import copy |
import os |
from argparse import ArgumentParser |
from multiprocessing import Pool |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import numpy as np |
from numpy.core.defchararray import index |
import pandas as pd |
from pycocotools.coco import COCO |
from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval |
def add_sub(df_q, fig, index=1, all=4, col_name='dif_x1'): |
ax1 = fig.add_subplot((all+3)//4, 4, index) |
ax1.set_ylabel('frequency') |
ax1.set_title(col_name) |
ax1.grid(axis='y', color='gray', lw=0.5) |
n, bins, _ = plt.hist(df_q[col_name], bins=20) |
xs = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:])/2 |
ys = n |
for x, y in zip(xs, ys): |
if y > 0: |
plt.text(x, y, str(int(y)), horizontalalignment="center") |
return |
def add_sub_hv_stack(df_q, fig, index=1, all=4, col_name='dif_x1'): |
ax1 = fig.add_subplot((all+3)//4, min(all, 4), index) |
ax1.set_ylabel('frequency') |
ax1.set_title(col_name) |
ax1.grid(axis='y', color='gray', lw=0.5) |
n, bins, _ = plt.hist(df_q[col_name], bins=20, color='C0', label='all') |
n_h, _, _ = plt.hist(df_q.query('gt_w > gt_h')[col_name], |
histtype='stepfilled', color='C1', bins=bins, label='hori') |
ax1.legend() |
xs = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:])/2 |
ys = n |
for x, y in zip(xs, ys): |
if y > 0: |
plt.text(x, y, str(int(y)), horizontalalignment="center") |
ys = n_h |
for x, y in zip(xs, ys): |
if y > 0: |
plt.text(x, y, str(int(y)), horizontalalignment="center", color='C1') |
return |
def save_hist(df, query, col_names, save_dir='hist_png', fname_head='', hv_stack=False): |
df_q = df.query(query) |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.0*min(len(col_names),4), 6.0*((len(col_names)+3)//4)), facecolor="azure", edgecolor="coral") |
fig.suptitle(query) |
if hv_stack: |
for i in range(len(col_names)): |
add_sub_hv_stack(df_q, fig, i+1, len(col_names), col_names[i]) |
else: |
for i in range(len(col_names)): |
add_sub(df_q, fig, i+1, len(col_names), col_names[i]) |
savepng_name = '{}.png'.format(fname_head) |
print('Save: {}'.format(savepng_name)) |
os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True) |
plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_dir, savepng_name), bbox_inches='tight') |
plt.clf() |
plt.close() |
return |
def analyze_individual_category(k, |
cocoDt, |
cocoGt, |
catId, |
iou_type, |
areas=None): |
nm = cocoGt.loadCats(catId)[0] |
print(f'--------------analyzing {k + 1}-{nm["name"]}---------------') |
ps_ = {} |
dt = copy.deepcopy(cocoDt) |
nm = cocoGt.loadCats(catId)[0] |
imgIds = cocoGt.getImgIds() |
dt_anns = dt.dataset['annotations'] |
select_dt_anns = [] |
for ann in dt_anns: |
if ann['category_id'] == catId: |
select_dt_anns.append(ann) |
dt.dataset['annotations'] = select_dt_anns |
dt.createIndex() |
gt = copy.deepcopy(cocoGt) |
if nm.get('supercategory'): |
child_catIds = gt.getCatIds(supNms=[nm['supercategory']]) |
for idx, ann in enumerate(gt.dataset['annotations']): |
if ann['category_id'] in child_catIds and ann['category_id'] != catId: |
gt.dataset['annotations'][idx]['ignore'] = 1 |
gt.dataset['annotations'][idx]['iscrowd'] = 1 |
gt.dataset['annotations'][idx]['category_id'] = catId |
cocoEval = COCOeval(gt, copy.deepcopy(dt), iou_type) |
cocoEval.params.imgIds = imgIds |
cocoEval.params.maxDets = [100] |
cocoEval.params.iouThrs = [0.1] |
cocoEval.params.useCats = 1 |
if areas: |
