The generated video got stuck?
import torch
from diffusers import CogVideoXPipeline
from diffusers.utils import export_to_video, load_image
import os
from PIL import Image
import torch._dynamo
torch._dynamo.config.suppress_errors = True # 保留抑制错误
torch._dynamo.disable() # 完全禁用Dynamo编译
pipe = CogVideoXPipeline.from_pretrained("CogVideoX-5b", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16).to("cuda")
def get_vid_size(vid_max_edge=480):
return 720, 480
vid_w, vid_h = get_vid_size(vid_max_edge=480)
prompt = "A woman is riding a bear on the back of a brown bear while wearing a black leather jacket, jeans, and having blonde hair. They walk past people on the sidewalk, with yellow taxis and buildings in the background. The atmosphere is cheerful and playful."# abnormal after 3s
prompt = "A woman is riding a bear on the back of a brown bear while wearing a black leather jacket, jeans, and having blonde hair." # abnormal after 5s
prompt = "A woman" # normal
device = 'cuda:1'
video = pipe(
guidance_scale=6, # 控制提示词的影响力
num_inference_steps=50, # 定义推理步数
# num_frames=48, # 设置生成的帧数为49
# height=vid_h, # 设置视频高度
# width=vid_w # 设置视频宽度
).frames[0] # 只获取第一段视频的帧
output_path = "video_480.mp4"
export_to_video(video, output_path, fps=8)
print(f"Video saved to {output_path}")