import subprocess import os import sys import errno import shutil from mega import Mega import datetime import unicodedata import torch import glob import gradio as gr import gdown import zipfile import traceback import json import requests import wget import ffmpeg import hashlib now_dir = os.getcwd() sys.path.append(now_dir) from unidecode import unidecode import re import time from import Pipeline VC = Pipeline from lib.infer_pack.models import ( SynthesizerTrnMs256NSFsid, SynthesizerTrnMs256NSFsid_nono, SynthesizerTrnMs768NSFsid, SynthesizerTrnMs768NSFsid_nono, ) from configs.config import Config from huggingface_hub import HfApi, list_models from huggingface_hub import login from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() config = Config() tmp = os.path.join(now_dir, "TEMP") shutil.rmtree(tmp, ignore_errors=True) os.environ["TEMP"] = tmp weight_root = os.getenv("weight_root") index_root = os.getenv("index_root") audio_root = "audios" names = [] for name in os.listdir(weight_root): if name.endswith(".pth"): names.append(name) index_paths = [] global indexes_list indexes_list = [] audio_paths = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(index_root, topdown=False): for name in files: if name.endswith(".index") and "trained" not in name: index_paths.append("%s\\%s" % (root, name)) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(audio_root, topdown=False): for name in files: audio_paths.append("%s/%s" % (root, name)) def calculate_md5(file_path): hash_md5 = hashlib.md5() with open(file_path, "rb") as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""): hash_md5.update(chunk) return hash_md5.hexdigest() def format_title(title): formatted_title = re.sub(r'[^\w\s-]', '', title) formatted_title = formatted_title.replace(" ", "_") return formatted_title def silentremove(filename): try: os.remove(filename) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise def get_md5(temp_folder): for root, subfolders, files in os.walk(temp_folder): for file in files: if not file.startswith("G_") and not file.startswith("D_") and file.endswith(".pth") and not "_G_" in file and not "_D_" in file: md5_hash = calculate_md5(os.path.join(root, file)) return md5_hash return None def find_parent(search_dir, file_name): for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(search_dir): if file_name in filenames: return os.path.abspath(dirpath) return None def find_folder_parent(search_dir, folder_name): for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(search_dir): if folder_name in dirnames: return os.path.abspath(dirpath) return None def delete_large_files(directory_path, max_size_megabytes): for filename in os.listdir(directory_path): file_path = os.path.join(directory_path, filename) if os.path.isfile(file_path): size_in_bytes = os.path.getsize(file_path) size_in_megabytes = size_in_bytes / (1024 * 1024) # Convert bytes to megabytes if size_in_megabytes > max_size_megabytes: print("###################################") print(f"Deleting s*** {filename} (Size: {size_in_megabytes:.2f} MB)") os.remove(file_path) print("###################################") def download_from_url(url): parent_path = find_folder_parent(".", "pretrained_v2") zips_path = os.path.join(parent_path, 'zips') print(f"Limit download size in MB {os.getenv('MAX_DOWNLOAD_SIZE')}, duplicate the space for modify the limit") if url != '': print("Downloading the file: " + f"{url}") if "" in url: if "file/d/" in url: file_id = url.split("file/d/")[1].split("/")[0] elif "id=" in url: file_id = url.split("id=")[1].split("&")[0] else: return None if file_id: os.chdir('./zips') result =["gdown", f"{file_id}", "--fuzzy"], capture_output=True, text=True, encoding='utf-8') if "Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently" in str(result.stderr): return "too much use" if "Cannot retrieve the public link of the file." in str(result.stderr): return "private link" print(result.stderr) elif "/blob/" in url: os.chdir('./zips') url = url.replace("blob", "resolve") response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code == 200: file_name = url.split('/')[-1] with open(os.path.join(zips_path, file_name), "wb") as newfile: newfile.write(response.content) else: os.chdir(parent_path) elif "" in url: if "#!" in url: file_id = url.split("#!")[1].split("!")