the shadows of the dead. At 29, she uses a novel — Half of a Yellow Sun to tell the story of the Ibo people's fight to form the independent nation of Biafra. The war of secession began in 1967 after thousands of Ibo were massacred and driven out of northern Nigeria by the Hausa, another ethnic group. When the fighting ended nearly three years later, as many as 2 million people were dead, most of starvation and disease. Adichie tells Debbie Elliott about the book... and about what Biafra means to three main characters: Richard, Olanna and Ugwu.
Pre-Covid, there were almost 300 million journeys a year on Britain’s light rail systems. Their high capacity provides urban connectivity that drives economic growth. For example, the Docklands Light Railway helped regenerate London’s Docklands whilst Manchester’s Metrolink was the catalyst for Salford’s Media City. Unlike buses, trams attract motorists from their cars and so reduce congestion and emissions. Yet Britain has only nine light rail systems compared with 28 in France and 57 in Germany. In Europe, towns with populations less than 50,000 can support a tram system, whilst Leeds – with a population of 800,000 – has the distinction of being Europe’s largest city without one. Over the last 70 years, Britain has invested 40% less on transport than the rest of Europe. With increasing recognition of the need to reduce urban car use, more light rail systems are required. Yet conventional tram systems typically cost around £50 million per kilometre, with a 1.7km extension of a Birmingham tram line costing £160 million. At these prices, providing a number of medium-sized cities with a light rail network is quite simply unaffordable. However, in 2017, one such city, Coventry (population 320,000), decided that it should be able to afford a suitably specified light rail system as part of its transport strategy when the City Council approved a plan to develop a Very Light Rail (VLR) network. One reason for this decision is that the city has significant exceedances of air pollution limits and light rail does not have the non-tailpipe emissions from brake pads and tyres that buses have. Since then, the City Council has been working with the University of Warwick’s WMG (Warwick Manufacturing Group) to develop a VLR system at a target cost of £10 million per kilometre. Innovative track and vehicle To achieve this target cost, a shuttle-type vehicle has been adopted which uses lightweighting techniques developed by WMG, has no overhead catenary, requires minimal utility diversions and reduces the earthworks required. WMG has partnered with Transport Design International to design the prototype vehicle which is being built by NP Aerospace in Coventry and is now almost complete. This prototype is self-powered from a 750V 54kWh battery that gives a range of 70km. An out and back journey will consume about 9kWh. The intention is that the battery can be charged overnight from a 20kW supply and during the day receive 3.5-minute rapid charging from a 200kW supply. Packaged underfloor is the electronics and the lithium titanate battery which has a safe chemistry. The vehicle is made from steel, aluminium and composites, with a carbon/polyethylene bumper and carbon/Kevlar cab ends. Polycarbonate windows meet the requirements of the post-Croydon accident recommendations. It has a maximum speed of 70kph and can tackle a 5% gradient. All axles are driven and an innovative bogie enables the network to have 15-metre radius curves. A future vision is autonomous driving which would significantly reduce operational costs and offer a greater load factor. The production vehicles weigh 11 tonnes, are expected to cost around £750,000 each and normally carry 50 passengers or 70 in crush conditions when their weight will be 16.5 tonnes, giving them a maximum four-tonne axle weight. Vehicles carrying 50 passenger with a typical four-minute headway would transport 750 people per hour. This is about a third that of the Edinburgh tram system which carries 250 people at seven-minute headways. The VLR system can only be affordable with a new trackform that can be installed at an acceptable rate and at low cost, in particular by avoiding the need for utility diversions. It must also not be damaged by heavy road traffic and accommodate 15-metre radius curves. To develop such a track, WMG has partnered with the Paris-based engineering group INGEROP and its British consultancy, Rendel. The anticipated cost of the developed trackform is £2 million per kilometre, including excavation of the road surface and embedding the track into it. It is expected to be installed at a rate of 16 metres per day. As it is only 300mm thick, the track can be installed without disturbing utilities installed at a minimum depth of 450mm. However, installing the VLR track over services will only be acceptable to utility companies if they can treat the track as a normal road. Hence the trackform can accommodate 600 x 600mm utility access chambers and, in an emergency, can be dug out and replaced in 24 hours. The track has been designed to support high loads on a low-stiffness subgrade of 2.3% CBR (California Bearing Ratio). The CBR is typically 5-50% for sandy soils and only 2% for clay. Bringing it all together However good the design of the vehicle and new trackform, extensive testing of both – as a system – will be required before work starts to install the Coventry VLR system. In addition to design optimisation, this will be required to obtain the required approvals. This testing is to be done at the VLR National Innovation Centre (VLRNIC) at Dudley which is currently under construction. Rail Engineer was keen to learn more so was glad of an opportunity to tour the centre with the Railway Industry Association (RIA)’s Technical and Innovation Manager, Sam Bemment. RIA is keen to promote this emerging industry and has done so at various events including a recent five-day online Unlocking Innovation event, ‘Light Weight and Low-Cost Railway’ (see Issue 188 Jan/Feb 2021). Our visit was hosted by Richard Jones, Business and Partnership Manager for BCIMO (Black Country Innovative Manufacturing Organisation) which has been set up to oversee the VLRNIC’s build, launch and operation. Richard explained the centre’s purpose is not just to test the VLR system, but to create a whole new industry. The aim is to showcase this new technology and work with Local Authorities to create jobs by developing a VLR supply chain. In addition, the centre’s facilities are now available for conventional rolling stock and infrastructure testing. For example, the DfT recently used its 867-metre tunnel to test 5G communications in railway tunnels. During our visit, Birmingham City University was using it to investigate laser surveying techniques. The Centre is being built on the site of Dudley Station which closed in 1962 and was replaced by a Freightliner terminal in 1967. This, in turn, was closed in 1987, with the line through Dudley closed to all traffic in 1993. The land for the centre has been leased from Network Rail for 40 years on condition that the freight line through it can be reinstated if necessary. An 11km extension of the West Midlands Metro from Wednesbury to Brierley Hill will run close to the centre and is expected to open in 2024. Nearby is the Black Country Living Museum whose webpage quotes Elihu Burritt, American Consul to Birmingham in 1868, as saying “The Black Country, black by day and red by night, cannot be matched for vast and varied production by any other space of equal radius on the surface of the globe.” Hence Richard wishes to see VLRNIC recreate an industry here, though without 19th Century pollution. The construction of the Black Country and Marches Institute of Technology immediately adjacent to the centre will help in this respect. Richard expects VLRNIC to be training about 900 students from the college over the next three years to show them opportunities in the rail industry at trades level. Hence various items of railway infrastructure are to be installed on spare land between the centre and college. The main Dudley VLRNIC facility has a footprint of approximately 250 x 50 metres. This comprises a workshop building, a storeroom, vehicle shed, car park and the northern end of its test track. On its west side, the cutting has been excavated and a large retaining wall provided to accommodate the workshop. The Brierley Hill Metro extension will run just behind the top of this retaining wall and will have a stop, Dudley Castle, next to the VLRNIC. The test track is a 2.2km standard gauge single line built to 100mph standards, with a 15-metre radius turnaround loop adjacent to the main facility. It will have platforms at main line and tram stop heights. 250 metres south of the main facility, this track enters the double-track tunnel which will be lit and with a walkway provided on the unused trackbed. There is sufficient space adjacent to this test track to install the new VLR trackform. The main workshop building will have 4,600m2 of floor space across three floors. Its roof will be fully covered by photovoltaic cells which will generate 98MWh per year. This will feed a battery farm and hydrogen electrolysis plant. The main workshop is the full height of the building and has a 10-tonne overhead crane. It has two roads – one is the length of the workshop and the other is a through road which extends outside to a concrete pad for the delivery and removal of rail vehicles. Both roads have 15-metre-long pits and share the use of four 16-tonne lifting jacks. On the western side of the workshop, three floors of rooms will contain an electric power train dynamometer system, electronic and software laboratories, a control centre and a driver simulation suite which can also be used for route analysis. Richard advises that there will also be plenty of space for co-location with SMEs and for collaborative R&D projects. In addition, on the second floor there will be a 100-seat auditorium and exhibition centre with a balcony overlooking the test track which will provide a good opportunity to showcase VLR and other vehicles under test. This will provide an ideal venue for local companies to launch their products. The completed 36 x 10 metres vehicle shed enables vehicles to be tested prior to completion of the main building. It has one road with an 8-metre pit, a 1.4-tonne overhead crane and four 16-tonne jacks. During our visit, the centre’s Zephir Crab 1500 E shunting tractor was seen in this shed. This is a small vehicle of 2.2 x 1.8 x 1.5 metres (LxWxH) weighing four tonnes, with rubber-coated rail wheels that has a 300-tonne towing capacity. The budget for VLRNIC construction is £28 million which includes £16 million for the main building, £8 million for the trackwork and £4 million for the retaining wall. Funding has been provided by Dudley Council, the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership and the Government’s Getting Building Fund. In addition, Coventry Council paid for the cost of the retaining wall. The main construction work is by Clegg Construction whilst Trackwork is installing the railway infrastructure. Richard points out that the ORR has granted VLRNIC exemption from the Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations. The centre is expected to be fully open in May 2022. VLRNIC was in the news in April when Furrer+Frey installed the world’s first VLR ultra-rapid battery charging station. The company installed its first such charger for battery buses in 2010 in Granada and they are now used in Sweden, Spain and the Netherlands. The charger at Dudley has software developed by Furrer+Frey UK specifically for VLR vehicles. The charging station essentially contains an inverted retractable pantograph. Once the VLR vehicle is in place, the charge station operates autonomously as it communicates with the vehicle to confirm it is safe to lower its charging arm and then starts to charge the battery within five seconds, with no operator involvement. The arm has four contact strips specially designed for high-power transfer. Once the vehicle is charged, the arm retracts to a safe de-energised state. As previously mentioned, it is expected that charging the VLR vehicles will require a 200kW supply for 3.5 minutes. The unit has been shown to charge at 900A. Its maximum capacity is 450kW. Looking to the future With the construction of the VLRNIC and its adjacent technical college, together with the planned West Midlands Metro, Dudley is about to see big changes. When the centre is operational, it is expected to employ around 40 personnel. Richard believes it will create other employment as the VLR supply chain is developed, and local SMEs and the adjacent collage are able to benefit from its facilities. Although VLRNIC will not be fully open until next year, it will soon see some significant developments: the prototype VLR vehicle by September and some of the trackform should be laid by October. Richard considers that around 40 cities could benefit from a VLR network and advises that “we are talking to many of them”. Although he is currently unable to say who he has been talking to, this will become clear on 30 September when it is planned to have a launch event in Dudley at which eight or nine cities are likely to be represented, together with housing developers and potential suppliers. The intention is that a VLR user group will be formed at this event. In this way VLRNIC will be bringing together technical development, the market and the supply chain. The Holy Grail is a VLR system whose capital and operating cost is so low that it will attract private finance so that Councils will not need to call on the public purse. If this happens, the goal of significantly increasing the number of cities with light rail systems becomes feasible. Yet, for it to happen, it needs to be demonstrated that VLR’s hardware can work in practice and be provided at the anticipated cost. VLRNIC has a key role in this respect. Moreover, with a driver needed for each 50-person vehicle – compared with one for each 250-person conventional tram – autonomous operation is needed if VLR systems are to become widely affordable. With advances in artificial intelligence and autonomous systems, it is possible to envisage a remote operator who controls multiple vehicles and intervenes when alerted to problem situations. VLRNIC will no doubt be actively involved developing this concept, though it is unlikely that this technology will be approved for use before Coventry’s planned introduction of its VLR system in 2025. Richard Jones is clearly enthused at the prospect of VLRNIC driving the development of VLR systems. He sees this to be an opportunity to work effectively at system level and get there first to set standards. As well as providing affordable urban transport on a large scale, he is aware of international interest that could lead to significant exports. All this is, as he says, a huge opportunity.
The human body is the structure of a human being. It is composed of many different types of cells that together create tissues and subsequently organ systems. They ensure homeostasis and the viability of the human body. It comprises of the head,hair,neck, trunk,arms and hands,legs and feet. Wrinkles will appear in these places as you get older. We are all getting older and part of the package of ageing is watching your body transform. Some parts of your body age faster than the rest that is why it is so important to take care of it especially when you are younger. Here are five body parts that age faster than the rest. The knee is one major part of human being that ought to be taken good care of seriously. Walking involves your knees and they are frequently overworked. This can cause the skin to stretch and eventually wrinkle. As you age, your knees also lose suppleness and collagen, so moisturize them often. Another major part of human being is the ‘’Eye’’, You know how wrinkles appear around the eyes, especially when you are tired and make you look old and haggard. That’s why you should take care of the skin surrounding your eyes. Chest and neck Your neck and chest can also get wrinkles and fine lines, even before your face. Because it is thinner and more sensitive than the skin on the rest of your body, the skin on your neck is one of the first body parts to age. Your hands begin to age in your 20s. You use your hands for virtually every task, so they are constantly exposed to numerous substances because of the different activities.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned against the indiscriminate use of antibiotics in treating the coronavirus infection. The global health body warned that the inappropriate and indiscriminate use of antibiotics during the COVID-19 could cause more problems than what it is supposed to solve. The warning was handed down on Monday, by WHO director-general, Tedros Ghebreyesus, while speaking during a virtual press conference in Geneva. He warned that; “The COVID-19 pandemic has led to increased use of antibiotics, which ultimately will lead to higher bacterial resistance rates that will impact the burden of disease and deaths during the pandemic and beyond.” Ghebreyesus noted that the use of antibiotics may not be totally ruled out as only a small percentage of coronavirus patients needed antibiotics to treat subsequent bacterial infections but the indiscriminate use should be avoided. He said there is an “overuse” of antibiotics in certain parts of the world, while in some other countries, such life-saving medicines were unavailable, “leading to needless suffering and death”.
A hereditary eye disease that causes blindness There are countless different eye conditions and eyesight issues. Many illnesses are treatable, while some have no known cure. By leading a healthy lifestyle, visiting an eye care specialist frequently, and each time your vision changes, you may help to maintain your own eye health. widespread are disorders and diseases of the eyes? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 3.4 million Americans aged 40 and older meet the criteria for "legal blindness" (visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better-seeing eye or a visual field of 20 degrees or less) or have corrected vision (visual acuity of 20/40 or less). Nearly 7% of American children under the age of 18 have an eye disorder or disease that has been identified. Almost 3% of youngsters under the age of 18 have vision problems or are blind. Vision loss is one of the most prevalent disabilities in children and one of the top 10 causes of impairment in adults over the age of 18 in the United States. The fact of the matter is that it's never too late to begin caring for your eye health. Early diagnosis is possible with routine eye exams and visits for eye health. To stop or slow down the majority of eye diseases, this is essential. If your vision problem persists for more than a few days or gets worse, you should always visit an eye care specialist. diseases affect the eyes most often? The four most frequent eye conditions that result in vision loss or blindness are: - retinopathy caused by diabetes. - age-related macular deterioration There are, however, a huge variety of eye problems and does macular degeneration occur? The eye condition macular degeneration, commonly known as age-related macular degeneration or AMD, damages your central vision. The macula, the portion of your retina in the middle that lets you to see small details, is harmed by it. It is the primary cause of visual loss in adults over There are two types of macular degeneration: moist and dry. When unnatural blood vessels develop under the macula and begin to leak blood and fluid, wet AMD results. The macula is harmed, and central vision is lost as a result. The macula thins as a result of dry AMD, gradually causing blurring of your central vision. Between 70% and 90% of cases of AMD are dry, which is more common than the wet variety. AMD symptoms, which ordinarily aren't seen until the condition has advanced, consist of: - blurry vision in the center. - In the middle of your range of vision, there are black or dark spots. - Straight lines have a wavy or curved look. Despite the lack of a cure, treatment can halt the spread of the illness or stop serious visual loss. Utilizing intraocular injections of anti-VEGF drugs, recent advancements in the treatment of wet AMD have been The lens of your eye becomes clouded due to a cataract. In one or both eyes, this foggy lens may form. The primary factor in blindness worldwide is cataracts. The primary reason for irreversible vision loss in the US is cataracts. Even at birth, cataracts can develop, but those over the age of 50 are more likely to develop them. Cataract symptoms include: - blurry/cloudy vision. - glare from nighttime lighting. - inability to see at night. - sensitivity to strong illumination - Bright light is required for reading. - modifications to how you perceive color. - frequent modifications to your prescription for glasses. More than 90% of patients report seeing better after having their hazy lens surgically removed and replaced with an artificial lens, demonstrating the high success rate of the procedure. exactly is diabetic retinopathy? Retinopathy brought on by diabetes is a common side effect of the disease. It is one of the main causes of adult blindness in the United In diabetes-related retinopathy, uncontrolled, long-term high blood sugar (glucose) levels cause persistent damage to the retina's blood vessels. Clear eyesight depends on the retina, the light-sensitive tissue in your eye. Most diabetics with retinopathy do not experience changes in vision until the condition is advanced. In some people, symptoms ebb and flow. These signs include: - hazy or misaligned vision - new color blindness or the perception of faded colors. - poor vision at night. - little streaks or black blotches in your field of vision. - difficulty reading or perceiving distant objects. Treatment options include surgery to treat the mending or contracting of blood vessels in the retina as well as injections of a particular type of medicine. exactly is glaucoma? Higher-than-normal fluid pressure in the eye is the cause of the eye condition glaucoma. The optic nerve is damaged by pressure, which alters how visual information is conveyed to the brain. Blindness in one or both eyes is a possibility if glaucoma is left undiagnosed and untreated. Many families have a history of glaucoma. Glaucoma comes in two different major forms. You might not notice a change in your vision until open-angle glaucoma is advanced because the condition progresses slowly over time. Suddenly developing closed-angle glaucoma is possible. In addition to being painful, it quickly results in Some of the signs are: - or pressure in the eyes. - red eyes - lights with haloes of rainbow colors. - visual problems such as tunnel vision, hazy vision, and blind patches. - sickness and vomiting The goal of treatments, which also include laser therapy and surgery, is to lower eye pressure. causes the retina to detach? The term "retinal detachment" refers to the separation or detachment of the retina from the tissues that support it in your eye. If untreated, this is a dangerous eye disorder that can cause blindness. Depending on the degree of the detachment, you may or may not exhibit symptoms. Here are several signs: - I can see lightning flashes. - seeing squiggly lines or dark patches drift across your field of vision. - the view that is somewhat obscured or covered, especially on the side. The retina can be reattached using laser therapy or a variety of surgical techniques that seal or heal retinal tears. ALSO READ: How To Use Salt Water For Eye Infection What are the most typical conditions affecting children's The following eye disorders are frequently encountered in - Amblyopia: Amblyopia, often known as "lazy eye," occurs when your child's brain and one eye don't function properly and the brain favors the other eye that has better vision. In the less-favored eye, their eyesight will be lessened. This is the most frequent reason for vision impairment in kids. - If your child has strabismus, their eyes will cross or turn out due to a lack of ocular coordination. Your child's eyes do not lock onto a single object simultaneously. This could result in diminished 3D vision or perhaps the brain favoring one eye over the other, which would impair vision in the non-favored eye (amblyopia, see above). - Conjunctivitis: Conjunctivitis, sometimes referred to as pink eye, is an inflammation of the transparent tissue that covers the outside of your eye and the inside surface of your eyelid. Conjunctiva is the name of this tissue. It keeps the eyelid and eyeball moisturized. Particularly among children, pink eye can be quite contagious. Despite not impairing vision, it produces itchiness, redness, blurriness, tears, and discharge. are refractive eye disorders? You have difficulty focusing if you have refractive eye conditions. Your cornea and lens cause light to be bent in an unnatural way. In the United States, these refractive defects are the most prevalent eye conditions. Myopia, hyperopia, and distorted vision at all distances are all examples of refractive defects (astigmatism). With the use of contacts, glasses, or surgery, several eye problems can be treated. really is presbyopia? Presbyopia is the difficulty to focus on a wide field of vision. Farsightedness and it are not the same things, despite frequent confusion. With aging, the lens naturally becomes less flexible, which is known as presbyopia. Due to an abnormally short eye shape called farsightedness, light enters the eye and then bends improperly. Corrective lenses (sometimes referred to as "cheaper" glasses) are used to treat presbyopia. eye floaters mean? Eye floaters are deposits or clumps that float in the vitreous fluid of your eye (the clear, jelly-like substance in the middle of your eye). Floaters are dots or specks that move through your range of view. Even though they are typically unimportant, if they suddenly occur and are accompanied by other symptoms like flashes of light or a partial loss of side vision, they may indicate a more serious eye issue like a detached retina. exactly constitutes dry eye? When your tear glands are unable to effectively lubricate the surface of your eyes with tears or generate tears of poor quality, dry eye develops. Artificial tears and tear duct plugs are available as treatments to stop eyes start to tear? When tears are produced by the eyes in excess of what can be absorbed, eye tearing occurs. This could be from sensitivity to weather factors including wind, sun, and temperature fluctuations, from an eye infection, or it might be the result of a blocked tear duct. diseases be passed down through families? Yes, hereditary factors can play a part in a variety of eye conditions, some of which are major contributors to blindness in children, adults, and infants. Inherited eye illnesses, such as: - cataracts from birth. - Congenital glaucoma - retinal aging. - Optical atrophy - deformities of the eyes. Additionally, there is compelling evidence to support the hereditary component of strabismus (ocular misalignment). Approximately one-third of cases have a family history. Glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration appear to be inherited in the majority of instances in adulthood. Retinitis pigmentosa, a retinal degenerative disease that causes night blindness and gradual vision loss, has been linked to specific genes, and research into these genes has advanced significantly. In more recent times, gene therapy has been utilized to cure retinitis pigmentosa that first manifests in childhood. What common vision diseases are inherited? There is no proof that some of the most prevalent eye issues in both children and adults are genetically predisposed. These eye - Strabismus (cross-eyes) (cross-eyes). - Refractive flaws such as astigmatism, farsightedness, and nearsightedness. - retinal aging. can I do to maintain the best possible health of my eyes? EYE DISEASES AND TREATMENT You have a variety of options for protecting your vision. Some recommendations are: Even if you don't notice any changes in your eyesight, you should still visit your eye doctor on a regular basis. Some eye conditions don't have any early symptoms. Ask your eye care provider how frequently you should be examined. Be aware of your eye disease risk factors. Some of these include your age, family history of eye disorders, ethnic background, or having additional health issues like diabetes or high blood pressure. Choose a healthy lifestyle. Your chance of eye disorders or vision issues will be reduced by maintaining a healthy physique. Healthy decisions include keeping a healthy weight, eating well, exercising for at least 30 minutes a day most days of the week, and quitting smoking. Eye safety is important. Wear sunglasses to shield your eyes from UVA and UVB rays, even on cloudy days. If you're working on a home or business project or playing a sport, make sure you have the right protective eyewear on. Observe wear-and-clean contact lens instructions. Avoid extended eye strain from using phones and computers. Once every 20 minutes, let your eyes rest and concentrate on far-off objects. You can interact with your environment more easily if you have a strong vision. There are simple solutions for some visual issues. Certain illnesses are incurable. However, many eye problems can be repaired or the disease process slowed down if caught early and treated, which will lessen your risk of vision loss. Visit an eye doctor if you detect any changes in your eyesight. Having routine eye exams is crucial, even if you don't notice any changes in your vision. There are certain eyesight issues with no early warning symptoms. Your eye care specialist can carry out the required examinations, recommend eyeglasses, prescribe drugs, or perform surgery to slow or minimize vision loss and help you see your best. Post a Comment
The Great Schism is the title given to the rift that formed in the Church in the eleventh century A.D. This separation led to the "Roman Catholic" Church, hereafter known as the Western Church, and the "Greek Catholic" or "Greek Orthodox” Church, hereafter known as the Eastern Church. In order to best understand what happened, we need to examine history and the context in which that history occurred. The Church from the fourth century onwards had 5 patriarchs or heads, and each one governed a jurisdictional area or patriarchate. The patriarchates were located in the West in Rome, which spoke Latin, and in the East in Antioch, Alexandria, Jerusalem, and Byzantium, which all spoke Greek. Wanting to create a new Christian empire, and due to the degree of paganism in Rome, the Emperor Constantine decided to move the capital of the Empire to Byzantium (which was later renamed Constantinople after him). Around this time, and shortly after this move, Germanic tribes began invading across Europe. This invasion had the effect of plunging Europe into what is known as the "Dark Ages." The combination of economic and political turmoil, geographical distances, and linguistic differences created a rift that caused the eventual estrangement of West from East. Given these factors, it is not surprising that very few Western theologians spoke Greek, and instead wrote and spoke primarily in Latin. They did not have access to, nor could they read, the writings of the Eastern theologians. Because of this, most Western theology was based on a few key Latin theologians, whereas the East had numerous Greek theologians and did not have to focus on any particular theologian’s teaching. The flexibility of the Greek language (it had approximately ten times the vocabulary of Latin) allowed for more expressive and deeper writings. The decline of literacy in the West led to the clergy being the primary teaching authority. This is contrasted with the East where general education and more universities created a literate populace, and thus more lay theologians who played an active role in the church. The growing list of differences between East and West simply exacerbated the tensions. One of the most striking differences was that as new people were evangelized in the West, they had to use Latin as their liturgical and ecclesiastical language, while looking to Rome for leadership. On the other hand, missionaries from the East translated the Bible into the language of the people. When the new churches in the East became mature, they became self-governing and administratively independent from their mother church. In the West, Rome began to require all clergy to be celibate; whereas, in the East they retained married clergy. So, while the filioque controversy is often cited as the cause of the Great Schism, with the Eastern and Western bishops excommunicating each other, it was, in fact, only the breaking point. Differences, disagreements, and distance had been laying the foundation for the Great Schism for centuries. The Great Schism was essentially the “forerunner” of the Protestant Reformation, with a refusal to accept the unbiblical concept of the supremacy of Rome at its core.
Women have played a significant role in shaping the course of history through their innovative ideas and groundbreaking inventions. From enhancing safety to revolutionizing household chores, here are four remarkable inventions that changed the world, all thanks to the ingenuity of women. 20 Everyday Items You Didn’t Know Were Invented by Women Glass Aquariums: Jeanne Villepreux-Power (1832) Jeanne Villepreux-Power, a pioneering naturalist and marine biologist, revolutionized the study of aquatic organisms with her invention of the glass aquarium in 1832. This invention provided invaluable insights into marine life, including the revelation that certain octopus species produce their shells—a discovery that reshaped scientific understanding. Hand-Cranked Ice-Cream Maker: Nancy Johnson (1843) Long before modern freezers, Nancy Johnson introduced the world to the joy of homemade ice cream with her hand-cranked ice-cream maker in 1843. With a simple yet innovative design, this invention allowed people to indulge in frozen delights by manually churning a mixture of ice and cream—a timeless treat enjoyed by generations. Modern Ironing Board: Sarah Boone (19th Century) Sarah Boone, an African American dressmaker, redefined the art of ironing with her invention of the modern ironing board. Before Boone’s innovation, ironing clothes was a cumbersome task performed on wooden planks. Boone’s design, featuring a board tailored for sleeves, offered a convenient and effective solution, earning her a place in history as one of the first African American women to receive a patent. Exterior Fire Escapes: Anna Connelly (1887) In the late 19th century, as the construction of multilevel buildings surged, so did the risks associated with fires. Anna Connelly’s ingenious solution came in the form of exterior fire escapes, a concept she submitted to the patent office in 1887. This invention provided a lifeline for people trapped in burning buildings, offering them a safe passage to adjacent structures or a means to descend using steel staircases. Not only did Connelly’s invention save countless lives, but it also proved invaluable for firefighters, facilitating their efforts to combat blazes effectively. Collapsible Life Rafts: Maria Beasley (1880) Maria Beasley’s invention of collapsible life rafts in 1880 marked a significant advancement in transatlantic travel safety. These innovative rafts, patented by Beasley, offered a space-saving alternative to traditional wooden lifeboats. With the capacity to accommodate up to 47 individuals, Beasley’s life rafts introduced the concept of guard rails, enhancing passenger safety. While some speculate about their potential use on the Titanic, author David H. Cropley clarifies in his book that Beasley’s design wasn’t implemented on the ill-fated ship. Nonetheless, her invention remains a testament to her pioneering spirit and commitment to saving lives at sea. Shark Repellent: Julia Child Renowned American chef Julia Child, known for her culinary expertise, also left her mark on innovation with her unexpected invention of shark repellent. During her tenure as a volunteer research assistant for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), precursor to the CIA, Child developed a shark repellent to aid in underwater operations. This unexpected contribution not only showcased Child’s versatility but also underscored the importance of creativity in unconventional settings. Commercial Dishwasher: Josephine Cochrane (1880s) Josephine Cochrane‘s quest for efficiency led her to invent the first commercially successful dishwasher in the 1880s. As a woman of means, Cochrane sought a solution to expedite dishwashing tasks, ultimately receiving a patent for her innovative dishwasher design. Her invention revolutionized kitchen chores, particularly in restaurant and hotel settings, where time-saving devices were in high demand. Cochrane’s entrepreneurial spirit further propelled her to establish a company that laid the groundwork for modern dishwasher manufacturing. Windshield Wipers: Mary Anderson (1902) Alabama native Mary Anderson’s moment of inspiration came on a snowy day in New York City in 1902. Frustrated by the lack of a practical solution to clear snow from windshields, Anderson devised the concept for windshield wipers while riding a streetcar. Her innovative “window cleaning device” earned her a patent in 1903, laying the foundation for a ubiquitous automotive accessory that enhances driver visibility and safety to this day. Kevlar: Stephanie Kwolek (1965) In 1965, chemist Stephanie Kwolek stunned the world with her creation of Kevlar, a synthetic fiber with remarkable strength and versatility. Initially developed as a lightweight material for tires, Kwolek’s accidental discovery resulted in a fiber five times stronger than steel. DuPont patented Kevlar the same year, and it has since found applications in diverse fields, from protective gear like bulletproof vests and military helmets to high-performance equipment such as racing sails. The Landlord’s Game: Elizabeth Magie (1904) Elizabeth Magie’s board game, “The Landlord’s Game,” served as a critique of monopolistic practices and wealth inequality when she invented it in 1904. Designed to illustrate the consequences of unchecked capitalism, Magie’s game was a precursor to the iconic “Monopoly.” Despite selling her patent for a mere $500, Magie’s legacy endures as her creation continues to entertain and educate players worldwide about economic principles and social justice. Telecommunications Innovations: Shirley Ann Jackson Renowned physicist Shirley Ann Jackson made groundbreaking contributions to telecommunications research, paving the way for essential features like caller ID and call waiting. As one of the first African-American women to earn a doctorate from MIT, Jackson’s expertise and vision propelled advancements in communication technology during her tenure at AT&T Bell Laboratories. Her pioneering work earned her the prestigious National Medal of Science in 2016, cementing her status as a trailblazer in the scientific community. Gertrude Elion: Revolutionizing Drug Development Gertrude Elion, alongside colleague George Hitchings, spearheaded innovations in drug development that have had a profound impact on modern medicine. Their pioneering work in “rational drug design” led to the creation of some of the first effective treatments for diseases such as leukemia, herpes, and AIDS. Elion’s discovery of azathioprine, an immunosuppressant crucial for organ transplant recipients, further cemented her legacy as a trailblazer in pharmaceutical research. Margaret Knight: Inventor of the Paper Bag Margaret Knight’s inventive spirit and resilience paved the way for one of the most ubiquitous items in modern society: the paper bag. Despite facing attempts by others to steal her ideas, Knight successfully patented her machine for creating flat-bottomed paper bags in 1868. This victory not only secured her place in history but also highlighted her ingenuity as a problem solver, a trait evident since her early years when she devised safety devices for cotton mills. Lillian Gilbreth: Innovator in Household Appliances Lillian Gilbreth’s innovative mind transformed everyday household tasks with inventions like the foot-pedal trash can and shelves inside refrigerator doors. Alongside her husband Frank, she pioneered industrial management techniques aimed at enhancing efficiency and productivity. Gilbreth’s legacy extends beyond her inventions; her groundbreaking work in ergonomics and time-motion studies laid the groundwork for modern efficiency and design principles. Grace Murray Hopper: Pioneer in Computer Programming Grace Murray Hopper’s contributions to computer science are nothing short of legendary. As one of the first modern programmers, she played a pivotal role in the development of computer languages, most notably COBOL. Hopper’s invention revolutionized business computing, making it more accessible and user-friendly. Her enduring legacy continues to inspire future generations of women in STEM fields. Fiona Wood: Pioneer of Spray-On Skin In the early 1990s, Dr. Fiona Wood transformed the field of burn treatment with her invention of spray-on skin. Collaborating with medical scientist Marie Stoner, Wood developed ReCell, a revolutionary solution that allowed for the direct application of skin tissue onto burn victims. This breakthrough not only accelerated the healing process but also garnered international recognition following its successful use in treating burn victims of the 2002 Bali terrorist attack. Dr. Katharine Burr Blodgett: Innovator in Surface Chemistry Dr. Katharine Burr Blodgett, an accomplished engineer, made significant contributions to surface chemistry, notably inventing non-reflective or “invisible” glass. As the first woman to earn a doctorate in physics from Cambridge University, Blodgett’s research paved the way for advancements in optics and cinematography. Her inventions, including non-reflective coatings for eyeglasses, revolutionized various industries and contributed to advancements in military technology during World War II. ALSO READ: The 7 Wealthiest Black women in America Marion Donovan: Revolutionizing Baby Care with Disposable Diapers Marion Donovan challenged the status quo of baby care in the 1940s with her invention of the disposable diaper. Initially met with skepticism from male-dominated manufacturing circles, Donovan’s waterproof diaper cover, dubbed the “Boater,” quickly gained popularity for its convenience and effectiveness. Although her disposable paper diaper concept didn’t gain traction initially, it laid the groundwork for future innovations in baby care, culminating in the creation of Pampers by Victor Mills. Ruth Wakefield: The Sweet Origins of the Chocolate-Chip Cookie Ruth Wakefield stumbled upon culinary history in 1930 when she invented the first chocolate-chip cookie by accident. Experimenting in her kitchen at the Toll House Inn, Wakefield substituted baker’s chocolate with a semi-sweet Nestlé chocolate bar, resulting in the creation of the iconic cookie. Dubbed “Chocolate Crunch Cookies,” Wakefield’s recipe gained widespread popularity, eventually leading Nestlé to feature it on their chocolate bar wrappers. The Revolutionary Invention of Marie Van Brittan Brown In the tumultuous era of the 1960s, amidst rising crime rates and sluggish police responses, Marie Van Brittan Brown emerged as a trailblazing inventor, revolutionizing home security with her groundbreaking invention. Here’s a closer look at how Van Brittan Brown’s ingenuity changed the landscape of home safety forever. Marie Van Brittan Brown, a dedicated nurse residing in Queens, New York City, found herself increasingly concerned about the safety of her home and community. Frustrated by the lack of effective security measures and the delayed responses from law enforcement, she embarked on a mission to devise a solution that would empower homeowners to protect themselves proactively. The Birth of the Home Security System In collaboration with her husband, Albert Brown, an electronics technician, Marie Van Brittan Brown conceptualized the world’s first home security system. Their invention, born out of necessity and innovation, aimed to provide homeowners with a comprehensive means of monitoring and safeguarding their properties against intruders. In 1966, Marie and Albert Brown filed a patent for their pioneering security device, outlining its intricate mechanisms and functionalities. Three years later, in 1969, their efforts culminated in the approval of their patent, marking a significant milestone in the realm of home security technology. Celebrating Women’s Ingenuity and Legacy The contributions of these pioneering women exemplify the transformative power of innovation and perseverance. Their inventions not only improved safety and efficiency but also challenged societal norms, paving the way for future generations of inventors.
Emerging research confirms that neuropathy is primarily caused by a lack of oxygen. This can be the result of poor blood circulation, pinching of sciatic nerve or its local blood supply, too much glucose in the blood, or toxic chemicals (prescription drugs, pesticides, cleaning solvents or substance abuse) creating excessive free radicals that negate available oxygen. When the nerve cell is deprived of oxygen it contracts, making itself smaller to conserve oxygen and this enlarges the gap (synaptic junction) between nerve cells. Nerve cells do not come into contact with one another. A nerve impulse must jump across this gap. When the gap gets too big, the electrical nerve impulse cannot make the transition across this gap, and nerve function is impaired. Of the estimated 20 million people in the United States with diabetes, 3 million struggle with DPN – and even patients with pre-diabetes and impaired glucose (blood sugar) tolerance may have symptoms. The older the person is, the longer he or she has had diabetes, and the less-controlled the disease, the greater chance of feeling pain because of damaged nerves. Fifty percent of patients with long-standing diabetes have numbness, burning, electrical sensations, stabbing, or shooting pain in their feet or legs—and it’s usually worse at night. While the pain is uncomfortable, the lack of sensation can have even worse consequences. If a person’s shoes fit improperly, are too tight, have rough spots inside, or rub when the person walks, the blisters, abrasions or cuts may not be felt. Because circulation is not as good as it is for people without diabetes, these wounds can become infected and very difficult to heal. When prescription pain medications are administered, the primary goal is to numb the nerve roots at the level of the spine. In this way, the pain signals cannot reach the brain thus these dysfunctional nerve signals are not perceived as pain. In time the body becomes resilient to medications, requiring periodic dosage increases. This leads to numbness in the extremities, fuzzy thinking and loss of perception of knowing where your feet are in time and space. These symptoms can mimic Alzheimer’s and compound your medical situation. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has been known to be effective in controlling and reversing the pain and dysfunction associated with diabetic and non-diabetic neuropathies of the arms, hands, legs and feet. Hyperbaric oxygen promotes healthy nerve function through healing instead of pain cover-up; - Reduces swelling, increases energy production for nerve restoration - Eliminates inflammation, allowing healing to occur - Improves blood cell health, thus improving oxygen carrying and delivery efficiency - Greatly enhances white cell killing of unfriendly bacteria and some fungi at high oxygen pressures - Facilitates elimination of bone infections - Reduces the number of operations and deaths associated with poor circulation related tissue infections - Extremely important is its stimulation of new capillary and vessel growth, promoting nerve health - Finally, it promotes better tissue survival and healing of damaged tissue
Janet noticed a rash in her private area. It was painful and had appeared out of nowhere. She was changing into her clothes when she noticed it. She was really worried about it because she did not know what it was. So, she called her friend, Sarah, to see if she could help her understand what this rash was. But Sarah was not sure too, so Janet decided to go into the hospital to see her doctor. So what is hygiene? Hygiene is defined as conditions and practices that promote and preserve health. It is one of the key ways through which the growing problem of antibiotic resistance can be tackled. While it’s important to use antibiotics appropriately, proper hygiene will help reduce the need for antibiotics. Proper hygiene practices will also help break the chain of infection from one place to another or from one person to another. In fact, proper hygiene can help prevent even self-infection. Hygiene can be classified in different contexts; personal, family and community contexts. The approach to each context will help to create a holistic “hygiene response” through the collaborative efforts of individuals and other stake holders in the public health sector. These helpful tips include: - Hand washing: While it might seem like over flogging the topic, proper hand washing is one of the most effective ways to prevent infections and break the cycle of infectious already established. The hands come in contact with the outside environment more than most body parts and it is a vehicle for disease-causing bugs. And it is almost impossible to separate the hands from the face or other parts of the body, thus the hand gets in contact with body parts and help to transfer disease-causing organisms to those parts. By proper hand washing, you get to prevent this “self-inoculation” from happening. So wash your hands before and after you eat, after you use the restroom, after you visit the hospital, etc. Just wash your hands. - Wash fruits and vegetables: The cleanliness of what you eat is important. Washing fruits and vegetables help to rid these edibles of dirt and bugs that might be resident on them. So washing them with water will help to reduce/eliminate contaminants from fruits or vegetables. Not washing these edibles could lead to diseases such as cholera, typhoid and food poisoning which can become life threatening if not properly managed. - Wash your clothes: Wearing clean clothes, even down to the under wear, is proper hygiene. This prevents skin infections which will necessitate prolonged antibiotic use. So washing clothes and ensuring to change them as regularly as possible is important to hygiene and health. - Bathe as regularly as possible: This is important to wash off dirt and dead skin cells. As well as keep the skin healthy. Daily activities produce a lot of waste products such as sweat and other secretions. By bathing regularly, you help the body rid itself of such by-products. - Oral hygiene: I will use a more general term here - Oral - to show that the teeth are not the only part of the mouth that should be cleaned regularly. Brushing your teeth and flossing are important to maintain a healthy oral cavity. It removes bacteria and improves the functioning of different parts of the mouth. Also, regular dental check-ups are important to ensure proper oral hygiene. - Nails: Nails on the fingers and toes can house a litany of bacteria and can subsequently be a source of infection. Keeping nails short and cleaning them out regularly will help to prevent carrying or transferring germs from one point to another including infecting one’s self. These are just few tips to get you on the right track concerning your personal hygiene and ensure you lower your need for and subsequent use of antibiotics.
More than one in 10 people's hands are so contaminated with faecal organisms that the levels of bacteria detected were equal to what you would expect to find in a dirty toilet bowl, a study suggested. Out of the samples taken, 11% of hands, 8% of bank cards and 6% of bank notes showed this form of gross contamination. In Britain, one in 10 bank cards and one in seven notes were found to be contaminated with some faecal organisms and more than a quarter of hands sampled showed traces of faecal contamination including bacteria such as E.coli. The 272 participants who took part in the scientific study for Global Handwashing Day were also asked to fill out a questionnaire with the results revealing only 39% of respondents washed their hands before eating. The vast majority (91%) of respondents also stated that they washed their hands after using the toilet, although the levels of faecal organisms contaminating the cards and currency suggested otherwise, researchers said. Washing hands with soap can reduce diarrhoeal infections by up to 42% but only 69% of people reported doing this whenever possible. How to wash your hands properly Dr Val Curtis, from London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said: "Our research shows just how important handwashing is - the surprising levels of contamination that we found on everyday objects is a sign that people are forgetting to wash their hands after the toilet, one of the key moments for infection prevention." Samples were taken from 272 people from east and west London, Birmingham and Liverpool - and in total 816 specimens were collected. Of the samples taken, the cards and notes in Birmingham showed the most contamination, with faecal matter detected on 17% of specimens. More than one in three hands sampled from Birmingham harboured traces of faecal contamination. A fifth of hands surveyed in east and west London were found to have traces of faecal contamination. The most "grossly" contaminated cards and notes came from east London with 8% of cards and 11% of notes holding levels of bacteria that were comparable to a dirty toilet bowl. Dr Ron Cutler, who led the research at Queen Mary, University of London, said in a statement: "Our analysis revealed that by handling cards and money each day we are coming into contact with some potential pathogens revealing faecal contamination including E. coli and Staphylococci. "People may tell us they wash their hands but the research shows us different, and highlights just how easily transferable these pathogens are, surviving on our money and cards." Nick Wilcher, marketing manager of Radox, who funded the study to raise awareness of Global Handwashing Day, said: "Our research highlights just how much bacteria we are exposed to in our everyday lives, on objects such as money and cards. We hope this study makes people think twice and encourages people to wash their hands after going to the toilet and before eating."
When the global community enacted the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, world leaders also called for a data revolution. As it pertains to Goal 1, no poverty, this revolution depends on two basic questions: How many people are currently living in extreme poverty (defined as below $1.90 per person per day)? Is the world on track to end extreme poverty by 2030? We launched the World Poverty Clock in May 2017 to answer these two questions. The aim was to create a tool to track Goal 1 in real time, using statistical modeling to go from measured, historical data points to estimates for today and forecasts into the future. Figure 1: The World Poverty Clock (November 7, 2017) (Access the live version here) This seemingly simple tool does many things: It estimates the number of people living in poverty; calculates the speed of progress (or the lack thereof); and projects each country’s position until 2030. This “big data” undertaking uses several different datasets to get “best guess” estimates. The clock is also designed to nurture a fundamental shift in how we conduct social and economic analysis: - We want people to look forward when discussing poverty reduction and avoid becoming trapped into discussing past results. - We want people to think about development dynamically. This is why we developed the concept of a poverty escape rate, which measures changes in poverty every second, hour, or day. - Comparing targets for 2030 with actual current experience allows us to categorize countries based on the likelihood of achieving Goal 1 into three categories: on track, off track, or wrong track. With the latest updates of the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook and an additional 100 surveys from developing countries, the World Poverty Clock can now make new projections for 2017 and beyond. The good news is that global poverty reduction will remain strong in 2017. The world is expected to reduce extreme poverty by 38 million people, slightly faster than in 2016 when an estimated 34 million escaped poverty. The bad news is that this is not fast enough to end poverty by 2030. To end poverty, 1.5 people need to escape poverty each second (or 90 per minute). The average rate of poverty reduction in 2017 is 1.2 people per second. This means that at this point the global reduction in poverty is falling short by 9.5 million people compared with the speed needed to get to zero poverty by 2030. In countries where poverty is falling, about 47 million people will escape poverty in 2017, but poverty is actually rising in 30 countries. In these countries, an estimated 9 million will fall into poverty in 2017. These “wrong track” countries, therefore, account for the shortfall in the global target. Asia is reducing poverty at a considerable speed. Asia’s poverty escape rate in 2017 is 77 people per minute, while the rest of the world is adding poor people. The greatest regional challenge is in Africa, which would need to reduce poverty by 57 people per minute (almost as fast as Asia is doing now) to reach its goal. Unfortunately, Africa is moving in the wrong direction, adding 2.4 million more poor people during 2017, or 4.6 people per minute (see figure). More Africans are living in poverty mainly because two of the most populous African countries—Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo—are falling behind, adding 9.3 poor people every minute (Nigeria -5.7; DRC -3.6). The rest of Africa is reducing poverty slightly above 4.7 people per minute, which still produces a negative balance for the whole continent. Figure 2: Global poverty is not declining fast enough Based on current projections, the world will not end poverty by 2030. Poverty will likely be lower by about 200 million people, but 438 million people, or 5 percent of the world’s population, will still live in extreme poverty. This is because there is a high likelihood that the pace of poverty reduction will slow down markedly in the coming years. In 2022, our model predicts that only 16 million people will escape poverty, less than half the current rate. The slowing down of poverty reduction is mainly due to Asia, which will be getting close to ending extreme poverty, while many parts of Africa are not making sufficient progress. Poverty rates in Africa will go down from 34 percent in 2017 to 23 percent in 2030; however, due to population growth, poverty will only decline slightly in absolute numbers. If there are no dramatic short-term changes in Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa will continue to see increases in the absolute number of poor people for the next five years. That all being said, it is important to remember that these are forecasts. Actual outcomes may be different, either because the underlying data are adjusted, or because actual incomes rise less or more. However, if we use the latest available datasets and apply the best forecasting methods, we can predict that under a base-case scenario the speed of global poverty reduction will slow down markedly three years from now. Note: We thank Martin Hofer for research assistance. For any questions on the underlying data models, please direct your requests to [email protected] Global poverty is declining but not fast enough November 7, 2017
Double helix, as related to genomics, is a term used to describe the physical structure of DNA. A DNA molecule is made up of two linked strands that wind around each other to resemble a twisted ladder in a helix-like shape. Each strand has a backbone made of alternating sugar (deoxyribose) and phosphate groups. Attached to each sugar is one of four bases: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) or thymine (T). The two strands are connected by chemical bonds between the bases: adenine bonds with thymine, and cytosine bonds with guanine. The discovery of DNA's double-helical structure in the 1950s was perhaps the most significant biological accomplishment of the 20th century. Knowledge of this remarkably clever structure, involving two complementary strands of DNA that each provide the template for making the other strand, provided a key insight about how it was that DNA could serve as the information molecule of all living systems. This structural detail about DNA rapidly accelerated research that revealed important aspects about DNA function encodes information for creating and operating living systems. Meanwhile, DNA's double helix has arguably become the most well-known and iconic image associated with biology, perhaps with all of science.
The amazing 900-year-old churches of Ethiopia's 'New Jerusalem' built into solid rock - The 11 churches in Lalibela, Ethiopia were commissioned in the 12th Century when travel to the Hold Land became dangerous - Built on stretches of volcanic tuff, workers carved down into the ground to form the churches inside and out - In 1978 the churches became a UNESCO World Heritage site Peter may have built his church upon a rock, but the ruling king in 12th century Ethiopia decided to build his churches into the rocks themselves. During his reign 900 years ago, King Lalibela commissioned the building of a set of churches to form a 'New Jerusalem.' All 11 churches are still standing today in a rural Northern Ethiopian town named after the same King. What's so unique about these structures though is that they were carved into a solid piece of rock. The inside and outside of the churches were built into the ground on stretches of volcanic tuff rock. Workers would start at the top and carve down creating the roof and walls of the church.Then they would hollow it out to create the interior structure. 'They are different because they were built from the top down,' church scholar Alebachev Retta told the Nigerian Tribune. 'Everywhere in the world, structures are built from the ground up. There is nothing comparable in the world.' The 'New Jerusalem' was created after Muslim conquests made travel to the Holy Land dangerous. The church structures are in two groups, divided by the Ethiopia's own river Jordan. On the north side of the river stands Biete Medhani Alem (House of the Saviour of the World), Biete Mariam (House of Mary), Biete Maskal (House of the Cross), Biete Denagel (House of Virgins), Biete Golgotha Mikael (House of Golgotha Mikael). To the south of the river there is Biete Amanuel (House of Emmanuel), Biete Qeddus Mercoreus (House of St. Mercoreos), Biete Abba Libanos (House of Abbot Libanos), Biete Gabriel Raphael (House of Gabriel Raphael), and Biete Lehem (House of Holy Bread). An eleventh church, Biete Ghiorgis (House of St. George), stands apart from the others, but is connected to them by a series of trenches. Several differing legends explain why King Lalibela was inspired to build the site. One theory was that God came to him with instructions on how to construct the buildings, even such minor details as color choices. Another legend supposes that he was poisoned by his brother and went into a coma for several days, where he was handed the instructions during his brief stay in heaven. Other stories say it was the Templar Knights of Europe who made them or that Lalibela traveled to the actual Jerusalem and wanted to recreate it back home. A particularly interesting story is that men worked on the construction during the day, and at night angels would pick up the slack - getting twice as much work done. In Ethiopia, where nearly two-thirds of the population is Christian, Lalibela has become almost important as the real Holy Land. 'It is one of the very important places for the Ethiopian Orthodox Church people,' local guide and Lalibela-native Fikru Woldegiorgis told the Nigerian Tribune. 'There is a belief that Lalibela pilgrims share the same blessing as pilgrims to Jerusalem,' he explains. 'They have to come at least once in a lifetime.' Even though the town sits 2,800 meters above sea level - the faithful, including those who are blind or have disibilities, will pilgrimage for days on foot up windy mountain roads to get to the site. 'They come early to get the blessing -- because it’s such a big deal, every inch of the place is packed,” Aba Gebreyesus, the priest who presides over all the churches in Lalibela, said. 'People are so happy with the blessings they get here, they come here without any prompting and spend their nights and days at the church.' In 1978, the structures became a UNESCO World Heritage site. Five years ago, UNESCO erected protective coverings to shield the buildings from the elements and further erosion. And just as amazing as the fact that these structures are still standing, is that they are still used to hold church services. 'What makes the Lalibela churches important is that they are still in use,” said Woldegiorgis. 'It’s not a museum; it’s a living heritage. Every day, every morning, there is a service in all the churches.' The churches continue to bring in tourists and pilgrims alike, which has has a positive effect on the town, giving locals steady work. 'Everyone is making a living through the tourism business. It’s great; without the tourists, there is no salary for anyone. If the tourists stopped, everything will stop,' Retta said.
News Hub Creator 2d Nouns are, if you like, the basic things we see around us. The food we eat, the phone you are using, your house, the settee, the table, the radiator, the carpet. You could go on and on making a list of all these things , and they would all be nouns. But if you think about it, there are other things we come across which we cannot see and touch. We can feel them but we can't see them, even if we have normal vision. Take love, for example, or fear, or anger. These are all nouns, but we can't see the three of them. We can see an expression (also a noun) on someone's face, but not fear itself. Those who underwent primary or intermediary form of education should be familiar with this definition: a noun is a name of any person, animal, place or thing. It is a good definition but it does not encompass all nouns. By the virtue of the definition, noun like "wickedness" is excluded. What category does the word "wickedness" belong? Person? Animal? Place? Thing? It does not belong to any of the category. I believe by now you should know why I said the definition does not encompass all nouns. Then, what is the encompassing definition? Noun is the name of anything: things can be animate or inanimate, visible or invisible, real or imaginary. This definition does not exclude or sideline some nouns. It covers every nouns known to man. In our next class, we shall be discussing types of noun. Thanks for reading.
Warning: Illegal string offset 'source_type' in /home/mychutej/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/egany-facebook-to-wp/egany_facebook_to_wordpress.php on line 1099 Everyone needs information and education on medicines and appropriate health-seeking strategies. Intervals in human history have been marked by the pattern of individual self-care in the family and local community. Treatment of diseases involved self-treatment with locally-produced preparations of generally uncertain efficacy. People took responsibility for their own health, and that of their families, as self-sufficiency was obligatory and virtually universal. Daily, and across borders, people the world over, act on their own for their health and practice self-care. In some instances, they do so through self-medication, which is now progressively considered a key component of self-care. Self-medication is defined as the use of medication by a patient on his own initiative or on the advice of a pharmacist or a layperson, instead of consulting a medical practitioner. Described by the World Health Organisation as the broader term for resistance in different types of microorganisms and encompasses resistance to antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic and antifungal drugs; antimicrobial resistance is a rising issue of global importance. It is a global peril. Inadequate awareness of safe and judicious antibiotic use is coupled with frequent self-administration, for instance, in Nigeria. This recurrent pattern of self-medication poses a potential risk in terms of antimicrobial resistance. Developing countries, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa are facing an elevated burden of antibiotic self-medication as compared to developed ones. New resistance mechanisms are emerging and spreading globally, threatening our ability to treat common infectious diseases, resulting in prolonged illness, disability, and death. Economy and travel have in typical ways made the world smaller than ever before. Microorganisms, particularly bacteria, are evolving at a rate not commensurate with the pace of research for new, efficacious antimicrobial medications. Without effective antibiotics for the prevention and treatment of infections, simple and major medical procedures, such as organ transplants and caesarean sections become unduly high risk. Antimicrobial resistance increases the financial burden of healthcare, particularly in health systems where out-of-pocket payments predominate, like Nigeria. Failed treatment regimens for infectious diseases, caused by antimicrobial resistance, lead to lengthier hospital stays and more specialized, and expensive care. Everyone needs information and education on medicines and appropriate health-seeking strategies. Even when patients utilize orthodox healthcare channels, their decision-making and not that of the healthcare provider, is largest determinant of antimicrobial usage patterns. The emphasis for this year’s Antibiotic Awareness Week, a campaign by the WHO, is learning to handle antibiotics with care. The message is clear- preventive measures such as regular hand washing, preparing food hygienically and keeping vaccinations up to date are safer options than the injudicious use of antibiotics. Ask yourself this-what is the cost of this unprescribed pill? Leave a Reply
Global warming has slowed down over the past 10 years, say scientists The rate at which global temperatures are rising has slowed in the past decade, scientists said today. In a report published today, the Met Office said the slow in the rate of warming was down to a combination of natural variation in the weather and pollution. Scientists say one of the major factors is the rise in heavy industry and pollutant 'aerosols', particularly in Asia. An upsurge in industrial emissions such as sulphur which are being pumped into the atmosphere reflects sunlight and could lead to a cooling effect. A NASA thermal satellite image of the Earth. Measurements from space are used to see how temperatures, particularly in the Arctic, are changing Changes in the amount of water vapour in the stratosphere may also be a factor, the report suggests. The admission will be seized upon by climate sceptics as evidence that man-made global warming has been overstated. Since the 1970s, the long-term rate of global warming has been around 0.16C a decade but that slowed in the last 10 years to between 0.05C - 0.13C depending on which of the three major temperature record series are used. Vicky Pope, head of climate science advice, said: 'The warming trend has decreased slightly. There's still a warming trend but it's not as rapid as it was before. 'The question is why has that happened. It's a question that sceptics often bring up.' However researchers from the Met Office say there is still a warming trend over the 10 years since 2000 and the decade was the hottest on record. They also said a lack of data from the Arctic, where warming has been particularly strong in the last 10 years, and changes to the way sea surface temperatures are measured have led to an underestimate of the rate at which temperatures are rising. And while the UK is currently experiencing a cold snap and last year had the harshest winter for 30 years, the scientists said the evidence for man-made global warming had grown even stronger in the past year. Dr Pope said for global warming it was important to look at the global picture - which last year saw many parts of the world experience very warm temperatures even while the UK was gripped by snow and ice. And she said: 'We are starting to see changes in the climate even in the UK which we can link to global warming. We're seeing more heatwaves and seeing fewer of these cold winters.' Ahead of the next round of international talks aimed at securing a deal on climate change, the Met Office also said the 12 months to the end of September were the second warmest on record - while another analysis by scientists in the US indicate the year was the hottest ever. Dr Pope said: 'We may be underestimating the warming.' Partly this is due to gaps in the temperature data from the Arctic, where there is evidence warming has been stronger than other parts of the world. The Met Office does not make estimates for areas where there are gaps in the Arctic data, instead leaving them out, which would leave their overall results for global temperatures on the low side. And changes to the way sea surface temperatures are measured - with a shift from predominantly ship-based measurements to the use of buoys drifting around the oceans in the past 10 years - led to an underestimate of temperature rises. Correcting the analysis of the sea surface temperatures could mean global temperatures as a whole could have risen by up to 0.03C above what has already been recorded. Most watched News videos - Moment man and his dog are rescued from boat during Hurricane Helene - Fox reporter stops live shot to rescue trapped woman from flood waters - Screaming Biden says second amendment is 'not meant to be absolute' - Highways in Tampa battered by Hurricane Helene - Displaced people flock to central Beirut as suburbs bombed by Israel - Vile moment 'poo-cano' shoots up human excrement 33ft into the air - Mother overwhelmed by grief as she farewells Charlotte O'Brien - Moment dog is rescued from Hurricane Helene flood waters in Tampa - Satellite clip of Hurricane Helene as it leaves homes without power - Floridians battle floods and fire as Hurricane Helene wreaks havoc - Haitian official makes embarrassing mistake at UN General Assembly - Tributes pour in for Maggie Smith who has died: 'She'll be missed'
On March 3, 1807, President Thomas Jefferson signed into act a bill approved by Congress the day before “to prohibit the importation of slaves into any port or place within the jurisdiction of the United States.” Three weeks later, on the 25th, the British House of Lords passed an Act for the Abolition of The Slave Trade. In neither country did the new legislations imply the immediate end of the international slave trade. In Great Britain, slavers had until May 1 to comply; and those who had left British ports before or on that date were exempted from the prohibition. They could, lawfully, land African captives in the Americas until March 1, 1808. As for the United States, the Constitution of 1783 in its article I, section 9 had clearly spelled out that the international slave trade could not be banned before 1808, and it is only on January 1, 1808 that the American act went into effect. And neither in the U.S.A. nor in Great Britain did the new laws mean suppression. Africans continued to be deported to the United States until 1860; and British ships and manufactures were deeply involved in the trade throughout the 19th century. At the dawn of the 21st century, in 2001, the international community recognized the slave trade as a crime against humanity. Throughout 2007, the United Kingdom commemorated the bicentennial of the abolition of her slave trade. On 25 March 2008, the United Nations observed the first annual worldwide commemoration of the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade, and that year also marks the bicentenary of the U.S. official end of the international slave trade. Beyond the legal acts of two hundred years ago and the commemorations of today, it is crucial to understand the full story of the abolition. This website provides resources for exploring the various dimensions and consequences, and the impact of decisions made and actions taken or not taken on four continents two centuries ago. It offers insights into the slave trade to the United States, African resistance, abolitionism, the U.S. Constitution and the Slave Trade Acts, 19th century African-American celebrations of the 1807 Act, the illegal slave trade, the campaign to revive the trade, and the end of the Africans’ deportation. With the help of the essays, books, articles, maps, and illustrations gathered on this site, it becomes clear that the story of the eradication of the international slave trade to the Americas was not straightforward. It did not happen overnight because laws were passed. It was a long, arduous, and tortuous process that spanned almost nine decades. Ultimately, a conjunction of economic, political, social, and moral factors contributed to the slow extinction of the legal slave trade and the end of the illegal introductions that, in several countries, had taken its place.
The first five months of 2015 topped the warmest such period on record for the globe, according to a pair of recently released independent analyses from government scientists. Global temperatures January-May 2015 exceeded 2010's as the warmest first five months of any year, according to NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies. NOAA's National Climatic Data Center noted that the first five months of 2015 nudged ahead of January-May 2010 by 0.09 degrees Celsius. Record warm sea-surface temperatures in the northeast and equatorial Pacific Ocean, as well as areas of the western North Atlantic Ocean and Barents Sea north of Scandinavia contributed to the anomalous January-May 2015, according to NOAA. (MORE: The Climate 25) NOAA's analysis indicates that eastern Canada and parts of the Great Lakes and New England were the only locations much colder than average so far in 2015. Parts of the north Atlantic Ocean, eastern Atlantic Ocean off west Africa, and Southern Ocean off the tip of South America were also somewhat cooler than average in the year's first five months. This follows a record warm 2014 for the planet. With the potential for El Nino, a periodic warming of central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean water, to strengthen and persist the rest of the year, 2015 may top last year's record warmth. El Nino doesn't guarantee that happening, but it's worth pointing out the previous two record warm years in NASA's dataset prior to last year, 2010 and 2005, both featured El Ninos that ended early in the year, rather than persisting through an entire year. January, February and March 2015 were each warmer than 2014. April was roughly comparable, but May was slightly cooler than May 2014, NASA said. May 2015 tied 2012 for the second-warmest May in the NASA GISTEMP analysis, which merges data from conventional land-based stations and reconstructed sea-surface temperature data from NOAA and dates to 1880. NASA's analysis found the most pronounced warm anomalies in May 2015 were over the higher latitudes of the northern hemisphere in two zones. One stretched from northern and central Russia into the Kara Sea, Barents Sea, northern Scandinavia westward toward northeast Greenland. Another was centered over northeast Alaska, and Canada's Yukon and Northwest Territories stretching into the Beaufort Sea. A third, separate analysis from the Japanese Meteorological Agency also found May 2015 to be the globe's hottest May, topping May 2014 in records dating to 1891. Record May warmth was also observed in parts of equatorial South America, southern Africa and The Middle East, according to NOAA. Spain tallied its second warmest May in records dating to 1961. (MORE: India Heat Wave | Alaska's Warmth) Cooler-than-average May temperatures were noted by NASA in the central and south-central United States, the north Atlantic Ocean, Greenland and much of Antarctica. (MORE: May Was Record Wettest Month in U.S.) Particularly cold was northern Greenland. A weather station in Danmarkshavn, Greenland tallied its coldest May in records dating to 1949, according to NOAA. Ultimately, the important takeaway is not whether one particular month or year is a fraction of a degree warmer or cooler than another, but the long-term trend. (MORE: Carbon Dioxide Emissions Surpass Record | Latest Climate News) Nine of the ten warmest years in NASA's 134-year database have occurred this century, with the exception of 1998, which featured the tail end of one of the strongest El Ninos on record. The last year in NASA's dataset globally cooler than average was 1976. The last cooler-than-average month was over 21 years ago, February 1994. In the 449 months from January 1978 through May 2015, only 11 months have been cooler than average, according to the NASA dataset. NOAA says nine of 10 warmest 12-month periods have taken place over the past two years. This 12-month record for the globe has been either tied or broken each month from January to April 2015.
It’s hard for us to imagine living in our homes without safe, clean drinking water and flushable toilets. What if you had to send your child out every day to collect water for domestic use? And what if the closest source of water was a polluted pond, stream or river, more than a mile away? One-third of Nigerians have no access to clean drinking water. This photo was sent to us from one of our partners in Nigeria to illustrate the need for clean drinking water in Nigeria. Acknowledgement: The photo was taken by Genuine Ernest Bishop Ahiabli, to show the dire need for clean drinking water in the village of Akpatoeme in the Ketu North Municipality In Ghana. In Nigeria, one third of the population has no access to clean drinking water. Those in that group often use water polluted by human and animal waste along with chemical pollution from mining and refinery operations. Clean water, toilets and good hygiene practices are essential for the survival and development of children. Poor access to clean water and sanitation in Nigeria remains a major contributing factor to high morbidity and mortality rates among children under five. The use of contaminated drinking water and lack of acceptable sanitary conditions result in increased vulnerability to water-borne diseases, including diarrhea which leads to deaths of more than 70,000 children under five annually (unicef.org/nigeria). Building and renovating schools Africa Education Partnership’s main goal in Nigeria is to build and renovate schools in Gusau, Zamfara State and in Kafanchan, Kaduna State. Our schools provide a safe learning environment and offer a high standard of education for all regardless of gender, ethnicity or religion. In addition, AEP has teamed with Rotary Club and other donors to make sure that each school renovated has a borehole and toilets for students and staff. Lack of access to clean water results both in a high rate of water-borne diseases and absenteeism from school. It is a critical necessity that needs to be addressed. The future of Nigeria starts with the overall health and well-being of the people...and that starts with clean water. AEP has pledged to provide clean water and sanitation to the schools where we are working. Your generous donations have made this possible. Please accept our sincere thanks for your generous support on behalf of our Nigerian partners and the students we serve. | This page compiles information from outside sources, as well as AEP's own blog updates.
The Art of Listening: How to be a good listener “Listening is an art that requires attention over talent, spirit over ego, others over self” Listening is paying attention to what someone says. It is more than just hearing what someone says. It’s about paying attention, understanding what’s being said and showing empathy. Hearing is often misinterpreted as listening whereas hearing involves the physical act of receiving sound. Simply put, hearing happens with your ears while listening happens with your brain. The Art of Listening It’s all about engagement and attention. This is showing the other person you are in conversation with that you are interested in what they have to say. It is therefore an art because it has to be learned. How to be a good listener You can be in a conversation with someone and you begin to interrupt the person or get distracted by things around you. In the quest of being a good listener, one has to learn how to be quiet because it shows appreciation and consideration for the speaker. This doesn’t mean that you cannot chip in your ideas in between the conversation to show the other person that you understand what they’ve been saying. There are 3 attributes of a good listener: I) Attentiveness: Be present. Try not to drift off in your thoughts while the other person is talking. Find and show interest in what the person is saying and try to show it by contributing to the conversation. Make eye contact. II) An open mind: Having an open mind is important if you want to be a good listener. Try not to be judgmental and listen to the person’s side of the story. Try to learn from the conversation. Avoid the urge to give advice on your own opinion right away and focus on what they have to say. This is the ability to put yourself in others shoes and it is a sign of high emotional intelligence. Seeing a situation from multiple points of view helps when giving your opinion. Showing empathy can make the other person feel relaxed and tell you more about what’s bothering them. Note that your body language either makes the person feel reluctant about telling you the full story or makes them vulnerable to say more. Showing empathy tells the other person that you feel what they feel and they are not alone. What are the benefits of active listening? Effective listening can help you build stronger relationships and resolve conflicts. - It improves communication because it aids in truly understanding what the other person is saying. - It builds trust between you and the person. When the person feels heard, he tells you more about the situation because he feels at ease with you. - It helps in conflict resolution because there is an understanding that exists between you and the person. - Leads to creative and innovative thinking due to the fact that when you really listen to someone else’s point of view, you will realize that there are many ways to see a situation. - People would love your company. They would always want to talk with you because they know you won’t judge them. You can gain relationships, friendships and other good benefits from this.
We are losing our focus on the original reason for Thanksgiving as the spiritual state of America continues to decline. Many people may ask, “What is Thanksgiving?” As families gather together to celebrate Thanksgiving, are we reminding our children what Thanksgiving means? While some may describe this day as just an “annual harvest festival,” Thanksgiving was originally established as a reminder to Christians that we should thank God for His many blessings. This tradition is widely recognized in the United States as beginning in 1621 with the Pilgrims and Native Americans at Plymouth. Following a deadly first winter in the “New World,” the Pilgrims had a good harvest, and they celebrated with a harvest festival, thanking God for His blessings. On December 11, 1621, Edward Winslow wrote the following description of the festival (text has been modernized): Our corn did prove well, and God be praised, we had a good increase of Indian corn, and our barley indifferent good, but our peas not worth the gathering, for we feared they were too late sown, they came up very well, and blossomed, but the sun parched them in the blossom. Our harvest being gotten in, our governor sent four men on fowling, that so we might after … a special manner rejoice together after we had gathered the fruit of our labors; they four in one day killed as much fowl as, with a little help beside, served the company almost a week, at which time amongst other recreations, we exercised our arms, many of the Indians coming amongst us, and among the rest their greatest King Massasoit, with some ninety men, whom for three days we entertained and feasted, and they went out and killed five deer, which they brought to the plantation and bestowed on our governor, and upon the captain, and others. And although it be not always so plentiful as it was at this time with us, yet by the goodness of God, we are so far from want that we often wish you partakers of our plenty.1 Although the original Thanksgiving was basically a harvest festival and not yet an official holiday, Edward Winslow clearly gave glory to God and attributed to Him the blessings they enjoyed. Even though the Pilgrims worked very hard and were thankful to the Indians who helped them in the New World, they recognized that “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning ” (James 1:17). Despite how hard we work or how many blessings we receive from others, we must realize where all blessings ultimately come from—God our Provider. Thanksgiving was made a national event when President George Washington made the following proclamation on October 3, 1789: Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God . . . Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be . . . . And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions.2 President Washington recognized the need to praise God for His many blessings given to us and therefore he set up a national reminder to everyone that we should give thanks to God. In an attempt to minimize or remove Christianity’s influences on this nation, some have declared that President Washington was a deist (someone who believes in a god who does not interfere with the affairs of mankind), but from reading his proclamation it is clear that he was not a deist. Thanksgiving was made an annual event during the Civil War on October 3, 1863, by President Lincoln. Much of the credit is attributed to Sarah J. Hale who sent a letter to President Lincoln asking him “to put forth his Proclamation, appointing the last Thursday in November (which falls this year on the 23rd) as the National Thanksgiving.”3 Here is a portion of President Lincoln’s proclamation of Thanksgiving: I do, therefore, invite my fellow-citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a Day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens. And I recommend to them that, while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners, or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty hand to heal the wounds of the nation, and to restore it, as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes, to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility, and union.4 As can be clearly seen in the above statement, the Christian influences remained strong 74 years after President Washington. Even amidst the Civil War, the president encouraged Americans to thank God and send requests to Him, recognizing that He is our Provider. Praising and thanking God is vital even during trials and sufferings, whether they be wars, financial difficulties, loss of loved ones, or other struggles. Even though the Apostle Paul suffered much, he wrote, “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you ” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Also consider the following passage from Paul: Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me(Philippians 4:11–13). Rather than blaming God for our problems, we need to recognize that mankind’s sin in Adam is the reason for our present sufferings. But all is not lost: God foretold to Adam and Eve that through the Seed of the woman (Jesus Christ, God’s Son), the deceiving serpent would be conquered (Genesis 3:15). Years later, the Lord Jesus Christ, born of the virgin named Mary, stepped into history to destroy sin and death once and for all. Jesus fulfilled that prophecy in Genesis, so that “whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life ” (John 3:16). As believers, we praise God for this spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. Furthermore God has provided believers with the Holy Spirit who is our source of strength. God has given us all that we truly need, and that should cause us to worship Him for the abundant riches of grace that He has lovingly bestowed upon us through Jesus Christ. In 2 Corinthians 9:15, Paul states, “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! ” These truths are the foundation for Thanksgiving. Without this understanding Thanksgiving Day is an empty holiday and there is no reason to give thanks. You may have noticed that President Lincoln made Thanksgiving Day to be on the last Thursday of November, but we now have Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of the month. What happened? In 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt changed it to the fourth Thursday due to the urging of a retail association and out of concern for the economy.5 The purpose of this change was to extend the shopping days between Thanksgiving and Christmas, with the goal of stimulating the economy as they tried to recover from the Great Depression. It is noteworthy that President Roosevelt also did not neglect the Christian roots of Thanksgiving in his proclamation and reiterated that they should also thank God.6 However, the date change resulted in confusion across the nation with states coming to different conclusions on when Thanksgiving Day should be held. This mix-up has since been fixed, and the holiday is now held on the fourth Thursday of November. However the focus of Thanksgiving Day has significantly declined through the years, and this event did nothing to help in that regard. What would the originators of Thanksgiving think if they saw that this day had apparently become an obstacle to remove for the retailers and the economy? Let us be careful not to be influenced in the ways of the world rather than the ways of God. The moral of this story is that we must be wary to not let anyone or anything hinder our attention on God, and we should strive to keep reminders like Thanksgiving Day focused on Him. Many businesses, educational resources, and institutions neglect to mention the strong Christian origins of this national holiday. For America to return to its Christian roots, individuals must once again recognize God as the Provider. Thanksgiving Day was instituted as a reminder to give thanks to God for His provisions, but sadly many have forgotten the true meaning of Thanksgiving. Forgetting what God has done for His people is a common theme throughout the Old Testament. For example, God stressed the importance of remembering God’s provision when He told Joshua to set up twelve stones as a sign for the people: That this may be a sign among you when your children ask in time to come, saying, “What do these stones mean to you?” Then you shall answer them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord; when it crossed over the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. And these stones shall be for a memorial to the children of Israel forever. (Joshua 4:6–7) But what did happen? The children of Israel eventually forgot. The same thing is happening in America right now. Is there anything we can do to help stop it? Well, it starts with each and every believer. We encourage you to share the real reason to give thanks—the gospel of Jesus Christ—to anyone that may listen, and the next time someone asks you, “What is Thanksgiving?” you can also share your testimony and tell them what God has done in your life. Thanksgiving Day is a good reminder of a biblical principle and a great opportunity for evangelism. No matter what nationality you may be, God’s Word states that we should give “thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ ” (Ephesians 5:20).
