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"""Methods for creating function specs in the style of OpenAI Functions"""
from __future__ import annotations
import collections
import inspect
import logging
import types
import typing
import uuid
from typing import (
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing_extensions import TypedDict, get_args, get_origin, is_typeddict
from langchain_core._api import beta, deprecated
from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage, BaseMessage, HumanMessage, ToolMessage
from langchain_core.utils.json_schema import dereference_refs
from langchain_core.utils.pydantic import is_basemodel_subclass
from import BaseTool
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
"str": "string",
"int": "integer",
"float": "number",
"bool": "boolean",
class FunctionDescription(TypedDict):
"""Representation of a callable function to send to an LLM."""
name: str
"""The name of the function."""
description: str
"""A description of the function."""
parameters: dict
"""The parameters of the function."""
class ToolDescription(TypedDict):
"""Representation of a callable function to the OpenAI API."""
type: Literal["function"]
"""The type of the tool."""
function: FunctionDescription
"""The function description."""
def _rm_titles(kv: dict, prev_key: str = "") -> dict:
new_kv = {}
for k, v in kv.items():
if k == "title":
if isinstance(v, dict) and prev_key == "properties" and "title" in v:
new_kv[k] = _rm_titles(v, k)
elif isinstance(v, dict):
new_kv[k] = _rm_titles(v, k)
new_kv[k] = v
return new_kv
def convert_pydantic_to_openai_function(
model: type,
name: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None,
rm_titles: bool = True,
) -> FunctionDescription:
"""Converts a Pydantic model to a function description for the OpenAI API.
model: The Pydantic model to convert.
name: The name of the function. If not provided, the title of the schema will be
description: The description of the function. If not provided, the description
of the schema will be used.
rm_titles: Whether to remove titles from the schema. Defaults to True.
The function description.
if hasattr(model, "model_json_schema"):
schema = model.model_json_schema() # Pydantic 2
elif hasattr(model, "schema"):
schema = model.schema() # Pydantic 1
msg = "Model must be a Pydantic model."
raise TypeError(msg)
schema = dereference_refs(schema)
if "definitions" in schema: # pydantic 1
schema.pop("definitions", None)
if "$defs" in schema: # pydantic 2
schema.pop("$defs", None)
title = schema.pop("title", "")
default_description = schema.pop("description", "")
return {
"name": name or title,
"description": description or default_description,
"parameters": _rm_titles(schema) if rm_titles else schema,
def convert_pydantic_to_openai_tool(
model: type[BaseModel],
name: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None,
) -> ToolDescription:
"""Converts a Pydantic model to a function description for the OpenAI API.
model: The Pydantic model to convert.
name: The name of the function. If not provided, the title of the schema will be
description: The description of the function. If not provided, the description
of the schema will be used.
The tool description.
function = convert_pydantic_to_openai_function(
model, name=name, description=description
return {"type": "function", "function": function}
def _get_python_function_name(function: Callable) -> str:
"""Get the name of a Python function."""
return function.__name__
def convert_python_function_to_openai_function(
function: Callable,
) -> FunctionDescription:
"""Convert a Python function to an OpenAI function-calling API compatible dict.
Assumes the Python function has type hints and a docstring with a description. If
the docstring has Google Python style argument descriptions, these will be
included as well.
function: The Python function to convert.
The OpenAI function description.
from import create_schema_from_function
func_name = _get_python_function_name(function)
model = create_schema_from_function(
return convert_pydantic_to_openai_function(
def _convert_typed_dict_to_openai_function(typed_dict: type) -> FunctionDescription:
visited: dict = {}
from pydantic.v1 import BaseModel
model = cast(
_convert_any_typed_dicts_to_pydantic(typed_dict, visited=visited),
return convert_pydantic_to_openai_function(model) # type: ignore
def _convert_any_typed_dicts_to_pydantic(
type_: type,
visited: dict,
depth: int = 0,
) -> type:
from pydantic.v1 import Field as Field_v1
from pydantic.v1 import create_model as create_model_v1
if type_ in visited:
return visited[type_]
return type_
elif is_typeddict(type_):
typed_dict = type_
docstring = inspect.getdoc(typed_dict)
annotations_ = typed_dict.__annotations__
description, arg_descriptions = _parse_google_docstring(
docstring, list(annotations_)
fields: dict = {}
for arg, arg_type in annotations_.items():
if get_origin(arg_type) is Annotated:
annotated_args = get_args(arg_type)
new_arg_type = _convert_any_typed_dicts_to_pydantic(
annotated_args[0], depth=depth + 1, visited=visited
field_kwargs = dict(zip(("default", "description"), annotated_args[1:]))
if (field_desc := field_kwargs.get("description")) and not isinstance(
field_desc, str
msg = (
f"Invalid annotation for field {arg}. Third argument to "
f"Annotated must be a string description, received value of "
f"type {type(field_desc)}."
