# server.py import warnings from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union import yaml import ray from ray import serve import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import torch from fastapi import FastAPI, File, UploadFile from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse from PIL import Image from api import ImagesInput, to_base64_nparray from hloc import DEVICE, extract_features, logger, match_dense, match_features from hloc.utils.viz import add_text, plot_keypoints from ui import get_version from ui.utils import filter_matches, get_feature_model, get_model from ui.viz import display_matches, fig2im, plot_images warnings.simplefilter("ignore") app = FastAPI() if ray.is_initialized(): ray.shutdown() ray.init( dashboard_port=8265, ignore_reinit_error=True, ) serve.start( http_options={"host": "", "port": 8000}, ) class ImageMatchingAPI(torch.nn.Module): default_conf = { "ransac": { "enable": True, "estimator": "poselib", "geometry": "Fundamental", "method": "RANSAC", "reproj_threshold": 8, "confidence": 0.99999, "max_iter": 2000, }, } def __init__( self, conf: dict = {}, device: str = "cpu", detect_threshold: float = 0.015, max_keypoints: int = 1024, match_threshold: float = 0.2, ) -> None: """ Initializes an instance of the ImageMatchingAPI class. Args: conf (dict): A dictionary containing the configuration parameters. device (str, optional): The device to use for computation. Defaults to "cpu". detect_threshold (float, optional): The threshold for detecting keypoints. Defaults to 0.015. max_keypoints (int, optional): The maximum number of keypoints to extract. Defaults to 1024. match_threshold (float, optional): The threshold for matching keypoints. Defaults to 0.2. Returns: None """ super().__init__() self.device = device self.conf = {**self.default_conf, **conf} self._updata_config(detect_threshold, max_keypoints, match_threshold) self._init_models() if device == "cuda": memory_allocated = torch.cuda.memory_allocated(device) memory_reserved = torch.cuda.memory_reserved(device) logger.info( f"GPU memory allocated: {memory_allocated / 1024**2:.3f} MB" ) logger.info( f"GPU memory reserved: {memory_reserved / 1024**2:.3f} MB" ) self.pred = None def parse_match_config(self, conf): if conf["dense"]: return { **conf, "matcher": match_dense.confs.get( conf["matcher"]["model"]["name"] ), "dense": True, } else: return { **conf, "feature": extract_features.confs.get( conf["feature"]["model"]["name"] ), "matcher": match_features.confs.get( conf["matcher"]["model"]["name"] ), "dense": False, } def _updata_config( self, detect_threshold: float = 0.015, max_keypoints: int = 1024, match_threshold: float = 0.2, ): self.dense = self.conf["dense"] if self.conf["dense"]: try: self.conf["matcher"]["model"][ "match_threshold" ] = match_threshold except TypeError as e: logger.error(e) else: self.conf["feature"]["model"]["max_keypoints"] = max_keypoints self.conf["feature"]["model"][ "keypoint_threshold" ] = detect_threshold self.extract_conf = self.conf["feature"] self.match_conf = self.conf["matcher"] def _init_models(self): # initialize matcher self.matcher = get_model(self.match_conf) # initialize extractor if self.dense: self.extractor = None else: self.extractor = get_feature_model(self.conf["feature"]) def _forward(self, img0, img1): if self.dense: pred = match_dense.match_images( self.matcher, img0, img1, self.match_conf["preprocessing"], device=self.device, ) last_fixed = "{}".format( # noqa: F841 self.match_conf["model"]["name"] ) else: pred0 = extract_features.extract( self.extractor, img0, self.extract_conf["preprocessing"] ) pred1 = extract_features.extract( self.extractor, img1, self.extract_conf["preprocessing"] ) pred = match_features.match_images(self.matcher, pred0, pred1) return pred def _convert_pred(self, pred): ret = { k: v.cpu().detach()[0].numpy() if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor) else v for k, v in pred.items() } ret = { k: v[0].cpu().detach().numpy() if isinstance(v, list) else v for k, v in ret.items() } return ret @torch.inference_mode() def extract(self, img0: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Extract features from a single image. Args: img0 (np.ndarray): image