Browse files
@@ -2,6 +2,177 @@ from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification, pipe
2 |
import streamlit as st
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
def prepare_model():
7 |
@@ -37,7 +208,13 @@ def format_predictions(preds) -> str:
37 |
38 |
out = ""
39 |
for i, item in enumerate(preds):
40 |
41 |
return out
42 |
43 |
2 |
import streamlit as st
3 |
4 |
5 |
# Source:
6 |
arxiv_categories = {
7 |
"cs": "computer science",
8 |
"cs.AI": "artificial intelligence",
9 |
"cs.AR": "hardware architecture",
10 |
"cs.CC": "computational complexity",
11 |
"cs.CE": "computational engineering, finance, and science",
12 |
"cs.CG": "computational geometry",
13 |
"cs.CL": "computation and language",
14 |
"cs.CR": "cryptography and security",
15 |
"cs.CV": "computer vision and pattern recognition",
16 |
"cs.CY": "computers and society",
17 |
"cs.DB": "databases",
18 |
"cs.DC": "distributed, parallel, and cluster computing",
19 |
"cs.DL": "digital libraries",
20 |
"cs.DM": "discrete mathematics",
21 |
"cs.DS": "data structures and algorithms",
22 |
"cs.ET": "emerging technologies",
23 |
"cs.FL": "formal languages and automata theory",
24 |
"cs.GL": "general literature",
25 |
"cs.GR": "graphics",
26 |
"cs.GT": "computer science and game theory",
27 |
"cs.HC": "human-computed interaction",
28 |
"cs.IR": "information retrieval",
29 |
"cs.IT": "information theory",
30 |
"cs.LG": "machine learning",
31 |
"cs.LO": "logic in computer science",
32 |
"cs.MA": "multiagent systems",
33 |
"cs.MM": "multimedia",
34 |
"cs.MS": "mathematical software",
35 |
"cs.NA": "numerical analysis",
36 |
"cs.NE": "neural and evolutionary computing",
37 |
"cs.NI": "networking and internet architecture",
38 |
"cs.OH": "other computer science",
39 |
"cs.OS": "operating systems",
40 |
"cs.PF": "performance",
41 |
"cs.PL": "programming languages",
42 |
"cs.RO": "robotics",
43 |
"cs.SC": "symbolic computing",
44 |
"cs.SD": "sounds",
45 |
"cs.SE": "software engineering",
46 |
"cs.SI": "social and information networks",
47 |
"cs.SY": "systems and control",
48 |
"econ": "economics",
49 |
"econ.EM": "econometrics",
50 |
"econ.GN": "general economics",
51 |
"econ.TH": "theoretical economics",
52 |
"eess": "electrical engineering and systems science",
53 |
"eess.AS": "audio and speech processing",
54 |
"eess.IV": "image and video processing",
55 |
"eess.SP": "signal processing",
56 |
"eess.SY": "systems and control",
57 |
"math": "mathematics",
58 |
"math.AC": "commutative algebra",
59 |
"math.AG": "algebraic geometry",
60 |
"math.AP": "analysis of PDEs",
61 |
"math.AT": "algebraic topology",
62 |
"math.CA": "classical analysis and ODEs",
63 |
"math.CO": "combinatorics",
64 |
"math.CT": "category theory",
65 |
"math.CV": "complex variables",
66 |
"math.DG": "differential geometry",
67 |
"math.DS": "dynamical systems",
68 |
"math.FA": "functional analysis",
69 |
"math.GM": "general mathematics",
70 |
"math.GN": "general topology",
71 |
"math.GR": "group theory",
72 |
"math.GT": "geometric topology",
73 |
"math.HO": "history and overview",
74 |
"math.IT": "information theory",
75 |
"math.KT": "k-theory and homology",
76 |
"math.LO": "logic",
77 |
"math.MG": "metric geometry",
78 |
"math.MP": "mathematical physics",
79 |
"math.NA": "numerical analysis",
80 |
"math.NT": "number theory",
81 |
"math.OA": "operator algebras",
82 |
"math.OC": "optimization and control",
83 |
"math.PR": "probability",
84 |
"math.QA": "quantum algebra",
85 |
"math.RA": "rings and algebras",
86 |
"math.RT": "representation theory",
87 |
"math.SG": "symplectic geometry",
88 |
"math.SP": "spectral theory",
89 |
"math.ST": "statistics theory",
90 |
"astro-ph": "astrophysics",
91 |
"astro-ph.CO": "cosmology and nongalactic astrophysics",
92 |
"astro-ph.EP": "earth and planetary astrophysics",
93 |
"astro-ph.GA": "astrophysics of galaxies",
94 |
"astro-ph.HE": "high energy astrophysical phenomena",
95 |
