import os import streamlit as st from PIL import Image import pyperclip import CaptionGenerator import app_utils as utils # Define Streamlit configurations st.set_page_config(page_title="Instamuse", page_icon=":camera:", layout='wide') # Initialize the caption generator caption_generator = CaptionGenerator.CaptionGenerator() # Define custom CSS for background color page_bg = ''' ''' # # Sidebar configuration # with st.sidebar: # st.image(os.path.join('images', 'insta.png'), width=300) # st.title("Welcome to InstaMuse!") # st.subheader("Turn your snapshots into social media sensations.") # st.write("Start turning heads with your posts. Use InstaMuse now and watch your likes soar!") # Main page content st.markdown('## InstaMuse Photo Caption Generator') st.write("""### Upload your photo below and spark some caption magic! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊""") st.write( f'**Notice**: *Due to model load time, it may take a moment to load the application. This only occurs once.* \n*Subsequent uploads will be faster.*' ) # Load the model for image description with st.spinner('Loading Application, this make take a minute :hourglass_flowing_sand:'): # Load the model for image captioning model, processor = utils.init_model() def clear_cache(): """ Function to clear the session state cache. """ if 'file' in st.session_state: del st.session_state['file'] if 'captions' in st.session_state: del st.session_state['captions'] if 'caption_list' in st.session_state: del st.session_state['caption_list'] if 'img_description' in st.session_state: del st.session_state['img_description'] st.rerun() # Upload image file and process image uploaded_file = st.file_uploader( "Upload your image here:", type=["jpg", "png"], help="Only jpg and png images are supported" ) if uploaded_file: if 'file' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['file'] = uploaded_file image = image.thumbnail((400, 400), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) st.session_state['image'] = image col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with st.container(): with col1: st.markdown("## 📸 Your Image:") st.image(st.session_state['image'], caption='Uploaded Image', use_column_width=True) with col2: with st.spinner(r'#### :sparkles: :sparkles: Generating... please wait :hourglass_flowing_sand:'): if 'captions' not in st.session_state: desc = caption_generator.image_2_text(image, model, processor) captions, caption_list, img_description = caption_generator.text_2_caption(desc) st.session_state['captions'] = captions st.session_state['caption_list'] = caption_list st.session_state['img_description'] = img_description st.markdown("## 📝 Generated Captions:") for caption in st.session_state['caption_list']: if caption.strip() != "":"##### {caption}") elif st.session_state['file'] != uploaded_file: clear_cache() desc = caption_generator.image_2_text(image, model, processor) captions, caption_list, img_description = caption_generator.text_2_caption(desc) st.session_state['captions'] = captions st.session_state['caption_list'] = caption_list st.session_state['img_description'] = img_description st.markdown("## 📝 Generated Captions:") for caption in st.session_state['caption_list']: if caption.strip() != "":"##### {caption}") else: st.markdown("## 📝 Generated Captions:") for caption in st.session_state['caption_list']: if caption.strip() != "":"##### {caption}") st.markdown("---") col3, col4, col5, col6 = st.columns(4) if col3.button("📋 Copy Captions"): try: pyperclip.copy(st.session_state['captions']) st.success("Captions copied to clipboard!") except Exception as e: st.error('Unable to copy to clipboard on this system ):') if col4.button("🔄 Regenerate Captions"): # Forcefully clear file to trigger reprocessing if 'file' in st.session_state: del st.session_state['file'] del st.session_state['captions'] del st.session_state['caption_list'] del st.session_state['img_description'] st.rerun() if col5.button("✨ More Hashtags"): if 'img_description' in st.session_state: with st.spinner('Generating hashtags...'): try: hashtags = caption_generator.caption_2_hashtag(st.session_state['img_description']) st.write("### Generated Hashtags:") st.write(f"**{hashtags}**") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error generating hashtags: {e}") if col6.button(":x: Report Issue"): st.write("You are beta testing this app. Please report any issues to the developer. Thank you") st.markdown("---") with st.expander("Need help?"): st.write("Please contact us by [email](") # Correct the email link st.markdown("---") st.caption("Thank you for using InstaMuse! Feel free to contact us for any suggestions or issues.")