import os PWD = os.path.dirname(__file__) import re import regex import json import traceback from nemo_text_processing.text_normalization.normalize import Normalizer from indic_numtowords import num2words, supported_langs from .translator import GoogleTranslator indic_acronym_matcher = regex.compile(r"([\p{L}\p{M}]+\.\s*){2,}") # short_form_regex = re.compile(r'\b[A-Z\.]{2,}s?\b') # def get_shortforms_from_string(text): # return short_form_regex.findall(text) short_form_regex = re.compile(r"\b([A-Z][\.\s]+)+([A-Z])?\b") eng_consonants_regex = re.compile(r"\b[BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXZbcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]+\b") def get_shortforms_from_string(text): dotted_shortforms = [ for m in re.finditer(short_form_regex, text)] non_dotted_shortforms = [ for m in re.finditer(eng_consonants_regex, text)] return dotted_shortforms + non_dotted_shortforms decimal_str_regex = re.compile("\d{1,3}(?:(?:,\d{2,3}){1,3}|(?:\d{1,7}))?(?:\.\d+)") def get_all_decimals_from_string(text): return decimal_str_regex.findall(text) num_str_regex = re.compile("\d{1,3}(?:(?:,\d{2,3}){1,3}|(?:\d{1,7}))?(?:\.\d+)?") def get_all_numbers_from_string(text): return num_str_regex.findall(text) multiple_stops_regex = r'\.\.+' def replace_multiple_stops(text): return re.sub(multiple_stops_regex, '.', text) date_generic_match_regex = re.compile("(?:[^0-9]\d*[./-]\d*[./-]\d*)") date_str_regex = re.compile("(?:\d{1,2}[./-]\d{1,2}[./-]\d{2,4})|(?:\d{2,4}[./-]\d{1,2}[./-]\d{1,2})") # match like dd/mm/yyyy or dd-mm-yy or or yy/mm/dd def get_all_dates_from_string(text): candidates = date_generic_match_regex.findall(text) candidates = [c.replace(' ', '') for c in candidates] candidates = [c for c in candidates if len(c) <= 10] # Prune invalid dates candidates = ' '.join(candidates) return date_str_regex.findall(candidates) def get_decimal_substitution(decimal): decimal_parts = decimal.split('.') l_part = decimal_parts[0] r_part = "" for part in decimal_parts[1:]: r_part += ' '.join(list(part)) # space between every digit after decimal point decimal_sub = l_part + " point " + r_part decimal_sub = decimal_sub.strip() return decimal_sub email_regex = r'[\w.+-]+@[\w-]+\.[\w.-]+' url_regex = r'((?:\w+://)?\w+\.\w+\.\w+/?[\w\.\?=#]*)|(\w*.com/?[\w\.\?=#]*)' currency_regex = r"\₹\ ?[+-]?[0-9]{1,3}(?:,?[0-9])*(?:\.[0-9]{1,2})?" phone_regex = r'\+?\d[ \d-]{6,12}\d' class TextNormalizer: def __init__(self): self.translator = GoogleTranslator() self.normalizer = Normalizer(input_case='cased', lang='en') self.symbols2lang2word = json.load(open(os.path.join(PWD, "symbols.json"), encoding="utf-8")) self.alphabet2phone = json.load(open(os.path.join(PWD, "alphabet2phone.json"), encoding="utf-8")) def normalize_text(self, text, lang): text = text.replace("।", ".").replace("|", ".").replace("꯫", ".").strip() text = self.expand_shortforms(text, lang) text = self.normalize_decimals(text, lang) text = self.replace_punctutations(text, lang) text = self.convert_dates_to_words(text, lang) text = self.convert_symbols_to_words(text, lang) text = self.convert_numbers_to_words(text, lang) return text def normalize_decimals(self, text, lang): decimal_strs = get_all_decimals_from_string(text) if not decimal_strs: return text decimals = [str(decimal_str.replace(',', '')) for decimal_str in decimal_strs] decimal_substitutions = [get_decimal_substitution(decimal) for decimal in decimals] for decimal_str, decimal_sub in zip(decimal_strs, decimal_substitutions): text = text.replace(decimal_str, decimal_sub) return text def replace_punctutations(self, text, lang): text = replace_multiple_stops(text) if lang not in ['brx', 'or']: text = text.replace('।', '.') if text[-1] not in ['.', '!', '?', ',', ':', ';']: text = text + ' .' else: text = text.replace('.', '।') text = text.replace('|', '.') for bracket in ['(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']']: text = text.replace(bracket, ',') # text = text.replace(':', ',').replace(';',',') text = text.replace(';',',') return text def convert_numbers_to_words(self, text, lang): num_strs = get_all_numbers_from_string(text) if not num_strs: return text # TODO: If it is a large integer without commas (say >5 digits), spell it out numeral by numeral # NOTE: partially handled by phones numbers = [int(num_str.replace(',', '')) for num_str in num_strs] if lang in supported_langs: # print(lang, numbers) num_words = [num2words(num, lang=lang) for num in numbers] else: # Fallback, converting to Indian-English, followed by NMT try: num_words = [num2words(num, lang="en") for num in numbers] translated_num_words = [self.translator(text=num_word, from_lang="en", to_lang=lang) for num_word in num_words] # TODO: Cache the results? num_words = translated_num_words except: traceback.print_exc() for num_str, num_word in zip(num_strs, num_words): text = text.replace(num_str, ' '+num_word+' ', 1) return text.replace(" ", ' ') def convert_dates_to_words(self, text, lang): date_strs = get_all_dates_from_string(text) if not date_strs: return text for date_str in date_strs: normalized_str = self.normalizer.normalize(date_str, verbose=False, punct_post_process=True) if lang in ['brx', 'en']: # no translate translated_str = normalized_str else: translated_str = self.translator(text=normalized_str, from_lang="en", to_lang=lang) text = text.replace(date_str, translated_str) return text def expand_phones(self, item): return ' '.join(list(item)) def find_valid(self, regex_str, text): items = re.findall(regex_str, text) return_items = [] for item in items: if isinstance(item, tuple): for subitem in item: if len(subitem) > 0: return_items.append(subitem) break # choose first valid sub item elif len(item) > 0: return_items.append(item) return return_items def convert_symbols_to_words(self, text, lang): symbols = self.symbols2lang2word.keys() emails = self.find_valid(email_regex, text) # urls = re.findall(r'(?:\w+://)?\w+\.\w+\.\w+/?[\w\.\?=#]*', text) urls = self.find_valid(url_regex, text) # print('URLS', urls) for item in emails + urls: item_norm = item for symbol in symbols: item_norm = item_norm.replace(symbol, f' {self.symbols2lang2word[symbol][lang]} ') text = text.replace(item, item_norm) currencies = self.find_valid(currency_regex, text) for item in currencies: item_norm = item.replace('₹','') + '₹' # Pronounce after numerals for symbol in symbols: item_norm = item_norm.replace(symbol, f' {self.symbols2lang2word[symbol][lang]} ') text = text.replace(item, item_norm) phones = self.find_valid(phone_regex, text) for item in phones: item_norm = item.replace('-', ' ') for symbol in symbols: item_norm = item_norm.replace(symbol, f' {self.symbols2lang2word[symbol][lang]} ') item_norm = self.expand_phones(item_norm) text = text.replace(item, item_norm) # percentage text = text.replace('%', self.symbols2lang2word['%'][lang]) return text def convert_char2phone(self, char): return self.alphabet2phone[char.lower()] if char.lower() in self.alphabet2phone else '' def expand_shortforms(self, text, lang): if lang!='en': # Remove dots, as it speaks out like each letter is separate sentence # Example: अई. अई. टी. -> अई अई टी for match in regex.finditer(indic_acronym_matcher, text): match = match_without_dot = match.replace('.', ' ') text = text.replace(match, match_without_dot) return text shortforms = get_shortforms_from_string(text) for shortform in shortforms: shortform = shortform.strip() if shortform == 'I' or shortform == "A": # Skip if valid English words continue expanded = ' '.join([self.convert_char2phone(char) for char in shortform]) text = text.replace(shortform, expanded, 1) return text