Abid Ali Awan
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
1 |
2 |
1,Battle of Yavin,Yavin IV,0 BBY,Rebel Victory,"Rebel Alliance, Galactic Empire"
3 |
2,Battle of Hoth,Hoth,3 ABY,Imperial Victory,"Rebel Alliance, Galactic Empire"
4 |
3,Battle of Endor,Endor,4 ABY,Rebel Victory,"Rebel Alliance, Galactic Empire"
5 |
4,Battle of Naboo,Naboo,32 BBY,Naboo/Gungan Victory,"Naboo, Gungans, Trade Federation"
6 |
5,Battle of Geonosis,Geonosis,22 BBY,Republic Victory,"Galactic Republic, Separatists"
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
1 |
2 |
1,Luke Skywalker,Human,Male,1.72,77.0,Blond,Blue,Light,19,Tatooine,34,The main protagonist of the original trilogy.
3 |
2,Leia Organa,Human,Female,1.5,49.0,Brown,Brown,Light,19,Alderaan,35,A leader in the Rebel Alliance and twin sister of Luke Skywalker.
4 |
3,Darth Vader,Human,Male,2.02,136.0,None,Yellow,Pale,41,Tatooine,4,The Sith Lord formerly known as Anakin Skywalker.
5 |
4,Yoda,Yoda's species,Male,0.66,17.0,White,Brown,Green,896,Unknown,4,A wise and powerful Jedi Master.
6 |
5,Han Solo,Human,Male,1.8,80.0,Brown,Hazel,Light,29,Corellia,34,A smuggler turned hero in the Rebel Alliance.
7 |
6,Chewbacca,Wookiee,Male,2.28,112.0,Brown,Blue,Brown,200,Kashyyyk,,A loyal Wookiee and co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon.
8 |
7,Obi-Wan Kenobi,Human,Male,1.82,81.0,White,Blue-gray,Light,57,Stewjon,0,A Jedi Master who mentored Anakin and Luke Skywalker.
9 |
8,Emperor Palpatine,Human,Male,1.73,75.0,None,Yellow,Pale,82,Naboo,35,The Sith Lord who became Emperor of the galaxy.
10 |
9,Anakin Skywalker,Human,Male,1.88,84.0,Blond,Blue,Light,41,Tatooine,4,A Jedi Knight who fell to the dark side and became Darth Vader.
11 |
10,Padmé Amidala,Human,Female,1.65,45.0,Brown,Brown,Light,46,Naboo,19,The queen-turned-senator of Naboo and wife of Anakin Skywalker.
12 |
11,Qui-Gon Jinn,Human,Male,1.93,89.0,Brown,Blue,Light,92,Coruscant,32,A Jedi Master who discovered Anakin Skywalker.
13 |
12,Mace Windu,Human,Male,1.88,84.0,None,Brown,Dark,72,Haruun Kal,19,A Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council.
14 |
13,Jar Jar Binks,Gungan,Male,1.96,66.0,None,Orange,Orange,52,Naboo,,A clumsy Gungan who became a representative in the Galactic Senate.
15 |
14,Count Dooku,Human,Male,1.93,80.0,White,Brown,Light,102,Serenno,19,"A former Jedi who became Darth Tyranus, a Sith Lord."
16 |
15,Rey,Human,Female,1.7,54.0,Brown,Hazel,Light,15,Jakku,,The main protagonist of the sequel trilogy.
17 |
16,Finn,Human,Male,1.78,73.0,Black,Brown,Dark,11,Unknown,,A former stormtrooper who joins the Resistance.
18 |
17,Poe Dameron,Human,Male,1.76,79.0,Brown,Brown,Light,2,Yavin 4,,A skilled pilot and commander in the Resistance.
19 |
18,Kylo Ren,Human,Male,1.89,89.0,Black,Brown,Light,5,Chandrila,35,A dark side user formerly known as Ben Solo.
20 |
19,BB-8,Droid,None,,,None,None,White,,None,,A spherical astromech droid.
21 |
20,C-3PO,Droid,None,1.71,,None,None,Gold,112,Tatooine,,A protocol droid fluent in over six million forms of communication.
22 |
21,R2-D2,Droid,None,0.96,,None,None,White/Blue,33,Naboo,,An astromech droid known for his bravery and resourcefulness.
23 |
22,Lando Calrissian,Human,Male,1.77,79.0,Black,Brown,Dark,31,Socorro,,A charming gambler and ally of the Rebel Alliance.
24 |
23,Boba Fett,Human,Male,1.83,78.0,Black,Brown,Light,32,Kamino,,A notorious bounty hunter and clone of Jango Fett.
25 |
24,Jango Fett,Human,Male,1.83,79.0,Black,Brown,Light,66,Concord Dawn,22,A skilled bounty hunter and template for the clone army.
26 |
25,General Hux,Human,Male,1.85,75.0,Red,Blue,Light,0,Arkanis,35,A general in the First Order.
27 |
26,Rose Tico,Human,Female,1.68,57.0,Black,Brown,Light,11,Hays Minor,,A mechanic in the Resistance.
28 |
27,Supreme Leader Snoke,Unknown,Male,2.18,100.0,None,Blue,Pale,50,Unknown,34,The Supreme Leader of the First Order.
29 |
28,Maz Kanata,Unknown,Female,1.24,31.0,None,Brown,Orange,973,Takodana,,A wise and ancient being who runs a tavern on Takodana.
30 |
29,Aayla Secura,Twi'lek,Female,1.78,55.0,Blue,Hazel,Blue,48,Ryloth,19,A Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars.
31 |
30,Admiral Ackbar,Mon Calamari,Male,1.8,72.0,None,Orange,Red,52,Mon Cala,35,A respected admiral in the Rebel Alliance.
32 |
31,Admiral Piett,Human,Male,1.8,75.0,Brown,Blue,Light,59,Axxila,4,An Imperial officer serving under Darth Vader.
33 |
32,Bail Organa,Human,Male,1.91,86.0,Black,Brown,Light,67,Alderaan,0,A senator and adoptive father of Leia Organa.
34 |
33,Barriss Offee,Mirialan,Female,1.66,50.0,Black,Blue,Green,40,Mirial,19,A Jedi Padawan during the Clone Wars.
35 |
34,Biggs Darklighter,Human,Male,1.79,79.0,Black,Brown,Light,24,Tatooine,0,A Rebel pilot and friend of Luke Skywalker.
36 |
35,Bib Fortuna,Twi'lek,Male,1.93,65.0,None,Red,Pale,60,Ryloth,35,A majordomo for Jabba the Hutt.
37 |
36,Bossk,Trandoshan,Male,1.9,113.0,None,Red,Green,53,Trandosha,,A feared bounty hunter.
38 |
37,Captain Phasma,Human,Female,2.0,75.0,Blonde,Blue,Light,15,Parnassos,35,A high-ranking officer in the First Order.
39 |
38,Chirrut Îmwe,Human,Male,1.75,70.0,Black,Brown,Light,52,Jedha,0,A blind warrior monk and follower of the Force.
40 |
39,Dengar,Human,Male,1.83,80.0,Brown,Brown,Light,32,Corellia,,A bounty hunter with a grudge against Han Solo.
41 |
40,Greedo,Rodian,Male,1.73,70.0,None,Black,Green,44,Rodia,0,A bounty hunter killed by Han Solo.
42 |
41,Hera Syndulla,Twi'lek,Female,1.78,55.0,Green,Blue,Green,29,Ryloth,,A skilled pilot and leader of the Ghost crew.
43 |
42,Jabba the Hutt,Hutt,Male,3.9,1358.0,None,Orange,Green,600,Nal Hutta,4,A notorious crime lord.
44 |
43,Kanan Jarrus,Human,Male,1.91,86.0,Brown,Blue,Light,32,Coruscant,2,A Jedi Knight and member of the Ghost crew.
45 |
44,Kit Fisto,Nautolan,Male,1.96,87.0,None,Black,Green,48,Glee Anselm,19,A Jedi Master known for his underwater combat skills.
46 |
45,Lobot,Human,Male,1.75,75.0,None,Blue,Light,47,Bespin,,A cyborg aide to Lando Calrissian.
47 |
46,Mon Mothma,Human,Female,1.7,55.0,Red,Blue,Light,48,Chandrila,,A leader in the Rebel Alliance.
48 |
47,Nien Nunb,Sullustan,Male,1.6,70.0,None,Black,Light,43,Sullust,,A pilot who co-piloted the Millennium Falcon during the Battle of Endor.
49 |
48,Plo Koon,Kel Dor,Male,1.88,80.0,None,Black,Orange,44,Dorin,19,A Jedi Master known for his unique mask.
50 |
49,Saw Gerrera,Human,Male,1.78,75.0,Black,Brown,Dark,48,Onderon,0,A militant leader in the Rebel Alliance.
51 |
50,Sebulba,Dug,Male,1.12,40.0,None,Red,Brown,32,Malastare,,A pod racer with a fierce reputation.