Table of Contents Good food hygiene is an important practice that we need to observe to ensure our food is safed for consumptiom, without this healthy practice, harmful germs that causefoodpoisoning can spread very easily duringfood preparation process, it is therefore our full responsibilty to keep the food that we and our loved ones eat veryclean and safeduring and after preparation on a daily basis. Food is any edible substance that is consumed to provide support and strength to the body, food helps the body to grow, provides the body with the needed energy to carry out daily activities and it keeps the body in good condition. Food can be said to be hygienic and non-hygienic, safe and un-safe for consumption. Food can be very tasty and flavourful and at the same time can be dangerous to human health if not properly prepared, kept or eaten, however, no human can really survive without eating food and many humans health have been destroyed and risked due to eating unhealthy foods, and this leads us to what is known as food safety and hygiene. Food safety has a broad meaning, it is not just about eating freshly made food outside your house, but something you should do more often at home and outside. Food safety has a lot to do with eating clean food, handling food, storing food and maintaining personal hygiene on a daily basis and this cut across to food handlers, businesses (food businesses) as both the food handlers and food business dealers have the responsibility of ensuring that foods are kept healthy and void of contamination. However, kitchen hygiene is an important key to keeping food safe for consumption. What is food safety or hygiene? Food hygiene is a practice of proper preparation, washing, cooking, storing and preservation of food in ways that prevent cross contamination and spread of bacteria which could lead to food poisoning. Microorganisms often look for conducive environment to settle and especially on foods, and they can easily contaminate foods as soon as they enter; these can be present in foods in form yeast, moulds and bacteria. Foods like fruits, jams, tomatoes, cabbage, meat, jellies etc. are easily contaminated, however, avoiding cross contamination between raw foods and ready to eat foods is an important aspect of food hygiene. There are certain things to do to ensure a good food hygiene practice. Food hygiene tips - Practice personal hygiene - Refrigerate foods that can be easily destroyed by heat - Raw foods should be well stored from the cooked ones. - Wash fruits and vegetables with salt or vinegar. - Use appropriate kitchen tools for food preparation - Keep grains, powdered and dried foods away from each other and from liquid - Cook food to an appropriate temperature to destroy bacteria - Keep insects and pests away from food areas. - Use clean water to prepare food always. - Clean the kitchen counter and mop the flour after each food preparation. - Keep food that has been contaminated with pathogen from spreading to people and pets. - Washing of kitchen towels and racks. How to practice food hygiene at home - Practice personal hygiene: Personal hygiene is a practice every one should imbibe, as long as food has an effect on our healthy, it is important to always wash our hand with soap and water before handling food to prepare, our plates, spoons and cups need to wash as well before using them to serve food. - Refrigerates foods that can easily be destroyed by heat: There are certain foods that cant withstand environmental heat for a longer time (meat, fish, leafy vegetables and the likes), such foods need to be properly chilled in the refrigerator to preserve them longer and to keep away harmful organisms growing on them. - Raw foods should be kept separate from dried or cooked foods: There is no way you can keep cooked foods together with the raw once without reining both, foods like meat, fish and fruits, soup and stew should be frozen in different sealed containers and they should be kept in a different compartment of the fridge to avoid cross contamination which can occur through dripping. After marinating fish or meat, do not use the same bowl or plate to serve food or place another food into it, you can only use the sauce to cook food but not to serve as food because it is raw and it will be unhealthy for your consumption. - Wash fruit and vegetables with salt or vinegar: Most fruits and vegetable are freshly purchased from the farm, store or market; these foods do contain sand, insect and residues in them, it is very important to rinse vegetables and fruit with water, salt or vinegar before storing them in the food rack. - Use appropriate kitchen tools for food preparation: There are various kinds of kitchen tools/utensils designed for different purposes, make sure you use the right tool at the right time. For instance, a meat chopping board can easily serve as a growth medium for bacteria and mould, this can be seen growing on the surface or the edges if not properly washed after usage, use a different chopping board for cutting vegetables and other sensitive foods to prevent food poisoning and always wash and disinfect cutting tools. - Keep grains, powdered and dried foods away from liquid: Food safety should be applied on grains, dried and powdered foods storage. Wet food attracts moulds easily, Moulds grow in filaments forming a tough mass and this can be very visible to the eye. Grains, powdered, baked, and dried foods should be properly stored away from liquid, as moulds can easily grow on them causing illness, allergy and food poisoning to both adults and kids. - Cook food to an appropriate temperature to destroy bacteria: Cooking food to the required temperature is an important food safety practice, as raw foods like egg and meat can easily result to salmonella and ecoli infections if not properly cooked. Foods like pork, chicken, beef and sausage should be cooked longer until there are no traces of pink on the flesh, joints and bones of such meat because germs can easily settle in such parts. - Keep insects and pests away from food areas: Insects and pests control is another important food safety tip to be taken into consideration, as these creatures are often seen in our houses, especially in places like the fridge corners, kitchen cupboard, shelves and at dark corners of the kitchen. Cockroaches, flies and rodents as we know are very terrible insects and pest; they can carry pathogen from one surface to another, while pegging on food items which can lead to food borne illness, for this reason, it is wise to always cover the pots containing foods, spray the shelves, clean our refrigerator when you notice any foul smell and dripping (see how to clean and maintain refrigerator). - Use clean water to prepare food always: Food safety is also important practice to be carried out when washing, mixing and cooking food. Dirty water has many ways of affecting our systems and our general health. Foods that are prepared with dirty water can easily lead to vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach upsets, cancer (leukaemia) and skin rashes among other dangerous effects, therefore, it is important to always use clean water to wash and cook food. - Clean the kitchen counter and mop the flour after each food preparation: Food safety and hygiene can also be put to check by making sure that our kitchen slaps or surfaces are cleaned and disinfected after food preparation- (see how to make homemade disinfectant). By doing this, you have kept away flies, ants and cockroaches from coming in contact with your foods as they love to dance around food particles which are left untidy on such places. The stove or gas top should be properly wiped before you go to bed, it is when everywhere is quit that these insects come out of their hiding places to eat of the remnants, and if you can locate their holes, it is wise you spray with insecticide to eliminate them totally. - Keep food that has been contaminated with pathogen away from spreading to people and pets: This a very important food safety tip which is related to both humans and pets, once you notice that a particular food item has formed moulds throw it away and dont try to save cost by eating such or feeding it to your pet. If dried foods are not properly kept or have been kept for too long they can form aflatoxin a poisonous and cancer causing chemicals formed in contaminated foods and feeds which can be very dangerous to humans and animals. This food poisoning can also be found in poultry feeds and other livestock feeds especially if the foods are not properly stored. - Washing of kitchen towels and racks: As long as food hygiene is concerned, the kitchen and every tool or equipment in it needs to be washed and sanitized always. Kitchen towels or racks are very important items in the kitchen; we make use these towels on a daily basis to open hot lids, to remove foods from micro wave or oven, to bring down boiling soup from heat and to wipe of food or water from our wet hands. Often times while using these towels, they get wet in the process which means that microorganisms can harbour on these damp surfaces, so it will be very proper to wash and sanitize and properly sun dry our kitchen towels to prevent bacteria from being spread from one item and surface to another, and these towels should be kept separated from other items like apron and hand cloves Importance of food safety/ hygiene - Food hygiene and safety prevent germs from multiplying in foods and reaching dangerous levels. - Food hygiene ensures daily healthy family living. - It keeps one healthy and prevents extra cost of buying drugs and medical check-up. - It minimises the spread of micro-organisms from being spread from surfaces to humans - It minimises the rate at which one can contact food poisoning. - Since washing of hands is an important personal hxygiene practice, it helps minimize and prevent the spread of bacteria on foods and on kitchen tools. - Proper food hygiene and safety keeps insects and rodents out of our entire house as kitchen is seen as one of the breeding grounds for such apart from the toilet. - Ready to eat foods are advice to be chilled in the fridge; by keeping such food in the fridge, bacteria are not allowed to grow on them. Such foods include salad, yoghurt, milk and deserts. - Food safety and proper hygiene on business wise is also very necessary especially when dealing with public consumers, by practicing good hygiene, it goes a long way in protecting consumers health and they tend to develop confidence regarding your products and foods. When they have develop confidence in the food you are providing for the them, they keep coming back to you and your business certainly will have a good reputation and longer life span. The above food hygiene tips cut across the 4 cs in which we really need to put into consideration to prevent food safety hazards, and they should serve as a daily reminder when preparing food, these 4 cs clearly define what food hygiene is- as the practise of proper cleaning, chilling and cooking of food to prevent cross contamination and spread of bacteria both at home and at food factories. 4 Cs of food hygiene - Cross contamination 1. Foods arecleaned bywashing themwith clean water, salt or vinegar. 2. Ready to eat foods or perishable foods are best kept in the fridgeto enable them last longer and also to prevent bacteria growth. 3. One of the best ways to destroy microorganisms in food is through proper heating, foods like beef, pork, and chicken need to be properly heated or cooked to avoid ecoli and salmonella infection. 4. Different foods are to be kept separately in the fridge to avoid cross contamination and spread of bacteria. Meat, fruits and vegetables should be separated into sealable containers before storing them in the fridge. Vegetables, fruits, milk and soups can easily be contaminated when you combine them together in the same compartment with foods that have liquid in them (fish, meat and the likes); it is best you store them separately to prevent the spread of germs to other foods. Food hygiene is very important in our daily food preparation, you can help stop the spread of diseases organisms at home and at food factories by following the above basic hygiene tips.
In this Hadoop tutorial, we will learn about Big Data Hadoop in detail. We will also discuss the problems that traditional or legacy systems have and how Hadoop solved the puzzle of big data. Finally, we will see how Uber used Hadoop to handle big data. Hadoop Tutorial for Beginners and Professionals Before talking about What is Hadoop?, it is important for us to know why a need for Big Data Hadoop came up and why our legacy systems weren’t able to cope with big data. Let’s learn about Hadoop first in this Hadoop tutorial. Watch this video on ‘Hadoop Training’: Problems with Legacy Systems Let us talk about legacy systems first in this Hadoop tutorial and how they weren’t able to handle big data. But wait, what are legacy systems? Legacy systems are the traditional systems that are old and obsolete due to some issues. Why do we need Big Data solutions like Hadoop? Why are legacy database solutions, such as MySQL or Oracle, not feasible options now? First of all, there is a problem with scalability when the data volume increases in terms of terabytes. We have to denormalize and pre-aggregate data for faster query execution, and as the data gets bigger, we’ll be forced to make changes in the process in terms of optimizing indexes that query extra. When our database is running with proper hardware resources, yet we see performance issues, then we have to make changes to the query or find a way in which our data can be accessed. We cannot add more hardware resources or compute nodes and distribute the problem to bring the computation time down, i.e., the database is not horizontally scalable. By adding more resources, we cannot hope to improve the execution time or performance. The second problem is that a traditional database is designed to process structured data. Hence, when our data is not in a proper structure, the database will struggle. A database is not a good choice when we have a variety of data in different formats such as text, images, videos, etc. Another key challenge is that a great enterprise database solution can be quite expensive for a relatively low volume of data when we add up the hardware costs and the platinum-grade storage costs. In a nutshell, it’s an expensive option. Next, we have distributed solutions, namely, grid computing, that are basically several nodes operating on a data paddler and hence quicker in computation. However, for these distributed solutions, there are two challenges: - First, high-performance computing is better for computing-intensive tasks that have a comparatively lesser volume of data. So, it doesn’t perform well when the data volume is high. - Second, grid computing needs good experience with low-level programming knowledge to implement it, and hence it wouldn’t fit the mainstream. So, basically, a good solution should, of course, handle huge volumes of data and provide efficient data storage, regardless of the varying data formats, without data loss. Watch this video on ‘Big Data and Hadoop Full Course – Learn Hadoop in 12 Hours’: Next up in this Hadoop tutorial, let’s look at the differences between legacy systems and Big Data Hadoop, and then, we will move on to the topic: ‘What is Hadoop?’ Differences Between Legacy Systems and Big Data Hadoop While the traditional databases are good at certain things, Big Data Hadoop is good at many others. Let’s refer to the below image: - RDBMS seems to work well with fewer terabytes of data. Whereas, in Hadoop, the volume processed is in petabytes. - Hadoop can actually work with changing schema, along with that it can support files in various formats. Whereas, when we talk about RDBMS, it has a schema that is really strict and not so flexible, and it cannot handle multiple formats. - Database solutions scale vertically, i.e., more resources can be added to a current solution, and any improvements in the process—such as tuning queries, adding more indexes, etc.—can be made as required. However, they will not scale horizontally. This means we can’t decrease the execution time or improve the performance of a query by just increasing the number of computers. In other words, we cannot distribute the problem among many nodes. - The cost for our database solution can get really high pretty quickly when the volume of data we’re trying to process increases. Whereas, Hadoop provides a cost-effective solution. Hadoop’s infrastructure is based on commodity computers implying that no specialized hardware is required here, hence decreasing the expense. - Generally, Hadoop is referred to as a batch-processing system, and it is not as interactive as a database. Thus, millisecond response time can’t be expected from Hadoop. However, it writes the dataset as an operator and analyzes data several times, i.e., with Hadoop, reading and writing multiple times is possible. By now, we have got an idea about the differences between Big Data Hadoop and legacy systems. Let’s come back to the real question now. What is Hadoop? Get 100% Hike! Master Most in Demand Skills Now ! What is Hadoop? In this Hadoop tutorial, our major focus is on ‘What is Hadoop?’ Big Data Hadoop is the best data framework, providing utilities that help several computers solve queries involving huge volumes of data, e.g., Google Search. It is based on the MapReduce pattern, in which you can distribute a big data problem into various nodes and then consolidate the results of all these nodes into a final result. Big Data Hadoop is written in Java programming language. Because of the robustness of Java, Apache Hadoop ranks among the highest level Apache projects. It is designed to work on a single server with thousands of machines, each one providing local computation, along with storage. It supports a huge collection of datasets in a computing environment. Hadoop is basically licensed under the Apache v2 license. It was developed based on a paper presented by Google on the MapReduce system, and hence it applies all the concepts of functional programming. The biggest strength of Apache Hadoop is its scalability as it has upgraded itself from working on a single node to seamlessly handling thousands of nodes, without making any issues. Several domains of Big Data indicate that we can handle data in the form of videos, text, images, sensor information, transactional data, social media conversations, financial information, statistical data, forum discussions, search engine queries, e-commerce data, weather reports, news updates, and many more. Big Data Hadoop runs applications on the grounds of MapReduce, wherein the data is processed in parallel and accomplishes the whole statistical analysis of the huge amount of data. As we have learned ‘What is Hadoop?,’ the next interesting topic would be the history of Apache Hadoop. Let’s see that in this Hadoop tutorial. History of Apache Hadoop Doug Cutting—who created Apache Lucene, a popular text search library—was the man behind the creation of Apache Hadoop. Hadoop got introduced in 2002 with Apache Nutch, an open-source web search engine, which was part of the Lucene project. Now that we understood ‘What is Hadoop?’ and got a bit of the history behind it, next up in this tutorial, we will be looking at how Hadoop actually solves the problem of big data. What is Hadoop? Enroll in our Big Data Hadoop Training now and learn in detail! How does Hadoop solve the problem of Big Data? Since we have already answered the question, ‘What is Hadoop?,’ now in this Hadoop tutorial, we need to understand how it becomes the ideal solution for big data. The proposed solution for the problem of big data should: - Implement good recovery strategies - Be horizontally scalable as data grows - Be cost-effective - Minimize the learning curve - Be easy for programmers and data analysts, and even for non-programmers, to work with And, this is exactly what Hadoop does! Hadoop can handle huge volumes of data and store it efficiently in terms of both storage and computation. Also, it is a good recovery solution for data loss, and most importantly, it can horizontally scale. So, as our data gets bigger, we can add more nodes, and everything will work seamlessly. It’s that simple! Hadoop is cost-effective as we don’t need any specialized hardware to run it. This makes it a great solution even for startups. Finally, it’s effortless to learn and implement as well. Hopefully, it is easy to answer the question ‘What is Hadoop?’ Now, let’s discuss some of the characteristics of Big Data. Enroll in our Hadoop Course in Bangalore to learn from industry experts. Characteristics of Big Data The characteristics of Big Data can be best explained by the five Vs: Let’s briefly try to understand the use of these terms in Big Data. As the term ‘Big Data’ suggests, it has a large size. It comprises large volumes of data generated by organizations via networks, business processes, social media platforms, etc. Velocity is the speed by which companies generate real-time data. It links the speed of incoming datasets, change rate, and activity bursts. The goal of Big Data is to rapidly offer the data generated. Big Data works on the speed at which the data comes in from various data sources, such as business processes, social media, application logs, and so on. Kickstart your career by enrolling in a Hadoop course in Kuala Lumpur. Big Data can be of various types; it can be structured, semi-structured, quasi-structured, or unstructured, taken from distinct data sources. Earlier, the data was collected only through sheets and databases, but today, there is a huge range of sources, including photos, videos, PDFs, emails, audio files, etc. Veracity refers to the reliability of the data, and it can translate in many ways. The veracity of Big Data helps in handling and managing data efficiently. Value is a significant characteristic of Big Data. It is the reliable and useful insights that are hidden in the data that professionals store, analyze, and process. Let’s now see a use case that can tell us more about Big Data Hadoop. Do you still have queries on ‘What is Hadoop?,’ do post them on our Big Data Hadoop and Spark Community! How did Uber deal with Big Data? Let’s discuss how Uber managed to fix the problem of 100 petabytes of analytical data generated within its system due to more and more insights over time. Identification of Big Data at Uber Before Uber realized the existence of big data within its system, the data used to be stored in legacy database systems, such as MySQL and PostgreSQL, in databases or tables. In the company, the total data size back in 2014 was around a few terabytes. Therefore, the latency of accessing this data was very fast, accomplished in less than a minute! Here is what Uber’s data storage architecture looked like in the year 2014: As the business started growing rapidly, the size of the data started increasing exponentially, leading to the creation of an analytical data warehouse that had all the data in one place, easily accessible to the analysts all at once. To do so, data users were categorized into three main groups: - City Operations Team: On-ground crews responsible for managing and scaling Uber’s transport system - Data Scientists and Analysts: A group of Analysts and Data Scientists who need data to deliver a good service for transportation - Engineering Team: Engineers focused on building automated data applications A data warehouse software named Vertica was used as it was fast, scalable, and had a column-oriented design. Besides, multiple ad-hoc ETL jobs were created that copied data from different sources into Vertica. To achieve this, Uber started using an online query service that would accept users’ queries based on SQL and upload them onto Vertica. It was a huge success for Uber when Vertica was launched. Uber’s users had a global view, along with all the data they needed, in one place. Just a few months later, the data was again increasing exponentially as the number of users was increasing. Since SQL was in use, the City Operators team found it easy to interact with whatever data they needed, without having any knowledge of the underlying technologies. On the other hand, the Engineering team began building services and products according to user needs that were identified by the analysis of the data. Although everything was going well and Uber was attracting more customers and profit, there were still a few limitations: - The use of data warehouses became too expensive as data compilation had to be extended to involve more and more data. So, to free up more space for new data, older and obsolete data had to be deleted. - Uber’s Big Data platform wasn’t scalable horizontally. Its prime goal was to focus on the critical business needs for centralized data access. - Uber’s data warehouse was like a data lake, where all the data used to pile up. Even multiple copies of the same data existed, which increased storage costs. - When it came to data quality, there were issues related to backfilling as it was laborious and time-consuming, and the ad-hoc ETL jobs were source-dependent. Data projections and data transformations were performed during the time of ingestion, and due to the lack of standardized ingestion jobs, it became difficult to ingest new datasets and data types. What is Hadoop? Check out the Big Data Hadoop Training in Sydney and learn more! Introduction of Apache Hadoop in Uber’s System To address the problems created by big data, Uber took the initiative to re-architecture its Big Data platform on top of Hadoop. In other words, it designed an Apache Hadoop data lake and ingested all the raw data from various online data stores into it once, without any transformation during this process. The change in the design decreased the data load on its online data stores and helped it to shift from ad-hoc ingestion jobs to a scalable ingestion platform. Then, Uber introduced a series of innovations, such as Presto, Apache Spark, and Apache Hive to enable interactive user queries and access to data and to serve even larger queries, all making Uber’s Big Data platform more flexible. Data modeling and transformation were needed to make the platform scalable, which was held only in Apache Hadoop. This enables quick data recovery when there were any issues. Another thing that really helped Uber was that it made sure only modeled tables were transferred onto its warehouse. This, in turn, reduced the operational cost of running a large data warehouse. This was referred to as the second generation of Uber’s Big Data platform. Now, the ad-hoc data ingestion jobs were exchanged with the standard platform to transfer all the data in the original and nested formats into the Hadoop lake. As Uber’s business was growing at the speed of light, tens of terabytes of data were getting generated and added to the Hadoop data lake, daily. Soon, its Big Data platform grew to over 10,000 vCores having approximately 100,000 batch jobs running per day. This resulted in the Hadoop data lake becoming a centralized source of truth for Uber’s analytical data. The following image summarizes how the snapshot-based data ingestions moved through Uber’s Big Data platform. This is how Uber managed its big data with the help of the Hadoop ecosystem. The question ‘What is Hadoop?’ cannot be answered completely without discussing its features. So, let’s move on with that now in this Hadoop tutorial. Watch this video on ‘Hadoop vs Spark?’: Features of Hadoop Let’s now look at a few features of Big Data Hadoop: 1. Enables Flexible Data Processing The most prominent problem organizations face is the issue of handling unstructured data. Hadoop plays a key role here as it can manage data, whether it is structured or unstructured, or of any kind. 2. Highly Scalable Since Hadoop is an open-source platform that runs on proper industry-standard hardware, it is a highly scalable platform wherein distinct nodes can easily be united in the system for making replicas of data blocks. In Hadoop, data is actually saved in HDFS wherein it can automatically be duplicated at three different locations. Therefore, even if two of the systems get collapse, the file will still be present on the third system. 4. Faster in Data Processing Hadoop is remarkably efficient at batch processing at high volume. This is because Hadoop can perform parallel processing. It can implement batch processes 10 times quicker when compared to a single-thread server or mainframe. 5. Robust Ecosystem Hadoop has a pretty robust ecosystem that suitably aligns with the analytical requirements of developers and small or large organizations. There are a lot of cost benefits that Hadoop brings in. Parallel computing to commodity servers results in a noticeable reduction in the cost per terabyte of storage. Prepare yourself for the industry by going through Top Hadoop Interview Questions and Answers now! Some of the numerous features of Hadoop that make it an ideal choice are mentioned further in this tutorial. Hadoop allows organizations to easily access new sources of data and shift from one set of data to another. Companies can store this data in a structured or unstructured manner. This tool helps professionals extract valuable insights from numerous types of data sources, including social media, emails, clickstream data, etc. Moreover, they use Hadoop for significant tasks, such as data warehousing, fraud detection, log processing, analysis of the market campaigns, recommendation systems, and more. Often, only 20 percent of the data received by organizations is structured while the rest is unstructured. This unstructured data needs to be managed. Hadoop helps in dealing with various types of Big Data whether it is formatted, structured, unstructured, or encoded, making it helpful for organizations to make informed business decisions. Hadoop is a simple tool that supports most programming languages using MapReduce methods and works on various operating systems, including Linux and Windows. Hadoop can store large volumes of distributed data in various parallel operating servers. Old and traditional database systems can’t work with such large volumes of data. Hadoop also allows professionals to add new nodes in the system when necessary, without making any changes in the data format, data loading, the way programs are developed, etc. This is an open-source fault-tolerant platform, and in case a node is missing or not in service, automatically the system reallocates the required task to a different data location and gets on with the process. Hadoop’s ecosystem is rich and robust, meeting all the demands of the developers, organizations, etc. Its ecosystem comprises numerous tools and technologies, including Zookeeper, Apache Pig, HBase, MapReduce, HCatalog, and Hive, allowing it to deliver a good range of services. Traditional database systems were extremely expensive when dealing with processing a large amount of data. Most organizations segregated their data based on assumptions and processed it accordingly to reduce cost. It became too costly for organizations to keep track of raw data, forcing them to delete most of it. This method was not successful for long since changes happened in businesses forced them to keep this raw data. But, today, Hadoop allows organizations to store all this data for future use and the costs are comparatively lesser than the older method. Hadoop has led to great technological advancements in recent years. HBase is now a crucial platform for Lightweight OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) and Blob (Binary Large Objects) Stores. Further, it is a strong foundation for NoSQL databases. Apart from these, there are many factors, including its speed, failure resilience, etc., that make it a suitable platform for professionals to work on their data. Next in this Hadoop tutorial for beginners, let’s look at the various domains used in Hadoop. Various Domains That Use Hadoop Hadoop is being used in a large number of sectors to manage data effectively. Some of these major domains are as follows: Banks have a huge amount of data stored in their servers and databases that need to be managed effectively and to be secured at the same time. Meanwhile, they have to adhere to customer requirements and reduce risks, along with sustaining regulatory compliance. How does Hadoop pitch in? Vast financial data residing in the extensive databases of banking sectors can be converted into a goldmine of information provided that there is a suitable tool to analyze data, for example, Cloudera. Government sectors mainly utilize big data in managing their huge stack of resources and utilities, along with getting insights from surveys conducted on a huge scale. They need to manage huge databases containing the data records of billions of people. How does Hadoop cater to this problem? - Preventing fraud and waste: Apache Hadoop is a tool that can be used to detect fraud and analyze data by creating new data models focused on fraud, waste, and abuse. - Identifying terror threats on social media: Terrorist organizations often communicate through social networks to circulate instructions. Hadoop not only identifies such data but with its advanced filtering and matching algorithms it can be used to detect all the accomplices working with such organizations. - Storing government records: It’s hard to store extensive amounts of data—e.g., the data records related to the Aadhar card—in traditional databases. Thus, the government is using various Big Data Analytics tools, especially Hadoop, to sort and manage such huge data effectively and efficiently. The education sector has to maintain a huge volume of data that may be segregated into several fields. Managing this data and providing access to it according to users’ interests is a huge challenge. How is Hadoop used in the education sector? - Examination records and results: Analyzing each student’s result to get a better understanding of the student’s behavior and thus creating the best possible learning environment - Analytics for educators: Many programs can be created to encourage individuals about their interests. And, on this basis, many reports can be created. And accordingly, educators can be assigned with their respective skills and interests. - Career prediction: A thorough analysis of a student’s report card. This analysis can be done using various Hadoop tools and can suggest some appropriate courses a student can pursue in the future according to his/her areas of interest. Due to a large population, it gets increasingly difficult to manage all medical-related data in the healthcare sector and analyze the data to suggest a suitable treatment for each patient. Several Machine Learning algorithms and Data Analytics tools can be used for analyzing patients’ medical history and getting insights from it and thus, in turn, appropriately treating them. Use cases of Big Data Hadoop in the Healthcare Sector - Prediction analytics in healthcare: Several Big Data tools are available to analyze and assess patients’ medical history and give a predictive measure as to what kind of treatment can be used to cure them in the future. - Electronic health records: Electronic health records have become one of the main applications of big data in healthcare as they enable every patient to possess his/her own medical records such as prescribed medicines, medical reports, lab test results, etc. This data can be modified over time by doctors and shared efficiently. - Monitor patients: Several organizations around the globe have started to use Hadoop to increase their work productivity. Healthcare machines tend to generate huge chunks of unstructured data that cannot be made useful with traditional data processing systems. Hadoop makes it possible to analyze and process this data and use it to track the health and medical reports of patients. E-commerce tools can help provide insights into what a customer needs and the current requirements of the market. These tools can also help enterprises in building customer relationships and new strategies and ideas as to how to expand their business further. - Service Improvement: Various Big Data tools can analyze demands in the market, along with predicting what customers would want more in the future based on these insights. - Personalized Approach: This involves sending selective mails and offers to customers who are interested in a particular domain. Price Formation: For analyzing the dynamic nature of the market and the demand-and-supply ratio and for predicting the pricing of a particular product, various tools can be used so that the sale of this product does not get affected Social media today is the largest data producer, and it contains a lot of sensitive data that needs to be managed efficiently and securely. This data also needs to be optimized and stored effectively. The Hadoop framework is written using Java which uses a huge cluster of hardware to store and manage Big Data. The architecture of Hadoop comprises four components that are listed and explained below in detail. HDFS or Hadoop Distributed File System, as the term suggests, is a distributed file system of Hadoop with a master/slave architecture. The NameNode and the DataNode can both run on commodity machines. Moreover, it can give access to the application data and work with various file systems, such as Amazon S3, FTP, Windows Azure Storage Blobs (WASB), etc. In HDFS, the data is stored in nodes, and the NameNode acts as the master, while the DataNodes play the role of a slave. YARN stands for Yet Another Resource Negotiator. MapReduce works on the YARN framework. It performs resource management and job scheduling. Job Scheduler helps in dividing large tasks into small ones such that each of these small jobs can be assigned to specific slaves in the Hadoop cluster, thereby maximizing the processing. It also helps in tracking the priority of the jobs, how they are dependent on each other, and more. The Resource Manager, on the other hand, helps in managing the resources that help run the Hadoop cluster. MapReduce is a parallel processing system based on the framework of YARN. It is a data structure that performs parallel distributed processing in the Hadoop cluster using key-value pairs, allowing Hadoop to run fast. MapReduce is divided into two phases, the map task and the reduce task. The map task collects the input data and transforms it into one that can be computed with the help of key-value pairs. The reduce task then consumes the output of the map task and allows the reducer to provide the required result. Hadoop Common is a set of utilities that offers support to the other three components of Hadoop. It is a set of Java libraries and scripts that are required by MapReduce, YARN, and HDFS to run the Hadoop cluster. Now, let’s discuss the significant terminology involved in Hadoop. Important Terms in Hadoop Now, let’s briefly try to learn the terminology that is most commonly used in Hadoop and plays a significant role in it. Apache Hive is Hadoop’s data warehouse system that uses queries similar to SQL, known as Hive Query Language (HQL), which gets converted internally into MapReduce tasks. Hive supports data manipulation language, data definition language, and user-defined functionalities. Pig is a data-flow platform that helps execute the programs of MapReduce. Pig scripts convert themselves internally into MapReduce jobs and use the data in HDFS for execution. Pig can handle all types of data stored in HDFS. Apache HBase is an open-source framework built on Hadoop. It is based on the Big Table by Google. It consists of a set of tables that allows us to keep the data using a key-value format. HBase is best for sparse datasets that are extremely common while dealing with Big Data. Usage of Big Data Tools in Social Media - Bitly: Bitly is a Data Analytics tool used for high-quality analytics, and it can establish short links that can be tracked across the web. It can be used to cut short any URL so that it can fit nicely across any social media webpage. - Everypost: Everypost is a platform that can manage multiple networks in parallel. Here, a user can curate a type of content in one place and organize it in another. It enables the storage of massive data on various social websites in a single large repository. We have now come to the end of this section on ‘What is Hadoop?’ In this section of the Hadoop tutorial, we learned ‘What is Hadoop?’, the need for it, and how Hadoop solved the problem of big data, and we also saw how Uber dealt with its big data with the help of the Hadoop ecosystem. What is Hadoop? To answer this question comprehensively, we need to know about Big Data. What is this Big Data that we are talking about all this while in this tutorial? So, in the next section of this Big Data Hadoop tutorial, we shall be learning about What is Big Data. - Intellipaat’s Hadoop tutorial for beginners and professionals is designed for Programming Developers and System Administrators - Project Managers are eager to learn new techniques for maintaining large datasets - Experienced working professionals aiming to become Big Data Analysts - Mainframe Professionals, Architects & Testing Professionals - Entry-level programmers and working professionals in Java, Python, C++, eager to learn the latest Big Data technology. - Before starting with this Hadoop tutorial, it is advised to have prior programming language experience in Java and Linux Operating system. - Basic command knowledge of UNIX and SQL Scripting can be beneficial to better understand the Big data concepts in Hadoop applications. Frequently Asked Questions What are Hadoop and Big Data? While Big Data is an extremely large data set that can be analyzed on computers to reveal patterns, trends, and meaningful insights, Hadoop is an open-source distributed processing framework that is used to manage data processing and storage for big data applications in clustered systems. What is the basic knowledge required to learn Hadoop? For a beginner, Hadoop can be tricky. Mastering Hadoop requires a basic understanding of: - Linux OS - Any programming language such as Java, Python, or Scala - SQL queries If you don’t have these prerequisites, you do not have to worry. You can register for our online Hadoop Training. We provide complimentary Linux and Java self-paced courses with Hadoop training. Is Hadoop easy to learn? Simple answer, YES! If your skills in OOPs are up to the mark, learning Hadoop will be easy for you. Though Hadoop is a big ecosystem consisting of many technologies including processing frameworks, storage systems, data flow language tools, SQL language tools, data ingestion tools, and non-relational databases, it is not that difficult to master the concepts of Hadoop as each of these technologies are strongly integrated with each other. You can take up our Hadoop Training and master the same within weeks. Does Hadoop require coding? Although Hadoop is an open-source software framework that is coded in Java for distributed storage and processing of large data sets, working around Hadoop does not involve much coding. Pig and Hive are components of Hadoop that make sure that functional knowledge of Java is not required to work on Hadoop. You only have to learn Pig Latin and Hive Query Language, both of which need only one SQL base. Is Hadoop a Database? Typically, Hadoop is not a database. Rather, it is a software ecosystem that allows for parallel computing of extremely large data sets. Is Hadoop worth learning? Considering the recent upsurge in the demand for Hadoop professionals, Hadoop is definitely worth giving a shot. If you are certified from a recognized institute like Intellipaat, the chances of you landing a high-paying Hadoop-based job simply skyrockets. Can freshers get jobs in Hadoop? Yes, skilled freshers in the domain of Hadoop and Big Data are being welcomed by big companies. Big Data Hadoop opportunities are on the rise, and if you are good enough as a fresher, you can definitely expect to get a Hadoop job in any top company. How many days does it take to learn Hadoop? The answer to this question is subjective to the skillsets you have before opting to learn Hadoop. If you possess the pre-requisites for learning Hadoop, you can easily master the subject within days. If you want to start learning Hadoop from scratch, it might take 2/3 months to master the same.
Dr Justin Barrett, a senior researcher at the University of Oxford's Centre for Anthropology and Mind, claims that young people have a predisposition to believe in a supreme being because they assume that everything in the world was created with a purpose. He says that young children have faith even when they have not been taught about it by family or at school, and argues that even those raised alone on a desert island would come to believe in God. "The preponderance of scientific evidence for the past 10 years or so has shown that a lot more seems to be built into the natural development of children's minds than we once thought, including a predisposition to see the natural world as designed and purposeful and that some kind of intelligent being is behind that purpose," he told BBC Radio 4's Today programme. "If we threw a handful on an island and they raised themselves I think they would believe in God." In a lecture to be given at the University of Cambridge's Faraday Institute on Tuesday, Dr Barrett will cite psychological experiments carried out on children that he says show they instinctively believe that almost everything has been designed with a specific purpose. In one study, six and seven-year-olds who were asked why the first bird existed replied "to make nice music" and "because it makes the world look nice". Another experiment on 12-month-old babies suggested that they were surprised by a film in which a rolling ball apparently created a neat stack of blocks from a disordered heap. Dr Barrett said there is evidence that even by the age of four, children understand that although some objects are made by humans, the natural world is different. He added that this means children are more likely to believe in creationism rather than evolution, despite what they may be told by parents or teachers. Dr Barrett claimed anthropologists have found that in some cultures children believe in God even when religious teachings are withheld from them. "Children's normally and naturally developing minds make them prone to believe in divine creation and intelligent design. In contrast, evolution is unnatural for human minds; relatively difficult to believe."
The Debate Between W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington Two great leaders of the black community in the late 19th and 20th century were W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington. However, they sharply disagreed on strategies for black social and economic progress. Their opposing philosophies can be found in much of today’s discussions over how to end class and racial injustice, what is the role of black leadership, and what do the ‘haves’ owe the ‘have-nots’ in the black community. Booker T. Washington, educator, reformer and the most influentional black leader of his time (1856-1915) preached a philosophy of self-help, racial solidarity and accomodation. He urged blacks to accept discrimination for the time being and concentrate on elevating themselves through hard work and material prosperity. He believed in education in the crafts, industrial and farming skills and the cultivation of the virtues of patience, enterprise and thrift. This, he said, would win the respect of whites and lead to African Americans being fully accepted as citizens and integrated into all strata of society. W.E.B. Du Bois, a towering black intellectual, scholar and political thinker (1868-1963) said no–Washington’s strategy would serve only to perpetuate white oppression. Du Bois advocated political action and a civil rights agenda (he helped found the NAACP). In addition, he argued that social change could be accomplished by developing the small group of college-educated blacks he called “the Talented Tenth:” “The Negro Race, like all races, is going to be saved by its exceptional men. The problem of education then, among Negroes, must first of all deal with the “Talented Tenth.” It is the problem of developing the best of this race that they may guide the Mass away from the contamination and death of the worst.” At the time, the Washington/Du Bois dispute polarized African American leaders into two wings–the ‘conservative’ supporters of Washington and his ‘radical’ critics. The Du Bois philosophy of agitation and protest for civil rights flowed directly into the Civil Rights movement which began to develop in the 1950’s and exploded in the 1960’s. Booker T. today is associated, perhaps unfairly, with the self-help/colorblind/Republican/Clarence Thomas/Thomas Sowell wing of the black community and its leaders. The Nation of Islam and Maulana Karenga’s Afrocentrism derive too from this strand out of Booker T.’s philosophy. However, the latter advocated withdrawal from the mainstream in the name of economic advancement. Links/Readings for Du Bois & Washington This interesting 1965 article by writer Ralph McGill in The Atlantic combines an interview with Du Bois shortly before his death with McGill’s analysis of his life. In the interview, Du Bois discusses Booker T., looks back on his controversial break with him and explains how their backgrounds accounted for their opposing views on strategies for black social progress Here is the full text of this classic in the literature of civil rights. It is a prophetic work anticipating and inspiring much of the black consciousness and activism of the 1960s. In it Du Bois describes the magnitude of American racism and demands that it end. He draws on his own life for illustration- from his early experrience teaching in the hills of Tennessee to the death of his infant son and his historic break with the ‘accomodationist’ position of Booker T. Washington.. This archival section of The Atlantic magazine online offers several essays by Du Bois (as well as Booker T. Washington). In particular, in “The Training of Black Men” he continues his debate with Washington. This site on Du Bois offers a lengthy biographical summary and a bilbiography of his writings and books. A summary of Booker T.’s life, philosophy and achievements, with a link to the famous September 1895 speech, “the Atlanta Compromise,” which propelled him onto the national scene as a leader and spokesman for African Americans. In the speech he advocated black Americans accept for awhile the political and social status quo of segregation and discriminaton and concentrate instead on self-help and building economic and material success within the black community. Here is the full text of Booker T. Washington’s fine autobiography, published in 1900. “Signs of Progress Among the Negroes,” “Awakening of the Negro” written around the turn of the century can be accessed from this web page; scroll down to ‘Washington.’ Washington was the first black to be invited to the White House for dinner with a President. The invitation came from Theodore Roosevelt and this article, written at the time by a Howard University professor, deals with this event and conveys the very powerful image of Washington in the eyes of ten million black Americans during the turn of the century.
THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: - Elephantiasis is a disease that affects people of all ages. Elephantiasis, also widely recognized as lymphatic filariasis, is a very rare mosquito-borne disease. The common name comes from the fact that it causes your arms and legs to swell and become much larger than they should be if you have it. Swollen sex organs and breasts are also possible. The affected skin can thicken and harden, resembling that of an elephant. It is more prevalent in tropical and subtropical climates. There are medicines and treatments provided to assist with the swelling and discomfort if you have it. Elephantiasis is usually contracted by being bitten by a large number of mosquitoes over a long period of time in a country where certain types of roundworms are proven to occur. It begins when you are bitten by mosquitoes carrying roundworm larvae. The tiny larvae grow and survive in your bloodstream. They complete their maturation in your lymphatic system. They can live there for years, wreaking havoc on your lymphatic system. The swelling is caused by this. You may not realize you have elephantiasis until the swelling becomes noticeable. Not only will the swollen area become bulky and lumpy due to the stiff, tough skin, but it will also cause pain. You may also experience chills, a fever, and a general feeling of malaise. A physical examination by your doctor can determine if you have elephantiasis. They'll inquire regarding your medical history and whether you've traveled to a location where elephantiasis is more common. They'll also run blood tests to see if you have roundworms in your system. Because these parasites are most active at night, these tests must be performed at that time. Elephantiasis can be treated with medication. Diethylcarbamazine is a medication that your doctor may prescribe for you (DEC). It's something you'll do once a year. It will kill the worms in your bloodstream that are microscopic. Another option for treating elephantiasis is to combine DEC with a drug called ivermectin. This is also done once a year, and the combined effect has shown to be more effective in the long run. There are a few things you can do on your own to help with - Every day, wash and dry the swollen areas. - Make use of moisturizers. - Check for wounds and treat any sore spots with a medicated cream. - When possible, get some exercise and go for a walk. - Keep your arms and legs elevated when you're lying down or seated if they're swollen. You may be able to prevent the affected areas from getting worse by tightly wrapping them, but you should consult your doctor first. Surgery may be required to relieve pressure in swollen areas such as the scrotum. A Day-to-Day Experience Elephantiasis is a painful condition that can make it difficult to function. Working may be difficult because it is sometimes difficult to move the affected body parts. Even getting around your house may You may also be concerned about how others perceive your condition. Anxiety and depression are possible outcomes. Ask your doctor about support groups if you have elephantiasis. You can also look for resources on the internet that may be of assistance. Post a Comment
Egypt — Text from the book of Mark that was found inside of an ancient Egyptian mummy mask may be the oldest copy of the gospel—even if just in a portion—known to man. Through carbon dating and analyzation of the artifact, it is believed that the document is from within the first century following the death and resurrection of Christ. Heretofore, the oldest known copies of the gospels on record are from the second century. According to reports, the rich in Egypt were often buried in masks made of flaked gold and other precious metals, but the common people were sometimes buried in masks created from recycled documents. Using a process to carefully melt the glue holding the documents together, in 2012 researchers discovered a papyrus sheet in one mask that contained text believed to be from the book of Mark—one of the four gospels in the New Testament. But the discussion was recently revived after one of the researchers working on the project spoke about the significance of the find and the ongoing discovery of documents hidden in commoner’s burial masks. “We’re recovering ancient documents from the first, second and third centuries,” lead researcher Craig Evans, a professor of New Testament studies at Acadia Divinity College in Nova Scotia, told Live Science. “Not just Christian documents, not just biblical documents, but classical Greek texts, business papers, various mundane papers, personal letters.” Joe Carter at the Gospel Coalition states that the discovery of the biblical text is important because it helps to provide further evidence as to when Mark wrote his gospel and how quickly it began to circulate around the world. “Andreas J. Köstenberger and Justin Taylor have argued that the evidence suggests the exact date of Jesus crucifixion was April 3, AD 33,” he wrote in a blog post on Tuesday. “A fragment from before AD 80 would establish that the gospel of Mark had not only been written within 50 years of Jesus’ death and resurrection, but that it would have already begun to circulate widely.” “To have a first-century witness to the text of the New Testament is unprecedented,” added Denny Burk, a professor of Biblical Studies at Boyce College. “That a fragment of Mark was found in Egypt is even more astonishing. That would seem to require that the original was probably penned decades before.” But some like Burk may wonder why the gospel text was found in Egypt since Mark likely wrote the text under the rule of the Roman empire. “In the Roman empire mail moved almost as quickly as it does today,” Evans told The Gospel Herald. “A letter put aboard a packet in Ephesus (today’s Turkey) could be in Egypt within one week. Something written in Rome could be in Egypt being read within a few weeks. Mark was written in the late 60s, so finding a copy of Mark in Egypt dating to the 80s is not strange in the least.” The text from the find is set to be published later this year. Researchers have held back some of the information surrounding the discovery until that time.
What is the first sign of leukemia? A form of cancer that affects white blood cells is called leukemia. Despite the fact that leukemia can occur in youngsters, doctors often identify adults with one of several different forms of the disease. Adults may get some kinds of leukemia, including dependable - CLL or chronic lymphocytic leukemia - Myeloid chronic leukemia (CML) - Myeloid acute leukemia (AML) - ALL, or acute lymphoblastic leukemia - Leukemia symptoms include weariness, weight loss, and frequent infections. - Anemia, infections, and bruising or bleeding readily. - Leukemia in adults—including its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment—is thoroughly covered on this page. exactly is leukemia? White blood cells are impacted. All blood cells in the human body start their life cycles as stem cells, which are found in bone marrow. The blood cells go through various developmental phases as they mature. One kind of immature blood cell mutates and starts to grow uncontrollably in leukemia. A variety of symptoms are brought on by the overpopulation of one type of blood cell, which crowds out the others. Any age can experience the onset of leukemia. While some types tend to develop more frequently in adults, others do so more frequently in children and adolescents. ALSO READ: Best Food to Increase Hemoglobin Levels types of leukemia affect adults? Leukemias are categorized by doctors according to two major characteristics: how quickly they develop and the type of blood-forming cells Myeloid or lymphoid blood cells are both immature blood cells. Red blood cells, platelets, or particular varieties of white blood cells develop from myeloid cells. Other kinds of white blood cells could develop from Myeloid or myelogenous leukemia is the name given to leukemia that affects myeloid cells; lymphoid, lymphocytic, or lymphoblastic leukemia is the name given to leukemia that affects lymphoid cells. Adults are most frequently affected by the following kinds Adults are more likely than children to acquire CLL, which is the most prevalent form of chronic leukemia. It begins in lymphoid cells, a subset of white blood cells that develop into lymphocytes. The malignant cells usually develop slowly in this long-lasting, slow-growing type of leukemia, and many sufferers go years without showing any signs of the disease. This may imply that they are not in need of treatment. The malignant cells gradually invaded more body regions. CLL occasionally develops into a difficult-to-treat malignancy with increased AML is a myeloid cell-based leukemia with rapid growth. However, it can also impact the development of red blood cells or platelets. It typically affects cells that will later develop into white blood cells. The most prevalent acute leukemia in adults is AML. It is the cause of 50% of 20-year-olds' leukemia diagnoses. AML starts in the bone marrow, but it can swiftly spread to the liver, lymph nodes, spleen, spinal cord, brain, or testicles, among other CML also affects myeloid cells, like AML. It develops Although it can happen to anyone, it mostly affects adults. The typical diagnosis age was 64 years old. ALSO READ: 10 Visual Signs You Are Actually Not Healthy In children, where it occurs in 80% of cases, ALL is most common. This group, however, only includes 20% of adult cases of leukemia. The malignancy ALL, which attacks lymphoid white blood cells, is aggressive and quickly developing. According to the type of leukemia a person has, leukemia symptoms in adults might change. For a while, those with chronic forms may not exhibit many symptoms. If they do, they might encounter one or more of the - Tiredness or exhaustion - Skin color pallor - Lack of appetite - Unaccounted-for weight loss - Nighttime perspiration - Illnesses that recur frequently or persistently - Joint or bone pain - Brown, red, or purple patches under the skin - Excessive bleeding, such as nosebleeds or heavy menstrual cycles - Abdomen bloat, fullness, or discomfort - Swollen Lymph nodes Adults may be more susceptible to leukemia due to a number of causes, including: - Having radiation or benzene exposure - Chemotherapeutic treatment in the past - The presence of specific viral infections, such as type 1 human T-lymphotropic virus - Being affected by a genetic abnormality, such as Down syndrome, Bloom syndrome, or - The Fanconi anemia - Having a history of other blood conditions - Compared to women, men have a higher incidence of leukemia and the - With age, there is a higher chance of getting leukemia. Adult leukemia can be identified by asking the patient about their symptoms and sometimes performing a physical examination to check for signs like bruises. Diagnostic procedures like: - A full blood count can identify blood cells in high or low concentrations. - Clinicians can analyze a small sample of bone marrow tissue through a procedure known as a bone marrow biopsy and aspiration. - a blood smear that medical professionals look at under a microscope for indications of cancer - Flow cytometry, which uses a specialized device to evaluate individual cells - If the bone marrow samples include leukemic cells, a clinician can make the diagnosis of leukemia. They need to know if the cells are myeloid or lymphoid and what proportion of the bone marrow these cells make up in order to diagnose the kind and stage of cancer. - The type of leukemia a patient has will determine the course of treatment. There are several possible treatments: - Medicines Used in targeted therapy - Transfusions of stem cells In order to prevent the disease from progressing, ALL needs to be treated right away. This could entail a stem cell transplant, intense chemotherapy, and medication that is specifically targeted. Chemotherapy is the primary treatment for the majority of AML subtypes, occasionally in conjunction with a targeted therapy medication. Surgery and radiation therapy are only available as treatments in certain the original formDrugs used in targeted therapy are a reliable source of treatment for CML. This comprises tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), a development in the treatment of CML. TKIs have fewer negative effects than chemotherapy and can effectively manage CML over the long run. Treatment for CLL patients may not be necessary at all or may not be required for a very long period. Some individuals live as long as the overall populace. Drugs are available to treat the condition's symptoms and lessen its effects. However, other than stem cell transplantation, there is no seek medical help If someone exhibits any of the signs that could point to leukemia, they should seek advice from a medical practitioner. The following signs are particularly alarming: - Tiredness, weakness, and heart palpitations are signs of anemia. - Illnesses that are common or severe - Bruising more frequently than usual - More bleeding, such as persistent nosebleeds - Abnormally long periods A type of cancer known as leukemia attacks the bone marrow's blood-forming cells. Both myeloid and lymphoid cells may be affected, and its growth rate can vary. The type of leukemia a person has is classified by a doctor using these traits. The most prevalent kind of leukemia in adults is CLL. Other varieties could be acute or quick-growing. When leukemia enters the bloodstream from the bone marrow, it can travel to other body parts. Chemotherapy, certain medications, immunotherapy, and stem cell transplants are some examples of the various treatment possibilities. ALSO READ: What Causes Cancer in Children a healthy way of daily life. Please heed our recommendations so that you might become the healthiest and fittest version of yourself. To enhance your general health, we offer accurate, current evaluations. Several instructional resources on health-related subjects are being developed by a group of corporate executives. We have worked very hard to educate you so that you can live the most satisfying life possible. You can research the most recent headlines in addition to learning about healthy sleeping habits. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SHARE ANY PERSONAL EXPERIENCES YOU MAY HAVE IN THE "COMMENTS" SECTION BELOW. - Leukemia symptoms - Chronic lymphocytic leukemia - Signs of leukemia - Leukemia awareness month - Leukemia aml survival rate - Leukemia blood test results Post a Comment
, (from Greek glōssa, “tongue,” and lalia, “talking”), utterances approximating words and speech, usually produced during states of intense religious experience. The vocal organs of the speaker are affected; the tongue moves, in many cases without the conscious control of the speaker; and generally unintelligible speech pours forth. Speakers and witnesses may interpret the phenomenon as possession by a supernatural entity, conversation with divine beings, or the channeling of a divine proclamation or inspiration. Various psychological interpretations have attempted to explain glossolalia scientifically as an unconsciously suggested behaviour arising from participation in a mass religious gathering. Glossolalia occurred among adherents of various ancient religions, including some of the ancient Greek religions. There are references to ecstatic speech in the Hebrew Bible (1 Samuel 10:5–13, 19:18–24; 2 Samuel 6:13–17; 1 Kings 20:35–37), and in Christianity it has occurred periodically since the early years of the church. According to the New Testament, glossolalia first occurred among the followers of Jesus at Pentecost, when “all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability” (Acts of the Apostles 2:4). The Apostle Paul referred to it as a spiritual gift (1 Corinthians 12–14) and claimed that he possessed exceptional ability in that gift (1 Corinthians 14:18). The account in Acts (4:31, 8:14–17, 10:44–48, 11:15–17, 19:1–7) indicates that in the beginning of the Christian church the phenomenon reappeared wherever conversion and commitment to Christianity occurred. The greatest emphasis upon the gift in the early church was made by followers of the 2nd-century prophet Montanus. His excommunication about 177 and the later decline of the sect probably contributed to a climate of opinion unfavourable to speaking in tongues, and the practice declined. During later church history, glossolalia occurred in various groups, most notably during various Protestant revivals in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These revivals resulted in the establishment of many Pentecostal churches in the U.S.; subsequent missionary activity spread Pentecostalism worldwide by the early 21st century. In modern times, speaking in tongues was an occasional occurrence in Roman Catholicism, Anglicanism, Lutheranism, and other more-established Christian denominations. It was also present in many non-Christian traditions.
Nearly 20 years ago, scientists stunned the world when they announced they had decoded the genes that make up a human being. They hoped to use that genetic blueprint to advance something called gene therapy which locates and fixes the genes responsible for different diseases. Now, a clinical trial at the National Institutes of Health is doing exactly that in an attempt to cure sickle cell anemia, a devastating genetic disease that kills hundreds of thousands of people around the world every year. For the past 15 months we've been following the scientists, and patients, who are ushering in a genetic revolution. Jennelle Stephenson: I'm excited. Ray Stephenson Today is the big day. It's the day after Christmas, 2017, and 27-year-old Jennelle Stephenson has come with her father and brother from Florida to the National Institutes of Health, just outside Washington, D.C. Jennelle Stephenson: Good morning. Dr. John Tisdale: Good morning. She's one of a small group of patients to receive an infusion containing altered DNA. Nurse: This is what they look like. Jennelle Stephenson: Merry Christmas to me. Brother: Best Christmas present ever. Jennelle Stephenson: Yay. The clear liquid in the bag contains Jennelle's stem cells that have been genetically modified. Dr. John Tisdale: There are about 500 million in there. Jennelle Stephenson: Oh, my goodness. The hope is the new DNA in the cells will cure Jennelle of sickle cell anemia, a brutal disease that causes debilitating pain. Dr. Jon LaPook: At its worst, on a scale of zero to 10, how bad was your pain? Jennelle Stephenson: We can go beyond a 10. It's terrible, it's horrible. Dr. Jon LaPook: Pain where? Jennelle Stephenson: Everywhere. My back, my shoulders, elbows, arms, legs, even my cheekbones, just pain. Dr. Jon LaPook: Can you actually describe it? Jennelle Stephenson: It's a very sharp, like, stabbing, almost feels like bone-crushing pain. Feels like someone's kind of constricting your bones, and then releasing constantly. Pain from sickle cell can occur anywhere blood circulates. That's because red blood cells, normally donut-shaped, bend into an inflexible sickle shape, causing them to pile up inside blood vessels. The resulting traffic jam prevents the normal delivery of oxygen throughout the body, leading to problems that include bone deterioration, strokes and organ failure. The gene that causes sickle cell anemia evolved in places like sub-Saharan Africa because it protects people from malaria. There, millions have the disease, and it's estimated more than 50 percent of babies born with it die before the age of five. In the United States, it affects a hundred thousand people, mostly African-Americans. For Jennelle, having the disease as a child often meant spending Christmas in the hospital. As an adult, she struggled through pain to complete college, but keeping a job was tough because something as simple as walking up stairs could trigger "a pain crisis." Dr. Jon LaPook: Do you have friends who've died from sickle cell? Jennelle Stephenson: I do. Yes, younger than me. Dr. Jon LaPook: And you've known this your whole life growing up? Jennelle Stephenson: Right. Dr. Jon LaPook: That you could potentially die early? Jennelle Stephenson: Right. Yes. Dr. Jon LaPook: Did you think you would die early? Jennelle Stephenson: I did, actually. When I hit about 22, I was like, "You know, I'm-- for a sickle celler, I'm kind of middle-aged right now." Dr. Jon LaPook: What are some of the things that you've always wanted to do that you couldn't do? Jennelle Stephenson: Honestly, everybody laughs at me for this, I just want to run, to be honest. Dr. Jon LaPook: Things that most people would take for granted. Jennelle Stephenson: Just basic things. One of the most cruel parts of the disease, Jennelle and other patients have told us, is being accused of faking pain to get narcotics, being labeled a "drug-seeker." During one trip to the emergency department, when she fell to the floor in pain, a doctor refused to help her. Jennelle Stephenson: And I'm looking up at her, and I'm in tears, and, I'm like, "I'm doing the best that I can." Dr. Jon LaPook: And you gotta be thinking…. Jennelle Stephenson: I just, sometimes I don't understand, I don't get it. Like... Sorry. I'm in so much pain, and you think I just want some morphine. And it just makes me sad that some people in the medical community just don't get it. Dr. Francis Collins is director of the National Institutes of Health, the largest biomedical research agency in the world. He oversees a nearly 40 billion dollar budget that funds more than 400,000 researchers world-wide. Dr. Collins was head of the Human Genome Project at the NIH in 2000 when he made a landmark announcement: after a decade of work, scientists had finally decoded the genes that make up a human being. Dr. Jon LaPook: When did it all start for you? Dr. Francis Collins: I got excited about genetics as a first-year medical student. A pediatric geneticist came to teach us about how genetics was relevant to medicine. And he brought patients to class and one of the first patients he brought was a young man with sickle cell disease who talked about the experience of sickle cell crises and how incredibly painful those are. And yet, it was all because of one single letter in the DNA that is misplaced, a "T" that should have been an "A." And that was profound. You could have all of that happen because of one letter that was misspelled. The double helix of DNA is made up of billions of pieces of genetic information. What Dr. Collins is saying is, out of all that, it's just one error in the DNA code -- a "T" that should have been an "A" -- that causes sickle cell anemia. Fix that error, and you cure the disease. But figuring out how to do that would take more than 20 years of research and a little serendipity. Dr. Collins was playing in the NIH rock band in 2016 when his bass player -- hematologist Dr. John Tisdale -- started riffing on an idea. Dr. John Tisdale: We'd finished setting up and went for a pizza before-- Dr. Francis Collins: I remember that. Dr. John Tisdale: --before the gig. And at this point I pitched to Francis that it was really time that we do something definitive for sickle cell disease. In the laboratory, Dr. Tisdale and his collaborators created a gene with the correct spelling. Then, to get that gene into the patient, they used something with a frightening reputation: HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. It turns out HIV is especially good at transferring DNA into cells. Here's how it works. The corrected gene, seen here in yellow, is inserted into the HIV virus. Then, bone marrow stem cells are taken from of a patient with sickle cell anemia. In the laboratory those cells are combined with the virus carrying that new DNA. Dr. John Tisdale: This virus will then find its way to one of those cells and drop off a copy or two of the correctly spelled gene. And then these cells will go back to the patient. If the process works, the stem cells with the correct DNA will start producing healthy red blood cells. Dr. Jon LaPook: I can hear people, our viewers out there, thinking, "Wait a second, how do you know you're not gonna get AIDS from the HIV virus?" Dr. John Tisdale: The short answer is we cut out the bits that cause infection in HIV and we really replace that with the gene that's misspelled in sickle cell disease so that it transfers that instead of the infectious part. "I believe that this looks like a cure. I gotta be careful. But from every angle that I know how to size this up, this looks like a cure." Dr. Jon LaPook: The stakes here are enormous. Dr. Francis Collins: Yes. Dr. Jon LaPook: There's really very little safety net here, right? Dr. Francis Collins: Make no mistake, we're talking about very cutting-edge research where the certainty about all the outcomes is not entirely there. We can look back at the history of gene therapy and see there have been some tragedies. Dr. Jon LaPook: Deaths? Dr. Francis Collins: Yes. In 1999, 18-year-old Jesse Gelsinger received altered DNA to treat a different genetic disease. He died four days later from a massive immune response. And in another trial, two children developed cancer. Jennelle Stephenson understands. This is a trial with huge risks and no guarantees. Jennelle Stephenson: This is it. When she arrived at the NIH clinical center in December 2017, Jennelle asked her brother, Ray, for some help. Jennelle Stephenson: There goes Ray cutting my hair. Oh, snip. She decided to cut off all her hair, rather than watch it fall out from the massive dose of chemotherapy needed to suppress her immune system so her body wouldn't reject the altered stem cells. Jennelle Stephenson: I don't know how to feel right now. I'm a little emotional. But I'm OK, it will grow back. A few days after the chemotherapy, Jennelle received the infusion of genetically modified cells. Dr. John Tisdale: Is it going good now? Jennelle Stephenson: It's just a waiting game. But the wait was a painful one. Not only for Jennelle, but also for her father Ray. Who did what little he could as the effects of the chemotherapy kicked in, stripping Jennelle's throat and stomach of their protective layers. Jennelle Stephenson: Oh, that hurts. She was unable to speak for a week and lost 15 pounds. And because having a severely weakened immune system means even a mild cold can turn deadly, Jennelle had to stay in the hospital for nearly a month. Last spring, she moved back to Florida and returned to the NIH for periodic check-ups. Dr. John Tisdale: These are her red blood cells. It didn't take long for Dr. Tisdale to notice something was happening. Dr. Jon LaPook: This is Jennelle before any treatment? Dr. John Tisdale: Right. All across her blood you can see these really abnormal shapes. This one in particular is shaped like a sickle. Nine months later, this is what Dr. Tisdale saw: not a sickle cell in sight. Dr. Jon LaPook: Was there ever a moment where you saw one of these normal-looking smears and thought, "Is this the right patient?" Dr. John Tisdale: Oh, absolutely. When you're a scientist, you're skeptical all the time. So, first thing you do is look and make sure it's that patient, go grab another one, make sure it's the same. And we've done all that. And, indeed, her blood looks normal. Jiu-Jitsu Teacher: Move. Switch your arms and move. Remember, Jennelle used to struggle just to walk up a flight of stairs... Jiu-Jitsu Teacher: And you fall. ...and a fall like this would have landed her in the hospital. Jiu-Jitsu Teacher: Boom. Yeah. Good job. You did it. Bam. Dr. Jon LaPook: Jennelle. You look amazing. Jennelle Stephenson: Thank you. Dr. Jon LaPook: I have to say, I was a little nervous when you were thrown and you went down on the mat. Jennelle Stephenson: It was nothing. It was nothing. My body just felt strong. Dr. Jon LaPook: Tell me about the adjustment that you need to make to go from the old you to the new you. Jennelle Stephenson: My body it almost felt like it was, like, itching to do more. And I was like, "All right, well, let's go swimming today." "Let's go to the gym today." I'm like, all right, my body loves this. I kinda like it because my, I guess all my endorphins started pumping. Dr. Jon LaPook: The endorphin high, something you had never experienced. Jennelle Stephenson: Never experienced before. Yup. Dr. Jon LaPook: What was going through your head as you were watching Jennelle being thrown down to the mat? Ray Stephenson: I was just saying, "Thank you, Lord. Thank you for medical science. And thank you for giving her a new life." Jennelle Stephenson: New life, indeed. Eight other adults with sickle cell anemia have undergone the same gene therapy as Jennelle. So far, all are responding well. Dr. Francis Collins says it will take years to improve the treatment to make it more widely available. Dr. Francis Collins: Here's another dream. There are 7,000 genetic diseases for which we know the precise DNA misspelling. Couldn't this same strategy, this same set of principles work for lots of those, maybe someday all of them? Dr. Jon LaPook: You've been working on this for decades. You're at a moment which is significant. Dr. Francis Collins: To lead the Human Genome Project and to put that foundation in place. And now, to see that emerging not just as hoped-for advances, but real data showing cures for people. Dr. Jon LaPook: You just used the "curing" word. You're willing to say that? Dr. Francis Collins: I believe that this looks like a cure. I gotta be careful. But from every angle that I know how to size this up, this looks like a cure. Produced by Denise Schrier Cetta and Megan Kelty
Millions believe the month they are born in can affect their behavior and destiny. This stems from belief in astrology and the effects the stars and planets have on each individual at their time of birth. The belief is that the interaction of planetary influences directly affects the human body, new research shows that maybe the astrologers had something right. Researchers discovered a strong correlation between the number of neurotransmitters in a person’s brain and the month in which they are born. Neurotransmitters are responsible for behavior patterns, so let’s take a closer look at these findings. State of Mind Researchers suggest we should not take this research too seriously, it merely shows people born in certain months are more prone to certain behaviors and diseases. Of course, there are numerous external influences that also factor in. External influences have such a powerful impact it can change the effect of planetary or birth month influences. Perhaps, it is truly a state of mind. According to a recent Hungarian study, those born in spring and summer often have rapid mood swings. They may feel elated one moment and the next they are down in the dumps. Often moods are exaggerated. Those born in fall and winter are prone to depression but are less likely to become irritated by small things. Both patterns are controlled by amounts of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. According to a UK Office for National Statistics study, people born in certain months are more prone to certain diseases and behavior. – Prone to develop Alzheimer’s, Crohn’s Disease, epilepsy – Might develop narcolepsy – March babies are more prone to respiratory problems and may have problems in school – April babies are more susceptible to alcoholism, autism, and depression – May children are prone to diabetes and glaucoma – Those born in June have more vision problems – July babies are often more optimistic – Produces more problem children – High achievers are often born in September – Live longest – Often are pessimists – Those born in this month often suffer from allergies and bipolar disorder Hungarian StudyUK Office for National Statistics Study Edited 7/23/15 SCD
In this section, you will learn how to determine a file or directory exit or not. Determining if a File or Directory Exist This is a very simple problem. You just have to determine whether a file or directory exists or not. If it exists it returns true otherwise in the else condition, it retunes vice-versa. The following program creates an object of File class and checks whether the given file exists or not by using exists() method of the class. We have used following methods: exists(): It checks whether the file or directory denoted by this pathname exists or not. Here is the video tutorial of "How to check if a folder exists in Java?": Code of this program is given below: The output of the program is given below: C:\java>java FileOrDirectoryExists the file or directory you are searching does not exist : false |
The painkiller ibuprofen and the cancer drug toremifene can disable the Ebola virus, say researchers. Scientists used the UK's national synchrotron facility - Diamond Light Source - to analyse the virus in incredible detail. They revealed the two drugs could bind to the crucial part of Ebola that the virus needs to infect cells. However, the team warns this is just a starting point and more effective drugs need to be researched. The synchrotron accelerates electrons until they produce very intense light. This can be used to analyse the atomic make-up of objects at a much greater resolution than traditional microscopes. The focus of the researchers was a protein on the surface of the Ebola virus that allows it to infect a cell. "This is the main target on the viral surface, this is the one responsible for attaching to the cell, it's the key protein to understand," said researcher Prof Dave Stuart, from the University of Oxford. The structure, which has been reported in the journal Nature, external, can already be used to design new drugs. There are no drugs to change the course of an Ebola infection. And the need for new medicines was highlighted in the Ebola outbreak in west Africa in which 28,616 people were infected and 11,310 died. The researchers also used the Diamond facility to investigate how some current drugs interacted with the protein. Toremifene, and to a lesser extent ibuprofen, triggered the protein into prematurely thinking it had attached to a cell. Prof Stuart told the BBC News website: "They destabilise the protein. It [the protein] has one shot at it, and if it doesn't hit the target then those viruses would be inactivated." Both drugs have a relatively weak effect so are unlikely to be useful treatments themselves, as huge, toxic, doses would probably be needed to affect the course of an infection. "It's unlikely these compounds, as they are now, would be useful drugs for Ebola," Prof Stuart said. "For an effective drug, you would want to increase the binding strength significantly. "But seeing how they bind could allow stronger binding compounds to be developed using standard techniques." Follow James on Twitter., external
In the late 1600s, the introduction of bank notes changed the financial system forever. Fast forward to today, and another monumental change is expected to occur through central bank digital currencies (CBDC). A CBDC adopts certain characteristics of everyday paper or coin currencies and cryptocurrency. It is expected to provide central banks and the monetary systems they govern a step towards modernizing. But what exactly are CBDCs and how do they differ from money we use today? The ABCs of CBDCs To better understand a CBDC, it helps to first understand the taxonomy of money and its overlapping properties. For example, the properties of cash are that it’s accessible, physical and digital, central bank issued, and token-based. Here’s how the taxonomy of money breaks down: - Accessibility: The accessibility of money is a big factor in determining its place within the taxonomy of money. For instance, cash and general purpose CBDCs are considered widely accessible. - Form: Is the money physical or digital? The form of money determines distribution and the potential for dilution, and future CBDCs issued will be completely digital. - Issuer: Where does the money come from? CBDCs are to be issued by the central bank and backed by their respective governments, which differs from cryptocurrencies which mostly have no government affiliations. - Technology: How does the currency work? CBDCs break down into token-based and account-based approaches. A token-based CBDC operates like banknotes today, where your information is not known nor needed by a cashier when accepting your payment. An account-based system, however, requires authorization to partake on the network, akin to paying with a digital wallet or card. Digital Currency vs Digital Coins In essence, digital currency is the electronic form of banknotes that exists today. Therefore, it’s viewed by some as a modern and efficient version of the cash you hold in your wallet or purse. On the other hand, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are a store of value like gold that is secured by encryption. Cryptocurrencies are privately owned and fueled by blockchain technology, compared to digital currencies which do not use decentralized ledgers or blockchain technology. Digital Currency: Regulatory Authority and Stability Digital currencies are issued by a central bank, and therefore, are backed by the full power of a government. According to the Bank for International Settlements, over 20% of central banks surveyed say they have legal authority in issuing a CBDC. Almost 10% more said laws are currently being changed to allow for it. As more central banks issue digital currencies, there’s likely to be favorability between them. This is similar to how a few currencies like the U.S. dollar and Euro dominate the currency landscape. The Benefits of Issuing a CBDC There are several positives regarding the issuance of a CBDC over other currencies. First, the cost of retail payments in the U.S. is estimated to be between 0.5% and 0.9% of the country’s $20 trillion in GDP. Digital currencies can flow much more effectively between parties, helping reduce these transaction fees. Second, large chunks of the global population are still considered unbanked. In this case, a CBDC opens avenues for people to access the global financial system without a bank. Even today, 6% of Americans do not have a single bank account. Other motivations for a CBDC include: - Financial stability - Monetary policy implementation - Increased safety, efficiency, and robustness - Limit on illicit activity An example of payments efficiency can be seen during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, when some Americans failed to receive their stimulus check. Altogether, some $2 billion in funds have gone unclaimed. A functioning rollout of a CBDC and a more direct relationship with citizens would minimize such a problem. Status of CBDCs Although widespread adoption of CBDCs is still far away, research and experiments are making notable strides forward: - 81 countries representing 90% of global GDP are exploring CBDCs. - The share of central banks actively engaging in CBDC work grew to 86% in the last 4 years. - 60% of central banks are conducting experiments on CBDCs (up from 42% in 2019) and 14% are moving forward to development and pilot arrangement. - The Bahamas is one of five countries currently working with a CBDC – the Bahamian Sand Dollar. - Sweden and Uruguay have shown interest in a digital currency. Sweden began testing an “e-krona” in 2020, and Uruguay announced tests to issue digital Uruguayan pesos as far back as 2017. - The People’s Bank of China has been running CBDC tests since April 2020. In all, tens of thousands of citizens have participated, spending 2 billion yuan, and the country is poised to be the first to fully launch a CBDC. The U.K. central bank is less optimistic about a rolling out a CBDC in the near future. The proposed digital currency—dubbed “Britcoin”—is unlikely to arrive until at least 2025. Disrupting The World of Money Wherever you look, technology is disrupting finance and upending the status quo. This can be seen through the rising market value of fintech firms, which in some cases are trumping traditional financial institutions in value. It is also evident in the rapid rise of Bitcoin to a $1 trillion market cap, making it the fastest asset to do so. With the rollout of central bank digital currencies on the horizon, the next disruption of financial systems is already beginning.
