# Import Relevant Libraries
import streamlit as st
import pickle
import pandas as pd
from catboost import CatBoostClassifier
# Load the trained model and unique values from the pickle file
with open('model_and_key_components.pkl', 'rb') as file:
saved_components = pickle.load(file)
model = saved_components['model']
unique_values = saved_components['unique_values']
# Page Title with Style
π¨βπΌπ©βπΌ Employee Attrition Prediction App
# Attrition Information
**Employee attrition** refers to the phenomenon of employees leaving their jobs for various reasons. It's crucial for organizations to predict attrition to retain valuable talent.
# Main content
# Link to Detailed Article on Employee Attrition
st.markdown("π **Learn more about employee attrition from [Academy to Innovate HR (AIHR)](https://www.aihr.com/wp-content/uploads/Reasons-for-Employee-Attrition.png)**")
# Additional Information for Sample Prediction
st.write("π To make a prediction, input the information of the employee whose attrition you want to predict.")
st.write("Please provide the following information to make a prediction:")
# About Section with Style
"This app predicts employee attrition using machine learning on HR data, aiding HR professionals in retention strategies. "
"It utilizes a CatBoost machine learning model trained on an employee attrition dataset."
# Auto-expand sidebar code
# Input Descriptions in Sidebar
st.sidebar.title("Input Descriptions")
st.sidebar.markdown("**Age:** Age of the employee.")
st.sidebar.markdown("**Monthly Income:** Monthly income of the employee.")
st.sidebar.markdown("**Number of Companies Worked:** Number of companies the employee has worked for.")
st.sidebar.markdown("**Percent Salary Hike:** Percentage increase in salary for the employee.")
st.sidebar.markdown("**Training Times Last Year:** Number of training sessions attended by the employee last year.")
st.sidebar.markdown("**Department:** Department the employee belongs to (Sales, Research & Development, Human Resources).")
st.sidebar.markdown("**Environment Satisfaction:** Level of satisfaction with the work environment (1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High, 4: Very High).")
st.sidebar.markdown("**Job Role:** Job role of the employee.")
st.sidebar.markdown("**Job Satisfaction:** Level of job satisfaction (1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High, 4: Very High).")
st.sidebar.markdown("**Work Life Balance:** Level of satisfaction with work-life balance (1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High, 4: Very High).")
st.sidebar.markdown("**Over Time:** Whether the employee works overtime.")
st.sidebar.markdown("**Relationship Satisfaction:** Level of satisfaction with work relationships (1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High, 4: Very High).")
st.sidebar.markdown("**Years Since Last Promotion:** Number of years since the employee's last promotion.")
st.sidebar.markdown("**Years With Current Manager:** Number of years the employee has been with the current manager.")
# Define the Streamlit app
def main():
# Define layout with three columns
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
# Column 1
with col1:
age = st.number_input("Age", min_value=18, max_value=70)
monthly_income = st.number_input("Monthly Income")
num_companies_worked = st.number_input("Number of Companies Worked")
percent_salary_hike = st.number_input("Percent Salary Hike", min_value=0, max_value=25)
training_times_last_year = st.number_input("Training Times Last Year", min_value=0, max_value=6)
# Column 2
with col2:
department = st.selectbox("Department", ['Sales', 'Research & Development', 'Human Resources'])
environment_satisfaction = st.selectbox("Environment Satisfaction", [1, 2, 3, 4])
job_role = st.selectbox("Job Role", ['Sales Executive', 'Research Scientist', 'Laboratory Technician',
'Manufacturing Director', 'Healthcare Representative', 'Manager',
'Sales Representative', 'Research Director', 'Human Resources'])
job_satisfaction = st.selectbox("Job Satisfaction", [1, 2, 3, 4])
work_life_balance = st.selectbox("Work Life Balance", [1, 2, 3, 4])
# Column 3
with col3:
over_time = st.checkbox("Over Time")
relationship_satisfaction = st.selectbox("Relationship Satisfaction", [1, 2, 3, 4])
years_since_last_promotion = st.number_input("Years Since Last Promotion")
years_with_curr_manager = st.number_input("Years With Current Manager")
# Predict button
if st.button("Predict Attrition π"):
# Create a DataFrame to hold the user input data
input_data = pd.DataFrame({
'Age': [age],
'Department': [department],
'EnvironmentSatisfaction': [environment_satisfaction],
'JobRole': [job_role],
'JobSatisfaction': [job_satisfaction],
'MonthlyIncome': [monthly_income],
'NumCompaniesWorked': [num_companies_worked],
'OverTime': [over_time],
'PercentSalaryHike': [percent_salary_hike],
'RelationshipSatisfaction': [relationship_satisfaction],
'TrainingTimesLastYear': [training_times_last_year],
'WorkLifeBalance': [work_life_balance],
'YearsSinceLastPromotion': [years_since_last_promotion],
'YearsWithCurrManager': [years_with_curr_manager]
# Reorder columns to match the expected order
input_data = input_data[['Age', 'Department', 'EnvironmentSatisfaction', 'JobRole', 'JobSatisfaction',
'MonthlyIncome', 'NumCompaniesWorked', 'OverTime', 'PercentSalaryHike',
'RelationshipSatisfaction', 'TrainingTimesLastYear', 'WorkLifeBalance',
'YearsSinceLastPromotion', 'YearsWithCurrManager']]
# Make predictions
prediction = model.predict(input_data)
probability = model.predict_proba(input_data)[:, 1]
# Display predicted attrition status
st.subheader("Predicted Attrition Status π―")
if prediction[0] == 1:
st.error("The employee is at higher risk of leaving the organization")
st.success("The employee is predicted to stay in the organization")
# Display prediction probability
if prediction[0] == 1:
st.subheader("Prediction Probability π")
st.write(f"The probability of the employee leaving is: {probability[0]*100:.2f}%", unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Display characteristic-based recommendations
st.subheader("Recommendations for Retaining The Employee π‘:")
if job_satisfaction == 1 or environment_satisfaction == 1:
st.markdown("- **Job and Environment Satisfaction**: Enhance job and environment satisfaction through initiatives such as recognition programs and improving workplace conditions.")
if years_since_last_promotion > 5:
st.markdown("- **Opportunities for Advancement**: Implement a transparent promotion policy and provide opportunities for career advancement.")
if years_with_curr_manager > 5:
st.markdown("- **Change in Reporting Structure**: Offer opportunities for a change in reporting structure to prevent stagnation and promote growth.")
if percent_salary_hike < 5:
st.markdown("- **Salary and Benefits Adjustment**: Consider adjusting salary and benefits packages to remain competitive and reward employee loyalty.")
if training_times_last_year < 2:
st.markdown("- **Employee Development**: Invest in employee development through training programs and continuous learning opportunities.")
if over_time:
st.markdown("- **Workload Evaluation**: Evaluate workload distribution and consider implementing measures to prevent overwork, such as workload balancing and flexible scheduling.")
if relationship_satisfaction == 1:
st.markdown("- **Positive Work Environment**: Foster positive relationships and a supportive work environment through team-building activities and open communication channels.")
if monthly_income < 5000:
st.markdown("- **Compensation Review**: Review compensation structures and adjust salaries to align with industry standards and employee expectations.")
if num_companies_worked > 5:
st.markdown("- **Address High Turnover**: Identify reasons for high turnover and address issues related to job stability, career progression, and organizational culture.")
if work_life_balance == 1:
st.markdown("- **Work-Life Balance Initiatives**: Promote work-life balance initiatives, such as flexible work arrangements and wellness programs, to support employee well-being.")
# General recommendation for all negative predictions
st.markdown("- **Exit Interviews**: Conduct exit interviews to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement in retention strategies.")
if __name__ == "__main__":