52 |
51,Shaak Ti,Togruta,Female,1.87,68.0,None,Black,Red,43,Shili,,A Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council.
53 |
52,Shmi Skywalker,Human,Female,1.65,55.0,Brown,Brown,Light,72,Tatooine,22,The mother of Anakin Skywalker.
54 |
53,Wedge Antilles,Human,Male,1.79,80.0,Brown,Brown,Light,21,Corellia,,A skilled Rebel pilot.
55 |
54,Wicket W. Warrick,Ewok,Male,1.0,20.0,Brown,Brown,Brown,23,Endor,,An Ewok who helped the Rebel Alliance on Endor.
56 |
55,Zam Wesell,Clawdite,Female,1.78,60.0,Brown,Yellow,Green,32,Zolan,22,A shape-shifting bounty hunter.
57 |
56,Ahsoka Tano,Togruta,Female,1.88,55.0,None,Blue,Orange,36,Shili,,A former Jedi Padawan of Anakin Skywalker.
58 |
57,Asajj Ventress,Dathomirian,Female,1.7,55.0,None,Blue,Pale,57,Dathomir,19,A former Sith apprentice turned bounty hunter.
59 |
58,Cad Bane,Duros,Male,1.85,75.0,None,Red,Blue,62,Duro,,A feared bounty hunter.
60 |
59,Captain Rex,Human,Male,1.83,80.0,Blond,Blue,Light,32,Kamino,,A clone trooper captain who served under Anakin Skywalker.
61 |
60,Savage Opress,Dathomirian,Male,2.18,100.0,None,Yellow,Pale,49,Dathomir,19,The brother of Darth Maul and a powerful Sith apprentice.
62 |
61,Hondo Ohnaka,Weequay,Male,1.75,70.0,Black,Brown,Brown,45,Sriluur,,A pirate and smuggler.
63 |
62,Pong Krell,Besalisk,Male,2.5,300.0,None,Yellow,Green,52,Ojom,19,A Jedi Master who fell to the dark side.
64 |
63,Mother Talzin,Dathomirian,Female,1.7,55.0,Black,Green,Pale,100,Dathomir,19,A powerful witch and leader of the Nightsisters.
65 |
64,Ezra Bridger,Human,Male,1.75,70.0,Blue,Black,Light,18,Lothal,,A Jedi Padawan and member of the Ghost crew.
66 |
65,Sabine Wren,Human,Female,1.65,50.0,Varied,Brown,Light,21,Mandalore,,A Mandalorian artist and warrior.
67 |
66,Kallus,Human,Male,1.88,85.0,Blond,Blue,Light,40,Coruscant,,An Imperial agent who defected to the Rebel Alliance.
68 |
67,Grand Admiral Thrawn,Chiss,Male,1.95,85.0,Blue-Black,Red,Blue,50,Csilla,,A brilliant tactician and leader in the Imperial Navy.
69 |
68,Jyn Erso,Human,Female,1.7,60.0,Brown,Green,Light,22,Vallt,0,The protagonist of Rogue One and a member of the Rebel Alliance.
70 |
69,Cassian Andor,Human,Male,1.84,75.0,Brown,Brown,Light,26,Fest,0,A Rebel intelligence officer.
71 |
70,Orson Krennic,Human,Male,1.85,80.0,White,Blue,Light,51,Lexrul,0,The director of the Empire's Advanced Weapons Research division.
72 |
71,Bodhi Rook,Human,Male,1.8,75.0,Black,Brown,Dark,25,Jedha,0,A former Imperial pilot who defected to the Rebel Alliance.
73 |
72,Chirrut Îmwe,Human,Male,1.75,70.0,Black,Brown,Light,52,Jedha,0,A blind warrior monk and follower of the Force.
74 |
73,Baze Malbus,Human,Male,1.85,95.0,Black,Brown,Light,52,Jedha,0,A former Guardian of the Whills and companion to Chirrut Îmwe.
75 |
74,Galen Erso,Human,Male,1.83,75.0,Brown,Brown,Light,54,Grange,0,A scientist and father of Jyn Erso.
76 |
75,Saw Gerrera,Human,Male,1.78,75.0,Black,Brown,Dark,48,Onderon,0,A militant leader in the Rebel Alliance.
77 |
76,Hera Syndulla,Twi'lek,Female,1.78,55.0,Green,Blue,Green,29,Ryloth,,A skilled pilot and leader of the Ghost crew.
78 |
77,Kanan Jarrus,Human,Male,1.91,86.0,Brown,Blue,Light,32,Coruscant,2,A Jedi Knight and member of the Ghost crew.
79 |
78,Ezra Bridger,Human,Male,1.75,70.0,Blue,Black,Light,18,Lothal,,A Jedi Padawan and member of the Ghost crew.
80 |
79,Sabine Wren,Human,Female,1.65,50.0,Varied,Brown,Light,21,Mandalore,,A Mandalorian artist and warrior.
81 |
80,Grand Admiral Thrawn,Chiss,Male,1.95,85.0,Blue-Black,Red,Blue,50,Csilla,,A brilliant tactician and leader in the Imperial Navy.
82 |
81,Jyn Erso,Human,Female,1.7,60.0,Brown,Green,Light,22,Vallt,0,The protagonist of Rogue One and a member of the Rebel Alliance.
83 |
82,Cassian Andor,Human,Male,1.84,75.0,Brown,Brown,Light,26,Fest,0,A Rebel intelligence officer.
84 |
83,Orson Krennic,Human,Male,1.85,80.0,White,Blue,Light,51,Lexrul,0,The director of the Empire's Advanced Weapons Research division.
85 |
84,Bodhi Rook,Human,Male,1.8,75.0,Black,Brown,Dark,25,Jedha,0,A former Imperial pilot who defected to the Rebel Alliance.
86 |
85,Chirrut Îmwe,Human,Male,1.75,70.0,Black,Brown,Light,52,Jedha,0,A blind warrior monk and follower of the Force.
87 |
86,Baze Malbus,Human,Male,1.85,95.0,Black,Brown,Light,52,Jedha,0,A former Guardian of the Whills and companion to Chirrut Îmwe.
88 |
87,Galen Erso,Human,Male,1.83,75.0,Brown,Brown,Light,54,Grange,0,A scientist and father of Jyn Erso.
89 |
88,Saw Gerrera,Human,Male,1.78,75.0,Black,Brown,Dark,48,Onderon,0,A militant leader in the Rebel Alliance.
90 |
89,Admiral Raddus,Mon Calamari,Male,1.8,72.0,None,Orange,Blue,50,Mon Cala,0,A respected admiral in the Rebel Alliance.
91 |
90,Dryden Vos,Human,Male,1.85,80.0,Blond,Blue,Light,35,Corellia,10,A crime lord in the Crimson Dawn syndicate.
92 |
91,Qi'ra,Human,Female,1.7,50.0,Brown,Brown,Light,21,Corellia,,A member of the Crimson Dawn syndicate.
93 |
92,Enfys Nest,Human,Female,1.68,55.0,Red,Brown,Light,19,Unknown,,A rebel and leader of the Cloud-Riders.
94 |
93,L3-37,Droid,None,1.8,,None,Green,Gray,,Unknown,10,A self-built piloting droid.
95 |
94,Beckett,Human,Male,1.85,80.0,Brown,Blue,Light,50,Glee Anselm,10,A criminal and mentor to Han Solo.
96 |
95,Val,Human,Female,1.75,55.0,Black,Brown,Dark,30,Unknown,10,A member of Beckett's crew.
97 |
96,Rio Durant,Ardennian,Male,1.4,40.0,None,Black,Blue,40,Ardennia,10,A four-armed pilot in Beckett's crew.
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
1 |
2 |
1,Mos Eisley,Tatooine,50000,A wretched hive of scum and villainy.
3 |
2,Theed,Naboo,200000,"Capital city of Naboo, known for its classical architecture."
4 |
3,Cloud City,Bespin,10000,A tibanna gas mining colony floating in the clouds of Bespin.
5 |
4,Coruscant,Coruscant,1000000000,The bustling capital of the Galactic Republic and later the Galactic Empire.
6 |
5,Jedha City,Jedha,30000,A holy city and center of pilgrimage for those who believe in the Force.
7 |
6,Canto Bight,Cantonica,20000,A casino city known for its luxury and opulence.
8 |
7,Mos Espa,Tatooine,40000,"A spaceport settlement on Tatooine, known for its podracing."
9 |
8,NiJedha,Jedha,20000,"Another important city on Jedha, known for its historical significance."
10 |
9,Tipoca City,Kamino,50000,"The capital city of Kamino, known for its cloning facilities."
11 |
10,Dahhh City,Toydaria,15000,A major city on Toydaria.
