import datetime
import string
import nltk'stopwords')
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
stop_words = stopwords.words('english')
import arxiv
import gradio as gr
import re
from datetime import datetime
import json
def rag_cleaner(inp):
rank = inp['rank']
title = inp['document_metadata']['title']
content = inp['content']
date = inp['document_metadata']['_time']
return f"{rank}. {title} \n Date : {date} \n Abstract: {content}"
def get_prompt_text(question, context, formatted = True, llm_model_picked = 'mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2'):
if formatted:
sys_instruction = f"Context:\n {context} \n Given the following scientific paper abstracts, take a deep breath and lets think step by step to answer the question. Cite the titles of your sources when answering, do not cite links or dates."
message = f"Question: {question}"
if 'mistralai' in llm_model_picked:
return f"" + f"[INST] {sys_instruction}" + f" {message}[/INST]"
elif 'gemma' in llm_model_picked:
return f"user\n{sys_instruction}" + f" {message}\n"
return f"Context:\n {context} \n Given the following info, take a deep breath and lets think step by step to answer the question: {question}. Cite the titles of your sources when answering.\n\n"
def get_references(question, retriever, k = retrieve_results):
rag_out =, k=k)
return rag_out
def get_rag(message):
return get_references(message, RAG)
def SaveResponseAndRead(result):
Read It Aloud
🔊 Read It Aloud
def get_md_text_abstract(rag_answer, source = ['Arxiv Search', 'Semantic Search'][1], return_prompt_formatting = False):
if 'Semantic Search' in source:
title = rag_answer['document_metadata']['title'].replace('\n','')
#score = round(rag_answer['score'], 2)
date = rag_answer['document_metadata']['_time']
paper_abs = rag_answer['content']
authors = rag_answer['document_metadata']['authors'].replace('\n','')
doc_id = rag_answer['document_id']
paper_link = f'''{doc_id}'''
download_link = f'''{doc_id}'''
elif 'Arxiv' in source:
title = rag_answer.title
date = rag_answer.updated.strftime('%d %b %Y')
paper_abs = rag_answer.summary.replace('\n',' ') + '\n'
authors = ', '.join([ for author in rag_answer.authors])
paper_link = rag_answer.links[0].href
download_link = rag_answer.links[1].href
raise Exception
paper_title = f'''### {date} | [{title}]({paper_link}) | [⬇️]({download_link})\n'''
authors_formatted = f'*{authors}*' + ' \n\n'
md_text_formatted = paper_title + authors_formatted + paper_abs + '\n---------------\n'+ '\n'
if return_prompt_formatting:
prompt_formatted = f" {title} \n Abstract: {paper_abs}"
return md_text_formatted, prompt_formatted
return md_text_formatted
def remove_punctuation(text):
punct_str = string.punctuation
punct_str = punct_str.replace("'", "")
return text.translate(str.maketrans("", "", punct_str))
def remove_stopwords(text):
text = ' '.join(word for word in text.split(' ') if word not in stop_words)
return text
def search_cleaner(text):
new_text = text.lower()
new_text = remove_stopwords(new_text)
new_text = remove_punctuation(new_text)
return new_text
q = '(cat:cs.CV OR cat:cs.LG OR cat:cs.CL OR cat:cs.AI OR cat:cs.NE OR cat:cs.RO)'
def get_arxiv_live_search(query, client, max_results = 10):
clean_text = search_cleaner(query)
search = arxiv.Search(
query = clean_text + " AND "+q,
max_results = max_results,
sort_by = arxiv.SortCriterion.Relevance
results = client.results(search)
all_results = list(results)
return all_results