Hebrew NLP Introduction

This is the introduction thread for Hebrew NLP practitioners.

Welcome! Please introduce yourself and let us know:

  • Your name, Github, Hugging Face, and/or Twitter handle
  • Your interest in Hebrew NLP
  • Some projects you are working on or interested in starting
  • Any other languages that you speak, any personal interests, anything else really :wink:

As for me, I’m Vladimir Gurevich (@imvladikon on GitHub, linkedin) and I’m a data scientist in Israel,
and I’m interested in Hebrew NLP :smiley: , in making transformers efficient and in making knowledge enriched models.

Nice to e-meeting you all!

Useful links:

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Yo Hello!
Eyal Gruss / @eyaler (twitter, github) / https://eyalgruss.com / https://linkedin.com/in/eyalgruss
Passionate about algorithmic Hebrew poetry.
I am limit to 2 links so I will share some resources in the following…

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https://j.mp/hebig - The largest free online list of Hebrew word pairs with stats

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https://j.mp/bertdemo - BERT colab with a Hebrew section showing some gotchas and best practices, allowing to compare 3 multilingual/hebrew models (TurkuNLP/wikibert-base-he-cased, bert-base-multilingual-cased, avichr/heBERT) and a some experimental BERT poetry!



I’m Alan Feder / @AlanFeder (twitter & Github) based in the US, but I spent some time in Israel previously – just getting my feet wet in NLP in general, but excited about exploring it in a Hebrew context.

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Hi all! I’m Alex Lavin (@alavin here). I specialize in medical machine learning, and as Cofounder & CTO at Causalis I’m currently working on a project with several Israeli hospitals. If NLP on Hebrew+English EHR data is up your alley I’d love to chat: [email protected] or linkedin.


My name is Natalie Shapira.

I’d like to share Hebrew Psychological Lexicons:
GitHub - natalieShapira/HebrewPsychologicalLexicons (presented at CLPsych 2021)

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hi there,
my name is Sivan ratson and I’m Tora student ( Avrech) and a programming hobbyist. I am very curious about using NLP powers for helping and improving Tora study.
GitHub nick: Sivan22 · GitHub

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Hello (in 2023),

I am a new oleh, looking for some tools to help me learn Hebrew. Even as I had a software career, I realize my quest may not be exactly in the right space, but I will ask my question anyway.

I have built a Neo4j database containing shoreshim, binyanim, Hebrew verbs, nouns, adjectives, English translations, etc. One requirement is that all words have a shoresh. I am looking for a service, or an algorithm (Python?) to provide/extract the shoresh from any word.

Can anyone help?

Colin Goldberg

Hi. My name is Daniel, and I am looking for the right NLP library for Biblical Hebrew.

We have a project (links below):


We have all the words separated into “tokens”(?). I am looking to process this word and letter data further by leveraging current NLP libraries (if they work for Hebrew) and then develop custom functionalities.

What do you recommend?

Contributors welcome.

Thank you very much.

kindest regards,

Daniel Azariah