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
1 |
2 |
1,R2-D2,R2 series,Industrial Automaton,0.96,32.0,Red,White/Blue,Astromech droid,"A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, The Rise of Skywalker"
3 |
2,C-3PO,3PO series,Cybot Galactica,1.71,75.0,Yellow,Gold,Protocol droid,"A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, The Rise of Skywalker"
4 |
3,BB-8,BB series,BB Astromech,0.67,18.0,Black,White/Orange,Astromech droid,"The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, The Rise of Skywalker"
5 |
4,K-2SO,KX series,Arakyd Industries,2.16,104.0,Red,Black,Security droid,Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
6 |
5,IG-88,IG series,Holowan Laboratories,2.0,140.0,Red,Silver,Assassin droid,The Empire Strikes Back
7 |
6,HK-47,HK series,Czerka Corporation,1.8,75.0,Red,Bronze,Assassin droid,Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
8 |
7,L3-37,Custom,L3-37,1.7,60.0,Green,White,Pilot droid,Solo: A Star Wars Story
9 |
8,R5-D4,R5 series,Industrial Automaton,0.97,32.0,Red,White/Red,Astromech droid,A New Hope
10 |
9,Chopper,C1 series,Industrial Automaton,1.04,35.0,Orange,White/Orange,Astromech droid,Star Wars Rebels
11 |
10,EV-9D9,EV series,MerenData,1.6,48.0,Red,Gray,Supervisor droid,Return of the Jedi
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
1 |
2 |
1,Battle of Yavin,0 BBY,Yavin IV,The Rebel Alliance destroyed the Death Star.
3 |
2,Battle of Hoth,3 ABY,Hoth,The Empire attacked the Rebel base on Hoth.
4 |
3,Battle of Endor,4 ABY,Endor,The Rebel Alliance destroyed the second Death Star.
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
1 |
2 |
1,Episode I: The Phantom Menace,1999-05-19,George Lucas,Rick McCallum,Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic...
3 |
2,Episode II: Attack of the Clones,2002-05-16,George Lucas,Rick McCallum,There is unrest in the Galactic Senate...
4 |
3,Episode III: Revenge of the Sith,2005-05-19,George Lucas,Rick McCallum,War! The Republic is crumbling under attacks...
5 |
4,Episode IV: A New Hope,1977-05-25,George Lucas,"Gary Kurtz, Rick McCallum",It is a period of civil war...
6 |
5,Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back,1980-05-21,Irvin Kershner,"Gary Kurtz, Rick McCallum",It is a dark time for the Rebellion...
7 |
6,Episode VI: Return of the Jedi,1983-05-25,Richard Marquand,"Howard G. Kazanjian, George Lucas, Rick McCallum",Luke Skywalker has returned to his home planet...
8 |
7,Episode VII: The Force Awakens,2015-12-18,J.J. Abrams,"Kathleen Kennedy, J.J. Abrams, Bryan Burk",Luke Skywalker has vanished...
9 |
8,Episode VIII: The Last Jedi,2017-12-15,Rian Johnson,"Kathleen Kennedy, Ram Bergman",The FIRST ORDER reigns...
10 |
9,Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker,2019-12-20,J.J. Abrams,"Kathleen Kennedy, J.J. Abrams, Michelle Rejwan",The dead speak!...
11 |
10,Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,2016-12-16,Gareth Edwards,"Kathleen Kennedy, Allison Shearmur, Simon Emanuel",The Rebellion makes a risky move...
12 |
11,Solo: A Star Wars Story,2018-05-25,Ron Howard,"Kathleen Kennedy, Allison Shearmur, Simon Emanuel","Board the Millennium Falcon and journey to a galaxy far, far away..."
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
1 |
2 |
1,Main Title,John Williams,Movie,A New Hope
3 |
2,The Imperial March,John Williams,Movie,The Empire Strikes Back
4 |
3,Duel of the Fates,John Williams,Movie,The Phantom Menace
5 |
4,Battle of the Heroes,John Williams,Movie,Revenge of the Sith
6 |
5,The Throne Room,John Williams,Movie,A New Hope
7 |
6,Across the Stars,John Williams,Movie,Attack of the Clones
8 |
7,Rey's Theme,John Williams,Movie,The Force Awakens
9 |
8,March of the Resistance,John Williams,Movie,The Force Awakens
10 |
9,The Mandalorian Theme,Ludwig Göransson,Show,The Mandalorian
11 |
10,Ahsoka Leaves,Kevin Kiner,Show,The Clone Wars
12 |
11,Sabine's Theme,Kevin Kiner,Show,Rebels
13 |
12,Fennec Shand,Ludwig Göransson,Show,The Mandalorian
14 |
13,Yoda's Theme,John Williams,Movie,The Empire Strikes Back
15 |
14,Cantina Band,John Williams,Movie,A New Hope
16 |
15,The Jedi Steps,John Williams,Movie,The Force Awakens
17 |
16,Rescue of the Princess,John Williams,Movie,A New Hope
18 |
17,The Scavenger,John Williams,Movie,The Force Awakens
19 |
18,The Adventures of Han,John Powell,Movie,Solo: A Star Wars Story
20 |
19,Clone Army,Kevin Kiner,Show,The Clone Wars
21 |
20,Canto Bight,John Williams,Movie,The Last Jedi
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
1 |
2 |
1,Jedi Order,-25000,19,"Yoda, Mace Windu","Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker",Galactic Republic,"An ancient monastic, spiritual, and academic organization.","The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi"
3 |
2,Sith Order,-5000,4,Darth Sidious,"Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Darth Tyranus",Galactic Empire,A sect of Force-sensitive individuals who utilize the dark side of the Force.,"The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi"
4 |
3,Galactic Empire,19,4,Emperor Palpatine,"Darth Vader, Grand Moff Tarkin",None,An authoritarian government that replaced the Galactic Republic.,"Revenge of the Sith, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi"
5 |
4,Rebel Alliance,-2,4,"Mon Mothma, Leia Organa","Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Lando Calrissian",New Republic,An alliance of insurgent forces formed to oppose the Galactic Empire.,"A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi"
6 |
5,Galactic Republic,-25000,19,Supreme Chancellor,"Padmé Amidala, Bail Organa",Jedi Order,"The democratic union that governed the galaxy for over 25,000 years.","The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith"
7 |
6,Trade Federation,-350,0,Nute Gunray,"Rune Haako, Lott Dod",Separatists,A commercial trade organization turned military force.,"The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith"
8 |
7,First Order,34,35,"Supreme Leader Snoke, Kylo Ren","General Hux, Captain Phasma",None,A military dictatorship that emerged from the fallen Galactic Empire.,"The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, The Rise of Skywalker"
9 |
8,Resistance,34,35,Leia Organa,"Poe Dameron, Finn, Rey",New Republic,A private military force that opposed the First Order.,"The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, The Rise of Skywalker"
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1 |
2 |
1,Tatooine,10465.0,23.0,304.0,1 standard,200000,arid,desert,1.0,"Anakin Skywalker, Shmi Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, C-3PO","A New Hope, The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith"
3 |
2,Alderaan,12500.0,24.0,364.0,1 standard,2000000000,temperate,"grasslands, mountains",40.0,Leia Organa,"A New Hope, Revenge of the Sith"
4 |
3,Naboo,12120.0,26.0,312.0,1 standard,4500000000,temperate,"grassy hills, swamps, forests, mountains",12.0,"Padmé Amidala, Jar Jar Binks, Sheev Palpatine","The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith"
5 |
4,Stewjon,,,,1 standard,,temperate,"grasslands, lakes",,Obi-Wan Kenobi,
6 |
5,Corellia,11000.0,25.0,329.0,1 standard,3000000000,temperate,"plains, urban, forests, hills",70.0,Han Solo,Solo: A Star Wars Story
7 |
6,Kashyyyk,12765.0,26.0,381.0,1 standard,45000000,tropical,"forests, jungles",60.0,Chewbacca,Revenge of the Sith
8 |
7,Kamino,19720.0,27.0,463.0,1 standard,1000000000,temperate,ocean,100.0,Jango Fett,Attack of the Clones
9 |
8,Mon Cala,11030.0,21.0,398.0,1 standard,27000000000,temperate,"oceans, islands, marshes",100.0,Admiral Ackbar,"Return of the Jedi, The Last Jedi"
