from time import sleep import streamlit as st import openai import pinecone from postgres_db import query_postgresql_realvest import numpy as np PINECONE_API_KEY = st.secrets["PINECONE_API_KEY"] OPENAI_API_KEY = st.secrets["OPENAI_API_KEY"] INDEX_NAME = 'realvest-data-v2' EMBEDDING_MODEL = "text-embedding-ada-002" # OpenAI's best embeddings as of Apr 2023 MAX_LENGTH_DESC = 200 MATCH_SCORE_THR = 0.0 TOP_K = 20 EMBEDDING_VECTOR_DIM = 1536 ZERO_EMBEDDING_VECTOR = list(np.zeros(EMBEDDING_VECTOR_DIM)) def query_pinecone(vector=None, top_k: int=3, include_metadata: bool=True, metadata_filter: dict=None, sleep_time: int=10): MAX_TRIALS = 5 trial = 0 out = None while (out is None) and (trial < MAX_TRIALS): try: out = st.session_state['index'].query(vector=vector, top_k=top_k, filter=metadata_filter, include_metadata=include_metadata) return out except pinecone.core.exceptions.PineconeProtocolError as err: print(f"Error, sleep! {err}") sleep(sleep_time) trial = trial + 1 return out def sort_dict_by_value(d: dict, ascending: bool=True): """ Sort dictionary {k1: v1, k2: v2} by its value. The output is a sorted list of tuples [(k1, v1), (k2, v2)] """ return sorted(d.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=not ascending) # initialize connection to pinecone (get API key at from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_fixed pinecone.init( api_key=PINECONE_API_KEY, environment="us-central1-gcp" # may be different, check at ) @retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(5), wait=wait_fixed(15)) def setup_pinecone_index(): try: print("Attempting to set up Pinecone index...") # add this line if "index" not in st.session_state: st.session_state['index'] = pinecone.Index(INDEX_NAME) return st.session_state['index'] except AttributeError as e: print("Caught an AttributeError:", e) raise # Re-raise the exception so that tenacity can catch it and retry except Exception as e: # add this block print("Caught an unexpected exception:", e) raise def init_session_state(): try: st.session_state['index'] = setup_pinecone_index() # stats = test_pinecone() except Exception as e: print("Failed to set up Pinecone index after several attempts. Error:", e) if 'display_results' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['display_results'] = False if 'count_checked' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['count_checked'] = 0 def callback_count_checked(): st.session_state['count_checked'] = 0 st.session_state['checked_boxes'] = [] for key in list(st.session_state.keys()): if (key.split('__')[0] == 'cb_compare') and (st.session_state[key] == True): st.session_state['count_checked'] += 1 st.session_state['checked_boxes'].append(key) def summarize_products(products: list) -> str: """ Input: products = [ {text information of product#1}, {text information of product#2}, {text information of product#3}, ] Output: summary = "{summary of all products}" """ NEW_LINE = '\n' PROMPT_PRODUCTS_SUMMARY = f""" You are a very sharp and helpful assistant to a group of commercial real estate investors. You are about to write a summary comparison of a few products whose information are given below: ----- DESCRIPTION of PRODUCTS ----- { f"{NEW_LINE*2}---{NEW_LINE*2}".join(products) } ----------------------------------- Please write a concise and insightful summary table to compare the products for investors, which should include but not limited to: - title - product summary - category - asking price - location - potential profit margin and display the resulting table in HTML. """ print(f"prompt: {PROMPT_PRODUCTS_SUMMARY}") openai.api_key = OPENAI_API_KEY completion = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model="gpt-4", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."