import streamlit as st from transformers import pipeline from newspaper import Article from fpdf import FPDF, HTMLMixin import base64 import sentencepiece # Custom PDF class class MyFPDF(FPDF, HTMLMixin): pass # Function to convert text to PDF def convert_to_pdf(text): pdf = MyFPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) lines = text.split('\n') for line in lines: pdf.multi_cell(0, 10, line.encode('latin-1', 'replace').decode('latin-1')) pdf_output = "output.pdf" pdf.output(pdf_output) return pdf_output # Function to convert text to text file def convert_to_text(text): text_file = "output.txt" with open(text_file, "w", encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(text) return text_file # Function to generate download link for files def get_binary_file_downloader_html(bin_file, file_label): with open(bin_file, 'rb') as f: data = bin_str = base64.b64encode(data).decode() href = f'Download {file_label}' return href # Custom CSS styles st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) # Sidebar content st.sidebar.title("Article Summarizer and Translator") summary_type ="Choose the task ", ["Summarization", "Translation"]) # Summarization section if summary_type == "Summarization": st.title("Article Summarizer") pipe = pipeline("summarization",model="t5-small") summary_type ="Summarize from:", ["Text Input", "URL"]) max_length = st.slider("Maximum Summary Length:", min_value=50, max_value=500, value=300) min_length = st.slider("Minimum Summary Length:", min_value=30, max_value=300, value=100) if summary_type == "Text Input": input_text = st.text_area("Enter text to summarize:", height=150) if st.button("Summarize"): if input_text: truncated_text = input_text[:512] try: with st.spinner('Summarizing...'): pipe_out = pipe(truncated_text, max_length=max_length, min_length=min_length, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True) summary = pipe_out[0]["summary_text"] st.write("Summary:") st.write(summary) pdf_file = convert_to_pdf(summary) text_file = convert_to_text(summary) st.markdown(get_binary_file_downloader_html(pdf_file, "Summary as PDF"), unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(get_binary_file_downloader_html(text_file, "Summary as Text"), unsafe_allow_html=True) except Exception as e: st.error("Error summarizing the text. Please try again.") st.error(str(e)) elif summary_type == "URL": url = st.text_input("Enter URL to summarize:") if st.button("Fetch and Summarize"): if url and url.startswith(("http://", "https://")): try: article = Article(url) article.parse() input_text = article.text[:512] with st.spinner('Summarizing...'): pipe_out = pipe(input_text, max_length=max_length, min_length=min_length, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True) summary = pipe_out[0]["summary_text"] st.write("Summary:") st.write(summary) pdf_file = convert_to_pdf(summary) text_file = convert_to_text(summary) st.markdown(get_binary_file_downloader_html(pdf_file, "Summary as PDF"), unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(get_binary_file_downloader_html(text_file, "Summary as Text"), unsafe_allow_html=True) except Exception as e: st.error("Error fetching or summarizing the article. Please try again.") st.error(str(e)) else: st.warning("Please enter a valid URL (starting with http:// or https://).") # Translation section elif summary_type == "Translation": st.title("Text Translator") source_lang = st.selectbox('Select the source language', ['en', 'fr', 'hi']) target_lang = st.selectbox('Select the target language', ['en', 'fr', 'hi']) model_map = { ('en', 'fr'): "Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-fr", ('en', 'hi'): "Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-hi", ('fr', 'en'): "Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-fr-en", ('hi', 'en'): "Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-hi-en", ('hi', 'fr'): "Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-hi-fr", ('fr', 'hi'): "Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-fr-hi" } if (source_lang, target_lang) in model_map: model_name = model_map[(source_lang, target_lang)] else: model_name = "Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-hi" st.write("Source Language:", source_lang) st.write("Target Language:", target_lang) translator = pipeline("translation", model=model_name) input_text = st.text_area("Enter text to translate:", height=150) if st.button("Translate"): if input_text: try: with st.spinner('Translating...'): translation = translator(input_text)[0]["translation_text"] st.write("Translation:") st.write(translation) pdf_file = convert_to_pdf(translation) text_file = convert_to_text(translation) st.markdown(get_binary_file_downloader_html(pdf_file, "Translation as PDF"), unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(get_binary_file_downloader_html(text_file, "Translation as Text"), unsafe_allow_html=True) except Exception as e: st.error("Error translating the text. Please try again.") st.error(str(e)) # Footer st.markdown( """
""", unsafe_allow_html=True, )