### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term accord in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' now clear that 1l triplet in apdac better than doublet but which triplet? napoli3 v accord comparison from discussant is helpful no clear meaningful differences maybe neuro w/ oxali @ 60 but diarrhea agree that folfirinox remains standard #gi23 #pcsm '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term accord in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term folfirinox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' now clear that 1l triplet in apdac better than doublet but which triplet? napoli3 v accord comparison from discussant is helpful no clear meaningful differences maybe neuro w/ oxali @ 60 but diarrhea agree that folfirinox remains standard #gi23 #pcsm '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term folfirinox in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''re #ascogi23 #gi23 napoli-3 trial, the control arm is not ideal. for pts with good ps in our routine practice, we offer ffx not gem-abraxane. is napoli-3 better than ffx? that d have been a more relevant question.'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet is negative
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''#napoli3 dr. wainberg in #1l metastatic #pdac nalirifox shows median os benefit over gem/abrax 11.1 vs 9.2 mos w/orr 41.8 vs 36.2%. new reference regiment in 1l met #pancsm #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term gem/abrax in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''#napoli3 dr. wainberg in #1l metastatic #pdac nalirifox shows median os benefit over gem/abrax 11.1 vs 9.2 mos w/orr 41.8 vs 36.2%. new reference regiment in 1l met #pancsm #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term gem/abrax in the given tweet is negative
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''liposomal irinotecan, 5-fluorouracil/leucovorin and oxaliplatin (nalirifox) triplet improve survival in advanced pancreatic cancer - napoli-3 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term triplet in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''liposomal irinotecan, 5-fluorouracil/leucovorin and oxaliplatin (nalirifox) triplet improve survival in advanced pancreatic cancer - napoli-3 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term triplet in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''dr. goff discussant on Napoli 3 more diarrhea but less neuropathy likely owing to lower dose of oxali with #nalirifox vs #folfirinox. remarkably similar os but also reinforces that triplet may be superior to gem/abraxane in met #pdac #pancsm #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet is negative
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''napoli3 . nalirifox . new soc for advanced padc ? . new fox in town ? improved pfs and os both. #ascogi23 #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli3 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''napoli3 . nalirifox . new soc for advanced padc ? . new fox in town ? improved pfs and os both. #ascogi23 #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''in the napoli-3 readout nalirifox outperforms gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel in treatment-naive mpdac but still sobering to see an mos < 1 year #pancsm #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''in the napoli-3 readout nalirifox outperforms gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel in treatment-naive mpdac but still sobering to see an mos < 1 year #pancsm #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''in the napoli-3 readout nalirifox outperforms gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel in treatment-naive mpdac but still sobering to see an mos < 1 year #pancsm #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''#gi23: napoli-3 of folfox + liposomal irinotecan (nalirifox) vs gem/abraxane with os and pfs. #asco23 #cancer #cancerresearch #clinicaltrials #pancreaticcancer #pancreas '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''should all 1st line mpdac studies with novel agent use mfolfirinox as backbone after napoli 3? is it ethical to give 1st line gem/abraxane to fit patients with mpdac? #gi23'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli 3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term gem/abraxane in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''should all 1st line mpdac studies with novel agent use mfolfirinox as backbone after napoli 3? is it ethical to give 1st line gem/abraxane to fit patients with mpdac? #gi23'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term gem/abraxane in the given tweet is negative
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''lots of chatter on the #gi23 twittersphere about whether or not napoli-3 results truly represent a new standard-of-care vs. another option. i may have missed details, but in the era of #financialtoxicity of cancer care, what is the $ cost of this regimen vs. that of folfirinox?'