cocoEval.params.areaRng = [[0**2, areas[2]], [0**2, areas[0]], |
[areas[0], areas[1]], [areas[1], areas[2]]] |
cocoEval.evaluate() |
cocoEval.accumulate() |
ps_supercategory = cocoEval.eval['precision'][0, :, k, :, :] |
ps_['ps_supercategory'] = ps_supercategory |
gt = copy.deepcopy(cocoGt) |
for idx, ann in enumerate(gt.dataset['annotations']): |
if ann['category_id'] != catId: |
gt.dataset['annotations'][idx]['ignore'] = 1 |
gt.dataset['annotations'][idx]['iscrowd'] = 1 |
gt.dataset['annotations'][idx]['category_id'] = catId |
cocoEval = COCOeval(gt, copy.deepcopy(dt), iou_type) |
cocoEval.params.imgIds = imgIds |
cocoEval.params.maxDets = [100] |
cocoEval.params.iouThrs = [0.1] |
cocoEval.params.useCats = 1 |
if areas: |
cocoEval.params.areaRng = [[0**2, areas[2]], [0**2, areas[0]], |
[areas[0], areas[1]], [areas[1], areas[2]]] |
cocoEval.evaluate() |
cocoEval.accumulate() |
ps_allcategory = cocoEval.eval['precision'][0, :, k, :, :] |
ps_['ps_allcategory'] = ps_allcategory |
return k, ps_ |
def analyze_results(res_file, |
ann_file, |
res_types, |
out_dir, |
out_csv, |
hv = 'SUM', |
histplots=None, |
areas=None): |
for res_type in res_types: |
assert res_type in ['bbox', 'segm'] |
if areas: |
assert len(areas) == 3, '3 integers should be specified as areas, \ |
representing 3 area regions' |
directory = os.path.dirname(out_dir + '/') |
if not os.path.exists(directory): |
print(f'-------------create {out_dir}-----------------') |
os.makedirs(directory) |
cocoGt = COCO(ann_file) |
cocoDt = cocoGt.loadRes(res_file) |
imgIds = cocoGt.getImgIds() |
for res_type in res_types: |
iou_type = res_type |
cocoEval = COCOeval( |
copy.deepcopy(cocoGt), copy.deepcopy(cocoDt), iou_type) |
cocoEval.params.imgIds = imgIds |
cocoEval.params.iouThrs = [0.75, 0.5, 0.1] |
cocoEval.params.maxDets = [100] |
if areas: |
cocoEval.params.areaRng = [[0**2, areas[2]], [0**2, areas[0]], |
[areas[0], areas[1]], |
[areas[1], areas[2]]] |
cocoEval.evaluate() |
cocoEval.accumulate() |
print("=========================") |
cols = ['file_name', 'image_id', 'gt_id', 'dt_id', 'category_id', 'iou', 'score', |
'gt_x', 'gt_y', 'gt_w', 'gt_h', |
'dt_x', 'dt_y', 'dt_w', 'dt_h', |
'dif_x1', 'dif_y1', 'dif_x2', 'dif_y2', 'dif_w', 'dif_h', |
'rat_x1', 'rat_y1', 'rat_x2', 'rat_y2', 'rat_w', 'rat_h' |
] |
df_pos = pd.DataFrame(index=[], columns=cols) |
for imgId in cocoEval.params.imgIds: |
img_file_name = cocoGt.imgs[imgId]['file_name'] |
print("processing {}: {}/{}".format(img_file_name, imgId+1, len(cocoEval.params.imgIds))) |
for catId in cocoEval.params.catIds: |
for dt_idx, iou_arr in enumerate(cocoEval.ious[(imgId, catId)]): |
arg_max_idx =np.argmax(iou_arr) |
gt_idx = cocoEval._gts[imgId, catId][arg_max_idx]['id'] |
score = cocoEval._dts[imgId, catId][dt_idx]['score'] |
gt_bbox = cocoEval._gts[imgId, catId][arg_max_idx]['bbox'] |
dt_bbox = cocoEval._dts[imgId, catId][dt_idx]['bbox'] |
dif_x1 = dt_bbox[0] - gt_bbox[0] |
dif_y1 = dt_bbox[1] - gt_bbox[1] |
dif_w = dt_bbox[2] - gt_bbox[2] |
dif_h = dt_bbox[3] - gt_bbox[3] |
dif_x2 = dif_x1 + dif_w |
dif_y2 = dif_y1 + dif_h |
rat_x1 = dif_x1 / gt_bbox[2] |
rat_y1 = dif_y1 / gt_bbox[3] |
rat_x2 = dif_x2 / gt_bbox[2] |
rat_y2 = dif_y2 / gt_bbox[3] |
rat_w = dif_w / gt_bbox[2] |
rat_h = dif_h / gt_bbox[3] |
record = pd.Series( |
np.concatenate([ |
[img_file_name, imgId, gt_idx, dt_idx, catId, iou_arr[arg_max_idx], score], |
gt_bbox, |
dt_bbox, |
[dif_x1, dif_y1, dif_x2, dif_y2, dif_w, dif_h, |