Causes of pneumonia An illness called pneumonia causes the air sacs in one or even both lungs to become inflamed. The air sacs may swell with fluid or pus (purulent material), which can lead to a cough that produces pus or phlegm, a fever, chills, and breathing difficulties. Pneumonia can be brought on by a number of different species, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The severity of pneumonia can range from minor to life-threatening. The most vulnerable groups include newborns and young children, adults over 65, and those with health conditions or weaker immune Pneumonia can present with mild to severe signs and symptoms, depending on the type of germ that caused the illness, your age, and general health. Mild common symptoms frequently resemble cold or flu symptoms, but they linger longer. Pneumonia symptoms and signs can also include: - Chest aches when breathing or coughing - Confusion or shifts in awareness (in adults age 65 and older) - Fatigue Cough that could result in phlegm - Fever, perspiration, and shivering chills - Lower than usual body temperature (in adults older than age 65 and people with weak immune systems) - Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea - Breathing difficulties There may be no symptoms of the infection in newborns and young children. Also possible are vomiting, fever and cough, agitation, exhaustion, and lack of energy, as well as problems, with breathing and eating. visit the doctor Consult a physician if you experience breathing difficulties, chest pain, a persistent temperature of 102 F (39 C) or higher, or a chronic cough, particularly if you are coughing up the pus. People in such high-risk groups should make an appointment with a doctor immediately: - Adults who are above 65 - Children under the age of two who exhibit certain symptoms - Individuals with underlying illnesses or compromised immune systems - Those undergoing chemotherapy or taking immunosuppressive drugs Pneumonia can swiftly turn into a life-threatening condition for some older adults, people with heart failure, and those with chronic lung Pneumonia can be brought on by numerous bacteria. In the air we breathe, bacteria and viruses are the most prevalent. Usually, your body protects you from harmful bacteria getting into your lungs. But even if your health is normally strong, these viruses occasionally have the capacity to overwhelm your immune system. Depending on the specific types of germs that cause illness and how you contracted the infection, there are several varieties of Most pneumonia cases are caused by community-acquired pneumonia. It takes place apart from hospitals and other healthcare facilities. It could result from: - Bacteria. Streptococcus pneumonia is the most frequent cause of bacterial pneumonia in the United States. This kind of pneumonia can develop independently or following a cold or the flu. Lobar pneumonia is a disorder that can only affect one lobe of the organism. Pneumonia can also be brought on by Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Compared to other varieties of pneumonia, it often causes fewer severe symptoms. This sort of pneumonia, which often isn't severe enough to require bed rest, is known informally as "walking pneumonia." - Fungi. People with weak immune systems or chronic health conditions are more likely to get this type of pneumonia, as are those who have breathed high concentrations of the microorganisms. Depending on the region, the funguses that cause it can be found in soil or bird droppings. infections, such as COVID-19. Most viruses that cause the common cold and the flu can also lead to pneumonia. Pneumonia in children under the age of five is typically brought on by viruses. Most viral types of pneumonia are not severe. It can, however, occasionally get really bad. Pneumonia that might result from the 2019 coronavirus (COVID-19) is serious. acquired in a hospital Many patients who are in the hospital for another sickness also develop pneumonia. So because individuals who contract it are already ill and because the bacteria that cause it may be more resistant to treatments, hospital-acquired pneumonia can indeed be serious. This type of pneumonia is more common in patients who are using ventilators, which are common in intensive care units. acquired in a medical facility People who reside in long-term care facilities or who receive medical attention in outpatient clinics, particularly kidney dialysis facilities, are at risk for developing healthcare-acquired pneumonia, a bacterial infection. The same bacteria that can cause hospital-acquired pneumonia can also cause healthcare-acquired pneumonia, which is more difficult to treat with medications. Because once you inhale saliva, vomit, food, or liquids into your lungs, aspiration pneumonia happens. Aspiration is much more likely to occur if something interferes with your natural gag response, such as brain damage, swallowing issues, or excess alcohol or drug usage. Anyone can get pneumonia. However, the two age groups that are most at risk are: - Children under the age of two - Those who are at least 65 years old danger signs consist of: Being in a hospital In a hospital intensive care unit, you run a higher risk of developing pneumonia, especially if you depend on a breathing machine (a ventilator). illness If you have asthma, heart disease, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), you are more prone to getting pneumonia. Smoking is when natural defenses your body has against viruses and bacteria that cause pneumonia are harmed. - The immune system is repressed or weak. Anyone who has HIV/AIDS has undergone organ transplantation, is using long-term steroids, or has received chemotherapy is at risk. Although with therapy, complications from pneumonia can arise for certain people, particularly for those in high-risk categories. - Viruses and bacteria in the blood. When bacteria from your lungs enter your bloodstream, they can infect other organs and perhaps lead to organ failure. in difficulty breathing. You can find it difficult to breathe in enough oxygen if your pneumonia is severe or if you have underlying chronic lung conditions. While your lung heals, you might need to be hospitalized and utilize a ventilator. - The buildup of fluid around the lungs (pleural effusion). The narrow area between layers of tissue that line the lungs and chest cavity may become clogged with fluid as a result of pneumonia (pleura). You might need to have the fluid removed surgically or through a chest tube if it becomes infected infection. If pus accumulates in a lung cavity, an abscess develops. Antibiotics are typically used to treat an abscess. The pus may occasionally need to be removed through surgery or drainage using a long needle or tube inserted into the abscess. To aid in preventing pneumonia: vaccinated. Some forms of pneumonia and the flu can be prevented with vaccines. Consult your doctor about getting these shots. Even if you are aware that you have previously had a pneumonia vaccine, the immunization recommendations have changed over time, therefore it is important to discuss your vaccination status with your doctor. sure kids receive their vaccinations. For children under the age of 2 and for those between the ages of 2 and 5 who are particularly at risk for pneumococcal disease, doctors advise a separate pneumonia vaccine. Children who attend a group daycare facility also need to get a shot. Children older than six months are also advised to get flu vaccines by doctors. proper hygiene. Regular hand washing or the use of an alcohol-based hand sanitizer will help you prevent respiratory infections, which can occasionally develop into pneumonia. smoking. The natural defenses of your lungs against respiratory infections are harmed by smoking. a robust immune system. Get enough rest, work out frequently, and maintain a balanced diet. Post a Comment
Despite countries around the world taking differing approaches to manage the coronavirus, all of them agree on one thing: The only way out of this pandemic is to develop an effective vaccine. How do vaccines work? Vaccines generally work by injecting parts of a pathogen into the human body; these parts are called antigens as they are recognised as foreign by the body. Antigens are usually dead or weakened versions of the bacteria or virus itself, which then stimulate an immune response. Antigens are not enough to make you unwell with the disease itself, but are sufficient for your body to recognise the pathogen as foreign and start producing immune cells that can destroy it. Once they have destroyed the dead or weakened pathogen, some of these immune cells serve as memory cells or proteins that, if the real version of the illness is encountered, mount a much quicker immune response, destroying the pathogen before you feel unwell from it. Developing a COVID-19 vaccine Vaccines normally take years to develop. They go through rigorous testing procedures and large scale trials. But the world is in desperate need of a vaccine for the coronavirus and more than 100 countries are now involved in fast-tracking research and trials in a race to produce an effective vaccine. US and Europe In mid-March, the first human trial of a vaccine to protect against the novel coronavirus pandemic started in the US. It was funded by the National Institutes of Health and is taking place in Seattle. The trial aims to enrol 45 volunteers and inject them with a stable piece of genetic material from the SARS-CoV-2 virus (coronavirus) in varying doses, and will be carefully monitored over the coming months. The trial has sidestepped what is usually a vital part of developing a vaccine: animal trials. But the scientists have built the vaccine on previous knowledge of coronaviruses, such as the one that causes the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). In April, the first European human trial of a potential coronavirus vaccine got under way. The vaccine was developed in less than three months by a team at Oxford University. More than 1,000 people will be recruited, half of whom will receive the SARS-CoV-2 virus vaccine while half will receive a widely available meningitis vaccine. Only the research team will know which vaccine has been given to each individual. Again, part of the virus’ genetic code has been used to make the vaccine rather than the whole virus, and participants will be given varying doses and more than one vaccine; they will then be monitored for side effects and, more crucially, immunity. Also in April, pharmaceutical giants Sanofi and GSK joined forces to develop a vaccine, something that they have described as “unprecedented”. Sanofi will contribute its S-protein COVID-19 antigen, which they have stated is an exact genetic match for a protein found in the SARS-CoV-2 virus. GSK will contribute its “adjuvant” technology. Adjuvants are particularly important in vaccines as they accelerate, prolong, or enhance a person’s immune response when injected with a vaccine. In this case, Sanofi has the genetic material from the coronavirus that will form the basis of their vaccine and GSK have the means to make that genetic material more effective, which is vital in a global pandemic. Combinations of protein-based antigens and adjuvants are used widely in vaccines. Trials have already started and they are aiming to have an effective vaccine available by mid-2021. They are not the only pharmaceutical companies throwing their hats into the ring in order to develop a coronavirus vaccine. Pfizer is collaborating with German-based company BioNTech, to use genetic material from the SARS-CoV-2 virus and develop a vaccine. Clinical trials are beginning in Germany and are hoped to extend to include the US in the future. April was also the month that the World Health Organization (WHO) approved animal trials in Australia of a vaccine developed by Oxford University. Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) says its tests will be the first comprehensive pre-clinical trials of the vaccines to use an animal model. They are using ferrets, one of the few animals known to contract the coronavirus in a similar way to humans. China is also in the race to develop an effective vaccine. The company, CanSino Biologics, is building on its previous knowledge of virus proteins and vaccines to develop something it calls Ad5-nCoV. This is a harmless protein that will help carry a spike belonging to the coronavirus into cells, and cause an immune response that will mean immune cells develop to combat the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It is now moving onto human trials, after apparent success in animal trials. This puts it ahead of its competitors. There are a number of other companies and organisations within China that are also developing their own vaccines. At least a year away Although the support that the development of these vaccines is getting from the WHO is unprecedented, it is important to know that most experts believe it will be mid-2021 before a vaccine becomes available, about 12-18 months after the new virus, known officially as SARS-CoV-2, first emerged. This may seem far away, but it would be much quicker than any vaccine has been developed before. However, there is still no guarantee it will work.
Spain has a long-standing reputation for virulent racism, and many tourists of African descent complain of their poor reception by Spanish citizens. The nation was singled out by United Nations Special Rapporteur on racism, Mutuma Ruteere, who called on Spanish leaders to take greater steps toward eliminating racist and discriminatory practices against Africans and other immigrants in the country. After the unjustified arrest of two African-American government employees in Barcelona in 2009, the U.S. State Department issued a warning that “racist prejudices” could lead to the arrest of African-Americans who visit Spain. The notice was removed two days before first lady Michele Obama visited the country, but many Black tourists say they experience racism during visits to Spain. Learn more about the history of African-American travel abroad:
Chinese researchers have discovered a new strain of the swine flu in pigs that could be transmitted to humans and believe it has "pandemic potential." In a report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers concluded that the new G4 EA H1N1 is a blend of the European and Asian birds, the H1N1 strain that was at the root of the 2009 pandemic. Researchers analyzed swabs from pigs at slaughterhouses across ten provinces in China collected between 2011 and 2018. The results yielded 179 influenza viruses with a majority G4 virus. The researchers wrote, “G4 virus has shown a sharp increase since 2016, and is the predominant genotype in circulation in pigs detected across at least 10 provinces.” “All of this evidence indicates that G4 EA H1N1 virus is a growing problem in pig farms, and the widespread circulation of G4 viruses in pigs inevitably increases their exposure to humans,” the researchers continued. Martha Nelson, an evolutionary biologist at the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s Fogarty International Center, told Science, “The likelihood that this particular variant is going to cause a pandemic is low.” Nelson also noted that there isn't enough sampling to get conclusive results. “You’re really not getting a good snapshot of what is dominant in pigs in China,” she said.
On Thursday, the UN General Assembly will consider a resolution outlining the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence, a potentially game-changing technology, and it will also urge for the creation of global standards. Several nations have co-sponsored the document, which emphasises the need for regulations “to promote safe, secure and trustworthy artificial intelligence systems” but leaves out military AI. Generally, the resolution emphasises the technology’s advantages and asks for more caution “to bridge the digital divides between and within countries, including artificial intelligence.” The United States presented the draft resolution, the first on the subject, and it will be put before the assembly for adoption on Thursday. In order to fulfil the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to guarantee a brighter future for humanity by 2030, it also aims “to promote, not hinder, digital transformation and equitable access” to AI. “As AI technologies rapidly develop, there is urgent need and unique opportunities for member states to meet this critical moment with collective action,” US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said, reading a joint statement by the dozens of co-sponsor countries. According to Richard Gowan, an analyst at the International Crisis Group, “the emphasis on development is a deliberate effort by the US to win goodwill among poorer nations.” “It is easier to talk about how AI can help developing countries progress rather than tackle security and safety topics head-on as a first initiative,” he said. The draft language acknowledges that artificial intelligence (AI) has a risk of undermining human rights, promoting prejudice, and jeopardising the protection of personal data, and it also highlights the challenges posed by the technology when exploited maliciously. Therefore, it requests that parties involved and member states “to refrain from or cease the use of artificial intelligence systems that pose undue risks to the enjoyment of human rights or that are impossible to operate in compliance with international human rights law.” There are more and more warnings concerning the technology, especially regarding generative AI tools and the dangers they bring to society and democracy, especially when it comes to spreading fake statements and visuals intended to sway elections. Regulation of AI has been a top concern for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who has called for the establishment of a UN body based after existing UN agencies like the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). He has frequently drawn attention to the dangers of misinformation, and this week he issued a warning about bias in technology created primarily by men, which can lead to algorithms that disregard the demands and rights of women. “Male-dominated algorithms could literally program inequalities into activities from urban planning to credit ratings to medical imaging for years to come,” he said. Gowan of the International Crisis Group stated that he was “stepping in to shape the debate” because he didn’t “think the US wants Guterres leading this conversation, because it is so sensitive.” The US, China, and South Korea are in a competition to be the leading nations on this subject among other UN members. President Joe Biden insisted that AI technology be regulated, and the White House released regulations in October to make sure the US leads the world in this area.
Christmas, as everyone knows, commemorates the birth of Jesus and is a major religious celebration for Christians around the world. But what many people don’t know is that Jesus is an important figure in Islam, too, even though most Muslims don’t celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday. (But some, especially some American Muslims, do celebrate it for cultural reasons!) In honor of the holiday, here are six things you may not know about the role of Jesus — and his mother, Mary — in Islam: - Jesus, Mary, and the angel Gabriel are all prominent characters in the Qur’an (as are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and a bunch of other Bible characters). - Muslims believe that Jesus (called “Isa” in Arabic) was a prophet of God and was born to a virgin (Mary). They also believe he will return to Earth before the Day of Judgment to restore justice and defeat al-Masih ad-Dajjal, or “the false messiah” — also known as the Antichrist. All of this may sound pretty familiar to many Christians. (The fact that Muslims know that “al-Masih ad-Dajjal” is the Arabic name for the Antichrist created some...uh...unexpected problems for Netflix recently — warning: spoilers.) - Mary (called “Maryam” in Arabic) has an entire chapter in the Qur’an named for her — the only chapter in the Qur’an named for a female figure. In fact, Mary is the only woman to be mentioned by name in the entire Qur’an. As noted in the Study Quran, “other female figures are identified only by their relation to others, such as the wife of Adam and the mother of Moses, or by their title, such as the Queen of Sheba.” Mary is mentioned more times in the Qur’an than in the entire New Testament of the Bible. - Just as they do with all the other prophets, including Mohammed, devout Muslims recite “peace be upon him” after every time they refer to Jesus by name. - Muslims believe that Jesus performed miracles: The Qur’an discusses several of Jesus’s miracles, including giving sight to the blind, healing lepers, raising the dead, and breathing life into clay birds. - The story of Jesus’s birth as told in the Qur’an is also the story of his first miracle, when he spoke as an infant in the cradle and declared himself to be a prophet of God. Here’s the story: And remember Mary in the Book, when she withdrew from her family to an eastern place. And she veiled herself from them. Then We [God] sent unto her Our Spirit [the angel Gabriel], and it assumed for her the likeness of a perfect man. She said, “I seek refuge from thee in the Compassionate [i.e., God], if you are reverent!” He said, “I am but a messenger of thy Lord, to bestow upon thee a pure boy.” She said, “How shall I have a boy when no man has touched me, nor have I been unchaste?” He said, “Thus shall it be. Thy Lord says, ‘It is easy for Me.’” And [it is thus] that We might make him a sign unto mankind, and a mercy from Us. And it is a matter decreed. So she conceived him and withdrew with him to a place far off. And the pangs of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a date palm. She said, “Would that I had died before this and was a thing forgotten, utterly forgotten!” So he called out to her from below her, “Grieve not! Thy Lord has placed a rivulet beneath thee. And shake toward thyself the trunk of the date palm; fresh, ripe dates shall fall upon thee. So eat and drink and cool thine eye. And if thou seest any human being, say, ‘Verily I have vowed a fast unto the Compassionate, so I shall not speak this day to any man.’” Then she came with him [the infant Jesus] unto her people, carrying him. They said, “O Mary! Thou hast brought an amazing thing! O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not an evil man, nor was thy mother unchaste.” Then she pointed to him [Jesus]. They said, “How shall we speak to one who is yet a child in the cradle?” He [Jesus] said, “Truly I am a servant of God. He has given me the Book and made me a prophet. He has made me blessed wheresoever I may be, and has enjoined upon me prayer and almsgiving so long as I live, and [has made me] dutiful toward my mother. And He has not made me domineering, wretched. Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I am raised alive!” That is Jesus son of Mary— a statement of the truth, which they doubt. So although Muslims do not believe that Jesus is the son of God — a critically important distinction between Muslim and Christian views of him — Muslims do revere Jesus as an important prophet.
Scientists have found a sizeable number of women to have the Y chromosome particular to men in their blood which raises the question of its origin. An immunologists at the Fred Hutchinson Caner Center in 2004 found that 21 percent of the 120 women whose blood samples were taken for the study had male DNA in their blood. The study however categorized the women into four groups according to pregnancy history to include Group A had had only daughters, Group B had had one or more miscarriage(s), Group C had induced abortions, and Group D had never been pregnant before. The presence of the male chromosome in the women were found to be considerably greater in the Group C although the Y-choromosome was still present in other groups, with Group A showing 8%, Group B, 22%, Group C, 57%, and Group D, 10%. However, in a recent explanation for the findings which was conducted in 2004, scientists have come to a clear establishment that 63% of women have brains that harbor DNA that originated from another individual. In a progessive study focused on the female brain and genetics, the male DNA which were present in the women have been found to belong to present or past lovers as the DNA was found to be distinct compared to all other cells which make up a woman. Your Newswire reports that the DNA which accounts for the Y-chromosome was genetically fused to the women’s brain and will be there for her entire life. The discovery was reported to have been made by accident during a research to determine if women who have been pregnant with a son might be more predisposed to certain neurological diseases that occur more frequently in males. Researchers at first attributed the male DNA found in the female brain to male pregnancy but later established that contrary to the earlier theory, the DNA belongs to their lovers. This was established after a research was carried out on the brains of women who had never been pregnant, let alone have a male child and the same male DNA were found in their brains. The study which concludes that sperms are living cells further provides an avenue to tell the number of sexual partners a woman has been with in her life as the study concluded that sperms are living cells and every time a woman’s body absorbs spermatozoa from a man, it becomes a living part of her for her entire life. The research note added: “Sperm is alive. It is living cells. When it is injected into you it swims and swims until it crashes headlong into a wall, and then it attaches and burrows into your flesh. If it’s in your mouth it swims and climbs into your nasal passages, inner ear, and behind your eyes. Then it digs in. It enters your blood stream and collects in your brain and spine.”
In the late 1950’s, during road construction in the Euphrates Valley of southeast Turkey, fossilized human remains were uncovered. At the site, an engineer measured a femur (the long leg bone) and reported in a newsletter that it measured to be 120 cm (47.24 in.). Joe Taylor, Director of Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum, was commissioned to sculpt the human femur. This giant would have stood about 14 ft tall (left). Perhaps this was a skeleton of one of the pre-flood Nephilim. Genesis 6:4 states: “There were giants in the earth in those days.” That was a time of giant organisms, a time when men lived for several centuries. But the Nephilim stood out amongst their peers even in those days. Moreover, it tells us that there were giants again after that time. We note in post-Flood times that Deuteronomy 2 discusses multiple races of giants: Emims, Horims and Zamzummims. Deuteronomy 3:11 tells about the bed of the Giant Og, King of Bashan. It was 9 cubits by 4 cubits (approximately 14 ft long by 6 ft wide). This giant, the last of the Rephaim clan, was probably about 12 ft tall! In Numbers 13:28-33 the Israelite spies investigated the land of Canaan in preparation for an invasion. They reported a race of giants that made them feel like mere grasshoppers. Their descendants entered the land and conquered these giants (the Anakim). The most popular Anakim giant was Goliath, who stood 10 ft tall (I Samuel 17:4). By contrast, Israel’s King Saul was described: “from his shoulders and upward he was higher than any of the people” (I Samuel 9:2). Yet he was not considered a giant. So, these Old testament giants were really big guys. The Bible informs us that Goliath wielded a massive spear, “And the staff of his spear was like a weaver’s beam; and his spear’s head weighed six hundred shekels of iron:” (I Samuel 17:7). That’s over 15 pounds of metal at the end of the spear! A hoard of copper tools and weapons was discovered buried at Kfar Monash in Israel. The axe heads were identified as being identical to those found at Tell es-Safi (Gath). But the huge copper spear heads were the most striking. The archaeological report that published this find claimed the spears were too big to have been wielded and must have been used just for decoration! But the weapons show evidence of having been used, perhaps by one of Goliath’s giant relatives (II Samuel 21:16). These ancient tools are currently displayed at the Israel Museum (right). In his 2012 book Giants Against Evolution Joe Taylor cites many historical and anecdotal accounts of giant human skeletons or depictions being discovered around the world. These include fascinating accounts by explorers involving the Patagonian giants who were 10-12 feet tall. The Spanish called the big-footed giants “Patagones,” which became the basis for the region’s name. Giant skeletons have actually been unearthed in the United States. In the 1800s, many mounds were excavated. Some contained skeletons of 8-10 foot tall giants. The giant skeletons were shipped to the Smithsonian and other museums. Many were later repatriated to Native American groups and reinterred. Others just disappeared in the museum systems. Evolutionary theory was becoming popular and ancient giants didn’t fit the new paradigm. It seemed a bit too “Biblical.” Moreover, giant natives disproved the racist notion that western civilization was the “pinnacle of evolution.” Few Americans today are even aware of the Mound Builder culture or the giant skeletons. But the existence of ancient giants was common knowledge in the 1800s. In 1848 Abraham Lincoln wrote, “Niagara-Falls! By what mysterious power is it that millions and millions, are drawn from all parts of the world, to gaze upon Niagara Falls? …The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara, as ours do now.” An example of these archaeological giant discoveries is this report: While at work on a huge mound near Chillicothe, OH they found the massive skeleton of a man. His mouth was stuffed with pearls and his whole body was encased in copper armor. (Powell, J.W., “12th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary to the Smithsonian 1890-91,” 1894.) Archaeological digs at Moundville, AL occurred 1870s. The Alabama Historical Society reported in 1876 that Hezekiah Powell discovered “the skeleton of a man that measured 9 feet from head to heel as he lay in the ground…” (Steponaitis, Vincas P., “The Smithsonian Institution’s Investigations in 1869 and 1882,” Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 8:1, 1983, p. 132.) Newspaper reports of giants from the 1800s fill whole books (left). Some are clearly sensational and exaggerated. But others are well researched and credible. Moreover, many native American tribes have legends of bearded giants that were known to their ancestors. For example, the Paiutes recount stories of a race of cannibalistic, red-haired giants, the “Saiduka.” The Paiute tribes became vexed with these giants capturing their villagers and so they put together a coalition and started a war. The legend says that the Indians, after a long struggle, trapped the remaining Saiduka in Lovelock Cave. When the giants refused to come out, the Paiutes piled brush in the cave mouth and set it aflame, annihilating them. A large assortment of Native American skeletons and artifacts have been recovered from this cave. Reports on these giant skeletons stood 8-10 ft tall. Above to the right is a picture of a giant that was unearthed from a mass cemetery on Catalina Island in CA. Excavations were done in the 1800s by amateur archaeologist Ralph Glidden, who is standing in the background. This giant is about 9 ft tall. The tallest person in our recorded history was Robert Wadlow of Alton, IL (left). Wadlow was born on February 22, 1918 and grew to be 2.72 m (just under 9 feet tall). He died in 1940 at just 22 years of age and was buried in a 10-foot long, half-ton coffin that required twelve pall bearers! Giantism is actually a disease caused by pituitary gland malfunction and hypertrophy. Such giants have limited mobility and generally die young from skeletal or heart complications. This is very different from the races of giants known in history who were men of war (II Samuel 21:20). According to the Guinness record keepers, the tallest man alive today is Sultan Kösen of Turkey. He was born in 1982 and stood at 8 ft 3 in 2011. The tallest basketball player on record is Sun Mingming (right). At 7 ft 9 in tall, this Chinese player was recruited by the Harlem Globetrotters in 2007.
Scientists who handed in almost 20,000 "lost" wallets around the world to test the honesty of members of the public found people are more likely to give back wallets stuffed with cash than when they are empty. Experts say the findings question the idea that people are self-interested and dishonest. The teams based in the U.S. and Switzerland wanted to look at the concept of civic honesty, which they say is "essential" for society to function and for economic development, but is at odds with what some see as our innate instinct to be selfish. The study published in the journal Science saw researchers return transparent business card cases to an unwitting staff member at the counter of public places including banks, cultural centers like museums, post offices, hotels, and police stations. Different amounts of money were placed in the wallets. Researchers then waited to see if the person would contact the fake owner, to test if they would be tempted to steal the money. If the researchers didn't get a response sent to an email address set up for the wallet owner in 100 days, they assumed it was a goner. In each country, around 400 experiments took place in the five to eight largest cities. A total of 17,003 wallets were placed in 355 cities in 40 countries around the world. Either no money, or the equivalent of $13.45 adjusted according to the purchasing power of the country, was left in the cases. A key, business cards and a grocery list written in the local language were included to signal the owner could easily be contacted and appeared to live locally. In 38 out of 40 countries, participants were overwhelmingly more likely to try to return the wallet to its owner when it contained money than when it was empty. People in Mexico and Peru were less likely to return a wallet with money than without. In 98 percent of the cases, the money, not just the wallet, was given back. The likelihood of the case being returned rose from 40 percent when it didn't contain money to 51 percent when it did. The displays of honesty could be explained because the amount of money included wasn't enough to prompt nefarious behavior, the authors suggested. To investigate this, the team ran another study in the U.S., U.K. and Poland where the amount of money in some wallets was upped to $94.15. To the surprise of the researchers, the rate of people giving back the wallets was 46 percent without money; 61 percent with $13.45; and 72 percent when $94.15 was left behind. The researchers also looked at whether the presence of other individuals when the wallet was handed in made a difference to levels of honest behavior, as well as security cameras in the building (and in the U.S., lost property laws.) They found these didn't make a significant difference to how people acted. And when the researchers asked the participants if they wanted a finders fee, they didn't expect a reward larger than the money in the wallet. Past studies have suggested that people are less likely to be honest the bigger the material incentive, and will be dishonest if they think they won't get caught and risk damaging their reputation. But most research into honest behavior has been done in a lab setting, and focuses on participants from Western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic societies, the authors explained. The researchers believe the participants gave back the wallets because they didn't want to feel like a thief. In nationally representative surveys in the U.S., U.K. and Poland, the researchers asked respondents to rate whether keeping the empty wallet, money filled and most-money filled wallet would make them feel like they were stealing. The more money in the wallet, the more they'd feel like thieves, the respondents said. A separate survey of 299 people carried out by the researchers asked whether respondents could predict whether a wallet would be returned if it contained no, some, or a lot of money. Most thought the wallet containing the $94 wouldn't be returned, but the empty wallet would. And a survey of 279 economists came to the same conclusion. David Tannenbaum, co-author of the study and assistant professor of the management department at the University of Utah, told Newsweek the experiment-side of the study spanned July 2013 to December 2016, and the researchers encountered some bumps along the road. "There were many challenges," he said. "One challenge was simply bringing research materials into the countries. For example, how can you pass customs with a suitcase full of keys and wallets? We also had to deal with unforeseen circumstances like natural disasters (e.g. flooding in India) and of course make sure our research assistants were safe." "We also had to deal with the residual fear and anxiety from recent acts of terrorism. For example, while we were conducting the experiment in Kenya the terrorist attacks in Paris happened, and one of our experimenters was arrested and interrogated by the military police for suspicious activity." But the hard work was worth it. "When we initially started this project we assumed that people would naturally be less likely to return a wallet when it had more money inside," he said. "We were surprised when we found the opposite. And the fact this finding is remarkably consistent across countries was even more of a surprise." "[The] higher material benefits of dishonesty also increase the psychological costs of the dishonest act, and these psychological costs can dominate the material interest to behave dishonestly," explained Tannenbaum. Addressing the results in Peru and Mexico, he explained: "We don't know why Peru and Mexico look different. One thing to note is that the decrease in reporting rates for both countries is not statistically significant, meaning that the size of the decrease is not distinguishable from what you might expect due to chance alone. In other words, the decrease could just be random noise." Like all studies, the work was limited, said Tannenbaum, as this type of study isn't as controlled as a lab experiment, but the methods are robust enough to shed a light on attitudes towards honesty. On Amir, professor of marketing at the University of California, San Diego who has researched dishonest behavior and was not involved in the paper told Newsweek people expected the worst of the participants because they "entertain the view of humans as self-interested via immediate economic outcomes, and fail to take into account that people also manage their own view of themselves." "This is important because it means that in order to improve society, instead of relying on threat and punishment, we can educate and promote moral standards and that would carry significant positive effect for all. That even an empty wallet was returned more than half of the times, strengthened the optimist in me," said Amir. "This study underscores the notion that people are in general quite honest, a notion that seems to be eroding in our society these days. In addition, it supports the notion that people are very much governed by their learnt internal moral standards. So rather than invest in more oversight and enforcement, we should invest in education of values." Shaul Shalvi, associate professor in the Center for Research in Experimental Economics and Political Decision making and at the Psychology Department at the University of Amsterdam told Newsweek he too was surprised by the results: "In the age of fake news, when facts matter less than opinions – there are a few things more important than studying human honesty in my mind." Shalvi, who has researched morality, said it would be interesting for future work to test whether the same response would be seen in wallets owned by tourists or immigrants. He said: "We know from years of research in psychology and economics that people are parochial—they are more likely to help, cooperate and trust people from their in-group than out-group members. This is why it's unclear if the levels of civic honesty observed in the current work will be achieved if the wallet's owner is not from the same group the person who is considering whether to return the wallet belongs to."
Minimal risk of monkeypox transmission in UK following confirmed case Risk of monkeypox transmission in the United Kingdom is minimal following a confirmed case of the rare and sometimes fatal animal-bourne disease, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday. On 7 May, UK health authorities notified WHO of the confirmed case in an individual who had recently returned to the country from Nigeria. Monkeypox is a viral disease that occurs primarily in tropical rainforest areas of Central and West Africa. It is occasionally exported to other regions. Modes of transmission The monkeypox virus is mostly transmitted to people from wild animals such as rodents and primates, though human-to-human transmission also occurs. The disease typically presents with fever, rash and swollen lymph nodes. Contact with live and dead animals - for example through hunting and consumption of wild game or bush meat - are known risk factors. Extensive contact tracing WHO said the case travelled to Nigeria in late April, staying in Lagos and Delta states, and developed a rash on 29 April. They returned to the UK on 4 May and went to a hospital that same day. As monkeypox was suspected, they were immediately isolated. Extensive contact tracing has identified exposed persons in the community, the healthcare setting, and on the international flight. So far, none has reported compatible symptoms. “Since the case was immediately isolated and contact tracing was performed, the risk of onward transmission related to this case in the United Kingdom is minimal. However, as the source of infection in Nigeria is not known, there remains a risk of ongoing transmission in this country,” the UN agency said. No travel or trade restrictions Nigerian authorities were informed about the case on 7 May. The individual did not report contact with anyone with a rash illness, or known monkeypox, in Nigeria. Details of travel and contacts within the country have also been shared for follow up as necessary. WHO currently does not recommend any restriction for travel to, and trade with, Nigeria or the UK, based on available information at this time. More about monkeypox The monkeypox virus belongs to the orthopoxvirus family, which includes smallpox. It can be transmitted by contact and droplet exposure, and the incubation period is usually from six to 13 days but can range from 5 to 21 days. Symptoms can be mild or severe, and usually resolve spontaneously within 14 to 21 days. However, lesions can be very itchy or painful. There have been seven cases of monkeypox previously reported in the UK, all of which were related to a travel history to or from Nigeria. Two separate cases were also reported in the United States last year, also imported from Nigeria. Since September 2017, the West African country has continued to report cases of the disease, with 558 suspected cases up to 30 April of this year. The figure includes 241 confirmed cases, including eight deaths from the disease.
In 2011, the Siemens African Green City Index, conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit evaluated 15 African cities and their efforts to build an eco-conscious system. The cities were evaluated based on eight environmental criteria: energy and CO2, land use, transport, waste, water, sanitation, air quality, and environmental governance. The results showed that none of the cities achieved the top rating of ‘well above average’, indicating that even the most environmentally friendly cities in Africa could do better. Most of the cities with the highest scores were from South Africa and North Africa, with Accra, the capital of Ghana, being the only exception in sub-Saharan Africa. Today African cities are increasingly embracing sustainability as they face the environmental challenges of urbanization. Currently, more than half of the world’s population lives in cities, and this figure is projected to increase to 68 percent by 2050. This implies that billions of people will affect the planet’s resources and ecosystems. Hence, it has become essential for more countries to adopt sustainable and ecological practices in urban areas, and more African countries are committing to reducing their carbon footprint. Arcadis, a global company that provides sustainable design, engineering, and consultancy solutions for natural and built assets, ranked the top 100 green cities in the world, and six African cities made the list. These cities excel in areas such as energy efficiency, mobility, waste management, access to drinking water, protection of biodiversity, and technological innovations. Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, and Pretoria, South Africa Cape Town stands out as Africa’s greenest city, boasting numerous nature reserves, a captivating coastline, and an efficient public transport system. The city’s dedicated energy and climate change unit aims to provide affordable and secure energy access while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the use of renewables in its energy mix. The city is also preparing its power grid for a surge in electric vehicle use and exploring the production and use of biofuels in transport. These four cities are listed as “green above average” according to the Africa Green City Index. Durban scored well on transport, waste, water, and sanitation; and Pretoria scored well on land use, transport, water, and air quality. Cocody, Ivory Coast Cocody, a rapidly developing city, has committed to a 70 percent reduction in carbon emissions by 2030 through its Green City Plan. This ambitious plan aims to minimize local greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90 percent, generate hundreds of thousands of jobs, and promote sustainable lifestyles among citizens. The plan also involves investing in renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, biomass, and hydroelectric power. One of the key components of the plan is the Reforestation and Carbon Sequestration Program, which aims to develop green spaces and restore and replant two million mangrove trees to protect local climate health. These renewable energy sources will account for 80 percent of the city’s electricity supply by 2030. Cocody is also enhancing its water security, by installing rainwater harvesting systems, improving water distribution networks, and promoting water conservation practices. Cairo, one of the top 100 green cities globally in 2022 per Arcadis, stands out for its robust public transport network. One of the factors that contributed to its high ranking is the high level of public transport accessibility in the city. Cairo has a metro system that serves about four million passengers per day, as well as buses, taxis, and microbuses. Cairo also has plans to expand its metro network and introduce electric buses and trams. The city boasts low per capita energy consumption at 1.6 megawatt-hours (MWh) annually, compared to the global average of 3.1 MWh. About 20 percent of its electricity is sourced from hydroelectric power. Cairo’s indicators of sustainability are evident socially, environmentally, and, economically. Nairobi is known as the “green city in the sun” and the “safari capital of the world” for its unique mix of rainforest and savannah grasslands that host a rich biodiversity. The city promotes renewable energy through initiatives like solar lamp posts, solar power kits for households, and efficient cooking stoves, and supporting the development of geothermal power plants. The city also has several parks and open green spaces, such as Uhuru Park, City Park, Nairobi Mamba Village, and Jeevanjee Gardens. In 2020 Nairobi ranked 14 out of 40 on the Tourlane green city list. While not a city, Rwanda is actively pursuing sustainability. With an aim to have 35 percent of its population living in cities by 2024, Rwanda is building the first green city on the continent. The green city will feature affordable housing, renewable energy, sustainable transport, waste management, water conservation, biodiversity protection, and green governance. Rwanda is a leader in promoting renewable energy sources, such as solar, hydro, biogas, and geothermal, to increase its energy security and reduce its carbon footprint. Rwanda has increased its electricity access rate from 10 percent in 2010 to 60 percent in 2020, with 51 percent from on-grid connections and nine percent from off-grid solutions. Rwanda aims to achieve universal access to electricity by 2024, with at least 48 percent from renewable sources.
Have you checked your sunscreen expiration date recently? Do you need to replace your old sun protection clothing or that worn-out sun hat? Among other things, May was Skin Cancer Awareness Month, which reminds us to prepare for the sunny days ahead, especially as summer approaches. The sun may be a great source for vitamin D but to much of it can cause damage to your skin. Even though it is said that Black don’t crack, contrary to popular belief, Black people can have skin cancer. That is why, it is important to frequently examine your skin and also schedule a routine visit with your dermatologist / doctor for a complete skin exam. Skin cancer is generally not common among Black people or people with darker skin. This has led to the belief that dark and black skin tones are immune to the ravages of the sun. However, while the prevalence of melanoma––the most serious type of skin cancer––is lower on dark skin, its prognosis is even less favorable. The rampancy of melanoma has increased considerably in recent decades, in particular, because of our overexposure to the sun. So what exactly is melanoma? Melanoma is a malignant tumor of melanocytes, the cells that make melanin. However, significant exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or tanning machines promotes the deregulation of these cells. The prevalence of melanoma on dark skin Cancer on white skin represents approximately 40% of all cancers, while on dark skin, they amount to about 2%. However, its prevalence on black skin also varies based on the region of the world. For example, on black skin subjects, melanoma diagnosis varies from 0.5 to 1.8 out of 100,000 in South Africa as opposed to 24.4 in light skin subjects. Its prevalence is 0.7 out of 100,000 in Togo and 1.6 out of 100,000 in the United States. 5-year survival rate decreased by skin color Photo: Anna Shvets | Pexels Melanoma on black skin is rare due to the photoprotection induced by melanin. However, this photoprotection may delay the diagnosis of melanoma on black skin, thereby worsening the prognosis. A study from the University of Cleveland (United States) conducted in 2016 and published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology showed that the 5-year survival rate was higher in people with fair skin, mainly because early diagnosis of melanoma is more difficult on dark skin. “African American patients sometimes think they are protected against melanoma because of their skin color. However, this is totally false: skin cancer affects all skin types, regardless of their color. And I would like to remind you that black skin can also get a sunburn,” Dr. Jeremy S. Bordeaux further explained, co-author of this study. Types of melanoma + Prevention tips Photo: Verywell.com | Alexandra Gordon Remember that to avoid the occurrence of melanoma, it is essential to protect yourself from the sun. This means you have to use sunscreens with at least an SPF of 30, and it should be re-applied every two hours and after each swim. It is also recommended that you wear sunglasses, a hat, and light-colored clothing during extended exposure to the sun. Also, avoid exposing yourself to the sun between noon and 4 p.m., when the sun is most dangerous. Finally, be sure to inspect any moles regularly and if you notice any irregularity—a diameter greater than 6 millimeters, a color change, or an elevation—consult a dermatologist quickly. Check your sunscreens Photo: Arthur Pereira | Unsplash Do not use expired sunscreens. This is because they lose their potency due to the breakdown of the active chemical UV filters in them. These chemical filters are very fragile and are known to break down quickly over time. Also, if your sunscreen has been stored in abusive conditions (think hot car or cold temperature), you should replace it. When replacing your sunscreen, make sure it is water-resistant. It would be best if you had it on for swimming, gardening, and hot, sweaty days. Water resistance is rated at 40 minutes or 80 minutes of sun exposure. This means that with 80 minutes of sunscreen, you can swim or sweat profusely in the sun and still be protected. Cover your skin as a first strategy and apply sunscreen to exposed skin. This is intelligent sun protection that can save your life in the long run. Featured image: Shutterstock All content, including text, images, audio, video and other formats are created for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, please call your doctor, go to the nearest hospital or call 911 immediately depending on your conditions.
COMPLETE SCHOOL PROJECT TOPICS & MATERIALS : CHAPTERS: Chapter 1-5 DOC FORMAT: MS WORD/PDF 1.1 Background of Study Oral literature means oral works of high merit which are products of the creative use of imagination by the artist of the spoken words in pre-literate communities. Such works are composed mentally by the illiterate raconteur; Stored in the memory and then spoken, recited, chanted or sung on specific occasions (Ikwubuzo, 1993). It consists of both prose, verse, narratives, poems, songs, myths, rituals and dramas, proverbs, folktales and riddles.Values on the other hand is the collection of guiding principles; what one deems to be correct and desirable in life, especially regarding personal conduct. They are beliefs about what is right and wrong and what is important in life (Hornby, 2005). Ogunbameru and Rotimi (2006) observed that “values are all inclusive, deeply internalized personal feeling that direct actions”. Thus, values may not be seen, but are recognized in the behaviour of the child. As leaders of tomorrow, the young ones are given the basic spiritual and cultural training to enable them take over the adult responsibilities in order to maintain and sustain the societal development. The use of Igbo oral literature (Folktale) as a tool for value inculcation to children and youths is the concern of this paper. The emphasis is on Igbo folktales. It would seem that the study of the cultural achievements that make us human should hold pride of place in every educational system of higher education and research. Nations justifiably look to their universities for the education of their citizens and leaders, and for the production of knowledge necessary for growth, security, and prosperity. More often than not, a university’s core mission is rooted in the humanities—in the study of culture, history, language, literature, anthropology, philosophy, religion, the arts and folklore. The abovementioned disciplines constitute a people’s common heritage. The humanistic disciplines, and particularly folklore, have a clear practical value: they teach critical and analytical thinking while at the same time stimulating the imagination and promoting ethical values. Leaders need these skills to lead, to identify problems, and to conceive creative solutions. Citizens need them to participate actively in public life. Yet the key contribution of the humanities—and folklore in particular—goes beyond cultural education and training in analytical skills. Humanistic studies help ground national dialogue on many urgent issues encompassing humane values. Technical and technological solutions today raise ethical issues and questions that require public understanding and public debate. Humanistic research and teaching illuminate the ethical principles that frame discussion and provide examples of objectivity and fairness in dialogue (ASSAF 2011, p. 25). This paper examines oral literature as a medium of teaching moral values to selected schools in Oru West local government area of Imo state. It draws attention to the richness of indigenous knowledge contained in oral literature and demonstrates how the ethical and moral gap in the existing educational system can be filled by the moral precepts embedded in oral literature. The paper argues that oral literature has not received the attention it deserves among other disciplines of the humanities in institutions of higher learning in Africa. This is because a sound educational policy in any country with folklore at the centre enables students to understand their own society before proceeding to learn about other cultures. In other words, a sound grounding of the student in his/her people’s culture helps him/her become a useful member of the society. It should, however, be noted that “there are three categories of literature in Africa, namely oral literature in African languages, written literature in African languages; and written literature in some European languages” (Sone 2009, p. 157). Of these three, oral literature in African languages is naturally the oldest and most predominant in Africa. This is so because its creators and users are, generally speaking, non-literature, rural and agricultural. From the above observation, it follows naturally that an awareness of the African people can only come from the knowledge of the culture, customs and knowledge systems which are vastly found in African oral literature. Thus, oral literature provides the proper milieu for the release of creative energy necessary for the development of a sense of cultural belonging that sustains the foundation of a common identity. It is for this reason that Kimani (as quoted by Ganyi (2016, p. 17)) makes the following statement: Orality has been an important method of self-understanding, creative relationships and establishing equilibrium between body, soul and environment. Through oral [literature], communities have been able to pass through values, attitudes, knowledge and modes of practice for generations (Kimani 2010). Recounting the agelessness of oral literature as folklore in human history, Ganyi (2016, p. 19) also quotes Bynum (1974): For many millennia, the only instrument of rhythmic words and narrative known in any part of the world was the tongue men were born with [ . . . ] so for long ages, so for any way any knowledge could survive from one generation to another was through oral tradition. Rhythmic speech was the world’s first great medium of communication for complex ideas and there were certainly media men of astonishing skills long before anyone on earth knew how to write. It is worthy of mention that prior to the advent of Ruth Finnegan’s magnum opus Oral Literature in Africa (1970), it was normal practice and even scholarly in some circles to see oral literature as an appendage of disciplines such as Anthropology, Folkloric Study, History, Cultural Studies, Religious Studies, and even Sociology. Oral literature was never seen as literature, not to mention being studied as literature. Today, as a result of the pioneering works of scholars like Finnegan, Okpewho, Tala, Nketia and many others, oral literature in Africa is becoming a robust and thriving field of study. In its process of evolution, it has encountered prejudice and misinterpretation by many scholars who attempt to coerce it into other non-literary disciplines.
Did you know many African countries continue to pay colonial tax to France since their independence till today! When Sékou Touré of Guinea decided in 1958 to get out of french colonial empire, and opted for the country indepen- dence, the french colonial elite in Paris got so furious, and in a historic act of fury the french administration in Guinea destroyed everything in the country which represented what they called the benefits from french colonization. Three thousand French leh the country, taking all their property and destroying anything that which could not be moved: schools, nurseries, public administration buildings were crumbled; cars, books, medicine, research institute instruments, tractors were crushed and sabotaged; horses, cows in the farms were killed, and food in warehouses were burned or poisoned. The purpose of this outrageous act was to send a clear message to all other colonies that the consequences for rejecting France would be very high. Slowly fear spread trough the african elite, and none aher the Guinea events ever found the courage to follow the example of Sékou Touré, whose slogan was ”We prefer freedom in poverty to opulence in slavery.” Sylvanus Olympio, the first president of the Republic of Togo, a tiny country in west Africa, found a middle ground solution with the French. He didn’t want his country to continue to be a french dominion, therefore he refused to sign the colonisation continuation pact De Gaule proposed, but agree to pay an annual debt to France for the so called benefits Togo got from french colonization. It was the only conditions for the French not to destroy the country before leaving. However, the amount es- timated by France was so big that the reimbursement of the so called ”colonial debt” was close to 40 % of the country budget in 1963. The financial situation of the newly independent Togo was very unstable, so in order to get out the situation, Olympio decided to get out the french colonial money FCFA (the franc for french african colonies), and issue the country own currency. On January 13, 1963, three days aher he started printing his country own currency, a squad of illiterate sol- diers backed by France killed the first elected president of newly independent Africa. Olympio was killed by an ex French Foreign Legionnaire army sergeant called Etienne Gnassingbe who supposedly received a bounty of $612 from the local French embassy for the hit man job. Olympio’s dream was to build an independent and self-sufficient and self-reliant country. But the French didn’t like the idea. On June 30, 1962, Modiba Keita , the first president of the Republic of Mali, decided to withdraw from the french colonial currency FCFA which was imposed on 12 newly independent African countries. For the Malian president, who was leaning more to a socialist economy, it was clear that colonisation continuation pact with France was a trap, a burden for the country development. On November 19, 1968, like, Olympio, Keita will be the victim of a coup carried out by another ex French For- eign legionnaire, the Lieutenant Moussa Traoré. In fact during that turbulent period of African fighting to liberate themselves from European colonization, France would repeatedly use many ex Foreign legionnaires to carry out coups against elected presidents: - – On January 1st, 1966, Jean-Bédel Bokassa, an ex french foreign legionnaire, carried a coup against David Dacko, the first President of the Central African Republic. - – On January 3, 1966, Maurice Yaméogo, the first President of the Republic of Upper Volta, now called Burkina Faso, was victim of a coup carried by Aboubacar Sangoulé Lamizana, an ex French legionnaire who fought with french troops in Indonesia and Algeria against these countries independence. - – on 26 October 1972, Mathieu Kérékou who was a security guard to President Hubert Maga, the first President of the Republic of Benin, carried a coup against the president, aher he a5ended French military schools from 1968 to 1970. In fact, during the last 50 years, a total of 67 coups happened in 26 countries in Africa, 16 of those countries are french ex-colonies, which means 61 % of the coups happened in Francophone Africa. NUMBER OF COUPS IN AFRICA BY COUNTRY COUNTRY NUMBER OF COUP EX FRENCH COLONIES Central Africa 4 Burkina Faso 5 Guinea Bissau 2 Côte d’Ivoire 1 OTHER AFRICAN COUNTRIES Equatorial Guinea 1 Congo – RDC 2 Guinea Conakry 2 As these numbers demonstrate, France is quite desperate but active to keep a strong hold on his colonies what ever the cost, no matter what. In March 2008, former French President Jacques Chirac said: “Without Africa, France will slide down into the rank of a third [world] power” Chirac’s predecessor François Mi5erand already prophesied in 1957 that: ”Without Africa, France will have no history in the 21st century”. At this very moment I’m writing this article, 14 african countries are obliged by France, trough a colonial pact, to put 85 % of their foreign reserve into France central bank under French minister of Tinance control. Until now, 2014, Togo and about 13 other african countries still have to pay colonial debt to France. African leaders who refuse are killed or victim of coup. Those who obey are supported and rewarded by France with lavish lifestyle while their people endure extreme poverty, and desperation. It’s such an evil system even denounced by the European Union, but France is not ready to move from that colonial system which puts about 500 billions dollars from Africa to its treasury year in year out. We ohen accuse African leaders of corruption and serving western nations interests instead, but there is a clear explanation for that behavior. They behave so because they are afraid the be killed or victim of a coup. They want a powerful nation to back them in case of aggression or trouble. But, contrary to a friendly nation protection, the western protection is ohen offered in exchange of these leaders renouncing to serve their own people or nations’ interests. African leaders would work in the interest of their people if they were not constantly stalked and bullied by colonial countries. In 1958, scared about the consequence of choosing independence from France, Leopold Sédar Senghor de- clared: “The choice of the Senegalese people is independence; they want it to take place only in friendship with France, not in dispute.” From then on France accepted only an ”independence on paper” for his colonies, but signed binding ”Cooper- ation Accords”, detailing the nature of their relations with France, in particular ties to France colonial currency (the Franc), France educational system, military and commercial preferences. Below are the 11 main components of the Colonisation continuation pact since 1950s: #1. Colonial Debt for the benefits of France colonization The newly ”independent” countries should pay for the infrastructure built by France in the country during coloniza- tion. I still have to find out the complete details about the amounts, the evaluation of the colonial benefits and the terms of payment imposed on the african countries, but we are working on that (help us with info). #2. Automatic confiscation of national reserves The African countries should deposit their national monetary reserves into France Central bank. France has been holding the national reserves of fourteen african countries since 1961: Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon. ”The monetary policy governing such a diverse aggregation of countries is uncomplicated because it is, in fact, operated by the French Treasury, without reference to the central fiscal authorities of any of the WAEMU or the CEMAC. Under the terms of the agreement which set up these banks and the CFA the Central Bank of each African country is obliged to keep at least 65% of its foreign exchange reserves in an “operations account” held at the French Treasury, as well as another 20% to cover financial liabilities. The CFA central banks also impose a cap on credit extended to each member country equivalent to 20% of that country’s public revenue in the preceding year. Even though the BEAC and the BCEAO have an overdrah facility with the French Treasury, the drawdowns on those overdrah facilities are subject to the consent of the French Treasury. The final say is that of the French Treasury which has invested the foreign reserves of the African countries in its own name on the Paris Bourse. In short, more than 80% of the foreign reserves of these African countries are deposited in the “operations accounts” controlled by the French Treasury. The two CFA banks are African in name, but have no monetary policies of their own. The countries themselves do not know, nor are they told, how much of the pool of foreign reserves held by the French Treasury belongs to them as a group or individually. The earnings of the investment of these funds in the French Treasury pool are supposed to be added to the pool but no accounting is given to either the banks or the countries of the details of any such changes. The limited group of high officials in the French Treasury who have knowledge of the amounts in the “operations accounts”, where these funds are invested; whether there is a profit on these investments; are prohibited from disclosing any of this information to the CFA banks or the central banks of the African states .” Wrote Dr. Gary K. Busch It’s now estimated that France is holding close to 500 billions African countries money in its treasury, and would do anything to fight anyone who want to shed a light on this dark side of the old empire. The African countries don’t have access to that money. France allows them to access only 15% of the money in any given year. If they need more than that, they have to borrow the extra money from their own 65 % from the French Treasury at commercial rates. To make things more tragic, France impose a cap on the amount of money the countries could borrow from the reserve. The cap is fixed at 20% of their public revenue in the preceding year. If the countries need to borrow more than 20% of their own money, France has a veto. Former French President Jacques Chirac recently spoke about the African nations money in France banks. Here is a video (www.youtube.com/embed/OzPITL1WLY0) of him speaking about the french exploitation scheme. He is speaking in French, but here is a short excerpt transcript: ”We have to be honest, and acknowledge that a big part of the money in our banks come precisely from the exploitation of the African continent.” #3. Right of first refusal on any raw or natural resource discovered in the country France has the first right to buy any natural resources found in the land of its ex-colonies. It’s only aher France would say, ”I’m not interested”, that the African countries are allowed to seek other partners. #4. Priority to French interests and companies in public procurement and public biding In the award of government contracts, French companies must be considered first, and only aher that these countries could look elsewhere. It doesn’t ma5er if the african countries can obtain be5er value for money elsewhere. As consequence, in many of the french ex-colonies, all the majors economical assets of the countries are in the hand of french expatriates. In Côte d’Ivoire, for example, french companies own and control all the major utilities – water, electricity, telephone, transport, ports and major banks. The same in commerce, construction, and agriculture. In the end, as I’ve written in a previous article, Africans now Live On A Continent Owned by Europeans!. #5. Exclusive right to supply military equipment and Train the country military officers Through a sophisticated scheme of scholarships, grants, and ”Defense Agreements” attached to the Colonial Pact, the africans should send their senior military officers for training in France or French ran-training facilities. The situation on the continent now is that France has trained hundreds, even thousands of traitors and nourish them. They are dormant when they are not needed, and activated when needed for a coup or any other purpose! #6. Right for France to pre-deploy troops and intervene military in the country to defend its interests Under something called ”Defence Agreements” attached to the Colonial Pact, France had the legal right to intervene militarily in the African countries, and also to station troops permanently in bases and military facilities in those countries, run entirely by the French. French military bases in Africa When President Laurent Gbagbo of Côte d’Ivoire tried to end the French exploitation of the country, France organized a coup. During the long process to oust Gbagbo, France tanks, helicopter gunships and Special Forces intervened directly in the conflit, fired on civilians and killed many. To add insult to injury, France estimated that the French business community had lost several millions of dollars when in the rush to leave Abidjan in 2006 the French Army massacred 65 unarmed civilians and wounded 1,200 others. Aher France succeeded the coup, and transferred power to Alassane Ou5ara, France requested Oua5ara govern-ment to pay compensation to French business community for the losses during the civil war. Indeed the Oua5ara government paid them twice what they said they had lost in leaving. #7. Obligation to make French the official language of the country and the language for education Oui, Monsieur. Vous devez parlez français, la langue de Molière! A French language and culture dissemination organization has been created called ”Francophonie” with several satellites and affiliates organizations supervised by the French Minister of Foreign Affairs. As demonstrated in this article, if French is the only language you speak, you’d have access to less than 4 % of humanity knowledge and ideas. That’s very limiting. #8. Obligation to use France colonial money FCFA That’s the real milk cow for France, but it’s such an evil system even denounced by the European Union, but France is not ready to move from that colonial system which puts about 500 billions dollars from Africa to its treasury. During the introduction of Euro currency in Europe, other european countries discovered the french exploitation scheme. Many, specially the nordic countries, were appalled and suggested France get rid of the system, but unsuc-cessfully. #9. Obligation to send France annual balance and reserve report. Without the report, no money. Anyway the secretary of the Central banks of the ex-colonies, and the secretary of the bi-annual meeting of the Ministers of Tinance of the ex-colonies is carried out by France Central bank / Treasury. #10. Renonciation to enter into military alliance with any other country unless authorized by France African countries in general are the ones with will less regional military alliances. Most of the countries have only military alliances with their ex-colonisers! (funny, but you can’t do better!). In the case France ex-colonies, France forbid them to seek other military alliance except the one it offered them. #11. Obligation to ally with France in situation of war or global crisis Over one million africans soldiers fought for the defeat of nazism and fascism during the second world war. Their contribution is ohen ignored or minimized, but when you think that it took only 6 weeks for Germany to de- feat France in 1940, France knows that Africans could be useful for fighting for la ”Grandeur de la France” in the future. There is something almost psychopathic in the relation of France with Africa. Tirst, France is severely addicted to looting and exploitation of Africa since the time of slavery. Then there is this complete lack of creativity and imagination of french elite to think beyond the past and tradition. Tinally, France has 2 institutions which are completely frozen into the past, inhabited by paranoid and psychopath ”haut fonctionnaires” who spread fear of apocalypse if France would change, and whose ideological reference still comes from the 19th century romanticism: they are the Minister of Tinance and Budget of France and the Minister of Foreign affairs of France. These 2 institutions are not only a threat to Africa, but to the French themselves. It’s up to us as African to free ourselves, without asking for permission, because I still can’t understand for exam-ple how 450 french soldiers in Côte d’Ivoire could control a population of 20 millions people!? People first reaction when they learn about the french colonial tax is often the question: ”Until when?”. For historical comparison, France made Haiti to pay the modern equivalent of $21 billion from 1804 till 1947 (almost one century and half) for the losses caused to french slave traders by the abolition of slavery and the liberation of the Haitian slaves. African countries are paying the colonial tax only for the last 50 years, so I think one century of payment might be left! I love your page, however I miss the sources of your information. I will love to write a term paper about this topic. Could you please give me the sources of this information? Thank you so much. Yazınız için sizi tebrik ederim. Bu maddeleri dünyanın bilmesi gerekiyordu. Fransa artık öz kaynaklarına dönmelidir. Çalışıp ticaretini geliştirmelidir. Başka ülkelere saygısı olmalı, onları sömürmeyi bırakmalıdır. I’ve loved the page so much. But it could be better as we africans to know what is behind this scene together. I beg to know the sources too because I am a panafricanist under the JACLF group. Thanks so much! Source of information would be excellent, but not mentioning source shouldn’t dis- validate the information contained in this article. Those of us who are intellectually motivated should search the source the validate the truth. White Europe/the colonial powers will make it difficult to make the i truth available. We have been kept out of this information at for half a century in this case. et le Sénégal, oublié? Mamadou Dia remplacé par Senghor et assigné à résidence en France … 3 days after I read the news of “heist of state treasury in one of the African countries”, I watched a video of hundreds of gold bullion in a French military plane. Where are the proud French? لقد اطلعتُ على معلومات مفيدة جدا للغاية، أردت اقتباس منها وادراجها في بحث علمي، لكن أفقد المعلومات الكافية عن التوثيق هلا حددت لنا مراجع أو مصادر حولها. French are among the truine(cult of three) they are Baal , America are Diablo & Israel are Memphisto(hate to goyims ).. Together they bring chaos to Africa & unrest to the entire world with their Hegemony. Bt Putin the saviour will come yo aid us with his hypersonic missiles that bring nightmares to NATO as well. These Archon will never let Africa resources to be at ease & enjoyed by its indigenous people I imagine that this article originally has been written in french language. Is this true? Where can I find this article in french language? Thanks a lot ahead, kind regards,
Advice for the public: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) This page includes advice from WHO on ways to protect yourself and prevent the spread of COVID-19. The downloadable infographics below provide guidance on general and specific topics related to the pandemic. Stay aware of the latest COVID-19 information by regularly checking updates from WHO in addition to national and local public health authorities. Find out more about getting vaccinated: Keep yourself and others safe: Do it all! Protect yourself and those around you: - Get vaccinated as soon as it’s your turn and follow local guidance on vaccination. - Keep physical distance of at least 1 metre from others, even if they don’t appear to be sick. Avoid crowds and close contact. - Wear a properly fitted mask when physical distancing is not possible and in poorly ventilated settings. - Clean your hands frequently with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. - Cover your mouth and nose with a bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of used tissues immediately and clean hands regularly. - If you develop symptoms or test positive for COVID-19, self-isolate until you recover. Wear a mask properly To properly wear your mask: - Make sure your mask covers your nose, mouth and chin. - Clean your hands before you put your mask on, before and after you take it off, and after you touch it at any time. - When you take off your mask, store it in a clean plastic bag, and every day either wash it if it’s a fabric mask or dispose of it in a trash bin if it’s a medical mask. - Don’t use masks with valves. More about masks: - When and how to wear masks - Questions and answers about children and masks - Guidance for decision makers and health workers Make your environment safer The risks of getting COVID-19 are higher in crowded and inadequately ventilated spaces where infected people spend long periods of time together in close proximity. Outbreaks have been reported in places where people have gather, often in crowded indoor settings and where they talk loudly, shout, breathe heavily or sing such as restaurants, choir practices, fitness classes, nightclubs, offices and places of worship. To make your environment as safe as possible: - Avoid the 3Cs: spaces that are closed, crowded or involve close contact. - Meet people outside. Outdoor gatherings are safer than indoor ones, particularly if indoor spaces are small and without outdoor air coming in. - If you can’t avoid crowded or indoor settings, take these precautions: - Open a window to increase the amount of natural ventilation when indoors. - Wear a mask (see above for more details). - Small public gatherings - Ventilation and air conditioning (for the general public) - Ventilation and air conditioning (for people who manage public spaces and buildings) Keep good hygiene By following good respiratory hygiene you protect the people around you from viruses that cause colds, flu and COVID-19. To ensure good hygiene you should: - Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with either an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. This eliminates germs that may be on your hands, including viruses. - Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the used tissue immediately into a closed bin and wash your hands. - Clean and disinfect surfaces frequently, especially those which are regularly touched, such as door handles, faucets and phone screens. What to do if you feel unwell If you feel unwell, here’s what to do. - If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately. Call by telephone first and follow the directions of your local health authority. - Know the full range of symptoms of COVID-19. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough, tiredness and loss of taste or smell. Less common symptoms include aches and pains, headache, sore throat, red or irritated eyes, diarrhoea, a skin rash or discolouration of fingers or toes. - Stay home and self-isolate for 10 days from symptom onset, plus three days after symptoms cease. Call your health care provider or hotline for advice. Have someone bring you supplies. If you need to leave your house or have someone near you, wear a properly fitted mask to avoid infecting others. - Keep up to date on the latest information from trusted sources, such as WHO or your local and national health authorities. Local and national authorities and public health units are best placed to advise on what people in your area should be doing to protect themselves. How COVID-19 infects people and how our bodies react. How to visit healthcare facilities safely COVID-19 symptoms and flu Protect yourself and others from getting sick Pregnancy & breastfeeding Updated 31 March 2020 How to cope with stress
Scientists have established a link between brain damage and religious fundamentalism A study published in the journal Neuropsychologia has shown that religious fundamentalism is, in part, the result of a functional impairment in a brain region known as the prefrontal cortex. The findings suggest that damage to particular areas of the prefrontal cortex indirectly promotes religious fundamentalism by diminishing cognitive flexibility and openness—a psychology term that describes a personality trait which involves dimensions like curiosity, creativity, and open-mindedness. Religious beliefs can be thought of as socially transmitted mental representations that consist of supernatural events and entities assumed to be real. Religious beliefs differ from empirical beliefs, which are based on how the world appears to be and are updated as new evidence accumulates or when new theories with better predictive power emerge. On the other hand, religious beliefs are not usually updated in response to new evidence or scientific explanations, and are therefore strongly associated with conservatism. They are fixed and rigid, which helps promote predictability and coherence to the rules of society among individuals within the group. Religious fundamentalism refers to an ideology that emphasizes traditional religious texts and rituals and discourages progressive thinking about religion and social issues. Fundamentalist groups generally oppose anything that questions or challenges their beliefs or way of life. For this reason, they are often aggressive towards anyone who does not share their specific set of supernatural beliefs, and towards science, as these things are seen as existential threats to their entire worldview. Since religious beliefs play a massive role in driving and influencing human behavior throughout the world, it is important to understand the phenomenon of religious fundamentalism from a psychological and neurological perspective. To investigate the cognitive and neural systems involved in religious fundamentalism, a team of researchers—led by Jordan Grafman of Northwestern University—conducted a study that utilized data from Vietnam War veterans that had been gathered previously. The vets were specifically chosen because a large number of them had damage to brain areas suspected of playing a critical role in functions related to religious fundamentalism. CT scans were analyzed comparing 119 vets with brain trauma to 30 healthy vets with no damage, and a survey that assessed religious fundamentalism was administered. While the majority of participants were Christians of some kind, 32.5% did not specify a particular religion. Based on previous research, the experimenters predicted that the prefrontal cortex would play a role in religious fundamentalism, since this region is known to be associated with something called ‘cognitive flexibility’. This term refers to the brain’s ability to easily switch from thinking about one concept to another, and to think about multiple things simultaneously. Cognitive flexibility allows organisms to update beliefs in light of new evidence, and this trait likely emerged because of the obvious survival advantage such a skill provides. It is a crucial mental characteristic for adapting to new environments because it allows individuals to make more accurate predictions about the world under new and changing conditions. Brain imaging research has shown that a major neural region associated with cognitive flexibility is the prefrontal cortex—specifically two areas known as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC). Additionally, the vmPFC was of interest to the researchers because past studies have revealed its connection to fundamentalist-type beliefs. For example, one study showed individuals with vmPFC lesions rated radical political statements as more moderate than people with normal brains, while another showed a direct connection between vmPFC damage and religious fundamentalism. For these reasons, in the present study, researchers looked at patients with lesions in both the vmPFC and the dlPFC, and searched for correlations between damage in these areas and responses to religious fundamentalism questionnaires. According to Dr. Grafman and his team, since religious fundamentalism involves a strict adherence to a rigid set of beliefs, cognitive flexibility and open-mindedness present a challenge for fundamentalists. As such, they predicted that participants with lesions to either the vmPFC or the dlPFC would score low on measures of cognitive flexibility and trait openness and high on measures of religious fundamentalism. The results showed that, as expected, damage to the vmPFC and dlPFC was associated with religious fundamentalism. Further tests revealed that this increase in religious fundamentalism was caused by a reduction in cognitive flexibility and openness resulting from the prefrontal cortex impairment. Cognitive flexibility was assessed using a standard psychological card sorting test that involved categorizing cards with words and images according to rules. Openness was measured using a widely-used personality survey known as the NEO Personality Inventory. The data suggests that damage to the vmPFC indirectly promotes religious fundamentalism by suppressing both cognitive flexibility and openness. These findings are important because they suggest that impaired functioning in the prefrontal cortex—whether from brain trauma, a psychological disorder, a drug or alcohol addiction, or simply a particular genetic profile—can make an individual susceptible to religious fundamentalism. And perhaps in other cases, extreme religious indoctrination harms the development or proper functioning of the prefrontal regions in a way that hinders cognitive flexibility and openness. The authors emphasize that cognitive flexibility and openness aren’t the only things that make brains vulnerable to religious fundamentalism. In fact, their analyses showed that these factors only accounted for a fifth of the variation in fundamentalism scores. Uncovering those additional causes, which could be anything from genetic predispositions to social influences, is a future research project that the researchers believe will occupy investigators for many decades to come, given how complex and widespread religious fundamentalism is and will likely continue to be for some time. By investigating the cognitive and neural underpinnings of religious fundamentalism, we can better understand how the phenomenon is represented in the connectivity of the brain, which could allow us to someday inoculate against rigid or radical belief systems through various kinds of mental and cognitive exercises.