[0] elif "file/" in url: file_id = url.split("file/")[1].split("/")[0] else: return None if file_id: m = Mega() m.download_url(url, zips_path) elif "/tree/main" in url: response = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') temp_url = '' for link in soup.find_all('a', href=True): if link['href'].endswith('.zip'): temp_url = link['href'] break if temp_url: url = temp_url url = url.replace("blob", "resolve") if "" not in url: url = "" + url else: print("No .zip file found on the page.") elif "" in url: file = requests.get(url) if file.status_code == 200: name = url.split('/') with open(os.path.join(zips_path, name[len(name)-1]), "wb") as newfile: newfile.write(file.content) else: return None elif "" in url: try: file_id = url.split("")[1] os.chdir('./zips') print(file_id) response = requests.get(f"{file_id}") if response.status_code == 200: file_name = response.headers.get("Content-Disposition").split('filename=')[-1].strip('";') if not os.path.exists(zips_path): os.makedirs(zips_path) with open(os.path.join(zips_path, file_name), "wb") as newfile: newfile.write(response.content) os.chdir(parent_path) return "downloaded" else: os.chdir(parent_path) return None except Exception as e: print(e) os.chdir(parent_path) return None else: os.chdir('./zips') delete_large_files(zips_path, int(os.getenv("MAX_DOWNLOAD_SIZE"))) os.chdir(parent_path) print("Full download") return "downloaded" else: return None class error_message(Exception): def __init__(self, mensaje): self.mensaje = mensaje super().__init__(mensaje) def get_vc(sid, to_return_protect0, to_return_protect1): global n_spk, tgt_sr, net_g, vc, cpt, version if sid == "" or sid == []: global hubert_model if hubert_model is not None: print("clean_empty_cache") del net_g, n_spk, vc, hubert_model, tgt_sr hubert_model = net_g = n_spk = vc = hubert_model = tgt_sr = None if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() if_f0 = cpt.get("f0", 1) version = cpt.get("version", "v1") if version == "v1": if if_f0 == 1: net_g = SynthesizerTrnMs256NSFsid( *cpt["config"], is_half=config.is_half ) else: net_g = SynthesizerTrnMs256NSFsid_nono(*cpt["config"]) elif version == "v2": if if_f0 == 1: net_g = SynthesizerTrnMs768NSFsid( *cpt["config"], is_half=config.is_half ) else: net_g = SynthesizerTrnMs768NSFsid_nono(*cpt["config"]) del net_g, cpt if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() cpt = None return ( {"visible": False, "__type__": "update"}, {"visible": False, "__type__": "update"}, {"visible": False, "__type__": "update"}, ) person = "%s/%s" % (weight_root, sid) print("loading %s" % person) cpt = torch.load(person, map_location="cpu") tgt_sr = cpt["config"][-1] cpt["config"][-3] = cpt["weight"]["emb_g.weight"].shape[0] if_f0 = cpt.get("f0", 1) if if_f0 == 0: to_return_protect0 = to_return_protect1 = { "visible": False, "value": 0.5, "__type__": "update", } else: to_return_protect0 = { "visible": True, "value": to_return_protect0, "__type__": "update", } to_return_protect1 = { "visible": True, "value": to_return_protect1, "__type__": "update", } version = cpt.get("version", "v1") if version == "v1": if if_f0 == 1: net_g = SynthesizerTrnMs256NSFsid(*cpt["config"], is_half=config.is_half) else: net_g = SynthesizerTrnMs256NSFsid_nono(*cpt["config"]) elif version == "v2": if if_f0 == 1: net_g = SynthesizerTrnMs768NSFsid(*cpt["config"], is_half=config.is_half) else: net_g = SynthesizerTrnMs768NSFsid_nono(*cpt["config"]) del net_g.enc_q print(net_g.load_state_dict(cpt["weight"], strict=False)) net_g.eval().to(config.device) if config.is_half: net_g = net_g.half() else: net_g = net_g.float() vc = VC(tgt_sr, config) n_spk = cpt["config"][-3] return ( {"visible": True, "maximum": n_spk, "__type__": "update"}, to_return_protect0, to_return_protect1, ) def load_downloaded_model(url): parent_path = find_folder_parent(".", "pretrained_v2") try: infos = [] logs_folders = ['0_gt_wavs','1_16k_wavs','2a_f0','2b-f0nsf','3_feature256','3_feature768'] zips_path = os.path.join(parent_path, 'zips') unzips_path = os.path.join(parent_path, 'unzips') weights_path = os.path.join(parent_path, 'weights') logs_dir = "" if os.path.exists(zips_path): shutil.rmtree(zips_path) if os.path.exists(unzips_path): shutil.rmtree(unzips_path) os.mkdir(zips_path) os.mkdir(unzips_path) download_file = download_from_url(url) if not download_file: print("The file could not be downloaded.") infos.append("The file could not be downloaded.") yield "\n".join(infos) elif download_file == "downloaded": print("It has been downloaded successfully.") infos.append("It has been downloaded successfully.") yield "\n".join(infos) elif download_file == "too much use": raise Exception("Too many users have recently viewed or downloaded this file") elif download_file == "private link": raise Exception("Cannot