"""Complete Generator architecture: * OmniGenerator * Encoder * Decoders """ from pathlib import Path import traceback import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import yaml from addict import Dict from torch import softmax import climategan.strings as strings from climategan.deeplab import create_encoder, create_segmentation_decoder from climategan.depth import create_depth_decoder from climategan.masker import create_mask_decoder from climategan.painter import create_painter from climategan.tutils import init_weights, mix_noise, normalize def create_generator(opts, device="cpu", latent_shape=None, no_init=False, verbose=0): G = OmniGenerator(opts, latent_shape, verbose, no_init) if no_init: print("Sending to", device) return G.to(device) for model in G.decoders: net = G.decoders[model] if model == "s": continue if isinstance(net, nn.ModuleDict): for domain, domain_model in net.items(): init_weights( net[domain_model], init_type=opts.gen[model].init_type, init_gain=opts.gen[model].init_gain, verbose=verbose, caller=f"create_generator decoder {model} {domain}", ) else: init_weights( G.decoders[model], init_type=opts.gen[model].init_type, init_gain=opts.gen[model].init_gain, verbose=verbose, caller=f"create_generator decoder {model}", ) if G.encoder is not None and opts.gen.encoder.architecture == "base": init_weights( G.encoder, init_type=opts.gen.encoder.init_type, init_gain=opts.gen.encoder.init_gain, verbose=verbose, caller="create_generator encoder", ) print("Sending to", device) return G.to(device) class OmniGenerator(nn.Module): def __init__(self, opts, latent_shape=None, verbose=0, no_init=False): """Creates the generator. All decoders listed in opts.gen will be added to the Generator.decoders ModuleDict if opts.gen.DecoderInitial is not True. Then can be accessed as G.decoders.T or G.decoders["T"] for instance, for the image Translation decoder Args: opts (addict.Dict): configuration dict """ super().__init__() self.opts = opts self.verbose = verbose self.encoder = None if any(t in opts.tasks for t in "msd"): self.encoder = create_encoder(opts, no_init, verbose) self.decoders = {} self.painter = nn.Module() if "d" in opts.tasks: self.decoders["d"] = create_depth_decoder(opts, no_init, verbose) if self.verbose > 0: print(f" - Add {self.decoders['d'].__class__.__name__}") if "s" in opts.tasks: self.decoders["s"] = create_segmentation_decoder(opts, no_init, verbose) if "m" in opts.tasks: self.decoders["m"] = create_mask_decoder(opts, no_init, verbose) self.decoders = nn.ModuleDict(self.decoders) if "p" in self.opts.tasks: self.painter = create_painter(opts, no_init, verbose) else: if self.verbose > 0: print(" - Add Empty Painter") def __str__(self): return strings.generator(self) def encode(self, x): """ Forward x through the encoder Args: x (torch.Tensor): B3HW input tensor Returns: list: High and Low level features from the encoder """ assert self.encoder is not None return self.encoder.forward(x) def decode(self, x=None, z=None, return_z=False, return_z_depth=False): """ Comptutes the predictions of all available decoders from either x or z. If using spade for the masker with 15 channels, x *must* be provided, whether z is too or not. Args: x (torch.Tensor, optional): Input tensor (B3HW). Defaults to None. z (list, optional): List of high and low-level features as BCHW. Defaults to None. return_z (bool, optional): whether or not to return z in the dict. Defaults to False. return_z_depth (bool, optional): whether or not to return z_depth in the dict. Defaults to False. Raises: ValueError: If using spade for the masker with 15 channels but x is None Returns: dict: {task: prediction_tensor} (may include z and z_depth depending on args) """ assert x is not None or z is not None if self.opts.gen.m.use_spade and self.opts.m.spade.cond_nc == 15: if x is None: raise ValueError( "When using spade for the Masker with 15 channels," + " x MUST be provided" ) z_depth = cond = d = s = None out = {} if z is None: z = self.encode(x) if return_z: out["z"] = z if "d" in self.decoders: d, z_depth = self.decoders["d"](z) out["d"] = d if return_z_depth: out["z_depth"] = z_depth if "s" in self.decoders: s = self.decoders["s"](z, z_depth) out["s"] = s if "m" in self.decoders: if s is not None and d is not None: cond = self.make_m_cond(d, s, x) m = self.mask(z=z, cond=cond) out["m"] = m return out def sample_painter_z(self, batch_size, device, force_half=False): if self.opts.gen.p.no_z: return None z = torch.empty( batch_size, self.opts.gen.p.latent_dim, self.painter.z_h, self.painter.z_w, device=device, ).normal_(mean=0, std=1.0) if force_half: z = z.half() return z def make_m_cond(self, d, s, x=None): """ Create the masker's conditioning input when using spade from the d and s predictions and from the input x when cond_nc == 15. d and s are assumed to have the the same spatial resolution. if cond_nc == 15 then x is interpolated to match that dimension. Args: d (torch.Tensor): Raw depth prediction (B1HW) s (torch.Tensor): Raw segmentation prediction (BCHW) x (torch.Tensor, optional): Input tensor (B3hW). Mandatory when opts.gen.m.spade.cond_nc == 15 Raises: ValueError: opts.gen.m.spade.cond_nc == 15 but x is None Returns: torch.Tensor: B x cond_nc x H x W