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''napoli-3 (2023): nalirifox median os ~11 months gem/nab-paclitaxel ~9 months prodige 4 (2011) folfirinox ~11 months mpact (2013) gem/nab-paclitaxel 8.5 months was hoping for better but grateful for a positive phase 3 in #pancreaticcancer #gi23'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term gem/nab-paclitaxel in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''napoli-3 (2023): nalirifox median os ~11 months gem/nab-paclitaxel ~9 months prodige 4 (2011) folfirinox ~11 months mpact (2013) gem/nab-paclitaxel 8.5 months was hoping for better but grateful for a positive phase 3 in #pancreaticcancer #gi23'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term gem/nab-paclitaxel in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''today at #gi23 data presented from the phase iii napoli 3 trial, evaluating the nalirifox regimen showed positive results in overall survival for patients with previously untreated metastatic #pancreaticcancer. learn more '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli 3 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''results of napoli 3 examining nalirifox in 1st line met pancreatic cancer #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli 3 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term irinotecan in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''what s the logic behind including liposomal irinotecan? do we think of nalirifox as just an improvement of folfirinox? #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term irinotecan in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''what s the logic behind including liposomal irinotecan? do we think of nalirifox as just an improvement of folfirinox? #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term folfirinox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''what s the logic behind including liposomal irinotecan? do we think of nalirifox as just an improvement of folfirinox? #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term folfirinox in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''napoli trial positive for metastatic pancreatic cancer in first line setting. less chemo dose but similar efficacy to folfirinox. a new standard of care. #ascogi23 #pancreaticcancer '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''great to see the results from the napoli-3 clinical trial! another potential regimen for metastatic pancreatic cancer. if only liposomal irinotecan was available in canada! #pancreaticcancer #ascogi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''#gi23 and, ga napoli3 underperformed compared to modern trials of ga (control arms) halo-301 (11.5 mos) ga + ibrutinib (10.8 mos) laura goff was the discussant and presented folfirinox and nalirifox side by side can you actually see any difference? '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli3 in the given tweet is negative
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term folfirinox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''#gi23 and, ga napoli3 underperformed compared to modern trials of ga (control arms) halo-301 (11.5 mos) ga + ibrutinib (10.8 mos) laura goff was the discussant and presented folfirinox and nalirifox side by side can you actually see any difference? '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term folfirinox in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''#gi23 and, ga napoli3 underperformed compared to modern trials of ga (control arms) halo-301 (11.5 mos) ga + ibrutinib (10.8 mos) laura goff was the discussant and presented folfirinox and nalirifox side by side can you actually see any difference? '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli-3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''Napoli-3 definitely has more gi toxicities with nalirifox could this be related to the mechanism of nal-iri, and longer exposure to sn38 myelosuppression was greater with ga but, would this be true with every other week ga?'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli-3 in the given tweet is negative
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''Napoli 3 ,nalirifox should become the new soc for pdac. control arm was gemnab and showed a significant improvement! unfortunately, we re still below 12m mos #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''the #oncoalerttoptweet day2 of #gi23 tweet napoli-3 #nalirifox better than gem and nab-p in 1l tx for metastatic #pancreaticcancer mos of 11.1 vs 9.2 mo. hr 0.83. p=0.04 (+) p3 trial. point good tolerance with less oxali 60 & naliri 50 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''Napoli 3 finally clear with data that fit patients with #pancreaticcancer need triplet chemo. Nalirifox gem abraxane. is, would folfirinox do the same? #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''on the ground results from napoli-3, co-authored by vhio s , show 1st line nalirifox improved overall survival vs. standard therapy in treatment-na ve patients with mpdac. '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''pancreasca is among the top causes of cancer death in usa and current 1st line therapy for advanced metastatic folfirinox. at #gi23 the napoli-3 study demonstrated that use of liposomal irinotecan + 5fu + oxaliplatin offered similar os #pancreascancer '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''much anticipated data from study napoli-3 showing survival benefit with nalirifox in #pancreaticcancer . interestingly mos of 11.1m is equal to mos of prodige study with folfirinox. rates of g3/4 diarrhea higher with onivyde regimen than reported with ffx. #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''much anticipated data from study napoli-3 showing survival benefit with nalirifox in #pancreaticcancer . interestingly mos of 11.1m is equal to mos of prodige study with folfirinox. rates of g3/4 diarrhea higher with onivyde regimen than reported with ffx. #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term folfirinox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''much anticipated data from study napoli-3 showing survival benefit with nalirifox in #pancreaticcancer . interestingly mos of 11.1m is equal to mos of prodige study with folfirinox. rates of g3/4 diarrhea higher with onivyde regimen than reported with ffx. #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term folfirinox in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''critical multi-institutional investigator initiated the study Napoli 3 and now that we have survival results in 1l