"use client" import { OAuthResult, oauthHandleRedirectIfPresent, oauthLoginUrl } from "@huggingface/hub" import { useSearchParams } from "next/navigation" import { useEffect, useState } from "react" import { useOAuthClientId } from "./useOAuthClientId" import { useOAuthEnabled } from "./useOAuthEnabled" import { useBetaEnabled } from "./useBetaEnabled" import { usePersistedOAuth } from "./usePersistedOAuth" import { getValidOAuth } from "./getValidOAuth" export function useOAuth({ debug = false }: { debug?: boolean } = { debug: false }): { clientId: string redirectUrl: string scopes: string canLogin: boolean login: () => Promise isLoggedIn: boolean oauthResult?: OAuthResult } { const [oauthResult, setOAuthResult] = usePersistedOAuth() const clientId = useOAuthClientId() const redirectUrl = "http://localhost:3000" const scopes = "openid profile inference-api" const isOAuthEnabled = useOAuthEnabled() const searchParams = useSearchParams() const code = searchParams.get("code") const state = searchParams.get("state") const hasReceivedFreshOAuth = Boolean(code && state) const canLogin: boolean = Boolean(clientId && isOAuthEnabled) const isLoggedIn = Boolean(oauthResult) if (debug) { console.log("useOAuth debug:", { oauthResult, clientId, redirectUrl, scopes, isOAuthEnabled, code, state, hasReceivedFreshOAuth, canLogin, isLoggedIn, }) /* useOAuth debug: { oauthResult: '', clientId: '........', redirectUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', scopes: 'openid profile inference-api', isOAuthEnabled: true, code: '...........', state: '{"nonce":".........","redirectUri":"http://localhost:3000"}', hasReceivedFreshOAuth: true, canLogin: false, isLoggedIn: false } */ } useEffect(() => { // no need to perfor the rest if the operation is there is nothing in the url if (hasReceivedFreshOAuth) { (async () => { const maybeValidOAuth = await oauthHandleRedirectIfPresent() const newOAuth = getValidOAuth(maybeValidOAuth) if (!newOAuth) { if (debug) { console.log("useOAuth::useEffect 1: got something in the url but no valid oauth data to show.. something went terribly wrong") } } else { if (debug) { console.log("useOAuth::useEffect 1: correctly received the new oauth result, saving it to local storage:", newOAuth) } setOAuthResult(newOAuth) // once set we can (brutally) reload the page window.location.href = `//${window.location.host}${window.location.pathname}` } })() } }, [debug, hasReceivedFreshOAuth]) // for debugging purpose useEffect(() => { if (!debug) { return } console.log(`useOAuth::useEffect 2: canLogin? ${canLogin}`) if (!canLogin) { return } console.log(`useOAuth::useEffect2: isLoggedIn? ${isLoggedIn}`) if (!isLoggedIn) { return } console.log(`useOAuth::useEffect 2: oauthResult:`, oauthResult) }, [debug, canLogin, isLoggedIn, oauthResult]) const login = async () => { window.location.href = await oauthLoginUrl({ clientId, redirectUrl, scopes, }) } return { clientId, redirectUrl, scopes, canLogin, login, isLoggedIn, oauthResult } }