import io import random import chess import chess.pgn import chess.svg import streamlit as st from datasets import load_dataset st.set_page_config(page_title="Chess Openings", page_icon="♖") # Load external CSS with open("style.css") as f: st.markdown(f"", unsafe_allow_html=True) @st.cache_data def load_data(): ds = load_dataset("Lichess/chess-openings", split="train") df = ds.to_pandas() print(f"Total openings: {len(df)}") print(df["pgn"].head()) return df # Initialize session state variables if "move_index" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.move_index = 0 if "user_move" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.user_move = "" if "current_opening" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.current_opening = None if "board" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.board = chess.Board() if "moves" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.moves = [] if "final_move_completed" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.final_move_completed = False if "random_opening" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.random_opening = None if "completed_openings" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.completed_openings = set() if "score" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.score = 0 data = load_data() if data.empty: st.error("No data available. Failed to load from Hugging Face dataset.") st.stop() def update_score(): # Note: keeping it as a function to be able to try different scores st.session_state.score += 1 # score = 0 # for opening in st.session_state.completed_openings: # opening_data = data[data["name"] == opening].iloc[0] # moves_count = opening_data["pgn"].count(".") # score += moves_count # return score # App layout # st.markdown( # "

Practice Chess Openings

", # unsafe_allow_html=True, # ) with st.sidebar: st.header("Settings") # Move range slider min_moves, max_moves = st.slider( "Select range of moves:", min_value=1, max_value=18, value=(1, 18), step=1 ) print(f"{min_moves=}, {max_moves=}") # Hide next moves checkbox hide_next_moves = st.checkbox("Hide next moves", value=True) # Filter the data based on the min and max number of moves filtered_data = data[ (data["pgn"].str.count("\.") >= min_moves) & (data["pgn"].str.count("\.") <= max_moves) ] print(f"Total openings after filtering: {len(filtered_data)}") if filtered_data.empty: st.error( "No openings found with the specified number of moves. Please adjust your selection." ) st.stop() # Random Opening button with custom styling random_button = st.button( "Random Opening", key="random_opening_button", use_container_width=True, help="Select a random opening", type="primary", # This will give it a filled style ) # Remove the previous CSS styling attempt # The CSS is now loaded from the external file if random_button: available_openings = [ opening for opening in filtered_data["name"].unique() if opening not in st.session_state.completed_openings ] if available_openings: st.session_state.random_opening = random.choice(available_openings) else: st.warning( "You've completed all available openings! Resetting completed list." ) st.session_state.completed_openings.clear() st.session_state.random_opening = random.choice( list(filtered_data["name"].unique()) ) st.rerun() # Check if the random_opening is still in the filtered data unique_openings = list(filtered_data["name"].unique()) if st.session_state.random_opening not in unique_openings: st.session_state.random_opening = None opening = st.selectbox( label="Select an opening", options=unique_openings, index=unique_openings.index(st.session_state.random_opening) if st.session_state.random_opening else 0, key="opening_selector", placeholder="Select an opening", ) if opening and opening != st.session_state.current_opening: st.session_state.current_opening = opening st.session_state.move_index = 0 st.session_state.user_move = "" st.session_state.board = chess.Board() st.session_state.final_move_completed = False if "success_message" in st.session_state: del st.session_state.success_message # Get PGN for the selected opening and parse it selected_opening = filtered_data[filtered_data["name"] == opening].iloc[0] pgn = selected_opening["pgn"] game = chess.pgn.read_game(io.StringIO(pgn)) st.session_state.moves = list(game.mainline_moves()) with st.expander("Instructions"): st.write("This app lets you practice ~3500 chess openings.") st.write("Entering moves:") st.write("Use standard algebraic notation (SAN)") st.write("Examples: e4, Nf3, O-O (castling), exd5 (pawn capture)") st.write("Specify the piece (except for pawns) + destination square") st.write("Use 'x' for captures, '+' for check, '#' for checkmate") st.write("\nPiece symbols:") col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: st.write("♔ King (K)") st.write("♕ Queen (Q)") with col2: st.write("♖ Rook (R)") st.write("♗ Bishop (B)") with col3: st.write("♘ Knight (N)") st.write("♙ Pawn (no letter)") st.write( "See full notation [here](" ) st.write("---") st.write( "This app is using the [Lichess]( openings dataset via [HuggingFace](" ) st.write( "This is just a toy app. Go to [Lichess]( \ or []( for serious chess practice \ (although I think this functionality isn't available there)" ) def update_board(): st.session_state.board = chess.Board() for move in st.session_state.moves[: st.session_state.move_index]: st.session_state.board.push(move) def update_next_move(): if st.session_state.move_index < len(st.session_state.moves): st.session_state.move_index += 1 update_board() def update_prev_move(): if st.session_state.move_index > 0: st.session_state.move_index -= 1 st.session_state.final_move_completed = False if "success_message" in st.session_state: del st.session_state.success_message update_board() # Create two columns: one for the board and buttons, one for the move list col1, col2 = st.columns([3, 1]) with col1: if st.session_state.current_opening: st.markdown( f"""


""", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) col_prev, col_next, right_col = st.columns([5, 2, 2]) with col_prev: st.button( "⬅️   Previous", disabled=st.session_state.move_index == 0, on_click=update_prev_move, ) with col_next: st.button( "Next    ➡️", disabled=(st.session_state.move_index >= len(st.session_state.moves)) or ( not hide_next_moves and st.session_state.move_index == len(st.session_state.moves) ), on_click=update_next_move, ) board_container = st.empty() board_container.image(chess.svg.board(board=st.session_state.board, size=400)) # User input for next move if hide_next_moves and st.session_state.move_index < len( st.session_state.moves ): col_input, col_submit, col_right = st.columns([3, 1, 1]) def submit_move(): if st.session_state.user_move.strip() == "": return user_move = st.session_state.user_move try: user_chess_move = st.session_state.board.parse_san(user_move) correct_move = st.session_state.moves[st.session_state.move_index] if user_chess_move == correct_move: update_score() st.session_state.move_index += 1 if st.session_state.move_index == len(st.session_state.moves): st.session_state.success_message = "🎉   Well done!" st.session_state.final_move_completed = True st.session_state.completed_openings.add( st.session_state.current_opening ) else: st.session_state.success_message = ( "✅ Correct! Moving to the next one" ) st.session_state.user_move = "" update_board() else: st.session_state.error_message = "😭 Incorrect move. Try again!" except ValueError as e: error_message = str(e).lower() if ( "invalid san" in error_message or "unexpected" in error_message or "unterminated" in error_message ): st.session_state.error_message = "🚫 Invalid format. Please use standard SAN notation (e.g., e4 or Nf3)." else: st.session_state.error_message = "⛔ Invalid move. This move is not allowed in the current position." with col_input: user_move = st.text_input( label="Enter your move", placeholder="Enter your move (e.g., e4 or Nf3)", key="user_move", value=st.session_state.user_move, label_visibility="hidden", on_change=submit_move, ) if "error_message" in st.session_state: st.error(st.session_state.error_message) del st.session_state.error_message elif "success_message" in st.session_state: st.success(st.session_state.success_message) if not st.session_state.final_move_completed: del st.session_state.success_message with col_submit: st.markdown("
", unsafe_allow_html=True) submit_button = st.button( "Submit", on_click=submit_move, ) if st.session_state.final_move_completed: col_success, col_empty = st.columns([1, 2]) with col_success: st.success("🎉   Well done!") else:"Please select an opening from the sidebar to begin.") with col2: if st.session_state.current_opening: st.subheader("Moves", divider="green") move_text = "" current_node = chess.pgn.Game() for i, move in enumerate(st.session_state.moves): if i % 2 == 0: move_number = i // 2 + 1 move_text += f"{move_number}. " san_move = current_node.board().san(move) if i < st.session_state.move_index: move_text += f"**{san_move}** " elif hide_next_moves: move_text += "... " else: move_text += f"{san_move} " if i % 2 == 1 or i == len(st.session_state.moves) - 1: move_text += "\n" current_node = current_node.add_variation(move) st.markdown(move_text) with st.sidebar: st.markdown("---") # score = update_score() st.metric( label="Score", value=st.session_state.score, help="1 point per correct move", ) col1, col2 = st.columns([2, 1]) with col1: st.subheader("Completed Openings") with col2: if st.button("Reset", key="reset_completed", help="Reset completed openings"): st.session_state.completed_openings.clear() st.rerun() with st.expander("View Completed Openings"): if st.session_state.completed_openings: for completed_opening in st.session_state.completed_openings: st.markdown(f"- {completed_opening}") else: st.markdown("No openings completed yet.")