My dollar card is provided by my local bank, where my bank account is created. Even though it is prepaid it is under the visa category and I guess Hugging Face accepts visa cards. Even though that card is not linked with my bank account directly. I understand hugging face has banned prepaid cards due to fraud issues but my dollar card is legal and is only provided by my bank unless we have account in that particular bank in order to create an account there are strict policies so there is no way a scammer will be able to create that particular dollar card ? Will hugging face accept my card? I guess the billing card system is managed by Stripe and even though stripe is not available in my country I hope I can pay through my Dollar Card. Please help me I beg you…
I too was concerned about the lack of payment options for HF. I live in a relatively developed country with a credit card culture, so I don’t have a problem. But even in my country, there are many people who have money but don’t have a card.
I guess cards are useful not only for payment but also for personal credibility and vandalism prevention.
Considering this, I can’t say to HF that they should increase the number of payment methods lightly, but I think it would be possible to increase the number of payment methods if, for example, there is a new plan that limits the Post function and only increases the number of quotas and requests.
Hi, thanks for the ping.
@meganariley usually handles payment inquiries.
If I may also voice my concerns, stripe is not supported in my country as well.
In my country, there’s a similar service called Vanilla Visa that you can buy at your local convenience store, and it’s been patronized by bulletin board trolls, but it’s convenient outside of those situations, and there are many web services that support it.
WebMoney, Amazon gift cards, and PayPal are also major ones. Fees seem high, though. For the underground, maybe Bitcoin.
Whatever, the whole world is not the United States of America…
So is the vanilla Visa card prepaid or not ? You are right whole world is not USA and that’s the reason dollar cards or Visa cards can not be directly connected to the bank account as the currency depends upon the country so from your point of view what do you think will hugging face accept my card ? As i mentioned it is not virtual card and is created with full 100% kyc verification . Even though it is physical it is prepaid as I have mentioned the reason above .
Vanilla VISA is a prepaid card.
You can buy it in units of 1 yen. Well, no one will buy it for less than 1,000 yen (about $7) because they have no use for it…
It is mainly used to pay for pornographic sites, or for other uses that you don’t want to talk about publicly.
I think the card numbers and payment methods were compatible with VISA cards, but there is a clear distinction. Otherwise, it could be used for money laundering or something…
There used to be a service like this with a different name.
I think Vanilla VISA is only available in Japan, but there must be similar services in other countries. Maybe that’s what you’re using.
Bitcoin would be the most convenient for me… there is many in this world who are unbanked. Lightning Transactions are cheap and fast. But normal bitcoin works also…
I think that the easiest would be if Hugging Face would issue online gift-cards the similar way Stream dose… then third-party resellers could manage the payment options, like bitrefil.
Yes, I would also really like to request bitcoin as a payment option.
Not only is it incredibly convenient to use (just send some bitcoin and you’re good to go). But more important, I think there’s a significant aspect that’s being overlooked: privacy.
Many users specifically opt for local models because they want to maintain their privacy. That must be a huge chunk of HuggingFace’s user-base.
So I’m a bit surprised HuggingFace might not have made the connection that some customers are more than willing to pay, but are hesitant to do so with traditional payment methods that could link some of their information to their prompts/models/datasets/API use.
I won’t name other companies but I’m convinced many users are drawn to other AI providers precisely because they accept bitcoin or crypto. Please consider accepting it. I know there’s a CashApp option in Stripe but it’s not the same for many reasons.
Many users specifically opt for local models because they want to maintain their privacy. That must be a huge chunk of HuggingFace’s user-base.
I’m also overtly pseudonymous, and there are certainly quite a few of those types of people in the OSS community, and many of them have GPU power, which makes them a good fit for mining.
Anyway, the more payment methods the better, unless HF is limiting payment to credit cards due to anti-vandalism issues.
Also, as mentioned above, major payment methods and prepaid cards differ from country to country, so it may be easier to go through some kind of agency.
HF is looking for customer requests.