When I talk about Anti-Submarine Warfare , it wouldn’t be a complete description without explaining about the submarines which are being hunted. So I’ll explain in depth about Diesel-Electric submarines in this post. As their name suggests, Diesel-Electric submarines run on diesel and electricity. They have a large network of batteries which are charged by the diesel generator. These submarines have to come up to the surface in order to charge their batteries . They snorkel, which means, travelling just below the surface of the water with the periscope and the diesel generator exhaust pipe above the water surface. Once they charge their batteries, they dive into the ocean and run silently on battery power with the diesel generators shut down. After running for a few days underwater, the battery gets drained and these submarines have to surface again to recharge their batteries. Diesel-Electric submarines are also extensively referred to as SSK (Sub Surface Killer) or popularly called as diesels. - Produce very less noise compared to their nuclear counterparts - Small and agile which makes them deadly in shallow water regions - Can shut down/switch on engines whenever needed unlike nuclear boats which have reactor running 24×7 - Relatively easy to procure, train crew and operate - Modern SSKs have Land Attack capability like SSNs Diesels were considered noisy and slow earlier, but modern sound suppression systems, improved designs have resulted in the diesels being considered the deadliest submarines in littoral warfare especially because of their ability to shut down their generators and produce almost ZERO noise. They can just stay dead in the water to avoid detection. Modern technology like Air Independent Propulsion System (AIPS) have enabled the diesels to do stay underwater for a period of almost a week compared to the 1-2 days underwater endurance of the non-AIPS equipped subs. Typically diesels can dive to a depth of 150-300 m and have an underwater speed of 15-20 knots. Modern navies have started to incline towards nuclear submarines, but some navies like Russia, China and India operate a large number of Diesels along with their nuclear subs. The advantages offered by these submarines cannot be matched by nuclear ones. Diesel subs are comparatively cheap and even small navies can acquire and operate them. Submarines like Type 212, Improved Kilo, Scorpene and Soryu are some of the most modern diesels. The Type 212 is famous for being very small and quiet and has a tiny crew complement of around 30 men. The improved Kilo class is quieter and has additional firepower. It can also fire the 300 km range Klub Anti-Ship missile from its torpedo tubes. Soryu class is comparatively large and has a better endurance compared to smaller subs. However despite all their advantages, they have drawbacks as well. - Top speed when submerged is around 15-20 knots and makes it impossible for them to outrun torpedoes or ASW ships - Diving depth is limited to 150-300m which makes them vulnerable in deep water regions where they cant use depth for concealment - Underwater endurace is limited and ranges from a few hours to a week if AIP is used - Small weapons complement of 12-20 torpedoes/missiles (exceptions like Soryu exist) - Generally very cramped which makes long deployments very unpleasant Now you know that modern diesels are extremely quiet and can stay underwater for a week. Add the ability to fire cruise missiles and torpedoes to them, now they become extremely dangerous in combat, especially in shallow water regions. That’s why they must be detected as early as possible in a conflict and destroyed using adequate techniques and assets which has been covered in my next article here Rate the article below if you enjoyed it. 8 Replies to “Anti-Submarine Warfare (Part-2) : Diesel-Electric Submarines”
Did Egyptian Mummification Descend from a More Ancient and, Perhaps, Reversible Preservation Technique? A central concept in the novel The Sphinx Scrolls is whether a mummification technology has ever existed that could preserve someone for long periods and retain the potential to bring them back to life. The book introduces the hypothesis that Egyptian mummification took its inspiration from an older and more advanced system which had such capabilities. But how far-fetched is that idea? Mummification in ancient Egypt, despite its success at preserving human tissue over thousands of years, was essentially symbolic. Take away belief in their spiritual afterlife, and the mummification process was just a sophisticated version of taxidermy, designed to halt the decay of skin cells. Internal organs were disposed of, since there was no concoction of spices and salts able to penetrate deep enough to save them. Kai-i-nefer mummy, Egypt, Late Period, 525-332 BC. (Public Domain) But could Egyptian mummification have been a simplified, non-functioning version of a lost art of body preservation that had a real chance of reanimation? This notion only has credibility if it is first accepted that the ancient Egyptians descended from a highly advanced antediluvian civilization, one that has since been lost to history. This controversial theory is based on numerous finds, curiosities and apparent anomalies supporting the tantalizing idea that instead of marking the zenith of mankind’s technological development, Egyptian achievements signaled the tail end of the decline of an even greater society. Ancient Knowledge and Technology In 1837 Egyptologist Colonel Howard Vyse blasted a hole in the Great Pyramid of Giza and discovered a section of iron sheet lodged between the inner blocks. Yet the pyramid was constructed two millennia before the Iron Age. Furthermore, a 1989 metallurgical analysis of that iron found traces of gold on its surface, suggesting it had been gold plated. This would have required knowledge of electricity. - Medical Mystery of Usermontu: Why the Discovery of 2,600-Year-Old Knee Screw Left Experts Dumbfounded - Ready for the Afterlife: The Mummification Process in Ancient Egypt Other clues might also point to an understanding of electricity. The Hathor Temple at Dendera boasts stone reliefs depicting what some have interpreted as lightbulbs. The Dendera Light (CC BY-SA 3.0) Some researchers have further speculated that the absence of soot or burn marks from flame torches in some Egyptian tombs could indicate the use of a system of electric lighting. Then there are the drilled holes still to be found in the granite of the Great Pyramid and in many other sites, including stone quarries. Might these perfectly circular, deep holes have been cut using a tool that required electric power? What about the peculiar hieroglyphs in the Temple of Seti I at Abydos which appear to show a helicopter, a boat and an airplane? The hieroglyphs in Temple of Seti I. (Public Domain) A single aberrant artifact can be explained as a coincidence or a modern misinterpretation. The helicopter carving, for instance, is believed to result from overlapping hieroglyphs following the re-use of the same stone. But faced with many other instances that appear to defy the established historical timeline, should we at least consider the possibility that Pharaonic Egypt represented humanity’s rediscovery of a fraction of what it once knew? After all, did the ability to construct the Great Pyramid of Giza with such scale and accuracy arrive relatively suddenly in a Bronze Age society, or did its builders use knowledge that had been preserved for generations? The Great Sphinx of Giza might be thousands of years older than the pyramids. Some geologists who studied its weathering patterns have claimed it dates back to a time when the Giza plateau had a wet climate – several millennia before the pyramid builders. If this is true, it could support the lost civilization theory. Could the Pharaohs have descended from an advanced antediluvian civilization? Were ancient Egyptians dimly aware of a past glory, of a time when their ancestors had the potential to ‘live forever’? - From Chrome Plating to Nanotubes: The Modern Chemistry First Used in Ancient Times - Modern version of ancient Egyptian practice of mummification now available - 17 Out-of-Place Artifacts Said to Suggest High-Tech Prehistoric Civilizations Existed If the theories about Egyptian technology being a remnant of something far older and greater are true, then could their mummification also be a watered down version of a prehistoric technique that used more complex chemistry? Did they practice a pale remembrance of a procedure that preserved cells throughout the body, not just the skin, and that may even have been reversible? If so, they retained only partial knowledge. They didn’t possess the full recipe to mummify their dead with any prospect of genuine reanimation. Mural of Egyptian Mummy Preparation at the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum. (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) Today’s cryonic sciences aim to preserve people without decay in order that a terminal ailment may be cured at some future date and the subject reanimated for a second chance at life. Cryonic techniques avoid cellular damage from ice during the freezing process by adding cryoprotectant chemicals to the body. These enable water in and around the cells to become solid without forming ice crystals. But the cryoprotectants themselves are harmful, and the system relies on the hope that future scientists will be able to reverse the adverse effects of their use. Is it conceivable that the ancients were able to formulate a cellular antifreeze that could avoid ice damage without harmful side-effects? Did they have a way to halt biological time without inducing permanent low temperatures? Is there a chemical compound which, when pumped through the body to replace the blood at the point of death, enables indefinite preservation without power or ice? The preserved ancient Egyptian mummy of Seti I. (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) This is speculation, not science. Hypothesis, not history. It’s easy to use imagination to join the dots of history to create a coherent timeline of events without much evidence, but that timeline must be recognized for its speculative nature. Besides, if there was a reversible form of ambient temperature mummification in the distant past, surely such a preserved body would have been found by now? Well, not necessarily. War or natural disaster could explain their absence. Or we could be looking in the wrong place. For a moment, go on a flight of fancy and imagine Plato’s account of Atlantis was based on a real lost civilization with advanced technology, electronics, powered flight, navigation and sophisticated medicine. The Atlantians were said to have looked beyond our atmosphere for the answer to eternal ultra-low temperatures needed for cryo-preservation. They might have used rocketry to send mummified bodies to the outer reaches of the solar system, and this is what their descendants, the Egyptians, tried symbolically to emulate, thinking their dead would go on a journey to the stars. These are currently topics for fiction. The Sphinx Scrolls joins the dots to create a coherent, dramatic history based on these ideas. It explores what could be true. But the concepts in the novel, however improbable, are not impossible. Perhaps the full recipe for ‘immortality’ still exists, preserved in the legendary ‘hall of records’ associated with the Sphinx? Today’s fiction could yet become tomorrow’s fact. Stewart Ferris is author of The Sphinx Scrolls. Top Image: An Egyptian Mummy (CC BY-NC 2.0) Updated on July 9, 2021. I’m a firm believer in the idea of a previous possibly world wide civilization that fell during the last ice age. There is too much ancient “shared” knowledge for it to be otherwise This was explored in 1979's "SUM VII" by T.W. Hard Considering the Chinese also were masters of preservation, its highly likely at one point there was a civilization before both, which practiced likewise rituals. “….Some geologists who studied its weathering patterns have claimed it dates back to a time when the Giza plateau had a wet climate…..” The ‘weathering’ patten in questions is undeniable WATER EROSION. There hasn’t been water in the Giza plateau for 12000 years.
[ awr-i-jin, or- ] - something from which anything arises or is derived; source; fountainhead: to follow a stream to its origin. Synonyms: foundation, root Antonyms: end, destination - rise or derivation from a particular source: the origin of a word. - the first stage of existence; beginning: the origin of Quakerism in America. - ancestry; parentage; extraction: to be of Scottish origin. - the point of derivation. - the more fixed portion of a muscle. - the point in a Cartesian coordinate system where the axes intersect. / ˈɒrɪdʒɪn / - a primary source; derivation - the beginning of something; first stage or part - often plural ancestry or parentage; birth; extraction - the end of a muscle, opposite its point of insertion - the beginning of a nerve or blood vessel or the site where it first starts to branch out - the point of intersection of coordinate axes or planes - commerce the country from which a commodity or product originates shipment from origin / ôr′ə-jĭn / - The point at which the axes of a Cartesian coordinate system intersect. The coordinates of the origin are (0,0) in two dimensions and (0,0,0) in three dimensions. Word History and Origins Word History and Origins I think we can see Liz’s story is sort of an origin point for so many cultural themes today. Its 2018 report, “Reclaiming Native Truth,” explored the perceptions that Americans have of Native people, the origins of those perceptions and the impact that the perceptions have on Native people, particularly children. In speaking with Parents for Peace, however, she began to think more about the origins of his views. The notion of centering my column on “new” revelations about the origins of the Pentagon Papers seemed to be collapsing. The scenario involved one storm, with origins in the Pacific Ocean, that would race across the country, die out over Ohio, and then hand off its energy to a secondary storm developing off the Mid-Atlantic coast. “The origin of Brokpas is lost in antiquity,” a research article from the University of Delhi notes. Some of the more notorious “green on blue” attacks have their origin in such outraged honor. Black Alice and Strix have origin stories that more closely resemble the archetypal comic heroes. Just corporeal enough to attest humanity, yet sufficiently transparent to let the celestial origin shine through. But not only has the name tobacco and the implements employed in its use caused much discussion but also the origin of the plant. A marked increase indicates some pathologic condition at the site of their origin. William King, archbishop of Dublin, died; author of a celebrated treatise on the origin of evil.
What is motion sickness? Motion sickness, sometimes referred to as sea sickness or car sickness, is a very common disturbance of the inner ear that is caused by repeated motion. Anyone can develop motion sickness, but people vary in their sensitivity to motion. Motion sickness most commonly affects children from 2 to 12 years old, pregnant women, and people who are prone to migraines. In addition to sea travel, motion sickness can develop from the movement of a car or from turbulence in an airplane. What are symptoms of motion sickness? Symptoms of motion sickness are: These symptoms arise from the inner ear (labyrinth) due to changes in a person's sense of balance and equilibrium. 10 Tips to prevent motion sickness While it may be impossible to prevent all cases of motion sickness, the following tips can help you prevent or lessen the severity of motion sickness: - Watch your consumption of foods, drinks, and alcohol before and during travel. Avoid excessive alcohol and foods or liquids that "do not agree with you" or make you feel unusually full. Heavy, spicy, or fat-rich foods may worsen motion sickness in some people. - Avoiding strong food odors may also help prevent nausea. - Try to choose a seat where you will experience the least motion. The middle of an airplane over the wing is the calmest area of an airplane. On a ship, those in lower level cabins near the center of a ship generally experience less motion than passengers in higher or outer cabins. - Do not sit facing backwards from your direction of travel. - Sit in the front seat of a car. - Do not read while traveling if you are prone to motion sickness. - When traveling by car or boat, it can sometimes help to keep your gaze fixed on the horizon or on a fixed point. - Open a vent or source of fresh air if possible. - Isolate yourself from others who may be suffering from motion sickness. Hearing others talk about motion sickness or seeing others becoming ill can sometimes make you feel ill yourself. - The over-the-counter medication meclizine (Bonine, Antivert, Dramamine) can be a very effective preventive measure for short trips or for mild cases of motion sickness. Your doctor also may choose to prescribe medications for longer trips or if you repeatedly develop severe motion sickness. One example of a prescription medication is a patch containing scopolamine (Transderm-Scop) that often is effective in preventing motion sickness. Remember that scopolamine can cause drowsiness and has other side effects, and its use should be discussed with your physician prior to your trip. CDC.gov. Motion Sickness.
Coronavirus: Images reveal how COVID-19 'destroys' the lungs For the first time, researchers have used virtual reality (VR) to see just how much damage the coronavirus can cause. Tuesday 7 April 2020 15:26, UK Researchers in the US have used virtual reality (VR) for the first time to reveal how coronavirus attacks the lungs and kills people. Such is the ferocity with which coronavirus can target the lungs, even otherwise healthy people can fall seriously ill - and could die. The images, from George Washington University Hospital in Washington DC paint a stark picture of the potential impact of the COVID-19 disease, which can be so serious that even patients who survive may be left with lifelong breathing difficulties. In these images, which were recreated from the university's first COVID-19 patient in mid-March, the green areas show where the virus has damaged tissue in the lungs. "There is such a stark contrast between the virus-infected abnormal lung and the more healthy, adjacent lung tissue," explains Dr Keith Mortman, chief of thoracic surgery at GWHU. "The damage that we're seeing is not isolated to any one part of the lung. "This is severe damage to both lungs diffusely." Such damage could come in the form of an illness such as pneumonia or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which stops oxygen from reaching vital organs. Normally oxygen would enter down the windpipe and head into the lungs, filling up air sacs that then enter red blood cells, which in turn circulate around the heart and the body. ARDS would stop the oxygen before it gets to the lungs, starting a domino effect for the rest of the body. GHWU has been using its so-called Surgical Theater VR technology since 2016 - it has previously been used for surgical planning and to educate patients. The COVID-19 patient - a man in his late 50s - had mild symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) to start with, but his condition deteriorated and he needed to be hospitalised and placed on a ventilator. When his condition escalated further, he was transferred to GWUH for more intensive treatment called ECMO, which stands for extracorporeal membrane oxygeneration. It sees blood removed from the body, infused with oxygen, and then returned to the body. Speaking on GWHU's coronavirus podcast, Dr Mortman said the damage shown in the images suggests COVID-19 could have long-lasting effects on its most critical victims. He said: "It starts off as a viral infection, but you can see that it becomes severe inflammation in the lung, and when it does not subside it becomes scarring, creating long term damage. "It could really impact somebody's ability to breathe in the long term." Dr Mortman said that while the majority of people who get infected will recover well from minor symptoms or have no symptoms whatsoever, around 20% will develop more severe problems. Hospital admission, intensive care treatment and ventilation could all follow. "People who so far have not been heeding the warning of public health professionals can see these images and the destruction that's being caused in the lungs, and why these patient's lungs are failing to the point of needing a mechanical ventilator," he said. "Hopefully the public can see these images and start to understand why this situation is so serious and how this virus really is not discriminating among various people."
Rolihlahla Mandela was brought into the world on July 18, 1918, into the Madiba clan in the town of Mvezo, in Transkei, South Africa. His original name was Rolihlahla Mandela. “Rolihlahla” in the Xhosa language in a real sense signifies “pulling the part of a tree,” yet more usually deciphers as “troublemaker” His mom was Nonqaphi Nosekeni and his dad was Nkosi Mphakanyiswa Gadla Mandela, head advocate to the Acting King of the Thembu public, Jongintaba Dalindyebo. Mandela’s dad, who was bound to be a Chief, filled in as a guide to clan leaders for a considerable length of time yet lost the two of his title and fortune over a question with the nearby frontier judge. His dad’s deficiency of status constrained his mom to move the family to Qunu, a considerably more modest town north of Mvezo. He went to elementary school in Qunu where his educator, Miss Mdingane, gave him the name Nelson, as per the custom of giving all schoolchildren “Christian” names. Mandela was the first in his family to attend school. Mandela’s teacher told him that his new first name would be Nelson. When Mandela was 12 years old, his father died of lung disease, causing his life to change dramatically. He was adopted by Chief Jongintaba Dalindyebo, the acting regent of the Thembu people — a gesture done as a favor to Mandela’s father, who, years earlier, had recommended Jongintaba be made chief. Mandela was given the same status and responsibilities as the regent’s two other children, his son and oldest child, Justice, and daughter Nomafu. Mandela took classes in a one-room school next to the palace, studying English, Xhosa, history and geography. It was during this period that Mandela developed an interest in African history, from elder chiefs who came to the Great Palace on official business. He learned how the African people had lived in relative peace until the coming of the white people. According to the elders, the children of South Africa had previously lived as brothers, but white men had shattered this fellowship. While Black men shared their land, air and water with white people, white men took all of these things for themselves. In 1939, Mandela enrolled at the University of Fort Hare, the only residential center of higher learning for Black people in South Africa at the time. Fort Hare was considered Africa’s equivalent of Harvard, drawing scholars from all parts of sub-Saharan Africa. In his first year at the university, Mandela took the required courses, but focused on Roman-Dutch law to prepare for a career in civil service as an interpreter or clerk — regarded as the best profession that a Black man could obtain at the time. In his second year at Fort Hare, Mandela was elected to the Student Representative Council. For some time, students had been dissatisfied with the food and lack of power held by the SRC. During this election, a majority of students voted to boycott unless their demands were met. Aligning with the student majority, Mandela resigned from his position. Seeing this as an act of insubordination, the university expelled Mandela for the rest of the year and gave him an ultimatum: He could return to the school if he agreed to serve on the SRC. When Mandela returned home, the regent was furious, telling him unequivocally that he would have to recant his decision and go back to school in the fall. A few weeks after Mandela returned home, Regent Jongintaba announced that he had arranged a marriage for his adopted son. The regent wanted to make sure that Mandela’s life was properly planned, and the arrangement was within his right, as tribal custom dictated. Shocked by the news, feeling trapped and believing that he had no other option than to follow this recent order, Mandela ran away from home. He settled in Johannesburg, where he worked a variety of jobs, including as a guard and a clerk, while completing his bachelor’s degree via correspondence courses. He then enrolled at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg to study law. Mandela soon became actively involved in the anti-apartheid movement, joining the African National Congress in 1942. Within the ANC, a small group of young Africans banded together, calling themselves the African National Congress Youth League. Their goal was to transform the ANC into a mass grassroots movement, deriving strength from millions of rural peasants and working people who had no voice under the current regime. Specifically, the group believed that the ANC’s old tactics of polite petitioning were ineffective. In 1949, the ANC officially adopted the Youth League’s methods of boycott, strike, civil disobedience and non-cooperation, with policy goals of full citizenship, redistribution of land, trade union rights, and free and compulsory education for all children. For 20 years, Mandela directed peaceful, nonviolent acts of defiance against the South African government and its racist policies, including the 1952 Defiance Campaign and the 1955 Congress of the People. He founded the law firm Mandela and Tambo, partnering with Oliver Tambo, a brilliant student he’d met while attending Fort Hare. The law firm provided free and low-cost legal counsel to unrepresented Black people. In 1956, Mandela and 150 others were arrested and charged with treason for their political advocacy (they were eventually acquitted). Meanwhile, the ANC was being challenged by Africanists, a new breed of Black activists who believed that the pacifist method of the ANC was ineffective. Africanists soon broke away to form the Pan-Africanist Congress, which negatively affected the ANC; by 1959, the movement had lost much of its militant support. Formerly committed to nonviolent protest, Mandela began to believe that armed struggle was the only way to achieve change. In 1961, Mandela co-founded Umkhonto we Sizwe, also known as MK, an armed offshoot of the ANC dedicated to sabotage and use guerilla war tactics to end apartheid. In 1961, Mandela orchestrated a three-day national workers’ strike. He was arrested for leading the strike the following year and was sentenced to five years in prison. In 1963, Mandela was brought to trial again. This time, he and 10 other ANC leaders were sentenced to life imprisonment for political offenses, including sabotage. Mandela spent 27 years in prison, from November 1962 until February 1990. He was incarcerated on Robben Island for 18 of his 27 years in prison. During this time, he contracted tuberculosis and, as a Black political prisoner, received the lowest level of treatment from prison workers. However, while incarcerated, Mandela was able to earn a Bachelor of Law degree through a University of London correspondence program. A 1981 memoir by South African intelligence agent Gordon Winter described a plot by the South African government to arrange for Mandela’s escape so as to shoot him during the recapture; the plot was foiled by British intelligence. Mandela continued to be such a potent symbol of Black resistance that a coordinated international campaign for his release was launched, and this international groundswell of support exemplified the power and esteem that Mandela had in the global political community. In 1982, Mandela and other ANC leaders were moved to Pollsmoor Prison, allegedly to enable contact between them and the South African government. In 1985, President P.W. Botha offered Mandela’s release in exchange for renouncing armed struggle; the prisoner flatly rejected the offer. Release from Prison by F. W. de Klerk With increasing local and international pressure for his release, the government participated in several talks with Mandela over the ensuing years, but no deal was made. It wasn’t until Botha suffered a stroke and was replaced by Frederik Willem de Klerk that Mandela’s release was finally announced, on February 11, 1990. De Klerk also lifted the ban on the ANC, removed restrictions on political groups and suspended executions. Upon his release from prison, Mandela immediately urged foreign powers not to reduce their pressure on the South African government for constitutional reform. While he stated that he was committed to working toward peace, he declared that the ANC’s armed struggle would continue until the Black majority received the right to vote. In 1991, Mandela was elected president of the African National Congress, with lifelong friend and colleague Oliver Tambo serving as national chairperson. Due in no small part to the work of Mandela and President de Klerk, negotiations between Black and white South Africans prevailed: On April 27, 1994, South Africa held its first democratic elections. Mandela was inaugurated as the country’s first Black president on May 10, 1994, at the age of 77, with de Klerk as his first deputy. From 1994 until June 1999, President Mandela worked to bring about the transition from minority rule and apartheid to Black majority rule. He used the nation’s enthusiasm for sports as a pivot point to promote reconciliation between white and Black people, encouraging Black South Africans to support the once-hated national rugby team. In 1995, South Africa came to the world stage by hosting the Rugby World Cup, which brought further recognition and prestige to the young republic. That year Mandela was also awarded the Order of Merit. During his presidency, Mandela also worked to protect South Africa’s economy from collapse. Through his Reconstruction and Development Plan, the South African government funded the creation of jobs, housing and basic health care. In 1996, Mandela signed into law a new constitution for the nation, establishing a strong central government based on majority rule, and guaranteeing both the rights of minorities and the freedom of expression. By the 1999 general election, Mandela had retired from active politics. Mandela was later diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer in 2001. In June 2004, at the age of 85, he announced his formal retirement from public life and returned to his native village of Qunu. Mandela died on December 5, 2013, at the age of 95 in his home in Johannesburg, South Africa. After suffering a lung infection in January 2011. Movie and Books In 1994, Mandela published his autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom, much of which he had secretly written while in prison. The book inspired the 2013 movie Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom. Source Credit: nelsonmandela.org, biography.com
, (1919), strike of about 80 percent of Boston’s police force protesting the opposition to their attempt to organize a union. The Boston police force, which had sought affiliation with the American Federation of Labor after World War I, was denied the right to unionize by the city’s police commissioner. On September 9, 1919, the police went on strike. Without police protection, the city was quickly experiencing robberies and riots. Mayor Andrew J. Peters called in Boston companies of militia, restoring order and breaking the strike. Later, Governor Calvin Coolidge—who had refused to act earlier to prevent the strike—sent in the entire Massachusetts militia even though the situation was then under control. The troops fired on a mob, killing two people. Coolidge came to be regarded as the hero of the entire episode. Declaring, “There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, anytime,” Coolidge gained a national reputation as a staunch supporter of law and order. His role in the Boston police strike led largely to his nomination for vice president on the 1920 Republican ticket (he succeeded to the presidency following Warren G. Harding’s death in 1923).
A stroke is a life-threatening condition that happens when part of your brain doesn’t have enough blood flow. This commonly happens because of a blocked artery or bleeding in your brain. Without a steady supply of blood, the brain cells in that area start to die from a lack of oxygen. IMPORTANT: A stroke is a life-threatening emergency condition where every second counts. If you or someone with you has symptoms of a stroke, IMMEDIATELY call 911 (or your local emergency services number). The quicker stroke is treated, the more likely you’ll recover without disability. To recognize the warning signs of a stroke, remember to think BE FAST: - B. Be watchful for a sudden loss of balance. - E. Look out for sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes. Are they experiencing double vision? - F. Ask the person to smile. Look for a droop on one or both sides of their face, which is a sign of muscle weakness or paralysis. - A. A person having a stroke often has muscle weakness on one side. Ask them to raise their arms. If they have one-sided weakness (and didn’t have it before), one arm will stay higher while the other will sag and drop downward. - S. Strokes often cause a person to lose their ability to speak. They might slur their speech or have trouble choosing the right words. - T. Time is critical, so don’t wait to get help! If possible, look at your watch or a clock and remember when symptoms start. Telling a healthcare provider when symptoms started can help the provider know what treatment options are best for you. Table of Contents The loss of blood flow to the brain damages tissues within the brain. Symptoms of a stroke show up in the body parts controlled by the damaged areas of the brain. The sooner a person having a stroke gets care, the better their outcome is likely to be. For this reason, it’s helpful to know the signs of stroke so you can act quickly. Stroke symptoms can include: - numbness or weakness in the arm, face, and leg, especially on one side of the body - trouble speaking or understanding others - slurred speech - confusion, disorientation, or lack of responsiveness - sudden behavioral changes, especially increased agitation - vision problems, such as trouble seeing in one or both eyes with vision blackened or blurred, or double vision - trouble walking - loss of balance or coordination - severe, sudden headache with an unknown - nausea or vomiting A stroke requires immediate medical attention. If you think you or someone else is having a stroke, call 911 or local emergency services right away. Prompt treatment is key to preventing the following outcomes: - brain damage - long-term disability It’s better to be overly cautious when dealing with a stroke, so don’t be afraid to get emergency medical help if you think you recognize the signs of a stroke. There are two main causes of stroke: a blocked artery (ischemic stroke) or leaking or bursting of a blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke). Some people may have only a temporary disruption of blood flow to the brain, known as a transient ischemic attack (TIA), that doesn’t cause lasting symptoms. Ischemia stroke is when cells don’t get enough blood flow to supply them with oxygen. This usually happens because something blocks blood vessels in your brain, cutting off blood flow. Ischemic strokes are the most common and account for about 80% of all strokes. Ischemic strokes usually happen in one of the following ways: - Formation of a clot in your brain (thrombosis. - A fragment of a clot that formed elsewhere in your body that breaks free and travels through your blood vessels until it gets stuck in your brain (embolism). - Small vessel blockage (lacunar stroke), which can happen when you have long-term, untreated high blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol (hyperlipidemia) or high blood sugar (Type 2 diabetes). - Unknown reasons (these are cryptogenic strokes; the word “cryptogenic” means “hidden origin”). Hemorrhagic stroke cause bleeding in or around your brain. This happens in one of two ways: - Bleeding inside of your brain (intracerebral). This happens when a blood vessel inside of your brain tears or breaks open, causing bleeding that puts pressure on the surrounding brain tissue. - Bleeding into the subarachnoid space (the space between your brain and its outer covering). The arachnoid membrane, a thin layer of tissue with a spiderweb-like pattern on it, surrounds your brain. The space between it and your brain is the subarachnoid space (“sub” means “under”). Damage to blood vessels that pass through the arachnoid membrane can cause a subarachnoid hemorrhage which is bleeding into the subarachnoid space, putting pressure on the brain tissue underneath. Transient ischemic attack (TIA) A transient ischemic attack (TIA) – sometimes known as a ministroke – is a temporary period of symptoms similar to those in a stroke. A TIA doesn’t cause permanent damage. A TIA is caused by a temporary decrease in blood supply to part of the brain, which may last as little as five minutes. Like an ischemic stroke, a TIA occurs when a clot or debris reduces or blocks blood flow to part of the nervous system. Seek emergency care even if you think you’ve had a TIA because your symptoms got better. It’s not possible to tell if you’re having a stroke or TIA based only on the symptoms. If you’ve had a TIA, it means you may have a partially blocked or narrowed artery leading to the brain. Having a TIA increases your risk of having a full-blown stroke later. You can also read about symptoms and types of heart failure Ischemic strokes and hemorrhagic strokes can happen for many reasons. Ischemic strokes usually happen because of blood clots. These can happen for various reasons, such as: - Clotting disorders. - Atrial fibrillation (especially when it happens due to sleep apnea). - Heart defects (atrial septal defect or ventricular septal defect). - Microvascular ischemic disease (which can block smaller blood vessels in your brain). Hemorrhagic strokes can happen for several reasons also, including: - High blood pressure, especially when you have it for a long time, when it’s very high, or both. - Brain aneurysms can sometimes lead to hemorrhagic strokes. - Brain tumors (including cancer). - Diseases that weaken or cause unusual changes in blood vessels in your brain, such as moyamoya disease. Other related conditions Several other conditions and factors can contribute to a person’s stroke risk. These include: - Alcohol use disorder. - High blood pressure (this can play a role in all types of strokes, not just hemorrhagic ones because it can contribute to blood vessel damage that makes a stroke more likely). - High cholesterol (hyperlipidemia). - Migraine headaches (they can have symptoms similar to a stroke, and people with migraines especially migraines with auras – also have a higher risk of stroke at some point in their life). - Type 2 diabetes. - Smoking and other forms of tobacco use (including vaping and smokeless tobacco). - Drug misuse (including prescription and nonprescription drugs). Certain risk factors make you more susceptible to stroke. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, risk factors for stroke include: An unbalanced diets can increase the risk of stroke. This type of diet is high in: - saturated fats - trans fats Inactivity, or lack of exercise, can also raise the risk of stroke. Regular exercise has a number of health benefits. The CDC recommends that adults get at least 2.5 hrs of aerobic exercise every week. This can mean simply a brisk walk a few times a week. Heavy alcohol use The risk of stroke also increases with heavy alcohol consumption. If you drink, drink in moderation. This means no more than one drink a day for women, and no more than two drinks a day for men. Heavy alcohol use can raise blood pressure levels. It can also raise triglycerides levels, which can cause atherosclerosis. This is plaque buildup in the arteries that narrows blood vessels. Using tobacco in any form also raises the risk of stroke, since it can damage the blood vessels and heart. Nicotine also raises blood pressure. There are some risk factors for stroke you can’t control, such as: - Family history. Stroke risk is higher in some families because of genetic health factors, such as high blood pressure. - Sex. According to the CDC, while both women and men can have strokes, they’re more common in women than in men in all age groups. - Age. The older you are, the more likely you are to have a stroke. - Race and ethnicity. African Americans, Alaska Natives, and American Indians are more likely to have a stroke than other racial groups. Certain medical conditions are linked to stroke risk. These include: - a previous stroke or TIA - high blood pressure - high cholesterol - carrying too much excess weight - heart disorders, such as coronary artery disease - heart valve defects - enlarged heart chambers and irregular heartbeats - sickle cell disease - blood clotting disorder - patent foramen ovale (PFO) To find out about your specific risk factors for stroke, talk with your doctor. You can also read about causes and risk factors of heart attack A stroke can sometimes cause temporary or permanent disabilities, depending on how long the brain lacks blood flow and which part is affected. Complications may include: - Paralysis or loss of muscle movement. You may become paralyzed on one side of the body, or lose control of certain muscles, such as those on one side of the face or one arm. - Difficulty talking or swallowing. A stroke might affect control of the muscles in the mouth and throat, making it difficult for you to talk clearly, swallow or eat. You also may have difficulty with language, including speaking or understanding speech, reading, or writing. - Memory loss or thinking difficulties.Many people who have had strokes experience some memory loss. Others may have difficulty thinking, reasoning, making judgments and understanding concepts. - Emotional problems. People who have had strokes may have more difficulty controlling their emotions, or they may develop depression. - Pain. Pain, numbness or other unusual sensations may occur in the parts of the body affected by stroke. For example, if a stroke causes you to lose feeling in the left arm, you may develop an uncomfortable tingling sensation in that arm. - Changes in behavior and self-care ability.People who have had strokes may become more withdrawn. They may need help with grooming and daily chores. There are many things you can do to reduce your risk of having a stroke. While this doesn’t mean you can prevent a stroke, it can lower your risk. Actions you can take include: - Improve your lifestyle. Eating a healthy diet and adding exercise to your daily routine can improve your health. You should also make sure to get enough sleep (the recommended amount is seven to eight hours). - Avoid risky lifestyle choices or make changes to your behaviors. Smoking and tobacco use, including vaping, recreational drug use or prescription drug misuse, and alcohol misuse can all increase your risk of having a stroke. It’s important to stop these or never start them. If you struggle with any of these, talking to your healthcare provider is important. Your provider can offer you guidance and resources that can help you change your lifestyle to avoid these behaviors. - Manage your health conditions and risk factors. There are several conditions, such as obesity, abnormal heart rhythms, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes or high cholesterol, which can increase your risk of having an ischemic stroke. If you have one or more of these conditions, it’s very important that you do what you can to manage them, especially by taking medications – such as blood thinners – as prescribed by your provider. Doing that earlier in life can you avoid severe stroke-related problems later in life. - See your primary care provider for a checkup or wellness visit annually. Yearly wellness visits can detect health problems especially ones that contribute to having a stroke – long before you feel any symptoms. If you’re at risk for any kind of stroke, your healthcare provider may recommend changing your diet to avoid increases in blood pressure. Examples of these include: - Beverages that contain caffeine, such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, etc. - Foods that contain a lot of salt or sodium, which can increase blood pressure. - Foods that are high in saturated fats, such as fried foods, etc. - Alcohol or recreational stimulant drugs (cocaine, amphetamines/methamphetamine, etc.). You can also read about diagnosis and prevention of heart murmurs Your doctor will ask you or a family member about your symptoms and what you were doing when they arose. They’ll take your medical history to find out your stroke risk factors. They’ll also: - ask what medications you take - check your blood pressure - listen to your heart You’ll also have a physical exam, during which your doctor will evaluate you for: - numbness in your arms, face, or legs - signs of confusion - vision issues Your doctor will then do certain tests to help confirm a stroke diagnosis. These tests can help them determine whether you had a stroke and, if So: - what may have caused it - what part of the brain is affected - whether you have bleeding in the brain What tests will be done to diagnose stroke The most common tests that happen when a healthcare provider suspects a stroke include: - Computerized tomography (CT) scan. - Lab blood tests (looking for signs of infections or heart damage, checking clotting ability and blood sugar levels, testing how well kidneys and liver function, etc.). - Electrocardiogram (abbreviated ECG or EKG) - to make sure that a heart issue isn’t the source of the problem. - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans - Electroencephalogram (EEG), though less common, can rule out seizures or related problems. Treatment of stroke Emergency treatment for stroke depends on whether you’re having an ischemic stroke or a stroke that involves bleeding into the brain (hemorrhagic). To treat an ischemic stroke, doctors must quickly restore blood flow to the brain. This may be done with: - Emergency IV medication. Therapy with drugs that can break up a clot has to be given within 4.5 hours from when symptoms first started if given intravenously. The sooner these drugs are given, the better. Quick treatment not only improves your chances of survival but also may reduce complications. An IV injection of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) – also called alteplase (Activase) or tenecteplase (TNKase) is the gold standard treatment for ischemic stroke. An injection of TPA is usually given through a vein in the arm within the first three hours. Sometimes, TPA can be given up to 4.5 hours after stroke symptoms started. This drug restores blood flow by dissolving the blood clot causing the stroke. By quickly removing the cause of the stroke, it may help people recover more fully from a stroke. Your doctor will consider certain risks, such as potential bleeding in the brain, to determine whether TPA is appropriate for you. - Emergency endovascular procedures. Doctors sometimes treat ischemic strokes directly inside the blocked blood vessel. Endovascular therapy has been shown to significantly improve outcomes and reduce long-term disability after ischemic stroke. These procedures must be performed as soon as possible: - Medications delivered directly to the brain. Doctors insert a long, thin tube (catheter) through an artery in the groin and thread it to the brain to deliver TPA directly where the stroke is happening. The time window for this treatment is somewhat longer than for injected TPA but is still limited. - Removing the clot with a stent retriever. Doctors can use a device attached to a catheter to directly remove the clot from the blocked blood vessel in the brain. This procedure is particularly beneficial for people with large clots that can’t be completely dissolved with TPA. This procedure is often performed in combination with injected TPA. To decrease your risk of having another stroke or transient ischemic attack, your doctor may recommend a procedure to open up an artery that’s narrowed by plaque. Options vary depending on the situation, these can include: - Carotid endarterectomy. Carotid arteries are the blood vessels that run along each side of the neck, supplying the brain (carotid arteries) with blood. This surgery removes the plaque blocking a carotid artery and may reduce the risk of ischemic stroke. A carotid endarterectomy also involves risks, especially for people with heart disease or other medical conditions. - Angioplasty and stents. In an angioplasty, a surgeon threads a catheter to the carotid arteries through an artery in the groin. A balloon is then inflated to expand the narrowed artery. Then a stent can be inserted to support the opened artery. Emergency treatment of hemorrhagic stroke focuses on controlling the bleeding and reducing pressure in the brain caused by the excess fluid. Treatment options include: - Emergency measures. If you take blood-thinning medications to prevent blood clots, you may be given drugs or transfusions of blood products to counteract the blood thinners’ effects. You may also be given drugs to lower the pressure in the brain (intracranial pressure), lower blood pressure, prevent spasms of the blood vessels and prevent seizures. - Surgery. If the area of bleeding is large, your doctor may perform surgery to remove the blood and relieve pressure on the brain. Surgery may also be used to repair blood vessel problems associated with hemorrhagic strokes. Your doctor may recommend one of these procedures after a stroke or if an aneurysm, arteriovenous malformation (AM) or other type of blood vessel problem caused the hemorrhagic stroke. - Surgical clipping. A surgeon places a tiny clamp at the base of the aneurysm to stop blood flow to it. This clamp can keep the aneurysm from bursting, or it can keep an aneurysm that has recently hemorrhaged from bleeding again. - Coiling (endovascular embolization). Using a catheter inserted into an artery in the groin and guided to the brain, the surgeon will place tiny detachable coils into the aneurysm to fill it. This blocks blood flow into the aneurysm and causes blood to clot. - Surgical AVM removal. Surgeons may remove a smaller AM if it’s located in an accessible area of the brain. This eliminates the risk of rupture and lowers the risk of hemorrhagic stroke. However, it’s not always possible to remove an AVM if it’s located deep within the brain, it’s large, or its removal would cause too much of an impact on brain function. - Stereotactic radiosurgery. Using multiple beams of highly focused radiation, stereotactic radiosurgery is an advanced minimally invasive treatment used to repair blood vessel malformations. - Medmichihealthcare New posts - Download Free Medical PDFs Notes - Read All causes of disease short notes - Read All diagnosis of disease short notes - Read All treatment of disease short notes - Subscribe Medmichihealthcare YouTube channel
Actually, there is no widely accepted definition of entrepreneurship. Most times, entrepreneurs tend to define entrepreneurship based on their experience in business over the years. There is a popular quote by Myles Munroe which says, “When purpose is unknown, abuse is inevitable.” In the same vein, an aspiring entrepreneur who cannot boldly answer the question, ‘what is entrepreneurship?’ may not last in the business world. See Also: How to start a business with almost no cash The study of entrepreneurship dates back to the works of Richard Cantillon and Adam Smith in the late 17th and early 18th century. Nevertheless, entrepreneurship did not pick up until the late 19th and 20th centuries. Today, the term ‘entrepreneurship’ has spread like wild fire and everyone wants to be an entrepreneur. However, not everyone understand the concept. In this regard, we have compiled different definitions of entrepreneurship and the steps to take before becoming an entrepreneur. 1. Entrepreneurship Means Transforming The World Generally speaking, entrepreneurship is the ability to create a business idea, develop it and manage the risks in order to make profit. On the other hand, more than starting a business, entrepreneurship is about transforming the world by solving people’s problems. For instance, you can come up with a product that enhances the economy, put an end to natural disasters or improve lives generally. That way, you are making life easy for yourself and the world at large. So, in a nutshell, entrepreneurship makes life worth living. See Also: Side hustle business ideas you can start 2. Entrepreneurship Means Charting A New Course At ReDahlia, we say, entrepreneurship is a lonely journey; let us help you get through it. Of a truth, entrepreneurship is about taking risks, setting up plans, working long hours, and taking decisions that can either make or mar your business. And, in the midst of that, you are expected to keep moving and never give up. 3. Entrepreneurship Is Taking Your Dreams In Your Hand Entrepreneurship is also about building your dreams and career on your own terms. You are accountable to yourself, you dictate your own time, no boss and no salary restriction. Interestingly, this is the aspect many aspiring entrepreneurs love the most. But, beyond the feelings of excitement, entrepreneurship requires staying committed to your business goals every day. See Also: History of entrepreneurship in Nigeria 4. Entrepreneurship Is The Pursuit Of Opportunities Opportunities can be pioneering a good product, creating a new business model or targeting a new market for a particular product. So, entrepreneurship is the process by which either an individual or team identifies an opportunity and go the extra mile to deploy it. Steps To Take Before Venturing Into Entrepreneurship 1. Learn to Self Motivate If you don’t know how to motivate yourself and get yourself fired up, business isn’t for you. Because, in the world of business, you are alone. So, you have to learn how to stay motivated and keep your team motivated as well. See Also: Types and classifications of entrepreneurship 2. Practice Selling Your business is not going to work if you don’t know how to sell. So, before you take the decision of becoming an entrepreneur, you must know how to sell. If you are currently an employee, take on sales target others are running away from and ensure you hit it. In selling, there’s no playing safe. By practicing, you will be able to hone your selling skill. 3. Learn How To Save Money At every point in business, you will need money. So, save as much as you can. Besides, if you lack the ability to save, you may find it difficult to scale in business. See Also: 100 profitable business ideas for aspiring entrepreneurs 4. Work Under An Entrepreneur Working closely with a CEO will give you a better idea of how entrepreneurs think and how they make decisions. Shadow their attitude to work, their relationship with customers and the likes. Importantly, ensure you work with a true entrepreneur. To recognise one, read our articles on who is an entrepreneur and qualities of an entrepreneur. Preferably, you should work with a start up company that is striving but is taking every necessary steps to scale. Because, that’s the best company to learn from. 5. Network And Build Relationships Build contacts and connections with as many people as possible because, you never know who will introduce you to your big break. So, while preparing to start your business, value every one around you and network with people in your chosen industry. See Also: How an entrepreneur should deal with fear 6. Work For Long Hours A Week If you are working 9hours a day as an employee, be ready to work up to 20hours a day as an entrepreneur. So, practice working overtime and see if you have what it takes to survive in the business world. As a matter of fact, if you slack as an entrepreneur, you will be surprised at how someone else will come and take your market share away from you. 7. Learn How To Research In business, you must know every trend in your industry and the world around you. Also, you need to know how to constantly give something new to your customers. And, this can only be achieved with proper and consistent research. See Also: The key to entrepreneurship success 8. Start Building An Audience Entrepreneurship has a lot to do with people. So, make good use of your social media handles. Build followers on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and the likes. With that, you have the first set of people to pitch your business to. 9. Find A Problem You Want To Solve A lot of businesses fail because, they sell products people don’t need. So, ensure whatever service or product you are offering meets the needs of your target market.
An analysis of the medical records of people who doctors tested for the new coronavirus suggests that the infection exacerbates existing socioeconomic inequalities. Black people are four times as likely to test positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, compared with white people, according to a study from the United Kingdom. The research also found that people living in the most deprived areas were more than three times as likely to test positive in comparison with those living in the least deprived areas. The analysis, appearing now in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, is one of only a few studies to examine SARS-CoV-2 infection in primary care settings. Most research has been carried out in hospitals and has involved severely ill patients. The data will help to inform the easing of lockdown measures and public health advice in the U.K. over the coming months. “While clear trends have emerged from the hospital data for those with severe symptoms, the risk of infection among the general population remains a gray area,” says first author Professor Simon de Lusignan from the University of Oxford, who is also director of the Royal College of General Practitioners Research and Surveillance Centre (RSC). “It’s important to know which groups in the wider community are most at risk of infection so that we can better understand SARS-CoV-2 transmission and how to prevent new cases,” he continues. The study analyzed anonymized electronic patient records from 500 GP practice records that automatically upload data to the RSC. The practices are broadly representative of the wider population. The researchers identified a total of 587 people who tested positive for the virus and 3,215 who tested negative between January 28 and April 4, 2020. The patients underwent testing after presenting with symptoms of influenza or other respiratory infection. The proportion of black people who tested positive was 62.1% (36 of 58 people) compared with 15.5% of white people (388 of 2,497 people). This finding was significant after adjustment for existing conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes, which are more prevalent among black people and might also raise the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, the possibility remains that black people may be more likely to test positive due to other factors, such as where they work. In their paper, the authors write: “Other socioeconomic factors that we did not measure, such as employment in high risk positions, education, income, and structural barriers to healthcare, might have contributed to this association and should be urgently explored.” Contrary to an analysis of people who have died with COVID-19 in the U.K., the new study found that Asian people were no more likely than white people to test positive for the infection in primary care, after accounting for other health conditions. The authors say that their findings relating to ethnicity require caution due to the relatively small numbers from minority ethnic groups in their study. The difference between people living in the most deprived and least deprived areas was stark. Of 668 people tested from the most deprived areas, 29.5% (197 people) were positive for the virus, compared with 7.7% (143 out of 1,855 people) in the least deprived areas. Perhaps, as a result of more opportunities for social mixing, people in urban areas appeared to be more at risk than those in rural areas. Of 1,816 people tested in urban areas, 26.2% (476 people) were positive, while in rural areas, 5.6% (111 out of 1,986 people) tested positive. In contrast to analyses of severely ill patients receiving treatment in hospitals, the only preexisting health conditions that doctors could independently associate with testing positive were chronic kidney disease and obesity. Among people with chronic kidney disease, 32.9% tested positive (68 out of 207 people), compared with 14.4% of those without the disease (519 out of 3,595 people). While 13.2% of people with a healthy weight tested positive (171 out of 1,296 people), 20.9% of people who were obese tested positive (142 out of 680 people). In common with other studies, males were more likely than females to test positive, and middle-aged adults were more at risk than children. Out of 1,612 males who underwent testing, 18.4% (296) were positive, whereas 13.3% of females tested positive (291 out of 2,190 tested). Among adults aged 40–64 years, 18.5% tested positive (243 out of 1,316 people). By contrast, only 4.6% of children up to 17 years old had positive test results (23 out of 499). One of the most surprising findings was that smokers were less likely to test positive for SARS-CoV-2 than people who had never smoked. Of 413 smokers, 11.4% (47 people) tested positive in comparison with 17.9% of nonsmokers (201 out of 1,125 people). The authors caution: “Our findings should not be used to conclude that smoking prevents SARS-CoV-2 infection, or to encourage ongoing smoking, particularly given the well-documented harms to overall health from smoking, the potential for smoking to increase COVID-19 disease severity, and the possible alternative explanations for these findings.” The researchers note that smoking may affect the sensitivity of the test by reducing the concentration of virus particles in the nose and throat. In addition, smokers may be more likely to have a cough and, therefore, may be more likely to submit themselves for testing. Selection bias could potentially affect all the results due to certain groups being more or less likely to present themselves for testing. In a comment article accompanying the paper, Rachel Jordan and Peymane Adab at the Institute of Applied Health Research, University of Birmingham, U.K., write: “As the U.K. prepares to loosen lockdown measures, knowing who is most at risk of infection is vital. This study highlights the more susceptible subgroups among those with relevant symptoms, although we cannot be sure why they are more susceptible. Population level studies with testing among random samples of the general population (irrespective of symptoms), as well as accurate antibody tests of past infection, are urgently needed.”
Previous theories about warmer weather kicking the novel coronavirus to the curb have been further discredited after the Saturday publication of the French research paper “Evaluation of heating and chemical protocols for inactivating SARS-CoV-2” on bioRxiv. Within the paper, Professor Remi Charrel and colleagues from southern France’s Aix-Marseille University detailed that the novel coronavirus can be heated to 60 degrees Celsius for an entire hour and still have some surviving strains replicate afterward. This 60-degree, 60-minute rule has been historically used in lab settings to suppress fatal viruses, such as Ebola, according to the South China Morning Post. However, when the virus was exposed to a temperature of 92 degrees Celsius for only 15 minutes, it was rendered completely inactive. While the 60-degree heating could result in a deactivation of a sample with a low viral load, the 92-degree test proved more effective. The outlet highlighted that there is an understandably high demand to perform tests on the novel coronavirus, and because some tests are done in labs with lower protections, the COVID-19 samples have to be destroyed. “The results presented in this study should help to choose the best suited protocol for inactivation in order to prevent exposure of laboratory personnel in charge of direct and indirect detection of Sars-CoV-2 for diagnostic purpose,” the authors detailed. Just last week, the National Academies of Sciences published a report directed to the White House that explained the summer’s warmer temperatures would have little impact on the spread of the novel coronavirus in the US - the world’s leading country in COVID-19 cases and deaths. “There is some evidence to suggest that SARS-CoV-2 may transmit less efficiently in environments with higher ambient temperature and humidity,” the report read. “However, given the lack of host immunity globally, this reduction in transmission efficiency may not lead to a significant reduction in disease spread.” Researchers also highlighted that this “evidence of seasonality” is also not found in other, similar respiratory illnesses, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).
You may know it takes one sperm and one egg to make a baby but, if you're like most people, you might not remember much else about sperm from biology class. If infertility is an issue for you and your partner, it helps to understand some of the basics. What Is Sperm? Sperm are male sex cells. You might also hear them referred to as reproductive cells, or gametes. They fertilize female sex cells, called eggs or ova, which results in pregnancy. Parts of sperm - The head. This part of the sperm carries 23 chromosomes, which contain all the genetic information that the male will pass on. Fertilization occurs when a sperm cell penetrates an egg and combines with the 23 chromosomes the egg contains. That forms a single cell of 46 chromosomes. If all goes well, a baby will be born 9 months later. - The middle. This section contains mitochondria, which create the power that your sperm needs to move. - The tail. Also called the flagellum, the tail propels the sperm forward and through the female’s uterus and fallopian tubes in search of an egg to fertilize. The tail makes up about 90% of the sperm’s length. Sperm vs. Semen Sperm are cells that fertilize a female’s eggs as part of the human reproductive process. They must travel from a male’s testicles, where they’re made, to a female’s fallopian tubes, where eggs are found. But they can’t get there on their own. Instead, semen carries them. This whitish fluid gets produced when sperm mixes with fluids produced by other parts of the male reproduction system -- namely, the seminal vesicles and the prostate. Upon ejaculation, the semen releases out of the penis, and it carries the sperm along. Semen also contains chemicals called prostaglandins, which make it easier for sperm to move toward an unfertilized egg. Where Is Sperm Produced? Sperm are produced in the testicles. This happens within tiny tubes called seminiferous tubules. It’s an ongoing process, as the testicles make sperm nonstop. However, new sperm need time to mature before they’re ready to do their job of fertilizing an egg. That can take more than 10 weeks. While they wait to mature, young sperm get moved along to another tube on the back of the testicles, known as the epididymis. Does pre-ejaculate contain sperm? Yes. Pre-ejaculation fluid can have sperm in it. That makes it possible to start a pregnancy even if no ejaculation happens during unprotected sex. How Long Does Sperm Live? The answer depends on many things, but the most important factor is where the sperm are located. On a dry surface, such as clothing or bedding, sperm are dead by the time the semen has dried. In water, such as a warm bath or hot tub, they'll likely live longer because they thrive in warm, wet places. But the odds that sperm in a tub of water will enter a woman's body and cause them to get pregnant are extremely low. When sperm are inside female bodies, they can live for up to 5 days. If you're a man or a person assigned male at birth and you have sex even a few days before your partner ovulates, there's a chance they may get pregnant. What Is Sperm Count and Motility? Sperm count refers to the number of sperm cells in a semen sample. A normal sperm count ranges from 15 million to over 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen. If your sperm count drops below 15 million/mL, you may have trouble impregnating your partner. Sperm motility is a measure of how many of your sperm move after you ejaculate and how well they can move. Sperm that can’t move normally won’t be able to reach an unfertilized egg. Ideally, at least 40% of your sperm will move normally. The higher the number of sperm that move, the better the chance of pregnancy. Some research suggests that different ethnic groups may produce different amounts of healthy sperm. For example, a 2020 study found that Black men were more likely to have a low sperm count compared to white, Asian, and Hispanic men. If you and your partner have struggled to start a pregnancy, a semen analysis will be one of the first tests used to detect any problems with the male partner’s sperm. Some things you can learn from the analysis: Amount and thickness of semen. On average, each time men ejaculate they release 2-6 milliliters (mL) of semen, which is about a half teaspoon to one teaspoon. Less than that amount may not contain enough sperm for a woman to get pregnant. On the other hand, more than that could dilute the concentration of sperm. Semen should be thick to start with and become thinner 10-15 minutes after ejaculation. Semen that stays thick may make it difficult for sperm to move. Sperm concentration. Also called sperm density, this is the number of sperm in millions per milliliter of semen. A sperm count of 15 million or more per mL is considered normal. Morphology. This is an analysis of the size, shape, and appearance of sperm. Low sperm count Many different health conditions can cause your sperm count to drop below normal. They include: - Varicoceles. This is a swelling of the veins that empty the testicles. - Infections. Some sexually transmitted infections as well as infections of or near the testicles can lower your sperm count. - Problems with ejaculation. One type of issue, called retrograde ejaculation, diverts semen to the bladder rather than pushing it out of your penis. The causes of this include: - Blockages in the tubes that carry sperm - Spinal injuries - Surgery on the bladder, prostate, or urethra - Cancer. Some cancers as well as some cancer treatments can affect your sperm count. - Hormone imbalances. Several hormones, including testosterone, help make sperm. Problems with any of those hormones could spell trouble for sperm production. Some medications can also interfere with your sperm count by affecting your ability to produce sperm as well as your ability to ejaculate. These include: - Testosterone replacement therapy - Alpha-blockers, a type of blood pressure medication - Anabolic steroids - Some ulcer medications - Some antifungal and antibiotic medications Other causes of low sperm count include: - Exposure to industrial chemicals, such as pesticides and herbicides - Exposure to heavy metals, such as lead - Exposure to radiation or x-rays - Smoking, alcohol, and drug use - Emotional stress and depression Treating low sperm count. Treatment will depend on what’s causing your low sperm count. The treatment options include: - Antibiotics to treat infections - Counseling, which may help with erectile dysfunction and ejaculation problems - Hormone treatments How to Increase Sperm Count If you know your sperm count is below normal, you need to treat the cause. But there’s plenty that you can do to keep your sperm healthy and ready to do their job. In fact, many of the things you do to keep yourself healthy can do the same for sperm. Try some of these tips: - Don't smoke or use illicit drugs, especially anabolic steroids. - Avoid contact with toxins such as pesticides and heavy metals. - Limit how much alcohol you drink. - Maintain a healthy weight. Eat a healthy diet and keep your weight under control. - Keep your scrotum cool, because heat slows down sperm production. To do this, avoid hot baths, wear boxers instead of briefs, and try not to wear tight pants. - Examine your medications and supplements that may impact your sperm. Your doctor or pharmacist can help. - Ease your stress through regular exercise, breathing exercises, or counseling, but keep in mind that overly strenuous exercise may harm your sperm count. Another way to maintain healthy sperm is to eat a healthy diet, which includes limiting the following: - Soy products in excess, which may interfere with sperm production because they contain chemicals called phytoestrogens, which behave like female sex hormones. - Processed red meats, such as hot dogs and salami, though it’s not clear why these affect your sperm count. - Trans fats, which are bad for your health generally, have been linked to lower sperm counts. Foods with trans fats include fried foods, frozen pizza, cakes, cookies, and more. - High-fat dairy, such as whole milk, may impact the health of your sperm. Some research suggests that your diet could improve the health of your sperm. Foods that may be sperm-friendly include: - Fruits and vegetables What Is Sperm Banking? Banking your sperm means freezing and storing a sperm sample in a specialized facility. There are a number of reasons why you might want to consider this, including: - Cancer. Certain cancers as well as cancer treatments can leave you unable to produce sperm. Many men will freeze their sperm before treatment. - Age. As you get older, your sperm quality drops. Freezing sperm when younger will allow you to preserve fertility. - Medications and medical procedures. Testosterone therapy, for example, shuts down sperm production while you’re on it. You can freeze sperm before starting. You also may want to freeze sperm before a vasectomy, in case you decide to have children later. - Sperm donation. You donate your sperm so that it can be used by someone else. How Many Sperms Do You Need to Get Pregnant? It takes just one sperm to fertilize an egg. Keep in mind, though, for each sperm that reaches the egg, there are millions that don't. On average, with each ejaculation, nearly 200 to 300 million sperm are released. To meet the egg, semen must travel from the vagina to the fallopian tubes, a tough journey that few sperm survive. Experts believe this process may be nature's way of allowing only the healthiest sperm to fertilize the egg, to provide the best chances of having a healthy baby. Do Men Stop Making Sperm When They're Older? Men or people assigned male at birth can continue to be fertile throughout life. The amount of sperm you make goes down as you get older, but even older men have fathered children. Sperm plays an essential role in reproduction. If you want to have children, you need healthy sperm. A healthy lifestyle will help keep your sperm happy. If you do develop problems with your sperm, many treatments exist to get them back to normal. - How many drops of sperm are needed to get pregnant? If your sperm count is normal, you will ejaculate millions and millions of sperm cells. But only one of them is required to fertilize an egg and start a pregnancy. - What’s an ideal sperm count for reproduction? You should have at least 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen. You’ll be less likely to impregnate your partner if your sperm count drops below that number. - How long does a man have sperm? Men/people assigned male at birth produce sperm throughout their lives unless a health condition changes their ability to do so. However, your sperm count as well as the health of your sperm does begin to drop as you get older. - What can male sperm be used for? Sperm has only one use, which is to fertilize a female egg for reproduction.
The saying God bless you in response to a sneeze is of ancient origin, and there are a variety of stories about where it first came from. The practice of saying, “God bless you,” when someone sneezes does not come from the Bible, nor is there any mention of the practice in the Bible. However, the saying God bless you was used both by Hebrews (Numbers 6:24) and the early Christians as a benediction. The practice of blessing someone after a sneeze is probably as old as the first century. The origin of the practice is most likely rooted in superstition: the belief that a sneeze is the body trying to rid itself of evil spirits, the thought that the heart stops beating when a person sneezes, or the fear that a sneeze somehow opens the body to evil spirits. In these cases, saying, “God bless you,” was a kind of protection or good luck charm that shielded the sneezer from being invaded by spirits or affected by evil. Other cultures have a similar response to sneezes, believing that a sneeze could signal ill health: they might say, “Salud” (Spanish for “health”) or “Gesundheit” (German for “health”) or “Sláinte” (Irish Gaelic for “good health”) or “Jeebo” (Bengali for “stay alive”). During a plague that occurred in Italy in AD 590, sneezing was, or was thought to be, a sign that someone was getting sick with the plague. There is a legend/tradition that Pope Gregory I commanded that, any time a sneeze was heard, the sneezer was to be blessed by saying, “God bless you,” (and making the sign of the cross over his mouth) as protection against the plague. Again, there is no biblical validity to such superstition. At the same time, there is no biblical reason to believe it is sinful to bless someone after a sneeze—in fact, it might just be a good time to extend a kind word and say, “God bless you.”
In today’s fast-paced world, teaching children the importance of self-care is essential for their overall well-being. Self-care empowers children to prioritize their physical, emotional, and mental health, leading to improved resilience, self-esteem, and a sense of balance in their lives. By instilling self-care practices from an early age, we set the foundation for lifelong habits that contribute to their happiness and success. In this article, we will explore effective strategies to promote self-care in children. - Lead by Example One powerful way to guide children is by leading by example. Children learn best through observation and imitation, so it is important for parents to model positive behaviors and values in their own lives. One area where parents can have a profound impact is in teaching children about self-care. Taking care of oneself incorporates a scope of exercises that advance physical, close to home, and mental prosperity. By engaging in self-care practices and demonstrating their importance, parents can inspire their children to prioritize their own well-being. Example, parents can incorporate regular exercise into their routine and encourage their children to join them. This advances actual wellbeing as well as shows kids the benefit of remaining dynamic. Setting boundaries is an important aspect of self-care. Parents can demonstrate the importance of setting limits on work, social commitments, and technology use. By prioritizing quality family time and establishing clear boundaries, parents teach their children the value of balance and self-preservation. Consistency is key with regards to showing others how its done. Parents should strive to incorporate self-care practices into their daily lives and openly communicate about their importance. By doing so, parents provide a roadmap for their children to develop lifelong habits that promote well-being. Parents have a powerful role in shaping their children’s behavior and values. By leading by example in the realm of self-care, parents can inspire their children to prioritize their own well-being. By engaging in activities like setting boundaries, parents model positive behaviors and set their children up for a healthy and balanced life. - Encourage Physical Health Physical health is an essential aspect of overall well-being, and as parents, we can play a important role in encouraging our children to prioritize physical activity. Regular exercise offers a multitude of benefits, including increased energy levels, improved strength, and enhanced overall health. To instill a love for physical activity in children, it is important to make exercise a fun and enjoyable experience. Firstly, parents can encourage children to participate in organized sports. Sports provide a structured and social environment where children can engage in physical activity while learning valuable skills such as teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. By exposing children to different sports and allowing them to choose activities they enjoy, parents can develop a lifelong love for exercise. Outdoor play is another excellent way to promote physical health. Encourage children to engag in activities like biking, running, or playing games. Outdoor play not only allows children to release energy and strengthen their bodies but also provides opportunities for imaginative play and social interaction with peers. In addition to organized sports and outdoor play, parents can introduce activities like dancing or yoga. Dancing is a fun way for children to express themselves while improving coordination and flexibility. Yoga, on the other hand, promotes physical strength, balance, and mindfulness. By incorporating these activities into a child’s routine, parents can expose them to a variety of exercise options and help them discover what resonates with their interests and abilities. Education is key when encouraging physical health. Parents can explain to their children the numerous benefits of exercise, such as increased stamina, improved cardiovascular health, and better mental well-being. By helping children understand the positive impact of physical activity on their bodies and minds, parents can motivate them to prioritize exercise as a regular part of their lives. - Develop Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence is a valuable skill that allows individuals to recognize, understand, and manage their own emotions and the emotions of others. As parents, we can play a significant role in developing emotional intelligence in our children. By teaching them to recognize and express their emotions effectively, we empower them with the tools to navigate their emotional landscape. Open and honest communication is essential in developing emotional intelligence. Make a safe and non-critical space where kids feel happy with communicating their feelings. Encourage them to talk about their emotions, whether they are happy, sad, angry, or anxious. By actively listening and validating their emotions, parents convey the message that all feelings are valid and worthy of acknowledgment. Teaching children coping strategies is another important aspect of developing emotional intelligence. Help them identify healthy ways to manage their emotions when they feel overwhelmed. Deep breathing exercises, journaling, engaging in calming activities like drawing or listening to music, or taking a break to regain composure are effective coping techniques. By providing children with these tools, parents empower them to regulate their emotions and develop resilience. Empathy and understanding towards others’ emotions are integral components of emotional intelligence. Encourage children to consider how others might be feeling in different situations. Teach them to listen actively and respond empathetically. By developing empathy, parents help children develop strong interpersonal skills and cultivate meaningful connections with others. Modeling emotional intelligence is also important. Parents should strive to demonstrate healthy emotional expression and management themselves. By openly discussing their own emotions and demonstrating effective coping strategies, parents provide a powerful example for their children to follow. - Cultivate Healthy Habits Cultivating healthy habits in children is a important investment in their long-term well-being. By teaching them about the importance of good nutrition, adequate sleep, and personal hygiene, parents can set the foundation for a lifetime of self-care. Healthy eating habits can be instilled by involving children in meal planning and preparation. Encourage them to participate in grocery shopping, selecting nutritious foods, and preparing meals together. This develop a sense of ownership and empowerment over their food choices. Teaching children about the benefits of a balanced diet, including the importance of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, helps them make informed decisions about their nutrition. Adequate sleep is important for children’s physical and mental health. Establish consistent bedtimes and create a calming bedtime routine that signals to their bodies that it’s time to unwind and prepare for sleep. Limit electronic device usage before bed to promote better sleep quality. By prioritizing restful sleep, parents help children develop healthy sleep patterns that contribute to their overall well-being. Personal hygiene is another essential aspect of self-care. Teach children proper handwashing techniques and the importance of maintaining cleanliness. Encourage regular bathing, brushing teeth, and other hygiene practices. Explain to them the significance of personal hygiene in preventing the spread of germs and maintaining good health. Consistency is key in cultivating healthy habits. Establish routines that incorporate these habits into a child’s daily life. Consistency provides structure and helps children develop a sense of responsibility for their own well-being. Parents should also model healthy habits themselves. Children are more likely to adopt behaviors they see their parents practicing. By demonstrating good nutrition, prioritizing sleep, and maintaining personal hygiene, parents provide a powerful example for their children to follow. - Promote Mindfulness Promoting mindfulness in children is a valuable way to support their overall well-being. Mindfulness practices help children stay present, develop self-awareness, and cultivate a sense of inner calm. By introducing children to simple mindfulness techniques, parents can empower them with tools to navigate their emotions and experiences. Teaching children deep breathing exercises is a fundamental mindfulness technique. Urge them to take slow, full breaths, zeroing in on the impression of the breath entering and leaving their bodies. Deep breathing helps children regulate their emotions, reduce stress, and promote a sense of calm. It can be practiced anywhere and at any time, making it a versatile tool for children to use in various situations. Guided visualization is another effective mindfulness practice for children. Take them on imaginary journeys where they can visualize peaceful and serene environments. Encourage them to use their senses to engage with the visualization, such as imagining the sights, sounds, and smells of their chosen destination. Guided visualization exercises enhance children’s ability to focus, reduce anxiety, and promote a sense of relaxation. Mindful coloring is a popular activity that encourages children to be fully present in the moment. Provide them with coloring books or blank sheets and encourage them to focus on the sensory experience of coloring. Encourage them to notice the colors, the sensation of the crayon or marker on the paper, and the patterns they create. Mindful coloring promotes concentration, creativity, and relaxation. Parents can also encourage children to take mindful breaks during the day. Teach them to pause, take a few deep breaths, and tune into their thoughts and feelings. This practice allows children to develop self-awareness, recognize their emotions, and respond to them in healthy ways. Mindful breaks can be particularly beneficial during moments of stress, overwhelm, or strong emotions. Promoting mindfulness in children is a powerful way to support their overall well-being. By teaching them simple techniques like deep breathing, guided visualization, and mindful coloring, parents provide children with tools to stay present, manage stress, enhance focus, and cultivate a sense of inner calm. Encouraging them to take mindful breaks during the day further nurtures their self-awareness and emotional well-being. By integrating mindfulness practices into children’s lives, parents empower them to navigate the world with greater mindfulness and resilience. - Teach Time Management and Boundaries Teaching children the importance of time management and setting boundaries is a valuable life skill that will benefit them throughout their lives. By helping children prioritize their responsibilities, establish a balanced schedule, and learn to say no, parents can empower them to manage their time effectively and protect their well-being. Start by teaching children how to prioritize their responsibilities. Help them understand the importance of completing tasks and assignments in a timely manner. Encourage them to break larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps. By teaching children to prioritize their responsibilities, parents instill a sense of discipline and organization, setting the stage for effective time management. In addition to responsibilities, it’s important to help children prioritize leisure activities and self-care. Encourage them to engage in activities they enjoy, such as hobbies, sports, or spending time with friends and family. By incorporating leisure activities into their schedule, children learn the value of work-life balance and self-care, which are essential for maintaining physical and mental well-being. Teach children to create a balanced schedule that accommodates their responsibilities, leisure activities, and self-care. Help them understand the importance of allocating time for each aspect of their life. By involving children in the process of creating their schedule, parents empower them to take ownership of their time and develop a sense of accountability. It is important for children to learn to say no to excessive commitments. Teach them that it’s okay to decline additional responsibilities or activities when their schedule is already full. Help them recognize their limits and encourage them to communicate their boundaries assertively and respectfully. By teaching children to set boundaries, parents empower them to protect their time, energy, and well-being. Respecting the need for downtime is another crucial aspect of time management and boundaries. Encourage children to recognize when they need rest and relaxation. Teach them that taking breaks and engaging in activities that recharge them is essential for their overall productivity and well-being. Teaching children time management and setting boundaries is a valuable skill that will serve them well throughout their lives. By helping them prioritize responsibilities, create a balanced schedule, say no to excessive commitments, and respect their need for downtime, parents empower children to manage their time effectively and protect their well-being. By instilling these skills early on, parents set their children up for success in managing their responsibilities, pursuing their passions, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Promoting self-care in children is important for their development and well-being. By modeling self-care behaviors, encouraging physical health, fostering emotional intelligence, cultivating healthy habits, promoting mindfulness, nurturing hobbies, teaching time management, and practicing gratitude, we equip children with the tools they need to prioritize their well-being throughout their lives. By investing in their self-care, we empower them to become resilient, happy, and fulfilled individuals.
