"""Requires gradio==4.27.0"""
import io
import shutil
import os
import json
import uuid
import time
import math
import datetime
import numpy as np
from uuid import uuid4
from PIL import Image
from math import radians, sin, cos, sqrt, asin, exp
from os.path import join
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import tee
import matplotlib.style as mplstyle
import pandas as pd
import gradio as gr
import reverse_geocoder as rg
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gradio_folium import Folium
from geographiclib.geodesic import Geodesic
from folium import Map, Element, LatLngPopup, Marker, PolyLine, FeatureGroup
from folium.map import LayerControl
from folium.plugins import BeautifyIcon
from huggingface_hub import CommitScheduler
MPL = False
IMAGE_FOLDER = './images'
CSV_FILE = './select.csv'
RULES = """
OSV-5M (plonk)
Click on the map 🗺️ (left) to the location at which you think the image 🖼️ (right) was captured!
Click "Select" to finalize your selection and then "Next" to move to the next image.
css = """
@font-face {
font-family: custom;
src: url("/file=custom.ttf");
h1 {
text-align: center;
font-family: custom;
img {
text-align: center;
h2 {
text-align: center;
font-family: custom;
h3 {
text-align: center;
font-family: custom;
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 1.5em;
space_js = """
def sample_points_along_geodesic(start_lat, start_lon, end_lat, end_lon, min_length_km=2000, segment_length_km=5000, num_samples=None):
geod = Geodesic.WGS84
distance = geod.Inverse(start_lat, start_lon, end_lat, end_lon)['s12']
if distance < min_length_km:
return [(start_lat, start_lon), (end_lat, end_lon)]
if num_samples is None:
num_samples = min(int(distance / segment_length_km) + 1, 1000)
point_distance = np.linspace(0, distance, num_samples)
points = []
for pd in point_distance:
line = geod.InverseLine(start_lat, start_lon, end_lat, end_lon)
g_point = line.Position(pd, Geodesic.STANDARD | Geodesic.LONG_UNROLL)
points.append((g_point['lat2'], g_point['lon2']))
return points
class GeodesicPolyLine(PolyLine):
def __init__(self, locations, min_length_km=2000, segment_length_km=1000, num_samples=None, **kwargs):
kwargs1 = dict(min_length_km=min_length_km, segment_length_km=segment_length_km, num_samples=num_samples)
assert len(locations) == 2, "A polyline must have at least two locations"
start, end = locations
geodesic_locs = sample_points_along_geodesic(start[0], start[1], end[0], end[1], **kwargs1)
super().__init__(geodesic_locs, **kwargs)
def inject_javascript(folium_map):
js = """
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
map_name_1.on('click', function(e) {
window.state_data = e.latlng
def empty_map():
return Map(location=BASE_LOCATION, zoom_start=1)
def make_map_(name="map_name", id="1"):
map = Map(location=BASE_LOCATION, zoom_start=1)
map._name, map._id = name, id
return map
def make_map(name="map_name", id="1", height=500):
map = make_map_(name, id)
fol = Folium(value=map, height=height, visible=False, elem_id='map-fol')
return fol
def map_js():
return """
(a, textBox) => {
const iframeMap = document.getElementById('map-fol').getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0];
const latlng = iframeMap.contentWindow.state_data;
if (!latlng) { return [-1, -1]; }
textBox = `${latlng.lat},${latlng.lng}`;
document.getElementById('coords-tbox').getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0].value = textBox;
var a = countryCoder.iso1A2Code([latlng.lng, latlng.lat]);
if (!a) { a = 'nan'; }
return [a, `${latlng.lat},${latlng.lng},${a}`];
def haversine(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
if (lat1 is None) or (lon1 is None) or (lat2 is None) or (lon2 is None):
return 0
R = 6371 # radius of the earth in km
dLat = radians(lat2 - lat1)
dLon = radians(lon2 - lon1)
a = (
sin(dLat / 2.0) ** 2
+ cos(radians(lat1)) * cos(radians(lat2)) * sin(dLon / 2.0) ** 2
c = 2 * asin(sqrt(a))
distance = R * c
return distance
def geoscore(d):
return 5000 * exp(-d / 1492.7)
def compute_scores(csv_file):
df = pd.read_csv(csv_file)
if 'accuracy_country' not in df.columns:
print('Computing scores... (this may take a while)')
geocoders = rg.search([(row.true_lat, row.true_lon) for row in df.itertuples(name='Pandas')])
df['city'] = [geocoder['name'] for geocoder in geocoders]
df['area'] = [geocoder['admin2'] for geocoder in geocoders]
df['region'] = [geocoder['admin1'] for geocoder in geocoders]
df['country'] = [geocoder['cc'] for geocoder in geocoders]
df['city_val'] = df['city'].apply(lambda x: 0 if pd.isna(x) or x == 'nan' else 1)
df['area_val'] = df['area'].apply(lambda x: 0 if pd.isna(x) or x == 'nan' else 1)
df['region_val'] = df['region'].apply(lambda x: 0 if pd.isna(x) or x == 'nan' else 1)
df['country_val'] = df['country'].apply(lambda x: 0 if pd.isna(x) or x == 'nan' else 1)
df['distance'] = df.apply(lambda row: haversine(row['true_lat'], row['true_lon'], row['pred_lat'], row['pred_lon']), axis=1)
df['score'] = df.apply(lambda row: geoscore(row['distance']), axis=1)
df['distance_base'] = df.apply(lambda row: haversine(row['true_lat'], row['true_lon'], row['pred_lat_base'], row['pred_lon_base']), axis=1)
df['score_base'] = df.apply(lambda row: geoscore(row['distance_base']), axis=1)
print('Computing geocoding accuracy (base)...')
