Dataset.from_dict() killed

I am trying to convert a dataset into Arrow Format according to this tutorial here but process is being killed (the console literally says KILLED). The dataset I am using is the FACAD dataset that includes fashion images and captions in tokenized format and is provided in a HDF5 format.

This is the code that I use for converting:

import json
import os
import h5py
import pandas as pd
from datasets import Dataset, DatasetDict


OUTFOLDER = "/data_processed/fic"
splits = ["train"]
split_dict = {}

for split in splits:
    split = split.upper()
    h = h5py.File(os.path.join(data_folder, split + '_IMAGES' + '.hdf5'), 'r')
    images = h['images']

    with open(os.path.join(data_folder, split + '_CAPTIONS_RAW' + '.json'), 'r') as j:
        texts = json.load(j)
    filenames = list(range(len(images)))

    ds = Dataset.from_dict({"image": images, "text": texts, "filename": filenames})
    split = split.lower()
    split_dict[split] = ds
dataset = DatasetDict(split_dict)

Previously, I converted the captions in to a raw string format and saved them into a {split}_CAPTIONS_RAW.json file. The images are provided in RBG and 256x256 size (not normalized).

I assume it has to do with the sample size of the train set being 888293 samples, because for validation and the test set I was able to create the arrow files.

Any help is appreciated.