raise ValueError(msg)
elif arg_desc := arg_descriptions.get(arg):
field_kwargs["description"] = arg_desc
fields[arg] = (new_arg_type, Field_v1(**field_kwargs))
new_arg_type = _convert_any_typed_dicts_to_pydantic(
arg_type, depth=depth + 1, visited=visited
field_kwargs = {"default": ...}
if arg_desc := arg_descriptions.get(arg):
field_kwargs["description"] = arg_desc
fields[arg] = (new_arg_type, Field_v1(**field_kwargs))
model = create_model_v1(typed_dict.__name__, **fields)
model.__doc__ = description
visited[typed_dict] = model
return model
elif (origin := get_origin(type_)) and (type_args := get_args(type_)):
subscriptable_origin = _py_38_safe_origin(origin)
type_args = tuple(
_convert_any_typed_dicts_to_pydantic(arg, depth=depth + 1, visited=visited)
for arg in type_args # type: ignore[index]
return subscriptable_origin[type_args] # type: ignore[index]
return type_
def format_tool_to_openai_function(tool: BaseTool) -> FunctionDescription:
"""Format tool into the OpenAI function API.
tool: The tool to format.
The function description.
from import simple
is_simple_oai_tool = isinstance(tool, simple.Tool) and not tool.args_schema
if tool.tool_call_schema and not is_simple_oai_tool:
return convert_pydantic_to_openai_function(
tool.tool_call_schema,, description=tool.description
return {
"description": tool.description,
"parameters": {
# This is a hack to get around the fact that some tools
# do not expose an args_schema, and expect an argument
# which is a string.
# And Open AI does not support an array type for the
# parameters.
"properties": {
"__arg1": {"title": "__arg1", "type": "string"},
"required": ["__arg1"],
"type": "object",
def format_tool_to_openai_tool(tool: BaseTool) -> ToolDescription:
"""Format tool into the OpenAI function API.
tool: The tool to format.
The tool description.
function = format_tool_to_openai_function(tool)
return {"type": "function", "function": function}
def convert_to_openai_function(
function: Union[dict[str, Any], type, Callable, BaseTool],
strict: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Convert a raw function/class to an OpenAI function.
A dictionary, Pydantic BaseModel class, TypedDict class, a LangChain
Tool object, or a Python function. If a dictionary is passed in, it is
assumed to already be a valid OpenAI function, a JSON schema with
top-level 'title' key specified, an Anthropic format
tool, or an Amazon Bedrock Converse format tool.
If True, model output is guaranteed to exactly match the JSON Schema
provided in the function definition. If None, ``strict`` argument will not
be included in function definition.
A dict version of the passed in function which is compatible with the OpenAI
function-calling API.
ValueError: If function is not in a supported format.
.. versionchanged:: 0.2.29
``strict`` arg added.
.. versionchanged:: 0.3.13
Support for Anthropic format tools added.
.. versionchanged:: 0.3.14
Support for Amazon Bedrock Converse format tools added.