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, known as the Patriarchs, are both the physical and spiritual ancestors of Judaism. They founded the religion now known as Judaism, and their descendants are the Jewish people. Of course, technically, it is incorrect to refer to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as Jews, because the terms "Jew" and "Judaism" were not used generally to refer to this nation until hundreds of years after their time; nevertheless, for convenience and in accordance with common practice, I will use these terms. The history below is derived from written Torah, Talmud, Midrash and other sources. Modern scholars question the existence of the Patriarchs and the historical accuracy of this information; however, it is worth noting that scholars also questioned the existence of Babylonia and Troy... until archaeologists found them. According to Jewish tradition, Abraham was born under the name Abram in the city of Ur in Babylonia in the year 1948 from Creation (circa 1800 BCE). He was the son of Terach, an idol merchant, but from his early childhood, he questioned the faith of his father and sought the truth. He came to believe that the entire universe was the work of a single Creator, and he began to teach this belief to others. Abram tried to convince his father, Terach, of the folly of idol worship. One day, when Abram was left alone to mind the store, he took a hammer and smashed all of the idols except the largest one. He placed the hammer in the hand of the largest idol. When his father returned and asked what happened, Abram said, "The idols got into a fight, and the big one smashed all the other ones." His father said, "Don't be ridiculous. These idols have no life or power. They can't do anything." Abram replied, "Then why do you worship them?" Eventually, the one true Creator that Abram had worshipped called to him, and made him an offer: if Abram would leave his home and his family, then G-d would make him a great nation and bless him. Abram accepted this offer, and the b'rit (covenant) between G-d and the Jewish people was established. (Gen. 12). The idea of b'rit is fundamental to traditional Judaism: we have a covenant, a contract, with G-d, which involves rights and obligations on both sides. We have certain obligations to G-d, and G-d has certain obligations to us. The terms of this b'rit became more explicit over time, until the time of the Giving of the Torah (see below). Abram was subjected to ten tests of faith to prove his worthiness for this covenant. Leaving his home is one of these trials. Abram, raised as a city-dweller, adopted a nomadic lifestyle, traveling through what is now the land of Israel for many years. G-d promised this land to Abram's descendants. Abram is referred to as a Hebrew (Ivri), possibly because he was descended from Eber (Gen. 11) or possibly because he came from the "other side" (eber) of the Euphrates River. But Abram was concerned, because he had no children and he was growing old. Abram's beloved wife, Sarai, knew that she was past child-bearing years, so she offered her maidservant, Hagar, as a wife to Abram. This was a common practice in the region at the time. According to tradition, Hagar was a daughter of Pharaoh, given to Abram during his travels in Egypt. She bore Abram a son, Ishmael, who, according to both Muslim and Jewish tradition, is the ancestor of the Arabs. (Gen 16) When Abram was 100 and Sarai 90, G-d promised Abram a son by Sarai. G-d changed Abram's name to Abraham (father of many), and Sarai's to Sarah (from "my princess" to "princess"). Sarah bore Abraham a son, Isaac (in Hebrew, Yitzchak), a name derived from the word "laughter," expressing Abraham's joy at having a son in his old age. (Gen 17-18). Isaac was the ancestor of the Jewish people. Thus, the conflict between Arabs and Jews can be seen as a form of sibling rivalry! Isaac was the subject of the tenth and most difficult test of Abraham's faith: G-d commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering. (Gen 22). This test is known in Jewish tradition as the Akeidah (the Binding, a reference to the fact that Isaac was bound on the altar). But this test is also an extraordinary demonstration of Isaac's own faith, because according to Jewish tradition, Isaac knew that he was to be sacrificed, yet he did not resist, and was united with his father in dedication. At the last moment, G-d sent an angel to stop the sacrifice. It is interesting to note that child sacrifice was a common practice in the region at the time. Thus, to people of the time, the surprising thing about this story is not the fact that G-d asked Abraham to sacrifice his child, but that G-d stopped him! Judaism uses this story as evidence that G-d abhors human sacrifice. In fact, I have seen some sources indicating that Abraham failed this test of faith because he did not refuse to sacrifice his son! Judaism has always strongly opposed the practice of human sacrifice, commonplace in many other cultures at that time and place. Isaac later married Rebecca (Rivka), who bore him fraternal twin sons: Jacob (Ya'akov) and Esau. (Gen 25). Jacob and his brother Esau were at war with each other even before they were born. They struggled within Rebecca's womb. Esau was Isaac's favorite, because he was a good hunter, but the more spiritually-minded Jacob was Rebecca's favorite. Esau had little regard for the spiritual heritage of his forefathers, and sold his birthright of spiritual leadership to Jacob for a bowl of lentil stew. When Isaac was growing old, Rebecca tricked him into giving Jacob a blessing meant for Esau. Esau was angry about this, and about the birthright, so Jacob fled to live with his uncle, where he met his beloved Rachel. Jacob was deceived into marrying Rachel's older sister, Leah, but later married Rachel as well, and Rachel and Leah's maidservants, Bilhah and Zilpah. Between these four women, Jacob fathered 12 sons and one daughter. After many years living with and working for his uncle/father-in-law, Jacob returned to his homeland and sought reconciliation with his brother Esau. He prayed to G-d and gave his brother gifts. The night before he went to meet his brother, he sent his wives, sons, and things across the river, and was alone with G-d. That night, he wrestled with a man until the break of day. As the dawn broke, Jacob demanded a blessing from the man, and the "man" revealed himself as an angel. He blessed Jacob and gave him the name "Israel" (Yisrael), meaning "the one who wrestled with G-d" or "the Champion of G-d." The Jewish people are generally referred to as the Children of Israel, signifying our descent from Jacob. The next day, Jacob met Esau and was welcomed by him. Jacob fathered 12 sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Joseph and Benjamin. They are the ancestors of the tribes of Israel, and the ones for whom the tribes are named. Joseph is the father of two tribes: Manasseh and Ephraim. Joseph's older brothers were jealous of him, because he was the favorite of their father, and because he had visions that he would lead them all. They sold Joseph into slavery and convinced their father that Joseph was dead. But this was all part of G-d's plan: Joseph was brought into Egypt, where his ability to interpret visions earned him a place in the Pharaoh's court, paving the way for his family's later settlement in Egypt. As centuries passed, the descendants of Israel became slaves in Egypt. They suffered greatly under the hand of later Pharaohs. But G-d brought the Children of Israel out of Egypt under the leadership of Moses. G-d led them on a journey through the wilderness to Mount Sinai. Here, G-d revealed Himself to the Children of Israel and offered them a great covenant: if the people would hearken to G-d and observe His covenant, then they would be the most beloved of nations, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. (Ex 19). G-d revealed the Torah to his people, both the written and oral Torah, and the entire nation responded, "Everything that the L-rd has spoken, we will do!" According to Jewish tradition, every Jewish soul that would ever be born was present at that moment, and agreed to be bound to this covenant.
Physical Activity and Cancer What is physical activity? Physical activity is defined as any movement that uses skeletal muscles and requires more energy than resting. Physical activity can include walking, running, dancing, biking, swimming, performing household chores, exercising, and engaging in sports activities. A measure called the metabolic equivalent of task, or MET, is used to characterize the intensity of physical activity. One MET is the rate of energy expended by a person sitting at rest. Light-intensity activities expend less than 3 METs, moderate-intensity activities expend 3 to 6 METs, and vigorous activities expend 6 or more METs (1). Sedentary behavior is any waking behavior characterized by an energy expenditure of 1.5 or fewer METs while sitting, reclining, or lying down (1). Examples of sedentary behaviors include most office work, driving a vehicle, and sitting while watching television. A person can be physically active and yet spend a substantial amount of time being sedentary. What is known about the relationship between physical activity and cancer risk? Evidence linking higher physical activity to lower cancer risk comes mainly from observational studies, in which individuals report on their physical activity and are followed for years for diagnoses of cancer. Although observational studies cannot prove a causal relationship, when studies in different populations have similar results and when a possible mechanism for a causal relationship exists, this provides evidence of a causal connection. There is strong evidence that higher levels of physical activity are linked to lower risk of several types of cancer (2–4). - Bladder cancer: In a 2014 meta-analysis of 11 cohort studies and 4 case-control studies, the risk of bladder cancer was 15% lower for individuals with the highest level of recreational or occupational physical activity than in those with the lowest level (5). A pooled analysis of over 1 million individuals found that leisure-time physical activity was linked to a 13% reduced risk of bladder cancer (6). - Breast cancer: Many studies have shown that physically active women have a lower risk of breast cancer than inactive women. In a 2016 meta-analysis that included 38 cohort studies, the most physically active women had a 12–21% lower risk of breast cancer than those who were least physically active (7). Physical activity has been associated with similar reductions in risk of breast cancer among both premenopausal and postmenopausal women (7, 8). Women who increase their physical activity after menopause may also have a lower risk of breast cancer than women who do not (9, 10). - Colon cancer: In a 2016 meta-analysis of 126 studies, individuals who engaged in the highest level of physical activity had a 19% lower risk of colon cancer than those who were the least physically active (11). - Endometrial cancer: Several meta-analyses and cohort studies have examined the relationship between physical activity and the risk of endometrial cancer (cancer of the lining of the uterus) (12–15). In a meta-analysis of 33 studies, highly physically active women had a 20% lower risk of endometrial cancer than women with low levels of physical activity (12). There is some evidence that the association is indirect, in that physical activity would have to reduce obesity for the benefits to be observed. Obesity is a strong risk factor for endometrial cancer (12–14). - Esophageal cancer: A 2014 meta-analysis of nine cohort and 15 case–control studies found that the individuals who were most physically active had a 21% lower risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma than those who were least physically active (16). - Kidney (renal cell) cancer: In a 2013 meta-analysis of 11 cohort studies and 8 case–control studies, individuals who were the most physically active had a 12% lower risk of renal cancer than those who were the least active (17). A pooled analysis of over 1 million individuals found that leisure-time physical activity was linked to a 23% reduced risk of kidney cancer (6). - Stomach (gastric) cancer: A 2016 meta-analysis of 10 cohort studies and 12 case–control studies reported that individuals who were the most physically active had a 19% lower risk of stomach cancer than those who were least active (18). There is some evidence that physical activity is associated with a reduced risk of lung cancer (2, 4). However, it is possible that differences in smoking, rather than in physical activity, are what explain the association of physical activity with reduced risk of lung cancer. In a 2016 meta-analysis of 25 observational studies, physical activity was associated with reduced risk of lung cancer among former and current smokers but was not associated with risk of lung cancer among never smokers (19). For several other cancers, there is more limited evidence of an association. These include certain cancers of the blood, as well as cancers of the pancreas, prostate, ovaries, thyroid, liver, and rectum (2, 6). How might physical activity be linked to reduced risks of cancer? Exercise has many biological effects on the body, some of which have been proposed to explain associations with specific cancers. These include: - Lowering the levels of sex hormones, such as estrogen, and growth factors that have been associated with cancer development and progression (20) [breast, colon] - Preventing high blood levels of insulin, which has been linked to cancer development and progression (20) [breast, colon] - Reducing inflammation - Improving immune system function - Altering the metabolism of bile acids, decreasing exposure of the gastrointestinal tract to these suspected carcinogens (21, 22) [colon] - Reducing the time it takes for food to travel through the digestive system, which decreases gastrointestinal tract exposure to possible carcinogens [colon] - Helping to prevent obesity, which is a risk factor for many cancers What is known about the relationship between being sedentary and the risk of cancer? Although there are fewer studies of sedentary behavior and cancer risk than of physical activity and cancer risk, sedentary behavior—sitting, reclining, or lying down for extended periods of time (other than sleeping)—is a risk factor for developing many chronic conditions and premature death (4, 23, 24). It may also be associated with increased risk for certain cancers (23, 25). How much physical activity is recommended? The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition, released in 2018 (1), recommends that, for substantial health benefits and to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including cancer, adults engage in - 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, 75 to 100 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity, or an equivalent combination of each intensity each week. This physical activity can be done in episodes of any length. - muscle-strengthening activities at least 2 days a week - balance training, in addition to aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity Is physical activity beneficial for cancer survivors? Yes. A report of the 2018 American College of Sports Medicine International Multidisciplinary Roundtable on Physical Activity and Cancer Prevention and Control (26) concluded that exercise training and testing are generally safe for cancer survivors and that every survivor should maintain some level of physical activity. The Roundtable also found - strong evidence that moderate-intensity aerobic training and/or resistance exercise during and after cancer treatment can reduce anxiety, depressive symptoms, and fatigue and improve health-related quality of life and physical function - strong evidence that exercise training is safe in persons who have or might develop breast-cancer-related lymphedema - some evidence that exercise is beneficial for bone health and sleep quality - insufficient evidence that physical activity can help prevent cardiotoxicity or chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy or improve cognitive function, falls, nausea, pain, sexual function, or treatment tolerance In addition, research findings have raised the possibility that physical activity may have beneficial effects on survival for patients with breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers (26, 27). - Breast cancer: In a 2019 systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies, breast cancer survivors who were the most physically active had a 42% lower risk of death from any cause and a 40% lower risk of death from breast cancer than those who were the least physically active (28). - Colorectal cancer: Evidence from multiple epidemiologic studies suggests that physical activity after a colorectal cancer diagnosis is associated with a 30% lower risk of death from colorectal cancer and a 38% lower risk of death from any cause (4). - Prostate cancer: Limited evidence from a few epidemiologic studies suggests that physical activity after a prostate cancer diagnosis is associated with a 33% lower risk of death from prostate cancer and a 45% lower risk of death from any cause (4). There is very limited evidence for beneficial effects of physical activity on survival for other cancers, including non-Hodgkin lymphoma, stomach cancer, and malignant glioma (4). What additional research is under way on the relationship between physical activity and cancer? Findings from observational studies provide much evidence for a link between higher levels of physical activity and lower risk of cancer. However, these studies cannot fully rule out the possibility that active people have lower cancer risk because they engage in other healthy lifestyle behaviors. For this reason, clinical trials that randomly assign participants to exercise interventions provide the strongest evidence because they eliminate bias caused by pre-existing illness and attendant physical inactivity. To confirm the observational evidence and define the potential magnitude of the effect, several large clinical trials are examining physical activity and/or exercise interventions in cancer patients and survivors. These include the Breast Cancer Weight Loss (BWEL) trial in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients, the CHALLENGE trial in colon cancer patients who have recently completed chemotherapy (29), and the INTERVAL-GAP4 trial in men with metastatic, castrate-resistant prostate cancer (30). Many additional questions have yet to be answered in several broad areas of research on physical activity and cancer: - What are the mechanisms by which physical activity reduces cancer risk? - What is the optimal time in life, intensity, duration, and/or frequency of physical activity needed to reduce the risk of cancer, both overall and for specific sites? - Is sedentary behavior associated with increased risk of cancer? - Does the association between physical activity and cancer differ by age or race/ethnicity? - Does physical activity reduce the risk of cancer in people who have inherited a genetic variant that increases cancer risk?
The American Sleep Apnea Association estimates that 38,000 people in the United States die each year from heart disease with sleep apnea as a complicating factor. People with sleep apnea have difficulty breathing or stop breathing for short periods while sleeping. This treatable sleep disorder often goes undiagnosed. According to the American Heart Association, It may lead to or worsen several life-threatening conditions, including: Sleep apnea causes hypoxia (a low oxygen level in the body). When this happens, your body becomes stressed and reacts with a fight-or-flight response, which causes your heart to beat faster and your arteries to narrow. Heart and vascular effects include: - higher blood pressure - higher heart rate - higher blood volume - more inflammation and stress These effects increase the risk of cardiovascular problems. A 2010 study published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine found that having sleep apnea can raise your risk of a stroke by two or three times. A 2007 study from Yale School of Medicine warns that sleep apnea can increase the chance of heart attack or death by 30 percent over a period of four to five years. According to a 2013 study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, people with sleep apnea have a higher risk of death from related cardiac complications. The study found that sleep apnea can increase the risk of sudden cardiac death. This is most likely if you: - are older than 60 years of age - have 20 or more apnea episodes per hour of sleep - have a blood oxygen level of less than 78 percent during sleep According to a 2011 medical review, up to 60 percent of people with heart failure also have sleep apnea. Adults in the study who were also treated for sleep apnea had a better two-year survival rate than those who were not. Sleep apnea can cause or worsen heart conditions. The National Sleep Foundation notes that people with sleep apnea and atrial fibrillation (irregular heart rhythm) have only a 40 percent chance of needing further heart treatment if both conditions are treated. If sleep apnea remains untreated, the chance of needing further treatment for atrial fibrillation goes up to 80 percent. There are three main types of sleep apnea: - Central sleep apnea. This type happens when your brain doesn’t send the right signals to the muscles that control your breathing. - Obstructive sleep apnea. This is the most common type and happens when your airway narrows or becomes blocked. - Complex sleep apnea syndrome. This is a combination of central sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea. - loud snoring - pauses in breathing - snorting or gasping - dry mouth - sore throat or coughing - insomnia or difficulty staying asleep - the need to sleep with your head raised - headaches upon waking up - daytime fatigue and sleepiness - irritability and depression - mood changes - memory problems Can you have sleep apnea without snoring? The most well-known symptom of sleep apnea is snoring when you sleep. However, not everyone who has sleep apnea snores. Similarly, snoring doesn’t always mean you have sleep apnea. Other causes of snoring include sinus infection, nasal congestion, and large tonsils. Treatment for obstructive sleep apnea works by keeping your airway open during sleep. A medical device that delivers continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) helps treat sleep apnea. While you sleep, you must wear a CPAP mask that is connected by tubing to the running device. It uses air pressure to hold your airway open. Another wearable device for sleep apnea is one that delivers bilevel positive airway pressure (BIPAP). In some cases, a doctor may recommend surgery to treat sleep apnea. Other treatments and remedies for sleep apnea include: - losing extra weight - quitting tobacco smoking (this is often difficult, but a doctor can create a cessation plan that’s right for you) - avoiding alcohol - avoiding sleeping pills - avoiding sedatives and tranquilizers - using a humidifier - using nasal decongestants - changing your sleep position You may not be aware that you have sleep apnea. Your partner or another family member may notice that you snore, snort, or stop breathing during sleep or that you wake up suddenly. See a doctor if you think you might have sleep apnea. Tell a doctor if you wake up tired or with a headache or feel depressed. Watch for symptoms like daytime fatigue, drowsiness, or falling asleep in front of the TV or at other times. Even mild sleep apnea can disrupt your sleep and lead to symptoms. Sleep apnea is closely linked to several life-threatening conditions. It may cause or worsen chronic illnesses like high blood pressure. Sleep apnea can lead to sudden cardiac death. If you have a history of stroke, heart disease, diabetes, or another chronic illness, ask your doctor to test you for sleep apnea. Treatment may include getting diagnosed at a sleep clinic and wearing a CPAP mask at night. Treating your sleep apnea will improve your quality of life and may even help save your life.
H. pylori is a contagious type of bacteria that may spread through saliva or contaminated food or water. Treatment can include antibiotics and acid-reducing medications. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a very common — and yes, contagious — type of bacteria that infects the digestive tract. Typically, the bacteria enter the mouth and work their way into the gastrointestinal tract. The germs may live in saliva. This means someone with the infection can pass it on through kissing or oral sex. You can also become infected through fecal contamination of food or drinking water. Although H. pylori infections are typically harmless, they’re responsible for most ulcers in the stomach and digestive tract. These ulcers can lead to more serious complications, such as stomach cancer. Read on to learn how you can get H. pylori, what the symptoms are, and how it’s treated. H. pylori is present in This means that the infection can spread through oral sex (in addition to kissing) and may also be a likely cause of urethritis. Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra that’s treated with antibiotics. Research has also found that H. pylori may lead to a range of serious health problems, including certain types of As common as H. pylori is, evidence suggests its A 2018 report in the journal H. Pylori is highly contagious H. pylori infection can be spread through kissing, oral sex, and contaminated food or drinking water. If you’re taking antibiotics to treat H. pylori, you’re still contagious until tests show the infection is gone. Living in highly crowded conditions or in areas without a consistently clean water supply raises the risk of H. pylori infection. Unsanitary conditions at home or in the community can also increase the chances of developing this infection. These conditions tend to be more common in developing countries, which is why H. pylori remains a greater threat in these regions than in areas with more reliable sources of clean drinking water. In addition, living with family members or others who have the H. pylori infection can make you more vulnerable. People taking antibiotics to treat an H. pylori infection are still contagious until tests confirm the infection is gone. It’s not always clear how H. pylori is passed from one person to another, but good personal hygiene is one way to help reduce your odds of infection. Thorough and frequent handwashing is important, especially after using the bathroom and before eating or cooking. You should also make sure your food is clean and has been prepared and cooked properly. Likewise, make sure your drinking water is safe and clean. Be especially mindful of these preventive measures if you spend time in a part of the world where public sanitation is a challenge, and clean sources of drinking water and food are scarce. If you live with someone with H. pylori, help make sure they complete their treatment program as prescribed by their physician. A person is still contagious until they finish their course of antibiotics and tests show the infection is gone. Most people with H. pylori don’t have symptoms. It’s not clear why the infection causes problems for some individuals and not for others. If you have the infection, but show no signs of it, you may simply have a greater resistance to the bacteria’s impact on your system. When symptoms are present, they can include: - abdominal pain that’s more acute when you’re hungry - a stomach ache or burning sensation in your gut - reduced appetite - unexplained weight loss If the abdominal distress doesn’t subside or if it’s accompanied by black, tarry stools, or black vomit that looks like coffee grounds, you should see a doctor immediately. Trouble swallowing is also a sign of a worsening H. pylori infection. If you have H. pylori but no symptoms, you’re still contagious If you have no obvious systems, but still have the H. pylori infection, you can pass it along to someone else. A person undergoing treatment is still contagious until they finish their course of antibiotics and tests show the infection is gone. H. pylori infections are diagnosed with a combination of a physical exam and certain lab tests. The lab tests look for the actual bacteria or signs that your body is fighting the infection. These tests include: - Blood test. This test checks for antibodies that indicate the presence of an H. pylori bacterial infection. - Stool test. A small stool sample is sent to a lab and examined for any abnormal bacteria. - Breath test. This test is given after you swallow a urea pill containing carbon molecules. If carbon molecules are found, it indicates that your body is making an enzyme called urease. This enzyme makes stomach acid less acidic and weakens the stomach’s mucous lining. Treating an H. pylori infection usually requires antibiotics to kill the harmful bacteria. In most cases, a combination of two different antibiotics is prescribed. You’ll be retested after you finish your course of antibiotics to make sure the infection is gone. Some infections require an additional round of antibiotics. Other medications may also be helpful. Among them are: - proton pump inhibitors (Prilosec, Nexium, Prevacid) to limit the amount of acid produced in the stomach - histamine (H2) blockers (Tagament), which also reduce levels of stomach acid - bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) to coat the stomach and protect it from too much stomach acid Antibiotics are the most effective means of treating H. pylori symptoms. However, some natural H. pylori treatments can help ease your symptoms, too. The nature of your treatment plan will depend on several key factors, most importantly the severity of your infection and symptoms. Other considerations include: - your age - your overall health and medical history - your tolerance or resistance to certain medications - the prognosis of your infection Once treatment has started, you should expect to see your doctor for a follow-up appointment in about four weeks. You’ll be tested again to see how well you’re responding to treatment and if the infection has cleared up. If you still have the infection, an additional round of antibiotics may be necessary. Your doctor may consider a different combination of antibiotics and other medications to get the desired results. Complications of an H. pylori infection H. pylori is a common bacterium that may cause you no symptoms or complications. An H. pylori infection can be serious, but it’s treatable. The key is to respond quickly to signs of an infection. Be sure to tell your doctor if you think you’ve been exposed to the bacteria. For example, if you might have been exposed during recent travels or by spending time with someone who’s infected. This may prompt your doctor to test for H. pylori if they haven’t yet considered it. Also keep in mind that for antibiotics to be effective, they need to be taken as prescribed by your doctor. Continue to take the full course of antibiotics, even if your symptoms go away. An infection can linger despite the fact that you may be feeling better. Also, be sure to follow up with your doctor after completing your antibiotic treatment to confirm that the H. pylori infection is gone.
“Najasat” (pl. najasat) means uncleanliness, impurity. In Islamic laws, the najasat is of two types: inherent and acquired. To differentiate between the two, a thing which is inherently unclean is known as “`ayn najis,” whereas a thing whose uncleanliness is acquired is known as “najis”. A pure thing acquires impurity by coming into contact with one of the `ayn najis. For example: blood is considered an `ayn najis, whereas milk is considered pure. Now, if a drop of blood falls into a glass of milk, the milk will become najis because of the blood which is an `ayn najis. The plural of `ayn najis is “a`yan najisah.” “Taharat” is opposite of “najasat,” it means cleanliness and purity. “Tahir” is opposite of “najis,” it means a thing which is clean and pure. According to the Islamic laws, the a`yan najisah are nine in number. The nine a`yan najisah can be divided into four groups as follows: i. Common between Men & Animal: ii. In Animals only: iii. In Man only: 9. intoxicating liquids. The implication of this law for a Muslim is that he or she must refrain from the a`yan najisah in three things: acts of worship, food and drink. In the following pages, we shall explain the rules regarding the nine inherently impure things. The urine and stool of human beings are `ayn najis. Most people of the world consider urine and stool as unclean, but Islam has gone one step further in declaring them to be ritually unclean. For example, in the matters of worship a Muslim who has passed urine or emptied his bowels cannot pray even after cleaning his body from urine and stool-he must also do wudu, a minor ablution which will be discussed in chapter 2. The Islamic shari'ah has prescribed certain rules on how to cleanse oneself of urine and stool. 1. The organ of urination can be made tahir only by the pouring of water on it at least twice. It is better to wash it three times. 2. As far as the anus is concerned, a person can clean himself/herself with water, or with three pieces of papers, or three pieces of rags or three stones. The papers, rags and stones can be used only if the anus is not more than normally dirtied, i.e., the excrement has not spread more than normal. If the area dirtied is large, or the excrement is mixed with some other najasat like blood, then only water can be used to purify oneself. However, it is always better to wash oneself with water. While praising the people who built Masjid Quba, Allah says, “Therein are men who love to cleanse themselves; and Allah loves those who cleanse themselves.” (9:108) When this verse was revealed, the Prophet asked the people of Quba, “What do you do when cleaning yourselves that Allah has praised you for it?” They said, “We cleanse ourselves after emptying the bowels with water.” 13 3. In case of cleaning oneself with three pieces of papers, rags or stones, it is obligatory to use all the three pieces even if the body becomes clean by one or two of them. However, if the body is not clean even after using the three pieces, then extra pieces must be used till the body becomes clean. 4. It is recommended for men to do istibra' after urinating. Istibra' means to clean something, to get rid of something. Here it means getting rid of the remaining drops of urine from penis. The method of istibra': Squeeze with the middle-finger of the left hand from the anus to the root of the penis three times; then holding the penis between the thumb and the fore-finger, squeeze three times from the root up to the glans; and squeeze the glans itself three times. The benefit of istibra': If a liquid comes out of a man's penis after urinating and he doubts whether this is urine or something else, then he can assume it to be tahir if he has done istibra'. But if he has not done istibra', then he must consider it najis. 5. In western toilets, there is no water, only tissue paper is available. As far as stool is concerned, it can be cleaned with tissue paper as explained above. In case of urinating, would it be enough to wipe the related part with tissue paper? No, wiping with tissue paper would not purify the organ of urination. Nonetheless, in such a case, one should do istibra' and then wipe the organ with tissue paper, and later on when it becomes possible, he or she must purify the organ with water. The benefit of istibra' and wiping with tissue paper is that the organ will become dry and not make the underwear or the thighs najis. However, in the above case, if the person's private parts sweat, then he or she must purify the organ, the immediately surrounding area and the underwear with water. `Ays bin al-Qasim asked Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (as) about a person who urinated in a place where there was no water and so he dried his penis with a stone, but later he started sweating in the same area. The Imam said, “He should wash his penis and thighs.” 24 6. While urinating or emptying the bowels, it is necessary to conceal one's private parts from the on-lookers. This condition is easily taken care of in normal toilets, but one must be careful while on the call of nature in an open area, e.g., during a picnic or while travelling, etc. 7. A Muslim should also realize that even for such a trivial thing as using toilet, Islam emphasizes that either you must be the owner of the washroom or you must have the permission of the owner; otherwise, it will be haram for you to fulfill your natural needs in that place. 8. It is haram to face the qiblah or to keep the qiblah on the back side while urinating or evacuating the bowels. Qiblah means the direction of the Ka'bah (Mecca). Therefore, a Muslim must make sure that the toilet of his house is not built in such a way that when he sits on the toilet, his front or back side is towards the qiblah. If the circumstances make it necessary to use a toilet on which a person will either be facing the qiblah or will have his back towards it, then he should refrain from facing the qiblah. The urine and excrement of the animals are also najis if they belong to the group of animals (1) whose meat is forbidden in Islam and (2) whose blood spurts out when a blood-vessel is cut. Therefore, if these two conditions are not found together in an animal, its urine and excrement are not najis. For example, even though its blood spurts out, sheep's urine and stool are not najis because it's meat is not forbidden. However, the droppings of all the birds are tahir. What should a person do if he finds animal stool or excrement on his dress or person and doesn't know from which type of animal it originated? In all the cases of ignorance and doubt, one can assume that it came from an animal whose urine or excrement is tahir. Abu Agharr an-Nahhas, a veterinarian, said to Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (as): “I treat the animals. Sometimes I have to go (to treat them) at night. The animal may have urinated and emptied its bowels; and when it jumps on its own refuse and urine, it splashes on my dress. Then in the morning, I see its trace on my dress. [What should I do?]” The Imam said, “There is nothing on you.” 3 This answer can be explained in two ways: Abu Agharr could assume that his dress was still pure because in the darkness of night he could not have been sure of what come on his dress, or because the animals were domesticated and thus their refuse and urine is not najis. Semen is also one of the `ayn najis. There are many ahadith on this issue, but here I will just describe a historical event and its relevant Qur'anic verse which proves that semen is najis. In the battle of Badr, the unbelievers of Mecca had camped near the spring of Badr and the ground of their camp-site was firm. On the other hand, the Muslims were far from the spring and thus experienced difficulty in getting water; and the ground under them was sandy which made their stand and maneuvers difficult. To make the matters worse, many of the Muslims had nocturnal discharge in their sleep and became impure (najis). Then came Allah's help which the Qur'an describes as follows: “And (remember) when He spread a cover of drowsiness over you as a security from Him (and thus you slept peacefully). And He sent down upon you water from heaven to purify you with it, to take away from you the unclean (insinuation) of the Shaytan, to strengthen your hearts and to plant you feet firmly with it.” (8:11) The words relevant to our subject are: “He sent down upon you water from heaven to purify you with it.” The least that this verse proves is that semen is najis, and with its discharge a man becomes ritually impure. `Abdullah ibn Abi Ya'fur asked Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (as) about a dress which had come into contact with semen. The Imam said, “If you know the particular part of the dress which came into contact with semen, then wash that area only; but if that part is unknown to you, then wash the whole dress.” 46 Sometimes a liquid, other then semen and urine, is discharged from man; this type of liquid is not najis. These liquids are of three types: 1. Mazi: a whitish liquid which is discharged from penis during sexual fore-play. 2. Wazi: a liquid which comes out after the discharge of semen. 3. Wadi: a liquid which comes out after urinating. All these discharges are tahir. Blood of human being is najis. Blood of the animals whose blood spurts out is also considered najis. But the blood of an animal whose blood does not spurt out is tahir, e.g., the blood of fish or the body-fluid of a mosquito. Ibn Abi Yafur asked Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (as), “What do you say about the blood of fleas?” The Imam said, “There is no objection in it.” Ibn Abi Ya'fur, “Even if it is more and excessive?” The Imam, “Yes, even if it is more.” 57 After an animal has been slaughtered and the normal amount of its blood has flowed out, the blood remaining in its body is tahir. The blood found in an egg is also najis. If there is blood on someone's dress or on his person and he doubts whether it is of an animal whose blood spurts out or not, then he should consider it tahir. If a yellowish liquid comes out of a wound and one doubts whether it is blood or something else, then he should consider it tahir. Even though blood is considered najis, one is still permitted to donate or sell his blood. Doctors, nurses, and scientists can work and experiment with blood. The only important thing is that at the time of praying, one's body and dress must be free from this najasat. The dead body of a Muslim becomes najis after becoming cold and before being washed (ghusl mayyit). al-Halabi asked Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (as) about a person whose dress had fallen upon the body of a dead human being. The Imam said, “If the dead body had been given the ritual bath (ghusl mayyit), then there is no need to wash your dress which touched it; but if the body had not been given the ritual bath, then wash whatever part of your dress that had touched it.” 68 A kafir is najis both during his life-time and after his death. If a part of a living human being's body or of a living animal's body is cut off, it will be considered najis. This law, however, does not apply to the dry skin which comes off the lips or the skin which comes off from a healing wound, or pimples, dandruff, etc. A miscarried fetus is also najis. “Dead body-maytah” in case of the animals means: an animal which had died naturally or was slaughtered in a non-Islamic way. The dead body of an animal whose blood spurts out is also najis with the exception of those of its parts which have no life (feeling) in them during life-time, e.g., hair, nails, bones, beak, horn and teeth. Of course, these parts become najis by being in contact with the dead body; so after separating them from the animal's body they must be purified. The dead body of the animal whose blood does not spurt out is tahir; for example, a dead fish. `Amman as-Sabati says that Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq was asked about a beetle, a fly, a locust, an ant and other similar things that die in a well, oil, butter or other such things: The Imam answered, “There is no objection concerning all (the animals) that do not have (spurting) blood.” 79 If someone buys a dress, a belt, or a wallet, etc, made of an animal's skin and does not know for sure whether or not the animal was slaughtered Islamically, then in such a case there are two possibilities: 1. Either he has bought it from a Muslim or from a Muslim market, then he can assume that the animal was slaughtered according to the shari'ah. 2. Or he has bought it from a kafir. In such a case if there is a probability that the skin or hide has been taken from an animal which was slaughtered according to the shari'ah, then he can consider it tahir and use it. However, he still cannot use such a thing in salat (prayers). And if there is no such probability, then he cannot consider it tahir, it should be regarded as najis. Pigs and dogs are also counted as `ayn najis. Allah says in the Qur'an: “(O Muhammad) say, “I do not find in what is revealed to me anything forbidden for a person to eat except (1) what has died of itself, (2) outpoured blood, (3) the flesh of pig --for it is unclean and (4) an ungodly thing (i.e., the animal) slaughtered (with the name) of other than Allah” (6:146) Although this verse is related to the forbidden food, but it clearly defines the pig as an unclean animal. Khayran al-Khadim wrote to Imam 'Ali an-Naqi (as) asking about a dress which had come into contact with intoxicating liquid and flesh of pig: “can a person pray in that dress? Our companions had different opinions: some say you can pray in it because Allah has only forbidden the drinking of the intoxicants, while others say you cannot pray in it.” The Imam answered, “Do not pray in that dress because it is najis.” 810 Abu Sahl al-Qarshi asked Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (as) about the dog: “Is the dog haram?” The Imam said, “It is najis.” Abu Sahl repeated this question three times and the Imam always replied, “It is najis.” 911 Based on such teachings, our mujtahids have ruled that all parts of pigs and dogs, even the nails, hair, teeth and bones, and their saliva, milk, urine and excrement are najis. Therefore, all things made from pig's fat, skin, hair, and other parts of its body (e.g., belt, gloves, jackets, and shoes) are najis. Similarly, all the food items produced from the meat and fat of pig is najis. What is the meaning of “kafir?” Kafir (pl. kuffar) means an infidel, an unbeliever as opposed to a Muslim, a believer. “Muslim” is defined as a person who believes in Oneness of God, prophethood of Prophet Muhammad, and the Day of Judgment. A person who rejects any of these three principles is a kafir. From Muslims' perspective, the kuffar are divided into two main groups: kafir dhimmi and kaf'ir harbi. “Kafir dhimmi” is a kafir who lives under the protection of an Islamic government. “Kafir harbi” is a kafir who does not have such a protection. I must also mention a third, but rare, category of kafir: murtad. “Murtad” means an apostate; there are two types of murtad: “Murtad fitri” a person who was born of a Muslim parent, but then declared his disbelief in Islam. “Murtad milli” a non Muslim who had accepted the religion of Islam and then apostates from it. While discussing the ritual purity or impurity of the non-Muslims, the mujtahids divide all the kuffar--dhimmi, harbi, murtad fitri and milli-into two distinct groups: mushrik and ahlu '1-kitab. Mushrik (pl. mushrikin) means a polytheist, a person who believes that God has partner(s). It is used for the idol-worshippers also. The followers of Hinduism, of most far eastern religions and of the tribal religions fall in the category of mushrikin. Ahlu ' l-kitab means the people of the Book; it is a name given to those who believe in any of the Books revealed by Allah before the Qur'an. Under Islamic system, the Ahlu '1-kitab have a preferred status in comparison to other non-Muslims. The people who are unanimously counted as Ahlu '1-kitab are: the Jews, the Christians and the Zoroastrians. As for the mushrikfn, the mujtahids are unanimous that they are najis. This is so because Allah has clearly declared in the Qur'an that: “O you who believe! The polytheists (mushrikun) are indeed unclean; therefore, they should not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year of theirs (i.e., 9 AH).” (9:28) Some Muslims try to interpret the word “unclean” in spiritual sense only. They are wrong because one cannot ignore the literal meaning of a word unless the context supports the departure from a literal to a symbolic meaning. The context of the verse does not leave any room for an exclusively symbolic or spiritual interpretation of the word “unclean.” It immediately says that “they should not approach the Sacred Mosque.” This reflects the physical uncleanliness. However, our interpretation does not exclude the spiritual impurity of the mushrikin along side the physical, ritual impurity. When we move on to the Ahlu ' 1-kitab, we find that the mujtahids disagree about their ritual purity or impurity. There are three different views on the Ahlu 1-kitab. (1) A minority group says that the Ahlu '1-kitab are pure and tahir, just like Muslims. To this group belong the late Ayatullah al-`uzma Sayyid Muhsin al-Hakim at Tabataba'i (d. 1970) and the late Ayatullah ash-Shahid Sayyid Muhammad Baqir as-Sadr (d. 1980). 10 (2) The majority view says that the Ahlu '1-kitab have become corrupt in their beliefs and are not different from mushrikin; therefore, they are najis. Those who belong to this group from the present mujtahids are: Ayatullah al-`uzma Sayyid Ruhullah al-Musawi al-Khumayni and Ayatullah al-`uzma Sayyid Muhammad Riza alGulpaygani. 11 (3) The third group is of those mujtahids who theoretically agree with the first view but when it comes to issuing a fatwa for their followers, they tread on the path of precaution and side with the majority. The most prominent among this group is the Ayatullah al`uzma Sayyid Abu '1-Qasim al-Musawi al-Khu'i. Ayatullah al-Khu'i, in his lectures on fiqh, says: “It is apparent from what we have discussed above that the purity (taharat) of the Ahlu '1-kitab was taken for granted by the narrators of hadith till the end of the era of our Imams [i. e., till the minor occultation], and whatever they asked the Imams concerning the works of the Ahlu '1kitab was just because of the doubts they had about external najasat which might have affected them. “Therefore, it is difficult to give a fatwa on basis of the ahadith which apparently say that the Ahlu '1-kitab are najis; however, on the other hand, to gave a ruling on basis of the ahadith which say that they are tahir is even more difficult because the majority of our jurist companions, both from the early days and the later days, believe in the najasat of Ahlu '1-kitab. And so there is no escape from a binding precautionary measure on this issue.” 12 And therefore we see that while issuing the fatwa for his followers, Ayatullah al-Khu'i writes, “As for the kiadbi (kafir), the famous view says that he is najis; and it is precautionarily necessary (to consider him as such).” 1315 With all due respect to the great marja ' of our time, I would just repeat what the famous mujtahid of the 10th Islamic century, ash-Shahid ath-Thani Shaykh Zaynu'd Din al-`Amili, said on this issue: “To act in contradiction to the majority view is difficult but to agree to their view without any convincing proof is even more difficult.” 1416 Irrespective of the view to which I am inclined, the reader is advised to follow the opinion of his own mujtahid on this issue. There are three other groups -ghulat, nawasib, and khawarij- who are also considered kafir and najis by the Shi'ah fiqh, in spite of the fact that these groups were off shoots of Muslims during the early stage of the Islamic history. Ghulat (s. ghali) are those who declare their faith in Islam but exaggerate in their beliefs about some prophets or Imams, e.g., those who believe that an Imam is an incarnation of God. This is against the fundamental belief of Islam that God cannot incarnate into anyone or anything. Nawasib (s. nasibi) are those who declare their faith in Islam but display enmity toward the Ahlu'1-bayt (peace be upon them). This goes completely against the Qur'anic order which says, “(O Muhammad) say, `I do not ask from you any reward for it (i.e., conveying the message) except the love for my near ones.” (42:23) The Prophet has said, “Whosoever dies in enmity to the family of Muhammad, dies as an unbeliever (kafir). Whosoever dies in enmity to the family of Muhammad, will not smell the scent of Paradise.” 15 However, one must realize that if a person is not a Shi'ah Muslim it does not automatically follow that he also hates our Imams. There are many Sunnis who do not believe in our Imams as the leaders and the caliphs after the Prophet, but neither do they hate them---on the contrary many of them respect and even love the Imams of the Ahlu '1-bayt. Khawarij (s. khariji) are those who rebelled against Imam 'Ali bin Abi Talib in the battle of Siffin. Finally, Imam 'Ali had to fight against them in the battle known as Naharwan. They believed that Imam 'Ali had become a kafir by accepting the intermediaries during the battle against Mu`awiyah. The verse and the hadith mentioned above is equally applicable to the khawarij, and therefore, they are also kafir and najis. There is one more category of a kafir. The person who rejects the unanimously accepted tenets of Islam (for example, the obligation of salat or haj), is also regarded as a kafir and najis. Such a person will become kafir provided he realizes that rejecting such Islamic tenets amounts to believing that the Qur'anic verses on salat and hajj are not part of Allah's Book, and this in turn means that Prophet Muhammad had not been faithful in fulfilling the mission of Allah. In short, such a person becomes a kafir only if he realizes the consequence of his rejection of the unanimously accepted tenets of Islam. However, one must note that negligence and rejection are two different things; so if a person believes in the unanimously accepted tenets of Islam but neglects them, he is not a kafir, he is only a sinner. Every intoxicating liquid is najis. Allah says in the Qur'an: “O you who believe! Surely intoxicants, games of chance, idols and divining arrows are unclean (and) work of Shaytan, so shun it; may be you will prosper.” (5:90) The word “unclean” in this verse, at least as far as the intoxicants are concerned, has a spiritual as well as a ritual connotation to it. And ritual uncleanliness is another word for najis. Moreover, the answer of Imam 'Ali an-Naqi (a, s.) to Khayran's letter quoted earlier clearly says that intoxicants are not just haram but also najis. Beer is also najis. But all non-intoxicating drink made from barley are tahir. The non-liquid intoxicants are haram (forbidden) but not najis. Methyl alcohol (also known as wood alcohol or wood spirit) is tahir; it is mostly used for industrial solvents, and for making synthetic rubber, chemicals, rubbing alcohol, inks, dyes and stains, antifreeze and other similar products. Buying or selling the following najasat is haram: all types of intoxicating liquids, dead bodies, pigs and dogs (except the dogs used for hunting). However, one is allowed to buy or sell the other najasat if there is any lawful benefit in them, e.g., buying or selling excrement for manure. It is also permitted to buy or sell those parts of a dead animal's body (other than dog and pig) which have no feeling in them during life-time. It is haram to sell grapes or dates to a person who purchases it for producing wine. If a clean (tahir) thing comes into contact with any of the najasat, then it will not become najis unless one of those two things was wet. The medicines, perfumes, soap and waxes purchased from a non-Muslim country can be considered tahir unless one becomes sure that they are najis. What you have read above was about a`yan najisah, the ten inherently unclean things. You also came to know that other things can become ritually impure (najis) by coming into contact with one of the ten a'yan najisah. Is it possible to purify the najis things? Yes. We can purify a thing which has become najis by coming into contact with the one of the a'yan najisah. Is it possible to purify the a `ayan najisah? Some a'yan najisah can be purified easily, while other a'yan najisah can be purified only through a long process of change and transformation. The function of purifying such things is done by the mutahhirat. Mutahhirat is plural of mutahhir. It means a thing or a process which can ritually purify the najis things and the a'yan najisah. “Mutahhirat” can be translated into English as “the purifying agents.” The mutahhirat are eleven in number. These mutahhirat can be divided into three groups: i. The Nature: 2. the earth; 3. the sun; ii. Physical Change: 4. istihalah (chemical change); 5. inqilab (change in properties); 6. intiqal (change in place); 7. zawalulI-`ayni n-najasah (disappearance of the najasat); 8. istibra' (quarantining); iii. Spiritual Change: 10. taba`iyyah (to follow); 11. ghaybatu ' 1-muslim (disappearance of a Muslim). Not all of these mutahhirat can purify every najis or every `ayn najis thing. Only water is the most universal purifying agent, whereas other mutahhirat are very limited in scope. In the following pages we shall explain the rules about these eleven mutahhirat. First among the mutahhirat is water. The Qur'an says: “He (Allah) is the one who sends the winds as good news before His mercy; and We send down pure water from the cloud.” (25:48) Water is indeed the most common and widely used purifying agent. However, the way water can purify a najis thing depends on its type and quantity. So first we will describe the various types of water and then explain the rules of purification. According to the shari'ah, water can be of two types: mutlaq and muzaf. Mutlaq means pure water, a water which is not mixed with any other liquid. When we use the term pure, in the present context, we do not mean scientifically pure water, i.e., H20, a liquid compound consisting of 2 part of hydrogen and 16 of oxygen. By mutlaq we mean a water which people in general would consider pure, without putting it to a scientific test. Muzaf is opposite of mutlaq, it means a water which is mixed with some other liquid, e.g., orange juice, tea. For the purpose of purifying a najis thing, only the mutlaq water can be used. Therefore, muzaf water is not one of the mutahhirat. The mutlaq water can be found in five different forms: 2. Well water. 3. Running or flowing water, e.g., river, stream. The water running from the pipes in the houses is treated as `running water' as long as it is running. 4. Kur water: a body of water which is still (not moving). It must be at least 377 k.g. in weight, or must occupy at least 27 cubic span space. Examples of kur water: a swimming pool, a pond, a lake, a sea or an ocean. 5. Less than kur. A body of still water which is less than the kur. The first four types of pure water are known as Kathir water, and the last one is known as qalil water. Kathir means abundant or plentiful; qalil means less. Water can make a najis thing tahir on the following conditions: 1. it must be mutlaq; 2. it must be tahir; 3. it must not become muzaf by coming in contact with the najasat; 4. the najasat must be washed away from the najis thing. Because of its quantity, the Kathir water is immune from becoming najis by contact with a najasat except when the najasat is so strong or so much that it changes the taste, or the color or the smell of the water. When cleaning a najis thing with the Kathir water, it is enough to wash it just once after removing the najasat. Unlike the Kathir water, qalil water becomes najis as soon as it comes into contact with a najasat. When cleaning a najis thing with qalil water, it is necessary to wash it twice. However, it is better to wash three times. Almost all solid things that become najis can be purified by washing once with Kathir water or twice with qalil water. Examples of solid things: clothes and shoes, curtains and sofas, carpets and furniture, fruits and vegetables, utensils and pots. However, there are a few things which have to be washed in a different way 1. A piece of cloth that has become najis by urine must be washed once in running water or twice with other types of water, and it must also be squeezed after each wash. 2. A pot licked by a dog must be rubbed with wet and clean earth thoroughly; then, after washing away the earth, it must be washed once with Kathir water or twice with qalil water. 3. A pot that has become najis by intoxicating liquid must be washed three times with Kathir or qalil water; however, it is better to wash it seven times. 4. A pot licked by a pig must be washed seven times with Kathir or qalil water. As for the liquid things that may become najis (e.g, milk), they cannot be purified with water. The only possible way for purifying a najis liquid is its complete transformation or change-the purifying methods which will be discussed later on. The second among mutahhirat is the earth. However, the earth is not a universal purifying agent like water. It's purifying scope is very limited. It can only purify the sole of the shoes and the sole of the feet provided: 1. the shoe or the foot had become najis by a najasat on the earth; 2. the najis element is removed from the soles by walking on the earth; 3. the earth is dry and tahir. The sun is the third and last among “the natural mutahhirat.” The sun is also a limited mutahhir like the earth. It can purify only the following things that become najis: 'the earth and all the immovable things on the earth like trees, the fruits on the trees, the grass. It can also purify the immovable things of a house like walls and doors. The sun can purify the above mentioned things provided: 1.the najasat has been removed; 2. the najis place or thing is wet. So if a najis place or thing has become dry and you wish to purify it by the sun, then you will have to pour water on it and let it dry up by direct rays of the sun. 3. the najis thing or place must become dry by the direct rays of the sun. Istihalah is the fourth mutahhirat. Istihalah means change or more precisely, a chemical change. It is the most universal mutahhirat in the category of `physical change'. An `ayn najis or a najis thing can become tahir by changing chemically into another tahir thing. A few examples of an `ayn najis changing into a tahir thing: Urine evaporates, becomes steam and then changes into liquid form. A dog's body changes into earth. A pig's body thrown into a salt mine changes into salt. The manure made from the excrement changes, in a long process, into grass and fruits. A few examples of a najis thing changing into a tahir thing: A najis wood changes into ashes. The najis water changes into steam and becomes water again. The najis water which a cow drank changes into its urine or mills. Inqilab like istihalah means change. The difference is in the degree of change. In istihalah, the shape and form, all are changed; whereas in inqilab, only the properties change but the shape is not entirely changed. Its only example is of the wine changing into vinegar. When this change takes place, the vinegar becomes tahir. Intiqal means change of place. Certain `ayn najis things can become ritually pure by change in its location or place. For example, human blood is najis. Now, if a mosquito sucks the blood of a man and the blood becomes `blood of mosquito', then it will become tahir. Similarly, if an organ of a kafir is transplanted to a Muslim (and after some time the organ becomes a part of the Muslim's body), then it will become tahir. Zawalu ' 1- `ayni ' n-najasah means disappearance of the najis element. This mutahhir is mostly useful in case of animals. If there is any najasat on the body of an animal, it will become tahir just by the removal of, or rubbing out, the najasat from its body. Likewise, the inner parts of human body (like inside of the mouth, nose and eyelids) become tahir as soon as the najasat is removed from them. However, dentures are not included in this rule because they are foreign to mouth. Istibra' means to clean something or to get rid of something. This mutahhir is limited to certain animals. You already know that the urine and excrement of the halal animal are not najis. However, such animals loose their status of purity if they start eating human refuse. And when this happens, then the only way to make them tahir is istibra'. Istibra', in this context, means keeping these animal away from eating human refuse for a specified number of days. The number of days depends on the type of the animal: the camel for 40 days, the cow for 20 days, the sheep or goat for 10 days, the duck or fowl for 5 or 7 days, and the chicken for 3 days. Islam is the first among “the spiritual mutahhirat.” One of the a'yan najisah was a kafir. The only way a kafir can become tahir is for him/her to accept Islam. With the acceptance of Islam, he or she will immediately become tahir. However, if the person's clothes were najis, then the declaration of faith in Islam will not purify them; he will have to make them tahir with water. Taba`iyyah means to follow. In the present context, it means that when a najis thing or person becomes tahir, the things which are related to them also become tahir automatically. When a kafir becomes Muslim, his minor children become tahir automatically. If a well becomes najis, and the required amount of water is taken out of it to purify it, then the wall of the well, the bucket and the rope will also become tahir. While washing a najis thing, our hands become najis also; but when that thing become tahir, our hands will also become tahir automatically. If the wine become vinegar, this change will make it tahir; and the pot which contained it, becomes tahir automatically . The wooden plank or cement slab upon which the dead body of a Muslim is washed, as well as the piece of cloth used for covering his private parts, and also the hands of the person washing the dead body becomes clean when the ritual bath is completed. The last among the mutahhirat is ghaybatu ' l-Muslim. I have counted it as one of the spiritual mutahhir because it is based on a most important moral teachings of Islam which says that one must be positive in judging other Muslims. Ghaybatu 'l-Muslim means disappearance or absence of a Muslim. In the present context, it means the following: Suppose the body or anything related to a Muslim (who is serious in following the shari'ah) becomes najis. Then that person goes out of your sight long enough for him to purify himself or his belongings. Now, he comes back and you see him using that particular thing, then you should consider it tahir. What should be our general outlook towards the najasat? This is a question of utmost importance to the Muslims, especially for those who live in a society which is predominantly kafir. Usually we get two types of responses to this question: On the one hand is a group which has adopted a `liberal' view and says that such shari'ah laws are no longer relevant during our time. It is needless to say that this view has no support in the Islamic sources. The essence of Islam is a voluntary submission to the will of God and `liberal' attitude is opposite of that idea. The liberal view results partly from the ignorance about the dynamics and the adoptive nature of the shari'ah, it is the result of confusing the form for the substance; and partly from the influence of western liberal tradition. There is, on the other hand, a group which has adopted the holier-than-thou attitude and says that we must totally abstain from the najasat in all spheres of our lives. This view is based on some misconceived ideas about the shari'ah and the Islamic world-view in general. It ignores or is ignorant of the fact that Islam itself has described its shari'ah as “shari'atu 'n-sahla” or it shari`atu 'n-samha,” a simple shari'ah, a lenient shari `ah. While every informed Muslim recognizes the need to combat the liberal view, it is equally important to fight against the rigidity of the holier-than-thou mentality. The latter group is not without blame in pushing many ordinary Muslims towards the so-called liberal group. Between these two extremes lies the Islamic view, a view which can be named as the straight path-the path of those on whom Allah has showered His blessing, not of those with whom He is angry, nor of those who have gone astray! It is this view which I shall try, with the help of Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala, to explain here. Let me begin by raising the following question: Should we start with the assumption that everything is najis and haram unless we come to know otherwise? OR Should we start with the assumption that everything is tahir and halal unless we come to know otherwise? My answer to this question is that we should start with the assumption that everything is tahir and halal unless we come to know otherwise. Anyone familiar with the principles of the shari'ah cannot but agree with me. However, as all general rules have exceptions, the view I have adopted also has one exception. What I have said is valid at all times except in case of animal products obtained from non-Muslims. As for the animal products obtained from Muslims, we still start with the assumption that it is tahir and halal. It is only in case of the animal products obtained from the kuffar that we must start with the assumption that everything is najis and haram unless we come to know otherwise. This view is supported fully by all the mujtahids of our time, including Ayatullah al-Khu'i and Ayatullah al-Khumayni. Here I wish to just quote Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Kazim at-Tabataba'i al-Yazdi a prominent Shi`a mujtahid of the early present century whose book al- `Urwatu' 1-wuthqa is used by later mujtahids as a text for their ijtihad lectures. Ayatullah al-Yazdi writes: “(1) The utensils of the mushrikin and other kuff”ar are to be considered tahir as long as it is not known that they have touched them with flowing wetness. [This rule is valid] provided the utensils are not made from leather, otherwise they will be considered najis unless it is known that the animal [from which the leather originated] had been slaughtered Islamically or that it had been in possession of a Muslim [before coming into the kafir's possession]. “(2) Similarly other things that need to be slaughtered Islamically (e.g., meat and fat), if found in the possession of the kuff'ar must be considered najis unless it is known that the animal has been slaughtered Islamically or that it had been in possession of a Muslim [before coming to the kafir's possession]. “(3) However, a thing that does not need slaughtering is to be considered tahir unless you have knowledge that it is najis. And the conjecture that the kuff”ar may have touched it with wetness is not sufficient [to consider such a thing najis]. “(4) An item about which one is not sure whether or not it is from animal's .skin, flesh or fat is to be considered as a non-animal product and tahir, even if it is obtained from a kafir.” All the mujtahids of our time have annotated the al-`Urwatu 'l-wuthqa and all of them have agreed with the above views of Ayatullah al-Yazdi. Although the above quotation is sufficient, but for the sake of clarity I would like to quote Ayatullah al-Khu'i. In the first volume of Minhaju 's-Salihiyn, under the section of najasat, he writes: “What is obtained from the hands of the kafirs -like bread, oil, honey and other similar things, whether they are liquid or solid- is tahir unless you come to know that they have touched it with flowing wetness. The same applies to their clothes and utensils. And conjecture about najasat [in such cases] should not be taken into account.” 1719 But while discussing the rules of food and drinks, in the second volume of Minhaj, he writes: “The skin, flesh and fat that is obtained from the hands of a kafir is to be considered najis even if he informs you that it has been slaughtered Islamically.” 1820 What our mujtahids have said that you can assume everything --except the animal products obtained from a kafir- as tahir and halal unless you come to know otherwise is based on the clear guide-lines provided by our Imams (as). Fuzayl bin Yasar, Zurarah bin A'yan and Muhammad bin Muslim, the three highly respected companions of the fifth and sixth Imams, asked Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (as) about buying meat from the markets while they do not know what the butchers do when slaughtering the animals. The Imam said, “Eat if it is from a Muslim market and do not question about it.” 1921 Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Abi 'n-Nasr asked Imam 'Ali ar-Riza (as) about the [leather] shoes which have come in the [Muslim] market and a person buys a shoe while he does not know whether it [originated from an animal that] had been slaughtered Islamically or not. What do you say about praying in such a shoe while the person does not know [whether it is from a slaughtered animal]? Can he pray in it? The Imam said, “Yes; I also buy the shoes from the market, and it is made for me and I pray in it. You do not have to ask [whether it is from an Islamically slaughtered animal or not].”' 2022 al-Hasan ibn al-Jahm asked Imam 'Ali ar-Riza (as) a similar question about leather shoes and upon hearing the same answer, he said, “I am more restrained than this (in dealing with najasat).” Imam 'Ali ar-Riza (as) said, “Do you dislike what Abu '1-Hasan [i.e. Imam Musa al-Kazim] used to do?!” 'Ali bin Abi Hamzah heard a person asking Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (as) about a man who was praying while he was carrying a sword-can he pray with it? The Imam said, “Yes.” Then the person asked, even if its sheathe was made of leather from an animal which might have or might not have been slaughtered Islamically? The Imam said, “If you know that it is from an un-Islamically slaughtered animal, then do not pray in it.” 2224 An interesting incident is narrated by Mu'awiyah bin `Amman, one the famous companions of the sixth Imam. Mu'awiyah asked Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (as) about the dress which is made by the Magi who are unclean, who drink intoxicants and their women are also of the same type: “Can I wear such a dress without washing it and pray in it?” The Imam said, “Yes.” Thereafter, Mu'awiyah cut a shirt for the Imam from the cloth obtained from a Maji, designed it, and also prepared a waist-band and a robe from it. Then on a Friday, just before the noon time, he sent the dress to the Imam. He wanted to see whether or not the Imam puts it on without washing it. In Mu'awiyah's own words, “It seemed the Imam had understood my intentions, and came out with that same dress for the Friday prayer.” 23 A somewhat similar question was put in writing to Imam Mahdi (as) about praying in a dress made by a Maji without washing. Imam Mahdi (as) replied, “There is no problem in praying in it.” 2426 `Abdullah bin Sanari narrates that my father asked Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (as), “I loaned my dress to a dhimmi kafir whom I know that he drinks intoxicants and eats pork, and then he returns it to me-do I have to wash that dress before praying in it?” The Imam said, “Pray in that dress and do not wash it for that particular reason because when you loaned it to him, it was tahir and now you are not sure about its becoming najis.” 2527 The first four ahadith make it clear that whatever you get from a Muslim or a Muslim market -whether a non-animal product or an animal product- you can assume that it is tahir and halal, you do not even have to inquire about it. The last three ahadith make it quite clear that whatever non-animal products you get from a kafir is to be considered tahir and halal unless you come to know for sure that it is najis and haram. The restrictions of a Muslim or Muslim market found in the first three ahadith clearly indicates that animal products can be assumed as tahir and halal provided they are from the Muslim market. It automatically follows that animal products from non-Muslim sources cannot be considered tahir and halal unless we come to know otherwise. Here I will just quote two more hadith on this specific issue: Husayn bin al-Mundhir said to Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a. s.): We are a people who frequently go to the mountains and the distance is great between us and the mountains. We therefore buy animals in large number for food, and we ask the herdsmen about their religion and they reply that they are Christians. “So what do you say about the slaughtering of animals by the Jews and the Christians?” The Imam said, “O Husayn! The Islamic slaughtering can be done with Allah's name only and no one can be trusted with that except the people of tawhid (i.e., Muslims).” 2628 Once Ibn Abi Ya'fur and Mu'alla bin Khunays were travelling on the Nile and disagreed with each other about eating the meat slaughtered by the Jews. Mu'alla ate that meat while Ibn Abi Ya'fur refrained. Finally, they came to Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (as) and informed him about their disagreement. The Imam approved the decision of Ibn Abi Ya'fur and disapproved Mu'alla's decision to eat that meat. 2729 I would like to end this section with an interesting comment by Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Abi 'n-Nasr al-Bizanti on the holier-than-thou attitude. Ahmad al Bizanti was a very trustworthy and educated companion of Imam Riza (as) and Imam Muhammad at-Taqi (as). Ahmad bin Muhammad bin `Isa asked Ahmad al-Bizanti about a person who buys a leather robe while he does not know whether it is from an animal that was slaughtered Islamically or not--can he pray in it? It is obvious that the question is about buying such a thing in a Muslim society. Ahmad al-Bizanti answered, “Yes, and you do not have to question about it. Imam Muhammad at-Taqi (as) used to say, `The Khawarij had put much restrictions upon themselves out of ignorance, whereas the religion is broader [in its outlook] than that.”' The statement about the Khawarij has also been narrated from Imam Musa al-Kazim by Shaykh as-Saduq. 2830 It is on these shari'ah principles that our mujtahids have based their opinions about assuming everything -except the animal products obtained from a kafir to be tahir and halal unless we come to know otherwise. Islam does not expect us to totally abstain from najasat, it only wants us to be free from najasat in our food and drink, and during the salat. - 1. at-Tabataba'i, al-Mizan, vol. 9, p. 416; al-`Amili, Wasa'il vol. 1, pp. 249-51; al-Kadhimi, Masalik, p. 85. - 2. al-`Amili, Wasa'il, vol. 1, pp. 247, 1034. - 3. al-`Amili, Wasa'il, vol. 1, p. 1009. - 4. Masalik, p. 86; al-Ardibili, Zubdah, p. 31. - 5. Wasa'il, vol. 1, p. 1030. - 6. Wasa'il, vol. 1, p. 1050. - 7. Wasa'il, vol. 1, p. 1051. - 8. Wasa'il, vol. 1, p. 1055. - 9. Ibid, p. 1016. - 10. al-Jannati, Taharatu ' l-kitabi, p. 22-3; as-Sadr, al-Fatawa al-Wadiha, p. 221 - 11. al-Yazdi, al-'Urwah, p. 24; al-Khumayni, Tahriru 'l Wasilah, vol. 1, p. 118. - 12. al-Gharawi, at-Tanqih fi Sharhi '1-`Urwati '1-Wuthqa (Lectures of Ayatullah al-Khu'i), vol. 2, p. 64; also see al Jannati, Taharatu ' l-Kitabi, p.27. - 13. al-Khu'i, Minhaju 's-Salihiyn, vol. 1 (Beirut, Daru 'z Zahra, 22nd ed.) p. 111. - 14. As quoted by Muhammad Jawad al-Mughniyya in Fiqhu '1-Imam Jafar as-Sadiq, vol. 1, p. 28. - 15. ar-Razi, Tafsir al-Kabir, vol. 27, p. 166. - 16. al-Yazdi, al-`Urwah, p. 52. - 17. al-Khu'i, Minhaj, vol. 1, p. 114. - 18. Ibid, vol. 2, p. 332. - 19. Wasa'il, vol. 16, p. 294. - 20. Wasa'il, vol. 1, p. 1072. - 21. Ibid, p. 1073. - 22. Ibid, p. 1072. - 23. Wasa'il, vol. 1, p. 1093. - 24. Ibid. - 25. Ibid, p. 1095. - 26. Wasa'il, vol. 16, p. 279-80. - 27. Ibid, p. 285. - 28. Wasa'il, vol. 1, p. 1071
Business may include those activities in which singly or in association with other, endeavor to produce and distribute the goods and services that are important to the well begin, comfort and happiness of individuals, and for the benefit of the society as a whole. The owners of business enterprises are naturally motivated in their activities not only by the need for their material contributions to the welfare of the communities of which they are part, but also by the desire to make a profit. Business can be described as any organized activity or scheme undertaking by a person or persons with a view to earn a living. Objectives Of Forming A Business Osuala (1982) states that the successful operation of any business is measured by how well it’s products or services really satisfies the needs and wants of the individual in the society at a price they can and are willing to pay. Most business firms attempt to satisfy a particular economic need. The products or services intended to meet that need vary from business to business, similarly, the prices also vary. However, to be successful, a business must offer goods and services that are capable of satisfying consumers at a reasonable price. The main objectives of business therefore are 1. To produce goods and/ or services effectively to meet the need desire of customers. 2. To do so at a profit. 3. To protect the health and well-being of employees. 4. To exercise good community citizenship in relation with neighbors and community. 5. To provide desired sound growth for the firm and it’s profits. Class Of Bussiness Business firm can be grouped into four classes according to the kind of activity in which they are directly or indirectly engaged. 1. Basic Production: This includes farming, mining, fishing and forestry. 2. Processing. This includes manufacturing, construction, processing food, oil refining, publishing and printing. 3. Distribution: This class includes wholesale and trades, advertising, transportation, some form of communication and public utilities. 4. Service: This includes finance, insurance, real estate, professional service sure as medicine and law: shop and maintenance and repair of equipment, local, State and federal government services. The Environment Of Business. Business operates in an environment having six components, each of which is itself regarded as an environment. These six environment are the (1) natural, (2) historical, (3) economic, (4) political legal, (5) cultural and (6) social. 1. Natural environment The natural environment consists of air, land, water, and all natural resources- all of which are necessary for business. The costly destruction of these resources through pollution has given this environment a new important. 2. Historical environment The historical environment is the background against which business operates. In some advanced countries, business has gone from mercantilism to Laissez-fair capitalism to modified capitalism. Mercantilism is the philosophy that as business flourishes, the nation flourishes. Laissez-fair capitalism is the philosophy of allowing business to operate without government interference or restriction. Modified capitalism is the philosophy of regulating Business for the benefit of society. 3. Economic Environment The economic Environment is the supply and demand of the free enterprise system. 4. Political-legal Environment The political legal environment is made up of the laws and regulations within which business conducts it’s affairs. 5. Cultural Environment The cultural environment of business is the support given by Business to the architectural development of communities, and to recreation, the arts, and education through grants and other aids. For example, banks in some communities either purchase art or offer exhibits to local artists as their contribution to the community. 6. Social Environment The social Environment includes such objectives as the elimination of unemployment, the hiring of minorities, health care, product improvement, advertising credibility, and the stabilization of the economy. Some larger business firms organise drives for their local blood bank. Others send mobile personnel offices into ghetto areas areas to recruit persons formerly thought unemployed (Lerner & Baker 1976) The Social Responsibility Of Business The social responsibilities of Business fall under three major heads: 1. Poverty and Discrimination Poverty and Discrimination A society conducted by the Council of Economic of Advisors in 1962 showed that approximately one fifth of the population of the United States was living in poverty. In Nigeria, the poverty level is high, hence the setting up of the poverty Alleviation Programme of the Federal Government to address poverty problem of those discriminated against because of race or sex were, and are, the American Indian, Blacks, Mexican- Americans, and women of all backgrounds. These are problems and Business is called upon to deal with by hiring the so-called disadvantage (those who lack opportunities through no fault of their own) and by establishing fair wage levels. The Four major forms of pollution affecting Business are air, water, refuse (social waste), and noise. Most of these problems were created by business, but even where this is not the case, business is being called upon to help solve the problems. Consumerism is a protect against deceptive advertising and packaging defective production and unsafe products. It occasionally takes the form of an unofficial boycott, as in the meat boycott in the early 1970s. Business And Social Problems Basically, business is concerned about social problems for five reasons: 1. Changing societal values 2. Enlightened self-restraint 3. Personal responsibility 4. Managerial and financial resources 5. Federal legislation Changing Social values The quality of life has gained important in society’s system of values. Where, in years past, cheap goods – cars, for example- traditionally hadg cars with anti -pollution equipment. By helping society as a whole, business is actually serving it’s own long run interests. Thus business justifies huge expenditures for higher education, health, and cultural activities on the grounds that it is then in a position to hire talented employees by offering them a good place to work. People who live well make productive employee and satisfied customers. Many businessmen feel that they have helped to create some of the social ills and want to do something about it. Management And Financial Resources Big business has sufficient managerial and financial resources to undertake social changes. Moreover many feels that business has a obligation to help because with that economic power must come economic responsibility. Anti- discrimination laws, environment protection laws, and consumer laws provide protection to society as a whole. For business plan call the number above and we will help you with the latest and most detailed Business Plan in Nigeria OTHER BUSINESS PLAN IN NIGERIA WITH RECENT UPDATE - Office-Planning And Layout Introduction - Method Of Payment And Imprest System - The Co-Operative Society (Movement) - The Separation Of Investment And Management - Development Of Company - Partnership In Business - How to Start Export Business in Nigeria - The Sole Proprietorship - Introduction To Business - Restaurant Business Plan In Nigeria/ Latest Edition feasibility studies proposal - How to Make Money Online in Nigeria 2020 - Top 14 Business Ideas In Nigeria 2020 - Top 10 Most Lucrative Businesses In Nigeria 2020 - How To Start Kerosene Business In Nigeria Latest Edition feasibility studies proposal - Ushering Business Plan in Nigeria 2020 - Steps On How To Grow Your Business In Nigeria - Poultry Farming Business Plan In Nigeria - Shoe Making Business Plan In Nigeria 2020 - Paint Production Business Plan In Nigeria Latest Feasibility Study 2020 - Pig Farming Business Plan In Nigeria - Rice Farming Business Plan in Nigeria - How To Start Goat Farming In Nigeria/ Feasibility Study - How To Start Catfish Farming in Nigeria/ Feasibility Report - How to Start Poultry Farming in Nigeria/ Feasibility Study - How To Register A Company In Nigeria 2020 - How To Become A Recharge Card Distributor In Nigeria/ Feasibility Study […] Introduction To Business […]
WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY 2022: October 5 is celebrated as Teachers Day or World Teachers Day around the world. It is observed to express gratitude for the contributions of teachers, who prepare children to face the world. Teachers, take care of every child without prejudice and instil confidence and courage in them, in addition to educating and training them. Teachers, without a doubt, are wonderful mentors and philosophers who help us to get the ability to handle life’s ups and downs. World Teachers’ Day: Date and history In the year 1994, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) proclaimed October 5 as World Teachers’ Day. The date is significant as it was on this day in 1966 that a special intergovernmental meeting accepted the UNESCO Recommendation on the Status of Teachers. The suggestion provided teachers with an outline of their obligations and rights. The historical recommendation tackles the subject of teachers’ continuous education as well as issues related to education personnel policy, recruitment, and initial training. World Teachers’ Day: Significance The purpose of World Teachers’ Day is to recognise, evaluate, and enhance the status of teachers around the globe. This day is also viewed as a chance to think about and resolve problems relating to teachers and education. Every year to commemorate World Teachers’ Day, UNESCO and Education International (EI) organise a campaign with a varied topic to promote a better understanding of teachers and their line of work because they are crucial to the growth of students and society. World Teachers’ Day is of the utmost importance since it is observed to commemorate accomplishments and to consider strategies for overcoming difficulties that the teaching profession faces. The theme of World Teachers’ Day 2022 World Teachers Day 2022 will have as its theme “The change of education begins with teachers”. How is it celebrated? This is a day for students to show their appreciation for their favourite teachers by their gestures. Teacher’s Day is a time of celebration and role reversal for senior students. The role-reversal exercise also enables them to imagine themselves as their teachers. This is a good time to thank your teachers for inspiring a desire in us to do well and succeed in life and to acknowledge the dedication of your mentors and gurus, even if you are no longer enrolled in school or attending college. Read all the Latest Lifestyle News and Breaking News here
