Statement: Statement:the wildcats never scored more than 7 in any game they lost

Input Table: 1947 kentucky wildcats football team

Step 1: Select Rows (row 7, row 10, row 1) and Select Columns (result, wildcats points)
gamedateopponentresultwildcats pointsopponentsrecord
1sept 20ole missloss7140 - 1
2sept 27cincinnatiwin2001 - 1
3oct 4xavierwin2072 - 1
4oct 119 georgiawin2603 - 1 , 20
5oct 1810 vanderbiltwin1404 - 1 , 14
6oct 25michigan statewin765 - 1 , 13
7nov 118 alabamaloss0135 - 2
8nov 8west virginiawin1566 - 2
9nov 15evansvillewin3607 - 2
10nov 22tennesseeloss6137 - 3

Sub-table Selection
resultwildcats points

Contextual information: the wildcats never scored more than 7 in any game they lost.

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