static char **demo_names; | |
static image **demo_alphabet; | |
static int demo_classes; | |
static network *net; | |
static image buff [3]; | |
static image buff_letter[3]; | |
static int buff_index = 0; | |
static void * cap; | |
static float fps = 0; | |
static float demo_thresh = 0; | |
static float demo_hier = .5; | |
static int running = 0; | |
static int demo_frame = 3; | |
static int demo_index = 0; | |
static float **predictions; | |
static float *avg; | |
static int demo_done = 0; | |
static int demo_total = 0; | |
double demo_time; | |
detection *get_network_boxes(network *net, int w, int h, float thresh, float hier, int *map, int relative, int *num); | |
int size_network(network *net) | |
{ | |
int i; | |
int count = 0; | |
for(i = 0; i < net->n; ++i){ | |
layer l = net->layers[i]; | |
if(l.type == YOLO || l.type == REGION || l.type == DETECTION){ | |
count += l.outputs; | |
} | |
} | |
return count; | |
} | |
void remember_network(network *net) | |
{ | |
int i; | |
int count = 0; | |
for(i = 0; i < net->n; ++i){ | |
layer l = net->layers[i]; | |
if(l.type == YOLO || l.type == REGION || l.type == DETECTION){ | |
memcpy(predictions[demo_index] + count, net->layers[i].output, sizeof(float) * l.outputs); | |
count += l.outputs; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
detection *avg_predictions(network *net, int *nboxes) | |
{ | |
int i, j; | |
int count = 0; | |
fill_cpu(demo_total, 0, avg, 1); | |
for(j = 0; j < demo_frame; ++j){ | |
axpy_cpu(demo_total, 1./demo_frame, predictions[j], 1, avg, 1); | |
} | |
for(i = 0; i < net->n; ++i){ | |
layer l = net->layers[i]; | |
if(l.type == YOLO || l.type == REGION || l.type == DETECTION){ | |
memcpy(l.output, avg + count, sizeof(float) * l.outputs); | |
count += l.outputs; | |
} | |
} | |
detection *dets = get_network_boxes(net, buff[0].w, buff[0].h, demo_thresh, demo_hier, 0, 1, nboxes); | |
return dets; | |
} | |
void *detect_in_thread(void *ptr) | |
{ | |
running = 1; | |
float nms = .4; | |
layer l = net->layers[net->n-1]; | |
float *X = buff_letter[(buff_index+2)%3].data; | |
network_predict(net, X); | |
/* | |
if(l.type == DETECTION){ | |
get_detection_boxes(l, 1, 1, demo_thresh, probs, boxes, 0); | |
} else */ | |
remember_network(net); | |
detection *dets = 0; | |
int nboxes = 0; | |
dets = avg_predictions(net, &nboxes); | |
/* | |
int i,j; | |
box zero = {0}; | |
int classes = l.classes; | |
for(i = 0; i < demo_detections; ++i){ | |
avg[i].objectness = 0; | |
avg[i].bbox = zero; | |
memset(avg[i].prob, 0, classes*sizeof(float)); | |
for(j = 0; j < demo_frame; ++j){ | |
axpy_cpu(classes, 1./demo_frame, dets[j][i].prob, 1, avg[i].prob, 1); | |
avg[i].objectness += dets[j][i].objectness * 1./demo_frame; | |
avg[i].bbox.x += dets[j][i].bbox.x * 1./demo_frame; | |
avg[i].bbox.y += dets[j][i].bbox.y * 1./demo_frame; | |
avg[i].bbox.w += dets[j][i].bbox.w * 1./demo_frame; | |
avg[i].bbox.h += dets[j][i].bbox.h * 1./demo_frame; | |
} | |
//copy_cpu(classes, dets[0][i].prob, 1, avg[i].prob, 1); | |
//avg[i].objectness = dets[0][i].objectness; | |
} | |
*/ | |
if (nms > 0) do_nms_obj(dets, nboxes, l.classes, nms); | |
printf("\033[2J"); | |
printf("\033[1;1H"); | |
printf("\nFPS:%.1f\n",fps); | |
printf("Objects:\n\n"); | |
image display = buff[(buff_index+2) % 3]; | |