Commonly Called The Code of Canons of the African Church. Councils were nowhere more frequently called in the Primitive Times than in Africa. In the year 418-19, all canons formerly made in sixteen councils held at Carthage, one at Milevis, one at Hippo, that were approved of, were read, and received a new sanction from a great number of bishops, then met in synod at Carthage. This Collection is the Code of the African Church, which was always in greatest repute in all Churches next after the Code of the Universal Church. This code was of very great authority in the old English Churches, for many of the Excerptions of Egbert were transcribed from it. And though the Code of the Universal Church ends with the canons of Chalcedon, yet these African Canons are inserted into the Ancient Code both of the Eastern and Western Churches. These canons though ratified and approved by a synod, yet seem to have been divided or numbered by some private and unlearned hand, and have probably met with very unskilful transcribers, by which means some of them are much confounded and obscured, as to their sense and coherence. They are by Dionysius Exiguus and others entitled The Canons of the Synod of Africa. And though all were not originally made at one time, yet they were all confirmed by one synod of African bishops, who, after they had recited the Creed and the twenty canons of the Council of Nicaea, proceeded to make new canons, and re-enforce old ones. Carthage was formerly the head of the whole of Africa, as St. Augustine tells us in his Epistle CLXII. From this cause it happened that a great number of councils were held there, gathered from all the provinces of Africa. Especially while Aurelius as Archbishop was occupying the throne were these meetings of bishops frequently holden; and by these, for the establishing of ecclesiastical discipline in Africa, many canons were enacted. At last, after the consulate of Honorius (XII.) and Theodosius (VIII.), Augustuses, on the eighth day before the Calends of June, that is to say, on May 25, in the year of our Lord 419, another Council was held in the same city at which all the canons previously adopted were considered, and the greater part of them were again confirmed by the authority of the synod. These canons, thus confirmed by this council, merited to be called from that day to this The Code of Canons of the African Church. These canons were not at first adopted in Greek but in Latin, and they were confirmed in the same language. This Dionysius Exiguus distinctly testifies to in his preface to the Code of Ecclesiastical Canons, in which they are included. It is uncertain when the canons of this Carthaginian synod were done into Greek. This only is certain, that they had been translated into Greek before the Council in Trullo by which, in its Second Canon, they were received into the Greek Nomocanon, and were confirmed by the authority of this synod; so that from that time these canons stand in the Eastern Church on an equality with all the rest. An extremely interesting point arises as to what was the authority of the collection as a collection, and how this collection was made? There seems no doubt that the collection substantially as we know it was the code accepted by the Council of Trullo, the canons of which received a quasi-ecumenical authority from the subsequent general imprimatur given them by the Seventh Ecumenical Council, the Second of Nice. Here is a list of the various councils which made the enactments, with their dates. The numbering of the African councils differs very widely between the different writers, and Cave reckons nine between 401 and 608, and thirty-five Carthaginian between 215 and 533. Very useful tables, showing the conclusions of Fuchs, are found at the end of Bruns, Canones Apostolorum et Conciliorum Veterum Selecti. (Found in Dionysius Exiguus, Codex Can. Migne, Pat. Lat., Tom. lxvii., col. 182.) After the consulate of the most glorious emperors, Honorus for the twelfth time and Theodosius for the eighth time, Augustuses, on the VIII. before the Calends of June at Carthage, in the Secretarium of the basilica of Faustus, when Pope Aurelius had sat down, together with Valentine of the primatial see of the province of Numidia, and Faustinus of the Potentine Church, of the Italian province Picenum, a legate of the Roman Church, and also with legates of the different African provinces, that is to say, of the two Numidias, of Byzacena, of Mauritania Cæsariensis, as well as of Tripoli, and with Vincent Colositanus, Fortunatian, and other bishops of the proconsular province, in all two hundred and seventeen, also with Philip and Asellus, presbyters and legates of the Roman Church, and while the deacons were standing by, Aurelius the bishop said, etc., ut infra. Aurelius the Bishop said: You, most blessed brethren, remember that after the day fixed for the synod we discussed many things while we were waiting for our brethren who now have been sent as delegates and have arrived at the present synod, which must be placed in the acts. Wherefore let us render thanks to our Lord for the gathering together of so great an assembly. It remains that the acts of the Nicene Synod which we now have, and have been determined by the fathers, as well as those things enacted by our predecessors here, who confirmed that same Synod, or which according to the same form have been usefully enacted by all grades of the clergy, from the highest even to the lowest, should be brought forward. The whole Council said: Let them be brought forward. Daniel the Notary read: The profession of faith or statutes of the Nicene Synod are as follows. And while he was speaking, Faustinus, a bishop of the people of Potentia, of the Italian province of Picenum, a legate of the Roman Church said: There have been entrusted to us by the Apostolic See certain things in writings, and certain other things as in ordinances to be treated of with your blessedness as we have called to memory in the acts above, that is to say, concerning the canons made at Nice, that their decrees and customs be observed; for some things are observed out of decree and canon, but some from custom. Concerning these things therefore in the first place let us make enquiry, if it please your blessedness; and afterwards let the other ordinances which have been adopted or proposed be confirmed; so that you may be able to show by your rescripts to the Apostolic See, and that you may declare to the same venerable Pope, that we have diligently remembered these things; although the headings of action taken had been already inserted in the acts. In this matter we should act, as I have said above, as shall please your beloved blessedness. Let, therefore the commonitorium come into the midst, that you may be able to recognize what is contained in it, so that an answer can be given to each point. Aurelius said: Let the commonitorium be brought forward, which our brethren and fellow-ministers lately placed in the acts, and let the rest of the things done or to be done, follow in order. Daniel the Notary read the Commonitorium. To our brother Faustinus and to our sons, the presbyters Philip and Asellus, Zosimus, the bishop. You well remember that we committed to you certain businesses, and now [we bid you] carry out all things as if we ourselves were there (for), indeed, our presence is there with you; especially since you have this our commandment, and the words of the canons which for greater certainty we have inserted in this our commonitory. For thus said our brethren in the Council of Nicaea when they made these decrees concerning the appeals of bishops: [Here follows verbatim Canon v. of Sardica.] Ancient epitome: If bishops shall have deposed a bishop, and if he appeal to the Roman bishop, he should be benignantly heard, the Roman bishop writing or ordering. And when this had been read, Alypius, bishop of the Tagastine Church, and legate of the province of Numidia, said: On this matter there has been some legislation in former sessions of our council, and we profess that we shall ever observe what was decreed by the Nicene Council; yet I remember that when we examined the Greek copies of this Nicene Synod, we did not find these the words quoted — Why this was the case, I am sure I do not know. For this reason we beg your reverence, holy Pope Aurelius, that, as the authentic record of the decrees of the Council of Nicaea are said to be preserved in the city of Constantinople, you would deign to send messengers with letters from your Holiness, and not only to our most holy brother the bishop of Constantinople, but also to the venerable bishops of Alexandria and Antioch, who shall send to us the decrees of that council with the authentification of their signatures, so that hereafter all ambiguity should be taken away, for we failed to find the words cited by our brother Faustinus; notwithstanding this however we promise to be ruled by them for a short time, as I have already said, until reliable copies come to hand. Moreover the venerable bishop of the Roman Church, Boniface, should be asked likewise to be good enough to send messengers to the aforementioned churches, who should have the same copies according to his rescript, but the copies of the aforementioned Nicene Council which we have, we place in these Acts. Faustinus the bishop, legate of the Roman Church, said: Let not your holiness do dishonour to the Roman Church, either in this matter or in any other, by saying the canons are doubtful, as our brother and fellow bishop Alypius has vouchsafed to say: but do you deign to write these things to our holy and most blessed pope, so that he seeking out the genuine canons, can treat with your holiness on all matters decreed. But it suffices that the most blessed bishop of the city of Rome should make enquiry just as your holiness proposes doing on your part, that there may not seem to have arisen any contention between the Churches, but that you may the rather be enabled to deliberate with fraternal charity, when he has been heard from, what is best should be observed. Aurelius the bishop said: In addition to what is set down in the acts, we, by the letters from our insignificance, must more fully inform our holy brother and fellow bishop Boniface of everything which we have considered. Therefore if our plan pleases all, let us be informed of this by the mouth of all. And the whole council said: It seems good to us. Novatus the bishop, legate of Mauritania Sitifensis, said: We now call to mind that there is contained in this commonitory something about presbyters and deacons, how they should be tried by their own bishops or by those adjoining, a provision which we find nothing of in the Nicene Council. For this cause let your holiness order this part to be read. Aurelius the bishop said: Let the place asked for be read. Daniel the notary read as follows: Concerning the appeals of clergymen, that is of those of inferior rank, there is a sure answer of this very synod, concerning which thing what you should do, we think should be inserted, as follows: Hosius the bishop said: I should not conceal what has come into my mind up to this time. If any bishop perchance has been quickly angered (a thing what should not happen) and has acted quickly or sharply against a presbyter or a deacon of his, and has wished to drive him out of the Church, provision should be made that the innocent be not condemned, or be deprived of communion: he that has been ejected should have the right of appeal to the bishops of the bordering dioceses, that his case should be heard, and it should be carried on all the more diligently because to him who asks a hearing it should not be denied. And the bishop who either justly or unjustly rejected him, should patiently allow the affair to be discussed, so that his sentence be either approved or else emended, etc. And when this had been read, Augustine, the bishop of the Church of Hippo of the province of Numidia, said: We promise that this shall be observed by us, provided that upon more careful examination it be found to be of the Council of Nicaea. Aurelius the bishop said. If this also is pleasing to the charity of you all, give it the confirmation of your vote. The whole Council said: Everything that has been ordained by the Nicene Council pleases us all. Jocundus, the bishop of the Church of Suffitula, legate of the province of Byzacena, said: What was decreed by the Nicene Council cannot in any particular be violated. Faustinus the bishop, legate of the Roman Church, said: So far as has developed by the confession of your holiness as well as of the holy Alypius, and of our brother Jocundus, I believe that some of the points have been made weak and others confirmed, which should not be the case, since even the very canons themselves have been brought into question. Therefore, that there may be harmony between us and your blessedness, let your holiness deign to refer the matter to the holy and venerable bishop of the Roman Church, that he may be able to consider whether what St. Augustine vouchsafed to enact, should be conceded or not, I mean in the matter of appeals of the inferior grade. If therefore there still is doubt, on this head it is right that the bishop of the most blessed see be informed, if this can be found in the canons which have been approved. Aurelius the bishop said: As we have suggested to your charity, pray allow the copies of the statutes of the Nicene Council to be read and inserted in the acts, as well as those things what have been most healthfully defined in this city by our predecessors, according to the rule of that council, and those which now have been ordained by us. And the whole council said: The copies of the Creed, and the statutes of the Nicene Synod which formerly were brought to our council through Cæcilean of blessed memory, the predecessor of your holiness (who was present at it), as well as the copies of the decrees made by the Fathers in this city following them, or which now we have decreed by our common consultation, shall remain inserted in these ecclesiastical acts, so that (as has been already said) your blessedness may vouchsafe to write to those most venerable men of the Church of Antioch, and of that of Alexandria, and also of that of Constantinople, that they would send most accurate copies of the decrees of the Council of Nicaea under the authentification of their signatures, by which, the truth of the matter having become evident, those chapters which in the commonitory our brother who is present, and fellow bishop Faustinus, as well as our fellow presbyters Philip and Asellus brought with them, if they be found therein, may be confirmed by us; or if they be not found, we will hold a synod and consider the matter further. Daniel the notary read the profession of faith of the Council of Nicaea and its statutes to the African Council. The statutes also of the Nicene Council in twenty heads were likewise read, as are found written before. Then what things were promulgated in the African Synods, were inserted in the present acts. That the statutes of the Nicene Council are to be scrupulously observed Aurelius the bishop said: Such are the statutes of the Nicene Council, which our fathers at that time brought back with them: and preserving this form, let these things which follow, adopted and confirmed by us, be kept firm. Of Preaching the Trinity The whole Council said: By the favour of God, by a unanimous confession the Church's faith which through us is handed down should be confessed in this glorious assembly before anything else; then the ecclesiastical order of each is to be built up and strengthened by the consent of all. That the minds of our brethren and fellow bishops lately elevated may be strengthened, those things should be propounded which we have certainly received from our fathers, as the unity of the Trinity, which we retain consecrated in our senses, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which has no difference, as we say, so we shall instruct the people of God. Moreover by all the bishops lately promoted it was said: So we openly confess, so we hold, so we teach, following the Evangelic faith and your teaching. Aurelius the bishop said: When at the past council the matter on continency and chastity was considered, those three grades, which by a sort of bond are joined to chastity by their consecration, to wit bishops, presbyters, and deacons, so it seemed that it was becoming that the sacred rulers and priests of God as well as the Levites, or those who served at the divine sacraments, should be continent altogether, by which they would be able with singleness of heart to ask what they sought from the Lord: so that what the apostles taught and antiquity kept, that we might also keep. Of the different orders that should abstain from their wives Faustinus, the bishop of the Potentine Church, in the province of Picenum, a legate of the Roman Church, said: It seems good that a bishop, a presbyter, and a deacon, or whoever perform the sacraments, should be keepers of modesty and should abstain from their wives. By all the bishops it was said: It is right that all who serve the altar should keep pudicity from all women. Aurelius, the bishop, said: The cupidity of avarice (which, let no one doubt, is the mother of all evil things), is to be henceforth prohibited, lest anyone should usurp another's limits, or for gain should pass beyond the limits fixed by the fathers, nor shall it be at all lawful for any of the clergy to receive usury of any kind. And those new edicts (suggestiones) which are obscure and generally ambiguous, after they have been examined by us, will have their value fixed (formam accipiunt); but with regard to those upon which the Divine Scripture has already most plainly given judgment, it is unnecessary that further sentence should be pronounced, but what is already laid down is to be carried out. And what is reprehensible in laymen is worthy of still more severe censure in the clergy. The whole synod said: No one has gone contrary to what is said in the Prophets and in the Gospels with impunity. That the chrism should not be made by presbyters Fortunatus the bishop, said: In former councils we remember that it was decreed that the chrism or the reconciliation of penitents, as also the consecration of virgins be not done by presbyters: but should anyone be discovered to have done this, what ought we to decree with regard to him? Aurelius the bishop said: Your worthiness has heard the suggestion of our brother and fellow bishop Fortunatus; What answer will you give? And all the bishops replied: Neither the making of the chrism, nor the consecration of virgins, is to be done by presbyters, nor is it permitted to a presbyter to reconcile anyone in the public mass (in publica missa), this is the pleasure of all of us. Concerning those who are reconciled in peril of death Aurelius the bishop said: If anyone had fallen into peril of death during the absence of the bishop, and had sought to reconcile himself to the divine altars, the presbyter should consult the bishop, and so reconcile the sick man at his bidding, which thing we should strengthen with healthy counsel. By all the bishops it was said: Whatever your holiness has taught us to be necessary, that is our pleasure. Of those who make accusation against an elder; and that no criminal is to be suffered to bring a charge against a bishop Numidius, the bishop of Maxula, said: Moreover, there are very many, not of good life, who think that their elders or bishops should be the butt for accusation; ought such to be easily admitted or no? Aurelius the bishop said: Is it the pleasure of your charity that he who is ensnared by various wickednesses should have no voice of accusation against these? All the bishops said: If he is criminous, his accusation is not to be received. Of those who on account of their deeds are justly cast forth from the congregation of the Church Augustine the bishop, the legate of the Numidian province, said: Deign to enact that if any perchance have been rightly on account of their crimes cast forth from the Church, and shall have been received into communion by some bishop or presbyter, such shall be considered as guilty of an equal crime with them who flee away from the judgment of their own bishop. And all the bishops said: This is the pleasure of all of us. Of presbyters who are corrected by their own bishops Alypius the bishop, a legate of the province of Numidia, said: Nor should this be passed over; if by chance any presbyter when corrected by his bishop, inflamed by self-conceit or pride, has thought fit to offer sacrifices to God separately [from the authority of the bishop] or has believed it right to erect another altar, contrary to ecclesiastical faith and discipline, such should not get off with impunity. Valentine, of the primatial see of the province of Numidia, said: The propositions made by our brother Alypius are of necessity congruous to ecclesiastical discipline and faith; therefore enact what seems good to your belovedness. If any presbyter, inflated against his bishop, makes a schism, let him be anathema All the bishops said: If any presbyter shall have been corrected by his superior, he should ask the neighbouring bishops that his cause be heard by them and that through them he may be reconciled to his bishop: but if he shall not have done this, but, puffed up with pride, (which may God forbid!) he shall have thought it proper to separate himself from the communion of his bishop, and separately shall have offered the sacrifice to God, and made a schism with certain accomplices, let him be anathema, and let him lose his place; and if the complaint which he brought against his bishop shall [not] have been found to be well founded, an enquiry should be instituted. If any bishop out of Synod time shall have fallen under accusation, let his cause be heard by 12 bishops Felix the bishop, said: I suggest, according to the statutes of the ancient councils, that if any bishop (which may God forbid!) shall have fallen under any accusation, and there shall have been too great necessity to wait for the summoning of a majority of the bishops, that he may not rest under accusation, let his cause be heard by 12 bishops; and let a presbyter be heard by six bishops with his own bishop, and a deacon shall be heard by three. That a bishop should not be ordained except by many bishops, but if there should be necessity he may be ordained by three Bishop Aurelius said: What says your holiness on this matter? By all the bishops it was answered: The decrees of the ancients must be observed by us, to wit, that without the consent of the Primate of any province even many bishops assembled together should not lightly presume to ordain a bishop. But should there be a necessity, at his bidding, three bishops should ordain him in any place they happen to be, and if anyone contrary to his profession and subscription shall come into any place he shall thereby deprive himself of his honour. That one of the bishops of Tripoli should come as legate, and that a presbyter might be heard there by five bishops It also seemed good that one bishop from Tripoli, on account of the poverty of the province, should come as a legation, and that there a presbyter might be heard by five bishops, and a deacon by three, as has been noted above, his own bishop presiding. Of the various orders who serve the Church, that if any one fall into a criminal business and refused to be tried by the ecclesiastical court, he ought to be in danger therefor; and that the sons of bishops (sacerdotum ) are not to attend worldly shows. Moreover it seemed good that if any bishop, presbyter, or deacon, who had a criminal charge brought against him or who had a civil cause, refused to be tried by the ecclesiastical tribunal, but wished to be judged by the secular courts, even if he won his suit, nevertheless he should lose his office. This is the law in a criminal suit; but in a civil suit he shall lose that for the recovery of which he instituted the proceedings, if he wishes to retain his office. This also seemed good, that if from some ecclesiastical judges an appeal was taken to other ecclesiastical judges who had a superior jurisdiction, this should in no way injure the reputation of those from whom the appeal was taken, unless it could be shown that they had given sentence moved by hatred or some other mental bias, or that they had been in some way corrupted. But if by the consent of both parties judges had been chosen, even if they were fewer in number than is specified, no appeal can be taken. And [it seemed good] that the sons of bishops should not take part in nor witness secular spectacles. For this has always been forbidden to all Christians, so let them abstain from them, that they may not go where cursing and blasphemy are to be found. That no bishop, presbyter or deacon should be a conductor; and that Readers should take wives; and that the clergy should abstain from usury; and at what age they or virgins should be consecrated Likewise it seemed good that bishops, presbyters, and deacons should not be conductors nor seek their food by any base and vile business, for they should remember how it is written, No man fighting for God cumbers himself with worldly affairs. Also it seemed good that Readers when they come to years of puberty, should be compelled either to take wives or else to profess continence. Likewise it seemed good that if a clergyman had lent money he should get it back again, but if kind (speciem) he should receive back the same kind as he gave. And that younger than twenty-five years deacons should not be ordained, nor virgins consecrated. And that readers should not salute the people. That any province on account of its distance, may have its own Primate It seemed good that Mauretania Sitiphensis, as it asked, should have a Primate of its own, with the consent of the Primate of Numidia from whose synod it had been separated. And with the consent of all the primates of the African Provinces and of all the bishops permission was given, by reason of the great distance between them. If any cleric is ordained he ought to be admonished to observe the constitutions And that neither the Eucharist nor Baptism should be given to the bodies of the dead. And that every year in every province the Metropolitans come together in synod. It seemed good that before bishops, or clerics were ordained, the provisions of the canons should be brought to their notice, lest, they might afterwards repent of having through ignorance acted contrary to law. It also seemed good that the Eucharist should not be given to the bodies of the dead. For it is written: Take, Eat, but the bodies of the dead can neither take Nor let the ignorance of the presbyters baptize those who are dead. And therefore in this holy synod should be confirmed in accordance with the Nicene decrees, on account of Ecclesiastical causes, which often are delayed to the injury of the people, that every year there should be a synod, to which all, who are primates of the provinces, should send bishops as legates, from their own synods, two or as many as they choose; so that when the synod meets it may have full power to act. That if any bishop is accused the cause should be brought before the primate of his own province Aurelius, the bishop, said: Whatever bishop is accused the accuser shall bring the case before the primates of the province to which the accused belongs, and he shall not be suspended from communion by reason of the crime laid to his charge unless he fails to put in an appearance on the appointed day for arguing his cause before the chosen judges, having been duly summoned by the letters; that is, within the space of one month from the day in which he is found to have received the letters. But should he be able to prove any true necessity which manifestly rendered it impossible for him to appear, he shall have the opportunity of arguing his case within another full month; but after the second month he shall not communicate until he is acquitted. But if he is not willing to come to the annual general council, so that his cause may there be terminated, he himself shall be judged to have pronounced the sentence of his own condemnation at the time in which he does not communicate, nor shall he communicate either in his own church or diocese. But his accuser, if he has not missed any of the days for pleading the cause, shall not be shut out from communion; but if he has missed some of them, withdrawing himself, then the bishop shall be restored to communion and the accuser shall be removed from communion; so, nevertheless, that the possibility of going on with the case be not taken from him, if he shall prove that his absence was caused by lack of power and not by lack of will. And this is enacted, that if the accuser turn out to be himself a criminal when the case against the bishop has come to argument, he shall not be allowed to testify unless he asserts that the causes are personal and not ecclesiastical. Of accused presbyters or clerks But if presbyters or deacons shall have been accused, there shall be joined together from the neighbouring places with the bishop of the diocese, the legitimate number of colleagues, whom the accused shall seek from the same; that is together with himself six in the case against a presbyter, in that against a deacon three. They shall discuss the causes, and the same form shall be kept with regard to days and postponements and removals from communion, and in the discussion of persons between the accusers and the accused. But the causes of the rest of the clergy, the bishop of the place shall take cognizance of and determine alone. That the sons of clergymen are not to be joined in marriage with heretics Likewise it seemed good that the sons of clergymen should not be joined in matrimony with gentiles and heretics. That bishops or other clergymen shall give nothing to those who are not Catholics And that to those who are not Catholic Christians, even if they be blood relations, neither bishops nor clergymen shall give anything at all by way of donation of their possessions. That bishops shall not go across seas Item, That bishops shall not go beyond seas without consulting the bishop of the primatial see of his own province: so that from him they may be able to receive a formed or commendatory letter. That nothing be read in church besides the Canonical Scripture Item, that besides the Canonical Scriptures nothing be read in church under the name of divine Scripture. But the Canonical Scriptures are as follows: Let this be sent to our brother and fellow bishop, Boniface, and to the other bishops of those parts, that they may confirm this canon, for these are the things which we have received from our fathers to be read in church. Concerning bishops and the lower orders who wait upon the most holy mysteries. It has seemed good that these abstain from their wives Aurelius, the bishop, said: We add, most dear brethren, moreover, since we have heard of the incontinency of certain clerics, even of readers, towards their wives, it seemed good that what had been enacted in various councils should be confirmed, to wit, that subdeacons who wait upon the holy mysteries, and deacons, and presbyters, as well as bishops according to former statutes, should contain from their wives, so that they should be as though they had them not and unless they so act, let them be removed from office. But the rest of the clergy are not to be compelled to this, unless they be of mature age. And by the whole council it was said: What your holiness has said is just, holy, and pleasing to God, and we confirm it. That no one should take from the possessions of the Church. Likewise it seemed good that no one should sell anything belonging to the Church: that if there was no revenue, and other great necessity urged thereto, this might be brought before the Metropolitan of the province that he might deliberate with the appointed number of bishops whether this should be done: that if such urgent necessity lay upon any church that it could not take counsel beforehand, at least let it call together the neighbouring bishops as witnesses, taking care to refer all the necessities of his church to the council: and that if he shall not do this, he shall be held as responsible toward God, and as a seller in the eye of the council, and he shall have lost thereby his honour. Presbyters and deacons convicted of the graver crimes shall not receive laying on of hands, like laymen. It also was confirmed that if presbyters or deacons were convicted of any of the greater crimes on account of which it was necessary that they should be removed from the ministry, that hands should not be laid upon them as upon penitents, or as upon faithful layman, nor should it be permitted that they be baptized over again and then advanced to the clerical grade. Presbyters, deacons, or clerics, who shall think good to carry appeals in their causes across the water shall not at all be admitted to communion. It also seemed good that presbyters, deacons, and others of the inferior clergy in the causes which they had, if they were dissatisfied with the judgments of their bishops, let the neighbouring bishops with the consent of their own bishop hear them, and let the bishops who have been called in judge between them: but if they think they have cause of appeal from these, they shall not betake themselves to judgments from beyond seas, but to the primates of their own provinces, or else to an universal council, as has also been decreed concerning bishops. But whoever shall think good to carry an appeal across the water shall be received to communion by no one within the boundaries of Africa. If anyone who is excommunicated shall receive communion before his cause is heard he brings damnation on himself. Likewise it pleased the whole Council that he who shall have been excommunicated for any neglect, whether he be bishop, or any other cleric, and shall have presumed while still under sentence, and his cause not yet heard, to receive communion, he shall be considered by so doing to have given sentence against himself. Concerning the accused or accuser. Likewise it seemed good that the accused, or the accusor, if (living in the same place as the accused) he fears some evil may be done him by the tumultuous multitude, may choose for himself a place near by, where the cause may be determined, and where there will be no difficulty in producing the witnesses. If certain clerics advanced by their own bishops are supercilious, let them not remain whence they are unwilling to come forth It also seemed good that whoever of the clergy or of the deacons would not help the bishop in the necessities of the churches, when he wished to lift them to a higher position in his diocese, should no longer be allowed to exercise the functions of that grade from which they were not willing to be removed. If any poor cleric, no matter what his rank may be, shall acquire any property, it shall be subject to the power of the bishop. It also seemed good that bishops, presbyters, deacons and any other of the clergy, who when they were ordained had no possessions, and in the time of their episcopate or after they became clerics, shall purchase in their own names lands or any other property, shall be held guilty of the crime of intrenching upon the Lord's goods, unless, when they are admonished to do so, they place the same at the disposal of the Church. But should anything come to them personally by the liberality of anyone, or by succession from some relative, let them do what they will with it; if, however, they demand it back again, contrary to what they proposed, they shall be judged unworthy of ecclesiastical honour as back-sliders. That presbyters should not sell the goods of the Church in which they are constituted; and that no bishop can rightly use anything the title to which vests in the ecclesiastical maternal centre (μάτρικος). It also seemed good that presbyters should not sell the ecclesiastical property where they are settled without their bishop's knowledge; and it is not lawful for bishops to sell the goods of the Church without the council or their presbyters being aware of it. Nor should the bishop without necessity usurp the property of the maternal (matricis) Church [nor should a presbyter usurp the property of his own cure (tituli)]. That nothing of those things enacted in the Synod of Hippo is to be corrected Bishop Epigonius said: In this summary (Breviarium) which was adopted at the Synod of Hippo, we think nothing should be amended, nor anything added thereto except that the day on which the holy Feast of Easter falls should be announced in Synod. That bishops or clergymen should not easily set free their sons That bishops or clerics should not easily let their children pass out of their power; unless they were secure of their morals and age, that their own sins may pertain to them. That bishops or clergymen are not to be ordained unless they have made all their family Christians None shall be ordained bishop, presbyters, or deacons before all the inmates of their houses shall have become Catholic Christians. It is not lawful to offer anything in the Holy Mysteries except bread and wine mixed with water In the sacraments of the body and blood of the Lord nothing else shall be offered than that which the Lord himself ordained, that is to say, bread and wine mixed with water. But let the first-fruits, whether honey or milk, be offered on that one most solemn day, as is wont, in the mystery of the infants. For although they are offered on the altar, let them have nevertheless their own benediction, that they may be distinguished from the sacraments of the Lord's body and blood; neither let there be offered as first-fruits anything other than grapes and corns. That clerics or those who are continent shall not visit virgins or widows Neither clerics nor those who profess continence should enter the houses of widows or virgins without the bidding or consent of the bishops or presbyters: and then let them not go alone, but with some other of the clergy, or with those assigned by the bishop or presbyter for this purpose; not even bishops and presbyters shall go alone to women of this sort, except some of the clergy are present or some other grave Christian men. That a bishop should not be called the chief of the priests. That the bishop of the first see shall not be called Prince of the Priests or High Priest (Summus Sacerdos) or any other name of this kind, but only Bishop of the First See. Concerning the non-frequenting of taverns by the clergy, except when travelling That the clergy are not to enter taverns for eating or drinking, nor unless compelled to do so by the necessity of their journey. That by men who are fasting sacrifices are to be offered to God That the Sacraments of the Altar are not to be celebrated except by those who are fasting, except on the one anniversary of the celebration of the Lord's Supper; for if the commemoration of some of the dead, whether bishops or others, is to be made in the afternoon, let it be only with prayers, if those who officiate have already breakfasted. Concerning the not having feasts under any circumstances in churches That no bishops or clerics are to hold feasts in churches, unless perchance they are forced thereto by the necessity of hospitality as they pass by. The people, too, as far as possible, are to be prohibited from attending such feasts. That to penitents the times of their penance shall be assigned by the will of the bishop according to the difference of their sins; and that a presbyter shall not reconcile a penitent without consulting the bishop, unless the absence of the bishop urges him necessarily thereto. But when of any penitent the offense has been public and commonly known, so as to have scandalized the whole Church, he shall receive imposition of the hand before the altar (Lat. before the apse That holy virgins when they are separated from their parents by whom they have been wont to be guarded, are to be commended by the care of the bishop, or presbyter where the bishop is absent, to women of graver age, so that living with them they may take care of them, lest they hurt the reputation of the Church by wandering about. Concerning those who are sick and cannot answer for themselves That the sick are to be baptized who cannot answer for themselves if their [servants] shall have spoken at their own proper peril a testimony of the good will [of the sick man]. (Greek Canon xlix.) Concerning players who are doing penance and are converted to the Lord. That to players and actors and other persons of that kind, as also to apostates when they are converted and return to God, grace or reconciliation is not to be denied. Concerning the passions of the martyrs The passions of the Martyrs may be read when their anniversary days are celebrated. Concerning [the Donatists and ] the children baptized by the Donatists. Concerning the Donatists it seemed good that we should hold counsel with our brethren and fellow priests Siricius and Simplician concerning those infants alone who are baptized by Donatists: lest what they did not do of their own will, when they should be converted to the Church of God with a salutary determination, the error of their parents might prevent their promotion to the ministry of the holy altar. But when these things had been begun, Honoratus and Urbanus, bishops of Mauritania Sitifensis, said: When some time ago we were sent to your holiness, we laid aside what things had been written on this account, that we might wait for the arrival of our brethren the legates from Numidia. But because not a few days have passed in which they have been looked for and as yet they are not arrived, it is not fitting that we should delay any longer the commands we received from our brother-bishops; and therefore, brethren, receive our story with alacrity of mind. We have heard concerning the faith of the Nicene tractate: True it is that sacrifices are to be forbidden after breakfast, so that they may be offered as is right by those who are fasting, and this has been confirmed then and now. Of rebaptisms, reordinations, and translations of bishops But we suggest that we decree what was set forth by the wisdom of the plenary synod at Capua, that no rebaptisings, nor reordinations should take place, and that bishops should not be translated. For Cresconius, bishop of Villa Regis, left his own people and invaded the Church of Tubinia and having been admonished down to this very day, to leave, according to the decree, the diocese he had invaded, he treated the admonition with disdain. We have heard that the sentence pronounced against him has been confirmed; but we seek, according to our decree, that you deign to grant that being driven thereto by necessity, it be free to us to address the rector of the province against him, according to the statutes of the most glorious princes, so that whoever is not willing to acquiesce in the mild admonition of your holiness and to amend his lawlessness, shall be immediately cast out by judicial authority. Aurelius the bishop said: By the observance of the constituted form, let him not be judged to be a member of the synod, if he has been asked by you, dear brethren, to depart and has refused: for out of his own contempt and contumacy he has fallen to the power of the secular magistrate. Honoratus and Urban the bishops said: This pleases us all, does it not? And all the bishops answered: It is just, it pleases us. How many bishops there should be to ordain a bishop Honoratus and Urban, the bishops, said: We have issued this command, that (because lately two of our brethren, bishops of Numidia, presumed to ordain a pontiff,) only by the concurrence of twelve bishops the ordination of bishops be celebrated. Aurelius, the bishop, said: The ancient form shall be preserved, that not less than three suffice who shall have been designated for ordaining the bishop. Moreover, because in Tripoli, and in Arzug the barbarians are so near, for it is asserted that in Tripoli there are but five bishops, and out of that number two may be occupied by some necessity; but it is difficult that all of the number should come together at any place whatever; ought this circumstance to be an impediment to the doing of what is of utility to the Church? For in this Church, to which your holiness has deigned to assemble we frequently have ordinations and nearly every Lord's day; could I frequently summon twelve, or ten, or about that number of bishops? But it is an easy thing for me to join a couple of neighbours to my littleness. Wherefore your charity will agree with me that this cannot be observed. How many bishops should be added to the number of those ordaining, if any opposition had been made to the one to be ordained But this should be decreed, that when we shall have met together to choose a bishop, if any opposition shall arise, because such things have been treated by us, the three shall not presume to purge him who was to be ordained, but one or two more shall be asked to be added to the aforesaid number, and the persons of those objecting shall first be discussed in the same place (plebe) for which he was to be ordained. And last of all the objections shall be considered; and only after he has been cleared in the public sight shall he at last be ordained. If this agrees with the mind of your holiness, let it be confirmed by the answer of your worthiness. All the bishops said, We are well pleased. That the date of Easter is to be announced by the Church of Carthage Honoratus and Urban, the bishops, said: Since all things treated by our commonitory are known, we add also what has been ordered concerning the day of Easter, that we be informed of the date always by the Church of Carthage, as has been accustomed and that no short time before. Aurelius, the bishop, said: If it seems good to your holiness, since we remember that we pledged ourselves sometime ago that every year we would come together for discussion, when we assemble, then let the date of the holy Easter be announced through the legates present at the Council. Honoratus and Urban, the bishops, said: Now we seek of the present assembly that you deign to inform our province of that day by letters. Aurelius, the bishop, said: It is necessary it should be so. Of visiting provinces Honoratus and Urban, the bishops, said: This was commanded to us in word, that because it had been decreed in the Council of Hippo that each province should be visited in the time of the council, that you also deign that this year or next, according to the order you have drawn up, you should visit the province of Mauritania. Aurelius, the bishop, said: Of the province of Mauritania because it is situated in the confines of Africa, we have made no decree, for they are neighbours of the barbarians; but God grant (not however that I make any rash promise of doing so), we may be able to come to your province. For you should consider, brethren, that this same thing our brethren of Tripoli and of the Arzuges region could demand also, if occasion offered. That dioceses should not receive a bishop except by the consent of its own bishop Epigonius, the bishop, said: In many councils it has been decreed by the sacerdotal assembly that such communities as are contained in other dioceses and ruled by their bishops, and which never had any bishops of their own, should not receive rulers, that is bishops, for themselves except with the consent of the bishop under whose jurisdiction they have been. But because some who have attained a certain domination abhor the communion of the brethren, or at least, having become depraved, claim for themselves domination with what is really tyranny, for the most part tumid and stolid presbyters, who lift up their heads against their own bishops or else win the people to themselves by feasting them or by malignant persuasion, that they may by unlawful favour wish to place themselves as rulers over them; we indeed hold fast that glorious desire of your mind, most pious brother Aurelius, for you have often opposed these things, paying no heed to such petitioners; but on account of their evil thoughts and basely conceived designs this I say, that such a community, which has always been subject in a diocese, ought not to receive a rector, nor should it ever have a bishop of its own. Therefore if this which I have proposed seems good to the whole most holy council, let it be confirmed. Aurelius, the bishop, said: I am not in opposition to the proposition of our brother and fellow bishop: but I confess that this has been and shall be my practice concerning those who were truly of one mind, not only with regard to the Church of Carthage, but concerning every sacerdotal assemblage. For there are many who, as has been said, conspire with the people whom they deceive, tickling their ears and blandly seducing them, men of vicious lives, or at least puffed up and separated from this meeting, who think to watch over their own people, and never come to our council for fear that their wickedness should be discussed. I say, if it seems good, that not only should these not keep their dioceses, but that every effort should be made to have them expelled by public authority from that church of theirs which has evilly favoured them, and that they be removed even from the chief sees. For it is right that he who cleaves to all the brethren and the whole council, should possess with full right not only his church but also the dioceses. But they who think that the people suffice them and spurn the love of the brethren, shall not only lose their dioceses, but (as I have said,) they shall be deprived by public authority of their own cures as rebels. Honoratus and Urban, the bishops, said: The lofty provision of your holiness obtains the adherence of the minds of all of us, and I think that by the answer of all what you have deigned to propose will be confirmed. All the bishops said: Placet, placet. That a strange cleric is under no circumstances to be received by another Epigonius, the bishop, said: This has been decreed in many councils, also just now it has been confirmed by your prudence, most blessed brethren, that no bishop should receive a strange cleric into his diocese without the consent of the bishop to whose jurisdiction the cleric belongs. But I say that Julian, who is ungrateful for the layouts bestowed upon him by God through my littleness, is so rash and audacious, that a certain man who was baptized by me, when he was a most needy boy, commended to me by the same, and when for many years he had been fed and reared by me, it is certain that this one, as I have said, was baptized in my church, by my own unworthy hands; this same man began to exercise the office of reader in the Mappalien diocese, and read there for nearly two years, with a most incomprehensible contempt of my littleness, the aforenamed Julian took this man, whom he declared to be a citizen of his own city Vazarita, and without consulting me ordained him deacon. If, most blessed brethren, that is permissible, let it be declared to us; but if not, let such an impudent one be restrained that he may in no way mix himself in someone's communion. Numidius, the bishop, said: If, as it seems, Julian did this without your worthiness being asked for his consent, nor even consulted, we all judge that this was done iniquitously and unworthily. Wherefore unless Julian shall correct his error, and shall return the cleric to your people with proper satisfaction, since what he did was contrary to the decrees of the council, let him be condemned and separated from us on account of his contumacy. Epigonius, the bishop, said: Our father in age, and most ancient by his promotion, that laudable man, our brother and colleague Victor wishes that this petition should be made general to all. That it be lawful for the bishop of Carthage to ordain a cleric whenever he wishes Aurelius, the bishop, said: My brethren, pray allow me to speak. It often happens that ecclesiastics who are in need seek deacons [præpositis in the Latin], or presbyters or bishops from me: and I, bearing in mind what things have been ordained these I observe, to wit, I summon the bishop of the cleric who is sought for, and I show him the state of affairs, how that they of a certain church ask for a certain one of his clergy. Perchance then they make no objection, but lest it happen that afterwards they might object when in this case they shall have been demanded (postulati) by me, who (as you know) have the care of many churches and of the ordinands. It is right therefore that I should summon a fellow bishop with two or three witnesses from our number. But if he be found indevotus [ἀκαθοσίωτος], what does your charity think should be done? For I, as you know, brethren, by the condescension of God have the care of all the churches. Numidius, the bishop, said: This see always had the power of ordaining a bishop according to the desire of each Church as he wills and on whose name there was agreement (fuisset conventus). Epigonius, the bishop, said: Your good nature makes small use of your powers, for you make much less use of them than you might, since, my brother, you are good and gentle to all; for you have the power, but it is far from your practice to satisfy the person of each bishop in prima tantummodo conventione. But if it should be thought that the rights of this see ought to be vindicated, you have the duty of supporting all the churches, wherefore we do not give you power, but we confirm that power you have, viz.: that you have the right at your will always to choose whom you will, to constitute prelates over peoples and churches who shall have asked you to do so, and when you so desire. Posthumianus, the bishop, said: Would it be right that he who had only one presbyter should have that one taken away from him? Aurelius, the bishop, said: But there may be one bishop by whom many presbyters can be made through the divine goodness, but one fit to be made bishop is found with difficulty. Wherefore if any bishop has a presbyter necessary for the episcopate and has one only, my brother, as you have said, even that one he ought to give up for promotion. Posthumianus, the bishop, said: If some other bishop has plenty of clergy, should that other diocese come to my help? Aurelius, the bishop, said: Of course, when you have come to the help of another Church, he who has many clerics should be persuaded to make one over to you for ordination. That bishops who were ordained for dioceses shall not choose for themselves dioceses [in the Greek provinces]. Honoratus and Urban, the bishops, said: We have heard that it has been decreed that dioceses should not be deemed fit to receive bishops, unless with the consent of their founder: but in our province since some have been ordained bishops in the diocese, by the consent of that bishop by whose power they were established, have even seized dioceses for themselves, this should be corrected by the judgment of your charity, and prohibited for the future. Epigonius, the bishop, said: To every bishop should be reserved what is right, so that from the mass of dioceses no part should be snatched away, so as to have its own bishop, without consent from the proper authority. For it shall suffice, if the consent be given, that the diocese thus set apart have its own bishop only, and let him not seize other dioceses, for only the one cut off from the many merited the honour of receiving a bishop. Aurelius, the bishop, said: I do not doubt that it is pleasing to the charity of you all, that he who was ordained for a diocese by the consent of the bishop who held the mother see, should retain only the people for whom he was ordained. Since therefore I think that everything has been treated of, if all things are agreeable to your mind, pray confirm them all by your suffrage. All the bishops said: We all are well pleased, and we have confirmed them with our subscription. And they signed their names. I, Aurelius, bishop of the Church of Carthage, have consented to this decree, and have subscribed what has been read. So too did all the other bishops in like fashion sign. That persons baptized when children by the Donatists may be ordained clergymen in the Catholic Church Since in the former council it was decreed, as your unanimity remembers as well as I do, that those who as children were baptized by the Donatists, and not yet being able to know the pernicious character of their error, and afterward when they had come to the use of reason, had received the knowledge of the truth, abhorred their former error, and were received, (in accordance with the ancient order) by the imposition of the hand, into the Catholic Church of God spread throughout the world, that to such the remembrance of the error ought to be no impediment to the reception of the clerical office. For in coming to faith they thought the true Church to be their own and there they believed in Christ, and received the sacraments of the Trinity. And that all these sacraments are altogether true and holy and divine is most certain, and in them the whole hope of the soul is placed, although the presumptuous audacity of heretics, taking to itself the name of the truth, dares to administer them. They are but one after all, as the blessed Apostle tells us, saying: and it is not lawful to reiterate what once only ought to be administered. [Those therefore who have been so baptized] having anathematized their error may be received by the imposition of the hand into the one Church, the pillar as it is called, and the one mother of all Christians, where all these Sacraments are received unto salvation and everlasting life; even the same sacraments which obtain for those persevering in heresy the heavy penalty of damnation. So that which to those who are in the truth lightens to the obtaining of eternal life, the same to them who are in error tends but to darkness and damnation. With regard then to those who, having fled from error, acknowledge the breasts of their mother the Catholic Church, who believe and receive all these holy mysteries with the love of the truth, and besides the Sacraments have the testimony of a good life, there is no one who would not grant that without doubt such persons may be raised to the clerical office, especially in such necessity as the present. But there are others of this sect, who being already clergymen, desire to pass to us with their peoples and also with their honours, such as for the sake of office are converts to life, and that they may retain them seek for salvation [i.e., enter the Church]. I think that the question concerning such may be left to the graver consideration of our aforesaid brothers, and that when they have considered by their more prudent counsel the matter referred to them, they may vouchsafe to advise us what approves itself to them with regard to this question. Only concerning those who as children were baptized by heretics we decree that they consent, if it seems good, to our decision concerning the ordination of the same. All things, therefore, which we have set forth above with the holy bishops, let your honourable fraternity with me adjudge to be done. Of the remaining idols or temples which should be done away by the Emperors Wherefore the most religious Emperors should be asked that they order the remaining idols to be taken entirely away throughout all Africa; for in many maritime places and in various possessions the iniquity of this error still flourishes: that they command them to be taken away and their temples, (such as are no ornament, being set up in fields or out of the way places) be ordered to be altogether destroyed. That clerics be not compelled to give testimony in public concerning the cognizance of their own judgment It should be petitioned also that they deign to decree, that if perchance any shall have been willing to plead their cause in any church according to the Apostolic law imposed upon the Churches, and it happens that the decision of the clergy does not satisfy one of the parties, it be not lawful to summon that clergyman who had been cognitor or present, into judgment as a witness, and that no person attached to any ecclesiastic be compelled to give testimony. Of heathen feasts This also must be sought, that (since contrary to the divine precepts feasts are held in many places, which have been induced by the heathen error, so that now Christians are forced to celebrate these by heathens, from which state of things it happens that in the times of the Christian Emperors a new persecution seems to have secretly arisen:) they order such things to be forbidden and prohibit them from cities and possessions under pain of punishment; especially should this be done since they do not fear to commit such iniquities in some cities even upon the natal days of most blessed martyrs, and in the very sacred places themselves. For upon these days, shame to say, they perform the most wicked leapings throughout the fields and open places, so that matronal honour and the modesty of innumerable women who have come out of devotion for the most holy day are assaulted by lascivious injuries, so that all approach to holy religion itself is almost fled from. Of spectacles, that they be not celebrated on Lord's days nor on the festivals of the Saints Furthermore, it must be sought that theatrical spectacles and the exhibition of other plays be removed from the Lord's day and the other most sacred days of the Christian religion, especially because on the octave day of the holy Easter [i.e., Low Sunday] the people assemble rather at the circus than at church, and they should be transferred to some other day when they happen to fall upon a day of devotion, nor shall any Christian be compelled to witness these spectacles, especially because in the performance of things contrary to the precepts of God there should be no persecution made by anyone, but (as is right) a man should exercise the free will given him by God. Especially also should be considered the peril of the cooperators who, contrary to the precepts of God, are forced by great fear to attend the shows. Of condemned clerics And this should be sought, that they deign to decree that if any clergyman of whatever rank shall have been condemned by the judgment of the bishops for any crime, he may not be defended either by the churches over which he presided, nor by anyone whatever, under pain of loss both of money and office, and let them order that neither age nor sex be received as an excuse. Of players who have become Christians And of them also it must be sought that if anyone wishes to come to the grace of Christianity from any ludicrous art (ludicra arte) and to remain free of that stain, it be not lawful for anyone to induce him or compel him to return to the performance of the same things again. Of celebrating manumissions in church, that permission be asked from the Emperor Concerning the publishing of manumissions in church, if our fellow bishops throughout Italy shall be found to do this, it will be a mark of our confidence to follow their order [of proceedings], full power being given to the legate we send, that whatever he can accomplish worthy of the faith, for the state of the Church and the salvation of souls, we shall laudably accept in the sight of the Lord. All which things, if they please your sanctity, pray set forth, that I may be assured that my suggestion has been ratified by you and that their sincerity may freely accept our unanimous action. And all the bishops said: The things which have been enjoined to be done and have been wisely set forth by your holiness are pleasing to all. Concerning the condemned bishop Equitius Aurelius, the bishop, said: I do not think that the case of Equitius should be passed over in the legation, who some time ago for his crimes was condemned by an Episcopal sentence; that if by any chance our legate should meet him in those parts, our brother should take care for the state of the Church, as opportunity offered or where he could, to act against him. And all the bishops said: This prosecution is exceedingly agreeable to us, especially as Equitius was condemned some time ago, his impudent unrest ought to be repelled everywhere more and more for the good estate and health of the Church. And they subscribed, I, Aurelius, the bishop of the Church of Carthage, have consented to this decree, and after having read it have signed my name. Likewise also signed all the other bishops. That the Donatists are to be treated leniently Then when all things had been considered and treated of which seem to conduce to the advantage of the church, the Spirit of God suggesting and admonishing us, we determined to act leniently and pacifically with the before-mentioned men, although they were cut off from the unity of the Lord's body by an unruly dissent, so that (as much as in us lies) to all those who have been caught in the net of their communion and society, it might be known throughout all the provinces of Africa, how they have been overcome by miserable error, holding different opinions, that perchance, as the Apostle says, when we have corrected them with gentleness, Of the letters to be sent to the judges, that they may take note of the things done between the Donatists and the Maximianists Therefore it seemed good that letters should be given from our council to the African judges, from whom it would seem suitable that this should be sought, that in this matter they would aid the common mother, the Catholic Church, that the episcopal authority may be fortified in the cities; that is to say that by their judicial power and with diligence out of their Christian faith, they enquire and record in the public acts, that all may have a firm notion of it, what has taken place in all those places in which the Maximianists, who made a schism from them, have obtained basilicas. That the Donatist clergy are to be received into the Catholic Church as clergymen It moreover seemed good that letters be sent to our brethren and fellow bishops, and especially to the Apostolic See, over which our aforesaid venerable brother and colleague Anastasius, presides, that [ἐπειδὴ in the Greek, quo in the Latin] he may know that Africa is in great need, for the peace and prosperity of the Church, that those Donatists who were clergymen and who by good advice had desired to return to Catholic unity, should be treated according to the will and judgment of each Catholic bishop who governs the Church in that place; and, if it seem good for Christian peace, they be received with their honours, as it is clear was done in the former times of this same division. And that this was the case the example of the majority, yea, of nearly all the African Churches in which this error had sprung up, testify; not that the Council which met about this matter in foreign parts should be done away, but that it may remain in force with regard to those who so will to come over to the Catholic Church that there be procured by them no breaking of unity. But those through whom Catholic unity was seen to have been altogether perfected or assisted by the manifest winning of the souls of their brethren in the places where they live, there shall not be objected to them the decree contrary to their honour adopted by a foreign council, for salvation is shut off to no one, that is to say, that those ordained by the Donatist party, if having been corrected they have been willing to return to the Catholic Church, are not to be received in their grades, according to the foreign council; but they are to be excepted through whom they received the advice to return to Catholic unity. That a legation be sent to the Donatists for the sake of making peace It further seemed good, that when these things were done, legates should be sent from our number to those of the Donatists whom they hold as bishops, or to the people, for the sake of preaching peace and unity, without which Christian salvation cannot be attained; and that these legates should direct the attention of all to the fact that they have no just objection to urge against the Catholic Church. And especially that this be made manifest to all by the municipal acts (on account of the weight of their documents) what they themselves had done in the case of the Maximianists, their own schismatics. For in this case it is shown them by divine grace, if they will but heed it, that their separation from the unity of the Church is as iniquitous as they now proclaim the schism of the Maximianists from themselves to be. Nevertheless from the number, those whom they condemned by the authority of their plenary council, they received back with their honours, and accepted the baptism which they had given while condemned and cut off. And thus let them see how with stupid heart they resist the peace of the Church scattered throughout the whole world, when they do these things on the part of Donatus, neither do they say that they are contaminated by communion with those whom they so receive for the making of peace, and yet they despise us, that is the Catholic Church, which is established even in the extreme parts of the earth, as being defiled by the communion of those whom the accusers have not been able to win over to themselves. What clerics should abstain from their wives Moreover since incontinence has been charged against some clergymen with regard to their own wives it has seemed good that bishops, presbyters, and deacons should according to the statutes already made abstain even from their own wives; and unless they do so that they should be removed from the clerical office. But the rest of the clergy shall not be forced to this but the custom of each church in this matter shall be followed. Of those who leave in neglect their own people Moreover it seemed good that no one should be allowed to leave his chief cathedral and go to another church built in the diocese, or to neglect the care and frequent attendance upon his own cathedral by reason of too great care for his own affairs. Of the baptism of infants when there is some doubt of their being already baptized Item, it seemed good that whenever there were not found reliable witnesses who could testify that without any doubt they were baptized and when the children themselves were not, on account of their tender age, able to answer concerning the giving of the sacraments to them, all such children should be baptized without scruple, lest a hesitation should deprive them of the cleansing of the sacraments. This was urged by the Moorish Legates, our brethren, since they redeem many such from the barbarians. The date of Easter and the date of the Council should be announced Item, it seemed good that the day of the venerable Easter should be intimated to all by the subscription of formed letters; and that the same should be observed with regard to the date of the Council, according to the decree of the Council of Hippo, that is to say the X. Calends of September, and that it should be written to the primates of each province so that when they summon their councils they do not impede this day. That no bishop who is an intercessor is to hold the see where he is intercessor Item, it has been decreed that it is not lawful to any intercessor to retain the see to which he has been appointed as intercessor, by any popular movements and seditions; but let him take care that within a year he provide them with a bishop: but if he shall neglect to do so, when the year is done, another intercessor shall be appointed. Of asking from the Emperors defenders of the Churches On account of the afflictions of the poor by whose troubles the Church is worn out without any intermission, it seemed good to all that the Emperors be asked to allow defenders for them against the power of the rich to be chosen under the supervision of the bishops. Of bishops who do not put in an appearance at Council Item, it seemed good that as often as the council is to be assembled, the bishops who are impeded neither by age, sickness, or other grave necessity, come together, and that notice be given to the primates of their several provinces, that from all the bishops there be made two or three squads, and of each of these squads there be elected some who shall be promptly ready on the council day: but should they not be able to attend, let them write their excuses in the tractory, or if after the coming of the tractory certain necessities suddenly arise by chance, unless they send to their own primate an account of their impediment, they ought to be content with the communion of their own Church. Concerning Cresconius of Villa Regis this seemed good to all, that the Primate of Numidia should be informed on this matter so that he should by his letters summon the aforementioned Cresconius in order that at the next plenary Council of Africa he should not put off making an appearance. But if he contemns the summons and does not come, let him recognize the fact that sentence should be pronounced against him. Of the Church of Hippo-Diarrhytus It further seemed good that since the destitution of the Church of Hippo-Diarrhytus should no longer be neglected, and the churches there are retained by those who have declined the infamous communion of Equitius, that certain bishops be sent from the present council, viz.: Reginus, Alypius, Augustine, Maternus, Theasius, Evodius, Placian, Urban, Valerius, Ambivius, Fortunatus, Quodvultdeus, Honoratus, Januarius, Aptus, Honoratus, Ampelius, Victorian, Evangelus and Rogation; and when those had been gathered together, and those had been corrected who with culpable pertinacity were of opinion that this flight of the same Equitius should be waited for, let a bishop be ordained for them by the vote of all. But if these should not be willing to consider peace, let them not prevent the choosing for ordination of a bishop, for the advantage of the church which has been so long destitute. Of clerics who do not take care to have their causes argued within a year It was further decreed that as often as clergymen convicted and confessed of any crime either on account of eorum, quorum verecundiæ parcitur, or on account of the opprobrium to the Church, and of the insolent glorying of heretics and Gentiles, if perchance they are willing to be present at their cause and to assert their innocence, let them do so within one year of their excommunication; if in truth they neglect during a year to purge their cause, their voice shall not be heard afterwards. That it is not permitted to make superiors of monasteries nor to ordain as clerics those who are received from a monastery not one's own Item, it seemed good that if any bishop wished to advance to the clericature a monk received from a monastery not under his jurisdiction, or shall have appointed him superior of a monastery of his own, the bishop who shall have thus acted shall be separated from the communion of others and shall rest content with the communion of his own people alone, but the monk shall continue neither as cleric nor superior. Of bishops who appoint heretics or heathens as their heirs Item, it was ordained that if any bishop should prefer to his Church strangers to blood relationship with him, or his heretical relatives, or pagans as his heirs, he shall be anathematized even after his death, and his name shall by no means be recited among those of the priests of God. Nor can he be excused if he die intestate, because being a bishop he was bound not to postpone making such a disposition of his goods as was befitting his profession. Item, it seemed good that the Emperor be petitioned with regard to announcing manumissions in church. Of false Memories of Martyrs Item, it seemed good that the altars which have been set up here and there, in fields and by the wayside as Memories of Martyrs, in which no body nor relics of martyrs can be proved to have been laid up, should be overturned by the bishops who rule over such places, if such a thing can be done. But should this be impossible on account of the popular tumult it would arouse, the people should none the less be admonished not to frequent such places, and that those who believe rightly should be held bound by no superstition of the place. And no memory of martyrs should at all be accepted, unless where there is found the body or some relics, on which is declared traditionally and by good authority to have been originally his habitation, or possession, or the scene of his passion. For altars which have been erected anywhere on account of dreams or inane quasi-revelations of certain people, should be in every way disapproved of. Of extirpating the remains of the idols Item, it seemed good to petition the most glorious Emperors that the remains of idolatry not only in images, but in any places whatever or groves or trees, should altogether be taken away. That by the bishop of Carthage, when there shall be need, letters shall be written and subscribed in the name of all the bishops It was said by all the bishops: If any letters are to be composed in the name of the council it seemed good that the venerable bishop who presides over this See should vouchsafe to dictate and sign them in the name of all, among which also are those to the episcopal legates, who are to be sent throughout the African provinces, in the matter of the Donatists; and it seemed good that the letters given them should contain the tenor of the mandate which they are not to go beyond. And they subscribed: I, Aurelius, bishop of the church of Carthage have consented to this decree and having read it have signed it. Likewise all the rest of the bishops subscribed. . . . . In this Council previous decrees are confirmed. In the fifth consulate of the most glorious Emperors Arcadius and Honorius, Augusti, the VI Calends of September, in the City of Milevis, in the secretarium of the basilica, when Aurelius the bishop of Carthage had taken his seat in plenary council, the deacons standing by, Aurelius, the bishop, said: Since the body of the holy Church is one, and there is one head of all the members, it has come to pass by the divine permission and assistance given to our weakness, that we, invited out of brotherly love, have come to this church. Wherefore I beg your charity to believe that our coming to you is neither superfluous, nor unacceptable to all; and that the consent of all of us may make it manifest that we agree with the decrees already confirmed by the Council at Hippo or which were defined afterwards by a larger synod at Carthage, these shall now be read to us in order. Then at last the agreement of your holiness will appear clearer than light, if they know that the things lawfully defined by us in former councils, you have set forth, not only by your consent to these acts, but also by your subscriptions. Xantippus, bishop of the first see of Numidia said: I believe what pleased all the brethren and the statutes they confirmed with their hands; we by our subscribing our names show that it pleases us also, and have confirmed them with our superscription. Nicetius, the bishop of the first see of Mauritania Sitifensis said: The decrees which have been read, since they do not lack reason, and have been approved by all, these also are pleasing to my littleness, and I will confirm them with my subscription. Of the order of bishops, that those ordained more recently do not dare to take precedence of those ordained before them Valentine, the bishop, said: If your good patience will permit, I follow the things which were done in time past in the Church of Carthage, and which were illustrious having been confirmed by the subscriptions of the brethren, and I profess that we intend to preserve this. For this we know, that ecclesiastical discipline has always remained inviolate: therefore let none of the brethren dare to place himself before those ordained earlier than himself; but by the offices of charity this has always been shown to those ordained earlier, which always should be accepted joyfully by those ordained more recently. Let your holiness give command that this order be strengthened by your interlocutions. Aurelius, the bishop, said: It would not be fitting that we should repeat these things, were it not for the existence of certain inconsiderate minds, which would induce us to making such statutes; but this is a common cause about which our brother and fellow bishop has spoken, that each one of us should recognize the order decreed to him by God, and that the more recent should defer to the earlier ordained, and they should presume to do nothing when these have not been consulted. Wherefore I say, now that I think of it, that they who think they may presume to take precedence over those ordained before them, should be coerced suitably by the great council. Xantippus, bishop of the first see of Numidia, said: All the brethren present have heard what our brother and fellow bishop Aurelius has said, what answer do we make? Datian, the bishop, said: The decrees made by our ancestors should be strengthened by our assent, so that the action taken by the Church of Carthage in past synods should hold fast, being confirmed by the full assent of all of us. And all the bishops said: This order has been preserved by our fathers and by our ancestors, and shall be preserved by us through the help of God, the rights of the primacy of Numidia and of Mauritania being kept intact. Of the archives and matricula of Numidia Moreover it seemed good to all the bishops who subscribed in this council that the matricula and the archives of Numidia should be at the first see and in the Metropolis, that is Constantina. From this canon it appears that the primacy in Africa was ambulatory, and belonged to the senior bishop of the province. If the primacy had been fixed to the bishop of any certain city, as in other countries, there would have been a salvo or exception for that bishop, as there is in the 24th canon of the Synod of Bracara [Braga] in Spain, which orders that all bishops take place according to their seniority, with a reserve to the bishop of the metropolis. The bishop of Carthage was not included in this canon; for it is evident that he had a precedence annexed to his see, and that he was in reality a sort of patriarch. The reason why Numidia and Mauritania are particularly mentioned is, that some disputes had been started there on that subject. Concerning Quodvultdeus, the bishop In the case of Quodvultdeus of Centuria, it pleased all the bishops that no one should communicate with him until his cause should be brought to a conclusion, for his accuser when he sought to bring the cause before our council, upon being asked whether he was willing with him to be tried before the bishops, at first said that he was, but on another day answered that he was not willing, and went away. Under these circumstances to deprive him of his bishoprick, before the conclusion of his cause was known, could commend itself to no Christian as a just act. Of Maximian, the bishop But in the case of Maximian of Vagai it seemed good that letters be sent from the council both to him and to his people; that he should vacate the bishoprick, and that they should request another to be appointed for them. That bishops who are ordained shall receive letters from their ordainers bearing the date and the name of the consul It further seemed good that whoever thereafter should be ordained by the bishops throughout the African provinces, should receive from their ordainers letters, written in their own hands, containing the name of the consul and the date, that no altercation might arise concerning which were ordained first and which afterwards. Of those who have once read in church, that they cannot be advanced by others Item, it seemed good that whoever in church even once had read should not be admitted to the ministry (clericatum) by another church. And they subscribed: I, Aurelius, bishop of the Church of Carthage, have consented to this decree, and, having read it, have signed it. Likewise also the rest of the bishops signed. There is set forth in this council what the bishops did who were sent as legates across seas. In the consulship of those most illustrious men, the most glorious Emperor Theodosius Augustus, and Rumoridus, the VIII. Calends of September, at Carthage, in the basilica of the second region, when Aurelius the bishop had taken his seat in plenary council, the deacons standing by, Aurelius, the bishop, said: From stress of circumstances, venerable brethren, I, although so small, have been led to assemble you in council. For a while ago, as your holinesses will remember, while holding a council we sent our brothers as legates to the regions beyond seas. It is right that these should at this meeting of your holinesses narrate the course of their now finished legation, and although yesterday when we were in session concerning this matter, besides ecclesiastical matters, we paid some prolonged attention to what they had done, nevertheless it is right that today the discussion of yesterday should be confirmed by ecclesiastical action. Of the bishops of the African provinces who were not present at this council. The right order of things demands that first of all we should enquire concerning our brethren and fellow bishops, who were to come to this council either from Byzacena or at least from Mauritania, like as they decreed that they would be present in this council. And when Philologius, Geta, Venustianus, and Felician, bishops of the province of Byzacena had presented and read their letters of legation, and Lucian and Silvanus, legates of the province of Mauritania Sitiphensis, had done the same, the bishop Aurelius said: Let the text of these writings be placed in the acts. Of the Byzacene bishops Numidius, the bishop, said: We observe that our brethren and fellow bishops of the province of Byzacena and of the province of Mauritania Sitiphensis have sent legates to the council; we now seek whether the legates of Numidia have come, or at least of the province of Tripoli or of Mauritania-Cæsariensis. Of the bishops of Mauritania Sitiphensis Lucian and Silvanus, the bishops, legates of the Province of Mauritania Sitiphensis said: The tractory came late to our Cæsarian brethren or they would have been here; and they will certainly come, and we are confident of their attitude of mind that whatever shall be determined by this council, they without doubt will assent unto. Of the bishops of Numidia Alypius, bishop of the church of Tagaste said: We have come from Numidia, I and the holy brethren Augustine and Possidius, but a legation could not be sent from Numidia, because by the tumult of the recruits the bishops have either been prevented from coming or fully occupied by their own necessary affairs in their sees. For after I had brought to the holy Senex Xantippus your holiness's tractory, this seemed good in the present business that a council should be appointed, to which a delegation with instructions should be sent, but when I reported to him in later letters the impediment of the recruits, of which I have just spoken, he excused them by his own rescripts. Aurelius, the bishop, said: There is no doubt that the aforesaid brethren and bishops of Numidia, when they shall have received the acts of the council, will give their consent and will take pains to carry into effect whatever shall have been adopted. It is therefore necessary that by the solicitude of this see what we shall have determined be communicated to them. Of the bishops of Tripoli. This is what I could learn concerning our brethren of Tripoli, that they appointed our brother Dulcicius as a legate: but because he could not come, certain of our sons coming from the aforesaid province asserted that the aforesaid had taken shipping, and that it was thought that his arrival had been delayed by storms; nevertheless also concerning these matters, if your charity is willing, this form shall be preserved, that the placets of the council be sent to them. And all the bishops said: What your holiness has decreed pleases us all. Of holding meetings with the Donatists Aurelius, the bishop, said: What has come out in the handling of your charity, I think this should be confirmed by ecclesiastical acts. For the profession of all of you shows that each one of us should call together in his city the chiefs of the Donatists either alone and with one of his neighbour bishops, so that in like manner in the different cities and places there should be meetings of them assembled by the magistrates or seniors of the places. And let this be made an edict if it seems good to all. And all the bishops said: It seems good to all, and we all have confirmed this with our subscription. Also we desire that your holiness sign the letters to be sent from the council to the judges. Aurelius, the bishop, said: If it seems good to your charity, let the form of summoning them be read, in order that we all may hold the same tenour of proceeding. All the bishops said: Let it be read. Lætus the Notary read. Form of convening the Donatists That bishop of that church said: What by the authority of that most ample see we shall have impetrated, we ask your gravity to have read, and that you order it to be joined to the acts and carried into effect. When the jussio had been read and joined to the acts, the bishop of the Catholic Church, said: Vouchsafe to listen to the mandate to be sent through your gravity to the Donatists, and to insert it in the acts, and to carry it to them, and informs us in your acts of their answer. We, sent by the authority of our Catholic Council, have called you together, desiring to rejoice in your correction, bearing in mind the charity of the Lord who said: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God; and moreover he admonished through the prophet those who say they are not our brothers, that we ought to say: You are our brethren. Therefore you ought not to despise this pacific commonitory coming of love, so that if you think we have any part of the truth, you do not hesitate to say so: that is, when your council is gathered together, you delegate of your number certain to whom you entrust the statement of your case; so that we may be able to do this also, that there shall be delegated from our Council who with them delegated by you may discuss peacefully, at a determined place and time, whatever question there is which separates your communion from us; and that at length the old error may receive an end through the assistance of our Lord God, lest through the animosity of men, weak souls, and ignorant people should perish by sacrilegious dissension. But if you shall accept this proposition in a fraternal spirit, the truth will easily shine forth, but if you are not willing to do this, your distrust will be easily known. And when this had been read, all the bishops said: This pleases us well, so let it be. And they subscribed: I, Aurelius, bishop of the Carthaginian Church, have consented to this decree, and having read it, have subscribed it. Likewise also the rest of the bishops signed. This synod sent a legation to the Princes against the Donatists The most glorious emperor Honorius Augustus, being consul for the sixth time, on the Calends of July, at Carthage in the basilica of the second region. In this council Theasius and Euodius received a legation against the Donatists. In this council was inserted the commonitorium which follows. The character of the Commonitory which the legates received against the Donatists The Commonitorium for our brothers Theasius and Evodius, sent as legates from the Council of Carthage to the most glorious and most religious princes. When by the help of the Lord they have come into the presence of the most pious princes, they shall declare to them with what fullness of confidence, according to the direction of the council of the year before, the prelates of the Donatists had been urged by the municipal authority to assemble, in order that if they really meant their professions, they might by fit persons chosen from their number, enter into a peaceful conference with us in Christian meekness, and whatever they held as truth they might not hesitate to declare it frankly; so that from such conference the sincerity of the Catholic position, which has been conspicuous for so long a time, might be perceived even by those who from ignorance or obstinacy were opposing themselves to it. But deterred by their want of confidence they scarcely ventured to reply. And forsooth, because we had discharged toward them the offices which become bishops and peacemakers, and they had no answer to make to the truth, they betook themselves to unreasonable acts of brute force, and treacherously oppressed many of the bishops and clergy, to say nothing of the laity. And some of the churches they actually invaded, and tried to assault still others. And now, it behooves the gracious clemency of their Majesties to take measures that the Catholic Church, which has begotten them as worshippers of Christ in her womb, and has nourished them with the strong meat of the faith, should by their forethought, be defended, lest violent men, taking advantage of the times of religious excitement, should by fear overcome a weak people, whom by argument they were not able to pervert. It is well known how often the vile gatherings (detestabilis manus) of the Circumcelliones have been forbidden by the laws, and also condemned by many decrees of the Emperors, their majesties most religious predecessors. Against the madness of these people it is not unusual nor contrary to the holy Scriptures to ask for secular [θείας in the Greek] protection, since Paul the Apostle, as is related in the authentic Acts of the Apostles, warded off a conspiracy of certain lawless men by the help of the military. Now then we ask that there be extended to the Catholic Churches, without any dissimulation, the protection of the ordinum [i.e. companies of soldiers, stationed] in each city, and of the holders of the suburban estates in the various places. At the same time it will be necessary to ask that they give commandment that the law, set forth by their father Theodosius, of pious memory, which imposed a fine of ten pounds of gold upon both the ordainers and the ordained among heretics, and which was also directed against proprietors at whose houses conventicles were held, be confirmed anew; so that it may be effective with persons of this sort when Catholics, provoked by their wiles, shall lay complaint against them; so that through fear at least, they may cease from making schisms and from the wickedness of the heretics, since they refuse to be cleansed and corrected by the thought of the eternal punishment. Let request be also made that the law depriving heretics of the power of being able to receive or bequeath by gift or by will, be straightway renewed by their Piety, so that all right of giving or receiving may be taken away from those who, blinded by the madness of obstinacy, are determined to continue in the error of the Donatists. With regard to those who by considerations of unity and peace are willing to correct themselves, let permission be granted to them to receive their inheritance, the law notwithstanding, even though the bequest by gift or inheritance was made while they were yet living in the error of the heretics; those of course being excepted, who under the stress of legal proceedings have sought to enter the Catholic Church; for it may well be supposed, that persons of this latter sort desired Catholic unity, not so much from fear of the judgment of heaven, as from the greed of earthly gain. For the furtherance of all these things the help of the Powers (Potestatum) of each one of the provinces is needed. With regard to other matters, whatever they shall perceive is for the Church's interests, this we have resolved that the legation have full authority to do and to carry into effect. Moreover it seemed good to us all, that letters from our assembly should be sent to the most glorious Emperors and most Excellent Worthinesses, whereby they may be assured of the agreement of us all that the legates should be sent by us to their most blessed court. Since it is a very slow business for us all to set our names to these letters, and in order that they may not be burdened with the signature of each one of us, we desire you, brother Aurelius, that your charity be good enough to sign them in the name of us all. And to this they all agreed. I, Aurelius, Bishop of the Church of Carthage have consented to this decree and have subscribed my name. And so all the other bishops subscribed. Letters ought likewise to be sent to the judges that, until the lord permit the legates to return to us, they give protection through the soldiers of the cities, and through the holders of the farms of the Catholic Church. It ought also to be added concerning the dishonest Equitius, which he had shown by laying claim to the jus sacerdotum, that he be rejected from the diocese of Hippo according to the statutes of the Emperors. Letters ought also to be sent to the Bishop of the Church of Rome in commendation of the legates, and to the other Bishops who may be where the Emperor is. To this they assented. Likewise I, Aurelius, Bishop of the Church of Carthage, have consented to this decree, and having read it, have set my name to it. And all the other bishops likewise subscribed. Summary of Chapters That a free delegation be sent to the council from all the provinces to Mizoneum. Legates and letters were ordered to be sent for the purpose of directing the free legation: that became the unity had been made only at Carthage, letters should also be given to the judges, that they might order in the other provinces and cities the work of union to be proceeded with, and the thanksgivings of the Church of Carthage for the whole of Africa concerning the exclusion of the Donatists should be sent with the letters of the bishops to Court (ad Comitatum). The letters of Pope Innocent were read: that bishops ought not readily to carry causes across seas, and this very thing was confirmed by the judgment of the bishops themselves; that on account of thanksgiving and the exclusion of the Donatists, two clerics of the Church of Carthage should be sent to Court. An universal council to be held only when necessary It seemed good that there should be no more the yearly necessity of fatiguing the brethren; but as often as common cause, that is of the whole of Africa, demands, that letters shall be given on every side to that see in this matter, that a synod should be gathered in that province, where the desirability of it induces; but let the causes which are not of general interest be judged in their own provinces. This canon is a tacit revocation of that clause for annual synods in the 18th canon, which was made in a former council. That from judges who have been chosen, no appeals may be taken If an appeal be taken, let him who makes it choose the judges, and with him he also against whom the appeal is taken; and from their decision no appeal may be made. Concerning the delegates of the different provinces When all the delegates of the different provinces came together, they have been most graciously received, that is those of the Numidians, Byzacenes, Stifensian Moors, as well as Cæsarians and Tripolitans. Concerning the executors of Churches It has seemed good moreover that the appointment of five executors should be asked for in all matters pertaining to the necessities of the Church, who shall be portioned off in the different provinces. That there be sought from the Emperor the protection of Advocates in causes ecclesiastical It seemed good that the legates who were about leaving, viz., Vincent and Fortunatian, should in the name of all the provinces ask from the most glorious Emperors to give a faculty for the establishment of scholastic defensors, whose shall be the care of this very kind of business: so that as the priests of the province, they who have received the faculty as defensors of the Churches in ecclesiastical affairs, as often as necessity arises, may be able to enter the private apartments of the judges, so as to resist what is urged on the other side, or to make necessary explanations. The protest of the Mauritanian bishops against Primosus. It is evident that those of Mauritania Cæsariensis gave evidence in their own writings that Primosus had been summoned by the chiefs of the Thiganensian city, that he should present himself to the plenary council according to the imperial constitutions, and, when sought for, as was right, Primosus was not found, at least so the deacons reported. But since the same Mauritanians petitioned that letters be sent from the whole synod to the venerable brother, the aged Innocent, it seemed good that they should be sent, that he might know that Primosus had been sought at the council and not found at all. Of the peoples which never had bishops It seemed good that such peoples as had never had bishops of their own should in no way receive such unless it had been decreed in a plenary council of each province and by the primates, and with the consent of the bishop of that diocese to which the church belonged. Of people or dioceses returned from the Donatists Such communities as have returned from the Donatists and have had bishops, without doubt may continue to have them even without any action of the councils, but such a community as had a bishop and when he dies wish no longer to have a bishop of their own, but to belong to the diocese of some other bishop, this is not to be denied them. Also such bishops as before the promulgation of the imperial law concerning unity as brought back their people to the Catholic Church, they ought to be allowed still to rule them: but from the time of that law of unity, all the Churches, and their dioceses, and if perchance there be any instruments of the Church or things pertaining to its rights should belong to the Catholic bishops of those places to whom the places pertained while under the heretics, whether they be converted to the Catholic Church or remain unconverted heretics. Whoever after this law shall make any such usurpation, shall restore as is meet the usurped possessions. Of the suggestion of Bishop Maurentius [Hefele says The text of this canon is much corrupted and very difficult to be understood. He gives as a synopsis, The council appoints judges in the affair of Bishop Maurentius. (Hefele, Vol. II, p. 443.)] Johnson thus condenses and translates: Bishop Maurentius having an information against him, lying before the council, moves for a hearing; but the informers don't appear upon three calls made by the deacons on the day appointed. The cause is referred to Senex Xantippus, Augustinus, and five more summoned by the council, the informers were to make up the number twelve. Of making peace between the Churches of Rome and Alexandria It seemed good that a letter be written to the holy Pope Innocent concerning the dissension between the Churches of Rome and Alexandria, so that each Church might keep peace with the other as the Lord commanded. Of those who put away their wives or husbands, that so they remain It seemed good that according to evangelical and apostolic discipline a man who had been put away from his wife, and a woman put away from her husband should not be married to another, but so should remain, or else be reconciled the one to the other; but if they spurn this law, they shall be forced to do penance, covering which case we must petition that an imperial law be promulgated. Of the prayers to be said at the Altar This also seemed good, that the prayers which had been approved in synod should be used by all, whether prefaces, commendations, or laying on of the hand, and that others contrary to the faith should not be used by any means, but that those only should be said which had been collected by the learned. Of these who ask from the Emperor that secular judges may take cognizance of their causes It seemed good that whoever should seek from the Emperor, that secular judges should take cognizance of his business, should be deprived of his office; if however, he had asked from the Emperor an episcopal trial, no objection should be made. Of those who do not communicate in Africa and would go across seas Whoever does not communicate in Africa, and goes to communicate across seas, let him be cast out of the clergy. That those who are going to carry their case to court should be careful to inform either the bishop of Carthage or the bishop of Rome. It seemed good that whoever wished to go to court, should give notice in the form which is sent to the Church of the city of Rome, that from thence also he should receive a formed letter to court. But if receiving only a formed letter to Rome, and saying nothing about the necessity which he had of going to court, he willed immediately to go there, let him be cut off from communion. But if while at Rome the necessity of going to court suddenly arose, let him state his necessity to the bishop of Rome and let him carry with him a rescript of the same Roman bishop. But let the formed letters which are issued by primates and by certain bishops to their own clergy have the date of Easter; but if it be yet uncertain what is the date of Easter of that year, let the preceding Easter's date be set down, as it is customary to date public acts after the consulship. It further seemed good that those who were sent as delegates from this glorious council should ask of the most glorious princes whatever they saw would be useful against the Donatists and Pagans, and their superstitions. It also seemed good to all the bishops that all conciliar letters be signed by your holiness alone. And they subscribed: I, Aurelius, Bishop of Carthage, have consented to this decree, and having read it, now subscribe my name. Likewise also the rest of the bishops subscribed. Synod against the pagans and heretics In the consulship of those most illustrious men Bassus and Philip, the xvith Calends of July, at Carthage, in the secretarium of the restored basilica.