get file from this private link") for filename in os.listdir(zips_path): if filename.endswith(".zip"): zipfile_path = os.path.join(zips_path,filename) print("Proceeding with the extraction...") infos.append("Proceeding with the extraction...") shutil.unpack_archive(zipfile_path, unzips_path, 'zip') model_name = os.path.basename(zipfile_path) logs_dir = os.path.join(parent_path,'logs', os.path.normpath(str(model_name).replace(".zip",""))) yield "\n".join(infos) else: print("Unzip error.") infos.append("Unzip error.") yield "\n".join(infos) index_file = False model_file = False D_file = False G_file = False for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(unzips_path): for item in files: item_path = os.path.join(path, item) if not 'G_' in item and not 'D_' in item and item.endswith('.pth'): model_file = True model_name = item.replace(".pth","") logs_dir = os.path.join(parent_path,'logs', model_name) if os.path.exists(logs_dir): shutil.rmtree(logs_dir) os.mkdir(logs_dir) if not os.path.exists(weights_path): os.mkdir(weights_path) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(weights_path, item)): os.remove(os.path.join(weights_path, item)) if os.path.exists(item_path): shutil.move(item_path, weights_path) if not model_file and not os.path.exists(logs_dir): os.mkdir(logs_dir) for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(unzips_path): for item in files: item_path = os.path.join(path, item) if item.startswith('added_') and item.endswith('.index'): index_file = True if os.path.exists(item_path): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(logs_dir, item)): os.remove(os.path.join(logs_dir, item)) shutil.move(item_path, logs_dir) if item.startswith('total_fea.npy') or item.startswith('events.'): if os.path.exists(item_path): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(logs_dir, item)): os.remove(os.path.join(logs_dir, item)) shutil.move(item_path, logs_dir) result = "" if model_file: if index_file: print("The model works for inference, and has the .index file.") infos.append("\n" + "The model works for inference, and has the .index file.") yield "\n".join(infos) else: print("The model works for inference, but it doesn't have the .index file.") infos.append("\n" + "The model works for inference, but it doesn't have the .index file.") yield "\n".join(infos) if not index_file and not model_file: print("No relevant file was found to upload.") infos.append("No relevant file was found to upload.") yield "\n".join(infos) if os.path.exists(zips_path): shutil.rmtree(zips_path) if os.path.exists(unzips_path): shutil.rmtree(unzips_path) os.chdir(parent_path) return result except Exception as e: os.chdir(parent_path) if "too much use" in str(e): print("Too many users have recently viewed or downloaded this file") yield "Too many users have recently viewed or downloaded this file" elif "private link" in str(e): print("Cannot get file from this private link") yield "Cannot get file from this private link" else: print(e) yield "An error occurred downloading" finally: os.chdir(parent_path) def save_to_wav(record_button): if record_button is None: pass else: path_to_file=record_button new_name ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")+'.wav' new_path='./audios/'+new_name shutil.move(path_to_file,new_path) return new_name def change_choices2(): audio_paths=[] for filename in os.listdir("./audios"): if filename.endswith(('wav', 'mp3', 'flac', 'ogg', 'opus', 'm4a', 'mp4', 'aac', 'alac', 'wma', 'aiff', 'webm', 'ac3')): audio_paths.append(os.path.join('./audios',filename).replace('\\', '/')) return {"choices": sorted(audio_paths), "__type__": "update"}, {"__type__": "update"} sup_audioext = {'wav', 'mp3', 'flac', 'ogg', 'opus', 'm4a', 'mp4', 'aac', 'alac', 'wma', 'aiff', 'webm', 'ac3'} def load_downloaded_audio(url): parent_path = find_folder_parent(".", "pretrained_v2") try: infos = [] audios_path = os.path.join(parent_path, 'audios') zips_path = os.path.join(parent_path, 'zips') if not os.path.exists(audios_path): os.mkdir(audios_path) download_file = download_from_url(url) if not download_file: print("The file could not be downloaded.") infos.append("The file could not be downloaded.") yield "\n".join(infos) elif download_file == "downloaded": print("It has been downloaded successfully.") infos.append("It has been downloaded successfully.") yield "\n".join(infos) elif download_file == "too much use": raise Exception("Too many users have recently viewed or downloaded this file") elif download_file == "private link": raise Exception("Cannot get file from this private link") for filename in os.listdir(zips_path): item_path = os.path.join(zips_path, filename) if item_path.split('.')