Runtime error
Runtime error
<script lang="ts"> | |
import { colors, cheersMessages } from '$lib/utils'; | |
import type { Board } from '../types'; | |
import { fade } from 'svelte/transition'; | |
export let board: Board; | |
export let currentRowIndex: number; | |
export let imagePaths: string[]; | |
const message = cheersMessages[currentRowIndex]; | |
import domtoimage from 'dom-to-image'; | |
const imageBaseUrl = import.meta.env.MODE === 'development' ? 'http://localhost:7860/' : ''; | |
let elToShare: HTMLDivElement; | |
// let domToImage: DomToImage; | |
let copyState = false; | |
// onMount(async () => { | |
// domToImage = (await import('dom-to-image')) as unknown as DomToImage; | |
// }); | |
async function writeClipDOM(node: HTMLDivElement) { | |
try { | |
await navigator.clipboard.write([ | |
new ClipboardItem({ | |
'image/png': domtoimage.toBlob(node, {bgcolor: "#000"})}) | |
]); | |
copyState = true; | |
setTimeout(() => (copyState = false), 1000); | |
console.log('Fetched image copied.'); | |
} catch (err) { | |
console.log(, err.message); | |
} | |
} | |
const s = 10; | |
const p = 1; | |
const rx = s / 10; | |
</script> | |
<!-- Modal made with tailwind --> | |
<div class="modal relative z-2" transition:fade> | |
<div class="message"> | |
<div class="border-0"> | |
<div class="p-3" bind:this={elToShare}> | |
<h2 class="text-center uppercase tracking-widest font-extrabold">{message}</h2> | |
<div class="grid grid-cols-3 gap-2 p-3"> | |
{#each imagePaths as image} | |
<div> | |
<img src={imageBaseUrl + image} alt="" class="w-full h-full" /> | |
</div> | |
{/each} | |
</div> | |
<svg | |
class="w-full" | |
viewBox="0 0 {board[0].length * (p + s)} {board.length * (p + s)}" | |
xmlns="" | |
> | |
{#each board as row, y} | |
{#each row as tile, x} | |
<rect | |
fill={colors[tile.state]} | |
x={x * (s + p)} | |
y={y * (s + p)} | |
width={s} | |
height={s} | |
{rx} | |
/> | |
{/each} | |
{/each} | |
</svg> | |
<p class="text-[0.6rem] font-extralight text-gray-300 opacity-50"> | | | |
</p> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<p class="p-3 font-normal text-base"> | |
Copy the result to clipboard | |
<button class="min-w-[6ch]" on:click={() => writeClipDOM(elToShare)}> | |
{!copyState ? 'Copy' : 'Copied'} | |
</button>. Then go to Twitter and Share | |
<a | |
class="go-tweet" | |
target="_blank" | |
rel="noopener noreferrer" | |
href="" | |
> | |
Share on Twitter | |
</a> | |
or <button class="min-w-[6ch]" on:click={() => window.location.reload()}> Try again </button> | |
</p> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<style lang="postcss" scoped> | |
.message { | |
@apply text-white bg-black bg-opacity-80 font-semibold p-10 z-20 rounded-md transition-opacity duration-300 ease-in-out mx-auto max-w-lg; | |
} | |
.modal { | |
@apply fixed top-0 left-0 w-screen min-h-screen z-10 bg-black bg-opacity-80 backdrop-blur-sm; | |
} | |
.go-tweet, | |
button { | |
@apply bg-gray-700 hover:bg-gray-900 text-white font-bold p-1 my-1 text-sm rounded transition-opacity duration-500 ease-in-out; | |
} | |
</style> | |