10 |
9,Geonosis,11370.0,30.0,256.0,0.9 standard,100000000000,"temperate, arid","rock, desert, canyons, mesas",5.0,Poggle the Lesser,"Attack of the Clones, The Clone Wars"
11 |
10,Jakku,,23.0,298.0,0.9 standard,,arid,"deserts, mesas",8.0,Rey,"The Force Awakens, The Rise of Skywalker"
12 |
11,Yavin 4,10200.0,24.0,4818.0,1 standard,1000,"temperate, tropical","jungles, forests",8.0,Poe Dameron,"A New Hope, Rogue One, The Rise of Skywalker"
13 |
12,Rodia,7549.0,29.0,305.0,1 standard,1300000000,"tropical, humid","rainforests, oceans",60.0,Greedo,The Clone Wars
14 |
13,Coruscant,12240.0,24.0,365.0,1 standard,1000000000000,temperate,urban,0.0,Palpatine,"The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, The Clone Wars, The Rise of Skywalker"
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
1 |
2 |
1,Luke Skywalker,May the Force be with you.,A New Hope
3 |
2,Darth Vader,I am your father.,The Empire Strikes Back
4 |
3,Yoda,"Do or do not, there is no try.",The Empire Strikes Back
5 |
4,Han Solo,I've got a bad feeling about this.,A New Hope
6 |
5,Admiral Ackbar,It's a trap!,Return of the Jedi
7 |
6,Leia Organa,"Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.",A New Hope
8 |
7,Darth Vader,I find your lack of faith disturbing.,A New Hope
9 |
8,Obi-Wan Kenobi,The Force will be with you. Always.,A New Hope
10 |
9,Obi-Wan Kenobi,You were the Chosen One!,Revenge of the Sith
11 |
10,Yoda,Fear is the path to the dark side.,The Phantom Menace
12 |
11,Darth Vader,"Just for once, let me look on you with my own eyes.",Return of the Jedi
13 |
12,Obi-Wan Kenobi,"In my experience, there is no such thing as luck.",A New Hope
14 |
13,Han Solo,I’ve got a bad feeling about this.,The Empire Strikes Back
15 |
14,Luke Skywalker,"I am a Jedi, like my father before me.",Return of the Jedi
16 |
15,Qui-Gon Jinn,Your focus determines your reality.,The Phantom Menace
17 |
16,Darth Vader,The Force is strong with this one.,A New Hope
18 |
17,Padmé Amidala,I will not let this Republic that has stood for a thousand years be split in two.,Attack of the Clones
19 |
18,Qui-Gon Jinn,There’s always a bigger fish.,The Phantom Menace
20 |
19,Padmé Amidala,So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.,Revenge of the Sith
21 |
20,Emperor Palpatine,Power! Unlimited power!,Revenge of the Sith
22 |
21,Emperor Palpatine,The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.,Revenge of the Sith
23 |
22,Shmi Skywalker,"You can’t stop the change, any more than you can stop the suns from setting.",The Phantom Menace
24 |
23,Obi-Wan Kenobi,These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.,A New Hope
25 |
24,Count Dooku,"I sense great fear in you, Skywalker.",Attack of the Clones
26 |
25,Yoda,"There is no emotion, there is peace.",The Empire Strikes Back
27 |
26,Yoda,"Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.",The Empire Strikes Back
28 |
27,Yoda,"A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.",The Empire Strikes Back
29 |
28,Obi-Wan Kenobi,You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.,Return of the Jedi
30 |
29,Han Solo,Never tell me the odds!,The Empire Strikes Back
31 |
30,Obi-Wan Kenobi,"In my experience, there's no such thing as luck.",A New Hope
32 |
31,Obi-Wan Kenobi,I have a bad feeling about this.,The Phantom Menace
33 |
32,Han Solo,It’s not my fault.,The Empire Strikes Back
34 |
33,Luke Skywalker,Do you know what I’ve become?,The Empire Strikes Back
35 |
34,Anakin Skywalker,I can’t watch anymore.,Return of the Jedi
36 |
35,Luke Skywalker,I’ll never turn to the dark side.,Return of the Jedi
37 |
36,Obi-Wan Kenobi,"Remember, the Force will be with you, always.",A New Hope
38 |
37,Anakin Skywalker,This is where the fun begins.,Revenge of the Sith
39 |
38,Boba Fett,He’s no good to me dead.,The Empire Strikes Back
40 |
39,Darth Vader,I am altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.,The Empire Strikes Back
41 |
40,Opening Crawl,"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…",A New Hope
42 |
41,Obi-Wan Kenobi,Your eyes can deceive you; don’t trust them.,A New Hope
43 |
42,Gold Five,Stay on target.,A New Hope
44 |
43,Luke Skywalker,You serve your master well. And you will be rewarded.,Return of the Jedi
45 |
44,Han Solo,"Chewie, we’re home.",The Force Awakens
46 |
45,Leia Organa,I love you.,The Empire Strikes Back
47 |
46,Han Solo,I know.,The Empire Strikes Back
48 |
47,Han Solo,"You’re all clear, kid. Now let’s blow this thing and go home.",A New Hope
49 |
48,C-3PO,We’re doomed.,A New Hope
50 |
49,Darth Vader,"When I left you, I was but the learner. Now I am the master.",A New Hope
51 |
50,Han Solo,Boba Fett? Boba Fett? Where?,Return of the Jedi
52 |
51,Han Solo,I thought they smelled bad on the outside.,The Empire Strikes Back
53 |
52,Leia Organa,Would somebody get this big walking carpet out of my way?,A New Hope
54 |
53,Obi-Wan Kenobi,"Strike me down, and I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.",A New Hope
55 |
54,Luke Skywalker,Your overconfidence is your weakness.,Return of the Jedi
56 |
55,Darth Vader,"You have failed me for the last time, Admiral.",The Empire Strikes Back
57 |
56,Darth Vader,I find your lack of faith disturbing.,A New Hope
58 |
57,Yoda,"Judge me by my size, do you?",The Empire Strikes Back
59 |
58,Yoda,"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.",The Empire Strikes Back
60 |
59,Obi-Wan Kenobi,"You were right about one thing, Master. The negotiations were short.",The Phantom Menace
61 |
60,Obi-Wan Kenobi,I will do what I must.,Revenge of the Sith
62 |
61,Han Solo,Who’s scruffy-looking?,The Empire Strikes Back
63 |
62,C-3PO,We seem to be made to suffer. It’s our lot in life.,A New Hope
64 |
63,Han Solo,"Good against remotes is one thing. Good against the living, that’s something else.",A New Hope
65 |
64,Han Solo,"Great, kid. Don’t get cocky.",A New Hope
66 |
65,Darth Vader,You don’t know the power of the dark side.,Return of the Jedi
67 |
66,Yoda,Wars not make one great.,The Empire Strikes Back
68 |
67,Luke Skywalker,I’ve got a bad feeling about this.,Return of the Jedi
69 |
68,Lando Calrissian,I’ve just made a deal that will keep the Empire out of here forever.,The Empire Strikes Back
70 |
69,Admiral Piett,Bounty hunters. We don’t need their scum.,The Empire Strikes Back
71 |
70,Obi-Wan Kenobi,That’s no moon. It’s a space station.,A New Hope
72 |
71,Darth Vader,The circle is now complete.,A New Hope
73 |
72,Emperor Palpatine,"So be it, Jedi.",Return of the Jedi
74 |
73,Luke Skywalker,My name is Luke Skywalker. I’m here to rescue you.,A New Hope
75 |
74,Han Solo,I think I just blasted it.,A New Hope
76 |
75,Darth Vader,I am your father.,The Empire Strikes Back
77 |
76,Luke Skywalker,"You have failed, your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me.",Return of the Jedi
78 |
77,Leia Organa,"You do have your moments. Not many, but you have them.",The Empire Strikes Back
79 |
78,Lando Calrissian,You look absolutely beautiful. You truly belong here with us among the clouds.,The Empire Strikes Back
80 |
79,Han Solo,I’ll see you in hell!,The Empire Strikes Back
81 |
80,Obi-Wan Kenobi,"The Force will be with you, always.",A New Hope
82 |
81,Obi-Wan Kenobi,This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.,A New Hope
83 |
82,Yoda,"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.",The Phantom Menace
84 |
83,Yoda,Adventure. Excitement. A Jedi craves not these things.,The Empire Strikes Back
85 |
84,Darth Vader,I am your father.,The Empire Strikes Back
86 |