geocoders_base = rg.search([(row.pred_lat_base, row.pred_lon_base) for row in df.itertuples(name='Pandas')])
df['pred_city_base'] = [geocoder['name'] for geocoder in geocoders_base]
df['pred_area_base'] = [geocoder['admin2'] for geocoder in geocoders_base]
df['pred_region_base'] = [geocoder['admin1'] for geocoder in geocoders_base]
df['pred_country_base'] = [geocoder['cc'] for geocoder in geocoders_base]
df['city_hit_base'] = [df['city'].iloc[i] != 'nan' and df['pred_city_base'].iloc[i] == df['city'].iloc[i] for i in range(len(df))]
df['area_hit_base'] = [df['area'].iloc[i] != 'nan' and df['pred_area_base'].iloc[i] == df['area'].iloc[i] for i in range(len(df))]
df['region_hit_base'] = [df['region'].iloc[i] != 'nan' and df['pred_region_base'].iloc[i] == df['region'].iloc[i] for i in range(len(df))]
df['country_hit_base'] = [df['country'].iloc[i] != 'nan' and df['pred_country_base'].iloc[i] == df['country'].iloc[i] for i in range(len(df))]
df['accuracy_city_base'] = [(0 if df['city_val'].iloc[:i].sum() == 0 else df['city_hit_base'].iloc[:i].sum()/df['city_val'].iloc[:i].sum())*100 for i in range(len(df))]
df['accuracy_area_base'] = [(0 if df['area_val'].iloc[:i].sum() == 0 else df['area_hit_base'].iloc[:i].sum()/df['area_val'].iloc[:i].sum())*100 for i in range(len(df))]
df['accuracy_region_base'] = [(0 if df['region_val'].iloc[:i].sum() == 0 else df['region_hit_base'].iloc[:i].sum()/df['region_val'].iloc[:i].sum())*100 for i in range(len(df))]
df['accuracy_country_base'] = [(0 if df['country_val'].iloc[:i].sum() == 0 else df['country_hit_base'].iloc[:i].sum()/df['country_val'].iloc[:i].sum())*100 for i in range(len(df))]
print('Computing geocoding accuracy (best)...')
