import streamlit as st | |
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt | |
import albumentations as A | |
import cv2 | |
# | |
def create_pipeline(transformations: list): | |
pipeline = [] | |
for index, transformation in enumerate(transformations): | |
if transformation: | |
pipeline.append(index_to_transformation(index)) | |
return pipeline | |
def load_image(filename): | |
img = cv2.imread(filename) | |
return cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) | |
def index_to_transformation(index: int): | |
if index == 0: | |
return A.GaussNoise(p=1.0, var_limit=(0.25, 0.5)) | |
elif index == 1: | |
return A.HorizontalFlip(p=1.0) | |
elif index == 2: | |
return A.VerticalFlip(p=1.0) | |
elif index == 3: | |
return A.RandomBrightness(p=1.0, limit=(0.5, 1.5)) | |
# elif index == 4: | |
# return A.AdvancedBlur(p=1.0, blur_limit=3) | |
elif index == 4: | |
return A.ChannelShuffle(p=1.0) | |
elif index == 5: | |
return A.ChannelDropout(p=1.0) | |
elif index == 6: | |
return A.RandomContrast(p=1.0, limit=(0.5, 1.5)) | |
placeholder = st.empty() | |
placeholder2 = st.empty() | |
placeholder.markdown( | |
"# Visualize an image augmentation pipeline\n" | |
"### Select the components of the pipeline in the sidebar.\n" | |
"Once you have chosen the augmentation techniques, select or upload an image.\n" | |
"Then click 'Apply' to start!\n" | |
) | |
placeholder2.markdown( | |
"After clicking start, the individual steps of the pipeline are visualized. The ouput of the previous step is the input to the next step." | |
) | |
# placeholder.write("Create your audio pipeline by selecting augmentations in the sidebar.") | |
st.markdown("Choose the transformations here:") | |
gaussian_noise = st.sidebar.checkbox("GaussianNoise") | |
horizontal_flip = st.sidebar.checkbox("HorizontalFlip") | |
vertical_flip = st.sidebar.checkbox("VerticalFlip") | |
random_brightness = st.sidebar.checkbox("RandomBrightness") | |
# advanced_blur = st.sidebar.checkbox("AdvancedBlur") | |
channel_shuffle = st.sidebar.checkbox("ChannelShuffle") | |
channel_dropout = st.sidebar.checkbox("ChannelDropout") | |
random_contrast = st.sidebar.checkbox("RandomContrast") | |
st.markdown("---") | |
st.markdown("(Optional) Upload an image file here:") | |
file_uploader = st.sidebar.file_uploader(label="", type=[".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg"]) | |
st.markdown("Or select a sample file here:") | |
st.markdown("---") | |
transformations = [ | |
gaussian_noise, | |
horizontal_flip, | |
vertical_flip, | |
random_brightness, | |
# advanced_blur, | |
channel_shuffle, | |
channel_dropout, | |
random_contrast, | |
] | |
pipeline = A.Compose(create_pipeline(transformations)) | |
print(pipeline) | |
tmp_img = load_image("/home/hodor/dev/Learning/XAI/streamlit_demo/multipage-app/figures/cnv.png") | |
# apply the transformation to the image | |
data = pipeline(image=tmp_img)["image"] | |
# modified_image = individual_transformation(image=tmp_img)["image"] | |
st.image(data) | |