import streamlit as st import pandas as pd from transformers import pipeline import time # Load datasets from CSV files @st.cache_resource def load_csv_datasets(): jobs_data = pd.read_csv("job_descriptions.csv") courses_data = pd.read_csv("courses_data.csv") return jobs_data, courses_data jobs_data, courses_data = load_csv_datasets() # Constants universities_url = "" # Initialize the text generation pipeline @st.cache_resource def load_pipeline(): return pipeline("text2text-generation", model="google/flan-t5-large") qa_pipeline = load_pipeline() # Streamlit App Interface st.markdown( """

Degree icon Confused about which career to pursue?

Let CareerCompass help you decide in two simple steps

""", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) # Display the appropriate subheader based on profile data status if "profile_data" not in st.session_state or not st.session_state.get("profile_data_saved", False): st.markdown("

Step 1: Find out profile questions on the left sidebar and follow the instructions.

", unsafe_allow_html=True) # Sidebar for Profile Setup st.sidebar.header("Profile Setup") educational_background = st.sidebar.selectbox("Educational Background", [ "Computer Science", "Engineering", "Business Administration", "Life Sciences", "Social Sciences", "Arts and Humanities", "Mathematics", "Physical Sciences", "Law", "Education", "Medical Sciences", "Other" ]) interests = st.sidebar.text_input("Interests (e.g., AI, Data Science, Engineering)") tech_skills = st.sidebar.text_area("Technical Skills (e.g., Python, SQL, Machine Learning)") soft_skills = st.sidebar.text_area("Soft Skills (e.g., Communication, Teamwork)") # Profile validation and saving def are_profile_fields_filled(): return all([educational_background, interests.strip(), tech_skills.strip(), soft_skills.strip()]) if st.sidebar.button("Save Profile"): if are_profile_fields_filled(): with st.spinner('Saving your profile...'): time.sleep(2) st.session_state.profile_data = { "educational_background": educational_background, "interests": interests, "tech_skills": tech_skills, "soft_skills": soft_skills } st.session_state.profile_data_saved = True # Set the profile data saved flag st.session_state.question_index = 0 # Initialize question index st.session_state.answers = {} # Initialize dictionary for answers st.session_state.ask_additional_questions = None # Reset question flag st.session_state.show_additional_question_buttons = True # Show buttons after profile save st.sidebar.success("Profile saved successfully!") st.markdown("

Step 2: For more Accurate Analysis, Do you wish to provide more information?