Returns: Dict[str, np.ndarray]: feature dict """ # setting prams self.extractor.conf["max_keypoints"] = kwargs.get("max_keypoints", 512) self.extractor.conf["keypoint_threshold"] = kwargs.get( "keypoint_threshold", 0.0 ) pred = extract_features.extract( self.extractor, img0, self.extract_conf["preprocessing"] ) pred = self._convert_pred(pred) # back to origin scale s0 = pred["original_size"] / pred["size"] pred["keypoints_orig"] = ( match_features.scale_keypoints(pred["keypoints"] + 0.5, s0) - 0.5 ) # TODO: rotate back binarize = kwargs.get("binarize", False) if binarize: assert "descriptors" in pred pred["descriptors"] = (pred["descriptors"] > 0).astype(np.uint8) pred["descriptors"] = pred["descriptors"].T # N x DIM return pred @torch.inference_mode() def forward( self, img0: np.ndarray, img1: np.ndarray, ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """ Forward pass of the image matching API. Args: img0: A 3D NumPy array of shape (H, W, C) representing the first image. Values are in the range [0, 1] and are in RGB mode. img1: A 3D NumPy array of shape (H, W, C) representing the second image. Values are in the range [0, 1] and are in RGB mode. Returns: A dictionary containing the following keys: - image0_orig: The original image 0. - image1_orig: The original image 1. - keypoints0_orig: The keypoints detected in image 0. - keypoints1_orig: The keypoints detected in image 1. - mkeypoints0_orig: The raw matches between image 0 and image 1. - mkeypoints1_orig: The raw matches between image 1 and image 0. - mmkeypoints0_orig: The RANSAC inliers in image 0. - mmkeypoints1_orig: The RANSAC inliers in image 1. - mconf: The confidence scores for the raw matches. - mmconf: The confidence scores for the RANSAC inliers. """ # Take as input a pair of images (not a batch) assert isinstance(img0, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(img1, np.ndarray) self.pred = self._forward(img0, img1) if self.conf["ransac"]["enable"]: self.pred = self._geometry_check(self.pred) return self.pred def _geometry_check( self, pred: Dict[str, Any], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Filter matches using RANSAC. If keypoints are available, filter by keypoints. If lines are available, filter by lines. If both keypoints and lines are available, filter by keypoints. Args: pred (Dict[str, Any]): dict of matches, including original keypoints. See :func:`filter_matches` for the expected keys. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: filtered matches """ pred = filter_matches( pred, ransac_method=self.conf["ransac"]["method"], ransac_reproj_threshold=self.conf["ransac"]["reproj_threshold"], ransac_confidence=self.conf["ransac"]["confidence"], ransac_max_iter=self.conf["ransac"]["max_iter"], ) return pred def visualize( self, log_path: Optional[Path] = None, ) -> None: """ Visualize the matches. Args: log_path (Path, optional): The directory to save the images. Defaults to None. Returns: None """ if self.conf["dense"]: postfix = str(self.conf["matcher"]["model"]["name"]) else: postfix = "{}_{}".format( str(self.conf["feature"]["model"]["name"]), str(self.conf["matcher"]["model"]["name"]), ) titles = [ "Image 0 - Keypoints", "Image 1 - Keypoints", ] pred: Dict[str, Any] = self.pred image0: np.ndarray = pred["image0_orig"] image1: np.ndarray = pred["image1_orig"] output_keypoints: np.ndarray = plot_images( [image0, image1], titles=titles, dpi=300 ) if ( "keypoints0_orig" in pred.keys() and "keypoints1_orig" in pred.keys() ): plot_keypoints([pred["keypoints0_orig"], pred["keypoints1_orig"]]) text: str = ( f"# keypoints0: {len(pred['keypoints0_orig'])} \n" + f"# keypoints1: {len(pred['keypoints1_orig'])}" ) add_text(0, text, fs=15) output_keypoints = fig2im(output_keypoints) # plot images with raw matches titles = [ "Image 0 - Raw matched keypoints", "Image 1 - Raw matched keypoints", ] output_matches_raw, num_matches_raw = display_matches( pred, titles=titles, tag="KPTS_RAW" ) # plot images with ransac matches titles = [ "Image 0 - Ransac matched keypoints", "Image 1 - Ransac matched keypoints", ] output_matches_ransac, num_matches_ransac = display_matches( pred, titles=titles, tag="KPTS_RANSAC" ) if log_path is not None: img_keypoints_path: Path = log_path / f"img_keypoints_{postfix}.png" img_matches_raw_path: Path = ( log_path / f"img_matches_raw_{postfix}.png" ) img_matches_ransac_path: Path = ( log_path / f"img_matches_ransac_{postfix}.png" ) cv2.imwrite( str(img_keypoints_path), output_keypoints[:, :, ::-1].copy(), # RGB -> BGR ) cv2.imwrite( str(img_matches_raw_path), output_matches_raw[:, :, ::-1].copy(), # RGB -> BGR ) cv2.imwrite( str(img_matches_ransac_path), output_matches_ransac[:, :, ::-1].copy(), # RGB -> BGR ) plt.close("all") @serve.deployment( num_replicas=4, ray_actor_options={"num_cpus": 2, "num_gpus": 1} ) @serve.ingress(app) class ImageMatchingService: def __init__(self, conf: dict, device: str): self.conf = conf self.api = ImageMatchingAPI(conf=conf, device=device) @app.get("/") def root(self): return "Hello, world!" @app.get("/version") async def version(self): return {"version": get_version()} @app.post("/v1/match") async def match( self, image0: UploadFile = File(...), image1: UploadFile = File(...) ): """ Handle the image matching request and return the processed result. Args: image0 (UploadFile): The first image file for matching. image1 (UploadFile): The second image file for matching. Returns: JSONResponse: A JSON response containing the filtered match results or an error message in case of failure. """ try: # Load the images from the uploaded files image0_array = self.load_image(image0) image1_array = self.load_image(image1) print('image0_array',image0_array.shape) print('image1_array',image1_array.shape) # Perform image matching using the API output = self.api(image0_array, image1_array) # Keys to skip in the output skip_keys = ["image0_orig", "image1_orig"] # Postprocess the output to filter unwanted data pred = self.postprocess(output, skip_keys) # Return the filtered prediction as a JSON response return JSONResponse(content=pred) except Exception as e: # Return an error message with status code 500 in case of exception return JSONResponse(content={"error": str(e)}, status_code=500) @app.post("/v1/extract") async def extract(self, input_info: ImagesInput): """ Extract keypoints and descriptors from images. Args: input_info: An object containing the image data and options. Returns: A list of dictionaries containing the keypoints and descriptors. """ try: preds = [] for i, input_image in enumerate(input_info.data): # Load the image from the input data image_array = to_base64_nparray(input_image) # Extract keypoints and descriptors output = self.api.extract( image_array, max_keypoints=input_info.max_keypoints[i], binarize=input_info.binarize, ) # Do not return the original image and image_orig # skip_keys = ["image", "image_orig"] skip_keys = [] # Postprocess the output pred = self.postprocess(output, skip_keys) preds.append(pred) # Return the list of extracted features return JSONResponse(content=preds) except Exception as e: # Return an error message if an exception occurs return JSONResponse(content={"error": str(e)}, status_code=500) def load_image(self, file_path: Union[str, UploadFile]) -> np.ndarray: """ Reads an image from a file path or an UploadFile object. Args: file_path: A file path or an UploadFile object. Returns: A numpy array representing the image. """ if isinstance(file_path, str): file_path = Path(file_path).resolve(strict=False) else: file_path = file_path.file with Image.open(file_path) as img: image_array = np.array(img) return image_array def postprocess( self, output: dict, skip_keys: list, binarize: bool = True ) -> dict: pred = {} for key, value in output.items(): if key in skip_keys: continue if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): pred[key] = value.tolist() return pred def run(self, host: str = "", port: int = 8001): import uvicorn uvicorn.run(app, host=host, port=port) def read_config(config_path: Path) -> dict: with open(config_path, "r") as f: conf = yaml.safe_load(f) return conf # api server conf = read_config(Path(__file__).parent / "config/api.yaml") service = ImageMatchingService.bind(conf=conf["api"], device=DEVICE) # handle = serve.run(service, route_prefix="/") # serve run api.server_ray:service # build to generate config file # serve build api.server_ray:service -o api/config/ray.yaml # serve run api/config/ray.yaml