.. versionchanged:: 0.3.16
'description' and 'parameters' keys are now optional. Only 'name' is
required and guaranteed to be part of the output.
from import BaseTool
# an Anthropic format tool
if isinstance(function, dict) and all(
k in function for k in ("name", "input_schema")
oai_function = {
"name": function["name"],
"parameters": function["input_schema"],
if "description" in function:
oai_function["description"] = function["description"]
# an Amazon Bedrock Converse format tool
elif isinstance(function, dict) and "toolSpec" in function:
oai_function = {
"name": function["toolSpec"]["name"],
"parameters": function["toolSpec"]["inputSchema"]["json"],
if "description" in function["toolSpec"]:
oai_function["description"] = function["toolSpec"]["description"]
# already in OpenAI function format
elif isinstance(function, dict) and "name" in function:
oai_function = {
k: v
for k, v in function.items()
if k in ("name", "description", "parameters", "strict")
# a JSON schema with title and description
elif isinstance(function, dict) and "title" in function:
function_copy = function.copy()
oai_function = {"name": function_copy.pop("title")}
if "description" in function_copy:
oai_function["description"] = function_copy.pop("description")
if function_copy and "properties" in function_copy:
oai_function["parameters"] = function_copy
elif isinstance(function, type) and is_basemodel_subclass(function):
oai_function = cast(dict, convert_pydantic_to_openai_function(function))
elif is_typeddict(function):
oai_function = cast(
dict, _convert_typed_dict_to_openai_function(cast(type, function))
elif isinstance(function, BaseTool):
oai_function = cast(dict, format_tool_to_openai_function(function))
elif callable(function):
oai_function = cast(dict, convert_python_function_to_openai_function(function))
msg = (
f"Unsupported function\n\n{function}\n\nFunctions must be passed in"
" as Dict, pydantic.BaseModel, or Callable. If they're a dict they must"
" either be in OpenAI function format or valid JSON schema with top-level"
" 'title' and 'description' keys."
raise ValueError(msg)
if strict is not None:
if "strict" in oai_function and oai_function["strict"] != strict:
msg = (
f"Tool/function already has a 'strict' key wth value "
f"{oai_function['strict']} which is different from the explicit "
f"`strict` arg received {strict=}."
raise ValueError(msg)
oai_function["strict"] = strict
if strict:
# As of 08/06/24, OpenAI requires that additionalProperties be supplied and
# set to False if strict is True.
# All properties layer needs 'additionalProperties=False'
oai_function["parameters"] = _recursive_set_additional_properties_false(
return oai_function
def convert_to_openai_tool(
tool: Union[dict[str, Any], type[BaseModel], Callable, BaseTool],
strict: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Convert a tool-like object to an OpenAI tool schema.
OpenAI tool schema reference:
Either a dictionary, a pydantic.BaseModel class, Python function, or
BaseTool. If a dictionary is passed in, it is
assumed to already be a valid OpenAI function, a JSON schema with
top-level 'title' key specified, an Anthropic format
tool, or an Amazon Bedrock Converse format tool.
If True, model output is guaranteed to exactly match the JSON Schema
provided in the function definition. If None, ``strict`` argument will not
be included in tool definition.
A dict version of the passed in tool which is compatible with the
OpenAI tool-calling API.
.. versionchanged:: 0.2.29
``strict`` arg added.
.. versionchanged:: 0.3.13
Support for Anthropic format tools added.
.. versionchanged:: 0.3.14
Support for Amazon Bedrock Converse format tools added.
.. versionchanged:: 0.3.16
'description' and 'parameters' keys are now optional. Only 'name' is
required and guaranteed to be part of the output.
if isinstance(tool, dict) and tool.get("type") == "function" and "function" in tool:
return tool
oai_function = convert_to_openai_function(tool, strict=strict)
return {"type": "function", "function": oai_function}
def tool_example_to_messages(
input: str,
tool_calls: list[BaseModel],
tool_outputs: Optional[list[str]] = None,
ai_response: Optional[str] = None,
) -> list[BaseMessage]:
"""Convert an example into a list of messages that can be fed into an LLM.
This code is an adapter that converts a single example to a list of messages
that can be fed into a chat model.
The list of messages per example by default corresponds to:
1) HumanMessage: contains the content from which content should be extracted.
2) AIMessage: contains the extracted information from the model
3) ToolMessage: contains confirmation to the model that the model requested a tool
If `ai_response` is specified, there will be a final AIMessage with that response.
The ToolMessage is required because some chat models are hyper-optimized for agents
rather than for an extraction use case.
input: string, the user input
tool_calls: List[BaseModel], a list of tool calls represented as Pydantic
tool_outputs: Optional[List[str]], a list of tool call outputs.