conditioning tensor. """ if self.opts.gen.m.spade.detach: d = d.detach() s = s.detach() cats = [normalize(d), softmax(s, dim=1)] if self.opts.gen.m.spade.cond_nc == 15: if x is None: raise ValueError( "When using spade for the Masker with 15 channels," + " x MUST be provided" ) cats += [ F.interpolate(x, s.shape[-2:], mode="bilinear", align_corners=True) ] return torch.cat(cats, dim=1) def mask(self, x=None, z=None, cond=None, z_depth=None, sigmoid=True): """ Create a mask from either an input x or a latent vector z. Optionally if the Masker has a spade architecture the conditioning tensor may be provided (cond). Default behavior applies an element-wise sigmoid, but can be deactivated (sigmoid=False). At least one of x or z must be provided (i.e. not None). If the Masker has a spade architecture and cond_nc == 15 then x cannot be None. Args: x (torch.Tensor, optional): Input tensor B3HW. Defaults to None. z (list, optional): High and Low level features of the encoder. Will be computed if None. Defaults to None. cond ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. sigmoid (bool, optional): [description]. Defaults to True. Returns: torch.Tensor: B1HW mask tensor """ assert x is not None or z is not None if z is None: z = self.encode(x) if cond is None and self.opts.gen.m.use_spade: assert "s" in self.opts.tasks and "d" in self.opts.tasks with torch.no_grad(): d_pred, z_d = self.decoders["d"](z) s_pred = self.decoders["s"](z, z_d) cond = self.make_m_cond(d_pred, s_pred, x) if z_depth is None and self.opts.gen.m.use_dada: assert "d" in self.opts.tasks with torch.no_grad(): _, z_depth = self.decoders["d"](z) if cond is not None: device = z[0].device if isinstance(z, (tuple, list)) else z.device cond = cond.to(device) logits = self.decoders["m"](z, cond, z_depth) if not sigmoid: return logits return torch.sigmoid(logits) def paint(self, m, x, no_paste=False): """ Paints given a mask and an image calls painter(z, x * (1.0 - m)) Mask has 1s where water should be painted Args: m (torch.Tensor): Mask x (torch.Tensor): Image to paint Returns: torch.Tensor: painted image """ z_paint = self.sample_painter_z(x.shape[0], x.device) m = m.to(x.dtype) fake = self.painter(z_paint, x * (1.0 - m)) if self.opts.gen.p.paste_original_content and not no_paste: return x * (1.0 - m) + fake * m return fake def paint_cloudy(self, m, x, s, sky_idx=9, res=(8, 8), weight=0.8): """ Paints x with water in m through an intermediary cloudy image where the sky has been replaced with perlin noise to imitate clouds. The intermediary cloudy image is only used to control the painter's painting mode, probing it with a cloudy input. Args: m (torch.Tensor): water mask x (torch.Tensor): input tensor s (torch.Tensor): segmentation prediction (BCHW) sky_idx (int, optional): Index of the sky class along s's C dimension. Defaults to 9. res (tuple, optional): Perlin noise spatial resolution. Defaults to (8, 8). weight (float, optional): Intermediate image's cloud proportion (w * cloud + (1-w) * original_sky). Defaults to 0.8. Returns: torch.Tensor: painted image with original content pasted. """ sky_mask = ( torch.argmax( F.interpolate(s, x.shape[-2:], mode="bilinear"), dim=1, keepdim=True ) == sky_idx ).to(x.dtype) noised_x = mix_noise(x, sky_mask, res=res, weight=weight).to(x.dtype) fake = self.paint(m, noised_x, no_paste=True) return x * (1.0 - m) + fake * m def depth(self, x=None, z=None, return_z_depth=False): """ Compute the depth head's output Args: x (torch.Tensor, optional): Input B3HW tensor. Defaults to None. z (list, optional): High and Low level features of the encoder. Defaults to None. Returns: torch.Tensor: B1HW tensor of depth predictions """ assert x is not None or z is not None assert not (x is not None and z is not None) if z is None: z = self.encode(x) depth, z_depth = self.decoders["d"](z) if depth.shape[1] > 1: depth = torch.argmax(depth, dim=1) depth = depth / depth.max() if return_z_depth: return depth, z_depth return depth def load_val_painter(self): """ Loads a validation painter if available in opts.val.val_painter Returns: bool: operation success status """ try: # key exists in opts assert self.opts.val.val_painter # path exists ckpt_path = Path(self.opts.val.val_painter).resolve() assert ckpt_path.exists() # path is a checkpoint path assert ckpt_path.is_file() # opts are available in that path opts_path = ckpt_path.parent.parent / "opts.yaml" assert opts_path.exists() # load opts with opts_path.open("r") as f: val_painter_opts = Dict(yaml.safe_load(f)) # load checkpoint state_dict = torch.load(ckpt_path) # create dummy painter from loaded opts painter = create_painter(val_painter_opts) # load state-dict in the dummy painter painter.load_state_dict( {k.replace("painter.", ""): v for k, v in state_dict["G"].items()} ) # send to current device in evaluation mode device = next(self.parameters()).device self.painter = painter.eval().to(device) # disable gradients for p in self.painter.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False # success print(" - Loaded validation-only painter") return True except Exception as e: # something happened, aborting gracefully print(traceback.format_exc()) print(e) print(">>> WARNING: error (^) in load_val_painter, aborting.") return False