Statement: camilo villegas from colombia and david toms from the united states tied for 9th place with + 3 to par in the table: camilo villegas from colombia and david toms from the united states tied for 2 place with + 3 to par.

Input Table: 2008 pga championship

Step 1: Select Rows (row 12, row 9, row 11, row 10) and Select Columns (to par, place, player, country)
placeplayercountryscoreto par
1ben curtisunited states73 + 67 + 68 = 208- 2
t2j b holmesunited states71 + 68 + 70 = 209- 1
t2henrik stensonsweden71 + 70 + 68 = 209- 1
t4sergio garcíaspain69 + 73 + 69 = 211+ 1
t4pádraig harringtonireland71 + 74 + 66 = 211+ 1
t4charlie wisouth korea70 + 70 + 71 = 211+ 1
t7andrés romeroargentina69 + 78 + 65 = 212+ 2
t7jeev milkha singhindia68 + 74 + 70 = 212+ 2
t9aaron baddeleyaustralia71 + 71 + 71 = 213+ 3
t9steve fleschunited states73 + 70 + 70 = 213+ 3
t9david tomsunited states72 + 69 + 72 = 213+ 3
t9camilo villegascolombia74 + 72 = 67 = 213+ 3

Sub-table Selection
to parplaceplayercountry
+ 3t9aaron baddeleyaustralia
+ 3t9steve fleschunited states
+ 3t9david tomsunited states
+ 3t9camilo villegascolombia

Contextual information: camilo villegas from colombia and david toms from the united states tied for 2 place with + 3 to par.

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