Does not need to be provided. If not provided, a placeholder value
will be inserted. Defaults to None.
ai_response: Optional[str], if provided, content for a final AIMessage.
A list of messages
.. code-block:: python
from typing import List, Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
class Person(BaseModel):
'''Information about a person.'''
name: Optional[str] = Field(..., description="The name of the person")
hair_color: Optional[str] = Field(
..., description="The color of the person's hair if known"
height_in_meters: Optional[str] = Field(
..., description="Height in METERs"
examples = [
"The ocean is vast and blue. It's more than 20,000 feet deep.",
Person(name=None, height_in_meters=None, hair_color=None),
"Fiona traveled far from France to Spain.",
Person(name="Fiona", height_in_meters=None, hair_color=None),
messages = []
for txt, tool_call in examples:
tool_example_to_messages(txt, [tool_call])
messages: list[BaseMessage] = [HumanMessage(content=input)]
openai_tool_calls = []
for tool_call in tool_calls:
"id": str(uuid.uuid4()),
"type": "function",
"function": {
# The name of the function right now corresponds to the name
# of the pydantic model. This is implicit in the API right now,
# and will be improved over time.
"name": tool_call.__class__.__name__,
"arguments": tool_call.model_dump_json(),
AIMessage(content="", additional_kwargs={"tool_calls": openai_tool_calls})
tool_outputs = tool_outputs or ["You have correctly called this tool."] * len(
for output, tool_call_dict in zip(tool_outputs, openai_tool_calls):
messages.append(ToolMessage(content=output, tool_call_id=tool_call_dict["id"])) # type: ignore
if ai_response:
return messages
def _parse_google_docstring(
docstring: Optional[str],
args: list[str],
error_on_invalid_docstring: bool = False,
) -> tuple[str, dict]:
"""Parse the function and argument descriptions from the docstring of a function.
Assumes the function docstring follows Google Python style guide.
if docstring:
docstring_blocks = docstring.split("\n\n")
if error_on_invalid_docstring:
filtered_annotations = {
arg for arg in args if arg not in ("run_manager", "callbacks", "return")
if filtered_annotations and (
len(docstring_blocks) < 2
or not any(block.startswith("Args:") for block in docstring_blocks[1:])
msg = "Found invalid Google-Style docstring."
raise ValueError(msg)
descriptors = []
args_block = None
past_descriptors = False
for block in docstring_blocks:
if block.startswith("Args:"):
args_block = block
elif block.startswith(("Returns:", "Example:")):
# Don't break in case Args come after
past_descriptors = True
elif not past_descriptors:
description = " ".join(descriptors)
if error_on_invalid_docstring:
msg = "Found invalid Google-Style docstring."
raise ValueError(msg)
description = ""
args_block = None
arg_descriptions = {}
if args_block:
arg = None
for line in args_block.split("\n")[1:]:
if ":" in line:
arg, desc = line.split(":", maxsplit=1)
arg = arg.strip()
arg_name, _, _annotations = arg.partition(" ")
if _annotations.startswith("(") and _annotations.endswith(")"):
arg = arg_name
arg_descriptions[arg] = desc.strip()
elif arg:
arg_descriptions[arg] += " " + line.strip()
return description, arg_descriptions
def _py_38_safe_origin(origin: type) -> type:
origin_union_type_map: dict[type, Any] = (
{types.UnionType: Union} if hasattr(types, "UnionType") else {}
origin_map: dict[type, Any] = {
dict: dict,
list: list,
tuple: tuple,
set: set, typing.Iterable, typing.Mapping, typing.Sequence, typing.MutableMapping,
return cast(type, origin_map.get(origin, origin))
def _recursive_set_additional_properties_false(
schema: dict[str, Any],
) -> dict[str, Any]:
if isinstance(schema, dict):
# Check if 'required' is a key at the current level or if the schema is empty,
# in which case additionalProperties still needs to be specified.
if "required" in schema or (
"properties" in schema and not schema["properties"]
schema["additionalProperties"] = False
# Recursively check 'properties' and 'items' if they exist
if "properties" in schema:
for value in schema["properties"].values():
if "items" in schema:
return schema