import streamlit as st import sys,os sys.path.append(f'{os.getcwd()}/utils') from utils.eval_users import get_product_dev_page_layout # st.write(st.session_state.user_group) USER_GROUPS = ["Developer", "Manager", "Practitioner"] st.set_page_config(layout="wide") if 'user_group' not in st.session_state: index_tmp = 0 else: index_tmp = USER_GROUPS.index(st.session_state['user_group']) #Sidebar for USER GROUPS st.sidebar.title("USER GROUPS") backend = st.sidebar.selectbox( "Select User-Group ", USER_GROUPS, index=index_tmp ) st.session_state['user_group'] = backend st.title("Explore Performance Panel for OCT Image Analysis") st.write( """ This panel provides information on the evaluation of the AI model’s performance, including details on the metrics used and the results of the evaluation. USerrs can also find our notes regarding the issues. The performance metric visualizations and samples of failure and success cases are given in in this panel as well.""") list_test = """""" st.markdown(list_test, unsafe_allow_html=True) if backend == "Developer": get_product_dev_page_layout()