* In this council the bishop Fortunatian received a second appointment as legate against the pagans and heretics. Item, a council against the pagans and heretics In the consulship of those most illustrious men Bassus and Philip, the iii. Ides of October at Carthage, in the Secretarium of the restored basilica*. In this council the bishops Restitutus and Florentius received a legation against the pagans and heretics, at the time Severus and Macarius were slain, and on their account the bishops Euodius, Theasius and Victor were put to death. A Council concerning a bishop taking cognizance In the consulate of the most glorious Emperors Honorius for the VIIth time and Theodosius for the IIId, Augusti, xvii. Calends of July, a synod was held at Carthage in the basilica of the second region. In this council it seemed good that no one bishop should claim the right to take cognizance of a cause. The acts of this council I have not here written down, because it was only provincial and not general. Synod against the Donatists After the consulate of the most illustrious Emperors Honorius for the VIIIth time and Theodosius for the IVth time, Augusti, xviii. Calends of July, at Carthage in the basilica of the second region. In this council the bishops, Florentius, Possidius, Præsidius and Benenatus received legation against the Donatists, at that time at which a law was given that anyone might practice the Christian worship at his own will. Synod against the heresy of Pelagius and Celestius In the consulate of the most glorious Emperors, Honorius for the XIIth time and Theodosius for the VIII th, Augusti most exalted, on the Calends of May, at Carthage in the secretarium of the Basilica of Faustus. When Aurelius the bishop presided over the whole council, the deacons standing by, it pleased all the bishops, whose names and subscriptions are indicated, met together in the holy synod of the Church of Carthage to define — That Adam was not created by God subject to death That whosoever says that Adam, the first man, was created mortal, so that whether he had sinned or not, he would have died in body — that is, he would have gone forth of the body, not because his sin merited this, but by natural necessity, let him be anathema. That infants are baptized for the remission of sins Likewise it seemed good that whosoever denies that infants newly from their mother's wombs should be baptized, or says that baptism is for remission of sins, but that they derive from Adam no original sin, which needs to be removed by the laver of regeneration, from whence the conclusion follows, that in them the form of baptism for the remission of sins, is to be understood as false and not true, let him be anathema. For no otherwise can be understood what the Apostle says, By one man sin has come into the world, and death through sin, and so death passed upon all men in that all have sinned, than the Catholic Church everywhere diffused has always understood it. For on account of this rule of faith (regulam fidei) even infants, who could have committed as yet no sin themselves, therefore are truly baptized for the remission of sins, in order that what in them is the result of generation may be cleansed by regeneration. The following, says Surius, is found in this place in a very ancient codex. It does not occur in the Greek, nor in Dionysius. Bruns relegates it to a foot-note. [Also it seemed good, that if anyone should say that the saying of the Lord, In my Father's house are many mansions is to be understood as meaning that in the kingdom of heaven there will be a certain middle place, or some place somewhere, in which infants live in happiness who have gone forth from this life without baptism, without which they cannot enter the kingdom of heaven, which is eternal life, let him be anathema. For after our Lord has said: Unless a man be born again of water and of the Holy Spirit he shall not enter the kingdom of heaven, what Catholic can doubt that he who has not merited to be coheir with Christ shall become a sharer with the devil: for he who fails of the right hand without doubt shall receive the left hand portion.] That the grace of God not only gives remission of sins, but also affords aid that we sin no more Likewise it seemed good, that whoever should say that the grace of God, by which a man is justified through Jesus Christ our Lord, avails only for the remission of past sins, and not for assistance against committing sins in the future, let him be anathema. That the grace of Christ gives not only the knowledge of our duty, but also inspires us with a desire that we may be able to accomplish what we know Also, whoever shall say that the same grace of God through Jesus Christ our Lord helps us only in not sinning by revealing to us and opening to our understanding the commandments, so that we may know what to seek, what we ought to avoid, and also that we should love to do so, but that through it we are not helped so that we are able to do what we know we should do, let him be anathema. For when the Apostle says: Wisdom puffs up, but charity edifies it were truly infamous were we to believe that we have the grace of Christ for that which puffs us up, but have it not for that which edifies, since in each case it is the gift of God, both to know what we ought to do, and to love to do it; so that wisdom cannot puff us up while charity is edifying us. For as of God it is written, Who teaches man knowledge, so also it is written, Love is of God. That without the grace of God we can do no good thing It seemed good that whosoever should say that the grace of justification was given to us only that we might be able more readily by grace to perform what we were ordered to do through our free will; as if though grace was not given, although not easily, yet nevertheless we could even without grace fulfil the divine commandments, let him be anathema. For the Lord spoke concerning the fruits of the commandments, when he said: Without me you can do nothing, and not Without me you could do it but with difficulty. That not only humble but also true is that voice of the Saints: If we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves. It also seemed good that as St. John the Apostle says, whosoever thinks that this should be so understood as to mean that out of humility, we ought to say that we have sin, and not because it is really so, let him be anathema. For the Apostle goes on to add, But if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all iniquity, where it is sufficiently clear that this is said not only of humility but also truly. For the Apostle might have said, If we shall say we have no sins we shall extoll ourselves, and humility shall have no place in us; but when he says, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us he sufficiently intimates that he who affirmed that he had no sin would speak not that which is true but that which is false. That in the Lord's Prayer the Saints say for themselves: Forgive us our trespasses It has seemed good that whoever should say that when in the Lord's prayer, the saints say, forgive us our trespasses, they say this not for themselves, because they have no need of this petition, but for the rest who are sinners of the people; and that therefore no one of the saints can say, Forgive me my trespasses, but Forgive us our trespasses; so that the just is understood to seek this for others rather than for himself; let him be anathema. For holy and just was the Apostle James, when he said, For in many things we offend all. For why was it added all, unless that this sentence might agree also with the psalm, where we read, Enter not into judgment with your servant, O Lord, for in your sight shall no man living be justified; and in the prayer of the most wise Solomon: There is no man that sins not; and in the book of the holy Job: He seals in the hand of every man, that every man may know his own infirmity; wherefore even the holy and just Daniel when in prayer said several times: We have sinned, we have done iniquity, and other things which there truly and humbly he confessed; nor let it be thought (as some have thought) that this was said not of his own but rather of the people's sins, for he said further on: he did not wish to say our sins, but he said the sins of his people and his own sins, since he as a prophet foresaw that those who were to come would thus misunderstand his words. That the Saints say with accuracy, Forgive us our trespasses Likewise also it seemed good, that whoever wished that these words of the Lord's prayer, when we say, Forgive us our trespasses are said by the saints out of humility and not in truth let them be anathema. For who would make a lying prayer, not to men but to God? Who would say with his lips that he wished his sins forgiven him, but in his heart that he had no sins to be forgiven. Of peoples converted from the Donatists Item, it seemed good, since it was so decreed some years ago by a plenary council, that whatever churches were erected in a diocese before the laws were made concerning Donatists when they became Catholic, should pertain to the sees of those bishops through whom their return to Catholic unity was brought about; but after the laws whatever churches communicated were to belong there where they belonged when they were Donatists. But because many controversies afterward arose and are still springing up between bishops concerning dioceses, which were not then at all in prospect, now it has seemed good to this council, that wherever there was a Catholic and a Donatist party, pertaining to different sees, at whatever time unity has been or shall be made, whether before or after the laws, the churches shall belong to that see to which the Catholic church which was already there belonged. How bishops as well Catholic as those who have been converted from the Donatists are to divide between themselves the dioceses So, too, it has seemed good that if a bishop has been converted from the Donatists to Catholic unity, that equally there should be divided what shall have been so found where there were two parties; that is, that some places should pertain to one and some to the other; and let the division be made by him who has been the longest time in the episcopate, and let the younger choose. But should there be only one place let it belong to him who is found to be the nearer. But should the distance be equal to each of the two cathedrals let it belong to the one the people may choose. But should the old Catholics wish their own bishop, and if the same be the case with the converted Donatists, let the will of the greater number prevail, but should the parties be equal, let it belong to him who has been longest bishop. But if so many places be found in which there were both parties, that an equal division is impossible, as for example, if they are unequal in number, after those places have been distributed which have an equal number, the place that remains over shall be disposed of as is provided above in the case where there is but one place to be treated. That if a bishop shall possess a diocese which he has snatched from heresy for three years, no one may take it from him Item, it seemed good that if anyone after the laws should convert any place to Catholic unity and retain it for three years without opposition, it should not be taken away from him afterwards. If however there was during those three years a bishop who could claim it and was silent, he shall lose the opportunity. But if there was no bishop, no prejudice shall happen to the see, but it shall be lawful when the place that had none shall receive a bishop, to make the claim within three years of that day. Item, if a Donatist bishop shall be converted to the Catholic party, the time that has elapsed shall not count against him, but from the day of his conversion for three years he shall have the right of making a claim on the places which belonged to his See. Of those who intrude upon peoples which they think belong to them, without the consent of those by whom they are held Item, it seemed good that whatever bishops seek the peoples whom they consider to pertain to their see, not by bringing their causes before the episcopal judges, but rush in while another is holding the place, all such, (whether said people are willing to receive them or no) shall lose their case. And whoever have done this, if the contention between the two bishops is not yet finished but still going on, let him depart who intruded without the decree of the ecclesiastical judges; nor let anyone flatter himself that he will retain [what he has seized] if he shall obtain letters from the primate, but whether he has such letters or has them not, it is suitable that he who holds and receives his letters should make it appear then that he has held the church pertaining to him peaceably. But if he has referred any question, let the cause be decided by the episcopal judges, whether those whom the primates have appointed for them, or the neighbouring bishops whom they have chosen by common consent. Of those who neglect the peoples belonging to them Item, it seemed good that whoever neglect to bring the places belonging to their see into Catholic unity should be admonished by the neighbouring diligent bishops, that they delay no longer to do this; but if within six months from the day of the convention they do nothing, let them pertain to him who can win them: but with this proviso however, that if he to whom it seemed they naturally belonged can prove that this neglect was intentional and more efficacious in winning them than the greater apparent diligence of others; when the episcopal judges shall be convinced that this is the case, they shall restore the places to his see. If the bishops between whom the cause lies are of different provinces, let the Primate in whose province the place is situated about which there is the dispute, appoint judges; but if by mutual consent they have chosen as judges the neighbouring bishops, let one or three be chosen: so that if they choose three they may follow the sentence of all or of two. The sentence of the elected judges ought not to be spurned From the judges chosen by common consent of the parties, no appeal can be taken; and whoever shall be found to have carried such an appeal and contumaciously to be unwilling to submit to the judges, when this has been proved to the primate, let him give letters, that no one of the bishops should communicate with him until he yield. That if a bishop neglects his diocese he is to be deprived of communion If in the mother cathedrals a bishop should have been negligent against the heretics, let a meeting be held of the neighbouring diligent bishops, and let his negligence be pointed out to him, so that he can have no excuse. But if within six months after this meeting, if an execution was in his own province, and he had taken no care to convert them to Catholic unity, no one shall communicate with him till he does his duty. But if no executor shall have come to the places, then the fault shall not be laid to the bishop. Of bishops who shall lie with regard to Donatists' communions If it shall be proven that any bishop has lied concerning the communion of those [who had been Donatists], and had said that they had communicated when he knew it was an established fact that they had not done so, let him lose his bishoprick. That presbyters and clerics are not to appeal except to African Synods Item, it seemed good that presbyters, deacons, or other of the lower clergy who are to be tried, if they question the decision of their bishops, the neighbouring bishops having been invited by them with the consent of their bishops, shall hear them and determine whatever separates them. But should they think an appeal should be carried from them, let them not carry the appeal except to African councils or to the primates of their provinces. But whoever shall think of carrying an appeal across seas he shall be admitted to communion by no one in Africa. That Virgins, even when minors, should be given the veil Item, it seemed good that whatever bishop, by the necessity of the dangers of virginal purity, when either a powerful suitor or some ravisher is feared, or if she shall be pricked with some scruple of death that she might die unveiled, at the demand either of her parents or of those to whose care she has been entrusted, shall give the veil to a virgin, or shall have given it while she was under twenty-five years of age, the council which has appointed that number of years shall not oppose him. That bishops be not detained too long in council, let them choose three judges from themselves of the singular provinces Item, it seemed good, lest all the bishops who are assembled at a council be kept too long, that the whole synod should choose three judges of the several provinces; and they elected for the province of Carthage Vincent, Fortunatian, and Clarus; for the province of Numidia Alypius, Augustine, and Restitutus; for the province of Byzacena, with the holy Senex Donatian the Primate, Cresconius, Jocundus, and Æmilian; for Mauritania Sitephensis Severian, Asiaticus, and Donatus; for the Tripolitan province Plautius, who alone was sent as legate according to custom; all these were to take cognizance of all things with the holy senex Aurelius, from whom the whole council sought that he should subscribe all things done by the council whether acts or letters. And they subscribed: I, Aurelius, bishop of the church of Carthage consent to this decree and having read it sign my name. Likewise also signed they all. Two Sancti Senes mentioned, who we are sure were both primates. See can. 100 (104). Item, at this council there was present a legation from the Roman Church After the consulate of the most glorious emperors Honorius for the XII th. time and Theodosius for the VIII th., Augusti, on the III. Calends of June, at Carthage, in the Secretarium of the restored basilica, when Aurelius the bishop together with Faustinus of the church of Potentia in the Italian province of Picenum, a legate of the Roman Church, Vincent of Calvita (Culositanus), Fortunatian of Naples, Marianus Uzipparensis, Adeodatus of Simidica, Pentadius of Carpi, Rufinian of Muzuba, Prætextatus of Sicily, Quodvultdeus of Veri (Verensis), Candidus of Abbirita, Gallonian of Utica, legates of the proconsular province; Alypius of Tagaste, Augustine of Hippo Regia and Posidonius of Calama, legates of the province of Numidia; Maximian of Aquæ, Jocundus of Sufetula, and Hilary of Horrea-Cascilia, legates of the province of Byzacena; Novatus of Sitifi and Leo of Mocta, legates of the province of Mauritania Sitiphensis; Ninellus of Rusucarrum, Laurence of Icosium and Numerian of Rusgunium, legates of the Province of Mauritania Cæsariensis, the judges chosen by the plenary council, had taken their seats, the deacons standing by, and when, after certain things had been accomplished, many bishops complained that it was not possible for them to wait for the completion of the rest of the business to be treated of, and that they must hasten to their own churches; it seemed good to the whole council, that by all some should be chosen from each province who should remain to finish up what was left to be done. And it came about that those were present whose subscriptions testify that they were present. That those out of communion should not be allowed to bring accusation It seemed good to all, as it had been decreed by the former councils, concerning what persons were to be admitted to bring accusations against clerics; and since it had not been expressed what persons should not be admitted, therefore we define, that he cannot properly be admitted to bring an accusation, who had been already excommunicated, and was still lying under that censure, whether he that wished to be the accuser were cleric or layman. The Council of Carthage of 419 had at its first session on May 25th done thus much. But when it met again on the 30th of the same month, it continued the code. The introduction in regard to this new session is this introduction. The Canons then enacted were original, viz. numbers 128, 129, 130, 131, 132 and 133. That slaves and freedmen and all infamous persons ought not to bring accusation To all it seemed good that no slaves or freedmen, properly so called, be admitted to accusation nor any of those who by the public laws are debarred from bringing accusation in criminal proceedings. This also is the case with all those who have the stain of infamy, that is actors, and persons subject to turpitudes, also heretics, or heathen, or Jews; but even all those to whom the right of bringing accusation is denied, are not forbidden to bring accusation in their own suits. That he who has failed to prove one charge shall not be allowed to give evidence to another So, too, it seemed good that as often as many crimes were laid to clerics by their accusers, and one of the first examined could not be proved, they should not be allowed to go on giving evidence on the other counts. Who should be allowed to give evidence They who are forbidden to be admitted as accusers are not to be allowed to appear as witnesses, nor any that the accuser may bring from his own household. And none shall be admitted to give witness under fourteen years of age. Concerning a bishop who removes a man from communion who says he has confessed to the bishop alone his crime It also seemed good that if on any occasion a bishop said that someone had confessed to him alone a personal crime, and that the man now denies it; let not the bishop think that any slight is laid upon him if he is not believed on his own word alone, although he says he is not willing to communicate with the man so denying through a scruple of his own conscience. That a bishop should not rashly deprive anyone of communion As long as his own bishop will not communicate with one excommunicated, the other bishops should have no communion with that bishop, that the bishop may be more careful not to charge anyone with what he cannot prove by documentary evidence to others. Bishop Aurelius said: According to the statutes of this whole assembled council, and the opinion of my littleness, it seems good to make an end of all the matters of the whole of the before-manifested title, and let the ecclesiastical acts receive the discussion of the present day's constitution. And what things have not yet been expressed (treated of in the Greek) we shall write on the next day through our brethren, Bishop Faustinus and the Presbyters Philip and Asellus to our venerable brother and fellow bishop Boniface; and they gave their assent in writing. Here begins the letter directed from the whole African Council to Boniface, bishop of the City of Rome, by Faustinus the bishop, and Philip and Asellus the presbyters, legates of the Roman Church To the most blessed lord, and our honourable brother Boniface, Aurelius, Valentine of the primatial See of Numidia, and others present with us to the number of 217 from the whole council in Africa. Since it has pleased the Lord that our humility should write concerning those things which with us our holy brethren, Faustinus a fellow bishop and Philip and Asellus, fellow presbyters, have done, not to the bishop Zosimus of blessed memory, from whom they brought commands and letters to us, but to your holiness, who is constituted in his room by divine authority, we ought briefly to set forth what has been determined upon by mutual consent; not indeed those things which are contained in the prolix volumes of the acts, in which, while charity was preserved, yet we loitered not without some little labour of altercation, deliberating those things in the acts which now pertain to the cause. However the more gratefully would he have received this news as he would have seen a more peaceful ending of the matter, my lord and brother, had he been still in the body! Apiarius the presbyter, concerning whose ordination, excommunication, and appeal no small scandal arose not only at Sicca but also in the whole African Church, has been restored to communion upon his seeking pardon for all his sins. First our fellow bishop Urban of Sicca doubtless corrected whatever in him seemed to need correction. For there should have been kept in mind the peace and quiet of the Church not only in the present but also in the future, since so many evils of such a kind had gone before, that it was incumbent to take care that like or even graver evils should be prevented thereafter. It seemed good to us that the presbyter Apiarius should be removed from the church of Sicca, retaining only the honour of his grade, and that he should exercise the office of the presbyterate wherever else he wished and could, having received a letter to this effect. This we granted without difficulty at his own petition made in a letter. But truly before this case should be thus closed, among other things which we were treating of in daily discussions, the nature of the case demanded that we should ask our brothers, Faustinus our fellow bishop, and Philip and Asellus our fellow presbyters, to set forth what they had been enjoined to treat of with us that they might be inserted in the ecclesiastical acts. And they proceeded to make a verbal statement, but when we earnestly asked that they would present it rather in writing, then they produced the Commonitory. This was read to us and also set down in the acts, which they are bringing with them to you. In this they were bidden to treat of four things with us, first concerning the appeal of bishops to the Pontiff of the Roman Church, second that bishops should not unbecomingly be sailing to court, thirdly concerning the treating the causes of presbyters and deacons by contiguous bishops, if they had been wrongly excommunicated by their own, and fourthly concerning the bishop Urban who should be excommunicated or even sent to Rome, unless he should have corrected what seemed to need correction. Of all which things concerning the first and third, that is that it is allowed to bishops to appeal to Rome and that the causes of clerics should be settled by the bishops of their own provinces, already last year we have taken pains to insinuate, in our letter to the same bishop Zosimus of venerable memory, that we were willing to observe these provisions for a little while without any injury to him, until the search for the statutes of the Council of Nicaea had been finished. And now we ask of your holiness that you would cause to be observed by us the acts and constitutions of our fathers at the Council of Nicaea, and that you cause to be exercised by you there, those things which they brought in the commonitory: that is to say, If a bishop shall have been accused, etc. [Here follows Canon vii. of Sardica.] Item concerning presbyters and deacons. If any bishop has been quickly angered, etc. [Here follows Canon xvii. of Sardica.] These are the things which have been inserted in the acts until the arrival of the most accurate copies of the Nicene Council, which things, if they are contained there (as in the Commonitory, which our brethren directed to us from the Apostolic See alleged) and be even kept according to that order by you in Italy, in no way could we be compelled either to endure such treatment as we are unwilling to mention or could suffer what is unbearable: but we believe, through the mercy of our Lord God, while your holiness presides over the Roman Church, we shall not have to suffer that pride (istum typhum passuri). And there will be kept toward us, what should be kept with brotherly love to us who are making no dispute. You will also perceive according to the wisdom and the justice which the most Highest has given you, what should be observed, if perchance the canons of the Council of Nicaea are other [than you suppose]. For although we have read very many copies, yet never have we read in the Latin copies that there were any such decrees as are contained in the commonitory before mentioned. So too, because we can find them in no Greek text here, we have desired that there should be brought to us from the Eastern Churches copies of the decrees, for it is said that there correct copies of the decrees are to be found. For which end we beg your reverence, that you would deign yourself also to write to the pontiffs of these parts, that is of the churches of Antioch, Alexandria, and Constantinople, and to any others also if it shall please your holiness, that thence there may come to us the same canons decreed by the Fathers in the city of Nice, and thus you would confer by the help of the Lord this most great benefit upon all the churches of the West. For who can doubt that the copies of the Nicene Council gathered in the Greek empire are most accurate, which although brought together from so diverse and from such noble Greek churches are found to agree when compared together? And until this be done, the provisions laid down to us in the Commonitory aforesaid, concerning the appeals of bishops to the pontiff of the Roman Church and concerning the causes of clerics which should be terminated by the bishops of their own provinces, we are willing to allow to be observed until the proof arrives and we trust your blessedness will help us in this according to the will of God. The rest of the matters treated and defined in our synod, since the aforesaid brethren, our fellow bishop Faustinus, and the presbyters Philip and Asellus are carrying the acts with them, if you deign to receive them, will make known to your holiness. And they signed. Our Lord keep you to us for many years, most blessed brother. Alypius, Augustine, Possidius, Marinus and the rest of the bishops (217) also signed. Here begin the rescripts to the African Council from Cyril bishop of Alexandria in which he sends the authentic proceedings of the Nicene Council, translated from the Greek by Innocent the presbyter: these letters with the same Nicene council were also sent through the aforementioned presbyter Innocent and by Marcellus a subdeacon of the Church of Carthage, to the holy Boniface, bishop of the Roman Church, on the sixth day before the calends of December in the year 419. To the most honourable lords, our holy brethren and fellow bishops, Aurelius, Valentinus, as well as to the whole holy synod met in Carthage, Cyril salutes your holiness in God. I have received with all joy at the hands of our son, the presbyter Innocent, the letters of your reverence so full of piety, in which you express the hope that we will send you most accurate copies of the decrees of the holy Fathers at the Synod held at Nice the metropolis of Bithynia from the archives of our church; with our own certificate of accuracy attached thereto. In answer to which request, most honourable lords and brethren, I have thought it necessary to send to you, with our compliments, by our son, Innocent the presbyter, the bearer of these, most faithful copies of the decisions of the synod held at Nice in Bithynia. And when you have sought in the history of the church, you will find them there also. Concerning Easter, as you have written, we announce to you that we shall celebrate it on the xviii before the calends of May of the next indiction. The subscription. May God and our Lord preserve your holy synod as we desire, dear brethren. Here begins the letter of Atticus, bishop of Constantinople to the same To our holy lords, and rightly most blessed brethren and fellow bishops, Aurelius, Valentine, and to the other beloved ones met together in the Synod held at Carthage, Atticus the bishop. By our son Marcellus the subdeacon, I have received with all thanksgiving the writings of your holiness, praising the Lord that I enjoyed the blessing of so many of my brethren. O my lords and most blessed brethren, you have written asking me to send you most accurate copies of the canons enacted at the city of Nice, the metropolis of Bithynia, by the Fathers for the exposition of the faith. And who is there that would deny to his brethren the common faith, or the statutes decreed by the Fathers. Wherefore by the same son of mine, Marcellus, your subdeacon, who was in great haste, I have sent to you the canons in full as they were adopted by the Fathers in the city of Nice; and I ask of you that your holy synod would have me much in your prayers. The subscription. May our God keep your sanctity, as we desire, most holy brethren. Here begin the examples of the Nicene Council, sent on the sixth day before the calends of December in the year 419, after the consulate of the most glorious emperor Honorius for the XIIth time, and Theodosius for the IX th time, Augustuses, to Boniface the bishop of the City of Rome. We believe in one God etc....the Catholic and Apostolic Church anathematizes them. To this symbol of the faith there were also annexed copies of the statutes of the same Nicene Councils from the aforenamed pontiffs, in all respects as are contained above; which we do not think it necessary to write out here again. Here begins the epistle of the African synod to Pope Celestine, bishop of the City of Rome To the lord and most beloved and our honourable brother Celestine, Aurelius, Palatinus, Antony, Totus, Servusdei, Terentius, Fortunatus, Martin, Januarius, Optatus, Ceticius, Donatus, Theasius, Vincent, Fortunatian, and the rest of us, assembled at Carthage in the General Council of Africa. We could wish that, like as your Holiness intimated to us, in your letter sent by our fellow presbyter Leo, your pleasure at the arrival of Apiarius, so we also could send to you these writings with pleasure respecting his clearing. Then in truth both our own satisfaction, and yours of late would be more reasonable; nor would that lately expressed by you concerning the hearing of him then to come, as well as that already past, seem hasty and inconsiderate. Upon the arrival, then, of our holy Brother and fellow bishop Faustinus, we assembled a council, and believed that he was sent with that man, in order that, as he [Apiarius] had before been restored to the presbyterate by his assistance, so now he might with his exertions be cleared of the very great crimes charged against him by the inhabitants of Tabraca. But the due course of examination in our council discovered in him such great and monstrous crimes as to overbear even Faustinus, who acted rather as an advocate of the aforementioned person than as a judge, and to prevail against what was more the zeal of a defender, than the justice of an inquirer. For first he vehemently opposed the whole assembly, inflicting on us many injuries, under pretence of asserting the privileges of the Roman Church, and wishing that he should be received into communion by us, on the ground that your Holiness, believing him to have appealed, though unable to prove it, had restored him to communion. But this we by no means allowed, as you will also better see by reading the acts. After however, a most laborious inquiry carried on for three days, during which in the greatest affliction we took cognizance of various charges against him, God the just Judge, strong and long suffering, cut short by a sudden stroke both the delays of our fellow bishop Faustinus and the evasions of Apiarius himself, by which he was endeavouring to veil his foul enormities. For his strong and shameless obstinacy was overcome, by which he endeavoured to cover, through an impudent denial, the mire of his lusts, and God so wrought upon his conscience and published, even to the eyes of men, the secret crimes which he was already condemning in that man's heart, a very sty of wickedness, that, after his false denial he suddenly burst forth into a confession of all the crimes he was charged with, and at length convicted himself of his own accord of all infamies beyond belief, and changed to groans even the hope we had entertained, believing and desiring that he might be cleared from such shameful blots, except indeed that it was so far a relief to our sorrow, that he had delivered us from the labour of a longer inquiry, and by confession had applied some sort of remedy to his own wounds, though, lord and brother, it was unwilling, and done with a struggling conscience. Premising, therefore, our due regards to you, we earnestly conjure you, that for the future you do not readily admit to a hearing persons coming hence, nor choose to receive to your communion those who have been excommunicated by us, because you, venerable Sir, will readily perceive that this has been prescribed even by the Nicene council. For though this seems to be there forbidden in respect of the inferior clergy, or the laity, how much more did it will this to be observed in the case of bishops, lest those who had been suspended from communion in their own Province might seem to be restored to communion hastily or unfitly by your Holiness. Let your Holiness reject, as is worthy of you, that unprincipled taking shelter with you of presbyters likewise, and the inferior clergy, both because by no ordinance of the Fathers has the Church of Africa been deprived of this authority, and the Nicene decrees have most plainly committed not only the clergy of inferior rank, but the bishops themselves to their own Metropolitans. For they have ordained with great wisdom and justice, that all matters should be terminated in the places where they arise; and did not think that the grace of the Holy Spirit would be wanting to any Province, for the bishops of Christ (Sacerdotibus) wisely to discern, and firmly to maintain the right: especially since whosoever thinks himself wronged by any judgment may appeal to the council of his Province, or even to a General Council [i.e. of Africa] unless it be imagined that God can inspire a single individual with justice, and refuse it to an innumerable multitude of bishops (sacerdotum) assembled in council. And how shall we be able to rely on a sentence passed beyond the sea, since it will not be possible to send there the necessary witnesses, whether from the weakness of sex, or advanced age, or any other impediment? For that your Holiness should send any on your part we can find ordained by no council of Fathers. Because with regard to what you have sent us by the same our brother bishop Faustinus, as being contained in the Nicene Council, we can find nothing of the kind in the more authentic copies of that council, which we have received from the holy Cyril our brother, Bishop of the Alexandrine Church, and from the venerable Atticus the Prelate of Constantinople, and which we formerly sent by Innocent the presbyter, and Marcellus the subdeacon through whom we received them, to Boniface the Bishop, your predecessor of venerable memory. Moreover whoever desires you to delegate any of your clergy to execute your orders, do not comply, lest it seem that we are introducing the pride of secular dominion into the Church of Christ which exhibits to all that desire to see God the light of simplicity and the day of humility. For now that the miserable Apiarius has been removed out of the Church of Christ for his horrible crimes, we feel confident respecting our brother Faustinus, that through the uprightness and moderation of your Holiness, Africa, without violating brotherly charity, will by no means have to endure him any longer. Lord and brother, may our Lord long preserve your Holiness to pray for us. Source. Translated by Henry Percival. From Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series, Vol. 14. Edited by Philip Schaff and Henry Wace. (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1900.) Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight. <http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/3816.htm>. Contact information. The editor of New Advent is Kevin Knight. My email address is feedback732 at newadvent.org. (To help fight spam, this address might change occasionally.) Regrettably, I can't reply to every letter, but I greatly appreciate your feedback — especially notifications about typographical errors and inappropriate ads.
WHO CHANGED THE SABBATH TO SUNDAY? There can be no doubt that Christ, His disciples, and the first-century Christians kept Saturday, the seventh-day Sabbath. Yet, today, most of the Christian professing world keeps Sunday, the first day of the week, calling it the Sabbath. Who made this change, and how did it occur? No serious student of the Scriptures can deny that God instituted the Sabbath at creation and designated the seventh day to be kept holy. “And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made” (Genesis 2:2–3). It was later codified as the Fourth Commandment (Exodus 20:8–11). The Word of God makes it expressly clear that Sabbath observance is a special sign or “mark” between God and His people. There is also no uncertainty that Christ, His disciples, and the first-century Christians kept the seventh-day Sabbath as commanded—the day we now call “Saturday” (Mark 2:28; Luke 4:16). Is There Any Biblical Support for Sunday Observance? There is absolutely no New Testament text stating that God, Jesus, or the apostles changed the Sabbath to Sunday—not a text, not a word, not even a hint or suggestion. If there were, those chapters and verses would be loudly heralded by Sabbath opposers. Had Paul or any other apostle taught a change from Sabbath to Sunday, the first day of the week, an absolute firestorm of protest would have arisen from conservative Jewish Christians. The Pharisees and scribes would have insisted that Paul or any other person even suggesting such a thing be stoned to death for the sin of Sabbath-breaking. This would have been a much larger issue than the controversy over circumcision! The self-righteous Pharisees had already falsely accused Christ of breaking the Sabbath because He violated the added man-made rules and traditions they placed upon the Sabbath (Mark 2:24). The total absence of any such controversy over a change in the day of worship is one of the best evidences showing the apostles and other New Testament Christians did not change the day. On the contrary, we have a record of many Sabbaths that Paul and his traveling companions kept long after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Read of them in your own Bible in Acts 13:14, 27, 42–44; 15:21; 16:13; 17:2; and 18:4. Acts 13:42–44 is especially significant in that Paul and Barnabas, when speaking at a Jewish synagogue, were invited to speak again the next Sabbath. This would have been Paul’s golden opportunity to tell the people to meet with him the next day rather than waiting a whole week for the Sabbath. But, “on the next Sabbath almost the whole city [Jews and Gentiles alike] gathered to hear the word of the Lord.” Yet today, most of the Christian professing world keeps Sunday, the first day of the week, calling it the Sabbath. The question arises then, who changed the Sabbath to Sunday, and how did it occur? The answer may amaze you! The New Testament plainly shows we are to continue keeping the commandments (Mathew 5:17–18; 19:17; 28:20)—all ten of them. Where, then, do men get the “authority” to change the Fourth Commandment by substituting Sunday for the original Sabbath Christ and the apostles kept? The Bible prophesied many centuries earlier that the time would come when men would think to change times and laws (Daniel 7:25). Many Bible prophecies are “dual” in nature—that is, they have a type and antitype, an earlier and a later fulfillment. Though speaking specifically of the soon-coming antichrist, we can see the forerunner type documented in history. The Watering Down of the Sabbath in the First 300 Years The Christians during the apostolic era, from about 35 to 100 A.D., kept Sabbath on the designated seventh day of the week. For the first 300 years of Christian history, when the Roman emperors regarded themselves as gods, Christianity became an “illegal religion,” and God’s people were scattered abroad (Acts 8:1). Judaism, however, was regarded at that time as “legal,” as long as they obeyed Roman laws. Thus, during the apostolic era, Christians found it convenient to let the Roman authorities think of them as Jews, which gained them legitimacy with the Roman government. However, when the Jews rebelled against Rome, the Romans put down their rebellion by destroying Jerusalem in A.D. 70 and again in A.D. 135. Obviously, the Roman government’s suppression of the Jews made it increasingly uncomfortable for Christians to be thought of as Jewish. At that time, Sunday was the rest day of the Roman Empire, whose religion was Mithraism, a form of sun worship. Since Sabbath observance is visible to others, some Christians in the early second century sought to distance themselves from Judaism by observing a different day, thus “blending in” to the society around them. During the Empire-wide Christian persecutions under Nero, Maximin, Diocletian, and Galerius, Sabbath-keeping Christians were hunted down, tortured, and, for sport, often used for entertainment in the Colisseum. Constantine Made Sunday a Civil Rest Day When Emperor Constantine I—a pagan sun-worshipper—came to power in A.D. 313, he legalized Christianity and made the first Sunday-keeping law. His infamous Sunday enforcement law of March 7, A.D. 321, reads as follows: “On the venerable Day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed.” (Codex Justinianus 3.12.3, trans. Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church, 5th ed. (New York, 1902), 3:380, note 1.) The Sunday law was officially confirmed by the Roman Papacy. The Council of Laodicea in A.D. 364 decreed, “Christians shall not Judaize and be idle on Saturday but shall work on that day; but the Lord’s day they shall especially honour, and, as being Christians, shall, if possible, do no work on that day. If, however, they are found Judaizing, they shall be shut out from Christ” (Strand, op. cit., citing Charles J. Hefele, A History of the Councils of the Church, 2 [Edinburgh, 1876] 316). Cardinal Gibbons, in Faith of Our Fathers, 92nd ed., p. 89, freely admits, “You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we [the Catholic Church] never sanctify.” Again, “The Catholic Church, … by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday” (The Catholic Mirror, official publication of James Cardinal Gibbons, Sept. 23, 1893). “Protestants do not realize that by observing Sunday, they accept the authority of the spokesperson of the Church, the Pope” (Our Sunday Visitor, February 5, 1950). “Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change [Saturday Sabbath to Sunday] was her act... And the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical authority in religious things” (H.F. Thomas, Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons). The Catholic Church claims that “the church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact” (Catholic Record of London, Ontario Sept 1, 1923). What a shocking admission! A Prophecy Come to Pass! At this point we need to note an amazing prophecy. Daniel 7:25 foretold, “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws.” Quoting Daniel 7:25, Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible says: “He shall speak great words against the Most High] Literally, Sermones quasi Deus loquetur; “He shall speak as if he were God.” So Jerome quotes from Symmachus. To none can this apply so well or so fully as to the popes of Rome. They have assumed infallibility, which belongs only to God. They profess to forgive sins, which belongs only to God. They profess to open and shut heaven, which belongs only to God. They profess to be higher than all the kings of the earth, which belongs only to God. And they go beyond God in pretending to loose whole nations from their oath of allegiance to their kings, when such kings do not please them! And they go against God when they give indulgences for sin. This is the worst of all blasphemies! And shall wear out the saints] By wars, crusades, massacres, inquisitions, and persecutions of all kinds. What in this way have they not done against all those who have protested against their innovations, and refused to submit to their idolatrous worship? Witness the exterminating crusades published against the Waldenses and Albigenses. Witness John Huss, and Jerome of Prague. Witness the Smithfield fires in England! Witness God and man against this bloody, persecuting, ruthless, and impure Church! And think to change times and laws] Appointing fasts and feasts; canonizing persons whom he chooses to call saints; granting pardons and indulgences for sins; instituting new modes of worship utterly unknown to the Christian Church; new articles of faith; new rules of practice; and reversing, with pleasure, the laws both of God and man.–Dodd” (Emphasis his; Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible, Volume IV, p. 594). Who Changed the Sabbath to Sunday? Your Bible says, “But in vain [uselessness] they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Matthew 15:9; Mark 7:7). Further, “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word [the Bible], it is because there is no light in them” (Isaiah 8:20). “Prove to me from the Bible alone that I am bound to keep Sunday holy. There is no such law in the Bible. It is a law of the Catholic Church alone. The Catholic Church says, by my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week. And lo! The entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the Holy Catholic Church” (Thomas Enright, CSSR, President, Redemptorist College [Roman Catholic], Kansas City, MO, Feb. 18, 1884). “The Pope has power to change times, to abrogate laws, and to dispense with all things, even the precepts of Christ. The Pope has authority and has often exercised it, to dispense with the command of Christ” (Decretal, de Tranlatic Episcop). It is a matter of Biblical and secular history that God never changed His holy Sabbath or transferred its solemnity to Sunday. Who did? Rome, in concert with the Roman Catholic Church, changed Sabbath to Sunday! What will you believe? Whom will you follow? The God of your Bible—or the traditions of men? The choice, dear reader, is yours.
D id you know that aspartame was discovered way back in 1960? The chemist at the time was developing the drug for another use and after licking his finger found that aspartame was indeed sweet. Aspartame can be recognized by many different names, such as Nutrasweet, Equal and Sweet and Low. Aspartame is hidden in many products such as children`s vitamins, diet soda, light yogurt, baked goods, puddings and gum. The ingredients in aspartame include aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methyl alcohol. Do you remember from high school science that methyl alcohol is poisonous to the body? When methyl alcohol breaks down in high temperatures it turns into formaldehyde and DKP (diketopiprazine). These are two highly toxic chemicals that adversely affect the nervous system. Aspartame, Nutra-Sweet, Equal and Sweet and Low have a shelf life of 262 days stored at a temperature of 77 degrees. The symptoms caused by aspartame are similar to multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer`s disease. An increase in brain tumors is also linked to the use of artificial sweeteners. I find it very interesting that the FDA gets more complaints about aspartame than anything else, yet this chemical is still on the market. Using aspartame can result in these symptoms: headaches, depression, slurred speech, loss of memory, fibromyalgia, loss of sensation and shooting pains down the leg, loss of equilibrium, vertigo, anxiety attacks, chronic fatigue, vision loss, eye floaters, renal detachment, heart palpitations and seizures. The most recent research indicates that Nutra-Sweet (aspartame) results in miscarriage and infertility. The fetal tissue cannot tolerate methanol or the phenylalanine. Aspartame is a well-known neurotoxin and causes birth defects. The placenta concentrates phenylalanine and this results in mental retardation. Further research on test animals has resulted in a dramatic increase in brain and breast tumors. If your diet soda reaches a temperature above 86 degrees, the aspartame will break down and get toxic. Think of how many people leave those cases of diet pop in their garages during the summer so they never run out. After the aspartame reaches a temperature above 86 degrees the wood alcohol in aspartame converts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid. Blindness, lupus, and Alzheimer`s can be directly linked to aspartame. If you are addicted to this chemical I would highly recommend that you go to the Internet and research all the findings on diet foods and drinks. It will shock you that this chemical is still being marketed to the unaware American public. Beware of all the chemicals that are added to our food supply and try to avoid as many as possible. Aspartame is like playing with a loaded gun. May God bless America and all of our troops. Yours in good health.
Pesticides used in our homes, gardens and lawns and sprayed on foods we eat are contributing to a dramatic decline in sperm count among men worldwide, according to a new analysis of studies over the last 50 years. “Over the course of 50 years, sperm concentration has fallen about 50% around the world,” said senior study author Melissa Perry, dean of the College of Public Health at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. “What is not known is the culprit,” Perry said. “While there are likely many more contributing causes, our study demonstrates a strong association between two common insecticides —organophosphates and N-methyl carbamates — and the decline of sperm concentration.” Widely used pesticides One of the most frequently used compounds in the world, organophosphates are the main components of nerve gas, herbicides, pesticides and insecticides and are also used to create plastics and solvents. “They are widely used in agriculture on the crops we eat,” Perry said. “We use them in structural applications within homes and buildings, apartment buildings, as well as for ornamental lawn upkeep. They’re available for consumer purchase so organophosphate exposures have been demonstrated to be relatively widespread.” N-methyl carbamates are structurally and operationally similar to organophosphates, killing insects by damaging their brains and nervous systems. They are used to make insecticides that are applied to a “variety of field, fruit, and vegetable crops for control of beetles, borers, nematodes, weevils and similar pests,” according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “As we sort of start to close the net around factors that could negatively impact fertility, these pesticides start to rise to the top,” said Dr. Alexander Pastuszak, an assistant professor of surgery and urology at The University of Utah School of Medicine in Salt Lake City. He was not involved in the new study. “There’s enough evidence to really start to say yes, these types of compounds can negatively affect fertility in men,” he said. “Ultimately, you don’t know the impact on actual fertility until and unless you start trying to get pregnant.” A significant impact The study, published Wednesday in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, examined 25 studies around the world on the two chemicals and included 20 studies in the meta-analysis. Those studies looked at 42 different levels of impact among 1,774 men in 21 different study populations. Men who were more highly exposed to the pesticides, such as those who work in agriculture, had significantly less sperm concentration than men who had the least exposure to organophosphates and N-methyl carbamates, the study found. Sperm concentration is a measure of sperm per milliliter of semen, while sperm count is the millions of sperm in the entire ejaculate. Sperm count, along with the total number sperm swimming progressively in the semen, are the more important measures of future fertility, according to experts. However, sperm concentration “is an important measure of sperm quality for comparing men across studies because it adjusts for variability in semen volume,” Perry said. Animal studies have shed light on how these pesticides may impact sperm, according to the study. They appear to directly interfere with sexual hormones, damage cells in the testes, and alter neurotransmitters in the brain that impact sperm production, the study said. “Sperm is an incredibly sensitive endpoint when it comes to overall health for men,” Perry said. “My best advice is to be aware of insecticides in one’s environment and to recognize that avoiding unnecessary insecticide exposure is a good thing, especially if you’re planning on a family and wanting to conceive children.” A ‘public health issue’ It’s not just pesticides. Researchers are exploring the role of obesity, poor diet, chronic disease and exposure to environmental toxins such as pollution, PFAS and other potential toxins. Some are even looking at radiation from mobile phone use as a potential reason for the precipitous drop in sperm count. A recent study found men between the ages of 18 and 22 who said they used their phones more than 20 times a day had a 21% higher risk for a low overall sperm count. The men also had a 30% higher risk for a low sperm concentration. The study did not specify whether the men called or texted or used their phones to do both. Exposure to pesticides in food is still a significant issue: An advocacy group recently gave major food manufactures a collective F for their failure to lower the levels of pesticides in the foods they sell as promised. “This really is a public health issue,” Perry said. “We can take an individual approach, but it is on a population basis that people are being exposed to pesticides and other factors. “Action to reduce insecticide exposure is needed, so that if men want to father children, they’re going to be able to do so without being concerned about overall reductions in sperm concentration,” she added. What to do about sperm count When it comes to pesticide exposure in food, however, there are actions consumers can take. Choosing organic foods is a surefire way to reduce pesticide exposure, experts say. While organic foods are not more nutritious, the majority have little to no pesticide residue, according to Alexis Temkin, a toxicologist at the Environmental Working Group, a research and advocacy nonprofit that focuses on consumer health, toxic chemicals and pollutants. “If a person switches to an organic diet, the levels of pesticides in their urine rapidly decrease,” she told CNN in a prior interview. “We see it time and time again.” If organic isn’t available or too pricey, “I would definitely recommend peeling and washing thoroughly with water,” Temkin said. “Steer away from detergents or other advertised items. Rinsing with water will reduce pesticide levels.” The Environmental Working Group creates a yearly list of the nonorganic produce with the most and least pesticides that consumers can use to shop. In their 2023 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, researchers found 210 different pesticides on the 12 foods. Additional tips on washing produce, provided by the US Food and Drug Administration, include: · Handwashing with warm water and soap for 20 seconds before and after preparing fresh produce. · Rinsing produce before peeling, so dirt and bacteria aren’t transferred from the knife onto the fruit or vegetable. · Using a clean vegetable brush to scrub firm produce like apples and melons. · Drying the produce with a clean cloth or paper towel to further reduce bacteria that may be present. Clarification: This story has been updated to clarify the full number of studies examined in the study.
Hepatitis B is a viral infection that primarily affects the liver and is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). It is a major global health concern, with an estimated 257 million people living with chronic hepatitis B worldwide. Hepatitis B can have significant implications for individuals who are coinfected with other viral infections, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV). Understanding the interactions between hepatitis B and these coexisting viral infections is crucial for effective management and treatment. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of hepatitis B coinfection, its impact on HIV, HCV, and other viral infections, and explore potential treatment strategies. Coinfection: Hepatitis B and HIV: Hepatitis B and HIV coinfection are relatively common, especially in regions where both viruses are endemic. The two viruses share similar routes of transmission, making co-infection a significant concern. Coinfection with HIV can have a profound impact on the natural course and clinical outcomes of hepatitis B, as well as HIV itself. Key points to consider include: a. Disease Progression: Coinfection with HIV can have a profound impact on the natural course of hepatitis B. HIV-mediated immunosuppression weakens the immune response against HBV, leading to increased viral replication and liver inflammation. As a result, individuals with HIV and hepatitis B coinfection are more likely to experience faster progression of liver fibrosis, higher rates of liver cirrhosis, and an increased risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), a type of liver cancer. b. Antiretroviral Therapy (ART): The management of individuals with HIV and hepatitis B coinfection requires careful consideration due to potential drug interactions and hepatotoxicity. Some antiretroviral drugs used in ART regimens are effective against both HIV and HBV, providing dual benefits by suppressing both viruses. These medications, such as tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) or tenofovir alafenamide (TAF), have potent antiviral activity against both HIV and HBV. However, certain antiretroviral drugs may have limited activity against HBV or can cause HBV resistance, necessitating careful selection and monitoring of treatment regimens. c. Immune Reconstitution: With the initiation of ART, individuals with HIV and hepatitis B coinfection may experience immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS), which is characterized by an exaggerated immune response against hepatitis B antigens. IRIS can lead to an exacerbation of hepatitis B symptoms, liver inflammation, and liver enzyme elevation. Close monitoring of liver function, viral replication, and appropriate management strategies are necessary during this period to prevent further liver damage. Coinfection: Hepatitis B and HCV: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) coinfection in individuals with chronic hepatitis B is also a significant concern, particularly among people who inject drugs (PWID). Coinfection with HCV and HBV can have a synergistic effect on liver disease progression and complications. Consider the following aspects: a. Increased Liver Damage: Coinfection with HCV and HBV has a synergistic effect on liver disease progression. The presence of both viruses leads to increased liver inflammation, more rapid fibrosis progression, and a higher risk of developing liver cirrhosis, liver failure, and HCC. Coinfected individuals may experience more severe liver disease compared to those infected with either virus alone. b. Treatment Challenges: The management of individuals with both chronic hepatitis B and HCV infections requires careful consideration due to the complexity of treating dual viral infections. Antiviral therapies for hepatitis B and HCV must be selected based on their activity against both viruses, potential drug interactions, and the risk of cross-resistance. Newer direct-acting antiviral (DAA) therapies for HCV have revolutionized the treatment landscape, offering high cure rates. However, selecting optimal regimens that address both HBV and HCV infections can be challenging and may require the expertise of a liver specialist. c. Liver Transplantation: Coinfection with HBV and HCV can influence the eligibility and outcomes of liver transplantation. The presence of both viruses increases the risk of graft failure and the likelihood of viral reactivation post-transplant. Careful assessment of liver function, viral replication, and appropriate antiviral prophylaxis strategies are crucial for successful transplantation outcomes in coinfected individuals. Coinfection: Hepatitis B and Other Viral Infections: Apart from HIV and HCV, individuals with chronic hepatitis B may also experience coinfections with other viral pathogens, such as the hepatitis D virus (HDV) and the hepatitis E virus (HEV). Understanding these interactions is vital for comprehensive management. Key points include: a. Hepatitis D Virus (HDV): HDV is a defective virus that requires the presence of HBV for replication. Coinfection with HDV and chronic hepatitis B can lead to more severe liver disease compared to HBV mono-infection. HDV superinfection, where HDV infects an individual already infected with HBV, is particularly concerning. It can result in severe liver injury, accelerated fibrosis progression, and an increased risk of developing cirrhosis and HCC. Treatment options for HDV are limited, and interferon-based therapies are currently the mainstay of treatment. b. Hepatitis E Virus (HEV): HEV infection is primarily transmitted through contaminated food and water. It usually causes acute hepatitis, but in individuals with chronic hepatitis B, coinfection with HEV can lead to more severe liver injury and complications. HEV superinfection in pregnant women with chronic hepatitis B has been associated with an increased risk of fulminant hepatitis, leading to adverse maternal and fetal outcomes. If you or someone you know is living with Hepatitis B, it’s time to take action and explore solutions that can support your liver health and strengthen your immune system. Introducing Janis Hepatitis B Supplement, a breakthrough product specifically formulated to help manage Hepatitis B and its associated complications. Don’t let Hepatitis B and its coinfections dictate your life. Janis Hepatitis B supplement offers a natural and comprehensive approach to complementing your existing medical treatment. With its unique blend of scientifically backed ingredients, Janis Hepatitis B supplement can provide crucial support in reducing liver inflammation, promoting liver regeneration, and strengthening your immune system. Take charge of your health and consider adding Janis Hepatitis B supplement to your daily routine. By incorporating this supplement into your management plan, you can enhance the effectiveness of your current treatment, potentially reduce viral replication, and improve overall liver health. Join the countless individuals who have experienced the benefits of the Janis Hepatitis B supplement. Don’t wait any longer. It’s time to take control of your Hepatitis B journey and give your liver the support it deserves. Remember, you’re not alone in this fight against Hepatitis B. Let Janis Hepatitis B supplement be your ally on the path to wellness. Singh, K. P., Crane, M., Audsley, J., Avihingsanon, A., Sasadeusz, J., & Lewin, S. R. (2017). HIV-hepatitis B virus coinfection: epidemiology, pathogenesis, and treatment. AIDS (London, England), 31(15), 2035–2052. https://doi.org/10.1097/QAD.0000000000001574 Saravanan, S., Velu, V., Kumarasamy, N., Nandakumar, S., Murugavel, K. G., Balakrishnan, P., Suniti, S., & Thyagarajan, S. P. (2007). Coinfection of hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus in HIV-infected patients in south India. World journal of gastroenterology, 13(37), 5015–5020. https://doi.org/10.3748/wjg.v13.i37.5015 Co-infection of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C among HIV-infected patients: A cross-sectional from tertiary care hospital of easternNepal
The last few months have seen a dramatic change in the learning model due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The way students are getting education facilities is very different from the teaching methods that were used a few decades back. Technology has brought remarkable changes in the way education is delivered and received. From mobile apps, IoT to flipped classroom approach, technology has made a considerable impact on the learning and teaching methodologies. With numerous benefits to offer, Education App Development has become an essential part of the education system. Schools and universities are implementing the latest trends in education apps in order to improve the teaching and learning capabilities. Mobile learning is the latest technology trend in the education sector providing engaging experiences to learners. Mobile apps are delivering immersive experiences to users who are primarily students. The most popular examples are Memory training apps, language learning apps, and education game apps. Best Emerging Trends in Educational Technology: 1. Augmented Reality AR will transform the classroom teaching into visual, interactive, and engaging content. Augmented Reality based mobile apps brings more engagement in a learning exercise. This results in better learning of complex lessons quickly with interactive content. Benefits of Augmented Reality: - Anywhere and Anytime Learning - Better student engagement - Practical learning for students - Self-learning initiative - Simple Explanation of difficult and abstract concepts 2. Virtual Reality VR has helped the education industry by providing a 3D environment. It is a popular trend in education where kids enjoy using it to learn complex data in an interactive and easy manner. Students can interact with the objects and thus the experience becomes immersive. In addition, the best VR mobile app is the Titans of space. The app offers a tour of planets and solar systems helping the students to learn about the galaxies in an interactive manner. Benefits of Virtual Reality: - Better engagement - Students retention - Practical training - Creative lessons - Less distraction for students 3. Artificial Intelligence Several adaptive learning programs are growing with the education industry trends. AI offers a system that focuses on specific topics, and repeating concepts. Thus, it helps students to grow at a fast pace. Furthermore; Artificial intelligence in the E-learning Application Development has changed the role of teacher to that of a facilitator. Benefits of Artificial Intelligence: - Algebra ITS - Automated grading - Artificial intelligence-based education apps - Easy to identify weak points of students Games are the most interesting approach that children love. Moreover, learning integrated with fun is a more useful approach of engagement. As a result; instead of reading and mugging the text, students love to play with the content and still learn. In short; Gaming offers a more engaged learning experience promoting better knowledge retention. Benefits of Gamification: - Informal learning - Fun grading system - Competitive based learning - Role-playing themes for literature lessons - Instant results 5. Mobile Learning The rapid growth of trends in the educational industry and access to the internet are important factors of mobile learning. It provides real-time access to knowledge as well as learning on the go. The technology-rich activities by the new trends in education enable high-level collaboration in comparison to the traditional teaching methods. Online education apps’ importance has grown so much that Mobile App Development Company is in huge demand among the institutions. Benefits of Mobile Learning: - Digital assignments - Flexible learning process - Collaborative learning with forums and chats - Micro-learning with deep-knowledge sharing - Contextual learning with interactive lessons So, these are the major technology trends that are integrated into Education Apps to meet end-user expectations. What are the benefits of E-Learning Mobile App? - Flexible and mobile helps learner to choose the time and place as per convenience. - It makes the learning process engaging with no limit and studying on the go. - No age limit as both youth and adults can avail lifelong learning. - It provides quick and simple access to information. - Communication with fellow students to boost learning skills. - Information is offered in an interactive & crisp manner. - Higher levels of motivation and engagement. - Affordable for students who cannot afford high college tuition fees. - Has huge business benefits, is both profitable and socially useful. Frequently Asked Questions 1. What is new in educational technology? The augmented and virtual reality is the major technology trends in education sector. While augmented reality provides an enhanced view of a real image, virtual reality offers a false perception of the reality. Both these techniques have taken digital learning to new dimensions. 2. How is the technology used in education today? There are several technologies being used in classrooms today: social networking, online teaching, class blogs and wikis, podcasting, interactive whiteboards, and mobile devices. 3. Can I see my E-learning app development process? Yes! We share timely progress reports related to it. We build E-Learning app on the development server and share all credentials for proper monitoring of the app progress rate. 4. Do you assure about security & confidentiality of the app idea? Yes, we sign a NDA to ensure your app idea & information remains safe. Hence, we ensure full security and privacy of the mobile app development project. 5. How much time is needed for E-learning app development? The time to build a mobile app is based on different factors ranging from the features, scalability, hosting server and functionality. So, now when you have appropriate knowledge of the major technology trends available for integration in E-learning applications, it’s the time to invest. After enlisting the benefits of educational apps, let’s work towards making education accessible and enjoyable to every student. Get an interactive education app tailored to meet your target audience & business needs. Connect to the industry experts. They will guide you with the best Education App Development for your institution at affordable prices.
The Olmecs: An African Presence in Early America (In Celebration of Black History Month) By Paul A. Barton February 28, 2001 According to an archeologist who recently participated in archeological work in Mexico, One of the most ancient civilizations in the Americas, the Black (Negritic) Olmecs developed a calendar that goes back to about 3,113 years Before Christ. The archeologist who appeared on the Art Bell show made that point. The ancient "Olmecs" of Mexico and Mesoamerica are one of the most intriguing civilizations of the Americas. In fact, they are the first civilization in Mexico and it was from them that all other civilizations in Mesoamerica followed. Yet, the fact that the Olmecs were most likely a Black civilization of African origins has not been made public and the "Indian" elements in Mexico have gained more prominence to the extent that the Negroid substrata of the ancient Mexican/Mesoamerican civilizations has been kept hidden. Yet, over the past many years, various levels of proof have been found linking the "Olmecs" to Africans in the Western part of Africa: Linguistic Similarities Studies done by researchers such as Ivan Van Sertima (They Came Before Columbus), Alexander Von Wuthenau (Unexpected Faces in Ancient America), Runoko Rashidi and others have presented evidence that clearly show that the Olmecs were not Indians with "baby faces," or Indians who looked like Blacks (although a few Olmecs did mix with the Native Americans). They were Africans no different from Africans found in the Mende regions of West Africa. Studies done by Clyde Winters show that the Olmecs used the Mende script, a writing system used among the Mandinkas and other Africans in West Africa. When the writings on Olmec monuments were translated, it was found that the language spoken by the Olmecs was Mende. Religious Similarities The Olmecs practiced a religion and astronomical sciences identical to those practiced by Africans in the Mali region and Nigeria today. The Olmecs studied the Venus Complex in astronomy. Today, the Ono and Bambara who are famous sea and river travelers have studied that same complex for thousands of years. In fact, another group the Dogon are well known for their tracking and mapping of the Sirius star system and their accurate results. The Olmecs also had a religious practice of Thunder worship where the ax was a prominent feature. In West Africa, the ax is also a prominent feature in connection with the Shango or Thunder God worship. Both the Olmecs and the Shango worshippers in West Africa placed an emphasis on the religious significance of children in their religious practices. The Olmecs carved about twenty-two collosal stone heads in the southern parts of Mexico and their influence have been found in Guatemala and further south. Olmec type sculptures have also been found in parts of the U.S., (the Washitaw Nation of Louisiana; www.hotep.org ), where another prehistoric Black nation (who still has members and land today) existed. The Olmecs and Washitaw, Black Californians, Jamassee, Califunami and other pre-columbian Blacks of the Americas were part of a prehistoric trade network that began in Africa and spread worldwide over 100,000 years ago and at various periods afterwards. According to the book, Susu Economics The History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth, these Blacks found in the Americas, as well as remnants of their ancient civilizations are not a myth or fairytale. The ancient Blacks of the Americas are the missing pieces of a large puzzle that would be solved if many of today's writers, scientists, historians and archeologists were not as biased or "embarrassed," like the Mexican archeologists who found out without a doubt, that the Olmecs of Mexico were Black Africans and they introduced the first astronomical calendar to Mexico about 3,113 years Before Christ. Not only is there an ancient Black African presence and contribution to the creation of civilization and culture in prehistoric and ancient America, but there also is such a presence and contribution in Mesopotamia (Nimrod a son of Kush developed the region, it is said), Sabea/Arabia, India, Cambodia, Southern China and Melanesia/South Pacific region. African Cultural Similarities The Olmecs used an African practice that is very common in Africa and to some extent in Melanesia. That practice is body scarification and specifically facial scarification as practiced in West Africa. Many of the facial scars seen on the Olmec terracotta faces, such as "dot" keloids and "lined" patterns are identical to Africans such as the Dinka of Sudan and the Yoruba and others of West Africa. (Dinka scarification can be found in old copies of National Geographic. Olmec scarification can be found in the text by "Alexander Von Wuthenau, Unexpected Faces in Ancient America." African hairstyles such as cornroes are found on many of the Olmec terracotta found in Mexico. Both kinky hair carved into one of the collosal stone heads of basalt, as well as the cornroed style wearing tassels (see African Presence in Early America, by Ivan Van Sertima; Transaction Publishers), have been found. The "cornrow" factor clearly shows that these Blacks who were in Mexico in prehistoric times most likely came from the West Africa/South Sahara region, rather than Melanesia. It is in West Africa that cornroes are very common and have been since prehistoric times. Olmecs Introduced The First Aspects Of Meso-American Civilization The Black Olmecs were the first to build "pyramids" in Mexico, although these were built of mud and one was more cone-shaped then actually pyramidal. The Olmecs apart from carving 22 collosal stone heads dating to about 1100 B.C., also created thousands of work of art throughout Mesoamerica. Olmec terracotta art show people involved in a variety of activities from wrestling to pottery making. |
Today we will learn how to write a narrative essay fast and easy. This type of paper requires you to share your experiences in an entertaining and creative way. A writer has to tell the original story and make it interesting to the reader. This task is not that complicated if you know the key points and the logic of the text. In the present blog, we will learn how to write a truly powerful narrative paper starting from the initial concept and ending with a fabulous conclusion. So, let’s get down to business right away! What Is a Narrative Essay According to narrative essay definition, it is a type of writing that requires telling a personal story. It can be either about your personal experiences, funny incident, or any other notable event. Teachers assign such tasks to test students' abilities in storytelling. Firstly, a good story has to be interesting for a potential reader. Secondly, it has to be understandable to the general audience. Finally, it has to follow the regular structure of essay. In many other regards, it can be very creative and even experimental. Unlike many other essay types, narrative essays are action-driven. The main goal is to tell the story in a creative way. In view of its purpose, a great essay requires the following elements: - An intriguing personal story to tell - The right choice of words to highlight key points - Good hook to get the reader’s attention - Smooth flow and original style - Truly valuable experience to share A narrative essay is widely regarded as one of the most creative writing essay types. A writer can afford more expressive language and a more unusual style of writing. Use some metaphors, figurative language, dialog or bold examples. Also, the first-person perspective is appreciated in narrative writing. Which is not really typical for academic writing, as you probably know. However, it is not obligatory and you can tell a story from a third-person perspective as well. You may need a step-by-step guide for explanatory writing for your future assignments. You will find it in our database. Narrative Essay Outline A narrative essay structure is very similar to that of other academic papers. It features 3 major parts - introduction, body and conclusion. Regularly, this essay is about five paragraph essay long - one for intro, 3 paragraphs in body and one to sum up your thoughts. - Introduction - introduces the story, explains the purpose of the story and attracts reader’s attention - Body paragraph #1 - developing action, raising the tension - Body paragraph #2 - the climax of the story - Body paragraph #2 - the climax of the story - Conclusion - in which way this story was cautionary and useful However, this number of paragraphs is not fixed, and you can expand it if you want. Still, do not fill your essay with watery text, it will be regarded as a negative factor during the review. How to Write a Narrative Essay Step by Step Essay structure is an important thing to keep in mind when you are thinking over the outline of your future work. So it will be definitely helpful to see what it will be for the narrative essay format. So, let’s see how it should be done! How to Start a Narrative Essay Narrative essay introduction is where you describe the setting, the characters and introduce the mood of the story. A good introduction always deserves a good hook in essay or even several good hooks. You can ask theoretical questions and outline the mystery that will be uncovered further in your story. Just like in other essay types, narrative essay thesis statements are featured in the intro section. Many professional writers believe that a thesis statement is the first thing you need to come up when writing an essay. Your paper thesis always has to sum up the main points of your writing, so this writing tip actually makes sense. Make your working thesis clear, informative and short. The finest thesis can be no longer than a single sentence. Make it brief, attractive and meaningful. Sounds a bit mind-boggling? Buy personal narrative essay done for you from scratch to avoid any hassle. Create Main Body All the action in a good narrative paper happens in the body part. In most essays, you uncover your key points in the classic three body paragraphs. However, a more action-driven paper of this kind is more about facts, and emotions. That’s why it’s a rare essay type where your body part would probably require chronological order of narration. Think well about how to separate your story into logical segments and don’t get too much into detail. An essay is not about length but always about the quality of writing. How to End a Narrative Essay A narrative essay conclusion is very similar to any other paper ending. In this part, you sum up your experiences and the outcomes of the story. Indicate what exactly had changed in your life during its course. Because if nothing had changed, then it’s not an essay-worthy story after all. Feel free to use quotations and examples to compare your experience. A narrative essay is a metaphor-friendly and figurative language-friendly format. So don’t miss your chance to enrich your text with additional expression. Tips to Writing a Narrative Paper Now, when you know how to write a personal narrative paper, you are almost there. However, there are also several tips that we wanted to give you to facilitate success. So, here they are: - Read various personal narrative ideas. - Choose the best story that you got - choice of the story is essential to the success. - Think over how you spread facts and arguments along the paper. - Write an introduction with a strong hook and clear thesis statement. - Write an action-driven body part. - Make sure your conclusion includes really valuable experiences and implications. - Review and rewrite the parts that you don’t like. - Proofread the text, use special tools to save your time and effort. If you follow all the steps mentioned above, it will be much easier to maintain control over your writing and create a powerful text. Also, we have prepared several great writing tips. If you have some stylistic questions or you are puzzled about how reliable you need to be as a narrator, consider the following tips: - Alter the story a little if it will make it more entertaining. Don’t stick to the facts so hard. - Write from a first-person perspective first. Change it if you want later. - Be a reader-oriented writer, don’t make it too subjective and personal. - Check out such texts by famous writers for inspiration. This type of paper is a fun and creative form of academic writing. If you have enough time, you can easily enjoy this assignment and even learn something new about yourself. Just in case, a site that writes essays would also do great for your GPA. Narrative Essay Examples A good narrative essay example may be hard to find. Luckily, we have prepared it for you in advance. It will help you understand the style and flow of narrative writing and give some inspiration for your own masterpiece. Check out the top-notch narrative essay sample below. Narrative Essay: Bottom Line Now you know how to write narrative essays. This type of paper is easy to write when you know the main aspects of it. So use this guide to make the essay writing process fast, interesting and fun! However, sometimes there is just not enough time to meet the deadlines. Many students face this issue on a daily basis looking for fast and practical solutions. Hiring a narrative writer is perhaps the optimal choice. FAQ about Narrative Essay 1. How to write a personal narrative essay? A personal narrative essay is written from the first-person perspective. It should contain strong personal opinions and stories of the narrator. This type of writing is predominantly action-driven and narrates the writer’s personal experiences. 2. How to write a literacy narrative essay? In a literacy narrative paper, you need to share your personal experience of language, reading and writing. In this paper type, the narrator has to detail the personal experiences and attitude towards language. It can be dedicated to a certain book, writer or part of the language. 3. How long is the narrative paper? A regular narrative essay is between 500 and 1000 words. It features a standard 3-part, 5-paragraph paper structure. It is always a good idea to bring creativity and fun to class. If you use a unique approach, you will definitely impress your teacher and make your classmates listen to what you say. So we are happy to help you with this question! Check our list of funny and interesting narrative essay topics down below! 1. Cracks in the pavement. 2. If I were a magician, I'd be ... 3. The superpowers I would like to have. 4. A weird encounter with a stranger. 5. The most embarrassing moment of my life. 6. Where all the mismatched socks go. Hope you will like one of these creative narrative essay ideas! Good luck! Basically, both these types of essays are almost the same, so yes, you can freely use this article to write your descriptive narrative essay. And here are also some extra tips for you to make your writing process easier: 1. Try to remember an important situation in your life or the life of your friend, relative, etc. 2. Write down everything you associate with this occurrence. 3. Start your essay by creating a draft. 4. Shortly describe the situation, including all the important details. 5. Narrate the story. 6. Think of and analyze the story. Hope these tips will help you with writing your descriptive narrative essay. Good Luck!