rat_x1, rat_y1, rat_x2, rat_y2, rat_w, rat_h]], |
axis=0) |
, index=df_pos.columns) |
df_pos = df_pos.append(record, ignore_index=True) |
df_pos.to_csv(os.path.join(out_dir, out_csv)) |
df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(out_dir, out_csv), index_col=0, header=0) |
if histplots: |
q_iou_list=['0.50<=iou', |
'0.50<=iou<0.75', |
'0.75<=iou<0.90', |
'0.90<=iou'] |
classes = ['line_main' , 'line_inote', 'line_hnote', 'line_caption', |
'block_fig', 'block_table', 'block_pillar', 'block_folio', |
'block_rubi', 'block_chart', 'block_eqn', 'block_cfm', |
'block_eng'] |
for cid, cname in enumerate(classes): |
for q_iou in q_iou_list: |
if hv=='SEPARATE': |
query = 'gt_w > gt_h & category_id=={} & {}'.format(cid, q_iou) |
head = '{}_{}_hori'.format(cname, q_iou) |
col_names = ['dif_x1', 'dif_x2', 'dif_y1', 'dif_y2', |
'rat_x1', 'rat_x2', 'rat_y1', 'rat_y2', |
'dif_h', 'dif_w', 'rat_h', 'rat_w'] |
hist_save_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, 'hist_png') |
save_hist(df, query, col_names, save_dir=hist_save_dir, fname_head=head) |
query = 'gt_w < gt_h & category_id=={} & {}'.format(cid, q_iou) |
head = '{}_{}_vert'.format(cname, q_iou) |
save_hist(df, query, col_names, save_dir=hist_save_dir, fname_head=head) |
elif hv=='STACK': |
query = 'category_id=={} & {}'.format(cid, q_iou) |
head = '{}_{}'.format(cname, q_iou) |
col_names = ['dif_x1', 'dif_x2', 'dif_y1', 'dif_y2', |
'rat_x1', 'rat_x2', 'rat_y1', 'rat_y2', |
'dif_h', 'dif_w', 'rat_h', 'rat_w'] |
hist_save_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, 'hist_png') |
save_hist(df, query, col_names, save_dir=hist_save_dir, fname_head=head, hv_stack=True) |
else: |
query = 'category_id=={} & {}'.format(cid, q_iou) |
head = '{}_{}'.format(cname, q_iou) |
col_names = ['dif_x1', 'dif_x2', 'dif_y1', 'dif_y2', |
'rat_x1', 'rat_x2', 'rat_y1', 'rat_y2', |
'dif_h', 'dif_w', 'rat_h', 'rat_w'] |
hist_save_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, 'hist_png') |
save_hist(df, query, col_names, save_dir=hist_save_dir, fname_head=head) |
return |
def main(): |
parser = ArgumentParser(description='COCO Error Analysis Tool') |
parser.add_argument('result', help='result file (json format) path') |
parser.add_argument('ann', help='annotation file (json format) path') |
parser.add_argument( |
'--out_dir', |
default='res_pos_analysis', |
help='output dir') |
parser.add_argument( |
'--out_csv', |
default='df_pos.csv', |
help='file to save analyze result csv') |
parser.add_argument( |
'--types', type=str, nargs='+', default=['bbox'], help='result types') |
parser.add_argument( |
'--hv', |
default='SUM', |
help='Create histograms with/without distinction between vertically and horizontally written documents.' |
'SUM(default): wihout distinction' |
'SEPARATE : with distinction creating different bar charts' |
'STACK : with distinction using one stacked bar charts' |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
'--histplots', |
action='store_false', |
help='export histogram plots (default is true') |
parser.add_argument( |
'--areas', |
type=int, |
nargs='+', |
default=[1024, 9216, 10000000000], |
help='area regions') |
args = parser.parse_args() |
analyze_results( |
args.result, |
args.ann, |
args.types, |
out_dir=args.out_dir, |
out_csv=args.out_csv, |
hv =args.hv, |
histplots=args.histplots, |
areas=args.areas) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
main() |