85,Yoda,You must unlearn what you have learned.,The Empire Strikes Back
87 |
86,Leia Organa,"You do have your moments. Not many, but you have them.",The Empire Strikes Back
88 |
87,Darth Vader,"I’ve been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last.",A New Hope
89 |
88,Leia Organa,I can’t believe he’s gone.,Return of the Jedi
90 |
89,Han Solo,"I’m out of it for a little while, everyone gets delusions of grandeur.",Return of the Jedi
91 |
90,Luke Skywalker,"I am a Jedi, like my father before me.",Return of the Jedi
92 |
91,Han Solo,"Laugh it up, fuzzball.",The Empire Strikes Back
93 |
92,Obi-Wan Kenobi,"The Force will be with you, always.",A New Hope
94 |
93,Emperor Palpatine,"Now, young Skywalker, you will die.",Return of the Jedi
95 |
94,Darth Vader,I find your lack of faith disturbing.,A New Hope
96 |
95,Han Solo,"You’re all clear, kid. Now let’s blow this thing and go home.",A New Hope
97 |
96,Luke Skywalker,"I am a Jedi, like my father before me.",Return of the Jedi
98 |
97,Luke Skywalker,I’ll never turn to the dark side.,Return of the Jedi
99 |
98,Han Solo,I think you just can’t bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight.,The Empire Strikes Back
100 |
99,Leia Organa,"Why, you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking Nerf herder!",The Empire Strikes Back
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
1 |
2 |
1,Human,Mammal,Sentient,1.8,"Light, Dark",Various,Various,79.0,Galactic Basic,Various
3 |
2,Yoda's species,Unknown,Sentient,0.66,Green,White,Brown,900.0,Galactic Basic,Unknown
4 |
5 |
6 |
5,Twi'lek,Mammal,Sentient,1.8,"Blue, Green, Red, Yellow",None,Various,80.0,Twi'leki,Ryloth
7 |
6,Mon Calamari,Amphibian,Sentient,1.7,Orange,None,Red,70.0,Mon Calamarian,Mon Cala
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
10,Kel Dor,Mammal,Sentient,1.88,Orange,None,Black,70.0,Kel Dor,Dorin
12 |
11,Nautolan,Amphibian,Sentient,1.96,Green,None,Black,80.0,Nautila,Glee Anselm
13 |
14 |
13,Hutt,Gastropod,Sentient,3.9,Green,None,Orange,1000.0,Huttese,Nal Hutta
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
29,Quarren,Amphibian,Sentient,1.8,Orange,None,Blue,79.0,Quarrenese,Mon Cala
31 |
32 |
31,Talz,Mammal,Sentient,2.0,White,None,Blue,60.0,Talzzi,Alzoc III
33 |
32,Tusken Raider,Mammal,Sentient,1.8,Unknown,Unknown,Unknown,70.0,Tusken,Tatooine
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
36,Jedi,Mammal,Sentient,1.8,Various,Various,Various,120.0,Galactic Basic,Various
38 |
39 |
40 |
39,Toydarian,Mammal,Sentient,1.2,"Blue, Green",None,Yellow,91.0,Toydarian,Toydaria
41 |
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
1 |
2 |
1,Millennium Falcon,YT-1300 light freighter,Corellian Engineering Corporation,100000.0,34.75,1050.0,4,6,100000.0,2 months,0.5,75,Light freighter,"Han Solo, Chewbacca","A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, The Rise of Skywalker"
3 |
2,X-wing,T-65 X-wing starfighter,Incom Corporation,149999.0,12.5,1050.0,1,0,110.0,1 week,1.0,100,Starfighter,Luke Skywalker,"A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, The Rise of Skywalker"
4 |
3,TIE Fighter,Twin Ion Engine/Ln Starfighter,Sienar Fleet Systems,75000.0,8.99,1200.0,1,0,65.0,2 days,1.0,100,Starfighter,None,"A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi"
5 |
4,Star Destroyer,Imperial I-class Star Destroyer,Kuat Drive Yards,150000000.0,1600.0,975.0,47060,0,36000000.0,2 years,2.0,60,Capital ship,None,"A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi"
6 |
5,Slave 1,Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft,Kuat Systems Engineering,,21.5,1000.0,1,6,80000.0,1 month,3.0,70,Patrol craft,Boba Fett,"The Empire Strikes Back, Attack of the Clones, The Mandalorian"
7 |
6,A-wing,RZ-1 A-wing interceptor,Alliance Underground Engineering,175000.0,9.6,1300.0,1,0,40.0,1 week,1.0,120,Interceptor,None,"Return of the Jedi, The Last Jedi"
8 |
7,B-wing,A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter,Slayn & Korpil,220000.0,16.9,950.0,1,0,45.0,1 week,2.0,91,Assault starfighter,None,Return of the Jedi
9 |
8,Y-wing,BTL Y-wing starfighter,Koensayr Manufacturing,135000.0,23.4,1000.0,2,0,110.0,1 week,1.0,80,Assault starfighter,None,"A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi"
10 |
9,Executor,Executor-class Star Dreadnought,"Kuat Drive Yards, Fondor Shipyards",1143350000.0,19000.0,975.0,279144,38000,250000000.0,6 years,4.0,40,Star Dreadnought,Darth Vader,"The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi"
11 |
10,Rebel transport,GR-75 medium transport,"Gallofree Yards, Inc.",3000000.0,90.0,650.0,6,90,19000000.0,6 months,4.0,20,Medium transport,None,"The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi"
12 |
11,Naboo Royal Starship,J-type 327 Nubian,Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps,,76.0,920.0,8,20,2000000.0,1 month,1.8,75,Yacht,Queen Amidala,The Phantom Menace
13 |
12,ARC-170,Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter,"Incom Corporation, Subpro Corporation",,14.5,1000.0,3,0,110.0,5 days,1.0,100,Starfighter,None,Revenge of the Sith
14 |
13,Eta-2 Actis,Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor,Kuat Systems Engineering,,5.47,1500.0,1,0,60.0,2 days,1.0,85,Interceptor,"Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi",Revenge of the Sith
15 |
14,Venator-class Star Destroyer,Venator-class,Kuat Drive Yards,,1137.0,975.0,7400,2000,20000000.0,6 years,2.0,60,Capital ship,None,"Revenge of the Sith, The Clone Wars"
16 |
15,Naboo N-1 Starfighter,N-1,Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps,,11.0,1100.0,1,0,65.0,3 days,1.0,100,Starfighter,Anakin Skywalker,"The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones"
17 |
16,Jedi Interceptor,Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor,Kuat Systems Engineering,,5.47,1500.0,1,0,60.0,2 days,1.0,85,Interceptor,"Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi",Revenge of the Sith
18 |
17,Sith Infiltrator,Scimitar,Republic Sienar Systems,,26.5,1180.0,1,6,150000.0,1 month,1.5,80,Starfighter,Darth Maul,The Phantom Menace
19 |
18,V-wing,Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter,Kuat Systems Engineering,,7.9,1050.0,1,0,60.0,2 days,1.0,90,Starfighter,None,Revenge of the Sith
20 |
19,Delta-7 Aethersprite,Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor,Kuat Systems Engineering,,8.0,1150.0,1,0,60.0,2 days,1.0,90,Interceptor,Obi-Wan Kenobi,Attack of the Clones
21 |
20,Imperial Shuttle,Lambda-class T-4a shuttle,Sienar Fleet Systems,,20.0,850.0,6,20,80000.0,1 month,1.0,50,Shuttle,Emperor Palpatine,Return of the Jedi
22 |
21,Tantive IV,CR90 corvette,Corellian Engineering Corporation,3500000.0,150.0,950.0,165,30,3000000.0,1 year,2.0,60,Corvette,Leia Organa,"A New Hope, Revenge of the Sith"
23 |
22,Slave II,Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft,Kuat Systems Engineering,,21.5,1000.0,1,6,80000.0,1 month,3.0,70,Patrol craft,Boba Fett,"The Empire Strikes Back, Attack of the Clones, The Mandalorian"
24 |
23,TIE Bomber,TIE/sa bomber,Sienar Fleet Systems,,7.8,850.0,1,0,40.0,2 days,1.0,60,Bomber,None,The Empire Strikes Back
25 |
24,Imperial Star Destroyer,Imperial I-class Star Destroyer,Kuat Drive Yards,150000000.0,1600.0,975.0,47060,0,36000000.0,2 years,2.0,60,Capital ship,None,"A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi"
26 |
25,Sith Speeder,FC-20 speeder bike,Razalon,,2.0,180.0,1,0,10.0,1 day,,,Speeder,Darth Maul,The Phantom Menace
27 |
26,Speeder Bike,74-Z speeder bike,Aratech Repulsor Company,,3.0,360.0,1,1,4.0,2 days,,,Speeder,None,Return of the Jedi
28 |