[-1] in sup_audioext: if os.path.exists(item_path): shutil.move(item_path, audios_path) result = "" print("Audio files have been moved to the 'audios' folder.") infos.append("Audio files have been moved to the 'audios' folder.") yield "\n".join(infos) os.chdir(parent_path) return result except Exception as e: os.chdir(parent_path) if "too much use" in str(e): print("Too many users have recently viewed or downloaded this file") yield "Too many users have recently viewed or downloaded this file" elif "private link" in str(e): print("Cannot get file from this private link") yield "Cannot get file from this private link" else: print(e) yield "An error occurred downloading" finally: os.chdir(parent_path) class error_message(Exception): def __init__(self, mensaje): self.mensaje = mensaje super().__init__(mensaje) def get_vc(sid, to_return_protect0, to_return_protect1): global n_spk, tgt_sr, net_g, vc, cpt, version if sid == "" or sid == []: global hubert_model if hubert_model is not None: print("clean_empty_cache") del net_g, n_spk, vc, hubert_model, tgt_sr hubert_model = net_g = n_spk = vc = hubert_model = tgt_sr = None if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() if_f0 = cpt.get("f0", 1) version = cpt.get("version", "v1") if version == "v1": if if_f0 == 1: net_g = SynthesizerTrnMs256NSFsid( *cpt["config"], is_half=config.is_half ) else: net_g = SynthesizerTrnMs256NSFsid_nono(*cpt["config"]) elif version == "v2": if if_f0 == 1: net_g = SynthesizerTrnMs768NSFsid( *cpt["config"], is_half=config.is_half ) else: net_g = SynthesizerTrnMs768NSFsid_nono(*cpt["config"]) del net_g, cpt if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() cpt = None return ( {"visible": False, "__type__": "update"}, {"visible": False, "__type__": "update"}, {"visible": False, "__type__": "update"}, ) person = "%s/%s" % (weight_root, sid) print("loading %s" % person) cpt = torch.load(person, map_location="cpu") tgt_sr = cpt["config"][-1] cpt["config"][-3] = cpt["weight"]["emb_g.weight"].shape[0] if_f0 = cpt.get("f0", 1) if if_f0 == 0: to_return_protect0 = to_return_protect1 = { "visible": False, "value": 0.5, "__type__": "update", } else: to_return_protect0 = { "visible": True, "value": to_return_protect0, "__type__": "update", } to_return_protect1 = { "visible": True, "value": to_return_protect1, "__type__": "update", } version = cpt.get("version", "v1") if version == "v1": if if_f0 == 1: net_g = SynthesizerTrnMs256NSFsid(*cpt["config"], is_half=config.is_half) else: net_g = SynthesizerTrnMs256NSFsid_nono(*cpt["config"]) elif version == "v2": if if_f0 == 1: net_g = SynthesizerTrnMs768NSFsid(*cpt["config"], is_half=config.is_half) else: net_g = SynthesizerTrnMs768NSFsid_nono(*cpt["config"]) del net_g.enc_q print(net_g.load_state_dict(cpt["weight"], strict=False)) net_g.eval().to(config.device) if config.is_half: net_g = net_g.half() else: net_g = net_g.float() vc = VC(tgt_sr, config) n_spk = cpt["config"][-3] return ( {"visible": True, "maximum": n_spk, "__type__": "update"}, to_return_protect0, to_return_protect1, ) def download_model(): gr.Markdown(value="# " + "Download Model") gr.Markdown(value="It is used to download your inference models.") with gr.Row(): model_url=gr.Textbox(label="Url:") with gr.Row(): download_model_status_bar=gr.Textbox(label="Status:") with gr.Row(): download_button=gr.Button("Download"), inputs=[model_url], outputs=[download_model_status_bar]) def download_audio(): gr.Markdown(value="# " + "Download Audio") gr.Markdown(value="Download audios of any format for use in inference (Recommended for Mobile Users).") with gr.Row(): audio_url=gr.Textbox(label="Url:") with gr.Row(): download_audio_status_bar=gr.Textbox(label="Status:") with gr.Row(): download_button2=gr.Button("Download"), inputs=[audio_url], outputs=[download_audio_status_bar]) def get_edge_voice(): completed_process =['edge-tts',"-l"], capture_output=True, text=True) lines = completed_process.stdout.strip().split("\n") data = [] current_entry = {} for line in lines: if line.startswith("Name: "): if current_entry: data.append(current_entry) current_entry = {"Name": line.split(": ")[1]} elif line.startswith("Gender: "): current_entry["Gender"] = line.split(": ")[1] if current_entry: data.append(current_entry) tts_voice = [] for entry in data: name = entry["Name"] gender = entry["Gender"] formatted_entry = f'{name}-{gender}' tts_voice.append(formatted_entry) return tts_voice