import re from typing import Tuple, Any def extract_code_in_one_cell(text: str, lang) -> tuple[bool, Any]: # pattern = r'```{lang}([^\n]*)(.*?)```'.format(lang=lang) matches = re.findall(pattern, text, re.DOTALL) if len(matches)>1: code_blocks = '' for match in matches: code_block = match[1] code_blocks += code_block return True, code_blocks elif len(matches): code_block = matches[-1] #if 'python' in code_block[0]: return True, code_block[1] else: return False, '' def extract_code(text: str) -> tuple[bool, Any]: pattern = r'```python([^\n]*)(.*?)```' matches = re.findall(pattern, text, re.DOTALL) if len(matches)>1: code_blocks = '' for match in matches: code_block = match[1] code_blocks += code_block return True, code_blocks elif len(matches): code_block = matches[-1] #if 'python' in code_block[0]: return True, code_block[1] else: return False, '' def remove_code_blocks(text): pattern = r'(```.*?```)' text = re.sub(pattern, '', text, flags=re.DOTALL) text = text.replace("Execution result:", '') return text def check_msg_ua(msg): corrected_lst = [] for item in msg: if corrected_lst and corrected_lst[-1] == item: continue corrected_lst.append(item) if corrected_lst and corrected_lst[-1] != 'assistant': corrected_lst.append('assistant') return corrected_lst if __name__ == '__main__': pmt = """ Retrieval: The retriever found the following pieces of code cloud address the problem. All functions are well-defined and have been executed in the back-end. So, you should directly refer to the core code and modify it as appropriate instead of re-implement any function in runnable function. Core code (All functions have been well-defined in the runnable function): ```core_function args = argparse.ArgumentParser() = 'nn_sigmoid' = 5e-3 args.epochs = 30 args.wd = 0 args.b = 64 train_nn_network(args) ``` Runnable function (Have been executed in back-end): ```runnable import numpy as np import as sio import scipy import sys import time import argparse import torch import math from torch import nn from torch.nn.utils.parametrizations import spectral_norm from pathlib import Path from torch import optim from import DataLoader from torchvision import transforms from torchvision import datasets from tqdm import tqdm def initialize_weights(tensor): return tensor.uniform_() * math.sqrt(0.25 / (tensor.shape[0] + tensor.shape[1])) class _RRAutoencoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.linear_1 = nn.Linear(784, 200) self.linear_2 = nn.Linear(200, 784) self.encoder = self.linear_1 self.decoder = self.linear_2 def forward(self, x): x = self.encoder(x) x = self.decoder(x) return x def clamp(self): pass class _NNAutoencoder(_RRAutoencoder): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.linear_1.weight = nn.Parameter( initialize_weights( ) self.linear_2.weight = nn.Parameter( initialize_weights( ) def clamp(self): class _PNAutoencoder(_NNAutoencoder): def clamp(self): class _NRAutoencoder(_NNAutoencoder): def clamp(self): class SigmoidNNAutoencoder(_NNAutoencoder): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.encoder = nn.Sequential(self.linear_1, nn.Sigmoid()) self.decoder = nn.Sequential(self.linear_2, nn.Sigmoid()) class TanhNNAutoencoder(_NNAutoencoder): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.encoder = nn.Sequential(self.linear_1, nn.Tanh()) self.decoder = nn.Sequential(self.linear_2, nn.Tanh()) class TanhPNAutoencoder(_PNAutoencoder): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.encoder = nn.Sequential(self.linear_1, nn.Tanh()) self.decoder = nn.Sequential(self.linear_2, nn.Tanh()) class ReLUNNAutoencoder(_NNAutoencoder): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.linear_1 = spectral_norm(self.linear_1) self.linear_2 = spectral_norm(self.linear_2) self.encoder = nn.Sequential(self.linear_1, nn.ReLU()) self.decoder = nn.Sequential(self.linear_2, nn.ReLU()) def clamp(self): class ReLUPNAutoencoder(_PNAutoencoder): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.linear_1 = spectral_norm(self.linear_1) self.linear_2 = spectral_norm(self.linear_2) self.encoder = nn.Sequential(self.linear_1, nn.ReLU()) self.decoder = nn.Sequential(self.linear_2, nn.ReLU()) def clamp(self): class TanhSwishNNAutoencoder(_NNAutoencoder): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.encoder = nn.Sequential(self.linear_1, nn.Tanh()) self.decoder = nn.Sequential(self.linear_2, nn.SiLU()) class ReLUSigmoidNRAutoencoder(_NRAutoencoder): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.encoder = nn.Sequential(self.linear_1, nn.ReLU()) self.decoder = nn.Sequential(self.linear_2, nn.Sigmoid()) class ReLUSigmoidRRAutoencoder(_RRAutoencoder): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.encoder = nn.Sequential(self.linear_1, nn.ReLU()) self.decoder = nn.Sequential(self.linear_2, nn.Sigmoid()) def get_network(name): match name: case "nn_sigmoid": return SigmoidNNAutoencoder() case "nn_tanh": return TanhNNAutoencoder() case "pn_tanh": return TanhPNAutoencoder() case "nn_relu": return ReLUNNAutoencoder() case "pn_relu": return ReLUPNAutoencoder() case "nn_tanh_swish": return TanhSwishNNAutoencoder() case "nr_relu_sigmoid": return ReLUSigmoidNRAutoencoder() case "rr_relu_sigmoid": return ReLUSigmoidRRAutoencoder() case _: raise NotImplementedError( f"Autoencoder of name '{name}' currently is not supported" ) class AverageMeter(object): def __init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self): self.val = 0 self.avg = 0 self.sum = 0 self.count = 0 def update(self, val, n=1): self.val = val self.sum += val * n self.count += n self.avg = self.sum / self.count def epoch(loader, model, device, criterion, opt=None): losses = AverageMeter() if opt is None: model.eval() else: model.train() for inputs, _ in tqdm(loader, leave=False): inputs = inputs.view(-1, 28 * 28).to(device) outputs = model(inputs) loss = criterion(outputs, inputs) if opt: opt.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) loss.backward() opt.step() model.clamp() losses.update(loss.item(), inputs.size(0)) return losses.avg def train_nn_network(args): # p = Path(__file__) # weights_path = f"{p.parent}/weights" # Path(weights_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") model = get_network( mnist_train = datasets.MNIST( ".", train=True, download=True, transform=transforms.ToTensor() ) mnist_test = datasets.MNIST( ".", train=False, download=True, transform=transforms.ToTensor() ) train_loader = DataLoader( mnist_train, batch_size=args.b, shuffle=True, num_workers=4, pin_memory=True ) test_loader = DataLoader( mnist_test, batch_size=args.b, shuffle=False, num_workers=4, pin_memory=True ) opt = optim.Adam(model.parameters(),, weight_decay=args.wd) criterion = nn.MSELoss() best_loss = None for i in range(1, args.epochs + 1): train_loss = epoch(train_loader, model, device, criterion, opt) test_loss = epoch(test_loader, model, device, criterion) if best_loss is None or best_loss > test_loss: best_loss = test_loss #, f"{weights_path}/{}.pth") print(f"Epoch: {i} | Train Loss: {train_loss:.4f} | Test Loss: {test_loss:.4f}") ``` Your modified code: ```python import argparse args = argparse.ArgumentParser() = 'nn_sigmoid' = 5e-3 args.epochs = 5 # Changed epochs to 5 as per the request args.wd = 0 args.b = 64 train_nn_network(args) ``` """ print(extract_code(pmt)) print(extract_code_in_one_cell(pmt,'python'))