mpdac. nearing enrollment completion. results soon!!! nct03483038 #gi23 #pancsm #pancreaticcancer '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''now is up to put Napoli 3 and RTOG-1112 into context #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term RTOG-1112 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''now is up to put Napoli 3 and RTOG-1112 into context #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term RTOG-1112 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''the #oncoalerttoptweet day2 of #gi23 tweet Napoli 3 dr. wainberg in #1l metastatic #pdac #nalirifox shows median os benefit over gem/abrax 11.1 vs 9.2 mos w/orr 41.8 vs 36.2%. new reference regiment in 1l met #pancsm best, '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''the napoli 3 study, presented by dr. zev wainberg, meets its primary endpoint of improved os for nalirifox vs. gem-abrax in 1l metastatic pancreatic cancer. #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli 3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''the napoli 3 study, presented by dr. zev wainberg, meets its primary endpoint of improved os for nalirifox vs. gem-abrax in 1l metastatic pancreatic cancer. #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term gem-abrax in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''the napoli 3 study, presented by dr. zev wainberg, meets its primary endpoint of improved os for nalirifox vs. gem-abrax in 1l metastatic pancreatic cancer. #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term gem-abrax in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term NAPOLI 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' adding these to highlight substantially more gi toxicity in NAPOLI 3 with nalirifox than gem-nabpaclitaxel. '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term NAPOLI 3 in the given tweet is negative
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' adding these to highlight substantially more gi toxicity in NAPOLI 3 with nalirifox than gem-nabpaclitaxel. '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet is negative
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term gem-nabpaclitaxel in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' adding these to highlight substantially more gi toxicity in NAPOLI 3 with nalirifox than gem-nabpaclitaxel. '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term gem-nabpaclitaxel in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''napoli 3 shows improvement in os and pfs. special thank you to univ of rochester patients who participated in the trial. '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli 3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''day 2 of #gi23! Napoli 3 showing survival for met panc cancer using nalifirox (11.1 mos) discussed by my friend . another option in an area of immense need! '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''at gi23 we spoke to zev wainberg of who shared results from Napoli 3 trial evaluating nalirifox vs. gemcitabine in mpdac catch the full video soon on #gism #gastrointestinalcancer #pancreaticcancer #pancsm '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''at gi23 we spoke to zev wainberg of who shared results from Napoli 3 trial evaluating nalirifox vs. gemcitabine in mpdac catch the full video soon on #gism #gastrointestinalcancer #pancreaticcancer #pancsm '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term gemcitabine in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''at gi23 we spoke to zev wainberg of who shared results from Napoli 3 trial evaluating nalirifox vs. gemcitabine in mpdac catch the full video soon on #gism #gastrointestinalcancer #pancreaticcancer #pancsm '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term gemcitabine in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''nalirifox vs folferinox. do we have new soc for them as we need a new sequence of operation ? #ascogi23 #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term folferinox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''nalirifox vs folferinox. do we have new soc for them as we need a new sequence of operation ? #ascogi23 #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term folferinox in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''Napoli 3 - the closest we will get to a folfirinox vs. abraxane with abraxane outperforming folfirinox'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term folfirinox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''Napoli 3 - the closest we will get to a folfirinox vs. abraxane with abraxane outperforming folfirinox'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term folfirinox in the given tweet is negative
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term abraxane in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''Napoli 3 - the closest we will get to a folfirinox vs. abraxane with abraxane outperforming folfirinox'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term abraxane in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term NAPOLI 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''frontline liposomal irinotecan / nalirifox in the study NAPOLI 3 elicits os benefit in metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma #gi23 #oncology '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term NAPOLI 3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term irinotecan in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''frontline liposomal irinotecan / nalirifox in the study NAPOLI 3 elicits os benefit in metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma #gi23 #oncology '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term irinotecan in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''frontline liposomal irinotecan / nalirifox