27,Solar Sailer,Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop,Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective,,15.2,,3,11,180000.0,1 month,1.5,60,Sloop,Count Dooku,Attack of the Clones
29 |
28,Geonosian Starfighter,Nantex-class territorial defense starfighter,Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective,,9.8,1200.0,1,0,30.0,2 days,1.0,100,Starfighter,None,Attack of the Clones
30 |
29,Hound's Tooth,YT-2000 light freighter,Corellian Engineering Corporation,,20.0,850.0,6,10,500000.0,2 months,1.0,75,Light freighter,Bossk,The Clone Wars
31 |
30,Scimitar,Sith Infiltrator,Republic Sienar Systems,,26.5,1180.0,1,6,150000.0,1 month,1.5,80,Starfighter,Darth Maul,The Phantom Menace
32 |
31,Tie Interceptor,TIE/in interceptor,Sienar Fleet Systems,,9.6,1250.0,1,0,75.0,2 days,1.0,110,Starfighter,None,Return of the Jedi
33 |
32,Naboo Royal Cruiser,J-type diplomatic barge,Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps,,115.0,920.0,8,50,500000.0,2 months,1.8,75,Yacht,Queen Amidala,Attack of the Clones
34 |
33,X-34 Landspeeder,X-34,SoroSuub Corporation,,3.4,250.0,1,1,5.0,2 days,,,Landspeeder,Luke Skywalker,A New Hope
35 |
34,Snowspeeder,T-47 airspeeder,Incom Corporation,,5.3,650.0,2,0,10.0,2 days,,,Airspeeder,Luke Skywalker,The Empire Strikes Back
36 |
35,The Ghost,VCX-100 light freighter,Corellian Engineering Corporation,,43.9,1025.0,4,6,70000.0,2 months,1.0,70,Light freighter,Hera Syndulla,Star Wars Rebels
37 |
36,Phantom,VCX-series auxiliary starfighter,Corellian Engineering Corporation,,14.1,1050.0,1,6,40000.0,1 month,1.0,90,Auxiliary starfighter,Ezra Bridger,Star Wars Rebels
38 |
37,Outrider,YT-2400 light freighter,Corellian Engineering Corporation,,21.5,950.0,2,6,70000.0,2 months,0.75,70,Light freighter,Dash Rendar,Shadows of the Empire
39 |
38,Razor Crest,ST-70 Assault Ship,Kuat Drive Yards,,24.0,1000.0,2,6,50000.0,1 month,1.0,75,Assault ship,Din Djarin,The Mandalorian
40 |
39,Naboo Yacht,J-type star skiff,Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps,,29.2,920.0,8,30,300000.0,1 month,1.8,75,Yacht,Padmé Amidala,Revenge of the Sith
41 |
40,U-wing,UT-60D,Incom Corporation,,24.2,950.0,4,8,40000.0,1 month,1.0,80,Transport,Cassian Andor,Rogue One
42 |
41,TIE Advanced x1,TIE Advanced x1,Sienar Fleet Systems,,9.2,1200.0,1,0,75.0,2 days,1.0,105,Starfighter,Darth Vader,A New Hope
43 |
42,J-type 327 Nubian,J-type 327,Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps,,76.0,920.0,8,20,2000000.0,1 month,1.8,75,Yacht,Queen Amidala,The Phantom Menace
44 |
43,Naboo Royal Starship,J-type 327 Nubian,Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps,,76.0,920.0,8,20,2000000.0,1 month,1.8,75,Yacht,Queen Amidala,The Phantom Menace
45 |
44,Naboo N-1 Starfighter,N-1,Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps,,11.0,1100.0,1,0,65.0,3 days,1.0,100,Starfighter,Anakin Skywalker,"The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones"
46 |
45,Sith Infiltrator,Scimitar,Republic Sienar Systems,,26.5,1180.0,1,6,150000.0,1 month,1.5,80,Starfighter,Darth Maul,The Phantom Menace
47 |
46,Havoc Marauder,Omicron-class attack shuttle,Cygnus Spaceworks,,22.3,1050.0,2,12,70000.0,1 month,1.0,70,Attack shuttle,Clone Force 99,The Bad Batch
48 |
47,Luthen's Ship,Fondor Haulcraft,Fondor Shipyards,,34.8,1000.0,1,6,100000.0,1 month,1.0,80,Haulcraft,Luthen Rael,Andor
49 |
48,Tantive IV,CR90 corvette,Corellian Engineering Corporation,3500000.0,150.0,950.0,165,30,3000000.0,1 year,2.0,60,Corvette,Leia Organa,"A New Hope, Revenge of the Sith"
50 |
49,Millennium Falcon,YT-1300 light freighter,Corellian Engineering Corporation,100000.0,34.75,1050.0,4,6,100000.0,2 months,0.5,75,Light freighter,"Han Solo, Chewbacca","A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, The Rise of Skywalker"
51 |
50,Jedi Starfighter,Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor,Kuat Systems Engineering,,8.0,1150.0,1,0,60.0,2 days,1.0,90,Interceptor,Obi-Wan Kenobi,Attack of the Clones
52 |
51,Vulture Droid,Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid,Haor Chall Engineering,,3.5,1200.0,,,,,1.0,100,Starfighter,None,The Phantom Menace
53 |
52,Tri-Fighter,Droid Tri-Fighter,"Colla Designs, Phlac-Arphocc Automata Industries",,5.4,1180.0,,,,,1.0,100,Starfighter,None,Revenge of the Sith
54 |
53,Hyena Bomber,Baktoid Armor Workshop,"Colla Designs, Phlac-Arphocc Automata Industries",,14.9,1180.0,,,,,1.0,100,Starfighter,None,The Clone Wars
55 |
54,Droid Gunship,Heavy Missile Platform,Baktoid Fleet Ordnance,,12.0,950.0,,,,,1.0,100,Gunship,None,The Clone Wars
56 |
55,Malevolence,Subjugator-class heavy cruiser,Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps,,4845.0,975.0,216,0,14000000.0,6 years,1.5,60,Heavy cruiser,General Grievous,The Clone Wars
57 |
56,Invisible Hand,Providence-class Dreadnought,Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps,,1088.0,950.0,600,0,15000000.0,6 years,1.5,60,Dreadnought,General Grievous,Revenge of the Sith
58 |
57,Malevolence,Subjugator-class heavy cruiser,Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps,,4845.0,975.0,216,0,14000000.0,6 years,1.5,60,Heavy cruiser,General Grievous,The Clone Wars
59 |
58,Invisible Hand,Providence-class Dreadnought,Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps,,1088.0,950.0,600,0,15000000.0,6 years,1.5,60,Dreadnought,General Grievous,Revenge of the Sith
60 |
59,Droid Control Ship,Lucrehulk-class battleship,Hoersch-Kessel Drive,,3170.0,950.0,150,0,55000000.0,6 years,2.0,60,Battleship,None,The Phantom Menace
61 |
60,Venator-class Star Destroyer,Venator-class,Kuat Drive Yards,,1137.0,975.0,7400,2000,20000000.0,6 years,2.0,60,Capital ship,None,"Revenge of the Sith, The Clone Wars"
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
1 |
2 |
1,Formation of the Galactic Empire,19 BBY
3 |
2,Battle of Yavin,0 BBY
4 |
3,Battle of Endor,4 ABY
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
1 |
2 |
1,Snowspeeder,t-47 airspeeder,Incom corporation,0.0,4.5,650.0,2,0,10.0,none,airspeeder,"Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles",The Empire Strikes Back
3 |
2,TIE Fighter,Twin Ion Engine/Ln Starfighter,Sienar Fleet Systems,75000.0,6.3,1200.0,1,0,65.0,2 days,Starfighter,None,"A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi"
4 |
3,Sand Crawler,Digger Crawler,Corellia Mining Corporation,150000.0,36.8,30.0,46,30,50000.0,2 months,Wheeled,None,A New Hope
5 |
4,X-34 Landspeeder,X-34 Landspeeder,SoroSuub Corporation,10550.0,3.4,250.0,1,1,5.0,None,Landspeeder,Luke Skywalker,A New Hope
6 |
5,TIE Bomber,TIE/sa Bomber,Sienar Fleet Systems,86500.0,7.8,850.0,1,0,15.0,2 days,Bomber,None,The Empire Strikes Back
7 |
6,AT-AT,All Terrain Armored Transport,Kuat Drive Yards,226500.0,20.6,60.0,5,40,1000.0,None,Walker,None,"The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi"
8 |
7,AT-ST,All Terrain Scout Transport,Kuat Drive Yards,89100.0,8.6,90.0,2,0,200.0,None,Walker,None,"The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi"
9 |
8,Sith Speeder,FC-20 Speeder Bike,Razalon,4000.0,1.5,180.0,1,0,5.0,None,Speeder,Darth Maul,The Phantom Menace
10 |
9,Speeder Bike,74-Z Speeder Bike,Aratech Repulsor Company,8000.0,3.0,360.0,1,1,4.0,2 days,Speeder,Scout Trooper,Return of the Jedi
11 |
10,Imperial Speeder Bike,74-Z Speeder Bike,Aratech Repulsor Company,8000.0,3.0,500.0,1,1,5.0,2 days,Speeder,Scout Trooper,Return of the Jedi
12 |
11,Cloud Car,Storm IV Twin-Pod,Bespin Motors,75000.0,7.0,1500.0,2,0,10.0,None,Air speeder,None,The Empire Strikes Back
13 |
12,Sith Infiltrator,Sith Infiltrator,Sienar Fleet Systems,0.0,26.5,1180.0,1,6,150000.0,1 month,Starfighter,Darth Maul,The Phantom Menace
14 |
