import argparse import glob from pathlib import Path from loguru import logger from iscc_sct.main import create from charset_normalizer import from_bytes def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate Semantic Text-Codes for text files.") parser.add_argument( "path", type=str, help="Path to text files (supports glob patterns) or 'gui' to launch Gradio demo.", nargs="?", ) parser.add_argument( "-b", "--bits", type=int, default=256, help="Bit-Length of Code (default 256)" ) parser.add_argument( "-g", "--granular", action="store_true", help="Activate granular processing." ) parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", help="Show debugging messages.") args = parser.parse_args() if args.path is None: parser.print_help() return if not args.debug: logger.remove() if args.path == "gui": # pragma: no cover try: from iscc_sct.demo import demo demo.launch(inbrowser=True) except ImportError: print( "Error: Gradio is not installed. Please install it with 'pip install gradio' to use the GUI." ) return for path in glob.glob(args.path): path = Path(path) if path.is_file(): logger.debug(f"Processing {}") with"rb") as file: data = try: text = data.decode("utf-8") if not text.strip(): logger.warning(f"SKIPPED empty: {path}") continue except UnicodeDecodeError: logger.debug(f"Could not decode {} as UTF-8.") charset_match = from_bytes(data).best() if not charset_match: # pragma: no cover logger.error(f"SKIPPING {} - failed to detect text encoding") continue logger.debug(f"Decode {} with {charset_match.encoding}.") text = str(charset_match) sct_meta = create(text, granular=args.granular, bits=args.bits) if args.granular: print(repr(sct_meta)) else: print(sct_meta.iscc) if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover main()