draw_detections(display, dets, nboxes, demo_thresh, demo_names, demo_alphabet, demo_classes); | |
free_detections(dets, nboxes); | |
demo_index = (demo_index + 1)%demo_frame; | |
running = 0; | |
return 0; | |
} | |
void *fetch_in_thread(void *ptr) | |
{ | |
free_image(buff[buff_index]); | |
buff[buff_index] = get_image_from_stream(cap); | |
if(buff[buff_index].data == 0) { | |
demo_done = 1; | |
return 0; | |
} | |
letterbox_image_into(buff[buff_index], net->w, net->h, buff_letter[buff_index]); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
void *display_in_thread(void *ptr) | |
{ | |
int c = show_image(buff[(buff_index + 1)%3], "Demo", 1); | |
if (c != -1) c = c%256; | |
if (c == 27) { | |
demo_done = 1; | |
return 0; | |
} else if (c == 82) { | |
demo_thresh += .02; | |
} else if (c == 84) { | |
demo_thresh -= .02; | |
if(demo_thresh <= .02) demo_thresh = .02; | |
} else if (c == 83) { | |
demo_hier += .02; | |
} else if (c == 81) { | |
demo_hier -= .02; | |
if(demo_hier <= .0) demo_hier = .0; | |
} | |
return 0; | |
} | |
void *display_loop(void *ptr) | |
{ | |
while(1){ | |
display_in_thread(0); | |
} | |
} | |
void *detect_loop(void *ptr) | |
{ | |
while(1){ | |
detect_in_thread(0); | |
} | |
} | |
void demo(char *cfgfile, char *weightfile, float thresh, int cam_index, const char *filename, char **names, int classes, int delay, char *prefix, int avg_frames, float hier, int w, int h, int frames, int fullscreen) | |
{ | |
//demo_frame = avg_frames; | |
image **alphabet = load_alphabet(); | |
demo_names = names; | |
demo_alphabet = alphabet; | |
demo_classes = classes; | |
demo_thresh = thresh; | |
demo_hier = hier; | |
printf("Demo\n"); | |
net = load_network(cfgfile, weightfile, 0); | |
set_batch_network(net, 1); | |
pthread_t detect_thread; | |
pthread_t fetch_thread; | |
srand(2222222); | |
int i; | |
demo_total = size_network(net); | |
predictions = calloc(demo_frame, sizeof(float*)); | |
for (i = 0; i < demo_frame; ++i){ | |
predictions[i] = calloc(demo_total, sizeof(float)); | |
} | |
avg = calloc(demo_total, sizeof(float)); | |
if(filename){ | |
printf("video file: %s\n", filename); | |
cap = open_video_stream(filename, 0, 0, 0, 0); | |
}else{ | |
cap = open_video_stream(0, cam_index, w, h, frames); | |
} | |
if(!cap) error("Couldn't connect to webcam.\n"); | |
buff[0] = get_image_from_stream(cap); | |
buff[1] = copy_image(buff[0]); | |
buff[2] = copy_image(buff[0]); | |
buff_letter[0] = letterbox_image(buff[0], net->w, net->h); | |
buff_letter[1] = letterbox_image(buff[0], net->w, net->h); | |
buff_letter[2] = letterbox_image(buff[0], net->w, net->h); | |
int count = 0; | |
if(!prefix){ | |
make_window("Demo", 1352, 1013, fullscreen); | |
} | |
demo_time = what_time_is_it_now(); | |
while(!demo_done){ | |
buff_index = (buff_index + 1) %3; | |
if(pthread_create(&fetch_thread, 0, fetch_in_thread, 0)) error("Thread creation failed"); | |
if(pthread_create(&detect_thread, 0, detect_in_thread, 0)) error("Thread creation failed"); | |
if(!prefix){ | |
fps = 1./(what_time_is_it_now() - demo_time); | |
demo_time = what_time_is_it_now(); | |
display_in_thread(0); | |
}else{ | |
char name[256]; | |
sprintf(name, "%s_%08d", prefix, count); | |
save_image(buff[(buff_index + 1)%3], name); | |
} | |