geocoders = rg.search([(row.pred_lat, row.pred_lon) for row in df.itertuples()])
df['pred_city'] = [geocoder['name'] for geocoder in geocoders]
df['pred_area'] = [geocoder['admin2'] for geocoder in geocoders]
df['pred_region'] = [geocoder['admin1'] for geocoder in geocoders]
df['pred_country'] = [geocoder['cc'] for geocoder in geocoders]
df['city_hit'] = [df['city'].iloc[i] != 'nan' and df['pred_city'].iloc[i] == df['city'].iloc[i] for i in range(len(df))]
df['area_hit'] = [df['area'].iloc[i] != 'nan' and df['pred_area'].iloc[i] == df['area'].iloc[i] for i in range(len(df))]
df['region_hit'] = [df['region'].iloc[i] != 'nan' and df['pred_region'].iloc[i] == df['region'].iloc[i] for i in range(len(df))]
df['country_hit'] = [df['country'].iloc[i] != 'nan' and df['pred_country'].iloc[i] == df['country'].iloc[i] for i in range(len(df))]
df['accuracy_city'] = [(0 if df['city_val'].iloc[:i].sum() == 0 else df['city_hit'].iloc[:i].sum()/df['city_val'].iloc[:i].sum())*100 for i in range(len(df))]
df['accuracy_area'] = [(0 if df['area_val'].iloc[:i].sum() == 0 else df['area_hit'].iloc[:i].sum()/df['area_val'].iloc[:i].sum())*100 for i in range(len(df))]
df['accuracy_region'] = [(0 if df['region_val'].iloc[:i].sum() == 0 else df['region_hit'].iloc[:i].sum()/df['region_val'].iloc[:i].sum())*100 for i in range(len(df))]
df['accuracy_country'] = [(0 if df['country_val'].iloc[:i].sum() == 0 else df['country_hit'].iloc[:i].sum()/df['country_val'].iloc[:i].sum())*100 for i in range(len(df))]
df.to_csv(csv_file, index=False)
if __name__ == "__main__":
JSON_DATASET_DIR = 'results'
scheduler = CommitScheduler(
class Engine(object):
def __init__(self, image_folder, csv_file, mpl=True):
self.image_folder = image_folder
self.csv_file = csv_file
# Initialize the score and distance lists
self.index = 0
self.stats = defaultdict(list)
# Create the figure and canvas only once
self.fig = plt.Figure(figsize=(10, 6))
self.mpl = mpl
if mpl:
self.ax = self.fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
self.tag = str(uuid4()) + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("__%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
def load_images_and_coordinates(self, csv_file):
# Load the CSV
df = pd.read_csv(csv_file)
# Get the image filenames and their coordinates
self.images = [os.path.join(self.image_folder, f"{img_path}.jpg") for img_path in df['id'].tolist()[:]]
self.coordinates = df[['true_lon', 'true_lat']].values.tolist()[:]
# compute the admins
self.df = df
self.admins = self.df[['city', 'area', 'region', 'country']].values.tolist()[:]
self.preds = self.df[['pred_lon', 'pred_lat']].values.tolist()[:]
def isfinal(self):
return self.index == len(self.images)-1
def load_image(self):
if self.index > len(self.images)-1:
return self.images[self.index], '### ' + str(self.index + 1) + '/' + str(len(self.images))
def get_figure(self):
if self.mpl:
img_buf = io.BytesIO()
self.fig.savefig(img_buf, format='png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=300)
pil = Image.open(img_buf)
self.width, self.height = pil.size
return pil
pred_lon, pred_lat, true_lon, true_lat, click_lon, click_lat = self.info
map = Map(location=BASE_LOCATION, zoom_start=1)
map._name, map._id = 'visu', '1'
feature_group = FeatureGroup(name='Ground Truth')
location=[true_lat, true_lon],
popup="True location",
icon_square = BeautifyIcon(
feature_group_best = FeatureGroup(name='Best Model')
location=[pred_lat, pred_lon],
popup="Best Model",
GeodesicPolyLine([[true_lat, true_lon], [pred_lat, pred_lon]], color='green').add_to(feature_group_best)
icon_circle = BeautifyIcon(
feature_group_user = FeatureGroup(name='User')
location=[click_lat, click_lon],
GeodesicPolyLine([[true_lat, true_lon], [click_lat, click_lon]], color='blue').add_to(feature_group_user)
return map
def set_clock(self):
self.time = time.time()
def get_clock(self):
return time.time() - self.time
def mpl_style(self, pred_lon, pred_lat, true_lon, true_lat, click_lon, click_lat):
if self.mpl:
self.ax.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS, linestyle=':')
self.ax.plot(pred_lon, pred_lat, 'gv', transform=ccrs.Geodetic(), label='model')
self.ax.plot([true_lon, pred_lon], [true_lat, pred_lat], color='green', linewidth=1, transform=ccrs.Geodetic())
self.ax.plot(click_lon, click_lat, 'bo', transform=ccrs.Geodetic(), label='user')
self.ax.plot([true_lon, click_lon], [true_lat, click_lat], color='blue', linewidth=1, transform=ccrs.Geodetic())
self.ax.plot(true_lon, true_lat, 'rx', transform=ccrs.Geodetic(), label='g.t.')
legend = self.ax.legend(ncol=3, loc='lower center') #, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15), borderaxespad=0.
