Runtime error
Runtime error
import streamlit as st | |
from model import GeneralModel | |
import os | |
import chess | |
import chess.engine | |
import stat | |
import re | |
def app(): | |
# Creating an object of prediction service | |
pred = GeneralModel() | |
api_key = st.sidebar.text_input("APIkey get it here", type="password") | |
# Using the streamlit cache | |
def eval(fenstring): | |
output = "" | |
os.chmod("./stockfish_14_x64_popcnt",0o0777) | |
engine = chess.engine.SimpleEngine.popen_uci("./stockfish_14_x64_popcnt") | |
# Score: PovScore(Cp(+20), WHITE) | |
board = chess.Board(fenstring) | |
info = engine.analyse(board, chess.engine.Limit(depth=20),multipv=3) | |
# Score: PovScore(Mate(+1), WHITE) | |
engine.quit() | |
evalstring = str(info) | |
print (evalstring) | |
#hacky way to parse best move, need to imprpve | |
substrings = evalstring.split('Move.from_uci') | |
# Extract the text between the single quotes using a regular expression | |
match ="'(.*?)'", substrings[1]) | |
topmove = | |
print(topmove) | |
# Create a list of lists, where each inner list contains the UCI strings for a single move | |
uci_lists = [d['pv'][:2] for d in info] | |
# Initialize the output string | |
output_string = "" | |
# Iterate over the list of UCI lists and create the output string | |
for i, uci_list in enumerate(uci_lists, start=1): | |
output_string += f"{i}. " | |
output_string += " ".join([uci.uci for uci in uci_list]) | |
output_string += "\n" | |
print(output_string) | |
stringprompt = 'Based on the chess board position at this fen string ' + fenstring + 'can you give an in depth analysis as to why ' + topmove + ' is the best move to play based on Material, Development, Center-control, King-safety and Pawn-structures if relevant. Also describe any tactics or ideas that we should be thinking about' | |
return pred.model_prediction(input=stringprompt.strip() , api_key=api_key) | |
def process_prompt(input): | |
return pred.model_prediction(input=input.strip() , api_key=api_key) | |
if api_key: | |
# Setting up the Title | |
st.title("Stockfish fen eval to GPT-3 top move explanation chess coach") | |
# st.write("---") | |
s_example = "r2qnrk1/1p1bbppp/p1np4/2p2p2/P1B1P3/2NP1NQ1/1PP3PP/R1B2RK1 w - - 0 12" | |
input = st.text_area( | |
"input a fen string and get a gpt 3.5 explanation of the top move", | |
value=s_example, | |
max_chars=1250, | |
height=50, | |
) | |
if st.button("Submit"): | |
with st.spinner(text="In progress"): | |
report_text = eval(input) | |
st.markdown(report_text) | |
else: | |
st.error("π Please enter API Key") |