in the study NAPOLI 3 elicits os benefit in metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma #gi23 #oncology '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' the #oncoalerttoptweet day2 of #gi23 tweet Napoli 3 trial treatment with nalirifox resulted in an improved mos and mpfs compared to treatment with gemnabpac best, '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' the #oncoalerttoptweet day2 of #gi23 tweet Napoli 3 trial treatment with nalirifox resulted in an improved mos and mpfs compared to treatment with gemnabpac best, '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term gemnabpac in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' the #oncoalerttoptweet day2 of #gi23 tweet Napoli 3 trial treatment with nalirifox resulted in an improved mos and mpfs compared to treatment with gemnabpac best, '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term gemnabpac in the given tweet is negative
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' i agree. frustrating having to call os hr 0.85 a "progress". ipsen $ipn presents phase iii Napoli 3 trial of onivyde regimen demonstrating positive survival results in previously untreated metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma at #ascogi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''Napoli 3 - nalirifox beats abrax in first line pdac. abrax did quite poorly with os only 9 mo #gi23 presented by dr zev wainberg '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''Napoli 3 - nalirifox beats abrax in first line pdac. abrax did quite poorly with os only 9 mo #gi23 presented by dr zev wainberg '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term abrax in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''Napoli 3 - nalirifox beats abrax in first line pdac. abrax did quite poorly with os only 9 mo #gi23 presented by dr zev wainberg '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term abrax in the given tweet is negative
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''Napoli 3 - nalirifox met primary endpoint of improved os over gem-nab-p. pfs significantly improved as well. #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''Napoli 3 - nalirifox met primary endpoint of improved os over gem-nab-p. pfs significantly improved as well. #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' spot on nice to have head to head triplet vs doublet but beyond that many questions left: 20% of g3-4 diarrhea in nalirifox arm (argues against well tolerated treatment). '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''Napoli3 , there's no head to head trial but is really interesting to put this two trials together, specially in countries where nal-iri is not available #ascogi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli3 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' deftly and fairly handles abstract discussion especially of napoli 3! #gi23 i will be sticking with folfirinox in my practice.'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term folfirinox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' deftly and fairly handles abstract discussion especially of napoli 3! #gi23 i will be sticking with folfirinox in my practice.'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term folfirinox in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''Napoli 3 , nalirifox new first line standard of care in mpdac patients. os pfs orr 42 vs 36% - different toxicities profile #ascogi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''Napoli 3 , nalirifox new first line standard of care in mpdac patients. os pfs orr 42 vs 36% - different toxicities profile #ascogi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term NAPOLI3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''NAPOLI3 has nice positive results for first line pdac in a phase iii trial. more indirect evidence for choosing first line folfirinox/nalirifox #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term NAPOLI3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term NAPOLI3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''zev a. wainberg, md, of , stopped by at #gi23! thanks to dr. wainberg for sharing information on NAPOLI3 : a phase 3 study of nalirifox vs nab paclitaxel gemcitabine in treatment-na ve patients with mpdac. '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term NAPOLI3 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''zev a. wainberg, md, of , stopped by at #gi23! thanks to dr. wainberg for sharing information on NAPOLI3 : a phase 3 study of nalirifox vs nab paclitaxel gemcitabine in treatment-na ve patients with mpdac. '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term gemcitabine in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''zev a. wainberg, md, of , stopped by at #gi23! thanks to dr. wainberg for sharing information on NAPOLI3 : a phase 3 study of nalirifox vs nab paclitaxel gemcitabine in treatment-na ve patients with mpdac. '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term gemcitabine in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''if you do not believe nalirifox should not be better than folfirinox, how do you explain naploli-3 trial results to your patient? #gi23'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli-3 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''if you do not believe nalirifox should not be better than folfirinox, how do you explain naploli-3 trial results to your patient? #gi23'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term folfirinox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''if you do not believe nalirifox should not be better than folfirinox, how do you explain naploli-3 trial results to your patient? #gi23'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term folfirinox in the given tweet is negative