self.info = [pred_lon, pred_lat, true_lon, true_lat, click_lon, click_lat]
def click(self, click_lon, click_lat, country):
time_elapsed = self.get_clock()
# convert click_lon, click_lat to lat, lon (given that you have the borders of the image)
# click_lon and click_lat is in pixels
# lon and lat is in degrees
self.stats['clicked_locations'].append((click_lat, click_lon))
true_lon, true_lat = self.coordinates[self.index]
pred_lon, pred_lat = self.preds[self.index]
self.mpl_style(pred_lon, pred_lat, true_lon, true_lat, click_lon, click_lat)
distance = haversine(true_lat, true_lon, click_lat, click_lon)
score = geoscore(distance)
self.stats['country'].append(int(self.admins[self.index][3] != 'nan' and country == self.admins[self.index][3]))
df = pd.DataFrame([self.get_model_average(who) for who in ['user', 'best', 'base']], columns=['who', 'GeoScore', 'Distance', 'Accuracy (country)']).round(2)
result_text = (
f"### GeoScore: %s, Distance: %s km (You)GeoScore: %s, Distance: %s km (Plonk-AI)" % (
round(score, 2),
round(distance, 2),
round(self.df['score'].iloc[self.index], 2),
round(self.df['distance'].iloc[self.index], 2)
# You: } \green{OSV-Bot: GeoScore: XX, distance: XX
self.cache(self.index+1, score, distance, (click_lat, click_lon), time_elapsed)
return self.get_figure(), result_text, df
def next_image(self):
# Go to the next image
self.index += 1
return self.load_image()
def get_model_average(self, which, all=False, final=False):
aux, i = [], self.index
if which == 'user':
avg_score = sum(self.stats['scores']) / len(self.stats['scores']) if self.stats['scores'] else 0
avg_distance = sum(self.stats['distances']) / len(self.stats['distances']) if self.stats['distances'] else 0
avg_country_accuracy = (0 if self.df['country_val'].iloc[:i+1].sum() == 0 else sum(self.stats['country'])/self.df['country_val'].iloc[:i+1].sum())*100
if all:
avg_city_accuracy = (0 if self.df['city_val'].iloc[:i+1].sum() == 0 else sum(self.stats['city'])/self.df['city_val'].iloc[:i+1].sum())*100
avg_area_accuracy = (0 if self.df['area_val'].iloc[:i+1].sum() == 0 else sum(self.stats['area'])/self.df['area_val'].iloc[:i+1].sum())*100
avg_region_accuracy = (0 if self.df['region_val'].iloc[:i+1].sum() == 0 else sum(self.stats['region'])/self.df['region_val'].iloc[:i+1].sum())*100
aux = [avg_city_accuracy, avg_area_accuracy, avg_region_accuracy]
which = 'You'
elif which == 'base':
avg_score = np.mean(self.df[['score_base']].iloc[:i+1])
avg_distance = np.mean(self.df[['distance_base']].iloc[:i+1])
avg_country_accuracy = self.df['accuracy_country_base'].iloc[i]
if all:
aux = [self.df['accuracy_city_base'].iloc[i], self.df['accuracy_area_base'].iloc[i], self.df['accuracy_region_base'].iloc[i]]
which = 'Baseline-AI'
elif which == 'best':
avg_score = np.mean(self.df[['score']].iloc[:i+1])
avg_distance = np.mean(self.df[['distance']].iloc[:i+1])
avg_country_accuracy = self.df['accuracy_country'].iloc[i]
if all:
aux = [self.df['accuracy_city_base'].iloc[i], self.df['accuracy_area_base'].iloc[i], self.df['accuracy_region_base'].iloc[i]]
which = 'Plonk-AI'
return [which, avg_score, avg_distance, avg_country_accuracy] + aux
def update_average_display(self):
# Calculate the average values
avg_score = sum(self.stats['scores']) / len(self.stats['scores']) if self.stats['scores'] else 0
avg_distance = sum(self.stats['distances']) / len(self.stats['distances']) if self.stats['distances'] else 0
# Update the text box
return f"GeoScore: {avg_score:.0f}, Distance: {avg_distance:.0f} km"
def finish(self):
clicks = rg.search(self.stats['clicked_locations'])
self.stats['city'] = [(int(self.admins[self.index][0] != 'nan' and click['name'] == self.admins[self.index][0])) for click in clicks]
self.stats['area'] = [(int(self.admins[self.index][1] != 'nan' and click['admin2'] == self.admins[self.index][1])) for click in clicks]
self.stats['region'] = [(int(self.admins[self.index][2] != 'nan' and click['admin1'] == self.admins[self.index][2])) for click in clicks]
df = pd.DataFrame([self.get_model_average(who, True, True) for who in ['user', 'best', 'base']], columns=['who', 'GeoScore', 'Distance', 'Accuracy (country)', 'Accuracy (city)', 'Accuracy (area)', 'Accuracy (region)'])