13,B-Wing,B-Wing starfighter,Slayn & Korpil,220000.0,16.9,950.0,1,0,45.0,1 week,Starfighter,None,Return of the Jedi
15 |
14,Slave 1,Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft,Kuat Systems Engineering,150000.0,21.5,1000.0,1,6,80000.0,1 month,Patrol craft,Boba Fett,"The Empire Strikes Back, Attack of the Clones"
16 |
15,Solar Sailer,Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop,Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective,285000.0,15.2,1600.0,3,11,180000.0,1 month,Sloop,Count Dooku,Attack of the Clones
17 |
16,Geonosian Starfighter,Nantex-class territorial defense starfighter,Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective,125000.0,9.8,1200.0,1,0,30.0,2 days,Starfighter,None,Attack of the Clones
18 |
17,Hound's Tooth,YT-2000 light freighter,Corellian Engineering Corporation,150000.0,20.0,850.0,6,10,500000.0,2 months,Light freighter,Bossk,The Clone Wars
19 |
18,Scimitar,Sith Infiltrator,Republic Sienar Systems,200000.0,26.5,1180.0,1,6,150000.0,1 month,Starfighter,Darth Maul,The Phantom Menace
20 |
19,Tie Interceptor,TIE/in interceptor,Sienar Fleet Systems,75000.0,9.6,1250.0,1,0,75.0,2 days,Starfighter,None,Return of the Jedi
21 |
20,Naboo Royal Cruiser,J-type diplomatic barge,Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps,200000.0,115.0,920.0,8,50,500000.0,2 months,Yacht,Queen Amidala,Attack of the Clones
22 |
21,X-34 Landspeeder,X-34,SoroSuub Corporation,10550.0,3.4,250.0,1,1,5.0,2 days,Landspeeder,Luke Skywalker,A New Hope
23 |
22,Snowspeeder,T-47 airspeeder,Incom Corporation,0.0,4.5,650.0,2,0,10.0,None,Airspeeder,Luke Skywalker,The Empire Strikes Back
24 |
23,Cloud Car,Storm IV Twin-Pod,Bespin Motors,75000.0,7.0,1500.0,2,0,10.0,None,Air speeder,None,The Empire Strikes Back
25 |
24,TIE Fighter,Twin Ion Engine/Ln Starfighter,Sienar Fleet Systems,75000.0,6.3,1200.0,1,0,65.0,2 days,Starfighter,None,"A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi"
26 |
25,Sith Speeder,FC-20 speeder bike,Razalon,4000.0,1.5,180.0,1,0,5.0,None,Speeder,Darth Maul,The Phantom Menace
27 |
26,Sith Infiltrator,Sith Infiltrator,Sienar Fleet Systems,0.0,26.5,1180.0,1,6,150000.0,1 month,Starfighter,Darth Maul,The Phantom Menace
28 |
27,Tie Bomber,TIE/sa Bomber,Sienar Fleet Systems,86500.0,7.8,850.0,1,0,15.0,2 days,Bomber,None,The Empire Strikes Back
29 |
28,AT-AT,All Terrain Armored Transport,Kuat Drive Yards,226500.0,20.6,60.0,5,40,1000.0,None,Walker,None,"The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi"
30 |
29,AT-ST,All Terrain Scout Transport,Kuat Drive Yards,89100.0,8.6,90.0,2,0,200.0,None,Walker,None,"The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi"
31 |
30,Solar Sailer,Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop,Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective,285000.0,15.2,1600.0,3,11,180000.0,1 month,Sloop,Count Dooku,Attack of the Clones
32 |
31,Geonosian Starfighter,Nantex-class territorial defense starfighter,Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective,125000.0,9.8,1200.0,1,0,30.0,2 days,Starfighter,None,Attack of the Clones
33 |
32,Hound's Tooth,YT-2000 light freighter,Corellian Engineering Corporation,150000.0,20.0,850.0,6,10,500000.0,2 months,Light freighter,Bossk,The Clone Wars
34 |
33,Slave 1,Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft,Kuat Systems Engineering,150000.0,21.5,1000.0,1,6,80000.0,1 month,Patrol craft,Boba Fett,"The Empire Strikes Back, Attack of the Clones"
35 |
34,Scimitar,Sith Infiltrator,Republic Sienar Systems,200000.0,26.5,1180.0,1,6,150000.0,1 month,Starfighter,Darth Maul,The Phantom Menace
36 |
35,Tie Interceptor,TIE/in interceptor,Sienar Fleet Systems,75000.0,9.6,1250.0,1,0,75.0,2 days,Starfighter,None,Return of the Jedi
37 |
36,Naboo Royal Cruiser,J-type diplomatic barge,Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps,200000.0,115.0,920.0,8,50,500000.0,2 months,Yacht,Queen Amidala,Attack of the Clones
38 |
37,Snowspeeder,T-47 airspeeder,Incom corporation,0.0,4.5,650.0,2,0,10.0,none,airspeeder,"Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles",The Empire Strikes Back
39 |
38,Sand Crawler,Digger Crawler,Corellia Mining Corporation,150000.0,36.8,30.0,46,30,50000.0,2 months,Wheeled,None,A New Hope
40 |
39,X-34 Landspeeder,X-34 Landspeeder,SoroSuub Corporation,10550.0,3.4,250.0,1,1,5.0,None,Landspeeder,Luke Skywalker,A New Hope
41 |
40,TIE Bomber,TIE/sa Bomber,Sienar Fleet Systems,86500.0,7.8,850.0,1,0,15.0,2 days,Bomber,None,The Empire Strikes Back
42 |
41,AT-AT,All Terrain Armored Transport,Kuat Drive Yards,226500.0,20.6,60.0,5,40,1000.0,None,Walker,None,"The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi"
43 |
42,AT-ST,All Terrain Scout Transport,Kuat Drive Yards,89100.0,8.6,90.0,2,0,200.0,None,Walker,None,"The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi"
44 |
43,Sith Speeder,FC-20 Speeder Bike,Razalon,4000.0,1.5,180.0,1,0,5.0,None,Speeder,Darth Maul,The Phantom Menace
45 |
44,Speeder Bike,74-Z Speeder Bike,Aratech Repulsor Company,8000.0,3.0,360.0,1,1,4.0,2 days,Speeder,Scout Trooper,Return of the Jedi
46 |
45,Imperial Speeder Bike,74-Z Speeder Bike,Aratech Repulsor Company,8000.0,3.0,500.0,1,1,5.0,2 days,Speeder,Scout Trooper,Return of the Jedi
47 |
46,Cloud Car,Storm IV Twin-Pod,Bespin Motors,75000.0,7.0,1500.0,2,0,10.0,None,Air speeder,None,The Empire Strikes Back
48 |
47,Sith Infiltrator,Sith Infiltrator,Sienar Fleet Systems,0.0,26.5,1180.0,1,6,150000.0,1 month,Starfighter,Darth Maul,The Phantom Menace
49 |
48,B-Wing,B-Wing starfighter,Slayn & Korpil,220000.0,16.9,950.0,1,0,45.0,1 week,Starfighter,None,Return of the Jedi
50 |
49,Slave 1,Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft,Kuat Systems Engineering,150000.0,21.5,1000.0,1,6,80000.0,1 month,Patrol craft,Boba Fett,"The Empire Strikes Back, Attack of the Clones"
51 |
50,Solar Sailer,Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop,Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective,285000.0,15.2,1600.0,3,11,180000.0,1 month,Sloop,Count Dooku,Attack of the Clones
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
1 |
2 |
1,Lightsaber,Standard Lightsaber,Various,,1.0,Melee,A weapon with a plasma blade powered by a kyber crystal.,All Episodes
3 |
2,DL-44 Blaster Pistol,DL-44,BlasTech Industries,1500.0,0.3,Blaster,A powerful and highly modifiable blaster pistol.,"A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Force Awakens"
4 |
3,E-11 Blaster Rifle,E-11,BlasTech Industries,1000.0,0.43,Blaster,Standard issue blaster rifle for Imperial stormtroopers.,"A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi"
5 |
4,Bowcaster,Wookiee Bowcaster,Various,,1.5,Projectile,A traditional Wookiee weapon that fires explosive quarrels.,"A New Hope, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi"
6 |
5,Thermal Detonator,Model TD,Various,2000.0,0.1,Explosive,A highly destructive grenade.,"Return of the Jedi, The Force Awakens"
7 |
6,Electrostaff,Z6 Riot Control Baton,Merr-Sonn Munitions,,2.0,Melee,"A staff that delivers electric shocks, used by riot control stormtroopers.",The Force Awakens
8 |
7,DC-15A Blaster Rifle,DC-15A,BlasTech Industries,2500.0,1.26,Blaster,A heavy blaster rifle used by clone troopers.,"Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith"
9 |
8,Force Pike,Force Pike,Various,,2.0,Melee,A staff weapon used by the Emperor's Royal Guard.,Return of the Jedi
10 |
9,SE-14C Blaster Pistol,SE-14C,BlasTech Industries,800.0,0.22,Blaster,A rapid-fire blaster pistol.,A New Hope
11 |
10,Westar-34 Blaster,Westar-34,BlasTech Industries,1200.0,0.23,Blaster,A pair of blaster pistols used by Jango Fett.,Attack of the Clones
