Statement: on march 19 , 1984 , plymouth argyle played derby county

Input Table: 1983 - 84 fa cup

1notts county1 - 2everton1984-03-10
2sheffield wednesday0 - 0southampton1984-03-11
replaysouthampton5 - 1sheffield wednesday1984-03-20
3plymouth argyle0 - 0derby county1984-03-10
replayderby county0 - 1plymouth argyle1984-03-14
4birmingham city1 - 3watford1984-03-10

SQL Command:

SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(*) = 0 THEN 'FALSE' ELSE 'TRUE' END FROM table_sql WHERE date = '1984-03-19' AND (home_team = 'plymouth argyle' OR away_team = 'plymouth argyle') AND (home_team = 'derby county' OR away_team = 'derby county');