pthread_join(fetch_thread, 0); | |
pthread_join(detect_thread, 0); | |
++count; | |
} | |
} | |
/* | |
void demo_compare(char *cfg1, char *weight1, char *cfg2, char *weight2, float thresh, int cam_index, const char *filename, char **names, int classes, int delay, char *prefix, int avg_frames, float hier, int w, int h, int frames, int fullscreen) | |
{ | |
demo_frame = avg_frames; | |
predictions = calloc(demo_frame, sizeof(float*)); | |
image **alphabet = load_alphabet(); | |
demo_names = names; | |
demo_alphabet = alphabet; | |
demo_classes = classes; | |
demo_thresh = thresh; | |
demo_hier = hier; | |
printf("Demo\n"); | |
net = load_network(cfg1, weight1, 0); | |
set_batch_network(net, 1); | |
pthread_t detect_thread; | |
pthread_t fetch_thread; | |
srand(2222222); | |
if(filename){ | |
printf("video file: %s\n", filename); | |
cap = cvCaptureFromFile(filename); | |
}else{ | |
cap = cvCaptureFromCAM(cam_index); | |
if(w){ | |
cvSetCaptureProperty(cap, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, w); | |
} | |
if(h){ | |
cvSetCaptureProperty(cap, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, h); | |
} | |
if(frames){ | |
cvSetCaptureProperty(cap, CV_CAP_PROP_FPS, frames); | |
} | |
} | |
if(!cap) error("Couldn't connect to webcam.\n"); | |
layer l = net->layers[net->n-1]; | |
demo_detections = l.n*l.w*l.h; | |
int j; | |
avg = (float *) calloc(l.outputs, sizeof(float)); | |
for(j = 0; j < demo_frame; ++j) predictions[j] = (float *) calloc(l.outputs, sizeof(float)); | |
boxes = (box *)calloc(l.w*l.h*l.n, sizeof(box)); | |
probs = (float **)calloc(l.w*l.h*l.n, sizeof(float *)); | |
for(j = 0; j < l.w*l.h*l.n; ++j) probs[j] = (float *)calloc(l.classes+1, sizeof(float)); | |
buff[0] = get_image_from_stream(cap); | |
buff[1] = copy_image(buff[0]); | |
buff[2] = copy_image(buff[0]); | |
buff_letter[0] = letterbox_image(buff[0], net->w, net->h); | |
buff_letter[1] = letterbox_image(buff[0], net->w, net->h); | |
buff_letter[2] = letterbox_image(buff[0], net->w, net->h); | |
ipl = cvCreateImage(cvSize(buff[0].w,buff[0].h), IPL_DEPTH_8U, buff[0].c); | |
int count = 0; | |
if(!prefix){ | |
cvNamedWindow("Demo", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); | |
if(fullscreen){ | |
} else { | |
cvMoveWindow("Demo", 0, 0); | |
cvResizeWindow("Demo", 1352, 1013); | |
} | |
} | |
demo_time = what_time_is_it_now(); | |
while(!demo_done){ | |
buff_index = (buff_index + 1) %3; | |
if(pthread_create(&fetch_thread, 0, fetch_in_thread, 0)) error("Thread creation failed"); | |
if(pthread_create(&detect_thread, 0, detect_in_thread, 0)) error("Thread creation failed"); | |
if(!prefix){ | |
fps = 1./(what_time_is_it_now() - demo_time); | |
demo_time = what_time_is_it_now(); | |
display_in_thread(0); | |
}else{ | |
char name[256]; | |
sprintf(name, "%s_%08d", prefix, count); | |
save_image(buff[(buff_index + 1)%3], name); | |
} | |
pthread_join(fetch_thread, 0); | |
pthread_join(detect_thread, 0); | |
++count; | |
} | |
} | |
*/ | |
void demo(char *cfgfile, char *weightfile, float thresh, int cam_index, const char *filename, char **names, int classes, int delay, char *prefix, int avg, float hier, int w, int h, int frames, int fullscreen) | |
{ | |
fprintf(stderr, "Demo needs OpenCV for webcam images.\n"); | |
} | |