Statement: Statement:andre owens was the houston jazz club guard from 2005 - 06

Input Table: utah jazz all - time roster

Step 1: Select Rows (row 5) and Select Columns (position, school / club team, player, years for jazz)
playernationalitypositionyears for jazzschool / club team
mehmet okurturkeyforward - center2004 - 11efes pilsen ( turkey )
josã ortizpuerto ricocenter1988 - 90oregon state
greg ostertagunited statescenter1995 - 2004 , 2005 - 06kansas
dan o 'sullivanunited statescenter1990 - 91fordham
andre owensunited statesguard2005 - 06houston

Sub-table Selection
positionschool / club teamplayeryears for jazz
guardhoustonandre owens2005 - 06

Contextual information: Not Available!

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