(Photo by Getty Images) Marburg, a virus similar to Ebola, has hit the radar in the African country of Uganda, raising concerns about another deadly outbreak. With two lethal viruses threatening public health, many are questioning why these contagions seem to be flaring up more often — and more important, what we can do to avoid them in the future. Related: U.S. STD Cases on the Rise for the First Time Since 2006 The current Ebola outbreak originated in West Africa and has killed more than 3,800 people, more than all other past outbreaks combined. The first Marburg death was confirmed recently in Kampala, Uganda. Both viruses cause hemorrhagic fevers and are passed from animals to humans, which has experts examining how humans and African wildlife interact. One mystery surrounding these viruses is where they live between outbreaks, when they aren’t infecting humans, author and Ebola expert David Quammen told National Geographic. For example, health officials know Ebola likely goes dormant in an animal, called its “reservoir host,” but they have yet to identify exactly which species. At least one of the suspects is the fruit bat, which is believed to host several other viruses (including Marburg and SARS) without getting sick. These bats usually live in large, tightly packed groups, allowing the virus to spread easily among the animals. Related: Health Authorities Confirm Ebola Case in Liberia In the past, there was enough room in Africa for humans and fruit bats to exist without much contact. Deforestation has changed this, according to an editorial in the Guardian. West Africa was once covered in rain forests, a common habitat for fruit bats. During the past decade, loggers have stripped the land, reducing the habitable area for the animals. Laws governing more responsible logging practices in that part of the world could help reduce the risk of future outbreaks, but civil wars and political corruption are slowing progress. As the forests shrink, the mining industry has been moving more people into Africa to tap its vast mineral reserves. These miners often have to travel through high concentrations of bats, which increases the likelihood of someone being infected. Like the rain forests, mines are also popular habitats for animals that might carry these viruses, and miners have been among the victims in several Marburg outbreaks in the past. In 1998, one of the largest Marburg outbreaks to date occurred in Congo, in an area pocked with several illegal gold mines. During the course of the epidemic, there were 149 cases and 123 deaths. Related: Scientists Find Ebola Can Linger in Semen for Months But animals in the wild are not the only threat to spread these viruses; wild animals — including primates, birds, and reptiles — captured and sold for food or as exotic pets are also a risk. Some experts believe the illegal wildlife trade market — which brings in between $10 billion and $20 billion each year — is one of the greatest threats due to its global reach and the lack of health standards. “As wildlife is traded between hunters, middle marketers, and consumers, there are, quite literally, billions of opportunities for disease transmission among wildlife, humans, and domestic animals,” wrote Timothy Bouley and Sara Thompson for the World Bank. Research has found that outbreaks resulting from wildlife trade have caused hundreds of billions of dollars of economic damage globally. It has been such a problem the researchers suggested that eradicating the illegal trade market would be more practical and effective at stopping outbreaks than attacking the virus directly. Read This Next: Four Tests Worth Getting at the Doctor’s Office
Christians worldwide honor Good Friday, occurring just before Easter, as a pivotal day in their faith. This day, part of Holy Week preceding Easter Sunday, marks the commencement of events leading to Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. Daniel Alvarez, an associate teaching professor of religious studies at Florida International University, underscores the significance of Good Friday, emphasizing its centrality to the Christian message. According to Alvarez, it symbolizes the belief that through Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death, believers are granted forgiveness for their sins. When is Good Friday? Good Friday is always the Friday before Easter. It’s the second-to-last day of Holy Week. In 2024, Good Friday will fall on March 29. What is Good Friday? Good Friday is the day Christ was sacrificed on the cross. According to Britannica, it is a day for “sorrow, penance, and fasting.” “Good Friday is part of something else,” Gabriel Radle, an assistant professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame, previously told USA TODAY. “It’s its own thing, but it’s also part of something bigger.” Are Good Friday and Passover related? Alvarez emphasizes the direct connection between Good Friday and the Jewish holiday Passover, which commemorates the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. “The whole Christian idea of atoning for sin, that Jesus is our atonement, is strictly derived from the Jewish Passover tradition,” said Alvarez. How is that possible? The professor explains that Passover commemorates the day when the “Angel of Death” spared the homes of Israelites enslaved by the Egyptians. He mentions that according to the Bible, during the exodus, families were instructed to mark their doors with lamb’s blood to safeguard their firstborn sons from God’s judgment. Alvarez elaborates that this tradition is why Christians refer to Jesus as the “lamb of God.” He underscores the connection between the symbolism of the “blood of the lamb” in Passover and the belief that God sacrificed his firstborn son, Jesus, to protect humanity from divine wrath due to sin. He emphasizes how the narratives of the exodus and the Crucifixion intertwine, highlighting the significance of the sacrifice of the firstborn and the shedding of blood in religious beliefs. - Palm Sunday: From significance to global celebrations, here’s all you need to know - EXPLAINER: What you should know about Black Friday - Maundy Thursday: know how, when and why it’s observed - What the scriptures say about God, that the Bible does not say “Jesus being the firstborn is pivotal,” Alvarez remarks, explaining that the notion of sacrificing the firstborn, especially a son, stems from an ancient and “primitive” belief in the potent power unleashed by such sacrifices, capable of averting any form of adversity, including divine retribution. Why is Good Friday so somber? Alavarez discusses how some might perceive this holiday as more somber due to the Catholic tradition of commemorating the Crucifixion. “I believe some may find it somewhat morbid,” Alavarez stated, emphasizing that Catholics reflect not only on Jesus’ death but also on the intense suffering he endured leading up to the Crucifixion, contributing to the day’s solemnity. However, Alavarez highlights the significance of Jesus’ suffering within Christianity, stating, “The suffering of Christ is central to the four Gospels; everything else is secondary.” He notes that the portrayal of Jesus and Catholic saints enduring suffering, often depicted using blood, is prevalent in Spanish and Hispanic countries but less common in American churches. Do you fast on Good Friday? Father Dustin Dought, the executive director of the Secretariat of Divine Worship of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, previously told USA TODAY that Good Friday and Ash Wednesday are the two days in the year that Roman Catholics are obliged to fast. “This practice is a way of emptying ourselves so that we can be filled with God,” said Doubt. What do you eat on Good Friday? Many Catholics do not eat meat on any Friday during Lent. Anything with flesh is off-limits. Daughter says this practice is to honor the way Jesus sacrificed his flesh on Good Friday. Meat that is off limits includes: Instead, many Catholics will eat fish. According to the Marine Stewardship Council, this is allowed because fish is considered to be a different type of flesh.
“The important thing to know about spelling is that it’s not just rote memorization,” says Ananya Vinay, champion of the 2017 Scripps National Spelling Bee, who will ceremonially open this year’s bee next week. While Vinay uses flashcards to study specific words, she says the real trick is learning where different words come from. English spelling is mostly ambiguous because it borrows words from so many other languages. Each of those languages has more reliable spelling rules. So to spell a word, you want to know its origin. (In the bee, contestants may request a word’s origin, as well as its definition, part of speech, and use in a sentence.) Most of the time that origin is Latin or Greek. Those two languages make up 60% of English, says Vinay. When you know a word is Latinate, you know to look out for doubled consonants near the beginning of the word. Italian, the modern language closest to Latin, also uses double letters; Vinay loves the word cappuccino. French comes with surprising silent letters, like the t in escargot, or the z in assoilzie, a word meaning “absolve or acquit” that went from French to Scottish to English while still sounding like a French word: “ah-soil-ee.” German has its own quirks: A sh sound in a germanic word might be spelled sch, and German is behind English’s infuriating “I before E” rules: In German, ie and ei always mean two different sounds. One helpful mnemonic (which we didn’t get from 13-year-old Vinay) is that wein rhymes with wine, and bier is just like beer. English words with Asian origins are mercifully phonetic, as are Spanish words. Some anglicized vowel sounds might trip you up, but you’re less likely to run into silent letters. Vinay uses study app Quizlet (whose representative put us in touch with Vinay) to go through her flashcards. She’s released two study sets for beginners and for advanced spellers on the site. (Previous Scripps champions can’t compete again, so now Vinay coaches her school’s team.) She likes sorting her words into lists of specific language origins. The app tracks her mistakes so she can come back to problem words. “I could do 600 words in an hour if I wanted to,” she tells us. Why learn spelling when your computer can do it for you with dotted red lines? Because learning about words and languages means learning history and mythology: Vinay excitedly tells Lifehacker about Latinate words like “narcissist,” named after the tragic son of a nymph and a river god who fell in love with his own reflection and drowned. Vinay says spelling has helped her in other studies and academic competitions, like debate and history classes. In the Science Bowl, she can identify names of minerals, chemicals, or species by recognizing the root words. She can see the connections between concepts, and how those concepts spread and evolved. Spelling isn’t trivia—it’s a record of human history.
According to the World Poverty Clock, Nigeria’s struggle with overpopulation will be a problem now, rather than in 2050. Nigeria will by February 2018 overtake India as the country with the most people in extreme poverty. Currently, 82 million Nigerians live in extreme poverty, which is 42.4 percent of Nigeria’s population. The World Poverty Clock, a brainchild of the World Data Lab, tracks poverty estimates in about 99.7 percent of the countries in the world, using data obtained from the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, United Nations, and the governments of these countries. Using this data, it estimates the rate at which poverty is being reduced globally, and also how many more people are becoming extremely poor in these countries. Living in extreme poverty as defined by the World Bank is living under $1.90 per day. People living in extreme poverty are unable to meet their minimal needs for survival. The first goal of the Sustainable Development Goals, set by the UN in 2015 is to “eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere by 2030”. To achieve that globally, by putting it into numbers, 90 people need to leave poverty every minute to eradicate poverty totally by 2030. However, there is a shortage of about 9.5 million people globally per year. Presently, The World Poverty Clock, which monitors live estimates of global extreme poverty predicts that for the 2030 SDG target to be met in Africa, 57 people have to leave extreme poverty every minute. However, that is not the case, as on the average, 9 people rather than leaving, enter extreme poverty every minute. Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo are both responsible for the 9. Nigeria needs 11.9 people per minute to escape extreme poverty, but presently has a deficit of 6.8 people every minute, i.e. 6.8 people enter into poverty every minute. For Nigeria, its problem is its population. Nigeria’s population is growing faster than its economy. Between 1990 and 2013, Nigeria’s population increased by 81 percent. By 2050, going by the speed of its present population growth rate, Nigeria will be the third most populous country in the world. By passing the 400 million mark, it will be taking over from the U.S.A. and be only behind China and India. On the contrary, in recent times, Nigeria’s recent dwindling oil wealth due to the global oil price reduction, with oil being the mainstay of its economy, meaning its oil-dependent GDP would be affected too. The country’s economy was hit hard by the recent recession in the country. IMF projects GDP to rise by only 0.8 percent in 2018, after the recession since 2016 had slowed down the economy. Nigeria’s mean household income per capita is $1168, as compared to India’s $1759. However, this wouldn’t be an accurate measure of the welfare of the average Nigerian. What would be accurate to measure the economic growth as compared to its growing population will be the wealth distribution. More wealth is concentrated with the elites, despite the country’s oil wealth, than among the people. Those who have access to this oil wealth through politics have been the major recipients of the wealth. The high rate of unemployment, endemic corruption, the lack of basic social amenities for millions of people, the difficulty in doing business and the millions living in poverty are all consequences of the huge inequality in Nigeria. Hence, Nigeria’s rising extreme poverty numbers isn’t unexpected. Instead, it’s a direct result of years of negligent and ineffective government policies. It’s dependence on oil for years and an inability to generate non-oil revenue has led it to this. Even now, Nigeria’s 2018 record budget is running on a deficit and will be funded by much borrowing with government debts also on the rise. It would be extremely difficult for the country to meet that 1st goal of the SDGs, which all the other goals are more or less dependent on. The solution to this problem would be the formation of a credible policy aimed at eradicating poverty. The clock is ticking.
US scientists say they have bred a genetically modified (GM) mosquito that can resist malaria infection. If the lab technique works in the field, it could offer a new way of stopping the biting insects from spreading malaria to humans, they say. The scientists put a new "resistance" gene into the mosquito's own DNA, using a gene editing method called Crispr. And when the GM mosquitoes mated - their offspring inherited the same resistance, PNAS journal, external reports. In theory, if these mosquitoes bite people, they should not be able to pass on the parasite that causes malaria. About 3.2bn people - almost half of the world's population - are at risk of malaria. Bed nets, insecticides and repellents can help stop the insects biting and drugs can be given to anyone who catches the infection, but the disease still kills around 580,000 people a year. Scientists have been searching for new ways to fight malaria. The University of California team believe their GM mosquito could play a pivotal role - breeding resistant offspring to replace endemic, malaria-carrying mosquitoes. They took a type of mosquito found in India - Anopheles stephensi - on which to experiment. Dr Anthony James and his team showed that they could give the insect new DNA code to make it a poor host for the malaria parasite. The DNA, which codes for antibodies that combat the parasite, was inherited by almost 100% of the mosquito offspring and across three generations. The researchers say the findings offer hope that the same method could also work in other mosquito species. Although it would not be a sole solution to the malaria problem, it would be a useful additional weapon, they say. Prof David Conway, UK expert from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said: "It's not the finished product yet but it certainly looks promising. It does look like the genetic editing works." Other scientists have been looking at genetically modifying mosquitoes to render them infertile, so that they die out. But some experts fear that eliminating mosquitoes entirely may have unforeseen and unwanted consequences. Replacing disease-carrying mosquitoes with harmless breeds is a potential alternative.
Honorary citizenship is a status bestowed by a country on a foreign or native individual whom considered to be especially admirable, exceptional, worthy of the distinction. Several countries such as Germany, United States, Canada, Australia, Belgium, Greece, Cambodia, Germany, Vanuatu, St Kitts and Nevis have awarded honorary citizenship to outstanding individuals. Since 60 years, United States has awarded honorary citizenship to 8 individuals since 1963. But honorary citizenships is not a real citizenship, much inferior to ordinary citizenship, do not provide full citizenship rights like ordinary citizens. It is also one of the weakest form of citizenship compared to other types. Honorary citizens do not qualify for passports with some countries like Ireland being an exception. Honorary passports in most cases are not valid travel documents. Awarding Honorary citizenships are purely political decision. Honorary citizenship does not carry with it the rights and privileges of ordinary citizenship, and such status does not confer any special entry, travel or immigration benefits upon the honoree or the honorees relatives and dependents. It also does not impose additional duties or responsibilities, in the United States or internationally, on the honoree. It is a strictly symbolic act. No oath is required. The honorary citizenship ends with the death of the honoured, or, in exceptional cases, when it is taken away by the council or parliament of state. Honorary passports are usually not valid travel documents. Some countries do issue passports valid for travel to honorary citizens. Unlike real legal citizenship, which is very hard to revoke due to Article 15 of the U.N.’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, revoking honorary citizenship is not uncommon. Recently Canada revoked honorary citizenship of Suu Kyi There’s a practical reason for honorary citizenship does not make “real” citizens: being a national/citizen of a country is not just about privileges and rights; it’s also about duties and responsibilities to that country (not mere loyalty/identity, which is not something defined by law). A nationality links you and obligates you to a country’s laws and constitution — even if you don’t live in the country - Honorary citizens are not eligible for U.S. regular, official, or diplomatic passports or passport cards. - Honorary US passports convey respect, but are not valid travel documents, and do not confer any special entry, travel or immigration benefits. Ireland is the only country that awards full real citizenship rights. Ireland’s honorary citizenship is full form of citizenship, with entitlement to an Irish passport and the other rights of Irish citizenship on the same basis as a naturalized Irish citizen. This has been awarded to twelve people. South Korea has bestowed honorary citizenship to 823 people from 97 countries to date as of 2019. Benefits include honorary citizens can be appointed as member of various committees of the city government In Singapore, honorary citizenship conferred for life, including the right to live and work, buy property in Singapore, as well as their immediate dependent family members, but unlike Singapore citizenship, they have no voting rights or obligations to fulfill National Service In Canada, Honorary citizenship is purely symbolic; the recipient does not receive any of the rights, passport, privileges, or duties typically held by a Canadian citizen Honorary Citizenship may be granted to an individual who is considered to be especially admirable or worthy of the distinction. It is a symbolic honour; the recipient does not receive any rights, privileges or duties typically held by an Australian citizen. The Greek nationality law has provisions of honorary naturalization to distinguished persons who provided exceptional services to the state in the interest of public. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson became honorary citizens of Greece. The pacific country of Vanuatu awarded honorary citizenships under VERP in 2015 for those who paid $115,000. Honorary citizenship under the VERP were given vanuatu ordinary Passport with the right to carry out investment in Vanuatu. Those holding honorary citizenship under the VERP must not hold or serve in any public office prohibited stand as a candidate and vote at any of the general, provincial or municipal elections.
If you don’t use your intellect, you will eventually lose it because the brain is built on understanding, analysing, and appraising information. In a digital world where technology has levelled the playing field, some people still ignorantly refuse to improve their mental capacity while others feed on garbage online. To be your most productive self, you must begin modifying some habits that regularly damage your brain. Experts believe our contemporary lifestyle erodes cerebral networks, causing us to become slower, mindless, and less talented in thinking original ideas. As a result, the brain is becoming stressed due to hyperconnectivity. Gradually, we wind up being less productive and ineffective. Since the human brain is an integral part of the body, it requires proper nutrition to function. However, if you do not break some of your regular habits, you may damage your brain. Here are some habits that damage your brain when you do not quit. 1. Not allowing yourself to be exposed to new ideas If you don’t use your intellect, you will eventually lose it. This is because the brain is built on understanding, analysing, and appraising information. However, like any muscle, the brain must be flexed. According to a Harvard Health article, “stimulating ideas, hard activities, and learning new abilities all help the brain manufacture new cells, creating neurological “plasticity,” and accumulating a functional reserve that protects against future cell loss.” 2. You’re not saying nearly enough Face-to-face communication is no longer necessary as a result of digital technology. However, research is discovering that social engagement, as discussion, is beneficial to brain function. Our brains’ ability to carry on cerebral discussions is being dulled by short, deliberate text interactions replacing emojis for visual emotions. According to Elise Caccappolo, a professor of neuropsychology at Columbia University, “When you’re socialising, the blood travels to multiple different sections of your brain as you’re listening and developing replies”. 3. Breathe in brain food The brain needs clean, uncontaminated fresh air to function correctly. You are depriving your brain of what it needs to grow if you’re not getting excellent quality air due to pollution, stuffy rooms, or not breathing deeply enough. Humans go weeks without food, days without a drink, but only minutes without oxygen. When working, sit properly, learn some deep breathing techniques to strengthen your diaphragm, and inhale as much clean, fresh air as possible. There is a connection between dementia and loneliness. Loneliness has nothing to do with the number of friends; instead, how your human relationships satisfy your sense of belonging. Lacking a sense of belonging can create stress and despair, leading to pain reactions in the brain. According to Rush University Medical Center study, lack of social connections results in serious cognitive decline. 5. Loss of hearing Hearing loss has no direct impact on brain function. However, you need your ears to get important information, and if you cannot hear anything, you can lose important information. According to John Hopkins University, hearing-impaired persons have a 30 to 40% increased risk of cognitive decline. 6. Stop smoking If you check the back of a cigarette pack, you will see a warning about the health consequences of smoking. Smoking harms the vascular system that transports blood to the brain, raising the risk of stroke. Tobacco includes a chemical that affects the central nervous system’s white blood cells to assault healthy cells, resulting in neurological damage. Cigarettes promote the thinning of the cerebral cortex, which causes issues with thinking and memory. In 2003, the American Journal of Public Health released research linking smoking to quicker decreases in verbal memory in people aged 43 to 53. Also, in 2010, researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, discovered that smoking substantially increases a person’s risk of acquiring Alzheimer’s disease. 7. Trim the Fat Since people are what they eat, you won’t get the best if you don’t feed your brain the right foods. As a result, cut some slack on certain foods, especially high-fat foods. High fat, poor nutrient diets results in worse cognitive performance. In 2012, the Journal of Neurology published a study of 6000 patients aged 50 and over who were followed for ten years. Overweight people exhibited a 22% greater rate of decline in cognitive abilities. Also, Tufts University researchers looked at the “low-carb” diet in 2008. This linked to a high fat and protein diet. The study looked at two groups of women, one on a “low-carb” diet and the other on a balanced diet as advised by the American Dietetic Association. On memory-based activities, the low-carb diet group fared worse. READ ALSO: 5 Long-standing Lies Successful Entrepreneurs Tell You
Sleeping after learning won't necessarily make you smarter, but it does help boost memory and allow the brain to process information more efficiently. In 2008, researchers in Germany asked participants to memorize a list of 30 words as part of a study on sleep and learning. After some time spent memorizing the list, some of the students were given a chance to nap while others were asked to stay awake. When the students were quizzed on how many of the words they could remember from the list, those who hadn't napped remembered fewer than seven words on average. Those who slept for just six minutes remembered an average of eight words, while those who napped for 36 minutes remembered nine or more. Not only did napping provide a memory boost, but it only took a brief snooze to make a difference in recall [source: Harvard Medical School]. Another study conducted in 2010 suggests that napping not only gives you better recall, but may allow you to pull together information in a way that can help you solve problems. As part of the study, students were asked to navigate a complex maze, then take a 90-minute nap. Those who reported dreaming about the maze while napping actually did better than those who didn't dream of the maze when asked to navigate the maze a second time. This indicates dreaming can organize and consolidate information, making it more useful to you later [source: Harvard Medical School]. Other research indicates that sleep not only restores the brain, but actually increases your ability to learn. At the start of a 2010 study, a group of students were tested on fact-based memories and all performed about the same. Half the group was then asked to take a 100-minute nap, while the other half of the group stayed awake. When the participants were tested again that evening, those who had napped actually performed better than they had originally, while the students who hadn't napped performed worse [source: Mander et al]. It's possible that the brain simply gets so full of information that it can't operate effectively after an extended period without sleep. Scientists have discovered that while you're awake, your brain stores memories in your hippocampus. After too long without sleep, this part of the brain gets sluggish and overworked, leaving you less equipped to learn or even function at your best [source: Anwar]. When you sleep, the brain transfers memories and information out of the hippocampus, depositing them in the prefrontal cortex for long-term storage. With your short-term memory station free and clear, your brain is better-equipped for learning and memory when you awaken.
In the annals of history, few tales captivate the imagination quite like the mystery of the Lost Colony of Roanoke. Nestled off the coast of present-day North Carolina, Roanoke Island served as the setting for one of the most perplexing disappearances in early American history. It all began in 1587 when a group of English settlers, led by John White, established a colony on the island. Their aspirations were lofty—to establish a permanent English settlement in the New World. However, their dreams were soon to be eclipsed by an enigma that would baffle historians for centuries to come. Three years later, when a supply ship finally returned to Roanoke Island, eager to replenish the colony's provisions and reconnect with its inhabitants, what they found was a scene of eerie desolation. The settlement had vanished without a trace, leaving behind no sign of struggle or explanation—only the haunting inscription "Croatoan" carved into a wooden post. The word "Croatoan" held significance, referring to both a nearby island and the local Native American tribe. Yet, despite subsequent searches and investigations, the fate of the colonists remained elusive, obscured by the mists of time and speculation. Numerous theories have emerged over the centuries, each attempting to unravel the mystery of the Lost Colony. Some suggest that the colonists may have integrated with the local Native American communities, while others propose more ominous fates, such as conflict with indigenous peoples or succumbing to disease or starvation. The story of the Lost Colony of Roanoke continues to fascinate and intrigue, serving as a poignant reminder of the fragility of human endeavors in the face of the unknown. As historians and researchers continue to sift through the clues and conjectures, one thing remains certain—the mystery of Roanoke endures as an enduring enigma, beckoning us to uncover the truth hidden beneath the sands of time. Post a Comment
What You Need to Know About Brain Oxygen Deprivation Not all brain injuries involve a blow to the head or lesion. Indeed, your brain can be injured even when nothing comes into contact with your head. Anoxic brain injuries occur when the brain is deprived of oxygen. The aftermath of a lack of oxygen to the brain is largely dependent on the extent of the oxygen deprivation, also known as hypoxia. Some people recover with little to no consequences, while others need years of rehabilitative therapy. Brain Oxygen Deprivation: The Basics Doctors typically refer to two distinct forms of oxygen deprivation: anoxic brain injuries occur when the brain is totally deprived of oxygen due to sudden cardiac arrest, choking, strangulation, and other sudden injuries. Hypoxic brain injuries occur when the brain receives less oxygen than it needs, but is not completely deprived of oxygen. Because the effects of the two injuries are similar, many brain experts use the terms interchangeably. A few seconds of oxygen deprivation won't cause lasting harm, so a child who holds his breath in frustration, a combatant choked unconscious during a Jiu-Jitsu match, and a diver who needs a few extra seconds to come up for air are unlikely to experience brain damage. The precise timeline of anoxic brain injuries depends on a number of personal idiosyncrasies, including overall brain and cardiovascular health, as well as the level of blood oxygenation at the time of injury. Generally speaking, injuries begin at the one-minute mark, steadily worsening thereafter. How Long Can the Brain Go Without Oxygen? A Timeline - Between 30-180 seconds of oxygen deprivation, you may lose consciousness. - At the one-minute mark, brain cells begin dying. - At three minutes, neurons suffer more extensive damage, and lasting brain damage becomes more likely. - At five minutes, death becomes imminent. - At 10 minutes, even if the brain remains alive, a coma and lasting brain damage are almost inevitable. - At 15 minutes, survival becomes nearly impossible. There are, of course, exceptions to every rule. Some training routines help the body make more efficient use of oxygen, enabling the brain to go longer periods without this vital element. Free divers routinely train to go long periods without oxygen, and the current record holder, Aleix Segura held his breath for 24 minutes and 3 seconds without sustaining brain damage! Why Does the Brain Need Oxygen? The brain represents just 2% of a person's body weight, yet it uses about 20% of the body's oxygen supply. Without it, the brain can't perform even the most basic functions. The brain relies on glucose to power the neurons that control everything from conscious functions like planning and thought to automatic, unconscious processes like managing heart rate and digestion. Without oxygen, the brain's cells cannot metabolize glucose, and therefore cannot convert glucose into energy. When your brain is deprived of oxygen, then, the ultimate cause of brain death is inadequate energy to power the brain's cells. Most Common Signs of Oxygen Deprivation Most cases of oxygen deprivation have an immediate, obvious cause. A person is at risk of oxygen deprivation under a number of circumstances, including: - Strangulation, which blocks blood flow to the brain, thereby preventing oxygen from getting to the brain's cells. - Cardiac or respiratory arrest due to accidents, heart attacks, strokes, and similar catastrophic events. - Brian tumors that impede blood flow. - Heart arrhythmias. - Smoke or carbon monoxide inhalation. - Extremely low blood pressure, which is common when the body goes into shock due to other injuries. - Poisoning, including via overdose of prescription and illicit drugs or alcohol. - Broken or compressed trachea. - Birth-related injuries in newborns. Early signs of oxygen deprivation include: - Changes in heart rate. - Decreased circulation in the hands or feet. - Parts of the body turning blue. - Fainting, seeing spots, or being unable to think clearly. - Decreased judgment or awareness. - Inability to follow directions or complete complex tasks. from oxygen deprivation, call 911 immediately. Rapid intervention can be life-saving, and may reduce the risk of serious, lifelong brain damage. Effects of Oxygen Deprivation The effects of oxygen deprivation are similar to those of other brain injuries. The prognosis depends on how severe the lack of oxygen to the brain was, the extent of neuron death, and the quality of medical and rehabilitative care. With quality physical therapy, your brain may learn to compensate for damaged regions, so even severe injuries warrant an ongoing commitment to physical therapy. Common long-term effects of oxygen deprivation can include - Damage to specific brain regions deprived of oxygen. Various brain regions tend to coordinate different functions, so some functions might be severely crippled while others remain intact. For instance, the injury survivor might be able to understand language but unable to speak. - Changes in mood or personality. - Difficulty with memory, including the ability to recall facts, names of objects and/or people, and faces. This can also interfere with the ability to learn new information or recall autobiographical facts. - Changes in motor skills. A number of brain regions help coordinate movement, so if these areas are damaged, you may struggle to walk, write, or engage in other functions. - Chronic pain. When the brain is damaged, it may incorrectly process pain signals, causing you to feel pain even when there is not an injury. - The inability to feel pain, or to correctly respond to pain signals. For instance, pain in your arm might feel like pain in your leg. - Difficulties with impulse control. Many brain injury survivors develop addictions, aggressive behavior, or sexually inappropriate compulsions. - Symptoms of mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety. - Dementia-like symptoms, including confusion, memory difficulties, and signs of rapid brain aging. Treatment for Brain Oxygen Deprivation Treatment should always begin with addressing the source of oxygen deprivation, since the longer oxygen deprivation continues, the more severe the damage will likely be. Your doctor may use a tracheotomy to ensure you get sufficient oxygen if something blocks your wind pipe. Other treatment options may include surgery to remove a blockage or lesion, and steroids to reduce swelling in your brain. In the days following your injury, your treatment team will turn its attention toward long-term recovery. Your brain is highly adaptive to its environment, so continued challenges are the best option for helping your brain recover and work around your injuries. Your treatment plan may include: - Exercise therapy to increase blood flow to the brain. - Physical therapy to help you regain lost motor function. - Occupational therapy to help you find new ways to complete everyday tasks. - Speech therapy to help you regain lost speech and language. - Psychotherapy to help you learn to cope with your injuries. - Family support groups to educate you and your family about life with a brain injury. You may also need follow-up treatments, such as chemotherapy to further shrink a brain lesion, medication to prevent a blood clot, or regular MRI scans to assess brain damage. Sources and Additional Resources: - Olson, Leslie C., How Brain Death Works - NHS.uk, Brain Death - Brain Injury By a Lack of Oxygen/Oxygen Deficiency, Brain Injury Explanation - What Happens to the Brain Without Oxygen?, AB Studio Stay Updated on Advancements On Traumatic Brain & Spinal Cord Injuries About the Author
This page is a digest about this topic. It is a compilation from various blogs that discuss it. Each title is linked to the original blog. When it comes to understanding inflation, one of the most important concepts to grasp is purchasing power. As prices rise, the purchasing power of a currency decreases, meaning that it can buy fewer goods and services than it could before. This can have significant impacts on individuals, businesses, and the economy as a whole. Understanding purchasing power and how it changes over time is essential for making informed financial decisions and managing inflation risk. 1. What is Purchasing Power? Purchasing power refers to the amount of goods and services that can be purchased with a given amount of money. When prices are stable, purchasing power remains constant. However, when prices rise due to inflation, the purchasing power of a currency decreases. This means that the same amount of money can buy fewer goods and services than it could before. 2. Why is Purchasing Power Important? Understanding purchasing power is critical for making informed financial decisions. For example, if you are saving for retirement, you need to consider how inflation will impact the value of your savings over time. Similarly, if you are investing in stocks or bonds, you need to consider how inflation will affect the value of your investments. Businesses also need to consider the impact of inflation on their operations, including the cost of goods and services, wages, and profits. 3. How is Purchasing Power Calculated? Purchasing power can be calculated using an inflation index, such as the consumer Price index (CPI). The CPI measures the average change in prices of a basket of goods and services over time. By comparing the CPI from one period to another, you can see how purchasing power has changed. For example, if the CPI has increased by 2% over the past year, it means that prices have risen by an average of 2%, and the purchasing power of your currency has decreased by 2%. 4. How Can You protect Your Purchasing power? There are several ways to protect your purchasing power from the effects of inflation. One option is to invest in assets that are likely to increase in value over time, such as stocks, real estate, or commodities. Another option is to invest in inflation-protected securities, such as treasury Inflation-Protected securities (TIPS), which are designed to keep pace with inflation. Finally, you can also adjust your spending habits to account for rising prices, such as by buying cheaper goods or services or reducing your overall consumption. Understanding purchasing power is essential for managing inflation risk and making informed financial decisions. By tracking inflation and considering its impact on your investments and spending habits, you can protect your purchasing power and maintain your financial security over the long term. The Concept of Purchasing Power and its Importance - Inflation: Adjusting PVIF for Changing Purchasing Power When we talk about exchange rates, one of the most important concepts to understand is Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). In essence, PPP represents the idea that, over time, exchange rates should adjust to reflect the relative price levels between two countries. This makes sense because if one country has higher prices than another, people will eventually start buying goods from the cheaper country, which will cause the demand for that country's currency to rise, and the exchange rate to adjust accordingly. There are different ways to understand PPP, but one of the simplest is that it allows us to compare the purchasing power of different currencies. For example, if one US dollar can buy a certain basket of goods in the United States, and one euro can buy an equivalent basket of goods in Europe, then the exchange rate between the two currencies should be such that one dollar equals one euro. If the exchange rate were different, then there would be an opportunity for arbitrage (buying goods in one country and selling them in another) that would eventually drive the exchange rate back to its equilibrium level. Here are some key points to keep in mind when thinking about PPP: 1. PPP is a long-term concept: In the short run, exchange rates can be driven by a variety of factors, including changes in interest rates, capital flows, and geopolitical events. However, over the long run, PPP tends to be a more powerful force, as it reflects the underlying economic fundamentals of different countries. 2. PPP is not perfect: While PPP is a useful concept for comparing the purchasing power of different currencies, it is not a perfect one. In particular, it assumes that goods are perfectly tradable between countries, which is not always the case (for example, due to trade barriers, transportation costs, or cultural differences). 3. PPP can help explain exchange rate movements: By comparing the relative price levels of different countries, we can gain insights into why exchange rates have moved in a certain direction. For example, if inflation is higher in one country than another, we might expect the exchange rate to adjust to reflect this difference. 4. PPP can be used to forecast future exchange rates: While PPP is not a crystal ball, it can provide a useful framework for thinking about where exchange rates might be headed in the future. By comparing the current exchange rate to the PPP-implied exchange rate, we can get a sense of whether a currency is overvalued or undervalued, and adjust our expectations accordingly. PPP is a key concept in understanding exchange rates, and can provide valuable insights into the relative purchasing power of different currencies. While it is not a perfect concept, it is a useful one to keep in mind when thinking about international trade and investment. Understanding the Concept of Purchasing Power Parity \(PPP\) - Examining Relative PPP and Its Relationship with Inflation Rates Inflation is an economic concept that can have a significant impact on purchasing power. Simply put, inflation is the rate at which the prices of goods and services in an economy increase over time. Inflation can be caused by a variety of factors, including an increase in the supply of money, higher demand for goods and services, and a decrease in the supply of goods and services. When inflation occurs, the value of money decreases, and purchasing power is reduced. Understanding the concept of purchasing power is crucial for individuals and businesses to make informed financial decisions. Here are some key points to keep in mind when it comes to understanding purchasing power: 1. Inflation erodes the value of money over time: As the cost of goods and services increases, the value of money decreases. This means that the same amount of money will not be able to purchase the same quantity of goods and services as it did in the past. For example, if the inflation rate is 2%, a $100 item today will cost $102 in a year. 2. Inflation affects different people differently: Inflation can impact individuals and businesses in different ways. For instance, people who earn fixed incomes, such as retirees, may be more vulnerable to inflation because their income stays the same, but the cost of goods and services increases. On the other hand, businesses that can increase the prices of their goods and services may not be as affected. 3. Inflation can lead to changes in spending habits: When inflation occurs, individuals and businesses may adjust their spending habits to accommodate the higher prices of goods and services. For example, if the cost of gasoline rises, people may choose to drive less or switch to more fuel-efficient vehicles. 4. Inflation can also impact investments: Inflation can have an impact on investments, such as stocks and bonds. For instance, high inflation may lead to higher interest rates, which can reduce the value of bonds. Conversely, some companies may perform well during periods of inflation, such as those that produce essential goods and services like food and healthcare. Overall, understanding the concept of purchasing power is essential for individuals and businesses to make informed financial decisions. By keeping an eye on inflation rates and adjusting spending and investment strategies accordingly, it is possible to mitigate the impact of inflation on purchasing power. Understanding the Concept of Purchasing Power - Inflation: Unveiling the Impact of Inflation on Purchasing Power Purchasing power is a concept that is essential to understanding the economy and the way it functions. It refers to the amount of goods and services that can be bought with a certain amount of money. Simply put, it is the ability of consumers to purchase goods and services at a given price level. The concept of purchasing power is closely related to inflation and price levels. As prices increase, the purchasing power of consumers decreases, and vice versa. In this section of the blog, we will delve deeper into the concept of purchasing power and its importance in the economy. 1. Definition of Purchasing Power Purchasing power is the amount of goods and services that can be purchased with a certain amount of money. It is determined by the price level of goods and services in the market. When prices are high, the purchasing power of consumers decreases, and they are able to buy fewer goods and services with the same amount of money. Conversely, when prices are low, consumers have a higher purchasing power, and they can buy more goods and services. 2. Factors that Affect Purchasing Power There are several factors that can affect purchasing power. The most important one is inflation. Inflation is the rate at which prices of goods and services increase over time. When inflation is high, the purchasing power of consumers decreases, and they can buy fewer goods and services with the same amount of money. Other factors that can affect purchasing power include changes in income, changes in interest rates, and changes in the exchange rate. 3. Importance of Purchasing Power Purchasing power is an important concept in the economy because it affects the behavior of consumers and producers. When purchasing power is high, consumers are more likely to spend money on goods and services, which can stimulate economic growth. On the other hand, when purchasing power is low, consumers are more likely to save money, which can slow down economic growth. Producers also pay close attention to purchasing power because they need to set prices that are competitive and affordable for consumers. 4. Calculating Purchasing Power Purchasing power can be calculated using the consumer price index (CPI). The CPI measures the price level of a basket of goods and services that are commonly purchased by consumers. The CPI is used to calculate the inflation rate, which can be used to determine the purchasing power of consumers. 5. Best Option for Maintaining Purchasing Power The best option for maintaining purchasing power is to invest in assets that appreciate in value over time. This includes stocks, real estate, and precious metals. These assets tend to increase in value over time and can help protect against inflation. Another option is to invest in a diversified portfolio that includes a mix of stocks, bonds, and other assets. This can help reduce risk and provide a steady return on investment. Understanding the concept of purchasing power is essential for anyone who wants to understand the economy and how it functions. It is closely related to inflation and price levels, and it affects the behavior of consumers and producers. By calculating purchasing power and investing in assets that appreciate in value over time, consumers can protect their purchasing power and maintain their standard of living. Understanding the Concept of Purchasing Power - Purchasing Power: Analyzing Purchasing Power's Connection to Price Levels One of the challenges of analyzing price levels over time is that the value of money changes due to inflation. Inflation is the general increase in the prices of goods and services in an economy. When inflation occurs, the purchasing power of money decreases, meaning that a given amount of money can buy less goods and services than before. To compare the price levels of different periods, we need to adjust them for inflation and use a common unit of measurement. This is where the concept of purchasing power parity (PPP) comes in handy. purchasing power parity (PPP) is an economic theory that compares the purchasing power of different currencies by adjusting them to a common price level. PPP is based on the idea that the exchange rate between two currencies should reflect the ratio of their price levels. For example, if a basket of goods costs $100 in the US and €80 in France, then the PPP exchange rate between the US dollar and the euro should be 1:0.8, meaning that one US dollar can buy the same amount of goods and services as 0.8 euros. By using the PPP exchange rate, we can compare the real value of money across countries and time periods. There are many applications of PPP in economics and business, such as: 1. Measuring the standard of living and economic development of different countries. By using PPP, we can compare the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita of different countries in terms of a common currency, such as the US dollar or the international dollar. This allows us to account for the differences in the cost of living and the quality of goods and services across countries. For example, according to the World Bank, the GDP per capita of China in 2020 was $10,582 in nominal terms, but $18,931 in PPP terms. This means that the average Chinese person could buy more goods and services with their income than the nominal exchange rate would suggest. 2. Analyzing the competitiveness and productivity of different industries and sectors. By using PPP, we can compare the prices and costs of production of different goods and services across countries and regions. This allows us to assess the relative efficiency and profitability of different industries and sectors. For example, according to the International Comparison Program (ICP), the price level of construction services in 2017 was 63.4 in the US and 28.9 in China, relative to the world average of 100. This means that construction services were more expensive in the US than in China, relative to the global average. 3. Evaluating the exchange rate policies and the balance of payments of different countries. By using PPP, we can estimate the equilibrium or fair value of a currency, based on its purchasing power relative to other currencies. This allows us to identify the overvaluation or undervaluation of a currency, which can have implications for the trade and financial flows of a country. For example, according to the Economist, the Big Mac index, which compares the prices of a McDonald's burger across countries, suggests that the US dollar was overvalued by 9.6% against the euro in January 2021. This means that the US dollar could buy more burgers in Europe than in the US, relative to the PPP exchange rate. eventual payoff, it is not a great way to get rich. Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) is a concept that plays a crucial role in comparing the price determination across countries. It aims to measure the relative value of currencies by considering the prices of goods and services in different nations. PPP takes into account the idea that the exchange rate between two currencies should reflect the purchasing power of each currency within its respective country. From various perspectives, PPP offers valuable insights into the global economy. Here are some key points to consider: 1. The Law of One Price: PPP is based on the Law of One Price, which states that identical goods should have the same price in different countries when expressed in a common currency. This principle suggests that exchange rates should adjust to equalize the prices of goods across nations. 2. Absolute PPP: Absolute PPP assumes that the exchange rate between two currencies should be equal to the ratio of the price levels in each country. In other words, if the price level in one country is twice as high as in another, the exchange rate should reflect this difference. 3. Relative PPP: Relative PPP focuses on changes in the price levels between two countries over time. It suggests that the exchange rate should adjust to compensate for differences in inflation rates. For example, if one country experiences higher inflation than another, its currency should depreciate to maintain purchasing power parity. 4. Big Mac Index: The Big Mac Index, created by The Economist, is a popular example of PPP in action. It compares the prices of Big Macs across different countries to assess whether currencies are overvalued or undervalued. If the actual exchange rate differs from the Big Mac Index rate, it suggests that the currency is misaligned. 5. Limitations of PPP: While PPP provides valuable insights, it has its limitations. Factors such as trade barriers, transportation costs, and non-tradable goods can affect price levels and hinder the full realization of purchasing power parity. Additionally, PPP assumes that goods are identical across countries, which may not always be the case. Purchasing Power Parity is a concept that helps us understand the relative value of currencies and the price determination across countries. The Concept of Purchasing Power Parity - Purchasing Power Parity: How Purchasing Power Parity Compares the Price Determination across Countries accommodative monetary policy refers to the actions taken by central banks to stimulate economic growth by lowering interest rates, increasing the money supply, and encouraging borrowing and spending. While the primary goal of such policies is to spur economic activity, it is important to understand the relationship between accommodative policy and purchasing power. 2. The Basics of Purchasing Power Purchasing power is the ability of individuals or entities to buy goods and services with their available resources. It is influenced by various factors, including income levels, inflation, and interest rates. When accommodative policies are implemented, they often lead to lower interest rates and increased access to credit, which can potentially boost purchasing power. 3. Lower Interest Rates and Increased Borrowing One of the primary tools of accommodative policy is the reduction of interest rates. When interest rates are low, borrowing becomes more affordable, leading to increased consumption. For example, individuals may be more inclined to take out loans to purchase homes, cars, or other big-ticket items. This surge in borrowing can stimulate economic growth and increase purchasing power by giving individuals the means to acquire assets they may not have been able to afford otherwise. 4. Inflation and Its impact on Purchasing power Another important factor to consider when examining the relationship between accommodative policy and purchasing power is inflation. Accommodative policies can sometimes result in higher inflation rates as increased spending drives up demand for goods and services. While this may erode the purchasing power of money in the short term, it can also lead to higher wages and increased economic activity, ultimately benefiting consumers and their ability to purchase goods and services. 5. Case Study: The Housing Market A prime example of the impact of accommodative policy on purchasing power can be seen in the housing market. When interest rates are low, mortgage rates also decrease, making homeownership more affordable for many individuals. This can lead to increased demand for housing, driving up prices in the market. While this may reduce the purchasing power of those looking to enter the housing market, it can also benefit existing homeowners who see the value of their properties appreciate. 6. Tips for maximizing Purchasing power In an accommodative policy environment, there are several strategies individuals can employ to maximize their purchasing power: A) Take advantage of low-interest rates by refinancing existing loans or securing new loans for major purchases. B) Diversify investments to include assets that tend to perform well in accommodative policy environments, such as real estate or stocks. C) Monitor inflation rates and adjust spending and saving habits accordingly. D) Consider the long-term implications of accommodative policies and plan for potential changes in interest rates or economic conditions. Understanding the relationship between accommodative policy and purchasing power is crucial for individuals and businesses alike. By staying informed and adapting strategies to take advantage of favorable conditions, individuals can make the most of accommodative policies and enhance their ability to acquire assets. Exploring the Relationship Between Accommodative Policy and Purchasing Power - Acquiring Assets: Accommodative Policy and Purchasing Power 1. The effectiveness of quantitative easing (QE) in boosting purchasing power has been a topic of much debate among economists and policymakers. QE is a monetary policy tool used by central banks to stimulate the economy by injecting money into the financial system. The aim is to lower interest rates, encourage borrowing, and ultimately increase consumer spending. However, the extent to which QE actually boosts purchasing power is not always clear-cut, as its impact can vary depending on various factors. 2. One of the main channels through which QE is expected to boost purchasing power is by increasing asset prices. When central banks purchase government bonds and other securities, they effectively increase the demand for these assets, driving up their prices. This, in turn, leads to a wealth effect, as individuals and businesses holding these assets see their net worth rise. As a result, they may feel more confident and inclined to spend, thereby boosting overall purchasing power. 3. A notable example of this is the QE program implemented by the U.S. Federal Reserve in response to the 2008 financial crisis. By purchasing large quantities of mortgage-backed securities and government bonds, the Fed managed to stabilize the financial system and prevent a deeper recession. This, in turn, helped drive up stock prices and housing values, leading to an increase in consumer wealth. As a result, consumer spending gradually recovered, contributing to the overall economic recovery. 4. However, the effectiveness of QE in boosting purchasing power may not be uniform across all segments of society. The wealth effect tends to disproportionately benefit those who already own financial assets, such as stocks or real estate. Individuals with limited or no exposure to these assets may not experience the same boost in purchasing power. This can exacerbate wealth inequality and create a divide between those who benefit from QE and those who do not. 5. Additionally, the impact of QE on purchasing power can be influenced by other factors such as inflation. While QE aims to stimulate economic growth, excessive money supply can potentially lead to inflationary pressures. If the increase in asset prices outpaces wage growth or other essential expenses, the purchasing power of individuals may actually be eroded. It is crucial for central banks to carefully manage the balance between stimulating economic growth and maintaining price stability to ensure the effectiveness of QE in boosting purchasing power. 6. Case studies from different countries provide further insights into the effectiveness of QE in boosting purchasing power. For instance, Japan's experience with QE over the past decades has shown mixed results. Despite multiple rounds of QE, Japan has struggled with deflation and stagnant consumer spending. This suggests that other factors, such as structural issues in the economy, may limit the impact of QE on purchasing power. 7. In conclusion, while quantitative easing can potentially boost purchasing power through the wealth effect, its effectiveness may vary depending on several factors. The distributional impact, inflationary pressures, and structural issues within an economy can all influence the extent to which QE translates into increased consumer spending. Policymakers need to carefully assess these factors and implement appropriate measures to maximize the effectiveness of QE in boosting purchasing power for all segments of society. Examining the Effectiveness of Quantitative Easing in Boosting Purchasing Power - Acquiring Assets: Accommodative Policy and Purchasing Power 1. Understanding the Impact of Accommodative Policy on stock Market opportunities In today's dynamic financial landscape, investors are constantly seeking ways to maximize their purchasing power and capitalize on favorable market conditions. One such avenue that has gained significant attention is the utilization of accommodative policy by central banks. This blog section aims to delve into the concept of accommodative policy and explore how it can create stock market opportunities, enabling investors to make the most of their investments. 2. Leveraging Low interest Rates for capital Growth One of the key aspects of accommodative policy is the lowering of interest rates by central banks. By reducing borrowing costs, central banks aim to stimulate economic growth and encourage investment. This, in turn, creates an environment conducive to stock market opportunities. Investors can take advantage of low interest rates by borrowing at cheaper rates to invest in stocks, potentially amplifying their purchasing power and increasing capital growth. For instance, imagine an investor who borrows at a historically low interest rate to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks. As the market experiences an upswing, the investor's returns would not only be higher due to the market's performance but also due to the lower cost of borrowing. This demonstrates the potential for maximizing purchasing power through accommodative policy. 3. Unleashing Quantitative Easing for Market Liquidity Another tool employed by central banks under accommodative policy is quantitative easing (QE). QE involves the purchase of government bonds and other assets by central banks, injecting liquidity into the financial system. This liquidity infusion can have a profound impact on stock markets, creating opportunities for investors. During periods of QE, the increased liquidity often leads to a surge in stock prices. Companies benefit from the easy availability of capital, enabling them to expand operations, invest in research and development, and fuel growth. As a result, stock prices tend to rise, providing investors with potential gains. By staying informed about central bank actions and the implementation of QE, investors can position themselves to seize opportunities in the stock market. 4. tips for Maximizing stock Market Opportunities To make the most of stock market opportunities arising from accommodative policy, it is crucial to adopt a strategic approach. Here are a few tips to keep in mind: A) Stay informed: Keep a close eye on central bank announcements, policy changes, and economic indicators that may influence accommodative measures. Being aware of market conditions and the broader economic landscape will help you make informed investment decisions. B) Diversify your portfolio: Building a diversified portfolio can help mitigate risks and increase your chances of capitalizing on stock market opportunities. Consider investing in different sectors, asset classes, and geographies to spread risk and maximize potential returns. C) Consult with financial advisors: Seeking guidance from experienced financial advisors can provide valuable insights and help you navigate the complexities of stock market investing. They can assist in identifying suitable investment opportunities aligned with your financial goals. 5. Case Study: The Impact of Accommodative Policy on Technology Stocks The technology sector has been a prime beneficiary of accommodative policy in recent years. Low interest rates and ample liquidity have fueled the growth of tech companies, leading to significant stock market opportunities. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, central banks worldwide implemented accommodative measures to support economies. This, in turn, resulted in a surge in demand for technology solutions, leading to substantial gains for investors in tech stocks. Understanding and capitalizing on stock market opportunities created by accommodative policy can significantly enhance an investor's purchasing power. By leveraging low interest rates, liquidity injections, and adopting a strategic approach, investors can position themselves to maximize gains in the stock market. Stay informed, diversify your portfolio, and seek professional advice to make the most of these opportunities and achieve long-term financial success. Maximizing Purchasing Power through Accommodative Policy - Acquiring Assets: Accommodative Policy and Purchasing Power 4. The Importance of Harnessing Accommodative Policy It is evident that harnessing accommodative policy is crucial for optimizing asset acquisition and purchasing power. By understanding how accommodative policies work and their impact on the economy, individuals and businesses can make informed decisions to maximize their resources and leverage the benefits provided by such policies. 1. Increased Access to Capital One of the key advantages of accommodative policies is the increased availability of capital. Central banks often lower interest rates, making borrowing more affordable for businesses and individuals. This easy access to capital enables businesses to invest in new assets, expand operations, and fuel economic growth. For individuals, it may mean easier access to mortgages, allowing them to purchase homes or invest in real estate. 2. Boosting Asset Prices Accommodative policies can also lead to an increase in asset prices. By lowering interest rates, central banks incentivize investors to seek higher returns in riskier assets such as stocks, real estate, or commodities. This increased demand drives up asset prices, benefiting those who already hold such assets. For instance, during periods of accommodative policies, we often witness a surge in stock market indices, leading to gains for equity investors. 3. preserving Purchasing power Inflation is a critical factor to consider when discussing purchasing power. Accommodative policies aim to maintain a stable inflation rate, usually around 2%. By stimulating economic activity, these policies help prevent deflation and ensure a steady increase in prices. While inflation erodes the value of money over time, it can also positively impact asset prices, as mentioned earlier. Therefore, individuals and businesses can use accommodative policies to protect their purchasing power by investing in assets that tend to appreciate in value over time. 4. Case Studies: Accommodative Policies in Action To better understand the benefits of harnessing accommodative policy, let's examine a few case studies. In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, major central banks around the world implemented accommodative policies to stimulate economic growth. The U.S. Federal Reserve, for example, lowered interest rates to near-zero levels and initiated quantitative easing measures. These policies helped stabilize financial markets, boost asset prices, and restore confidence in the economy. Similarly, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, central banks globally swiftly implemented accommodative policies to support struggling economies. The european Central bank launched a pandemic emergency purchase program, while the Bank of Japan expanded its asset purchase program. These actions aimed to provide liquidity to financial markets, lower borrowing costs, and encourage spending, thus bolstering asset acquisition and purchasing power. Understanding how to harness accommodative policy is essential for individuals and businesses seeking to optimize their asset acquisition and purchasing power. By capitalizing on increased access to capital, leveraging asset price appreciation, and protecting against inflation, one can make informed decisions that align with their financial goals and objectives. As demonstrated by various case studies, the impact of accommodative policies can be substantial and can play a significant role in shaping economic outcomes. Harnessing Accommodative Policy for Optimal Asset Acquisition and Purchasing Power - Acquiring Assets: Accommodative Policy and Purchasing Power
The founding of the first Islamic state in Medina marks a pivotal moment in the history of Islam and the emergence of a new social and political order. Under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad, the fledgling community in Medina laid the foundations for an Islamic state based on principles of justice, equality, and compassion. Join us as we delve into this transformative period, exploring the Constitution of Medina and the early governance structure of the Islamic state. The Migration to Medina: The establishment of the Islamic state in Medina was precipitated by the Hijra, the migration of Prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE. Fleeing persecution and oppression in Mecca, the Muslims found refuge and support among the diverse communities of Medina, laying the groundwork for a new society based on mutual cooperation and respect. The Constitution of Medina: Central to the establishment of the Islamic state was the Constitution of Medina, a groundbreaking document that outlined the rights, duties, and responsibilities of the diverse communities living in Medina. Crafted under the guidance of Prophet Muhammad, the constitution established a framework for social cohesion, religious freedom, and collective defense, transcending tribal divisions and fostering unity among the inhabitants of Medina. Early Governance Structure: In the early years of the Islamic state, Prophet Muhammad served as both spiritual leader and head of state, guiding the community through challenges and trials with wisdom, compassion, and humility. The governance structure of the Islamic state was characterized by consultation (shura), consensus-building, and adherence to divine guidance, as exemplified by the Prophet's leadership style and decision-making process. Social Justice and Equality: One of the defining features of the Islamic state in Medina was its commitment to social justice and equality. The Prophet Muhammad implemented policies to alleviate poverty, protect the rights of the marginalized, and promote solidarity and compassion among members of society. His teachings emphasized the importance of fairness, honesty, and compassion in all aspects of governance and public life. Legacy and Reflection: The founding of the Islamic state in Medina represents a seminal moment in the history of Islam, embodying the ideals of justice, compassion, and community that remain central to the faith. It serves as a timeless example of visionary leadership, social cohesion, and moral integrity, inspiring generations with its message of hope, tolerance, and dignity. As we reflect on the founding of the Islamic state in Medina, we are reminded of the enduring legacy of Prophet Muhammad's leadership and the transformative impact of Islamic principles on society and governance. The Medina period stands as a beacon of guidance for Muslims and non-Muslims alike, offering lessons in justice, compassion, and community-building that resonate across time and space. Join us as we celebrate the founding of the Islamic state and honor the enduring legacy of Prophet Muhammad's leadership. Post a Comment
PIXABAY, WERBEFABRIKThe importance of delivery method for the development of babies’ gut bacteria has come into question in recent months. A new study from University of California, Los Angeles, reports how another aspect of newborn life influences the nascent gut microbiome: breastfeeding. The study, published Monday (May 8) in JAMA Pediatrics, found that 30 percent of babies’ gut bacteria seem to come from the mother’s breast milk and that another 10 percent can be traced to skin around the mother’s nipple. “Breast milk is this amazing liquid that, through millions of years of evolution, has evolved to make babies healthy, particularly their immune systems,” UCLA’s Grace Aldrovandi, the study’s lead author, said in a press release. “Our research identifies a new mechanism that contributes to building stronger, healthier babies.” In 107 mother-infant pairs, the study examined the microbial content of the mother’s milk, the skin around... See “The Maternal Microbiome” This study did not examine baby health. However, previous research indicates that breastfeeding wards against obesity and aids immune-system development. Doctors recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months because it is associated with a reduced risk of ear and respiratory infections, allergies, diabetes, and sudden infant death syndrome, Reuters noted. “We’ve always assumed that most of these microbes come from the mother,” University of Minnesota gastroenterologist Alexander Khoruts told Reuters. “They found that breastfeeding is the major source of microbial transfer during the early months of life, and I think the study provides supportive evidence for the current recommendations of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months and continued breastfeeding to 12 months.”
Consuming too much of this essential vitamin may come with side effects, which range from minor digestive issues to more serious health issues. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that’s abundant in many fruits and vegetables. Getting enough of this vitamin is especially important for maintaining a healthy immune system. It also plays a crucial role in wound healing, keeping your bones strong, and enhancing brain function ( Interestingly, some people claim that vitamin C supplements provide benefits beyond those that can be obtained from the vitamin C found in food. One of the most common reasons people take vitamin C supplements is that they believe the supplements can help prevent the common cold ( However, many supplements contain extremely large amounts of the vitamin, which can cause undesirable side effects in some cases. This article explores the overall safety of vitamin C, whether it’s possible to consume too much, and the potential adverse effects of taking large doses. Vitamin C is water-soluble, which means it dissolves in water. Instead, the vitamin C you consume gets transported to your tissues via body fluids, and any extra gets excreted in your urine ( Since your body does not store vitamin C or produce it on its own, it’s important to consume foods that are rich in vitamin C daily ( Even at high doses, vitamin C is not known to be toxic or to cause any serious adverse effects. The most common side effects are diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps, and other gastrointestinal issues ( Still, if you take larger-than-normal doses of this vitamin, your body can have difficulty processing it, and this can potentially lead to negative effects ( It’s important to note that vitamin C supplements are usually unnecessary because most people can easily get enough of this vitamin by eating fresh foods, especially fruits and vegetables ( SummaryVitamin C is water-soluble, so it’s not stored within your body. If you consume more than your body needs, you’ll excrete the excess in your urine. The most common side effect of high vitamin C intake is digestive distress. In general, these side effects do not occur as a result of eating foods that contain vitamin C. They occur only as a result of taking high doses of vitamin C supplements. You’re most likely to experience digestive symptoms if you consume more than 2,000 milligrams (mg) at once. Thus, a Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) of 2,000 mg per day has been established ( The most common digestive symptoms of excessive vitamin C intake are diarrhea and nausea. Excessive intake has also been reported to lead to acid reflux, although scientific evidence does not support this ( If you’re experiencing digestive problems as a result of taking too much vitamin C, you can simply cut back your supplement dose or avoid vitamin C supplements altogether ( SummaryIngesting more than 2,000 mg of vitamin C per day may lead to gastrointestinal upset, including symptoms like diarrhea and nausea. It can bind to non-heme iron, which is found in plant foods. Your body does not absorb non-heme iron as efficiently as heme iron, the type of iron found in animal products ( When vitamin C binds with non-heme iron, it makes this iron much easier for your body to absorb. This is an important function, especially for individuals who get most of their iron from plant-based foods ( One study found that participants’ iron absorption increased by 67% when they took 100 mg of vitamin C with a meal ( However, individuals who have conditions that increase the risk of iron accumulation in the body, such as hemochromatosis, should be cautious with vitamin C supplements. Under these circumstances, taking vitamin C in excess may lead to iron overload, which can cause serious damage to your heart, liver, pancreas, thyroid, and central nervous system ( That said, iron overload is highly unlikely if you don’t have a condition that increases iron absorption. Additionally, iron overload is more likely to occur if you consume excess iron in supplement form. SummarySince vitamin C increases iron absorption, consuming too much of it is a concern for individuals with conditions that lead to iron accumulation in the body. Your body excretes excess vitamin C as oxalate, a waste product. Oxalate typically exits your body via urine. However, under some circumstances, oxalate may bind to minerals and form crystals that can lead to the formation of kidney stones ( Consuming too much vitamin C has the potential to increase the amount of oxalate in your urine, thus increasing your risk of developing kidney stones ( In one study, when adults took a 1,000-mg vitamin C supplement twice daily for 6 days, the amount of oxalate they excreted increased by 20% ( High vitamin C intake is not only associated with greater amounts of urinary oxalate but also linked to the development of kidney stones, especially if you consume more than 2,000 mg per day ( Instances of kidney failure have also been reported in people who have taken more than 2,000 mg in a day. However, this is extremely rare, especially in otherwise healthy people ( SummaryConsuming too much vitamin C may increase the amount of oxalate in your kidneys, which has the potential to lead to kidney stones. Since vitamin C is water-soluble and your body excretes excess amounts within a few hours after you consume it, it’s quite difficult to consume too much. In fact, it is nearly impossible to get too much vitamin C from your diet alone. In generally healthy people, any extra vitamin C consumed — beyond the Recommended Dietary Allowance — simply gets flushed out of the body ( To put it in perspective, you would need to consume 25 oranges or 14 red bell peppers before your intake reached the UL ( However, the risks of vitamin C overdose are higher when people take supplements, and it is possible to consume too much of the vitamin in some circumstances. For example, people who have conditions that increase the risk of iron overload or who are prone to kidney stones should be cautious with their vitamin C intake ( All the adverse effects of vitamin C, including digestive distress and kidney stones, appear to occur when people take it in doses greater than 2,000 mg ( If you choose to take a vitamin C supplement, it’s best to choose one that contains no more than 100% of your daily needs. That’s 90 mg per day for men and 75 mg per day for women ( SummaryIt’s nearly impossible to consume too much vitamin C from food. However, if you’re supplementing with this vitamin, you can minimize your risk of getting too much by taking no more than 90 mg per day if you’re a man or 75 mg per day if you’re a woman. Vitamin C is generally safe for most people. This is especially true if you get it from foods rather than from supplements. Individuals who take vitamin C in supplement form are at greater risk of consuming too much of it and experiencing side effects, the most common of which are digestive issues. However, more serious consequences, such as iron overload and kidney stones, may also result from taking excessive amounts of vitamin C ( Fortunately, you can easily prevent these potential side effects by avoiding high dose vitamin C supplements.
Symptoms of pregnancy: What happens first Do you know the early symptoms of pregnancy? From nausea to fatigue, know what to expect. By Mayo Clinic Staff Could you be pregnant? The proof is in the pregnancy test. But even before you miss a period, you might suspect — or hope — that you're pregnant. Know the first signs and symptoms of pregnancy and why they occur. Classic signs and symptoms of pregnancy The most common early signs and symptoms of pregnancy might include: - Missed period. If you're in your childbearing years and a week or more has passed without the start of an expected menstrual cycle, you might be pregnant. However, this symptom can be misleading if you have an irregular menstrual cycle. - Tender, swollen breasts. Early in pregnancy hormonal changes might make your breasts sensitive and sore. The discomfort will likely decrease after a few weeks as your body adjusts to hormonal changes. - Nausea with or without vomiting. Morning sickness, which can occur at any time of the day or night, often begins one to two months after you become pregnant. However, some women feel nausea earlier and some never experience it. While the cause of nausea during pregnancy isn't clear, pregnancy hormones likely play a role. - Increased urination. You might find yourself urinating more often than usual. The amount of blood in your body increases during pregnancy, causing your kidneys to process extra fluid that ends up in your bladder. - Fatigue. Fatigue also ranks high among early symptoms of pregnancy. No one knows for certain what causes sleepiness during the first trimester of pregnancy. However, a rapid rise in the levels of the hormone progesterone during early pregnancy might contribute to fatigue. Other signs and symptoms of pregnancy Other less obvious signs and symptoms of pregnancy that you might experience during the first trimester include: - Moodiness. The flood of hormones in your body in early pregnancy can make you unusually emotional and weepy. Mood swings also are common. - Bloating. Hormonal changes during early pregnancy can cause you to feel bloated, similar to how you might feel at the start of a menstrual period. - Light spotting. Light spotting might be one of the first signs of pregnancy. Known as implantation bleeding, it happens when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus — about 10 to 14 days after conception. Implantation bleeding occurs around the time you would expect to have a menstrual period. However, not all women have it. - Cramping. Some women experience mild uterine cramping early in pregnancy. - Constipation. Hormonal changes cause your digestive system to slow down, which can lead to constipation. - Food aversions. When you're pregnant, you might become more sensitive to certain odors and your sense of taste might change. Like most other symptoms of pregnancy, these food preferences can be chalked up to hormonal changes. - Nasal congestion. Increasing hormone levels and blood production can cause the mucous membranes in your nose to swell, dry out and bleed easily. This might cause you to have a stuffy or runny nose. Are you really pregnant? Many of these signs and symptoms aren't unique to pregnancy. Some can indicate that you're getting sick or that your period is about to start. Likewise, you can be pregnant without experiencing many of these symptoms. Still, if you miss a period and notice some of the above signs or symptoms, take a home pregnancy test or see your health care provider. If your home pregnancy test is positive, make an appointment with your health care provider. The sooner your pregnancy is confirmed, the sooner you can begin prenatal care. If you're planning to conceive or just learned you're pregnant, start taking a daily prenatal vitamin. Prenatal vitamins typically contain important vitamins and minerals, such as folic acid and iron, to support your baby's growth and development. March 13, 2024 See more In-depth
Every 20th of August is World Mosquito Day. It is observed to mark the historic discovery by British doctor Sir Ronald Ross in 1897 that malaria is transmitted between humans by female Anopheles mosquitoes. discovery laid the foundations for scientists across the world to better understand the deadly role of mosquitoes in disease transmission and come up with effective innovative interventions. Top 10 Facts About Mosquitoes 1. Being a doctor rather than a zoologist, Ross did not name the species that carried malaria but said it was “grey moquito with 2. His discovery earned him the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1902, the first Briton to win a Nobel. 3. The word ‘mosquito’ comes from the Spanish for 4. Only female mosquitoes have the mouth parts needed to suck blood from other animals. 5. They use the blood not for their own food but as a source of protein for their eggs. 6. The first reference to a mosquito in English came in 1572 when it was described as “A certeine gnat or flie … which biteth both men and women in their sleepe.” 7. A mosquito can drink up to three times its weight 8. It would take 1.2 million mosquito bites to drain all the blood from a human body. 9. Male mosquitoes live for only about ten days; most females live six to eight weeks. Some females hibernate and can live up to Post a Comment
This trail covers the fundamentals of programming in the Java programming language. Object-Oriented Programming Concepts teaches you the core concepts behind object-oriented programming: objects, messages, classes, and inheritance. This lesson ends by showing you how these concepts translate into code. Feel free to skip this lesson if you are already familiar with object-oriented programming. Language Basics describes the traditional features of the language, including variables, arrays, data types, operators, and control flow. Classes and Objects describes how to write the classes from which objects are created, and how to create and use the objects. Annotations are a form of metadata and provide information for the compiler. This lesson describes where and how to use annotations in a program effectively. Interfaces and Inheritance describes interfaceswhat they are, why you would want to write one, and how to write one. This section also describes the way in which you can derive one class from another. That is, how a subclass can inherit fields and methods from a superclass. You will learn that all classes are derived from the Object class, and how to modify the methods that a subclass inherits from superclasses. Numbers and Strings This lesson describes how to use Number objects The lesson also shows you how to format data for output. Generics are a powerful feature of the Java programming language. They improve the type safety of your code, making more of your bugs detectable at compile time. Packages are a feature of the Java programming language that help you to organize and structure your classes and their relationships to one another.
Monkeypox is an infectious disease caused by a member of the Orthopoxvirus genus in the family Poxviridae. Although it was first discovered in 1958, the first human case of monkeypox was recorded in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1970. Ever Since the disease has been reported in other remote parts of West and Central Africa including Nigeria. Children and young people are at higher risk of death due to monkeypox, as a result, most of the case fatalities recorded with monkeypox outbreaks (1-10%) occurred in the lower age brackets. The incubation period for monkeypox is usually between 7−14 days but can sometimes range from 5−21 days. How is Monkeypox Transmitted? Monkeypox is a zoonotic disease which implies that it is transmitted to humans from animals, especially wild animals. The disease can also be transmitted from one infected person to another or from materials contaminated with the monkeypox virus. The virus gains entry into the body either through broken skin, the mucous membranes (eyes, nose, or mouth), or the respiratory tract. Transmission of the monkeypox virus from animals to humans occurs primarily through a bite, scratch, direct contact with body fluids, lesion materials, or bush meat preparation and consumption. Furthermore, direct contact with the body fluids, lesion material, and indirect contact with the lesion material of an infected individual can lead to human to human transmission of the disease. In addition, monkeypox can also be transmitted by inoculation or via the placenta from an infected mother to her unborn child (congenital monkeypox). It is important to note that African rodents play an important role in the transmission of the monkeypox virus. What Are The Signs and Symptoms of Monkeypox Infection: Monkeypox infection begins with fever, muscle aches, headaches, and exhaustion. Other symptoms of the onset of the disease include - Swollen lymph nodes A few days(1-3 days or longer ) after the appearance of fever, the infected individual develops a rash, which begins on the face before spreading to other parts of the body and progresses through the following stages before falling off: Is there A Treatment for Monkeypox Currently, there are no vaccines or treatments for monkeypox although vaccination with the smallpox vaccine prior to contact with the monkeypox virus was found to be highly effective in preventing monkeypox disease. How to Prevent Monkeypox There are several measures and steps that can be taken to prevent the infection and spread of the monkeypox virus these include: - Good Hygiene Practice: The promotion of good hygiene practices is very important in curtailing the spread of the monkeypox virus. Washing hands with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer after contact with infected or uninfected animals or humans is often recommended. - Avoid Unnecessary Contact with Animals: As a zoonotic disease, monkeypox spreads as contact with reservoirs harboring the virus increases. Staying away from sick or dead animals in areas where monkeypox has been reported is advised. - Isolate The Infected: In order to curtail the spread and effectively manage reported and confirmed cases of monkeypox, it is important to isolate infected patients from others to reduce the risk of human to human transmission. - Avoid Physical Contact with Contaminated Materials: Physical contact with cloths, beddings as well as other materials that have been in contact with a monkeypox infected individual, pet, or animal should be avoided. - Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): The use of personal protective equipment by physicians, nurses and other members of the health team managing monkeypox patients is a vital requirement in order to prevent the further spread of the disease. Next time you see someone, you should be able to tell if they have monkeypox disease or not. Public Health Nigeria an Interdisciplinary public health movement focused on health education, advancing fair public health policies, promoting fitness, healthy diets, responsible behavior, community health and general well-being.