}, {"role": "user", "content": PROMPT_PRODUCTS_SUMMARY} ] ) summary = completion.choices[0].message return summary ### Main # st.set_page_config(layout="centered") css=''' ''' st.markdown(css, unsafe_allow_html=True) # remove the hamburger in the upper right hand corner and the Made with Streamlit footer hide_menu_style = """ """ st.markdown(hide_menu_style, unsafe_allow_html=True) # initialize state init_session_state() # Create a text input field #st.markdown('Storages, Car Washes, Laundromats... Ask us anything in your own words 🤗 ') #query = st.text_input("") query = st.text_input("Storages, Car Washes, Offices, Laundromats... Ask us anything in your own words 🤗 ") # Create a button if st.button('Search'): # # initialize # st.session_state.clear() # init_session_state() st.session_state['count_checked'] = 0 st.session_state['checked_boxes'] = [] ### call OpenAI text-embedding res = openai.Embedding.create(model=EMBEDDING_MODEL, input=[query], api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY) xq = res['data'][0]['embedding'] out = query_pinecone(vector=xq, top_k=TOP_K, include_metadata=True) if (out is not None) and ('matches' in out): metadata = {match['metadata']['product_id']: match['metadata'] for match in out['matches'] if 'metadata' in match and match['metadata'] is not None} ### candidates metadata = {match['metadata']['product_id']: match['metadata'] for match in out['matches']} match_score = {match['metadata']['product_id']: match['score'] for match in out['matches']} above_thr_sorted = [ item for item in sort_dict_by_value(match_score, ascending=False) if item[1] > MATCH_SCORE_THR ] pids = metadata.keys() ### query pids pids_str = [f"'{pid}'" for pid, _ in above_thr_sorted] query = f""" SELECT productid, name, category, alternatename, url, logo, description FROM main_products WHERE productid in ({', '.join(pids_str)}); """ results = query_postgresql_realvest(query) results = { result['productid']: result for result in results } ### For test # print(f"above_thr_sorted: {above_thr_sorted}") # print(f"results: {results}") # print(f"metadata: {metadata}") # # TEST ONLY # above_thr_sorted = [('2086773', 0.800059378), ('1951083', 0.797319531), ('1998714', 0.795623)] # results = {'1951083': {'productid': '1951083', 'name': '2 for 1 Turn-key Business Opportunity in Lynnwood, Washington - BizBuySell', 'category': 'Other', 'alternatename': None, 'url': '', 'logo': '', 'description': 'Your chance to own a successful Korean traditional KBBQ grill restaurant and Korean dive bar. Owner is retiring after 19 years of business. This Korean BBQ restaurant utilizes a traditional grill called "Sot Ttu Kkeong" widely found in Korea. There are 10 separate grilling tables with a unique hood system to eliminate odors immediately. The bar next door may be able to extend hours into the summer. With one shared full kitchen, the new owner will be able to maximize business and potentially earn double income.'}, '1998714': {'productid': '1998714', 'name': 'Portland CPA Firm in Portland, Oregon - BizBuySell', 'category': 'Accounting and Tax Practices', 'alternatename': None, 'url': '', 'logo': '', 'description': 'OR1002: UPDATED :The seller of this Portland CPA firm is approaching retirement and ready to sell the firm. The firm has a great reputation, has good systems in place, is paperless, and has a great staff. The mix of services offers a consistent stream of cash flow to the owner. The seller is seeking a CPA buyer. The office space is available for continued lease after the sale. Revenues for sale include:7% Accounting, bookkeeping and payroll services26% Income tax preparation services for individual clients35% Income tax preparation services for business and other clients28% Audits and reviews4% Consulting services'}, '2086773': {'productid': '2086773', 'name': 'Asian Grocery Supermarket, 1 owner for 29 years in Salem, Oregon - BizBuySell', 'category': 'Grocery Stores and Supermarkets', 'alternatename': None, 'url': '', 'logo': '', 'description': 'Great location, well established and profitable supermarket.We have been the sole owner for almost 29 years, so business boasts of a great reputation.'