Statement: iran , who ranks 1st in gdp in the middle east , ranks sixth in all of asia

Input Table: list of asian and pacific countries by gdp (ppp)

Step 1: Select rows where 'country' is 'iran'.
rank_mideast rank_asia rank_world country c_2011_gdp__ppp__billions_of_usd
1 6 17 iran 930.236
2 9 23 saudi arabia 677.663
3 18 48 united arab emirates 261.189
4 19 50 israel 235.446
5 21 55 qatar 181.912
6 22 58 kuwait 150.002
7 23 60 iraq 127.348
8 26 66 syria 107.803
9 29 76 oman 81.005
10 30 83 yemen 63.344
11 31 84 lebanon 61.738
12 35 97 jordan 36.897
13 37 104 bahrain 30.889

Step 2: Select rows where 'rank_mideast' is 1.
rank_mideast rank_asia rank_world country c_2011_gdp__ppp__billions_of_usd
1 6 17 iran 930.236

Step 3: Select rows where 'rank_asia' is 6.
rank_mideast rank_asia rank_world country c_2011_gdp__ppp__billions_of_usd
1 6 17 iran 930.236

Step 4: Use a `CASE` statement to return TRUE if the number of rows is equal to 1, otherwise return FALSE.
rank_mideast rank_asia rank_world country c_2011_gdp__ppp__billions_of_usd
1 6 17 iran 930.236

Final output table:

Prediction: TRUE