Statement: Statement:in 2011 , the southwest region won a total of 5 games and lost 1 game creating a record of 28 - 12

Input Table: vcu rams men 's basketball

Step 1: Select Rows (row 11, row 10) and Select Columns (results, region, record, year)
198018 - 1212eastl 72 - 86
198124 - 55eastw 85 - 69 l 56 - 58 ot
198324 - 75eastw 76 - 67 l 54 - 56
198423 - 76eastw 70 - 69 l 63 - 78
198526 - 62westw 81 - 65 l 59 - 63
199624 - 912southeastl 51 - 58
200423 - 813eastl 78 - 79
200728 - 711westw 79 - 77 l 79 - 84 ot
200924 - 1011eastl 64 - 65
201128 - 1211southwestw 59 - 46 w 74 - 56 w 94 - 76 w 72 - 71 ot w 71 - 61 l 62 - 70
201229 - 712midwestw 62 - 59 l 61 - 63
201327 - 95southw 88 - 42 l 53 - 78

Sub-table Selection
w 59 - 46 w 74 - 56 w 94 - 76 w 72 - 71 ot w 71 - 61 l 62 - 70southwest28 - 122011
w 62 - 59 l 61 - 63midwest29 - 72012

Contextual information: the southwest region won 1 games.AND the southwest region lost 0 games.

Prompting LLM for the final answer... >>>