gradio_msaplot /
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import gradio as gr
from app import demo as app
import os
_docs = {'MSAPlot': {'description': 'Creates a Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) plot component.', 'members': {'__init__': {'value': {'type': 'typing.Any | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': None}, 'label': {'type': 'str | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': None}, 'every': {'type': 'float | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': None}, 'show_label': {'type': 'bool | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': None}, 'container': {'type': 'bool', 'default': 'True', 'description': None}, 'scale': {'type': 'int | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': None}, 'min_width': {'type': 'int', 'default': '160', 'description': None}, 'visible': {'type': 'bool', 'default': 'True', 'description': None}, 'elem_id': {'type': 'str | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': None}, 'elem_classes': {'type': 'list[str] | str | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': None}, 'render': {'type': 'bool', 'default': 'True', 'description': None}, 'key': {'type': 'int | str | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': None}}, 'postprocess': {'value': {'type': 'MSAPlotData', 'description': "The output data received by the component from the user's function in the backend."}}, 'preprocess': {'return': {'type': 'MSAPlotData | None', 'description': "The preprocessed input data sent to the user's function in the backend."}, 'value': None}}, 'events': {'change': {'type': None, 'default': None, 'description': 'Triggered when the value of the MSAPlot changes either because of user input (e.g. a user types in a textbox) OR because of a function update (e.g. an image receives a value from the output of an event trigger). See `.input()` for a listener that is only triggered by user input.'}, 'clear': {'type': None, 'default': None, 'description': 'Triggered when the plot is cleared.'}}}, '__meta__': {'additional_interfaces': {}}, 'MSAPlotData': {'description': 'Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using\ninheritance.', 'members': {'__init__': {'data': {'type': 'typing.Any', 'default': 'None', 'description': None}}}, 'events': {}}}
abs_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "css.css")
with gr.Blocks(
) as demo:
# `gradio_msaplot`
<div style="display: flex; gap: 7px;">
<img alt="Static Badge" src=""> <a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Static Badge" src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Static Badge" src=""></a>
MSAplot is customizable panels for plotting MSA, seqlogo, annotation, and consensus histograms.
""", elem_classes=["md-custom"], header_links=True)
## Installation
pip install gradio_msaplot
## Usage
import gradio as gr
from gradio_msaplot import MSAPlot, MSAPlotData
import matplotlib
example = MSAPlot().example_value()
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
with gr.Row():
MSAPlot(label="Blank"), # blank component
MSAPlot(value=example, label="Populated"), # populated component
if __name__ == "__main__":
""", elem_classes=["md-custom"], header_links=True)
## `MSAPlot`
### Initialization
""", elem_classes=["md-custom"], header_links=True)
gr.ParamViewer(value=_docs["MSAPlot"]["members"]["__init__"], linkify=[])
gr.Markdown("### Events")
gr.ParamViewer(value=_docs["MSAPlot"]["events"], linkify=['Event'])
### User function
The impact on the users predict function varies depending on whether the component is used as an input or output for an event (or both).
- When used as an Input, the component only impacts the input signature of the user function.
- When used as an output, the component only impacts the return signature of the user function.
The code snippet below is accurate in cases where the component is used as both an input and an output.
- **As input:** Is passed, the preprocessed input data sent to the user's function in the backend.
- **As output:** Should return, the output data received by the component from the user's function in the backend.
def predict(
value: MSAPlotData | None
) -> MSAPlotData:
return value
""", elem_classes=["md-custom", "MSAPlot-user-fn"], header_links=True)
## `MSAPlotData`
### Initialization
""", elem_classes=["md-custom"], header_links=True)
gr.ParamViewer(value=_docs["MSAPlotData"]["members"]["__init__"], linkify=[])
demo.load(None, js=r"""function() {
const refs = {};
const user_fn_refs = {};
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
Object.entries(user_fn_refs).forEach(([key, refs]) => {
if (refs.length > 0) {
const el = document.querySelector(`.${key}-user-fn`);
if (!el) return;
refs.forEach(ref => {
el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML.replace(
new RegExp("\\b"+ref+"\\b", "g"),
`<a href="#h-${ref.toLowerCase()}">${ref}</a>`
Object.entries(refs).forEach(([key, refs]) => {
if (refs.length > 0) {
const el = document.querySelector(`.${key}`);
if (!el) return;
refs.forEach(ref => {
el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML.replace(
new RegExp("\\b"+ref+"\\b", "g"),
`<a href="#h-${ref.toLowerCase()}">${ref}</a>`