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import pytest
import iscc_sct as sct
from iscc_sct import utils
from blake3 import blake3
def test_check_integrity(tmp_path):
# Create a temporary file with known content
file_path = tmp_path / "testfile.txt"
content = "This is a test file."
with open(file_path, "w") as f:
# Generate a correct checksum and then alter it to simulate failure
hasher = blake3()
correct_checksum = hasher.hexdigest()
assert utils.check_integrity(file_path, correct_checksum) == file_path
wrong_checksum = correct_checksum + "wrong" # Deliberately incorrect checksum
# Test the function with the wrong checksum
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc_info:
utils.check_integrity(file_path, wrong_checksum)
# Check that the exception message contains expected text
assert "Failed integrity check" in str(exc_info.value)
def test_hamming_distance_identical():
a = b"abc"
b = b"abc"
assert utils.hamming_distance(a, b) == 0
def test_hamming_distance_different():
a = b"abc"
b = b"abd"
assert utils.hamming_distance(a, b) == 3
def test_hamming_distance_completely_different():
a = b"\x00"
b = b"\xff"
assert utils.hamming_distance(a, b) == 8
def test_hamming_distance_raises_value_error():
a = b"abc"
b = b"abcd"
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
utils.hamming_distance(a, b)
def test_encode_decode_base32():
original = b"Hello, World!"
encoded = utils.encode_base32(original)
assert isinstance(encoded, str)
assert encoded == "JBSWY3DPFQQFO33SNRSCC"
decoded = utils.decode_base32(encoded)
assert isinstance(decoded, bytes)
assert decoded == original
def test_encode_decode_base64():
original = b"Hello, World!"
encoded = utils.encode_base64(original)
assert isinstance(encoded, str)
assert encoded == "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ"
decoded = utils.decode_base64(encoded)
assert isinstance(decoded, bytes)
assert decoded == original
def test_encode_decode_edge_cases():
# Test empty input
assert utils.encode_base32(b"") == ""
assert utils.decode_base32("") == b""
assert utils.encode_base64(b"") == ""
assert utils.decode_base64("") == b""
# Test input with padding
original = b"a"
assert utils.decode_base32(utils.encode_base32(original)) == original
assert utils.decode_base64(utils.encode_base64(original)) == original
def test_iscc_distance_different_lengths():
iscc1 = sct.create("Hello", bits=64).iscc
iscc2 = sct.create("Hello", bits=96).iscc
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="The input ISCCs must have the same length"):
utils.iscc_distance(iscc1, iscc2)
def test_cosine_similarity_identical():
a = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00"
b = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00"
assert utils.cosine_similarity(a, b) == 100
def test_cosine_similarity_opposite():
a = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00"
b = b"\xff\xff\xff\xff"
assert utils.cosine_similarity(a, b) == -100
def test_cosine_similarity_half_similar():
a = b"\x00\x00\xff\xff"
b = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00"
assert utils.cosine_similarity(a, b) == 0
def test_cosine_similarity_quarter_similar():
a = b"\x00\xff\xff\xff"
b = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00"
assert utils.cosine_similarity(a, b) == -50
def test_cosine_similarity_three_quarter_similar():
a = b"\x00\x00\x00\xff"
b = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00"
assert utils.cosine_similarity(a, b) == 50
def test_cosine_similarity_different_lengths():
a = b"\x00\x00\x00"
b = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="The lengths of the two bytes objects must be the same"):
utils.cosine_similarity(a, b)
def test_granular_similarity():
from iscc_sct.models import Metadata, FeatureSet, Feature
# Create two Metadata objects with some matching and non-matching simprints
metadata_a = Metadata(
Feature(simprint="AAECAwQFBgc"), # Will match
Feature(simprint="CAkKCwwNDg8"), # Will not match
metadata_b = Metadata(
Feature(simprint="AAECAwQFBgc"), # Will match
Feature(simprint="EBESExQVFhc"), # Will not match
# Test with default threshold
matches = utils.granular_similarity(metadata_a, metadata_b)
assert len(matches) == 1
assert matches[0][0].simprint == "AAECAwQFBgc"
assert matches[0][1] == 100
assert matches[0][2].simprint == "AAECAwQFBgc"
# Test with lower threshold
matches = utils.granular_similarity(metadata_a, metadata_b, threshold=0)
assert len(matches) == 2 # All combinations should match
# Test with higher threshold
matches = utils.granular_similarity(metadata_a, metadata_b, threshold=101)
assert len(matches) == 0 # No matches should be found
def test_granular_similarity_no_matches():
from iscc_sct.models import Metadata, FeatureSet, Feature
metadata_a = Metadata(
metadata_b = Metadata(
matches = utils.granular_similarity(metadata_a, metadata_b)
assert len(matches) == 0
def test_granular_similarity_multiple_matches():
from iscc_sct.models import Metadata, FeatureSet, Feature
metadata_a = Metadata(
simprints=[Feature(simprint="AAECAwQFBgc"), Feature(simprint="CAkKCwwNDg8")]
metadata_b = Metadata(
simprints=[Feature(simprint="AAECAwQFBgc"), Feature(simprint="GBkaGxwdHh8")]
matches = utils.granular_similarity(metadata_a, metadata_b)
assert len(matches) == 2
assert {(match[0].simprint, match[2].simprint) for match in matches} == {