"astro-ph.IM": "instrumentation and Methods for astrophysics",
96 |
"astro-ph.SR": "solar and stellar astrophysics",
97 |
"cond-mat": "condensed matter",
98 |
"cond-mat.dis-nn": "disordered systems and neural networks",
99 |
"cond-mat.mes-hall": "mesoscale and nanoscale physics",
100 |
"cond-mat.mtrl-sci": "materials science",
101 |
"cond-mat.other (Other": "ondensed matter",
102 |
"cond-mat.quant-gas": "quantum gases",
103 |
"cond-mat.soft (Soft": "ondensed matter",
104 |
"cond-mat.stat-mech": "statistical mechanics",
105 |
"cond-mat.str-el": "strongly correlated electrons",
106 |
"cond-mat.supr-con": "superconductivity",
107 |
"gr": "general relativity and quantum cosmology",
108 |
"gr-qc": "general relativity and quantum cosmology",
109 |
"hep-ex": "high enerty physics - experiment",
110 |
"hep-lat": "high enerty physics - lattice",
111 |
"hep-ph": "high enerty physics - phenomenology",
112 |
"hep-th": "high enerty physics - theory",
113 |
"math-ph": "mathematical physics",
114 |
"nlin": "nonlinear sciences",
115 |
"nlin.AO": "adaptation and Self-organizing systems",
116 |
"nlin.CD": "chaotic dynamics",
117 |
"nlin.CG": "cellular automata and lattice gases",
118 |
"nlin.PS": "pattern formation and solitons",
119 |
"nlin.SI": "exactly solvable and integrable systems",
120 |
"nucl-ex": "nuclear experiment",
121 |
"nucl-th": "nuclear theory",
122 |
"physics.acc-ph": "accelerator physics",
123 |
"": "atmospheric and oceanic physics",
124 |
"": "applied physics",
125 |
"physics.atm-clus": "atomic and molecular clusters",
126 |
"physics.atom-ph": "atomic physics",
127 |
"": "biological physics",
128 |
"physics.chem-ph": "chemical physics",
129 |
"physics.class-ph": "classical physics",
130 |
"physics.comp-ph": "computational physics",
131 |
"": "data analysis, statistics and probability",
132 |
"physics.ed-ph": "physics education",
133 |
"physics.flu-dyn": "fluid dynamics",
134 |
"physics.gen-ph": "general physics",
135 |
"physics.geo-ph": "geophysics",
136 |
"physics.hist-ph": "history and philosophy of physics",
137 |
"physics.ins-det": "instrumentation and detectors",
138 |
"": "medical physics",
139 |
"physics.optics": "optics",
140 |
"physics.plasm-ph": "plasma physics",
141 |
"physics.pop-ph": "popular physics",
142 |
"physics.soc-ph": "physics and society",
143 |
"": "space physics",
144 |
"quant-ph": "quantum physics",
145 |
"q-bio": "quantitative biology",
146 |
"q-bio.BM": "biomolecules",
147 |
"q-bio.CB": "cell behavior",
148 |
"q-bio.GN": "genomics",
149 |
"q-bio.MN": "molecular networks",
150 |
"q-bio.NC": "Neurons and cognition",
151 |
"q-bio.OT": "other quantitative biology",
152 |
"q-bio.PE": "populations and evolution",
153 |
"q-bio.QM": "quantitative methods",
154 |
"q-bio.SC": "subcellular processes",
155 |
"q-bio.TO": "tissues and organs",
156 |
"q-fin": "quantitative finance",
157 |
"q-fin.CP": "computational finance",
158 |
"q-fin.EC": "economics",
159 |
"q-fin.GN": "general finance",
160 |
"q-fin.MF": "mathematical finance",
161 |
"q-fin.PM": "portfolio management",
162 |
"q-fin.PR": "pricing of securities",
163 |
"q-fin.RM": "risk management",
164 |
"q-fin.ST": "statistical finance",
165 |
"q-fin.TR": "trading and market microstructure",
166 |
"stat": "statistics",
167 |
"stat.AP": "applications",
168 |
"stat.CO": "computation",
169 |
"stat.ME": "methodology",
170 |
"stat.ML": "machine learning",
171 |
"stat.OT": "other statistics",
172 |
"stat.TH": "statistics theory",
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 |
177 |
def prepare_model():
178 |
208 |
209 |
out = ""
210 |
for i, item in enumerate(preds):
211 |
label = item["label"]
212 |
score = item["score"]
213 |
description = arxiv_categories.get(label, "")
214 |
if description != "":
215 |
out += f"{i+1}. **{item['label']}** ({description}) *(score {item['score']:.2f})*\n"
216 |
217 |
out += f"{i+1}. **{item['label']}** *(score {item['score']:.2f})*\n"
218 |
return out
219 |
220 |