from xue import Div, Table, Thead, Tbody, Tr, Th, Td, Button, Input, Script, Head, Style, Span |
from xue.components.checkbox import checkbox |
from xue.components.dropdown import dropdown_menu, dropdown_menu_content |
from xue.components.button import button |
from xue.components.input import input |
Head.add_default_children([ |
Style(""" |
.data-table-container { |
width: 100%; |
overflow-x: auto; |
border: 1px solid #e2e8f0; |
border-radius: 0.5rem; |
overflow-x: visible !important; |
} |
.data-table { |
width: 100%; |
border-collapse: separate; |
border-spacing: 0; |
} |
.data-table th, .data-table td { |
padding: 0.75rem 1rem; |
text-align: left; |
border-bottom: 1px solid #e2e8f0; |
} |
.data-table th { |
font-weight: 500; |
font-size: 0.875rem; |
color: #4b5563; |
height: 2.5rem; |
transition: background-color 0.2s; |
} |
.data-table thead tr:hover th, |
.data-table tbody tr:hover { |
background-color: #f8fafc; |
} |
.data-table tbody tr:last-child td { |
border-bottom: none; |
} |
.sortable-header { |
cursor: pointer; |
user-select: none; |
display: inline-flex; |
align-items: center; |
padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem; |
border-radius: 0.25rem; |
transition: background-color 0.2s; |
} |
.sortable-header:hover { |
background-color: #e5e7eb; |
} |
.sort-icon { |
display: inline-block; |
width: 1rem; |
height: 1rem; |
margin-left: 0.25rem; |
transition: transform 0.2s; |
opacity: 0; |
} |
.sortable-header:hover .sort-icon, |
.sort-asc .sort-icon, |
.sort-desc .sort-icon { |
opacity: 1; |
} |
.sort-asc .sort-icon { |
transform: rotate(180deg); |
} |
.table-header { |
display: flex; |
justify-content: space-between; |
align-items: center; |
margin-bottom: 1rem; |
} |
.table-footer { |
display: flex; |
justify-content: space-between; |
align-items: center; |
margin-top: 1rem; |
} |
.pagination { |
display: flex; |
gap: 0.5rem; |
} |
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { |
.data-table-container { |
border-color: #4b5563; |
} |
.data-table th, .data-table td { |
border-color: #4b5563; |
} |
.data-table th { |
color: #d1d5db; |
} |
.data-table thead tr:hover th, |
.data-table tbody tr:hover { |
background-color: #1f2937; |
} |
.sortable-header:hover { |
background-color: #374151; |
} |
} |
""", id="data-table-style"), |
Script(""" |
function toggleAllRows(checked) { |
const checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.row-checkbox'); |
checkboxes.forEach(cb => cb.checked = checked); |
updateSelectedCount(); |
} |
function updateSelectedCount() { |
const selectedCount = document.querySelectorAll('.row-checkbox:checked').length; |
const totalCount = document.querySelectorAll('.row-checkbox').length; |
document.getElementById('selected-count').textContent = `${selectedCount} of ${totalCount} row(s) selected.`; |
} |
function sortTable(columnIndex, accessor) { |
const table = document.querySelector('.data-table'); |
const header = table.querySelector(`th[data-accessor="${accessor}"]`); |
const isAscending = !header.classList.contains('sort-asc'); |
// Update sort direction |
table.querySelectorAll('th').forEach(th => th.classList.remove('sort-asc', 'sort-desc')); |
header.classList.add(isAscending ? 'sort-asc' : 'sort-desc'); |
// Sort the table |
const rows = Array.from(table.querySelectorAll('tbody tr')); |
rows.sort((a, b) => { |
const aValue = a.querySelector(`td[data-accessor="${accessor}"]`).textContent; |
const bValue = b.querySelector(`td[data-accessor="${accessor}"]`).textContent; |
return isAscending ? aValue.localeCompare(bValue) : bValue.localeCompare(aValue); |
}); |
// Update the table |
const tbody = table.querySelector('tbody'); |
rows.forEach(row => tbody.appendChild(row)); |
} |
document.addEventListener('change', function(event) { |
if (event.target.classList.contains('row-checkbox')) { |
updateSelectedCount(); |
} |
}); |
""", id="data-table-script"), |
]) |
def data_table(columns, data, id, with_filter=True, row_ids=None): |
if row_ids is None: |
row_ids = range(len(data)) |
tbody_content = Tbody( |
*[Tr( |
Td(checkbox(f"row-{i}", "", class_="row-checkbox")), |
*[Td(row[col['value']], data_accessor=col['value']) for col in columns], |
Td(row_actions_menu(row_id)), |
id=f"row-{row_id}" |
) for i, (row, row_id) in enumerate(zip(data, row_ids))] |
) |
return Div( |
Div( |
input(type="text", placeholder="Filter...", id=f"{id}-filter", class_="mr-auto"), |
Div( |
button( |
"Add Provider", |
variant="secondary", |
hx_get="/add-provider-sheet", |
hx_target="#sheet-container", |
hx_swap="innerHTML", |
class_="h-[2.625rem]" |
), |
dropdown_menu("Columns"), |
), |
class_="table-header flex items-center" |
) if with_filter else None, |
Div( |
Div( |
Table( |
Thead( |
Tr( |
Th(checkbox("select-all", "", onclick="toggleAllRows(this.checked)")), |
*[Th( |
Div( |
col['label'], |
Span("▼", class_="sort-icon"), |
class_="sortable-header" if col.get('sortable', False) else "", |
onclick=f"sortTable({i}, '{col['value']}')" if col.get('sortable', False) else None |
), |
data_accessor=col['value'] |
) for i, col in enumerate(columns)], |
Th("Actions") |
) |
), |
tbody_content, |
class_="data-table" |
), |
class_="data-table-container" |
), |
Div( |
Div(id="selected-count", class_="text-sm text-gray-500"), |
Div( |
button("Previous", variant="outline", class_="mr-2"), |
button("Next", variant="outline"), |
class_="pagination" |
), |
class_="table-footer" |
), |
id=id |
), |
) |
def get_column_visibility_menu(id, columns): |
return dropdown_menu_content(id, [ |
{"label": col['label'], "value": col['value']} |
for col in columns if col.get('can_hide', True) |
]) |
def row_actions_menu(row_id): |
return dropdown_menu("⋮", id=f"row-actions-menu-{row_id}", hx_get=f"/dropdown-menu/dropdown-menu-⋮/{row_id}") |
def get_row_actions_menu(row_id): |
return dropdown_menu_content(f"row-actions-{row_id}", [ |
{"label": "Edit", "icon": "pencil"}, |
{"label": "Duplicate", "icon": "copy"}, |
{"label": "Delete", "icon": "trash"}, |
"separator", |
{"label": "More...", "icon": "more-horizontal"}, |
]) |
def render_row(row_data, row_id, columns): |
return Tr( |
Td(checkbox(f"row-{row_id}", "", class_="row-checkbox")), |
*[Td(row_data[col['value']], data_accessor=col['value']) for col in columns], |
Td(row_actions_menu(row_id)), |
id=f"row-{row_id}" |
).render() |