topic_modelling / requirements_gpu.txt

Commit History

Rearranged functions for embeddings creation to be compatible with zero GPU space. Updated packages.

seanpedrickcase commited on

Added example of how to run function from command line. Updated packages. Embedding model default now smaller and at fp16.

seanpedrickcase commited on

Improved initial clean options. Now has option to return embeddings only.

seanpedrickcase commited on

Allowed for app running on AWS to use smaller embedding model and not to load representation LLM (due to size restrictions).

seanpedrickcase commited on

Only aggregate topics not 'other', allowed for minimum sentence length, default max_topics now will auto aggregate topics. Added Cognito Auth functionality (boto3 with AWS).

seanpedrickcase commited on

Can split passages into sentences. Improved embedding, LLM representation models, improved zero shot capabilities

seanpedrickcase commited on

Updated packages. Improve hierarchy vis. Better models - mixedbread and phi3. Now option to split texts into sentences before modelling.

seanpedrickcase commited on