12 |
11,DH-17 Blaster Pistol,DH-17,BlasTech Industries,1200.0,0.3,Blaster,A blaster pistol used by the Rebel Alliance.,"A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back"
13 |
12,DC-17 Hand Blaster,DC-17,BlasTech Industries,1500.0,0.32,Blaster,A blaster pistol used by clone troopers.,The Clone Wars
14 |
13,A280 Blaster Rifle,A280,BlasTech Industries,2000.0,0.45,Blaster,A heavy blaster rifle used by the Rebel Alliance.,Return of the Jedi
15 |
14,RT-97C Heavy Blaster Rifle,RT-97C,BlasTech Industries,3000.0,1.2,Blaster,A heavy blaster rifle used by Imperial stormtroopers.,A New Hope
16 |
15,F-11D Blaster Rifle,F-11D,Sonn-Blas Corporation,2500.0,1.1,Blaster,A blaster rifle used by the First Order stormtroopers.,"The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, The Rise of Skywalker"
17 |
16,Sonic Rifle,ZX Miniature Proton Rifle,Baktoid Armor Workshop,3500.0,1.4,Blaster,A sonic rifle used by the Geonosians.,Attack of the Clones
18 |
17,Ryyk Blade,Ryyk Blade,Wookiees,,1.0,Melee,A traditional Wookiee melee weapon.,Star Wars: The Clone Wars
19 |
18,Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon,Z-6,BlasTech Industries,5000.0,1.5,Blaster,A rotary blaster cannon used by clone troopers.,The Clone Wars
20 |
19,Gaderffii,Gaderffii,Tusken Raiders,,1.5,Melee,A traditional melee weapon used by the Tusken Raiders.,"A New Hope, Attack of the Clones"
21 |
20,Bo-Rifle,Bo-Rifle,Lasat,,2.0,Melee/Blaster,A hybrid melee and blaster weapon used by the Lasat.,Star Wars Rebels
22 |
21,DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle,DLT-19,BlasTech Industries,4500.0,1.1,Blaster,A heavy blaster rifle used by Imperial stormtroopers.,A New Hope
23 |
22,Kyuzo Petar,Kyuzo Petar,Kyuzo,,1.2,Melee,A traditional melee weapon used by the Kyuzo.,The Clone Wars
24 |
23,Electro-proton Bomb,Electro-proton Bomb,Galactic Republic,,,Explosive,A massive bomb used to disable droids.,The Clone Wars
25 |
24,Nightsister Energy Bow,Energy Bow,Nightsisters,,1.5,Projectile,A traditional bow used by the Nightsisters.,The Clone Wars
26 |
25,Relby-v10 Mortar Gun,Relby-v10,BlasTech Industries,5000.0,1.2,Blaster,A mortar gun used by bounty hunters.,Star Wars Rebels
27 |
26,Stun Baton,Stun Baton,First Order,,0.8,Melee,A melee weapon used by the First Order stormtroopers.,The Force Awakens
28 |
27,Particle Beam Blaster,Particle Beam Blaster,Various,3000.0,0.4,Blaster,A blaster that fires particle beams.,The Clone Wars
29 |
28,Vibroblade,Vibroblade,Various,,0.5,Melee,A melee weapon with a vibrating blade.,"The Clone Wars, The Mandalorian"
30 |
29,DC-15S Blaster Carbine,DC-15S,BlasTech Industries,1500.0,0.76,Blaster,A compact blaster carbine used by clone troopers.,"Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith"
31 |
30,Whipcord Thrower,Whipcord Thrower,Various,,,Projectile,A wrist-mounted device that fires a whipcord.,The Mandalorian
32 |
31,Wrist Rocket,Wrist Rocket,Various,,,Projectile,A wrist-mounted rocket launcher.,The Mandalorian
33 |
32,Flame Thrower,Flame Thrower,Various,,,Projectile,A device that projects a stream of fire.,The Mandalorian
34 |
33,Amban Phase-Pulse Blaster,Amban,Various,,1.5,Blaster,A blaster with a long barrel used by the Mandalorians.,The Mandalorian
35 |
34,Vibro-ax,Vibro-ax,Various,,1.2,Melee,A melee weapon with a vibrating blade.,Return of the Jedi
36 |
35,Power Hammer,Power Hammer,Various,,1.0,Melee,A hammer with an energy source to increase its impact.,Star Wars: The Clone Wars
37 |
36,Ion Blaster,Ion Blaster,Various,1800.0,0.5,Blaster,A blaster that fires ion energy to disable electronics.,The Clone Wars
38 |
37,Stun Gun,Stun Gun,Various,1200.0,0.3,Blaster,A weapon that emits a stunning energy beam.,The Mandalorian
39 |
38,Proton Torpedo,Proton Torpedo,Various,,,Projectile,A powerful torpedo used in space battles.,"A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi"
40 |
39,Bow Rifle,Bow Rifle,Lasat,,1.5,Melee/Blaster,A hybrid melee and blaster weapon used by the Lasat.,Star Wars Rebels
41 |
40,Force Lance,Force Lance,Jedi,,1.2,Melee,A melee weapon imbued with the Force.,Star Wars: The Clone Wars
42 |
41,DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System,DC-17m,BlasTech Industries,3500.0,0.85,Blaster,A modular blaster used by clone commandos.,Star Wars: Republic Commando
43 |
42,Geonosian Sonic Blaster,Sonic Blaster,Baktoid Armor Workshop,2500.0,1.0,Blaster,A blaster that fires sonic energy.,Attack of the Clones
44 |
43,E-Web Heavy Blaster,E-Web,BlasTech Industries,5000.0,2.0,Blaster,A heavy blaster used by Imperial forces.,"The Empire Strikes Back, The Mandalorian"
45 |
44,Vibrosword,Vibrosword,Various,,1.2,Melee,A sword with a vibrating blade.,The Clone Wars
46 |
45,T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifle,T-7,SoroSuub Corporation,4000.0,1.1,Blaster,An ion disruptor rifle used by the Empire.,Star Wars Rebels
47 |
46,Blurrg-1120 Holdout Blaster,Blurrg-1120,BlasTech Industries,1200.0,0.2,Blaster,A compact blaster pistol used by the Resistance.,The Last Jedi
48 |
47,Scatterblaster,Scatterblaster,Various,2000.0,0.6,Blaster,A blaster that fires in a wide spread.,Star Wars: Battlefront
49 |
48,Stokhli Spray Stick,Spray Stick,Various,,1.5,Blaster,A weapon that fires a stream of immobilizing spray.,Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge
50 |
49,Bowcaster,Wookiee Bowcaster,Various,,1.5,Projectile,A traditional Wookiee weapon that fires explosive quarrels.,"A New Hope, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi"
51 |
50,Disruptor Rifle,Disruptor Rifle,Various,4500.0,1.0,Blaster,A blaster that disintegrates its target.,The Mandalorian
52 |
51,Thermal Detonator,Model TD,Various,2000.0,0.1,Explosive,A highly destructive grenade.,"Return of the Jedi, The Force Awakens"
53 |
52,Bo-Rifle,Bo-Rifle,Lasat,,2.0,Melee/Blaster,A hybrid melee and blaster weapon used by the Lasat.,Star Wars Rebels
54 |
53,DL-18 Blaster Pistol,DL-18,BlasTech Industries,1500.0,0.35,Blaster,A common blaster pistol.,Return of the Jedi
55 |
54,C1 Personal Ion Blaster,C1,Various,2000.0,0.4,Blaster,An ion blaster used by bounty hunters.,The Clone Wars
56 |
55,Relby-k23 Blaster Pistol,Relby-k23,BlasTech Industries,1200.0,0.25,Blaster,A blaster pistol used by bounty hunters.,The Clone Wars
57 |
56,KX-80 Repeating Blaster,KX-80,BlasTech Industries,5000.0,1.5,Blaster,A heavy repeating blaster.,The Clone Wars
58 |
57,Disruptor Pistol,Disruptor Pistol,Various,3000.0,0.3,Blaster,A disruptor pistol that disintegrates its target.,The Mandalorian
59 |
58,Dart Shooter,Dart Shooter,Various,,0.2,Projectile,A wrist-mounted dart shooter.,The Mandalorian
60 |
59,Energy Sling,Energy Sling,Various,,0.8,Projectile,A sling that fires energy projectiles.,Star Wars: The Clone Wars
61 |
60,Merr-Sonn Scatter Gun,Scatter Gun,Merr-Sonn Munitions,2200.0,0.8,Blaster,A scatter gun that fires a wide spread of blaster bolts.,The Force Awakens
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oid sha256:ad17a3ac259a1309a022e63085e5d3b8317db2e178fc1971c6598c03c0eb139b
3 |
size 2958
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:6f1713ef2062f7314f564cfedeac0eccf90dae619c44c6fb45c049d19b11cc06
3 |
size 12705
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:7c451f7c4e74c0fa33b01656a1cf1e3a541f6362bd95f40bab733893394049d1
3 |
size 11294
Binary file (127 kB). View file
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:b6e638fecc24b0a5bcb6c897c3c8c192331cef6ea0700766c3eb81b0c2bba48c
3 |
size 4468736
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See raw diff