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term NAPOLI 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''NAPOLI 3 trial in pancreas cancer shows nalirirfox has higher response rate and significantly longer os (11.2 vs 9.1 mo, p=0.04) and pfs than compared with gemnabp first-line therapy. new upfront option for fit patients. '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term NAPOLI 3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirirfox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''NAPOLI 3 trial in pancreas cancer shows nalirirfox has higher response rate and significantly longer os (11.2 vs 9.1 mo, p=0.04) and pfs than compared with gemnabp first-line therapy. new upfront option for fit patients. '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirirfox in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term gemnabp in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''NAPOLI 3 trial in pancreas cancer shows nalirirfox has higher response rate and significantly longer os (11.2 vs 9.1 mo, p=0.04) and pfs than compared with gemnabp first-line therapy. new upfront option for fit patients. '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term gemnabp in the given tweet is negative
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term NAPOLI 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''NAPOLI 3 presents positive phase iii survival data in previously untreated metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma as a late-breaking abstract at #ascogi learn more: '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term NAPOLI 3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''drumroll please eagerly awaiting the napoli 3 and swog 1515 trials '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term napoli 3 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term swog 1515 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''drumroll please eagerly awaiting the napoli 3 and swog 1515 trials '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term swog 1515 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''Napoli 3 with the drugs folfox liposomal irinotecan (nalirifox) vs abraxane showed better overall survival and progressive free survival with positive results. #asco23 #cancer #cancerresearch #clinicaltrials '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''Napoli 3 with the drugs folfox liposomal irinotecan (nalirifox) vs abraxane showed better overall survival and progressive free survival with positive results. #asco23 #cancer #cancerresearch #clinicaltrials '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term abraxane in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''Napoli 3 with the drugs folfox liposomal irinotecan (nalirifox) vs abraxane showed better overall survival and progressive free survival with positive results. #asco23 #cancer #cancerresearch #clinicaltrials '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term abraxane in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''Napoli 3 presents onivyde regimen demonstrating positive survival results in previously untreated metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma at asco gi '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term Napoli 3 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''nalirifox or folfirinox , I think narlifox is better than the other #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nalirifox in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term folfirinox in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''nalirifox or folfirinox , I think narlifox is better than the other #gi23 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term folfirinox in the given tweet is negative
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term NAPOLI 3 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''NAPOLI 3 requires quick "back of the envelope" calculation: awp of liposomal irinotecan roughly $72.08 per mg. awp of generic irinotecan roughly $0.50 per mg. doses are not same in the 2 regimens so more math needed but i'm not convinced that i will prescribe the more expensive drug. #gi23'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term NAPOLI 3 in the given tweet is negative
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term IMbrave050 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''reflecting on #imbrave050 adjuvant data for #tecentriq #avastin in #hcc i suspect a major impact in asia where resection w curative intent is a dominant strategy & hope that our surgical volumes will rise in north america as we identify those likely to benefit #livertwitter'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term IMbrave050 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term IMbrave050 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' with positive IMbrave050 pending trials role of transplant never more imp to discuss all #hcc, with #paldagline tickets almost fully gone! fri 27th jan '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term IMbrave050 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term IMbrave050 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' was awesome time. too bad imbrave050 broke two days later! good time to study hcc.'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term IMbrave050 in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term sorafenib in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''source: ph 3, n=158, adjuvant rx for resectable ahcc, sorafenib tace vs sorafenib - improved outcomes in pts w/ portal thrombosis - rfs 16.8mos vs 12.6mos - os 30.4mos vs 22.5mos (hr 0.57) - imbrave050 press release (+ve study), awaiting data '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term sorafenib in the given tweet is positive