AIDS_Classification_EDA /
nyomanyudisdeveloper's picture
Final commit
f781a33 verified
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import json
with open('list_col_num.txt', 'r') as file_1:
list_col_num_if = json.load(file_1)
with open('list_col_cat.txt', 'r') as file_2:
list_col_cat_if = json.load(file_2)
with open('model_svc.pkl', 'rb') as file_3:
model_svc = pickle.load(file_3)
def get_trt_index(trt):
if trt == 'ZDV only':
return 0
elif trt == 'ZDV + ddl':
return 1
elif trt == 'ZDV + Zal':
return 2
return 3
def get_yes_no_index(yes_no):
if yes_no == 'no':
return 0
return 1
def get_strat_index(strat):
if strat == 'Antiretroviral Naive':
return 1
elif strat == 'Antiretroviral <= 52 weeks':
return 2
return 3
def get_symptom_index(symptom):
if symptom == 'asymp':
return 0
return 1
def get_treat_index(treat):
if treat == 'ZDV only':
return 0
return 1
def get_race_index(race):
if race == 'White':
return 0
return 1
def get_gender_index(gender):
if gender == 'Female':
return 0
return 1
def get_str2_index(str2):
if str2 == 'naive':
return 0
return 1
def run():
with st.form("prediction_form"):
st.write('Personal Information')
time = st.number_input('Input time to failure or censoring', value=100)
trt = st.selectbox('Select Treatment Indicator ', {'ZDV only','ZDV + ddl','ZDV + Zal','ddl only'},index=0)
age = st.number_input('Input age in years', value=20)
wtkg = st.number_input('Input weight in kg', value=40.0)
hemo = st.selectbox('Is patient has hemophilia ?', {'no','yes'},index=0)
homo = st.selectbox('Is patient has experience do homosexuality activity ?', {'no','yes'},index=0)
drugs = st.selectbox('Is patient has history of IV drug use ?', {'no','yes'},index=0)
karnof = st.number_input('Input Karnofsky score (on scale 0 - 100)', value=40, min_value=0, max_value=100,step=1)
oprior = st.selectbox('Is patient is Non-ZDV antiretroviral therapy pre-175 ?', {'no','yes'},index=0)
z30 = st.selectbox('Is patient is ZDV in the 30 days prior to 175 ?', {'no','yes'},index=0)
preanti = st.number_input('Input days pre-175 anti-retroviral therapy', value=40)
race = st.selectbox('Input patient race ?', {'White','non-white'},index=0)
gender = st.selectbox('Select gender ?', {'Female','Male'},index=0)
str2 = st.selectbox('Input antiretroviral history', {'naive','experienced'},index=0)
strat = st.selectbox('Input antiretroviral history stratification', {'Antiretroviral Naive','Antiretroviral <= 52 weeks','Antiretroviral > 52 weeks'},index=0)
symptom = st.selectbox('Input symptomatic indicator', {'asymp','symp'},index=0)
treat = st.selectbox('Input treatment indicator ', {'ZDV only','others'},index=0)
offtrt = st.selectbox('Input indicator of off-trt before 96+/-5 weeks ', {'no','yes'},index=0)
cd40 = st.number_input('Input CD4', value=40.0)
cd420 = st.number_input('Input CD4 at 20+/-5 weeks', value=40.0)
cd80 = st.number_input('Input CD8', value=40.0)
cd820 = st.number_input('Input CD8 at 20+/-5 weeks', value=40.0)
submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit")
st.write("Outside the form")
data_inf = {
'time': time,
'trt' : get_trt_index(trt),
'age': age,
'wtkg': wtkg,
'hemo': get_yes_no_index(hemo),
'homo': get_yes_no_index(homo),
'drugs': get_yes_no_index(drugs),
'karnof': karnof,
'oprior': get_yes_no_index(oprior),
'z30': get_yes_no_index(z30),
'preanti': preanti,
'race': get_race_index(race),
'gender': get_gender_index(gender),
'str2': get_str2_index(str2),
'strat': get_strat_index(strat),
'symptom': get_symptom_index(symptom),
'treat': get_treat_index(treat),
'offtrt': get_yes_no_index(offtrt),
if submitted:
df = pd.DataFrame([data_inf])
df[list_col_cat_if] = df[list_col_cat_if].astype(object)
df = df[list_col_cat_if + list_col_num_if]
# Do model predict from data input
predict_result = model_svc.predict(df)
if predict_result[0] == 1 :
predic_result_value = 'yes'
predic_result_value = 'no'
st.write(f'## Is patient infected AIDS: {predic_result_value}')
if __name__ == '__main__':