""" It provides a platform for comparing the responses of two LLMs. """ import enum from uuid import uuid4 from firebase_admin import firestore import gradio as gr from leaderboard import build_leaderboard from leaderboard import db import response from response import get_responses SUPPORTED_TRANSLATION_LANGUAGES = [ "Korean", "English", "Chinese", "Japanese", "Spanish", "French" ] class VoteOptions(enum.Enum): MODEL_A = "Model A is better" MODEL_B = "Model B is better" TIE = "Tie" def vote(vote_button, response_a, response_b, model_a_name, model_b_name, user_prompt, instruction, category, source_lang, target_lang): doc_id = uuid4().hex winner = VoteOptions(vote_button).name.lower() deactivated_buttons = [gr.Button(interactive=False) for _ in range(3)] outputs = deactivated_buttons + [gr.Row(visible=True)] doc = { "id": doc_id, "prompt": user_prompt, "instruction": instruction, "model_a": model_a_name, "model_b": model_b_name, "model_a_response": response_a, "model_b_response": response_b, "winner": winner, "timestamp": firestore.SERVER_TIMESTAMP } if category == response.Category.SUMMARIZE.value: doc_ref = db.collection("arena-summarizations").document(doc_id) doc_ref.set(doc) return outputs if category == response.Category.TRANSLATE.value: if not source_lang or not target_lang: raise gr.Error("Please select source and target languages.") doc_ref = db.collection("arena-translations").document(doc_id) doc["source_language"] = source_lang.lower() doc["target_language"] = target_lang.lower() doc_ref.set(doc) return outputs raise gr.Error("Please select a response type.") def scroll_to_bottom_js(elem_id): return f""" () => {{ const element = document.querySelector("#{elem_id} textarea"); element.scrollTop = element.scrollHeight; }} """ # Removes the persistent orange border from the leaderboard, which # appears due to the 'generating' class when using the 'every' parameter. css = """ .leaderboard .generating { border: none; } """ with gr.Blocks(title="Arena", css=css) as app: with gr.Row(): category_radio = gr.Radio( [category.value for category in response.Category], label="Category", info="The chosen category determines the instruction sent to the LLMs.") source_language = gr.Dropdown( choices=SUPPORTED_TRANSLATION_LANGUAGES, label="Source language", info="Choose the source language for translation.", interactive=True, visible=False) target_language = gr.Dropdown( choices=SUPPORTED_TRANSLATION_LANGUAGES, label="Target language", info="Choose the target language for translation.", interactive=True, visible=False) def update_language_visibility(category): visible = category == response.Category.TRANSLATE.value return { source_language: gr.Dropdown(visible=visible), target_language: gr.Dropdown(visible=visible) } category_radio.change(update_language_visibility, category_radio, [source_language, target_language]) model_names = [gr.State(None), gr.State(None)] response_boxes = [gr.State(None), gr.State(None)] prompt = gr.TextArea(label="Prompt", lines=4) submit = gr.Button() with gr.Group(): with gr.Row(): response_a_elem_id = "responseA" response_a_textbox = gr.Textbox(label="Model A", interactive=False, elem_id=response_a_elem_id) response_a_textbox.change(fn=None, js=scroll_to_bottom_js(response_a_elem_id)) response_boxes[0] = response_a_textbox response_b_elem_id = "responseB" response_b_textbox = gr.Textbox(label="Model B", interactive=False, elem_id=response_b_elem_id) response_b_textbox.change(fn=None, js=scroll_to_bottom_js(response_b_elem_id)) response_boxes[1] = response_b_textbox with gr.Row(visible=False) as model_name_row: model_names[0] = gr.Textbox(show_label=False) model_names[1] = gr.Textbox(show_label=False) with gr.Row(visible=False) as vote_row: option_a = gr.Button(VoteOptions.MODEL_A.value) option_b = gr.Button(VoteOptions.MODEL_B.value) tie = gr.Button(VoteOptions.TIE.value) vote_buttons = [option_a, option_b, tie] instruction_state = gr.State("") submit.click( fn=get_responses, inputs=[prompt, category_radio, source_language, target_language], outputs=response_boxes + model_names + [instruction_state]).then( fn=lambda: [gr.Button(interactive=True), gr.Row(visible=True) ] + [gr.Button(interactive=True) for _ in range(3)], outputs=[submit, vote_row] + vote_buttons) # TODO(#42): Hide vote buttons until response generation is successful. submit.click(fn=lambda: [ gr.Button(interactive=False), gr.Row(visible=False), gr.Row(visible=False) ], outputs=[submit, vote_row, model_name_row]) common_inputs = response_boxes + model_names + [ prompt, instruction_state, category_radio, source_language, target_language ] common_outputs = vote_buttons + [model_name_row] option_a.click(vote, [option_a] + common_inputs, common_outputs) option_b.click(vote, [option_b] + common_inputs, common_outputs) tie.click(vote, [tie] + common_inputs, common_outputs) build_leaderboard() if __name__ == "__main__": # We need to enable queue to use generators. app.queue() app.launch(debug=True)