}} # metadata = {'2086773': {'asking_price': 1000000.0, 'asking_price_currency': 'USD', 'building_status': 'Established', 'category': 'Grocery Stores and Supermarkets', 'chunk_type': 'profile', 'city': 'Salem', 'document': '# Listing Profile\n \nAsking Price (USD): 1000000 \n\nReason for Selling: Retire ', 'listing_type': 'Retail', 'location': 'Salem, OR', 'main_category': 'Grocery Stores and Supermarkets', 'offer_type': 'Offer', 'offers__available_from__address__locality': 'Salem', 'offers__available_from__address__region': 'Oregon', 'offers__available_from__address__type': 'PostalAddress', 'offers__available_from__type': 'Place', 'product_id': '2086773', 'similar_pids': ['2074401', '2087795', '2068650'], 'state_code': 'OR'}, '1951083': {'asking_price': 200000.0, 'asking_price_currency': 'USD', 'category': 'Other', 'chunk_type': 'profile', 'city': 'Lynnwood', 'document': '# Listing Profile\n \nAsking Price (USD): 200000 \n\nReason for Selling: Retiring ', 'location': 'Lynnwood, WA', 'main_category': 'Other', 'offer_type': 'Offer', 'offers__available_from__address__locality': 'Lynnwood', 'offers__available_from__address__region': 'Washington', 'offers__available_from__address__type': 'PostalAddress', 'offers__available_from__type': 'Place', 'product_id': '1951083', 'similar_pids': ['2113741', '2033980', '2034855'], 'state_code': 'WA'}, '1998714': {'asking_price': 900000.0, 'asking_price_currency': 'USD', 'category': 'Accounting and Tax Practices', 'chunk_type': 'profile', 'city': 'Portland', 'document': '# Listing Profile\n \nAsking Price (USD): 900000 \n\nReason for Selling: Approaching retirement ', 'fin__gross_revenue': 958000.0, 'location': 'Portland, OR', 'main_category': 'Accounting and Tax Practices', 'offer_type': 'Offer', 'offers__available_from__address__locality': 'Portland', 'offers__available_from__address__region': 'Oregon', 'offers__available_from__address__type': 'PostalAddress', 'offers__available_from__type': 'Place', 'product_id': '1998714', 'similar_pids': ['2026155', '2066311'], 'state_code': 'OR'}} # update st.session_state['above_thr_sorted'] = above_thr_sorted st.session_state['results'] = results st.session_state['metadata'] = metadata st.session_state['display_results'] = True else: print("No matches found.") metadata = {} if st.session_state['display_results']: summary_container = st.empty() st.header("Results") st.divider() # display matched results for pid, match_score in st.session_state['above_thr_sorted']: if pid not in st.session_state['results']: continue metadata_pid = st.session_state['metadata'][pid] result = st.session_state['results'][pid] col_icon, col_info, col_compare = st.columns([2, 6, 1]) with col_icon: st.image(result["logo"]) with col_info: # TODO: make asking price display $xxx,xxx st.markdown(f"""match score: { round(100 * match_score, 2) }
_Asking Price:_ {metadata_pid.get('asking_price', 'N/A')}
_Category:_ {metadata_pid.get('category', 'N/A')}
_Location:_ {metadata_pid.get('location', 'N/A')} """, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(f"""**_Description:_** {result['description'][:MAX_LENGTH_DESC]}...[more]({result['url']}) """) with col_compare: st.checkbox('compare', key=f"cb_compare__{pid}", on_change=callback_count_checked) # display summary tab if st.session_state['count_checked'] > 0: with summary_container.container(): st.header('Summary') if st.button('Compare Products'): # populate pids that are checked relevant_pids = [key.split('__')[-1] for key in st.session_state['checked_boxes']] relevant_pids = list(set(relevant_pids)) # get metadata from pinecone metadata_filter = { 'product_id': {"$in": relevant_pids} } results = query_pinecone( vector=ZERO_EMBEDDING_VECTOR, top_k=100, include_metadata=True, metadata_filter=metadata_filter ) # organize document by product_id documents = {} for res in results['matches']: pid, chunk_id = res['id'].split('-') if pid not in documents: documents[pid] = {} if "chunk" not in documents[pid]: documents[pid]['chunk'] = {} documents[pid]['chunk'][chunk_id] = res['metadata']['document'] # concatenate documents products = [] for pid, doc in documents.items(): products.append( doc['chunk']['1'] + '\n\n' + doc['chunk']['2'] ) # summarize with st.spinner('Summarizing...'): summary = summarize_products(products) st.markdown(summary.get("content"), unsafe_allow_html=True) else: try: summary_container.empty() except NameError: pass with st.expander("developer tool"): st.json(st.session_state)