return df
# Function to save the game state
def cache(self, index, score, distance, location, time_elapsed):
with scheduler.lock:
os.makedirs(join(JSON_DATASET_DIR, self.tag), exist_ok=True)
with open(join(JSON_DATASET_DIR, self.tag, f'{index}.json'), 'w') as f:
json.dump({"lat": location[0], "lon": location[1], "time": time_elapsed, "user": self.tag}, f)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# login with the key from secret
if 'csv' in os.environ:
csv_str = os.environ['csv']
with open(CSV_FILE, 'w') as f:
import gradio as gr
def click(state, coords):
if coords == '-1' or state['clicked']:
return gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update()
lat, lon, country = coords.split(',')
state['clicked'] = True
image, text, df = state['engine'].click(float(lon), float(lat), country)
df = df.sort_values(by='GeoScore', ascending=False)
kargs = {}
if not MPL:
kargs = {'value': empty_map()}
return gr.update(visible=False, **kargs), gr.update(value=image, visible=True), gr.update(value=text, visible=True), gr.update(value=df, visible=True), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True),
def exit_(state):
if state['engine'].index > 0:
df = state['engine'].finish()
return gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(value='', visible=True), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(value=df, visible=True), gr.update(value="-1", visible=False), gr.update(value=" Your stats on OSV-5M🌍
", visible=True), gr.update(value="Thanks for playing ❤️
", visible=True), gr.update(visible=False)
return gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update()
def next_(state):
if state['clicked']:
if state['engine'].isfinal():
return exit_(state)
image, text = state['engine'].next_image()
state['clicked'] = False
kargs = {}
if not MPL:
kargs = {'value': empty_map()}
return gr.update(value=make_map_(), visible=True), gr.update(visible=False, **kargs), gr.update(value=image), gr.update(value=text, visible=True), gr.update(value='', visible=True), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(value="-1"), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(visible=True)
return gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update()
def start(state):
# create a unique random temporary name under CACHE_DIR
# generate random hex and make sure it doesn't exist under CACHE_DIR
state['engine'] = Engine(IMAGE_FOLDER, CSV_FILE, MPL)
state['clicked'] = False
image, text = state['engine'].load_image()
return (
gr.update(value=image, visible=True),
gr.update(value=text, visible=True),
gr.update(value="OSV-5M (plonk)
with gr.Blocks(css=css, head=space_js) as demo:
state = gr.State({})
rules = gr.Markdown(RULES, visible=True)
exit_button = gr.Button("Exit", visible=False, elem_id='exit_btn')
start_button = gr.Button("Start", visible=True)
with gr.Row():
map_ = make_map(height=512)
if MPL:
results = gr.Image(label='Results', visible=False)
results = Folium(height=512, visible=False)
image_ = gr.Image(label='Image', visible=False, height=512)
with gr.Row():
text = gr.Markdown("", visible=False)
text_count = gr.Markdown("", visible=False)
with gr.Row():
select_button = gr.Button("Select", elem_id='latlon_btn', visible=False)
next_button = gr.Button("Next", visible=False, elem_id='next')
perf = gr.Dataframe(value=None, visible=False, label='Average Performance')
text_end = gr.Markdown("", visible=False)
coords = gr.Textbox(value="-1", label="Latitude, Longitude", visible=False, elem_id='coords-tbox')
start_button.click(start, inputs=[state], outputs=[map_, results, image_, text_count, text, next_button, rules, state, start_button, coords, select_button])
select_button.click(click, inputs=[state, coords], outputs=[map_, results, text, perf, select_button, next_button], js=map_js())
next_button.click(next_, inputs=[state], outputs=[map_, results, image_, text_count, text, next_button, perf, coords, rules, text_end, select_button])
exit_button.click(exit_, inputs=[state], outputs=[map_, results, image_, text_count, text, next_button, perf, coords, rules, text_end, select_button])
demo.queue().launch(allowed_paths=["custom.ttf"], debug=True)