", unsafe_allow_html=True) else: st.sidebar.error("Please fill in all the fields before saving your profile.") # Button actions if "show_additional_question_buttons" in st.session_state: if st.session_state.show_additional_question_buttons: col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: if st.button("Yes, ask me more questions"): st.session_state.ask_additional_questions = True st.session_state.show_additional_question_buttons = False # Hide buttons after click with col2: if st.button("Skip and generate recommendations"): st.session_state.ask_additional_questions = False st.session_state.show_additional_question_buttons = False # Hide buttons after click # Additional questions for more tailored recommendations additional_questions = [ "What subjects do you enjoy learning about the most, and why?", "What activities or hobbies do you find most engaging and meaningful outside of school?", "Can you describe a perfect day in your dream career? What tasks would you be doing?", "Are you more inclined towards working independently or as part of a team?", "Do you prefer structured schedules or flexibility in your work?", "What values are most important to you in a career (e.g., creativity, stability, helping others)?", "How important is financial stability to you in your future career?", "Are you interested in pursuing a career that involves working with people, technology, or the environment?", "Would you prefer a career with a clear progression path or one with more entrepreneurial freedom?", "What problems or challenges do you want to solve or address through your career?" ] # Display dynamic questions or proceed to generating recommendations if "profile_data" in st.session_state: if st.session_state.get("ask_additional_questions") is True: total_questions = len(additional_questions) if "question_index" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.question_index = 0 if st.session_state.question_index < total_questions: question_number = st.session_state.question_index + 1 question = additional_questions[st.session_state.question_index] # Display question number and question text st.markdown(f"""### Question {question_number}: {question}""") answer = st.text_input("Your Answer", key=f"q{st.session_state.question_index}") # Display progress bar with formatted text showing "current/total" progress = (st.session_state.question_index + 1) / total_questions st.progress(progress) st.write(f"Progress: {question_number}/{total_questions}") if st.button("Submit Answer", key=f"submit{st.session_state.question_index}"): if answer: st.session_state.answers[question] = answer st.session_state.question_index += 1 st.rerun() # Trigger app rerun to show the next question else: st.warning("Please enter an answer before submitting.") else: st.success("All questions have been answered. Click below to generate your recommendations.") if st.button("Generate Response"): st.session_state.profile_data.update(st.session_state.answers) st.session_state.ask_additional_questions = False st.rerun() # Trigger app rerun after completing all questions elif st.session_state.get("ask_additional_questions") is False: # Directly generate recommendations st.header("Generating Recommendations") with st.spinner('Generating recommendations...'): time.sleep(2) # Simulate processing time # Extracting user profile data profile = st.session_state.profile_data user_tech_skills = set(skill.strip().lower() for skill in profile["tech_skills"].split(",")) user_soft_skills = set(skill.strip().lower() for skill in profile["soft_skills"].split(",")) user_interests = set(interest.strip().lower() for interest in profile["interests"].split(",")) user_answers = st.session_state.get('answers', {}) # Job Recommendations using refined scoring logic def match_job_criteria(row, profile, user_answers): job_title = row['Job Title'].lower() job_description = row['Job Description'].lower() qualifications = row['Qualifications'].lower() skills = row['skills'].lower() role = row['Role'].lower() educational_background = profile['educational_background'].lower() tech_skills = set(skill.strip().lower() for skill in profile["tech_skills"].split(",")) soft_skills = set(skill.strip().lower() for skill in profile["soft_skills"].split(",")) interests = set(interest.strip().lower() for interest in profile["interests"].split(",")) user_answers_text = ' '.join(user_answers.values()).lower() score = 0 if educational_background in qualifications or educational_background in job_description: score += 2 if any(skill in skills for skill in tech_skills): score += 3 if any(skill in job_description or role for skill in soft_skills): score += 1 if any(interest in job_title or job_description for interest in interests): score += 2 if any(answer in job_description or qualifications for answer in user_answers_text.split()): score += 2 return score >= 5 # Get unique job recommendations job_recommendations = jobs_data[jobs_data.apply(lambda row: match_job_criteria(row, profile, user_answers), axis=1)] unique_jobs = job_recommendations.drop_duplicates(subset=['Job Title']) # Display Job Recommendations in a table with bold job titles st.subheader("Job Recommendations") if not unique_jobs.empty: job_list = unique_jobs.head(5)[['Job Title', 'Job Description']].reset_index(drop=True) job_list['Job Title'] = job_list['Job Title'].apply(lambda x: f"{x}") job_list_html = job_list.to_html(index=False, escape=False, justify='left').replace( '', '') st.markdown(job_list_html, unsafe_allow_html=True) else: st.write("No specific job recommendations found matching your profile.") st.write("Here are some general job recommendations:") fallback_jobs = jobs_data.drop_duplicates(subset=['Job Title']).head(3) fallback_jobs['Job Title'] = fallback_jobs['Job Title'].apply(lambda x: f"{x}") fallback_list_html = fallback_jobs[['Job Title', 'Job Description']].to_html( index=False, escape=False, justify='left').replace( '', '') st.markdown(fallback_list_html, unsafe_allow_html=True) # Course Recommendations using RAG technique course_recommendations = courses_data[courses_data['Course Name'].apply( lambda name: any(interest in name.lower() for interest in user_interests) )] # Display Course Recommendations st.subheader("Recommended Courses") if not course_recommendations.empty: for _, row in course_recommendations.head(5).iterrows(): st.write(f"- [{row['Course Name']}]({row['Links']})") else: st.write("No specific course recommendations found matching your interests.") st.write("Here are some general course recommendations aligned with your profile:") fallback_courses = courses_data[ courses_data['Course Name'].apply( lambda name: any( word in name.lower() for word in profile["educational_background"].lower().split() + [skill.lower() for skill in profile["tech_skills"].split(",")] ) ) ] if not fallback_courses.empty: for _, row in fallback_courses.head(3).iterrows(): st.write(f"- [{row['Course Name']}]({row['Links']})") else: st.write("Consider exploring courses in fields related to your educational background or technical skills.") # University Recommendations Section st.header("Top Universities") st.write("For further education, you can explore the top universities worldwide:") st.write(f"[View Top Universities Rankings]({universities_url})") st.write("Thank you for using the Career Counseling Application with RAG!")